#I got them all from library genesis
sumedhaaaaaaaaaa · 3 months
Hello there, it’s me Momo🩷
Here’s a little description of things I love and envy
I’m from the Indian subcontinent.
Spent my entire childhood between mountains and valleys. For a change shifted to Delhi which I regret tremendously.
I love farming, gardening, stitching clothes, crocheting, writing poems and maintaining a journal.
I enjoy long walks and bicycle rides.
I prefer going to a bookstore or a restaurant all by myself. I love self-dates.
I want to settle someday at an unknown meadow with mountains and lakes at a cottage core house, with big windows and minimalistic furniture with a wooden chimney, a library with some cats and the man I love.
I’m a student, fortunately academically gifted/blessed.
I did my undergrad from Indraprastha college for women under the university of Delhi in the discipline of geography Hons. Currently pursuing my masters from Jamia Millia Islamia.
I have another blog where I mostly posts stills and poetries @shunrehihosumedha
I love movies; and my favourite genre is dystopian reality. So far I have watched 750+ movies which include almost every linguistic diversity as I strongly believe in the adherence of, “you can’t find gold unless you dig the dirt.”
I love reading books, like a lot. I can speak 5 different languages and out of them, 3 languages are engraved within my system. Starting from Greek Literature Iliad by Homer to metaphysics by aristotle; reading short stories of Rabindranath Tagore in Bengali as well as reciting Gazals of Gulzar in Hindi itself, I believe I have defined base in my own culture as well as to others. Again, when it comes to dystopian, I envy reading The Hunger Games and The Maze Runners. Do Androids dream of electric sheep? Comes under my top 5 dystopian reads; as this book was later adopted into a world class movie franchise called The Blade Runner. I lean towards Harry Potter more than The Lord of the Rings. I have read A song of ice and fire which people are so batshit crazy about and famously known as the “Game of thrones.” I didn’t watch a single episode but I know more than any fan I believe.
If you intervene and ask, then yeah you can think of me as a “nerd” hehehe because my preference and taste of things leans towards being more of geek tbh🩷🩷
I also enjoy watching animated series/anime and sit coms. I’m a sucker for The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon and will rewatch them for an eternity if asked. My favourite anime is Gintama but the list is peculiar and long as I have been watching anime/reading manga since I was 9 years old. My first anime was Dragon Ball z and Pokémon. I also watched Doraemon and Shinchan series/movies. The list goes on when it comes to entertainment but mine is more restricted than common which people watch out of peer pressure. Below are some examples for understanding my taste and likings.
My favourite dystopian movies are (Top 20)
1. Shutter Island.
2. Interstellar
3. The Dark knight
4. The Dark knight Rises
5. Captain America: the winter soldier
6. Rouge one: a star war’s story
7. Tron legacy
8. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
9. The Hobbit: the desolation of Smaug
10. Star Trek Enterprise
11. Star Wars: the empire strikes back
12. Blade runner
13. Blade runner 2049
14. Dune
15. V for vendetta
16. Maze runner
17. The Hunger Games
18. Oblivion
19. The Truman show
20. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Top 15 Anime
1. Gintama
2. Neon Genesis Evangelion
3. Berserk
4. Mob psycho
5. Steins Gate
6. Violet evergarden
7. Monster
8. Parasyte
9. Heavenly delusion
10. Ergo proxy
11. Full Metal Alchemist
12, That time when I got reincarnated as a slime
13. Campfire cooking in another world with my absurd cooking skills
14. Barakamon
15. Bunny Drop
Top 10 Anime Movies
1. Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli
2. Up from the poppy hill by Studio Ghibli
3. My neighbor Totoro by Studio Ghibli
4. The End of Evangelion by Hideaki Anno
5. Spirited Away by Studio Ghibli
6. Perfect blue by Satosi Kon
7. Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo
8. Ghost in the Shell by Mamoru Oshii
9. Violet evergarden: the movie by Taichi Ishidate
10. Doraemon: Nobita’s new dinosaur by Kazuaki Imai, Toshihisa Yokoshima, in collaboration with Kyoto animation studio Wasabi Mizuta, Megumi Ohara, Shihoko Hagino.
I know it may seem boring and I usually don’t find people with such diversity, but it would be good to be a part of this community. I envy people who respects art and literature of every culture and not demeaning them.
Have a good day people muah 🩷
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prismaticpichu · 4 months
Was too lazy to update the masterlist, so I’m doing this instead lmao! Here are just a few fics that are personally special to me/had the most fun writing/most proud of!
Quick intro: Heya friendo! I’m Pichu, and I’ve been obsessed with writing Zack & Sephiroth oneshots since the 8th grade now!! I love to try and deliver as much fluff as I can while someeetimess adding in a quick needle here and there. Thanks so much for stopping by! You’re epic! <3
Pichu’s Favorite Fics
Ricochet ~ In which the revelations found at the Nibel Reactor bounce off Sephiroth and hit someone else much harder.
Understudy ~ After an unplanned confrontation with Hojo, Zack begins to wonder if he’s anything more than a replacement for Genesis & Angeal.
How to Save a Life ~ Zack finally thanks him for saving his life on that somber night in Wutai
Are You For Teal? ~ To prove their friendship to the nonexistent man, Zack & Sephiroth take a magazine quiz. What Zack didn’t anticipate was feeling something he never quite felt before.
Take Your Best (Mug) Shot ~ A cup of coffee later, and the future is looking a lot less bleak.
The Thirst for Knowledge ~ Having collapsed from dehydration in the library, Zack and Cloud haul Sephiroth's body back to the Strife residence. There, he learns the truth about those books and a little something about motherly love.
You Heard it First ~ “You have worked with hundreds of men over the years. To finish, we would like to ask... are there any that you have considered to be a friend?"
It’s Lovely Weather for a Sleigh Ride Together With You ~ Accustomed to simple, introverted holidays, Sephiroth is pushed out of his comfort zone when roped into spending Christmas Eve with Zack and his partner.
A Thousand Miles ~ Just a simple note in his pen drawer.
How To Improve Your Sephiroth’s Day: A Step-by-Step Guide (6/6 chaps) ~ He wasn’t expecting such a stupid article to make such big waves.
In Fate’s Hands ~ “And I was there, standing against you, with all this machinery and smog around us, and you didn't recognize me, no matter how loud I screamed, and you were trying... trying to...”
"...Trying to hurt you?" Sephiroth finished quietly.
Food for the Soul ~ During spring cleaning, Zack stumbles across a list of dishes that Angeal promised to make with him. All of them are checked off.
All except for the last one.
Teddy Fair ~ Sephiroth is holding him just a little tighter than usual. (Rare slash fic!)
Everytime We Touch ~ Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
(And from our little more prickly selection)
Lightning ~ Endure the pain, Sephiroth. You have yet to reach your threshold.
Delirium ~ He struggled and struggled, fighting to get the hellish shape away from him.
Try As You Might ~ Zack is left hospitalized after a tragic mission.
Apparitions - “Are you… a monster?”
Connection ~ Zack had Angeal’s contact in his phone long after Modeoheim.
Inadequate ~ Zack never got a chance to say goodbye.
Not to the Sephiroth he knew.
Home Is Where the Heart Is ~ Angeal’s door is locked for the final time.
Thank you so much for your attention! <333
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
*timidly walks up to the cash register*
Can I… can I plz ask for your fluffiest AGSZ or SZ snippet/headcanon plz? I’ve been lanced in the heart by your wonderfully evil community and it’s what the doctor ordered :,3 ❤️
Innocent Moments No One Sees
• Zack laughing so hard at the way Sephiroth pronounces schedule that milk comes out of his nose. Sephiroth then laughing so hard at the milk coming out of Zack's nose that he is immobile on the ground for several minutes.
• Sephiroth falling asleep in the library, Genesis and Angeal counting how many books they can stack on top of him before he wakes up.
• Zack folding paper daisies that Aerith taught him and placing them in Sephiroth's hair one by one during a meeting.
• Angeal and Sephiroth walking back to the tower after getting milkshakes. They got different flavors, but switch drinks every ten minutes. They're talking about what they would name their hypothetical pet chocobo.
• Genesis giving Zack another ear piercing. Zack is sitting on Genesis' bathroom sink with his feet up, wearing a battered Loveless hoodie he fully plans on stealing from him. They're both talking about the first time they got their ears pierced as Genesis works.
• Angeal and Zack going on a run and jokingly racing each other. Angeal can't catch up to Zack, who has infinite energy. Then Zack trips and faceplants on the ground, getting a bloody nose. Angeal then gives him a piggyback ride back to the tower. They're clowning around on their way there, with Zack pretending that he's a cowboy and Angeal is his horse.
• Zack dragging Sephiroth up to the roof on a rainy day, giving him a fun yellow raincoat and ordering that he jump in all the puddles to heal his inner child. Little did they know that Genesis and Angeal had been hiding behind some ventilation units and would come out with two giant super-soakers.
• Sephiroth and Genesis walking around the Skyview hall at three AM. Neither of them can sleep and are still in pajamas. They're sharing earbuds and laughing at all the cringey music Genesis has on his old MP3.
• Genesis and Angeal sprawled out on Angeal's kitchen floor in the middle of the afternoon looking at an old photo album from their childhood. They're eaten their way through half a box of ice cream sandwiches already.
• The four of them having a sleepover at Sephiroth's apartment. They've already ordered pizza, Genesis has made them all drinks, and they're now playing a boardgame with a movie that they've long abandoned playing in the background.
• The four of them going on a shopping trip to the mall. Zack is trailing behind Genesis at some high-end boutique. He's eating mango ice cream and critiquing every one of Genesis' outfit choices. Meanwhile, Angeal and Sephiroth are laughing their asses off. They found a gothic clown painting at an art store and are now lugging it back to the car. They plan on hanging it in Lazard's office as a prank.
• Sephiroth putting clear tape on his office door at Zack's exact eye level, then texting him "I have cookies in my office if you want some." He then watches as Zack runs into the tape at full speed.
• All of them going on a mission together, something that usually doesn't happen, but even Lazard could agree that they needed a break. The four of them are laying on the grass outside the camp with their heads touching. They're watching the stars and sharing jokes. Nothing bad has happened yet.
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hoodharlow · 1 year
No Purple
AN: shout out to @killatravtramp for letting me use her idea 🥰🥰🥰 also well see more of Genesis when I post the actual teacher one shot
Request? No but I did use V's idea
Warnings: general smut lol
Word Count: 1.8k words
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Genesis sighed and walked over to the water station. The two moms in charge of making sure there was water at all times were gossiping with the other two volunteers at the orange slices table. She opened another pack of the mini water bottles and placed them on the table. She took a deep breath then went back to her station. She made note of the moms that weren't doing what they signed up for, so they could help with the take down at the end of the fun-run. 
The elementary school she worked at was organizing a fun-run to collect money for a school wide field trip to the caverns at the end of the year. Genesis had no idea how but she got roped by Dr. Reed, the principal, and helped organize the entire thing. She spent the last month calling places for donations for the fun-run, designing t-shirts for each of the grades, making volunteer schedules and all that on top of her actual work. She got lucky and Jack's parents were able to make the t-shirts as a donation. Jack offered pay for the field trip himself, but Genesis turned him down. He also tried to donate to her class specifically, but she said no. 
Genesis sat back at her table and counted up the tallies for the fourth grade class. She took out her iPad and pulled up the spreadsheet she had for the fun-run and went through each student's paper. She heard a commotion, but paid no mind to it. She wanted to finish the tallies so the students that got per lap donations could take their forms home to collect their donations. 
A to-go container was set next to her, making Genesis look up from her iPad. 
"Hey," Jack said, bending down to give her a chaste kiss. 
"No purple." Martín, a student from Genesis's class, said as he walked past the table to get to his friends.
The school was having a free day where students could go to the library to read, go to specific classrooms to do arts & crafts or play games and watch movies. The final option was to just hang outside in the fourth and fifth grade play area. Where the fun-run was taking place. 
Genesis covered Jack's hand before he flipped off the five year old. "Leave, Lizbeth's kid alone." She whispered to him. 
Lizbeth was one of Genesis and Jack's friends from high school. She was the first (and only) to have a kid out of their friend group and ever since Martín was born, Jack has had some sort of one sided beef with the kid. 
"If purple is between a guy and a girl, what about gay and nonbinary people?" Jack asked her. 
"Nonbinary people are yellow and I'm not too sure about gay couples." She answered him. She locked her iPad and turned to him. "Why are you here?"
That morning he picked her up from her apartment and drove her to school. He went to deliver the t-shirts Genesis ordered. He told her he couldn't stay because he was going to be at the studio the rest of the morning. 
"Damn, I can't see my girl." He scoffed. 
Genesis smiled shyly. After her cousin's wedding they decided to give dating a chance. Jack had a few weeks off and they've been spending as much time together before he had to go on the road again. When they told their friends and family they all let out a collective finally. 
"I also brought pizza for everyone." Jack pointed toward the new canopy set up. There were piles upon piles of pizza boxes on the tables. He brought his hand down and patted her take-out box. "And I got your boujie ass flats." 
"I'm not boujie." She frowned. 
"Don't deny it, it's one of the many things I love about you." He said. 
"You're annoying," Genesis rolled her eyes at him. 
She went back to her work with the tallies then she moved on to making certificates to those that ran the most laps. By then it was time to take down the fun-run. 
"You got sunscreen?" Jack asked.
"In my Harry Styles tote." She pointed at the chair next to him. 
"Why don't you use my tote?" 
"Because yours doesn't have bunnies." 
Jack rolled his eyes. He lathered some on his face and made sure to get the back of his neck. He put back the sunscreen and went to go help take down the canopies. 
Genesis watched as Jack talked with Dr. Reed. Another person he had beef with. Apparently when he was in fifth grade he went to the school where she worked and when he tried out for the school's annual talent show, Dr. Reed, who was Miss Fox at the time, stopped his performance of Fergalicious and told him he couldn't perform at the talent show. He called her one of his original haters.
At some point Jack took off his jacket and tied it around his waist, showing off his arms in the tight white tee he wore under. It got Genesis worked up. And the way he wore his baseball cap backwards wasn't helping her at all. She thought back to the times he would crash frat parties when he was in town and wore his hats like that. There was something about how curls curved over his hat that made her feral. She took a generous sip from her Hydro Flask as he took off his hat to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Jack shook his head, fluffing his curls, and put his hat back. 
After everything was taken down, all the teachers took their students back to their classrooms. There was about fifteen minutes left before school was over. 
Jack joined Genesis and sat in the back of her class. He entertained himself by organizing the large crayons in their designated colors. He occasionally looked over to Genesis. She had her class sitting in a large rug as they went around the circle, talking about what they did during the day. He smiled to himself watching how she was in her element. He knew she was one of the few people meant for teaching. 
The bell finally rang. 
"Alright, have a good weekend and if you got your envelope back please bring it on Monday." She told the students as they got their backpacks. "Also, everyone tell Jack thank you for the pizza and t-shirts." 
"Thank you Jack." The class said in unison. 
"Pay up." Martín told Jack. He pointed at his paper. "I did this many."
"You did six laps?" Jack asked as he pulled out his wallet. 
At a kickback Martín went around the group asking for donations. A few just gave him twenty bucks but Jack told him he'd pay him a hundred for each lap. 
"Yeah, pay up." The five year old said in a sassy tone.
"Here." Jack said, placing a thousand dollars in the envelope. 
"Miss Ramos, I finished." Martín said, handing Genesis back his envelope. 
Genesis frowned at Jack. "Seriously." 
"He asked me." Jack said defensively. 
"Of course he did."
When they finally pulled up to Jack's house, all bets were off. Genesis climbed over her seat and straddled Jack. She claimed his mouth and began rutting her hips against his. 
"G, wait until I turn off the car." Jack laughed. He turned off the ignition and pulled out the key. "Where were we?"
They went back to making out. At some point, Jack had to pull away and led them inside. He picked up the back of her thighs and carried her upstairs. He gently set her down on his bed and began removing his clothes. Genesis followed suit. 
"Keep the hat." She said, pushing down her brown cargo pants. 
"Yes ma'am." He grinned, sitting against the headboard.
He knew that hat had some sort of effect on her and wore backwards to get her attention. Even before they started dating, she would sit on his lap and play with the ends of his curls.
Genesis straddled him and cupped his cheek, kissing him. She stood on her knees over Jack’s cock. He held her hips and guided her down his cock. Both let out a satisfied moan. Jack gave her hips a few squeezes, letting her know she could move. Genesis held the back of his neck and leaned back on one hand, slowly riding him.
She gently tugged on his curls as she moved her waist. One she was used to him, he lifted his hips to meet her thrusts. She was a moaning mess for him. He pulled her closer to him. Their lips moaning into each other. One of her hands gripped his bicep while the other traveled down to her clit. She rubbed herself. 
“Come on, G, let go for me.” He encouraged her. 
With that Genesis came. She repeated Jack’s name over and over until her high faded. 
"I can take another." She said breathlessly. 
She knew Jack hadn't come yet. He nodded and pulled his length out of her and positioned her so that only her ass was in the air for him, so she wouldn't be on all fours. He knelt in front of her and aligned himself to her entrance, slowly pushing himself in her once more. His hands gripped her waist as he slowly rocked into her. 
As the minutes passed, his thrusts got rougher, and Genesis couldn’t hold back. She begged Jack to keep fucking her at that irritatingly slow and rough pace she loved. He leaned over, his chest against her back. His lips kissed all over her neck as he continued to fuck Genesis. She rocked back against him, lazily meeting his thrusts.
"That’s it, G." He groaned in her ear. 
Jack shifted his hips as he thrusted into her. The new angle hit her in that spot that made her beg for him. She caught sight of Jack in the mirror doors of his closet and nearly came undone by just looking at him. The way his curls clung to his hat. How he tightly gripped her hips as he roughly thrusted into her. How his KY necklace moved erratically with every movement. It made her egged her on. 
Genesis pushed back her hips rougher to meet his thrusts. He gripped her hips with one hand while the other went back down to her clit. Jack worked his fingers roughly as he pushed his hips into Genesis. He buried his face in her neck, kissing her sweet spot. Her quiet praises filled the room, egging him on. She quietly whimpered his name, lazily meeting his thrusts before her orgasm took over. Jack’s orgasm followed soon after, pushing himself deep inside. 
Jack pulled out and laid on his side. Genesis pulled off his hat and ran her fingers over his drenched curls. 
"How was that?" He asked, hovering over her body. 
"An A." She giggled. 
"Only an A? Let me do some extra credit for an A+ then." He mumbled against her neck. 
"You're never gonna quit with the teacher puns are you?" Genesis asked him. 
Jack placed her thighs over his shoulders. He looked up at her and grinned mischievously "No, I'm only getting started."
Taglist: @cherry4everrr @heavyhitterheaux  ​ @carma-fanficaddict  ​ @youngharleezy  @youngharleezyxo  ​ @babyharleezy  ​ @that-90s-girllll  ​ @alinaharlow  @harlowcomehome  @nattinatalia  @webinurcloset  @gassyandsassy1  @jackharloww  @awhore4moree  @noescapricho-essentimiento  @a-moment-captured  @neon-lights-and-glitter  @purecinnamonextract  @whywontyoulovemecami @camificrecs
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altocat · 6 months
Angsty Gen and Seph dream I had that I figured I’d share below:
This was probably inspired by a fic I have been reading where Sephiroth was warned by Hojo that if he didn’t succeed in Nibelheim and actually kill Genesis, he would be considered no longer useful as Shinra’s weapon, but only for Hojo’s research as a lab rat like he was as a child. A very BAD outcome lol.
In the dream, canon diverged and Sephiroth actually was pulled away from the library mid-breakdown by Zack and they planned to escape, but Shinra was evil as usual and bombed Nibelheim like they did Banora. Zack was seriously injured and barely crawled away with his life, but Sephiroth got taken back in by Shinra, also barely aware of what was happening thanks to the impact of Shinra’s ambush.
I don’t even want to say what went down with Hojo afterwards but it was…bad. Hojo being the sick dad of the year he is, just got everything he always wanted. Sephiroth failed the mission so yeah…
But good news, Genesis found Zack! In the dream it was so sweet and pleasant to see, but Genesis actually came to his senses and realized that Sephiroth had rejected him in the reactor because he thought Gen was trying to use him for his cells. Gen had this big epiphany and was thinking “Oh shit I fucked up. Seph thought I was pulling a Shinra and trying to use him.”
Gen realized that what needed to happen was that they all escaped Shinra and Gen could find a cure for his degrading that way. He also was saying something about Zack being Angeal’s worthy successor iirc? Anyway. My favorite thing was seeing Gen redeem himself and save Zack, then decide to be a real hero by saving his friends and standing against Shinra.
So he rescued Zack and they decided they needed to go get Sephiroth. It was a longgg process in the dream because Genesis was still dying actually. But holy shit the angst was brutal because Gen did NOT fucking care. His degradation meant nothing. He had to get Seph out of Shinra and burn the whole place to the ground if it killed him.
Alto it was sooooo sad though. The end part destroyed me😭
Basically Gen finally broke into Shinra, fucking wiped the floor with Hojo, and saved Sephiroth’s life, who was barely functional by that point but ALIVE at least, and Gen was able to tell him he was sorry for everything and that he only ever wanted them to be equals, friends, even if they were both monsters. Once Sephiroth understood what Genesis had done and realized that they were still real friends, he forgave him and it was all made well but…well…you can probably guess….
Genesis didn’t survive. Zack and Seph made it, but Genesis had put all his energy into getting through to Seph. For him it was worth it because of the reconciliation and knowing that when Sephiroth was back to normal, he would avenge them and destroy Shinra. Gen died a hero. Aaaaaa!
It hurt so much but I loved this au that just randomly invaded my dream?? I’m only wondering now if Cloud survived the Nibelheim bombing 😐
If I had skills I would write this into a fic but since I don’t, I just wanted to share on the Sephcanons blog as an au headcanon!
Hhhhh Anon you're so creative. That was a sudden whirlwind flash of feels there lmao I'm losing it rn
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greenelectricsky · 5 months
Tagged by @skywalkerangst ! Thank you, darling!
Rules: Answer these and tag nine people you'd like to get to know better!
Last song: AC/DC, Starling Express, John Partridge version.
Currently watching: Uhhhh... Cats and Starlight Express on You Tube, as many versions as I can find.
Three ships: Tuggerstrap (Munkustrap/Rum Tum Tugger, Cats), Sparrington (Jack Sparrow/James Norrington, Pirates of the Caribbean) and... from a few days Rustricity (Rusty/Electra, Starling Express). And many, oh boy, so many others...
Favourite colour: GREEN.
Currently consuming: Fanfictions... Kidding, bread and mushrooms (champignon mushrooms) with salt and pepper.
First ship: I... Don't remember, actually... It was over 25 years ago... More or less... Something from Moomins maybe? Or Sailor Moon? Some manga, like Neon Genesis Evangelion? Harry Potter was written later... But I'm almost sure it was something in canon, I wasn't so creative like now. Oh, wait! Not in canon were two guys from old (they were old when I got them in the library) western books. One of the main heroes was cowboy, Carl (? Or something like that, hard to say, name was translated, so it could be Charles too) and... a detective called Aunt Dot (because he had a very high voice when angry - that one I remember). I thought they were cute together :)
Relationship status: Miserably alone without hope at that point.
Last movie: Sonic, first part :) Ha, I got you - you thought Cats or Starlight Express! ;)
Currently working on: Fanfiction, cross Cats and Strange Magic. 🤣🤣🤣
Tagging: @snailllysnailsss , @bombawife , @missing-sock-misto , @may-be2 , @mistos-hot-husband , @queensilber , @mistycorce , @falasta , @storyweaverofgondor (I'm really trying not to tag all of my mutuals...)
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mask131 · 11 months
The cosmogony of French fantasy
The title is not by me - this is actually the title of an article I want to kind-of-translate kind-of-recap here. "Cosmogonie de la fantasy française - Genèse et émancipation", "Cosmogony of French fantasy - Genesis and emancipation", by Marie-Louise Bougon. It was an article part of the "Worldbuilding" issue of the French National Library review (La revue de la BNF), back in 2019, and it brings a lot of interesting element for those who are curious about what fantasy literature looks like currently in France (since all the fantasy we talk about is mostly American or British).
Here is the rough translation/summary:
Fantasy only appeared quite late in France - and if the first translations of English-speaking fantasy only come from the 1970s, we will have to wait for the new editorial dynamic of the 1990s for a true "French fantasy" to appear and specialize itself - many talk of a "French touch" that makes these books clearly different from their English companions.
I) The first translations: a fragmented territory
The first translations in French of fantasy books started in the 70s. The decisions of publishing houses at the time made it quite hard for a reader to identify "fantasy" as its own genre. Indeed, most fantasy authors (especially British ones) were published by houses specializing in "general literature" - The Hobbit was translated as "Bilbo le Hobbit" in 1969 by Stock, before it took care of the Cycle de Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake, while in 1972 Christian Bourgeois releases the first French translation of the Lord of the Rings. Another part of fantasy books - more American, these ones, the inheritors of the pulp aesthetic, the sword and sorcery books - was rather translated in collections dedicated to either science-fiction, or fantastique. [N.o.T.: The French term "fantastique" designates a specific literary genre in which supernatural elements suddenly happen in an otherwise normal, regular and mundane setting identical to our own - as opposed to "merveilleux" which is about describing worlds where the magical and fabulous is mundane. Dracula would be "fantastique" while fairytales are "merveilleux".] There was the collection "Aventures fantastiques" by the editions Opta, or the science-fiction collection of Lattès.
Fantasy was perceived originally as merely a sub-genre of science-fiction - an idea that was kept alive by collections such as "Pocket science-fiction" or "J'ai lu - SF" that published a mix of science-fiction and fantasy works throughout the 80s. Outside of the short-lived collection "Heroic Fantasy" by Stan Barets at the Temps futurs publishing house (it only lasted from 1981 to 1983), we would have to wait for quite some time before publishers started to understand that fantasy was its own genre. In 1988, the Atalante creates the "Bibliothèque de l'évasion" (Library of evasion) collection. Fleuve noir creates in 1998 a fantasy collection called "Dentelle du cygne" (Swan's lace), that in 2002 was replaced by "Rendez-vous ailleurs", "Meetings at other places". These were for large formats - pocket formats also started their own specific collections. J'ai lu Fantasy in 1998, for example, and in 1988 the Pocket SF collection started to add sub-titles such as "Fantasy", "Dark Fantasy" or "Science-fantasy" to differentiate the works. However, despite all these efforts, the original decades-old confusion between fantasy, SF and general literature hindered the growth of the genre in France, since it never got a true visibility...
II) Cartography of the "great old ones"
If people only start to realize and understand the genre itself at the end of the 80s, it doesn't mean that there never was any French fantasy works until this date. In fact, the Callidor editions, specializing in "fantasy archeology", have made an effort to dig up and bring back to light the works that shaped the French fantasy - and for them, the oldest French work of fantasy would be the epic Les Centaures, in 1904, written by André Lichtenberger. In 2005, the author Laurent Kloetzer went even further than this - he claimed that Flaubert's Salammbô (an 1862 sensual, violent and Orientalist historical novel) was one of the earliest examples of French fantasy. Kloetzer notably pointed out the similarity between Salammbô's baroque style, and the one of Michael Moorcock's Gloriana, and how the way Robert Howard described bloody battles was quite close to Flaubert's own war descriptions. By retrospectively considering these works as fantasy, this would make the French fantasy a continuation of the merveilleux genre (see my mentions above).
So, French precursors did exist - but they remained lonely and rare experimentations, that never got any true success upon their release. Nathalie Henneberg, an author of science-fiction (who often published under the name of her husband, Charles Henneberg) did made a few fantasy pauses in her SF career during the 1960s - Le Sang des astres (The blood of celestial bodies) and Les Dieux verts (The Green gods), republished by Callidor in 2018. However the most notorious example of this "primitive French fantasy" would be Jacques Abeille's Cycle des contrées, published in 1982 at Flammarion, then re-edited in 2012 by the Attila editions, and finally released in pocket format by Folio SF in 2018. This cycle, that describes the exploration of another world full of wonders and magics, took more than thirty years to be recognized as a fantasy works - and that despite Abeille having sent his manuscript to Julien Gracq, one of the greatest French fans of Tolkien at the time. If people did notice a similarty between fantasy books and Abeille's works, editors made nothing of it - one would have to wait for the more modern reedition for the "fantasy" aspect to be advertised. In 2011, in an interview, Jacques Abeille recalled a sentence one of his readers said to him: "As a kid, I watched Star Wars. As a teen, I read Tolkien. As an adult, I read you."
Abeille's new success in modern fantasy is however an exception, since other "precursors" of fantasy never regained such a late recognition: for example, Isabelle Hausser's Célubée, published in 1986 by Julliard, is still not sold as a fantasy work, and that despite being re-edited by Fallois in 2000 (with a Marc Fumaroli preface). Among other French early attempts, we can find Sous l'araignée du Sud (Under the South spider), a 1978 novel by Dominique Roche and Charles Nightingale, published by Robert Laffont. Unlike the previous works, this novel actually had a consciousness that it belonged to a new and "infant" genre. The back of the book doesn't use the "fantasy" word yet, but it does describe it as "a marvelous and terrifying fairy tale, in the line of Tolkien's work, in the heroico-fantastical tradition of the Anglo-Saxons, but this time written in French, in a rich and visual language, sparkling with humor."
In the 1980s, we see an hesitaton, an ambiguity between publishing/editing decisions that made the birth of this first fantasy completely invisible to the public, and a slow, creeping recognition by authors and publishers of a new genre. In 1983, Francis Berthelot's Khanaor duology was published in the Heroic Fantasy collection of Temps futurs - and in the preface the author clearly states its "fantasy" status. "No need to lie to ourselves, the same way general literature disdains SF, the SF disdains heroic fantasy. It makes it a sub-sub-genre, a doubly-poor parent of the Letters with a big L." This preface highlights the bad reputation of the genre at the time - for French people of the 80s, fantasy was just a sub-science-fiction, less thoughtful, less prone to reflexion, more turned towards adventure and entertainment. Despite all this criticism, fantasy will still manage to grow away from science-fiction, and find its place in the "genre literatures".
III) An expanding universe
It was around 1995 that a true turn of event happened, around the same time the first French publishing house entirely dedicated to fantasy were created (Mnémos and Nestiveqnen). Mnémos, originally conceived by Stéphane Marsan and Frédéric Weil to publish role-playing game novelizations, still edited during its first years French authors such as Mathieu Gaborit, Fabrice Colin, Laurent Kloetzer, Pierre Grimbert and Sabrina Calvo. Nicknamed "the Mnémos generation", these authors created a true boom and multiplication of the French fantasy works in the 2000s. Les Chroniques des Crépusculaires (The Chronicles of the Dusk-people), of Mathieu Gaborit (1995-96) and Le Secret de Ji, by Pierre Grimbert (prix Julia Verlanger in 1997) form the two first commercial successes of French fantasy.
This new fashion was certified by the creation in 2000 of the Bragelonne editions: this very prolific publishing house released translations of English works, but also promoted the writers of the "Mnémos generation", while discovering new authors. For example, Henri Loevenbruck with his Celtic saga La Moïra (2001-2002), or the Ange duo (already famous for their work on comic books and roleplaying games) with their cycle Trois Lunes de Tanjor (Three Moons of Tanjor, 2001-2003, re-edited in 2005 under the title Ayesha). Les Editions de l'Oxymore (The Oxymoron Editions), created in 1999, also allowed numerous French authors to start in the genre, via periodical anthologies - these anthologies contained short stories from authors now quite well-known, such as Justine Niogret, Mélanie Fazi or Charlotte Bousquet. The editorial expansion follows all the way throughout the 2000s, with new publishing houses opening regularly. Le Bélial', which created the Bifrost journal, published fantasy novels since 1998 (their collection "Fantasy", renamed "Kvasar" in 2011). The webzine ActuSF becomes an editing house in 2003, and dedicates its collection "Trois souhaits" (Three wishes) to French authors. Les Moutons électriques (The electrical sheeps) were born in 2004, and made famous Jean-Philippe Jaworski, while La Volte, around the same time, started the very noticeable Horde du Contrevent (Horde of the Counterwind) by Alain Damasio. The years 2010s also saw a few house apparitions - such as the Critic, Callidor and Scrineo editions - and there was also a very dynamic microedition market.
Of course, French youth publications also stayed very rich and prolific - finding a true audience after the Harry Potter phenomenon. Two famous French series played on the idea of "the adventures of a young wizard" - the Tara Duncan series by Sophia Audouin-Mamikonian, started in 2003 and a mass commercial success, and also started in 2003 the saga of the "world of Gwendalavir" by Pierre Bottero. While these works all evoke the Potter-phenomenon (teenage characters promised to a great destiny and magical powers in a fantastical parallel world), they do keep an original voice, find their own themes and specificities, and thus gain a faithful audience. In the Fantasy forum of the university of Artois, Pierre Bottero was the most frequently mentionned French author when participants were asked "Who is your favorite author?", making him a good rival of English-speaking fantasy authors.
If French fantasy managed to build itself, and to singularize itself - and if the genre became even more visible thanks to the recent mediatic success of the Game of Thrones TV series, Jérôme Vincent (director of ActuSF) made a quite disappointing observation in a 2017 interview. He noted that the "wave" expected did not happen. "The big cinema blockbusters all belong to either science-fiction or fantasy, the great TV series are all tied one way or another to fantasy, that's the same thing in comic books and video games, and that's without talking of role-playing games... [...] But it seems that is no effect, no repercusion of this onto fantasy literature." In order to ameliorate the visibility and the sales of fantasy books, since 2017 publishers created the "Mois de l'imagination" (Month of the imagination), a way to rival the "literary new year". While it is too early to establish if this worked or not, it is quite a hopeful sign to see that in "fantasy reading recommandations", French names start to pop up alongside the great English ones. As Estelle Faye wrote, "French fantasy seems to still suffer from an inferiority complex" - but we can only hope authors and readers will manage to fight it off.
IV) A world of its own ?
Is there a "French touch", a specificity to French fantasy? This question, frequently debated by fan forums, became the subject of a podcast produced by the website Elbakin.net, in which was noted the lack in France of huge cycles carried over several volumes (a very prominent feature of English-written fantasy). French fantasy authors prefers one-shots, short series (rarely more than a trilogy), or series of distnct novels merely sharing a same world (for example, the works of Lionel Davoust that take place in the Evanégyre world). This formal difference would however be due to the "fear" of editors, who do not dare putting in the world too-ambitous projects. Due to this format specificity, it seems that there is a lesser importance of the worldbuilding in French fantasy - which might be why its authors had a hard time building an audience in the beginnings. As David Peyron wrote it in Culture geek, fantasy fans tend to prefer the quality of the worldbuilding over the quality of the style. "If the quality of the world becomes essential, in return some traits such as the literary style, which gives its value to a cultural object in a classical system, are pushed aside." French fantasy, which is less of a worldbuilder and much more literary than its English counterpart, is as a result swimming against the stream. However, nowadays this particularly is accepted by the fans. Indeed, in recent reviews and articles, several French authors such as Jean-Philippe Jaworski or Alain Damasio are praise for their mastery of style - the first one because of how he writes like Alexandre Dumas, the second because of how versatile he can be with tones and genres. These literary qualities are obviously tied to the inspirations of the French authors, who do not have the "pulp inheritage" and rather take from French classics or swashbuckling novels. Of course, we also cannot ignore the theory that French readers are more sensible to the style when it comes to writing in their own language.
If we go towards themes, we can see several recurring motifs and traditions shared by both English-speaking and French-speaking fantasy. For example, Arthurian fantasy has sparked a certain interest in France - La Trilogie des Elfes (The Elf trilogy) of Jean-Louis Fetjaine (1998-2000), or Justine Niogret's Mordred (2013). However, French authors truly seem to express a taste for historical but non-medieval fantasy. Jean-Philippe Jaworski's Gagner la guerre (Win the war, 2009) takes place during a reinvented Renaissance, Johan Heliot's takes an interest in the rule of Louis XIV in his Grand Siècle (Great century) saga (2017-2018), Pierre Pevel choses the 17th century for the setting of his Les Lames du cardinal (The Cardinal's blades, 2007-2010), and finally Fabrice Anfosso takes inspiration from World War I in his Le Chemin des fées (The road of fairies, 2005). Urban fantasy also has a big success in France - especially one focusing on a reinvented Paris. There are numerous works reimagining the French capital as either filled with surpernatural beasts, either invaded by a scientific-marvelous touching to both the steampunk and gaslamp fantasies. For examples you have the Paris des merveilles cycle, by Pierre Pevel (Paris of marvels, 2003-2015), Un éclat de givre by Estelle Faye (A fragment of frost, 2014), Les Extraordinaires et Fantastiques Enquêtes de Sylvo Sylvain by Raphaël Albert (The Extraordinary and Fantastical Investigations of Sylvo Sylvain, 2010-2017), or Les Confessions d'un automate mangeur d'opium by Mathieu Gaborit and Fabrice Colin (Confessions of an opium-eating automaton, 1999).
Jacques Baudou described with enthusiasm the originality of French fantasy, whose main specificity is - according to him - a tendency to go to the margins. "The best works of French fantasy [...] operates a subversion of the codes, they practice the art of mixing, and as thus come off as greatly original literary objects". It seems indeed that, due to its late apparition, French fantasy benefited from a certain look-back on its own genre, making it easier for French authors to play with or subvert its codes. Anne Besson, however, nuances this opinion: she points out that the small number of French fantasy authors (compared to the mass of English-speaking authors) makes the differences in tones, themes and motifs much more obvious - which creates what is merely a feeling of a greater diversity.
Another element of French fantasy that seems to be born of its "lateness" is its reflexive dimension: French authors have a strong tendency towards the commentary and the erudition. For example, the fantasy anthologies of the Editions de l'Oxymore include between its short stories things such as critical files or textstaken out of classics of French culture. These practices seem to be an attempt at legitimizing a genre that still has a hard time being recognized as "true literature" - even though modern days receive fantasy works with much more benevolence than before.
V) To the conquest of the world ?
If French fantasy grew enormously since the first experiments of the 70s, and if it now benefits from a much better visibility, its market stays quite weak. A proof of that: the numerous funding campaigns launched these last years by different actors of the genre. French fantasy also has a hard time crossing the frontier. Le Livre et l'épée by Antoine Rouaud (The Book and the sword, first volume released in 2013) was translated in English, German, Dutch and Spanish. Le Secret de Ji of Pierre Grimbert (Ji's Secret) was also published in English via Amazon Crossing in 2013. But these are exceptions to the rule. But there is hope for future French publications - for example the Bragelonne publishing house established a partnership with the British Gollancz, a science-fiction specialist.
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freelanceexorcist · 4 months
Some more comments on the demo.
I'm not able to play it because I don't have a PS5 and there won't be one in the cards for a while, but I at least found a good, thorough playthrough that didn't have some streamer yammering over the dialogue, so that will have to do.
I'm writing as a I watch, so there's gonna be a lot here.
Cut for Rebirth spoilers (and a Game of Thrones one) and length.
-I loved seeing Sephiroth act and speak so casually! Back then, he really was just a guy, huh?
-And holy crap, is that seriously Caleb Pierce doing the voice of Shinra Security Officer Who Is Actually Cloud? Kinda on the nose, but I like it. Maybe in Cloud's dumpster fire of a psyche, not only does he remember being the SOLDIER 1st Class, but he remembers Zack as being the security guard.
-OMFG, Master Zangan! LOL, this fuckin guy. Three seconds after meeting Cloud he's feeling him up! And man, he's got some huge Patrick Warburton energy going on.
-Only three beds in the room at the inn? Guess one of the boys is gonna have to double up with Sephiroth.
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-Let me just state for the record that I really like Cloud as a character. That said, when he was a teenager? He was, uh...a wee bit of a creeper. His favorite spot to hang out just happens to face what I assume is Tifa's bedroom window. And what does he do when he knows he's alone in the house? Goes into her bedroom and starts going through her stuff. At least the ladies called his ass out for that this time, because that sequence never did sit right with me.
-I'll bet Sephiroth was ready to buy Random Villager Guy a drink. RVG keeping those looky loos and stans away like a champ! He even had to keep them away from the INN! I really understand why he wanted nothing to do with the "hero" role. Yep, let Genesis go be the Taylor Swift of the FFVII-verse and see how HE likes it.
-Tifa is so tiny next to Sephiroth! Then again, everyone is. Dude's a freakin' TANK.
-Wow, that photographer's an even bigger asshole this time around. Seriously, dude? Taking a picture not only without Sephiroth's permission but when his back is turned?
-The "oh...FINE!" body language when Cloud asked, though.
-And I reiterate. Sephiroth. SUCH a bro here. All I hear is Clark Kent when he talks.
-So it just occurred to me that Sephiroth was deliberately the first one to fall in the river because he knew he'd have to save everyone and he didn't even know how far of a drop it was. That bridge collapsed under the sheer weight of his balls.
-And his horror and devastation at losing one of his men will never not gut me. Everyone was dry by the time he got back, so you know he was out there looking for that dude for a LONG time, too. That's a huge change from "sorry for your luck, pal, but we have a mission to finish." That's what makes his tragic fall all the more inexplicable. In the OG, his coldness had you thinking "yeah, I can see this guy having a Face-Heel Turn easy." But here? With him so protective of those weaker than him and his emotional investment in his people? You don't go from that to "burn them all," even when a severe mental breakdown is involved. I may talk more about this later. ("Oh. Yay." --everybody)
-*Sephiroth has joined the party*-
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-Serious question: is there anything in the lore that I missed that states there's no PPE that can protect from mako? Because when Sephiroth said "mako this thick is very dangerous," I thought "maybe bring some respirators next time then?" Yeah, probably no NIOSH rating high enough to filter out spirit energy.
-Yep, definitely no love lost between Seph and the sperm donor.
-Yeah, Barret, it's not making a whole lot of sense to me either at this point.
-"Am I even...human?" Fuck. It's going even harder in Rebirth.
-And the library sequence. Double fuck. The rage in his voice at the end. The madness. And that strange breathing after he glitched? I'll bet he was trying to fight off Jenova and he failed. Sorry, Vincent, but I think Seph is the one that should be able to take out Hojo.
Aaaand that's enough self-imposed psychological torture for the day. I can't watch what comes next.
Jenova used his anger, his devastation and his sleep deprivation to get a toehold. Which makes me think, what if in the trilogy's lore she started piloting him? No, I don't mean controlling his mind or even heavily influencing him? What if she's using him as a vessel? I mean like the deities, angels and demons on Supernatural. She's driving the boat now, and he's in the back of his mind screaming, because he's aware of the things she's making her new meat suit do and he can't stop it.
I'm not trying to let anyone's dirty rotten CGI girlfriend-ganking butt off the hook here if anyone wants to accuse me of that sort of thing. I'm merely saying that burning a village full of innocents is not the actions to expect from the Sephiroth we've come to know in the demo. Yes, he's a SOLDIER who has probably had to do some very unpleasant things under orders, but there was no reason for this. Going from zero to genocide straight out of the blue is inexplicable, I don't care how bad the mental breakdown was.
It's just the only thing that makes sense at this point. People like him get angry, sure. They rage, sure. They swear vengeance on the people who wronged them, sure. But they don't kill innocent people because of it and in such a horrific way. At their most violent, they may find Hojo and try to see how loudly and for how long he can scream.
Bog standard villains don't get this kind of "good guy" lead up to their nefarious deeds, and he's getting that treatment big time from both Rebirth and Ever Crisis. That's usually only reserved for the Chaotic Neutral and redeemable types that were supposed to like. There's nothing in that backstory so far to suggest that he was capable of a Nibelheim-level mass murder. Sure, there's headcanons that he was just a fuse waiting to be lit, but nothing official even hints at that. This came out of NOWHERE.
Maybe I'm not seeing the big picture or whatever, but the extreme change in behavior, the senseless violence...why would FFVII do that to the audience? To torture us? That's just cruel. Even Game of Thrones didn't do the audience that dirty with Danaerys Targaryen (if you didn't see her Face-Heel Turn coming from a mile away, you were watching a different show than me, because she was always a Heel. She just brutalized people who had it coming until King's Landing.).
And I'm out. If you've managed to stick around this long or even read this at all, thank you. If you want to argue, please save it for another day because I'm REALLY not in the mood. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go drink. A lot.
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FFVII fic - What Howls Inside Your Head
The way out of that basement of horrors is just a stupid poorly light corridor. It’s easy: Zack only has to prove he still trusts Sephiroth and not turn back. A Doubt Comes In, Hadestown songfic.
I had brainworms listening to Hadestown and somehow only waited a year to write it. Enjoy!
Crossposted on ao3
No warnings except it's Hurt no Comfort.
“So what’s the first thing you’re gonna do when we’re back in Midgar? Me? I’m thinking takeout! Cissnei handed me recs as a thank you for being ‘a delight to shadow’. Probably not a good thing but hey I’ll take the nice food. Oh by the way! There’s this kid in infantry, he hasn’t had great luck with the SOLDIER exam and I was wondering… well if you could give me a tip or two?”
Only the walls and echoes of footsteps answer Zack. That’s completely fine! What kind of friend would he be if he couldn’t handle Seph being out of sight? It’s that stupid basement, that stupid library and that stupid lab rattling his nerves. Once they’re outside, he’ll be able to focus. Then the only thing they’ll have to worry about will be-
SOLDIER is like a den of monsters. Don't go inside.
Shinra. It was bad when they left but now… with what they learnt… Still he couldn’t just leave Kunzel or Aerith like that. Could he convince Sephiroth to stay? …Yeah, right. Zack’s attempts with Genesis and Angeal had worked so well after all. No. Seph wouldn’t stay only for one guy. Not for Zack.
Would he just leave alone then? Sure, he mentioned it on the way to Nibelheim… then what? Maybe the demon of Wutai would be fine living on the run but for how long? He used to see Shinra’s Firsts as pinnacles of strength, all of them. One impaled himself on Zack’s sword, another is dying and set on taking as many as he can with him, the last is this close to flying the coop.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths… The buster sword is a familiar burden on his back. There may be no meaning in fighting for Shinra. Still Zack can fight for his friends, including those he can yet save. He can do this. He has to. No one else has got as close of a shot.
“All that ancient stuff flew over my head, you know? But Guess what! I know a girl down in the slums who is ALSO a Cetra. Maybe you two could bond over the planet and talk about your moms.”
In retrospect spilling that secret of hers wasn’t the smartest thing. Tseng and Aerith will rightfully scold him if, no when they go back, but it’s FINE! Sephiroth wouldn’t do anything harsh, would he?
What about Jenova? Didn’t Hojo say she was not an ancient but a calamity from the sky? After being trapped by Shinra for so long, would that monster give up so readily on Sephiroth? No and neither would Zack put in the same spot.
… He is out of ideas. Still there has to be something, anything! Maybe the hippies at Cosmo Canyon could help out. He’ll take the guy snoring in the coffin at this point. Well he would if he wasn’t afraid of more skeletons from Shinra’s closet falling onto the two of them. And in the middle of that storm a thought stops Zack dead in his tracks: he can’t hear any footsteps.
No, no, no. Sephiroth can’t have just left without him noticing! All of these enhancements, all that training, all that fighting and he can’t even keep an ear out for a friend. Where is the silver lining that kept him going despite Shinra’s bullshit? Where is Sephiroth?
He can’t breathe. He can’t see the end of this tunnel. He can’t hear anything but his own stupid thoughts and his heart hammering in his chest. Fuck it. He has to make sure his friend is here. He has to-
 “No matter what you cannot let your companions see your doubts.” A memory of a lesson with Sephiroth rises above his dread, a glimpse of a far off star in cloudy skies. “They are counting on you to keep calm even as death takes their friends. As long as their leader stands, the formation will hold. You stick the course and do not look-“
Zack turns around.
“Seph, I-“ But he doesn’t get to finish as Sephiroth’s icy glare shoots down any further excuses. Without another word the general heads back towards the library. The last thing Zack hears is that damned door slamming shut once and for all.
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hi, hello, you mentioned you have ocs and i would like to learn abt them if thats ok, could i get some fun facts abt them?
Y'know, I was planning to make a list of OCs anyway so this is a good excuse to do that
Gonna giving their names and fandoms with a couple of facts under cut (i feel like this might get long Very quick)
(Mid-edit Apple: minor Canto VI spoilers, nothing really story-related but I do use terms mentioned in 6.3 in passing; better safe than sorry tho)
Tamami Mochizuki (Persona Series)
As her last name implies, she's related to Nyx
She's my watsonian/in-universe explanation to where the rest of the arcana shadows are
Her persona variant is Akhlys; heavily based off Riordan's interpretation of her, meaning she can control poison
Her appearances changes a lot more than her brother's since the collective idea of suffering/misery changes over the ages while death stays stagnant (I've been considering making her look gyaru since that seems to be associated with japanese mean girl tropes)
Ena Kutsuki (Persona Series)
Initially, her name was Era, but I changed it somewhere down the line (did you know that the name 'Ena' has japanese origins too?)
Demigod of order; got a certain cup's magic handed to her after Striker's AI takeover attempt
Her bones are fucked up because of said magic (her spine can literally burst out of her back and turn into extra arms doc ock style)
She is being rizzed up by the goddess of misery and neither are aware they're in the slowburn plot and mutually believe they are friends (both of their friend groups can see how lovesick they are)
Cai An-Yue (ProjMoon; Lobcorp)
She's named after me! (My chinese name is Cai An Yu)
She has stolen her world's Library and made it her own
I'm considering classifying her as some flavor of Erlking because she's been fucking around the timelines and superimposing herself on various people and/or corpses
Transfem, any pronouns; ENA Dream BBQ is her voiceclaim (both voices)
Unit O-1 // Cordelle (Smash Bros/Kirby)
Their favorite attack is F-smash; their second favorite is Side-B (hammer flip)
They have a weird relationship with their creator (Octave), since they were initially made as a murder protocol and ended up accidentally developing a personality along the way; by the time the incident cleared out their creator went "wait, shit, I didn't expect that to happen I'm not ready to be a mom–"
They're on good terms for the situation they're in though
Their original name was Ocean before i changed it to Cordelle (Ocean started to sound less like a word the more i said it)
Whaleship Essex (Azur Lane)
Heavily inspired by Ishmael from Limbus Company
Very post-adventures 2!Shadow the Hedgehog coded
Feral; very prone to biting people regardless of whether they're friend or foe
(I'll be adding more on another post since someone else asked about her specifically and I'm still figuring out what to say about her)
Galatea "Gamma" Soliel (Miraculous/Genesis)
Ladybug holder; she's in a different timeline where the Miraculous have landed outside of Paris
All of her teammates are idiots and she only Vaguely tolerates the Black Cat because she Knows he's in a perpetual state of "Nagito Komaeda in his bad luck cycle"
Has shanked the Butterfly once; the Butterfly keeps trying to do homoerotic swordfights with her (they're similar in age)
May or may not be inspired by Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3, I can't tell you because if she was then it was likely subconscious
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artwithoutblood · 1 year
Watching all the endings (computer in the shop and I’m very cautious of downloads) and from what I can see Erebus actually isn’t such a bad guy?
I mean for a demon that drives people to delirium and lets them be killed. It’s relative. He acts like he’s just doing a job.
Anytime he yells it’s due to being openly antagonized by Genesis, he simply tells the player to quit it when choosing a rude option/using the bark button to provoke him, and even in the bad ending his intent was merciful. (At least in what I saw. I’m aware that his hostility level might have been changed at some point as I think you said something about making it easier not to get your butt whooped by him.)
I’m glad Dorian won the Kayn-off but I also just really like Eri. He’s a bit more sympathetic than his roommates for some reason.
And I liked the bark button and the quick time events, they added a lot more autonomy than usual in a visual novel.
Ps. Why did Eri walk the earth blind before his death(?) Why/how did Genesis abandon him? If those aren’t spoilers.
PPS. Are you a fan of the Sandman comics? Because if you haven’t read those you might really dig them. They’re sometimes in libraries. Also Neverwhere, Hellblazer and Lucifer
erebus is what i call. a pathetic wet cat that i found in the washing machine. i'm glad you enjoyed the game! he is more...merciful and pathetic just because he was human once. and he hates his roommates
oh my god, they were roommates.
the eri questions are spoilers! but i will say because i loved this ask so much that he lost his eyes in an accident. something physical with another person. he got hit in the head and eyes with something.
i haven't read sandman but i've been meaning to! it's just the matter of taking myself to a library :D
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terrascosmicstartover · 8 months
Some influences on my comic...
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Cartoon CARTOONS. Pretty self-explanatory. Cartoon Network practically raised me in the late 1990s and early-to-mid 2000s. I liked Nickelodeon a lot, too, but I gravitated towards CN for not only their dynamic and varied original shows, but also their then *vast* library of Warner Bros. cartoons, MGM cartoons, and the Hanna-Barbera catalogue. And of course, [adult swim] had a massive influence on this as well. The varied art styles alone, they're just so burned into my brain, how can I not draw something and have it look kinda like - say - DEXTER'S LABORATORY or THE GRIM ADVENTURES OF BILLY & MANDY?
CRASH BANDICOOT in general, particularly the original trilogy for the PS1 from Naughty Dog, and CRASH BANDICOOT 4: IT'S ABOUT TIME... Absolutely. In fact, when I was watching a playthrough of IT'S ABOUT TIME from a favorite commentary group (BrainScratchComms guest starring Caddicarus), they were on the space levels, and they talked about going to restaurants like Denny's at 4am... And I just got this image of two characters in a diner somewhere in the cosmos, just up super-late and eating this early in the morning. That was more or less the genesis of my webcomic, in addition to a few other things... In a way I gotta thank them for that. Anyways, the space and futuristic city levels in the CRASH games? Big influences, from CRASH BANDICOOT: WARPED's Future Frenzy/Gone Tomorrow to CRASH 4's Bermugula's Orbit. Yes indeed.
Not just GALAGA... But also the cabinet art to *many* '70s and '80s arcade games. Heck, just games from that period alone. The Golden Age of Video Games. A long-time passion and hyperfixation of mine. But I wanted to include the GALAGA art specifically, given the space setting.
The logo for GALAGA was an influence on my studio logo. The art style for many arcade cabinets, for me, recalls the mesmerizing and varied art of '60s and early '70s album covers...
Hence... The inclusion of a late 1960s album cover. That's for CAULDRON by Fifty-Foot Hose, a short-lived San Francisco psych-rock group. CAULDRON, by some accounts, was either a late 1967 or late 1968 release. Either way, the album - which I totally hear when drawing for this comic - is like a mix of that Frisco psych vibe with lots of homemade electronic instruments drizzling cosmic effects throughout. Quite a unique and game-changing album, a little ahead of its time perhaps. This was around the same time the Silver Apples' self-titled debut came out, which was also a marriage of psychedelic rock and otherworldly mechanic noises.
Now for some real-life people who were inspirations for the main character, Terra Forma...
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So we've got... Avril Lavigne, Ashnikko, Lauran Hibberd, and Debbie Harry of - in case someone lives under a rock - Blondie fame.
I feel Terra's a got a little bit of the early aughts pop-punk edge of Lavigne (heck, she STILL has that edge. One of her new songs, 'Bite Me', is a BANGER), and certainly Ashnikko's blue hair. I feel Ashnikko's music also has a unique edge to it, as does they, and there's a peculiar weirdness to them that I feel Terra and her weird-ass adventures kind of line up with. Hibberd also has that pop/punk rock kickass girl edge, too. What I also find great about Hibberd is how she unabashedly talks about her IBS. I suffer from IBS, and so does Terra. I guess being so cool means you have to be cursed with a garbage stomach! And of course, Debbie Harry needs next to no explanation, an OG punk rock chick.
Funny how they are all musicians... Terra dabbled in that before!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: I just watched a kdrama that ripped my heart out and God knows I feel sorry for you cause that's exactly the type of romance I write 😭-Danny
Words: 1,932
Phase Six Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘BRIGHTSIDE’ -by The Lumineers
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v: Jane M. Maximoff
Cat continued to help May, for three weeks that was her job, then she would have dinner with Parker every night —every two nights at May's place, if they were lucky, if not, it was mostly just salt crackers and orange juice in his dimly lit living room.
Parker was doing his best to rebuild the beeper with scraps he already had, but they didn't have anything to make a connection between worlds, they didn't know what had caused it in the first place, and their prospects weren't looking all that well.
Pulling apart and tinkering with E.D.I.T.H. would not do either, her Peter had built the beeper out of the trash and it worked with radio frequencies, the Stark satellites had to exist in order for E.D.I.T.H. to function. In other words, it was like trying to make a laptop work using the insides of a toaster.
Parker was starting to pick her up later than usual, and he didn't want to tell her what was keeping him from getting there on time. May said he would have these moments throughout the year in which he seemed to be occupied with some top-secret project. Cat guessed he was handling some spider-man business he didn't want her to take part in.
"Cat! Cat!"
The mutant jumped and looked at the older woman over the boxes she was carrying. "Yes?"
"Told you not to take them all at once!" May reprimanded her. "You'll hurt yourself!"
For Cat, the boxes were no heavier than empty egg carriers, but she couldn't say that to the woman. She let her take the one on top of the pile, then continued walking. "Don't misjudge my strength, May, I could carry more if I wanted to," she said playfully. "Honestly, I'm incredibly strong."
"You're just like Peter," the woman laughed. "I see why you get along."
Cat walked alongside her. "Tell me more about him as a kid, please..."
"Haven't you grown tired of this old woman rambling about her boy?"
"Not at all," she admitted with a genuine smile. "I had this friend back in, er, where I went to high school. His mom would show me all of his baby pictures whenever I visited, it drove him mad, but I liked it. She cared for him, and that was nice to see. Real love is such a rare find..."
May stared at her weirdly. "That sounded like something my husband would say. I think Ben would've liked you."
"I've heard that before," Cat grinned. "I'm sure I would've liked him as well."
"You would've been great company for Peter when he was a kid."
"Oh, I'm not sure," she laughed. "I once got in trouble for fighting an older student, she called me a freak, and all I had asked for at first was a proper apology, but she kept going... anyway, we would've ended up detesting each other, your nephew and I."
May smiled at her. "I disagree."
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Parker was overly fidgety that night. He walked the street skipping, cracking jokes, and holding her hand to get her to walk faster, he seemed in a hurry.
"...so I finish my presentation, right? I'm ready to get out and sleep in the library for the next hour, 'cause I was exhausted..."
"Uh-huh," Cat replied, smiling at his antics.
"Then this jerk— and you know who I'm talking about—"
"Kyle!" He laughed. "Freaking Kyle gets up like he's part of the British parliament, and he walks past me to do his presentation and pats my shoulder like he's my dad or something, and tells me 'Well done, Parker, you're finally getting the hang of it!'."
Cat's mouth fell open. "He didn't!"
"The crowd went silent!" Parker let out an incredulous laugh. "Everyone heard him and knew I'd half-assed that assignment, I couldn't care less I just wanted to get it done— and he says that to make me believe what? That I'm a shitty student? I traveled the multiverse!"
"I don't understand why he's so set on humiliating you..."
"I'm telling you, man, I hold onto the hope that he'll trip and fall in front of his crush one day," in spite of the theme of conversation, he was still smiling. "Anyway I got a good grade, and tomorrow we're starting the subject I'm actually interested in, and I'm gonna mop the floor with Kyle."
Cat laughed, she shook her head at his statement. Parker liked making her laugh, he would often catch her lost in thought and with a sorrowful look that made him feel stupid. Knowing he could make up for his mistake by giving her a lovely time in his world lifted his spirits.
"What about you? You had fun?" He squeezed her hand, slowing down his steps.
"Well, we received a big donation of teddy bears, May put me on needlework, gave me these felt hearts Owen did in his spare time, and we gave each bear a heart before we closed them. The children won't know their bears have hearts, but..."
She caught him staring at her and it made her lose her train of thought, Cat chuckled awkwardly and pushed the curls out of her face, quickly changing the subject.
"You're chatty today," she pointed out.
"Am I? Maybe. I have good news," she had the feeling he'd been dying to reveal this to her.
"Is it the beeper?" She asked promptly.
"Kinda," he smiled. "Let's go back to my place and I'll show you."
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"Okay, close your eyes," he told her as they stepped into the apartment.
"Just do it!" He covered her eyes impatiently.
"Parker!" She grabbed a hold of his wrist and moved it aside. "Fine! Weirdo..."
He guided her to the couch and sat her down. "I have something for you..."
Cat's mind jumped to the beeper, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. "Is it doughnuts?"
"No," he pulled something out of his closet and went back to where she was. Cat sniffed the air and he poked her head. "Don't cheat!"
"I'm curious!" She complained.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now..." he placed a box on her lap.
Cat looked down at it, a little wary. "What's this?"
"You were begging me to let you see five seconds ago," he frowned. "Open it!"
Cat pushed off the lid and stared at the fabric that was folded inside. It was blue and red, mostly blue, and it had a shine to it. It wasn't as soft as her Copycat suit, but that was what it was: a suit.
She locked eyes with Parker. "You did this?"
He shrugged, gazing at her eagerly. "You've been so patient even though I haven't done much— and you've been helping May... you can barely get by here, and this apartment is nowhere near as nice as yours, but you still act like I'm doing you a favor—"
"You are."
"I dragged you out of your world and I'm sorry. I wanna make it better. I can't take you home yet, but I can give you a bit of your old life back."
"Are you suggesting I patrol with you?"
Parker gifted her one of his tight-lipped smiles. Cat stared at the suit, she drew the whole thing out: It was designed in the same way as his, with removable gloves and separated into upper and lower parts. There was no sign of a mask, but she found a red piece of fabric large enough to wrap around and cover the lower half of her face. He thought of the basic parts of her old suit and included them in his design.
"No way!" Wrapped inside the scarf, she found a pair of dark blue goggles. "I love it!"
She looked at him, her heart beating wildly. The young man scratched the back of his head, shrugging a little as he did. "You can join me if you want. If it doesn't feel, dunno, wrong or something..."
"I'd love to patrol with you," she admitted. "Been a while since I did that with a webhead... my god, thank you so much."
"I only want you to feel at home..." Cat got up and hugged him, inhaling his scent. Parker hugged her back with a chuckle.
"I don't have to worry about anything here, do I? You're so nice," she said without thinking.
"It's nothing..." Parker whispered.
She lifted her gaze and Parker looked down. They were very close, and now she was conscious of how her heart hadn't stopped pounding for almost five minutes. His skin was so warm... his hair looked so soft... Parker leaned closer and brushed her nose, she closed her eyes at the feeling.
Contrary to the time she'd first kissed the Peter from her universe, her mind was buzzing with terror. This was wrong, it was a terrible idea. Her lungs pulled in the air so vigorously that she gave a start, for a moment she had the feeling that her heart had stopped for half a second. The young woman caught his hand, which had slowly made its way to her face, and held onto it tightly.
Cat stared at his knuckles, fearing his eyes would push her to do something stupid. "I can't..." she muttered. Parker tried to find her eyes but she looked down, staring at the box that had fallen to the floor without her noticing. "We need to be back before it's too late, you have a test tomorrow, right?"
"You should also call me something other than that while we're outside," she interrupted him, finally dropping his hand. "Cat or Copy is okay. C.C. is better, but you know, not a good idea to use that name just in case."
"Okay..." he said quietly, he watched as Cat quickly picked up her stuff and escaped to the bathroom.
The mutant closed the door and leaned against it, both hands pressing her new suit against her chest.
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"How did you know my size?" She examined her suit in awe.
"A trick aunt May taught me," he raised his gloved hand and spread his palm to explain. "You use your thumb and your middle finger as a measurement tool, it's easy."
"Gotta teach me that for later," Cat hummed. "How do you add the soles on the feet?"
"I'll explain later," he chuckled. "Put on your mask and let's get going."
Copycat pulled the scarf over her nose and stared at her reflection in the mirror: Silver locks falling on her shoulders, purple cat eyes behind her safety goggles, and her body enveloped in red and blue. It wasn't her, but it felt amazing.
Spider-man climbed the skylight first after she announced there was no one on the rooftop, she used his powers to stick to the wall and followed him through. The air was cold on her body, tomorrow there'd be a big chance the city would wake up covered in snow, but right now, Cat couldn't care about freezing her ass off. She was free.
"We'll start on the east side, alright? So I can remember which parts I've visited, in case I can't patrol the whole city in one night. Come here..."
He offered his hand to her and she stared at it blankly. "What?"
"I'll swing you."
Cat laughed. "No, you won't..." she shot a web straight out of her wrist, making him gasp.
"What the hell!"
"I can copy Mr. Parker's powers again! And he gave me permission, so it's cool."
"I am so jealous right now," he seized her wrist, lifting it up to look at it closer.
"Stop," she took her hand back ignoring the thrill his touch gave her and approached the edge of the building. "East side, you say?"
Cat took it all in, she'd fully expected to feel antsy, but Jane M. Maximoff was having the time of her life. Copycat vanished in a cloud of brimstone and reappeared on the rooftop across the street. "What are you waiting for, Webster!" She shouted.
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Next Chapter—>
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
People don’t talk enough about the ANGST of CC and Seph and how horrible he felt after genesis in particular turned against him/ abandoned him.
I'm going to answer your other asks in this one to make it easier for you, I hope that's okay (?)
Sephiroth's mental state in the aftermath of the training room incident is the beginning of the descent he experiences in Crisis Core. He clearly feels guilty after the incident. We see him jump in and offer to be the blood donor, and then lament over it later to Zack. The fact that Sephiroth giving Genesis a blood transfusion could have prevented the entire desertion is an extra kick in the gut alajssgsjsksm.
Seeing that he was still out there looking for Genesis, calling him repeatedly, and wanting to find him adds an extra layer that explains how much he loved both Genesis and Angeal as friends. He really cared for them. He had no one growing up and was deprived of normal human experiences like friendship for so long, and then he finally found these two boys his age who were in the same boat as he.
Sephiroth's love for Genesis as a friend is evident in every encounter before the Nibel Reactor. Despite Gen's pettiness and jealousy, Sephiroth was still willing to overlook everything. He even considered abandoning Shinra to live a normal life and possibly joining Genesis and Angeal ffs. If there's something I love about Sephiroth's character before Nibelheim is that that man was a loyal friend through and through to everyone. First with Glenn Matt and Lucia in TFS where we see him going with them as they defy Shinra, and then the same case with Genesis and Angeal.
He was the friend to other people that he never had growing up, and it still showed even when the two people who meant everything in the world to him abandoned him without so much as an explanation. Even after they left, he refused to take on the mission where he would have to kill and fight them because he was avoiding hurting them. Not to mention how much he was hurting, losing weight from what we can assume to be stress-induced loss of appetite. The entirety of Crisis Core he (and Zack) (and everyone) was under an extreme amount of stress that all boiled over at the Reactor with the final kick in the gut finding out about what Jenova was and the blow from Gen. I'm not sure if I'm biased, ignorant or optimistic when I say this, but I'm a firm believer that Sephiroth would've helped Genesis without a second thought if he has just approached Sephiroth in a different way BEFORE the reactor.
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Sephiroth felt disconnected from everyone and everything after what went down at the reactor. Whether you add Genesis into the equation or just keep it as him and Zack, he would've fallen into this metaphorical catatonic state either way that led him to the library. Adding Genesis's blow makes it all the more hurtful and depressing considering their history. So I don't think Genesis's blow in specific is what made Zack grow distant from Sephiroth because even when you take Genesis out, things play out the same in the aftermath.
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Nooo don't apologize ❤️
Zack did grow concerned and went after Sephiroth in the library, trying to get through to him, but it wasn't enough and would never have been enough because by then he had been there for a week, absorbing all the horrible information about his true origins and the Jenova project. Zack also went after him before that, and nothing got him out of that library. His mental state completely shifted after the reactor. But I do think Zack could've made an impact in how Sephiroth dealt with it had they developed a closer bond pre-Nibelheim.
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pip-n-flinx · 2 years
okay this is pretty random, but did you read / watch lotr? that post you reblogged about it being post-apocalyptic just stopped me dead in my tracks, i’m wondering if i should read / watch if after all these years haha i was pretty damn young the first time i watched the films and i haven’t read the books…
Aight so I grew up watching the movies, I came to the books much later. I actually started by reading the Hobbit and then watched the movies with my friends. I actually never finished reading any of the books til I took a 22 hour road trip and my buddy Will had library copies of the audio books.
I'm not actually the biggest fan of how Tolkien does fantasy, tbh. I was just discussing with @pigeontheoneandonly the other day how betrayed I felt discovering that their names were not Frodo and Sam, but that was his attempt at translating these languages into English for us. Not to butt heads with the big Tolkien fanboys out there, I do admire all the thought that went into his worldbuilding. But let's get my own struggles with reading Tolkien out of the way right now.
I don't know if I'd recommend reading the books. They are, by design, plodding and character driven. Plot happens at the speed of Hobbits crossing the mountains on foot. What I can and always will give the books is you get more of that sweet, juicy party interaction, and several of the more minor characters in the movies had their due from the novel stripped from them for expediency of story telling. Theoden got to steal Eomer's greatest speech from the novels, for example, and as my memory serves you get more of Faramir as well.
What I can tell you is that, in no small part because of Tolkien's work, most modern fantasy exists in a period of world thinning. Magic is draining from Middle Earth as the Elves leave, and as ages pass knowledge is lost. This sets the tone for most modern fantasy really, from popculture works like H*rry P*tter to Phillip Pullman's homage to Milton's Paradise Lost in the His Dark Materials Trilogy. Game of Thrones exists in a world were magic is scarce and Dragons are few and far between, same with Paloni's Eragon. More recently the Shania Chronicles does this too. Dragon Age is another great example: the Orlesian Empire and Tevinter Imperium are shrinking, and while that may be a good thing for humanitarian reasons we no longer live in the age of Andraste, where the maker intervened directly in mortal affairs.
Funnily enough, even eastern fantasy pulls from this. Think Neon Genesis Evangelion (sci-fi not fantasy, but what is sci-fi but fantasy reskinned?) or Princess Mononoke/Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind. Truth be told, most fantasy authors use world thinning to make clear the stakes.
World thinning is also a great excuse for readers/characters to discover great archeological works. Places like the Great Pyramid, or Stone Henge, Machu Pichu, they leave us awestruck because it is unclear to us how such amazing things were accomplished. This sense of wonder, and at the ache for peoples and genius lost, is at the core of the fantasy genre.
In all seriousness, I'd encourage you to re-read/re-watch any fantasy and look for those moments. Many if not all of the best Fantasy stories will have this buried in the subtext. It plays on a very human nostalgia.
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altocat · 2 years
If Nibelheim had happened when the Firsts were still in good terms, what do you think would've happened?
I would argue that the chain of events that led to Nibelheim started the second Genesis got injured and started degrading.
But let's see!!
-For the record, if Gen and Angeal are both present and still working for Shinra, Zack likely would have never accompanied Sephiroth. So he's uninvolved here. I'd argue that the mission itself is beneath the trio's services, but let's suspend our disbelief and go with it.
-Whether Genesis and Angeal go in aware of Project G or are fully ignorant, I'm pretty sure Jenova would see a prime opportunity with three powerful experiments all in one place. I believe all three would definitely be "activated" via the cells and manipulated accordingly.
Worst case scenario? They kill each other, or Sephiroth kills both of them and Nibelheim just got a million times worse.
Best case scenario? The bonds of friendship are strong enough to distract them from any creepy alien nightmare fuel.
And besides, Genesis and Sephiroth would probably just spend the whole time squabbling about petty drama and I doubt that includes being focused enough for a week long meltdown in the library.
They get to the tanks and no one bats an eye or even notices the Jenova nameplate because they're too busy trying to get Gen to stop quoting Loveless for the eighty thousandth time.
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