#I have criticsms of the other stories as well
walmart-sekai · 11 months
heyo, as a resident leo/needer on tumblr, I was scrolling through the leo/need tag and I found your thoughts!
so like. I'm kinda just gonna respond to your dislikes as I kinda am a leo/need oshi (I apologize if this ask annoys you I am so very sorry if it does)
ok ok so we start with the realism thing. yeah that's just a personal taste thing each to their own etc etc .
conflict wise, I think the best way to phrase it was not that they fell out, but they fell apart. like they didn't hate each other, it was more of a "the social pressure got to me and now my sense of self worth is garbage and as long as the others are happy without me it's fine" situation (read that day the sky was far away we love you hinomori shiho). and generally, I would say in middle school, it wasn't the conflict but the absence of conflict that hurts the most.
and my main point of contention is about Ichika as POV character. um. yeah read event stories. I get your point bc I thought about that too but ultimately, it makes sense because it was mainly ichika's inaction that led to this. ichika also did not tell saki about the friend group slowly falling apart so. ultimately this is kind of an ichika mess
anyways sorry if this ask bothered you have a nice day
No need for apologies! I put my thoughts out there, you sent yours back. Now imma send mine back.
Okey dokey, so:
I do fully admit that most of my gripes with Leo/Need are just a personal preference thing. I think “they fell apart, not fell out,” is a very good way to describe the conflict; but again, my issue is that that’s not really much of a conflict at all. It’s not suspenseful for me as a reader. (Again, this is a personal preference. I’m just not a huge fan of the specific type of YA fiction Leo/Need draws on)
As for your disagreement about the Ichika thing: I’m sure Ichika is great in event stories, and that they elaborate very well on her role in the main story. But that doesn’t change my opinion that she was not utilized well as a POV character in the main story. The event stories are a whole other ball game, and no matter how great they are, they don’t absolve the main story from any and all criticism.
I understand her inaction is a big factor in their friend group falling apart, but that happens before the main story. By the time we the reader tune in, all of that is over, and we only view it through the occasional flashback. She takes on more of an active protagonist role in the second half, but for the first like 4 or 5 episodes, Saki is absolutely the one driving the plot forward. Ichika’s just kind of along for the ride (this is not a dunk on Ichika by the way, I would also be along for the ride)
Honestly I think Leo/Need would’ve really benefited from more alternating POV. If I were writing it I probably would’ve done a lot of switching between Saki and Ichika throughout, with a main focus on Ichika near the end. Because I think Ichika’s a great choice of POV for the final few episodes, her development there is one of the reasons I love the ending.
I’m absolutely still going to read the event and side stories for Leo/Need, and overall, I did like the main story. I really did love the ending, it made me very exited to see how they take things moving forward! Especially with Shiho, I think there’s a lot of potential there.
Anyway, thanks for your thoughts on my thoughts! Hope you enjoyed my thoughts on your thoughts on my thoughts. (That sentence got away from me.)
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fefairys · 2 years
gotta wonder sometimes if new people are put off by my rambling lol because i am the bitch that leaves a small novel in discord dms when you are asleep
#but also just in general#i am about to ramble thus proving my point lmao:#im listening to homestuck made this world rn and like. this is something hussie does a lot is they will ramble about their own thing a lot#and sometimes it is seen as like. annoying. or self-aggrandizing#and sometimes it is definitely that. like sometimes they are just saying shit to absolve themselves of responsibility.#but other times i am very interested in what they have to say!#but then the commentators on the podcast will make fun of what they said and im like. oh we.. were not supposed to find that interesting?#were supposed to find that annoying and narcissistic? ok i guess.#and its just like. well fuck i think i do that. am i bad too? am i annoying and narcissistic too?#listening to this podcast also had made me realize that there are a lot of ways in which i have not changed since i was 16#because i still get very sensitive about when people criticize homestuck for what i think are the wrong reasons#because of course i have endless criticisms of homestuck myself#but like cameron will be like 'i fucking hate this bunny i think its so stupid' and im just thinking ok die then. lmao#or like. cameron seems to not like that the story becomes very character-driven in act 5#which is my favorite part of homestuck. i love character-driven stories and that is also what i write#and so it feels like hes also criticizing MY writing in that way because my writing is SO HEAVILY INFLUENCED by homestuck#idk! i wish more people read my stuff so i could have an accurate read on how it is perceived but oh well i guess!#personal#and here i go saying more after i thought i was finished because i feel the need to clarify even tho no one gives a shit#i KNOW that criticism of homestuck is not in turn criticsm of me or my writing. logically. but emotionally? it is just the way it feels.#thats another thing i do is over-explain and over-clarify because being misunderstood is so scary
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ganondoodle · 2 years
hold on, i cant just only ask twitter and leave some of you out of it-
as i want to get further into game dev im super interested in hearing other peoples opinions on stuff, so if you dont mind:
what makes a game chill/relaxing to you?
if you'd like to hear my personal opinion on that question .. well im gonna try and make my answer into a game at some point to thats that, but im gonna mention some games that have aspects of what i like alot, time limits and mandatory combat are big stress factors to me, as are decisions that have a huge effect on the story/characters
stardew valley is a beloved game to me, yet i have over 400 hours put into it and never saw the credits, bc i keep making a new file and play it to usually the 3rd or 4th year and then the late game stuff annoys me too much; the fact that there is that day time limit AND the energy limit is incredibly stressful to me, plus that combat is pretty much required and even moreso later on if you want to get all quests and such even tho its so clunky (to me) without you even being able to over level yourself is just agony to me like the quest of reaching lvl 100 of the skull caverns, i did it once technically, but my heart was beating out of my chest and i reached the last lvl a second before it reached the daytime limit and i blacked out losing a ton and not getting whatever waited for me there, i believe i stopped playing it for a long time after that (another would be not being able to complete all achievements if you dont want to sacrifice a whole file to it since its non reversable to my knowledge, like the joja thing, or if you are basically being forced to be a jerk to npcs tho that doesnt apply to stardew .. i think)
botw, my as of now fav zelda game together with the original wind waker, the atmosphere and how immersed i felt playing a game has never been so strong for me as this one, aside from some story elements and general criticsm of the zelda series the world and how it functions, speaking of game mechanics, is a huge inspiration for me, i love even the ever so hated weapon breaking and rain system, what sours it a little playing it to relax is that you are constantly swarmed by enemies, theres a bokblin attacking an npc every few meters, a camp that sees you from miles away, and at night you cant go two steps without a bunch of stal- enemies popping out of the ground, the only thing to circumvent this is wearing specific armor to trick them, but i'd like to stroll around dressed however i like, i know its environmental storytelling, but a mode to play after you beat ganon with little changes such as less or no enemies would have been cool (pehaps similar to activate like the master mode thing?) another nitpick is the lack of customization for your own home, although its not the focus of the game at all it would still be cool if you could actually choose some different stuff that isnt just dont or do build this
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ifbench · 1 year
To me, Super Mystery Dungeon is a bit of an oddball. Rescue Team, Explorers, Gates, and even Adventure Squad all do their own unique things, while Super is the only one out of them that feels like it's trying to emulate a previous entry, specifically Explorers. That's a common criticsm I've seen with Super, that it's just "Explorers but worse". But Super is far, far more than just "Explorers 2". It's a celebration of all of PMD, giving love to not just Explorers, but Rescue Team, Gates, and even Adventure Squad. It would not be unfair to say that Super is a grand finale to PMD games we have so far. It has an entire world map of every past PMD region, including 4 new ones, and it has cameos from all other PMD games. It takes the improvements that Explorers did upon Rescue Team, and the improvements that Gates did upon Explorers, and improves them even further. Super Mystery Dungeon is…honestly a bit hard for me to talk about, because there's so much to it. Some good, some bad, but I'll do my best to cover an acceptable amount here. To start, the scarves of prior games are gone, replaced with a new system: looplets and emeras. While some might say it's a downgrade, I'd go so far as to say it's a step up from all other PMD games, even Rescue Team DX. Your scarves aren't truly gone, instead, they're key items that you wear just as in Rescue Team DX, and they even have story relevance! And looplets and emeras themselves are really cool! They're basically the next iteration of IQ/Team Skills. You have a wearable item with a certain amount of slots in it, known as a looplet. As you explore mystery dungeons, you can encounter emeras, crystals with special effects, that you can slot into the looplet. The looplets themselves can have special effects, too. My favorite one to have on my protagonist was the Weather Looplet. Super Mystery Dungeon also introduces wands, a fantastic addition that I was sorely missing from the past two games since I played Rescue Team DX first. I'm so glad they seem to be a mainstay item type now. They're basically seeds, but stackable like gravelerocks. You wave a wand, and it applies an effect to an enemy, you, allies, or a combination of those. These two features, along with enemy Pokemon being quite a bit tougher in this game, make Super a lot more item-based than previous PMD games. And if you've been around me long enough, you know I love PMD items. Heck, I've even written an entire story just about them! There's also the connection orb, which I love a lot, too! Instead of recruitment being RNG based, it's instead tied in with the missions system. Complete a mission, recruit the Pokemon who sent that request and maybe a few others! While others like recruiting mon you find randomly in dungeons, I prefer this system. Less luck-based, and the missions can be really neat! People criticize the Salamence mission, but I find it a great way to teach you the usefulness of items, and potential power of recruits. However…there are caveats. The mechanic that causes recruits to not be available sometimes is good in theory, but in practice, it can be quite frustrating, especially if you don't know how long each mon's wait cycles are. Nonetheless, I spent probably far more time than necessary just scrolling around the connection orb, wondering when I'd connect with a Pokemon I saw. Like most other PMD games, though, Super is more than just its gameplay. It also has a story, characters, music, and heartfelt moments. So how do those stack up? Well, to start the music is as good as always. I absolutely adore tracks like Revelation Mountain, Entrusted Hope, Tree of Life Roots, and anything with the partner leitmotif. As for the other three… I love them too.
Super's story may have its holes. Its characters may not be as well-developed as Gates'. But I love them nonetheless. Especially the partner. Super's partner is my favorite partner in the series. They have so much personality, charm, love, joy, heart. And for the first time in the series, they even have their own theme. Super Mystery Dungeon isn't a game about you. It's a story about your partner. While in past PMD games, the partner helps you along your journey…here, it's you helping the partner. It's a story about you helping a child with finding their place in the world, facing insurmountable odds, and finding it in themselves to accept negativity is a necessary part of life. And when you say goodbye to them, instead of them saying goodbye to you… I was bawling. I didn't want them to go. I think I cried there as much as I did at Gates' ending. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the final Dark Matter battle. It's so amazing from both a story and gameplay perspective. With the first battle, you're strong, fully evolved, and even then, it still felt difficult. I struggled with this battle a lot, but the way I finally did it was trusting my partner to avoid Dark Matter's spikes, throwing iron thorns at Dark Matter, healing when we needed it, and trusting my partner to come in clutch where I couldn't. Their Razor Leaf was the final blow to Dark Matter in my playthrough. Also, can I say that I love the environmental effects in the final Dark Matter battle with the spikes? That's one of my favorite mechanics in Rescue Team DX's later boss battles! With the magma spreading during Groudon's battle, and the wind sweeping you away in Rayquaza's! It makes the battles a lot more dynamic, interesting, and fun! I love the harmony scarves. I love the Tree of Life in nearly every single way. And the Voidlands! The Voidlands are so terrifying, and I was literally shaking with the final Void Shadow battle. And I love how your partner is so scared, and yet so brave! Brave because you're with them, because you've helped them this far. And Reverse Mountain. Oh, Reverse Mountain. Aside from its amazing music and all the jokes about "Sawk used Rock Smash!"…the moment atop it, where the Legendary Beasts and Mawile sacrifice themselves to buy time for you and your partner to escape… That's my favorite moment in all of PMD. I initially came into this retrospective with a lot of negative thoughts about Super, but I just…I can't do that to it. It means too much to me. It does definitely have its flaws. Many of the twists, like Nuzleaf's betrayal, aren't foreshadowed nearly well enough. And the Expedition Society, much as I love them, really could use more characterization. Plus, the two halves of the story, while sharing some connections and foreshadowing, are pretty disconnected otherwise. But I love Super. Just like Gates, it's a PMD game, too. It has all the charm, love, heartfelt moments, fun story, amazing music, everything. When I think of my partner, Leviene, and how much I care about them…I can't say that I dislike this game even one bit. It's tied with Rescue Team DX as my second favorite PMD game. While I love Gates more, Super still means the world to me.
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brsb4hls · 1 year
I think one of the main issues with not only s2 but some of s1 as well as that only neil was involved with the creation of both of them because terry unfortunately passed away. It lost something vital in that moment. In s1, they still had the book and I think s1 did a good job as far as adaptations go with some grievances, but now in s2, it's whatever neil is going to do and with how active he is on tumblr and how the fans are and how he's reacting to them, it's losing the spirit of the original even further. Not BECAUSE the ship is canon, but everything else surrounding the ship and how we got there and how the writers and the actors are changing the characters more as they progress from one season to the next. I watched s2 feeling giddy for more good omens and very quickly that giddiness turned sort of confused and disappointed. I didn't want disjointed filler fanfic with a loose plot. It didn't fit. It didn't feel right. Overall, I didn't hate the season, but I didn't quite like it either. The handful of you good omens critical blogs have summed it up very well for me and I'm surprised it's not a more popular opinion. I've just seen a couple people talking about how book fans are complaining which is the most dismissive way to put it. I'm not sure if people are blinded by their theories and canon ship or they just don't care that this season felt almost fanmade, but I'm sad that the book and tv show versions are now miles apart rather than cousins.
That's a long ask, thank you for sharing!
I actually did like season 1, too. The book is very hard to transfer to tv imo and choices had to be made.
Technically, Adam is the main character, but putting more focus on him would either mean a) a kid show with a lot of stuff about the them or b) more Anathema and conspiracy theories discussion.
That probs wouldn't have worked that well, so Gaiman made the two most colourfull characters the protagonists and in order to flesh them out added to their relationship.
Other stuff was added for comedic reasons or drama. Which I get.
So season one was a fair interpretation with necessary (to appeal to a mainstream audience) changes.
And both actors were doing an amazing job, so that helps.
Another plus is that a lot of new fans had so much fun with the material and created a ton of art/fics and revived the fandom.
And then it went off the rails somehow.
The thing is, Good Omens isn't a drama. A lot of dramatic events happen, but they feel understated, it's mainly weird, quirky and funny.
It also isn't a love story. In the romantic sense.
There is a lot of love in the book.
And I truely do not know what exactly happened, that turned such a unique little thing into the most bland, generic romance.
Probably capitalism.
I mean, just watching Crowley and Aziraphale trying to weather everyday life without having their jobs anymore would have been hilarious, but probs to niche.
And I would love to know what made Gaiman change his tune in regards to the nature of their relationship.
He does not really answer stuff, though, he's good at circumventing.
I hope at least it wasn't tumblr that influenced him. In most cases a creative process suffers from too much social media interaction. (Season 3 could get even worse).
The fandom dynamics regarding criticsm are always complicated.
I do speculate that most hyper positive fans are fairly new, just in it for the ship and going with the flow.
Also critcism is kinda a four letter word these days.
I mean it can be fun and relieving to went or pick apart or even ridicule and as long as it's tagged correctly nobody gets hurt by it.
Maybe 'Good Omens' also is a sore subject, because after years of being vague, Crowley/Aziraphale actually got canonized, and no matter what they represent as, they do look like a gay couple to the general audience, and people might be afraid criticsm might reflect badly on the representation they finally got.
Who knows.
In the end, one can always cherry pick. I do like some scenes, I do ship Crowley/Aziraphale, but I'm disappointed that their characters went full on angel/demon cliche contrary to the appealing, nuanced book versions.
And yeah, there is no actual plot so we might as well have gotten smth like Crowley tries to earn money by becoming an uber driver or smth (there's great fanfic about that).
But that's just me, I do get why people enjoy it. Criticsm just helps to deal a bit with the disappointment, because, like you, I was initially thrilled about the second season.
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fujijori · 2 years
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✦ 𝐋𝐄𝐎 or 𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐌 (18) | any prns!!,, TECHNICALLY ON HIATUS, sfw writing blog branched from @seraphicsm, mainly circulating around genpact (genshin impact). multi-fandom author / dc + nsfw free / vv nice, 10/10 would friend. reqs & thirsts are permanently closed, do not ask for 'em ✦ m.list / taglist / carrd.co / spotify / wattpad / ao3 ✦ affiliated w/@favonius-library, @goldfishhie, @kshahrewarr
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𝐈. Please remain polite and kind on this blog; I do not tolerate rudeness, nor toxic readers. If you are simply here to shit on me and make other people's days worse because you're bored, find another blog, as I will block you if I ever see interactions coming from your blog. That being said, keep Tumblr discourse away from me; I do not want to get roped up into that sticky mess. I want to remain simple and tranquil, not have my blog end up a new target for discourse posts.
𝐈𝐈. Likes and reblogs are always appreciate, truly, they are! But please refrain from spam liking/reblog on my posts, as I will then assume that you haven't properly read through my works and fics. Some people who do this will think that liking the posts on any social platform will gain them some fans and grow out their blog. There are many many other ways to gain followers and readers, so please, find them, and try not to spam-like my fics. On that note, reblogs are very much appreciated, as liking the post doesn't really get the word out. Don't get me wrong, I love it when I see people liking my posts, but truly, if I want to spread my works through the world of Tumblr, I will have to settle for reblogs over likes.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. This is a completely SFW (safe for work) blog, in which I post/write SFW fics. The only exception is the occasional gore/angst/violence, which is probably going to be often circling my blog as my current project (as of January 2023) involves war and violence. I will not be writing NSFW posts on this blog (I might eventually on my main blog), and the only exception for that is I may write/reblog the occasional suggestive post (ie: making out, getting a little touchy, mentions of intercourse, etc.). I interact with dc (dark content) + NSFW authors, so fair warning.
𝐈𝐕. My updates on this blog are inconsistent, which means that I update/write when I want to and when I have the time to. Do not expect me to come barracading through Tumblr with dozens of story/fic ideas. My motivation is not always with me (espectially now), so please bear with me if you're waiting on an update/another part to a series I wrote. Do not write in the comments section or reblog "when's the next update?" or "part two???", as that just causes my anxiety to further spiral. I don't want do disappoint any of my readers, and for that reason, I ask that you please be patient with me. Quality over quantity, as others might put it.
𝐕. Unless I ask for constructive critiscm, please do not critisize my works, as I'm still trying to get a hold of my writing style. Most of my works are WIPs (works in progress), so if there are multiple grammar/spelling/general errors, that is why. I'm going to be honest, I don't take constructive criticsm well, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to try and get better with handling it. My works/fics on this blog first get read-through by me, and then by a friend or two before I actually post it. That being said, that doesn't mean that I won't accidentally make mistakes or skip over a few. I make mistakes; it's human. So please understand if I make mistakes, it's because I probably missed it.
𝐕𝐈. This blog will also contain non-spoiler free posts, as I reblog a lot of posts regarding my fandoms (anime/manga/tv shows/movies/books/games), so please keep a look out for posts with the spoiler tag in them. Since we're on the topic, I will probably be re-blogging posts more than writing anything, so consider this a shitpost + writing blog because I like to procrastinate by scrolling through Tumblr. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry to hear that. The only reason I ever reblog or search around is because I look for inspiration for my works (ie: writing prompts, dialogue/incorrect quotes, art, etc.).. I also write fics relating to the fandom GenPact (Genshin Impact), but keep in mind that I am not limited to that only fandom, nor am I simply labeling myself as a GenPact author. This blog is mainly going to be for my miscellanous works (original and fandom-related), so I'll make sure to mark them as their fandoms or original if they were written by me.
𝐕𝐈𝐈. This blog will also include LGBTQIA+ characters/themes; if you're not comfortable with that, then simply skip over it. If you're here to be homo/transphobic, kindly get the fuck off my blog, I do not want you here. If you still interact with my blog and posts, I will block you. I myself am a part of the community, and I do not tolerate that kind of hate on my blog, nor will I accept racism, sexism, fatism, abelists, pedophiles, and pro-shippers. If you are any (or all) of the above, get out. Yep, the door is right there, just, leave. Thank you! ^^
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𝐗. I will most likely be cursing a lot (which probably isn't healthy or good considering I'm barely considered an adult, but what can you do?) throughout my posts, so, just fair warning. I mainly ever cuss when I get upset or really excited about something, so that shouldn't be too often, right? I also use tone tags occasionally (tone tag list with meanings), so if I use something with a slash (ex: /j or /hj), just know that it wasn't a typo or me just casually spamming my keyboard and that it means something.
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thank you for reading my rules (i hope you did); i can't wait to interact w/yall, and i hope you enjoy your stay here on my blog! ^^
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trapangeles · 1 year
Tap'N with Rap Artist - Slim Rose
Tell us about your story and how you got to where you are?
I'm from Los Angeles born and raised. I grew up in South Central with immigrant parents so I have always related to humble beginnings. After I graduated high school, I moved to Atlanta for a year and learned the value of independence. I moved back to LA & dated a beatmaker and he is one of my first museical inspirations. Unfortunately he passed away in front of me and it changed my life forever. My young adulthood I found myself thrust right into the Belly of the beast in Los Angeles. 
My music is a testament to how I view the world and how I grow into the Rose in a concrete jungle.
What has been your biggest obstacle in your journey as an artist?
My biggest journey has been learning to balance criticism. As an artist, you grow by considering how you can do better next time. ABCD Always Be Creating & Doing better. A lot of times the hardest criticsm comes from within. You have to be able to alchemize judgement into growth. Often times our ego shuts out criticism in order to protect us but being an artist means overcoming this instinct so that the soul can evolve. 
On the other hand, being an artist also means that you walk your own path. What may look like a mis-stroke to an outsider is a purposeful mark by the Artist. Artists have to be able to think outside of the box and make moves that nobody else would + accept any controversy that comes with it.
What lessons have you learned?
I have learned to Stick to the Script. Many times the best move is the one we almost didn't make. If you have a Plan, whether it's written down or all vision, stick to it. Don't fold under pressure. Keep it cool, keep it player, and hold it down. This requires trusting yourself and your intuition. 
Stay ready so you don't have to get ready.
Tell us about your music, how would you describe your sound?
My music is West Coast hip hop. I would describe my sound as a seductive Outerspace vibe you can sit back and smoke to. My music is my player take on living life in LA.
What other artists would you compare yourself to?
I get compared to Larry June the most and I have to agree!!! My goal is really to encapsulate that West Coast player vibe. I would also compare myself to Dom Kennedy and Curren$y. I would compare myself to Saweetie as well, when I'm really talking my sh--.
If you could work with any artists, who would you choose?
First I would record a song with Nicki Minaj because she is the Queen of Rap! She deserves more respect from upcoming female rappers. Dead or alive, I would choose Drakeo the Ruler because I always wanted to work with him. He's a West coast legend and his story is powerful, for good or for bad.
What sets you apart from other artists?
What sets me apart from other female rappers is that I like to tease my audience with wordplay and get my story across in a more seductive manner. I like to utilize double entendres and metaphors to give more meaning. I can simulate erotic imagery and magic without ever using certain words!
What sets me apart from other artists is that I strive to create RHYTHYM AND POETRY. My tone of voice is also unique because I really want to give that laid-back California vibe. 
I'm really here to tell a story that makes the audience wonder - not make the most turnt up RAH rah bop for the club.
What should we know about your work?
You should know that I am inspired by the best & that anything with the name Slim Rose on it is my authentic best. That's all that matters.
What are your plans for the future?
My plan for the near future is to drop more singles that really communicate siren Energy and California charisma. I will also be filming music videos inspired by my vision. In the future I would love to do more features on other people's songs. I would love to be an artist like Nicki where you rap on another artist's record but take over and the audience is really just waiting for her verse. I am also planning to record and release an EP called Heaven on Earth.
What motivates you, or keeps you going? 
My legacy motivates me..I see Art as a legacy and a time capsule. 100 years from now, if someone listens to my music, they will experience what it was like to live in LA as a Siren, as a woman, as a person, as a Soul - as a Lost Angel.
Tell us something that might surprise people about you.
Something that might surprise people about me is that I am led by God. Moved by free will.
How do you define success?
I define success as freedom. We spend so much of our lives trapped in invisible cages, trapped in the Matrix, enslaved by our minds and spirits of lack. A billionaire can appear successful but really be a slave to their lifestyle. An impoverished person may appear downtrodden but actually have free domain over his time. The goal is to land somewhere in the middle of the spectrum and exercise freedom over your time and resources.
Tell us about any projects or music you have coming out.
I have two singles on the way. One of my future singles is inspired by Hollywood and the lust of limelight and stardom. Another single is about how enjoyable life is and the beauty & joy of getting lost & found in the Moment.
What do you want people to know about you? Anything else you want mentioned?
Stream Sipping Champagne by Slim Rose.
How can people find and contact you?
Instagram @theslimbarbie Business IG @lostangelslingerie Email [email protected]
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hanna-water · 2 years
Part 6 (last part) “I’ll Be Fine”: Talk about Popculture, Druck and Gen Z Popkultur Festival Berlin 2022, wednesday 24.08.2022 with Eren M. Güvercin, Nhung Hoang, Naomi Bechert (social media team during s5 – s6, writer of s7 and s8) Moderated by Aidan Riebensahm First question from the audience: Hey, whats up. I wanted to ask you two how was it for you as POC to play maincharacters in such a internationally celebrated series? Eren: I don´t know. It´s of course something special and I try to make it less special because for me it´s natural which characters I play. Nhungi: I see it like that too. Its sad that it is seen as something special but on the other hand I feel like we got a certain responsibility because of that, to show our experiences (Eren agrees). For Kieu My it was important for me to not tell my own story but to keep it as generally as possible. So that many german-asian, german-vietnamnese people who are queer can identify with it. And I think we succeeded in that. Eren: One time I… I realized “ok it`s a big deal”. One time when I was taking a walk on a bridge and a young girl came up to me, I would guess 16/15 years old. She came up to me and said how cool she found the series and she was very happy. Then she talked about her little brother, who was like 9 or 10 years old, and she watched the series with him. And her brother realized through the series that he is into boys and opened up about it to his parents. And those are the things that I think about when I play these roles. Nhungi: Sometimes there are days when the text does not work and everything goes wrong and you ask yourself “why am I doing this? Everything is shitty.”. But then one time I was on my way to work on the train and I looked unrecognizable. I was wearing a mask, a hood and sunglasses, so you could have thought I was a little 14 year old gangster boy. But then a mother approached me and and asked if I play Kieu My in the series Druck and I was totally tired and sleepy and was like “uhm yes.” And she told me that she is watching the series with her daughter and started to understand her daughter better now und knows how she can treat her better and that she can tell her daughter now that it is ok to be queer and to be in love with a girl and she thanked me for it. It was such a beautiful moment, it could have been out of a movie, in the same moment the sun was rising and I started crying. I came to the set crying and everyone asked “what`s wrong?” and I was just like “gibberish crying”. Whenever you feel like “why do I do this actually?” such moments happen and bring you back into the right lane. Eren: So yes it is very cool. Second question from the audience: I wanted to ask if you had the possibility to influence the script of the seasons or if you had wished to be involved more. Were the stories of your characters created with you or have you wished you would have been more involved in that? (laughter) Naomi: No, you can say it. (laughter, but not sure who is laughing) Eren: come for us! (jokingly) Start! Why are you trembling? (everyone starts laughing) Aiden: go hit each other! Naomi: (laughing) I am not the only person who has the responsibility. Personal remark from me: listening to the audio, it became clear that both Eren and Nhungi had some criticsm on the tip of their tongues and presumably already talked about that with Naomi. But they decided to stay professional and not throw shade at anyone directly. Which is understandable, because the Panel was maybe not the right place and time to go into details and be too negative. So they talked about things that went well and left blank spaces regarding the things that they were not happy with. Read between the lines. ;) Nhungi: So everyone who is working in film: do not listen now. No, uhm especially in the beginning it was very important to listen to us because all of us worked out the story together and filled the characters. After every reading, if we had something, it was changed. For example concerning youth slang. Aiden: Please give an example. Eren: There were words which I had never heard before. Nhungi: “Constantin ist ja voll fett, digga” (the audience is laughing) Well, in those aspects we had a lot of room for creating. Eren: (interrupting) “Yolo!”. Nobody says Yolo. Not anymore. I think that’s an ´68 -thing. Naomi: I did not write it. Nhungi: We were also allowed to phrase lines differently when we could not say/pronounce certain things. Regarding the storyline or the development of the characters, that was left to the writers. If something was too strange or out of character then we also said something uhm... but that was a task that we had to leave to someone else. In the end we are not responsible for the content which is written. Eren: I think I have to say that I never met an actor/actress who was completely satisfied with everything. Due to the industry and the people who are involved in a project, there is always something you would like to change. But I think that is good. That motivates you. Naomi: To write a series like this is a very collaborative process were many people have a lot to say and sometimes decisions are made very hierarchical. Its not even the writers who have the last say in things. There is also a broadcaster and a production and you try to figure out, ok what is valid critic, what is a matter of taste. And in the end of course everyone wants to say something about it and you have to find compromises, yes. Ideally you would develop such a series completely with young people from the beginning to the end but I think… Druck is created in a very very short timeframe and in this format its not possible to work even more collaborative. Yes ideally….if you had more time and more tries and more feedback, yeah. Eren: Yes sure but I would totally agree to say that it is ok if the writers write the script and the actors/actresses do acting. I am also a fan of collaborative projects, I don´t want to deny that but I think, a trustworthy (🌚) writers room can do so much. Naomi: yes. I would have liked it actually, to work even closer with you. Eren: We also have to mention that they (the writers) sometimes messaged us on IG like “do you still say this?”. Naomi: Yes I always did little surveys with the cast. Nhungi: Can I say this? One time Naomi had an argument with some people of the writers room and then we got a message via IG: “do you still use GIFs?” Eren: I was like “what do you mean?” Nhungi: “uuhm I am not sure, I don´t.” Aidan: Don´t you use any GIFs? Eren: I use stickers on whatsapp. I create my own ones of my friends. Naomi: I said that too. Eren: you can create your own stickers with an app. Aidan: But does that mean if we would chat and I would send you a GIF, you would find this totally old? Nhungi: ´68 right? No, I think we are that last ones who would say “oh that’s such a millennial thing”. Aidan: Sometimes you have to let old people just do their thing. Eren: I don´t know if that is an Gen Z thing but I don´t like it to text at all. Nhungi: Me neither, no. Eren: If someone wants something from me, the person should just call me. Or I call the person. Aidan: What?!! Unfortunately we have to end the talk now, its already 20 minutes past (joking). Eren: any other questions? Nhungi: Yes Eren is a huge fan of phonecalls. I still remember, her calling me in the middle of the night and shes like “Does this hairstyle suit me? Can I do this, are my curls too long?” Aidan: Hey, cool thank you. (laughs) We will hear each other on the phone later. I have to end the talk now, people are waiting, the next ones want to get in. Thank you very much. Oh there is a last question? One question is ok. Last audience question: What was your favorite scene of your characters in Druck? That is the most important thing I wanna know and then we can finish. Nhungi: uuh I don´t know if this is unprofessional but…do you remember Kieu Mys houseparty? There we said “ok the shoot will be very late and very exhausting” and then Eren and I took a shot together. Eren: Not just us two. Nhungi: right. I don´t want to throw anyone under the bus. Eren: no names. Aidan: How many people were sharing a shot? Nhungi: This was really the only thing that happened. We are all responsible. That was pretty funny. Eren: I have 2 favorite scenes. One time I was allowed to spend a whole afternoon just riding an e-scooter. And then we were in a skatepark and I was doing tricks the whole time. I really felt myself. I thought I was awesome. It was an e-scooter with some glitter on it, you know. The other scene was, I had to make dosas (samosas?) in one scene and I was cooking and baking the whole time and Chris was in the background saying “Eren, stop forming penises.” And afterwards I was allowed to eat them. Nhungi: the... Eren: the dosas.  Aidan: Naomi what was your favorite scene? Naomi: To write, you mean? Mmh for Isi…. the party scenes or when Isi screwed something up together with the others. For example when they crashed the car. Whenever action was involved. Or fight scenes. That is fun to write. Aidan: Good last question. Thank you! Thank you a lot (to the guests and the audience) applause
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soul-dwelling · 2 years
you think Okhubo is just incapable of doing a good story, or is it his vices that ruin it, and if he actually tried and took criticsm to hearth he could do something great? Like if he removed all the problematic and pandering aspects of his writting, could he archieve something great, or does he simply lack the "chops" for it without any fault of his own?
I’m going to end up rambling, so I’m going to divide up your question into parts and ramble about each.
(Spoiler warning for the endings to Soul Eater and Fire Force.)
“Do you think Ohkubo is just incapable of doing a good story?”
Having read an unofficial English translation of his final remarks in the last volume of Fire Force, and having looked at what turned out well in Soul Eater (both the manga and the anime), I do think he is capable of doing a good story–or, rather, that he has ideas for a good story. But I don’t think he has risen above what Soul Eater offered, because actually making that story work is the problem. 
On some days I think Soul Eater is a great story; other days, I think it’s just a good story. And I don’t think Fire Force exceeded beyond Soul Eater. I think that message in the last volume of Fire Force and how the overall series turned out show he had a big idea in mind (meditations on religion and human imagination; how people feel about death–seeing people around them die or their own deaths). But I don’t think Fire Force reached the potential Ohkubo was going for–or, at least, I just disagree with how he tried to respond to those meditations (as I’ve whined before: he simultaneously treats religion as stupid and something rational people shouldn’t believe in–while also saying humans are stupid and need religion to keep going; he has death taken more seriously in Fire Force, but rather than continue to take it seriously, he does death cheats for the sake of thinking he’s showing off the power of human imagination–Shinra re-making the world, Arthur using video game logic against Dragon, that fucking awful Tamaki fight leading to a random Karen disappearing). 
So, I’m stuck between one of two notions. It’s either that I just don’t like how Ohkubo handled his own messages, while having to acknowledge what good there was in artwork (even if I think Soul Eater was far more inventive in character designs, and even as I think a lot of the action in his works can be hard to follow) and what is creative in his works (but it’s hard to get impressed by the Arthur vs Dragon fight that Ohkubo’s annoying stans think is the best manga sequence of the late 2010s/early 2020s when it just comes across as a half-baked Scott Pilgrim ripoff). Or it’s that, whether I agree with his messages or not, Ohkubo just did not produce a good work. When his message just comes down to, “The power of imagination is what leads to religion, and religion is dumb, but people need religion to keep going,” it’s a silly message. 
And I think it’s a message that I don’t think was sustained well by the series, thematically like a mess. We have firefighters here to emphasize the meditation on life and death, but we need religious elements forced into the story to also make this about religion, and I think the two are in such tension without helping each other. This should work: combining these disparate notions should make something that is iconic. It’s memorable–for the wrong reasons, as I associate so much disappointment with the series. But it’s not like Soul Eater where that Gorillaz-esque visual style is iconic. There’s not a panel that I think summarizes the series’ disparate elements: there’s not a panel that shows both firefighting and religion in one image that I think is a summation to the series, not like that one promotional image from the anime of Maka and Crona, both looking like they are under the influence of madness, that communicates one core element of the series, or the shadows formed by Maka, Black Star, and Kid in the anime’s first opening, showing madness or familial influence overshadowing them. 
“Is it his vices that ruin it?”
I’m not even sure it’s his vices that ruin it, it’s what he does with those vices–and a lot of the problems aren’t vices, it’s him perving on underage fictional characters. 
Not to defend vices in fiction, but fiction itself tackles topics that either are not always going to be appeal to a mainstream audience, or are not for polite company. Comics creator Ty Templeton talks about how a story can satisfy all of the Seven Deadly Sins; I don’t quite agree with all of Templeton’s argument, but of course you can write a story that has vices–sex, violence, etc–and have it be a good story. But what makes it “good”? If your goal is just to have a really sexy story, sure, you can do that: there are plenty of “plot, what plot?” smut fanfics that work. If your goal is to make a really violent story, sure, you can do that: there are enough action films and animated series that are just bloodfests. But to make something really good or great, you need there to be something significant. 
This is the hang-up I have with the worst parts of Soul Eater and just about all of the ending arc of Fire Force: what is significant about dumb fanservice gags, what is significant about death being cheap and just here for the violence factor, if ultimately you aren’t saying anything through that use of sex and violence, and if you aren’t using them to move the plot forward in a meaningful way or a clever way or the best way to get that plot moving, and what is the point if it’s not only poorly done (not sexy, not really that violent) but actively distracting from the story (Black Star spying on Tsubaki at the end of the manga undermines getting anything significant out of their partnership), or undermining character progression (after all of her work to get stronger, Tamaki’s fight at the end reduces her role to only sex and leaves her in the ending of the series not helping her former team around the world–making her work to get stronger seem pointless because she’s just given up helping her team), or cheapening any feeling we get at the conclusion (why should I care about how bloody Arthur’s fight was if he’s just going to show up at the end completely healed?). 
“If he actually tried and took criticism to heart, could he do something great?”
I’m going to be weaselly and not quite answer this question, and instead answer another set of questions.
I don’t think he needs to take criticism to heart. Everyone has criticism to offer. A creator can’t respond to every bit of criticism because, eventually, the criticism is mutually exclusive and you can’t respond to one piece of criticism without failing to respond to someone else’s criticism: “Add more action!” “No, take out action!” 
But I do think he needs to take good criticism to heart, and that depends on the goal he has in mind. If his goal was to make a popular shonen series, he succeeded, so a lot of criticism I have to offer won’t help: I’m not in the age or national demographic for immediate sales of Fire Force to matter, especially when the final volume of Fire Force just outsold the most recent volumes sold of Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia. 
But if his goal was to make a memorable series, I’m not convinced. I wish he had made a story that said something more significant to make the religious thread as memorable as what we have had in other popular works. I wish he had made a story that made discussions about sexual objectification, controlling your own body and how you want to be seen, and the problems with fanservice more memorable. I wish he had made fights that were easier to follow and more dynamic. I wish he had started with more memorable character designs (the Fire Force designs just don’t stand out like Soul Eater designs do–which has its pragmatic reasons, the Fire Force Companies being a uniformed organization that literally wears uniforms, while the DWMA pretty much allows any costume). I wish that there was a fight in Fire Force that was as memorable to me as the Crona versus Maka fight, or All Might versus the first Nomu, or an action beat as memorable as Luffy telling Sniper King to burn the World Government flag.
Rather than listening to criticism, then, I wish he had a better set of editors who were directing him to something better. Again, “better” is subjective, and I’m not in the demographic for his story. But I don’t see Fire Force lasting like other series do. I don’t see it still being memorable like Fullmetal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, or even stuff like Madoka, Cardcaptor Sakura, Soul Eater, and other popular but not “the big three” / “tentpole” manga out there. I think a better editor would have directed Ohkubo’s talents to something that stood out and got the kind of attention other breakthrough manga have: there’s a reason Spy x Family exploded in popularity (and sold just about as well as the final Fire Force volume) because it fills so many gaps (the right mix of comedy, action, and meme-able image reactions, with just enough “sexy” about Twilight and Yor and just enough blood and violence without going over the line to be something too family un-friendly). 
“If he removed all the problematic and pandering aspects of his writing could he achieve something great?” 
Or, rather, if he took what was problematic, and made it something that, while problematic, is problematic because it lets you say something significant (you have to point out something problematic if you are going to respond to it, tear it down, or oppose it–you have to quote really awful language or show really horrible things to fight them), that would work. 
And if he took what was pandering and used it to make us change our point of view, that would work.
For example, he pandered to the audience with the ridiculous “Fire Force was a prequel to Soul Eater all along” crap. What if he instead used Fire Force to change how we look at Soul Eater? He wouldn’t have to contradict what he said in Soul Eater, but he could show a new understanding of his earlier work, and maybe respond to problems in that work: “Isn’t it weird how in Soul Eater I didn’t take death as seriously, while in Fire Force I have?” By making Fire Force a prequel, it still feels to me like regression to the earlier Soul Eater thinking. It also has the world go from taking death too seriously until they feel despair, to now just not giving a shit about death, which is just swinging from one extreme to another. If he used that pandering fanservice to enrich Soul Eater, rather than contradict its messages, worldbuilding, and canon, that would be incredible.
There are numerous series and franchises that add something late in development that has you re-read or re-watch what came before and gain new appreciation for what came before, or helps explain something that didn’t work before, or finally gives attention to someone or a group of people overlooked: Doctor Who, Star Trek, the Marvel Cinematic Universe–all have done something, sometimes poorly but other times really well, that takes old canon and enriches it. I don’t get that from Fire Force–I get a series that threw a monkey wrench into what we thought we knew about Soul Eater, and rather than giving a satisfying answer, is disappointing compared to what our own headcanon told us. 
“Does he simply lack the chops for it through no fault of his own?”
Ohkubo has shown he can draw and panel incredibly well. He has shown he can come up with such incredible characters with so much potential in their personalities, stories, motivations, and designs. He has shown an interest in complex ideas and a desire to try to figure them out. I think he has the chops; I just think his worst instincts (those vices) and a lack of guidance from an editor to direct those instincts towards something better (“take this vice, and use it this way to appeal to an audience without being gross, or take this vice, and use it to say something meaningful and not just cheap fanservice and pandering) has harmed what he could have accomplished. I think he recognizes complex ideas--but doesn't know how to explain them, or how to give satisfying or at least interesting answers to complex questions. I just don’t think Fire Force will ever be his masterpiece; a masterpiece should show all you learn and condense it to its essence, whereas I think Soul Eater synthesized all of his ideas and potential more clearly.
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hekateanwitchcraft · 4 years
Oh you don't have a boyfriend to celebrate with? Big surprise, no one wants to settle down with an attention whore. I know your type. Maybe worry about how no one will ever love you because of your bullshit and less about being a martyr for sympathy. You only shared that to get more people to feel sorry for you, real manipulative shit. If you actually wanted to "grow" you would have thought about it more than pasting it on the internet.
Okay what the fuck is your problem? You think I didn’t think about it? What gives that idea? Seriously? What is your evidence for the idea that I didn’t think about it? That I’m not thinking about it? I shared that as a promise that I’m going to attempt to be more cognizant of my actions, not for attention. If I was so desperate for attention I would’ve made up some sob story about how much that hurt me and shit, but I’m not a manipulative asshole. I’m trying to open the door to people feeling more comfortable giving me criticsm by showing I’m a reasonable and understanding person. Posting it on TikTok as well is me trying to tell people, as I said, that you “don’t have to do this” to criticise me. I’m literally trying to create a culture of accountability on my page by making clear that people can express their issues with me without being afraid of my reaction. And how, pray tell, have I not followed through with that? Have I done something in the one day since posting that to illustrate that I don’t care about it? Have I done something offensive or condescending? No. On TikTok I posted one original video, other than boosting a video about Marilyn Manson being an abuser, and it was literally me doing what you asked of me, minding my business and trying to make productive content. You must have some kind of severe inferiority complex if you feel that the video I posted was a problem. I was literally explaining what Theogamia was. There was no other content I made. The only other thing I posted was the Theogamia ritual on here? Which also, just a ritual. No condescension or elitism present. Your issue with me is clearly due to some personal thing which has nothing to actually do with my behavior or wanting to see me present myself in a different manner. I think it’s funny that you’re the one who accused me of needing help, when I haven’t even done anything and you’ve flipped out on me. Literally telling me no one will ever love me???? What is wrong with you?
Have I maybe been unintentionally condescending before? Sure I can believe that. Has my tone come off as aggressive in previous content? I have trouble controlling my tone so I can absolutely understand that that happened. But never have I been mean or denigrating to someone, calling them names or saying shit like the things you’re saying to me. So your reaction is incredibly inappropriate and uncalled for. You need to get a hold of yourself. Messages like these are the kinds that can literally inspire people to take their own lives. That’s not me or where I’m at right now, but you need to think about that before you do this to someone who will take it that way. I can take criticsm, but this isn’t criticsm, this is hateful and you clearly need to work on yourself and how you deal with your emotions.
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arraley · 4 years
Overhaul x fem!Reader Part One: Not only Heroes need attention
Welcome! Apparently you stumbled upon my very first FanFic EVER. Thank you very much for stopping by I appreciate it. As you can see, this is just Part One. This part ddoes not contain any smut... yet. In future parts there will defnitely hard smut going down but i got carried away with telling what´s going on. Please be easy on my language as english is not my mothertongue. Also for the convienience of my story Eri does basically NOT exist here. I know kinda shitty of me but I didn´t want to write strong Angst or about the child abuse. I love Overhaul though and think he is an incredible interesting villain and deserves more attention. I want to try to reflect him as good as I can and stay true to him but also be ablee to make him get a relationship with the reader at some point. So please enjoy this way too long introduction! Part Two will be started soon but will need time to come down. Constructive Criticsm would be amazing! 
fem!Reader, Blood/gore, hospital themes, Bullying, sexual offence at work ( you have a disgusting coworker), sexist behaviour, villains and heroes, moral conflicts
Art: Fanart made by me
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“It's just some smallfry villain, don´t worry about that and tend to my wounds first, I have to get back to my patrol soon, so hurry and get to your work.” the bearded man in front of you growled lowly and snapped his fingers right before your face loudly. His action made you wince for a mere second and your searching eyes found his intense stare. The heavy judgement in his dark blue eyes laid upon you, making you drop your chin, trying to avoid his gaze and rather looking at your comfy white sneakers as you started to gather the materials you needed for your work. Clamps, disinfectant spray, bandages, needle and thread, gloves for your and your patient's safety and so on. This was your everyday life and the thing you loved to do. Observing the human body and it's habits, treating sick and hurt people with everything you got no matter how desperate their situation is, tending to wounds, healing. Biology and chemistry, the way cells behave in a different environment and towards different substances, how they could change just by adding some other atoms. You chose this lifestyle early on in your life, loving to play nurse and doctor when you were a little kid. As a young child you had started reading medical texts already, looking at pictures of organs and the human body, it's in- and outside, that would disturb other children with the biggest interest, caring for other kids that hurt themselves on the playground when they fell during a play of catch without being afraid of blood. When you were a young teenager you practically devoured the knowledge in a rapid speed and soon the teachers couldn't answer your questions anymore. Skipping entire school years cause you were much more advanced than others you started asking well known Doctors difficult questions via EMail, writing to professors over the entire world just to quench your hunger for knowledge. In this period your brain might as well have been a sponge, soaking every bit of information up. Nothing could stop you from achieving your dream. And in a world filled to the brim with powers, a world ruled by villains and heroes, where everybody participated to the utmost and had their purpose, mostly well fitting to the Quirk they called their own it was not easy to stand out. 
Well, somehow you managed though and here you were. In this clean hospital room, smelling strongly like desinfectives, with a grumpy hero and a villain that was barely conscious, who had obvious bruises and bleedings, who moaned and winced in pain, leaned against a wall which would not be the same snowhite as before, now stained with red blood and dirt. Obviously the bad guy was much worse hurt, maybe even in a critical condition considering his chest was rising and lowering in an unstable pattern. Yet, your duty was to heal the hero first, who had just a small cut on his lower arm that was barely bleeding. The priority is to keep those healthy who protect lives. They come first, they are the pier that keep society stable. It was the first harsh rule that got drilled into your head when you had started out in a hospital that specialized on treating people that were involved in the mess between good and evil. Here only Heroes, Villains and civilians that were caught in those battles and got hurt in the process were treated. It was not only one of the biggest institutions of its kind, also it's reputation was the best. Actually you were honored to have a job in this hospital considering your current situation. 
Still, you could not just ignore the person in obvious pain behind you and you held back shortly before you started the first step of treatment on the hero's arm. The villain´s  labored breathing gave you a splitting headache and your fingers trembled as old memories creeped up in the back of your mind and a cold shiver ran down your spine. Slowly exhaling through your nose you locked your (E/C) eyes with the hero's eyes in front of you again. “Excuse me Sir.” you stated in a polite and soft tone, your voice sounding oddly echoey in the room “I think this person over there needs the first aid much more than you right now and I ask you to hold out a little longer, please.” With that you turned on your heel and immediately bent down to help the small man on the ground, checking his pulse and vitals. The villain had  small figure making his dirty and blood stained clothes seem slack on his body. His face being so contorted you were sure some bones were broken. Blood was running out of his nose constantly making the word concussion appear in your head right away. Though his entire body was shaking and his right arm looked awfully dislocated you carefully patted his shoulder trying to get his attention “Sir, it will be alright, I am gonna give you something against the pain and then check on your wounds, please tell me if you feel any deterioration of your current state. I need to check for internal bleeding and…” before you could continue the standard medical explanation to your patient a gigantic hand smashed brutally right next to your head against the wall. The force was so strong that the plaster fell partially off the wall and sank down like little snowflakes.
The vibration of the smash ran through all the walls of the room. In spite of the bad feeling that was rumbling in your stomach you turned your head carefully to the left, eyes travelling along the muscular arm until you could see the face of the furious hero. The dark blue eyes shined dangerously, the mustache of the man shaking along to the vibrations he had sent through the room. “A vibration quirk? Or just power enhancement?” it shot through your head before the hero opened his mouth: “How dare you little Missy? I am a hero and I just caught this villain as he tried to rob a general store. It's my right to get treated by you so I can continue saving people who obviously cannot help themselves. People that are weak… like you” he spat out the last words like venom and you could feel the heat radiating from him. Everything, his eyes, his pose, his tone was intimidating to your small figure.
Anyone else would have ducked their head and mumbled an humble apology, as the impressive hero tried to talk down to you and your unthankfulness. But you were not anyone. The older man couldn´t know that those words started an old fire that burned in your veins and neither of you would have expected that you´d glare right back at him and stating in a low but sarcastic tone:”Well, I like heroes like everyone, but only if they don´t cry about a little cut like certain people in this room and are obviously having violent tendencies. A general store you say? For that you hurt a person that much? A hero should be able to contain safety without going totally overboard, beating a person so much up. Shouldn´t you try to save villains as well and if it's just from themselves? Aren't they humans either? People that just lost their way? What do you know about this person, why he robbed this store? Do you know any of his reasons? And don´t tell me you had to break nearly every single of his bones to get him cuffed up. You just enjoyed beating him up didn't you? I am sure you did go extra hard on him after the press showed up right? Isn't that so? What a nice hero you are!” you snapped, ending your monologue pretty loudly and standing your ground in front of the hero. Shoulders were rising and falling with every heavy breath you took, fists clenched tightly, fingernails pressing into your palm until it hurt. Your legs were trembling of pure anger you felt rushing through your veins but as reality slowly settled back in for you as you looked him yet again straight in the surprised eyes, it came to you how rude you just had been, your own eyes widened and gasping loudly you put your quivering hands in front of your mouth keeping it shut tightly. Somehow you knew that you just really screwed it up. 
Just one day later your worries became reality as your supervisor, nobody less than the boss of the clinic called you to his office. When you stepped in you could already feel the air being thick and heavy as the tall man with shiny grey hair, strict facial features and orange eyes fuming in anger. Sitting straight and neatly in his expensive leather chair and his hands laying next to each other on the table you felt like a lamb going willingly into the lion's cave signing it´s own fate. Gulping heavily you sat down on the small chair in front of his massive oak desk. Pressing your legs together and throwing your ankles over one another you pressed your palms together against your stomach looking at your hands. The knuckles slowly turning white from the pressure you put onto them. You hadn't looked him in the eyes once yet, since you had entered and screwed them shut now as he slapped his hand on the tabletop in front of him loudly making you shrink together on your chair like a schoolgirl about to get scolded. Well, the situation was very similar to be honest. 
The boss was not necessarily a bad man but he ran the clinic and there was a lot of competition in Musutafu. Still he had managed to make the clinic one of the biggest ones of its kind and the reputation was great among heroes. All the bigger names, even some from the Top Ten, came there for regular check ups or after longlasting fights to get their wounds treated. Regularly the media tried to get glimpse of a hero or villains coming into the hospital. How he achieved it was clear: marketing, discipline, hard work and most importantly leading all the other doctors, who all wanted a piece of his cake, with an iron fist. That were the ingredients to his recipe of pure success. But now you had strayed from the given path and he did not take that well. 
“I took you in cause I really thought you have potential Y/N.” he began with a low tone that was laced with his anger. “It's really rich of you that you apparently try to ruin the hard earned reputation of my clinic with your childish ideas and wishes. What is the first thing I had taught you myself? Care to repeat the very first thing I taught you after giving you the internship and possibility to work as a real doctor when nobody else was interested in a quirkless healer?” Because of his harsh words you couldn´t stop the tears that started building up. Yes, it was true you were quirkless. One of the rare 20% of the world population. But why was everyone just seeing that? You are only 19 and already finished your medical degree, an upcoming doctor. In fact you had the best grades of one of the best medical schools in Japan. You had been above those that had quirks that could close fleshwounds, stimulate nerves or excite the immune system of a person. But that had not stopped you from treating people and making great advances in biology coming up with great hypotheses that could change the view on the human body despite it having a quirk or not. Yet, barely anybody paid interest in you and your abilities and your behaviour was a problem too. Too nice, too empathic, too calm, not business enough. That was what the boss had tried to always get out of you since you started one and a half year ago and this was already the second time you slipped. The first time had been a similar inconvenience where you denied treatment to a proclaimed local hero you had judged as too harsh in their behaviour towards law breakers. If you couldn't convince your boss now he would get rid of you and then it was over for you. But that also meant to betray your ideals and hopes…
“We...I-i… Heroes come first.” you gulped out and saying this turned your stomach around and made you feel sick. He hummed in appreciation of you remembering his lectures and his fingers drummed on the table. Something he would do when he was nervous or in thought. “Very right little One. Listen Y/N. I like you and your abilities. For someone in your position you do a good job. I could start preaching now about how much nonsense your view on this matter is and what consequences your disobedient behaviour can have for you but I am sure you understand your place. This is the very last time I hear of any kind of incident like this. I will let every other doctor have an eye on you. One more slip of yours and you are out, understood?” he ended coldly and waited for your response. Standing up you bowed slightly and mumbled a ´Thank You Sir´ before leaving the room in a trancelike state. Outside of his room you steadied yourself against the wall and your breath came out in shaky bits. Just now you realized how much your body was truly trembling and the tears that stained your cheek. So close. You were so close to losing your job but some lucky star prevented it. No matter what would happen now, you could not allow your feelings to get the better of you anymore.  
 It was too dangerous for your future, the future you had tried to build up so desperately. You wanted to help people so badly, good or bad but if you would continue this you had no chance to make this a reality. Tightening your shoulders and standing up straight you breathed in and out several times and tried to slow down your fast beating heart by irrationally putting your hand on your sternum rubbing the skin slightly until it was a bit reddened. 
As you didn´t want to linger around in front of your boss's office longer than necessary you walked slowly away from it, stuffing your hands in the pockets of your white doctor coat, your white sneakers squeaking a little bit on the light grey linoleum floor, while passing some of the room high windows that showed the wonderful skyline of the big city on this warm summer day. As the boss´s office was high up in the skyscraper like clinic you had an iconic overview over the metropole. The sky was colored in a beautiful bright blue, some white fluffy clouds and the sunshine rays reflected on several roofs of the city blinding the eyes of the viewer. Musutafu was full of life with hundreds of cars dashing through the streets, pedestrians rushing on the sidewalks and in between some cyclists. High above the scenery you could see a plane or helicopters flying through the sky like a bird. If you were lucky you could even see some winged heroes dash through the air like the current number two. Your eyes travelled down and you were faced with your own reflection in the glossy window. Looking at your reflection you could not really decide if you hated what you saw or were happy with it. Under your doctor's coat you wore the typical white pants and a pink shirt, indicating you were allowed to practice and take shifts on your own but were also still in training. You definitely were on the smaller side and your normally shoulder long (H/C) hair was tied together in a rather messy ponytail swinging behind your head with every motion. The roundly shaped face and soft features gave you a young and fresh look, your (E/C) eyes making you look incredibly friendly and slightly innocent behind the thick glasses you had to wear as your eyesight was ridiculously bad. Honestly it was as if mother fate decided that it was not unfair enough already that you hadn't been born like 80% of humanity´s population. Without the extra strong glasses you could barely see the outline of people and were absolutely helpless. The world was an absolute blur for your bare eyes. The thought made you blow up your cheeks a little giving your expression a cute pout. Nobody close by had a quirk that could heal your bad eyesight so far or they weren´t specified for your case in general. But it didn't matter, you just put it as another point on your to-find-a-cure-list of diseases and sickness in the world. Probably the only selfish thing you wanted to do in your life. Sighing you looked yourself in the eyes and palmed your cheek with the warmed up hand from your pocket facing your fate.
Yes, you would be a good one now and do everything as your boss told you to do, so you could achieve your goals. 
Three weeks have passed since the “talk” you and your boss had and the situation had calmed down a bit but still wasn't necessarily pleasant for you. One of the doctor´s you really hated and couldn´t respect at all had his eyes on you like a hawk from now on. He never had taken you seriously anyway, making sexual advances towards you, telling you regularly to give up and just become a nice and passive little wife as that is all that you were good for. He made you sick to the core but you could do nothing to stop him as he was the shining star of the hospital and good friends with the boss. So you decided to just eat his unnecessary comments and silently compete with him. As your abilities were clearly superior and he knew it as well as you did, you assumed that this is where his insecure behaviour and belittling of you came from.
 Because of this it was no surprise that, as you came out of the restroom after a short break in your night shift, you saw him leaning against the wall close by leisurely. His blonde hair was slickly tamed with shiny gel, his teeth were blinding white, the jawline sharp, his face and toned body like one of a greek god´s depiction. Many females in the hospital were dreaming about the pretty and charming doctor from a foreign country but you only got the bad kind of goosebumps when his striking blue eyes ogled you as if you belonged to him. You ignored his gaze blankly and tried to pass him, your head held high, but before you could he grabbed your wrist firmly and made you stop in your track. The smell of expensive aftershave surrounded you and the thick scent made you feel dizzy. Although you were normally a lovely and nice person, trying to accept everyone as they are, you could barely stand Trevor. You knew how it was to not be accepted by society and looked down at and he didn't make that situation any better for you. Unwillingly you looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, tugging your wrist back as a silent request to leave you alone. His wolfish grin only grew wider and his grab on your wrist strengthened nearly painfully. You were pretty sure you´d find a bruise the next day on the same spot. 
“Well, hello there pretty child. Still pretending to be a doctor I see? When will you finally give this up and date me? You'd make a pretty pretty little maid for me (Y/N). Why don´t you finally realize submission is a release for someone like you?” he cooed into your ear leaning uncomfortably close into your private zone. The degradation coming with his words made your blood rush into your ears and you gritted your teeth violently. You could feel your own pulse fastening rapidly and the acid in your stomach rise up from poor anger. Yes, you really tried to be accepting and you had taken a lot of bullying in your life already, let alone for being quirkless. But his words stung worse than a hornet´s bite. And yet you couldn't fight him back as you feared the consequences. Being on thin ice already it was basically impossible to do anything against him as he could doom you easily. Also it was rough for you to blow a fuse. Being loud or putting people into their place was not necessarily your strongest trait. On rare occasions you suddenly had the courage to stand up, like two weeks ago. When a patient's life was on the line it came much more natural to you to get loud and fight for one's rights.  But normally you were too timid to act on your emotions as they came creeping up on you especially if it was about your own well being. And when it came to the old feeling of being bullied by someone in a stronger position you did tend to let them do with you as they pleased, functioning as a cheap punching bag.
“Please, let go I need to return to the emergency room” you mumbled trying to loosen his grip on you and rushed away. After long nights in the E.R. lately, the punishment for your slip up, you have had barely any sleep leaving you with barely any energy left and the situation was getting to you even more than it usually would have. You felt as if you were at the verge of tears and you felt your bottom lip trembling which made Trevor break out in a cruel laughter. 
“Naw, look at you all cute and calm. I like them like that.” he marked cockily and pushed you closer to his body but before panic could settle in both of your radio message receivers beeped obnoxiously loud leading to him finally letting you go. Giving his device a little side look he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, showing his arm muscles off in the process. “See you later little birdie, duty calls!”. With that he confidently walked away leaving you behind, disgusted but also relieved nothing more happened. Supporting yourself on the wall you shook your head in disbelief of the scene that just had played out and with shaky hands you looked at your receiver. Apparently the emergency room needed you back at your spot so you breathed deeply in, stiffened your shoulders you jogged along the hallways to the emergency room. And that is when hell broke loose for you and your life. 
The E.R. consisted of a big room on the bottom floor of the building with a comfy waiting area for the patients that weren't as badly injured and close family members that had brought them there. As the sofas were made out of brown leather with big pillows to support ones back and smaller birchwood tables with the newest magazines about fashion, health and heroes in front of them it gave the room a kind of living room atmosphere with a speck of green in form of some plants in the corners of the room. There were several smaller examination rooms, all equipped with the highest quality and newest technological devices to guarantee the best care for patients. It didn't matter how severe the cases were, that were delivered by the ambulance into the emergency room, the quick and precise work everyone did here, nurses as well as doctors was evident due to  the high survival rate of critical conditions. Even on days with a high visitor frequency there was a certain organization and tidiness required and present in the ambulance. That's why the current state of the normally busy but organized area confused you even more. 
There was a gigantic mess in the emergency room which was quite fascinating for the fact that it was four a.m. in the early morning. Even in this big and lively city most people were asleep by now but apparently that hadn't stopped these people from making a chaos out of the clinic's E.R. in a short matter of time. Still standing in the entrance you looked with big eyes at the scenario that unfolded in front of you:
The five nurses were cowering in the back of the ambulance in a cluster of people with clear confusion and a hint of fear in their eyes. Two of them even supported each other, clearly unsure of what was happening or how to behave right now. In the middle of the E.R. Trevor was standing, his hands on his hips and a condescending look on his face. Everywhere around him and the nurses were papers flattering around or laying on the ground, most of them being sheets patients had to answer about personal data, allergies, insurances and so on. Your eyes followed the direction in which Trevor was looking at and the first thing you realized was the dark red color splattered across the mint green tile floor which reflected the blinding light of the ceiling, which led from the entrance area to the middle of the room. As you tilted your head the metallic smell of copper hit your sensitive nostrils and you realized with your tired brain that you were looking at blood. A lot of blood. Following the puddles of the red liquid with your eyes you saw three pairs of shoes standing in the biggest puddle yet and you raised your eyes up the legs of three men that dominated the ambulance with their presence. As you saw them your eyes widened even more than before. Calling their outfits and behaviour suspicious would have been an understatement. Normally you wouldn't easily judge people but everything about them screamed villain. 
The man standing in their middle, who seemed heavily injured was very tall and had an immensely toned body. Everything about this male seemed to be hard muscles. He easily was several heads taller than you and his hands looked as if he could crush heads like juicy watermelons. Though his hands were covered by sturdy metallic gauntlets, held together by some thick leather stripes, his outfit itself was quite unspectacular besides that, the only thing that really was outstanding next to his black combat trousers, boots and the sky blue button-up shirt that was hanging loosely around his hips as it was tucked into his pants was his former white Polo Shirt which was drained in dark liquid, more blood, you assumed. There was barely a white speck left on the shirt and it seemed like there was still more blood flowing with each second that passed by. You frowned when you realized that his face was hidden behind a full-covering black mask, which kinda reminded you of a killer whale with a bird´s beak, that allowed his wild and messy orange-red hair to stick out in the back. His head was hanging low and his breathing labored but he still mumbled some incoherent words which you weren't able to understand from this distance. 
The wild looking man was being held upright by two other, smaller men flanking his left and right, each one having one of his arms around his shoulders to support him and his shaky legs. As the one to the left was quite smaller than him, his outfit seemed a bit more interesting. The traditional looking dark grey yukata which was held together by a white cloth that was functioning like a belt and his simple light brown leather boots seemed a bit outdated which was fitting though to his calm facial expression you could make out as he was wearing a mask as well, but in comparison to his other two companions did not cover up his eyes. Three dark brown stripes that were going around the sides of his head and were covering his ears as well as one that went in between his eyebrows into his spikey blonde hair held his bird beak like mask in place. The mask itself was a simple dark brown leather and the beak was bent towards the ground slightly. Sadly you couldn't make out his eyes as he seemingly kept them close giving him a look as if he was meditating.
To the injured man´s right stood a man or woman in a long white trench coat and sturdy black leather boots peeking out underneath it. The inside of the hood was a wine red which strangely complimented the full face covering mask the person was wearing. The mask itself consisted of a dark brown leather beak which was framed by a golden metal and where you assumed their eyes to be were some outstanding black goggles. 
The two supporters were panting heavily, most likely as they mostly had to carry their big friend as he was barely able to stand himself let alone walk. You shook your head in disbelief. If they really were villains they were the first ones that had the guts to actually enter this hospital. Normally villains that came here were accompanied by the heroes who beat them in a fight and let them patch up here before bringing them to the police or the prison. It was unheard of villains coming into the hospital and the rules said that villains coming in alone should be reported straight away for the safety of the personnel and heroes that were in treatment and not strong enough to do anything against a villain attack. But this hasn't occured in all the time you worked here nor in the history of the hospital. Taking some steps forward so you stood next to Trevor you asked:” What's going on in here?” your voice sounding much more curious than scared. One of the nurses took a step forward and exclaimed:” These people are here cause they want medical attention but they seemed sketchy so we asked Mr. Hendersson to help us” and gave your least favourite person in the room a shy smile, who didn't even give her any attention. Frowning you turned to her and let out an annoyed sigh. For these nights you were the executive doctor for the E.R. and not Trevor and the nurses knew this. Most of them worked with you and accepted you but they did not respect you so it was obvious why they had called your nemesis in though he shouldn't have a say in this. 
“And I just asked these thugs to leave our hospital. They are dirtying the floor and pollute the air with their villainous presence” Trevor spat out aggressively and crossing his arms in front of his chest staring at the three men with a raised eyebrow. The hooded figure raised his head:”This is a hospital isn't it? We aren´t belonging to some lowlife villains so don´t worry about that. Just start some treatment our friend here has taken some beating and requires medical help. We will reward you of course” a male voice which was calm but slightly laced with exhaustion probably due to carrying the bigger male. Looking at the three men you tried to assess the situation quickly. With how much and how rapidly the man was losing blood you were sure he wouldn't be able to walk out of here and get somewhere else to get a proper treatment. Even though he was constantly mumbling something and trying to move around and stand straight his head plopped down from time to time onto his chest. Following your instinct you licked your lips and approached the suspicious trio. “I will help your friend, just bring him to examination room two and put him on his back onto the examination table.” The hooded figure gave you a short and what you assumed to be thoughtful look before he nodded shortly and started dragging his friend along before Trevor stood in their way. 
“One moment! You won't do that (Y/N). Are you out of your mind? We aren't helping some rats from the street. Just look at them.” He turned swiftly towards you and glared at you but as soon as he saw your determined face a small smile played around his features. Like a predator he came towards you and leaned down to your ear so only you could hear him which made your entire body go stiff:”Don't tell me you plan to go against the hospital rules...again. Seriously you really are only a pretty face and no brain are you? You do realize that I will tell the boss everything about this right? As soon as you go in there with these guys I will give him a call and tell him how little quirkless you is willingly treating some thugs in his precious little hospital. How you went against my word…” His big hand came up and layed heavy on your shoulder gripping it tightly under your coat and shoving you forcefully even a bit closer to him. “You will be fired (Y/N) and then what? I will ruin your reputation. I will tell everyone how bad you are. Heh, though maybe thats only good for you and I can give you some money to finally get you into my bed cause that's the only thing you will be good for then.” His warm breath washed over your ear and you let his words sink in. If you were by any means selfish you would call the police right now, tell them to leave and let this guy bleed out. You would continue your career and then what? Live with the shame to not have done what you believe in. Just working for the fame of being a good little doctor in a well known clinic. Just for the price of blowing all your morals into the wind…
Snap. Like a red thread under too much tension
The next thing you knew was how Trevor stumbled backwards holding his face and yelling out in surprise. One of the nurses screamed in terror but was fastly shushed by one of her colleagues who feared that attention could be drawn to them but you barely paid them any mind. Blood was flooding out of the doctor´s nose like a cascade and you watched in awe how his normally beautiful shaped face was crunched together in pain and covered in red. You looked down at your fist which was now bruised and covered in red stains as well. You arm was trembling and your breathing was going uneven, your heartbeat going several miles per hour. The thoughts ran like a wildfire through your brain. Yes, you had just punched your superior. Closing your eyes you tried to steady yourself. Apparently you had chosen your morals over your job. Now you could go all the way till the bitter end. The trembling in your limbs stopped and you looked at Trevor with a stern face. Both of your eyes met and he halted in his movement just staring back and for the first time you felt something like an ascendent feeling towards the normally superior male. “I will go and treat my patients now” you exclaimed with a soft voice stepped forward to the examination room nodding to the hooded male, who had watched the scene unfold in front of him and his friends, motioning him to come along. You held the door open for him and the others and closed it behind them. While the two heaved the big one onto the examination table you washed Trevors blood of your hands, dried them and put on gloves. Taking a deep breath you put on a professional face and turned swiftly around to them, coming over to the table and start several electrical devices, like a heart rate monitor which you would need during the examination and connected your patient to them. His vital function were stable but barely so. His heart rate was a bit to high but all in all he wasn't in a as worrisome state as you originally thought. His body was tone, he was in a great shape so he could take the blood loss, it probably just had made him dizzy but if you treated the wound fast enough he wouldn't need a transfusion of blood. Carefully you lifted his shirt and frowned at the big wound obviously caused by a sharp object. Carefully cleaning around the wound you quickly observed that the wound would need several stitches which would definitely leave a scar. Speaking softly to your patient you explained the situation and what was about to happen to him but he seemed to struggle slipping in and out of consciousness trying to talk. Regarding your caring nature you didn't want to ignore him so you leaned closer to his ear:”Excuse me Sir what?”. Just in that moment he jerked up, snatching your arm. Eyes widening in shock you gasped in pain as his grip had a bone breaking energy behind it for a man that was barely conscious. “Fight Me!” he yelled out before coughing violently. His two friends said both clearly annoyed to let you go and stepped forward to help you loosen his death grip on you but you just motioned them with your other hand to stop and with apparent confusion in their face. Valuing his behaviour and statement real quick and considering his outfit, the gauntlets on his arm and his strong body you were sure you had it do do with a man that never goes down, fighting till the last, which was what you had to play against him. You faced your violent patient and leaned towards his gigantic masked figure:”If you don´t let go right now there will never be an opportunity to fight ever again. You want to go like this? A pathetic stab wound? Not going down in a literal fight but because of the aftermath? Let me help you fight again… please.” 
Even though you concentrated your eyes on the giant man in front of you, you could feel the gaze of the other men in the room upon you and the air felt heavy enough to make you lick your lips.Very slowly the warm and giant hand of the man slipped down your arm and he kept calm. If it was because he lost conscious again it wasn't being able to be seen in his body language or his vital signs. You swallowed down the saliva that had built up in your mouth, got the sterilized needle and threat as well as the disinfectant spray and started working on the wound. Except the moving of his abs nothing indicated the pain he must have felt while you were giving him his stitches. The examination room was quite while you worked quickly and in the end covering the freshly treated wound with big band aid that covered the entire thing. Exhaling the air out of your lungs shakily and got rid of your blood stained gloves, washing your fingers under the cold stream of water at the little sink. Behind you one of the men cleared his throat so you turned around to him looking at the hooded man. His mask did not allow you to see his eyes which highly started to get on your nerves a little bit and just started talking before he could say anything:” He is okay but will need rest. After that  little incident I assume you will have to bind him to his bed or something along those lines to make him rest. So do it. The band aid covering the wound needs to be changed daily, at least. Be careful or it will infect and that would be very dangerous, okay?” you explained in your most professional tone. The hooded man just cocked his head slightly and nodded:”We will be on our way now before things get ugly here.” and you nodded in agreement frantically. Dark thoughts washed over you though. You should probably pack your things as well. Turning the door handle of the examination room you swung it open just to be washed over by a smell of a strong, expensive smelling cologne and you were faced with something metallic appeared right in front of your face which made you stop in your motion immediately. Your widened eyes followed the metallic piece in front of you upwards until you looked at a pair of amber colored eyes paired with long lashes which stared right back at you in a hypnotic matter. Calling you startled at this point was a massive underestimation. Taking a sharp breath the smell washed even stronger over you and made you feel dizzy. It was different from Trevor´s disgusting odor. This was a masculine and strong smell with a dark note, which made you crave for more as it was dominating your senses. Flattering your lashes you shook your head to clear your thoughts and you swallowed heavily. This was paired with a heat that emanated from its source towards you. 
“Excuse me, Doctor.” Shaking your head slightly you pressed your eyelids together and looked down trying to collect your thoughts. This man's voice was deep and elegant coming over you like a relaxing wave shaking you up to your inner core. Carefully raising your head you allow yourself to take his look in. 
His short and umber colored hair looked thick and well taken care of, shining in the bright hospital lights. The skin of this man was light like ash wood and absolutely clean of any impurities. As you had discovered before his eyes were framed by beautiful long lashes, topped with sharply arched eyebrows and his iris was of a full golden color even though you realized that his eyes held something cold and calculating in them. Sadly you couldn't see the bottom of his face because it was covered by a deep black medical face mask fitting the black button up shirt paired up with the white tie and black slacks he wore which ended right above his ankles. The feet were covered by some simple white sneakers which were remarkably clean. You realized the gloves on his hands which were similar to the surgeon gloves you wore here all the time. 
Not sure how much time had passed since you had started taking his appearance in your cheeks flushed and you cleared your throat in embarrassment as you realized his raised eyebrow and the condescending look he gave you. “Yes, how can I help you?”. Was your voice always this raspy? Looking over your head he frowned for a short moment and it wasn't a look on his face you really would ever want on you. 
“I believe my men have lost themselves here. The nurses informed me that you took care of them Miss (Y/L/N). I am here to pick them up and excuse the inconveniences they may have caused you.” Again. This incredible soothing voice. Slowly you nodded your head just to then frantically shake it. “No. No they… it was just unexpected. Ehm, I mean my boss probably isn't happy but it's okay I will find a solution I wouldn't just let your men down because they are v-... They are… ehm… They came here under special circumstances.” You ended your sentence after a lot of stutters and shakiness. He hummed as a response and considered you with another intense stare. Both of your eyes locked and you didn't back down even though it was intimidating to you and you felt the blood rush into your cheeks rapidly as well as your heart beat faster. “Let's go then.” he declared darkly and turned around to leave the hospital, his men squeezing past you, both of the healthy men supporting the patient and about to leave as they came. Staring after them you meekly stumbled into the main hall of the emergency room close after them but before you could say anything two other persons blocked the path to the outside of the hospital. You passed the group of four men and stood in front of them. Your boss and Trevor stood there, Trevor with a smug grin plastered on his face and your boss with a facade of pure anger. They didn't say anything. There was nothing that was needed to be said except the one word your boss said with so much venom in his voice that your entire body tensed up. “Out!”. 
Even though you had expected this after making your choice you didn't expect it to hurt so much. Just nodding you took off the doctor's coat you wore which belonged to the hospital and laid it down on the register counter then hurrying out of the emergency room. 
Once outside you breathed in the cold night air and let it fill your lungs. Your entire body was shaking and you didn't even realize that tears were slowly forming in your eyes. You had taken the risk and lost your job. It was a game over for you. Was it really worth it? Standing up for your morals to help some criminals? Wrapping your arms around your small figure you just stood there processing what had happened just now not hearing the footsteps closing up on you. “My men have told me what happened. Thanks for taking care of the situation. Can we help you out in any kind for the cooperation you helped us with?” The dark but stoic voice resonated behind you making you turn around on your heel with a small shriek looking at the tall man like a mouse looking at a cat. Your breast was heaving and your pulse was running several miles per hour. After recovering from your shock you took a step back from him, frowning:” Why would you give me anything? I am… I was a doctor. It is my job to help people.” you stated questioning. He blinked slowly while observing your face and he raising his hands with the palms to the heaven up in an opening and innocent motion. With a sigh he simply said:” In my business one hand washes the other. And I definitely don't like to owe someone anything. So I rather get this out of the way now than having to deal with it later.”. 
You nodded in agreement and looked down shyly. “I made it my job to help people whose life is on the line. Your friend was heavily injured and looked for help. My boss´ policy didn't go along with mine so this separation would have happened at some point anyway. I did not study medicine intensely to only care about the wellbeing of some heroes who think they can conquer the world.” Your last words came out much more bitter than you originally intended them to be and your eyes widened and you slapped your hands across your mouth. Not being able to help yourself you broke out in a nervous giggle and you looked at him in shock. “Just forget what I said. I am rambling. Just blurting out some things. I hope you have a good life and your friend will be well. Take good care.” you blurted out and turned around nearly running away through the dark city towards your apartment without looking back at the mysterious man. 
He just stood there for another moment looking after you with the same stoic expression. “Chrono.” he said with a stern tone feeling the presence of his right hand man right behind him. By now, him and Tengai should have loaded the hurt Rappa into the car he came with here. “Yes, Overhaul.” Chrono said calmly right next to him. The cold air of the upcoming colder season washed over the two men who were still standing on the sidewalk close to the hospital's emergency entrance. “First of all you will need to explain to me this disaster of tonight´s mission. Whoever is responsible for this better have a good excuse that I had to come through this pest filled town in the middle of the night. Second of all, you said this doctor is quirkless?” he asked his old childhood friend looking at him from the side. Chrono nodded:” Yes, I overheard it in that conversation she had with that other doctor who wanted to throw us out.”. 
Overhaul hummed and his golden eyes looked down the street where you had disappeared to. “Find out everything about her. She might be of use for our cause” he ordered Chrono who bowed slightly, following him into the car to drive back to the base. 
Your life would soon take a turn you had never expected.                
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silverfrostheart · 4 years
Current list of RWBY ocs (cus i have a problem....)
Felicity Orchesa-A cheery optimistic girl who is actully the illegitimate child of weiss's father and Mara Orchesa. She knows about her sisters and only wishes to get to know them. Already knows to stay away from mr.schnee. tends to be abit awkward at times though
Appearance-She has heterochromia and dual hair colors. One side white one side black.
Semblance-Symphony Glyphs-uses music/rhythm to summon the signature Schnee glyphs she inherited.
Weapon-A bladed custom metal violin. Named Songbird
Seth Silvers- A rare twin tailed cat faunus from a big major faunus city. Him and his human adopted sibling are considered the princes of the city. He's trans male and is stubberon as hell. He has a temper but is also very sweet. Is puzzled by his odd semblance at times. Loves music (alot of my characters love music xD) knows how to play quite a few instruments. Is in love with Qrow Branwen
Semblance- Freezing Blaze- essentialy can summon and control a freezing silver fire. Can rage out of control if he isn't careful
Weapon-Disconnecting Chain Scythes that can fold into guns. Named IceShard
Sexuality-Gay AF
Pronouns-He/Him (Trans male)
Race-twin tailed white cat Faunus
Echo Silvers-A sweet nonbinary bean who loves to help their brother as well as other. Is short but do not underestimate them. They can be a challange. Is a nerd for Valley Hearts (RWBYS version of kingdom hearts) so they modeled their weapon off a Keyblade. Is very understanding and tries to see both sides to a story. Was adopted into Seth's family as a baby. Their bow is their treasure
Semblance-Nudge- Can use their aura to push an idea to someone. Hates using it because they worry it can be like mind control in a way
Weapon-Sniper Keyblade- named LockHeart
Pronouns- they/Them/she/her (nonbinary)
Carmesí Vanguard-A sprightly but anxious kid who is born Half grimm. He can use some Grimm abilities but prefers to try and use his weapons. He wants to try and become a huntsman because he understands that the non human feeling Grimm are a danger amd people suffer from them. Can draw energy and power from negativity. Surprisingly devolped a semblance
Semblance- Eagle eye- can see alot farther than most people. Good for aiming
Weapon- A bladed bow and dust arrows. Named Lockon
Sexuality-unknown. He's kinda a babey solo he hasn't figured out any of that yet
Pronouns- he/him (Cis-Male)
Race-Half human/half Beowulf grimm
Smoke Vanguard-a kind hearted but stern man who actually is a Grimm that gained a human form and human emotions. Was taken in by Celia Vanguard who taught him everything he needed. They fell in love and had Carmesí. Smoke still has acsess to his old form but can also summon parts like his claws and fangs. He loves his son and has grown to love humans. Understands like his son that his unaltered kind endanger humanity so he fights against them as well.
No semblance
Weapon- a glaive who's bottom snap apart and fold into a gun- named Strikeback
Pronouns-he/him (cis male)
Race-Beowulf Grimm
Sparrow West-The illegitimate daughter of Qrow Branwen and Aldria West. Aldria was a woman who qrow actually loved but sadly got too scared to continue being with. He left, but a week later he got worried and decided to check on her only to find Aldria was pregnant. He then quietly got confirmation the child was his. He started leaving money month by month until little sparrow was born. Sparrow has her father's mischeviousness and his temper as well as his determination and smart alec wit but she also has her mother's patience and gentleness. Knows about her father as Aldria understood why Qrow left. Was told all about him and saw pictures. She aspires to be a huntress because she wants to follow in her father's footsteps. She's inventive and built her weapon herself.
Semblance-WindDance- can manipulate wind. Also mysteriously inherited Qrows brid change ability. She can turn into--of course-- a Sparrow
Weapon-A wide blade Rev-Sword. She managed to wire together a combustion engine and a wide blade. Based it off her favorite video game series character (Yes Nero from DMC shush.) Weapons name is EmberWind
Pronouns-She/her (cis-female)
Aster Young (Formerly Aster Ironwood)-a snow leopard faunus and bitter ex-husband of James Ironwood. He's a newscaster for Atlas. He's tired, angry and sad but is also sweet and determined. He wishes for the old days as he still is in love with James but they got divorced because aster knew James was just going to keep chosing work over him. He is set on only the truth and has not been afraid of broadcast his criticsm of ironwood's decisions off air on another more selective program as he wishes to keep his job.
Race-Snow leopard faunus
Semblance- Beast mode- a spiritual like spectre appears over him and gives him more depth of his animalistic tendencies.
Weapon- Dual bladed Scimitars with an iron retractable strings hooked in them. The hilt is also formed like Brass knuckles so they have that fuction as well. Named-Snowfangs
Pronouns- He/Him (Trans male)
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First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat. Long post!
MUN NAME: Bambi / Eden     AGE: 18       CONTACT: IM, Ask, Discord (search discord up on my blog)
CHARACTER(S): a shit ton
CURRENT FANDOM(S): Dragon Age, rdr2, assassin’s creed, star wars (sorta??)
FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  Modern verse, r.dr2, da, skyrim (haven’t touched my bio for it for a while so I may have to touch it up a bit) and that’s pretty much it for any au verse. They’re just crossover verses.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: ONE-LINER (it happens but I tend to not favor it) / 1 PARA / 2 PARA / 3+ PARA / NOVELLA. / ALL
DO YOU POST MORE IC OR OOC?: IC / OOC. ( varies, but overall I tend to post more ooc? )
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  im me or talk to me over discord
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER: Not too much? I’d like for there to be a plot in mind, but I can understand if that’s not the case. I’ve had instances where I want to interact with a character, but have absolutely no idea in mind. Usually sendign in an ask meme can help in that regard.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  I strive to not be one-sided myself, but I do have instances where I can’t think of anything. I’m not sure? Maybe ask the other person if they’re into it or if something else is at play (dealign with real life problems and it just affects their mood voerall).
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I always try to give ideas of my own if I have any. Coming to a equally agreed, general idea is fine. I’ve had instances where I was on both sides of this, but I always try to add input and be equal with the other person.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - AND WHY?: Sometimes I don’t notice it, but sometimes I do. Generally, I like to know, but I understand if someone doesn’t wan tto reach out. Just at least try to let me know and we’re fine. 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?:  It depends really. Sometimes I just don’t have muse for a thread, or an instance where I have dropped a muse entirely. Sometimes it can be timing, but that’s rarely the issue. Most of the time it’s just I can’t think of anything and I feel like it hasn’t really gone anywhere? I have stuff in my queue for a while, so soemtimes it appears that way until it’s posted and I’m sorry about that.
WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. ( I do have instances where I was forgetful and I haven’t told my partner int he apst adn I’m sorry about that. )
IS COMMUNICATION IN THE RPC IMPORTANT TO YOU? YES / NO. - AND WHY?: I don’t need to be tlaked every day, but stronger friendships ( ooc & ic ) are formed when I talk to a person. It doesn’t need to be often, but it helps me understand your chaarcter and your approach. With that, I can come up with ideas and understand you rmuse more. I understand if people aren’t fond of ooc chatting, that’s completely understandable to me.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: Criticsm is a good way to grow. Criticsm is different from completely bashing a perosn’s portrayal and not giving any pointers (ex: “your portrayal sucks.”). Or even for a person. If you feel like I am portraying something wrong, like depression or something similar, let me know. If you feel like Lydia’s adhd isn’t properly portrayed, let me know. 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: All of my muses are written and taken an interest in for different reasons, sometimes I don’t even know why I decided to write them. I roleplay because I love exploring different characters and dyanamics and it’s easier for me to write like this than forming my own story. But a goal in mind? Be a good rp partner I guess? Or at least try to make things interesting and try my best to portray my characters correctly or in an intruiging manner. 
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  Varies on muse. I have different plots in my wishlist tag: ( wishlist ). 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   Potential triggering content ahead. Rape, noncon, abuse, incest, drug use -not alcohol- ( lyrium I can write fine, it’s just the realistic stuff I can’t do. ), inappropiate under age stuff. Themes where I write a stalker. Sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and racism will never be mentioned by any of my characters. I won’t write smut probably ever, so themes with that I tend to not write. Very likely more, I just can’t think of anything. Within dragon age, I do have a characetr ( Sera ) who will refer to elves as elfy-elves and be pretty anti-elf, which can be triggering to others. Also, animal abuse or gore of any kind.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: I can’t work with starters that don’t really have any dialogue (handing something over with nothing vocally said is fine, but when someone is just sitting there, that’s harder to work with unless somethign is plotted). Generally, I like outside circumstances to be explained (locaiton, where in a game/setting this might be occuring, etc), I really like when dialogue is added and body landguage is explained/noted.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  Honestly? it varies. I tend to really be into deep, complex characters or characters that appear can be sterred in that direction with more added. Bubbly, energetic characters, fighters (typically female). Quick witted or flirty characters & mysterious types. 
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  I hate using the term but mary-sue/gary-sue. I hate saying that, but if a character has no flaws, I won’t be interested. Or characters that seem to just be placed there with no development. 
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I try to add as much effort, or at least a lot of effort, in replies & interaction. I am very open-minded and when I get passionate about soemthing, you can really tell. I am easy-going, so feel free to tell me if you want to drop a thread or have a concern. I tend to work well of other’s people’s ideas, usually able to add my own.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I am slow and my queue tends to be slow since I try not to overhwelm myself and stress myself out to the heavens. I try to reach out, but sometimes I just can’t think of anything to say. My muse can be very flickle at times, so replies to stuff can vary. My msue tends to be more for ask memes than replies at times. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. ( I love ships, but I am selective with it and require chemistry -unless I know your muse and you occ super, super well-. It’s nice but it isn’t he full focus of this blog. I want to explore my characters and witness other people’s characters and their development. )
WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: Varies on muse, but for my rdr2 characters I’ve been really wanting a sorta of “outside” character where they aren’t directly involved in the gang, but they are in a relationship with oen of their members. Where my muse,w hose in the gang, will tell you rmuse about it and the whole aftermath of everything. Where their partner will understand to an extent, but try to undestand? if that makes sense? I also want enemies to work on a job/project together and deal with that. But this all also varies on muse.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO / DEPENDS.  ( I find it easier to write to assume people knwo each other, but an immediate friendship isn’t required. Like my muse may know yours or hear about yours, but they haven’t directly met you before ). 
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: I have a large amount of different muses, but all of my muses all bring something new to the table. Want a guy who seems nice, but can be an asshole with a flick of a dime, who has a secret betrayal plot hidden behind his back? Pick Robert. Want a guy who’s humurous but seems to be hiding under a fake persona? Pick Charley. Want a female assassin who’s very talented anr professional in her work to a fault with her work-alcoholic ways? Pick Evie. Want a sweet and caring character with a heart of gold and will give you advice and comfort? Pick Cassie It depends on the plot, too, but I try my best to add as much to reply to to another. If you ever want more added, tell me! I could give multiple plots, so it’s really hard to put something down.
WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  If someone isn’t interested or outwardly hateful of my muse without a valid reason when starting to interact. Beign enemies is fine, but maybe we could write how it became that way? This really varies, so don’t let this steer you away. Just give me something to work with, brign soemthing to the tbale, and I’m usually fine.
WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, WHAT IS THEIR GOAL?:  Varies on muse. Robert: fame/recognition, a legend made out of him. Charley: just to live life happy? He wants to be okay money-wise. Evie: to take down the Templars & help the people of London, not fail and always be successful and outwit her foes. Cassie: everyone around her happy. Sean: His gang to be successful, btu also be sucessful himself, he wants to be admired as well.
WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  Just using the same muses lmao. Robert: Someone who just listens to him and isn’t quick to make fun of him. Charley: If they have a sense of humor and someone he can stand, he’s pretty much fine tbh. Evie: If they can give her any information or aid with her cause. Cassie: How they are feeling. If they let her just listen and seem more open than closed off. Very personality-based. Sean: soemtimes looks, but mostly if they have a similar personality as him.
WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Evie: devotion, kind spriit, efficiency, loyalty. Robert: willingness and empathy despite having little himself. Charley: Honesty. Cassie: Consistency. Sean: reliability. 
WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  generally all of them like books (except Sean), events around them, their interests.
WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  For half of them, anything mundane or boring. Anything that isn’t relating to anything that’s spoken around / surrounds them.
DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  Robert & Charley (more Robert) witnessed a murder, Robert actually doing that act. Cassie: hearing about the violent nature of her father’s death. Sean: the things he went through with the bounty hunters.
WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  A gunshot or anything that could overpower them.
IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Sean: rich people, Scots for some reason, English people sometimes. When someone disagrees with him on soemthing he is passionate about. Pronouncing and Irish word wrong. O’Driscolls & anyone that’s an enemy of the gang. Evie: Templars, Starrick & Lucy Thorne. People who lie or misled her or others. Injustice. Robert: Someone makign fun of him tbh. Charley: People who don’t plan out anything or are really reckless.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO.    - BEST WAY TO APPROACH THEM?: Talk to them. Initiate a conversation. Pretty much that across the board. 
SOMETHING YOU MAY STILL WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: None of my muses are perfect. Some are worse than others, but generally msot of my muses will listen to you and usually be nice to you if you appraoch them well. All my muses are different from one another, so expect different results / reactions
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
TAGGED: stole it
 TAGGING: steal it and pelase tag me ! I want to see your results
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kemonododo · 4 years
Decided to rewatch the whole series after seeing the finale, here's my thoughts as they come along part 2
This fight between Catra and Adora is where it all comes to a head. Adora begging Catra to follow her, Catra begging her to stay. Catra denying Adora the satisfaction of saving her, then pulling herself out of the portal as a corrupted monster. Adora seeing her true friends put their trust in her, then immediately see a horrific monster in the form of her love take their place. Catra lets everything out here, how she hates Adora's hero complex and how she blames Adora for everything. It's just so raw.
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Of course, the best part is the punch. Adora is no longer going to take Catra's hate, she is done. In her own words, she made her choice and she has to live with it. That final death glare is everything. This is the lowest point Catradora will ever face, and it takes Catra proving that she is willing to change for Adora to see the good in her again.
Angella's sacrifice hits a lot harder now that we know she's dead for good, something about the "trapped between portals stuff" convinced me she wasn't when I first saw this. She died still believing her husband was dead, and the last true conversation she had with Glimmer was an argument. Hug your mom kids, you never know when you'll have that opportunity again.
This finale has a lot of parallels to the series finale, especially with Adora being convinced her destiny means she needs to be a martyr. That's Shadow Weaver talking through her, something we see in full force in season 5. While Angella here stops her from sacrificing herself, she still has that warped view of what her destiny is, and it takes Catra to finally show her the real way.
That spin is when I started shipping Glimbow.
This final speech by Queen Glimmer is another great example of how the show hides sinister meanings behind normal dialog. Any other show and we'd be cheering when Glimmer focuses on defeating the Horde, but we know the blind devotion to that goal has so many consequences in waiting.
Both Catra and Glimmer look great in their new clothes, it's a fantastic way to show how much they've grown.
The Valley of the Lost is another one of those great more episodic episodes, it's still connected to the whole story but we also get to take a little break and enjoy some a new local with a Star Wars feel with fun antics with Perfuma, Huntara, and Double Trouble. I wasn't sure about DT when I first heard about them, seemed too late to add a new major character, but they're an absolute blast and help give season 4 it's own identity.
Catra's nightmares are just the start of this season's take on her character, this is where we really dive into how unhappy her actions are making her.
Mayor of Elberon got the biggest glow up of the show
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I love how, just, done Adora is with Catra. No more playful teasing, Adora is here to defeat Catra and save the town, nothing else.
Double Trouble is a really fun character, but I'll be the first to admit they aren't good representation. It's bad enough they're the "only nonhumans can be non-binary" architype, but also that they're a creepy masculine trans person who pretends to be a cute girl to get on people's good sides... Yikes. It's a genuine complaint, and one of those criticsms you just have to accept.
We finally get to see some character for Spinnerella and Netossa! They're relationship is one of the big keystones of the season 5 conflict, so it's really important that we had this episode to get to know their chemistry.
Oh Shadow Weaver, how I love you. She's decided Catra and Adora don't have anything left to give her anymore, so she's switched to the vulnerable and easily manipulated new orphaned queen. Glimmer's one track mind on defeating the Horde makes her an ideal target, and Shadow Weaver is again successful in bending a child to her will.
The Glimmer and Catra fight! Glimmer's arc parallels Catra's, especially in this season. Of course she never falls as far as Catra, but I do love that we get just a taste of how this war can sour even the cute sparkle girl.
This final moment with Catra and Double Trouble, amazing. Catra has been mowing through friends, she's already pushed away all the genuine ones, and she's realizing that it sucks to be with people who aren't.
Best way to set up a sympathetic villain, give them a girlfriend lol. Light Hope is tragic, her programming tells her to protect and serve She-Ra, but also to follow her directive. It's something that conflicts in her psyche, and is another strong-suit of this show and it's masterfully written villains.
Princess Scorpia is one of the best episode of the series. Sure the Glimmer drama is nice, but Scorpia... Wow. The remnant of genocide raised in the most toxic place on the planet is the most kind, loving, loyal person to have ever lived. And yet she still chooses to leave. Catra was her crush, someone she saw herself with and promised to be by forever, but even she knows when there isn't anything left she can do. It's a wonderful message and a fantastic episode for one of the best characters in the show.
Mer-Mysteries is actually really well crafted, up until this point all the funny joke episodes have been self contained, but here that's subverted. It's shocking to see Mermista joking around throughout the episode only for it to end with her in utter shock and fear at seeing her home destroyed. Plus the reveal of Double Trouble is great.
Neither Hordak nor Angella was fully invested in winning the war in the first two seasons. It's a good way to escalate tension, as now the Horde's victories make a lot of sense because Hordak is suddenly extremely motivated to win thanks to Horde Prime. It makes the war the first season made such a big deal out of seem paultry in comparison to the slaughter we see now.
I love Sea Hawk so much, he's genuinely funny and endearing.
Bow singing to himself may be one of the most depressing moments is the show. This whole arc of Glimmer and Adora falling out is mostly set-up for Glimmer's choice to activate the heart alone, but it's still really well done and something I really enjoy watching. Something about two friends blowing up at each other, ripping each other apart while the third is left in the ruins is just the angst I can't resist. Catra realizing winning the war isn't giving her the closure she craves and finding out about Scorpia leaving is also a perfect parallel.
Mara is revealed to be a hero all along, what Light Hope painted as a crazed lunatic turned out to be a woman who saved the universe from her own people. It's a beautiful message, and the emotional attachment we feel with her and Razz causes the tears to well up again for what feels like the hundredth time.
The three cadets are great this season, not only do they get some time to shine but they also show how Catra's tyrannical rule is hurting the soldiers beneath her.
I love the moment where Glimmer pulls out the queen card. It's culmination of her arc since the second season, she is finally letting her hatred of the Horde consume her. That shot, the slow piano as it zooms in on her backlit by the fire. Probably one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.
This episode is a monster on my heart, the juxtaposition of Scorpia finally finding the support and kindness she deserves while Catra is suffering the consequences of her own actions. That one shot, a Catra smiling at the news of winning the war only to zoom out at a destroyed room where she collapses on the floor choking on her own tears is a masterpiece.
Even Beast Island gets a glow up
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Beast Island is beautifully Eldritch. A place that sucks away your fortitude and will until you're absorbed into it like a digesting stomach. The show does have a lot of moments where it really messes with the character's heads and I love it.
When the signal begins to take over, Bow feeling like he failed Glimmer, Micah realizing his wife is dead, Adora giving into her insecurities, Entrapta being overcome by the betrayal she's faced, all their eyes going gray and dead. It's emotional and terrifying, something this show excels at.
Shadow Weaver spends so much time manipulating children you'd think she'd have it down to a science, but it doesn't seem to ever work out for her in the end, does it?
Entrapta is a great character because every time she exposits she just sounds so enthusiastic, even when she's revealing terrifying truths, like how Adora's "noble destiny" is to exist as the universe's most dangerous gun.
I love how Double Trouble only had to tell Catra that She-Ra wasn't at Brightmoon, their scenes with Hordak and Catra was just for the drama. We got a great fight and Catra finally getting vibe checked, so I have to say DT well done. Their methods are cruel, but hearing someone say to her face that it's her fault people leave her, mixed with the dissatisfaction of winning while alone is the catalyst for Catra's redemption.
Light Hope is revealed to be the one who stole away Adora, the one who forced her destiny on her. Horde Prime may have been the final big bad, but Light Hope was the one responsible for everything. And Adora breaks the sword, ending her destiny as the First One's intended and saving Light Hope from her programming.
What an ominous ending! Hordak, the big bad from season 1, is left a squabbling mess defeated in seconds, and we are faced with a huge and terrifying new universe with seemingly no hope of going against. The stakes are the highest they've ever been, and even already knowing what happened it makes me excited for what comes next.
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lonely-potatoe-cat · 5 years
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Soooo I feel like I haven't properly introduced myself so I made this little something (also I'm that type of person that always forgets to add certain things so you can expect this to be edited a lot) also I might repeat myself...a lot (also also I was too lazy to draw my glasses so they are listed in the items I carry)
Okay so let's get started
The items I carry around are:
•my sketchbook (which is actually a collegeblog but I'll get a real sketchbook when I'm finished with my curent one)
• my phone and earplugs/phones (???) (How do you say that in english?)
• my pencilcase
• my Nintendo Switch. I mostly play Splatoon 2 and Pokémon Sword (I think I'm more a Pokémon Shield fan tho...)
• a book to read. I couldn't decide which one to draw but then I decided to draw the first Warrior Cats Book from the first season since this series really got me into reading more
• my Nintendo 3D
• my glasses
• and my other smaller sketchbook where I practice my anatomy
Okay soooo more stuff about me:
My first language is german. I speak english very fluent and learn french and russian at school
I have been drawing since I was in kindergarten. I don't know when I started to take it serious but now I'm here and actually post on Tumblr (if you have criticsm of how I could improve please tell me it's greatly apreciated)
I have two cats who sadly don't get along very well...
I forget things way too easy sometimes. From time to time I can't even remember what I ate yesterday
I'm extremly scared of the dentist. When I go to an apointment I always feel like I'm about to get executed (I'm not kidding)
I swear a lot. Like a whole lot. So you can expect there to be some cussing here and there on this blog
I love puns. Especially because I don't get normal jokes. You could tell me one and I would only be like: what?
I also don't really get sarcasm
I actually prefer talking in english because I really like the language (and some things really sound better in english lol)
Sometimes I get really nervous when people yell at each other even tho they are not yelling at me. I don't know why but I just don't like yelling
I hate to admit it but I'm small. Sadly. (But I don't know how tall I am right now) I just get really triggered when people call me small. I actually have a story for this where one of my classmates with no context just scooped me up and carried me in bridal style. (Also if anyone knows what 160 cm in foot and inches are please tell me because I don't really know)
I'm a bit of a perfectionist and can get really frustrated with myself
Okay soooo like I said, this will probably be edited a lot. What I want to post next is some stuff about my OCs introducing them to you etc. I just really wanna do that soon ^^''
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arnold-layne · 5 years
1, 6, 22, 30, 44, 46 :D
thank you so much ily!!! <3
1. things that inspire you
will it be silly if i say ideas
because i see a good idea which resonates with me and go absolutely apeshit and want to get it down so others can enjoy it with me
6. how did writing change you?
well, i certainly became better at writing essays :D also to think twice before giving someone unsolicited criticsm because it actually hurts so much. also planning can do wonders sometimes
22. favorite story you’ve ever written
oh god this took me a lot of time to figure out…. maybe this one? (part 2, part 3). it was supposed to be a silly high fantasy crue concept but turned into something that could easily become a full-length novel and i even thought out the plot of this novel but it’s pobably never gonna be written
and in russian it’s this one. it just turned into such a beautifully fucked up little thing, and also it rhymes a little because i was in a phase where i was trying to develop that rhythmic, flowing style
30. hardest part of writing
alo editing but it’s not as hard as it is a pain in the ass
44. do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?
linear only because whenever i try to break the order of the story just a liiitle my brain just straight blacks out because of such audacity
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
i think y’all know what story this is from
There was little that Mick hated more than shoplifters. This little included the system, his back and Kiss fans. A typical example of the latter had just appeared in Mick's shop, all heels and tight pants, wearing more makeup than a hooker, eyes barely visible underneath a black messy mop of dyed hair that’s been hair-sprayed into an otherwise physically impossible shape. He hadn't done anything wrong yet, but Mick had enough experience to be able to see through little misfits like him. And this one was definitely up to something.
It was usually quiet in his little record shop this time of the day - most people still at work, with an exception of teenagers skipping school. Mick didn’t have much work to do and could watch closely every little fucker's movements while pretending to be stocking up the shelf nearby. Twenty minutes later his intuition yet again proved itself trustworthy. The boy grabbed a record from the farthest shelf and hid it in his oversized jacket. A swift, adroit movement of a professional that would go unnoticed by most people. Not by Mick, though.
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