#I got that ask about the merch as I was readying this email
sonyshock · 6 months
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*Jingles my key(chain)s merch*
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
Good Omens graphic novel update: April 2024
Admin & updates
Earlier this month, we launched the PledgeManager, where shipping is being facilitated. If you missed it, you can read the initial announcement here. We have been adapting the FAQ page to add further recurring asks, so please do visit there if you have a particular query as a starting point. You can view this here. We are working through all queries received - some are taking a bit longer than others, as they need to be raised with PledgeManager, or others involved, so we appreciate your patience in these instances where we are yet to get back. The most common question, which we include here, is the sock sizes:
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If you need to change your size, you have the ability to self-unlock your order and make any adjustments you need to. For socks that are part of a tier, there is a button to unlock and modify on the bottom of your receipt where you can alter your choice. If they were an add on, PledgeManager recommends that you remove the item from your cart and add it again with the correct size selected and complete their order to finalize the change.
We are also aware of queries arising about the shipping rates themselves. While we have been open from the start of the project that shipping will be charged at a later date, we understand that the resultant cost has come as a surprise to some and that some prices are higher than expected. We want to be transparent on this: we have been working with our fulfillment partners on confirming product weights and the rates for shipping globally during the months since the project’s completion. The cost of doing this ethically - ensuring that everyone involved in the process from creators to those packing boxes is paid fairly, as well as ensuring the packaging is robust at this scale - is substantial.
We’ve done our best to minimise extra costs around shipping, while also not cutting any corners – we want your pledge rewards to reach you safe and sound. We have also subsidised costs across a number of territories, but costs for shipping to many locations remain high. The final thing we’ve done is lock in shipping costs now, a year out from fulfillment. We expect third party shipping costs to increase over the coming year, following the upwards trends across the board so far, but we will continue to absorb any subsequent rises.
We want to assure backers that the shipping does not include a profit margin for us, and every charge to our backers is something we’ve tried to minimise.
We absolutely understand that this is disappointing to many, and we endeavour to keep making the surrounding campaign the best it can be.
The timeline
The PledgeManager will run across 2024, and close at some point ahead of publication date (Spring 2025). When that date has been decided, we will give everyone as much notice as possible.
As above, here is the centralised FAQ page. This will be updated over the coming year.
Prior updates had noted the deadline for this has passed, however given the new publication date of the graphic novel, this has been extended slightly for God Tier and Archangel Tier backers. Please check your messages and emails if you backed either of these tiers and have not submitted your likeness.
Merch and more
Things are ramping up at Good Omens HQ, first of all with this delivery of one or two mugs at the warehouse:
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We’ve also got David Aja’s print featuring Aziraphale, Crowley and Dog, in their glorious orangey hues which will appear in Serpent Tier+:
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The trading cards are at the testing stage for game mechanics, while some of the early design prototypes are in for artist variants and we really can’t wait to start sharing these with you when they’re a bit further down the road. Almost there.
For those ready to capture your inner Pratchett and Gaiman on the page (Demon+), we have your notebooks:
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More from Colleen…
We’ve continued to see gorgeous artwork arrive from Colleen and here’s one that slipped into our inbox this week:
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And we thought we’d sign off this month with a glimpse at our favourite antiquarian bookshop:
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chemicallady · 8 months
Part 1 ; Part 2 ;
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Couple: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
Content Warning: I made a little homage to three fanfiction I really love! I leave you to find the references ;)
Taglist: @ada-clarence , @badalmondzzzz , my wifey @starsomens , @raventherockstarhippie @blacksoul-27 , @somewhere-diamond
Summary:  This is just cute. I swear.
But you never promised me to be wiser of better.
Time flies.
Two years passed by so fast that you almost didn't notice. At first, your job was not demanding at all, compared with the rest of the crew. You have to accompaning Noah or any other member of the band to attend the interviews, most of them for radio stations. Taking notes for integrations on their website. Keep an eye on publicize enough any tourdates or merch drop, find sponsor for bigger venues and check at the end of the day if the guys need something for the day after.
You had to spend a lot of your time on the band socials, especially instagram and twitter, which you have always shared credentials with your brother and the rest of the band. You also create their TikTok and take care about the creation of fun contents.
It was way easy before the release of Death of Peace of Mind. After the beginning of 2022, you were on the road more than at home. A lot of famous hosters started to ask for an interview with Noah. All the lights switched on the future promise of rock music when Just Pretend became one of the most used/listened songs on TikTok.
And now, in the middle of the summer of 2023, the band is still rising. More money bring more responsabilities, the necessity of arranged a better shows, bigger interviews, more publicity, more interaction through the socials.
Everyone has to work the double, you included. Speaking with radio manager and small magazine specialized in all metal subgenders was a thing.
But now the band is too huge to stop at this level. And you werent trained enough for all this pressure, but it started to grow on you month after month, tour after tour. You are the guardian of Noah's schedule. You are not charming enough to compete with others PR, but since the crew is more similar to family meeting than a serious ansemble of professionals, you became competitive.
Hard work got big results like the european tour with Bring Me the Horizon. Oli wanted Bad Omens to open for him but you were the one who put all her soul and time on the project. On the papers. Because behing any tour there is a mountain of burocracy, sponsor phone calls and publicity. You had to team up with Matt, Miles and Davis so many times that at some point, that it's like having more than just one older brother.
From june 4th, the last day on tour, you are on vacation. You have nothing to do with music creation or audio/video sound checks. You just need a laptop, a lot of patience every time you scroll your emails, and the fantastic mojito your neighbour Brianna makes. A good reason to work on your balcony, along with the sound of the ocean, is her company. You don't have many friends but she is amazing. She moved from Minnesota after the shutdown, and she is an actress. Small roles, but as she always says, small roles bring bigger ones.
《 and it would have been ever better if my prick boyfriend didn't show up and basically assaulted the casting director》
You have heard this story at least ten times, but it's still amazing how boys can be idiots. 《 Why are you still with him? He's a bomb ready to detonate, Bri》 , you know that your concern will not help her in resonate, but you can't shut up.
《 I can't afford either the apartment or the car and you know that, y/n. Also, he is not that bad when he's sorber.》
《 But he never is! 》 you place the now empty glass on the outdoor table, disappointed in seeing her almost offended expression. It's a fortune that Matt isn't around. He has to deal with Jim at least twice a week. 《 You're my friend, Bri. The only one unrelated to my job..... I can't sleep over this situation anymore. I can help you. Move in with me and Matt, take care of my plant and Lucifurr for me while we are on tour. We don't want you to help with the rent. You just need to tell that dick to fuck off.》
《.... but he drives me to every casting》
《 and he's the reason no one is picking you in a very first place. This relationship is too toxic》
《 y/n I think you're crossing the line.》
《 He's gonna kill you one of these days!》
You both muted for a couple of seconds, the now tense air between the two of you being thick as a wall. Yeah, you cross the line but like Matt, you're no good in resonate with people who don't want any help. And like Matt you can't stand injustice, not at this rate.
But you know that you have to excuse yourself, simply it's hard to find the right words. You are not going to apologise for speaking your mind, but just about the way you did it.
《 y/n? Are you ready?》
A raspy voice catch you off guard. It's already seven??
《 Shit, Noah. I'm outside》, you yell in response, before turning again towards Brianna. She already reached the empty glass and without a word, and she comes back to her apartment. 《 C'mon Brianna. I'm sorry, just-for the fuck sake.》
Noah is standing right next to you when Brianna shut the door loudly.
All you can do is sigh out loud - a bad habit you inherit from the tall man on your side - before bringing your hands to cover your face in frustration.
《 What's going on, here?》 He asks , munching a candy.
《 I don't understand women.》
He gives you a funny look. 《 Damn, that's the real deal, man. Not the chicken/egg question, or what's our purpose on earth.... but why you girls act so weird. 》
《 Shut the fuck up, Noah. Not now.》
Your relationship with Noah also changed drastically in the last two years. It required some time and a ton of patience, but he open up to you and from thenon, you became a sort of confident of him. In return, he is the one you call when things are not going well. It was a bit embarrassing, the first months, but your friendship now is stronger than youve ever immagined. You feel like you can tell everything to Noah without being judged. Sometimes he laughs at you, of course, but he knows when a situation has to be manged seriously.
He cares about you with all his heart.
He doesn't aspect nothing in return, but he is dear to you on a level than only your brother have always been.
And he knows you deeply, that's why it is so easy for him to detect how worried you are.
《 Do you think he beats her? I mean, Steve is a scumbag, but I can't figure him being actually that violent. He is always too high to have some form of coordination.》
Since his arrival - Noah has the keys of the apartment so he can come and go as he pleased, especially when both you and matt are not in town and someone has to take care of Luci- Noah asked you questions on Brianna's situation.
He knows you're concerned and he also can't pretend he is fine with your neighbors yelling at each others on daily basis.
《 I don't know but he is getting more and more jealous. She told me he's sabotaging her auditions, now.》
Noah takes a sip of the iced tea you offer him, before grab your hand on the surface of the counter. 《 Start to call the police on them, when they argue. Maybe you're right. He is not beating her yet. But he could start.》 You nod slowly, thanking him with a soft smile. 《 By the way, do you feel okay? Wanna postpone our date?》
He loves to joke around with you, because he knows how this helps in rising your moral.
You pretend to get offended. 《 I would never, ever decline a date with you. Let me change in a more adequate outfit.》
《 take your time, the limo's driver can wait downstairs.》
You giggle, before leaving him in the kitchen, reaching your room for a quick change. In five minutes you're ready: a ponytail, red joggers and a tank top.
《 Ready to run, pretty boy?》
《 I'm always ready, chicken butt.》
Noah has never told you the real reason why he has taken the work out so seriously, but you're glad he did, because you joined him on his program and honestly, you feel at your top right now. It's not a matter of aesthetics, but you feel healthy. You are less tired at the end of the day, and you can endure the - at least- 15 working hours while Touring. Back at home, it became a habit of the two of you going out for a run daily during the sunsets since Noah is not an early bird and you'd rather work in the morning.
The place you chose is on the street that runs alongside the beach in Malibù. One of reason why you got used to LA is also the precious view of the ocean while the sun sinks in it and paints the sky in gold.
There is a small beach, hidden in the stunning nature of the Pacific Coast, that has become your spot. Every day you reach that beach, stretch a little and then go back to your apartment when usually Noah showers before leaving.
Today is a Saturday and even if you don't have big plans, Noah sometimes takes his chances on a Saturday night. Even God took a day off on Sunday, right?
《 It's the red hair?》
You ear him chuckles while you bend, grabbing the tip of your toes to stretch your back.
《 No red hair as far as I can recall》
《 So... the girl you helped at that dive bar?》 You rise again, bringing your arms to the sky 《The one who broke up with her cheating boyfriend? Or maybe your neighbour? I like her. I remember you told me she was so happy when you sent her our merch.》
Noah pushes you a little, making you loosing your balance while a giggle leaves your lips. 《 You're making me look like a fuckboy!》
《you are a fuckboy, always surrounded by beautiful women. And don't look at me like that! I know you like it that way!》
Noah is young and awesome. You got a crush on him in the beginning of your partnership. It's more than obvious that he has a significant number of choices when he wants to spend a night out.
This used to hurt you a bit, but the feeling of jealousy or envy - you still don't know what it was - disappeared in the moment you realised what you have.
All this girls can have noah for a night or two.
You can have him fully, you can call him in the middle of the night if a guy screws on you and Noah will bring you to buy ice-cream to McDonald's. You two can talk for hours about the absolute nothing or regarding the most difficult life choices.
You can mocking him, make him laugh in the golden light of the dying sun, in this very moment.
And that's more than enough.
Maybe you and Noah are not meant to be lovers, but he is your person and you are his. Like twin Flames, that doesn't matter how far they are.
They always burn bright.
《 I don't know, I was thinking for something casual. Like Netflix and chill.》
Lucifurr jumps off the sofa in the moment he hears Noah entering in your apartment. Your cat totally ignores you and starts to purr to the tall man that interrupts everything to kneel and cuddle the black ball of furr.
Satanic animal...
《 Then you should text the neighbor. She is the sweetest of yours hooks up.》
《 Then I can simply ring the door on my way back.》
《 Call her, Noah. Don't be a prick. The world doesn't revolve around you. Maybe she is planning to go out.》
You can hear him sigh in his annoying way. 《Can I shower here, anyway? I smell bad.》
《 You always smell bad.》
《 Am I???》
You exchange a glaze with him and immidiatly know its time to run. In the moment he leaves Luci alone, he is following you around the house while you yell for help. But matt isn't back yet, so you're on your own. As soon as noah reaches you (very soon, his legs are longer than yours), he huggs you tight, trying to put your head under his armpit.
《 NOAH STOP IS DISGUSTING!》 , you try to defend yourself hitting him on his back and between his legs with small slaps.
《Ei! Low blow! Don't slap my nutts!》
《 Don't sweat on me, you piece of-》
A yell interrupted the both of you, follow by a long cry and some smashed dishes. Noah realise the grip on you and sighs deeply looking at the wall that divides your apartment from Briannas one.
《 Is it always like this?》
《 almost every day, now.》
And there is something that broke in your cracking voice that completely shattered Noahs heart.
《 let's call the cops》, he says with a soft voice, hugging your shoulders. 《 I'll stay. We can watch a movie togheter.》
You look at him in surprise while he is reaching his phone. 《 and your date?》
《 you're my date》 , is the cheeky replay. The both of you smile, and you need a second. Not only because you're worried about brianna, but also because these small situations make you feel.... weird on your feelings towards noah.
You don't want to admit it, but a real date would be all you desire.
....but at what cost?
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baby-alien11 · 9 months
A Nonsense Christmas (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
Merry christmas and happy new year 🎄🎄
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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Christmas were always one of your favorite festivities along with Halloween, helping to decorate the house, buying gifts for family and friends, hearing christmas songs (this year fruitcake by Sabrina Carpenter was your obsession), baking your traditional red velvet, peppermint, gingerbread and sugar cookies that you started to make during the quarantine, watching christmas movies and opening advent calendars
And since the last christmas you spent it with Jack, Anna and their family in Virginia, this year the two families will be spending the holidays together, and after having your fyp of Tik Tok full of the Scream'd Musical Parody, you and Jack decided to recreate the 'everybody' part, and because both of you knew that the second the music start, you would start laughing and it will be a complete mess
That's why after an early trainning, Josh and Hayley let you film it in their house so the surprise wasn't ruined
"Can I ask again from where did you got the idea?", Josh asked after finishing breakfast
"There's a Scream musical parody that a theater group was doing in Las Vegas and it went so viral on Tik Tok because it's amazing and hilarious", you started to explain while having Rogue in your lap who was entertained tracing your tattoo snake with her little fingers, "So, I started to play it on the living room TV just to mess with dad, and because I enjoy the performance"
"And then we started to joke about performing it for our families, until it wasn't a joke anymore", Jack continued between bites of the peppermint cookies you brought for the family of three, "We started to learn the entire number based on the Tik Tok videos and the audios in there, but we decided to send them an email to ask for permition to recreate it"
"They accepted and even sent us an audio without the audience noises", you continued, "So, at first we were planning on doing it live during the christmas dinner but let's be honest, we're going to lose the concentration and start laughing, so we decided to film it and present it after the dinner"
"Instead of doing a christmas card or a JC Penney photoshoot, we're doing this"
"With full production, costumes, fake blood, fake knife and gun"
"And you want to use our kitchen to film it?", Hayley asked
"Yes, please", you nodded, "Or any space that you want, we promise to don't do a mess"
"We would do it in any of our houses but there's always people in there and this surprise needs to be perfect"
"We also talked about going to the original house, but is a seven hour trip, and we would raise suspision"
"Guys, you can film the musical number in here, we have no problem", Josh nodded, "But, can we saw the video first?"
Nodding, Jack took his phone to show them the performance while you turned to talk with Rogue who now was engrossed with your bracelets
"Hey, Rogue", you called her softly causing her to look at you with a smile, "I'm going to make you a swiftie, you're going to love Taylor, I promise"
"What era she'll be?", Jack asked taking one of her hands
"She seems like a Fearless with a bit of 1989"
"She'll need friendship bracelets of that eras"
"And merch, that will be her christmas gift"
"This is hilarious", Hayley laughed after the video ended, "And it's going to be a fun christmas video"
"Just leave it all in order after filming, and don't break anything", Josh instructed
Happy because everything was doing as planned, you and Jack smiled mischievously to each other
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When the 24th arrived, the house since early in the morning was busy with the preparations for the dinner that night, especially with everyone in the kitchen doing different dishes
"Tornado, how much time until your cookies are ready?", Skeet asked prepearing the turkey, "We need to start pre-heating the oven for the turkey"
"A minute or two", you responded checking the oven
"It doesn't make sense that you made like thousands of cookies since the start of december and now you are making more", Jakob commented mixing the cream for the cranberry salad
"It's because those were to gift or give to community centers", you responded puting your gloves to get the cookies out of the oven
With the help of Jack and Megan, the three of you got the trays of cookies out of the oven to leave them in the dinning table so they can cool off
"The cats are trying to eat the dinner again", Anna warned trying to make Tatum, Butters and Ivy go away from the kitchen
"Okay, time to put the christmas sweaters on them", Naiia sighed cleaning her hands with a cloth
"I'll continue with the mash potatoes", Stutz said taking her place in front of the cooking pot
"Sweet baby Tatum", you sang taking the orange cat in your arms, "Time to put you in christmas spirit"
Going to the Petco christmas gift package they sent a few days ago, that still was in the living room, you grabbed the reindeer sweater to put it on Tatum, while Jack grabbed the santa suit for Butters and Naiia got the plaid dress for Ivy
"I'm sorry, but it can't be that possible that an orange cat can be that calm while putting clothes on", Jakob said noticing Tatum was calm
"I can't believe the beef you got with my cat, and her color is strawberry blonde", you exclaimed adjusting the sweater, "It's christmas eve, let it go"
"It's not my fault that your sweet angel baby Tatum hates me", Jakob claimed, "She scratches me everytime she sees me"
"This time she hasn't though", Megan pointed
"Thank you Megan", you said, "You're the best"
Interrupting what was going to be a small disscussion, the front door opened, revealing Georgina with her suitcase and travel bag
"Hello family", Georgina greeted, "Sorry I'm late, the airport is pure chaos, and getting a cab or Uber is worse"
"Mom!", you and your siblings exclaimed while running to hug her
"Hi, babies", Georgina smiled returning the hug, "By the way, there's a package at the door"
"That's weird", Skeet frowned, "We didn't have anything to be delievered today"
"It says Prada on the box", Georgina pointed
"Tornado, that's for you", Naiia said helping with the suitcase
Getting through the front door, you saw a big box next to the door that had the Prada logo and a 'fragile' precaution along with your name and direction
"Babe, can you please help me?", you called Jack
"Coming!", Jack responded running from the living door to where you were, "This is huge"
"I know", you laughed, "I'm curious about what's inside"
Carrying the box between the two of you and dodging everyone in the house, you carefully left the box in the floor to open the card box revealing another white box which was left on the center table
"You know what, I'm going to open it first and do the video later", you concluded opening the box revealing four spheres
"Those are gorgeous", Naiia commented sitting next to you, "There's a note"
Grabbing the envelope which was on the lift of the box, you opened it to see a handwritten note
"Y/N, happy to share with you the Prada Holiday gifts and the magic of the holiday season through the fantasy of an imposible voyage, a journey in your own sphere", you read out loud so everyone can hear, "Well, we got the spheres for next year"
Leaving the note aside, you opened the another part to see two drawers, in which the first were some skincare products and a red patent leather mini-pouch, and in the other there was a red Prada Galleria patent leather mini bag
"I wouldn't be surprised if you become an ambassador for them next year, angel", Anna commented sitting next to you watching the spheres, "Or for any brand that you've wore"
"That would be incredible", you nodded
Once everything was ready, and the turkey was in the oven, everyone went upstairs to change into their christmas sweaters, yours was a Krampus themed one on top of your red and white pajamas and gingerbread man slippers
"I can't wait to see everyone reactions to our gift", you laughed laying in your bed while 'Christmas with the Kranks' was playing on the TV, "It's going to be hilarious"
"The greatest thing is that we managed to film it in one afternoon", Jack pointed getting out of your dresser with a red shirt with a Santa Claus picture and black pajama pants with Butters' face on it, to lay by your side to watch the movie at what you moved to put your head on his chest and he cirled your waist with his arm, "I swear that they were waiting for us to finish so they can kick us out"
"Rogue was having a blast though", you pointed, "I love that girl so much"
"I remember the day they told me they were expacting her, I was screaming that I was going to be her older brother"
"You're her oficial older brother", you nodded openning the fruitcake that arrived a few days ago as a gift from Sabrina Carpenter along with the EP vynil, a hoodie and a shirt, "Want some fruitcake?"
"Yes please"
Sitting against your headboard, both of you started to eat the fruitcake, sometimes feeding each other while still watching the movie
"Siblings and couples meeting", Jakob anounced entering your room along with Megan, Naiia and Stutz, all with their christmas outfits
"What's wrong?", you frowned
"We know that you didn't make that fruitcake because you still don't know how to do it", Jakob said causing to roll your eyes, "Where did you get it?"
"We also got eggnog", Megan said raising a bottle with some cups
"Sabrina Carpenter sent it", you responded giving them forks so they can eat too, "Along with the EP, a shirt and a hoodie"
"A Taybrina notice only this year?", Naiia pointed sitting on the bed, "Tornado just tell us when is rep TV releasing"
"What are the vault tracks?", Stutz joked helping to serve the eggnog
"I wish I knew the answer to those questions", you sighed, "We have a lot of theories of when is going to be released"
"One of the strongest was that she was going to anounce it during the Brazil concerts", Jack pointed recieving a cup of eggnog, "But she didn't"
"Next year will be", Jakob shrudded, "Well, cheers for christmas"
"Cheers", the rest of you repeated before drinking
"Is this spiked?", Jack asked sensing an unsual flavor
"Yeah, we put a bit of rum in it before coming", Jakob nodded
"Dad and mom, and even Anna are going to kill you when they find out about this", you said still drinking it, "And you might forget the fact that our dad is Billy Loomis"
"And we haven't seen the movie", Naiia remembered refering to her and Jakob, "And they don't need to know if we don't tell them"
Waiting until the older adults called all of you, the six of you stayed in your room watching the movie and eating the fruitcake and drinking the eggnog, and even starting to watch 'How The Grinch Stole the Christmas', until footsteps started to be heard in the stairs, which caused Jakob and Stutz to hide the bottle of spiked eggnog underneath your pillows
"If that bottle start leaking, I'll kill you both", you threatened them, "And not with my blingy fake knife"
Just as you finished threating them, there was a few knocks on the door before it was open to reveal Georgina
"Hey kids, dinner's ready", Georgina said
Standing from the bed and bean bags, the six of you started to go downstairs where all of you helped to put the table and preventing the cats from trying to eat the food by giving them and the dogs their special dinner, and taking the family photos, before sitting at the table to eat all the food that was made since the previous day
An once the dinner was finished and the dishes used were cleaned, you and Jack made everyone sit in the living room with the pets, already with the TV prepeared for the video
"Okay, we know that the gifts are tomorrow, but we wanted to gave you this one at this moment", you said trying to not burst in giggles
"Most of the times, the youngest of the family decide to do a little show, so we decided to to the same", Jack continued, "So I hope you enjoy this"
Stepping to the side and leaving everyone intrigued, Jack pressed the play button while you took out your phone to film their reactions
"You did not", Skeet groaned when he heard the music
"Yes we did", you laughed
"Is that Josh and Hayley's house?", Anna asked seeing the familiar kitchen
"We filmed it the day we went with them for breakfast", Jack nodded
During the whole video, everyone tried to hold their laughs but it wasn't possible causing to giggles and laughter to be heard in the room, while you and Jack were singing and dancing the choreography in the back
Once the video ended and the credits (yes, you did ending credits) started to roll, everyone started to clap still laughing
"Well, I guess we don't have to watch the movie anymore", Naiia joked, "This was amazing"
"Can we have a live performance of this?", Stutz asked
"There's bloopers at the end that will answer that question", you pointed
Returning the attention to the screen, the credits ended to show the bloopers who were of one of you or both laughing mid scene, forgetting a step, almost tripping at some steps, accidentaly dropping the fake guns, and even Rogue walking in the middle of the take
"Dad, as Billy Loomis and one half of the first ghostface, we would love to hear you opinion", you said after the video ended
"First of all, after you played the original performance in the TV every single day of october and november, this is my favorite version", Skeet responded, "And great acting on the Billy and Stu parts"
"Great camera work and acting", Georgina pointed, "What camera did you use?"
"The iPhone one", Jack answered
"And don't worry, everyone will have a copy of this video in their email tomorrow, as well as more of our friends", you continued, "That way you can watch it everyday"
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Last night, after rewatching the video because they wanted to film a bit to their instagram stories, everyone went to sleep, not before you forced Jakb to get the spiked eggnog out of your room
The morning of the 25th, while the six of you were still asleep in the bedrooms, the adults where bussy filling the stockings and organizing all the gifts that were left in the living room under the tree
And while thinking in a good way to wake you up, Skeet took a speaker to put it in the middle of the aisle of the second floor, to blast Master of Puppets by AC/DC on full volume causing the six of you and the pets to wake up abruptely
"Welcome to christmas morning on the Ulrich household", you murmured with your face against your pillow and laying on your stomach
"Is the same song every year?", Jack asked laying next to you in the same way but with an arm on your waist
"Yeah", you responded feeling how Butters and Tatum started to walk around the bed, "Merry christmas babe"
"Merry christmas gorgeous"
Finally getting out off bed and taking the cats and your throw blankets of each others faces, both of you got out of your room to see the others in the door of their rooms watching the speaker with pure hate
"What if we kick it until it's broken?", Naiia suggested hugging Ivy
"He would make us buy him another one and better", you said hugging Tatum, "And none of use have partnerships with any electronic company to get one for free"
"Kids, get here now!", Anna exclaimed from the first floor
Turning off the speaker and taking it with you the six of you went downstairs to have breakfast and then going to the living room to open the gifts
And after recieving a Vivienne Westwood bag from your mom, a Van Cleef & Arpels bracelet (which your mom, Naiia, Meghan and Anna recieved in diferent colors) from your dad, the new Bratz videogame and a new case for your nintendo switch from Jakob and Meghan, and personalized golf sticks from Jakob, books (The Great Gatsby, Wildfire, Taylor Swift Book of Lyrics, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Falling off the Cliff) from Naiia and Stutz, and the Frankestein and Bride of Frankenstein Monster High from Naiia, a Dyson Airwrap from Jack, and the Masters of Make-Up Effects: A Century of Practical Magic book from Anna
After openning the main gifts, the Chiefs vs Raiders was on the TV (principally to see Taylor on screen), all of you were openning the stockings, in yours there were lip glosses from essence, a snake hairclaw, a new airpods case, a Grinch plushie, candy and chocolates, but what weirded you a little bit was the Mercedes white hat almost at the bottom of the stocking
"I apreciate and like the hat, but I only watch Formula 1 when I'm bored", you said putting the hat on your head
"There's something more on the stocking", Georgina pointed
Introducing your hand at the bottom of the stocking you pulled a set of car keys with a keychain of the ghostface mask with a tiara
"No", you murmured, "No way, are you serious?"
"It's in the front porch", Skeet said
Almost running with the rest following, you went to the front door to opened it to reveal a Mercedes E-Class Cabriolet black with a pink ribbon on top
Feeling the tears dalling off your eyes, you sat in the steps without stop looking at the car sensing how Jack sat by your side hugging you at what you hug him too noticing how your siblings were filming your reaction
"Thank you very much", you cried watching at your parents and holding their hands, "I promise to take care of it and not crash it or having fines, I promise"
"We trust in you", Georgina nodded kissing your head
"Besides, you earned it", Skeet added
"Thank you very much", you repeated
Recovering from the shock of getting a car for christmas, all of you returned to the interior of the house to continue to enjoy the day
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frikatilhi · 10 months
Jere keeps asking/informing Bojan about his OF ideas, sending different pictures and videos to get opinion if this is still fine or already too much. Meanwhile Bojan is sweating, jumping at every message ping and checking them while hidden in a corner, to the point that it pisses off everyone else in the studio. He can't say not to send them to Jere but can't ignore them either because the phone is burning a hole in his pocket.
Anon, I think you just wrote your own fic, this is perfect.
I got several prompts about Bojan's reaction to the OF, so here's a little something about that.
Bojan can’t believe it has come to this.
It used to be that musicians would make a living selling records and performing live. Nowadays you need to sell tons of merch to even break even, have an online presence and be accessible to your fans and be relatable and funny and flirt with your bandmates to keep them guessing and keep generating fucking content, all the time.
But he wasn’t aware that the hustle included Onlyfans now too, apparently.
Bojan can appreciate Jere trying to make the most of his success and fame. He has clearly done some Scarlett O’Hara type “I shall never go hungry again!” pact with himself, determined to strike while the iron is hot, and make up for his meager earnings by any means possible.
It is none of his business how Jere chooses to make his money. If posting cheeky little skits with Häärijä is going to make people throw their money at him, who is he to judge.
So there really is no problem for Bojan. 
The only problem is that he is lying awake, 1 am Slovenian time on December 1st, knowing full well that the first post of the calendar has been live for two hours.
It’s probably nothing too risque, anyway, he reasons. He has watched those two idiots film their stupid skits enough times to know that they like to joke around, shitposting their way through life. It’s probably just them in santa hats doing… the stuff they always do. Maybe a little suggestive, but nothing actually pornographic. 
But also, knowing those two, knowing what they truly are capable of, he wouldn’t put anything past them.
So of course he is curious. Who wouldn’t be?
He can’t just ask Jere. He just can’t. He’s been trying for days to craft a message that would convey the exact joking, teasing nonchalance that would make Jere share the stuff with him without him asking directly. But everything he comes up with is too transparent. Asking Jere would mean admitting that he wants to know. And Jere can’t know how much he wants to know. 
He also can’t join Onlyfans. He just can’t. Because that would mean… Too many things. Things Bojan is really not ready to prod or poke at.
It would also be totally icky. Watching Jere in… situations without him knowing that Bojan is watching, even though he is clearly okay with anyone and everyone seeing it, feels somehow wrong. If he can’t man up and talk to Jere and tell him how much he wants to see him naked, what right does he have to sneak around and pay money for it?
But also, he really, really wants to see what’s there.
So you can see his dilemma.
He holds off for two days. But then the online reaction to the newest one reaches him, and he sees a mention of the socks. It is the opening he needs. He taps a text.
me Watafak is this I hear about Joker Out socks making an appearance on OF???
Jere Did you like it?
me I haven’t seen it jesus christ
Jere No just us, Käärijä and Häärijä 😝
Jere You not subscribe? 😥
me Wtf you mean, of course not ☠️
Jere Bojan poor 🙁 🙁 
Jere Wait
In a minute, Bojan’s phone dings as a sign of a new email. The pop-up notification shows the beginning of the subject line:. You have been gifted a subscription to–
me You didn’t.
Jere This one on me! 😊
Jere And Boju…
Jere Tell me what you think after you watch 🤭😘😉
(okay sorry for ending it there, I know you wanted his reaction to the actual videos, but I don’t think I have it in me to write about him looking at those apron strings hanging between his buttocks and him imagining picking them up with his teeth, I am already hanging by a thread here)
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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It was a nice day at work. I am feeling really tired tonight but I think that's mostly because I am cold. Very much ready to go to bed.
I slept alright last night but my nose was all stuffy and painful when I woke up and so I felt really really tired. James came and gave me a big hug as soon as I sat up after my alarm went off. It helped me feel better.
I got cleaned up and dressed. Wore the new crew neck my mom got me. I just wanted to be cozy. I was struggling a little. My fingers hurt really bad and I couldn't get my shoe on and James helped me because they love me and I was very grateful.
James and me left together. I always like watching them bike away. It was very cold today. Frosty. I'm glad it feels like winter.
I had a nice drive to camp. And got there alright at 8. I was happy to be inside where it was warm.
I had a productive morning. I had my breakfast and started working on writing up a description for the CIT program. I would use chatgbT to give me some framework and worked on using that to build up a really professional description. I am pretty pleased. I would print that and the schedule I made. Then decided to do more printing. I figure that since we are going to have a meeting about the 3 things we wanted to accomplish with John the consultant. Cit program, training, new programs.
Alexi would come in around 9. And everyone else would come in within the hour. Sarah worked on research for the training manual. I would go through some old documents and pulling things I think will be helpful. Games and reading and such.
It was a really productive morning though. I would take a walk to the lodge. I filled my water over there and chatted with Joe. He teased me about forgetting my stuffing from the holiday party, but I was glad to have my cookware back.
I looked at the books in the musuem. I went and looked at the nurses office because they are almost done fixing the roof. Very nice.
I would have lunch when I got back to the office. And while I was eating I decided I should come up with a document for meal ideas for dietary restrictions for the summer so I don't have to try and think of options when I'm very close to tears during the summer.
This would be like a two hour research project. Looking into other camps menus. I found an article about Jewish and 7th day Adventists camps and they had lots of options! So I researched how to make them vegan or gluten free or nut free. And I only had like 2 fake meat options.
After asking Heather, I found out where the kitchen orders their food from so I was able to compile links for ingredients. I was very proud of myself.
Once I was done that I had a zoom meeting with Hawa and Mike from the national guards and I'm thrilled that I have 2 workshops on the calendar with them now. One is a paint and sip style, that we are calling a "paint along", and the other I think will be a printmaking.
I had to make some invoices for them. And that took a minute. But that was just fine.
I would finish my day with designing some stickers ideas for each village. I had a lot of fun creating that. I want to play with the idea of merch for camp more. We will see if any of it actually gets used but still it's fun to design it.
I would also decide on my birthday countdown project. I'm going to do a sticker sheet/flash sheet, with a daily drawing. I'm excited. That will start on the 15th.
I said goodbye to everyone and would head out. I told Sarah I would check at Manor Mill for her last bowl while I was looking for my last 5 pieces. And it is such a quick drive over. I was happy to see my pieces. The colors weren't what I was expecting but I love love love my bear bowl. I'm going to keep my jewelery in it.
I went home and got here before James. I was happy to be home. I put some stuff away. And worked on sending some emails. James got home as I was starting to do my knitting for the day. I love how it looks so far. I know we are still really early in the project but I am setting a good precedent and already weaving in the ends. I will have to sew them down once the month is done but I am very pleased so far.
James would sit with me and tell me all about their day while I worked. And I would show them the documents I made and made me feel very smart and professional. I love my husband.
They got us frozen pizzas we could microwave for dinner. And after we ate they went to play DND with their friends. Well actually it's a different game but same idea. It was nice to see friends' faces.
I took a shower and washed my hair and now I am in bed in my cozy jumpsuit. I am very much ready to sleep.
I hope tomorrow is a good day. And I hope you all have fun. Stay safe. Wash your hands. I love you all.
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conarcoin · 2 years
im also confused about revolt drama as somebody who literally just bought from the last drop but from what i can gather after some light searching on twitter: the merch drop happened in october, everyone got an email in november saying that even tho shipping was scheduled to begin in decemeber, it would now be moved to "early 2023" with no actual specification of which month in early 2023. revolt (or hb12 bc im pretty sure they are the same but i am Just Now learning this), when people started asking when specifically people would be getting merch, sent out an email saying "As of this moment, we are awaiting confirmation from our warehouse team if the stocks have arrived already for this merch drop. The last update we received was the shipments are on their way to our facility from overseas." which kinda implies that like. the merch hasn't even been made and is nowhere near ready for shipping. anyways, i got that email back in january, fast forward to march and karl tweets out "@revolt fuck you" and then starts talking about how revolt hasnt paid him and is giving him no clear communication on when the merch will start shipping on his priv. uhhh around this same time i emailed revolt for a refund, they sent me the exact same email about delays they had sent me back in january, i asked for a refund again, they sent me a NEW email this time but it was Still about shipping delays and said nothing about my refund, i sent ANOTHER email about getting a refund and that's when they finally cancelled my order. besides all that idk what the fuck is going on
ok what i've getting from this is that all these merch companies that keep popping up are fucking ass
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A lot of her merch since UMG took over is pre-order, meaning they don’t make it until it’s ordered. The fine print in the email will usually tell you when the items are going to ship. If you did the free shipping, and didn’t select split shipping, everything you ordered will be held until the last item is ready to ship. Then, the items are often delayed - I just got two emails today that items that were supposed to ship around now won’t ship until January 13, which has happened before. I had one item get delayed so many times during folklore that they gave me a coupon code, which isn’t typical, but delays are. Unfortunately, what you’re experiencing is probably completely normal, but take a look at the email and check the dates, if it’s way past you could try replying to that email to ask about it. Hang in there, it will ship eventually.
okay thank you angel!!
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eriellesudario · 6 years
How to get Í Túrett Og Moll WITHOUT going to Iceland
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Let’s be real, this CD is really hard to find. I guess most of us just downloaded the songs off YouTube or bought digital copies when we first heard about it.
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But what if you want to get a physical copy of Í Túrett Og Moll but can’t afford to go to Iceland or don’t have friends who can buy you the cd there?
DONT WORRY!!! This guild will help you get your hands on what is known in the LazyTown fandom as the ‘most difficult Stefan Karl’ merch
If you have friends or know people who will buy it for you when they go to Iceland and you’re willing to pay them back… DONT!!! 
Why? Shipping!
You’re much better off contacting the store because the shipping for my CD cost $9 USD (note, this is Iceland to AUSTRALIA!!! WE ARE NOTORIOUS FOR HAVING REALLY EXPENSIVE SHIPPING!!!)
I buy stuff on eBay where the origin is in America and shipping would usually cost me $20 (JUST FOR A CD!!!). I once bought LazyTown plushies from the UK and I had to beg the seller to sell the plushies in a lower price because I couldn’t afford the shipping price (cuz Robbie was sold separately from Sport and Steph plushies).
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STEP 2: Contact the store
When I mean contact the store, I actually mean CONTACT THE STORE!!! Not add things to the online shopping cart.
Prepare that Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Messanger, or whatever email address you use as you will have to contact a store. Ebay, Amazon, Discogs, and any other music online store you can think off WILL NOT HAVE IT (Trust me, I literally pressed refresh/visited the sites each day just to see if one has it).
Note – This process will be lengthy. They may not respond immediately. In fact, it took me 1 month to get a response from one of the stores I asked.
Your best bet (and the place where I got mine) is Lucky Records. The cd cost me $10 USD (w/o the shipping).
But if that store no longer has it… I don’t know any other Icelandic record/music store. If that’s the case, you may need to Google.
STEP 3: Wait
The contact between the store and you will take a while. Like I said, it took me 1 month before I heard from them again. Then contact afterwards will take a few days. But it’s worth it.
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Yep… that’s the duration of how long it takes. But I said, worth it!
STEP 4: Prepare that Paypal account
They’re more likely to accept Paypal as payment so you better have that ready.
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STEP 5: Enjoy the CD
You’ve waited for at least 2 weeks and the CD finally arrives on your doorstep! Congratulations!!! You now own a physical copy of one of the ‘hardest to find’ merch by Stefan!
Enjoy his sweet voice as you play your new disk in your card or after you’ve imported the audio to iTunes!
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tdcloud · 10 months
Happy December, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all that good, jolly old junk you hear this time of year. I’m not really one for the wintertime holidays, but here we are, so let’s try to make the best of it and get a blog post in before we hit 2024.
Just like last month, I don’t really have much of an overarching topic for this month. I think for the time being we’ll keep things short and update-focused as I get my groove back and smooth out stuff on the backend. I have been working hard while resting my brain, believe it or not. There’s a lot of good stuff coming next year! I’m honestly really excited to tell you guys about it, so let’s get to it.
First of all, I’ve got some convention announcements! I’ve gotten confirmation that my next conventions will be taking place in March 2024, and wildly enough, both will be in Evansville, IN. That’s great for those of you who only see me when I go down there, but my GOD that is going to be a lot of driving for me that month. I live in Northeast Indiana, so it’s roughly 4.5 hours one way for me. I do love going down there, don’t get me wrong, but goodness. I’m going to be best friends with my car by the end of that.
If you’re around those parts, mark your calendars for Evansville Horrorcon and Evillecon in March 2024. You can find specific dates over on my Events tab. I’ll only have a half table at Horrorcon, so only expect to see some of my collection for sale there. I’m thinking I’ll be bringing Ossuary, Convergence, and maybe a couple Duskriven titles given it’s a horror convention, but should we have Infaust out by then (which is my goal), you can expect that title there as well. Evillecon will see my full works (maybe minus something like Apricity), as well as all of my assorted merchandise. I’m hopeful I’ll have some Infaust merch there, too, but no promises. 
I’m still waiting to hear back about Ohayocon, which is in January. There’s some convention drama going on that’s put artist announcements on hold for the time being (I hate to say it, but this convention is going the way of Youmacon as well and it’s really, really sad to see). I’ll make a separate announcement if I somehow manage to get into that on social media. Until then, it’s just the two March cons.
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, I’VE FINISHED HIRAETH!!!!!!!!!! -sound of confetti cannons, vuvuzelas, and champagne corks popping- Legit, this has been nearly five years in the making, and I’m so happy to finally announce that the beast is dead, the draft is done, and the manuscript is now on my editor’s desk and ready to go under the knife at last! We’re going to be turning all of our focus towards beating it into shape once we hit the new year, and given Sun’s squared off several months of her availability for me and my projects in 2024, I’m very, very optimistic that we’ll have this book out in quarter three or four of next year. 
I hope that all of you who have been waiting with bated (and vastly expired) breath all this time are still excited for this release. I’m so goddamn ready to put an end to this series once and for all, and for Ruari, Corbet, Breena, and Shea to have their happily ever after. Thank you all so much for your patience, understanding, and well wishes as I’ve worked on this thing. I really can’t begin to describe how much it’s meant to be to have people ask about this title over the years. All of the tumblr asks, all of the emails, all of the in person questions… It’s never been obnoxious or anxiety inducing like some people worried it might come across. I really can’t tell you how much it’s helped me to just know that there are people out there who WANT this book, who actively have WAITED and HOPED it might be released soon. Knowing there were people waiting got me back on target better than my own wherewithal ever could. 
If you ever reached out to me to ask about Hiraeth, please know that it’s reaching completion and the light of day because you REACHED OUT. Really. Honestly. It’s thanks to you, and please know that I’ve never taken it for granted.
Thirdly, and in line with release info, is Infaust. This is another project that’s taken way too long to get out, but for a very different reason than Hiraeth. I’ve already spoken ad nauseum about the hangups this work has had during its development, so I won’t go into it again here. Just know that December is Infaust Prep month. This is the month where I fully finalize the interior and ready it for publication. I’ll be going over it with a fine-toothed comb, making my last minute changes to it, and packaging it up once and for all for formatting. I’ll also be sending it to Sun for her to read so she can begin drafting up her cover designs (just as soon as she’s finished with her last Oracle of 11 card illustrations! She’s scheduled to be done before Christmas, so I anticipate her picking up Infaust once she’s done with her holiday celebrations). 
As of right now, I can’t give a publication date. While I can tell you all that my ultimate goal is to release before Horrorcon (ideally in February like Ossuary did), I’ve been at this way too long to set a permanent, for-sure date before I’ve got the cover in hand. Too much can change when I’m at the whims of other people with their own deadlines and schedules that take precedence over mine. But given what I know, and given how I know Sun works, you can expect Infaust before April barring something catastrophic happening. I’ll have a lot more to say about its release and all the associated goodies and bundles I’m planning to offer for the pre-order after we’ve rounded the new year. Mark your calendars and keep an eye out for social media posts. It’s going to be a lot of fun, and a much bigger release than I’ve ever done before, so long as I get all my ducks in a row!
Lastly, I’d like to promote my Itch.io again! I’ve only got two smutty horror shorts up (so far), but it’s really been such a fun way to release new works without devoting too much time to a book-length project/something that requires a graphic designer to get out. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I definitely recommend doing so, and even if you aren’t interested in what’s currently up, consider following me over there regardless for notifications on when new stuff comes out. 
I’ll be releasing all of my backlog on Itchio starting in January as I migrate my ebooks to other venues. For those of you who have moral issues with Amazon/Kindle (which are 100% justified and correct). This will hopefully provide an actual storefront for you to pick up my work without sacrificing your soul to Bezos—or emailing me directly the way a lot of you have in the past. They’ll be hosted there for the same price as they are on Amazon ($5), and if you’re pledged $5 to my Patreon, you’ll get access to them via the Itch.io integration feature automatically. I’m hoping to cross-publish on Itch.io for all new releases as well, so there may be fun pre-order opportunities over there when Infaust gets its pub date. 
So… Consider it! Seriously, please consider it if you’d like to keep up to date with my work in an environment I have more control over. I’d love to get a creative community hub going on that site since it really seems like a great place to connect with readers without the drudgery or commercialism of Amazon or the paylock vibe of Patreon. Check it out if that sounds fun to you, and if you’re already over there reading my work, drop a review on Living Dead Boy or Death-Knell! I’d love to read your thoughts!
That’s it for this month. Hope you guys all have a wonderful holiday season, eat a lot of good food, and read a lot of good smut! Definitely pass my work onto any friends who could use some tasty smut in their lives to keep them warm through the winter, and if you’re reading this early in the month, there’s still time to put in an order for a signed book copy or a merch order via my ko-fi store! Get on it, get the goods, and as always, until next time,
T.D. Cloud
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The bi thing was NOT without prompting. A fan asked him 'are you an introvert, an extrovert, or a bisexual', and he was embarrassed and got anxious and said 'i'm all 3!' in a rash moment because he wanted to wave off the question about his sexuality. I understand that that seems weird, but after the finale I think he's just really on edge and was just trying to move on. Personally, I don't think the question should have been asked at all. If he is queer, that's his private business.
well, that still doesn't make sense, though? i mean, i agree that the question was inappropriate and shouldn't have been asked, but all he had to do was say "i'm an introvert," because he's previously called himself an introvert. he didn't have to say "i'm all three," because that doesn't even really make sense as an answer, no one is an introvert AND an extrovert; you're supposed to pick ONE of the options to the question. he's handled plenty of awkward questions before, he knows how to avoid saying things he doesn't feel comfortable talking about.
and then there was the stands email today promoting bi merch with "introvert or extrovert" as the subject line? like, misha would've had to sign off on that since he owns the company, right?
idk, this is just a guess, but i feel like misha has some sort of deep-seated trauma or fear regarding coming out. i mean, he's never been afraid to be "weird" and he's never been afraid to loudly hint at being queer, but there seems to be some sort of terror in him for actually saying it. this feels like some sort of petrified backpedaling to me.
i feel bad for him for being put on the spot like that, for admitting to something he wasn't ready to admit to, and for whatever else he's going through, but i feel like he's lying now and i have kind of a hard time feeling sorry for him about that, especially with so many young bi fans looking up to him. i think that if it was an actual misunderstanding and not some sort of panic, he would have clarified a lot sooner.
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Hero's Confession | Misfits
Pairing: Nathan x Lydia (OC - Hard Candy’ verse) Word Count: around 1 k Warning: Strong language, mention of death
"Si, can I borrow your notebook just for a second? I forgot I need to send an email to approve the merch design," I groaned as we finished our drinks after having dinner at Simon's place, it was a double date kind of thing with Alisha and Nathan. "If I don't send it by midnight, my manager's gonna kill me."
"Go ahead, it's on the bed, I think," Simon pointed.
"Isn't it weird t'have your sister sit on the same spot you two shagged on?" Nathan commented with his usual subtle humour. 
"Can you not?" Alisha rolled her eyes. 
"Well, if that was the case, I s'pose Barry wouldn't be able t'sit anywhere when he comes over to ours, y'know what I mean?" he barked a laugh.
"Remind me again why we invited you?" Simon joked.
"I'm your brother-in-law, can't get rid of me! We're family!" Nathan leaned over him, obnoxiously showing he had absolutely no notion of personal space. "Your dad loves me already..."
"The worst part is that he would actually love you, Lyddie got his horrible taste, poor thing," Si pushed him away.
Meanwhile, I could barely hear their conversation, I was looking at the designs for my shirts, jumpers, keychains, hats, posters, and all that. They were lovely, I was very proud of what the design team was able to come up with.
I sent the dreaded email greenlighting everything and asking for a sample of each item as soon as they were ready so I could make sure they were good quality. My night was going amazing, Nathan made some very interesting promises while the others were in the kitchen and things were looking up.
Just as I was about to shut the notebook off though, something caught my attention. Before anyone says it... I know! I shouldn't be going through my brother's stuff, but what is a sibling for if not to go through your stuff? It's my God given right to snoop around as a younger sister (well, technically older, but still younger).
It was a video, it seemed to have been recorded in 2009, right around the time we were all serving our hours. I made sure the others were entertained enough by something else and opened it, keeping the volume as low as possible. 
"She stood here just yesterday," Simon was crying in the video, sobbing in his room and it was dark. "Sally."
Okay, maybe I shouldn't be watching this, I thought to myself, but it was impossible to look away, I just couldn't. It hurt so bad to see my brother so sad, I guess I never really stopped to think about how her death affected him. 
Killing someone wasn't easy, I did it indirectly and it still haunts me sometimes, imagine killing someone you thought you loved and loved you back? 
Before I knew it, I was crying too. Dad used to say when we were kids: Simon can never cry without Blossom starting too. I hated to see him sad ever since I first understood what sadness was, so that video broke my heart. I guess he kept it just in case someone ever finds the bodies, which was even worse.
Part of me really missed those times, the community service, spending our days together getting into unimaginable adventures in our super-powered comic book fantasy, defeating villains like we were playing a game. 
And I miss my silly boyfriend Nathan with the Community Blowback on his jumpsuit, trying to figure out his power. And I miss the time Kelly never had her hair down. And I miss teaching my students in my tiny flat and imagining how my career would be. And I miss Simon, all awkward, not yet knowing what he was capable of, with that silly emo hair, and shirt buttoned all the way up, in his room with that silly space-themed wallpaper I chose for him when I was three.
But seeing him like that, suffering, made me stop wishing we could go back. He was happy now, he was loved and smiling way more than I've ever seen before. He's like a flower that finally bloomed. I guess glow-ups are a thing in our family.
"If this comes out, I want you to tell them I killed Tony, and Gary," he looked straight at the camera. "I want whoever sees this to know I'm not a psycho, I'm not a weirdo. I do things for a reason, I did it for a reason. I did it for you, my friends. I did it for my friends."
I stared at the screen for a minute unable to move, my tears drying on their own. Si was a hero, he always has been even when he didn't know it. He was gonna take the fall for all of us, he killed the first woman he ever had a connection with because of us. I never admired him more than I did when I realized it. 
"SIMON!" I put the computer aside and ran into his arms, crying on his shoulder like I used to do when mum would tell me no.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he gently stroked my back, looking at Nathan as if expecting an answer, but my husband simply shrugged, equally confused.
"You're not a psycho or a weirdo, you're my hero," I managed to say.
"Stop lyin' t'your brother, that's not nice," Nate teased.
"What are you talking about?" Alisha asked, slightly worried.
"I saw the video, he was gonna confess to the murders so we wouldn't get arrested," I explained. "And you didn't even know I was your sister."
"Aw, Lyds," Simon squeezed me with a chuckle, not at all the reaction I was expecting. "But you were my friend, you were the first person to talk to me, to give me a chance. I never felt like I belonged until I met you lot."
"Y'were goin' to jail for me?" Nathan's eyes grew wide.
"For all of you, not you specifically-"
"I knew y'loved me, Barry, but I didn't know it was that much!" he cried dramatically.
"Cut it out, I didn't mean it like that."
"You're also my best friend! I love you too, Barry!"
"Please don't, you loved me once and it was horrible!" 
"What d'you mean? I'm an incredibly skilled lover, ask your sister!" Nathan huffed.
"But seriously, thank you," I murmured. "You really are my hero."
Tag List: @seanfalco @holidayspirits @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
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dragonbeak · 2 years
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Furry Weekend Atlanta 2022 was amazing!!!
For the first time in years, let's return to convention review!
Well, I gotta say, for a first big con to return to I'm glad it was FWA 2022! FWA has always been one of my favorite local cons, even if circumstances had prevented me from attending since 2016.
At the encouragement of friends I applied for the 2022 Dealers Den last fall, got waitlisted, and then received an email from Dealers Den head, Kay, about a month before the event. And I was like, okay!!!
So April was a big rush to produce new merch to make my FWA DD debut exciting! This included a new line of pride python pinback buttons, repurposing some Helluva Boss fanart as pinback buttons as well, and my most exciting, a new shirt design "Slither Slaughter Slumber" which I had been workshopping for years but put on the backburner with pandemic times and all. And woo! I'm so glad my shirt manus pulled through, Terminus Tees are great to work with, if anyone happens to be looking for a GA based T-shirt printing company.
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Man, this was the fastest I'd ever sent a file to print, haha! Also my first 3-ink color shirt which I was a little nervous about because it raises the printing cost. But it was all worth it because furries loved the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiirts!!!
Muwhahaha, so this was my first big con to have shirts as merch. And, dang, they were definitely my best items. Which was very encouraging because outside of Kickstarter my Etsy shirt sales are like... eh??? For what it's worth I know I could have better and more engaging product photos but I don't know the first thing about directing a real photo shoot.
But huh, I've mostly been talking about the con prep so far and not FWA itself? Well!!! Lemme tell you, FWA was a blast! All the attendees were so nice, everyone abided by mask rules, everyone was really kind and said such nice things. I appreciated how transparent con staff, especially Kay and the Dealers Den team, were about running the event. Even if you could tell they were working really hard due to being a little understaffed!! ovo;;; Oh man guys, don't work too hard. Understandable, since it's the first FWA to be hosted in person in about 3 years???
And my fellow vendors! Wow, I think this was the most nice welcoming experience from other vendors. I got the most art trade offers ever, got to network with folks and talk shop. I also got the feeling most furry vendors already knew each other? That was very interesting. This was actually my first time vending at FWA in the Dealers Den instead of Artist Alley and I think it was a very good fit for where my art selling hobby is at now. I also went a little wild and splurged a bit XD;; Muwhahaha! Everyone had such beautiful art!
Since it had been a while since I last sold at a furry convention, I forgot how nice furry attendees are to artists TToTT Ah, everyone was so nice. Man, I left the experience feeling really inspired and more pumped than ever to make more art merch!!! But then... just as I was getting ready to relax after one impromptu convention... Momocon literally emailed me the following Monday asking if I'd like to get off the waitlist for their convention in two weeks!!! ovo;;; Oh man!!!
To be continued?
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zemomo · 2 years
what they don’t tell you about print on demand (this sucks)
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A lot of people ask us:
Why should I use Merch Titan’s Automation? Why shouldn’t I just fight through the pain and upload things manually?
Well, there’s a few obvious reasons along with a few hidden benefits you get when you start automating your design upload process.
I think that anyone who’s ever tried doing this process manually for long enough has probably felt a few IQ points lower… I know I did.
With that said here’s what Merch Titans Automation can do for you: 
Upload all of your designs to one, easy-to-use platform. Every design you create can be uploaded to Merch Titans Automation where we will adjust the setting to match each marketplace’s requirements. You only have to upload your design ONCE!
You won’t waste your precious time doing boring repetitive tasks. You got into the Print on Demand space to be an entrepreneur and build a business… Not to sit there like some monkey mindlessly uploading designs. Merch Titans Automation can cut hours from your week so you can spend time researching markets, creating or finding designs and GROWING THE BUSINESS!
This works on all 8 major marketplaces. You know how good it feels to get your designs uploaded to one marketplace right? Well that feeling quickly fades when you realize you’ve got 7 more marketplaces to upload your designs to :(. Merch Titan’s Automation works with Society 6, Teespring, Merch by Amazon, Redbubble, Printful, Spreadshirt, Teepublic & Zazzle so you can upload your designs and get more hooks in the water.
This works on all types of products. Instead of having to resize the image to fit your t-shirts, then your shower curtains, then your mugs… Our platform does all of that for you. Seriously you upload your design ONCE and we make it fit anything Print on Demand
You’ll never have to train an upload team. If you’ve tried hiring people or outsourcing the design work then you’ve probably realised running a team is another pain in the neck. When your upload process takes seconds instead of hours you won’t need to worry about making sure people understand their roles or get their job done. Merch Titans does it all for you.
Auto Translates to 5 languages. You can instantly translate your designs from English to Japanese, French, German, Spanish, and Italian with the click of a button (with 99% accuracy). You’ll never worry about your designs saying the wrong thing in a different language or have to translate them yourself.
You get access to a community of people CRUSHING it in the Print On Demand Space. I put an fb community together to help people better use the software. Now we’ve got a number of people making over $10k per month in royalties inside the group. Just by signing up for the software you’ll get access to the discussion and can gain insights into what’s working NOW...
You get 20% off just for trying us out. All you have to do is use the coupon MERCHMAKER before it expires and you’ll get 20% knocked off your purchase price!
You have ZERO Risk trying this out. We know how big of a difference this can make in your life and we’re 100% confident in Merch Titans Automation that we don’t want you to risk anything here. If you aren’t happy with the product or it wasn’t what you thought it was… send me an email and I’ll issue you a prompt refund for your purchase price. No questions asked. 
If you’re ready to make uploading designs the easiest thing you’ll do all day then head over to Merch Titans Automation and browse your options. 
I'm Ready To Save Hours And Let Merch Titans Automations Do The Manual Labor For Me
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
Overlooked and Overworked
Tom Holland x Sister
Summary: Being Tom Holland’s little sister was great growing up, but after his success she’s a little left behind. Y/N Holland is willing to do whatever for her family because she loves them.
Warnings: Angst, fluff ending, rude Tom, overworked, sleep deprived
A/N: I don’t think Tom or any of the members of the Holland’s would allow this to happen to any member of their family or friends, I just had this idea and wrote it. Also I wrote this back in like January and just now got the guts to post it!
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The past couple of years for you have been an emotional roller coaster. You’ve been so excited and happy to see your brother succeed in his career. It’s always fun to see him on the big screen as someone else. But it’s also been tiring and sad because you feel left out. You don’t get to go to set often, you don’t get to travel with him, and you aren’t a part of his charity. The Brothers Trust is just him and your 3 other brothers. Given you help out way more than all of the brothers. Since you went to school for business, you help your mum and dad with both of their businesses and then run The Brothers Trust.
Tom is the oldest, then it’s you, the twins, and then Paddy. You’re only a year and a half younger than Tom. You were very close growing up, but once he started doing movies, you slowly grew apart. Him and the twins then grew closer. You loved him dearly but it just wasn’t the same since you never felt included. He took Harry to sets with him and on press tours. Sam would join along when he wasn’t working at the restaurant. Paddy would join during school breaks. But every time you would try to join him, he would say no. That he was too busy or too tired. You didn’t want to fight him but you were always crushed.
When he got the role of Spiderman, he decided then he wanted to move out into his own apartment. You offered to help him find a place since you had been looking for yourself. You offered to share a place and split rent but he said he wanted to be completely on his own. But shortly after he moved into his new 4 bedroom apartment, he had Harrison, Tuwaine, Sam, and Harry move in.
“The twins are moving in with Tom. Can you help pack and move them this weekend?” Your dad asked.
“What? They’re moving in with Tom? I thought he wanted his own space?” You asked him.
“He said he wanted to be around people because it was too lonely and quiet. Did you ever find a place? If so, you may want roommates too.”
“No I realized I can’t afford a place in a nice area to live alone. All my mates have moved off to continue their education or they have jobs else where.” You said sadly.
“Tom should of asked you then. I’m sorry y/n/n.”
“It’s fine. He hangs out with all four of them all the time. I would of just been in the way.” You said as you got up and left the room.
It’s been a couple of years and you still can’t afford to get your own place. Between helping run three businesses, you don’t have time to get a part time job. You pay your parents for rent and help pay bills so you are doing adult things. Plus it helps your parents financially. It’s busy season since your mum is picking up gigs for photoshoots, your dad is on tour for standup and his new book, plus you are planning a movie event through the trust as well as trying to get all the merch bagged and shipped. You have been working 14-15 hour days for the past 3 weeks without a day off. You are feeling the tiredness mentally and physically.
Tom has time off from the movie he is filming now. They gave him a month off for the holidays. Him and Harry have been home but all they have done is hung out with friends and go to the pub. You have been holed up in your office/bedroom for 3 days straight. Only to go out to the bathroom and kitchen to grab food.
“Where has y/n been? I haven’t seen much of her since we got home.” Harry asks Tom.
“She might be finalizing the Spies in Disguise event and getting things ready.” Tom responded.  
“Oh good. Y/n is great at getting a head start on things so I’m guessing she’s done with all the prep and souvenirs.” Harry smiled. Tom laughed in response.
On Christmas Day, you only came out of your room for breakfast and lunch and then went back in your room to work. No one noticed the bags under your eyes that you tried to hide with makeup. No one noticed you almost falling asleep at the table. No one thought twice about why you spent most of Christmas alone in your room. But you were behind. You still had a lot of orders to fulfill and send out. You still had get all of the souvenirs together for the event that was in two days. You still had to finish sending out your dads orders for his book as well as finalize his January travel plans and stand up dates. Your mum had booked 12 more shoots and you had to finalize times and dates. And everything was supposed to be done in the next week. You finally caved and decided to ask Tom for help since it was his event after all.
“Hey Tom can I have you help me out for a little bit?” You asked him Christmas evening.
“Do you need me tonight?” He asked.
“If you can that would be great.”
“Sorry y/n/n. I can’t. I’m meeting to boys at the apartment.”
“Well maybe they can help too.” You sounded hopeful to get more help to lighten your load.
“No can do. We have drinks and plans.”
“Well then can you come tomorrow morning or early afternoon?”
“Can’t. I have a meeting with my manager to discuss everything that’s coming up and then all of us at the apartment and Paddy are going into the city. Maybe I can help you after the event?”
“No it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it.” You said sadly as you turned to go back to your room.
“What about Paddy? Or mum or dad?” He asked.
“Paddy has football that mum is taking him to before she does a shoot tomorrow. Dad is working on some other stuff for his January shows.”
“Sam or Harry?”
“Well both will be with you tonight and tomorrow.”
“What about in the morning?”
“Sam has to work remember. And I think Harry is meeting with some mates to catch up with them or something along those lines. It’s fine. I’ve got it handled. Have fun tonight and tomorrow. Be safe. Love you.” You turned and almost ran back to your room. You wanted to break down in tears from being overwhelmed and for not being included in any of Tom’s plans of hanging out and catching up. You’ve barely seen Tom in the past year. Only when he’s in London. You shook the thoughts of your brother out of your head and pulled out a sheet of paper. You wrote down everything that needed to be done. Then on your white board, wrote them down in most important the least important.
First up was getting all of the brothers trust bags done. You went to the storage closest and pulled out everything you would need and set the boxes on your bed. Then you went and grabbed a tote to put the finished product in. It took you until 4 am, but you finally finished putting them together. You went into the kitchen and made you some tea. You went back in your room and marked the brothers trust goody bags off of your list. Next you started finalizing plans for your mum. That just involved organizing times and dates. You finished that around 1030 am. You marked that off the list as well.
Before you emailed all of the clients their dates and times, you went to the kitchen to grab and snack and drink. Your mum was in the kitchen.
“Morning love.” She smiled at you.
“Morning.” You said back waiting on your tea.
“So I’m going to drop Paddy off at football in 20 minutes and then Tom will pick him up to go into the city. I have to go to my shoot. Do you have the invoice I can give them?”
“I do.” You rushed to your room and grabbed it from a folder then went back and handed it to her. “Everything is on there. The deposit has been paid and it shows that as well as the price for the shoot and the editing. It also gives the timeline of when they will get the pictures.”
“Great. This is wonderful. Thank you. Also the theater called and said we can set it up today at 3 pm. Are you okay to handle that on your own?”
You sighed but answered, “yes I can handle it. I finished the bags last night. I just need to print off the papers to put on the seats as well. Plus get the itinerary finished which I will have by tonight so Tom knows what’s going on.”
“That’s great. I’ll be there to take photos as well as Harry but the boys will all be busy with fans and making sure they all feel special.”
“Sounds good. Have fun on your shoot.”
Your mum smiled as her and paddy left the house. You went back into your room and emailed everyone for your mum. Then you printed the brothers trust sheets that said what the event was supporting and how we were thankful for their donations. As those were printing you forgot you had to pick up an order of pictures so Tom could sign them for the guest coming to the screening. You looked up and saw that it was 130 and if you were going to be on time you needed to leave in the next 15 minutes.
After you loaded the goody bags into your car, you drove the 20 minutes to the print shop to pick up the pictures. You then went to the theater and set everything out. It took 45 minutes to lay everything out and make sure it was perfect. You then snagged some photos for Instagram and posted them. By the time you got home it was just shy of 5. You went straight to your room to finalize the itinerary. At 8 pm your mum knocked on the door.
“Hey baby. I’m back. How did everything go setting up wise?”
“It was good. Took longer than expected but wasn’t too bad for being the only one there. Also here is the itinerary for you and dad. I also have one for each of the boys.”
“Wow. This is detailed perfectly.”
“It kind of had to be since Tom has an event to go to tomorrow night and he can’t be late. I figured the more detailed, the less things can go wrong.”
“Fair point. Love I’m not sure if the boys notice the work you put in, but I do. Have you slept yet?”
You looked at her shocked, “what do you mean?”
“I mean that I can tell you are exhausted. I woke up at 2 am last night and heard you in here and saw your light was still on.” She paused and looked at your long list on the white board. “And by the looks of it, you have a long to do list. Do you need help? After we get through the event I can help. I don’t have a shoot for a couple of days.”
“I appreciate mum, but this list needs to be done by then. And everything you can help me with will be done already. But thank you.”
“Did you ask your brothers to help? I mean this is there thing. They should be helping you. Not leaving it to you to do yourself.”
“I asked Tom to help so I could have him do the goody bags for tomorrow but he had a guys night with Sam and Harry and them last night. Then they were all busy this morning and then went into the city. But it’s fine. I did the bags last night. That’s what you heard when you woke up.”
“I’m sorry baby. I’m going to have a talk with him. Have you had a break to just hangout with Tom. I know it’s been a while since you’ve seen him.”
“No he’s always in a meeting or with the boys. But if Tom wanted to see me, he’d make time but when I try, he can’t. But with all this work, I haven’t really done much outside of this room in a while so it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine. You both used to be so close. Almost like you were twins. Weirdly enough closer than the twins have ever been. I hope you two can work whatever this is out.”
“Me too mum. Me too.” You looked at her as she slowly walked out.
After your mum left the room, you got back to work finalizing your dads stuff. Thankfully it was only 12 am when you finished. Deciding to pack all of the orders so you can drop them off to be shipped in the morning, you went and grabbed everything you would need from the storage closet and got to work. You stayed up all night working. You finally finished all the orders at 9 am. When you realized the time you rushed to get dressed and cleaned up as best you could. By 10 am you were out the door to go to the post office to ship the orders and then you were off to the theater to make sure everything was set. By 1pm the rest of your family showed up. And by 2 the theater was full of people who were excited to see the brothers and the movie.
People knew who you were. Everyone knew Tom had a sister. But you did great staying out of the eye of people. None of your brothers posted much about you on social. Your dad mainly posted about Tom and the brothers golf adventures. Your mum would occasionally when she made you model when she was trying something new. So when people arrived, they walk past you and straight to the four brothers who were ready to greet everyone.
When the event started, you weren’t really needed so you went to a back room they had set up for your brothers to relax away from people and sat on the couch. Not sleeping since Christmas Eve was starting to catch up with you but some how you forced yourself to stay awake.
“Y/n we have a problem.” Your youngest brother said as he came in the room. “The movie hasn’t started yet and it was supposed to 15 minutes ago.”
“Okay I’ll go see what’s going on.” You went to the manager of the theater and she explained to you how the light in the projector went out and it was going to be another 20 minutes before it started. She apologized multiple times.
“Hey Tom. Can you do a q&a for 20 minutes or so?”
“No the movie is supposed to be on.”
“They are having technical difficulties and it’s going to take 20 minutes to fix it.”
Tom got annoyed because he knew this was pushing the entire timeline back and it was now be pushing it for him to be on time for his event tonight. “Sure.”
“Thanks. I’ll let you know when we are good to go.”
After 30 minutes. The movie was finally ready to go. Every one was enjoying it and all four of your brothers moved around the theater so the kids felt like they were watching the movie with them personally. When it was over everyone was ushered into a lobby where there was a meet and greet with photos. By the time the boys were done with everyone, it was 20 minutes until Toms next event.
“Great. I’m going to be late. Thanks for that y/n. Why didn’t you have them check everything yesterday?”
“Because I didn’t think of it.”
“So stupid. How could you not think of it? It’s literally the first thing on the list of things to check when prepping the theater. Do your job better. Thats what you are paid to do. I’ll see you later.” Tom rolled his eyes and stormed off. You just stared feeling humiliated since the theater staff and your family had witnessed that. You were holding in your emotional breakdown until you could do it in private.
“Sorry guys. Y’all can go ahead and head out. I’ll clean this up and bring home whatever is ours.” Sam, Harry, and Paddy saw this as a get of jail free card and booked it out of the theater. Your dad came by and kissed you on the head and said I have to finish up some work and headed out. Your mum looked at you sadly.
“I’ll help you baby.”
“No it’s okay mum. Go edit the photos so we can get them sent out.” You smiled at her.
“It’s okay. I can do them later tonight.”
“Mum seriously. Go home. I got this. I’ll be home later. You kissed her on the cheek as you walked back in the theater. You thankfully left the tote yesterday which made it easier to put everything in. You put the tote in your car and headed back in the theater to sweep and clean up the mess. By the time you got home, it was 9 pm. You had been up for 61 hours straight. You were exhausted. You just wanted to sleep. But Tom was home and he was livid.
“What the hell?” He asked.
“What?” You asked back.
“You know I got yelled at by my manger for 30 minutes about how I was irresponsible and immature for being almost a hour late to the event tonight?”
“Why did you get yelled at? You were doing stuff for charity. He should get over it.”
“He was mad because SOMEONE told him I would be done with our event in plenty of time to go to this other one. And when I told him there was technical difficulties because that same SOMEONE didn’t do their job, he got even more mad.”
“I get that I probably should of checked but things happen Tom. Okay? Things I can’t control. Things the theater can’t control. I did this entire event by myself. Sorry for not checking but other than the delay the people loved it and we raised money which is okay because our charity now can help so many more.”
“You didn’t do this by yourself. We all help. And our charity? Our? You mean mine? Sams? Harry’s? Paddys? It’s our faces that make that charity. And when something goes wrong we are the ones that look bad. Not the person behind the scenes that only does some of the work.”
You looked at him like he was a stranger. What he said broke your heart. That’s what he really thought? You just shook your head lightly and walked to your room. You shut the door and locked it.
“Really Tom?” Your mum asked as her and your dad walked in during the argument.
“Yeah mum. We do all the work and she’s trying to take the credit. We’ve all noticed and it’s getting out of hand. You do more than she does.”
“Tom I’m extremely disappointed in you right now.” Your dad said.
“Tom she does all of the work. The planning, the scheduling, the packaging, social media, distributing the money, and figuring out all the ways we can make money to help those smaller charities.” Your mum added.
“She does?”
“Yes Tom. On top of helping me and your father with our businesses. We’ve seen you more than her this past month because she’s been so busy.” Your mum said.
“Did you know she was up until 4 am on Christmas night so she could finish the goody bags before we had to prep the theater. That she had those pictures printed so you could sign them for the guest. That she made an itinerary so detailed that nothing could go wrong. Except she didn’t account for technical difficulties. She set up the theater and cleaned the theater all by herself. None of us helped her. We just showed up for the event.” Your mum said.
“Tom have you not noticed how exhausted she looks? It looks like she hasn’t slept in days. She’s trying her best to handle everything so we can have everything run smoothly for us. She even mentioned your event and how she needed to get you out of there so you wouldn’t be late. We’ve all been horrible to her by letting her do this by herself.” Your dad said.
“I... I didn’t know. I’m going to go talk to her.”
Tom got up and knocked on your door. He couldn’t hear anything so he tried opening it. He noticed it was locked and went to his old room and found the key you gave him years ago. When he unlocked it he noticed the mess around your room of boxes, plastic, mail bags for packages, and stacks of papers. He saw you on your bed and saw you were asleep. He went over and tucked you in. He went to your desk and saw the white board with everything marked off under the to do list. He then looked on your desk and saw how your mum and dads plans were finalized. He knew you mentioned everything when you asked him for help Christmas night and now you were done with it. Even all the orders were done and he saw the receipt from the post office proving the orders were shipped. He felt horrible knowing the only way that you got everything done was by staying up all night.
He turned and walked back to you and finally noticed the bags under your eyes. As well as tear stains that he knows he’s the cause for. It broke his heart knowing he was the cause. It also broke knowing that you asked for help so you wouldn’t fall in the deep end, but by saying he couldn’t help, he pushed you in and watched you drown without even realizing.
He gave you a kiss on the head and got up and quietly walked out.
“What time did y/n wake up on Christmas Day?”
“From what we know, maybe around 8 or 9.” Your dad said. Tom sat there quietly while doing the math in his head.
“61 hours.” He suddenly said.
“What?” Your mum said.
“61 hours. That’s how long she went without sleep. She asked me for help and told me why and I said no. She’s finished the list. She’s organized both of your stuff. She’s packed and shipped out all of the orders. She did everything for the event. She hasn’t slept. She’s asleep now but it was 61 hours. How could I let my sister do that? How did I not see it?” Tom asked his parents. They looked at him in shock.
“My poor baby” your mum said.
“We will talk to her tomorrow when she wakes up.” Your dad said.
“I want to be here when she wakes up so I can apologize. I’m going to go see her again.”
He got up and walked to your room. He quietly started cleaning up the mess left from packaging orders. He then laid on the other side of your bed thinking about how he messed up so bad. Shortly after he fell asleep too.
Around 7 am you woke up still exhausted but you needed a glass of water. When you went to throw the blanket off of you, you saw Tom asleep in your bed still in his clothes from the night before.
You were confused as to why he was in your bed, but you chose to ignore him. You stood up and went to the kitchen. Your mum was already cooking breakfast.
“Morning baby. How’d you sleep?” Your mum asked.
“Alright. I’m probably going to catch a few more hours. Just needed water.” You said. “By the way, do you know why Tom is in my bed?”
“He felt bad about how he has treated you lately.” She said. “He figured out you went 60 something hours without sleep.”
You looked at her shocked and sat down. She came over and gave you a hug.
“Why did you do that to yourself? Why didn’t you ask for help?” Your dad said as he joined both of you in the kitchen.
“You were working on new stuff. Mum had shoots and a house to run. I asked Tom and thought maybe him and the boys could help but they had plans. It needed to be done before the new year and definitely needed to be done before the event.”
“We appreciate you so much baby girl. I hope you know that. You do a lot for this family and this family isn’t great at giving back. We do love you.” Your mum said as she gave you a kiss on the head. “Now please go get some sleep. Sleep all day if you’d like and I can bring you food later.”
You smiled at her and walked back to your room. Tom still hadn’t moved. You sat your water on your bedside table and crawled back under the covers. You turned your back towards Tom. You were still really saddened by his words last night, that you didn’t want to face him yet.
“Y/n/n are you awake?” You heard Tom whisper.
“Go back to sleep or get out.” You said back not opening your eyes.
“I’m sorry y/n. What I said last night was wrong. I didn’t realize you do everything for our trust. I thought mum and dad did it all. I know you’ve been killing yourself to try and catch up then get ahead, but you can’t do that to yourself. You need proper rest. I’m going to make sure you never do the 61 hours straight again. I’d rather myself do it before I let you do it again.”
“Tom it’s okay. But seriously. Leave or go back to sleep.”
“No it’s not okay. I’ve royally fucked up. I’ve let us get so far apart we are almost strangers to one another. I have a charity that doesn’t even have your name on it and you do all the work. You make sure my fans are happy as well as making sure we help other small charities. You’re absolutely amazing and I’ve treated you like shit for the last few years. I don’t even give you the time of day. I promise you this, I will do better. We will be like we used to. Even if I have to kidnap you and take you with me different places. I love you and I don’t want to be the one hurting you anymore.”
You rolled over and looked at him with tears in your eyes. Your brother finally recognized you for you. He finally realized what he’s done.
“Thank you Tom. I love you too.”
He smiled at you and leaned over to give you a hug and kiss on the forehead.
“It really means a lot that you said that. But can I please go back to sleep. I’m still exhausted.” You said.
Tom pulled you to him so your head was on his chest and shoulder. And he cuddled you so you felt protected from all the horrible things that can go wrong for you.
“Get some sleep and when you wake up, me and you will hang out. Just the two of us.” Tom said. You smiled as you drifted back to sleep.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hey! I hate to ask this, you already do so much for us! But would you mind just a tiny recap of Vlamis’ live from last night? You don’t have to go into a ton of detail or anything, I just saw that it was a half hour long. I have a weird anxiety thing that keeps me from watching lives and stories for the most. Still haven’t even been able to work myself up to watching the vlamburn one as much as I’d love to! 🙁
Either way, thank you for everything!
Okay, nonnie. I went and watched the whole thing again and wrote you a detailed account of what’s been said. I’ll link the live again, then you can watch here if you want to. Or not. Up to you. 🤗 Hope this helps. 💕
Brushing his teeth and flossing for 3 minutes while talking.
800 new follower lately “where have you been before?”
“Do you do anything to your hair at night?” He adds Moroccan hair oil in the morning, nothing at night.
“What’s your favorite of the drop?” He hasn’t seen everything from the drop (like the COSMIC tie-dye) bc he’s in Santa Fe. He loves the COSMIC and MALEX embroidered things (“so subtle”) bc they are in Vlamburn’s handwriting, he loves the Manesqueeze shirt bc you can make Alex and Michael kiss by putting your wrists together. He *loves* the candle (there’s one burning on his bedside table), the silky PJs are great, but he can’t decide on just one favorite thing.
“How’s Jesa’s sanity?” She needs like 3 weeks of sleep. He explains, that while we *are* the Vlambase, the Vlambase merch company’s just Jesa and Vlamis. Jesa has a team, but all the day-to-day things, ideas, emails/customer service (Jesa), the newsletter (Vlamis). They hadn’t collaborated with anyone before Tyler, so working with him was a new experience. 
One fan mentions how they wanted to buy stuff but couldn’t. Vlamis says that he’s been there, and when he wanted something in the past he couldn’t afford, he started putting away a Dollar a day. 
“Thought on One Direction?” Vlamis is a Harry Styles guy. “Harry Styles’ swagger is next level!”
“What do you think about Russia? Will Vlambase merch be available here?” Talks a bit about how annoying things are with shipping companies, says they wanted to protect themselves for the holidays, and now that the Christmas rush is over, some shipping options have become available again. 
“Who came up with  MANESQUEEZE” He ponders about it, and settles on Jesa. It was Vlamis’s ides to put tiny Alex and tiny Michael on the sleeves so that they can kiss tho. And Tyler came up with the idea to put a “toupee” on his head (in a previous drop, the NEVER LOOK AWAY design had tiny Alex and tiny Michael on the sleeves, but poor Alex was bald) for the design.
Someone got a MALEX pin and the candle. He knows the pin sold out fast, and he feels bad about that. They want everyone to get everything they want, but it’s difficult to make proper calculations how well an item will sell. The pandemic made things even harder. Like the PJ sets. Normally, they would wait until the sale ends and see how many sets were actually ordered, but during the pandemic, stock listings have been changing dramatically from day to day, so they had to pre-order the PJs and robes to make sure they had a certain number at their disposal. He said that they “overshot” on a couple of things, but ultimately sales have been great, and he appreciates that.
“I’m excited to make the MANESQUEEZE doodles kiss bc I do that with the NEVER LOOK AWAY shirt” Vlamis jumps up and shows his closet that’s full of Vlambase merch items.
“Why am I here, it’s almost 3am” He mentions that he’s been staying up until 4 in the past couple of days, but he has to be on set in 7 or 8 hours. 
“Hello, just wanted to let you know that I got a tattoo for you” Vlamis asks for a photo and to be tagged.
“Kyle the packer [Vlamis’s roomie KA, who works in the warehouse when a new drop is ready for shipping]” Vlamis says they’re working him to death.
“Please save this live” He doesn’t know whether he’ll save it. Thinks the one with Tyler was important, but since it’s just him, he doesn’t think it’s important.
“I followed Jesa, Jesa is the real MVP” Vlamis says that Jesa is “a beast, and best in the game”. Quickly explains who Jesa is, and that she’s his partner in the Vlambase merch company. He mentions that she recently called him with an idea for Valentine’s Day, and he was like “Jesa, we need to relax!” But she loved the idea. She’s a big fan of RNM and the characters (and Tyler). “Jesa’s amazing.”
“What about new Soli art [Soli’s the artist who created the Boys Will Be Boys art for a previous drop]?” Vlamis smiles. “What about new Soli art. I like that idea. 😏“
“Your house [in New Mexico] is so cute.” Vlamis says thank you and shows the ceiling of the house (which he likes best). “Santa Fe is dope!”
“I adore your teeth” *shows his teeth* Says he had to wear braces (some even adjustable)
“I could’ve used my birthday money to buy something but I forgot” 🤨 << Vlamis’s face. “How you you forget, man?”
“Back to Twitter after this live” He mentions that he’d just been on Twitter before the live.
He got retweeted by Mountain Dew and loves it.
“I’m from Australia and hope my merch arrives before winter” Vlamis says he hopes shipping will be fast. 
“Love the Valentines” They’re not actually Valentines, hence they’re “Love Notes”.  Vlamis considers doing them not just around Valentine’s Day. 
“You catch any of the CW shows returning this month?” “Might have to” But he knows what he’ll be catching on the 12th. “Prodigal Son, baby!”
“Where did you get the Game Boys?” Those are his Game Boys. He has a Game Boy Advanced and a Game Boy Color. 
“How do you feel about Forlex?” *scoffs* 😒 “Yeah” 
“So excited for the robe!” Vlamis gets excited. “The robes and the PJs are so comfy!” Talks about how it’s a bit weird, bc they don’t make them themselves.
Several people mention that their closet looks like his closet bc of all the merch and he loves that. 
“How do you feel about Forlex” *gets agitated* “Why are you asking me this? Don’t do that to me, alright?” *softer* “Don’t do that.”
“How are you doing?” He’s doing very well. Very relieved that eh sale went well. This drop was like 3-4 months of work, the night before the sale felt like an entire month, too. Jesa and Vlamis Facetimed for more than 5hrs. They set up the website, and that’s how the glitch with the GIVE ME MALEX OR GIVE ME DEATH shirts and poster happened. They made a mistake and only noticed after the website went live. 
“Do you know when S3 will air?” No, he thought it might’ve been sooner, but apparently not.
“I love your poetry from the last drop so why no poems this time?” He writes poems when he’s inspired, he hasn’t written a poem in a while. He’s currently preparing to direct his first movie in June 2021, and he’s been very focused on that. 
“The Meet & Greet day changed.”  Filming schedule changed bc they had snow, the schedule’s changing constantly. He’ll be set all day tomorrow (well, today, Jan 11) from 8am until 8 or 9pm. Sometimes they might even wake up in the morning and learn that the schedule’s been changed. 
 “You could talk about nothing and we’d still watch.” He doesn’t want to talk about nothing, wonders if anyone has any questions about the sale.
“I’m so excited about the robe. I was going to buy more but I’m broke.” He says we should be responsible.
Someone’s still waiting about their Black Friday stuff, but he says it’s the shipping company, not them. 
“Vlamentines" He *loves* that, thinks it’s a good pun. 
“Gotta support Aurora.” Always. 🥰
“Jealous Guerin in S3?” You’ll see, you’ll see.
“I placed 3 orders, last one last night. Give me Malex or give me death.” He loves it. He also mentions, that they’re working hard on figuring out how to combine orders in the future so people don’t have to pay for shipping several times. They just can’t do that logistically at the moment. 
“Real talk, how often do you check your DMs?” He says, that some people might’ve noticed that he occasionally likes random photos on people’s IG pages. When that happens, it’s a sign that he read someone’s DM. He feels bad when he checks his mentions with a delay, and people’s stories have already vanished after 24hours. He sometimes doesn’t get to checking DMs for a week.
“Will we ever get the original pic of the kiss recreation?” *smiles* *waggles his eyebrows* “Maybe in the morning”
“So happy the Trevor Project was chosen for this merch drop!” He’s very happy, too. According to him, it was a no-brainer. Tyler’s worked with them in the past, so it made even more sense. They wanted to make sure that Tyler felt very strongly about wherever they’d be donating. 
People urge him to go to sleep. “You want me to go to bed?” 
“Why is your merch not available in India?” *deep breath* “It should be, it’s ridiculous. Unbelievable.”
“Your poetry was awesome.” He appreciates the praise and promises to write some more poetry. 
Someone asks whether the movie he’ll be directing in June will be a comedy, but he says it’s the opposite. He’s mentioned in the past that Aurora and him will both act in the movie, but apparently he forgot about that. He doesn’t want to jinx the movie and doesn’t know how much he should reveal just yet. Talks a bit about 5 Years Apart. 
Someone mentions that it’s Jeanine’s birthday on January 14th. 
“Do (or don?) a face mask, Vlamis.” He refuses. Mentions his friend and roommate Spencer Waldner, who makes face masks.
“If there’s leftover merch, will you do another sale?” He says that most things are actually sold out bc they use Blank Clo’s blanks and will only make what’s been ordered.  They might try to restock some pins tho, bc they went so quickly. 
“USPS are a joke” He defends them. “They’re a public service, they’re trying hard, guys.”
“You should do a Vlambase drop with the Real Vlamis [a.k.a. Jeanie]” He’s excited and thinks it’s a good idea and asks if anyone’d be interested. 
Someone congratulates him on directing his first movie. He points out that he’s directed before (Making It, a 3-part web series, it’s on YouTube).
 “Would you ever come to Australia Comic Con?” He’d love to. Mentions that he’s supposed to be in Paris in May for a convention, but he’s not sure whether that’s gonna happen considering how things are currently going with the pandemic. 
Some more talk about 5 Years Apart.
Circles back to doing a merch drop with Jeanine. People like the idea. 
“Please save this live.” After an IG update, things have changed and he doesn’t know how to do it. In the past he had the option to save it [for 24hrs], now he can only upload it to IGTV. 
“$30 shipping to Australia hurts my soul but I did it anyway.” He appreciates that and mentions, that he lived in Australia for 6 months in the past.
“Sing some Bright Eyes” He thinks his singing would hurt people’s ears. 
Jesa Joy pops up in the chat and urges him to go to bed. 
“Jesa is yelling at you.” Vlamis says that Jesa’s a “yeller”, and that she has a tattoo that says “Don’t yell tho”. He admits that Jesa often yells for a good reason. “I need to be yelled at sometimes.”
Someone asks him to accept a request to join his live. He says he’s pretty tired. 
He says hello to someone from Germany (not me btw :P) “What’s up, Germany ✌️” 
More people ask him to sing, but he says he cannot sing. He says it’s not like a joke  or him being modest, he straight up can’t sing and is a horrible singer. 
“Will there be a sequel to 5 Years Apart?” Maybe a sequel called “10 Years Apart” (he’s joking and visibly tired)
“Should I buy anything before the sale ends?” Yes.
Jesa Joy’s from Michigan, and Vlamis’s grandma’s from Middlesborough, Kentucky.
“Is Tyler singing again?” He doesn’t know. “I hope so. Love that kid’s voice” (Tyler’s 3.5 years older than Vlamis :P)
He’s getting sleepy and will read a little bit before bed. Considers drinking some Mountain Dew. 
“Do you take design ideas.” Sure. Sometimes he sees design ideas from people they’ve been working on for months, but he’s gonna “steal” an idea from someone, he’ll tell them. He’ll steal it, though. 
“Are you still reading SAGA?” He read the first one and is half-way through the second. He’s currently reading a book called “My First Movie” by Stephen Lowenstein. “How cliché.” Aurora got it for him.
Purple Skittles are his favorite. Purple everything.
“Your girlfriend’s the best girlfriend.” She is, she really is.
Asks Jesa Joy whether he should go to bed now.Even though it’s late, he’s hungry. Considers eating something. People tell him to go to bed.
He asks “Should I get naked and put on the PJs?” *waggles eyebrows* “I’M KIDDING, YOU’RE SICK. YOU’RE ALL DISGUSTING.” xD
“Don’t eat!” He laughs.
Says goodbye and says that Jesa’s posted a surprise picture. 
“Any advice for aspiring actors?” Tells them to make their own stuff bc no one’s gonna hire them. (He’s being sarcastic). “It’s dark, but it’s what you need to hear.”
“Okay, love you guys. Thank you again! It was our best sale yet. Means a lot to me. Means a lot to Tyler. Us doing so well might mean that Tyler will work with us again. So I really appreciate it. Okay, I love you all.”
Jesa promises to post the pic in 4 minutes. He’s excited. “See, I got her to do it! The picture is kind of ridiculous.”
*pretends to take off his shirt, stops halfway through* “Noooooo, noooooo, noooooo!”
*throws kiss* “Love you guys, good night.”
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