#I rarely see characters that remind me of myself but I think that can be chalked up to me not being very good protagonist material lol
sensitiveheartless · 1 year
Tagged by @iwritenarrativesandstuff! :D Thanks for the tag, sorry it took me a little bit —
I didn't really know what I was doing, but I tried my best!
6 characters that are me-coded (more or less):
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I don't have the mental collectedness for tagging at the moment, but if any of y'all see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! :D
Rambling about why each character is here under the cut for the sake of space:
Nakajima Atsushi from Bungou Stray Dogs: genuinely the character I relate to the most of the BSD cast! (Which might be surprising considering my clear fixation on skk, but honestly Atsushi's plot sometimes hits a little too close to home for comfort, and I draw skk for comfort so. that is why I draw them more aksdjfksd) But yeah, Atsushi remains a very important character for me — I appreciate the fact that there's never a single moment where he just suddenly moves on from everything he's gone through, cause trauma really doesn't work like that.
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Asakusa Midori from Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!: She is an art gremlin who isn't the best at interacting with other people, and who can and will go on lengthy rambles about the media she cares about. Watching her as a kid especially feels like watching myself sometimes :0
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Fujioka Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club: she is one of the first characters in anything I watched who had a gender thing going on that I truly vibed with! (Also just in general, I tend to vibe with protagonists who aren't fully on board with being protagonists, which I think Haruhi counts as aksdjfksjdf)
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Rincewind Discworld from Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series: Speaking of characters who aren't on board with being protagonists, here is possibly the most reluctant protagonist to ever protagonist! The drowned rat of a wizard who spends all of his books attempting to run away from the plot, and whose happy ending is finally getting to be a side character who doesn't get involved in the main storyline! Idk man, I just find his absolutely terrified determination to stay alive relatable. Also he isn't a very good wizard, but he is trying his best, which is also relatable.
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Shang Qinghua from The Scum Villain's Self Saving System: I guess continuing the cowardly-but-doggedly-determined-to-stay allive trend in this, I find Airplane very relatable the same way I find Rincewind relatable! They are disasters. I am also a disaster.
...Also he's a shitposter.
(Sidenote, but I wish I had his hands. I would dearly love to be able to write that many words a day without my joints murdering me in cold blood lol)
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Ursula from Kiki's Delivery Service: This one is kind of cheating (I couldn't think of a sixth who I thought was actually like me currently aksjfksjf), but she was one of the first characters I looked at as a kid and went "I WANT TO BE THAT :O" because she lives in the woods and gets to sketch crows!! And do art!!! All the time!!! I love her. So I am putting her here as a self indulgent hope that I will become like her someday!
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nebulaafterdark · 3 months
An Aegon II suggestion because I've seen you're open to them, if you don't mind. ❤️
Perhaps you could do a part 2 of the Dracarys series? I genuinely love that specific kind of trope especially with Aegon because I rarely see it with him and because the specific way in which you wrote it has something addictive to it 😭. You decide if there's smut or not or how Velaryon!(Strong)reader fares.
Thanks if you'll read it.❤️
This is super short, but thank you so much for the ask! There’s just something about this Aegon. I hope you enjoy! 🩷
Dracarys (Part 2)
Aegon ii x Velaryon(Strong)!Reader
Targcest, major character death, angst, no smut but it’s dark.
Part 1
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“What did you feel before you felt nothing?” Aegon wonders, stroking a possessive hand over her dark locks.
“Fear, grief.”
“What did you feel for me?” He wonders.
“I suppose, for a moment, I was happy to see you.” She admits, because it does not matter anymore.
“And what do you feel for me now?”
If she tells him the truth of it, he may yet kill her. But is this truly living? “I hate you. I loathe you. I despise you.” How many ways can she say it? “I am sick at the sight of you.”
Aegon cackles, like a mad man, “why then, have you not killed me in my sleep? Take the crown, take it all?”
“Who says I haven’t tried?” She breathes, feeling his arms tighten around her. “Or that I won’t.”
“You are a cunning creature. An enchantress. A spider, created to trap me in your web.” He moves his lips to her ear, “if you wanted to kill me, you would have done it by now.”
Tears prickle at the backs of her eyes.
“Same as I cannot bring myself to harm you.” Aegon whispers, “I think about it.”
Y/N wills herself to remain still as his hungry eyes rake over the whole of her.
“Then somehow I never do.”
“Why do you think that is?” Y/N searches his eyes.
“Something in you is tethered to something in me. Tied together, in love and in hate. I have no way of knowing what my life will become if I cut this cord between us.” Aegon admits. “I have no desire to know.”
“I do not want to be tied together.”
“Yet here you are,” Aegon muses, “though you are not held in chains.”
“Because you are holding the only remaining member of my family under lock and key.” Y/N reminds him.
“Take your brother and go.”
“Surely another one of your traps.”
“Not a trap, but an offer. One that will not be made again.”
“Why?” Y/N demands, “why after all this would you let me leave?”
“Because you won’t. Even if you did, you would return. You have nothing left, save for me. I killed your mother, after our families killed each other and my sister killed herself; over a chair.” Aegon sneers.
Y/N’s hands ball into fists, “I hate you.”
“I know, my dearest love.” Aegon taunts, “just as our mothers before us, like Aemond and Lucerys. Even Jacaerys and sweet Helaena could not escape it. You and I were fated to dance.”
Part 3
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wildemaven · 4 months
first anniversary | dieter x poppy
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A Sweet Creature
Ava Greene sits down with actor and friend, Dieter Bravo. Hollywood’s new leading man gets candid about life in front of and behind the camera. He talks about his latest movie, his commitment to his sobriety and his newest role— husband?!
Ava Greene: You're approaching three years sober now, how are you feeling?
Dieter Bravo: Probably the best I’ve felt in a long time. Sobriety is a day to day progression that I take very seriously, and I try to not lose sight of that even when I’m having bad days. Though, I’m grateful bad days have been few and far between at this point in my sobriety. I can attribute that to the support system I have built for myself through friends, family, my sponsor that I still work with and most importantly my wife who keeps me grounded daily. They all continue to keep me in check and remind me how awesome my life is, especially right now. Staying clean is a full time commitment, and it’s really a beautiful thing.
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AG: You followed in your famous parents footsteps by going into acting and your career and struggles with sobriety have been well documented but your parents have rarely commented publicly, are they supportive of your work and your journey?
DB: For me, I don’t need them to make a show of it by commenting or sharing their thoughts publicly to know they support me. There was a point in time where they did all they could do for me, but ultimately it had to be my choice to make the decision to get clean. Thankfully, we’ve been rebuilding our relationship over the last few years. And being in the public eye for most of our lives, the last thing we want is for outsiders thinking they have a say in our lives. In short, yes I have very supportive parents in all aspects of my life and I’m so happy for that.
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AG: This is your second project since rehab, are you viewing this as a comeback or a fresh start?
DB: Comeback? I didn’t know I left… Kidding! Sure, some might say it’s a comeback. A fresh start. Whatever analogy best fits the narrative is fine by me— and I don’t mean that negatively in any sense. I mean, you’ve known me long enough to know I just try not to focus on any of that stuff, messes with my fucking brain waves. I just see it as me doing what I love with a new perspective and a different approach to choosing what projects I’m going to give my time to than I have in the past.
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AG: What can you tell us about this project and the character you're playing?
DB: I had the best f*ckin’ time while shooting this film— sorry, but the emphasis was needed. I was really drawn to the vibrancy that this script evoked, even with the serious nature of the storyline and characters. I couldn’t stop thinking or talking about for weeks afterwards. I’d sit with my wife at breakfast and we’d discuss the script and my character for what felt like hours. I knew after I heard her feedback that I needed to be apart of this film— she might have said I’d be stupid to say no to it, in her own loving way.
The film is really about the process of rediscovering yourself. Navigating the challenges that come along with being at your lowest point and leaning on the ones who have been there for you. It’s about finding love in its purest form when you never thought you were deserving of it.
I found bits of myself in this character as we were filming, it was very much a cathartic experience for me. I guess you could say it was art imitating life in a weird way.
AG: There's already been some buzz about this year's award season, do you think this is finally your year?
DB: Ooooh! Is it too presumptuous for me to say yes?! I’ve started dusting the spot where I plan for it to go. I sound like some sort of pompous idiot! Now no one is going to go see it!*
I take it back!
In all seriousness, ‘cause I’m sure Poppy and my agent will be rolling their eyes when they read this. If all I get is a couple nominations, that alone feels like winning. A shiny statue would be nice though— just saying.
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AG: You've talked often about your love of art and you recently purchased a gallery. Are you planning to publicly pursue other creative endeavors?
DB: I won’t be joining American Idol anytime soon if that’s what you’re asking. Oh, you weren’t referring to my ability to hold a note during our many karaoke nights— noted!
How did you put it? Other creative endeavors? I’ve got a few art pieces in the works right now that I’m itching to dive back into when I get home. I’ve got a major gallery in LA lined up later in the year for an artist spotlight exhibit, they’ll be housing some of my work through the next year. Shoutout to my wife for getting that all lined up while I was away shooting this film.
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AG: What's next for Dieter Bravo? Any other projects lined up you can tell us about?
DB: I’m looking forward to some downtime I have coming up. Poppy has the summer off, so we’ll get to finally live that newlywed life. Settle into the role of doting husband while she does her thing at the gallery.
AG: Off the record, if you got married and didn't tell anyone I will kick yours and Poppy’s ass!
DB: We’re celebrating our one year this month actually. We eloped quietly last year right after we got engaged— wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while. Which reminds me, you and Bryony should hop on a call with Poppy after this. Seeing as I let the cat out of the bag and this is our announcement— surprise!
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Huge shoutout out to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for allowing me to borrow her Ava from Conversations with a Movie Star for this. Ava was so gracious and even wrote the questions herself. I’m so grateful for Lellen and all her support and advice she had given me throughout the writing process of Sweet Creature!
Sweet Creature Celebration
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megadoomingir · 2 months
It has been..........
7 months.......
What has become of you, mdg? What will become of Stop Me??
As of right now I know it’s been much longer than 7 months. I’m sorry for that.
I’m an anxious person. When I started writing Stop Me, it was because I was angry. I didn’t start posting until it was over 80 chapters long. I had some recognition for my story Redeem the Stars but this was different. It was longer and became more personal. I started feeling the pressure of people wanting more. People reaching out with personal messages. Telling me how good the writing was. Telling me how it messed with them emotionally. All I could think was ‘yes, this very human and personal experience I’ve given to this character would disturb anyone’. And then the fanart happened. And someone stole full ideas and lines from my story to pass off as their own. And amongst all these internet things, I was dealing with IRL problems and people, while not realizing I was being treated poorly by said people. A lot of that has changed now but I’m struggling.
And then I remember everyone here, wanting more of my story, to see how it ends, the last episode and then the movie itself, and I feel frozen. It feels like pressure to me. Pressure to produce. Pressure for it to be good enough. I feel put under optics and on a pedestal and every time I try to step down, people tell me it’s fine, it’s ok, take my time, no worries. But that doesn’t take the pressure away.
So. What’s become of me? I’m learning every day to try to tackle the little things. I’ve surrounded myself with plants, some rare, some unique, some that just make me happy. I’m reminding myself how much magic is really in the world. I’m trying to be better, not just for other people but also myself. I opened a Kofi, after much wonderful advice and suggestions, but I’ve been afraid to post about it here. Again, because ‘what if I’m not good enough?’ as that weighs on me every day. But I’m trying. Some days there are hiccups and steps back. Other days I remember how capable and powerful I really am and that I don’t give myself enough credit. I’m ok. And I’m learning that on the days that I’m not, that’s ok, too. I’ll get through it.
And what’s become of Stop Me? Nothing. Nothing has changed. I still intend to finish it. I still think about it all the time and how I want it to be perfect. I have a personal deadline now. In 2026, it will have been 10 years. 10. Years. Since one of the best things happened to me and one of the worst. I need to finish Stop Me for me before then. I know I can do it. It will happen.
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lynzishell · 4 months
The Past 💛 Atlas
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There's a slight chill in the air today. One of those days where the heat of the sun is beating down, but every now and then, a breeze kicks up causing goosebumps to raise on my arms as it flutters through leaves that are starting to turn to various shades of gold but have not yet fallen. Still holding on along with the last remnants of summer.
As promised, I’m walking with Asher to the bakery for a decent cup of coffee. He invited Lex to come along, which I’m glad about. I always enjoy hanging out with her. She keeps things light and easy.
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She’s ahead of us now, alternating between skipping forward and hopping backward so she can gesture to us as she tells her story. She reminds me of a child in a bouncy house recounting a grand adventure. Exaggerated, out of breath, and constantly trying not to laugh as she stumbles about. It’s infectious.
Just being in her presence, I feel lighter, like the weight of the world has taken a break from my shoulders, allowing me to relax and breathe a little easier.
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It’s easy to see that her and Ash have been friends for years. They act more like siblings with their constant inside jokes and play-fighting. I’ve already given up on trying to follow their conversation about people I’ve never met and places I’ve never been, but enjoy the sounds of their banter all the same.
“Hey, Atlas!” Lex jumps over and smacks my arm with the back of her hand, snapping me out of my thoughts. She’s affectionate in an almost violent way: slapping, poking, wrestling. Her hugs are the kind that leave you gasping for air. Affection is not something I’m used to, nor does it come easily to me, so Lex’s heavy jostling is somehow more palatable than softer, more intimate forms of contact, even if I still rarely reciprocate.
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“Have you caught up on Somnium yet?” She asks me this every week, but at least today I won’t have to disappoint her again.
“Yeah, Dawn and I caught up the other night.”
She squeals and claps her hands together, excited to finally be able to talk without spoiling, “So, what do you think of your precious coffee shop boy now?”
I roll my eyes at her, “Jesus, Lex, I said he was cute once, and now you’re always up my ass about it.”
Asher perks up and asks with a grin, “Ah, so that’s your type huh? Pale boys with black hair?”
I look over, surprised by his sudden interest, and noting the way he pointed out literally the only thing he has in common with the character. The truth is, Wyatt isn’t really my type. But Asher, with his relaxed confidence and playful smile, very much is, so I decide to play along, shrugging casually, “I mean, it’d be better if he dyed his hair a bright color like blue, or green, or something, but close enough.”
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He laughs and then squints up at me, “See, now, I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me or flirting with me.”
“Pourquoi pas le deux, hm?” He is cute, isn’t he? Especially the way he’s looking at me now, chewing on his bottom lip, his gray eyes searching mine as he tries to determine how serious I am. As we look at each other, the air suddenly feels electric between us, and I have to avert my gaze before my face gives me away. I’m relieved to see we’re approaching the bakery, and I jump ahead to open the door before he can respond.
As I hold it open, Lex walks through giving me a sideways glance and an amused smile. Asher follows close behind, saying, “Thank you,” and flashing me a quick wink that catches me off guard. My stomach flips as I fall in line behind them, dropping my head to hide my face as I smile to myself.
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azgfggf · 5 months
For a while I’ve been trying to articulate why XWP means so much to me, and I think I’ve figured it out. It seems to come from a bizzaro world where everything is just. Equal. It feels like a real feminist show because the women are so respected.
I realized this when watching episode 6 (or seven maybe?) there was a scene where Xena was imprisoned, feet chained to the floor and hands to the ceiling. A group of men came in with the express purpose to harm, and in a moment of clarity I realized that I didn’t fear for Xena in the way I did for every other female in fantasy. Fantasy (as a male dominated genre) is full of sexual violence towards women, often used as story beats or just shock. It permeates women’s real lives and bleeds into what they read for escapist fantasy. For a long time I’ve felt as if nowhere is truly safe, because most fantasy media eventually has a scene or two where a woman is violated, or a costume that’s glorified lingerie, and I have to remind myself that this genre was never made with women in mind. But that scene ended with Xena beating the shit out of them, because they tried to beat her. Not assault or grab, just punches and kicks, like men would fight in fantasy. And she fucking won because she’s Xena and she’s awesome.
Again, in many episodes men want her. But they’re never violent towards her. In the show she is treated like a man would be treated in any fantasy setting. With respect. That’s true escapism for me, some world where that kind of violence either doesn’t exist or isnt prevalent. A world so easy to make, and yet so often thrown aside because of “historical accuracy”. In fiction. The specifically not historically accurate genre where you can pull anything out of your ass and people just kinda have to vibe with that.
I’ve also mentioned this before, but it’s so rare in fantasy for women to be…carefree I guess? Most of them are jaded from past violence, or future survivors, or meek healers, or old wise women. None of which are very allowed to be silly like their male counterparts. They’re always serious, always the voice of reason. Always so reigned in from what male characters are allowed to be. Xena has a dark past, but she’s still kind. The story is still light. Women are allowed to be happy without being victimized.
XWP is fantasy first and foremost, and it works wonders. There are POC everywhere, and nobody calls attention to it because, well, that’s just how it is in Xena-land. There’s no sexual violence toward any strong women, because, well, that’s just how it is in Xena-land. People fight on bamboo poles and race chariots in rivers and the steaks only go up to “Ooooo she has to marry the big bad” which never goes anywhere because we all know Xena is gonna stop them.
Xena Warrior Princess is always gonna be my favorite fantasy show, because it’s fantasy that’s finally geared towards women. A fantasy where women are safe, are capable, are treated in the same regard as men with no quippy girl-power one-liners because nobody needs to quip about the status quo. In a genre where women are so often demeaned and violated for minor story beats or shock value, seeing a work that actually feeds into a more female fantasy is what I’m obsessed with. It’s wonderful to see a magical world where women don’t have to live in fear. Or they do, like because cyclops’s n shit but everybody else does that too.
PS: this mostly applies to modern fantasy. Tolkien and Lewis were two authors I grew up on who I largely blame for my fantasy obsession today.
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
So after a day to process the show, I think I am more than ready to finally talk about it and give a full on review. [HINDSIGHT: This review took two days to put together, having to rewatch the show for evidence and to strengthen my ideas, and then having to organize it into something that makes sense. Just know that this is essentially my messy love letter to the show] I will be taking on a more objective perspective and focusing more on the writing aspect rather than my personal feelings, especially as a writer and hopefully future screenwriter. So let's get into it, heavy spoilers below the cut. Like as in I pick out little details that alone might not be a spoiler but I make them into a spoiler.
For starters, the show exceeded my expectations and the writing was phenomenal. Even when choices were made that I personally might not agree with or necessarily want, the execution of them was incredible so I couldn't really care to hate them. Overall, I have no heavy qualms with the show and I loved every moment of it.
It was complex and it was messy and I thoroughly enjoyed that. There's so much going on action-wise, character-wise, and mystery-wise and it's amazing how well balanced it is. What we get is real and raw and largely uncensored. We get conflict between two brothers, conflict between two girlfriends, moments where trust is lacking, and so so much more. It all feels very natural and realistic because that's how real people truly are: complex and messy. Also, even when these characters are going through all of these conflicts, you can still tell that they're family and they love each other.
The creators don't shy away from the trauma either, we get flashbacks, explicit mentions of PTSD and mental health issues, and we actually see Kenji having a panic attack, too. When I tell you, the way these characters were brought to life was so amazing. For all of this to still be considered a kids show is incredible and rarely ever seen. I'm gonna go more in depth with the complexity stuff later on, probably when I get more to the character analysis part of this review.
I like how we get to see more dynamics between groups that we didn't see much of in CC: Ben and Brooklynn, Sammy and Ben, Brooklynn and Yaz, etc.
The humor in this show is top-tier and very much natural. Hardly any of it feels forced and it's very much in-character. Just in general, all of the feelings in this show were amazing. It was a rollercoaster of emotions watching this. I felt happy, I was devastated, I laughed a lot, I felt bad for the characters, I was upset and mad, I was scared (oh boy was I scared), and I was tense with anticipation.
Going off of these feelings, the overall tone of the show was incredible. They said that it'd be darker and it was. There were so many times where I myself was scared and wondered how this show was still TV-Y7. There were so many ominous moments and here are some that I noted:
The moment that black car on the road actually does start following them. You can hear the whistle in the background of ep.3 before the raptors actually come in. Carl’s dead body in the car, and the view of his limp hand. In general the scene where they’re being hunted at the ranch, it’s reminds me of playing hide and seek with my cousins but 10x more darker and with higher stakes. “I don’t hear anything.” “Exactly.” Ugh these moments always hit well. The shoes of the dead police guard. Microbang lady whistling and then stepping out of the car The DPW aiming for the van The allosaurus being released from the vehicle. The dinosaurs watching the dude get eaten.  The garage door opening, revealing micro bangs and then all of the dinosaurs falling silent. The moment where she picks up her whistle because we all know what happens next.  When the atrocirapotor picks up the camper’s scent. You can see the small smile on Microbangs' face when she realizes the kids are there.
I love the rearview/sideview mirror shots, it really symbolizes the constantly looking over your shoulder because you’re being hunted aspect of the show. It adds suspense and questioning which is perfect for a conspiracy show.  
I love the use of Chekhov's Gun and foreshadowing. All of my examples may be exaggerations or unintentional but I'm going to stick with it anyways. In ep.2 when the boys are at the gas station, there are signs that say "Report All Spills!" (maybe these are typically at gas stations, idk) which makes sense because you don't want gas on the ground especially because it's so flammable and then I saw the gas pump fall and gas spill out and I had a feeling about what was going to happen next. Sure enough, a fire started. Also in ep.3, when Sammy steps on the creepy floorboard and she's trying to remember where her pitchfork is, and then when they're being hunted, Sammy knowing to avoid stepping on that board only to stumble into the pitchfork that she had been looking for. Also, the King Dino billboard at the beginning of ep.4.
The animation was stunning and the cinematography(?) was breathtaking. We got so many wonderful views.
The pacing is so good. I’m not going to go over it because that’d be a lot but basically everything felt in the right moment. 
I like in ep.2 how we’re introduced into the very first scene with Brooklynn’s new VA. We have Ben being woken up by a mysterious phone call and a mysterious voice on the other line that we don’t recognize. Who is this mysterious, unknown woman? It’s Brooklynn!
There are people who don't like the fact that Darius and Kenji are arguing again and who think that it's a reused plotline that shouldn't be and I understand the feeling of wanting something different but I also have to disagree. While it is the same thing we have in CC, I genuinely can't think of a different way this could have gone that wasn't more in-character than this. The reason why it's being reused is because that part about Kenji hasn't changed. While he's gone through some amazing emotional development, he still deeply cares about his friends and also about trust. Him not liking it when people play with their lives can still be an important value to him, even with his growth. And I personally feel like in this scenario Kenji's anger and his hurt was especially more justified than in CC because in this case, Brooklynn actually "died" instead of just getting kidnapped. And while I don't blame Darius or hate him for not being there, it makes sense why Kenji does.
This time around, it's going to be a lot harder for them to get on good terms. I also like how this time, it's not as subtle and they are actively jabbing at one another. I also like how it's more mutual. Like with CC I was like, "leave my baby alone, kenji, he's just a little innocent kid." and now I'm like "oh shit, Darius you ate with that." Even when they're arguing, they do still care for each other and there are moments where they still support the other. Then there are the little things that causes Kenji's anger to resurface like the password thing so more fuel is constantly being added. And then the "you and me, we're brothers right?" is absolutely gut wrenching.
One thing I appreciate is how Kenji isn’t even really mad at Darius anymore. Not for him liking Brooklynn, anyways. To me this shows a heightened emotional maturity. Especially since in CC we saw him be petty with his anger towards Darius and even in the early episodes of CT but now he’s bypassing all of his personal qualms and getting to what matters most to him without the extra pettiness: why wasn’t he there for Brooklynn? Why wasn’t he there for the people he loves. Kenji’s relationship with Brooklynn isn’t important. The fact that Darius fell for his ex doesn’t matter. What matters to him is that Brooklynn, someone they both (all) deeply cared about died, and the guy who loved her wasn’t there when she needed him. The tenderness and the softness of this scene was way more impactful and sorrowful than had Kenji angrily went after Darius. This makes the conflict still feel different from the one we saw in CC. All in all, I think their conflict adds to the complexity and (realistic) messiness of it all.
Even though I’m not the biggest Brookenji/Kenlynn fan, seeing them drift apart was so disheartening to watch because you can tell that Kenji really cared about Brooklynn and he was putting so much effort into the relationship when Brooklynn was distracted. I like how even though I’m not a big fan of the ship, I’m still convinced to root for them which shows compelling writing. But the baby talk fucking ruined it. I’m back to not liking it. The whole breakup situation very much reminded me of the episode of CC where Brooklynn is late to the date because they were out investigating. Again, I’m glad that Kenji is sticking up for himself though, and distancing people when they need to be distanced. I also love the little detail of Kenji calling Darius’ mom every week. Just emphasizes that he’s still a family man and doesn’t forget the people who helped him.
“I’m in a really good place now, and I got here by myself.” This line is so impactful to me because in early CC we know Kenji to be lazy and somebody who expects everything to go his way without putting in the effort so this is, one, very symbolic of his development as a character, and two, explains why he’s so proud of where he is now and his business that he’s got going on--even if it doesn’t look to be as successful. It makes sense why he’d be so protective over what he’s made for himself. I really respect him for putting up that boundary because he’s so right; Daniel doesn’t deserve him much less to speak to him, and Kenji doesn’t deserve to put himself through that emotional turmoil when he’s finally reached a good place. I think it makes it even more impactful when he does choose to go especially because it’d be totally valid if he didn’t. And then not only being subject to more of his dad’s manipulation but also having to witness him die.
I’m actually surprised and very happy that Dreamworks didn’t go the redeeming Daniel route. I would have expected this kind of show to make Daniel forgivable but he’s still a bad person and a manipulative father who hasn’t changed much. To me it seems more realistic because Daniel doesn’t seem like a character who learns his lesson and it furthers the plot with the whole Brooklynn thing. Also, Daniel's sacrifice is not a redemption. He's still a bad character. I don't know if any of you are familiar with Dreamworks' other show, She-ra Princess of Power, but there's an abusive mother figure in it, Shadow Weaver, who also sacrifices herself for the characters she abused, but before that she was still manipulative the same way Daniel was. They both died before they could truly change their ways and atone for their actions which is why it's not a redemption. Daniel Kon did not redeem himself by saving Kenji.
I also actually like Daniel’s death, and no, not just because I hate him as a character. In season 5, he’s the big bad antagonist that the kids have to go up against, and he’s a real threat, right? Do the raptors care about Daniel’s villain era? Do they care that he was a big character in the OG show? No. And that shows that the writers don’t care either (but in a good way). Because we don’t have any of the main Nublar Six dying (except for Brooklynn sorta ig??), there’s a lot of opportunity to call plot armor and stuff and say that the writers are pulling their punches. But they’re willing to kill one of the big antagonists from CC in a random episode, so, to some extent, there is minimum plot armor. You can be a great big villain and still these dinosaurs will kill you.
Also, this gives us so much opportunity with Kenji’s character. We get to see what it looks like having to grieve the life of somebody who you hated and who abused you and yet still be devastated over his death. Showing Kenji breakdown over Daniel’s death adds an entirely new layer of complexity to the story line. It’s so much more impactful than having Kenji be apathetic towards his death or be like, “good riddance.” The detail of Kenji speaking at the end really gave all the more impact to the entire episode.
Kenji’s panic attack in ep.7 is really powerful. First, the wonderful cinematography (the watering of Kenji’s eyes, omg) and the 1st person pov segments. Then we have the voice acting, chef’s kiss. Just the flat out impact of this scene all together: Kenji balling his eyes out after the death of someone who doesn’t even deserve his mourning is heart wrenching. I hate Daniel and I’m glad he’s dead, but also seeing Kenji break down over it almost makes me wish he wasn’t. By far one of the saddest scenes in the show.  Again the cinematography of it. Darius hugging a sobbing Kenji in the middle of a field with the car’s red lights beaming on them. Then Mateo just standing there awkwardly. LMFAO.
It’s cool because we have this gut wrenching moment and then we’re immediately brought into a feeling of awkwardness with this random new character there and it’s so jarring but fitting because you have these two moments where Kenji’s grief but also the need to keep moving coexist and one needs to take priority over the other but the other one is still important. I’m just saying we are feeling what the characters in the show feel, which is good. Then we have Kenji going ballistic on Mateo’s ass and man the emotions packed into the scene.
Also Mateo. I want to trust him, and I do. But there’s also a suspiciousness to him. I love him though. But, it felt oddly convenient that he was able to locate them so many times. He says that his daughter helped him track them but how does his daughter of all people track them when they’re moving all over the place and also the way he talks about her, “I’ve got a little girl back home,” and the pan over to the crayon drawing made me picture a young child. His story is interesting though, too, and complex for a side character. Just feels a bit like a suspicious deus ex machina.
I love how the others are so in tune with one another and then Mateo says something and they all jump, forgetting he’s there. They are all very much close with each other and oblivious to the people around them. He's definitely out of the loop. Darker thought, what if at some point (or now, even) his daughter gets kidnapped/held hostage by the hunters so he’s forced to mislead the camp fam in order to keep her safe?
The opening scene of ep.6 is top tier and I love how we’re getting right down deep into the good stuff, and by good stuff I mean the trauma. The portrayal of Yasmina’s PTSD is so incredible to see and all of the flashes of dinosaurs really put us in Yaz’s mind. Also the heartbeats sounds just make this an even more intense scene. What’s also amazing is that we see Yaz making progress with handling her trauma but she’s still struggling with it too. Complexity. What I also love is how Yaz’s PTSD has allowed her to become more equipped to manage her trauma more than the other campers have, and because she’s able to grasp a hold of it so well, she’s able to help Sammy manage her own anxiety, too. 
I feel as if Ben is almost reverting back into his pre-Nublar self and also like the Ben we saw in CC’s “At Least…”. He’s become a lot more paranoid and on edge which is very interesting to see. Ben being completely wary of the gas station attendant and being unwilling to stop is a major display of Ben’s anxiousness. Could the fire in ep.2 be symbolism for Ben’s paranoia in that episode? I may be looking too deep into it, but think about it. The spilled gas is all of Ben’s conspiracies and theories; alone, it’s not much of an obvious problem but when paired with the right ignition, a spark or being hunted by raptors, for example, it turns into an uncontrollable problem. Ben’s paranoia causes him to be irrational and unconsolable just like that fire and needs to be be extinguished so it doesn't destroy anything. I also like the little detail of Darius noticing the car on the side of the road in ep.2 and becoming suspicious about it. But then Ben thanks Darius for keeping him grounded so Darius doesn’t mention anything about the car in order to not send him back to the state of paranoia he was in earlier.
Then we also see Ben’s anxiousness in the beginning of ep.4 about Bumpy. Seeing him so concerned about her really tugs on those heart strings because you can tell the love between them runs deep. The passion in ep.9 is so incredibly palpable especially when he’s panicking and crying at the sound of Bumpy being abused. I really felt that scene because I know that watching someone you love get abused and not being able to stop it is so emotionally overwhelming The emotion packed into that scene, holy shit. 
I also just love how we’re allowing men to cry. It’s so normalized in media to have the guys always being tough and masculine men who never sheds a tear but we are really knocking down the toxic masculinity in this show and normalizing men displaying emotion (beyond anger). We see all of the boys in this show break down: Kenji, Ben, Darius, and never once does them crying make them embarrassed or emasculated. Even in CC, the boys were allowed to show feelings and it didn’t weaken their masculinity at all. It’s really powerful and I’m glad we’re stepping away from the “boys don’t cry” narrative.
Back to Ben’s character, I was a little bit disappointed with his character arc, or lack thereof, in the middle episodes. Sometimes it felt as if he was only there for comedic relief and was emotionally detached from Brooklynn’s death. Maybe there’s intent behind this but I’m not sure. 
I don’t know what to think about the whole girlfriend thing. Maybe Ben just made up the girlfriend thing to get Sammy to get rid of her phone lmao but ended up running with it. I do love how everyone’s surprised about Ben having a girlfriend because me too guys, me too. And it’s not because he eats out of a boot and pees in a jar (it is) but because I thought he was gay. Like with the whole rejecting Yaz scene in CC always gave me that implication. Now, he could still always be bi or pan which would be just as cool, but still just the fact that he has a random ass girlfriend. But also how is he maintaining a long-distance relationship when he’’s completely cut off from the grid. A part of me wants to believe that Ben has a girlfriend especially when he questions why everyone is surprised but also… idk. Ben does seem to understand how Yaz is feeling with relationship stuff to a degree. But I don’t know. I like some of the theories I’ve seen: that Ben is being catfished by Brooklynn, in particular. In theory I giggle a bit but in practice that’d low-key be a fucked up thing to do to Ben’s emotions. I find it harder to believe that Ben is doing the girlfriend to cover up that he’s gay because he knows that his friends will be accepting (although doesn’t change that coming out to them could still be hard) but also because I feel like he would at least tell Yaz because in S5 of CC they had that deep talk about Yaz’s sexuality. A part of me believes that the cargo ship is going somewhere to Europe and when they get there Ben will call on his girlfriend for help. If she is real, I hope she's badass and pretty so she can contribute to the plot and I can fall in love with her. Wait, what? Maybe down the line when I have more theories about Ben and his supposed girlfriend I’ll make a separate post. 
“Don’t you dare throw my phone out the window, Benjamin.” Sammy’s so much of a powerful force now. I love her fierceness and sassiness, it’s definitely a different look from her character in CC. But also, she’s still in character, just matured, changed, and acquired that “tough love” attitude. Paired with how a little later in the episode when she goes to save the dinosaurs, it shows how Sammy (and the rest of the characters) might have changed since CC but are still the same at their core. Very much getting flashbacks to the Art of Chill episode. Sammy still has the passionate sense of righteousness but with more attitude and I’m 100% here for it.
I also want to talk about the whole Sammy as a suspect thing. I love Ben and I’m glad they made up at the end but also can you imagine how hurtful it must be for Sammy? Like it sucks for her that a decision she made years ago (and was cleared up) in order to protect her family comes back to bite her, from one of her closest friends too. For one of her besties to not trust her must hurt a lot, especially after everything they’ve gone through together. Trust in general is an interesting motif in this show. We have Darius having to learn to trust Ben and his theories, the whole Darius and Kenji trust conflict thing, Ben being untrusting of Sammy at first, and Yaz and Sammy having to learn to trust each other again. 
Back to Sammy’s character, I want to take a moment to talk about Sammy’s mental health; like she’s really not doing well and I’m genuinely worried about her. From CC we know her to be a very social person who’s rarely ever alone and we even have the episode in S5 of CC where her entire arc is learning to do stuff on her own. So in CT, seeing Sammy living all alone in Texas with nobody (nice) around is so jarring and worrying to me. That scene where she reunites with the boys is really sweet, especially knowing that it’s probably one of the first few moments where she’s not isolated from any of the people she loves. It’s also probably another reason why she’s even more “Sammy” than usual. Then you have Sammy saying, “Just busy. It’s only me around here with Yaz up north finishing school, and my parents…we just don’t talk much anymore, but that’s okay! I’m keeping busy.” We can definitely notice that Sammy is not handling this isolation thing well and her coping mechanism is very much busying herself. What I really want to know though is why Sammy isn’t talking with her family.
But back to the main point, it’s also the way that Sammy’s character naturally influences the plot and pacing of episode three. Ben and Darius have something urgent they need to tell Sammy but her inability to stay still is preventing them from doing so which creates a natural conflict.
Additionally, in retrospect Sammy's coping mechanism was obvious: the mock interviews we got where it’s said, “Back at home, Sammy Gutierrez maintained that positive attitude by staying busy. ‘I have my own ranch, now. And my girlfriend Yaz. And tons of pies to bake! We don’t have time to keep worrying about all that running for our lives stuff!’” Even before this, she’s fallen into that heavy positivity that’s borderline unhealthy by trying to shove everything under the rug. All of the positive sayings on her wall also feel symbolic of her trying to maintain a positive outlook on her life. Her line “I’m so sick of making pies,” while possibly just for humor and a throwaway line, it could represent how this false positive narrative that Sammy has going where she’s keeping busy around the house and baking pies isn’t satisfactory and is also crumbling. Maybe even the first pie burning could be symbolic of her positive life failing (or maybe I’m looking too deep into it). Also that scene where she straight up hallucinates and sees Brooklynn for a second? That scene is so haunting and utterly heartbreaking. This is sort of the nail in the coffin that Sammy is not doing well mentally at all. In this scene too, her sadness is also heavily emphasized. Her eyes watering is such a sad detail and also you can kind of notice that her under-eye area is dark and red too. This might just be the lighting, but I feel that it really emphasizes that Sammy is really struggling and all of this business and fake positivity is getting to her. And then immediately after, she deflects and continues what she’s doing. Darius begging Sammy to stop and Sammy’s response being, “Stop and think about Brooklynn dying, or my family not speaking to me, or Yaz pulling away from me? No… I can’t stop. I won’t.” There is a lot to unpack there. First, we have another mention that Sammy and her family aren’t talking and I want to know why. Secondly, she is definitely struggling with growing isolated from the people she loves and with Sammy’s character valuing her connections with her loved-ones it makes it all the more impactful. I wish we got to see more on this but then we get interrupted by the action just as Darius is about to say something. It's a really sad scene though. In ep.4 we see Sammy being more anxious, especially with Yaz not answering her calls. In that one scene after the parasaurolophuses, Sammy is completely distraught and it’s sad to see. I don’t even think she herself even fully realizes her mental health issues. The anxiety Sammy is experiencing is also highlighted in ep.7. Granted, they are in a sinking, soggy van and I’d be panicking too but damn. She’s also panicking in the beginning of ep.9, but now, instead of Sammy keeping her body busy from her mind, her mind is keeping her busy from her body and making her forget how to breathe.
“I know she doesn’t always answer, but at least she texts back or maybe just gives a thumbs up, even though she knows I hate those. Cause they give me passive-aggressive vibes, but I know she doesn’t mean it that way. But I got that girlfriend intuition that something ain’t right.” Poor Sammy, she is very clearly anxious about this whole thing and it especially shows with how she bounces her phone around. I like how this conflict between Yaz and Sammy is building up before they even see each other, starting with Yaz not answering the phone call and Sammy getting anxious. The split up thing also gave me a mini heart attack too Ben, don’t worry. “Why, did she say something?” Sammy, please. You’re not okay. In ep.6 with the “I’m working really hard to get my anxiety in check, but Sammy still treats me like a fragile flower,” again, I appreciate how we see the cracks in Yaz and Sammy’s relationship beginning to form even before the events of CT. The buildup is really strong in the show. Quick break but I have to say I just love Sammy’s profile picture they are so cute. Also, Yaz’s uncertainty about answering the phone call, too. The tension between them is clear as day on that phone call. And then we have Sammy coddling Yasmina by trying to hide the truth from her and it’s all in good intention, really sweet how Sammy wants to protect her, but is that what Yaz needs or wants? “Her PTSD is still affecting her that badly?" “Well, to tell you the truth, we really haven’t talked much lately. She’s so busy and when we do catch each other, she acts like everything’s good, but…” The conflict is so interesting because you have Yaz pulling away because of Sammy’s overbearingness and then when Yaz pulls away, Sammy gets anxious and therefore more overbearing so it just creates this cycle that could be put to a stop by communication but they’re both scared. Both of their coping mechanisms are doing damage to each other and so they fall back on these coping mechanisms even more. “Call it a hunch, or girlfriend’s intuition,” call it anxiety, Sammy. At this point everything she says or does is a subconscious cry for help. Back to the relationship conflict, it’s nice knowing that even if they are fighting, their fight is based off of wanting the best for the other and love. Also both of their feelings in this fight are valid, Yaz wanting Sammy to not treat her like she’s fragile and Sammy not wanting Yaz to pull away from her. Again with the cycle. Oof, the pain in her voice when Yaz says “you still treat me like a child instead of your girlfriend!” Kausar really ate with that. Anyways, we have that scene where they almost down and Yaz calms Sammy proving to her that she’s not as fragile as Sammy thinks she is. Then when they get out we have a resolution moment where Yaz says, “I guess we need each other, huh?” Showing that, instead of that unbalance of overbearingness, they can equally need the other to ground them and keep them calm. 
When Sammy and Yaz reunite, they’re really happy but also out of sync a bit, when they go in to kiss but end up bumping heads. Then after they resurface after nearly drowning, they’ve reached a better understanding of each other, and then they kiss a lot more smoothly, showing that they’re back in sync.
For the Benrius shippers out there, this also parallels how Darius and Ben were a bit out of sync and a little rocky, but at the beginning of ep.3 we see Ben and Darius have fallen back into their natural rhythm: Ben says “chip me” and Darius effortlessly tosses it and Ben catches it in his mouth. I just appreciate these little details and moments of closeness and also the parallels.
Can we talk about how we have alternating arcs/paths with Sammy and Yaz? Like, we see Yaz becoming more confident in how she handles and reacts to her trauma and making significant progress with her PTSD. Then we have Sammy who’s slowly slipping into a poorer mental state when she was known for being better able to manage her trauma from Nublar. Then along with this, we have Yaz stepping into the more “caretaker” role when Sammy was the one who usually has control over the situation. The van sinking scene in ep.7 is a perfect example. Sammy's panicking when her seatbelt gets stuck and Yaz is the one to ground her. I just want to take a closer look at this scene because it’s so sweet, too. The way Yaz first takes Sammy’s hands but then after realizing how much Sammy’s panicking, she cups her face and gets her to focus. It’s just such a tender moment. (And then parallel with that, the scene where Kenji has a panic attack and Darius is the one to support him in the midst of their argument. I just love a good parallel.) (Another parallel, Darius grounding Ben when he was paranoid in ep.2) But there’s also that scene early in ep.9 where it’s Sammy who’s completely freaking out and Yaz being the level-headed one. 
Going back to the conflict between them, we see a moment of growth in that scene. After Sammy’s anxiousness causes her to be reckless, she apologizes which opens the floor for a well needed discussion about how they need to work as a team and trust one another. While the main discussion about how their coping mechanism end up hurting each other hasn’t happened yet, we still get to see them repairing the cracks in their relationship. Instead of Yaz pulling away when Sammy becomes anxious and overbearing, we see her acknowledge Sammy’s anxiety and comfort her instead, so that Sammy doesn’t go farther into that anxious state and the cycle is interrupted. It’s cool how they made their mental health issues cause problems in their relationship. Not in a “oh I can’t handle my girlfriend’s PTSD and she’s too much for me,” but in the way of “My girlfriend really cares for me in relation to my PTSD and it’s sweet but it also feels like she’s babying me” and “my girlfriend is going through a really tough time right now and I want to be there for her but she keeps pulling away from me.” Although, in a way, Sammy’s anxiety does become overbearing for Yaz, but even then it’s not in a she’s being too much but rather her anxiety is only causing her to be treated in a way she doesn't want to be treated. While scary and uncomfortable, I’m really glad that Yaz and Sammy had that conflict because it shows that couples can argue and still love each other. Just because there’s a problem in the relationship doesn’t mean the relationship has to end there, it just means that you have to come together and acknowledge the issue and then work together to fix it. 
Darius’s reaction to Brooklynn’s death, my god. And hearing Darius’ voice calls that he left Brooklynn…devastating. Him hiding in the bath tub after giving the phone and sinking down in it; he really is ashamed of his feelings and it’s sad. But also the tenderness in Kenji’s voice when he confronts him? He’s no longer angry with Darius, just wants to understand. And the way that he doesn’t even get mad when Darius tells him he was in love with B… (maybe he understands how B is a very lovable character.)
But back to the grief, the moment where they’re all looking at the allosaurus that supposedly killed Brooklynn is devastating. They are finally united in their grief over Brooklynn. Boy, at least one of them is going to be pissed when her survival is revealed. And then also how they all worry over Bumpy too, it just really symbolizes how they’re still a family after everything. I love how Ben and Sammy are basically co-parents now. And remember that episode where Sammy was trying to get Bumpy to like her? Oh how far we’ve come. I flat out believed that she was dead, the writers definitely got me with that one. Well played, Bumpy. Well played.
I will say that Darius’s confrontation with Cabrera didn’t feel fully earned. We only saw him in one other scene and only heard about him in another scene so Darius’ moment of realization fell a little short on me. I think it could have been better had we saw an earlier interaction with him and Darius that may give us more conflicting opinions on whether or not he’s good. Because when we first saw him with Sammy, Yaz, and Ben, I was 90% sure that he was bad because of the three’s unbiased narrative. But had we gotten an interaction with Darius where he seemed a lot less questionable as a character it would have brought my doubt to more of a 50%. It also would have made Darius’ almost betrayal feeling in ep.10 more warranted because we saw them personally interact so it’d make Darius’s “You’re the one behind this? You’re selling Dinosaurs? DPW is supposed to protect people from dinosaurs.” hit harder. 
The micro bang lady reads the raptor’s body language so well. She’s also compassionate towards them which is a heavy difference from this other dinosaur corruption we’ve got going on where they are carelessly abusing dinosaurs. She sees the raptors absolutely wiped out and retreats which is an absolute power move and shows she cares. It’s a choice that humanizes her along with the cuddling of a fucking raptor, which is interesting since most of what we’ve seen so far has been very uncanny with her robotic movements and unblinking eyes. She scares the shit out of me but lowkey...
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she looks really badass and hot in this scene. I see what some of yall are talking about.
The action sequence in ep.10? Amazing. 10/10. The parallel with Jurassic World? Heart stopping. The dead silence except for the footsteps and dinosaur breathing? Immaculate. Best scene in the entire show, maybe in animated history. 
At the end, we also have a shift from the characters being forced to react to all of the stuff thrown at them, like a defensive, but then we see them make the decision to go on the cargo ship and now they get to take a more “offensive” approach. Then we also have Darius stepping back into that leader role. 
I just hope that since the characters are no longer stranded on a deserted island that they can finally get a change of outfits if they happen to get dirty. Please don’t let them walk around in the same dirty clothes again, please. 
Now, probably one of the more controversial parts. Dinostar… Now, I’m a multi shipper and I’ve never had a problem with the ship itself but even then I was skeptical of this creative choice. 
I feel like it’d be more impactful if they kept dinosaur platonic showing that Darius doesn’t need to be in a romantic relationship with his friend in order to feel a significant amount of grief for her. Now, I know that even if Darius wasn’t in love with Brooklynn, he probably still would have had the same reaction but still, the interpretation of his feelings has still changed. How necessary was this?
But also the power in the unrequited dinostar. Having Darius only realize his feelings for Brooklynn, especially after her staying at his place, it's natural. It adds to the very real complexity of human feelings. “I never meant for it to happen. It just…happened.” Darius’s feelings are still natural and organic and he’s still kind of ashamed of them. Darius’s “I didn’t even think I could feel that way,” was what really got to me. If it was because he always saw Brooklynn as a friend it shows how these sort of feelings can sneak up on you, but I also see it as, “I didn’t think I was able to have crushes on people” which speaks to me a lot. It feels very aligned with the demi-aroace experience and as someone who’s demi-aroace I care about this a lot. It’s such a confusing and difficult experience, worrying about if you’re even capable of falling in love with someone, trying to disect the difference between platonic connections and romantic ones, and the shame you feel when you think you might be interested in someone who’s supposed to be your friend. It’s messy and real and seeing Darius possibly experiencing that makes me feel less alone. Anyways, I like how even in both directions Darius can still be on the aroace spectrum.
“If I was really in love with Brooklynn, I should have been there.” This line makes me wonder if he’s still doubting his feelings for Brooklynn. The “I couldn’t face her after that. I was too embarrassed. So I didn’t show up that night.” Darius being embarrassed is so real. I once confessed to a girl I thought I liked and was rejected, albeit gently for the most part, and I still can’t look at her the same way. This was with someone I wasn’t close with so I can only imagine what it was like for Darius, the embarrassment. It’s such an impactful thing too. Darius's natural and realistic reaction to getting rejected and not being able to face her having drastic consequences in this new world of dinosaurs and being hunted by them. It’s just the complexity of the story that’s what really makes this work.
“She tried to be nice about it, but it was clear she didn’t feel the same.” I wonder if this is what really happened or just what Darius interpreted it as. I’m hoping that it remains unrequited. Seeing the guy not get the girl would be something new and interesting. I could also get behind dinostar but only if it’s done right and to be done right it’d need a lot of time. But I also don’t think I want to see any of them in a relationship just yet. Especially Brooklynn and especially now. I think that she’s way too deep into this conspiracy and should focus on that instead of a relationship. That’s definitely where her mind has been at lately, anyways. I also worry that this might turn into a love triangle which I’m never a big fan of. I’ve also seen some people say that this love triangle/Darius’ feelings will probably weaken the integrity of Brooklynn’s character and reduce her to a love interest, and, for a while, I agreed. But now my opinion has shifted. So far from what we’ve seen, Brooklynn’s character seems to be going on an interesting arc and I have faith that the writers won’t weaken that in favor of focusing on her romantic interests. The writing for this season has been amazing and if they keep it up in season two it can probably be successfully pulled off. And already with the way it’s been written, I don’t think Brooklynn is ready for a relationship at the moment. 
Now Brooklynn...
I was one of the people who was convinced Brooklynn was alive but while watching the show I actually began to doubt that theory and there was a moment where I was sure she was actually dead. I know there are a couple of people unhappy about the fact that Brooklynn isn’t actually dead, and I get that. Especially coupled with the Darius vs Kenji conflict it may feel like CT is copying too much from CC with Ben’s fake death instead of being original and committing to it. And that’s totally valid, especially for a serious plot line like a character death. I do, however, have faith that the writers of CT will execute her fake death well though. Because that’s the thing with CC/CT. Most of the time, even the not so strong ideas are well executed and integrated into the plot smoothly. With Ben’s fake death, it gave the opportunity to strongly develop Ben’s character more than it could if he had ended up on the island with the campers. His solo experience after his “death” molded him into a very different character from the boy we saw in the early episodes. It changed him drastically and that was the redeeming factor. So, I have hope with Brooklynn. It already seems like she’s on a strong path of character development and it seems like she’s going completely undercover to unbox this international dinosaur corruption scheme. Not to mention, she’s missing part of her arm, so that’s also a drastic change. Brooklynn being alive opens up a lot of opportunities, especially to delve into her trauma that she might have acquired from losing a hand. Not only that, but the others still think she’s dead so we won’t lose that mourning aspect, in fact it might make it even more impactful knowing that she is alive and that Brooklynn’s fake death is causing this much pain to her friends.
This could also introduce some conflict within the group once it is revealed to them that Brooklynn is alive because they spent all of this time mourning her and suffering from some severe mental health issues only for her to actually be alive without telling them. Me personally, I’d be upset going through all of this emotional turmoil for a dead friend only for her to pop up knowing she could have prevented all of it. We can also see different reactions from the 5 of them. Maybe someone will be angry at her and some might just be really happy she’s alive and some might not even believe she’s actually alive. I’m just gonna say that it is fucked up that Brooklynn is just allowing her friends to suffer from mourning her and that I’d totally understand if any of the camp fam were mad at her. In fact I need to see that. Then there’s all of the secrets she’s keeping from them, too. I wonder if we might see a sort of negative character arc because Brooklynn has been neglectful towards her friends, especially Kenji which caused the whole breakup in the first place, and then multiple times Brooklynn’s true intentions have been unclear and shady. I wonder if there’s any symbolism we can pick up from her hair which is always changing.
Overall, I’m excited to see what they do with Brooklynn’s character and how her fake death affects the others. I’m always willing to compromise with my feelings and the decisions made so long as they well execute their unfavorable choices. 
As for the reveal, I feel like it could have been dragged out a little bit longer. I think a perfect place to stop would be right at Ronnie receives the text. Because in my mind at that moment, there were two ideas that I had. One, Ronnie could have been one of the corrupt DPW workers, or she could have been working with Brooklynn. I think that that confliction would have been a great place to end especially because either way, it leaves you question that entire interaction she has with Darius in the first episode. Is Ronnie going to be bad and betray Darius? Or is she good and helping Brooklynn who's alive. I understand in the grander schemes of things why they did it; showing Brooklynn alive (and handless) at the very end will make viewers want to come back and see what happened with her. I just hope they keep her being alive unknown to the rest of the campers for a while longer for that added tension or whatever. I feel like if anything they might reveal her to the camp fam at the end of season 2.
Now let’s talk about that hairstyle. When I first saw it at a distance paired with the whole ensemble, it looked really badass. But up close? I don’t like it. 
At first I was going to say that Sammy carried the plot, because she did. Then I was like, “well, Ben also carried the plot too.” Then it was “If Sammy carried the plot then so did Yasmina.” That “boo” did a lot for me. But then I was thinking of the discourse between Darius and Kenji and they also both carried the plot. So, long story short, they all carried which is amazing. It means that it was well balanced and every character had a significant role in the story. 
In short, there’s a lot of things that were phenomenal in this show, however, there were a few things that can only become/remain great if they’re addressed in season 2. There were a lot of throwaway lines in the show that was loaded with context we didn’t have and hinted to a separate conflict. 
Twice we hear Sammy say how she’s not in contact with her family and then it’s never brought up again. I want to know why this is, even If it doesn’t have a drastic effect on the overall plot. Then we see Sammy hallucinate Brooklynn but then that’s the only time it happens. Is it bad that I want to see more of that? I just really want to see Sammy’s trauma unloaded in season 2. In ep.6, Sammy says “Remember how [Yaz] got when the dinosaurs made it to the mainland?” It seems really heavy and I want to see this. I want to know what the groups initial reactions to one, the dinosaurs back on the mainland, and two, Brooklynn’s death. We also hear Darius sort of allude in ep.1 that Ben might have had a harder time adjusting to being back on the mainland, especially with the “don’t patronize me, Darius!”
I’m hoping that some of these lines are just seeds being planted early on so that we can see them grow in season 2. One thing I hope we get is more flashbacks, seeing what all of these lines are referring to. Sammy’s family issues. Yaz’s (and the other's) initial reaction the dinosaurs back on mainland. Also, seeing flashbacks to Brooklynn with Darius in the cabin. We got flashbacks for everyone else except him so it’d be nice to see, and also give us something more substantial for Darius’s feelings. My guess is that there won’t be as many action scenes when they’re hiding away on the ship so we can get more flashbacks and have some more downtime to explore the groups trauma, regain some more of that “full” group dynamic, and just in general put more focus into the characters rather than plot. 
The writing in this was amazing, especially for a kids show, and I hope we get to see more of this amazing writing carried on to season 2 soon. If you stuck with me this long, I appreciate you.
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lonelyleliel · 1 year
Venus and/or Mars in the 8th House Astro Observation
Mars in the 8th House
I recently learned that I have three people in my life who have their Mars in the 8th house and they all have a habit of asking others to use their resources (money, time, energy, possessions, etc.) to get what they want. Whether you want to call it manipulative or resourceful is up to you, but there is a persistence with this placement that is just...kind of insane. Depending on how developed the person is with this placement, they either won't take the hint that no means no or will start creating a power point presentation as to why you should give in to what they want from you. I'm not implying that these people always have malicious intents, but I am definitely saying that these people need to learn to respect boundaries. They'll plant an idea as to why you should do what they want you to do with your resources and will figure out what it takes to convince you even if it takes years.
Mars in the 8th house people have great leadership potential (or con man potential--I respect both lmao) if they remember to be real about what they want and why. The 8th house isn't just about material things and bonds with others, but also major transformations that reflect your inner truth. People with placements who become familiar with your sway over other people (likely those who have hard aspects with Mars, Mercury, and/or Saturn) are going to call you out on your shit and might give you an existential crisis. If you're using everyone else to get what you want, what exactly do you have to claim as your own? What can you claim as something you earned overtime? Do you care about your own achievements? Why or why not? Look in your 2nd house for a hint about that.
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Venus in the 8th house
Venus in the 8th house people like myself and a few other people I know seem to just get stuff. Where Mars in the 8th takes action to get what they want, Venus in the 8th people seem to be offered what they want and it can sometimes be from people they rarely even talk to. Is it manifestation? Is it charm? Hell if I know. I do know that Venusian energy has a strong aesthetic sway over whatever house it's in, so if you do express what you like and don't like to others, they may want to show (or tease/ridicule) your aesthetics by giving you things that remind them of you. Since the 8th house reflects your bonds/contracts/inheritance with others, someone who cares about you may give you things that represent how they see their relationship with you or what they trust you to take care of.
The trap I think we Venus in 8th house people fall into is expecting people to keep on giving or we may overthink how we need to act so we get more stuff. We won't directly ask for it or imply that we want it like Mars in 8th people, but we can get bratty and bitter if we receive something we didn't want and we may not even be honest about disliking that thing because we don't want to jeopardize the next opportunity of getting more stuff from that person in the future. If this is how people are communicating to us about how they see and value us, which can be either a beautiful or a hurtful gesture, our lesson here is to remember that our desires/aesthetics/identity need to be protected with firm boundaries and expressed with honesty. We must be honest with ourselves. Don't accept everything given to you and don't let what's given to you define you. Is the thrill of watching people try to figure you out more important than you understanding yourself? How do these exchanges reflect your character? Your 2nd house will prompt you to consider your personal values and how your view on materialism reflects your inner truth.
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Thanks for reading.
This astro observation was brought to you by someone who has a Mars (Cancer, 11th house, in Rx) square with Venus (Aries, 8th house) and is OVER this shit omfg lmao.
I'm on to you bitches!! I'm on to me too!!
I don't do many astro obs really, but I've been studying astrology for years (I don't read charts professionally. I study for divination and academic purposes) and the realization that I have quite a few people in my life with Mars in the 8th house who have been driving me crazy asking me for shit or taking my shit or shitting on my shit has blown my mind. Like, they won't take the fucking hint lol. Also had to call out my own sugar baby vibes. Flattery doesn't sway me anymore, but I like shit...and some of the Mars in the 8th house people KNOW I like shit. Shit is weird.
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fernlessbastard · 5 months
Opinions on transfem/Trans woman c!Wilbur? If you havent already, since its a slightly popular Hc w c!W
honestly I'm mostly indifferent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
it's not for me, but like I've got no particularly strong feelings either way. I can absolutely see a lot of reasons for that reading - it all does fit, so it's not a matter of there being no justification, but more so just personally I just don't hold that headcanon
the thing with either of them being trans is that like, I am for some reason oddly attached to Quackity being specifically and strictly a man who's into men, or at the very least masc individuals - maybe it's cause I just started off with that "hc" (I mean it is kinda pretty heavily canon - I don't recall him ever flirting with a woman). Wil being mtf would obviously make all of that very complicated - each time I start to think about it I can't help but think if 1. is there any way for Q to still be into Wil without that invalidating Wil's gender identity 2. is there any way for Q - a gay man - to have feelings for a woman that doesn't invalidate his sexual identity Like, exceptions happen, but mm idk It's obvioulsy completely different if you hc Q as pan/bi/homoflexible/whatever else, but yeah personally I'm just really attached to the idea of Q being strictly homosexual
When it comes to the nonbinary umbrella it's kinda similar (with both being amab) - with Wil it works i'd say, there isn't as much of a conflict with Quackity's sexuality, but again, I'm mostly indifferent and you do you; with Q it just kinda doesn't quite fit for me - idk he just has relatively binary man vibes imo
in regards to other combinations of one/both of them being trans: > Wil's ftm - yeah sure I'm down with that, good for him, I don't actively hc that but like yeah no conflict there, plus I guess it'd explain how he had Fundy - though fantasy mpreg makes it so much funnier > Q's mtf - idk personally i just don't feel it in the slightest. He doesn't really give me any of those vibes. Especially considering things like the fact that he's short, has longer hair, is/used to be a sex worker (with presumably male clients), is heavily (and at the very least primarily, if not exclusively) into men, canonically has a big ass, etc, so it just really doesn't sit right with me to then have him be mtf - I just want some more representation of those characteristics in men for once, y'know? It's just feels like it's perpetuating stereotypes. Of course there is no wrong way to be trans - if you're trans, you're trans, and that is valid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But we're talking about a fictional character, so if we have a character that's amab, likes men, is a sex worker, is short, has long hair, isn't trying to be this stereotypical "perfect big strong alpha male", is emotionally invested in their romantic life (which additionally is messy), then turning around and saying "woman" just feels like we're just going off stereotypes, and ignoring an example of a great, rare, pretty subversive representation of a man who might come off as feminine at times, but is still fully a man, and all those things that are stereotypically assigned to women and a fem gender identity don't make him any less of a man. Especially the fact that he's into men - it does personally just immediately remind me of all the "a gay man is just a woman" talk (and maybe it's cause I'm from Poland and in my 20s now so i really did grow up hearing those sentiments quite a lot). And obviously i'm not saying that that's what you're doing when you hc Q as mtf, but i am explaining my personal headcanons and reasonings for them, as well as reasoning for why I don't headcanon other things. > Q's ftm - ok so, it fits. And I really really hate that it fits. It would make so much sense but holy fuck guys I cannot handle that ok - I'm ftm, and if he's cis then I can like at least partially remove myself from all of that... but if he's ftm then holy fucking shit everything just hits so much harder like guys I'm not strong enough to handle the pain of seeing this much of myself in him ok I will simply collapse, like him being seen as an object and sexualised and put down and belittled and pressured to be all submissive and shit just hits so completely different if you see it through the lenses of him being ftm and let me fucking tell you I am NOT ready for the breakdown thinking about it and how similar and in some cases identical to my own experiences it all is would cause m > ANYWAY with them both being trans it's just a combination of my previous thoughts as they apply ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
hope that answers your question UwU anyway ha ha bye--/lh
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riordanness · 1 year
labyrinth - [r.cameron]
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0.8K wordcount
warnings: tiny bit of swearing
requested: no
Movie nights with my friends were rare. There was always some complication interfering with the plans. Topper was grounded. I was working. Rafe couldn’t be bothered. Kelce was hungover.
But when we did all manage to get together, it was amazing. Nothing feels better than eating a crap ton of junk food, surrounded by your best friends as you all make sarcastic comments at the dumb characters on the tv screen.
“Remind me why we’re watching this trash again?” Topper asks from his perch on the big grandmother lounge chair, sipping his bottle of beer as he begrudgingly watches the movie with us.
“It’s not trash,” I protest. It was my turn to choose the movie, and for some reason I’d been really feeling the rom-com vibes lately. Being a girl whose only friends are guys is weird sometimes, but at least they’ll watch rom-coms with me. I mean, most of the time they will. Not without a lot of protesting, though.
“Honestly, y/n,” Kelce says from the floor. “It kinda is basic white girl trash.”
I groan and roll my eyes. “Guys. While You Were Sleeping is a masterpiece of a movie. Besides, I don’t whine and complain for hours when I have to watch y’all’s movie picks, now do I?”
Rafe finally decides to stop feigning extreme interest in the movie and turns to his friends. “Leave her alone.”
Topper makes a face. “Yeah, great job, Rafe. Stand up for your little girlfriend. There’s no way you actually like this shit, right bro?”
“Fuck off,” is Rafe’s only reply.
Topper rolls his eyes but apparently decides to remain where he is, his eyes back on the screen.
I have a small smile on my face, my eyes no longer on the movie screen, but on Rafe beside me on the couch. The room around us is dark except for the tv screen, and his features are blurry and shadowed. Still, I don’t think he’s ever looked more pretty than right now.
His blue eyes reflect the light, and I find myself staring a little, mesmerised by him. The boy I’d grown up with. My best friend. My everything. I feel lightheaded, suddenly, and my eyes don’t want to stay open anymore. My head drops slightly, and I remember nothing else.
- Rafe -
I’m actually kind of enjoying this movie y/n picked out for us to watch. I mean, it’s not my typical movie choice, but it’s not completely horrible.
I feel a weight on my shoulder, and I glance at y/n, who’s apparently fallen asleep on me. I immediately tense a little, staying as still as I can for her. Slowly, slowly, I shift my arm around her, pulling the girl close to me.
“Oi,” I hiss at the other boys. “Y/n’s asleep. Don’t you dare make any noise and wake her up, or I’ll kill you.”
Topper and Kelce exchange little smirks, and I know what they’re thinking. For years, the pair of them have been teasing y/n and I about being a thing, or whatever.
I always pretend to hate the teasing remarks, and the dumb little winks and smiles. But honestly? I wish more than anything that Kelce and Topper were right. I’m kind of in love with this girl, and I want to be able to call her mine.
I want to be able to cuddle up next to her on the couch without a fear of her pushing me away. I want to kiss her all over her adorable face, run my hands through her hair. I want to see her wearing my shirts and hoodies. I want all of her.
I stare down at her sleeping face, admiring her features. She looks peaceful, happy even. I’m filled with a sense of pride and happiness that she trusts me enough to sleep on me. I lean down carefully and kiss her forehead. “I love you, y/n,” I whisper, quiet enough for no one else to hear.
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae
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blueteller · 22 days
Hi, dear cool person! Do you happen to know if all magic circles in lcf are drawn on the ground or if some types can be done in the air? Do they need a physical surface for them to work? I got a little confused by that and couldn't find an explanation yet (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Hello, "dear cool person"! 😊 I admit, no one ever brought up that kind of question to me, and I think it's worth investigating!
First of all, to make things clear: TCF/LCF uses what we call "Soft Magic System". In other word, the rules concerning magic are vague, without much elaboration from the narrative – which I have to add, does NOT equal poor world-building.
People often toss around Fullmetal Alchemist as an example of good world-building (which everybody who knows me is probably aware, is one of my favorite series of all time), without understanding that FMA uses "Hard Magic System" as it plays a vital role in the story. How alchemy works is very important to the plot and its themes. While my inner nerd absolutely loves it, I must remind myself that it's not a required element for a story to be well crafted. There are many series which go into great detail about their magic systems, but that doesn't actually guarantee it will be successful in making the story enjoyable.
"Soft" or "Hard" magical world-building, what actually matters is how it's used.
So, in TCF we are dealing with "Soft Magic System", because how magic works is never actually important to the story itself; what the characters are doing matters far more than what exact tools and powers they're using. The "what" of their capabilities is always more emphasized over the "how".
Obviously, we know some of what magic can do, as we get many example throughout the series. We also know that there are multiple other powers in that world aside from mana-based magic. For example, regular magic can be used to create fire, cast illusions, teleport, levitate objects, and even for telepathic communication. Dead mana magic can be also used in similar ways, like casting illusions or creating light. There are also powers of Nature, Beast People abilities, Earth Abilities, Divine Powers, and quite a few of others.
But the question is about arrays specifically. Let's try to find a couple of examples to work with.
We know that circles CAN be drawn, at the very least. The earliest instance of an array being used was way back during the Plaza Terror Incident, when blood-crazy mage Redika tore up a teleportation scroll to escape the plaza. So we see that certain spells can be pre-made and are one-use only, which makes sense. Not everyone seems capable of teleportation, especially long-distance. Remember, Dragons are super rare and the fact that Cale has basically unlimited access to instant teleportation through Raon is basically cheating lol. I assume it's both difficult and expensive to create even a single scroll like that. It requires lots of effort and preparation, not to mention it's set for a given location – the word "coordinates" is often dropped throughout the story.
We also know that circles can be created through magic in an instance, as that's basically what Raon and Eruhaben do every time they teleport. But once again, they're Dragons, so I assume you have to be Arch Mage level to do that type of stuff without literally drawing the array. Definitely not something Redika was capable of. I also suspect Rosalyn could do that, but that's because she's a rare talent of her own – not to mention how Eruhaben taught her on top of it.
I struggle to find any example of array-based magic that ISN'T about teleportation, however. Perhaps all arrays ARE meant exclusively for transportation in TCF? Feel free to correct me if you find any evidence to the contrary. Another example that comes to my mind is when they were teleporting the Castle of Light, later re-named Black Castle, into the Forest of Darkness. We know it required a huge amount of power, which was why Eruhaben asked Cale for magic stones. We didn't actually SEE them cast the array, however, so we don't know if they literally needed to draw one around the castle, or if they used their Dragon powers again to simply make it with magic.
There are several conclusions I draw from all of this.
First, most if not all examples of array-based magic in TCF are teleportation-related. So either all arrays are about teleportation, or teleportation is a very complex brand of magic (which would make sense) and arrays are exactly for that type complex magic, so they could be also used for other things.
Second, it seems that drawing arrays is a "human method", but it is unnecessary for Dragons, as they can use magical shortcuts. So naturally, I don't think they need a solid surface to work with when they're casting spells.
Third, arrays can be either instantly used and created – if you're powerful enough that is – or they can be pre-made and "loaded", then used for emergencies via deliberate disruption. I also assume you don't need to be a mage to use a teleportation scroll, if it already contains all the magic needed.
And that's basically all I have to say about magic circles in TCF! I hope this was helpful 💖
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eros-thanatos89 · 7 months
meta/thoughts on BCS
Oh, man. I've never posted meta, or just thoughts on shows before, but I'm trying to give myself permission to be as cringe as I want and to ramble on the internet about the fictional things that I think way too much about. So here goes, my first meta post!
I just rewatched BCS S5E3 "The Guy For This" (let's be real: mostly for thirsty reasons, because I wanted to see Lalo and Nacho looking pretty in the garage scene with Saul) and Goddamn, it just smacked me in the face and reminded me what a pivotal episode it is in so many ways.
One of the many recurring themes that I love to see explored so well in both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul is the many ways that people deal with (or don't) the consequences of their actions, and this episode is just chock full of that, as well as setting up the first steps down the "bad choice road" or the road ahead for so many characters.
In that garage, Saul really steps into Saul as we know him in Breaking Bad. By taking Lalo's money (even if under duress) he's taking the first step into leaving Jimmy behind and becoming the *criminal lawyer* we all love/love to hate. Jimmy's pattern of avoiding the consequences of his actions or uncomfortable emotions like the guilt over Chuck's disgrace and death is running away: by escaping into his scams, and by literally running away from himself, choosing a new identity--he's not Jimmy anymore; he's Saul, so he doesn't have to lug around Jimmy's baggage. And even though he tries to backtrack from this first step onto the bad choice road leading to him becoming "un amigo del cartel", when he tries to suggest that Lalo find another lawyer, it's too late. As Nacho tells him, "When you're in, you're in."
And Nacho would know! Speaking of running away, Nacho has been trying to evade or escape his problems for so long: first by setting up Tuco to avoid having his side hustle with Pryce discovered, and in this episode, trying to convince his Papa to run away with him to Canada. The scene where Manuel confronts Nacho at his house never fails to break my heart. Nacho is so desperate for Manuel to escape with him to a new, safe life, and Manuel is so adamant that Nacho face up to the consequences of his choices. Which ultimately, he has no choice but to do. He has to confront what he's done and give himself up to save his Papa's life, just like Manuel encouraged him to do so long ago. But by giving up his life rather than turning himself in to the police. It's so damn tragic.
And then there's Kim. She's always running away from the poverty and instability of her past by so doggedly pursuing success as a lawyer. I love how this episode highlights her increasing dissatisfaction with Mesa Verde and her yearning to pursue more meaningful pro-bono work so she can use the law to help people like the little, powerless girl she used to be. The confrontation between her and Mr. Acker is stellar. Kim has this rare moment of vulnerability, letting down her walls to share a story of her childhood struggles with Mr. Acker in a genuine attempt to connect with him, only to have him scoff at her and accuse her of making it up to manipulate him. You can tell his tirade about her being ultimately a selfish person who tries to comfort herself with acts of charity really rankles her because it goes so strongly against her sense of self and represents everything it seems she's afraid of becoming, and so much of what she resents about Howard: the entitlement, the sense of ease and privilege, the self-congratulatory charity acts (don't get me wrong, I really like Howard, pompous as he can sometimes be, but I think this is how Kim views him). By the end of the episode, when she escalates Saul toying with a beer bottle on the balcony into throwing them into the parking lot, you can already see her pivoting and taking those first steps down the road that ultimately leads to the plot against Howard, which she justifies to herself in the name of using the Sandpiper money to fund her pro-bono work. And then in the end of the series, she both runs away AND atones for her actions by moving to Florida and living a life literally leeched of all color and joy, and is just doing penance by living a muted, mediocre life.
Domingo's arc in this episode is so crucial, too! Lalo and Nacho recruit Saul to feed him the information to undermine Fring, but when he meets Hank and Steve Gomez in prison, it starts him on the road to transforming from Domingo/Ocho Loco to Krazy 8. Ultimately leaving the cartel (I like to think because of the loss of his friend Nacho) and setting himself up as an independent dealer and even snitching on his own cousin, Emilio; which then leads to his collision with Walt and Jesse.
And the scene with Mike in the bar! The way he's barely holding it together as he tries (not very successfully) to drink away the pain and guilt caused by killing Werner just a few episodes before (S4E9) and is so triggered by the postcard that reminds him of their conversation is so powerful. I just love how he encounters the group of guys who try to intimidate and rob him and he defends himself in this episode, but we later see him intentionally return and seek them out in S5E5 "Dedicado a Max" in an act of self-loathing and roundabout self-harm via taking a beating and not even trying to defend himself.
I'm rambling, but these shows make me litcherally mentally unwell with how fantastically nuanced and textured the writing, acting, visual storytelling, music, everything is! I'm just going to be ruminating on all these many facets of accepting consequences, atoning, and/or running away affects these characters and the arc of both shows and the world they inhabit for the next long while....
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Malleus Draconia’s Flower Bouquet Meaning
Twst Bdays Flower Language Masterlist
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I have been waiting and waiting for the release of Malleus’ 3rd Bday card with such anticipation. I literally waited every day until the time Twst JP usually updates with news for some semblance of Malleus Bday card news.
AND NOW MY BOY IS HERE AND HE LOOKS SO FINE PLEASE. His smirk with the fangs sends me. His wink is so cute! Lilia is raising these boys right! Look at HIM.
January is the moth of Diasomnia and I love it, we have Malleus, Lilia, Silver and Sebek card releases. (Diasomnia Stans I hope your gems survive). 
As I did with Lilia’s Bouquet Post , I will be writing more than I usually do. Malleus Draconia is one of my favorite twst characters and he deserves it and all the effort (in this love essay, I will). In addition, I will be adding possible theories along the way and will be mentioning book 7 too and other cards that have been released, so heed spoilers for book 7 and cards that might have not released yet.
At first glance, Malleus’ Bouquet reminded me of Trey’s Bouquet . In the sense that it reminded me of a salad, and I couldn’t help but laugh a bit because of it. When you think about some of the meanings previously discussed in Trey’s Bouquet, it applies to Malleus as well when you think about it: past, present, and future. But I’m getting ahead of myself, we will discuss that later.
It’s really nice seeing Malleus so happy especially without any worries right now (basically flirting with us lolol). After book 7 chapter 1, I am happy he is full of energy and amusement. 
I do wish that his bouquet had more colors to make it pop more, but like Lilia’s, Malleus’ bouquet does fit him rather well. It can give you a glimpse of his past and current mindset, and also a hint to the future of what may come. (please, my heart.) 
Some observations from just from a glance, Malleus’ bouquet may not pop as much color wise, but you know what it does really well? It blends into the environment rather seamlessly.  Unlike Trey, who doesn't like to stand out and would rather blend in, which shows in his flowers. For malleus, it is not by choice. He blends in seamlessly because he is forgotten by those around him. When he is not forgotten, people are scared of him and tend to run away. The only ones to truly notice him missing are Lilia, Sebek, Silver, and MC.
We know that Malleus hates being forgotten and left out and this bouquet shows that while he blends in to the environment, it is not by choice and some of the flower meanings show his feelings towards being forgotten and ostracized. (I’ll never forget you Malleus 💕💕). 
Greem flowers tend to be rare and on further research, they also tend to be mutations in some variations of flowers. This fits Malleus because we can all say that he is a highly respected figure, not only is he a future king in the Valley of Thorns, but he is one of the top ten strongest mages in the world. If we went further, Malleus is a type of dragon fae, and royalty, maybe he might or might not be the last of his kind? Only time will tell, as we know the only relative he has right now is his grandmother. I
In terms of magic power, malleus is extremely strong and we can see how the story swings and the narrative changes when he deigns to step in and help. Book 5, Malleus fixed the stage hence allowing for VDC to continue, and in book 6, he helped Vil by making him young again. We have seen in masquerade the magic potential he has and how that affects the environment as well, and in book 7 a well. Malleus is unique and rare, and that could also show why he is so revered heavily by everyone else when all he wants is to be invited and share experiences with others.
I love how Malleus is also winking in this card, as he is in other cards. You certainly get the Diasomnia closeness as because sebek was also winking in his cards. We also have the smile that Lilia and Silver all share too, which I think is cute! I might be wrong but I think all the third years so far have been winking?
Now, let’s talk about some rather interesting...moves that twst played with the release of this Malleus card. First of all, with the release of the Malleus Bday card, We also received the Silver Dorm SSR card. This is interesting because this is the first time they released a Dorm SSR card without a story update. What’s more, its rather interesting they chose to release it with the Malleus card which makes me wonder how purposely did they do this? Was this as a way to show the connection Silver and Malleus has? 
As in a sense, Malleus can be paralleled to Maleficent and Silver could be Aurora (and the Sword, Shield, and Prince Philip technically) from what we see on the surface level. It's as if they are telling us these two are more connected than we realize and maybe they are a mirror too (or like that one promo where you see Maleficent on one side and the princess on another as two opposite spectrums).
Considering the opposite styles that Malleus and Silver were raise (by Lilia no less), it hurts to see how much this is stressed. You can tell familial love will play a big role in book7 from this alone. It also makes it seem like they are pushing Malleus to play this evil role that he clearly doesn't want to be in when all he wants is to belong and be invited.
Another interesting point I want to bring up is that, Silver is the only one without the title that basically says “___ Protector of the Valley of Thorns” Instead, He is the sleeping guardian. So, we have this disconnect between the four and shows how much of the role Silver might play when it comes to the other three diasomnia residents.  This Post shows the English titles  and this post is a jp comment about it as well I believe .
It alludes more and more to the fact that Silver has a connection to ‘dreams’ and that could also be a hint on how Malleus and everyone could be saved given that Malleus is the King of the Abyss as well. Maybe, Silver’s UM is connected to dreams as everyone speculate, but I digress. We know at the end of the day, these two have a connection and only time will tell what kind of connection and what it will put everyone through (and how it will eventually wreck us too, get your tissue boxes ready everyone. Book 7 chapter 1 already came for us without reprieve.)
Another fact that I find funny is that Malleus’ Duo is Ace. So, I can’t wait to see how Ace and Malleus interact given that Ace....doesn’t care for manners when it comes to people in power and will basically say what's on his mind. Which, we can see from Endless Halloween. I also personally find it funny because many people tend to ship MC with Ace and Malleus and these two always end up in a triangle and I can’t wait to see what happens after the interview lol Ace also doesn’t have his UM so maybe its a hint of Ace’s role in Book 7 (he could be hiding it as well, since we know how much of a trickster he is).
Malleus’ card spells are similar to those of Idia’s Bday ones apparently. Which is funny and interesting given that Idia will play a big role in book 7, especially in terms of grief and moving on and recovering from the loss of a loved one.
I can’t wait to see Malleus’ groovy. I hope its either in dawn or dusk because that would not only be beautiful but give a wonderful symbolism as well. 
Malleus holding the bouquet so effortlessly also shows his strength, I mean look at him, no struggle at all.
You know what makes me so soft about Malleus’ bouquet? It’s that he has signs of those he loves in his bouquet. He has flowers that symbolizes Lilia, Sebek, Silver, and even MC/Yuu.
Now, lets talk about Flowers 🌺💚🌺💚
[As usual, my disclaimer from before stands, flowers have many different meanings depending on region and color, so the meanings I have might differ from the meanings you know.]
In addition, I know there were some feelings of sadness going around with Malleus’ bouquet because most of the associated flower language were negative, but remember every flower has more than one meaning and together, the flower language can change as a whole depending on the bouquet. It also depends on the meaning we choose to empathize over the others. 
His flowers are kind of hard to tell, so I put whichever ones I thought they might be. Get your hearts ready and anything you have that has Malleus’ face because you are going to want to hug him. (total opposite from how I wanted to yeet Lilia during his post lol) 
Flower Colors (general meaning): 
Green Flowers: Health, resilience, good fortune, and youth. We know Malleus is young in terms of Fae age and we know he also has to learn and mature more when in comes to certain instances over the others. Some examples we have seen was when things didn’t go his way and you can see the weather being affected, but also we have to consider that he never really got to act his age has he? Health and good fortune for his future.
White Flowers:  True love, purity, innocence, sympathy.  We know True Love Kiss plays a role in Sleeping Beauty and I can’t wait to see how it plays a role for book 7. In a way, Malleus is innocent in his experience with anything related to modern times, and his situation does make you feel for him. (Malleus, we love you 💕).
Red Flowers: Love, passion, pride, vigor, and strength. (rather fitting, wouldn’t you say?) 
Green Roses: Renewal, rejuvenation of spirit and energy, growth, abundance, balance, stability, peace, good news and new beginnings. Possibly the future healing that Malleus will go through? (you know, after his mental breakdown...I know know, I’ll be quiet now) [To my knowledge, green roses do not mean jealously. It’s the yellow roses.] I was hoping they would give him red roses to symbolize his rose garden back home too. 
Carnation: Fascination, distinction, and love. In Greek, it is known as God’s Flower.  As some tend to worship Malleus like a God, it's rather fitting for him to have this flower. (Sebek and some diasomnia students come to mind).
Curcuma/Hidden Lilies: Love, Rebirth, Devotion, Purity, Fertility, clear and sincere intentions. When I first saw these, my mind literally went Lilies = Lilia and with several of the meanings it makes you wonder doesn’t it? Especially as Rebirth seems to be a themes in Malleus and Lilia’s bouquet. (Sleeping curse maybe?) These also look like the flowers you see in the Live Action Sleeping Beauty 2 Movie, during the wedding. You know when Maleficent walks Aurora down the Aisle. So it could also be stressing the relationship Malleus has with Silver. Technically, all three of them. Can be used to treated stomach problems and this makes me laugh because Lilia had stomach problems in that one Firelit Sky event, hence another factor in representing Lilia.
Green Lisanthus: Appreciation, charm, charisma, and confidence. (Malleus in a flower basically 💕)
Cala Lily (Burgundy): Life’s right of passage, purity, holiness, faithfulness, courage and determination. (Silver and Sebek determination to protecting their Lord.) 
Dracaena Fragans: meaning Dragon, financial and career success (he will make wonderful king), peace and good fortune.
Amaryllis: to sparkle, pride, strength, determination. These flowers blooms every year despite looking frail and it doesn’t take much to have them grow year after year. An interesting story is about a maiden who fell in love with a cold hearted man. She pierced her heart with a gold arrow and visited his cottage. After 30 days, her droplets of blood became beautiful flowers and the man fell in love with her and she was healed. Another type of Amaryllis is the cluster ones, we know it as the spider lilies. Common ones are the red spider lilies which is basically a red flag because it usually means death and last goodbye. This could symbolize the long life Malleus has ahead of him as well. White Amaryllis means beauty, devotion, and love. In addition, White Amaryllis symbolizes children and the innocence that comes from them. It reminds me of the story that Malleus told MC about how he just wanted to belong and had a tantrum that led to the castle becoming frozen in ice. Lilia was the only one who stepped forward and helped him and it implies that's how Malleus ended up loving ice cream. (My heeearrrttt) Also, the other story of how Lilia had his hair burned because baby malleus blew fire too lolol.
Houseleeks/Succulent: Always Living, enduring and timeless love, forever, does not change, Will live in harsh environments (My heart damnit, my heart).
Elderberry/Elder: inner strength, courage, calm fears, resilience, joy, protection from evil, prolong life, and peaceful sleep. “Eld” can also mean fire.
Olives: friendship and reconciliation, cleansing and healing, light, victory and richness, and above all, a sign of peace. (I’m not crying, you are!).
Hypericum Berries: symbol of peace, protection, rebirth 
Acai Palm: Nutritious, growth in wilderness.
Thistle: Pain, aggressiveness, pride, and Protection.
Cordylines: Added to flowers to add emphasize to other flowers meanings, good luck, and fortune. Often it is confused with Dracaena. 
Random Fact: Anniversaries could also be considered, since its the 3rd bdays for all the boys, their flower will be Sunflower: strength  be well, happiness, male healing, confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness. Sounds just like them, doesn’t it?
Credit: Thank you to Lala (@/mobagehellocal) for her help as always. Please go talk flowers with her too. We love talking about them. 🌺🌻
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finligz · 2 months
Alright, time for my opinion on Solarballs ships
I’d like to start by saying that no matter what fandom I join I tend to only support the official or canon ships. The reasons for that are:
1. I’m not a fan of romantic stuff as a whole, even makes me terribly uncomfortable sometimes
2. I just can’t imagine relationships in my head, so I need something to guide me like a text or better some type of imagery which is usually non-existent or poorly executed when unofficial. So the canon ships are easier for me to understand by default
3. I’m too into friendship or family dynamics, when I see characters who aren’t a couple I already imagine them in those types of settings, so the ships with them don’t make sense to me anymore
But even with all that I can say that I’m not really against most of the ships. Some of them even seem cute and a few of them I even ship myself, tho it’s rare
So today in this post I wanna state my unwanted opinion about the most popular ships in the Solarballs fandom.
Let’s start with the +- canon ones
1. Astrodude x his wife
Literally one the cutest married couples on media that I’ve ever seen. They just support each other all the time no matter what, and you can see how they care about each other. And even when so far away they still keep in touch and love each other
2. Ganymede x Europa
No matter how badly they behave in the story and how awful some of their decisions were, they still seem like they’re made for each other. They seem more like a “long-term relationship” couple to me and I like it a lot, the way they’re not as lovey-dovey and actually accept each other the way they are is very refreshing tbh. I like how Europa doesn’t try to make Ganymede change his beliefs just for the sake of her own and vice-versa, just reminding him sometimes that they’re together ahahah
3. Pluto x Charon
Alright, this one is my favourite in the whole show. They are VERY cute and I like how Charon tries to cheer up Pluto and support him when he feels awful. And even when they don’t understand each other, they stay nice and open minded usually (except when Pluto is ranting about himself and planets). They’re like a couple that grew together and it’s awesome
4. Titan x Titania
I don’t know how I feel about this. They just seem quite too different. And too awkward. Titania probably liked how confident Titan seemed and now has a crush on him in the show, but Titan just doesn’t strike me as a person ready to be in a relationship. He’s too invested in the whole system’s politics rn. I can picture him awkwardly frendzoning anyone who’s gonna confess to him. Maybe in the future this might work in a way like: “we accomplished everything we fought for and now can be together”. Also I think Titan would be too demanding for Titania to feel comfortable, she needs someone more gentle
Now moving on to most popular unofficial ships
Here besides my opinion on the ship I’ll also tell how I personally see interactions between these characters
5. Jupiter x Saturn
This actually seems very nice and cute in a way. Like a married couple maybe? At least when they bicker in the show they kinda give off that vibe. They could work as a couple. Saturn is very sensitive and protective and Jupiter needs support and seems like a patient guy, so they match well!
Personally I picture them more like old friends that rarely gather together anymore but are still close and supportive
6. Callisto x Triton
Maybe that could work? Both of them seem like adults with strong opinions on life and stuff. They might have something in common, but they are too different in my opinion still. Triton strives for freedom and lack of responsibility, while Callisto wants someone to lead her so she won’t have to be responsible. And even if some might say that Callisto changed in the show, I really don’t think so. Also I don’t think they’ll do great with long-distance relationships. For both of them it will be too much unnecessary work to maintain such relationships
I think that Triton sees Callisto as his first friend and that’s why he cares so much. It just doesn’t seem like he knows what to do and how to act. Callisto could also think of Triton as a friend, although maybe just a good acquaintance for now
7. Mars x Earth
It could work? I mean they are best friends and Mars clearly cares about Earth a lot, so he tries to not be too judgemental or put too much pressure on him. Earth also cares about Mars. I’ll just remind you how he made the whole tournament just so Mars will get back to him. So yeah, this seems like a bromance ship in a way, which means it works fine. Friends to lovers shift could happen in this case, although I don’t think they’ll be all lovey-dovey like many people portray them
I see them as best friends just as in the show
8. Earth x Venus
This doesn’t work imo. Venus is too aggressive and communicates poorly. By that I mean that Venus in the show doesn’t seem like a person with a lot of social skills or even experience. The fact that he didn’t know how to play asteroid dodgeball until the tournament tells us about how he didn’t communicate with Earth and Mars a lot. He doesn’t seem like the guy to understand romantic love. Earth on the other hand doesn’t care about Venus much and is too dominant. Even if he confessed to Venus and Venus agrees (not exactly knowing if he actually liked Earth), they would get irritated with each other as they’re both too stubborn and closed off.
I see them as acquaintances at the moment with a lot of actual friendship potential
9. Uranus x Earth
Just no. Even if you’re going to reason that by telling how it’s “canon in mythology”, it doesn’t have anything to do with the actual show. Even if they seem cute enough together, like a shy x confident dynamic and even knowing how similar their current problems are (too afraid to say something wrong/be themselves), it’s just too out of their comfort zones. Uranus is an introvert, maybe even with a sprinkle of sociophobia and he’ll feel very awkward in any relationship. He’ll say some stuff he doesn’t mean and will feel terrible about himself afterwards. Earth in those situations would probably want to push it and sometimes could embarrass Uranus even more. Also I’ll remind you that Earth and Uranus barely know each other. Long distance relationships also would be hard as Earth can’t leave the Goldilocks zone and Uranus probably wouldn’t want to go through 3 other planets’ orbits just to visit Earth.
I don’t see them interacting much.
10. Luna x Titan
This could work. Seems like a pretty serious ship with them both being very thoughtful and pragmatic. Maybe sometimes flirty, but not much. They share some of their opinions. Luna is also very, VERY patient and supportive and Titan needs that as he tries to reach his goals. However, I think right now they have other stuff to worry about. But in the future? I think it will work nicely.
I personally see them as friends
11. Mercury x Sun
Too toxic. It has the vibes of Boss x helpless employee which I’m very uncomfortable with. I don’t think that Sun could seriously love one of his planets romantically and Mercury wouldn’t want to date someone who literally hurts him all the time and demands constant attention. Just no. I don’t understand nor do I want to understand this one.
I see them only as friends. Maybe a bit one-sided with Mercury questioning this friendship
Alright, I think I covered the majority of the popular ships.
Again I’d like you to know that I don’t hold anything against you if you ship anything listed above, cause it wholly depends on people’s tastes.
If you want me to answer any of your questions there’s a button for them in my profile. See ya!
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
nsfw tess hcs…
Tess servopoulos nsfw hcs
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A/N- ANON BESTIE THE WAY I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO GIVE ME AN EXCUSE TO GET THESE THOTS FROM MY MIND. OFF TO HORNY JAIL WE GO. The way I again pushed back posting the one shots cause I saw this and had to get it out of my head lmao. Couple of these are repeated from my other hcs list.
Honestly might double post today with a one shot later too. Or if I can contain myself I’ll post the one shot tomorrow
warnings- obvs these are nsfw I wasn’t too explicit. But still. 18+ pls girls and gays.
Reminder as with all hcs these are my ideas so if you don’t like them/find them ooc, sorry. But. Everyone sees characters different
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• we’re starting off with the obvious and one I’ve already mentioned. She’s. A mf. Top.
• she’s so talented with those hands of hers. She can have you a complete babbling mess in literal minutes. She knows all the spots that make you melt.
• did I mention she’s good with her hands? She knows the exact spot inside of you to abuse when she wants to make it last and tease you to the edge over and over again. Or have you coming on her fingers in minutes.
• soft dom vibes. She likes being in charge and very very rarely will give that control up to you but she’s never too rough. She’d never want to hurt you.
• though you do serve as a wonderful outlet for her after particularly stressful drop offs. When all she wants to do when she gets home is pin you down on the closest surface and eat you out until her jaw aches which she’s also really fucking good at.
• she’s not one for PDA so you were shocked to find out she’s actually quite the exhibitionist. Pinning you against a wall in some back alley in the zone and fucking you with her fingers, hand clamped over your mouth so no one hears you, having to hold you up because your legs are shaking, whispering praise in your ear “ good girl nice and quiet “
• praise kink. Praise. Kink. She will shower you with praise.
• “ atta girl “ “ good girl keep looking at me “ “ eyes on me “ “ doing so good for me “
• honestly I think she’d much prefer giving than receiving. But sometimes when she’s super stressed and drained, she’ll let you relax her.
• she has a thing for eye contact. She loves having your eyes locked right on hers when you come, she thinks you look prettier than ever.
• hickeys. Everywhere. She may not be one for much PDA but she does like it to be known that you’re off the market. You’re hers. She’ll mark you everywhere, your neck, your chest, your thighs. And she’ll walk around with you proudly with them on display.
• she likes tying your hands, leaving you helpless whilst she teases you mercilessly. She likes the power. She loves watching you squirm.
• like really. She loves the power. She loves the control she has over you.
• THIGH RIDING. She loves watching you grind on her thigh to get off, loves the wet patch you leave on her jeans, tight grip on your hips as she guides you through it
• finally. Dare I say… gun kink. Knife kink. HEAR ME OUT
• cool metal trailing over your cunt before she eats you out, gun to your head whilst you grind on her thigh. Never hurting you and knowing she never ever would. But loving the power.
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How To Make A Net
Rotxo x Human! Y/n
If y’all havent noticed I love writing x human reader stuff, idk why, I just do. Please remember that this has smut in it and if it has smut, the characters are of age! And if for some reason I ever forget to mention it with the metkayina characters I Always make sure to express that they have tattoos somewhere
Unless stated otherwise, Pandora has breathable air for the human character. Reader is AFAB! This isn’t proofread at all so sorry for any mistakes I just wanted to post this to focus on another fic 😉😉
P in V, thigh riding, fingering, oral, lotsa stuffs
Word count: 6.1K
Noticing him was easy. He was kind, timid, but sweet. I would notice how he’d almost always drop his three younger sister off to their lessons before going off to do a bit of dive work or hunting on his own. He’d typically started providing for his family on an occasion since his fathers injury. He was always thinking about other people and constantly looking out for everyone. It made my heart race when he’d ask how everyone was- including me. Even if I was an outcast for the most part, due to being human, but he was nice enough to ask.
I sigh as I’d allowed myself to continue spacing, daydreaming was not on the schedule for today and I’d known that since waking up, but sometimes couldn’t stop myself whenever there was a small break. I sighed while picking up the basket of fruits I’d gathered for the party.
“How are you still on your second basket?” Kiri asks as she hands me another empty one.
“I’m human, Kiri,” I remind her and she shakes her head.
“You’d be on your fifth one by now. You always race with Spider, wheres your head at today?” She asks while grabbing two empty baskets from my pile- which was less than what anybody else would be assigned. Some days I’d go above and beyond and collect as much fruit as any other Metkayina, but they knew humans limits were below theirs and tried not to overwork us. She starts climbing the tree’s to collect more of their fruit, taking her hunting knife out of its holder, and rustling through the leaves.
“Why are you helping me, you have your own chores to-“
“I’ve finished them.” She comes down with a handful and fills up half the basket and I’m the slightest bit pissed that I couldn’t do that.
“How are you able to do that? I wish I had your body.” I start climbing up the tree next to hers. If we were being honest, I’m sluggish compared to Kiri, but if you compare me to any other human, I’m quick.
“My size helps, but your body is nothing to despise, Y/n.” Kiri smiles. I can see Rotxo coming from behind her with a net in his hands, no doubt coming to ask Kiri for help again. I can’t help but look down at his thighs. They had tattoo’s on them which was rare for the men to have as they usually had face and arm tattoo’s.
“Hey Kiri, could I ask for your help?” He’s so sweet when asking and patiently waits for her response.
“What’s wrong with it this time?” She asks as she places her hunting knife back in its holder, holding her hands out for him to show her.
Kiri was an amazing weaver, but was better at making blankets or even shawls, like the one she most often wears around her shoulders during the cool mornings, but she’s hit or miss with nets. Tuk is surprisingly very skilled but has no patience to weave one unless she wanted to, she has an affinity for making necklaces, armbands, and other jewelry. The armband I had was one she made for me when we still lived with the Omaticaya, she made a matching one for Spider.
I resist the urge to jealously roll my eyes and decide to let them have their privacy as I climb the tree, I have great balance and managed to pull the fruit from the tree, cut the stem to get it off, and climbed halfway down before tossing it into the basket making sure not to do it from too high as it could bruise and ruin the fruit.
“I’m telling you, it’s not worth salvaging if every few days another piece breaks off.” Kiri says as I head back up and I wanna punch the air so bad right now, but I refrained.
“Y/n, how are you still on your first chore?” Spider asks while taking one of the baskets that Kiri took from my stack and settling it on the bottom of another tree.
“Why is everyone commenting on my lack of effort today?” I grumble and toss the fruit I’d just cut and watch it hit the branch he was next to.
“I could have died!” Spider yells like the drama queen he is.
“Thats for wrapping my umbilical cord around my neck-“
“You always bring that shit up, I didn’t even know I was alive Y/n, let it go!” He bickers back.
“Well clearly you knew enough about assassination attempts, it’s a good thing you failed.” I huff and look up in time to see the same fruit I’d thrown at him hit the branch next to me. As it rolled down to the ground below, I could see both of the bruises we caused.
“Stop wasting fruit you two!” Kiri yells.
“Tell your whatever-you-are to knock it off.” I answer back.
“Tell your best friend she’s an idiot.” Spider bites back while moving on to another tree, basket already a third of the way full. Shit, everyone was faster than I was today, I might be coming down with something.
“You know he likes you right?” I ask Kiri waiting for Spider to be out of an earshot.
“Who are you talking about?” Kiri asks while rolling her eyes, but entertaining me with a smile.
“Both actually, but I was talking about Rotxo.” I stated while finally filling my third basket.
“No he doesn’t,” Kiri waves me off but I laugh a little.
“He comes to you every time his nets break, no one else.” I stated.
“That doesn’t mean he likes me-“
“He comes to you, only talks to you, he’s smitten with you,” I conclude and carry my basket over to where they were supposed to be dropped off. She follows me with her full basket and Spider is started to finish up his.
“Why don’t you make him one?” Kiri asks and I blush.
“I’m human, I can’t weave to Metkayina proportions, it would take me forever, and wouldn’t that be considered a courting gift?” I stated.
“Wait, what does you having to be a human have to do with anything?” She asks and I laugh.
“They don’t trust humans, why would they accept a gift from us? I’m surprised they let us handle food most days, but thats probably because someone is always watching us.” I stated.
“They trust you, you have proven yourselves.”
And here I was, sitting down in our marui, listening to Tuk’s instructions on weaving a net. The material was somewhat harsh on my fingers as I listened to her explain when to pull what and where. I finished off the fourth row and can already tell the squares were too small, meaning there’d be more of them than there should be, meaning I’d use up more of the material.
“What am I doing wrong Tuk?” I asked as I look up at her to see her looking out of the Marui and toward the splashing coming from the water below. I sigh quietly and want to kick myself in the head.
“I’m not sure,” Tuk shrugs and looks back at me.
“Alright, thats it, go on.” I shoo at her with my hands and she giddily stands up, turns around to leave but lets her shoulders fall and turns back around.
“But we need to make a net-“ She begins walking back but I place my hand on her chest stop her and she does.
“I forget to let you be a kid sometimes, I can ask you during another time when you’re actually wanting to make a net. Now go enjoy your free time before tonights party.” I reassure her and she nods, hugging me and lifting me as I stood on tippy toes.
“Thank you Y/n, I’ll be back!” She promises before heading on the walkway and diving off into the water from there. She scares me when she does that most days.
“I thought I heard you here,” Spider says while walking toward me and squatting next to me.
“What do you want?” I asked while untying the net I’d just failed at making.
“The rest of us are going to hang out at the spot if you wanted to come,” he offers and looks at the net I’d started unweaving. “Whats that you’re making?” He asks and I show him whats left of it.
“A failure. But it doesn’t matter, I can’t make it to the correct proportions. Also I can’t hang today, I’m on babysitting duty.”
“Tuk’s in good hands-“
“And Neytiri would skin me alive, Jake would give me a lecture, Kiri would side with her parents, and you’d stay silent.”
“What about Lo’ak?” He asks as if it was unfair I’d let him off the hook.
“Making out with Tsireya,” I let out a laugh and he does too.
“Did you wanna bring Tuk with?” He asks.
“No, she needs time to be with her friends, plus I need some time to think.” I admit.
“You sure?” He asks again and I laugh lightly.
“Go impress Kiri and leave me alone, monkey boy.”
“Fuck off-“ He hides his blush by looking away but I saw his smile. He stands and starts running off. “See you tonight!” He yells as he runs.
I sigh and wrap up the material I was using back into a rolled up ball before sighing, sitting at the opening of the marui with my legs crosses as I looked off at Tuk playing with some girls. Too far into my own thoughts to hear someone come up until I see teal skin. I look over towards the legs and my eyes roam up at familiar tattoo’d thighs, lingering on them before going back up to his face.
“I’m sorry, did you say something Rotxo?” I asked and offered a small smile.
“What are you doing here?” He asks as water drips from his hair and I’d failed to notice he was wet, he was probably in the water just now.
“I have to babysit Tuk until Neytiri or Jake come back, sorry I couldn’t hang out with you guys.” I apologize and he seems confused.
“I’m watching my sisters so I couldn’t hang out either.” He explains and sits next to me. I furrow my brows and hear the high pitched laughter and yelling coming from the water near us. I peer over and notice Tuk playing with his sisters and I feel embarrassed for not having noticed earlier.
“Your mind has been elsewhere all day, are you okay?” He asks and outstretches his hand to feel my forehead and my eyes widen at the gesture, my body getting rigid.
“Sorry-“ He immediately takes his hand away from my head as soon as he notices my facial expression change.
“N-no it’s fine, I just didn’t think you would want to touch me,” I stated and realize how bad it sounded after it came out of my mouth.
“Why would I be afraid to touch you? You are not ill, right?” He asks and I shake my head.
“No!” I want to slap myself for yelling. “I’m not sick, at least I don’t think I am.” I reassured him.
“Then why would I not want to touch you?” He asks again.
“Because I’m tawtute.” I responded honestly and the look that flashed through his eyes was indescribable, but was gone as soon as it came.
“I do not care that you are tawtute.” He smiles.
“You’re a nice friend, Rotxo.” His face falls after my statement and before I can ask him what was wrong, he speaks.
“What were you doing earlier?”
“Oh, before you came up here?” I asked and he nods. “I was asking Tuk to teach me to weave a net, but I was failing, so I untied it.” I explained, holding up the string I’d already untied to show him.
“I can show you,” He offers and the smile is plastered back on his face.
“I thought you couldn’t weave nets, isn’t that why you always go to Kiri when yours breaks?” I asked and his ears immediately flatten against his skull, his tail thumps a couple times, how cute!
“I have been learning to fix the same net, not to make a new one, but I can help you make a new one.” He explains and I nod.
“I don’t want to waste your time since you’re watching your sisters-“
“It’s okay, I can hear them from here. If they need any help they know to call to me and I’ll be there. And they haven’t done that yet.” He flickers his ears and I nod, slowly smiling.
“Show me how you do it.” He asks and I begin by doing everything Tuk has taught me, weaving the material around my fingers and once I pull it all together to tie off the first square, it becomes smaller than it needs to be. I sigh in frustration and show him, he’d taken to look over my shoulder as I did that.
“Oh I see what is- uh- how do I say this nicely.” He stops to think before looking back at my face.
“Just tell me, please.” I beg.
“Your four fingers are getting in the way, and when you get them caught on the string, it tugs the loop, making it smaller. You need to trust yourself and stop using the middle one so much.” He says and I furrow my brows, look at the palm of my hand, then face it toward him.
“I can’t remove them and how do I trust myself?” I asked and he gently places his pointer finger and thumb on the tip of my middle finger, grasping it, and gently tugging it.
“Stop using this one, Y/n.”
“Yes. But how?” I ask.
“Let me show you, may I?” He asks and holds his other hand out to take the string from me. I hand it to him as he unties the square I’d made.
“I can’t see what you’re doing unless I’m looking over your shoulder but you’re pretty tall and-“
“Come.” He states and grabs me by my waist, sitting me on his lap, my own thighs coming to contact with his muscular ones and I bite my lip at being this close in proximity to him. It felt hard to breathe.
“Just look at my fingers.” He states while talking me through the process and I felt myself shift uneasily in his lap but focused either way.
“Now you try,” He hands me the finished square he’d made and I begin to do the same movements I saw him do and struggle to keep my middle finger out of it but when I did, the square matches his and I gasp, bounce giddily, and turn to show him.
“I did it!” I exclaimed happily.
“I knew you could do it.” He smiles gently and I bounce from the happiness and feel his hands on my hips, I fight a blush and turn to look at him with a questioning gaze.
“Stop bouncing so much,” He groans and seems like he’s in pain. My face switches to worry.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“ And thats when I felt why he’d told me to stop. I can’t find any other place to look at except his face and his eyes were closed, as if he were ashamed for what transpired.
“Rotxo,” I place my hand on his cheek and he opens his eyes, but darts them the other way. “It’s okay, this happens with humans too.” I explained with a small smile.
“Do you want me to get off or stay here?” I ask and he glances back up at me, hands still on my hips, I’m unable to move unless he lets go. He doesn’t say anything so I try again.
“Okay, uhm, do you need help to make it go down or-“ His eyes find mine and I’m stuck staring at them. They were always such a beautiful hue like the ocean, but not, at the same time.
“Yes,” It was so low I almost missed him say it at all.
“Okay-“ I state again but his hands have yet to move from my hips and I can almost feel the permanent impression his hands were making on my body. “Do you want me to use my hands, my mouth, my feet?” I asked while thinking of the many different ways to jerk men off there was in porn.
“Feet?” He asks and I nod.
“Is that what you want?” I asked and he shakes his head.
“I can start with my hands,” I show him my palms as best I can with how he’s holding me and he nods sheepishly. He gently lets go of my hips and places his palm on the floor. I turn my body to face him and he looks at me in confusion.
I sit on his lap and face him again and his confusion is evident but very cute. I grab his hands again and place them on my hips.
“I’m going to kiss you, when you feel ready, move my hips over your- yeah.” I explain and he seems to understand, I grab his face in my hands and caress his cheeks, looking intensely into his eyes, then in to capture his lips in my own. I could hear him grunt and his fingers are grasping me tighter.
I moved my lips against his, the blush and heat consuming my face was unmistakable, but I continued moving my lips against his own before swiping my tongue on his bottom lip, he groans and moves my hips over his groin and I moan. With our mouths still connected, he caresses my bottom lip as he grinds me over himself, making me gasp, moving his tongue in. I could feel him searching around my mouth, fighting my tongue for the dominance I gave up easily.
“You feel so warm on me-“ He disconnects our mouths and places his forehead on mine while still grinding me on his penis.
“This feels so good-“ I pant and use my hands to squeeze his forearms to try gain some kind of balance on myself. My legs were spread over his thighs as he moved me and the angle was starting to rub my clit deliciously over his hardened member. He sneaks his nose into the crook of my neck and takes big huffing sniffs, this tickles my neck and causes goosebumps to take over, it also makes me moan loudly.
“Rotxo~” Unbeknownst to be I’d said that right in his ear and he grunts. “L-let me use m-my hands now-“ I panted, struggling to string the sentence along.
“I prefer you like this, saying my name like that. Say it again, Y/n.” He sounds demanding and it’s making me become a puddle.
“Rotxo, I don’t think I can- fuck,”
“You can fuck, you can definitely fuck.” He grunts and slides me off his lap. I whine at the loss but see him undo his loincloth, he manages to shift it off himself and staring back at me is an angry teal colored cock, the tip is a darker teal but I’m assuming it’s started to turn a darker shade due to the thrusting. The head is bulbous and thicker than the shaft but still relatively the same size. Theres no way I’d fit the entirety of that in my mouth but I lick my lips subconsciously at the sight.
My eyes nervously travel toward his and back down at his dick. I’m shocked at how big it is but get on my knee’s in front of him and reach over slowly. I grasp it gently, my entire fist wraps around but my fingers never meet, and I’m shocked, I bite my lip and look back at him to see him already staring at me.
“I-I’m going to move m-my hands now.” I stutter through my sentence and drag my hand up slowly, he’d produced enough precome for my hands to glide on him smoothly. I reach the head and I could feel my fingers separate further.
“Fuckin Hell you’re huge-“ I mutter in English, completely transfixed on the size, I couldn’t believe I was touching his dick.
“Thank you,” He mutters back in Na’Vi and I look back at him in shock.
“You’re welcome-“ I respond back in Na’Vi. I slide my hand back down his length and watch how seems to relax to my touch, but the second my hand is back on the tip I can see his body stiffen.
“Is the head sensitive?” I asked and he nods, I smile at the sight before me and pick up my pace. Making sure I pay extra attention to the head. He’s becoming more vocal and it’s making me wetter than when he was grinding on me. But I had to pay attention to his needs at the moment.
“I need to come-“ He grunts and I can tell he’s fighting the urge to.
“Its okay, Rotxo, you can come.” I mutter but he shakes his head.
“Need more-“ He whines and I somehow understand what he means.
I’d long since been using my two hands to twist around the head of his cock, one on top of the other, but I figured he wanted more, so I leant my head down to lick the tip of his cock, then using my tongue to graze the length before placing as much of the tip as I could in my mouth and when I came to catch my breath, he spurt his come on my chest.
“Thats a lot of come,” I mutter but still use my hands to continue pumping his length as he comes. Once he’s done I let go, his chest is heaving and I swear it’s doing something to me but I can’t indulge in this. I knew I’d caused this problem so I fixed it, I shouldn’t be greedy and expect the same treatment but I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about it.
“Come here,” He motions for me when he’s caught his breath and is sitting up again. He kisses me while placing his hands on my hips again. It wasn’t until I felt the cold air slapping my slick that I realized he’d taken the liberty of untying my loincloth and slid it off my body.
“Sit-“ He tells me as he lifts me up and sets me on his thigh. I could feel the goosebumps take over, but being turned on by his skin on my sensitive thighs that I moaned loudly, fuck I didn’t mean to.
“You’re very warm, Y/n.” He kisses my neck and glides me on his thigh, I’m ashamed to say watching him come made me wetter, but the trail I’d left on his thigh was embarrassing. He coo’s while lifting my chin up to look at him, the blush covering my face was unbelievable, and I knew because of how hot it had gotten.
“Did I make you this wet?” He asks but he doesn’t need an answer, but I nod anyway.
“You’re so cute when you are stunned, but I prefer if you called out my name like you did earlier.” He slides me back and the friction has me biting my lip, his thigh felt so nice rubbing in my clit.
“You know, I always catch you staring at my thighs,” He grumbles in my ear once I’m closer to him.
“Rotxo~” I moan in embarrassment and pleasure.
“Yeah, just like that.” He coo’s, gently sliding me by my hips, making sure to tilt them at an angle to continue rubbing on my sensitive nub.
“Please Rotxo,” I whine and he stops.
“Please what?” He asks teasingly.
“Use your hands,” I find it hard to tell him what I want, but thats exactly what he wanted me to say.
“Do you want to come too?” His breath fans on my neck and his voice is making me feel hotter.
“Yes,” I sounded breathy but he lays me down and switches his position quickly, bending in front of my pussy and he takes a whiff, my cheeks redden.
“You smell so good-“ He groans. He rests his palm on my mound, his fingers touching my lower belly, and his thumb dips down to rub slick over my clit and I sigh happily.
“You’re such a good girl Y/n,” He coo’s and I gasp at his words.
“I knew you liked praise, You’re doing so well on just my thumb alone, aren’t you?” He asks and I nod.
“Are you ready for my fingers?” He asks sweetly.
“Yes, rutxe,” I beg. He slides one in and I sigh happily as he pumps it in, filling me up.
“Look at you enjoying my hands, hmm.” He’s enjoying this as much as I was.
“Do you think you could finish quick?” He asks in a steady voice, but his ears were flickering. “I think the girls are done swimming.” He explains and my eyes widen.
“Don’t worry they’re still on the beach, but they won’t take l long to come here.”
It had taken me until now to realize he hadn’t stopped pumping his finger in me and I whine. He’s changed the angle of his fingers until I let out a low moan and he smiles happily to himself. He slides a second finger in and continues to abuse that spot.
“Rotxo, don’t stop!” I whisper yell at him as he continues to pump his fingers in.
“I don’t plan to, sweet girl, but I need you to come soon.” He smirks above me and I moan a little louder without meaning to.
“You’re taking my fingers well, little one. But I’m going to help you out,” He uses his other hand to rub my clit as he continues to pump his fingers.
“Oh fuck~” I whine, somehow managing to meet the thrusts of his fingers with my hips.
“Thats it sweet girl, come for me, come on my fingers.” He coo’s again and I’m a mess, but I come on his fingers, gripping them like a vice as he coaxes my orgasm out so sweetly. His fingers don’t stop until I’m spent, he brings them out of me and tastes them rather quickly, before fighting to place his loincloth on, I hazily stare at him as he does this and he rushes to put mine on. As soon as he sits me up and his hands come away from my waist is when I hear the footsteps coming on the walkway.
“-and thats how you make the first couple squares.” He states randomly and I look into his hand and see what we made of the net.
“Rotxo is teaching you instead!” Tuk exclaims as her face comes into view and I make an apologetic face.
“Sorry Tuk, he offered and I thought it would be nice to let you swim with your friends instead of bugging you,” I stand and my cum is spreading on my inner thighs
“Come on, I’m sure they have to get ready for tonight too,” Rotxo gathers his sisters and heads out. “We’ll see you guys later,” He smiles sweetly and waves.
“See you guys later!” Tuk happily yells after her friends.
“We’ll need to shower Tuk, lets grab our things.” I stated and she nods and grabs everything. Just as I turn I see Rotxo’s face peering over the entrance. I make a face and he waves me over with his hand, I walk over and he plants a kiss on my mouth.
“Thank you, Tiyawn, I’ll see you later to finish what we started.” He kisses me again and follows behind his sisters once more.
Finish what we started? But we already finished… I thought to myself but shook the thought out of my head and headed out with Tuk.
The party started off with ritualistic singing, dancing, and a speech about what they were celebrating. It was nice to understand their rituals, some of the holidays the Omaticaya had were similar, but this one wasn’t. They’re partying to celebrate the warriors and tulkun that died during the humans attacks.
I sat back and observed everyone else dance and sing. Their songs consisted of mighty warriors who died in battle and thanking Eywa for allowing them to have someone so strong during that time. One song in particular had me in my feelings about the life cycle of the tulkun and becoming spirit brothers or sisters with the Metkayina being some kind of rite of passage for the children of the tulkun. I knew as Ronal sang it and her people join she couldn’t help the tears welling up in her eyes, but she smiled as she sang it, she really loved her.
“Why aren’t you joining the party?” I turn to see none other than Rotxo sit next to me.
“I don’t dance,” I stated simply.
“But you do dance,” He whispers in my ear and my face heats up at his comment.
“Come,” He stands, holding his hand out for me to grab, so I take it. He rushes off toward the wooded area on the island and walks further in.
“Where are we going?” I asked and he finally stops.
“To finish our dance from earlier today,” He teases and places his hands on my hips again, leaning down to capture my lips in his.
“Bit we did finish,” I stated confused.
“Yes, but not how I wanted,” He kisses down my neck and I could feel the tingles of my stomach start making their way down toward my clit.
“H-how did you w-want to f-inish,” I stutter as he sucks on my pulse point.
“Inside you,” He mutters and kneels down but picks me up as he kisses down my chest.
“Rotxo~” I moaned as he takes his time kissing down my chest.
“Yes?” He asks cockily and smirks. He sneaks a hand under my shirt and fondles my breast, making sure to gently roll my nipple between his fingers. I suck in a breath and involuntarily grind my cunt in his growing cock.
“Please, I need you,” I pant at the sensation and can’t bring myself to stop repeating it, his hands shift down to my hips and keeps moving me along him.
“You’re such a good girl Y/n, already so needy for me,” He asks and I moan in response, he thrusts back with his own hips and I let out a high pitched moan.
“Why don’t you use your words for me, hmm?” He’s tilting my chin so I look at him but I could tell my eyes were half lidded and it was hard to think coherently.
“Inside me, inside.” I repeat while focusing on his cock rubbing on my clit through our clothes. The friction of the soft loincloth over my clit was starting to become dull and unsatisfactory, my breath coming out labored.
“Thats all you had to say sweet girl.” Rotxo stops his ministrations and unties my loincloth with a flick of his fingers and unties his own. I’ve never been happier to see his thick cock again.
“I have to use my fingers so this doesn’t hurt, okay?” He asks and I nod my head. “Good girl, now lay down.” He instructs and I do so, making sure to lay on the soft grass underneath me.
“I’m going to worship you with my tongue, be as loud as you want to be, nobody will interrupt us here.” He states before placing his face down between my legs and oh my Eywa I could feel his tongue prodding around before concentrating on my clit and my body had a mind of its own as I felt my legs spreading on their own.
He gently caresses my sensitive thighs and I’m a mess, so much so I barely registered him inserting his finger while eating me out. He sloppily thrusts in as I beg him to insert the second one and he does. He pumps his fingers at the same angle as he did in the marui and I’m a whaling mess. Not forming any words just sounds.
“Yeah I like those sweet sounds you make for me.” Rotxo states while slipping his fingers out. I was close to an orgasm and wanted to look at him angrily but couldn’t contort my face to show him my emotions.
“I know, sweet girl, but I can fuck you dumb with my cock now.” He states and settles himself between my thighs. “The hardest part is starting, but it should feel better after, let me know if it’s too much for you and I’ll stop okay?” He asks and I nod my head. He pinches my thigh and it takes me out of my trance.
“I need you to let me know, princess, yes?” He asks and I nod again.
“Yes, sir.” I responded and he kisses my forehead after I verbally answered him.
He rubs the head of his cock in my slick and over my clit and I gasp at the feeling, its so warm, and huge. I can feel him stretching out my entrance with his cock and I whine at the feeling. It fucking hurts, but I don’t want him to stop, although I’m sure he could tell by the way I squeezed my legs on his sides.
“I know princess, I’m sorry, lemme help a bit.” He gently caresses my clit with his thumb, making sure to stop trying to thrust inward anymore, but refusing to pull out as well. I could feel the tingling return as he started rubbing my clit faster.
“Rotxo, faster, please-“ I pant as he continues rubbing my clit faster and I could feel the stretch commence again. It didn’t hurt as bad but the feeling of my fast approaching orgasm was stunted again.
“You’re so hot inside, makes me wonder how else I can take you,” Rotxo grunts while continuously rubbing my clit. “The hard part is over sweet girl.” He states and slides in a little faster than he had been earlier.
It doesn’t take long to feel his thighs on my ass as he fills me with his cock. And the sting of his head stretching me as he pulls out starts my orgasm timer over again. I was beginning to grow frustrated but knew it was impossible to form any words as long as he was rubbing my clit raw. But it didn’t take long for the pleasure to course through my body one he deliciously dragged his cock in the right way.
“Faster, please,” I begged and my eyes fluttered shut at the pleasure and he started thrusting faster in the same direction.
He was going at an incredibly fast pace, the feeling of his thumb on my clit was long gone as he wrapped his body around mine, not once faltering in his thrusts.
“Fuck! Ahh!” I yell and he’s grumbling praises in my neck, but hearing him talk how he was at this moment was the biggest turn on.
“I can feel you squeezing my cock like the dirty girl you are. So filthy, Yawne.” He groans and thrusts harder into me, making my walls crumble as I scream his name.
“Thats it baby, this pussy is mine.” He grunts.
“I’m gonna come~”
“Such a good girl Y/n,” He continues thrusting at the same pace. I can feel my walls flutter but not yet releasing my orgasm.
“Waiting for me, love?” He asks and I nod.
“Yes sir,” I subconsciously answer.
“Come with me,” He thrusts one more time and thats what tips me over the edge. My eyes had been closed for a long time but the white behind them was euphoric, it woke me up, yet made me drowsy at the same time.
“This’ll hurt a bit, my love, I’m sorry.” Rotxo says and starts to pull out but with the angle he was doing it in, I unexpectedly have my second orgasm, it ripples through my body as he slowly pulls out and I’m left contracting around nothing.
“I guess not,” He chuckles to himself while pushing my hair out of my face and my eyes flutter open, but they feel heavy.
“How was that?” He asks and kisses me gently. Lifting my body carefully to lay it on top of his.
“Now do you believe Kiri when she said I didn’t like her?” My face is red as a blush takes over. It doesn't take a genius to remember how well Na’Vi ears work, and although I said that comment within an earshot of Spider I forgot to account Rotxo.
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