#I included teefies
dawnthefluffyduck · 10 months
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Other doodles from that page, no learning goal here, just had fun scribbling haha (am also realizing its better to crop these doodle pages instead of flooding one post with every fandom I've ever laid eyes on)
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feralghxuls · 2 years
could you tell us abt those teeth thing headcanons you mentioned in the tags? i am v interested
i am SO glad you asked i love this concept very much
it's based on the way that people who work with big cats will often work with them until the animals allow them to touch their teeth, which is mainly so that they are able to do periodic examinations and so they won't flip out if they need dental work or something like that, but it's also a huge show of trust between animal and handler
for simplicity's sake, i'll go through the ghouls with the idea that it's copia or terzo doing this, with some extras for those who have notably different responses to other ghouls doing this rather than their papa
headcanons about ghouls getting their teefies examined under the cut!
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aether is a very good boy, his ears go down a little when copia approaches him with the intent of touching his teeth, but he opens right up when asked and will hold still for as long as he needs to. but he will be whining softly in the back of his throat the whole time, and when he's done he looks a little bit like he's going to cry. it's very stressful for him but he Will Do It when asked
cirrus does not like it AT ALL. copia was shocked when he asked her to open up for him the first time and she pinned her ears and growled at him. he tried to be placating, explaining that it's necessary, but she wasn't having it. they had to call in backup (mountain) to hold her still and even then she was still shrieking and squalling like she's being killed. copia had to learn how to be very quick about it, and the second cirrus gets to have her teeth back she shakes it off and acts like nothing happened at all (only cumulus and mountain have any chance at touching her teeth without it being a full-on fight for their lives)
cumulus is very cooperative! she kinda really loves it actually, she already has her mouth wide open and teeth bared for examining before copia even gets close enough to touch, all ^.^ cause she knows she's got good teeth and that the others aren't quite as willing. and also, she'll never admit it but she likes the attention and the praise when copia says her teeth are surprisingly much sharper than they look (he definitely nicked his fingers the first time and she kissed it better)
dew is...temperamental, to no one's surprise. when copia approaches to examine his teeth, the phrase "if looks could kill" still doesn't scratch the surface of the death glare dew gives him. he scowls and growls and resists when copia slips his thumb into the side of his mouth, but he's surprisingly patient once he's in there. dew won't allow it forever, so copia has to be pretty quick about it or he definitely will lose fingers. there's also plenty of times when dew straight up refuses, and they have to call in aether or rain to pry his mouth open and hold him still
with terzo he was a little more willing, partly because terzo spent the whole time telling him how pretty and sharp his teeth are & he took pride in that. it took several months before he allowed terzo to touch his teeth though, and even longer with copia
mountain keeps up a low, terrifying growl the entire time copia approaches, ears pinned and everything, but the second copia starts to reach for his mouth he opens it himself rather than having to be made to open up. he still keeps up that growl but surprisingly, he's willing to hold still for as long as copia wants to poke around in there (after copia figured that part out, there was one time he spent quite a while, absolutely fascinated by how sharp mountain's molars are and his sets of long double canines)
rain doesn't like this at all. he will cooperate, because he respects and trusts copia, and he won't growl or anything but his mouth does start to slowly close down the longer copia takes, a subtle threat to hurry the fuck up or lose a finger. there's been a few close calls where copia wasn't paying enough attention (too focused on all the little razor sharp needle teeth between rain's canines and how it kinda looks like he's got two rows...) and had to jerk his hand back at the last second. as soon as copia's done, rain skitters off to go recover from the whole ordeal. swiss has special teeth touching privileges though, and rain accepts this from him with great affection.
swiss is surprisingly squirmy about it. he wants to be good, he really does, but there's just something about the feeling of fingers on his teeth that he really can't stand. especially when copia rubs across his molars, he's accidentally bitten down on him before (not enough to draw blood, and he apologized abundantly after, but. oops. copia is more gentle in the future). he definitely clings to copia's arm while his hand is in his mouth, and his tail is a damn weapon to anyone within range. copia wishes he could spend more time looking at swiss's teeth though, because he, like mountain, also has double canines, the outside ones not quite as long as mountain's but just as sharp. when he is done, he steps back and licks over his teeth & lips like a dog who's just been given a spoonful of peanut butter (which copia privately thinks its fricken adorable)
stratus likes to snap her teeth as copia approaches, but she's also grinning like a little imp. she thinks it's funny how he flinches a little and pretends like he doesn't, but when it comes down to it she opens wide and even pulls her tongue out of the way for him. but it's a bit of a trap; she won't fully chomp down on him, but she does gnaw on his hand while he's trying to feel around in her mouth. mostly she doesn't draw blood, but she does have lots of sharp little teeth like a kitten, so it happens on accident. don't worry though, she always licks it better (no matter how many times copia gently tries to explain to her that the healing properties of ghoul saliva doesn't really work on humans)
alpha will absolutely refuse to let terzo anywhere near his mouth, except to bite him. (that's his story, anyway. they'll take it to their graves but he does let terzo check his teeth as long as there's absolutely no chance anyone else is anywhere nearby). he puts up a good fight with secondo but eventually relents, because secondo doesn't hesitate to get mean as fuck about it. and he doesn't get a choice with primo. with primo, he hardly gets the chance to think about it, the old man is extremely spry and very good at lulling alpha into the false complacency with conversation, and then he springs it on alpha and the whole thing is over before he even processes what happened.
(and just for shits and giggles, and because i have been talking about them lately: he growls and glares the whole time when swiss pries his mouth open, putting up a good front. but he always lets swiss poke around in his mouth for as long as he wants and he always opens up on the first ask. (this wasn't true the first time, or several times after that; he put up a good fight but swiss eventually won, because he always does))
omega is a good boy for terzo and only terzo. even then he still resists a little, tipping his head up out of reach until terzo reaches up to slip his thumb into the corner of his mouth, and once he gets his mouth open, he's very good and patient, doesn't even whine like aether. with secondo, he definitely resists a bit more, tossing his head around even as he verbally agrees to open up, he won't at first. again though, good boy once his mouth is open. primo asks him once, and barely gives him the chance to answer before he does the same thing he does to alpha, quick as a damn snake and it's over before he knows it. though sometimes primo will spend a while exploring inside his mouth, he mostly is just very deft and professional about it.
ifrit is the goodest boy. he loves having his teeth examined and likes to follow terzo's fingers around in his mouth with his tongue, fascinated to feel what terzo is feeling. he always asks if he passed after, and terzo smiles at him and says his teeth are in excellent form as always. sometimes he tracks down his bestie swisstopher and just goes :V at him until swiss pokes around in his mouth and ifrit purrs at him the whole time. he loves it.
mist is okay with it, you have to catch her in the right mood (which terzo has terrible luck with). he learned quickly that if she's not having it, it's best to give up and try again later because he's liable to lose half his fingers and his bassist if he pushes it. if she is in a cooperative mood though, she's still not exactly nice about it. she gives him a nasty side-eye the whole time and barely opens her mouth wide enough for him to get a couple fingers in there. however, she almost always will let omega into her mouth, so terzo mostly just lets him handle that. they have a weird relationship, built on high levels of mutual respect while also keeping each other in check & being unafraid to call each other on their shit.
chAir is an absolute monster if anyone but ifrit tries to open his mouth, and even then he Grumbles and growls about how ridiculous and demeaning this is. ifrit just shrugs and keeps at it, says it's important and has to be done, a ghoul's teeth are vital organs. to which chAir scoffs and mutters something about doubting whether or not ifrit would even know if anything is amiss if he thinks teeth are organs. (ifrit and chAir also have a strange relationship, in which ifrit adores chAir and chAir is a grumpy old man who begrudgingly accepts ifrit's affections)
terzo tries to insist that his human dentist knows what they're doing, but omega insists he hush and let him look. he is fascinated by terzo's blunt molars and his tiny, cute little canines, and spends quite some time running his fingertips over the smooth edges of his teeth until terzo's jaw aches.
copia thinks it's very sweet of his ghouls to try to check his teeth, but he also has a dentist and can they please do this one at a time and not four of them at once. mountain wants to know how his eensy flat molars chew anything at all, stratus says that he ought to sharpen his teeth more often and is puzzled when copia explains that it doesn't work like that. swiss spends a while prodding at the sharpest edges he can find and laments that he can't get any of them to prick his fingertips, and how it must be difficult for copia to live like this, unable to bite his partners effectively. dew thinks copia is doing this for attention (he also wants to poke around in copia's mouth, but he'll never admit it).
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cupidspup · 3 months
kitten regressor Alastor from Hazbin Hotel headcanon? Do you do moodboards too? If not that’s fine but I would also like a moodboard on the same subject with gothic cat items and gothic Lolita aesthetic with a gothic teacup with red tea if at all possible.If you are uncomfortable with the moodboard request it’s ok. Please, I know this is an incredibly weird headcanon but… ps: you don’t have to include any bones/skulls/blood/gore ect. if that makes you uncomfortable. If all of this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to ignore it.
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Hello! I'd be more than happy to make a headcanon list for you! I will say first that I don't do moodboards or anything like that :") this is an agere fanfic account so anything under the writing category is more than welcome! ^^ (it's also my first time doing this too so I hope you like it!!૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა)
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Kitten Regressor! Alastor Headcanons!
Ft. Auntie Rosie!! :D
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🐾 Kitty alastor is definitely the temperamental type. He will refuse to interact with you if he doesn't get to know you first and will only interact if he comes up to you first.
❤️ Little Alastor is also extremely picky on who gets to touch/pet him. His cg or Auntie Rosie are the ONLY ones allowed to touch him, especially without asking.
📻 He isn't into playing in the typical way you'd think he'd do. He's the kind where he'll "hide and stalk" whatever he deems as his "prey" and attack it when he feels ready! He's a lil kitty hunter!
🐾 Because he's a cannibal it can be a bit difficult to get him to eat foods especially the stuff he's usually used to. BUT, Auntie Rosie always has some snacks handy! Just a pinky finger or two maybe x]
❤️ If it's naptime, Alastor will ONLY allow himself to be tucked in and put down for sleep if you cuddle up, hold him and pet him until he's snoozing away (his cg is NOT allowed to move until he's awake again)
📻 When Alastor is upset he's not the crying type, he lashes out and isolates. He can be a lil violent that's because he doesn't know how else to express himself when he's so deep in kittyspace! Give him time/patience. All he needs is love and safe space ❤️
🐾Not necessarily a kitty alastor headcanon but I like to think he'd play with his shadow self when he's alone! He's not fond of many people in that headspace so why not? ^^
❤️ Alastor isn't a fan of pacifiers when he's regressed BUT he does like chew toys like teethers! Especially the ones with liquid in them! The only issue is getting some that his pointy teefies won't puncture :"]
📻 Kitty Alastor doesn't like talking much BUT his personality is very similar to how the Cheshire cat would act! (And he absolutely loves watching Alice in Wonderland for that exact reason too! But only on vhs)
🐾 He absolutely does make muffins but only if no one is looking
❤️ He loves to play dress up with his Auntie Rosie! She'll play his favorite music on the radio and talk to him for hours and hours while dressing him up in a outfit she "just had to see him in"
📻 Alastor has a hard time expressing himself and saying "I love you" more than anything so! How does he get around this? A slow double blink and a soft head but to show he loves his cg❤️
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A/N: Weeee!! I hope you liked it! This was my first time and I really had to sit and think about this one but I had fun! ^^ I hope this is up to your standards and I hope I get more writing requests soon! Stay safe everyone!!🩷
-Love, Kyupie˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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briseise · 1 year
esteemed briseise.
i am currently attempting to draw rendog and i am failing to achieve that dilf at the renfaire vibe that you capture so well in your own work. i thought it would be prudent to ask you, person who singlehandedly made me attracted to mr dog with your fantastic representation of him, for any tips as to how you get your design to look so accurate to the vibes. is it the facial expression? the hair? reveal your secrets to me please, so that i may attempt to summon but a fraction of your skill.
you don't have to respond to this or answer my question. it is currently almost 5am and i have a full page of shitty rendog approximations in front of me, so as you can imagine my sanity meter is almost empty and i cannot really discern what is a normal thing to ask someone
aeiiii sorry for taking so long to answer this cracked me up when i first read this message!
and listen. my design for him changes so much constantly, so i've tried to pin down the bits that i always try to include-
teefies!! and those big fluffie german shepherd ears. that's essential.
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hair! i change the length/texture/style of his hair all the time, but it's gotta be dramatic and outrageous, just like him <33
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i also tend to draw him with strong features, like his nose and chin etc etc. also can't forget the little happy eye-corner crinkles. sillyyy
also. i forget his glasses/sunglasses all the time. it's fine. it's fineeeee.
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last but not least- sometimes he's suave and swag and sometimes he's a cringefail theatre kid babygirl. these go hand in hand they are so important- he contains multitudes
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cebwrites · 2 years
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heart pirates!! ❤️🏴‍☠️ i’ve always wanted to draw all the goobers i’ve named and i finally had enough of a kick to do it!! 
this is a little different from my usual format and setup, but fuck it i’ll include a cursory introduction under the cut
maybe more general hcs later on if anyone would be interested in hearing any specifics? 🤔
Heart Pirates - Intro
Bepo and Law are the youngest Heart Pirates at 22, and 26, Shachi and Penguin are 27 and 28 respectively; everyone else is in their late-20s to mid-40s. Cal is early 20s but I don’t much consider him ‘canon’ a lot of the time
As far as we’ve seen from brief glimpses in the anime and manga, it looks like Fang could be the Heart’s helmsman - he’s grown to view Bepo quite fondly through their interactions since Bep is the resident navigator - Fang likes teasing his polar friend but will just as quickly come to Bepo’s aid and defense, battle axe at the ready
Ikakku is one of the Tang’s engineers and self-appointed mom friend of the crew - she’s never in one place for very long, running up and down to make sure everything’s in tip top shape at all times; if Law isn’t around, Ikakku insists that everything would fall apart if she wasn’t there to make everyone pick up their own slack She also refills her insomniac captain’s coffee frequently and uses that opportunity to act like an affectionately annoying older sibling
Although Bepo is usually the one people would assume is Law’s first mate, duties pertaining to it are split between him, Penguin, and Shachi -the three of them and Ikakku converge a lot because the responsibilities they assign themselves tend to overlap, but Penguin typically still likes to keep a modicum of decorum when the others start getting cheeky and even Ikakku can’t resist joining in on the fun
Hake handles finances and Hoki helps them organize their hellish workspace - they’re both haughty and catty by trade, but can be sweet when they need to be - Hake was also a tattoo artist prior to joining the crew and is responsible for a lot (but not all) of the crew’s in tat work
Additionally, every Heart Pirate with the exception of Bepo has their jolly roger inked somewhere on their body, along with more personal tattoos for specific members in particular
Bas and Laeno are the chefs responsible for feeding this big ol’ Heart Pirate family, Dorie helps around when things get too hectic 
Law can’t be the only doctor on board, right? (especially with how frequently they go AWOL) Marl and Gul are the ones who handle most medical things if their captain isn’t around, although Law makes sure that at least a little more than two thirds of his crew have basic first aid knowledge if push comes to shove
Marl also sneaks candies to Bepo if he’s been particularly brave during a scary procedure that day 
I’d like to think that Uni also has some medical expertise before meeting Law (what’s behind the scarf sir you hiding some Katakuri teefies, maybe fishman or other beastly traits perhaps??? 👀) Clione likes to help to the best of his abilities but he’s ends up getting in the way sometimes; he’s better off running things in the boiler rooms
I’m not entirely sure what Ani’s role would be yet, but honestly that could lean well to them helping Jean Bart get acclimated to the crew once he’s brought on board as someone who generally fades into the background a lot and would know how everything runs, she’s showing peepaw the ropes with (mostly) an unbiased lens
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minotaur-asterion · 1 year
Oliver Swift headcanons!!!
(It’s probably obvious that I like him)
Oliver has a knack for sketching blueprints. He can also draw cats (the ugly ones from silly pictures- he’s a natural with the blobby and lumpy shapes) and such, but not people
While passing time on the job, Oliver can sometimes be seen taking stuff apart and then putting it back together. If he’s in an inventing mood, he may just make a gadget, a gizmo, a whatchamacallit, or even a thingamajig. The cinema usually swallows the resulting amalgamation though…
There’s enough strength in his little goblin hands to strangle god, if need be, although I doubt there’d be a situation where that‘d HAVE to happen
Oliver’s parents were always part of organized crime. The Icarus Club is what would happen if Mr. Dickens was involved too
Have I mentioned that Oliver has four parents? (I just like talking about it)
ADHD and autism creature, as decided by me, who is also an ADHD and autism creature. Oliver seeks out a lot of mental stimulation, including the pleasantly numbing art of MacGyvering a pistol because you’re bored. He can be icky about being touched, especially by strangers
Sharp teeth… he can’t have a lot of ice cream because it’ll hurt his little teefies, poor thing. His favorite flavors are chocolate and vanilla
This is always up to personal interpretation, but for me Oliver gives off the no HRT vibes. Projecting time lol
On the same note, he had top surgery and a hysterectomy (periods suck, they’re annoying and painful, and he refuses to have a baby because they’re also annoying and painful), but no bottom surgery. He was still pretty young so Mr. Dickens helped him pay for it and took care of him alongside Randy
When Oliver was in fifth grade he punched a kid because they made an offensive comment about his dad. He got suspended for a couple days but Mr. Dickens was pretty lenient on his punishment
Not only is Oliver an atheist, but he also never learned to say any variations of “oh my god.” It’s just not part of his vocabulary
Mr. Dickens adopted him!! He has two adoptive older sisters, Gloria and Lindsey, and a nephew named Arthur
He’s got a mix of stuff from his parents, mostly Norwegian, Dutch, and Finnish
Strawberry blond Oliver supremacy ‘,B^)
Him and Craig had a thing for a month or two back in high school, but they clashed a lot and the breakup was messy
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madbadash · 2 years
Top Ten favorite outfits of your OCs! Any of your choice! <3
Ooooooh Teefies, this is a very challenging ask but also I love it. I take a lot of outfit inspiration/ ideas off of Pinterest so this'll include those. Let's get started!!!
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These first 2 we're ripped right off of Pinterest it's Purity and E-bus!! Something about Purity's outfit here just feels so her. It sucks she lives in a fantasy world otherwise I would just make this outfit canon. E-bus on the other hand i chose because of the little details. He's an Incubus as I've mentioned before, so I love his little pentagram cheek drawings, his little leg warmers, and the 666 kind of hidden in his shirt!
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Now I'm cheating cus it's a double twofer. This first drawing is featuring Alvin and Kenny, a baby I have not yet posted. Alvin wanted someone to dress up with her and Kenny accepted the offer, not knowing it was very heavy Lolita fashion. He's fine, he just wasn't expecting so much. Next is Mary and Magdalene although it's mostly Magdalene, they just are so pretty and fancy, that's it. Just fun nice pretty gals
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Next a trio of my gals. All 3 of them are just so fuckin pretty!!!!! Their skirts!!! The shirts!!!! I am fucking insane over my pretty girls and their cuts outfits!!!!!!
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Lastly we can not neglect our boys. Hunters outfit is just very fun to draw. I love including the bandage he uses to bind even though that is unsafe, he is poor and also not living in a time where Binders exist. Meanwhile this old Eris sketch is just nice. I think he exudes rich kid vibes while still feeling kind of minimalist.
So yeah. 10 outfits that I love of my darling beans
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khayr · 3 years
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Ashen's almost ready for her CGC 🥰🥰 one smart puppy!!
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idance2silence · 2 years
This is an opportunity to info dump! 🥳
Xiao and Hu Tao relationship dynamic ideas for Genshin Impact (platonic)
I'm writing a fic, either their first meeting or them just vibing I don't know yet. But I'll take thoughts on their relationships or ideas you wanna see on Ao3!
I just think their dynamic is sweet!
I'm including my current thoughts under the readmore. I didn't include anything with spoilers so it's safe. I'm caught up with the quests so send me anything I'm cool 💕
He entered one of her dreams and they went on a whirlwind adventure
Hu Tao shows him the crystalflies and they make hair clips that Xiao becomes obsessed with
She jokes about death and funerals and this humor rings close to a war vet so they make a lot of jokes together. Former general alatus has a support team
She's childish and lively even though she has seen dark stuff. Admirable.
Hu tao isn't afraid to toddle right over to him and poke him on the cheek but she's so professional towards him and addresses him properly. This confuses him and she just giggles and he cant help but smirk because she's bizarre but so kind
She brings out his inner child
They play in the mud. I just feel like Xiao enjoys it and Hu Tao would 100% roll with it
Hu tau makes ghosts jokes. Xiao knows a lot of ghosts. It works.
They've encountered people claiming all kinds of stuff about spirits and they've had to deal with the idiots together
Hu tau isn't afraid to hug goodbye. Xiao doesn't let a lot of people that close but he is terrible at saying no to the child
Xiao had forgotten that a 20 year old is not a child. He needs to interact with more people. Hu Tao is unbothered because it's fun to be doted on and the ancient little man is so strange and sad she can't help but make him part of her odd little family.
Hu tau sends him mail. She wants to know how he wants his funeral because he is always working. He finds it endearing. It's the only mail he gets
She sings her little hillichurl song and Xiao is amused by music bc that's his calm button
Hu tao admires him like a child meeting a story book hero and its not feared reverence but childish curiosity and awe. But unlike actual children she behaves like a grown up and is respectful . Mostly .
She has her hat and he has his mask and she likes to pretend it's their superhero masks like comic books. He doesn't understand this at all. She finds it hilarious. Her laughter is contagious
She sends him her poetry. He is an appreciative audience. Like a grumpy old man with a soft spot for his grandchild
Hu tao asks Xiao for relationship advice and he has no clue why but she loves his bs answers. He thinks she's dumb until she escalates the joke. He is so confused but is enjoying partaking in fun
She loves star gazing with him because he knows constellations.
Sometimes he helps her gather wood for coffins. Pole arm buddies
She calls his fangs little teefies and no one else has the audacity. He's amused greatly.
She gives him an excuse to chase after cool birds and he appreciates that she let's him hide his childishness behind her
Healing their inner child together.
They climb tall things together. And look down. Xiao loves forcing her to a hight that freaks her out and teleports her down. He likes being the strong protector and Hu Tao loves the adventure without being afraid
She delivers things to ganyu anonymously for him. Can't look too much like he cares
She finds him soft animals to pet
She brings him cool skulls. Cleaned. Ofc.
She plays pranks and tries to scare him. He thinks her attempts are funny. It's also how she knows something is seriously wrong bc when he gets spooked he needs help
They both value history. Xiao knows the sad dark reality, Hu Tao is fascinated by odd things, like old technology and means of living. They discuss anyway
She gives him space when he feels a lot of carma but doesn't actually run away. Just so he isn't worried.
She promises that the funeral parlor will cover a room at the hotel if he needs, but it's not necessary as they wouldn't charge him. Just to ease his anxiety.
Lots of haunted jokes
Xiao learns her little dances but she will never find out
She tells him about curre t books and convinces him to read. He never takes time off so she starts reading to him as he fights. He thinks it's hilarious and adorable of the smol child.
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acidgems · 2 years
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◜     *     :     charlie     rowe     .     cis     male     &     he/him     .     trojan     horse     by     sebastian     paul     .     ━━     the     legend     surrounding     london’s     l’academiae     furorum     would     not     be     complete     without     JASPER     WILDER     .     the     academy's     TWENTY     FOUR     year     old     TECH     SUPPORT     has     been     with     furore     for     two     years     ,     oft     described     as     RAMBUNCTIOUS     ,     JADED     ,     CHAOTIC     ,     CHEEKY     &     has     proved     utterly     indispensable     to     the     company.     in     passing     ,     they’ve     come     to     be     associated     with     THE     SCENT     OF     SIPHON     GASOLINE     DRIPPING     FROM     A     SPLIT     LIPPED     SMILE     &     driving     splinters     out     of     mud-splattered     palms,     fresh     bolognese     sauce     stains     on     fraying     denim     cuffs     ,     icing     bruising     skin     against     the     condensation     on     bus     windows,     chalk     graffiti     imitating     the     once     grandeur     of     banksy     ,     numb     teeth     from     super     sonic     headphone     use     .     whether     this     will     be     their     final     curtain     call     is     anyone's     guess     &     the     company’s     worst     nightmare     .
HELO SEXY CITIZENS! it is i pand (28) emerged from my self imposed exile a fresh n happy new gal 🤪🤪 i’ve not done groups or shite in like years so... teefy grins cowabunga boys let’s do this ! i lov an unnecessary elipsis and exclamation marks is like me family... thts all u rly need to know abt me i’m quite easy going :B
back from my salmon :) (if u keep reading thisll all mke sense hoo hoo hee) ok where were we ah yes his Histoire ok cracks knucky knucks. 
grew up in yorkshire then moved to south london *top boy theme song* when their no good papa deserted them bcs he’s also a big fuckup who has no sense of commitment or attachment to his family. so jasper, ignoring all facts that his dad will not return bcs he’s an idiot, “temporarily” helps his single overworked mum out by working as a techie whilst secretly moonlighting as a low level car thief in the grimey underworld of london. gone in sixty seconds ws his fave movie as a kid n will probs be the death of him bt my god... can he do a good nicholas cage impression.
jasper is one half of jasper and scout his eVIL TWIN! just kidding she’s nai’s blessed creation so i cnt rly go off bat here but their family puts the fun in dysFUNctional. luca is the oldest sibling who’s currently in jail for gbh but jasper will go to his grave defending him n the entire situation if u bring it up after a few pints... his big brother is his Mona Lisa of ppl like he’s just bow down n hero worship the badassery bt rly he’s just idolising a selfish scumbag who offers nothing to society n so remains locked away causing a ruckus behind bars. obv jasper does NT see this... a common theme with my Boy is... he sees what he wants... n wears horse blinders for the rest. then bethan is the next in line n she has a bunch of kids with a deadbeat who jasper always threatens to throw off a motorway bt he never does. loves a good word... bt does he back it up? nah, not his style Baby! He’s a violent poet! a romantic maniac! but not a realist dnt come at him with tht shite or he’ll get bored n go steal a car to entertain himself. THEN WE HAVE SCOUT -- a dandelion w legs and arms, all angry spirit and dungarees and they have a love/hate relationship ie jasper loves her bt she hates a lot of wt he does n thinks he’s just a stinky boy w no hope or manners n tbh? Tea.
so thts the siblings his mum is a single mum n they get along great she doesn’t see the shitty side of jasper n there is a mile of it so idk how bt they love making homemade spaghetti bolognese frm his gran’s tattered recipe together n singing in the kitchen and jasper probs does lil jazz numbers for her bcs frankly he adores her n thinks she’s a strong brilliant woman which she is... n he adores all his family actually jasper is a fiercely loyal bloke n will throw fists to reinforce tht... n also to feel like a powerful Alpha male bcs he’s a lil problematical that way :/. 
relationship n romance wise........ bites fist.........here we go. ok so he had a longterm girlfriend. (longterm to jasper is measured in weeks). bt he cheated on her many times n one noteable time ws a threesome including her best friend n her sister. it’s number one on his long list of sins that will lead him to hell. u might ask... my god... why would they do that... well... jasper defies logic my friends. he actually defines tht whole palav as an iconic memory bt scout once heard him gloating abt it n smacked him so hard on the back of the head he felt concussed
so yah jasper has been working as a tech support for a couple years but doesn’t rly take his job seriously he likes the close proximity to all the dancers bcs he’s a whore w an appetite fr debauchery n also perhaps likes his job bcs he has hidden tap dancing talents n hopes to dip his toe in the world of dance perhaps. or does he. tune in next time fr the big reveal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
frankly owning the dance floor viciously squat dancing when requested throat goat kim petras blasts frm the club speakers probs wearing a pair of vintage glasses shaped like glittery stars which he raises up n down to wink at ppl he thinks r impressed.... bt why wouldn’t u be... THE BOY IS TALENTED AND HAS FANTASTIC LEGS !
loving his mum the absolute light of his life (as well as his cynic of a twin scout bt like... he’s considerably less vocal abt tht bcs she’s mostly horrified by him and his selfish playboy lifestyle 98.76% the time). this ofc doesn’t deter frm the fact tht he’s only but a few please and thankyou’s away from pure hooliganism... and should carry a warning sign like a tag around his neck. shaun of the dead mum: He’s a bit... bitey   
on one hand rite.........jasper is a cesspit of toxic masculinity bt tbh he also doesn’t rly care abt all that noise.... depends on his mood u see he’s ever fluctuating. loves a mimosa with silly straws n cocktail umbrellas bt also counts the notches on his bedpost w a sense of pride only known to a rowdy adolescent male. locker room talk? bang on. a real Out with The bOys kinda bloke... but maybe less insufferable who knows u decide
i have to go cook some salmon so thts it tbh... thanks fr reading
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rouge-heichou · 3 years
Patreon PSA - Apology and "Relaunch"!
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So, I've gathered up the courage to finally face my bullshit and apologise for it.
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The post is public and comes with a high res + no watermark upload of the last teefy Dabi.
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On top of that I've decided to "relaunch" my patreon as (as mentioned above) I couldn't keep up with the pace and goals I had set for myself. So I've decided to create a bit more of a "Wants to die in a pit of blue fire-Rouge"-friendly environment.
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(NSFW header is blurred because Tumblr Police)
Turned my original SFW tier (minus the high res content) into a general tip jar. I'm a starving artist and every bit of support is very appreciated. (Going from 3€/4.50USD -I think- down to 1€/1.50USD)
NSFW Tier turned into a "main tier", aka. What will get the most content. It's pretty much the same as before minus NSFW access but instead with early access to future comics. - Also a slower pace. I used to try to update twice a week or more often and felt really pressured by it. So I'll now keep it to once every two weeks, if I do get spikes of creativity it may be more often, but I won't promise that. (Stayed at 8€/10.50USD)
Turned the "VIP Supporter" (which included monthly prints) into the new NSFW tier. It's pretty much the same as my old NSFW tier. - I don't do a lot of NSFW artwork. It's really mood dependent, do I crave the horny? do I crave the SFW feral? Do I crave the fluff? ... and well NSFW mood isn't all that often. So it's really more of a generous tip jar + occasional NSFW. (Going from 15€/19.50USD to 10€/13USD)
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That's about it. Again, I apologise for any inconvenience caused by my stupid ass and thank you for your support.
(also also, since I've watched and read JJK, you may also find some occasional JJK stuff there now too! :D)
18 notes · View notes
vanillaknj · 4 years
ah, great! thank you so much! 🥰 may i have mark (tuan) and his (transmasc nonbinary, they/them) pagan/wiccan/witch joyfriend* headcanons please? also please remember to also take care of yourself and not overwork yourself for us! being patient for your amazing writing is worth the wait 😊 hope you are safe and happy and well! - ahgagay anon 💚🐥 *i finally found a gender-neutral relationship title that i like! 😁 hehehe
mark tuan w/ a pagan s/o
a/n — i’m not that experienced with things like this, so i’m sorry because it’s short, and if it’s not accurate or i got something wrong 🥺
a/n — please excuse all spelling mistakes / this is also gender neutral!
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he would be so supportive and understanding of you
he’d 100% literally do all his research
and then when it came to talking to you about it, he’d literally be so excited to show you what he learned
and he’d smile so wide as he told you and explained 🥺
his lil teefies would be showing as he gushed about it.
he’d study all your beliefs because he’d want to talk to you about it a lot
if he didn’t understand something, he’d have this cute lil innocent look on his face as you explained it to him 🥺
and when you’re gushing about something, he’d listen so intently to what you had to say
and even pick up new words to use
he’s so endearing about the whole thing.
if you didn’t know something and was still in the process of learning, he’d hype you up so much
he’d defend you from literally anyone who had anything negative to say about you.
“what’d you just say to them?”
you’d have to calm him down if someone said something bad to you
like you’d deadass have to pull him away from the situation because he’d 100% throw something (anything in arms reach-)
anyway, mark would do anything to make you feel ‘at home’ with him, including learning everything there is to learn to be able to be educated for you!
45 notes · View notes
synchronmurmurs · 4 years
Hooray for hydration for my vergil thirsty ass this bitch caught feelings sounds more like an infatuation on his devil's behalf for reader
Lmao that bite on the throat 👀👀
Yeah defs something like that nonnie! It’s to do with bonding between demon “mates”. 🤔 Having never included anybody else in his previous ruts, Vergil doesn’t really understand what instinct is telling him, so he just feels all this unrest because reader is passed tf out, while his demonic half is like “bro you gotta look after your WIFE that’s your WIFE now bro.” 🤣
Or something to that effect. 👀
And yeah ksjdh the bite on the nape. I have a thing for napes in general. Don’t know what it is, but there’s something weirdly erotic about it when revealed just right. And I mean, it’s a prime target for Vergil’s teefies, when he’s hitting it from the back. I loved writing him biting it in Pact 16. 🤤👉👈
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Allow The Games Begin With Our FIRST-EVER Inside-Out Toys In July’s BarkBox: PODIUM PUPS!
Athletes, obtain those teefies and toe beans prepared. We are holding the MULTI-CIRCLE GLOBAL SPORTBALL GAMES in honor of our Podium Pups box coming out this month! Does your pet run as rapid or eat as many poultry nuggets as Busain Uolt? Does your pet flippity flip like Bymone Siles? Or GLIDE THROUGH THE WET like Lyan Rochte? In honor of our Podium Pups box and Super Chewer’s WORLD CHOMPS box, we have a competitors for YOU! We’re mosting likely to offer our own § HÌñ ¥ ñÈÇK † RÖþHies * to YOUR pet dogs with a little difficulty! THERE ARE 5 CATEGORIES & & † RÖþHies: Use #podiumpups with your entry as well as we will certainly be revealing + uploading victors on July 31!
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GREETINGS, DOG PEOPLE! We have ours snoots to the ground finding your #BarkBoxDay content! DISPLAY THOSE PUPPERS Please, we live vicariously through your pets– send us your #BarkBoxDay pictures, videos, TikToks, as well as smoke signals to keep us going! (Seriously, we love it.)
Professional athletes, TAKE … YOUR … PLACES! July’s PODIUM PUPS BarkBox features a brand-new toy style– squeaky entrants that turn inside-out to change into their sport-ball of choice!
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Ready, established, FETCH! Inside The Sketchbook Every plaything begins inside a developer’s sketchbook (our designers live and also take a breath pet dogs– they’re experts). Once we have a final layout, it’s developed into 3D renders, prints, and also, eventually, a ready-to-love plaything! Here’s a peek inside:
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Game On! Whistle There’s a new referee in town. FOUL BALL, THAT WAS DEFINITELY
A FAKE-THROW! Why We Love It: Disc squeaker & crinkle Tuggable nylon strap Bonus Toy– include in your box via your account
, or conversation&with us for help! Little bit Polo Squeak ‘n’ increase it!
Why We Love It:
Flip & & expose Squeaker & & crinkle Extra-Small Fetch The Gold Ahhh! Ahhhhh! And the crowd goes wild! Why We Love It: Squeaky gold Tuggable nylon band All
dimensions Molly Volley Monkeyin’around remains in the official rules. Why We Love It: Flip & expose Squeaker & crinkle Little BasKit Ball
The only dribble
on this court is from your dog’s mouth. Why We Love It: Flip & expose Squeaker & crinkle Tool Rocco Socco GOOOAALLL! * launches tee shirts deals with right into crowd * Why We Love It:
Flip & & expose Squeaker & & crinkle Large Pommel Horsie And he STICKS the landing! Oh, wait … he just has a stick. Why We Love It: Grunt squeaker & crinkle Nylon bands Extra-Small/Small, consisted of in Double
Deluxe box– dual your
box by means of your account or chat with us for help! Train Acornopolis Coach A. offers a wonderful pep talk, however it primarily seems like squeaks. Why We Love It: Ball squeaker Crinkle All dimensions, included in Double Deluxe box– dual your box using your account or
conversation with us for assistance
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! Table Dennis It’s your look to offer ! No promises on getting the ball back. Why
We Love It: Disc squeaker in paddle & squeaky tennis sphere Crinkle Medium/Large, included in Double Deluxe box– dual your box via your account or chat with us for aid! BarkBox FAQS What Is BarkBox? Each regular monthly BarkBox includes 2 playthings, developed in-house, 2 full-size bags of
all-natural treats, a weighty chew, as well as about one billion happiness units. How Does It Work? You tell us all concerning your remarkable pet dog, as well as choose
your plan. Sign up for a 6-month, 12-month
, or monthly
subscription beginning at $22/mo, and also prepare to see some bootiesairborne with a tail wag ahead! Can I Customize My Box? You bet your snoots, you can! Dressmaker your BarkBox however your pet dog’s heart (as well as tummy) desires.
Beef allergic reactions?
No cows for you. Not a fan of crinkle? We’ll maintain it much, far. Desire extra spiky balls? You got it. You can even switch up your box item proportions with fewer playthings as well as more deals with, all playthings, no chews, whatever makes your pup delighted,
all for the exact same cost. Just reach out to our Happy Team so we can aid!(To do so, please email [email safeguarded], message us on Facebook or Instagram, or use the online conversation feature at barkbox.com.) Want extra fun material? Visit us on< a rel=“noreferrer noopener“aria-label=” Instagram (opens up in a new tab)”href=” https://www.instagram.com/barkbox/” target=”_ blank”> Instagram and also TikTok!
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.?.!! Related Is BARK Bright Worth It? A Look Inside A Dog Dental Care System That’s Never Been Done Before
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/let-the-games-begin-with-our-first-ever-inside-out-toys-in-julys-barkbox-podium-pups/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/622626865828511744
0 notes
kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Allow The Games Begin With Our FIRST-EVER Inside-Out Toys In July’s BarkBox: PODIUM PUPS!
Athletes, obtain those teefies and toe beans prepared. We are holding the MULTI-CIRCLE GLOBAL SPORTBALL GAMES in honor of our Podium Pups box coming out this month! Does your pet run as rapid or eat as many poultry nuggets as Busain Uolt? Does your pet flippity flip like Bymone Siles? Or GLIDE THROUGH THE WET like Lyan Rochte? In honor of our Podium Pups box and Super Chewer’s WORLD CHOMPS box, we have a competitors for YOU! We’re mosting likely to offer our own § HÌñ ¥ ñÈÇK † RÖþHies * to YOUR pet dogs with a little difficulty! THERE ARE 5 CATEGORIES & & † RÖþHies: Use #podiumpups with your entry as well as we will certainly be revealing + uploading victors on July 31!
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GREETINGS, DOG PEOPLE! We have ours snoots to the ground finding your #BarkBoxDay content! DISPLAY THOSE PUPPERS Please, we live vicariously through your pets– send us your #BarkBoxDay pictures, videos, TikToks, as well as smoke signals to keep us going! (Seriously, we love it.)
Professional athletes, TAKE … YOUR … PLACES! July’s PODIUM PUPS BarkBox features a brand-new toy style– squeaky entrants that turn inside-out to change into their sport-ball of choice!
Tumblr media
Ready, established, FETCH! Inside The Sketchbook Every plaything begins inside a developer’s sketchbook (our designers live and also take a breath pet dogs– they’re experts). Once we have a final layout, it’s developed into 3D renders, prints, and also, eventually, a ready-to-love plaything! Here’s a peek inside:
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Game On! Whistle There’s a new referee in town. FOUL BALL, THAT WAS DEFINITELY
A FAKE-THROW! Why We Love It: Disc squeaker & crinkle Tuggable nylon strap Bonus Toy– include in your box via your account
, or conversation&with us for help! Little bit Polo Squeak ‘n’ increase it!
Why We Love It:
Flip & & expose Squeaker & & crinkle Extra-Small Fetch The Gold Ahhh! Ahhhhh! And the crowd goes wild! Why We Love It: Squeaky gold Tuggable nylon band All
dimensions Molly Volley Monkeyin’around remains in the official rules. Why We Love It: Flip & expose Squeaker & crinkle Little BasKit Ball
The only dribble
on this court is from your dog’s mouth. Why We Love It: Flip & expose Squeaker & crinkle Tool Rocco Socco GOOOAALLL! * launches tee shirts deals with right into crowd * Why We Love It:
Flip & & expose Squeaker & & crinkle Large Pommel Horsie And he STICKS the landing! Oh, wait … he just has a stick. Why We Love It: Grunt squeaker & crinkle Nylon bands Extra-Small/Small, consisted of in Double
Deluxe box– dual your
box by means of your account or chat with us for help! Train Acornopolis Coach A. offers a wonderful pep talk, however it primarily seems like squeaks. Why We Love It: Ball squeaker Crinkle All dimensions, included in Double Deluxe box– dual your box using your account or
conversation with us for assistance
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! Table Dennis It’s your look to offer
! No promises on getting the ball back. Why
We Love It: Disc squeaker in paddle & squeaky tennis sphere Crinkle Medium/Large, included in Double Deluxe box– dual your box via your account or chat with us for aid! BarkBox FAQS What Is BarkBox? Each regular monthly BarkBox includes 2 playthings, developed in-house, 2 full-size bags of
all-natural treats, a weighty chew, as well as about one billion happiness units. How Does It Work? You tell us all
concerning your remarkable pet dog, as well as choose
your plan. Sign up for a 6-month, 12-month
, or monthly
subscription beginning at $22/mo, and also prepare to see some booties
airborne with a tail wag ahead! Can I Customize My Box? You bet your snoots, you can! Dressmaker your BarkBox however your pet dog’s heart (as well as tummy) desires.
Beef allergic reactions?
No cows for you. Not a fan of crinkle? We’ll maintain it much, far. Desire extra spiky balls? You got it. You can even switch up your box item proportions with fewer playthings as well as more deals with, all playthings, no chews, whatever makes your pup delighted,
all for the exact same cost. Just reach out to our Happy Team so we can aid!(To do so, please email [email safeguarded], message us on Facebook or Instagram, or use the online conversation feature at barkbox.com.) Want extra fun material? Visit us on< a rel="noreferrer noopener“aria-label=” Instagram (opens up in a new tab)”href=” https://www.instagram.com/barkbox/” target=”_ blank”> Instagram and also TikTok!
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.?.!! Related Is BARK Bright Worth It? A Look Inside A Dog Dental Care System That’s Never Been Done Before
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/let-the-games-begin-with-our-first-ever-inside-out-toys-in-julys-barkbox-podium-pups/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/allow-games-begin-with-our-first-ever.html
0 notes