#I hate the ending but it'll serve
TW: Unreality, major character injury, poor medical technique (and IC they know they're not getting it quite right too), panic attacks, brief vomitting
Maybe a bit long for tumblr, but eh, you'll live, and I'll upload it eventually.
Theoretically safe in his room, FitMC is awoken by the sound of his warpstone activating. He sits, and reaches for a knife, and feels Pac sleepily grasp for him as he disturbs the man's sleep.
"Pac," he keeps his voice as quiet as possible. "Let go. Someone's here."
Pac does not wake as cleanly as Fit, but still grips the knife passed to him, hiding it under the blanket and still pretending to be asleep.
Whomever came takes a while to find them, but eventually there is a knock on his bedroom door; Fit grips his sword, wishes he'd realised he had time to dress and put armour on, and calls "come in!"
Two small figures run into the room, and he tucks the sword away - keeps it close, just in case these are imposters again, but tucks it away.
"Tallulah?" Pac has noticed them too, sitting up as soon as he does and opening his arms. "Chayanne? What's wrong?"
Tallulah runs over and hides in Pac's arms before pulling out a sign; Chayanne gets straight onto writing his. Neither child has their hat or their backpack, and there's the slight glow of a potion over both of them.
'/Something's wrong with dad/' Chayanne writes, then pulls out another sign.
'/Papa says the house is on fire. It's not/' Tallulah writes.
Right. Fuck. Another message? After the last one... Fit's genuinely concerned. He believes well enough that the messages are real, but he worries about the doubt they cast into Philza's mind - and also what something like that contacting his friend could possibly mean.
'/He said find you/' Chayanne's second sign reads. '/Will you help him?/'
'/He was scared/' Tallulah adds. '/Tios, papa is so scared/'
Fit and Pac share a look. Pac nods, and Fit wishes he were telepathic and so could send his roommate an apology for the disturbed night.
"Why don't I go help him out?" Fit offers. "I'll go look after him and have a chat. Pac can look after you two."
"A sleepover!" Pac's grin at them both is strained, but Fit doubts the children notice. "Let's go to my home and eat all the chocolate, yes? Chayanne, do you want to make a cake for your papa?"
Fewer people know of Ilha Chume Labs than Fit's hole in the ground, and even if he means Chume Labs proper the warren of labs will keep them safe.
The kids are still hesitant to agree; Fit smiles at them too, and nods, "your little secret. I know Phil says no snacks after bedtime, but he left you in my care and I say you can."
It doesn't really win them over; Chayanne puts down another sign '/you promise to help dad?/'
Fit makes eye contact with the boy, deadly serious, "everything I can. I promise."
'/you leave first/'
Fit doesn't know if Philza trusts Pac with his children, but Fit trusts him, and honestly they're the least of his concerns. The old crow thinking himself trapped in a burning house - why the hell didn't he leave with the kids - is far more of his worry. Is it the Ender King again? Or some other fucked up entity contacting him in the most bullshit way possible?
"Alright," he says, and grabs his warpstone and a shirt. "Be good for Pac, okay?"
"They're sweet," Pac promises. "They'll be good."
Fit knows that’s a lie, but Pac wrangles Richas well enough, so surely he can manage Philza's kids.
He trusts his faith, and worries for a friend, and warps away.
Phil and Missa is quiet, and still, and just as calm as it always is. The moonlight reflects on the glass, and it looks nothing like a house that two children might have fled from. Nothing at all seems wrong, but nothing ever does seem wrong; Fit knows better than to take it at face value.
He’s already opened the hatch before he remembers just how jumpy his friend is, and calls out a loud “oi, Phil!”
He’s already in the main room by the time he hears a reply, glancing between the three options as he fails to choose one.
“Kitchen,” Philza’s voice is quiet, broken, strained as though speaking on an over-strained throat. “Be-” a cough “be careful!”
Careful of what? Tallulah said he thought the house was on fire, so… It’s a waste of resources, but Fit splashes himself with a fire resistance potion anyway. Just so he can tell Philza he’s safe, and not have to lie about any follow up questions.
Depends how bad the vision is, really.
Because Fit is pretty sure they are visions, not hallucinations. It’s just the after-effects on his old friend’s mental health are worse for it.
The kitchen is the door to the left. When Fit steps in, he makes a show of checking it. Everything is normal - down to and including the pot on the stove - except for Philza himself. Still in his pyjamas, stood with his back to the wall. He looked like he was reading something, but glances over his shoulder as soon as he hears Fit approach.
There’s nothing in his hands, not that Fit can see, but they still hover like they’re holding up a book.
His eyes are shot wide open, so wide it goes past terror to border on head injury. His breathing, too, is fucked - Fit can see him panting - but that’s a panic attack for you.
“You good?” Fit asks someone who very, very obviously isn’t. “I was worried, so I asked Pac to watch the kids. Chayanne and Tallulah said something was wrong…?”
It looks like Philza is about to reply, but then he starts coughing. Fit gives him a moment, but it keeps going. His body shudders, gasping for air between coughs as he slumps against the wall.
It’s fucking terrifying; Fit runs forwards before he knows what to say, only stopping himself once Philza manages to catch his breath, and Fit remembers what a fucking terrible idea it is to charge someone whose brain is trapped outside reality.
So he slows to a stop, and brings up his hands.
“Easy, easy,” Fit drops his voice lower, trying to project calm he absolutely does not feel. “What can you see, Phil? Because whoever’s talking to you, they’re not talking to me.”
“Not- ah- not talking?” Philza takes a deep, sharp breath - gasping again. His voice is shaking, distant, so quiet Fit has to strain to hear it even over the silence. “Fire. It’s- It’s fucking… hell in here. Lava. Netherrack. Soul- Soul sand. The whole- whole lot, Fit, the whole damned lot.”
The Nether? Shit. Nobody likes the Nether, so no wonder Phil is panicking so hard he’s choking himself. Fit eases himself forward a little more, trying not to scare his friend more than he’s already terrified.
“What else?” he asks.
It’s not exactly grounding when Philza is seeing another reality, but it’s the only thing Fit knows how to try.
“Book, blackstone, blaze rod, quartress.”
That train of words is said much more clearly, more certainly, but still sounding called from a much greater distance than is between them. Fit can hear the panicked tears threatening to spill over with every word, and his heart fucking breaks.
Gentle, gentle, do his best to help. Fit’s not a gentle person by nature, but if his friends need him he’s going to try.
“Hey, hey look at me,” he orders, trying to be kind but knowing he’s a bit sharper than usual. What can he do to break the tension? Flirt? Flirting always goes down a treat. “See this sexy bald head of mine? I’m not going to let any Ender King hurt you /or/ your kids.”
Fit isn’t exactly sure how he could stop anything with such a name, but he’d certainly try. 
Then Philza says something. It’s so quiet and broken up he can barely hear it, his breathing growing faster and more desperate as he does.
It takes Fit a moment to parse the words - “not him. Blaze Em-press. His enemy.”
“That’s why she set your house on fire? Pissed he got you first?”
It’s the only sense he can make of the enemy of someone Philza is so fucking terrified of making him think he and his house are burning.
“A friend,” Philza says, and begins coughing again. “She’s- a… friend. But’s she’s- … Also the Nether… You know? I-I think- Fuck, my head hurts.”
No bet.
Philza coughs again, spit hitting the floor. At first Fit thinks nothing of it, then he notices the discolouration - not black, not fully black, but slightly speckled with it.
Shit. The coughing isn’t because he panicked himself into not breathing right. The vision… The vision isn’t a hallucination, and it isn’t just a vision, because whatever Philza’s brain can do it can’t fucking fake smoke in his lungs.
Smoke that as far as Fit can tell /does not exist/.
“Not really,” he answers, shaky himself now but needing to reply to the ‘you know’. He has friends, yeah, but if they set his house on fire and tried to kill him by smoke inhalation they wouldn’t be soon. “Let’s get you out of here, and grab some water.”
And once Philza is away from the smoke, get him to Pac and hope the engineer has fucked around in the lab enough to know what to do, because this is far beyond Fit’s abilities to treat.
Philza doens’t reply; Fit closes the rest of the distance. He kneels down infront of his friend, touching his shoulder and trying to assess his condition - no burns on his face, at least. From what Fit remembers, burns on your face mean you’re extremely fucked.
The touch at least seems to break Philza’s trance a little; he reaches out and touches Fit’s shoulders too, using them to lever himself up. Having realised his friend is legitimately and physically hurt, Fit keeps his hands near.
Just in case.
“I’m sorry,” it seems hard for Philza to breathe, and harder still for him to talk. “I must look… I’m sorry.”
He’s back to himself a little, then, but it’s still awful words he says.
“You’re scared,” Fit says, and he’s terrified too - he’s just forcing his breaths steady, his heart calm, and accepting the fact he’ll have nightmares about this day for months. “It’s fucking scary, just thinking about the idea. Entities from elsewhere lasering shit into your brain? Making you think your house is on fire? No thanks.”
Philza laughs, and it’s blissfully familiar for a second.
Then the coughing starts again.
Philza borderline collapses, his body unable to take the force of the coughs. Fit grabs him, keeping him from the floor. He helps him bend a bit better and rubs at his back. That’s what you do to help someone stop coughing, right? Rub their back?
Fuck, he’s so out of his depth right now.
“Easy, easy,” he tries. “Let’s just get out of here. We can talk outside.”
Under Fit’s guidance, Philza manages to walk. It’s slow going, and Fit has at least half of his weight, but he manages. It’s not far to outside, at least; the bunker is big for a bunker, but it’s still no labyrinth.
And then Philze drops from his hold.
Fit doesn’t even know what happens. One moment they’re walking, the next Philza is on - in - the floor. He has no way to comprehend it, his entire mind fucking straining to compute seeing both the wooden floor and Philza /inside/ it at once.
And Philza is screaming in agony. Agony, agony, fuck Fit doesn’t think he’s ever heard him scream like that before.
He doesn’t - he doesn’t know what to do.
So he grabs Philza and yanks him up. The floor gives him up easily, and Fit scroops him into his arms.
There’s burns, there’s so many burns - every bit of Philza that was below the floorline - thank fuck not his chest or his head, the survalist managing to catch himself like so many times before - is burnt. His hands, his feet, lower arms, most of his legs…
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Fit tries to reassure.
He doesn’t worry about taking it slowly or about stopping the injuries getting knocked - what Philza needs is out, and away, and he knows Pac has shit for burns they’ve just got to get there.
But first, cold water. Chume Labs is huge, and Chayanne’s paddling pool is a quicker walk.
And every step of the way, Philza screams and sobs and chokes on his throat.
He keeps up the promises of it’ll be okay, trying desperately to soothe at least one of the three. He carries Philza outside. It’s not glamorous or comfortable, but they get there. They get there, they fucking get there.
Fit as good as dumps Philza in the paddling pool, making sure the burns are covered by water. There’s a shudder in the screams, and the sobs start winning; with one hand he rubs Philza’s back, still awkwardly promising his presence, while with the other he grabs his communicator.
/You whisper to pactw: Where are you?/
The reply isn’t immediate. He considers texting the injuries, but… maybe best to assess them first. Let Pac know exactly what they’re dealing with, and also make sure Philza is okay with the Brazilian’s help.
Speaking of… Philza has mostly stopped choking.
But he isn’t doing much of anything else.
“Phil?” he asks, keeping his voice low and simple. “Can you hear me, Phil?”
Philza moves up a little, like he’s straightening to answer. He opens his mouth and- and then leans sideways, over some of the nearby flowers.
Fit can only support his back and watch in terror as Philza vomits into the bushes, flecks of sticky black smoke clinging to that too.
He can feel his own hands shaking as he supports his friend, keeping him from getting vomit on his injuries or in the water, and trying to comfort him all the same. It’s horrible, it’s terrifying, but there’s not exactly much he can do.
Hopefully it’s just panic nausea. He hopes to Hausmaster it’s just panic nausea.
After only a little bit the vomit ends, Philza leaning back and being caught against Philza’s chest.
“... Fit?” his voice is even weaker than before.
“Right here, big boy,” Fit tries to keep his reply lighter than his horror. “You with me?”
There’s a shuddering breath, followed by a nod.
Philza could probably do with a potion, but the only one he has is in Fit’s pocket. He didn’t grab his bag or anything before heading over, and he’s regretting it now. But to access it…
“Okay, fuck,” he breathes, clearing his mind with the swearing. “If I let go for a second, can you keep yourself above water?”
There’s a hesitant nod - Fit slowly lets go as Philza adjusts, making sure he is steady before digging through his pockets. The potion is… Somewhere. It won’t fix everything, not for shit this bad, but it’ll help with the shock and any infection risk and take the edge off the pain. Maybe heal some of his throat on the way down, too.
He finds it, and puts it to Philza’s lips. It doesn’t take much effort to convince him to drink, pink liquid going easily down.
When he opens his eyes, Philza looks a little more present, and Fit sighs in relief.
“What happened?” his voice is still quiet and scratched, but more solid than when they first got to the pool.
“Fuck if I know,” and honestly, it’s true. Fit can guess and such, but half of the reason he believes in magic crap so easily is because it constantly happens and he has no idea how to parse it, so may as well just take it at face value. “The lava burns are real, though. There was nothing there, it was like watching… I don’t fucking know, you glitch into the floor? Then you screamed, and there’s lava burns.”
He watches Philza examine his burns. With a worried hand he stops him from taking them from the water, massaging his shoulder with a thumb he can only hope is comforting.
It’s comforting for Fit, at least.
“Can I message Pac about this?” he asks, because fuck he’s out of his depth, and Pac and Mike have dealt with enough lab accidents to know some weird medical areas.
Philza quirks something like an attempted smile, “assumed you’d already told him, mate.”
“Not about this,” Fit hasn’t, either; only asking where Pac is since he left. “But… Look, I can stop the burns killing you, but I can’t treat them properly, and I’m pretty sure your lungs are fucked.”
Confusion crawls across Philza’s face. Fit watches in concern as he raises a hand to his lips, it coming away with some of the discoloured, sticky mucus.
He sees the terror in Philza’s eyes as he glances up to meet them.
“Can we not scare the kids?”
Fit takes that as permission. He opens his comms, to find Pac has already replied.
/pactw whispers to you: at Chume Labs
pactw whispers to you: got Chayanne and Tallulah asleep in Mike’s room
pactw whispers to you: how’s Philza?
you whisper to pactw: not good. You got anything for lava burns and smoke inhalation?/
“Pac says they’re already asleep,” Fit promises, and keeps any wondering about how that happened to himself. “They’re going to notice, but we can just tell them in the morning.”
But at least by then the burns will be covered up and their dad might have his head back.
Philza nods, and Fit returns to his comms.
/pactw whispers to you: the fire was real?
you whisper to pactw: real enough to hurt him, not real enough for me to see
you whisper to pactw: it’s freaking me out, but i know what burns look like
you whisper to pactw: and vomiting up smoke ash/
He looks up from the comms to find Philza’s eyes closed. For a moment his heart stops; “don’t sleep just yet.”
Philza gestures at him in reply, and he isn’t sure what it is, but it’s a sign of life at least.
Something approximating fuck off, he’s sure. Fit turns back to his comms, but keeps a closer eye on his friend.
/pactw whispers to you: bring him here
pactw whispers to you: i’m not a doctor but we have some supplies
pactw whispers to you: will get it set up
pactw whispers to you: or would the order be better?
you whisper to pactw: will ask/
“Okay,” he looks at Philza more critically, assessing the damage for himself. “Pac’s got stuff at Chume Labs, and luckily for us that’s also where he took Chayanne and Tallulah. He can either meet us there, or at the Order.”
“Kids,” Philza immediately replies, and Fit is not the slightest bit surprised.
/you whisper to pactw: we’ll come to you/
“Right,” he glances over Pac’s confirmation, and shuts his communicator away. “Do you think you can manage your warpstone?”
Fit really, really hopes that Philza pulling it out means yes, because he’s not sure how to get him anywhere otherwise.
So he pulls out his own, and warps over there.
When he arrives Chume Labs, Philza is half-collapsed against the waystone, and dripping wet. Neither is unexpected; Fit scoops him back up, and carries him to the turtle. There’s worryingly little reaction, but his eyes are open and blinking normally, and he winces properly when he coughs.
Managing the turtle while carrying someone is a bit awkward, but Fit manages. Just like he usually does. As it makes its way across, Fit texts Pac to let them know they’re there. He expects a message back saying which floor to go to, but instead Pac meets them at the elevator.
“Fit?” he asks first, then. “Phil? Are you okay?”
Philza manages to mumble something which sounds mostly like a hello; the look Fit and Pac share is worried. Fit sits them both down while Pac sets the floor, and the mechanism crawls to life.
“Here, I bought splash potions,” Pac shows them first to Fit, before throwing them on Philza.
Fit gets splashed as well, the tingle running along his skin. Philza’s body relaxes somewhat, his breathing steadying a little.
“Thank you, Pac,” Fit says. “I didn’t have my bag.”
“Did you have anything?” Pac asks, hands trembling as he visually checks them both over.
“Gave him a basic potion just before I messaged you,” Fit replies. “Otherwise… Got him in cold water, but I didn’t know what else.”
Pac nods, shifting between his feet, “we need a real hospital.”
“We need a real doctor,” Fit points out.
Pac can do nothing but agree to that. He’s about to say something else, when the lift arrives.
There’s a bed with some equipment set up on one side, but Pac leads Fit and Philza over to a chair instead. It’s just like the ones Pac constantly leaves around, except red this time. A whole pile of equipment is beside it, and it faces an open door.
One which shows Chayanne, Tallulah, and Richas safely asleep in a little pile.
Fit places Philza on the chair, only able to stand and watch as Pac fits an oxygen mask to his face.
“He should really have,” Pac gestures a bit, frowning as he pulls the elastics properly. “I forget the word. But nobody knows how to do it, so…”
“That bad?” Fit asks.
“There’s not much to do. Makes it really scary,” Pac frowns, hands twitching a little as he pulls them away. “Can you help me? With the burns.”
“Of course. What do you need, Pac?”
Something useful to do is better than any other option. Fit is handed potions and ointments and dressings, and told the order to apply them in. While Pac works on Philza’s legs - the more extensive of the burns, with more of them deeper in what can only have been lava - Fit takes one of his arms.
He’s treated burns before, even extensive ones. Not usually with this many things, but he knows what he’s doing.
When the first of the potions is applied, Philza visibly flinches. His eyes, still wide, flicker between both of them, and then to the door - relaxing noticeably when he spies his sleeping children.
“Sorry it stings,” Pac smiles at Philza, and Fit can see how shaky it is.
“It’s fine, mate,” Philza’s voice is a bit drifty, but the surprise of the treatment seems to have drawn him back. All the way to full sentences, too. “Just means I still have feeling.”
… Fit might understand that sentiment, but he’s not exactly thrilled about it.
“Only you, Phil,” and his voice is more affectionate than he means it to be.
Philza turns and glares at him, and Fit swallows a laugh at how ridiculous he looks.
“You have said that before,” Pac points out, though it takes Fit a moment to realise it’s directed at him. “It /is/ true. Still hurts, though.”
Philza adjusts his position slightly, and Fit concludes that it must be the potions actually working that keeps him so present when he was spaced out so badly before. “Don’t worry, I’ve survived worse.”
Fit thinks of his friend knee-deep in lava, without the right protections, miles from home and alone in the Nether, living in a world where a single death means you’re gone forever.
He shudders, and hates it, and it really is not helping his fear.
“You know that’s not actually reassuring, right?” he tries to joke.
He needs to leave this ointment for a little bit. Fit shifts from working on the right arm to the left.
Philza shrugs in reply, but his throat catches. Pac is already bolting up to help and Fit reaching to support his back by the end of the stuttered breath. Philza manages to avoid the coughing fit, though, taking a few deep breaths of the oxygen and settling his lungs.
Once he has, he says whatever he meant to say. He keeps his voice quiet, and the hoarseness is still apparent, but at least Philza manages to avoid the breaking this time. “I do appreciate the help, guys, but I have fallen in lava and been fine before. Didn’t even have bandages then.”
That statement only serves to make the imagined scenarios worse. Fit tries to glare at his friend, only to soften when he sees just how exhausted the man looks.
He can’t win against his friends. He never has been able to.
“I get it,” Pac replies for him, deft fingers now bandaging Philza’s legs. “We didn’t either. But… It will heal better. Faster, cleaner, less infection risk.”
Fit nods along to Pac’s words, and uses the time to gather himself. Philza’s at least chatting, now; it’s easier to suppress the terror.
“Don’t you want us to care about you, Phil?” Fit reaches over with one hand, squeezing his shoulder like he always does when trying to give comfort. The idea of it actually hurts, now he’s vocalising it. “Are you saying you won’t let us worry? Don’t want us to care?”
They see Philza try to reply. This time, the stuttered breaths do turn into a coughing fit. He pulls the mask up to spit out the mucus, but holds it close, still trying to use that air. It doesn’t stop with one cough, or with two; Pac reaches up from his feet, resting Philza’s head against one shoulder as he loops arms around his back. Fit leans down, rubbing circles and hoping they help.
It keeps going and going, and Fit sees his own terror reflected in Pac’s eyes. He’s about to resort to screaming for Cucurucho when the coughs finally cease, Philza’s body weak and trembling from the exertion.
Gently they ease him back into the chair. Fit fixes the mask back into place, while Pac clearly frets about something in his mind.
Even Philza seems to notice that, his eyes shifting to watch Pac.
It breaks the seal.
“How, ah, bird are you?” Pac clearly doesn’t know if that’s a polite thing to ask, and, honestly, Fit has no idea either. He can only shrug in reply to the unspoken question. “I don’t know crows, but…”
Philza takes another moment or two, chest heaving but at a much slower pace than before, “not sure, sorry, I just live like this.”
The reason why Pac asks suddenly clicks - canaries in a coal mine, but all birds are more vulnerable to smoke than humans. Their respiratory systems just being weaker to it.
At least Fit can reassure that one.
“We’ve run through a fire together before,” he says, skimming over the terror of that event too in his mind. “If he took the smoke worse than me, it wasn’t enough to notice.”
Pac may as well collapse in a heap on the floor for all the relief in his eyes - he doesn’t, but it seems a close-born thing. “Still… you really need a hospital.”
It’s muttered, it’s quiet, it’s been said before, but it’s unfortunately very true.
Fit can see the laugh growing on Philza’s face, and also how he struggles to hold it in.
“Welcome to the island, Pac,” Philza manages to say instead. “You read an out of date medical textbook ten years ago, and it makes you about the best we’ve got.”
“It was a biochemistry book,” Pac corrects, and it either explains a lot or nothing at all. “And some websites. I’ve practiced on Mike, though. We both set many things on fire.”
Philza cannot escape an amused snort this time, but it clearly messes with him enough to fuck his breathing once again. Fit keeps an eye on it as he finishes treating his arms, and sees Pac doing the same with his legs.
They drop the topic to work, using each other as a support they might not even really have.
Once the bandages are all in place and Philza seems to be doing better… Well there’s a goat in the room, isn’t there? Because someone set Philza on fire, using lava Fit couldn’t even see.
“Phil…” he isn’t sure how to phrase it but it needs to be said. “I have some idea, but… what did you see?”
“Not a lot,” Philza answers willingly enough, though he twitches as he does. Fit places a hand over the back of his neck, and hopes it’s reassuring. “Kinda like the other two. The bunker was on fire, there was a trail to a book and some items and pictures. Used fire res, but I only had the one… Ran out about when you arrived.”
That gives them a timescale for just how long, at least - fire res offers some smoke protection, so… But then, perhaps he was breathing it in before he awoke or used the potion, too.
“And the book?” he asks, because it’s always the books that seem to scare his friend the most - it was the book Fit couldn’t see he was reading and rereading when he arrived, that probably stopped him leaving before the fire res ran out.
“What do you want me to say?” despite his weak voice, it’s clear Philza is frustrated by the whole thing. “It’s the Blaze Empress, but what does it matter?”
“Is she liable to kidnap you?” Fit asks first, because after the Ender King talk he /needs/ to know if this is another threat or not. “I know you were worried about…”
He glances at Pac, and realises he will actually have to explain that later. Now Pac’s been here and seen this and is kinda involved all over again.
“I don’t know, Fit,” Philza doesn’t seem as scared this time - still terrified, but more burnt out, more exhausted, more likely to give in than run. “In my dreams of her realm… lava is… people. And the quartress has a bee farm. In the /Nether/. It’s not… It can’t be… There’s no sense here.”
Fit and Pac share a look, and Pac agrees to take on the burden of speaking.
“You burnt from the lava,” he hesitantly offers. “I don’t think… you can hallucinate that?”
Yeah, no, Fit’s seen a lot of cases of mind over matter, and none of them result in that sort of happening.
They watch Philza struggle for a time. Pac starts putting the leftover bandages away, constantly glancing back to check on their shared friend. Philza’s lips move, and reassass, grimace and frown and just… don’t seem to know what to do.
The building distress is obvious, though.
Fit’s about to try soothe him again when Philza opens his mouth again. This time, it’s not just weak - they can hear genuine vulnerability, and the first hints of terrified sobs.
“If she’s real, the war is real. She… She can reshape reality, but the Ender King can steal it. /Has/ stolen it,” Philza stops for air, tears trying to streak down his face. “Entire swathes just… gone. In the blink of an eye. He did it to her… the quartress… hangs in a void… I- I can’t- They’re fighting over me now, Fit, they fought over the world and now they’re fighting over me and there’s nothing I can do about it. There’s… There’s not going to be a world /left/, Fit, not if they fight again! If… If they come, if they take me… Don’t try to stop them, don’t come after me - /please/, Just…”
Philza glances at his children. The sobs break his speech, but it’s so obvious what he means.
“Oh Phil…” Pac whispers, barely audible.
“Of course,” Fit promises - at least to looking after Chayanne and Tallulah. He’ll never promise to never try rescue a friend, not if he sees the option.
The sobs continue, and there’s nothing either of them can really do.
“I-” Philza breaks through them to try to talk, turning desperate eyes on Fit. “I’m scared- I- don’t… I-”
Fit lets the air entirely out of his lungs, and leans over to hug his friend. It’s awkward and it’s difficult, but they manage all the same. He hopes its comforting - Philza presses hard against his chest - because it’s all he can do.
Pac scrambles up onto the arm of the chair, then hesitantly leans over. He presses his weight to Philza’s back, and wraps his arms around his front.
Together they hold him as he sobs, hoping it’ll be soothing enough to avoid another coughing fit.
It isn’t.
This one isn’t as bad as the last, but it’s still terrifying. Fit does his best to soothe in tongue clicks, while Pac rubs his back and begs him to breathe.
Sobs bubble harder into the coughs, eventually winning back over.
“You need to calm down,” Fit says - not because crying is terrible, but because it’s causing his friend to choke. “Please, Phil, you need to calm down.”
Philza doesn’t. He keeps crying and crying and crying, shaking and terrified and seeming so small where he’s trying to curl in the chair.
There’s no chance to ask him about it, either; the tears have to end eventually, but they only cease as he drifts off to sleep.
Fit gives him a moment, checking that, and turns to Pac.
“He cried himself out,” he whispers. “Do we need to wake him up?”
Pac hesitates, clearly trying to remember. Eventually he shakes his head, “put him on the bed. We just…keep an eye on him.”
“Alright. Can you get the oxygen?”
It’s easy enough to move him to the bed, far easier than carrying Philza to the pool in the first instance. Pac moves various bits of equipment around them, clearing the path and making sure the tube on the mask doesn’t tug, the last one being to pull down the sheets.
Philza is very definitely asleep by the time he’s laying on them. Pac sets up a little more stuff, pushing fluids into his veins and tracing his heartbeat just in case, but there’s only so much he knows how to do. Roier knows more - did more for Forever - but Roier is missing, and Pac’s knowledge is from scientific testing, not medical.
Once Pac is done fiddling, Fit tucks the blankets around his friend. He’s led to a pair of chairs positioned to watch both Philza and the children, and collapse into them.
“Well, fuck,” Fit says, because he really has no other words for the situation.
“Will he be okay?” Pac replies, glance flittering between Fit, Philza, and the sleeping children.
“You’re the closer to an expert than me.” Fit drapes an arm over his eyes, trying to hide from the very bright lighting.
“The burns were a lot, but didn’t have time to get very bad. His breathing is worrying but it’s, ah, improving. I want to do more, Fit, but I don’t know what to do,” Pac shuffles in his chair. “I am not trained for this. But… I meant… in his brain. Will he be okay in his brain?”
“That’s the question, isn’t it,” Fit frowns. “The shit he sees is definitely real, but it’s not the same real so he’s still going to be left doubting it all. And Philza does /not/ handle doubt.”
“The same real?” Fit peaks out under his arm, and sees confusion writ on Pac’s face.
“Yeah,” he frowns himself. “The lava? I couldn’t see it, even as it was burning him. Hell I was standing on the same floor he tried to walk on. It was a brainfuck - he fell through the floor into the lava, but it was still there.”
“Like BadBoy’s ghost blocks?”
“Not really,” Fit, still not sure what he saw, struggles to explain. “Or, kinda? But like the ghost block could also have lava inside it. The lava and the floorboards were in the same place, just you sink in lava.”
Pac pulls a long series of faces, clearly struggling with the concept. After a bit, he clicks, “more like… hiding cables for storage?”
“Maybe?” Fit doesn’t really know a lot about that. “Whatever it was, it was terrifying. And the beings contacting him? Being powerful enough to do /that/? He asked me not to intervene if he gets kidnapped, but I don’t even know if I could!”
Pac scoots a little closer, leaning over the arm of the chair to rest on Fit’s shoulder. Fit reaches up, entangling a hand into his hair. “You’d try.”
“Damn right I would,” because of course Fit would. They might all be as good as powerless here, their actions having even less meaning than in the Wasteland, but he’s still going to /try. Good friends are hard to come by, and he’s not going to let some extra-dimensional fuckery steal one of his away.
Not if he has a choice, anyway.
“It’s just…” Fuck, Fit has to tell Pac, doesn’t he? “Does the name the Ender King mean anything to you?”
Fit watches Pac think very hard about the question, focus and concentration mixing into one. After a few minutes he looks back at Fit, “like… Enderman? But a king?”
“I guess?” Fit shrugs a bit. “Phil did say he’d have no idea if he were here - there’s no marks of him, but he mostly exists in another realm.”
“No, then,” Pac shakes his head a little. “Just… that. Phil said something?”
“Yeah, few weeks back,” Fit pulls a face. “With the egg shoes? It was when he called me off that day.”
Pac nods, “the shoes were cute.”
“They were,” Fit smiles a bit at the happier memory. “But Phil… Chayanne and Tallulah were with him, and I swear its only that that stopped him having a panic attack. He’d had that other message - the one you were there for? That scared him, but the second one /terrified/ him. Was promising Chayanne and Tallulah he’d always get back to him, to behave if he was kidnapped, laugh-sobbing when Chayanne promised to kill whatever scared him, the works.”
“And it was the Ender King? He mentioned it today, too.”
“Yeah…” Fit trails off, unsure what else to say.
There’s quiet for a moment, before Pac speaks up again, “how did Phil, er, how does Phil know them?”
Fit takes a deep breath, trying both to remember and work it out. “He /says/ it’s from his dreams. He dreams of living in another world, really consistently, really vividly, and these… entities are its rulers. He doesn’t remember all of them, though, it’s still just a dream.“
“Memories, maybe?” Pac asks. “Does he have amnesia too?”
“Maybe?” Fit frowns. “He remembers shit with me well enough, but I don’t remember enough about the rest to compare. Could be the Feds just stole part of them.”
“Which means we all might have all-powerful supervillians after us,” Pac’s eyes are a bit wide.
“And who would even be after you?” Fit laughs, already knowing who is after him.
“I am an international criminal wanted in five countries,” Pac mocks some offence. “Entire governments want me dead!”
They can both only hold it for a moment before descending into giggles. It takes a few moments to recover, their foreheads pressed together.
“The Blaze Empress sounds… fiery,” Pac muses, once he has recovered. “And Endermen hate water. Maybe he should make an underwater safe zone? Just in case.”
“We can suggest it once he’s feeling better,” Fit promises. “Knowing Phil, he’s already got one hidden away somewhere, he just hasn’t thought of it.”
Pac might be the least paranoid of the three of them, but that really is not saying much. Fit can already see the calculations running, and so gently pokes his nose. There’s a jolt of surprise, and a soft smile. “Fit?”
“Thanks for your help,” Fit says, trying his best to be genuine. “Sorry about the night… We can talk more in the morning, and rearrange to another time?”
“Philza is important,” Pac shrugs. “We can adjust.”
“Are you sure?”
“You’ve done the same for Mike,” Pac’s voice is a bit soft.
There’s not much Fit can say to that. Instead he just moves on.
“Do you want to sleep first, or shall I?”
Pac glances at Philza, then the time, “you sleep first? There’s more likely to be problems earlier.”
“Alright,” Fit doesn’t want to leave either of them, but they all need sleep. “Wake me in a few hours, okay?”
Pac nods, and shoos him off.
There’s too much to talk about in the morning - Fit already knows they never will finish the conversation, not even if Philza is stolen from their watch and tormented by gods from another realm.
It’s fine, though, it’ll be fine.
He lays awake, failing to think of a solution, listening to Pac watch low-volume Brazilian romance films until his own dreams steal him away.
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complicit-rot · 3 months
i haven't been this social & talkative in Years someone drag me out back
#rambling to myself in the tags just go ahead n pass by 🫡#u've been warned#i can feel the burnout(?) creeping up on me & its been. two days.#at least my friend is reassured i'm still in their life every few months 👍#even if i end up hating being dragged out places i know a little relief feels like a lot to other ppl#but i also just. hate being involved at all. esp if its pity but also when they genuinely want to talk with me. which sucks!#i hate thinking like that. however it just feels like the most logical path sometimes yk? after (gestures vaguely) everything?#i'm childishly obsessed with the aspect of destruction. me or them carrying it out it doesn't matter#any sort of socializing feels like grinding stone together whether or not their intentions seem as pure as possible#it feels like my socializing button is broken and my battery is locked at 2% 24/7#its not that i actively try to keep myself locked in self serving cycles to stay pitiful lord knows i hate being pathetic#i despise being miserable. it may not be Everything i know. it may be comfortable or familiar or whatever edgy shit#but it takes so much energy to have any emotion. i feel like i wrung myself dry in elementary school#ultimately i know i'm capable of Having Emotions. they're just all buried beneath 78 layers of static that don't seem to be there for other#i try to be social. even when i know Deep down i like them i end up hating every interaction. no matter how smooth or funny or whatever#i seem to have this blanket that makes everything heavier on me. i don't like being weighed down but sometimes i have to comply else#i know i'll just fucking crash out for the next however many years & end up being more hurt than i began with#<- metaphor doesn't make sense bc i ditched it half way thru but you get the point#be social to the complete detriment to my health & appease others or hurt other ppl (something i don't like doing bc i know how it feels) &#end up ''''saving'''' myself (trapping myself further. lose/lose). i wish i was completely exempt to people paying attention to me#i Hate wallowing in this fucking pity. this whole woe is me evvybody huwt me so now i feel nudding :( schtick makes me feel so weak#i like feeling strong by socializing. sometimes i get this litttlee inkling of maybe i should try & put myself out there More but it always#comes with the same results. one of these days surely it'll change (<- bearer of the curse) (<- but still has hope despite denying it)#yes i'm in therapy yes i'm working on my social capacity slowly instead of getting my boundaries ran over at top notch speed by my abusers#sometimes i need to say the self pitying shit out loud to knock me to my senses & be like 'if a friend said this i'd criticize them'#'if anybody else thought that you'd cringe so hard and be filled with That Specific Misery you feel & hate so much' ohhh right. my bad
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shymaidxn · 1 year
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I read the event before work;; ( watch me add Nerine as a muse on multi, and maybe even Drusilla because Such character development for her in this event?!?!?!?!? )
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thatdogmagic · 2 years
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...that your audience won't hate.
This is a method I started using when NFTs were on the rise - thieves would have to put actual work into getting rid of the mark - and one that I am now grateful for with the arrival of AI. Why? Because anyone who tries to train an AI on my work will end up with random, disruptive color blobs.
I can't say for sure it'll stop theft entirely, but it WILL make your images annoying for databases to incorporate, and add an extra layer of inconvenience for thieves. So as far as I'm concerned, that's a win/win.
I'll be showing the steps in CSP, but it should all be pretty easy to replicate in Photoshop.
Now: let's use the above image as our new signature file. I set mine to be 2500 x 1000 pixels when I'm just starting out.
Note that your text should not have a lot of anti-aliasing, so using a paint brush to start isn't going to work well with this method. Just use the standard G-Pen if you're doing this by hand, or, just use the text tool and whichever font you prefer.
Once that's done, take your magic wand tool, and select all the black. Here are the magic wand settings I'm using to make the selections:
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All selected?
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Now, find a brush with a scattering/tone scraping effect. I use one like this.
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You can theoretically use any colors you want for this next part, but I'd recommend pastels as they tend to blend better.
Either way, let's add some color to the text.
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Once that's finished,
You're going to want to go to Layer Property, and Border Effect
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You'll be given an option of choosing color and thickness. Choose black, and go for at least a 5 in thickness. Adjust per your own preferences.
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Now create a layer beneath your sig layer, and merge the sig down onto the blank layer.
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This effectively 'locks in' the border effect, which is exactly what we want.
Hooray, you've finished your watermark!
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Now let's place that bad boy into your finished piece.
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You'll get the best mileage out of a mark if you can place it over a spot that isn't black of white, since you'll get better blending options that way. My preference is for Overlay.
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From here, I'll adjust the opacity to around 20-25, depending on the image.
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If you don't have a spot to use overlay, however, there's a couple other options. For white, there's Linear Burn, which imho doesn't look as good, but it still works in a pinch.
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And for lots of black, you have Linear Light
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Either way, you're in business!
EDIT since this has escaped my usual circles, and folks aren't as familiar with my personal usage:
An example of one of my own finished pieces, with watermark, so you can see what I mean about 'relatively unobtrusive'-- I try to at least use them as framing devices, or let them work with the image somehow (or, at the very least, not actively against it).
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I know it's a bummer for some people to "ruin" their work with watermarks, which is part of the reason I developed this mark in particular. Its disruption is about as minimal as I can make it while still letting it serve its intended purpose.
There's other methods, too, of course! But this is the one I use, and the one I can speak on. Hope it helps some of you!
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da1ntiestdoll · 3 months
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If you are to change your state, the first step is to accept your state.
Accept that your state right now isn't what you particularly desire. Know what your state is right now, be conscious about it.
i used to hate and reject this idea, i thought blinding myself with all this affirmations and false positivity will change my state, i thought accepting negativity will led me to even more negativity but, no. Just because you accept that your state right on this moment isn't much desirable doesn't mean that you can't change it, cause you can.
Remember that your state has no power of you, remember that you are not your state. The inner-man and the state is separated, remember that.
Rejecting this idea led me to not being conscious of what i actually desire to change, confuse of what to actually change. When I finally looked deep within me, i found out that i still had limiting beliefs and dominant thoughts that didn't serve me.
And I want you guys to not go through that so. I will say is to accept your state right now. look deep inside you, on what your state is truly is. I want you guys to know who your state actually is. Cause maybe you're blinding yourself too with all the false positivity, thinking that you're thinking right when deep within you, there's a pool of limiting beliefs and undesirable thoughts that makes up your state that keeps pooling up the more you ignore it. And if you keep ignoring it, it's gonna keep pooling up to the point it's gonna brim. That's the point where you no longer keep ignoring it.
And it's gonna be such a strong state that you're gonna have a hard time changing it, changing it's waters, meaning it's dominant thoughts that make up of it.
I want you guys to think of states as pools. The state is the pool, and the dominant thoughts are the waters.
If you have a dirty, disgusting, dark and undesirable pool, You wouldn't wait any longer to change it's waters won't you?
You'll immediately clean the pool, and change the waters so you can finally swim and chill and have a nice time. Right?
You wouldn't trick yourself that everything is fine and keep swimming in it right? You wouldn't place a cover that's glittery to trick yourself that everything is fine right? You should immediately clean that pool so you'll have a nice and happy time. no matter what you do even if you try to trick yourself with covering it with a glittery and pretty cover, that dirty water is gonna somehow slip under that pretty glittery cover and show you what you've been trying to avoid.
The more you ignore it, the more it pools up, to the point that no pretty covers could cover it. And soon enough, you'll be drowning.
If you keep swimming in your dirty state, tricking yourself that everything is fine and dandy, you'll start a disease within yourself. And that disease could get worse the more you ignore it. And it'll be much challenging to heal yourself.
So the end line here is a one simple "acceptance". Accept your state right now. And trust yourself that you'll change it, cause you will. Remember that your state right now has no power of you. And you could change it, however you want, whenever you want.
The first step is to just accept it and stop tricking yourself.
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yarrayora · 3 months
i like how falin being a maiden to be saved, a reward to be coveted, isn't a point to criticize in dungeon meshi. because we have various other female characters who are written as having their own agency
we have marcille, of course, whose story can be observed since chapter 1. how she's not depicted as the "girl team member" but "part of the team". when you're writing a protagonist group where there's only one female character among the male cast, you can always feel this sense of alienation in the writing, like she doesn't belong in the group as the story focuses on the rest of the boys. the way masashi kishimoto writes team 7 is a major example
but marcille is still allowed to be a "typical girl" who doesn't want to eat gross things and enjoy feminine clothing without forgetting the fact that she's a multifaceted person. she's a researcher who isn't afraid to get dirty when it's something relevant to magic and her goal, even though she's also grossed out at the idea of feces being used as fertilizer for crops
and when falin comes back as a monster who can't speak, it's still not a point to criticize. oftentimes stories involving female characters losing their speech (or, well, becoming disabled in some way) is meant to make her vulnerable, a fragile 'something' to be protected. but this is not an argument about how chimera falin is super strong, because that's a shallow way of thinking that ignores the fact that being a Girlboss doesn't ensure your female character is written as a fully realized person. this is about the fact that almost right after that Izutsumi joins Laios' party.
She joins late in the game, so it'll be easy for her to only be tacked on as an afterthought. A notable example would be Okumura Haru from Persona 5, where her character gets overshadowed a lot by the other party members' more colorful personalities, as if the writer wasn't sure how to integrate her into the already developed dynamic.
there's also how she's written as a sweet and shy girl yet the way her school uniform is designed betrays that image. it's heavily customized even compared to the trendy girl like ann which means it's impossible for her outfit to not go against school regulation. not something an obedient girl would have done. which makes me wonder if they couldn't decide on her writing until last minute.
but Izutsumi is different. her involvement and her own personal story arc eventually intertwines to the overarching plot. she hates having her options limited. she hates having responsibilities to uphold. she hates eating veggies! she hates that people expects her to do things their way! she wants freedom to do whatever she wants!
but in the end she learns that to have the freedom to choose, she has to uphold her responsibilities. starting from the simple things like taking care of her health by eating balanced meals, not just the ones she enjoy. she has to do work to get enough money for her food and travels. and she has to learn how society works so she can live independently. she has to learn which desire she has to prioritize that she can balance out with her responsibility as a living being.
her own self-realization culminates into her giving advice to laios that leads to him steeling his resolves to become king.
so you have Falin, who gets turned into a monster that cant communicate her desire and needs while under the mad sorcerer's control, and in exchange you get Izutsumi, the 'beastman' who knows exactly what she wants and throws a tantrum about it without shame, not understanding that what you want isn't always what you need. i think it's a really cool parallel!
this is a prime example of how tropes that get associated with misogynistic writing can be used as a proper tool that serves a narrative when you have more than multiple female characters having their own character arcs
in fact, you can apply this to pretty much every other things. when you're writing gay characters, having only one of them and they act camp can make people raise an eyebrow at whether this is meant to be a caricature of gay people or not. having two of them and one acts camp and one acts normie can be read as a bias against gay people expressing themselves. writing multiple gay characters, all with different personalities and desires will avoid accidental stereotyping.
even the minor female characters, be it the canaries or namari, help show that the way the narrative treats Falin isn't born from thinking that women are an alien breed compared to men. that her lack of agency means something for the themes involved.
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anime-fan-05 · 6 months
im in love with your account 😭🫶🏻 can i ask nana's boys when they are in love/have a crush but you're not dating yet? :3
Nana ~With their crush~
Manga/anime: Nana
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
T. Nobuo (Nobu)
He's definitely the one who shows his crush on you the most
Indeed, every time he's in your company, he blushes a lot and tries to make you notice him, although he often ends up making a fool of himself
Plus, he always goes out of his way to make you smile, even if it means getting hurt or humiliated
For example, one day you were sad due to a harsh insult on your social profile; he started making jokes, but, after seeing you weren't feeling better, he softened his tone and sweetly listed everything he loved about you
In short, it's truly clear he's totally in love with you; the point is he doesn't realize it and, when he confesses to you, he'll be amazed you already knew his feelings!
O. Shin'ichi (Shin)
It's more likely others will notice before you he has a crush on you
In fact, he doesn't openly demonstrate he has feelings for you: he apparently doesn't talk to you and treat you differently from everyone else, he doesn't give you more time than he gives to his band members, he doesn't give you gifts except for your birthday...
In short, his feelings are almost unrecognizable to you
However, to outside eyes it's more than obvious what he feels
Indeed, his eyes soften as he looks at you, he's always ready to catch you if you should fall and he makes very small gestures for you which pass off as friendship gestures, such as serving you the dish first during lunch or dinner or, when he cooks (at BLAST's retreats or at dinners or lunches with friends), avoiding everything you don't like
T. Yasushi (Yasu)
Like Shin, it's very likely you don't notice his crush on you
He also doesn't behave differently towards you than towards others, but his signals, although still imperceptible, are less notables than those of Shin
For example, if you need help, even if this happens in the middle of the night, he'll rush to you, masking his apprehension thanks to his responsible nature
Another gesture, which he's capable of disguising, is taking care of you when you're sick
One day, in fact, he stayed with you all day, since you had a fever, and he refused to leave your house until you were better ("Yasu, what about your work?" "Don't worry about that, just think about getting well.")
H. Ren
Do you know the typical story of the popular boy who, in love with a girl, courts her by making fun of her so much she thinks he hates her, but in the end he proves to be the sweetest person in the world with her?
Well, that's how Ren is
He's truly a mystery to you: he's a mix between a tease and a very sweet boy
For example, one day he had teased you quite cruelly, almost making you burst into tears; the next day, having noticed how you avoided him like the plague, he came to you and consoled you sweetly
In the end, he's just a shy and insecure guy trying in his own way to get you to notice him
I. Takumi
You'll never know what he feels: he behaves with you totally as he does with everyone he knows
No one was, is and will be able to notice his feelings in any way, least of all you
However, there's only one event, since he's had a crush on you, where he demonstrated those: one evening, while you were at a dinner with Trapnest, a boy had tried to flirt with you; Takumi had gotten so jealous he almost fought with him, if it hadn't been for you, who hugged him tightly, begging him to stop
By the way, when you remind him of that event, he ignores you and walks away (so you can't see his red face for showing you his feelings)
It'll truly be a wonderful surprise for you when he confesses to you!
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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sanemisstalker · 1 year
NSFW // KNY characters that are serial humpers. There's nothing they won't rub themselves on for just a small chance to get off.
CW: GN Reader/ Both Genitals reffered to/ specific CW will be before each character so you can peruse as you see fit.
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Object Of choice : Anything and Everything.
CW: Genital Mutilation (he gets curious, no scene), Dub-con/Non-con, Somnophilia.
-While I think all of the Clones have a bit of a problem keeping it to themselves, I think Karaku, being, you know, the pleasure clone, is most certainly a cum chaser.
-He can barely keep his hand out of his pants in public, all but physically refuses to hide his boners, and, worst of all, you can't keep underwear in one piece, on, or even around.
-This man is disgusting. The only difference between him and the others is that he's unabashed about it. You'd think the honesty would help, but it just doesn't. Not after he's torn through your last set of undergarments and now what?
-'So what? I don't wear anything- eh? What do you mean it's digusting?!'
-He's so proud about it too, it's almost disheartening.
-Is not gentle with his dick. It can just regrow, I'm sure he's done- awful things to it.
-I think that pleasure thing comes at a cost. It's a signifier of Hantengu's lack of impulse control. Karaku probably can't stop himself, even if he wants to, which he never would because lusting is his only purpose.
-Everything is made to read as innately sexual to him- doesn't matter if it's your fist or a cheese grater- He's experimental with his nerves to a self destructive degree.
-'I didn't intend to cut it off- no! I saw a photo of a man that flayed it o- Hey! It's not that bad! Just liste- It'll fix itself soon!'
-I don't know what else He'd do other than jack off, or try and convince the other clones to jack off. I don't think he has- hobbies?
-Definitely tries to hump you in your sleep. If you don't wake up to him jerking off, you're waking up to him trying to slip between your thighs.
-'I just got horny- no no- just go back t- hey, no, you're not allowed to leave? Come back! Y/N!'
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Object of Choice : Your thigh
CW: Severe Depression / BDSM Dynamics (Severe degradation, both self and inflicted) (Aizetsu receiving)
-What a miserable fuck, he doesn't know what to do with himself half the time, so when he gets horny he just cries and begs.
-He's a manifestation of every awful thought Hantengu ever had in that big ol' head of his. Aizetsu just drips with the most gut wrenching, vomit inducing level of self-hatred you've ever seen anytime you're intimate.
-you begin to wonder if being talked down to appeals to him more than he'd like to admit.
-He's like a dog when he asks, because, at the end of the day, he's still Hantengu, a selfish bastard who self serves. Aizetsu just doesn't have the joy receptors for it- his nerves jump at the bud for any impulse they can fufill.
-When you let him ride your thigh, because he's pathetic, and he looked so... him asking, it became his favourite thing. Ever.
-When you two are alone, he'll just beg for it out loud. He has no self respect. So much shame that he'll never conquer.
-'Please, please- Y/N- I- I'll do whatever you want me to. You're the only person I can do this with, they'll all- laugh at me- please please- I'm sorry, I know, I'm- God I'm worthless- I can't do anything in return, nothing will be good enough-'
-he's practically jerking himself off on your calve as he spews his self hate. You might as well give in.
-When you're infront of the other clones, he'll tug at the edge of whatever you're wearing. They all toss him hauty looks. They're disgusted by him, too. He likes humping your thigh more than his dignity infront of his fellow cluster, I guess.
-Maybe he's... a bit of a.... a lot of a masochist. You stare at him like he's dirt, there. He's a grown man humping your thigh- drool spilling out of his mouth.
-'I'm- I'm sorry I- oh god- please don't hate me- please don't hate me- please please-'
-'You're pathetic. You can't make me cum, but you have no problem mak- did you just cum again? Are you cumming right now? In your pants?... Are you serious?'
-You could easily have him wailing in minutes, maybe even seconds if you hit the right nerve. And the whole time he'll just be thrusting away, chasing his own pleasure against your skin because that's all he knows how to do.
-Push him off right as he's cumming and ruin his orgasm, he doesn't deserve to feel good (The abuse will just make him cum harder)
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Object Of Choice: You.
CW: Mention of Trad Wives
-Listen, I know we have a lot of Kaigaku haters in the crowd. I, however, see a man with a choker, and I see a potential slut. Give him his moment.
-I think Kaigaku would be a very selfish lover, obviously, but I don't think this is in natural capacity for him. I think he's like, brainwashed by societies standards of what attracts him, especially in a relationship.
-You know when you see a 'sigma' guy that's really upset his trad wife who he specifically picked out for being trad won't do anal? That's Kaigaku.
-So he's really, really upset when you won't put out.
-You see a chance, though. A chance for a life lesson.
-Kaigaku is allowed to fuck you... just not really fuck you. He's allowed to use your hand. He's allowed to use your thighs. He can rut in between your pussy lips/ up and down your shaft-
-He is not allowed in you. And it lights him up.
-'Thats a stupid rule! You think I'm not enough? Are you fucking someone else? Are you making fun of me?!' He'd probably try to insight a screaming match for a week, but you just won't give in-
-Fine. Whatever. He just won't touch you, won't talk to you- won't-
-The first time Kaigaku slides in between your thighs, he swears he sees stars. It'd been weeks... probably the longest he's ever held off on an impulse. Hadn't jerked off either, He'd been too pissed.
-Its there, in that little space between your sex and the top of your thighs, that Kaigaku finds God. At least he thinks it's god. It's got to be. He's never cum so hard in his life.
-Kaigaku becomes almost... willingly obedient. He continues to pretend he's so inconvenienced by the whole thing, but then he's sliding into your fist, and the world is just sliding away.
-I have a very specific image of standing infront of him, and him trying to angle his dick to slide in your underwear. He's really awkward, and he's struggling to stay upright because he's got to bend his knees to meet your cunt/cock- and it's just not working, but that's the only way you'd let him get off on you that day-
-It like, kind of gives me the ick thinking about him doing it, but also like- Aw? He'll literally do anything to get off now? You broke him?
-'I can't- it- it's too hard-' He'd mumble, voice sounding particularly defeated. 'I just- I want to cum-'
-'Too bad.' You'd go to walk away, and He'd jerk off on the floor, pissed as hell. He wouldn't be able to cum and that'd just make him angrier, because now he has to go beg his partner, who he's whipped for, to please let him use their pussy/dick again-
-He's like, never been this needy before, though. He's not supposed to want to chase you. He's supposed to have people throwing themselves at him- It's kind of... exciting, to be denied.
-You know, guys that whimper are really cool, but idk, I think Kaigaku's a whiner. I think he whines and groans and it's really unsightly but??? There's something so appealing about it? Like, he's so big and strong and his ego is so inflated, and he's just toppling for you?
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Object of Choice : Your pillow
CW: Enmu / Crossing of explicit sexual boundaries.
-Listen, he's not right in the head. Enmu never claimed to be right in the head, either, but he's particularly fond of cumming on your pillow. Not just humping it, cumming on it. He doesn't really know why either.
-'It just feels right, I think.' He'd reason.
-'Do you want to- cum in my hair? On my face-'
'No, I want to cum on your pillow. It's where you sleep.' Thats the only explanation you get from him. He cannot articulate anymore.
-He doesn't even think about it when he's doing it. He's just got one leg hiked up on the bed, a thumb pressing the head of his cock into the plush, and he's just thrusting- almost blind.
-He doesn't ever remember the build up to getting there, or what in his brain is satisfied by doing this, but if he doesn't do it, something... off will happen, he's sure.
-You catch him, one day. You thought he was just cumming on it- no, he's got his full weight in his pelvis, pitching his hips forward with all his might. You didn't even know Enmu could physically do such a thing.
-He's not weak, obviously. He's a demon, but you all rarely have sex where he's the one leading, so it's a bit of a shock to watch him be so... rough with the fabric.
-He's almost in a trance, it's kind of scary, until he cums, and he covers his mouth with both hands, and his hole body shakes. The fucker knows he has to keep this silent...
-Maybe you're...Maybe you're not right in the head either, because you really, really want to be that pillow.
This might have a part 2, because i think Mitsuri would be prone to this.
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celestial-grls · 1 month
Party 4 You - Paige Bueckers x fem!reader
summary: you decide to go out with the women's basketball team and a certain member has always confused you - before now word count: 2.9k a/n: fav concept ever is #partypaige...title inspired by the best Charli XCX song ever. please leave comments / reblog if you liked this ok mwah <33
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"It's my job that you come out with us tonight." A very out-of-breath KK Arnold informed you on the phone about her new job. 
"KK, did you just finish practice? Why are you out of breath?" You'd started an internship about two weeks ago, and when you agreed to take it, no one warned you that interning meant piling on a ton of work that no one else wanted to do. It'd felt awful to be holed up inside, spending nights hunched over a computer when everyone else was only getting their summer started. 
"Was just playing pick up with Paige and Ice," KK sighed, "So, did you make up your mind yet?" 
"Ugh, I don't know. There's a ton of stuff missing in some of these documents they want me to edit. I still haven't even thought about what I'd wear if I did go out tonight—" You rambled on, pacing around your desk before KK interrupted. 
"I already know you got something in that never-ending closet of yours. Does that mean you'll come out tonight?" An air of hope in KK's voice made you pause to consider it. 
You mindlessly wandered all the way to your closet while you were on the phone with KK. Maybe it was a sign that your brand-new skirt was hanging on the door handle, begging to be taken out for a spin. You told KK, "Okay, I'll be there. But please, promise we will keep it contained, nothing crazy?" 
KK let out a scream that made you rip the phone away from your ear before she started laughing and said, "Come by later to pregame! Bye, Pookie!" 
You laughed at her excitement, "Bye, KK!" 
The going-out section of your closet only served as a reminder of how crazy going out with some women's basketball team members can get. Between their boundless energy, how they seem to know everyone (including bartenders), and how they attract a crowd everywhere they go, there is no telling where the night can go once you join them. 
You met KK when you partnered up in your communications class and immediately found her hilarious. Plus, it didn't hurt that she always got you better seats than the student section during basketball games. You knew that going out tonight meant you were going to see Paige, so it was crucial to keep yourself in check. 
Paige and Ice took a water break while KK finished her phone call with you. 
"So Y/N's coming tonight?" Paige asked in confirmation. 
KK teased, "Why? So you can stare at her from a corner all night?" 
Ice added, "No, for real. Poor girl probably thinks you hate her." 
Paige interjects, "Alright, alright. We've talked to each other before. Y'all just don't wanna remember it." 
KK scoffs, "Girl, boo. Asking what her major is doesn't count. Especially because I already told you what it was before." 
They all gathered their things while Paige advocated for herself, "Y'all really have no faith in me, huh? Trust, it'll be a different story when I come by later." 
KK and Ice mumbled a combination of 'Yeah, sure' and 'Uh huh' before heading toward their building while Paige walked alone to hers. The truth was that she was a nervous wreck around you and always has been ever since KK and you became friends. 
It was one of those things that no one but Paige understood. She was her confident, relaxed self around her friends, in a stadium full of fans, even at events she would've never believed she'd find herself in. She got it in her head that maybe you didn't like her very much. Not because you were standoffish, you were actually the opposite. Paige never felt that you liked her enough to be around her alone. They were always in groups with their respective friends.
At first, none of her friends caught on to her little crush; she tried to keep it discreet. It was going well until you came over to watch movies and see them fight over the Xbox controller in a pair of striped sleep shorts and a UConn hoodie, and she officially became a goner. Sitting four feet away from you while you looked like that and periodically pushing your glasses up made her sweat from her palms and make her think up an excuse for leaving movie night early. 
Ice's apartment was filled with chatter, and Paige's pregame playlist came from the speakers. Everyone's shot glasses were haphazardly crowded on the table while some girls mixed drinks. 
You adjusted the bottle of Tito's in the crook of your arm before knocking on the door. When Ice answered the door, you could already tell you needed to catch up with everyone. She immediately wrapped you up in a hug and excitedly screamed, "We missed you, Pookie! And you came prepared." 
"I always do," You told her as she took the vodka from you so that you could adequately say hi to everyone. 
It was a natural relief to finally have a night out with friends, and any thoughts about work or deadlines didn't even cross my mind when I got to Ice's. 
KK must've been just as relieved to see you because she said, "Y/N, finally, someone who can make a mixed drink. I can't drink any of Paige's mid-ass drinks anymore." 
Paige looked offended and told her, "Call them mid, but they get it done." 
It's not like you received any formal mixologist training or bartending experience, but making drinks became your specialty whenever you went out. You got straight to work making KK her favorite drink and handing it to her. 
KK graciously sipped it and said it tasted "Perfect, as always." 
You turned around to see Paige standing empty-handed and decided to ask, "Want me to make you something?" 
Your pretenses were completely innocent, but how you softly smiled and batted your eyelashes made Paige's heart jump. Plus, she'd only heard five-star reviews about your drinks, so she couldn't refuse anyway. Once she gave you the okay, she was gearing up to ask you where you learned to make drinks like that until KK interjected, already half her drink downed. 
"Don't worry, Y/N. She's not picky."
You were done with the drink and ran to the fridge, your little heels clacking on the wooden floor, to grab the jar of maraschino cherries. When you topped off Paige's drink and handed it to her, you shrugged, "I have a feeling she'll like it." 
There it was again—your self-assuredness and complete ease in any situation made Paige feel weak and wobbly around you. The shiny red cherry on top, matching the shiny coat of lip gloss you were sporting, didn't make it any easier for her. 
She usually hates anything that tastes like alcohol, so whatever you made her was incredible. "This is fire. What is it?"
"A dirty Shirley. You like?" You stood looking up at her, hoping the drink could be a peace offering or a way to make Paige like you a little more. You never knew why she seemed more reserved or conscious around you, but you knew it always drove you crazy. 
"These are dangerous." Paige concluded with approval, and KK said, "Told you." 
After everyone was tipsy enough and you caught up with what some girls had been up to in the last couple of weeks, it was time to get into the Uber to start your night. Time collapsed into a whizz of final lip touch-ups, shuffling clumsy bodies into one car and waiting in anticipation to let loose. 
There was a corner of the bar with a karaoke machine that KK and Paige excitedly ran over to like it was a toy. Everyone downed the shots you bought and got ready to hear their performance. They did their best rendition of 'Kiss Me More' and sounded nothing like SZA or Doja Cat, but since everyone was tipsy, they danced anyway. Paige and KK looked right at home, singing with their arms wrapped around each other and sassily dancing whenever they caught Ice or Azzi filming them. 
When they finished, your little group applauded their effort, and Paige unexpectedly took her place next to you and Azzi. She looked a little smug, sipping the drink in her cup with her other hand resting in her pocket. 
Azzi piped up, "Tone deaf and singing Doja Cat is crazy." 
Paige scoffed, "Alright, Azzi, I don't remember asking." Azzi and Ice got up to sing next, and Paige shifted closer to you. 
Emboldened by the drinks, she nods at you and says, "I like this skirt on you." 
You feel it in your face first, flushing from having her eyes on you. You played it cool and told her, "Thank you, the skirt likes you, too." As you said it, you didn't exactly know what it meant, but it made sense in your drunk brain. 
She laughs and nervously twists the bracelet on her wrist. "So what'd you think of my singing?"
You pretend to think about it, "You ball better than you sing." 
Azzi and Ice are making an Usher song into a duo. You sip on your drink while taking a video of them that they'll definitely be humiliated by tomorrow. 
Paige looks at you and asks, "Oh, so you've noticed?" 
You don't know where this confidence came from. Usually, Paige avoids you whenever you're out. You figure it's because she's been drinking and having fun after an intense season. You're suspicious of it, but you like this version of her. "You know I come to games." 
"Haven't seen you in a minute, though. You been busy?" 
You repeat what she said right back to her, "Oh, so you've noticed?" 
Paige laughs, touching your arm and lingering near your elbow. "I'm being for real. What you been up to?" 
Her touch makes you feel dizzy, going straight to your distracted brain while you try to find an answer for her. "Got an internship, and they're already overworking me." Before Paige can respond, you shift closer to her to ask, "Can I ask you something, Paige?" 
She steadies her eyes on you and says, "Sure, what's on your mind?" 
You start, "I don't know…Normally, you don't talk to me much." You kept it lighthearted, teasingly asking, "Am I that scary?" 
Paige looks down at her sneakers, "Nah, not too scary." She added, "M'glad you came, though." 
You looked up at her as she wet her lips and said, "I'm glad I came, too." 
When Ice and Azzi finished singing, they were exhausted from exerting so much effort. You rounded everyone up and announced, "Everyone's gotta do a shot, I'm buying!" 
After another round of green tea shots, all hopes for a contained and calm night went out the window. Some girls broke off into different groups inside the bar as they ran into different acquaintances and friends. There was even more karaoke, only getting slightly sloppier and more tone-deaf with time. Sometime between you dancing behind the DJ table and your third drink, your exchange with Paige from earlier caught up to you. 
You couldn't even precisely identify what you were feeling at the moment. You thought Paige was indifferent toward you, or at least not keen on getting to know you beyond being KK's friend. But when you remembered the feeling of her fingers grazing your arm, you felt confused by it. Suddenly, an emotional wobbliness started to creep up on you, and your next instinct was telling you to duck outside for a minute. You handed your drink to Azzi and told her you needed some air and would be right back. 
It was cool enough outside to wrap your arms around yourself comfortably as you stood with your back against the wall. When you leaned your head back to close your eyes and take a breath, you tried to collect your thoughts. It was bouncing around a few things: deciding what to doordash later when you got home, mentally writing a small to-do list of internship work, and Paige. 
You thought about how her hands looked around the drink you made her at the pregame, her long legs in a pair of cargos you liked on her, how she sounded so sincere when she told you she was glad you came. It was a lot, and your brain would overheat if you didn't duck out when you did. You were so startled when all you heard was, "Hey," coming from somewhere on your left. 
It was just Paige, who currently had her hands on your shoulders after you almost jumped out of your skin at someone coming up to you. She apologized profusely before she said, "Wanted to see if you were good." 
Your eyes soften at this. You forget that you were concentrating so hard on your shoes that you were about to burn a hole in them. It was replaced by Paige's presence, comforted automatically by her taller frame blocking out the view of the street at night. 
You straightened up, adjusting the purse she was touching on your shoulder, and evening your voice enough to say, "I'm good; I just needed a second." 
Paige looked down and nodded, "Good, good. DJ booth looked empty without you dancing." 
You shook your head and laughed, "Been a minute since I could dance until my feet hurt." 
"You think you'll feel it tomorrow?" With how Paige looked at you, you thought she was much more sober than you probably were. 
You shrug, eyes feeling heavy as you lean into the wall, "Think we all will." 
Right as you say that, all the rest of your friends start shuffling out. They were clearly tired. You remember they all decided to play an entire pick-up game earlier and announced they were ready to call it a night. No one disagreed. All of you had fun, but it was time for the drunk food and pajamas part of the night. 
Paige urgently needed to spend more time with you. One of those game-time decisions seemed to come out of nowhere when she said, "Y/N and I should take a separate one since our buildings are close together and everything." 
Thankfully, all your friends were gone enough to not question it and felt safe in knowing it was best everyone went home in a group instead of alone this late. It sounded sensical to you, even though you hadn't remembered that you and Paige lived in neighboring apartment buildings. But then again, you haven't been anywhere but work or home, which felt like forever, so maybe you hadn't noticed. 
Something about being in this car in the backseat with Paige felt right. She spread out in the back while you crossed your leg, shifting your weight so the tip of your shoe would brush against her leg whenever the car stopped. 
It was a short ride from the last bar your friends hit to your apartment building. There were hardly any red lights, but you wished for at least one or two more. 
You turned to question Paige, "I didn't know you lived close to my building." 
She pressed her lips together, "KK didn't mention it?" 
You shook your head, more wide-eyed now that you sobered up.
Paige added, "I got a bigger place after the last semester ended." 
You nodded and teased, "Okay, big baller, I see you." 
Paige snickered and thanked the driver while you guys got out. She walked you into your building and even rode the elevator with you. When you asked what she had planned for the night, she mentioned some Advil and a big glass of water. When she asked you the same question, you told her about door-dashing some Taco Bell and taking your makeup off. 
She felt like you guys made it to your door too soon. You each stopped before it as you fished for your keys inside your purse. When you turned to tell her, "Thanks for walking with me. Text me when you get to your building."
Paige got that look again as if she was about to say something to you, the same one she made when you plopped the maraschino cherry into her pregame drink. She scratched the back of her neck, "S'no problem. And I will." 
You said, "Night, Paige." as you leaned against the door frame and kicked your heels off into a corner, shrinking in height and making Paige even taller than you for a moment. 
She paused to tell you, "Night, Y/N."
When you changed into your pajamas and got your cotton pads out to remove your makeup, your phone chimed with a text from Paige that read: Home. Remember to take that makeup off
You loved the message and wrote back: Doing it right now. Drink a glass of water for me!
You knew Paige had to go through group chats with all the girls in it to select your contact and text you personally since you guys had never texted each other before. It felt like too much to process in your state, and you thought it best to deal with it tomorrow. When you went to hang up your skirt, you ran your fingers over the fabric and silently thanked it for whatever magic it might've done for you tonight. 
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starboyjun · 11 months
batfam as types of isekai romance male leads
in this post: bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, cassandra cain, stephanie brown, and damian wayne
bruce wayne as rudiger winterwald (i will change the genre)
bruce is definitely the cold and "i make misunderstandings for a job" type of male lead. he's the one people in the comments bash or defend for their life. bruce in his past life is the one that the female lead thinks hates them so they die thinking that he won't care but plot twist: he does care... a lot. he's the one to destroy the entire world after their death (regis floyen core) and he's the one who turned back time for her.
dick grayson as isidor visconti (isn't being a wicked woman much better?)
dick grayson is the childhood lover, the one you don't think would be interested in you because of his bright personality. you think he's doing all these things out of pure kindness until after 100+ chapters he likes you. dick grayson is the one to stick by your side and in both lives, was devoted to you.
jason todd as izek van omerta (how to get my husband on my side)
jason todd is the one who unintentionally is cold to you (another idea is he's your killer in your first life) and probably causes your death... unintentionally... maybe. he's the slow burn type of romance where you fix past misunderstandings that have been building up for the past years you've known each other/been together. after a lot of years you've spent together, he's the greenest green flag you've ever met.
tim drake as schdermel raft (my dear aster)
tim drake is the male lead who takes a while to own the reader's hearts lowkey. timmy is a duke that rose to power in the female lead's previous life and is the one that could help her/protect her from her family/problems. timmy is such a sweetheart and i think it'll take a while before romance starts to come in the story (and has reader's asking novel readers who's the male lead).
cassandra cain as dorothea millanair (the tyrant wants to be good)
cassandra cain is the ultimate "i didn't want to be this, my surroundings made me be this." cassandra had a hard childhood because of her father and her "home" similar to many manhwa female leads. cassandra is the type to regret her past life and change for the better. she's not a brainless female lead, she knows a lot of things and will want to change (similar to dorothea).
stephanie brown as athanasia de alger obelia (wmmap)
stephanie is a female lead who is kinda stupid ("why did the plot change" type things) but overall is a strong female lead. she's one to go down in history (like athy). she's one who doesn't need a male lead to back her up and overall chases the plot to chang people's lives. steph is a happy girl and deserves a happy ending.
damian wayne as maximilian kasin ashet (father i dont want to get married)
damian is the one who (unintentionally/intentionally) killed you in your past life. damain grew up as a stuck up brat kid, though he is less of a brat, he's a trained killer for gods sake. damian is one who isn't familiar with love and being gentle. he probably grew up on the battlefield and is labelled "mad dog" or "cold blooded killer" or something along those lines. once you show damian you're not like the other girls afraid of him, he starts to fall... hard.
bonus: alfred pennyworth
the reliable butler of the family who's been serving the family for ages. he's the first one who trusts you and gets to know you on a personal level. he's always there to talk to the waynes and convince them you're a good person.
idk what to do next so lmk lol
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inkofthebrain · 8 months
Beach Day
Modern!Mizu x F!Reader
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Art Creds: @lillydrawsmizu thank you for bringing this to life <3
Warnings: none
AN: the only volleyball experience I have is playing on the beach drunk out of my mind in high school so this is going to be interesting. Not proofread lawl.
You were layed out across a towel, arm above your head, soaking in the sunny summer day and enjoying the sounds of the water. Taigen spotted a private little beach while on a run a few weeks back and after begging everybody to check it out, a beach day was finally in order. The communal volleyball court that originally caught his attention was in ok condition, a few loose threads here and there and wooden posts that were the ideal perching spot for seagulls when there wasn't a commotion around the net.
"Y/n!" Akemi called from the net, which sat a few feet away from the group's setup of towels, coolers, and umbrellas. You turned your head to the left to face your friend, seeing Ringo walking off the court and heading towards the water. "Come join us! Ringo wants to swim so we are short one." The three left on the court were all turned to you, Akemi and Taigen on the right and Mizu on the left.
You shook your head and let out a laugh, "No! You guys know I can't play."
"C'mon, it's game point it'll be quick. I'm not giving up until Mizu admits I'm better than her" He placed his sunglasses on his head and crossed his arms.
"Yeah right," Mizu scoffs, "c'mon y/n I'll teach you, it's easy," she says with a smile, motioning you to walk over to her. You couldn't refuse her offer, she was having so much fun and you'd hate to be the reason they'd have to end the game (resulting in Taigen demanding a rematch for days every time he sees Mizu).
"Fineeeee," You got up with a groan, adjusting your bathing suit as you walked over. Mizu turned back to face the net and put her hands up to catch the ball Taigen threw her way. She dropped it onto the ground, putting her foot on it to stop it from rolling away.
"I apologize in advance, I have no idea what I'm doing" You tucked your hair behind your ear, smiling at the raven-haired girl in front of you. Taigen and Akemi were distracted in conversation on the other side of the net.
"Don't apologize, you are gonna do great," She waves her hand in front of her, dismissing your apology, "Now, you are going to want to hold your hands like this." Her slender fingers grabbed your hands, placing them in the correct position. You looked at her soft features while she made minor adjustments to your form, a slight blush creeping across your face as her hands lingered on yours.
"Perfect, remember to hit with your forearms when you pass, it gives you the most control." She taped your arm, pointing to where she was referencing, and you hummed in acknowledgment. She gave you a quick overview of the rules and after passing the ball back and forth to each other a few times it was time to start the game.
"You ready to go down?" Taigen taunts, earning a light slap on his arm from Akemi who shot him a glare.
"In your dreams" Mizu retorts with a smirk. She started walking to the end of the court to serve, pausing next to you placing her hand on your shoulder, leaning close to your ear.
"Aim for Akemi, she is scared of getting hit in the face. It's an easy point." Her voice sends chills down your spine as she away, looking at you with a smile, the proximity holding a tension you couldn't quite place.
"Okay," You said in a whisper, admiring her eyes. She gave your shoulder a squeeze, her hand sliding down and leaving the warmth of your body as she got ready to serve. Your eyes followed her toned figure, a slight breeze causing her ponytail to sway slightly.
Mizu shoots you a wink before hitting the ball, sending it flying across the net. Taigen runs after it, passing it to Akemi who almost misses and barely gets it over the net. You dive towards the ball, hitting it with as much force and precision that you can muster.
“Atta’ girl y/n!” Mizu shouts, causing a smile to spread across your face as you back up from the net. Taigen sets the ball, Akemi jumping up to smack towards Mizu.
“Here!” Mizu says with a grunt, passing the ball. You then send it flying at Akemi, who throws her arms in front of her face with a yelp causing the ball to shoot right over her head and onto the soft sand. Taigen groans and walks off the court to get a drink of water, Akemi shortly behind him spewing apologies.
“I did it!” You explain, running to Mizu with your hand out for a high five. The tall woman catches your hand pulling you into a tight hug.
“Yeah you did! That was amazing, you need to play with us more.” You guys pull apart and she smiles at you, hands still on your sides and yours around her neck.
“Who won?” Ringo says as he walks up to you guys, covered in water and panting.
“We did!” You exclaim, turning to face the man, arms sliding off Mizu.
“It was all thanks to this pretty girl right here” Mizu says, pulling you into her side by your waist. You smile down at the ground attempting to hide the flush on your face.
“What can I say I learnt from the best” You say shooting Mizu a smile.
“Cmon let’s go, Taigen said loser buys lunch” Mizu pulls away but reaches to grab your hand, leading you to the others
“I DID NOT!” Taigen retorts. You and Mizu both let out a snicker, laughing at the sore loser.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
Sanzu oneshot
Warnings: angst, argument, obsessive behaviour, toxic relationship, slight physical abuse
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Sanzu opened the door of your shared bedroom, harshly shoving you inside, not caring if you almost fell on the floor. He was angry, furious even. You seriously started thinking that he might have killed you today or tomorrow. "Why the hell did you say that to Mikey?! I told you thousands times to don't fucking disobey, didn't I?" He yelled at you, which was nothing new by now.
It was always like that, he placed Mikey above you. If you as much as thought badly of Mikey, Sanzu immediately would start arguments with you. Bonten, in which you forcingly were dragged into, has completely ruined your life so you wanted to leave the organisation as soon as possible but there wasn't a turning back without betraying Mikey. But that wasn't possible for you in the fear of your own lover, Bonten's number 2, mercilessly killing you.
Month ago, you started half-heartedly doing the missions given by Mikey and today, at the meeting, you refused to do certain mission he gave you due to you not feeling comfortable with it. Which lead you to where you are now. Alone in the room with furious Sanzu who's fighting himself to don't beat you up right where you stand.
"I can't carry out every single mission, okey? There are times when I get hurt and uncomfortable with it." You defended yourself, definitely not planning to sleep with some random men in order to kill them just because someone asked you to.
"Well sorry, love, but this is criminal organisation you serve, not the freaking kindergarten!" He raised his voice higher, spreading his hands widely as if to tell you what an obvious thing your head couldn't process. "We all get hurt here and we all hurt others. As if it's a your fucking first time doing it-"
"Well it'll be last." You cut him off, making his eyebrows furrow. "Sanzu, I..." The urge to just end things between you two and leave Bonten was so strong but you were terrified. Who wouldn't be? The thought of being killed by your lover is terrifying. "I want all of this end. I can't take it anymore." You finally uttered the words, trying to explain to him, trying to make him understand how you feel.
He just stared at you with blank look before stepping towards you, alarming you. Sanzu just casually walked towards you, grabbing your head with both of his hand unbelievably gently. You couldn't tell what he was thinking about while staring at you with those eyes. He was eerily calm before his grip on your head started to tighten to the point it horribly hurt. "Sanzu...Sanzu!" You hissed in pain, trying to push him away but he didn't even budge.
It hurt. It felt like he was trying to break your skull with his hands. Finally, he spoke. "End things? Who gave you right to do so? I don't give a fuck if you can take it or not. You got into Bonten and you'll stay here. You fell in love with me? You won't fucking fall out." He chuckled but nothing was funny. He wasn't joking, he was furious. He finally let go of your head as you grabbed it to soothe the pain, falling on the bed.
He pinned you down on the bed, his veins popping on his forehead but he smiled. The chills run down your spine, sweat rolling down your forehead. "I can't let you go without teaching you a lesson now, can I?"
He threw you further on the bed, grabbing your ankle when you tried to run away, pulling you to him. "Sanzu, please..." Your eyes started watering up. Gosh, you hate him. He was fucking deranged, why did you even fell in love with him? Why are you still trying to convince himself that he'll change? Why are you trying to excuse his behaviour as if he's not caging you in a relationship.
"Please what, hm? C'mon doll, speak up. You had so much to say to Mikey earlier. Speak now too." He bit your neck way too hard. It hurt, gosh it horribly hurt. Small amount of blood started rolling down from the bite. "It hurts, Sanzu..." You hissed. Why were you even saying this? It's not like he'd care, at least not now, not in this moment. "Good. It's supposed to."
He harshly grabbed your chin, putting strength to it, making it hard for you to breathe. "You seriously didn't think that I would kiss the pain away when you decided to mess everything up, did you?" He mockingly laughed, shaking his head.
He was about to give you your deserved punishment, the one kind that would erase every thought of betrayal from that pretty brain of yours.
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yazthebookish · 7 months
I avoid talking about the other ship specifically but I feel like letting my thoughts out on some arguments I see sometimes. Not that I have any interest in engaging in any discourse with the other side but it's my page so I can post whatever I feel like posting.
"Gwyn's purpose in the bonus chapter is to hint at her Lightsinger powers"
Okay, so you think one of the most important points about the bonus chapter is to prove Gwyn has luring powers so my question is what are the implications of that? Her drawing Azriel away from Elain? Azriel and Elain exposing her true powers in front of everyone to reveal she is the reason she's been keeping them apart? She is being manipulated by Merrill and Koschei? She has powers she's using unknowingly and can't control them so she'll need Az and Elain to help her?
You're setting up Gwyn to be prominent in an Azriel/Elain book because of her powers, so will they spend time dealing with other plotlines or mainly focus on Gwyn? Because that kind of thing definitely needs resolution since it directly impacts Nesta and the Valkyries dynamic.
So do Azriel and Elain's fantastic romance needs another female character to be used as a scapegoat to pin all their issues on her because the bonus chapter wasn't a good look on them? Or simply because his scene with Gwyn and with Clotho ended on a hopeful note than his scenes with Elain and Rhysand?
Gwyn is an irrelevant character and serves Nesta's story only.
But your argument is she has luring powers and is using them on Azriel, so will that go unaddressed? Then why would SJM throw hints about her powers if it won't mean anything?
Gwyn was used just as a marketing ploy in the bonus chapter.
She's considered a new character and no one knew she was in Azriel's bonus chapter and the bonus chapter was strictly advertised to be focused on Azriel, please be serious.
The bonus chapter is irrelevant.
The author confirmed she planted things in it specifically and in ACOSF in relation to Azriel so I would disagree. The great "forbidden romance" trope wouldn't exist without it and Azriel and Elain spoke to each other more in the bonus chapter than they ever did in the main book, I can pin-point the scene where they speak to each other only ONCE in a 800+ page book and it was about Nesta dancing with the Duke.
Gwyn has powers.
She's Fae of course she has powers but why is the immediate assumption that her powers are nefarious? She didn't harm any character and there was zero hints of her having any bad intentions towards anyone. She deals with survivor's guilt and her trauma, but she had many opportunities to let that evil secret side show but it never did. Why? Because she's obviously not set up to be an evil character or even one with questionable intentions. This is the same character who was ready to sacrifice herself to save her friends and stood by Nesta to face hateful males who wanted to k*ll them.
She's a Lightsinger.
Pretty easy to debunk because there is no correlation based on what we know and we never even see any Lightsingers. Even if she happens to be one, I believe it'll play out way differently than what some people try to push. And come on, Lightsinger and Shadowsinger? You think SJM wouldn't go for that dynamic? But for now I disagree with it since canon tells us they're monsters who k*ll for sport and Gwyn does none of that. Even if she had other different powers that are not wholly good, it's not a point of concern because many characters have questionable powers that did not erase the fact that they were good characters. It's like people never read fantasy books with characters who had dark powers but it didn't corrupt them, for some reason there's an insistence that Gwyn already caused harm despite the serious implications of having a character who is SA victim portrayed as someone luring other people against their will.
Azriel ended up at the library because Gwyn was singing during the service.
1. Clotho is seen at the service, so her being at her desk when Azriel shows up at the library is a good hint that the services didn't start yet.
2. For a singing power to work, the victim should be able to hear the singing and Azriel made no note of any singing at the library.
3. The image he sees of Gwyn's joy didn't pop up randomly, it was triggered by Clotho after she thanks him for the joy the gift will bring her and tells him that Gwyn deserves something as beautiful as this.
The shadows stay around him because they sense a threat but she's luring them.
How is she luring them when she's not even singing if it's been established that her singing has powers? Also, that statement contradicts what's in the text because the shadows were curious at start of the scene and by the end they were described to have calmed and were content to watch Gwyn. In ACOSF, they were seen dancing around Az when Gwyn addresses him.
Nesta reacted to Gwyn's singing the same way Azriel did.
Context matters and a lot of arguments that support this statement are always taken out of context. Nesta loves music so if she is going to admire Gwyn's beautiful voice, it'll be simply for that and nothing more.
There is no way to 100% pin point what caused Nesta to have visions of the Prison during the services but it doesn't only have to be Gwyn's singing but also the lyrics which were found under Level Seven and are written in an ancient language. When Nesta gets the vision she says she can visualize what the song spoke of, meaning the song itself could be talking about story of the Prison/Land of Dusk.
"But Azriel's shadows reacted to her singing"
— "How was the party?" Her breath curled in front of her mouth, and one of his shadows darted out to dance with it before twirling back to him. Like it heard some silent music.
Silent music, not singing. Not song. Just like how Hunt mentioned hearing some beautiful music between his and Bryce's souls. Just like how Nesta and Cassian when they consummated their bond heard the music between their souls. Strong sign of Mateism friends.
"But Azriel still heard a beautiful singing, not just music."
— Azriel entered the warmth of the stairwell, and as he descended, he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. Could have sworn his shadows sang in answer.
Could she be singing? Maybe though unlikely since she returned to training to cut the ribbon right after he left. If she did, maybe the shadows like her voice? Maybe that's a sign they're fond of her? And if it's not maybe that's another sign that the singing they're hearing is the mating bond, which was once described as the Song of the Soul.
The Shadows having a reaction to singing isn't necessarily a bad sign, we saw them dance to Azriel's humming in HOFAS.
Gwyn returned to the library, her story is over.
I have to assume you haven't read ACOSF or skimmed it if that's the conclusion you came to, because there were clear signs that not only Gwyn but Emerie have ongoing journeys and they will leave where they are right now to see the world outside. Gwyn literally states at around the 70%-80% mark that she's sick of staying in the library for two years and wants to leave. She returned to the library because that's her current residence and where she works, it's not like she'll immediately move out right after facing the Blood Rite. This is one argument I can't take seriously because it clearly contradicts what canon points out and I think it's mostly out of convenience to invalidate any discussions about her healing journey and incomplete arc.
Casual readers don't even ship Azriel and Gwyn and have no knowledge about the bonus chapter
A lot of casual readers do in fact see a potential in Azriel and Gwyn as a romantic pairing because they have canon interactions in ACOSF. Plenty of readers shipped them even before they read the bonus chapter. Casual readers are dismissed when they address that and are claimed to be hardcore shippers that hate Elain when it's not the case since they just point out what they think is the obvious in the book to them. Every casual reader will have a different opinion but for some reason if theirs is not in favor of Elain and Azriel, they'll be dismissed so that says much.
Just a hot take that I wanted to put out there since I'll be avoiding fandom discourse moving on (unless I feel like it Lol).
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I hate democrats with all my very heart but I can't in good faith advise to vote 3rd party in these hell years when they would see every trans person hang and be off hormones. When the transphobia is not at its height (Eg, like. a few years ago) I would 100% agree with you, but the stakes are too high. If the states falls to transphobia, even more countries will follow it. I think it's harmful to consider not voting D this upcoming election. Once they got off tihs current bend, I could get behind where you are coming from.
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"this is helpful and not lacking critical analysis at all"
"if the states fall to transphobia"
Where have you been?
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GA & VA are blue states this year btw. It's gotten worse since May and and April, too. The mid terms didn't save anyone.
Also if you, the person reading this, have considered voting 3rd party pls know it's not nearly as unpopular or as unlikely of a win as Democrats want you to think it is.
People would vote for a good 3rd party candidate, actually.
Dems convincing you its a long shot is absolutely a self-preserving psyop hoping to convince you otherwise. Its a half-assed theory that blatantly denies what we learned from 2016 and can still see in polls.
And that's 3rd party candidates stand a shot of they can get in the primaries for the general election. People want progressives. People were pissed and turned to voting for Trump when Sanders fell out- not Clinton.
They need and want another option and it's not a long shot or unlikely. They just need to make it to the primaries.
Enter Cornel West
Cornel West is not running as a Democrat and thus does not need to battle Biden for a spot on the general ballot in November of 2024....
✨ Which gives you and all your friends plenty of time to learn about him ✨
So here are some of his policies and also his campaign site
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I'm a decolonial anarchist that hates the state and sees voting as nothing as upholding the state. I make no room for Democrats because Democrats lack the ambition to challenge anything about it.
But unless Cornel West drops out or ends up being some awful closeted abused... Im going to vote for him.
A lot of his politics and campaign goals align with my politics. I wouldn't feel like I was settling if I voted for him.
And a lot of this stuff isn't unreasonable or unrealistic either. Like I just made a post about how the NDAA budget proposal for 2024 is being increased with enough money to solve clean water, homelessness, and implement free college tuition for the whole USA. And Republicans are fighting for more.
And that's just the budget for two years, it'll probably be increased by another hundred billion in a couple years. Nobody blinks when the military budget is swelling like that.
But we should when we can be using that kind of money to solve real problems that real people are having and face and would change lives literally overnight. They just throw that money at the military where most of us never see it again.
But this stuff can be real.
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uranium235s · 2 months
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it occurs to me I've actually never done anything to introduce my courier despite posting about him 400 times I just kinda made everyone witness him so here's some basic stuff + his lore under the cut (long and probably very boring post incoming)
chester was born in Utah and lived there til he was almost a teenager when the Legion swept through his village and took him as a slave. his parents were much older, and were killed, and his other family (older brother) had left for California some months prior, leaving chester the sole support of his family. he does not remember his birth/original name
chester had some decent experience (for an 11 year old) of fixing machines because his father collected pre-war cars and motors and sold them and their parts for a living and so was sent downriver to Arizona to serve as a repairman and technician. while Legion property he was given the name Chiron
Chester lived in Arizona with the legion until he was 20 years old, hating every minute. a boy around his age by the name of Attilius was charged with keeping watch over him and bringing him new projects, and during the duration of their time together had developed a rapport over Roman poetry and literature, the only thing they could stand to talk to each other about.
Attilius was watching over him when Chester staged his escape and made it out. the two fought with Chester emerging victorious, believing he had killed Attilius, and escaping despite some severe injuries, including a spinal cord injury that ended up giving him brain damage, causing him to live with hallucinations, seizures, and worsening eyesight from this point on
Chester escaped via the Colorado River and came out on the other side in Nevada. he started wandering aimlessly, ignoring his injuries until he began becoming faint and passed out in a toppled semi truck and was discovered by some well intentioned folks that were traveling up the way to Vegas. they got him medical help before leaving him in Primm, at which point he took up a job as a courier with the Mojave Express at age 21, taking on a new name which he now cannot remember.
the freedom of being a courier was something Chester lived for. every day was a good day, he could go anywhere, meet lots of people, and got paid pretty good for his efforts. he was, and I cannot stress enough, perfectly and utterly happy with his simple mailman life, and misses it every sinnggglllee day during the game events. this continued on for ten happy years, in which time he learns that his older brother, Tomás, has become a trooper with the NCR. he avoids reaching out for some years after the discovery, wary of what his brother would think of him for his years in the Legion (even if it wasn't his choice.) when he does reach out, the only thing he receives in return is his brother's dog tags, learning he was killed in the battle of hoover dam 😀👍
the day after his 31st birthday is when he took the platinum chip job and ended up in a shallow grave in Goodsprings. after his brief coma and stay in the doctors house, and picking a new name again (Chester) and after resolving tensions with the Powder Gangers, he immediately cut a path to Vegas on the hunt for Benny. at first, he wanted revenge, but the anger turned to confusion, turned to helplessness. on his way through quarry junction, he was attacked by an injured deathclaw that had been abandoned by the rest of its pack, and recieved the scratches that blinded one of his eyes
after the attack, he managed to run as far as the NCR sharecroppers outside of the Strip before he collapsed and crawled his way to Freeside, where he was discovered by an unsuspecting Arcade, who took him in with haste and stitched him back together. the following day when Chester finally woke, Arcade gave him a full examination and decided it was medically unsafe for him to be alone and decided to follow him to keep an eye on him, though the two get a lot closer over the game events. Arcade also decided it'll be easiest if they make their way back to Primm and start the investigation from where it all began, rather than trying to break into an expensive, well armed luxury district and demand answers from a complete stranger. Chester agrees.
Chester has questionable memory of his past. he more or less remembers being a courier, in fact it's the period of time he remembers best (in comparison) about his life and kind of sensationalizes it and how badly he wants to return to that stage of his life, but the future marches ever onward. he doesn't remember any part of his life before the age of 15, and therefore only remembers he was part of the Legion and not the circumstances as to why. he avoids and detests them, scared that he's forgetting something awful about who he was and what he did, and keeping the information close to his chest. he remembers being Chiron, and doesn't know the limitations of his Chiron persona, and therefore has been renaming himself and reinventing himself every chance he gets (this is made worse by the fact that he remembers "killing" Attilius and fears that it proves he was as evil as the rest of them)
after the game, and because he had formed a strong relationship with Arcade, he elects to join the Followers of the Apocalypse, offering to help find and restore medical supplies across the desert. this arrangement lasts for about a year and a half until the events of Dead Money take place, and chester has a severe downward spiral upon returning home. he gives all his money from the Sierra Madre away immediately, tried to keep the severity of how bad he was doing mentally under wraps so as to not draw any concerns or questions from his friends but ended up breaking down and having a less than stellar confrontation with Arcade involving holding him at gunpoint (I must stress he was not in his right mind!)
after that they grew distant for a few months when Chester was back to patient status amongst the Followers, skirting around camp, talking mostly to some of the better suited doctors about what he was going through, before him and Arcade inevitably made up! and the rest is happily ever after. kind of
other misc things:
• chester playlist
• favorite wasteland animal: bighorner
• favorite radio song: johnny guitar - peggy lee
• lives in Novac and in Freeside
• closest relationship with Arcade, but also with Lily, Julie Farkas, and a decent partnership with Boone, though he gets along better with Manny and talks to him more often when in Novac
• he doesn't remember the dog tags he wears are his brother's, but he keeps them on because he feels like it might be important. I think he rediscovers this fact when he revisits Utah much later in life
• he hates wearing his glasses and pretty much only does so when Arcade or Julie insists he must (and insist they do)
• Attilius did not die in their fight, he was found unconscious and badly wounded and was punished by having his tongue cut out (with the claim that having those talks with Chester made him too weak to do his job.) the two met again during the second battle and he was killed in combat
• he develops a fondness and eventual passion for energy weapons after visiting the Silver Rush with Arcade and taking an interest in why he likes them so
• never returns to the Lucky 38 after the events of the story, so that casino is just rotting eternally. would ideally give the property to anyone who needs it but doesn't know who needs it to begin with
• low intelligence high science and medicine because of how invested he gets in learning from Julie and Arcade, and medicine in particular he finds passion in when speaking to Lily and examining her condition
• high perception because of paranoid hypervigilance
• clothes were given to him by The Followers after he showed up post-deathclaw attack, originally had a denim jacket but it was ruined in the conflict
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
What if Pomni and Caine had their first argument as a married couple and now the whole circus has to deal with them taking jabs at each other and being annoying (it’s like watching toddlers argue) so the rest of the circus bands together to get Caine and Pomni back to being the gross domestic couple that they were before (mostly cause when they argue it’s more of a headache on everyone else)
I just imagine Caine and Pomni are arguing over the stupidest thing, like what proper sleepwear looks like or what color the bedsheets should be
A/N: what a couple of goobers
WARNING: unserious hurt/comfort
"Fine!" Pomni stomped away from Caine.
"Fine!!" Caine crossed his arms and turned his back on Pomni.
"Geesh..." Ragatha said under her breath, witnessing the end of what must have been a heated argument.
"They're at it again?" Gangle asked, peeking around the corner. "Pomni's been grumpy the last few days."
"I think things just came to a head. You don't think..." Ragatha implied.
"No, I don't think it's that bad, but... I've never seen them at each other's necks like this." Gangle watched Pomni go to a far corner of the circus, her body language rigid.
"We should stay out of it. I'm sure they'll figure things out." Ragatha hoped.
"Today's adventure is Ballpark Bonanza!" Caine presented his adventure of the day to his circus members. "You'll be in charge of the concessions at a major league sports ball game! It'll be up to you to keep the fans happy until the game is over!"
Pomni rolled her eyes. "Let me guess. The main item sold will be hotdogs?"
Caine narrowed his eyes. "Why, yes, Pomni! They will be! You'll have to serve SO many hotdogs, you'll never mistake them for anything else!"
Everyone else shared looks of confusion.
"Will they be labeled properly, at least? Wouldn't want anyone confusing them with tacos." Pomni crossed her arms, firming her stance.
Caine glared. "Shared food categories aren't included. Especially sandwiches."
"Oh, goodie." Pomni snarked. "We wouldn't want to make things confusing, now would we!?"
"No, we wouldn't!" Caine half yelled.
"Just make with the portal already!" Jax shouted. "I'm sick of listening to you two!"
Ragatha and Gangle shared worried glances. Zooble and Kinger stood in the back, actively ignoring the odd behavior.
Caine snapped his fingers, not taking his eyes off Pomni. "Enjoy your experience." He passive aggressively grumbled.
"We will." Pomni huffed and followed the others through the portal.
Pomni stood between Ragatha and Gangle at the service counter. They prepared food for an overcrowded stadium, serving demanding NPC attendees. Pomni had a silent, sour glare on her face that scared customers.
"Um...Pomni, are you and Caine okay?" Ragatha asked carefully.
"What's it to you?" Pomni growled.
Before Ragatha could answer, a serving of nachos flew into the face of a waiting customer and Jax shoved Gangle out of the way to stand next to Pomni. "It's ridiculous as all get out to deal with you and him hissing at each other like back-alley cats. The bickering and the passive aggressive comments are not helping! I wouldn't give a crap if it wasn't so annoying!!"
"I hate to say it... But I agree with Jax." Ragatha shyly said. "What's got you two all up in arms anyway? Maybe we can help?"
"I'm not doing anything for these bozos. I'm just telling you to knock it off." Jax went back to his spot on the concession line.
Gangle sidestepped back next to Pomni. "I'll help, if I can."
Pomni let out a heavy sigh. "He thinks hotdogs are tacos."
Ragatha blinked. "...what?"
"He THINKS hotdogs are TACOS!!" Pomni smashed her fist into a plate of hotdogs, sending a few mustard covered weenies flying.
"Wait... So all this drama...is over hot dogs?" Gangle asked timidly.
"YES!! WHY DO YOU THINK WE'RE HERE??" Pomni gestured to their adventure setting. "The stubborn jack[%$!#] is trying to prove a point! Which, by the way, is not going to work."
"uh, well... What do you have to say about hot dogs?" Asked Ragatha.
"They're obviously another type of sandwich." Pomni held up a hotdog in a bun. "They're just held differently."
"You do kinda have to hold it like a taco." Gangle said, and flinched when Pomni glared in her direction.
"Are you on my side or not?"
"Pomni, we're not on either side." Ragatha said. "We just want you two to stop fighting. I mean, don't you think this is kind of...silly?"
"Hotdogs are serious business." Pomni took a bite of the digital meat link.
"Uh huh..." Ragatha sighed, then shouted to the back of the kitchen. "Kinger! Are hotdogs a taco or a sandwich?
Kinger poked his head up from the fryers and food trays. "Neither. Hotdogs are hotdogs. Why?"
Ragatha gave Pomni a pleasant smile. "See? They're their own food category. Maybe you two can come to an agreement that you're both wrong?"
Pomni pouted. "Only if he admits it first..."
Gangle and Ragatha groaned.
"Of all the stupid [%$!#] I've heard over the years, this takes the cake." Zooble mumbled, leaning over the cash register.
The circus troop returned from their long shift of rowdy customer service covered in grease stains and soda. Zooble was extra annoyed that they even agreed to go on this adventure and went immediately back to their room.
"Welcome back, my greasy gargoyles! So, did we learn anything?" He smiled at Pomni.
Pomni's eye twitched. "Listen here, you patronizing son of a-"
"WE learned that you two need to talk." Ragatha interrupted.
"Yeah!" Gangle bravely spoke up. "You two are being stupid heads."
Caine gasped. "Gangle!?"
"That's right! You two are being so ridiculous that you've brought the potty mouth out in me!"
"This oughta be good." Jax smirked and leaned against Kinger, who just let it happen.
Gangle put on her best angry face, that made her look like a ticked off kitten, and continued. "You say you love each other, yet you're letting something as dumb as a hotdog get in between you two!? You married each other for cripes' sake!!"
"Hotdogs aren't dumb." Pomni defended.
"They're very serious business." Caine agreed.
Gangle dragged her hands down her face. "Uuuuuuhhg mah gawd..."
Kinger cleared his throat. "May I?"
"Knock yourself out." Gangle sighed, exasperated.
"This isn't about hotdogs at all. Tacos? Sandwiches? Why does it matter? Both of you are so set in your definition of food taxonomy that you have failed to realize what this is doing to your relationship. You two are unwilling to come to a compromise. Refusing to speak to one another in anything that isn't a condescending tone. Practically shouting at every chance. You're not listening to one another. Agree to disagree or... realize that you're both wrong. Hotdogs are their own thing anyway."
Caine and Pomni were silent for a moment. Ragatha held her breath, hoping Kinger's words of wisdom helped.
Caine tapped his fingers together in contemplation. "So... hotdogs aren't considered tacos?"
"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" Pomni said, relieved that he seemed to finally be getting it.
"But...they're not sandwiches either." Caine said his point calmly but firmly.
Pomni took a deep breath. "No...not really. Kinger's right. They don't fall into any category."
"Then what were we ever fighting for? I'm sorry, pookie bear." Caine scooped Pomni up and held her close.
Pomni kisses Caine on the side of his lower jaw. "I'm sorry too, sugar Caine. Why don't we make up? I have a few... ideas I want to throw your way." She waggled her eyebrows at him.
Caine blushed and straightened his posture. "Glad you enjoyed today's adventure, everyone! I must be off!" He vanished with Pomni.
Gangle and Ragatha breathed a sigh of relief. Jax slapped his knee as he doubled over with laughter. Kinger wandered off in search of good fort building pillows.
"That- ahahaha! That was so stupid!" Jax gasped in between bouts of laughter.
Ragatha struggled to suppress an amused grin. "Yeah....it was."
"The stupidest." Gangle said, entirely unamused.
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