#I get why they chose the path they chose and how they saw the characters doing/being that way
nny11writes · 2 years
Just read a fic that I really loved parts of, and really detested parts of. It is a very unique feeling I haven’t had in a while.
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suashii · 2 months
— 𝒶 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊 ౨ৎ
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okkotsu yuta x f!reader. 3k wc. ノ smut ノ nsfw (mdni) ノ characters aged 21+ ノ oral (f!receiving) ノ face sitting :3 ノ clothed sex ノ subby yuta ノ reader is a little mean at moments ノ jealousy
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you can’t say that you normally time how long it takes yuta to answer his door but you can say that it never takes this long. you add the oddity to your growing mental list titled: “ways yuta has changed since having sex for the first time.” it’s not one you ever saw yourself making but life has a way of throwing curveballs at people and this seems to be the one pitched to you. 
maybe yuta feels a bit different these days, but he’s still yuta. you’re sure you’ll get used to this new version of him soon enough.
a few more long seconds pass before you hear footsteps on the other side of the door and the barrier swings open, revealing yuta in all his glory.
“so you are home,” you comment with a smile upon finally being met with the sight of him. you don’t see him as often these days and the fact makes you sadder than you’d like to admit. so, you soak him in silently—the perpetual dark crescents beneath his eyes, the dark hair that hangs over the left side of his forehead, the way his hand almost unconsciously always finds its way to rest on his neck.
“sorry, sorry,” he apologizes with that familiar, sheepish grin of his. at least some things never change. “come in.”
the way he ushers you in and leads you back to his bedroom leads you to believe that you unintentionally interrupted him. he’s thumbing through the shirts in his closet when you come to stand by his bed and ask, “did i catch you in the middle of something?”
“oh, i’m heading out later so i was just getting ready.” you stop yourself from getting comfortable on his mattress at his response, although, when he turns around with a button up in hand, he uses his other to wave the misunderstanding away. “you can hang out though.”
“where are you going?” you ask him, plopping down on his bed. the scent lingering on his pillowcase and sheets is fresh like he just washed the bedding. however, you can still pick out a hint of the fragrance he wears regularly—warm and just a little woody.
“out for drinks,” he tells you. he’s in the process of trading out the t-shirt he’s been lounging in for the one he just picked out when your silence finally registers. a look over his shoulder at you is enough to tell him that the answer doesn’t satisfy you. the expression you’re wearing is telling—like you know there’s more that he chose not to say. it doesn’t seem like you’re backing down, either. with your silent prompting, he adds, “with a girl.”
“another date?” you have to stop yourself from frowning. “didn’t you go out with some other chick over the weekend?”
this is exactly why you haven’t seen him lately—he’s so busy meeting women and taking them home to fuck that he barely has time to spare for you. you’ve always thought that if he’s happy, you will be, too, but you have to admit that that isn’t the case. it’s worrying—how quickly he went from such a timid guy with no sexual experience to one who’s getting laid every three days.
you aren’t sure if this is coming from a place of concern for the girls crossing paths with him or if the whole fuckboy persona is beginning to become offputting to you, but you find yourself asking, “and they all know this is casual? that you’re seeing other girls two days after you hook up with them?”
“it sounds bad when you put it like that…” he starts, fingers fiddling with the buttons of his shirt. he’s only gotten around to fastening the bottom half of them, leaving the unblemished skin of his chest on display. “but yeah, we’re all on the same page.”
it’s still hard to believe that the shy little yuta you’ve come to know has turned over a promiscuous new leaf. it would be one thing if he simply lost his virginity and settled down with one partner but the extent of his sexual activities has truly surprised you. a question comes to mind—one that you normally wouldn’t ask your other friends but an important one considering yuta only just started sleeping around. “you’re getting tested, right?”
the question doesn’t phase him the way you think it will. you expect his eyes to widen and a furious red to overtake his cheeks and the tips of his ears but neither happens. he simply nods. “yes, of course.”
“and you’re wearing condoms?” you follow up.
“mm-mm.” he shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, the dark strands falling back into place. “who knows how many women i’ve gotten pregnant by now.”
you can’t hide the disbelief that paints your features—the way your mouth hangs open and your unblinking gaze glued on the man before you. the shock of his words makes it difficult to find your voice and you’re sure it comes out higher than usual when you finally do. “yuta, you cannot—“
“i’m joking!” he exclaims with a wide smile. it shrinks into something smaller when he sees how serious you are. “yes, i am wearing condoms. jeez, what’s with the third degree?”
“it’s nothing, just wanna make sure you’re being safe.” you had planned on sticking around until it was time for him to leave but the thought of staying here while he’s getting ready to see—to fuck—someone else isn’t a pleasant one. you swing your legs over the side of his bed and stand up, making your way to the door. “i’m leaving. have fun fucking your flavor of the day.”
“wait, wait, wait.” yuta reaches out to grab your arm. his calloused grip is warm and firm, though, you’re sure you could pull away if you wanted to—he’s made sure of that much. despite that, you don’t. “you aren’t jealous, are you?”
“wow,” you scoff and turn to face him. there’s a sparkling glint in his eyes, one that has no place being there. “you have seriously let this inflate your ego.”
your comment doesn’t offend him, doesn’t hurt him the way you secretly wished it would. instead, his thumb glides against your wrist, runs over your pulse as he leans down closer to you. his voice comes out just above a whisper. “you aren’t curious? not even a little?”
“not everyone wants you, yuta.” you finally pull your hand back. “someone should really put you in your place.”
your words put a smile on his face. “are you volunteering?”
you have no idea what’s gotten into him, why he’s poking you like a bear and looking for a reaction, but his incessant goading has done its job. reflexively, almost without a thought, your hands come up to shove the broad chest before you. yuta stumbles back and his legs hit the mattress, causing him to fall back against it.
for the first time since you walked in, shock washes over yuta’s face the moment you begin to approach him. you find yourself crawling on the bed and straddling him, your hands pressing into the mattress on either side of his head. his lips are parted now and they only seal when he swallows the lump lodged in his throat.
it’s almost enough to make you laugh—how quickly his tune changed from confident to a bundle of nerves. you guess this has yet to happen to him, not being the one who’s calling the shots, that is. maybe you aren’t quite laughing, but it does make a grin stretch across your lips.
“what happened, yuta?” you ask him, sitting back on your calves. you lift your hand and bring it to his face, letting your finger drag along the curve of his jaw. it may just be your imagination, but you swear you can feel him shiver at your touch. “you were practically begging for this just a second ago. but if you changed your mind, i’ll get up and go.”
“no.” he shakes his head, the hair against his comforter growing frizzy with the careless movement. his hands come up to rest on your hips. “please stay.”
“ah-ah.” you knock his hands away and panic flashes over the man’s face. “no touching. you have to earn that.”
he swallows thickly and gazes up at you with curiosity swimming in his eyes. “h-how?”
“be good for me,” you tell him, the grin apparent in your voice. you brush the stray strands of hair away from his face before leaning down just like yuta had to you only moments earlier. this time, you’re sure that he shivers when your whispered voice tickles him as you ask, “tell me what you want me to do.”
your fingernails graze over his exposed skin—down his neck, over his shoulders, along his collarbone, anywhere you reach. it’s meant to be no more than a way to keep you busy while you wait for a reply from yuta, but he seems to enjoy the touch and the way goosebumps raise following the drag of your nails. although his quiet moans are easy on the ears, it’s a bit boring for your taste. your hand slows on its path in search of an answer. “hmm?”
you’re almost convinced that his voice is stuck in his throat when his request finally fills the air. “k-kiss me, please.”
you waste no time fulfilling his wish, brushing your lips over the same spots your fingers had just been, stopping every now and then to press them down in soft kisses. they grow deeper as you traverse against his smooth skin, love bites marking the once spotless canvas. by the time you make your way up to his lips, your kiss is hungry, almost desperate on your end and his—like the both of you have been silently waiting for this time to come.
as much as you enjoy yuta’s pillowy lips against yours and the way he melts for you when your tongue slips past them, you have a desire for more. you keep that bit to yourself so as not to feed yuta’s existing albeit dormant cockiness, though, you are willing to nudge him in the right direction.
you pull back from the kiss, still close enough that yuta can feel your breath when you speak. “don’t tell me all you want is for me to kiss you. there must be something else…”
there are a lot of things that come to mind, a lot of things yuta has dreamt of doing with you, but one rises above the rest. he can only hope that you’re willing to indulge him. “would you…” his voice trails off as he turns his head to the side, avoiding your gaze.
“go ahead,” you start, grabbing his chin and turning his head so that he’s looking at you, “ask me.”
he’s never felt this hesitant before but none of the women he’s slept with have been you. they’ve never made him ask for what he wants, patiently waited until he verbalized his desires. and he hasn’t wanted that, no, not from them. as foreign as the task is, he’ll do it if that means finally getting a taste of you.
despite the warmth spreading over his cheeks, yuta forces himself to hold your eye. “can you—can you please sit on my face?”
hearing the words pass his lips makes your heart jump in your chest. the goal had been to get him to admit what he craved the most but part of you believed that yuta was still holding onto his old ways, too bashful and shy to come clean about his needs. perhaps you’re holding onto a version of him that he’s left behind for good, though, you want to see for yourself. “you really want me to?”
“god, yes, please.” his fingers dig into the comforter beneath him in an attempt to keep from touching you like you told him even though he’s itching to. he’ll be patient, be good, for you. “i want to taste you so bad.”
shy little yuta really is gone.
but you suppose it isn’t all that bad.
you crawl forward over him to situate yourself. his breath is warm against your bare thighs and it makes your skin prickle. you hike the skirt you’re wearing up your legs so the fabric doesn’t obstruct your view of his face—you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to see the show.
“you aren’t going to take off your panties?” yuta asks. he’s only inches away now and he’s sure if he tilted his head up just a little bit, he’d be able to stick his tongue out and reach you.
you shake your head with a smile. “i’ll tell you when you can move them. you can lick me through them for now.”
there’s a complaint ready on the tip of his tongue about how he wants to taste and feel you—only you, but he bites it back, figuring that you’ll revoke your generosity entirely if he seems ungrateful. patience, he reminds himself. if he’s patient, he’ll have all of you soon enough.
he wets his lips before diving in, tongue sloppily licking at the layer of cotton keeping him from you. despite the barrier, he can make out your landmarks—the lips he’s wishing his tongue could slip between and your clit that he desperately wants to suck on. even though it isn’t quite what he was expecting, he eats you out through your panties like a man starved.
the fabric is soaked through now and if it weren’t for the hint of you on his tongue, yuta would wonder whether it was his spit or your arousal leaving a darkened spot on your panties. the thought that he got you wound up enough to soak through your underwear oddly fills him with a sense of pride—feeds the ego you claimed he had earlier. he had brushed it off then but it’s hard to ignore now considering that you’re the woman he’s wanted to do this with for the longest.
yuta is a lot more talented with his tongue than you anticipated he would be. you can’t remember the last time someone drew such satisfied noises from you—sharp gasps that you suck in whenever he happens to brush against your clit and musical moans that fill the room when he finds that magical rhythm. you’re beyond pleased with his performance, but an unwelcome thought nags at the back of your mind as the man eats you out; just how many women did it take him tongue-fucking for it to feel this good? you know you shouldn’t say it, but you voice your thoughts anyway. the question comes out breathy, “did you learn to use your tongue like this on all those other girls?”
“they–” he starts, licking you once more before continuing, “they were all practice for you.”
the ache between your thighs grows all the stronger with his confession. you don’t doubt the sincerity of his words—if there’s one thing that you know yuta will never abandon, it’s his honesty. you can admit to yourself that you were jealous earlier, jealous of all the women yuta decided to sleep with instead of you. the envy has all but dissipated now that you know you’ve always been the object of his affection.
“push them to the side,” you tell him hurriedly. yuta doesn’t waste a second following your command, hooking a finger on your panties to drag them to the side. your glistening wetness is hypnotizing and if he wasn’t already salivating this sight would surely be enough to have him drooling. he thinks he could stare at your pretty pussy all day but what he really wants is for you to come on his tongue.
before you know it, he’s lapping at you like your arousal is the very water that he needs to survive. there’s saliva running down his chin as he savors the taste of you. the vibration of his moans against you serves as a means to work you up even more, moans and whimpers of your own bubbling up from your chest.
it’s nearly impossible for you not to grind down on him, to ride his face like there’s no tomorrow. yuta doesn’t mind being trapped between your thighs, only being able to breathe in your heavenly scent and taste your honey-like essence. his tongue glides between your folds, teasing your entrance with each up on down.
“ride my tongue,” yuta’s muffled voice sounds from below you. “use me to come.”
and you do, rocking your hips against his face in rhythm with the salacious movement of his tongue. each flick of the muscle is a drop in your cup that’s filled to the brim, threatening to spill over and flood at any moment. all it takes are a few swirls of his tongue around your sensitive pearl for a wave of pleasure to wash over you. your thighs tremble with your orgasm and your back arches as the aftershocks ripple through you all while yuta continues to languidly stroke your cunt.
he hums against you as you come down from your high, leaving a kiss on your clit before telling you, “you taste so good.”
the compliment makes your heart flutter. “you think so?”
he nods, or at least tries to from his place between your legs. “the best i’ve ever had.”
“well then i guess it’s only fair for me to return the favor,” you suggest, letting your head loll to the side. you can practically see the gears turning in yuta’s head but he doesn’t speak up to question you, instead, waiting for your clarification. “what do you say; want me to suck you off?”
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thanks for reading! reblogs + comments are greatly appreciated :))
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Killer reactions to a legally blind reader who had their glasses stolen from them during a trial. (Part two).
Notes: Non-binary reader. Warnings for minor, non-graphic violence and character injury.
He saw you struggling to walk through the forest, your arms spread out and feet stuttering in caution. Concern invaded, and he quickly ran up to you. When he noticed that you didn't have your glasses on, he asked suspiciously, "Where are your glasses?"
Ji-woon watched as you gasped and tensed up as if expecting an attack, and he frowned in dejection. "Uh? Don't be afraid," He reached down to gently grab your hand, saying reassuredly, "I'll help you escape, yes?"
"You... You'll help me? Really?" You timidly asked, your body still tense, "But... Why?"
"Oh," Ji-woon giggled, grinning big and blushing, "You are my favorite. I like you."
Seeing you gape like a fish caused Ji-woon to giggle even more in fondness and amusement. "You're so cute, (y/n)," He slowly guided you over to some boxes and had you sit down on one, "Wait here. I'll be back soon, uh?"
"O-ok," You nodded, hiding your bashful face, "Thank you."
Man, you were so freakin adorable. Ji-woon grinned maliciously and took off, his blood running hot with vengeance. Vengeance that didn't take but ten minutes to achieve, especially whenever he discovered your glasses broken in David's pocket. Those no good rats.
Returning to your side, Ji-woon reached out for your hand again and smiled, "Ready?"
"Yes," You say softly, blushing as he let you use him for support, "Thank you again."
Ji-woon puffed his chest out in pride. "Anything for you, aleumdaun."
Pinhead/Elliot Spencer
He felt the calling of the lament and, realizing that it was you who was summoning him, he immediately teleported to your location. When he arrived, he spotted you shyly standing near a pallet, your exposed eyes squinted harshly as you cautiously stood your ground.
"You solved the lament configuration," Elliot tilted his head in curiosity and hidden surprise, "But to what cause?"
You hesitated, looking fretful, "You... You said that if I solved the box then I... I would get a reward? Well... I-I want my glasses back. Please? Nea stole them."
A glimmer of a smirk shown within Elliot's piercing black eyes, "You have become bold, I see. Are you to assume that 'returning your glasses' is all I have in mind for you?"
"I..." You gaped, looking horrified and regretful, like you were imagining him torturing you, "I..."
"Stay here," Elliot demanded and briefly turned away. He was able to locate Nea, hook her and retrieve your glasses. When he returned to you, you had the most defeated, hopeless expression on your face, and it tore at his soul.
"I suppose the full extent of your reward can wait until another time," He said in a much more soothing tone than what he usually used, and he handed you your glasses. "I do not enjoy witnessing you treated with disrespect."
Fiddling with your glasses for a moment, you slid them on and looked up at him with flattered yet timid eyes, "Thank you, Elliot. Maybe... Maybe next time?"
Elliot smirked and swiftly turned around to leave, "I will be waiting."
He saw you walking around calling out for Jake to give you your glasses back and, at first, he chose to ignore you. Surely soon Jake would return them to you. Well...
Apparently not.
Several times Evan had crossed paths with you only to see you struggling every single time, looking lost and helpless. It pulled at his heart and made him angry. How could anyone treat you this way?
Remembering that it was Jake you were calling out for, Evan went and found the traitor, killed him and retrieved your glasses. Then he found you respectfully working on a generator. God... He liked you too dang much.
When you noticed him approaching, you tensed up and bowed your head in miserable acceptance. "Here, darlin'," Evan said, lifting your glasses out, "Think you're missin' these."
"Huh?" You blinked at him, the sight of your exposed eyes doing things to him. Taking your glasses back, you slid them on your face, stammering in gratitude, embarrassment and fear, "Th-thank you. Really. I'm... I'm sorry."
"No need to apologize," Evan took a few steps back to help ease your anxiety, "Ain't no one got an excuse good 'nough to treat ya that way."
You whimpered, covering your cheeks with your palms. So adorable. "Thank you."
Evan smiled beneath his mask and turned away, damming Jake for his shenanigans and yet also thanking him at the same time. Let's just say, he really enjoyed this trial.
Pyramid Head/The Executioner
He doesn't know much about human anatomy but he does know that those glass things help you see. He's also good at sensing distress and emotional turmoil, and during this trial you were utterly decomposed unlike usual.
And the Executioner does not appreciate it when his favorite human is in distress, especially when the distress is caused by other guilty, shameful humans.
Leaving you be to your objectives, The Executioner lurks around hooking and searching for something he doesn't quite understand. It's difficult to navigate who has your glasses exactly, and he really does search. He tears apart clothes, he breaks fingers and he even shakes the survivors, but to no avail.
Eventually he hooks the third survivor Claudette and searches for you, discovering you hiding amongst some pillars. When you notice him approaching, you gasp and run straight first into a wall.
With all hope lost, you crouch down and begin to hopelessly cry, humiliation, sadness and frustration steaming from your body.
The Executioner walked closer, stopping before you and bending forward as much as he was capable of. He then dropped an object into your lap.
You jostled in shock, your eyes going wide when you felt what exactly the object was. Glasses. But... Not your glasses. "These... These are Claudettes?" You ask, slipping on the tiny glasses. They barely helped you to see, honestly.
But they would be good enough, and you were grateful for his generosity, "Thank you."
Proud and satisfied, the Executioner nodded, took a few steps away and gazed back at you. Come on. The hatch isn't going to find itself.
You're his favorite survivor, so he searches for you first only to find you getting laughed at by Quintin. He had your glasses. You were struggling to chase him, putting up quite a fight until he purposely tripped you and sent you falling face first to the ground.
Oh. Oh, that boy was so done for. Wesker's eyes burned orange, and he flew up to the treacherous nobody, jamming him with uroboros. Quintin screamed and dropped your glasses. Wesker picked them up and finished chasing the coward, hooking him shortly.
By the time he returned to you, he was amused to see you standing and searching around, obviously focused and self-aware. "Tis a pity you can be taken advantage of so easily, (y/n)," Wesker said, twirling your glasses around, "I almost feel sorry for you."
He eagerly awaited a snappy, passionate reaction from you, but was ultimately met with deafening silence. You weren't even looking at him, your head bowed, hands gripping a barrel and your face twisting with hatred and shame.
It was as if you expected the worst out of everyone including him.
"What will I get if I return them to you?" Wesker asked, stepping closer.
You mumbled back, "Just kill me, Wesker. I'm done."
Out of all his time here, Wesker had never, ever seen you give up. It made him... Concerned. "How long has this been going on?" He stopped beside you and handed you your glasses back.
You were taken aback by his kindness and consideration, and you went to put your glasses back on, "A while."
"Well then," Wesker smirked, aching to touch your face, "I suppose we'll need to put a stop to this. Won't we?"
He doesn't really understand what's going on at first. All he knows is that you're really, really struggling. The only reason he can think why is because you didn't have your glasses. Why though? Where were they?
Hesitant, shy and nervous, Max tries his hardest to avoid hooking you. There is one time, however, that he hears you calling out for Feng to give you your glasses back. Ah ha. So Feng took them. That monster. How could she do this?
Max then makes it his number-one priority to catch Feng and return your glasses. It doesn't take him long, but when he throws her over his shoulder, he hears a distinct crack, and panics. Oh... No...
Dropping Feng unceremoniously, Max searches her hoodie and finds your shattered glasses. Noooooooo! No, he broke your glasses. Ah, what was he supposed to do? You were gonna be so mad at him and upset, and you wouldn't be able to see, and he felt so bad. Just- ahhh!
He let you down. Max growled in distress, his chest aching. He really, really let you down. Oh, he was so sorry.
But he wasn't going to hide from you despite every nerve in his body wanting him too. Instead, he killed the rest of the survivors, deserted his chainsaw and hammer, and timidly approached you.
Whenever you noticed him, you covered your face and awaited pain, but felt none. Sensing that he was close, you gaped and whimpered, "Max?"
Wow, your eyes were really pretty. Max blushed, his chest filling with butterflies. He walked forward and gently tapped on your forearm.
"What?" You whispered softly, "I-I can't see, I-I'm sorry."
Even though it hurt him to speak, Max managed to say "hatch". You looked at him with utter gratitude, grabbing onto his offered arm and saying shyly, "Thank you, Max. I-I really appreciate it."
Max smiled and growled happily. Good grief, the 'butterflies'.
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situationsoured · 7 months
People keep saying Katniss is like the reincarnation of Sejanus, or even Lucy Gray, which I just don’t think is true. If there’s a character in the movie that reminded me of Katniss it was Reaper from District 11. Both had an advantage in the game from their trades (Katniss was a hunter and Reaper was a lumberjack, I think). Despite this, both chose to ally themselves with young girls (Rue and Dill respectively) over the older, stronger tributes. And they both have to watch this girl die. I saw way more of Katniss in Reaper tearing down the Panem flag to cover his fellow tributes after finding Dill dead than in Sejanus sprinkling breadcrumbs over Marcus.
What this movie made me sure of is that there must have been so many tributes like Reaper and Katniss. While we see some tributes driven to do awful things to survive, we also see so much love and mercy – in Reaper immediately telling Dill to stick with him in the arena, in that little girl taking Lucy’s hand, in Lamina mercy killing Marcus’ and cutting his body down.
I also don’t think Snow felt especially haunted by Lucy Gray in Peeta. While I think the two are a lot more alike than Sejanus and Katniss, Snow has seen dozens of games since the 10th. While Lucy was the first of her kind, I’m sure there have been so many tributes like Lucy, who try to use charm and personality to win over the audience as opposed to relying on physical strength. The games were literally reshaped to give tributes like her a better chance. We hear over and over during the first book how likability is the key to surviving in the arena.
Ultimately, neither Katniss nor Peeta are unique as tributes. Peeta isn’t even unique as a victor – while he was an underdog, I’m sure there have been at least a couple other victors like Peeta and Lucy Gray who managed to get by. I do not, however, think there had ever been a victor like Katniss. That’s what’s different between her and Reaper, and why Katniss successfully inspired a revolution while Reaper, who rebelled against the games in almost the same way, did not. Reaper died as an act of defiance against the Capitol, while Katniss lived. They both ultimately refused to play the game, but Katniss proved that resisting the Capitol was not a death wish. And that is what scares Snow. That's why he needs her to frame it as an act of love for Peeta. Not because she reminds him of a dead revolutionary, or even of a dead friend (although idk if I would even call them friends tbh).
(I feel I have to add, the capitol was clearly threatened by what Reaper did, or Gaul wouldn’t have interrupted him with that announcement. Also, we don’t see how 11 reacts to Dill’s death like we do with Rue, it could have also resulted in riots. But Reaper died where Katniss did not. There’s that line Snow had in the first movie about needing to control how much hope they give the districts, and clearly Katniss surviving pushed them across the threshold)
But Katniss and Reaper were not rebels or revolutionaries going into the arena. Yes, they hated the Capitol, but what tribute wouldn’t? Their priority was survival and helping Rue and Dill survive. It was the deaths of their friends that sparked their rebellion. Sejanus, on the other hand, had little to no concern for survival. He was consumed with his hate for the games and the Capitol (he was choking on it).
If I had to make a parallel between Sejanus and someone in the original trilogy, it would be Cinna. They both live in the Capitol, on a path of upward social trajectory, and despite that neither of them are willing to live with what the Capitol is doing, and it kills them. Snow even causes both their deaths.  
I also had to consider that Katniss reminded Snow of himself. Both of them start out their respective books with very little consideration with the big picture. Their focus is on improving the lives of themselves and their families. I think that is how Snow knows where to put the pressure to keep Katniss in line. (Coin does not understand this, and it’s why she struggles manipulating Katniss into doing what she wants). But unlike Snow, Katniss doesn’t feel ownership over her loved ones, and her idea of ‘doing anything for them’ means sacrificing herself, not the lives of others.
I don’t think Snow was haunted. I think that requires feeling guilt or regret. After Lucy Gray ran away, Snow got married. And had children. And grandchildren. He hosted more games and killed more district kids. He might have cried after what he did to Sejanus, but he then immediately took the money that would have been Sejanus’ and used to do things that would have had him doing barrel rolls in his grave.
Snow at the end of the Hunger Games trilogy does not strike me as a man who is haunted by his choices. Like he told Lucy Gray, he came to believe humanity is innately evil. When you think that, you can do as many horrible things as you want to, because there will never be an innocent victim. You’re just doing to other people what they would do to you - if they were as smart and cunning and powerful as you are.
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cosmics-beings · 1 month
Overall thoughts on Starscream being evil?
Yes, I think he is evil, I think he’s going to be the main threat and I think it’s because he actually cares about the Decepticons and their welbeing on Earth. Starscream being a leader that the Decepticons picked OVER Megatron and a leader that they flock to, is a huge, positive change for his character even if he is doing it in a way that will inevitably make him evil. At the end of the day, to be 100% for the Decepticons and to care about their well-being, he is no doubt going to be at odds with the Autobots.
I also understand the whole Hashtag episode, but I also wanna look at it from a different perspective. There is this idea that working with the Autobots, the Decepticons can live happily on Earth with no violence but…Starscream was tortured by GHOST whom he probably conflates with the Autobots. ALL of the Decepticons EXCEPT Megatron were imporisoned, tortured and experimented on. In Starscream’s mind, if he is leader of the Deception movement, why would he trust the people who used his people as lab rats? 
I also like this path because it shows that the Decepticons chose Starscream over Megatron, and they trust Starscream over Megatron, because Starscream has literally been in prison with them for years and has tried to free them countless times as we saw in the pervious episode, and finally, it worked.
I think that yeah, to the Autobots Starscream is going to be evil but to the Decepticons, he’s not. A lot of people are wondering where his conversation with Hashtag is going to pop up as a character device and we’re probably going to see it in how he treats the Decepticons. We’re probably going to see it in how much he loves them, and will do anything to protect them and save them, and give them a home despite all they’ve been through. He will more than likely stop at nothing to make sure they are safe and they get back at the people who practically enslaved them. 
So no, he probably not going to look good from a moral standpoint, but I think his relationship with the Decepticons is how we are going to see character growth and change. Hashtag’s conversation is probably going to show in how he is a just and kind leader to them. 
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doe-eyed-fool · 2 months
Fear Of The Known
Lucifer x Fem!Angel!Reader
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Summery: The future was a scary and unknown thing. Not even God could predict what might happen down the line. And so, when faced with the unknown, he would create someone who could look into the future and what it has to offer.
However, with the knowledge what would be, comes with a heavy burden. Fate was unkind to most and not every future would be bright.
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Warning(s): Angst, Violence, Major Character Death, OOC, AU(maybe?), Use Of Y/n, Slow burn, Friends To Lovers
(Pretty much gonna assume the personalities of characters we've yet to see in Hazbin. I'm also basing a lot of the angel/heaven characters off of what I've seen from apieceofheaven and voidseeker's au/characters. Though my interpretation will be very loose and some somewhat personal hcs since there is no longer a solid platform to read that info from. (other than the reposts I can find from Pinterest and Google)
One more thing, there might be some changes made to certain characters. Also, I'm not religious, so I might get some things wrong. I apologize in advance.)
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Y/n was a young woman, destined to work close with the higher ups of Heaven, due to the gift she was given. God chose her to be the angel who would prophesy the future.
The symbol of a bright shining star on her forehead acted as a third eye. It would be what aids her as she looks into the future. And for the longest time, the future seemed bright.
Although, the future was not just one straight line. There were many pathways that could be opened by the smallest of acts.
But from how well everything was managed in Heaven, the best future possible, seemed as if the only real future ahead.
No worries, no danger, nothing to disrupt the heavenly balance. Yes, it was all smooth sailing ahead.
Y/n loved her job, and found great joy in telling others of the wonderful future that lies ahead for everyone. However, there would come a day, where the future was changed for the worst.
And it all started with one man...
Lucifer was one of God's favorite angels. He was bright, creative, brilliant. Though, he was a bit of a trouble maker, and would often drag his brothers into joining his mischievous acts.
Well, perhaps mischief wasn't the best way to describe it. Curiosity, was a better way of putting it. But even then, that curiosity would lead him to trouble.
It was a good thing God was so forgiving of Lucifer.
Even Y/n couldn't stay mad at him whenever he got her involved, asking her to use her future vision to see how his actions would effect something or someone.
And every time she'd say-
"My power is not to be abused, Lucifer."
As disappointed as he always was whenever she refused to indulge him, he'd never force her to do something she didn't want to. But boy, was he persistent.
Eventually, his curiosity rubbed off on Y/n. And she took a small peak into Lucifer's future. As she suspected, Lucifer would live happily and sharing his creativity with all of Heaven to enjoy.
Yes. Another wonderful future for all.
But then, another path was opened to her eyes. What she saw, concerned her.
Heaven was in chaos, and Lucifer was at the center of it all.
Y/n didn't dare look any further than that. And she would not say a word about this to Lucifer either. She had a feeling it would have negatively affected him.
However, she couldn't keep this to herself. She needed to tell God about the future she saw. It was the first time she had ever seen Heaven so...frazzled.
As if something terrible were about to happen.
The suspense of not knowing ate at her. If she were to tell God of such a future, she would need to know exactly why and how it would happen. And so, she looked again.
There Lucifer was again. He looked so angry, but so sad at the same time. And there was someone else with him. A tall and beautiful woman with long blonde hair. Lucifer held an arm out protectively in front of her as he yelled something.
He looked injured. Blood stained his beautiful face, as well as his robes. Even his wings were damaged.
Ahead of Lucifer was Michael. Sword in hand, the blade pointing towards Lucifer. He looked a bit roughed up as well. Had they been fighting? Why would they ever fight?
Chains were thrown around Lucifer and the woman he was with, and then, there was a vision of Lucifer and that same woman inside of Heaven's courtroom. Words were being yelled back and forth from Lucifer and the head Seraphim, Sera.
But Joel would have the final word.
There was a look of panic on Lucifer's face. The chains that bind him disappeared and the ground beneath them gave in. With quick thinking, Lucifer held onto that woman tightly, shielding her with his wings.
And just like that, the both fell.
Y/n gasped sharply as the vision faded.
"Lucifer...Lucifer falls from Heaven."
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Ok! New series! First chapter is gonna be published tomorrow!
And chapter two is already being worked on lol
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starsreminisce · 4 months
Some e/riels really want to make Elain the mean girl that they are
Well, here goes nothing...
Let's get one thing straight: Elain isn't going to march up to Gwyn and start a hair-pulling, milkshake-throwing, passive-aggressive showdown. Gwyn hasn't done anything to deserve that treatment. She can't help it if both Az and Nesta treat her differently from Elain. Elain's issue isn't with Gwyn. It's with Nesta. And now, we're seeing Elain push back against Nesta's overprotectiveness, especially when she volunteered to search for the trove.
Some fans seem to want Elain to become this vengeful, "mean girl" character, shedding her good-girl image to match Azriel's demeanor. But Elain's version of "mean" could cut Azriel to the core.
There's a kind of meanness that comes with laying bare someone's flaws—not to hurt, but to finally express what's been bottled up for too long. There's a meanness in honesty, too. Sometimes, you have to draw the line and speak your truth, even if it stings.
People don't suddenly grow claws. They've always been there, waiting to be wielded when necessary. And in SF, it looks like Elain's reached that point, where others are deciding her truth for her.
Sure, some fans are hoping for a Villain Elain, but it's ironic how we're demonized for standing up for ourselves or wanting to take up space. I think Elain's journey will be more about asserting herself and saying, "I need you to hear me."
But Nesta cut her off, seething at the pity about to be thrown her way. “Look who decided to grow claws after all,” she crooned. “Maybe you’ll become interesting at last, Elain.” Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain’s face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike. Elain’s eyes brightened with pain. Something imploded in Nesta’s chest at that expression. She opened her mouth, as if it could somehow be undone. But Elain said, “I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And itcaptured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you.” Nesta blinked, everything inside her hollowing out.
Azriel struggles with criticism—we've seen it time and time again. That's why I doubt Az and Elain could work out. Elain is starting to call people out, and Az tends to freeze up when confronted. If Elain were to challenge Azriel over his objections to her searching for the trove, would it lead to a productive conversation? Their conversations could easily turn icy, as we've seen with Feyre's orders to him as his High Lady.
But there's someone who handles criticism well—or at least, better than Az.
My nails dug into my palms hard enough to hurt, but I remained seated on the bedroll as I bared my teeth at him. “And that’s why you’re here. Not because it’s right and he’s always been wrong, but just so you can get what you think you’re owed.” “She is my mate and in my enemy’s hands—” “I’ve made no secret from the start that Elain is safe and cared for.” “And I’m supposed to believe you.” “Yes,” I hissed. “You are. Because if I believed for one moment that my sisters were in danger, no High Lord or king would have kept me from going to save them.” He just shook his head, the candlelight dancing over his hair. “You have the gall to question my priorities regarding Elain—yet what was your motive where I was concerned? Did you plan to spare me from your path of destruction because of any genuine friendship, or simply for fear of what it might do to her?” I didn’t answer. “Well? What was your grand plan for me before Ianthe interfered?”
Lucien faced Feyre's accusations head-on when they clashed over priorities. He didn't deflect; he engaged. He was ready to hash it out, even when Feyre wasn't. Lucien could have abandoned her, returned to Tamlin, but he stayed. There was no bargain between them, so he had a choice—and he chose to stand by her.
I'm eager to see a showdown between Elain and Lucien about their bond. How will Lucien react when Elain claims he's entitled to her? And how will Elain respond when Lucien says he's done all he can to stay out of her life?
It promises to be a cathartic conversation, especially now that Elain's been rejected twice—presumably because of their bond.
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frost-felon · 6 months
Musing on Kashimo. I didn't originally find his character interesting, but 238 made me want to look into what Gege was going for with him. After some review, my conclusion is that he's constantly dissatisfied. Not because he's just a Fight Junkie™, but rather because if what Sukuna is saying is true (and Kashimo doesn't deny it), then Kashimo wants to treat others with care, but doesn't know how.
Fundamentally, violence can excite him (as much as it can be boring, like he implies many of his fights before Hakari were), but it can't bring him peace. Sukuna, to Kashimo, is "perfection". Why? Is it because Sukuna is unbothered? Or because Sukuna doesn't feel ill at-ease alone? Maybe it's just wanting a perfect body and a perfect soul, but given how Kashimo is looking away when Sukuna says he's greedy for being troubled by solitude when slaughtering others, I think it's deeper than that. Kashimo keeps his eyes closed, but makes what looks to be a grimace/smirk combo when Sukuna explains his own philosophy.
Using his Cursed Technique meant dying, and Kashimo used it to try and find an answer for his issues with connecting to others, and the pursuit of power. But I don't think Sukuna's answer satisfied him.
When Kashimo lived 400 years ago, he chose a path of bloodshed that left him as a small, dying man amidst carnage, with Kenjaku's words as a final temptation. In the Culling Games, Kashimo once again chose slaughter, forgoing connection, until he met Hakari and found someone he could find surprise and satisfaction (delight, even) in. In the times Hakari seemed to be perishing, Kashimo deflates, first expressing boredom, then resignation (and perhaps loss). After giving Hakari a chance to do unto Kashimo as he had done to others, Hakari chooses to make a deal with him.
The expressions Kashimo makes throughout and after the fight are quite interesting. He's drawn as if he doesn't know what to do with himself, and clings to the goal he made in the last moments we saw of his first life. He's confused at Hakari's claim of getting another to obey by being his senpai (Yuji), which he mistakes for being Sukuna's senpai. But he doesn't voice this.
Ultimately, in his third chance at discovering himself, he chooses his goal of fighting Sukuna to the death, foregoing any future chances, and leaving the connections he could have made behind. In those moments where he converses with Sukuna, my interpretation is that he regrets it. In his final death, he realizes that he'd traded away his remaining chances to connect with others, so as to allay his fears of the unknown with the familiarity of battle and imagined purpose.
It's a negative character arc, where Kashimo chooses a lie (the thrall of battle) at the expense of growth and self-fulfillment (finding companionship and learning how to care for others). I don't think it's a perfect fit, and obviously there is a silly air to it, but the theme song for "Private Pure Love Train" does describe Kashimo's mentality and character arc destination:
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I didn't care much for him before, but I'd have liked to see how Kashimo fared during the timeskip. Did he stick close to Hakari, or did he coop himself up and away from others? Did he get to know Kirara or Maki? What did he think of Sukuna's former vessel, and what might interacting with Yuji have revealed about both of their characters? In the end, that possible development or regression was skipped. All I know is that Kashimo exited life's station, alone.
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celestoria · 1 year
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Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now
Summary: Both of you have already broken up but, deep down, he knows he still loves you. Worst part about this? You’re dating his best friend.
Characters: Ayato x Reader x Thoma, Kaveh x Reader x Alhaitham
A/n: It’s been a long time since I wrote anything and out of all times, I chose to write at 3 AM with no glasses. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!
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Ayato should have seen this coming. 
When the both of you were dating, there was so much pressure placed on you as his significant other. Even if you did nothing wrong, judgemental eyes would stare down at you. 
Everyone looks up to the head of the Kamisato clan for all the things he has done for the nation of Inzuma and with that, the masses have placed a standard for whoever he is with. They expect them to catch up on the same level as him in terms of diplomacy, bravery, and etiquette to ensure the honor of the Kamisato clan is in good hands. Sadly, you weren’t built for their expectations.
You forced yourself to fit into what you want them to be out of societal pressure. You loved Ayato so much, you didn’t want to be the reason why they would give his family dirty looks. You’ve changed so much since the first time you met that you don’t recognize yourself anymore. 
After you called it quits, Thoma was always there to comfort you. He knew that you were just trying your best but you were perfect the way you were. He was always there when you needed him. It wasn’t long that both of you saw your friendship in a different perspective.
When Ayato saw you with Thoma accompanying him on his errands as he held your hand, he can’t help but hear his heart break into a million pieces. 
You had the same glint in your eyes when you were smiling so freely at Thoma, something that was lost when you were with him. 
Ayato eventually turned to pile more work on himself. There was little room for love in his life. With you gone, it felt like half of him was missing. He wanted to be distracted from that feeling of loneliness and work felt like the most efficient way to do it.
He wanted to rip that pain off his chest and forget about you, but how can he when every little thing would remind him of you? 
From the sakura blossoms of spring to the first fall of snow, a vision of you would always come into his mind.
Still, he didn’t want to take you away for himself. Especially from Thoma who has been so selfless since the very start. The blond man looks so happy every time you give him little kisses on the cheek or when you made him homemade lunch. 
All he can ever do is smile and pretend that his lonely heart doesn’t crave your touch…
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When he’s sober, he’d blame you saw things differently and you often never tried to understand him. Both of you have common interests but your ideologies never crossed paths. 
However, when he’s drunk on whatever he is in his cup, he’d babble to himself that it was all his fault. He knew he had too much emotional baggage for one person to handle. He knew his sensitive nature would be the demise of your relationship since no amount of love could change the fact that everything felt so draining for you.
Kaveh also blamed his tendency to get drunk every other day. You had to pick him up, walk him home, and cry yourself with how frustrating it is to deal with this. 
Being with him felt more like taking care of a sad man rather than falling in love. 
Now that you’re gone, alcohol was the only thing that gave him comfort. Oh, how it numbed him from the pain of losing you. Specifically losing you to someone who he considers the worst person in the world. 
You seemed more tranquil and carefree now that you’re with Alhaitham. You don’t have to walk a staggering man home often and listen to him rant about the smallest of things. 
What he hates the most about all of this is that he still sees you every day when you come by their home. 
Kaveh wears his heart on his sleeve. So much restraint has to be placed for him to not just fling himself onto you and beg you to take him back. It’s a miracle that he hasn’t whined about Alhaitham dating you (you can blame that on the guilt that weighs on him)
He’s surprised that you don’t see the heartbreak and regret in his eyes. Probably because you’re too busy staring at Alhaitham’s, which are filled with a sort of tenderness not everyone can see from a stiff man like him. 
Mr. Heartless was the last person Kaveh thought to fall in love with anyone, yet here he is with his head on your lap while you ruffle his hair while you snuggle on the sofa.
Kaveh missed the times you also had your hands on his locks. It brought him so much comfort and peace of mind that made him forget all his troubles. Now, none of that is for him but all of it is for Alhaitham.
The worst part is, he can’t tell this to Cyno or Tighnari. The two are always up to date regarding his complaints about everything whenever they meet up for a game of TCG at Puspa cafe. However, Kaveh fears that his troubles would reach his roommate via Cyno and Tighnari, and eventually would end up going to you. He can’t handle the shame of his jealousy and inability to move on from you.
All he could do is waste away in a corner of the cafe as he deludes himself that it was the warmth of your love filling him and not the daze of countless wine bottles he drowns himself in to get out of this dreadful nightmare. 
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frociaggine · 2 months
Further to Keeley saying yes to marrying Roy (definitely agree), how much would Roy only be asking because he thinks that's what you do. Like he's retired, he's forty, and all his former teammates are married/have kids. He's a traditional guy (kind of) - would he have waited for them to have been together for two years (or whatever) and then proposed because that's the next step?
Context: this is a follow-up to this 'unpopular opinion meme' ask where I said that (to me, etc) Keeley would've said yes if Roy ever asked her to marry him post S2.
In general, I just looove to overthink gender roles and performative heterosexuality with these characters, because the mix of sports series + juicy queer dynamics is like catnip to my brain — so thank you for this ask so I can ramble about it some more!
The thing is. I think Roy's actually not very traditional for a footballer (let alone a very famous one) simply because he's close to forty and he's never been married and doesn't have kids. Like, genuinely, that makes him a huge oddity in his set. If I were applying RL football logic to the football show that plays fast and loose with realism, I'd say that there must be a lot of speculation in-universe that Roy is gay. OR maybe he's had so many public short-term flings that there's only a little speculation — but there would still be people thinking it's strange. Just because "WAG and kids" is such a big aspect of how football stars are expected to perform masculinity, and Roy not having any of that (while at the same time performing a very specific brand of 'old school' tough guy masculinity) would make him a weird anomaly.
(When talking to non-sports fans, I usually find it useful to compare pro athletes to active-duty military personnel as two categories that on average start a family very young. It's a mix of a family providing more stability in a hectic career + expectations in those circles because everyone else is doing it + financial reasons that mean is more convenient to do it now than to wait)
(Again. Reflecting on social norms in footballers' circles makes me think a lot about what Keeley's expectations might have been pre-S1, when she kept dating footballers and moving in those same circles, whether the fact that she was with a young guy at 30 bothered her more than she let on, etc etc. This is also part of why I think she absolutely would say yes if Roy proposed — see also her reaction to Shandy saying that all their former flatmates "married footballers", which is just like "yeah, fair enough". I think pre-season 3 she just never saw her life going in a different direction, and was fine with it — at least until S3 made her consider stuff she might not have otherwise)
Anyway SORRY I went off!! Back to Roy — all that ramble was to say that, TO ME, if he wanted to be married, he absolutely would be already, way before the show started. It's something he must have considered earlier in life, just because it's a staple of the Ideal Footballer Career Path, and for whatever reason decided he wasn't keen on it. And it wasn't a one-off earlier — it's something people would have commented on it over and over, as all his teammates started families and he didn't, as the tabloid press speculated on his private life. It's not that he never had the opportunity; it's that he actively chose not to. So I'm not sure retirement would necessarily be the thing that makes him decide that "it's time" to get married. We see that in S2 he really throws himself into ~playing house~ with Keeley because he's trying to find a new life anchor after retirement, but idk if that would necessarily translate, to him, into "next step is getting married." Because, for someone in Roy's position, getting married would have been "the next step" ten years ago, and he was like, nah!
I also think that "when will Roy and Keeley get married" WAS an expectation that was very much present in the eyes of everyone who interacts with them, at least from the moment it became clear that they were serious and basically living together. Tabloid speculation, old friends of Roy who're also retired, friends and acquaintances of Keeley who also move in those 'D-list celebs / influencers / WAG' kind of circles. Their families, even; I have a very elaborate headcanon built off that one (1) throwaway line that Roy wanted to open the champagne when Keeley's mum "moved back north", that maybe Keeley's mother was a bit too happy to see her settled down with an older man for once, and they're living together, and he's very famous and very rich. My other headcanon is that Keeley dropped Shandy / her old friends after she got with Roy partly because there'd have been some wink-wink-nudge from those corners about "landing Roy Kent" (I have WAY too many thoughts about Keeley and Shandy, lol).
...Anyway. This is all to say. I think, between the two of them, Keeley might have been the one who vaguely considered that maybe marriage could be on the horizon as a next step, because she's a woman over 30 in circles where women over 30 get reminded of these things. Roy has the luxury of thinking about it less, because he decided years before the show that he wasn't going to get pressured into an early marriage just because it's The Done Thing.
I can believe Keeley and Roy never discussed marriage all through the year-odd they were dating, but I bet multiple people brought it up to Keeley unprompted, and to Roy also but to a lesser extent, and he was able to shrug it off way more easily. Keeley is probably dodging old friends who text her happy birthday and then are like "how are things going with RoyKent(TM)??" wink. babe you landed the big fish!! etc. etc.
SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG! this is like 80% headcanons that's partly inspired by me being A Sports Fan, partly by me overthinking Keeley's narrative, especially in S1 and S2 when she was still allowed to have neuroses and a meaningful friendship with Rebecca. But I'm ALWAYS thinking about Roy/Keeley not only as a ship but also in the context of the very specific gendered dynamics that exist among top-flight footballers and their partners, especially in the UK. It's just anthropologically fascinating to me, and I think S1 especially does a very good job of hinting at all the various nuances with Keeley's character.
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cleabellanov · 8 months
LS2 episode 5 thoughts✨
The conversation Loki had with O.B. first concluded in Loki finding his "why" in order to control the time slipping. And, once he knew that and realized he needs everyone's temporal aura, where does he timeslip to? Back to Mobius. That's a sweet detail, and, similar to episode 1, reveals Loki's trust for this character. Even when Mobius doesn't remember him, Loki still believes in him. And in everything he was told back at the TVA, including the way he describe a jet-ski: "a beautiful union of form and function". Another detail that melted my fool heart was the way Loki laughed after Mobius's (or Don's, but I'm not calling him that) words: "Or did you follow me home?". They are precious.
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"You saw something in me that I hadn't seen in myself". That says so much. It reminisces all those times in season 1 when Mobius was by Loki's side:
"A villain" "That's not how I see it".
"You can be whatever, whoever you wanna be. Even someone good. I mean just in case anyone ever told you different".
And we can see Loki learning how to trust, how to care. For his character, this is great development. He's not the same Loki that invaded New York blinded by pain and revenge. He's returning to himself and by doing so, he's returning to what truly matters to him. His friends, his found family. All those timelines he feels burdened to protect.
"It's not about when, where, or why. It's about who." EXACTLY. The other variables are unimportant if they're not in the hands of the right person. And, after the heartbreaking moments in which Loki is the only one left standing after everything falls apart in front of him, I think he understands that. To quote Tom Hiddleston himself: "He learns what heroicism really looks like." And this "who" goes both ways: who rewrites the story, and FOR WHO this is done.
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"I can rewrite the story."
That line is epic! It shows the power he always had and can finally access. It puts the concept of free will in another light: it's THE story, not MY story. Also, how far back can this go? At the end of the episode, we see Loki back with O.B back when the Loom was stable. That's the point he chose, for everyone else, not only for himself. At this point, he could have gone back to Asgard, back to New York. Win it all, be king. But that's not his glorious purpose anymore. He's finally seeing what Mobius saw in him, even Thor, some time ago ("Loki, I thought the world of you."). And there was a lot of talk about stories, writing and rewriting them. That's sooo similar to the comic where Loki becomes the God of Stories!! Like, this is actually happening!
"They didn't get a choice in this".
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I think this is an extremely interesting conversation he had with Sylvie, in which you can see both of their points, none entirely right. For Sylvie, free will is something left untouched. No intervention, ever, just moments and paths in a disarray only the one who takes them can know them truly. For Loki, it's more of a choice. Yes, we take our own path, but sometimes we're given a choice. There is no bad or right in this game, only choices. By giving everyone a glance at the TVA, Loki realises that. What if they want that life instead of the one they already have? They wouldn't know, if not given the choice.
"I want my friends back. I don't wanna be alone"
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Okay, that hurt. In the time cell in episode 1, we remember Sif repeating the same thing over and over again to Loki "I hope you know that you are meant to be alone and you always will be." This says a lot about Loki's fears, and being alone is one of his biggest. But that's the thing, he found these people, he's not alone anymore! So of course it is extremely hard for him to just...give this up? It's not the first time he faces Casey and Mobius (Don?) not knowing him. His reaction "Not again" shows how scary this is, and we can obviously deduce that from the first episode. Not only everything is at risk of just disappearing into a void after the Loom explosion, when they are still there, still living, they don't remember him. Yet Loki finds a way to steady himself, and find everyone in all this mess.
But also, I don't think that wanting your friends back is something selfish, as Sylvie said. After going through different views over the same thing: "I want to stop He Who Remains" to "I want the TVA back" to finally Loki admiting that he wants his friends back, this is a matter that concerns many people, not just one. Besides, he did say that after all of it is done, they can return to their timelines as they never left. That doesn't sound really selfish to me. In fact, it reminds me of something Vision said to Wanda a whole ago: "What is grief, if not love persevering?". Then not wanting to be alone is a lack, a void persevering and waiting to be filled. And if that implies saving the Multiverse as well, then so be it (but that is definitely NOT the only reason Loki does all of this. He wants, and now can, rewrite the story for the better. For everyone, not only for himself.)
As of episode 5: Science/Fiction Loki is one of the most powerful beings in the entire MCU. Being able to travel back at any given point in time and space just by willing it into existence isn't a small thing. This, I believe, is something we deserve to see Loki in control of. Maybe it sounds a little too much to say that the whole fate of Marvel is in his hands now, but...it kinda is, isn't it? If not for Loki, we'd face the same disappearance as in Infinity War, only 100% now, not only 50.
I have been waiting and theorising for a long time that Loki will become the God of Stories. The fact that we might see it in less than a week is...something.
Also judging by the posters (which show different outfits from different times) there's a new suit we'll see him in on screen, and I can't wait!
Thanks for reading <3
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marksbear · 2 years
How you met!
WARNINGS: Stalking, fighting, mentions of guns, Scars, implied murder, chains. Shouting, B/n= Best friends name. C/n= Character name, G/n= gang name BUNCH OF RANDOM PEOPLE/CHARACTERS
James Mcavoy: You met James at Oscars you had just won an award for Best Supporting actor, and you just finished your speech. Once you got back to your table you started to cry of happy tears while your co-stars hugged you and praised you for your work. People started to walk over to your table congratulating you for winning. And one of them was James Mcavoy once y'all started to chat y'all hit it off fast. You both were talking to each other like y'all have known each other for years. After hours it felt like even though it was only twenty minutes James gave you his number and walked off to his table.
Arthur Fleck:You didn't know why you chose to stay in Gotham. I mean like you knew this was a horrible place to live there, but you wanted to stay close to home and your family. One day you took the wrong path to work, and you saw some kids jumping a clown. "Hey!" All the kids turned around and faced you "Back off of the clown unless you want you to handle me I'm not afraid to fight brats like y'all." You stood tall trying to seem more tough. And you reached for your back pocket trying to trick the kids that you have a gun. So the kids saw your arm reach back and they ran away. You made sure they were gone for sure and looked at the beaten up clown on the floor, you walked up to him and crouched down to him checking his pulse to make sure he was alive. Arthur turned around and stared at Y/n handsome features Arthur faced beamed with red ,and started to get embarrassed and flustered. Arthur felt like he met his soulmate, the one. "Hello pal?" y/n waved a hand in Arthur's face "Uhm- Hello thank you for helping me..." Y.n gave him a big smile and said "No problem Uh-" Arthur! My name is Arthur." Y/n reached Arthur's hand and helped him up. "Stay safe Arthur" Y/n lets go of Arthur and walks away back to his way to work .
Peter Parker: You were the nice guy type of jock. You had good grades, didn't really get into trouble unlike your friends and you were great at sports. One day in chemistry class your teacher allowed partners. Usually you always picked your friends but you felt like you wanted to meet someone new. So you looked around for someone that peeked your interest, so you picked Peter parker. At first it was really awkward and after a couple minutes later it had gotten less awkward and y'all even exchanged numbers.
Joe Goldberg: It was love at first sight...well to Joe once you stepped foot in the book store Joe was already thinking about your every feature. He thought you were breathtaking and he started to feel the same feelings he had for beck but even stronger. He didn't think you haven't noticed his starring yet, but you already felt it the moment you entered so you acted dumb looking around for the book your boyfriend asked for. Once you found it and went to the cash register Joe got to see you up close with all your glory. He memorized the way you smell, how your hair looks, the way you dressed Joe thought he was blessed to witness you and all your beauty. After minutes of Joe starring you finally spoke up "Uhm hello" Joe stopped daydreaming and greeted you back "Oh sorry hi." You placed the book on the desk and said "How are you today uh...Joe" you had read his name tag and gave out your hand so he could shake it. Which he gladly took "I'm good...-" "y/n." you had cut him out. "Well nice to meet you Y/n, lovely book you picked out." Joe spoke with a smile, "Thanks it's one of my boyfriends favorite books." Joe dropped the smile quickly and told you the price which you paid for and said your goodbye and left. Joe was heartbroken but it didn't stop him from loving you...
Aaron Hotchner: You were held captive by the unsub aka your father. Your father had killed people who looked like you and wanted to save you for last. He hated you so much, he had dark thoughts about the ways he wanted to kill you like chopping you up to pieces, burning you alive, and shooting you down. He killed others like the way he wanted to do you. The BAU tracked you down to save you after they pieced the puzzle. You were in the basement chained up all bruised, your thin/chubby/athletic body had cuts and blood. The only thing you focused on was the pain in your body not evening noticing the shots and gunshots and the footsteps all over the house. The door had slammed open and you looked up at the bright lights and your sore eyes trying to adjust to it. You heard someone say something but you couldn't make it out ,so you shouted "Over here!" voice sounds dry and in obviously in pain. The tall man jogged to you and started asking questions while taking the chains off of you, you weren't listing you were just hypnotized at his handsome features "Do you know how long you were her-" "Im y/n l/n nice to meet you and thanks for saving me sweetheart." You spoke in a flirty tone with a weak smirk on your face. The man's cheeks had a light pink "Nice to meet you as well y/n" he spoke in a soft tone. You sat up and took his hand and shake it "your name is?" you say in a curious way "Agent Hotch" "Well agent Hotch I think we should get out of here" Hotch nods and picks you up bridal style leaving the basement you were thinking that you wished that you'll be able to him again.    
Hannibal Lecter: It surprised you that you got an invitation to one of Hannibal lecter dinner parties. When you arrived you'd hope it wouldn't be to awkward since you only knew one person really and that was your bf/gf/s/o. You and your s/o walked around exploring the house a little until y'all reached the dinning room. You'd both talked only to each other while when people tried to talk to y'all you both only spoke a few words since you had different interest then most people at the party. Your s/o excused themselves to go to the bathroom and Hannibal lecter excused himself as well after fifteen minuets had passed and you grown suspicious of how long they were gone for, so you left to find your s/o. When you creaked open the bathroom door you didn't see them so you searched the house for them at your last destination you reached the basement door and opened it and peaked it in. You didn't see anything and walked in carefully. You stopped walking heart beating rapidly you looked at the floor that's where your s/o is laid there chest and stomach ripped apart and the heart in their hands like it was trying to give it to you. You felt disgusted hands shaking as well your legs you can smell the strong stench of blood...Then you heard it. The door had locked the you tried to move but your legs and arms stayed still. Some footsteps walked towards you and felt breathing in your neck and hands on your waist and pulled you back making you lay on their body. "Do you like it?" the deep voice spoke. You didn't reply at all and just stared at your s/o lifeless body part of you wanted to scream and fight back but the other part of you just wanted to expect your fate. "I'm Dr lecter and you are?" you didn't reply  straight away but after a while you said in a scared tone "M/n..." "Alright M/n... this will only hurt a little" "Wha-?" SNAP your body dropped to the floor knock out cold... Hannibal Lecter isn't gonna kill you no he was gonna keep you.
Tom Hardy: You were the leading actor and Tom was your love interest. Today was the day for the big kiss. You were more than nervous you never thought you were gonna kiss a top tier actor like him. When in the dressing room on Facetime with your best friend and you were just gushing about Tom hardy and making up embarrassing scenarios that could happen. "Tom Hardy is so so cool and I'm so lame I could never be on his level!" you say whining "What if I slip on air and kiss him by mistake mid dialogue!! That would be so embarrassing." "I should just retire from acting before I humiliate myself..." You sigh heavy "I-" "SHUT UP M/N!!!" Your best friend yelled into the phone "It's gonna be okay just  say your lines wait for him to say his lines and kiss. easy as that m/n." "M/N!" one of your cast members called out of your trailer. "Coming! bye b/n!!" You hung up and walked outside with your cast member mumbling your lines to yourself. You scanned the set it has with the scented candles , roses,  and a bed. You thought your life was over you looked to your left to see a shirtless Tom Hardy with a silk robe loosely on and black sweat pants. You couldn't help to get dirty thoughts and become flustered. Everyone was ready to get the show on the road. You were shirtless and wore sweats that showed your (Athletics,chubby,thin.) body that made people fall in love. The cameras started rolling and you saw Tom  open the door slowly with the robe on but this time without the sweatpants you swallowed hard you felt your face heat up "You like what you see c/n?" Tom spoke in a seductive tone and did a 360 for a better look. You wanted to go off script so bad and straight out make out with him right now. You stood up and walked to him and looked at him and his body with longing eyes "You look so handsome my dear, it's a shame that you'll have to take off this later" pulling on the robe softly. Tom giggled and you placed some kisses on his neck softly going off script a little slowly bringing him to the bed "C/n?" "yes my dear?" "Do you love me?" "Of course I do my love!" "So... you wouldn't mind if I do this?" "Do what-" You were cut off by Tom's soft lips you naturally leaned into the kiss and placed tom onto the bed and got in between his legs  making out with him. "CUT!!" The director yelled and you pulled blushing so hard "Good work everyone! the director said "See ya at 30." everyone left.. You turned around to Tom and you felt someone grab your arms and pull you down onto the bed. Tom leaned in and whispered "Would you like to get dinner ye?" he spoke in a calming tone. "Yes dinner would be great!!" You gave Tom a huge smile and walked away.
Tommy Shelby: You are a leader of your own gang. You own clubs and bars but mostly the clubs bring you more money. Some of your men got into trouble with the Peaky Blinders, so you arranged a meeting with the Shelbys to try to solve this problem. Currently you're waiting in one of the private rooms in the club smoking and just out of space. "Sir the Shelby has arrived" one of your dancers says and leaves the room quietly to get him. Moments later Thomas Shelby comes into the room. You were hooked on his eyes and his body figure. You were barely listening only to some important things. "Do I make myself clear Mr L/n?" you took a minute to get yourself back together "Yeh" and you nod your head yes. "Good well I'll be off" Tommy says and starts to leave and one of the dancers starts to escort him to the exit.  Once he was out of an ear shot one of your favorite dancers says "Were you even listening?"  "Nope."
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ppeasants · 9 days
Hi. I saw you mention something about a villain Wind au and I was hoping that you would share something. Have a nice day
Hi! Thanks for sending in the ask, I'd love to share more! Keep in mind this might be a bit rambly, since this is the first time I've taken these ideas out of my head and put them into writing.
I think the one of the biggest things about this AU is that Wind did not start as a villain. He turned into one throughout The Chain's adventure. He chose to leave his path as a hero, leave his brothers, and become a villain. This adds a lot of connections to the other heroes and a lot more angst, which is why it's so fun.
What is my villain wind even like? I think he's a lot angrier than normal Wind. He channels his usual range of emotions into just one: rage, and his single minded goal. He's a lot more prone to angry outbursts at those around him. He's not afraid to be underhanded, his time as a pirate serving him well, using dirty tactics in fights and easily manipulating others in speech using his childlike face and by easily reading others and learning what makes them tick.
His fighting skills, aside from his already existing speed, get augmented from the skills he learns from the others. His wind magic gets a huge boost, as well as his general magic pool, allowing him to use to as an offensive tool, defensive shield, and overall speed increase, as he zips around (nearly flies) in fights. He also gets back his time stop magic in the Phantom Hourglass (but how he gets it back is another story [he kills Oshus])
So what turned Wind into a villain? There was no one singular event, but a lot of moments which slowly swayed Wind from his path of being a hero.
*cw character death*
In my head, the catalyst for everything is Wind's grandmother dying. He's distraught by it, but after a short funeral, he's basically forced to continue his journey, forced to stay stong, because he's a hero. But being a hero, going on his journey, is what made his grandma sick, is what killed her to being with. He starts to resent being a hero.
*cw end*
Other moments include when Wind learns about Vaati, showing interest in his wind magic, but being told that Vaati is evil. Is wind magic evil? Is he? Another moment is when he says some words of sympathy for his Ganondorf, a man trying to bring back Hyrule. They others tell him Ganondorf is always evil, but Wind just can't get himself to believe it (its an hc of mine that Wind feels sympathy for Ganondorf). There's the idea that he came from a world which shouldn't exist, with no hero (even though he's there), and the ghost of a true timeline in Twilight right in front of him. And, there's the fact that Wind wasn't a chosen hero. He forged his spirit, and the sword, but the Triforce was never really his; he isn't a true hero of courage.
All of these ideas slowly pile up, and Wind gets more and more resentful of himself, of heroes, and of Hylia. It doesn;t help that Wind tries to contact Vaati, and succeeds, and is slowly learning more wind magic from him. From his contact with Vaati, he meets up with the other villains in secret. As they support (manipulate) him, and The Chain gets further and further away from his own ideals, he wants to make one last decision - but he needs to talk to one more person about it.
This all culminates, eventually, into a moment where Wind and Tetra meet up, and they talk. Wind tells her all of the doubts he has, and he says that he thinks he hates Hylia. I haven't fleshed out exactly how their conversation goes, but in the end, they have a big fight, and Wind leaves the Great Sea, hurt, with Tetra no longer on his side and with his mind made up.
The next time they sleep, Wind leaves the group for the villains, and when they wake up, they can't find him, and his gossip stone isn't responding to the slate. Wind is now a villain.
But what is even Wind's goal as a villain? He wants to kill Hylia. Believing her to be the reason that his grandmother was killed, that his world was flooded, that all heroes have to suffer, that Tetra has to be someone she's not, he wants to kill her. In his anger, rage, and single-mindedness, he will stop at nothing to kill her. If his brothers get in his way, he will kill them. The only weak spot he has is his home, the Great Sea. He will never hurt his world, his people.
As a villain, he joins a new group, consisting of Dark Link, Ganondorf (undecided which one), The Lizard, and Vaati. he also has different relationships to the other heroes as they learn he's a villain, ranging from Wind's hatred of them, their hatred of Wind, regret at his turning, and even sympathy and a potential turning of another hero, which Wind is ready to use to his advantage.
In my head, I have many, many, many scenes of this AU, at various points in time, so if anyone has anymore questions about this AU, the relationships between the other heroes, or villains, or other specific scenes, please ask! I'd love to talk more and more about it!
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
Okay so this has been on my mind for a few days and when I saw your requests were open I just KNEW I had to ask!
(Also I adore your fics and hope you're doing well. Remember to take care of yourself :D)
Onto the request!
Can I get a fic/drabble about what L would do if Light started slightly harrassing/bullying L's partner? Like even if Light was being mean about stupid stuff like where they put papers or how they always sit really close to L, for example (Light might be a lil jealous if you wanna add that?)
Anyways thank you for your time and I totally understand if this makes you uncomfortable in any way (^v^)
🕯~ hello, my dear, im so sorry for the wait :((( thanks so much for being patient, i love u @multi-write
🕰~ watched death note today so im newly inspired 😁 im gonna set this in the yotsuba arc, when they are finding out Kira’s killings are related to yotsuba:) also, nothing here is directly quotes from the manga, i just made up the dialogue
⋇⊶⊰📺⊱⊷⋇ gender neutral reader
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“So, Light- you’re entirely sure that the Kira that has appeared recently is someone affiliated with the Yotsuba Group?”
It was just you, L, and Light in the dimly lit room, illuminated only by the screens of a dozen monitors in front of your group. You and Light stood at one computer, observing the long list of the usual criminals Kira had been killing along with a good mix of business executives- an out of character move for the Kira the task force was familiar with.
Light sighed, a dubious expression on his face. “I can’t be one hundred percent certain- but that’s what it looks like. The names that don’t belong to criminals on this list belong to officials of almost every surrounding business in the area- but there are no names belonging to any of the higher-ups from Yotsuba.”
“That’s true,” you added, moving over to L and leaning over his body to point at the monitor right next to him. “And if you look at this live line graph containing the revenue that each of these businesses is gaining, it’s obvious the Yotsuba’s group is way up while the other corporations are clearly suffering.”
“Yeah, Y/N, we can see that.” Light joined you and L in front of the monitor, handcuffs clanking; you on one side of the detective’s swivel chair and him on the other and L in between you both. “There’s no need for you to bend over Ryuzaki like that.”
You looked over at Light, brow furrowed, and L glanced in his direction as well before both of you decided to brush it off. L ‘s arm wrapped around your hips as he opened his mouth to talk, drawing a noticeable scoff from Light, which again he chose to ignore. “The both of you are quite sharp- and judging by the rest of this data, Light’s conclusion is a safe one. We seem to have pinpointed Kira again- and this time, we cannot afford to lose him.” He let out a deep breath, eyes narrowing in thought. “So I suppose our next course of action would be to gain material evidence of this- perhaps an infiltration may be necessary. But that is something that would require the help of everyone here.” L turned to look up at you. “Y/N, would you mind calling the rest of the task force upstairs? No sense in both Light and I going down there cuffed together like this.”
“Alright. I’ll be right back.” You let a hand brush L’s shoulder passing him, but when you walked by Light, his shoulder suddenly blocked your path and made you bump into him, causing you to stumble backward.
You shot Light an beseeching look, clutching your upper arm while Light kept his eyes averted to one side, his expression stony. Finally, L turned around, a questioning expression on his face as he looked from you to Light and then back to you.
“Light- is there an issue?”
Light seemed surprised as he turned his gaze down to meet L’s eyes. “Not at all. Why do you ask?”
“Then I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t purposely knock into Y/N.” The curious expression L had before was gone, replaced by a more serious one. “And don’t think I failed to notice your attitude towards them earlier. I’m not sure if there’s something going on that I’m unaware of, but let’s keep it out of the Kira investigation, shall we?” His tone was deadpan and monotone, his gray eyes burning into Light’s, finally forcing the other man to look away. “Sure,” Light replied gruffly, his eyes flicking in your direction. You avoided meeting his gaze as you simply stepped away from Light and made your way downstairs.
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𝒾 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓊, 𝒾 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓊 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎𝑒𝒹 <𝟥
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robby-bobby-tommy · 11 months
As it is obvious from my blog, I adore TFP. It is the first Transformers show I've watched (I remember watching tf content before, yet i can't remember which it was). Yet as always, I have some criticism even to my most beloved things and now I want to talk about one of these. And the name to him is Dreadwing.
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Dreadwing is particularly interesting cuz he seems like one sane person in the whole Nemesis, who is undeniably loyal to the cause. Something that even Megatron isn't anymore. Dreadwing is a great example of what the decepticon should be. Fierce, strong, yet smart, noble, loyal and respectful to his own team. And this is an interesting since we've never seen this before, cuz everyone else on Nemesis strayed from this path and just using this cause as a way of manipulation. And still Dreadwing was most loyal to Megatron, with the only thing standing between him and total obedience is his love for his late brother (Skyquake, hun, sorry, but I literally forgot abt you the moment you died).
And this is a great start, but all this potential was, at least for me, wasted.
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Firstly. His position which he came in the show. He was presented to us as a) a threat; b) Wheeljack's enemy/rival. And that's when my first problem starts here. Let's look at the statistics.
Optimus prime — Megatron
Ratchet — KO (or Shockwave)
Bumblebee — KO
Bulkhead — Breakdown
Arcee — Arachnid
Smokescreen — KO (why does he have a beef with every child in the group?)
Ultra Magnus — Predaking
And then Wheeljack is like — ?????
And yeah, I am upset abt lack of Wheeljack in TFP, but it's relevant to my Dreadwing rant, since all the others I've mentioned has met at least once/twice and had some resolution to their rivalry (even though not the good one), but cowboy loose cannon and a flying samurai never even mention each other after their episode. It is cuz Wheeljack really likes to disappear from the plot for Primus knows how long, while this Seeker stays through all the season 2 until my greatest disappointment came.
Secondly, Dreadwing's death is the dumbest scrap I've seen and looks like a very rude way to get rid of character. I still have no idea of why Megan chose Starscream over someone who's loyal to you to the point of disobeying to save ur tailpipe! And don't start the 'but DW disobeyed him', WING BOY WAS PROMOTED FOR IT.
Furthermore, from the moment I saw him even if I thought DW was to die, I considered it would happen in a battle with Wheeljack. It would be so interesting to see a death match between two guys, madly loyal to their friends/family/team. But nahh, Jackie never tries to go after winged edgelord ever again and never even ask if he's up to rematch.
(Also, funny how Dreadwing is so mad at SS for bringing Skyquake back to life as a zombie, but not at Bee and OP for literally killing him..... Priorities, huh.. Just another scrap u to Starscream for no reason.)
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bobauthorman · 1 year
The Luffy-Kid Connection
With the recent chapter of One Piece being released, I thought I should talk more about Eustass Kid This isn’t an in-depth analysis of his character and motivations, but instead delves into how he parallels our main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy.
From the very beginning, Kid is introduced as a dark reflection to Luffy, from having roughly the same bounty (Albeit a little higher) and having a Number 2 with a 9-digit bounty of his own. They even want the same thing, to be Pirate King. Hell, when they are first seen fighting together, they unveil the thematically same technique.
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However, while Luffy and his crew have saved numerous nations from destruction and freed them from tyranny, Kid is infamous in-universe for wreaking havoc on the common folk. It could be easy to write this off as propaganda or exaggeration, but as we see in chapter 594, Kid has no problem with crucifying people he’s beaten. This is a level of viciousness we’ve only seen on the worst of enemies, and a sign that whatever’s said about Kid may not be entirely fabricated. And while Luffy has always been concern about non-coms getting caught in the crossfire, Kid makes it clear he doesn’t care who gets hurt outside of his crew.
Furthermore, there is the matter of humility. Luffy always had people question or mock his dream of being Pirate King, but he just shrugs them off, only throwing down with those who plan on trying to get his way of that. Kid, on the other hand, admits to killing people who laughed at him. Remember the time in Mock Town when neither Luffy or Zoro bothered to fight back against the Bellamy Pirates for mocking the concept of dreams? I sincerely doubt neither Kid or Killer would be so restrained.
When the story brings Kid back into the spotlight, we see he is trying to form an alliance among his fellow pirates…just like Luffy, at the time, went into an alliance with Law to take down one of the Four Emperors. And while Luffy made it clear at the time that he wanted to beat the Emperors except for Shanks (Or, more accurately, that Shanks not be the first), Kid’s prospective alliance was made for the explicit purpose of beating Shanks. And while Luffy’s alliance works out, Kid ends up betrayed and cheated by the pirates he tried to trust.
In Wano, where both men are beaten and captured by Kaido, Luffy and Kid end up in competition over who can do the most labor (And, I am deeply impressed that Kid can carry just as much as Luffy with one arm). But while Luffy helps Old Man Hyo and learns a new Haki technique, Kid walks out as soon as he can, and doesn’t.
And finally, we reach Elbaf, where Kid finds himself in a rematch with Shanks. A very short rematch, to be precise (I was rooting for Shanks, btw), but it’s here that we see two more old friends, Dorry and Broggy from Little Garden. The same technique that once cleared the path for the Straw Hats to sail on their way, it is used to sink Kid’s ship. And speaking of this fight, recollect back to Alabasta, when the Straw Hats saw the Barogue Works fleet but chose not to attack, not wanting to waist their time on small-fry. Kid, on the other hand, made the choice to attack the lesser pirates in Shanks’ fleet…which played a big part in why Shanks waisted no time stomping Kid.
In short, Kid’s role is in part how integral Luffy’s natural kindness and empathy is to his becoming Pirate King…by showing how screwed he’d be without it.
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