#I thought I was going on a mini solo trip but I am now NOT and doing a staycation of sorts.
iero · 8 months
Today was my last Friday off for the foreseeable future from my job before I go back to having Wednesdays off to accommodate our severe understaffing issue on the Friday/Saturdays we’re open and I did absolutely nothing with my day today, but I do hope having a day off in the middle of the week from here on out will hopefully improve my motivation and help get me to start making appointments for stuff and the likes of that.
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joyswonderland1108 · 11 months
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How is it even JK's fault that Tae can't travel to see him and support him?
First of all, and i'll say it beforehand i don't know the exact details of the law so don't ask me about any further information, i know it very superficially if you need more information you might want to ask a K-army or a K-friend in general. With that being said, since BTS announced and publicly that is that they're cancelling their military service postponement and will be enlisting after the completion of their solo activities, they are now bound by the military rules.
Which means, the boys cannot travel outside of the COUNTRY, without an official schedule aka something related to their work, whatever other activity they decide to do while out of the country is their own business but they just can't travel for "fun" and supporting another member is actually inside that "fun" box it ain't no official or professional schedule.
Up until now the two times we were sure Jimin was there for members (Hobi and Yoongi) he still had a professional schedule aside but he took the chance to make it in time to support his hyungs. A friend brought up Joon in Spain with his family and while it might look like a regular vacation for some but he DID have a professional schedule, he also took that opportunity to make it a mini family trip, it's basically a win-win situation, you get an official schedule you grab the opportunity which is always great to see our boys having a good time.
Now, Jimin is "coincidentally" (I don't think it's coincidental at all but you feel me) having an official schedule during this period, was it pre-fixed or was he able to arrange it to be able to support our Maknae AND get some work done? Maybe, maybe he went for the two birds one stone strategy. Up until now we have no idea what's up, will he be able to attend GMA or not, we have NO IDEA.
For all we know, Tae doesn't seem to be having any official schedule for now, not in Paris not in the US so again, no official schedule means no flying out of the country. So why tf is JK to blame? He's not the one making up official schedules. Their only concern is Jimin and i'm sitting over here thinking why aren't they questioning why wouldn't Yoongi go too? Since apparently Tae is being "held back by the evil step-mother that is Hybe" to go support the love of his life, Yoongi isn't held back by anything so why isn't he going? Makes us go back to the same point which is : No official schedule.
Second of all, Bitch! And if Tae isn't interested in going on a 10+ hours flight just to support a member, doesn't even have to be JK and even if the military rules weren't applying, he doesn't have to, why do they make it seem like it's a MUST that Tae should go to support JK, support isn't just by being physically present, how do they know he's not very actively encouraging him via messages and video calls?
Bitches are quick to assume Jikook aren't even texting each other but now they're assuming that about TK as well or..? And again if it's Tae's choice to not travel all the way to the US for one day, then how tf is JK to blame? It's not like JK has been plotting with the evil step-mother again to stop Tae from going to him dafuq?
It's one thing to be a delusional shipper and another to be a delusional maniac. This isn't just shipping blindly, this is projection, very blurred lines between reality and fiction, dementia? Please go get treated in a mental hospital. I know someone else was saying that Jimin is going to grab the attention yada yada, why is he grabbing the attention just when it comes to JK? Why wasn't that said about him when he went to support Hobi and Yoongi?
All this bla bla bla and we're not even a 100% sure Jimin is going to GMA anyways, they're already combusting just at the thought of Jimin and JK being in the same country, same city. Chile~ anyways so.. SEVEN IS COMING!!!!! Are you ready? Personally i'm not, but i am at the same time.
(Tagging this under Jikook because well.. Jikook.)
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writersmorgue · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 7 - Suffering in Silence
I would like to preface this by saying I did NOT do much research for this so if you know much about first aid I am so sorry.
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 1,817
Hanta saw this video the other day, about how parents could hear the most blood-curdling screams but only panic when their children are suddenly silent. 
Well, he thinks he knows the feeling. His friends are always loud, if in different ways. Mina is always squealing happily about something or another, Eijirou is always making noise, clanging weights in the gym or singing badly in the communal showers, Denki is always talking, always humming or stimming or body slamming into the nearest person he trusts not to punch him on instinct. Kyoka is always drumming on some surface or humming in the quiet of the lounge. 
And Katsuki, he’s just… Katsuki. If you asked anyone to describe him in one word, it would be loud. 
He thinks if any of them ever stopped making noise, he would be very concerned. 
So that’s why when the loudest person in their class announces he’s going for a solo hike during their squad camping trip, Hanta, ever the mom-friend, allows him to go with just a handheld radio and some flares. 
My quirk is a flare, dumbass. 
Hey, you never know!!
And then the scheduled return time passes, and he never shows back up. There’s no noise 
“I’m going to go look for him,” Eijirou checks his watch for the nth time, gathering his backpack and hastily shoving their med kit inside, “he probably wandered off the trail.”
They all know that’s not what happened. Katsuki is a stickler for rules, no way in hell would he have strayed from the path, and it’s unlikely he ignored to return time unless his phone or watch were dead. Even then, his survival skills are fantastic, he’d have come back by now. 
Which means something is wrong. 
Hanta chuckles thinly, “Or he wanted some more alone time, I’ll go with. Kyoka you should come too.”
They head out after confirming channels with Mina and Denki. 
Eijirou nervously fidgets with his fabric bracelet as they trace Katsuki’s supposed hiking path. “You don’t think he was like… kidnapped or something, right?” 
Kyoka shakes her head and removes her ear jack from the ground, “Nah, we’d know. Even if he couldn’t use his quirk he can still yell loud as fuck.” She offers no alternative. 
“Sensei and our parents are the only ones who know we’re here anyway, it’s not like Ka- like last time.” Hanta glances at Ejiirou warily. The kidnapping first year is still a rough subject for all of them, but he knows Eijirou was affected almost as much as Katsuki is even after almost two years. 
“Yeah.” Eijirou nods, reassured but still visibly anxious. 
They step out into a sort of clearing, leading to a steep incline and cliff with a small lake beneath it. There’s an inky smudge on the cliffside and the occasional resilient weed poking from the gray rocks. 
Hanta cups his hands around his mouth and yells Katsuki’s name a few times. “Well, he was definitely here. Do you think he went swimming?” Hanta suggests, walking down to the rocky mini-beach. 
Eijirou looks more concerned than before, but steps forward with Hanta, “No, he hates water. Nullifies his quirk.”
Hanta turns back to Kyoka, “You could try your quirk again.” 
Her expression startles him. Her eyes are wide, her mouth pressed into a thin line. But her ear jacks are still close to her head, so he isn’t sure-
She breaks off into a dead sprint, shoving past Eijirou and Hanta before they even have time to question her. Her radio and phone are tossed back as a last thought, but Hanta knows she still has her headphones on her, so whatever it is must be pretty urgent.
And then he spots it. 
A limp, pale hand jutting out of the water, wedged in the jagged rocks at the bottom of the cliff. It’s so distant that Hanta can barely make it out, but it falls directly below the smudge. 
Soot. From an explosion. 
Fuck, he thinks, just as Eijirou voices it before tossing his radio as well and jumping in. 
Kyoka has almost made it to Katsuki, because it can only be Katsuki under there, and takes a deep breath before submerging her head. 
Please, fuck please let him be okay. 
Hanta scrambles toward the water before remembering his training and pulling out his own radio. 
First sending an SOS to the emergency line on his own, he then radios back to Mina and Denki on Eijirou’s. 
“Did you find him?” Denki’s voice crackles through. 
“Uh,” Hanta falters, looking from the radio to the water. Three of his friends are now under there and he has no fucking idea what the situation is, “listen, Denki. I don’t know how bad it is yet, but we need Aizawa or someone to come-”
There’s a splash, and Hanta’s head shoots up, Eijirou’s head flings out of the water. A soggy head of blond hair resting on his shoulder, “HANTA!” He screeches, more desperate than Hanta’s ever heard. “TAPE! TAPE!” 
Kyoka’s head pops up next, gasping. Her arms flail as she tries to regain her buoyancy. “WE NEED DENKI HERE NOW!!”
Hanta flounders for a mere second before shooting into action. He arches his elbow and shoots a long rope of tape out to the edge of the lake. Eijirou immediately grabs onto the end, taking Kyouka’s hand as Hanta reels them in with a grunt. 
He jams the SOS button on this radio as well and yells at Denki to look at the sky in the direction they walked earlier, “Do you see the tape?” He arches his other arm and shoots another line into the sky. 
Denki is silent for a moment before he grunts an affirmative, and Hanta can tell he’s running. 
Eijirou finally makes it to shore, dragging Katsuki’s limp body with him. 
Well, not quite limp, he looks like he’s having some sort of seizure. 
“Hyp-poxic c-convulsion,” Kyoka stutters, body shivering severely. It’s cold enough to warrant Katsuki wearing a scarf and gloves, which Eijirou is actively stripping him of. Hanta can’t imagine how cold they must be. 
Denki enters the clearing just as Eijirou begins chest compressions, Hanta shouts at Mina to run back and grab all of their blankets. She’s frozen at the scene before her, but eventually nods hesitantly and turns back around. 
“Denki, shock him, you need to-” Eijirou is still pumping at Katsuki’s chest, so focused that Denki has to practically shove him off. 
“Back!” He shouts, rubbing his hands together and summoning his quirk. 
Kyoka yanks Eijirou away from Katsuki and cuffs his hands with her ear jack. 
Denki takes a deep breath and closes his eyes before resting his hands and pulsing electricity into Katsuki’s chest. 
Katsuki’s chest arches, the movement so unnatural and controlled that it sends a shiver down Hanta’s spine. 
Denki checks his pulse and resumes chest compressions, jaw clenching. They all collectively wince when they hear a dull snap. 
Mina comes racing back into the open, throwing the blankets on the ground next to Eijirou and sliding to her knees. 
“What’s happening?” A stern, tinny voice speaks out of Mina’s phone. 
Oh, Aizawa. Good call. 
“Katsuki went on a hike alone he must have fallen off the cliff. It looks like he tried to use his quirk but he ended up propelling himself into the water. He has a head injury, and probably needs stitches.” Kyoka relays with a dangerously monotone voice, the vigorous shaking has subsided for the most part.
Hanta’s eyes travel to where Eijirou is sitting near Katsuki’s head. His hand is pressing gauze against a bleeding wound on the upper part of his forehead. The skin around it is a shocking dark purple in comparison to the pale, almost blue tint of his skin. 
Kyoka continues, “He was underwater for an unknown length of time, when we pulled him out he was convulsing. Weak, irregular pulse. Hanta?” 
Hanta scoots forward, moving around Denki to press his fingers to Katsuki’s pulse point. 
“Weak, irregular.” He says, looking up at Mina’s phone as if Aizawa will climb out himself and fix all their problems. 
“Kaminari, shock him again, then check his pulse and tell me.”
Hanta removes his hands and allows Denki to take control again. 
“CLEAR!” He shouts, activating his quirk. Katsuki’s eyelids flutter this time, giving them a glimpse of his severely bloodshot eyes. 
Denki leans down and checks, “Heartbeat, no breathing.”
“Rescue breaths,” Aizawa instructs. 
Denki shuffles to Katsuki’s side, tilting his head up and plugging his nose. He presses their mouths together and breathes several times. Katsuki’s chest moves steadily with each exhale. 
“Is his chest rising?” 
“Yes.” Hanta and Mina both respond, staring as they wait for something to happen. 
Denki shifts back to chest compressions, blood smeared on his cheek from Katsuki’s head. 
“How long has he been above water-”
Katsuki’s eyes shoot open, pink liquid bubbling up from his mouth as he chokes. 
Mina gasps, “He’s-!” 
“Move him on his side!” Aizawa yells from the phone. 
Eijirou holds his head steady as they roll him, his chest heaving as water spews from his mouth and nose. 
“Fuck, is this good? Please tell me this is a good thing, I don’t know what to do,” Eijirou leans over Katsuki’s head, trying to see his face. 
“Kirishima, breathe.” Kyoka places a hand on his back, but Hanta can tell she’s panicking too. 
Denki reaches forward to check his pulse again, sighing when he feels something. He pulls out his phone with the other hand and holds it in front of Katsuki’s mouth. They breathe a collective sigh of relief when it barely fogs. 
“Steady pulse, he’s breathing.” Denki exhales, watching Eijirou’s arm as he rubs shaky circles into Katsuki’s back. 
“Send me your coordinates, we will be there in ten. Make sure he stays breathing, you hear me?” Aizawa grumbles, “I have to call his parents, call me back if his condition worsens.”
The call clicks off, three beeps cutting into the thick silence. 
Katsuki wheezes. 
“Holy fuck.” Hanta breathes, finding a truckload of emotion hitting him all at once. 
They almost lost him. They almost lost Katsuki to a stupid cliff. No villains, no fighting, just an unfortunate accident.
Katsuki spits up again, and Hanta looks down at the pool of water draining from his pale lips. 
Just… some water. 
Eijirou crumples, sobbing into Katsuki’s shoulder. He drags his fingers through wet blond hair, avoiding the wound that has finally stopped gushing blood.
“I… can’t believe that just happened.” Mina whispers, new manicure crusted with dirt, her knees scuffed and bleeding. 
“Yeah.” Denki nods, pulling himself away from Katsuki and into Kyoka’s side. 
“He’s going to be okay.” Hanta asserts, pulling one of the blankets over Katsuki’s shoulders and taking one of his hands. “He’s fine.”
He’ll say it as many times as he needs to.
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ralphdro · 1 year
My thoughts and theories about Power Girl's future
As you may know, I am a big Power Girl fan. As such, I couldn't be happier with her getting so much new content as of lately. After vanishing post n52, and ignoring her n52-Earth 2 incarnation, it is really refreshing to see her again.
But, after some thinking I reached a theory about her present state, which I plan to present and explain my train of thoughts. Let's get to the point then, what did I "discover"?
Well, I am pretty sure Power Girl is going through a revitalization process right now.
And I am not talking about just coming back after so many years, I am saying full on new solo and stuff. Well let's get to it and start explaining!
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As you may know, in 2023 DC is doing a soft "relaunch" called Dawn of DC. The purpose of this is to: 1) bring back old legacy characters, that have not had content for quite some time, 2) present big names in a welcoming manner to new readers, or 3) presenting new names altogether.
In this scenario, Power Girl stays right on the first category. That being said, DC has been revealing stuff in a slow pace, letting people savor the hype. BUT, I think they already making preparations for PG's return.
First off, we have Action Comics. PG got a mini backup story in three chapters there, done by the QUEENS Leah Williams and Marguerite Sauvage. The story actually started in Lazarus Planet Alpha, but the meat and potatoes is in AC.
This story served as mini reintroduction, quickly going through her most important lore points, all the while establishing a new and very interesting status quo for the character. Having developed psyonic powers, PG has united forces with Omen to open a psychological support clinic for heroes, with their first patient being Beast Boy. This is a great set up, and opens up MANY possible adventures and cool plots. Imagine if they got a chance to talk and help all kinds of heroes! Like Kon or Tim Drake. Heck, current Power Girl could have helped Wally West back in the event-I-shall-not-name. That's a really cool way to reinsert her in the bigger DC universe, and differentiate her from the rest of the Superfam.
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Even more than that, she even got an AMAZINGLY GREAT redesign! This might not seen much in the great scheme of things, but why else would you contract and pay people to do a redesign, if you don't plan on using it in the future. Commercially it makes sense to think they plan on using her more now, if not they would probably just stick with the old design.
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And the last thing I wanted to bring attention to is: DC will release a new edition of her Power Trip TPB in March, which contains the start of her 2009 solo. Considering that this TPB brings back a more in depth look at her origins (in JSA Classified) and some solo adventures, and looking at the fact that it comes out just some days before her last issue in Action Comics, it looks like it's a product aimed at showing even more of her for new readers.
It would not surprise me if later they release a new edition of her TPBs from Judd Winick's run (I want this so fucking much) , and even later on the year start a solo limited/miniseries, like Superboy's in April.
And that's it! Sorry if it got kind of convoluted, but I had so many thoughts, and I had to put them out there somewhere. I know this might jus sound like a mad fan spouting nonsense while drowning in copium, but I really love this character, and knowing she might have a chance to finally be under the sun again (no Kryptonian pun intended) is such a good prospect I cannot help but feel excited to what the future might hold for us!
The future looks bright for our Queen! And I will be there, on the first row, NO MATTER WHAT!
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i-am-rosie-b · 4 months
Get to know me challenge:
Last song: If we include songs that I listen to involuntarily via my 7yo, it is basically always “Better Place” from Trolls - Band Together.
Favourite colour: Blue. It has always been blue - when I was a teenager, my nickname was Smurf, because I was little and wore blue all of the time.
Last book: My intention to read books always far outstrips my actual desire to do so. When it comes to reading fic and/or listening to podcasts, I am smashing through any and all targets! The last actual book that I listened to (audiobook) was probably Ultra-Processed People by Dr Chris van Tulleken, which was thought-provoking and terrifying (but perhaps not terrifying enough, given that I am eating from a giant bag of Cadbury’s Mini Eggs while typing this!).
Last film/show: The Traitors! Last year, I was that annoying “I don’t watch reality tv” person. This year, I was obsessed, hooked, fixated, and since finishing season 2 (UK) I have now also watched season 1 (UK) and most of season 1 (Australia).
Thing I’m looking forward to: On a small scale, I’m going to see All Of Us Strangers at the cinema tomorrow, and preparing to have my heart smashed into tiny pieces. On a medium scale, we as a family are going to Paris in August to watch a couple of Paralympics events plus visit Disneyland Paris. On a large scale, I’m still battling post-NYC blues following my trip in October, and feeling frankly claustrophobic knowing that I won’t have the money or familial/spousal capital to do another solo trip like that for at least another few years 😞
Thing/person I am obsessed with: Jonathan Groff! Since July 2020, which makes this by far my longest ever obsession, in a run of consecutive monogamous crushes stretching back to my early teens. Also the Spelling Bee word game on the NYT app.
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hotarutranslations · 3 months
Constructing a Story
✍🏻JINS PARK A conversation article with OKAMOTO'S Hama Okamoto
Again, everyone, Thank you for reading it~~~
Also today I updated Tokyo Sports note Series, The title is #144 1 Person Review After a Conversation! The review is looking back on it but,
But remembering it now,
After the conversation, I was like….. You? How could you make your story about Kamakura about being cheap?
Hama-san asked me to talk about it, Later on, I thought there was surely more, Although I don't regret it, I thought about it🙃🙃
That was the first thing that came out, when talking about going to Kamakura
Therefore I wasn't constructing a story about it,
When its like that, when topics come up suddenly, Thats how I am, kinda, right🙃🙃 I really thought that after the conversationnn,
And the experience of talking about ones experiences, its quite interesting, and difficult😂😂
I think this even more as I'm surrounded by people who are often good at it?
💚💛‪🧡‬‪❤️ (I'll leave this to everyone's associations)
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We took a photo after our conversation📸🪽
I also like the photos posted in the article but, I'm also laughing in the one at the end!? lol
I saw your lots of impressions from reading it~~~
Thank you💫
This is about my private life but, have you ever played NG Word Talk?
On the phone screen, someone puts what the NG words are on display, while persistently having an natural conversation, They're trying to get you to say the NG word,
I played this the other day while I was waiting😂 lol
I hadn't planned the time for it at all, I was just like, "Lets play NG Word Talk", ……is that strange?
I thought that
What do you think, does everyone do it😂😂
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
In season 10 we challenged breakin', its reairing continuously! On the 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, #1~#6 all at once! Check out HP for info!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿Releasing February 7th
Morning Musume '23 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT TOUR ~glad quarter-century~ at Nippon Budokan
Thank you for waiting for the Blu-ray&DVD! Its finally releasing--!
Its already nostalgic but, It has an amazing medley, really Please enjoy it many times
📚Releasing on February 7th "Hello! Project BEST SHOT!! Vol.26"
Ishida AyumixOda SakuraxNonaka Miki📸 Fukumura MizukixIshida AyumixOda Sakura📸
✍🏻Tokyo Sports note Series #144 1 Person Review After a Conversation
I also talked about my solo trip to Kamakura I'm looking for ways to take photos of myself while on trips
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
We'll be going around the country from March 16th!
🪩HinaFest March 30th and 31st at Makuhari Messe
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin <3
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wkemeup · 4 years
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summary: When a mission leaves you empty and broken, Bucky is determined to heal the wounds that linger deeper than the cuts on the surface.  pairing: bucky x reader word count: 8.4k warnings: canon level violence, hurt!reader, PTSD, dissociative episode, nightmares, a rapid switch from sweet/fluffy to pain, angst with a happy ending 
An eclipse finds its home in the darkness Thriving as it suffocates the sun and shadows her light In its passage she lays in wait Waiting— for the moon to give way and grant her morning
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Bucky thinks he’s found heaven when he lays with you under the cover of thin, linen sheets; the soft, white of the fabric touching over curves and edges of exposed bodies, peaks and dips, like snowcaps nestled upon the crest of mountaintops. Lying flushed with heat, hearts beating a little faster, breaths a little labored, Bucky reaches out and traces the lines of your face.  
The tip of his finger brushes over your nose, slips down along your jaw, touches the sun kissed stream of light against your cheek as it seeps in through the sheet thrown over your heads. You giggle as he pulls you in for a kiss, chaste and sweet, his hand curling into the hairs at the nape of your neck and he tugs you closer. It’s the most beautiful sound in the world, the way you laugh to his lips, muffled in his kiss but still uncontained.  
Hidden under sheets, shared breaths between you in your own little world, Bucky decides he will be content if he stays here forever.
“I won’t be gone long, you know,” you tell him as you press lightly on his chest, just enough to get draw his attention away from the trail of kisses along your cheekbone and down your jawline. He pouts playfully at you, but you soothe your hand along his shoulder, recognizing the shift in energy as his eyes flicker a shade of hesitancy. “I’ll can handle myself.”
“It’s not that,” he replies quietly, voice soft, barely a whisper, as his smile begins to fall. It’s subtle, but you notice.  
“Then what?”
Bucky shrugs, swallowing back the anxiety that begins to pool deep into his stomach every time you leave on assignment. But he pushes out a smile, one you do not question, and he leans in to kiss the button of your nose.  
“I’ll just miss you, is all.”
You grin and it lights up wide across your face. The cast of sunshine behind you as it filters in through the sheets tossed over your body drapes down like a halo, an illumination of an angel, and Bucky commits the image to memory. Stored to a safe place in the back of his mind for the dark nights alone in this room. He’ll find you those moments, even when you’re miles away.  
“You’re a sap, Bucky Barnes,” you laugh, ruffling his hair as you toss the sheet up from over your faces and take in a deep breath of fresh air. It’s brighter in the room than you realized and you squint your eyes, tucking your face to the crook of Bucky’s neck to shield yourself from the sun.  
“Only for you, sweetheart.” He tries to ignore the bright red flicker of the clock beside you as he crawls out from under the safety of the bedsheets, the fantasy fractured by the reminder of your impending assignment; four weeks in a classified location, entirely on your own.  
A smile presses tight to his lips as you steal a glance back at him full of bright eyes and sunshine.
He does his best to swallow the anxiety though it churns like blades through his stomach.  
Bucky paces back and forth in his room, stealing looks at his phone as it sits face up on the bedside table. He taps the screen every few seconds, as soon as it dares to fade to black, so he can see your face again; the picture of you laughing behind an ice cream bar melting down your hand. A shimmering red bow and mouse ears on the top of your head from your trip to Disney last spring. He can still smell the melted vanilla and hardened chocolate when he looks at it and he tries hard to focus on the memory, but he knows it’s an excuse to make sure he doesn’t miss your call.
Still nothing.
You’ve been gone over a week now and though he does his best to busy himself with time spent sparring with Sam in the gym, running out along the lake behind the compound, cleaning the kitchen until the stench of bleach burns up to the floor above him, you’re still at the forefront of his mind.  
He knows you’re safe. He knows that you can protect yourself and that you were capable of solo missions long before Bucky came crash-landing into your life, but it doesn’t stop him from worrying. It doesn’t stop the incessant twitching in his hands as he curls them to fists, doesn’t stop the frantic pacing and the wear he drives into the carpet, doesn’t stop the panic that skips the beat of his heart when it’s two minutes past check-in and you haven’t called.  
“Stop it,” he grumbles to himself, “she’s fine. Stop worrying. She’s fine.”
Another glance back at the phone. Tap-tap on the screen until it lights up with your smile. Nothing.  
Three minutes past check-in.  
He has half a mind to track down Fury himself when suddenly, the phone rings.
A ringtone you’d changed early in your relationship - a synthetic, almost electric, instrumental of Can’t Take My Eyes Off You right when the music starts to pick up and the trumpets are blaring and it throws him straight into overdrive.  
Bucky lunges it at, hands fumbling for the phone but it falls to the floor in his hurry. He hits his shoulder against the edge of the nightstand with a loud thump and collapses down to the carpet as the phone bounces down under the bed.  
“God-fuckin’-- ugh!”
He grips tight to the phone by the chime of ‘I love you, baby!’ and quickly brings it to his ear. He’s out of breath but he stills himself, takes a moment before he says anything and he hopes his voice is calmer than the rush in his chest.  
You snicker on the other end of the line and he knows in an instant he’s been busted. “Thought I told you not to wait by the phone, Buck.”
“I wasn’t.” A full faced lie. He grimaces as it comes out.  
“Sure, you weren’t,” you drawl, a laugh tucked sweetly into the hum of your voice.  
Bucky can hear floorboards squeaking faintly through the speaker between your breaths. Old wood, the whistle of the wind in the distance; a motel built in the early sixties with poor insulation and cracking foundations. He wonders where you are or if the image of you pacing amongst faded shades of burnt orange and green curtains, of once brightly colored comforters and pealing wallpaper only exists in his imagination.  
“You okay?” he asks first because he needs the confirmation. Despite hearing the even tones in your breath, the sweet laughter in your voice, he needs to hear you say it.  
“Always am, honey,” you respond lightly and Bucky lets himself take in a deep breath before you add, “I miss you though. It’s awfully cold here and I could really use a super soldier to keep me warm.”
It makes him smile; the first one that pushes up into his cheeks without force since you left. God, he misses you.  
“Don’t go calling Steve now, okay?” he teases, the anxiety draining from his body in gentle waves, cast out by the flow of ocean water through his bloodstream in the sound of your voice and the image of your smile as you tug your lower lip between your teeth.  
“Never. I prefer my men one-armed and dangerous.”
Bucky laughs as he sinks down further onto the floor, the carpet rubbing against his tailbone though he doesn’t mind. He’s grinning, listening to the sound of your voice as you tell him about how much you’re craving popcorn and chocolate chip movie nights and he feels like you’re sitting right next to him. He can see the creases in your smile, the lines by your eyes, the faint markings of old scars on your skin. He hears your voice and it reminds him of home.  
“It’s beautiful here, Buck,” you sigh and he wonders if you’re staring out a window to mountains or ocean or tundra. “I wish you could see it.”
“Where is ‘here’ again?”
You giggle and—God—it's the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard, even crackled and broken through the speakers of an old satellite phone miles away. “Nice try, baby.”  
The timer on his watch starts to ding and his heart clenches.  
“Time’s up, huh?” you whine playfully, but he can hear the disappointment in your voice. It’s never long enough, these three minutes that Steve allows for you, but he’ll take seconds if he can get them. Just long enough to calm his nerves, to give you the motivation to keep going on your own, without the possibility of the call being traced.  
“Yeah,” Bucky sighs, clenching at his hand. He brushes closed knuckles against his forehead, presses deep into his temples because he can already feel the pit in his stomach forming again. “Stay safe, alright? Come home to me.”
He pictures your smile, the soft edges and the curve of your lips.  
“Always do, don’t I?”
You do. He knows this.  
But his mind is cruel and it wonders when the day will come when you won’t.
“I’ll raise a Kit-Kat,” Bucky concedes nearly two weeks later with a tired huff, tossing a chocolate bar to the center of the table to accompany a handful of M&M’s and mini-Twix. It knocks over Natasha’s carefully constructed tower of Milkyways and she shoots him a warning glare.  
To his right, Sam snickers under his breath, a laugh too confident for a man with a dwindling stash of chocolate in front of him to the mountain sitting beside Natasha. He hides his face behind the fan of cards, but Bucky can still see the crease in his brow, the pinch of lines together at the center that tell him Sam is bluffing. Natasha is as stone cold as he would expect and he has no interest in challenging her resolve, so he decides to weed out Wilson first.  
“When’s your girl getting back, Barnes? Think you might need her around to console you after I obliterate your snack drawer,” Sam taunts, changing the subject abruptly. Another tell of his.
“End of the week, I think,” Bucky replies with a shrug, playing it off casually because he knows Sam is trying to throw him off his game.  
“As if you aren't counting down the seconds.” Natasha scoffs, a smirk pushing at pursed lips.  
“You're an absolute goner for her, you know that don’t you?” Sam says as he pushes a few more M&M’s to the center. Brightly colored pile at the center and he plops one from his own stash into his mouth.  
Bucky, meanwhile, chews on the inside of his cheek, avoiding Sam’s wandering eyes because he knows it’s true. You’ve only been together a little under a year, but he’s spent twice that loving you from a careful distance, just out of fingertip’s reach until he’d come back from a mission with one too many bullet wounds in his body and he couldn’t take the tension between you anymore.  
He could still picture the smile on your face as he told you, the way your eyes lit up and you jumped into his arms; IV drips and wires to machines and all. The press of warm lips to his cheek, his temples, his nose, his mouth. Sun streaming in through the window and casting a halo behind your hair. 
“Yeah, I know.”  
“Atta boy.” Sam nudges Bucky’s arm, grinning wildly.  
They turn to Natasha as she nods in approval before setting her cards down on the table with the kind of look in her eyes that tells Bucky the game was over before it even began. Royal Flush.  
“Not again!” Sam whines, slumping down into his chair.  
“It’s starting to feel cruel playing with the two of you.” Natasha reaches into the center and gathers the mountain of chocolate to drag it towards her towering pile. She starts to unravel a mini-Twix, keeping a taunting eye on Sam as he glares back at her. The chocolate passes behind parted lips and she bites down with a contented hum.  
Sam rolls his eyes. “You owe us drinks, ma’am.” He gestures to his empty glass.
Natasha smirks, conceding easily as she stands to grab their glasses. She turns to Bucky. “You want a refill, Barnes?”
He shrugs. “Yeah, sure.”
As Natasha makes her way back to the kitchen, Sam sneaks a few M&M’s from her pile and quickly plops them into his mouth with a cautious glance over his shoulder. Bucky begins to shuffle the cards and he can feel the burn of Sam’s stare even before he opens his mouth.  
“What do you want, Wilson?”
“When’s Y/n coming back? For real.”
Bucky glances up. Sam’s arms are stretched out along the backs of the empty chairs beside him. He’s relaxed into his position, chewing on the stolen chocolates as he raises an eyebrow.  
“End of the week... like I said.”
Sam leans in closer. “That a question?”
“No,” Bucky retorts shortly, though Sam clearly isn’t buying it. He exhales a tense breath as he bridges the deck. “She’s supposed to call tonight. Longest stretch without a checkpoint since she left.”
Sam nods. “What about the three minute calls?”
“Last one was four days ago. Same day she checked in with Fury.”
“You worried?”
Bucky slices the deck. Shuffles it for the fifth time. Bridge. Repeat. “Course not. I’m sure she’s fine. I’m not worried at all.”
“You sure?” Sam chuckles, leaning back into his chair with another quick grab of a few stray green M&M’s.  
“Fuck off, Wilson.”
That gets Sam laughing. He reaches across the table and snatches the cards out of Bucky’s hands before he can shuffle for a seventh time. He flashes Bucky a smile, dimples into his cheeks and all.  
“I’m dealing this round.”
Bucky nods, letting the tension slip easily from his muscles. He pushes out a smile. “Yeah, okay.”
But then, a glass shatters behind him and Bucky jolts up to his feet.  
“Nat? Are you--”
He freezes in an instant, tension burning through him like marble; the full force of a train straight to his chest and knocking the wind from his body, fracturing the stone to pieces around him.  
Natasha stands just a few paces ahead of him, her hands clasped at her mouth in an array of shock and horror, glass shattered at her feet. Ice along wooden floors and the smell of vodka burning into the air.  
Bucky almost doesn’t recognize you. There’s a slump in your shoulders, a far off look in your eye like you can’t quite focus on what’s in front of you, and a knife in your hand that won’t stop shaking.  
But that’s not the worst of it.  
You’re covered in blood. Deep red seeping into your hair, sticking thick and wet to your face and down your neck; trails of it along your cheeks like raindrops against a windowpane. It soaks into what remains of your suit, ripped and torn, exposed skin stained with grim and dirt. You look like something out of a horror movie.  
“Oh God,” Sam mutters out, pulling Bucky from his trance.  
He wants to sprint, wants to scream for help and sound every alarm he can find, but instead, Bucky only manages broken exhale as he slowly walks towards you. He moves with cautious steps, a hand out towards you defensively, like he’s approaching a frightened animal. It’s what you used to do when the line between him and the Soldier blurred, how you’d seek him out amongst the trauma and distortion and bring him back home.  
“Y/n?” he calls gently and finds his voice rough in his throat.  
You don’t respond, don’t even look at him as he stands within a foot of your reach. Nat and Sam are close behind, but they hold their distance.  
“Sweetheart, what happened?” Bucky asks as evenly as he can manage, eyes glancing down over your body in search of injuries. There’s too much blood and he doesn’t know how much of it is your own. He wants to tug you into his arms, tell you that he’s got you, that you’re safe now, but for the first time since Shuri removed the triggers from his head, he’s afraid to touch you.  
Your lips part, a few short blinks of your lashes, and you mumble out, “I came to find you.”
Your voice doesn’t sound like your own. It’s too flat, too void of emotion, and it rips Bucky right to his core. It’s a defense mechanism, he knows that. You’re still in there somewhere, he just needs to get you through this first.  
“That’s good, sweetheart,” he tells you, trying his luck as he sets a hand on your back. You don’t flinch, but you don’t lean into him either. He shares a worried glance with Sam and Natasha before he turns back to you, pushing out a smile. “You did good.”
“How did she get all the way here from the Hanger without anyone stopping her?” Sam questions, eyes trailing over the mess of blood in your wake, footprints following you from the staircase by the elevator.
“She’s covered in blood and God knows what else,” Natasha whispers back. “They were probably afraid of what might happen if they did.”
Bucky can’t tear his eyes away from you, vision tunneling on the mess of blood rooted in your hair and the stains of red on your face, your chest, your hands. Natasha and Sam’s voices become muffled beside him as he slides his hand down your back and gently lays it over your grip, still shaking as you hold onto the heel of the knife as if your fist had molded to stone around it. The tremors stop as he holds your hand.  
“It’s okay, honey,” he whispers, impossibly soft that not even Nat or Sam hear him, “I need you to give me the knife, alright? You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
It takes a moment, but your grip on the knife slacks. It falls to Bucky’s palm and he gently guides it out of your reach and hands it over to Natasha. He doesn’t know what happened, but he knows what you’ve done for him when the Soldier has taken over his mind, when he didn’t feel like himself and needed reminded who he was, where the ground was solid under his feet.  
He knows what he needs to do.
“Nat,” he starts, but she’s already a step ahead of him.  
“I’ll go find Steve,” she says, like she can read his mind. “I’ll tell him what happened, see what he knows about her assignment that would have led to this.”
Bucky swallows back the bile in his throat and he nods. “Sam--”
“I’ll sweep the jet, see what I can find,” Sam replies quickly. He sets a hand on Bucky’s shoulder, gives it a slight squeeze, and pushed out a tight-lipped smile. He was your friend long before he was Bucky's. The determination reads in his eyes.  
"Thank you,” Bucky whispers.  
Sam and Natasha disappear down the hallway and then, Bucky is left alone with you. He’s suddenly made aware of how harsh your breathing sounds, like you’re gasping in air through a straw. You stare beyond his shoulders, though he can tell you’re not looking at anything at all. You’re existing. It’s all your mind can cope with.  
“Love?” Bucky calls, willing his voice stronger than it is. “Can you come with me?”
You don’t respond. Bucky clenches his jaw and tries again.  
“I’m going to take you to our room, alright?”  
He thinks it’s better not to present you with choices. It never worked well with him when he got this like; too much stimulation. He knows you’ll resist him if you need to. He slips his hand along your back to guide you towards the bedroom and you take a step as he does.  
You’re limping, he notices, as you cross the threshold into the bedroom. He tries to push his mind away from what caused such an injury, what could have possibly happened to result in the amount of blood drenched over you.  
That’s Sam and Natasha’s job. Bucky’s only concern is you right now, in this moment, bringing you home, making you feel safe. He guides you to the bathroom.  
“I’m going to start the water, okay?” Bucky tells you. You used to do the same for him, telling him what you were doing step by step in an effort to orient him. It grounded him back to his reality, brought him down from the plane of existence above his own head.  
The room starts to fill with steam, enough to fog the mirrors, and Bucky tugs his shirt over his head. He removes his sweatpants, but he resolves to leave his boxers on.  
You look in his direction and Bucky can’t help the wash of relief as it floods through him. You don’t smile and it’s almost as if you’re looking straight through him, but it’s something. Progress.  
He extends a hand to you, waiting patiently. Though you do not take it, you step a take closer to him, then past him as you walk into the shower fully clothed in your tattered suit. Bucky steps in behind and closes the glass door.
There’s enough room inside that he can stand comfortably behind you as you approach the stream of water. You stare at it for a moment before you reach out and let the water fall over your hand. You watch as the water around the drain begins to turn a dark red.  
“I’m going to wash this off. Is that okay, honey?” Bucky reaches steadily for the loofa behind you, though he pauses as he feels the texture of the sponge: exfoliating mesh. It’ll be too much for you in this state. He resolves for the body wash squeezed into his empty palm.  
“You let me know if you need a break.”  
Still, there’s no response.  
Bucky pushes back the burning lump in his throat and gingerly reaches towards you. He places a soap lathered palm against your shoulder and finds your muscles so tense they could have been made of steel or the vibranium seared into his own arm. You stare at his chest as if you could see through to his heart, maybe beyond that to the shower wall behind him, as he begins to peel the dried blood and grim from your skin.  
The water at his feet becomes muddied and red, the water slipping down your legs tainted by the aftermath of violence laid upon your body. He’s careful to only use his flesh hand as he washes you, something softer and kinder than the harsh touch of metal.  
You start to relax the more he works, your rigid stance easing as the blood cleans from your body. Your suit is still plastered to your skin, ripped and torn and cut open, and Bucky knows he needs to get this off of you. There’s blood behind the fabric, seeped behind the open slashes.  
He thinks of the softest clothes he has to dress you in when you’re clean and dry, something too big for your frame that smelled of fresh laundry or maybe the sweatshirt draped over the chair – the one you liked to wear when he was out on missions because it smelled like him. He just wants you to feel safe, to feel warm and protected.  
But he needs to get you out of this suit first.  
He reaches for the zipper at your chest and the next thing he knows, he’s pressed up against the shower wall, his head pulsing at the impact as you grip tight to his wrist. You’re panting, eyes unfocused at the center of his chest.  
He lets you hold him there. He doesn’t try to resist though he knows with his strength he could easily overpower you.  
“Sweetheart, it’s me. It’s Bucky,” he tries, his voice soft against the fall of water behind you. “I’m not going to hurt you, love.”
You don’t move, but your breaths start to come in a little more even. Your grip falters on his wrist though you don’t let go. His heart feels like it’s shattering inside his chest, stray shards embedding themselves into his stomach, his ribs, his lungs.
“Honey, look at me,” he pleads. “You’re safe now. You’re home. Let me take care of you.”
It takes a moment, but your eyes begin to trail up his collarbone, hesitant sweeps along his neck, his jaw, and then – his eyes. The hard resolve upon your features begins to crumble. Your lip quivers, your hand gripped tight around his wrist slacking in the tremors, tears burn into your eyes and Bucky doesn’t waste a moment before he gathers you into his arms, presses you tight to his chest and encases you against him.  
It's like something finally clicks, a floodgate burst open, because you’re clutching onto him like a lifeline. He can feel the sob as it travels up your spine and shakes your body as you cry. He’s grateful for the mist of the shower that hide his own tears as he rubs gentle circles along your back, easing you the best he can. It’s torture seeing you like this and feeling so powerless to help.  
He doesn’t know how long he stands there with you, but eventually, you stop crying. The exhaustion begins to take hold and your legs begin to shake under you, too weak to hold yourself up.  
“I’m going to take your suit off, okay? You’ll be more comfortable without it,” Bucky says, gesturing to the zipper. You follow his gaze in understanding and then, you nod.  
The suit already clings tight to your skin without the added pressure of the sticky residue of blood drenched into the fabric and the soak of water from the shower. He slides the zipper down to your navel and slowly peels what's left of the sleeves off your shoulders.  
There’s cuts and slashes underneath, wounds where blades had cut through your suit and nicked your skin. They’re superficial, better than they could have been if not for the suit taking the brunt of the attack, but they’re still painful to look at.
Bucky helps you step out of the suit and he leaves it in the corner of the shower. He glances at your underwear and you slide it down your hips without question.  
“Can I wash your hair, honey? Please?”
You nod and Bucky works quickly. You’re starting to shiver as the water loses its heat, so you stand a little closer to him, seeking out his warmth. It removes just an ounce of the boulder sitting upon his chest.  
When he’s finished, the water at the drain is clear again. The fresh scars upon your body and the distant look in your eye the only evidence remaining of what happened.  
Bucky reaches around you to turn off the water. He pulls a towel from the rack and begins to gently pat it over your skin until you’re dry. Then, he scrunches out as much of the water as he can from your hair, before he leaves the towel resting on your shoulders to soak up the rest.
“I’ll be right back,” he tells you as he finished drying himself off. “I’m going to go grab some clothes for you.”
He doesn’t even make it a step out of the bathroom before your hand is on his wrist again. He stills, looking back at you. Your eyes fall to the floor.  
Bucky swallows back the burn in his throat as he nods. “Okay. Okay, honey. Can you come with me?”
You nod.  
By the time you’re dressed in a fresh pair of his boxers and the t-shirt he slept in the previous night, you can hardly keep your eyes open. He wonders how long it’s been since you slept, if maybe it was since the evening he spoke to you four days prior. You sway on your feet as Bucky guides you to the bed.  
He lays you down, pulls the covers up to your chest and quickly rushes around to the other side of the bed to crawl in beside you. You come into his arms, curling up against his chest, and Bucky tries to pretend for a moment that this is just another night, that you just returned from a successful mission and there’s a relief in holding you again.
But he can’t shake the crippling dread as it burns into his skin. Even as your breaths fall even and you slack into his arms, Bucky stares up at the ceiling, eyes brimming with tears. He doesn’t sleep at all.  
A few hours later, the soft tap of a knock draws Bucky from his trance. He blinks a few times, realizing how long he’d been staring up at the ceiling before he lifts his head and finds Steve peering in through the doorway. There’s a solemn look on his face as his eyes flicker towards you.  
Bucky gently slides out from under you, careful to place a pillow under your arm where you’d been laying upon his chest as not to wake you. The bed rises a little as he stands and he takes a moment to brush the hair from your eyes before he makes his way to the door. When he meets Steve in the hallway, he’s careful to leave the door to the bedroom open a crack, just in case.  
“What did you find?” Bucky asks.
Steve sinks down onto the couch. A hand brushes over his face.  
“That bad?” Bucky can already feel the nausea beginning to take hold.  
“We recovered footage from her last know whereabouts – the safe house in Juno,” Steve says. He leans forward to rest his elbows upon his thighs, staring out into the empty space of the kitchen. He sighs. “She was ambushed, Buck. The feed cut out a few minutes into the fight.”
“Who were they?” Bucky chokes out. His throat is made of sandpaper.  
“We don’t know,” Steve admits, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “Mercenaries, probably. Could have been hired in retaliation against SHEILD. Her mission was to identify the point of contact for an illegal arms distributor that was shipping assault rifles into Canada and carrying them over the border. She wasn’t supposed to see any action, Bucky. It was a surveillance op.”  
Bucky doesn’t realize how tight his hands are clenched until he looks down to find puncture marks in the palm of his right hand from where his nails buried into his skin. He thinks of the woman who left him behind that morning, with sun kissed skin and a smile so sweet it made his heart melt, who has barely spoken in the hours since returning home, who’s bright eyes have dimmed into something empty and lost.  
He’s missing something, he’s sure of it. Maybe if he could just see the footage for himself, identify the bad guys, track them down... maybe he’ll be able to fix this. He could bring you back, make you smile again. Killing those men who hurt you will be a small consolation prize for his efforts.  
Bucky is determined as he stands. “I want to see it.”
“Absolutely not,” Steve shoots back. Bucky doesn’t even need to clarify before Steve puts an end to it. “What purpose will that serve, Buck? You don’t need to see the tape, okay? Just trust me on this. I’ve got everyone we have analyzing that video frame by frame. If there’s anything on it to lead us to those assholes, we’ll find it.”
“I have to do something, Steve. I can’t just sit here. Not with her like that...” Bucky glances back at the door to the bedroom. He can’t muster the energy to conjure the image of you standing before him drenched in blood that was not your own, a vacant look in your eyes as if you could see straight through him.  
“She needs you here,” Steve argues, rising to his feet. “What do you think will happen when she wakes up and I’ve gotta tell her you’ve run off on some vengeance mission? That you’ve left her alone to face this by herself?”
“That’s not what I’m doing—”
“Yes, it is!” Steve clenches his jaw as his voice echoes into the hall. It’s quiet for a moment and they listen for the bed to squeak, for any sign that you’re awake, but they’re only met with silence, Steve relaxes again. He takes a step forward and places his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. It startles him for a moment, but he can feel the tension as it melts in his muscles. “Just be here for her, man. When there’s something to know, I’ll tell you.”
Bucky keeps his stare on the thin crack in the door, the moonlight peering in from the window and seeping out into the hallway. He listens for the even breaths as you sleep soundly for the first time in days and he knows Steve is right. He doesn’t know if he could leave you like this even if Steve handed him the direct files of every man who laid a hand on you.  
“I should get back to her,” Bucky resolves, offering Steve as much of a grateful smile as he can manage. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but Steve understands. 
It takes days before Bucky can get you to leave the bedroom. He’s only been able to get a few words out of you here and there, short answers to direct questions, and you can’t hold his eye for very long, but he takes it as improvement.  
It’s the small steps.
He remembers you saying that when he was at his worst, when he could barely get himself out of bed, when he could hardly touch you without fear of breaking you in half, when the guilt tore and ate through him unchallenged.
So, every time you lift you head when he speaks, when you glance in his direction, when you nod in answer of a question, when you curl against his side and seek out his warmth – it matters. It’s more than what you were able to do the day before and that has meaning.  
When you finally do venture out into the living room, Bucky is sure to keep a hand on you at all times. Whether it’s wrapped up tightly in your own, pressed gently to the small of your back, resting against your thigh, over your shoulders – it helps to ground you, remind you that he’s there. You start to drift off into yourself otherwise.  
Meanwhile, everyone else is walking on eggshells around you.  
Tony turns out of the room before he can even step foot into the kitchen when he sees the back of your head over the couch. Peter is constantly shoveling food into his mouth to keep from his usual rambling one-sided conversations. Steve is deceptively quiet, constantly glancing in your direction as if he’s just waiting for something to set you off. Even Natasha keeps her distance, which surprises him. She stays in the room but she keeps to the corners, observing, like Steve.  
Sam, on the other hand, was never one for subtleties.  
“Hey kiddo!” Sam throws himself onto the couch beside you, bowl of popcorn in his hand as it jumps up into the air before landing back safely in the bowl.  
You flinch at the sudden intrusion next you and Bucky all but stares daggers into Sam for startling you. Bucky was trying to keep your environment as calm as possible as not to set you off into one of those dissociative states again. It could take hours just to get you to acknowledge his voice after that and Bucky can only take that so many times before he’ll simply crumble.  
“You know what I’ve been dying to watch?” Sam says aloud, as if someone is listening to him. He shovels a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “Raiders of the Lost Ark.”
“Sam, no.” Bucky warns as he pulls you closer to his side. That movie has far too much violence, even for an eighties film. He doesn’t know how you’ll react to it.  
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Sam shoots back. He settles into the couch beside you, grinning as he turns in your direction. “Come on, Y/n. It’s been ages since we’ve watched Indie. I know the first is your favorite anyway.”  
Bucky is all but ready to clock Sam ten ways to Sunday when you mutter out a quiet, “okay” and Bucky stills completely. It's the first time you’ve even acknowledged anyone besides Bucky since you came home. He stares at Sam with wide eyes, but Sam doesn’t seem to be surprised at all.  
Instead, Sam simply sinks into the cushions, turns on the movie he must have already lined up in the queue, and leans the bowl of popcorn in your direction. 
Indiana Jones starts his first trek into the cave in search of the Golden Idol and you reach your hand into the bowl. A few bites of popcorn within the first minutes of the movie and it’s more than Bucky has been able to get you to eat without coercion in days. A whisper of a smile crosses your face as Sam almost chokes on the handful he shoved into his mouth.  
Sam Wilson might be a massive pain in Bucky’s ass, but he’s a damn good friend. He’s the only one who hasn’t treated you like you’ve lost your mind. He gives you a sense of normalcy when the floor has been pulled out from under you.  
For that, Bucky owes him everything.  
Bucky finds out a week later that there are no bad guys to track down, no one to enact vengeance on for the trauma they’d put you through. There is a reason you came home covered in blood and grime with barely more than a few superficial scratches on your body.  
You’d killed them all.  
“Are you sure?” Bucky asks Steve, hands planted firmly on the conference table. The night sky is littered in cloud covered stars beyond the windows, crickets chirping in the distance. Bucky stares down at the mug shots of a dozen men now presumed dead.  
“We’re sure.” Steve slowly reaches out to gather the images, sliding them back into the file and out of sight. “We’re still working on who sent them but it was probably the arms dealer she was sent to identify. Fury’s sending out a team in the morning to bring him in.”
“That’s... that’s good.” Bucky doesn’t have the strength for revenge anymore. He’s grown tired of carrying it in his chest, on his shoulders, weighing him down as if sinking him to the trenches of an ocean.  
“How’s she doing?” Steve asks, gesturing towards the doorway as they begin to walk back to the elevator.  
“Better,” Bucky replies honestly.  
He’s even seen you crack a smile a few times watching movies with Sam in the living room, maybe even heard a breath of laughter when Sam dropped an entire bowl of popcorn and threw a fit about it.  
You’re talking to Bucky more, asking questions, starting brief conversations outside of the necessary ‘yes’ and ‘no’s, humming to yourself as you shower with Bucky standing just a few feet away. It’s something. Small steps.
“She’s strong, Buck. She’ll get through this.”
Bucky takes a deep breath as the elevator doors chime open. He presses the button for his floor. “I know. I just hate seeing her like this in the meantime.” The elevator reaches his floor and he waits as the doors begin to part. “Thanks, Steve. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Steve nods. “You got it, brother.”
Bucky makes his way down the hall from where he’d left you just a few hours earlier. You’d insisted that you’d be alright on your own while he met with Steve. Sam is still sitting on the couch watching Netflix just a few feet outside the bedroom, leaving a blanket of security in Bucky’s absence. He can hear Sam singing along to the theme song as he passes by.  
There’s a ghost of a smile on his face as he approaches the living room, but a sudden, gut wrenching scream stills him in his tracks.  
Sam jumps up from the couch, popcorn spilling to the carpet and Bucky stares back at the cracked door to the bedroom with wide eyes. He exchanges a glance with Sam and as another scream echoes out into the hall in a broken cry, the two of them rush into the room.  
Bucky shoulders his way through the door, breaking the hinges on the top of the frame as he stumbles his way inside. You’re lying on your stomach, arms clutched under the pillow, sweat dampened sheets kicked off down by your feet. You’re whimpering, tear tracks into the pillowcase and your whole body is trembling.  
“Y/n?” Bucky calls as gently as he can, his voice breaking in the effort. He moves closer to the bed, his hand hovering over your shoulder, almost afraid to touch you. “Sweetheart, wake up.”
You cry out again, face contorting in pain as you press your face into the pillow. 
“I should get Cho,” Sam says behind him, starting to inch towards the door, but Bucky barely hears him as he runs into the hallway.  
“Come on, honey,” Bucky tries again. He sinks down to his knees beside the bed. His heart is stammering in his chest. It’s pounding so loudly he’s sure the whole compound can hear it. He feels the tears burn in his eyes as you start to sob. “You’re safe. You’re alright, love. I’m here with you. I’m here, baby.”
Bucky lets his hand ghost over your shoulder and he barely has a chance to react before you jolt upright and there’s a sudden, stinging sensation across his chest. Your eyes are wide, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. It takes a minute before Bucky sees the hilt of the knife gripped tight in your fist.  
“Bucky?” you gasp. “What are you—Oh my God...”  
The knife drops from your hold as your hands clasp against your mouth. It falls at Bucky’s knees. You’re trying to stifle a sob as it threatens to consume you whole and Bucky tries to reach out for you, but you scramble away from him, fearful eyes staring below his collarbone.
Slowly, Bucky follows your gaze to his chest. There he finds that his shirt is torn in a long, pristine cut. Blood begins to soak into the light grey of the fabric from the open wound underneath. The knife you’d held in your hand bares his blood upon the blade.  
“What have I done?!” you cry, shaking your head as you scurry off of the bed and into the corner of the room. You sink to the floor and Bucky shakes himself of his stupor to rush towards you.  
“I’m alright,” he tries to reassure you, though he knows it’s no use. “Baby, I’m fine. It’s nothing. It’ll heal in a few hours. I’m okay.”
“Oh God, Oh God! No... I didn’t-- I didn’t mean to--” Your words are barely distinguishable, slurring together in your slobs, and you can barely catch your breath. You shake your head, fresh tears streaming on your cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’m-- I’m so s-sorry. I didn’t-- I didn’t mean to.”
“I know,” Bucky coos. He can feel the itch of a tear as it passes his jawline. “Honey, I need you to breathe for me. Please, let me hold you. I’m okay. You didn’t hurt me.”
But your eyes are glued to the open sliver of his t-shirt, the blood as it soaks into the cotton, and the slash underneath. It only makes you cry more. Its uncontrollable, like you might pass out if you can’t allow yourself to take in enough air, and Bucky feels like he’s reaching out into a fucking void because there’s nothing he can do for you.  
“Sergeant Barnes,” a stern voice calls suddenly from behind him. Helen Cho stands in the doorway with Sam just beyond her shoulder. She steps into the room, uncapping a syringe. “Hold her down.”  
You’re in hysterics as Bucky pulls you into his arms. You don’t resist as you fall against his chest, but he can feel the unease with which you sit in your own body, like your skin is crawling and you’re caged inside of yourself. He knows the feeling well.  
You barely notice as the needle punctures your neck, heavy head falling to rest against Bucky’s shoulder. He eases his left hand down your spine, hoping the chill of the metal will help soothe you as your breaths become more even and the sobs fall weak and far between.  
“I’ve got you, honey,” he whispers. You start to close your eyes, giving into the sedative. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Just rest, love. I’ve got you.”
No one relaxes until it’s clear you’re out cold. Sam lets out a heavy sigh from the doorway, slumping into the arch. Helen sinks onto the floor beside Bucky, tossing the syringe into the disposal bag before she rubs a tired hand over her face.  
Bucky feels like he can hardly breathe. He waits until Helen and Sam retire to their own rooms before he allows the lump in his throat to consume him whole, before the tears on his face mirror the watermarked stains on his shirt. He doesn’t move from the floor until sunrise, unwilling to disturb your sleep.  
“I don’t know why you haven’t left me yet.”
The words pass your lips and they puncture straight through Bucky’s chest - like a knife embedded through his skin, nicking over bone and tearing through flesh. He feels sick, a wave of nausea crashing through him as he turns to look at you. 
Your eyes are swollen red, lips chewed raw. It only takes a flicker of your gaze to the long faded pink scar across his chest to know what’s on your mind. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Bucky says firmly. 
You shake your head, unconvinced. “I could have killed you.”
“Don’t you go underestimating me, now,” Bucky teases, lighting his voice despite the burning ache he feels in his chest. He smiles at you but you can hardly meet his eye. 
Your legs are swung over the bedside, hands wringing in your lap, reddening the skin. Your breaths are shaken, lower lip trembling, and he knows you’re trying to hold back tears. He can practically feel the lump building in your throat, suffocating you. 
He sighs, sinking down to his knees in front of you. His hands reach out for your own and you flinch at his touch. It takes a moment before you can remind yourself who’s hands are holding you, who’s love you’re surrounded in, and you relax. 
He thinks of the woman who taught him how to love again, who woke him from a decades long nightmare with the sweet touch of her hand and the adoration in her smile. He conjures the image of you he preserved before you left on your last mission, with sun kissed skin and laughter in your chest, as he stares up at the dark circles under your eyes, the frown upon your lips, the aching claws of shame draining you of the light you possessed. 
“Sweetheart, look at me.” He tips a finger under your chin and guides you to meet his eye. He smiles, softening under your gaze. 
“You hold so much space in your heart for compassion and forgiveness,” Bucky eased, stroking his thumbs gently along the backs of your hands. “You never hesitated once to absolve me of my sins as the Winter Soldier. It didn’t matter how may nights I woke up empty, not knowing where or who I was. It didn’t matter how much I thought I was a burden to you and the team, or whether I deemed myself worthy enough to be loved by you. You were patient with me, kind beyond what I ever believed I could deserve. Can you not reserve some of that for yourself, too?”
He watches the sob creep up your spine before it breaks. There’s little more either of you can say and he resides to holding you in his arms, caged protectively against his chest where not even the demons lurking in the back of your mind can find you. 
He knows, eventually, you’ll be okay. You taught him that. Even when the tunnel was its darkest, when he could barely see beyond the tips of his fingers, and the sun was cast over in shadows -- you showed him that as long as he kept walking, he’d find the light again. 
“Come on, Y/n, what is the matter with you?”
Bucky hears you grumbling to yourself in the kitchen. He wipes the trail of sweat off his face from his morning run as he approaches the island covered in stray dollops of pancake batter, bottles of maple syrup, and mixing bowls. He smiles as he leans against the counter, waiting for you to notice him.  
“You weren’t supposed to be home yet,” you groan, catching Bucky out of the corner of your eye as you dump a plate full of burnt pancakes into the sink. Your hair a little out of sorts, a bead of sweat dripping down your temple. It’s almost endearing if it wasn’t for how fast your heart was beating. Bucky could hear it down the hall.  
“Missed you.” He shrugs casually, testing a smirk and you started to smile in return; all shy and sweet and full of the woman he adores. He glances to the mess in the kitchen and the smoke piling on the ceiling. “What happened here?”
“Pancakes aren’t my strongest suit.”
Bucky laughs at that. “I can see that.”
You sigh, scratching at the back of your neck. “I just wanted to do something nice for you, Bucky.”
Bucky can feel his heart sinking but he holds the smile to his face. “You do a thousand nice things for me all the time. Just being here is enough for me, sweetheart.”
“You know what I mean,” you say under your breath, eyes falling to the floor by his feet. “After everything I put you through since that awful mission-”
“Hey, hey -- Don’t do that.” Bucky crosses the kitchen and places his hands gingerly on your cheeks, guiding your eyes back to his. “You didn’t do anything wrong; you hear me? You survived. You’re still surviving and I’m just... I’m so proud of you, Y/n.”
You part your lips to say more, to argue against him, but it dies on your tongue as Bucky smiles at you as if you hung the moon and the stars and every damn  
“You don’t need to bring me coffee in the morning,” Bucky says before he presses a kiss to your forehead, “or bribe Stark into making new tech for my arm,” then a kiss to your nose, “or make me burnt pancakes to thank me for loving you through this.”  
He pauses as he pulls back. You’re watching him with an expression somewhere between awe and relief, but it’s the warmth of your smile that does him in completely.  
“We take care of each other, okay? That’s what we do,” Bucky says, leaning in to kiss your lips sweetly until he can feel the smile grow against his mouth. He pulls back, chuckling a bit under his breath. “Besides, I’m the last person who is going to be scared away by trauma.”  
You laugh as you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling yourself closer to his chest. Engulfed in the sweet smell of maple and butter and batter, Bucky feels a wash of calm for the first time since you left on that mission.  
He thinks you may have finally found your way home.  
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Thank you so much for reading! ❤️ If you enjoyed this fic, please consider supporting me at my ko-fi account ✨
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xplrvibes · 2 years
Xplr Club review please. I left it and thought it would have improved by now but apparently from what i am reading it has not and its a total waste of money.
Sure thing!
I'm going to basically touch on three main points- Site Look/Functionality, Content, and Bonuses/Perks- and at the end, I'll give it an overall grade.
Also, don't anyone come at my ass for this. Thanks.
1. Site Look/Functionality
I personally have never had an issue with the functionality of the site, although I know there are many people who had issues with the site/app either crashing, kicking them out, or not working properly. The biggest issue I actually see with the site functionality is when they attempt a livestream. I don't know what the issue is- and according to snc themselves, this is a constant pain point on their side, too- but they just cannot get through a livestream without it crashing. The site is just not built to handle that much traffic. It's aggravating, and quite honestly- I'm at the point where I wish they would just stop pretending to do one, and just do podcasts instead. I'm over the whole livestream thing.
As far as the look of the website- ugh. I hate how disorganized everything is. There is no archive or tagging/search system, so there's no way to actually comb through their old posts without actually just hitting "Load More" and literally going back through Every. Single. Post. They do have a place where you can look through all their exclusive content, and another place for their lives- but no way to organize the other things they post, and it drives me nuts! If tumblr can have a semi-functuoning tagging system, why can't they?!
Overall Grade: 4/10
2. Content
Snc are still pretty regular with dropping a 10-20 minute video (or livestream) every Friday, which is definitely a perk. Some of them are throwaways (Extra footage and BTS stuff from their main channel videos), but some of them are actually fun and interesting. They did a few solo old school xplr videos that just made me stupidly nostalgic, and some fun little one-off mini haunted investigations. So, the fact that they are still sticking to that is a plus.
They did promise podcasts, and have not delivered on that in a very long time...however, I'm trying to let that slide, given what happened with their old podcasts (iykyk, if you don't...probably for the best).
The daily posting thing that they always claim to be doing in their promos for xplrclub is a bit of a stretch. They try, and sometimes they are pretty good about the daily posting thing...but there are times when they skip a day or 5 (yes, there were a couple 5 day droughts). Sometimes, they post really exclusive and awesome behind the scenes/sneak peak stuff, which is really cool! Sometimes, we get two different clips of Exploring with Josh ride a mechanical bull, but from two different angles. They aren't always going to be winners. 🤣
The livestreams are entertaining- when they work. They never work. So...you know, there is that.
Overall Grade: 6/10
3. Bonuses/Perks
Yes, they give early access to merch drops, and discount codes. Yes, we find out about a lot of what they are doing before anyone else does (we already know about basically every video they shot for season 2, for example). They also still do monthly member giveaways, and some are actually awesome (winning trips to film with them, facetimes, merch bundles, etc).
One newer thing they've been doing which I think is pretty neat is that they've been giving xplrclub members chances to design things for them. The winner gets prizes and gets to have their creation used by snc (they had a contest to design the season 1 poster, for example). I actually think that's probably the neatest thing they do on there, since it gives talented fans a chance to showcase their talents.
Overall Grade: 8/10
Overall, I think there is still a lot of work that needs to be done on this site. There are way too many bugs, they don't have a functioning archive, the livestreams crash with 100% accuracy, and the boys are honestly too damn busy to give it the attention that the price tag demands- they try, and i grade them on a massive curve because of that, but they need a way to like, queue posts or something to cover their busy periods.
There are a lot of perks and good things about the platform, as well! Like I said, the member bonuses and the exclusive long-form content are great, and if you're nosy and like to know what's going on with whatever they're filming at any given time, xplrclub is definitely for you.
At the end of the day, i will say this- the bones are there, but they really need to do work on the details and presentation.
The Overall Grade for the entire thing right now stands at a 6/10.
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
Tonight, We Are Young
So as a New Year’s gift, I give to you another NYE Malex fic, because apparently I can’t help myself. I hope 2021 treats everyone better than 2020 did!
Also available on AO3!
    “This party is fucking lame,” Alex commented, watching his classmates mill around the Evans’ mini-mansion with their red Solo cups filled with vodka, rum, or whatever mixed with fruit juice or soda. He was tired of watching people grind on each other to Christina Aguilera or 50cent while was left dodging assholes like Kyle Valenti all evening. 
    “Well, what do you propose we do instead?” Michael asked, head hanging upside down from over the side of the pool table he was laying across. His eyes were half obscured by gold, glittery 2008 glasses and he smelled a little like weed and spring rain. Alex thought briefly about wanting to Spiderman kiss him while he hung like that, but stopped himself with a sharp reminder that they were ‘just friends’. 
    They’d been hanging out since Alex had offered the backyard shed for Michael’s use during the cold winter nights. He knew he was using it, but hadn’t gotten up the courage to go talk to him yet while he was there. He was afraid he’d bring his father’s attention to it if he spent too much time out there, spent too much time with another boy in a room with the vaguest notion of privacy and a bed… 
    “You wanna get out of here? I know a place…,’ Alex started, but Michael was already sitting up before Alex could finish. He rolled off his back and then jumped off the table to stand beside where Alex was still sitting cross-legged against the pool table leg. He grinned down at Alex, smile wide and sweet and making Alex blush a little like he always did when Michael looked right at him like that, and held out his hand to pull Alex up off the floor. Alex took his hand and Michael gave a helpful tug as Alex pushed his way up. It was too much, Alex was overbalancing and falling against Michael’s chest. Michael’s hand let go of Alex’s so he could grip his waist and help steady him. The blush that had been only a pink tinge at Michael’s smile flared red as his hands landed against his solid chest and he felt how close they were. 
    “Oh-OH! Watch out Guerin or he’ll take advantage of you!” a raucous yell rang out through the crowd. Alex shut his eyes and stepped back quickly, cursing the gods for creating Kyle Valenti, and also for the feeling of Michael’s hands quickly falling from his body. 
    “Fuck off, Valenti,” Michael yelled back, throwing up a middle finger. 
    “You got something to fucking say?!” Kyle yelled, obviously a little drunk, as he pushed past the intervening people and shoved Michael backwards a step or two. Alex stood shocked, not sure what was happening, when Michael shoved Kyle back. 
    “Pretty sure I said what needed saying. Why don’t you go back to ‘your boys’ and circle jerk until midnight? Make sure you ‘no homo’ before your dicks out though, or it's definitely homo,” Michael goaded, getting into Kyle’s face. Their chests were touching and they looked so close they couldn’t possibly be able to focus on one another. Alex reached out and grabbed Michael’s arm, his hands closing firmly around his bicep as he stepped close. 
    “Let’s just get out of here,” Alex pleaded, well aware of how many eyes were on them. He didn’t want this kind of attention, didn’t need to be on anyone else’s radar. 
    “Going to let your boyfriend tell you what to do, Guerin?” Kyle taunted, obviously itching for a fight. Michael looked at him for another moment before sliding his eyes over to Alex’s. Alex could see the softening around the edges of Michael’s eyes as they held contact with his and hoped he couldn’t see the fear in him. He didn’t think he was successful in hiding it, because Michael’s mouth jaw clenched and he closed his eyes in resignation.
    “Yeah, I am. Get fucked,” Michael said tiredly, not looking back at Kyle's face but backing away from him instead. He turned and headed back towards the bedroom where everyone's coats were and then to the front door with Alex hot on his heels. Alex could hear Liz cussing at Kyle half in Spanish as they left and at least felt safer knowing they would be gone before he could shake free of her to continue trying to rile Michael into a fight.
    The cold late December air hit him hard as they left the warmth of the Evans’ house and stalked towards Michael’s truck. As soon as Michael shut the driver’s door, the engine roared to life and he turned up the vents to try and make the heaters kick in quicker. Alex slid in the passenger side and quietly buckled his seat belt. 
    “So where we headin’?” Michael asked, turning to look over at him with his usual lazy grin. Alex marveled how quickly the anger and violence had drained out of him. He looked like he hadn’t just been about to throw punches. He was casual and relaxed as he slouched in his seat, wrist resting over the top of the steering wheel. Alex noted the mostly full bottle of Jack sitting next to his thigh and had an idea. 
    “Uh, once we get out of the neighborhood, hit Main going northwest,” Alex instructed, eyeing the bottle warily. He knew how he got when he was drunk, but he’d never been with Michael inebriated before. He was worried he’d say the wrong thing or touch him when he didn’t want to be touched. Drinking was easier with Maria, Liz, and Rosa because he didn’t want to kiss them or see them naked so if he collapsed with his head in a lap or held someone’s hand it was innocent. There was no intention behind it. He didn’t think he could have that same freedom with Michael. He definitely wanted to kiss and touch Michael in ways that would make his dad kick his ass if he ever found out. 
    Michael followed his quiet instructions until they were driving out past the city limits, high beams the only lights for miles around. Michael had turned on the radio and put the volume on low while he waited for Alex to speak. Alex fidgeted with the strings of his hoodie, pulling them taut on one side and then the other, his leg bouncing rhythmically against the bottom of the foot well. Silently, still watching the road, Michael reached over and curled his fingers around Alex’s knee. Alex froze, staring wide eyed at Michael’s hand, before he let it slip off Alex's leg and rest between them on the bench seat. He looked up and saw Michael darting a grin over at him. 
    “So where are we going?” Michael asked, leaving his hand between them and making Alex ache with how much he wanted to reach over and cover it with his own. 
    “There’s a place not too far from here where my brothers and I used to build bonfires. I figured we’d go set some shit on fire for awhile,” Alex replied, a little self-consciously. Would Michael think this was dumb?
    “Cool,” he answered, his fingers starting to tap on the bench seat. Alex watched his fingers for a moment, marveling at how square and even his nails were and how perfect his knuckles seemed to be before turning his attention back to the road. He was getting distracted and they were getting close to where the turn off was. 
    “There’s going to be a sign pretty soon that says Camp Honor. It’s going to be over here on the left. That’s the turn we make. Then there’s a fork about two miles in and we’ll take the right fork,” Alex rattled off, wishing they were already parked so he could take a shot of bourbon to calm his nerves. He actually hoped Michael had some more weed on him. A joint would help put him to ease. 
    “Camp Honor?” Michael asked, shooting Alex a curious look, eyebrow raised.
    “It’s a hunting camp. There’s no season right now, so no one will be around,” Alex replied. At least he hoped there was no season that time of the year. He hadn’t been up there since he was fourteen and that had been its own disaster he’d like to never remember. 
    The truck bounced over the ruts and hills in the barely discernible road up to the fire pit. Alex sincerely hoped that the tradition of hauling all the fallen branches and detritus from around the cabin and hunting grounds had kept up in the years since he’d been the one sent out to do most of it. They rolled up to a clearing and Alex could make out the fallen trees they’d moved to make places for them to sit around the pit. 
    “Go ahead and park. This is the place,” Alex said, turning to Michael and putting a hand on his arm as if he weren’t paying attention. Michael slowed the truck and put it in park. He peered through the darkness. 
    “You know, when you said you knew a place I was imagining… something different,” Michael said as he continued to look skeptically at what little was illuminated by the truck’s headlights. Alex rolled his eyes and pushed open his door. As soon as his Docs hit the ground, he was excited to see how high he could get the flames. Bonfire night had been the only night he looked forward to when he’d been forced to do long camping trips with his brothers and the Valenti’s. He went ahead and walked forward towards the pit, hoping against hope there was a stack of wood in its sunken sand floor. When he got to the edge, he let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding, and then looked over to Michael and grinned broadly. 
    “Let's get this thing lit and then you can turn off your headlights,” Alex said excitedly, carefully making his way down into the shallowly dug ten by ten dirt bowl they used for fire nights. He checked over the wood and was glad to see he should be able to get away with just lighting the thing up. His brothers or Kyle must be planning to come out here soon. He took a small, sadistic pleasure in knowing he’d get to use it before they would and they’d have to go get chopped wood from the cabin and haul it out here if they wanted a fire. He patted his pockets and fished out a lighter from the pocket of his black skinny jeans. He flicked it a couple times before it caught and then he carefully moved his hand down through a gap in the wood until he could catch the tiny yellow flame on the tinder. As it caught, he carefully extracted his hand and started gently blowing air towards the flame. When it started to catch and spread, he stood back up and watched it, feeling oddly proud about starting the easiest fire of his life. When he turned, Michael was smiling at him fondly. 
    “Guess I’ll go turn off my headlights so I don’t drain the battery and we can roll out of here later,” he commented, turning and clapping his hand over Alex’s chest before letting it slide away as he started back towards his car. Alex tried to ignore the thrill he felt at Michael’s affectionate gesture and instead concentrated on the way his breath fogged as he exhaled and how cold his hands were even stuffed in his pocket. The fire was slowly getting going, but it would be a while before it was truly letting off heat to warm them. 
    Scuffing behind him alerted him of Michael’s return and he turned to see him sitting on the edge of the fire ring, whiskey uncapped, and being raised to his lips. Alex went and sat next to him, leaning towards the warmth that radiated off his body almost unconsciously. When Michael passed him the bottle, he took a healthy swig, coughing as he handed it back. 
    “Fuck, how do people drink that shit?” he asked, wiping his mouth with his sleeve and trying vainly to hide his grimace and watering eyes. 
    “Pretty sure nobody drinks for the taste,” Michael observed with a grin, watching him as he caught his breath before taking another swig from the bottle himself. He didn’t cough after his swallow and Alex felt heat infusing his cheeks at how uncool he must look to not be able to handle the burn of alcohol on his throat. 
    “I do better with vodka,” Alex said defensively, picking at the sides of his Vans as he stared at the growing fire. He toppled to the side when Michael slammed his body into him, elbows, shoulders, and hips pressed close against Alex. Alex let out a squawk of indignation, but didn’t protest when he righted himself and could feel the warmth of Michael bleeding through his too-thin layers of clothing where they touched.
    “Jesus, it’s fucking cold,” Michael hissed through gritten teeth. Alex could feel the small tremors of him shivering and he wrapped an arm around him gingerly. He waited for Michael to protest or push him away and call him a ‘fag’, but when he just huddled closer Alex relaxed against him. Alex pried the whiskey bottle out from his fingers and took another manly swallow, coughing into his shoulder when he finished.
    They stared at the fire, both shivering and sharing the bottle between them. As the alcohol and flames started to warm them, Alex felt Michael shifting more until his head was resting on Alex’s chest. Alex found himself running his fingers through Michael’s curls in fascination at how the light from the flames caught the brown ringlets and turned them to gold.
    “We really should have thought this out better,” Michael observed. 
    “Hm?” Alex asked as he stretched out his legs towards the warmth. 
    “We should have brought snacks and music and something else to do besides drink,” Michael complained, lifting himself off of Alex’s chest and sitting up. He took the bottle from Alex’s side and helped himself to another mouth full.
    “We could tell ghost stories?” Alex supplied, ready for the incredulous look Michael gave him. It still made him laugh when he looked over his shoulder at Alex like he was full of shit. “Well, what else would you do around a fire with someone if you didn’t have snacks or music?”
    “Depends on the someone,” Michael replied, innuendo lacing his voice and making something hot in Alex’s stomach churn, but eyes staring straight into the fire in front of them.
    “We… we can do what you do with them?” Alex offered bravely. His throat felt dry and he was pretty sure he was going to die. Did he really just say that to Michael? Michael looked over at him consideringly and handed him the bottle. 
    “We are,” Michael replied shortly. Alex shriveled a little in embarrassment, but he took the bottle and dutifully took a sip, trying to shift his body away so it wasn’t leaning quite as fully on Michael’s. Alex capped the bottle and put it in the dirt between legs before leaning back onto his elbows to stare up at the stars. 
    “Why did you stop me from hitting Valenti?” Michael asked a few minutes later. Alex had been staring at the stars, enjoying the heat on his legs from the fire. He tipped his head back down to see Michael half turned and staring at him. 
    “What do you mean, why? He’s a fucking tool and not worth the effort,” Alex spit out. He didn’t really want to think about Valenti right then. 
    “He deserves to get his fucking head knocked off,” Michael replied heatedly, turning back to stare at the fire. Alex looked at the back of his head for a moment in confusion. 
    “Well, I agree, but why do you care what he says?” Alex asked, a little unsure what answer he was hoping for. Michael looked back over his shoulder at Alex for a split second before snorting and looking back at the fire. 
    “You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met. I just hate seeing him treat you like shit because of his own insecurities. You’re not his punching bag. You deserve to be treated better.”
    Alex sighed and looked back up at the stars. The sky was starting to spin a little so he let himself collapse all the way down onto his back. Without looking, he reached out and grabbed the back of Michael’s jacket and tugged him until he was laying down also. Their shoulders were overlapping despite the fact that they each had room to move. Tentatively, heart pounding so hard Alex could swear he heard it in his ears, he moved his hand over to press against Michael’s. He held his breath and waited, tensing as if he were going to be hit, but when it never came he let the air out of his lungs slowly. Then he felt Michael move his hand and in a gesture born more of instinct than finesse, scoop his hand up and thread their fingers together. Alex’s heart beat double time, practically in his throat, as he tried to relax into the warm hold Michael had on his fingers. 
    He stared at the sky, but he didn’t see the stars anymore. He was too hyper aware of the dry, brittle grass poking into the back of his hand and the way there seemed to be sweat collecting in his palm from the heat between them and the way the tips of his fingers were numb with cold, and how tightly and perfectly their fingers seemed to fit around each other… There wasn’t any part of his brain that wasn’t thinking about how much he wanted the rest of their bodies to fit together as well as their hands did. Then Michael started shifting around. 
    “What are you doing?” Alex asked, looked over at him in concern. He tried to move his hand, but Michael’s grip tightened slightly so he let it rest back where it was. Michael was digging around in his jacket pocket and flapping his arm about as he tried to dislodge his hand from the too-small opening. 
    “Lemme borrow your lighter,” Michael asked, still distracted by getting his hand out of his pocket. Alex furrowed his brow, but slipped his hand into the jean pocket with the lighter and then held it out for Michael to take. When he finally freed his hand, Alex watched him put a rolled joint between his lips and then take the lighter from him. He lit the end and inhaled deeply before passing it over to Alex. Alex did the same and they both laid and slowly let out their breaths at the same time. Immediately, Alex’s head felt lighter. 
    “Wanna shotgun one?” Alex asked on his next turn with the joint. Michael rolled onto his elbow, letting go of his hand in the process, and looked down at him with a shiteating grin. 
    “If you wanted me to kiss you, all you have to do is ask,” he snarked. Before Alex could squirm with embarrassment or deny that’s what his aim was, Michael plucked the joint from Alex’s fingers, took a deep inhale, and swooped down to seal his lips over Alex’s. Alex gasped at the unexpected contact, filling his mouth and lungs with smoke and causing him to cough reflexively. When he felt Michael’s weight shift, his body tensing to back away, he brought his hand to the back of Michael’s neck, keeping him in place as he breathed the smoke out through his nose. Michael froze and Alex squeezed his eyes shut and prayed to all the Gods he didn’t believe in as he tentatively started moving his lips. At first, it was just the drag of his own lips against Michael’s, slightly dry from the pot smoke and desert air, but then… then it was like Michael melted into him. His body relaxed back to partially rest his weight over Alex’s, his lips pressing harder and his tongue swiping invitingly over Alex’s. Alex surged into it, desperate to keep kissing him, to stop thinking for a while and just let things happen. His brain had other ideas. 
    First, he had to figure out what to do with his hands. The one on the back of Michael’s neck was nice, but the one lying on the ground between them… did he put it on his arm? On his chest? Lower? Much lower? As they kissed, he experimentally put it on Michael’s chest, fascinated by how he could feel his heart beating even through his shirt. In response, he felt Michael’s hand curling around his waist over his clothes. Dimly, Alex wondered what had happened to the joint, but he found he didn’t really care as long as Michael kept kissing him. Alex started to move his hand up Michael’s neck. He wanted to touch his curls again, tangle his fingers in them and maybe tug a little as they kissed, but Michael pulled away. 
“I’m sorry,” he panted, eyes wide and imploring as they looked down into Alex’s. Alex felt shock jolt through his system, making his fingers tingle as he stared up into Michael’s face. He weakly worked his mouth, trying to find the words to respond. ‘Why?’, ‘It’s okay’, and ‘Don’t be’ came to mind, but he didn’t know which one to actually say. “I just mean… you didn’t ask for all that.”
“I didn’t mind,” Alex finally answered in a quiet voice. He gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile and took it as a good sign that Michael hadn’t moved off him. Slowly, he raised his head as far as he could and pressed an opened mouth kiss onto Michael’s lower lip. He pulled back to do it again, and Michael’s eyes fluttered closed. The hand at Alex’s waist tightened briefly and that was all the warning Alex got before Michael’s mouth was pushing against his. This time Alex let himself sink into the feeling. He let his hands roam wherever they wanted to, let his mouth move against Michael’s, tongues touching and fleeing, let Michael shift and press a leg between his which felt better than it had any right to with so many layers of clothes between them. 
Alex let out an unmanly yelp against Michael’s mouth when his cold fingers found their way under his layers of jacket, hoodie, shirt, undershirt and touched the bare skin of his stomach. Gooseflesh immediately erupted over his chest and back and he felt his nipples tighten at the shock of the cold. Michael was snickering into his shoulder as he continued to move his hand over Alex’s stomach and Alex continued to whine and flinch away from his touch. 
“Stop it! Oh my God your hands are so fucking cold! Quit, quit, quit,” Alex yowled, making a grab for Michael’s hand and finding himself in a short grappling match. It ended up with him pinning Michael against the cold earth with his wrists beside his head as Alex straddled his waist. He bared his teeth at him in a fiendish grin. 
“I win,” he said simply. Michael laughed again, body relaxed under Alex’s. 
“Did you?” Michael asked, moving his hips in a way that suggested he was settling in, but definitely brushed his half chub against Alex in a way he couldn’t miss. Alex felt a flash of panic as he realized he didn’t know how to flirt like that, how to be casual and cool and sexy in the face of someone else actually desiring him. He let go of Michael’s hands and rolled off to sit next to him. He hoped the firelight was dim enough that Michael didn’t see the blush on his cheeks as he grabbed for the abandoned whiskey bottle and uncorked it to grab a sip. Michael sat up and watched him before taking the bottle and slugging down his own drink. 
“That wasn’t a demand, ya know?” Michael said, voice subdued as he watched the fire burning down. 
“I know,” Alex replied, feeling his cheeks heat up more. He pulled his knees up towards his chest and hugged them as he stared awkwardly at the fire, wishing he could go back to five minutes ago when they were pressed against each other and their mouths were all that mattered. From the corner of his eye, he could see Michael turn to look at him and he kept his eyes trained forward with every ounce of his being. 
“You wanna head back in? It’s getting really cold,” Michael asked. He was giving Alex an out and Alex didn’t know if he felt grateful for it or annoyed. 
“There’s a cabin not too far from here. Let’s go there. We can build another fire inside and just sleep there. Neither of us should be driving right now,” Alex offered, noting exactly how spinny the world was when he closed his eyes. 
“You’re probably right. Is this like… a place you’ve been before? Is it abandoned or something?” Michael asked, sounding nervous and wary. 
“No, it’s not abandoned. Kyle’s dad owns it,” Alex explained. 
“VALENTI’S DAD?!” Michael exclaimed, laughing and shaking his head. “No way are we staying there. Holy shit, I can just imagine how bad that would be if we got found.”
“No, no, no. Sheriff Valenti and my dad are old friends. Mr. Valenti loves me. He’s given me, like, blanket permission to use the cabin whenever I need to. It’s fine,” Alex said, distracted by Michael’s mini-freak out enough to turn and hold his shoulders while he explained. “We won’t get in trouble. It’ll be fine. Sheriff Valenti is the exact opposite of my dad.”
Michael sat and looked at him, as if he could see the future and gauge whether the risk was worth the reward. 
“Besides, we’d really be fucked if he caught us driving home this fucked up. He’d be happier knowing we didn’t try to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence. Seriously, it’ll be fine.”
“Man, okay. You sure it’d be fine?” Michael asked again, still looking like a rabbit ready to bolt. 
“Dude, it’s fine. Let’s douse this with some sand and we’ll roll down there,” Alex said, standing up and holding his hand out to Michael. 
“Thought we shouldn’t be driving?” Michael asked sarcastically. 
“I mean, if you want to walk a mile in this cold, that’s fine, but I think you can be reasonably responsible to drive a mile in the middle of the night down a dirt road one mile per hour about idle. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine. We’ll walk it,” Alex offered. Michael had grabbed his arm and was poised to get pulled up, but Alex wanted to know his decision first. 
“Yeah, it’s fine. We’ll take the truck,” he said and then Alex stepped back and pulled him up to his feet. 
“Cool, then let’s throw some sand on this fire! It’s fucking cold,” Alex shouted, before going over to the bucket of sand that was always kept on the side of the fire pit and picking it up. He started slowly pouring the sand over the remaining flames while Michael went and grabbed a second bucket and took the other side of the fire to do the same. When it was dark, Michael went ahead to turn on the truck lights while Alex stirred the fire to see if any hot spots were left. By the time he was satisfied, the high beams were streaming over the edge of the fire pit and Michael was revving the engine to get it to warm up. Alex climbed out of the fire pit and got back into the truck, then slowly gave Michael directions on how to get to the cabin. When they pulled up in front of the cabin, Michael looked at it even more warily than he had the fire pit. 
“This isn’t your murder cabin, is it? We’re not going to get stabbed by some dude in a shitty sports mask if we make out some more, are we?” he asked as he followed Alex up to the porch. Alex snorted and started feeling around the top of the door frame for the extra cabin key. When he found it, he opened the door quickly and ushered them both in. He flipped one of the light switches and the living room and kitchen lights came on, giving the rustic cabin a warm, yellow glow. He looked at the fireplace and grimaced. Unlike the firepit, the cabin was not ready for a fire to be lit. Sighing, he went back outside and grabbed a handful of logs off the porch pile and shuffled them inside. 
Michael was walking around the inside rooms, looking at the walls and knickknacks scattered around. 
“Hey, where do you guys sleep?” Michael called out. Alex turned from where he was stacking logs in the fireplace to see Michael standing in the kitchen with his hands on his hips twisting around as if another doorway would suddenly appear. 
“There’s another building that’s a bunk house,” Alex explained, turning back to the fire. 
“Are we going to sleep in there?” Michael asked, his voice coming closer. Alex could feel the vibration in the floor as he got closer and then the warmth of him standing behind him. Alex grabbed a rolled piece of fire starter from the box they kept nearby. He pushed it into the middle of the logs and grabbed a punk to light with his lighter. He pushed it against the fire starter and blew a little, waiting until he saw the fire starter catch before withdrawing the punk and throwing it on top of the logs. When that was finished, he turned to consider his options. He didn’t really want to run both fireplaces in the cabin. He’d have to clean them both out in the morning and that seemed like far too much work. 
“Let’s go grab a couple mattresses off the bunks and drag them in here. We can push them together and cover them with blankets and stuff…if that’s cool with you?” Alex asked, looking up at Michael who’d been watching him work with the fire. 
    “That’s fine. I’ve got a couple sleeping bags in the truck I can bring in. We can use them as extra padding or extra cover,” he offered. Alex nodded and they smiled at each other. It was oddly wholesome, like they were just having a sleepover and nothing else. 
    They went out to the bunk house and Alex used the key to unlock the door. They grabbed a couple of the twin mattresses off the closest bunks and hauled them on their shoulders over to the main cabin. They put them on the floor next to one another and then while Michael went to his truck for the sleeping bags, Alex went back to the bunk house for pillows and some extra blankets. By the time they’d made their nest, the fire had warmed up the room to something almost near comfortable. Alex shrugged off his coat and hoodie, throwing them onto the couch, and then toed off his shoes before stepping onto the thin, cheap camp mattresses. 
    “You’re going to sleep in your jeans?” Michael asked incredulously. Alex looked down at himself and then at Michael. He had planned on it, but not if Michael wasn’t. He was already unbuttoning them as he gave his retort. 
    “What if I get cold?” he asked, trying to balance on one leg and work the skinny leg of his jeans off his foot with the other. 
    “I promise, I’ll keep you warm. I’ve been told I run hot,” Michael joked, stripping down to his boxers and nothing else. Alex tried not to get caught staring at him, but it was so much skin and he hadn’t mentally prepared himself for it. When Michael turned to pick up one of his fallen socks from when he’d chucked his clothes onto the couch, Alex got too distracted and ended up toppling over onto the mattress with only one leg free from his jeans. Michael looked over at him and grinned like he knew what had caught his attention. He reached over and grabbed Alex’s foot, swinging him around so he could work the other jean leg down around Alex’s foot. 
    “These are really not conducive to getting naked quickly,” Michael commented as he tugged and pulled at the denim to get them to slide down over Alex’s calf and heel. 
    “I wasn’t really expecting to need to get naked quickly tonight,” Alex snapped, bending his knee to pull it out of the jean leg. 
    “Didn’t have plans to be naked at midnight with someone?” Michael teased, tossing the jeans aside when they’d finally gotten them all the way off. Alex snorted indelicately and watched Michael drop to his hands and knees on the mattress beside him. He pulled his pillow over from the other side of the mattress until it touched Alex’s. 
    “Not really. I was just hoping to get a kiss,” Alex said distractedly while watching Michael curiously as he started arranging the covers to his liking. Michael looked up at the wall clock.
    “We were probably making out at midnight. I think you got your wish,” he commented before dropping onto his side next to Alex. Alex felt a spasm of shock go through him. He hadn’t realized it was so late, that they’d missed the turning of the clock from one year to the next. He turned onto his side and faced Michael, looking him over thoughtfully. 
    “Happy New Year,” he said, smiling and running his hand down Michael’s arm affectionately. Michael spared a glance at his arm and then leaned in, pressing his mouth to Alex’s in a sweet, open kiss that made something in Alex draw tight with need. 
    “Happy New Year,” Michael breathed against his lips when they parted for breath. This time Alex felt bold, felt like it had to be more than a fluke of the fire and whiskey if they’d kissed twice over so many hours. He slipped his hand around Michael’s back and pulled their bodies closer together while sweeping his tongue across Michael’s to beckon him to kiss him deeper. Now there were fewer layers, less guessing, and more to explore for Alex’s hands as they kissed. He couldn’t get enough of the swell of Michael’s shoulder blades or the sharp curve of his hip bone, or the way his stomach felt as it bumped against his when they drew in deep breaths before diving back into each other. He was drowning in it, drowning in Michael touching him back, exploring his body too, and when he ran his hand under the leg of Alex’s boxers and grabbed his ass to grind their bodies together? Alex saw nirvana. It was the best thing he’d felt outside of his own hand. 
    “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Michael breathed, kissing over Alex’s jaw to his ear. Alex nodded, but he was too caught up in how hot and hard Michael’s dick felt through his boxers as it slid along the inside of his hip and wondering if he could get his hand on him, if he could put his mouth on him…
    “You ever do this before?” Alex managed to gasp before slipping his fingers under the waistband of Michael’s underwear. 
    “Yeah,” Michael replied with a embarrassed, proud grin, “but not like with a…”
    “A guy?” Alex supplied as Michael trailed off. They both let out a burst of embarrassed, hysterical giggles.
    “Yeah, a guy. But also, not with someone I like as much as I like you,” he finished, bringing Alex’s face back to his so he could see the sincerity in his words. Alex felt like he’d been given a birthday present and kicked in the gut at the same time. He smiled slowly at Michael’s words and leaned in to kiss him, softly, sweetly, and with all the emotion he could muster but couldn’t put into sentences. 
    “I like you, too,” he managed after a few more kisses. 
    “I would certainly hope so,” Michael joked, bringing his hand between them to gently squeeze the line of Alex’s prick through the thin jersey material of his boxers. Alex glanced down and could see the dark spot at the tip of his cock. He looked at Michael’s underwear and was relieved to see a similar stain starting on his own underwear. 
    “What do you want to do tonight?” Alex asked breathily as he ran a finger lightly up the length of Michael’s hard on. His hips twitched in response to the stimulation and Alex felt a hunger for more rise in him at the motion. 
    “I… I don’t know? M-maybe, hand jobs?” Michael stuttered, his eyes drifting closed as Alex moved forward to kiss his neck and chest while his hand continued to softly pet his cock. Alex watched in fascination as his hand framed Michael’s covered dick while he stroked over the fabric. He wanted more to do more, wanted to see him, taste him, make him feel good. 
    “I think I want to try giving you a blow job,” Alex said almost absentmindedly. He heard Michael’s sharp, quiet gasp and his eyes came up to meet his. 
    “You want to?” Michael asked, eyes pleading that he say ‘yes’, but voice making it clear that Alex could say ‘no’ without any repercussions. 
    “Yeah, is that okay?” Alex asked, trying to convey the same thing with his eyes as he waited for Michael’s verdict. 
    “I mean, yeah, of course. I… have you ever done this before?” Michael asked hesitantly. 
    “No, but I mean… I’ve watched porn. I’ve done my research. How hard can it be?” Alex asked, starting to scoot his body down so he could more easily access Michael’s dick. 
    “Oh, just thinking about it makes it very hard,” Michael replied cheekily. Alex shot him an amused, appreciative grin at the joke. 
    “Okay, I’m going to…” Alex started, reaching for the waistband of Michael’s underwear. Michael’s hands met his and together they pushed and maneuvered his underwear off and then he laid on his back, bared in all his glory to Alex’s gaze. Alex tried not to stare, but Michael’s was the first real live cock he’d seen in front of him, hard, turned on, and for him to do what he wanted with. He catalogued all the differences between them. Michael was thicker than he was, uncut, and he seemed wider at the tip. Alex grasped him, running his fingers over the soft, velvety foreskin before taking a firmer grip and jacking him slowly. It was such a different sensation than he got from jacking his own cock, more fluid, and he loved watching the head of Michael’s cock disappear and reappear as his hand moved on him. He heard Michael softly exhale ‘Fuck’ above him as he kept moving his hand slowly up and down the shaft of his cock. The precum that beaded the tip was clear and shiny. Without overthinking it, Alex licked a broad stripe across the sticky head. The bitter, tangy taste took him by surprise, but he found he wanted more of it. Pulling back Michael’s foreskin he pressed his tongue over the slit of Michael’s cock before lowering his mouth to seal around the head and suck gently. 
    “Shit, I don’t know if I’m going to make it to the main event,” Michael hissed above him as Alex sucked on the head of his cock and moved his hand in tempo. Alex looked up through his eyelashes at him, not stopping what he was doing, and could see the strain on his face as he watched Alex’s mouth and hand on him. It made a flood of arousal wash through him to see how turned on Michael was getting, how so little was pushing him close to cumming already. 
    “Hey, switch sides,” Michael gasped, clutching at Alex’s shoulder. Alex popped off and gave him a confused look for a moment. “Like, bring your bottom half up here. 69!”
    Alex scrambled to comply. He practically tore off his underwear and both of them rolled onto their sides to face each other. He took Michael in hand again and looked down between them to see Michael do the same. He did it confidently, like he’d done this before even though Alex knew he hadn’t, but it was so typically Michael to always act like he knew what he was doing. He’d at least been blown before so, Alex surmised, he had to know more than Alex. Michael glanced down and their eyes met and for a fleeting second, Alex could see in some microexpression that Michael was nervous too. It made him feel better, made him want to make Michael feel the way he’d felt earlier, so he closed his eyes and wrapped his lips around Michael again. 
    This time he felt more confident. He smoothed his tongue over the hard flesh in his mouth and pushed his lips further down Michael’s shaft until he felt him teasing the edges of the back of his throat and he knew if he kept pushing he’d gag. So he took what he could and moved his hand over what he couldn’t. He’d gotten caught up in a rhythm of sorts to what he was doing when he felt the first touch of Michael’s tongue against his dick. It was barely there, a warm pressure and then gone. When Michael came back with his whole mouth, Alex pulled back off Michael with a gasp. That was a completely different feeling, one that made his toes curl and the muscles around his spine tense with pleasure. When Michael added his own bit of suction, Alex felt sure he would blow. 
    “Shit, shit, shit,” he panted, leaning his head against Michael’s hip for a moment. 
    “Right?” he heard Michael say and without looking, he knew the bastard was smirking at him. 
    “So can we just agree that if each of us is embarrassingly quick, this was just a warm-up round?” Alex panted out, finally opening his eyes to glance down towards Michael’s face. It was a mistake, of course, because his lips were red and spit slick, and Alex’s own cock was only inches away from them, and Michael had just had his mouth on him and if possible, Alex felt himself get the tiniest bit harder in Michael’s hand at the sight.
    “Yep,” Michael agreed succinctly, before diving back in. Alex had to concentrate not to buck his hips at the sudden sensation of Michael’s mouth on him, but he managed it. Trying to get his head back in the game, he drew Michael back into his mouth and regained his earlier tempo. A deep, throaty moan from Michael almost sent him spiraling over the edge as the vibrations ran the length of him. He echoed the sentiment and felt fine tremors run along Michael’s thighs. Slowing down, Alex decided to try to push his limit and see how much he could get of Michael in him. He moved his head down lower, trying to relax through the feeling of something blocking his throat. He pulled back and tried again. 
    “Shit, Alex, what are you-- Oh my god,” Michael was gasping above him, hand reaching down to cradle the back of Alex’s head. He didn’t push or put any pressure on him, just tangled his fingers in Alex’s dark locks and held on as Alex continued to slowly work him deeper. Michael tried to pleasure Alex at the same time, but it felt more like he just held him in his mouth and moaned as Alex moved over him. He didn’t mind. It felt powerful to have him so distracted, to have him whimpering and see his muscles twitching with how bad he wanted to move and thrust as Alex swirled his tongue around him and hollowed out his cheeks.
    A clench of fingers in Alex’s hair and quickly frantic “Fuck, I’m gunna --”  was all the warning Alex got before his mouth was flooded with Michael’s release. It wasn’t altogether pleasant, but he swallowed quickly in hopes the aftertaste wouldn’t be as bad. He backed off and looked down at Michael’s face. His cheeks were red from exertion, his mouth open and panting, and his eyes closed in something between pain and bliss. After a moment, he opened his eyes and looked down at Alex, a lazy grin on his face. 
    “That was awesome,” he drawled, before sitting up and moving so he could capture Alex’s mouth in an overenthusiastic, sloppy kiss. Alex laughed at him, kissing him back and pulling him close, running his hands over all his new favorite places on Michael’s body. Michael’s hand reached between them and he grasped Alex’s cock. 
    “Is this okay?” he asked between kisses, hand moving purposefully over Alex. Alex nodded, pulling Michael into another kiss as he let himself get worked over. When he could no longer kiss because all his attention was on the rushing feeling through his body as he got pulled closer and closer to cumming, Michael started talking. 
    “You look so hot like this,” he murmured against Alex’s neck. “You’re the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen.”
    “Fuck, Michael,” Alex gasped, hips starting to make small, aborted thrusts to follow Michael’s tight grip on him. 
    “You looked so hot with my cock in your mouth, so focused, like you loved doing it, like you were made for it,” Michael breathed into his ear. Alex could only whimper, his body drawing tight before he started shooting, cum hitting his chest and stomach, dripping over Michael’s knuckles. 
    “Christ, that’s a lot of jizz,” Michael said, before laughing lightly as he grabbed someone’s underwear and wiped off his hand and Alex’s torso. “What a load of --”
    “Shhh,” Alex said, turning and covering Michael’s mouth with his before he could make another terrible joke. Michael hummed contentedly as Alex kissed it, slow and languidly as he came down from his high. When Alex could muster up the energy, he reached down and grabbed one of the blankets to throw it over them. Despite there being two mattresses, they were sharing one, knees tangled together, arms wrapped around each other, chests touching. 
    “So what does this mean tomorrow?” Michael asked quietly when they’d begun to drowse and could no longer keep kissing. Alex opened an eye and looked over at him, having noted the tension in his voice. 
    “What do you mean?” he asked, raising his head and propping it on a hand so he could look down at Michael. 
    “Like… are we together? Boyfriends? Friends with benefits? Is this like… a drunk tumble for the holiday?” Michael asked, swallowing thickly as he pushed out the last option. Alex frowned down at him, wondering where this was coming from, why he’d need to ask. Did he want it to be a drunk tumble?
    “I… I figured it meant we were dating? Like… like boyfriends. But if you don’t want that I--” Alex never got to figure out what concession he’d make to keep getting to kiss Michael. 
    “No! No, boyfriends is good. I-I want to be your boyfriend. I just wanted to make sure you wanted that too,” he finished, focusing on Alex’s shoulder as he ran his fingers lightly over the curve to his arm. 
    “So boyfriends,” Alex said decisively, laying back down, arm extended out under his pillow. He couldn’t help the smile that stretched over his mouth or the excitement that crept into his voice as he said, as calmly as possible, “I’m your boyfriend.”
    “You bet you are,” Michael pronounced, meeting his eyes finally and swooping in to kiss him through his own smile. Their teeth may have clacked together because they couldn’t seem to stop grinning, but it didn’t hurt and no one seemed to care. 
    The night passed quietly and slowly. They fell asleep against each other only minutes before dawn started to lighten the sky, the fire burned low in the fireplace behind them, their bodies spent from discovering each other over and over. It was the happiest Alex had ever felt, the safest and warmest as he laid with his back against Michael’s chest, feeling him breathe deeply as he slept. 
    “Boyfriends,” he whispered into the dark room, still smiling as he forced himself to close his eyes and lightly squeeze the arms that wrapped around him. 
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sparklelight3 · 4 years
Hypothesis idea thingy for how Ash and Gou could get together (quickly dissolves into a poorly written fanfic because I’m a disaster)
So, I had a mental image of like a 2-3 ep. mini arc thing that ends with the two getting together. I apologize in advance for the fact that this gets progressively more and more detailed and eventually just becomes a semi fanfic. This is unedited btw, so enjoy that as well. 
Episode 1: Starts off with the two out on a mission like usual. Then we have another scene like in ep 3 where Ash just does something that completely astonishes Gou. They resolve the issue like they always do, but Gou is overall very flustered, even more so then usual. Ash could have like a dense Ash moment where he asks if Gou feels sick or something, Gou quickly denying it. Since it’s post ep 36, Ash takes note and dawns a concerned expression. Skip ahead a day or two, and Ash needs to go on a solo trip to Pallet Town for his mom’s birthday. This leaves Gou alone with his feelings for the first time in months. He has time to think about what happened on the last trip, and a couple other moments from past episodes might come up in his head as well. In this time, he fully realize that he’s in love. Koharu, who I image figured this out after her comment in ep 40 about Gou “becoming more and more like Ash”, notices that Gou’s been off. Prof. Sakuragi suddenly receives a big mission and informs Gou on it. Gou at first declines it since Ash isn’t here, but Koharu pipes in and volunteers to take Ash’s place. Gou’s thrown off by this, but accepts her request anyway. When asked, Koharu states that this mission interests her. The two have some small talk on the way there, leading up to Koharu asking Gou if he wants to talk about something, in which he denies. Koharu drops it for now, but picks it up later once they arrive. She eventually drives it out of him, and encourages Gou to tell Ash how he feels. After a bit more back and forth she comes up with a plan: once they get home, she’d have her dad find a local mission for him and Ash to go on alone. When Ash gets back, they go on said mission and Gou confesses to him. Flustered and annoyed, Gou agrees. They take care of the mission and head back. Ash hasn’t returned yet, giving them plenty of time to prepare. 
Ep 2 (technically optional, but not rlly fdgfdh): We get Ash’s side of the story. He heads out to Pallet Town solo to visit his mom for a few days for her birthday. Prof. Oak picks him up, and they drive through the country side. Ash looks longingly back as the city skyline vanishes behind the hilltops. Pikachu comes in for a nuzzle, which cheers him up. Oak drops him off at his house, in which Ash is greeted warmly by Delia. He hands her the gift he bought her. A flashback/ mental image could play of Gou leading him through a shopping mall said gift, making sure he doesn’t get lost or distracted. Pans back to Ash letting out a small giggle, dawning the same longing expression as before. Delia asks him what’s wrong, in which Ash breaks out of his gay daze and goes back to his chipper self. He enters the house exclaiming something along the lines of his mom’s cooking, or being excited about sleeping in his own bed again. Delia is still in the doorway, shooting a concerned/curious glance at her son. The entire episode contains moments like this where Ash recalls a moment with Gou, or expresses how his wishes Gou was there, and just thinking about him in general a lot.
Side note: I believe this is the same mindset that he had when he and Gou split up in the Darkest Day Arc. The difference here being that he’s in no immediate danger, distracting him from these thoughts. Anyway, I will now continue with my rambling esdtgdf.
Ash then goes around the town, heading up to Prof. Oak’s lab. He passes by some neighbors, waving hello here and there, possibly running into Gary as well. Gary might pick up on the gayness Ash is unknowingly producing, but says nothing on the matter; maybe a chuckle before heading off. Ash reunites with all his Pokemon. Once again, he starts to think about Gou and how much he’d enjoy meeting his Pokemon. At dinner that night, Delia asks him about his recent adventures. As Ash describes them, Delia picks up on how much he’s talking about Gou. She asks how Gou’s doing, in which Ash starts going off about how many Pokemon he’s caught and how much he has improved in battling. He possibly mentions the events in ep 40, once again dawning a face of longing. Delia notices and points out how much Ash cares about him, leading into a mom-tangent about how she hopes Gou’s keeping up his promise to look after him and that Ash better be taking care of himself and not getting into too much trouble, etc. The next couple days Ash spends more time with his Pokemon; battling with them, introducing his new ones to them, and telling them stories. Prof. Oak comes out to tell him that he’s getting a call from Prof. Kukui. The Alola gang give their greetings as they chat for a bit. Kiawe brings up Gou, asking if he’s stayed true to the claims he made during their battle. Ash once again goes off about Gou, expressing stuff like how Gou technically caught Eternatus, along with the whole Zacian and Zamazenta thing. The ep ends with Ash saying goodbye to his mom and heading back to the city. On the car ride, he makes claims of excitement over going back to the lab. They arrive at the bottom of the lab near the steps. Prof. Oak drops Ash off and says goodbye before heading back to Pallet. Ash enthusiastically runs up the stairs and slams open the door to the main lab area. He’s greeted by Prof. Sakuragi along with the lab staff.
Ep 3: Ep 3 picks up right off from the last ep. After saying hello to the Prof. and the staff, Ash quickly asks where Gou is. The Prof. informs him that Gou’s with the Pokemon, then proceeds to stop Ash as he instantly tries to run off. The Prof. explains to Ash the mission that Koharu had him find, stating that it’s heavily preferred if they could address it as soon as possible. THEN Ash runs off. We cut to Gou and Koharu in the Pokemon garden area (idk what that place is technically called). Koharu is reassuring Gou while they feed the Pokemon their morning meal. Ash soon comes running in, spots them, and waves them down. He mentions the mission and the two just about leave before Koharu stops them and goes inside to get something. She comes back out with a picnic basket, stating that they’ll be gone most of the day and they need to eat. She gives Gou a smug look. He blushes in both an embarrassed and flustered manner. We then get a couple scenes of them traveling out of the city and into the hillside. These would be similar scenes as in ep 46 where they’re traveling on the island, creating silly and gay moments in the process. Gou would naturally be very nervous and easily flustered. This catches Ash’s attention, harboring some concern on his end. Ash therefore becomes visibly more protective. The two eventually reach a clearing, an area they instantly recognize. They find themselves standing in a field of vibrant flowers, the same area that Lugia had dropped them off when they first met. Ash takes the picnic basket from Gou, stating that this was good a place as any for lunch. They setup the picnic that Koharu had put together, or at least, the best that these two idiots could manage on their own. Ash starts going in on the sandwiches that were packed. A flashback plays of Koharu suggesting that Gou should confess when they stopped for lunch. They release their Pokemon to wonder about as they eat; Lucario and Cinderace join them at the picnic. Cinderace (who’s in on this) notices how nervous Gou is and goes in for a hug to reassure him. He returns the hug and whispers a very quiet “thank you”. After letting go, Cinderace would motion for Lucario to follow. The two Pokemon walk out into the forest, leaving Ash and Gou alone. Gou asks him about his trip to try and ease into a conversation. Ash would briefly tell him about it, and ends stating that he’ll take Gou along with him next time. At that, he stares caringly into Gou’s eyes, dawning a smile. Gou then starts the beginning of a sentence, starting to heavily blush similarly to how he did at the end of ep 3. His words begin to stutter and his hands start to stim nervously. He finally gets it out, confessing his feelings. Ash is clearly taken aback, but not in a bad way. Then a wave of realization washes over him. He laughs softly under his breath, having a similar reaction as THAT scene in ep.40 where the clouds clear away from behind Gou, you know what I mean. Still paralleling that scene, Ash makes a similar statement along the lines of, “I really am an idiot, aren’t I? I mean, it took you telling me that for me to even realize that I have feelings for you,”. Something like that. Gou, who has been a mess this whole time, freezes at this and looks up at Ash. After a few moments of eye contact, they both burst into laughter over how big of a dumbass they each are. They calm down, Gou gently grabs onto Ash’s hand, and goes in for a quick and nervous pec on the lips. Ash doesn’t expect this, but accepts it happily; he gives Gou a big, caring smile of reassurance. Cinderace comes bolting in, tackling Gou to the ground in a big, prideful hug. Lucario walks in from behind them, giving Ash a sly little grin. A montage plays of them finishing up the mission, displaying their new habit of frequently holding hands and overall being very adorable. We then cut to the lab. It’s going on to twilight, and Koharu’s just getting home from school. She walks in and puts her stuff down before exclaiming how Ash and Gou aren’t back yet. Not having the chance to do so until now, Prof. Sakuragi asks her what this whole arranged mission thing was about anyways. Shortly after a quick explanation, Wanpachi/Yamper is heard barking outside the front door. Koharu jolts up, telling everyone to stay calm and to be supportive. The two boys walk through the door with a noisy Wanpachi barking and running around their legs. The first thing Koharu notices is the fact that their hands are intertwined. Glancing up, she’s met with a grinning Ash and a very exhausted but very happy Gou; he looks as if he could burst out crying at any moment. She lets out a sigh of relief, stating that she had told him he had nothing to worry about. The staff and Prof. start clapping and cheering in congratulations. The narrator starts talking, stating something along the lines of “they became boyfriends” as the show freezeframes on Ash giving Gou a kiss on the cheek.  AND THERE THAT IS. I apologize once again for the poorly written fanfic this became.  
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Yesterday, there were like 3 j2 interviews released, today there’s been some more, it’s been a flood. The boys are looking handsome and beautiful, Jared got a haircut and I am screaming but he looks soooo goood! 
I do have some thoughts so let’s get into them...
quick preface this post is only about j2 so i’m not including their tvline interview were they talk about the final episodes in this that will get its own post
The Talk:
There were some technical problems with Jensen so the interview was almost all solo Jared. 
He talked about the final day of shooting and said that while he expected to cry he just felt proud ❤ 
He was asked if there was a moment he knew he had a “brother for life” in Jensen and Jared started by sharing how they met and instantly clicked with both being Texan boys and having so many things in common followed by bringing up how they got jumped early into filming and how Jensen had his back and vice versa, that was such a pivotal moment in their relationship and even know years later you can tell how much it still means to Jared that Jensen had his back.
They brought up the matching tattoos and Jared showed his! 😍
Jared got asked about the time him and Jensen were roommates. Uh...okay, this surprised me - not the fact that they were roommates I already knew that info but that he was asked about it cause this [them having lived together] feels like some forgotten part of j2 history. It’s not something that’s brought up, it’s not asked about, it was possibly even blacklisted, I can’t even recall the boys bringing it up at least not in recent years. Honestly, if it wasn’t because the hats and j2 fans from back in the day saved this info for future fans I feel like this is a fact that might have been lost to time, so to hear Sharon ask him about it threw me for a loop. Was this a one-off question or is this a part of j2′s history we’re now going to get to know more about? 
Jared responded pretty much the same way he did back in 2009 saying they would spend their days working out, playing guitar, cooking steaks that he can’t remember them ever talking about work once they got home, that at home they could just be Jared and Jensen. 
I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m not used to hearing them talk about this part of their story but it kinda feels like Jared himself is not used to talking about this topic, at least not in a professional interview setting....I really wish Jensen had been in the interview cause I’m curious as to what reactions he would have had or what he would have said in response to this question. 
Jensen was not available for most of the interview portion but the technical problems did get fixed in time for the boys to play ‘Know your Bro’
The boys got sent paddles with their faces and for reason Jensen’s Jared paddle had makeup I would like the story behind that 😂
Oh you think this being a virtual interview and Jensen having technical problems is gonna stop these two from acting married? How wrong you are! They got asked who has the messier dressing room to which Jensen replied Jared and Jared literally went no sir, no sir while holding the Jensen paddle. 
Jensen was straight out of fucks this day, they got asked which one was more likely to forget their wedding anniversary and after they both paused for a minute he, very seriously looking, answered both of them. Jared answered Jensen was most likely to forget but when he saw Jensen’s response he lifted his paddle too then bless his heart tried to do a smooth save by saying for both of them their wives were their rocks to which Jensen nodded and said ‘yeah we don’t get a choice’. And Jared then said ‘plus they’re both Italian so they’ll beat us up’. That’s...romantic, nothing says you better remember our happiest day as a couple like the threat of a beating... No comment.
Full interview: The Talk | J2 interview 
CW Arkansas interview:
They did a little mini interview with CW Arkansas and were asked what those final days of filming were like and Jensen got all emotional saying that 15 years ago him and Jared got on this rollercoaster together, that they didn’t separate for 15yrs and it was no different for the final week of filming, calling it a beautiful ride and that he couldn’t have asked for a better partner 🥺❤
Full Interview: CW Arkansas | J2 interview
CNN written interview:
The boys also did an interview with CNN that was released today, talking about the show and it’s legacy. 
They admit it’s gonna be an adjustment for them to not be working together, with Jensen saying “So, it will be different, and that’s probably when he and I will call each other and be like, ‘I miss you so much!’” We know Jensen, we know.
Jared talks about how on spn they went through deaths, and marriages, and births, and divorces and honeymoon phases and all this things and then:
Jensen: “Oh, I thought you meant we fell in love” 
Jared: “We fell in love too” 
said in a supposedly joking manner according to the author of the piece, who proceeded to add that plotline is only in fanfiction (weird thing to add but okay) Jensen replied “or was it?” [i will add and make of it what you will that the word the author used was not replied but retort which means to ‘say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry or wittily incisive manner’ again make of that what you will but if we go by that definition of retort it sounds like Jensen didn’t like the authors unsolicited addition] 
Jared laughed and said “There it goes the internet.”
For some reason that whole exchange gave me early 2000′s j2 flashbacks which I don’t even know how it’s possible I didn’t even know who these men were back then...
They also said they’d like to do conventions again, and actually the boys are currently scheduled for 2021 conventions so 🤞 they’ll be able to do them. 
I gotta say that it seems like the person who wrote this piece doesn’t really know Jared and Jensen’s sense of humor or how to read them well so I really wish this had been a video interview instead of a written one; I will also add that I found it interesting that the author mentioned Jared being on a road trip back to Austin but didn’t say the same for Jensen even though we know the both of them had been road tripping together, make of that what you will. 
CNN interview 
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chaoticpete · 3 years
Our lives is a movie?
Peter Parker x reader...I think, Avengers x reader, Tom Holland x Reader (if ya squint)
Warnings: none
What would it be like if the team found out they were just a movie series in our world?
A/n: This is just an idea I had like last year, will probably end up rewriting it, well at least the end, hope you guys still enjoy it though!
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“Oh come on! I was so close to an almost perfect winning streak!” You yell at Bucky. Tossing the controller beside you, you cross your arms and start pouting as your Yoshi finally crosses over the finish line.
“Guess I’m just better.” He replies with a smug smirk. “Is that why I beat you the first three games.” It’s your turn to smirk when he glares at you. An alarm starts going off through the tower. A code red. Someone is inside the tower. You wave your hand and your suit appears on.
“FRIDAY! Where’s the intruder?” Tony asks, running into the room, Nat and Wanda following behind. “They’re trying to get into the plans vault, sir.”
“L/N would you mind pulling up a portal?” You make one leading to the vault. “Why of course Papa Stark!” Tony summons a suit and the rest of you jump through your portal seeing a blue man trying to get past the actual vault.
“Hey, Smurf! Who do you think you are?” You ask, throwing a mini explosive his way. He jumps out of way throwing back a disk towards you guys that set off a bright light.
Then he sent another one.
“Void! Look out!” Peter says pushing you out of the way the same time you made another portal causing it to mix with the blue guy’s device.
Before anyone else in the team could do anything the guy was gone, and so were you and Peter.
You land landing on your face. “Ow...I really don’t get paid enough for this.” You grumble as you get back up and brush off your clothes. You notice a golden disk by you. It’s the one the guy threw.
Picking it up and slipping it into your suit, you begin looking around you, you see lots of people walking around some talking other carrying items. “Where the hell am I?” You say starting to walk around.
When you spotted some familiar brown curls. “Peter!” You say running towards the boy and pulling him into a hug. “Ugh, I have absolutely no idea whe- when you change your clothes?” You ask actually getting a good look at him.
‘Peter’ looks at you confused. “When did I change my clothes? Darling, I think the real question is what are you wearing and who are you?” He says in a British accent.
Before either of you can say anything else ANOTHER Peter runs up to you. “Y/n!” “Peter?!” You say back pulling this one in a hug.
“Are you okay?” “Yeah. But when I came out of that portal this woman automatically started coming at me saying that “I needed to get ready for the next scene” and “I needed a touch up” THEN SHE TRIED TO UNDRESS ME! I ran so fast.”
Quickly remembering the other Peter you step back from that Peter and look between the two. Peter looks over at the next person, who he saw...was him. “Holy shit!” He says jumping closer to you.
“Y/n, what is happening?” “I don’t know but I don’t like it. Do you think this is Loki’s doing?” “No, no.” He's on that time mission, remember.” “She.” “Oh yeah.”
The fake Peter looked just as confused as the both of you. “I feel like I should be calling security, but it’s not every day you meet someone who looks, exactly like you.” He says staring at Peter.
“Whoa, you’re British?!” Peter askes shocked at the accident. “Would it help better if I talked like this?” He asked now in an American accent.
He sounded just like Peter.
Both your and Peter’s eyes open wide. “Noooo.” You both say. “You both already look very much alike. Don’t you guys talk alike also?”
A loud bell rings and you and Peter automatically jump into your fighting stances. “Shit! Break is just about done.” Fake Peter says panicking a bit.
“Uh, okay follow me. You guys can stay in my trailer till I’m done for the day then when you get to the hotel we can figure this out.” He says starting to walk towards the trailers.
He goes to one labeled “Peter Parker” and opens the door. “You guys can wait till I’m done. Please, don’t let anyone in. I have a key so I’ll just lock it. Um, there are some snacks in the cupboard, water in the fridge, and feel free to watch anything on the tele. Even got youtube!” He yelled before closing the door.
“...did you catch any of that?” “Nope.”
Turning on the tv, you see the date. “February 16, 2021. What the hell is Covid-19-“
You get cut off by someone trying to open the door. “Fucking div locked the door again. And left the tele on.” You hear a voice mumble on the other side before walking off.
“N/n look at this,” Peter says flipping through pages of paper.
“What is it?” “It’s a script. For a “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” He says looking at the first page. “It has everyone in here. Aunt May, Mj, Ned even that European trip we went on.” “Wait what?” You ask, looking over his shoulder.
“Dude...where the hell are we.”
Hours passed and before you know it you hear the trailer door unlocking. Sitting up in the bed you see the fake Peter (whose name you learned was Tom) walking in looking tired.
“Hey. Okay, so before I actually bring you guys back home. Who exactly are you?”
“Well, my name is Peter. Peter Parker. Spider-Man. Um, I’m pretty sure you know me.”
“Yeah kinda. I am...you? Technically...in this universe. Well, one of you. I’ll explain better at the hotel. Oh, I’m Tom by the way. Don’t think I’ve actually introduced myself.” He says chuckling. “And you?” He asks turning your attention to you.
“I’m the actual Y/n. Or Void as my hero name.”
“Y/n huh? Yeah, we don’t have you here.” “Wait what? Really? But I’m Peter’s partner in crime. We’re always getting blamed for everything with the team.” You say pouting.
“Is there at least an actor that looks like me?” “No, I don’t think so darling. Sorry.”
Before anything else can be said there’s another knock on the door. “Tom, are you in there mate? We’re going to go get some pizza.”
“Uh, no thanks I’ll just meet you back at the room. Be safe.” “Who was that?” “My brother, Harry.” “Aww, he has a brother.” “Three actually.” “Awww!”
“Okay it should be safe to get you two out of here but first. Here,” Tom says opening up a kit bag and giving Peter some clothes and you an oversized hoodie. “They might think you’re trying to steal the suit.”
“Oh, and you’ll need these.” He says grabbing a box and handing you each a mask after Peter was done changing.
“Yeah what’s with these?” “We’re in a pandemic?” “Like the plague?” “Ehh, sort of. Now let’s find a way to get you two back home.”
“So here, we’re all just...comic book characters? There are no avengers? No flying robots? Nothing?”
“Nope. No alien villains. Just regular people who wanna bring harm.” “Huh.”
The three of you were now in Tom’s suite.
“So how did you guys even get here.” “Well, my theory is when the guy threw his little disk thingy, it merged with Y/n powers and made a new portal.”
“But how do you know that’s what it was meant to do?” “It’s the only explanation with how he got into the compound and the vault unnoticed.”
“You guys never thought about that?” “Blame Tony.” You say as Peter hisses and moves back from getting shocked.
“You okay?” You say grabbing his hand to inspect the slight burn. “Yeah, just a sting. It’ll heal in an hour or two.”
“Can you get us back home?” “Yeah, but I’ll need a few supplies.” “Well,” Tom speaks up. “I’m off tomorrow so we can go pick up what you need. You can stay here tonight if you like.”
“Thanks, dude,” Peter says and you nod with him.
“You guys hungry? I can ask Harry to bring back some pizza for us.” “Ohh yes please.” You say bouncing on your toes a bit. “I’m absolutely starving.”
“So Tom you’re an actor right?” “Mhmm.” “And you said you play me?” “Yep.” “And they have the rest of the team?” “Besides me apparently,” you say under your breath.
“Maybe they’ll bring you in soon. The company is starting a new phase so,” Tom says shrugging.
“Do you guys wanna see them?” “How many are there?” “23 movies and more coming out. There's also shows.”
Tom can’t help but laugh at your guy’s reaction. “Yeah, Marvel movies are some of the biggest ones these days. Going on for almost 13 years.”
“How much have you acted in?” “Like five, two solo films, and this one we’re currently filming will make it six. Three solos and three with the actual avengers.”
There was a knock on the door. “Must be Harry with the pizza,” Tom says going to the door. “Why didn’t you just use your key?”
“Cause my hands are full ya div. Why did you get so much food any-“ Harry stops when he sees you and Peter sitting on the couch.
Tom quickly grabs the food from his hands before he can even think about letting it go.
Looking between his brother and his duplicate you couldn’t help but start laughing at his expression.
All three turned to look at you like you completely lost his mind (which I’m sure is exactly how Harry was feeling). “I’m just gonna...nice meeting you guys I guess.” He says walking to what you think is his room before looking back at Tom and Peter causing him to almost walk up into a wall.
“Uh...sorry about that. That’s my little brother Harry, he came along as my assistant.” You and Peter nod. “Well guess we can dig in and watch the movies.”
“I- it was not that dramatic when Mr. Stark took the suit.” “Yes, it was. You could barely talk properly when you called me.”
“I can’t believe they included Flash but not me.”
“Okay, but why is the guy who plays Mysterio kinda hot though.” “Y/n I swear.” “Okay, but am I wrong?!” “...no.”
“Tony’s ego is gonna be ruined if he ever knows they killed him off.”
“Sucks we didn’t have enough time to watch all 23 films. I’m sure it would make more sense.”
And that’s how your night went. You just watched the Spider-Man stand-alone ones before everyone started to crash from the long eventful day. Harry even came out and joined you guys.
After figuring out what was needed and put together his own device, it was time for you guys to go home.
“You guys got everything?” Harry asks as Peter puts the finishing touches. “Yeah, thank you, guys. Really, I don’t know what I and Peter would’ve done if we didn’t end up here.”
“Oh! These are for you.” Tom says handing you a bag. “It’s the whole MCU collection. I saw how much you guys loved the Spider-Man ones and it was confusing since they all interact. Plus, I’m sure the others would wanna see them.”
“As if some of them need an ego boost. Especially Tony and Loki. I’m pretty sure if Loki ever found out he was actually worshipped here he would find a way to get here.”
You go and pull Tom into a hug. “Nice meeting you Peter’s British half. I’ve never really cared for them but eh, I guess I have a little soft spot for two of them now.” You say shooting Harry a wink before placing a kiss on Tom’s cheek and then going to give Harry a hug as Peter says his byes.
“Ready N/n?” “I guess. I just hope we actually end up in our world and not a different one.” You say grabbing Peter's hand as he gets ready to throw the disc.
You both look back at the two Holland brothers. “See you again one day boys.” You say as Peter throws the disc and a portal opens and the two of you jump through it.
The two of you crash to the floor. “Ugh, Peter get off me! You’re skinny but really heavy.”
“Kids!” You both look up to see the team rushing to you guys. “Where did you two go?!”
Getting up from the ground, both tackled with hugs.
“YOu'll never believe us. But we do have the next movie night!” “What are those?” “Movies about us. Avengers! To the theater room!”
Tags:: @tommyunderoos @spideyspeaches @frenchfrostpudding @holland-styles @gwenvrse @allegra-writes @petersgroupie @cherry-hyejin @kitkatd7 @buckys-other-punk
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cloudykaii · 4 years
pairing: bts eighth member
summary:  Ooooh okay! Hii! I saw that you were taking in request for 8th member? Can I request something? Maybe she wins a award for her mini solo album she's worked really hard on and the boys have been super supportive and when she wins, she can be a crying but very grateful mess?? Lmaoo is it okay with you?
warnings: none, except maybe the fact that it’s a little short
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Hearing them call your name felt surreal. It was like time had stopped, before everything started to move in slow motion. Was this really happening? You had poured your heart in soul into this project, using Yoongi and Namjoon’s advice as rare as you could, because you had worked so hard to prove that you were talented on your own, everything was yours. 
The moment didn’t really sink in until Jimin gently pushed you out of your seat, telling you to go, and then you realized that the cheering and the happy yells ringing in your ears, were for you. You won. 
You clasped your hand over your mouth as you stood up, letting your brothers push you towards the stage. They walked as far as the stage steps with you, waiting there for you. Tears welled up in your eyes and you have no idea how you manage to not trip up the steps in your heels. This was the first time you had been onstage to accept a reward without your brothers, but somehow you didn’t even think about that as you stood behind the podium, staring down at the award in your hands. God, you were supposed to make a speech, now, weren’t you?
“Um,” you wiped at your eyes, silently praising the invention of waterproof mascara, “You guys have no idea how much this means to me,” you sniffled. “I’ve worked so hard for so long, and there were countless times when I didn’t know if this path was the right one for me, but every single time I doubted myself, even when someone else doubted me, I always had my seven brothers to support me and-and to remind me that I was worth more than I thought I was.”
Your face shown on the bright screen behind you, illuminating the tear falling down your cheek, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the seven guys beaming excitedly up at you from their seats. “This album, these songs weren’t to prove anyone wrong for doubting me, but to prove my brothers right for believing in me and and proving that I am everything I dreamed of being. Thank you so much,” you ended with a happy sob, making your way offstage as a fit of applause rang throughout the air. 
The minute you got back to your seat you were embraced into a group hug, your head ducked down as you were still crying. Jimin, being the closet to you, leaned over to kiss your head. “You deserve this,” he whispered. “And we are so so proud of you.” You didn’t know when you quit crying happy tears that night.
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dameronsgalaxygal · 4 years
I’ve Been Waiting For You: Chapter 7: Waterloo
series masterlist
Pairing: modern! poe x reader
Warnings: FLUFF. angst if you squint. 
Word Count: 4343
Songs: Waterloo by ABBA
A/N: I LOVED WRITING THIS CHAPTER. also I'm not going to be posting the song links anymore because it causes my post to not show up in the tags, but you can find the song on a playlist linked on the master list! There are multiple songs referenced in this chapter, feel free to give them a listen! Also, let me know if you suspect anything suspicious in this chapter ;) There is something really important in this that will come to play later. Feedback and comments appreciated, and let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!  
Summary: Its your 6 month anniversary with Poe, and you both learn something new about each other. 
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“I am home and I have brought lunch for my two favorite ladies!”
Poe burst through the door of Solo Reads holding two white paper bags that had his name written sloppily in sharpie on them.
“Shhh!!” An older man and woman turned to look at him with furrowed brows. They were the only two in the bookstore along with you and Leia and they had been quietly discussing a book regarding the ‘history of the world’
Poe stopped in his tracks, his eyes going wide with annoyance as he glanced at them. The couple rolled their eyes and continued to analyze the book.
“Sorry, didn’t realize this was a library.” He spoke quietly, shooting you a look as he walked up to the register desk that you had been sitting behind.
You laughed and stood up from the bar stool as he approached you, leaning over the desk to kiss him.
“It’s not.” You laughed as you pulled away. “Older couples just tend to like a little more peace when they read.” You whispered as you looked over Poes shoulder to look at the couple.
He chuckled lightly and set the bags down that he had been holding.
“How was your trip?” You asked, opening the bag to look inside at what he had got you.
He shrugged, leaning against the desk with his arms crossed. “Same old, same old.”
He had been gone for a couple days for work, flying from Miami to California, then California to Oregon, from Oregon to Michigan, then finally back to Miami. He was finally back and decided to stop by the bookstore despite being exhausted. He even had brought you and Leia lunch, the tiny gesture forming butterflies in your stomach even though you two had been together nearly half a year now.
“I missed you,” You smiled, “Thanks for the sandwich.” You held up the small sandwich. He knew your order by heart. He had memorized it the first time you went to the deli with him after you had gotten the job at his aunts bookstore. Ham and swiss with mayo and extra pickles.
“Missed you too, and no problem,” He smiled back at you before looking around the bookstore. “Where’s Aunt Leia?”
You shrugged, “Probably reading in her office.” You looked to the back of the bookstore to where Leia had spent most of her time. It was a small space only consisting of a desk and chair along with some of her favorite knick-knacks and photos. She stayed in there when it wasn’t too busy, which was almost every day.
Poe nodded and grabbed the food he had gotten for her, heading back towards her office. The door had been cracked open slightly and he knocked on it gently.
Leia looked up from a stack of papers and smiled when she saw her nephew, “Poe! How was work?” She took her glasses off and stood up to meet him.
“The usual. Brought you some lunch,” He reached his arm out to hand her the bag.
“Thank you, dear.” She took it from him, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek, “So, how are things?”
He shrugged, “Fine I guess. Finn keeps forgetting to fill up our water filter and it gets really annoying because then I have to drink the tap water,” He started.
Leia laughed lightly, sitting back in her desk chair and unwrapping her sandwich, “I meant between you and Y/N.”
“Oh,” He laughed, “Things are pretty good. She’s great. She’s gotten more comfortable with me, which is good. I’m glad she’s starting to really trust me.”
Your relationship with Poe was getting stronger day by day. Poe hadn’t been as clingy, but he would still come over every now and then or you two would go out on dates like bowling, mini golf, the beach, etc. As the days went by, you were getting more comfortable with being with Poe in more intimate settings. You and Poe would cuddle and watch movies in your bedroom, and sometimes he would even spend the night. You would go to bars and dance, just like that night.
He wouldn’t let anything happen, though. If he started to get too heated, you would say something and he would immediately back off. He stayed true to his word when it came to respect and making you feel comfortable.
“Good. I’m glad you two are doing good,” She took a few bites of her sandwich.
Poe sighed and looked out of her office to make sure you were occupied with something before closing Leia’s office door.
“Can you help me with something?” He asked her, crossing his arms.
She nodded, “Of course, what do you need?”
“How do you think I can get Y/N to come over to my place?” He asked quietly, walking towards her desk.
She looked up at him mid-chew, raising an eyebrow.
“Not to sleep with her! I just,” He sighed, “I want to do something special for her, and make her feel really comfortable. Let her know that it’s okay. We’ve been together for a while now.”
Your six month anniversary was coming up soon, and you hadn’t planned anything yet. Poe hadn’t mentioned anything because he wasn’t sure where you stood with it, or if it even was going to be something worth celebrating in your eyes.
She continued chewing, “Well the best thing to do is talk to her. Communication is always key.”
“Yeah but I don’t want to come off desperate,” He said, emphasizing ‘desperate’ with finger quotes.
Leia chuckled and looked up at him, “Hun, just talk to her. Assure her that you aren’t going to try anything, and if she really doesn’t feel comfortable yet, you’re going to be okay with it.”
Poe stood silent, looking down at his feet.
“You are going to be okay with it if she’s not ready, right?” She leaned forward in her desk chair to try to catch his gaze.
He shrugged, “I mean, of course. I love her, but I just really want her to feel comfortable all the time. I want...I want her to feel like she can open up to me.”
Leia stood from behind her desk and walked up to him, reaching up to cup his cheeks.
“Poe, you don’t know what she went through. Whatever it was, it affected her greatly. When she feels like she can talk about it, she will. Whether that’s now or ten years from now, she’ll know when she’s ready,” She stroked underneath his eyes with her thumbs and he responded with a small nod.
“Besides, you should feel special that she's trusted you for as long as she has,” She smiled gently.
He smiled back, “I do.”
She pulled her hands away and nodded her head towards your direction outside her office, “Then go talk to her.”
He pulled Leia into a hug, “Thank you, Auntie,” He leaned down to kiss her cheek.
She pulled away with a smile, patting his cheek gently before walking back to her desk.
You were still behind the register trying to finish your lunch but you kept getting interrupted by the older couple asking you for recommendations. You were giving them classic novels such as your favorite, To Kill a Mockingbird, but apparently they meant recommendations for other bookstores, because Solo Reads ‘didn’t have what they were looking for’.
Poe returned to you and smiled before watching the couple leave.
“Looks like a busy day!” He teased in which you just chuckled.
Hey smirked at you for a second before sneaking behind the counter and grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into him.
You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck and he took it as an okay to lean down and kiss you sweetly. He squeezed your waist gently as his tongue begged for entrance. You granted it, letting out a small whine as he kissed you deeper.
He pulled away for a breath and smiled when he noticed the bright pink flush of your cheeks.
“Almost six months together and you still make me blush every time you kiss me,” You bit your lip and he kissed your cheek.
“Speaking of six months,” He brushed a hair out of your face, “Tuesday is our six month anniversary.”
You took a deep breath. Has it really been that long? Time seemed to fly by with Poe. You still hadn’t told him you loved him, and he had only said it a couple times since the first time because he didn’t want to scare you away. You also hadn’t had sex with him, nor had you opened up to him about your past. But none of that mattered to him. He loved you just the same, maybe even more.
You nodded, “That’s right. It is.”
He swayed you a little bit, arms still around your waist. “I was wondering if you wanted to do something. I fly back from Texas that morning and I have Wednesday off, so we can have a late night.”
“Like what?” Your fingers played with the hair behind his neck and you could feel him melt at your touch.
He sighed nervously, “Well, if you were feeling up for it, and if you’re comfortable of course,” He said, emphasizing ‘comfortable’, “I thought maybe you could come over. Not for any funny business! I just thought maybe we could have a cozy night in. Order some take-out and watch a movie. Play board games and stuff,”
You rubbed your hands up and down his arms as you thought about his offer. In all honesty, you were getting kind of bored of being at your place. You were curious to see what Poe’s house looked like without a hundred drunk people running around. Conveniently, Rey was having some of her coworkers over for a dinner party and you were just planning on being in your room.
You took a deep breath, hesitant with your answer at first before responding, “Okay. Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
He was surprised by your response, even though he had been hopeful. He leaned back in surprise, arms still around your waist.
“Really? You aren’t going to be uncomfortable?” He asked.
You shrugged, “I need to step out of my comfort zone. We’ve been together for a while, and I think it’ll be fun. Help me grow,” You squeezed his shoulders and smiled.
He returned the smile as you continued, “Besides, I trust you. And Rey has the apartment occupied since she's having people over to celebrate something that they achieved at work.”
“Right, Finn was telling me about that. Something about them finally closing a huge deal with First Order Tech, or something like that. Well, good, that means Finn will be gone too.”
You nodded, hoping that his statement of Finn being gone didn’t mean what you thought it meant. Regardless, you were going to allow yourself to step out of your safety bubble and see where it took you. You had open communication with Poe, and if you didn’t want to go to his place again, you would tell him. He would understand.
“So Tuesday? I can pick you up around 5.”
“Sounds like a plan,” You leaned up to kiss him.
He smiled against your lips before he pulled away, “Perfect.”
“Y/N! Can you get the door?” Rey called as she rushed around the kitchen prepping for dinner.
You rushed out of your room while you put in your earrings and headed to open the door.
Standing before you was Poe with a small bouquet of white roses in his hand.
“Happy six months,” He smiled.
The fact that he had bought you white roses instead of red made your entire body fill with emotions. It was almost as if Poe knew that Kyle used to buy you red roses when he wanted to apologize to you.
“Happy six months,” You replied, taking the roses and giving him a quick kiss, “Thank you, they’re beautiful.”
“Just like you,” He mumbled and you blushed, biting your lip.
“You are so corny,” You laughed, “Let me just get my shoes on and I’ll be ready to go.”
Poe nodded at you as you rushed back to your room to finish up.
“Hey!” Poe said loudly so Rey would hear her over the water running in the sink.
“Hey,” She called back.
“Finn wanted me to tell you he’s running late, he got distracted playing some game called ‘Duel of the Fates’ on the computer. Wasn’t keeping track of the time. He’s getting ready now.”
She just shook her head and laughed, “That man, I swear. Thanks for letting me know.”
“No problem,” He chuckled.
You came out of your bedroom and smiled, “Ready.”
He put his arm around your shoulder as he said bye to Rey.
“I’ll bring her home later, but if plans change we’ll let you know.”
You rolled your eyes because you knew he was teasing, so you just nudged his side in which he laughed.
“Have fun!” She called out as you made your way to his car.
He opened the passenger door, gesturing for you to get in, “M’lady?”
Blushing again, you got inside, “Why thank you.”
He closed the door with a smile before getting into the driver’s seat and pulling away from your apartment complex.
He reached over to grab your hand, squeezing it lightly as he kept his eyes on the road.
“So,” You started, looking at him while you played with his hand, “What do you have planned for us tonight?”
He kept his eyes on the road, “Well, nothing too fancy. Just something casual. I thought maybe we could order pizza, then watch a movie and cuddle. If you don’t mind, I already had one picked out.”
“Oh yeah? What movie?”
“Top Gun. It’s my favorite,” He looked over at you and smiled.
Of course it was. He was a pilot, so it was no surprise to you that his favorite film would be a classic about flying.
You admired him for a minute before replying, “I’d love to watch Top Gun.”
“It’s been my favorite since I was a kid. My parents used to watch it all the time. My mom would sometimes even call me her ‘Mini Maverick’.” His smile dropped slightly as he mentioned his mother. You squeezed his hand.
“Is that why you became a pilot? The movie inspired you?” You looked at your intertwined hands and then back up at him.
His face shifted and his jaw clenched. You furrowed your brow.
“Yeah,” He said tentatively. “I love fighter jets, but I was always too afraid to fly them. So I became an airline pilot instead.”
His tone seemed hesitant, like he was hiding something. You brushed it off and looked out the window with a nod as he pulled up to his home.
You must have just missed Finn, because the driveway was empty.
Your mouth dropped slightly in awe. You had been there once before, but you had been so anxious to really look at it completely.
It was only one story, but it was big, with several palm trees planted in the front yard. It had a cobblestone driveway that led to two large garage doors, and you wondered why an airline pilot and a tech engineer had lived in such a big place when they could have easily afforded an apartment directly in the city; especially since Poe was gone flying more than half the time.
Parking the car, he looked over at you and frowned when he saw your expression.
“Change your mind?”
You shook your head, “No, no, no. I just forgot how nice of a place you have.”
He chuckled, squeezing your hand again before getting out of the car, “Let’s go inside.”
The inside of his house was just as nice. With wooden floors, it had three bedrooms: Poe’s, Finn’s, and a guest room. There were also two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, indoor bar, and a living room that was so big you swore you could fit three cars in it.
The living room had a giant flat screen and an L-shaped couch along with two reclining chairs, and a giant grand piano that caught your attention before anything else.
“You play?” Your mouth opened in excitement, running over to it and running your hand along the top of it. You didn't remember seeing it during Finn's party.
He shook his head, following behind you.
“No. Finn does, though. When he’s not doing tech stuff he likes to teach himself.”
You admired the instrument, “It’s beautiful.”
He smirked, “Do you play?”
“I fiddle around,” You smiled, opening the fall board to look at the keys, “I was a music minor, remember?”
“Ah, yes.” He leaned gently against the piano as you sat down on the stool, “Can you play something for me?”
You looked up at him, shaking your head. “It’s been a while.”
“Oh come on,” He teased, “You just said you were a music minor, I’m sure you can pick it up again. Come on. Play something. Anything.”
You sighed, “Okay. Fine. I’m a little rusty though, and I haven’t really touched any instrume-”
“Play woman!” He teased, throwing his head back.
You laughed, “Okay, okay!” You thought about what you wanted to play, or at least what you remembered how to play.
After a moment of thinking, you decided to play one of your favorite piano songs, A River Flows in You by Yiruma.
Your hands found the keys, pressing on them softly to reveal the first chords and then glancing at Poe. He had a soft smile on his face and he gestured for you to keep going.
You continued to play and Poes eyes went between your face and your hands, his head tilting in admiration as he watched you.
Your eyes remained focused on your hands, your hair falling in front of your face slightly. Poe smiled to himself as he crossed his arms. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
As you dove deeper into the song, your entire body swayed as you pressed your fingers against the black and white keys. You hadn’t played in so long, mostly because you had never had the chance. When you worked at the record label in New York, you were often running around with files or organizing appointments for people. You weren’t able to sit down and play. Music made you feel free, which is why you had written song lyrics constantly. You had written them in that matte blue notebook. The one you threw away months ago. You hadn’t thought about music since then. Until today.
After finally finishing the song, you sighed happily, taking a moment to yourself before looking up at Poe who was staring at you in adoration.
“‘I’m a little rusty’” He mocked.
You giggled, standing up and closing the fall board, “I am!”
“That was not ‘a little rusty’” He pulled you by the waist into his chest, “You’re really talented sweetheart.”
Your face transformed into a grin, gazing up at him and running your fingertips along his jaw, “Thank you.”
He brushed the hair out of your face, holding his hand to your cheek as he leaned in to kiss you. His lips were soft and gentle like they normally were, but they always left you wanting more.
“We should play together sometime,” He said as he pulled away.
“I thought you said you don’t play,” You laughed.
“I said I don’t play piano, I never said I don’t play an instrument,” He winked and turned to go to the kitchen.
You bit your lip, walking to the couch and plopping down onto it.
Poe came back into the living room with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. He sat the glasses down as he popped open the bottle, pouring you a glass.
“How's half pepperoni-half cheese sound?” He asked, handing you the glass.
“Sounds delicious,” You took a sip.
He smiled and sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he opened up his phone to call the pizza place.
You looked around the living room as he ordered when you noticed a bookshelf full of small knick-knacks and informational books. You stood up, wine glass in hand, and walked over to it.
Along the shelf were several small antique fighter jets, similar to life size jets seen in Top Gun and in the Air Force. You ran your fingers along them and smiled to yourself, thinking about how much he must love the movie to have a collection of jets. You also analyzed the books, seeing titles such as Air Force Aircrafts: The Complete Dictionary and A Pilot's Survival Guide to Flying. You bit your lip, kind of turned on by your pilot and his admiration and passion for flying.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a pair of arms snaking around your waist.
“What are you doing?” Poe asked softly.
“Just looking around. You really like Top Gun don’t you?” You kept your eyes on his collection.
He took a breath, “Yeah. Speaking of that, you wanna watch now?”
You turned to face him, “How long until pizza’s here?”
“15 minutes or so.”
“Well, we don’t want to get interrupted during the movie…” You started.
He cocked his eyebrow, “Okay…”
“Wanna make out until the pizza gets here?”
His eyes widened and he smirked at your boldness, “Now how could I ever deny such a thing?”
You giggled, putting a finger to his chest, “No funny business. Hands stay above the waist and off the chest.”
“Yes, madam,” He teased, pulling you down to the couch.
You smirked as he pulled you onto his lap, hands immediately landing on your waist as he leaned up to kiss you. Your hands cupped his cheeks, kissing him with force. His hands ran up and down your sides, but stayed away from your areas of concern. He continued to kiss you for a while, his tongue battling with yours and you let out a small whine. You tugged on his lower lip and a groan escaped him. You smirked, pulling away as he chased your lips.
Panting, he smirked and looked down at your swollen lips. He licked his as he leaned in to kiss you again when the doorbell rang. He sighed and dropped his head on your shoulder.
“There is no way that was 15 minutes,” He chuckled against your shoulder.
You smirked, tapping him to let go of you so you could get off his lap. You fell back onto the couch as he got up to retrieve the pizza. After a minute, he returned from the front of the house carrying the box and a stack of napkins and two plates.
He sat the box down on the coffee table before returning to his place on the couch.
“Can you put the movie in? It’s up on the shelf,” He said, opening the box and grabbing a slice.
You nodded, standing up and grabbing it off the shelf. You took the CD out of the case, putting it in the DVD player. You thought it was cute that he still owned one. Normally people rented movies off of their TVs nowadays, but you assumed he had it on DVD for the nostalgia.
You returned to the couch, grabbing yourself a slice of pizza and curling into Poes chest.
You had seen the movie a couple times before, but not near as many times as Poe. You adored how he knew nearly every one of Tom Cruises lines. You could hear them say them quietly under his breath, and you had to nudge him playfully at times so you could actually pay attention to the movie.
“Sorry,” He would laugh, “Habit.”
After you had both devoured the entire pizza and an entire bottle of wine, you nuzzled closer to Poe. Your head was laying on his chest and his hand stroked your hair. You felt safe. You told yourself that there was nothing to be afraid of, Poe respected you, and tonight proved that for you. You were getting more comfortable day by day, and it felt wonderful. Maybe you would be okay with Poe after all. Maybe you had nothing to worry about.
“This is one of my favorite scenes,” Poe said, shifting in his seat, pulling you closer to him.
‘Take My Breath Away’ by Berlin began playing, and you giggled. It was the iconic scene where Maverick shows up at Charlie’s door and they kiss and make love. You smiled softly as you watched the scene, quietly singing the lyrics to yourself.
Even though he had just mentioned it was his favorite scene, he looked down at you the entire time. He watched you sing and his lips formed a tiny smile. He didn’t know when he would get you to open up to him, but he just felt so lucky that he was able to hold you and make you feel loved. He stared at you until about half way through the scene when you finally looked up at him.
He continued to look down at you, his hand moving from your hair to your cheek. He cupped it gently, stroking his thumb under your eye softly before leaning in to kiss you. You kissed him back, your arm reaching up to run through the curls on the side of his head. He smiled through the kiss, as did you.
He pulled away once the scene ended, kissing your forehead and moving his eyes back to the screen. You continued to look at him for a moment, your chin on his chest and your smile not leaving your face for even a second. You sighed happily, resting your head back on his chest as you finished watching the film.
He really did take your breath away.
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86 notes · View notes
doubleattitude · 3 years
Radix Dance Convention, Denver, CO: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Rookie Solo
1st: Skyla Edger-’Hallelujah’
2nd: Prairie Wilkins-’Older Than I Am’
3rd: Lucy Tang-’You Are A Memory’
4th: Jsde Peterson-’Fly Me To The Moon’
5th: Ava Azar-’Halo’
6th: Abby Fowle-’One Moment More’
7th: Quinn Nash-’Tiny Dancer’
Mini Solo
1st: Savannah Manzel-’Fly Me To The Moon’
2nd: Karson Koller-’Asht’
3rd: Isabella DiBenedetto-’Amen’
4th: Ella Miller-’For Now I Am Winter’
4th: Lily Haas-’I Can’t Stand The Rain’
4th: Mariah Reuvers-’Sleep’
5th: Harper Potts-’Fireflies’
5th: Julian Aranda-’Jump’
5th: Emily Benjamin-’Roxie’
6th: Avery Burgard-’Fancy’
7th: Marley Dechant-’Control’
7th: Kate Casa-’Isn’t She Lovely’
7th: Emily Bell-’Na, Na, Na’
7th: Ella Birdsong-’The Garden’
8th: Tori Barrett-’Borderline’
8th: Evelyn Cherry-’This Is Us Colliding’
9th: Kinsley Odom-’Insight’
9th: Natalie Lira-’Tiny Dancer’
10th: Annabelle Winterbottom-’Red Alert’
Junior Solo
1st: Coltrane Vodicka-’Moon River’
2nd: Campbell Clark-’I’ll Be Seeing You’
3rd: Taryn Miner-’Make You Feel My Love’
4th: Alegra Post-’What If Birds Were Screaming’
5th: Vanessa Lira-’Convolution’
6th: Genesse Craft-’The Beat Goes On’
7th: Gianna Montoya-’Burn It Up’
7th: Morgan Jensen-’Fields of Gold’
8th: Grace Grieve-’Mask, Gloves, Soap, Scrubs’
9th: Brynlee Morton-’Where Did Our One Go?’
10th: Ruby Spencer-’What You Want’
Teen Solo
1st: Lola Iglesias-’Letters from a Traveler’
2nd: Ayla Rodriguez-Ping’
3rd: Olivia Taylor-’Why Try To Change Me Now?’
4th: Maliah Howard-’Sei La Vita’
4th: Maya Howard-’Telehumo’
5th: Kennedy Peterson-’Build It Up’
5th: Soleil Nelson-’Cetana’
5th: Emerson Ramos-’Rebel Angel’
6th: Davina Ephraim-’Hurt for Me’
6th: Devon Stutz-’No End To New Memories’
6th: Sara Allen-’This Land Is Your Land’
7th: Abbey Schmidt-’Letters Make No Meaning’
7th: Teya Pak-’Pathogenic Agent’
7th: Gwendolyn Cherry-’Shiny Stockings’
8th: Eliane Dean-’Both Sides of the Moon’
8th: Jamir Nuanes-’Fresh Prince’
9th: Addison Ihler-’Boyfriend’
9th: Avery Trammell-’It’s Time To Go’
9th: Chloe Jachowicz-’The River’
10th: Emma Broome-’Death’
10th: Lauren Feichtinger-’Labyrinth’
10th: Tea Anderson-’Verses of My Soul’
10th: Kendall Hoffner-’Wait’
Senior Solo
1st: Sithumi Sinley-’Genesis II’
2nd: Vivian Unkart-’What’s It Gonna Take’
3rd: Maycee Budge-’Footprints’
3rd: Liesl Brauch-’Grower’
3rd: Grace Coleman-’Walk On’
4th: Mia Maxwell-’Locomotive’
4th: Bronson Dahmer-’The Pain Room’
5th: Bella Donatelli-’Away Go’
5th: Jasmin Conner-’The Egg’
5th: Shaelynn Rounds-’The Radical Self’
6th: Maddie Myers-’Catalina’
6th: Vincent Maizland-’Slow Descent’
7th: Madison Skinner-’Always On My Mind’
7th: Angelee RiAli-’Gabi’s Story’
7th: Remy Wright-’Moments Passed’
7th: Annie Cellar-’Psalm’
7th: Sophia Price-’Shahmaran’
8th: Piper Northburg-’Concerto’
8th: Taylor Piper-’Tender Skin’
9th: Sydney Carlin-’Salvatore’
10th: Teigyn Holt-’L.J’
10th: Trip Babcock-’Slip’
10th: Sophia Meza-’The Watering’
10th: Kendall Moller-’When I Fall In Love’
Rookie Duo/Trio
1st: A Dance Place-’Seize The Day’
2nd: The Dance Movement-’When She Loved Me’
3rd: The Dance Movement-’Heartbeats’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Rescue’
2nd: A Dance Place-’You and Me But Mostly Me’
3rd: En Face Studios-’Where Do I Go From Here?’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’Everything Is In Line’
2nd: Move By Morelli-’After Everything I’ve Done’
3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’Broken Chords’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: all my feidns
2nd: bettet then today
3rd: nostalgia
3rd: when doves
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: thinking about you
2nd: lose somebody
3rd: everything all at
Rookie Group
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Boogie Shoes’
2nd: The Dance Movement-’Imagine’
2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Name Game’
3rd: Studio West Dance Center-’Home’
Mini Group
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Celloopa’
2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’SuperSonic’
3rd: Studio West Dance Center-’Choo Choo Cha Boogie’
3rd: A Dance Place-’Cover Is Not The Book’
Junior Group
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ice Age’
1st: Sweatshop-’Rock It’
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tambourine’
1st: Mpact Dance Project-’The Cubs’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Give A Little’
3rd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’O My Love’
Teen Group
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Our Love’
2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Moonlight’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Where Is The Love?’
3rd: Sweatshop-’Hope There’s Someone’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Life Within’
3rd: Empower Dance-’Open Hands’
3rd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’The Thing’
Senior Group
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’I Never Thought That You Could Be Left In My Chest’
1st: Empower Dance-’Lying Down’
1st: Studio West Dance Center-’Masters of Deception’
2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Lover Please Stay’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Verona’
3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’Wings in the Grass’
Rookie Line
1st: The Dance Movement-’Might Not Like Me’
Mini Line
1st: Mpact Dance Project-’Hey Pachuco’
2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Wind Beneath My Wings’
3rd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Nasty’
Junior Line
1st: Sweatshop-’Comin in Hot’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Back For More’
2nd: Sweatshop-’The Sun Will Rise’
3rd: Sweatshop-’Glory’
3rd: Sweatshop-’Hermetico’
3rd: Sweatshop-’Shelter’
Teen Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’The Day It All Crashed’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Change Will Come’
3rd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Take Me Coco’
Senior Line
1st: Sweatshop-’Is That Alright’
2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Nunc Dimittis’
3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’A Town That’s Right For Me’
Mini Extended Line
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Raise Your Voice’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sleeping Beauty’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Divas, Queens and Bees’
2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Love’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Flood of Everything’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ooh Child’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Studio West Dance Center-’Into The Realm’
1st: Mpact Dance Project-’You Can’t Sit With Us’
2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Basshead’
2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Out of Line’
2nd: Studio West Dance Center-’The Swarm’
3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’All Night’
3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’Di Mi Nombre’
3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’La Mordidita’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Missy’
Junior Production
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Step in Time’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Let’s Dance’
Teen Production
1st: Mpact Dance Project-’It’s So Overt, It’s Covert’
2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Roaring 20s’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Boogie Shoes’ 2nd: The Dance Movement-’Might Not Like Me’ 3rd: Studio West Dance Center-’Home’
Rookie Tap
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Name Game’
Rookie Contemporary
1st: Studio West Dance Center-’Petite Fleur’
Rookie Lyrical
1st: The Dance Movement-’Imagine’
Mini Jazz
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Nasty’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Forever More’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Self Love’
Mini Ballet
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sleeping Beauty’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Keep It Up’ 2nd: Studio West Dance Center-’Wheels On The Bus’
Mini Tap
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’SuperSonic’ 2nd: Studio West Dance Center-’Choo Choo Cha Boogie’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Just Got Paid’
Mini Contemporary
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Celloopa’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Dare’ 3rd: Studio West Dance Center-’September Song’
Mini Lyrical
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Wind Beneath My Wings’ 2nd: A Dance Place-’Firework’ 2nd: A Dance Place-’This Is Me’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’It’s Impossible’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Keep Climbing’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Raise Your Voice’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Hey Pachuco’ 3rd: A Dance Place-’Cover Is Not The Book’
Mini Ballroom
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Conga’
Junior Jazz
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tambourine’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Let’s Dance’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Love’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’Hermetico’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Sweatshop-’Comin in Hot’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Divas, Queens and Bees’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Welcome to the Party’
Junior Tap
1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’I Love Your Smile’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Mpact Dance Project-’The Cubs’ 2nd: Sweatshop-’Shelter’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Flood of Everything’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Sweatshop-’The Sun Will Rise’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Give A Little’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ooh Child’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Step in Time’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sweet Like Cola’
Junior Specialty
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ice Age’ 1st: Sweatshop-’Rock It’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Back For More’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’Glory’
Teen Jazz
1st: Empower Dance-’One Last Time’ 1st: Empower Dance-’The Upside’ 2nd: Studio West Dance Center-’Without You’ 2nd: Sweatshop-’Disco Pop’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’All Night’ 3rd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Anything I Do’
Teen Ballet
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Don Quixote’ 2nd: Studio West Dance Center-’Recomposed’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’Allegro from Paquita’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Missy’ 2nd: Studio Wesr Dance Center-’Just Gang’ 2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Jay-Z’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’I Believe’
Teen Tap
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Where Is The Love?’ 2nd: Studio West Dance Center-’Get Down’ 2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Back in Black’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Change Will Come’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Moonlight’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Life Within’ 3rd: Studio West Dance Center-’The Swarm’ 3rd: Studio West Dance Center-’Love More’ 3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’Out of Line’ 3rd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Basshead’ 3rd: Empower Dance-’Finish Line’ 3rd: Empower Dance-’Open Hands’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Studio West Dance Center-’Unknown’ 2nd: Sweatshop-’Ghost in the Wind’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’Feels Like This’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’The Day It All Crashed’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’You Can’t Sit With Us’ 3rd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Cell Block Tango’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Mpact Dance Project-’La Mordidita’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sax’ 2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’When I Grow Up’
Teen Specialty
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Our Love’ 1st: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Take Me Coco’ 2nd: Studio West Dance Center-’Into The Realm’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’Hope There’s Someone’ 3rd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’The Thing’
Senior Jazz
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tainted Love’ 2nd: DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’My Game’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’Escalate’
Senior Ballet
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’La Bayadere’ 1st: Sweatshop-’Dirt’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Sweatshop-’Shoot the Shot’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Studio West Dance Center-’Masters of Deception’ 1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’I Never Thought That You Could Be Left In My Chest’ 1st: Empower Dance-’Lying Down’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Verona’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Dissolving Tension’ 3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’Wings in the Grass’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Sweatshop-’Is That Alright’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Nunc Dimittis’ 3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’Don’t Leave Me’ 3rd: Mpact Dance Project-’Lover Please Stay’
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’A Wild, Wild Party’
Senior Ballroom
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Smooth’
Senior Specialty
1st: Mpact Dance Project-’A Town That’s Right For Me’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’All Together Now’ 2nd: Mpact Dance Project-’Side Effects’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’The Enchanting’
Best of Radix:
The Dance Movement-’Imagine’
DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Boogie Shoes’
Studio West Dance Center-’Home’
Studio West Dance Center-’Choo Choo Cha Boogie’
Mpact Dance Project-’Hey Pachuco’
A Dance Place-’Cover Is Not The Book’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Dare’
DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Celloopa’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Step in Time’
Mpact Dance Project-’The Cubs’
Sweatshop-’Comin in Hot’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’The Day It All Crashed’
The Dance Movement-’How to Win’
Sweatshop-’Hope There’s Someone’
Empower Dance-’Finish Line’
Mpact Dance Project-’Moonlight’
Studio West Dance Center-’Into The Realm’
DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Take Me Coco’
DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’I’ve Known Your Heart’
Sweatshop-’Is That Alright’
Empower Dance-’Lying Down’
Mpact Dance Project-’Nunc Dimittis’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’I Never Thought That You Could Be Left In My Chest’
Studio West Dance Center-’Masters of Deception’
Studio Standout:
Sweatshop-’Is That Alright’
Studio West Dance Center-’Masters of Deception’
Mpact Dance Project-’Nunc Dimittis’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’The Day It All Crashed’
DanceSpace Performing Arts Academy-’Take Me Coco’
A Dance Place-’Youth’
7 notes · View notes
beecherdrysdale · 3 years
Hiiii my bbs, I have literally been dreaming about going to Greece sooo I hope this is good
Adding onto brigids thoughts:
Okk so half of us pass out in the Uber that we take to the airport, so everybody is just holding onto each other barely awake or literally just fall asleep on you while waiting in line to get to security. Hehe ofc Ryan gets lost, and he’s like panic calling us and I just start laughing at him through phone. But then he finds us and I get beeped at security as usual and he’s chirping me and he gets beeped too and I chirp him, so it gets a bit chaotic at security.
Look at you brigid being organized and not over packing anything. I do the same thing to I just always add extra everything hehe. Hehe yes ‘Quinner how do you have more shit then me’ quinner likes pack extra as well hehe . We have a mini competition to see who brought more clothes lol.
Okkk everybody, Brigid has chosen, she is officially Jamie’s girl :)). Anywayssss you and Jamie are just sleeping and cuddling each other. You are in Jamie’s hoodie 🥺. Kesh and Kirby are also cuddling each other. Aww yes I’m in Quinners beanie !!. So far me and Ryan aren’t chirping you lol cuz it’s reallyyyyy early.
I wear a hoodie and sweats as well or for my bday my brother bought me a really cute sweatsuit so I might wear that lol. But I would love to wear Quinners 😌hehe we get on the plane and it’s you + Dylan and cozzy and Jamie sees and gets jealous ‘no Jamie I just got comfortable’ ‘please cozzy she’s my GIRLFRIEND’ and cozzy gets mildly terrified and says ‘only for $50’ so that happens and Jamie is super happy that he gets to sit with you. Hehe me and Ryan chirp you guys. Ok so I’m behind you, Jamie and Dylan. Then quinton, Braden and Peyton are behind my row. Kesh and Kirby are just sitting away from everybody because they aren’t ready to deal w us yet lol.
You+ Jamie +dyl. Okk so you are watching an action movie. Dylan falls asleep real quick, and you see that he’s in an uncomfy position so you just help him get more comfortable. So now that Dylan’s passed out Jamie cuddles up to you and you start playing with his hair and he loves it and it’s making him fall asleep but he’s still trying to stay awake because he wants to be w you. But you reassure him and help him get comfortable. You wrap him in a blanket hehe. Brigid you have a hard situation here because you have two hockey players asleep on you. After a bit they wake up to eat and make you rewatch the movie and your like why do I have to I didn’t pass out. Oo uno is fun, same with poker. But Jamie gets bored and just starts to braid your hair while you play with Dylan. Also when Jamie wakes up he whisper ‘thank you baby’ and you give him a kiss. Oo also while he’s sleeping you trace his freckles 🥺.
Kesh and Kirby are just chilling and being adorable. They both just make sure that they are comfy. Top tier couple.
Lexi+quinner(+Ryan)- hehe yes Quinner is immune to coffee even after drinking his two cups and half of mine. We made Ryan carry the drinks cuz we are clumsyyyyy. Awww yes, I’m vv in my Quinner feels tonight so Quinner falls asleep on me and I cuddle him and play with his hair because I am not giving back that beanie. I’ll make sure he’s comfy and all. Haha yes me and Ryan are just super loud and competitive w the game we are playing, probably uno, poker or connect 4 lol. And you turn to us and say ‘guys can you shut up, Jamie and everyone is sleeping’ and we are like ‘ok and?’ And you chirp us and we chirp you back until we realize that we really don’t want to wake everybody up lol. Ya I get up a lot on the plane so Ryan and I and you would just be walking along the aisles hehe. Ryan gets tired eventually and passes out and Quinner wakes up and we have some cute moments🥺. We just cuddle and I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses my mild freckles.
Let’s say we are in first class cuz we got good salaries lol and we really need the leg room since we tall. Airplane food isn’t to bad. But the snacks would be elite. I’ll make sure to get our snacks brigid cuz we have similar tastes in snacks :)). Hehe yes I keep stealing snacks from them, and then get hungry and ask me to give you some but I get annoyed lol. So the y start throwing the snacks and accidentally hit Jamie and Dylan in the head but thankfully they didn’t notice.
Okkkk so now the captain announced that we are landing in like 10 mins and everybody is just super excited to get off the plane. Oo Jamie keeps showing you things through the window 🥺.
Ok so we landed, I get up quick and so do some off the other boys so that the team can get off the plane first. It’s kinda chaotic with everybody trying to get their luggage and some people get smacked in the face. Question does your hair start to curl when the air is humid. Cuz that always happens to me and it’s what I love about traveling to warm places because my hair looks good lol.
Okkk so pass border control etc and all get out of the airport. Also you and Jamie are holding hands the entire time ;)). Would you rather rent a car or take a taxi to the hotel?. Anyways we leave the airport and everybody is just so happy that we are in Greece right now!! It’s sunny and beautiful.
Skip to getting to the hotel: I think our hotel is pretty nice, and we get there at like 2 . would you share your room with Jamie or get a solo? Anywayssss we get to the hotel and all say that we are going to meet up to go to the beach for a bit? Because we just wanna wake up and cool off in the water and possibly tan.
Brigid you walk out in your bikini and Jamie is in awe like how is she that gorgeous. And some boy makes a comment and he glares at him. And he literally carries you into the water. Kesh and Kirby just want to be constantly around each other so they are cuddles to together under an umbrella sipping on drinks or possibly swimming together. Quinner and I are racing each other into the water, and then we both tackle each other at the same time. And then we see who can jump over the wave. And maybe we just hold onto each other and have moments😏 same w you and Jamie .
Side note: I’ve had some bad/funny experiences w waves because some big ones just pulled me under and I would just land on the shore lol. It would take me such a long time to regain my breathing lol.
Some of the boys are chilling and tanning because they want to get some good tans. Some boys have already met some girls and some are in the water with us.
Later we all go shower and get changed to go out for dinner w the team. I never blow dry my hair esp on vacays because it dries really quickly and I get curls wbu? You me and kesh get dressed into really cute summery outfits, I see myself in a flowy skirt and a tshirt or a sleeveless top- I am owning the freckles on my arms hehe. Brigid I can see you in shorts or maybe even in a denim skirt? And in a top that shows your pretty bralette. Kesh I see you in a sundress? Like a red or yellow sundress that looks amazing !!
They boys are speechless because we are owning our outfits. Anywayssss we all go to a restaurant by the beach and just have such a nice time. And maybe after some Brigid +Jamie and Kirby +kesh time on the beach at night 😏
Okkk I hope this was ok. Pt 4 will be more of our trip !!
omgggg i love all of this! lexi you’re amazing, thank you for providing the quality team canada content it is amazing. anywayssss long post
haha all of us just falling asleep on each other in the car and then when we’re in line for security. like jamie just rests his head on my shoulder while we’re standing there and somehow falls asleep lol. and then ryan gets lost bc ofc he does and we’re laughing at him but then we’re like oh shit we need to help him find us so we don’t miss our flight. so then we help him back to security where he and lexi both get beeped and chirp each other about it lmao
hehe yes i finally chose jamie🥰. dyl and i are more like chaotic best friends who are maybe a little flirty but ultimately are just friends lol. so anywaysss jamie is the softest bf so he lets me wear his hoodie and we cuddle up and sleep together in the airport🥺 and kesh and kirby are also cuddling and lexi is wearing quinner’s beanie that she stole lol. and thankfully ryan’s still tired and lexi’s busy with quinner so they won’t start chirping me and jamie yet. and also we’re all wearing the boys’ sweartshirts that they gave to us
hehe yes then we’re on the plane and jamie sees me with dyl and cozzy and he just begss cozzy to switch with him. and cozzy’s already gotten comfortable so he’s like “no jamie just sit in your own seat". but jamie’s like “pleaseeeeee it’s my girlfriend”. so then cozzy seeing the perfect money-making technique (and also mildly terrified lmao) it like “fine i guess i’ll switch but only if you pay me $50″. and jamie’s just like “done” and hands the money over. so then jamie and i are both really happy and ofc you and ryan are awake enough to chirp us now lol. and the two of you are sitting behind us with quinner and then quinton, braden, and peyton are behind you guys. and kesh and kirby aren’t ready to deal with us bc it’s too damn early so they purposely chose the seats far away from us lol. and the other boys are just scattered throughout the plane
me+jamie+dyl - so we’re watching our movie and dyl falls asleep realllll quick bc he didn’t sleep at all in the airport. so then i help him get comfy bc besty things and i feel bad for him bc i think sleeping in airplanes is uncomfy lol. and then jamie cuddles up to me and i start playing with his hair🥺 so then he starts falling asleep again so ofc i help him get comfy and give him a blanket so he can sleep. and then while he’s sleeping i get to play with his hair and trace his freckles🥰 so then when he wakes up he just kind of mumbles “thank you baby” and i’m like “of course” and kiss him. and then they make me rewatch the movie with them and i’m just like “whyyyyyy” but then i make them play uno and poker with me so it’s all good. but then jamie gets bored and starts playing with my hair and braiding it🥺 and it actually turns out decent this time
kesh+kirby - perfect, amazing, adorable together. trying to keep us under control, but eventually just give in and ignore the chaos and pretend they don’t know us lmao
lexi+quinner(+ryan) - hehe yes lexi and quinner made ryan carry the coffee bc they’re too clumsy and then quinner drank a shit ton of it, but he still manages to fall asleep on the plane. and then lexi makes sure he’s comfy and starts playing with his hair, all while wearing his beanie ofc. but then you’re being super loud and competitive with ryan playing a ton of games and stuff. so then i’m like “guys stfu, jamie and the other guys are sleeping” and you guys are like “so what?” before realizing you really don’t want to wake everyone up. so then you guys shut up and start wandering the plane lol. but then eventually ryan gets tired and falls asleep and quinner wakes up and you guys are being all cutsie. and you’re cuddling and kissing each other’s freckles and then me and jamie chirp you guys bc payback lol
hehe yes first class bc rich boyssss. so we actually have pretty good food but the snacks are still better. and then eventually the guys just start throwing snacks to me bc it’s faster than handing them to you to hand them to me lol
and then we’re about to land so jamie’s pointing out things out the window to me and getting super excited, so ofc i’m excited too. and then we land and all get up fast af bc we’re not waiting for other people to get off the plane lol. also i pray to God that no one in our group claps when the plane lands bc that shit pisses me off lol. so anyways it’s just chaotic getting our stuff and getting off the plane lol. my baby hairs would be getting curly from the humidity, but the rest would just turn wavy. so anyways then me go through border control and me and jamie are holding hands and so are kesh and kirby but lexi and quinner can’t bc they both have sm shit to carry lol. and then we rent a car to take to the hotel and everyone’s just in a super good mood bc we finally made it
hehe then we finally get to our hotel which is nice bc again rich boyssss. and then me and jamie would share a room bc i’m broke lol and also bc i love him and want to be as close to him as i can😍 so then we put our stuff in our rooms and get ready to go to the beach. and then obviously all our boys are so impressed by us in our swimsuits, and each of them (jamie, quinner, and kirby) is just like “damn she’s gorgeous, how’d i get so lucky” and then some guy tries to like catcall me and jamie just death glares him lmao
hehe jamie just carrying me to the water “jamie i can walk myself yk” “ik i just love you, i want to carry you” “ok thank you bb” and then kesh and kirby ALWAYS together. swimming together, cuddling together on the beach, going to get food together etc. and then lexi and quinner racing and tackling each other into the waves and stuff lol. and i make jamie join bc i’m a competitive bitch lol and i obvi can’t just leave him alone. hehe getting pulled under by waves isn’t a problem for me bc i have good breath control lol. and then you and quinner and me and jamie could have moments😏 esp bc we’re in the water which makes everyone look extra hot. meanwhile the other guys are like all playing volleyball together or picking up girls lmao
then we all go shower to get ready for dinner. personally i never blow dry my hair and my showers are really fast so i would be ready fast lol. ooh lexi and kesh looking cute, lexi with her sleeveless shirt and flowy skirt and kesh with her sundress. i’m wearing shorts bc i basically refuse to wear anything else lol. hehe but i have a cute shirt that shows off a cute bralette so it makes up for my lack of skirt lol. and then the boys are just speechless bc of our outfits and they’re making sure to keep us close the whole night. oooh and then beach time at night😏
okkkk i love all of this and i’m so excited for part 4!!
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