#I haven’t watched my closest ride-or-die friends die in front of me. die because of me
meat-loving-meat · 2 years
To be completely fair to John Gaius. The intense, searing hatred I personally hold for the richest on this planet is kind of unparalleled. They are the ones who hold my head under the water of poverty. They are the ones pouring gasoline on the fire of climate change (climate change that will affect only the least fortunate on this planet, not them). They are the ones who wake up every day and choose to make these problems worse. They could so easily save us and they never, ever will.
If the world-saving project I had devoted my entire being to had its funding pulled in favor of something else, something that will not work and transparently exists as an escape hatch for the mega rich, I don’t think there is a word for the kind of rage I would feel.
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You Are In Love (M.YG)
Warnings : mentions of cheating
Word Count : 2149
Synopsis : while laying in bed, she realizes she’s in love with min yoongi
When my eyes opened, I was met with my boyfriend’s sleeping face, and a smile spread across mine. His arm was lazily draped across my body, unlike the tight hold he had on me when we had fallen asleep the previous night. Watching him sleep peacefully like this, I couldn’t help but think about how lucky I am to call him mine. “What are you looking at?” He grumbled in his morning voice, his eyes slowly opening to meet mine.
           “The most handsome man in the world.” I whispered, leaning up to kiss his nose. He scrunched his face before pouting, saying I missed the obvious target and pulling me in for a sweet kiss. When we pulled away and I met his eyes again, his hand moving to brush some hair out of my face, I was hit with the sudden realization that I was in love with him. I knew I was falling; I’d been falling for him since we started dating. But being with him like this feels so domestic, and I want to wake up to his face every day for the rest of my life.
           “Coffee for the pretty lady.” Yoongi smiled as he sat across from me, placing both our drinks on the table between us. I thanked him and reiterated that he didn’t have to pay for me. “Let me be a gentleman.” He pouted and I giggled, completely giving into him.
           I was so nervous, playing with my hands in my lap as we talked and got to know each other better. But as the date went on, I found myself laughing more and becoming more comfortable with him. After we finished our coffees, we decided to take a walk around and enjoy the nice weather. At one point, he had slipped his hand into mine, smiling down at me when I looked over to him. “I like holding hands.” He said simply, his gummy smile on full display.
           “Me too.” I tightened my grip on his hand, and we continued walking around like that, telling each other stories of our lives, and just enjoying each other’s company.
           I met Yoongi through a mutual friend, Jung Hoseok, and there was a connection almost immediately. He was a bit distant at first, and I later found out through Hoseok, and then Yoongi, that it was because he found me pretty and got nervous around me. It took him almost three months to ask me on our first date, and then another month to make us official.
           “For you.” He said with a nervous smile as he handed me the plush he had won at the game at the fair. A blush rose to my cheeks and I accepted it, thanking him. “Those games are rigged, but I really wanted to win you something.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as we slowly walked by all the concessions.
           “You’re cute.” I told him, causing him to stop walking. I stopped a couple steps ahead of him, and turned to face him, a look of confusion on my face. He just stared at me in silence, a small smile dancing across his lips that slowly grew into his wide, gummy smile that I adored.
           “You think so?” He chuckled, taking the two steps towards me, and slipping his hand into mine as we continued walking.
           “I know so.” I countered as I started swinging our arms back and forth, looking around at all the lights that seemed to brighten the darkening day. We made our way to the ferris wheel, completing our fair date night with a cliché. I looked out at all the lights, and watched as couples wandered around hand in hand, much like Yoongi and I.
           “Can I kiss you?” His question caught me off guard, and I looked at him with widened eyes, before giggling at his question.
           “You’ve kissed me before; you don’t need to ask.” I told him, and he wasted no time; cupping my face and crashing his lips to mine as if he would die otherwise.
           “Just let me be a gentleman.” He said softly after he pulled away, his hands still cupping my face as he rested his forehead against mine. The ride quickly came to an end, and we decided to call it a night.
           We held hands as he drove me home, his thumb running over my knuckles subconsciously. The ride was silent save for the soft music playing from the radio, but the silence was comfortable. When we made it to my apartment, he walked me to the door like he always does, but he seemed really nervous this time. I thanked him for a fun night and gave him a quick kiss goodnight. “Y/N.” He called before I could open the door, and I turned to face him. “Be my girlfriend.” He spit out quickly and my eyes widened. “I mean, uh, would you want to be my girlfriend?” He started kicking his feet and rubbing the back of his neck, and I couldn’t help but smile.
           “I’d love to, Yoongs.” I walked towards him, lazily wrapping my arms around his neck, and bringing him in for a sweet kiss.
           “I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch with Hoseok?” He asked and I nodded, asking him if he could pick me up. “It would be my pleasure.” He kissed me one more time before heading home.
           Hoseok wasn’t surprised when we told him we were dating, having to deal with our pining for months. He would act as if he hated being the third wheel but was actually really happy we both were happy. He’s taken so many photos of us it’s almost like he’s our own personal photographer.
           “God you two are disgustingly cute.” Hoseok rolled his eyes as he walked into Yoongi’s kitchen, Yoongi behind me with his arms wrapped around me as we cooked together. Neither one of us moved from our position, and Hoseok snapped a couple pictures. He definitely wasn’t complaining when he dug into the food and ate most of it, going on about how delicious it was.
           “It was made with love.” Yoongi smiled, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.
           “Wow I cannot wait until you two are out of the honeymoon phase.” He quipped, but I could see the small smile on his face as he watched his two best friends fall in love.
           Before meeting Yoongi, I believed I wasn’t meant to find love. Everyone I liked and dated seemed to treat me like shit; toss me aside for something better. I was scared Yoongi would do it as well, but he’s proven over and over again that he’s in this for the long run. And as I lay here in bed, staring into his eyes, realizing that he’s the love of my life, I can picture him at the end of the aisle, smiling as I walk towards him.
           “Y/N! What a small world.” Mark exclaimed, pulling me in for an awkward hug. “This is Jennie, my fiancée.” I looked down at her ring finger, seeing a beautiful diamond ring adorning it. “This is Y/N, my ex. She’s chill people though.” He said to Jennie. I smiled at her, extending my hand for her to shake. She did so with little hesitation. Yoongi slid his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him as he looked at the couple in front of us.
           “This is Yoongi, my boyfriend.” I told Mark, smiling up at Yoongi who was already looking at me with a smile. “This is Mark.” The two of them shook hands, and the four of us stood around for a couple of minutes before I excused us so we could go greet the man of the hour. “I forgot he and Jackson were friends.” I told Yoongi, trying to calm my pounding heart.
           “Are you okay? You don’t look so good.” Yoongi immediately led me to the closest chair, sitting me down and kneeling in front of me. He placed his hand on my forehead, checking my temperature while looking at me with concern in his eyes. I grabbed his hand from my forehead, holding it in my hand as I told him I was okay.
           “Mark’s the guy I told you about. The one who doesn’t do marriage. The one who was cheating on me; with Jennie.” He cupped my face with his hands, wiping away the tears I didn’t know fell.
           “Well honestly, that’s his loss. You are the most beautiful, kind-hearted person I’ve ever met. And because he was an idiot, I get to show you what true love looks like.” He ended his small speech with a small kiss. “Now, what do you say we go wish Jackson a happy birthday and then sneak away and go see that movie you wanted to see?” I smiled and nodded, taking his hand as we both stood up and made our way to Jackson.
           Yoongi was right. We just celebrated our 6 months last night, and I’ve felt more loved during these last 6 months than I did the 2 years I was with Mark. Yoongi always reminds me how much he cares about me, how beautiful he finds me. Not a day goes by without him reminding me. I was so sure I was going to marry Mark, but in this moment, I know that was just a silly dream, a wish. But marrying Yoongi, I can picture it. I want to spend the rest of my life showing Yoongi all the love he’s shown me, and then some.
           Come outside. His text read, and I didn’t even think twice about throwing on some clothes and meeting him outside. The sun had long set, and the stars littered the sky. There was only a small breeze ruining an otherwise perfect night.
           Yoongi was standing beside his car when I got outside, a wide smile spreading across his face when he saw me. I practically jumped into his arms, giving him a quick kiss. “You make it seem like you haven’t seen me in ages.” He joked; his arms still wrapped around me.
           “I haven’t seen you in 2 days. That is forever!” I jokingly exclaimed, throwing my head back to further make my point. A chuckle escaped his lips, and I absolutely loved the sound. I have since the first time I heard it. I could listen to it on repeat all day and not get bored.
           “You know what, you’re absolutely right. 2 days is far too long without you, angel.” He leaned in for another kiss, one I happily returned. “Shall we go?” He asked, pointing to his car, and I nodded, even though I had no idea what he had planned. I trusted him.
           He had driven us to an open field and laid a blanket down. “I wanted to star gaze with you.” He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
           “You really are too cute, Min Yoongi.” We laid beside each other, and I listened as he pointed out different constellations to me. He would tell me the stories about them, and I would hang onto every word.
           “And that one right there, that’s Y/N Y/L/N.” My eyes widened as I looked at him, sitting up quickly. He sat up too, pulling a folded paper out of his pocket, unfolding it, and showing it to me. “As of today, there is a star named after you. Because you are my star.”
           “You really just went and named a star after me.” I said, tears welling up in my eyes. “Just take my whole heart, Min Yoongi. I don’t even want it back.” He chuckled, wiping away the tears that fell.
           “If I could buy you the entire world, I would.” He told me. And I know he would.
           “You are my world, Yoongs.” I admitted to him. And that’s when he pulled me in for the most passionate kiss I’ve ever felt. And it didn’t end there. It ended later that night, in my bed, soft moans in the air as we slept together for the first time.
           As I laid beside him, recounting all my memories with him, I realized I’d been in love with him the entire time. For me, there wasn’t going to be anyone else. Min Yoongi was it for me. “What are you thinking so hard about, love?” He said softly, a small smile on his face.
           “How absolutely, irrevocably in love I am with you, Min Yoongi.” I admitted and watched as his small smile grew. “I’ve always been in love with you.” I continued.
           “I am so in love with you, Y/N Y/L/N.” He chuckled. “And I’m going to show you that every day for as long as you’ll have me.”
           “I was thinking forever.”
           “Forever sounds good.” Forever sounds perfect.
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Love Is Not Forced ~ War
The following is a one shot for my series, Love Is Not Forced.
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King!Steve Rogers x Queen!Stark!Reader
Word Count: 6,325ish
Summary: a war threatens the kingdoms
Warnings: talks about sex, war, character death
“And den uncle Bucky showed me the horses!” Tallen exclaimed as the small royal family sat down for dinner.
King Steven had been extremely busy with the kingdom all day and had unfortunately be unable to spend time with his wife and kids. So he was greatly enjoying his son’s story about how Bucky had taken him around the castle grounds.
“Oh really?” Steven chuckled. 
“Yeah!” Tallen continued. “And he even said that I could wide one one day!”
“That is true. Maybe in a few days, I can take you riding?”
Tallen gasped. “Did you hear that momma?! Daddy said he’d take me widing!”
“I did,” Y/N responded, sending a look to her husband. “As long as your father doesn’t go too fast and is very safe.”
“I would never be nothing but safe with my son. And that will give Madeline some time to spend her her mother.” Steven turned and smiled at his daughter. “Would you like that?”
“Ya!” Madeline said, clamping.
Suddenly, Bucky and Sam burst into the dining room. Everyone’s heads snapped to face them.
“Apologies, Your Majesties,” Sam said. “But, My King, there is a pressing matter.”
“Can it not wait?” Steven wondered. “I’m in the mid—“
“I’m afraid it cannot,” Bucky pressed.
Y/N and Steven shared a look. This was concerning to both of them, but Y/N knew that she must stay with the children while Steven is informed of the issue. Steven stood up. He ruffled Tallen’s hair and kissed Madeline’s head before going to his wife.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly. He kissed her forehead. “A King never sleeps.”
Y/N watched as the men left. She couldn’t let her mind stay on the matter for too long because she needed to distract the kids.
“Alright, children,” she turned back to them with a fake smile, “who wants dessert?”
Y/N had put the children to bed and was getting ready for be herself when her husband sulked into the room. She turned in the chair she was sitting in to face him. He was upset. There had been very few times since she’d known Steven that she’d seen him like this.
“Steven,” she called as he came to her, “what’s wrong?”
“There’s been an attack,” he sighed.
“What?” She stood up, her childhood suddenly replaying in her mind. An attack was never good. “Where?”
“Everywhere. One village from each kingdom has been attacked.”
“Is everyone okay? Which villages was it?”
“Y/N… it was Scott and Hope’s village.”
“No,” Y/N gasped. “Are they alright? Please tell me—“
“Them and Cassie were some of the few survivors. Each of the villages that were attacked were left with few survivors.”
“Just like my own village… How is this even possible?”
“There’s this new group. They call themselves the Children of Thanos.”
“How long have you known about them?” He looked away from her. “How long Steven?”
“About a year.”
“A year? Have they been attacking the kingdoms for that long?”
“Yes… but never like this.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want it to bring up unwanted memories. They were attacking villages like how yours was attacked.”
“I still deserved to know, as Queen.”
“I know. I should have told you.”
“What are you going to do?”
“The kingdoms are meeting together in Alexandria. We are preparing for war.”
“Oh gosh,” Y/N gasped, turning away. “That means… you all… you all have to go to war. Bucky, Sam, Thor, T’Challa… my brother Peter and my father… you… you have to go to war…”
Steven quickly turned Y/N around and held her head in his large hands. “I promise that I will come back to you and the children.”
Y/N was trying, and failing, not to get emotional. “You can’t promise that.”
“But I can. Y/N, my darling, have I ever not fought for you?”
“No… but this is different Steven. This is war… People die in war. Many people. And if you die… If you die—“
“If I die, you will rule Brooklyn until Tallen is of age. You will be the strong woman I know you are, for the kingdom. For our children.”
“I can’t.” Y/N shook her head, tears falling down her cheeks. “I can’t do it. Not without you.”
“Oh, my darling… you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.”
“Please don’t do this… please don’t leave…”
“Y/N… you know I have no choice.”
She leaned up and kissed him, hard and desperate. “Then stay with me tonight. Don’t leave… not until morning.”
“I won’t. I promise.” He began kissing the tears off her cheeks. “I love you and I’m going to spend all night showing you just how much.”
The Queen woke up to an empty bed, which made her want to start sobbing. When she turned to face her husband’s side, she noticed a note. She carefully picked it up and unfolded it.
My darling Queen, 
I am so terribly sorry that I have failed this kingdom so much that war has come. All I have ever wanted was to protect it and its people. And once you and the children were involved, our family. I am also so sorry that I was such a coward as to not do this in person. If I would have seen you this morning, I probably wouldn’t have gone. And I need to. I need to fight to make all the kingdoms safe, to make our kingdom safe. I promise to come back to you and the children. No matter what.
I have already told Wanda and Natasha to let you rest and for them to focus on the children as much as you need. I know you and I know me. We do not do well without each other. I know though that you will pick yourself back up and be the woman, the Queen, I know you are.
You are my life, my darling. You are the reason I am fighting this war. I love you.
Forever yours, Steven
Tears streamed down Y/N’s face as she read. This was one of her worst nightmares. All her friends, her family—her husband, were being forced to go to war. A war in which many of them may never return. She covered her mouth as a sob racked through her body. There was a possibly she may never talk to her brother or father again. That Steven my never hold her. That made her heart ache. Y/N didn’t know if she could live with any of them gone. Especially her husband.
The Queen gave herself the day to stay in bed and be upset about it. But no more. Steven had given her the okay to do that as long as she’d like, though she knew she couldn’t. She had children and a kingdom that needed her.
The next morning, she made sure that her children were able to sleep in so that she could focus on the kingdom for a bit. Y/N ate lunch on the beach with her children. Wanda and Natasha had explained the situation the best that they could to them, but they were too young to fully understand why their father had left.
After lunch, Y/N went back to running the kingdom. She was very thankful that Brooklyn had always been so supportive and loving towards her. It made it easier to rule without Steven by her side, though she knew that he was still King and that he was still alive.
At night, she dined with her children in the dining hall. Her husband’s empty chair taunting her as she tried to keep her children’s mind off their father’s absence. Y/N insisted on tucking them in that night as well. Making sure they both were snug in their beds with a kiss left on their foreheads.
Everyday, Y/N kept this same routine. For her and her children’s sakes. All the staff tried their bests to kept an eye on their Queen, so that their King could be comforted. But there was no comforting either of them while they were separated. Wanda and Natasha could hear Y/N’s cries at night and see her tired eyes in the morning. She wasn’t sleeping, at least very well. That was obvious. It hurt all the castle staff to see their Queen in such a state. They could only imagine how their King was holding up.
“Six weeks of war is too long,” Thor sighed. “We must put an end to this.”
“What do you think we’ve been trying to do?” King Anthony retorted.
“Their armies grow in number everyday,” T’Challa said. “And we are still unable to figure out how.”
“Our spies are still in the midst of working,” Captain Barnes stated. “We must give them time.”
“We’re running out of time,” Prince Peter said. 
“I think that we should let this be for the night,” King Anthony said. “We can look at it again in the morning.” He glanced around. “Where is King Steven?”
“He is in his tent,” Captain Barnes answered. 
“Let me guess, missing my daughter?”
“You know as well as I that they do not do well apart.” The men headed out of the large meeting tent together.
“Has he sent a letter to her and the children yet?”
“No. He’s started hundreds of letters, but he’s never found them good enough.”
“Y/N cannot be taking that well.”
“No need to worry, Sam and I have been sending letters with updates.”
“I’m sure that’s not enough for her. Y/N doesn’t like being kept in the dark, especially by those closest to her. Do you know if she’s written back to Steven?”
“A few letters. They’re very short. We believe that some of them have been intercepted so we don’t know what to believe.”
“Well,” the men came to a stop in front of the King of Brooklyn’s tent, “I guess I better go in and see if I can be of any help.”
“Good luck, Your Majesty. You’re going to need it.”
King Anthony nodded before heading into the tent. He found his son-in-law sitting at his desk. Steven’s hair was disheveled and there were crumbled up papers all around the tent. He was grunting at he quickly wrote. Steven let out a frustrated growled before crumbling up the paper he was working on and throwing it towards King Anthony without looking.
“Woah!” King Anthony exclaimed as he dodged the paper. “Watch were you’re throwing those things.”
“I’m so sorry, Tony,” Steven sighed. “I just… I haven’t been able to—“
“All she wants to know is if you’re alive. Nothing else. You’re over thinking it.”
“I just… I’m so worried. What if one of these letters are my last words to her? And they’re terrible and they don’t fully express my undying love for her?”
“Wow. I’m trying to be okay with this but it’s just cringe worthy. You really love my daughter, for that I will always be grateful for. But what if you die and the last thing she has from you is that letter you left on the bed in your place? Do you want that?”
“No… of course I don’t. I just… I love her so much. And I love my children so much. I don’t want the last time they see may words be their last memory of me.”
King Anthony came up and put a hand on Steven’s shoulder. “Then we won’t let it. We’re going to win this war and both go home.”
The war continued on for six more weeks. Steven finally got the courage to send a letter to his Queen. It was very brief and very loving. Y/N cried upon receiving it. She had continued to rule her kingdom and mother her children with so much bravery and strength. No one could truly see the inner turmoil that was occurring due to the King being away. But Natasha and Wanda knew the truth. They chose to respect the Queen by not bringing it up, but they made sure that she knew they were there for her.
The kingdom of Brooklyn had heard that the war had been one, finally. Only by a knight, who had been commanded by all the kingdoms to not inform the Queen of any other information. This made her furious. It was clear that they were hiding something, which only could mean that someone had died. Y/N was failing to hide her extreme worry. She was pacing in the King’s study, while Lady Natasha tried to convince her not to do something drastic.
“My Queen,” a guard entered with a bow, “a group of our men have been seen heading towards the castle.”
Y/N paused her pacing. “Are you sure they’re ours?”
“Positive, Your Majesty.” 
“I need the doctors ready then, to check over everyone with injuries. No big crowds, I don’t want to pressure the soldiers. We’ll throw a celebration once everyone has been looked over and seen their families.”
“Of course.” 
“And I want my children taken care of. They don’t need to see what war looks like.”
“Anything for you, My Queen.”
“Do you… do you know if the King is with them?”
“Unfortunately, I do not. I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I will go and inform everyone of your requirements.”
“Thank you.”
The guard bowed before taking his leave. Y/N began pacing again. That’s when Wanda entered the room.
“Would you like me to help you change, Your Majesty?” She asked.
“No,” Y/N shook her head as she couldn’t along her path. “How close are they?”
“I would head out to meet them soon.”
“What if… what if he’s dead and no one’s telling me yet?”
“I’m sure the King is fine.”
“And if he isn’t?”
“Then you will take it one day at a time. Like you have learned to do.”
“Okay,” Y/N breathed out. “Let’s go. I do not want my soldiers to come home without their Queen there to welcome them.”
Wanda escorted her Queen down to the main entrance of the castle. The doctors that were ordered were already there, with very few servants and guards joining them. Lady Natasha joined them shortly after. Y/N was hardly breathing by the time the first soldiers came through the gate. They looked tired and beat up, but they would survive. More and more soldiers came through, getting off the horses to be taken care of.
“Where is he?” Y/N whispered, trying to stay strong. “He should have been in front… a King always leads his people home.”
“Y/N,” Wanda said softly, feeling bad for her Queen.
“Something’s wrong.”
After a few more rows of soldiers, Captain Barnes and Lord Wilson appeared on their horses. Natasha gasped, relieved to see her husband alive. Bucky couldn’t jump down from his horse fast enough. He almost fell flat on his face s he hurried to his wife. They embraced, tears strolling down their checks, before they kissed. So longingly, so lovingly. Y/N’s eyes filled with tears.
“My Queen,” Sam greeted as he came before her and bowed.
“Sam,” Y/N rasped, barely being able to speak. “I’m glad to see you in one piece.” She paused, swallowing harshly. “Is… Just tell me… Where is Steven?”
It broke Sam’s heart to hear the Queen so weak. Though she wasn’t asking as a Queen, she was asking as a wife. A wife and a mother.
“The last battle was the toughest one of them all,” Sam began to explain. He glanced at Bucky, who walked over with Natasha glued to his side. “We gave everything we had.”
“Please don’t tell me that he…” Y/N couldn’t stop the tears. She didn’t care to anymore.
“He got injured badly. We found him after the war was won.”
“Sam,” she growled. “Stop stalling. Where is my husband?”
“He’s in Wakanda,” Bucky told her. “It was closer than bringing him here.”
“So, he’s—“
“Steven is still alive, barely. We came back to take over the kingdom while you went to him.”
Y/N rushed away, heading for Bucky’s horse. “Take care of my children.”
“Y/N, wait. You need to—“
“I need to see my husband. T’Challa will take care of everything for me.” Even in her large dress, she swung easily onto the horse. “I’ll send for my children when the time comes.”
“You cannot go alone.”
“I’d like to see you try and stop me.” She clicked and hit her heels against the horse. She and the horse were gone in a blink of an eye.
“You two!” Bucky yelled at two guards on horses. “Follow after the Queen. Don’t stop her but make sure she’s save.”
The guards nodded and were off. Bucky sighed before looking at Sam. Wanda and Natasha could both tell there was something else that had happened.
“Buck,” Natasha said softly. “What happened? What aren’t you saying?”
“We lost a King, Nat,” he whispered. Both him and Sam looking down at their feet. 
“What?” Both women gasped.
“Steven is only alive because of that King’s sacrifice.”
“Who was is?” Wanda asked.
“She’s going to be devastated…” Sam added. “Especially if Steven doesn’t make it.”
“No.” Wanda shook her head. “Please don’t tell me it was—“
“King Anthony,” Bucky interrupted. “He sacrificed his life so that Steven could come home to Y/N and the children.”
The ride was tiresome but Y/N didn’t stop until she reached Wakanda’s palace. T’Challa was already out front when she arrived, his boarder guards having warned him. Y/N jumped of the horse before it had even come to a full stop. Her friend was saddened at the state of her appearance, dirty and desperate. 
“Where is he?” Y/N asked, running up to T’Challa. “Where’s Steven?”
“Y/N, please, come inside and get cleaned up,” T’Challa kindly requested. He was worried for his friend. The kingdoms had made an agreement not to tell Y/N what had happened to her father until after Steven had gotten better. If he’d get better. “Get something to eat and rest. I’m sure your ride wasn’t easy.” He reached out to try and guide Y/N inside but she jerked away.
“No. I want to see my husband.”
“I will gladly take you to him, once you have rested.”
“Do you think I’ve gotten any rest since he left for the war?! I cannot rest without him and I will not do anything until I see him.” She gasped for breath, like she could break down into sobs any second. “T’Challa, please… at least… tell me he’s still alive.”
“Steven is still alive. He’s hanging in there.”
“I need to see him.” Her voice was that of a broken woman. Pleading for the thing to keep her life going. “Please, T’Challa.”
“I can take you to the room, but you cannot go inside. Only those taking care of him can go. But if I do this, then you will go get rested and cleaned up after seeing him. I will not let you lose yourself in the midst of all this. Can you do that for me?”
“Yes.” She nodded. “I just need to see him.”
T’Challa stared at her for a silent, brief moment. “Okay.” He linked his arm through hers. “Let’s go.”
With each step, Y/N began to tremble more. T’Challa took notice and gradually took more and more of Y/N’s weight against him. By the time they reached the window, he was practically holding Y/N up. As they came closer to the window, Y/N inhaled sharply. There Steven lay, nurses and doctors working around him. He was practically naked besides the bandages covering some of the worse injuries. His face was marked up with cuts and his beard had been shaven off. In all her years of knowing her husband, Y/N had never seen Steven without some facial hair. It was strange, and a little heartbreaking to her.
“Steven,” Y/N cried quietly. She pressed a hand on the glass, craving to touch him. “Oh, Steven…”
“I have my best people working on him,” T’Challa informed her, tone soft and caring. “They will do everything they can.”
“I can’t—“ She stopped as a sob threatened to bubble up her throat. “I can’t lose him, T’Challa. I can’t…”
T’Challa pulled her into his chest, cradling her head as he held her close. “You won’t… you won’t…”
The King of Wakanda’s heart was breaking for his friend. She was telling him that she couldn’t handle losing him, while she had no idea that she had lost the other most important man in her life. He wanted to tell her, she deserved to know. But what if he told her and then Steven didn’t recover? What would become of the Queen? What would become of Brooklyn?
“Now, you’ve seen him. It’s time you rest,” T’Challa said, beginning to led Y/N away. “I will show you to your room.”
All the Queen could do was nod. She was tired and worried that she’d just break down right there if she opened her mouth. So she let T’Challa help her to a room and she let his people help her get cleaned up and tucked it. But Y/N didn’t sleep. She couldn’t. Not with her husband’s life hanging in the balance.
It had been two days since Y/N had arrived in Wakanda. In that time she had only since her husband through the window twice, not including that first initial time. She spent the rest of the time either in her room or wandering the palace. Y/N was currently wandering the ballroom, the Queen Mother and the King of Wakanda watching her from a balcony above.
“You cannot wait to tell her any longer,” the Queen Mother whispered. “She needs to know about her Father. Queen Virginia needs her daughter with her as she plans the funeral.”
“The kingdoms agreed not to tell her until after Steven was well,” T’Challa responded. “And I will stick to the plan as long as I can.”
“And if Steven doesn’t survive? Will you be the one to tell her that the two most important men in her life are gone?”
“I will do what has to be done as a friend and king.”
“Have you heard anything about her children?”
“Captain Barnes and Lord Wilson each send a letter every day. To both me and the Queen. They are waiting for the letter that will allow them to bring the children here. They are confused and missing their parents.”
“Have you suggested that they bring the children to Alexandria? It may help Virginia and Peter with their grief.”
“I have not. I will in the next response to them.”
“My King!” A guard rushed up to T’Challa and the Queen Mother. It was loud enough for Y/N to take notice. “Steven is awake and he is asking for his wife.”
Before T’Challa could say anything to Y/N, she was running out of the ballroom towards Steven’s room. Tears were trailing down her checks before she even arrived. She stalled in the doorway, taking note of how her husband was sitting up. His eyes were closed and bandages were still littering his body. A blanket was rested on him, up to his chest. He looked so peaceful. Y/N choked on a sob, hand coming to cover her mouth. Steven’s eyes fluttered open after hearing the choked sob.
“My darling,” he rasped, a small smile forming. Y/N stood, sobbing in the doorway, unable to move. “Come here.” He motioned with his hand outstretched. She couldn’t get herself to move. “Darling, I would come over if I could… Please, I need to touch you.”
Steven could clearly see how shaky Y/N was as she tried not to stumble over. It was breaking his heart how tired and worn out she looked, especially because it was all his fault. Though she was still the most beautiful person in the world. Steven winced as Y/N collapsed onto his chest, crying into his neck. He was quick to wrap his arms around her. Three months was far too long to be apart from his wife. He vowed to himself right then that he would never let it happen again.
“Sssshhhh, my darling,” he cooed. “I’m here now. It’s all going to be okay.”
Then Steven suddenly remembered that it wouldn’t. Y/N’s father had still died to save him. Princess Shuri was in his room when he woke. He had asked for his wife and how she was doing immediately. Shuri was honest and told him what the kingdoms had decided on waiting to tell Y/N about King Anthony until Steven was better. 
“I thought—“ Y/N cut herself off through her tears. “I thought the worst had happened.”
“I know… I’m so sorry about that,” he comforted.
Y/N pushed herself away slightly, so that she could look at him. “I was so worried.”
Steven’s large hand came up and cupped her face, his thumb rubbing across the large, purple bags under her eyes. “I can tell. And you’re still the most beautiful woman in the world.” He guided her in for a tender kiss. “I’m so sorry that I worried you.” He gave her another kiss. “Where are the kids?”
“Back home. I’m sure T’Challa is sending word for them to be brought.” She reached up and brushed some fallen hair out of his face. “I just missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.” Y/N met his eyes and he was staring intently at her. There was something in his eyes, an immense sadness. Something he wasn’t telling her. “What is it?” He looked away, clearly gathering himself. “Steven.” Y/N guided his head to face her. “Tell me.”
Steven sighed as he held Y/N closer to him. “I need to tell you something.”
“You’re scaring me.”
“I was fighting off the group leader, Thanos. I had already gotten injured trying to get to him. But he injured me more… I…” Steven paused to swallow. “He knocked my sword from me and was about to stab my heart when someone jumped in front of me…”
Y/N sat up straighter. “Who jumped in front of you?”
“Y/N, my darling… I’m so sorry… He did it before I could stop him. He—“
“Who jumped in front of you?” She asked again, almost growling as tears quickly filled her eyes. 
“Your Father.”
“No!” Y/N gasped, shaking her head. “No!"
“I’m so sorry.”
“You’re lying! He can’t be dead! This is some cruel joke!”
“I wish it were, my darling… as he laid dying he told me how much he loved you and how proud he is of you.”
“Stop it…”
“And he told me that all he ever wanted was for me to go home to you and the children. He made that possible.” Steven cupped Y/N’s face. “Your Father saved me so that I could come home to you.”
“N-n-n-ooo… Father…” 
Steven pulled his wife into his chest, trying to consul her. There wasn’t enough words to explain how awful he felt. He was the reason that his wife’s father wouldn’t be coming home. And he was the one who had to tell her. Now, when his children arrived, Steven would have to explain why they wouldn’t be able to see their grandfather again.
Y/N fell asleep on top of her husband, exhausted from crying so much. Reluctantly, Steven allowed the nurses to move his wife onto a bed beside him so that they could check his injuries. He held onto Y/N’s hand through it all, not wanting to separate from her after so long apart.
When Y/N woke, it was clear that she wasn’t okay. She was staring blankly and not answering when spoken to. Steven tried and tried, only to get a blank stare. Like she was seeing right through him. Bucky and Nat brought Tallen and Madeline the next day. Steven and the kids had a joyous reunion until Tallen asked about where Y/N was and Steven had to try and explain what happened, in the gentlest of terms. Tallen was confused and Madeline didn’t understand at all, just crying out for her mother. 
Y/N had been moved to a different room for the sake of her children. T’Challa was with her, trying to get her to respond. But to no avail. Queen Virginia had sent word about when the funeral was and it was decided that it was time to head to Alexandria. T’Challa, the Queen Mother (Ramonda), and Shuri road in a carriage with the children while Steven road with Y/N in a separate one. He held her close the whole time as he tried to think of ways to help his wife.
Queen Virginia and Prince Peter were awaiting the carriages when they arrived. Surprisingly, Y/N was the first one out. She gave her family quick hugs before disappearing. Steven rushed after her.
“Y/N!” He called chasing after her. She picked up her pace. “My darling, please!”
Y/N made a sharp turn into a hallway and headed to a guarded doorway. Giving them a look, the guards understood what to do. The blocked the doorway after Y/N rushed up the stairs.
“Y/N!” Steven tried again. “Let me through,” he demanded the guards. 
“I’m sorry,” one of the guards said. “We are under strict orders not to let anyone but the Princ—the Queen of Brooklyn up into her tower.”
“I am her husband and the King of Brooklyn, I have the right to go up there.”
“Steven,” Pepper called. “They won’t let up. Tony trained them well.” She sighed as Steven turned around to face her. “T’Challa warned me about how she was doing. I figured she would rush to her tower. Tony was the only member of the family always allowed up there. Now that he’s gone… I’m sorry Steven.”
“I just want to help her… we’ve been apart for too long and it’s… it’s my fault that Tony is dead.”
“Do not say that.” Pepper stepped closer to him. “Tony knew what he was doing. He knew that you coming home was more important than him coming home… Tony knew something was going to happen before he even left. I knew he was saying goodbye forever as he got ready to leave. So it wasn’t your fault, Steven. Don’t tarnish his act of bravery with your guilt.”
“I’m sorry Pepper.”
She gave her son-in-law a forced smile. “It’s okay… I’m going to go take care of my grandchildren, so that you can try to get to Y/N.”
“Thank you.”
Y/N stood frozen at the top of the stairs, looking around her tower full of memories. She was trying to gain strength to move in further. But it was so hard. After a few excruciating minutes, she finally took a shaking step into the tower. It wasn’t as dusty as Y/N thought it would be. Clearly, someone had been charged with cleaning it. She slowly walked around the room, running her fingers along the furniture. As she rounded to the desk, she noticed a letter. It was addressed to ‘My Princess’. Trembling, Y/N picked up the letter and sat on her bed. Tears formed as she opened it.
My Princess,
I know that you are now a Queen, which makes me extremely proud, but you will always be My Princess. I am writing this from the battlefield of war. And if everything goes how I think it will, then Captain Rhodes will deliver this to your tower where I know you will be after returning to Alexandria.
I am so sorry. For everything. For allowing Hydra to burn your village, for keeping secrets from you and plotting your future without you. And I am so sorry for how I died. It was probably stupid and heroic, and it was probably for you. Which is perfectly fine because I am so proud of you and you deserve all the happiness in the world.
I know I shouldn’t be smug about you and Steven having got together. Especially since how you got together was clearly on your terms and no one else’s. But I was right. You and him are a wonderful match. And your children are absolutely beautiful. I only wish that I could see them grow up. I know that will be one of my only regrets, leaving them. Leaving all my family behind. But if it meant Steven coming home to you, then my sacrifice will always be worth it.
I love you and am so proud of you, My Princess. You are a wonderful daughter, wife, mother, and Queen. Saving you and Peter and making you two my own will forever be the greatest thing I have ever done. (Besides marrying your Mother of course.)
Thank you for making me a Father.
Love, your Father, Tony
Y/N was crying all through the letter. How could her Father have known that he was going to die and not tell her? She would have rushed to say goodbye, to give him one last hug. And her children would grow up with no memories of their grandfather. How was she suppose to handle it all?
Steven waited at the door leading to her tower. The guards being ever faithful at their post. Queen Virginia had servants bring a small table and chair for the King. But he couldn’t sit, he kept pacing at the door, occasionally pausing to see if he could hear any moment from the tower. Dinner was brought for the couple as the guards got changed.
“Y/N, sweetheart,” Steven called from the bottom of the stairs. “Dinner’s here. Can I please come bring it up to you?” No answer. He sighed. “It will be down here when you’re ready.” 
As he turned to place the tray of food on the small table, Steven heard movement from the top of the tower. He paused, just in case he was hearing things.
“Steven,” her soft voice sounded. He perked up and went back to the doorway. “You can come up.”
He didn’t waste a second. Taking the tray of food with him, Steven hurried up the stairs. Even after all these years, he had still never been invited up to Y/N’s tower. It was always her space and he understood the need to have something for yourself. When he arrived at the top of the stairs, he found Y/N sitting at her desk.
“Hello,” she greeted solemnly.
“Hello, my darling,” he replied. He walked over to the bed and sat, placing the tray beside him. “What can I do for you?”
Y/N smiled slightly with a soft scoff. “You just barely heal up from war and you’re asking what you can do for me.” She reached out and took one of his hands. “You’re too good to me.”
“It’s the least I can do… you’re too good to me.”
“I’m sorry for shutting you out. I just—“
“My darling, there is no need to explain. I completely understand. I was the same way when I lost my parents.”
“That’s the thing. I did lose my parents. I felt the grief and loss of them. He was just… he was just my real Father and it hurt so much to find out he was gone.”
“I didn’t even think of that. I can’t even imagine losing two sets of parents.”
“Father left me this.” Y/N’s free hand was laying on top of a letter on the desk. “He knew he wasn’t going to survive the war… I think… I think what hurts the most was that he got to do a goodbye, prepare himself… but I didn’t get to.”
“Tomorrow, at the funeral, that’s your chance to say goodbye. I know it’s not the same, but it’s something.” He pulled his wife into his lap. “You’re going to get through this. You’ve gone through so much and you only come out stronger, which never seises to amaze me. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
Steven gave her a soft kiss. Y/N hungrily responded, wanting to me close to him, wanting to feel him. He chuckled as he pushed her away slightly and her lips chased after his.
“You need to eat,” he said. “We’ll eat together and then we can have our reunion.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to eat,” she responded softly. “I just missed you so much and it’s been so long.”
“Patience, my darling. We will eat and then have our fun.”
The funeral went beautifully, with Queen Virginia, Queen Y/N, King Steven, and Prince Peter each speaking. All the kingdoms were in attendance, mourning the loss of the great leader. Steven and Y/N and their family went home the next day. Queen Virginia had asked them to take a wreath with them, and Y/N knew exactly what to do with it. 
Exiting the carriages upon arriving back in Brooklyn, Y/N and Steven took their children and the wreath and headed for the beach. With a tired child in each arm, they trudged through the sand all the way to the pier. At the end of the pier, Y/N leaned down with Madeline and pushed the wreath out into the water. Steven wrapped his free arm around his wife’s waist, pulling her and Madeline into him. They watched as the sea took the wreath out, thinking about the life they lost and the future ahead.
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sailor-manga · 4 years
“Mi Amour” Sero Hanta x !Fem reader. [400 follower raffle fic<3]
A/N: I’m sorry this one was so late, I was so determined to make it as good as possible since this was my first time writing Sero. This was for my second raffle winner @reinawritesbnha​ . Like I said, I apologize for it taking so long, I was really studying and trying to capture Sero the best I could. <3 
This fic is for the readers that are +18, if you are not, please go elsewhere. Thank you <3 
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, nsfw, cursing, smut, oral. 
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 The room was filled with loud chatter, it had been a while since you and Sero were able to hang out just the two of you. You obviously loved the BakuSquad, but Sero was definitely your ride or die. You two talked about everything and you were so comfortable with him, best friend material. You two sat off near the window of a local diner near his place, it was somewhere you two often escaped to share some fries and just talk. 
You two were sharing old stories of when you two attended UA High and it was always a fun time “Man, it’s crazy how much Bakugo grew up” you’d say popping a fry into your mouth, shaking your head some.
“Yeah, I mean.. He still wants to kill everyone, but matured for sure” Sero replied with a wide grin, causing you to let out a soft giggle. 
“That’s true, but grown nonetheless” you added before pulling the ketchup towards you and putting some down on the plate “So what are you going to do after this? I feel like we haven’t gotten a chance to just hang out one on one in so long, surely you can’t be tired yet” you’d say with a smile on your face.
Sero would check his watch and shrug “I don’t plan on sleeping just yet, would you wanna come back to my place? We can put on a movie and look at some old pictures.. Don’t make fun of me, but I made some scrapbooks” he said with a cheesy blush. 
“Why would I make fun of you? That sounds cool!” you chimed with a bright smile, causing him to rub the back of his neck sheepishly. 
The two of you seemed to eat a little quicker now, eager to go back to Sero’s place to relive some stupid high school memories. You kept those memories close to you too, Sero and the others were probably the closest bunch of people you had, even once you all had graduated, you still hung out almost everyday! 
The two of you walked back to his apartment and once you had arrived, you would kick off your shoes as he disappeared down the hallway. Shrugging to yourself, you would wander over to his couch before plopping down and crossing your legs, pulling out your phone to see if you had any notifications. 
All there was, was notifications that you had from the group chat you all were in with the BakuSquad. 
You were distracted though when Sero had returned with a large book. Plopping down next to you, he would smile brightly “Here it is!” he said, flipping open the first page, which showed a picture of you guys at your first year at UA.
“No way! I don’t even remember this being taken!” you’d chime with a chuckle, leaning forward to get a better look. 
Sero would lean close to you, and you two would sit and laugh a majority of the night, time had flown by so fast, by the time you checked your phone again, it was very late “Oh, shit” you’d mutter with a soft chuckle.
The male would lean forward to catch a glimpse of the time on your phone and groan “Shit, we did it again” he said with a chuckle before standing up and stretching “Do you have anything to do tomorrow? You can always crash here” he offered.
You would nod and stand as well “I would like that, thanks.. I’m going to run to the bathroom really quick and get washed up” you’d state before heading down his hallway.
As you did, you could see him going to his front closet of the home to start getting out extra pillows and blankets for you to crash on the couch. 
Making your way to his bathroom, you would pass his room along the way. You had been to Sero’s house plenty of times, and been in his room as well- But passing it this time was definitely different. A piece of lilac fabric had caught your eye immediately and you would take a few steps back to peer inside.
Your mouth would hang open quietly, it couldn’t be.. Could it? Looking back down the hall to see Sero still making a spot for you to sleep, you would push the door open more and slip inside, immediately walking to his bed and snatching the fabric that had caught your eye. 
Holding it up to your face your mouth would hang open in surprise and your face would turn a deep crimson, they were none other than your favorite pair of panties that you had assumed you lost some time ago. Why did he have them?! Why were they on his bed?.. Looking around some you would swallow hard and step towards his dresser, when you came over, things were usually more cleared off, so you’d never seen the multiple photos that he had of just you sitting atop the dark oak wood, or a little bottle of your chap-stick that you had thrown away because it was getting old.
It was like.. A shrine almost, things that you had ‘lost’ or thrown away. Swallowing hard you’d look back down at the silken fabric clutched in your hands. 
Most females would probably be.. Repulsed or heavily creeped out upon discovering something like this, but you and Sero were so close.. If anything you felt a little dumb for not realizing this infatuation that he had with you. 
You were lost in your own thought that the creaking of the males door didn’t ring in your head, but the gasp sure did. Spinning around, you would see Sero with a doe eyed stare, his hands raising up “Y-Y-Y/N! I.. This isn’t what it looks like at all” he said firmly.
Letting out a huff, you would hold up the panties in your hand “You know, you looked for these with me for like two hours a few months ago, but you took them” you said in a slightly irritated tone “What’s going on, Sero” you finally asked with a soft frown on your face.
The male would hang his head “I.. I know, but I couldn’t help it.. I can never help it around you..” he trailed off and finally glanced up “I.. love you, Y/N.. But we’re such good friends, and I.. I don’t know.. I figured this stuff.. Would suffice, because I don’t want to ruin anything” he said in a saddened tone. 
You felt your heart sink a little, you couldn’t deny that you always had a thing for Sero, but it was for the same reason you never pursued it either. Tilting your head some, you would glance back down at the panties “What.. do you do with these? They were on your bed” you’d ask quietly, a soft blush starting to paint your cheeks.
Sero rubbed the back of his neck “I.. um..” he trailed off.
“We’re best friends, you can tell me” you urged, stepping closer to him.
“I.. smell them, and rub them… “ he coughed “On myself, when I’m, you know..” he finished, trailing off, his own complexion turning a deep red color. 
You would return his blush and finally close the distance between you guys “Hanta, you should have told me” you’d say as you took his hands and placed the panties against his palm “Because you know, I would have.. Just given you a pair” you said with a light smile, trying to show the male that you weren’t angry in the slightest.
The male would look up to meet your gaze, wide and surprised that you were so understanding with it, even going through the lengths of offering him to have more if he wanted and even going through the length of using his first name, something that made his heart swell.“Y/N..” he said softly, his body instinctively leaning forward. 
You were ready for this, you.. Didn’t care about the worries of ruining a potential friendship, you two were already basically dating with how much time you spent together. 
You would lean your body forward as well, and soon your lips were pressed together, and he was quick to wrap his strong, muscular arms around your waist, locking you in. 
A quiet sigh would escape your lips as the two of you moved your heads in sync, deepening your first kiss “I love you” Sero stated again, causing you to bite your lip.
“I love you too, Hanta.. If you maybe, I don’t know.. Want to try this dating thing, I would be down to give it a shot” you offered, giving him a soft smile and hugging your arms around his shoulders. It really wasn’t a guilt or sympathy thing, you truly did feel this way for him, though it was pushed down, you were freely letting your heart do what it wished, and it wanted him badly. 
The male didn’t really seem hesitant now, his body would start pushing you back to the bed until you fell upon it with a soft ‘oof’, and his body would press up against you as he pushed your hair out of the way and began to kiss up your neck. 
Letting out a soft sigh, your hands would stay gripped onto his shoulders and you would close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his soft, plush lips press against your cooled flesh. 
His hands that were firmly at your waist would slowly slide up, pushing up your shirt in the process to expose your stomach, causing you to shiver “Y/N” he finally muttered against your cheek. 
“Hm?” You’d say softly, turning your head to look at his pink stained face.
“You can say no, but.. I’ve always.. Thought about you a lot, and how it would feel if you” he bit his lip “Sucked me off” he finished.
Your face would soften and your hands would finally push at him “Your wish is about to come true” you’d muse with a smile, getting on your knees and pointing down at his mattress “Lay down” you’d chime.
The male immediately listened and plopped onto the bed, removing his shirt and fumbling to unbutton his pants. 
Settling yourself between his legs, you would help him and easily shrug down his pants enough to free his member twitching in delight. Just the thought of your lips wrapped around his cock made his erection spring to life. 
You didn’t make him wait long, your lips would cutely kiss the tip of his needy head and your hand would quietly stroke him as you licked around his sensitive tip, catching some of his pre-cum on your wet muscle and letting out a soft groan. Glancing up at him, he stared at you with such intensity, eagerly waiting for the moment you took him inside of your mouth.
Smiling up innocently, you would look back down and part your lips, slowly starting to inch him in until your nose touched the base of his cock. You would let out a few struggled breaths as you attempted to get used to his size, but when you did, your tongue would swirl around his veiny, twitching shaft, causing his head to fall back against the pillows “F-Fuck, Y/N.. A..ah, right there” he said in a breathy tone. 
His encouraging moans were enough to make you start bobbing your head at a medium quick pace, your tongue dragging devilishly over the bottom of his shaft. You could feel a hand tangle in your hair, gripping onto it tightly though not moving you in any sort of way. Swallowing on the males swollen head, he would let out a long strained out moan “F-..uck, I’m going to cum, will you drink me? I wanna watch that cute face swallow me all down..please” he pleaded in a gruff tone.
Your eyes would flicker up to him and stare at his face twisted in pleasure through your lashes before letting out a muffled ‘mhm’.
With your okay, he would now hold your head still and thrust into your mouth messily, letting out a loud moan before releasing into your mouth, causing you to cough out in surprise. Squeezing your eyes shut, you would moan out softly and swallow him down the best you could before his seed would leak past your lips that seemed suctioned around him. 
The male would wind down a little and pant, though his hard on was far from gone. When you finally slid him out of your mouth you’d notice that it was still throbbing, still needy for you. “I want.. To fuck you so badly babe, can we?” he breathed out, grabbing you by the arms lightly and pulling you to lay on top of him. 
You would allow it, and were very quick to place a kiss on his cheek. You truly didn’t think it would escalate to this, but you weren’t mad about it either “Yes” you’d muse, your lips still dragging against his cheek. 
Once again, upon getting your okay he would flip you over so that you were pressed against the mattress and his hands would shrug down your leggings before tossing them onto the floor. His hand was quick to find your dripping slit and he would growl out “You’re so fucking wet, Y/N.. All of this just from sucking me off?” he asked in a teasing tone.
Your body would shiver as he touched your aching pussy, and his words would cause you to blush out “O-Of course.. It was fucking hot” you’d groan, your hips bucking into his fingers, causing him to lick his lips.
“I can’t wait any longer,” he stated quietly before grabbing his shaft and rubbing his head along your folds, coating it with your juices and prodding at your swollen clit. Moaning out, you would reach up and hold onto his shoulders before giving him a nod.
Sero would stop just for a moment, and you would hear the sound of him ripping open a form of protection. As he rolled the rubber down his cock, he would pump it a few times before going back to your hole, getting his tip nice and wet before lining himself up and pushing inside of you.
You would immediately moan at the feeling of his girthy rod starting to stretch your walls, the way he pulsed around your velvet tunnel caused you to leak further, your essence dripping down your ass and onto the bed. 
He would push himself all the way inside before lingering, just enjoying the way your walls hugged him so tightly, welcoming his cock to mold you to only fit him and him only. “I’m going to start moving” he warned before pulling about halfway out and thrusting back inside of you, causing your back to arch instinctively, hands tightening on his shoulders which made him smirk some “I can feel you squeezing me, is that a way of saying you never want my cock to leave?” he asked in a teasing tone.
You would blush some and look away from him, letting out a scoff “D-Don’t go getting a big head, now” you’d mutter out before letting another moan out soon after as he circled his hips, stirring up your insides in the best way possible.
“I can’t help it, I finally have you.. I want to make you mine in every way possible” he mused before bucking his hips into you again, but this time not stopping. From the start his thrusts were messy and lacked any kind of true pace, he was desperate to have you, desperate to make his mark, and desperate to cum inside of you condom or not. 
Long strings of mewls would escape your throat as the sound of wet slapping filled the room, the smell of sex infiltrating your nostrils. 
“You’re so fucking tight, baby.. I’ve fucking..dreamt about this.. Ah god..” he moaned out desperately, his hands sliding back and gripping onto your ass tightly “This would feel.. Even greater raw” he added, hanging his head down to sloppily kiss at your lips.
Tilting your head up, you would kiss him back and moan into his mouth, your hand wandering to tangle into his raven tresses. 
By the way he was throbbing inside of you, you could tell he wasn’t going to last much longer, and that was okay, because very quickly your own climax was bubbling to the surface. 
You were surprised when you broke first. An orgasm would rip through your body with so much intensity, that you couldn’t even feel your toes.. White hot jolts of ecstasy would course through you and cause your body to tremble and spasm as he continued to hit your spongy G-Spot. 
That was too much for him though, because of your cunt squeezing his throbbing cock like a vice grip he would push into you one last time before releasing into the condom, but even through the rubber you could feel how hot his load was. His body would lay upon yours and he would struggle to control his breathing. 
Lazily moving your arms to hug onto him, you would do the same. 
“Never.. Leave me, Y/N” he finally groaned, pulling his cock out and rolling to the side, making sure to discard the used rubber before pulling you back against his chest. 
Biting your lip some, you would nod “I’ll try, Sero.. But we should try and take this slow, okay?” you asked 
You could hear the grumble in his tone, he wanted you now, and though he did- he knew what she meant by taking it slow. The clinginess had to die down a little, and this talk of being with her forever was worrisome. Regardless of that, you knew he meant well, and that he truly did just really have strong feelings for you. 
“I promise with all my heart, Y/N.. I’ll try for you” were his last words before he completely scooped you up and pulled some blankets around you two. 
You couldn’t really answer, you found yourself so comfortable in his arms.. So warm and so protected.. You would drift off to sleep.
Taglist: @nighthoodhawk​ @hipster-merchant-of-death​ @royal-after-dark​
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simp4reggie · 4 years
Can I request a imagine where Charlie Gillespie in Canada filming Julie and The Phantoms netflix show but with his girlfriend aka reader but He and Jeremy and Owen are dress as clowns for Madison Reys’s halloween party but the boys want to scare the reader and she was in the bedroom getting dress as Stitch from Lilo and Stitch disney movie.
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Word Count: 2,097
A/N: I know I haven’t written in a while but this might be my favorite one I’ve written so far. I changed it a bit since misread “bedroom” but I hope you like either way
Halloween. The spookiest time of the year. However, for you this was the most wonderful time of the year. Your boyfriend was currently filming the first season of his new show, Julie and the Phantoms.
Halloween is your favorite day of the year and it sucks that you’re supposed to spend it far away from him. You decided to book a flight last minute to surprise him. The only person you told was his roommate and best friend, Owen.
“He’s going to be so excited to see you. He won’t shut about you and hopefully this will stop him for a little while,” Owen says over the phone.
“Haha iI can’t wait to see him and I especially can’t wait to finally meet you in person.” You and Owen have been talking a lot ever since he answered Charlie’s phone when FaceTiming and after Charlie found his phone, you and him exchanged numbers.
“I know FaceTime’s fun and all but now we can bully Charlie together in person” He replies.
“Hey remember he’s still my boyfriend. I can’t be mean to him all the time. I call you when my plane lands, okay?”
“Alright I’ll see you then. But (Y/N)!”
“Bye Owen!”
After what feels like ages you board the plane and a then after 8 hours and 1 stop you finally make it to Vancouver. You take a few moments to collect yourself and then call Owen to let him know you’re here. You grab your stuff from the baggage claim and grab a coffee from Tim Norton’s for a pick me up. Sitting on a plane for a full work shift can really drain the energy out of a person.
It doesn’t take long for you to hear someone call out your name.
“Y/N)!!! Over here!” You turn around and see Owen standing there and you run over and give him a hug.
“Owen! Oh my god!” After a minute you let go and he can’t help but grin at the big smile on your face, the face that Charlie won’t stop talking about. He never misses a moment to tell his co stars about how gorgeous you are and how much he loves your smile.
“Okay so I’m thinking we stop by the apartment and drop your stuff off and then head to set. We’re in the middle of filming but I may have asked Kenny if I could take a break to get something to eat.” You chuckle at that before answering.
“Actually I was wondering if we could just go right to set. I can’t spend another minute without Charlie.”
“Good. I can. So please take him from me.”
You laugh at that and spend the entire car ride counting the moments till you see your boyfriend again.
Owen parks the car and you don’t spare a moment jumping out of the car and running towards the closest door before realizing you have no idea where you're going. You stop and turn waiting for Owen.
“C'mon let’s head to the main stage. That's where they were when I left.” You follow Owen to a group of people.
“Hey guys have you seen Charlie anywhere?”
“No why?”
“This is his girlfriend, (Y/N)! She’s surprising him.”
“Oh my gosh! You’re (Y/N)? He’s going to be so excited. He never shuts up about you!” A girl with long blonde hair says.
“Yeah he might explode,” A guy wearing a leather jacket replies.
“Yeah I’m sorry about that. Hopefully it’s all good things.”
“Definitely. That boy is 100% in love with you. I’m Savannah.”
“And I’m Jeremy”
“The third phantom and Carrie right? He talks about you guys all the time too”
“Well this is fun but we need to go find Charlie before he sees you first.” Owen drags me in a different direction. You wave to Savannah and Jeremy hoping to talk to them more.
You see that you end up at Charlie’s trailer and Owen knocks on the door.
“Coming!” You hear on the other side and your heart leaps. It’s him. Owen pushes you behind him.
“Owen! Where’d you go running off to? That was a king lunch, dude.”
“Oh you know just out.”
“Well it must’ve been good enough for Kenny to stop production until you got back. All that was left was your stuff with BooBoo. Mads is getting here soon.” You start to feel bad for causing them to stop filming.
“Oh believe me it was. I have a surprise for you.”
“Please! No more dead birds!”
“No it’s good I swear! Close your eyes”
“I don’t wanna-!”
“Fine!” Charlie closes his eyes and Owen pushes you right in front him.
Charlie opens his eyes expecting something gross but is completely in awe of the view in front of him.
“Wait…(Y/N)? How are you even here right now? What? How? I don’t even know what to say!”
“Just kiss me you dork.” He doesn’t say anything just wraps you in his arms and gives you the biggest kiss possible. You kiss him back and just soak in the moment of you two. It feels like there’s no one else around and forget about where you are.
“Okay...I’m going to go leave and find Kenny.”
Charlie lets go and just stares at you in shock. “That son of a bitch went to the airport didn’t he?” You just nod chuckling to yourself. “I’m sorry but oh my god. I can’t believe your standing here right now.”
“Neither can I. Last week I was missing you so much and Owen convinced me to get a ticket.”
“Well you came just in time. We’re having a Halloween party tomorrow night and now you can come! Everyone’s going to be so excited. You’re all I can talk about.”
“So I’ve heard. I better live up to the expectations huh?”
“You already are just by being you...God I love you.” He kisses you again.
You spend the rest of the day watching him film scenes and meeting the rest of the cast. They were all so nice and welcoming. You kinda regret leaving your stuff in Owens truck but you had to Charlie to help you unpack so it didn’t take too long. After that the three of you went out for dinner and then cuddled with Charlie the rest of the night Because of the party everyone had a later call time. This meant more time with Charlie.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed but a noisy apartment. You walk out of the room to see Charlie and Owen arguing over a pan of burnt eggs.”
“Good morning, old married couple. What’s going on? It’s too early for this shit.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), but SOMEBODY decided to let the breakfast I was making you burn.”
“How is this my fault?”
“I asked you to watch over it while I went to the bathroom and I came back out to you going live and not even paying attention.”
“Well sorry I got distracted but you were in there a long time.”
“It wasn’t that king oh my god!”
“Boys!! Stop arguing,” You walk up behind Charlie to give him a hug, “It’s okay. Thank you for the breakfast, baby.”
“I’m sorry for him over there. It would’ve been amazing.”
“Amazing or Charlie amazing. I saw the peanut butter out?” Owen says staring at Charlie.
“Oh...maybe it was a good thing they got ruined. You eat some weird food babe.”
“Hey! Who’s side are you on?” Charlie says low key offended but he can’t stay mad too long. “Whatever, we'll just get Starbucks or something. Are you coming to set babe?”
“I was actually thinking about going to the store to find a last minute costume. What are you going as?”
“It’s gonna be a surprise. We’re not telling anyone.”
“Yeah. Jer, Charlie, and I are gonna match.” Owen replies.
“Oh god. I hope it wasn’t Charlie’s idea.”
“What is this? Pick on Charlie day?”
“No it’s Halloween! Best day of the year. Tomorrow is Pick on Charlie Day.” You laugh at Owen.
“Which reminds me I have to go to get a good costume.” You go back to Charlie’s room to get dressed before saying goodbye to the two idiots.
“I’ll see you later! Bye I love you!”
“I love you too!” Owen yells back.
“She was talking to me. Love you!”
“I don’t think so. She loves me more.” You hear them start to argue again and you leave quickly.
At the store you find a cute Lilo costume that there was one left of. You also buy a Scrump backpack and a little Stitch plush to carry with you (plus that fits in the bag so your hands don’t get tired. Spirit Halloween really has it all.
Charlie said to get to set around 6 and gives you the address of the school around 6 since that’s when they were supposed to done filming. You go through the door you and Owen walked through the day before. You start following the decorations until you get to the Cafeteria. You start to recognize people from yesterday. You see Sav is Kim Possible. Madison as the devil and Jadah as an angel. Sacha was also a devil. You look around but don’t see the three boys. You haven’t known Jeremy long but if he is willing to along with Charlie and Owens' plan he must be just as big as a doofus as them. After about 20 minutes you go to find a bathroom.
You look in the mirror fixing your dress and we’re fixing your eyeliner until the light turns off. You look around confused, feeling your way around. You got close to the light and feel a person.
“Hello?” You whisper.
You just hear footsteps walking slowly toward you.
“This is it. This is when I die.” You think to yourself. You walk backwards before feeling another body behind you.
You close your eyes to accept fate before seeing some light against your eyelids.
You open your eyes and see three scary ass looking clowns in front of you. You scream and run out the door. You take a moment against the hallway wall before realizing there were three people missing in the party. You wait hoping they would walk out soon. You see the door open and see one of the boys step out. Not caring which one it was you walk up against the door so they couldn’t see you. When you see his face you yell, “BOO!”
The clown screams and runs out pulling the rest of them behind him.
“Not so fun is it?” You let yourself be seen.
“I’m sorry (Y/N). I didn’t think that Owen was going to turn out the lights.” Charlie said walking slowly up to her.
“You wanted to scare her. It’s a small room and there's not many options.”
“Still I’m so sorry.”
“I actually thought I was going to die. I’ve never been more terrified in my life. Why would you do that?”
“I thought it would be funny.”
“Funny to watch your girlfriend terrified is it?”
“(Y/N)...I don’t know how to be anymore sorry.”
“Yeah we're really sorry.” Jer says hoping to calm the situation down.
“Yeah really sorry.” He was going to say something sarcastic but saw how traumatized you actually looked.
“It’s okay. I mean it is Halloween. I should have expected something like this from the three of you.”
Charlie walks the rest of the way to you and gives you a hug and kisses you on the head. He feels you calm down and says “You look really cute.”
“Thanks you don’t at all but it’s okay.”
“Hey you said Pick on Charlie day was tomorrow.” You smile before pulling away from Charlie and yell “Hey Owen!”
“Charlie just agreed to tomorrow being Pick on Charlie Day!”
“He did? Cmon lets tell everyone!” You run after him back to the cafeteria.
“Wait no I didn’t!!! (Y/N)! OWEN!!” Charlie just shakes his head knowing it wouldn’t do anything.
Later that night everyone got a text saying this:
This is your healthy reminder that 11/1 is now officially Pick on Charlie day! To celebrate, please spend the whole day picking on Charlie Gillespie. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Let’s just say when the next year came around, the fans had a field day and Charlie was not a happy camper.
A/N: oh look another 2 am post! Anyway I hope you liked it!
- Maddie xx
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lavenderlattaes · 5 years
i love you. | bts
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⇒ summary: you said you love him in the most casual way.
⇒ [ idolverse! au ]
⇒ pairing: bts x reader
⇒ word count: 2.6k words (in total)
⇒ genre: fluff
⇒ warnings: i think a few swear words
⇒ note: this was requested ages ago sksks im sorry anon, i was lost on how i should write this bc I’ve never tried writing reactions before and i think it’s supposed to be in bullet(proof)form but I found myself writing it like this lol. and since we’re celebrating mots:7 and i am absolutely LOVING the new tracks rn, here’s the reaction you request years ago he he. I’ll have to add dividers and other stuff for this later on bc it’s too long but im on mobile rn. ANYWAY ENOUGH TALKING,, ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
kim seokjin:
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You’ve been dating Seokjin for a few months now and you can’t help but fall for him completely. It was hard not to — he made you laugh, he was so selfless, and he fed you with his amazing cooking skills.
The thing is, you haven’t said the three words yet. The three, special words that could — no matter how sweet it may be — either make or break you both.
The boys had just gotten back from recording and you were at their dorms, Jin coming up to you as soon as they entered to plant a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Hey, love. Let me go wash up then I’ll help you,” he greets, and you smile at him, going back to cleaning the vegetables for dinner.
“Hey, Y/N,” Hoseok greets chirpily and you greet him, as he jumps onto a chair to watch you work.
“How are things with hyung?” He casually starts, placing his head in the palm of his hands as he grins at you. You’re closest to Hoseok, since you grew up with him and he was the one who introduced you to the boys.
“Oh, we’re doing great, he makes me happy,” you admit genuinely and Hoseok smiles. “He makes great food, doesn’t he?” Hoseok asks you and you giggle, nodding.
“Yeah, I love him, he feeds me well,” you sigh happily and Hoseok laughs.
You turn around to grab a bowl from the upper cupboard but groan when you realize you can’t reach it. You’re about to call Hoseok for help when a familiar arm snakes around your waist. You look up and see Jin, a smile on his face as he reaches up to get the bowl for you.
“I love you too, baby.” He replies to your statement earlier, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
min yoongi:
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Instead of locking himself up in the studio to work on more songs or in his room to sleep, Yoongi found himself sitting on the couch, tuned in to a show where you were currently guesting on.
You were a famous producer and idol as well, and that’s how the two of you met in the first place. You’ve been dating for quite some time now, and you even went public with your relationship just a month back. The public surprisingly took the news very well, and no wars or issues had happened between your fans.
“So, Y/N, you and Yoongi just went public with your relationship last month, right?” The interviewer begins and you nod, sipping on your water bottle, a soft smile on your face.
Yoongi found himself smiling, turning the volume up just a tad bit. “How are things between you and the fans? Any fan wars going on?” You laugh and shake your head. “There’s definitely none of that,” you begin, “our fans are very nice and have even become friends. Most of my fans started listening to BTS’ music — if they didn’t already —” Yoongi chuckles at the comment, “and Yoongi’s fans have popped up in my feed to comment on how much they love my songs.” You finished.
Yoongi’s smile got wider and he made himself more comfortable as the interview went on. “It’s nice to know that everything’s going well for you both.” The interviewer gushes and you giggle, your laugh, making Yoongi blush from his seat on the couch.
You sure have him wrapped around your finger, huh?
“Yeah, I’m sure my fans love him too,” the words slip out from your lips too soon and Yoongi’s eyes widen. It’s the first time you’ve said you love him, and even if it’s indirect, it still makes his heart race.
“And I love you too, Y/N. So much, baby.” Yoongi whispers, his eyes trained on you until the interview ends, a loving smile on his face.
jung hoseok:
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You love dancing, just as much as Hoseok does and that’s how you both met. You’ve been going to the same dance academy since you were a kid, and when you were graduated college, you chose to work at your dance academy.
Hoseok somehow found himself inside your dance academy, where he was supposed to teach a master class for the students there for the next three days. At the time, your artistic director was out of the country to be with some of the ballerinas of your academy who were competing. You were left in charge so you had to attend to Hoseok for the entire time. Somehow, the two of you clicked because of your passion for dance and the rest is history.
“Y/N, where’s Hoseok?” One of the little girls in your class tugged on your sweatpants while you were having a break in the middle of their class. It was no secret to the entire academy that you’re dating the “cool and sunshine teacher” they had a few months back. Everyone absolutely adored him, especially the younger kids who wanted to be like him.
“He has practice too, sweetie. Why do you ask?” You crouch down to her height and she sits down cross legged. At the mention of Hoseok, the other kids join in and form a circle around you.
“Isn’t he coming over?” One kid asks, and they all start nodding and talking over the other. You laugh and get them to settle down. “He’s busy, so I’m not sure,” you tell them and they groan.
“I miss Hoseok hyung. He’s so cool, and I love how he teaches class,” one of the younger boys sigh, hands crossed over his chest. You chuckle at the adorable sight, beckoning him over to give you a hug.
“Yeah, me too, bud.” You reply and the kids gasp. “YOU LOVE HOSEOK?!” They start shouting and running around, repeating the same thing over and over. “Y/N loves Hoseok.”
You shrug and stand up, gathering them back to the center of the studio to continue the class. “Come on, kids. Back to class. If you do well, today, maybe we can have Hoseok teach another class soon,” you say, going over to the speaker to play their song.
“I love you too!” A familiar voice shouts from the back and all of you turn around to see the one and only, Jung Hoseok.
kim namjoon:
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You didn’t know how you managed to get yourself strapped to an outdoor rollercoaster, but here you were, with a small camera placed in front of your seat to record the entire ride.
“Why are we doing this again?” You choke out, turning to your band member beside you.
She was calm and collected about the entire thing, and she shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe because the fans wanted us to do this for the live?” You throw your head back, dreading the ride that was going to happen shortly.
“Relax, Y/N. You can do this!” Your maknae tells you from the back and you whine. “I’m the leader, why did I let this happen anyway?”
“Again, because the fans wanted us to do this. They’re watching right now, you know.” The eldest member chirps up and you groan as the rest of your members laugh.
“And you guys just had to put me in the front, huh,” you grumble, just as the ride started to move. You squeal, gripping the onto the handles in front of you. Your members let out whoops of cheers and laughter as the car went up.
You could see the buildings from below and the other rides, especially the rides for the kids. Why didn’t you ride that instead? “Y/N, fighting!” Your members cheer as you scream. The car reaches the top and you gulp, bracing yourself for the drop.
You feel the car tip over dangerously and the moment it drops, you throw your fears away and scream as loud as you can. “Kim Namjoon, if I die, you better know how much I love you!” You scream, completely forgetting you’re being filmed in real time and if he was watching, he just heard you say you love him for the very first time. And even if he didn’t, he’d definitely find out about it soon.
Oh, well. It’s true anyway, and you weren’t concerned about that right now. The ride makes another sudden drop but this time it tilted to your side and you let out another scream. “Mom, mom, mom I wanna go home!” You scream and you’re certain you’ll be met with memes the moment you get off the ride.
If you’re somehow still conscious after the ride.
park jimin:
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“Y/N, truth or dare?” Jeongguk plops down beside you on the couch and you tear your eyes away from the show you were watching and raise an eyebrow at him.
“What’s this for?” You ask suspiciously. Jeongguk shakes his head innocently, his eyes glancing at his hyung who was sleeping soundly in your lap.
Your hands subconsciously start playing with Jimin’s hair and he cuddles closer to your stomach.
“Come on, truth or dare!” Jeongguk presses and you sigh. “Truth, because Jimin’s sleeping and I don’t want to disturb him.” You give in and Jeongguk grins.
“Okay, let’s play fast talk,” Jeongguk claps his hands excitedly and you choke on your saliva. “I thought we were playing truth or dare?”
“I change my mind. Answer with yes or no,” Jeongguk adjusts himself on the couch, a mischievous smile on his face.
You sigh. “Fine.”
“Are you tired of hyung?”
You glare at him. “No.”
“Is he clingy?”
“Yes, but I love it.”
“Is he adorable?”
“Yes, what’s with these questions Jeon?”
“Don’t ask. Does he make you happy?”
“Do you love him?”
“Yes.” You stop running your hands through Jimin’s hair when you realize what you said and whip your head to look at Jeongguk. “Y/N, zero. Jeongguk, one.”
You’re about to retort when you’re interrupted. “I love you too,” Jimin mumbles, taking your hand and placing a kiss on your wrist, your cheeks heating up.
“Thanks, Gguk, even though you had to witness us say we love each other for the first time and completely ruin the moment,” Jimin mutters half-asleep.
kim taehyung:
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Your eyes scan the comments coming in, looking for a question to answer.
“Where’s Yeontan?” You read. “He’s out with Taehyung right now,” you answer, and your own dog barks up from beside you, making you giggle. You pat your lap and your dog jumps up, appearing in your Vlive as well.
“When’s the next comeback?” You read and laugh, shaking your head. “Can’t tell you that right now, my loves. But expect new music this year,” you wink and your fans go wild in the comments, begging for you to reveal just a little bit more.
“No can do, guys. It’s either I let my love for you prevail or I lose my job,” you say in your most serious tone and your fans start taking back their pleads. Your eyes widen and you wave your hands frantically, giggling at the camera.
“I’m kidding, guys! I’m kidding!” Your dog barks up and you can only assume he’s trying to help you out too.
“Let’s move onto another topic, shall we?” You clear your throat after your laughter dies down and various other questions start filling in.
“Oooh! Yea, let’s play a game!” Your eyes light up and your fans start sending hearts in. “We’ll ask you to list down a number of things in the just twenty seconds,” you read off and grin, nodding.
“Okay, I’ll answer whichever my eyes read first,” you adjust yourself on your chair, stroking your dog’s furry hair as he waggles his tail in content.
“List of things you love,” you read off. “Oh! My family, my dog, my fans, my music, waking up late on my day off, spring, ice cream in the winter,” you pause slightly, and your fans start counting down, making you panic.
“Uh, uh, TAEHYUNG!” You blurt out, just as the number one spams in the comments. For a moment there the comments stop coming in and you’re unsure if the app crashed or your wifi just started to suck.
“THAT’S THE FIRST TIME SHE SAID SHE LOVES TAEHYUNG!” Your eyes land on the comment and everyone starts agreeing.
“Oh, wow, ha ha, look at the time,” your eyes look down to your wrist and you mentally curse to find no watch resting there.
“Bye, guys!” You squeak out and end the live abruptly.
You let out a scream as your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Your dog pokes your hand with his nose and you can only pout at him.
“I’m an idiot, aren’t I?” Your dog stares at you for a moment, before letting out what you assume is a bark of agreement.
jeon jeongguk:
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“I have to go on stage now, baby. I’ll see you after our stage, okay? Meet me back here,” Jeongguk kisses your cheek quickly and your cheeks flush, making him giggle.
“Good luck,” you manage to stutter out and he waves cutely, running up to his hyungs who’ve started to head for the stage. Once he turns around the corner, you fan yourself, still not used to his affectionate actions.
“Y/N!” You hear someone call from behind you, and compose yourself before turning around.
You’re met with a camera and some crew, and you assume they’re doing some backstage interview for tonight’s show.
“Hey!” You wave your hand and send hearts toward the camera, knowing how much your fans loved it when you did that.
“How was your stage, tonight?” One of the crew asks and you look up in thought before flashing a bright smile at the camera.
“I had lots of fun, especially because I saw so many of my fans in the crowd today. You guys were especially loud, I hope you didn’t go deaf or something,” you giggle and the crew laugh along with you.
“It must have been tiring, yeah?” They ask and you shrug. “In a sense, yes. But all of that goes away when I see people, not just my fans, enjoying the music I put out for them. I pour my heart into my music so it’s nice to know people appreciate it.” You smile and they nod.
“You love your fans a lot, don’t you?” You nod at the question and they grin. “Who else do you love?” They ask cheekily.
“Oh, that’s easy,” you begin, a surge of confidence coursing through you. You’re sure this is a good enough payback for leaving you flustered earlier.
“Who is it?” They ask innocently and you grin.
“Jeon Jeongguk,” you casually say and the crew whispers excitedly. “Who else would it be anyway?” You add and the crew laughs, nodding.
They ask you to say a few more words about your upcoming album which you happily answer, and they bow in thanks before heading off.
From behind, you can hear the shouts get louder and people congratulating your boyfriend’s group, with special greetings directed towards him.
You turn around and see his confused expression. He sees you and raises an eyebrow and you can only smile back, shrugging as you make your way over to him.
“What was that all about?” He asks after planting a soft kiss to the tip of your nose. You shake your head and grin at him.
“It’s nothing,” you take his hand in yours and you both start walking in the direction you of their dressing room. “Okay,”
He raises an eyebrow at you unsurely.
Oh, he won’t know what’s coming.
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mfingenius · 4 years
Marlas AU. Two idea: Either Auguste, in his last breath begs Damianos to not let his brother near of his uncle PLEASE (because Damen is the only one here), either Damianos (and his father?) feels some "red warnings" when the Regent puts his hands on the shoulder of traumatised!Laurent/looks at his nephew during negocaitions.
"Damen, I hate Veretians as much as any sane person does,” Nikandros says, frowning lightly at his friend. “But doesn’t this seem – unnecessarily cruel?”
Damen purses his lips; he knows what this looks like to everyone else, but they weren’t there. They weren’t there to hear Auguste of Vere beg Damen to take Laurent, to never, under any circumstances, let his brother go to their uncle, not to let him get his hands on him. Damen hadn’t understood, at the time, but when they’d been in the tent, negotiating the terms of surrender – Laurent white-faced and staring at his brother’s body – the Regent of Vere had placed a hand on his nephew’s waist, and Damen had understood.
“The boy, too,” he’d said. Everyone had looked at him, surprised, even Kastor and his father, but Damen was the one to kill Auguste, so the victory was his own before it was theirs. He could demand anything he wanted.
The Regent had tried to negotiate. “Surely you’re not this heartless. He just lost his brother, Laurent needs to be with family.”
The way he’d looked at Laurent had said so many things before it said ‘family’, and Damen had been disgusted.
“He’s coming with me.”
“We can’t give away the new crown prince.” A councilman had said. “Vere will have no ruler.”
“He’ll be back,” Damen had assured. He hadn’t - still doesn’t - know how much time will be enough, but he cannot dishonor a dead man’s last wish, and even if he could, he wouldn’t let the Regent of Vere touch a child, especially if he could do something about it. “Three years. That’s all.”
And really, the term was ridiculous, entirely senseless, but it wasn’t a request. They hadn’t had another option but to cave, not after Damen had killed their prince.
Laurent, seemingly unable to hear anything at all, hadn��t said anything at the time; in fact, even now, on their way back to Ios, he hasn’t spoken. He’s riding with Nikandros – because Damen thought it unwise to give him his own horse and assumed Laurent wouldn’t want to be close to him – and Nikandros is speaking as though he isn’t there, because he doesn’t seem to be.
His expression is hollow, eyes empty and face bloodless, and Damen wishes this weren’t necessary, that it hadn’t been Auguste’s last wish, because of all things he thought would come after the battle – whether he won or lost it – this, a seemingly vacant child riding with his best friend, was not one of them.
“I’m not doing it to be cruel,” he says to Nikandros.
“Why then?” Nikandros asks the question many of them have been waiting to ask, and Damen knows every one riding with them is listening for his answer. None of his soldiers dare question any decision he makes, but they’ve all been wondering the same thing.
“We will talk in private,” he tells Nikandros, wary of the people around them.
The trip back to Ios takes three days; as soon as they leave Delpha, they’re heroes. In Delpha, however... well, the people of Delpha stare at them with hateful eyes; they look at Laurent, offer their condolences, shove things into his limp hands or his bag because he won’t take them on his own, won’t move.  
They curse – in Veretian – at Damen’s army, at Damen himself, thinking he can’t understand them, talk about the poor prince they’re taking with them. Promise revenge, if anything happens to him.
This was not what Damen expected at all; don’t they see, they’re freeing them from Veretian reign? They’ll no longer be under the rule of snakes, conniving and plotting? Don’t they see that Akielos will take care of them?
It seems they don’t.
Damen isn’t sure why riding out of Delpha doesn’t feel like a victory at all.
Damen is immensely relieved to get out of there. On the trip along to Ios, they’re celebrated and worshipped by the townspeople; they’re given the best rooms in the best inns, treated to food and women and warmth like no other. Damen could most likely enjoy it more of he didn’t have a thirteen year old crown prince to watch over.
Laurent doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, and doesn’t speak.
Not even when they get to Ios. Damen gives him the best guest rooms – made for foreign royalty during their stay – directly in front of his, in case anything happens, and places four of his guards outside his door, apart from the two Veretian guards he allowed to come with them.
“What’s your name?” he asks one of them.
“Jord,” the guard used to be part of Auguste’s guard, and he looks at Damen with barely concealed contempt.
“If the crown prince of Vere needs anything, you come to me.” He orders. “I assume you’ve already noticed, but in case you haven’t, at the best of times you’re outnumbered four to one.” Since Laurent will be staying right across Damen’s rooms – six of them – the guards at Damen’s door will be watching his door, too. “Don’t try something that will lead to your death and leave your prince alone here.”
He turns to his own guards.
“No one comes in without my permission.” He doesn’t like having a Veretian in his palace; this was supposed to be a victorious time for him, he was supposed to be able to celebrate, bury himself in pretty slaves and rich wine and simply enjoy, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen. “If Prince Laurent wants to come out, you are to accompany him at all times.”
“Yes, Exalted,” they agree, and Damen shuts himself into his room.
“Holy shit,” He exclaims, when he catches sight of Nikandros lounging in his room.
“You said we’d talk,” Nikandros says, unimpressed. “And I want to understand why you’ve brought a Veretian into Akielos, into Ios, and into the palace.” He looks vaguely nauseous. “It’s not because he’s blonde, is it?”
“Gods, no!” Damen exclaims immediately. “No! He is thirteen!”
“Alright,” Nikandros looks immensely relieved. “Then what is it?”
Damen explains, and Nikandros listens to him stoically until he finishes, when he sighs and rubs a hand over his face.
“Fuck,” he says.
“I know,” Damen says.
“What are you going to do?”
Damen shrugs. “I hope three years will be enough. After that, he can return to Vere and I can never see him again.”
Maybe Prince Laurent will enjoy the Akielon palace while he’s here – it is a masterpiece, after all – and he’ll stay away from Damen, and they’ll never have to speak.
He should’ve known it was never going to be that easy.
Prince Laurent cries a lot. It is understandable, of course, he is mourning his brother, after all, but whenever anyone is unlucky enough to have to walk in front of his rooms, they can hear it; the servants begin to talk about him as though he’s a hostage here - which, Damen figures, is close enough – and he knows they begin to put extra sweets into his food to attempt to make him feel better.
It doesn’t work, because the food is returned as it was left, untouched.
Damen, that sleeps across from him, rarely gets a break from the crying, because it usually gets worse at night. It is two weeks before he’s forced to deal with the problem himself, since the crying stops and Damen goes to see him, trying to make sure the crying hasn’t stopped because Prince Laurent has died. He’s thin as it is, and Damen’s afraid that if he keeps turning food away for much longer, he’ll die in his rooms – or already has – and there’ll be no way to avoid another war then.
“Prince Laurent,” Damen has a tray of food in his hands; the servants swear they’ve tried everything – cooking less spicy meals, more spicy meals, sweeter, sour, heavy, light, fruits, seeds. Prince Laurent will eat none of it – so Damen brings the meal himself. It’s the closest to a Veretian meal that the servants could whip up, and Damen hopes that’ll entice Laurent to eat it. “I’ve brought food.”
Prince Laurent is, in fact, not dead. The second he hears Damen’s voice, his entire frame goes rigid. Damen thinks, for a moment, that Laurent will ignore him, but then the prince sits up, glaring at him. He’s still in the same clothes – though there’s no smell, so Damen assumes they’ve been washed – and the weight loss is evident; his cheeks are hollow and his clothes are loose on him, even though they’re laced up as tight as they can be.
“Get out,” he demands in Veretian.
“This is my palace,” Damen says blandly. “And you need to eat.”
“I didn’t ask to be in your fucking palace!” Laurent snaps at him, angry, and hurt, and scared, and Damen half expects something thrown at him. “Why have you brought me here? I do nothing but sit here all day, I don’t know what you want. You killed Auguste, you have Delpha, you-”
“You don’t have to sit here all day,” Damen tells him. “There are tutors here. Swordsmen, riders. They’ll teach you anything you want.”
Laurent stares at him, and it seems the fight has gone out of him, whether from exhaustion from the crying or malnourishment from the lack of food.
“What do you want from me?” he whispers, and he sounds so fucking young. “I don’t know what you want from me.”
Damen swallows. “I want you to eat. You’ll die if you keep turning food away.”
Laurent looks at him, seems to recover some of his previous anger. “Fuck you. Get out.”
Damen sighs, but he leaves the food at the table and walks away.
Laurent begins eating; Damen isn’t naïve enough to think that it was him that made it happen. He begged Nikandros to talk to Laurent, and though Nikandros was not enthused about the idea at all, Damen had pressed. He figures anyone will be better than the man who killed his brother, to Laurent.
He doesn’t know what Nikandros did, at first. When he asks, Nikandros says he made ‘a deal’, which seems unnecessarily cryptic. When he finds out – through palace gossip – that Nikandros and Laurent have been going riding together, he has his answer.
It’s good, really. Even if prince Laurent still hates him – and he does – he's at least not entirely alone. Not that he likes Nikandros – or so Damen thinks, from what Nikandros tells him – and not that Nikandros likes Laurent, since he is, in his words ‘infuriating’ and ‘cold’ and ‘a bastard’.
Still, Damen thinks it’s progress.  
And if he doesn’t want to speak to Damen and spend the next three years avoiding him in his own palace, Damen doesn’t care.
“I want you to teach me to fight.” Laurent doesn’t look happy to be speaking to Damen, but he is; he has freckles, from the time spent outside with Nikandros, and is looking better than he used to. It’s been slow progress, but it’s something.  
“What?” he asks. Prince Laurent had the nerve to stride right into his rooms while Damen was trying to write a letter to Vere – he writes weekly updates on the Prince’s wellbeing to the council, as part of the terms – and now he’s demanding things?
“Teach me to fight,” Laurent repeats, in slow Akielon. Nikandros must’ve been teaching him. “You say I’m not a hostage here. You say I can do anything I like. I want to teach to fight.”
“Learn,” Damen corrects absently, and though Laurent purses his lips, he nods. He leans back, watches Laurent calculatingly. He is small and too thin, doesn’t have the strength of an Akielon. He cannot fight the same way Damen can. “Why me? I’m sure Nikandros is available.”
Whether or not he’d like the idea is another matter entirely.
“Auguste,” Laurent clenches his fists, swallows as though it hurts him to say the name. He seems to change his mind. “They say you’re the best. I want to learn from the best.”
Damen remembers Auguste’s sword work from Marlas; it has been impressive, entirely different than the Akielon fighting style but smart all the same. If he hadn’t let Damen pick up his sword, he would've won the duel.
“Alright,” he says. The guilt crashes down on him like a tidal wave; he is honoring Auguste’s last wish, which is as much as he can do now, but Damen hadn’t thought about the fact that now, he has to spend three years with someone whose brother he killed. “I’ll teach you.”
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carmenlire · 4 years
Lover of Mine
read on ao3
Alec stares, unseeing, at the sea of glinting silver before him. Instead of rolling green hills and the daily monotony of life, it’s eerily silent.
Alec’s never felt more alone.
He doesn’t startle at the voice behind him, merely keeps his attention focused on the legion of men marching toward him in their chainmail, weapons held aloft. He imagines that, if he could see their expressions, it would be a cast of smug confidence.
Their closest allies are two day’s ride away.
“My lord,” calls out a quiet voice. “You called for me?���
Without looking up, Alec asks, “Have you secured the servants and their families?”
He hears his bodyguard pause on the threshold, can feel the intensity of his considering gaze as he finally answers. “I have. The only people still on the premises are our soldiers.”
Alec smiles but it’s faint and a dozen shades of grim. “And those of our enemy.”
“My lord, I beg of you, won’t you reconsider--”
“Magnus,” Alec calls out tiredly. He finally casts his eyes away from the imminent carnage below to look at his bodyguard, his most trusted advisor after all these years. “I beg of you, let’s not allow formality between us at this last hour.”
Magnus’s expression shifts several times before it lands on heartbreakingly honest. “Alexander,” he whispers and a part of Alec thinks that it must be magic, the way the soft words reach him. “You are to be king. A king never leads the charge.”
Turning to face Magnus completely, Alec ignores the world for a moment longer. He allows himself this small retreat and loses himself for the thousandth time in warm brown eyes he knows as well as his own.
“That is not the king I’m to be, Magnus.” He laughs but it’s bitter. “It appears I’m not to be king at all.”
“Don’t say that,” Magnus snaps. “It is my responsibility as your bodyguard to keep you out of harm’s way. I can ready the horses and we can go through the tunnels right now--use the secret corridors and be at Herondale’s fort in two days. There are no innocents to slaughter, Alexander. We can leave Aldertree’s men confounded and return with a force to overwhelm him.”
For a moment-- just a moment, for that’s all he’ll ever have when it comes to Magnus-- Alec allows himself to think about it. He could come back commandeering an army that would smite Valentine’s men like the rats they are.
That’s never been his style, however, and he sees in Magnus’s eyes that there was really never any other way this could end.
“Come here, Magnus.”
Magnus stays still for a moment in the only rebellion he’ll ever give Alec before he’s walking across the room. In Magnus’s eyes, Alec sees everything he could have had in another life and everything he’s giving up in this one.
His throat aches at the surrender even as he chastises himself for putting personal feeling above his duty.
“I am an honorable man, Magnus, and an honorable man would never leave his soldiers to die at the hands of a madman unconcerned with the casualties of war. I will lead my men into the fight of our lives and should we die, we’ll die with honor.”
Magnus’s voice is broken as he hoarsely mutters, “For once in your life, I wish you would be selfish, Alexander.” Bitterness and the slightest edge of hate drag through his tone as he offers in vain, “We could run away, you and I. We could settle down in a village far away and be no more than Sir Alec and Magnus.”
Alec laughs, just a little. “I could open a small bookshop and you could establish a bakery. Our existence would be so simple.”
“But happy,” Magnus replies softly. “And most importantly, we’d be alive.”
Alec turns away from the tears he sees in Magnus’s eyes to the fields below. Valentine’s men are getting closer and there’s no time.
There’s never enough blasted time.
“I have to go, Magnus. I will give it my best try and hope to the gods that it’s enough.”
Magnus, too, looks outside and Alec watches as his expression hardens into the warrior he’s carved himself into.
He nods once. Without looking at Alec, Magnus says, “I will follow you anywhere, my lord. Even if it’s to your own funeral.”
“Remember me fondly?”
There’s a moment that seems to freeze them together in this macabre tableau. They are nothing more than two men, a would-be king and his trusted advisor.
They could be so much more, though, and in this moment separate from reality Alec can imagine the taste of Magnus’s lips against his and just how sweet selfishness would taste.
Time speeds up, however, and before he’s quite ready, Alec is leading Magnus down to the castle’s foyer.
And then he’s standing in the bright sunshine as scores of men march toward him awaiting their commander’s call.
His last thought before the heat of battle is how he wishes he could be a different person-- a man free to love as he yearns, someone who could answer Magnus’s silent plea with anything else but rejection.
Alec takes the punch that fairly cracks his jaw and retaliates with his own wicked roundhouse kick. The man in front of him groans low and vicious satisfaction courses through him at the the sound.
“Give it up, Bane,” Alec pants as he takes a step back.
Magnus, for his part, shakes his hair out of his eyes to level Alec with a glare. “Now, why would I want to do that, darling? This is my assignment and I refuse to let the assholes at Idris Inc. take my payday.”
Wary, Alec slides his gun out of its holster. He holds it idly and knows that Magnus’s sharp eyes haven’t missed it. “I have my orders,” is the only thing Alec offers. “They don’t include letting a rogue assassin take over the mission. Walk away, Bane.”
“No can do, Alexander.” Magnus smiles pleasantly and Alec imagines if they met on the street, he’d never be able to see the darkness that hides behind his eyes. “We could work together, you know?”
Alec recoils at the offer, taking a sharp step back. “What the fuck?” He sneers. “Why would I ever work with someone like you?”
Magnus huffs. “You’re lucky I don’t rescind the invitation with that attitude.” His smile curves wickedly. “Maybe, Alexander, you’d want to work with me because you’re being played the fool.”
“What’s your angle, Magnus?” Alec lowers his guard imperceptibly, intrigued despite himself and Magnus’s bold claim.
“No angle, darling. I’m just saying-- things at Idris Inc. haven’t always been above reproach. In certain circles, they’ve never managed to clean themselves up.” Magnus pauses for a moment and his next question leaves Alec reeling. “Haven’t you ever wondered what happened to your parents? They were Idris’s best couple and then one day, just-- poof. They disappeared, never to be heard from again. Don’t you think it’s suspicious that an organization such as the one they swore their allegiance couldn’t find them?”
“What the hell, Magnus? How do you know about my parents?”
Magnus raises his hands in an appeasing gesture and looks at Alec from beneath his lashes. He’s equal parts coy and lethal and Alec doesn’t know what to believe. “Your parents disappeared after a mission gone ostensibly wrong. There’s a lot of threads hanging loose, Alexander, if you know where to pull.”
“You’re lying. You’re just trying to drag me down to your level.”
Magnus shrugs but his focus doesn’t leave Alec’s. “I’m offering an olive branch of sorts. I’ll help you, if you like. Let me have this client and I’ll help you find answers. We could be a great team, darling.”
Unsure but unwilling to throw away everything he’s ever known, Alec barely thinks as he brings the gun up until it’s pointed at Magnus’s chest. “You have to be lying, Bane. I don’t like when people underestimate me.”
For the first time, uncertainty flickers in Magnus’s eyes but he holds steady. “I’m not playing games, Alec. Camille means more to me than she ever will to Idris. Let me take care of her and then I’ll help you find out what dirty secrets Idris has been keeping from you and your family.”
Alec pauses for a long moment and it seems like the room seems to draw its own breath, anxious and still. Something niggles in the back of his mind, whispers about the Lightwood legacy and rumors that Idris’s hands haven’t always been so pristine.
Still. Alec’s dedicated his entire life to the organization. Loyalty to Idris is ingrained and it will take more than a smooth talking rival to make Alec’s world crumble.
Magnus proposed a partnership but Alec’s always worked alone. It’s with that newfound conviction that Alec steels his resolve and does something he should’ve had the guts to do all those months ago when he first ran into the man.
He’d entertained the possibility of something more for far longer than was either wise or appropriate. Bane had become his own thread and Alec was finally ready to cut him loose.
He looks into Magnus’s eyes and pulls the trigger.
“I’m getting married,” Alec says softly. He tosses back the rest of his whiskey and relishes the burn. He tries to pretend that it drowns out the choked gasp he hears behind him.
Without looking behind him, Alec repeats, “I’m getting married. My family’s situation has only grown more dire since the war broke out and my parents have found a suitable match with the daughter of a manufacturing company in America. She is on a steamboat to Britain as we speak.”
“I thought you were planning to remain a bachelor for all your days?”
Alec grins wryly. “Plans have a way of changing, Magnus. You should know that better than anyone else.”
He hears his best friend take a single step closer before he’s asking, in a voice that makes Alec want to take back every wretched word he’s ever said to cause Magnus pain, “I can take care of you, Alexander. You don’t have to do this.”
Turning around, Alec makes his way back behind his desk and braces his hands on it as he lets his head fall down until the only thing he can see is the mess scattered across the polished wood. “I can’t let you do that.”
“Why not? Give me one good reason, Alec. I have more than enough money to keep you afloat, however long you need it.”
Alec raises his head. “And how would it look if word ever got out, huh? Magnus Bane, shipping magnate, whose tastes are known to run rather unusual helping elusive bachelor Lightwood with his finances. I won’t be some man’s whore, Magnus. Especially yours.”
Fire ignites Magnus’s eyes as he crosses the room to lean across the desk from Alec. “Especially me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? We’ve been best friends since we were children. We went to Eton and Oxford together. Our estates neighbor each other. If anyone make any queries-- which I highly doubt-- everything can be explained away by our fraternal relationship.”
Alec sighs and sits down, the fight leaving him abruptly as he gestures for Magnus to take a seat as well. “I have a family to think about. Jace and Izzy and Max, they all still need to find matches and that means the Lightwood name has to be above reproach. I refuse to be a source of gossip for my family. There are rumors, Magnus, and they don’t paint either of us in a favorable light. You know what could happen if we were ever found out.”
“You really think a constable will be banging down our doors about such matters?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time something like that’s happened and with the war overseas, any behavior considered deviant will be cast in the harshest light. It’s too risky, Magnus. We are friends. I hope will continue to be friends. But I’ll still be married by the end of the year.”
Magnus doesn’t say anything for a long moment and then he’s heaving himself up and walking over to the drink cart, splashing a liberal amount of brandy in a glass and tossing it back like it’s water.
“So that’s the end of things.”
“I don’t know what you want from me. We both knew we could never have everything we wanted.”
Alec studies Magnus from across the room and thinks to himself that he’s never seen his best friend look so small, so utterly defeated.
“We were to remain bachelors until old age, darling.” Magnus’s voice is so soft it almost hurts Alec to hear it as he continues, “Our estates are joined and out in the country, there would be no one to know if we lived together. If we shared meals and afternoons in the drawing room and a bed.”
Magnus looks up at that and the look in his eyes flays Alec alive. “It wouldn’t be perfect by any means but we would be together and that’s all I ever wanted. But now, out of nowhere, you tell me you are to be wed to an American heiress. What, are you to father children with her? Live in domestic bliss? Am I to believe that this is anything but a tragedy, not just for you but for your wife and me as well?”
Alec’s throat aches and he can’t find any words to soothe Magnus’s accusations. “It’s better this way,” he offers in a raw voice.
“Is this it, then,” Magnus asks, staring into the fire. “You won’t fight for us? After everything, it comes down to Alec Lightwood being a goddamn coward.”
Alec flinches but doesn’t fight back. “I had hoped we could at least salvage a true friendship, Magnus. Surely after everything, we could do that.”
He watches as Magnus shakes his head, a slow back and forth that seems almost subconscious. “No, Alexander, I don’t think we can. I can’t be simply friends with a man I am in love with. I’m sorry, but I don’t hate myself as much as you do.”
Stricken, Alec stays silent. Magnus clears his throat, backing away from the fire and blinking rapidly before he turns and looks at Alec. “Should the wedding go on, we will become nothing more to each other than acquaintances who meet at the country fêtes and occasionally in London. Everything will be above reproach between us, darling. Mark my words.”
“Goodbye, Magnus.”
Alec watches Magnus walk out of his study and it takes everything he has not to call him back. He watches his heart leave him and wonders that there’s not a bloody trail that leads right out of Lightwood Manor directly to Bane’s estate.
With a sigh, he takes out the letter that had been left for him several days ago.
For the small price of 100,000 pounds, I will keep the secret of your association with Bane just that. I give you until the end of the month to come up with the funds. I expect a reply within a fortnight and trust that you will make the right decision.
Just imagine the trouble that could befall your siblings should your deviancy reach public ears. Not to mention the criminal consequences. . .
A Concerned Conscience
Alec crumples the paper into his fist and throws it into the fire. It might feel like he’s a dying man still breathing but there’s never a world where Alec doesn’t protect those he loves.
As the blackmail letter burns to ash, so do the last of Alec’s dreams.
They meet on a Tuesday and for a brief moment, it feels like the man in front of him is the answer to every single question Alec’s ever had.
It doesn’t take long for Alec to come to his senses however. He looks down at the red string tying his hand to this Magnus and can’t stop an involuntary shudder.
The string feels like shackles.
“Alexander? Do you want to find somewhere to talk? I must admit, I was starting to think I’d never find you.”
Alec takes a step back. He can’t look away from the string connecting him to Magnus, the string that means he’s just met his soulmate.
His soulmate, who’s supposed to be his other half, who is supposed to complete him.
So caught up in his thoughts, Alec doesn’t see the way Magnus’s face falls, the way his warm smile cools into something icy, the way the fire in his eyes grows banked at Alec’s initial rejection.
“I don’t want this,” Alec croaks out.
Magnus’s gaze snaps to his because while he may have anticipated some reticence, surely Alec doesn’t mean what he thinks he does.
“I’m afraid I don’t follow, Alexander.”
Gesturing sharply to the space between them, Alec shakes his head and it’s not frantic. It’s resolute.
Alec looks up to meet Magnus’s eyes and can’t imagine a world where this is a start and not just a tragic ending.
“I’ve never liked the concept of soulmates,” Alec utters and tries to ignore the stab of guilt as Magnus’s face bleaches of all color. “I want to cut our tie.”
“Alec, are you sure? That means neither of us will find another. We’ll both be destined to be alone.”
“I’m sorry, Magnus. I’m sorry you’re stuck with me but I never wanted this.” I don’t want you remains unsaid but heard all the same.
“By all means then,” Magnus replies in a calm voice. “I would never want to force someone to be with me, let alone my supposed soulmate.”
Alec’s breath shudders and while there’s a part insisting he not go through it, there’s already relief trickling through him at being unbound from such a weighted promise. He figures the small part of himself not on board is merely trying to fit into societal ideals. As he steels himself, he pushes down the part that wants nothing more than to fall at Magnus’s feet and declare something. Not love but maybe interest. The acknowledgement of possibility.
Fate has never been his friend.
Alec knows himself well enough to know things would never work out with a soulmate, no matter how perfect they supposedly were for him. Alec’s always had himself and he’s always had a choice.
He chooses this.
“Cut the tie.”
The silence falls in the loft at Magnus’s hushed confession. Alec doesn’t know what to do with the quiet yet sincere words that had just escaped the warlock.
For that’s what he is, all he should be to Alec. The High Warlock of Brooklyn who had done more than enough for shadowhunters for one day.
Still. Alec can’t hide how alluring Magnus is in the low light of the loft as he tells him, “You’ve unlocked something in me.”
Alec opens his mouth but no words come out. He can’t find the right words to string together to tell Magnus that he’s alluring, that he makes Alec think about what could be and the blasphemous wish that duty could fall second to personal desire, just this once.
A ringing phone breaks the tension between them just when it seemed to be reaching its crest and Alec answers the phone only to hear Maryse barking a slew of orders at him. He turns away from Magnus for the duration of the call, not wanting to taint the connection he can feel growing between them with his mother’s venom.
When he hangs up, though, Magnus is still right there. Close enough to touch, Alec’s heart whispers traitorously.
Still, Alec’s never shirked his duty before and he’s not about to start now, not when he can just see the edge of chaos barreling towards him and his family at the hands of that Fray girl.
“Duty calls,” he explains apologetically and makes some move to leave.
Magnus turns around from the window and takes a few steps closer to him. Alec wonders if the warlock can hear his heart beating fast, way too fast for what should ostensibly be a professional, if friendly, interaction.
“A furrowed brow,” Magnus murmurs before his lips quirk up in a grin. “Maryse must be recruiting you for something unseemly.”
It’s said in jest but Alec sees the bitterness of distaste in Magnus’s gaze and figures now is as good a time as any to leave. He stumbles over his words, not quite sure what he’s trying to say or where he’s trying to go but every thought comes to a halt as he watches Magnus lift a single finger up to his lips.
His eyes follow the gesture and he can’t stop the smile that catches on the corner of his lips at the coyness, at Magnus’s ability to be so confident but relaxed.
It’s a combination Alec sorely needs.
His thoughts focus as Magnus says, “I understand.” And he thinks that’s the end of it but then the warlock just has to take it one step farther. “Stay for one more drink? And then decide?”
Lifting the glass up is a temptation and Alec thinks about what would happen if he accepted. He imagines that he’d share a few hours of Magnus’s company and maybe the warlock would dig his nails into him a little deeper. He imagines the stories Magnus could regale him with and knows that he has a few he could share in turn.
It doesn’t sound bad at all, Alec thinks. Right now, at this moment, there are very few things he’d rather be doing than drinking a too-strong martini in Magnus Bane’s home as he lets the warlock entertain him.
He’s a Lightwood, though. This-- whatever this is-- has never been an option for Alec. The man in front of him is kind and Alec can already see his prejudice cracking at the edges, the lessons painstakingly drilled into his head holding not a candle to the reality in front of him.
Duty is Alec’s constant companion and it wouldn’t do to shrug it off now.
“I’m sorry,” Alec starts and he sees the smile on Magnus’s face wither a little, right there. “I’d love to, maybe another time. It’s just-- things sounded urgent on the phone--”
Magnus waves him away. “Say no more, darling. I should know better than most that when Maryse Lightwood calls, it wouldn’t do to delay.”
Alec nods once and can’t help but feel like something more precious than he can conceive has just slipped through his fingers. “Listen, Magnus.”
Magnus lifts a finger again but this time it just fills Alec with sadness. “I understand, Alexander.”
The silence of the loft is oppressive as Alec desperately wracks his brain for something to say to ease the tension.
Magnus beats him.
“Go on, shadowhunter. Duty calls.”
Unable to think of anything to say to get that warm look back in Magnus’s eyes, Alec just nods sharply and turns on his heel.
He walks out of the loft and feels a chill down his spine all the way to the Institute.
Annoyed, Alec stumbles into the coffee shop. His hair is dripping and he scowls at the downpour outside before the interior of the shop grabs his attention.
It’s warm and inviting, downright cozy really, and as Alec walks towards the counter, he wonders how he’d never found this place before.
It was on his way home, after all.
So busy staring at the menu, Alec doesn’t notice the barista eyeing him from behind the espresso machine, idly cleaning. Alec jumps when he calls out, “How can I help you today, darling?”
Looking over, Alec’s struck with the man’s good lucks. His brown eyes are friendly and a little flirty and Alec blames that for why he becomes so tongue tied.
Raising a brow, the employee lets him struggle for a moment before smoothly interrupting. “You look like something the cat dragged in during a monsoon. Didn’t you know it was supposed to storm all day?”
Sighing heavily, Alec relaxes against the counter. The barista mirrors him as his expression shifts into bemusement. “I was running late this morning and didn’t have time to look at the weather,” Alec explains sheepishly. “I’m hoping I can spend a little while here and warm up.”
“You’ve come to the right place, then. What can I get you?”
Alec orders a cappuccino but when he pulls out his wallet, he’s waved away.
“Don’t worry about it, darling.” The man winks. “My treat.”
Biting his lip, unsure, Alec finally offers, “Well, I suppose it’s only fair if I get the name of the man who’s treating me to coffee. That’s damn near third base for me.”
He’s delighted to hear the man’s laugh as he starts foaming the milk. “My name is Magnus and I’m the owner of this little establishment. What’s your name?”
Smiling at the machine, Magnus focuses on the task at hand before he throws out, “Take a seat, Alec, and I’ll bring your coffee to you.”
They both look out into mostly empty coffee shop before Magnus dryly tacks on, “I’m sure you can find a place.”
Looking at his watch, Alec sees it’s that weird time of the afternoon when dinner is nearer than lunch but still too far away to linger. He picks a seat by the window and people watches. There are a considerable number of unlucky bastards like him who have caught themselves out in the storm and he grumbles in sympathy as he sees a woman run into a puddle wearing heels.
“Here you go, Alec. If you need anything else, just let me know.”
Magnus is by his elbow for a brief moment to set down his coffee but he retreats without a backwards glance, gone before Alec has time to look away from the window.
He calls out a thanks, nonetheless, and brings the cup up to his lips to blow across its surface. He spends an hour like that, watching the rain and the people.
Magnus stays busy behind the counter and it’s not as awkward as Alec might have thought, to be the only person here. A few people wander in and order something before immediately leaving after they get their coffee but mostly, it’s just him and Magnus.
As the sun starts to set on the horizon, Magnus comes back over with a to-go cup in his hand.
Alec looks up at him quizzically. “I didn’t order this.”
Smiling, Magnus’s free hand comes up to run along the cuff in his ear. “I thought you might be near empty and you don’t strike me as the type of person to cut caffeine from their diet before dark.”
Alec frowns a little and reaches resolutely for his wallet, only to still when Magnus’s hand comes up to cover his. “On the house,” the barista says quietly and flashes a last smile before taking a step back and turning towards the counter.
Watching him leave, Alec can’t help his own smile at such generosity. Taking that as a sign that he should probably start towards home, Alec stands and grabs his to go coffee.
He waves cheerfully at Magnus on his way out and is glad when the man in question waves back in a gesture just as unexpectedly awkward yet endearing.
The rain has stopped and the sun has just started peaking out from behind grey clouds as Alec strolls down the still-empty streets.
He’s almost to his apartment when he hazards a look down and sees writing on the cup.
Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk he sees a phone number and a little message.
How about another drink sometime. Your treat?
Alec grins and before he quite knows what he’s doing, he’s taking his phone out and entering a new contact.
He manages to wait until he’s inside his place before he can’t take it anymore. The barista was cute and kind and anyone who can brew a cup of coffee as good as the one Alec had this afternoon has to be damn near perfect for him.
With all of his thoughts revolving around yes, Alec texts Magnus. He has a good feeling about this.
It’s an innocuous enough start for a story that never ends.
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czec-hoslo-vak-ians · 3 years
This episode is definitely in my top 7 of the season
Michael and Maria💜
Scene goes👽
When it shows just a bus like that or one vehicle it means that the people inside are up to no good. Isabel upset destroying a race of people buyt where they really people though? Max knows something else is bothering Isabel show the bus again not a good sign. Hey we haven't seen Valenti in a few episodes. It's nice to see him just hanging out with his son we haven't had a father-son moments in a while. Valenti wanted to eat it he was looking forward to it Kyle turning to mush and sent it back into the water. That's right Liz is back to working at Cafe now. Well you can clearly tell that that glow stick does not belong on that billboard it looks out of place however since it glows it kind of looks like it belongs. That's kind of creepy when your mom vanishes like that in front of you however it's a great way to get out of talking about something you don't want to talk about. I would be freaked out to if I hit a carriage like that and there was no baby inside and saw a lawn mower going off by yourself with no one riding it( Maria hitting the baby carriage reminds me of the scene in speed where Sandra Bullock hits the baby carriage because she couldn't stop and it was just filled with cans). Totally knew that bus has some shady people on it. They are definitely the reason why all humans are gone.
Of course the sheriff would definitely know that the green stick didn't belong in the billboard. Kyle's dad definitely know that Kyle's changing sometimes the mumbo jumbo he does need to lay off a little bit his father has a point. Courtney really say their lives and copper Summit? I mean all she did was just destroyed the other husk. It seems like Michael and Courtney are getting a little bit too close for comfort.
I wonder why the skin Maria held up didn't disintegrate but anytime anybody else held up the skin it disintegrated really quickly. I really like how Isabel went to try to console ways and of course Maria standing next to Michael side. I do not like the fact that Max grabbed Tess away from Courtney like that however I do not blame test for being upset at Courtney she does seem a little shady that again Tess seems a little shady too so. Did you see how fast Michael jumped to Courtney's defense saying that she's on our side now. There is no freaking way all of them fit into that tiny bathroom. I do guys say test probably has the coolest power that she could make them think what they need to think. That is gross Nicholas eating someone else's bitten in food and drinking out there cup. I think Nicholas knows that something is not right with that mirror. Max consoling Tess rubbing her back like that not a fan of it. You can totally see that Liz saw Max rubbing her back I think that's why Liz left.
Max gift guilty and wants to consolas however the flashbacks keep running in his face her and Kyle together. You can tell that Max is debating if he should help Courtney or not. I love how Isabelle pushes Michael and max out of the bathroom door cause they are Just watching them strip Courtney's clothes off. I don't play Maria for having all those those because she's right she was dating Michael Guerin. However last episode she referred Michael as her boyfriend this episode it's past tense. Why is Michael so worried for Courtney this is unlike him to be worried about somebody.
I don't blame Tess for being suspicious of Courtney, after all she is somewhat the enemy. I've never seen Liz so worried about her parents before this is the first time she's actually seem like he cares for them and she says our friends most of her friends are in that room is that bathroom the only friend that really is missing is Alex so why is she really so upset?. Thank goodness Valenti to the rescue, if it wasn't for him Liz would have been a goner. Wow the Skins can fight pretty good it seems like they don't die easily.
Well now we know how to kill them, Max is so bitter towards Kyle and Kyle is the innocent person in this whole situation. You can tell that Isabel feels guilty about what is happening she wants to tell Max everything but she can't. I totally knew that she was going to give Max the slip oh, and of course Max is going to go after her and look for her. Nicholas totally knows that Isabel is there.
Michael seems really worried and upset that Courtney is dying it's frustrating he doesn't behave this way towards Maria. Finding the isn't a bad idea turning it off excellent idea. You can tell Valenti going to disappear next because he's trying to say goodbye to without saying goodbye. I feel bad for Maria because Michael is too busy with Courtney when Maria needs Consulting right now I bet she feels all alone. I'm so glad that Tess was there to help Maria she's being attacked by some skin. I totally would ship Maria's and Tess friendship from this point on if I didn't have such a distaste for Tess. Kyle's dad disappearing in front of him really sucks. I understand Kyle's frustration however I understand Max wanting everybody to stick together. Max's eyes said he wanted to tell Kyle something completely different but he looked at Liz and decided to go against it👽 of course it's Courtney would be missing.
The way Nicholas says valandra makes me want to vomit but however I love the name. It makes no sense that this little punk kid is in charge of all the skins. How did the mom know what she watching through the window.
I love it when Maria is freaking out because she Rants and her rants are funny. Three humans down to two poor Liz just vanished. Kyle is the only one he's not freaking out. I really like that Kyle got to do some butt kicking right before he disappeared. Poor Maria she's all alone to do this and she's the one who's freaking out the most.
Nicholas is such a punk I can't take him anymore. Courtney is definitely dying the husk isn't working. I'm so glad Courtney killed herself before Nicholas got the information on where the granilith is, that would have been disastrous if he got that information.
Wouldn't you think seeing Isabel knocked out like that that something is off smell trap Maybe. They are so outnumbered right now. Cat is out of bag now about valandra being Isabel. Someone needs to shut Nicholas mouth right now. I do agree with Nicholas Michael does have nice hair. Me cheering for Maria YOU CAN DO TTHIS GIRL! That's my girl Maria SHE DID IT. I'm not crazy that it was Tess that killed all the skins I think it would have been better story line if it was Isabel to show the skins that she will never choose their side. Or to have Michael Kill Them All to show that he is a good commander and 2nd. But the has Tess do it because Max is getting hurt just seems like the weaker route to take( it's just my opinion) but I guess to move the story of Tess and Max getting closer Tess would have to be the one to Kill Them All so Max can console her.
It's nice to see all the humans back, Alex looks so confused that Valenti is talking to him the way that he is. Isabel hugging her mother is a touching moment because Isabel really needs a mother right now and this is the closest one she's going to get. Kyle looks really awkward standing there while the girls were hugging he's like hey I'm back to. I totally think that Tess captain into that Source on purpose I think she knew what she was doing. Was that kid on the scooter supposed to make us think that that is Nicholas?
Well you guys that's the end of the episode I had fun I hope you had fun I'll see you on the other side.
💜 Michael does not like saying goodbye so I'll see you soon does just as good I'm so glad that he hugged her she really needed that.
Quote of the episode "oh please don't let me die like Elvis"
Coming up next: meet the Dupes pt1
Pic NOT mine
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siobhanlovesfilm · 5 years
Celestia & Clyde
For: @celestiaelisia, as part of @kylosupremeimagines Valentine's Day Fic Exchange.
words: 2,434
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When Celestia had moved too West Virginia a few years back, she was trying to start fresh on her own, moving away from the past, one she wished would become forgotten memories and never return.  
Over the years getting used to letting people knowing her from her red hair and then her name, she stopped being a stranger, who had shown up in a warm spring day. Having met many strange, but kind characters around the small town, Celestia began making friends with people like  Earl from the garage, even the purple lady whose main job seemed to be telling gossip, wherever she would find someone to listen to her, but her favourite person was Mellie Logan, who quickly became a close friend. Shy at first seeing this woman Celestia saw. A woman who wore bright coloured outfits and had a loud personality. The more she learnt about Mellie, the more she realised that she was someone who would always fight for what she believed in and would always be there for her older brothers. Something Celestia admired. 
While this was happening, Mellie was noticing in Celestia, that she was so grateful finding another woman in this small town that she could find an interesting conversation with, instead of all these customers with their small talk and gossip. After having some drinks in and car rides. Mellie found a woman that she could trust and maybe see as a sister. As they became more comfortable together Mellie found that not only was Celestia great to have in her life and totally ignored Jimmy’s constant flirting with her friend and the fact she had gotten louder and more confident in her self over time and would accidentally shout in excitement, to Mellie’s great surprise.
As Mellie had gotten closer to Celestia, she found that she wanted her closest friend to meet her brother. As she had already met Jimmy on several occasions.  The only family member left to meet was her brother Clyde the owner of the ‘Duck Tape’, so as they were both going to meet up for drinks that night anyway, she thought this was the perfect opportunity to get two of favourite people to meet.
“He’s not a duplicate of Jimmy is he? I like Jimmy, but I don’t want to listen to that all night, I want to just spend time with you Mel”
“Don’t worry Clyde is a much more a quieter soul, except when he’s being protective, or being threatened and his cocktails are to die for too and I know how much you love those fancy drinks”
“Okay Mel see you in half an hour” Celestia said before hanging up the phone.                                                                              
That night when Mel picked up Celestia they talked all the way to bar, with Mellie telling Celestia about what the purple lady had said at her hairdresser’s business that morning, giving her a friend a big eye roll, making Celestia laugh with ease.
“Okay we here darling, it shouldn’t be too busy tonight” Mellie said with a wink, walking towards the bar door “Hello Earl” she said while guiding Celestia in, noticing the middle-aged guy just past the doorway. Earl nodding too the two ladies as they walked into the bar.
“Remember you need to talk to Earl, as you know how great he is with cars you defiantly need to ask him about yours soon, but that can wait for that, meet my brother Clyde he’s over there behind the bar” Mellie expecting some response she turned around to see that her friend had become a statue at the door and was staring at her brother with wide eyes and a blush on her cheeks.
Not hearing whatever Mellie was telling her, Celestia had noticed that the bartender was beautiful. With warm chocolate eyes, shoulder length, ebony hair and moles that where sprinkled onto his features. Not ever being someone to hold crushes, not even childhood celebrity ones. She was shocked that she wanted to know this man’s story and didn’t know how to start the conversation. Her confidence fading for a moment.
“Hey are okay there, that’s my brother the bartender” Mellie said, while waving her hand in her friends face and repeating her question. Gripping her friend’s hand and pulling her towards Clyde. Causing Celestia to shake her head and try to put on a calm expression, confident front to meet this new stranger.
“Clyde” Mellie basically shouted when finally reaching the bar counter and giving her brother a tight hug, before gesturing her friend to stand beside her.
“This is Celestia the friend I’ve been telling you all about”
“Hello she has been telling me about you for weeks, nice to meet you, could I get you something to drink?” replied Clyde.
“emmmm … nice to meet you … I think I might need to go to toilet before that” Celestia her cheeks going from pink too a bright red against her hair line. Then suddenly sprinting to the door opposite the bar.
“I’m not sure what that was about, she been great with new people recently, Clyde are you okay?” finally noticing that her brother was staring at the spot that Celestia had just stood.
Over the years Mellie had seen the insecurity and his obsession of the Logan curse, making him not binge interested in starting a new relation ship friendship or otherwise. So seeing how intense he looked softy at Celestia, as she came back to the bar. Mellie’s mind started to do cartwheels.
“what Mel?” grumbled Clyde.
“I haven’t seen you look at someone like that since high school, when you would hide in the Library, every moment you could”
“Mel!” Clyde blushed and watching Celestia blush in return, against his gaze.
“This doesn’t mean anything, you no one been interested in me for years because of my hand” he whispered.
“The only people who care about your hand in a negative way is you and drunk arseholes” Mellie announced just before, her friend had reached the bar again.
“Okay so my friend here loves a cocktail, what about make her your special” quickly Clyde nodded and then got his equipment ready, measuring his ingredients and pouring them before throwing a few cubes of ice in, shaking and putting it in a glass and pushing it towards Celestia, without making eye contact and moving onto the next customer at the opposite end of the bar, in haste.
“Does he dislike me?” Celestia asked in a soft tone.
“Don’t worry he always been soft spoken and pretty girls sometimes make him nervous, so what do you think of him?” watching the question flicker over Celestia head and her then causing her face to go bright red again.
“hmmm interesting” catching her friend looking at Clyde when she thought no one was looking.
“… Yes interesting”
Over the next few months Mellie carried on bringing Celestia to the bar every week. Celestia still couldn’t talk to him without blushing, always turning into a failed attempt of small talk. Over this period, she noticed the little quirks that made up Clyde. The way he would listen to the people in bar and smile when he heard parts of their conversations that amused him and laughing at Earl’s random jokes. The way that the skin by his eyes would crinkle when he laughed. How protective he would get over anyone looking at his sister or his brother Jimmy the wrong way. She got so angry when anyone laughed or talked when his back was turned, her small fists turned white from anger, the more she leaned about his daily nature.
What she didn’t notice was that when she would turn back to Mellie or when she would play pool. He would always be taking glances at her, to make sure she was alright. She was beautiful, he knew that from the moment he first saw her.
The way that Mellie had talked about Celestia, made him feel like, he had known you for years. That like his family he would protect you no matter what. He loved that Celestia made his sister feel heard, because even if Mellie put up a front, she was used to be only seen as someone who was pretty and knew about beauty and hair. That she had a past of some toxic friendships and needed someone like Celestia in her life.
Sometimes when a certain song he could see Celestia start to dance in her seat. Never comfortable enough to stand up, except when Mellie wanted her to join in. Twirling each other around, causing a big grin to beam on both of their faces. Celestia her eyes shining bright, something that he could see from behind the counter in the dim light of the bar. He did sometimes notice that your face grew a shade of crimson, when you where stood by him, but he thought that might just be the heat, even though Jimmy would sometimes tease him about it. The thing was he did really want to talk to her, but he was never good at words, he could kick customers out of his bar, no problem. But being honest was so difficult. It was so difficult to be vulnerable; he knew what it felt like to lay yourself open and for someone to just shred it too pieces.
Everyone that knew Celestia, would say how kind she was how she would always offer help, but knew when to step back a bit, when someone needed it. She was a mystery her a past something unspoken. All that mattered to him was who you were right now. He knew that, he had made mistakes in the past so how could he judge someone who made everyone around herself happy and would brighten up his day, like a lovely flame, that was full of warmth and compassion.
“You should speak to her, you should she the way her eyes light up when I talk about you” said Mellie one day.
“What if I’m not good enough for her, I don’t what to say to her” Clyde replied.
“Clyde talk to her, you might see something, I’m not saying she will jump in your arms, I think someone or something from her past hurt her” Mellie announced growing more serious.
“Does this thing have a name?”
“Nope sorry, we can’t go on a road trip and find them, but you know how I’m with trusting people, I’m rubbish at it, but I know I can trust her and I know you too need to give each other a chance, I know its always been hard for you, but both of you deserve to be happy”
A few months passed, including Christmas and the new year was already here.
As it was hitting the new years countdown, Mellie and Celestia where taking sips of there drinks, that Clyde had personally made.
“You know that Jimmy has finally got with Sylvia?” announced Mellie
“Jimmy did tell me, even gave me a big hug and said I had to meet her”
“Well that means, as I have decided to be pickier and more single for a while at least, that means my other big bear of a bother needs to find someone”
“He does deserve to be happy”
“I also know my best friend has been staring and trying to talk to him, for months now” this then causing Celestia face to heat up.
“Mellie you can’t be serious!”
“Have I ever lied to you? now let’s drink and dance”
Soon after fireworks and after saying bye to Mel, Celestia had started to write a, something from her past, that had happily come back to her and had even started writing articles for the local paper. She had started to feel that she was at home and she had a family. So many people cared about her and she cared about them in return. When she had arrived in the spring, she had felt so lonely for a long time and now she walked down streets on her own saying hello to locals, on her own or with Mellie linked in her arm. At Christmas she had gotten gift of a lovely outfit for her to wear for occasions, from Mellie and she felt beautiful in it.
After fairy lights and tinsel where put down, slowly paper hearts and pink sweets started showing up everywhere and everyone began to rush and make cards, to show how much she cared. She had even started to make been making one for someone, who she admired but wanted to know on a more personal and wanted to see his smile with his slightly crooked teeth, that always lite up his face.
So when valentine’s day came, she decided to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. With her new dress that Mellie had given, her only a month before and she began to walk up to Clyde and ask him, if he wanted dinner. It was an simple question “do you want to have a dinner with me?”,but when she stood before him and she looked into those warm chocolate eyes, the words froze on her tongue.
“Clyde ... I wanted to ask … you something”
“Darling did you want a drink or something, is Mellie about, haven’t seen you on your own for a while”
“Clyde would you …” Clyde noticed that she was blushing, and it was quite cold with the air conditioning, but her face didn’t seem to agree.
“Clyde would you go on a date with me, I wanted to ask you this for a while, but I would too see as more than friends, I want to learn everything about you, I want you to know that I see you and that if you don’t feel the same way it’s fine” rambled Celestia
“I …”
“I care about you and I know this may not work out, but whenever someone says your anything less than, I want to punch them in the face” she continued get more nervous.
“Darling hold on a second, breathe, I wanted this since I saw you entered this bar, with Mellie and I don’t think, I would spend tonight with anyone but this intelligent, beautiful woman stood in front of me right now”
Celestia grinned and pressed her lips to his cheek, causing them to grin at each other. Completely forgetting the card, that was in her bag. Before pecking him on the lips and blushing.
Tomorrow Celestia would tell Mellie, but this day was theirs.
 Happy Valentines week, I hope you enjoyed it xx
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raspberryparker · 5 years
all to myself | h.o.
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Harrison Osterfield x Fem!Reader — Enemies to Lovers AU
complete masterlist
word count: 4.5k summary: you’re certain haz is just out to sabotage your friendship with tom. so when you get a chance to talk to him about alone, he reveals his true colours. warnings: was this fic an excuse to write gratuitous smut? mayhaps no. that being said, here’s the n*fw warning. smut: unprotected sex wrap your tool, kids, biting, dirty talk, dom/sub, body worship, slight spanking.. if im missing any please tell me.
requests: closed | commissions: open add yourself to my taglist! like my work? check out my commissions!
   You really didn’t want to be in this situation.
   Your fingers toyed with the straw in the glass in front of you as watched the bubbles from the carbonation rise slowly from the bottom. Maybe if you concentrated hard enough, you’d float off like one of them and finally be able to escape this terrible fate.
   How did this even happen?
   Oh right. It was his fault.
   “Ah shit, mate,” Tom had sighed over the phone. “I forgot about today.”
   “That’s fine,” you said, pouring yourself a cup of tea. “That’s why I called you. Wanted to make sure you were still up for it. If you’re busy we can reschedule, though.”
   “I can’t do that to you,” he insisted. “You know I’m gonna be busy for the next little while. Got that new movie coming up…”
   “And you still won’t tell me what it is,” you laughed. “I’m proud of you, Thomas. I’m surprised you haven’t spoiled anything yet.”
   “I’d like to think I’ve matured, Y/N,” he teased, obviously miffed you called him by his full name. “Besides, last time that happened—”
   “Marvel beat your ass, yes I know. Fine, you don’t have to tell me.”
   “You’re so understanding.”
   “It’s just who I am,” you grinned. You knew he could probably hear it in your voice through the phone. “So you still want to get lunch today? A final send-off before you devote yourself to your craft and forget about my existence?”
   “As if I could forget you,” he laughed. “I’d die without you, mate. But yeah, lunch today is good. There is one thing, though.”
   “I love things.”
   “I don’t think you’ll like this particular thing.”
   You pressed the phone between your shoulder and ear, holding it in place as you pressed you brought your tea up to your lips and blew gently on it to cool it down.
   “Okay, now you’ve got me interested.”
   “Well,” he began. “I forgot about today because we planned it a few weeks ago and I’m really sorry, but Harrison and I had made plans to hang out somewhere today so… can he come?”
   “Uh,” you said, your brow furrowing. “Yes? Why wouldn’t he be able to come?”
   “You two don’t exactly get along,” he laughed nervously. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable because it’s totally on me that I forgot about today so if you want I can—”
   “Tom, it’s fine,” you sighed. “It’s not like we hate each other.”
   “You say that and yet…”
   “Shut up, idiot.”
   “Okay, so that’s a yes?” he asked, not denying the fact that he was an idiot.
   “Of course of it is,” you’d replied.
   Oh, how naive you were. Of course, it wasn’t going to go well.
   And besides, Harrison had no right to look that good for a simple lunch. He looked like he’d just walked off a red carpet. Not even Tom, who was sitting beside him sipping casually on a coke as he raised an eyebrow at you, looked that… good.
   Harrison wasn’t even doing anything important. He was just looking off to the side, probably ogling a waitress or something, as he brought a chip up to his lips and bit down.
   You swallowed harshly as he did.
   His hair was styled perfectly, the front of it upswept and brushed to the side, revealing the entirety of his grossly perfect face. The sharp edge of his jawline moved as he chewed, and you watched the bounce of the muscles along the length of it and had to bring your glass of water up to your lips. The denim jacket that clung to his shoulders gripped his frame perfectly and it was just so unfair.
   Good thing it was almost over.
   “Are you doing anything after this?” you asked Tom, hoping to break the silence.
   “Yeah,” he replied. “I have a meeting to go to. And I actually—” he paused, bringing his watch up to look at the time. “—should get going.”
   “Sure,” you said. “I can get the bill.”
   “No,” Tom said. “I got it. Oh, and before I forget, you left some clothes at our flat. Been meaning to give them back but I keep forgetting. Harrison washed them for you so if you’re not busy you can go grab them right now.”
   “You did?” you asked incredulously, looking at Harrison.
   He shrugged, crystal blue eyes refusing to meet yours as he continued to munch on the remainder of his food.
   “Yeah, he did,” Tom smiled. He stood and grabbed the jacket from the back of his chair, slinging it over an arm as he reached into his jeans and pulled out his wallet. “He can drive you there if you want. You’re not busy later, right?”
   The question was directed toward Harrison. His mouth opened, gaping like a fish for a moment before he caught your gaze. He sighed and shrugged.
   “Yeah, I suppose I can,” he agreed.
   “Awesome,” Tom smiled. “I’ll go pay, you two get going. I’m gonna be late again, but fuck it.”
   After saying goodbye to Tom, complete with a hug and him complaining about how you messed up his hair when you ruffled it gently, you followed Harrison to his car. It wasn’t exactly a perfect day, but it was nice; as nice at it could get in London. The sun was completely obscured by the clouds but it wasn’t raining so, of course, he had the top down.
   He stepped around to driver’s side and got in, eyeing you carefully as you reached over and put your bag in the backseat before opening the door to the passenger side and getting into the car. He hadn’t even bothered to open the door for you. Not that you were mad, you could open your own door. But why would he do something like that for you?
   The ride to Tom and Harrison’s flat was nothing short of awkward. You could cut the tension with a knife.
   Until you decided you’d had enough.
   “Do you think I’m stupid?”
   Harrison turned to you for a moment before focusing back on the road ahead of him, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
   “Depends on the reason you’re asking,” he said. It was the first thing he’d said to you since the restaurant and it was already making you grind your teeth together.
   “I know you heard us planning lunch a few weeks ago,” you said. “You live with him. Why of all days do you have to plan to hang out on the day that we were supposed to go to lunch?”
   “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.
   You turned to your right, glancing at him, and saw the smile that crept up on his face. The corner of his lips tilted upward even though he was keeping his eyes on the road. His hair flew wildly about his face in the wind. You shook your head, slumping into your seat.
   When you arrived at the flat, it was even worse.
   Harrison turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, throwing his keys onto the kitchen table once you both stepped in. You shut the door behind you and watched as he tugged off his jacket one sleeve at a time. He threw it onto the back of the couch, leaving him only in a grey t-shirt that hugged his arms a little too beautifully, and turned to you with a sigh.
   “Your stuff’s in the laundry room,” he said. “You can go grab it and then you can go.”
   You were taken aback for a moment.
   “I’m sorry?”
   “I’m just saying,” he muttered, brushing a hand through his hair. “You obviously don’t wanna be here any longer than you have to ‘cause Tom’s not here so…”
   “No, wait,” you said, crossing your arms and stepping toward him. “I want to talk about this. Why do you hate me? What have I done for you to dislike me so much, I don’t get it.”
   Harrison sighed again, his hand still in his hair.
   “Do we have to do this right now?”
   “Why not,” you said. You took a seat at the kitchen table as he leaned on the back of the couch. “We’re both here. Tom’s not here. Might as well get it all out in the open.”
   “I’d really rather not—”
   “Just tell me, Harrison,” you sighed. “I’m sick of this. Don’t you think we should resolve this for Tom’s sake? It’s tearing him apart. You’re his best friend and practically his fourth brother, and he’s my best friend. He’s all I’ve got out here. I don’t wanna make his life miserable because we don’t get along.”
   “Fine,” Harrison said. “You wanna know what I think?”
   “I do.”
   “I’m scared,” he admitted, though his expression was serious. Almost angry, in fact. “Because every other girl who’s ever stepped foot in this flat claiming to be Tom’s ‘friend’ has only wanted two things—” he listed them off on his fingers as he spoke. “—sex and money. And my brother, because you said it yourself, he’s my brother, has to get his heart broken over and over because girls want to take advantage of him solely because of who he is. And frankly? I don’t know if I can trust you.”
   “You really think I’d do that?” you asked. Your expression was sad, brows furrowed as you stood from your spot and stepped toward him. “Harrison, I love Tom. I’m so far from home and he’s my closest friend; fuck, he’s my only friend. Why would I give that up? I don’t care about his money, I care about him as a person.”
   You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest. “I thought you of all people would be able to see that with how much time I spend in your damn apartment.”
   “Flat,” he mumbled under his breath.
   “Oh, whatever.”
   He glanced up at you then, surprised at the chuckle at left your lifts with those words. His eyes were wide and curious as if he’d never seen you laugh before. You shook your head as you smiled to yourself, biting your lips as you met his eyes again. From his position leaning against the couch, he was just about eye level with you, and you saw his lips break into the first real smile—not a smirk or a snigger—but a real smile as he laughed quietly under his breath.
   “Do you believe me now?” you asked softly.
   “I always believed you,” he said. Your brows furrowed as he looked up and met your gaze. “I… I guess I was jealous, too. You spend so much time with Tom, you’re so close, I guess I was keeping you away from him for my sake too.”
   “W-what do you mean?”
   “I don’t think I could take it if you and Tom did end up together,” he admitted. His cheeks were beginning to glow a little redder as he spoke. “So I guess I was trying to keep you all to myself.”
   “I thought you hated me,” you admitted, stepping forward.
   He laughed mirthlessly, his shoulder shaking as he looked down at his lap.
   “Are you joking?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper. “First time Tom brought you home I almost thought I’d died.”
   “What are you—”
   “‘Here’s this angel,’ I said to myself. ‘And she’s with Tom. Again.’ I always end up third-wheeling around him and his past girlfriends. I thought I’d have to live through that again. But it was…. different.”
   He sighed and looked up to meet your gaze. His ice blue eyes looked sad.
   “It hurt a little more with you,” he admitted. “Because you’re… so beautiful. And I was jealous. Tom always gets the pretty girls.”
   “I’m not that pretty,” you muttered.
   “You are,” he replied, eyes serious. “You don’t see it but you are.”
   You sighed, rolling your eyes and throwing your arms up in exasperation. You stepped toward him until your feet were almost touching.
   “Then why didn’t you talk to me?” you asked. “Why didn’t you… say anything?”
   “Guess I was scared.”
   You smiled softly, grinning at him.
   “If anyone was scared it was me,” you said. He looked up at you in confusion. “I thought the hottest guy I knew hated me. And if that wasn’t a blow to the old self esteem, I don’t know what is.”
   “You…” he began, but trailed off when you stepped closer to him, standing between his legs. He looked almost afraid.
   His hand was shaking as he brought it up under your chin, gripping your jaw with such a delicacy, it was like he was handling the finest porcelain in the world.
   And the smirk was back, but you only saw it for a fraction of a second, before his large, warm hands were cupping your cheeks and he pulled you softly in. His lips were so warm, much softer than you expected but it was so good, almost too good as you pushed into him. Harrison’s hands moved from your cheeks down your arms, tracing the curves of your waist before he squeezed your ass. You gasped into his mouth, pulling away as you rested your forehead against his. He was panting, breath hot on your wet lips.
   “Been wanting to feel that ass for so long,” he whispered.
   You moaned out loud, pressing into his chest.
   Harrison’s lips moved down your neck and along your jaw, nipping at certain places and sucking on others. He stood from his spot on the back of the couch and suddenly his mouth was at a much better angle. It felt like he was swallowing you whole and you loved it. He tapped your thigh before giving it a squeeze, and you raised it up his leg. He placed his hands underneath your thighs and hoisted you up against him, and as you rose you felt his clothed hardness brush against your core and he rumbled against your throat at the friction.
   With your hands in his hair, ruining the perfect style that you’d admired from earlier, he tried to maneuver through the flat as best as he could, trying to find his bedroom.
   He shoved the door open, walking you towards his bed until his knees hit the edge of it and he lowered you down against it. You let him go as you lay on your back against his sheets, face flushed and chest rising and lowering with each heavy breath. He stood for a moment longer, admiring your spread form on his bed.
   All for him.
   “So beautiful,” he murmured
   “Stop,” you whined, bringing your hands up to cover your chest even though you were still fully clothed.
   “No, no, no, darling,” he smiled, kneeling over you and pulling your hands away. You gave little resistance, allowing him to move you like a doll. “Let me see you.”
   Fingertips trailing down your abdomen, Harrison found the bottom of your shirt and tugged it upwards. He kissed along the soft skin of your stomach as he moved it up, lips following the hem as he slowly pulled it off of you. When he’d finally tugged it off, he loomed over you and smiled.
   “You’re perfect, love,” he murmured. His hands slipped underneath your back and undid the clasp of your bra, taking both that and your shirt and throwing them somewhere into his room. His palm found the mound of one of your breasts, kneading it softly as you threw your head back against the mattress and moaned. He took the opportunity to attach his lips to your neck, sucking harshly as he pinched your nipple. “And you’re all mine.”
   Harrison’s attention returned to your breast, his hand still massaging one but his lips finding the nipple of the other. He rolled his teeth over the hardened bud, never quite biting but allowing you to feel the edge of them against it.
   “Fuck,” you sighed. “All yours. Only yours, oh fuck.”
   “Sound so pretty for me, Y/N,” he sighed. His tongue circled the nipple under his mouth before giving it a hard suck. “Gonna moan like that when I fuck you?”
   “Oh my go—fuck.”
   You could barely form words, your brain not even noticing that he’d stopped playing with your breast and his hands were already pushing your pants down your legs. He pulled away from you, helping you out of the jeans you wore and spreading your legs in front of him with his hands on your knees.
   “Gonna need an answer, darling,” he teased.
   “Yes,” you sighed, the words merely a breath. “Yes, I will.”
   “Mmm good.”
   And then one of his unfairly long fingers was on your panties, and you jumped as he circled your clit with the tip of his finger. His short nail dragged against the fabric and you tried to buck up into his touch, but he pulled away before you could.
   A long whine left your lips, and he smirked from between your legs.
   “Already so sensitive,” he smiled. He dragged to fingers from your folds to your clit, still over the fabric of your panties, before he pressed on the bundle of nerves with a wicked smile on his face. “Did I do this to you, love?”
   “Fuck!” you moaned, hips desperately bucking into his hand. “Yes, just for you.”
   “No one else makes you feel like this?”
   “No—fuck me, oh my god—no one else.”
   “So impatient,” he laughed. “Wanted to play with you for a bit, darling.”
   You whined at the thought, imagining Harrison toying with you, making you cum again and again with his fingers or his tongue, or maybe edging you until you begged him to fuck you, making your pussy clench though it was around nothing.
   “Please,” you whimpered, your hands coming up to rub at your breasts. You were desperate to feel anything. “Please fuck me, Harrison, please.”
   “Since you asked so nicely.”
   He was out of his clothes before you even had the chance to beg once more. His boxers were the last to go and you almost choked as you caught sight of his cock.
   It was perfect, long and girthy, a drop of precum already forming at the pink tip. You were hit with an urge to lick it away, but he brushed a finger through it and spread it over the length, stroking himself gently. He was already so hard and swollen and you could feel yourself throb at the thought of it inside you.
   “You ready, love?” he asked you.
   Harrison lowered himself in front of you, hooking his arms under your knees and tugging you closer to him.
   You nodded eagerly, hands extended to reach for him.
   “Please, Harrison,” you whined.
   “I’ve got you, love,” he muttered, one hand gripping yours as he intertwined your fingers and the other guiding his cock to your entrance. “I’ve got you.”
   He sank home in a single thrust, and you screamed at the stretch. He was so big, far bigger than anyone else you’d ever had but he was perfect. It was delicious, the feeling of him inside you. He was hot, hard, and heavy and you felt yourself clench around him.
   Harrison groaned as he felt you spasm. He lowered himself above you, pressing his nose under your chin.
   “So fucking tight,” he moaned. “Fucking amazing.”
   “Move,” you whimpered, hands in his hair. “Please.”
   “Don’t wanna cum right away, love,” he laughed. “You that desperate for me?”
   “Fuck, yes.”
   His teeth found your throat, sucking the sting away and leaving a purpling mark behind as he pulled out, and you whined at the feeling. But it was short-lived, because he thrust back in again, starting a steady pace of thrusts that had your hands shaking and your abdomen tensed with each brush of his cock against your g-spot.
   You were moaning like a wanton whore, loud and embarrassing in any other situation but with the weight of Harrison inside you, it seemed fitting. Whiny moans, his name spilling from your lips like a prayer, hymns of “please” and “fuck” tumbling through the air between the two of you.
   “Fuck, you sound so beautiful, Y/N,” he moaned. “So perfect. Could cum just from hearing you say my name.”
   He was pounding into you then, hips slapping with a lewd echo of skin against skin. Your legs came up around his waist, your ankles crossing just above his ass. You pulled him by his hair gently until his face was level with yours and you kissed him fiercely, all pressure and lips mashing against teeth.
   His teeth closed around your bottom lip and tugged gently, lips sucking around it.
   “Fuck, darling,” he moaned. “So good.”
   But then he stopped.
   And as he did you whined out loud, a pained sound as you were left quivering and wanting. You gripped at his hair and tried to tug him closer, undulating your hips in a weak attempt to feel him moving inside of you again.
   Harrison groaned, sucking at your jaw.
   “So desperate for my cock,” he murmured against your skin. “Don’t worry, love, I’ve got you. Turn over for me.”
   It was almost laughable how quickly you spun around underneath him after he pulled out, folding your arms under your head and arching your back. Your ass brushed against his cock and you heard him inhale sharply.
   You jumped when his large hand collided with the supple flesh of your cheek.
   “Such a good girl for me,” he said from above you. “You look gorgeous like this darling, ass in the air just begging me to fuck you.”
   “Please,” you whined. “Harrison, please.”
   You turned your head in order to see him, cheek pressed against the mattress. You saw him stroking himself slowly as his other hand kneaded your ass. His hand came down in another quick slap and you mewled, pressing back against him. He rubbed the handprint out with his palm before he lined himself up and sunk back into you again, hands coming down around your head to hold himself up. You felt his hot breath against your shoulder blades before he pressed an open-mouthed kiss between them, just along your spine.
   “So fucking perfect, baby,” he sighed. “Feel so fucking good around me.”
   You moaned your response, bringing a hand up to grip at his hair. He let you guide him down as you turned your head, his mouth finding yours as he continued to pound into you from behind. Your voice shook as you whined into his mouth.
   “Fuck,” you breathed. “Fuck, Harrison I—”
   Your words were cut off with a loud shriek, your head turning back to face forward as you bit the pillow in order to silence yourself.
   The only sounds you could hear were your own muffled cries and the sound of Harrison’s hips slamming against your ass over and over and over. You could feel your wetness dripping down your thighs and onto the sheets below you. It didn’t look like he would stop any time soon.
   But you didn’t want him to.
   “Gonna cum for me, baby?” he murmured.
   You nodded desperately into the pillow, turning to look at him with teary eyes. The pleasure almost had you crying.
   One of his hands reached around your front, fingers rubbing at your clit gently with just enough pressure to have you whimpering into the pillows under him. He hadn’t relented on the pace, still ruthlessly drilling into you with his cock. And with the added stimulation to your clit, you were almost coming undone in an instant.
   “H-Harrison,” you panted. “Gonna cum. Gonna fucking cum, oh my God.”
   “Yeah, love?” He was panting too, breaths heavy against the back of your neck. “God, you’re amazing.”
   Your thighs were shaking around him and your head was thrown back, so close to the edge and so close to tipping over.
   “Cum for me, Y/N,” he whispered into your ear. “Cum all over my cock.”
   With a pinched groan and a high pitched squeal, you came all over him as your hips stuttered against his hand and over his cock. Your head fell forward against the mattress with a groan.
   “Fuck, baby,” he groaned. “I can feel you clenching around me. Did I make you cum that hard? So hard just for me?”
   “Please,” you whimpered. “Harrison.”
   “Don’t worry, darling. I’m right behind you.”
   And as if on cue, his hips began to stutter as he started groaning against your neck, a loud guttural moan escaping his lips as he stilled inside you. You felt the warmth of him inside you, painting your walls and you sighed in contentment.
   “Oh, fuck,” he moaned, dragging out the word, pressing his hips into your ass as he rode out his orgasm.
   He groaned as he pulled out. He gently flipped you onto your back, picking up his shirt from the floor and pressing it under your ass to catch the fluid that seeped from your folds. You laughed tiredly as he did so, and he shot you a smile.
   “Towels are too far,” he explained.
   Harrison took his time cleaning you up. You were already drowsy, hand running through his hair and petting him gently as he wiped his cum away. You winced a couple of times, your folds still sensitive and your pussy still throbbing from the aftermath of your orgasm but it was… calming.
   When he was done, he threw the shirt into his hamper, gripping you close to his chest and laughing as he pulled you up to his pillows.
   “That was,” he began, curling his body around yours and bringing a knee up between your thighs. “The best sex I’ve ever had.”
   “Shut up,” you muttered. Your cheeks were still red.
   He kissed the back of your neck, sighing as he settled into a comfortable position. “Never.”
   From somewhere on the floor, there was the buzz of a phone. Harrison groaned from behind you.
   “I’ll grab it,” you muttered, reaching down until you felt the fabric of his pants and tugged it up.
   Patting around it until you felt the weight of his phone, you tugged it out of the pocket and struggled to find the button to turn it on because who has an Android anymore?
   Glancing at the screen, you laughed out loud as you read the most recent text notification. Harrison peeked up from over your shoulder, and though you couldn’t see it, you knew his eyes grew wide as he saw it.
Tom: how’d it go? you tell her how you feel yet? it’s hard getting you two alone, you know
   Reaching over, he pulled the phone from your hands, muttering “fucking dickhead” under his breath.
   “You weren’t meant to see that,” he admitted.
   “Yeah, maybe,” you admitted, turning over in his arms so you could face. You gripped his cheeks, pressing a soft kiss to his nose.
   He smiled gently at you.
   “But I’m glad I did.”
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305 notes · View notes
morningfears · 5 years
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Rating: PG-13
Summary: Meet-Ugly, college!AU | After a friend convinces you to join the intramural baseball team, you meet the guys (Joe, in particular) in the worst way possible. But at least he’s nice enough to take you to the emergency room after. [Mentions of blood but it gets cute, I promise] Also, if anyone has any Joe requests (that are or aren’t college, doesn’t matter), feel free to send them in. Ben, too.
Word Count: 5.4k (I talk too much, what do you want from me?)
Max huffs, an indignant sound meant to convey his unhappiness with your answer, as he reaches for bowl of fruit cocktail that looks questionable at best. He stares at it for a moment, considering it, before he frowns and places it back onto the cool metal of the serving line. “If they wanted us to eat healthy,” he murmurs as he reaches for an apple that’s only slightly bruised, “maybe they should make the healthy options less, I don’t know, revolting?” He frowns at the array of food in front of the two of you before he shakes his head and returns his attention to you. “What do you mean no?” he demands as he grabs a bottle of water and a fork. “You can’t just say no!”
“I can just say no,” you inform him as you grab your own bottle of water before picking up your tray and stepping around him, “and I believe I just did.”
Max huffs again as he grabs his own tray and follows you through the crowded dining hall. The first week of classes means that every freshman on campus eats in the dining hall, before they learn just how disgusting it is and waste the rest of their meal plan on other on-campus options before shamefully returning in November, and the place is packed. The table that you usually occupy, the one by the window closest to the street (“Perfect spot for people watching,” you’d explained once your freshman year), is packed with excited freshman giggling at the seniors in sweatpants and you bypass it to take a seat at the only empty table in sight.
“Why, though?” Max asks as the two of you settle into your seats. “Give me a valid reason and I’ll stop asking.”
“I don’t want to. Valid enough.”
Max rolls his eyes and studies you as you pick at the wilted lettuce of your salad. He’s been trying to get you to play intramural baseball with him since your freshman year and now, at the very beginning of your senior year, he knows that this is his last chance. So, he reaches out to steal a crouton from your salad before he says, “You played softball for most of your life. You could’ve played in college but you wanted to focus on academics and I know you miss it. Intramural isn’t the same, I know. It’s baseball with a bunch of idiot guys who only think they’re good but it’d be a chance for you to at least play a little! You can pick whatever position you want and we only practice once a week so it’s not a huge time commitment. Please!”
You stare at him, contemplating his line of reasoning, as you chew on the fry you’d stolen from his plate during his explanation. Deep down, you know that he’s right. You do miss the sport. Even though you go to as many of the university’s games as you can and even have a few friends on both the softball and baseball teams, it’s not the same as playing yourself. Going to a batting cage or playing catch with a friend isn’t the same and, even though you don’t like admitting it, playing intramural baseball would satisfy your desire to get back out there.
So, you ask, “Do I have to play every game?”
The intramural team, for some unknown reason, plays year round. They begin with the school year and continue until May. The perks of living in California, you suppose. And while you want to play, you don’t want to devote every free moment you may have to the team. So, when Max shakes his head, it makes you consider his offer a little more seriously.
“I want third base,” you inform him as you reach to steal another fry. “And I reserve the right to throw a baseball at the head of any misogynistic asshole who tries me.”
“Done,” Max nods as he shoves the plate of fries toward you. “You can have them,” he offers as he steals the chocolate cupcake from your plate, “they taste like cardboard today. Anyway, we have practice tonight at six. You want to come meet the team? You can ride with me, if you want.”
“Yeah, sure,” you nod as you glance down at your cellphone and notice the time with a sigh. You have just under fifteen minutes to get to your next class and it’s on the other side of campus. So, you shove the device into your pocket and toss your backpack over your shoulder before you grab your tray. “I have class until three so text me and remind me about practice just in case I take a nap and oversleep. Lucy might come, too, if that’s cool.”
“The more the merrier,” Max nods at the mention of your roommate. He’s already scribbling your name on the roster and you’re not surprised that he carries his clipboard in his backpack. With a goodnatured roll of your eyes, you wave goodbye and slip on your headphones before you rush across campus to get to your next class.
The day passes quickly, much faster than you imagined it would, and by the time three o’clock rolls around, you’ve mostly forgotten about the intramural practice. You fall onto your bed with a groan, already exhausted even though it’s only the second week of the semester, and stare up at the ceiling. You would’ve fallen asleep, drifted off into an uncomfortable nap that you desperately needed, had Lucy not bounded into your bedroom and plopped onto your bed beside you.
“I’m glad Max finally convinced you to play,” she hums as she lays beside you and stares up at the glow in the dark stars you hung up when the two of you moved in. “I hate going to the batting cages with you.”
“Hey,” you huff as you nudge her shoulder with your own, “rude. You’ve only been twice! And since you started seeing that guy, I haven’t even seen you.”
“Rami,” she reminds you with a grin, “and we see each other plenty! We had dinner last night.”
“That was three nights ago,” you remind her, and when she blinks, you laugh. “It’s fine, Luce,” you assure her as you reach for her hand and give it a squeeze. “At least one of us has a love life.”
Lucy frowns at this as she curls into your side. She hums thoughtfully before she sits up and grins at you. “I could set you up with one of his friends,” she offers, “he has this friend that loves baseball. You’ve probably seen him at a game. He goes to most of them. But he likes the Yankees so that might be a problem.”
“Don’t think I can date a Yankees fan, Luce, sorry,” you laugh as you glance over at the Mets cap sitting on your desk. “We might kill one another. I’m fine, honestly,” you assure her as you stand from your bed and begin sifting through your clothes for something you don’t mind getting sweaty, “I can wait for love. Besides, I don’t think I’ll have time for it this semester. Senior seminars are going to kick my ass.”
“I don’t even want to think about them,” she huffs as she tosses you an old Nike shirt she’s only seen you wear once. “We have auditions soon and I think I’m going to die.”
“To death and dying, then,” you laugh as you tug on a pair of shorts and shove your cleats in your bag. “If we don’t survive, at least we had fun.”
Two hours later, Max is parking his car in the lot by the ball field and Lucy is texting Rami to let him know that you’ve all arrived. They plan on sitting in the stands, watching as you practice, because the Yankees fan friend is also on the team. “Joe?” Max questions as soon as Lucy mentions it. When she nods, Max snorts a laugh. “You really wanted to set them up? That’d be a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Why?” Lucy demands as the three of you cross the gravel parking lot to get closer to the field.
“Joe’s, well, Joe,” Max shrugs as he adjusts his baseball bag. “He’s loud and passionate and goofy and romantic and gooey and soft. She,” he begins, pausing to glance at you for a moment, “is not. They’re polar opposites. She’s quiet, doesn’t like practical jokes or drawing attention, and romance is her kryptonite.”
“I don’t know if I should be offended that you pretty much just called me dull and unlovable or thank you for stopping Lucy from setting me up with someone who really doesn’t sound like my type,” you mumble as you step into the dugout and reach for the cleats in your bag. “I’m not, like, boring. I like funny jokes. I just don’t like being made the butt of a joke. And I can socialize. It’s just a little harder for me.”
“I know,” Max nods as he follows your lead and pulls on his own cleats. “I didn’t mean it in an offensive way. I just meant that you guys are pretty opposite and that it probably wouldn’t work well. I feel like you’d get a little annoyed with him or, like, hurt his feelings by being too blunt or something.”
“You keep digging yourself deeper,” Lucy informs him with a laugh before she turns to you. “I think that this would be a case of opposites attracting,” she shrugs. “You guys are meeting today no matter what,” she reminds you. “It wouldn’t hurt to keep an open mind when you meet him.” She looks like she wants to say something else but before she can, Rami catches her eye and she waves at him. “Rami and Ben are here. I’m gonna go sit with them and watch practice. Show them how great you are! Good luck, babe!” she cheers, wrapping you in a quick hug before she rushes out of the dugout and goes to join Rami and the blonde you now know as Ben in the stands.
With a roll of your eyes, you stand to your feet and grab your glove from your bag along with a ball from the bucket in the corner. “Meet me out there and we can warm up?” you offer as you glance at Max who is struggling to tie his cleat tight enough. When you receive a nod from him, you step out of the dugout and stand by the entrance for a moment to observe the team.
The pitcher looks far too serious for an intramural pitcher and you figure he must be a former player who injured himself enough to not be able to play for the university. The catcher looks scared shitless, even beneath the mask, and bite back a laugh when he flinches as a fastball hits his glove. There are a few players in the outfield, tossing a ball back and forth or stretching, and they all look like they’re either absolutely apathetic or completely thrilled to be here. You’re not sure which ones you’re going to get along with the best but you don’t dwell as movement in the corner of your eye catches your attention.
You watch as a batter steps into the box, frowning at the pitcher and wearing a Yankees t-shirt. You assume that this is Joe and you can understand why Lucy would want to set you up with him. He’s cute, with red hair that glows in the late evening sun and a nice face that you imagine only looks better with a smile gracing it. You decide that maybe Lucy is right, maybe you should have an open mind (even if he is a Yankees fan), and decide to watch for a moment longer as he settles into the batter’s box.
He looks utterly concentrated, ready for nearly anything, and you watch as the first fastball zips past him. He huffs a breath, the grimace on his face easily visible, and digs his cleats into the dirt as he waits for the second pitch. You hear Max moving around behind you and turn your head to glance at him for a moment, grinning when you see him shoving his cleats back into his bag and tugging on a pair of sneakers, before a shout of, “Watch out!” catches your attention and causes you to turn your head once more.
Before you can move out of the way, or even really register what’s happening, you see a flash of white and feel a searing pain in your nose. The force sends you falling backward, your back hitting the ground with a thud and a cloud of dust. Everyone is frozen with shock for a moment, no one daring to move, before Max unfreezes and drops his bag to the ground with a clatter and skids out of the dugout to drop to his knees beside you.
You hear a flurry of movement around you, you can hear Lucy yelling your name and the bang of her shoes against the metal bleachers as she runs down them. You hear the clatter of the bat dropping against home plate and the sound of feet hitting the ground as Joe, along with the pitcher and catcher, run over to where Max has you propped against the dugout fence.
“Someone grab a towel,” the pitcher orders as he kneels down beside you on the right and you can hear the catchers gear rattle as he rushes into the dugout in search of a towel.
“Fuck, that’s a lot of blood,” you hear Max murmur, his voice muffled and sounding as if he’s speaking through a wad of cotton and you vaguely remember that he gets queasy at the sight of blood on television. You’ve just taken a baseball to the face so you can’t imagine what kind of horror show you must look like now.
As the catcher returns with the towel, you feel a new presence take Max’s spot on your left. “Fuck, I’m so sorry,” a frantic voice breathes as a towel is trust into your hands and guided to your nose. When you choke out a noise of pain, the voice sounds again, closer this time. “Fuck, sorry. Sorry. Shit, this looks really bad.”
You blink, still somewhat stunned, and glance at the person out of the corner of your eye. Red hair covers the eyes and you know that it’s Joe. Even though you want to be angry, you want to be upset that your nose is broken and you’re going to be in pain for a bit, you hate how upset he sounds. So, you try to make light of the situation. As clearly as you can, you mumble, “I know we’re rivals but, fuck.”
Joe looks confused for a moment, his eyebrows furrowed and his mind immediately jumping to the conclusion that you’re concussed (or worse) before Max points to the Mets hat that had been knocked off in your fall. “She’s trying to be funny,” he heaves, still not looking at you as he places his head between his knees. “Doesn’t want you to feel like shit.”
Joe blinks, still a bit overwhelmed, before he nods and carefully shifts on his knees so as to not bump you. “I take my baseball really seriously,” he attempts to joke, his voice weak and unconvincing. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“Do we need to call an ambulance?” someone asks, one of the guys from the outfield, likely. “That’s a lot of blood.”
“Head and facial injuries bleed a lot,” another voice chimes in, “lots of blood vessels. Probably don’t need an ambulance but she definitely needs to go to the emergency room, just to be sure. She could be concussed."
“I’m so sorry for calling your nursing major stupid, man,” yet another voice chimes in as you feel a third presence by your side.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” you hear Lucy ask as she places a hand on your knee. “That’s a lot of blood.”
“Everyone keeps saying that,” you mumble, your voice muffled. You try not to because you know it’s not going to feel great but the blood running down the back of your throat from sitting with your head tilted back makes you cough and you groan at the feeling. “I’m fine. I’m dying, but I’m fine.”
Lucy swats your thigh before she turns to face Joe. “This is a terrible first impression on my roommate, Joe,” she huffs as she takes the water bottle one of the other players grabbed from the concession stand for you.
“Fuck,” Joe breathes, his eyes widening, “fuck! That makes this so much worse.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you mumble, towel muffling your voice as you shift your head slightly and wince at the pain that comes along with the movement. “Help me up,” you huff as you hold the towel to your nose and shift away from the people crowding you. “I’m choking on blood here.”
“Careful,” the nursing major urges as Joe and the pitcher help you up. “You’re probably gonna need some help walking. Mazzello, since this is your fault, it’s only fair you help get her to the emergency room.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Joe nods quickly as he wraps an arm around your waist to keep you stead. “Lucy, you or Rami mind driving us? I rode with Blake.”
“I’ll drive,” Rami offers, his voice distant from where he’s stood just outside the gate with Ben who looks almost as green as Max.
“Does anyone else have a towel they want to donate to the cause?” Joe asks as he glances at the blood soaked towel hanging from your hands. It doesn’t appear as if your nose has stopped bleeding any and he’s worried that you might pass out before they can get you to the emergency room. His heart is still pounding and his legs are shaking as one of the players hands him another towel. He shoves half of it into his pocket before he glances at Max. “I know you’ve got her bag, but do you mind grabbing mine?” he asks as he steadies you to begin walking.
“I’ve got it,” Max mumbles, voice still muffled, “please just leave so I can breathe. Text me any updates.”
Not much else is said as Joe guides you through the parking lot to Rami’s car. He helps you into the backseat before he rounds the car and slides in on the other side. Rami and Lucy chat quietly in the front but Joe can’t stop staring at you. His eyes are drawn to the red staining your top, quickly darkening to a rust color, and he feels terrible. Lucy had been talking you up to him for weeks now. She’s been encouraging him to drop by or have dinner with the two of you because she knew that you’d be perfect for him. She’s told him time and time again just how much the two of you have in common and just how well the ways you differ complement one another. She’s painted you to be a dream and the glimpse of you he’d gotten earlier, before he destroyed any and all hope he’d ever have of being with you, was enough to tell him that she wasn’t kidding about you being stunning.
But no matter how perfect for one another Lucy thinks you might be or how pretty he thinks you are, nothing is going to come out of it. He’s sure he’s just broken your nose (and maybe chipped a tooth, although he desperately hopes that’s not the case) and he’s certain that this is going to keep you from ever considering him as anything other than an idiot.
“You guys can head in,” Rami offers as he pulls up at the entrance of the emergency room. “I’m going to find a place to park. We’ll be in soon.”
Joe is practically rushing out of the car before Rami can really stop and you don’t want to laugh because you’re afraid it’ll hurt but you can’t help yourself. You giggle at Joe’s seemingly permanent worried expression and wince at the pain it sends shooting through your nose. “Can you calm down?” you ask him as he guides you into the emergency room. “It hurts to laugh,” you inform him as the two of you approach the desk.
Joe blinks at you, surprised by your nonchalance, but doesn’t get a chance to reply as the nurse on duty hands over an intake form. “Have a seat and fill this out,” she instructs as she hands the paperwork to Joe. “Someone will be with you shortly.”
The emergency room is fairly busy so you know that you’ll be there for a while. You also know that you’re fairly low on the priority list so you settle into one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs and hold out your hand for the clipboard. When Joe doesn’t hand it over, you turn your head and glance at him. “I need to fill that out,” you remind him as he shifts in his chair. He jolts, like a video that’s been on pause and you’ve suddenly pressed play, before he hands over the clipboard with a nod.
“I know I keep saying this,” he begins as he watches you fill out the form, “but I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him with a shrug, “I’ve had worse baseball injuries. A friend threw her bat after a bad call and hit me in the head. My cousin threw a terrible pitch when we were practicing and dislocated my knee. This isn’t even the first time I got hit in the face with a ball. At a tournament in high school, a foul ball hit me in the face and knocked out a tooth. And, no. I’m not telling you which one is fake.”
Joe is surprised at the list of injuries you rattle off and shakes his head. “Sounds like someone doesn’t want you playing ball,” he attempts to joke as he glances around the waiting room and grimaces at the sight of some of the injuries.
“That’s what I thought,” you hum as you sign the first form. “That’s part of why I didn’t play in college. Everything hurt after high school. I’m an injury magnet, I guess. Today was my first time stepping onto a field to play in years.”
He feels terrible that him sending a foul ball straight into your face was the welcome you were given back onto a ball field and he frowns at the new information. “Jesus, that’s even worse than me just hitting you,” he sighs as he catches sight of Rami and Lucy walking into the emergency room. “I’m really sorry that was your welcome back to the sport.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you assure him as you turn to look at him properly for the first time all day. He meets your eyes and can see the sincerity in them. You’re really telling him that it’s alright, that you know he’s not at fault even though he can tell you’re a little annoyed with the injury itself, and he continues to realize why Lucy wanted the two of you together so bad.
Before either of you can continue, Lucy and Rami sit in the chairs across the aisle from you and Lucy asks, “Did they say how long it would be?”
“No,” you sigh as you finish filling out the form. Before you can get up, Rami stands and grabs it from you without a word. You watch for a second as he crosses the room to hand it to the nurse and you smile at Lucy. “He’s a good egg,” you nod as you lean your head back to rest on the wall. “I’ll be here a while, though,” you inform her as you let your eyes shut. “You guys can head home. I’ll call Max to pick me up.”
“You should probably keep your eyes open,” Joe reminds you as he gently nudges your side. “You might be concussed.”
You can feel it, the nausea settling in the pit of your stomach and the ache in your head, so you forego your argument and lift your head. Lucy watches the interaction and settles further in her seat as Rami returns and joins the three of you. “We’re not leaving,” she informs you with a decisive nod. “We will go get food, though, because I know you haven’t eaten and you’re probably starving. What do you want?”
You think about her offer for a moment. Everything sounds amazing but nothing sounds like it’ll be fun to eat. You’re sure that it’s going to hurt to chew, at least for a little bit, so you answer, “A smoothie, please,” as you lean back in your seat and attempt to keep the slowing stream of blood at bay.
Joe takes the bloody towel from your and quickly hands you the fresh one. Lucy watches the exchange with a small smile on her face before she stands from her seat and holds her hand out to Rami. “One smoothie, coming up,” she nods. “Joe, want to come with us?”
“I’ll stay here,” he declines as he leans back in his seat, too. “Someone’s gotta make sure she doesn’t fall asleep.”
After getting exactly the answer she’d hoped for and promising him she’d bring him back a smoothie, too, Lucy and Rami leave the emergency room to set off in search of food. You’re both quiet for a moment, letting the sounds of the emergency room around you wash over you, as you turn your head to stare at Joe. He’s people watching, too busy attempting to figure out what’s wrong with everyone in the waiting room around you, to notice that you’re staring at him.
Up close, you realize that he really is cute. His cheeks seem to be permanently blushed (although you assume that’s because he’s still embarrassed that he almost knocked you out with a foul ball) and his hair is wild from running his hands through it. He’s got a bit of blood on his shirt and you almost feel bad for staining it before you remember it’s technically his fault, anyway. He’s fidgeting in his seat, clearly not comfortable, and you decide to take advantage of the situation to get to know him a little better and take his mind off of the situation at hand.
“I need to stay awake,” you remind him, regaining his attention as you shift in your seat. “Why baseball? Why USC? What’s your life story?” you ask as you shift in your seat to get a better look at him without twisting your neck. “I feel like we have plenty of time to kill.”
Joe stares at you for a moment before he launches into his life story. He tells you all about his parents, about his brother, and about his desire to be a filmmaker someday. He tells you how he met Rami, how he got involved with intramural baseball, and how he managed to fuck up that one hit so badly. He tells you about the pranks he’s been puling on his roommate, Ben, with a cardboard cutout and how everyone has gotten in on the joke. He tells you about his plans for after college and about his desire to move back to New York and start a real life.
He really does tell you his life story and with almost anyone else, you would’ve fallen asleep within minutes. However, Joe has a way of keeping you interested and engaging with you, even if he’s dominating the conversation. He makes things fun to listen to and the pranks that you would find dumb had anyone else told you about them sound genius coming from him.
All of the things that you were worried about with Joe, all of the negatives Max mentioned earlier, turn out to be more positive than anything and you can feel a small smile make a permanent home on your lips as Joe continues to speak. He talks until your name is called, until a nurse comes to guide you back into one of the exam rooms, and he stands to join you but thinks better of it.
He moves to sit back down but before he can, you grab his hand and lace your fingers together. “I’m not a fan of doctors,” you admit, just loud enough for him to hear you. “Mind keeping me company a little longer?”
Joe is surprised that you still want him to be with you, that you’re willing to touch him after he’s practically knocked you out, but he readily agrees and follows you back and takes a seat on the edge of the bed, opposite the side with the doctor’s stool.
After waiting for nearly two hours, the doctor takes five minutes to tell you that, yes, your nose is broken and yes, you have a concussion. She prepares you to have your nose realigned (“You really did a number on it,” she jokes as she gives you the nasal spray) and when the nurse steps behind the curtain to assist, you grab Joe’s hand and grip it tightly.
He flinches at the sound of your whimper of pain and allows you to squeeze his hand as you attempt to breathe through the pain of having your nose realigned. He listens carefully as the doctor gives instructions (he knows you’re a little too out of it to pay much attention) and says a shaky thank you after they’ve finished up. The nurse discards the towel for you both and sends you on your way with a reminder to keep ice on your nose and to have someone stay with you to ensure that you’re alright through the night for the concussion.
You keep your fingers intertwined with Joe’s as the two of you step back into the emergency room waiting area. Lucy and Rami are waiting by the door, smoothies in hand, and you smile as you take the green one from Lucy’s outstretched hand. “They realigned my nose,” you inform her before you take a sip of your smoothie, “and I have a concussion.”
“Someone has to wake her up every few hours to make sure she can wake up normally,” Joe informs Lucy as he takes the purple smoothie from Rami’s outstretched hand. “And, I mean, it’s my fault so I can come over and sleep on the couch or something so I can wake her up,” he offers, his words tumbling out of his mouth quickly as the four of you venture to Rami’s car.
Lucy glances at the pair of you, at your intertwined hands and Joe’s blush, before she smiles. “We could have a sleepover,” she offers with a grin. “Invite Ben and Gwil that way no one will have a problem waking up every few hours. We could binge watch Stranger Things.”
“Sure,” you nod, even though the headache that’s beginning to plague you is made worse by the action, “but whoever wakes me up should be warned that I’m awful to wake up, anyway.”
“That’s true,” Lucy nods, glancing at Joe in the rearview mirror (who she knows will be the one waking you up and taking care of you). “You’re a monster.”
“Think you can handle it, Joey?” you question as you lean your head on Joe’s shoulder and take a sip of your smoothie. He glances down at you and grins. Even with puffy eyes and bruises forming, he still thinks you’re the most adorable thing he’s ever seen. He still feels bad but he no longer feels as if it’s the end of the world. Instead, he feels as if it’s the beginning of something beautiful. So he nods. “I’m pretty sure I can handle it,” he confirms as he squeezes your still intertwined hands.
And hours later, when Rami and Ben and Gwil are all asleep, Lucy pops her head into your bedroom to check on you. She finds you and Joe curled up in your bed, sleepily arguing over who is better, the Yankees or the Mets, and she grins. 
She knew the that the pair of you would be perfect together. All it took was a foul ball.
Author’s Note: Both of my Joe fics have been super long so that’s fun. And they’ve both been college AUs. Write what you know, I guess. Anyway, I love baseball. And I was an injury magnet when I played softball. I got hit in the head four or five times, didn’t have my knee dislocated but I did end up with an imprint of the ball on one of my knees, and I got hit in the side with a pitch once. Absolute injury magnet. Anyway,  I do like the Mets. I somehow end up liking the teams that make me suffer the most. Go figure. Anyway, if anyone has any Joe or Ben Requests, let me know. I’m having fun and I still have two weeks of vacation left!
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colesterstrudel · 5 years
The Last
Elias/OC: You keep running into a stranger in the middle of the night at the grocery store and they’re always reaching for the things you’re trying to get. The two of you settle it the best way you know how. Fluff
HELLO FRIENDS I have been working on this fic for mmmmmm ever but I finally finished it and I really like it a lot lmao. 
Tagging: @helplessly-nonstop @wrestlingfae @sporadic-fics @heeldeano 
Of course, it’s just your luck you ran out of your favorite cereal. Even better, you didn’t find out until 2 am in the middle of a Netflix binge. With a sigh, you grabbed your jacket, sliding it on before leaving your apartment. You gave yourself a mission, intent on getting to the nearest grocery store to pick up your cereal as fast as possible. If you focused, you could get there and back really quickly and not miss too much of the time you wanted to use to relax in front of your tv.
The grocery store was virtually empty when you entered, people obviously at home asleep. You should be doing the same, you chastised yourself as you peered up at the labels on the aisles, trying to find the cereal aisle. Staying up this late wasn’t incredibly healthy, and scarfing down a bowl of cereal at the time even less so. Still, if this was the way you wanted to relax for your first two-day stint off work for a while, then that’s how you’d do it, healthiness be damned.
Being so stuck in your own thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed you’d made it to the cereal aisle before you ran into a solid wall of muscle.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going!” you rambled, looking up at the person you’d run into. The man in question looked nice, in a weird sort of way. Weird for you, that was, he definitely wasn’t your type, but with his hair pulled back in a bun and his beard, well, you could make an exception for him. Except that you couldn’t, you reminded yourself as you continued to stare at him, because he’s a stranger in a grocery store.
“No problem,” he assured you, voice low and even. The smile he graced you with had you blushing, and you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as you stepped even further away from him before turning your attention to the shelves. It only took you a moment to scan the shelves before you saw the cereal you were after - the last box they had - and your hand shot out to grab it at the same time the man’s hand grabbed it.
Instinctively tightening your grip on the box, still sitting on the shelf, you turned to the man next to you. “What are you doing?” you asked him, tight smile on your face. All you wanted was to buy your cereal and go home, but it seemed like it was going to take a little longer than you originally thought.
“This is my favorite cereal,” he answered with a shrug, pulling the box closer to him.
“Honey Bunches of Oats is your favorite cereal?” Your eyes narrowed to slits as you stared at him in disbelief. There was no way he came here to buy your cereal.
“Yeah,” he said slowly, as if you were an idiot for not understanding. “And I ran out, so…”
“This is my box though,” you argued, attempting to tug the box closer to you. You didn’t move it far, the man’s grip tighter on the box than you thought. With one glance at his arm, you realized just why he was more in control of the box than you were. He obviously worked out a lot and was in great shape.
“But I wanted this one,” he said simply.
“There are other stores you could go to, ya know.” You refused to back down from this argument. You were going to buy this cereal and go home and make the most out of what was left of the night.
“Then why don’t you go to one?” The smirk on his face that accompanied his remark had your mind reeling. The two of you stared at each other for a while, neither wavering, until you came up with a solution.
“Thumb wrestling!” you nearly shouted, ignoring the look of confusion on the stranger’s face. “We’ll thumb wrestle for it.”
“Are you a child?” he argued, laughing at you.
“Do you want to leave this store any time soon?”
“You seriously want to thumb wrestle for this box of cereal?” It was obvious he didn’t believe you, didn’t think you would take this as seriously as you were.
“Yes, I do,” you replied, cocking an eyebrow at him. “So what’ll it be?”
With a sigh, the stranger nodded and put his basket down next to him before holding his hand out to you. You smiled at him, reaching out your own hand.
“Just so you know,” you began, concentrating on the movements of your thumb against his as the two of you began. “I’m a thumb wrestling champion.”
“Come on, there’s no - hey!” he yelled as you trapped his thumb underneath yours.
“Do you play by the three second or five second rule? Because either way,” you said as he desperately tried to escape your grip. “At this point, you lost.”
The stranger grumbled as he released your hand and his grip on the box of cereal. “How did you do that so quickly?”
“I told you, I’m a champ,” you said simply, turning on your heel and leaving the stranger alone in the cereal aisle, your prize in your hand.
For some reason, you always got sick way more easily than anyone else you knew. You blamed it on the fact that you had a delicate immune system, but your friends all say it’s because you stress too much. Either way, you found yourself huddled up in a blanket on your couch, crumpled up tissues surrounding you, a half empty bottle of cough syrup on the coffee table in front of you.
You hadn’t moved from your spot on the couch for hours. You didn’t plan to, either, except for the fact that all you wanted at the moment was some soup. Of course, your house was not stocked well enough for your current illness, a fact that you verified with one simple glance in your pantry.
With a sigh, you slid on the closest shoes you could find before shuffling out of your front door. All you needed was one can of soup, maybe some more tissues. It shouldn’t take too long to get those supplies, and then you could collapse right back on your couch and ride out the rest of your cold.
Thankfully, the grocery store nearest your apartment wasn’t too busy, just some families grabbing last minute ingredients for dinner. You grabbed one box of tissues before winding your way through the aisles to the soup. One hand was on the last can of chicken with stars, your favorite, when a stuffy voice interrupted you.
“Oh come on,” the voice huffed.
Turning on your heel, you saw the same stranger from weeks before. Tonight, however, his nose was red, his hair in an incredibly messy bun, and he had one tissue balled up in his hand.
“You can’t be here for this soup,” you said, unable to believe this was happening to you again.
“That’s my favorite soup,” he whined, inching closer to you.
“It’s my favorite soup,” you replied, tucking the can close to your chest. “And I’m sick.”
“I’m sick, too.” He held up the crumpled tissue in his hand as proof.
“Fine, we can thumb wrestle for it,” you shrugged, placing your goods down at your feet.
“No, we can’t. You’ll get my germs.”
For a second, you paused, feeling touched he was seemingly concerned that you would get his germs and not the other way around. But you were intent on getting this soup and getting back home. Your couch was calling to you, after all.
“I’ll be fine, come on,” you urged, holding your hand out.
“This is dumb,” he grumbled, holding his hand out nonetheless. Within seconds, his thumb entrapped yours and he held it there, triumphant smile on his face. “What happened to being thumb wrestling champ?” he asked, letting your hand go.
“I’m sick,” you whined, pouting up at him.
“I’ll just take my soup and go, now, please,” he smiled, holding his hand out towards you.
“If I die without my soup, I want you to know it’s all your fault.” You shoved the can of soup into his chest before grabbing the first random can of soup you saw on the shelf.
“For what it’s worth, I hope you don’t die!” he called after you as you stalked away from him.
You didn’t answer him, just threw your free hand over your shoulder and kept walking, scowl on your face.
Work was insufferable for you, your boss never gave you even a second to catch your breath. He was on your back constantly, and you were exhausted after dealing with him. All you wanted to do was go home, take a shower, and make too much pasta for one person to consume in one sitting. You had the next day off, so you figured you could make all that pasta, binge some Netflix, and have more pasta as a late night snack.
Until, that is, you were in the pasta aisle at the grocery store and saw the same mystery stranger from the cereal and souple debacle holding the last box of penne pasta.
“I don’t have the energy to thumb wrestle you for that,” you sighed, stepping up next to him.
He jumped a little, startled at the intrusion, before smiling at you. “We meet again.”
“I’ll pay you for the pasta, just please, let me get it so I can go home and relax.” You completely skipped the pleasantries, propping your hand on your hip.
“You know, all these times we’ve run into each other and I still haven’t introduced myself. I’m Elias.”
“Oh, well, um. It’s nice to formally meet you, I guess,” you replied, telling him your name as well.
“And since you don’t have the energy to thumb wrestle me for this pasta, why don’t you let me get it? You go home, get out of that work uniform, and come over to my place. Let me make you dinner.” Elias’s offer hung in the air between the two of you, your mouth open in shock.
“I - no, I can’t let you do that,” you insisted, taking a step back.
“It’s the least I can do, especially since I left you sick and without your favorite soup last month. And anyway, we keep finding ourselves in this position. Don’t you think it’s fate?” Elias asked, eyes twinkling with mirth.
“Do you really think this is fate?”
“I think it’s worth exploring,” he answered easily, holding his phone out to you. You took it from his hands gingerly, programming your number in before handing it back to him. After a moment, your phone vibrated in your pocket. “I just sent you my address. I’ll see you in an hour, okay?”
“Fate, huh?” you asked, walking to the end of the aisle with him.
“That or Cupid has been hard at work for the past couple of months,” Elias said with a wink before turning to the checkout lanes. “See you soon!”
“I just want you to know that this better put an end to you always trying to get the last item I want in the store,” you warned when Elias opened his door.
It had taken you a while to even decide if you would show up at his apartment. But he did offer you free food, and he seemed sincere. So here you were, in front of his door, casually dressed.
“I’ll try my best,” he assured you, ushering you into his apartment. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
You just nodded at him as you took in his living room. It was clean and organized without looking too sterile. There were books stacked on the coffee table and a guitar in the far corner in a stand.
“You play?” you asked, walking towards the guitar.
“I can show you after dinner?” Elias offered, standing in the entryway, hands in his pockets. His hair was in the bun you were used to seeing him in, a floral kimono on over a plain white tee shirt.
“As long as you’re not awful at it,” you joked, smiling at him.
“I’ve been told I’m not too bad. I’ve got a few fans,” he told you, returning your smile.
“So, what, you’re a musician?”
Elias opened his mouth to respond when a timer went off in the distance. “Come on, that’s the kitchen timer. I’ll tell you over dinner.”
“Just so you’re aware,” you began, trailing after Elias. “I decided to duck out of my original plans to be here.” You took a seat where he pointed, settling into your chair. “I’m sure my Netflix account will miss me.”
“You can just let it know you had better company tonight,” Elias winked, placing a plate of pasta coated in tomato sauce in front of you. Another plate of garlic bread was placed in the middle of the table as Elias sat across from you.
“The company of a mysterious stranger who was dedicated to taking the last of every item I needed,” you laughed, eyes focused on the man across from you.
“It didn’t turn out too bad,” he replied, smile on his face as he watched you settle in and get comfortable.
“Not too bad at all.”
Hours later, dinner was over and the two of you had gone to Elias’ living room and settled onto his couch. You two had talked all through dinner, getting to know one another and you were amazed at how comfortable you were around him, how nice he really seemed. He grabbed his guitar and was showing off to you as promised, playing melodies you recognized and some you didn’t. You couldn’t help but become enthralled by his presence, how at ease he looked with his guitar in his hand, focusing on the strings. Before you knew it, it was midnight and the two of you were still chatting over the light background noise of his guitar playing.
“Oh, I have to go,” you sighed, reluctantly standing up from your spot on his couch. You weren’t sure you really wanted to leave, not with how relaxed you felt around Elias, but you knew you definitely needed to get some sleep.
“Thanks for coming over,” Elias said, walking you to the door.
You blushed before answering, stopping just in front of his door. “Thanks for feeding me.”
“Any time.” His voice was serious but his eyes were soft, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “I’m serious. I’ll let you know when I get back in town this week and we can hang out, okay?”
“Sounds perfect,” you agreed, turning back to the door and moving to stand in his hallway. Before you could stop yourself, you were on your tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his cheek. And then you were gone, leaving Elias with a stunned smile on his face. You couldn’t wait until the next time the two of you could get together. Not if it was going to be anything like this.
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heyyyharry · 6 years
In Another Life Series: Chapter 5 - The Love Triangle
…in which Harry gets back with his ex and Y/N thinks it’s a terrible idea.
Series description: Y/N and Harry are soulmates and destined to meet in every lifetime, but no matter how many times they reincarnate and find each other again, they never seem to get it right.
AU: reincarnation, soulmate!harry, prince!harry, assistant!y/n, witch!y/n.
Chapter 4 - The One He Loved: Heartbroken Harry and his assistant Y/N disappear for a day.
I know spooky season ended already but…
“I was alone in a room, in a big castle…There were many portraits on the walls, the faces I cannot remember…” Y/N narrated with intensity in her eyes. Her eyebrows were pinched together as she shifted to be more comfortable in the velvet armchair. “I walked to the closest door, which led me to a long corridor. Standing at the other end was a shadow of a man. He was just standing there, like a statue, so I called for his help and started running to get to him, but no matter how hard I tried I always stayed in the same spot. Then suddenly, I fell down into a big black hole…just keep falling…falling…until I see them again…two flames in a pair of green eyes.”
“Wow…” her best friend Jason finally spoke to break the silence she left for him. “And then you woke up?”
“Yes.” She sighed. “My dreams, they always ended that way.”
“Are you sure those are the eyes in the King’s portrait?” Jason questioned and she could see the obvious doubt in his facial expression. He either thought she’d been doing drugs or she was just out of her mind. However, the fear she had after waking up told her she had never been saner.
“I’m 100% sure!” Y/N asserted. “There’s still one more thing I haven’t told you.”
“What’s that?”
“Harry Styles’ got the same pair of eyes.”
“Harry, your boss?” Jason tilted his head down and raised both eyebrows as he stared at his best friend in disbelief. She didn’t reply with words, just gave him a slight shrug in return.
“Y/N…” he began. “Are you seriously telling me your boss is the reason you’re having these spooky dreams every night, and that he is somewhat related to the king who died like five centuries ago?”
“Look…I’m not joking, I’d never had those dreams before I started working for him.” Now not only did she sound completely crazy, but she also sounded obsessive.
“Maybe you’re just stressed that’s all. Being a celebrity’s personal assistant is a difficult job,” Jason assumed, giving his friend a smile. “Do you wanna go grab a coffee?”
Y/N exhaled exhaustedly and rose from the chair, leaving Jason a bit disappointed, knowing beforehand that his offer had been declined. “Nope, sorry. I have a meeting with Harry’s team to discuss his next tour.”
“This is exactly what I was talking about! Your life has been all about Harry Styles for the past month, he’s driving you insane.”
“Well, the man does pay me to follow him everywhere so…” She paused and lifted her shoulders slightly “…if he’s driving me insane, so be it.”
Jason knew too well he couldn’t convince her to quit her job for her mental health, so he just stayed quiet and watched her head to her room to get changed. 
“Y/N?” He spoke after a while.
“Hmm?” She hummed, her voice was muffled behind her closed door.
“I’m sorry about the kiss…”
“I’m glad you decided to forgive me. I won’t do it again.”
He was holding his breath while waiting for a response (if she was gonna give him one). Maybe he should not have brought up this topic and just felt grateful to be the first person she’d call for help.
Y/N exited her bedroom shortly after, wearing a white blouse and her favourite pair of high-waisted jeans. She stood at the door with her hands on her hips and shot him a smile.
“Jason, you’re my best friend. I love you but only as a friend.”
“I know…”
“I don’t want to ruin this friendship we have.”
“I know,” he repeated those two words, which sounded less depressing this time so she would take it as a good sign.
“Now get up! You’re giving me a ride!” 
Despite the look of surprise on her best friend’s face, Y/N picked up her bag and her coat then headed straight to the front door.
It’d been a week since Ann decided to stay at Court and she had started to get impatient. The King was taking too long to consider her simple requests. If it hadn’t been for Edward, maybe she wouldn’t have stayed that long.
She was well aware of her social status, a girl like her would never end up with a prince like him, but like her mother had once said, ’you love who you love’. She couldn’t be at fault for loving someone, right?
“But mother,” Ann mumbled, watching Edward and his fiancé in the garden from her room’s window. “What if the person you love doesn’t love you in return?”
Her heart ached to the sound of her own question, to which she thought she might already know the answer. Therefore, Ann decided to try and focus on more important things rather than the fact that the man she loved was soon to be married. She took advantage of the absence of the guards outside her bedroom to sneak out and head into the woods.
Most people in the Kingdom would find the woods a very scary place. However, to Ann, the scariest place was the King’s Court. She could handle hungry wolves lurking in the dark, not angry and malicious people wanting the blood of her kind to spill.
There were myths about witches being ugly old ladies with pointy noses, dark souls and black hearts, the ones that would cook you for dinner and put you in a curse just because they could. However, people like Ann were nothing like that. They were just unfortunate human-beings born with dark magic on the tips of their fingers, the gift they’d never wished to possess. There were just a few families of witches in one village so as to not draw much attention. Once in a while, the young witches in an area would meet up to practice their spells and learn to have better control of their powers. 
There was a little cottage far in the woods, underneath of which was what they called ‘the meeting hall’. On the night Ann met Edward, she was on her way home from there.
“Ann darling! It’s so good to see you again!” Exclaimed an old witch when she saw the young girl. She took Ann by the hand and led her to the long table nearby, where sat a few others. Some were mixing potions, some were learning spells, some were putting them to practice. 
“These girls are only sixteen, seventeen.” The old woman sighed contently as she held onto Ann’s hand with both of hers. “I remember when you first came here with your mother. How time flies.”
“Yeah…” Ann nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she went on, “I need your help, Madam Maggie.”
“What is it dear? You look distressed!”
“Well…it’s about a man.”
“It’s always about men.” Madam Maggie rolled her eyes, smiling to show her gold front tooth. “Ann, darling, are you in love?”
“Not with whom I’m supposed to be in love with.”
“Who’s the lucky young man?”
“The Prince.”
“Ann!” Madam Maggie gasped, looking around to make sure no one else could hear this conversation. “Are you insane?”
“I think I am! I don’t know what to do! Is there a spell to erase my feelings for him? Or is there some kind of reverse love potion?”
“Darling, calm down!” The old witch puckered up her forehead as she pursed her lips to think for a second or two. “I’m afraid magic cannot help you with this, at least not without consequences. But how do you know the prince? His father is a terrible man—”
“He’s nothing like his father! It’s a long story, but I’m—“
Without waiting for her to finish, Madam Maggie took her right hand and started observing her palm. Ann knew what she was doing, in fact, it was something Ann was capable of doing as well, telling someone’s past, future, and present through their palm lines. The only downside to this was that you couldn’t read your own palm, someone else had to do it for you.
“You’re trying to help us by staying at Court!” Madam Maggie widened her eyes at the girl in shock and terror. “Ann, you’ve got to leave as soon as possible!”
“Why? W-What did you see?”
“Terrible things are going to happen if you stay for too long.”
“I need to wait until the King's made up his mind.”
“It’s a matter of life and death here Ann!” That sentence put the young witch to silence immediately.
“Life and death?” She asked, unable to believe it was true. “Whose?”
For a second, Ann felt her entire body stiffen. Her face turned a shade lighter and her mouth fell open. “I’m going to die?”
“Different courses of actions can lead to different results, so I’m not sure, I just don’t think you should risk putting your own life in danger.”
“Everyone’s dying, it’s the risk I have to take!” Ann insisted, still the older witch didn’t agree.
“You cannot help anyone if something bad happens to you, darling. Leave the King’s Court, and go home.”
Ann looked down, frightened and at the same time downhearted. She couldn’t decide which one was worse: going home empty-handed, or never seeing Edward again, either way, it would be too painful to bear.
The meeting finished shortly because Harry couldn’t seem to concentrate. They all agreed to meet up again the next morning to continue the discussions. Jeff was slightly mad, he didn’t say it but everyone could tell. They assumed the reason for Harry’s distraction was Lillie, his girlfriend, who had been caught cheating but they’d got back together at the end of the day. 
However, it wasn’t Lillie, well, not entirely her, it was Y/N as well. It might sound weird to say his assistant had anything to do with him not being able to focus. Harry couldn’t explain it himself, he just knew from the first moment he’d met her, he couldn’t shake her off his mind. Maybe it was the fact that after their first day spent together, she refused to talk to him about anything else besides business, and he loved talking to her much more than he could admit.
As the rest of Harry’s team went out for lunch, he was left alone with Y/N. They were going to a fitting next for him to try on his new suits for a movie premiere, which he’d be attending tomorrow night.
“Hey, Y/N,” Harry spoke nervously as he tapped lightly on her shoulder. The girl turned around and stared at him with round eyes. “Would you like to go to the studio with me later?”
“I’ve got a lot of work to do, sorry.”
“I’m your boss, I decide what task I want you to do.”
Y/N snorted, raising an eyebrow at the man in front of her. “Don’t use that tone on me.”
“Sorry…” Harry shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut for a second. He didn’t know where that demanding tone of his came from. He’d never been like that before, maybe he was just upset because she was acting so coldly towards him. “I just can’t write, I need someone to talk to I guess, makes me feel more at ease.”
“Where’s your girlfriend? Maybe she’ll be happy to help,” she reminded him. Even though she’d tried to not sound too bitter about it, she thought she might’ve failed somehow.
“Lillie’s busy today, the entire day. I'm not even allowed to call her.”
Y/N didn’t say anything, just nodding her head, the thing she normally did when she was tired of hearing something and she just wanted it to be over.
“This is about me getting back together with her, isn’t it? You’re not talking to me because of it?”
“I am talking to you, Harry.”
“Not like this, I mean…really talk,” he explained then rolled his own eyes. “I’m not making sense but, I miss the conversations we had the day we first met, it’s only been about work since.”
“Okay, you want me to talk to you like a friend?” She asked, holding the folders to her chest with both arms. “You’re an idiot.”
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah, your assistant would say you’re so clever because she doesn’t want to lose her job, in the role of your friend, I’m saying that you’re an idiot,” she told him straightforwardly. “You got back together with a cheater. There are plenty of nice people around you Harry. You went around spreading the slogan ‘Treat people with kindness’ then ended up dating someone who treated you like you didn’t matter.”
“Lillie loves me.”
“Does she? Or is it only you that love her?” She shut him right up. He could only stare. “Do you even love her, Harry? Are you just staying because you think you have to or what?”
Harry actually stopped to think. She waited patiently as he did. Having only known this man for a month, Y/N cared about him way too much, more than she should. She really wanted him to be happy, and ever since he’d got back together with Lillie he’d been stressed. That was when you know the relationship was no longer valid.
Finally, Harry began, “you have no idea how hard it is to find someone who’s willing to stay with you for two long years despite everything. Lillie has sacrificed a lot to be with me. She told me her friend kissed her without her consent and I believed that. You should understand more than anyone because that’s what happened with your best friend right?”
“You know what? Maybe I prefer you as just my assistant.”
Harry turned as soon as he finished that sentence and then stormed away, leaving her speechless. Little did she know, he regretted saying that immediately.
“Ann, how are you?” Edward’s eyes brightened the moment he saw Ann. She looked beautiful today, even more than yesterday, if it was possible. He hoped he wasn’t showing how infatuated he was with her, but he was already smiling too wide to keep it hidden.
“Have you spoken to your father?” She asked, looking very worried. “It’s been a month, more people are dying of hunger, and not to mention more witches are being burnt. You’ve got to do something.”
“I’m still convincing him. I’m trying my best Ann,” he said, looking straight into her eyes. “But don’t worry, until he approves of abolishing the witch hunts, you’re safe here at Court.”
Ann shifted her eyes to her feet and Harry’s heart fell with them.
“What is it?” He asked, eyebrows pulled together as he laid a hand gently on her shoulder. “Why are you so upset?”
“If I don’t have my answer from the King by morning, I’m leaving tomorrow night, to go home. I don’t feel safe here, your mother hates me, Princess Emilié hates me, and your father…he looks at me like I’m his prey. Just...let me go home, at least I feel safer there.” 
“You have me here, I’ll keep you safe, love.”
Ann took a step forward, taking his right hand in hers and brought it to her chest. “You’re going to be King one day, you have more important things to care about.”
“Nothing is as important as you,” he told her softly, cupping her cheek with his other hand. There was no one around so he could just kiss her without worrying about her reputation or his own. However, he wouldn’t do that, not until she wanted to.
Ann was taken aback by those words. She wanted to raise a question whether or not he felt the same as she did, but it didn’t matter as she was going to leave.
“Is there another reason?” He asked after a moment of silence. She couldn’t look at him in the eyes, so that made him feel alarmed. Ann wanted to tell him the truth, but even she wasn’t sure what it was.
“Is it me?” Ironically, his question was the answer she was looking for. Yes. It was him. He was the reason she couldn’t stay. “Ann, please tell me…”
“You’re getting married to a princess,” was all she said before running off, ignoring him desperately calling after her. 
Whether he loved her, or he loved her not, they would never, ever, belong together.
Harry couldn’t write.
It had happened before but this time it seemed worse. It was getting late and he was lying on the floor in his home studio, a pencil in his mouth, holding a notebook above his face. He had been staring at the blank page for an hour now, still...nothing. Maybe he was stressed, or maybe he wasn’t inspired enough. It was a song about love, and he was in a relationship. It shouldn’t have been difficult to write about love when you were in love!
The knock on the door caused Harry to sit up straight. He told the person to come in and Y/N opened the door, leaning her shoulder against the wooden frame as she stared at him.
“Why are you on the floor?” She asked, raising an eyebrow but he just gave her a shrug and said nothing at all. “I brought you the Gucci suit for the movie premiere, left it in your bedroom.”
“Okay, thanks.”
Y/N pressed her lips together and told him she would see him tomorrow morning before turning around. Before Harry could even think twice about what he was going to say, he opened his mouth and the words escaped all on their own.
“Please stay.”
Y/N was left speechless. She turned back, eyebrows knitted together, lips slightly parted but she didn’t know what to say.
“I mean…stay here and talk to me for a while. I’m under a lot of stress and I don’t think my mind’s working anymore,” Harry sighed heavily while holding his head in his hand. “I need to get to the chorus before tomorrow morning.”
“I don’t think I can help,” she responded softly and slowly, but the look on her face told him she was weighing her options.
“I’m…” He hissed, looking up to lock eyes with her. “I’m sorry about what I said. I really don’t want to be alone now. I’m gonna go insane.”
She was quiet for a couple seconds, which seemed like hours to Harry. Finally, she nodded her head, making him sigh in relief.
“Okay, I’ll stay,” the assistant said with a small smile as she closed the door behind her.
“This is not a request from your boss, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he told her out of guilt when she joined him on the floor. It was very demanding of him to ask her to stay here this late at night. She could just quit for this reason.
“I’m here as your friend.” She giggled, watching dimples appear on his cheeks. She might not notice, but it was the first time that day Harry genuinely smiled.
An hour passed by.
Then two hours.
Then three.
Then four…
The two had been so lost in the conversations to realize how fast time flew. Harry had only known this girl for a month, yet he felt he had for much longer than that. He’d told her a lot of things and she wasn’t afraid to confide in him either. It was indeed a magical night, in the quiet room lit up by the moonlight, two lonely souls healed each other.
“Is that your mum?” Harry broke the silence when he saw her lockscreen when her phone lit up in the dark.
“She’s beautiful.”
“Thanks. I lost her when I was fourteen, never got to know my dad.” She laughed sadly staring at the phone though the screen had turned black and all she could see was her own reflection.
“I’m sorry. I never should’ve brought her up.”
“No, no, I love talking about her, she’s taught me so much in life.” Y/N lifted her shoulders slightly and gave him a small smile. “She put so much trust in me. I just want to make her proud.” 
“I’m sure she’s proud of you.”
“Yeah right, she must be so proud of how lost and clueless her daughter is in life.” She rolled her eyes and exhaled a sarcastic laugh and expected him to react the same way. However, Harry’s face remained serious.
“I don’t think you’re lost and clueless. You have a passion for painting, right?” 
She nodded.
“As long as you have something you’re passionate about, you’re doing fine.”
“Wise words from Mr. Harry Styles!”
“I’m serious!”
“I know.” She was beaming at him. “Thank you.”
The silence sank in for a little while, they were just staring at everywhere else in the room but each other. Until Harry couldn’t take it anymore, he had to be the first to speak, “can I ask you a very personal question?”
“Yeah, sure. What is it?”
Have you been in love?
“Harry, what is it? Don’t just stare at me like that!” Y/N snorted and Harry only smiled awkwardly. He had no idea where that question had come from. All he knew was that he was curious, or he was probably just searching for confirmation to be sure if her idea of being in love was the same as his, though honestly, now he wasn’t so sure if he had an idea. 
He almost let it slip. Thank God he stopped himself just in time, for Harry knew such question would be too invasive, and she was still his employee despite him not seeing her as one. 
“How do you feel about going to a movie premiere?”
“I’ve never been to one so how do I know?! And it’s not even a personal question, Harry!” She tossed her head back and laughed, but then she was quick to notice the look on his face and realized what he was truly implying. “Wait, are you serious?”
“Yes! I want you to go with Jeff and me.”
“Harry, I’m not a celebrity! There’s no way I’m going!”
“It’ll be fun!"
“I—I have nothing to wear!” That’s a very good reason, she thought to herself. The face of Gucci would not take someone so underdressed to a red carpet event with him, and she was sure the most expensive item in her closet was cheaper than the cheapest one in his.
“You won’t have to worry about that if you say yes.”
“I don’t know…”
“What if I say going to a movie premiere with me is part of your job?”
“You’re overusing your powers!” Y/N scoffed as she picked up a wrinkled ball of paper and tossed it at him playfully.
“You left me no choice but to bring out boss Harry!” He defended himself, raising both hands in the air, cracking her up.
“I’ll think about it.” She pointed a finger at him and squinted her eyes. “So that’s a maybe.”
“Great! I’ll have your dress ready.”
“You’re unbelievable!” She rolled her eyes though there was no way she could hide the joy written on all over her face. He had made her day a thousand times better.
When the first ray of sunlight sneaked into the room through the gap between the window curtains, Harry and Y/N were still sitting on the floor with their backs against the wall. Harry had finished the first verse and chorus of his new song, and Y/N was still asleep, with her head on his shoulder. 
Sure he had got the work done before the deadline, which was worth to celebrate. Nevertheless, Harry didn’t know what to feel, when the song which was supposed to be about the love of his life, wasn’t inspired by his girlfriend of two years.
He carefully moved his head to the side and looked at his sleeping assistant who was subconsciously smiling in her sleep. Then he started to wonder, what would happen if she found out he’d written a song about her.
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ziamfanfiction · 6 years
Can you rec a few fics that are not appreciated enough? Like.. proper good ones with good writing and stuff.. Because there are so many fics who get so much attention and it's so cool but then there are fics which are honestly really really good, too, but nobody even knows them. And that's a bit sad. The authors are amazing and I think most of them don't even know that. Soooo.. let's get all those authors the attention they deserve!!!
sure! you can check on our hidden gems tag and previous posts about underrated fics 1 /  2
just like that by justemma
Zayn likes watching Liam play rugby.
Doctor Doctor by orgaziam
Zayn doesn't know whether he should thank Louis or kill him.
Based loosely off of the prompt, "I fell down and now I'm on the floor and my friend has a bad sense of humor and called out 'is anyone here a doctor?' and now you're trying to save me."
Not Fade Away by biggrstaffbunch
Liam wants something to keep. Zayn has a lot to give.
Somehow, they muddle along.
Make Up For by JoMouse
For Zayn, it's always been Liam.
Relight My Fire by LibbyWrites
Loving Lieutenant Liam Payne was always the easy part, from day one.The hard part was dealing with the fact that he was never going to be loved back.
It's Always Been You by livingforamiracle
An AU where Liam consistently goes on bad dates only to realize that his favorite dates are the ones where he's holed up in his flat with his best friend Zayn.
From a Mirror by supercalifragili
The idea was really simple sex, really slow and excruciatingly languorous sex, Zayn promised on the phone.
The Sound of Silence by JoMouse
Zayn likes things quiet.
you put your arms around me and i'm home by ellisaco
"So, uh, any idea where we are?" Liam asks, because Zayn is in charge of navigation, always. Liam still sometimes gets lost in London if Zayn isn't there to steer him right. Which, like, that shouldn't be endearing, right? Certainly if Harry called Zayn up on his day off at ten am to ask where the closest ASDA to Zayn's house was, his first reaction would not be to smile at his mobile.
or: Zayn and Liam go on an ice cream date in Madrid.
A happy ending by Comet
Zayn is a masseur at a resort and Liam's neck hurts.
i'd rather die like this by ziamsquad (locked)
prompt: imagine your opt stuck in an elevator after a fight
We'll Go Slow by Ziamsession
This one shot based on a prompt I got from an anon"could you write an inexperienced zayn wants to have sex with liam (b!z if it's ok) an he wants to make it perfect and tries to prepare himself for liam's cock, tries to ride liam but fails... a lot of giggles and an embarrassed zayn but everything gets better when liam helps him and they make love PLEASEEEEEEE"
The Boy Next Door by happily_missy
Zayn and Liam are next door neighbors but they are worlds apart.
Or the Drive Me Crazy AU that no one asked for but I desperately needed
we should have each other with cream by coffeewordangel
Zayn is convinced his new neighbor is harboring a forbidden cat.
got your body on my mind by coffeewordangel
Fill for ziamminds excellent prompt that Jas brought to my attention:
Yoga was not Zayn's thing. The only thing keeping him from walking out of that class is his super hot instructor Liam Payne.
This Land is Mine, I Let You Rule by missberrycake
In which the life Liam and Zayn share together is one founded on lies and deceit.
When two first-class spies get married, they each have to hide their secret from the other. After they’re both assigned to the same target, the truth is finally revealed. Free from their cover, they have to learn to love each other all over again.
i'm not crazy, i'm just a little unwell by redsweater
“You need to get over the fact we haven’t shared everything together babe,” Liam mumbles tired.
Zayns shakes his head, “I do not. Couples must experience everything together. I know smoking our first cigarette together is stupid, but it makes me happy considering I didn’t get drunk with you my first time, nor did I lose my virginity to you.” Zayn gives Liam a pointed look, like he dares him to say something about that topic.
zayn is special, and liam's in love
you (put this spell on me) by outofcases (poppyseedheart)
"What part of ‘don’t touch that’ did you not understand?" asks Zayn, eyes full of fire. He’s standing dangerously still in front of Liam, and while they both know that all of this is a front for how worried and potentially freaked out he is, his anger is still searing hot.
Liam shifts from foot to foot, chastened. His hands are twisted up in front of him, fidgeting, and he’s trying not to break Zayn’s eye contact. ”I didn’t think anything would happen.”
Zayn sighs a long suffering sigh and runs a hand down his face, mumbling something Liam can’t fully hear. It sounds suspiciously like “famous last words.”
Altar'd Perception by Edjumacashun
Zayn finds himself uncontrollably attracted to a goofy, naive, lamb of a boy. As he tries to rationalize his way around this relationship, Liam throws his expections for a loop at every turn.
until the stars are all alight by orphan_account
Liam is a retired former astronaut with the World Space Agency in the year 2134. He was once the ace pilot and pride of Britain until tragedy pushed him out of the service. He's approached by astrophysicist Louis to join a crew that's being assembled to go rescue an astronaut left on the Mars Space Station. This is Zayn Malik. Liam is the only pilot available with the experience necessary to fly a mission to a damaged station.
Slowish burn.
You Can Hear It In The Silence by orphan_account
Five times Zayn and Liam didn't have to say anything at all and the one time they did anyway.
Over Five Months by ZaynCentric
au fic where liam is the popstar and zayn is his uni boyfriend who likes to embarras him when he comes off tour by waiting with all the other fangirls with homemade signs
i hope i'm gonna be by weareonceinalifetime
Five times Zayn kisses Liam on the forehead and one time Liam kisses Zayn.
happy accidents by imstephtacular
“Hi, I, uh…” a voice accompanying a knock at Zayn’s door stammers. Zayn approaches the door and, peering out, sees his neighbor— Lance? Lucas? Landon? he cannot remember honestly and he really never thought to ask— wincing as he clutches his stomach. “I’m, uh, Liam, I live…” he grimaces.
“Next door,” Zayn finishes, opening the door. “Yeah, I’ve seen you out running and at the mailboxes. “Are…are you okay, mate?” Liam’s expressions are obvious ones of discomfort as Liam attempts to respond, he lurches forward, clawing for the doorframe to steady himself.
Liam yelps in pain and Zayn leans to help him. “Wow, okay, what’s wrong?” Liam is still gripping his stomach and Zayn can see he is visibly in agony.
“I think…it’s…my…” Liam’s breathing gets heavy, punctuated. “Appendix,” he manages, flinching as yet another shot of pain spreads through his stomach.
OR: Liam is Zayn's neighbor but they've never really been introduced until Liam knocks on Zayn's door, doubled over in pain, and Zayn is terrible in a crisis
I Know The Sound Of Your Heart by LibbyWrites
Liam always adored the peace and quiet of his neighborhood. Until a new neighbor shows up and turns his world upside down with much more than just loud music.
A Million Different Ways by unfortunate17
They work for the Soul Agency and Zayn’s soul always meets Liam’s soul.
i'll go for you with everything i've got by wafflehood (locked)
In which Louis and Harry are definitely in cahoots, Niall is probably sworn to secrecy, Liam has been waiting a while, and Zayn makes a grand romantic gesture.
eyes on you eyes on me by cptniall
“i needed a drink of water after my shower but i forgot that i opened the blinds to my balcony and you just saw me walk into my kitchen nakedaka liam’s hot neighbour teaches him the value of discretion whilst also complimenting him on his massive weiner
Together Making One by zenamored
Another thing he really likes about being with Zayn—he’ll never go hungry while he’s around.
Four times Zayn cooks for Liam and one time Liam returns the favor.
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Creatures Of The Night // Wolf Harry Part Four -
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So today I am excited to share with you the fourth part of Wolf Harry, which is a collaboration with the amazing @thedevilinbetweenthesheets <3
I will be writing Wolf Harry and she will be writing Vampire Harry. So it’s up to you to choose your side, will you be #WolfHarry or #VampireHarry
The story is set in the exact same location but with two different perspectives. We wanted to give you the choice to decide which version of Harry you prefer, and also what side you were on ;)
Please Reblog and Heart, and feedback is always welcome <3
Wolf Harry Masterlist / Vampire Harry Masterlist / Request / Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four /
Warnings: Heated Kiss!
Word Count: 3282
Vampire is postponed until @thedevilinbetweenthesheets​ says otherwise!!
As the winds battle against the trees, creating a loud booming storm, Y/N just lays there, her tears slowly sliding down her temples and onto the grey cover of her pillow.
Right now she felt alone and vulnerable, she felt weak and tired.
She had been in bed since the incident, which was around a week ago now, and still, she could not muster the strength to get up and face this new world.
She wanted to be home, with her grandma, smiling, laughing and baking cookies in the kitchen. She wanted to be going to college and hanging out with her friends, going to the movies and worrying over stupid things like boys and school projects.
What she didn’t want was to be here, in the woods. She didn’t want to feel like a prisoner, that could do and go anywhere she wanted apart from her home. She didn’t want to have to worry about being kidnapped by blood-sucking vampires ever moment of every day. Overall she just didn’t want to be here, trapped in the wolves den, a sad, lonely and extremely vulnerable girl.
Of course, she had Harry, but he made her feel things, the type of things a boyfriend or a lover should. He made her smile and laugh, and on the inside, he made her feel all warm and nervous. She didn’t know how she should act around him, what she should do or day in situations where it was just the two of you. 
When she was with Harry, she felt the weakest, most vulnerable, and she loved but hated that at the same time. She loved that she could be herself in front of someone in this place, but she also hated the fact that she could easily become attached, and never want to leave.
The door creeks open, the light from the passageway illuminating up the centre of the room. 
You quickly brush away your tears, pushing yourself deeper under the covers as a figure appears inside the room. The door quietly clicks shut, and once again the room is dark.
The figure walks to you slowly, taking his time as he reaches down to the side and switches on the bedside lamp, the room no longer dark, but warm and inviting.
“I brought you some food, I’ve been told you haven’t eaten” Its Harry who speaks, his voice something you had missed. 
Since the attack, he hasn’t been around much, something to do with business between the two covens. He wasn’t happy about leaving you, but guards were watching you like hawks, people checking on you constantly.
“I made them make your favourite, Creamy Chicken Pasta, I bet you could smell it from the hallway” He nudges, placing the tray down on the side table.
He was right, of course. The scent of her favourite pasta dish wafted through the home all day, making her stomach growl and grumble with each smell of the air. 
“I know I haven’t been around much, I’m sorry, but I’m here now.....if you tell me what's wrong I could”
You sit up quickly, your hands clenching the sheets as you look at him properly for the first time in a week. You heart pounds within your chest as you suck in a deep breath, your eyes blotchy and sore from the weeks worth of crying. 
He looks at you and frowns, taking in your messy appearance. You probably looked hideous, red-eyed and puffy, its what crying did to you, made you look gross and blotchy.
“You want to know what I want?” You ask, sniffing as your tears begin to water again. He nods at you, urging you to tell him,
“I want”
You suck in a breath as your voice breaks,
“I want to go home...I want to be with my Grandma, I am the only thing she had left, and she’s the only thing I have left, and I mean she’s old, anything could happen to her. She could fall, and no one would know because she has no one! She could fall and die and I wouldn’t know, because I am stuck here, doing nothing, because I am useless” You cry out, throwing your hands into your lap. 
He watches you and sighs, looking out of the window. You can hear his steady breathing as he taps his fingers on his thighs, deep in thought.
“You know if I could I would let you, but I can’t, I’m not in charge I”
“I know” 
“I have people watching her at all times, if that helps” He whispers, looking to you with a small smile. You nod and sniffle, wiping the tear that wets your lips.
“I know it isn’t the same as being home, but I’m doing my best to protect her, I promise you”
“I believe you Harry” You whisper back, looking to him.
“I’ll try and see what I can do with my Dad, but I’m not sure I could change his mind, he’s an extremely stubborn man” He smiles, his eyes meeting yours. 
“Now how about I put a film on and you eat something?” He pleads, his eyes sparkling as he smirks at you.
Your insides twist as you stare at him, your hand shaking slightly from wanting to reach up and kiss him. You wanted to crawl into his arms and feel his warmth, having him whisper sweet words into your ear as you drift into a deep sleep.
“Would you stay with me?” You ask, 
“If you want me to stay, I will stay”
“I would if you don’t mind” You smile back shyly, leaning back against the pillows as he hands you the tray of food. Your stomach grumbles as you inhale the pasta, which causes Harry to chuckle as he walks over to the television and grabs the remote.
He sits beside you and begins to flick through the channels, stopping on the film channel. Toy Story 2 begins to play and you smile, remembering the times you would watch this with your grandma, both tucked up on the sofa, laughing each time she would tickle your side.
“I love this film” You giggle, twirling a large amount of pasta onto your fork and taking a bite. You groan as the flavours hit you, the cheese melting in your mouth as you swallow the first bite, this pasta would never stop being your favourite, it was quite literally that good.
“Same! When I wasn’t studying or training with my father I would be seen sat in front of the television, watching Toy Story, it was an obsession of mine” He smiles, placing the remote between you both. 
“After the film, I want to take you somewhere” Harry whispers, his voice low as you stare up at him. You smile and nod, turning your attention back towards the television. 
You cuddle deeper into the sheets, getting yourself comfortable as you focus all of your attention to the film. 
Harry's wolf kneels down, waiting for you to climb up onto his back.
You stare at him, still unsure about letting him take you places whilst on his back. He told you before that it didn’t hurt him and that he was stronger than he looked, but it still felt weird, to ride along on his back whilst he was in wolf form.
The wolf grumbles at you, whining as he blinks his eyes at you.
“Ok Fluffy, I just don’t want t hurt you” You laugh, kicking the leaves beneath your feet as you swing your leg over to the side of his other body. You wobble slightly as he raises his front legs, standing tall as you grip tightly to his fur.
“Now remember, don’t go too fast” You warn, as he begins to run.
You squeal, pushing your face into his neck forcefully. You close your eyes tightly, trying to ignore the fast-moving trees that zoom past you. You can hear the leaves and twigs breaking beneath Fluffys paws, his body causing the ground beneath to thud slightly.
“You evil dog” You spit, laughing as he huffs in response. 
You laugh at that response, pushing yourself up slightly. You let your eyes peak open, looking around at your surroundings, as everything continues to zoom past you.
You can feel his pace begin to slow, the things around you starting to take shape as the sound of thrashing water echos around you. Light illuminates in front of you as you look ahead cautiously, your body shaking as you come into a large clearing. The water that falls from above, cascades down into the large open lake, flowing freely into another small waterfall before travelling down a stream that leads beyond the forest. The water is clear and glowing, small bubbles flowing up from the friction of the waterfall against its surface.
Fluffy kneel’s for you to slide off, the warmth of his fur disappearing as you near the water, quickly falling to your knees as you look at it mesmerised. You can hear Harry transforming back into his human form, the crack of his bones making you shudder.
“This is beautiful” You call, turning to look at Harry. He’s pulling on a pair of joggers, his muscles contracting as he pulls them up. They hang low on his waist, his golden skin glistening from the glow the water creates against his skin.
“This is the Waterfall of the Moon Goddess, she blessed them a really long time ago, they have been sacred to our pack ever since” He smiles, walking to kneel beside you. You nod and look out, observing the way the plants sway above the water, their colours bright and eye-catching.
“All of our ceremonies take place in front of this waterfall because to us this is where the moon goddess lives, it is where she is closest to us” He whispers, his voice soft and warm.
“We also allow the pack to come and swim beneath the waters, they say it helps with fertility and healing” 
“And the moon goddess, who is she?” You ask, looking to him 
“The moon goddess, also known as Artemis in Greek Mythology, is the shapeshifter and goddess of the moon. It is believed that she is the creator of all shapeshifters, although she is a virgin, she is our mother. We celebrate and worship her just like other celebrate their gods, we just do ours during the full moons. For as long as wolves can remember we have worshipped her and the moon for all that she has done for us, and we will probably continue the tradition for many years too come” He answers, staring out to the glowing waters.
“So what makes this waterfall so special?” You ask curiously, reaching to touch the surface of the water. It ripples beneath your finger, sending vibrations through your body.
“It is said to be the place she came to bathe before humans began to inhabit the earth. I will show you the histories if you are interested, the waterfall will be in there somewhere” He answers, watching you curiously as you sink your hand lower into the warmth of the water.
“And do you have other gods, or is it just the one?” You ask, turning to him as you retract your hand from the water.
“We do, but we tend to worship her more than others, as she is our creator” He smiles, his teeth glowing.
“And what would you say if I asked if I could swim?” You question curiously, reaching to pull your t-shirt off. 
“I would say go ahead, but I will warn you, no human has ever swum in the waters of the moon goddess, so swim at your own risk�� He warns, raising a brow at you as you pull the fabric from your body. 
The breeze is nice against your skin as you slip out of your flats and begin to shimmy from your jeans. You were glad you wore cute underwear today, otherwise, this would be way more awkward.
“Are you coming in?” You ask, turning to him. 
Harry stares intensely at her, his whole body humming as he watches her clothes fall to the floor. His wolf whines inside, enjoying the sight of his mate. He can’t stop the moan that escapes him as she turns, the glow of the water causing her skin to glisten like pixies skin.
“Harry” You question, causing him to jump as he coughs.
“Sorry, what did you say?” He asks, pushing himself up from the grass. 
“Will you be swimming with me?” You ask, grinning as he chuckles.
“I’ll be in, in a minute” He smiles, turning his back to you quickly.
You watch as he begins taking in a deep breath. You shrug your shoulders as you turn to the waters, your body radiating excitement. You take small steps to the edge, nervous as you hesitantly sip your toe into the glowing pool.
Harry said he didn’t know what would happen to humans that swam in these waters, so I guess you were sort of like a guinea pig. 
Taking in a deep breath you let your body fall into the water, gasping as you submerge into its depths. Bubbles form around you as you begin to breathe, pushing your body up to the surface with a smile. 
You feel electric as you rise, pushing your hair back as you look to where Harry stands, watching you with a smirk. 
“This is amazing” You shout, your body humming with unknown energy.
“I feel, powerful” You laugh, submerging your body back beneath the depths. You smile as you swim, spotting small fish swimming around beneath you, you swim to them and reach out, giggling as their fins tickle your skin. 
The water beside you falls, a splash creating waves as you get pushed to the surface. You suck in a deep breath and squeal as a set of hand grip your feet, pulling you back down towards them. You begin to kick your feet outwards, scared that this may be a weird supernatural creature that didn’t want humans in the sacred waters. 
As you feel a set of hands on your waist you panic, expecting a monster as they spin your body to face them. 
As you open your eyes you see Harry, his smile wide as he pokes your nose. You hold a hand to your chest and laugh as he pulls you up to the surface, both of you taking in deep breaths as you breathe in the air around you.
“I thought you were a monster” You hold your heaving chest, sucking in deep breaths as he laughs at you.
“Not a monster, I don’t think” He laughs, reaching out to take your hand.
You let him and smile as your skin touches, your body once again shudders as he allows his fingers to tickle your palm. 
You look up at him cautiously, your eyes meeting his for a split second before looking away. You can feel your cheeks heating as his hands move to your waist, your heart pounding within your chest as your stomach erupts into thousands of butterflies.
“You won’t leave me again, will you?” You ask, turning to face him again. He smiles at you, shaking his head as he lets one hand hold your face.
“If you don’t want me to, I will stay by your side” He answers, his face soft and completely serious. You nod and begin to bite at your lip, pulling it between your teeth.
“Do you think I will ever see her again, my grandma?” You ask,
“I will make sure you see her again, I promise” He answers, his thumb stroking at your reddened cheeks. You nod and smile at him, your eyes trailing down to his lips. 
You stare at them for a while, admiring how plump and soft they looked. They were probably nice to kiss, extremely soft but still dominate. 
You can feel the electric between you as his lips get lower, everything around you ceasing to exist as his lips eventually connect with yours.
Your body vibrates with electric energy as soon as your lips begin to move, his hand caressing your face making the sparks more intimate and forceful. Your whole body moves with the kiss, small whimpers leaving the back of your throat as your legs float up to wrap around his waist, holding you closer to his body.
You can feel the skin of his stomach against yours, warm and soft. You can’t seem to stop your hands as they trail up his chest, your fingers getting to know every inch of his skin as they delve up from the water and into his hair. 
He groans against your mouth as you tug at the small curls, your body shuddering as his hand slips to hold your bum. 
Your lips move, the kiss is passionate and sloppy as you push into each other more, craving the feel of skin on skin. 
The kiss, it felt as if you had been struck down by lightning, it felt like your whole body was sparking and tingling, creating sparks of its own.
You whimper as he pulls back breathlessly, your body cold as he leans back to look at you. You stare back at him, your eyes wild and lustful as he stares down at you. 
His eyes this time are completely black, the shine in them intense as he looks at you. He smiles and licks his lips, observing the way your cheeks get redder.
“I can’t kiss you like that again, not without something happening” He growls, coughing to the side as he tries to control himself.
“What do no kissing unless sex is involved?” You laugh, trailing your fingers down his neck.
“No, I just need you to be wearing more clothes, otherwise I won’t be able to control myself” He laughs, leaning to kiss your forehead.
“So, you liked it then, the kissing?” You ask, suddenly shy as he stares at you.
“I loved it, it was the best kiss I think I’ve ever had” He admits, shrugging slightly as you unwrap your legs from around his waist.
“Me too” You reply, laughing as he splashes you with water. You giggle at him and splash him back, watching his face darken as he focuses intensely on something. You look to the side at him, waving your hand in front of his face as he completely zones out, 
“Harry...Harry, what's wrong?” You ask, your heart thudding as you watch him look up at you. His body is stiff now, his jaw tense as he reaches to pull you to his body.
“What's wrong?” You ask again, looking up to him
“My father” He answers, swimming you to the edge. He helps you out of the water, his feet heavy as he paces the grass. You stare at him, collecting your clothes from the ground as he stares to you once more,
“You’re scaring me” You reply, watching his head snap up.
“My father, he has declared war with the vampires” He answers, watching you for a moment.
“so, you told me that already” You reply, shrugging slightly as you throw the large shirt over your head. As you slip your head through the hole you scream, Harrys face now incredibly close to yours.
“Yes, that was until we knew what they wanted” He answers, reaching to take your hand. You smile at him, leaning into his warmth as his breath fans your face.
“And what is it they want?” You ask, looking up to meet his black, intense eyes.
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