#I just really wanna draw Archie’s parents too
rainbowpufflez · 3 months
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I have a thing that in every fandom I’m in if I get brainrotted enough I’ll draw the characters parents
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roseelise · 4 years
“You are a living work of art, Jughead Jones.” J.J  (part 2)
Reposting all my writings from @r0s3mm, my main blog, it is not stolen or plagiarized. All my works on my masterlist are main unless stated otherwise. 
Hello! Welcome to 2-h, the back up account of @r0s3mm, I’ll be posting my works on here too until (hopefully) my blog gets restored and if not this will become my main blog. 
Pairing:Jughead Jones x reader 
Word Count: 2265
Author’s note/warnings: language, kissing? 
“Would I be naked ?” “No, of course not, I want you to feel comfortable. You’ll probably be just shirtless.” I said hope bubbling inside of me. “Who’s gonna be there ?” “Us. Only you and I. I swear.” “Alright I’ll do it. But you owe me.” He said before letting himself fall on my bed.
“Jug ! Juggie !” I called for him in the school’s hallway.
“Hey.” He turned around and saw the way I was dressed. “So,-” “What the hell happened to you ?” He asked as he saw that I was wearing a baby blue pyjama pants and a yellow flannel. “Yeah, hum, I’ve been up all night to put up some sketches before we do the shoot.” I talked really fast. “What are you running on to talk like that ?” He let out a low chuckle. “A few cups of black coffee.” I said as the bell rung. “But you don’t even like coffee.” “I know. Anyway Ms.Evans, that’s my art teacher, gave us two other weeks to do it because she wants multiple shots for each student.” “How many do YOU want ?” He smiled at me knowingly. “What’s that supposed to mean ?” I asked as I hurried my already late self to my locker. Jughead hot on my trail. “I know you, if your teacher wants three shots, you’ll do ten so that after you’ll be able to choose three of them and the rest you’ll put it in the album you keep on you computer.” He glanced down at my body and shook his head.
As I rolled my eyes, we entered the class with B and V.
When we all arrived at my house after school, Archie and Veronica placed themselves on the love seat, Betty and I went in the kitchen for glasses of water while Jug looked in my fridge for some kind of heavy snack.
“Ok guys so, friday night ! What do we do ?” I asked my two best friends.
They shrugged and we joined Archie and Veronica in the living room, who were in a full make out session.
“Come on !” Jughead sighed. “You guys are unbelievable.” Betty mumbled.
Seeing that neither of them moved I sat next to them and pulled Ronnie away from the redhead and made her sit on me.
“You won’t move anymore.”
We were three in the love seat Betty was laying on the three seat couch, almost sleeping and Jughead was sitting on the smallest couch that would normally fit only one human being.
“I wanna watch a movie. What should we watch ?” Ronnie said standing up. “Hum.. So- (y\n) ? Where are all of your movies ?” “There ..?! Why ?” “Because there’s only old stuff.” “Yeah, because that’s what I watch. Just put Pulp Fiction on and it’ll be good.” “I don’t get you guys ..” She sighed standing up and coming to sit with Arch and I. “What ?” “Jug and you. You guys have that obsession with old movies.” “They’re great.” We both said at the same time, looked at each other and it made me blush a bit.
Half an hour after we started the movie, Arch and Ronnie were taking a lot of place on the love seat and Betty was completely asleep on the couch. I took a heavy blanket and sat on the floor, my back against Betty’s couch.
“Tss” I heard to my left.
I looked up and Jug was frowing at me.
“What ?” I asked in a whisper. “What are you doing on the floor ?” He asked in the same tone. “There’s no place.” “Come sit with me.”He patted is lap. “What no, you’ve got just enough room for yourself.” “I don’t care come on “Jughead I said no. I’m ok here.”  
After another twenty minutes my butt started to feel numb, so I stood up and walked to my best friend who had placed himself so I could sit on his lap, his arms finding their place around my wait resting on my lap.
“Jug what time is it ?” “Barely 5:45.” He whispered.
I looked at our friends, Betty was still sound asleep on our right, Archie and Veronica were talking quietly.
“We’re the only ones listening.” I noticed as I turned to look at him.
He turned at the same time and our noses would have brushed together if one of us moved.
“Yeah.” He breathed out.
Our heads were still turned toward each other. Like in some sort of trance we couldn’t get out of.
“I’m- i’m quite hungry right now, uhm, would you like something ?” I asked him as his eyes went from my (y\e\c) eyes to my lips. “I’- i’m good. Thanks.” He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
I walked to the kitchen and drank a glass of water.
“We saw that.” Veronica said. “Saw what ?” “That almost kiss between you and Jughead. Archie and I saw it.” “That was nothing.” “Yeah sure. I haven’t seen someone glance at someone else’s lips so many times.” She winked at me when Betty’s sleppy body got in the kitchen. “I think the boys are plotting against us.” “Why ?” I asked. “When I woke up, you guys weren’t there and Arch was talking to Jug with a smug look on his face and when I stood up they stopped.” “Do you know what they were talking about ?” V asked B. “Heard your name, why ?” Betty pointed to me. “Because our little (y\n) had a moment a few minutes ago.” “WHAT ?” She shrieked. “Shut up jesus and Ronnie it wasn’t a moment.” “Yeah sure. You guys were almost eyes fucking with your bottom lip bitten by your teeth and his eyes looking more at your lips than me when I look at Louboutins.” “Oh my god really ? You guys had a momen-” I threw her a piece of bread when the boys came in.
“What are you girls talking about ?” Archie asked looking at his raven haired girlfriend. “N-nothing that concerns you.” I said not bothering to look at Jughead. “What about Jug. Does it concern him ?” “W-what ? No ! It’s none of your business what we were talking about.” I said turning my body towards the fridge.
From an outsider point of view the five teenagers would be living a whole other story.
He’d see a red head and a raven headed couple trying to break two of their best friends, they would see a blonde girl, an amused look on her face along with one of pure concern for her (y\h\c) friend, talking about her. The outsider would look at the teenager and think that she was being scolded by her parents. She wouldn’t look up to the raven haired boy, nor would she muttered more than a few words.
But then, he would see the infamous raven haired boy, who couldn’t take his eyes off of his best friend. He’d look at her like she was the most beautiful person in the whole world and she was, to him. Because he knew her inside and out. Jughead never really thought about her that way, he always knew he liked the girl, that he had a crush on her, but when, a few minutes ago, he was so close to her. He knew that he loved her and that he had been gone for quite a while.
It was around dinner time, when everyone was gone except her model for the night,  that she started to draw ideas for him to do later that night.
“You know you’ll have to talk to me, sometimes, right ?” Jughead asked from his sitting position on her bed. “I know.” She muttered still not looking at him.
Her whole body stiffened when she felt his warmth on her back.
“What are you doing, Jug ?” She breathed out. “Glad you still remember my name.” He chuckled, which made her chuckled too. “You’re not funny.” She said as her whole body relaxed at the familiarity of their exchange. “I am, you know it and you love it.” “Why so confident ?” She asked him as she turned to face him, but was surprised when she saw that he was at the same heigh as her.
She took back her pencils and paper and walked away from him as she sat on her bed.
“Ok so I thought we could accentuate the features on your abdomen, your jaw and your cheekbones.” She said, voice low, sketching over a poorly done portrait of the man. “You’re not gonna put make up on me are you ?” “I don’t really have make up, Jug. I’ll use body paint with warm tones a little bit darker than your skin color. Then I’ll just put colors all over and take some shots at certain steps so it creates a bit of diversity.”
He nodded then sighed before taking another bite of the now cold pizza on the dresser. He helped her set up her photography equipment, such as the lights and the different lenses.
“Can I- Jug, can I abuse of the opportunity you’re giving me this week end and- “ “What do you want me to do, (y\n) ?” “I want you to, full on model for me. Like the big actors do.” She asked searching his face for any denial.
He knew he couldn’t exactly tell her no. He wasn’t able to do it.
“Inspired by some of the James Dean’s photo I saw the other day.” She informed him. “James Dean ? Have you seen the guy ?” “Yes, in fact I did.” “And you think -” “Jug, listen to me and if you start reciting me the “I’m a weirdo” speech I swear on my own head that I’ll burn that beanie down to ashes. You are one of the most beautiful person I’ve had the chance to see in my whole freaking life and I don’t know how you still don’t see that.”
She said before going to her closet and getting out clothing of leather, dark outfits and all sorts of accessories and clothes.
“Is that a cigarette ?” “Yes, but you won’t light it. It’s just for the aesthetics.”
Five hours later the traits were accentuated, shirts have been on and off and lights have been adjusted. She was finally done and told him that if she had to make some touch ups, she’ll text him.
“Ok, so what do you wanna do ?” She asked him as he got out of the ensuite bathroom.
She raised her head from the editing program on her laptop to see Jughead shirtless, even though she had seen him without a shirt all night long it was different because she was in a work mode, but now. He was ruffling his dark hair with a towel and was dressed with a flannel pajama pants that started to get lower on his hips.
He sat on the bed in front of her and looked at her, his eyes observing every single detail of her face. He leaned in and searched her eyes for any non-verbal refusal from her. When he saw she was too focused on his lips he finally connected them together.
His lips, surprisingly soft, had this subtle taste of the sugary juice he drank a few minutes before his shower, her nose was filled with the scent of her shower gel he used. It wasn’t one of those Hollywood kisses where theres was big fireworks and where their hearts were beating hard and fast. They both knew it was the right time and place for this closed lips kiss. A few seconds after, they pulled apart and smiled softly at each other. They were content with what happened and knew to never talk about it.
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“Blonde.” She whispered. “What ?” “Blonde would look good on you. It would fit your eyes.” She smiled at him.
The week that passed was complete hell, (y\n) hadn’t properly seen her friends except from the time when they were in school. Outside of those hours she would be at the studio, developping her photos and getting help with other minor projects. She also had tons of homework to do, Betty recently asked her to helped her on the Blue and Gold and be their official photographer. Between all of that she didn’t really have time to hang-out with her friends, also she was asleep by 8:30 so that really didn’t help. Saturday morning, (y\n) went out, seeing as this was her only moment of calm and walked, camera hung around her neck she snapped  sceneries that would look good on her already full bedroom wall.
“Hey there stranger.” She heard a voice say.
She turned around to see her three friends.
“Hi guys !” She greeted them with a smile. “So, you’re avoiding us now or what ?” Ronnie asked her. “No, no guys I swear. I’m sorry if you thought that-” She dropped the camera on her stomach. “(Y\N\N), it’s fine. We were just wondering what happened to you this week so.” “Yeah, sorry about that. Miss Evans liked Jug’s portrait so much she asked me to help other students and finish other projects and it was just crazy.” “Right, so what are you doing ?” “Abusing of the calm that reigns over Riverdale. Hey have you seen Jug ? Haven’t talked to him in a bit.” “Well we were heading to Pop’s actually. Wanna join ?” “Sure”
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This is a story set within my Bioshock Rebirth AU. A reimaging/reboot of the Bioshock franchise. https://geekgemsspookyblog.tumblr.com/post/626141727587270656/bioshock-rebirth-timeline-this-is-a-timeline-of-an Just as a heads up if anyone is wondering about the context. I’ve had some stories in my drafts for a long time now and I’m finally publicly sharing them.
I’m finally gonna write this story. I just wanna admit this was a story idea I think I’ve had since August. Who’s Miranda exactly? She’s basically a Little Sister OC. In all seriousness this isn’t your first appearance. But this will be I guess her real or better introduction. I’ve joked about her and mentioned her to friends like @feckinatlas and @fishtankinhouse
Amazingly this story was inspired by @pikablob​ who made this Owl House fic here. https://pikablob.tumblr.com/post/625383445502246912/squishes-pikablob-the-owl-house-cartoon I’ve been just lazy to write this. I made this post in the drafts when I was living in the guest room while my room was being remodeled.
Miranda is a character that just....I guess she came to life on her own when I thought of that story. Or just the idea if one of those Little Sisters had Autism. This was inspired by a couple of things or whatever. I love this character. Despite I haven’t thought much of her. I should just write this dang story. I’ll talk about other details in another post somewhere. 
Archie and Elizabeth were in Tenenbaum’s safehouse. As of now after going tough missions sent to Archie by Atlas. It was nice to catch a breath finally. As they were safe in this area. Where the rescued Little Sisters could stay safe from harm. While Brigid was working her make shift lab and checking her supplies. The two young adults were playing with the children. They genuinely liked being around the kids. It felt like a nice break after the nightmares going on in this city. It was reminding them of what else was at stake. That they weren’t just trying to escape or help out the poorer citizens of Rapture. But these children as well.
They were living in what was a sewer section of the slums. Reasons why because Brigid knew she couldn’t do her progress in her own apartment. After being made public of what she had done. The public demonized her. Many people wanted her dead.
Brigid was lucky to find a place where sewer workers had set up a living space. Because sometimes the workers would live here in case if a pipe was busted or so. There were some rooms for some people to sleep in. It wasn’t much. But over the past 4 years, she gradually tried to make it a living space. A makeshift lab, one shower with one bathtub in one bathroom, two rooms with two beds in each, a little dining area, and one laundry room. Brigid was grateful to find a little place like this. The biggest space was where the children would sleep in bunkbeds.
For the past 4 years she gradually got resources around certain places. Especially toys for the kids if more were to live here. It was so hard yet she kept trying. She tried to make it seem like a daycare center for them. To make those kids feel welcomed. Along with making sure they knew where to go the bathroom. It took a long while. But she seemed to have gotten it handled.
The children took kindly to Elizabeth. Probably because it was rare for the children to see another woman other than Mama Tenenbaum. She got along with them just fine. Despite never dealing with children before. She was like a big sister to them. If she had the time, she would hang out with them. Considering Brigid was mostly at work or so. Even though she tried to make the place as comfy as possible. 
While at one moment, Elizabeth did hear a mention from a little one that she reminded her of someone like her. But Elizabeth didn’t understand. Maybe it was someone else she knew. Elizabeth didn’t dwell on it.
Archie never dealt with children too. Yet he was so gentle with them. In fact kind of like Elizabeth. He seemed to really enjoy being around them. They looked to him as if he was a older brother. He had rescued them and made sure they were safe. While Elizabeth had Bluto growing up. Archie hardly had anyone. To him interacting with these children who genuinely liked him made him feel less lonely than how he usual was. 
The two young adults were sitting on the floor crisscrossed. Elizabeth took time drawing on some papers with crayons with Sally. While Archie played with some trying to build a castle with blocks.
“That’s a pretty flower Sally.” Elizabeth told the girl. Sally had colored the drawn flower yellow. “I’m gonna draw a blue one. Tell me what you think of it after I’m done.” She told her.
When she began drawing her own flower. Another little one had come across her.
“Miss Elizabeth.” The little girl asked her.
“Hi Miranda. What is it?” Elizabeth asked the girl who approached her.
“Can I....touch your cheeks please?” Miranda asked her.
Elizabeth was confused. She questioned why Miranda wanted to do that. But it didn’t seem like anything bad.
“Umm sure you can do that.” Elizabeth told her as she put down the blue crayon and looked at Miranda. After that Miranda decided to calmly put her hands on her cheeks. With then Miranda squishing them a bit. Elizabeth felt a bit confused. Yet Miranda was a sweet girl that she recalled. Yet the squishing went on for a minute. Then another minute. Archie was a bit confused seeing it. But Elizabeth didn’t interrupt her. But after those two minutes, Miranda had decided to stop. 
“Is....there anything else you need?” Elizabeth asked the girl.
“No” Miranda told her. The little girl just walked away. After that Elizabeth was just confused. Maybe she liked her face or something. 
10 minutes had passed. Elizabeth and Archie decided to check in with Brigid to see if she was doing fine. The kids were just doing their own things. Considering the young adults needed a break.
“Hello Miss Tenenbaum” Elizabeth told her. 
“Hey Dr. Tenenbaum” Archie told her as well.
“Hi you too. I saw you were enjoying yourselves.” Brigid told them.
“Yeah it was nice honestly. It was nice just hanging around them more.” Elizabeth told her.
“I saw Miranda was squishing your face.” Brigid said.
“You saw that too?” Archie asked.
“Yes I did see it. Well I mean there’s clear glass here.” Brigid laughed a little after saying that.
“Oh yeah sorry.” Archie said. Forgetting that Brigid could she what was going on in that room.
“Umm Miss Tene-no I’m sorry Brigid” Elizabeth got Brigid’s attention. She just seemed so polite calling Brigid that. Even though Brigid told her she could call her by her first name.
“Yes Elizabeth.” Brigid answered.
“Why do you think she did that?” Elizabeth asked her. 
“Ah yes. Why she did that. You two know what Autism is right?” Brigid asked them.
“I have read about it in my books.” Elizabeth told her. 
“Yeah I know about it.” Archie said as well.
“Well...she has it.” Brigid told them. The two looked surprised a bit after hearing that. 
“Are you being honest with us?” Archie asked her. “I’m sorry to ask.” He told her
“Yes I am and it’s fine Archie. She’s one of the few I know who has it.” Brigid told them as she held a pen in right hand as she looked through the glass. “I wanted to tell you two that. I’ve just been busy and I think you’ve may of noticed she kind of keeps to herself.” Brigid was right. Miranda always seemed shy. She wasn’t a bad kid. Yet she acted differently than some of the other girls. Even though she got along with them. She was usually maybe playing with a little toy train or whatever else.
“How did you find out she had Autism?” Elizabeth asked her. “I read it’s could be tricky to find out if a child may have it.” Elizabeth continued on.
“Because I have it too.” Brigid told them. The two young adults stared at her. Brigid was just still looking through the glass until she looked back the two adults. “Ja I get it. It doesn’t seem like it. But trust me. You start to notice some similar traits.” She said as she decided to look through her drawers to find something. After that she found what she was looking for and got up to get closer to them.
“Again I’ve been busy. When I’m not. I try to tend for them as much as possible. Despite of what I’ve done to them. Especially Miranda.” Brigid said as she wanted to show them something. It was some sort of tangle thing.
“What’s that?” Elizabeth asked. She was curious of what she was seeing.
“A little stim toy I made. I will admit, I made this when I first got her here.” Brigid told them. “The first time she was here. She wasn’t acting right. She was in a pouty mood at times. I think she didn’t like the place here. Sometimes she would have a meltdown. So a lot of times I had to hold on to her and calm her down.” Brigid told them. “I will admit....it was strange seeing someone like me going through a different way of experiencing a disability like that. Because we’re all different.” Brigid continued on.
“But you know considering her new surroundings. It bothered some of the other girls. I knew I always wouldn’t be here to comfort her. Especially in a city like this. So I made this. She was confused by it at first. But when I gave it to her. She loved it.” Brigid told them. “Heh will admit I do like it myself.” Brigid said.
“Why are you telling us this?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because I felt it was important. I just hoped you won’t bothered by her squishing your face. I had worried maybe she needs this. Which is why I’m telling you about it.” Brigid told her. She just looked and messed with the stim toy. The two adults looked at her playing with it. “Scheiße I’m sorry I got distracted.” Brigid said as she sighed.
“Is everything okay?” Archie asked. Brigid suddenly looked saddened.
“I’ll be fine. I just remember one night when she wanted to feel safe. I allowed her to sleep in a bed with me. You know how children get nightmares they go to their parents or loved ones.” Brigid told them. “....I still remember the night she told me about her parents. That they left her at the orphanage because they thought she was....weird....” Brigid continued on as she sound more saddened after saying that.
“Are you saying her parents left her on purpose?” Archie asked.
“From what I’ve gathered....sadly yes. Because of how she is.” Brigid told them. She just looked through the glass to see Miranda keeping to herself. “She was.....strangely happy with that Big Daddy Bouncer....before I killed it.” Brigid said as she looked back at the stim toy. “She’s been here since January this year.....I wonder if she’s grateful for me. Not like I deserve it.” She then noticed Elizabeth put her hands around the stim toy. This made Brigid’s eyes widened and to look at Elizabeth.
“Hey it’s okay....I think she’s grateful to have you. And us.” Elizabeth told her. “Would you like me to take this to her?” Elizabeth asked her.
“....yes. Thank you.” Brigid nodded smiling. 
The two young adults went back out. Some sisters were on their beds resting. While some minded their own business. Miranda sat in a corner with her little train she just pushed back and forth. During that moment she was in her little world. She then noticed the two adult’s shadows pop up behind her. With her head turning around to the right.
“Hi” Miranda said softly.
“Hey Miranda.” Elizabeth told her softly. The two adults sat down close to her.
“Hey there. You feeling okay?” Archie asked Miranda.
“I’m okay. Did I make Miss Elizabeth sad or mad?” Miranda asked him.
“Oh no you didn’t. I was just confused of why you squished my face.” Elizabeth said. 
“I think your cheeks look nice.” Miranda told them. “They looked soft.” She continued on.
“Yeah they are soft.” Elizabeth smiled softly. She revealed the stim toy. “You remember this?” She asked the little girl.
The little girl gasped. “Mama Tenenbaum’s Tangle.” Miranda said sounding excited. 
“Yes it is. Do you want to hold it?” Elizabeth asked her.
“Yes please.” Miranda asked her. Elizabeth gave her the stim toy. “I like this toy a lot.”
“It seems fun. I can’t blame you.” Archie told her. The two adults admired seeing the girl play with it. “Do you feel better right now?” Archie asked her.
“Yes.” Miranda said as she looked at him so happy. She just messed with it. Just like with the train but this time. She seemed more relaxed.
“Hey Miranda. If you want to squish my cheeks. I’ll let you do that if you want to okay.” Elizabeth told her. 
“Okay.” Miranda told her smiling. The two just admiring the girl playing with the little stim toy. While behind the glass, Brigid was looking at the with a smile. Seeing a little moment like that reminds her there is still goodness in this city.
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parisfms · 4 years
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hey legends . im kelly and this is my absolute trash bag of a baby paris . im going to give you a heads up now she is the worst , like just horrible but like she can be fun sooo , wooo .  honestly i’ll probably add more to this at another time because i have so much to say about her? but i also wanna get to plotting with all you beauties! so if you would like to plot you can give this post a like or you can shoot me a message over on discord ( 𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓽𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓷𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵#6229 ) if you prefer chatting over there <3
the   tahan   family name is one that carries alot of weight . coming from incredibly old money , dating back over five generations . their wealth is rooted in the oil and gas business . although her father ( daveed tahan ) decided to take a different route to his family and in 1990 he and his friend co-founded interscope records ( yes i am mirroring her father’s career after jimmy iovine , don’t sue me ) where he has been a executive producer since the labels founding . he was a perpetual player who truly soaked up the attention he received within the limelight from women . ivy krige was no different , ivy was an up and coming model born to a wealthy family ( the   krige’s   had been paid off in the early 1800s by the british royal family to hold the secret that one of the krige sons was actually the heir apparent to the throne , they took the money and curated a luxury fashion line that still holds up today with the chanels & diors or the world ) in the netherlands . when she met daveed she was infatuated . they dated for about a month before he moved on to another . he assumed that would be it of him and ivy but weeks after the break up she came to him with news that she was pregnant . although the two no longer saw eye to eye , they agreed that the best thing for their future child was to have both of them in their life . 
although paris was born in   amsterdam   , the second her mother received the okay for the newborn to fly they went home to   manhattan   where paris would be raised . not even a full year after paris’ birth , ivy was offered a reality tv show on e! ( how very keeping up with the kardashians of her ) that would follow herself and her two siblings , all of which lived in the city . 
paris’ entire childhood was put on display and god she hated every second of it . she attended regular schools all her life so kids weren’t the nicest and teased her alot . because of the lack of friends she had growing up paris got into alot , she did equestrian , learned how to draw , play guitar , piano , and the drums , as well as how to speak arabic , dutch , spanish , and french . 
she also spent alot of time with her parents , she and her dad got along like two peas in a pod but he was either in los angeles or jet setting across the world so it wasn’t all the time that she got to see him . meanwhile she and her mom had all the time in the world to spend together and in all honesty paris just really isn’t a big fan of her mom . she even calls her ivy instead of mom , it’s likely resentment for the reality tv show as well as her mom always trying to be her friend instead of her parent .
as she got older things started to get easier with kids her age and paris really started to find herself in the whole nyc scene . she was never the nicest girl around . if anything paris and the word nice were never within the same sentence as one another . during high school she gave   regina george   and   blair waldorf   a run for their money . she was and still is the queen of icing people out , ruining their social standings , and manipulating people into thinking she has their best interest in mind .
the biggest note i can give you on paris is that she is not innately a good person , she does not have your best interest at heart no matter how much she manipulates you into thing she is/does .
by the end of highschool she was president of the model un , captain of the mock trial , and valedictorian of her class . paris has never just been a pretty face , she is incredibly smart and takes a certain enjoyment from learning new things . she inevitably decided to attend   georgetown university   in the nations capital . her boyfriend at the time wasn’t very happy about it but she was able to hop on a quick 3 hour flight back to the city every other weekend to see him . that was until they broke up . by then paris had picked up modeling and so she was in the city really whenever she wasn’t in class . 
her modeling career really started to take off but some how she was able to focus on both her blossoming career as well as her education . after just three years at georgetown , paris received her   bachelors in philosophy with a minor in film and media studies   . she was supposed to go straight to law school afterwards but decided to fall head first into the modelling world . she walked for some of the biggest designers , multiple times , starred in some musicians music videos , in just one year she’d surpassed all the modelling goals she had left . in a bit fo a limbo , unsure where she’d take her talents ,   karl lagerfeld   whom she’d grown close to over the years , invited her to come live out in france and he’d take her under his wing .  so she moved out to france . loving every waking moment of becoming his protegee , she wasn’t necessarily sure what he’d seen in her that he hadn’t in renowned designers but she surely was never going to question him . after his unfortunate passing , it came out that he’d wanted paris to take over as creative director of chanel but after one month she stepped down from the position claiming   “i took on this position while they sought out a true replacement for karl, i know he wanted me here but having to carve out my own lane in his shadow is all too impossible, if you ask me”   months later , it was announced that paris would be the   creative director of givenchy   , beating out oliver rousteing for youngest appointed creative director . 
she’s very recently back in new york city ( like it’s so new that she’s living at the plaza hotel while she’s still looking for a permanent place to live ) she loved living in france but honestly it was starting to get to her a bit with karl’s one year coming up .
a total daddy’s girl , yes she is the type to say   “my father will be hearing about this“ 
the type to talk you into making a fool of yourself with her and then the next day you find a recording of yourself circulating and she’s nowhere to be seen in it
a total schemer , like blair waldorf level
loves her psychedelics and weed but not big on really any other drugs 
she has a small collection of cars a black range rover , silver bmw i8 , and a silver volvo xc90 and although she has a driver she does actually driver herself most of the time 
her moms reality show is still going and honestly gets really good ratings still ? it’s called    life with the krige’s : fashion royalty   ( normally abbreviated to lwtk )  and paris is on the show by default any time she’s around her mom , her aunt , or uncle . 
very bisexual and notoriously bad at relationships 
she certainly doesn’t have a pristine reputation , how could you when you grew up on reality tv though ? she wouldn’t change her reputation for anything though . the media surprisingly kinda loves her despite calling her an   ice queen   at times . the media sees her as  “authentic”   even though paris couldn’t find an authentic bone out of a haystack .
she can come off very funny but it’s because she has absolutely no filter and just really doesn’t care about hurting your feelings . the best way to sum up her personality is  “im actually not funny , im just really mean and people think im joking” .  
she has two pomeranians ( hi jeffree star , she’s coming for your brand ) named archie and joey . 
despite now being a creative director , img still has her signed on as a model , so maybe you’ll catch her pulling some wild shit like walking in her own shows in the future who knows
has a serious resting bitch face issue and honestly , it’s fitting
so just a week before she was set to move out to france , paris attended a house party . her best friend was there and was being a total drag all night . paris was honestly sick of whatever funk the girl was in and so when the girl wasn’t looking paris slipped molly into her drink . not seeing any repercussions or even caring about them until the next morning when her friends body was found in the hudson river . someone who’d tried to get the girl down from the bridge claimed she’s shown serious signs of depersonalization as well as  disorganized thoughts ( both side effects of molly ) . paris decided to never fess up about her part in her friend being under the influence that night , letting it go down in history that the late model had a drug problem . of course , paris felt bad , no matter how horrible she can be her goal is never to assist in someones death let alone someone she genuinely cared for but she wasn’t going to let both of their lives come to an end that night by turning herself in .
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Toni//Old Friends, New Love
Request: Can I request a Toni/reader where when she transfers to Riverdale, you stand up for her and the serpents, it turns out you grew up on the southside but moved before high school, maybe she remembers hanging out with you?
The doors to Riverdale High swung open, and you stuck your head further into your locker. Students from the Southside were transferring today and there were rumours going round that they were from the Serpents. A gang you were all too familiar with. 
The sound of their boots was the only thing to be heard in the corridor, well apart from the quiet mumblings from around you. You could almost feel the stares of the new students as they walked down the corridor, stopping in front of the desk Veronica had set up. In your opinion, it was the worst thing she could have done. Serpents hated the Northside, and that was the most northsierish thing you had ever seen. 
“Friends!” Veronica greeted happily. “On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school.”
While Veronica was talking you decided to sneak a peak at the new students. Jughead was obviously leading them, the usual brooding look on his face, either side of him were two boys that looked annoyed, one of them significantly taller than the other, and the rest of the students to be honest. And then there she was. Toni Topaz. You and Toni had been best friends for a small part of your life. When your mom’s company had been struggling you had to move to the Southside for a short period of time, meaning you lived in the trailer park, a few doors down from her. She looked the same as she did all those years ago, but that may have been because she hadn’t grew much. She was more beautiful now, with long hair that had bits of pink in them, you remembered when you used to braid it, at one of the many sleepovers you would have. However that all ended when your mom’s company started to pick up again and you could afford to move back to the Northside. After that, you never saw her. Being a Northsider again meant you were unwelcome on the Southside, especially if you’d lived there and then moved back.  
“To ease this transitions, I’ve set up a registration desk, where you can get your locker assignments, schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars.” Veronica explained, and every single serpent rolled their eyes at almost the exact same time. Yep, you knew they wouldn’t like this. You may have only spent a brief amount of time with some of them (really only Toni) but you knew what they liked and what they didn’t. “We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale.” She added making you snort with laughter. Veronica, Archie, Kevin and the Serpents all looked in your direction and your eyes widened before you quickly averted your attention back to your locker. Hopefully the door was covering your face enough. 
“Stand down, Eva Peron!” Cheryl shouted from the top of the stairs and everyone’s attention turned to her. Her, followed quickly by Reggie Mantle and a small army of River Vixens walked down the stairs and your sighed. You looked back towards the Serpents who were all looking at her, annoyed expressions on their faces. Basically, they looked like they were gonna fight somebody at any minute, and they’d only been here for 2 minutes. 
“There’s the school spirit I so fondly remember.” Jughead said sarcastically.  
“Cheryl, no one invited Fascist Barbie to the party.” Veronica commented. You decided that people were distracted enough for you to stop hiding in your locker so you could watch what was going to happen properly. 
“Wrong Veronica.” Cheryl crossed her arms. “No one invited Southside scum to our school.” 
I’m sorry what did she say? You thought, raising your eyebrows. 
“Listen up, ragamuffins.” She said loudly, the serpents attention moved from Veronica to Cheryl and they were certainly gonna fight someone, but then again, maybe so were you. Toni and the serpents had taught you a few things when you lived at the trailer park, and one of those was how to punch somebody, hard. “I will not allow Riverdale’s above high GPA to suffer because of classrooms overcrowded with underachiever. So please, do us all a favour and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways.” 
“Cheryl.” You walked towards her, making her turn her attention to you and raise an eyebrow. Okay, what are you doing? You’re drawing attention to yourself. Why are you continuing to walk towards her? “Please, for the love of everyone here and their will power, shut the fuck up with your nonsense talk. You sound like a 70 year old woman stuck in a teenagers body and it isn’t a good look. You also have the views of a 70 year old woman. Why don’t you go find someone else to piss of with your backwards views because like it or not, Serpents are here to stay. And I for one, think Riverdale High will be better with a bit of diversity around here. They may not be rich like you, but they are far better people, and we all know, the majority of people’s GPA results are only high because they either cheated, or their parents paid off the teachers. Now, which one are you?” You finished, complete silence fell over the corridor, students were staring at you wide-eyed and open mouthed. The Serpents were smirking, looking impressed, and Cheryl looked like she was going to murder you. But by God did it feel good to stand up for them, even if she was going to make your life a living hell. You felt like you owed the Serpents. 
“Excuse me?” Cheryl asked. Oh boy. “Who the hell asked you Y/l/n? Why did you decide to crawl out from your little shell? Are you one of them, or are you sleeping with one of them? That would make sense, seeing as though no sane person would ever want to be friends with you let alone date you.” 
“Don’t talk to her like that. Just because she disagrees with you.” Toni stood up for you, standing in between you and Cheryl. The Serpents were stood around you, which made you feel slightly at ease. 
“Oh shut up Strawberry Shortcake.” Cheryl rolled her eyes. 
“Cheryl.” Jughead said in a warning tone. 
“What do you want hobo?” She replied and turned her attention away from you and Toni.
“Hey, thanks for sticking up for u-” 
“Everybody get to your classes. Now!” Principal Weatherbee’s voice boomed down the corridor and you quickly walked away from Toni and the rest of the Serpents. You already had a target on your back, now that you’d defended the Serpents, that target had grown 1000 times bigger. You didn’t need to hang around and talk to them, as much as you wanted to. 
“Hey.” Toni’s voice made you jump a little before you turned to look at her. You were sitting outside during your free period. Which meant you were hiding underneath the bleachers so nobody could find you. Apparently, it wasn’t that good of a hiding spot. 
“Hey.” You sent her a shy smile and moved along so she could sit beside you. 
“I’m glad I found you.” 
“Really?” You asked surprised. “Why?” Did she remember you? She didn’t seem to when she tried to talk to your earlier. Ever since your encounter with her earlier, you couldn’t get Toni out of your mind. She had been your best friend and you thought she’d forgotten about you, but then she defended you, so maybe not. But then, it seemed she looked straight through you, it was like you were stranger, which then made you even more confused. 
“I’ve been meaning to thank you.” She replied. “For this morning and the whole defending thing. I tried to thank you earlier but you ran away before I had the chance. But me and the rest of the Serpents really are thankful. It’s nice to know that at least one person has our backs.” She smiled at you. Oh, she really is as pretty as you remember. Just the sight of her smile made you slightly breathless. 
“Its no trouble.” You shrugged. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Sure.” You replied. 
“Why did you stand up for us exactly?” She asked and your chest started to feel tight. She definitely didn’t remember you. A part of you was thankful, you didn’t want her to hate you, but the other part, the part that had longed for her since you’d left the Southside, felt as though it had been smashed.  
“Oh.” Your voice wavered slightly. “Ya know. I just didn’t think it was very fair that you, I mean the Serpents were being targeted like that for doing nothing wrong...” You trailed off.
“Oh.” She nodded and looked straight ahead. You let out a small sigh of relief before she whipped her head back round, a bright smile on her face. “ I know you don’t I!?” 
“What? I err, I don’t think so.” You stuttered. 
“No.” She shook her head. “I do. It’s Y/n right.” She asked. 
“Yeah.” You nodded anxiously. 
“Your parents used to live a few trailers away from mine?”
“Yeah.” You replied quietly. “We used to hang out and have sleepovers. You braided my hair and I taught you how to fight.” 
“Yeah.” You replied. A nervous smile on your face. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked. 
“I thought it would be best for everyone if you just didn’t remember.” You shrugged. “Plus, I thought you hated me.” 
“Why would I hate you?” She asked confused. 
“Well because I was there for like a year and a half and then I just left to go live back on the Northside.” You explained. 
“That wasn’t your fault.” She replied and placed a hand on your back. “I’m glad that you were able to move back.” She added with a reassuring smile. “I did miss you though.” She shrugged. 
“I missed you too.” You replied. “But I figured I wouldn’t be welcome on the Southside anymore.” 
“That may have been for the best.” She replied with a slight smile before nudging you. “But I’m glad we can hang out now.” She added. “Maybe going here isn’t going to be as bad as I thought it would be.” 
“Hopefully.” You replied. 
“Can I ask you another question?” She asked nervously. 
“Sure.” You laughed. 
“Do you wanna go on a date?” She replied and looked at the floor. 
“What?” You asked confused. “You wanna go on a date with me?” 
“Yeah.” She replied. “Listen, I know we knew each other when we were like 13, but I liked you then, and I kind of never got over it. It grew over the years and well, I let you go one time, I’m not gonna let it happen again.” She explained. 
“Pop’s?” You asked and she looked at you confused. “Do you wanna go to Pop’s for our date tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” She nodded quickly, a bright smile taking over her features. “Just one question?” She asked and you nodded. “What exactly is Pop’s?” 
“What?!” You asked shocked. “You don’t know what Pop’s is? Maybe Cheryl was right about you lot.” You teased. 
“Hey.” She shoved you and you both laughed. “Do you wanna go hang out with the others?” 
“Nah.” You shook your head. “I want it to be just us for a bit. We have a lot of catching up to do.” 
permanent taglist: @lover2448 
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fivescuddles-blog · 5 years
fantasy | betty cooper (smut)
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a/n: I’m so sorry this took so long ah! I’ve been really busy lately but I hope you like it! this is honestly the smuttiest thing I’ve ever written wow
requested: "It is now my job to have all the gay female bottoms out there literally die. So Reader is the bottomest of the bottoms and is also a Serpent who acts all tough and serious but one day she's very silent and that's because she can't get her head out of the gutter after she saw Betty in her mechanic clothes and um...Reader just grabs her and kisses her after the race and the smut ensues? Anyways, could you make reader just a teeny tiny but short than Betty. I SOJSJWNWKWKAKSIIDJDW YOU🐙👀🌈" - @lilistolemyhart
characters: betty cooper x fem!reader, veronica lodge, archie andrews, jughead jones
word count: 2,113
summary: reader's a bit hot and bothered after seeing betty in her mechanic uniform and therefore, betty decides to help her out ;)
warnings: VERY detailed wlw smut, a LOT of swearing
Her hands glided smoothly over your skin, her gaze inviting.
“What do you want me to do to you, hm Y/N?” She smirked, staring into your eyes, her teeth tugging at her deep red lips.
You moaned breathlessly, squirming as you felt her touch on your inner thigh, hiking your skirt up your leg.
“C’mon baby, use your words,” Betty whispered into your ear, her breath tickling your lobe.
You were finally able to choke words out. “T-touch me,” you murmured, snaking your arms around her neck and pulling her closer. She responded immediately, her hands going straight to your waist, gripping you firmly but softly, her soft hands feeling like silk against your hip.
“My pleasure,” Betty giggled as she began to leave small hickies down your neck, her fingers inching towards your core.
“Y/N? You okay?”
A voice brought you out of your fantasy, making your freeze in your tracks. Betty stood by the side of you, looking at you intently yet worriedly. “You good? You seem… distracted,” she stated, reaching a hand towards your shoulder. You immediately pull back.
“N-no!” You say, jerking back slightly. You cursed silently in  your head. “I-I mean, no, I’m fine.” You smile weakly up at the blonde, forcing back the blush that you felt settling itself on your cheeks.
Betty faltered, bringing back her hand quickly. “Oh… if you’re sure then,” she muttered before shooting you a quick smile and walking a bit faster to catch up with Cheryl who was a couple of paces ahead.
You sighed silently to yourself, shaking your head at your idiotic fantasies. It wasn’t like you were a very sexual person, you were actually quite innocent… most of the time. It was Betty. She just… did something to you. Made you think the dirtiest thought no matter what situation you were in. And ever since your interaction with her earlier, you knew you would never be able to talk to her normally again.
It was a couple hours before the race and you’d been talking with Jug about the whole thing with the race, you personally believing that it was a bad idea. Eventually, you’d left him, rolling your eyes at his stubbornness before walking out into the garage. And what you saw would be present in your head for weeks.
It was Betty. Only it didn’t look like the usual Betty. In this particular situation, she was wearing some denim overalls with a really light pink t-shirt underneath. A very not-Betty outfit. But my God, did she pull it off.
You were speechless to be perfectly candid. You’d always though Betty was beautiful, hot even, but this made you see the blonde in an entirely different way. Her long blonde locks were pulled back in a messier ponytail than usual, her forehead glistening with sweat as she wiped her face with a tartan flannel. Oil stained her shirt, streaking her forearms as Betty traded her screwdriver for a wrench, kneeling down by her toolbox. A few strands of a hair were framing her face, flat against her sticky skin. Which only made you think of other ways you could get that girl sticky.
Of course, you tried to play it off, acting like you weren’t even phased by what you saw. But you were no actress. Betty knew what you had been thinking of and boy, did she have some tricks up her sleeve.
Throughout the entire match she did everything she could think of to provoke you. She flirted with Ronnie, pushed Cheryl’s hair back behind her ears, hell, she even bent down in front of you to retrieve some “dropped” item or another. But, this honestly had the opposite effect that she wanted. She expected you to be begging for her at this point, wishing for her to be between your legs. But you stayed wilfully silent, averting your eyes whenever she came into your vision. It wasn’t hard to notice what she was doing and you were determined not to let her get away with it that easily. But to be perfectly honest, people were beginning to get sick of all the sexual tension between you two.
“Listen Y/N, if you wanna fuck Betty, you should just get it over with and save all of us the trouble of watching you two flirt like you’re on your honeymoon,” Veronica teased you, quirking an eyebrow as she waited for your response. Though your response never came.
Before you could open your mouth, Jughead and Archie came zooming over the horizon, coming into vision. It was soon learnt that police were coming to the scene soon. Panic ensued.
Betty quickly jumped into the car with Jughead and Archie, reaching out her hand for your to join her. The four of you were soon speeding down the road, desperately trying to get away from the scene before the cops came.
“That was way too close, man! Why didn’t you tell me?” Jughead complained, attacking Archie with his words.
“Because I knew you’d try and stop me!”
“Duh, because it was a stupid move!”
You and Betty exchanged a look as they went back and for, their biting words filling the car. It wasn’t long before Betty finally spoke up. “Hey, guys. You can just let us out here.” She smiled as you came to a stop outside of your house.
“You sure? We can drop you off at yours, Betts,” Jughead offered, clearly still irritated at the ginger sitting beside him.
After insisting that she was fine, yourself and Betty exited the car, watching as the two sped off, leaving the two of you under the scorching heat of the summer sun.
Betty turned to you with a suspicious smile on her face. “Sooo… aren’t you gonna invite me in?” She smirked, hands on her hips.
Your breath caught in your throat as you nodded lightly before letting the both of you into your house (after fumbling with the key for quite a bit, getting nervous under her stare.) You both stayed in silent for a while, soon ending up in the living room, sitting down on the sofa. Not gonna lie, it was kinda of awkward.
You honestly couldn’t take the silence anymore. A blush gathered on your face as you took a deep breath, trying desperately to pluck up the courage to make a move. That was until, you felt a soft hand caress your own, taking your hand out of your lap and holding it gently. Your head shot towards the girl sitting next to you, disbelief evident in your eyes. “Betty, I...” She smiled at you, squeezing your hand in hers.
Your lips collided with hers, a collision of passion and tongues. You melted into her, feeling her kiss back immediately, snaking her hands around your waist, your own flying to the back of her neck. Her lips moved roughly against yours, deepening the kiss and soon pushing you down onto the sofa, straddling you.
“You think I didn’t notice? Huh?” She muttered breathlessly, trailing harsh hickies down your neck. You whimpered. “Yeah? You think I didn’t notice you staring at me all day today? Hell, you’ve been staring at me for months, haven’t you?” She smirked, her hands slowly dragging down you body, her soft touches tickling your sides. “I bet you got wet from just making eye contact with me, hm?”
You were shocked to say the least. Who knew that sweet Betty Cooper was such a dom behind closed doors.
“Answer me, love, c’mon,” she coaxed, biting your lip as she went back to attacking your mouth. “Use your words,”
“Y-yes!” You were finally able to push out accompanied by a breathy moan.
Betty giggled. “Aw, you’re such a dirty girl… Let me guess, you got a mechanic kink? Hm? You like seeing me all dirty with oil and sweat, yeah? I wonder what the sweat reminds you of...” she teased, beginning to unbutton your shirt, ripping it off along with your bra. “Oh love, you’ve got a pair on you,” she gasped, latching her mouth on one of your puckered nipples before you could get a word in.
A breathy moan left your mouth. “Betty! Oh fuck, what if my- my parents get home?” You uttered, pulling her closer by her smooth shoulders.
“Well the, they get to see what a-” Lick. “-dirty-” Kiss. “- girl their daughter is,” she smirked, pulling back from your chest. She then pulled her attention towards your legs, which were pressing against eachother tightly. “Let’s see how wet you are for me, my love,” she said as she hiked your skirt up your thigh.
Delicate fingers were soon invading between your legs, dancing over your underwear before plunging underneath it. Your back lifted from the sheets as you sighed, feeling her fingers breach your pussy.
She moaned possessively. “Fuck, Y/N/N, you’re so fucking wet for me, babe,” she whispered into your ear. “What would you usually do when you’re this wet and you have no one to relieve you, hm? Do you touch yourself?” You screwed your eyes shut, a dark blush settling on your cheeks. “You do, don’t you? Wow, you’re such a dirty girl… Now, the real question is… do you think of me when you touch yourself?” She continued, biting the lobe of your ear in a teasing manner as her fingers plunged themselves inside your core, making you moan lowly.
“Y-yes, Betty! Yes, oh fuck,” you respond, gasping as Betty’s fingers pleasured you.
She chuckled, pulling her fingers out from your pussy and drawing a disappointed groan from you. But that soon changed as she ripped off your underwear, gazing at you in the eyes as she did it. “Is this what you think of? Me fucking you senseless? Burying my face into that sopping wet pussy of yours?” She laughed as you nodded desperately, scrabbling at her arms. “Beg, sweetheart.”
You closed your eyes in embarrassment, humiliated after her seeing your so desperate. “Please, Betty, I… I need you,” you murmured, clenching your legs together tighter.
“Louder, babe. Where, hm? Where do you need me? Describe in detail what you want me to do to you, Y/N,” she stated, staring you down with though intense green eyes. “Or you won’t be getting anything.”
“O-okay! I… I want you to-” You averted your eyes, your face now a deep red as you reflected on your situation. Lying on the couch completely naked with a fully clothes Betty Cooper, the girl you’d had a crush on for months. About to be fucked senseless. “I want you to fuck me, Betty. I want you eat my fucking pussy like the d-dirty girl I am,” you finished, you cheeks glowing in shame as you looked up at her.
The pride in her face really made it for her. The familiar smirk appeared once again on her face. “My pleasure, babe,”
And with that, she buried her face between your legs, licking and tongue-fucking your core. A loud moan left you as you felt her working your clit, softly biting at your labia and around your pussy lips.
“Fuck, Betty! Ah, ah shit!” You let out, your hands intertwining with her blonde locks, gently pushing her further between your legs. You felt one of her hands leave your thigh as she moved it between her own, fingering her clit over her underwear. This only made the pleasure increase for you, watching the girl you liked getting off on pleasuring you.
As her moans increased so did yours, feeling a hot pool form towards the bottom of your stomach.
“Betty. Fuck, Betts, I’m close,” you gasped, your back lifting off the bed slightly involuntarily, giving Betty a much better angle to continue fucking you with all her will. “Betty… Ah shit, you’re so fucking good at this, oh my goodness,” you praised as you got closer, your grip tightening on her hair. “Betts, I’m gonna come… fuck, oh fuck, Betty!” You exclaimed as you let go, a wave of pleasure flying through you all the way to your fingertips. She helped you though your orgasm, yours bringing on her as she moaned between you legs. The aftershocks began to come down, the two of your completely exhausted after the events that had unfolded. Betty finally gathered the strength to pick herself up, slowly and gently pulling you towards her chest, holding you as she fell back onto the pillows of the sofa.
“We should do this again,” she giggled as she felt you slowly drift off into a slumber, her eyes soon closing as well.
Let’s just say, your fantasy definitely came true.
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riverdale-insert · 6 years
Riverdale x reader
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The reader moves to Riverdale the summer before her Sophomore year. He father is very controlling and prefers her brothers over her. They all come from a rich family and with a dark past.
Today some students from Southside High were being merged with Riverdale. You didn't really know much about the Southside except that FP is the leader of the Southside Serpents and Jughead's dad.
Jughead was the first friend that you made in this small town. He then introduced you to his friends. Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, and Betty Cooper. You never told your father about your friends because he wouldn't like them. He never liked anything that you did. Your father favored your brothers.
To hide the bruises your father had given you on your arms, you put on a light grey knitted sweater that had a white collar. A black skirt that ended mid-thigh, black flats, and a simple diamond necklace.
Once your families personal driver had dropped you off at school all eyes that were usually on you were focused on the school front gates, waiting for the Serpents to show up.
You strolled into school noticing a table with lots of papers on it and Veronica, Archie, and Kevin stood behind it. Decorations were strung across the hall including streamers in the school color. Veronica called you over to join them.
Adjusting your backpack you felt it brush against your bruise making you hiss in pain. "Hey, what's this for?" You tucked a piece of your long (h/c) behind your ear. Veronica looked up at you with a bright smile. "This is for the new students." You cocked your head to the side. "Everyone deserves a warm welcome when they come here to Riverdale." Now it was your turn to smile.
"That's very nice of you guys to do." Kevin nodded, "and we have their schedules right here to help them out some more." He added on. "You know (Y/n), you should stay and help us. The more the merrier." You smiled at Kevin's request. "I wish I could. Honestly I really do but-" Veronica rolled her eyes and cut you off, "all you ever care about is your grades. You never come and hand out with us. You're no fun." She pouted.
"You know how my parents are. They're very strict. I would do anything to hang out with you guys at Pop's. But my grades mean a lot to my parents. My father was upset with me because I got an A on my English test. I need to do bet-" the front doors of the school burst open. In walked a small group of Serpents. Leading them was none other than Jughead Jone's. Everyone kept on an emotionless face.
Quickly you put your backpack on all the way even though it hurt. Your eyes scanned the group of kids entering your school. They didn't look as bad everyone said they were. Some of the kids looked intimidating with their leather jackets. You rested a hand on Veronica's shoulder.
"We can talk some more later." She nodded her but wasn't really listening. She was too busy already welcoming them. You chuckled lightly and headed to your first period which was English. As you walked away Cheryl walked down the stairs with Reggie following closely and the River Vixens.
You were always the first one in class. Your teacher wasn't at her desk so you assumed she was out making copies or something. Slowly you walked to your seat which was placed in the middle of the class. You took out your binder that held all your papers for different classes. The clear pocket on the front of your binder held your drawing of a decaying skull and it had several missing teeth. Under the chin of the skull laid a withering sunflower. Everything was drawn with great detail and only a black pen.
"Did you draw that?" Your head snapped up. The new girl stood before you and standing behind her was a tall guy. She was a lot shorter than him. She had a beautiful darker skin and light pink and brown wavy hair resting on her shoulders. That's when you noticed they were both wearing a leather jacket. The guy had dark black short hair, he had one curl that hung loosely in front of his face. His brows were furrowed waiting for you to answer his friend.
You smiled awkwardly at them. "Uh, yeah. I did." She smiled at you and the other guys eyes darted around the room. "It's nice. Does it have a story behind it?" She tried to make conversation. You looked at her suprised. No one has ever asked you that. "Yeah. I feel like I'm slowly dying inside and everything around me." They both looked at you like deers in headlights.
Your laughter quickly filled the room leaving the two confused. "I'm kidding!" You slipped the paper out of the plastic cover and folded it neatly. You didn't need anyone else questioning you about the drawing. "You guys really need to lighten up." The drawing was safely tucked into your jacket pocket. "It's kind of hard to do that when you're in Bulldog territory." The guy spoke up. "Oh, he speaks-" you stood up and held your hand out for the girl. "I'm (Y/n) by the way." Hesitantly she shook it, "Toni Topaz and this big guy here is Sweet Pea." She smiled and gestured to Sweet Pea. You held your hand out for him to shake. He looked at your hand then tucked his hands into his pockets ignoring you. "I'm not here to make friends with stuck up Northsiders like you." You let your hand drop limply to your side.
"Just ignore Sweet's, he's always grumpy. Especially today." You shrugged him off then sat back down. "I get it. It's not easy being in the same room with people who you know hate you for hours." Toni opened her mouth to say something but the bell rang.
Students flooded the classroom leaving the two Serpents standing at the front. Your teacher walked in and smiled at the two students. She said something to them but you couldn't hear since they were further away. They moved to sit at a row behind you.
"As you guys could see we have two new students. I want you treat them all with respect. They deserve an education just as much as you do." She smoothed out her pencil skirt. "They sure as hell are not getting respect from me!" Reggie pounded his fist on his chest. "This is bulldog territory." He turned around to face the two and sent them glares.
Before your teacher could say anything you turned to Reggie who sat a few people over to your left. "Reggie, can you do us all a favor and stop talking? The day has just started and all your yip yapping gives me a headache." He now sent a glare at you. "Oh yeah? How about you shut up? You stuck up wanna be. You're new here too so I don't know why you're talking. If you're really that smart you should know when to stop talking." The whole class laughed at his statement making you flustered.
"At least my brain cells work. Your head is just running on dust-" you leaned in your chair to get closer to him, "tell me, did your brain ever work? Because it's almost like someone chased you through the forest of stupidity and you hit your head on every single tree on your way out." The whole class burst into laughter making Reggie furious.
"That's enough! Reggie, (Y/n). No more talking!!" She slammed her hands on her desk making everyone go quiet. The teacher started her lecture.
The class wasn't even quiet for a minute when Reggie started talking again. "Not only can (Y/n) not keep her legs closed but she can't keep her mouth closed either! I mean look at how short her skirt is and she's already talking with those Southsiders!" He threw his head back in laughter. That really made you mad. He knew nothing about you and was just saying false statements about you to make himself feel better.
Toni was about to tell him off but you stood up. "I'm really not the one who needs the inches. You need the inches more than I do, if you know what I mean. So stop talking like you're all high and mighty and get over yourself." Reggie pushed himself out of his seat.
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Bitch." His figure towered over you. The whole class started shouting but you blocked them out. "I don't know what-" your eyes looked him up and down, "I'm talking to but I'll be sure to let you know when I figure that out." You crossed your arms over your chest and scowled at him.
"That's enough!" Your teacher stood between you guys. "I am sick and tired of you guys always arguing! Grow up. What will your parents think of you if I tell them what you said, (Y/n)?" You glared at Reggie then shifted your gaze to your teacher. "I was only defending myself and my peers. He said awful things not only about me but my friends." You gave her your best puppy dog eyes. No one could withstand your puppy dog eyes. She sighed then looked over at Reggie. "Reggie, go to the office. Now." Reggie frowned, "and you (Y/n)-"she pointed right at you, "this is your final warning."
"That's not fair! She started it!" He pointed right at you, "I don't care who started it. Now go!" Reggie collected his things and walked out leaving you with a satisfied grin on your face.
Your teacher shook her head then walked back to the front.
You trudged into the student lounge. You were exhausted already especially from that argument with Reggie. God he made you so angry. Any little thing he did pissed you off. He was cocky and acted like he was better than everyone else, when in fact he was not. You could never understand him.
Betty and Archie were already sitting on the couches talking, waiting for everyone to join them. Their heads went up when they saw your tired form. "Ugh." You plopped onto their laps earning a chuckle from them. Your backpack fell to the floor with a loud thump. "You okay?" Archie asked and Betty started to play with your hair. "I'm tired." You groaned. "School is exhausting." Archie added, "What's up with her?" Veronica asked when she walked in with Kevin. You turned your head to face her. "In first period I got in a argument with Reggie. I can't stand that kid." You groaned in frustration.
"Don't let him get to you, (Y/n)." Veronica moved to sit on the couch so you sat up right. She set her purse down in between you. Just then Jughead walked through the door with his friends. A smile spread across his face. "Guys, I want you to meet my friends." He gestured to the people standing behind him. They all followed Jughead to the couches and took a seat with him. Kevin sat down across from them were you guys sat.
"This Toni-" she waved and leaned back into her seat. "Sweet Pea-" he pointed behind him where he stood. He introduced some more of his friends but your attention was on Kevin. "What's your name?" He asked the dude across from him. "Fogarty, but my friends call me Fangs. You?" Kevin smiled, "Kevin Keller." Fangs frowned. "Oh, you're the Sheriff's kid." Kevin sighed, "I'm not going to snitch."
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Southside scum." Reggie waltzed into the room with some football players behind him. "What, you've come back for more?" You asked folding your arms across your chest. He laughed at you making you stand up. "You don't scare me, Princess." His friends snickered at your nickname. "I don't know what's wrong with you and your family but-" his eyes dragges up and down your body then he licked his lips, "with that body. I can make time for you." His friends laughed again.
In anger you pushed him back only to fire him up more. Instantly everyone was on edge and your friends stood up. "Why don't you touch me some more-" he leaned in closer to your face. His hot breathe panned across your face, "(Y/n)." A smile crept across his face. "You're like a diaper-" you leaned in a little, "You're self-absorbed and full of shit." His grimy hands reached out for you, "you little!"
Archie pulled you away from him and stood between you guys. "Stop it!" You tried pushing past Archie but he held your arm tighter. "I am so sick and tired of you, Reggie! Let go of me." Archie pushed you behind him and you felt someone else grab your other arm. "Awe, would you look at that. Little miss rich bitch is crazy too. No wonder your family hates you."
"Let me go right now, Archie!" Archie ignored you, "I suggest you leave right before something bad happens." Reggie rolled his eyes and slowly left the room. Archie pushed you to sit back down.
"When I get my hands on him-" you clenched your fist. "(Y/n), stop. You're not making this any better. I know he gets on your nerves but don't put more fuel in the fire. He already has enough. We're trying to get us Southsiders to fit in without anymore drama. They already hate us enough." Jughead placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "I know he's twisting your story. But please. Don't make this situation worse than it already is... okay?" You looked up at his piercing blue eyes. "Please? If not for me... for yourself. Don't let the anger control you."
"God..." you looked around to see everyone stare at you with shock. Your friends had never seen you lash out like that and you made a fool of yourself in front of the new students. Sweet pea's eyes bore right into your (e/c) eyes. You tore your gaze away and focused back on your trembling hands. "I'll do it. Only because you asked." Not wanting to deal with their stares anymore you stood up pushing away Jughead's hands gently. "Now if you'll excuse me." He stepped back allowing you to pick up your bag. Betty's hand lurched forward to grab yours. "Where are you going?" She asked. You slipped your backpack back on. "Don't know." Before you reached the door Kevin called your name. "But you haven't eaten yet."
"I'm not hungry. I've had enough drama for today. See ya."
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Knowing Pt. II
This is sort of a follow up to my last piece. Again, I am no writer, sometimes I just have things in my head I wanna write out. This was inspired by the promo shot of Betty and Jughead kissing with his hat in his hand, and by the ending of last episode. Mild spoilers ahead! 
Her entire body froze the moment her gaze flittered across the old photograph. Her own smile, the one she had spent countless shameful hours flashing into her mirror, critiquing the shape, how much her teeth showed, the way her cheeks bunch around her eyes, was turned up to her from a frozen snapshot in time. Confusion prickled at her mind as she lifted the photograph and flipped it over, looking for an explanation or a notation, like the kind she inscribed on the back of her own photographs in pristine hand writing before tucking them into the frame of her mirror, but found only a blank back.
It was taken in a class room that didn’t stick out in her memory in any way, her own figure sitting at a desk, slightly turned away and erupting in laughter. She knew instantly that it was taken without her knowledge, or she would not have let her smile grow so broad, her gums showing. Judging from her clothing in the image and the roundness of her face she could guess it was taken a year, or perhaps two, prior.
She lifted her gaze to her beanie-clad partner, both of them standing out in the unfamiliar space. His suspenders were stretched over his rounded shoulders and his face was turned away as he crouched over a wide desk, pulling drawers open, shuffling through art supplies and drawings, his long fingers grazing over pens, markers, papers, unsure of what they were looking for. Betty spoke after only a moment of hesitation.
“It’s me.” She declared almost too loudly in the quiet room.
Jughead’s blue eyes flicked to her immediately, his brow already furrowed from his hasty investigation through Dilton’s personal belongings. Betty watched his gaze drift to the photo she was holding up towards him, her own confusion mirrored in his expression until is cleared away to recognition, or understanding? Before she could name is properly his face shifted to smug, the small smirk that played across his mouth confused her further. And irritated her.
Which must have reflected on her face as her mouth snapped open to demand an explanation. Jughead raised his hands up, his palms out in mercy right before she began full steam, “Why is this here!? Tucked away in a book, even! Was he trying to involve me in these rituals – Why are you smiling??”
“Ah – I’m not.” Jughead began, his hand reaching to his beanie as if to tug it, but his stayed suspended near his eyeline “You see, he is– was - “ he grimaced at his own use of present tense, licking his lips to restart his statement,
“He sort of… Had a thing for you.” His hand fell to the back of his neck, the unique composition of shame coming from breaking a confidence filtering across his face. Which she recognized easily from years of her countless demands of which girl Archie was interested in, wanting to know what Ethel had passed to Jughead in a note, demanding there be no secrets between the boys and herself.
“What..? Did he say that to you?”
Jughead shook his head, crossing his arms across his chest and lifting his shoulders in a small shrug, his gaze landing on her face again, something guarded in his eyes.
“No, but he didn’t need to.”
“Since.. When?” Her mind filled suddenly with Dilton, his nervous smile, his glasses constantly partially fogged. Insisting she read his favorite fantasy novel, offering to help her with her biology homework. Handing her a small, sloppily wrapped Christmas during secret Santa. The loss of this person she didn’t make enough effort to know, the reality that he was gone consumed her, filling her lungs with a painful ice grip. The room seemed to tilt under her feet, too warm and too muggy, this room was suddenly unbearable – which she had never stepped foot in until 10 minutes prior – filled with his things, his memories, his –what right does she have- oh God.
‘Betts”, her heart throbbed again as the familiar sensation of Jughead’s palm resting against her cheek cut through the panic. Her hand lifted to his chest, her palm flat against the spot where his heart resided. She counted the rhythm, strong and sure under her scarred skin. She allowed herself several moments of counting, the feel of his heartbeat one of her favorite sensations, before she lifted her gaze to his to repeat, “Since when?”
The question was met with his soft, concerned look she was so familiar with, that she somehow both loved and hated, that made her feel cherished and hatefully fragile simultaneously. His mouth formed a crooked line of indecision momentarily before he shrugged again, his chest rising with movement under her palm.
“Since…I don’t know. Since you wore that yellow dress…The one that was sort of crinkly material and had the bow in the back? Freshman year.”
She furrowed her brow, seeking the memory in her mind.
“You looked like lemon meringue.” He added softly, not quite teasing. Food he always took seriously.
A second wave of demanding questions was forming in her throat but stilled to silence when he continued, “Since our seventh grade science fair? When you did your presentation on those slugs, but you couldn’t complete your experiment because you became too attached to them. You spent the entire presentation explaining their personalities and why you named them after leaders of the women’s suffrage movement.”
A smile erupted on her face at the memory, recalling how she made Archie and Jughead help her return each beautiful slug back to their natural habitat, both boys gagging and complaining the whole time.
Had Dilton been in that class with them?
Her smile fell.
“Since you yelled at Reggie and called him ugly when he made Ethel cry in fifth grade?”
Betty blinked.
“You walked her home and baked her cookies the next day. They were peanut butter with a Hershey kiss stuck in the middle.”
Unexpectedly, Jughead flushed furiously, and took a step back from her. His arms wrapped across his chest, his weight shifting to lean against Dilton’s desk as he shifted his gaze away from her. She could see the flush on the tips of his ears.
Later, when writing in her journal, Betty wouldn’t be able to describe this moment to fully explain how it felt when this warmth, prickling really, started at her scalp, filled her face with heat, sent her heart plummeting into her stomach and her knees actually weaken and begin to shake. It was like the sun rising, like waking up anxiety free, like getting glasses and seeing a flower up close, this whole new beautiful world opening up to her.
It wasn’t until this very moment did she realize that she had this amazing, big hearted, mess of a boy by her side, loving her this entire time. He had loved her always.
(She knew, very clearly remembered now, that Dilton was always around on the weekends and summers, but he had undoubtedly spent fourth through eighth grade at a military school that he had begged his parents to go to. He returned to class with them after an incident in which he had pulled a practical joke on another student with itching powder who ended up having a severe allergic reaction that sent them to the hospital.)
Having also realized his slip Jughead huffed a little annoyed breath as a smile blossomed across her face, down to her toes, to the tips of her fingers, “Juggie…” she began, closing the space between them tentatively.
He pushed at his hat nervously, tugging on his hair in a familiar, anxious habit.
These moments of self-doubt and hesitation were much fewer and farther between at this stage in their relationship. The confidence that he had of her love for him typically radiated from his skin. He would drum it out from his long fingers to the length of her torso as they lay next to each other, exhausted and spent from passion. He would hold the truth of her undeniable love tucked away in the corner of his lips, always ready to pull into a smile.
This moment of vulnerability and fear felt like the last of its kind, breaking away this last hidden piece of his heart. He pulled his hat off in a fist, running his other hand through his hair a few times, readying himself to speak. She gave him this moment, this last vestige of the wall he kept around his heart that he had torn down for her. To love her and be loved by her.
Both arms were crossed across his chest in a protective pose, his hat fisted into the crook of one his elbows. His mouth was set in a stern line, but his were so, so soft when they met hers, “You are very easy to love.”
She closed the distance between them fully, pressing her body against the length of his, pushing her hips into his, threading her fingers through his hair, cupping his jaw, tilting his beautiful, stubborn face up to her own to kiss him sternly.
She held him firm and true, not caring they were wasting their snooping time, not caring they were in a strange room. She stood a little taller than him with him sitting and took advantage of the delicious angle, tipping his head back, pressing soft insistent kisses to his lips, his checks, his nose, his jaw. While his body language remained rigid, tucked into himself, his face was soft and peaceful. His eyelashes jumping and resting with each soft kiss she gave to him.
She had never really been that good with words, not the way Jughead was. He was witty, he was thoughtful. Yes, she could investigate, and push herself and write a flaming article with great talking points, but when it came to expressing her own feelings in her own voice she stumbled. She tripped up and repeated herself. She never quite got the words out the way she wanted, they never sounded to her hears the way she was shouting them from her heart.  There were so many things she wanted to tell him that didn’t sound right with her voice.
So, she slipped her useless tongue against his gently, wanting tell him everything this way. To say, thank you for loving me all along. You are easy to love, too.
She knew that she would probably feel this small guilt in her heart forever. Partially hating herself for not knowing of or being able to discuss with Dilton his affection for her, and partially hating herself that she could not truthfully tell Jughead that she always felt the same for him as he did for her. She could pour all of her love and longing and heartache into this kiss and this boy, and he would be there to take it all from her.
Eventually, and all toon soon (remembering where they were and that a grieving family was sure to walk in on them at any moment) Betty pulled away from Jughead slowly, his mouth traveling with her, his lips the last point to lose contact. His eyes opened slowly, blurrily, grief and love mixed together in his achingly beautiful gaze.
Betty had to swallow down the emotion that rushed through her, causing the corner of her eyes to prickle. Her gaze landed on the ground between them to the blank photo back innocently empty to them now.
Jughead reached over to pick up the photo that had fluttered out of her hand. It wasn’t until he was lifting himself back up with the photo in hand facing towards them did she notice the most important detail. Mostly cut off by the framing of the shot, but in the corner, clear as day, and in the direction photo-Betty was turned to,  the source of her carefree laughter, was a hand on a desk. A hand she’d know anywhere, from countless touches and moments being intertwined with her own. The hand that touch her own bloodied palms and covered them with understanding and acceptance.
Betty placed the tip of her index finger on the photo-hand that she adored and declared, “It’s you.”
Jughead jolted in surprise as he whipped his gaze to hers from the photo, her smile warming in response to his wide eyes. He blinked at her for a beat, before his features melted into her favorite half small, his eyes softening and turning her to goo all over again.
Reaching into his pocket he withdrew is wallet, folding the picture to slide it into one of slim pockets before returning it to the worn square in his jeans. His eyes flicked to her before softly wondering, “Think he’ll mind..?”
Betty shook her head softly, her ponytail brushing along the line of her shoulders, and her smile faded with the movement.
As they left the darkened bedroom dusk began filtering through the window, casting long orange shadows across the walls. In time with their padding steps Jughead’s hand slipped warmly into hers, as it often so easily did. Betty turned over her shoulder to gaze back into the room belonging to a boy she did not know well enough and closed her eyes for one quite moment. She said a small little prayer from her heart to Dilton, again, not having the right words...
I’m sorry. Thank you.
Any feedback is appreciated! ❤️
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julietxporter-blog · 5 years
that’s JULIET PORTER walking down the street, the twenty year old, who looks like natalia dyer. here in apple peak, they are a college student studying art/zoology. some say she acts like jane porter from tarzan, since she can be eccentric, but also a little bit arrogant. 
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Hiya y’all! I’m Tessie and it’s great to be here!! Tarzan is one of my Disney fave movies of all time and I love LOVE Jane !! She’s such a lovely character who has only the best intentions for those she cares about/loves && just wishes to explore and do what she can to be happy! ! Here’s a little info about her (or more correctly, here’s some info about Juliet!!):
Juliet was born to Archie and Amelia Porter on December 5th, 1999. Her father and mother had met just the year prior after bumping into one another on a busy street in London. It was a fated romance, but one that was also doomed from the very start. Following Juliet’s birth, both Archie and Amelia decided it would be best to move to the United States. Since most of Amelia’s family were from there, and Archie had no family of his own, they made plans to take up residence in Apple Peak. However, due to Archie’s job as a scientist and Amelia’s job as a zoologist, the two often traveled together across the globe, leaving Juliet with a nanny to take care of her. Juliet was only allowed to attend such trips at the age of ten, and so she did there on after.
Traveling the world with her parents would seem like a dream to any child, and it was definitely one for Juliet as well. Whether in Cameroon studying Mountain Gorillas or in Vietnam studying Gray Langurs, Juliet became fascinated with wildlife, so much so that she started to take inspiration from the things she’d see. She’d never really had a strength in science like her father did, but like her mother, Juliet excelled in the study of flora and fauna. What is more is that she became quite skilled at drawing, and would draw the animals, places, and people she’d see and meet, making a diary of it all.
When the inevitable happened (that being the annulment of Archie and Amelia’s marriage in 2012), Juliet was devastated. However, this didn’t deter her parents from being friends and continuing with their shared work. In fact, during a trip to the Congo, Juliet and her parents heard news of a young boy taken in by apes and founded by pygmy peoples. Fascinated by the story, and the very wonderment of it all, Archie Porter, as well as Amelia, tried to communicate with the boy. Soon enough, they were successful, and in 2017, they took him back to Apple Peak.
The years that followed consisted of Juliet settling down in Apple Peak with the decision to study art and zoology in college. Whilst Juliet loves Apple Peak, her dreams to travel the world and explore triumph her want to stay.
Now, Juliet and her parents have re-settled back in Apple Peak. Currently, Juliet is studying art and zoology at Apple Peak University and plans to immediately work after graduating. She’s got an array of dreams ahead of her, and although her life remains in Apple Peak, sometimes — and only sometimes — she wishes she could venture out into the world once again.
Juliet is very much a restless spirit, wanting to explore and take in the world as much as she can. Not only is she smart, but she’s kind and compassionate too. Her adventurous mind is matched with a cautious one, and she rarely makes choices that she thinks will wind up hurting her or the people that she loves.
pls bring me all !!! the !! friendships !!! Juliet is someone who really loves, LOVES the people she cares about, and although she can be quite intense upon first meeting, she’s the most loyal person you’ll ever meet.
And that’s all for now!! Thank you for reading that lengthy paragraph about Juliet and if y’all ever wanna plot, pls feel free to send me a message either on discord or here!! <33
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Saving Grayse, chapter two
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven
Riverdale x OC (Sweet Pea x OC)
Word Count: 1780
Summary: There's a new member in the Serpents, a troubled girl, with a dark history and an unknown past with FP. Settling in to her new life might prove a little difficult than anticipated.
Warnings: none, as far as I know
"You made any friends yet?" FP asks walking into his office.
She shrugs, straightening her posture in the chair by his desk.
"You need friends.” He takes a seat opposite.
"I have you," she tries to reason.
"We're not friends."
"I'm you're God-father."
"Good enough.”
"It is," she smiles.
“I’m a parental-figure, you need friends your own age."
She sighs, dramatically.
"So we need to get you situated," he diverts the conversation, sitting back in his chair.
She remains in the seat opposite picking at the fries and burger in front of her. "This is really good," she mumbles stuffing a fry into her mouth. "Where's it from again?"
"And that's a...?"
"Okay, right, I'll be visiting there soon." She slurps on her pink drink.
"They never let you out?" he mumbles staring at the girl. Astounded she's lived her whole life in this town, but she knows nothing of its contents.
She shakes her head. "And you know that."
"I find it incredible."
"I wasn't allowed over here. And you know that. Pop's," she says. "You work there, right, when you're not here? Being a badass king of the Serpents," she laughs, she knows she has to face the her past at some point.
"Yeah, I guess, that's a way of putting it."
"You need an update?" She looks up, taking a break from eating. "I was free as a bird, or snake, until I was five, you know about that?"
"Of course."
"And they we disappeared…"
"That's where it gets foggy."
"But you still had contact with mom and dad, right?"
"A bit."
"Then everything happened… and they just... kept me..." she shrugs. "They wouldn't dare let me out, just in case. I don't remember much about before we left this particular portion of the Southside."
"I'm sorry... I didn't help you until now."
"It's fine," she dismisses and continues to eat what’s left of her food.
FP watches her for moment, then smiles. “You’re so like Jug.”
“Of course I am,” she beams, then continues to eat.
He nods, then goes back to what he was initially saying. "So we'll get you situated. I'll tell Jug, I might have to explain your situation-"
She snaps her eyes up. “No.”
"Only if necessary," he assures her. "And I'll make him keep quiet, promise, then once he's in the know, you can stop spending the night in on that couch," he nods to the beaten, leather couch stuffed into the corner of his office. A small pillow and blanket neatly folded lie on one corner.
"It's not so bad."
He frowns. He can't even fathom what the girl has been through. He doesn't want to. If half the stuff that happened to Amber had happened to Jellybean he'd probably murder those responsible. Even with Amber he wants to murder those who hurt her, but he knows better. He can't protect her from behind bars. He has to be smart.
"Once that's sorted, we'll get you enrolled at Riverdale High."
"Wasn't there a school over here? Or is that my memories playing tricks on me, they have a tendency to do that."
"Got shut down a month or so ago."
"Oh," she chuckles. He's not sure why, neither is she to be completely honest. Maybe it’s because it looked like it would collapse over ten years ago when she last saw it, it’s a surprise it lasted that long.
"So I have to go to school?" she tilts her head.
"Of course, you're only seventeen and you've got a lot of catching up to do."
"Doubt it, I'm probably smarter than half those idiots in that place, for starters I have a brain."
"You need to stop that."
"Kick those Northside assumptions they fed you out of your mind. That's no way to get on over here."
"But don't you hate them too? Or is that another false memory?"
"It's complicated. Repairs are being made."
"If you say so."
"Right, anyway, so you'll live with me and Jug, you'll start at Riverdale High," he recites through his plans aloud. "Oh, and it's still too fresh so I don't want you wondering about alone, too dangerous with them lurking about-"
"I could take 'em."
He rolls his eyes.
"I could.” She slurps the last of the pink foam from her cup. "They never gave me a chance, but now, I have control, of my mind, body... I could and I'd enjoy every minute, compensation I deserve," she smirks, but there's hint of sadness in her voice.
"This is half the reason I don't want you alone. I don't trust them, but I don't trust you either. Be smart, Amber."
"So they'll always be a member allocated to you at all times."
"No way," she protests. "I ain't being babysat."
"For now you are."
"Someone will take you to and from school, be with you during school hours, and someone with out of hours whether you're at the bar or home. Someone will be with you at all times. No exceptions. No excuses."
"That's ridiculous. Don't you think that's a little over kill?"
"Given the circumstances not at all."
She rolls her eyes. "Fine, might be nice having company in the bathroom, can get quite lonely."
He frowns.
"What? You said no excuses. You never know, they might pop up through the toilet or maybe the plug hole, can't be too careful, right?"
"Eat your burger." He rolls his eyes.
"You know." She looks up. "I didn't resist losing the memories from my time here, over time they just faded, got mixed up," she shrugs. "But with every inch of my being I wouldn't let go of the ones that stared you and your son – my Raven-haired Knight," she smiles.
"You wanna be there when I explain?" FP asks as they ascends the trailer steps.
She shakes her head. "Not really."
"I get it." He pushes the door open and gestures her in. “Give me and Jug a minute, then.”
She stops abruptly. Her eyes widen, her eyebrows collapse.
"What-" His eyes widen also. "Jughead? Didn’t know you have company?"
A tall red-haired boy and a small girl, despite her heels, with hair similar in colour to Amber's, stand from the couch. They stare back, just as confused as the two that just walked in.
"Mr Jones," she girl nods.
"Dad?" Jughead tilts his head as he glares to the girl hiding in the doorway. "What's she doing here?"
"My intention was to explain, but this place is a little crowded," he glares at the two teenagers.
"Oh, yeah," the girl exclaims. "Course, we best get going anyway.” She nudges the boy, a little too firmly, in the ribs.
"Right," he just nods.
"Erm, well it's nice seeing you Mr Jones," she says. "And it's been a pleasure..."
"Amber," she mumbles.
"What a beautiful name," she beams. "I'm Veronica, this is Archie.” She gestures to the boy who is still glaring.
Amber shifts her body, trying to widen the distance between them.
"Do you not speak?" Veronica chuckles.
"I'm selective with speech."
She nods stepping towards the door. "Actually." She waves her arms. "We were gonna head over to Pop's for dinner, and seeing as these to clearly need to talk about something, how about you come too, my treat?"
Amber looks to FP. He pauses, then nods. "It's all right, you can trust 'em."
She looks Veronica and nods. "Okay."
FP watches as the two girls follow out, then pushes his hand to Archie's chest. "You better look after her, Red," he warns. "If so much as a hair is disturbed, you will regret you even stepped foot over here."
He nods backing away. "Course, FP.” He obeys hastily closing the door behind him.
"What the hell was that?" Jughead demands. "You can't go round threatening my friends," he rants. "Who the hell even is she? What was she doing here? And what is she doing with you? Well?"
"I don't owe you any answers, boy!" He tosses his jacket to the chair, frustrated.
"You kind of do, actually."
He sighs dragging his fingers through his hair. "If you just stop for a minute I might be able to tell you she's gonna be saying with us."
"No, way, there's no room, and the whole not knowing who the hell she is. She could be-"
"I know. This is my place. I make the decisions. I don't care how old you are, you are still my kid, Jug, you listen to me."
"So what are you doing here?"
No response. Veronica shifts in her seat, then looks to Archie, slouched into the cool leather of the booth beside her.
"Oh, still being selective," she nods remember the silent girl's previous words. "How about, how do you know FP?"
The girl just stares from the opposite side of the table.
"Can I ask where you are from?"
"Here," Amber states.
"Oh, well, I'm still relatively new, not quite met everyone yet."
"I've never seen you,” Archie sits up.
She shrugs.
"And I've been here all my life, know Jug since we were five."
"Well, when your life with him started, mine had come to an end."
"Fine, but I deserve an explanation.” Jughead sinks to the couch. FP slumps into the chair.
"You really don't remember her?"
"No. Why would I?"
"Because you were in separable when you were kids."
"I've never seen that girl in my life."
"You were torn up when she left. Cried every day.” He nods remembering the pain the girl, his son can't recall, left all those years ago. "You couldn't understand why she just left. And I couldn't explain it to you. I didn't have an explanation myself. You couldn't understand why the girl with the raven curls just disappeared. Even back then, you spoke like a writer. She called you her Raven-haired Knight. Quite the pair," he chuckles. "Even when you were five."
"I really don't remember," Jug frowns. He touches his head, his guilt overwhelming, as if pressing her fingers to his forehead will draw these lost memories out.
"Bad experience. Probably pushed it out for your mind."
"And you know now. You've got your explanation for why she left?"
He nods.
"You gonna tell me?"
"Not now. She still thinks highly of you, even if you don’t remember her. She isn't ready, I'm gonna respect that.” He grabs his keys. "And you are too." He points a warning finger at his son. "Go pick her up.” He throws them to his son. "She's been exposed to Red and a Lodge long enough for one night."
A/T:  Hope you like it so far, the story is just warming up, but in the chapter Amber is introduced to a few more members (hint - a certain tall boy with the infamous stamp on his neck makes an appearance).
A/A/T: Thank you for reading, there may not be many of you, but it means the world that you take time to read my story.
Thanks again, all my love,
Oli x
*main blog: a-girl-stuck-in-a-fantasy-world
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xiii-jb-46 · 6 years
I don’t wanna be a princess
A/N: Watching this movie about princess and it gave me an idea. I’ve decided to slightly change it alittle.
Warning: swearing (mildish)
I looked in the mirror of my house. It was a mansion somewhere in Riverdale. I hated living here and I’ve been living here for only a week. My parents sent me to Riverdale to live as a normal girl untill I was 18. Which is pretty poor decision because I’m 16. I only have two years left, Who knows what they were thinking.
Now I know what you are thinking. Your pribably thinking my parents own a huge company, right? Well your not completely wrong. My parent’s are the biggest mobster in South California. Well technically my dad is, my mother was from another gang you may say is from Toronto. My uncle is boss for that one and our two gangs are very close.
“Y/N it is almost time for school,” My twin brother walks in wearing what he usually wears. Sweater and ripped jeans, “You excited to meet new people and live without the everyone thinking your gonna kill them?” He stood behind me with a smile.
“I didn’t kill him. You did so back off.” I pushed past him making sure to hit him in the process. He always blamed things on me just because I was born first. I was going to take over and I was ready for it. I think.
I got into his black Lamborghini. When I mean got into he basically forced me because he said we don’t walk to school. We arrived at our new school already drawing attention to ourselves.
“I hate you so much. I hope you know that Ryan.”
“I hate you too Y/N.” I got out slamming the door. I looked at my reflection fixing my adidas originals 3 stripped leggings. I looked at my red chill short sweater. I looked okay and I felt okay.
“You look like a whale.” Ryan was leaning against his side of the car.
“Shut up norbit.” I slung my bag on my shoulders and walked in the school. I hated the looks and stares. It made feel pressured to be what how my entire family is. Dangerous and violent.
“Wait up Y/N!” My stupid brother finally caught up and looked down at my maroon timberlands, “You look terribly ugly wearing those.”
“Okay try hard. At least I’m not being someone I’m not, poser.” I walked ahead leaving him. I went into the office and saw the most cutest guy. My heart was bounding so fast just looking at him. His hair fell perfectly on his face. The turtle neck reminded me of my brother but that can be removed. He looked good in those preppy clothes. He smiled and I melted right where I was standing. I could church bells and it was like I had found an angle. It was so perfect until my brother came along.
“Y/N I have your schedule.” I ignored him looking at the cute stranger. “Y/N? Water to whale?” I elbowed him in the stomach. I looked at him and pushed him down.
“Stop calling me a whale you twig.” I wripped my schedule out his hand and punched him in the nose. It isn’t the first time I’ve done it. Thank god no one was paying attention. Blood came down his nose and ran down his lip. He glared at me and stood up.
“You bitch. You wait till I tell father.”
“So what! We all know who he favours!” Now the entire office was looking at us.
“Oh so what! I don’t need his approval!” I didn’t care about the stares anymore.
“You are an idiot and I hope you realise it.” Kneed him in the stomache and left. I cant deal with him or we would end up trying to kill each other.
I walked behind the school and threw sticks at the tree. “Idiot brother! Hope he falls in a sink hole created by mother nature!” I stomped on the stick and screamed.
“You okay?” I lool behind me and saw the cute stranger.
“No my brother really knows how to get on my nerves.” He sits on a bench and I sit next to him.
“Well looks you know how to get on his. He is walking around school with a bleeding nose.” I laugh thinking about it.
“He is always calling me a whale or daddy’s favourite. I never asked for him to favour me. I don’t even want it.” He laughed looking down at me.
“Your cute, princess.” I smiled blushing. My heart raced and I couldn’t believe being here would be a blessing.
The next few weeks were a breeze I became close to the cute stranger who’s name is sweet pea. When I mean close I mean we had an unofficial thing. I became friends with Jughead, Toni, Fangs, Betty and Veronica. Not so much Archie. It felt like he was keeping something to himself and I didn’t like it.
My phone rang and I when I looked at the caller ID I frowned. My brother stared at me weirdly and look down at my phone. “You better answer.” I nod answering the call.
“Hello father.” I said joyfully.
“Hello darling. I’m coming to Riverdale to sort some things out with an old friends.” He hanged up and I knew once he finished things up we would leave and I didn’t want to. I stood up from my couch and walked to my bedroom. What am I going to do? I sighed flopping on my bed.
“Why is it so hard to choose? If I follow my heart I end up captured and dead. If I folloe my mind. I’ll be miserable.” I looked at the roof and watched the fan go around and around.
♤ ______________________ ♧
I was woken up by the sound of laughter and the smell of alchole and cigars. “So soon?” I look outside and see it was completely dark without a trace of any sun light. The moon barely visable in the corner of the window.
I got up and walked out to greet my parents but was surprised by an extra guest.
“Veronica? Archie?” I stared at her in disbelief.
“Y/N!?” She smiled as I took my seat next to Ryan. You would think she would have guessed I was here too if my brother was right here.
“Well this great. Our daughters know each other. We were just discussing about the serpents.” I gulped a little too loud.
“Whats wrong my dear?”
“Oh nothing they can be scary.” I pretend to hug Ryan as if I was scared and hebwould protect me. I heard Veronica’s little giggle.
“Well we were thinking of doing something about those serpents.” No please nothing dangerous.
“They are in the way of bussiness and we need them gone.” Ryan was trying so hard not to tell something and for father’s approval he would spill anything.
“Y/N knows a serpent and he is wrapped aeound her finger!” He burst out. I slapped the back of his head.
“Well this is going well then. You can use him to get him do your bidding and soon you will be in trusted and then from the inside we will crumble them their walls.” I stood up angrily
“No Father! I will not do your bidding for evil. I don’t care if you disown me. I will not break someones trust for you. Especially if I like them.”
“If you don’t, things will not go well for him. He may not even be alive.” His voice was calm without a trace of anger.
“Fine!"I ran up the stairs and cried myself to sleep. The next I didn’t bother with breakfast. I got ready and left for school. Without Ryan. He would just lecture me about how I disobeyed father and how he wouldn’t do that.
Regretfully I used Sweet pea and every night I cried myself to sleep. I can’t do it anymore but I was too deep to tell him. They had trusted me so much it was like I was one of them and by law Serpents never betray their own. My father was a good man but sometimes he could be cruel. My brother hated me deep down but he hid it away.
"Y/N you gonna eat?” I heard Ryan’s voice from the door.
“No. I’m not hungry.” He closed the door. The next day it was raining. I had barely made it inside without my hair getting wet. Veronica rushed to me with a worried look on her face.
“The serpents were suspended. They found out about the statue. They also found out about whag you had been doing Y/N.” I dropped my umbrella and ran to the south side. I didn’t care about the rain or the fact that when I find him. He wont want to see me at all.
Sweet pea was just about to walk in his tralier. “Sweets!” I yelled just 5 meters away. He looked back and walked in. I walked in just before he closed the door.
“What do you want Y/N?”
“To apologize.”
“Why so you can just break that too? I can’t believe you used me Y/N. After all the things I’ve done for you. I can’t believe I actually like you,” I looked down feeling all the regret I did all those nights, “you dont even care do you?”
“I do Sweet pea. I care so-”
“The why would you betray us!”
“Because! My father threaten to kill you! I love you Sweet pea and I didn’t want to see someone I care about die.” He looked at me shocked.
“I cried every night because I regretted what I was doing. I held your life in my hands and one slip up would cost me. I hated it. I got to the point I regretted meeting you because I didn’t want this to happen. I didn’t want our unofficial love to end. I-” He grabbed my facd and kissed me on the lips with passion in eyes.
“We will protect you. Even if it means we all die. A serpent is never left to die.” I hugged him crying in his chest. The next few days were rough. My father found me and apologized to Sweet pea because my mother had found out what he did. My mother waa far scarier than my dad. I had told him I don’t want to be a mobster and he felt upset but agreed. My brother got what he wanted and I got what I wanted.
Finally I am at peace.
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once-upon-a-ouat · 6 years
OUAT Rewatch 1x19 “The Return”
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OUAT has returned with another great episode. Don’t believe me? Head under the cut to find out what’s the deal of this episode and why it is so good.
The flashbacks fleshed out Rumple’s character even more (how is that even possible?). We saw how much and how quickly power had corrupted him. His total disregard for Baelfire’s pleas was just horrifying. And he killed a mute woman in oder to keep his secret. It showed very well that even despite his newly-gained power, he was still a coward, which played a major part a bit later on in the story. I, personally, loved the implication that the deal he made with Bae was the first one and it was what started his tradition of making deals. And all the deals he made subsequently were supposed to help him fix the consequences of that first deal he broke. I loved how he made it a rule not to break a deal ever again but he still used all the loop holes he could find. He also tried to do that with Bae but he was having none of it. The tragedy of that portal scene is even bigger when you know Rumple’s whole story. I love how OUAT’s characters always follow in the steps of their parents even though they’re completely different people. And I loved that we finally got to see why Rumple needed the Curse so much.
Bae was just adorable in this episode. It can’t have been easy for him to watch his father get consumed by his powers, but he still didn’t give up on him. His determination to find a way to rid Rumple of his powers and his readiness to leave everything behind if it meant he could be with his papa showed the strength of his love for Rumple. So the scene with the portal was really heartbreaking. And his lines showed very well how betrayed he felt so that we can understand him the next time we see him as Neal. “You are the part of him that keeps him human.” While that was true initially, after Rumple lost Bae, his desire to find him only made him fall deeper into darkness and lose more and more of his humanity.
I kinda liked Blue in this episode. That is not to say that she didn’t annoy me a bit because she did. “Because there is good magic and dark magic, and I’m on the right side.” Confident, aren’t you? I can think of a few instances when you were a major bitch but okay. I want to know why she didn’t deny when Rumple asked if he could get to Bae with a curse. Can’t fairies lie or did she just not want to do it? If it’s the latter, well then, good job, Blue. If you had told a little white lie, maybe none of this would’ve happened. I loved the offended look on her face when Rumple tried to hit her though. Why did they feel the need to give her the name ‘Rheul Gorm’ if they never used it again? Did that serve any purpose (because I don’t think it did)?
Morraine was a nice addition to the story. It was good to see her back. Safe and sound nonetheless. Thanks to Rumple (I have a feeling he put an end to the war because he wanted to show everyone that he wasn’t a coward anymore which the episode undid quickly). I liked the fact that she wasn’t afraid of him and believed that Baelfire would protect her from his father if necessary. She didn’t think Rumple was that big of a monster and it was nice to see a different point of view.
I absolutely loved Gold in this episode. His suspiciousness was awesome to witness. I loved the fact that he asked Emma for her opinion on August (and the little genuine moment at the beginning of their conversation). He trusted her judgment when it came to people. But it still wasn’t enough to calm his suspicious mind. Gold picking a lock is another thing I didn’t know I needed in my life but I can’t live without now. His expression when he saw the drawing of the dagger though. I think Emma should’ve taken him on a stakeout (he’s a lot more patient than Regina).
His chat with Mother Superior was awesome (I loved the mutual dislike between them). “And I don’t have to not double you rent.” Gold, you’re a dick and I love you. It was a power move on the writers’ part to make Blue a part of both Rumple and Pinocchio’s stories. That way they could lead us (and Rumple) on and make us believe August was actually Baelfire.
I loved that even when he went to Archie to seek help, Gold was still controlling the situation. “Honesty has never been the best color on me” though. I feel like he’s scared of letting people see him as who he really is because they’d be turned away which was why he kept lying and that was what turned them away. It was really sad that he thought his son might want to kill him. “Perhaps I’m just seeing what I wanna see.” You have no idea how right you are.
Gold’s apology melted my heart and the realization that he was deceived broke it. But damn, he physically overpowered August so easily. Gold doesn’t strike you as the physically strong type but he’s proven more than once that his devious mind is not the only thing you should be afraid of. It’s as if his anger gives him strength (and suddenly Gold is Hulk; well, a much finer version of Hulk but Hulk nonetheless). He managed to rein in his emotions though and made the best of the situation.
Gold’s conversation with Regina was very amusing. I love how he keeps driving her towards her defeat and gradually weakens her. First, Emma became sheriff and Regina lost control of the police force. And now Emma was out for Regina’s head and Regina also had to sacrifice Sidney if she wanted to walk out of the mess clean. “You and I, we’ve been in this. Together. From the start” means much more when you’ve watched 2x02.
I can’t believe that the writers managed to make August even more mysterious by giving us more clues as to who he is. His claims that he’s not a liar fell short here. The writers once again reinforced the idea that desperation causes us to make the biggest mistakes. August and Gold were essentially the two sides of the same coin. They were both desperate to be reunited with the ones they loved and that caused them to make mistakes. The “I was gonna make the Savior believe but that woman... “ part though. You know it’s true but it sounds horrible. Also, if he had kept his promise and taken care of her, maybe he wouldn’t have to go through all that trouble now. And can they all, please, stop using Henry. I would really appreciate that.
I absolutely loved the scene between Sidney and Emma. I liked how Emma approached the situation and tried to get him on her side. The moment when she realized why he was helping Regina was so awesome. Emma’s face was just the best. I feel like she was thinking “Not you too”. Mary Margaret already got into a big mess due to her feelings, and now Sidney was making the same mistake. Also, I hate to break it to the Swan Queen shippers, but her expression was practically screaming “How can you fall in love with someone so sick?”. It was an understandable reaction because Emma hasn’t seen Regina do anything besides ruin people’s lives (it makes me wonder what Sidney saw into Regina though). The scene also showed the contrast between Emma and Regina’s characters even though Regina wasn’t physically present (a parallel of Cora in the last episode). Emma was trying to help Sidney and get him out of trouble while Regina was only dragging him in deeper.
Emma’s chat with Gold was awesome. She was onto him but he brushed it off as if she couldn’t be farther from the truth. I loved the way she described August, and the way she ended the conversation. I also loved how she got rid of David. It was power move after power move on her part in that scene.
Talking about David, too little, too late, my dude. I am not as annoyed with him as I was in the previous episodes but I absolutely support Mary Margaret in her decision. I loved how fierce she was in that scene. She heard him out but didn’t take crap. I loved how strong she was because it can’t have been easy for her but she did it anyway. We can see how much impact the whole experience had on her and that she came out of it a little jaded, a little rougher around the edges, but also a lot stronger and with more self-esteem than before (that “It didn’t feel like that yesterday” in response to Emma’s “You have a lot of friends” though; Mary Margaret, I love you). I also loved the fact that she took into account Leroy’s words, reflected on them and accepted them as her own truth. It was awesome to see how her character has developed during those last five episodes.
Kathryn is just the sweetest, kindest human being that ever walked this earth. I was practically squealing during her scene with David because it was the cutest thing ever.
Archie was awesome in this episode even though he didn’t get that big of a part. I wish he had told Gold why everyone asked about the rent but it would’ve been a little redundant storywise.
Favorite scene: Gold and August’s ‘reconciliation’. I loved Gold’s honesty in that scene. He knew he had been in the wrong but he showed how much he regretted his choice. I loved how August couldn’t look at him. Gold interpreted it as him still being angry that he abandoned him but I think August felt guilty for using Gold’s love for his son. It made August much more likable given his course of actions. And you could tell how much he wanted to be reunited with his own father.
Least favorite scene: The last one. Regina was just the worst in that scene. Poor Sidney! I can’t help but wonder how she convinced him to take the blame. This scene really canceled out all the sympathy you could’ve felt for Regina during her scene with Gold. But I also can’t really sympathize with Emma here. She’s all out for blood which isn’t the Emma we’ve seen throughout the season. Emma was the person we were supposed to look up to. She did the right thing no matter how hard it was (think 1x08) and I feel like this scene unraveled that a little bit. And that “I’m gonna start playing an entirely different game” sounded more like “I’m gonna stoop to your level because there’s no other way to beat you” (which was exactly what she didn’t want to do). I do realize that even the best people can lose their footing when pushed (and Regina did push with all she had) but I still don’t like it. That scene made me sick to my stomach. By the way, Regina’s face in that scene is the one thing I liked because Emma just threatened to take away the thing she loved most, but her mask didn’t crack even for a second. Here we saw how well she’s mastered the theatrics she was only beginning to get into in the flashbacks of the last episode.
Favorite line:
Archie: Are you here for the rent?
Gold: Why does everyone ask that?
Maybe because that’s the only reason why you initiate interactions with people? I love how much that tells us about Gold’s cursed persona. We didn’t get to see much of him while he was under the Curse and this was a great way to give us a peek without actually doing it. They established his relationship with the entire town with just one line (that built off of two others but still).
Least favorite line: “You tried to take away someone that I love. And now... I’m gonna take away someone that you love. I’m taking my son back.” - Emma to Regina
It sounded like she was doing this as revenge and I’m sorry but I can’t support that. I love how Henry is very suddenly her son now. Newsflash, Emma, if you hadn’t given him up, you wouldn’t have to take him back now. Regina might not have been the best mother (they didn’t show any interactions of her and Henry during that specific period of time that made Emma flip out though and I feel like they should have) but she was still Henry’s mother which Emma seemed to discard completely in that scene and I just hated that.
This review was a real struggle. Why is it so much harder to pinpoint what you liked than what you didn’t? You know you liked it, you have so many thoughts about it, but you can’t put them into coherent sentences (btw, I’m sorry if this review is messy (I mean, messier than my other ones)). What I loved about this episode is that it found the perfect balance between telling its own story while also moving the main plot forward. Robert Carlyle left me speechless once again with his acting. Rumple’s character development was awesome and the mystery around August got even bigger (how did they do that?). Next time we’ll finally find out the true identity of this stranger though.
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youcancallmeelle · 6 years
And I’ll Be The Sky And You Be The Bird... Part 3: (FP jones x Original Character).
** Inspired by this song **
As we sat on the bleachers for lunch the next day, all that was on my mind was FP.
I cursed myself for starting this but at the same time, I didn’t regret.
I felt immense guilt though, especially for Jughead. He was one of my closest friends, we had a lot in common and I was also tight with Betty.
I wasn’t fond of sneaking around but it was my life, it was my choice.
“Who’s up for the drive in tonight?” Kevin asked, plopping down next to me and throwing an arm around my shoulder.
“I guess that’d be cool, I don’t have work tonight.”
“Sounds great, what do you think Archikins?” Veronica inquired, nudging her boyfriend who was in a world of his own.
“I’m up for it, I’ll borrow my dad’s truck and pick you up.” He told her.
“Do you, Betty and Jug wanna hop in my car? I’ll drive us.” Kevin suggested and I nodded, taking a gulp of my water and wiping the sweat off my brow.
“What’s playing.” Jughead wondered, stealing some of his girlfriends lunch.
“The breakfast club, a true classic.” Kevin sighed happily and Ronnie squealed, clapping her hands.
“It’s not that good.” I chuckled, pulling my phone out from the back pocket of my shorts as I felt it vibrate.
“How dare you speak such words!” Veronica gasped, her perfectly manicured hand over her heart.
I rolled my eyes and glanced down at my phone, noticing a notification of a text message. I bit my lip and briefly looked up before I opened the message, just incase there were any wondering eyes.
From: FP Jones Recieved: 12:24
Good afternoon, any reason you’ve been ignoring my messages all day?
I hastily closed the message, leaving it to lie with the other few that he’d sent me today. I wasn’t ready to talk to him yet, my head had been spinning from the moment we kissed and I was unsure of my next move.
I locked my iphone and shoved it back into my pocket, refocusing on the group conversation.
“Hi there, losers!” A snooty voice chiden in, a certain red head making herself know as she stood before us in her iconic cheerleading outfit.
“What’s up, Cheryl?” Betty sighed, leaning into her boyfriends side as Cheryl admired her red claws.
“I couldn’t help but overhear that you’re going to the drive in tonight and I thought you’d all appreciate my company, obviously.”
“You bet.” I replied sarcastically and she glared at me in distaste, to which I couldn’t help but grin back.
“You can pick me up at seven, Archie.” She informed him, before strutting away back to the vixens.
“There’s only one Cheryl Blossom.” Jughead spoke to which we all noded in agreement.
“Thank god.” Archie grumbled, staring after the red head.
Lunch flew by and soon we were sitting in our last few lessons, the hours passing by slower than ever.
But thankfully, the school day did eventually come to an end and before I knew it, I was sat in my car, ready to head home.
I only lived a short distance away from Riverdale high, a few streets from the auto shop, so everything I needed was a nice convenience away and easily accessible.
I flicked the the stereo on as I pulled out of the parking lot, my phone was connected to my car so my own music blared out of the speakers.
I shoved my sunglasses on my face and wound all my windows down, there was something comforting about doing this and it gave me a chance to cool down since the summer heat was stifling.
The ride was brief, just how I liked things.
“Hey, Mom.” I called out as I entered my house after I’d parked my Mini in the driveway, kicking off my shoes and padding into the kitchen.
“Have a good day, baby?” She asked as she kissed my head, avoiding touching me as she was in the middle of prepping dinner for this evening.
“As good as it gets.” I chuckled, opening the fridge door for a can of soda to quench my thirst.
“It’s chicken and greens for dinner tonight, love.” Mom told me, continuing to add spices and herbs to the chicken that she was just about to place in the oven.
“Actually, Mom. I won’t be home for dinner tonight, I’m going to the movies.” I replied, taking a large gulp of my soda.
“With a boy?” She gasped, almost delighted.
“Sure, why not.” I confirmed, wanting to have a little fun with her.
“What’s he like? Is he handsome? Do I know him?” She fired at me, her words coming out so fast that I could just about understand her.
“He’s so handsome.” I exaggerated and her eyes brightened at the thought of her loner daughter finally having a love interest but little did she know, her little girl was out kissing men twice her age.
“I can’t wait to meet him!”
At this point I couldn’t contain my laughter and had to make sure I swallowed the rest of my drink before it went everywhere.
“Don’t get too excited, I’m only messing with you. He’s as gay as can be, Mom.”
“I assume you mean Kevin Keller then, the sheriffs son.” She shot at me, returning to her meal prep.
“Yep.” I confirmed, exiting the kitchen to retreat to my room before he picked me up in a few hours.
“You had my hopes up then, Liv!” She called after me as I strolled up the stairs, rolling my eyes at the mind of my mother.
I’m not sure why she wanted me to find a boyfriend so desperately, I partly believe it’s because she’d met my dad by now at this age. It was great that it worked out for her, but I had different plans for my life.
I collapsed back onto my bed, throwing my empty soda in can into the trash near my desk. I stared up at the ceiling of my still new room, questioning my day.
The thought of the serpent leader ignited a fire within me.
I was well aware that what was going on with FP was wrong and some poeple would probably be grossed out by it, especially Jughead. But I really felt something for him and that confused the hell out me, I’ve said many times that I have no intentions of starting a relationship or catching feelings. 
Things with us had moved fast, there was no denying it.
I couldn’t bring myself to stop it because truthfully, I didn’t want to. FP made me feel something so foreign but so good, I felt alive when I was with him. He was funny, experienced and almost as cynical as me. He was really attractive too, those dark eyes and his stubble that drove me insane.
I was afraid though, really scared of what could happen.
I was old enough to be mapping out my own life, but I didn’t want to destroy anyone elses in the process. I valued my newly found friendships, more than anything.
I must have lay on my bed for a good few hour just watching videos on my phone or idly replying to the group chat because I hopped up as I realised that Kevin would probably be here for me in the next hour.
I scrubbed all my make up so that I was able to apply a fresh lot, wanting to look atleast presentable tonight.
I applied my usual foundation, concealer and powder. Also drawing in my eyebrows and adding a coat or two of mascara, finally finishing it off with some contour, highlight and a light layer of lip oil.
Next, I moved onto my hair. I brushed it free of tangles, spraying it over with heat defence spray while I waited for my curling wand to heat up. I wasn’t feeling looking too put together so only loosely curling the blonde strands, brushing them out and fluffing them up so I was left with voluminous waves.
Satisfied with my appearance, I trawled through my wardrobe for something to wear. I settled on some grey jeans and black raglan t-shirt, pulling them on after I’d hazardously thrown my old one’s into the corner in a heap.
I rummaged through my sock drawer for some fresh ones, slipping them on and pulling my trusty converse on.
My phone vibrated from the dressing table, causing a horrible screech as it rubbed against the stained wood.
I peered down at the lit screen and saw an alert from Kevin, notifying me of his prescence outside.
I rushed to grab my bag, making sure I had my wallet and keys to get back in later, knowing that my parents would probably be asleep. Jogging down the stairs, I hurried to shove my bag on my shoulder.
“Bye!” I called out, jumping to the bottom of the stairs and landing with a thud.
“Be careful, darling!” My dad shouted out, now sitting in the kitchen with my mother as he’d probably just finished work.
“Message us if you’re staying out!” My mom yelled and I made a noise before slamming the front door behind me, racing to Kevin’s hatchback.
Jughead and Betty were already looking pretty cosy in the back, his arm thrown around her.
“Long time no see.” I nodded to them, hopping into the passenger set.
“Livv, as trenchant as ever.” Kevin articulated, putting the car into gear and pulling away.
“Have you guys heard from Archie?” Betty asked, leaning between the seats.
“He told me he’d meet us there and to save him a spot next to us, I don’t think he’s particularly pleased about having to go to thorn hill.” Kevin informed us.
“You should of heard Ronnie, she was not a happy bunny.” Jughead chucked nonchalantly.
“I can’t blame her, I wouldn’t be best pleased either.” I voiced, tutting.
“Good job you don’t have a boyfriend to worry about then.” Jug laughed, causing Betty to smack his arm.
“I’ll have you know that being single isn’t a bad thing, you were essentially Donnie Darko before Betty came along, loner.” I asserted which made Betty laugh, Jughead feigned hurt.
“You go girl!” Kevin hollared, high fiving me.
The rest of the journey was filled with more harmless banter and bad car karaoke, it died out as we arrived to the run down landmark, otherwise known as ’The Twilight Drive In’.
Kevin pulled into a designated bay that had the one next to it free, throwing the car into neautral and killing the engine.
I happily removed myself from the vehicle, choosing to leave my bag inside and only keeping my phone on me.
I stretched my legs out, cracking my back.
“What are they doing here?” Kevin asked in disgust, glancing behind me to which I followed.
My mouth almost dropped at the sight of the biker gang as they had set up ready to watch the film or more like disrupt it.
“Unbelievable.” I muttered, watching over as the Serpents trashed the area as FP stood there with a hand in the pocket of his slim jeans and a satisfied grin spread across his sculpted face.
“I told my Dad I was coming here with you guys, he asked me what movie it was and I told him. It’s funny, I never painted him as a John Hughes fan.” Jughead shrugged, helping Betty out of Kevin’s car.
“Yeah, that’s ‘cause he’s fucking not.” I grumbled under my breath, rolling my eyes at FP who’s eyes were set on me.
I scrutinized as he messed around on his phone and I wondered what he could possibly be doing until I felt my own device vibrate in my pocket.
From: FP Jones Recieved: 7:13
Meet me behind the toilets or I’ll come over
My heart started beating at his idle threat but I knew better than to challenge him because I knew that he wasn’t lying, he would come over and direct remarks towards me.
I looked up from my screen to see he’d disappeared, so I shoved my phone back into my pocket.
“I’m going to the toilet before the movie starts, nothing worse than needing the bathroom during a movie.” I excused.
“I’ll come with you, just incase the serpents start.” Betty sighed, tightening her iconic ponytail.
“Give them some credit.” Jughead defended, wearing his own leather jacket with pride.
“I’ll be fine, Betty. I can handle myself, I promise.” I assured her, obviously the last thing I wanted was for her to join me.
She stared at me suspiciously but didn’t press the situation further, only began a detailed conversation with the boys as they awaited the arrival of Archie, Veronica and Cheryl.
I shuffled off towards the bathrooms, sloping past the serpents who let out a few whistles.
With one last glance back I slipped behind the small building of the toilets, treading carefully and keeping a watchful eye out for anyone who could spot me.
I nearly jumped out of my skin as I felt arms wrap around me from behind, unsettled beneath the dim light.
“I’ve missed you, especially since you’ve chosen to ignore all of my messages today.” A familiar voice breathed into my ear, the hairs on the back of my neck rising.
I turned within the grasp of the serpent leader, coming face to face with him.
“I’ve been busy.” I lied and FP made a face at me, narrowing his dark eyes.
“Or just avoiding me.”
“I don’t like being ignored, sweetheart.” FP whispered, cupping my face in his large hands.
They were rough, like he had years of experience with them but I couldn’t help but wonder what distasteful acts they’d committed too.
He pushed me roughly against the building, kissing me hard as I responded, quickly wanting more of him.
He pulled away abruptly and I groaned at the loss of contact, my temperature dropping.
“I have gum.” He explained.
My back was still flat against the brick wall as FP discarded him gum before crushing his lips back onto mine and I immediately deepened the kiss.
His hands were tangled in my hair and mine were exploring underneath his t-shirt, I could feel his muscles tense underneath my fingertips and I can’t lie, it was a turn on.
“Come over to my place tomorrow.” FP begged me between sloppy kisses and I moved my head so he had better access to my neck.
“I can’t, I have work.” I stammered out, in complete bliss as he pulled the neck of my raglan down to reveal my collarbones.
“Then come after work.”
He sucked at the bone and I can only guess that he left a mark.
“What about Jughead?” I asked, pushing him away before he got too carried away with the hickies.
“He’s been staying with Archie again, it means he’s closer to Betty.”
“And why do you want me to come over?” I asked, staring deep into his eyes.
“Why do you think I want you to come over?” He retorted.
“I don’t do mind games, FP. You either tell me or you don’t see me, it’s simple.”
“You’re one tough cookie aren’t you?” He tormented, tilting his head downwards.
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” I taunted, leaning up to whisper in his ear and bite at his lobe.
“Are you trying to kill me?” He groaned, throwing his head back.
“There’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll see what I’m capable of tomorrow.” I ridiculed, pushing him off me so he stumbled back.
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a promise.” I threw him a sly grin before dissappearing back into the puublic eye, leaving a bewildered and speechless serpent behind.
I casually stalked back over to the group, seeing that Archie and the girls had now arrived. Archie had parked next to Kevin, with Reggie Mantle and Moose parked on the other free side.
“Liv!” Reggie hollared, whooping at me.
“What’s up, Mantle?” I grinned, fist bumping the jock.
“You know me, babe. Everything!”
I laughed half heartedly at his joke, rolling my eyes.  
“I bought snacks!” Veronica gleamed, her hands full of a variety of candy. She shared it out, it was amusing how excited all the teenagers still got at the aspect of sugar.
“You were ages in the bathroom, I thought you’d fell down the toilet or something.” Betty joked, nudging me in the side.
“There was a que.” I lied, avoiding the stare of the blonde.
“Looks pretty dead to me.”
“Well it wasn’t when I was in there, I’m going to get a soda. Want one?” I asked, hurrying to change the subject once more.
Betty nodded, heading over to her boyfriend who was currently devouring a bag of sour patch kids.
I ran my hands through my hair, heading in the direction of the food booth to get myself a drink before the movie started, hoping for no more suspicious with FP activity tonight.
I couldn’t help but wonder though, about what could happen tomorrow at FP’s place.
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
35. A Curious Thing, Pt.4
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Storybrooke. Present Day. A Barn. (Under Zelena’s direct supervision, Mr. Gold digs.) Zelena: “There, dig.” Mr. Gold: “Huh?” Zelena: (Watches Mr. Gold closely:) “You think I’ll fail.” Mr. Gold: “I think destiny is destiny.” Zelena: (Chuckles:) “You’re wrong. I can change it. (Places the brain in a bowl:) Once I fix the past, my mother will keep me, Regina will never have been born, and I’ll get everything she ever had. (Places the enchanted heart in a bowl standing opposite to the brain:) With the right ingredients I can do anything.” Mr. Gold: “Whether it works or not, is irrelevant, dearie. Because no matter what you change of your past, one thing shall remain the same: (Zelena places the sword hilt in another bowl:) Who you are. And that is a fate, you can never escape.” Zelena: “We shall see.” (Zelena takes a closer look at the compass. We see Zelena and Mr. Gold standing in the west, the enchanted heart points south. The brain points north.) Storybrooke General Hospital. (Mary Margaret is in labor. David comforts her.) David: “It’s gonna be okay.” Mary Margaret: “Is it?” David: “Our baby’s gonna be fine. It’s never going to leave your arms. I don’t care who’s out there.” Mary Margaret: “That’s what we thought last time.” David: “Yeah, but this time we have someone else on our side.” (Outside, Emma and Regina encircle the room with a protection spell.) Emma: “You really think this protection spell will be enough to hold her off?” Regina: “It depends if your brand of magic is stronger than hers. If it is, no one wielding dark magic will be able to get in here.” Emma: “That doesn’t sound like a vote of confidence.” Regina: “It isn’t, but we’re out of options.” (Regina exits. Hook approaches Emma.) Hook: “Swan? (Emma turns around:) I heard the little royal was on his way.” Emma: “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be here right now.” Hook: “I wanna help.” Emma: “If you really wanted to help, you would have told me when Zelena cursed your lips.” Hook: “I had no choice. She threatened you and your family. I was trying to help.” Emma: “Telling me what was going on would have been help.” Hook: “And a death sentence for your boy.” Emma: “Henry’s safety is my concern, not yours, which is why I’m taking this fight to Zelena. This ends today.”
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(Watching as Emma walks past their room, David approaches his daughter.) David: “Emma, wait. You don’t have to do this alone.” Emma: “Yeah, I do. You need to stay with Mary Margaret.” David: “Yeah, I know, but you need help. Take Hook.” Emma: “Are you insane?” David: “He’s going with you. (To Hook:) You’re going with her.” Hook: “Mm, I thought you didn’t trust me, mate.” David: “Zelena backed you into a corner. You did the best you could.” Hook: (To Emma:) “See? Even your father gets it.” Emma: “Yeah, because he knows about keeping secrets from loved ones.” David: “Hey.” Emma: “I’m sorry. I’m doing this alone.” David: “No, you’re not. This isn’t about you. It’s about all of us.” Emma: “What is he gonna do? I have magic. He’s got one hand.” Hook: “You know, I’m good in a fight.” David: “At the very least, he can draw fire.” Hook: “What, now I’m cannon fodder?” Emma: “Fine. He can come.” Hook: “Fair enough. Shall we?” (Starts to walk away.) Emma: (Stops him:) “Hang on, give me a sec. (Approaches Henry:) Hey kid.” Henry: “Hey mom. Is the baby here?” Emma: “Not yet, but it will be soon. I’m sorry, but I have to go. I have to take care of this witch, but it’s gonna be alright and I’ll be back before you know it.” Henry: “I know. I’m not worried.” Emma: “Yeah?” Henry: “Defeating bad guys is what you do.” (Emma hugs Henry.) Regina: (To Emma:) “Go. I’ll keep him safe.” Emma: “Thank you.” Hook: “You ready, Swan?” Emma: “Yeah. Let’s end this.” (Regina pulls Henry close to her as she watches Emma depart with Hook, an unreadable expression on her face.) Oz. Past. The Heart of Oz. (Zelena and Glinda enter the room. Two other witches are already present.) Zelena: “What is this place?” Glinda: “The Heart of Oz. (Introducing both witches to Zelena:) These are my sister witches. From the north and the east. Each represents a special part of magic. (Introducing herself:) Love. (Points north:) Wisdom. (Points east:) Courage. Together our abilities are far more powerful than they could ever be on their own. We can do things that no one else can.” Zelena: “Like travel through time?” Glinda: “That’s not why we brought you here.” (Walks around the table.) Zelena: “But you said you wanted to help me. If you can’t change my past…” Glinda: (Interrupting:) “I brought you here to change your future. (Stops in the west:) This seat has been empty for some time. (Gives Zelena a smile:) We’d like you to fill it.” Zelena: “What does the west represent?” Glinda: “The most elusive of elements: Innocence.” Zelena: “Well, then, I’m the last person you should consider. I mean, look at me: I’m wicked.” Glinda: “But you don’t have to be. Innocence reclaimed can be just as powerful as innocence born. You simply have to choose to be good.” Zelena: “That’s easy for you to say. Good is part of your name.” Witch of the North: “Glinda, aren’t you going to tell her?” Zelena: “Tell me what?” Glinda: “I didn’t want to say anything unless I had to. I wanted to let you shape your own destiny.” Zelena: “What could you possibly know about my destiny?” Witch of the North: “Glinda is the keeper of the Book of Records.” Witch of the East: “It chronicles the past, present and future of Oz.” Glinda: “The book foretells of a powerful sorceress, who will join our sisterhood as a protector of Oz.” Zelena: “And you think that that’s me?” Glinda: "The book says that the Sorceress from the West will come to this land by cyclone.” Zelena: “I was brought here by a cyclone.” Glinda: “That’s right. We’ve been looking for you for a long time, Zelena. You’ve always been meant for more. I know you don’t think so, but you can do this. You just have to let go of your past.”
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Present Day. Storybrooke General Hospital. (Archie Hopper watches Henry reading the newspaper.) Archie Hopper: “Are you keeping up on current events?” Henry: “No, I’m looking at the classifieds.” Archie Hopper: “Oh? A little young for a job, aren’t you?” Henry: “I’m actually looking at apartments. Mary Margaret’s place will be crowded after the baby and I’ll be back and forth from Regina’s, but Emma, she can’t sleep in her car.” Archie Hopper: “No, not comfortably. (Archie Hopper nudges Henry:) It’s really good to see you, Henry. I missed you.” Henry: “Me, too. (Studying the classifieds:) Maybe a place by the water. With a view.” Archie Hopper: “You know, have you spoken to Emma about this? About staying in Storybrooke?” Henry: “What’s to talk about? We’re home. Besides, this is just until my mom asks Emma to move into the Mayor’s mansion with us.” Archie Hopper: (Chuckles:) “So you’ve thought this through?” Henry: “Trust me, it’ll happen.” Near Zelena's Farmhouse. (Emma and Hook walk together.) Emma: “I never should have brought Henry back to Storybrooke.” Hook: “You did what you thought was right.” Emma: “I did what you manipulated me into.” Hook: “Your parents needed you, Swan. The town needed you.” Emma: “Henry also needed me. We were happy in New York. Once I’m done melting this witch, I’d like us to be happy again.” Hook: “You know as content as you were in that city, it wasn’t real.” Emma: “It was real for me. For him. Everything that happened happened.” Hook: “Minus all the things you’d forgotten. Part of you is not the real you. And like it or not, a big part of you and Henry belongs in this town.” Emma: “Yeah, the part of us that’s always in danger. We’re leaving.” Hook: “What does the boy think?” Emma: “He’s a kid. He wants chocolate milk in his cereal. I’m his mother. I know what’s best for him.” Hook: “What’s best for him? Or for you?” Emma: “Excuse me?” Hook: “You’ve taken care of the boy quite well here. You can talk about danger all you like, but it isn’t that. So, tell me, what is it? (Faces Emma:) Why are you so scared of staying? (Emma remains silent:) I think it’s because you can see a future here. A happy one.” Emma: “Let me clue you in on something: Once this is all over, Henry and are are leaving, with Regina.” Hook: “The Evil Queen leave the town she created? I don’t think so.” Emma: “Don’t call her that. Regina would do anything to keep Henry safe. That’s why she sent us away in the first place. Something you’d understand if you ever cared about anyone but yourself.” (Zelena approaches them. Mr. Gold follows her.) Zelena: “Ouch. Lover’s quarrel? Instead of each other, maybe you should be focused on me. Although, without magic, that could prove to be a challenge.” Emma: “The next time you try to take my power, why don’t you try enchanting the lips of someone, I’ll actually kiss?” Zelena: “See, Emma, you’ve got a decision to make. You can keep your magic and attempt to defeat me or... (Turning to Mr. Gold:) Rumple?” (Mr. Gold magically throws Hook head first in a water trough standing nearby.) Emma: (Shocked:) “Hook!” Zelena: “Choose wisely. (Emma tries to free Hook:) Try all you like. You can’t free him. Oh and, if you do choose to simply let him die, you can kiss goodbye to your light magic anyway. So for me it’s win win.” (Zelena disappears in a cloud of green smoke. Finally, Emma is able to pull an unconscious Hook out of the well.) Emma: “Hook! Hook! (Shaking him:) Wake up! Killian! (Shakes him again:) Killian! Oh, God! Son of a bitch! (Emma leans closer and revives Hook. As Emma touches his lips, her magic leaves her:) Hook?”
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(Coughing, Hook vomits water.) Hook: (Gasping:) “Swan? (Touching his lips:) What did you do? What did you do?” Enchanted Forest. Past. (Holding an enchanted heart in one hand, Rumplestiltskin teaches Regina another aspect of magic.) Oz. Past. The Emerald City. (Once again, Zelena watches Regina and Rumplestiltskin.) Zelena: “Sorry sis, but I’m over you.” (The scene vanishes.) Glinda: (Using magic she appears behind Zelena:) “That was lovely, Zelena. I’m impressed. I knew you would make the right choice.” (Hands Zelena a magic pendant.) Zelena: “What’s that?” Glinda: “A very special pendant. Each of the witches in the sisterhood wears one. (Fastens the pendant around Zelena’s neck:) Guard it with your life, because in many ways it now is your life. You were born with great power, Zelena. And now, this pendant will harness, protect and grow that power. All of it.“ Zelena: “Will it make me stronger?” Glinda: “Than you can possibly imagine. However, the price is, without it, you’re powerless. But so long as you do continue to wear it, you’ll be able to accomplish untold miracles.” Zelena: “Does this mean…” Glinda: “You’re one of us? Yes. Our sister. (Glinda hands Zelena a mirror:) Take a look.” (Smiling, Zelena watches her green skin color disappearing.) Zelena: (Laughs:) “Thank you.” Glinda: “Don’t thank me. Thank yourself. You did it all. You let go of your envy. You took control of your destiny.” Present Day. Storybrooke General Hospital. (Leroy and Mr. Clark stand watch. Zelena and Mr. Gold are about to enter.) Leroy: “Incoming!”
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Delivery Room. (Mary Margaret is about to give birth. The light flickers.) David: “What the hell was that?” Dr. Whale: “Doesn’t matter. This baby is coming.” (Mary Margaret screams in pain.) Storybrooke General Hospital. (Running, Leroy and Mr. Clark enter the lobby. Armed with bows, three Merry Men take aim.) Robin Hood: (Kneeling down:) “Steady, men. Steady. (Takes aim. Magically, the doors fling open and Zelena and Mr. Gold enter the lobby:) Aim true. For Little John.” (Waving a hand, Zelena magically knocks all of them out. Belle approaches Zelena and Mr. Gold.) Zelena: (To Belle:) “Didn’t you learn your lesson the last time? (Shows Belle the Dark One's Dagger:) This is more powerful than your true love.” Belle: “I refuse to believe that.” Mr. Gold: “Belle, go.” Zelena: “Listen to him, dear.” Belle: “No. (Angry:) You’ve put him through enough pain.” Zelena: “I’m not nearly done. (Zelena waves her hand causing Belle to fall asleep. Mr. Gold catches Belle. To Mr. Gold:) Your taste in women really has gone downhill. Leave her, dearie. Chop-chop!” Elsewhere. (Regina notices Zelena and Mr. Gold approaching herself, Henry and Archie.) Regina: “Henry, go with Dr. Hopper. Find a closet and lock yourselves inside. You don’t want to see this. It won’t be pretty.” Archie: “Come on, Henry.” (Henry and Archie exit.) Zelena: “No, it won’t.” Regina: “Take another step and I’ll roast you.” Zelena: “Please.” (Regina prepares to cast a spell, but using magic Zelena quickly throws her sister against the wall. Knocked unconscious, Regina lies on the ground.)
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Oz. Past. The West. Zelena: “All of this? For me?” Glinda: “Yes, sister. The West. It’s future and potential is as limitless as your own. (In the distance thunder can be heard:) What is that? It sounds like thunder.” Zelena: “It’s not thunder. It’s a cyclone.” (In the distance a cyclone is visible.) Glinda: “There’s something inside it.” (The storm has passed.) Glinda: “Oh…” (Ahead of them somebody coughs.) Zelena: “Over there.” Girl: (Coughs:) “Help! I’m down here.” Glinda: “Someone’s trapped. (Glinda frees the girl:) Are you alright?” Girl: (Panting:) “I think so. I tried to run to the storm cellar, but I wasn’t fast enough.” Zelena: “What world are you from?” Girl: (Confused:) “W… World? You mean this isn’t Kansas?” Glinda: (Gives the girl a smile:) “I’m afraid not. Welcome to Oz. What’s your name?” Girl: “Dorothy. Dorothy Gale.” Glinda: “Few are strong enough to survive such a powerful storm. You must be a very special girl, Dorothy. Come, (Glinda takes the girl’s hand:) we’ll take you to our home. Our sisters will be very excited to meet you, won’t they, Zelena?” Zelena: “Yes, I’m sure they will.” Present Day. Storybrooke General Hospital. (Giving birth to their child, Mary Margaret suffers great pain. Outside, noise can be heard.) Mary Margaret: “David.” David: “I’ll be here. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. Just focus on the baby.” Dr. Whale: “Just one more push, Mary Margaret. One more push. (Mary Margaret screams:) That’s it. One more.” (Outside, Zelena steps over Regina lying unconscious on the ground.) David: (Laughing to Mary Margaret:) “It’s a boy. It’s a boy.” (Wraps the infant boy in a blanket. Magically, the doors fling open and Zelena enters the room. Using magic she knocks Dr. Whale aside.) Zelena: “What a charming family. It’s a shame I have to break it up.” (David unsheathes his sword, but Zelena freezes him mid motion. With her powers, Zelena transfers the baby into her arms.) Mary Margaret: (Shocked:) “No!” (Zelena freezes Mary Margaret as well.) Zelena: “So pure. So innocent. And now, you’re mine.” (She disappears in a cloud of green smoke. With Zelena gone, David is able to move again and heads for the door.)
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etihw · 6 years
hey if you feel like it, i wanna hear about the headcanons you mentioned for the pokemon protags
Oh man you don’t know what you’ve unleashed, I have so many headcanons for the pokemon protags so I’ll shorten them for now. I’m gonna have to put this under a readmore!!! (I’ll also put them in game order or it’ll be a mess)
P.S I am sorry not sorry this is so long, it would actually be longer but it’s super duper late right now- if you (or anyone really) want more for some reason just hit me up!
Red - Can talk! But has trouble doing it. Everyone in Pallet Town knows everyone else so that he’s more comfy with the few words he DOES say. Rival Green is supportive enough when they’re travelling that he’ll talk for both him and Red which Red appreciates since Green is ace at reading Red’s body language after all this time. Red’s pokemon are because he secretly finds them cool but he’ll wait for the pokemon to approach him rather than going after them himself. Never caught a legendary. Tugs his hat as a nervous tick, or pulls his hair over his face if his hat is misplaced. Most likely to do something death defying accidentally.
Beta!Blue - “I one up anything you say I technically stopped existing before I ever existed” is her excuse for whenever someone tries to pull something on her. Has a morbid sense of humour despite their cheery disposition. Wears a simple practical outfit that people can easily overlook and forget. Likes to spook people and really loves Lavender Town. Might be a ghost, who knows, Green and Red don’t comment on it. Laughs at her own jokes in her head. Doesn’t battle. Most likely to trick someone into believing something that isn’t true.
Gold/Hibiki - Has a skateboard and almost pretty much always scuffed up. Has a lot of bruises (whether from the skateboarding or from fighting its unknown), acts pretty aggressive at times to hide his nervousness or panic. Rocket used underhanded techniques to take down people and they had to resort to that back against Rocket, they still feel guilt about that and worry someone will find out. Protective of his pokemon because he’s seen what bad people have done to theirs. Pointy teeth!! People are weirded out by his teeth to be honest but his mum says he gets it from his father and he doesn’t know his father SO. Most likely to initiate contact.
Kris - The more open and happier of the two! She trusts her pokemon to be strong enough to help her through her adventure. Headstrong but sometimes a bit too stubborn. Her obliviousness of some subjects clashes with her stubbornness at time which ends up with her arguing with some people over what she believes in. Wears practical clothes and doesn’t care so much about the style they are as long as she can move about easily in them. Fidgets a lot because she has too much energy to sit still. Talks a lot if you let her. Most likely to be disappointed in you.
Brendan: A nervous kid, living in the shadow of his dad’s expectations. Looks surprisingly plain outside of his outfit and hat, though later on in the adventure he eventually dyes his hair white on top and grows it out somewhat (May thinks it looks silly but is glad he’s expressing his own self more). Expected to become a professor like his father but genuinely has a passion for looking after pokemon eggs. Doesn’t tell his father this. Has a secret base in a hidden away area where you have to surf above Petalburg city that he’s worked on himself over a long period of time. Ends up being a pokemon breeder. Most likely to tell you off for pokemon neglect.
May: Emphasises with Brendan on living in their parent’s shadow. Unlike Brendan who wants to do something else, May’s goal has always been to be better than her father and prove she can handle herself. Honestly confused behind the motives of Archie and Maxie because she likes everything how it is. Tries her best, sometimes doesn’t succeed. Even when she fails she gets back up again to try over and over and over again (even to the point of desperation with team magma and aqua). Ends up giving the champion mantle back to Steven because she doesn’t want the responsibility, thinking she can’t handle it, Steven says as long as he’s champion she can still have the spot. Spends most her time travelling Hoenn or finally reconciling with her father. Most likely to get migranes.
Other: Brendan is the assistant and May is the protag (mostly because that’s how i played it originally and it’s stuck).
Fire: Definitely can talk. His default talking mode is sarcasm however so people tend to avoid asking him to answer something. Avoids snarking at Green because Green snarks right back and then they end up arguing. More serious about his battling, liking being able to plan and use tactics in order to take down an enemy pokemon with unusual methods. Probably punched Giovanni in the face without a second thought. Only wore light clothes ontop of Mt.Silver because despite planning battles he’s bad at planning for himself but has too much pride to ask for a coat. He gets laughed at by Green and Leaf. Draws on Green’s face when he sleeps. Most likely to need saving from himself.
Leaf: Catches pokemon for being cute, fights for the prize money, pretty vain. She uses her skill and charisma to weasel her way out and into stuff, which normally leads to her getting what she wants. Pouts a lot when her childhood friends Fire and Green say no. She believes in earning money now means financial stability later on. As part of a joke, when she learnt Fire was hanging around Mt.Silver she thought it’d be funny to hang around a volcano instead as the second champion to see who’d find her. It wasn’t funny after a week (not it wasn’t Green! Stop laughing!). Most likely to get free stuff.
Dawn: Likes to believe herself the most intelligent among her friends, and for the most part she is. Knows a lot, and when someone brings up something she doesn’t know she normally checks the nearest book to learn as much possible about it in order to debate it with the person (even if the said person doesn’t want to anymore). Finds Cyrus’ whole idea really ignorant and silly, if people had no will it wouldn’t be a perfect world anymore because she believes a person cannot experience happiness without first knowing what sadness is to truly appreciate it. Studied the distortion world once, got upset she couldn’t find enough on it in order to prove it either way. Debates a lot with Cynthia. Would probably wear a black dress to a wedding if she didn’t think it was inappropriate. Most likely to get motion sick.
Lucas: If Dawn is the Diamond and Pearl playthrough, Lucas would be the Platinum one. The more instinctual of the two he ends up making weird logical leaps at time that end up for the best and frustrate other people. he knows a bit too much about the distortion world, he feels. Goes into bouts of quietness sometimes and becomes withdrawn into himself unless someone drags him out of it (normally Barry). Normally won’t go out of his way to help someone because he feels it’s not his place to do stuff for other people (why should he? he’s a stranger to them as they are to him), will however do pretty much anything for people close to him. Really dislikes Jupiter for what they did to Barry. Sometimes talks about dark stuff without realizing he’s trailed off the initial conversation with a person. Has Giratina in their party. Most likely to laugh at Barry’s jokes. Owes Barry P20,050.
Ethan: Arceus could look at this boy himself and see no sin. A sweet child, Ethan had self confidence issues which slowly decrease over the path of his adventure. Loves the culture of his region and often ends up trailing off his adventure in order to immerse himself in a location. Gets flustered near authority figures because he basically fanboys over them. Almost faints when Lance asks him to help or when they casually chat to Ethan. Ethan however sees the good in everyone to a point that is pretty naive, he even tries to talk to team rocket members such as Ariana before trying to fight them because he believes they can do good. Normally doesn’t work, he ends up getting pretty sad about it later. Proton weirdly enough likes the kid enough. Most likely to befriend a legendary pokemon. 
Lyra: Incredibly self assured in herself and her pokemon, she believes as long as there is a will there is a way in the world. Her confidence in herself and the people around normally get them motivated to do stuff. Though she is exceptionally good at battling if you put an egg in her hands she is pretty much useless about how to care about it, she was given an egg once and instead pawned it off on Silver. Took 15 tries to beat Fire in a battle on top of Mt.Silver. Instead of infiltrating team rocket, she instead knocked on it’s front door and attacked them that way. Most likely to choke on a boiled sweet laughing.
Touko: More likely to fight her way out of a situation than talk. Out of all of her friends she was the one to go charging into tall grass and getting everyone in trouble. She seemed like a natural leader, everyone following a foot behind her- even her twin brother Touya. Despite her confidence, N surely and utterly shattered the original confidence over the course of the game and morphed it into another more grim confidence and determination to prove that he was wrong. Becomes the champion of Unova just to run off after N when he flew away. Most likely to jump off a cliff and land at the bottom with the least injuries. Had Reshiram. A hero of Truth.
Touya: The quieter of the two, they prefer their sister leading more as it let’s them step back and think more in order to plan ahead. They’re less battle crazy than Touko, instead liking to bond with their pokemon as friends by talking instead of bonding via battle. Ends up doing the gym battles, but is less serious about them than other people- instead liking to record his adventures in his journal. Spends a lot of his time in White Forest looking after the younger pokemon post-game. Dislikes N and on a lower level Touko for running after N without telling anyone. An unchosen hero of ideals. Most likely to accept the other person is right.
Rosa: Extremely peppy. Rosa went on her adventure in order to explore the world and experience what it has to offer. Though she thinks her choices through properly she has somewhat of a blind spot when it comes to thinking about the consequences of her actions- because of this people often look out for her. When she came across the pokestar studios she was completely smitten, derailing her plans pretty much to see what the place could offer- accidentally becomes a famous actress because of her odd ways of acting her part in the movies. Cuts her hair shorter (but not too short) after the game. Most likely to make a villain change their ways without realizing.
Nate: A happy child, when he was younger he tagged along with Hugh a lot in order to convince the other boy to be his friend (it worked… eventually). When he latches onto an idea he keeps at it as long as possible especially if the idea is making a new friend. When someone who he knows get hurt or insulted he takes it as an almost personal offense to himself. Has a bad reaction to milk. Hair is hard to tame and it gathers static very easily, really needs a haircut. Got in detentions a lot when at school. Almost constantly late to events unless someone else is with him. Most likely to end up in a different place than he was walking to.
Serena: A mature person for her age. Serena’s ideal future goal is to become an assistant or researcher. Though she seems pretty sweet in her mannerisms, it’s actually her trying to be as polite as possible because she’s not used to the culture of the region so decided to err on the side of caution. Eventually when you get her to open up, her language is a lot more colourful than expected (she will, however tend to avoid more vulgar language). The more comfortable she is around someone the less likely she is to restrain her inner voice. Was really upset when Lysandre betrayed the region as she knew what he meant to other people. Cried when she beat him. Most likely to fake a smile.
Calem: A nice, calm but quiet person, Calem is a person with a passion for Kalos’ myths and legends- having heard them a lot from his father’s fairy tales as a kid. He will put himself in front of his pokemon if he believes that irreversible damage would be done to them (which has happened on more than one occasion, leaving him with quite a few scars across his body). Dabbled in changing his hairstyle a few times but felt uncomfortable without his natural hair colour so changed it back eventually. Ends up with his hair in a ponytail at the nape of his neck post-game. Allowed to ride on Xerneas’ back when travelling. Ends up close friends with AZ. May fall asleep in the middle of a conversation. Most likely to end up at the bottom of a pokemon pile.
May: A somewhat neutral person, she normally waits for someone else to do something and to get the first impression of a person before reacting herself. Despite her father being a Gym Leader she didn’t feel the need to overcome him, rather she did the Hoenn league challenge as a way to find herself and what she wanted in life. She will go out of her way to help someone but if there’s something in it for her she will definitely do that quicker than other tasks. Finds Steven amusing because of his hobby and ending up in weird places. Has the biggest wailord plushie in her secret base (which is right infront of the safari centre) that she likes to jump on and sleep ontop of. Do not wake her up early in the morning. Feels somewhat guilty for what happened to Brendan post-game because up until then it had been her doing everything and like Brendan she also thought she’d be the one stopping the meteor too. Doesn’t like looking at Brendan’s ‘scar markings’ and feels somewhat upset that he has them when she got off scott free with Kyogre and Groudon. Most likely to roll down a shopping isle in heeleys.
Brendan: Didn’t really know what he wanted to do with his life, honestly loved helping his father with his work but didn’t feel it was quite him. He eventually decided to travel when May did and found a major passion in the contest competitions. Ends up wearing outfits like his contest one more often than his original outfit, ties feathers to his hair as habit no matter what outfit he’s in. Post-game May was distracted and held up so it was up to Brendan to confront Rayquazza in order for them to stop the meteor in time. Completely disbelieved it when Rayquazza accepted him. Because there wasn’t anything to protect him while he was up there with Rayquazza and Deoxys he has weird markings across his body that’re mostly faded or covered up from when he was exposed to Rayquazza’s mega evolution. Still thinks May is the ‘protagonist’ of their story and still wonders why Rayquazza let him ride on their back even a while after the event. Has Rayquazza on their team but doesn’t use him, and though they didn’t catch Deoxys the pokemon still hangs around them sometimes. Most likely to laugh when nervous.
Other: May is the protag again and Brendan the assistant, though the roles somewhat swap for postgame plot. The orbs of the respective legendaries protects the person trying to order the legendary with it! Otherwise the legendary could kill them before they ordered them to do anything.
Sun: In it to win it. An avid battler, he’ll battle anyone who so much as hints they want a fight, doesn’t feel very guilty if they squash someone utterly and completely. Once lost to a preschooler when he was getting overconfident in himself which brought him down to earth. Sun likes to win fights in style and because of his somewhat vain nature he uses a lot of his money in order to buy himself clothes. Quite dramatic, his friends are somewhat exasperated in his dramatisation of every small thing but can’t help but smile when it lightens the mood in the room. Most likely to cry at Mufasa’s death.
Moon: A LOT calmer than Sun, if he’s the one who comments on everything she’s the one that sighs at the person doing it. Normally wears the same plain colour schemes and doesn’t care as much about clothes. The one out of all of her generation’s protagonists to understand the true weight that has been put on their shoulders, and thus takes the whole situation as seriously as possible. Highly dislikes Lusamine and even with Guzma trying to become a better person she’ll believe it when she sees it. Somewhat distrustworthy of Nanu but believes he doesn’t lie. Becomes the league champion partly for monetary gain. Most likely to walk away from a stupid situation.
Luna: Fallen when she was a baby, her mother never told her she was pretty much adopted so doesn’t know she’s a Fallen. She’s excitable! But sometimes shy  when people compliment her. Will help people out if they really need help but probably won’t travel across one side of the region to the other. Pretty clueless about the whole dimension-travelling “mumbo jumbo”. Becomes close friends with the ultra recon squad (especially Zossie) because she feels they’re honestly good people who need help. Most likely protag to trip over a rock. Doesn’t wear any sort of glasses or contacts. Likes clicking her heels together when excited. Most likely to come up with a catchphrase.
Sol: Fallen when he was about 5-6! He vaguely recalls his life before he was adopted by his mother but doesn’t talk about it much because he doesn’t understand very well. He doesn’t go out of his way to help people because he’s pretty recluse (even though he’s living in Alola) and clams up in conversations when talking about personal stuff. Completely dotes on his mother as thanks for raising him despite the trouble he thinks he probably caused. Doesn’t really like the ultra recon squad being able to freely move between worlds because he always thought he was stuck where he is. Wears contacts because he has bad eyesight, has a pair of glasses in his backpack incase. Most likely to backtrack.
Other: Luna and Sol’s Fallen status is what kicks their universe into attracting Necrozma and the Ultra Recon Squad to their universe rather than the original.
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certifiedskywalker · 7 years
All I Have - Archie Andrews
You're a carbon copy of Jughead Jones, you dress the same, act the same, you even write alongside him. When Archie starts to hang out with the two of you, you're annoyed at first; but when the prospect of losing Jughead to his new group of friends arises, Archie’s the only thing that can keep you grounded.
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“You what!?” You stared into the eyes of your long time friend Jughead Jones, trying to figure out what was driving his madness. “This is the same Archie Andrews that was too busy banging a teacher to hang out with you Juggie.” Jughead simply rolled his eyes, popping another fry into his mouth. You scoffed and leaned back against your side of the booth.
“He explained the,” Jughead paused his speech and you raised your eyebrow, “what he was going through over summer and I forgave him.”
“You just forgave him?” After you asked, Jughead simply nodded. You leaned back over the table, meeting your friends gaze dramatically. “We don’t forgive people just like that,” you hissed, “we hold grudges.” You watched, reading Jughead’s reaction to your words. You started to refer to the two of you as ‘we’ in the third grade; when you friendship started to turn into a dependency.
Where one of you went, the other trailed not far behind. You’d swing together on the playground at school and would hang out constantly on weekends. Your closeness with Jughead inevitably lead to your family befriending the Joneses. Both of your parents constantly joked that maybe they accidentally split up a pair of twins. The idea didn’t seem too farfetched to your young mind; you and Jughead were born merely a few days apart. As you grew older, your shared characteristics became more apparent. The same dark clothes crowded your separate closets and the same music ate up data on your phones. Your style choices weren’t the only thing you and Jughead shared. His interest in writing also wore off on you, inspiring you to write your own account of Jason Blossom’s murder. During the summer you acted as his rock when his other best friend, Archie, left him alone. You never truly liked the red-headed boy, but when he ditched Jughead, you burned with an untamable hate. Archie Andrews was far too cliche for your liking with his jock personality and the attention span of a five year old. Plus, the last thing you needed was someone to steal Jughead away from you. You needed Jughead like you needed air; he was your only true friend and the thought of him being stolen away hurt you inside.
“I know that Y/N,” Jughead said finally, breaking your thoughts. “I just think that I should give him another chance.” You let out a gruff chuckle when you realized his motive.
“And this, re-friending of Andrews has nothing to do with gaining the favor of a particular blonde?” You wiggled your eyebrows and smiled when your friends cheeks blushed. “Wow Jug,” you teased, “Betty has a hold on you.” Jughead didn’t respond, his head lifting slightly to look at the door of the diner. You turned your own head and watched as Archie Andrews scanned the diner for his friend. His red hair, normally styled to perfection, appeared messy when his eyes locked with yours for a moment. You were caught off guard at the rich brown that made up his irises; a shade of brown that looked like bitter chocolate.
You turned back in your seat, giving Jughead another burning look as Archie sat down next to you. You stifled a groan as you scooted away from him.
“Hey,” he said with a small smile. Don’t trust him, you thought as you looked at Jughead once more.
“Hi Archie. You know Y/N L/N right?” You glanced at the boy next to you, who was studying you.
“Yeah, of course. You two are always joined at the hip,” he gave you a smile, “hi.” You rolled your eyes, silently wishing he’d take the hint. Sadly, Archie didn’t and this caused a smile to bloom on Jughead’s face when the boy extended his hand to you. You glanced at Archie’s extended hand, then to his face. Despite your hate towards him for hurting Jughead, the glint in his eyes sparked your interest. You took his hand carefully, trying to pull yourself out of the overwhelming waters you had just dived into.
After around two weeks of nearly constant contact with Jughead’s new group of friends, you found yourself changing. The desire to keep Jughead close to you, protecting him in a way, started to fade around in the background. You started to see his relationship with Betty, the sweetest girl you had ever met, and how much he liked her; but whenever you thought about Jughead moving on without you, you grew defensive. If his friendship fled from your life, you’d be as lonely as ever before. The only thing that seemed to distract you from the impending doom of losing your closest friend, was your closest enemy. Ever since the day you and Jughead met up with him at Pop’s, Archie just wouldn’t let you be.
“Hey Y/N are you doing anything after school?” You let out an audible groan as you turned to face him. You met his warm brown eyes, the ones that had started this whole mess, and sighed.
“Yes, I doing all of my well-hidden, hardcore drugs under the bleachers after school.” His bright eyes widened at your statement and you let out a true laugh. “I’m kidding, jeez. You really think I’m capable of doing drugs?” He simply shrugged in response and you raised your eyebrows.
“Well if you’re not too busy, I was wondering if you would want to go to Pop’s after school.” You heart stopped for a moment, internalizing his words. From the moment you locked eyes with this untrustworthy boy, you knew he was trouble. He was naive for one thing, but the puppy-dog look in his eyes seemed to make up for that. Throughout the conversations at lunch, you had learned of a different side of Archie Andrews; the side you never had the pleasure of meeting before. You had only known the boy who was too girl-crazy to focus on a solid thought, not the musical soul who was simply looking for someone to love.
You hated that you didn’t hate him, hated that you actually liked him. Of course Veronica, the know-er of all things romantic and dramatic, picked up on your stubborn feelings. She pestered you to no end and at first you thought she was jealous; but as she continued to ask about your feelings for Archie, you realized she was looking out for her friend.
“You seem nice Y/N, but I’ve heard things about you,” Veronica had said. “Things from Jughead mostly, about how you scorn the earth Archie walks on. I just wanna know why the sudden change of heart.”
Her words had opened you eyes to a truth you had tried so desperately to avoid. With the years of only trusting Jughead Jones, you had grown weary of everyone else. So the moment Archie did something wrong, your eyes were drawn towards the negative; not the positives his friendship could bring about. After silently observing his actions and picking apart every word, you found out you were wrong. He wasn’t how you thought he was. In fact, he was a far greater friend than yourself. He supported Jughead’s relationship with Betty, despite the awkwardness it made him feel. He wasn’t selfish to the point where he’d steal Jughead’s attention away from everything else; that was you. You liked Archie because he was the first thing you had ben wrong about in a long time.
You looked back up at the boy who was waiting quietly for your answer. Archie shifted his weight from one foot to the other nervously. You smiled to yourself, meeting his eyes once more.
“I’d love to,” you said finally. Archie smiled, a boyish grin that made you blush slightly.
“Great, I’ll meet you there at four.”
“So what do you think? You looked up from the paper Archie had given to you and saw the hope in his eyes. You gave him a soft smile, glancing back down the lyrics he had written.
“I think it’s beautiful,” you said, “you obviously care for whoever you wrote this for. It’s always nice when a song writer uses real people and events to center their songs around.” Archie smiled widely at your feedback.
“Thanks Y/N,” he whispered, taking the paper from your extended hand. His fingertips brushed against yours, causing a shiver to run down your spine. A blush bloomed on your cheeks and it grew warmer in the booth when you noticed his cheeks were red too.
“So who did you write it about,” you asked quickly, trying to move forward from the embarrassment.
“Um, I just wrote it really. No one in particular came to mind,” he said quickly. You raised your eyebrow at the boy, who gave you a goofy look. You laughed lightly, then grew serious again.
“Is it Betty?!”
You leaned back against the back of the booth, thinking about who it could possibly be. There was no way it couldn’t have been about someone; the lyrics were too specific, too true to his heart. Whoever it was about was lucky, it made even you feel jealous. Then you gasped, causing Archie to give you a weary look.
“It’s about Kevin!” Archie laughed loudly, drawing the attention of the other diner patrons. You smiled as his laughter filled your ears, sounding like a friendly melody.  
“You got me,” he said, still smiling. You grinned but then frowned slightly. Normally, it would be you and Jughead goofing around at Pop’s. Sharing jokes and making the other laugh until they couldn’t breathe. What had happened to you two? How far apart have you drifted? The one person you trusted was no longer around as often. Maybe this is what happened to friends in High School; they get distracted by girlfriends and boyfriends and never have time. Your heart stopped briefly for a moment. Did you just reference Archie as your ‘boyfriend’?
“You okay Y/N?” You looked up from the table, meeting Archie’s gaze once more. You shook your head, pulling yourself out of the booth. You walked towards the door of the diner, pushing through the door.
You stood outside, taking in the fresh air and clearing your head. You fought a groan when you heard the door to the diner open and shut again. “Hey Y/N, what’s wrong?” You turned and faced Archie; nightmare turned daydream, enemy turned friend, your bane turned crush.
“Why do you have to be so confusing?” You crossed your arms over your chest, awaiting an answer. Archie just stared at you like a lost dog, not knowing what to say. “It was easier when you hurt Jughead’s feelings and I hated you for it,” you said, trying to sort out your own thoughts. “But now Jughead isn’t even here with me and you’re all I have.” You curled your lip under you teeth, still working through your own thoughts.
“Jughead is just busy, Y/N. You’re his family, you know that. Not even Betty can change that.” You glanced up at Archie, who had moved closer to you. You could see the little flecks of amber in his eyes due to how close he was. You felt your heart beat pick up when he took another step towards you. “As for me being confusing,” he met you gaze, “your feelings wouldn’t be confusing if they weren’t important. I learned that not too long ago.” You glanced from his eyes to his lips, feeling a coil loosen in your gut. The good year you had convinced yourself there was nothing redeemable about Archie Andrews faded away. You leaned forward, pressing your lips softly to his. His hand reached up to cup your cheek gently as you pulled him closer.
He pulled away slowly, eyes still closed. “Ya know, I’ve wanted to do that since the diner,” he whispered and you opened your eyes.
“It hasn’t been that long then,” you teased and Archie let out a breathy chuckle. He finally opened his eyes and he smiled.
“The first trip to the diner,” he whispered, pulling your lips to his once more. You smiled in the kiss, feeling a sense of warmth you hadn’t felt in a long time. All of the muddled feelings melted away too, leaving you in the moment alone with Archie Andrews.
I know this is bad but the idea wouldn’t get out of my brain! I hope it was enjoyable though! Toodles my friends!
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