#I had a dream where I was painting im like. did that do this lol
modmad · 2 years
good/bad news report: hand woke up with CTS area pain, praying that putting it in support and leaving it alone for a few days will solve.
the GOOD news is that for the 11th anniversary of TPoH a Very amazing thing has been made by a longtime friend/fan and you are gonna LOVE IT!
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hyperref-lex-ia · 4 months
lots of common reactions i get as a mute person
all the following are peoples reaction when they assume i am deaf, the most common assumption
- flustered and lifts hands to try and sign and then lowers them when they realize they dont know ASL
- flustered and starts to sputter and talk before settling on mouthing things at me
- mouths “can you lip read”
- talks really loud at me (which wouldnt do much if i was deaf so idk)
- goes to find something to write on
- sometimes if i type on my phone in my notes when i need to say something other than yes or no people will go to literally take my phone from me to type back instead of literally anything else
- signs some of the more common sign, i get thank you a lot (especially in customer service situations, which is where most of these happen)
- if it is someone on the street saying something and they assume im deaf when i sign at them they usually just disregard me which is actually really nice
these next ones are when people dont assume im deaf, which is rarer
- talks to me normal
- talks to me like im dumb
heres a few nice incidents
- guy asked me if i was mute in spanish and i nodded and he asked if i knew spanish and i was like not really lol (live in a heavily hispanic area so i picked up on enough to understand) and he switches to english and shares about a talk he had gone to recently about mutism
- girl working at sonic assumed i was deaf and ran inside just to grab her phone to help me which i thought was really sweet so i just didnt correct her
- just today i was using the self checkout at a gas station and the guy behind the register sees me getting frustrated with the card reader and slides over a piece of receipt paper that says “tap works better” and i am like “i dont have tap” and i decide to just cancel the self checkout and move to him cause hes got good vibes and he holds the bag up and raises an eyebrow allowing me to have a choice in it which i dont often get. when i am leaving he signs “have a good day” super slow and obviously practiced a lot, and the fact that he obviously learned that just in case this happened made me really happy
- every time someone has happened to know ASL in public, its always surprising how many hearing/verbal people know ASL, almost always because they are CODA
- the enthusiastic gay man at my eye doctor who got so excited when he saw i signed even though he doesnt know it, because he thought it was so cool
- every person who goes “oh you speak ASL” and then immediately thinks about thay sentence and kind of 404 errors out as they realize you cant speak ASL
- the tiny middle aged mexican woman who has worked the store at my school the entire time ive been going there who knows me because i always go there for caffeine and snacks, and manages to always communicate with me despite a couple language barriers and will often berate me if i dont get water with my caffeine or if i dont get food, and who also wishes me happy holiday for every holiday that comes around, and was also very visibly worried when i had to rely on a cane for a few months
- my painting professor who always takes so much pressure off because hes so blunt, when i came in with a cane everyone danced around asking about it and he walks in and goes “what the hell happened to you??”, the most recent thing that made me laugh is we were talking and i was using TTS and as we are walking into the studios he goes “im gonna go talk with Ronnie, give your thumbs a break” and then we both started laughing
the worst interaction ive had
- had one of my professors numbers which happens sometimes because it makes life easier and she texted me out of the blue saying she “had a dream she was at my wedding and i spoke my vows” with heart emojis and i did not know this woman at all and i was like…what the fuck…not only is that unprofessional but also ableist
lastly shout out to my friends who translate for me purely off lip reading who dont know ASL
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
12th house and the inner alchemist
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I notice people with this placement become deeply aware of what frequencies they want to be around. Like if you want something that is more 'jolly, fun, and whimsical' you might search for it in your mind , and then you start to find it in your body. It starts with the spirit first, then you go into meditation to connect with this energy through the art of imagination. That 'jolly, fun, whimsical energy' could end up taking you to a cool coffee shop, end up taking you into a colorful shop with weird looking food , or hell may take you to the circus ! because what youre looking for is the feeling/energy not the 'thing' itself.
I love to say 12th housers are like the boy in this book called 'The Alchemist', where he wanted to look for a treasure to make all his dreams come true, ends up going on a long journey before he finally finds the treasure that was in his hometown all along. In the end he realized what he wanted wasnt about the treasure, the treasure was a symbol to what he wanted to do in his reality which he eventually did without the treasure itself. The treasure is the idea of the energy he wanted in his life, not the thing itself.
Because the imagination brings things to us, and all though we aren't able to explain exactly what it is we are looking for, we go into meditative states to jump into this reality (manifestation) and then follow it with our bodies. And one by one, piece by piece, we enter into the worlds of our psyche through the physical reality.
One thing I can say about 12th housers, you have to let go of the IDEA because it is just that, an IDEA. it is useful for when you are looking for the spirit/energy of the thing you are looking for.
Also since I brought up the alchemist. The story was about making a way for yourself no matter what obstacles you go through, no matter if you dont have that 'thing' you need to get there. You create your reality as you go.
the boy had a simple intention to go find this treasure because he believed it would allow him stop talk taking care of sheep (he was a sheep boy), he could travel all around the world, find a wife, and live the life of his dreams. He evidently did all of that without the treasure! He made a way without even thinking of it, because he knew since he had left his hometown and the sheep there was no other choice but to make something happen!
I believe 12th housers have that inner alchemist inside them, which is why they are so good at painting, drawing, and whatever other art you can name cause its a lot (lol).
12th housers are great at using these things to attract what they want in their life, they follow the frequency/energy knowingly and unknowingly. I call them he universes messengers because they rely messages to the collective without having to explain to us whats the message.
I notice 12th house individuals show this with their music. like I said with frequency a lot of them know the type of energy they wish to convey in their songs because thats the vibe they want to keep with them as they journey through life.
think of sza, a fellow 12th houser with 4 planets (venus,uranus, saturn, and neptune) and she is known to connect to a certain frequency that sounds like 'fairies, sirens, and anything magical' (im honestly referring to ctrl and her older works from 2013/14)
It can also be a 'curse' one type sza tweeted how singing 'supermodel' off her ctrl album 'summoned' the guy she was talking about in the song.
12th house rules over the subconscious, so sometimes your art can attract what you dont want to you. you have to move around it, learn how to use it as a repellant as it can attract fleas (I say this about pisces/neptune peeps a lot, y'all do tend to attract flies).
using your mind to control your reality can be mastered if you continue to heal the shadow. your shadow is just what you've been accustomed to believe that it is shameful, and cant be seen in the light.
the shadow is who you are, dont be ashamed and run from it.
blessings to all my 12th house individuals you guys have a wonderful gift inside that interesting brain of yours! keep it up.
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popawritter12 · 7 months
Hey hey heyyy im back with another request (im the same anon who requested that yandere morgana piece u wrote, absoutely loved it btw ate it up) and i was wondering if you could write some yandere! Hwei x reader? (fanfic or headcanons is up to you!) maybe the reader is an artist as well and they bond over that? Idk man up to you, also love ur takes on characters ur legit one of the best LoL writers ive seen!!
Btw if you dont mind can i be the 🍊 anon? Ive seen other blogs have their emoji anons and i wanna be one so bad fhdbfh
Hope youre having a nice day!!
Author's Notes: Of course 🍊 anon! I would love to <3
I also got tired of making so many headcanons (believe it or not, I have more saved in my drafts), I'm going to write a one-shot. I hope you like it <3. I also appreciate that you like my work. It's especially nice to know that there's someone who enjoys what I do besides me. By the way, I think Hwei is not in the Yandere “tier list” of LoL, so from how I write him and how I see him, I assume that he is a “Normal” type, because his personality reminds me a little of Ayano from Yandere simulator jjjjjjjjjj
Yandere! Hwei x Fem! reader
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Yandere character: Hwei From the videogame/anime/manga/movie/series: League Of Legends Case: Mention of stalking, allegation of theft, robbery and kidnapping. Part: 1 of 1 Warning: Excessive text LOL
You had heard that word for so long that it was already embedded in your memory. But not in the way most expected.
You hated that word, and for that same reason you almost never hung out with the teachers or students of the temple you went to.
But we are getting ahead of ourselves, we better go to the beginning.
You had been born into a family that had never been close to other nations apart from Ionia, your mother was a strict woman, sometimes bordering on abusive, who always hated temples. Especially religions… Let's say she never had good experiences with it.
And your father, oh your beloved father… He was a saint in every sense of the word. He was kind, a joker… And a smile was always on his face. He had never yelled, in fact even when he was angry, he would just sit in the corner, ignoring everything around him until his mind cooled down.
And, being an only child, your life around them was quite chaotic. While your mother always tried to stay out of her entire family situation—a rather complex issue even for you—your father was the “husband of the house,” so to speak. He was in charge of teaching you both cooking and home care in general, including carpentry and, mainly, the art of home decoration.
He always dreamed of being a great artist, but in his family it was never frowned upon for a man to make the decision to undertake such a complex world of art, because, you know… that's a “women's thing.” But anyway, a lot of things have happened since the last time you talked to your uncles and cousins so… They aren't very important in your life right now.
But do you know that it is important? Where did you study.
Your father insisted a lot on your talent with sculptures and the human form; You really liked making ceramic vases manually, so much so that from the age of 8 you made your first sculpture; It was the strange shape of a dog with small eyes and a giant nose. At the time you barely knew how to paint sculptures, and your father barely knew about sculptures, and the shape of it so… Let's say it looked more like an "alebrije" than a dog with a big nose.
But that was a long time ago, and now the only proof of that memory is the figure on your father's furniture; kept as a beautiful memory.
As time went by your sculptures became more complex; from simple vases for flowers to sculptures with human figures of such a level that, at this point, we could compare them with the statues of Michelangelo.
And your father wanted that talent to be exploited to the fullest. So, after years of arguing with your mother, they both agreed that you should go to the great temple where you would learn about the art.
But there was a small problem, one that was going to haunt you a lot.
You weren't used to how strict that school was.
The first and second day at that school were quite chaotic for you. It wasn't just because it wasn't as you expected, but because everything was very limited.
If you wanted to make art, you had to do it how they wanted, when they asked you to, and how they expected it. However, not only was that not your style, but it seemed like the teachers (especially the principal) always had one eye on you. And only for a few weeks did you endure that strict issue of obedience.
But there was one boy who was particularly kind to you, and he was a young man of always unkempt appearance. His dark circles always stood out on his face, along with his hair that was rarely organized in a linear manner. From the first time he saw you, he felt charmed by the way you expressed yourself; You were good at painting and using magic, but when he saw the ceramic sculptures you made…damn, you really drove him crazy.
But you obviously didn't notice, you were too focused on trying to get along with your surroundings in general that you didn't notice his desperate attempts to get along with you.
However, in the pleasant conversations you had with him, you always saw him as the stereotype of the exemplary boy; someone who dedicated his entire life to his art, to the temple and was admired by everyone for his great talent. You thought he was assured of a great future thanks to his eccentric abilities.
And you, unlike most, learned very well from your mother that you could not let yourself be trampled; especially by anyone you barely knew. So the blood that ran through your veins and the passion for your own art that you kept for so long was slowly being tied to be limited, but with barely strong ropes. It hurt a lot to know that you were in a place that didn't belong to you, it was as if you were a squirrel in the Freljord, or a mouse in a perfume store.
And in the end, when you mentioned all these things to your mother, she didn't take it very well.
—Did you really go through all this while you were in that temple? —She asked, a cigarette between her fingers as she arranged her needles on the table.
You just nodded your head, not looking at your mother at all. The woman, at this, clicked her tongue.
—I knew that those bitches are only good for the basics, they didn't evolve at all —The woman brought the cigarette to her lips, taking a gentle drag —so, do you know something, my child? Send them to hell.
You were used to her bad vocabulary, so much so that at this, you just nodded your head again.
—I know perfectly well that you are not like me, that you want to venture out and learn about “the ways of art” and that I know —The woman moved her free hand in the air, while with the other she only lightly squeezed the cigarette. —, but if you're going to go alone so that that bunch of nuts can do you less, I'm going to get you out even by kicking you in the ass.
Your mother was tough as a chain in the teeth, and you knew that she couldn't last long without making trouble in the temple if there was someone bothering her only daughter. She cared very little if it was a student, a teacher or even the founder of the temple himself —Even though she knows that she died a long time ago— she would go and give her her dose of shit if she messed with the pride of her as a mother.
She advised you to kick their ass if they messed with you, but your father later talked to you about it, advising that you couldn't take all your feelings and thoughts to such an extreme, but that you should think coldly, and not give importance to people that were not to your specific liking, regardless of their social status. You were no less for coming from a family that came from the middle of nowhere.
During your temple walk, you always walked alone, which gave you plenty of time to think about your actions; You had been passive most of the time, however, more than once you let out those classic off-color comments when they already crossed your limit. Words like “Fuck you if you don't like it” or “You're barely able to use colors and you're going to tell me what I have to do?” escaped you in very rare cases.
You entered the less traveled part of the temple, hoping not to encounter those looks that made you uncomfortable. The song of nature resonated in your ears harmoniously, while the sound of the materials inside your bag resonated from time to time.
In the midst of your ramblings, you remembered your lost sculptures, and your forgotten materials; You were not a forgetful pardon, and it seemed strange to you not to find your favorite materials —That were metal, so they were worth a lot of money —, and even though you asked and asked, you couldn't find it anymore, so it depressed you a lot to think that you had lost something that had cost yout parents so much effort, and the mere memory of it caused you to feel that pang in your heart.
Even if your parents said it was nothing that couldn't be fixed, it hurt to know that you had lost one of the most expensive things your parents had cost you to get you.
But it was curious to think what a surprise you would get.
However, you get to hear some noises; without being the whining of baby birds waiting for food or rodents walking in search of food, but rather it resembled the voice of two people talking. You recognized both of their voices, but you thought it wasn't too important to stay there, in fact, you were already planning to go somewhere else when you heard it.
—So that girl, (Name), right?
—Yes, I didn't think you realized that issue.
The second boy's shy voice reminded you of that young man you rarely spoke to, which took you by surprise. Hwei wasn't the type of person to talk bad about someone behind their back, or at least that was the idea you had based on your interactions.
—You don't have to worry, after all it's normal for you to feel attracted to someone —Jhin mentioned, almost in a mocking manner—. So why don't you tell me about her?
You had already noticed the intention behind that interaction, however, after what happened, you thought that maybe you could calm your heart with some sweet words that you weren't meant to hear at that moment.
—Well, she is… incredible —He begins, you hear how the young man sits on a log due to the sound of the hollow wood —, she is beautiful, kind, tender… and her way of expressing her art is so… unique.
You gently leaned your back against the wood, trying not to make any sound. Something in your chest moved abruptly, as if your heart was fluttering like a butterfly in glass.
—I adore her sculptures, I feel that they are the most beautiful thing I have seen —He continues talking, slowly his emotion rose more and more —. I looked sometimes at her work in class or in the room away from her, and they are… beautiful.
—So much so that you had the need to steal them, right?
It was a single sentence, one which echoed in your head for several seconds.
—What are you talking about? —Hwei asks, arranging his hair a little, trying to place several strands behind his ear —. I would never do that.
You didn't hear how Hwei's tone of voice changed, becoming staccato, as his hands clung to his backpack, which he had in his lap.
At this, the other student laughed, almost like a subtle laugh, while his eyes wandered to where your shadow was looming. A mischievous smile forms on his face.
—So, I imagine that the sculptures that are in your room were made by you, right? —He questions, looking subtly into Hwei's eyes—. Or you bought them from her.
Your thoughts slowly formed a thread of the events that had happened. A lump formed in your throat, almost painfully so.
—Or her favorite utensils, she asked me if I had seen them last week, since she had left them near you the last time she saw them —He continued, almost introspectively—, but when I asked you, you only mentioned that you didn't see them that day either.
You shook your head, from the depths of your soul you prayed that it wasn't true, that you didn't have the school prodigy after you in such an extreme way.
—Well, I admit that I have some of her sculptures in my room, but they are the ones that she forgot in class or anywhere! —The pale boy snapped—. And I don't know what you think I did with her utensils, I don't know how to sculpt.
Jhin laughs again, barely audibly now, as if he knew that now he would have to act more vividly.
—And why were they in the box in your room? —Jhin asks him —, it even had remains of dry ceramics. Could it be that they were already used?
Hwei gritted his teeth, while his gaze met Jhin's again.
—That side of you… It's so peculiar. —He smiles —, I thought no one would see it, but you risk being seen in exchange for getting some things from (Name).
Hwei knew that darkness within his soul had awakened since the first day he saw you. And that darkness spread throughout his soul, mind and body, to the point that it seemed to consume all of his heart and mind.
—Your paintings were always warm colors —Jhin changed the subject, the smile disappearing from his face —, they were never about anything specific, but since you met that girl, something changed —He bowed gently in front of Hwei —. If it was about her, you focused on her in a way that made her seem pure, you used colors that highlighted her body or her emotion on her face. But she never looked at anyone —He subtly changed his focus —, she looked at the painter, or she didn't look at anyone, tell me, do you just want her to not look at anyone but you? Do you want her to the point that you don't want her to look at anyone but you?
He remained silent, in such a way that you could feel the weight of the words lingering in the air, causing an almost inexhaustible tension there. It was such that you could no longer hear the song of nature that you longed for so much.
—I won't criticize you, Hwei, you know that I understand better than anyone the dark feeling inside you —Jhin tried to sound empathetic —. And, if you want, I can help you make (Name) yours. I can make her fall in love with you and make that she can never leave you.
The obsessed young man understood how wrong it was to have those thoughts terrifying his mind, but he couldn't stop it, it was a feeling that had already taken root in his heart, and he couldn't tear it out no matter how much he wanted to.
—I can't… —Hwei whispered, his voice breaking —…, I don't want to harm her; She is so nice to me, I don't want to put her through all my feelings.
You heard him sob.
—You're not going to hurt her —Jhin comforts him, a hand running over his cheek —. I know you love her very much, and you notice how others hurt her. But, tell me, don't you think about those people really hurt her? —He subtly wipes away the tear that slipped down her face—. You should take care of those people, you know? So she could express her art as she loves it. Maybe she could even make thousands of statues without anyone to pressure her, and you could “borrow” them for yourself.
You had heard enough, you couldn't stay there for another minute.
However, before you could move, Jhin leaned close to Hwei's ear, his lips close to her loose strands of hair.
—Or you could take it right now, you know? This opportunity is perfect. —Jhin's mischievous smile spreads across his face.
Hwei opened his eyes to her peak, at the same time he heard a rope move abruptly.
And you felt your foot being pulled up, forcing you to hit your face against the ground, causing you to moan in pain.
—Shit. —You whispered, feeling your head spin, a small wound on your head began to make small drops of blood come out.
—That is…? —Hwei whispers, his heart sinking in his chest —(Name)..?
Today I came wanting to write. I loved how this one-shot turned out, and I hope those who read it do too haha.
I hope to receive more orders if any of you wish, until then, I will be dedicated to my hobbies and my studies.
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Hello! I feel un gran oso (shame, cringe, etc) for this, but I wanted to request a morpheus one shot hehe. I just NEED this situation to be written or something cause in my opinión its ✨✨
Based on the song Ballroom of Romance of Celtic Woman, where the reader is a human that somehow fell into morpheus grace, and as such she can enter the Dreaming every time she wants through a earring that morpheus crafted, and she wants to celebrate the Day of the Book or the day of the Librarian in honor to Lucienne, and for unknown reasons she gets permission to make a ballroom and well, a lot of dancing and a beautiful dress and Morpheus from his throne like: 🙂 (💓💓💓)
Mutual pining of course ✨
Thank you very much, have a nice day/noon/night!
Here's the song;
Granny's Superstitions
Dream of the Endless x College Student!Reader
Summary: Your grandmother told you stories of how her grandmother was friends with the King of Dreams. You didn't think much of it, not even when you inherited your great-great grandmother's earrings on your 18th birthday. I mean, why would you? They did not correlate. And yet, your granny should have told you it did, so you weren't so surprised when you found yourself in the halls of the Dreaming.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Dark post capture!Dream, fem!reader, themes of misogyny, exasperated college student!reader, reader has a potty mouth, angst, enemies to lovers(?), typos, etc.
A/N: this was an exciting request! I love that you even added a song <3 I enjoyed it very much!! The syncopation in the chorus, its UGH SAUR GOOD. Because of this, I made reader a music major, like me HIHI. I will say, this became quite a dark and angsty fic and for that 😅 im sorry ig. ALSO I CHANGED SO MUCH ABOUT YOUR PROMPT I- ASODHASFOIAHFAHSF:HASF I do hope you still enjoy it my dear T_T [CRIES] IDK WHY I DID THIS TO YOUR REQUEST AND MYSELF IT WAS THE EARRINGS I HYPERFIXATED ON IT AND EVERYTHING JUST WENT BOOM T_T this is literally escapism PS the character Tim Henson in this fic is real, he's from a band called polyphia, which I love, and you don't have to imagine him as Tim, but I sure did LOL
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I was effectively buzzed by the alcohol in my blood stream, and yet no amount of booze would make the unwanted stares from my classmates ever palatable.
Had I known making an effort in dressing up would merit the reaction I got for attending this party I didn't even want to attend in the first place, then they should all be glad that I wasn't in fashion department but in music.
Yet another rando turned to me and smiled, complimenting my outfit, to which I forced out a chuckling thank you.
I don't know why they're so upset that the guy they liked thought I was hot! It's not like it's my fault I got attention I didn't want.
I huffed as I pushed the restroom door open. I wash my hands as I stare at my face in the mirror. I behold the efforts I put on painting my face, on doing and redoing my liner, on perfecting the color on my lips.
I clench my jaw tightly at the feel of tears pricking from my eyes.
I thought they were my friends, finally I had friends, and yet all it took was one guy to ruin all that.
I close the faucet and lean on sink, releasing a sigh. I look at my reflection, watching the sapphire earrings dangle by my jaw.
I scoff at myself. I wore my heirlooms for them?
"Gosh, I miss home," I say, screwing my eyes shut as I straighten myself up. I begin to fidget with the small jewels on my lobes and head for the door. "Who cares if I leave early," I pull the door open, "no one's gonna-"
My ghost leaves me and I still when I see the dark expanse of the hall. There was no way this was the room I just exited, no way it was a dark, high-fricking-ceiling hall with marble floors, and massive stained glass windows that were broken. There was no way because there was not a single piece of furniture or intoxicated student in sight, only debris.
From my frozen stance, I push my hand behind me in an attempt to catch the knob I just let go. When I turn, my heart drops when I am faced with the fact I was in the middle of an empty hall with no door in sight.
Did they drug me?
I begin to pant as I do a 360 of the area.
I choke on my spit and go reeling back when I see a dark face in front of me. I am not nearly fast enough in my movements as the man's large strides allow him to quickly catches me in his tight grip.
"How have you come here, intruder?"
His voice is impossibly loud and deep that it seemed it was spoken by the very room itself. My hands dart up to cover my ears, but his grip on my biceps prevented that.
I open my mouth to speak, but the furrow of his brows and the tension of his jaw bring render me mute.
His darkened blue eyes widen a fraction. He scoffs, "I see. You are a thief."
My brows knit at the accusation.
He steps closer, fingers digging into my flesh, "what did you wish to achieve with those earrings?"
A shiver runs down my spine and I begin to stutter.
"What did you do to its owner?" his voice demands, going an octave lower. My eyes widen when his form begins to grow larger and the room begins to darken, "did you hurt her?"
My sight begins to blur with fearful tears when his pale skin disappears into nothingness, "I never met my her! She was dead before my mother was even born!"
"What?!" his voice echoes, seemingly endlessly.
"I NEVER MET GRANNY JOSEPHINE!" I scream, "I just inherited the earrings, I swear!"
When his form begins to revert, I decide it was do or die. I break away from his grip and manage free. However, when I pull away from him, I fall on my butt and freeze at the pain. I crawl away from him as far and as fast as I can, but as much as I didn't want to, I halt when pain shoots up from my palm. I pull my hand toward me and find blood on it.
"You are her progeny," he says.
When my eyes dart back to him, he is just a man in with black hair and a trench coat.
My pulse quickens when he walks over to me.
In an act of self preservation, I grab a concrete rock nearby and throw it to him as hard and best as I can. I goes right through his form and my eyes blow wider than they already are.
I push myself back, through the pain and blood on my palms, "STAY AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BUT-"
"I apologize," his voice mutters, silencing me in pure bewilderment.
I look up to the man and examine his face and his outstretched hand.
He cannot possibly believe I would take that.
I prefer the pain of pushing myself up and make sure not to break eye contact with him as I do. Once I am back to my feet, the man looks at me then the blood dripping from my fingers.
"What the fuck are you?" I shudder out, slowly backing away from him.
His eyes lift back to me and he raises his nose, "I am the King of Dreams."
My body trembles at his words. My hands shake as I chuckle in disbelief, "no way- no fucking way. My grandmother- those bedtime stories- you're-"
"Real?" he finishes for me, "as real as your blood staining my floors."
My eye twitches at his remark. I scoff, still on edge, and yet I cannot withhold the retort in the back of my throat, "you're annoyed by my blood dripping when your your filthy floor?"
The Dream king seems not to enjoy that comment and yet I could not help myself, "my blood is the least of your problems, don't you think?"
I grip my injured hand.
"Leaving unwanted traced of yourself is not good for my domain."
I raise my brows at that, "well if you didn't shapeshift and scare the living shit out of me, then maybe I wouldn't have had to crawl away from you."
"I thought you were an intruder."
"But aren't you all knowing, or some shit," I heave, "so much for a king."
"You dare insult me in my own abode right after I've scared you out of your wits?"
I dare a step forward, "well to be humbled, your majesty, for bringing me here just to intimidate me-"
"I did not bring you here," he cuts me off, diminishing the space between us.
And though my pulse was loud in my ears, I remained steadfast in my place.
His hot breath hits my face as he speaks, "you thought of the Dreaming and travelled here yourself."
I pull my face back as it contorts, "I did not think of this hellhole. I thought of home."
"Yes, and this place is a home for all who are weary."
I hum, "you mean before it crumbled to the ground."
My breath hitches at the sound of his growl, "you inherited not an ounce of congeniality from your great-great grandmother."
The way he knows how far off granny Josephine was to me really struck a chord in me. I press my lips together, "well, I'm glad to have disappointed you so soon so that you wouldn't expect anything from me."
He bellows, "mortality never loses its audacity," he brings his face down to me, making my skin rise with gooseflesh, "I would withdraw the earrings you clearly do not deserve, but out of respect to Josephine, I shall allow you to keep it," he seethes, "but for your insolence you will know how much of a king I really am."
I slam my hand on my alarm and rip my heavy lids open.
I groggily groan as I struggle out of bed.
Ten days it's been since the last time I slept properly. If falling asleep wasn't the problem, then it was trying to wakeup from the horrible nightmares that plagued me.
I slam my books on my desk, making my seatmate turn to me and watch as I sit down next to him.
"Well, good morning to you too, zombie girl," Tim greets with a shit eating grin.
"I am not in the mood, you ass," I grunt, crossing my arms as I lean back on my chair.
"You haven't been in the mood for two weeks," he says, "Don't you think you should do something about it?" he leans on the table and knits his brows in concern.
I wipe my face and give an annoyed chuckle, "what can I do when I'm literally beefing with the king of dreams," I carefully word, "and nightmares."
"Poetic," he rests his hands on the back of his tattooed hand, "a true sign of insanity."
"Go fucking annoy someone else, you rat."
"Nah, if I do, you'll be lonelier than you are."
I shoot him a dirty look as he then places something in front of me.
I look at the grey packet as he explains, "sleeping pills."
I turn back to him and push the medicine away, "don't work. I've tried."
He raises a brow, "without prescription?"
"There is such a thing a over the counter drugs, Tim."
"Spoken like a true druggie."
I scoff.
He continues, "this was why I told you not to attend that snobby party. You ever noticed that ever since then, you've gotten fucked up in the brain. It's no coincidence."
"Again, thank you captain obvious," I slam my hands on the table and turn to him, feeling my head pulse in exhaustion, "and so sorry that not everyone can be a cool and popular as you."
"Why'd you even wanna make friends with them when you-"
"SHUT UP!" I scream, making the entire class turn to me. I feel embarrassment rise up my neck, and was only lucky that our teacher wasn't here yet. I sink down into my arms and bury my face as I mutter, "Enough. Enough! I get it, Tim. 'I told you so.' Geez, just get off my ass."
He calls my name, making me groan, "I'll do something about my insomnia! Just please, shut the fuck up."
"You better," he scoffs, "or else I'll plant a pea shooter in your lawn."
And so later that day, I did what I perhaps I should have the very moment after I met the Dream King.
I called my grandmother.
"Hi, granny," I smiled, holding my phone up to my face as I waved at the harshly zoomed face of my grandmother on the screen.
"How are you there?" she excitedly answers, "I'm so glad you thought to call."
I nod and chuckle, "me too, granny."
She takes a moment before responding, "you look tired. Have you been sleeping and eating well."
"Yeah, about that..."
After explaining everything to her, her voice grills the audio of my device because of how loud it is, "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO DREAM OF THE ENDLESS?!"
"Granny, that-"
"I think we're past apologies. I have to do something more to make it up to him if I'm to ever sleep well again."
"Darn straight," she mutters in agreement, "now, oh goodness, let's see..." she sighs and wipes her face, "PIE!"
I raise a brow, "pie?!"
"My grandmother absolutely loved baking and everyone who ate her apple crumble pie adored-"
"Hello," a voice calls, making me turn to whom spoke. I see a woman with glasses walking over to me and I give an awkward smile as I raise the tray in my hand, "hi... is Dream here?" Once she is before me, she takes in my appearance then raises a finger, "ah, you're the one who inherited the Sapphire Dream Walk." "... do you mean my earrings?" "Yes. I-" "What are you doing here, girl?" I look over my shoulder and see the annoyed expression on the Dream of the Endless, as my grandmother put. "A peace offering," I release a sigh and hand him the tray, "my grandmother said that granny Josephine made you pie and you so enjoyed." The two of them only stare at me. "It's most definitely not as good-" "Lucienne, I don't have time for this," he says, turning to the woman who greeted me. Dream turns about and debris from the room begins to float up. Lucienne places a hand on my arm then gratefully accepts the tray from me, "I thank you on behalf of my master for your most generous gift."
"Yeah, that's not gonna work," I sigh, running my hands through my hair, "I did not inherit any homemaker skills."
My grandmother says my name gravely.
"What? It's true!" I shake my head, "if I did, then I would have been better off marrying a rich man," I dryly joke.
My grandmother ignores this as she suddenly says, "if your baking skills are that bad, perhaps just make an effort to eat with him every lunch."
I make a twisted face, "you want me to waste my precious free time on that emo prick-"
"Hi," I raise a hand, making Dream and Lucienne, who seemed to be getting into a heated argument, halt and turn to me. Dream scoffs, "you again." I awkwardly chuckle and rub my arm. "What? No bribe this time?" he narrows his eyes at me as he walks over. I purse my lips and twist to reveal my backpack, "I bought lunch for all of us..." There is a sound of thunder from the outside. I look away from the stalking man, finding there was even less debris now compared to yesterday, "it seems your efforts to liven up the place are-" "Silence."
"Oh, so you have a better idea?!" my grandmother quips.
"Granny, I can already imagine-"
"You said," I grip my earlobes tightly in my fingers, "you wouldn't take my earring back for the sake of Josephine." "But that was before," he presses close to me that our bodies were nearly touching, "you were turned out to be a meddlesome insect." "How is being friendly to someone who clearly needs friends meddlesome?" "Friends?" his deep voice darkly chuckles, "it is you who needs friends," his voice echoes, "you think I did not sift through your memories to verify your words? I know well the day you came here you were at a party on the pretense of making companionship," he leans in that his nose nearly touches mine, "but they turned you away, did they not?" My eyes glass at his words and my breathing grows jagged at the words he next spoke. "If your fellow mortals do not want you, what makes you think that I would?" "My lord!" Lucienne calls. I do not grant him the satisfaction of another moment of my time and will myself back to my room.
"-how bad it'll be-"
I hold up a cupcake in a plastic container to the man who was reading on his throne. "Your insolence knows no bounds, girl." "Actually, it's chocolate chip cheesecake." He eyes me darkly, slamming his book closed, "you think you can win me over with food?" "I can tr-" "It is by my own power than I am sustained," he stands and swats my cupcake away, "and by my mercy that you have not slipped into madness." I gulp as he adds, "not yet."
"-if I force myself-"
I try to contain my giggles as Lucienne and I sit on a picnic blanket I bought for today. "It's so weird to know that without him, Bach would've never finished his most famous piece, which is so gentle and sweet and-" I finish with a whisper, "unlike your boss." She sighs as her lips press into a soft smile, "you know... he's not actually that bad. He's just... going through something." I roll my eyes, "what puberty?" Lucienne shakes her head "he has been hurting for a long time." "Just because you've hurt doesn't justify the hurt you inflict on others," I mutter, "you don't have to keep defending your petty king." Dream, who had just finally fixed and tidied the last of the rubble, speaks up "you are aware there is no such thing as hushed whispers in my realm?" He turns to us and walks over with a storm cloud over his head, "every crude remark you've uttered as you stuff your face with your cheap, store bought snacks has echoed in my ears." I look up at him, opening my mouth, but Lucienne's hand grabbing mine silences me. "If you wish to insult me as retribution, then perhaps I should darken your mind more than I already have." "Dream! She has not-" "I've had enough of you as well, Lucienne," he quips, "you tell her things that is not yours to tell." "But you have withheld rest from her, my lord!" she says as she stands, "and for what? Because she told you the realm was in shambles, when it clearly was?!" "I shall heed none of your flippant words and continue to do so as I see fit."
"-to hang around him when he clearly doesn't like me!" I exclaim, already frustrated by the idea.
"Then, do something you like... together."
I release a sigh.
"Perform for him, you are a musician after all, and he is every musician's muse."
Lucienne claps as I release a sigh and allow my guitar to rest on my shoulder on its strap. "A splendid performance indeed," she smiles at me. I awkwardly thank her and turn to Dream beside her. "Pitiful that talents are wasted on a girl as unsavory as she." I shake my head and release a scoff, "aren't you tired of being an asshole?" His lips curl in disgust, "perhaps nightmares aren't enough. Maybe taking your voice-" "You think just because you're powerful and fucking old, all your actions are justified?" I remove the guitar strap and begin to put it back in its case, "I just want to sleep! And I've been making an effort to pacify you, but you're acting like a child." "I'm acting like a-" "THEN I'M ACTING LIKE A CHILD, DAMMIT," I heave, "and you are the perfect Dream of the Endless!" I get on my knees and bow to him mockingly, "none could defy his will."
"Granny, that's-"
"Oh! I've got it. I've got it! I remember. The king is absolutely fond of ballroom dances. Perhaps you can convince him to allow you to plan a dance for him."
"Granny, where would I even plan such a thing?"
"The dreaming of course," I press my lips into a smile, watching Dream's dark face eye me impatiently. "I've had quite enough of your games, girl," he snips, "first you bribe me with food, now you're trying to fool me into dancing with you." "What-" I whine, "is it going to take-" I huff, "for your petty ass to forgive me." He scoffs, "well perhaps you could start by dropping the unnece-" "But I have! I did! I tried being nice, but you do nothing but attack me." He scoffs, "and if that were true then you would not be sufferings still." "I JUST WANT TO SLEEP!" I scream, lunging at him as I grab his stupid collar, "you have NO idea what it feels like to be so tired but restless." "I think I would know-" "BUT YOU DON'T! Because you don't need sleep, or food, or anything! You are just an all powerful monster, devoid of emotions and any sense of compassion." He shoves my hands off him and I pull back as I heave. Dream tilts his head at my tear stained face with disdain. "Lucienne told me you were captured-" "It was not her place to tell you anything." "You would know what it feels like to be trapped!" I release a shudder, "or perhaps you are so caught up in your own self-pity that you will never believe anyone else can suffer, at your cruel hands, no less."
I slam my head on the cafeteria table repeatedly until I feel my forehead sting. I feel tears prick my eyes in frustration.
I just want to sleep.
"I just wanna sleep, you royal douche bag-" I whimper, "can you fucking hEAR ME-"
"Hey!" someone catches my forehead, mid head bang, and I crane my neck up to see the worries and breathless face of my classmate, "where have you been? I haven't seen you at lunch in forever."
I groan and straighten up, just to slump down on my chair and rub my eyes in frustration. "I'm so fucking tired, Tim."
"Yeah, no shit," he says, right as the sound of a chair being dragged back fills my ears, "you look like shit."
I let out a whimper, unable to withhold the tears from my eyes, "you think I don't fucking know that?"
I break down against my palms, incapable of keeping my emotions in anymore. Tim stiffens at the sight and lets out a string of curses before placing a hand on my shoulder, "I didn't mean to-"
"Look, if you're here to annoy me too, just leave, Tim."
I rip my hands away and look at him with my wet eyes, "I don't know why you're here, but just leave!"
He scoffs, "you don't know why I'm here?" He crosses his arms, "well maybe because I'm worried about you?! Because we're friends?!"
His brows furrow, "how's that, asshole?"
"... we're... friends?"
Tim's face twists, "are you fucking stupid for real?"
I don't get to reply as my name is suddenly called. I turn to my side and feel my blood still at the face before me.
"You called me," Dream says, turning from me to Tim, "are you in trouble?"
I still and turn between the two, as an incredulous chuckle leaves my throat, "now hold on," I scoff, "hold on just a damn second."
Dream turns back to me and I peer up at him, "are you trying to tell me that you came here because you thought I called you and that I was in some sort of trouble."
"You did call me," he mutters, completely ignoring the rest of what I just said, "I am not one to lie."
Tim turns to me as I laugh. His face is warry as when I stand from my seat. The serious expression Dream's face disturbs me and I chuckle yet again.
"I'm so sorry," I place a hand on my chest, "where are my manners? I should introduce you two first: Tim, Dream, Dream, Tim," I turn to the latter, "you wanna know where I go at lunch? This is the Dream Lord I've been duking it out with every time."
Tim rises from his seat, grabbing my arm.
It seems, Dream does not take kindly to this and shows it by stepping close to the man. As Tim turns to the glaring Dream, I scoff and push the Endless to face me, "you're insane. Aren't you?"
Tim speaks my name softly.
"No," I turn to Tim, "he's the reason why I can't sleep because I questioned his kingliness or some shit-" I snap back to Dream, "in fact I'm so fucking tired I don't remember why you've been giving me nightmares in the first place."
"Okay, calm down," Tim tugs me towards him as he repeats my name, "we should just go to my place now and have lunch there."
"And who are you to take her anywhere?" Dream demands, making Tim's face contort in anger.
"I'm her actual friend, dipshit."
"Except she doesn't have any friends."
Tim snorts in annoyance, "as I'm sure you've been gaslighting her to believe."
With that, we walk away from Dream, even though I was so ready to lunge at him. Tim gave me an absolute earful about something, not that I actually listened. But still, even as his words entered one ear and out the other, I still cringed at the severity of his harsh but concerned tone.
Out of spite of myself, I told him I would skip the rest of my classes and sleep the entire day. After arguing about it, Tim eventually walked me back to my home and I punished myself by actually trying to go to sleep.
You have no idea how shocked I was when it worked.
I didn't realize I was sleeping because I was suddenly in a glimmering black dress.
Lucienne came running over to me with a wide smile, "You did it! You did it, dear, you did it!"
"You've put sense into that old fool's head," she grabs my face, "and convinced him to throw a ball in honor of the reconstruction of the Dreaming."
"Wait," I shake my head, "so I'm-" I grip my earlobes and find only the smoothness of my skin, "dreaming?"
Lucienne beams at me as tears glass my eyes.
"Now, is not the time for sadness," she sighs, grabbing my hands, "today we celebrate!"
Seeing all sorts of beings dancing and making merry in the grand halls with such festive and upbeat music made it hard to resist. Of course I was reluctant and in denial. It was all happening so quickly, But when I was drawn into the middle of the room by Lucienne, who linked her arm in mine, and started spinning around, I couldn't help but laugh and dance with her.
My spirit is livened by the sound of the fiddles and the sweet voice singing to the music.
By the time the chorus comes along, I am relaxed and try to hum along with the music as Lucienne and I giggle at how poorly we were dancing.
I am promptly halted when the arm linked in mine pulls away and I slam into a firm dark chest.
I grip on a pair of biceps and tilt my head up. Dream he looks down at me with an expression I have never seen before.
I pull away quickly, but he catches my wrist, "it was your idea to have a dance," he leads me back near to him, "might you share one with me?"
I'm surprised he actually waits for my response. And so I reluctantly nod my head.
The moment I do, he does the weirdest thing. His lips curve upwards and he spins me to the beat of the music.
All the stiffness and unwillingness begins to melt away as Dream leads me to the music. Though his gaze on me is heavy and scrutinizing, I cannot bring myself to look away.
"It really took a man showing his concern for me for you to finally change your mind," I mutter.
"No," he readily denies, "it was you who made me change my mind."
I roll my eyes, "but it took Tim to set the wheels in motion."
He shakes his head, "you truly could not be farther from your great-great grandmother."
I huff, unable to understand him, "she must have meant a lot to you."
"She did," he pauses for a moment, "she was the gentleness to my indifference."
"So, what? Is this the part where you tell me you're my great-great-granddaddy?"
He spins me around and presses his chest against my back, "if Josephine were here, she would be horrified to know how filthy her daughter's lips are."
"I'm not her daughter..." I mumble, feeling my pulse rise at our proximity, "I'm her great-great-"
Dream spinning me cuts me off. When he retrieves me by my waist, he softly tells, "you were right. I have been cruel and devoid of emotion."
Our dancing comes into a stop as he willingly admits this.
"My own hurt and the unjust expectations I had of you to act like someone you are clearly not is what lead me to be so," he mutters with a solemn expression, "it does not make it right, and it is not an excuse, but I wanted to tell you this."
My brows furrow tightly at his words. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"I apologize for my wrongdoings. I do not enjoy what I have become, and I know I am disgracing the memory of my friend for being so brutal to her child."
I feel a shiver run down my spine. In pure disbelief, I grab his face, "are you seriously Dream of the Endless?"
His teary eyes crinkle in amusement and it causes me further bewilderment, "I am."
When he places hands on my wrists so gently, I feel goosebumps form on my arms.
"You are so familiar yet so foreign to me all at once."
I pull away from him, not knowing what to say.
Just then, the music ends and everyone but us breaks into applause.
When another song plays, I press my lips and extend my hand out to him, "how about another dance?"
Tim was lying on the other side of a cafeteria table, while I was sat opposite to him as I typed away on my laptop. He was playing on his electric guitar connected to his tiny, rechargeable amp, which was propped on the table. His nonchalance while expertly riffing made passersby stop, watch, and swoon. Typical Tim. He sits up just as I turn back when I hear my name get called. A small smile finds my lips as I greet my caller, "Dream. What are you doing here?" "It's lunch time and you have not come to the Dreaming yet." Dream catches the fact that I was not wearing my earrings, just as I chuckle, "and why would I go to the Dreaming?" Tim had already straightened up and stopped playing at this point. I shake my head and shrug, "I'm not going to pretend like I didn't go to you to convince you to stop my nightmares. And now you've gotten rid of them, I won't bother you." I examine Dream's expression, but there was nothing to examine, he was as still as a statue. "You don't have to worry about me. You can do your work in peace now," I nod and turn back to my laptop. Tim's eyes widen at what he hears and he decides to just lie back down and play again. I stop myself in the middle of typing to steal a look behind me in case Dream was still there. When I found no one, I pushed the thought of him away and finished my homework.
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smileymoth · 6 months
I had a dream tonight that Estonia was being invaded by the Irish and a group of people (including me) escaped to the Netherlands bc aparently it was like a 2 hour boat ride??? Likw did.. did Estonia exist inbetween ireland and netherlands? Was estonia where england is??? Wuh.
Anyway i was on the "saving team" and at one point a bunch of my old high school classmates joined in including the guy who i had a "crush" on and at one point i was flirting with him and i was mentally freaking out bc oh my god im not a lesbian (shut up danny) but i was the only woman on my team so i got belittled and hwuwudjxje. Lol. Also um we did get caught by the irish and sent to a camp or sth and we had to behave bc otherwise we would be made into rugs. I helped shear the rugs. I think lil nas x was the one who was shearing the rugs mainly. How do you make a rug out of a person. I dknt know . Also crying wasnt allowed and there were cleaning maids who checked up on us every now and then.
And another guy who was on our team was my last year typo teacher and he um we thought he got eaten by the irish bc he just disappeared??? He was supposed to leave with us but didnt bc he didnt see our groupchat message abt getting on the boat so he hiked to netherlands instead . I dontknow how he hiked over water
Oh and to get into one of our hideaways that got discovered and burnt (it was in saaremaa, where we started off) you had to climb through a badly painted cat door . It was an unpleasant lime green. I think I also ran a cafe at one point and we tried so hard to not show weird videos on the menu (?????) We destroyed the cables eventually bc we kept having to reconnect ir to get news about the invasion.
there were also talks of us being wanted dead bc thats the only way the invasion would end. The warrant was sent out by putin . So we did climate change video postcards where we stated like "i am x y z with this company and we need to srop using fossel fuels" . Thats when i was teamed up w the men and got belittled at
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diazheartsbuckley · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by @buckdefencesquad 💗
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
tagged by @thiamsxbitch thank you <3 (I love doing these)
1. Are you named after anyone?
nope. But my parents had wanted me to be named Camilla and then I was born and they didn't think that I looked like a Camilla
2. When was the last time you cried?
3. Do you have kids?
not right now at least. I do want them one day but right now I'm not financially or emotionally ready to put a child into this world
4. What sports do you play/have played?
soccer but that was very brief, so it hardly counts. I did however swim for several years
5. Do you use sarcasm?
a little too often probably
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
eyes or smile i think
7. What’s your eye color?
mostly green but i have a brown ring around my pupils
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
it really depends on the movies but i'm gonna go with scary movies despite being a massive chicken lol
9. Any talents?
idk if its a talent but im insanely good at recognizing songs basically from the first beat
10. Where were you born?
Slagelse, Denmark. Which is ironically also where i live now
11. What are your hobbies?
writing, music, crossword puzzles, watching movies or shows. I also used to paint a lot but I haven't done it in years
12. Do you have any pets?
i do indeed, i have two black cats
13. How tall are you?
5ft1 (aka 156 cm)
14. Favorite subject in school?
english for sure, ive always excelled at it. I also really loved history and spanish but english was top tier for me
15. Dream job?
unrealistically, i would love to be an author or as a travel journalist. Realistically, I would love to work in tourism, maybe as a travel coordinator (idk if thats the right title in english)
tagging!! @watchyourbuck @callaplums @forthewolves @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @cal-daisies-and-briars @eddiediaztho @bucksbirthmark @jesuisici33 @daffi-990 @disasterbuckdiaz @buckleyobsessed @wikiangela @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life 💗🦋
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Wait, what did the funky green blob do? I don't use X Twitter, so im not aware of the situation
what didn't he do honestly
i mean there's the grooming allegations that i don't recall ever being disproven, the fact he used to be pretty conservative (it would be ok if he had clearly grown bc ppl can't help their upbringing but he only rlly stopped expressing those views when he got popular with queer viewers), the cheating controversy around his speedruns, the fact that he throws twitlonger tantrums every time he gets into drama and only ever posts 'apologies' on his priv bc 'that's where his core audience are' or whatever, and the way he constantly excuses his fans's awful behaviour and refuses to do anything about it...
i'm pretty sure what mr innit was criticizing him for tho was his beef with quackity??? q made a multilingual mc server (originally for english and spanish speaking creators but i think it's expanded to french and portuguese), and right around the same time, dream decided he wanted to do exactly the same thing??? so he tried to steal q's thunder and then went on the mother of all twitter rants when q didn't respond to his DMs, trying to paint it like quackity was so ~mean~
(at least, i think that's what happened. i haven't been in the fabdom in years, i only pick up on stuff peripherally lol)
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potensh · 1 year
fanks u @fall-dog for the tag! eeeee
are you named after anybody? yes! one of my parents fav singers, maddy prior! even tho i dont go by my birth name anymore its kinda fun. she sings my fav christmas album of all time
when was the last time you cried? when i was at my old place packing up my stuff and the moving truck arrived and i wasn't done packing and i was all embarassed and overwhelmed. got a big hug from me mum tho and it was okay in the end.
do you have kids? noooo but i rly want them. babbie. pls
do you use sarcasm a lot? yes? but i always explain it straight after i say it incase anyone is confused so um. it possibly doesnt land.
what sports do you/have you played? tried a whole bunch in pe and did dance and swimming after school as a kid? i feel like i could have been rly good at soccer if i wasnt passionately against team sport lol
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? maybe their voice? when meeting new people i like. dont look at them at all for like the first bit
what's your eye colour? hazel? i think?
scary movies or happy endings? both both both! love a scary movie and a sweet happy nice time ending
any special talents? i can learn how to do pretty much anything from a youtube video
where were you born? melbourne!
what are your hobbies? art and crafts! zine making and knitting and sewing and painting and drawing! a bit of writing and podficcing! organising and putting stuff in places
do you have any pets? nooo my baby meeshi died last year and the place im moving cant have cats so i havent gotten a new one :(
how tall are you? 175cm methinks!
favourite subject at school? art! it was super challenging in yr 11 and 12 but in the best best way. very fulfilling
dream job? eeeeh i dont rly have one lol. i loved being an early childhood educator, which is what i trained for after school, but i cant do that anymore bc of disability reasons which. is sad. but i like not having a job, and would probably be fine if i never had one again.
tagging @foreverlibrary @colgatebluemintygel @somerubberband if u want to do it!!! <3
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maplecaster · 8 months
tagged by @charlottan to answer interrogation questions thank you :"3
1. Are you named after anyone?
the name maple comes from my friend who had a furry oc named spruce and she wanted spruce to have a friend so i suggested the name maple and she didnt like it but i did so i kept it. im named after an aborted furry
2. When was the last time you cried?
probably listening to outer wilds music
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
uhhhhh does dodgeball count
5. Do you use sarcasm?
i prefer to call it lying
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
to me everyone is their own beautiful piece of art. What is the first thing you notice about a painting. about a song. about a tree.
7. Eye color?
you'll never know my eye color because i'll never open my eyes but my expired driver's permit says green
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
i like scary movies and happy endings especially scary movies with happy endings
9. Any talents?
no because to me talent implies you are naturally good at something. everything im good at i worked really hard for ok
10. Where were you born?
hell world usa <- kept answer from charlotte
11. Hobbies?
i like to draw and write and i used to write music too but that's too hard for me now i also like to take pictures of bugs when im outside
12. Any pets?
my family is in possession of a nearly extinct species of seal pig hybrid her name is baylea
13. Height?
just pretend im either really tall or really short im fine with either one but generally no
14. Favorite school subject?
oh yeah i forgot school was a thing uhh i like science
15. Dream job?
minecraft youtuber
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aliengirl · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @duusheen @emzchaos and @kissalopa thank uu my lovvss 🩷
1. Are you named after anyone? nope, my mom just liked the name. Actually, she wanted to name me Yasmin, but the family already was calling me the other name 😂
2. When was the last time you cried? well, today? Im a cry baby ok
3. Do you have any kids? nope but i do plan on having in the future 🩷
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? i dont know if A LOT but i do use it
5. What sports do you play/Have you played? i did ballet in my childhood, street dance in my pre teen fase, and know sadly im only going to the gym
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? i dont know? I do notice their hair and kinda try to read their faces, if they are open to social interaction lol
7. Eye colour? mine are brown, like my moms, and i do get mad since both my brothers (who had the same chance as me in the gene pool) have my fathers hazel eyes and i think is so beautiful
8. Scary movies or happy endings? im a romance-comedy kinda gal, so happy ending pls
9. Any special talents? well, idk? In the skills department, i can draw and paint. In the social department, im pretty good with children(?)
10. Where were you born? a small city in the south of Braziiilll
11. What are your hobbies? sims (duh), painting with watercolor and acrylics, reading, eating (?), i was into writing a while ago if it counts
12. Do you have any pets? no :( 💔 i live with my parents and both of them hate cats and wont trust me and my brothers with a dog/small pet
13. How tall are you? ... 1,45m
14. Fave subject in school? arts n biology
15. Dream job? i dont have a dream "job", but i do want to work in a way i can use creativity, like graphic designer or architect! (im studying architecture in college🩷). If it dont work, then i would like to work with children!
I tag @posessedsims @powluna @seyvia @akitasimblr @cherie-sims and whoever wants to do that!!!!
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crowning-art · 2 years
Without further ado, thoughts on chapters 153-157!!!
Sjjsjdjdjf, the three tumors give me the same vibes as those super popular, but very problematic cliques you see in schools, lol
Speaking of three tumors I STILL MISS SHI WUDU JEISJDJDJDJ Every day I live in a fantasy that someone, somehow, magically got the powers to resurrect him and he's alive in a dungeon somewhere (gotta make it a little realistic, yknow? *she says in utter denial*)
“Very well! You said I couldn’t reach that high. Then, might I ask you: had the prominence of the Palace of Jing Wen at its peak ever reached even the knees of my Palace of Ling Wen??”
So hopefully, I'm remembering things right about events in Xuli: pei ming was a general there, his people wanted him to rebel and become king, he refused, Ling wen was from the same place who sold shoes and tricked a man into killing himself (brocade story), also wrote multiple beautiful lit pieces and thus ascended. I don't think we've been told yet how Xuli truly fell, but I'll do a refresh read tomm just in case!
Also the Jing Wen and Ling Wen story was just sooo utterly fascinating to me, because it centers around a person whose insecurities acc had a much greater repercussion than he realized. See, had he not made her ascend, she wouldn't have played such a major role in hurting so many people after her ascension (refer to brocade robe incident) and all of this was done for what? To satisfy his inferiority complex. It's kinda crazy to see how everything plays out in the long run, yknow?
WAIT WHAT????? I did not see this coming dudhjdjxkdk THIS DUDE WAS A STONE STATUE TALKING???
However, the one who was questioning Xie Lian wasn’t actually a “man”, but an extremely coarsely-made stone statue of a man, its body bare but wrapped with cloth; somehow bizarre and at the same time silly.
Stop I was laughing at the chaotic-ness of this whole scene lmaooo, especially this part
It’s alright if you won’t chop yours off, I’ll chop off his!”
He was referring to Pei Ming. Pei Ming was dumbfounded.
The bloody rain that had enveloped the sky had transformed into a fluttering shower of flower petals!
There was no need to even guess who had come. Xie Lian curled his fingers and clenched his hand, clutching that flower petal as the name blurted from his lips.
“San Lang!”
Blossoms fell like dripping blood; blood danced like petals in the wind. That face was as spirited and handsome as the first time they met, his eye bright and alive. He languidly sheathed that long and slender silver scimitar back into its scabbard, and spoke with a deep voice.
“Your Highness, I’ve come back.”
The next time I face the most minor of inconvenience such as phone battery low or smt, I'm using this line by pei ming lmaoo
“Where there is abnormality, there is evil; everyone be careful.”
Ok I HAVE A NEW THEORY (or acc it's me reiterating EXACTLY what I said last time lmao)
So if you look back at one of the chapters at the end of book 1, specifically the part when Goushi is discussing a dream with Xie Lian, he talks about being dragged down from ascension, the crown prince wearing only white clothes, and a kingdom falling into ruin....SOunD fAmIliAR???
The contents of the mural in this divine temple were completely different from the previous one.
They started studying it from the highest level, the top of the painting. A white-clad young man sat poised upon a jaded futon, his brows quietly handsome. It was that Crown Prince of Wuyong. His eyes were tightly shut, and judging from his posture, he seemed to be in deep reflective meditation. However, it wasn’t tranquil.
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Hua Cheng is 100 percent aware he is in a book, and that book is a ROMANCE book, while everyone else is out there living out the horror genre in every way conceivable lmaoooo
Even though it wasn’t the right time, Xie Lian still felt his heart skip a beat in spite of himself.
“Are you tired holding this up? How about I hold the umbrella for you…”
The others were fleeing and dodging, running madly; seeing how the two were having a good time, they couldn’t stand it, and couldn’t help but call out.
“Hey! Isn’t that unfair?!”
“Hua Chengzhu, may I ask if you have any spare umbrellas??
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Aaaaaand the roasting session continues! On today's menu: roasted Yin Yu!!
Even if one was to stare at his face for two hours, after a good night’s sleep, his appearance would be completely forgotten the next day, so no doubt this was a molded fake face?
However, a moment later, that black-clad youth said, “I’m sorry, Your Highness, but, I…I really do look like this.”
Yikes cuz imagine being called plain faced and forgettable in front of your colleagues :/
He’d always felt there was a misunderstanding between you in regards to the Brocade Immortal affair and wanted to hear your side of the story, so he could explain it to others. Yet, there was never any sign of you, nor any communication.”
Ok but low key that's kinda precious, like Qi Ying gaves me major dog vibes, constantly trying to return to owner kinda thing, yknow?
Loved loved loved how casual everyone was about this
“Everyone, a question. Have we dug into a mass grave?”
Pei Ming also pulled out a femur, sighing.
“Probably. Look at the structure of this bone. It must’ve belonged to an exquisitely beautiful woman with long, slender legs. To have her bones buried here, what a real shame.”
“Very unfortunate indeed,” Hua Cheng said. “The legs are long, that’s for sure, but that’s the bone of a man.
“No,” Hua Cheng said. “But it’s precisely because there’s nothing that it’s worrisome.”
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
oversharing on the internet
i was tagged by @buck2eddie thank you babe &lt;3
ONE: Are you named after anyone?
not really, but fun fact i was born on the anniversary of the day that the Portugal princess made slavery illegal here in Brazil, so my mom wanted to name me after her, but then my brother started calling me Anna and he wouldnt stop, so they had to name me Anna. No one knows why tho because no one asked him at the time and he doesn't remember because he was 2 and a half when i was born, so no one knows where my name came from oksaoksokas
TWO: When was the last time you cried?
Tuesday on therapy oskaoskaoksas
THREE: Do you have kids?
nope and i do not want them.
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
not really? kinda sometimes but its not an instinct...
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play?
All of them soaksokaoskaosk, i mean, i played basketball and volleyball more seriously, i was in the volleyball team for a while and i actually helped start my school's female basketball team, i used to be at the boy's team practice because of my brother and i was good because i played with him, there were some other girls that randomly joined, then we got the coach to help us start an actual team, i was actually captain for 2 years, that was fun, but like, recreationally also played football, both soccer and american, i was terrible at both lol, handball, that one i was decent at but i didn't like it that much, and i also had a judo phase for like, a month, and almost went to a competition with peteca, thats an indigenous origin game from around here with a shuttlecock (had to google this one lol) that you hit with you hand, it has similar rules to volley i guess? the best way i can think to explain is volley but instead of a ball, you have the shuttlecock moving back and forth the net. I also played tennis, but i didn't get used to the racket. And our track coach tried to get me to go into the track team, but i would have to quit basketball for that and i wouldn't so i never got serious about it. I think that's all lol. wait i also did ballet for like, 7 years sokaoskas
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people
I don't know? I wanna say eyes, but honestly, not sure oaksoaksokaosk
SEVEN: What's your eye colour?
light brown/hazel
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings?
I hate scary movies, so happy endings it is...
NINE: Any special talents?
i can sing? im not sure if the tshirt painting count as a talent oaksoaksoaks
TEN: Where were you born?
in a hospital
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies?
crochet, guitar, i wanna say gifs and video edits are a hobbie too skoaoksas
TWELVE: Do you have any pets?
yes, a dog &lt;3
THIRTEEN: How tall are you?
169 cm (i dont know how much that is in feet because i keep getting conflicting answers when i google that, ive gotten anything from 5'5'' to 5'7'', so like i say im 5'6'' and hope for the best oksaoksas)
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school?
science in middle scholl, when that got split into biology/chemistry/physics, i realized i hated chemistry and really liked biology. And i guess you can tell by the sports answer, PE was really fun for me okaoskaoksaoks
FIFTEEN: Dream job
not having to work <3 (something with music, not sure what tho)
tagging (no pressure &lt;3): @chamaleonsoul @ijustdontlikepeople @caramelcalum @anotheryoutubefanpage @talkfastcal
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badgermcghee · 2 years
thank you for the tag @turniptitaness and @dank-meme-legend !!!!!
1. are you named after anyone?
no, my mum just had a field day thinking of names ejjdjd
2. when was the last time you cried?
hmm… im on those sweet sweet ssris so i don’t physically cry often so uhh
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm?
not really lol
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
uh… i actually don’t know, maybe hair?
6. what’s your eye colour
7. scary movies or happy endings?
I LOVE horror movies, specifically psychological/absurdist!!!! my mum does too and I only really watch movies with her so I tend to watch mostly horror. I do like happy endings though, I can’t handle sad endings rijdjdj
8. any special talents?
i wouldn’t know what counts lol im pretty good at mental maths does that count ?
9. where were you born?
sydney, australia !
10. what are your hobbies?
big on crafts, drawing/painting, lots of sewing, writing fiction/poetry, maths <333
11. do you have any pets?
@gingerpigs 😋😋
12. what sports do you/have you played?
I made a point of trying all the sports they did in primary school for at least a term. Except cricket. So I briefly did tiger tag, afl, netball, teeball, and softball. discounting those, i did dancing (tap, jazz, and for a couple years) ballet when I was younger. I also did trampolining for a year SKJDJDJD
13. how tall are you?
roughly 168cm, so just under 5’6 I think??
14. favourite subject in school?
MATHS! (also earth and environmental science, and english)
15. dream job?
besties i got no clue I’ve never had A job let alone a dream one. I’ve got a lot of passions so I don’t think I’d ever be able to pursue only one.
tags :oo @nostalgicbones @theawkwardqueerturtle @maxwellshimbo and of course any other mutuals who would like to do this ^w^
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afreakingdork · 2 years
This is what im feeling rn with CTM (im back with more song sharing as always lol)
Starry Night — Jordan Critz
There is no lyrics just pure instrument- but the feels I get it so much. Its calming but my heart feel at edge(?) I feel it squeeze with sadness or some intense emotion. A melancholic feel. Then you can also get the feel of regret from the song- the type of regret that you are still dwelling in as you remember past memories that make you regret it. A sad nostalgic feel? Its not even bittersweet- its just sad-
It feels like reader/donnie sitting lonely in their room after days/weeks not seeing each other- suddenly their memories just start to play. Like a slideshow? Maybe- could be seen as small little film playing in their mind of all the memories they both had with each other. Just thinking 'when did all these memories start to hurt me' . It used to be full of warmth, but now all of them just feel as if someone stabbed them in the heart.
I tried to find a more happier- or atleast bittersweet feel to it. Well, I did find just the small feel of the 'happier/bittersweet' side to the music. But its more to a what the song is playing "building up" for-. The parts where the instruments start to "build up" and multiple instruments start to have a faster rhythm(?) feels as if there is a chance or hope for both of them. A hope.. that there is a way for it to work out. But then as the music goes back to the slowly, melancholic feel- it feels as if its just a fantasy of one of them (reader/donnie) . A hopeful thinking- imagination? Daydream/dream perhaps. in a more descriptive way- i guess it feels as if they are in between the sad memories- they daydreamed for a brighter path to open up a chance and they cant help but chase that hopeful feeling- maybe even forgetting its all just in their 'dream'. To the music slowing back down to them 'waking up' from the 'hopeful dream'.. only to be greeted back by the reality.. the silence and cold atmosphere feel of their(reader/donnie) room. Alone.
..does it make sense? Lol im so bad with Explaining lol I wanted to say 'wishful' but idk if thats a right word to use lol. Im not a writer unfortunately :'D
Hope you have fun reading this tho! Sorry if this is alot lol- anyways- again cant wait for the next Chapter! Lord bless ya friend 💛 hope you are doing well!
I think you did a great job painting a melancholy picture! It has wonderfully wistful vibes~
Thank you so much for enjoying the fic and never worry about writing 'too much.' These notes have been such a delight to get back to when I can carve out time!
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surveysonfleek · 2 years
How much did your senior prom dress cost you? it was $350 which to me was so expensive! my mum bought it for me as a graduation gift though. later i heard some girls had $800+ dresses, so ridiculous
What dreams have stuck with you since childhood? i cant think of any rght now but im sure theres some
Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? yes
Did you ever take your dog to school? no, that wouldve been awesome though!
If you had had a baby in high school, what would you have named him or her? hahaha no idea. prob something i wouldve regretted now
If you had a baby now, what would you name him or her? ive saved my girl name, idk about a boy name yet although i kinda love unisex names too
Have you ever seen someone throw up on a plane? nope
Do you get motion sickness? not often but i have
Has God ever healed you of anything? If so, what? no lol
What is the most boring church you have ever attended? all of them, lets be real
What is the most lively church you have ever attended? a neighbour asked me to tag along to her church as a ‘youth’ thing back in high school to which i agreed to. everyone was super friendly, they played live music a lot etc, after i went there for a couple of months they had some big event one night and they were like, do whatever u feel etc. much to my surprise people started fucking fainting and speaking in tongues... i noped the fuck out of there and sat in the bathroom fucking scared out of my wits. i never went back
Do you find church fun or boring? boring
What do you hate the most about summer? the heat obviously
Which part of your body is the most muscular? my calves i thinking hahaha
Did you ever take Latin in school? no
Which major holiday is closest to your birthday? christmas
What is your favorite Japanese name? miyako
Have you ever ran a cash register? yes
Did you collect Bratz dolls when you were younger? i never had a bratz doll tbh. i was team barbie all the way
Do you think your mom is attractive? she was definitely more beautiful than i ever was when she was my age!
What was the last thing that disappointed you? ugh idk
Do you like the feeling in your stomach on a big drop on a roller coaster? i love and hate it at the same time
Skeletons or scarecrows? scarecrows
Do you own pumpkin earrings? no
What computer game did you used to play all the time? the sims
When was the last time you read a book? like a month ago but i didnt finish it
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? (assuming you want any) it really depends on the situation. do i know this kid, what would they be doing, where are they hanging etc
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? hmmm. this all you can eat sushi resto i think
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from? tiktok
What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts? paint by numbers. i attempted a few during lockdown and they never looked good and took forever to do
Do you watch political shows? nah, rarely
Do you play any fantasy/roleplaying games? What? no
Do you like salami? i dont mind mild salami but would still prefer ham, proscuitto, serano, coppa etc
When was the last time you ate meat? tonight
What was the last hot drink you drank? chai latte
Have your parents met your boyfriend/exes? yes
How about your boyfriend’s parents? Met them? yes
Do you know how to say I love you in at least 4 languages? hmm yes!
Do you find the sound of a cat’s purr relaxing? haha no, i dont like cats
Do you know your mum’s first pet’s name? i dont think she ever had a pet that was only hers, a lot of her siblings had pets instead
Would you ever want to be famous? If so, for what? not really, that used to be my lifelong dream as a kid and im kinda glad it never went ahead haha
Would you ever get a heart tattoo or your back? nah
What fruit can’t you stand? anything sour. most berries, kiwi etc
Do you know anyone autistic? yea
How about someone bipolar? hm idts, not fully diagnosed anyway
What do you consider private to you? my health
Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have: im drawing a blank rn but im sure theres someone
Name something that you’re good at but don’t like: idk :(
Name something that you’re bad at but DO like: spending money bahaha
Name somebody who has tried to help you and ended up hurting you: i cant think of anyone
Name a date that has a lot of significance to you: 7 sept
Name something in your life that was a blessing in disguise: idk
Name something that you’ve done that would be considered rebellious: sold school raffle tickets and kept the money for myself
Name something you wish you had enough money to do: buy a new car or plan my dream wedding without money being an issue
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