#and one part: god these characters would 100% NEVER EVER DO THAT
adamsappl · 6 months
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honesty seems to be something that's very important to adam -- say what you will about him, but he isn't a liar. keeping the exterminations quiet is as close to a lie as he gets ( but i would say it isn't technically a lie of omission, as that would require someone questioning the goings-on in hell and adam not bringing it up in his answer ) and he actively seems to hold a lot of disdain towards liars ;; particularly towards vaggie.
when he confronts her in episode 6, she lies about not knowing what he's talking about -- and it makes him drop the fun, overly-obnoxious act he puts on to question if she REALLY thinks he wouldn't recognize her, asked as if she thought he was that dumb. and again, one of his last lines in you didn't know ;; "did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar? " he was already pretty angry by this point, but while it's definitely condescending, the delivery of this line makes adam sound almost angry FOR charlie, and i feel like how sure adam was that exposing vaggie would damage her and charlie's relationship beyond repair only emphasizes that. i mean, one of his first formative experiences was being cheated on. it only follows that being lied to, ESPECIALLY about something so important, would be a dealbreaker in adam's mind.
but i find it especially interesting that "don't lie" isn't on adam's list of what he believes gets someone into heaven. and this isn't about lying specifically, but i also think it's interesting that "don't kill" isn't on that list, either. he's a massive hypocrite in other aspects, but murder is something he has nuanced feelings about. killing another person is a situational case, but not theft. it's so interesting.
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ponderingmoonlight · 9 months
How JJK men react to different insecurities part 3
Pairings: Nanami x overweight fem! reader (requested by @deegausserr) Choso x fem!reader with big breasts (requested by anon)
Yuji/Todo x tall/curvy fem!reader (requested by @sitarawrites, @hitori979, @sophyr05 and anon, I see y'all my tall queens)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: not 100% proofread, as usual don't read if you feel triggered by those topics, listen I literally have no boobs so I'm beyond sorry if Choso's part is shit, overweight and big breast parts contain insults (please note that this is definetely not the way I feel about it!) but also so much comfort from your favorite characters, you are beautiful just the way you are 🤍
Part 1: Nanami x reader with facial scars; Megumi x reader with small breasts; Sukuna x reader with acne (click here to read)
Part 2: Nanami x reader who doesn't want kids; Gojo x reader who gained weight; Megumi x reader with hooked nose (click here to read)
Nanami with an overweight reader
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(Imaging him grabbing those ass bully girls like this okay)
You cover yourself up the minute he enters the room. He, the man who caught your eye since the beginning. He, who looks so effortlessly good in that suit. He, a well-trained man with a body like the statues in ancient Greek.
“Hey, the same as usual?”
“Thank you, (y/n).”
Just him, Kento Nanami. And you? Well, you have nothing in common with all those things. To be exact, you aren’t even sure if he ever noticed you. Why would he? You are nothing but a worker in a coffee shop, average-looking and…
You swallow. You are overweight. Not that it would bother you this much. After all, you work hard for your money each and every day, you do your best to keep your head above the water. You never really felt the urge to lose weight until reality, or rather other people, hit you.
“Oh, look who’s working again!”
“Did you already eat all those muffins? How is it possible that when you’re working, all the food is gone around this time?”
There they are again. Breathe in, breathe out. Everything is alright. Just suffering a few minutes, just letting their words hit you a little longer and they’ll be gone again. You just have to get through this. It’s not like you haven’t heard those group of actual grown-ups say those nasty things to you over a hundred times already.
But no. Today, it isn’t that easy. Because on the table in front of you sits none other than Kento Nanami who reads his paper and sips on his cup of coffee like he always does. Why do you suddenly feel the urge to defend yourself, to make them stop talking to you like that?
“Can you guys just leave me alone? I’m doing my job here, okay? Would you like to drink or eat something-“
“Fat pig”, one of the blonde girls suddenly spits at you.
This is nothing new. You should be used to it by know, all the countless insults especially that group of four girls always spits at you are too much to even count. Then why…Why do your eyes roam to his perfectly trimmed blonde undercut, why do you ball your fist in an instant?
What a dumb mistake. One of the girls follows the direction of your sight, breaking out in hysterical laughing when realizing that you were looking at Kento Nanami. No, please don’t make a stupid comment, please just grab a coffee and leave this place. Even though it hurts to get reminded of the stinging fact that you are overweight almost every single day, what hurts even most is…
“I can’t believe you! Why would a fatass like you even look in his direction? Can’t you see that he’s out of your league? God, you are so pathetic it makes my wanna cry. I mean, don’t you have a mirror at home, can’t you see that you are nothing but a fat fuck? Nobody will ever want you, (y/n). Especially not a handsome man like him.”
It’s hard for Nanami to contain his temper, hand already trembling threatful. Who do these girls think they are to talk to you in such a nasty way? You are breathtakingly stunning with eyes that radiate nothing but kindness, you work so hard each and every day. You…
You don’t deserve this.
“Leave me alone”, you mumble again.
And for the first time in forever, your throat starts to burn as well as your eyes. At this point you were so used to getting picked on that you didn’t even cry about it anymore after some time. But this…this isn’t about your weight anymore. This hits you right where it hurts.
Kento Nanami.
You don’t even dare to look his direction, eyes pierced to the ground while their venomous laughs fill the room with hatred. The urge to just get out of here, to leave this place and never return becomes almost unbearable. Maybe…maybe you should really lose some weight. Your eyes dart towards the counter in whose glass your figure is reflected.
You feel absolutely horrible and disgusting. A silent sob escapes your lips. Yes, why would someone like Kento Nanami ever want someone like you?
“Awww look at her, now she’s crying!”
You can’t take the shame anymore. Without thinking twice, you storm out of the coffee shop, ignoring your co-worker calling out your name behind. It began to rain in waterfalls, your tears now mixing with the drops from above.
There was probably never a moment in your life where you hated yourself as much as now. What where you even thinking, getting all excited every morning because of that force of a man? Were you really too dumb to realize that Kento Nanami would never fall for a girl like you?
A fat pig, a person so undisciplined that it shows, a girl that could never wear his t-shirts as a dress. You are a nobody, an ugly figure in a world full of skinny models-
That voice makes your guts turn in an instinct, heart pounding against your chest. You pick up your pace immediately, almost running down the rainy streets of Tokyo into an alley. Of course, he followed you. After all, Kento Nanami is a gentleman out of romance books, the perfect man. But you’d rather die that let him comfort you. No, you don’t want to hear that he’s sorry about their cruel words, you don’t want him to look down at you with his pity-filled eyes.
You simply can’t take it.
“Hey, (y/n). Please look at me.”
With a swift motion, he grabs your wrist and turns you around. You feel like dying right here and now, his chocolate brown eyes seem to pierce right through your soul.
But then…
He pushes you against the wall and just kisses you. His lips collapse onto yours with so much passion that it simply takes your breath away, his eyes roaming around your body hungrily. You stare at him in sheer disbelief. Is this really happening? Are you dreaming? Countless lonely night, you imagined what it would feel like to have him this close, to feel his body against yours. And now…And now that gorgeous man pinned you against a wall.
“Don’t you dare to believe a single word they said. I promise you that they’ll never speak to you like this again. I made sure of that.”
It feels so surreal, almost too good to be true. Is he only doing this out of pity, because he doesn’t want you to feel bad? Your heart sinks painfully. Is that what this is about?
“You don’t have to do that so I’m feeling better”, you mumble against his lips.
Instinctively, you cross your arms in front of your chest, hiding you like you always do around him.
“I’m not saying this to make you feel better”, he replies in an instant, hands gently untucking your arms to place his own around your waist.
“I’m saying this because I can’t take my eyes off you since I saw you the first time I stepped into this café. You have to be the most beautiful person I have ever seen, (y/n). I adore your delicate curves, your inviting smile, your unshakable character. I love the way your hair falls and how you prepare my coffee. I adore you just the way you are. Did you really think I’m there because of the coffee? It’s not that good if you’re asking me.”
His comment makes you giggle your tears away and shaking your head at the same time.
“Yeah, the coffee isn’t that great to be honest”, you comment.
“But you are.”
He looks down at you all serious again, his intense gaze making your knees go weak in an instant.
“And I want nothing more than to take you out to a nice restaurant.”
Choso with a reader who has big breasts
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You were never keen to meet new people, especially men. Not because you aren’t talkative or enjoy others company. No, it’s because you never know how they’ll react when seeing you for the first time.
Even though especially other women are jealous of you because of how big your breasts are, you truly hate them. It seems like the second you meet someone, all they have eyes for is your cleavage. No matter if you wear a baggy shirt, your uniform or one of the dresses you normally adore so much, your boobs come first. And you fucking hate it.
“Hey, why are you so nervous, (y/n)? I’m sure you and Choso will get along just fine!”, Yuji tries to cheer you up with a kind smile.
“And probably your-“
“Shut up right now, moron”, Megumi mumbles instinctively.
You sign to yourself. It’s clear that he’s just trying to be nice and funny, but to be honest you want to cry. Since puberty hit you, no one ever saw you like an individual anymore. No, you are either sexualized or body-shamed.
“Would you crush me with your melons for some money? C’mon (y/n).”
“There she is again. Look at her tits!”
“She’s just showing off. What a slut.”
“I bet those would be a good ass pillow.”
You are so damn tired of it. Tired of all the people talking about you behind your back, tired of being nothing but a sex object, tired of having no character. Even though here at Jujutsu High, people seem to finally get that you are indeed a human being all by yourself and would never talk badly about you, you can feel their looks.
“Oh, there he is! Come on, (y/n)!”
No, no, no. Is it too late to just turn around and leave this place? Maybe Maki is still free, you should go and grab a drink with her. Or even better, barricade yourself into your dorm and return when this man is gone.
“You must be (y/n). My little brother told me a lot about you”, a dark voice introduces itself.
Your eyes dart up in panic. Oh, you just know how this goes. First of all, he’ll look down at your breasts. If he’s having at least a spark of decency, his eyes will dart back to your face and roam around when he thinks you’re not paying any attention. And maybe, just maybe, he won’t mention your cleavage for quite some time.
“Nice to meet you”, you mumble annoyed already.
Huh, his eyes rest right on your face, a small smile forming itself on his lips. You tilt your head to the side, squint your eyes in confusion. Well, this is definitely new. He didn’t even look at them, not a single glimpse onto your body.
“Is it true that you have a thing for blood manipulation? Yuji told me you are interested in learning more about that technique.”
“Well, yeah…”
You have to blink a few times. He is so…different from everyone else. Not even Megumi resisted the urge to look down at you, you even heard him talking about it with Yuji someday. But this man…what was his name again? Choso? He seems to be curious about…
You. Nothing but you.
“I am quite skilled when it comes to blood manipulation. If you want, I will gladly show you a few things.”
“Y-yeah…I mean…That would be nice. Like, today?”, you stutter awkwardly, completely caught off guard by this unexpected change of scenery.
“If you have time, of course.”
“Okay, then…I’ll change now.”
“I’ll meet you at the training field.”
“Yeah…”, you mutter.
As soon as you leave the room, Yuji seems to finally regain your voice.
“And? What do you think about her?”
“I think she seems quite nice for a human being.”
“And what else?”
A big pause that makes your heart shatter for a brief moment. Maybe he isn’t as different as you thought. Maybe he’s just thinking about your cleavage like everybody else does, maybe-
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Haven’t you seen her,…y’know…Megumi?”
“He means her breasts”, Megumi clarifies.
“Why would I look at her breasts when she seems to have an interesting character?”
Your heart almost beats out of your chest, ears literally unable to comprehend what you’ve just heard. It really shouldn’t touch you like that. But oh, the second you begin to realize what that stranger just said your eyes get glossy. It might only be a little statement for him, but it surely means the world to you.
In a world that shames on you for something you can’t change, in a world in which men only took you on dates or talked to you because of your breasts and not because of your personality.
Choso seems to be the first person who genuinely doesn’t give a fuck about the way you look. And oh does it feel nice.
“Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought”, you mumble to yourself.
Yuji and Todo with a cury/tall girl
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Just one look at him seems to sweep you off your feet. The way he walks, the way he talks, simply the way he carries himself. It wasn’t hard to fall for Yuji, but it was definitely rough to find out he isn’t interested in you.
“What kind of woman is Yuji actually into?”
Nobara looked at you up and down, visibly bamboozled about what you’ve just asked. There aren’t many things she doesn’t think about, but Yuji Itadori’s type is definitely one of them.
“I don’t know girl…But I guess he’s the type for rather short girls, don’t ya think?”
You hated the way your heart instantly began to ache in your ribcage. Of course he does. Aren’t all boys nowadays into petite girls with a bubbly personality? And to be honest, you are none of that.
Taller than all the other girls and even some boys around Jujutsu High, curvier than anyone else, probably uglier than the rest. You never put much thought into all of these things, but right. Why would Yuji be any different from all the guys you’ve met before?
“Who the hell is this woman, Itadori?”
Todo can’t help but shamelessly stare at you. This is too good to be true, a sight straight out of his dreams. You…You are even better than Takada-chan.
“Huh? Oh, that’s (y/n)”, he replies with a small grin, just one look at you making his heart stumble all over again.
He hasn’t seen you in quite some time now that he thinks of it.
“What kind of woman is your type, Itadori Yuji?”
The pink-haired boy has to blink a few times, eyes still set on your delicious curves and gorgeous long legs.
“I like tall woman with a big ass.”
“Is that your final answer?”, he huge boy next to him urges, grabbing him by his uniform so roughly that his eyes yank away from you.
“Yes!”, he replies immediately.
“Then get going, we need to talk to this beauty over there”, he announces, dragging Yuji behind him before he is even able to reply.
You tilt your head to the side. What the hell is going on over there? Who is that shirtless guy and…is that Yuji he drags behind him as if he’s taking out trash?
“You!”, he shouts into your direction, eyes seem to pierce right through your soul.
What the hell is this about? Should you run away, cry for help? He definitely looks pretty dangerous to you with the way his muscles seem to grow with every step he takes towards you.
“Hey, let me go! I can walk by myself!”, Yuji protests.
“Now talk to her”, Todo hisses, almost pushing him into you.
“Oh, hi (y/n)!”
“Well, hi Yuji…”, you answer rather confused.
You look even better from over here, your body lingering over his own by a few centimetres. Yes, you have to be the biggest woman Yuji has ever seen with a character so badass that no one can hold a candle to you. And those curves, those oh so delicious curves…
“Tell her what kind of woman is your type”, the guy next to him demands harshly.
“Stop being so damn loud, she hears you!”
“Oh, I definitely do. What is all of this bullshit about and what kind of freak are you exactly?”
“Itadori loves tall woman with a big ass.”
Well, that’s rather unexpected. Yuji turns as red as a tomato, not daring to shoot a single glimpse your way. But Nobara said that he likes petite girls and somehow, this always made sense to you. Still, his body doesn’t lie. And the fact that he doesn’t say anything against it tells you…
“You like tall woman with a big ass”, you repeat.
“Well, to be honest, I just like you, (y/n)”, he mutters along with scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
“I like you too. You have to be the hottest girl I’ve ever seen. Let me cherish you for the rest of our lives”, the guy named Todo purrs.
“Hey, I thought you were my wingman and now you’re trying to steal my girl away from me!”, Yuji protests.
“When did I ever say that, moron? We might be brothers, but this right here is my girl-“
“I’ve been crazy about you for so long. I can’t believe you actually find me attractive, Yuji”, you interrupt their little chitchat.
Your heart feels light as a feather, so good that you are almost think about giggling out in sheer joy.
“Are you kidding? You are what dreams are made of, (y/n)! I was just too shy to admit…”
“I’d never be too shy to show my love. Pick me, (y/n)!”
"That's enough, I'm leaving. See you around guys", you announce with a sly grin.
Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz
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mypoisonedvine · 9 months
NEED to read zemo/bucky/reader and I feel like you would nail it!!!! maybe with 98?? LOVE YOU J.D!!!!!!!!
oh my god I haven't written a threesome in SO LONG and of course this turned into a whole oneshot UGH. oops
98: "what happens next in your fantasy?"
warnings: smut (18+ ONLY!!!), threesome, oral m and f receiving, spitroast, overstimulation, hair pulling, slapping, degradation and praise, brief mention of smoking?, basically just nastiness with almost no plot at all!!
word count: 4.4k
100 random prompts - send me a number and a character!
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"I shouldn't have said anything, okay?" you whined, hoping he'd drop the subject-- and Zemo walked in right then, which seemed like the perfect opportunity to change the topic.
"What shouldn't you have said?" Zemo pressed, and you sighed.
"It's-- it's nothing," you shook your head, "I just had a really weird dream last night."
You wanted to end it there, but Bucky had to chime in, of course. "Let's just say, this dusty old apartment was getting to see some action for the first time in a few decades," he informed Zemo proudly, who smiled knowingly and continued his walk to the kitchen.
"Ah," Zemo nodded, "I see."
"I swear, I've never had a dream about you like that before," you explained to Bucky.
"I wouldn't take it too personally, James," Zemo suggested as he poured himself some tea. "The subconscious is a completely unpredictable place. We can dream about almost anything, whether or not we desire it in waking life."
"Well, see, that's the weird part," you admitted, shifting nervously in the chair as Bucky stared at you. "You were there, too."
That took his attention away from the tea, certainly; he set down the kettle and came back into the sitting area, leaving his cup behind. "Still, many people believe dreams have meaning... I happen to be one of those people," he added.
"You didn't mention that before," Bucky frowned at you.
"Well, I was going to..."
"I was there, doing what?" Zemo pressed.
"Sitting in the corner reading Machiavelli," you joked. "No, you were, you know... part of it..."
"How was it?" Zemo asked instantly, getting yours and Bucky's eyes on him then.
"In the dream, having both of us," he clarified, "did you enjoy the experience?"
"U-um, I mean, I don't really remember..." you coughed.
"I don't think that's true," Zemo grinned. "You're wearing it on your face now— is that why you couldn't look at me this morning in the hallway?"
Your face got warmer. "Do I normally look at you?" you deflected.
"More than you realize," he answered cryptically.
"So, it was good," Bucky assumed. "It's obvious, you can just admit it."
You did hesitate, biting on one of your nails, but you nodded, and they both smiled. "Yeah, it was... it was really good..."
"Which one of us was better?" Bucky wondered. "It was me, right?"
"You were... I don't know, you were just different," you shrugged.
"Ugh, that's such a cop-out," Bucky rolled his eyes. "Don't be afraid to hurt his feelings."
"No, really— it's hard to compare," you insisted. "You were sort of, you know, sensitive and... patient, and you—" you looked at Zemo— "were kind of... intense."
Zemo smirked. "I've been told that before, actually. I mean, by people who got the real experience."
Bucky looked with a concerned expression over his shoulder at Zemo. You found yourself biting your lip for a moment.
"I know you won't answer this question, but I have to ask," Zemo began, "did you climax?"
"Oh god," you whined, hiding your face behind your hands.
"See? She did," Zemo smiled, maybe wider than you'd ever seen. "Perhaps even more than once."
"Please shut up," you groaned.
"Holy shit," Bucky smirked, "you really liked it, huh?
"What do you say, James?" Zemo prompted, looking at Bucky, and making you get a little wide-eyed. "Shouldn't we give the girl what she wants?
"Isn't that, uh— I mean, wouldn't that be... weird?" Bucky stammered, cheeks flushing.
"You're so sheltered," Zemo mocked with a small laugh. "Sharing a partner is very thrilling when the correct amount of trust is involved."
"Wait, wait— it was just a dream, I wasn't, you know, suggesting it," you explained nervously.
"I know," Zemo replied, "I am."
There was a tense pause, where all you could hear was your own beating heart.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Zemo offered, “I know it’s a strange thing to say.  Just come here, darling.”
Though your legs were shaking, you got up off the chair and approached him slowly.  He met you in the middle, reaching up to quickly caress your jaw when you were close enough.  Bucky seemed to watch the whole thing in disbelief.  “I-I’ve never—” you began.
“It’s alright,” Zemo assured you softly, “I won’t judge you, or mock you— there’s nothing wrong with what you want.”
You nodded slightly, another form of silent permission, and he leaned in to kiss you— gentle at first, but strong enough to make your knees feel a little weak.  He deepened it quickly, putting a hand at your waist as his tongue began to tease your lips… but just when you pressed into him, ready for more, he pulled away.  He smirked at the way you leaned forward for a moment, but then he looked over at Bucky— you couldn’t quite read his expression, perhaps a bit of disbelief and… more than a decent share of arousal.
He stood up, and stepped up to you two, and you could tell he was in over his head— but you pulled him closer by his shirt, sighing as your hand felt his chest through the black fabric.  “I— I’m not sure how to—” he mumbled.
“Me either,” you smiled, “just kiss me, Bucky…”
He did, though he seemed slightly less confident about it.  What started as a shy and soft kiss turned into something more almost instantly— something hungry.  He pulled you closer by your waist, he slipped his tongue into your mouth; it was clear, somehow, that he had been waiting for this chance for longer than you realized.
You gasped into Bucky’s kiss when you felt Zemo’s lips on your neck.  There were four hands on you, running over your body, and you were struggling to keep track of which belonged to who…
Zemo pulled you off of Bucky and spun you around, kissing you roughly again.  He was less careful this time, and he was reaching up under your shirt as well; you whimpered a bit, arching your back instinctively and pushing your ass into Bucky’s— oh fuck, he was hard.  You couldn’t believe how worked up you were already.
Zemo groped at your chest, purring as he tweaked a nipple between his fingers.  You whined and pressed your legs together, feeling him smile before he broke away to look at you with a sparkle in his eye.
“So sensitive,” he praised as he pushed your shirt up to get a good look at you; he sighed at the sight, both hands cupping your breasts and massaging them carefully.  “You’re so beautiful…”
When his hands moved down, Bucky’s took their place; you shivered a little at the metal hand’s cool touch, but it was actually more of a relief than anything considering how hot you’d become.  He was a little more aggressive with the way he touched your tits— if not quite rough.  He was panting in your ear as he held and rubbed them; and Zemo was already pulling your pajama shorts down, exposing you even further… god, why did it turn you on so much.
“Look at you,” Zemo praised with a sigh, running his hands up and down your body.  “I know you must be so wet already, darling, look how desperate you are… you’ve been wet since you woke up from that naughty dream, haven’t you?”
You didn’t have to answer— he was already putting his hand between your legs, exploring your folds, both of you groaning at how slick and sticky you were.  “Fuck, I can hear it,” Bucky noticed, and you clenched inside as he said it.
Zemo gently pushed a finger into you— but you were so wet it didn’t even feel like a push, it felt like your hole just sucked him in.  He was looking right into your eyes as he did it, but that was a little too much to handle for you, mentally, so you let your eyes fall shut just before he slipped the finger back out again.
"Feel inside her, James," Zemo encouraged, "she's so warm."
Bucky sighed, rubbing his fingers around your entrance. "I-I'm going to," he mumbled in your ear, "but... not 'cause he told me to or anything."
You whined when two vibranium fingers pushed inside you, making you lean back against Bucky while Zemo’s hands pushed your shirt up even higher, giving him better access to put his mouth on your tits.  “F-fuck,” you sighed, putting a hand on the back of Zemo’s head as he swirled his tongue around your nipple— he was incredibly, annoyingly good at that, but then again, so was Bucky with the way he gently opened you up with his fingers.  “Oh my god, just like that,” you panted.
“Who are you talking to?” Bucky wondered.
“Both of you,” you whined, “fuck, don’t stop.”
Zemo moved his mouth to your other nipple, suckling harder at it, making your hips rock on Bucky’s fingers; and Bucky growled approvingly, starting to thrust them a little more confidently inside you.  “I can’t believe you didn’t soak through those shorts, doll,” Bucky whispered in your ear, “you’re drenched.  You wanted this that bad?”
You could only nod dreamily, too lost in the feeling.
Though you weren’t sure how they coordinated it, they both stopped touching you at the same time; you whined quietly, clenching inside as you longed for either of their fingers to fill you again.
“Take the rest of it off,” Zemo instructed you— but it wasn’t too firm, more just a… friendly suggestion.  “Let us see all of you.”
Stepping out of your shorts that had fallen to the floor and pulling your shirt up over your head, you tried to fight the urge to cover yourself— after all, here you were naked in Zemo’s living room, with two fully clothed men eyeing you up and down.  It was hard not to feel… scrutinized.
"What happens next in your fantasy?" Zemo purred.
"I-it's not my fantasy, it was just a dream," you insisted.
"Then let me ask you another way: what happens now?"
Instead of answering with words, you simply sank down to your knees in front of them, keeping eye contact with Zemo as you started to open his belt.
The smug look on his face should’ve driven you crazy, but it only pushed you further; Bucky, thankfully, seemed to get the idea of what was going on and began to open his belt and jeans for you.  You loved his eagerness, even if the way Zemo seemed content to just let you do all the work was a turn-on, too.
Soon enough, there were two hard cocks in front of you.  Just the idea of that was already intimidating— but both of them, at eye-level, was actually nearly overwhelming.  You took hold of them both, stroking slowly to try to wrap your head around this as easily as you could wrap your hands around them.
Not sure where to start, you did a mental coin toss and found yourself leaning towards Zemo first, wrapping your mouth around his tip and letting your eyes fall shut.  Zemo hummed, pushing your hair back as you bobbed your head. You only sucked him for a few seconds before switching over to Bucky, though you tried to keep a hand stroking each one while you moved back and forth.
It felt filthy and strange and surreal, but your biggest concern was that you were going to get so wet you’d start dripping onto the floor or something.
Yes, you’d watched porn like this before, but you never really thought you’d end up doing it— especially with these two.  You felt pretty comfortable assuming they never thought this would happen, either… but they got into it shockingly quickly: soon, you weren’t even the one deciding where you went, they simply got more and more impatient and began to guide you back and forth.  You blinked your eyes open a few times to look up at them, but in the end you found yourself totally lost in it, just leaving your mouth open them and letting them take turns fucking it until you weren’t sure who was who anymore.
Not much was said (least of all by you, with your mouth full) aside from a few mumbled curses here and there— except for one moment, where Zemo seemed to mutter to Bucky: “I don’t think she expected to like this so much.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong.  You were drooling, with tears striping your face— a side effect from repeatedly choking on both of them— and you were nearly desperate enough to rub yourself
Though you weren’t sure how or when Zemo had gotten in your head like this, you had to admit it was convenient right now; “You want more, don’t you?” he noticed, and all you had to do was nod before they pulled you up to your feet.  Zemo bent you over quickly, before you’d even really found your balance, and stood behind you.
You gasped as Zemo’s cock slid inside you suddenly, holding on tight to Bucky’s arms for balance— immediately you were rocked forward with hard, needy thrusts.  
“God, she’s so fucking wet,” Zemo hissed.  You hadn’t really heard him talk quite like that before…
You groaned at the feeling, amazed at how easily he fit inside, but clearly all the anticipation had prepared you well.  Bucky only let you have a second to adjust before he shoved your head back down and pushed his cock into your waiting mouth.  You were happy to oblige, though, and sucked him even more eagerly than before with fast bobs of your head and more pressure from your tongue.
Bucky’s fingers tangled into your hair, and his hips pushed forward to fuck deeper into your throat; you heard him groan, but it was muffled as he bit his lip.  You gagged, and they both moaned lowly.  “I can feel when you choke on him,” Zemo informed you with a grunt, “your little cunt squeezes me tighter.”
It must have been Zemo’s hand that slid up your spine and held onto your shoulder— it must have been Bucky that reached down to feel your tits— but if was your hand that ended up between your legs, rubbing your clit quickly simply because you couldn’t hold yourself back anymore.
“So desperate,” Zemo mocked— or praised, maybe?  The difference was hard to define.  “You want to come?”
You hummed in agreement around Bucky’s cock, before he forced you to choke on it again.  You never expected him to be so aggressive, nor how much it would make you crave even more.
“If you want a turn with her, James, you’d better take it now,” Zemo offered, voice thin as he tried to catch his breath.  “Any more of that and I won’t be able to stop myself again.”
Bucky roughly pulled you off of Zemo and sat back on the couch, turning you around to face away from him and pulling you into his own lap; that doll nickname felt a bit more literal when he tossed you around so easily.
You gasped as Bucky slid inside, and moaned as you realized you could so easily feel the difference between them.  “Fuck!” you cried out loudly, louder than you really meant to, as Bucky instantly began bouncing you on top of him; you were trying to move with him, but he was so much stronger and basically just using you however he wanted… it made you moan even more and roll your eyes back in your head as you realized that.  “Fuck, Bucky, oh my god—”
“See how much louder she screams for me?” Bucky grinned.
“That’s because her mouth isn’t full this time,” Zemo countered with a laugh.  “That can be corrected.”
Bucky was certainly much more… impatient in the way he fucked you; Zemo, meanwhile, was as controlled as ever as he guided you to lean forward, gently opened your mouth, and slid just his leaking head inside.  He purred as you suckled at the tip, looking up at him with watering eyes.
“Can you taste yourself?” Zemo asked you with a smile, humming when you nodded around him.  “You really soaked me, darling— I expect you to be a good girl and clean all that off.”
You moaned at the praise and took him deeper into your mouth, using your tongue to lick up every drop of your own wetness off of him.  You surprised even yourself with how shameless you were, pulling your mouth off to run your tongue over him instead, moaning as you licked him clean.
Bucky fucked up faster into you until you could barely focus on the task before you, but you still found a way: you kept Zemo’s cock in your mouth and let him hold your head, keeping you steady while Bucky moaned louder and thrusted harder.
You moaned more and more around Zemo until he pulled you away and you gasped instantly.  “Tell me how it feels,” he demanded harshly, holding your head up by your hair.
“So good,” you yelped, “it’s so fucking good!”
He surprised you with a slap across the face, but you moaned right away.  “Fucking whore,” he spat.  “Look how badly you need to be treated.  You want to come, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you sobbed, “yes, fuck, please—”
“Well, James,” Zemo hissed, “aren’t you going to help her?”
Bucky sighed and moved one of the hands on your hips down between your legs, rubbing you quickly and harshly.  Your thighs were shaking instantly; actually, pretty much all of you was shaking.
“She’s coming, James, don’t stop,” Zemo barked out another order, holding you tight by the jaw and looking right into your eyes.  “I want you to come until you can’t possibly take it anymore,” he explained with a growl, “don’t tell me to make him stop until then, is that clear?  Show us how much you can take, nothing less.”
You nodded as best you could with him holding onto your face, and tried to lean in to put your mouth on his cock again, but he held you there.
“No,” he corrected, “I’d rather get a good look at this.”
Bucky’s hand on your clit was relentless, the pressure almost too intense for you to take— but you had to take it, you had no other choice.  It started off almost slowly, a gradual descent into the numbing pleasure of your orgasm, but it didn’t stop; Zemo already made it clear he wasn’t going to let it stop until you were at your limit.  Your moans were shaky and broken from how hard Bucky was fucking you, and your eyes were rolling back already but you could’ve sworn you heard Zemo chuckle at the sight of you.  Did you really look that fucked up?
“Good girl,” he purred, “keep going.  You can take more.”
You whined louder, higher, sharper; you weren’t sure how much more you really could take of this, but you wanted to do as you’d been told and not tap out until the absolute last second.
You knew you were crying, only because you felt the hot tears running down your cheeks.  You heard Zemo encouraging you distantly, but you couldn’t quite make out any words, just the dark and sweet tone of his voice.  You heard Bucky, too, groaning deeply while you felt his fingers digging tighter into your hips.  Could he feel everything he was putting your body through?
“Fuck, stop!” you heard yourself blurt out, and instantly Bucky’s hand moved away— but his thrusts didn’t slow down.  It was just the right amount of relief, and you blinked the blurriness out of your vision.  It was almost like part of it didn’t even really hit you until then, until the aftershocks reverberated through your body.
“That’s it,” Zemo praised, “you’re alright, we’ve got you.”
“Oh god, o-oh god,” you sobbed, shaking uncontrollably— they were both holding you up, you would’ve toppled to the floor if it weren’t for them
“Fuck, m’gonna come,” Bucky groaned.
“Inside,” you gasped, even with how little mental clarity you had in that moment.  “I want it inside.”
“Fuck,” he said again.  “That’s so— god, baby, look what you fuckin’ do to me… I’m gonna come inside you.”
“Yes,” you begged with a sob, Zemo grinning as he watched you.  
Still numb and clenching uncontrollably inside, you felt the way he pumped harder and harder and harder— until it slowed down and he let out the most delicious, long groan.  You whined, but smiled, as he loosened his grip on your hips and relaxed under you, his moans and heavy breaths seeming to drip with satisfaction.  “Fuck,” he said, one more time, deeper than ever, before falling back on the couch limply.
Zemo lifted you off of Bucky— apparently a little sooner than he was ready for, because you heard him hiss as he slipped out of you— and guided you with him onto the couch, pulling your back into his chest.  He knelt behind you, kissing the back of your shoulder as watched you try to come back to reality.
“I should let you rest for a moment,” he noticed, “but you don’t want me to, do you?”
Weakly, you shook your head.
He moved in closer to you and you felt his cock, still wet with your spit, rub against the inside of your thigh— and even after all that, you arched your back deeper in invitation.
It made you blush when Zemo slid into you again, thinking about him filling you alongside Bucky’s load, especially with the way he groaned lowly into your ear.  “You want me to fuck his come even deeper into you?” he taunted, and you whined but nodded.  “I thought so.”
Everything felt so… sticky, in a disgusting but sexy sort of way; you were overly-sensitive inside, each thrust feeling so good with the fading sensitivity of your orgasm still present.  You leaned back against Zemo with a sigh, letting him hold you close and fuck you however he wanted, more than happy to just be his toy now.
“Look how cute you are when you give in to me.  You want me to use you, don’t you?” he noticed with a groan, and you whimpered but nodded ‘yes.’  “Of course,” he growled, kissing along your neck with more and more of his teeth each time.  “You want me to fuck you however I want?”
“Yes,” you sobbed.
“But this isn’t about what I want,” he explained.  “This is what you wanted.”
“Oh god…”
“You wanted us both to fuck you, at the same time.  One cock isn’t enough to satisfy you?” 
“Not anymore,” you admitted with a sigh, and he started to thrust faster and harder into you.
It turned very quickly from slow and sensual to rough and ruthless; he wrapped a hand around your neck to keep you close as you moaned and cried, anxious already to come again.  “Touch yourself,” he ordered with a hiss in your ear, “make yourself come around my cock.”
“F-fuck,” you choked out, but slid a hand over your body and between your legs to obey him quickly.  You were already so fucking close, and you knew you shouldn’t go so hard on yourself when you were so sensitive, but your desperation made you really rub hard and fast in search of that growing tension.  “Yes, fuck, m’gonna— oh god—”
“I know, darling,” he cooed, “just let go.  It’s alright, I’ll hold you— come for me.”
You didn’t literally black out, but you did sort of… lose time, in that moment.  It was like you were just floating in pleasure for a while and then all of a sudden you were laying back on the couch and you weren’t even sure where Bucky had gone and Zemo was proudly holding your legs open.
“You look so beautiful like this,” he informed you, and you blinked back at him shyly.
You expected the warm, sticky feeling as their come leaked out of you… what you didn’t expect to feel was Zemo’s mouth on your pussy, eagerly lapping it up and sucking on your clit as your eyes shot open and you gasped and moaned with surprise.
“Dude,” Bucky grimaced, “that’s fucked up…”
Zemo just hummed and took his mouth off of you, giving Bucky a confused look.  “She tastes amazing,” Zemo defended, “maybe even better after our… contribution.”
You laughed a little at the description, until he leaned down and latched onto you again, making you gasp and run your fingers through his hair.  “Fuck,” you whined, bucking your hips against his face.  Your clit was already overstimulated, and the way that he flicked it with his tongue made you shiver all over.  
Your hold on his hair made it a little easier to push him away when he sucked too hard on your sore clit; he was more than strong enough to keep going, but he stopped anyways and let you push him back with a smug, slickened smile.  “You really should try it, James,” he encouraged, “you’ll only want more once you do.”
Sighing in relent, Bucky knelt down in front of the couch— yes, at some point he’d gotten off of it, and you were too high on orgasm dopamine to notice it— and Zemo helped you adjust your hips towards him so he could just dive right in.
He gave one long lick over you first, making you shudder, and seemed to get more excited and aggressive quickly as he held onto your thighs and started to push his tongue inside you.  “Oh god,” you whimpered, and Zemo watched proudly for a moment before turning his head to kiss up your leg.
“Poor thing,” he cooed between gentle presses of his lips to your skin, “you probably thought we were done with you, didn’t you?”
You were on the couch nursing a cup of tea, your feet resting in Bucky’s lap on top of the pants he’d changed into after his shower; Zemo was on the balcony having a cigarette.  That was the scene Sam came back to, and he seemed to notice something was off just by the way he raised an eyebrow as he entered the living room.  “Hey guys,” he greeted.  “What did I miss?”
“Not much,” Bucky shrugged, “just a pretty quiet morning…”
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angelbarelywrites · 6 months
♡ slashers scenarios | y’all accidentally adopt a kid (part 2)
♡ fandoms; House of Wax, Hannibal (TV)/Silence of the Lambs, slashers (general)
♡ characters; Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Hannibal Lecter
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡cw; parenthood, kidnapping, mentions of violence. basically don’t tell these guys you want a kid ig
♡notes; another sparse selection but i don’t think Billy Lenz is allowed within 100 yards of a school so it is what it is
also I hate how much I’m starting to love Bo oh my god
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Vincent Sinclair
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> he’s a nurturing man- to his brothers and you
> hell he babies Jonesy too
> even so, he’s shocked when you mention offhandedly that he’d make a good father
> he denies it vehemently
> even as the golden child he grew up in hell
> no way he’d know how to do any of it right
> but you just gently laugh and shake your head, insisting but not pressing it
> it makes him think
> and think and think
> he didn’t know much about kids, but you’d be a great parent
> and you wouldn’t lie to him- maybe he’d be at least an okay father
> families don’t come through often
> and when they do, Lester leaves them be
> if they ever get to Ambrose on their own, the town stays off- none of the Sinclairs want anything to do with harming children
> but mistakes happen, and Bo is freaking out
> a little girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes was sleeping in the back of a car while he took care of her parents, and he didn’t realize until far to late
> she’s maybe 3, and awfully scared and quiet- but when they bring her in the house she walks right up to you and Vincent
> she hugs your leg and finally smiles when Vincent kneels down to show her that Jonesy is a nice dog
> Bo is in shock when you volunteer to adopt her, but Vincent is in quick agreement
> she’s nonverbal, but you look through her family’s things to find out her name - Lilly Henson, or something to that affect .
> Lilly Sinclair has a much better ring to it anyways, doesn’t it?
Bo Sinclair
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> he’s the type that if you mention that you want a kid to this man, he asks what color
> he is endlessly devoted to you
> and while he never wanted a kid before, he’s always so insistent you make him a better man
> so some snot nosed brats would complete the picture perfectly
> he’s not super serious about it, not really
> you have plenty of time to plan for a family
> and he’s the type to want biological children if possible- he’s so used to white picket fence suburbia-type ideals
> when a car pulls up to the gas station, he stops when he sees the infant car seat in the back
> he’s about to tell the parents to move along- but then he sees the second matching one
> something - probably his overinflated self worth - tells him he’d be a much better father to twins that these chucklefucks
> and you want a kid anyways! would two be much better
> they’re not identical- he’s not not disappointed by the fact, but they’re still adorable
> a boy and a girl a bit over a year, with big brown eyes and infectious giggles
> he’s beyond proud when he strides in with them
> “daddy’s home!”
> he thinks you might actually kill him this time
> but then Charlotte - the girl based on what’s embroidered on her blankie, reaches for you and you melt
> you’re still scolding him as you happily take Theodore too
> but he knows you’re beyond thrilled
Hannibal Lecter
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> he’s always wanted a successor
> quite frankly it never had to be his child - or a child at all
> he thought about taking younger serial killers in the making under his wing more than once
> to teach them the art of culinary cannibalism and the finer points of flaying people
> but it’s far too dangerous - especially with you around
> you’re the one thing that trumps his egomania
> so he lets it be for the time being
> but one day, he takes on a special case at work
> a young boy who recently lost his parents very violently
> he’s in kindergarten, and expresses most everything through his rather advanced drawings
> you don’t interact with his patients- even though he works from home you’re pretty skilled at dodging them
> but on the way out that afternoon the little boy- Peter, his name is, runs out before his social worker and smack dab into you
> she apologizes on his half profusely but you’re so sweet with the boy
> you pick up his dropped drawings and comfort him- he’s quite upset he may have hurt or angered you
> he gives you a huge hug and Hannibal can see the fond, parental look on your face
> after that it’s quite simple to draw up the paperwork
> he’s already in foster care, and it only takes a few false documents to make the courts think that Hannibal’s custody is the best place for little Peter
> you learned long ago that it’s best not to question how or why Hannibal does something when he gets like that
> and either way you’re content with your new little family
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katyahina · 3 months
The 'haired' helmets are strange..
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It IS odd how we get to wear the characters' hairstyles, as it is just really unlikely they're scalps! I suppose the explanation is the same as why we are able to completely change upon looking into a mirror at Roundtable's Hold; as long as the Tarnished is guided by Greater Will, they'll have its aid and be transformed into whatever they see fit to keep carrying on! So I think the implication here is that we do, physically, grow the hair of the demigods (or champions) upon trying to tap on their power! I think if GW abandons a Tarnished, or if they abandon it, they lose this 'ability', which our playable character never does, so..
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I am not sure whether it is Maliketh's own long mane or also a decoration! I'd like to think the former, in which case, same logic as with hair of Malenia, Godfrey and Radahn applies! Vargram's "hair" definitely is a decoration, and specifically for the purpose of imitating shadowbeasts:
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Ensha's armour goes even further and not only gives us a hairdo, but makes us a skeleton:
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We even get his power of slight regeneration, similar to Erdtree's normal powers:
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All implications considered, I really doubt that this is just how armour looks, especially considering no change in size. We are not 'wearing' the skull, we ARE the skull now fhhsfd And this time the NPC data inside simply exists because Ensha does use NPC code and mechanics. So, we turn into a corpse! Again, should not matter much since as long as we're carried by GW we don't need to eat or sleep or... anything, really. (I'll also die on the hill of the theory that Ensha was one of the deceased Marika's offspring whose Mausoleum crashed and what was left from him crawled out but that's another story fdhfhds)
Here are other instances of hair simply decorating a helm:
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Niall is that one guy we fight in Castle Sol, so similarity in this case ALSO checks out! Also cute idea: what if decoration for the helmets of Godrick's Knights IS his own hair? ;-;
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That could also be speculated about Redmane Knights, but I feel like it'd be more appropriate for Godrick's. Radahn would be stingy about his amazing lion mane whereas Godrick can not only take body parts but also give them XDDDD yeah yeah terrible whatever
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The black hair on Night Cavalry's helmet can be removed, also confirming that in this case it is a decoration. This hair does have interesting flowing animation though! Maybe it IS the hair of Night Cavalry themselves, still having their shadowy energy, but cut and attached again to their own helmets (kind of like Ciaran from DS1 decorated her helmet with her own braid!)
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Another case of hair not being actual hair but part of the mask; the way hair is placed, it'd had to grow from like, eyebrows level and face itself or something fdhfdsdfh Maybe this style with braids and grey hair was intended to refer at Godfrey's? Alternatively, what IF their faces are actually furry/animalistic despite otherwise human build, so the hair doubles as fur? We don't see them behind the mask, after all? A food for a thought lol
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^ More of 100% 'mask' types of these
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The water dancer in blue gave the sword to Malenia's teacher, the blind guy that once sealed the God of Rot himself, and these warriors in blue appear to be following the same philosophy of "ever running water preventing stagnation, so, rot itself" as him! Although this head piece imitates just a follower and not the man himself (as far as we are aware....), perhaps the sentiment is strong enough to give us the hairdo too x) Again, funny enough, it seems to resemble the Lady of the Lake fairy herself!
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I suspected the case of 'sharing hair' with Cleanrot Knights too, but upon closer look I can tell it is supposed to be some fabric/rags, rather than hair or hairlike accessory! Probably more efficient to imitate the look with rags rather than something hairlike tbh, considering the lenght of the thing! So I think the design is more meant to represent Malenia's own unhappy fate, with short tuft being the "hair" and the longer tails being the "wings" :
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In conclusion, it is kind of easy to deduce which hair become our actual hair for the time being because of golden grace 'reshaping' us and which hair is just decor! But it is really interesting stuff to think about all the way!
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suplicyy · 2 months
Hello I saw your requests are open and thought I would drop one
I saw you do multiple characters so headcanons for Daichi,Nishinoya,and Hinata (separate) x rich male reader (if u want to do only one I would like it to be Daichi) the reader is the carefree rich kid spends money however and only went to Karasuno cause he thought it would be fun and he has no problems spending all his money on the people he cares about up to date gym equipment,paying for cheerleaders for the team and reader’s S/O is spoiled the most whatever food they want there closet is filled to the brim with clothes reader buys them treats the boys like gods (I’m quite new to requesting so sorry if this came off as rude in any way)
I want it, I got it!
Haikyuu boys x Rich!Reader
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— Summary: He with a rich boyfriend who loves to spoil him!
— Characters: Hinata, Nishinoya, Daichi.
— Tags/Genre: Fluff | Male!Reader
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Hinata Shoyo
He really has no idea what you saw in him: someone who is clumsy and who never achieved a high grade in any subject at school, and of course, who doesn't have a lot of money
His lively personality always made your day the best ever, it seemed that being by his side made you 100% better if you were sad. If you could, you could give the whole world just to him... but wait, you can!
Hinata is already getting worried about the amount of gifts you give him, his bedroom is tiny and he's almost running out of space for all the things you buy for him.
And you know how much he loves volleyball, so most of his gifts are based on that: official merchs, new equipments, and one time you even took him to see an official match!
He sometimes feels insecure about not being able to give you an expensive gift like the ones you give him, but already you love all the things he gives you.
It doesn't matter if it's just a souvenir like a cute keychain he saw and immediately remembered you for, or some snack he thought you'd like, the big smile on your face is enough to him realize how much you adore him.
One day, Hinata was doing his daily bike ride to school, and he ended up getting distracted watching the landscape, which resulted in a bad fall on the asphalt. He only had a few scratches, but the same couldn't be said about his beloved bike.
On the same day, you showed up at his door with a new bike that is identical to his old one.
At that moment he was SO happy, he was so attached to that bike, and no matter how many times you offered to give him a ride to the school with your car, he always preferred to cycle, an act that was part of his routine.
Nishinoya Yuu
He LOVES to be spoiled, and you love to spoil those you care about, so it's no exaggeration to say that you were made for each other.
I think he wouldn't be the kind of guy who would ask you to buy luxury things like designer clothes, but rather things that only an eleven-year-old boy would ask for.
"[Name]!! Did you see that commercial for those sneakers that glow in the dark!?" "Let’s go to the amusement park this weekend pleaseeee!!"
And if you give him a gift, expect to get one in return!!
He would love to give you gifts, especially sweets or snacks. Even if you insist that you pay, he always buys you and him a popsicle when leaving school.
But it's not just gifts that he likes to be pampered with, he's someone who REALLY likes physical affection, so don't be surprised if one day he stays attached to you like a tick for the rest of the day.
Many people in your life already said they liked your company/said they were your friend just out of interest in the fact that you have a lot of money, but Nishinoya was never that kind of person.
You can be sure that with money or not, he would be with you no matter what, because what really attracted him was your personality that matched his.
Sawamura Daichi
Daichi is definitely that type of person who is always embarrassed when he receives a gift, in addition to being a great saver too, which often leads him to worry about his significant other's expenses (even if that's the last thing you're worried about lol).
"Y-You really didn't need to...!" "Please don't worry about me, I really don't need another sports sneakers, the one I already have is still in good condition!" Says Daichi holding up a pair of worn-out sneakers.
The truth is that he is not someone who has little money, the real problem is that he is a cheapskate, someone of the type who is stubborn about their own savings. He will only buy something new if it is already in a state of disintegration...💀
But you are here to change that! Always reassure him that everything is fine and that you really don't mind spending your own money just to see his happiness, as every penny is worth it.
By becoming more confident about this matter, Daichi will no longer worry about it as much and will try to be more relaxed about it.
For the team, it's as if you two were Karasuno's parents: Daichi being the responsible and sometimes strict father, and you being the cool and caring father who always gives the best gifts on holidays (see what I mean?)
You care about the team as much as Sawamura, as you were able to see up close the trajectory and evolution of everyone by his side.
So you always love to help everyone on the team if they are going through any difficulties.
Couldn't find a bus to take part in a match? In the same second you find one ten times better than the one they were planning to travel on. Is any gym equipment damaged? The next day you show up with a brand new one. Are they hungry after a long day of training? When you all leave school, you immediately go straight to a steakhouse, all expenses at your own expense, of course.
It's canon that Daichi is one of the characters with the biggest appetite in the series, so it's not an exaggeration to say that most of the things you give him as gifts are edible.
And as much as you can buy whatever food you want, he always preferred your homemade food.
The way you prepare each dish, always making them with the greatest care in the world, was certainly something that was worth much more to him than fancy and expensive things.
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— A/N: Hello I'm back!!!! I'm sorry if it didn't turn out the way you wanted, I tried my best to write something good!!😓
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summer-nights19 · 22 days
Hey, heard you wanted more TDB requests, so I'm here to deliver😊. Could you do the Tokyo debunker boys (you can pick who you want) with an MC that is extremely accident prone, like you take a look away from them for a second and their covered in multiple cuts and bruises, and the cherry on top is that whenever this happens the MC is like "oops". Please and thank you.
Ofc anon ! As someone who falls over all the time, I love this idea
Tokyo debunker guys x klutz MC
Characters: The Frostheim + Vagastrom + Jabberwok guys
He finds it adorable honestly
Because he's not particularly strong as far as ghouls are concerned, he sometimes struggles to live up to the image of your "knight in shining armour", so he 100% would use this as an excuse to catch you in his arms while you fall
Will sometimes tease you about it in a good natured way
Also uses it as a way to get you to agree to hold his hand everywhere "so that you can't fall over"
It doesn't always work - sometimes you both just end up falling over
He worries about your safety so much - you might not think it's a big deal, but what if you fall and injure yourself seriously ?
Walks right next to you everywhere you go to make sure that he can catch you easily if you fall
Unlike Kaito, Luca always catches you successfully. He then proceeds to carry you bridal style the rest of the way "so you can't fall" (not that you're complaining)
Is even more protective of you when you go on missions - will not approve of you going unless he's there to guarantee your safety, and, even then, he doesn't let you leave his sight
Carries a little first aid kit with him so he can patch up any injuries you get from falling
"Oh for God's sake MC, why are you on the floor again ?"
Found it exasperating at first - why did you not manage to stay upright on your own two feet ?
However, some part of him does find it kind of endearing
Cannot keep an eye on you at all times due to his work as vice captain, but when he's around you he definitely tries
I could see him linking arms with you like they did in the olden days to prevent you from falling
If you do fall, expect a gentle lecture as he disinfects any bruises you got
At first, he finds it kind of cute. He definitely teases you about it when you're in private
However, if you're on a mission, his protective side kicks in - what if you fall and he isn't there to help you ? From now on, you are only allowed to go on missions with him or Tohma (preferably him) so they can keep you safe
Would definitely catch you as you were falling and carry you the rest of the wa like Luca
He pretends to be annoyed if you do fall, but in reality he loves taking care of you
Has tried using his stigma on you and telling you "Don't fall" as you hold his hand. This works well ... but only if you hold hands
This shouldn't surprise anyone, but he'd mostly be kind of a dick about it
He teases you about it SO much
Instead of helping you, he'd stand there and tease you or even record you so he can laugh at the video later
"You should have seen yourself, MC ! You fell face first right into that puddle !"
If he ever hurts your feelings he'd feel bad and try to be less mean (with limited success) but he wouldn't outright apologise
However, on a mission it's completely different - he's always by your side and picks you up at lighting speed if you fall
Will help you with any injuries, though he'll grumble about how clumsy you are
He teased you so much about it at first, but when you guys started liking each other, he begun to find it kind of cute (not that he'd ever admit it)
If you do fall, he always picks you up. At first, he's a bit too shy to carry you afterward, but eventually he starts to do it
Is so thorough about treating any injuries you might have
If you're on a mission, he keeps a very close eye on you and catches you immediately if he so much as sees you stumble. Good luck convincing him to let you go on one without him (he never will)
Jokes about giving you piggybacks/carrying you everywhere and low key starts to do it if you're into the idea
If he's not carrying you, then he's holding your hand so that you don't fall
Will physically not let you fall - he always has his eye on you and us ready to catch you
Another one who will only let you do missions with him, because no one else can protect you adequately
If you do still manage to fall, he'll dress all your wounds and kiss them better (if you're in private)
Also, if he discovers anyone giving you shit for your clumsiness, he will not hesitate to drag them into the pit and give them hell for it
Thinks it's absolutely adorable - you move like a baby giraffe !
He would also joke about holding your hand or carrying you everywhere and end up low key doing it
Always keeps a watchful eye on you to make sure you don't fall
If you do end up falling, he gives you a hug as he treats your wounds with the first aid kit he carries everywhere
Would look at you kind of sadly and offer you a hand up if you fall
Tries to catch you but doesn't always succeed
His hugs are honestly the best pain medication
Brings you flowers he found to distract you from your injuries
Won't admit in a million years that he finds it kind of cute and acts like he finds it annoying
At first, he just rolls his eyes at you and tells you to get up, but after some time passes, he starts to offer you a hesitant hand up and allow you to lean on his arm if you're injured after checking that you're ok
If you're in a private place, he'll tend to your injuries
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triglycercule · 1 month
dusttale canon fics translated!!!
have you ever wanted to know MORE about canon dusttale/murder!sans??? heard that one of dusttale's creators wrote fics but it's in korean and you can't be bothered to translate it??? WELL BOY do i have the solution to you because I TRANSLATED THE FICS!!!
well technically i localized it because the fics straight out of translation were a bit funky and out of context in some parts. also the fics are actually not all that detailed (and idk if this is a good thing) so i added more detail and such but idk if some people would rather just the straight translation no extra flourishes
IN THAT CASE if you just wanna read the straight translation dw! if you go to the og korean version HERE and go to the comments some else will have already done a direct translation
keep in mind i do NOT actually know korean and this entire project was done with the help of google translate (god bless the camera translate feature), some research, and my sheer brainpower. if something is messed up PLEASE lmk
heartfelt message below because this is 1/2 of my thanks for 100 followers gift to the world don't open if you don't wanna read CRINGE (ew,,, APPRECIATION AND FEELINGS??? GROSS!)
when will we get more canon dust content i cry out. the delusional side of me says one day but the realistic side says never
so uhhh i hit 100 followers. WOOO YIPPEE!!! and i just wanna say tysm for following me and liking and reblogging all my posts and all that stuff it GENUINELY means a lot. like fr /srs type of meaning to me. i don't remember how and i don't really know why but the murder time trio genuinely mean so much to me and i'm glad that there are a whole ONE HUNDRED ass people that also like all the ideas and dumb stuff i come up with for them and they liked it enough to follow it. like i can't even come up with 100 people i know irl. i never knew i would actually get people to see the shit i post on here and i remember how actually terrified i was when i tagged one of my posts and it actually got interactions (i'm still scared when i post. not a thing has changed)
but ya! im really glad that there are this many people that actually care about my ideas so that's cool. someday im gonna run out of ideas and panic but that day has yet to come. i guess you could consider this the first half of my 100 followers thankgratulations because i still have my horror sans character analysis that i'm still working on and paused to work on this (a simple side quest this was). if i weren't a LAZY FUCK than maybe i wouldve done a DTIYS or something that people do for big milestones like this but like i said. i'm lazy. call me sans. comic sans
anyways triglycercule OUT! time to delete this account! jk!(fashion au)
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Literally I am so sick of whore dick grayson, himbo dick grayson, fandom bicycle dick grayson, like yall really saw that dick is the canonical pretty boy with the nice ass and then proceeded to give him 'bottom' as a personality and just ran away with that. Dick is not a pretty idiot that loves having sex and only cares about his appearance, for fucks sake. He doesnt need to be rescued by jason todd of all people, who literally willingly burned all his bridges and can't even save himself, or wally west, frankly, who is one of his best friends but not the one he gets emotionally vulnerable with.
He doesn't do casual sex, at all. He needs an emotional connection first, is it so hard to believe that an attractive person actually wants to connect to someone instead of fucking them? Or fucking their problems away? Is it really so hard to believe that an attractive person can also be intelligent? Can also be kind? Can also be selfless? Can also take care of themself? Can also be a functioning adult? Can also be mature? Can also be damn fucking good at their job? Have yall ever met a real person before?
Dick is Romani and one of the most well known stereotypes about the Romani people are that they are like magically alluring people that can't keep their hands to themselves or that they're like thieving, dumb, dirty animals and what did yall reduce Dick down to? An overly emotional, stupid, pretty slut that acts without thinking.
You know just because something is racist in canon doesn't mean you have to take that and amplify it by 100 in fanon, right? Like the shit I have seen on this website alone, the takes that just won't stop, are literally so much more racist than anything you would ever find in canon. And good God, it's not like you have to make his race the forefront of his character! It's not! No one's is, that would be bad characterization. But should his being Romani affect the way you portray him? Should there be certain things you can be considerate about? Should being Romani be part of his identity? Uh, yeah.
And also. Should you maybe consider what he's actually like in canon to characterize him within fandom spaces? Uh, YEAH.
Dick Grayson is a romantic at heart, is extremely private, and cherishes the emotional connections he has with people. He is a good person because he chooses to do good things. He wants to help people! He's literally a genius, I mean this in every possible sense, academically, physically, emotionally, strategically, picking up and mastering skills with ease, being a detective... that doesn't mean he doesn't have problems. He's an extreme workaholic. He will never talk about his own problems to his friends or family, just the occasional therapist. He's so good with people, he knows exactly how to manipulate situations into his favor, to his own detriment. He will never give up on you, to his own detriment. He bottles up his emotions deeply, and yes, occasionally he does explode. He has a guilt complex the size of the sun. Everything is his fault in his head, Everything. He will accept the blame for anything, for his own rape even, because he's Dick Grayson and hey, he should've known, he should've been able to tell. (This is specifically talking about Miriam).
Everyone puts him on a pedastal because he's the guy that can actually pull off the impossible and no one but him realizes just how high that pedastal is. Bruce wants to be him, thinks there is literally no one better than him, no one who could soar higher than him, the ideal hero. His hero.
Goddamn Superman thinks he's the one person in the universe that will almost always do the right thing at the right time across every universe. And I don't mean that he will BE the right person at the right time, I mean he will DO the right thing at the right time, because Dick believes in the power of choices! Of free will! He could do bad things just as easily as the people around him, he could choose to be cruel because that is literally so. much. easier.
But he doesn't.
Almost ever.
In nearly every universe.
Do you know how much pressure that is? He drowns under the weight of his own perfection, truly. He can't fail.
He can't fail.
Isn't that so unbearably sad? You spend your whole life reassuring other people that everyone gets second chances, and that you are not your worst moment, and that you deserve compassion even at your most despicable, and that everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes things are inevitable, and sometimes all you can give is your best.
You are the only person. Who does not receive that same mercy.
He can't fail.
His family treats him as an emotional punching bag, sometimes a physical punching bag. Occasionally, so will his friends. It's hard to see the person behind the legend. And Dick's legend is truly titanic in proportions... the first child hero. No one could've done it, if he hadnt done it first. If he hadnt done it so exceedingly well. And then he had his own hero team. And then he became his own hero, again. And then he had his own city. He did it all first. The literal trailblazer, lighting the way for everyone else, not letting anyone stop him. Not waiting for anything. A force of nature.
Everyone wants to be him, be liked by him, be acknowledged by him. They all rely on him, the linchpin of a universe. Dick really is like the sun. Warm, encouraging, revitalizing. He is the light in the dark, illuminating and intense. Focused. Powerful. And they are all caught in his gravitational field.
Dick is so much more interesting than anything fandom will spare him. God, what I would give for fandom to give even a 10th of actual attention and critical thought to him or any other poc character in this franchise, that fandom gives to the white characters. I mean, we've all seen it. The narrative fabricated through lies that 95% of fandom takes as gospel because they refuse to engage with canon or simply don't care because it favors their favorite characters. In case you don't know, I am in fact talking about fanon jason todd- aka meaner Dick Grayson with Helena Bertinelli's lifestyle and fanon tim drake- aka less athletic, more victimized Dick Grayson. The white fandom darlings, extremely woobified, you know how it is. Sigh.
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rosquinn · 18 days
Thoughts on the dr stone petrification scars
Big disclaimer,
This is just my personal thoughts and stuff I put together n noticed, a subjective interpretation, don't take it seriously Im probably wrong
Some of these are very elaborate while others are just me pointing out details I liked. Sorry. I'll start with the longer rants
This post contains characters (currently) exclusive to the manga and main plot spoilers. Maybe I'm looking to much into it but I swear to motherfucking God there's scar symbolism. anyway
Senku and Taiju
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Something that always stood out to me is how similar their scars are both in shape and position, except that Taiju's is cut on the right eye and the points are on opposite sides. Now listen to me... Senku and him are opposites; one's big brained but physically a twig and the other one is the strongest most resistant man you'll ever meet but doesn't really understand anything about science. That's why opposite scars and why they need each other to go on... But their marks are in the same direction because they have the same goal and interests + deep down they're both extremely caring people who would do anything for those around them, despite how different and contrasting their personalities are at first glance.
Oh and Senku's marks are completely symmetrical and do NOT go away. Idk logic perseverance etc + Taijus are more coarse and asymmetrical. To contrast their way of thinking I think. They could be similar because they were the first ones to wake up from the petrification too but you know
Francois & the Nanami brothers
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Francois' scar looks like explosion or sound waves. (Manga) Ryusui snaps his fingers to call them creating a similar shape, which is really cool I'll admit. Their scar is on their hand, just like Ryusui's.
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So, both Ryusui and Sai also have scars on their hands, except Ryusui's may resemble a glove so pirate-like if we don't count the color + it's on the hand he snaps his fingers with. Mark resembling a rich man or a pirate's glove on the same hand he uses to call his butler and ask for service, and it only covers his fingers. Could be something like a symbol of power/status.
On the other hand, Sai's scars completely cover the lower part of his arms and hands, which are what he uses to code. Sai ran away in order to be able to schedule quietly and is completely locked in his work. Tell me you get it please
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I'm getting into crack theory with this but please do bear with me. His scar makes him look like Alex, the protagonist of A Clockwork Orange. A Clockwork Orange deals a lot with the theme of unscrupulous rebellion, hurting someone because you think you have complete freedom, and police brutality, which are big parts of Yoo's character. As far as I remember the eyelash marks are left on the MC after being forced to watch 484737 movies showing super beast crimes so he understands what he is doing is wrong and redeems himself. Yoo covers his face a lot to hide the mark and only removes the piece of stone that covers it at the end of the manga when he is 100% team Senku.
IN ADDITION, something important in A Clockwork Orange are the vulgar idioms and slang that teenagers invent and are completely unknown to the viewer and curiously the name and surname of Yoo are formed by informal interjections in Japanese. I've only read the book tho, never watched the movie so if I got anything about the eye marks wrong mb
Tsukasa and Stanley
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I really like how similar their scars are, considering both were absurdly overpowered antagonists that had to be defeated using much more advanced science + both kill Senku at one point + their eyes are similar to some extent. I love parallels
Dr Xeno
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Scar becomes? White? Splits into pieces? After he's revived a second time and decides to help Senku. Something about his ideals splitting/changing maybe. And being no longer evil thus willing to kill teenagers
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Gen's scar seems to resemble a mouth that changes shape depending on whatever emotion he's feeling (or pretending to feel). I don't have anything else to say genuinely peak character design, specially taking into account that facades are a huge part of his arc and relationships with other characters (let's remember that he's the one to suggest everyone paints their scar again in solidarity with Senku. Hm).
Yuzuriha and Mirai
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Yuzu's resemble the roots and vines that protected her body while she was petrified, while Mirai's make her look like a baby chicken breaking out of its shell. I think they're both cute details considering their characters:)
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Considering she's a gymnast who uses her legs a lot to move, I find cool that it's on her thigh. It makes her legs look like they're cracking
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Very circular and repetitive, something related to his weapon maybe. I find interesting that he covers them. Insert cursed speech jujutsu kaisen joke
Addition: Ukyo has no visible mark which is also cool on its own way, given that one of his abilities is easily perceiving sounds other people don't notice at all
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
six of crows is so incredibly hozier coded and to prove it ive assigned each character/couple a song and given a specific section of the lyrics
(i feel entirely normal about this i swear)
the books in general are 100% eat your young
There's money to be made, whatever's still to come Get some Pull up the ladder when the flood comes Throw enough rope until the legs have swung Seven new ways that you can eat your young Come and get some Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
kaz brekker - arsonist's lullabye
When I was 16, my senses fooled me Thought gasoline was on my clothes I knew that something would always rule me I knew the scent was mine alone All you have is your fire And the place you need to reach Don't you ever tame your demons But always keep 'em on a leash
inej ghafa - would that i
With the war of the fire My heart moves to its feet Like the ashes of ash I saw eyes in the heat Feel it soft and as pure as snow Fell in love with the fire long ago With each love I could lose I was never the same Watch it still live in roofs Be consumed by the flame I was fixed on your hand of gold Lay in waste of my lovin' long ago
jesper fahey - someone new
There's an art to life's distractions To somehow escape the burning weight, the art of scraping through Some like to imagine The dark caress of someone else, I guess any thrill will do Would things be easier if there was a right way? Honey, there is no right way
wylan van eck - through me (the flood)
Any time I've struggled on Against the course Out on my own Every time I'd burn through the world, I'd see That the world, it burns through me
nina zenik - angel of small death and the codeine scene
Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh, I Lay my heart down with the rest at her feet Fresh from the fields, all fetor and fertile It's bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet With her sweetened breath, and her tongue so mean She's the angel of small death and the codeine scene
(this is so nina post-parem)
matthias helvar - foreigner's god
Her eyes look sharp and steady Into the empty parts of me But still my heart is heavy With the hate of some other man's beliefs
kaz/inej - work song
When my time comes around Lay me gently in the cold dark earth No grave can hold my body down I'll crawl home to her
(this is just so i would come for you and if i couldn't walk i'd crawl to you i cannot)
matthias/nina - in a week
A thousand teeth And yours among them, I know Our hungers appeased Our heartbeats becoming slow We lay here for years or for hours Thrown here or found To freeze or to thaw So long we become the flowers Two corpses we were
(they're also incredibly work song coded, it was a struggle choosing between helnik and kanej for that one)
wylan/jesper - like real people do
So I will not ask you Why you were creeping In some sad way I already know I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask and neither should you Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do
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comicaurora · 1 year
One thing I noticed is ever since MAWSM came out is how people in discussions have been decreasingly calling Clark "Superman" and now almost exclusively refer to him with his real name. Yeah, of course. He is Clark first and foremost. The farmboy from Smallville, Kansas; reporter at the Daily Planet. Superman is an extension of Clark. He's not like the other dude whose hero persona is his core identity. He's just a normal guy at heart who happens to be indestructible. He's just... Clark.
I think it's because until My Adventures With Superman, his primary cartoon presence was in series that were overtly superhero shows with threat-of-the-week formats, where Clark's life was the two-minute framing sequence around Superman getting to do the good stuff. Even the original Fleischer superman cartoon was ten-minute shorts that couldn't afford to go slice-of-life when they could be animating Superman punching a hole in a jet.
There have been little moments that hinted at this in other series - the Justice League episode Comfort and Joy springs to mind, being one of the only downtime episodes the team gets, where J'onn sees Clark back home on the farm with Ma and Pa Kent and is surprised at how relaxed and genuine he is when he isn't "working", aka "being superman." But for the most part Clark doesn't get that kind of personal focus, and the seasons that center on him are entirely about Superman's villains and the risk of Superman becoming a despot like his Justice Lord counterpart.
Live-action shows have been a little better about this, if only because of the SFX requirements of superman meaning it's cheaper and simpler to lean into Hometown Hero Clark Kent, exemplified in the series Smallville, which had an actual development policy that Clark was never allowed to put on the cape or costume. It started as teen drama where the protagonist just happened to have superpowers and a weird allergy to green rocks, and for a while it even had a similar gimmick to MAWS, where every other episode he developed a new power or discovered a new trait of his physiology that the audience was already expected to know about. But the problem there is that the audience also has the biggest point of dramatic irony hanging over their heads for the entire show - we know Clark's destiny is to become Superman. So while the show is ABOUT Clark, there's this tonal undercurrent that most of the messy things that make him Clark are things he'll eventually outgrow.
I think what's making My Adventures With Superman work is that it's (a) deeply sincere and (b) centered on the thesis that Clark is an emotional, vulnerable person AND ALSO a flying invulnerable brick with laser eyes, and his stress over his powers isn't just "aw it's tough to be a god now put on the tights already" but it's the very reasonable "I don't know why I'm like this, I don't understand what it means or if it's dangerous, I can't stop breaking the things I touch but I don't want to be alone."
Clark's isolation has always been something other characters muse about privately (usually Batman) or a bit of fridge logic he turns into a cool boast (the World of Cardboard speech reframing every fight he's ever been in by telling the audience he is 100% pulling his punches ALL THE TIME) but to my knowledge it's never been played for this deeply impactful and HIGHLY resonant "there is Something Wrong With Me that I don't have a name for but I will regardless find a way to live with myself and the people I love."
When Superman is framed as Clark's inevitable destiny, we lose sight of the fact that Clark is, by necessity, the kind of person who would create Superman.
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evilbihan · 2 months
I'm not going to acknowledge that person by name because I have no wish to interact further with her, nor to have others find her and give her any attention. But with Noob Saibot being brought back, I remembered this rancid take they had, quote: "Bi-Han is a man who has time and time again become Noob Saibot, a man whose endings have shown the Netherrealm is where he wanted to be" which is wild af to say.
Because Bi-Han doesn't just 'become" Noob, he is literally made into Noob. Quan Chi resurrected him as a wraith that turned him into Noob Saibot and now Titan Havik tortures him and uses some insane magic even Liu Kang doesn't know, to turn him into Noob. It's not like some magical girl transformation. We're talking awful evil stuff being done to Bi-Han against his will, to warp him into this being known as Noob Saobot, who is stripped of his humanity and almost everything that made Bi-Han who he was.
And Bi-Han never wanted to end up in the Neatherrealm. In the previous timelines he literally had no choice. He was forced into the role of assassin. He was molded into one practically from birth. In Mythologies when he goes into the Neatherrealm he's informed that his soul is already tainted with evil, which is why he can exist there. That's not because he simply woke up one day and decided to kill some Gods for shits and gigs. He had to do what he was ordered to do or be a traitor to the clan and marked for death anyway. It was a lose lose situation. If anything this shows that Bi-Han was never where he wanted to be. His strings were always being pulled by someone else. History is repeating itself now. And leaks even say that Liu Kang doesn't fault him for his desires, but only the ways he goes about achieving his ends. Which further proves Bi-Han doesn't have some nefarious plots in mind with the deliberate intention of landing himself in the Neatherrealm.
She said she doesn't hate Bi-Han, but then this reads as a deep missunderstanding of his character. And at that point, if you can misinterpret his character to that degree, you probably don't like him much either.
Another day, another take so stupid it makes me want to never interact with anything MK related ever again.
Oh, who am I kidding? The trailer already achieved that.
Needless to say, you're 100% correct and this person, whoever they are, is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. People who think Bi-Han wanted any of this are either being ignorant on purpose and want to misunderstand his character because they hate him or they're so blatantly stupid they don't understand the very simple fact that Bi-Han being turned into Noob Saibot always happened against his will in every damn timeline.
Does it look like Bi-Han tied himself to that damn wheel we see in the trailer? Does this person have the attention span of a goldfish and just missed the part where he looks terrified out of his mind when those drills/needles approach him?
For goodness' sake, I didn't want to talk about the trailer because watching it made me want to gauge my own eyeballs out. I never felt this sick looking at something in my life (that's coming from someone who plays horror and fighting games on the regular) and yet here we are and I'm talking about it regardless now. I hate it here.
But anyway, you're right. What more can I say? Anyone with even an ounce of common sense would know that. Anyone who has ever played any of the Mortal Kombat games should know that Bi-Han was forcefully turned into Noob Saibot. He was never evil. He was always a neutral character and he's still a neutral character in the New Era.
What more confirmation do you need outside of Liu Kang himself admitting that there's nothing wrong with Bi-Han's ambitions, only with his methods of achieving them? Ashrah says Bi-Han can be redeemed, Bi-Han said only people who don't understand him would mistake him for evil, the Lin Kuei all stand behind Bi-Han and support him... He isn't evil and he never was.
He literally saves Liu Kang's entire stupid trainwreck of a timeline single-handedly in this DLC and people still have the audacity to say he's evil?
I wish he was.
I wish Bi-Han would just sit back and watch Havik destroy Liu Kang's timeline along with all the pitiful hypocrites in it. I wish he'd let all of the fandom's pathetic favorites get torn to shreds and laugh.
But he won't. Because Bi-Han is a good and honorable man deep down.
Disagree and be wrong. It's as simple as that.
PS: Wasn't MK:Mythologies Sub-Zero all about Bi-Han trying to avoid ending up in the Netherrealm? He reacted with shock and concern to being told his soul is tainted with evil by Raiden and he was trying to turn his life around. There's even an ending in one of the older games where he kills Shang Tsung and leaves the Lin Kuei with the prize money from the tournament. Bi-Han never wanted to end up in the Netherrealm. Claiming anything else would be ignoring canon lore.
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spaceagebachelormann · 8 months
zigmar i come to you humbly on this fine evening with the simple request that you give me some sort of might duck sustenance por favor and muchas gracias
they can be incoherent and stupid and goofy and silly to the max i just need to rotate this little kids like rotisserie chickens in my mind (esp fulton portman and julie)
random miscellaneous tmd thoughts !
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✧ warnings: some of them may be ooc ngl
✧ additional info: u got it pookums 😈😈😈🙏 also these can be read as either platonic or romantic (not luis)
✧ m.list — nav.
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♡ charlie conway !
the most insane taste in music literally ever
bro goes from madonna to death metal SO FAST
but ngl his playlist is always the best and he always gets to play music whenever u go anywhere
but oh my god he’d love pierce the veil in present day
HES ALSO LIKE SOMEHOW AMAZING AT MATH. but he cannot do science for literal shit
also his clothing style changes js like his music taste
will literally be kurt cobain one day and morrissey the next (hed hate morrissey though)
♡ adam banks !
every team sleepover/event/literally anything could js be a spontaneous hangout is always at his house
it’s because he’s rich and his house is huge as fuck and he has every board game known to man
just do not play uno because a fight always breaks out (charlie is always part of it)
he’s always the one who ends the fight also
he has this very calming presence that’s so nice to be around and him js talking to whoever got into a fight immediately helps calm them down
also weirdly good at comforting in the middle of the night but never during the day??
♡ lester averman !
he would watch full house religiously prove me wrong
his favourite character is obviously joey because they are one in the same
everyone on the team and their mother has been forced to watch full house while he’s been at their house/vice versa
he can also cook like. decently well !! it’s not something he’d prefer to do but he will for his friends if they’re tired or smth
♡ fulton reed !
this little shit
he is so unbelievably competitive over the smallest things it’s actually insane
typa guy to race u to see who can get to one side of the room first and start genuinely tweaking if he doesn’t win
at sleepovers he refuses to fall asleep first even if it’s just by a few minutes
he could be dead to the world but still have his eyes open cause he refuses to let u win (unless ur his s/o cause he might consider it that way)
♡ connie moreau !
she is definitely a theatre kid idc
her favourite musicals are probably grease, hairspray and heathers
she likes female main characters!!
everytime she gets into a new fandom she immediately starts thinking abt what it’d be like a musical and probably wanted to be a composer at some point
would 100% beg to use the aux on a road trip and then blast hamilton loud as balls
she wholeheartedly believes six is a top tier musical and she will DIE on this hill
(fun fact i’ve met andrea macasaet <3)
♡ guy germaine !
modern day guy would’ve loved basic white girl music
“life is too short to pretend to hate taylor swift” —him
also 100% a britney spears girlie. and nsync and every stereotypical white girl artist
but i wholeheartedly believe britney would be his favourite and he has her whole discography on cassette, cd, vinyl, u name it he has a britney spears collection
also his ass is NOT straight 💀 i’ve never met a straight man who listens to britney spears
♡ julie gaffney !
lowkey a regina george multitude if she wasn’t kinda. yk. a bad person
she’s a mix of cher and regina
everyone at the fancy ass boarding school literally loves her because she’s calm, smart pretty nice etc etc she’s just a really great person to be around
shes that one student who has every assignment finisher a week early, all a’s and 100% in every subject WITHOUT being mean abt it!!
her ass is friends with the whole student population and knows every well and knows all the drama but won’t tell everyone if she thinks it’s too personal (it’s it’s random petty nonsense she tells the team)
♡ ken wu !
secretly rlly good friends with julie but nobody knows even though they do not try to hide it at all
literally wander the halls talking abt whatever just for everyone to be like “y’all are friends???”
also this man secretly loves lana del rey
him and julie will sit on his bedroom floor and literally tell him the most insane and jaw dropping gossip she heard that day while lana is playing in the background
everytime someone asks his favourite lana song he says grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep-sea fishing on did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd to fuck with them
♡ dean portman !
is actually very very good at math!!
he was a tutor for the 9th/10th graders for a bit to get volunteer hours and also cause he just likes doing math
you’d expect it to be like doing homework with ur dad and the poor kid is in tears while deans like “WHATS NINE. TIMES TWO.” but he’s actually surprisingly patient
if he’s explained something a few times and they still don’t get it he’ll just try it a different way until they get it and work them through the problem
has rlly strong relationships with the 9th and 10th graders cause of this and is essentially their older brother figure
the amount of 14/15 year olds that he’s given relationship advice too is insane (id be one of the 14 year olds probably)
♡ luis mendoza !
his type is secretly quiet girls cause he finds them rlly interesting and likes the thought of them being happy around him but quiet around everyone else
he’s like yes girl be urself with me
it all stemmed from the girl he liked in 8th grade who helped pick up his pencils when she accidentally knocked his pencil case out of his hand (she was a quiet nerdy girl)
like a whole year later and he’s still trying to rizz her up 💀
he’s one of those guys who takes forever to lose feelings
the girl is actually good friends with him btw
♡ dwayne robertson !
i feel like he is fucking AMAZING at baking
his icon is dolly parton and he heard berry pie so he immediately learned how to bake
if someone he knows has a birthday he either bakes the birthday cake or brings them something he made depending on how close he is with them
and holy shit it’s the most amazing thing u will ever taste and nothing will ever compare
yes he’s one of those guys who will go on an 18 minute tangent on how amazing dolly parton is if someone talks shit about her (same i love dolly)
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
Hi, how are you?? I hope that you're doing good. May I request how the HSR boys (Mainly Jing Yuan, Dan Heng, Gepard, Sampo and Caelus, if you want to add more it's ok) would react to their s/o doing something embarrassing?? I remember one time where I was out with my friends and out of nowhere I tripped and fell to the floor, my bubble tea just exploded under my chest and everyone was looking 💀 my friends split into two groups, the ones actually worried and the other ones who were just laughing, one even fell into some bushes because they couldn't stand properly 🧍‍♂️I hope it makes sense, rather than seeing it as something bad, maybe make it funny(?
sorry for my bad english🗿🥑💖
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ klutz
⊹ character(s) - gepard landau, jing yuan, sampo koski ⊹ word count - 938 ⊹ notes - gn!reader, fluff, reader is kind of a klutz, all just cute stuff lmfao
hi anon! don't apologize, your english is very good! I actually only do 3 characters per req so I just went with these 3, hope that's okay! feel free to send in another req for dan heng if you'd like!! (I don't write for caelus im srry </3) thank you for the req and I hope you're doing well too! (=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡☆
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⊹ Gepard Landau
You can't tell me that Gepard isn't the kind to completely freak out if something like that happened to you
He's quite protective, so even if you're unharmed, something embarrassing happening for you like tripping is cause for concern for the boy!!!
"Oh my god! Y/N, are you okay?! Here, let me help you..."
It's a little awkward sometimes only because if you try to laugh it off, Gepard is totally adamant that you have nothing to feel awkward or embarrassed about
"This kind of thing happens to everyone. Please don't apologize!"
On the other hand, if it's something not involving potential bodily harm, I still don't think he'd laugh at you
At least, not too much
Gepard is the kind to be 100% sure you're okay before he even thinks of laughing at the situation
But in scenarios where you trip or possibly get hurt, he forgets the whole "laugh" part.
Still, if you were to do something like wave at someone who you thought was waving at you on accident (and they were actually waving at someone behind you) he'd... probably let a small chuckle slip.
It's even more embarrassing than bombastic laughter, arguably, because he's trying to hide it but it's so evident that he's amused
Would treat you to your favorite snack afterwards though as an apology!
He definitely gets worried that you're actually mad when he lets a small giggle slip, but you never are
"Y/N? Come on, I didn't mean to... I'm sorry!"
Let him trail after you a bit longer, it's cute to see him acting like an obedient puppy
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⊹ Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan is the dignified General of the Cloud Knights. As such, he knows how to keep his composure.
Most of the time.
Truth be told, as much as the man is dedicated to his job and public appearance, he doesn't really feel like a cold, distant General. Even in public, but especially not in close quarters.
He's amicable, he smiles, he greets his people
But the first time anyone outside of the Seat of Divine Foresight had ever seen Jing Yuan laugh out loud was because of you.
When you stumbled into a pond in the gardens of the Central Starskiff Haven, your lovely boyfriend had barked one single, obvious cackle.
He was quick to politely put a hand over his mouth, but as your head popped up from the water, you had scowled.
There was an obvious smirk on his lips as he helped you out.
It had caught the attention of the (few, but still present) people nearby, so the two of you were quick to make your exit, your face burning red
Now, no matter how much he says it, Jing Yuan doesn't really feel sorry after...
Unless you really lay it on with the dramatics on how much it "upset" you.
Get this man to dote on you, because he totally will
Spoiling you rotten afterwards in exchange for genuine, pure laughter? Sign the General up!
He'll start off with gifts and treats, but if you keep up the façade, he'll eventually just start putting his hands all over you and hanging off your shoulder with overexaggerated theatrics.
"I do wish my dear Y/N would forgive this old man already... I didn't mean a thing by it..."
Don't leave him hanging too long, though—he will get too clingy trying to "earn your forgiveness" and no work will get done that day.
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⊹ Sampo Koski
Let's not kid ourselves, Sampo's bursting out laughing the second you topple over
I dare say this guy is even whipping out his phone to take pictures of your blunder like the little shit he is.
Don't worry, though—those photos will never reach the eyes of others. They're for him to giggle at when he's taking a break from his work, or sit in bed and coo over how cute you were pouting at him for his tearful chuckles.
Sampo is sort of the opposite of Gepard in this scenario
If you trip or do something that could've led to unlikely harm, he's still laughing his ass off at you first
Only if you're actually hurt will he calm down and help you out, but it's always superficial wounds so he's still wiping the tears from his own eyes when he bandages your wounds
Oh, he's so smarmy when you get upset though.
"Aww, is my sweetheart mad? I'm sowwy!"
Baby voice to the max, clasping his hands together like a repentant maiden, it's hard to discern which is more embarrassing—your accident or his behavior after.
He's teasing you about it for weeks after.
Again, the pictures he takes of the incidents (if he deems them funny enough) are for his eyes only, but the story is not for his ears only
Everyone in Boulder Town hears about the incident before the week ends. I feel bad for you, poor reader...
Especially right after, if you get "upset" with him, he'll be pinching your cheeks and cooing over you
He turns up the "act like a little old lady crooning over a cute youngster" act to the maximum too, which can be annoying, but it can also turn your embarrassment into amusement and laughter
Honestly, most of the time when he's treating you like that after a blunder, it's because he wants you to see the humor in it too
Doesn't want you to be hard on yourself for doing something kinda embarrassing—happens to the best of us!
Still, make him treat you afterwards. He'll do it eventually, you just have to get through the annoying antics first.
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island-ofthelost · 2 months
My Actual opinion on Five's sexuality
I've gotten into many a fight in my ask box about this, but I don’t think that I've ever shared my opinion in depth, so here I go *mentally prepares for war*
I do not think Five is 100%, completely aroace. For some reason, whenever I say this people take it as me saying that I think he's 100% allo, which has gotten me hate from one side and weird praise from the other for giving them "permission" to sexualize Five.
I find it hard to believe that these supposed members of the ace community (although I doubt all of them are) seem to be allergic to nuance and considering other identities when it comes to headcanoning aroace characters, it isn't all or nothing, so to speak.
That being said, I think Five is gray/demiromantic and asexual. The reason I think this is because Five clearly felt genuine romantic love for Dolores, but I don't think he would feel that way about anyone else, at least not anytime soon, and I don't think sex was ever part of it, he never wanted it to be, and the way his age/body disconnect is it would be weird in any situation, but I don't think he would be interested regardless.
I think a lot of people in the fandom like to headcanon Five as completely aroace because the thing with Dolores "was a trauma response" or "was psychological" or "wasn't really romantic love" and these have some merit because it's obviously open to interpretation, but my qualm is that I think some people don't actually believe this and just say that because the whole situation is yes, frankly, very weird. But I think either way it invalidates the feelings of this character to serve a headcanon.
But what's worse is people ignoring Dolores all together because "it's icky", and don't even bat an eye at Luther and Allison or any of the other wild things with romance going on in this show.
And if anyone thinks that I'm speaking over anybody and this should be within the ace community, I am on both the aromantic and asexual spectrums. I rarely share that on public posts because I haven't found an exact label and I am frankly not the most comfortable with it, so consider this a coming out I guess?
Idk, I hope ya'll enjoyed my yapfest/impromptu essay, and if anyone's interested in me making a longer, more in depth, and well researched essay (mayhaps in video format if I'm able), I'd be down.
(I am also praying to the tumblr gods that I will not wake up with a billion notifications having started a war)
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