#I hope this makes sense.
irintican · 3 months
i may be rambling but i don’t think akutagawa’s obession with dazai is not with his actual person but is seen as a personification of what akutagawa covets. dazai is an abstract construct or object of desire to many characters, heroes and villains alike. akutagawa sees approval and acceptance with dazai as the source of those core needs. he chooses dazai as a measure to achieve those constructs.
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12amys · 6 hours
june 2023 me would’ve thrown in the towel if she knew where i ended up in june 2024 but i get out of bed in the morning so june 2025 me will look back and say keep going
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atvbs · 4 months
from the most basic level. art majors and careers deserve way more pay and respect bc. you have to realize. artists and the like contribute a lot to the world. both foundational and enriching.
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scarletjudgement · 11 months
HxH and HTTP Status Codes
The HTTP 403, 404, and 405 references in the Hunter Exam (as foreshadowing or character-summaries) is so sickening, but at the same time it's hard to deny that Togashi probably was referencing them, considering that the manga came out in 1998 while HTTP codes were a thing since 1992-1993 (and he spent a whole page explaining what the internet and computers were). It could definitely be a coincidence, but the definitions of what 403, 404, and 405 end up meaning is something we see as the stories have progressed.
For context, these are the Error Codes, and as the reader I think you may already guess and connect the dots on why I find the correlations so intriguing:
403 Forbidden: Leorio
The request contained valid data and was understood by the server, but the server is refusing action. (Wikipedia) The client does not have access rights to the content; that is, it is unauthorized, so the server is refusing to give the requested resource. Unlike 401 Unauthorized, the client's identity is known to the server... re-authenticating makes no difference. The access is tied to the application logic, such as insufficient rights to a resource. (Mozilla)
404 Not Found: Kurapika (We all know this)
The requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible. (Wikipedia) A 404 status code only indicates that the resource is missing: not whether the absence is temporary or permanent. If a resource is permanently removed, use the 410 (Gone) status instead. (Mozilla)
405 Method Not Allowed: Gon (Though I think the name of the error can speak for itself)
The request method is known by the server but is not supported by the target resource. (Mozilla) A request method is not supported for the requested resource. (Wikipedia)
Further thoughts:
While it's possible that this can definitely be a stretch or a coincidence, it sure is an interesting way to look at it. And even if Togashi did not intend for these to connect, it makes me even more interested to continue reading HxH to see how long they'll connect until they're no longer applicable.
404 interests me because of "temporary unavailable" and "it may be available again in the future", so I wonder if that's applicable not only to Kurapika himself but to the Kurta Clan as well, considering we're entering the Dark Continent and I've already seen a theory on the Kurta Clan originating from the DC one way or another (reddit links)
Think of these as an allegory or metaphor
Mozilla page on HTTP Response Status Codes / Wikipedia page on HTTP Status Codes
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erismourn · 6 months
A reminder especially to my disabled friends that doing care tasks (flossing, tidying up, doing dishes, changing filters, watever) inconsistently is always better than not doing them at all. Flossing when you remember to is better than not flossing. Doing the dishes when you have the spoons is better than never doing them. Even if you can't do these care tasks consistently, that's ok. Don't let that shame corner you into never doing them. Really, I don't know anybody who can function on a level where they do all of their care tasks 100% of the time. It is ok
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burning-sol · 2 years
Okay so I finished watching Apotheosis. Loved the shit out of it but the one thing that sorta bothers me was how Exandroth was handled at the end. Note that I haven't watched all the Just Rolled With Its so I don't really know whether the things I talk about have been addressed already in behind the scenes or what have you. You can add on in replies or reblogs: do what you will.
So I think one thing that really took me out of it was the constant question of "why peter?"
And the thing is that I wouldn't neccessarily have an issue with leaving this question at "why not peter?" if not for the confrontation between Peter and Exandroth. Exandroth says in its own words that Peter is a bad vessel so like. Why pick Peter as a vessel in the first place? I was perhaps thinking because Peter is a vessel who can actually handle Exandroth's possession (he has the pain tolerance and hp to account for it), but, again, Exandroth says he's kinda a shit vessel. And talks about wanting Rumi as a vessel. So is Rumi another exception? But what stopped Exandroth from choosing Rumi as its initial vessel then?
Maybe I'm just missing the point, but it really felt like there had to be a good reason as to why a monstrosity with the capability to kill GODS would choose someone like Peter. Did it choose Peter to fuck around with the God of All's intentions? Cause it seems like definitely not that based on how they act.
And I mean, in general, what happened when Peter died kinda got me in a dizzy. Because I thought it would be so hype if Peter's body got possessed while he couldn't control his body (which feeds back into the visions Rumi had) but that didn't happen. And it made me kind of sad that Charlie referred to Exandroth as a one note, joking character because I was FULLY invested in that plot line. Stakes got 10x higher for me when I learnt Exandroth was part of the reason why shit hit the fan in the first place. I was as invested in its path of retribution as Thanatos' goal to slay the gods - but it seemed like Exandroth just got overshadowed. Obviously, fair enough that Charlie didn't want to play Exandroth solo but I'm just sad that Exandroth didn't get to do as much as I thought it would?
Now this is just me spitballing from here (this whole thing has been subjective but here's where it gets even more subjective) but I think the only difference I would make to keep things as close to what happened as possible - change the fight with the God of Charisma into a three way between Rymer, the God Slayers and Exandroth.
I think the perfect in-point is when Rumi commands the god to "OBEY" which could be this truly horrifying mirror of Exandroth (who commands Peter to do the same thing in their confrontation), reinforced by Exandroth revealing himself to still be able to possess Peter's corpse. I think that making such a clear parallel would just amp up the themes already present. Also, Exandroth would probably be a real fucking good way to exposit whatever plot information is need. Exandroth don't give a shit, its going to take the power for itself and become the new god. What does it care if a worm knows about shit.
Exandroth is a powerful motherfucker who could be its own boss for Rumi + Thanatos while still acting like an asset in killing the God of Charisma. And meanwhile this is happening, Exandroth would also be having the internal confrontation with Peter. I think Exandroth fighting on three different fronts not only cements their power as an arch angel who'd beget suffering on the world; but also you still get the fight with Charisma without expending too much extra time; you get to have a satisfying fight between Rumi + Thanatos vs Exandroth; and Peter still gets to have a one on one confrontation with Exandroth.
More importantly on that last point, the inner conflict tears apart Exandroth's form outside too. Rumi and Thanatos don't know what's happening but Exandroth is somehow dying even when they find themselves struggling to kill it. And when it leaves, Peter drops to the ground again. And it's only when Rumi has brought Peter back they realise that Peter was the reason they lived. And maybe Peter doesn't believe it at first, thinks he was just dreaming and that Rumi + Thanatos had been the one to do it. But he sees how fucked up they are - Rumi bleeding and Thanatos a mess of wires - and he realises that he did do it. Peter is more than Exandroth. He had the power to kill an arch angel AND the power to save his friends. And that's just fucking dope.
(If you would like me to do a more fleshed out piece of writing/art about this above concept please tell me. I might do it anyways but I still like to hear feedback.)
And obviously everyone has their own opinions, this is just what I think could be an option that doesn't interfere with the length of the show, character arcs, fixes up a bit of awkward storytelling, and maybe even reinforces themes or leaves a greater impact.
And, have to restate this, I fucking LOVED this campaign. The pacing, the characters, the world... Like. Riptide is great but I think Apotheosis is something I'd rather suggest people watch. I just think it's concise, it has an extremely clear, direct premise and yet also had enough room for meaningful characters and story beats that were just. So cool. So long as you can handle a bunch of sex jokes, I would definitely recommend Apotheosis. Go ask a rich friend to give you a zip file of all the content or however you gotta get it. Pay for it if you can but I don't blame you if you can't - that's all I'm saying.
Sorta got sidetracked but my point here is that I don't hate this campaign, I just feel like it could have done more with Exandroth in particular. Whether it be because of time constraints or the Council just simply not wanting to do certain things, I don't hold them to blame for me not liking certain parts of their work. This is just an opinion I wanted to share.
Anyways, thanks for reaching the end of my rant.
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tubbito · 2 years
if tommyinnit was an armadillo he would be one of the ones that carries leprosy
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phantoids · 2 years
Realising smth just.
The dsmpblr community is so much less about the content creators or the story or anything at this point, but so much about the people within it. We're our own community, we've built around those within it and the people we know. And that's something beautiful, but it's also why it's going to hurt to see so many people leave, because we've built so much around ourselves and others.
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Listen. Greg is my favorite character in Succession. BUT if something tragic were to happen to him in season 4 I would probably giggle and write about it in my Succession Journal in glittery gel pen (I have done it before. This is not sarcasm or hyperbole). But when something tragic happens to the Roy siblings I’m on the verge of tears and screaming and cursing god.
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
frankly, the people whose kneejerk reaction to bisan asking for a global strike form the 21st-28th is to say that it takes years to organize a general strike are really unhelpful! no one is saying otherwise, but palestine will be a smoking crater if we all wait for years to do anything - bisan is asking us to do something now. Like are we only supposed to do something if we can do it perfectly??? At some point it’s a valid critique about the work that goes into social movement, and at another point I feel like some people are just trying to absolve themselves from not putting any effort into observing a week of economic inaction.
like idk! I get it, okay! People have bills to pay that don’t magically go away for a strike, we don’t have nearly enough social infrastructure in place to support people to fully stop going to work for a week. But fuck, dude! Stop immediately responding in such a defeatist way! Cut out unnecessary purchases! Try to shop local! Put more effort into promoting Palestinian voices online! Attend a protest, call a local rep, do something!
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jacqylfrost · 2 months
Is there a name for nostalgia for a time you weren't old enough to truly enjoy yet because it is embedded in me like fucking shrapnel.
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spibder · 6 months
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made some lil sticker designs of fnaf movie human/animatronic duos :3c they r on my redbubble if u wanna stick em anywhere lols
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its-tortle · 4 months
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— taylor swift albums as months of the year —
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neon-ghost04 · 4 months
“Husk didn’t fall for Angel Dust he fell for Anthony”
He fell for all that Angel Dust is, and he fucking fell hard
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pigswithwings · 4 months
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to care for you i must take you apart
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verflares · 17 days
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(draconifies your zelink) oh whoops lol
+ an extra pic of em hanging out together :]
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