#I get a toothache
glompcat · 2 years
I have been in sinus hell for a week now and I am begging my nose to adjust to the heat being on already
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dootznbootz · 6 months
"Odysseus giving baby Telemachus a lemon to see the funny face he makes" WIP fic update :'D I'm still doing it.
I got into a funk for a while and basically didn't touch it ( I currently have 12 pages of actual story I'm keeping and 32 PAGES of "scrapped ideas/paragraphs/story/etc." ) But now I'm just basically restarting and finally not going to give a flying fuck! >:D
Thank you all so fucking much for the love and sweet/fun chattering about my headcanons/ideas as really made me get outta my funk and gave me a boost! 😭
I basically got trapped in a cycle of
"Is this OoC? Can I be more casual in my wording? Can I have so much fluff and sweetness while still keeping OdyPen scrappy? Is it okay that I'm having this mythological hero getting drooled on by his son? Would it be disrespectful to have this king's baby pull on his hair and face? Is it okay if I have Odysseus constantly have to grab tiny things and jewelry away from his son because baby boy is teething and putting everything in his mouth? Mycenaean Greece from what I've researched didn't even have access to lemons yet! Can I even HAVE Odysseus holding and playing and caring for his son so much despite historically, baby boy would've probably spent most of the time with his nannies/wet nurses? CAN I HAVE THE WATER WIFE BE THE WATER WIFE?!"
And then I would just sit here like this
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and kind of give up...
And also just...I guess you could say I have gender roles nonexistent in a way? More in a sense of "men and women do whatever they want and no one bats an eye". You just do whatever you're good at. With Water Wife? I'm definitely having her "playing the waiting game for the suitors" as I LOVE that but I definitely plan for her to be athletic af, built like a swimmer (Naiad. she's from Sparta, etc.)
OdyPen is "likeminded". Think, act, ARE the same in basically everyway. They are kind, clever, rude, reckless, wise, snarky, petty, mean, loving, etc. While she might not tell the cyclops her name like Odysseus would...she'd end up doing something else that wouldn't be good as well... THEY'RE THE SAME.
She'll tell you that the trade they had was unfair as 2 cows that were given have Mad Cow disease and spread it to a few others even when they didn't just to get more of them. A councilmen she doesn't like is afraid of Snakes so she purposely wears snake jewelry and just says it's in honor of Athena. (it is but it's a plus that she can be petty with it as well). She has her pet geese do whatever they want. They're both a menace as much as they're a blessing. Don't get on their bad side.
I have SO much fun with my ideas but got so embarrassed and worried but I'm just... I'm going to go fucking nuts.
Heads up, it's kind of a "sickfic" in which, yeah, Penelope basically gets magic food poisoning. One of my favorite things to write is very "human" moments. it's why I love the Epic Cycle so much. Messy moments, awkward moments, cheesy moments, embarrassing moments, HUMAN. And with love? the whole " I love you no matter what" is my FAVORITE. Telemachus spits up on his parents and OdyPen doesn't care too much as that's their icky wonderful baby boy. Penelope is sick and he cancels an event to take care of her. Stuff like that.
But yeah. Kind of gross shit like this.
Sneak Peak, (unedited), . idk, she's throwing up.
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"He wouldn't be taking care of her! The other women would-" Hi! You're going to shut the fuck up! :D Let a man take care of his sick wife WITH the other women! Loving someone when they're at their worst is love! Yahoo!
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calamitys-child · 14 days
Why the fuck is this happeninggggg
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vekovoysoldat-a · 10 months
Starter call. Hit the heart for something small c:
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emjae · 2 years
jjk headcanons ¹
literally the cutest things i think the jjk characters would do
0.7k words
tw: fluff,, like so much of it,,,
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running back to you for one last kiss at least 3 times
itadori, satoru, aoi, miwa
squeezing or tapping you three times as a silent reminder to let you know they love you
kento, maki, toge, mai, noritoshi, megumi, yuta
that one eyebrow raise before breaking out into a laugh
itadori, miwa, maki, nobara, satoru
leaning onto your shoulder and giving you that one look that's filled with so much love
literally everyone like if they adore you, they adore you. ESPECIALLY when you're alone.
laughing over the same unfunny thing together
itadori, satoru, nobara
them freezing and staring at you while you laugh because you look so surreal to them and they can't believe they bagged you
megumi, kento, itadori, maki, yuta
listening to you ramble about something you love with THAT look
kento, megumi, maki, yuta
just tracing your every detail while you sleep
kento, megumi, maki, yuta, miwa, toge
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cappucosmico · 2 days
mmm if i asked for like 12 dollars on here to cover wifi would anyone be willing to spare... sniffles
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jazzzzzzhands · 11 months
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Doing practice sketches until the art block goes away, Day 2
I wasn't sure about teeth at first but man oh man, I think I really like Barn with teeth! How else is he supposed to have a shit-eating grin?
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
Don't fall in love
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fissions-chips · 9 months
tooth hurty
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demonsfate · 7 months
i either gave myself a concussion or i developed a sinus infection from the cold or both but it's been driving me wild for the past few days.
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iero · 8 months
Today was my last Friday off for the foreseeable future from my job before I go back to having Wednesdays off to accommodate our severe understaffing issue on the Friday/Saturdays we’re open and I did absolutely nothing with my day today, but I do hope having a day off in the middle of the week from here on out will hopefully improve my motivation and help get me to start making appointments for stuff and the likes of that.
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thisfeebleheart · 3 months
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cum-villain · 9 months
Why is vodka called hard liquor when it's actually easier to drink than water.
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weedle-testaburger · 27 days
i hate how my tinnitus and toothache annoy and hurt me from when i wake up to when i go to sleep
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isacoremeow · 5 months
Feeling very bad, very tired :(
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Love jumping into holes in the middle of the forest
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I tried to do the night vision effect on it but the green looked weird lol
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