#I haven't felt this way about someone in so long and it terrifies me
prncssberry · 6 months
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Spooktober Prompts Masterlist 2023
"They are calling us…" "Don't listen to them. Do you hear me? Don't listen to a word they promise you!"
The cameras show five people enter an elevator, but only four of them leaving it. Those four never remembered a fifth passenger.
"Aww, are you so afraid of the dark that you need me to hold your hand?" "I'm not holding your hand." "Then whose..."
At first, they believe it to be a bad joke, but when more and more graves of people who haven't died yet appear in the graveyard, they start to panic.
The camera she bought at a flea market already has photos on it. Since the people are wearing clothes from centuries ago, they believe them to be from a play. But they soon realize that those photos and events were real.
A child actress turned cult leader feels her power slipping and she needs to gain control over her following again.
When they started building the new school, they had expected to maybe find unexploded WWII bombs, but what they found instead was nothing they could have expected.
She heard footsteps behind her coming closer, but when she turned around, holding her breath, she could only see the dark and empty alley.
"Why did you choose the cemetary as our meeting place for tonight?" "Because only the dead can keep our secrets."
Going to your own funeral and see who would cry - it sounded almost fun. If it wasn’t for the fact that they could hear and see everything, but could not make a sound to stop them from closing up the grave around them.
A medium without a voice of her own, can only speak when a ghost speaks through her.
They had always felt that shadows seemed to beckon to them. But this time, when the shadows beckoned, they wore a sinister grin. (Submitted by: tumblebumblebee-63)
"I'm not haunting a filthy public bathroom, I'm a ghost with class."
A fun survival game TV show on a remote island becomes a reality when one contestant after the other turns up brutally killed. Right in front of hundreds of cameras and millions of watchful eyes.
Waking up to a child that you've never seen before, but that everyone assures you is your own that you've raised for years, is terrifying.
"Did you see that?" "Did I see what?" "That man... he touched the leaves and they immediately blackened and fell off. Please, let us go back before he sees us!" "Too late." The man in the dark cloak suddenly stood right in front of them and slowly reached out his hands to them.
What started as a fun midnight activity suddenly turned into one of them missing and the others running for their lives, trying to escape freaking zombies.
He always dreamed about being in a kdrama. He didn't imagine it to have a horror side plotline that feels way too real.
They said that when you die, you return to earth as your one true self. Why then, when he opened his eyes after being killed, were his teeth long and he hungered for blood? (Submitted by: ouilah)
She didn't think it would come to this point. She felt the cold stone of the gravestone in her back and before her the red glowing eyes of the creature crept slowly closer.
There are perks of being a ghost. Walking through walls was fun. Or haunting annoying people. But nothing was quite as nice as being able to just fade out of a conversation that you didn’t want to be a part of.
"I dare you! Come on, stop being a coward. There is no such thing as ghosts."
Someone wakes up to a text saying 'It's your lucky day!' and it turns out to be the worst day ever.
A family of vampires that lives unidentified in human communities, becomes paranoid and starts to believe all their neighbors are also supernatural creatures.
There are stories and superstitions abound about the seaside bluffs, but that's to be expected in a town of fishermen. One night, from the bluffs' direction, you hear someone singing, softly. (Submitted by: someoneoffthestreet)
Astronauts coming back to earth keep talking about hearing songs from outside the space shuttle. What they don't say, is that those songs followed them home.
Someone stared at her through the window. She had always felt safe in her own home, shutting out the scary, real world. But a window is just glass, and glass… oh it breaks so, so easily…
A plane disappears from the radar and then reappears multiple hours later at the exact same location in the middle of the ocean with no place to land and not enough fuel to just fly around for hours.
"We shouldn't enter! This place was abandoned for a reason!" "Come on, don't be a coward. We will be the only ones here!" "Okay, okay... I'll follow you. You don't have to push me!" "I... I didn't push you..."
A session of reading tea leaves ends in chaos when every single participant reveals a bad omen.
Something tells the home owner that the kids trick-or-treating in front of his house are not wearing costumes - and are not human at all.
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awkness · 3 months
Serial killer!Platonic!Yandere Older Brother & Genderneutral Teenage Reader (Part 1)
(Part 2)
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You don't have the best home life. With your father being a violent drunk and your mother out of the picture, there's little to love about your home. The only silver lining is your older brother, Ben, who's practically raised and protected you your whole life and makes living in this household easier.
But in a surprising turn of events, your father is declared missing, and Ben is granted temporary custody of you. As time passes, you grow more concerned with the circumstances of your father's "disappearance", Ben's behavior, and just how safe you are in your own home.
Content Warnings: murder, gore, isolation, manipulation, physical violence, briefly mentioned child abuse, child endangerment, and general yandere shenanigans. If there's anything I forgot to list here, let me know :3
Authors note: first time posting my writing, hope you like this! This is a bit of a slow burn and features a slightly amoral!Reader. Readers age is left ambiguous
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You'd like to think you were good at sneaking around the house. Years of having to creep around at night as your father slept had taught you a lot about the right way to hold yourself, which floor boards to avoid, how to open doors so that they didn't make noise. Tiny bits of knowledge and skill that all seemed to have been in preparation for this moment.
There's a full moon tonight, and you can see it shine through the curtains on the back door window, the only light in the house. Socked feet carefully move through the kitchen floor as your heart rate picks up. Your shoulders slowly hunch in on yourself as you close in on the door.
You haven't felt terror like this before. It's so much different from the horror movies you used to stay up late and watch as a child, or even the fear you felt when your father came home from his business trips. This was different. It twisted your stomach into nauseating knots and sent your heart up to your throat, making its terrified, rapid beating the only thing you could hear. You were beginning to feel lightheaded, and everything around you had this strange and distant quality to it, like the whole world had shrunk down to only two things: the backyard door, and your brother.
Was he still looking upstairs? There hadn't been any noises from there in a while. Now that you thought about it, you haven't heard anything in a while. The thought causes tears to start to form in your eyes, and you swallow hard and try to blink them away. Not now. Not until you're out.
Clammy hands grasp the cold metal of the doorknob, and you almost let out a sob in relief. Shaky, you begin to undo the lock, the sound like a gunshot in the quiet house. You cringe as the door opens and lets out a long, loud creak, breaking whatever illusion of stealth you had.
Distantly, you recall a memory of you complaining about the noise to Ben. He had told you that he wasn't going to fix it, that it was better to keep it that way, just in case anyone tried to break in, he would hear it. You wonder if he ever thought about someone trying to break out.
For a brief, horrible moment, everything stops. Your mind, your lungs, your heart, they all seize up in fear at your name. You were never supposed to be afraid of his voice.
Your lungs squeeze painfully, and you take in a sharp breath, chest heaving. Legs tense, instincts desperately urging you to leave, but your mind kept you rooted to the spot, running through the scenario in your head. Even if you sprinted now, full speed, you would have to stop to undo the latch at the gate to leave the backyard. It would only take a few seconds, and that might be enough for Ben to catch up to you.
"(Y/N), look at me."
If it were anyone else, you would have bolted by now, legs tearing across the lawn as you made your escape. But it was him. Your brother, the same man who cooked your dinner, who helped you do your homework when you didn't know what you were doing, and would then help you cheat when he couldn't figure it out, either. The same voice that would tease you, scold you, nag you, and encourage you, and now kept you from leaving. Against your will, you turned around.
He was standing in the kitchen entrance, bathed in shadow. You could barely see his bruised face, the moonlight only outlining his features just enough for you to see the crazed, panicked look in his eyes, and his chest heaving like he was the one being chased and not you. If you hadn't seen it when you stumbled upon him in the basement just ten minutes prior, you could have missed the blood on his shirt.
But you hadn't, and it was all you could stare at.
For a moment, it's all you do. He stares at you, while you stare at the blood between you two, not a sound to be heard as you both stand, as if under a spell.
He finally breaks the silence.
"Close the door."
You look up to meet his eyes, and the brief act is enough to snap you back to your senses.
You run.
By all means, you tried your best, you really did. But whatever edge that the adrenaline gave you was no match for Ben's superior speed. He was taller than you by nearly a foot and used to run track when he was in high school, of course he would catch up to you.
You were halfway to the gate when he snagged your arm. A short, abrupt shriek leaves your mouth and then his other hand covers your face, smothering any noise you were trying to make.
In one quick, fluid motion, his arm lets go of your hand and then firmly locks around you, back pressing against his chest, the same blood-covered chest you saw before, stained by the body of your poor, mutilated father in the basement you saw only minutes ago, the body hardly recognizable as he had began hacking his limbs into small, easily disposable pieces. His decapitated head lay carelessly on the floor, empty eyes that seemed to plead to you for help as you watched numbly, stricken dumb until Ben finally noticed you staring.
And now he's dragging you back. Back to the house, down the stairs, to the basement, where he'll pin you to the table and do the same thing he had done to your dad-
You lost control of yourself. There was no thought behind what you did. You thrashed and kicked like a wild animal, screams trying to rip through your muffled mouth. You struggled like you had never struggled in your life, and it meant nothing. He was almost at the back door, and you hadn't slowed him down a second. In a fleeting moment of lucidity, you think to hook your leg on the door and to try and slow him down. It works, but only for a moment. With a sharp pull, your leg gives and suddenly you're back inside, helplessly watching the back door swing close. The sound of the lock latching breaks you out of your fit, and dread sets in, stilling your body as you finally realize you can't break free.
As your breathing starts picking up, you finally hear your brother talking, who seems to have been speaking to you for a while. His voice is the same gentle, calming tone one would use on a skittish animal while trying to get them to calm down. It makes you feel ill.
"Shhhhh, it's alright (Y/N), you're fine, you're fine. I need you to relax, alright? C'mon, kid, deep breaths, just like that, you're doing good. Breathe with me."
You feel his chest move against your back as he begins to breathe deeply. The slow, rhythmic movements bringing back emotions from memories of him calming you down from previous anxiety attacks and similar situations begin taking over and give you a false sense of security. Against your better judgment, you relax, if only slightly, against him.
"There we go, that's it. Just take it easy."
And for a second you both stand like that, completely still, as the weight of everything sinks into the both of you.
"Okay, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to let go of you and I need you to promise me you're not going to try anything. No screaming, no running, no nothing. Is that clear?"
It takes you a second to realize he expects you to respond, and you nod quickly, hoping it doesn't seem too enthusiastic.
He sighs and lifts his hand from your mouth. When he doesn't hear your yell, and releases you from his grip, only for him to take your hand.
"This is... going to be a long talk. Let's go sit down in the living room."
Without waiting for you to acknowledge him, he drags you towards the living room, and sits down, having you take the seat next to him.
Enough moonlight peaks through the blinds for you to see Ben. He's hunched, leg bouncing a mile a minute, bruised and bloody hands clasped together, as he shifts in the seat, trying to get comfortable. You don't think there's much of a point. This isn't going to be an easy conversation, there's no point in stalling.
You're reminded of a similar conversation you two had on this couch. Years ago, he sat you down (albeit, under much less distressing circumstances) and told you how mom wasn't coming back home. That she was divorcing dad and leaving you both with him. At the time, you thought it was a little silly how nervous he was. Of course she was leaving. She hadn't been home in months, and even before that, she hadn't been involved enough for you to care about what she did. Her being out of the house for good was a relief to you. A strange stab of guilt runs through you as you remember hoping your dad would leave your life permanently, too.
Ben's leg hasn't stopped bouncing, you see he hasn't looked your way since you sat down. If he's waiting to figure out how to start the conversation, you know you'll be waiting all night, and that's the last thing you want to do. You're going to have to be the one to break the silence.
"You killed dad."
Not the most elegant opener, but it's simple and to the point, so hopefully the bluntness will make it easier for Ben to talk.
He takes a sharp breath and glances down, bouncing becoming quicker. You hate how you feel guilty for making him uncomfortable.
"Yes." He replies, "I did."
He unclasped and clapsed his hands again, and then stared into them, like they held the answers he was looking for. Time passes, and for a moment, you think you're going to have to speak again, but he beats you to the punch.
"He was drinking again. I mean, he always drinks, but it was a lot more than usual. It was the only reason I came down there. He's always making noises down there, but this time, with all the beer he was going through, I thought he finally kicked the bucket, you know? Just a crash and then nothing. So I went to check it out."
He takes a breath and shifts in his seat again, and you can only sit there and watch as he struggles through his story.
"I come down and he's on the ground and his eyes are closed, so I go to check his pulse. That's when he springs up and grabs me, starts yelling in my face about God knows what."
That part is true. You remember hearing that a couple of hours ago, but hearing dad yell is a fairly common occurrence. Common enough that the neighbors wouldn't think much of it, anyway.
"I try and get him off me but he starts hitting me. I can't get him to stop, so I start hitting back. But he wouldn't stop, he..."
He pauses for a moment, a shadow passing through his face. You don't want to interrupt him this time.
"When I realized what I was doing, he was gone."
He sighs and wipes his hand over his face, the shadow recedes and it returns to its previous anxious look.
"If I had called the police and told them what happened, they wouldn't believe me. And even if they did, they would have taken you away from me, and I..."
His face pinches in a way you've never seen before, almost like he's in pain. His eyes glisten with tears.
"I don't know what I would do if you were gone, (Y/N). I couldn't live with myself."
You look down, face heating up with a shame you don't understand.
"If I could hide his body, wait a couple of days, and report him missing, it should be fine. Not like he has any friends, and the neighbors don't care about him. They know he's a drunk who takes off for weeks on end, so it's not like him going missing this is suspicious. And while he's missing, I should be able to get custody of you. Not like there's any other relatives to take care of you. I've got a steady job, I'll be able to take care of you. It shouldn't be a problem."
You look up, and you're taken back to see him staring at you, with a sad, almost pleading look.
"I didn't want you to see that, (Y/N). You weren't supposed to be involved. I honestly thought you'd be asleep by now. I knew I should of locked the door, I should of..."
As he spirals, you start to zone out as you consider everything he's said. You know he's lying. Maybe not about everything, but there's either parts that he's purposefully leaving out or making up. Perhaps, given some time and some well thought out questions from your end, you could parse together the real story, but... did you want to?
Your father is dead. There's no fixing this. You also don't have any other relatives nearby, and the ones you do have you either haven't seen in over a decade or haven't seen at all. If your brother isn't the one taking care of you, that means you'll be put in the foster system. Considering your age, you know your chances of being adopted are slim to none, and the horror stories you've heard of other kids going through the system are enough to make you shudder. You don't know if you could make it.
Yes, he killed your father, but it's not like you ever liked the man anyway. And watching Ben dismember him was... horrific, to say the least, but you can understand it, from a logical perspective. In order to move him, it makes sense that he had to take him apart, even if he seemed a little too emotionless and callous during the whole process.
That only leaves one thing left to consider: do you think Ben will hurt you?
You stare at this grown man, this murderer, your one and only brother, as he sits in front of you, talking himself to the almost to the point of tears, trying to convince you that everything wasn't as bad as it was.
That's been your whole childhood, hasn't it?
You barely remember a time before mom left, and dad would be out most of the time, so it was Ben cooking you breakfast and walking you to the bus stop, making sure you had a lunch already packed in your bag. He would be the one to ask you how your day was, to make you dinner, and to watch whatever movies you wanted, even if he was a little too old for your shows. He would smile and play along with you, just because it made you happy. In those moments, you could pretend you had a normal, functional family, and you were grateful for him.
When dad was home, Ben was the one who made sure everything was safe. And when dad was too drunk and wandering about the house, you would sleep in his room, and if dad ever tried to get to you, Ben would put himself in between you two, protecting you at the price of a broken nose and a handful of bruises. And then when it was over, and you would go over to him and tell him how sorry you were, only for him to put on a brave face and tell you that he was fine when he was clearly not. If you insisted, he would placate you by letting you bandage him, but he would do it with a smile on his face, making little jokes as you patched him up that would have you both coming out of it with a smile.
Everything he did was to make your life easier. This isn't any different, isn't it?
You reach out and take his hand, and that's enough to stop him mid-sentence.
"It's okay, Ben. I understand."
He blinks at you owlishly, clearly not expecting you to say that.
"You do?"
The disbelief is evident in his tone, but you don't blame him for it. You can hardly believe yourself, but it's the truth.
"Yeah, I don't blame you. Besides, what's done is done, we can't change that."
You take a breath, readying yourself for what you need to ask next.
"What do you need me to do?"
This shocks him more than your previous words, and he shifts, looking visibly uncomfortable with your question.
"I don't want you to be involved-"
"But I am." You interrupt. "I know what happened, so I'm a part of it. I need to know what I need to do."
You see him swallow, and you watch his face as he slowly takes in your words, the weight of them sinking in, his face morphing from anxious to somber.
He takes his hand out of yours and puts it on your shoulder.
"The only thing you need to do right now is to go to sleep. We'll need to go over our cover story soon, but that can wait until tomorrow. It's late, and I know you're tired. I can take care of everything from here."
He squeezes your shoulder and makes a motion like he's going in for a hug, before jerking back, thinking better of it.
Instead, he looks at you, a sad, grief-stricken look on his face.
"Goodnight, (Y/N). Sleep tight."
"Goodnight." Is all you reply before he lets you go. He gets up and makes his way to the basement as you watch from your spot on the couch.
You know you both won't be able to sleep well tonight.
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You stumble down the stairs, still half asleep, grumbling while trying not to trip over your own feet.
It had taken you a while for you to fall asleep, yet your body had refused to let you sleep in. As soon as the sun rose, you did as well. Unusual, given that it was summer and you always slept in, but you suppose the stress of last night and your upcoming talk with Ben wouldn't let you rest for longer than a few hours.
As you make it downstairs, you enter the kitchen. The first thing you notice is Ben, newspaper in hand, reading at the dinning room table. Or at least it looked like he was reading. After watching him for a moment, you noticed his eyes unfocused as he stared off into space.
In broad daylight, you're able to take a better look at his injuries, and it's much worse than it had seemed last night. He's got a busted lip and bloody knuckles, with several bruises across his arms. It makes your stomach twist in the familiar way seeing him hurt always does. The dark circles under his eyes are more prominent than usual. Did he stay up all night?
At least he changed his clothes. The blood from yesterday is gone, replaced by the familiar sight of him in old, ratty pajamas.
"Good morning." You say, more to announce your presence than anything else.
He jumps in his seat, newspaper crinkling in his hands, seemingly taken completely off guard by your arrival. Yeah, he definitely didn't get any sleep.
"Good morning." He finally replies a little too quickly, folding the newspaper and laying it down as he got up. "How did you sleep?"
You shrug. The banality of the question contrasted uncomfortably with its context, making you not want to linger on it. "Better than I thought I would. You?"
He awkwardly shuffles in place, obviously not having any idea what to do with himself now that he was standing, but refusing to sit back down. "Uh, couldn't get any. Was busy."
The weight of the words brought an uncomfortable lull in the conversation, and your eyes wandered as they tried not to look at his.
"Well, uh, you gotta be hungry, right? Why don't we go out to eat? I'm sure there's some restaurants still open, we can sit down to eat, or swing by that doughnut shop you like."
"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out, given you look like... well, that." You gesture to his injuries.
He looks momentarily confused before the realization hits him. Self-consciously, he hides his wounded knuckles behind his back and looks towards the ground.
"Breakfast at home is fine, too. My pancakes are better anyway." He says a little too tensely, the joke not quite landing right.
The next thing you know, the kitchen is alive with the sounds of cooking as he quickly whisks the ingredients together, and then begins pouring them into the pan.
You walk over to the pantry, scanning the shelves.
"We don't have any syrup."
Ben lets off a soft groan, and you wander over to the freezer.
"Well, pancakes without syrup aren't the worst, just a little dry." He grumbles, more to himself than to you.
You open the freezer, inspect its contents, and announce your discovery.
"We have ice cream."
You turn back just in time to see the questioning look he shoots you.
"Ice cream? For breakfast?"
"Well, considering the night we had, I figured we could use a little pick me up."
He sighs, and his brows furrow as his cheeks heat up, his face a strange mix of irritation and shame. Under normal circumstances, you would never be able to get away with this, but considering everything that's happened, you can imagine it won't take him too long to cave.
"Hm, well- fine. Just this once."
You nod and grab the tub of ice cream. You suppose there were a few perks to watching your brother dismember your father in front of you. Maybe later, you could ask for that game you've had your eye on...
A plate of fresh, hot pancakes is put in front of you before you can fully finish that thought, and you search in the cutlery drawer for the ice cream scoop.
"Leave the tub out for me."
"Will do." You reply.
You prepare your plate and set it down at the dining table, digging in as he finishes making his pancakes. When he finally sits next to you, you're halfway through your stack, already getting full. You watch him pick up his fork and knife, ready to cut off a piece, but instead, he just stops, eyes empty as they focused on the vanilla scoop slowly melting. Seconds tick by, and he still doesn't move, unaware of the time passing, or you watching him.
You suppose you could blame your lack of sleep on what you did next, or perhaps that innate sense of mischief that all little siblings are born with, but in your heart, you know better. Nothing could be as disturbing as watching your brother silently stew in whatever internal misery he was in.
So, without thinking, you scoop up some of the melting ice cream on your fingers and smear it on his nose.
His eyes went wide in shock and his body tensed when he realized what you had done. The rapidly melting dessert threatened to drip down his nose as he sat, and another painful moment of tension passed between you two.
Maybe that wasn't the best idea.
Before you can apologize, his face cracks into a small grin, empty eyes filling with much-needed warmth. You let out a breath as your shoulders relax, relieved at the familiar sight. He takes a small dollop of now melting ice cream from his nose and tastes it before he speaks.
"Didn't I teach you not to play with your food?"
"Not well enough, it seems." You quip back.
Then, with a mounting sense of horror, you watch him pick up a much bigger glob of ice cream off his plate as his smile turns into a devious smirk.
"I guess I was never the best role model, was I?"
Before he can smear the food over your face, you jump out of your chair and run to the opposite end of the kitchen where he gives chase. The two of you run around the house, carefree laughter filling the air, without a thought to anything that transpired the night before. Ben always had a way of making you forget your worries.
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Everything after that was pretty simple. Ben talked you through the cover story and what your part would be, which basically amounted to "I was asleep when everything happened." That suited you fine, anything that minimized your time talking to the police was welcome. Ben handled most of that as well, spinning a tale about how your father was binge drinking more than usual, and then had up and left in the middle of the night. The only reason Ben hadn't stopped him was that this wasn't out of character for him to just up and leave with no car, no phone, or anything but whatever drink he had.
Which was true, it was a rather annoying habit that had your neighbors side-eyeing your family and complaining to your brother whenever they got the chance. It all seems to have worked out, though, as they provided great testimony when asked by the cops if this was unusual behavior for him.
Where the story differs from reality is that your father always managed to wander home. The way Ben tells it, he left and simply never came back. He had waited so long because he was sure that the man would return sooner or later like he always did, and didn't want to cause trouble when it wasn't necessary. Given your father's reputation, the cops believed him easily.
Soon after, your father was declared missing and your brother was appointed as a consevator on behalf of your missing father, allowing him to manage the house you lived in and pay the bills. He was also granted temporary custody of you, given that he was the only family you had in the area.
As for your home life, things were surprisingly normal.
In terms of your routine, very few things changed after those first few days. Sure, Ben often had to work late now and was more busy filling out paperwork to make sure everything was fine, legal-wise, but it had little effect on your life outside of those first few weeks. You settled back into the routine you had before: wake up late, and spend the day doing whatever you pleased. If Ben wasn't working late, you would both eat dinner before winding down and going to bed. Except now, there was no more waiting for your father coming home, or having to hide in your room and count the days before he leaves again. The peace you felt while openly sitting in the living room, with no obvious threat looming over you, was both exhilarating and disconcerting.
The neighbors seemed to act differently towards you. You would go out to pick up the mail and see them either out walking their dog or sitting on their front porch, taking in the summer sun. You would make eye contact with them and the look they gave you wasn't annoyance, or that vaguely pained look they gave when your father was being particularly loud the previous night. It was odd, some cross between pity and something you couldn't put your finger on at first until you finally connected the dots: suspicion. What if they knew, or at least suspected, that he hadn't just wandered off? Even without any clear evidence, it doesn't take a genius to see why you and your brother would want your father gone. After that, every time a person looked your way, you could feel their hidden disgust at you. They knew what you were and what you had abetted, even if they never said it out loud. Slowly, you stopped going outside, preferring to stay cooped up in the house instead.
Ben didn't mind much, even encouraging your hermit life style. But in all fairness, he didn't seem to mind much these days, always in high spirits, no matter the circumstances. The bad days were good, and the good days were amazing, especially when you both spent them together. The best day for him, though, was when he was appointed temporary custody of you.
After court, he had taken you out to a fancy restaurant in the good part of town and told you to order anything you wanted. It was the first time you held a menu that had lobster on it.
He even has a framed photo from the day hanging up in the hall, like it was some sort of celebratory adoption event, and not the day he was granted temporary custody of you because your father is missing.
But isn't it technically adoption? You know your father isn't coming back, so it only leaves Ben to take care of you. And that's a good thing, right? When you were a child, you had always fantasized about what life would be like if it was just you and your brother living in this house, no parents around. Child you would be jumping for joy, ecstatic about the turn of events. You should be happy, so why is it you can never look at the framed photo without feeling odd?
There was just one questionable development from this event, and that was your brother's habit of visiting the basement more often.
The only reason you knew was because you noticed the door was sometimes left open, and the occasional muddy footprints that would lead down into the basement. They would be cleaned up before you could see them again, leaving you wondering if you had only imagined it.
Your father... the corpse couldn't still be down there, right? What other business could he have down there?
You tried not to think about it too hard. It haunted you anyway.
One night, you had a dream. You were descending the stairs to the basement, flashlight in hand, trying to find something. As you opened the door, a pungent, rotting smell burned your nostrils. For whatever reason, your dream self had continued on, scanning the area, stopping once the frail, white light landed on a dismembered corpse.
You struggled against your dream self, trying to will them to run back up the stairs, but they continued, creeping ever closer to the foul, bloated pile of flesh, until the soles of your shoes were covered in the liquid runoff from the gore.
Suppressing a gag, you bend over, trying to get a better look at the corpse's face, only to see yourself.
That dream left you as scared as you were confused.
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The stairs to the basement have always intimidated you for as long as you can remember. The lighting was poor and the stairs were worn, as if they were older then the rest of the house, letting off a creak with every step. The door itself was in bad shape, with paint pealing and a doorknob that couldn't lock half the time. The inside was bare and damp, only functioning as storage for whatever possessions your father, and now your brother, owned that they didn't mind mildewing over.
Though the fear lessened with age, you never had any reason to go down there, so you never had to fully confront it. You had mostly accepted that there was always a small, childish part of you that would be apprehensive of dirty, dark places like basements, and you were mostly fine with it. Unfortunately, recent experience had made it a full blown fear again.
Yet here you were, standing right at the edge of the stairs, debating on whether or not to go down.
You worry your lip, mentally sorting through your options.
On one hand, you had no business going down there. Ben said he would take care of it, and you trusted him, there's no reason to doubt him. But on the other hand, there was no reason for Ben to be going down there so often in the first place. If the body had been removed from the house, then what was he doing? Where was the body? Why had you never seen him enter or leave the basement? Could you just be making this up? But you know you saw the footprints going down there. And yet...
You startle and quickly turn around only to see your brother behind you, a nervous smile on his face.
"Everything alright?"
Your gaze lowers as you continue to bite your lip. You taste blood. You know you should quit, but a little blood has never stopped you before.
You hear a small sigh before he walks over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. His attempt at being reassuring, you assume.
"I can't help you if you don't tell me, (Y/N)."
If you weren't so consumed by your anxieties and fears, perhaps you would have thought over your words before blurting them out, but that wasn't in the cards for today.
"Is dad down there?"
You still hadn't looked up, eyes glued to his feet, but you could feel the mood sour ever so slightly. Or maybe you were imagining that too.
His voice came out hushed, but earnest.
"Of course not. What makes you ask that?"
"You've been going down there a lot lately, and you never have before, I just assumed..."
Your voice had gotten quieter as you spoke until it finally died out at the end, the ridiculousness of the statement seeming obvious when you said it out loud. You were making a problem out of what, exactly? Your brother going into the basement a couple of times? Is that really all it took to make you suspicious of him? You feel a lump form in your throat.
He speaks to you, tone even, slow and reassuring, like a parent to an upset child. Your face heats up in shame.
"The water heater hasn't been working right. I've been down there trying to repair it, but I haven't been able to keep it running hot water for more than a couple days at a time, so I have to keep going down to fix it. Do you remember yesterday when you told me something was wrong with the shower?"
You easily recall a memory of yourself taking a shower, the water suddenly going cold. You had got out to go complain to Ben about it. Why hadn't you connected the dots sooner?
You nod, and he gives you an encouraging smile.
"You've had this on your mind for a while, haven't you?"
You nod again, more vigorously as the lump in your throat turns painful, and your lip begins to wobble. You tried to swallow it all down as you began to speak, voice wobbly and frail.
"I've just been so worried, all the neighbors keep giving us funny looks, and I had this dream-"
Your throat closes as you choke over your tears. Without thinking you cover your face, shoulders bunched up as you try to hide yourself. This was stupid, why couldn't you stop crying?
Warm arms wrapped around you, comforting and firm, as put your hair
"It's alright, kid, you're okay."
Without thinking, you hug him back, the comfort too tempting to resist.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I didn't think it would be an issue. If I had known you would of been this upset, I would of told you about it before. I should of known better."
You struggle to repress your sobs as you shake your head and push away just enough to look at him.
"It's not your fault. I was being stupid, I should of said something."
He smiled and nodded, seemingly content with your answer.
"Why don't we go sit down and watch a movie? You can pick it out."
You nod back, and that's enough for him to give your shoulders a squeeze as he moves to let go, but you don't let him.
He looks back, expression encouraging as he waits for you to continue speaking.
"If he's not in the basement, where did you put him?"
His smile stays on his face, but it looks strained. His eyes lose that warmth they had before, an empty quality entering them. You're painfully aware of the fact that you and Ben are the only two left in the house, and how close you are to the basement. A chill runs down your spine.
"Do you really want to know that?"
His hands were still gripping your shoulders, and you had a feeling they would stay there until you gave him the right answer.
"No." You lie.
He lets out a breath, and so do you, both of you relaxing at your submission. His hands fall from your shoulders, going to your back as he guides you away from the basement.
"That's for the best." He says. "You don't need to be worrying about that, alright? That's what I'm here for."
You nod, at a loss for what else to do as he guides you towards the living room.
The next day, you notice a new lock on the basement door. Neither of you comment on it.
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rhenysz · 9 months
Your Dead Eyes - Chapter 1
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Summary: Lifeless eyes were what haunted your all your life, many people say that death was lurking around your eyes, maybe it's true. Maybe you just see things that other people don't.
Pairing: Azriel x Archeron! reader fem.
A/n: This took longer than expected and isn't even half as long as I would have liked, but I've finally finished the first book and let's get to the real story! Thank you for the positive feedback 🙌🏻 This chapter was more about the sisters' bond, the next ones will be different. I think the Reader has an emotional dependence on Feyre 😥
*English is NOT my native language, this fanfic was translated with the help of an AI, any grammatical errors please let me know*
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Scars, family abandonment, mentioned death.
previous x next
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"Do you not think you're exaggerating?" Elain asked you with forced gentleness. The sound of her sipping tea tickled your ears. Dropping your own teacup on the living room's coffee table – causing some splashes to stain the surface – you placed a hand on your chest in mock indignation, perhaps not entirely fake.
"I'd rather be thrown to the wolves than face the conjugal bed, and I must say I'm terrified of those animals." Your lips curled downward, "Men, in this case."
Elain's eyes crinkled at the corners, and the curve of her lips lifted even as she tried to dispel the amusement she felt.
"I understand. But maybe you should consider, I bet Feyre would return in time for your wedding." She spoke with her eyes lowered to the tea.
No, she wouldn't return. You wanted to shout out to Elain. Hardly would that beast willingly let your sister go, that is if she wasn't already in the belly of those faeries.
"I have no interest in getting married, sister. And who in their right mind would be interested in someone with my condition?" Your voice was soft, not a hint of resentment showing in your features.
Having a man in your life was not something you desired. They were rough, lazy, and smelled bad. Not even the twisted relationship Feyre had with that man could make you want one too.
"Maybe... you just haven't looked in the right place," Elain commented. Looked? Have holy patience. You were hardly going to look at anything, let alone a man. Realizing her bluntness, Elain widened her eyes towards you, "I didn't mean it that way, sister, it was just a figure of speech—"
Your laughter cut off Elain's awkward attempt to apologize. Your shoulders shook with the intensity of your laughter. Elain sighed in relief and awkwardly joined in.
Feyre didn't treat you as if you were about to burst into tears.
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After that interesting conversation with Elain, Nesta barged into the room, interrupting – rather rudely – to announce that a luxurious carriage was approaching.
You could hear the rustle of Elain's skirts as she tried to beautify herself even more. Despite Nesta feigning an indifferent facade, she was also discreetly arranging her hair.
Laughing to yourself, you wondered how you must look in your supposed light blue dress. A hand grabbed your arm and gently lifted you from the sofa. Nesta, you could tell the difference. Elain had rougher hands from gardening, and Nesta's hands were colder.
"Let's go. Can you manage on your own?" Nesta asked. You appreciated that she allowed you to have your own autonomy. Nodding, you reached for the edge of the sofa where your cane rested and grabbed it.
When you heard the door opening, your head turned towards the sound and you went, dragging the golden tip of the cane across the floor, which hit the furniture warning you to dodge, and slowly going after your sisters – who were walking significantly slower to wait for you.
His cane hit the front door step. Carefully, you placed your foot in front to descend. The breeze made your hair flutter, and it felt so good; the wind kissed your skin like a longing lover.
"Welcome to our home... Lady." You heard Nesta as you finally caught up with your sisters. A brief moment of silence followed, soon to be cut by an extremely familiar laughter
.Your heart raced, and your free hand crumpled the dress you were wearing. Your lifeless eyes turned, trying to find the source of the voice.
"Nesta," she laughed, "doesn't recognize her own sister?" The air was expelled from your lungs, Feyre. A burning sensation started in your eyes, and without you realizing, fat tears streamed down your flushed cheeks. No matter how or where, you would always, always recognize your sister's voice.
The crunching of dried leaves alerted you that someone was approaching, a calm breath was blown on your face. Your trembling lips also parted as you tried to find the right words. Nothing came to mind; it was as if your brain had turned to jelly.
"My snowflake..." Feyre stepped forward, using her fingers to wipe away your tears. She missed you so much while she was with Tamlin. Her chest weighed every time she thought of you, her dearest sister.
Closing your eyes tightly, you let out a sob and threw yourself into Feyre's arms. Discarding the cane without care, your hands reached the back of your sister, pulling her into a tight and emotional embrace.
Feyre staggered under your weight and laughed. She laughed as she nestled in your arms and continued to laugh even as she felt Nesta's eyes drilling holes into her head.
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You couldn't physically move away from Feyre while your sisters talked with her. Your hand clung to hers in the hope that if you held on tight enough, she wouldn't leave again.
But not even all the happiness you were feeling could make you ignore Feyre's excuse. Taking care of Aunt Ripleigh? You distinctly remembered that it wasn't Aunt Ripleigh who tore the door off the old cabin.
As expected, Nesta was cautious, hovering over you and Elain as if Feyre would reveal her true intentions at any moment. She declined Elain's invitation to go to the garden, seeing Feyre there made her physically sick, so she withdrew to avoid conflicts in front of her sisters.
You were focused on Feyre and Elain's conversation, desperately wanting her to talk about what happened.
Feyre tensed when Elain casually mentioned – distracted by the flowers – that Nesta visited her at Aunt Ripleigh's. Another lie.
You felt Feyre's breath near your face: "How have you been?"
Fine. You were fine, but not well enough to disguise the suspicion in your expression. Feyre quickly noticed and stepped back slightly.
"Why are you lying to us?" You were direct, no more beating around the bush. You needed answers, and not even Elain's presence would distract you from your goal.
Feyre widened her eyes toward Elain and was relieved to see that she was far enough away not to hear. Biting her lips, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you toward the exit, giving a brief goodbye to Elain, who was so fascinated by the new petunia seedlings that she didn't care.
You were guided through a few doors until you reached a room that Feyre considered safe from curious ears.
You crossed your arms over your chest and impatiently waited for Feyre, who ran her hand through her hair and sighed, not knowing where to start. Then she decided to start with the worst.
"I– I'm in love with the High Lord of Prythian."
If you weren't already blind, you could swear your vision blurred at that moment.
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And then Feyre told you, told about how the other side of the wall was breathtaking, told about the peculiar creatures that existed there, told about her frenemy Lucien, and told about how she fell in love with the beast that turned out to be so loving to her.
And to your dismay, she detailed the night of passion she had before being – gently – sent home.
"I didn't need to know that. I have a vivid imagination, and I hate myself for it." You spoke with disgust; Feyre chuckled and approached you, taking your hand and bringing it to her face.
"I haven't told you everything," you murmured for her to continue. Your fingers traced the contours of her face. She looked so different but at the same time so familiar. Perhaps she had become healthy.
"There was a male who threatened Tamlin, he was handsome, maybe the most beautiful male I've ever seen," she commented absentmindedly, "he asked for my name... Clare Beddor."
Clare Beddor, the name weighed on your tongue. Clare, your former neighbor who was killed in such a horrendous way that no one could bear to look for too long, according to your gossip source – Elain.
Feyre had given a false name to the fairy assassin. And you could swear she didn't know what had happened to that poor girl. And perhaps you weren't the most suitable person to tell her about the event; Feyre seemed happy sharing her new experiences. And you? You would allow yourself to be selfish for a moment.
"I understand."
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Your sisters and your father went to the seasonal ball, and despite Elain's insistence, that wasn't your place. Your place was anywhere as long as it was far from high society. You certainly didn't fit the standards imposed by them, even though those who looked at you were dazzled.
"A beauty never seen before."
"I would die for features as delicate as yours."
"It's truly a shame…"
Feyre promised to come back early, just like you; she didn't like crowds and pompous people. Feyre promised to come back early.
So you did the only thing that was possible – you waited. Waited while eating, waited while talking to some servants, waited while invading Elain's garden, and waited until you got tired and chose the living room sofa as a great place to rest.
Inevitably, your eyes began to weigh, and before you realized it, sleep completely took you, plunging you into a deep state of peace, unable to hear the hurried steps through the house and the slam of the door closing.
Feyre promised to come back early.
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Feyre hated goodbyes.
Perhaps, just perhaps, you should have already imagined that this would happen. Feyre was in love with the beast, and people in love tend to do foolish things.
That didn't ease the chest pain you felt when the next morning you were informed that she had returned to the fae lands in search of her High Lord. The feelings of betrayal and sadness walked hand in hand.
At the same time, you couldn't find the strength to harbor resentment towards her. Why would you? For the first time in her life, your sister was dedicating herself to something that truly made her happy. It didn't matter if she was leaving her family behind, right? No, that mattered to you.
Nesta hated dealing with your whirlwind of emotions; she hated that you depended on someone to be happy, and she made it clear when you woke up.
"Feyre is not responsible for what you feel. You are allowing yourself to stay in this state. Stop depending on her to live."
Despite being harsh, Nesta was spot-on with her words. Feyre was finally living her dream life; it was time for you to start living yours too, without anyone dictating how you should feel.
And thinking about this led you to where you were now, with your hands covered in clay – and probably not just your hands – trying to give some shape to that earthy mass on the spinning table in the studio.
Your mind wandered through all the possibilities of sculpture. Sculpting things your fingers had memorized or even inventing new forms to call conceptual. It would be ironic if your sculptures became famous.
Humming to yourself, your fingers gently moved over the clay's edges, shaping a small sphere; you pulled five points out and rounded the edges.
"They look like fingers." Merina's voice made you jump on the stool; Merina was one of the maids you had become close to, she had such a calm and gentle voice that, if you let her, could lull you to sleep.
"Well, I hope so. I'd be very upset if they looked like something else." You laughed, still molding your supposed fingers. Merina dragged a stool to join you, after, of course, looking down the hall to make sure no one was approaching.
She looked amazed at your hands giving life to the clay. Inevitably, her mind wandered, how? How were you capable? Feeling where your mind wandered, you chuckled softly and tilted your head in a silent invitation. Merina cleared her throat and asked:
"Why a hand?"
You subtly widened your eyes; that certainly wasn't the question you were expecting. A hum came from your throat before you answered Merina.
"It's with my hands that I see; they are my eyes to the world," you replied, licking your lips as you pondered, "I don't know how I manage it; I fear there's no logical explanation for it."
Merina didn't say anything, just grunted in response. Extending your hand, you searched the table until you found a small knife; bringing it close to the sculpture, you began making small fillets with it all along the hand's length.
Merina turned to you curiously, not understanding why you were deforming the piece. She gently nudged you with a – painfully pointed – question.
"Hmm, I've been thinking about it lately, hands with scars," you made one final cut and dropped the knife. Merina reached for an old cloth to help you clean your hands, "thank you. What would it be like to see with these hands? Would the texture of things be different? Or would the sensitivity be greater?" You rambled to her.
There were so many questions to consider, and in your opinion, you could already be considered a hands expert. That made you laugh.
Merina took the cloth from your hands and brought it toward your face, cleaning some clay splatters that had strayed there.
"I hope you don't have the answers on your own. It must be a horrible pain to have your hands torn apart." She commented, lowering the cloth.
A horrible pain? Makes sense. Whoever has hands like that must have a melancholic story behind them.
"You're right."
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As promised, you lived your life the best way possible, and sculptures paved the way to your heart. Over time, your clay skills became refined, even daring to sculpt the features of your sisters; Nesta was your biggest supporter, even if she didn't admit it, there wasn't a day she didn't pass by to make sure your stock was full.
Each sister had their own shelf containing everything you thought resembled them. Elain had sculpted flowers and cakes, Nesta had books and red jewels, and Feyre had an arrow – just a sculpture, but it was the one you dedicated the most time to, whether smoothing the edges or trying to paint in the right places.
Because even though Feyre was a million miles away, you would love her all the way, and even if she never came back, you would find your way to her through the heart.
You wouldn't wait for her, but you wouldn't forget everything you had been through together.
And you might not even believe she would come back, but that tingling you felt in your fingers when you heard a knock on the door made you doubt your mental state.
It may be that besides being blind, you're also becoming deaf because hearing your sister's name from Elain's lips after so long is not a sign of good auditory nostalgia.
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@dearestdaffodils @going-through-shit
@valeridarkness @wallacewillow0773638
@harrystylesfan2686 @carnationworld
@applerubyy @saltedcoffeescotch
@esposadomd @justdreamstars
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astrophileous · 11 months
ZAHRA I DEMAND (request) A PART TWO OF JEALOUS REID I AM BEGGINGGGGG 🧎‍♀️😩🙏 I am actually in love with the way you write spencer like MY GAWD. MY GAWD.
your request (demand) shall be my command, your majesty 🙏
Warning(s): gn!reader, more jealous spencer bcs apparently it wasn't enough in the first one, a cheesy narration abt "change" 🤢🤢🤢 bcs why not.
This is part two for this blurb.
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
If there was one thing Spencer Reid always found peculiar about mankind, it would be the general lack of acceptance when it came to change.
Before today, Spencer never understood the science behind metathesiophobia: the fear of change. Unpredicted and terrifying as it was, change was necessary to keep the ubiquitous balance of the universe. Change existed in the smallest and biggest capacity of the world, and Spencer, for the life of him, had never been able to berate change for doing exactly what it was intended to do.
Until now.
As Spencer stood next to the copy machine just a few feet away from the kitchenette, eavesdropping a discussion he had no business injecting himself into, Spencer finally understood why many people in the world feared change. The noises coming from the machine in front of him were tumultuous, but Spencer craned his neck and ears to the best of his capabilities just so he could listen in better to the conversation.
"JJ," Spencer heard you say, "I'm telling you, I'm not interested."
"I haven't even told you anything about him yet!"
"Jennifer, it's not about the guy. I'm sure your friend is lovely, but I'm just... not looking for anything like that right now."
"C'mon, (Y/N)," JJ nearly whined. "Please, please, please, just think about this? How long has it been since you broke up with that Bran guy, anyway? You've been single for a while now, don't you think it's finally time for a change?"
The word tasted bitter as Spencer felt it burn all the way down his throat.
There was a beat of pause where Spencer's heart thundered inside its crate; reeling in suspense over what your answer was going to be. He heard your sigh before your voice arose once more, "Fine. Just text me his number and I'll handle the rest myself, okay?"
Spencer tuned everything out after that, safe for JJ's elated squeal that echoed nearly halfway through the bullpen.
The rest of the day unraveled like a tedious nightmare. After collecting his belongings, Spencer headed out of the bullpen with his car keys in hand. He was waiting for the elevator to arrive, internally cursing his decision for having driven to work that morning, when an unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared behind him.
"You're still here, Doctor?"
Spencer turned around to see you approaching from the direction of Penelope's office. The smile on your face reminded him of cotton candy: soft and sweet; just like the scent of your perfume as it engulfed Spencer's whole being.
"I thought you already left," Spencer muttered.
"No, I had things to take care of. How about you?"
"Yeah. Same."
The elevator arrived with a ding. You walked in after him and pressed the button for the lobby, your scent attacking Spencer's senses even more ruthlessly within the tiny metal box.
"You have any plans for the weekend, Doc?" you asked once the elevator started going down. "A hot date, perhaps?"
Spencer loathed the view of your cheeky smile, along with the teasing gesture of your eyebrows at the suggestion of him going on a date with another person. Here he was, propelling himself to the brink of insanity over the idea of you being on a date with anyone else but him, and you didn't even bat an eye at the prospect of Spencer being with someone else.
"No hot dates for me," he responded. The elevator opened with another ding. "Can't say the same about you, though, can I?"
Your inquisitive gaze slid his way.
"I heard you and JJ in the pantry." Spencer opened the lobby doors, allowing you to walk through before falling into step beside you again. "So, are you going?"
"On the date? I honestly don't know." The night breeze blew against your face. Spencer shuffled closer when he noticed your subtle shiver. "I haven't even texted him yet. I don't feel like it, to be honest. But JJ just seemed so excited about it, so the least I could do is try talking to him first, right?"
An interim silence settled between the two of you. Before long, Spencer spotted his Volvo being parked a few paces ahead. "This is me." Spencer gestured to the car.
"Nice ride." You smiled, humming appreciatively at the vehicle. "Well, I'll get going, then. See you Monday, Doc. Drive safe."
Spencer watched as you started to saunter away. A familiar flame had begun raging and licking up his spine since the moment you mentioned the phrase a hot date in Spencer's face, and now, he could feel that same flame taking a hold of the beating organ inside his chest.
"Don't do it."
You stopped in your tracks.
It took Spencer a few seconds to realize that the interruption had come from him.
"Don't text that guy."
You spun around fully to face him. "Why not?"
"Because I don't think you should go out with him."
You looked at Spencer strangely. "You don't even know the guy."
"I don't need to. I just—" Spencer's jaw hardened, "—I need you to swear to me. Please. Swear you won't go on the date."
Your forehead creased in confusion.
You knew what Spencer was saying didn't make sense, but what perplexed you even more were the words that came out of your mouth next, "Okay. I won't go on the date."
Spencer breathed out his relief as if you just granted him fresh air after years of being buried underground. He gripped his satchel tighter and fiddled with the strap, giving you a curt nod before he slipped inside the driver's seat of his car.
Spencer drove away after that, leaving you standing alone in the middle of Quantico's deserted parking lot as you stared feebly at the tire marks on the ground. A foreign fire had suddenly flickered inside your chest, and even if you didn't understand the significance of it yet, you knew that it must've had something to do with a specific genius profiler who just demanded you to back out of a date that hadn't even been planned yet.
After casting one last look towards his speeding Volvo in the distance, you turned around and headed for your own car, feeling the fire in your ribcage burn brighter with every single one of your steps.
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - LDPDL: Burning Questions
I was reading this Variety article, and they mentioned something that made me think of fan critiques of Louis' opaque motivations in the finale, and the fun laughs we've shared over how he's so unbothered by vamp nonsense that he never seems to ask important questions.
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I'm drafting a separate post specifically about "Vampire Grace," but I wanted to focus here on only one point in particular:
We always talk about whether Louis chose Lestat over Claudia; "you take him with you, in HERE!" But I haven't seen talk about how Louis chose Lestat over Paul, and how that factors into Lou's habit of not asking HELLA important questions that could've saved Loustat DECADES of resentment.
Paul's suicide "opened the series," setting this whole thing in motion. Florence blames Louis for his death, making Lou feel like a failure.
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--the first time we see Louis outright say to someone's face "I love you," it's mere seconds b4 Paul jumps off a roof. (The only other person we see him say it to is Armand, right after saying they're not companions. 💀)
Paul's memory is wrapped up in Louis' love of Lestat, cuz until Les showed up, Paul had been Lou's one and only companion--the sole person he could TALK to. As a closeted gay man, Lou was desperate for MALE companionship: understanding, acceptance & love.
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Sure, he had Grace & Lily (& later Claudia)--all WOMEN--but:
his daddy's dead, and who knows what their deal was, but it couldn't be worse than effing Florence. So there's a lingering want of a father-figure; someone older/wiser who could teach & guide Lou when he was feeling "lost...in a dark way" (*cough* Armand *cough*)
a father or brother is still not the companion Louis REALLY wants/needs, so ofc there's things Lou can't tell Paul, or have with him. Les's an upgraded Paul-- a HUSBAND, not a SIBLING (*cough* Claudia *cough*).
(deep down) Lou was jealous of how candid & honest Paul was; regardless that Paul's lack of a filter was a side effect of his mental illness & religious fanaticism (cuz vampirism's an allegory for sexuality--and even in gay mecca Paris & SanFran Lou was still tryna "find himself" as the Zodiac Killer *cough Daniel *cough*)
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Paul's dying wish was for Loustat to never be together
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and Lou felt he'd betrayed Paul; that he'd lied/hadn't kept his word
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folding like a leaf rather than saying NO, or killing himself like he'd implied (suicide by vampire instead of cane-sword/alcohol poisoning)
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(and Queen Claudia called Lestat the "Father of Lies" (aka The Devil), and she ain't never lie a day in her life, either)
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So the Catholic guilt was extra strong, cuz Saint Paul was right about Les; but Lou chose Les anyway--in the church, on the altar--after Paul died trusting that Lou WOULDN'T take him back.
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Instead, we get this boatload of excuses from Louis about the "vampire bond," when the only bond that matters is LOVE. But this is the crux of Louis' personality/problems, and why the interview took so long for him to attempt either the 1st or 2nd time around. Cuz Louis is a hypocritical coward stuffed to gills with self-loathing & GUILT. He runs away from the truth, he runs away from his issues, and he hides from himself and everyone around him.
So OF COURSE Louis doesn't ask important questions. It's not that he doesn't care--it's that HE'S SCARED of asking, and terrified of what the answer is. So it takes him forever to even BEGIN addressing the elephants in the room.
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Louis ALWAYS suspected. But he was:
Scared of the answer/truth
Scared that Les would LIE
Scared he'd forgive Les regardless
Paul died in 1911. It had been 26 YEARS until Lou finally piped up in 1937 (the end of Les's Grovel Era). But this was the PERFECT chance to call Les' bluff & get some honest answers out of him for once, cuz:
If Les (unapologetically) caused Paul's death, he can just stay gone
It's in Les' best interest to tell the truth regardless, cuz he's been desperately tryna get back in Lou's (& Claudia's) good graces for 6 years, and being sincere will earn him more cookies (he'd also be banking on Lou forgiving him regardless, cuz he's been missing Les so bad, even after being beat into the next decade & dropped a billion miles in the air)
If Les IS lying, how would they even frikkin know if they can't read his mind? Lou just wants to see what Les will say
(In 2x6 he waited to ask Madeleine if she only saw Claudia as a replacement for her dead sister--a question he should've asked BEFORE he Turned her, but... 🤷 Moot.)
So in the finale, there's 2 painful truths Lou has to contend with:
WHY is he doing the 2nd interview?
WHO saved him during the Trial?
It takes Louis 77 YEARS to reclaim the "pieces of myself" he'd lost/forgotten. He ALWAYS knew things weren't adding up with Armand. He KNEW there were things missing. Even in SanFran, BEFORE the mind-wipe, he was already losing his mind/memories--PTSD from all the awful things he'd been through.
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Even book!Louis knew about Claudia's diaries for a decade b4 he finally got the courage to ask the Talamasca if he could read them & speak to her ghost.
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Although Lou's naive AF, he's not an idiot--he HAD A HUNCH that Armand knew more than he was letting on, which is precisely why he kept ignoring Armand every time he asked to stop the interview.
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However, for once, Lou actually wastes VERY little time with this one:
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As soon as he learns the truth about "Banishment," he divorces Armand, and runs back to NOLA to find Lestat. Memory is a monster Lou'd been running scared from all this time. He's tired of running away, wasting so much time, wasting the gift, when he could be actively tryna solve his problems to make life bearable/better. The hellish prison he'd lived in was by his own design--only he could chose to stand up, take control of his life; and finally ask the burning questions. "Truth and reconciliation."
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Lou could finally make peace with the memory of the two people he'd been avoiding for so long; whom he felt he'd let down the most:
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For once Lou chooses to be "companion enough for myself," and live with/for himself, not relying other people to save/fix/determine his life for him anymore. That's really the only way he'll be able to be with Les in a healthier, guilt-free relationship in the future.
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drarrily-we-row-along · 9 months
All My Dreaming, It's Only Given a Name
Inspired by the Hozier song "To Someone in a Warmer Climate"... I'm fucking obsessed with it. I can't stop listening to it. If you haven't heard it, you simply MUST.
Harry woke up slowly, the room was still dark, his body warm and so content he couldn't be bothered by the ways his muscles twinged with the need to shift.
There was a comforting weight around his shoulders, a hand in his hair, anchoring him to the warm presence beneath him. A second hand had slipped under his shirt, hot palm cupping his side.
Godric, he never wanted to move again.
"Hi," murmured softly against his temple, lips brushing over his forehead in a lazy approximation of a kiss.
His heart swelled and burst, pressing against his ribs, pushing his lungs until he couldn't breathe with it; this easy, gentle affection. A love so full, so gentle that it felt like the tide washing over him and pulling him along. Words seemed to great a feat, so he just pressed his nose into Draco's collarbone, hoped it was enough.
"Hello, darling," whispered soft and sweet into Harry's hair as Draco's fingers carded through the curls there, his other hand drawing Harry even closer, lightly squeezing his side. "It's so early, love."
A low whine escaped Harry's throat, his body pressing closer, stretching out against Draco's until their bodies were aligned.
"That's it," he murmured encouragingly, holding Harry like he was something precious. "Come closer," he added, "close as you like."
"I'd like to crawl inside of your skin," Harry mumbled, then realized how odd that must sound.
Draco just chuckled softly, "I do understand that impulse," he said. "It doesn't ever feel like I can get close enough to you either."
He sighed, let the short-lived worry of being misunderstood fall away. "I used to dream about this, you know?"
"Did you?" he asked, voice warm like honey; indulgent, like he wanted to hear whatever Harry wanted to say no matter how ridiculous it might be.
He shook his head, "Not exactly," he said softly, turning to prop his chin on Draco's chest.
The other man shifted a bit so that he could look down at Harry, chin scrunching up in a way that should be unattractive but that Harry found impossibly endearing.
"My dreams are paltry in comparison to the reality of you," he murmured like a confession.
"Poetic," Draco replied, lips tilting up at the corners to soften his words, to tell Harry he was teasing, that he was feeling shy about being praised.
He hummed, "My whole life," he whispered, "There's this," he broke off, searching for the right word, "ache," he said, tapping his fingers against Draco's breastbone. He shook his head, "There's always been this yearning to be loved, to be held, to be cared for without the expectation of what I'll be able to give."
"Darling," Draco whispered, and Harry could hear the ache reflected in his voice. It was like this sometimes, like Draco took whatever was hurting Harry and held it in his own body, reflecting it back at him with an empathy and tenderness that left Harry elated and terrified all at once.
"But then there was you," he continued. "And all of my dreaming, it seems like a shadow compared to the reality of being loved by you. All of my longing, my yearning; the restless pursuit of something I never thought I could actually have-" he broke off, eyes stinging.
Draco's thumb brushed away a tear and lightly traced his cheekbone.
"I found all of the things I'd dreamt of in you," he managed. "And more," he added. "This is the fulfillment of everything I've ever wanted; a simple, cozy love. A shared bed, a shared home. Dinner together and evenings on the sofa, weekends attached at the hip. Someone to hold me gently, to kiss me tenderly. Someone who will let me hold them and love them with my love that's too big and never sufficient all at once."
"Darling," Draco murmured again. "You're not too much and you are enough," he assured. "I don't need anything more."
Harry nodded, snuggled back under Draco's arm, resting his head on his shoulder once more. "You make everything better."
"I love you," Draco breathed in that way of his, wondering and helpless, like the way he loved Harry was something that he found immense pleasure in. Godric, Harry loved it when he said it like that. "I love you so much," he repeated. "You make everything better too, darling."
"I love you too," Harry said softly, the simplest thing he knew. The truest thing he knew.
"Do you want to sleep a little more?" Draco asked through a yawn of his own.
He shrugged a shoulder, "Maybe," he said, "I do want to stay like this, even if I can't sleep any more."
"Alright," he agreed, dropping a kiss to the top of Harry's head. "Do you mind if I go back to sleep for a while?"
"Of course not," he said, squeezing Draco's ribs and kissing his collarbone.
Draco hummed, squeezed Harry a little tighter. "You're alright?"
Harry nodded, "Better than," he replied truthfully.
"Kay," Draco whispered, then as though sleeping was as easy for him as breathing, he dropped back off to sleep.
He lay there, listening to his beloved breathe, and couldn't fathom how his life had turned out sweeter than his very best dreams.
(Read more of my fics, if you'd like)
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banditthewriter · 11 months
Run, Run, Run - Billy Russo
Here we have 2023's Halloween fic! I haven't written much fic this year and I can't promise that I'll write much/any next year, but I wanted to make sure I got this done. It's not edited or proof read beyond brief skims so sorry about that. It's also 17.2k so.
Warnings: Murder. Blood. Depiction of serial killer attacks. Discussion of scars and grief and fear.
Summary: The reader survives an attack by a known serial killer when they are in high school. Only the attacks start up again when they are older and in another state. Is it related to the first attacks? Is it a copy cat? And more importantly...is it someone the reader knows?
As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
[gif is mine]
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You hadn’t been to many parties since you started high school, but the ones you had gone to had always gotten rowdy. Spilled out all over a house except for any rooms marked Occupied or Out of Bounds. The front and back yards would be covered in cans and bottles and cups. And quite a few people passed out.
This party might be in full swing, but it was nothing like the last parties you’d gone to. There were a lot of people, but everyone was squished into the basement den. A few went up into the kitchen in sets of two or three or more, but they all came right back after they got a refill or more snacks.
As it was, there were only about twenty people at this party. Once upon a time that’d be laughed at, considered a failure of a party, but this time? You were honestly surprised to see this many people at the graduation party most people had been looking forward to.
Why were things different this time? Simple. 
Over the last three weeks, seven people had been brutally murdered in your small, sleepy coastal town. Four teenagers, one parent, one police officer, and one unlucky Good Samaritan. Everyone said that nothing like this had ever happened here before and you believed it. It wasn’t a place where people left their doors unlocked, but murders? Multiple murders in just a few weeks? It was unheard of.
The media named the murderer the Seaside Slasher, but tonight everyone had his real name. He had been caught when he fled the scene of his last murder. No one recognized the name as being a local. As terrifying as it was that a random man had come to your town to brutally murder complete strangers, it didn’t matter. It was over. He was in jail.
Parents had reluctantly granted permission for the seniors to go to parties as a way to celebrate the upcoming graduation and a way to mourn the loss of their classmates. Your parents had been very hesitant to grant permission, but your older brother who had come to town made them agree that you deserved to let loose.
Not that this party was much of a way to do that. Music played so softly that you could barely hear it, teenagers sat around and talked quietly. You hadn’t expected a blowout or anything, but this felt more like study hall. 
You could either stay here and be reminded of the horrors of the last few weeks or you could go home and actually relax. It wasn’t a hard decision.
A quiet goodbye to your group of friends later, you went up the stairs and slipped your shoes on. You checked your purse for your things and then headed to the front door.
“Where you headed sweetie?”
You turned around and saw the mom of the student whose house you were in. You smiled as you hoisted your purse over your shoulder.
“I’m going to head home. My parents didn’t want me out for long with everything.”
The mom smiled, but you could tell it was with a heavy heart. She looked out the glass of the front door and frowned a bit.
“It’s late. Do you want me or my husband to drive you?”
That wasn’t a rare occurrence even without the murders still hanging over the heads of everyone, but you still shook your head.
“No, I live one street over, on Granite Avenue. It won’t take long.”
She laughed a bit as she reached out and touched my shoulder.
“I suppose I shouldn’t be so cautious. He was caught, wasn’t he? We’re safe now.”
“But it’s hard to switch gears that fast,” you added, since that’s exactly how your parents had worded it. She laughed as if you had read her mind, but you could see she was still a bit hesitant to let you walk. “I’ll call once I’m home. How’s that?”
With your friend’s mom placated, you headed out into the night air. It wasn’t overbearingly hot, even though summer was right at the cusp. Living this close to the coast meant there was also a little bit of a breeze though.
You walked down the street a few blocks before you cut across to your own street. There weren’t many sounds in the distance, just the sound of your feet on the asphalt, but you still felt the hair rise on the back of your neck the longer you were out. You sped up your pace until you could see your house clearly, the front porch light on to welcome you home.
Maybe your parents had the right idea to not want you to go out. It didn’t matter that you were safe, right then you felt like you were being hunted.
On the front porch you pulled out your key and let yourself in. There were no lights on upstairs or in the living room as you put your purse down and tugged off your shoes. You bypassed the stairs and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. With it in your hand, you took a few sips before you headed to the stairs that led down to the den where your brother was staying. There wasn’t an overhead light on but flickers from the television. He was probably awake though and you wanted to let someone know that you were home.
Down the stairs, you looked over to the couch and saw the back of your brother’s head as he was facing the television which was on the local news on mute. Right as you opened your mouth to say something to alert him to your presence, you saw what was on the television screen.
Captions ran across the bottom of the screen in a delay to the way the anchor’s mouth was moving, but you saw the picture in the corner of the screen and the tag under it.
“Oh god,” you whispered as you stared at the news footage. Somehow the murderer had gotten free and whereabouts were unknown. 
You needed to call your friend and let them know that you were home and also what had happened, in case they didn’t already know. You needed to wake your parents. You needed to…
You whispered your brother’s name, not wanting to scare him, but he didn’t budge from watching the news. You flicked the light on which would have ordinarily caused him to at least jerk but he didn’t move still.
Unease filled you as you tiptoed across the carpet to the edge of the couch. As you peered around, multiple things happened at once.
The first was that you saw your brother, his eyes dull and face slack as blood oozed from his neck. He was propped up on the couch to look like he was still alive, but he very much wasn’t. 
The second was that crumpled on the floor in front of the couch, hidden from view at first, was your mom. Her face was upturned a bit, but had the same dull eyed look as your brother as she laid in a pool of blood that soaked into the thick carpet underfoot.
The third was that, from the corner of your eye, you saw something move in the reflection of the framed picture of your family that hung over the television. That split second heads up is what made you spin around only to be face to face with a masked murderer who held a bloodied knife in his hand.
The scream came out of you all at once, from the horror of seeing your murdered brother and sister to the terror of being face to face with their murderer. It all happened so quickly that you just screamed for it all as you immediately started to run. You tossed the glass of water you held at his face as you took off across the room.
It meant you had to run through the pool of blood and you felt your socks soak in some of it as you did, but you couldn’t focus on that. You couldn’t focus on the fact that you’d just run past the dead bodies of your loved ones. You could only focus on survival.
Another scream came out of your throat and you felt something slash against your shoulder. He had caught up to you. You bounced off the wall and then darted behind the couch, desperate to get to the stairs, but he was right on you. Your hand grasped a picture frame from the shelf nearest you and you spun around to slam it against his face as you scrambled, screaming as his knife cut into your stomach. You needed to put distance between you and him, needed to get up the stairs. Needed to…
Was your dad even alive? Maybe he had been killed too. Maybe there was no one in the house to hear you scream.
Your face was slammed against the corner of the wall near the stairs, another slash of the knife as it went across your shoulder blades. The den wasn’t large enough to run from him, nowhere to hide. You were going to be killed, you were going to be—
A thunderous noise came to your attention right before someone came down the stairs and barreled into the body that was holding you against the wall, the knife carving against your back and the back of your arm as he was ripped away. You screamed as you spun around, but you watched as your dad wrestled the masked man to the floor and ripped the knife from his hands. Even though the other man fought back, your dad had something to help him.
Cuffs. He was in his police uniform so he must have just gotten home and heard your screams. 
As your heart stopped pounding in your ears you heard your dad’s voice break through the fog.
“–911, okay? You need to call 911!” 
You stumbled over to the landline that was kept in the den, your feet screaming as you did, but you didn’t focus on that. Just on getting to the phone. Hitting the 9 then the 1 then the 1 again. Then you slumped against the ground as a voice came across to ask what was your emergency.
“Please,” you begged softly as your eyes went to the dead bodies that you could clearly see, your eyes welling up with tears as you felt nausea roll through you. “Oh god, please just…please.”
A bloodied hand entered your vision and you screamed, but your dad bent down so that you could see his face.
“Give me the phone sweetheart, let me,” he said, tears in his eyes. 
You must have given it to him. Or maybe he just took it from you. Either way, you watched as he walked back to where he had tackled the masked man as he spoke quickly into the phone. He stumbled over to the body of your mom and knelt down, those tears now pouring over his cheeks. You couldn’t hear his words, but you closed your eyes so you couldn’t see it anymore. 
Everything hurt. Your feet from walking through broken glass, either from your water that you’d thrown or the picture you’d smashed against his face. Your back from the multiple knife slashes. Your stomach from the knife. Both of your arms from the knife. Your head from being bashed into the wall.
Your heart. That’s what hurt worse. 
“You sure this is what you want?”
You looked over at your dad and then back down to the papers in your hands. It listed the information about your dorm room assignment and orientation. You were about 30 miles away from the city but your dad was finally asking the question you knew had been on the tip of his tongue since you had told him that you had gotten into NYU.
“Little late to change my mind, isn’t it?”
“Not at all. I’ll turn this car around right now if you ask me to.”
You knew he would, but you didn’t want him to.
At one point you had contemplated going to a college closer to home, maybe driving in to see your parents every now and then. Maybe you’d go to your brother’s college. Then…
“This is what I want,” you said softly as you looked out of the window to the cars that were all heading the same direction.
“Okay sweetheart,” your dad replied equally softly. “You know I’ll worry about you in a city like New York, but I can’t fault you for wanting to get as far away as you can.”
Your arms subconsciously came around your stomach, fingers searching out the rigid raised scar that stretched beside your naval almost to your side.
“Bad things happen in the city, but bad things happen in small towns too,” you reminded your dad, as if he ever needed a reminder. 
As if he hadn’t nailed the door to the den shut the day of the funeral.
“Maybe I’ll move out this way too,” he said instead of addressing your comment. “Less travel so we can see each other.”
Normally the thought of a parent moving to be closer to where you were going to college would seem embarrassing or ridiculous. This time it sounded like a good idea.
“Maybe you should,” you replied as you looked over at your dad, the bags under his eyes and the gray that seemed to sprout up in the last six months. “I think that would be a good idea.”
Your roommate was out at another party, but you didn’t mind. You’d gotten used to the solitude, even surrounded by people as you were in New York.
Instead you stared at the computer screen where you had been doing homework. An email had come into your personal box and desperate for a change in pace, you’d opened it. Now you were unable to look away.
A news alert. You’d set it up before you left for college, although this was the first alert you’d gotten. The article was short and to the point, but you kept staring at the headline.
Your phone rang as you read the words again and you answered without looking at the caller ID. You already knew who it was.
“Did you see–”
“Yes,” you said quickly, cutting your dad off. “Yeah, I’m looking at it now.”
Both of you sat in silence on the phone for a few more minutes, neither of you sure what to say at first.
“It’ll be years before it’s actually carried out,” your dad said finally. “These things go through certain stages and he can appeal but, it’s not like there’s much chance of him winning. Justice will be served.”
You closed your eyes and flipped through memories of that night like a flipbook. You felt the horror and terror and pain flow through you all over again.
“You’ll never guess who I saw earlier,” your friend Karen said as she flopped down onto your couch. “Never in a million years guess.”
“Frank Castle,” you teased back, not needing to guess. 
Her laughter was a good enough answer to tell you that you were right. You laughed as you spun around in your desk chair to look at her.
“And? Did he ask you out or are you continuing to pretend not to like him?”
This was a pretty common sight in your tiny little apartment. You and Karen had met in college and stayed friends even with both of you having hectic lives. Now, out in the real world as it was, you two still hung out a few times a week. To the point where you each had keys to the other’s places.
“He asked me out.”
You let out a whoop and pumped your fist in the air. 
“Knew he had it in him!”
“Oh shut up,” she laughed even as she got a starry look in her eyes. “I think I’ve led him on quite a chase already.”
Those two had circled each other for a while, neither one relenting at first even though it was obvious they both liked each other. You were almost annoyed at how perfect they were for each other.
“He said he has this friend named Kevin. He wanted to know if…”
You weren’t sure why Karen had trailed off until you realized you were frowning. 
“No blind dates,” you said as you spun back around to your computer. “I appreciate it and all, but I’m fine.”
Your hand went down to your stomach and traced the ridge of the scar in a familiar fashion. You knew without looking that Karen had caught the gesture.
“I know that your first time ended badly, but not every guy is going to…”
She trailed off but you turned to look at her.
“To what, freak out when he sees me naked because I look like someone tried to unsuccessfully gut me like a fish?”
Your college boyfriend had been surprised when he’d seen you without a shirt on, but that wasn’t what had ruined the mood. Even when he’d seen the scars on your back or your arms, he would still have been willing to go further, but it was you that stopped it.
Simply because he had asked “what happened?” As if that wasn’t a reasonable question at that moment.
“I know that you don’t like talking about what happened,” Karen started softly, and then a little more forceful when you scoffed, “but you can’t keep going like this. You rarely leave your apartment unless it’s to come to mine, you never date because you don’t want to talk to anyone about what happened, you only ever talk to me or your dad. It’s not healthy.”
The hand that had pressed against the scar reached up to work the mouse on your computer, although your eyes were unfocused as your mind replayed Karen’s words over and over again.
“Have you thought about going back to a counselor?”
You shook the mouse to make the screensaver go away.
“The last one looked freaked out when I tried to explain what happened. Hard to go back to one after that.”
Karen was one of the only people in the city that knew what had happened to you. It had happened one night about two years into being friends when the two of you had gone out drinking. You’d gotten spooked by someone wearing a ski mask, even though it was winter and obviously cold outside. Karen had found you having a panic attack in the bathroom and everything had just flowed out of you.
She was a great friend, your best friend. That was the only reason you didn’t kick her out of your apartment as she pushed for you to better yourself.
Except you didn’t want to keep having this conversation, so you opened your mouth to change topic but your cell ringing stopped you. Your dad’s picture showed up so you answered it with a smile.
“Hey dad.”
“Hey sweetheart,” he started, his voice slow and careful. “What are you up to?”
“Just sitting at my apartment with Karen,” you said as you turned back to Karen who called out a hello to your dad as she picked up a magazine off your coffee table. “What’s up?”
It took a moment before he answered.
“Have you been watching the news?”
Both you and your dad lived in New York, although he was a ways away from the city, but you knew he didn’t mean the local news. Not even state news. There was something in his voice that told you he meant the news back home.
“No,” you said as you turned to your computer and typed in a search. “I turned off my alerts a while back. Why, what…oh.”
The headline was the first one that popped up, sixteen hours old.
The article wasn’t very long, but you read through it twice just in case. Pretty to the point. No stay of execution was ordered, so the execution had been scheduled. Some of the family members of the victims were present, noticeably absent was the family of the last victims but you and your dad’s names weren’t listed at least. His last words were quoted near the bottom of the article.
“You have no idea. I’ll be back.”
You closed your eyes and took a few breaths until you were regulated once more. When you opened your eyes, Karen was standing beside you and obviously reading the screen because her hand went to your shoulder to give you an encouraging squeeze.
“I guess it’s over,” you said as you covered her hand with yours.
“I guess so,” your dad said back.
For some reason, neither of you sounded convinced.
It had been Frank’s idea to leave the city for a few days. While his reasoning was different from yours, you had to admit that you weren’t against the idea. It was around Halloween and while that holiday had not always been an issue for you, sometime over the last few years you just started to react differently. 
Even though the man that had killed multiple people in your town, including your mom and brother, had been executed a few years ago, you still felt like you couldn’t fully breathe and be at ease. You didn’t know how to explain it, but that’s just how you felt. Halloween in the city meant seeing people dressed in costumes and a majority of that wasn’t a problem. It just put you more on edge.
Not that your apartment ever got trick or treaters.Still.
“My friend is gonna come out to join us,” Frank said as he carried your bags into the little cabin. “Before you say anything, it’s not a setup kind of thing. Billy is just like a brother to me, I want him to meet the girl that’s like a sister to Karen.”
“Karen already told me. Plus I’ve heard a lot about this Billy guy over the years, it’d be nice to actually meet him.”
Frank was a great guy and had been great to Karen since the two of them had gotten their shit together to start dating. You hadn’t known that Frank was military when the two of them first met, but they made it work. In fact you couldn’t think of any couple that was as in love as the two of them.
So no, you knew that Frank wasn’t the type to try to push a blind date on you. You’d heard a hundred stories about Billy Russo but whenever they were back in the city, you weren’t able to meet up. Sometimes it was for legitimate reasons, deadlines for work or that one memorable Thanksgiving you had the stomach flu. Sometimes it was just because your anxiety and fear had gotten triggered by other situations and you couldn’t leave your house.
This was good though. You were out in the world which always made Karen happy, you were going to meet Frank’s best friend which would make him happy, and you were secluded from any potential jumpscares that Halloween might provide which made you happy. It was a win-win-win. 
Two frozen pizzas were popped into the oven and the three of you settled into the living room to watch a movie. Frank got updates from Billy on his own travel out from the city to a remote cabin that you all had rented for the long weekend. When you’d asked why he hadn’t met up with you all to head out together, Frank revealed that Billy liked to do things on his own.
You understood that. 
The movie was some actiony Blockbuster that you only vaguely recognized the name of, but it wasn’t really meant to keep everyone’s attention. It was more background noise while the three of you talked. Karen was in the middle of a story from her work at the law office when what sounded like a car pulling up had all of you looking over to the door.
“Bill said he still had an hour left,” Frank said as he checked his phone again. Then he stood up and approached the door and looked through the glass. “Huh. I don’t see a car besides ours.”
Karen frowned and got up to move over to the large glass windows that you had pulled the curtains closed on. She opened them just a bit and looked around.
“Think they drove around to the back? The driveway wraps around the house.”
Frank walked out of the living room and into the kitchen to check back there, but called that there wasn’t a car there either. 
“Maybe someone just turned around in the driveway and was gone before you got up?” you offered as you tried not to let yourself get swept away in worry and fear.
“That…is a good possibility,” Karen agreed as she let go of the curtains and moved to sit next to you once more. “Out here away from the city you can hear everything like that. It didn’t sound too close, now that I’m thinking about it.”
Frank came back into the living room with another piece of pizza halfway eaten already as he nodded in agreement. He sat down on the chair closest to the television and put his feet back up on the coffee table.
“I always forget you both are from small towns,” he said as he wiped his hands on a napkin before he crumpled it and tossed it with the rest of the dinner’s debris on the coffee table. “I’m used to cities.”
You stretched your legs out and then moved so that you were sitting criss cross on the couch cushion.
“My town was tiny. The kind of place where everyone knew everyone, secrets were nearly impossible to have, people felt comfortable going to anyone’s house and asking for something if they needed it. It was…it was a great place to grow up.”
You waved off Frank’s look of concern with a small laugh.
“It’s okay, I’m okay. The last therapist said that I needed to get better about talking about the good things from my past. It wasn’t all…bad.”
Karen reached over and squeezed your hand in support which just made your chest swell with a bitter happiness. How bad off were you that you could be praised for doing something as simple as talking about the good days of your past?
Knock knock.
All three of you looked over at the door. Frank glanced over at his phone once more and then stood up. He went to the door and looked out of the small window, but didn’t seem to see anyone. When his hand went to the bolt, you opened your mouth but immediately closed it.
This was just a normal situation. It wasn’t anything to get worked up about. If you gave into your fear every time something happened that was out of your hands, you’d never get to have a normal life.
He opened the door just a few inches and looked out, the light from the house flooding out onto the porch. He flicked on the overhead light but didn’t open the glass door to step out and check.
Tap tap tap.
All of you looked over to the window that was in front of you, angled so that someone standing in front of it wouldn’t be visible from the front door. You opened your mouth and looked over at Karen who was frowning. Frank held a hand out, but Karen stood up and marched over to the window. She didn’t pull the curtains wide, but she didn’t have to. The moment she pulled them even partially open, the sight made her scream and jump backwards.
There was someone just outside of the window dressed in a black hoodie with a Halloween mask on their face. You recognized the mask from some horror film or other that had come out years and years ago, but that didn’t really click. Instead you found yourself staring at the mask, mouth open as if to scream, but nothing coming out.
Things happened very quickly after that. Karen had turned to Frank who was already out of the house in the blink of an eye. You were up and launching yourself to the kitchen, hands fumbling as you pulled open drawer after drawer before you found the knives. You grabbed the largest one and swung around, but then you jumped back as you saw the person with the mask was in the living room.
Except the mask was in his hand and you recognized him. It was Frank’s friend Billy. Frank’s friend Billy who was being yelled at by Karen as she yanked the mask out of his hand.
Your body was still in fight or flight, the knife held aloft as if to ward off anyone from coming closer. When someone did move closer to you, you recognized that it was Frank but still couldn’t lower your arm. You heard your name being called, heard Karen say your name as well, but you still couldn’t move. 
You were safe as long as you stayed right where you were. Your back was to a solid wall, the knife was in front of you. You would be safe, you would be…
“It’s alright, you’re alright,” a voice softly called to you from your left. You turned your head and saw Karen, a few feet away with her hands up, her face paler than you’d ever seen it. “It was just a mistake, a stupid prank. Everything is okay.”
Your eyes looked past Karen and Frank to where Billy stood, his eyes wide as he stared back at you. He raised his hands slowly and showed his palms. Then he spoke, or maybe just mouthed the words.
You are safe.
Safe. You shut your eyes for a moment and then when you opened them back up, the haze you had gone under when everything had happened was lifted. You dropped the knife and shrank back into the wall so that you wouldn’t crumple. 
“Oh god,” you whimpered as you looked over at Karen, “I’m sorry. I didn’t hurt anyone, did I?”
“No, of course not,” Frank answered as he grabbed the knife and put it on the counter. 
Karen swooshed in and wrapped you in a hug. You held on as tight as you could and buried your face in her shoulder. You weren’t crying, no tears and no body wracking sobs. Just shook as adrenaline fled your body.
“I am so sorry,” a new voice said a few feet away. When you glanced up, you met Billy’s dark eyes as he stared at you and Karen. “I didn’t…I didn’t know. I thought it would be a funny prank, I didn’t know.”
Didn’t know what? You remembered seeing Karen yell at him as she pulled the mask from his hand and you assumed that maybe she had said something. Something to let him know that he just traumatized you a bit.
You sniffled and pulled away from Karen. Then you stepped a little closer to Billy.
“We haven’t been formally introduced. Hi, I’m…a survivor of a masked serial killer.”
Billy let out a shocked laugh and held his hand out to you.
“Nice to meet you.”
Karen and Frank had gone to bed around midnight and although you should have done the same, you found yourself still sitting in the living room with Billy at almost two in the morning. Once everything had settled down and Billy had apologized again for scaring you, you all had gone into the living room to talk and try to recoup from the events that had happened. 
Once the couple had gone to bed, the comfortable silence had made you say something you hadn’t expected.
“It was my senior year. In total, nine people were killed. Including my mom and my brother. I think I was going to be number ten if my dad hadn’t arrived.”
With that, you spilled the whole story in a way you’d only done with Karen and with a few therapists. You told Billy everything that had happened and how it made you feel. 
“I don’t leave my apartment much,” you admitted as you stared down at where your fingers were picking at the thread on the blanket over your lap. “Karen has helped a lot with that, and Frank too now. They help me get out and feel…safe. Halloween is a hard time because of the masks. It’s like I go right back to the den that night, feel like I’m going to die.”
“I’m really sorry about everything. I had no idea.”
“I know,” you whispered softly as you looked over to where Billy was watching you. “To be honest, that’s the scariest thing that’s happened to me since…since the attack. As messed up as it is, I think…I think it helped me.”
Billy tilted his head to show that he was listening, but he didn’t say anything. As if he knew him speaking would make you not say what was on your mind.
“I’ve been in a holding pattern since it all happened. I moved to the city for college and then I got an apartment and a job and somewhat of a life, but there’s a part of me that never left my hometown. A part of me that is still running around that room, thinking I was going to die. Tonight, when I was scared for my life again, I didn’t run. Or well, I did, but I was going to fight. I was going to…I wasn’t going to be caught unprepared again. I was going to fight.”
You bit your bottom lip as you looked down at your hands. Then slowly you grabbed your shirt and pulled up the hem to show your scar. It was the first time you’d voluntarily shown anyone besides doctors or Karen.
“This is just one of them, but...I was always ashamed. That I came out of that terrible night with just some scars. It never felt right that I was alive with just scars, when everyone else was gone.”
Billy’s eyes had moved down to the scar along your stomach, but the way they lingered didn’t make you feel hideous or like he thought you were a freak. In fact, the way his eyes moved along the skin made butterflies appear in your stomach.
“Survivor’s guilt is a difficult thing,” he said as he finally raised his eyes to meet yours. “You have that fear, but you also feel guilty. Like you shouldn’t get to be carefree because you don’t think you should have survived.”
You lowered your shirt and thought about that, let it sit for a while. Then you closed your eyes and laughed.
“Six therapists. I’ve seen six therapists and no one has put it so perfectly.”
Billy leaned his head back against the couch for a moment and then looked over at you.
“Every tour that Frankie and I do, I always tell myself that I probably won’t make it back. I make smart decisions and I do what I can to survive, but I accepted a long time ago that no one would notice if I was gone.”
“Frank would,” you said softly, your eyes darting over to the hallway where Karen and Frank’s room was. “He said that you’re like a brother to him.”
When you looked back at Billy, he was staring at you with an emotion you couldn’t name.
“The guy. What happened to him?”
The jump from topics made you confused for a moment before you shook your head to clear it a bit.
“He was sentenced to death and a few years ago, he was executed.”
Billy nodded as he stood up, stretching a bit until his back popped.
“Good. That’s…good.”
He moved into the kitchen and you didn’t follow or try to speak to him while he was in there. You had a feeling that Billy was going through his own journey with the things that weighed on him, but you weren’t going to push.
When he came back into the living room, he gestured to the hall.
“Should probably head to bed. It’s late.”
You nodded and stood up. To extend the time with Billy, you grabbed the trash from the coffee table and moved into the kitchen to throw it away. When you opened the trash can, you stared down at the mask that had started it all.
“Here,” Billy said as he took the trash from you and pushed it into the can, burying the mask completely. “Like it never happened.”
You glanced up at Billy’s face and then nodded, even though you knew that wasn’t what you felt like at all. Just like you had said to Billy, you felt like the whole ordeal pushed you into the healing part of your journey. Now you honestly felt like you could breathe again.
It had been a long time coming, but you were starting to feel whole once more.
“I have a box of picture frames. Where do you want it?”
Karen looked over at you and then glanced at the messy living room. 
“Put them on the coffee table for now? Honestly I have no idea what I want to do with this place.”
You laughed when you placed the heavy box on the coffee table. Honestly you didn’t blame Karen for being a bit overwhelmed. Frank and Billy and Curtis had moved the furniture into the house over the weekend so you and Karen took it on yourself to unpack as much as you could.
Karen and Frank’s new house was very nice and as everything was unloaded, it slowly became more and more like a home. You were happy for the two of them, even if you were a little envious.
Since that Halloween cabin trip, you had made a lot of strides with getting over your past. Even so, you were just starting to get your life back together.
Including going on a few dates over the last few weeks. Still nothing serious, but casual dating isn’t bad every now and then. 
As you unpacked books for the bookshelf, you let your mind wander to Billy. Since that trip, all of you had gotten together a few times for other trips or just for a meal and a laugh. When Frank and Billy were deployed again, you and Karen sent care packages and kept in touch with them. It felt natural. 
Karen got your attention as she came through with a box.
“I’m taking these clothes upstairs. Wanna stop for lunch soon?”
You agreed as you broke down the box you had been pulling stuff out of for the bookshelf. As you opened the next box, your phone started to ring in your pocket. When you looked at the screen, you saw Billy’s contact on there and answered immediately.
“Hey Billy,” you greeted as you started to pull the books out for the bookshelf.
When his voice came through, it was obvious he was calling from his car.
“Hey, uh, you and Karen unpacking?”
“Yeah, about to stop for lunch though. What’s up?”
He didn’t say anything at first which made you stop unloading the box. You stood up and turned as if you expected to see him behind you, even though you could still hear the car in the background.
“Have you seen the news? From your old town.”
Your chest felt like it became a bit too tight at those words. The last time you’d heard a version of that, it was your dad calling to tell you about the execution.
He sighed a bit which made you tense to the point where you had to turn to sit down on the chair nearest you.
“There was an attack in your town two nights ago. From what I know, it was…your childhood home.”
There was a moment where you were really glad you sat down because otherwise you think your legs would have given out. As your mind swirled, you tried to think of what to ask first.
You knew that Billy had looked into your story after you told him about it. Hearing your version of events made him want to see it from start to finish so he’d looked it up. There was still a lot of information on it, including the lack of any real motive.
“An attack?”
“The police were called to the house when they heard screams. The mom and a son were on an overnight field trip so it was just the dad and daughter in the house. By the time they got there, the dad and daughter had both been brutally murdered.”
You closed your eyes and remembered what it felt like to have someone break into your house with the intention of killing you.
“They were found in the finished basement on the floor.”
Suddenly it felt like you couldn’t catch your breath. Your mouth went dry as you thought about stepping into the basement den and finding your mom and brother. The healed scars felt like they were bleeding and even though it was impossible, you still reached into your shirt to see if there was any blood from the scar.
“Did they find who did it?”
“They were gone, but there was a note stabbed to the door. It just had a date on it.”
“What date?”
When Billy said the date that was on the note, you half expected it to be the date you had been attacked, but it wasn’t. It was only from a few years ago, so you didn’t think it had anything to do with what had happened, just a coincidence.
“Wasn’t that the date he was executed?”
You closed your eyes as you realized that Billy was right. It had been a while since you’d thought about the date, but thinking about it you were pretty sure that Billy was right.
“His uh, his last words were that he’d be back.”
“That’s impossible. He’s dead, there’s no way he can be back.”
You almost laughed because yes, you knew that. You knew that it was impossible, but that’s what he said either way. Instead you felt tears start to gather in your eyes as you settled more into the chair.
“I’d come by but I’m out of town. Maybe stay with Karen and Frankie tonight, okay? Just…I don’t think you’re in danger, but I still don’t think you should be alone.”
You nodded and wiped at your eyes.
“Thanks Billy. I’ll talk to Karen when she comes downstairs. I’ll uh, I’ll talk to you later? Drive safely.”
“It’s all going to be okay. I promise.”
You hoped he was right but you didn’t know. Nothing felt right at the moment.
All you knew was as the call with Billy ended, you needed to call your dad to let him know about it. Once upon a time you thought that things were over, but not anymore. Now you were thinking things were just about to begin.
It was dark out as you made your way through the parking lot to where your car was parked. In the background you could hear your coworkers laughing as they headed to their own cars. A shouted invitation to join them at the bar came over, but you waved them off and promised next time.
Which you’d actually follow through with. It wasn’t like it had been before, where you kept to yourself at all times. You’d branched out, made friends, started working from the office just as much as you worked from home. You still kept certain things to yourself of course, a habit you were unable to break anytime soon, but you opened yourself up to people.
The car chirped as you unlocked it and slid into the front seat, immediately locking the doors again. As you started the car, you noticed something on your windshield. A folded piece of paper tucked under your windshield wiper. 
Carefully you leaned forward and leaned out of the window to pull the paper out of the wiper. It came free after a tug. Once settled back in the seat, you rolled the window back up and looked at the paper. You unfolded it and stared at it.
Did you miss me?
Your hands shook as you dropped the paper into your passenger seat. Then, without hesitation, you started towards the entrance to the parking lot. Your headlights went across someone in the distance but you didn’t even focus on them, just stepped on the gas to get out of the parking lot.
The person didn’t move at least, seen from the corner of your eye as you sped out. It was possible it wasn’t anyone to worry about, someone from the office or just someone passing by. 
As you headed to the freeway, you connected your bluetooth and dialed Karen’s number. It went to voicemail and you swore as you hung up. You were about to call her again when you hesitated. 
For some reason, you wanted to call Billy. So that’s what you did.
He answered after a few rings.
“Hey, what’s up? Leaving work?”
Your hands shook a bit as you navigated through the traffic on the street.
“I came out of work and there was a note on my windshield.”
“Okay. Did you…”
“I grabbed it,” you admitted as you drove around a slow driver in the fast lane. “I realize now that I shouldn’t have, that it could have been…but I grabbed it.”
“It sounds like you’re driving so at least nothing happened. What did it say?”
You glanced down at the paper in your passenger seat and then immediately back up to the road. 
“Did you miss me?”
“Fuck,” Billy breathed out, the connection distorting a bit from the force. “This isn’t good. I thought that whoever it was wouldn’t come all this way, but it sounds like maybe he did. Maybe you’re a target.”
Your chest felt tight as you pulled onto the street where you lived.
“I need to call to check on my dad. I’m almost home so I’ll call him when I get inside.”
“You don’t need to go to your place, not alone. Do you think Karen is home yet?”
“I tried to call Karen first,” you said as you drove past your house, your eyes on your rearview mirror just to check. “She didn’t answer so I called you.”
“That’s okay, never hesitate to call me if you need me. But for now, come to Anvil. Frank is there, I’ll let him know what’s going on. We’re gonna make sure you’re never alone until this guy is caught, okay?”
You nodded even though he couldn’t see you. You knew the way to Anvil easily enough, but that didn’t stop your heart from thudding in your chest. Whether this guy was connected to the man who had done the original attacks or it was a copycat, it didn’t matter. Right now all that mattered was that you could be in danger.
“I need to call my dad,” you said again.
“I know, but stay on the phone with me for right now, okay? I don’t want something to happen to you while you’re out.”
You wished that you could close your eyes or burrow into yourself, but you had to focus on the road. Instead you lowered your voice a bit.
“I’m scared Billy.”
His sigh came through the phone so clear that it felt like he was in the car with you.
“I know. It’s going to be okay, I promise.”
He couldn’t promise that, not really, but you didn’t say that. Instead you simply listened to the ambient noise of the connection all the way to Anvil. 
Your dad’s cell phone rang to the voicemail twice, but you didn’t stop. As you clicked it again, you looked over to where Frank and Billy were talking. Billy had gotten to Anvil a little bit before you did and had filled Frank in by time you got there. The two of them were discussing a plan, although you weren’t sure what for just yet.
All you cared about was getting in touch with your dad. He didn’t normally miss a call, not like this.
On the third time you called, the line was finally answered but it wasn’t your dad’s voice that greeted you.
“Uh, hello...you have my dad’s phone. Who is this?”
The men turned to you when they heard what you had asked, both with concern on their faces.
“Hello miss. My name is Dr Roberts. Your father was brought in earlier this evening. He had been in a car accident.”
As he explained what had happened, you felt yourself sway. If you hadn’t already been sitting, you would have fallen over. Instead, as you were obviously struggling to focus on the words the doctor was saying, Frank came over and took the phone from you. He didn’t go far as he spoke, asking the questions you should have been asking.
“Hey. I’m right here.”
You blinked a few times and looked over to where Billy had knelt down in front of you, his hand in yours. You didn’t even notice him coming to your side or touching you. With a shake of your head, you looked over to where Frank was giving you a comforting head nod as he asked about hospital security.
“Oh god,” you breathed as you finally let yourself shake a bit. “My dad, he was in a car accident.”
“I know, but he’s okay. He’s in recovery and he’s going to be okay.”
Your eyes slammed shut as you tried to remember what the doctor had said before Frank had taken over.
“Earlier this evening. He had been in a car accident earlier this evening.”
Billy stared up at you. Then, with a glance over to Frank, he moved to sit next to you on the couch.
“He lives about thirty minutes away, right? Be enough time for the copycat to leave the note on your car and then go after your dad.”
Your hand contracted around Billy’s as you looked at the note that was on the table where you’d left it.
“There was someone in the parking lot when I got in the car. I didn’t see them very well, too far away and too desperate to leave. What if that was him? It’s not like he can be in two places at once.”
Saying that made your heart stutter in your chest as you remembered something. Something from so long ago that it had been buried.
“What is it?”
You looked over at Billy and then back to the note.
“The murders. The original murders. The only other night where two people died on the same night besides…” You let your words trail off, unable to mention your mom and brother right then. “It was never investigated and as much as I can remember, it was never talked about in the trial, but there had been speculation back then. The first murder that night was on the mainland and the second murder was on a little island. The newspapers said it should have been impossible for one person to cross that distance on the ferry in the time between murders, so they were looking for a boat that might have been used. But what if there wasn’t a boat? What if there were two murderers this whole time?”
Billy looked at the note and then over to Frank who was nodding as if he had heard. You caught a quick snippet of him telling the doctor that one of Anvil’s men would be there as soon as possible to provide extra security.
“If there were two murderers back then, then it isn’t a copycat. It’s a continuation.”
Your hands went around your stomach as if to hold you together, fingers seeking out those rigid scars under your top.
“Why me? Why my family? We never did anything to anyone.”
“It can be a fixation of finishing what was started. It can be the chase because you got away. Revenge because you got his partner killed. There’s a lot of reasons someone might keep going after you.”
You wanted to laugh, but the logic was important. You needed the reality of this before you lost yourself.
“I don’t know what to do,” you whispered as you stared down at your hands with tears in your eyes. “I want to see my dad.”
“We’ll take you,” Frank said as he passed you the phone, the screen showing the call had ended. “I’m going to pick up Karen and tell her what’s going on. Then we’ll take you to your dad.”
“Maybe we should wait,” Billy said as he stood up to face Frank. “Get Karen, get someone from Anvil to sit on her dad, but if we drag her out of the city, we can’t be sure that he won’t follow us and more people will get hurt. Here, we’re on our turf.”
As the men discussed the pros and cons of both plans, you let your hand go back to the scar. The fear that had gone through you that night in the basement den of your childhood home had started to come back, but as it rose, so did something else. A strength you never knew you had.
The strength to survive.
“I’m staying,” you said finally, cutting off their conversation. “If he wants to finish what he started, he can start with me. I’m not running again.”
Both men looked at you and you saw the pride in their eyes. Frank pulled out his phone.
“I’m going to get Karen. We’ll stick together. You and Bill should stick together too. We’ll come up with a plan to draw him out and we’ll end this.”
Your eyes went to Billy’s and found those dark eyes were already on yours.
“I’ll take you to my place. We’ll be safe there.”
This was it. The final standoff.
For years you’d thought you were safe, that the danger had been left behind you. Now, whatever happened, you knew it would really be over.
“Here, this will be more comfortable,” Billy explained as he handed you some of his clothes.
You hadn’t gone back to your place, unwilling to take the chance. Instead Billy had brought you straight to his over the top apartment and told you to make yourself at home.
You went into the bathroom to change, placing your clothes on the side of the sink where you could change back into them in the morning. As you stared at yourself in the mirror in Billy’s clothes, you felt your throat catch a bit.
Inch by inch you raised the shirt and looked at the scar on your stomach. Then, even though you had just put the shirt on, you pulled it off and held it to your chest as you turned. With your back facing the mirror, you looked over your shoulder and looked at the scars there.
You had felt the knife tear through your skin. The stitches hadn’t been nearly enough to keep the scars from being ugly, but you didn’t care anymore. Once upon a time they made you ashamed, but why should they? They meant you were a survivor.
A survivor.
“Hey, are you…”
Billy had knocked on the door and it came open fully since you hadn’t shut it all the way in your daze. He looked at your back in the mirror for a long moment before he met your eyes.
“Are you hungry? I was going to make dinner.”
You swallowed thickly as you looked down from his gaze in the mirror to the scars.
“They don’t bother you.”
It wasn’t asked, it was stated. When his gaze flickered away from the mirror, you turned to face him in the doorway. His eyes went down the scars on your stomach. The ones you had showed him that first night in the cabin after he had scared you. He walked towards you and reached out, slowly as if to let you move away if you wanted to.
You didn’t want to.
When those fingers touched your scar, you shivered but didn’t pull away. His eyes moved from the scar and landed on your face.
“We all have scars,” he said softly as his eyes dropped to your mouth. “Shows that you’re a survivor.”
A survivor. He had echoed the words you had thought right before he’d walked in.
“Billy,” you began but he shook his head.
“Later,” he promised as he leaned in and captured your lips with his.
Since you were going to ask if you could kiss him, you found yourself happy with this change of pace. The shirt was dropped to the floor. Chest bared, you leaned in and wrapped your arms around his neck to hold him closer. Even as his hand skimmed up your back and slowly touched the scars there, you didn’t pull away.
You were done pulling away.
Billy led you to the bedroom. As you pulled your pants and underwear off, Billy beat the record to pull his clothes off as well. His shirt was already on the floor and while he worked on his pants, you caught the scars on his shoulder and side. 
Your fingers went to the ones on his shoulder first, tracing over them. Then you touched the one low on his side.
“What are these from?”
Billy placed his hand over yours as you touched the one on his side.
“I’ll tell you all about them. After,” he added as he leaned in to kiss you again. 
You smiled against his lips, unable to help yourself. It wasn’t like you’d never thought about kissing Billy. In fact you’d thought about it a lot, even that first night when he’d scared you nearly to death. There had always been some sort of attraction between the two of you, something you never dwelled on because you hadn’t been interested in making things awkward between the two of you.
Although now you didn’t think that it would be very awkward. Something told you that Billy was just as interested as you were. 
Instead of focusing on the scars on either of you, you decided to focus on Billy and the way he was making you feel. 
There’d be time to talk later.
Billy wasn’t in the apartment when you woke up, but a note on the table said that he had to run to Anvil and would pick up breakfast on his way back. You had smiled at the note and folded it to put into your pocket. You were stupidly enamored by that man.
As you went over to the coffee pot that looked like it belonged in a spaceship, you heard your phone ring from your purse on the coffee table. With the reminder that your dad was in the hospital, you rushed over and grabbed it.
It was him. You immediately answered.
“Dad? Are you okay?”
“Hey kiddo,” your dad answered, his voice drowsy and laced with pain. “Finally awake enough to call. Wanted to hear your voice. The goon at the door said you’d called and talked to the doctor.”
“Dad.” Your voice broke as you slumped onto the couch. “Dad, you…do you remember what happened? Who did it?”
There was silence for a long moment before your dad sighed, the noise a bit strangled as he wheezed.
“I only saw him for a split second, but I’d recognize it anywhere. I thought I was seeing things.” You listened as he shifted, the bed crinkling him under him loud enough for you to hear over the phone. “He came by when I was in the car. I think he thought I was dead or maybe unconscious, but I heard his voice. I heard him tell me it was about time.”
You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around you as tight as you could. 
“I had a letter on my windshield last night. It asked me if I missed him. I don’t think it’s a copycat dad. I think that he was involved in the original murders.”
The slow beeps from the phone was the only way you knew the call hadn’t failed. Then your dad finally spoke.
“I think you’re right. I don’t know why, but I agree.”
At least you were all on the same page with that.
Your phone buzzed with an incoming call and you checked it to see that it was Billy. After you told your dad you’d call him back in a bit, you switched over to talk to him.
“Hey, is everything okay at Anvil?”
“You’re still at the apartment, right? You didn’t leave.”
You looked around for some reason and then sat up a bit straighter.
“Yeah, I’m still here. What happened?”
There was a lot going on in the background in the call and you strained your ears enough to pick up a few words. By things you could hear, Billy was near a bunch of cops.
“There was another murder. Your next door neighbor, Melinda Geillis.”
You knew Melinda well enough, the two of you often talked in the elevators or hallway. You closed your eyes tightly and shook your head.
“Are we sure it was him?”
Billy said something quietly to someone nearby and then it was quiet on the other side of the phone.
“Her throat was slit and then she was dragged into your apartment and propped up on your couch like she was watching television.”
The memory of your brother’s body flashed before your eyes. Yeah, that was him. 
“There’s a note here too. It says ‘sorry I missed you’.”
You flinched at that. Then your hand went to your pocket where Billy’s note was. The feel of the paper comforted you a bit.
“Dad said he saw him, recognized the outfit from the night of the attack. He also said he heard his voice. The guy came by after the accident and was taunting my dad, either because he thought he was dead or thought he wouldn’t hear. He said it was about time.”
Billy swore through his teeth. You could almost picture his face as he absorbed that information.
“We’re gonna catch this guy, okay? Nothing is going to happen to you or to your dad. Not again.”
You let out a breath and then slumped against the couch a bit.
“How’d you find out anyway? I mean, if it was in my apartment, you’d think I would have heard about it first.”
“I was driving by and saw the police presence,” Billy explained softly as someone came through the room he was in, talking about taking pictures. “I asked what happened and they let me know. I’ve worked with enough local law enforcement so they let me up. The detective in charge is going to call you, but…I wanted to be the one to tell you.”
You laughed a bit as you reached up to rub at your eyes.
“Thank you Billy. Really.”
“I’ll come pick you up and bring you to the station so we can coordinate with the locals. Just stay inside and keep the door locked, okay? There’s a spare gun in the safe; the combination is 7895.”
You looked over at the safe, but didn’t make moves to go get it. You weren’t big on guns.
“I’ll see you shortly Billy. Thanks again.”
When the call was over, you leaned back and wrapped your arms around your legs. It had been such a long morning already and you’d only been awake for an hour. 
At some point this would be over, wouldn’t it? One way or another.
The police station wasn’t a place you’d spent a lot of time since you’d come to the city. Once upon a time, in the little seaside town you’d grown up in, you’d been in the police station a lot. Not for any nefarious reasons of course, simply because your dad had worked for the force. You’d gotten comfortable in police stations.
Now though? You had to admit that you were very uneasy. It wasn’t the people themselves of course, they were just your run of the mill law enforcement officers. No, you were uneasy because of the reason you were there.
Billy had suggested that you not see the pictures from the crime scene, but you reminded him that you had lived through it once. 
It was like seeing a ghost. Your neighbor’s body was propped up in a mirror of your brother’s, down to the television being on in front of her and playing the news. You tried not to stare into her lifeless eyes, but in the close up picture your only other option was to look at the gash across her neck.
There had been a struggle. She had fought hard.
After some questions and rehashing the details with the police, you were led to the front lobby to leave, but Billy doubled back to coordinate coverage at your dad’s hospital room. While he did that, you called your dad to let him know what was going on.
“You gotta leave the city,” your dad said sternly. “I don’t want to lose you. You need to leave, you need to get somewhere this maniac will never find you.”
“Dad, I can’t leave. Look what happened when I stayed somewhere else for one night? Who knows what will happen if–”
“Hey, they said we can head out whenever,” Billy called as he approached. He nodded to where your phone was against your ear, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just my dad. Hey dad, I’ve got to–”
Your name from your dad made you pause what you were saying, only slightly annoyed by being interrupted again. Something in your dad’s voice made you stop speaking, stop breathing. There was terror in his voice.
“Who is that? With you right now. Who is with you?”
You looked over at Billy who was frowning in concern.
“It’s my friend Billy, the one I’ve told you about? He’s the one that brought me to the police station after what happened at my apartment.”
There was a long pause that made you a little antsy.
“You need to get away from him right now. You need to get out of there. Immediately.”
“Stop. Don’t let him know, but leave. Go back into the station, stay with them. Get away from him. That’s the voice I heard after my accident.”
You swallowed thickly as you heard those words, your eyes going from Billy to the door he had just come through. You could see police officers moving around through the glass door. From the peripheral you could see Billy watching you, barely making out the concern still on his face as you stood a little straighter.
“Are you sure?”
“I can’t be one hundred percent sure, not over a phone, but it sounds just like him. Please, get away from him.”
With your eyes closed, you listened to your dad plead with you while you remembered the way that Billy had touched you the night before. Was it possible? Was it possible that Billy was this person that was tormenting you? Killing people?
The things you knew about Billy told you that anything was possible. 
You nodded and then made a noise like you were listening to your dad as you reached and patted yourself, as if looking for something.
“Billy, can you check and see if I left my wallet in the interview room,” you said with a glance over at him. “I don’t want to see the pictures again but I think I left my wallet in there.”
“Sure,” he said with a nod and a brief touch to your arm.
When he disappeared behind the door to head back to the interview room, you grabbed your wallet out of your pocket and nearly ran from the police station. On the road you found a cab that was thankfully letting someone out of the door at the same time that you’d gotten there, so you simply slid right in. Then you thought about where to go.
After you gave the address to the hospital your dad was at, you glanced over your shoulder to the door of the police station. Right as the cab started to pull away from the curb, you saw Billy step out and look around. You didn’t know if he saw you or not, but you settled back into your seat and let out a sigh.
“I’m headed to you dad,” you said softly. “I don’t know if you’re right, I don’t see how Billy could…but I’m on my way.”
You had no idea how to explain what your dad may or may not have heard. You couldn’t imagine that Billy was the one that had done those things. How would he have even been involved?
But you remembered that every time something had happened, Billy had been gone. He’d been on the road after the attacks back home, he’d been out when the note had been left on your car and your dad had been hit, he’d been out when your neighbor was attacked.
Was it possible that billy wasn’t who you thought he was? Was it possible that you’d slept with someone you shouldn’t have trusted?
The mere thought made your stomach turn.
The officer at the door was a bit confused when you told him not to let an Anvil employee watch the door alone, but he reluctantly agreed without you explaining why. He was agreeable otherwise.
Your dad looked rough, but he smiled tightly when you came into the room. His eyes cut to the door and then back to you as you shut it behind you.
“His men were out there, weren’t they? Are they still?”
“Not right now,” you said as you went over to his side to grab his hand. “I still don’t know for sure, but if that’s what you heard, then I have to trust you.”
Your dad winced as he leaned closer to you, his hand tight on yours. 
“We can’t stay here. From what I’ve been able to tell, he has a lot of pull with the locals.”
“Dad, you can’t go anywhere. Look at you, you’re barely able to sit up right now. I can’t lug you around, I’m not strong enough for that.”
Your dad closed his eyes and nodded slowly. 
“So you need to go somewhere else. Somewhere without telling anyone. Once you’re gone, I’ll talk to a detective about my theory and we’ll have him looked into.”
You shook your head as he spoke.
“No, I can’t leave without you,” you cried as you hugged him, gently to keep from hurting him. “If something happened to you while I was gone, it would kill me. I can’t lose you.”
“I’ll be safe here until I’m able to get out myself. I’ll call a friend to come sit with me for a while. You’re my only concern, you’re my priority.”
You wiped your tears off your cheeks as you pulled back a bit. With a sniffle you glanced over at the door to see the back of the cop’s head as he pulled his phone to his ear. As he nodded and looked over his shoulder at you, you felt something cold wash over you.
“I have to go now. I think Billy’s trying to find out if I’m here.”
“Then go sweetheart. Do you remember the plan for Tallahassee?”
The codeword made you shake a bit. It was picked after your mom and brother had been killed as it’s where your mom had originally been from. If something ever happened and you and your dad had to run off, you’d go to a location that was a secret between the two of you. Far away from Tallahassee, but it was a word that could be used even in front of others without being discovered.
You really hoped you never had to use it.
“One week and then I’ll head to Tallahassee,” you said as you stood up and wiped tears from your eyes again. “Then when you’re better, you can join me.”
“One week for us both, whether or not I’m feeling better.” 
The old man was stubborn. You laughed a bit as you leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. Then the forehead.
“I love you dad,” you said as you placed another kiss on his forehead.
“I love you too kiddo,” he repeated as he squeezed your hand. “Go. Get out of here and be safe.”
That’s all that there was to it. And now you needed to figure out where to go to wait out the week.
You’d need to stop at some ATMs to get money out so that you wouldn’t leave a trail. Something told you that Billy would use whatever resources he had to find you and you weren’t going to give him that chance.
The man at the front desk of the motel didn’t even look at your ID or anything else as you pushed the cash over for the week. He simply counted the bills and then handed you the key.
“Ice machine doesn’t work, vending machines are on the first floor, pool is closed for now.”
You tucked the rest of your money into your waller and palmed the key, mumbling a thanks to him as you turned and walked out of the office. Your room was on the second floor so you made it up the stairs with the crinkle of the grocery bags you carried your freshly bought clothes in. At room 17, you put the key into the lock and turned it. It stuck a bit but came open after that.
“Home sweet home,” you muttered as you dropped the grocery bags onto the bed. 
You’d bought some clothes and some other necessities on your way out of the city. Here you were, about six hours from the city, settling into a motel that didn’t even have a sign to tell you the name.
At some point you’d need to go to the vending machines and get a few snacks. Maybe try to find a local grocery store where you could get some nonperishable items. There was a microwave in the room and a mini-fridge. More like a mini-mini-fridge, but whatever.
You felt naked without your cell phone, but you definitely knew that you could be tracked with that, so you’d left it at the hospital. 
With a sigh you sat on the bed and grimaced a bit at the hardness of the mattress. Not exactly comfortable, but you’d make do. If it meant not losing your life, you’d lose some comfort. The remote was next to the bed so you grabbed it and turned the television on, turning the volume down a good deal just in case. You never trusted these places. 
One channel surf later you landed on the news. It touched on a bunch of national stuff before it narrowed in to local and you waited to see if anything would come up about the killer. It never came.
After the news cycled over to some infomercials, you grabbed some money and left your room, locking it behind you. You checked your surroundings carefully before you headed down the stairs to the vending machine.
There were only about five cars in the parking lot besides yours. You looked over each and tried to commit them to memory before you stepped into the alcove where the vending machines were. You grabbed a bottle of water and an energy drink from one and then some chips and some chocolate from the other. Hands full, you stepped out of the alcove and looked around on your way to the stairs.
Six cars.
You stopped where you were and stared at the new car, a nondescript dark colored sedan. Between the distance and the darkness, you couldn’t tell if there was anyone in the car. They were parked in front of the office though, so it was possible that it was another person here just to get a room. It wasn’t far off the beaten track from the interstate so maybe they found it the same way you did.
With a deep inhale, you held your breath and ran up the stairs. You had to juggle the items in your hands to get your key back out and back into the room. It didn’t stick this time so you were able to get in and shut it behind you in mere seconds, locking it and the chain behind you.
Then you pulled the chair from the corner and pushed it in front of the door.
Once that was done you put your items down on the dresser and moved further into the room. The bathroom was open so you could see into it clearly, but you turned on the light and looked around just in case. Even checked behind the shower curtain. Then you checked the half closet which wasn’t really big enough to hold a grown man.
You looked under the bed but there was a trundle bed so not enough room for someone to fit.
Satisfied that the room was empty besides yourself, you went over to the window and peered out. The angle you had didn’t allow you to see much, but you could see your car at least. 
Tomorrow you’d head out to a nearby grocery or convenience store to get what you needed for the rest of the week. Once you were through the week and could head to the meeting place with your dad, things would be fine. You’d be safe again.
You still couldn’t believe that Billy was the one doing this to you. Part of you refused to believe it, the part that had had sex with him and laid in his arms the whole night. The rest of you had more questions than you had answers and when faced with the unknown, you had to rely on what you could put together. Your dad had said he couldn’t be certain but felt it was a close enough similarity to demand you leave and save yourself.
That night when you curled up on the hard as hell mattress, the thin blanket pulled over your body and the television providing light into the room, you weren’t sure you’d ever fall asleep. Not with how your brain was on turbo mode.
But you were able to finally fall asleep somewhere after two in the morning.
The third night at the motel had been as uneventful as the other two. You had gotten some food at a nearby convenience store so you didn’t have to rely on vending machine snacks. You also got a deck of cards so you could play solitaire with yourself to waste time.
The news still didn’t say anything about what was happening, but you had to imagine there were constant murders in the city so maybe it didn’t make the radar yet. You didn’t know how many more deaths it would take for it to hit the news cycle but you hoped it didn’t get to that.
As you crossed the room to do your hourly check of the window, you wondered what everyone else was doing. Your dad, Karen, Frank…even Billy.
Since you’d been in the motel, you’d spent a lot of time thinking about Billy. Thinking about him being the killer, thinking about it all being a miscommunication. The more you thought about him, the less you felt certain one way or another.
As you stared out the window, you checked the parts of the parking lot that you could see and then looked over to where your car was parked. As you looked at it, you noticed someone walking past your car and towards the office. It was dark so you couldn’t make out who the person was, but you traced their steps back to see if there was another car nearby that they had come out of.
There was a truck not far from your car that was in line with the path they were taking, but it had been there since yesterday. 
You looked at the chair in front of your door and made sure it was still pressed against the door. This way at least you knew you would have a warning if someone tried to get into the room while you were there.
Back on the bed you grabbed the cards and shuffled them a bit. It was time for more solitaire. You really wished you’d grabbed something else, anything else at this point. It was hard to go without a phone to spend your time, but you were making do. 
A noise outside made you look over to the window with the blinds down. A streetlight let a little light in and you stared at it for a long time until you watched a little darkness move over the window. Someone was walking past your window towards your door.
You held your breath and waited. When you heard the door beside yours open, you let it out with a sigh. It was another person staying in the hotel.
Without winning the current game of solitaire, you turned off the light and stacked the cards on the bedside table. You had a flashlight that you’d gotten at the convenience store that you kept nearby as you curled up on the bed, your eyes on the window and door. When no sounds came to you, no change in the minimal light that trickled through, you felt yourself drift off to sleep.
A dream came to you then, while you dozed in and out. A darkness seemed to pour into the room from the ceiling, like a shadow but more solid. The darkness seemed to melt and shift along the lines of the ceiling, never fully there as you stared up at it.When you woke up, it was with your back to the window and door, a blank wall in front of you. The first thing you did was look up to the ceiling but there were no shadows moving around.
You rolled over to your other side and immediately checked the window, but nothing had changed. It was still dark out there, still a slight amount of light pouring through the window. You blinked lazily and rubbed your eyes before you looked at the door to check that the chair was still there.
It wasn’t. It was in the corner now and someone was in it.
You sat up and opened your mouth to scream, but it didn’t come out as the occupant leaned forward and was lit up by the incoming light stream.
“How’d you find me?”
There was a beat of silence as he nodded then sat back so that he disappeared a bit from your sight. 
“It wasn’t easy. You really tried to drop off the grid. It’s my job to be able to find people though.”
“Yeah,” you said uneasily as you shrank back in the bed a bit, your legs pulling to your chest and bracing just in case you needed to jump up. “How’d you get in here without making a noise? The chair…”
“Took some maneuvering. I figured you’d do something like that.”
You blinked and tried to nod a bit. Of course he’d know how to get through your defenses. You should have known.
“What are you going to do to me?”
It was quiet for a long moment before Billy leaned forward again to look at you. You wished you could see whatever emotions were in those dark eyes, but from this distance the dark brown was pitch black and it made you feel hunted.
“Why would I do anything to you? I just wanted to make sure you were safe.”
Safe. You’d heard the word a lot, but it had been a long time since you felt it. And right then, with Billy sitting in a chair across the room, you didn’t know if safe is what you felt at all.
What was the next step? Did you confront him for who you suspected he was? Did you wait for him to prove you right or wrong? 
“Why didn’t you let me protect you? I could have gotten you and your dad somewhere safe. Then maybe…”
You watched as he looked away from you, his eyebrows furrowed. 
“Maybe what?”
He looked over at you and shook his head.
“You left your phone at the hospital so you hadn’t heard. The killer broke into the hospital, somehow got through the security we had on your dad. He survived, got a few stab wounds, but the killer took down two of my men and a police officer.”
You felt sick. Your body bowed in and you pressed your face into your knees as you thought about it. At least your dad was alive, but being stabbed on top of already suffering from the car accident couldn’t be good. 
“He’s alive. He’ll stay alive,” Billy said as a hand came down to rest on your shoulder.
You jerked backwards as he touched you, body nearly falling off the bed as you tried to get away from the touch. When you looked up and met his concerned gaze, you couldn’t help the pitiful laugh that came from you.
“What will it take? What do I have to do?”
Your stomach rolled as you thought about what he might say.
“What are you talking about?”
At some point tears had started to flow down your cheeks as you stared up at Billy. His hand on your shoulder, the scent of the cologne that he always wore, it made you feel lost in memories you couldn’t afford to be lost in.
“He heard your voice. The day of his accident, he heard the killer and when he heard your voice at the police station, he said it was you.”
Billy’s hand fell to his side as he stared down at your crumpled form.
“My voice? So you…what, think I’m the other murderer? This whole time. Even from when you were in high school?”
You closed your eyes for a long moment and then shook your head.
“I don’t…I don’t know Billy. He said he heard you. And every time there was a murder, you weren’t with someone who could account for your whereabouts. What am I supposed to think?”
He crossed his arms and took a few steps back to lean against the wall across from you.
“I’ve killed before. More than a few times and not all of them deserved it. But I never killed anyone stateside that I didn’t have to.”
You wrapped your arms around yourself as you stared at Billy.
“He heard you Billy. He recognized your voice.”
“He had a concussion. Maybe he heard something, someone, but how could he be sure it was me? Especially since the second time was just over the phone.”
You wiped the tears out of your eyes as you stared up at him.
“I can’t take the chance Billy. I can’t take the chance that you’re someone who wants to hurt me.”
“I could never hurt you,” Billy swore as he walked closer to you. Then he shook his head as he turned away. “But you’re right. You can’t take the chance. If I’d known this was your worry, I never would have come here.”
He got to the door and right as you thought about telling him not to leave, to ask him to talk the rest of this through with you, he opened the door and things happened so quickly after that.
A masked man stood on the other side of the door. The moment it came open, he raised his knife and brought it down hard into Billy’s shoulder. You screamed and shoved yourself up and off the bed, body stuck between going to the door and further away. 
You grabbed Billy and pulled him back, body slamming against the door to try to close it. Billy threw his body weight into it too, wincing as the shoulder with the blood pouring through it slammed against the wood. The two of you got the door slammed shut but you still didn’t move.
“Believe me now?” Billy asked through gritted teeth as he moved around you to peer through the peephole. “He’s not there. He’ll come back though.”
You nodded as you tried to get your brain to get back on path. While Billy kept his body against the door, you grabbed a washcloth from the dresser and pressed it hard against his shoulder to stem the blood flow.
“What are we going to do?”
Billy accepted the cloth and held it against his shoulder. With his free hand he reached into his jacket and pulled out a knife which he pressed into your hands. As you were about to ask what he was going to use, he pulled a gun out of the waistband of his jeans and checked that it was ready..
“We need to make a run for the car. We can call the cops once we’re on the road.”
You nodded and grabbed your wallet from the dresser and shoved it into the pocket of your sweats. There was nothing else here that you needed to make sure you had. Prepared, you grabbed Billy’s uninjured shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
“I should go first.”
“I don’t care if I was missing an arm. You’re not going first,” Billy said through gritted teeth as he shoved the cloth under his jacket. Then he moved to tuck you behind him. “You stay at my back, okay? Keep the knife up and let me know if I need to turn and shoot. Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” you breathed as you stood at his side.
He went out first and looked both directions a few times before he motioned for you to follow him. He gestured to keep you close to him. You stepped out and didn’t bother shutting the door as the two of you headed to the stairs. As you made your way past the front office, you noticed blood sprayed on the wall behind where the man had sat at the computer.
“Oh god,” you whimpered as you kept as close to Billy as you could.
“Eyes forward baby, we can’t wait. We’re almost there.”
He was leading you to his car, not yours. You looked behind the two of you to see if someone was out there, aware of what was going on, but you saw nothing. Heard nothing but the pounding of your heart between your ears.
At the car, Billy unlocked it and tugged you to go to the passenger door. As you reached out, you saw something from the corner of your eye.
He spun you around and thrust himself between the two of you, his gun raised at the man that had been running at you. He stopped, his knife still raised. The eerie black mask tilted this way and that as he stared at the two of you.
“You can’t win. Gun beats knife.”
“I don’t have to win. I just have to take one of you down with me.”
That voice. It sounded similar to Billy’s, enough that if you’d heard it you might think the same thing. But you didn’t dwell on that as you watched the man launch himself forward at the two of you. The gun went off and the attacker faltered, but he kept on running. When his body ran into Billy’s and shoved you against the car, you heard the gun skitter to the asphalt. 
As the attacker stabbed the knife into Billy’s side again, the moan of pain coming from the man you were trying to hold up, you realized that you didn’t have a choice. You had to lean around Billy to do what you needed to.
The knife went straight into the attacker’s bicep first. Then you pulled it out and swung out, harder this time. As it went into the attacker’s neck, Billy reached up and took hold of your wrist and thrusted it in harder. The attacker’s scream echoed through the emptyish parking lot, you stepped around Billy and pulled the knife out before you plunged it in again. 
Billy’s hand didn’t leave your wrist as you thrusted the knife into the man’s neck and chest, over and over. When the attacker fell, you almost went with him just to keep going, but Billy wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you up.
“He’s gone,” Billy said into your ear as he held you tight. “He’s gone. You can stop.”
You closed your eyes for a long moment before you looked at the body slumped at your feet. He was gone. He was gone and this was over.
The knife fell to the ground next, clattering loudly as it bounced a bit. Your eyes burned as you stared at the man who had tried once more to end your life.
Billy squeezed your hip and then bent down. You shook your head because you didn’t know where Billy’s wounds were but you were worried he would hurt himself worse than he already was. You followed him down, hands immediately on his sides to check his injuries.
“No, no, stop,” he said as he pushed your hands away for a second. “We need to…”
He reached out for the man’s mask but you grabbed his wrist and stopped him. When he pulled his hand away, you reached out for the mask yourself.
The man under it was completely nondescript. You weren’t sure that you’d ever seen him before in your life, not here or back home. He looked like any man you may have passed on the street a thousand times.
“I don’t know who that is,” you said as you stared at him.
“He’s dead. That’s who he is.”
You slumped on the ground next to the car. When Billy passed his cell phone to you, you immediately dialed 911. Billy needed an ambulance. And this needed to be put to an end immediately.
As the dispatcher answered, you remembered the first time you’d made this call. Instead of staring at the death of your mom and brother, you were staring at Billy’s bleeding body and his tired eyes.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I need an ambulance and a lot of cops. We were just attacked by a known serial killer and we had to kill him to defend ourselves.”
Billy smiled with pride at you as he reached out to grab your hand in his.
The room your dad was in was a different one this time, but you found it easily enough. When you walked in, your dad was talking to the nurse quietly. She smiled and waved at you as she turned to leave, giving you the space to nearly climb into your dad’s bed to hug him.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you mumbled softly as you tucked your face into his neck.
His arms went around you and you noticed one arm didn’t have the same strength as the other. Still, he didn’t let you go for a long time.
“I’m sorry sweetheart,” your dad finally said as you pulled away. “If I hadn’t accused Billy, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“We can’t think about what might have happened,” you said as you grabbed his hand to hold it tight in yours.
The injuries from the accident were mostly healed but now your dad had the knife wounds to heal from. The doctors promised that he would make a full recovery and that it wouldn’t hold him back any. 
“I’m just glad it’s over. That you’re safe.”
You sat with that for a long moment. As terrified as you had been for so long, even before you knew there was someone out to get you, it had been so hard to feel safe. Your memories and nightmares kept you on the edge, even when you were supposed to be safe.
The only times those memories and nightmares stopped were when you were with Billy. 
“When he’s better, I want to meet Billy. I want to apologize in person. He deserves that much.”
You glanced at your dad and then back down to your clasped hands. 
“If I hadn’t left, he wouldn’t have been hurt. I should have talked to him, heard him out instead of just running.”
Your dad squeezed your hand until you looked up at him.
“It’s not your fault. I told you to leave. You listened to me.” 
“I’m an adult dad, I could have stood up for myself at any point. I believed you because I think part of me didn’t trust Billy but I should have.”
You knew things about Billy and Frank, things that made it a little easier to believe that he would. Although knowing those things, you shouldn’t have assumed anything. You knew Billy better than that. At least you should have.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if he told me he never wanted to see me again.”
You tugged on the fabric of your scrub pants, provided by a nurse at some point. The police had gathered your clothes for evidence since they had been drenched in blood. Mostly Billy’s.
“Kiddo, from what I’ve seen and heard since all of this happened, that man isn’t going to turn away just because of some stabs. He moved heaven and earth to find you when you ran off. The only other reason for him to do that besides being the killer is because he cares.”
You laughed and shook your head, but didn’t say anything. Instead you moved to lean into your dad’s arms once more.
“It’s all going to be okay sweetheart. It’s over.”
He was right, it was all over. It was going to be okay.
The room Billy was in was on a different floor. When you knocked on the door, his voice called out that you could enter. He was sitting up on the bed, a tablet in his hands as he looked through it. When he looked up, he seemed surprised to see you. 
“Hey,” you said slowly, drawing the word out a lot longer than it needed to. “I don’t have to stay or anything, I just wanted to check on you.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he put the tablet down to the side.
“Why wouldn’t you stay?”
You shifted a bit before you took two steps into the room.
“You wouldn’t be in that bed if it wasn’t for me. Plus the whole, you know, thinking you were a serial killer thing.”
Billy laughed which surprised you. He gestured you over to him and after you glanced over at the chair a few feet away, he made a soft ‘tsk’ sound before he patted the bed beside him. 
As you sat down on the very edge of the bed, Billy made that noise again and tugged you to him. You immediately froze and checked to make sure you hadn’t landed on any of the bandages on his chest, but he shook his head when he could tell what you were looking for.
“I’ve had worse,” he said as he put his hand over the bandage on his side.
“Billy, I–”
“Unless the next words out of your mouth are ‘understand that this wasn’t my fault’ then I’m not sure I want to hear them.”
“It was my fault though. If I hadn’t left without even talking to you, hadn’t thought you were the killer, you wouldn’t have had to come find me. You wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”
Fingers under your chin made you move your head until you met Billy’s dark eyes. 
“Given the chance, I would always put my body between you and danger. Whether or not you thought I was the danger. And in the end, you know I wasn’t involved.” After a beat of silence, he narrowed his eyes and gave you a small smirk. “You do know that I wasn’t involved, don’t you?”
You laughed and leaned into the hand on your face a little.
“If this was a movie or something, it might not mean that you were uninvolved. But this isn’t a movie, it’s real life. So no, I don’t still think you were involved.”
Billy laughed and released your chin but only so that he could reach down and run his fingers over your wrist a bit.
“I’m just glad that nothing happened to you. It would have…I don’t think I could have handled it if something would have happened to you while you were running from me.”
You didn’t want to think about that either. Billy being there had been a fluke, it should have just been you against him. That made you look at his bandages once more.
“It feels wrong somehow that you and dad got hurt this time but I didn’t. I’m glad that Frank and Karen had gotten out of town and were safe, but I came out of this without a scratch on me and both of you had been attacked.”
“I like to think of it as cosmic karma.” At your confused look, Billy explained. “The last time, you were the one that went through it all. You saw the dead bodies of your mom and brother, you got chased around the basement, you’re the one that had to fight for your life, you’re the one that still wears the scars. In more ways than one. So this time, we were able to take that for you. We can bear those for you.”
You didn’t even realize you were crying until he wiped the tears away. You sniffled and wiped at your face as you looked away from a long moment, gathering your thoughts.
“Do you think…”
You didn’t know how to continue the thought. When you didn’t, Billy called your name. As you looked up, he leaned forward until he could press his mouth against yours.
“Karen and Frank will be happy about this development at least,” he said as he pressed his forehead against yours. “They’ve been telling me to get over my hesitation and ask you out for a while. I just wanted to give you space until you were ready.”
With a laugh you raised your hand and pulled Billy back in for another kiss.
It had been a tough few years since the original murders. Safety had been hard to come by. Since then you had kept yourself caged and terrified the whole time. It had been hard to make connections with people over the last few years. But now? Even before the encounter in the parking lot with you killing the man who had tormented you.
Now you were thinking it was time for you to live your life once more. You smiled and leaned back between kisses to mutter two words to Billy.
“I’m ready.”
Thank you for reading this year's Halloween fic! I hope you enjoyed!
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vampirememory · 1 year
PAC | Your Love Story in Song
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Someone who received a reading from me once said that I tend to write scenarios as if I'm writing a whole fanfic. While I'm not a fanfic writer, I do love writing so... This pick-a-card is about your future love story based on songs!
This can apply to your future spouse, for your future partner, etc, although it is intended to be the most impactful relationship you have. I will be using shufflemancy and intuition, plus there is a bonus moodboard/image section!
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♢ There are three piles to choose from, all are CDs with writing on them/quotes. Pile one is "Songs to listen to when you're in love", pile two is "You're the only thing in life that I got right", and pile three is "Everything I could never tell you." ♢
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Pile One ♢ "Songs to listen to when you're in love"
Walking on a Dream by Empire of the Sun
C'mon - Single Version by Panic! At The Disco & fun.
Capsize by FRENSHIP & Emily Warren
A heaviness. Two people who refuse to believe that they're in love, but rather continue to wallow in their own problems until they realize that there was someone there all along. Youth. They both take baby steps until they realize that someone has been there alongside them the whole time and together they bring themselves up. Unfortunately, the highs are high and the lows are low, and sometimes it leads to explosive fights, crying, and the neverending cycle of breakups.
It's blue. It's in the dark, two lovers holding hands as you both sob over the destruction you have caused together. You both think to yourselves "Maybe this is why we are meant to be?" A combination of hail and rain, the worst thunderstorms, and the brightest sunny days after them, but mostly because you know that others would not be able to handle your violence (not literal).
On the worst days, you almost melt into each other. On the best days, you blend and ebb with each other's flows. There is no fear in either of your depths. They can get terrifying, yes, and from an outside perspective it can be seen as a toxic, violent cycle, but it is far from the truth. It's bittersweet, it's growth, it's pulling out hair like pulling weeds and sharpening knives to cut out rotten flesh. It's painful, yes, but it's the most invigorating ride you both have ever been on, and it's the most growth you've ever had. You trigger each other in the best and worst way possible.
It's pain and ascension. Growing your wings, pulling out the flightless feathers. Scratching away dead scales, shedding and spitting up venom. Like an animal learning how to breathe again. Poetic misery.
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Pile Two ♢ You're the only thing in life that I got right."
Nineteen by Dylan
Joan of Arc by Arcade Fire
Stop Making This Hurt by Bleachers
Good morning kisses and back hugs. Shared memories and shared coffee mugs, cuddles, and long movie marathons, but something is changing.
The love you shared is changing. Neither of you has gotten this far, you have no idea how to react. The passionate morning kisses become awkward side steps, the cuddles become awkward and suddenly you hate the color of the walls. You still love them, yes of course, but it's changing it's hue. Your chameleon lover is changing its colors and you haven't adjusted to the change in saturation. The giddiness goes away and becomes...comfortable. You fear that the passion is gone, you've never felt this way before. You're afraid they'll leave you.
You both lay on the duvet, staring above at the ceiling fan. Suddenly, you're both older. "How did we get here? Where has the time gone?" You both look at each other with a somewhat sad, but tender smile. The love hasn't gone away, it's just changed forms, and you're finally adjusted to the slower love you always deserved. You kiss, it's awkward and cheeky, but it brings a warmness to your body you've never felt before, a warmness you want to keep forever, and so you both do.
BONUS: While looking for images, Boreas by the Oh Hellos was playing in my head, it definitely matches the warm energy of this pile.
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Pile Three ♢ "Everything I could never tell you"
East of Eden by Zella Day
Oh No! by MARINA
Mine Forever by Lord Huron
It was a hook-up, it was a fling. You never pictured that you'd actually love your goofy lover. You couldn't imagine them being serious about anyone until one night you looked into their eyes and realized it wasn't lust. Out of fear, you left, and you were terrified.
This wasn't the type of person you would bring home to your family, but rather show off to your friends and your Instagram stories, but now things are changing. They aren't the person you expected to be, and you're slowly falling in love with their dopey smile and messy hair. "Nothing can get better than this," they say with a smile, and fall asleep in your arms. You feel the same way and it scares you.
You run from it, you ghost them and break their heart just for a moment until you look at yourself in the mirror and see the person you've never wanted to become. You take off your mask and realize you're just a scared child who never knew you were worthy of love or desired love. You put in the work, you change your face, and break your old mask.
You show up to their house to apologize and try to start fresh again, and whether or not they accept your apology is up to them, but you'll never forget them regardless.
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Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to check out my masterpost with more readings, or you can support me by purchasing a reading by clicking here. Thanks for the support, let me know which pile you picked and if it resonated or not :)!
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peachywritesstuff · 2 years
Smile for the camera.
Ghostface!Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader
Summary: The murder of Tyler was the first of many in Jericho.
Warning: established relationship,dead bodies,attemped sexual assault, stalking,descriptions of how someone was murdered,reader witnesses a murder, ooc Rowan? Rowan didn't get killed by the Hyde for plot reasons. Not fully proof-read.
Notes: Haven't watched Wednesday but I have read enough Xavier Thorpe fanfics to know the plotline and I'm saying to hell with it and writing for Xavier cuz this man has me in a chokehold. Excuse any typos and grammar errors
Word Count:1.8k
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Tyler Galpin was found dead this morning.
The news was spreading around like wildfire at Nevermore for 2 reasons. One, he was the sheriff’s son, and two this was the first real crime that Jericho has had in years. The way Tyler was murdered somehow got released to the public and….it was horrifying. His eyes were cut out, a part of his tongue was too, small deep cuts were found all over his body, his throat was slit so deep that the bone from his spine was starting to show, and a smile was craved onto his face. It was so awful.
You couldnt believe it. You had just seen him the day before when you and Enid went out to Jericho for coffee. You didn’t know the guy and only spoke a total of 10 words to him but it just felt so unreal since you had seen him the day before and he was perfectly fine. It reminded you that anything can happen.
“The killer wanted him to suffer,” Wenesday said nonchalantly. Overhearing Enid and you talking about Tyler’s murder as she was typing. “They wanted him to die and slow agonizing, and painful death.” She turned around in her chair to face you. “I’m almost impressed with how well the killer pulled it off. Almost.” She turned back around and continued typing.
Tyler’s funeral was a week later, with a closed casket of course. You went to it out of respect and your boyfriend Xavier went too. Which surprised you, since knowing the past between the two. As the casket was lowered to the ground, the sound of the sheriff’s cries and wails rang loud across the cemetery. You leaned your head on Xavier’s arm and he wrapped his arm around you putting a loving kiss on your forehead and rubbing your arm in a calming manner.
You just so happened to miss the smirk that appeared on his face.
You thought that after the murder of Tyler it would stop. But it’s has been weeks since then, and more murders were happening and there was not one single clue who could’ve done it. It was almost like the killer disappeared right after committing the murder. Students at Nevermore gave the killer a name.
They called him Ghostface.
You began to worry for your boyfriend, him going out into his art shed and coming back when the sun was long gone scared you. You didn’t want the man you love to see become the next victim. It didn’t help that you felt like you were being watched everywhere you go. Notes starting appearing at your dorm and Enid-even Wednesday became concerned when the notes came with pictures. Pictures of you. One could be of you just chilling in the quad or you and Xavier kissing. The one that freaked you out the most was one of you getting out the shower. This continued for days and you had made Enid and Wednesday swear not to tell anybody. Even Xavier.
You became scared and terrified. You clinged onto Xavier more then you used too, you refused to go anywhere by yourself, hell you were even scared to even sleep by yourself. Xavier was very observant, he knew something was wrong. He noticed how your eyes kept scanning the crowd, how you refused to go anywhere by yourself, how you would grip on his hand a little tighter and cling to him more than usual.
It wasn’t until Xavier finally confronted you about it that you just broke down and started telling him everything. The creepy,notes,the pictures,everything. You sobbed into your boyfriends chest as he rocked you side to side whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
“I will kill the son of a bitch when I find out who he is.” He muttered into your hair. You could of swore that he sounded so eerily serious. His tone changed from the sweet loving one you always known, into something dark and chilling. Something that was so unlike of Xavier to sound like.
But you thought nothing of his comment. Too busy sobbing into your boyfriends chest worrying that maybe your stalker was the killer murdering all these people.
Thankfully, the creepy notes and pictures stopped appearing at your dorm door after your breakdown with Xavier. Since then, Xavier started walking you to your dorm every night, he never left your side unless you wanted him to, and he would scan the crowd like a hawk, itching to find anything weird. With Xavier around you felt safer and less paranoid. Well, as less paranoid and scared as you can get with the killer still roaming around.
You even felt comfortable walking by yourself to your classes after a couple of days. So here you were, walking to Xavier’s art shed in broad daylight. School bag clutched to your back as you made haste to Xavier’s art shed.
The sound of a stick breaking caused you to turn around in a hurry. You looked around and no one was in sight. Great, of course, it is your luck that something happens to you when you were alone. You weren't far from Nevermore, it was still in sight so nothing can happen right? Nobody is that stupid to do something in broad daylight. You slowly reached for your taser while your eyes surveyed the area. You slowly continued walking with your hand clutched inside your jacket pocket and holding your taser with a tight grip.
Footsteps behind you continued. Getting faster as you walk faster. You turned your taser on and turned around, ready to tase the everloving shit out of whoever was following you.
A yelp and a thud came as you tazed the air threateningly. The person’s stuff was scattered all over the ground
Your mouth was a gap as you got a clear face of the person under the hood.
“Rowan?” You exhaled “You scared the shit out of me.” You let out a relieved sigh at the sight of Xavier’s roommate. You offered him an arm and helped him to his feet. He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, I just needed to talk to you about something.” You sighed. Bending down to help gather his stuff.
“Well, you could have shouted my name like a normal person.?I mean, Jesus Christ Rowan I could’ve tased your dick or something” He frantically bent down and started gathering his belongings. In his panic more stuff began to fall out. He cursed under his breath
A camera and a few polaroid pictures fell out. Pictures of you. All kinds of pictures of you, Some of the wear you were half naked.
Your heart dropped as you held one in your hand. You slowly stood up and made eye contact with Rowan. He started shaking his head
“Y/n I can explain-”
“Explain what? that you were the one that’s been fucking stalking me?!” You looked down at the remaining pictures that were on the forest ground. Rowan tried to walk closer to you but you took a big step back. “You stay the fuck away from me!” You shouted. He didn’t listen, he walked closer to you while he was frantically trying to explain his infatuation with you.
“I said stay the fuck away from me!” You sprayed the pepper spray in his eyes. He fell down to the ground and cried out in pain. You wasted no time in running back to Nevermore not stopping once to look behind you. A sharp tug caused you to trip and you screamed when you were dragged back to Rowan. Who abandoned his glasses and had a dark look in red bloodshot eyes. You couldn't move, held down by Rowan's gift and you could only watch in horror as he stood over you.
“You fucking bitch.” Rowan’s eyes filled with anger. You continued to struggle against the invisible hold. Screaming out for someone, anybody hoping that they can hear you. Rowan backhanded you sending your head to the side and your right cheek was left stinging and your lip bleeding. You continued to scream out for help and he slapped you again.
“Shut up!” He shouted at you. And in response, you spit in his face. “Fuck you.” He wiped the spit off his face and let out a dark chuckle. “This why I like you” He started. He bent down and unzipped your jacket and ripped open your shirt revealing your bra. Rowan grabbed his camera and started taking pictures.
“You’re so feisty,” Another flash from his camera. “I can handle you better than Xavier can. I can treat you better.” You started sobbing. Feeling so helpless and defeated.
Rowan’s blood splashed onto your face and stomach and you let out a blood-curdling scream. The invisible hold on you was gone and you scrambled away from Rowan who was now choking on his blood. You sat against a tree looking to the source of Rowan’s current predicament.
And you saw the killer.
He wore all black and his face was covered with a mask that looked like a ghost. They towered over Rowan who was still choking on his blood. The knife was deep into Rowan’s stomach and they twisted the knife deep into his gut before pulling it out. Rowan collapsed to the ground and weakly dragged himself away. The killer tilted their head. Walking ever so slowly to Rowan, who was still weakly dragging himself on the ground.
You could only watch as the killer got out a camera of their own and got onto Rowan's back and yanking his head back and flashing a picture. They rolled Rowan onto his back and he began screaming as the killer began stabbing him multiple times. Rowan’s pleas reached deaf ears as the killer began stabbing him faster and harder than before, never once stopping.
You sat there shaking like a leaf sobbing hysterically. Covering your ears at the sound of Rowan’s screams mixed with him choking on his own blood, and the mush sounds of the knife coming in contact with Rowan’s intestines. His screams died down and nothing was heard other than your hysteric sobs. The killer stood up
The killer took off their mask with their back facing you and you stopped breathing. You recognize that head of hair and that back anywhere. But you were in denial, you refused to believe it. There was no way that was him. It couldn’t be. The killer slowly turned his body around finally facing you making eye contact.
As much as you want to be in denial, it was loud and clear. Your sweet loving boyfriend Xavier Thorpe is the killer. The notorious Ghostface.
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Matt x Fem!Reader she’s an ex-black widow, they’re on their first date after admitting they have feelings for each other and she’s freaking out because she’s never been on a date or in a relationship and has never been in love until she met Matt. He can tell she’s nervous and scared so he keeps reassuring her and they have their first kiss at end.🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻
hii!! I love this sm omg, so cute ugh! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
worth the wait
matt murdock x fem!reader
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word count: 897
kinda imagined the location for matt and karens date, now just realised after writing that ^^ i unintentionally kinda copied a bit of the storyline (fuck?!😀)
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As an ex-black widow, you've never had many opportunities to be human. Since the destruction of the Red Room all those years ago, you've been on a personal quest for happiness. And happiness's name just so happened to be called Matthew Murdock.
You haven't long professed your shared feelings, so things were still very new and terrifying. 
Matt's a great guy; that's not the issue. It was you. 
Since you've been a widow your whole life, you never got to experience things you should have. You've never been on an actual date or even dated someone, for that matter. 
You've never received spontaneous flowers or an 'I miss you' text that wakes you in the middle of the night. You've never had one of those cutesy dates you've always dreamed of- the kind you see in the movies, where you walk hand in hand down the beach at night. You've had no more than a few unrequited encounters, so things with Matt were a big deal to you. 
It was daunting to date someone as special as him, and you were scared of blowing it.
"Where'd you go?" Matt asks from opposite you, slipping his hand into yours above the table.
"Nowhere," you smile, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand.
"Mhm, okay," he grins, his eyes playfully squinting. He could tell something was bothering you and playing on your mind, but he didn't want to press the matter- not yet, anyway. "You're doing great," Matt reassures, squeezing your hand as if to comfort you.
He knew you were new to the dating game, so he didn't want to rush or overwhelm you. He wanted to take his time with you. To allow time for you to adjust, to get used to it. He wanted to show you your worth and how you're supposed to be treated by someone, despite your troubled past. 
You knew all about Matt's upbringing, as he did yours. You knew these somewhat violent and graphic details about each other, and in some weird miracle, it didn't make the other want to run for hills. 
"I feel like I'm messing this up," you chuckle, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
"No," he shakes his head. "Absolutely not. You're doing great."
"I dunno,"
"You are sweetheart, trust me," he nods assuringly, playing with your fingers clasped around his.
As this was your first date with Matt, you were a big bundle of nerves and butterflies. It wasn't the company that scared you. It was because you were in such a fancy restaurant and constantly worried about saying the wrong thing.
"Hey, here's an idea," he starts, a soft smile lining his lips. "Let's go somewhere else."
"Why? What do you mean?" you ask, head cocking to the side.
He picks up your hand and brings it to his lips, pecking a kiss on the back of it. "I can tell this place is making you uneasy— and I don't want that," Matt shakes his head as if he's emphasising his point. "We can go someplace else, anywhere else."
"But we just got here— and you got the reservation and everything. I don't wanna be—"
"Not at all," he interrupts, smiling sweetly. "I think I'd prefer Thai food anyway."
You knew he only said that to avoid hurting your feelings, but it's a special gesture and one that didn't go unnoticed.
On the way back, you and Matt stopped by his favourite local Thai restaurant. As it was a much more casual setting, you felt like you could finally relax and enjoy your date with him. And you did.
After an hour or two of chatting and sharing dishes, Matt walked you back to yours. Your arm wrapped around his as you continue your juvenile conversation from earlier, heartily laughing as you make your way down the late-night street.
"This is me— that was stupid," you chuckle, shaking your head. "That's what they say in movies— it's— it's dumb."
"No, I thought it was cute," he smiles, slowly spinning you around to face him. "It was cute," he says again, reassuring you of self-deprecation.
Matt takes a small step towards you, slipping one hand to cup your cheek. "I had a good night," he grins, speaking inches away from you.
"I did, too," you smile, placing your hand over his, holding him to your face.
"I want to take you out again sometime, maybe friday?"
"I'd like that," you murmur, your eyes darting down at his lips. 
He says something incoherent before guiding your face to his, brushing over your lips. He kisses you soft and tender, sweet and loving. A grace of compassion you've never had before. He snakes his spare hand to your waist, holding you to him as he lightly works over your lips. 
He breaks the kiss first and rests his forehead against yours, soaking in the memory as he embraces your comforting aura. He kisses your cheek one last time before stepping back, opening your front door. 
"I'll stop by tomorrow during my lunch break," he grins, taking your hand and guiding you into your house. 
"I'll make us sandwiches," you smile back.
He slips his hand from yours, kissing it one last time. 
"Text me when you get home?" 
"I will, sweetheart. Goodnight,"
"Goodnight." You beam, locking the door with an excited squeal.
Maybe Matt was worth the wait. 
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
matt taglist: @hailey-murdock @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @redecoratestan @kpopgirlbtssvt @scarletsloveletter @princess-pebbles-things @messymissy @schneeflocky @readerhead @thegreengoop @charmedkim @queerponcho @selfryed
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ilasknives · 5 months
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<- Previous
Hi, hello, it's been. A very long time. Well over a year, I think? I finally have the second part! I'm so sorry it took me so long, life and full time university have been kicking my ass. I haven't done writing in a long time, so it felt stiff and hard to get through, and only half of it is actual whump, but the rest sets up the story. I really missed writing it, though. I hope you enjoy!
CW: BBU/BBU Adjacent, pet whump, pet training, collaring.
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1: Nine Hundred and Thirty-Three
"Get on your knees.”
"What? No, please, I don't -"
He drops to the floor to avoid the baton that this man keeps touching the handle of, looking up at him from below with his hands in his lap, fingers twisting into the shitty thin fabric of his shirt. Maybe it will rip. He doesn't want it to. It's the same one he walked in with, and he's getting the feeling that he won't get it back again if it breaks. He digs his fingers in tighter, anyway, unwillingly.
"I need to - please," he tries again. He needs to go home. His voice is hoarse, rough from the night of pleading with the empty room, tucked into a corner, fighting waves of exhaustion with terror, trying and failing to keep his eyes open. He'd scrambled to his feet when the door opened, desperate for someone to talk to, to reason with, to see that he wasn't supposed to be here -
And now he's on the floor again.
He swallows, mouth dry. "This was a mistake."
The handler ignores him, looking over him like he's assessing him for something, then sighs, mostly to himself. "Okay. So, Domestic."
"I'm not meant to be anything-"
"You don’t need to speak unless you’re spoken to."
“Please,” he whispers, but the look the handler shoots him is enough to make him close his mouth. Something flashes, in the back of his mind. A hand through the air, a stinging across the side of his face. He flinches, but the handler hasn’t moved. Every part of him is screaming that he’s done something wrong, that he needs to hide away and wait until it dies down, until it’s safe again - but there isn’t anywhere to hide here. Just white walls and a heavy door. God, he hasn’t felt like this in years. It’s hard to breathe. Like a hand around his throat.
The handler lets a moment pass, and then two, and when he’s been sitting quietly for long enough, he speaks again. “My name is Handler Phillips, I’ll be your primary Handler for the duration of your training. You are WRU Trainee 297933.”
“I’m not.” It’s whispered, terrified, but he can’t just… give up. There has to be someone who will hear him out. There has to be some way to go home. “My name is-”
“You don’t have a name, you have an identification number.” The handler sighs, and crouches down so they’re face to face. “Look. I don’t want to do this the hard way, and I don’t think you do, either. You’re gonna have to work with me.”
“I’m not meant to be here.”
"We're just doing intake today, alright? Do you know what that means?"
"I want to go home." He doesn't want to do intake, he wants to go back to where he lives and curl up in his bed and never take another stupid fucking bet in his life. He's supposed to be walking back through the door and gloating about his victory right about now. Yesterday. The day before? How long has he been here? "Let me go home."
"I can't do that, mate. I have a job to do, and so do you." The Handler stands and unhooks something from his belt. "This is a collar. It will be yours. It's fitted with…"
The Handler's voice fades into the background behind the ringing of his ears and the bile that rises in his throat. A collar. Fuck, no. Fuck that.
"No," he interrupts. "No. No. You're not putting that on me. Let me go. I need to go home.”
Handler Phillips sighs again. “297933,” he says.
“That’s not my name.”
“It’s your WRU identification number. The collar is mandatory; it’s part of your training.”
“No.” The handler’s fingers touch, briefly, the handle of the baton. He draws back into himself, swallowing thickly, eyes on the floor. “Sorry,” he says quickly. The words taste sour. “I’m sorry.”
Another sigh from above him.
“You’re okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” The handler hesitates, like he isn’t meant to continue. “I know this is scary. Take a breath.”
He draws in a breath that burns the whole way down.
“Think you can sit still enough to let me put this on you?”
“I don’t want to,” he whispers.
It happens anyway. The fight just… leaves him. He sits and trembles on the floor while Phillips slides the thick collar around his throat and clips it into place with gentle hands.
They’re all at Nell’s house.
They’re always all at Nell’s house, because she’s the only one of them with dogs, and with a couch, and with more than one shitty, battered Wii controller like Benny has. Nell only has two, but that’s double Benny’s, and the rest of them have none, so Nell’s place is the place to be.
They’re playing Mario Kart while they wait for Benny. Rhys is sandwiched between Luca and the arm of the couch, and one of the dogs has its head resting on his foot, and he can’t even move, because it’s Luca, and he’s got his legs slung over Rhys’s lap and his head pillowed on his shoulder.
Luca jerks his arm, swerves, and runs his Yoshi off the side of the track right as Matteo wins the race. Rhys jabs him in the side. “My go.”
“What – that doesn’t count!”
“In what world does that not count?”  Rhys already knows he’s going to lose the argument, but he entertains it anyway. He rarely actually plays Mario with the group, even though they say they’ll swap controllers after every race. Matteo’s already clicked his controller into the wheel attachment and handed it to Owen. Rhys usually hands off his turn to Luca and watches as he comes dead last every single time.
Luca’s opening his mouth to start the usual ‘I’m going to get it next time’ spiel when Benny waltzes in through the front door with his arms full of Nell’s mail.
Rhys raises an eyebrow at him. “You know that’s illegal, right?”
Benny, mouth full of – something, what the fuck is he eating this time? – says, “Huh?”
“Opening someone else’s mail.”
Benny rolls his eyes and dumps the pile of envelopes – bar one – on Luca and Rhy’s laps. “Helenaaaa.”
Nell’s voice comes back from the kitchen, instantly dry, wary. “What do you want from me?”
“I have something for you.”
“I swear, if you’ve been going through my mail again - ”
Benny darts off, cackling like an idiot, and Nell – also like an idiot – chases after him. Rhys shoves the pile of mail off his lap, and it clatters to the floor, all over the dog.
“… Sorry, Benedict.”
“You’re so mean to her,” Owen says from the other side of the couch. “Come here, baby.”
Benedict heaves all god-knows-how-much of her entire great dane self off the floor and meanders over to Owen. He’s already got Chef curled up with his head shoved under his rollator, and Benedict slumps at his feet and goes back to sleep.
“Thief,” Rhys says. “You’re a dog thief.”
“You dropped mail on her head!”
“Weird mail,” Luca muttered, leaning down to snatch an envelope off the floor. “The hell is this?”
It’s a thick white envelope, decorated in gold trim, a wax seal on the back – and it’s snatched from Luca’s hand as soon as Benny swans his way back into the room.
“Whatcha got there, Luca?”
Luca snorts. “Ask Nell, it’s hers.”
Benny does not ask Nell. He never does, but Nell hates opening her own mail, so she shoots Rhys an exasperated look and slumps down on the couch with Matteo.
“We seem to have abandoned Mario,” Matteo muses as Benny tears open the envelope. He doesn’t even try to remove the seal. Absolute animal.
“Dear resident, we hope this letter finds you well,” Benny reads, pacing in front of them like some grandiose loser. Rhys considers tripping him. “We have recently started a movement to bring clinics to smaller cities, and we’re searching for partici- oh my god, this is that – Pet shit, right?”
Nell makes a face. “Yeah, they’re building some new complex for it, or something, right? I read the first one, some initiative to ‘bring business and economy flow into rural areas’ or whatever.”
“We’re not even rural,” says Matteo.
“I know. God, I thought I unsubscribed from their mailing list. Just tear it up, Benny.”
But Benny’s eyes have gone wide. “Holy shit, have you seen how much money they offer you?”
Rhys snatches it from Benny’s grip. Holy shit was right. The number is in the high ten thousands – more money than any of them have seen in one place in their lives.
“I want it,” says Benny. It’s always Benny who starts this shit. Rhys can practically feel his brain turning.
Luca laughs. “You want to be someone’s house pet, Benny?”
A grin, a shrug. Benny’s never been the type to admit that he’s wrong. “Why not? Cozy up on the couch, no job, no bills.”
“Dumbasses,” says Nell, taking the envelope off Rhys and ripping it in half.
“You can’t tell me you don’t want that kind of money, Nell.”
“What am I gonna do with the money if I’m signing up to their program, Benjamin?”
There’s a lull. It should be the end of it. It should. But Benny is Benny is Benny, and Benny doesn’t know when to stop.
“... I reckon I could get the money, anyway.”
“You’re a coward,” Rhys says, because he’s just as bad as Benny, “and a liar.”
Luca jabs him in the side.
Benny’s eyes narrow, and he squares his shoulders like he always does when he thinks that he’s been challenged.
“Wanna bet?”
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tonyspank · 1 year
Tara Carpenter x G!P Reader x Female OC
Warnings: kissing, fluff, short chapter because i want u guys to be happy one last time
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It's been seven months since Tara and Sam brought you back to their community. You've settled into a routine and formed close bonds with the people there. Life has become more stable, and you feel a sense of belonging that you haven't felt in a long time. The community has become your new family, and you couldn't be more grateful for Tara and Sam.
Sometimes you'd go on supply runs; other times you'd take out groups of walkers, clearing the area around the community to ensure everyone's safety. The once terrifying world has become a place where you can make a difference, and you're determined to protect your new family at all costs.
You've grown close to Sidney, Tara, and Ethan the most. Sidney has become the aunt you've never had, always offering wise advice and comforting you during tough times. Ethan has become like a brother to you, always looking out for your well-being and making sure you never feel alone.
While Tara...she's... you don't even know how to explain it. She's a close friend, but at times it feels like there's something more to that, a deeper connection that you can't quite put into words. There's a magnetic pull between the two of you, an unspoken understanding that transcends friendship. It's both exhilarating and terrifying, leaving you questioning the boundaries of your relationship and what it could potentially become.
But, you don't want to risk anything. Especially since Iris is here. It feels weird to move on from her because, since the start of this apocalypse, the only thing you could think of was Iris and how much you missed your girlfriend. But, it doesn't seem like she feels the same way. You'd catch her and Chad being intimate and affectionate, making it clear that she has moved on.
Heather told you that Chad and Iris have been a complicated couple since they met at the community. Iris was stuck on you while Chad was pursuing her relentlessly. He even saved her life one day on a dangerous mission, which made her start to develop feelings for him. It's painful to accept, but it seems like Iris has found happiness with Chad, and it's time for you to do the same.
It's hard to accept that Iris has chosen someone else, but you know deep down that you can't force someone to feel a certain way. You deserve someone who loves you wholeheartedly and reciprocates your feelings. It may be difficult now, but with time, you will find someone who appreciates and cherishes you just as much as you do them.
"Ouch!" You grunt out, landing on your back. Ethan smiles at you, panting as he holds out a hand to help you up. You send him a playful glare before taking his hand and allowing him to pull you up. "How are you so good at close-range combat?"
You ask, still catching your breath. Ethan chuckles and says, "Cop dad. He taught me a few moves growing up," he explains, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "But ever since, you know, the dead and stuff, he's been on my ass about it."
You hum in response, "That's nice. Officer Bailey seems like a nice guy...when he's not sulking around the place." Ethan nods in agreement, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Yeah, he's been through a lot. Losing Mom really hit him hard. But he's trying his best to keep us safe and sane in this messed up world."
You give him a sympathetic smile, understanding the weight Officer Bailey carries on his shoulders. Despite the tough exterior, you can see the love and dedication he has for his family.
"C'mon! Chop, chop." Dewey says, interrupting your conversation and urging you two to spar more. You and Ethan exchange a knowing glance before playfully rolling your eyes at Dewey's impatience. You hold up your fists again, ready to continue the sparring session.
After about twenty more minutes of sparring, the session is finally over, and you're sitting cross-legged on the grass, catching your breath. Dewey walks over, a satisfied grin on his face, and pats both you and Ethan on the back. "Great job, guys," he says. "You're really improving." You exchange a proud smile with Ethan as Dewey walks away.
"I have a very serious question." You look at Ethan, curious about what he's going to ask. "What is it?" you reply, eager to hear what's on his mind. "Did you take my pudding from inventory?" You raise an eyebrow in surprise at Ethan's question. "Your pudding? No, I didn't take it," you answer honestly, wondering why he would think that.
Ethan thins out his lips, eyeing you suspiciously. He then sighs as he senses your genuine confusion. "It must've been Chad then! Ever since we've been returning from supply runs, every single one of my sweet snacks has disappeared." You tilt your head, considering Ethan's accusation. "Chad? Are you sure it's him?" you ask, curious about the possible culprit.
Ethan nods, frustration evident on his face. "I've noticed him eyeing my snacks before, and he always seems to have a guilty look when I ask about them," he explains. You hum a bit before turning your head to Tara, who was walking down the community's street, looking bored as ever.
"I'll talk to you later, E." Ethan nods in response, a small smile playing on his lips as he watches you jog over to Tara. "Hey, Tara."
"Hey, what's up?" Tara responds, smiling at you. "Not much, just wanted to ask if you maybe wanna hang out outside the walls for a bit." Tara shrugs, her smile never fading. "Sure, why not?"
"Cool, let me just shower, and I'll be ready to go." You quickly make your way back to your house, taking a quick shower before meeting up with Tara again. She greets you with a warm smile, her excitement evident in her eyes. "Ready?" she asks, her voice filled with anticipation.
You nod eagerly, "Mhm." You wave at Officer Hicks, who salutes back to you, opening the gate for you and Tara to exit the walls. You and Tara start walking away from the community, stealing glances at each other every now and then.
"I actually have a surprise for you." You say, breaking the comfortable silence. Tara raises an eyebrow, looking at you. Curiosity sparkles in her eyes as she waits for you to reveal the surprise. "Well, remember how you mentioned you liked horror movies?" you begin, a mischievous grin spreading across your face.
"I found this abandoned movie theatre not too far from here. Ethan helped me clean it up and fix the projector. We can have our own private horror movie marathon today."
Tara's eyes widen with thrill as she realizes the surprise. "You're lying!" she exclaims, her smile matching your mischievous grin. The two of you quicken your pace, eager to reach the movie theatre and begin your thrilling movie night.
"What's your favorite scary movie?" You ask Tara in a Ghostface mask, trying your best to imitate the iconic killer from the Stab franchise. Tara giggles and playfully pretends to be scared, but then responds, "Hmm, I think I'll have to go with It Follows. Elevated horror is where it's at."
You take off the mask, tilting your head. "Really? Elevated horror? What about Friday the 13th? Jason is a classic." Tara shrugs, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Sure, Jason is iconic, but I prefer the psychological depth and thought-provoking themes of films like It Follows. It's all about the slow-burning suspense for me."
"You're lucky you're cute." Tara chuckles and playfully nudges you. "Well, I guess my good looks give me an advantage in our horror movie debates." She winks, teasingly adding, "But hey, maybe one day I'll convince you to appreciate elevated horror too."
"Blah, blah, blah." You say, walking further into the movie theatre, ending up at a snack bar. You lean against it as Tara continues her argument about elevated horror. "Jason is just a mindless slasher. It Follows actually makes you think and keeps you on the edge of your seat." Tara playfully sticks her tongue out at you, daring you to challenge her taste in horror movies.
Rolling your eyes, you retort, "Please, Tara. A classic slasher film like Friday the 13th is a timeless masterpiece. It's all about the thrill and suspense, not overanalyzing every single detail. But hey, I'll give It Follows a chance if it means shutting you up for once." Tara giggles, knowing that you're just playing along and secretly enjoying the ongoing debates between you two.
You turn around, facing the snack bar, and reach for the old and expired candy box, that's probably been there since before the apocalypse. Your heart skips a beat when Tara does the same, your hands touching.
You both exchange a quick glance, causing a slight blush to creep onto your cheeks. It's in these small moments that you realize there might be something more than just friendly banter between you and Tara.
"You can have them." You tell Tara, chuckling a bit. She smiles, placing the box of candy in your hand. "Take them." You shake your head, "No, uh," you interrupt yourself with your own laugh. "If you want them, you have them." You set down the box of candy in front of Tara, who quickly picks it up, holding it in front of you.
"You think I want these?" Tara raises an eyebrow playfully, her eyes sparkling. She breaks eye contact with you as you stare at her, a lingering smile on your face. "Kind of..."
"They're like one hundred years old." she jokes, setting them back down. "Maybe that's your thing," she mutters, finally glancing back at your eyes.
The two of you stare at each other, caught in a moment of playful tension. The air between you is charged with unspoken words and a hint of curiosity. It's as if time has momentarily frozen, allowing the anticipation to build. Both of you are aware of the unspoken connection, wondering where it might lead.
It's been a while since you've been truly happy with someone, so happy that your cheeks hurt from smiling so much, so lost in the trance of the woman in front of you. She was perfect. Her perfect hair, her perfect eyebrows, her perfect eyes, her perfect nose, her perfect lips. Everything about her seemed meticulously crafted to perfection.
You smile wider at yourself, glancing between her eyes and her lips. Tara's heart has never felt this alive, pulsating with newfound energy. She knows she's attracted to you, that much is sure, but there's something more than just physical attraction.
It's the way you listen intently to every word she says and the way you laugh at her jokes as if they're the funniest things you've ever heard. There's a connection between you that goes beyond surface-level beauty, and it's that deep emotional bond that truly sets you apart from anyone else she's ever met.
But she's also scared. She's scared to get attached to you more than she already is and lose you to the walkers that lurk in the shadows. The fear of losing you to something beyond her control haunts her, making her hesitant to fully embrace the connection she feels.
She knows that the world is unpredictable and filled with dangers, and the thought of losing you to those uncertainties terrifies her. It's not that she doesn't want to fully embrace the connection, but rather, she's grappling with her own vulnerabilities and the fear of being left alone in a world that feels increasingly unstable.
However, another part of her says to do it. Take the risk and allow her to be happy, even if it's just for a second. Tara takes a deep breath, "I actually—"
She's cut off by you connecting your lips with hers, and in that moment, all her fears and uncertainties melt away. The warmth of your embrace reassures her that maybe, just maybe, taking the risk was worth it after all. Her hands grip your face, pulling you closer if that were possible, you wrap your arms around her body, holding her tightly as if she's going to fade away.
As your lips part, an intoxicating sense of contentment lingers in the air. Tara stares into your eyes, a hint of tears reflecting the depth of her gratitude. In that electrifying moment, she realizes that she has found something she never thought possible—a passion that is boundless and worth every ounce of risk. With a smile curving on her lips, she whispers, "What took you so long?"
You chuckle softly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I finally thought of that heartfelt thank you," you reply, your voice filled with bliss. Tara giggles, her laughter filling the air like music. "I can't believe you remember that."
She leans in closer, bringing you into another quick and simple kiss. When she pulls away, her eyes glance between yours, her hand trailing your facial features. "I'm scared of losing you."
You gently take her hand in yours, reassuringly squeezing it. "I promise you, Tara, I'm not going anywhere," you say sincerely, your voice filled with love and determination. She smiles softly, her fears momentarily eased by your words.
"I actually do have a question." You tilt your head, waiting for her to continue. "Was...Iris the only person you had before...the outbreak?" You pause for a moment, memories of the past flooding your mind.
"Kind of...yeah. It's always just been Iris and her family. I actually met Iris a few months after my adoptive mother passed away...she was the first person I connected with after such a difficult loss. We quickly became each other's support system, and we started dating a bit after that.." You pause, a bittersweet smile on your face, as you recall the bond you share with Iris. "I'm just glad she's okay."
Tara nods, her eyes filled with understanding. "Thank you for telling me." You appreciate Tara's empathy and the safe space she has created for you to share your story. It feels good to have someone who listens and understands without judgment.
"You're finally back!" Heather says, bursting through your front door. You turn toward Heather, a smile spreading across your face. "I am." Heather lets out a loud groan, "Then can you please watch Iris? I'm supposed to be hanging out with Amber."
You furrow your eyebrows, "What's wrong with Iris?" You ask, concerned about Heather's sudden change in attitude towards Iris. Heather sighs and rolls her eyes, "She's sick, and she's been acting really cranky all day. I just need a break from her for a little while. So! Now that you're off your date with tiny Tara, can you watch her?"
You blush, "It wasn't a date," you mutter, not convincing Heather one bit. "But sure, I can watch Iris for a bit. Is there anything specific I should know or do while taking care of her?"
Heather shakes her head and says, "Not really, just make sure she takes her medicine and gets plenty of rest. She's been running a fever, so keep an eye on that too." You nod, assuring Heather that you'll take good care of Iris.
Heather exits your house, causing Amber to rise, "She said yes?" Amber asks her girlfriend, who nods in response. "Mhm," Amber continues, "I can't believe you're still trying to play cupid with Y/N and Iris. I'm pretty sure Y/N really likes Tara."
"Well, you never know. Sometimes feelings can change unexpectedly. Besides, Y/N did agree to take care of Iris, so maybe there's still a chance for them." Amber rolls her eyes playfully and says, "Sure, babe."
You knock on Iris's door, and a faint, "Come in." follows your knock. As you enter, you see Iris lying in bed, a wet washcloth on her forehead. You walk over to Iris and ask, "How are you feeling?" She looks up at you with a weak smile and replies, "I'm still not feeling great, but the washcloth is helping a bit." You sit down beside her and say, "I brought you some soup. Maybe it'll help you feel better."
You help her sit up, supporting her back with a pillow. Iris gratefully accepts the soup and takes a few spoonfuls, savoring the warmth and nourishment. She looks at you appreciatively and says, "Thank you so much for taking care of me." You smile and reassure her, "Of course, I'll always be here for you."
"Did Heather set you up to this?" She asks, a faint smile on her lips. You chuckle and shake your head, "Yeah, but still, I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Iris's smile widens, and she says, "Well, I'm lucky to have you in my life."
"Remember when Heather got sick and we all took turns taking care of her? It's nice to see that we have each other's backs." Iris says, not making eye contact with you. You start laughing, And it turns out she was faking the whole thing."
Iris's brows furrow, "What?" Your eyes widen, and your jaw drops. "Yeah, she admitted it later. I didn't know she didn't tell you." Iris's smile fades, replaced by a look of disbelief. "I can't believe she would do something like that. That's really messed up."
"I mean...she did have to run the mile that day, I'd do the same thing." You shrug, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, I guess we all have our own ways of avoiding running." Iris chuckles, shaking her head. "Yeah, but faking sick behind my back? That's a whole new level." You both laugh, finding peace in the moment.
Iris puts down her soup and stares at you. "You look happy." You smile back at Iris and reply, "Yeah, I guess I am. It feels good to just relax and have a laugh with you. You look like shit, though."
Iris chuckles and rolls her eyes. "Thanks, I appreciate the honesty. It's been a rough day." You nod sympathetically, understanding that it's because of her sickness. "Maybe you should try and sleep." You suggest, helping her lie back down. Iris sighs and nods, her eyes showing exhaustion.
"Yeah, maybe you're right. I could use some rest." You tuck her in and dim the lights, creating a soothing atmosphere. "I'll stay here with you until you fall asleep," you offer, hoping to provide some comfort during her rough day.
"You could lay down too..." Iris mumbles, her voice trailing off as she starts to drift off. You hesitate for a moment, considering her suggestion, before deciding to join her. As you lie down next to her, you feel a sense of closeness and reassurance, knowing that your presence brings her some ease.
Iris places her head on your chest, listening to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. The sound lulls her into a deeper state of relaxation, and you can feel her tension slowly melting away. You gently stroke her hair, and mutter, "You better not get me sick."
Iris chuckles softly, her voice barely audible as she whispers, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you if that happens."
When Iris finally falls asleep, it's late at night. You slip from her grasp and leave, making your way to the inventory to see if there's any tea that could help her. Your heart drops when you see a figure standing in the dimly lit room, their back turned towards you.
They turn around quickly, and you let out a sigh, allowing yourself to relax. "Richie, you scared the hell out of me." Richie chuckles and apologizes, "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to startle you." Your eyes fall to the basket in his hands.
He notices speaking up, "Gale asked me to get this." You hum, "Do you have any tea? Iris is sick." Richie nods sympathetically and says, "Yeah, yeah. Here." He reaches into the basket and hands you a small packet of tea. "I hope this helps," he says with a warm smile.
Richie then walks away, basket in hand, leaving you standing there, thankful and confused. Maybe he was the one who stole Ethan's snacks.
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s0ulsniper · 1 year
If you're still doing the prompt thing, could you do 21 and 12 for a Flamingo x Reader with a reader that's good with kids? As someone who's been told they're good with kids a few times, I can't help but imagine he'd think that I want kids even though I don't. (For context he's mentioned before that he doesn't want kids and thinks he wouldn't be a good father. I mostly remember him talking about it in "Roblox Parenthood" and "I'm raising a baby" but, I'm sure there's more examples out there)
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hey anon !!
I love that idea, I think it would be pretty funny.
21.) "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
12.) "No no– it's alright, come here."
c/n = childs name
you and albert had taken a babysitting "job" from one of his friends aunt's while they were out on vacation.
it had been exhausting but better than doing nothing all day, and it paid well.
"c/n, bedtime!" You call out into the living room.
he whines of course but obliges, putting his toys neatly back into his toy box.
you pick him up and take him upstairs, Albert watching from the couch.
after you put him to bed you come back down and sink into the couch, your head on albert's lap as you sigh.
"only a couple more days." he jokes.
he looks down at you on his lap and smiles, he feels so lucky to (basically) have you.
"I think I'm in love with you." he blurts. "And I'm terrified."
You look up at him with confusion in your eyes.
"you're terrified?" you sit up. "I'm sorry-"
you stand up off the couch.
"no no- it's alright, come here." he grabs your wrist.
you lay back down to let him explain.
"I'm not terrified of you, I'm terrified of what's to come. I haven't ever loved someone the way that I love you. I think of a future with you everyday."
he stares down at you, eyes darting from your eyes and lips.
"I just don't wanna let you down-"
you cock an eyebrow, confused.
"let me down?"
"well you seemed to love kids so much and-" your laugh interrupts him.
"I don't think I'll ever want kids, albert."
his mouth falls agape but then closes again.
"well that's a relief." he sighs out, thumb caressing your cheek. "I'm going to kiss you now."
he waits for consent before he leans down to kiss you.
it was slow and passionate, a long awaited kiss.
you felt him smile, you doing the same against your will.
for the rest of the night you and albert slept, tangled into each other on the couch ready to take the next couple days by storm until you get alone time.
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mazeofyeni · 24 days
( 𝓓rabble ) the final straw ft. lee jeno ̨ ! ୨୧ 一 act iii ՞
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⸃ ⸰ ⌁ after the fan that had been stalking yoonchae finally manages to find her apartment she finally breaks down  ヾ
time ・ december 2023 p. yoonchae ・ sasaeng ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ g ・ angst ‎ ‎ ‎ cw ・ ‎ ‎ ‎stalking , anxiety attacks ‎ ‎ wc ・ ‎1k ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎| ‎ yoonchae's story
「 yoochaes masterlist 𖹭 」
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when fans first began to show up to her apartment; yoonchae was moved from her apartment, ordered to stay in a hotel for a while, of course she didn't stay in a hotel, she slept on chenles' couch— but she soon missed her own bed, and her cat; so the company thought it would be okay if she did moved back into her apartment as long as she was careful of her surroundings, and everything was fine — up until that day.
she didn't feel like anything was out of the ordinary except the weight from the day on her; she had gotten off of a hectic schedule, a staff member bringing her back from the company. her street was quiet, her building mostly consisted of families. that's why she felt bad when the fans would show up. she thanked the manager, he even offered to walk her up which she declined. “it's late , you should go home and get some rest.” she climbed out of the car , waving off the manager, who waited for her to enter the apartment doors before driving off.
she pressed the elevator button , sending a text to her mother who she had neglected to respond to due to being busy , while waiting for it to come down, pressing her floor making her way up to her apartment. “hi babies.” her cats waited, purring at her feet. “did you eat?” she closed the door, making sure it was locked. “i missed you today.” she made her way to her room. “mommy's gonna take a shower, she'll see you in a few.”
finally able to rest, she made her way to the kitchen for some food, her face in her phone as she waited for the food to heat up, her phone ringing; she sighed realizing it was another random phone number, she got these at least 40 times a day, no matter how many times she changed it; called the so called fans out, it never worked.
sitting her phone down; about to grab her food when there was a knock on her door; there's never a knock on her door, her managers almost never come up and most of not all the neos have the passcode to her apartment thanks to hyuck. she didn't say anything; luckily she had a doorbell camera.
“hello?” she said , the person didn't say anything, she couldn't see the person either, their face was covered by a mask and a hat , they also had a hood on. “yoonchae?” she didn't recognize the voice , and that's when her heart dropped, did someone get into her apartment building? the person began banging on the door , harsher , she could see the door shaking.
the person outside the door was relentless, pounding at the door , screaming her name and other obscure things, her neighbors probably hearing this; she was terrified. she ran to the kitchen grabbing her phone to dial for the police. “please help.” she didn't realize she was crying until she tasted the saltiness on her lips. “please come quickly.” she sobbed into the phone. “please.”
hanging up the phone , she ran to her room to hide and wait for the police , she dialed the only number she could see through her tears, and the closest person to her. “yoonchae?” she heard jenos voice. “jeno.” she cried. “th-there's someone out there.”
“out where? where are you?” he asked. “my apartment, they got in somehow.” she said. “how? how the hell did they find your number.” he said. “i don't know, they must've followed me up , but there was no one in the elevator.” she said. “i called the police and they haven't shown up yet , I'm so scared , they're pounding on the door.”
she could feel the tightness in her chest , she had been experiencing panic attacks ever since they figured out her address the first time. “hey calm down , wait for the police to get there,” he said. “im coming now i'm close by.”
the banging on the door came to a quick halt, the person probably running away. “the person probably realized we were coming and ran away.” the police arrived soon; jeno must've informed the manager because he showed up around the time the police did , along with himself. “i should've walked you up, i didn't even see anyone following behind you.”
the manager talked to the police, while jeno comforted her but she couldn't even let out a sigh of relief , her whole body was shaking with fear , it felt like everything was was finally coming to a hilt , the stress from everything, the crazy fans constantly harassing her , this seemed to be the breaking point , she couldn't hear anything, even when the police arrived , it felt like she was having a out of body experience , they could barely get anything out the girl. “i don't think she's doing good.”
“she's had schedule after schedule , she hasn't had a day off in like 6 months.” the manager said. “i talked to the rest of the managers and they informed the CEO, we all think she should get some help.” he said, rubbing his temples.
“i don't need help.” she said. “yeah you do.” jeno said, he could see she needed it , hell everyone could see she needed it , even her mother who was miles away could tell just from hearing her voice; she could still remember her mother crying telling her to slow down a bit , she'd been working non stop for the past 4 years without any breaks.
“if you don't get help it won't end well , you're trying , but everyone can see it.” jeno said. “look at you still shaking , panic attacks after every show isn't normal.” he rubbed her shoulders calmly. “i already talk to the CEO , they think it's what's best.” the manager said , she sighed nodding. “you have to move out of here as well, it's clearly not safe now that they know your apartment number.”
“you can stay in a hotel until the company finds you a new apartment.” you packed a bag. “jaemin wouldn't mind 2 new cats for a minute.” jeno said , watching you pack a bag. “it's just until they find you a new one.” he said. “don't worry.”
“it's gonna be okay.” jeno wrapped his arms around the girl. “get the help you need, go see your grandmother in jeju.” he said. “maybe you can go visit your family.” he said. “it'll be okay.” he kissed her forehead, something he did even when they were young. “the manager is gonna take you to a hotel, i’ll get your babies to jaemins.”
it was quite ride back to the hotel , the managers making phone calls to all the necessary people , they found a nice hotel for the night, her mother was stressed over the text messages, she was begging for her to see if she could come home just for a while , she told her she'd come home if she could but she needed to receive her treatment.
the manager rode with her all the way up to her room. “stay here for a couple days, clear your head until the treatments start,” he said , sitting the bags you packed on the hotel room floor. “the company will find you a better apartment , more secure than the old one.” was the last thing he said , before he left the girl.
she didn't want to be alone , but she didn't want to call anyone , she didn't want to be a burden to anyone. jeno did call her to make sure she was alright, the rest of the boys were told what happened , but the managers told them to not bother her until the morning.
for now she was alone , all alone in her hotel room , feeling ten times as worse as she was already feeling.
it was gonna be a long recovery for the the girl.
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Long Term Love with Azumane Asahi
Pairing: Azumane Asahi/Trans Male reader Warnings: Mentions of Dysphoria, references to sex Summary: Despite growing up together, despite dating since before middle school started, despite everything really, sometimes how much Azumane loves you still catches you off guard.
You've spent your whole life with Asahi, or at least all of it that your remember, he's been your next door neighbor since elementary school and your boyfriend since the summer of your fifth year. Every major milestone has been spent together. Everything that there is to feel with another person has been felt, and still, despite it all, Asahi still sweeps you off your feet. Often without meaning to. He's always been bigger than you, and when you first met him it was terrifying. You thought he was older than you, and like most older kids, was going to terrorize you, but he didn't. And once you found the bravery to stop hiding behind your mother and talk with him things changed. You learned he was in your grade, although not your class, and you went to the same school. He sought you out after that. He'd never met someone with so many things different from him and he found you interesting. You balanced each other out, his calm and quiet eased your rough and tumble tendencies. Listening as you shouted your way through arguments you could have won if he hadn't pulled you away, letting you get the anger out before finishing your walk home.
You like to think you were the one that fell first, Asahi will argue this point until he's blue in the face, but privately, you're certain. It was when you were finally sure of yourself, when you knew you were a boy not a girl. When after months of fearing what he would say you bit the bullet and brought it up. He was confused and after a lengthy explanation on your end he only smiled. "It... I'm glad you told me, but it doesn't change things between us. I'll be by your side as long as you'll have me Y/N, that's what friends are for." He put an arm over your shoulder keeping you close, "And now we can get you on the boys team for real." You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you at that, because of course that would be his main concern, "I am perfectly content watching from the bleachers thanks."
Asahi is the one that confessed first, and even then it was more of him stating a thought than revealing anything. It just came out and it felt like the world froze for a moment. You could still remember what you were doing at the time. You were both in Asahi's room going over the pros and cons of different high schools and you had made a comment about how you could pull off the Karasuno boy's uniform and probably pass in it and how nice it would be to finally just be seen as you were without having to explain things. "You know you'd look good in anything right? You don't have to say you like the uniform just because I wanna go to school there. I would still love you just as much even if we went to different schools." He didn't look up from his brochure until after you'd been staring at him for quite a while. It was only after he caught your eye that he seemed to realize what he said. "You love me?" You echo, and he nods too embarrassed to speak and you grinned, "Oh thank god, because I've had a massive crush on you since middle school." He goes red and just laughs. Things don't change too much after that since you and Asahi where already pretty free with your affections.
It's your third year and Asahi has finally rejoined the team and you were back to sitting in the bleachers as you watched practice instead of avoiding the building all together. It was nice, even if the first years were a bit much. After they'd interrogated Asahi they had moved onto you. What position do you play? I don't. Then why are you here? To support my boyfriend, and the rest of the team. Why haven't we seen you around before? Because Asa just came back. It went on and on until the warm up whistle, and without a second thought Asahi kissed the top of your head and jogged off to meet the rest of the team. And you just stood there a little uselessly for a moment, overwhelmed with affection. Then its finals season and you can't remember the last time you slept. You had to study, you had to make sure Asahi studied because you were pretty sure Takeda wasn't kidding about barring anyone with failing marks from the away games and that would break Asahi all over again and you just got him back. And then there is a cup of green tea where your studying materials had just been. It snaps you back to yourself and you look up to see Asahi standing beside your desk with a smile. "Let's have some tea, stretch a little, and then come back to this." You agree, even though you know what is going to happen after you stretch is definitely not going to be studying, and sleep will follow soon after, and tomorrow you'll try again with similar results. Finals will go fine as they always do.
Then, they're standing on the top of the world and you couldn't be prouder. The bubble bursts of course when a reckless reporter refers to you as Asahi's girlfriend. It hasn't happened in years, but the offhand remark already has your skin feeling too tight. Everyone that needs to know does, and Asa had corrected the reporter with surprising sternness, but the damage had been done. But before you can retreat too far, there is Asahi. Bent to your level with a serious expression. "Don't mind her." He says, and you almost snap about how it's not that easy, "It's hard I know. But i am with you and I will remind you how ever many times it takes that you are the boy i have loved my whole life."
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