#I get so shy about posting art idk why
pyritefes2 · 7 months
3 Songs Playlist(s) 🎶
Tagged by @salsedinepicta! 💎 Thank you!
So sorry it took me forever to do this. I had planned on doing this for my dragon age PCs but was overthinking it too much..Then recently I was listening to one of my original story playlists and I remembered -I can do this for other ocs too, wow! Who knew, haha!
So, here are 3 songs for 3 characters from one of my stories!
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Elias Hatch:
Oh What a World by Rufus Wainwright -
Still, I think I'm doing fine (I'm doing fine)
Wouldn't it be a lovely headline
"Life Is Beautiful"?
Lay Me Down by The Oh Hellos -
See, I was born a restless, wayward child
I could here the whole world calling me outside
Of the masses I routinely sat behind
And Lord, I had to see with my own eyes
Pulaski at Night by Andrew Bird -
I write you a story
But it loses its thread
And all of my witnesses
Keep turning up, turning up dead
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Eloise Hatch:
Jackrabbit by San Fermin -
Run for the hills, honey, run for the hills, honey
Run for the hills, don't look back
Woman by the Well by Sarah Blasko -
Still, I want you around
I just want you around
'Cause I'm more lost than found
Bohemian Dances by the Dø-
Look at the sunrise, look at the moonlight
You're not in a hurry, it isn't the time
I know what's best now
Believe me the best is never around if you're trying too hard
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John O’Connor :
Deep Blue Sea by Grizzly Bear -
Dig his grave, darling
With a silver spade
Dig his grave, darling
With a silver spade
From Here You Can Almost See the Sea by David Gray -
Come the weekend
And we'll be long gone baby
Just like the old days
Letting the world flow through me
Stone Wall, Stone Fence by Gregory and the Hawke -
Stone wall, stone fence
Your stories so old you just tend to keep them
Long winding road
You got a secret
But you won't share it
Tagging: You guessed it, whoever sees this and would like to do it as well!
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beepsparks · 5 months
Fun fact I have never been actually acknowledged by an actor or voice actor for a character I like before, noticed MAYBE because Andy Poland mentioned he looks at the fanart channels in the official Jackbox server sometimes but a few of my friends have gotten direct acknowledgment from actors of characters in media we like before (and tbh its funny because usually its OUT OF NOWHERE and completely unexpected)
On that note istg if my “baby’s first acknowledgement from an actor/va of a character they like” moment is from Tom or Phil my brain will implode
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lulilavender · 11 months
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The Glen
(I made this like a year ago but I still like it so why not post it here!)
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Asteroids you should check out in Solar Return chart part 1
Hii, i'm backk all :3
Before i start today's post, i'd like to thank each and everyone one of you who engaged with my last post! Your support means the world to me <33
I was really shy to start posting and i postponed it for a long time lol
Anyway, back to astro business🪐
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(The first asteroid observation is inspired by one of @a-d-nox post's)
🌹 Asteroids Orpheus (3361) and Eurydike (75) indicate the year you’re gonna get engaged or married.
If the aspect is positive (trine, sextile) then it indicates marrying one of your greatest loves, but it will eventually end in divorce. If the aspect is negative (opposite, square) then the marriage is doomed from the beginning and it will still end up in divorce. The girls (for some reason i noticed it's only relevant in your chart if you're a female? idk why tho) who don’t have an exact aspect (0-3 degree orb) between these 2 asteroids in any year in their solar return chart may still get married, but it won’t be a passionate love marriage and it’s much more likely for it to last a long time.
(For the next asteroids, check if they aspect SR Sun, Moon, ASC, DSC, IC, MC, Venus, Mars or Mercury)
⚰️ Having asteroid Grieve (4451) prominent in solar return chart indicates a year when someone important to you will die.
It gives you information about the way you process this person’s death. It may also indicate just a great loss, even if the person hasn’t died in the physical realm (for ex. a difficult break-up).
Story time! (nobody asked me lol)
Back in 2021 i used to talk with this guy online, we were in a "long-distance relationship" even if soon after i realised i just got attached to him strongly and i didn't actually have romantic feelings for him. It lasted around 5 months which is a lot for me (i've got Sagittarius Venus y'all, i'm noncommittal af). Even if i've been wanting for the relationship to end for a long time, when it actually ended, i had a very hard time moving on from him. Turns out i had Grieve conjunct my Sun in 3rd house that year, which was also opposing my 9th house Uranus. I'm honestly glad i'm over it now.
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⭐ I noticed nobody has been mentioning this asteroid yet, but having Zdislava (5275) proeminent in solar return chart is a big indicator of becoming famous that year.
Zdislava is a Czech girl name which literally translates to "created with glory". It is the feminine form of Zdislav, which was duke of Croatia in the late 9th century.
⭐ Of course, you can also check asteroid Fama (408) which is, well, self-explanatory.
Having Zdislava/Fama asteroid conjuncting your SR Mars would make you gain fame suddenly, basically wake up the next day famous lulz. You might also be known for your drive, never giving up attitude or you might become popular in the sport industry that year (it does depend on the sign it is in tho).
Having Zdislava/Fama asteroid conjuncting your SR Venus would make you famous for your looks. You will attract the attention of the opposite sex quite easily that year. You might also become famous in the fashion industry or in the arts.
That's all for today folks!! Soon i will start to give paid readings, so follow me if you don't wanna miss it <3
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trialnumbergamma · 5 days
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some more old art I made that I never posted, they were gonna go with like an official twst oc introduction but I never pulled the trigger even though I've already posted stuff for him? I think I was embarrassed or something XD I dont care now so here's eli there's old lore about him under the cut if you're interested I use him cross fandom but his personality is pretty consistent
oh I think ace's bday is around the time i've scheduled this so happy birthday bitch 🎉
these have been in my draft for like two years
He’s mexican american so he def feels out of place in what’s basically fantasy brittan
He’s pretty excitable but he’s pretty shy so the majority of people think he’s quiet while aduce get treated to the info dumping /exited reactions
Deuces dedicated hype man
Aces magic trick Guinea pig
He’s a human garbage can so he grades pretty easy in master chef unless it’s mexican cus it’d be an insult to the ancestors
He didn’t really know how to deep clean before moving into ramshackle so that was a learning curve
He’s not super skilled at cooking but he leans fast
He treats grim like an annoying little cousin he was left in charge of but absolutely adores him
He lost it ch 6
Eli never really had close friends before so he didn’t take his friendship with aduce seriously til the end of ch 4 cus he couldn’t fathom why they’d travel all the way to the school if they didn’t care about him so ch 5 onwards hes super protective of them
It takes him a little longer to warm up to the rest of the first years but he’s really happy to be in a friend group
ram is the dedicated sleepover spot which results in 3 am shenanigans around campus
no the well has always had a broken roof idk what you're talking about
he relies heavily on other people’s reactions to know how an interaction is going so inexpressive people high key scare him
He has no idea what’s going on but he likes potions class the most
Like said before he’s really bad at taking photos
Cater tried teaching him but gave up at 3 quarters rule and basic lighting
Tried using rooks bow once but couldn’t cus rooks bow has like a 80 draw strength and elis only done like 25
really bad texter like use more then one word responses please kalim thinks you hate him
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kuebiko-writing · 3 months
✧ Maji ✧ 20's ✧ she/her ✧ Secondhand Writer ✧
Hi! My name is Maji (ma-jee). I thought curating a blog all about writing would be fun, so here I am! A little bit about me: I struggle with social anxiety and possibly agoraphobia, and I'm at home all day, every day, with plenty of time for writing. I don't write as much as I want to, so surrounding myself with content about writing will hopefully give me a much needed boost in inspiration and motivation.
I believe writer's block is a thing (nuanced) and I'm always looking for ways to beat it.
If you're reading this and you're into writing as well, hello fellow tormented soul! Have you written anything today? Maybe you're staring at the dreaded blank page or scrolling through writeblr like I am instead of writing? 🧐 Please give me a follow or interact so I can check your blog out! I'm shy, but I would love to be mutuals and just like and reblog your content.
Feel free to tag me in tag games and stuff! It might take me a while to get to them though. ʚĭɞ
Running a worldbuilding blog @the-desert-lands
Random things about me:
I love coffee, but I'm biased towards hot chocolate as well. Also I can be bribed with cookies, just saying.
I used to be able to read 300 page books in a day. I'd just get so lost in the sauce. Now I'm lucky if I read a whole chapter. How I have fallen. 😔 (Trying to fix this by reading an hour at a time)
I don't know anything about Franz Kafka or Clarice Lispector or Slyvia Plath but they're tortured and relatable and their writing is like a spoonful of honey. (Idk why I'm saying this)
If you write anything that had to do with religious trauma- or any trauma really- please let me know! That's the good stuff.
The Immortal And His Fox
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ Sᴏɴɢ ɪ'ᴍ Sᴛᴜᴄᴋ ᴏɴ
The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas Rosehead by Ksenia Anske Wetlands by Charlotte Roche Flambards by K.M Peyton Voice of The Blood Jemiah Jefferson The Captive Prince Series by C.S Pacat
MY ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴏᴀʟS
Complete the stories I start Learn to love writing more Make writing an escape from reality Make ocs that people will want to ask questions about, cosplay as, and make fanfics/fan art for
My posts are under the tag #mine & #scribbles (#bookmarked is for stuff I want to come back to)
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shadale-s-safe-space · 11 months
I don't know much about you as a person, but from what I can gather you've had a long journey with art, but still have the motivation to continue even when its rough. I'm sure you didn't start out making masterpieces, so if its not too much trouble, do you have any advice for a 16 year old artist losing motivation? i feel like im stagnating right now and its awful
Idk man, all I can say is, draw watchu want without the care who's gonna see it or what they gonna say , commit to new ideas and care less about pleasing everyone, because I know that way too well, I started learning by drawing animals, flowers and nature, "you should draw something else", switches to furries " No you must do human portraits", draws humans *no one fuckin cares*, and I felt miserable drawing what I didn't want all the damn time just trying to please everyone and be liked, hell, I still do that sometimes cuz I'm a dumbass. When in reality, when you do your own thing is when you're the happiest, this internet bullshit? Yeah don't trust the likes and favs, people like what they find relatable, no one really knows how much time you've spent on your drawing or how much you love it, when a 5 min doodle you did could do more than a painting that took 2 whole days to complete just to be scrapped in a new speedy record, paint what you love for yourself and you only.
Don't be shy to learn new things, I have tons of stuff I don't post here cuz I know people wouldn't care about it, but here for this post, have this that I practiced when I felt too depressed to think of anything good and wanted to step back from the MD artstyle
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You'll see, you'll thrive when you draw what you want, and get yourself a drawing buddy! That way you'll stop focusing on the internet and more on each other, and each other's improvement. Tbh I struggled with that one. Since everyone I had were not into art irl, I somehow managed to find someone after 10 years of drawing alone. I honestly wanted more people to join in and make an improvement circle, but unfortunately that never happened.
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I found myself twice as productive now than ever, even though I'm not active here as much I am still drawing and making things, ofc giving you more comics! And other fun things in the future I hope.
If you're struggling to draw something just do it, man commit, i was uncomfortable drawing men and male characters for years, I've wasted so many years being "too uncomfortable" and draw a naked person like yeesh who fucking cares, it's for studying.
And ofc if you feel like you're not improving at all please, please experiment with your artstyle and try something new, please refresh your mind, I was stuck for years doing the same thing over and over, same colors, same 2px brush, drawing like a machine same shit over and over, I felt so stuck and lost, but also afraid to do something new, idk why, I guess I never felt good enough or deserving of it. I also didn't go to art school, I am NOT a professional, nor will i ever be in my opinion. Hell, me feeling like I'll never be good enough left me afraid to try and apply for art school, they were asking for sculptures, different mediums all that scary stuff and I was like, I don't.. know.. how to do those things... I can't build a portfolio in less than 3 months?!?! I don't even know how to use half of what they're asking for!!
In reality at the end of the day, art is what you make of it and no one can stop you, search for inspirations and don't be afraid to try, yes you'll fail fist 2 or 10 or hell even 100 times, but you'll come back with more knowledge than ever.
For ending I give you the most confusing drawing to ever exist [dw he's just sleeping on top of her and she's just ghasping for air but awe romance or sum lol] is it weird? Yeah but I had a fun time making it hahaha
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Idk I'm bad at putting my thoughts together, but hopefully some of this helps.
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
I think it's a shame Lackadaisy never blew up the way TADC did, but on the other hand it has perfectly respectable views for its pilot and a clearly engaged fanbase given how they've funded a whole season.
And more than that, Tracy is clearly doing this for the art not the fame. She posted multiple extra comics and tutorials on her website, and her success is a result of the goodwill & respect she's built up over time.
I think it's pretty clear, disputes between individual staffers aside, why she'd refund HB's money - she has no desire to see her passion project get pulled into the same mud puddle Viv is mired in, especially because Tracy has more professionalism in her little finger than Viv does in her whole body.
I have confidence LD could fundraise as many seasons as it needs to tell the whole story (but they also have the sense to animate the story in chunks so they don't promise more than what they can deliver) and that Tracy would never quit on her story partway through, and do all that without drama, or hiring amateur animators straight out of college to exploit them. They have a solid squad and an even more solid community. It really struck me in GlitchX how idk, normal? Tracy seemed - a bit shy, but just interested in telling her story with people equally passionate about working on it, too. The way she engages with LD tells me she puts the art first, and doesn't care about her name being the most notable thing about the work. Sorry if this is rambly, having trouble composing my thoughts
No, I agree completely. It's the story of the tortoise and the hare, except in this case the hare's a transphobic egomaniac and the tortoise has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the 1920s.
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mayflowers515 · 7 months
Smiling Critters AU: Lore Headcanons
Okay, time for some more plot-heavy headcanons I have for the Critters of this AU! This includes plot elements relating to their characters that I have planned as well as some more relationship details like their familial relationships and friendships.
Note: Although this is meant to be a wholesome cartoon AU, there may be some slight dark elements in here, but not as upscaled. I also don't have personal lore planned for everyone yet as of today, but I can update this post when I think of anything else for them (or a part 2? Idk) Either way, here's what I have for them so far!
CatNap has his main scent, lavender, but he also retains his poppy gas like his canon counterparts. He is terrified of the poppy gas and its abilities. He has once seen firsthand how bad the effects of this gas can be, so he tries to what he can to maintain his lavender scent for his friends. His poppy gas replaces his usual lavender scent when he's under high stress and emotion, so he tries to stay as calm as possible.
The above hc is also part of the reason as to why he sleeps throughout the day so much. He feels more calm at nighttime as it's more peaceful for him than in the daytime when there are possible mishaps he may witness that can make him upset. He may not witness any mishaps, but he's so scared of his ability that he doesn't want to take the chance.
CatNap is very calm outwardly, but he still has stress. However, to avoid unleashing his second scent, he keeps all his stress inward. Unbeknownst to CatNap, however, repressing his negative emotions only makes the effects of his poppy gas worse. He has never managed it into anything better as a result of being so terrified and repressing those feelings for so long. (Note about his poppy gas since I keep bringing it up, but it keeps a lot of the same effects that it has in the original cartoon and in Poppy Playtime, but in the AU, an addition to this is that the effects of CatNap's poppy gas depends on his mental state. They can worsen if he feels negative emotions in the moment or can build up to be worse since he has built up his negative emotions in an unhealthy way)
CraftyCorn is of royal blood (may or may not have been inspired by some users already- =v='). She was a princess of a faraway kingdom. However, she wasn't really treated with respect back home, and as a result, she ran away and eventually found her way to the home of the Smiling Critters. She was barely let out of her castle often. Her parents didn't want her outside until she could prove to them that she could be a "perfect princess" for them. They have always been hard on Crafty for even the smallest mistakes she's made. She couldn't even express herself outside of what her parents wanted her to be. When she started to get interested in art, her parents declined her interest, only seeing the mess in the art. Basically... Crafty: "Don't you like my painting? I put a lot of work into it..." Her parents: "Painting is for the desperate, homeless people, Crafty. Not a refined, young lady like you. Now let's get you cleaned up."
Yeah... Her parents didn't have the best mindset either. They would look down on anyone that didn't fit in with their status. This was another reason Crafty wanted to run away. She didn't want to deal with that attitude from her parents anymore, and she certainly doesn't want to think she's above everyone else all because she is a princess.
Since Crafty was barely let out of her castle, not a lot of people outside of her kingdom know of her being royal blood. None of her friends really knew at first either. She is cautious about sharing too much of herself as a result of her status. She didn't want others to think of her any differently, and part of the reason as to why she's shy about certain aspects of herself that reminds others of royalty, such as her singing voice (in her friends eyes, it sounds like that of a fairytale princess) and her house (which is ironically in the form of a tower in canon; Crafty actually does like her home's exterior despite it linking back to her status in a way, but she designs it on the inside where very little sense of regal style on the inside, just so she can keep the personal tastes she's been wanting to express for so long).
I can imagine PickyPiggy having a lot of siblings, with her being the oldest. It's why she naturally has a sort of motherly nature to her personality. She got used to raising her siblings by herself as a result of her parents' sudden disappearance while she was 7-8 years old. To this day, she doesn't know what happened to them... (I have an idea, but this is the wholesome AU, so I won't actually mention in its canon, but let's just say... they weren't looking too hot...) (EVERYTHING IN STRIKETHROUGH IS A RETCONNED PLOT AS OF 3/21)
Bobby BearHug is very small for a bear, though granted she is still considered a cub. But it comes as such a surprise because her parents are MASSIVE. They could easily tower over her if they could. However, despite her parents looking like they would be brutes, they are actually gentle giants most of the time. It's the reason why Bobby herself has her signature huggable personality. She was raised to always love and cherish the things around her, and it shows in many of her interactions with her friends and people she meets.
I do imagine one day Bobby is going to have this big growth spurt and will become much taller when she's older, though-
In contrast to Bobby, Bubba is very large. Not really a surprise there since he's an elephant. What is a surprise, though, are his parents. I can imagine his parents either being elephants affected with dwarfism that adopted him or parents of different species that are just really small. Either way, Bubba's parents are much smaller compared to him, but they still raised him well and respected his interests.
I may do something separate for all the Critters' friendships in the future, but for right now, I can list their close friends to get a better idea of who they get along with the most! The names in bold mean best friend status while no bold means they're very close friends (CatNap = DogDay, Crafty; DogDay = CatNap; Bobby BearHug = Picky, Crafty; CraftyCorn = Bobby, Bubba; KickinChicken = Hoppy, Bubba; Hoppy Hopscotch = Kickin; Bubba Bubbaphant = Crafty, PickyPiggy = Bobby)
Here are the ages and birthdays I headcanon for all the Critters (from oldest to youngest):
Bubba Bubbaphant: 12 (January 16th)
CraftyCorn: 12 (April 7th)
DogDay: 12 (July 17th)
CatNap: 12 (November 20th)
PickyPiggy: 11 (May 18th)
Hoppy Hopscotch: 11 (June 2nd)
KickinChicken: 11 (December 7th)
Bobby BearHug: 10 (February 28th)
13. I do also want to plan something for the Critters' emblems. They may work similarly as Care Bears with having their own individual powers. They of course, can use their scents with these as well. All they have to do to release their scents is tap their necklace emblem two times. This is so they won't accidentally release their scent if something happens like them falling (in the case of if they only needed one tap). In the case of their special abilities, they have to draw a circle on their emblem and tap it to release their ability onto others. Here are the abilities I have planned for them right now:
CatNap = Dream watching. He can tap his emblem then tap the head of one who's sleeping. He can then enter their dreams to then check if it's a good or bad dream. He is allowed to stay in the dream until he gets out himself or the dreamer wakes up.
DogDay = Can light up the way with his emblem by creating a mini sun. The mini sun will follow around DogDay wherever he goes, whenever he needs it. Sometimes this can also affect CatNap's emblem, as it can light up whenever DogDay's is lit up. After all, the moon can't shine without the sun :>
Bobby BearHug = Can open people's hearts to emotion. Either to their own emotions so they can be released in a healthy way, or so that the emotions of everyone are more clear. Can help in the case of arguments and discord.
CraftyCorn = Unleashes a paintbrush that can create whatever is desired. However, it needs color to work. So if certain colors aren't there to make the item Crafty wants, it may not work. This is also there so her powers are balanced in a sense.
KickinChicken = Can create any mode of travel necessary (inspired by his motto of perserverence). Can be used for most of anything from a literal star like from Kirby, roller skates, a car, helicopter, etcetera. However, it needs energy in order to fully work. It can only create one thing per day before it needs a charge so it can shine just as much!
Hoppy Hopscotch = Can increase the speed of a process or can make someone else go faster. However, like with Kickin's emblem, Hoppy's power needs to charge. She can know if it's fully charged if there's a storm cloud that appears before her power is unleashed, meaning that it's charged.
Bubba Bubbaphant = Can clear out the clutter in others' minds so that they can think more clearly. He will know if his power worked by the time an idea comes through the person's head with a light bulb.
PickyPiggy = Can be used for storage; it's useful for any resources the group might need for later but can't carry on them. Picky's storage can change depending on her energy at the moment, so if she has low energy, the things she can store will be minimal. That's why she eats a little something before using this feature!
14. Their scents have different ability compared to their emblems, and these abilities are meant to be more subtle in comparison. They can affect certain feelings in people, so here's how it works for all of them in the cartoon AU:
CatNap = Lavender (primary scent) for feelings of sleepiness; Poppy (secondary scent) also for sleepiness, but with the side effects of nightmares and increased negative emotions before being put to sleep
DogDay = Vanilla for increasing relaxation
Bobby = Rose for improved mood
Crafty = Jasmine for reduced anxiety
Kickin = Ylang-ylang for boosted self-esteem
Hoppy = Peppermint for increased energy
Bubba = Lemongrass for reduced stress
Picky = Citrus for reduced fatigue
Alright, that's all I have right now! I have these here since they're more relevant to possible scenarios I may make with the AU in the future. Though it's like a wholesome cartoon, there will still be some bits of lore and some dark elements in there, and I hope it can still be interesting as a result :)
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chaos0pikachu · 7 months
I am here actually to appreciate your post. I saw a blogger’s post saying The sign would have been ‘successful’ had it got filled with fantasy and romance and limit action to 10%. I wondered why that person, who says BL is all about romance, watched a show whose genre is action. Then I saw your post about people watching many shows to stay in fandom and I agree. Also you are right about dramas with a complex story receiving heavy criticism. Everything (even lack of proper plot or conflict) is exempted in a romance drama. No wonder most BLs are confined to ‘2 boys and their jealous & crying moments, routine conflicts enhanced by Escola or leads explaining how important Nikon printer is for their relationship’
Well damn hit me in the feels with this appreciation I'ma get all shy and shit.
I always wonder if by "successful" people mean in terms of critical acclaim, story telling, or monetarily. When it comes to Thai shows - and some please correct me if I'm wrong - it's difficult to tell how "successful" they are terms of audience reach/monetarily because there's no easily verifiable information. Like, there's Youtube numbers sure, but The Sign as an example, aired on Channel 3 what were it's ratings total on that channel? Idk, does anyone know that? Sincerely asking lol
Personally the way I like to judge a piece of media is what I call the Roger Ebert method; he often judged films based not solely on whether they were "good" or "bad but by how successfully they accomplished their goals.
If you read his review of Space Jam while it's clear Ebert doesn't think the movie is high art, "You can watch the movie on the sports and cartoon levels, and also appreciate the corporate strategy that's involved. [...] It is difficult for an actor to work in movies that combine live action with animation, because much of the time he cannot see the other characters in a scene with him. But Jordan has a natural ease and humor, an unforced charisma, that makes a good fit with the cartoon universe."
Ebert praises that the film, while filled with obvious product placement and banking on both nostalgia for the toons & star power of Jordan, accomplishes it's goal of being a family for that can be enjoyed by adults and children, and also the ability to blend techniques of live action, animation and 3D rendering.
I bring this up specifically b/c when I see "reviews" of shows in BL - the most common form of meta I see in BL fandom as a whole and that's not a knock just an observation - it's usually always about the narrative. Nothing about the filmmaking. And if there is discussion about he filmmaking it's usually misinformed or worse misinforming - no that's not what aperture means, yaoi framing isn't really a thing in film, the t-shirt is really just a t-shirt, etc, etc.
And like I get why. Fandom is more about story, what the words on a page or what the characters on screen are doing and saying. It's easier to talk about the amazing communication two characters have b/c you don't really need a film knowledge to discuss that. Which is a factor in why I think shows with lower stakes, more streamlined and straightforward plots get praised at a higher, less diligent and harsh level, than shows that are a bit more daring. They're less challenging in structure, they take less risks, so there's less to critique, and there's less room for a show to disappoint.
There comfort food, rather than trying something new at the restaurant. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, again, this is just a general observation.
To me, The Sign is miles better than Cooking Crush on a simple technical level. I only watched one episode of Cooking Crush and I found it pretty mediocre at best from all technical points: acting, editing, cinematography, directing, storytelling.
This isn't to say Cooking Crush is "bad" or that even if Cooking Crush was "bad" people shouldn't like it. I don't give a fuck if people like it, good for you chase the things that spark joy! I like lots of "bad" media, have y'all ever watched Jason Takes Manhattan?
For me, The Sign, like Space Jam, accomplishes it's goals and those were ambitious goals. An action fantasy BL that actually lives up to that premise and looks good?? The fight choreography looks great considering the obviously budget??
Like one of my issues with Laws of Attraction - aside from how painfully disinterested those kisses looked - was the fight choreography was bad.
The characters very rarely land hits in a way that looks real, or even marginally real. I can only speculate they didn't hire a stunt coordinator and/or couldn't hire stunt doubles so there was a worry of injury on set (for both reasons).
This isn't a disparagement on the actor(s) either, like stunt work is difficult and it's important to have professionals on set who can walk an actor through the steps so both them and others don't get hurt. Jackie Chan is probably one of the best known actors alive for stunt work, but watch how many times he fumbles and potentially hurts himself to the point where other actors are actively worried for him:
So yeah I'm going to give The Sign it's fucking gold star stickers b/c aside from some missteps in the gun handling - to many one handed gun fights but even then it wasn't all the time and bullets ran out of ammo! Y'all don't know how exciting for me that was to see - the fight scenes look damn good.
I understand the work that went into them, I understand the pre-production time that it took for the crew and cast to learn that and filming them well is another beast too.
There's a couple scenes with shaky cam that I dislike, but god do I love that first long take in The Sign. I love how good the CGI looks overall again, considering what is probably less budget than Black Christmas (2019).
I'm admittedly, fucking picky about what I watch b/c I'm really lazy and prefer watching films in general. I don't really like TV all that much, but if I am watching a tv show I wanna be impressed with more than just the characters talking to each other. Especially if said show is 12 hours or more.
When I'm looking at a piece of media - a comic, a novel, a film, a tv show - I'm thinking about stuff like "what were it's goals, and did it accomplish them? How was the filmmaking? How was the narrative structure? What is the time/place/culture this was made in?"
I'm not sure if people are arguing if The Sign was "successful" in terms of narratively, monetarily, or critically.
In reality we can only really speculate on how successful a Thai BL is based on data that's not not entirely accurate - social media, youtube stats, awards, etc - and even then most of that is based off international audience.
I can glean that 2gether was successful for gmmtv b/c it got a second season and a film, pretty much skyrocketed Bright and Win's individual careers but again, and created a cross country alliance for activism. But even all that is still speculation not facts (except the alliance that's a real thing that happened lol).
[This is all regardless of my own feelings regarding the show which is not kind. But feelings have nothing to do with individual discussion about how monetarily successful or accomplished a show is or isn't.]
Like it might be valid speculation on both shows but it should always come with a disclaimer of - these are not facts. Also, what is "popular" or "successful" can and will be dependent on individual countries too.
Take Cutie Pie for example, I would argue that it wasn't super "successful" here with American fans, but given how overwhelmingly popular Zee and NuNew are in both Thailand and Korea, I would then argue that the show was a success in Thailand and Korea. So was Cutie Pie "successful" or not? I would say yes!
Because "success" isn't and shouldn't be measured only by how western fans receive a piece of media.
In regards to The Sign, I'd argue it appears to be very successful with only the partial data I have at hand - social media which includes places like twitter, facebook, tumblr, the success of their sold out showing for the finale, a special episode, etc. If people argue it was unsuccessful in terms of narrative, well that's debatable and I have no interest in debating why the show is good except in terms of technical filmmaking and storytelling.
And even then it's a pointless debate like or dislike whatever just don't lie or mislead people regarding film terminology and techniques or harass people because they did like A Thing or clog up the tags with annoying posts about how you didn't like said Thing.
Overall, I don't give "reviews" on things I watch either positive or negative cause, well, I'm lazy lol, I don't believe putting how much I hate a show in it's tags and a thorough rating system would be to much work. I actually like how My Drama List rating system works, I just find most reviews on it to be Annoying lmao. Like giving Kinnporsche a 5 or below is absolutely bonkers to me but whatever es lo que es. But I also don't think my thoughts and opinions on shows are that valuable in terms of discussion.
These are mostly my general thoughts on fandom at large and it's not directly at any particular people its just observations at large across various social media platforms.
I think if you like more squeecore shows that's totally gucci, I just wish didn't proposite that 1) those are the only valid shows in terms of BL/queer media and 2) didn't overhype them to such sky high levels
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Thanks for feeding us neigevil fans. I love your art so seeing you drawing this ship makes me happy, may the gods of twst gacha be kind to you 🥰
Idk if anyone has asked but thoughts or headcanons of neigevil? What about Rollo?
(We got this ask after this art)
Thank you so much for showing our stuff so much love, NeigeVil fans <3 It means a lot! And I, once again, am sorry that it took me a long time to reply. Like I’ve probably mentioned before, I want to draw these two again at some point. But today is not the day; instead, today is the day you get your headcanons, Anon!
Also if you haven’t seen these yet, here is the link to our post with Rollo-centric headcanons. We love this boy very much, and we’re super excited that he got himself a pretty-looking card.
Alrighty, so Neige/Vil…
Neige has a crush on Vil, and this crush has been with him ever since their first meeting. But he isn’t really sure about the nature of these feelings. He is very open about them with his dwarf friends though: sometimes he comes back from work happy and singing because he met Vil after his photoshoot and had a chat with him. So they all know that he is either in love or just really really really wants to be Vil’s friend. Neige isn’t sure which one it is either.
Neige remembers how cool and professional Vil looked when they first met, how he shook his hand and stuff. It wasn’t Vil’s first time on set, even though it was his first role, so he really made Neige feel comfortable by just being so confident and relaxed and excited. Neige really treasures this memory, but Vil doesn’t seem to remember much of it.
But what Vil does remember is that he thought they were going to become friends back then. Maybe it was because Neige asked him to be his friend, maybe it was because they had a lot of fun that day, but unfortunately it was one of many potential friendships that got ruined by the adults comparing these two to each other. It was pretty early on when Vil decided that he’d never be Neige’s friend. Neige is kind of oblivious to this whole thing though, he thinks that Vil is his friend, and the main reason he’s so distant is that he is just way too cool and professional and busy to hang out with him.
Vil has influenced Neige’s style a lot. He has no idea just how much time Neige spends looking at his magicam and taking notes and trying very hard to find clothes that would look as if Vil has picked them for him. If you talked to him about it, he would chuckle and say that he is too shy to ask Vil directly.
Which isn’t a complete truth though: he isn’t really shy around Vil. He gets so excited that he forgets about his shyness entirely and starts talking and clinging to Vil and trying to make him pay attention to him. He is completely enamored and he stares a lot at him in general. He really wishes they’d spend more time together…
A lot of times Vil just rolls eyes at Neige (always sneakily though, he knows better than to show a fellow actor his distaste for him), but he does admire his professionalism. And yes, there are moments when he thinks that Neige isn’t just overly cute and sweet, but actually quite a good-looking guy. Not entirely his type, but still handsome nonetheless…. Why is he thinking about it, again?
Vil is, like I mentioned, oblivious about Neige’s feelings. If anything, he believes that Neige is simply being a nice innocent boy and is friendly with everyone, so there isn’t anything special about the way he treats Vil. But jokes on you, Vil, because every single selfie with you that Neige takes instantly become Neige’s phone lock screen for weeks, until his management asks him to change it into something else.
Neige doesn’t have a lot of selfies with Vil though, because Vil always comes up with an excuse to avoid it. He is either in a hurry, or doesn’t feel good, or has a bad hair day, there’s always something that prevents Neige from taking a selfie with Vil. So it’s kind of a personal mission for Neige at this point lol Their fanbases also crave for this selfie… The day NeigeVil finally drop a picture of them together, the internet is going to explode.
A couple of spicy ones; if these two were to find themselves in any kind of intimate situation (even if it’s just a pretend thing for a role or something), Neige would comment about how much more experienced Vil is, and how he’ll work hard to be on his level. This comment sounds horrible to Vil in any context: the idea of Neige working hard to be a perfect lover to him is too cursed to consider. But it’ll still make him blush.
And jokes on Vil once again, because Neige is such a fast learner, that one moment he is a very sloppy kisser, and then suddenly he kisses and touches his body in all the right places because “he just felt like it’d make Vi-kun feel nice there”. Vil is going to both get overwhelmed by how good it feels, and be in agony because fuck you Neige stop being a prodigy at everything.
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periodic-table-yaoi · 1 month
HI !! HELLO !!!!!! ☆
hi :}
name’s Aster
17 years old (feb 7)
transmasc genderfaun, gay aceflux, (some objectum shit going on maybe fuck if I know)
en + fr ; mostly french (Sorry) + caribbean (vincentian !) and Miscellanous European Slop in there
audhd synesthesia and Many other such things. you may find out. Either way there’s crazyyy shit going on in there
moth therian ! pink snout moth specifically but anything pink fits the bill. also whatever the fuck it is with kinning stars (fuck if I know pt. 2)
i sign most of my art as ‘chemicalfuzzy’ because that’s what I go by nearly everywhere else. that’s me I swearsies !
more cool stuff below ^_^
✦ — obligatory List of Things I’m Normal About
misc ✧
the periodic table (SEE URL…) (also anything relating to chemistry & nuclear physics)
music. Which is why it gets its own section below lol
space !! mostly stars !!
BUGS !!!!
music ✧
nine inch nails
massive attack
will wood
black midi
car seat headrest
machine girl
jack stauber
THERE’S A WHOOOLE LOT MORE. IF I PUT EVERYTHING IT’S GONNA LOOK VERY GOOFY really the first 2-3 are what you Seriously really need to worry about. Also please do send recs I love music recs pretty please I #love expanding my music taste. I’m an album freak and physical media hoarder also that’s important to know
media ✧ (a lot of these especially are kinda old & dusty, but I still love them. Or they won’t let me go)
rain world
object shows
the smurfs. No seriously
cookie run
✦ — extra things to know
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this is a reblog heavy place !! I don’t make a lot of original posts, if any, at least at the moment. that may change idk I’m very shy. feel free to ask me stuff though !
zionists & terfs & proshippers and the like are not welcome At All in here. In case you somehow thought you were LMAO
mutuals can ask me for my discord if you guys wanna… smiles so sweetly
I usually tag anything I reblog about often enough. if you’re a mutual & need something filtered do ask me
if you sent me an ask or reached out to me in Any way and I didn’t respond I AM NOT IGNORING YOU OR MAD AT YOU OR ANYTHING….. either I was too tired/overwhelmed at the time of seeing it and kept putting it off or I just didn’t see. either way I’m very sorry !!!
I’ll build further on this post later, likely. I’m making that thang up as I go !!! At the time of writing this it is 3:18 AM !!!! I am living the life
i.,m. Silly.
✧ — seepy cosy collection
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it’s ongoing . I desperately need nin cds but my local record store hates them I think
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artemis32 · 2 years
Hello I saw your 244 imagine and I loved it and if your still taking requests because I wasn’t sure can you do one where his girlfriend is really shy sensitive someone he can easily manipulate but for some reason he’s really wants to keep her around idk this thought just popped up into my head 😆
Yandere 244 II
this probably isn’t exactly what you wanted but i hope you like it anyway :)) spoilers for 244 (his name and all that jazz)
Also I'm on a roll with posting these drafts, damn
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art's 21st birthday celebration masterlist
viral hit masterlist
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There are many possibilities for when and where you met him, but for the sake of this specific question, let’s say you’re on the run.
Jinho sees all types of people trying to flee to South Korea. People of different social statuses, genders, ages, races, anyone and everyone. 
All of these people have one thing in common - they aren’t good people.
Cheaters, liars, thieves, murderers, stalkers. He’s seen them all.
He’s long since past the point of caring about any of them. Why would he have to? He kicks them off the boat after they’ve served their purpose. And it’s not as if they can complain either. It’s him or the government, or worse, the people they try so desperately to run from.
So many different people have crossed his path, and all of them have faced the same fate. Inevitably, all of them end up the same way. 
All of them, except for you.
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You were quiet. Reserved and withdrawn.
Not unusual in itself, plenty of girls your age were. Being self-conscious wasn’t strange. In fact, being hyperaware was a helpful trait to have in any scenario.
But it backfired. 
Being quiet and aware was fine, but it could easily be twisted into something darker. 
Anyone who knew you would say that you were shy, sweet and slightly anxious. Anyone who knew you would know that you could never do something like this. You knew you would never do something like this.
But all of the facts just happened to conveniently line up. Every last bit of evidence pointed to you.
Really, never in your life would you believe the fact that you were being considered as a murder suspect, but the facts didn’t lie, and apparently neither did the witnesses.
Regardless of whether you did it or not, you were in trouble.
And so, you were presented with two choices: accept the charges and go to prison for a crime you didn’t commit, or try and run.
You chose the latter.
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The interest he takes in you is immediate and crippling.
Something about you is just so alluring - you're so sweet, so soft. Oh, he gets so worked up just thinking about it.
Now, if pressed, he wouldn't be able to tell anyone what exactly had drawn him to you in the first place.
Maybe the way you were so glaringly out of place on his ship? Many different kinds of people came to him, looking for an escape - thieves, beggars, murderers, terrorists, cheaters. You were clearly none of those things, all skittish and shy, saying please and thank you to a bunch of criminals with a smile.
He could have laughed if it didn't infuriate him.
Maybe he was drawn in by the way you cared so deeply for people you hardly knew. One of his men got caught in the lowering net and got hurt? You were there, tending to his injuries. One of your fellow stowaways got food poisoning, made worse by sea sickness? You were by his side, handing him water and kind words while you rubbed his back.
You were so kind. Too kind.
It made him sick.
He wanted you all for himself. No one deserved your kindness but him.
Or maybe it was the way you quaked and cried when they started throwing people overboard.
Yes, that must have been it.
Well, not quite.
While it was true that they threw the stowaways overboard, and you stood there, plastered to the cabin door, all shaking legs and wobbly lips, what piqued his interest more than all that was the fact that you never once begged for them to spare you.
There was something to be said for your pride.
You were terrified, that much was clear - but you didn't beg them to let you live, or plead with him on your knees. You lifted your head and accepted your fate, not even letting out a scream or whimper.
Truly, he couldn't decide in that moment if he loved or hated you.
Love, apparently, if the present day were anything to go by.
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He liked dressing you in such small, scanty clothing. Really, the scraps of fabric he handed you when you arrived in his apartment could barely be called clothing at all.
Something about the way he stared at you made your bones itch. When his eyes followed you as you walked from the kitchen to the couch, the way his fingers prodded lazily at the thin fabric bunched up at your waist - you felt sick just thinking about it.
But that seemed to make him even more eager.
He always held it over your head - the fact that he provided for you, the fact that he chose to keep you safe and let you live.
Your clothing? He gave you.
The food you ate? He bought and prepared for you. Hell, he even fed you, as if you were a child. Though, you suspected that he did that only because he loved how flustered you'd become.
The bed you slept in? The house you lived in? The books you read and the hobbies you could enjoy peacefully?
You had it all because he gave it to you.
Because he cared for you.
Loved you.
The sentiment was lost on you.
What you hated more than his not so subtle manipulation though, had to be the way he taunted you when he didn't get his way.
He could be so cruel, commenting on how you'd gotten into this situation, saying that if you didn't start showing your appreciation, he might be forced to hand you over to the authorities.
That always made you cry.
But more than that, it made you pliant, willing.
For a while after he pulled that card, you wouldn't argue or fight back when he took what he wanted. That was his trump card, one that he didn't play very often, mainly because you'd be all teary and anxious for at least a few weeks after that.
But that's why he loved you.
You were just so fun to play with, to tease and work up and break down.
And the best part of it was that, at the end of it all, you'd still treat him so kindly. You'd still crawl into bed and cuddle up to him, still kiss him gently, just how you knew he liked it.
Because despite the fact that majority of your situation was his fault, you were grateful.
You were grateful that he'd taken you in and chosen to protect you.
He took care of you, and you took care of him.
And if you were to ask him why he did it?
Well, because he loved you, of course. And the things he loved deserved the best.
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downforthegas · 2 months
2, 3, 18, 19 from kinks ask please 😇
2. How did you figure out you were into farts?
Well I'm not sure when I exactly figured it out. I know I was looking at a lot of fart art on deviantart when I was a kid (I can thank griffenbeastie/carafalsa for that... but maybe not an*mated J*mes, he's not a good guy, but anyway). I didn't realize I even had a fart fetish until I finally figured out how to touch myself (idk why it took me so long to figure it out, but I used to be too impatient to work my way up to an orgasm). But yeah it wasn't until I finally touched myself to fart stuff (it was one of those audios with the fart art as the picture) that I finally realized I had the fetish lol
3. What’s your favorite type of fart?
Oh god there's so many types. But man low, bassy, rumbly farts that drone on are really good, especially in jeans or against a bed or a couch. Wet farts are super hot too. I really like seeing those in white pants (cause it makes me think something else is gonna happen🥴🥴🥴). Ooh and I also really like squeaky farts and farts that sound kinda cartoony. And little quick, loud braps and small airy toots. Speaking of airy I also like those farts that sound like a mix of airy and wet uugh. OOH but I'm also a BIG fan of silent farts. There's just something about a hot hiss from a hole that stinks to high heaven that really turns me on hehehehe
18. Are you a shy farter or do you fart freely?
It depends really. I can do it around pretty much anyone except my family. I guess cause subconsciously I see it as a sexual thing hehe my brain is wired weirdly. But yeah I mainly fart freely around my friends, especially my bf and gf (yes, there's two partners, cause I'm twice as cool), and the people in the discord server I'm in bc there into farts there too. I can fart on command and I got to uhhh ahem show that off to the server in vc chat. I don't think many here are into pumped farts so I don't really show it here, but yeah I love farting freely in front of them, especially my gf cause she looooves farts hehe
19. Are you good at farting?
Uhhhh well I guess I'm pretty decent with my natural farts but when it comes to my on command farts, hooooo boy, they are something else. I'm really good at controlling my hole and making them come out as wet or as loud as I want. I can make them silent if I want, and the more I do it on command, the wetter they get on their own hehe and sometimes if I take in too much air, I'll accidently fart if I press on my stomach (I start having a gas leak uuugh)
link to the ask post
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz reaction to artist! s/o gifting them an art piece
a/n: okay to clarify y/n is insecure but i feel like the title would just sound a bit silly if i included everything, anyways!!! people who can express themselves through visual art amaze me, artists never fail to impress me <3
warnings/genre: reader has different reactions when they're nervous, fluff, tiny bit of angst because you tear up at some point but you'll be fine
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-“for me?? thank you baby!!”
-doesn’t really make it a big deal, he knows that you can sort of shy away from your talent but honestly he just hangs it up and stares at it everyday because it’s so <33
-not only r u an amazing artist to him but it means so much that u were willing to let him see your heart, and even GIVE it to him
-giggles and kicks his legs and kisses ur face all over but he really doesn’t want you to feel pressured, he just is so happy that you feel comfortable enough to show him
-he understands how personal art can be, so it means the world and more to him that you can let them in on this
lee know
-tries not to tease you but like that’s his coping mechanism because he’s so madly in love w u and he’s probably gonna cry if he doesn’t make a joke about this
-“you’re blushing” “yea no shit do u want it or not”
-very proud
-Asian mom vibes in which he doesn’t outwardly express his love for the piece but he keeps it in his room in a very viewable spot and he smiles at it whenever he sees it
-he knows you’ve always shied away from expressing your art work and showing it to others, and he doesn’t want you to go back in your shell so he wants to encourage u to idk!! post a little sketch on ur social media story!!
-he’s ur number one fan, and he’ll do his best to support and encourage you because!! ur so talented!! how could u not show it off?
-whatever you’re comfortable with though, he’ll always support <3
-idk cries probably
-“ARE YOU REALLY GIVING ME?? SOMETHING U DREW??” “yea it’s okay if u don’t like it I just wanted to-“
-and then he’s cradling you like a baby and squeezing you all tight and is like !!! You’re so talented ilysm omg omg omg thank you !!!
-has never pushed you to show your artwork, he acknowledges your talents but he gets just wanting to have a personal hobby, and art is pretty personal
-so it means so much that you’re willing to show your art to him
-kisses your cheek, he probably makes it his wallpaper for a bit and hangs it up on his wall or keeps it on his desk in the studio so he can always take a look when he’s working!!
-he’s so giggly he’s like “ur my little picassoooo” but he’ll never push you, it’s just fun to be able to see ur talent :>
-“hey it’s not the best jinnie but I made this for you, it’s not much and-“ and then he’s just holding the piece with the most loving care and looking up at you with starry eyes
-“you’re so talented” and that’s all he can get out because his heart is POUNDING
-for him!! he understands the fear of showing off your art, and just seeing you willing to be able to show this to him and GIVE IT to HIM!! Meant so much to me!!
-“I don’t know why you’re so insecure baby, this is wonderful!”
-gives you genuine, well built praise and compliments and makes u feel like a pro
-he begs you to let him post it and if you let him he’s like a proud mom and he’s like “omg look what my baby drew for me!! aren’t they so talented?? I’m in love <3”
-he makes you feel so confident it’s insane, but not only that, he makes you feel safe enough to express yourself and show it with art around him
-probably cries pt2 but he’s bawling his eyes out
-gets into a really weird rant where he just talks about how much he loves you and he knows how personal art is and he’s just so happy that you feel safe and comfortable around him and he loves u sm and ur so cute and-
-it’s honestly a little embarrassing and overwhelming but he can’t help it, seeing you gain the confidence with him to show ur art makes his heart RUN
-gives you a kiss on your cheek and is just smiling like :]
-if you get seriously overwhelmed by his reaction he apologizes and collects himself and just :) “thank you so much love!! I’ll treasure this forever”
-reassures you about your talents and is light hearted about it so you don’t feel pressured or anything
-“once u become a famous tortured art figure this piece is gonna show up on one of those tik tok slide shows that’s like, art that makes me feel-“
-that’s his way of saying he really likes it!!
-calm about it so you don’t feel pressured or overwhelmed
-he’s very smiley and he’s like :3, “thank you so much, you’re so talented lovie!!”
-hugs u super tight and he wants to say he’s proud of u but he knows if he makes it a big deal it can kinda ruin your confidence
-u catch him staring at the piece w a sappy smile on his face and he’s just like sigh…he’s so whipped for you and just knowing you felt comfortable enough to show ur art…his heart is pounding so fast
-you probably tear up a little bit because he’s just so madly in love with you and he can’t express it but he’s so proud and happy and gifting him an artwork means so much to him because he understands your insecurities wholeheartedly-
-he just gives you a big old kiss and is like “thank you so much, you’re so talented”
-pokes ur blushing cheek and is like “teehee ur shy”
-he wants to lighten the air, he doesn’t want you to feel like this is a big deal because while he sees your amazing talent he knows that making it a massive thing can be more overwhelming than just a simple thank you
-“this is so pretty babe, thanks so much!” And then he’s pinching your cheeks and laughing at u because u look cute
-he wants you to feel comfortable, especially if you’re the type to avoid being the center of attention, he just kisses your forehead and giggles while looking at the piece again
-he really just wants you to feel comfortable around him to show him your art more, and giving him some!! it meant so much to him and he just can’t help smiling knowing that you gave him practically a piece of you
-it means so much to him, and I feel like I’ve said that about everyone but for him it’s a whole different level
-it’s almost intimate in a way?? he understands keeping your private hobbies and being insecure about it, he’s very emotionally intelligent so he just understands the way you feel
-it’s honestly just a quiet sort of praise, because he’s also just really shy and doesn’t know how to express his gratitude without making you feel overwhelmed or nervous
-“do you like it?” “of course I like it, I like it so much that I don’t know what to say…Thank you.”
-he feels so connected with you now, just being able to see something like this, and more importantly being gifted such a personal thing means the world to him
-he just wants to express it but he can’t!!
-he hopes the comforting squeeze of your hand and the way he’s looking up at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world is enough to express his gratitude
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Firstly, I love your blog- it’s my no1 source for all things Martin Freeman haha.
I’m too shy to ask publicly so I’m sorry that’s it’s anonymous, but I wanted to ask this:
Do you know the best way to increase the likelihood of Martin seeing fanart made of him? It’s so gutting that he doesn’t have social media to tag him into, but he’s my favourite actor and I, like many fans, just wish I could be like “hi, I made you this, you’re awesome” kind of thing. Like, I just feel incomplete knowing I’ve made this art and he will probably never get to see it :(
I considered tagging Rachel on Instagram, but idk I just get the vibe that she’s not very warm or welcoming with that kind of thing, which I mean yeah I understand as she wants to kickstart her own career but I can’t think of anyone else to tag for him to see it 😞
Do you have any advice? Do you know of any sites he has suggested he keeps an eye on? Do you know anyone to contact or tag? Do you get the same impression on Rachel (going by she rarely interacts with fans’ comments and stuff)?
I struggle with imposter syndrome and anxiety, and having a social disability it makes any kind of interaction difficult, so the thought of annoying someone (ie Rachel) by tagging her makes me feel uncomfortable. Like why am I overthinking this? 😭 she’s a stranger and so is Martin. I’m sorry, I’m rambling, but I just feel like I have nobody to talk to about this
Hello there! 😃
I am very glad to hear that you like my blog. 🤩
And about your actual question: No, I don't know how to get fanart to Martin. And personally I don't think you should. You already used the correct word here: fanart. Isn't that art made by fans for other fans? Why is it important to you that Martin sees your art?
Also, tagging Rachel would probably do nothing. I would find it intrusive. And it would probably annoy her. Using her to get to Martin? Yeah, don't. (And that goes for every celebrity and their partner.)
Post your art on social media with the correct #s, but don't @ random people who you think might be connected to your 'target'. If Martin sees it by accident: great! And if he doesn't, but 10 (or 50.000) fans of him saw and enjoyed it: awesome!
Keep doing what your doing! Create art and share it with other fans. 😀
Not sure what else to tell you. But if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to send another ask (and anon is fine).
Take care!
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