#I have a holy avenger
haorev · 5 months
Sometimes dnd is you and your group just making fun of your dm for doing stupid things like making the Large mushroom you’re fighting fly in a 20 ft tall cave when you’ve got a Goliath with a reach weapon in the party
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oceanicpoetry · 2 months
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Loki's arrival: official concept art (by Andy Park)
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viiriidiian · 1 year
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finish it. champion.
some old school LV11/12 yasha for all you m9 fans out there still thinking about how m9 is getting animated inbetween waiting for s3 of tlovm AND ep53 of c3. happy almost thursday <3
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vaugarde · 2 months
pokeani moments that exist purely to make Me miserable:
the line where they call ash's oshawott a throwaway pokemon in the unova league so they're just flat out saying they think it's a worthless pokemon
to thine own pokemon be true (extra angst points for me bc ambipom was my second favorite on the team at the time)
the granddaughter of the guy who trains gliscor calling gliscor pathetic and weak to her face despite gliscor being an extremely sensitive pokemon
pretty much everything about that gible
blue episode (favorite color but they made it a fetish somehow and also dewott and brionne and meowstic are all there and its so bad)
boxing heracross immediately. also that battle frontier episode where it's literally the only returning ash mon (barring torkoal i think but i dont count it bc its native to AG) to get humiliated onscreen
pidgeot returning but gliscor didn't even show up in the miniseries despite being an Actual Character
#sorry ik i keep bringing up the throwaway line but like. its SOOOOOOOOOO bad holy shit#the heracross one isnt aaaaaas bad tbf bc they really make up for it in the sinnoh league#but aside from one ep in the miniseries we never quite get an episode where oshawott proves itself in a battle#i still love that episode bc it still kinda feels like an apology for all the oshawott bashing in bw but i am a little :/#that battling didnt even come up once#ive kiiinda eased up on gliscors benching episode bc at the end of the day it isssss pretty good to her. also its the best animated one#but its treatment like what i mentioned that still really drags it down to me#and also like. i know ppl praise gliscor being so powerful after the episode but i really dont get why we couldnt have just#had a gliscor training arc onscreen. but ig we wouldnt have that stupid ass gible plot that went nowhere now would we#but like.... we had such a huge stretch between that episode and the league. i really dont get why we couldnt have had a mini arc#where gliscor realizes shes not pulling her weight that well and really starts hauling ass#she doesnt really even sweep in the paul fight. she gets beaten immediately by ninjask#the drapion part was awesome tho yayyyy#but my point is that it wouldnt really change much if gliscor just stayed and got stronger on its own#have the bench episode be a wake up call for gliscor rather than a goodbye one and she becomes super competent#like im not just saying this bc gliscor is my favorite character in the entire show. i feel like its straight up kinda lazy and less reward#rewarding#imagine how the drapion fight could be EVEN MORE cathartic if we saw gliscor struggle and fight to get better throughout the show#as much as i like that specific battle and ash vs paul as a whole... it just kinda proves my point that sending gliscor away at all#was kind of a shitty move#like ohhhhh ash's team is all getting revenge for lake acuity yay!!!!! oh one of them was kicked off for the sake of a shitty gible plot th#which really only served to make shitty piplup bashing jokes and only actually had a conclusion in the league itself#by which time it was too late to actually do anything else with it. yeah we kicked someone off for that. but shes back now!!!#like it doesnt weaken the battle THAT much. in fact theres some value in how ash went out of his way to make sure gliscor could be there#so her defeat could also be avenged. and its still my fave battle in the whole anime. but it just proves to me how pointless that was reall#echoed voice
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moonsun2010 · 2 years
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some highlights from 3 October's entry:
Top left: "With his left hand he held both Mrs. Harker's hands, keeping them away with her arms at full tension; his right hand gripped her by the back of the neck, forcing her face down on his bosom. Her white nightdress was smeared with blood, and a thin stream trickled down the man's bare breast which was shown by his torn-open dress."
Top right: "Her face was ghastly, with a pallor which was accentuated by the blood which smeared her lips and cheeks and chin; from her throat trickled a thin stream of blood; her eyes were mad with terror. Then she put before her face her poor crushed hands... and from behind them came a low desolate wail".
Bottom left: "She shuddered and was silent, holding down her head on her husband's breast. When she raised it, his white night-robe was stained with blood where her lips had touched, and where the thin open wound in her neck had sent forth drops."
"Harker was still and quiet; but over his face, as the awful narrative went on, came a grey look which deepened and deepened in the morning light, till when the first red streak of the coming dawn shot up, the flesh stood darkly out against the whitening hair."
Bottom right: ""Hush! there is someone in the corridor!" I got up softly, and crossing the room, gently opened the door.
Just outside, stretched on a mattress, lay Mr. Morris, wide awake."
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othunderous · 1 year
something something no i don’t believe loki ever hated truly hated thor (and he said himself even if he’s jealous he loves his brother) but i also think people who try to say loki was always just a sweet innocent little dude who got pushed around the playground and shoved into lockers isn’t true either. i think you have to be in a position of feeling like you’re always falling short compared to your sibling to understand it— no, you don’t hate them, but you also get so angry you could do anything to hurt them and it does feel like you hate them, at least for a moment. loki had to deal with that conflict for a millennia, and he’s literally the god of mischief, so i think it’s safe to say yes he’s had his moments of cruelty and violence toward thor and acknowledging that isn’t trying to retcon anything or make loki a punching bag. as someone with a lot of siblings who all have parental baggage, trust me, it tracks.
where i think people get (rightfully) annoyed is thor being painted as the perfect son who would never have even moved a hair on loki’s head out of place. absolutely not. thor was an arrogant & too eager to fight most of his life, and he absolutely bought into odin pitting him against his brother. now, that isn’t his fault because this started when they were children, and no child is gonna recognize a parent subtly encouraging competition between siblings. but as he matured he should have seen what was happening and been 100% on his brother’s side. even then, with the rivalry and the tricks and the fights and the misplaced blame (which i do not blame loki for, btw, i wholeheartedly understand his frustrations), it’s like. . . i don’t know how to word it, but it becomes something bigger than the two of them, and that’s gonna be hard to see through. especially considering he hasn’t even begun unpacking odin’s treatment of his children. sure, he acknowledges the throne was corrupt, but he said nothing about odin himself as a father. he has yet to even fully recognize his own role in all of this.
i’m rambling at this point but i just think more than one thing can be true at a time and it isn’t necessarily bad story telling just because we feel one character is being treated unfairly. 🫶🏽
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Just finished the Marvels and
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
“I understand,” he assured her, not about to push her into doing it (he already knew being on the rooftop period was a big step for her, so he could only imagine how dizzying it’d be for her to try and ascend Apollo, even with Randall himself there to keep her safe). Still, his offer stood, should she ever wish to give it a try-he’d love to take her up there, so that she could see what he’d seen that day, as the sun drifted out of sight, leaving night to encroach upon the city: What could only be described as being on top of the world.
But then again, it seemed like she knew at least the feeling, now that she had seen the absolutely glowing reviews in the papers, no doubt making her feel downright invincible, capable of doing anything. She was a star now, and he hoped she was luxuriating in that feeling, knowing she had come this far, and set the opera world ablaze with her debut. Of course, she wouldn’t rest on her laurels (unlike La Constance, who seemed fine coasting by on past glories, never trying to branch out and try something new with her performances), she would continue to climb higher, achieve more and more (which he more than looked forward to seeing), but for now...he hoped she was enjoying herself.
As he finished his sandwich and paused to take a sip of lemonade, Randall then dared to ask her, “What was it like? Being on stage, that first night?”
He’d been onstage before himself, plenty of times, but obviously...those weren’t exactly what he’d call “positive memories”, and so it made him wonder instead what it was like to stand before not a fearful, hateful crowd, but an adoring, impassioned one, who hung on every lyric she sang, looking upon her with love and admiration, and not fear and disgust...
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dyketrickfoot · 2 years
the fight w/ that storm giant i think they are doing right off the bat should be no problem it's whatever the big final battle is going to be that's worrying me. but not that much. but it's still worrying
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thenexusofsouls · 2 years
{i am the caretaker of souls} I need Raiden joining the Avengers like I need AIR. Any takers?
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starcchild · 3 months
((*stroking my computer screen* le.go rive.ndell my beloved,,,
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knghtlock · 11 months
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update: so i may have to split the spiderverse post up into several parts because this right here? this is just explaining why earth-404's pete.r pa.rker isn't 404's current spider-man & why hotaru Got Bit. if i tried to add her powers & rogues gallery, this could easily quadruple, so i'm gonna make a poll if you guys want a huge , long post or several, more bite-sized deep dive posts linked to . some sorta masterpost because i put WAAAAYYYY too much thought into this au.
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humofnight · 1 year
tbh good Star Trek fusions/setting AUs are my lifeblood the way I am GIDDY rn finding one I MISSED and it’s SO GOOD
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percheduphere · 7 months
You know what I would find really hilarious?
The Avengers meet God of Stories Loki and Mobius. Mobius is very charming, very folksy. He pours everyone coffee. Makes sure the thermostat in the conference room is at a comfortable temperature. Offers croissants. All the markers of a good host.
The Avengers all like him right away but are wary of Loki. After a comedic abridged version of a TVA infodump, in which Loki and Mobius ping-pong little details and show their whole squabble and tease dynamic, one of Kang's underlings is captured.
MOBIUS: Okay. Think I got a read on this guy. You wanna take a swing at him for intel or should I?
LOKI: I think you should. Y'know, trying out the whole 'good guy' bit.
MOBIUS: Sounds good. Gentlemen's competition. Time me?
LOKI: Of course.
And the Avengers watch as this cozy little human goes in and just EVISCERATES the underling. No weapons. No superpowers. Just WORDS.
The underling is on the floor, in a fetal position, sobbing and begging no more. He spills all the critical information they need. Mobius steps out.
The Avengers are in SHOCK.
BUCKY: (mumuring) ... Jesus Christ ...
HAWKEYE: (whispering) Holy shit, he's scarier than Nat.
MOBIUS: (to Loki) How'd I do?
LOKI: 2 minutes and 43 seconds. Not bad.
MOBIUS: Eh, still haven't beat your record.
LOKI: Well, I do have the advantage of magic. Should I take a handicap?
MOBIUS: Don't insult me.
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astraloutlaw · 2 years
earth-based au: tag: ╰  *  ★  `  VERSE.   /   i found my role in a tragedy. history:
love is something ego had never expected to experience. longing had always been familiar to him — longing for a corporeal form, for other beings to exist, for power to take. but love was something else entirely and he truly had it with meredith. recognizing that, ego had come to make the most difficult decision in all of his eons — he chose to let that love grow. ( one human’s lifetime cannot be a significant detour in his grand plan. )
while ego did not reside full time on earth, he opted to visit regularly to behave as a husband and father to meredith and peter. there were moments as a child where peter displayed signs that led ego to believe he had inherited his celestial abilities. this excited ego.  ( ego had still hunted down his other offspring whenever he was offworld and had been unsuccessful until now. ) 
this led to peter, at age 10, being shown to ego’s planet to begin learning to harness his abilities. once this started, peter still remained on earth with his mother throughout the schoolyear, but spent his summers in space with his father. 
as an adult, however, peter pushed back a bit, insisting he reside primarily on earth to take care of his mother, justifying his decision by saying that they both would outlive her and he wanted to experience life with family before he officially left for the stars. peter got a job and helped his mother pay the bills. ego, although frustrated, allowed this as he too loved meredith and understood where his son was coming from. he continued to visit and even continued to take peter for sojourns to the stars — for shorter, but more frequent, visits.
this continued until the year of 2008. it was a year packed with events — tony stark becoming iron man, a battle of hulks in harlem, and a visit to earth by a group of asgardians. with the world changing, so did peter. a badoon ship came from space and attacked his hometown, threatening meredith. ( although peter was unaware, this was a planned attack by ego as his patience was growing thin for their time on earth. ) unafraid to show his true self now that a few others had begun to lead the way, peter uses his powers to stop the badoon and save his mother.
at this point, peter becomes involved with shield, who monitor him heavily. he decides to aid them upon request to stay on their good side. his identity as the hero star-lord is very much public as an alien attack in missouri was a well-reported incident. 
peter’s heroism continues when, in 2012, he is seen assisting the avengers in new york and fighting the chitauri horde. he begins to realize the earth is coming under more scrutiny for otherworldly aggressors and decides to split his time between space and earth. he requests shield to keep his mother safe while he runs around space.
he still searches for the orb and meets the guardians, acquiring the power stone from ronan and leaving it on xandar for safe keeping. he agrees to protect the galaxy with them under the condition that they understand he will still have a presence on earth and with the avengers as well.
the ego conflict happens now on earth with peter somewhat better equipped to fight back but still in need of great help. the available avengers and guardians are both present. ego still insists that killing him will kill peter, but peter doesnt care. he welcomes any of his friends to leave the fight if they’re not prepared to kill peter, too, but knows what his father is capable of and is willing to sacrifice himself to stop it.
ego is killed and peter is prepared to say goodbye, only to.... not die. however, after what he considers to be a near-death experience, he decides he needs a vacation from earth. he takes his mother up to space with the guardians so she can see the stars she once wanted so badly. he stays long enough that he is not present for the events of age of ultron but was kept busy with the guardians.
he returns his mother to her life on earth when everyone is discussing the accords. after a very long discussion with his mother, and thoughts about just staying in space full time, peter decided the best decision for him and his family was for him to sign the accords.
he continues to help against threats both on- and off-planet in his dual role as avenger and guardian. his role in infinity war and endgame remain the same. post-endgame he only helps as he is specifically requested as, though his mother is only 18 years his senior, he worries about her aging and wants to spend as much time with her as he can.
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stuckytoyoulikeglue · 5 months
I know it's been said a million times before, but holy shit, Captain America: The Winter Soldier really does have one of the most epic romances of all time.
I mean, the twist
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And the inevitable heartbreak...
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The part where everything's all f-ed up and it seems like nothing's gonna work out
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And don't even get me started on the declaration of love/'I'd literally rather die right this second than live without you'/marriage vow...
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Then there's the pure artistry of the parallel they draw with The First Avenger, only this time it's Bucky watching Steve fall
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Only for them to finally (sort of, almost, if you squint a bit, shut up, I need this) reunite at the end...
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They really did deserve so much better 💔
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