#I haven't even named these gays yet 😭😭😭
villetela · 5 months
Decided to make a Sanii animation because the audio I've found perfectly (I think) fits on him. And I can't even tell how much sass that man has tbh.
Anyways here's the Animation I made today:
I didn't add another person cause I was too lazy and decided to focus on the gay McDonalds bitch and the character in this video doesn't belong to me btw! It rightfully belongs to this amazing artist named @venomous-qwille I haven't read the fic yet cause I feel like there are ALOT of words I need to read and my adhd or autism can't handle that and my eye sight are too bad so I might accidentally read the wrong next sentence, yes I have read the love, death and rollerskates fic but I feel like gitm (If that's what it's called) has alot and there's even other characters ahdhshhdhshd😭
But that's all for now, and enjoy this short shitty animation I did for a reason. (The audio fits his sass so don't mind me.)
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mulletmitsuya · 5 months
Toman Captains + BajiFuyuTora Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of substances, mentions of PTSD
Desc: Baji tries to make a polycule work with some heavy convincing
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Baji: alr guys, i'm gonna ask Fuyu and Tora out on a date at the same time
Mitsuya: that's not gonna work
Draken: don't they hate each other? just pick one
Baji: no i'm in love with the both of them so i'm gonna ask both of them out
Baji: also they actually have feelings for each other but haven't realized it yet
Draken: you're pushing it
Smiley: first of all, Kazutora likes women
Baji: no, he has feelings for me but he hasn't realized it yet
Smiley: alright man
Mikey: Baji, your chances are better with Chifuyu. sort that out first because you're gonna ruin the entire friendgroup dynamic with this shit😟
Baji: we're not a friendgroup, we're lovers
Mikey: i'm talking about us, dipshit
Baji: who
Mikey: everyone who isn't Chifuyu and Kazutora??
Baji: idgaf
Mikey: ayt
Pah: weren't we your treasures or smth 🧐?
Baji: i've moved on to bigger things
Baji: smaller twinks
Baji: you get me?
Smiley: Chifuyu's short but he's not a twink.
Smiley: now Kazutora, we can call a twink
Smiley: you guys are using this word wrong
Mikey: it's it just a skinny guy?
Smiley: "a gay or effeminate man, or a young man, regarded as an object of homosexual desire, usually a bottom. they are attractive and slim in appearance."
Draken: this is just Mitsuya
Mikey: 🧐
Mitsuya: ?
Smiley: that is correct but i didn't wanna say anything cause that twink got hands🤷‍♂️
Mikey: now that i think about it, Mitsuya used to be kinda built. not buff but not skinny. fuck happened
Pah: Draken died
Pah: "died"
Baji: so he stopped eating? lame
Mitsuya: do you guys get how mourning works
Draken: well i'm good now so let's get this grub 🗣
Draken: sorry for making you sad, brother
Draken: it's my mission to bulk you up again
Mitsuya: i'm fine👍
Mikey: no one dying is going to get in between me and a meal😭🙏
Mikey: skill issue on Mitsuya's part
Smiley: skill issue is when your friend dies and you go into a depression so deep that you can't even eat anymore
Mikey: that's what i'm saying❗
Smiley: leave it up to Draken to get shot 3 times in the chest and just walk it off
Smiley: that was kinda hard tho
Draken: thanks👍
Draken: it hurt really bad
Draken: i think it traumatized me
Draken: i can't go to amusement parts now. or listen to fireworks cause i'll start hallucinating shit that happened from that night. weird
Mitsuya: ...that's called ptsd
Baji: yeah man you have ptsd
Draken: what's ptsd
Baji: GOT EM
Draken: i wish your suicide attempt worked you mentally challenged, wanna be werewolf, loreal shampoo ad looking ass bitch
Baji: BANG BANG BANG💣💥💣💥💣💥
Mikey: DUDE💀
Baji: do you guys get it
Baji: it's the gunshots
Baji: because he has PTSD
Baji: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: do you remember how you killed Shinichiro
Baji: 😐
Mikey: GUYS💀
Draken: i'm sorry Mikey
Draken: but
Draken: Baji do you remember when you were screaming his name and watched him bleed to death
Smiley: ☠️
Draken: the skull represent Shinichiro, who you killed
Baji: anyway
Baji: back to my kittens
Baji: before Draken decided to take shit too far😒
Draken: when you go low I'll go lower
Baji: cause you were almost 6 feet under???
Draken: where you put Shinichiro??
Mikey: Ken-chin he's gonna kill himself again😔
Draken: that is exactly the point
Baji: anyway
Baji: back to the topic at hand 😐
Baji: i'm doing it tonight
Mitsuya: ahem
Mitsuya: do you know how awkward it's gonna be when Kazutora rejects you? we don't wanna have to deal with that
Baji: he won't reject me
Mikey: your delusional
Baji: can you guys name a situation in which things didn't work out for me?
Baji: no you can't
Mitsuya: 1) Bloody Halloween??
Draken: 2) Your grades🤨?
Mikey: 3) Not making your mom cry🤔?
Baji: ...
Baji: those don't count
Smiley: it's so hard trying to talk to stupid people
Smiley: he doesn't use logic at all
Draken: Baji don't fucking ask them out
Mikey: ask Chifuyu!!! that f slur is obsessed with you😍
Draken: don't say that word😐
Mikey: i literally didn't say it😭
Mitsuya: Baji please just think for literally one second
Baji: too late cause i just texted them
Mitsuya: omfg
Mikey: you fool😞
Mikey: what did you say??
Baji: i went to our groupchat
Baji: "yo let's cut the bullshit. i'm in love with the both of you so why don't we all date and love each other in a relationship with all three of us and shit"
Baji: i sent that
Smiley: you're very... direct
Smiley: i'll give you that
Smiley: Kazutora's gonna say no
Draken: obviously
Baji: bet
Baji's kittens:
Kazutora: Chifuyu can you please change the fucking groupchat name
Kazutora: i know you and Baji do kinky shit together but i am NOT anybody's kitten
Chifuyu: but Baji-san changed it and i can't change it back if he doesn't want me to
Chifuyu: and Baji-san and i do not do "kinky shit"
Chifuyu: we don't have a sexual relationship😐
Kazutora: you have free will mothefucker!! you don't need his fucking permission
Kazutora: is he your dom or something😭
Kazutora: why are so obsessed with him jesus
Kazutora: you guys are gay af
Chifuyu: just because i don't stab my friends doesn't mean i'm gay
Chifuyu: i just respect him a lot cause he's cool 😒
Chifuyu: nothing you'd know about
Chifuyu: you psychopath
Kazutora: you slobber on his dick all day
Kazutora: "Baji-san!!! What a cool kick!! Can you teach me😁?"
Kazutora: you might as well just ask him to put it in
Chifuyu: shut the fuck up all you've ever known are the prison walls that enclosed you
Kazutora: NOT ANYMORE😁
Baji: ladies, ladies
Baji: there's enough to go around 😏
Baji: ew. alright i'm never using that emoji again what the fuck
Baji: no
Kazutora: you and Chifuyu can do your pet play somewhere else please leave me out of it 🙏
Baji: nuh uh
Baji: you're a tiger
Baji: tigers are cats
Baji: so you're a kitten
Baji: done deal
Kazutora: i'm an adult tiger not a kitten😐
Baji: i'm the alpha and you and Chifuyu are my omega's
Kazutora: what the fuck does that mean????
Chifuyu: haha Baji-san😂
Kazutora: i've never seen someone ride someone else's meat so hard before holy shit
Chifuyu: if you don't understand what respect is, just say that 🙄
Baji: don't lie Chifuyu
Baji: you're in love with me
Baji: you are too Kazutora
Kazutora: 🤨
Baji: yo let's cut the bullshit. i'm in love with the both of you so why don't we all date and love each other in a relationship with all three of us and shit
Baji: you guys are in love with each other too just by the way
Kazutora: what
Kazutora: that's not how anything works
Chifuyu: Baji-san i ask again is this a prank 🤣🤣🤣
Kazutora: it has to be cause i'm not a boy kisser like you mfs
Baji: Kazutora be fr. you just got out of prison, you're clinically insane, you're on parole, people feel unsettled by your presence, you have an ankle bracelet, you belong to the state, you have mommy AND daddy issues, you've killed someone
Kazutora: damn
Kazutora: you didn't have to list it like that
Baji: all i'm saying is that i'm your best option because i don't care about all of this and i'll take care of you for the rest of your life even tho you're crazy
Baji: cause i love you (gayly)
Baji: you could even stab me again
Chifuyu: NO
Baji: Chifuyu shut the up i'll get to you babe
Chifuyu: yes Baji-san
Kazutora: "yes daddy😩😍"
Kazutora: what the fuck dude you could least try to hide it 💀
Baji: can u focus
Kazutora: oh right
Kazutora: what about gay sex tho
Baji: i'll teach you
Kazutora: but you have a dick
Baji: uhhhh
Baji: fine you can use yours
Baji: nah nevermind i'm not a bottom
Baji: fuck you
Kazutora: i didn't even say anything
Kazutora: but whatever ig
Kazutora: i'm not gonna be with Chifuyu tho😐
Baji: you are
Kazutora: 😒
Baji: Chifuyu we've been in love for years so i know you'll say yes. just needed to convince Tora babygirl
Chifuyu: but is this a prank tho🤣🤣
Baji: no
Baji: you are my boyfriend now
Baji: both of you come over
Kazutora: ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kazutora: fine
Chifuyu: are the both of you pranking me🤣😂
Baji: just come over you fucking idiot
Baji: that was too mean
Baji: please come over you fucking idiot❤
Baji: they said yes and we're all about to have sex now
Mikey: you're just gonna lie Baji
Draken: should i get beers? you can cry if you want i won't even laugh at you
Draken: i promise
Mikey: you're just gonna lie Ken-chin
Mitsuya: what did they actually say
Baji: they're coming over? and we're about to make love? are you guys dumb 🤨
Baji: it worked out how i said it would
Smiley: Draken gets the beers i'll get the cigarettes
Smiley: Baji we tried to tell you
Draken: don't piss me off cause you know i don't smoke
Draken: you're gonna influence Angry into an early grave
Draken: do you want your brother to have lung cancer
Smiley: chill
Smiley: Angry tried a cigarette and almost died
Smiley: so you don't have to worry about that
Smiley: fine i'll bring weed instead
Mitsuya: where are you getting drugs😐
Smiley: my plug, duh 😁
Mikey: can i have a weed as well please
Smiley: idk man what if your dark impulses come out or something
Mikey: my therapist said that only happens with specific triggers so it's fine
Mikey: plus i have a shock collar in case that happens
Draken: i don't think that's normal 🤨
Baji: you guys are pissing me off
Mikey: dude it's fine we can comfort you even tho we told you so
Draken: i'm gonna be the better man and forgive you since you've just been rejected
Baji: yk what idgaf
Baji: i'ma just nut in my kittens
Baji: bye losers
Baji: no one does it like i do
Mikey: poor thing🙁
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 5 months
Fight me all you want but huntlow/lumity antis are the weakest links in the toh community,
...unless you don't have ears idk block the haters
All this slander is coming from the goldric/huntmira/lunter/guster/amiter shippers, yes that's a mouthful, and yes I'll be blocking you if you're a toxic shipper, if your not, good! except if you ship amiter, fuck off you lesbianphobic bitch, anyways back to my rant, also sorry if this comes out as insensitive, rude, or if I sound over dramatic I just really hate these types of people
If I had a dime for every toxic shipper I've encountered since I first came into the toh community...BITCH ID BE RICH CAUSE SOME OF Y'ALL ARE WILD ASF 😭🙏, this is based off of a rant I got below this post so yeah credits to anon it was very helpful pookie
Y'all toxic ass shippers will go FUCKING PARAGRAPH LENGTHS TO DEFEND YOUR SHITTY SHIPS, and this is targated twords lunter and goldric, again, if you're not toxic this ain't for you I don't mean to offend anyone, cause tell me why there is this account on Pinterest, I ain't afraid to say their name it's something like TheGoldenCoven, or some shit like that, BROS A LUNTER FAN ACCOUNT 💀, and a toxic one too, dw I got some proof
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How the fuck do you normalize the TWO MAIN COUPLE OF A SERIES??? Hunter was never intentioned to date Luz and vice versa, this is a perfect example of toxic a lunter shipper, and not only are they toxic they're...LESBIANPHOBIC!! I know it was probably from 2021 and they've moved on buuuut they did post amiter art, and they're not even a nice person although having in their bio "I'm nice you if you're nice to me" or some bullshit idk
As for toxic goldric shipper accounts I haven't seen any Pinterest or Tumblr accounts so that's good! But majority of the shippers are the most insufferable human beings on earth, their only excuse for shipping them is "they want a mlm couple and they're the same age" noting against wanting a mlm couple it'd be super nice...buy may I remind you this is post early season two...HUNTERS NAME WASN'T EVEN CONFIRMED YET 😭🙏, And let alone having only two or three minutes of screen time makes the ship have an even worse reputation, and the shippers are just bitchy and biphobic, always complaining that Hunter should be canonically gay instead of literally anything else so he can be shipped with only Edric, and I know huntmira shippers exist but I've actually never had an interaction with one, hopefully they aren't too bad
Y'all will come out withe the stupidest excuses not to ship huntlow/lumity, also sorry I got off track 😭😭, for lumity, don't know how it exists, but it's either "it's abusive" or "it's toxic" brother ew 💀, name one way Luz or Amity have hurt each other and DO NOT say it's by how Luz always makes stuff mess even though it's literally apart of her personality or by how she didn't wanna tell her about the portal door in S2 or how she accidentally helped Philip/Belos, I'll wait 😊, and I see the point of how Amity's personality downgraded to only being Luz's gf but she still did have her family problems but I guess they just didn't wanna make it an episode, I mean we got Clouds on the horizon that counts ig?
And for huntlow I keep hearing the same shit "I-Its a crack ship, I-Its forced, t-they have no chemistry 🥺🥺🥺" yeah I can see your toxic ass shipping a 12 and 16 year old together don't think you're slick bitch, and just because huntlow was rushed doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, you don't know if Dana had intentions on it but because of the cancellation it was forced to be rush, and I'm sorry to y'all hearing the shortened s3 excuse but it's true since there's literally no other explanation, also don't come into the comments saying "B-But you don't know that!!🥺🥺" it's just speculation my brother in Christ 😭🙏, merely a theory put together with brain cells which almost everyone in this community doesn't have, another weird double standard is how everyone ships gustholomule and veesha even though there's very little evidence it'll be canon was supposed to be canon but since it's a more noticeable and popular ship no one bats an eye for some reasons even though huntlow is too a popular ship, but these are the more bigger ones so I'll more obscure like cameda or aladarius which where probably never meant to happen and totally fandom operated
Anyways that's all, I'll block haters/toxic shippers in the comments so don't think you'll get a reaction outta me with some half baked and barely thought through argument you found in a Reddit post
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chunkybird · 3 months
Ok jemily stans -- I just watched the latest episode. I haven't even seen what others are saying about the ultimate jemily moment yet, so here are my thoughts.
I am actually pretty happy with what went down with them this episode. I never believed that we were gonna get like a jemily love confession (although my little gay heart stills yearns for it and holds a sliver of hope lol) but I think it was a beautiful and perfect reconciliation. And oh so funny with them both being high and JJ accidentally eating weed cheetos lmaooo
I think it would have been nice for JJ to get a little bit more mad but I'm just gonna headcannon that she loves Emily so much that the moment she saw her she felt her anger melt away lol
But HOLY when I tell you I had my face planted in front of the TV giggling and screeching and kicking my feet everytime they came on screen 😭😭 not only did we get high jemily, Emily's full government name from JJ, a shoulder touch, and I love you eyes from both of them.... that last bit of dialogue where JJ said "this job takes and takes, but it also gives. It gives me you" (paraphrased) LIKE are you fucking kidding me!!! She might as well have said I've loved you since the moment I met you helloooo I swear if rossis text hadn't interrupted them we would've gotten a love confession from one of them (let me live in my delusion lol)
Anyway I'm very happy with their reconciliation and I think the producers did a good job of giving us friendship jemily but with enough for us jemily shippers to dream without queerbaiting. If you disagree plz let me know. I'd love to hear what others think. Personally, I'm just excited to see the fan fic that comes out of all this new jemily content ‼️ and I think at the end of the day that's all we can ask for from a ship that's not likely to actually become Canon. I think all we can ask the creators is to give us moments between them that ARENT queerbaiting from which fic writers and artists can then create their own spinoffs from. Does that make sense?
Anywayyyy I'm excited to see everyone else's thoughts and the art that comes from this!
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spidermasc · 4 days
Im not rhiannon anon but i was thinking like reader working with rhiannon and having a huuge crush on her cuz duh. Reader going to an afterwork thing with all the coworkers and rhiannon kills someone that night and you spot her outside the bar or whatever and she has blood on her shirt and youre worried but she shrugs it off. Finding out next week that a murder took place and you put two and two together pretty quickly. Rhiannon showing up at your place middle of the night demanding to know why you havent revealed what you know to the police but youre just so down bad 😔 her lowkey having meant to kill you but then being like i guess this guy is harmless ig. I wanna be the himbo sidekick to her serial murdering girl freak
it's silly because you stare longingly at her all the time but she never notices it. you're too nervous to go up to her and chit-chat except when you need her to make copies of something the boss wants and you've even brought up how hard she's been working for that raise but it's like he doesn't even know she exists which makes you pissed off. she's just another means to make money for all he cares. doesn't even bother to learn her name and you're surprised he even knows yours.
gazing up at her like a fool in love while she's up there singing karaoke 😭 doing her little boogie and snapping along to the beat like she doesn't already have 2 new people added to her murder list from this night :)
"hey, rhian- shit, are you okay?" your eyes widen as you see the amount of blood stained on her white shirt and grey cardigan. "is that blood? is that your blood?!" you go to put your hands on her shoulders but she shrugs you off. she crosses her arms around her chest and gives you a quick tight-lipped smile before rushing past you and over to her car. she slams the car door so loudly it almost roars like a clap of thunder in this harsh rain.
okay soooo i lowkey dreamt about this and in my little gay dream, you and rhiannon were talking about this new article your boss wants to be published, and a breaking news title flashes across the TV screens in the reception area. both of you watch and she tries to get you to keep talking to her but you're interested in this because of course you are! there's a murderer in your city! basically piecing 2 and 2 together when the reporter says where the body was found. thrown in the river under a bridge that was exactly where rhiannon came from when you two were at the club with your coworkers... excusing yourself suddenly and rushing back to your desk and trying to make up reasons why it couldn't be rhiannon but it's just not working out...
you wake up to someone pounding ferociously on your front door. for a moment, you think it's just in your dream because you end up falling back asleep until you hear your neighbor yell out, "open the fuckin' door, you cretin!" you groan and try to wipe the sleep off your face as you shuffle to the door, wondering who could possibly be knocking at 3 am. when you open it, you wish it had just been all in a dream. rhiannon lewis stands there in her black raincoat looking cross and dangerous. her face is blank but you can see the harsh emotions in her eyes. "what are you doing here?" you gulp, thinking back to earlier this week when that murder popped up in the news. does she know you know? she must, you think, and now she's here to kill you. she pushes past your arm which blocked her from entering like it was nothing and instructs you to close the door. you follow immediately and stand up straight when you look back towards her like this was boot camp. she eyes you up and down and bounces slightly on her heels, a tiny grin forming on her face at how she can make you so scared. "why haven't you told anyone yet?" her accent comes out even stronger when she's mad, and somehow that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. "you know it's me." "i... i dunno." you lie. "bullshit," she catches on. she steps closer to you and you smush yourself back against the door like that's going to help you. a knife is pulled from her back pocket and it gleams in the moonlight coming in through your front door window. "i wanna know why before i kill you." "i guess... i wanna see if you can get away with it, i dunno," you confess, which is just half of the reason why you haven't snitched on her yet. "no one would suspect you, 'cept me, i guess, but it's the perfect twist."
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oliolioxenfreewrites · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire ❦
Taking a break from writing to catch up on my tags writing 2 books at once is not for the weak 😭 so thank you @drchenquill for the tag as always!
- how long have you had your writing tumblr/writerblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
At least since April or early May!
- what lead you to create it?
I wanted to connect with other writers and creatives to make new friends!
- what's your favorite thing about the writer community?
My favorite part is the absolute powerhouse of creativity and innovation. You all have this incredible knack for coming up with unique ideas that never fail to inspire me. Plus, they're hilarious! Their sense of humor adds a delightful twist to everything we do, making even the wildest ideas feel approachable and fun. Honestly, being around such talent and laughter is a constant source of my motivation and joy!
- what’s one thing you'd like in mutual to know about you?
No notification I receive on this app goes unnoticed. I'll be at work, smiling because someone found my writing and enjoyed it! It means so much to me and only makes me want to write even more!
- is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
I would love more collaboration and interaction in my messages. I am open to discussing and exchanging ideas with another writer. I’m particularly interested in co-creating a planetary system and bouncing creative ideas back and forth.
- which wips or writing projects are you noodling about lately
I'm currently working on fleshing out a novel titled Journals from The Whitmore Estate, which is a modern/historical fiction story. The novel explores the slave and civil war era, and also delves into our near future. It centers around the actions of a power-hungry ancestor who sought to shift power dynamics, and the resulting centuries of generational backlash.
- how long have you been working on them?
Its been about a few months, I had to take a break to give myself new perspectives and coming to a decision on who the main character was!
- do you remember what inspired them/what got you started
I was looking at writing prompts and came across one that said something along the lines of “Your character inherits a manor from a distant relative. Upon moving in, they discover what lies within its walls, answering why your family has been plagued by bad luck for as long as anyone can remember.”
- how much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Wayyy too much! Now rhat I've found the main character, I can't put it down!
- when someone ask the dreaded "what do you write about?" question what do you usually say?
“I write whatever comes to mind!” Or “You can read my writings to find out.” 😗
- name any characters you created. Side characters, protagonist, antagonist, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Kirjani is my favorite oc to date! Her chosen family: Rick, Raelin, and Lena. The three sisters from the Isles of Aurorith! Imani, Jade and Jasmine, the first ocs I ever created, they deserve their story to be told. (I’m working on it!!) My scrapped character folder is at about 60 something, but the one I just couldn't figure out completely was their grandmother Queen Amara, those who've followed me for a while probably remember her! She was just a bit too sinister and I tried to work around certain motivations and rationality kept getting in the way 🤣 I might use her for another story of mine I've been thinking about
- who’s the most unhinged?
I think it would be between Amara or Kirjani for sure. One of them is justifiably so, the other… not so much LOL
- who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Jules a gay sophmore in high school who is grieving the sudden loss of his mother (I haven't introduced him yet!) He's the first character I've ever based on myself or someone like me rather.
- do you ever cringe at them?
Oh yeah, that’s when I'm writing his best romantic scenes. Love, especially teen romance is supposed to be cringy and awkward at times. That's what makes it so!
- how much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
They literally form their own lives that I just go with, its their world I’m just living in and writing it! I'm considerably outnumbered lmao
- do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
More than words can express, that's why I love sharing my characters and their personalities. I want to open discussions on humanity and how the human condition can create dynamically and perplexing people!
- what makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I don't really have enough mutuals or followers, so I follow people based on their creativity and if they're on Writeblr. I don't have much discernment at the moment :)
- what makes you decide against following?
Just depends. I guess I haven't found a page I've ever said, “Oh no, can't follow that,” too.
- do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Not really, and if I follow you and you don't follow me back, I will give you 24 hours before I unfollow. We're all creatives here; no one is more creative than the next person, in my opinion.
This was so much fun to answer, I have so many more tags to do, but I’m not gonna stress ah finishing them all today 🥲 I have some short stories I wanna post as well from the weekend.
I tag @leahpardo-pa-potato, @slenders1ckn3ss, and @coffeewritesfiction. + open tag to any writer interested!
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls 2/16, There’s The Rub, The Part Where Paris and Rory Are SuperMegaGay And All Is Right With The World Again, Part 6
Paris just saved Rory's hide from the wrath of Dean (okay, she still got plenty of wrath from Dean, unfortunately, but it could have been a lot worse) and this is why Paris is my favorite Boyfriend, not Jess.
You can read parts 1-5 and all previous episodes here.
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Omg, my cynical, cold, black heart can't take this tenderness. I love them so much. Long live PariMore! (finally thought of a ship name! woot!)
One of the most serious crimes commited by one miss AmyShermanPalladino in writing a Year in the Life is not taking advantage of the freedom of Netflix and the much more progressive year of 2016 by having Paris get a divorce at the same time that Rory is lost and adrift in her life and finally put these two idiots together. But no. They still didn't find each other and live happily ever after and Rory is still shacking up with Logan even when it's clear that neither Paris or Rory actually like men.
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By golly. This is 2002, they said. It can't be done, they said. And yet, PariMore proved us wrong. They went super duper ultra mega gay. Netflix and Chill gay. Slumber party gay. Super Gay Fanfiction!
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"Sort of."
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Staaaaaaaaahpppppp!! 😭 We interrupt Super Duper Gay Lesbian Slumber Party and cut to Lorelai and Emily having a night on the town after their spa day. They meet a handsome older gentleman at the bar who offers a dance to Emily. In a shocking turn of events that further proves this episode comes from some alternate dimension where all is right with the world with the exception of Dean Forrester, Lorleai happily becomes her mother's wingwoman after some small initial resistance. Are you ok, Lorelai? Do you feel feverish? You haven't nagged, cockblocked, offered unsolicited advice, or butted into anyone's business in like, a whole 30 minutes. This episode has such great Lorelai and Emily banter, like Emily telling Lorelai "You let me get 60/40'd" and "Hookers eat at bars." "Only if they can't get a table." Terrific! But the handsome gentleman gets a little too close, Emily feels guilty about dancing with him and that puts the kibosh on that and Emily blames Lorelai for making her feel like a cheap floozy. Geez Lorelai, I guess you can't win. You're insufferable when you're being a cockblocking menace to society, but then when you actually do relax a little bit and alllow people do as they please, you get the business. Emily wonders why she can't have what Rory and Lorelai have and I don't know if a deeply fucked up mother daughter relationship forged from a teen pregnancy where the 34 year old mother is still about 15 maturity wise is something you want to aspire to. Rory reading the check in forms at her therapist's office 5 years from now: Form: "Reason for appointment?" Rory: "Hmmm..." Lorelai to Emily at the hotel: Rory and I are best friends, Mom. Best friends first, and mother and daughter second! (Rory in her therapist's office: "Ah. There it is.")
There are so many times Lorelai is this - close to having a breakthrough, where she exhibits a fleeting moment of self awareness then poof, it is gone. She didn't pause to think about the implications behind admitting "I'm my daughter's friend before her mother." She will never learn or grow or change. Oh well, that's our Lorelai!
Listen, stop the feuding, you both get a trophy for Sucking At Parenting. Is there any hope for Rory's spawn to break this generational curse? It would be interesting if Rory's future child turned out to be a boy, because like, I have to wonder what creative and different ways she could manage to fuck up a son? (as with everything I'm sure this exists as a work of fanfiction somewhere). Lorelai thinks spending a whole weekend with her mother was too intense and they should have started with something smaller to patch their relationship and grow closer. What is her idea? No, not therapy. Petty theft. They steal the robes from their hotel room. Yay, mother and daughter bonding and not healing any trauma whatsoever!
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No, never. Only if it's a box of cornstarch, a boat, or another woman's husband. Emily enjoys the robe stealing caper, some sarcastic quips are exchanged, and the desperate, aching, deep seated emotional trauma being suffered by both parties is once again shoved down deep deep inside to fester like an infected wound.
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She's totally fine you guys. We cut to Rory and Lorelai at the diner the next day where Rory is giving Lorelai the run down of the previous events, presumably minus the super duper mega gay sexual tension between herself and Paris. Lorelai remarks that Paris looked nauseous and tired when she woke up in the morning, which Rory attributes to a sugar overload, but we know better. We know how dehydrating all-night Blockbuster & Chill lesbian makeout slumber parties can be.
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Oh right, Rory committed the felony of spending one evening with someone other than Dean so now she "owes" him her time. She is talking about it with a level of excitement in her voice akin to someone who was just asked to scrub a toilet. Of course, there could not be a mention of Dean without a deeply troubling response from Lorelai. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. Surely it will be something like, “Aw honey, he just yelled at you because he loves you” or something.
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Eh, close enough.
BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! It gets worse! There's only a minute left in the episode! How does she do it, folks? She is truly breathtaking. Before we get there, let's enjoy some Literati bliss. Rory is catching on that the whole Food Delivery thing may have been a ruse from Jess to get all up in her bizzzness and almost pries the truth out of Luke, but Jess diverts Luke away from the scene. Jess and Rory then enjoy an incredibly rare, blissful moment together, free of interruptions, alone at the counter. Or so they think.
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Sorry I almost called you a naive woodland fairy when I thought you still didn't get that Luke never actually told Jess to bring to food your house and USA here cooked up the whole scheme on his own. It's clearly Jess who's the naive one if he thinks you're actually going to pay for your food! Ha ha!
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WAAAAATTT???!!! #AlternateDimensionEpisode #EpisodeFromOuterSpace #TheOneWhereTheGilmoresPayForTheirFood #IsAmyShermanPalladinoOK?
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SOMEONE (two someones) are not happy about this budding, adorable relationship, one so stinking cute that you'd have to be sick to try to destroy it. Like someone who would try to stop a bunny and a puppy from cuddling. Gee, wonder who I'm talking about?
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Just normal Butthead Business, staring into windows while people are trying to eat. We already know from prior Window-Peeping episodes this doesn't bother Lorelai in the least. Lorelai smiles sweetly at her ShnookyUkkums Dean as if 30 seconds ago she wasn't hearing a story from her daughter about his anger issues for the 400th time. He's also talking in his usual miserable serial killer monotone about "Spending the day with Rory" like he'd rather be sticking his arm into heavy machinery than spend time with her, and again I have to wonder why he is even bothering with her, other than the fact that she's an easy victim and that no other humanoid woman besides Lorelai would ever give this soggy cornflake the time of the day. L: Rory told me everything that happened last night. She feels terrible about it. You shouldn't feel bad. It was a "Freaky unfortunate thing that happens." She continues in her soft, flirty, gentle Talking to Dean voice, "It had nothing to do with Jess coming over, trust me, she did not want him there!" Um. Again, a very weird thing to say about Some Kid to the guy your daughter is dating? Thanks to one of my followers who pointed out that Rory never said this on camera which means Lorelai has now resorted to flat out lying to Dean in order to sabotage her daughter's friendship (and it's still only a friendship) with Jess.
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Look alive Butthead. She's salivating. I think she's about to start humping your leg right there in front of Luke's Diner. Don't make me turn the garden hose on you Lorelai. Dean isn't listening or aware he's about to be humped. He's distracted. There's something he's incredibly concerned about. Rory and Jess....they're talking. To each other. In public. Now, Gilmore Girls knows how to do creepy. We've got plenty of stories of people stalking, eavesdropping, hiding in bushes, leaving excessive amounts of messages, Dean existing, yada yada. But this is easily one of the creepiest things to ever happen on this show. It seriously gives me the chilly willies. The eeby jeebies. The eepy creepies. They look like two villains who have joined evil forces to devestate....Lorelai's own freaking daughter.
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Picture ID: Lorelai and Dean watching Rory and Jess have an innocent conversation creepily through a window, cementing their status as the villains in this wholesome drama known as Gilmore Girls. *deep shudder*
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windor-truffle · 1 month
many thoughts head full they're only tangentially graces related but idk where else to vent:
I feel like I should have/did already know this about myself but holy shit I (and many others) am an absolute slut for the redemption-style ship trope, the ol' "I know you and I love you and that's why I can't let you deviate into this darker place I'm stopping you I'm saving you I'm helping you I'm bringing you back." and now I'm gonna ramble abt it because aaaaaaaaaa
I swear I've loved this trope for a while now but I think analyzing graces in part heightened my awareness of it until it hit a breaking point (w an ace attorney video of all things) and I realized that *all* of my favorite ships are this way ��� Richard and Asbel fit it of course they're like the prototype of the simplest yet effective way to enact this: a pure-hearted protagonist who believes in his friends until the end but is willing to stand against them vs the love interest coerced (and in this case also outright possessed) into very obviously morally wrong actions by the exacerbation of a flaw but ultimately saved when they can put aside their pain and embrace the help that comes with companionship and makes that pain bearable. Paragons that cling on to hope even if it makes them seem naive or causes them to get hurt sometimes along the way are SO sexy and when that hope is rewarded with what they wanted, the redemption of someone who others thought to be beyond salvation, I the audience am also bursting into tears I don't care if it's cliche it's SO GOOD 😭
You know which other popular ship does this? Not hard to figure out I already mentioned Ace Attorney but yeah Phoenix Wright changed his whole career just because he heard that the hero who once stood up for him when no one else would was now a ruthless prosecutor and he had to find the truth of what had happened to his beloved childhood friend Miles Edgeworth (I've made the Richass comparison before and there's even an AA AU fic for graces but I haven't read it yet 😔). The AA fandom eats this gay ship up but how can you not 💜 Edgeworth being stopped in his tracks by this incessant bluffing optimistic man who stood fast against his selfishness (paraphrasing something Edgeworth literally says in JFA 😅) until he starts to question himself (because of some "unnecessary feelings") and eventually actually believes in himself after years of feeling guilt over a crime he thought he committed and shame of letting down the beliefs his supposed victim instilled him (the same beliefs that Phoenix is determined to bring out in him again) and ultimately leaves to figure out what his goal as a prosecutor really is then returns for my all-time favorite case Farewell and Turnabout and now it's Edgeworth's turn to say "I've learned what I stand for and the lengths to which I'd go to maintain it because you set me on this journey, now it seems it's your turn to walk this same path of doubt and discovery but don't worry I'll be right beside you, I'll walk it with you so you don't have fear going as far astray as I once did." Like. ;_;
But holdup I'm not done naming ships 'cause Fluri also does this to an extent. Yuri has to call out Flynn when it becomes apparent his blind trust in his mentor has made him complacent in the very crimes he sought to fix from within, and Flynn retorts by condemning the methods that Yuri has resorted to, the "dirtying of his hands," though I'd argue though that Yuri's double homicide is actually not a deviation from his morality but rather an extreme fulfillment of it. But it's still delightful though the way they have to pull each other back from the pitfalls of their own brands of justice, ie. entrusting too much power in fallable governments vs. appointing yourself the power to decide who gets to live or die. And like the previously mentioned ship, this pair works the best when they combine their different approaches (everything about how they infiltrate Ragou's manor is brilliant) because that way they can keep each other in check. It's almost like finding the balance in enacting justice is the theme of these games or something 😅
Last ship I wanna mention isn't even in canon but I can't resist the opportunity to plug my own (unfinished 😓) sormik fic "Falling Awake" because this is DEFINITELY what I was going for, a Mikleo threading the line of morality out of both despair and desperation to see their dream fulfilled even if the cost is steep, and a Sorey who struggles to reconcile whether this fallen seraph before him really is his friend or whether he can even be saved. A Mikleo who places the decision of whether to cross that line fully in Sorey's hands, trusting him to make the right call even as he begs him to let him do this, and a Sorey who can't let down the dreams of their past by allowing this particular tainted method to be its fulfillment. Everytime I work on it I start weeping even though I'm the one who wrote it 😅
Before I wrap this up though I wanna shoutout some variations of this trope, because it can obviously go a lot of different ways. I know V's rather fond of the more twisted love version in which instead of trying to bring their loved one back from the brink they jump off together, a la Kresnik Bros Bad End Best End 😁 In some ways I almost think this trope is "purer" because rather than trying to restore their beloved to what they think they should be (morally good) they embrace them as they are (amoral but kinda sexy bc of it 😂). True love lets the world burn 💜
Also worth mentioning is the delicious variation wherein the fallen party really was bad from the start, such as being a mole for an evil group, but caught feelings along the way and started wanting to be the kind of person the other seemed to think they already were. Dramatic irony is my fave and there's so much angst you can tease as the character evolves from "haha I'm deceiving them can't wait to betray them" to "shit I'm actually so much happier here with them but our relationship is built on a lie and when it comes out that I am a villain I will be undone and have nowhere to turn except from whence I came but I no longer want to be there." I feel like there's a lot of instances of this trope but the one that came to my mind first was Shadowhand Essek from Critical Role, there's the excellent Shadowgast ship of course but I like that he has this dynamic with the whole party who have been nothing but kind to him and inspire him to want a better life despite what he's done and what he's still trapped in.
Anyway, if anyone read this far first of all thank you 💜💜💜 I really have just been stuck in fandom ramble analysis mode for the past few days it's kinda insufferable but at least tumblr blogs are a good outlet for it 😅 And secondly uhhh if any of my impassioned ship/trope descriptions remind you of a particular media/ship lmk (I feel like Soriku might fit this but I never got that far into the series). I can't say I'll get to anything right away but if it's got this kinda vibe that's like catnip to me I'll happily stash the recommendation away for a future obsession someday 😅
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
Heyyyy do u have any wlw/GL film recs it can be dramas movies anything at this point im so desperate 😭
Hello!!!! Thanks for the ask! I love the topic haha. I'm going to give you 8 recs, I hope you like them! (synopses taken from imdb) The Handmaiden / 아가씨 (2016) A woman is hired as a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress, but secretly she is involved in a plot to defraud her
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I don't think I've watched this movie since it came out, so my memory is a little fuzzy. I remember thinking it was brilliant and entertaining; I found the plot and characters to be compelling and I was really rooting for Lady Hideko to get a happy ending. The cinematography is so delicious, as is the romantic tension between the lead female characters. However, I did find the sex scenes to be a little... not to my taste but my opinion might have changed in the last few years
Colette (2018) Colette is pushed by her husband to write novels under his name. Upon their success, she fights to make her talents known, challenging gender norms
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A Historical biopic about the life of Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette. It's another movie I haven't seen since it came out but I also enjoyed it. Although married to a man (who is also a dickhead), Colette has relationships with women, most notably, Missy, who is male presenting. (I don't remember if Missy's gender is ever defined in the movie, so I'm not sure if "women" is the correct term to use when describing them. I might be misgendering them as the real-life Missy, Mathilde de Morny, did go by Max/Uncle Max in their later years.)
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The Favourite (2018) In early 18th-century England, the status quo at the court is upset when a new servant arrives and endears herself to a frail Queen Anne
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Here we have another biopic, this time it's about the relationship between Queen Anne, Sarah Churchill, and Abigail Masham. I adore this movie! It's soooo fantastic to see queer women be so ruthless, cunning, terrible and desperate. Gosh, I love how love and ambition are depicted throughout. It's fantastic! All three female leads are excellent.
Atomic Blonde (2017) An undercover MI6 agent is sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of double agents
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Charlize Theron plays a bisexual baddie in a spy action movie where she is hunted down by James McAvoy?? Yes please and thank you!
Shiva Baby (2020) At a Jewish funeral service with her parents, a college student runs into her sugar daddy and ex-girlfriend
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This is one of my favourite movies. It is a horror dressed up as a comedy. THE INTENSITY is sooo unreal that it inspired me to write an original story! I love everything about it! Plus, YES to bisexual and sex-work representation!
Bend it like Beckham (2002) Two ambitious girls, despite their parents' wishes, have their hearts set on careers in professional soccer
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Yes, the main character ends up with the male love interest. But this movie is still soooo queer! Jess and Jules are gay for one another, I don't make the rules! Kiera Knightley wanted them to be together and so did everyone else. If they ever made a sequel (which they should), it could be about them reuniting and getting together. I watched this movie soooooo many times growing up.... lol Calamity Jane (1953) The story of Calamity Jane, her saloon, and her romance with Wild Bill Hickok
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Another biopic but this time, it's a musical haha. Okay, yes, Jane ends up with a man and yes, the real Calamity Jane was married twice in her life to men. But when I watched this as a child, it awaken something in me. The movie is so queer-coded, I could see it even as a little child who didn't know what queer was yet. I haven't seen it in over a decade, maybe more, but it left a huge impression on me. Plus, The Windy City and A Woman's Touch are absolutely certified jams. (side note: when I watched A Woman's Touch for the first time, I remember thinking that I wouldn't mind living in a cabin with my best "gal friend" 😂) Now for a TV show I watched growing up (when I was WAY too young to be watching something so adult) that made me feel the feels:
Sugar Rush (2005) 15-year-old Kim has just moved to Brighton and developed an earth-shattering, hormone-surging crush on her new best friend, Sugar
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Coming-of-age/ sexual awakening stories aren't always my thing anymore, as I don't care to watch teenagers exploring their sexuality but I watched this when I was 10(??), and it was very important to me. It's not a very good show and is probably considered to be super outdated now, but I found it formative. Plus, when I was growing up, there weren't any (not from what I can remember) shows or movies with a lesbian lead wanting to be in an interracial relationship with her best friend. It's an important part of queer TV history. Plus, it has Andrew Garfield playing one of the wettest male characters ever lol
Thanks again and I hope you like my recommendations! 😊
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ekaarts · 9 months
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☀OCs you guys haven't met yet!☀
These characters are part of Garden of the Never-Known Goddess. They're the secondary main characters from the archeologists.
Their story is about accepting each other through our differences and becoming friends as much as we can. Their respective religions are Islam and Christianity. At first, they do not like each other.
They will be part of a trio, with the third member being a gay black man.
The blonde one is Elizabeth. She's the Christian one (obviously) and the sheltered type. To the level, most people wonder how she managed to even go to university.
The hijabi one doesn't have a name yet; for this post, we'll call her "Z." She practices mostly a classic Muslim lifestyle. She's a total badass; she's not afraid to speak her mind. She has previous work experience with Tiffany and most of the group.
I'm kind of worried I'll have to cut her, though. Which I do not want. 😭💔
The story has an omnistic world (all religions are valid in more ways than not in the same world). I'm afraid I won't be able to write this fact into the story early enough to stay respectful.
(I have no idea when religion became one of the topics this story started to tackle. 😳)
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rabarta · 10 months
🏳️‍🌈 i do not even remember if i even sent you one of these. tell me about alhanelem :3
GOOD GOOD YOU HAVE ASKED THE ONE CHARACTER I HAVE EXTENSIVE SOURCE BACKED RESEARCH FOR he is gay demisexual and a trans man and let me explain why. youknow that post like 'the wisdom that only a post-menopausal man can provide' thats him.
okok jokes aside there is an important plot point where there's an impostor masquerading as alhanalem and she has king kolka placed under a spell and stuff. and the First thing al takes issue with other than the obvious fact that someone is pretending to be him is that shes a woman and the name alhanalem belongs to a man - the phrasing "belongs to" is important here, because names in yuke culture are unique and no two have the same name. again i say this scene makes a lot of sense if he's trans, of course it's upsetting to see someone pretending to be you and using your own name, but then using your past against you? fucked UP. (as an aside the lich is my favorite villain in the game but that's for another post)
AS FOR THE GAY + DEMISEXUAL HC i do think that he is attracted to men, he's flirted with by a shopkeeper and goes 'either i am having difficulties aural or your sales pitch is quite unusual' 😭 al doesn't really take to it well when the idea of him being with a woman is presented. when yuri and chelinka tease him about 'picking flowers' (gathering herbs) and assume it's for some girlfriend, he immediately changes the subject back to moogle plants and gets mad (more so than he usually does when the kids don't pay attention). theres also the dialogue he has with a yuke npc who was an engineer at rela cyel, who recognizes him as the king's royal mage and the head of the institute, and says he's been "waiting so long" to see him again... and al immediately shuts that down and says he's mistaking him for someone else, but that's just because he didn't want the kids to know about his past yet... in the new world after yuri and chelinka defeat galdes, where they haven't met al and meeth yet, al is actually seen talking to the same npc about rebuilding rela cyel together
i think given his general personality plus his previous (and current) responsibilities, it would take a lot of familiarity with someone else for him to experience romantic/sexual feelings... plus MAYBE a little bit of projection as someone who is considering the demisexual label
to end this off
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(this is a real quote. taken a little bit out of context but it's still gay in context too.)
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virgil-says-things · 2 years
fuck it hey hi I'm back at this again KENDJFNF
'I'm not even thinking about your dick. In my dad's mouth. I'm not." Jimmy. please. watching him have a crisis is funny but he needs to leave Ian alone he's just tryna eat his toast 😭
"too busy to help your old man?" (Frank) "yes! forever." (Lip)
at least Carl no longer believes he has cancer
'can I kiss u?' (Ned) the IMMEDIATE no from Ian made me laugh 😭
Ian isn't actually going to rob Ned's house for him. right?
Carl's learning that gay people exist
'i hit something!' (Hank) yeah, the sewer line. no bones in sight yet (Frank, Carl and Hank (?) are trying to find aunt ginger's bones before the people that are going to be working on the sewer line do)
'i think Karen messed u up bad' (Kevin, talking to Lip) uh oh!
"dude's got daddy issues. no wonder u dig him." (Lip) "I can hear u!" (Jimmy)
it's 5am and I'm listening to Sheila admit she likes inflicting sexual pain to a dying nun who took a vow of silence is this scene over now.
Mandy and Ian leaving the room and turning the lights off when they go and Carl immediately saying 'I need to know where the gay wieners go.' 😭
OMG. MICKEY!!!! Mickey helping Ian with training yet starts shooting more when Ned is mentioned (I'm definitely reaching here but shush. I call jealousy.' ALSO. 'he isn't afraid to kiss me' (Ian). ouch!!! the SILENCE from Mickey after that.
"no, please just go home. Mandy. to ur own fucking house for once." (Lip) this makes me so sad!! because I can tell Mandy actually feels for smth for him. and it's just. agh!! the silence from all three of them (Kevin's there too) is so loud. Mandy's gone tho so. she was just trying to help!!
Debbie's sexualising herself to try to fit in. those girls are such assholes what the fuck.
"Just because Karen wiped her ass with you doesn't give you the right to shit on Mandy.' Ian has a point and I'm so glad someone's actually sticking up for her
Fiona dumping the news that Molly isn't actually a girl on him and then leaving Lip to deal with the aftermath of that 😭
Sheila found out the nun that she confessed everything to posted about it on the internet 😭
this argument. holy shit. Jimmy had some good points tho ngl
Lip leaving Karen a voicemail just telling her everyone's doing great and then going "Just in case you were wondering. You selfish, ignorant, heinous piece of dog shit. Thank you for leaving and never coming back. You - We all owe you a huge fucking favour. You rock." 😭
Jimmy's gone and they still haven't found aunt ginger
HE'S FUCKING ESTEFANIA????? or well. Este's fucking him. he doesn't seem like he's enjoying this at all??
personally, if I were Mandy, I'd make Lip at least say the words 'I'm sorry' before going down there but that's just me
Ned's wife woke up while Mickey and one of the other two were trying to get the grandfather clock out of the house. and she came down the stairs with a gun. "You got shot Mickey!" (Ian) "Yes, I fucking know I got shot!" (Mickey) 😭 the amount of times the word 'fuck' was said in this scene 😭
I don't know who this woman is with the glasses and ponytail in the car but the warnings the other one gave her about the Gallagher's made laugh. 'say their names slowly and calmly' 😭
Debbie's drowning one of the girls that messed with her beforehand and I'm all for it tbh
Sheila dumped the nun somewhere else - outside a church I think? idk - the way she runs away made me laugh
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kingsbride-moved · 1 year
for the s/i ask game! umm any of the questions that haven't yet been answered for dia because i am not good at keeping track lmao
It's okay because I not good at keeping track either 🙏🏾 I 1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.? Dia's full name is Dianthus of Oenoe. She was born on November 6 (all my S/Is just have My birthday cuz otherwise I wouldn't remember). She's 5'4! Physically she looks like she's in her mid 20s, but chronologically she's at least 50+. No one knows for sure, though, cuz no one is keeping track of time in the underworld. She's half nymph-goddess, half human, full loser girl, complete catch. She works as Elysium's librarian and writes gay fanfiction about ancient Sumerian / other Pre-Greek warriors. There is something wrong with her.
4. would you be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else? Side character whose Thang is representing all the players who are Hopelessly Obsessed with Theseus
12. how would the fandom view your character? Fat black girl who's weirdly weird and overly passionate about a character the majority of the fandom hates (Theseus) she would be ignored at best and actively disliked at worst 😭 tho I can see there being a small #Community of people who are rly passionate about shipping her with Asterius in particular and then an even smaller group of ppl who polyship them. And if I may be blunt there would absolutely be perverts out there who are just Salivating over the opportunity to pair a cute short girl with these two beefy men in the most vulgar possible way </3
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know. When Asterius started falling for her he didn't realize what he was feeling (the love he feels towards Dia is different from the love he feels towards Theseus!) and thought the gods may have cursed him cuz he felt soooooo so so sick anytime he was around her </3
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in-any-universe-ever · 3 months
girl don't apologize we all fainted with you 😭😔
... but also drunkmond dying his hair a silly color because it seemed like a great idea at the time 👀 (bonus points if the thought process was "my taoba loves this color he'll love me even more after seeing this :3" )
"No, no, man, it's turning out great, trust me."
Aemond didn't trust his brother to buy him a drink, much less dye his hair, but there they were, day drunk in Aemond's house with emerald green coating Aemond's long, normally white-blond hair.
Two days ago, Aemond kissed Lucerys Velaryon on the deck of the family yacht and his entire life changed. They'd been tiptoeing around this for a while, and Aemond still smiled as he thought about their long, confusing process of falling in love. The kiss shifted his worldview, and instead of fighting against his feelings, he dove in head-first, and overnight their texts changed from edgy teasing to pure, undiluted love.
Good morning, love, Aemond had sent Luke when he woke up.
Luke replied with a selfie, his hair mussed from sleep and his lips puckered in a kiss. Good morning, he'd replied.
Gods, you are beautiful when you wake up.
Come over tonight and see it in person tomorrow.
That had Aemond riled up all morning, which was why he invited Aegon over when he was done with work. They got drunk in the living room, Aemond smiling at his phone while he and Luke continued texting. It wasn't until they'd kissed that Aemond realized he knew very little about his nephew, and he'd spent most of the day asking him questions.
What's your favorite color?
Emerald green. Like the suit you wore the other day.
Aegon had called him out on his constant smile. "So do I get to meet this girl that's finally turned you soft, or are you keeping her from me for a reason?"
Aemond's smile faltered. He and Luke weren't necessarily keeping their relationship a secret, but they also hadn't discussed the plan to tell the family. It'd been years since Luke told everyone he was gay, but Aemond didn't know what the hell he was. Regardless, it felt like a blow that Aegon assumed this was a girl.
He didn't know how to correct it, so instead he looked over, squinted his eye, and said, "I think I want to dye my hair."
"Yeah?" Aegon asked. "What color?"
"Emerald green."
"That is... very specific. Let me guess, it your mystery lover's favorite color."
Aemond didn't respond and Aegon took that as a yes. So twenty minutes later they were in the bathroom, Aegon liberally applying green dye to Aemond's hair. Once they washed it out it looked pretty good.
"Nice," Aegon said. "She's gonna be on your dick the second you show up."
Aemond hesitated, still checking himself out in the mirror, but then he caught Aegon's eye in the reflection. "He."
"Ooh, he?" Aegon asked. "Well HE is going to be on your dick for sure. Do I know him? It's not that Greyjoy idiot you almost killed, is it?"
"Why the fuck would I have nearly killed him if I was with him?"
"I don't know. Violence is your thing."
"It's not Greyjoy," Aemond said. "And we haven't talked about telling people, so shut up about it."
Aegon didn't shut up about it and proceeded to name every single man they both knew until Aemond pushed him out of the house and slammed the door in his face.
That evening, Luke opened his door and burst into laughter. "Emerald green," he said, nodding. "Nice."
"You like it?"
"I think you're ridiculous, and yet I'm still obsessed with you," Luke replied, and he pulled Aemond through the door and into his arms.
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beardog · 10 months
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2023 highlight: MUSIC
ongoing journaling of good things in 2023 so i don't drown in my depression. this time i'm talking music. idk if any of this is entertaining, but it's basically just for me anyway. lots of unimportant rambling under the cut
back in the day (attempt 2 of 3 of going to college), i got this student discount deal where i got spotify premium and hulu bundled together. idk when that deal stopped, but my account is grandfathered in. so, since then, my wife and i have been sharing the same account. which gets inconvenient at times, because only one person can listen at a time. "why don't you just get duo?" because i don't what'll happen and i don't wanna pay extra 😭
all this to say, my wife's music listening will always be mixed in with mine for spotify wrapped. for the most part though, i listen a lot more than they do
to my utter horror, niigo usurped carly's throne for number one artist for me this year. i had no idea that was possible, until i remembered my mizuena brainrot episode throughout the entire month of january. i don't play project sekai (bad at rhythm games, don't like gacha) - even still though, i'm gay and trans and not immune to mizuki and ena's charms 💀 there's a really cute video out there of mizuena performing "venom" live and i'm pretty sure it enraptured me enough to make it my number 1 song for this year
not long after releasing the loneliest time, carly rae jepsen released the loveliest time. my favorite song of hers is constantly changing. when "shy boy" came out this summer i listened to it on repeat. there's still a comic i want to do with that song, but i haven't had the energy for it yet. right now my favorite is "talking to yourself." something about "are you reaching for me/making love to someone else?" makes me lose my goddamn mind
anime music has fully invaded my playlist. i dig the music from bocchi the rock! so much. of course, every song from g-witch. even "houseki no hibi" is in the top 100, even though for a while there, i couldn't listen to it because of how emotional it made me feel :') (even now it can make me cry, and even like a week or so ago i played it on repeat during my drive home while i was crying about work stuff hahaha i'm fine don't worry)
some new awesome artists i listened to this year (just to name a few): laufey, ratwyfe, mxmtoon, reinaiery, khaidreams
i feel like ghost and surfaces sort of fell off my radar even though their music was so popular with me even a year ago. it's been a weird year, and maybe neither were what i needed while i was dealing with new environments
ALSO i have no idea what "pov: indie" means, but i guess it's our number one genre?? what kinda gen z genre name is-- (BONK!)
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chuuyrr · 2 years
hello! i have a request for gojo!reader :D what if we were having a spar with someone (but it’s a spar using no powers, just physical strength) and ofc gojo!reader is going to pop off, so imagine if we do that move that maki did in the jjk 0 movie 😭the one where she falls into the splits??! got me screaming and falling down my seat in the theater lmaoo
like that
bungou stray dogs x gojo! reader
masterlist of infinity
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs, mentions of violence, reader girlbossing, bsd men falling hard for you, dazai asking to be stepped on, chuuya blushing at you
╰➤ PAIRING(s): dazai osamu x reader, nakahara chuuya x reader (separately with different scenarios)
╰➤ SONG SUGGESTION(s): like that - tobee maguire cover
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which they find their darling sparring with someone and pulling off a stunt that leaves them breathless
hii anon! thank you for requesting and for being patient!! honestly, if i wasn't with my dad during the movie, i would be screaming too. i was having a silent gay panic for maki in my seat. she's so badass i literally can't. 😭 ��
before you read: instead of jujutsu tech, the organization you belong to is called heiwa which means peace and it's kind of like the special division for unsual powers and the military police of yokohama except it's for tokyo. i was supposed to write for fyodor too, but ideas ran out, and mostly because i haven't gotten to the decay of the angels in the bsd manga yet since im reading the yakuza's guide to babysitting & jjk.
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dazai osamu !
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it wasn't every day that dazai came to tokyo because he's mostly from yokohama, but when fukuzawa told him that he needed someone to pick up important documents from the higher-ups overseeing tokyo, particularly from you, dazai immediately beat ranpo to it, clearly eager to see you in your city.
it was a good thing the armed detective agency had decided to join forces with the higher-ups after the whole descendant of sugawara michizane fiasco. dazai wanted to be with you, not just see you. even though you're paired up with him almost every time by the organizations, the fact that you can't stay in yokohama doesn't help.
dazai is clingy with his belladonna after all.
dazai was in awe as soon as he arrived at your organization's location. heiwa. the structures were constructed in a traditional japanese architectural style. it was well hidden on the outskirts of tokyo, far and high in the mountains, so naturally, there are many trees around the property to further obscure the location. aside from nature, there were several deity statues, shrines, and torii gates in the area. the location was absolutely breathtaking and peaceful, but dazai knows you hated it here because of the elders who were part of the higher-ups.
"you're looking for gojo-sama, right?" one of the organization's staff that was touring dazai, inquired before momentarily glancing at him.
"yes, the armed detective agency has sent me to retrieve some important papers from [name]." dazai nodded with a smile.
"gojo-sama should be in the training grounds. she's often there, either mentoring or sparring with one of heiwa's members." the staff informed him.
dazai followed suit until eventually he came upon the grounds that the staff was referring to, and as soon as he spotted you, your boyfriend couldn't help but smile and just as he was about to intervene, he immediately halted. you were sparring with someone. no weapons or abilities at all as it seemed.
dazai has witnessed your previous fights. in fact, the first time he and everyone saw you, you were beating chuuya's ass, and if it hadn't been for him stepping in, his old twin dark partner would have been completely annihilated by your limitless ability.
today, however, was no exception. you easily countered your opponent's attacks and traded powerful blows. each move you made was sharp and precise, yet graceful in some ways, but the scene that followed left dazai's mouth agape.
you effortlessly did a split instead of simply landing on your feet just as your opponent found an opening to dive an attack in, assuming a landing after you had just performed a flip. taking your opponent and the audience by surprise, you thrust your leg over his bent leg, yanking him down quickly by tugging on his shirt and harshly flicking his forehead.
"congrats, you're dead. i win again." you remarked with a smirk.
"was that flick really necessary, gojo-sama?" your opponent yelped.
you were about to get back on your feet to stretch when you were interrupted by clapping. you turned your head in the direction of the clapping to see dazai staring at you with a lovestruck gaze; his eyes practically sparkled as he sauntered towards you, leaving behind the kind staff who had brought you to him to pull you up himself.
"dazai?" you blinked before grinning, "heya, what'cha doing here?"
"i came to see my belladonna." with a wink, dazai exclaimed, opening his arms for an embrace, which you accepted and easily melted into.
"don't forget about the documents. i know the president needs them, and you're here at heiwa for that," you said as you drew away, pinching his nose and scrunching dazai's face.
"yeah, yeah, but i really came here for you." dazai drew you closer to his embrace, muffling his face into the crook of your neck, causing you to hum happily and pat his back, "god you were amazing, darling."
dazai proceeded to plant soft open mouth kisses in your neck, oblivious to the staff and your sparring opponent's surprised looks and gasps of "is this your boyfriend, gojo-sama?!" which you simply grinned at.
"that was so hot of you just now, my pretty, pretty belladonna. seeing you fight is always a sight for me, you know," dazai said, pressing his lips against your ear and wrapping his arms around your waist, his breath tickling your skin.
"do you mind stepping on m—you immediately flicked his forehead in the same way you had done to your sparring partner, causing him to release you and let out a small whine as you softly chuckled and stuck out your tongue which dazai pouted at.
nakahara chuuya !
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chuuya, your boyfriend, enjoys fighting, relishing the opportunity to demonstrate his combat prowess and taking great pride in his status as the mafia's strongest martial artist. however, that title is now shared with you since you two got together and you became affiliated with the mafia despite being under the control of tokyo's higher-ups. chuuya was well aware of your skill in hand-to-hand combat, having almost been beaten by you when you first met him in that café to reclaim the documents you stole from the port mafia.
but don't bring it up with your boyfriend; he's still upset about it, remembering how you sat on him like nothing. you were hot, though, especially when you leaned in and whispered into his ear about how you were going to show off—yeah that's quite enough, chuuya. we understand that you are a simp.
chuuya admires and is very proud of you. he even brags about you whenever he has the opportunity. however, you being an expert combatant sort of upsets chuuya, because he wants to protect you with his strength as well, but he really admires your natural strength and independence. chuuya, in fact, enjoys watching you train, which is why he's overseeing your sparring with a member of the port mafia.
you weren't using your limitless ability; no infinity or weapons, and your six eyes were completely covered by a black blindfold you received as a gift from chuuya, implying that this spar was purely raw strength. you were landing several precise punches, kicks, and open-hand attacks. your combative style was aggressive and domineering, but it was elegant and a sight to behold in chuuya's eyes. in fact, he had never met anyone who fought like you.
you left chuuya and his subordinates, who happened to be your audience, breathless as he leaned against the room's wall and arms coolly folded across his arms as his men watched. you had just flipped to avoid your opponent's punch. while they all predicted you'd be hit because you were giving your opponent the opportunity to hit you once you landed, they were all wrong.
instead of landing on your feet, you extended your legs further, allowing you to perform a split on the floor and cleanly avoid being hit by your opponent. you easily overpowered him afterwards, yanking him down and punching him in the face with a triumphant smile glistening on your lips. chuuya's subordinates cheered for you and gawked at you.
your confidence and everything about you was so goddamn attractive. chuuya came sauntering towards you after you got up and helped your opponent up, handing him a handkerchief because his nose was bleeding. you turned to face your boyfriend, who was looking at you with a lovestruck expression.
"amazing as always, baby." chuuya's gloved hand intertwined with yours as he proudly kissed your knuckles, "you popped off yet again."
"of course, i'm the strongest there is after all." you winked at him as you drew your hand away and placed both hands on your hips.
"so, mind sparring with me this time?" chuuya softly chuckled before loosening his bolo tie and dress shirt by unbuttoned the first two buttons.
"are you asking to be pummeled, hun? or do you just want to see me pull that off to you this time, hmm?" you teased as you tipped your head to the side attractively.
chuuya's face flushed hot at your unexpected flirtatious remark. the gravity manipulator cleared his throat and drew his hat down to cover the growing dust of pink across his cheekbones, clearly not wanting his subordinates to see him in this state. chuuya's small reaction made you laugh.
you were always able to turn the tables on your boyfriend, and he was well aware of this. your personality was endearing yet so similar to his old twin dark partner, who was always the tease, but he preferred it when it was you. only you can make him feel these things.
"goddamnit, [name]." chuuya scoffed, folding his arms across his chest, "so, will you spar with me or not?"
"how can i deny my boyfriend?" you exclaimed as you squatted and began to stretch, causing chuuya to grin.
chuuya knows that when you start stretching before a fight, he knows you're serious and won't hold back, and he appreciates that. chuuya enjoys a good fight and can't wait to dance with you, knowing his subordinates are watching. he actually wants to see you pop off like that again, but this time with him upclose.
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