#I have... a lot of expedition tickets >>;;
bluejay757 · 9 months
Lets talk about Simon and Betty
spoilers for episode 8
So a lot of people are throwing around some strong accusations about their relationship, some I can see where they're coming from, and a lot are really reaching.
As for the ones that I think are reaching, a lot of people are saying that Simon and Betty were a professor/student dynamic, except they weren't. Simon wasn't teaching a class he was a guest lecturer, and Betty, having read his work was interested. She was excited to meet him because she liked his research. Simon was constantly mocked in his field, if you actually read the newspaper clippings from "I remember you" you'll see that even after he found the enchiridion, he was made fun of. People were literally laughing at him and throwing things at him while he was giving his lecture. Betty likely was mocked too, it makes sense she was so excited to meet him, because this was her chance to meet one of the few people that actually shared her interest. She did not yet have a crush on him at that point in time.
I think after she got to know Simon on a personal level her fascination of him changed, as she no longer viewed him as a "celebrity" (I use that term loosely for a lack of a better word, I can't imagine his books sold that many copies, what with him being a laughing stock and him being genuinely surprised that Betty had read his work), but rather a colleague and equal. She even said that after their trip together she had grown to admire him as a person, so it's not like she had any kind of feelings for him prior to that. Now that's not to say her feelings towards him were completely normal, but there definitely wasn't a power imbalance between them.
A lot of people are saying Simon was selfish for making her stay behind, but he didn't make her. She chose to stay behind. She could have still gone on that trip, and continued to write to him and talk to him on the phone, but she chose to stay with him and go on different adventures. You're forgetting that Simon and Betty went on expeditions together all the time, it's not like she gave up her career for him, that would be a whole different story, but she made the decision to continue working in her field alongside him.
Also Simon couldn't have gone on that trip if he did want to because he wasn't offered to go, who ever it was that gave Betty that opportunity, wasn't anticipating on her bringing a friend, he also didn't have anything with him but like his wallet and keys you can't seriously expect him to go to another country with no luggage, no plane ticket, no money, no nothing. A whole part of Fionna's character arc is realizing that life's not a fairy tale, she was expecting something out of a romance novel and got a story straight from reality. Realistically the two options were for Betty to stay or to leave Simon. And I don't think her giving up her trip to Australia was a sacrifice, because there were other trips and opportunities after that, she traded that one trip for an entire lifetime of them, (or at least it would have been if war didn't break out)
And if you're gonna call Betty impulsive, call her impulsive because she went on a trip around the world with a man she had never met, not because she walked through a creek barefoot lmfao.
I'm not saying that Simon and Betty were perfect but there are other reasons to criticize them.
As for the actual problems with there relationship, none of them are their fault. Betty going literally crazy trying to bring Simon back was because of Magic Man and Patience fucking with her brain, a human being cannot handle the amount of magic she was given and it drove her to insanity. And Simon now, with risking everything to bring her back, she's literally fused with a chaos god and is going to live for eternity in that state, did you ever think maybe he wants to get her out of that for her sake? That maybe he wants closure and to say goodbye? Since he never got that chance. No it's not healthy for Simon to drive himself as far as he did to bring her back, but Jesus fucking Christ can you blame him for not wanting his fiance to suffer for literal eternity? They don't need to break up, they need therapy. I don't think their relationship pre-mushroom war was unhealthy, and I don't think it ever would have been unhealthy without Betty becoming Magic Betty.
Their relationship flaws are more so their own individual flaws that have bled into their relationship as opposed to ones caused by the relationship itself, that's an important distinction you have to see.
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calliesmemes · 3 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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   “   Uh, would you gentlemen please excuse me for a moment?   ”
   “   If I ever hear the word "Atlantis" again, I'll step in front of a bus!   ”
   “   You have a lot of potential.   ”
   “   Who... who are you? How did you get in here?   ”
   “   I'm acting on behalf of my employer, who has a most intriguing proposition for you.   ”
   “   Relax. He doesn’t bite … often.   ”
   “   Did you really know my grandfather?   ”
   “   We stayed close friends ‘till the end of his days.   ”
   “   He spoke of you often.   ”
   “   I've spent my whole life studying dead languages.   ”
   “   I will stake everything I own, everything that I believe in... that this is the genuine Shepherd's Journal.   ”
   “   I'll show them! I will make them believe.   ”
   “   For years your granddad bent my ear with stories about that old book.   ”
   “   Your grandpa was a great man. You probably don't realize how great.   ”
   “   Don't let her age fool you.   ”
   “   Our lives are remembered by the gifts we leave our children.   ”
   “   Atlantis is waiting. What do you say?   ”
   “   Boy, I’m so excited, l-l-l-I can't even hold it in.   ”
   “   Excuse me? I need to, uh, report in?   ”
   “   Blondie, I got a bone to pick with you.   ”
   “   If you're lookin' for the pony rides, they're back there.   ”
   “   You can’t put a price on the pursuit of knowledge.   ”
   “   This should be enriching for all of us.   ”
   “   Now tell me your story, my little friend.   ”
   “   This is an outrage! You must leave at once! Out, out, out, out, out!   ”
   “   Now, what have I told you about playing nice with the other kids?   ”
   “   Back to the pit from which you came!   ”
   “   OK, everybody. I want you to give Mr. Thatch your undivided attention.  ”
   “   Cartographer, linguist, plumber. Hard to believe he's still single.   ”
   “   Captain, you'd better come look at this, sir.   ”
   “   Do you want to do my job? Be my guest.   ”
   “   How much time do we have?   ”
   “   I don't think he's comin' back.   ”
   “   Move it, people! Sometime today would be nice!   ”
   “   I won't sugar-coat it, gentlemen. We have a crisis on our hands.   ”
   “   Looks like all our chances for survival rest with you, Mr. Thatch.   ”
   “   We’re all gonna die.   ”
   “   Looks like we have a little roadblock.   ”
   “   That thing is going to keep me up all night, I know it.   ”
   “   You know, we've been pretty tough on the kid. What do you say we cut him some slack?   ”
   “   Hey, Milo! Why don't you come sit with us?   ”
   “   Hey, Milo, don't you ever close that book?   ”
   “   I know, I know. Sometimes I get a little carried away.   ”
   “   You know, that's what this is all about, right? I mean – discovery, teamwork, adventure. Unless, maybe, you're just in it for the money.   ”
   “   Hey, how’d you learn how to do that?   ”
   “   I never got to meet your grandfather. What was he like?   ”
   “   He was like a father to me, really.   ”
   “   My parents died when I was a little kid, and he took me in.   ”
   “   That is so cute!   ”
   “   Uh, no... no offense.. but how does a teenager become the chief mechanic of a multimillion dollar expedition?   ”
   “   So, what... what happened to your sister?   ”
   “   I just like to blow things up.   ”
   “   All right, who's not dead? Sound off.   ”
   “   Maybe that's our ticket outta here.   ”
   “   I gotta hand it to you. You really came through.   ”
   “   They can smell fear just by looking at ya.   ”
   “   We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace.   ”
   “   Come. You must speak with my father now.   ”
   “   Someone's having a good time.   ”
   “   Commander, there were not supposed to be people down here. This changes everything.   ”
   “   This changes nothing.   ”
   “   You presume much to think that you would be welcome here.   ”
   “   I know what you seek and you will not find it here.   ”
   “   Your journey has been in vain.   ”
   “   May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir?   ”
   “   Your heart has softened, Kida.   ”
   “   A thousand years ago, you would have slain them on sight.   ”
   “   We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins.   ”
   “   The kings of our past would weep if they could see how far we have fallen.   ”
   “   Our way of life is dying.   ”
   “   When you take the throne, you will understand.   ”
   “   Well, the King and his daughter don't exactly see eye to eye.   ”
   “   Well, if he's hiding something, I want to know what it is.   ”
   “   Look, I have some questions for you, and I'm not leaving this city until they're answered!   ”
   “   Oh, there is so much to ask about your world.   ”
   “   You are a scholar, are you not?   ”
   “   I got a few questions for you, too. So let's do this, OK? You ask one, then I'll ask one, then you, then me, then...well, you get it.   ”
   “   how did you get here? Well, I mean, not you personally... but your... your culture. I mean, how did all of this end up down here?   ”
   “   Wh... what... what … are you telling me… that you remember what happened because you were there? No, that... that's impossible...   ”
   “   How was my accent?   ”
   “   You know, you deserve credit for even... even gettin' this far.   ”
   “   By the way, we were never properly introduced. My name's Milo.   ”
   “   Uh, hey, you got a nickname?   ”
   “   You know, my grandpa used to tell me stories about this place as far back as I can remember.   ”
   “   I just wish that he could be standing here with me.   ”
   “   We are not thriving. True, our people live. but our culture is dying.   ”
  “   I wish there was something I could do.   ”
   “   Why don't you lead the way, because I have no idea where we're going.   ”
   “   This is amazing! A complete history of Atlantis!   ”
   “   I am such an idiot.   ”
   “   This is just another treasure hunt for you.   ”
   “   I would've told you sooner, but it was strictly on a need-to-know basis.   ”
   “   Welcome to the club, son.   ”
   “   Mercenary? I prefer the term "adventure capitalist."   ”
   “   You don't know what you're tampering with, Rourke.   ”
   “   Academics. You never want to get your hands dirty.   ”
   “   I got to admit, I'm disappointed.   ”
   “   You're an idealist, just like your grandfather.   ”
   “   For once, do the smart thing.   ”
   “   I really hate it when negotiations go sour.   ”
   “   Well, as usual, diplomacy has failed us.   ”
   “   You've got to listen to me. You don't have the slightest idea what this power is capable of.   ”
   “   Let’s get this over with. I don’t like this place.  
   “   Doesn’t anything surprise you?   ”
   “   Talk to me, Thatch. What's happening?   ”
   “   So I guess this is how it ends, huh?   ”
   “   You've read Darwin. It's called natural selection. We're just helping it along.   ”
   “   Be serious. This is wrong, and you know it.   ”
   “    You pick now of all times to grow a conscience?   ”
   “   She has been chosen... like her mother before her.   ”
   “   I followed you in, and I'll follow you out.   ”
   “   it's been my experience that when you hit bottom, the only place left to go is up.   ”
   “   What do you think that you are doing?   ”
   “   We're going to save Atlantis, or we're going to die trying.   ”
   “   Well, I have to hand it to you. You're a bigger pain in the neck than I would have ever thought possible.   ”
   “   Tired? Aw, that's a darn shame, because I'm just getting warmed up.   ”
   “   There's a hero's welcome waiting for the man who discovered Atlantis.   ”
   “   I don't think the world needs another hero.   ”
   “   I'm going to miss that boy. At least he's in a better place now.   ”
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blackwoolncrown · 2 years
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So hi- here’s the update I’ve been waiting on:
We recently confirmed suspicions that started back late 2020 that our landlord has not been paying their mortgage. This outrages me beyond words bc I’ve been working myself to the bone to make sure that throughout the economic downturn of the pandemic i consistently paid rent. $2,400 that’s a severe stretch to come up with. Rent prices went up and I still paid, working 4+ businesses and having to get mutual aid when necessary…and this mf wasn’t even paying the house.
Long story short, we decided to use this internal knowledge to our advantage and plied our landlord for a shortening of our lease citing family emergencies that required my partner to spend time upstate.
The landlord said yes. Our lease is now one year instead of two.
Which means we have to move in 3 months.
I’ve contacted my relocation specialist and will be speaking to an immigration lawyer during my trip to the new country (for new followers I am not stating, for privacy reasons, which country I’m moving to) and will be expediting my expatriation as much as possible.
I’m both happy and extremely stressed bc I now have 3 months to get everything figured out, sold, financially together and ready to leave. Sooner than planned, I will need to buy more plane tickets, pay to ship/replace furniture, and prove my financial stability to the consulate.
It really is for the best though as things here in my city are getting worse and more stressful by the day.
This is all to say, thank you to everyone helping me leave. Me and my Ancestors have endured a lot of trauma and suffering here and it is healing to leave and to be helped in this leaving. Thank you for continued reparative support.
If you can assist, this is my gofundme. https://gofund.me/09e40e5f
I also sell handmade intentional jewelry
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…sell gently used clothing and accessories
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…and offer guided meditation, divination and consults.
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Just in case you would prefer to support my business than donate. Either way is deeply appreciated. Thank you.
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alex51324 · 6 months
Botanical garden expedition!
Today's adventure was a visit to Longwood Gardens, a large botanical garden a reasonable drive from my home. They cleverly draw crowds in what would otherwise be their slow season, with a big display of Christmas lights, trees, and other decorations.
It's hugely popular; you have to reserve tickets in advance, and it's timed entry, where you can stay as long as you want, but you have to arrive within half an hour of the time that's on your ticket--so they don't have a zillion people showing up just at dusk, I guess. By the time I decided to go, in the middle of this past week, the latest arrival time they had left for Friday was 1 PM. (Every Saturday and Sunday until the end of the Christmas event is sold out; luckily, I don't work on Fridays and my dad is retired.)
It worked out OK--we went through all of the indoor displays while they were just crowded and not completely packed. Here's a picture I took in the main conservatory:
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The flower beds in here were mainly poinsettias, amarylis, and paperwhites (shown). The bright green lawn in December was also an interesting novelty. There were about a dozen different Christmas trees, and some rooms with period furniture/Christmas decorations. This corridor was neat:
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(The people are strangers; see above re: crowds.) This hallway leads to the orchid room. A lot of people just zipped right through the orchid room--I guess since it didn't have anything special in it for Christmas--so I took advantage of the elbow room and ability to get a few pictures without being in anyone's way:
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It smelled really nice in there, too:
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We also had plenty of time to explore the grounds and decide what we wanted to go back and see again once it was lit up.
They had several of these treehouse things, all decorated for Christmas:
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This one had these Dr. Seuss-looking trumpet things:
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And Christmas trees, of course:
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We also had a walk through the Wildflower Meadow, which is the Gardens' natural area. Admittedly, in December is doesn't look a whole lot different from, say, a soybean field, which we can walk through any time we want, but it was nice to get away from the crowds for a bit, and we talked about coming back in the summer when the wildflowers will be in bloom. Here's some staghorn sumac:
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The destination for the meadow walk is this 300-year-old farmhouse:
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It has a few exhibits inside, about the history of the house and what you can see in the meadow (when it's not December). I liked the cooking hearth, of course:
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The big tree next to the farmhouse is completely wrapped in lights, so that was #1 on our list of things we wanted to see lit up. We didn't hike up to the house again in the dark; there's a place you can see it from the edge of the platform:
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The picture doesn't do it justice at all; either my phone camera just isn't good enough to take pictures of Christmas lights, or I didn't get the settings right. Here's a similar tree in the middle of the meadow, that came out a little better:
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This area near the edge of the meadow was one of the neatest places for lights. There's a boardwalk that runs along it; one section they had these lights that were done to look like torches, scattered through the grass, and then another section they had these multicolored orbs that pulsed through a range of colors.
Back to daytime, I was fascinated with this berry bush:
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It's called beautyberry, and the purple is even more vibrant in person. Here's a closeup:
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Around here, it's not hard to find red and orange berries on winter bushes, but purple was new for me.
The other big thing at this garden is the water features; my dad and I both remembered them from (separate) visits some decades ago. A lot of them don't run in December, of course, but they have one section of fountains that do:
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They do a show with lights and music, every 15 minutes. (More strangers in the picture.) And here's another water feature that I attempted to take a picture of:
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There was a lot of other cool stuff that I couldn't get pictures of--several tunnels of lights, and lots of trees lit from below with colored lights, like the green ones in the picture above. There was one group of trees lit in red and silver, that looked really nice. But by that point I had realized that it made more sense to just look at things, rather than taking disappointing pictures of them, so I'll leave you with one more of the meadow area:
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 2 years
JJ Maybank Headcanons:
A/N: I know I said I was gonna write more but I’ve barely had time or energy to even clean my house lately soooo. Anyway, I’m literally writing these on my lunch break. I may write some for the other pogues too idk yet it depends on how many I can come up with for them. I just have a good bit for JJ bc I think about him a lot lmao. Without further ado.
P.S. This has been sitting in my drafts for like a week awaiting the moment that I decide I'm happy with it lol. So here it is finally.
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Random Headcanons:
He sleeps in starfish pose. Like you cannot tell me that this dude can’t or won’t take up an entire bed by himself.
We all know his motto, “Stupid things have good outcomes all the time,” but this dude's number one signature catchphrase has to be “Full Send!” followed closely by “YOLO Bitches!”
This may just be biased bc of Uncharted and the Royal Merchant ordeal but I can definitely see JJ pretending to be a pirate who’s on a massive treasure-hunting expedition when he was a little kid.
JJ’s hidden talent? Rapping. His ADHD and quick mind help him come up with lyrics quickly and even if they don’t always make sense to others they make sense to him 90% of the time.
JJ is either a fighting drunk or a goofy drunk. It’s either “let’s throw some hands” or “I’ma dance on that table brb” there is no in-between.
As for when he’s high, I think JJ is one of those people that just comes up with absolute nonsense that kinda makes sense. He has really deep thoughts about random shit and barely shuts up.
He does a lil dancey dance. I can see him just kinda standing in line, standing amongst the Pogues or they're all sitting around doing nothing and he gets bored so he dances along to whatever song is playing in his head. It often distracts the Pogues and cracks them up.
JJ is a speed demon no ifs ands or buts about it. This makes him a pro at playing spot the cop because while he enjoys the rush, he does not enjoy the idea of getting a ticket.
Somehow, Kie once convinced him to let her put his hair in tiny pigtails. He may or may not have been drunk.
You know that cute little thing where one person sticks out their hand and another rests their chin in it? So, as long as it's someone he trusts i.e. the Pogues or a significant other, they can stick their hand out and catch his attention and he will immediately put his chin in it even if he has to hurdle over tables in his mad dash from across the room.
I saw someone headcanon, I’m sorry but I can’t remember who, that JJ can play drums. I 100% agree. I can see him just banging around on them to let out some frustration one day and Kie convinced him to actually learn how to play them. Let me tell you, it was not easy at all bc JJ’s attention span didn’t wanna hold out for it but eventually he got the hang of it.
Unfortunately, at the insistence of the Pogues, JJ is no longer allowed to light fireworks anymore after having almost caught not only the dock but also The Chateau on fire one Fourth of July.
Dating Him Headcanons:
JJ is always attached to his love in some way, shape, or form. It could just be a simple shoulder-to-shoulder thing or he could be practically backpacked on you with his arms wrapped around your shoulders, his chin resting on your head or in the crook of your neck, and him leaning against your back.
JJ doesn't have a lot of money but what he does have is the desire to shower you with gifts so what does he do? He makes things for you or steals them but that's not the point. Your wrists, hands, and neck are probably always adorned in loads of bracelets, rings, and necklaces that he made for you. They may not look like much to other people but to you, they mean the world and you would never let anything happen to them.
JJ is a huge fan of words of affirmation. Remind him often that you love him and are very proud of him, even sprinkle in a few compliments.
That being said, as you can probably tell from the first headcanon of this section, his favorite form of showing love is physical touch. He loves giving it and receiving it.
JJ loves to make you laugh. He'll pull out the cheesiest pick-up lines and corniest dad jokes if it means he gets even a giggle out of you.
So, like I said previously, JJ takes up the entire bed. I also feel like you'll have to fight him for the blankets. You both may start the night out cuddled up all cute and shit but by the time you both wake up, he's spread out as much as possible leaving you to either tuck into his side or flat out lay on top of him.
JJ never says no if you ask for a piggyback ride. Sometimes if he thinks you’re getting tired he’ll just stop in front of you and squat down motioning for you to hop on.
I think a lot of people think that if JJ were ever jealous he would throw hands or super cockily just butt into the conversation and distract you but I personally think he’s a mean-mugging jealous. Like, say you’re having a polite, innocent conversation with some Touron but JJ gets jealous. I think he’d simply walk up behind you and give the person an “if looks could kill” glare. Soon enough the Touron gets the hint and dips. I don’t think JJ would want to fight in front of you if he could help it even if every bone in his body is screaming to throw hands. He doesn’t want to scare you.
More JJ Maybank Imagines
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Let's start with St. Arthur's Candle: "St Arthur's candle is the faith-candle. Propagate your eaten faith like seeds and leeches. Its greedy light will bloom. Track down filthy deadly secrets to unlock the rituals. Betray your friends." To prove your faith to Mr. Eaten, you must betray seven friends and companions. The eligible victims include other players, who will be set on the path of Seeking if they are betrayed. This will give you the candle, which is described as "A candle of a false saint. It stinks of promises roasted like flesh. Betray friends, lovers, innocents."
St. Beau's Candle: you must visit a nightmarish carnival and pay thousands of Moon-Pearls to get the carnival tickets needed to access the House of Mirrors. There, you will give up something of great value--all of your Lodgings, all of your Connections/Favours/Renown, or your health (which means you instantly die and when you come back you're plagued by nightmares, you're in jail, and your reputation in society is so bad you're being sent to the Tomb-Colonies). There is also a section where you're asked why you're doing all of this, which can be attributed to horrible trauma like watching the Comtessa's grim end or the nightmarish Orphanage.
St. Cerise's Candle: "The well still lairs demurely beneath its clinging veil of cave-creeper. Feed it. We will feed it together. We will draw the knife from the Well as I was drawn from the womb of the Earth to". You must give up something precious to the well to get this candle, such as a "work of genius" (a short story you wrote), your sort-of-children (Nearly-Daughter or Noman), or hideously valuable items like an Overgoat or Seven Fluke-Cores. If you try giving the well the Starveling Cat (which is not precious to you) to get rid of it, you will be horribly wounded but not get the candle--the sacrifice must hurt a lot. The item description for the candle reads, "I hope you're proud of yourself. Blood must be spilt."
St. Destin's Candle: there are less-horrible ways to get this one, but without Notability you'll have to hurt yourself. If you haven't acquired a Destiny yet, you can visit an abyssal future and give the Lorn-Flukes The Name, although doing so means you will be destined for TORMENT--a terrible Destiny that worsens your stats, signifying that your future has been ruined. Alternatively, you and another Seeker can obtain St Destin's Candle together during Hallowmas; doing so halves one's stats and lowers the other's by quite a few levels.
St. Erzulie's Candle: To obtain the candle, you must become Obscure, permanently giving up the ability to have Tattoos, Professions, Notability, Ambitions, and a Destiny…well, unless you don't. But the first person to do so did choose to give all that up, and the only reason you don't have to is because the one giving it to you is bending the rules on your behalf. "This candle is red, red, red as hearts." This is what it means to love your god--to throw away your place in the world, your ability to have a normal life, in his name.
St. Fortigan's Candle: To get this one, all you actually have to do is attend services at the Chapel of White. "This candle is innocent of treachery. Long has it been maligned." It represents who Mr. Eaten was and the horror of what was done to him for no good reason.
St. Gawain's Candle: "There's nothing left of me, but I have my Question". "Now we have the wax, which is the streak beneath our skin, and the wick, which is the faith we have skeined, and the tinder, which is the harm we have done to those who loved us, and the flint, which is the name […] one more scar, what is that?" I was admittedly mistaken--you can offer yourself or someone else to become a human candle. Either way, it's fucked up.
Finally, you go North. As the wiki puts it, "Once Embarked on an Expedition to the North. you can never return; you will never be freed from the Name or the ills you suffered Seeking it. Your final destination is the Avid Horizon, the way NORTH. Incidentally, your ship will be destroyed as you arrive. One more precious thing gone forever. What does it matter, any more?" Those who turn back will find themselves home, with a unique item--one that can be used to craft a weapon to take revenge on someone who especially wronged Mr. Eaten--but The Seeking Road is closed to them forever, leaving "only stains and scars and trophies of a voyage that can never be completed."
And those who knock? Their account is rendered permanently unplayable.
To finish Seeking Mr. Eaten's Name is to bring upon yourself the complete and utter destruction of your life one painful piece at a time, dragging your loved ones down with you and annihilating everything you have and are until you sacrifice your very self on the altar of your hateful god. "A reckoning is not to be postponed indefinitely," and all it will cost is a little incalculable suffering from you! What's not to love?
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venusandlotus · 12 hours
lol dw u not the only one whos a) rotting in bed and b) hasnt met them nor seen them in concert, i think the problem with idols being so popular anyway is that it really only going to be short meeting like airports are useless to go to bc they just going to be in and out straight away, fanmeets cost a fortune and are imho even more waste of time unless someones lucky enough but i dont even know the requirements for them anyway is it based on album purchaces?
then you just have to be in the right area for them so it makes going to meet them very hard bit like going to the north pole expedition type thing. tbh i love skz and watching their videos are top notch but im not finna spend 400 plus on hyde park ticket just bc theyre in my country at an event where u likely have to stand up the whole time in summer? fck no. for that cost i could get season ticket for my local PL club rofl. every group (and non kpop ones) i ever liked either started off well and reasonable then it becomes extortionate and feels more like a rip off.
I m not sure about the album pruchase thing exactly but seems like u get to do a video call with them if u get lucky and the chances are extreemely low i saw a video on where a girl purchased around 10 albums but didnt got lucky and in my opinion even the chance u get from album purchase are even not worth it bcoz u cant fully feel people’s energies from just a short video call unless u two have a deep connection before or unless u r good at rizzing up😭 they have even talked to a lot of fans and some of the idols seems like they dont wanna be doing the v call . I genuine want to spend time with them and know them better , like - are they really like that ( like they show themselves on screens ? Or are they even kinder underneath ) and cant be sure whether they will like us or not🥲 i will grab the opportunity if smone grants me that chance of having a video call with them but i m just worried about the lack of intrest they are likely going to have bcoz its not a real life interaction and they had done it more than 100 times🥲
Yeah its more like u have to be in right places and it depends on ur luck tho bcoz even if u ever encounter them some idols feel uncomfortable around fans bcoz fans are literally strangers and if u r lucky enough some might buy even treat ( like jake from enhypen brought perfumes for the fans ) even if u even meet them ur whole luck is required 💀 just imagine if u met them and instead of a smile they gave u a side eye so only meeting them isnt even enough😭
I think it will be really better if the ammount of those crazy tickets gets lower .. i m not saying u shouldnt go to their concerts i m happy if anybody gets to interact with them ( u go girl ! I m happy for u ) i m just talking about how much the company is ripping off from us🥲 and plus the efforts we make just to see them arent even equally enough. They should be spending hours with us 😒 by judging from the efforts and money the fans give to them 😔 ( ps - last line isa joke )
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vohunara · 2 days
After dragging him there, Tem stands proudly before the Fountain of Lucine.
"Isn't it beautiful? Everything here is so...!" It's a fair bit of emotion for someone like herself, uncharacteristically bubbly as she takes Kaveh along on a sight-seeing expedition of the main city and around the area of the opera de eclipse.
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      In truth, visiting Fontaine has been a source of mixed feelings. It would be so easy, so understandable to turn the invitation down, but even before they even crossed the path towards the nation neighboring Sumeru, Tem has been showing a fondness towards it Kaveh never thought possible. As such, it proved impossible to oppose the idea; as such, he stands observant, engaging her every comment, and inwardly awed by the noticeable shift in demeanor.
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      ‘ Indeed. ʼ Simple as that, he looks over at the fountain and the clear water flowing from its structures.  He sees a lot in it: the curves and openings, the work on the stone, the known history as word of mouth and textbooks. None of it is worth mentioning until he deciphers what inspires this much wonder in her. ‘ I heard it's also quite charming in the courthouse. We should check if they have tickets for the upcoming days. ʼ
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windandwater · 5 months
have started listening to a podcast about survival stories (my fucking. shit. let me tell you.) and they covered Ernest Shackleton and as I've mentioned before I have this newfound fascination with polar expeditions and explorers because it's something I would absolutely never do yet find it so interesting how people are successful (and fail!) at it.
cut for gross talk (not in this story but in similar ones)
because I listen to a lot of disaster stories, let me tell you, I was fully waiting for like. due to frostbite a dude's leg had to be amputated. and then he couldn't make it. and that's when the cannibalism started. everyone got scurvy and they started dropping one by one. you know. just because it's a survival story doesn't mean everyone survived. this expedition started in 19 fucking 14, some of them were in Antarctica for three years, and I had just listened to a mountaineering disaster from 2008 where 11 people out of 18 died over the course of a couple days.
but no. every single god damn one of them made it. all 22. and they weren't like--feeling great. but they were still completely alive.
at one point Shackleton and a couple others reached South Georgia Island but they were on the opposite side of civilization, in completely uncharted territory, surrounded by impassible cliffs, and to get down? they resorted to sliding down 1,000 feet of snow & rock. and survived. and went back to rescue all of the others still stranded, and it took three months to get past the ice but they made it.
they spent 456 days of that three years just. trapped in ice. their ship just sitting in ice. and at the end of that it completely sank into it and they had to abandon the ship altogether.
I think after listening to stories about how hard it is to get this right meant that this just fucking. blew my mind. everyone puts it down to his leadership and I believe it. I would say luck and planning, but this man had weathered multiple other expeditions & got everyone out alive then, too. you have to be smart as shit and able to keep everyone sane. I'm in complete awe and if you want to learn about polar exploration that went horribly wrong but also incredibly right, that's your guy to research.
the podcast is Against the Odds. it contains every content warning imaginable for different arcs so tread carefully.
another thing: I don't think people know that Antarctica is fucking. beautiful. it's something I knew--because my dad went there for work while he was at NASA. it's always been a pie in the sky bucket list item for me and now I want to go even more.
I had never looked up the price ticket for tourism out there? and. oof.
sole regret of my life: when my dad recommended getting a job washing dishes on McMurdo in my 20s I should've looked into it! wtf!
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imadarkraincloud · 7 months
Sunday Morning
Good Morning everybody. Sorry for my absence it was a hell of a busy week. It went by very fast and before ii knew it the weekend was here. Work has kept me busy and has also been very good for my mental health. As an added treat the guys all got together for our Friday lunch. I know this seems like it is me beating a dead horse and repeating myself but it is nice to have friends. I have never been at the point where I could have a group to call my own and the brotherhood aspect of it has been wonderful. It is good to feel wanted and needed. Having been alone so many years I have not felt what is like...I like it.
It's breezy but absolutely gorgeous out today. After nothing but rain and wind for the last week or so it is perfect for a Sunday.
You know with everything new I have been trying I believe that it has been great for my mental health and at this point I almost feel like a normal member of society. But I also believe that I will never quite see myself as that person who is alright with himself. I will forever see me as a horribly disfigured beast that is under lock and key in some cellar somewhere. Horns coming out of the top of my head and one of them has been broken off. Scars all over my body from decades of abuse and self harm. A horrific limp from a lesson I learned years ago about talking when I should be listening, cause nobody wants to hear the beast speak. Pain mapped out all over my body a life learned in suffering. Something that the universe will never accept because they simply just don't understand.
But mental health is so like drug addiction recovery, one day at a time. So for today and today right now I feel very good. It's the mood swings that sap your strength with depression. From sad to happy to feeling numb it all tears you apart. It makes you feel evil. Your insecurities and fears become amplified and distorted beyond recognition. But mental health is also like an acid trip, it is different for everybody.
A few weeks ago I bought me and my son our tickets to the fan expo comic con for this February. To say I am pumped up is an understatement. This is me and my sons Christmas . It is such a huge deal for us and it will be our third one. This year I got the weekend package and all of the trimmings to go with it. Since Victoria will not be having one this year I will go all out on this one. There is so much to see and do. We save money and bring our big backpack so he can get his favourite wee action figures that are tough to find at the store. There are seemingly endless tables of everything a couple of nerds like us could ever want or ask for ha ha. I am so counting dow the days to spend it and share with my favourite little human .
I recently started a new book called "Alone against the north" by Adam Shoalts. It is so far excellent. It is about a man and his expeditions over Canada and the rest of the world. I always loved books about explorers and their escapades. Real adventures that I myself would not have the guts to try have always intrigued me. I have been reading a lot lately and I also feel it is an important part of me feeling so good lately. This level of balance and feeling good is something I want to continue so I will just keep doing what I am doing.
Well enough of my rambling ha ha. I might see you all later and might write again.
Till next time take care
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ironheartedfae · 1 year
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Timing: A few days ago Location: Folklore Tourism Feat: @muertarte & @ironheartedfae Warnings: self harm tw, child abuse tw Summary: Metzli sees Ren having a hard time and steps in to help.
Brisk silent steps hurried after the man in the tan jacket. The small fae had been following him for some time now. And he was none the wiser. Impressive considering how fae normally had better senses than most humans. But it was for that very same reason that Ren was following them in the first place. Wicked's Rest was full of strange creatures, and stranger people. This man, Ferdinand Renoir (or as they had spelled it, Furden AnneAnne Renwah) was well connected. The kind of person the family liked to keep tabs on. The kind that would earn them a commendation if they stockpiled enough info for Darya to figure out how to use him. 
Ren couldn't understand it, not exactly. Why they'd picked him out of all the rough dossiers she’d sent. He looked far too prissy and frail to do any real harm. But that also wasn't something for her to decide. She wasn't in Wicked's Rest to think. She was there to report. And today that brought her on board a strange vessel. Part bus, part boat. Something about monsters was scrawled across the side in far too bright of a color. Ren hadn't stopped to read it fully before sneaking on board. 
It was really easy, sneaking up like that. Ren didn’t even have to resort to their natural camouflage. All things considered, if this was some sort of hunting pack it was a terrible operation. With even worse security. Too many people, far too loud and excitable. How were the people supposedly leading this expedition supposed to manage all of these miscreants? Unruly children wailing and running around, climbing on things that clearly read ‘do not touch’. All while their supervisors did nothing to reprimand or even dissuade them. 
If this was the compound– Ahh yes. The same phrase that crept into the fae’s mind at every turn in this god forsaken town. Ren was astounded by just how rude and cavalier the people outside the palisades were. Somehow worse than the ways that Darya had explained them. Though, maybe they were confusing the stories of those in league with the fae, with everyone outside the family. It made them sick. That or the bumpy road down to the shore, either way her stomach was in knots well before they made their first wake. 
“Listen carefully, котёночек.” Darya’s words echoed in Ren’s ears. “You are going to encounter a lot out there. A lot of it will not make sense to you. Just remember-” “Do not trust any of it. I know мамочка.” Ren remembered how often the woman scowled at that phrase. But that day she was allowed it. Allowed a little familiarity as she graduated from trainee to soldier. Terms of endearment were earned, and finally Ren had done enough.
“Knowing and living are not the same thing.” One could almost mistake Darya’s tone for concern.
“Yes. I will not let you down.” 
“Be mindful of your words, don’t make promises you cannot keep, even if you intend to.” A funny thing to say to a fae. Ren had never been able to lie, nor had she learned the ways to twist her words to hide that fact. Promise binds were completely foreign to the young nymph. But that didn’t protect her from others who would take that naivety and exploit it. 
The whole day played over and over in Ren’s mind. Enough to keep her grounded as the ship… car… thing… drove closer and closer to the water. Even before they got out on the ocean the nymph started feeling irritated and antsy. Scratching at their skin as they dodged glances and made their way to a spot where they could watch their quarry. Renoir was deep in the throes of a conversation by the time the tiny spy found them amongst the crowd. Ren could hear every word, and in shorthand write it down. Good. Maybe it wouldn’t be that awful a mission after all. At the very least it wouldn’t be a failure. 
With the ticket purchased and the headphones secured on their head, Metzli begrudgingly set foot onto the strange vessel that Teddy pushed them to visit. They had worked there for some time and wanted the vampire to experience the place they inspired with their own existence as a local cryptid. It was quite humorous, and Metzli didn’t laugh at much.
Though, it was strange that they couldn’t find Teddy anywhere close by. They thought maybe the rascal was taking their time, preparing for an elaborate entrance as they so often loved the attention. Shrugging to themself, Metzli found a seat as far away from people as possible, rocking back and forth as they kept their focus away from the fact that they’d be stuck on a tour, with strangers. 
Looking around to pass the time and keep their mind from spiraling too much, Metzli people watched, scanning over the crowd of tourists. Some looked a little inebriated, others looked bored (mostly children), and some were already on the lookout for cryptids. It was an interesting sight, everyone was focused on a million other things. Like jotting things down and watching a group of people inconspicuously. Oh. Wait. That was strange. 
Metzli tilted their head curiously and kept their eyes trained on a child who appeared to be…working? It was cute, the way children found new ways to entertain themselves. But, there was hardly time to dissect the scene thanks to the announcer—who was not Teddy—made the final call for departure.
The boat… car… thing kept rocking, and with it the nymph’s stomach started churning. Training had never put Ren on the water before. Not in a boat at least. In it, sure. A bug like her needed to know how to survive anything. And there were plenty of fae that live in the water. Darya was sure to add them to the list of potential targets. If there were a colony of Nixies or Nereid infesting this town, it was up to Ren to find a way to their hive. Didn’t matter much at all how. Just that she had to. 
In the same manner, it didn’t matter how uncomfortable Ren was starting to feel. Seconds began to feel like hours, and minutes felt like an eternity. It didn’t matter how each noise from the rambunctious crowd made them shrink ever more into herself. Deeper into the tiny corner, hiding herself behind and beneath a box of buoys so no one could see. Telling herself it was because she needed to be stealthy. Because she needed to remain unseen by her target. It didn’t matter how every new sensation started to feel like an electric prod to the center of her spine. How her breath began to hitch and shudder. How she hadn’t even realized that she hadn’t blinked in a few minutes. Hadn’t looked away from the small spot on the boat’s railing. How the world slid out of focus and that spot became the only thing in the whole universe. A singularity that superseded anything and everything else. 
Worse still, was how her thoughts had turned to the past instead of what was going on. To the electric hum of half-on fluorescent lights. To the way the blood leaked along the tiles, the looming vertigo from standing next to the pit and– 
This was stupid. It was childish. Nothing was wrong, she was just being weak and unfocused and bad. Again. Half convinced it was some manner of physical ailment causing this plague of unsatisfactory behavior Ren began to pick at their skin. Rocking slightly, mimicking the movement of the waters below. When fingernails didn’t seem to work, when the energy inside begged for some manner of release, some manner of egress, the entomid began hitting their knuckles against their legs. Completely unaware of just how hard or how much. 
It didn’t matter. 
She had to stay hidden, stay alert, stay on target and she wasn’t. She had to. Her mind was screaming it. Telling her all the ways she would be punished or excluded or reminded how much of a monster and a failure she was. A spiraling source of anxiety that only served to make things worse. Whatever was happening was making her dumb. Making her blind. Blind enough she didn’t even notice the pair of legs that should have come right into her view. 
It was all too familiar to watch as anxiety weighed on the stranger, and then all but attacked them. The widened eyes, the labored breaths, and the need to go into hiding. It was everything Metzli had experienced. More so in their childhood, but now that their feeling was returning, the old ways they used to handle overstimulation was too. It was a spectrum, Metzli was told. They fell somewhere on it. 
Because of this, they had a harder time processing external stimuli, and yadda yadda yadda. It was a bunch of medical-like jargon they didn’t have the time to translate. Nor did Metzli really want to. There was plenty wrong with them without the added spectrum nonsense. Broken as they were, they didn’t need to tack anything else on. It hurt too much, to be that way. Similar to the pain that was clearly written all over the girl. They couldn’t help themself when they rose from their seat and made their way to her hiding spot. It wasn’t a very good one, but they weren’t really one to judge considering they knew how often rational thought went out the window. 
“Hello.” Metzli spoke as gently as they could, though it was hardly human. More robot-like, as they had heard people describe. “You are sensitive.” They crouched down and removed their headphoneys, promptly placing them onto the girl’s head. There wasn’t much Metzli could do for the swaying of the boat, but sound was something they could remove. They hoped it was enough. 
A muffled sound came from outside the cacophony of the fae's mind, far closer than anything had a right to being. Ren's sight had been blocked by a less than colorful shape that she still could not quite focus on enough to parse. Another mumbled sentence. Then more movement from the shape. It wasn't until Metzli's hand came dangerously close to the nymph's face that instinct kicked in and a different kind of defense mechanism fired up. 
Teeth sank into flesh just as something had been slipped onto her head. A sharp growl rumbled in the girl's chest as they clamped down on Metzli's forearm like a damn pitbull. For a moment she saw Darya where Metzli stood. Felt the heat of the woman's gaze. Felt her heart jolt and shudder like she'd been shocked with an electric prod. Suddenly everything snapped back into intense crystal clear focus. Ren realized quickly just what she was doing and recoiled physically. Jumping back enough that she slammed into the box and wall behind her. 
She had bitten them. Acted like a crazed animal in a cage. The girl flinched, pulled her arms up and in front of her face, there was no way a beating wasn't about to happen. She'd acted like a monster again. Ren tried her hardest to rein in her hyperventilating, trying to pull back the silent tears that had already begun to well up. 
"Tears will not fix your mistakes, insect." Her mentor's voice called through the panic. She was not a mother in those times. Ren was only allowed to call her mother when she'd been a good little fiend. When she acted properly, acted human. 
"Мне жаль, Мне жаль…" The phrase repeated quietly through sobs, expecting any moment for the contact, for the shouting. But it never came. In fact, Ren couldn't hear anything. Not in the way that fear sometimes robbed her of her senses, it was just…quiet. Her arms shifted, moving carefully from in front of her, coming up and gently touching the strange object that sat upon her head. It covered both her ears, and drowned out the rest of the world. 
"Wh- what is this..?"
Teeth in flesh weren’t uncommon for vampires. Hell, that’s pretty much all they knew. Only, it was usually them doing the biting. Not the other way around. “Pinche…!” Metzli recoiled, snapping the ear muff to the feral girl’s ear once they let go abruptly. On instinct, they cocked their arm back to retaliate, but the tears from the kid’s sobs extinguished any fire on the brink of becoming a blaze. Metzli regretted helping for a moment, allowing their soul to speak to them. It’d brought them many injuries, and they were starting to think their soul wanted them to get hurt. Somehow, that seemed just. 
Metzli had listened to Honey speak of balance so often that they were waiting for everything they’d done to have a reaction. For as much pain as they’d wrought, they knew they deserved just as much. More, even. Which was why, with a mixture of familiarity at the sight, they were inclined to let the bite slide. Bring their arm to fall out of offense, and evoke peace at their side. The last thing the child needed was a punishment for protecting herself. Metzli wanted to give her what they never got, create a safe space for her to breathe and realize that it was okay to be overwhelmed. Then show her how to counteract the noise. 
“Headphoneys.” The vampire replied dryly, wiping their hand on their pants and keeping an eye on where the shade was. For a few moments, they counted to ten, trying to keep the noise from reaching themself the same way it did for the girl. “Block sound.” Metzli pointed at their ear and signed no, figuring they might have not been heard. They furrowed their brows together and closed their eyes tightly, hoping no control would be lost in the cacophony of noise surrounding them. Why did nice have to come with sacrifice? Why did they even bother? No one helped them, so why should they help anyone else? Metzli knew the answer. They just didn’t like it. 
It wasn't an instant fix. Few things in this world were. But the headphoneys were on Ren's ears, and the world around her was that much quieter. Stunned into and because of this sudden silence, all they could do was breathe. Trepidation at the front. Each lost huff of air brought her closer to the present, closer to reality. 
Wide eyes took in all there was to see, she focused on the details. The stranger was tall, had dark curly hair, and strong features. They held a strong presence, and an unnatural stillness. Most, if not all, of their skin was covered, and what showed had the faint echoes of scars. Not unlike their own. 
Ren could see all that, could see how the person retracted their arms and stood waiting and watching. She could see it, but not understand. Why had they come over? Why did they put these things on her head? Why did it help? The adrenaline rush provided by the panic was beginning to peter out. Which meant the crash was right behind. 
Ren wanted to escape, but she couldn't move. She wanted desperately to explain herself, to ask the stranger a million questions. But her voice just wouldn't come. Instead she sank back against the wall, making herself as tiny as she could. The shakes and shivers might have been gone, but the aftershocks were often just as loud. 
The helpful stranger deserved something though, some manner of appreciation, as much as she could muster. For pulling her out of the worst of it. Words had failed, so instead she slid out her foot. Let the old dusty boot knock into Metzli's. Once. Twice rapidly. Once again. She didn't really know why that was what she chose to do. But it was the best gesture she could find. 
It was like staring in a mirror. Not in appearance. The stranger was much younger and Caucasian, but the mannerisms and the discomfort were a reflection of their own. Metzli shifted uncomfortably where they sat, no longer able to look at themself. That’s when the tapping began. “Hm?” The vampire sucked in a breath and dared to take another peek, watching as the final tap to their foot was placed. 
Was she trying to thank them? Metzli had gone nonverbal plenty of times, though they didn’t know that’s what it was called. They usually just called it extra quiet time. “Welcome.” The vampire nodded, fiddling with their pocket until they were able to retrieve another gift from Leila. It was a cube she said would help them when they felt like stabbing something, which Metzli really wanted to do at that moment. The hair on their arms were standing on end, nerves reaching an all time high. 
Without another word, the vampire extended their arm, fidget cube in hand as an offer. It’d helped them a few times. They hoped it would help the girl too.
Who was this stranger? Why did they know exactly what to do, why had these simple gestures done so much to pull Ren from her mind? From the hateful spiraling mix of caustic self deprecation and racing thoughts. It was like the girl was a record on loop. Some strange defect causing the needle to skip backwards, playing the same sounds. Over and over and over and over and over and over— and then here comes this person, calm as anything, and just lifts the bar. Stops the music all together. 
It was enough to slow the reel. To stop the hyperventilation and just cause the girl to stare. The world may have still been narrowed, but whoever they were, the stranger was now a part of it too. 
Cautiously, Ren reached out for the strange object the other was extending. A weird cube that had a bunch of knobs and buttons all over it. It almost looked like a die, but instead of numbered pips it had those odd protrusions. She held it, felt the weight of the thing fill her palm. The way one of the things moved when her hand closed around it. 
“What is?” 
Metzli bowed their head and closed their eyes as the cube was taken, showing as much serenity and respect as they could. She looked like she had calmed down a degree, but they wanted to prevent any resurgence of her previous outburst. “Is fidget toy. Keep hand busy when you have stress.” They pointed at one of the sides, the one with what appeared to be a joystick. Their favorite. 
The button rotated and clicked when it was pushed down, causing a satisfying click that always made Metzli’s ears tingle pleasantly. Even then, when they weren’t the one clicking it, they felt calmer with the sound. It seemed like the girl did, too. The sight made Metzli’s shoulders droop with relief, and they thought that was the perfect moment to inquire a little more on the stranger in front of them. 
“I am Metzli. Who are—” HOOOOONK! Metzli jumped at the sound of the boat’s horn, becoming flush with the wall behind them again. A voice droned over the intercom, saying who knows what. Certainly not Metzli. They were too busy trying to calm themself down and make the overwhelming ringing in their ears stop. Everything became a full pause, the sound of the blasting horn the only thing on their mind as they rocked back and forth. 
The blare of the horn managed to even cut through the headphones. Or maybe it was just the way the sound moved through her, even without hearing. Ren knew how jarring and annoying that was because the near constant use of that terrible noise was one of the big parts that had set her on edge in the first place. She jumped up, moving closer to the stranger who had been so helpful to her, so kind. 
Ren didn’t have some fancy solution to offer, but she felt the phantom pain Metzli showed as if she’d heard it full force as well. The tiny fae clasped her hands over the stranger’s ears. Holding tight and firm, being the noise cancelation that the other had granted to her. 
She wished she could do more. For once she wished for more from her fae ancestry. The magic that sylphs could stir, for one. Seemed like it would have been the most prudent at the time. But no, she was cursed to be an exceptionally useless thing, only good for what she’d been trained in. Only good for hurting when all she wanted to do was help. 
Ren’s hands moved with Metzli, allowing the other to rock in the way that she often did. It was strange to say the least, to see someone else coping in the same way. To see something the nymph had perceived as a fault displayed in front of her for what it was. A reaction. That’s all. 
A cocktail of shock and wonder mixed on Metzli’s face when Ren closed the distance between them and placed her hands on their ears. Had the sound not disappeared the moment it happened, the vampire would’ve surely reacted poorly. Instead, their shoulders relaxed, releasing the tension enough to let them release a strangled breath. All those decades of not needing air, and they still choked on it at times like that. 
Metzli gave Ren a grateful nod, brown eyes zig-zagging around her freckled-face. The mirror was so much closer then, and one thing was obvious. They both needed to get out of there, and Metzli was going to find a way out. “You are good child.” They said, bonking their head into hers just before they stood up and locked their eyes on a lifeboat. Would anyone notice? Metzli decided it didn’t matter if they did. The two of them were going to get off the boat one way or another. 
“There. We leave.” Pointing at the secured rafts, Metzli marched toward them and gripped their knife tightly. The blade cut the ropes with ease, and Metzli looked back at the girl, eyes requesting her assistance. 
Kindness begets kindness. It was a simple lesson most people are taught before they even start going to school. The Golden Rule as it were. Very few times in Ren's life had she been treated the way she'd figured others wanted to be. Was it just a skewed definition? Or perhaps a lack of being around the right people. 
Emilio showed Ren kindness. Nora showed Ren kindness. Even the other allgoods, they didn't reject her immediately, not the way the Adelskold youths had. They might even consider her a friend. (A thought that pained Ren so deeply that she simply buried it far far below years of training and conditioning.) All these people had been teachers, unknowingly. Giving Ren the tools she needed for a moment like this. When another kind stranger needed her help. Though, she wasn't sure how much help she'd really offered. 
Their head came closer, and for a split second the frantic fae thought she'd done something wrong. That this was not the right move, or it was far too forward of her, but no. No, the other person just rested their forehead against hers. Ren felt a sudden sense of comfort, fluttering through her chest like a happy hive of honeybees. Unsure of her part to play, she simply let the action happen. Only at the very last moment returning the gesture with some pressure of her own. 
You are good child. 
The headphones didn't block out everything. Just dampened the background noise, made things easier to sift through. And still, if Ren had not been so close, had not been listening so carefully, she would not have believed what she had heard. Compliments were not something freely given by Ren's caretakers. The last time the word good was directed at her like this? When she killed her first other nymph. A leshy. His name had been Jordan. He wasn't much older than she had been. She found that out after. She wasn't supposed to care. At the time she figured it was some defect in her biology. That nasty bond all fae share. Now she wasn't so sure. She was, however, sure she was not good. 
Metzli (though Ren hadn't quite caught the name what with all the sudden shock after) was eyeing something now. They had stood, moved and were slicing through ropes that Ren's eyes followed up and up to where they held down something called a "Life Raft". It seemed to be one of many, and the other seemed to think it would help them leave. 
Complicated feelings on stealing aside (especially after that night, especially when stealing led directly to murder and the subsequent breakdown of Ren's whole psyche) she knew that the other was right. They both needed to get off this ship… car… boat… bus thing. 
"Okay." Twin blades pulled out of seemingly nowhere, twisted open in a quiet flourish, then got to work on the other fasteners. "We leave."
Metzli didn’t know much about boats or rowing, but the technical aspects of them seemed like common sense. Without another moment of hesitation, they pulled the raft away from its home and pushed out over the edge of the boat/car/whatever-the-fuck thing they were on. 
With a splash, the lifeboat settled into the water with a few sways, giving the vampire a few moments to balance themself on the edge before leaping into it. Metzli landed a bit clumsily, still panicked from the overstimulation, but they found their footing and looked back up to their new young friend. “I will catch,” They promised, steadying the raft as best they could while they could hear a commotion beginning to stir on the deck. Metzli figured someone noticed the pair’s escapade, which only meant time was of the essence.  
“Jump,” Metzli urged, arm outstretched and ready. It was a strange scenario to be thrust into, but they’d be damned if they didn’t try to escape for both their sake’s. 
Ren’s head turned. Back to the target, to the deck crowded with people all off staring at something in the water on the opposite side. She couldn’t make out much but a massive dark navy tail with bright teal glowing spots running down the length. Whatever it was, it was big, and a perfect distraction. Ren grappled with the thought of leaving her mission unfinished. Leaving Renoir with the rest, and just finding him later. On solid ground. A better alternative. One that didn’t sink like a stone in her stomach. She’d already proven that she couldn’t handle this ride and all the sights and sounds that came with it. She wasn’t going to be very effective at her job even if she did stay. 
So she turned back to Metzli. Nodded tentatively, though fully intending to make her own descent. The bug was pretty good at landing where she wanted to after all. Many ambushes came from above. From higher points than this. The nymph casually slipped over the side and silently landed without much fanfare. Ren did, however, take the offered hand on her way down. A guide. Not one she needed physically, but… maybe it was there to steady her in a different way. Maybe she could accept that. This stranger who was so much like her, and still so different. Maybe she could learn more from them. 
Between the pair the little raft drifted rapidly far from the Folklore Tourism. Making quick work of the distance that stretched out towards the shore. Funnily enough, once they were off the overcrowded vessel, it was almost peaceful. That, or the sudden relief of being nearly alone again was enough to trick the nymph into thinking so. Hard to say. What Ren did know though, was that she didn’t really need the headphones anymore. 
“It was a kind thing to do. Lending headphoneys. Noble. Sound was… bad for you too.” Ren held them reverently in her hands for a moment before reaching out and putting them in the other’s lap. “I apologize for my actions. This is not how I am usually.” Eyes still cast downward, empty hands now fiddled with themselves rather than the accessory or the oar on her side of the raft. Allowing them just a moment to drift in with the tide. “How can I make this up to you?” 
There wasn’t much to say anymore. What with the escape already being quite the success, but the girl was asking questions. Metzli simply shook their head, taking the headphoneys and placing them back on their head. Even if they had wanted to talk, they didn’t feel like they could. Like the words were stuck in their chest. That was always the worst part about overextending themself. They always lost the inability to communicate, to connect, even artificially. 
Again, Metzli shook their head and pushed one of the oars toward Ren. They jutted their chin, silently commanding for her to take reign and help them. Their hand wrapped around the other, eyes focused on a new objective. Metzli couldn’t help it. They just wanted to get home, and they knew their accomplice did too. Maybe once each of them had recharged, they’d contact her and delve into just how similar they were. Until then, the two had to heave. 
Right. Ren nodded right back, understanding their place. It was time for work. Not apologies. With a surprising amount of strength for her size, the nymph took the oars and began to work. She felt a bit foolish, like breaking the silence was the wrong thing to do. Even though she’d been told all her life how she had to own up to her faults. How she had to come out of her stupid little shell and speak when appropriate. It was quiet time now. That was… well it was better actually. Just doing something as simple as saying a few sentences, however robotic and clinical they may have been, was more draining than the actual physical labor the girl was doing now. 
The open ocean gave way to breakers, then to thankfully less than rough shallows, and then the shore. Rocky, uneven, but solid. Ren jumped out as soon as it wasn’t too deep to stand and began to pull the boat up to the sand. Luckily, this wasn’t some busy beach, just a forgotten little nook, covered by a large cliff overhead, and the plants that hung down like curtains from its heights. A path snaked up and around, providing access to the rest of the town, but for now it was empty. Good. The nymph turned and gave Metzli one quick bow of the head then turned to go. Separate ways until… well until fate decided if they should meet again. 
For once, Ren kind of wished they would. 
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sealpup9 · 1 year
Just letting you know that on the list sub it’s 3 billionaires, one of which is the ceo that owns the sub, the 19 yo son of one of the billionaires and a deep sea explorer. There are no researchers bc it’s not a research expedition.
As more info came out, I've learned a lot about the situation, yeah.
Hamish Harding is a british billionaire and pilot. Shahzada Dawood is a Pakistani billionaire, Sulaiman Dawood is his 19 y/o son. Paul-Henri Nargeolet is a French diver and explorer, one who used to be head of Michigan State University's Center for Maritime & Underwater Resource Management, has worked on films about the Titanic and is a historian of the Titanic. Stockton Rush is a millionaire and CEO of OceanGate, the company that owns the missing submersible and launched this expedition. My thoughts and such still stand, it doesn't matter who these people are, their lives are in danger and the fact that media outlets have gone so far as to treat this as some spectacle (to the point of some putting an 'oxygen run out in X hours' countdown over all of their other news) is despicable and inhumane.
I think it's vile that folks are pointing and laughing at the 'billionaires' when it doesn't matter how much money they paid.
OceanGate has been called a financial scam by two folks who didn't get their money back when their trip was cancelled.
OceanGate was called out many times by employees who spoke out about the safety issues of the vessels (one of which who was fired for doing so).
Other companies in the industry also called out OceanGate's low standards.
OceanGate has admitted that the submersible that is missing presently, Titan, is not 'classed' and therefore does not need to meet safety requirements and standards for groups mitigating industry standards. They claim that "by itself, classing is not sufficient to ensure safety." and would rather focus on ensuring "operators adhere to proper operating procedures and decision-making processes – two areas that are much more important for mitigating risks at sea."
Oddly enough, it was found that their website said "You do not need any previous [diving] experience!" and "You will learn everything you need to know for your dive onboard the expedition vessel, and we will help you prepare for the expedition before you join us on the ship."
OceanGate also lied about partnering with both Boeing and the University of Washington to create, design, test, and engineer the Titan (the current missing submersible.)
Experts stated as far back as 2018 that the submersible was not ready to be launched on expeditions.
In a CBS interview with journalist David Pogue, the OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush said "You know, at some point, safety is just pure waste. I mean, if you just want to be safe, don't get out of bed, don't get in your car, don't do anything. At some point, you're going to take some risk, and it really is a risk-reward question."
That same journalist (David Pogue) was invited to dive with OceanGate during the summer of 2022, and he stated on twitter that the sub "does not have any kind of beacon like that." (In reference to someone asking if the sub had an emergency beacon of some kind) and that the sub "did indeed get lost for about 5 hours". He was not present on the sub at the time, but on a ship at the surface and during the event he claimed "they shut off the ship’s internet to prevent us from tweeting."
The fact of the matter is, in my humble opinion: a company and their CEO took money from 4 innocent people and brought them down in submersible that had been stated by employees and other companies in the industry to be dangerous. It does not matter how much money a ticket was, it does not matter how much money these people have. What matters is that due to a company's negligence and continual ignoring of safety standards and people calling them out, people are likely going to die.
As of right now, a banging noise has been detected near where the submersible went missing. The air supply is likely going to run out early Thursday morning. I hope they find these people alive.
People need to stop thinking this is some 'burn the rich' gotcha moment. The issue here is "why was a company allowed to get away with such little care for safety and so many issues on their expeditions?" No company should be able to get away with this shit. I don't care if those tickets cost $250,000 or $25. No one deserves to die.
The second people start making excuses for why one person's life is worth more than another is the second they've lost me. Anyone advocating for the death of another human being is despicable. You want to burn the rich? Vote and support more taxes on the rich. Start talking and supporting your neighbors and those in need. You want to fight capitalism at it's source? The source is around you. Start talking to people. Start advocating for equal treatment of your peers. And start thinking about how many corporations get away with shit like OceanGate has that hasn't been called out yet because tragedy hasn't struck.
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fugitivehues · 2 years
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Impressions art by @fugitivehues & writing by @keikotwins
“And that makes one hotel room booked for a journey fully planned!” Elm Root gleefully announced in place of a greeting as he closed the living room’s door behind him. Rio smiled with amusement, eyes not neglecting her work for a second.
“Should I bother asking you how many beds this room will have?”
“There is one way for you to know,” he responded without hesitation. “The ticket is in one of my pockets.”
She rarely heard him in such an excellent mood; despite a well-natured composure that initially gave the impression of a permanent merry state of mind, he tended to remain even regardless of his surroundings, which had led Rio to sometimes wonder if he could feel emotions. After all, he recovered quickly from disturbances like surprise and tended to remain more unaffected than ever by pain and sadness – in a word, he barely displayed joy nor excitement.
“Let’s keep it a surprise, then.” She knew he did his job correctly, and he knew she knew. Just like this, the topic was dropped; he approached to have a closer look at the painting she had started working on earlier that day. Not without taking the time to explain in great details the schedule that awaited them on the next Monday, from the time they needed to depart to the roads they would take, including the expected traffic, the architectural style of the inn and new information he had gathered about the artwork they had planned to pay a visit to, which wasn’t a lot so he mostly reminded her of elements she already knew.
Meanwhile, she listened. She always listened. Her pieces didn’t require much focus and, palette in one hand, paintbrush in the other, she added, touch after touch, colours and nuances to the cloudy sky that would serve as both background and main point of interest of her piece, his sentences unrolling one after another behind her. On top of Elm Root preparing their little expedition with enthusiasm, he avoided taking up space when she was working.
Just as she was mentally formulating that even he, amongst all the persons she knew, also had the ability to show an endearing side, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and he pressed his body close, a cheek gently caressing one of hers – of course, glasses also bumped against her temple with a dry protestation in the process.
After the rather unflattering portrait of the inn employee he had been in contact with, he had stopped talking. For what felt like a suspended moment, it seemed that he almost considered mentioning her piece. For an individual who always had his little say about her workload and the quality of the care given to her family heritage, he remained rather silent on his personal tastes regarding art. She had picked a lighter, relatively impressionist style for that one commission, and had had the opportunity to shed some of her personality. It would have been a nice opportunity for him to speak out.
However, he resumed his preliminary report, this time insisting on how much she needed to rest well before leaving. Both hands too busy to indulgently pet this protective head, Rio rested her back against him. Another time, then. She would certainly find his preferred style one day.
“You know what?” Outside, the light of day was already weakening, projecting the shadows of the garden’s trees on the wall behind them. Her colours gradually became harder to determine, and she had spent way too long picking a new shade of blue. “I think can finish this before Monday, after all.”
“You know what?” he asked back, his voice lowering to almost become a whisper, fingers almost imperceptibly pressing harder against her arm. She recognised that warm tone, his favourite when he expressed the last cajoling comment he had come up with. “You convey texture and light in your oil paintings like no one else.”
The playful voice was back. Another smile showed on her lips, as she picked some more blue onto her brush. That cloud was becoming more than decent.
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maestraejc · 2 years
A multi-chapter, platonic, regularly (compulsively) updated work in progress fanfic featuring our favorites: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
Genre: General Audiences, Humor
After months of violent fighting and exhausting military campaigns, Obi-Wan Kenobi secures 5 days of shore leave on Alderaan for both the 501st and the 212th. In a bid to promote rest and relaxation, Bail Organa gifts Obi-Wan and Anakin tickets for a white water tubing expedition down the River Alderaan. Hilarity ensues.
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
“I hope that the quarters we have provided fit your needs and expectations,” said Senator Organa.
“Oh, please don’t fret. I am sure they are perfect,” Obi-Wan replied. “And besides, I have a lot of work to do. I won’t be requiring much as I sit through the onslaught of Council meetings. You know how it goes, I’m sure,” Obi-Wan said with a slight eye roll.
“Work? You’re on leave, General Kenobi. I truly hope that you allow yourself to get out. Get into the nature. See everything that Alderaan has to offer. In fact, I have brought with me an amazing opportunity for you and General Skywalker. It’s all the rage here.”
The three men stopped walked. Anakin’s interest was immediately piqued. Rage? Amazing opportunity? What else could he want? He glanced over at Obi-Wan, who seemed indifferent. Obi-Wan didn’t really seem to want to rage in the same way Anakin did.
Obi-Wan swooped in to politely squash any hopes Anakin had for a fun time. “Really, Bail, you don’t have to do any more than what you’ve already done. General Skywalker and I will find ways to entertain ourselves and I am sure that he has a few overdue reports that he will be much relieved to catch up on during our stay.”
Anakin felt his jaw drop. How did Obi-Wan manage to be so kriffing polite while also simultaneously throwing the two (or ten) overdue reports Anakin had to do in his face?
Read Chapters 1-3 over on Ao3!
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thedavesnews · 5 months
Didneyland Debut
Disney Resort #3 in the books. Still funny to me California came after Paris. Then again, had Covid not shut the world down it still world have been 3rd as I was training to run the Castle to Chateau (a half-marathon in both Paris and one of the US Disney parks in a calendar year). I guess I was just destined to visit Paris 1st.
Both Paris and Anaheim versions of the Disney Resort have 2 parks built in walking proximity from each other and a central shopping/hotel area. It's a great design if you are staying on property. The transportation within Anaheim on a regular business day was very manageable. Our hotel provided a heads up on the bus system which we didn't use the 1st day opting to walk to the nearest Disney parking lot (Toy Story) and taking that shuttle as many other local non-Disney hotel guests were doing.
The rides themselves for the most part were better in Disneyland except for Big Thunder Mountain and Jungle Cruise. California's Jungle Cruise was short. This doesn't make it bad per say but it makes it not the best version although our skipper was funnier than some I've had in other parks. I was pleasantly surprised for the most part regarding the resort itself. For all the heads up I got that Disneyland was small and both days were half days I really don't know what you're doing in the parks. We missed things and we spent FULL days in both with Genie+ getting us expedited access to rides.
Here's the other part of that...the lines in DL were SHORTER than anything we see in WDW these days. 30 minutes seemed to be the average longest time I saw. Obviously there were outliers but those notwithstanding lines were reasonable, IMO. Had we more time Genie would have been an after thought likewise to WDW where we have AP and can do a single ride here and there as we want.
For all the goods DL has over WDW their app and physical security are just awful, truly and abysmally awful. The scanners at the entrances are most likely from the original opening. Do the parks not share technology updates? I'm legitimately asking. This caused so many issues on run day (that update coming in a different post) and having to take things out of pockets, including my medal, was kind of embarrassing since I know there are better ways.
Also, the app. Why is the app so bad. You can't add friends/family without having to know their ticket numbers which is an incredibly cumbersome way to link your party together. That and you have to scan barcodes instead of tapping the turnstile. DL does at least use Magicbands so that's a plus over Paris. I'm assuming for the app it's a privacy law thing? I can't explain why it's so bad other than it's not allowed to have the connections allowed in other states. Even the race announcers talked about it on the stage. I love the mouse but I'm also fair in pointing out the flaws.
Obviously there we positives from the visit as noted above but let's see what else we enjoyed! The Incredicoaster was so amazing. Perfect theming and the queue video talking about the retheme was 4th wall breaking but also really funny. Violet seemed miffed and Edna was just taking it stride which kind of seems against her don't look back mantra. Honestly, the entire Pixar Pier was gorgeous. I got to see it at night and lit up my words will not do it proper justice but you can find photos online of it I'm sure.
Characters just roam around in DL and that was something that we're not used to seeing. At WDW those handlers are extremely tethered keeping everyone back until the character reaches the proper location for the official line to get their moment. I liked the random encounters we had and the characters just took it in stride. Maybe it's the culture at DL. Maybe it's just a different clientele? I never saw any issues with it in DL like I've seen in WDW. Then again, Photo pass was few and far between in DL as well. Most cast members took personal photos with your own phone/camera for free. Refreshing but also odd. It's not like Disney to miss out on a way to monetize guests. They sure as hell don't miss that in WDW.
Anaheim doesn't allow fireworks during the week. If Orlando tried to enforce we'd riot. DL was dumb enough to have a mug that said "It's all about fireworks" when they don't even have them. So dumb. If they won't do fireworks they should consider going the route of Paris and have drone shows. Honestly, the drone shows in Paris were killer. It was innovative and fit a culture that isn't obsessed with blowing shit up.
All the said I want to see if I can compare the parks I've been to thus far and update once park 4 happens. Which park would be #4? Shanghai is the currently leader. All because of Zootopia. If you didn't know that and you're reading this...you either don't know me or haven't read enough of my entries :P
Best of from my current experiences at 3 Disney Resorts
Big Thunder - Paris Pirates - DL Space Mountain - Paris (did not get to ride Land's version) Security - WDW Shopping - WDW Nighttime Show - WDW (Happily Ever After) Hotel - WDW (Polynesian cause Moana...) Castle - Paris Haunted Mansion - DL with Nightmare overlay Philharmagic - WDW Soarin - WDW (over the world) This is just one person's opinion but I'd like to think it's valid since I've done 3 parks and have seen the various cultures that go with them. In either event I'm going to do a post on the return of RunDisney to Disneyland. Make sure to come back and give it a read!
Adventure awaited
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thenomadinside · 9 years
Welcome to Atlanta: Definitely in the South
Back in mid-January, I made a spontaneous last minute decision to visit a close friend in Atlanta, GA. This long-awaited excursion down to the South had been an ongoing discussion amongst my friend group for approximately two years but it all never amounted to anything except talk and speculation! Our musing had dragged on two years too long but in the end, I’m glad that we were finally about to make this trip a reality.
We decided to only spend a long weekend there, so not a whole lot of time to explore but just enough to get a taste of the South. I find it truly a fascinating idea to be able to visit an entirely different geographic location within the span of just a weekend. As I’m currently in my senior year, I have been wondering about how to maintain a balance of work and play once entering the dreaded territory we all acknowledge as “the real world.” It’s probably unrealistic to believe that one can do these sort of weekend trips, but hey I can dream right?
As this was my first time flying to the South, I really had no idea what to expect, which was in a way sort of thrilling. Immediately after landing and stepping into the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport, I was struck with the permeating smell of fried chicken.
The first thought that came across my mind was, “Oh, I’m most definitely in the South.”
Seriously, the entire airport smelled like greasy, fried chicken heaven. I would never have expected it but the Atlanta Airport is mad huge and it took what seemed like forever just to get from my terminal to the other end of the airport. I purchased a “Breeze” card which is what people here use to get around and took the Marta, a local train that I kept mistaking for “Martha” to the North Avenue Station.
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After getting off the train, I was able to take a stroll around the campus, soak up Georgia in all its beauty and meet up with my friend. What I love about Georgia is the colors from the sky—everything looks as if it has a pink/peach hue filter overlaid on top of it. Is this also another reason why Georgia’s namesake is the peach?
Conveniently enough, located right next to the World of Coca-Cola was our next expedition—the Georgia Aquarium. The Aquarium was super spacious (at least comparatively to the Boston Aquarium I went to last week with some friends) that contained a wide variety of creatures I haven’t seen elsewhere. I spent maybe way too much time intently observing penguins waddling around and ruffling their feathers. There is something so therapeutic about browsing through an Aquarium, possibly because everything is filtered in a cool blue hue. As Tom Ockerse always says, blue is the most pleasing and relaxing color. I also was able to see a Beluga whale for the first time. I swear I made eye contact with one for a hot second.
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The rest of the trip primarily included exploring the campus, learning about the pros and cons to Georgia, eating a sinful amount of unhealthy Southern food, drinking, playing card games, and a surprise celebration for my birthday! The morning my friend and I were supposed to leave early for the airport, both of us overslept. I woke up approximately an hour and a half before our flight—woke up my friend, rushed through packing, ran all the way to the Marta train station, took a 20 minute ride to the airport, caught a transfer train to our stop, printed our boarding tickets, breezed through security and ran to my gate. I made it with less than 5 minutes before the flight left. Living life dangerously tsk tsk.
It was an amazing weekend trip and can’t wait for more of these. Georgia, I will be back!
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