#I genuinely love it
arley-ology · 10 months
Me when my consumption of the media feeds perfectly into the meta narrative of the story and thus makes me part of the villains of the game
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castielsprostate · 4 months
garthbenny wedding in the forks, Washington forest with all of their friends and family. the gay love radiating from them standing at the alter saying their vows blows up dean winchester, their "i do" zaps sam out of existence, and their kiss sends castiel back into superhell. they go on their beautiful, way too expensive but paid for with charlie's creditcard honeymoon and grow old together happily, comfortably, and live the absolute best monsterfucker life. they have at least 5 kids btw and they all popped out of benny magically, and garth bakes on the weekends, and beth watches the kids so they can go on date-nights, and their gay love protects the world from evil
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pencilgutz · 2 months
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Gijinkas my beloved
I have many more but due to time limits i can only digitalize these ones for now
Balloon I didn't have a huge idea for so I took inspiration from HOUS3 on youtube!!!
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
If someone, hypothetically, were to make art of your fic, would you like to be tagged? (^-^;
i would be overjoyed!! i absolutely love when people tag me, spam my comments, leave essay comments, etc. it's amazing seeing how talented everyone is and how much everyone enjoys LoF!!! <3<3<3
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fairykippen · 11 months
i love the spam of notifications i get when someone rediscovers andi mack
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Cetajune day 6:
Dalanistes searches in the muck for yummy foob
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lynariadne · 1 year
The world needs more pure love Perachel fics
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sunyandmony · 1 year
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Doodles I got mostly done on @pillowspace 's white board, I suck at drawing as you can see.
Anddd got a new mutual that added me for the Lunar doodle, I welcome them in my heart dearly, and so do I with @artistkeval 😭
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 10 months
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Some months ago, I joked in the tags of my Vash doodle that if someone reblogged it, I would draw Wolfwood in a sexy nun's costume. So, this is for y'all, @wolfwillowisp, @beremy-from-trigun, @grymmdark & @ququoquaw, your names are now associated to this.
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Also, look at this great stock photo I used.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Yai literally asking his dominatrix if it's okay that he likes a guy because he knelt automatically for Mangkorn and definitely want to again is absolutely perfect for this show. It's just so good. It's the perfect flavor for their relationship, of how Yai is reliant on others to help him make choices and how that shapes his life.
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go-ninja-go · 1 year
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massivedrickhead · 1 year
Currently experiencing my favourite part of the fic writing process where I get an idea and I haven’t started writing it yet so I get to just re-watch that bit in my head over and over like a film
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totallynots8tan · 11 months
I Drew a light glyph for my lights!
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This is AWESOME and I love it so much!!!
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frogliftcertified · 11 months
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im going to puke this event is so funny
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tofuingho · 1 year
One of the things that I love about fanfiction is that it fits in well with my chronic burnout and depression.
I may want to read books and watch all the new tv shows and movies, but, mentally, I cannot handle that shit.
But with fanfiction, I already know the characters and their personalities. Unless it's an AU, I probably also know all the necessary background info and world building.
It's new and old all at the same time. Much more accessible than trying to cram a bunch of new info into my weary mind.
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dingle-biter · 1 year
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Twink death??? In MY Heavensward expansion?? Wdym they’re literally married and live happily ever after together :D :D :D
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