#I have way too many thoughts about her and how she dumbed down every freaking scene she was in. graham i love u can u be the doctor PLEASE
crowrelli · 7 months
i binged 13's seasons in prep for the release tomorrow. and um. um. why did no one say how freaking insufferable she is...
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medium-rare-bimbo · 11 months
Thoughts in thoughts
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May contain: Dubcon, age gap, dark! Characters, Stepcest, somnophilia + reminder that I am the least likely to be a furry
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ eddie drugging you with an aphrodisiac ♡♡♡ after being rejected so many times by mean! Bimbo! Reader hes had enough and decides to drug you, unfortunately he uses a little too much and you're barely awake, withering in pain You need to cum so badly but dont worry eddie is there to help <3<3
♡ hopper cumming in/ on your food/drinks <3 hes got you sat in his office eating a donut covered in his seed or drinking a milkshake that's extra thick <3<3<3 you're so addicted to the taste of him that you can help but crave him in your mouth!!! Anything you eat or pop until your mouth is usually coated with his cum and you wouldnt have it any other way <3<3<3
♡ dragon! Billy dressing you up in pretty shiny jewellery <3<3
♡ nun reader x demon/incubus! Eddie 👁👁
♡ robin fingering you under the counter as you talk to Steve, shes stood right next to you chatting away as if she isnt knuckles deep in your gummy walls !!!! Hes trying to vent to you about his awful date but you're too busy cumming to care
♡ thinking of eddie x cryptid!(?) Reader who is so curious about human norms and stands outside his trailer every night making strange noises and moving things around. He tries to understand you and talk to you maybe even help you but you freeze and runaway :((( he soon starts sitting outside his trailer waiting for you to come back, you stand near the tree line watching him holding eye contact and barely blinking, You look human but the way you act tells him that theres something off about you maybe you're not all mentally there? Each night you get closer to him and eddie starts leaving food a couple of feet infront of him hoping you get close enough so he can ask you something. When you're close enough to the plate you crouch down keeping your eyes on him as you bring the food to your mouth, you're almost animal like. Once eddie sees that you respond well to the food he brings the plate closer to him until you're sitting next to him and hes having an entire one sided conversations with you. He somehow gets you to come inside the trailer and in his room where you're immediately interested in the lamps and strange sticky magazines. He offers the shower to you after he notices your dirt covered feet but you stare blankly at him and he soon realises that he needs to bathe you himself if he wants you clean. It was no easy task however, you were more interested in dragging him into the shower with you than actually getting clean, by the end Eddie was naked and his clothes were soaked and thrown on the floor but you were clean so his job was done. He proceeded to keep you locked in his room and occasionally let you wonder around the trailer park but ONLY at night you've already gave poor old lady edith a heart attack when she caught you staring at her through her windows </3</3  as much as eddie tries to train you to behave you refuse >:(( you were born to make nests in his bed, stare into nothing and freak him out, watch him sleep, kneed his pillow, it's in your DNA how dare he deny you of your instincts >:000 idk I just think they'd be a neat couple <3 breeding kink is through the roof though jesus
♡ dog hybrid! Steve humping your foot like the degenerate he is <3 or humping anything that fits between his thighs you can leave him alone because he cant be trusted :(( he cums on everything and anything that smells like you
♡ rockstar! eddie takes his favourite groupie on tour with him!! Hes so pussy whipped and he doesnt care for any other girl as long as he has you <3
♡ rockstar! Billy, rockstar! Eddie and rockstar! Steve stuffing their prettiest groupie until shes dumb and only saying their names <3 three holes and three cocks match made in heaven
♡ hopper only eats cookies that are made with his wife's breastmilk (or pregnant wife) !!! >:(( no one else is allowed the cookies she bakes for him they are HIS and he will not share (the baby gets some too but he eats most of them because an entire batch of cookies cannot go to a singular baby plus you produce so much they would just go to waste ♡♡), sometimes he takes the baby and sits then on his chest then splits a cookie for the baby to knaw on and him to munch on, its usually when you're in the shower so you dont scold him for eating before dinner
♡ imagine the kids playing dnd at your house, they leave the stuff at yours and you have no other choice but to bring them back to Mike's, mrs wheeler let's you in and tells you to put then on the table (mike can get them later) unfortunately you drop one of the figures under the couch :(( you bend over to get it but it's all the way under so you have to get down on your knees and look, it's all the way at the back and karen has the beautiful view of your back arched and panties showing. When you finally get it and notice her watching she quickly rushes over to you "pulling down" your skirt and "fixing" your clothes it's not her fault her fingers slipped inside you nor is it her fault that you have her tits in your mouth and are grinding away at her pussy
♡ hopper let's you sit on his fingers for as long as you want <3 your almost always stuffed with his thick rough fingers he doesnt mind at all he licks up all the juice that dribbles down his hand then makes you lick the stains you left on his pants
♡ "ghostface billy!, Ghostface! Steve, randy!/ghostface! Eddie" NO ghostface! Nancy + ghostface! Robin <3 they walk in on bimbo! Reader stuffed with her fingers which dont reach the right spots too absorbed in your own world to care, they were originally going to kill you but seeing your teary eyes as you try to squeeze an orgasm out of yourself makes them feel bad :(( while you're struggling to cum robin does some snooping in the drawers closest to her conveniently it's your underwear draw and she finds your cute pink glittery dildo !! She waves it at nancy who stalks over you, holding your body down and a hand over mouth you squeal and try your best to kick her off but it's no use as you feel a second pair of hands spread your now clenched thighs. You dont expect the feeling of your forgotten toy to enter your cunt nor do you expect to hear female voices come out of the masked figures, there are hands all over you and you cant stop jerking your hips. You cum harder than you ever have and you're not sure when one orgasm ends and another one begins </3 you dont come to school the next day your legs too sore and body covered in marks, when you do however nancy wheeler and robin Buckley are oddly interested in talking too you especially when you dont say anything about the two women in masks that fucked you dumb <3
♡ vampire eddie has a vile of your blood and you have a vile of his cum <3
♡ stepbrother eddie who sneaks into your room at night just so he can wake you up with his cock, he doesnt care that you're tired or if you have cheer practice or a test shut up and be his fleshlight
♡ hehehe perv! jonathan definitely has picture of you in a jar that he cums into 👁👁 hes gonna give it to you one day <3 let's just hope he doesnt leave it on his radiator
♡ eddie fucks you to the beat and rhythm of his playlists
♡ dog hybrid! Billy, eddie, steve x dog hybrid! Reader !!!!! Billy's big mean and scary, Eddie's too dramatic for your little brain and steve always makes you feel dumber than you are (he doesnt mean too tho) you always stay away from them especially when they fight but you cant help but gravitate towards them when your heat starts, the problem is all of them want you to have their pups and you can barely walk or move once you heat dies down
♡ I'm a slut for an all boys boarding school x reader !!!!!! Basketball captain! Billy/ swim coach! Billy who likes feeling you up in your swimsuit/ gym clothes, photography student! Jonathan who takes pictures of you in your dorm, delinquent! eddie who you meet in detention and teaches you how to hide under the bleachers so you can both get high and he can get touchy, "bestfriend" steve who shows you around and is basically your babysitter but also comes into your room at night to sleep in your bed, cooking club! Argyle who enters your heart through your stomach, teacher! hopper who always makes you stay behind class and spank you for your skirt being too short, head boy! 001/henry who is always pointing out how every boy wants to rip your clothes off and have their way with you, art teacher! Murray who wants you to pose nude for him but dont worry it's all professional and he definitely wont be showing hopper, orrr counsellor! Murray who listens to all your dirty fantasies and how you're sooo upset that you cant make yourself cum, gym teacher! Dmitri/Enzo who makes you stay behind to watch your tits bounce as you run, teacher! Phil Callahan who gets so flustered when you bend over infront of him idk guys
♡ I'm also a slut for all girls boarding school <3 head girl! Nancy who is constantly "adjusting" your skirt, roommate! Robin who is always feeling your boobs and claiming it's a girl thing, cheerleader! Chrissy who helps you shower after cheer practice, teacher! joyce who rewards you in the best way, teacher! Karen who likes teasing you by running a ruler up your thigh then spanking your pussy. Teacher! Joyce and karen who talk about you in the staff room, eden who is assigned your project partner and cant help but sitting thigh to thigh with you (there needs to be more women in stranger things my pussy cant take this >:( !!)
♡ not to mention boarding school x innocent reader I'm going to kick you in the shins make out with me now
♡ Dustin would absolutely send a succubus Steve's way, by accident, hed find a flyer "get your own succubus" thinking this is a DnD related thing he signs Steve's name thinking he needs an adults signature. you gave steve a heart attack when you showed up in his bed he now has to deal with a dumb succubus who thinks hes her mate and also scold dustin for signing documents without reading them fully. Dustin doesn't know what the problem is, it's not like he got his succubus figurine steve is probably just getting spam mail
♡ stepbrother! billy who always flexes his muscles around you and lifts heavy things to prove how strong he is only to realise that you dont care so he makes a show of moaning your name as he jerks off because that will obviously make you notice him
♡ camp counsellor! Billy who sneaks into your cabin after you push him into the lake infront of everybody, he'll put you in your place dont worry he'll show you how hes supposed to be treated
♡ biker! billy and eddie <3 want them to fuck me on their bikes NOW !!! They're in different gangs and hate eachother but are civil when your pussy is involved <3<3<3<3<3 maybe you're already being fucked by one of them (probably eddie), outside bent over the motorcycle that's now shaking with his thrusts, billy stalks over and starts chatting away with eddie as if you're not struggling to hold yourself up. Eddie plays along feeling you clench up as you get ignored, Billy pulls out his cock as if its nothing refusing to stop the light banter between them and stuffs your throat with it. You're being held up by Eddie's hands as they start pummeling your achey body, you're practically blacking out at every thrust they dont care though. After they finish they dont just discard you, when you come into the dingy bar they hang out at they cant help but sit next to you in your booth and slip their fingers into you, the rest of the members think that they have problems with you little do they know billy and eddie are just whores
♡ thinking about how 001/vecnas claws make cuts and bruises along your hips <3 i do NOT care that he is a scary monster I want him to make me cry
♡ #1 believer that phil Callahan cries after sex, his cock is so twitchy and sensitive he cant help but cry after you make him feel so good
♡ Hank Miller had an audio for this but he deleted it from reddit and it's now on patreon so I cant listen to it </3 :((( (could also be read as billy) eddie steals cars for a living, stealing them for whoever pays highest. The newest sports car model? That vintage Cadillac? He'll get it for you. Hes great at his job, the best in the business that is until someone starts taking cars before the customer gets to finish the sentence. Hes pissed, more than pissed actually, some asshole is stealing his deals. He catches you in the act one night, he chases after you leading him to a warehouse filled with expensive cars, some cars that he hadnt even confirmed payment for, he hunts you down, finding you hiding in one of the cars near the exit. He forces you back into the space you occupied before you could even run, a gun pointing to your head demanding to know what the fuck you think youre doing- hes shocked to know that a girl is cockblocking his pay. Hes threatening you, telling you to back off before you get hurt, hes got your arm in a twist forcing you to spill how you're beating him in this game. He gets angrier as you explain that you bugged his phone, listening in on every conversation he has, there was practically steam pouring out of his ears as he spews insults at you. During his rant you grab the gun that hes throwing around loosely, flipping him over and aiming the gun towards him, he stutters out apologies and asking if you could possibly work this out. You dont have the mind to care not when you're sitting in his lap with his hips jerking up as he tries to escape the weapon in you hands. You're not sure how you ended up like this but you're bouncing on his cock, gun still in hand as you tell him how pathetic he is, how he let a GIRL over throw him. He doesnt take lightly to this snatching the gun from you hands pointing it under your chin threatening to keep going, his hips thrust up into you when you struggle to move, he soon decides that he couldnt care less about the gun and throws it to the side, grabbing your hips before throwing you back on his cock, your hands grabbing anything you can possibly find to stable yourself from the abuse your cunt is facing. You end up being partners in crime, living together and owning a cat called marmalade <3
♡ prison boyfriend! Eddie/billy <3<3<3<3 phone sex, and nudes sent via letters !!! After every visit you give him a kiss goodbye where he takes the opportunity to grope you from under your skirt, the prison guard doesnt know if he should separate you or let you go at it, the show is nice but it's not professional, the handcuffs around his wrists dont allow him from going any further but hes pleased with the juices you left behind, sucking them off his fingers as hes escorted back to his cell
♡ prison chief! Hopper rewarding prisoner! Reader after shes been on her best behaviour <3
♡ ABO 👁👁 not a furry but I love the thought of going into heat and having a big strong alpha fuck me dumb !!!
♡ rockstar! Dilf! Eddie fucks the babysitter!!! He cant get enough of your pussy especially not when his bitch of a wife is not putting out for him but instead other men, he loves how wet and warm you are for him, how you take whatever he gives you, how you dont accept the extra money he gives you, how you treat his toddler daughter and baby son so well and how you would be the perfect mommy for them. Hes already caught his daughter calling you mommy before, you're here more than his wife so it's only natural
♡ king! Steve wants a hier none of the princess will do instead he wants the little maid who works in the kitchens
♡ beauty and the beast au with hopper !!! Hes a big strong beast and he cant help but pin you down as you're running away from him, forcing his thick cock into your tight little pussy.
♡ the original perv Jonathan would 100% fuck his stepsister while she sleeps, hed try to be so so sooo gentle as to not wake you, letting you stay ignorant to the assault hes about to put you through, but once hes inside you he cant help but get overwhelmed by how good you feel. He covers your mouth when you wake up, encasing your body with his to stop you struggling, his thrusts dont stop as you squeal and kick. Hes like a dog, panting in your ear as his hips refuse to stop, muttering apologies as he cums inside you
♡ argyle holds your hand when you lazily grind on him, hes giggling and making jokes as his swollen head bumps against your clit making you jump.
♡ robin thinks you're so pretty, youre a church girl dressed in frilly socks, mary Jane's, flowy dresses and ribbons. She feels disgusting for how she feels about you she knows that you would think shes disgusting, that the thought of kissing another girl was disgusting. She struggles to be around you, hoping this childish crush would leave her body but it seems to grow stronger as you get persistent about becoming her friend, you invited her over for a sleepover (at first she thought this was going to be something else when you mentioned your parents not being home but soon shook the thought out of her head) you didnt let her sleep on the floor somehow convincing her to lay on the bed. You peer down at her as she lies on her back awkwardly complimenting the room you sleep in, she barely has time to react when you lean down and place your lips on hers shes so shocked that she doesnt even kiss back, when you pull away you look terrified and start spewing out apologise before running to the bathroom and locking the door. Robin tries to convince you to come out but you're crying and feel disgusted, you thought she liked girls and you've ruined a perfectly good friendship, she tells you that she was going to kiss back but she just didnt expect to be kissed by her crush, you make your way out of the bathroom shyly hiding behind the door as she eases you out like a scared animal. Robin makes sure you're better by making love to you, shes soft, tender and sweet as she assures you that you're not disgusting <3<3
♡ priest! Eddie who makes you confess all the bad things you've done while he stokes his cock, you touched yourself to the thought of boys? Girls too? He has no other choice but to make you repent for your sins by sucking his cock
♡ period sex with vampire! eddie he loves watching his cum dribble out of you mixing with your blood. His ketchup and mayonnaise packet all in one <3
♡ 001 getting angry after his punishment and taking it out on his favourite nurse, forcing you against the nereast surface and Making you take his cock
♡ I used to have such a big crush on the bowers gang from IT I have no idea what was wrong with me anyway that's not important, the thought of eddie, billy, Steve, Johnathan bullying their favourite girl into being their girlfriend <3<3<3 they're so protective and possessive of you and guard you like dogs. Constantly around you shielding you from anyone's eyes
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saiidahyunie · 2 months
airplane pt.2
minatozaki sana x soccerplayer!reader (remixed) || pt.2
synopsis: the world’s game is calling, but will you be able to kick off your feelings in time before sana loses her chance?
warnings: fluff ; bit of pining ; a pinch of slowburn ? ; angst if you really squint
a/n: long explanation at the end of the fic!
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the good news was way too good to be true, but you’re blanked out from all the white noise in your head to even listen in the first place. 
“i-i literally don’t know what to say…it’s happening all too fast.”
“oh! i’m not asking you to decide now. don’t shoot the messenger here.” the woman, kim sejong, who was a representative for a professional soccer team that was interested in you clarified while raising her hands up in innocence. “i’m just formally meeting with you so that we can get some potential talks going, that's all.”
sighing out of relief, you lean back into the chair between you parents, the both of them laughing while you try to hide your flushed face. 
sejong stands up from the chair, turning back to see dex, nodding to him while he nicked his head towards you. the camaraderie was mutual between all parties while she grabbed a card from her briefcase. 
“my contact information.” she hands the business card to dex.“it’s good to finally meet you and i hope we can stay in touch.” sejong says, smiling to you and your parents exchanging nods and goodbyes before being led on her way out to the front door. 
you were literally just having a normal day with some free practice and the one of many dates/hangouts already with sana just twenty minutes ago, but here you were in a state of shock as to what’s being realized in your head: the contract offers. an actual signature for a team that was interested in your talents—to dumb it down even more; you were about to go pro. 
dex comes back with his hands clasp together while your mom tries to make you snap out of your daydreaming again, shaking you while you brush her off in a slight annoyance. “well, i think that was one of the more interesting things to happen today, don't ya think?” 
“dex,” you try to gather your thoughts together, “how did you—”
“i didn’t call or ask around this time, she came to us.” 
you nod. “makes sense, never mind then.” 
“great news either way! from what i heard at rin’s camp, she already signed and sealed her deal to the interested team.
“what?” your mom exclaims in surprise, hand over her mouth while you were just left in awe with what you just heard. “she’s already signed?” 
“well, she’s the one who got the first ranking after all, so of course she’d be the go-getter between you two.” dex replies, raising a glass of water to you in a small celebration. “actually, she’s overseas right now getting the final details done and over with.” 
“but the rankings have only been out for a freaking week or so! that’s insane of her to do that i can’t believe it!”
“remember what we talked about y/n, the project we discussed about last time initially was more of a hypothesized approach, given how the teams are currently holding up in the league currently.”
dex slides a glass of water to you, mindlessly taking it to drink while both of your parents started to leave the table to get on with their responsibilities around the house. even though there were still a lot of things to consider, becoming a pro was the only thing you’ve been dedicating most of your life to. you’re still in disbelief that you’ve managed to balance everything in between, but sana’s words rang through your head like a phone alarm. 
“all of those practices and games will finally be worth it in the end.” 
“every step of the way….”
pondering, almost pensive, you shake your head from the thought of what sana would feel if you told her about your contract offers. knowing how supportive she was, you knew that her answer would always be the same as yours. even if you tried to reason with her, she’d win you over anyway—that’s just how she was with you, with her parents, everybody for that matter. 
“is there a deadline that we have to confirm by?” you ask dex, swiping the business card to see the number and signature of sejong’s finely written in ink, looking back at him while he scrolled on his phone texting a plethora of journalists, other big soccer team higher-ups, and even fellow agents trying to get rid of all the notifications on the message app. 
“well let’s not jump to conclusions now.” he laughs, putting out his hand for the business card back. “if anything, we can hold out until january to get more teams involved. keeping you here would be a crime with the amount of phone calls i get on a daily basis. be thankful that your phone isn’t much active compared to mine.” 
“should’ve thought twice before i made you my agent then.” 
“pull up your phone right now and show me your text and call history, i bet it has sana all over it.” 
you sigh again, opening up your phone before sliding it to dex’s side of the table, skimming through the texts and phone calls. he chuckles at the screen of the hours-long calls and short text messages back and forth with sana. having nothing to hide, you just lift an eyebrow with a simple smirk across your face. 
“after all these years, and you still haven’t made it past that stage.” 
(well, you’re not oblivious or deaf to what dex and your friends have been saying about you and sana for so long now.)
“you don’t think more than three times about signing for a team, but can’t bring yourself to confess to the girl that you’ve been crushing on since you were eight? talk about having your priorities straight y/n.” dex adds, not even leaving you a chance to even state your case. 
dex watches you hang your head in defeat of the argument, lightly tapping the table before going on with the rest of your evening doing whatever. “you staying for dinner?” 
“what’s your mom making tonight?”
“chicken adobo, one of your favorites.” 
“nice!” dex giggles, wiggling your hand while you slap his head to stop him. “but seriously though, time is short y/n, are you gonna regret not saying what you’ve been venting to me about for the past two to three years?” 
“lets not bring back that fight we had from a while back.” you quip, “are the news outlets gonna be about me in the next couple of days? ‘
“expect them to be out by tomorrow or the day after.” 
“great, i’ll worry about signing until then.” 
“still haven’t answered my question though.”
“what question?”
your mind may be clouded from all of the contract offers whirling in your head, but muscle memory is your best friend when you seamlessly belt another ball into the top corner of the open net, still impressed at the curvature of the shot.
liz, your fellow vice captain and other close friend, gives you an icy coo when you roll out another ball from the bunch next to the bag, letting it run away before stopping along the grass. “so i take it that the talks are going well?” liz asks, flatly shooting a ball across the ground into the goal. “you’ve been awfully quiet about your side of the whole thing.” 
“i like to keep that stuff private,” you say, “you know how i operate about these things.” 
“but it still doesn’t beg the question however.“ liz interjects, rolling another ball to you before you chip the ball up, dinking the crossbar by doing so. “where do you see yourself going?” 
“who knows?” you laugh out, rolling a third ball back and forth under your foot. “london, rome, japan, korea, maybe even here? it’s still a lot to ponder about.” 
you and liz both look towards the set of benches behind to the side, the sweet sound of laughter filling your ears as sana, tzuyu, and mina all share a conversation together on a break. liz sees your gaze soften towards sana while the small gust of wind blows past through you, leaving little to no motion from it while you’re blatantly staring. 
“all i’m saying is y/n,” liz sighs out, smacking you on the shoulder lightly, causing you to lose your balance. “probably too many times to count at this point, but sooner or later things are going to change drastically. you’ve gotta say something to her, and you’re too oblivious to things as it is.” 
snapping out, you give liz a dirty look knowing that it was a joke before you look back to sana, giving a long lasting daze in which she notices, waving from the bench while you simply raise your hand up in acknowledgement towards the trio. “don’t tell me she drove here too.” liz says, making you chuckle at the thought. 
“god, no.” you say. “after that one time late at night. i had to beg my mom not to give her the access code again.” 
liz kicks in another ball towards the goal, but it’s deflected wide, giving her a nod of the effort. “are you going to spend the remaining time here with sana from here on out?” 
“not today, but next time for sure if i don’t get a text from you asking to get a shooting session in.” 
the next time you saw and hung out with sana, you were helping her with baking some cookies for the sleepover party that she was invited to by momo and a few others. ingredients are scattered all across the kitchen island, utensils and plates fill up the sink, and you’re frowning at the fact that you have two handprints over your chest with sana laughing hysterically at the image. 
“you’re so cute!” sana laughs out, and you shake your head while you put your hands on her shoulders to stop her from jumping around too much. “you should’ve seen the look on your face when i put them on the apron!” 
“ha ha, sana. very funny..” you say nonchalantly, dusting off the remnants of the flour poofed on your body from your hands now that the cookies were in the oven almost done baking, so there was a little bit of extra time on your hands. “how long are you gonna be at momo’s for?” 
“probably for the weekend. why’d you ask?” 
“i thought this sleepover was planned for the rest of—never mind.” you say, taking off the apron before setting it onto the high chair behind you. “since we’re off from class for the next week or so, i thought that you guys would be more excited to spend some quality time together.” 
“well, it’s because you’re too busy with your soccer stuff to have time with us anymore.” sana pouts, a chuckle leaving your nose while you fished for your phone to change the song that was playing on the speaker that sana brought down from her room. “you’re still taking me to momo’s, right?”
“after taking my car to see me that one time, you’re strictly back to being my passenger princess.” 
sana arches her brows in question, causing you to mirror the same look from her face, the balls in her eyes capturing yours while she sets herself in front of you. seeing her like this inside these four walls does something to you on the inside, this gaze that you’ve seen for so many years now—why does it feel like it gets better every time you see her?
“y/n.” sana calls out to you, and you swear something just clicks in your brain everytime you hear it.
“is there…something you want to tell me?” sana asks with pleading eyes. 
you’re thrown off by the initial question. a part of you wants to say what you’ve been wanting to say for three years out of the many with sana. i like you, sana. you. i’m in love with you. always have, for the longest time. everything just seems to wash away when i see you smile. all of my worries and burdens are swept under the rug when we have moments like these. i don’t want this to end. not once, if at all. but, cowardice was always your enemy in life. so you say, 
“well, i’m still waiting to hear from dex about signing and stuff like that.” a lame answer, your second thoughts won again this time. “it’s been pretty quiet for about a day or so, but no. you look pretty with the two buns in your head.” you smile, tapping the back of sana’s hair while she accepts the compliment by smiling. 
“thank you as always, y/n. always noticing the great things about me.” 
(oh, she has no idea. or does she?) 
“anything for one of the prettiest best friends i know.”  you agree, moving a part of sana’s hair before your eyes trail down the features on her face. just like your daydreaming, you’re distracted by the curve of her smile, the way her lips are so easily contoured with the rest of her skin. the universe in those eyes that probably picture sunshine and rainbows wherever she goes. this perfect, yet calming storm that eases you, it’s scary. 
you’re also not helping your case when you have a floating hand next to sana’s head, barely touching your hair like she was some art piece. a soft smile is all you could bear to keep yourself calm while sana lightly blushed from the action, looking down to the floor when the compliment you just said finally registered in her mind. “gosh, why are you—“ 
“shh,” you stop her sentence, “look up for me real quick.” 
sana slightly looks up, her face wildly more attractive with the worry from her eyes along the flush of light pink breaking through her face when you bring your thumb across her upper lip. 
you, on the other hand, are playing the role of some guardian protecting their treasure the way your fingers curl on her chin and lips, wiping away the bit of cookie dough that sat there for too long to get you bothered. eyes relaxing up while sana’s gaze lasers through you like a knife in butter, but you have every urge to resist the notion of kissing her right here and now, to not say anything after and just play it off coolly like you always did before. 
she clutches your wrist, not wanting your hand to be pulled away from the bottom half of her face—as if she too, wants this to happen. “sana.” you murmur, the way the double syllables of her name rolls out of your lips so effortlessly, she’s gravitating towards you, the thumping in your chest overpowering the neurons in your brain like you wanted this to happen. she’s got you wrapped gently around her finger and before anything else could happen—
reflexively, you adjust your head slightly upwards while sana falls into your chest, a place where she’s been before, and the way her hands clutch to your sweater while you’re holding her at the waist like you’ve caught her countless times, you can’t help but snort at sana’s clumsiness that she was normally known for in a few cases.
“you had cookie dough on your lips.” you say looking down slightly at the girl somewhat hugging like a sloth on a tree, patting her back to comfort while she shakes her head into the fabric, almost wanting to bury herself more into it because she too knows too that the time is short. eventually, she pulls away standing up, patting down her apron while you rub your eyes as a cover up. 
“thanks again for helping me.” sana says, cleaning her throat while you hum and nod in responde before starting to put away some of the ingredients back into the cupboards. “oh, y/n i can just do the cleaning. let me.”
“no, you should go get your bags ready. i still have to drive you to the store to get that ice cream that jihyo asked for.” you reply, continuing to put a box of baking soda into the cabinet while sana waved her hands in protest. 
“go wash up. i got this.” 
“alright, if you insist.” you say, making your way to the bathroom behind the kitchen. “go ahead and change the song on my phone if you want to.” 
sana hums, contemplating on whether she’d use this small window to see what was on your phone. it wouldn’t be any surprise, you had one game which was wordscapes that made sana burst out in laughter when you were playing it at a soccer tourney earlier this year, claiming that you were a mom with your glasses while cooling down for the next match. 
other than that, your phone just had the essential apps and social media platforms, but sana let curiosity get the best of her when she sees an article headline about your situation of where you were going to play professionally. 
the more sana read past the article title, the more she started to worry. time was short, and the clock was winding down before you eventually leave your home to embark on your journey as an athlete. sana understood how much this meant to you, but she can’t help but think that you’re being pulled away from her with the amount of rumors and coverage that you’ve been getting recently. 
she’s happy for you, but at the same time she’s hurt that her longtime best friend that she’s shared more than a third of her life with, was going to walk out on to bigger and better things. an unsaid promise that’s breaking on a thread, and even with the tap water flowing down in her hands and fingers, it feels like you were slipping through sana as well. 
“everything okay?”
sana gasps out startled, water drops stained on your clothes and hers while you chuckled at how easily scared she could get. “sorry to scare you.” you say, placing your chin along the crook of her collar bone, “you’ve been pretty quiet for a bit.”
“well—it’s, uh—“
you look over to the left of her, the screen on your phone showing an article that you’ve already read earlier after, clicking your lips and exhaling out, grabbing your phone to get a closer look to what sana read. 
“it’s just news stuff, sana.” you reassure, “i still have time left to think about everything.”
everything. sana thinks. why won’t you tell me about the good news? we don’t keep secrets from each other. not at all, not ever. so why now? 
“i tried not to read as much.” she says, hiding the lie of worry underneath.
“good, just focus on the now.” you say, patting her back before checking the finished cookie batch in the oven. “let’s go, i put your bags in the car already, so get your shoes.”
“okay. give me your extra hoodie then.”
“have you heard about the news with y/n and rin? they’re the biggest talk of the week so far!” sullyoon asks the group of girls at the end of momo’s sleepover, putting down a red five during their game of uno. sana looks up around the table, meeting eyes with the five (including her which makes six) while the light sound of music lowers in order to get a better hearing of the conversation. 
“well, i know that y/n and rin are like the best players out of everyone in the team,” jihyo says, her bright tone making sana smile at the thought of you always striving to be at your best when playing. “so i wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t being approached by all of the sports biz fanatics.” she slaps down a red plus two, “uno!” 
the next person, maki, draws two cards from the deck, staring at her hand before putting a red seven in the middle. “i know that rin’s already made her deal official, according to the coach after practice following the exit trials.” next was momo’s turn, eating an orange slice before the color changed to blue in the game. 
sana sighs out, placing her hand flat on the table. “y/n has been keeping most of that stuff away from me.” she says, “claiming that she doesn’t want me to worry about her future and all that.” 
“you think so?” sullyoon asks, hugging sana out of sympathy.
“i don’t know,” sana replies, tensing up slightly. “we hardly keep secrets from each other, and we’re open to everything. it just feels weird.” 
“maybe,” momo interrupts, “it could be something other than the whole soccer business.” jihyo slaps momo’s arm, wincing at what she just said before bowing her head as an apology. 
“what do you mean by that?” sana asks quizzically, tilting her head towards her fellow dancing classmate. momo and jihyo both share a look with each other, unsure if it was the right call to even discuss it with the others. as sleepovers go: whatever is said during this time stays between them, so they nod in agreement. 
“well,” momo starts again. “this is kinda obvious to point out, but everyone thinks that you and y/n look good together.” 
“it’s true.” jihyo adds, grabbing a spoonful of the pistachio ice cream that you and sana brought for her. “it’s so obvious.” 
“guys….” sana groans out, “we’ve been over this already. y/n and i have been friends since we were little. there’s no way that she has feelings for me.” 
“you’re not out of the discussion too ya know.” maki butts in to prove the point. “i’ve seen how y/n looks at you everytime there’s games, practices, or even team dinners. she’s got the eyes for you, and they don’t lie.” 
“sana, you’re notorious for being more touchy with everyone here.” jihyo states, “but when you’re with y/n, you just seem even more clingy to her compared to the rest of us.” 
“but that’s how i am!” sana pouts, the argument was too great to go against. the group around the table all share a laugh while sana rolls her eyes. maki looks down at her phone, expression lighting up instantly from what she read. “oooh! we got it! let’s go!” 
“the tickets for the winter festival fair?” sullyoon asks in shock. 
“yep! jeno said that he managed to get some extra tickets for us, better to go now that way there’s nothing fishy going on.” 
the sleepover group all get up collectively to get ready, and sana can’t help but think to herself as to what just happened. pressing the bridge of her nose and sighing out to relive the slight embarrassment she almost put herself through. sana looks back on all of the moments you shared with her, the way you and her would study at the library while waiting for your mom to pick you two up from school, to when sana was scared for her life when you first got your driver's license, all of the moments of arm holding, shoulder bumping, leaning, hugging, sana mindlessly kissing you on the cheek as her way of showing appreciation, the laughs to the point where you’re gasping for air—
“do you know who else is coming?” jihyo asks, almost ready and at the front door. 
“jeno didn’t say, but i think it’s three or four more people.” 
sullyoon taps sana’s shoulder, startling her for a millisecond before catching her breath. “are you just gonna go out like that, sana?” 
“yeah,” sana says. “i’ll get my coat and bags real quick.” 
sana clutches onto her handbag while her other hand is balled up into a fist with a heat pack in the pocket. her woolen puffer jacket serving as a solid protector from the chilly outdoors while there’s sets of lights hanging over her, the sound of children laughing and games being won in and around the fair. she’s hanging near the main entrance with momo, sullyoon, and maki just waiting for jihyo to get back from her car.
“i’m so glad we’re able to go today!” sullyoon beams, “i’ve always wanted to come here as a kid!” 
“i mean, they have this every year as it is, it’s just that you’re busy with sleeping all day.” momo says, “when is jihyo coming back? we’ve been here for at least ten minutes already.” 
“she’s getting something from the car, and jeno called me to hang back so that we can all get the tickets together.” maki replies, checking her phone to see if he texted or not. she looks up, “there they are!”
sana along with the three turn their heads towards a small group of people approaching them. jihyo with her trusty small backpack behind her, along with jeno who was actually working at the gate for the parking lot before finishing up, and then there were tzuyu and mina who also tagged along. 
her eyes catch one person adjacent to tzuyu’s left side, you. 
though it hadn’t been that long, given that it was roughly about three or four days of the sleepover, sana scans your whole look that simply exemplifies a cool, hype girl similar to momo’s and mina’s hip style. your hair was neatly done, complemented by the sleek black cropped puffer jacket layered under with a simple hoodie with wide-fitted pants and cool sneakers - you made the effort to look good whenever and wherever you went, making the whole world your runway. 
the small group combines with the other waiting at the entrance, exchanges of hi’s and hugs are being shared all around and sana makes her way to you while you stood still as always, unmoved or unfazed like a stone. you greet sana with a simple, “hi.” with the same energy and tone you always had with her, smiling when she tilts her head to return the greeting. 
“didn’t expect you to come.” sana says, pulling your bottom lip out with a sad look from the first words she uttered towards you. 
“well, surprise!” you cheer, raising your hands lightly to commemorate the present moment before chuckling from embarrassment, “actually, jeno texted me if i was free and jihyo said that you guys were pretty much done with the slumber party so we just moved your bags back into my car for after.” 
“alright, is everyone here?” jihyo asks the group, being the natural leader that she is. jeno is right behind her, talking to one of his coworkers explaining the whole ticket situation to make it easier to get in and before you know it, everyone makes their way inside the festival. 
“you chilly?” you question sana, placing the outer part of your fingers across her cheek, sana starts to burn up from the sudden contact. 
“i have a heat pack,” she replies, pulling it out of her pocket before placing it against your face, feeling the fingertips grazing your cheek as the heat pack warms up your face just enough to hide the red color from breaking through. sana pulls it away soon after while you two catch up with the group up ahead. 
sana looks over again, the sight of you being lost in the bright lights with the sound of kids running and screaming happily all in her vision. sana can’t help but wonder about the endless thoughts she’s seen and heard from you after all these years of being close friends—but you’re quick to come back to earth to catch sana leering. 
“my turn to say you’re staring off into space again. ” 
sana clears her throat while you try to stifle your laugh, causing her to tap your arm and act all hurt because of it. “not funny.” 
“you said it to me! were you dozing or were you looking at the lights?” 
“shut up.” sana says, keeping her gaze locked forward while the group stops at the center of the fairgrounds. after a brief discussion of what to do, here was the plan: games and rides plus eating in between.
“you ready to have a fun day at the fair?” sana asks you, bright-eyed with excitement.
“i’ll always follow you, sana. lead the way.” 
to jihyo, momo, tzuyu, and the rest of the group you were with, it was just a normal hangout with friends. but with sana, this was just another typical hangout or date that was filled with endless amounts of fun no matter what was happening or where you and her would go to do it. 
despite the chill that seems to envelop everyone around the fairgrounds, prompting people to huddle close to one another to keep warm, the cold doesn’t seem to bother you even when you’re able to see your own breath. sana might have underestimated the elements this time around, staying closer to you and being more clingy how she normally is with her arm linked with yours while waiting in line for rides or watching tzuyu get a chance at one of the many fair games. 
you and sana both indulged in the activities around the grounds too, winning a small shiba plushie from the ring toss that sana wanted, to winning the horse race by spraying water into the target. there was also a fierce competition of who can shoot the basketball in a contest between you, mina, and jihyo. mina won that challenge surprisingly, since park jihyo doesn’t even know how to shoot a basketball in the first place. 
the group settles in a sea of tables for a food break. you and sana both share a funnel cake plate where sana would be dying of laughter (again) when your nose is riddled with whipped cream, getting a rise out of everyone because of how stupid you looked. you’re not an easy person to lose to, so you scooped a finger of whipped cream before smearing it over sana’s cheek, leaving her completely shocked while it was your turn to laugh at her again while she made an angry pout towards everyone. sana looks over to you again with a soft glance in your eyes, a look of love—and she can’t stop the heat rising in her cheeks the more you indulge in her features, like time slowed down around you two for an eternity.
sana wants to know what you’re keeping from her, to peer into your eyes like she has multiple times before. the chances for her to initiate something that should be second nature to her as a close friend, but there’s something pulling within that’s holding back from doing so. you look out towards the crowd and the group around the table again before tzuyu says that they should do some more stuff before leaving. 
there’s few more fair games played here and there, and maki points out to you at a soccer shootout challenge, and the guy that’s in charge of the attraction calls you forward to step up and try. it was really nothing too difficult, just a penalty shootout but the robot goalkeeper was famous for blocking nearly 99% of everyone’s attempted shots. like the cool individual you were, you treated it like any normal set piece during practices and matches. the group behind you all got low with energy before you started the run up, hitting the ball perfectly into the top corner where the machine goalie couldn’t reach. 
everyone was left in awe while you just simply shrugged your shoulders, the guy in the attraction in disbelief that you managed to get it in, especially on the first try. well, i mean, you are a burgeoning professional soccer player, so maybe it could be a fluke or just pure talent. sana watches you pick out a prize from the top row, which was a huge polar bear. she could see it as your spirit animal, so it was a perfect choice. 
it was almost the end, and most of the rides were on their last call before closing. “we should do this one as our last!” jihyo yells, pointing to one of the biggest rollercoasters the festival had. the format of the kart was weird, the front row was only two people with the rows being three seats a person, and the group that you and sana were with totaled up to eight people. “who wants to take the front row?” maki asks, looking amongst the group. 
“i want to!” sana answers, raising your hand up to volunteer.
“ahhh, about that.” you start. “i think i might just sit this out.” 
“what?!” jeno exclaims, “why?” 
you don’t think twice about it, but you clinch sana’s hand before she could approach jihyo to ask if she wanted to join the front row with her. “it’s my least favorite ride here. i have bad experiences with this roller coaster specifically.” 
sana twists around, noticing her hand being pulled by you. “but you’ll be with me? we’ve gone on a bunch of rides around here already! just one more, please?” 
“guys, really. i’m good, don’t worry about me.” 
“you can take a soccer ball to the face, but won’t get on the rollercoaster ride with the rest of us?” maki asks, rolling your eyes from the question.
you bite the inside of your cheek, trying to ignore the group collectively convincing you to get on for one more ride before going home. looking away wasn’t gonna help and sana pulls your head back down with her hand before she looks at you intensely. 
“alright, for this ride i’ll go with you guys.” 
everyone cheered, and you’re probably regretting agreeing to get on the ride. 
because you hate heights. 
and here you were, on the front row about to get into the ride. no turning back now even when you’re already strapped in. “you look pale.” sana says, looking over to you while you kept your face straight ahead. “oh i’m fine,” you reply. “i just didn’t think you forgot about my thing with high places.” 
“oh, we can ask to get off if you want.”
“no. i’ll stay here. i want to do this.” you cough out, clutching sana’s hand for comfort, clinching tightly while sana looks at the difference in size from her hands to yours. it wasn’t that big, but your hand was slightly larger than hers, perfectly placed as it should belong—where it was meant to be all this time. 
the ride starts forward, jihyo whoops out in excitement while tzuyu cringes next to her. momo was also along the pair in the row behind, with mina, maki, and jeno in the last row while it stars to ascend slightly. your heart is beating by the second, the more the car got close to the top. you’re holding sana’s hand throughout the entire time and before you knew it, it was at the peak before the big drop. 
“sana,” you start, “i just… wanted to let you know about something...” sounding like you were about to die with the amount of hyperventilating you’re doing. sana is left bewildered, stunned at the fact that you’re not even looking up towards the view. she wants to say something, to calm you down, but her words are jumbled to not even speak. “wha–” 
the rest of your words are barely registered in sana’s mind with the added suspension of just literally hanging in the rollercoaster. but sana couldn’t believe that of times and places, you’d address it this way: your feelings for sana. being confessed right out of your mouth. then, gravity and machinery play their role to bring you two back to earth. 
sana is mentally checked out by the time the ride comes back down to the loading dock. you’re still holding her hand when the harnesses are lifted, and you nudge sana to stop her from zoning out while everyone else behind you was already on their way towards the exit. “c’mon, they’re waiting for us at the end of the photo section.” 
at the beginning of this hangout, sana was the one leading. now at the end of it, you’re stepping up to be the one first going forward when you reach the group waiting for you and sana right outside of the ride. the remainder of walking around before getting to the parking lot, sana was just silent when she’s tailing behind you before stopping with the rest of the group.
“i think that was a fun time.” momo says, holding up sullyoon who was a bit sleepy after a long and fun day. “so i guess this means we’re all heading home now?” 
“well, jihyo and i are gonna get some food.” maki says, leaning her head on jeno while he was yawning. “what about you sana?” 
sana looks up, confused, her head spinning trying to think about all of the things that just happened in the span of twenty minutes. she stays quiet for a second, before trying to say—
“i think i’ll have to pass.” you answer for her. “i’m pretty tired as it is, but i can take sana home since we put her bags in my car.” you say, reminding jihyo why it took a bit longer to meet up with the rest of the peeps earlier. 
“okay.” jihyo says, looking over to tzuyu and mina. “i guess we’ll see you guys later?” 
“yeah, just let me know when the next thing happens.” 
goodbyes are being shared, and you’re already putting distance from the rest of the group with sana, walking over to your car as the silence fills up the air when you get inside. sana clicks her seatbelt in, and before you start the car, you look over. “sana.” 
she answers with her eyes landing on you, the same worried look you had when you talked to her about the whole exit trial situation at the cafe, not saying anything still before she hums in response. “you okay?” 
“yeah. i’m good. just tired.” 
you nod, not even putting a piece of mind how much of an idiot you were. sana wants to be mad at you, for keeping something from her that was vitally as important to anything that was happening in her life. that, and the fact that you basically confirmed everything that sana assumed for a little more than over two years. you laid the first move, now it was her turn. what was she gonna do?
after a very short car ride, it was already midnight. sana proposed to get her stuff from the back of your car, but you insisted that it was better for her to get inside and just wait until the next morning to get it. perks of living next door to each other really has some benefits, so sana doesn’t even argue. 
once you reach the porch at sana’s front door to her house, she stops before opening the door, turning to face you under the overhanging light. “there’s something that’s been bothering me.” she says, hands to her side. you’re looking up from the bottom of her steps before walking to match her level. 
“you sound mad.”
“i am.” 
the pin drops in your heart, playing back the many things that you could’ve done to set sana in this mood. “was it something i said?” 
sana nods. and you’re connecting the dots, thinking about the moment back on the rollercoaster. the gears click, “look–i’m sorry—about what i said earlier.” 
“y/n.” sana says, letting any rational second thought out the window. “just, hear what i have to say.” 
sana collects herself before taking in a deep breath, the weight of her heart pouring out while the words are filling your ears. she lets you know how much you mean to her, and even more. sana took a leap a faith, in the hopes that you could understand her feelings. the anxious demeanor you have suddenly washed away, smiling down as sana stutters at your face. 
“sana. i know.” 
pulling sana in for a hug, she melts under your grasp, clinging to you for dear life, not wanting for you to leave her space even though that’s the endgame in all of this. so she smiles, where you can’t see, gently holding her face to make her look up to you with wide eyes. “how do you want to go about this?” 
you don’t say anything, leaning down with half-lidded eyes, letting the action speak for itself as sana does the same. nearly filling the space between your faces and lips, before the door abruptly opens. “sana!” her mom says, causing you to push her away slightly to not raise any more suspicion. “oh! y/n, sorry i didn’t know that you were taking sana home.”
“sorry to scare you mama tozaki.” you say,hand behind sana’s back. “we were just talking as always. you know how we are.” sana’s mom hums in response, knowing how good you were for them now as a long time friend. she lets sana know to get inside soon before closing the door to give you and her some privacy. you’re clearing your throat while sana fixes her hair.
“so, i’ll see you soon again?” you ask, sana nods, hiding the pink from her face. “yeah,” sana says, “i’ll text you.”
“cool. i can bring your bags tomorrow, or later.” 
“great. goodnight y/n.” 
“night, sana.”
sana steps into the house and makes way to her room upstairs. she sees through the windward looking out of you walking past her front yard to your house, in good spirits that she finally took her chance and hopes that you’ll do something about it before you leave home for good. 
some weeks pass and all of a sudden, sana’s celebrating her birthday in her house. bombarded by her friends, relatives, and anyone that she has made some sort of connection with to send blessings and regards on her special day. 
even after being surprised with a session at the spa to the party back home blowing the candles, she still hasn’t seen you all day which makes her worried that you might’ve forgotten about her despite sending her a lovely birthday text. once everyone cleared out of the house when it was almost sunset times, she answers the doorbell to see you standing there with one of the simplest street fashion outfits with a racer jacket with baggy jeans, holding out a bouquet or roses that makes her gasp at the image.
“sorry for being late, i came to scoop you up.”
“where are we going?” 
“you’ll see. it’s a surprise.” 
that said surprise was a spot on a hill, the cute picnic setup with a bag and basket full of your and sana’s favorite assorted foods and snacks with a wine bottle set next to it. sana was left in amazement with the effort you put into planning to get all of this together. “you planned all of this for me?” 
“i had dex chip in with the idea. but yes, just us together, nowhere else.” 
you’re passing sana some fruits while she’s rambling about how well she’s been treated all throughout the birthday, and lending an ear while you just watch sana have the brightest ever smile that looks best on her. 
it could knock the wind out of you more and more times the second she sets eyes back to you, and you’d get back up every single time because you will. 
sana feels your gaze burning through, the way the curve of your smile tugs across your face, the beauty mark you have on the lower half of your cheek, that one dimple that sana always pokes at when you scrunch your face in annoyance. her head falls a bit, lost in the map of your face when you raise an eyebrow, grabbing her hand to clasp with both when she stops speaking. “i think, it’s best if you know what’s going on with me.” 
sana stops short, undivided attention now on you when you sip the last bits of your wine from the glass. her heart feels like it could stop at any moment, but she’s seen you at your worst in and out of soccer, this was no different. 
“i got a contract offer.” the bombshell announcement that was all but bound to happen. 
“it’s overseas,” you reply. pulling your knees closer to your body, feet wiggling through the socks. “this has been everything i ever wanted in my life, but there’s one thing missing.” 
“and that is?” 
sana’s left stunned, but also relieved that you can say it more properly this time, and not a few hundred feet up in the air. so she stays quiet, letting you take the first chance of setting your feelings to light.” 
“you’ve been with me every step of the way, and i realized at that time. that you mean a lot to me than i could ever grasp.” sana’s trying everything in power to not let the natural urge of affection take over her, she just needs that push to get it across. 
“i like you, sana. i’m just glad to have you in my life to begin with. and i want to express that in ways that i don’t see myself doing.” 
you hear sana giggle, the sentiment of the moment left in limbo as you put your face in your hands, hiding away from embarrassment, but sana pulls your hands away, looking at you with a wistful stare, one that’s been an oath from the start. she looks hopeful, eyes glittering with a galaxy behind it, and leans closer. 
sana kisses you. your best friend for so many years is kissing you. you want it to happen again and again. the kisses on the cheek aren’t anything compared to this feeling, one that you wished you'd done sooner, but that’s not the worry now. your hand slides up to sana’s face, pace steadying the more feel sana’s perfect, cherry scented lips, not wanting to make this moment end. 
you’re the first to pull away, pulling a needy peck out of you that makes her let out that special giggle that is exclusively for you. “three years.” she mumbles out, brushing her lips against yours, “i’ve been waiting for you to say that.” 
expectant as of sana always, she pecks your cheek when you dip your head away from the blushing you have, before you come back around to meet eyes with sana again. “you have… no idea.” 
“don’t make me worry y/n.” sana says, hugging you now, the feeling of leaving not setting in again for a second, and it sucks. “no matter where you go or who you’re with, i’ll be here for you, always. remember that.” 
“i think we’ll be fine.” you say, thumb rubbing the skin of her cheek while she melts to your touch. “we’ve gone through worse things than this, but we have each other.” 
sana leans her head on your shoulder, looking out to the fading sunset as you wish you had more time for moments like these all over again. 
it’s mid january, new years has come and gone, classes are back in session. 
you’re sitting on a bench at the airport terminal, sana’s hand in yours. the last few weeks leading up to this have been an absolute dream that you didn’t want to wake up from. doing everything and anything to spend as much time as possible before being sucked into a different world that will swallow you whole. 
you’re not much of a crier, but you can’t help but giggle at the sound of sana’s–actually, your mom’s sniffles when you and sana share a glance at each other. some conversations that you and sana talk about don’t even need words, since sana already occupied half of your mind. 
“i shouldn’t be feeling nervous, but i am.” you say, sighing out with an uncertainty in your tone.
“hey! that’s not the attitude that we talked about in the car.”
“i know, it’s just—one more thing that i didn’t think it would be possible for me to make this far.” 
sana leans into you, holding tightly to your arm even more than usual, it’s her way of comfort. she holds a hand out, a single pinky–a simple promise that sounds easy, but doing it is the difficult part. “promise me, that we’ll keep the space open for us.” 
“what space?” 
“that you’ll come back to me. no matter if we’re millions of miles apart. or if you’re having the hardest of trials, i want to be the one who hears all of it firsthand.” 
“i wouldn’t want it any other way with you sana.” you say, pinky finding hers, coiling together. “i promise with all of my heart.” 
the announcement of your flight is overhead on the PA system. dex, with his immaculate timing, sees you standing up, that makes sana and your parents do the same thing. you turn back to the three behind, giving a reassuring nod that this was the parting of ways. 
your parents are quick to hug you, fighting back the tears from the very people that have sacrificed everything to give you the chance at the dream you dedicated since you were eight years old for. your dad pats you on the head while your mom literally doesn’t want to let you go, but she does eventually. 
seeing them off, it leaves only sana. in the midst of the people walking past you two in the airport, it was just a bubble surrounding you and her. 
“i guess this is it.” you say hand lingering out for hers while sana stays still. “we were always gonna end like this weren’t we?” 
“y/n, stop.” 
you smile, and sana smiles also. laughing to ease the tension of the occasion, but the tears are welling up in your eyes that makes this a bittersweet feeling to swallow. sana steps forward, sinking into your arms, stumbling a bit, the weight from your backpack nearly tipping your over. you’re catching a whiff of sana’s scent in her hair, to make this feeling in a capsule for you to always keep while you’re away. 
sana looks up at you, leaning down for a kiss, for one last time. you’ll come back around, it’s your end of the agreement. because when you do, you’ll drop everything in your hands in trade for sana in a heartbeat. pulling away, and sana finally breaks a string of sniffles. 
“i love you.” you say. 
“please don’t go.” she bants. “i don’t even know what i’m gonna do when you’re not here, who am i gonna go to annoy about my problems with, and—” 
“sana.” you say again, grinning. a single tear streaming down your cheek. 
“i love you.” sana finally says. she’s said it before, with every weight behind the vowels and constants that carry within the eight letters. it’s so sweet like seeing cherry blossoms, you want to get lost in it over and over. “i’ll see you again soon.” 
pulling away with the last touch of the fingertips, sana waves you off across the terminal. escalator ascending upwards and into the unknown territory of your dream. 
a/n: hey!!! you're probably wondering why i wanted to rewrite this series in the first place. long story short, i didn't like the direction i took with this idea when i intially started writing. so i wanted to go back and somewhat remix this idea to make it more appealing to my peronal standards :) i hope this version was a lot more to your guys's liking and don't hesitate to give me your thoughts!!
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13a07s · 16 days
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Chest Pains
(Tobio Kageyama)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to teerex017]
Requested by: No One
Word Count: 3,466
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
We're going to pretend Tobs has an iPhone cause why not
Kageyama lacking social skills
Word "suicides" are used (in a sport term way)
     The sound of my Snapchat going off fills my room before my alarm clock can. Not that it makes a difference; I've been lying awake in bed since four-thirty. Mondays and Thursdays are the only days I don't go running in the morning. You'd think I'd be asleep but I'm not. I'm wired to be awake already so I am. It's annoying.
     I pat around my bed, looking for my phone without having to move much. It doesn't take long to find the cold box of metal and glass, wrapping my fingers around it. I roll onto my side, the light filling the darkness of my room with painful whiteness.
The photo of my girlfriend and me shines on the screen. It's the dumbest photo I've ever taken. Her feet are - barely - balanced on a volleyball, arms clinging to my shoulders for dear life as she looks at me. My hands are on her waist, trying to stop her from falling off the ball for the tenth time. My disapproval of the photo is written all over my face. It was such a dumb photo, one that she insisted we did "so I have a picture of both my favorite things", but she's smiling so happily at me in it so I can't help but enjoy it... even if it is stupid.
Sugar is scribbled next to the Snapchat icon; another dumb thing on my phone because of my girlfriend. She was upset when I didn't change her Snapchat name so I let her change it for me. It's a stupid name and a stupid thing to be upset about but letting her change it calmed her down so I've left it be.
Over the past couple of months, I've learned that having a girlfriend means dealing with a lot of stupid things because it makes her happy... and that she tends to get upset about things I've never thought about.
     One of those stupid things happens to be the pile of pillows and blankets at the foot of my bed. I'm happy with my pillow and my comforter. 'My Sugar' isn't; she likes lots of fluffy things so there's a lot of them for her to curl up with when she's over. It's dumb, but they keep her warm and happy.
Aside from volleyball, that's all I think of; keeping 'My Sugar' warm and happy. That's a dumb name too. Why should I call her my sugar? It sounds stupid... but she always smiles when I call her my sugar, and Tanaka insists now that she has a nickname I'm not allowed to call her by her actual name anymore or "she's totally going to freak, dude".
Why are there so many untalked-about rules when it comes to dating? What does it matter what I call her or have her on my phone as? It doesn't make any sense to me, but it keeps her happy. It keeps her smiling, at me. That smile makes it feel like my heart forgot how to work, leaving me with chest pains.
Can a heart forget how to beat? Probably. I think mine does every time Sugar smiles at me or laughs at something I say or when I spot her in a crowd at one of my practice matches. Maybe I should ask Grandmother to schedule me a physical to get this heart issue straightened out before it starts affecting volleyball.
     I shake my head, trying to jiggle the possible heart problem out of my mind. Worrying about it will just make it worse. When I settle my head straight again, I tap the screen of my phone; Sugar and me back to lightening my bedroom. I tap the icon with her useless nickname curved onto it; Snapchat obediently opens at my command.
     At the top of the app, she sits; Sugar with a little red box to signal a photo has been sent. Her icon is stacked on top of a few others; Hinata, Yachi, Yamaguchi, Noya, and the team group chat. Sugar's is the only one I have the notification on for, partly because I hate notifications and partly because in an hour I'd get about ten notifications from Hinata alone.
     My thumb hovers over our chat for a moment before I click on it. My screen quickly changes from the bright white of the app to the more mutt main color of Sugar's room. My girlfriend is sitting in front of the small mirror in her room. She has two of them; the small one on her desk and the big when she uses to send me pictures of her outfit.
     That's another useless thing she does; sending me photos of her outfits. Five of the seven days a week she's wearing the school uniform. I know what it looks like and I know what it looks like on her, why send it to me every day?
      This picture isn't that though. It's just a picture of her face, showing off the curves and markings of it; the right side of her face is brighter than the left because of the flash of her camera. Her hair is twisted weirdly today, probably the weird braid she was telling me about last night. French or German or something, I don't remember.
     I make a mental note to compliment the new hairstyle, repeating the command as I hold down on her photo, choosing to save it to my camera as I do with most of her photos. I like looking at them. All the time. In class, on the bus to practice matches, between classes, and on breaks at practice.
     Maybe I should talk about the constant photo thumbing through I do with my doctor too. I don't think that's normal behavior. I shake my head again, another thought I need to not overthink.
     Me| Morning.
     It takes a minute or two before Sugar's icon is popping around the corner of the screen.
     Sugar| Good morning
     Me| Your hair looks nice.
     Sugar| Thanks, Tobi
     Sugar| You should walk me to school
                | today :)
     Me| Why would I do that? You live two
| blocks from the school. You'll be fine
| walking yourself.
     Sugar's icon jumps up again, doing that weird question mark thing for a few minutes before it disappears again. I sit in our chat, waiting for her response. What could be taking her so long to answer?
     Sugar| Okay.
     That can't be good. For whatever reason, Tanaka says when Sugar answers with a single word and a period it means she's mad. I don't see any sense in it but he's been right about it every time so I guess she's upset. He also says when I upset her I answered wrong and should backtrack. Is this one of those times? Probably. I guess it wouldn't hurt to walk her to school even if I see it as pointless.
     Me| Just kidding.
     Me| I'll pick you up at 7:30.
     Class doesn't start until eight and it's only a five-minute walk from her house to the school but Sugar tends to be extra happy on days I get to school early enough to spend time with her before class. If I make her extra happy it should cancel out her being mad at me... I think.
     Sugar| You don't have to walk me to school
| if you don't want to
     Having a girlfriend is confusing. She was just upset that I said no and now she's telling me I don't have to walk her. Maybe I should text Tanaka, he always has the answer. Though, he's probably going to tell me to walk Sugar and that I came off as not wanting to spend time with her. I tend to do that a lot; that's something else I've learned since dating Sugar, that I accidentally come off as annoyed or not wanting her around even though it's not true.
     Me| I want to. I'll pick you up at 7:30.
     Sugar| I can't wait :)
     Good, she's not mad anymore, I think. I should still text Tanaka and make sure I fixed it the right way. Or... I could just get her flowers and be double sure.
Flowers tend to be a good 'sorry' when I accidentally mess up, and if I didn't mess up they'll be a good gift. When I get Sugar flowers and I didn't mess up she calls them 'just cause' gifts. Those kinds of gifts make her the happiest, no matter what I got for my unneeded apology.
     Ya, I'll leave early to stop and get her flowers. Purple ones, like the hair-ties holding her weird braid in place.
     Hinata's voice rattles around my head as he rambles, not paying attention to what he's saying but still picking up on his voice. Sugar didn't send me a picture of her uniform today. I figured it was just because I was walking her to school but she didn't post the flowers I got her either. She always posts a picture of the gifts I get her, but she hasn't; not on Snapchat or Instagram or even Facebook.
     Why hasn't she posted a picture of them? Did she not like them? She gushed over them when she opened her front door so that can't be the case. I watched her take a picture of them before we left her house, so why aren't they on Snapchat with the annoying shoutout notification telling me she tagged me in the post?
When I texted Tanaka he said it sounded like I should be in the clear. Am I not in the clear? Is Sugar still mad at me? Maybe she didn't like the flowers I got her. Maybe she's mad because I spent our whole morning talking about the new plays Coach came up with.
The lunch bell rings, instantly jerking my body into motion. Hinata whines for a moment, upset I started walking away in the middle of our one-sided conversation. His whining doesn't last long; soon he's back to blabbing as he follows me to Sugar's classroom.
     She's in class four, like Yamaguchi and Tsukishima which both ticks me off and makes me a bit calm. I like knowing she's not alone in her classes. I don't like knowing she's with Tsukishima. Sugawara says I'm jealous and to let it go. I'm not jealous. I'm not going to let it go.
     It doesn't take long to walk down the hallway and slide into her classroom. My eyes instantly catch on the back of Sugar's head, her braid bouncing as she talks and nods along to whatever her classmate is saying. I settle behind her, waiting for her conversation to end as Hinata continues with our conversation; or, lack of one.
     "I'll see you after lunch," she finally utters, nodding her head to her friend once more before turning around to face me. My mind goes blank at the sight of her, any possible form of a greeting is instantly thrown out. Her eyes are gentle as she looks up at me, the rest of her face just as soft. "Hey, Tobio," Sugar greets, her voice making the familiar lack of a heartbeat fill my chest and my lungs sting from the struggle to pull air into them.
     "Are you mad at me?" I squeak out, causing confusion to mix in the pools of her eyes.
     "No, why do you think I'm mad?"
     "He's been whimpering all morning because you didn't post about the flowers he got you," Hinata butts in, mocking my stormy mood.
     "Shut up, moron," I hiss, shooting him a glare. All he does is giggle at my anger. Since I started dating Sugar, Hinata has been the biggest dumbass about it. Always insisting I'm texting her when I'm on my phone, making kissy faces anytime we're close to each other, mocking me about her during practice.
     Sugar's eyes flutter from Hinata's amused grin back up to my face which I'm sure is dressed in a scowl; one that I drop once her sight is back on me. "It's Monday. You take me out to get a drink from the Sakanoshita Market every Monday after our clubs end. I'm waiting so I can post all the pictures of us at the same time, instead of making two different posts."
     "Okay," I mutter, my heart stalled again as she looks up at me; concern slowly eating away at the softness of her expression. Before I can stop it, my hand jumps up to press against my chest, checking to see if my heart is still working. It is. "I think I'm going to go see a doctor soon."
     "My heart is acting weird," I shortly explain, letting my hand drop away from my chest. "We should get going before the team starts looking for me."
     "And me!" Hinata butts in again, his cockiness replaced with the annoyance of being forgotten. "You act like you're the only person the team would notice was missing," he grumbles, turning away from us to start heading out of the room.
     As I turn to follow, Sugar steps forward, her fingers settling into the creek of my arm like they usually do when we walk together. "Guess what I'm making at my club today?" She prompts me, eyes cast forward as Hinata leads us through the crowded hallways.
     I used to think the cooking club was stupid, especially when there is so many better clubs, like the volleyball club. Over time I've grown to not dislike it. It leaves Sugar smelling good all the time, like freshly made pastries or homemade tomato sauce. It also leaves the team and me with first dibs on buying whatever the cooking club made each day.
     The first time I watched her cook was... interesting. She was pretty, almost dancing around the kitchen as she floated back and forth. She looked joyful the whole three hours it took to make my favorite curry for me. I've never seen Sugar look more happy and beautiful than when she's cooking, twirling around my kitchen, singing to me as she pours her heart over whatever she's cooking for me.
     "Curry," I answer, knowing it's probably wrong. I'm always wrong when I guess curry.
      "We're making taiyaki. The fish-shaped waffles. I'm thinking about filling mine with chocolate or maybe I'll fill it with cream. I don't know yet, which one should I do?" She asks, her fingers tightening on my arm as she rambles on, excitement radiating off of her.
     "Uh... chocolate," I stumble out, my chest freezing again. I need to get a doctor’s appointment scheduled. These constant chest tightening can't be good for me, or volleyball. "Sugar?"
     "Tobio?" She calls back, a pep still in her step, and eyes sparkling as they look up at me through her eyelashes. They're painted today, her eyelashes, with that black tinted stuff stored in the tub she carries in her bag. The paint makes her eyelashes look longer than they are; I like how it makes her eyes look bigger.
     "My chest hurts," I murmur, tearing my eyes away from her. It almost hurts more to look away from her.
     "Why? Tobs, how long has your chest been hurting? Have you called a doctor yet? Set up an appointment? Did you tell your Grandma? Your coach?" Sugar rambles, both hands tightly around my bicep. Concern is glazed over her eyes again, big and round as she looks up at me.
     I take small glances at her out of the corner of my eye, trying to steady my breathing. Sugar isn't happy, but her hands sure are warm. "I'll tell coach today at practice. I'll talk to Grandmother and get an appointment set up. I will be fine."
     "Chest pains are serious, Tobio. You should - "
     "I am fine," I repeat, patting her hands a few times before pulling my touch away from her. A soft sigh passes her lips, her head tilting to rest against my shoulder. Even though Sugar is exhaling, it feels like she's sucking the breath right out of my lungs. I need to talk to Coach about my chest pains, especially since I promised her I would.
     My mind swirls a bit as I inch toward Coach Ukai, the statement I need to make burning in my head. I don't want to tell him about my chest pains. He'll bench me, make me 'take it easy' during practice, or even worse, make me take medical leave.
     But, the image of Sugar so upset when I told her is making my skin crawl with the need to see her. I tug my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it, and instantly tapping my photo gallery open. Instantly, every inch of the screen is decorated with photos of her. Photos of her at our lunch table, of her cooking, of my daily 'good morning' Snapchats, of her in my sweatshirt, my jersey, my blankets, my bed, my couch, my kitchen, at my games.
     My hand jumps up to rub over my heart again, trying to work out the squeezing I'm feeling as I flip through the photos. I swipe away another photo, the next in line being the one of Sugar and Miwa giggling over a batch of butter cookies. My eyes dance over the photo for the millionth time, rememorizing every inch of it. Their smiles, the way my sweatshirt hangs on Sugar, the dark makeup on my sister's face, even the way the dust dances in the sunlight.
     "Kageyama?!" Coach yells, pulling my attention away from my phone. "Finally," he groans, standing right in front of me instead of across the gym like he was before I got caught up in Sugar's photos. "Are you alright?" He mutters, eyes pointed as he motions towards the hand still rubbing rough circles against my chest. "You've been doing that a lot lately."
     "Uh... ya," I grumble, dropping my hand back to my side. My phone burns in my hand, the glimpse of Sugar still on the screen making the small device feel like a brick in my hold. "Well... not really." Coach's look gets more pointed, arms crossed over his chest, and an eyebrow arched as he looks at me. "I've been experiencing some chest pains."
     "Chest pains?"
     Coach stares me down for a few more minutes, rolling his weight on his heels as he looks me over. "What kind of pains?"
     "My heart... sometimes feels like it's not working," I mutter, glancing around the gym, eyes jumping over my teammates warming up instead of looking at my Coach. "Other times it feels like there's a fist squeezing it but usually it's the first thing."
     A grin is spread over Coach's face when my eyes settle on him again, amusement eating every ounce of concern that was present a couple of moments ago. "Do these pains happen to arise when your arm candy is around? Or when you're thinking about her or maybe looking at the hundreds of photos you have of her?"
     "Arm candy?" I ask, confused from the get-go of his speech.
     "Your girlfriend, Kageyama. I was referring to your girlfriend," he chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest tighter as his laughter grows.
     "I don't have hundreds of photos of Sugar," I grumble, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. It's normal for someone to have photos of their partner. It's normal for someone to have a lot of photos of their partner too, right? I don't even have that many photos of her... I don't think. What's a normal amount of photos to have of your girlfriend?
     "That's not what Hinata says," Coach pushes out around a new round of cackles. He takes a step forward, a rough grip on my shoulder as he shakes me a bit. "What you're feeling is called 'love', Kags. Your 'chest pains' aren't actual pains, they're just feelings of caring and loving your girlfriend. They're not going to kill you, and over time you'll get used to the feeling."
     "Is the feeling going to go away?" I ask, rubbing over my heart again, the pain back as thoughts of Sugar flicked through my mind.
     Coach laughs again, this time quiet and soft as he shakes me a bit harder. "If you do things right, no. Enjoy that feeling, Kageyama. It means you're loving your Sugar the right way. Hold on to those chest pains, bud." I'm shaken once more before being released. "But for now, hurry up and get changed before I make you run suicides all of practice."
     "Yes sir," I mutter, turning on my heels and quickly racing out of the gym. I guess my chest pains weren't something to worry about.
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ameliawarnerr · 2 years
(She was the evanescent of his life– there and gone.)
Part 4
(Part 3: here)
Warning: Smut.
Jake’s Pov (I’m freaking excited about this!!!)
Sneak peak: “I grab her wrists and flip her over and in a breath, she’s under me. I pin her wrists over her head.”
“Maybe too much is exactly what I crave right now.”
Her words echo in my mind as I walk away from Lilly. I told Amelia to wait for me in the room while I tell Lilly that I have talked Thomas out of his dumb act. It was just an excuse for me to have a minute to myself. I can feel the selfish part of me taking over my conscience and it is not my power to stop it. Deep inside me I also am aware that I don't want to stop.
Three hours ago, I remind myself, just three ago I was certain that I will let her go. I won't make her go through the troubles I have and still am. That mindset seems too foreign right now. She changed it. One conversation with her wavers my decision making. It used to be easier over texts. I could control my emotions then. But seeing her, hearing her voice— god, her voice, it's a type of voice one can never forget, it makes me lose my goddamn mind. And I am so envious of the people who's have known her before me.
I used to believe that it's impossible for me to live without my computer for even an hour. But the moment I saw her, the moment I kissed her, I forgot such a device existed.
My belief to let her go wavered the moment Phil’s name popped up on her phone’s screen. The uneasy feeling that passed through my entire body when he said they had ran into eachother was unbearable. That made me realise how used to knowing her every action I was. I would know whenever she talked to Phil, whenever he or anybody called her. But if I decide to let her go, I would never know who she meets, who she shares her emotions with. I would never know anything about her. Just the thought of it is haunting.
I am tired of running away from her, from happiness, from a normal life. I am so so tired that this stay at Lilly’s place is like a vacation. I never knew Duskwood would be such a soothing place.
As I make my way up the stairs, my fake phone vibrates in my pocket. Sighing, I take a look at it.
Unknown: She is not who you think she is.
Whoever this person is did not mention any name but my mind instantly goes to Amelia since she's all I have on my mind. It took me three minutes to figure out the I'd of the said person. And some additional information.
I stop in the middle of the stairs and lean against the wall.
Sender's Profile: Alex Graham
Age: 21
Passed out from Everbetten Institute of Arts.
No photos attached*
That's all there is about him on the Dark Web. Individuals collect information about as many people as possible and upload it. There was one about Amelia too. Dark Web is highly complex, it took me a whole day to take Amelia’s information down.
Me: Alex Graham. Next time you message someone while keeping your identity private, do it with a fake phone.
I walk to the room. I'll deal with him later.
As soon as I open the door, I see Amelia standing in front of the mirror. Her hand is grabbing the material of her top around her neck, streching it out as she tries to look at something in the mirror. “It looks heidous.” I hear her whisper.
When I close the door, it makes a sound and Amelia turns towards me. “You’re back.” She says, something feels so wrong about her tone.
“What looks heidous?” I ask as I walk towards her.
Her eyes widens just a little and then she's shaking her head. “Nothing. What did Lilly say?” I know her too well to know that she’s just trying to distract me from the question I asked.
“Are you seriously trying to hide something from me?” I jump back to the topic and she sighs.
She comes nearer to me and stands so close that our feet are touching. It's the exact same position we had been standing in when we kissed earlier. That memory is still fresh and it ignites something inside me.
Her hands go towards the collar of her top and she moves it down a little. There’s a scar around her shoulder which moves a little down to her collarbone. Without thinking, my hand touches the scar. “Doctors have suggested me ample of products that’ll help me get rid of this. But I just can't do it because I am not ashamed of this. But still, I think it looks ugly.”
I was ready to tell her that scars are nothing to be ashamed of. But I smile that I don't have to do it. I love her confidence and self-loving attitude.
“I am looking at it and I don't think it’s heidous.” My hand goes to her cheek. “You are okay with it which is amazing. Who else do you have to prove? No one.” The words of comfort that leave my mouth sound so foreign to me. I become a better version of myself around her.
She smiles and I find a smile on my lips too. ��What took you so long?” She asks moving closer and wrapping her hands around my neck.
“Nothing you need to worry about.”
Her eyes get narrower at my lack of information. But I have no intentions of bringing up the Alex guy. So I move my both hands around her waist, pulling her even closer to me. And the feeling of having her in my arms can never be replaced by any other.
“Did you tell Dan—”
She's interrupted because of my incompetence to keep my lips away from hers. I tilt her face up, my hand caught somewhere behind her neck and the base of her jaw and I kiss her, soft and slow, heat filling my blood with dangerous speed. I pull her tighter and she gasps, stumbles and takes an accidental step back and I catch her, pressing her against the wall behind her. My hand roams under her top and she gasps. Her skin is soft as silk and warm and hot and perfect, just perfect.
I silently laugh at myself. God, I was walking away from this.
Her hands grab my hoodie and she pulls me closer if it was even possible. In one swift movement, I pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and I support her with my hands under her thighs. She lightly touches my neck and kisses me. I carry her to the bed since that position was too unfair for me. My hands were bound under her thighs while there were thousands places I wanted to touch her.
I plant small breathless kisses on her neck while my hands roam under her shirt. I move my hands up, exposing her stomach. I stop and find her eyes. She's already looking at me. She nods and I take her top off and throw it somewhere on the floor. The sight of her makes me breathless. Her scar is completely visible to me. I lean in to kiss it. A whimper escape her sweet mouth. I guess she didn't get enough kisses there. I intend to change that. I take her hand and guide it to my hair. I love the feeling of her hands on me.
My hand goes to her waist, then her back and slowly trail upwards to the hook of her bra. Using my fingers, I click it open. She draws her hand back from my hair only to remove her bra as it too joins the floor. My head sink lower and I kiss her stomach. My kisses grow hungrier as I reach her breasts. I plant a small kiss in between as my hand grabs one of it. She gasps and her chest moves upward, giving me yet another better angle.
My hand hovers over the button of her jeans. I hesitate.
Too fast
Too fast
Too fast—
I let my head fall in the crook of her neck.
“Jake?” Her voice soothes me. But I don't answer. What is wrong with me? I just met her yesterday. I have nothing figure out. I might have to run again. I am too selfish for her. And she's too much for me. I don't deserve an ounce of her.
“Jake, what's wrong?” Her hand touches my hair. “Jake, look at me.”
I shake my head, refusing to look at her.
She grabs my face both of her hands and forces me to meet her eyes. An exasperated breath leaves me at the sight of her face. I don't have a clue how to deal with all these emotions all at once. My mind can’t form simple thoughts around her. God, the fantasies I have had about her. The places my mind has gone.
“I don't wish to do anything reckless. I want to figure everything out before we move to the next step. And I might take forever doing it.” I try to be as honest as possible. It's not just the government but the inner conflicts within me that is coming between us.
Understanding awakens in her eyes. “It’s okay. Jake, I understand. I like it that you care. You don't need to feel bad. I understand.”
“Why?” I say, a little more irritated than I intended. “Why do you always understand? Why not just slap me across the face and find another guy with less issues." I say it though I hate the possibility of that happening.
She laughs. And I look at her, confused. “Jake, you got me swooning over texts. Over words. You understand that? You think I can ever get over you easily after seeing you?” I drop myself beside her, taking in her words. She turns towards me and wraps her hand around my waist. My own hand wraps around her waist and I pull her towards me, kissing her. She breaks the kiss but doesn't move her head away from mine. I can't help but to look at her lips when she says, “I know what I am getting myself into. And I have already told you, I got as much time as you need as long as you don't run away from me.”
I can't breathe. The sight of her half naked, in my arms, saying exactly what I need her to say is making me wonder if I am in heaven. “I think I love you too much to let go now.”
That makes her smile. “And I think I love you too much to let go now.” I didn't understand what she meant. But I soon do when she gets over me and her hands go under my hoodie. Her hands on my skin reminds how much I want her right now.
I help her removing my hoodie. And she gaps at the side of my naked upper body. She suddenly blushes. All confidence and dominance leaving her. “You got some muscles.” She says as a matter of fact. Being physically strong is also one of my priority. I don't have any clue what I might have to deal with. And that's why sleep places somewhere below on my priority list.
My hand goes to the back of her neck as I pull her into a kiss. Her chest touching mine and she slightly moans at the contact. Her hands roam around my chest and stomach and stops around the hem of my sweatpants. And suddenly she's not in front of me but below. I lift myself up, supporting my upper body by my elbows and look at her. “What are you doing, love?”
She looks at me. “Just lie down.”
“Jake, it's fine. Lie down.”
“I said no.”
She doesn't listen to me and continues pulling down my sweatpants. I grab her wrists and flip her over and in a breath, she’s under me. I pin her wrists over her head with one hand and the other goes to her cheek. “Tonight is about you.”
This time, without hesitating, I open the button of her jeans and pull them down along with her undergarment. I kiss her lips as my hand slips down and down her body until it's rubbing her. She gasps in my mouth. My mouth moves to her neck and my hand moves faster against her. I insert two fingers and doesn't move them. Her thighs squeeze my hips. With my other hand, I part her legs and start to move my finger, faster with every second. She holds onto my shoulder.
“Up." I whisper breathlessly against her lips. “Your hips.”
She does as I said, arching her back. I move back, looking at her. And it's not in my control when I say, “You are beautiful. Every part of you.” And soon my mouth replaces my fingers. Her hand goes to my hair, pulling lightly— it only makes me go crazy, faster. And every time she whispers my name, I realise how much I love her. How she's never getting rid of me.
My eyes open and I look at the time. It's 8 am in the morning. We slept at 3 am. I slept for five hours straight. That's a record. My insomnia would strike approximately after two hours of sleep. Then I see the reason. The reason is wrapped around my body— her hand on my stomach, her head on my bare chest, her leg on mine. I smile unknowingly. I caress her check lightly and she snuggles in the crook of my neck. I take in the sweet smell of hers.
I close my eyes again wrapping my hands around her as she tightens her grip around me.
This is a place I never want to leave—
A knock. “Hey. I know you might have slept like a few hours ago but just saying that the breakfast is ready so if you wanna come, you can.” I could have let it go if he had whispered it. But that bighead idiot shouts it and Amelia brushes her eyes open.
I say something ungentlemanly under my breath. Amelia puts her hand on my chest and lifts her upper body towards me, slightly amazed. “Did you just swear?”
Her head again falls back to my chest. And I hate myself when I say, “Do you want to get up?”
She hums. “Yeah. I should take a shower.”
I prepare myself and get up from the bed. Amelia still doesn't get up and curls herself around a pillow now.
I go to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my teeth. I prepare a bath and go back to the room. Amelia is now awake, sitting on the bed, hiding her naked body with the sheets. “Come on, the bath is ready."
Her eyes widens a little. “I can go by myself unless you...” Understanding settles in her. “No, Jake. It's really appreciated but I’d like my bath alone."
“Seriously?” As much as I love her, I don't get her sometimes. And my eyes again go to the sheets that is covering her body. Why is that even there?
I walk near her and pull the sheets away. “You don't need to hide. Let's shower. Come on.”
She grips a pillow, still hiding. I sigh.
“Fine. I’ll shower first and go eat the breakfast with Lilly and Dan. You can have your alone time.”
She throws the pillow at me and I grab it. “How can you go without me?”
I smile wide. She realises a second later that she has nothing to hide her with anymore. “God, you are such a perv.”
I say as I walk towards her, “Really? Because last night—”
“Shut up.”
I place the pillow on the bed and open my arms wide anough for her to climb. She sighs then smiles. I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom.
It takes fifteen minutes to shower. It took us thirty.
It was not even like we were doing something sexual. It was just us having some stupid conversation, I washing her hair and she drying mine later. Normal. It feels so normal yet exciting and soothing.
“Let's go.” She says and exits the room. I follow her behind and my phone beeps in my pocket. I take it out while walking behind her.
Me: Alex Graham. Next time you message someone while keeping your identity private, do it with a fake phone.
Unknown: I don't need to. I have nothing to hide. She, on the other hand, has a lot.
My grip tightens around my phone.
(*Not edited*)
Part 5
I triedddd, okay? (Lemme know in the comments. Writing smut always lower down my confidence)
Also, I have seen a lot of fanfics where Jake and Mc has to deal with Jake’s past together. So how about something unique? Yup, the conflict is gonna be Mc’s past.
Please do comment your opinions. I really need some feedback on this one.
Thank you!!
Loveee you alll!!
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shadowbriar · 2 years
Backburner - Eddie Munson
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Pairing : (F/M) || Eddie Munson x Reader, Unrequited! Steve Harrington x Reader. Word Count : 3.2k Warning : Angst. You know what happened to Eddie. Notes : Inspired by Niki - Backburner. An ever ending loop of she’s chasing another, while he could only wait and love her in silent, praying that one day she’ll turn on her backburner.
Her breathing was hitched. Steve's telling of his six little nuggets dream was a clear confession of his undying affection towards Nancy. Even when he mentions no name, the way his eyes were glued on her as each words roll out of his tongue was a clear giveaway. No matter how many years have passed, he is still utterly and undeniably in love with her.
She averts her gaze to the road, trying to distract her mind from pitying herself too much that she might burst into tears How silly of her to have hoped that Steve might have changed his view of her. That he might tweaked his heart a little and piqued interest on her. The late night calls, how he sounded so lonely and sad every time he rings, were giving her the idea that perhaps, at last, he might have found comfort in her.
The kind of comfort you find in someone you.. Love.
A hand rests gently on top of hers. Eddie's calloused finger tips brushes her skin as he makes small circles, trying to show support. His eyes were evidently filled with worry.
She smiles at the gesture, silently grateful that he's lending her a shoulder to lean on. Though their friendship may have just bloomed, no thanks to Jason and his friends who are dumb enough to believe that he's killed Chrissy, Eddie is surely one of the few people who could read her like an opened book.
It was as if he's always known her.
"Are you okay?" Eddie whispers, careful not to let the children hear and draw more attention.
She nods, flashing a weak smile, "Never better."
He sighs, looking as if he’s feeling the shared heartbreak.
When Eddie felt that 1986 would be his year, he didn’t think that it would go anyway near his current reality. He was supposed to be with her after he graduated, gather up enough courage as he feels he’s more worthy after to finally confess his harboring feelings. Her trying to help save him as the whole town hunts him down and plaster him as a murderer was certainly not in his list.
But at the very least, he’s grateful to finally have the chance to be close to her as he is right at this very second.
Not with the fact that she’s having her heart broken right now of course.
“I’m sorry, Eddie.”
He raises his brows, a friendly smile still tucked on his lips, “What for?”
“For thinking that you were a freak.” She says shamefully, shrugging her shoulders “I mean now that I think about it, I couldn’t even find one reason why I was friend with Jason let alone believed his mean words about you in school.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” Eddie says lightly, brushing it off “Besides, I’ve grown into it. Being boxed into the freak show gives me more peace and space to.. Observe.”
“Observe? Observe what?”
“Everything. Things, people, stuff.” He lists, trying not to spill her as one of it.
She teases, resting her chin on her hand as she stares at him more comfortable, “Well, did you ever observe anything related to me?”
“No, not really.” He lies, licking his lips as he tries to subdue the heat that is growing on his cheeks. She is the only one he has eyes for after all.
“That’s a shame.” She fake pouts, looking dejected “I thought I make quite an eye-catching cheerleader.”
“No, you are! Honestly, it’s hard to take off of my eyes from you.”
She squints her eyes, smiling as he takes her bait.
“I mean, I’ve never been to any game and watch you cheer, but if I did, I’m sure I would’ve seen you.” Eddie stammers, trying to figure out words that could best portray his meanings without spoiling his own secret “And then I might observe your right after.”
She smiles, nodding to his words.
Sometimes, when tranquility hits, whether its in the middle of the night or from a fraction of times like this, she wishes that Eddie would see her a little bit more than a friend. Have him as her safety net once she finally grow tired of chasing Steve. A very selfish wish of hers, but the comfort she’d felt ever since Eddie came to her life has been hard to ignore.
Secretly, Eddie wishes the same thing too.
The four of them walks through the Upside Down forest in darkness. Robin and her was walking far front than Nancy and Steve, who seem to have a whole load of problems to talk about. Their quiet conversations, how Steve tries to show his devotion to Nancy even as the world rips apart, were becoming her last straws. She could no longer be the fool who try to reach for the stars when his universe have obviously gravitates towards another.
“Steve,” She calls as the two of them finally caught up to her pace “Can I have a talk with you?”
Steve’s brows were furrows, confused at the sudden seriousness in her tone.
“I’ll go and catch up Robin.” Nancy says, nodding as she gives the two some space.
“Is everything alright?” Steve asks, his eyes filled with worry now “Are you feeling okay? Do you need something?”
“That talk, in the van, about your dream and how you wanted to have six little nuggets,” She started, going straight down to business “You were talking about your dream with Nancy, weren’t you? You dreamed of building a family with her.”
Steve licks his lip, nodding ever so lightly as if he’s afraid to admit it.
“Why are you so cruel to me, Steve?” She asks, forcing a half-hearted chuckle “You know how I feel about you, how I’ve loved and cared for you all these years and yet- Yet you’re toying with me.”
“I never meant to do that to you.” Steve says gently, trying to ease her pain “I’m trying, I really am. I’m trying to return your feelings but the more I try, the harder it is for me to breath because I know that I’m only hurting us both.”
She shakes her head as she forces a smile, “You never tried, Steve. You were only ever kind to me because you fear you’ll lose me, just like you lost Nancy.”
Steve gulps, trying to find a word to utter.
Her chest were hung heavy with every passing second. The guilt visibly bleeding out of him was slicing her heart though she’s always known of it. That she was just stalling for reality to catch up and burst her bubble of hope. That her legs finally grow tired of running on the same spot, never a step closer to him. That he was never hers to lose.
“I think I’m on the wrong team. I’ll be with Henderson and Eddie instead.”
Eddie has to rub his eyes when he saw her running towards the trailer. He’s heard that being in the brink of life might make you see things that aren’t necessarily there, things that are too good to be true. But seeing that very smile he’s always adored in distance as she waves closer were a bigger enough fuel to make him get out of the trailer and see her for himself.
And to his pleasure, she really is here.
“Change of plan,” She says between her panting “I’ll be supervising you two. None of you get to act hero and die under my watch.”
Eddie grins, instinctively pulling her into a hug.
She froze at the sudden embrace, the unfamiliar gesture made her body malfunctioned and turned as still as stone. It took her a moment before finally finding her way to hug him back, giving him the very same comfort he’s giving to her. Given the circumstances, a hug is certainly what they need.
As they prepares for the metal showdown, she finds herself sitting next to Eddie. Dustin was busy elsewhere with the cords, talking to himself in means of calming down. Everyone was on edge, waiting for their signs to be echoed through the radio.
"You know, if we’re not dying and the world is not ending, this place is actually not that bad.” Eddie says as he points at the sky “I mean, look at it. Bats flying around, snowflakes, scarlet thunder lighting the sky. Romantic.”
She chuckles, “Your idea of romantic is pretty alarming.”
“Well it sure is better than a date at Benny’s Burgers. That place is overrated.”
She nods, agreeing his statement with a smile.
Eddie knows that her presence now isn’t anywhere caused by her worry for him nor Dustin. It must have stemmed to something to related to her and Steve. A bigger part of him wanted to ignore it and just cherish the fact that she’s there with him, having small talks and hearing her laughter though the state of current affairs were grim, but letting her brood in her own distress was never his character. He’ll break himself first before letting the girl he loves be heartbroken alone.
A bad habit he’s done more frequent lately.
“What happened out there?” He asks, secretly bracing himself for another strike to the heart “Did you have a fight with Steve?”
She bites her inner cheek, shaking her head, “No, not really. I just realized how much of a fool I’ve been for begging him to love me and just- You know, kinda bolted after that.”
“You’re not a fool. Everyone wants to be loved by the people they love, it’s in our nature.”
“Yeah, but not everyone has been hoping for their crush to notice and return their feelings for years. I hoard my devotion for him for three years. Three whole years, can you believe that?”
Eddie smiles, shaking his head. If she thinks liking someone for three years were long, wait until she knows that he’s been admiring her ever since middle school.
“I just- I don’t know. Sometimes I can’t help but to wonder if it was just me. If I was the problem. If I’m simply not worthy of love.”
“Don’t say that.” He argues, his facial expression turns to slight anger “You’re worth every love there is in this world. Harrington is an a hole who don’t understand what true love is.”
She turns to see Eddie, a slight hope raising in her heart.
“You are the most beautiful babe of Hawkins High. Hell, in all of Hawkins you’re the only one who matters. You might not see it but others do. You deserve all the love you give to others and more.”
“You talk too nice of me, Ed.” She says with a smile, rolling her eyes “You barely know me. We’ve only been friends for like a week.”
“I know you more than you think I do.” He argues, unintentionally showing his cards “I know how you always put yourself last when it comes to friends and family. How you always try to lift everyone up, though it might heavy you down and drown you deeper in your own struggles.”
She remains quiet, certain pieces of puzzles coming to its place in her mind.
“I just- I just wish that you could see yourself the way others see you. The way I see you.” Eddie continues, trying to make a point “You don’t see how beautiful you are when you laugh, even when you try to cover yourself. You don’t see how beautiful you are when you do that little dance everytime you eat some food you love. You don’t see how beautiful you are when you run to me just now, waving your hand like an idiot as if it’s hard for me to see you. In any given place and time, I would always be able to see you.”
The storm inside her was raging with every words he utters. He was telling every single thought that has ever crossed her mind every time Steve calls her and wonders if he was unworthy of love. 
Eddie’s words were her words to Steve.
“Shit.” He mutters as he processes her reaction, looking down with a force chuckle “I’ve completely out myself, didn’t I?”
She takes a huge gulp, trying to swallow down the block in her throat. 
Her wish of having Eddie to hold feelings for her have come true. In fact, it has always been true without her knowing. It’s just that with everything that’s happened, having to let go of Steve just an hour ago, she doesn’t have the capability to respond to his confession.
Eddie forces a smile, “You don’t have to say anything. I walked myself into that trap.”
“I better check on Henderson.”
Spending no other second, Eddie walks away. She could tell from his words that Eddie has hold this secret for quite sometime. The despair and genuineness of his tone shows that it’s been a ticking bomb he’s tried so hard to diffuse. How his eyes were glued on her, whispering all that his words could not touch, she understands it clearly.
But she wasn’t in the right state of mind to give a respond. The last thing she’d want to do is to hurt him, though evidently she’s done it unknowingly. All these times ranting about Steve must have wound him.
Perhaps, when the night ends and morning comes, they could find the time to talk about this.
“Go, go, go, go!” Dustin yells as they run from the swarm of demobats.
The plan has worked. Thousands of demobats are now flying around the trailer, clawing on every window and doors as they try to enter. She watches at the side with a smile as Eddie and Dustin geek over how metal it was. It’s true, it was the most metal ever.
Eddie tries to compose himself as he hears her soft laughter, trying not to ruin his image after just looking so metal out there. This might have been his only chance of getting out of the freak box and show his real worth to her. Better not mess it up.
As the screeching grows louder, the three of them then runs further inside the trailer, standing right by the portal. Their backs are touching each other, trying to cover each other’s blind spots should the bats enter. Their hearts were beating fast, skin laced in nervous sweat as they alertly try to hear the bat’s movements.
“They can’t get in through there, can they?” Dustin asks worriedly as their eyes meet the vent by the roof.
As if on cue, the swarm of demobats enter the trailer. The three of them tried to stab them with their weapons, yelling in fear as more and more demobats try to come in.
A close call was made as Eddie slam the nailed tin shield to the roof. Though the victory was short lived as the demobats try to enter from different vents. In a short time, large number of demobats have entered the trailer, pushing them to go through the portal.
She went first, reaching safety she lands on the mattress on the other side. She then quickly help Dustin who’s mouth is never shut from cursing and panicking over the given condition.
“Eddie, hurry!” She says as Dustin finally landed “Come on now, we can’t fight all of them!”
But instead of reaching for the rope, Eddie only stood and stares at her. His eyes look around as if trying to figure something out.
“Eddie, what are you doing? Just jump!” She says frantically, afraid that he might pull an impromptu stunt “Eddie!”
Answering her nightmare, Eddie grabs the spear and cut the rope. He puts away the mattress on his side, making sure that she and Dustin wouldn’t be able to return as he reaches for the tin shield.
“Eddie, what are you doing?!” Dustin yells in horror.
“I’m buying more time.”
Her wail echoes.
Eddie was out of sight, running back out to fight the demobats. Her tears were spilling, running her hands through her hair as she tries to think this through.
“Desperate time calls for desperate measures.” She whispers as she grabs a chair and put it under the portal “Dustin, give me a lift.”
“Hurry up!”
Crying himself, Dustin tries to help her get through the portal. Being a cheerleader, it wasn’t hard for her to make a jump but the difference in gravity surely made her off balance. She groans as she fell on the other side, possibly fracturing her shoulder blade. But she couldn’t wince too long in pain. Eddie needs her.
“Wait, help me!”
“Sorry, Dustin.” She says in pain, standing up “I’ll come back to you later.”
Taking the left spear, she runs outside the trailer. She calls for him, frantically looking for the brunette boy. As she run out, she could see the storm of demobats with Eddie standing on its eye taunting them as if he isn’t in enough trouble.
She tries to scream and get the demobats’ attention as she runs at them but they don’t budge. It was as if they have had their minds settled on Eddie.
Her scream gets more frantic as they begin to fly at him, ripping his flesh with their horned tails and fangs. Eddie’s scream feels louder than the thunder blaring on the sky. The sight of him being tortured is making her cry even harder.
After what seems to be eternity, the demobats suddenly fall to the ground. Phase four has finally been executed. But victory was still out of reach as she sees Eddie lays limp on the ground. She reaches to him, pulling him to her lap and trying to ignore the excruciating pain from her shoulder as she tries to hold him close.
“Eddie, you dipshit!” She snarls, her anger and worry fusing into one “I told you no improvising, why can’t you just listen to me for once?!”
“I’m sorry.” He says in between his chokes, blood coming out of his mouth “I only did what I thought was necessary.”
She shakes her head in disapproval, crying.
“And I also wanted to impress you.”
She sniffles, chuckling, “You little shit.”
“Are you impressed?”
“I am.” She nods, tears still flowing down her cheeks “But please stick to your guitar the next time you try to impress me.”
“I don’t think there’ll be a next time.”
“Don’t say that.” She says fast, pulling him close “We’ll get you to a hospital and have you patch up.”
Eddie’s breathing was getting heavier. His chokes were more apparent as more blood come out of his mouth. Her clothes are now covered in his blood.
“You’ll hate me for this.” He says between his choking “I love you.”
“No, not now.” She shushed him gently, placing her hand on his cheek “Tell me that later, when we graduate. Kiss me after we get that diploma, okay? This is your year, remember?”
Eddie nods faintly, smiling, “It’s finally my year.”
She nods, unable to find other words to utter.
Eddie smiles, staring at her. This is perfect. Dying at the hands of the girl he’s loved more than anyone. He knows that he’s being selfish, finding comfort in her tears but for once he wanted to be selfish and chose the way he departs from life. He wanted to be selfish and have her cradle him, telling him that everything will be alright.
“I love you.”
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seiya234 · 2 years
california, rest in peace
this is for the amazing Reynier on AO3 who has been doing some amazing stuff wrt tau: read it here
honestly, they never really thought about California, not much after 2038
Mark and Anna went almost no contact after April 29th. If Mabel called them, they picked up. And they religiously called on the triplet’s birthday, and Thanksgiving. 
But other than that the small flow of calls and letters, and occasional visits completely dried up. 
Because there was no getting around it, if they hadn’t been out of town for vacation, they most likely would have died.
And yes their family was small on both their sides, but the graveyards where their parents and grandparents were buried were now underwater, Anna’s sister lost a leg after it was crushed in the rubble, and their three nephews were rather obviously traumatized from watching the earth tear itself asunder around them. 
Their son had destroyed their world.
Their daughter was sheltering him.
They had been able to swallow many things, but this.... this was what broke them.
It was almost conspicuously not spoken of in the Pines household.
Partially for the obvious reason of attempting to preserve the mental health and unity of everyone in the family and the absolute dissonance of knowing one of the people you loved most in the world was responsible for 45 million people dying and the state of California literally dissolved into the ocean.
But the main reason was just that they were too busy living their lives to really devote thought to California. 
Oh it was constantly on Stan and Mabel and Ford and Henry’s minds for weeks, even two or three months. 
But then they stopped finding survivors, and stopped finding bodies. 
But then the rubble began to slowly be cleared, the oceans and the land settled, and the USGS began to survey what remained of California, and what had been reborn in the aftermath. 
But then one month two month three month anniversaries turned into one year five year ten year anniversaries, and every big milestone felt less big than the last one. 
And in the mean time there the triplets, who needed to be fed and clothed, their laundry done and their home kept cleanish, who needed love and attention and their whole selves.
In another time, Anna asked Mabel how she could live with herself, letting Dipper still live with her. 
(in that time, Mabel slammed the phone down.
but the answer would have been, because it was way too easy to forget about California)
There were two things that haunted Dipper about that day. 
Well, besides the obvious. 
The first he confessed to Jo, after they had gotten settled in their new home. 
They both were somewhat in their cups, or at least Dipper was, and-
“Could you have stopped yourself? That day?”
He didn’t need to ask Jo what they were talking about. He knew.
“If California happened today,” he finally managed to say, “it would not have gotten that far.”
“Because you’re.... older,” Jo delicately said, politely avoiding that Dipper had confided his true age in them.
“Yes. But then....then I was so young. I didn’t feel young then. I thought I was an adult. But I was a child, with the power of god and the self control of an infant. My sense of self was washed away, and....it happened.”
Jo was not a touchy-feely person by nature, but they reached out and patted his hand. Which was really all that needed to be said.
The second thing, Dipper took to the heat death of the universe
(Demon match? Demon match?
The small part of him that was freaking out, that this was a bad idea, bad bad bad was overruled by the part of Dipper that had grown up on Pokemon.
These kids, these beautiful dumb kids, were using him and Milchiresa to fight like they were Pokemon, and the cults the trainers.
What a terrible idea! 
what a ͍̱̼̟̯͔̻c͏o̠̩̰̖̫͉̫o͟ļ͔̱̩̩ ̪i̼͓d̫͉e̪̮a̴̙!̼̟ ̺̟̻͍̖͔)
Dipper’s family never thought much about California. 
Perhaps they should have.
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authorautumnbanks · 6 months
How To Tame A Sorcerer: Side Stories (8)
Main story
Side stories
Yuji would not say that he is avoiding Kagome-san per se. He goes over to her home and enjoys the wonderful home-cooked meals or takeout that she provides for him and the gang. So, no, he would not say that he is avoiding her, but he refuses to be alone with her.
So he sends a message letting her know that he and the others will be over later tonight for dinner and a movie.
"Just let me talk to the bitch," Sukuna chimes in. A row of perfectly white sharp teeth emerges from Yuji's cheek. He scowls at the reflection in the mirror, sets his phone down on the dresser, and turns away to instead look at the wall. What an interesting pattern, he thinks, desperately ignoring the pestering of Sukuna. He didn't ask for this curse - spirit - whatever to reside in him. "I'll shut up if you'd just let me talk to the bitch."
"And let you hurt Kagome-san? As if." Yuji huffs. For weeks, Sukuna has been pestering him to meet with Kagome alone to talk to her about who knows what. All Yuji knows is that anything involving Sukuna is bad. He wonders where it went wrong. Too many times of seeing Kagome-san use that strange power of hers, or is it the way nearly every demon they have come encounter with worships the ground she walks on?
Either way, he won't risk Kagome-san's safety or the baby. Yuji falls down onto the bed and stares up at the picture of Megan thee Stallion he recently added to the ceiling. If only he could go back to the times when he was more worried about his latest celebrity crush than having a literal curse inside of him.
"I'm not going to hurt her," Sukuna growls. "I just want to talk to the bitch. I've got some questions."
"Stop calling her that," he hisses back. The freaking nerve of this guy. Is it so hard to not disrespect Kagome-san? Clearly, it is because every word out of Sukuna's vile mouth is an insult.
Freaking parasite.
"But she is one. She's protected by Sesshomaru."
Yuji clamps his lips shut and throws an arm over his eyes, ignoring how Sukuna's tongue reaches out and attempts to tug on his sleeve. Okay, Sukuna knows who Sesshomaru is. That's cause for concern, but he can't exactly go to Gojo-sensei about it when everything Yuji knows, Sukuna knows. His head throbs from all the built up worry and stress.
"I don't see how Sesshomaru-san protecting Kagome-san makes her one of those," he says, refusing to say the word. No way will he disrespect Kagome-san like that. Even with how standoffish he's been, she hasn't taken offense and treats him the same as always.
Sukuna snorts, disappears from his cheek, and reappears on his palm. The sharp nip to his ear jolts him and Yuji curses. "He's a dog demon. The dog demon and the lord of all demons. That makes her a bitch. And for him to be protecting a human..." Sukuna trails off, seemingly deep in his thoughts.
Yuji stills. The lord of demons protects Kagome-san? That should fill him with ease, but only dread settles in his gut. It makes him wonder how many eyes have turned Kagome-san's way with all these powerful allies on her side. "I'm not letting you talk to Kagome-san."
Sukuna tuts. "Then let me talk to her with Gojo around. I don't mind kicking his ass for the fun of it."
"Why are you so pressed to talk to Kagome-san? Whatever it is that you want, she won't give it to you."
"What I need to say to her is none of your business. It has nothing to do with you."
"It's my body. It has everything to do with me." Yuji smacks his palm, frowning when Sukuna disappears before he can hit him.
"Is that what you think?" Sukuna laughs, appearing on his left cheek. His slimy tongue slides back and forth like a windshield wiper, flinging spittle everywhere. Yuji grits his teeth. Sukuna does this crap on purpose to try to egg him on, but he's stronger than he looks. He might be a little dumb, but mentally he likes to believe that his resolve is sound.
"I'm not letting you talk to Kagome-san."
"We'll see about that."
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Meeee. I want a longer version of the voyeur deku and bully kacchan. but in kacchan's pov tho. 💜💜💜👀
My dear anon. You ask and so you shall receive 💓
Pt.1, Pt.2
Tw: implied gangbang, stalking, implied noncon
If there’s one thing Katsuki Bakugo hated more than Deku, it was you.
No, actually, scratch that.
He couldn’t stand you around Deku.
As his childhood friend-or rival, whatever the fuck you wanted to call it, Bakugo knew Deku like the back of his hand.
He knew how he liked his breakfast, eggs runny with cheese and pepper sprinkled in the middle. He knew how crazy he could be as a fanboy for All Might, collecting over 500 antiques of the hero. He knew how he liked spring better because then he could stand under the Sakura trees and close his eyes in bliss while the petals floated softly down on his face.
He knew how he liked to steal your panties and jerk off to them.
He knew that his favorite position to watch him rape you from the front so that he could see every expression while you were filled to the brim with cum.
How the fuck could you be so blind?
Did you not notice the way your undergarments slowly started to vanish, one by one? Did you not realize who’s handwriting it was when you found yet another threatening yet lewd note in your locker? You had to actually be brain dead to not catch on to how he was always the last person out, just to trail behind and watch how your ass swayed when you walked out of the classroom.
But no, apparently you were even more stupid than he thought.
Because instead of correctly matching a face to actions, you thought him, Bakugo fucking Katsuki was the one doing all of this.
He supposed he couldn’t actually hold it against you though. I mean, he was the one slipping a hand up your shirt when you were walking out said door, he was the one who was shoving you against the lockers right when you were about to unlock it and find the notes, and he was the one who tore your panties in two, dangling them in front of your face while you pleaded for him to give it back. He never did, of course, he simply threw them over his shoulder and proceeded dragging you away so he could fuck you in privacy.
But he guesses there wasn’t much privacy if he was being watched all the time.
It was actually pretty typical of Deku. To leech off of what he left behind and try to claim it as his own. First his All Might obsession, then his shoot style, and now you? It’s pathetic, but typical.
He should’ve realized it wasn’t the shadows moving in the corner of his eyes when he was buried to the hilt inside your warmth. When the hairs stood at the back of your neck in the showers, it wasn’t because he was fucking you dumb, it was because someone else’s moans were in synch with his.
But it’s okay, because he knows and you don’t. He knows how the dweeb looks at you, how he sports a tent in his pants when you innocently lay a hand on his shoulder, he knows why your window is broken even though you fell asleep with it intact.
He catches Deku one day. He catches him red handed like the little rat he is.
It was so easy, too, the green haired little shit follows him around like some lovesick puppy anyways. Sometimes he can’t tell if he’s following you or himself.
You walk home from your night classes one evening, when the night is darker than your own shadows and the stars barely dust across the sky. No one else is around, and so you clutch your bag a little more tightly against you whenever you hear a leaf or a start car rustle in the trees surrounding your path back to the dorms.
Bakugo knows your schedule, of course. You take English and Statistics in the morning and save Quirk Training for the evening when you’re the most tired-a stupid plan, in his opinion.
Or at least he thought, at first. Turns out that you’re the easiest to follow when you’re spent and covered in bruises from being thrown against rocks and burned by fire from class. He wishes he could’ve seen you in person when that all happens, but it doesn’t matter when you’re stumbling down the cobblestone path towards your dorm, deaf and blind to any person that might be right behind you.
You just want to go home, he can accept that. Especially when he can so easily trail after you, merely 20 feet away on the same path as you. No one would suspect he’s up to no good from the leisurely way he strolls with his hands in his pockets, and he would bet his entire life that you wouldn’t waste a second to turn around and check your surrounding in favor of hurrying up to your room so you can sleep the aches away.
He might be subtle, but Deku isn’t.
The fucker hides in the bushes and almost crawls like a bug in the foliage after his two favorite people. It’s not even a clever disguise because his hair is three shades lighter than the leaves on the thickets.
Bakugo can hear the twigs snap and rustle as he bumbles around trying to be inconspicuous. He rolls his eyes and turns around, a deep scowl on his face.
“You’re not fooling anyone you bastard. Get the fuck out here right now before I blast you away.”
It doesn’t even take a full three seconds before Deku’s head meekly pops up and he gives a weak smile.
“H-hey Kacchan. Nice to see you here, I just dropped my papers-“
“No you didn’t. How long have you been following us?”
Deku blanches and slowly lifts his eyes to meet Bakugo’s. His mouth might’ve tried to open and refute the accusation, but when he saw the subtle smirk in the latters eye he found himself caring less about being caught.
“Howd you know?”
“You fuckin’ kidding me?” He scoffs and takes a quick glance back at you to ensure that you hadn’t walked too far off. You were still slowly trudging away, an easy distance for him to cross. “You’re about as stealthy as my quirk you freak.”
Deku laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head, also trying to quickly turn his head to see where you are.
“You likin’ the show so far?”
“Huh?” The green haired boy snaps his head back to him, blushing furiously now.
“You heard me. And don’t pretend to be so scandalized, you’re not holier than thou.”
The low voice to an almost predatory tone makes Deku drop the act. He straightens up a bit taller and his eyelids lower, his brows raised in a mocking sneer of some sorts. His lips curl and his teeth gleam in the moonlight, almost looking like fangs.
Bakugo has to remind himself for a moment not to back up a step.
“Yeah, I’m likin’ it.”
“I knew it. I bet you watched us every time we fucked, you bastard. Next time I’ll make you pay for front row seats since that’s where you always seem to be.” He crosses his arms and stares Deku down.
But the other doesn’t cower. Instead, his expression morphs into that of a weird hopeful look.
“I wouldn’t exactly say fucked is the right word. I’d say raped is better, Kacchan.”
It’s the utter confidence and ease in which he says this that makes Bakugo do a double take, his scowl breaking for a moment.
But he regroups. He knew this little shit was weird and fucked up, but he didn’t realize he was twisted beyond repair. In reality, he knew he was actually having sex with you without your full consent but hearing it from a guy like Deku made it so much worse.
It made his heart pound a little faster, while it made Dekus mouth water.
“Yeah? You liked watching me motorboat and fuck her tits? You liked hearing her scream for me, scream to get away from me too?”
And even in the shadows from the trees he can see how hard the degenerate nods his head eagerly like a dog waiting for its bone.
Even though he doesn’t like how the glint in his eyes darken with each vile word coming from his own mouth, he can’t help but go further down this rabbit hole and see how much Deku can take before he snaps-he’s never seen him so hungry for something before, except for when he would be around All Might.
So he eggs him on.
“I bet you got off on watching her struggle underneath me, didn’t you?” It’s less of a question and more of a statement to which Deku confirms.
“I did. I got off so many times I thought I’d have to get it checked out. But honestly, I think you could do better.”
Katsuki wasnt expecting that response.
“Who the fuck are you to-“
“Have you ever really savored the look of fear in her eyes? Have you ever tied her up and really played with her?”
His voice gets stuck in his throat as Deku continues.
“She’s pretty when you fill her up, but I can’t help but wonder..what would she look like with every hole plugged?”
He has no right looking so shy and nervous when such filth leaves his salivating lips. A drop of spit falls to the cobblestone and as Bakugo grimaces and steps back a bit, he realizes that he has not given his childhood rival as much credit for being a creep than he actually is.
“No fucking way. You better not be suggesting you get in on any of this action. She’s fuckin’ mine and I’ll be damned if I have to share her with some useless fuck like you.”
“I promise I won’t be useless, Kacchan. I’ll make sure to keep her moving at all times. She won’t stop bouncing when I’m with her, please, please let me give it a try too.”
And when he doesn’t look convinced, Deku rambles on like a madman. “I’ll even gag her with her own bloodstained panties so that she can shut up and I can focus better. I won’t ask you for her pussy either, I’ll take her ass or throat instead if you want!”
Katsuki wishes he didn’t hear the childhood boyish eager in his voice as he spoke.
He also wishes his dick didn’t get quite so hard when all of that was said.
“God, just shut up already, she’s getting farther now. Okay look, I’ll let you give it a go this one time only so that I can fuck her in peace without you staring at my ass the entire time.”
Dekus eyes light up and he lifts a leg over to step over the hedges. “Really, you mean it? I can fuck her too?”
Bakugo snarls and turns away, heading towards the same path you took. “Whatever, just don’t think this is gonna be a regular kind of thing. I worked hard to get myself a toy and I’ll be damned if you fuck it up for me.”
And when they both join the other towards you, there’s a moment when you glance back that you think the shadow that has been following you this whole time has turned into two.
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
Photos and Crushes - Cowboy AU Jotaro x Reader P1
Look, I’ve been playing some Red Dead Redemption 2 again and I just got this idea. Sooo, rooty-tooty-guns-n-shootie, takes place in 1887 ish, America.
Part 2  |  Part 3
Word Count: 7704
You are a kindhearted, positive, gentle person. Despite the harsh reality you live in, you try to see the good in people, even if it sometimes might not be there.
It has gotten you into plenty of trouble before but, it has gotten you so much more positivity as well.
Jotaro was one of those positive points. Angry, aggressive and dangerous in the eyes of others, you were one of the few who didn’t judge him for how he looked and carried himself. And thus, a miraculous friendship was born.
Whenever you would hang out together, people would always be wary of the strange duo, more so for your safety than what you would be up to. But you never paid them any mind. If they wanted to judge Jotaro, that was fine, but you wouldn’t let it ruin the time you had with him.
Jotaro, of course, noticed all the stares and whispers, but he didn’t give a shit.
When he had met you two years ago, you were being cornered by a couple of guys who had taken advantage of your kindness, pretending to ask if you could lead them to the general store, only to drag you into a secluded alleyway.
It just so happened that Jotaro had been across the street, seeing you happily chatting about the town to the boys, oblivious to the malicious glint in their eyes.
At first he didn’t want to get involved. He had seen you around before but never talked to you and if you were dumb enough to not see their true motive, why should he involve himself? But then you looked around and crossed eyes with him, and instead of instant swooning or darting your eyes away and cowering in fear, you sent him a polite smile and a wave, since you recognised him from around town. It surprised him, seeing you act so casually and greet him like a person.
Gritting his teeth, Jotaro looked down at his feet for a second, grabbing the bill of his hat in frustration, only to abruptly let it go and stand up, discreetly starting to follow you and the boys.
Not a few minutes later and the boys executed their plan, pulling you into an abandoned alley, much to your surprise. They didn’t get even twenty seconds before Jotaro slinked up behind them. Just the image and threat of the imposing nineteen year old was enough to get the boys to scamper off with their tails between their legs.
Upon being saved, you practically dragged Jotaro along, insisting on paying him a drink as thanks and from there on, the two of you hit it off.
Ever since then, you two regularly hung out. And Jotaro had taken it upon himself to become your self-appointed bodyguard.
Right now he was headed to the church.
The town you two lived in was of moderate size and, since there were so many people in one place, a small church was built there. But Jotaro wasn’t going to the church so he could pray to God, no, he was going because you were there.
He knew you had started teaching kids how to read. Most of them were homeless, piss-poor or sticky-fingered little brats, but you taught them all the same.
Jotaro had once pointed it out and asked if you knew what those kids were actually up to every day. You had answered with a shrug, saying it didn’t matter and that you just wanted to help them. Jotaro had just grumbled at that and pulled his hat down. It didn’t matter to him, as long as they kept their grubby hands off of your belongings and didn’t harm you.
He rounded a corner and the church finally came into view further down the dirt-path. For a second, Jotaro reconsidered whether he wanted to visit you or not. He had nothing to do and wanted to share in your company, but he also knew that if you weren’t done teaching yet, you would not go with him until you were; which would mean Jotaro either had to leave with his tail between his legs in front of a bunch of brats, or he had to sit down and endure their incessant squabbling.
Shaking his head, he just decided to go for it. Regrettably enough, Jotaro just really wanted to see you right now. Recently, a gang of thieves and murderers had swept through town and pretty much everyone had been holed up inside, making him unable to see or spend time with you.
Finally reaching the church, he looked past the gates to see you sitting on the steps, about eight kids with you, of which five were sitting around you, while the other three were fooling around on the small grass churchyard that sat in front of the steps.
God, you were beautiful. Jotaro could immediately tell some of these kids were violent, thieves and just straight nasty, yet you talked with them as if they were your own.
Your own.
Jesus, how his stomach twisted at the thought. You both were 21 now and Jotaro knew he should be looking to the future. If there was someone he wanted to be with, it was you. And just the thought of you, your belly swollen with his child? It shook him to the core.
As he reached the gate, he must have stared at you for a little too long because as soon as he had put two steps inside, the three boys that were kicking around on the grass stopped in front of him, seeming to be between the ages of eleven to thirteen.
“Whoa there, mister! What do you think you’re doing?” The dirty blond to his right said and Jotaro looked down at the boys, raising an eyebrow at them for stopping him. “We don’t like that look in your eyes.” The boy continued.
“Yeah, need we remind you you are on church grounds?”
“What were you staring at Miss Y/N for, mister? What do you want with her?” The third kid spoke up and Jotaro was now annoyed, feeling ticked off at their questioning.
“That’s my business, now get out of my way.” He glared, but though he could see he scared them, they held their ground.
“No! We are not letting you hurt her!”
“You wanna fight for it? Let’s go then!” The one right in front put his fists up.
“Yare yare daze, just move, kid.” Jotaro sighed, tilting his hat over his eyes to stay calm.
“Now you’ve done it! Haaa-!” The blond yelled out, punching Jotaro in the stomach, but the man didn’t even flinch. The kid’s eyes went big.
He looked to his friends for help and they got the hint, all three of them now rearing up for an attack as they each shouted a battle cry, going to throw punches while Jotaro grit his teeth in annoyance. As much as he despised these little shits, he couldn’t punch them, and so he just decided to let them vent and then move on.
Someone else however, heard the screaming. “Hey! What’s going o-! Oh! Hey, Jotaro!”
Your sudden happy greeting stopped the boys in their tracks and two of them stumbled as they made their punches go wide to miss the intimidating man.
Jotaro put his hand up in greeting and you beamed a smile, much to the confusion of the kids. You excused yourself from the five around you and walked over.
“So, what’s going on here?” You asked sweetly, yet there was a warning undertone in your voice.
“N-Nothing!” The blond squeaked, holding a not so convincing smile, his face screaming ‘guilty’.
“Good grief, I told you they were brats.” Jotaro once again lowered his hat over his eyes, feeling a kick to his shin that made him glare at the boy beside him, instantly making him run off in fear, the other two following not a second later.
“Oi, don’t be mean to my kids.” You scolded him, rapping your knuckles on the top of his head.
“They’re not your kids.” Jotaro deadpanned and you sputtered a bit.
“Yeah, well, not technically no, but-“
“That little shit stole from me two weeks ago.” He pointed to the auburn haired boy that had been standing to his left earlier.
“He did? What did he steal?” You questioned, your brows furrowing.
“Pack of cigarettes and my lighter. That shit ain’t cheap you know.” He grumbled as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Oi, stop swearing every other sentence. You’re on church grounds.” You lightly smacked him on the chest while Jotaro just gave you a look that said ‘does it look like I care?’. “So... why are you here?” You then asked, diverting the subject.
“Just came by to see you.” Jotaro shrugged.
“Aw, how sweet.” You teased a little but a small blush did make its way onto your cheeks, making Jotaro’s heart skip a beat. Could that mean you...? No, he shouldn’t jump to conclusions. “Why don’t you come sit down?” You suddenly asked and Jotaro looked down at you.
“No, I don’t-“
“Too bad, too late!” You grinned as you grabbed his hand out of his pocket and dragged him back to the stairs with you, not even giving him any time to protest. “Everyone, this is Jotaro! Jotaro, this is everyone.” You smiled as you introduced him to the terrified kids on the stairs.
A small girl then slowly stepped forward, her hair almost white-blonde and braided in two braids down the sides of her head.
She looked up at Jotaro with big eyes, the man staring back, before smiling wide, holding her arms up at him and making grabby hands. “Uh.” Jotaro hesitantly looked at you while you just held the biggest smile.
“That’s Amelia, she’s seven years old and mute.” You explained before urging Jotaro with your eyes to do as she asked and pick her up.
Sighing, he leaned down and grabbed the girl under her armpits, easily lifting her up into his arms and looping an arm under her to hold her. Amelia immediately wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, smiling brightly as she looked into his eyes.
Jotaro averted his gaze from the girl in his arms, over to you, to see you nearly melting on the spot. He rolled his eyes in response to you freaking out. “Happy?” He grumbled out and you just nodded vehemently.
A tugging broke Jotaro from watching you and he looked down behind him to see a little boy tugging on his pants, pointing up at him.
“You want to go up too?” You questioned and the boy nodded enthusiastically, shouting out a ‘yeah!’.
“Wait, Y/N-“ Before he could do anything about it, you had lifted the boy and placed him on Jotaro’s back, letting him cling by himself since Jotaro was using both hands to hold the girl.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the disgruntled look on Jotaro’s face as the boy giggled loudly, clinging tightly on his back.
The other children were suddenly a lot less terrified, as two others stood up and started tugging on his pants as well. It was clear that the younger kids had stayed around you as you taught the lesson, while the older three had drifted a bit away. This meant however, that Jotaro was now surrounded by small kids, two of them on top of him.
“I’m not a horse you know.” He grumbled, looking at the two hanging on his pants a little warily, watching where they put their hands.
“You’re not, but you’re just as tall, if not taller, and a lot less dangerous.” You grinned, earning a glare from the man though you knew there was no real hostility in it.
Just then, the doors to the church opened and a nun came walking out. “Ah, miss L/N! How goes the reading?” She questioned and you turned your gaze from watching Jotaro, to the nun.
“Ah! It’s going fine, thank you! And thank you again for letting me use this space.” You smiled sweetly.
“Of course, our doors are open for you anytime.” The nun smiled back before turning to see the remarkable sight of Jotaro, surrounded by kids, holding a small girl while another child clung to his back. “Mr. Kujo.” She smiled, pleasantly surprised.
“Hello, Sister.” Jotaro greeted back. He may be a hardass, but he at least had respect for those who deserved it, unlike a lot of other people.
“It is good to see you again. Coming to visit Y/N I see?” She smiled and Jotaro dipped his head a little in response, both as a way to answer yet also as a way to hide his eyes from the Sister, for he knew she could look through him as though he was shouting out his thoughts and emotions. “Well, no matter.” The nun smiled slyly to herself, seeing through the action. “Who here is hungry?” She then spoke out a little louder and almost every tiny head perked up.
You giggled at the sight and swiftly moved to behind Jotaro, grabbing onto the boy hanging there and lifting him down from his back while Jotaro himself carefully sat the girl down. In a matter of seconds, all of the kids were lined up in a row and quickly started following the nun into the church, the doors closing behind them and leaving you and Jotaro on the steps.
“Whoo, they are always a lively bunch.” You chuckled, turning a little to face Jotaro before walking up to the stairs and sitting down on them, grabbing the book you had been working on with them, as well as the notebook and pencil.
“What book were you reading?” Jotaro asked, sitting down next to you. You took notice of how close he sat though, his arm touching yours as you sat side by side.
“King Arthur and the knights of the round table.” You said it in a fancy manner and held the book up for him as he took it from your hands.
“Knights? Really?” He scoffed as he briefly leafed through the pages and you playfully bumped your shoulder into his.
“Hey! It’s good for their imagination.” You chuckled. “Besides, it needs to be engaging for them. Lord knows I can’t try to teach them to read with the kinds of books you read. ‘How wagons are assembled’ or ‘how nature works’. Oh! Oh! ‘How a steam train or steam boat functions’.” You giggled a little as you poked fun at him, lowering your voice near the end to match his as best you could as you spoke.
“That’s not what I sound like.” Jotaro rolled his eyes, but the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Sure you don’t, tough boy.” You leaned forward until you could look at him from under the brim of his hat, now hovering over his lap as you cocked your head with a smirk. “I have heard you rant about inventions and discoveries made more than anyone else, I’m pretty sure.”
Jotaro just scoffed and looked to the side, unable to hide his slightly embarrassed blush since you were right below him. Oh god, you were right below him, your face so close to his. He only needed to lean down a little and- Clearing his throat, Jotaro leaned back a bit, giving himself some space and prompting you to sit up again, none the wiser from what was going through his head.
“Hey, did you know they were setting up a new shop last week? Apparently you can get your picture taken there.” You suddenly started, looking forward through the churchyard as you mused.
“Oh?” Jotaro spoke, trying to sound disinterested yet listening intently.
“Would you... perhaps want to take a picture with me there?” You hesitantly asked and Jotaro’s heart skipped a beat though he didn’t show it. “I always wanted to see what I would look like on one of those.”
“Not very different from what you look like when you look in a mirror.” Jotaro cringed at how roughly that came out but he had said it before he could stop himself. He just hoped it didn’t dissuade you from wanting to take a picture with him.
“Say, are you insulting me, Mr. Kujo?” You teased lightheartedly, nudging him again and a tiny relieved smile played on Jotaro’s lips.
“I wouldn’t dream of ever insulting you.”
“Alright, now I know you’re just taking a piss.” You laughed. “Either way, what do you say we-!” You suddenly stopped your excited exclamation, catching Jotaro’s attention. “Oh wait, it’d probably cost a lot huh? Shoot, never mind, we can go do something else...” You deflated but quickly shook it off, perking up in feigned happiness again. “Do you have anything in mind!?”
Jotaro however, studied your face close. He hated to see how your excitement got washed away so quickly. “Yare yare.” Standing up from the stairs, he held his right hand out to you.
“Oh, you’ve got something?” You asked, seemingly back to your happy self as you put your hand in his and allowed him to pull you up.
“Let’s go get that picture taken.”
Your face turned into shock as he said that. “Wait, really? But I just said- I- you- You mean you’ll pay?”
“As long as I can be in it as well, yes.” Jotaro gently tugged your hand, still holding onto it as he now used it to coax you along. “Let’s go then, we don’t know when it closes and it is getting late.”
Jotaro started walking, very consciously keeping hold of your hand. As you fell into step with him, excitedly buzzing, he made a bold move as he re-gripped your hand to fit more comfortably in his; as if you were intentionally holding hands from the beginning instead of just still awkwardly holding on after Jotaro pulled you to your feet.
You didn’t seem any wiser while Jotaro felt his heart pounding in his throat, relishing in how his hand fit around yours, your hand unconsciously still holding onto his. He was so tempted to rub his thumb over the back of your palm or to actually entwine his fingers with yours, but decided against it since that would definitely draw your attention to your hands and he didn’t want that. Right now, he would just hold on, silently musing to himself how small your hand was compared to his and how right it felt to have your hand sat in his.
In this moment, it was one of the few times Jotaro was actually glad for your obliviousness.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to reach the photography shop and you both stood in front of the door, slogans and examples of pictures slapped everywhere to lure people in.
‘Get your photo taken with your loved one and display the memory, so you may never forget!’
That and more was plastered on the display window, yet Jotaro couldn’t take his eyes off of that particular one. ‘With your loved one’. His attention automatically reverted back to how you were still holding hands and he had to try everything in his power to keep his face from heating up.
“Let’s go in!” You jumped once, breaking him out of his focus as you started dragging him to the door, opening it not a second later, the tall male in tow.
“Good afternoon, how can I help the lovely couple tonight?” A man standing in front of a camera asked when he saw you two come in, hand in hand.
“Oh, uh. We’re, uh.” Your face burst into flame as he commented that, your eyes drifted up to Jotaro and then to your entwined hands, realising you were still holding onto him.
You quickly made a move to let him go but Jotaro kept holding on, preventing you from pulling away as he squeezed your hand a little tighter.
“We’re here to get a picture taken, old man. What else.” He snapped a little and you sighed good-naturedly. Good ol’ Jotaro: intimidating people and being scary upon meeting them for the first time.
“Oh, haha, of course.” The owner chuckled nervously, though you swore you could hear him mutter a ‘I’m not that old’ as he turned to check his camera. “Uhm, you can just take your place in front of the background there.” He then smiled, motioning to the wall the camera was set up in front of.
The ‘background’ was a painting of an open plain, a rock formation with a modest waterfall in the back, as well as an eagle in the right hand corner.
Your jittery yet excited nerves for doing this came back, making you forget the flustering comment of the shop owner and you started walking towards the wall.
“Hope it’s gonna turn out alright.” You grinned up at Jotaro and he sent you a rare reassuring smile. It was small, but it was there, and suddenly, you were completely calm and ready to get this photo taken. The two of you took your place, Jotaro standing right up against you, making you blush.
“Alright.” The owner nervously rubbed his hands together, obviously still a bit scared of the nearly two meter tall man in black. “Ah, you are already in the perfect positions, you are naturals at this.” He tried to crack a joke but it came out a little awkward and he cleared his throat. “Look here please.” The man pointed at a spot right above the camera before ducking behind the device.
And just like that, the photos were taken.
After this entire time, Jotaro relinquished his hold on your hand, figuring it was best to let go, lest he was too obvious and even you would notice. Hell you, probably already did but thought nothing of it. Your obliviousness shining through again.
In the end, the two of you picked out the two best ones, nearly identical, and took one each.
That night, as Jotaro walked back home, he admired the photograph in his hand. He didn’t care much for how he looked in it, but it was the exact opposite with you. You looked so happy in it. Your smile shining bright and your energy nearly radiating off of it even through the photo. Yet what Jotaro treasured more than all in it, was the way your hands were entwined in the photo. Right in the middle, screaming for him to look at it. And look he did, feeling his cheeks heat up a little.
Opening the door to his home, he was immediately bombarded as his mother latched to him, wrapping her arms around his torso.
“Jotaro, you’re home!” She cheered happily. “You missed dinner so I put some to the side for you.” She smiled and Jotaro just huffed a little, pushing her off of himself. He wasn’t even hungry, he just wanted to go to bed.
That wish was short-lived however, as someone suddenly tackled him from behind, making him face plant into the floor.
“Jotaro! My boy!” The oh-so familiar voice of his grandfather sounded.
Question marks went off in the younger man’s head. His mother hadn’t told him the old man was coming for a visit?
“Get off.” Jotaro grunted as he attempted to shake his grandpa off but it was futile, as Joseph instead put him into a deadlock, pulling his arm behind his back and trapping it there, which made his eyes widen. The fucking photograph was in that hand and if that old man got even a single crinkle or fold in it, he would have his head.
“Good evening, Jotaro.” A familiar accented voice spoke and Jotaro looked up from under his hat to see Caesar sitting in the arm chair facing him, giving a disappointed look at Joseph.
“Caesar.” Jotaro grunted back a greeting as Joseph found that exact moment to twist his arm a little further.
“Oh, what’s this?” The voice on top suddenly curiously spoke and Jotaro felt the photograph be swiped from his fingers, making his eyes widen.
His grandfather was an expert at pinning people down thanks to years of random fights and being friends with Caesar. Yet you should never underestimate a desperate man trying to keep his dignity who also has a temper to match.
Thanks to Joseph using one hand to look at the paper in his hand, he had lost his hold on Jotaro’s right arm and the young man took full use of it.
Pushing himself up a bit, he threw the older man off of himself and turned around to swipe the photo back, but Joseph was way quicker and had used the momentum to get to his feet and run over to Caesar, standing behind his chair as he turned the paper around, feasting his eyes on the photo again.
“What’s this, Jotaro? Who’s that with you?” He asked in disbelief and Jotaro clenched his jaw. His mother, upon hearing her father say the sentence, zipped over and curiously looked at the photo as well, gasping a little once she saw it, before looking up at her son and sending him a giant grin.
Jotaro pulled his hat down a little and stomped over, attempting to swipe at the photo. “Give it back.” He growled as he tried to grab it, but Joseph moved it out of his reach.
“No way! You have some explaining to do, I mean, you’re smiling in this!”
“I’m not.” Jotaro grumbled, once again lunging forward to get it back, but Joseph tittered away, way too giddy and happy about what he was finding out about his grandson.
“Yes you are! Look! It’s small, but it’s there!” He turned the photo around and pointed at Jotaro’s face in it. Holly took a closer look and her proud grin grew even more.
“Would you stop, old man? It’s nothing, so just give it back.” Jotaro once again walked across the room to try and reach his grandfather, but Joseph danced out of his grasp once more, skipping over to Caesar who had stayed seated in this entire ordeal and showing the photo to his lifelong friend.
“Look Caesar! You see it too right?”
Caesar, who had had his eyes closed, opened them and slowly looked up at Joseph, grasping the photo with his left hand before harshly grasping his friend’s wrist, prying his hand away from the photo before getting out of the chair and moving over to the younger man.
“Here you go.” He spoke as he returned the photo.
“Thanks.” Jotaro spoke, a little unsure of what to say.
“Tell her how you feel soon. Don’t let it slip through your fingers.” Jotaro blinked a few times, feeling his face heat up a little as the Italian man gave the advice, speaking loud enough for only him to hear it. With a soft tug, he pulled down the brim of his hat over his eyes and nodded, quickly making his way out of the room so he could finally just go to bed.
As he walked through the hall, he heard his grandpa’s despairing cries, questioning Caesar why he would do that, and a small smirk appeared on Jotaro’s face. He could always trust in Caesar.
- - - -
Two weeks had passed and Jotaro was sitting on the steps of the church. To his left, he heard your gentle and caring voice reading passages of the book to the kids around. To his right, the little girl, Amelia, was practically glued to his hip as he read his own book, just silently sitting through your class.
He had been doing this more and more frequently, just coming by every once in a while, not really saying anything and just sitting with you as you taught the kids.
As he turned the page of his book, he suddenly felt something being lifted from his front pocket however and he snapped his head up, looking to his left to see the dirty blond, who he now knew as Jack, lifting his pocket watch from its place. The boy immediately noticed he was found out and bolted, laughing as he ran across the grass to the fences on the other side.
Jotaro however, was pissed as he slammed his book shut and walked over to Jack with large strides. “Give it back.” He spoke lowly, a threatening glare directed at the boy.
Jotaro physically saw him gulp, smirking a little to himself to see he still had his intimidating presence with these kids. But it was short lived, since Jack seemingly found a bit of courage again - continuing on with the plan, unknown to Jotaro.
“Why? I’m sure you can buy another one. Unless... this one is special?” Jotaro narrowed his eyes dangerously and Jack could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He clicked open the watch and there was a triumphant glint in his eyes. “Aha.” He spoke and smirked up at Jotaro, only for that smirk to leave as he saw the dangerous aura radiating off of the man. “Tommy!” He yelled and threw the pocket watch, making Jotaro’s heart sink for a moment, scared it would drop on the stone steps and break.
“You little shit.” He glared at Jack before turning around to Tommy, who was standing on the steps of the church.
“Hey, what’s going on!” You called out, looking up from your book while the children around were trying to write letters in your notebook.
Tommy immediately took this chance and rushed over to you when Jotaro started taking threatening strides towards the boy. He didn’t want to hit a kid but so help him god, he would get that pocket watch back. Jotaro wasn’t fast enough however, as Tommy zipped over to you and flipped the pocket watch open, shoving it in your face.
Jotaro faltered in his steps, nervous sweat rolling down the side of his face. Those little brats had planned this all out. They knew. Jotaro hated to say it, but he had made it too obvious that he was sweet on you and they knew.
“Jotaro!” Your exclamation of surprise ripped him from his thoughts and he looked over at you, doing his best to keep an expression of indifference. “How did you manage to do this? I had to make a bigger frame to fit mine!” You turned the pocket watch around so he could see the inside, showing the clock on the right while on the left, on the inside of the cover, he now had a perfect view of the photograph of the two of you that he had stuck in there.
Jack and Tommy groaned while Jotaro’s shoulders slumped a bit. In both relief, as well as disappointment for some reason, seeing you were none the wiser.
Jotaro just waved his hand a bit, dismissing your question as he walked over and took the pocket watch back from you. Looking it over to see if it was damaged but luckily, it wasn’t. Concluding that, he flipped it shut and put it back in the pocket where it belonged.
“Well?” You looked up at him with hopeful and curious eyes and Jotaro pulled his hat down over his face. You looked... cute.
Jotaro didn’t lift his hat as he took his spot next to you again. “I went back and had a photograph taken of the photograph.” He said through gritted teeth, reluctantly telling you how he did it, embarrassment flooding through him over having to admit that.
“Oh, that’s so clever! I should do something like that as well.” You giggled, then dreamingly looked forward.
You were pulled out of it by a small tug on your sleeve. “Miss Y/N, can we have a break?” The small boy asked and you smiled sweetly, nodding.
“Of course, you go ahead and play for a bit.” You shoo’ed all the kids and they erupted into talk and laughter, all of them getting up and finding a place to play.
As the kids were running around a bit during the break, a shadow got cast over a specific pair of boys, making them freeze and slowly turn around to the imposing figure. “Tommy. Jack. Any of you touch my shit ever again and I will make you severely regret it.” The threat and danger in Jotaro’s voice was real and the boys swallowed heavily, nodding frantically before busting out into a sprint, running away as far as possible before squeaking as Jotaro made his way back over to them, since they had ran towards where you sat on the steps and that was where Jotaro wanted to sit down again as well.
“Did you have to scare them like that?” You questioned with a chuckle and Jotaro just huffed in amusement as he sat down.
“Yes. They need to know not to take my stuff.”
“You know, you’re right. That is a good lesson to learn.” You chuckled, only for your smile to slowly dim down as your attention got taken by several pairs of horse hooves thumping across the ground. “What’s that?” You questioned as you looked at the large group of riders, watching them trot closer and closer, slowing down the closer they got to the church. All of them carried rather large guns and other weapons.
You nervously looked up at Jotaro, who had his eyes narrowed as he looked at the large group as well. “Stay alert.” He spoke quietly and you nodded, the both of you getting up.
Jotaro whistled loud and curtly, gaining the attention of all the kids. You quickly motioned your arms for all of them to come, not wanting to verbally shout it just in case the riders would hear and take it the wrong way.
Taking the hint, the kids all started to run into your arms and Jotaro took a step forward, holding his arms out a little to keep you and the children behind him.
Everyone had fearful looks as Amelia was the last to reach you, running behind you and around, hanging on the back of Jotaro’s pants. It wasn’t a few seconds later that the riders all stopped in front of the church.
“Howdy, partner.” The leader of the herd spoke up after a few seconds but Jotaro immediately picked up on the false friendliness in the voice.
“What do you want?” He bit back, glaring vehemently.
“Whoa, so angry.” The man mocked with a large grin, turning back to his friends behind him who laughed softly. “You should show me some respect you know.” He then continued, turning back to Jotaro with that grin still on his face. “Did your momma never teach you respect?” He continued jesting but Jotaro didn’t give any reaction, just holding the intimidating glare on the man.
This made him feel as if he was losing grip of the situation, so the man decided to take another approach and laughed a bit while calling out. “Why don’t I teach you some then?” He jokingly pointed his gun at Jotaro and the children whimpered and gasped in fear from behind him. Your grip on his trenchcoat tightened and Jotaro’s reaction was immediate, his right hand pulling back to behind his back before snapping forward, a gun now pointed at the man’s head.
“Try it.” Jotaro’s voice was low and dangerous and even the rider took note of it. “I know exactly what you’re up to. This is a community church, it has nothing of value for you, so take your little group and piss off. You’re scaring the children.” Jotaro calmly spoke as he stared down the barrel of the gun, showing not even a hint of fear, nervousness or hesitation.
“Now... calm down, friend.” The man tried, re-gripping his gun a little nervously.
“We ain’t friends and you know it. Get the hell away from here.” Jotaro’s hand was as steady as ever, his gun constantly pointed at the man’s head without even a single tremor or twitch from holding the iron up.
This angered the man. “You seem to not understand that you are outnumbered here, friend.” He spoke, calling Jotaro that again on purpose, signalling his mates in the meantime, who all grabbed a gun and pointed it at Jotaro as well.
The children cowered even more, small shrieks leaving them and you tried to shush them. “It’s alright, just stay behind me and Jotaro. You’re alright.” You spoke in a hushed tone, petting the heads of those you could reach. You discreetly saw the door to the church open and saw the Sister poke her head out. You quickly and frantically shook your head, a message for her to stay where she was.
“Are you really going to threaten children on church grounds?” Jotaro questioned calmly and the leader growled a bit in anger.
“Stop acting so smug or I’ll blast your head off! And that of that girl too! Give those brats something to look at!”
“Threaten her again and I’ll make sure you’ll never speak again.” Jotaro’s retort was immediate as he glared at the man, lowering his gun just a little to point directly at the mouth of the loud-mouthed bastard.
“Hit a nerve?” The guy smirked. “I’ll say it again, you’re outnumbered.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure, son.” A new voice spoke up and everyone’s head whipped to the source. “What’s going on here?” The sheriff spoke, tilting his head a little while two of his deputies joined his side, all of them having their hands hovering over the guns strapped to their belts.
Now that there were a lot more possible enemies, the man wavered. Slowly and reluctantly, he lowered his gun. “Nothing, sheriff. Just a bit of harmless fun.” He spoke and his friends took it as a sign to lower their guns as well.
“Was it? ‘Cause as far as I can see you are threatening innocent children. Now, will you move on yourself or will we have a problem?”
“Tch.” The man gritted his teeth before hitting the reins of his horse, simultaneously softly kicking his feet into its belly, making the animal start calmly stepping forward, the rest of his group following his example as they started riding away at a slow pace.
“Follow them and make sure they leave proper.” The sheriff whispered to his deputies before leaving them to their business and walking over to the gate leading into the church grounds.
Jotaro kept his gun up the entire time the gang of riders were riding away, all of them sending occasional glances back that kept Jotaro on high alert. Only once the deputies rode past and started tailing the men did he finally lower it.
Once he un-cocked the gun and sighed out, the children still cowering behind the two of you finally relaxed a little, two of them bursting into tears as the sheriff walked through the fence and towards the steps of the church - to which you immediately started trying to console them.
“Holy crap! You just won that standoff singlehandedly!!” Jack shouted as the sheriff stepped into earshot, the boy jumping in front of Jotaro with his hands thrown in the air as he looked at the man before him in awe.
“That was so cool!! It was like twenty to one and you still won!” Tommy piped in with an exaggerated number and Jotaro lowered his hat over his eyes, softly letting out his usual catchphrase.
“Are you boys all alright?” The sheriff walked up and Jotaro lifted his gaze again, briefly looking back to see you had succeeded in calming the children down, four of them now clinging to you in a group hug as the doors to the church opened properly, the nun quickly walking out to help comfort the children.
“Yes. Thank you for stepping in.” Jotaro spoke back, nonchalantly putting his gun back in its place, hidden behind his trenchcoat.
“Well, that’s my job.” The sheriff joked before turning a little more serious. “What happened exactly?”
Jotaro looked back at you once again, seeing you now quietly talking with the kids to calm them down. This earned him an elbow poke in the ribs from Tommy and he glared at the kid, making said boy giggle to himself and drag Jack with him, running over to you.
“They came to rob the church, believing it to have many riches like those city churches have, probably.” Jotaro sounded a little indifferent as he turned back to look forward and the sheriff hummed.
“Mr. Kujo saved us, sheriff Miller.” The sister spoke as she walked up, placing a hand on Jotaro’s shoulder blade. Jotaro just looked down at the nun, getting a grateful smile from her and he gave a small barely noticeable nod back.
Something suddenly latched onto his right leg and Jotaro looked down to see Amelia hanging on his pant leg, burying her head into the fabric.
Jotaro just looked at her for a second. He didn’t know what he had done to get her like this, but Amelia had really attached herself to him. Jotaro on the other hand, still had no idea what to do around children. He awkwardly patted her on her head, making her look up. “Go to Y/N, it’s alright.” He spoke, trying his best to sound gentle but it still came out quite gruffly, regrettably enough.
Amelia didn’t seem to care though and stayed latched on his leg while both the nun and the sheriff chuckled discreetly at the young man trying his best. Crouching down to get on eye height with the girl, the sheriff got her attention. “Are you alright?” He asked and Amelia turned her head, half of her face still buried in Jotaro’s trousers but still paying attention. She nodded softly and the sheriff smiled.
“Why don’t you go to Miss L/N, Mr. Kujo? I’ll handle the rest.” The Sister smiled and Jotaro nodded at her, turning around.
Amelia let go of his leg and instead grabbed his hand, trying to pull him along now as she tried to hurry over to you.
Once he was close enough, you noticed and got up, turning around to face him. Amelia let go of his hand and ran to her friends while your eyes crossed with Jotaro’s.
Tears were pricking in the corners and that shocked Jotaro slightly. He had no time to react as you ran over to him and jumped into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you buried your head in his shoulder.
He immediately caught you, wrapping his arms around your body and holding it against himself to hold you up. Yet, his eyes were wide as he felt his heart thump. He had no idea what to do. He felt you pressing your face even deeper into his neck, trying to keep yourself from crying in front of the children but Jotaro knew you wanted to, more than anything.
His brain short-circuited and all he could think to do was tighten his hold on you, letting you know he was there.
Some noises to his left caught his attention and he looked over to see Jack and Tommy making kissy faces at him. In an immediate reaction he kicked a rock that lay at his foot to them, making them dodge it and giggle while running away again, joining the other kids while Jotaro silently grumbled to himself, trying to calm his beating heart.
“You alright?” He asked after a minute more of silence and he felt you nod into his shoulder.
“Yeah... you?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Jotaro questioned and you lifted your head, leaning back a bit to look at his face. Your eyes were a bit red and you sniffled softly.
“Well.” You started with a small sad chuckle. “You did just nearly die.”
To that, Jotaro rolled his eyes. “You clearly read the situation wrong then.” He put you back on your feet, looking to see the nun walking back over to the children while the sheriff was now walking away, sticking his hand up as he looked back in a goodbye before turning around fully and walking back to his horse.
Because he was looking to the sheriff walking away however, he was unable to brace himself when you took a few steps back and jumped right into him, tackling him to the floor.
A heavy ‘oof’ left him as he crashed to the ground with you right on top of him. You immediately sat onto his stomach and Jotaro had to try very hard to suppress a blush at the sight.
“Don’t you dare accuse me of seeing things wrong when I am just worried for your safety.” You spoke, poking his chest in warning, but the teasing look in your eyes told Jotaro exactly what you were thinking.
In return, Jotaro grabbed your wrists and rolled the two of you around so that you were now pinnend under him. “I will accuse you, because you will always remain oblivious.” He spoke, his voice sounding a little strained even though he held a small smirk.
“Oblivious to what?” You questioned, narrowing your eyes. Jotaro didn’t say anything, just looked deeply in your eyes. Neither of you really noticed he was leaning down until his face was inches from yours.
Yet before anything else could happen: “GET HIIIIMMM!!” A young voice screamed out and Jotaro jerked his head back up, looking up past his shoulder only to have three different bodies flung on top of him.
You burst out laughing at Jotaro’s surprised face that only you had a view of, even though you were still trapped under the man, his hands on either side of you as he attempted to keep himself from toppling over and crushing you.
“No, no! Oh dear.” You heard the Sister laugh, having tried to stop the children, only to fail miserably as six of the eight were now on top of Jotaro, trying to bring him down.
Part 2  |  Part 3
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢
𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍: ANON Hey you ❤️ Could I request an imagine with Bucky where you are his non-avenger girlfriend but you got really distant towards him lately as you found out you're pregnant and you're scared of his reaction? But then he finds out and is all happy and all other avengers are happy for you and insist on taking care of you and it's just all fluffy ? Thank you a lot ❤️
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: really fluff smut 18+ (praise, daddy kink, slight mommy kink?, breeding kink, oral fem!rec, age gap, etc), slight angst, cw: mentions of eating disorders (no one has one but bucky thinks this)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛’𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: listen…. The idea of kids and having kids getting pregnant all that jazz, yeah. It fucking terrifies me! LOL! But nonetheless I really do see the appeal and sometimes i catch myself reading these kinds of fics so i really hope you like it anon! :)
PS: updates are going to slow down cuz i don’t have any drafts ready for upload and also things are a little crazy personally so yeah hope y’all understand :)
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“You like that baby?” Bucky groaned in your ear.
“Yes daddy! Oh my god,” you moaned.
“You’re being such a good little girl for your daddy. Fuck, daddy. You're gonna make me a daddy. I’m gonna come inside you and you’re gonna get all swollen and round with my baby. You want that? You wanna be a mommy; make me a daddy?” 
Bucky and you both expressed in the past that kids were something you both wanted but with Bucky still heavily involved with missions and the avengers, and you were in college studying to get a PhD in biomechanics and computer engineering, something that would let you understand and work with Bucky specifically very closely. You were too young to have a baby but that didn’t stop you from playing into fantasies of having a family with the man you were so in love with. 
“Daddy,” you moaned.
“Give it to me, baby,” you looked him into his eyes.
Bucky kissed you hard as you both came and after cleaning yourselves up you had showered together, ate dinner quickly, and soon went to bed. 
That was two months ago. 
Three weeks after that night, Bucky was gone for about two weeks on a mission with Steve. You and the girls were drinking wine but you opted out for the tempting glasses feeling nauseous that entire week. 
As a joke, the girls were saying you were pregnant but you were sure that you and Bucky were always cautious when having sex. It wasn’t a good time to have a baby. So you joked that all three of you should take a pregnancy test and when yours came out positive you freaked out. 
“Oh my god! Bucky’s gonna kill me!” you panicked.
“Hey, relax. It’s ok,” Nat comforted you.
“We can get through this. Now did Bucky explicitly say he doesn’t want kids?” Wanda asked.
“No, we both want kids it’s just, ugh, life is so fucking crazy right now and I’m still in school, Bucky’s going on missions all the time. It’s just not a good time to have a baby.”
“Ok think about it this; if life for us was normal, as boring as that is, would Bucky be upset if you were pregnant?” Nat reasoned.
“No, he would be so happy. He wants to be a dad, it’s just so sudden,” you said in distress.
“It’s always sudden with this situation. But what’s more important is that you have support. Whatever your decision is in the end we'll all support you, even Bucky,” Nat told you.
Bucky came back home and immediately knew that there was something that was upsetting you. You promised him that you were alright but you were conflicted. You tried to tell him, you really did, but there wasn’t a good time. 
One night Bucky tried to initiate sex when you two had the tower to yourselves. You were instantly distant with him afraid he’d take one look at your naked body and know you were pregnant and that freak you out. 
“Baby, are you ok?” Bucky asked that night.
“Yeah, I just don’t feel good,” you didn’t actually lie, the pregnancy did affect your appetite drastically and many foods you used to adore before were repulsive to you. 
“Oh ok, do you need anything?” he was concerned.
“No, I think I’m ok.”
Now present day, you and Bucky hadn’t had sex since. It’s been a little over two months and Bucky wasn’t frustrated per say but he missed you; he missed having his hands on your warm and soft skin. He missed the way you squirmed under him and the little whimpers you made. How good your walls felt as he thrusted in and out of you torturously slow. 
You two were in the kitchen sitting with some of the other team members. So far only Nat and Wanda knew about your pregnancy as hard as it was to not tell Vision or Steve or literally anyone. You stared at the breakfast sitting in front of you; it used to be your favorite but looking at it and smelling it was making you extremely nauseous. 
“Baby?” Bucky rubbed your back.
“Why aren’t you eating? It’s your favorite,” he said.
“I’m not too hungry,” you said.
Bucky wasn’t convinced but because you were in front of other people he didn’t want you to feel embarrassed like a father scolding a teenager. His hand rested on your thigh and immediately felt your leg tense up. 
You retracted and stood up walking away without saying a word and Bucky was confused and followed you quickly shoving as much food in his mouth as he could and tossed his plate in the sink. 
“What’s going on with them?” Steve asked.
“Oh no are they gonna break up?” Sam asked with genuine concern, as much as he fucked around with Buck he did admire your relationship. You are really good for him and he loved you unconditionally.
“No, it’s just-” Wanda started.
“Wanda,” Nat warned. 
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” she rolled her eyes, “There fine. Y/n’s just not feeling well and she doesn’t want to be bothered.”
Bucky walked into your shared room and found you changing into yet another hoodie. That’s when he started piecing things together; or at least he thought. You were always wearing very big clothing and covering your body; that he thought was the most beautiful he’d ever laid eyes on. You were constantly nauseous and refused to eat even some of your favorites dishes and meals. You wouldn’t let him touch even though he’s initiated a couple of times.
“Y/n?” Bucky asked.
“What?” you played dumb.
“Y/n, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, I told you I don’t feel good.”
“That seems to be your excuse a lot.”
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“Y/n, be honest with me. Are you starving yourself?” he had tears in his eyes; he couldn’t even think about you doing this to yourself.
“What! Bucky no! I’m not, ugh, just,” you stuttered.
“What is going on, please tell me, baby?”
“I’m pregnant!”
Silence. Bucky was shocked. You were pregnant? How long? Why didn’t you tell him? 
“I’m so sorry, Buck,” you started crying.
“No, no, no, no, don’t cry babygirl,” Bucky hugged you tightly while you sobbed into his chest.
“I’m happy, I’m really happy and excited for us. We’re gonna be a family,” he smiled.
“You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be mad?”
“I don’t know, I know we talk about this and having a family but not now. I thought you’d be mad at me.”
“Well, I’m a bit bummed that you didn’t tell when you found out but no; I’m so happy. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I would do anything for you. I’m gonna be here every step of the way and we’re gonna get through this together, ok?”
“Ok,” you sniffled. 
“Are you ok? Do you need anything?” Bucky already started going into protective dad mode and he just found out.
“No I just need you,” you whispered. 
“God, I love you,” Bucky picked you up and laid you on the bed littering your face in kisses.
“Does anyone else know?” he asked you.
“Well, uh, the girls,” you said.
“You told the girls?”
“Well, they were drinking and i declined because I was feeling sick and they joked that I was pregnant so we all took pregnancy tests as a joke but mine came out positive. I took two more and they were all positive,” you started tearing up.
“Hey don’t cry, it’s ok.”
“Sorry,” you laughed.
“We’re gonna be ok, right baby?” he whispered.
“Yeah, I love you.”
Bucky leaned down again and pressed kisses to your neck making you giggle. His warm hands trailed under your shirt making your skin burst into chills. Bucky’s lips continued their assault on your neck and before you knew Bucky started lifting your sweater over your head.
You did the same to Bucky and your chests were pressed against each other instantly as he kissed you hard. Bucky trailed kisses down your body slowly, hands rubbing your skin softly, lips staying longer than usual around your stomach for obvious reasons. 
Bucky peeled your sweats from your body and didn’t hesitate to dive in. His tongue licking a long strip against your pussy. You moan softly and your hips wiggled under him. He pressed down on you to keep you from squirming but you were getting very close to your orgasm and it just felt too good. 
Bucky brought his fingers and circled your entrance before inserting a finger slowly. He looked up at you moaning at his fingers and this encouraged Bucky to insert another one. His fingers slipped in and out with ease with your arousal practically dripping from you. 
Bucky leaned forward and circled his tongue around your clit. The obsecene sounds of Bucky finger fucking you echoed in the room and you finallly climax, cumming all over his finger. Bucky crawled up your tired body after taking his pants and boxers off. 
Bucky didn’t bother putting a condom considering you’ve been his only partner the past couple years and he got you pregnant. He pumped his cock a few times before grabbing your legs to wrap around his waist and easily slipped between your folds. 
“Fuck, baby girl. You feel so good,” Bucky moaned in your ear.
“Oh shit, yes,” you whimpered.
“Oh you’re gonna be so beautiful when you're all big and swollen, shit. You’re gonna be the sexiest mommy in this whole fucking world.”
“Ugh! And you’re gonna be such a sexy daddy,” you smirked and cupped his face.
He leaned down and kissed you passionately. He thrusted into you harder and your back arched into his chest, moaning high pitched and loudly. Your hands tugged on his hair and Bucky groaned in your mouth. 
“Oh Buck, I’m gonna come,”you said against his lips.
“Let go, baby. Come for me, mommy,” Bucky said. 
You came hard; your body contracted and trembled, your stomach tightened, your toes curled, and your legs pulled Bucky deep inside you, hot spurts of his cum coating your walls. Bucky settled on you but bounced back afraid he was crushing the baby.
He went to the bathroom, well practically sprinted, and returned with a warm towel to clean you up. Your body laid still while you were cleaned and you just watched Bucky with adoration. He left again and returned wearing boxers and held a bottle of your favorite lotion that you usually saved for special nights or for Tony’s parties.
You smiled and got comfortable as Bucky poured some lotion in his hand. His hands spread the lotion evenly on your body; thumbs skimming your sensitive nipples, gently caresses all over your stomach, teasing grazes along your inner thighs. You closed your eyes and felt euphoria. 
The love of your life was really pampering you and you felt so good. 
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you, too,” Bucky kissed your forehead, crawling into the bed with you.
“Let’s stay in all day. My girl is pregnant and she’s gonna need all the rest she can get,” Bucky joked.
“But what about-”
“No, who cares,” bucky interrupted.
“No buts.”
“What are we gonna tell the rest of the team?”
“Oh, well. It’s your body, your comfort. You tell them when you feel it’s best. But I do hope it’s soon because I’m so happy and I don’t think i'd be able to keep this a secret for long,” Bucky dived his head in your neck making you laugh.
“Ok,” you whispered.
“Man, I’m gonna be a dad,” Bucky sighed happily.
“You’re gonna be daddy,” you said innocently.
“I’m already your daddy,” he playfully growled.
“Then you’re gonna be two types of daddy,” you smirked.
“Two types of daddy.”
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
I’m the Doll!MC Anon and I just wanna say I’m so glad that you enjoy a soft/delicate!MC and I really didn’t expect it to get so much love!
Since I kinda want to be evil and see the boys be overprotective, can I request hc’s of them seeing Doll!MC getting hurt by some lesser demon that bumps her into the ground and she gets a bruise? 🌚
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Omg Doll Anon I wasn’t expecting it to get so much love either (here’s the original Doll!MC HCs if anyone wants to read)!! So I actually had your request saved for when I was done with the prompt special bc it’s so good, so I decided to combine them and I have definitely been waiting to write this 😈😈 Reader is gender neutral!
CW: mention of blood (nothing graphic) and spoilers for Lesson 16 (Lucifer, Mammon, Beel, and Belphie’s part)
The Brothers and Diavolo with Doll!MC who Gets Hurt
Okay whoever is dumb enough to hurt you in front of him deserves this 100%
The air around this man is already more than intimidating, so whoever tries this is a poor, stupid soul
When he saw you fall down the stairs, he felt his stomach turn. He already caught you before you could injure yourself further, but after seeing the blood coming down your face, the damage was already done
Now, Lucifer is the brother who always has control over himself and what he does. But, we also know that how his temper can get, especially when it comes to his family
This demon is dumb enough to push you but not dumb enough to crack a smile in front of him, especially with how tense Lucifer is getting right now
He sat you up and tried to remember some first aid techniques to stop the bleeding. You’re on the verge of losing consciousness, but you’re okay right now. He’ll take you home, but first-
His glare is making the demon freeze in place right now, and the anger radiating off of him is petrifying
How dare- how dare this fool harm you, in front of him no less?! Did they think that he wouldn’t do anything? That Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, one of the strongest demons to ever grace the Devildom, would just idly stand by and let this happen?
He’s stalking towards them, and he can feel his fangs showing and his diamond appearing on his forehead, growling out how they will pay for this-
But he’s stopped by Lord Diavolo, who was shocked by the scene. You’re unconscious, and Lucifer has this poor student hanging in the air by their uniform, claws ready to slice through them. Needless to say, he understands why his close friend is upset, but for everyone’s safety he should just take you home like planned
You thought Lucifer was a helicopter parent before? You haven’t seen NOTHING yet
He would start inviting you more to his room to sleep in his bed while he works away, and it started happening so much that he didn’t even ask anymore and started expecting you to always be in there
So instead of him being glued by your side, you’re glued to his. It’s obvious that he can’t let you out of his sight without something happening (again), so hope you’re ready to see experience Lucifer’s daily routine from sunrise to sunset and a whole new set of rules. Basically playing follow the leader, but with a lot more handholding and kisses
You had to practically beg to be back into the kitchen, and he only relented when he could be the one to supervise you, and even then he still didn’t want to hold anything sharp or be near anything that could injure you (which is pretty much everything)
The main one to put a stop to his brothers’ schemes, handing out harsher punishments than before each time they try to involve you. This man is not playing any games with anyone
You know he means well, he was already overprotective from the start, and this is just his way of showing that he cares about you. You can tell every time he gives you that soft look in his eyes, and the regret that he shows every time he catches sight of your bruise. He may not like to be vulnerable, but he couldn’t hide his emotions from you too long. You’re like a weakness to him, one that he isn’t against indulging in
And he hasn’t forgotten about that student, oh no. He made sure to have a nice lengthy chat with them when you both returned to RAD. You didn’t question it when he informed you that the student had been rightfully punished and no longer an issue, and you tried to ignore the red dots splattered on his shoes, or that sadistic gleam in his eyes...
This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, this isn’t happening-
The blood is pouring from your head, and your eyes are closing too fast for him, and his heart stops
You look lifeless, like when Belphie killed you, when he was too late to save you-
He’ll never forget that image, it’s drilled deep into his mind, forever a reminder of his failure to protect you. And now he failed again-
This demon is gloating about this, and that’s when he snaps
He was already in his demon form and beating the life out of them when he was restrained. Many people were shocked that he was capable of this, that Mammon the scumbag, Mammon the dummy, Mammon the punching bag was capable enough to be this dangerous, this deadly. He’s the second born after all, and he’s the strongest right under Lucifer himself, and he holds a lot in
He could- he would do a lot more because they deserve it, but just seeing you so still, it snaps him out of it. You’re more important to him than getting his anger out, and you’re the one he needs to be focusing on right now. But rest asssured, this isn’t over
You thought he was attached to you before? He is glued to your side 24/7 and will not be leaving anytime soon. Ever since you woke up he never let go of you, calling you “his human” and just hugging you tight
Also if you have to go down the stairs you guys are FLYING no exceptions! The stairs are the devil in his eyes (how ironic) and he will not be risking anything with you
If you guys aren’t out and about under his careful and watchful eye (and I mean very careful, he’s like your very own bodyguard but with a lot more growling and snapping on strangers than usual), then you’re in his room doing whatever. Watching movies, playing cards and somehow beating him every time (he swears that he isn’t letting you win! Lies), whatever you wanna do. As long as you’re with him, giggling and safe, he’s happy and stress free
You mean so much to Mammon MC, he can’t even tell you if he tries. Under his tsundere traits, he really loves you, like really loves you! He’s just so scared of being rejected and losing you a second time. But now that he knows you’ll always be there for him, he’s going to do the same for you (but he already was even if you didn’t like him) He hates looking at that bruise right now, but it’s set as a reminder to not let something happen to you again
Also, another thing that people forget about Mammon is that he can talk to crows. So it wasn’t much to have them track down the person who caused you pain, and it didn’t take long for him to find them either. He thinks that the aftermath will set a good lesson for everyone else who continues to underestimate him when it comes to you: don’t
See, this is why he never leaves his safe haven AKA his room!
After he saw your head hit the ground hard, he was freaking out. He doesn’t know what to do, he wasn’t prepared for this! He tried shaking you to keep you awake, but your eyes were steady closing
Everything is happening in slow motion. You’re slumped over on the ground while the person who did it is laughing at him
If anything, the person who did it should be the one on the ground, not you, not his Henry. It’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair!
The demon stopped laughing when their windpipe was getting crushed by the second. They couldn’t even try to loosen the grip, Levi’s tail is rather strong, and so is he. He is the third strongest out of his family and the Grand Admiral of the Navy, yet people tend to forget that
Everyone knows how bad Levi’s tantrums can be, but this isn’t just a tantrum, it’s much worse. Had the brothers not intervene, he would have done much worse than summoning Lotan (which he was on the brink of doing anyway)
When you did wake up, he was so upset. Of course he let this happen, he’s just a worthless otaku who couldn’t even keep his crush safe-
OMG why are you hugging him and patting his head?! Quit it- well wait, this does feel kinda nice...Ugh you’re such a normie! Getting hurt so easily and still trying to put a smile on his face. But it does make him feel better
He rarely left his room before, and you guys are definitely not leaving it now. It’s like having a sleepover, but it never ends. That sounds great, right MC? Endless marathons of TSL and other anime, co-op video games, trying on his cosplay outfits that he made (some even made just for you and he needs to cover that bruise somehow), it’s going to be so fun and you’ll be safe with him! Who wouldn’t want that??
We all know that Levi is very self conscious. He knows that he isn’t confident like Lucifer and Mammon, or attractive like Asmo, or smart like Satan or Belphie, or physically fit like Beel, he knows. But every time you listen to him ramble on about this new anime show that he wants you guys to binge, or when he rants about a stupid move his teammate did in an online match, he feels valued. He feels loved. And while it’s hard for him to express his feelings, it’s no doubt in his mind that you’re important to him, and that he’s beyond happy that someone like you is his best friend
One day he’ll get the courage to say those three words, but he hopes that you already know with everything that he does for you
For example, Levi is an aquatic demon, and he has the ability to communicate with all types of sea creatures. Granted, he knows right from wrong, but in his eyes he’s taking care of the problem. So it wouldn’t be a huge issue if he used them to clean up the remaining mess of said problem, right? I mean, his venom can only do so much, and he doesn’t need anyone questioning him, and Lotan does get hungry...
He could only see red. Both from his anger surfacing and from the fact that you’re bleeding
He had his claws wrapped around the neck of the one responsible before they could even think about running. This- this filth dared tried to escape after he hurt you? And they thought that Satan would just let them get away with it?
They must forget that he’s the Avatar of Wrath, the one who doesn’t show mercy
He just kept pounding the demon into the ground, over and over and over and over. He didn’t even care about the blood splatter it was leaving on the lockers or on him
He was this close to finishing them off when he heard you call out for him, and it took everything in him to drop them. He squeezed their neck a final time, not even close to being satisfied with the whimper he heard, and growled out a promise of that he will find them and will make sure that they suffer before he threw them down. They better count themselves lucky that they get to crawl away in one piece (for now), because had you not been there-
Oh, he is seething the more he thinks about it
But you bleeding is a distraction from it, even if it is making his stomach turn, it’s helping him know that he needs to help you now
He didn’t have to let his brothers know as they came to see what the commotion was, and Lucifer (even if he didn’t want to believe it himself) was anxious that he was the cause of it. But after he saw the hold he had on you and another demon barely clinging onto life, he knew otherwise
It was decided that you two going home would be the best course of action (which it didn’t matter to Satan, you both weren’t going to stay here whether it was demanded or not), and he calmed down enough to properly treat you
You didn’t leave his room for the rest of the day, and he even gave up his bed for you to lie in so that he can do some research. The human body is a complicated thing, but Satan can learn it like the back of his hand just for you. So just go ahead and rest for now MC- or maybe not, you might have a concussion according to this book and if you do he needs to monitor your condition!
Even after you were healed, he didn’t let you out of his sight and daily checkups were a must. Dr. Satan is in the building!
You eventually moved back into your room (you would have stayed longer but he’s a little nervous with his towering stacks of books and doesn’t want anymore accidents), but he practically moved in with you with how much he comes over, either falling asleep at your desk reading a book or falling asleep in your chair right next to your bed
Very reluctant to have you around stairs, it makes the hairs on his neck stand up. He’ll let you go down the stairs ONLY if you’re holding his hand. If you’re upset with those conditions (spoiler alert you’re not), then you better be ready to learn some teleportation spells (but even then he’s still not leaving your side)
He doesn’t hold his temper back with the others when it comes to you for the time being. If he even senses that Mammon, Asmo, or Levi is coming to you with something that can cause trouble, he’s growling at them to leave you alone, horns slowly coming out and tail whipping furiously
However, he tries not to lash out in front of you. He realizes that he lost control with that demon, and how it could have terrified you had you been fully conscious, but he doesn’t want you to think that he’s just a monster. He wants you to continue to treat him like you do now, and not have the image of bashing someone’s bloody body on the floor repeatedly
Speaking of bashing someone, Satan made well on his promise of coming back. The demon thought that avoiding coming back to school would save them, but Satan is a genius, and has many associates that he can sweet talk to get what he wants. It didn’t take much to figure out where they went, and he made sure to get out all of his pent-up frustrations from that fateful day. He felt better when he came home, but he needed to take a shower before he went to see you...
Besides from that, he does appreciate the peace that you do bring him. You just have this aura around you that’s so calming to him, and he needs to steal you away more he realizes
Also you make better cat-themed desserts than the cafe and he can’t risk Beel eating them all again
He’s shook, and not in the good way
He just had your hand in his, complaining about how you cuticles look so good and his is lacking and how guys have to go to the nail salon after class, and then your hand is jerked from his, your form at the bottom of the stairs
The blood staining your uniform is alarming, but he can’t worry about that now. He’s trying to keep you talking, but you’re already on the verge of passing out
“MC, you can’t sleep yet! We have plans to go to the nail salon remember? And I need you awake so we can talk about what matching color we’re getting! So what color should we get now, MC? MC? MC!”
He’s trying to keep himself from panicking, but he can’t help it! You’re suppose to be smiling and laughing with you, loving him, but you’re unconscious on the ground, and he’s scared
Quickly dials Lucifer and tells him the whole situation, and he’s surprised to find himself blinking back tears
The demon who did this is long gone by the time Lucifer and Diavolo come, but he remembers the face, and he has something exciting planned when he comes face to face with them
Obviously you have to go home, but Asmo is so distraught that he has to go home with you. But when you wake up, prepare to be tackled to the bed with him crying his eyes out. All you can do is try to comfort him and tell him that okay, giving him little kisses on his cheek
But now that the sadness is out of the way (all this crying and worrying is causing him stress wrinkles), it’s time for a makeover/stress relief!
Fashion shows, makeovers, painting nails, face masks, the whole nine yards. All in the comfort of his dazzling room!
It’ll make you both feel and look better, and honestly you two need that right now. It also gives him the opportunity to cover that unappealing bruise. Your beauty outshines it but it’ll be best to cover it up for your and his sake (mainly his)
Every time Asmo sees your bruise, he gets upset and he’s tired of being reminded of what happened. He knows that he’s only loved for his looks, his vanity, but you see more in him than that
You’re...you’re the first person that loves him for him entirely, not because of his features. And when he tells you that he loves you, he honestly means it. He would have never thought he would fall so deep for someone, let alone a human, but...he’s glad that it’s you. He’s happy that it’s you
Which is why he wants to keep you safe and injury-free. Plus, your skin is too pretty and doll-like to be roughed up!
You guys still go out of course, he just has a better eye on you now. This one incident isn’t going to hold him back for picking out new cute outfits for you!
And don’t think he forgot about that demon who caused all of this in the first place. He actually waited by their locker, and convinced them to come with him. But what should Asmo do with them? He could always have them steal Beel’s food, annoy Lucifer, say something horrible about Ruri-Chan, the possibilities are endless! As long as they don’t cause him to get dirty, of course
Or maybe they should do something so severe that they have no reason than to leave RAD forever, or even leave the Devildom forever, depending on how far he’s willing to take it. He’ll do anything if it means you’re safe and he gets to keep you all to himself
He thought it was an accident at first, you get so excited about things that you stumble over your own feet sometimes, but he’s always there to catch you or pick you up
You keep saying that you’re okay as he’s holding onto you, and after he sits you up he’s confused because he smells blood. His heart is beating a little quicker, and you’re not talking anymore, and your head is drooping, and that’s when he sees the blood running down the side of your face
He’s starting to panic, and he’s so scared that if he tightens his hold against you he’ll just make things worse, that he’ll just hurt you more. But he needs to go find Lucifer, he needs to get you help, you’re feeling so light in his arms and it reminds him of the Celestial War when he witnessed his sister dying-
He hears someone snickering behind him, and that’s when he loses his temper
You’re a part of his family now, someone that he loves and cares for more than he can describe, and they did this to you? Someone who wouldn’t even squish a bug, someone who made him late night snacks without even asking, always there to give him hugs after his games no matter how sweaty, someone that put his family back together and they did this to you?
Lucifer and Mammon struggled to hold him back after they found the demon flung through the wall, laying under the rubble. Beel just kept growling, fangs bared and wings buzzing. He won’t stop trying to get out of their hold, and he keeps inching closer and closer to the demon, and it’s only a matter of time before he finishes what he started
You were already in the infirmary getting treated, and Beel isn’t calming down anytime soon so you were both escorted home
You woke up to Beel upset and pouting. He’s so worried about you that he couldn’t even eat. Beelzebub could not eat, that’s how you knew this was a something serious
Poor Beel was so terrified of hurting you himself that he failed to protect you from the people that do want to hurt you, or worse
But this won’t happen again, he swears, both to you and himself. Move over Mammon, Beel is officially your new bodyguard!
Wherever you go, Beel is right behind you, literally. He’s like your shadow, just bigger and a lot more...menacing. Also isn’t taking any chances with Mammon’s schemes, just carrying you away before he can even open his mouth about another get rich quick plan
Speaking of carrying, you are not allowed to walk down the stairs anymore. As soon as you step near some you find yourself in his arms like it’s nothing. Both at home and at school, it doesn’t matter to him
Also he’s very cautious to have you around people besides his brothers, and the exchange students (but he’s still hesitant about Solomon, anyone who can cook food like him is automatically getting the side eye)
Also you practically moved in with the twins, and it’s nothing compared to the sleepovers before. Belphie sleeps easier, Beel’s stomach is satisfied (eating your homemade sweets with you is better than everything combined at Hell’s Kitchen, and trust me he knows) he feels all warm inside, and you’re protected. Everyone’s happy!
Beel is a sweet guy, just don’t come in between his family or his food. After that whole incident with the demon, everyone has come to understand that, especially after seeing just how much damage he caused both to the demon and the school in so little time...
If he was sleepy before, he’s completely awake now
You’re holding the side of your head, and he can see the blood seeping through your fingers, groaning in pain. You keep trying to say that you’re okay, but your words are starting to slur and he’s getting nervous, he’s getting scared
It’s reminding him too much of his worst mistake, of what he did to you, when he murdered-
No. He doesn’t need to be thinking about that right now, especially when the person who did this is bragging about it while your body is slumped over. Right there, he knows what exactly needs to be done
Belphie was already in front of them before they even registered it, and didn’t give him any time to form an excuse. His claws were already at their throat, inching deeper and deeper the more they swallowed
“I should just slit your throat now, it’ll be easy and not a lot of work. But you deserve much worse than that. You’ll wish I did by the end of this.”
After a tap to the demon’s forehead, they just collapsed before him, unmoving. He didn’t even look down when he stepped over them (or rather stepped on them) to get to you. You’re passed out, but still breathing. You can’t stay here like this, and he refuses to tell Diavolo or Lucifer. He’ll figure something out, maybe Satan has some books in his room on what to do...
When you woke up, you found yourself wrapped in blankets and Belphie sleeping beside you, arms wrapped tight. You were confused, when did you get home? You remember walking with him down the stairs, but everything was blurry after that. What happen-
“You’re always thinking so hard MC, you’ll never be able to get good rest if you keep that up. But Satan did say to check on you every couple of hours, so I guess it’s fine. And quit touching your head!”
“Oh, sorry Belphie, I didn’t mean to-”
“Tch, how annoying...”
But he’s lying. Even as he’s carefully re-wrapping the bandages, he’s relieved that you’re awake, that your eyes are still full of life, not like the dullness that he saw that fateful night
When Lucifer finds you he is not happy with Belphie, but he doesn’t care and tells him that everything is already under control and that he isn’t needed. Belphie didn’t miss the scowl that he sent his way, but he just smirked in response. You didn’t need Lucifer as Belphie is already taking care of you, as it should be
You know how he always carries around his favorite pillow? Yeah he’s doing that with you basically, minus the carrying. You’re practically attached to his side, wherever he goes you’re either right there with him or in his room, which is mainly just you two lazing around or sleeping (as usual)
Honestly, the only demons who he’s okay with disturbing you two is Beel and maybe Satan. Beel because that’s his twin and it’s his room too, and Satan only if he’s checking on you medically or if he has some new ideas to mess with Lucifer. Everyone else is just trying to bother you and be annoying, and you don’t need that
Of course he blames himself for this! How is he suppose to keep you safe, to make up for his mistake? But then it clicks
It’s not the fact that he’s weak, people think that he’s weak. But he realizes that this is fine, he’ll use that to his advantage.
Diavolo is upset and Lucifer is running out of excuses for him, but Belphie just plays stupid and says he can’t remember how to remove it (even though he does). Let the demon lose some more sleep until they learn their lesson, whether it’s from the constant nightmares or from sleep deprivation trying to stay awake to avoid said nightmares. He’ll remove it when he feels like it, and he doesn’t see that happening anytime soon
Let people think the Avatar of Sloth is weak, that he’s not a threat, and he can show them exactly how wrong they are. Better yet, this demon can be the perfect example, and many more if they become a bother to you (and him)
You’re too nice MC, too delicate. You treat him so good, like he’s not a demon, like he’s not the monster who took your life, and he has to thank you for that somehow. He feels like whatever he does won’t be enough for the kindness you give him, but protecting you from others who used to be like him could be a good start
Also now he can hog all of your head pats and cuddles for himself, and he doesn’t feel bad at all. Everyone else had their time with you when he was locked up, so he’s finally got the opportunity to be selfish
First of all...this demon is dumb enough to harm you in front of him??? The Demon LORD???? The FUTURE KING OF HELL??!
They have more than just a death wish
It all happened so quick, he just crossed paths with you in the hallways and started to ask about your day (and maybe invite you for a small tea date after school) but he didn’t even get the chance to open his mouth
One second he saw your eyes light up and hand extended to excitedly wave, then he saw your fragile form tumbling down the stairs
Barbatos was soon called to his side as Diavolo saw the red coating his palms and you barely staying conscious, trying to say that you’re okay and not to worry
See...he feared that this would be a problem. While Diavolo is a very kind and understanding ruler, there are still some demons out there who think he’s too lenient, too soft. But that’s where people are mistaken. Diavolo is kind, but do not mistake his kindness for weakness
He felt his anger rising, his demeanor starting to crack, but he set aside his emotions. You’re his first priority, and he needs to make sure that you’re okay! He’s still a ruler, and you’re his responsibility (and first love)
However, he made sure that Barbatos took the demon who did this and kept them in the dungeon until he was done treating you. He won’t let this go unpunished, he can’t and he won’t
You’re an important part of the exchange program, and you’re most important to him, and he’s upset with himself that you got hurt. You’re so delicate, and you don’t deserve any of this happening to you, but what can he do? While he trusts the brothers to keep you safe, he wants to keep an eye on you personally, but how?
Then it struck him
You liked to stay in the castle, always smiling and having fun whenever you spent time with him there, so why not relocate you there?? It’ll be like an extended sleepover/retreat with just you two!! You guys can do all of your favorite activities and won’t have to worry about going home because you won’t have to leave!! Why didn’t he think of this sooner?!
The brothers are very upset with this incident, and even more so when he announced this. Diavolo decided that your condition needed to be monitored closely, and since he’s the person directly in charge of the exchange program AND the ruler over the Devildom, there was no room to argue. You weren’t going to stay in the castle forever, just until he deemed it right to return to the HoL
Which would be...some time soon, maybe. He’s not really worried about that now, his number 1 concern is you after all!
You’re getting the royal treatment, literally. This is the chance that he gets to pamper you without interruptions and he is not wasting it!
You kept trying to convince him that you’re fine, but he wasn’t hearing any of it, especially after he sees the nasty bruise that was left. “MC, please! You still need to rest. How about I have Barbatos bring us some tea to help, and we can even have the royal staff bring us some outfits of your choosing if you like? Oo, we can even have our portrait painted!”
“Dia, I promise that I’m fine, you have more things to worry about than me-”
“Nonsense, MC. You’re what’s important to me, now and always. Don’t ever forget that.”
Even finished it with a hand kiss, UGH he really is a Prince Charming
Once you did return to RAD bruise free, Diavolo, being the gentleman that he is, walked with you everywhere in the beginning. Coming into the building, walking to class, lunch, even to the student council meeting, he was by your side. But he couldn’t avoid his duties forever (unfortunately), but he always made up for lost time afterwards
You never realized that when he wasn’t with you, someone else always was. Whether it be Lucifer who miraculously had spare time, or Barbatos who decided to escort you back to the castle to try a new recipe for his Lord, it was always one of them that stayed with you
Also, it never dawned on you why people were starting to be so nice to you. You thought it was because of what happened, not paying attention to how tense they would get, the fear in their eyes. You did notice that the demon who caused your fall never came back to class, and their desk is starting to collect dust...
When you did ask Diavolo about it, he just pat your head and said that what happened was unacceptable and that the demon has been dealt with accordingly.
You don’t need to hear about what really happened to them, he doesn’t want to scare you or taint your innocence! But he doesn’t mind if anyone else hears it, he’ll be more than happy to explain in full detail what happened and what will happen to demons that even think about attempting to harm you or think that he’s “too soft”. They won’t think he’s a soft ruler after that
Diavolo is a very sweet man, one that treats you as if you’re ruling by his side as his partner and one that you never have to be scared of, but even you didn’t miss the deadly glint in his eyes whenever he spoke about that demon...
But enough about that, he wants to try that new recipe that you made just for him!
He enjoys the time that he gets to spend with you, and after this, you’ll be in his company a lot more. He can’t risk having this happen again to his love- I MEAN favorite exchange student right?
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nanatsumu · 3 years
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thinking about bad boy itadori sukuna who all the kids at school try to steer clear from because they know he’s bad news and if you get involved with him then you’re bound to be tied with bad luck for as long as he lives. well, that is everyone except for the president of the student council who so happens to be his childhood best friend turned lover.
this is mostly written for my own self indulgence and to project my fantasies of having a boyfriend onto sukuna but feel free to treat this as any other headcanon! ps i am pretty sure canon sukuna would kill a baby at any given situation, but this is going to be a revamped version of sukuna written by yours truly ;) and its a high school au so sukuna won’t be a complete menace to society and will actually have a heart heh
also i didn’t realize how long this was going to be??? this is kind of all over place too because i just wanted to throw all of my thoughts onto this post so there might be some plot holes in this LOL
i feel like sukuna would be the type of bad boy who isn’t necessarily a bad boy but everyone at school just paints him as some kind of delinquent because of all the tattoos and piercings he has.
he actually shows up to school more often than you think he would (but that’s only because you’re in most of his classes so long story short: you’re his only motivation for attending class)
“forgets” to bring his work books to class more than usual (in reality he does this on purpose so he has an excuse to be near you) so he requests to sit next to you the entire class period so he can share with you for the meantime but whenever the teachers not looking he’ll go back to admiring your face.
his older twin brother, itadori yuji, is very fond of you since you three grew up together and you both had your chances of being a victim to his antics!
exhibit a: in middle school when you and yuji were watching tv together, the show you two were watching would keep switching to some wrestling match broadcasting on a sports channel and no matter how many times you turned the tv on and off, it just would not stop. but it wasn’t until you heard snickering from the kitchen that you realized sukuna had a spare remote and was the mastermind behind the whole thing.
exhibit b: sukuna and yuji’s mom was the owner of a bakery so every now and then she would have either one of the twins come deliver freshly baked pastries to your household! oh how wrong was she to trust her youngest. sukuna was now a freshman in high school, and by now you would’ve thought that sukuna would have grown out of his childish phase, but WRONG! sukuna was still a menace in your life even past childhood. so when you bit into one of the macaroons, instead of being hit with the overwhelming taste of [favorite flavor], all you could feel was the burning sensation of wasabi kicking into your tastebuds.
yeah after the whole wasabi macaroon freak accident, you stopped accepting everything sukuna offered to you and opted to only eating pastries out of the boxes that yuji delivered to you. (sukuna eventually caught onto this and was just TEENSY bit upset but he would rather down a whole tube of wasabi than to tell you upfront)
now, how did you two even end up dating??? oh boy now that is a story
you see, yours and sukuna’s dynamic growing up was similar to that of tom and jerry’s— you being jerry and sukuna being 10x worse than tom of course
but it wasn’t until a confession after school behind the cherry blossom tree that was known for bringing good luck to successful confessions that sukuna finally realized that maybe he really did like you just a little lot bit
sukuna overheard the boy who was planning on confessing to you talking to his friend group about how “sweet and caring” you are (although sukuna could argue otherwise, you were a little brat. *LIKE HELLO?!&:&:& YOU WEREN’T THE ONE WHO ATE A MACAROON FILLED WASABI**) and obviously his ears perked up at the mention of your name. he grew up with you after all so naturally he would be interested in a conversation that revolved around you.
but then the boys started going on about how “you looked like an easy catch” and how “your body was bangin’!” yeah no, that’s where he drew the line. sure sukuna was an ass and talked shit about you most of the time (in his defense it wasn’t like he was doing it behind your back) but if he ever caught someone else talking about you like that then he would be sure to give them a hard time.
he hid behind one of the bushes near the cherry blossom tree while the boy was professing his love for you. funnily enough, for a moment sukuna forgot why he was originally there because he was too busy trying to stifle a laugh as he watched the boy stumble over his words.
“okay shows over” sukuna thought as the confession was reaching its conclusion, but just as he was about to step in and give the poor boy a piece of his mind, he stopped in his tracks when he heard you roaring with laughter.
“did you really think that i wouldn’t hear about what you and your friends said about me earlier? you’re really pathetic if you think any girl would be easy enough to fall to her knees for you because news flash! you’re a disgusting pig and you deserve to rot in hell for speaking about a girl’s worth like that.”
“it’s kind of sad too, i thought you were a nice boy and i probably would have given you a chance but it seems like you’re even worse than scum! damn it, to think there was somebody out there who’s even worse than sukuna.”
of course sukuna was not pleased to hear that last bit, but he did have a proud grin forming on his face as he watched the boy run away, flustered from your rejection and the embarrassment he was put through.
“sukuna i know you’re hiding behind the bush.”
“huh? i came here way before you got here, there’s no way you could have seen me.” he said as he stood up to his full height.
“well, your laughter isn’t exactly the quietest, plus i can spot that hair of yours from a mile away.”
lets just say, sukuna was glad you didn’t ask him what he was doing there because he wasn’t sure if he could spare the embarrassment of telling you that he was planning on ruining the confession.
after that whole fiasco happened, sukuna started to feel(!&:&::&) things
like he started to notice how you styled your hair differently one day and how you switched to a new perfume that smelled like spearmint (was that weird? for sukuna probably not. he just excuses it as being highly observant)
you weren’t dumb either, you had a feeling sukuna was there that day of the confession because he too had overheard the conversation between the boy and his friends as well (you knew he was prideful and if you brought it up then he probably would’ve denied it)
so from there on out it was just mutual pining at the point except... well.... not really??
i feel like it was just an unspoken agreement between you two that you guys were “together” but not “together together” because he started to treat you differently than he would before. like for example, he’d carry your bag for you whenever you guys would walk home (yuji was confused by this at first because if anything, it would have made more sense to see sukuna make you carry HIS bag, but he eventually caught on to sukuna’s feelings for you because they were twin brothers after all), he started walking you to class more often even though his class was all the way on the other side of the school (you asked him why but he just shrugged and said he was just “killing time” so that he wouldn’t have to go to class and then you ended up scolding him), and there was also that one time you miraculously found a $20 bill in your backpack after mentioning to sukuna that there was this cute top you saw at the mall the other day but didn’t have enough money at the time to purchase it (you asked him about this but he said it was probably yuji, but you didn’t want to pry any further since you wanted to cherish the fact that sukuna cared that much)
but eventually you got sick of this whole push and pull game that you physically had to tug the collar of his school uniform and pull him in for a kiss (he was visibly shocked at this because he never would’ve imagined you as the assertive type. not that he was complaining though)
“oya? didn’t think you liked me this much kitten.” he said laughing while you rolled your eyes.
“as if, i got tired of you being a wuss so one of us had to wear the pants in the relationship.” you snorted, causing him to irk.
to be honest, your relationship with him is smooth sailing because you both were pretty chill people and you didn’t have to worry about him sneaking behind your back to see other girls because 1. literally all the girls at school are terrified of him and 2. he knew what you were capable of doing to him if you were to ever catch him cheating on you so he wants to stay on your good side
jealous and possessive don’t exist in his dictionary because he is the epitome of those two words. remember what i said about how your relationship is smooth sailing? i kinda lied.
he’s easily jealous like for example: when you were in english class and the teacher had you guys jot down some notes, you realized you forgot to ask for your pencil back when you lent it to your friend last period.
so you asked sukuna to borrow a pencil but instead of giving you a pencil, he called you an idiot for being so forgetful.
this makes you mad so you turn to your male classmate since he was sitting on your opposite side and ask him for a pencil instead.
sukuna was practically fuming the entire class period and once the day ended and you two were back at your place, he made sure to mark you real good. (oh he also went out to buy a pack of mechanical pencils to sneak into your backpack so that next time you forget your pencils, you’ll have 10 extra pencils sitting in your backpack as backup)
he’s not a big fan of pda in public, but on the chances he will show some of it, the most he will do is wrap an arm around your shoulder or waist whenever some dude is trying to hit on you.
BUT IN PRIVATE? better buckle up because your in for a ride wink wink
really likes putting hickeys on you to a fault! but will never put any visible ones on your neck because he doesn’t want your parents to view him as some kind of animal (but he has nothing to worry about because your parents really like him and are grateful for the fact that he’s very loyal to you, and you guys grew up together so it’s only natural that your parents are accepting of him since they already know he has a good heart underneath that tough facade of his)
oh, and yuji starts learning how to knock whenever you come over (or shuts himself in his room for the meantime if he thinks it’s unsafe to step out of his room) because chances are, you’re probably making out with sukuna in his room or smth.
now onto the spicy stuff
when you and sukuna first started dating, the first thing you told him was that you weren’t ready to have sex yet because you were nervous and sukuna understood and told you that he was willing to wait for whenever you were ready.
but when you were ready though, it was kind of spontaneous and you weren’t even wearing a matching pair of bra and underwear that day
you two were chilling in your room watching some stupid (according to sukuna) animal documentary when suddenly you felt his hand on your thigh
dating sukuna and all, it was normal for him to have his hands on some part of your body (whether it be your thigh or your waist) while you two were in bed.
but you were feeling a bit bolder HORNEE than usual so you began to leave a hot trail of kisses starting from his jaw all the way down to his neck.
sukuna obviously got the memo but before those kisses could escalate into something more daring, he asked you once more if you were completely sure you wanted to do it and once you gave him the green light, he was quick to tug his shirt over his head and pounce on you.
he started getting really into it though and accidentally bit your thigh which made you loose your high and scold him for it, but he let out a hearty laugh and muttered a quick apology before getting back into business
sike i lied, remember what i said about it being spontaneous? yeah, you technically didn’t loose your virginity to him that day because after he finished prepping you, you both came to a realization that you didn’t have a condom.
oh well, there’s always next time!
i think sukuna is a sucker for pet names: his favorite thing to call you is either kitten or princess and that’s it LOL he finds calling you baby or babe is a bit too cheesy for him
but he likes it when you call him baby or babe ;)
date nights consist of either staying in and cuddling in his room, going out for a walk at night (but very very late though. there’s still lamp posts that guide your way through the streets but it gives you the heebie jeebies to be out walking outside so late. sukuna always reminds you that nothing bad will happen as long as he’s right by your side), or just spending time with you and your families.
but if you’re really down to do it, he’ll probably initiate a make out session that’ll lead to y’all fucking one way or another (he only ever does it if he is 100% sure that you’re feeling it because he knows you get easily embarrassed if he asks you straight up)
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(this part is mainly written for me because i love the idea of sukuna being over at family functions, but it can be applied as part of the general hc heh) if you took him to any of your family functions as your plus one for the first time, all the aunts and uncles would be a bit wary of him at first due to all of the tattoos and piercings he has (sukuna swears he has never felt so self conscious before) but after they strike up a conversation with him and find out that he’s actually a good guy who knows what he wants to do in the future and is very loyal to you, they start to like him more.
your little cousins adore him and love it when he comes over because sukuna is a very tall high schooler which makes him the perfect candidate as a monkey bar
so when you noticed that all the little ones started to climb on his body and mess around with his hair, you were quick to react because you knew your boyfriend was easily irritable which prompted you to think he hated kids
but there was nothing to worry about because when you saw him playing around with them and even crack a smile, you felt your heart grow fuzzy at the sight and you knew right then and there that you wanted to stick by sukuna’s side for the rest of your life
and in the unfortunate circumstances that sukuna is too busy to make it to one of your functions, the first thing everyone asks is “where’s your boyfriend?” or “where’s ‘kuna? i wanna play with him!”
so you have to facetime him and let him know that everyone is wondering where he is (your phone is dead by the end of the night because after the adults get their turn at saying hi to your boyfriend, the kids snatch your phone and end up talking to him for the rest of the night)
but in conclusion, everyone is waiting for the day he gets on one knee to propose to you and your parents are itching to get to get call sukuna their son-in-law :))
also don’t forget that your parents want two grandchildren: one boy and one girl!
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kylie-writes-stuff · 3 years
pairing: corpse husband x reader (female)
words: 1,714
requested?: no (send some in tho pls :) )
plot/summary: felix invites his friend, y/n, to play among us when they need an extra player. her and corpse get along well
authors note: so this isnt that good and i know a lot of corpse fics use a similar plot. i just wanted to try to write for corpse. hopefully things i write for him in the future are better. let me know what you think tho! also i really wanted reader to be best friends with karl bc i love him sm. uh every swiggly line is like a small time skip. this was written late at night btw and i didnt take much time to go over it
You sat up from laying down when you heard your phone ring. You looked at the caller ID.
"What's up Felix?" You ask with a small yawn.
"Aww, how sweet," You hear in the background.
You giggle and ask, "Is that Sean? Hi Sean!"
"Yeah, we're playing Among Us and need an extra player. You down?" Felix explained.
"Sure, just give me a few minutes. See you soon, whore"
"Bitc-" You hang up before he can finish.
You got up and turned off your TV, going to get ready. 
You quickly tweet out that you're going live and say something on your insta story as well. You start your stream and slowly watch people flood in.
"Hey everyone! How are you guys doing?" You wave and smile, reading the chat.
"Everyone doing good, awesome! And i'm sorry to anyone having a bad day. I hope i can brighten it a bit!"
"Okay, sorry i didn't give you a further notice. I didn't even know i was gonna stream. Felix invited me to play Among Us so... here we are!"
You quickly join the discord and pull up the game, putting a cover over where the code goes.
"Hello?" You ask as you join the call. A chorus of greetings came your way.
"Karl!" You smile brightly.
Karl Jacobs was a good friend of yours. You would play on the Dream SMP sometimes. When you would, it would mostly be you being stupid with Karl and Alex, also known as Quackity. You were even a well know citizen of El Rapids.
"LET'S GOOOOO!" He yelled, making you laugh.
"Hey (Y/n), do you know everyone here?" Sean asks you.
"Um," You quickly scan through the names, "no, i don't think so."
You recognized names but you only personally knew Felix, Sean, Karl, and Ethan.
"Oh my god! Your voice is so cute!" Pokimane exclaims.
You giggle softly, "Thank you Poki!"
You're voice wasn't high pitched or anything like that, you just always spoke very softly and calmly. You were also a bit quiet.
Felix introduces you to those that you didn't know.
"There's one more person we're waiting for," He says.
While everyone waits, you and Karl run around each other's little characters and make jokes between yourselves. You mute yourself to read donations every once in a while.
You hear the discord chime, signaling that someone joined the call.
"WAIT CORPSE! DON'T SPEAK YET!" Felix yelled. "We have a new player. This is my friend (Y/n), say hi to her"
"Hello (Y/n)," Corpse said. You were taken aback by how deep his voice was but you didn't show it.
"Hi Corpse! Nice to meet you!" You said happily.
"Okay, how is she not freaking out?" Bretman said, making everyone laugh.
"Uh, (Y/n), do you mind letting me have black? It's cool if not.." Corpse asked gently.
"O-oh sure, no problem." You were usually black with the pink flamingo hat, but you ran over to the little computer and changed your color.
"Simp," Ethan mumbled, knowing you never switch from black.
"Thank you," He said, then the game started.
The word “Imposter” appeared on your screen in red, yours and Corpse's characters underneath.
As the game started, you thought no one could hear you so you spoke to your chat. "His voice was so deep, what the fuck? Holy shit that was hot, i'm gonna-"
"(Y/n)," Rae laughed, "You know we're playing proximity chat, right."
You blushed as you realized and said "Ha, anyways..." and ran to start faking tasks.
You ended up in electrical with Karl. "(Y/n)! My good friend, my buddy, you would never kill me right? Haha..." He said.
"Of course not, Karl! My good friend, my buddy. Why, I'm not even imposter," I said as i quickly dipped into the vent and back out, making him laugh.
I decided to show him because I knew Karl wouldn't say anything, and it's funny.
"Oh that's good then. Are you sure you're not imposter?"
"Mhm, pretty sure," You said, going back in. As you came out, Sykkuno walked in and froze.
"Uh, (Y/n)?"
"Fuck... Karl run! Go!" You said, Karl starting to leave. You walked closer and quickly killed Sykkuno then vented to security.
"That was close..." You told your chat.
You saw Corpse as you made your way around the map and walked into navigation.
"Hey, Corpse, how ya doing?"
"Ah you know, good. Just being crewmate and all."
You stifled a laugh, "Oh yeah I feel that, buddy."
"Yeah because there's no way that i'm imposter. No way i could be faking tasks and there's no possible way you could be the other imposter" He said quickly.
"For sure. Hypothetically speaking, though, if you were imposter, how many people would you have killed by now?"
"I would say probably around two."
"Interesting," You said right before a body was reported. It was Sykkuno's. Felix and Rae were also dead.
"WHAT!" Corpse yelled.
"Where was the body at?" Sean laughed.
"Uh I found it in electrical," Bretman said.
"I'm pretty sure Karl was in there earlier."
You calmly said, "It's not Karl, I was with him for most of the round."
"How do we know the two of you aren't imposters?" Sean asked.
"I was alone with him, he would have taken the chance to kill me."
"No, he's your best friend."
"He's also ruthless,"
"TRUE! SO TRUE!" Karl yelled.
"So skip?" Corpse asked.
Everyone agreed and the voting was skipped.
The next round, I spent with Ethan. He was pretending to be mad at me because Sean said Karl was my best friend.
"What happened to Blue Boi Buddies, huh?!" He exclaimed.
"Neither of our hair is even blue anymore!" You argued back.
You were in reactor with him when Corpse and Poki walked in. He hit the lights and you took it as a sign to double kill. He killed Poki, you killed Ethan, and the two of you made your way to electrical to help fix lights.
You and Corpse went the opposite direction of reactor after the lights were fixed, Karl going with you.
Poki's body was reported. That double kill only left you, Corpse, Sean, Karl and Bretman. You only needed two more kills.
"I still think it's Karl and (Y/n)," Sean said quickly.
"I was with (Y/n) the whole time," Corpse said, "In fact, I think it's you."
"That does make sense. Why so quick to accuse others, Sean?" You ask.
"It's not me!" He yelled.
"I actually agree with Corpse and (Y/n)," Bretman said.
"I was with you!"
We all voted for Sean, him voting for Karl. Sean was ejected.
When you load into spawn, you wait for the kill cool down and kill Bretman, saving Karl.
"Victory" appeared on your screen.
"God damn it!" Sean yelled.
"Good job, (Y/n)," Corpse said lowly.
You smiled, a slight blush on your cheeks, "You too Corpse."
"Their voices go together and they're a fuckin dream team? What have i done...," Felix sighed.
A few more games went by. Most of them you and Corpse spent together, whether you were both crewmates or if one of you was imposter.
You really enjoyed his company and you actually got along with him pretty well.
"(Y/n), before we get serious, I have one question to ask you." Corpse said as both of your characters stopped.
"What's that?" You giggled.
"Do you know Bingus?"
"Bingus? As in, our lord and savior, Bingus?"
You could hear the smile in his voice, "It's settled, you're my wife now."
This made both of you laugh and your chat go crazy.
Eventually, people had to start leaving. You said your goodbyes to everyone and left the discord call and the game.
You set stream to where it was just your face cam.
"Guys, what should we do now?"
You saw some people asking what time it was for you.
"It's 3 AM right now... I’m not tired though.” You had been streaming for a few hours; You never even noticed how late it got.
People in chat were yelling at you to go to sleep, making you chuckle.
“How about we do a quick QnA, then at 3:30 I go to bed. Deal?”
You watched as the chat filled with questions. They obviously seemed to like the idea.
“‘Who is your best friend? Karl or Ethan?’ Neither, Alex Quackity. Next question.” You answered quickly.
You laughed, “I’d like to clarify that that’s a joke, i love all my friends equally.”
You answered more questions. Some were from new viewers asking basic questions, some were about future streams and videos. 
“‘How do you feel about people shipping you and Corpse?’“ People are already shipping us?” You laughed, “I’ve said before that I’m okay with shipping, as long as the other person is too. I think it’s funny.”
You continued to read chat. “Wait, we’re trending?”
You checked Twitter and “#(your and corpse’s ship name)” was trending in the US.
You laughed as you scrolled through the tag, “Oh this is so funny.”
“Fanart already?! You guys are so talented!”
You read chat, looking for more questions. You saw people telling you that it’s 3:30.
“Okay fine, a deal’s a deal. I hope you all have, or had, a great day and I’ll see you guys later. Depending on what time it is for you, you should also get some sleep. Stay hydrated, love you!” You ended stream.
You scrolled through Twitter as you laid in bed, liking fanart and dumb memes. Also replying to a few of your friends’ tweets.
karl :) @/KarlJacobs_
@/(your username) what the honk ?
*clip of you saying Quackity was your best friend*           
You liked the tweet and replied, “karl no,,, look away,,,”
You continued scrolling, feeling your eyes get droopy. Your eyes fell closed but quickly opened when your phone vibrated. It was a DM. 
From Corpse.
You two had followed each other earlier.
Corpse: hey (y/n), just wanted to say you’re really cool and i’d love to play again with you soon 
You smiled, a light blush spreading across your cheeks, and replied.
You: i’d love to, corpse
Corpse: ok, see you soon ‘wife’
You: back at ya, ‘husband”
Corpse: :)
You: :)
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
♥︎ The Struggles of Getting A Valentine
Pairing: Peter Parker x Avenger!reader
Summary: The three times Peter tries to ask you to be his Valentine and the one time he successfully does.
Warnings: none. Just a lot of fluff. Peter being a simp, Bucky being the cutest bby ever, and Tony being a dad. This is long. Happy reading💞
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(Source — Pinterest)
Attempt #1
Peter watched as you vigorously took down notes. From time to time your eyes would shift back up to the projected screen on the board. Your hair would graciously fall past your ear and to the front of your face, causing you to continuously tuck it behind your ear whenever it bothered you. He let out a dreamy sigh at the thought of running his fingers through your hair and tucking the loose strands behind your ear for you.
He wasn’t paying attention in class; he should have cared more about World War II, but you had his undivided attention without even trying. Besides, he could ask Steve for help if he ever needed it, he’s literally lived through part of World War II. Peter felt foolish as he stared at you, a lovestruck expression was on his face while he admired you from afar. You were just a few seats away from him. You were in the next row, two seats ahead of him. He was so hopelessly in love with you, his feelings for you were more than just a crush. He admired every little thing about you. From your kindness to how talented you were as an Avenger; you were the girl of his dreams.
Ms. Atwell’s voice faded in the background while his mind clouded with thoughts of you. Beside him was Ned, who was also taking notes while trying to get Peter to focus once again. When Ms. Atwell turned her back to the class, Ned roughly shoved Peter’s shoulder. The hearts in Peter’s eyes popped and the chorus of How Deep Is Your Love by The Bee Gees stopped playing in his head. He whipped around to look at Ned, annoyed that his friend took him out of his daydream.
“What?” Peter asks him through gritted teeth.
“Ms. Atwell already yelled at you twice yesterday for not paying attention in class, do you really want her to call you out again?” Ned whispered back harshly. Peter was one of the smartest dudes Ned has ever known, but sometimes he could be as dumb as a rock and as stubborn as a mule.
Peter shrugged him off, “She won’t notice.” He looked to the front to make sure Ms. Atwell’s back was still turned to the class, “I think I’m gonna ask (y/n) to be my valentine.”
Getting lured in with curiosity, Ned asks, “Don’t you guys see each other everyday? And do patrol together? How have you not asked her yet?”
“I don’t know—I couldn’t find the right time to.” Peter answered, turning his head back to the front when he sensed Ms. Atwell turn back to the class. She briefly mentions something about the Howlling Commandos and turns back around.
“When are you asking her?” He hears Ned whisper behind him. He leans back, face still towards the board, “Right now.”
Ned nods then takes a double take at the back of Peter’s head, “Now?!”
Peter rips the corner of the page his notebook was open to and began to sloppily scribble the words:
(Y/n), will you be my valentine?
Yes ⃞ No ⃞
— Peter :)
As childish as his note was, he believed that you would find the gesture cute. Little did he know that Ms. Atwell would too. While he excitedly folded the piece of paper, he had not realized that Ms. Atwell had stopped talking and was looking at him with that stern stare of hers. Cluelessly, Peter quietly giggles to himself and tapped MJ, who was in front of him. When she didn’t turn around, he looks up from the note to see Ms.Atwell hovering above his desk, arms crossed with an unamused look on her face.
Startled, Peter jumps in his seat, eyes wide and cheeks growing warm. He looks around the class to see everyone staring at him, including you. Although, you had that same unamused look on your face as Ms. Atwell. Like Ned, you also scolded Peter whenever he didn’t pay attention in class.
“Dumbass.” You mouthed at him shaking your head. A sheepish grin forms on his face as his eyes shift back to Ms. Atwell. Her red painted lips were in a thin line and her hand was held out at him.
“Give me the note, Mr. Parker”
Peter’s eyes widened even more, making him fear that they might pop out of their sockets, “NO—no, no, no. I—I can’t.”
“And why not?” She asks him in her posh accent.
“Uh—because..” Peter struggled to come up with an excuse. His eyes shifted between you and Ned, desperately asking for help. Ned shrugs in response.
“Just give it.” You mouth to him. He shakes his head at you furiously and was about to respond to Ms. Atwell, but the note was removed from his hands. Peter squeaks as he tries to take it back from his teacher but shoves himself back into his seat when Ms. Atwell glares at him. She opens the note, eyes skimming at the words written on the piece of paper. A small smirk grows on the older woman’s lips.
“P—please don’t read it out loud.” Peter pleadingly whispered to her. He leaned forward, “I’ll go to detention, I’ll even grade your papers for you—just please don’t read it out loud.”
You raise a brow at the brown haired boy, wondering what could have been written on that piece of paper that made him beg Ms. Atwell for detention to not read it. You shift your questioning gaze at Ned, who waves off your nonverbal question.
Ms. Atwell sighs, crumpling up the piece of paper, “Detention after school.”
“Yes.” He whispered to himself in victory, hands clasping together. “Thank you, thank you, Ms. Atwell.”
“I’m only letting this slide once. The next time I see you writing notes in my class, I’m reading it to everyone and calling home.” She warned pointing a finger at him. Peter nods eagerly, “Got it, Ms. Atwell.”
She returns back to her lesson while Peter shoved his face into his hands in embarrassment. A thin layer of sweat had formed on his forehead and his heart was pounding out of nervousness. He musters up the courage to look at you again.
Much to his surprise, you were already looking at him over your shoulder. He flashes you a shy smile to which you reciprocate with one of your own. You turn back around, resuming to take notes from the board. The smile on his face only grew wider as he stared down at his scribbled notebook, the image of you smiling at him stuck in his head.
Attempt #2
The next time Peter tried to ask you to be his valentine happened a few days after his first failed attempt. He was spending the weekend at the tower after Tony and Steve suggested that he should begin training with them more. Of course, he took their advice; this was an opportunity for him to improve on his skills and learn new things. But most importantly, he would get to see you everyday.
Peter was sat on the floor of the Avengers’ shared living room setting up Netflix on the giant flat screen attached to the gray wall. He had finished training an hour ago and was now going to have a movie night with you. You had also finished training the same time he did and suggested that the two of you should watch some new movie that came out on Netflix. He thought it was an amazing idea to have a movie night, obviously it was an amazing idea, you came up with it. He agreed willingly and insisted on grabbing food for you both. He swung from building to building until he ended up back in Queens at the entrance of Delmar’s. The two of you would go to the bodega everyday after school and pick up your usuals. Then Peter would swing you to the rooftop of some building and the two of you would eat before doing some patrol work around the city.
He pulled out your usual sandwiches from the plastic bag and placed them on the coffee table. To pair with the sandwiches, he also bought chips and two bottles of soda. He set up the coffee table and made it look neat. He wasn’t usually a perfectionist, but he felt the need to impress you. Did table or food presentation matter to you? Would you think he was sloppy if he carelessly placed the food on the table? Or maybe you’d think he was a neat freak from how neat and trim the food was laid out?
While you gathered extra pillows and blankets from your room, Peter continued to fidget with the food on the table. He moved the bottles of soda around too many times and even tilted the chips to make it look aesthetically pleasing. When he was content with how everything was organized, he glanced at the plastic bag. Along with the food, he had also bought a box of chocolates. The red heart shaped box caught his eyes and he felt his fingers inching closer to it. It was almost Valentine’s Day and he still hasn’t asked you to be his valentine. He felt a rush of adrenaline in his body when he took the box from the shelf and purchased it. Peter made the spontaneous decision that he was going to ask you to be his valentine during your movie night. He would place the box on top of your food and when you come out of your room, you would see the box and then he’ll finally get the chance to shoot his shot.
Peter gripped the red heart box and gingerly placed it on top of your chips. He eyed it nervously before shifting his attention back to the tv. He was searching for the movie you suggested on watching when Bucky walked into the living room. The two greeted each other quietly until Bucky caught sight of the box of chocolates.
“Are those chocolates? I haven’t seen them in these heart shaped boxes in forever.” Bucky reminisced, picking up the box and inspecting it. His eyes were filled with curiosity, “Woah, they make them look all flashy now. Back in the day, ours didn’t have bows or glitter on ‘em. It was just some picture.”
Peter found himself smiling at Bucky’s sudden interest in the box. “Did they come in different flavors back then, Mr. Barnes?”
Bucky whips his head up to look at Peter, “No! They only had milk chocolate. They come in different flavors now? No way.” Bucky exclaimed, turning the box around to see all the flavors listed on the back. After seeing Bucky’s reaction to the chocolates, he wanted to just give them to Mr. Barnes. But if he gave them to Mr. Barnes, then he would have nothing to give you when he asks you to be his valentine. He didn’t necessarily need to give you anything to ask the question, but it would have made the gesture more sweet and somewhat romantic. Though, that smile on Bucky’s face was a rare sight.
Peter’s shoulders slumped against the couch he was leaning on. He mustered up a smile and told Bucky, “You can have it if you want.”
“Oh no, it’s fine, this is yours. I could ask Steve or Sam to buy me one at the stores.” Bucky waved him off, trying to hand the box back to Peter. Peter shook his head, making the brown curls on his head wiggle, “No, take it Mr. Barnes. (Y/n) and I already have plenty of junk food here. You know, with training and all, wouldn’t want all that work to go to waste just to eat a bunch of junk food.”
“Are you sure, kid?” Bucky asked still holding out the box at Peter.
Peter sent him a soft grin and motioned for him to take it, “Yeah go ahead, you’ll enjoy it more than us.”
Bucky’s grin widens and he holds the box of chocolates up to his chest, “Thanks Peter! You’re not as bad as Sam says you are.” With that, he turns around and walks back down the hall.
“Thanks?” Peter said, a brow raised at Bucky’s retreating body. You come around the corner with an arms full of blankets and pillows. Peter chuckles and gets up to help you.
“(Y/n), you didn’t have to get so many pillows.” He teased, taking a blanket and two pillows from you. You huffed and placed the items on the floor.
“I just want to make sure we’re comfortable, Pete. Comfort is important during movie nights.” You defended yourself.
As you set up the blankets and pillows you glance at Peter, “Bucky told me you gave him chocolate. That was sweet of you.” A tint of red forms on his fair cheeks.
“It was nothing. Apparently they didn’t have different kinds of chocolate back in the day. When I told him, his whole face lit up, it was probably the happiest I’ve ever seen Mr. Barnes.” He explained, sitting beside you on the floor.
You smile fondly at the boy next to you, he truly was the biggest sweetheart. “It’s not nothing. That probably made his day, Pete. We barely see Bucky smile.”
Peter hummed in response, too busy being mesmerized by the light in your eyes. He averts his gaze before you can catch him staring at your face.
Peter’s eyes land at the food on the table. His bottom lip pursed into a pout when he spotted a dent on the bag of chips created by the box of chocolates. The small dent taunted him and was only a reminder of how he should have been already popping the question. He mentally cursed at himself, he couldn’t help but become a perfectionist when it came to you. He couldn’t just ask you the question—you deserved a bouquet of flowers, boxes of chocolate, teddy bears—heck he’d give you the world without you even asking for it.
“Hey! I got you your favorite.” He sees you instantly perk up. That beautiful smile of yours takes over your features and the butterflies in his stomach came to life. He found himself reciprocating your smile.
“Thank you, Peter! You’re the best!” You squeal, pressing a light kiss on his cheek and throwing your arms around him. He was taken aback by the sudden form of affection. Shock was written on his face while his body was frozen. Meanwhile, you were already digging into your sandwich while he was still in his flustered state, processing what just happened.
Attempt #3
This had to be the perfect time to ask you, Peter thought to himself. The two of you were sat on the ledge of some random roof Peter swung you both onto. You were sat beside him, feet swinging back and forth while you looked down on the bright city. Your hands gripped onto the edge of the roof, your fingers brushing against Peter’s once in a while, making the both of you blush.
Wind gently breezed past you, causing strands of your hair to brush over your shoulder. He should have been patrolling the city, looking for anything out of the ordinary, but his eyes were glued to the side of your face. The lights from the city reflected on your features; giving your skin a warm glow and your eyes a sparkle. He thought you looked absolutely stunning.
“It’s not nice to stare.” You suddenly tease him. He’s been caught. His mouth was agape and he quickly turned his head away from you sputtering. You smirked to yourself knowing that his cheeks were turning bright red.
“Oh—um, I wasn’t—yeah, no, I’m sorry.” He muttered. His hand awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as he glanced at you. He was thankful that it was the night time, this would’ve been more embarrassing if you saw how red his cheeks were.
A playful smile was on your lips, “I’m playing, Peter. Is there something on my face?”
Besides beauty? No, there’s nothing on your face, was what he wanted to tell you.
“No! Your face is—fine.” He answered smiling nervously.
Wait, why would you say her face is just FINE? He thought to himself. He then continued to stutter out words, “I—I mean, your face is really pretty.”
You stared at him, amused at his flustered state. You always found his bashfulness adorable. He easily blushed at any compliment or kind of physical contact. You could nudge shoulders with him and his cheeks would instantly go red as a tomato. Even though he easily blushed, he was the sweetest person you knew. He cared about others around him, he had the kindest soul, and he knew how to treat a girl right. He was also a thief, because he stole your heart the moment you first laid eyes on him.
You giggle at him and bite your lip, “Thanks Pete. Your face is pretty too.”
“Thanks.” He breaths out. His inner voice then spoke, this is your chance idiot just ask her the damn question. Peter agreed with himself, this was the perfect moment. The moon shined in the night sky, the twinkling lights of the city set the mood, and the two of you were finally alone—this was perfect.
“Hey, (y/n)?” You turn your attention to him to see him fiddling with his fingers.
“Can I ask you something?”
You laugh, “You just did, twice, but yeah, shoot.” Your joke seemed to loosen him up because it got him to chuckle.
He eyes your hand before grabbing it. He fumbles with your fingers until you decide to help him out and interlock them together. You see him smile at your fingers.
His thumb rubs the back of your hand, “Well, I’ve been trying to ask you this for a long time now. People just keep getting in the way of all my plans. Uh—I was wondering, only if you want to, if you want to be my—“
A shrill scream interrupts Peter. He clenches his jaw, hanging his head down in defeat. You squeeze his hand, catching his attention. The adorable pout was on his lips again and you were tempted to kiss it away.
You flash him an apologetic smile, “We should check on that.”
“Yeah, we should.” Peter grunted, taking his mask and shoving it on. With the hand that was still holding yours, he helps you up from the ledge.
You wrap your arms around his neck while one of his hands rest on the small of your back. He checks to see if his web shooters are on properly and pulls you closer to his chest, “You ready?”
“Yeah, let’s get ‘em.”
It was only a night away until Valentine’s Day and Peter still hasn’t asked you to be his valentine. His heart felt heavy when you didn’t walk through the doors of your shared first period class. You must’ve been running late, he remember thinking to himself. He waited to see you at fourth period, but to his dismay, you were still not there. During lunch, he kept to himself and picked at his food while he worried about you. Asking you to be his Valentine was long forgotten, now he was wondering why you didn’t show up to school. Were you sick? What if you were in danger? Was there an invasion at the tower? Maybe you were on a mission? But that didn’t make sense, since you’d usually tell him you had a mission before hand. His entire day was spent thinking of reasons why you weren’t at school.
The second the bell rung, he rushed out of the school, leaving behind a concerned Ned. He sprinted to the train, then stopped by Delmar’s to get your usual order and another box of chocolates. He shoved the items into his book bag and swung his way to the tower. He greeted the receptionist and squeezed his way into an elevator. When he landed on the Avengers’ floor, he saw Sam, Tony, and Rhodey at the kitchen.
“Hey kid! How was school? Educational?” Tony greeted him, ruffling his hair as he passed by.
“Uh, yeah.” He answered, not bothering to actually answer Tony’s question. “Where’s (y/n)?” He asked them looking around the floor. Sam and Rhodey share a look at the boy’s eagerness.
“A mission came up. She’s out with Nat, Wanda, and Steve.” Sam answered, taking a sip out his mug.
Peter’s shoulders sag, “Do you know when they’re coming back?”
Rhodey glances at the time, “Not till tonight.” Peter curses to himself. Tony raised a brow at the boy, “Why are you so desperate to see (y/n)?”
“I’m not desperate!” Peter weakly defended himself. “I just—I had to ask her a question before tomorrow.”
Tony smirks at Peter, “It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow.” Peter sighs and tosses his bag onto the floor. He pulls out one of the stools at the counter and shoves himself to sit on it.
“So you finally grew the balls to ask (y/n) out? About time, I was getting tired of seeing the two of you make puppy eyes at each other from across the room.” Sam snickered. Rhodey nodded, agreeing with Sam.
“We don’t make puppy eyes at each other.” Peter grumbled crossing his arms. Tony leans on the counter across from Peter, “Did you get her anything?”
“I got her usual sandwich from Delmar’s and a box of chocolates. I was gonna ask her to hang out in the garden and we’d eat our sandwiches there, then I would’ve asked her to be my Valentine.” Peter explained to the three men.
“You got her a sandwich and a box of chocolates?” Rhodey asked him.
Peter shrugged, “It’s all I could afford! I don’t get any money from being Spider-Man.”
Tony felt bad for Peter. He saw how the two of you interacted; bright smiles and attached at the hip. You guys obviously liked each other, but were too chicken to admit it. This was the exact push you both needed to admit those feelings. Tony patted down his pockets until he felt his wallet.
“I don’t trust you with my card, so here’s a hundred.” Tony slides the bill across the counter to Peter. The boy’s brows knitted together, “For what?”
Tony motions to the elevator, “Go and get your girl some flowers or something, I don’t know. You’ve got time before she gets here.”
“What? Mr. Stark I can’t take your money.”
Tony rolled his eyes, “Kid, you’ve been making heart eyes at this girl since the moment you first saw her. Now take the damn money and make this a memorable Valentine’s Day for her.”
Peter takes the bill and shoves it into his pocket, he stumbles out the chair and slings his bag over his shoulder. “Thank you, Mr. Stark, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” He surprises Tony with a hug before running out of the kitchen.
Peter ended up at the nearest Walgreens. He went all out with the gifts, that he needed two baskets to hold his items at the store. When he got back to the tower he headed straight to your room. He wasted no time in decorating your room. He hung up stringed lights with little heart lanterns attached to them on all four of your walls. He got a few stuffed animals and a giant squishmallow. He laid those things out on your bed paired with some of your favorite candies. He also got that lip balm you’re always raving about, fuzzy socks, and a scented candle. The last thing he got, that he knew you would enjoy, was a Harry Potter Lego set. It was only a small set, but he knew you’d like it nonetheless. You’ve always told him that you wanted to build a Lego set with him and now he was going to make that happen.
He stood in the middle of your room admiring his work. Everything was set perfectly and he was proud of his decorating skills. A knock was heard on the door, making him rush to grab the bouquet of roses on your desk.
“Um, COME IN!” He yelled, fixing his hair and standing straight with the flowers to his chest. The door opens to only reveal Mr. Stark.
“Hey—wow.” Tony observered your room, surprised at how it looked. He turned to Peter and gesture to the roses, “Listen Pete, I appreciate the gesture but I’m a married man.” He raises his ring finger for show, snickering at his own joke.
“Mr. Stark.” Peter whined setting the roses on your bed.
“What? I just came in here to tell you that they’re landing in a few minutes. I got your sandwiches out the fridge and sparkling apple cider for you guys.” Tony hands the items to Peter and two champagne glasses.
“Oh, thanks Mr. Stark.” Tony waves him off, “Don’t tell the others, but you’re both my favorites in this building.” The smile on Peter’s face widens.
“I’ll get outta your hair. Good job on the room by the way, good luck!” Tony leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. Peter sets the sandwiches on your desk and takes the roses again. If Mr. Stark liked how your room was decorated then so will you, hopefully. He sits on your chair and waits for you to come through the door. He waits for a few more minutes until he distinctly hears your voice from behind the door.
He gets up again and fixes his hair and clothes. His heart skips a beat when the handle of your door twisted. The door opens painfully slow till it finally revealed you behind it. You stumble in shock once you enter your room.
“Hi.” He breathes out, hands tightening around the stems of the roses.
“Hey.” You greet him shutting the door behind you. Peter scanned your body, not to ogle at you in your suit, but to check if you had any injuries. You walk towards him and stop when you’re just inches away from him.
“How was the mission? Are you hurt?” He questions you. You fondly shake your head at him, a soft smile gracing your lips. “It was good, we were just gathering intel, nothing too hectic.” You reassure him. Peter nods in response while your eyes dance around the room.
“What’s all this, Pete?” You ask him, a playful glint in your eyes. Peter swallows nervously and offers you the flowers. You quietly thank him, admiring the red and pink flowers.
“Well, remember that one night during patrol?”
“Yes, I do. You had a question for me.”
“Yeah—um I’m gonna ask you that question right now.” Peter explains, fiddling with his hands.
“Okay. But are the heart lights supposed to be a hint because I kinda have a feeling I already know what you want to ask me?” You take one of his hands and interlock it with yours. Peter eases up and chuckles bashfully, swinging your hands from side to side.
“I’ve been trying to ask you this for weeks now and every time people would get in the way of me asking you. I wanted it to be perfect and everything—because you’re perfect. And you deserve something romantic and extravagant for Valentine’s Day. I was gonna give you a sandwich and a box of chocolates; because it’s what I can get with my money. Then Mr. Rhodey called me out so Mr. Stark gave me money and—“ He was in the middle of explaining when you interjected.
“Peter, you’re rambling.” You giggle squeezing his hand.
“I know, I’m nervous, I’m sorry.” He apologized blushing. You shook your head and pulled him closer to you, “You don’t need to be nervous, just ask me the question, Pete.”
He looks down at you, gazing into your eyes, “(Y/n), will you be my Valentine?”
You beam up at him, “I would love to be your Valentine, Peter Parker.”
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
How Not to Form a Thruple
Sayaka Igarashi x She/Her Reader x Kirari Momobami
A/N: Oh my god this took forever to do. There are just so many factors to consider when trying to make this work and I did not want this to turn into a novel and yet it's still sooo much. Anyway, much love to Sayaka and Kirari but they don’t know how their own relationship works without trying to date another person at the same time. Ririka is suffering, but at least she has Mary. Sorry if there are more errors than usual I had to deal with a cat menace. Also beware of Midari in this fic, you know how she is. And the OC I made isn’t very helpful either. Word Count: 18,395 (Why did I do this to myself?)
(Y/n) sighed and slouched in her seat at the back of the classroom, her eyes followed the form of Igarashi Sayaka taking her seat in the front of the room with her arms full of papers and folders. Her bag, looking just as heavy as the load in her arms, had the shoulder strap strained over the desk hook.
“Ugh, you really are hopeless, you know that?”
“Huh?” (Y/n) turned her head, meeting her friend’s eyes just in time to see them roll to the side.
“You’re looking at Igarashi with those dumb puppy eyes again. We’re well into our second year of high school now, shouldn’t you be over her by now? Or, here’s an idea, ask her out.” Tsubasa advised, pretending to be scandalized by their own suggestion.
“Don’t talk so loud!” (Y/n) hissed, quickly looking to see if anyone, especially Sayaka, had heard.
“The whole classroom is practically screaming about gambling and homework (Y/n), no one’s listening to us. Especially not Miss Workaholic over there. So, what’s the deal? When are you gonna finally make a move?”
“Are you crazy? There will be no move making from now until the end of time!” (Y/n) gestured wildly, emphasizing the word ‘now’ and the phrase, ‘the end of time’. “She obviously likes the president... and like is putting it mildly, there is no way I’m going to embarrass myself like that. I mean, when it comes to the president I can’t possibly compete. She’s too beautiful and suave, no wonder Igarashi wants to spend so much time with her.” (Y/n) sighed wistfully and slid further down her chair, openly sulking.
“Sounds to me like you’re simping double time these days, (Y/n).” Tsubasa snickered and kicked at (Y/n)’s foot with their own, producing a muffled groan from the girl who had since buried her head in her arms over her desk.
“You look at the girls in this school and tell me you can’t find easily like, ten of them that you’d immediately give your kidney to if they asked.” (Y/n) grumbled.
“Nah I’m good thanks, I’d like to keep my kidneys as a matched set if I can help it.” They leaned back in their chair and stretched. “Class is starting soon, better get your act together before you get called on and embarrass yourself in front of Igarashi.”
“God that would happen to me wouldn’t it?” (Y/n) sat up and opened her notebook for her first class, scanning the most recent notes with a critical eye.
“Hey, before you get too lost in that boring stuff I wanted to ask you if you heard about the gamble that’s taking over Yumemite’s stage during lunch.”
“I haven’t heard anything. What does Yumemite-san have to say about this? Didn’t she have a concert scheduled at that time?”
“You would know that wouldn’t you, simp.” Tsubasa laughed, poking (Y/n). “She’s sick or something so someone snatched up the stage for the day and they even got permission to broadcast to the whole school. Anyone can come by to gamble and the last person standing gets ten million yen!”
“What’s the catch? There always is one with these no admittance fee gambles.”
“Loser has to do one thing the winner asks each round. Something that can be done right then and there on camera to be broadcasted to the school. What do you think? Will you do it with me?” They grinned.
“Be humiliated in front of the whole school? No thanks, think I’ll pass.”
“Come on, don’t be like that. We could split the money fifty-fifty if one of us wins. What’s the worst request someone could demand of you if you lose?”
“Uh, have you been paying attention in this school?” (Y/n) looked up from her notebook, “A person having the power over you to make you do something for them is almost always worse then owing money. They could tell you to strip or rip your nails off— all sorts of crazy things!”
“I guess I could have been more clear. The winner just asks a question to the loser and they have to answer it honestly.”
“Wait, you’re telling me this is just going to be truth or dare without the dare?” (Y/n) looked at them incredulously. “I know I was complaining before but how is something so boring being broadcasted to the whole school?”
“Beats me, but really, the deal is a lot sweeter now, don’t you think, partner?” Tsubasa batted their eyelashes and (Y/n) lightly punched their shoulder.
“Alright, I’m in.”
“Never mind I’m not in!” (Y/n) trembled at the sight before her. The stage was filled with all sorts of creepy crawlies and dangerous looking animals in various enclosures. She made to leave but her friend grasped her arm and pulled her back.
“Too late to pull out (Y/n), I already signed us up!” They smiled brightly as if completely unaffected by the scene before them.
“Did you know about this?” (Y/n) asked, her throat tightening with equal parts anger and anxiety. “This isn’t truth or dare without the dare, it’s like, dare with a light suggestion of truth!”
“I know right? This is gonna be awesome!” Tsubasa grinned.
“Did Ikishima take over your body or something? What the hell is wrong with you!?” (Y/n) chastised through clenched teeth.
“Shhhh, I think the organizer is about to get things started. Don’t think about the risk, think about how awesome it’s gonna be when we win ten million yen! Five mil each!”
“If the more affluent students heard you getting excited over five million yen they would laugh you out of the school.” (Y/n) mumbled, rubbing at her temples to try to fight the oncoming headache she was starting to feel.
“Wow, a lot more of you showed up than I thought you would!” A voice called from the stage, crazy familiar laughter rolled over the auditorium.
“Ikishima actually organized this? Why am I not surprised?” (Y/n) sighed.
“Okay so a handful of you...” Ikishima scratched her head with her gun as she looked around the room. To (Y/n) surprise, the crazy girl suddenly fell to her knees with a cry of anguish. “Yumeko didn’t come? But I invited her directly! How could she stay away from such a gamble when I worked so hard to procure all this shit!” She moaned mournfully and motioned towards all the animal enclosures.
“Uh, so are we doing this thing or...?” Another student called out after watching Midari spread out on the stage floor and sulk for a hot minute.
“Yeah, yeah, just give me a second...” Midari sighed despondently. “Yumeko,” she began, looking to the ceiling, “I made this all for you, enjoy the show... I know you’re watching!”
(Yumeko was in fact, not watching.)
“Alright, listen up everybody!” Midari jumped back onto her feet, her gun tracing over every face in the front couple rows of the auditorium. “Ya ever hear of Fear Factor? Well that’s what we’re doing except not really. Basically, I’ll have you face off one v one. You each get to pick an animal you’d like your opponent to get all close and personal with, the first person to bail loses and if neither bails after five minutes, then the person with the highest heart rate loses. We’ll be monitoring your heart rates with these little wrist monitors to keep you honest. If your heart rate continually spikes higher than the other person, we’ll know and you’ll be out of the competition, not before you let out a truth of the victor’s choosing of course.” Midari smiled wickedly and gestured to the giant screen behind her. “Here is our bracket, let the games begin!”
(Y/n) scanned over the names and was jostled by Tsubasa slinging an arm over her shoulders.
“Look at that, (Y/n). We’re on opposite side of the bracket, I’m liking our odds!”
“Yeah, great.” (Y/n) whined and slowly made her way to the stage. Her name was right at the top of the bracket signaling she would be in the first match.
“Go (Y/n)!” Tsubasa cheered.
(Y/n) grimaced as Midari fixed the cold heart monitoring device to her wrist and another beautification officer hooked up her opponent who smirked once (Y/n) met his gaze.
“Coin flip decides who picks first. (L/n), heads or tails?” Ikishima asked, her breath sticking to (Y/n)’s cheek because of how close she was.
“Heads.” (Y/n) chose. Midari flipped the coin and revealed heads.
“Lucky you!” Midari cackled, “Choose carefully because once an animal is chosen, it will be retired for the remainder of the gamble!”
“I’ll pick the tarantula.” (Y/n) declared, suppressing a shudder. At least now she knew it wouldn’t be able to be used against her later.
“Ahh tarantula-san eyy?” Midari giggled. “I love it, nice choice! And you?” Midari turned to address the other student.
He appeared to be sweating ever so slightly but his smirk didn’t leave his face. “I’ll pick that huge ass snake.”
“Boa-san? Hell yeah!” Midari cackled, looking all too pleased with how this was going. “Handlers, bring out the chosen animals!”
“Hold your arms out, kind of like a cradle please.” The handler asked (Y/n). She had just nearly put her arms in position before the handler looped the middle of the large constrictor around her neck. The upper half of the large snake began coiling around her arm as (Y/n) struggled to hold the heavy reptile.
(Y/n) chanced a glance at her competition who appeared to be holding his breath as the tarantula crawled across his pant leg. He was sitting on the stage, something about lessening the risk to the spider should the boy freak out. (Y/n) gulped as her attention was brought back to the snake. It had raised its head to be level with her own and scented the air between their faces before slithering up and over her head and it began its descent down her back.
“Hey!” (Y/n)’s eyes darted back to the boy who looked noticeably more panicked. “It’s crawling toward my junk!” He screamed as the spider slowly made its way over his thigh.
“So?” Midari shrugged, “What, you gonna bail already? It hasn’t even been two minutes.”
“Get it off me now!” His voice pitched higher, the spider had momentarily lost its grip and slid closer to the boy’s crotch. “Take it, take it!”
“Alright, you big baby.” Midari waved him off signaling the handler to take the spider. “Round one goes to you, (L/n). Sazanka class, represent!”
(Y/n) released a relieved sigh as the weight of the boa was lifted from her shoulders. She massaged her shoulder and almost left the stage before Midari called her back.
“Hey, don’t forget your question!”
“Ah, right, sorry. Umm, what’s your favorite color?” (Y/n) could heard the faint echo of Tsubasa smacking their forehead with their hand in the darkened auditorium and Midari groaned.
“That’s what you’re asking? That’s so god damn boring!” Midari sprawled out on the floor again. “Well shit, answer (L/n)’s boring ass question I guess.”
“It’s green.” The guy breathed, thankful for the low stakes question after his embarrassing screeching over the tarantula.
“Alright, who’s next?”
The final round was finally here. (Y/n) had survived a hand full of banana slugs and holding up a adolescent fox bat by its feet before finally making it to the last round with Tsubasa bouncing excitedly as her final opponent. They had made it, no matter what happens now the ten million was as good as theirs.
“Alright! Here we are with the last match! Only a handful of creatures left, what will be used I wonder...” Midari pondered. “Heads or tails, (L/n)?”
“I’ll go heads again.”
The coin flipped in her favor once more and she smiled at her friend. “I know you’ve been eyeing that iguana over there, go make a new friend.”
“I really appreciate that, (Y/n).” Tsubasa simpered. “However,” the sweet smile turned sinister, “Just because we made it to the end, doesn’t mean I’m going to go easy on you.”
(Y/n)’s eyes darkened at the betrayal, her mouth twitched into a frown aimed at her unbothered so called friend. Sweat gathered at her brow. Were they going to pick the literal grizzly bear over there? Or maybe even worse, the—
“I pick the octopus.”
“No way!” (Y/n) gasped.
“Uehehehe, I see you recognize the coloration of octopus-san, don’t you (L/n)?” Midari leered over the other girl.
“Yeah, that’s a blue ringed octopus isn’t it? Those things can kill you and you expect me to hold it?” (Y/n) threw her arms out wide in disbelief.
“I had it brought here for Yumeko, but I’m glad someone is going to play with octopus-san.” Ikishima practically moaned. “Well, (L/n) are you gonna hold it or bail?”
“Of course I-“
“(Y/n), before you answer that question,” Tsubasa whispered, “You should know I’m planning on asking a really good question should I win. You know, related to who we were talking about this morning.”
“You wouldn’t-“ (Y/n) gasped.
“Try me.”
“I give you the iguana and this is how you repay me! I could literally die!” (Y/n)’s heart was absolutely pounding. Hurt and betrayal plain on her features.
“Listen, I don’t know what the hell you guys are going on about, but we are broadcasting live to the school and you have a decision to make. (L/n), whatcha gonna do?” Midari pushed.
“I...” (Y/n) took a deep, shuddering breath, her gaze drifted to the deadly cephalopod. Her eyes closed tightly as she tried to quiet the wild thrumming of her heart in her ears. This was dangerous and stupid, but she’d sooner die than lose and answer that query truthfully. “I’ll do it.”
“For real (Y/n)? Are you crazy-“
“I love what you’re doing here (L/n)!” Ikishima interrupted (Y/n)’s gambling partner with a wheezy laugh. “If I didn’t already have the hots for Yumeko, I’d jump your bones right now!”
(Y/n) grimaced at the vulgar girl and made her way to the octopus’ enclosure, the vivid blue rings hypnotic in the shallow waters of the tank.
The octopus itself was small, no bigger than the palm of her hand, yet she knew that size would hardly matter, it could still easily kill a grown man twice her size.
(y/n) breathed in deeply and pulled up her sleeve, her hand just barely skimmed the water when her supposed friend spoke up.
“(Y/n) you don’t have to do this. You seriously would rather die than talk about your feelings?”
(Y/n)’s steely gaze met her partner who was nervously stroking the iguana in their arms and her frown deepened.
“Use my half of the ten million to pay for my medical bills and or my funeral.” She spoke coldly, carefully sliding her hand all the way into the tank. She would have just plunged her hand right in, but she really didn’t feel like dying today if she could help it. Please god, give me the luck of that one idiot I saw holding one of these things on social media.
Slowly, she nudged the creature into her hand and raised it up a bit so Ikishima could clearly see her dangerous skinship with the octopus. The one-eyed girl let out a delighted squeal but (Y/n) could not hear it over the pounding of her own heart. The tentacles of the venomous creature curled over her hand as if searching, maybe for the best place to bite (Y/n) thought wryly. It began crawling up her wrist and settled on her forearm. (Y/n) felt faint and she could feel the sweat roll off her in buckets, having the octopus sit still was almost worse than it moving.
“How’s it feel, (Y/n)? I can call you (Y/n) now, right? We’re kindred spirits you and I after all. How does it feel knowing you’re one little bite away from almost certain death? It’s great isn’t it?” Ikishima moaned grossly in (Y/n)’s ear and (Y/n) grit her teeth, her jaw tightened painfully. She did not dare pay attention to Ikishima, her eyes belonged only to the small mass now writhing in the crook of her elbow.
A loud buzz shot (Y/n) out of her concentrated state, causing her to move suddenly and offset the balance of the octopus. (Y/n) yelped  in response to the octopus’ renewed hold over her that was much tighter than before. Did it just bite me?
“Five minutes is up! Guess we have to refer to heart monitors for the winner. Though judging by (Y/n)’s face, her heart rate will probably be nonexistent soon!” Midari laughed and motioned to the big screen. The computer scanned over the last two competitors heart rates over the last five minutes and compared the data. It was quickly determined that (Y/n)‘s heart rate was much higher than her opponent’s, making her the loser of this gamble.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and hung her head in shame, if the octopus did bite her, she didn’t have it in her to care. Her life would be over soon anyway once she answered the victor’s question.
“Wait a minute... what the hell is wrong with octopus-san?” Midari screeched, bringing (Y/n) back into the moment.
(Y/n)’s eyes shot open to look at the octopus and she was surprised to see it had changed color to match that of her skin tone.
“But, blue ringed octopuses don’t change color so dramatically as this? What... this isn’t...” (Y/n) could hardly believe it. The small octopus on her arm wasn’t the deadly Australian native, but a mimic, and a talented one at that.
“Hey you! What the fuck is this!” Ikishima berated the nearest handler, gesturing to the tank with her gun.
“A mimic octopus, ma’am. This little baby has a tank adjacent to a real blue ringed octopus and the clever boy just loves to copy the colors. Intelligent little guy, isn’t he?”
“Well, yeah,” Midari huffed, “but I asked for blue ringed octopus-san!”
“We didn’t want anyone to be hurt. We figured you wouldn’t mind as long as you got an octopus.” The handler smiled tightly. God these rich kids are crazy.
(Y/n) managed to free herself from the mimic and withdraw from the tank. She rubbed her arm and watched the small octopus change color again to match the the sand in its tank. She felt so foolish, all her fear had been misplaced and now- she turned to Tsubasa, now iguanaless, and stepped forward.
“Well that was hella disappointing. What’s-your-face gets to ask their question now.” Midari sighed, clearly disinterested. “If I wasn’t so impulsive and hadn’t put this thing together last minute, I would’ve made much better punishments for the losers.”
“(Y/n), please don’t let this ruin our friendship. I only want what is best for you.” Tsubasa rubbed the back of their neck awkwardly.
“If you didn’t want to do that, you’d pick another damn question. Just ask already.” (Y/n) snapped.
“Who have you had a crush on since middle school who you still like to this day?” They asked almost sympathetically. (Y/n) wanted to slap that awkward smile right off their face.
“Igarashi Sayaka.” (Y/n) answered clearly so as to not have to repeat herself before bolting off the stage, Midari cackling behind her.
“You like that stick in the mud? That’s hilarious!” Midari wheezed from the stage as (Y/n) pushed through auditorium doors with a boom and kept running.
(Y/n) should have just skipped school. She was basically doing it anyway since she couldn’t go to class. Not when she was actively avoiding three people in said class. Tsubasa she didn’t want to see for obvious backstabbing reasons, Ikishima because she was being... extra herself towards (Y/n) since the gamble and she didn’t appreciate it, and then of course Sayaka... who knew if she was aware of the gamble or what she’d do if she saw (Y/n). She’d probably tase me, (Y/n) thought glumly.
The last few days (Y/n) had exiled herself to the deepest, darkest depths of the library and didn’t leave until most of the students had gone home for the day. She didn’t need to worry about gambling. Despite not talking to Tsubasa, she saw that her five million that was agreed upon was transferred to her account with an, ‘I’m sorry :( <3‘ attached to it so she was set for awhile in the class rankings.
This day should have been no different as she made her way to the back of the library, but she gasped audibly once she took in the figure perched atop her table seemingly awaiting her arrival. She would have backed away if not for the fact that those icy blue eyes commanded her to stay.
“President!” (Y/n) squeaked. This was it, she was so dead. How foolish of her to think she would be able to get away with admitting her feelings for the secretary of the most powerful person in the school without any repercussions.
The president did not yet speak, but motioned (Y/n) to come closer, the way her glacial eyes bore into (Y/n)’s left no room for argument. (Y/n)’s legs moved slowly, they shook noticeably and she feared she might collapse right in front of the president. Finally she stopped and stood a foot away from the president’s regal pose over the table. (Y/n)’s hands wrung together and she scanned the titles of the nearby bookshelves so she would not have to look her intruder in the eye.
“You’re a surprisingly difficult person to find, (L/n) (Y/n).” Kirari finally spoke, examining her pristine, blue fingernails.
“I,” (Y/n) cleared her throat, “I’m sorry?” Her voice trembled, sounding oh so weak in the presence of the apex predator.
“That was quite the show you put on a couple days ago at Ikishima’s event.” Kirari continued, seemingly oblivious of (Y/n) speaking at all. “You turned that drab, mind numbing dullness into something I could tolerate watching with my afternoon tea. Sayaka seemed quite invested as well.” She said, her eyes casually looking up to catch (Y/n)’s again, gauging for a reaction.
(Y/n) didn’t speak for fear of her heart escaping out of the orifice due to how violently it was beating in her chest, in her throat. It was beating so fast it put the whole octopus incident to shame.
“Of course, the novelty of the octopus was shattered as soon as its true nature was revealed, but it was interesting to watch in the moment, sort of like a magic trick, wouldn’t you agree?”
(Y/n) stayed silent, only managing to tear her eyes away from the analyzing blue ones to study her own shoes.
“Sayaka couldn’t believe you would do something so, how did she put it? Irrational? Insane maybe? It escapes me now, but she was muttering to herself in that endearing way she always does when she’s thinking too hard and she just can’t contain her internal monologue.” Kirari’s smile grew a small fraction wider at the memory. “I didn’t see what the problem was. If anything I’d dare say she was being quite hypocritical, given the fact that she had jumped out of a five story building with me not too long ago.”
(Y/n) allowed a look of astonishment to take over her face and Kirari chuckled quietly.
The student council president slid off of the table and approached (Y/n) with confident, purposeful steps, causing (Y/n) to back away until her back hit the bookshelf behind her. Kirari rested an arm on the shelf beside (Y/n)’s head and leaned so far into her personal space that (Y/n) dared not breathe.
“Maybe you would like to give it a try?”
(Y/n)’s lips trembled, still unable to so much as make a sound. Her eyes were trapped by the icy, oceanic gaze mere inches away from her.
“No need to be so tense, it was just a suggestion. I know you are capable of speaking. What must I do to make this a two way conversation?”
“I-“ (Y/n) attempted to clear her throat, taking in a shaky breath, “I- what do you want me to say, president? Why are you here?”
“You’ve caught my interest.” She stated plainly, “To risk your life all to avoid answering a simple question of little consequence. Tell me, are you embarrassed to like my secretary so much? Do you find such feelings disgraceful, or is it because it’s Sayaka?”
“No! No. That’s not it at all, I just- I’m not embarrassed about how I feel. Igarashi-san is amazing. So incredibly dedicated and hardworking, intelligent, pr- pretty,” (Y/n) blushed, “I could never find anything disgraceful about liking someone like her.”
“Why hide it to such a degree, then? Why risk your life to keep it hidden?” Kirari came closer still, drinking in every micro-expression that (Y/n)’s face would betray for clues about the peculiar behavior she was so fascinated by.
“There was just no point in revealing my feelings. They obviously aren’t reciprocated, I didn’t want to make class awkward or ruin the good terms we were on as classmates. If I was to be embarrassed about anything, it would be the idea of receiving a rejection that I was well aware would occur and was trying to avoid.”
“I’d like to propose a gamble.” Kirari said suddenly, (Y/n) could feel the declaration disturb the air around her face, causing a slight tingling sensation that made her lips purse subtly.
“What do you propose, president?” (Y/n) whispered weakly, her back digging almost painfully I to the bookcase, trying fruitlessly to create a semblance of personal space between them. She surprisingly took  in the sudden declaration without question, probably due to how small she felt in Kirari’s presence. She dared not question the president’s seemingly sudden whim.
“A simple game, really. I don’t have time to plan some grand operation unfortunately. Such things are better planned out over the course of several weeks, months or even years. Something Ikishima will likely never learn even after her hastily put together show,” Kirari spoke, digging at the disorganization of the beautification officer while still looming over (Y/n) like it was perfectly acceptable to be so close, “but that’s neither here nor there, the game will be lightning round old maid.”
“What are the stakes?” (Y/n) asked, a hot cold rush ran down her spine as Kirari absently inspected a lock of (Y/n)‘s hair, twining a finger though it before letting the hair slip from her touch. She backed away, finally giving (Y/n) room to breathe.
“If I win, you’ll immediately start going back to your classes and you’ll become a page of sorts to the student council. You’ll be at Sayaka’s beck and call.”
“I don’t think Igarashi-san would care for that. I’m sure she has a very specific way in which she likes things done. I don’t want to be on her bad side more than I probably already am!”
“Sayaka would never say it, but with the added work the election has brought, I’m sure she could find a use for an extra pair of hands.” Kirari smirked, “Now, what would you like if you win?”
“...I guess it would be nice to have some assistance transferring schools?” (Y/n) mumbled after a moment’s thought.
“How practical. You’re about as imaginative as Sayaka I’ll give you that,” Kirari commented, striding to the other side of the table to sit with practiced poise, “well,” she gestured to the chair opposite her, “please take a seat. This won’t take long.”
(Y/n) bit the inside of her lip and sat stiffly in the presented chair. She couldn’t believe she was about to gamble with the president. Such an ‘honor’ was usually reserved for people like Jabami or Ikishima... What did this say about herself, (Y/n) wondered.
Kirari slipped three cards out of her blazer. The queen of diamonds, the queen of hearts, and a joker card. She presented the cards to (Y/n), allowing her to check for any possible tampering. When (Y/n) was satisfied, she gave the cards back with a sight tremor. Kirari reached past the cards, encompassing (Y/n)’s wrist with her hand and drawing out a surprised gasp from the girl. Kirari skimmed her fingers over the exposed skin up to (Y/n)’s own finger tips before finally taking the cards back and shuffling them under the table. All the while (Y/n)’s hand tingled, still suspended mid air until she remembered herself and quickly pulled her hand back to join her other tightly fisted in her lap.
Kirari eyed the cards, newly shuffled, and slid the queen of hearts to (Y/n)’s side of the table. With a reserved smile, she held out the remaining two cards. “Now, which one will you choose I wonder?”
(Y/n) scrutinized the backs of the cards in Kirari’s hand, silently cursing herself for not thinking of marking the cards in some way as she inspected them. Her eyebrows knit and her eyes narrowed in concentration as if that would help give her some sudden clarity, to open up the right choice.
“As much as I’m enjoying this intense look of concentration you are wearing, I do have other obligations that require my attention this afternoon.” Kirari spoke, jolting (Y/n) from her thoughts.
“Sorry!” (Y/n) swallowed and eyed the cards, darting her attention from one to the other at least a dozen times. Finally she sucked in a huge breath and reached for the the one on the right. Then, changing her trajectory at the very last second, she took the card on the left, missing the excited gleam in Kirari’s eyes.
With trembling fingers she flipped the card in her fingers and felt dread as the laughing face of the joker stared back at her.
“Wrong choice I’m afraid, looks like I’ll get a turn after all.” Kirari said.
(Y/n) took her queen and the joker, mixing them under the table until she was satisfied then held them out to Kirari, trying to will her face into impenetrable stone.
Kirari chuckled quietly as she reached out. She teasingly danced her fingers over the cards, gauging for a reaction. (Y/n) looked away from the scene, trying to invoke some kind of ‘I can’t see you, you can’t see me’ strategy. However, (Y/n) felt that she could have no face at all and Kirari would still be able to read her.
Her eyes shot open when she felt the card in her right hand being tugged free, she turned back to the remaining card with an audible gasp. The queen was still in her hand.
“Oh well,” Kirari smiled, “Another chance for you then, (Y/n).”
(Y/n) nodded resolutely, looking between the two cards once more. She took less time to deliberate this go around and took the left card. Incorrect again.
The joker traded hands at least three dozen more times and traded hands quickly. Staying in one hand only long enough to be shuffled and presented to be taken half a second later. (Y/n) found it exhilarating. There was no strategy, no second guessing, just the gamble itself. Taking whatever card they touched first without a care.
The joker had found (Y/n)’s hand again and (Y/n) couldn’t help the laugh of disbelief that escaped her lips. Her nervous frown had left rounds ago, replaced by a content smile. If Tsubasa could she her now, smiling and playing a children’s game with arguably the most frightening person in the school, they would lose their mind.
“I’m glad you’ve come out of your shell and are enjoying yourself,” Kirari spoke up, her eyes looking unusually warm. “However the time is quickly approaching for one of my aforementioned engagements so,” (Y/n) blinked owlishly, her mouth falling open ever so slightly. Kirari took the queen out of (Y/n)’s hand as if she knew she could have done so at will at any time and smirked. “I’ll be seeing you bright and early Monday morning to discuss your new duties.”
As Kirari stood and moved around the table to exit (Y/n) kept blinking at the joker in her hands. “Oh, and (Y/n),” Kirari stopped at the bookshelf momentarily and looked back at (Y/n), seeing the surprised girl turning slowly in her seat to look at her. “Do not be late.”
With that, the president took her leave. (Y/n) looked back at the joker and smiled brightly despite herself. She knew once the novelty wore off she was going to be an anxious mess before Monday arrived, but for now, she was ride out the high gambling with the president gave her. She gathered her belongings and left the library and the school, humming pleasantly with a skip in her step all the way home.
(Y/n) hadn’t slept more than a combined total of eight hours all weekend. She had worried her weekend away to the point of feeling physically ill. What had she been thinking to entertain such a gamble? Not only did she need to start going back to class, but now she had to report in to the student council as if she were a member herself.
(Y/n) glanced at her phone again, squinting her eyes at the harsh light,  a panicked groan leaving her as she read the time. It was five-thirty in the morning. She had more than enough time to get ready and be at school before the student council meeting began at seven, but the anticipation was killing her.
She was not ready to see Sayaka. She wasn’t ready to sit next to Tsubasa in class again or get hounded by Ikishima. Today was going to be an all out assault on her emotional state.
(Y/n) stood outside the imposing doors of the student council room, the time on her phone displaying that she was fifteen minutes early. (Y/n) worked to control her breathing, willing herself to take deep, even breaths. Before she worked up the courage to enter, the door swung open with air displacing force strong enough to whip some of (Y/n)’s hair askew.
“I’ll retrieve the file president! You needn’t concern yourself with such menial tasks!” Sayaka strode a purposeful half step out of the room and rammed straight into (Y/n)’s chest, causing (Y/n) to stumble back, but not fall.
“What are you- oh,” Sayaka’s angry retort died on her lips as she registered who stood before her. “(L/n)-san, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, good- good morning, Igarashi-san. I’m, um, I’m here to-“ (Y/n) stumbled over her words looking over Sayaka’s head, unable to even look her in the eye as she felt her cheeks grow increasingly warm.
“Ah, (Y/n), right on time. Early even.” Kirari appeared in the doorway behind Sayaka who looked back at her with a bewildered expression. “Ready for your first day on the job?”
“President! What are you saying? What is the meaning of this?” Sayaka asked, looking between Kirari and (Y/n) as if to try to draw her own conclusion.
“Sayaka, (Y/n) is going to be your errand girl from now on. Sort of a secretary of a secretary situation.” Kirari explained with an amused grin. “I feel like your work efficiency would be maximized if you didn’t have to run all over the school.”
“But president, I can’t just-“
“(Y/n) has graciously gambled away her services, so use her as you see fit.”
The wording Kirari used, left the two second years gaping and thoroughly embarrassed. The awkward silence that followed seemed to be lost on the president and she continued to speak.
“I’ll provide the first task as an example. (Y/n), Ikishima has neglected to return a rather important file that is needed for the composition of a life plan, retrieve it.”
“Yeah, okay.” (Y/n) quickly turned tail and jogged away from the president and her secretary, thankful for every step that parted her from the awkward confrontation and headed to the bowels of the school.
Sayaka and Kirari watched her leave. The latter looking very pleased with herself.
“President, what did you do?” Sayaka asked, studying Kirari’s mirthful face.
“I was merely following up on my promise. I said I’d find out if she was okay, didn’t I? Now you can see for yourself anytime you wish.”
“I didn’t intend for you to gamble her into servitude!” Sayaka’s voice cracked with exasperation. “What was going to happen if you lost?”
“She was going to transfer schools.” Kirari revealed, drinking in Sayaka’s shocked expression with amused satisfaction, “I don’t know what you did to her Sayaka, but she is positively terrified of you.”
“I- I didn’t do anything! At least, I think...” Sayaka poised a contemplative fist over her lips, thinking back from middle school to present, sifting through memories to find anything to the contrary.
“No matter, you’ll have plenty of time to figure out how to proceed,” Kirari waved dismissively, “I never discussed a date of release before the gamble, but I’m sure keeping her in this position after your graduation would be a tad excessive. Now,” Kirari ran her fingers through Sayaka’s ponytail, eliciting a shudder from the underclassman, “I’d love another cup of tea before the meeting.”
(Y/n) descended the stairs to the basement floor of the school. She could hear the distinctive hum of old fluorescent lights and boiler room generators, by looking at the rest of Hyakkaou, you’d never think that such a rich school would have such an ancient, decrepit, looking basement.
As she continued clicking down the darkened hall she could hear a muffled, albeit echoing, cackle that would have sent her sprinting in the opposite direction if not for the fact that it was a familiar laugh she had heard disrupt class on countless occasions.
(Y/n) turned down the next hallway, jumping and covering her ears as a shot rang out, painfully reverberating off of the walls.
“It’s like a goddamn haunted murder house down here.” (Y/n) mumbled to herself.
She turned down one more hallway and met a couple beautification committee members loitering around.
“Hey,” (Y/n) addressed them awkwardly, wincing when the small group quieted and eyed her suspiciously, “I’m, uh, looking for Ikishima?”
“Get lost, she’s... busy” one of the grunts replied, a faint look of discomfort, hidden as she pretended to examine her nails.
“It’s student council business,” (Y/n) persisted. As much as she would have loved to peace out right then, there was no way she was going to return from her first errand empty handed. “It can’t wait.”
“No one gives a damn. Trust me when I say you don’t want to go in there.”
“I’ll take the chance.”
(Y/n) walked passed the disgruntled committee members and banged on the door, the thudding carried down the hall.
“Ikishima! I’m here to collect a file for a life plan!” (Y/n) called through the heavy metal door.
“Damn it! What the hell?” Midari yanked the door open and (Y/n) had to take several steps back at witnessing the severe sweaty, disheveled state the girl on the other side was in. “I was so fucking close and you just cut me off like that? What the hell, that just turns me on more!”
“The file? Now, please?” (Y/n) stuttered out, desperately wishing for a line of brain and eye bleaching products that would make her forget ever seeing her classmate like this. For now she would simply have to settle with getting the hell out of there as soon as possible.
“Wait a minute, why did you get sent here, (Y/n)? The way you pounded on the door, I thought you were Sayaka again.” The girl laughed and (Y/n) mentally gave Sayaka her condolences. “Whatever, there’s a meeting in ten minutes. Why can’t I just bring it then?”
“They probably thought you would forget.” (Y/n) shrugged uncomfortably.
“Hey, you know what, that’s fair.” Midari nodded, “Hang on a second,” she slipped back into the room and came out a few seconds later with a stained and soggy looking piece of trash. “Here, now get lost. Unless you plan on joining me in here.”
“Wh... why is it wet? And what’s this stain?” (Y/n) made a disgusted face as she held the paper away from her, pinching one corner with her thumb and forefinger.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to, (L/n).” Midari cackled, the sound continuing on even well after the door had been shut in (Y/n)’s face once more.
On the way back to the student council room, (Y/n) made a pit stop for a ziplock baggie and went to the restroom to wash her hands in the most scalding water she could handle.
“That was surprisingly quick,” Kirari smirked from her chair at the head of the table as (Y/n) knocked politely before letting herself in. Sayaka’s head swiveled in (Y/n)’s direction as well, looking more concerned than her amused counterpart. “Were you able to retrieve the file?”
(Y/n) nodded stiffly and presented the file, confined in the plastic of the ziplock baggie like evidence in a murder case, to the president.
“Oh my, it’s hardly legible,” Kirari spoke, her tone suggesting that she may have been mildly impressed by the paper. Or perhaps it was a morbid fascination. “And what’s this stain here?” She asked.
“I don’t know, I don’t think I’ll ever want to know.” (Y/n) replied, placing the plastic wrapped atrocity on the table. Sayaka pursed her lips and nodded as if (Y/n) had spoken some old, wise philosophical scripture.
“Oh well, I’m sure Sayaka can write up a fresh copy later. Congratulations on completing your first assignment, (Y/n). The meeting will be starting soon so please take your position to Sayaka’s right,” Kirari motioned to the girl standing behind her.
“That’s wholly unnecessary, president,” Sayaka shook her head, “We will look silly.”
“Not at all. Surely you can see the logic of wanting my right hand by my side. The right hand of my right hand is by extension, mine as well and needs to be close as such. (Y/n), take Sayaka’s right.”
“Uh, yes, president. Whatever you say,” (Y/n) moved around the table and stood a respectable distance away from Sayaka, directing her attention to the exotic fish swimming in the large aquarium nearby.
“Closer.” Kirari commanded, gently.
Without moving her eyes from the aquarium (Y/n) took a half step in Sayaka’s direction.
“Closer, (Y/n),” Kirari said again, “we must look like a cohesive unit.”
“It’s okay, (L/n)-san, I won’t bite.” Sayaka said, ushering the girl closer with a worried half smile.
“Unless you’re into that kind of thing.” Kirari amended with an amused grin, watching the second years sputter and gasp at her like fish out of water.
When the rest of the council members finally began filtering in, (Y/n) and Sayaka were stood almost shoulder to shoulder while Kirari sat sipping her tea with a satisfied expression.
Although the council had technically been disbanded because of the election, there was still work to be done that could not be held off without threatening the school structure.
“Wow, (Y/n), you really working here now?” Midari asked, doing a double take as she plopped in her seat. “I thought you were just looking for an excuse to see yours truly again.” Midari laughed, pointing at herself with her gun.
“Not really, no.” (Y/n) spoke dryly, arms crossed loosely over her chest.
“Oh that’s right, because you like-“
As the door was violently pushed open to reveal the teen idol Yumemi,(Y/n) exhaled harshly, feeling heat crawling all the way up to the tips of her ears as she continued to watch the fish, not daring to even spare a hint of a glance through her periphery in the direction of Sayaka and Kirari.
“Ikishima, my whole stage still smells like a barn!” The idol gritted through a menacing smile.
“What do you expect me to do about it?” Midari said, swinging her legs onto the table.
“I’m ordering a deep cleanse and you’re paying for it!” Yumemi huffed, taking her seat as well.
“Bahhh, whatever.” Midari waved her off, earning a laugh from Runa as she flopped onto a nearby couch.
The vice president silently made her way to stand at the president’s left, taking a moment to stare between the three people at the head of the table. Or at least, (Y/n) guessed she was. It was hard to tell with the mask.
Yuriko came in last, looking a bit frazzled as she took her own seat. Once it was clear that everyone was situated, Sayaka began to recite the major talking points and the meeting began.
(Y/n) swears she almost fell asleep standing up. Only jolting out of her meditative state as chairs scraped against the floor signaling that the meeting must have ended. Her eyes darting to the clock on the wall, revealing that classes would start soon. Taking the time into account, she moved to the wall where she had left her school bag and hooked it over her shoulder before turning back to the president and her secretary.
“I can go to class now, right?”
“Of course,” Kirari gave a slight nod, “just give Sayaka a moment to gather her things and you can go together. Won’t that be nice?”
(Y/n) chanced a glance at Sayaka as she packed her bag full of folders, quickly averting her eyes when Sayaka looked up expectantly from her bag. (Y/n) discreetly cleared her throat, “Sure.”
“Ready to go?” Sayaka asked, shouldering the heavy bag with little effort as she stepped forward. Wow, she’s a lot stronger than she looks.
“Yes,” (Y/n) responded, walking over to the door to hold it open for the secretary.
“Do be back for lunch.” Kirari called.
“Of course, president.” Sayaka nodded, provoking a hint of warmth in Kirari’s charming smile before she turned her back to the door to face the vice president who seemed to eye her intently as (Y/n) closed the door behind her.
They didn’t make it very far down the hall before Sayaka produced a fancy, black, hardcover notebook and held it out to (Y/n).
“I took the liberty of taking notes for you in your absence,” she explained, a small, sweet smile upon her lips.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have, thank you very much!” (Y/n) stared at the notebook with a pleasant warmth building in her chest. She accepted the notebook, accidentally brushing fingers with Sayaka in the process. Her breath caught in her throat as Sayaka’s hand caught her own instead of falling away once the notebook had left it. Her other hand reached up to cup the notebook from underneath when it became clear that (Y/n) was about to drop it.
“It was no trouble but, I’m glad you’re back.”
“Haha, well, one of the president’s conditions of the gamble was for me to go back to class. I guess I couldn’t really hide in the library forever though.” (Y/n) shrugged, trying to be nonchalant while fighting off the emotions bubbling just below the surface.
“You were in the library?” Sayaka looked perplexed as students walked around them, a few giving inquisitive looks as they passed but otherwise hurried to class. “I must have checked there at least three times.”
“You were looking for me?”
“Yes,” Sayaka lightly squeezed (Y/n)’s hand and the notebook between her own, “I even spoke to that degenerate you sit next to, to see if they knew where you were. A useless conversation.”
“Why?” (Y/n) asked with a tremor in her voice, partially afraid of what Sayaka would say.
“I’ll be more than happy to explain at lunch, but we’re going to be late if we don’t start moving.” Sayaka pulled her hands away and motioned (Y/n) forward. (Y/n) fell into step beside Sayaka, heading to their classroom while her heart beat violently against her rib cage.
Upon entering the room mere moments before their teacher, Sayaka smiled kindly at (Y/n) before taking her seat. (Y/n) had her own dreamy look on her face that melted into a steady frown as she made her way to the back of the room and made eye contact with her sheepishly smiling friend.
(Y/n) plopped down in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest with a huff.
(Y/n) ignored them, focusing her gaze on the front of the room.
“Come on, (Y/n). I told you I was sorry!” Tsubasa whispered, scooting closer, “You can have my notes if you want, you kinda missed a lot.”
“I don’t need them. Besides, you take shit notes.” (Y/n) grumbled.
“How about I let you punch me in the face? Trip me into the fountain outside? What if I buy my favorite ice cream and right before I get to taste it, you knock the cone out of my hand?”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but snort at the suggestion, covering her mouth with her hand and shying away from the look the teacher sent her way before resuming his lecture.
“I really am sorry you know. I’ve missed by best friend.”
“I’m still mad at you, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t miss you too.” (Y/n) simpered.
“Wanna join the crew at lunch? I’ll buy.”
“I can’t actually,” (Y/n)’s smile became a little regretful, “I kind of belong to the student council now so-“
“You what!?” Tsubasa yelled, their voice commanding the attention of the whole classroom, even Sayaka looked back with a raised brow.
“Care to share with the rest of the class?” The teacher spoke coldly.
“No, sorry!” They squeaked, sliding further down their chair.
“Great, try to pay attention, please,” the teacher turned back to his presentation, “Now where were we...”
“Shit.” They sighed under their breath.
“Nice one.” (Y/n) whispered back with a grin.
“Well what do you expect when you drop a bomb like that? What happened?”
“Shouldn’t you be quiet? You’re already on thin ice.”
“What’s the worst he can do, this school is fucked academically anyway. Tell me what you’re doing with the stuco.”
“Okay, just don’t scream... I gambled with the president,” (Y/n) paused, watching Tsubasa cover their mouth and bend over their desk with shock. It was clear they were trying very hard to keep it all together as the lecture continued. “I lost and as per our agreement I have to go to class and assist Igarashi-san with student council duties.”
“Oh my god!” They gasped,
looking between (Y/n) and the back of Sayaka’s head. “Don’t you see what this means?”
“I’m sure you’re going to tell me what you think it means,” (Y/n) rolled her eyes, taking notes on the new slide of the presentation.
“What it means is you’ve earned yourself not one, but two potential girlfriends!” They grinned, flashing a  discrete peace sign.
“That’s not what it means at all.” (Y/n) deadpanned.
“Come on, (Y/n)! Since when does the president find interest in plebeians like us? And don’t you think Igarashi would have been absolutely livid to have the president’s attention on you and not herself? I mean, remember how snippy she was when Jabami first rose in prevalence?”
(Y/n) shook her head, “You’re being ridiculous. I’m probably only in Igarashi-san’s good graces because she knows about my feelings for her and it would stand to reason that she doesn’t have to worry about me taking her place or making moves on the president. And then the president! As if anyone knows why the president does any of the things she does. She was probably bored and thought it be funny to watch me make a fool of myself in front of Igarashi everyday.”
“Just you wait. You’ll be a part of their weird little role play before the month is out, I guarantee it.”
“Don’t say it like that! Also, it’s not gonna happen so drop it.” (Y/n) kicked at the exposed ankle across the lane.
“Do I smell a wager to be made?” Tsubasa smirked through the pain, rubbing their ankle.
“I only thing I smell is someone who needs to mind their own business and start taking notes, you degenerate.”
“Igarashi is rubbing off on you already I see.”
After four more hours of hushed interrogation, lunch period began. Sayaka waited for (Y/n) in the hallway and (Y/n) gave her troublesome friend a warning glance, daring them to say anything stupid.
“Hey, Igarashi. Take good care of (Y/n) now, okay?” Tsubasa dodged (Y/n)’s fist and waggled their eyebrows before dashing off to the cafeteria.
“Ignore them.” (Y/n) said, almost pleadingly.
“Right, shall we?” Sayaka motioned in the direction of the student council.
“Oh, is it alright if I grab something from the cafeteria first? I didn’t pack a lunch.” (Y/n) asked.
“No need, I’ve arranged for lunch to be catered to the student council room.” Sayaka explained, leading (Y/n) to the grand, wooden double doors.
Sayaka knocked before entering, holding the door open for (Y/n) to slip in before closing it once more.
“Excellent timing, a house pet arrived with lunch just a few minutes ago.” Kirari informed, moving to the parlor area of the large room.
“Shall I fix your tea, president?” Sayaka asked, already walking across the room to start the kettle.
“Yes, please do.” Kirari nodded before then focused in on (Y/n), standing awkwardly near the fish tank. “Come take a seat, (Y/n). Sayaka will join us soon.” Kirari smiled, gesturing to the lush armchair seated to the left of the loveseat where Kirari regally sat.
“Of course, thank you, president.” (Y/n) sat back in the cushioned chair and although it was the epitome of luxury, she kept her back rigid and both feet firmly planted on the ground, staring at her hands as she nervously picked at the edge of her skirt.
“Still so tense,” Kirari sighed, “What happened to my old maid partner over the weekend? I thought we had hit it off rather splendidly.”
“Oh! That reminds me...” (Y/n) dug her hand into her blazer pocket and fished out the joker card from last Friday, presenting it to Kirari, “I figured you would want this back.”
Kirari pulled one eyebrow up in amusement and reached forward. Much like she had done in the library, her fingers grasped passed the card and took hold of (Y/n)’s wrist. Her icy lips curled into an almost sinful smile as she tugged (Y/n) forward. Not enough to pull her from her seat, but enough to bend her closer with (Y/n)’s arm fully extended, held near Kirari’s knees. (Y/n)’s ears burned as Kirari leaned closer and blew directly into her ear, raising the heat tenfold.  (Y/n) had no escape from the close proximity as Kirari kept her wrist hostage.
“Thank you,” Kirari hummed, “Is this perhaps your way of suggesting we play again? I would happily indulge you for the right wager.”
“I, uh, um-“
“The tea is ready president.” Sayaka informed, placing the tea set in the middle of the table with a barely audible click.
(Y/n) noted the loosening of Kirari’s grip and used it as an opportunity to straighten back up and put as much space between her and the president as possible, but she feared it was already too late.
Sayaka’s shadow loomed over (Y/n) and she clenched her eyes shut. Sucking in a breath, she tried to prepare herself for the volts of electricity that were sure to come.
“(L/n)? Tea?”
(Y/n) slowly looked up at Sayaka, meeting her mildly concerned features before glancing down to Sayaka’s hands, noting the tea cup and dish that were held out to her.
(Y/n) blinked, thanking Sayaka and accepting the tea with shaky hands. She wasn’t going to get tazed? Sure, Kirari had been the instigator of the close contact, but (Y/n) had expected a murderous look at the very least regardless of who started it. Yet, here Sayaka stood before her, offering her tea looking as calm as can be.
“Sayaka, come sit with me.” Kirari implored, patting the spot beside her on the loveseat.
Sayaka moved with barely contained excitement and with her cheeks blushing faintly, she took her place right of the president.
(Y/n) smiled from behind her tea cup though her heart ached. They looked cute together, happy. Everyone in the academy had some inkling that the president and her secretary had some kind of relationship beyond their work on the council, but many assumed that Sayaka was being used. Simply a means to an end that would be discarded once the president grew tired of her. Based on how tenderly Kirari wiped a stray crumb from Sayaka’s beet red cheek, (Y/n) would have to disagree with her peers.
With the attentions of Kirari and Sayaka focused away from her, (Y/n) took the opportunity to eat her own lunch. Wherever Sayaka had catered from was really great. (Y/n) happily ate the food on her plate and enjoyed the fish swimming around the large aquarium, lost in her own world.
“Are we too dull to keep your interest, (Y/n)?” Kirari asked, piercing through the girl’s all too temporary peace. Sayaka peered over at her as well, whatever the intelligent eyes were searching for (Y/n) couldn’t guess.
“Not at all! I was just in my own little world, sorry! Did you need something?” (Y/n) sat stiffly in her chair once more, waiting anxiously for the president’s reply.
“Now that you mention it, there is something I need.” Kirari smirked lazily, a hand resting just below her lips. “Unfortunately now is not the time however. Not until I further discuss the details with Sayaka.”
Sayaka looked just as in the dark as (Y/n) was as to knowing what that meant, but she didn’t ask for any clarification on the matter. Trusting that her president would tell her what she saw fit when the time came.
“Just be more present with us. I want us to all be well acquainted and we can’t have that if you keep floating off.” Kirari added. (Y/n) nearly spat out her latest sip of tea when Kirari’s foot slowly dragged up her leg from her ankle to her calf before sliding back down and returning to its original position.
“Okay!” (Y/n) coughed. Some of her tea seemed to have gone down the wrong pipe.
(Y/n) was tense throughout the rest of the lunch period. Especially when the president seemed intent on making (Y/n) watch her feel up Sayaka. Okay, so it wasn’t like, explicit or anything but, still! By the end of the lunch period Kirari had pulled Sayaka close enough that she was practically sitting in her lap. Sayaka at least had the decency to look embarrassed but Kirari just kept talking to (Y/n) as if this was all normal behavior. And who knows, maybe for the president it was.
(Y/n) had never been more relieved to hear the warning bell in her life. She stood quickly, hitting her knees on the table as she did so. Luckily nothing had broken or spilled.
“I’ll just help clean this up quick then head off to class, is that okay?” (Y/n) winced, trying to discreetly rub her knees.
“Mm, that’s alright. A house pet will get it. You may head off to class. Sayaka and I have something to discuss,” Kirari ran her fingers through Sayaka’s ponytail, “be sure to come straight back here after classes let out.”
“Yes, president.” (Y/n) turned towards the door, counting down the seconds until she could breathe again.
“I’ll see you in a few minutes, (Y/n)...-san.” Sayaka called after her, still looking red. Perhaps even more so from addressing (Y/n) by her first name out of the blue.
“See you!” (Y/n) squeaked, feeling heat rise in her own cheeks. The president calling her by her first name hadn’t even affected her as strongly as it had when Sayaka just said it. Perhaps because Kirari didn’t seem the type to hold much stake in traditional formalities, but Sayaka certainly seemed the type. To call (Y/n) by her first name without asking her first, even with a formal honorific, it almost made (Y/n) swoon, as foolish as that may sound.
(Y/n) fumbled with the door handle and nearly knocked into the vice president by accident. With an apology quirk on her tongue she continued to walk briskly to her classroom.
“She sure left in a hurry.” Kirari hummed, resting her chin on Sayaka’s shoulder. Ignoring her sister flopping down on the couch. She may have been wearing a mask, but Ririka radiated exhaustion.
“I can’t say I blame her, president- Kirari, you were too... physical with your advances.” Sayaka replied, her hands reached up to cup her own cheeks in an attempt to cool them.
“I was just trying to be friendly, perhaps a little enticing, but how else would we let her know where we stand?”
“You’re moving too fast!” Sayaka exclaimed, “It hasn’t even been a full day since she has started interacting with both of us. You need to gradually work up to it, like with the Tower of Doors, like you did with me.”
“I seem to recall touching you just as much before the completion of the Tower, but perhaps you have a point. Should I be making (Y/n) a tower as well? I suppose it only seems fair.” Kirari looked as if she was already planning the schematics before Sayaka interjected, slightly panicked.
“No! No more towers. (Y/n) is smart, but as you have seen, she is not logical to the same degree as I, and you would most certainly kill her. I would not be able to bare it!”
“Oh, but how interesting it would be to test her mind to the limits.” Kirari spoke wistfully. “To have such an unconventional thought process for dealing with her problems. An irrational rationalism, rather oxymoronic, a paradox. Wouldn’t you say, Say-a-ka?”
“I don’t know why (Y/n) felt the need to touch a seemingly deadly cephalopod in an attempt to get out of answering a sensitive question, but you shouldn’t base a rule off of one experience. Stress has a way of making people do things they wouldn’t normally do. That being said, please don’t make her do anything dangerous.” Sayaka pleaded.
“My, so protective. I thought you said you only had a small crush on her before you met me.” Kirari teased, causing Sayaka to flounder about trying to find her words. “It’s alright, I can see the appeal.”
“The next class period is starting soon. What had you wanted to discuss with me?” Sayaka asked, hoping to derail the current topic of conversation.
“A gamble.” Kirari smiled.
“Ah, a gamble?” Sayaka sighed.
“Yes. I need something a little more stimulating than the election to keep me occupied,” Kirari turned to Ririka for the first time since she entered the room, “Perhaps my dear sister could play dealer for this little wager?”
“No.” Ririka deadpanned, the voice modulator giving the single word a bit more bite. “I love you Kirari, and you’re great Sayaka, but I’ve suffered enough watching you two dance around each other the better part of three years. I don’t want a front row seat to find out how you plan to add a third person into your dynamic.”
“No need to be so pretentious. All you needed to say was that you’re too busy trying to woo Saotome to help your poor, little sister.” Kirari shot back with light theatrics.
“I’m too busy trying to woo Mary to help you, yet again, with your own love life.” Ririka said, fishing her phone out of her skirt pocket to check a text before standing up. “Speaking of, Mary needs me.”
“That girl has changed you. Sometimes I worry it’s for the worse.” Kirari’s words poked at her sister’s retreating figure, hoping to get a rise out of her. She found that she quite liked trying to get under Ririka’s skin now that she had grown a bit of a backbone. Ririka did not give her the satisfaction though, opting to just flat out ignore her sister as she exited the student council room.
“So cold.” Kirari giggled.
“President, Kirari, the gamble?” Sayaka asked trying to get her back on track. She had less than two minutes to get to class now.
“Yes, here is what I have in mind...”
“What, you can’t go home now either? (Y/n), that is just tragic.” Tsubasa sympathized, patting (Y/n) on the back until (Y/n) slapped their hand away.
“Knock it off. All I need to do is follow the president and Igarashi-san around for an hour or two while the president gambles. Maybe fetch some things along the way. How hard can it be?”
“(Y/n)-san, are you ready?”
(Y/n) jumped when Sayaka came up behind her and turned swiftly in her direction, “Sure thing, Igarashi-san!”
“Bye (Y/n),” Tsubasa crooned with a mischievous grin, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“What are you even talking about? You know what, I don’t want to know.” (Y/n) waved them off and moved to fall in step beside Sayaka, following her to the student council room.
The halls had vacated rather quickly after school hours. Students usual were in a rush to get to the gambling dens or go home. Of course there was a small population that participated in extracurriculars as well, but in this school such things were of little importance.
After Sayaka and (Y/n) turned the first corner, the lingering voices from their classroom faded further into the background until all they could hear was their shoes clipping in near synchronization against the floor.
“Just Sayaka is fine.”
“Huh?” (Y/n) turned her head to face Sayaka, noting the flush of her cheeks as they continued walking.
“I have referred to you by your first name so you may call me Sayaka, I don’t mind.” She elaborated, still looking straight ahead.
“Oh! Sure, thank you, um, Sayaka-san.” (Y/n) stuttered out. Before long, her expression looked just as bashful as Sayaka’s. Never would she have dreamed that she and Sayaka would be on a first name basis! (Y/n) was already on a high from that objectively small step towards familiarity when Sayaka did something that nearly sent (Y/n) into cardiac arrest. She held her hand.
(Y/n)’s neck jerked from Sayaka’s pink face to their conjoined hands several times within the first few seconds of the unsuspected contact, her voice was strangled by her vocal chords allowing only the most pitiful confused squeaks to surface until she quickly clamped her own mouth shut with her free hand.
“I’m sorry, I have poor circulation. Y-you don’t mind warming my hand for a minute, do you?” Sayaka’s delivery was almost smooth, but even if she hadn’t fumbled with the line, the look on her face was anything but calm and confident.
“You’re fine!” (Y/n) winced internally. She sounded much too enthusiastic and spoke much too quick. Sayaka was going to think she was a creep for sure now. But no, Sayaka did not seem overly bothered by the quick reply. She actually seemed, relieved?
“We never did get to talk about why I was looking for you over lunch.” Sayaka stated, seemingly content to carry on a conversation while their hands swayed between them with each step.
“No, I suppose we didn’t.” (Y/n) replied. Her heart twinged, thinking back on how close Sayaka and the president had been. She needed to remind herself not to get her hopes up about Sayaka, even if she was currently threading her fingers between (Y/n)’s own.
“You must know by now that I saw the broadcast, Midari’s gamble.”
(Y/n) swallowed audibly, hoping desperately that her hand wouldn’t start sweating. “I figured as much. But the president did tell me that.”
“I see. Well, I wanted to talk to you about what you said. About your truth. I needed to talk with the president about it first of course. Then by the time we had it sorted out, it had been a few days and I had already noticed you hadn’t been in class at all so I had started looking for you. I wanted to tell you—“
“Don’t worry about it!” (Y/n) cut in with a forced smile, “I already know what you’re going to say.”
“You do?” Sayaka asked, (Y/n) almost believed that the secretary had gripped her hand harder just then, but quickly pushed the thought away. Chalking it up to more wishful thinking.
“Yeah, I knew I never had a chance. I was actually kind of hoping you just wouldn’t bring it up, but knowing you, I should've guessed you would want to follow the rules of etiquette and reject me formally.” (Y/n) had said, struggling to keep the melancholy out of her tone.
“(Y/n),” Sayaka actually looked rather pained, but the expression was lost on (Y/n) as the other girl tried to distract herself by looking out the windows they passed. “That’s not what I-“
“There you two are. Having fun without me I see.” Sayaka and (Y/n) whipped their heads forward, watching Kirari walking towards them as the student council room doors closed behind her with a dull thud. “Need I remind you that there are gambles that require my attention?” Kirari smirked lightly.
Sayaka looked momentarily torn before finally addressing her president. “I apologize president. I hadn’t realized we were running late.”
“Oh, you weren’t. I’m just feeling antsy today I suppose.” Kirari shrugged her shoulders lackadaisically before making a show of noticing Sayaka and (Y/n)’s connected hands. “My, I hope I wasn’t intruding on anything just now. Look how close you two are already. I think I might even be jealous.” Kirari said, her soft smirk never once faltered as her glacial eyes pinned the underclassmen in place.
“She said her hand was cold is all!” (Y/n) quickly explained, and although her hold on Sayaka’s hand slackened, the secretary did not take the invitation to remove her hand. “You’re more than welcome to take my place. I’m sure she’d prefer your company anyway.”
“I see,” Kirari’s eyes drifted over Sayaka for a moment, “Unfortunately, I suffer from the same ailment. In fact, I’d argue I’m worse off than Sayaka in that regard. I hadn’t realized you would be so valuable, (Y/n),” Kirari closed the distance between them, surprising (Y/n) by slipping her hand into (Y/n)’s free one. “Mm, yes, I could get used to this.”
If (Y/n) thought Sayaka’s hand was cool to the touch, Kirari’s was literal ice. Were the rumors of her being a vampire true? My god, her hand was down right freezing maybe the blue coloring of her nails wasn’t even polish.
“Well then, the gambling hall awaits. Not that I care to appease the masses, but Sayaka insists I entertain the delusions of the smaller fish.” Kirari sighed.
“I want to see you come out on top of this election, president. Every vote counts.” Sayaka stated matter-of-factly.
(Y/n) just stared blankly ahead as they strolled down the hall, occasionally looking down at her hands, each encompassed by the hands of the president and her secretary who continued to talk around her. She would have pinched herself if she had a free hand to do so.
Before they entered the den, Sayaka and Kirari disengaged, breaking (Y/n) from her trance just in time for (Y/n) to tune into the president’s words now directed at her.
“I do hope you have a vivid imagination, (Y/n). I can’t fathom that any of these matches will be particularly entertaining to watch.”
Sayaka looked the slightest bit irked by the president’s behavior, but it was very subtle. Especially when devotion and loyalty always seemed to shine most prominently when she looked at her. Sayaka motioned (Y/n) to open the left side of the double doors while Sayaka herself opened the right, allowing Kirari to saunter right in. Any ambient noise that they had heard before died instantly upon the president’s entry.
The trio made their way to the back, center table and Sayaka pulled out the vacant chair that would serve as Kirari’s throne for the evening. Kirari sat gracefully, hooking one knee over the other she smiled down at the students who had already gathered around the free seats before connecting eyes with the election committee member who would serve as their dealer.
“Let us not waste anymore time. What are we playing tonight?” Kirari asked. (Y/n) could only see her side profile from where she stood beside Sayaka, but she swore those endlessly blue eyes were glowing.
Despite Kirari’s warning, (Y/n) found she was not bored at all. Kirari was a gambling beast. Claiming vote after vote until none remained and the room was quiet for a whole other reason, everyone had left, dejected and voteless.
“Another clean sweep Momobami-san. I’ll be sure to process the votes before the updated rankings come out tomorrow.” Inaho informed.
“I see. Thank you for your diligence.” Kirari replied offhandedly as she rose from her seat. “Sayaka, is my car waiting out front?”
“Of course, president.” Sayaka nodded.
“Let’s be on our way then.”
(Y/n) walked with them until they reached the school gate. Expecting to go their separate ways from there, but when she made to continue past the expensive black car, Kirari stopped her.
“I hope you weren’t planning on waking home. It’s already quite late you know.”
“I always walk home, actually. It’s really not that far. I’ll be fine.” (Y/n) assured.
“If you live so close then come with us. I’ll have the driver drop you off.” Kirari left no room for argument, cementing her position by waving (Y/n) into the doorway Sayaka had pulled open.
“If you insist...” (Y/n) crawled in and sat at the far end of the car. She was amazed at how spacious it was in there and how soft the seats were. The vehicle also still had that new car smell, (Y/n) vaguely wondered if the Momobamis just bought a new car every week.
Kirari crawled in soon after her, followed by Sayaka closing the door tightly behind her. The secretary signaled the driver before pushing a button that closed the privacy window, blocking the driver’s view of them in the back seat.
(Y/n) tilted her head to look out the window however, her jaw was quickly snapped up between icy fingers, pulling her vision back to the interior of the car.
“Not this again.” Kirari tutted, keeping her hold on (Y/n)’s jaw, “Sayaka and I are right here. Surely you could spare us a few minutes of your attention.”
“Sorry.” (Y/n) gulped, feeling the icy fingers slide down her cheeks to her neck before pulling away. Staring at the two of them, their eyes, it was like being caught between the deepest depths of the sea and the furthest reaches of outer space. It was intense, who could blame (Y/n) for trying to look away.
“Ah,” Kirari startled (Y/n) by leaning fully against her side, resting her cheek fully against (Y/n)’s shoulder, “what a dull evening this has turned out to be. It’s only Monday as well.”
(Y/n) felt more weight press her a tad further against the car door and saw Sayaka lean against Kirari in turn like the three of them were toppled dominos.
“Keep pushing on president. The weekend will come faster than you think.” Sayaka assured, reaching one arm over Kirari to cover (Y/n)’s hand that was picking at the hem of her skirt, stilling the movement and further confusing the poor girl.
“Mm, but do I have anything to look forward to this weekend dear Say-a-ka?” Kirari playfully tapped Sayaka’s nose for each syllable of her name, causing the secretary’s nose to scrunch cutely.
“Well, that’s the gamble, isn’t it?” Sayaka answered back, her eyes shifted to meet (Y/n)’s as of trying to convey something to her.
“Mm, I suppose you’re right.” Kirari agreed, joining Sayaka’s hand over (Y/n)’s.
“What gamble? Is it for the election?” (Y/n) asked, dipping a metaphorical toe into the conversation. Even if Kirari seemed to want her attention, that didn’t necessarily mean she wanted her commentary. She still didn’t know where she was supposed to fit in this new role. Kirari, however, seemed pleased with her query.
“No, it’s a separate affair. I’m looking forward to seeing how it plays out. Sayaka rarely indulges me when it comes to such things. Tell me, (Y/n),” Kirari’s eyes glinted, “which of us do you think will come out on top?”
“Kirari!” Sayaka scolded halfheartedly.
(Y/n) felt her cheeks prickle with heat. Was that supposed to be an innuendo or did Sayaka simply want to keep the gamble to themselves? She wasn’t sure. Still, it would be unwise to drop the subject when the president was so clearly waiting for an answer.
“I’m afraid I’m not sure, president.” (Y/n) answered diplomatically. “What are you gambling for, if I may ask?”
“That, dear (Y/n),” Kirari drew in close, “is a secret for another time.”
(Y/n) gulped at the proximity then sighed when Kirari pulled back to play with Sayaka’s ponytail. She was somehow both relieved and disappointed to have her own space back.
“It appears we’ve reached your destination.” Kirari spoke as the car came to a smooth stop at the curb. “Be sure to get a good night’s sleep. Don’t think Sayaka and I hadn’t noticed the dark circles under your eyes.”
“Yes, please sleep well (Y/n).” Sayaka echoed, earning a chuckle from Kirari.
“You also sleep too little for my liking. Don’t think I forgot about that ‘accidental’ phone call at four in the morning last week.” Kirari taunted lightly.
“Kirari!” Sayaka covered her eyes, embarrassed.
“I’ll try to get some sleep.” (Y/n) smiled, stepping out of the car. She bent over to look back in, “Thank you for the ride. Good night, sleep well. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
(Y/n) stood straight up and closed the car door. She walked to the curb outside her house and waved at the car as it picked up speed and disappeared down the road.
No one else was home. They were either out working or out on business retreats or cocktail parties so the first thing (Y/n) did upon entering her home was yell about the fucking weird turn her life was taking.
It was Friday and (Y/n) felt like she had aged thirty years in the last four days. For some reason beyond her comprehension, Sayaka and Kirari had become even more... touchy, since Monday. Every touch, especially from Kirari, seemed methodical. Like they were trying to provoke a certain reaction from (Y/n). What kind, she wasn’t sure. But they would often say some sweet words and get way too close to (Y/n)’s face. Close enough that if (Y/n) didn’t keep her wits about her, she was worried she’d close the short distance and kiss one of them.
“I don’t know what they’re making you do over there in that council room, but I think you need to ask for a vacation or something because you look like shit.” Tsubasa had lovingly told (Y/n) during class.
“I don’t know what they’re trying to do to me.” (Y/n) groaned, rubbing her palms harshly against her eyes.
“What are they doing to you?”
“I don’t even know how to explain. ‘Don’t think I want to.” (Y/n) leaned further into her desk.
“They’re trying to seduce you already, huh?” Tsubasa grinned.
“No!” (Y/n) hissed back. “Stop saying stuff like that!”
“Well, whatever’s going on, you clearly need a break.”
“I would love a break, but in case you forgot, I pretty much sold my soul to the president for the rest of high school. It doesn’t seem like an option.”
“I have an idea. What if you just, broke your legs?” Tsubasa suggested, looking pleased with themself. (Y/n) frowned at them, unimpressed.
“How the hell would that help?”
“Bed rest. Can’t really follow them around all day with broken legs now can you?”
“They’d probably get me a wheelchair. It’s make more sense to fake having tuberculosis or something. Rather than actually break my own legs.”
“Oh now you’re all about self preservation. Where did octopus girl go?” Tsubasa mocked jokingly. (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
“That’s it!”
(Y/n) and Tsubasa jumped in their seats and all their classmates swiveled in their seats to look back at them. Their algebra teacher seemed to have finally had enough of their little conversation.
“(L/n)-san, can you tell me what I just said?”
“No sir, I apologize.” (Y/n) quickly replied, heat crawling up her neck and settling in her cheeks.
“That’s what I thought,” the teacher shook his head despondently before switching his gaze to Tsubasa who looked largely unaffected, “I’m not even going to ask you. I need both of you to stay after class.”
“But, but lunch!” Tsubasa cried, their expression turned on a dime.
“It won’t take long. Everyone else may leave a few minutes early so we can have the classroom to ourselves.”
(Y/n) watched everyone else get up to leave. Her eyes caught Sayaka’s and she felt even more embarrassed at the sympathetic wave she gave her before following the rest of the class out of the door.
“Man, that teacher had no chill today, huh?” Tsubasa grinned when they finally came out of the classroom.
“Yeah, now I’m late. Thanks for making me suffer through that talk.” (Y/n)’s frown deepened.
“It’s about time honestly. I was starting to think he had a bias against me.”
“My work shows I’m learning something. You never get above a ‘D’, so of course he’d be more pissed at you.” (Y/n) looked up at the clock on the wall and noted the time,  “I’ve got to get to the student council room. I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, maybe we should get in trouble more often. I hardly get to see you these days.”
“I’d really rather not make a habit of getting chewed out by teachers. I got to go.” (Y/n) called over her shoulder, already making her way to the student council room. When she arrived, the door was already partly ajar and she heard Sayaka and Kirari talking to each other.
“Time is running out for our little gamble Sayaka. At our current standings it appears that we both may lose.”
(Y/n) paused just out of sight. She had forgotten about Sayaka and Kirari’s secret gamble. With a wave of curiosity flowing through her she stood quietly, waiting to see if she could hear anything else about the wager.
“You do like a challenge, Kirari. I can’t imagine she could hold out much longer though. I’m sure (Y/n) would have kissed me yesterday if you had not sent Midari to interfere.”
(Y/n) knew what Sayaka was referring to instantly. Yesterday, she and Sayaka had paused to sit at the fountain in the courtyard. Sayaka had told (Y/n) she had something in her hair and combed her fingers through it, smiling tenderly all the while. They had been so close, then Midari ran up and belly flopped into the shallow waters, dousing her fellow Sazanka classmates with it. (Y/n) never would have thought Sayaka had actually wanted to kiss her before that moment.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Kirari giggled, “Besides, (Y/n) and I have had a few close encounters ourselves. It’s anyone’s game.”
(Y/n) was in shock. We’re they really trying to make her kiss on of them for a gamble? Her blood began to boil. Was this all just some funny game to them? They knew about her feelings for Sayaka, they had to be making fun of her.
(Y/n) roughly gripped the door handle and swung the door open, startling Sayaka, but Kirari simply looked back with a raised brow and an amused smile.
“I don’t care that I have to be a secretary to a secretary for the rest of my days at this academy, but I refuse to be played with like this!” (Y/n) shot angrily. “Oh, (Y/n)’s so pathetic and desperate! Let’s see if we can get her to kiss one of us so we can laugh about it later!” (Y/n) mocked. “Well, I refuse to be walked over like this.”
“Oh, (Y/n)! It’s not like that I swear!” Sayaka pleaded, stepping towards (Y/n) only for the other girl to step away from her.
“(Y/n),” Kirari singsonged, “you are talking about things you do not fully understand. Come sit so we can discuss this and shed some clarity on the situation.”
“No!” (Y/n) clenched her firsts tightly against her sides. “I need some time to myself.”
“(Y/n), wait!” Sayaka called after her, but (Y/n) was already darting out the door and jogging down the hall.
She kept going, slipping out a side exit and headed to one of the back trails of the school forest. As she continued on, she happened upon a small pond, filled with algae. There was a large flat bolder at the shore that looked about just as good a place as any to host a mental breakdown so she sat there, pulling her knees to her chest. (Y/n) sat there looking at a frog that rested half submerged in the duckweed and algae. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket but she ignored it.
“Fuck school.” She muttered to herself. She was sure it was a text from Kirari. Lunch period had ended ten minutes ago and she was supposed to be in class right now. “I’m taking a vacation day.”
Something startled the frog and it dipped under the water, leaving the duckweed to swirl above the disturbed surface. Then a body came into (Y/n)’s peripheral and sat beside her on the boulder and she jerked her head to fully take in the invader.
“Vice president.” (Y/n) stared at the upperclassman, startled by her ghostly presence “What are you doing here?”
“Kirari tasked me with retrieving you and returning you to your studies.” Ririka’s voice crackled beneath the mask.
“I see. I can’t say I’m surprised, it was part of the deal after all.” (Y/n) frowned pensively.
“It was too easy to find you. Now we will just have to stay here for awhile. I could use a nap.”
(Y/n) stared at the vice president, her mouth slightly agape while she watched the masked girl lay back against the rock. Ririka laced her fingers over her stomach and released a relaxed breath. Though through the modulator it sounded more like a ghostly moan.
“You aren’t going to make me go back?” (Y/n) asked.
“Not yet, making Kirari wait should be a more than fitting punishment for being such an idiot.”
“Hh... huh?” (Y/n) didn’t know what to think about any of this. Was she seriously hanging out with the vice president now? Listening to her call the most terrifying person in the school an idiot?
“She has a uniquely awful way of dealing with her feelings that is simply exhausting. I thought once she and Sayaka got together she’d smarten up a bit, but Sayaka continues to indulge in her nonsense.” Ririka looked up at (Y/n) through the black mesh that covered her eyes, “They really do like you, you know.”
“You must be mistaken, vice president.” (Y/n) shook her head, a humorless laugh bubbled past her lips. “It’s all just for some stupid gamble.”
“I never said they were good at conveying it in a way that makes sense.” Ririka shrugged. “Kirari’s idea of a love letter to Sayaka was a five story tower that came with a four out of five chance of death. You should feel relieved that they dialed it back for you.”
“I don’t understand. I heard them talking. It was all for a gamble to see who could make me kiss them.”
“Did you hear what the wager was?” Ririka asked.
“No, but does it really matter?” (Y/n) sighed, looking back out at the pond.
“The winner would get to go out on a date with you first and the loser would have to pay for it.”
(Y/n) stared down at Ririka incredulously.
“Believe me, I know it makes no sense. They both intend to date you, but they don’t seem to know how to go about asking.”
“But, aren’t they already dating each other? I don’t...” (Y/n) went quiet, trying to piece it all together. Her head was starting to hurt.
“It all started during the tournament. We noticed Sayaka was agitated watching the event, but we really didn’t understand why until the octopus round. Kirari wouldn’t let it go, of course. So she finally got Sayaka to admit that she had a crush on you before meeting her.” Ririka recalled.
“Then they spent the following couple days talking about that, and about the possibility of inviting you to join them on a date and then, yeah, you see where that all spiraled off to.”
“That’s... they really like me like that?” (Y/n) whispered.
“Yes, you have my condolences.” Ririka’s phone rumbled in her pocket and she took it out to check it. (Y/n)’s phone rumbled not too long after.
While Ririka read her sister’s text, (Y/n) read her own.
Five new messages
President Momobami: (Y/n), I hope you aren’t planning on backing out on our agreement. I will give you one class period of reprieve, then you must get back to class. We will talk after school.
Igarashi Sayaka: (Y/n), where are you? I’m so sorry, but I swear it’s not what you think.
Igarashi Sayaka: I’m worried about you. Please come back.
Igarashi Sayaka: Please talk to me. At least let me know that you’re okay.
TsuBAKA: where r u? Igarashi looks feral lmao but srsly what u up to?
(Y/n) sighed and turned off her phone without answering any of the messages.
“It’s time to head back, (L/n)-san.” Ririka stood and stretched, “Please don’t make me drag you back as the president suggests.”
“Okay,” (Y/n) scooted off the boulder and smoothed her skirt into place, “thank you for explaining everything to me, Veep. I’m still kind of worked up, but this really helped.”
“When you work as closely with the president as I do, damage control becomes second nature.” Ririka deadpanned.
When they made their way back into the building it was within the five minute break between class periods. (Y/n) waved goodbye to Ririka before walking into her classroom where students were quietly talking amongst themselves. Immediately she heard a desk chair screech harshly against the floor and she looked up just in time to see Sayaka push her right back out the door. She took her by the hand and pulled her down the hall and turned the corner to a more secluded hallway.
“Ah!” (Y/n) gasped when Sayaka pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer my texts?” Sayaka scolded. “We really need to talk.”
“And we will,” (Y/n) pulled back from the hug a bit, “but first we better finish the school day. I’m already on thin ice for violating my contract with the president for one class period.”
“Don’t worry. She understands, we both do,” Sayaka took (Y/n)’s hands in hers, “But before we have to sit through another three class periods, I want to tell you how sorry I am. I promise it’s not what you thought, we just went about it in an entirely inappropriate way and I promise you I’ll do everything I can to make it right!” Sayaka proclaimed, growing steadily louder with each word, making (Y/n) wince, but also smile a small, appreciative smile nonetheless.
“Thank you, Sayaka. You’re well on your way to fulfilling that promise already.” (Y/n) lightly squeezed Sayaka’s hands before letting them go, making the secretary blush. “The teacher will be in soon, better get back to class.”
“Right.” Sayaka followed (Y/n) back into the classroom. Taking her seat, she had finally taken notice of the drumming of her heart. At least (Y/n) didn’t seem as devastated as she had when she stormed out of the student council room, but now she was worried for a whole other reason. Would (Y/n) still be interested in her after all of this, or was it all too much for her?
“What was that all about? Trouble in your office role play?”
“Shut up, Tsubasa.”
The classes dragged on and on. When they were finally done, all (Y/n) really wanted to do was go home and sleep the weekend away, but life had other plans.
Sayaka watched (Y/n) gather her belongings intently. As if she was afraid (Y/n) would disappear if she withdrew her gaze. With one last annoying look from Tsubasa, (Y/n) approached Sayaka and they made their way to the student council room together. Sayaka’s mind was whirring with the proper sentiments to convey to her classmate, yet she held her tongue. Deciding it would be best to do so with the president by her side.
Upon entering the room, they saw Kirari gazing into her aquarium. She was seemingly too lost to hear them enter, but of course someone like Kirari Momobami was never one to be caught off guard. Kirari turned to face her underclassmen, offering a slight smile.
“(Y/n), what a pleasant surprise. Are you done with your tantrum?” Kirari teased, much to Sayaka’s chagrin.
“President!” Sayaka warned, cheeks red.
“That depends,” (Y/n) crossed her arms, “are you going to explain yourselves?” (Y/n) doubted that the vice president would lie to her, but to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth would make her feel much more secure.
“Explanations,” Kirari sighed, moving to stand in front of (Y/n), “I don’t do explanations. Not in anyway that makes sense, at least, according to Sayaka,” smile never changing she turned her head to Sayaka, “perhaps you could explain the logistics of it, Sayaka?”
“I should have expected as much,” Sayaka grumbled lightly, earning a chuckle from Kirari. She took (Y/n) by the hand and sat her down on the large, plush couch nearby before taking a seat next to her, “(Y/n) in order to keep this as simple as possible, I’m going to be very brief. I’ll be happy to answer any questions once I present our case.” Sayaka spoke as if she was getting ready to do a presentation.
“Mm, so methodical.” Kirari hummed, taking the empty seat on (Y/n)’s other side, making their thighs touch despite the ample space left on the furniture. Sayaka ignored her and began her explanation.
“The president... Kirari and I, want to date you. Kirari came up with the idea that whichever one of us you kissed first would get to take you out somewhere first while the other had to pay and stay home. It wasn’t our intention to hurt you. We really should have just asked you like the vice president suggested. I’m really sorry.”
“I’m confused,” (Y/n) started, trying to ignore how Kirari kept dancing the fingers of one of her hands up and down (Y/n)’s thigh, presumably out of boredom, “If you both want to date me, why wouldn’t you just... why was the gamble a one or the other thing? Why wouldn’t you both get to go?”
Kirari’s fingers stopped tapping and Sayaka’s face drew a blank. (Y/n) took the silence as a sign to keep going.
“Like, okay, say this somehow worked and one of you took me out on a date. Then what? Did you think you could just... switch off? Were you actually planning to approach me about polygamy or was it supposed to be some kind of surprise? And doesn’t it sound backwards to kiss before we actually start dating anyway?”
“We hadn’t thought about that.” They answered in comical unison after a few moments of dead air silence.
“Wow, now I understand why the vice president is so tired.” (Y/n) released a laugh of disbelief, “You two are kind of hopeless, no offense.”
“I would advise you watch your tongue, (Y/n),” Kirari shifted her weight to loom over (Y/n) with their faces inches apart, “I had previously chosen to ignore your insubordination earlier, but if you’re going to tempt me, a punishment may be in order after all.”
“Here is the new gamble,” Kirari continued, eyes gleaming, “kiss Sayaka, and she wins, kiss me, and I win. Whoever loses still has to pay for the excursion, but gets to tag along. Of course, you could choose to walk out the door if you so desire. Just keep in mind that I technically own you.”
“Kirari! You can’t just coerce her like that! We already failed with the first gamble attempt. I’m all gambled out, can we not push (Y/n) further away please?” Sayaka pleaded.
“I’ll do it.” (Y/n) shrugged, standing up from her seat and turning to face the other two girls still on the couch.
“You... you will?” Sayaka asked. She really couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah, can you two stand up, please.”
“My, (Y/n). I must say I didn’t expect you to take the bait after our misunderstanding earlier,” Kirari stood up, poised as ever, “I’m excited to witness your choice.”
(Y/n) stared between her two choices, eyeing their expressions, their body language, for any last second tells that this was all just a dream or a cruel prank and found nothing. She took in a deep breath and nodded to herself.
“Yes?” Kirari smirked. She hardly moved forward before (Y/n) stopped her.
“Could you lean down a little? A little more... great.” (Y/n) cupped Kirari’s left cheek and startled Sayaka by cupping the secretary’s right cheek. She pushed the duo’s heads together until they were cheek to burning cheek and angled their surprisingly pliant faces until they were more or less kissing each other awkwardly with the corner of their lips. With one quick look at her handy work, (Y/n) hummed and leaned in. It was hard to do so with so many noses in the way, but she tilted her head back and managed to land a chaste kiss on both the icy blue and glossy pink lips before her.
“Ha, bet you weren’t expecting that now, were you?” (Y/n) pulled back with a grin. It hadn’t been a sexy first kiss, but it was going to be a memorable one, that was for sure.
After a beat of silence, Kirari began to laugh. Sayaka smiled beneath the hand she had brought up to her lips.
“So now what happens?” (Y/n) asked, feeling a bit smug for finding some kind of loophole in the gamble, until- “MMPH!”
Kirari’s lips met (Y/n)’s fervently and just as quickly as she descended, she pulled back just a hair to speak, her lips brushed against (Y/n)’s now quivering ones with each word. “That’s the best part, (Y/n),” Kirari paused for a kitten lick at the corner of (Y/n)’s lips, “You see, we had discussed what we would do if you had decided to play us both in our original gamble. Since Sayaka and I have both won, we choose what we will do together, the three of us, and you will pay.”
“What!?” (Y/n) felt sweat slide down her cheek, swearing she could hear it sizzle out once it came into contact with the heated flesh. Her tongue darted out of her mouth of its own volition to taste the tacky flavor of the blue lipstick residue Kirari had left on her lips. Kirari was going to kiss her like that and then try to pull a fast one on her like that? “You can’t do that! That was the previous gamble! The rules changed when you presented this new version of it to me!”
“Perhaps you should have asked me what would happen in the event of a tie then. I had decided your punishment would be for me to withhold the trivial information about ties.” Kirari smirked, running her fingers through (Y/n)’s hair. “If it makes you feel any better, your solution was still a bit of a surprise. We had only accounted for you kissing each of us behind the other’s back, not kissing us at the same time. Had you tried to be secretive in your advances, Sayaka and I would have had a lovely night to ourselves at your expense.”
“Oh that’s such—!” (Y/n)’s jaw was pulled to the side and her lips were captured by someone else. This kiss was much softer, and lasted a tad longer. When Sayaka pulled back
(Y/n) had forgotten how she was going to cuss out Kirari, which was probably a blessing.
“I know it was an absolute mess to get to this point, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’m so glad Midari came up with that idiotic gambling event.” Sayaka smiled, resting her forehead against (Y/n)’s arm.
“Yes, this has been quite the interesting development. I’m looking forward to seeing how this turns out,” Kirari added, speaking more as if this was a science experiment rather than a major change in a relationship dynamic with not just (Y/n), but Sayaka as well.
“You two are so fucking weird.” (Y/n) laughed breathlessly, swinging an arm around both of them to hug them close, “You’re both lucky I like you guys so much.”
“You’re lucky you piqued my interest or you would find yourself as a house pet before you could say mittens.” Kirari easily replied.
“Get along you two. Can we not just enjoy the moment?” Sayaka sighed.
“Are we not getting along? I thought we were doing just fine.” Kirari asked, tilting her head slightly to the side.
“Sorry Sayaka.” (Y/n) apologized sheepishly, hesitantly resting her cheek on the top of Sayaka’s head.
The door to the council room clicked open and Sayaka and (Y/n) startled and moved away from their little group huddle.
“Oh, it’s just you.” Kirari smirked as she watched her sister come in and close the door behind her. “Look Ririka,” Kirari spoke, a hint of excitement audible in her tone as she pulled Sayaka and (Y/n) back to her body, “I’ve got two girlfriends. That’s 200% more girlfriends than you possess.”
Ririka rolled her eyes beneath her mask. “Godspeed, (L/n)-san.”
“You always tell me how unconventional-“
“The word I used was convoluted.” Ririka interjected, (Y/n) snorted.
“But it obviously works,” Kirari continued on, not at all discouraged, “if you need me to set you and Saotome up with something I’ll gladly offer you my expertise.”
“Entirely unnecessary. Besides, if Mary so much as smelled you anywhere near the vicinity of where we were, she wouldn’t be happy about it to say the least.”
“Have it your way, dear sister,” Kirari  shrugged, looping her arms with Sayaka and (Y/n)’s, “we three have much to discuss for our outing tomorrow so we’ll be on our way. I’ll see you when you decide to come home.” Ririka waved dismissively while Kirari guided Sayaka and (Y/n) out the large double doors.
“But, election gambles!” Sayaka’s reminder went ignored.
“Wait, sisters?” Ririka heard (Y/n) ask as the trio left the room and she shook her head. Ririka’s phone buzzed and she checked the text and smiled.
Mary: Hey dumb dumb, done talking to evil incarnate yet? I’d like to get to that movie before the previews start.
Ririka: omw <3️🏻
Saturday came and (Y/n) prayed for her bank account. She was far better off financially than a scholarship student, but she wasn’t Momobami level rich. She still couldn’t believe she had to pay after all of that nonsense. She waited outside of her house, casually dressed as per Sayaka’s instructions. When a familiar sleek, black car pulled up to her she got in and was warmly greeted by her dates.
“Alright,” (Y/n) smiled nervously, “what have you two decided on for today?”
“We’re going to drive to the ocean, have lunch at a lovely local bistro, and then walk along the beach. Isn’t that right Kirari?” Sayaka leveled a look at Kirari that screamed no funny business.
“Yes,” Kirari sighed, “I wanted to go to the moon again, but Sayaka wouldn’t agree to it.”
“T... to the moon, again.” (Y/n) slowly parroted. She turned to Sayaka and shared her gratitude to the secretary with a light kiss on the cheek and a whispered thanks for rescuing her trust fund.
Lunch was great, a lovely view of the ocean from the outdoor deck they were dining on. They shared bites of their meals together, talked and laughed. They had a wonderful time and (Y/n) was surprised by the normalcy she felt sitting there with Kirari and Sayaka.
Then they walked on the beach, feeling the sand squish and grind between their toes. (Y/n) carried both hers and Sayaka’s shoes with one hand while the other was entangled with Sayaka’s fingers. Sayaka’s other hand was held by Kirari as the lightly swung their hands with each step. Eventually they slowed down and found a nice place to sit for awhile and watch the waves with some ice cream from a nearby vendor. After their rest, they continued walking along the shore, looking for neat shells and rocks.
As the sky turned pink, they watched how the sun seemed to get swallowed by the sea and they took that as their sign to start heading back home. They made their way back up to the nearest sidewalk where their driver was already waiting for them and piled into the car, giggling and recapping their favorite moments of the day.
They were about halfway home when Sayaka fell asleep. The car being as spacious as it was, allowed for the secretary to be maneuvered so that her head rested in (Y/n)’s lap and Kirari could move to sit on (Y/n)’s other side to leave room for Sayaka’s legs. Kirari and (Y/n) continued to talk quietly together. (Y/n) yawned, prompting Kirari to pull (Y/n)’s head into her chest.
“Sleep,” Kirari soothed, cool fingers rested against (Y/n)’s hairline, “I’ll wake you upon our arrival.”
(Y/n) nodded against Kirari’s chest and dozed off. Allowing the smooth motions and gentle whirring sounds of the car, as well as the even beats of Kirari’s heart, to lull her to sleep.
Kirari watched the blurred city lights come into view from the far window of the car. Her left hand lightly massaged (Y/n)’s scalp while her right held Sayaka’s. The younger girl had a cute habit of sleeping with her hands near her face, sometimes going as far to completely cover her nose and mouth. Kirari often wondered how she could even breathe like that. Kirari chuckled quietly and raised Sayaka’s hand to her lips, giving a kiss before lowering it again gently, the movement stirred Sayaka, but ultimately she remained asleep, snuggling further into (Y/n)’s lap.
Next, she rested her face in (Y/n)’s hair, inhaling the newer scent that seemed to compliment her own and Sayaka’s so well. She could really get used to this. Kirari pressed a kiss in (Y/n)’s hair. Kirari didn’t receive a reaction, but she simply chalked that up to be due in part by the stress of the week wrecking (Y/n)’s sleep schedule.
Kirari would have felt regret for having to wake them both, if not for the fact that she was excited to see their sleepy, grumpy faces staring bleary eyed at her. It was far too cute.
“This isn’t my house?” (Y/n) mumbled tiredly, rubbing her eyes.
“You disclosed earlier that your household is empty most weekends. Sayaka’s and my own are much the same. It will be nice not to have to spend the rest of the night alone, will it not?”
“I guess, but I’ll probably pass out as soon as I touch a pillow.” (Y/n) shivered as the cool night air hit her body. Sayaka, who was also too tired to function, latched on to (Y/n) in an attempt to keep warm.
“That’s the plan, now please, come in.”
If (Y/n) wasn’t so exhausted she would freak out at the vastness of Kirari’s estate. They got into a freaking elevator at one point and then kept walking down the grand corridor passing door after door, until they finally stopped at one and Kirari ushered them inside. Large fish tanks framed the walls, painting the dark room in a soft blue, ambient light.
Kirari guided (Y/n) and Sayaka to the bathroom to brush their teeth and to just get ready to sleep comfortably in general. Sayaka already had her own toothbrush there and scrubbed at her teeth with her eyes drooping shut.
“Don’t forget to take out your contacts.” Kirari reminded her softly before opening a nearby cabinet to supply (Y/n) with a toothbrush of her own. (Y/n) never would have dreamed the girl who came up with the house pet system could be so gentle.
The three girls brushed their teeth and washed their faces. Then they changed into some pajamas that Kirari had provided and made their way to the opposite side of the room where the bed lay. A bed that probably could sleep a family of five comfortably.
Kirari pulled back the covers and crawled in. Sayaka was quick to follow and was unusually demanding, curling into Kirari while also tugging (Y/n) in behind her. They snuggled into the silky sheets, holding each other close. (Y/n) had almost fallen back asleep before Sayaka sat up in bed with a cute, little frown on her face.
“Wait, goodnight kisses.”
(Y/n) almost laughed, simply believing Sayaka was too tired to filter her thoughts and desires, but the Kirari sat up as well
“I almost thought you had forgotten, Say-a-ka. Here,” Kirari pulled Sayaka in and gave her a short and sweet kiss that made the secretary hum happily.
“(Y/n),” Sayaka turned with an uncharacteristic pout, sleepy Sayaka was too cute, “come up, you too.”
“Okay, I’m coming.” (Y/n) sat up, allowing Sayaka to clumsily bump into her lips before the secretary fell back against the pillows, content.
“May I have one?” Kirari smirked, leaning over Sayaka’s body between them.
“You may.” (Y/n) had hardly gotten the words out before Kirari swooped in.
“Good night.” Kirari whispered, noting that Sayaka had already fallen back asleep.
“Good Night, Kirari.” (Y/n) smiled back as she wormed back under the covers to snuggle against Sayaka’s back. Kirari slipped back under the covers as well, draping an arm over Sayaka side and one of (Y/n)’s arms to rub them soothingly with her cool, soft skin.
Before long, Kirari and (Y/n) fell asleep along side Sayaka to the sound of bubbling water and the hum of the fish tanks surrounding them.
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