#I get to have my fun <333
musubiki · 3 months
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danmarch 🐉💎
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mroddmod · 2 years
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spidey before he got picked up by the big guys...
@spideywillandmjwheeler 👁️👁️
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pup-pee · 1 month
i just i jist i justi just i just i jsut i just ji jstu kji just i just
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“kinda” a redraw of this but not rlly like @ all
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lamina-tsrif · 1 year
OOO for the pallette id say law onepiece + #1? pallette is kinda coffee colored and i feel like he desperately needs some, so 💀
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hellishgayliath · 4 months
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
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self indulgent horross doodles just because i can >B)
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teamfortresstwo · 8 months
“Peter Lukas gets sent back to the regency era” “Jonathan Sims gets sent back to the regency era” valid points valid points but i raise you
Tim Stoker gets sent back to the regency era
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martyrbat · 2 years
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batman: the knight #6
[ID: Bruce Wayne crying after shooting someone. He throws the shotgun down and stutters out, “I d-didn't- I didn't have a choice, I-”. The man he shot warns him, “you may not even survive...” as Bruce starts to sob. END ID]
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lostfanboyarts · 19 days
If you're still doing the poly trio requests would you do the DOA trio (Sigma, Nikolai, and Fyodor) for D3 or L1?
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Everytime I draw them I get a little more emotionally attached to Sigfyolai... <3
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autism-corner · 5 months
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comments on em under the cut <3
-Jagged scars bc he did it himself with. a big knife.
-no sixpack. just bc.
-many pubes. other bodyhair is a bit less bc he isnt on T (<- excuse bc i couldnt make it look good /hj)
-pretty neat scars. got them done fairly early in his life.
-left his abs bc he really tries to keep em. dont particularly like it but :/ i feel like its part of him idk
-was on T a few years before getting isekai'd, aster helped him find a replacement.
-NEAT surgery scars. got them done, after his parents died, by top-level surgeons (+ didnt have big boobs to begin with)
-nips+snakebites+eyebrows pierced. hes a royal man he deserves it.
-left his pack bc i think he uses it as a coping mechanism....
-has been on proxy-T since a few months before his parents died.
-tiny boobs tiny scars. did them himself aswell.
-navel pierced bc hes a slut so ofc.
-no abs. this man does nothing to keep himself in shape.
-not on T but has found some remedy that has permanently lowerd his voice
-main reason for transition was so he could be in hiding better, he really doesnt care for much else.
-no nips.
-main control panel is in his abdomen bc its easily defendable. distinct connection of panels at the lines where they open bc i didnt want him to have abs and this works <3 + i couldnt figure out a reason behind topsurgery scars other than that <3
-no pubes bc hes a ken doll down there (i forgor)
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aahh i didn't even mean to, but it seems fitting to post a pic of my new tattoo on the car's first birthday ♥️ this band means so much to me and has done for well over a decade, and this album has truly rewired my soul, so it felt right to get this one done while i was in dublin for the last few shows of the tour for this album <3 (plus i really like the kind of meta-ness of getting 'body paint' tattooed tbh)
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wundrousarts · 5 months
Mini Silverborn Countdown
If you’ve been around for a few years, you’ve seen me vaguely mention a “Silverborn Countdown Challenge” several times. It’s been delayed and changed as many times as the book itself, lol.
If anyone wants sort of a low-stakes, very chill and spaced out version of this ye olde never tackled challenge to complete in the next year before Silverborn, I propose what I’m doing:
Every 3 months leading up to the initial release, I am creating one thing based on each of the books.
January — Nevermoor
April — Wundersmith
July — Hollowpox
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crystallizsch · 3 months
Btw I love ur yuusha sm
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you've been around since i started posting about yuusha and jamil if i recall correctly??? even still if not, your tags/comments always make me happy ajfdklsajf
it's always so motivating and i REALLY appreciate it so THANK YOU SO MUCH I'M REALLY GLAD TO HEAR YOU LOVE HER 😭💖😭💖😭💖
(*throws this here too as a thanks*) (they're purely platonic tho)
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(kalim insisted on taking a pic with her) (jamil just always third wheels them)
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First fanart I've ever done for a fic X3
(^^ that's the link :D )
[It's a Glacier fic set in the Hogwarts universe- it's beyond good- it's amazing- it's worth the read <33]
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youngpettyqueen · 5 months
Oh I now saw you reblogged some prompts! this one caught my eye bc I immediately heard this in jadzia's voice about garashir 67. “Oh my god! You’re in love with them!”
anon youre so right I IMMEDIATELY heard this in her voice on reading it. please enjoy Jadzia hassling Julian about his very not-subtle thing with the local lizard man
Julian is in a very good mood today.
Jadzia noticed it very quickly upon entering the infirmary. Of course, he was very concerned when she showed him her burnt hand, the result of not paying enough attention while tinkering with a panel that had been bothering her. But his concern was quickly gone once he realized the burn was only shallow, and would just need a quick pass with a dermal regenerator.
The thing is, he would usually still fuss. Or, at the very least, admonish her for being careless. But, no, he's coming back with the dermal regenerator and he's... humming, of all things. A slow song, with a gentle melody that she finds herself wanting to sway along to. She doesn't recognize it off the top of her head, but it's... nice.
"What is that?" She asks. She can't help herself- she's curious by nature.
"Hm?" Julian stops humming, looking up to meet her eyes, "What's what?"
"That song you're humming," Jadzia says, "It's nice. What is it?"
"Oh, that," Julian looks back at her hand, focusing on running the regenerator over her palm, "It's a... Cardassian piece. It's been stuck in my head since this morning." He tells her.
Jadzia narrows her eyes at him. He's... blushing. It's subtle, but it's there- he's all pink in the cheeks. "A Cardassian piece?" She echoes, a mischievous smirk curling her lips, "Where did you hear that?"
Julian is now very pointedly avoiding eye contact. "Garak showed it to me." He tells her.
Jadzia leans in, trying to catch his eye. "And why was Garak showing you Cardassian music this morning?" She asks, "Don't you two usually meet for lunch?"
His face is now going a very adorable shade of red. "We can meet more than once a week, Jadzia." He points out.
"Have you been meeting more than once a week?" She can't help but keep pressing- he's like a big red button, begging to be pushed, "Julian, you didn't tell me! When did that happen?"
"I wasn't aware I needed to keep you informed of what I do with my-" Julian cuts himself off very quickly, takes a moment, then coughs out, "Friend." In about the most unconvincing manner possible.
Oh, she has him now. "If he's your friend, then why are you blushing like a schoolgirl with a crush?" She asks.
Julian abruptly lets go of her hand. "Well, that takes care of that!" He says, his voice pitched, "If you would excuse me, I'm a very busy man, and I have... many surgeries to get to." He turns on his heel and starts making his escape.
Jadzia hops off the examination table and follows. "Oh, no. You're not getting away from me that easily," She swoops in front of him, blocking his way, "I want details." She insists.
"Details of what?" Julian asks incredulously.
"Your date." Jadzia grins.
"It wasn't a date!" Julian exclaims, "Really, I have patients to-" He tries to duck around her, but she moves to get in his way.
"No?" She presses, stepping closer. He steps back, "You two just... what, had a little get together this morning? Where he showed you Cardassian music?" She ducks down to catch his eye, "Slow Cardassian music?" She adds, pointed.
Julian's blush has started creeping across his nose. "Exactly," He squeaks out, unconvincing, "Just a friendly get together. Between friends. With... music."
Jadzia raises a brow at him. "I didn't see you on the promenade this morning." She informs him.
"That's because we weren't on the promenade." Julian replies.
"And you weren't in the holosuites," She continues, "I know, because Worf runs his exercise class every morning, and Quark was too scared to get that Klingon party from last night out of the others."
Julian backs right up into the examination table. "I don't know what you're getting at." He deflects.
Jadzia leans in. "You were in his quarters, weren't you?" She asks, grinning like a wolf.
Julian's eyes widen like moons. "I was not!" He exclaims, looking around wildly like somebody might be listening, "Honestly, Jadzia, I hardly see how this is any of your business!" He hisses.
"Then where were you?" Jadzia questions, undeterred, "C'mon, Julian, if you can't tell me, who can you tell? Where were you?" She hassles.
Julian shrinks backwards, looking like he wants to make like a turtle and hide in his uniform. And then he ducks his head, mumbling something at a volume a Ferengi wouldn't be able to pick up on.
"What was that?" Jadzia leans more into his space, putting her arms on either side of him and trapping him, "I can't hear you."
Julian looks up to meet her eyes. He's all red, all the way to his ears. He considers for a moment, before he heaves a loud sigh and, very quietly, he admits, "...My quarters."
Jadzia lights up like the Dabo wheel at Quark's. "I knew it!" She exclaims, clapping her hands against the examination table, "I knew you were seeing each other. Julian, you've been holding out on me!" She accuses, "How long has this been going on?"
Julian presses himself backwards, very nearly climbing up onto the table. "I'm not answering that."
"Did he spend the night?" Jadzia continues.
"I'm especially not answering that!" Julian squawks.
"Do you love him?" Jadzia grins, nearly nose to nose with him.
Now Julian does push himself up onto the table, and he uses the opportunity to swing himself around and jump down to the other side and try to make his escape. "This conversation is over!" He calls as he hurries away.
Jadzia follows in hot pursuit. "Oh my god, you are in love with him!"
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 6 months
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congrats on 400+ followers @its-paperd!!! >:Dc you deserve that and so much more muah muah<333
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