#I just really wanna get railed by several of my friends
s1ut-pup · 2 months
Currently trying to work up the courage to ask my roommate if I can have the apartment to myself on my birthday so I can host a gangbang
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crusty-chronicles · 10 months
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #11: Luffy (One Piece)
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I feel like Luffy would thrive with an S/O who's just as, if not more, stupid than him.
And he genuinely cannot tell you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Combined, you and Luffy have one semi-functioning braincell
And 90 % of the time, Nami has it
And there you go jumping right in after him.
Ussop and Chopper are standing by the railing horrified and screaming with everything they've got because 'YOU CAN'T SWIM EITHER!!!'
"How did their bounty increase by 20 million!?!?" Nami exclaimed having seeing your newest wanted poster.
Luffy, who was walking by and heard, suddenly had stars in his eyes.
"Really!?!? They're so cool 🤩"
And Nami is smacking the back of his head as hard as she can
This man loves you with his whole heart and has known you since you were both children
Ace had found you sneaking out Dadan's shack with a huge pile of food and captured you.
"What do we do with them?"
"We could kill them." Sabo suggested.
"Excuse me, I really need to use the bathroom." You wiggled against the rope binding you.
"Like that's gonna work on us!"
"No, excuse me for being rude and leaving. You guys are funny but I really need to pee."
And they hadn't realized you'd already torn through the ropes until you got up and walked away.
They are completely dumbfounded and a little impressed.
Well except for Luffy who had been watching because he wasn't allowed to talk to the 'captive' during 'interrogations'. Whatever that meant.
He's getting up and chasing after you with a huge grin.
"Hey! Come back! I wanna be friends with you!!!"
And Ace and Sabo are the running after him before he can catch up, lecturing him about leaving weirdo people like you alone.
"I mean what kind of person just tears through rope and walks away all unbothered????"
"Me! I do that!"
Cue the screams because how did you manage to climb the treehouse without the ladder???
You meet up again several years after you all had set sail.
Ussop spotted something floating in the water shortly after the crew already left from thriller bark.
A person to be exact.
A person on a wooden plank.
And before he could inform anyone about it, Luffy was already stretching himself over to the castaway.
His eyes bugging out when he saw who it was.
Your expression matching his.
"Long time no see. How have you been?"
And the crew is peaking over the Sunny curiously. Because who the hell was this that their captain seemed to be very friendly with?
Friendly than usual considering he his arms were wrapped around you several times, picking you up and swaying you.
"The pirate life is hard. My ships keep sinking. Say, mind if I hop on yours for a while?" You asked hopefully.
There was something even more hopeful in Luffy's as he set you down.
"I've got a better idea. Join my crew!"
The crew warms up to you almost instantly considering you have the same bright personality as their captain.
And the ones weary of you (Zoro, Nami, and Ussop) become convinced when they see you fight and pull your weight.
"Hey, Luffy! Can we try that one move we used to do when we were smaller??"
All you get is a nod in return before he slingshots you towards a Marine ship.
The result?
You basically cannonballing into the side, only to reappear on the deck as it sinks. Reaching back for Luffy's hand as he lifts you up and flings you towards another. Jumping on after you to join the fight.
Your teamwork is practically unbeatable.
And the fact that you can keep up with Luffy perfectly cements your place on the Sunny.
It's no secret Luffy loves you.
And it's no secret you love him back.
The Pirate Empress Boa Hancock?
She's cool, he guesses.
Shirihoshi the mermaid princess? The most beautiful woman in the world?
She's a huge crybaby.
You? An idiot who broke the aquarium after tapping too hard on the glass to get the 'pretty fishy' to notice you?
You're his.
He doesn't make a big deal out of the way he feels.
He doesn't get all blushy or nervous around you
Instead he feels pure happiness and the most at peace he's ever been
Luffy will not try to court you the way a certain cook might court the ladies on the Sunny.
No big or grand gestures
Also not shy showing you affection.
He's known you for so long that gestures like that come naturally.
Holding hands to explore a new island?
Wrestling with you on the deck of the Sunny?
Sharing and stealing food from each other's plate?
Trading around Shanks' straw hat on the daily?
Double check
The closest he'll get to confessing is at a time where the two of you are alone in the crows nest together.
"After I became the king of the pirates, let's keep having adventures together." And he'll put his signature strawhat on your head.
"Who says I'm going anywhere? This is the ship of dreams right? Well my dream is for us to stay together forever. So make it come true, captain."
It's at that point he realizes he'd follow you anywhere you asked him to. The same way you were following him now.
Will Luffy baby you?
You're insane if you think he will.
Because it's just the two of you encouraging each other to do stupid shit.
Actively trying to outdo each other
Luffy catches a huge fish?
You're jumping in the water because you saw a shark.
You broke into the kitchen at night to steal from the fridge?
Luffy is lugging it out so you two can have a midnight snack in the middle of the deck.
Both of you are being chased by Pacifistas?
It's a game to see who can destroy more.
"Do you think if I start training after I eat I'll throw up?" You asked.
"Let's test it out!" Luffy encouraged.
Only to find out that yes, you will in fact throw up training after eating.
"Well now we know!"
Luffy will call you the most bizarre nicknames he can come up with.
Get used to: Meat stick, pork chop, swimmy (because you cannot swim for the life of you), cannonball, and some messed of version of your name. (Think of how he calls Law and Kidd, Traffy and Jaggy)
But occasionally, in the rarest moments known to man, he will call you his treasure.
Luffy will get incredibly jealous if someone outside of the crew talks to you.
With the Strawhats, he doesn't care. You all need to get along anyways.
Brook wants to play you a song to see if it's okay?
Fantastic because you two have the same taste in shanties.
Zoro wants to train with you and see if he can make his attacks any stronger?
Hell yeah! Kick his ass!
You're Sanji's taste tester?
Sneak him something out will ya?
Franky and Ussop want to test out a new invention on you?
So cool!!!!! Tell him what it does when you're finished!!!
He's over the moon with you spending time with them.
But if it's a marine, another pirate, or just a random citizen, he's fighting them.
He's incredibly immature and will not let anyone get too friendly with you.
Luffy will bite, and he will not let go until that person apologizes and leaves.
Man or woman, doesn't matter.
He's throwing hands, gum-gum gatling all the way.
Second gear if he's pissy enough.
All in all, you two don't need a brain to be able to tell you love each other.
Next Up: Uryu Ishida
An: I'm back baby. 🫶 (Also yes I watch one piece in dub pls don't bully me 👉👈)
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signedmio · 4 months
I saw you were doing hazbin hotel match-ups and wanted to try!
my name is rin, I normally use she or they because that’s mostly what I present as but I do use he/him as well sometimes. sexuality is very fluid as well, but I would like a male match-up for this!
I’m 5’3-5’4, with shortish black hair, almost touching my shoulders that’s mostly black and partially dyed red. i have brown eyes and a few piercings (several on each ear, septum, and tongue). I also have a few tattoos (behind my ear, hips and thighs).
my style itself is kinda all over the place, I thrift a lot and love either the darker, more goth/alt kind of style or a dark academia look. I wear a lot of rings either way, and obviously earrings, I love wearing jewelry and sometimes make my own as well.
as for my personality, I’m more introverted. an observer rather than a doer. i tend to stay more detached from people but once i do get comfortable with a person i’m hard to shake off. i’m very sarcastic and have a very dark and somewhat dry kind of humour that’s appealing to a very small margin of people. one of my slightly (?) negative traits is that I’m very controlling, not too much in a toxic way but more in a control freak kind of way. I don’t like to take the backseat to things and while I do let others take a lead I am always there making sure things are going the way they should be. i get paranoid a lot of the time that things will go off the rails and feel like I need to hold everything together. maybe because of that i'm the advice friend despite the fact that i’m not very rational and am sometimes the one to suggest doing things we probably shouldn’t but my advice seems to always go over well somehow. 
I love listening to music, although my taste is all over the place, my favourite song depends on the day and my mood. I also love to read a lot, I read over 100 books last year a few of which were audiobooks, i like to stay active, i work out while listening to audiobooks a lot. in addition, I do kickboxing and a few martial arts too.
some of my interests…I’m big on psychology and criminal psyche, I love dissecting the way that people think. I also absolutely love animals, I have two dogs and a snake myself. i think one of my favourite dates I’ve ever been on was going to the aquarium together.
my bad habits are as i said before, a bit controlling. i'm a night owl and stay up really late which leads me to being tired a lot. i also on and off smoke, a habit i've been trying to break for awhile.
my love language is words of affirmation or quality time, I’m not always huge on being touched but I love to tell the people close to me how much I care about them/praise them. with a partner I’m not entirely opposed to being touched it’s just not how I’d primarily show my affection. sometimes I don’t want to be touched at all and like my space a bit more which has been a problem in previous relationships but I do like to cuddle sometimes, I like being the big spoon and feeling their heartbeat (feels a bit creepy typing it out lol).
anyway, I hope this is enough information and sorry if it’s too much!! thank you so much in advance<3
this was so easy for me lmao. i pair you with…
Husk !!
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You and Husk share a lot of main personality traits, which is why you meshed so well together in the first place
Both of you guys struggle with your own individual shit, even if you don’t wanna talk about it sometimes, but you guys help eachother out — especially him, cause he’s the wise, old bartender haha
He isn’t afraid to say it how it is, he loves you, and he’s not afraid of letting you know. Husk tends to have to find a way to say it in his own, grumpy way haha, but he makes sure he knows your loved and valued and he’s not going anyway
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theloganator101 · 7 months
I saw your Actions and Consequences post and I do agree. I'm halfway through season 3 and it's pissing me all the way off. However, it got me thinking of my own little attachment.
A good example of a character facing consequences: My OC.
For Context: My Oc's upcoming arc involves him nearly going off the rails. It's due to the recent events (The training camp, the exams, and so on) happening plus his own insecurity boiling over. He discovers a new move that allows him to create nightmares for his opponents. The issue? His friends (Hagakure, Momo, and Ojiro), boyfriend (Iida), and another classmate (Another OC of mine) become targets. For the sake of not spoiling it: imma say that the nightmares they suffered aren't pretty.
Why this example? Because its going to have severe consequences, but it's done right! Not only did my OC almost risk expulsion (he got house arrest instead), but his relationships with his friends and boyfriend will suffer. 
Hagakure forgave him, but is still a little wery. She won't tell him her weaknesses in fear that he'll use it against her again.
Ojiro and Momo had to spend some time away from my OC before coming out with their answer. Not gonna say because it's spoilery, but their answers are going to be understandable.
Iida nearly BROKE UP with my OC because of what he did. While it took awhile to forgive my OC, he makes it VERY clear that he has to work to earn his trust again.
The classmate (oc2) NEVER forgave my first OC. She makes it clear that while she'll work with him once it comes to teams, she wants Oc1 to stay the hell away from her.
Obviously, this fic is still in the works (if you wanna offer a hand, I appreciate it lol) However, it has a clear set of consequences because of one shitty action taken. Something that I think needs to be written in Bakugou's (maybe Aizawa to an extent) character as a whole.
Oooh this story sounds interesting! I would be more than happy to give feedback on ideas you might have for it!
But this scenario you have for your OC is really good, and reminds me of when I was writing my BNHA oc fic I had my oc face some mental consequences as well.
In my fic my OC was the one to get kidnapped by the LOV and it was beginning to mess with their head, leaving them depressed and lashing out at Sero (Their friend and love interest) about how the others doesn't seem to notice their sad mood and just wanna have the room contest.
It only got worse when they snapped at Monoma, causing them to get in trouble and to meet up with the other teachers after school. They get to a classroom and tell them that they can't keep bottling up their feelings like this and need to confront themselves on what happened that day.
Thinking about it all made them break down in tears, blaming themselves and wishing they died instead of All Might losing his power protecting them. My teacher OC tells them they know what they're feeling and that their pain will eventually get to where they can handle it in a healthier way.
The chapter ends with my OC going back to the dorms and accepting their friends (Sero, Aoyama, Hagakure, and Shoji) offer to watch a movie together, to which they accept and internally admits how that moment is the first time it feels like things can move forward again.
All of this sounds immensely better than just having it all be brushed aside and never mentioned again.
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Sayaka is transported to the world of Pokemon and ends up meeting Sabrina the Kanto Psychic Gym Leader by chance and befriending her. Especially since both were psychics! Though as time goes by Sabrina uses her powers to be more 'aware' of Sayaka's needs and goes to remedy it~
Warning: lewd content below
“Wow, I can't believe battles are so fun!” Sayaka cheered as she got into another fight.
“I still can't believe that battles weren't popular where you're from.” Sabrina commented while watching the fight. Apparently, Sayaka was a visitor from “out of town”, and needed a job. Lucky for the both of them, Sayaka was a natural born psychic, so she bonded quickly with the psychic type pokemon in Sabrina's gym. One thing lent to another and Sayaka ended up becoming a gym trainer for Sabrina. Not that she was complaining, the extra hands were helpful, even if they had no experience with battles.
‘She’s probably a nervous mess.’ Sabrina thought to herself. ‘I should read her mind to check up on her. It’s her first battle against a stranger, so her thoughts are probably-’
‘Arceus please let me lose this battle so the trainer can rail me.’
‘Oh, you're in my thoughts Sabrina?’ Sayaka asked, not entirely confused considering the psychic trainer's background. ‘In that case could you help a girl out? Make me lose with your mind powers so I can get some cock please?’
‘...I’m seriously worried for you and I've only known you for three days.’ Despite her complaints, Sabrina used ‘psyshock’ to faint Sayaka's pokemon, resulting in the idol losing the fight. The bluenette shot Sabrina one last wink before being dragged away by the challenger since she “ran out of money” (in reality she had her wallet on her, but just wanted to get dicked down in the back of the gym).
‘So could you tell me how to get cool psychic powers like you?’ Sayaka telepathically asked Sabrina.
‘We can communicate with each other using just our minds. Isn't that cool enough?’
‘Yeah but that's like kid psychic stuff, I wanna do the cool stuff like…’ Sayaka ran into the middle of the street. ‘Flip up my skirt using the wind!’
‘Do all your psychic power ideas come from pervy manga? I'm not doing that.’
‘Please? For a friend's sake?’
Sabrina rolled her eyes, before finally using “attract” on Sayaka, causing Sayaka to shake her ass in the middle of the street, attracting the attention of several young men, all eager to steal a glimpse of the sluts white panties. Sayaka bounced her ass faster, rubbing it against some select crowd members, inviting them to cop a feel or even go for a bold spank. Sabrina sighed. What does twerking for an audience have to do with being a psychic trainer?
“I really can't thank you guys enough for this.” The lucky student responded as tea was poured for him.
“Don't mention it, any friend of Sayaka's is a friend of mine.” Sabrina smiled. Apparently, Sayaka wasn't the only one to visit from ‘out of town’. Her childhood friend also tagged alone for the ride, but instead of ending up with a gym leader, he joined forces with a strong yet silent gym challenger named Red.
‘This is great.’ Sabrina thought. ‘Sayaka finally reunited with her long lost childhood friend. And he's not even a pervert like her. There's no way she could corrupt this innocent sou-.’
‘Both cocks, my mouth, let's do this thing!’
‘Oh son of a bitch!’
Sayaka smiled innocently as she telepathically asked for the lewdest request yet. Already giving up the urge to resist the idol's commands, Sabrina used “hypnosis” on the two boys, controlling their minds and dropping their pants.
“Thank you so much Sabrina!” Sayaka exclaimed out loud, since both boys were stuck in a trance. “This is a dream come true. Even though he's my childhood crush, I've always loved him since I first- Damn! Did this Red guy use “growth” on himself or something?”
“How romantic.” Sabrina remarked with an eye roll as she watched Sayaka put 100% of her focus into sucking off Red’s massive dick. Sabrina ignored the slut to make herself a cup of coffee. Never in a million years would she think someone would ask her to use her psychic powers like this. Especially not so…pervertedly.
As Sabrina watched Red fuck Sayaka doggy style while she made out with Makoto, she shook her head smiling. Say what you want, Sabrina is glad she made a new friend
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vannahfanfics · 1 year
Catching Crabs (And Feelings)
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Word Count: 2750
Romance, Fluff, Getting Together
Summary: Ochako and Katsuki go hunting for crabs on the beach the first night of their class' summer vacation. Turns out that they've already caught something else...
“Wow!” Ochako breathed in wonder as she pushed herself onto her tiptoes and leaned over the white metal railing of the balcony, brown eyes gleaming as she gazed at the beach in the near distance. The full moon and the bright stars reflected on the indigo waves, making it seem like diamonds flickered in the depths; the frothing seafoam glowed in the soft white light, as did the dunes of pure white sand making up the slithering shoreline. The crashing of the water rang in Ochako’s ear, even several stories up on the condominium balcony. She closed her eyes and cupped her hands around her ears, savoring the gentle to and fro of the tide. 
Class 3-A had decided to pool their funds (and milk their parents’ pockets a little) to scrounge up enough money to rent a beachside condominium for a week of their summer vacation. Of course, considering their hero-in-training status, several of the U.A. teachers had to chaperone, but they were giving the students their relative privacy and were staying in the flat next door. They’d spent most of the day driving in, shopping for beach essentials, and enjoying a meal at one of the local seafood restaurants. Many of them were buzzing to hit the beach, but the night had closed in before they’d had the chance. 
Some of her classmates were debating going down to the pool as a substitute, but Ochako craved the squish of the toes in her sand and the deafening crash of the waves. She flitted back inside, leaving the glass sliding door open to allow the salt-kissed breeze to flow into the condo’s living room. She carefully picked her way across the collection of pallets and air mattresses strewn around the furniture (after all, they had to do their best to fit twenty-one students in a condo made for ten) to the collection of beach toys, inflatables, towels, and other odds and ends crammed in the entranceway. 
“Hey, does anyone wanna go hunt crabs with me?” she declared while plucking up a bucket and a shovel. She spun on her feet, beaming excitedly and holding up the plastic tools. “It’ll be fun!” 
“I dunno, Ochako, it’s kinda dark!” Tooru fretted from where she sat cross-legged on her air mattress, squirming. “I think I’ll just go to the pool… I want to show off my new swimsuit, anyway!” she gushed with a sidelong glance at Mashirao, who was leaning against the kitchen bar chatting happily with Koji and Rikido, who had all donned their swim trunks in preparation for hitting the pool.
Ochako puffed out her cheeks, annoyed that Tooru was abandoning her to flirt, and looked at the rest of the girls. 
“Mina and I are prepping everyone’s beach bags for tomorrow!” Momo reported from the couch, where she and the pink-haired girl were folding up towels and putting them in cloth bags, along with sunscreen, plastic bags for their cellphones, snack bars, and other necessities. 
“I’m going swimming too, ribbit,” Tsuyu croaked as she walked out from changing, sporting her cute frog-patterned two-piece. 
“Denki and I are going across the street to the surf store to check out the tee-shirts,” Kyoka reported, lounging on a bar stool while sucking on a popsicle. “Sorry, Ochako,” she added when the girl’s face obviously revealed how crestfallen she was.
All of her friends were otherwise busy, and the boys were all getting fired up about a pool volleyball tournament, so it seemed she wouldn’t be hunting crabs tonight. 
“Oh…” she murmured as her arms fell, the bucket swinging limply by her side. Each clack of the attached shovel against it made her heart clench sadly. “That’s okay!” she smiled, trying to cheer herself up. “We can always go another night. We’ll be here for a week, after all!” She knew that was true, but it didn’t really abate the disappointment much. 
As she was miserably setting the bucket down, someone hit her on the top of the head with a plastic shovel. 
“Oi, Cheeks,” Katsuki huffed when she looked up at him in shock. “What’s the deal, are none of us guys good enough for you? Didn’t bother to ask any of us.” 
“O-oh!” she exclaimed, heat flushing into her face as embarrassment flooded through her body. “I-I’m sorry, you all seemed so pumped up about playing volleyball, so I thought all of you were going to the pool…” she explained meekly, straightening up and rubbing the back of her neck. 
When she laughed nervously, Katsuki narrowed his eyes slightly. He then just nudged her with his bucket, pushing her towards the door. 
“Come on. Let’s go, Cheeks,” he grunted, snatching up two flashlights and dumping them in his bucket while he continued to bump her down the hallway. Ochako could only sputter in confusion as he corralled her to the elevator. She clutched her bucket to her chest, staring down at the fancy tiled floor as her cheeks burned bright red. Her mind whirled in confusion, and she glanced at Katsuki out of her peripheral vision to see him standing there with his hands in his cargo shorts pockets and the bucket resting on his wrist, watching the numbers count down to the garage floor. 
I’m so confused! I know that Katsuki would much rather be playing volleyball with all the guys, so… why is he so adamant to take me crab-hunting? she thought wildly. The pleasant ding of the elevator provided no answer.
She meekly followed him out, walking in silence across the condo’s parking garage and through the gates that led to the pool. A few young teens frolicked in the water, splashing each other and laughing as they played Marco Polo. Several college-aged students lounged in the hot tub, drinking from red plastic cups.
They marched across the concrete poolside to a set of wooden stairs that had a gate leading to the beach. Katsuki lifted the latch and allowed her to pass, then followed behind her. She felt her hair stand on edge as he loomed behind her, prompting her to scamper across the sand-strewn wooden boardwalk down into the sand. 
“Here, Cheeks,” he said, joining her in the sand and handing her a flashlight.
She flipped it on, and the circle of white light puddled over the dunes, making the particles glow beautifully. Her flip-flops squeaked with each step as she sunk down into the thick sand, occasionally crunching on dried-up seaweed and discarded driftwood. She cast the beam of the flashlight around, and the light refracted on the crashing waves in the near distance. 
As they came to the shoreline, the thick white sand gave way to water-saturated, grainy brown. Ochako could see tiny white crabs scuttling in the surf. Their little pinchers waved to and fro as they dodged the swirling white seafoam; a few of them didn’t scamper fast enough, and their wee round forms were swallowed up by the frothing water and carried back into the sea. Occasionally, they’d come trundling back, disgruntledly snapping their claws as water dripped from their carapaces. 
Ochako skipped up to the edge of the water with a delighted squeal, sending a few of the crabs skittering away. 
“Look, Katsuki! They’re so cute!” 
“You can hardly see the little bastards,” he sniffed in disdain, leaning down with squinting eyes to inspect the crabs zig-zagging around the wet sand and leaving itty-bitty tracks in their wake. “Why do you wanna catch ‘em?” 
“Because it’s fun!” she answered, detaching her shovel from her bucket. She set the bucket down away from the surf so it wouldn’t be carried away before stalking along the shoreline, creeping up on the oblivious crabs. She snuck up on one plucking at some wet green seaweed; with a shout, she dove down with the shovel and scooped it up. She grabbed it by a little leg, holding it up triumphantly to Katsuki.
“My parents are of poor means, but every year we still made a trip to the beach. After the sun went down, we would all hunt crabs together!” she explained, ignoring the way the crab squirmed in her fingers and snapped irritatedly. 
She smiled nostalgically as she walked up to her bucket and gently dropped the crab in. It circled the bottom, tapping at the plastic sides, before relaxing to sit quietly and snap its little claws. 
“None of us get to see our parents often these days… I guess being at the beach made me realize how long it’s been since I’ve seen them, so I really wanted to go.” 
There was a period of silence, during which Ochako realized what she said. She snapped her hand to her reddening cheek, looking at him in embarrassment.
“So-sorry! That was weird, wasn’t it?” 
“No,” he huffed, tilting his head as he looked away at the rolling waves. “I figured it was something like that, which is why I dragged your ass out here,” he admitted in a small voice, walking up next to her to drop her bucket in the sand. Through the beams of the flashlights, she could just barely catch his face turning pink as she gaped at him in shock. “Wh-what’s that face for, Cheeks?” he snapped, grabbing her chin and squishing her chubby cheeks. 
“Nuh-nuting!” she squeaked through his grip. “I’m jusht shuprished…” 
He released her face with a small grunt. Ochako rubbed it, the nerves still tingling from where he’d teasingly grabbed her.
“That’s really nice of you… I know you’d rather be with the guys.” 
“Bah,” he huffed and turned around, shining his flashlight around to see the crabs scrambling about. “If I’d gone, I’d’ve spent the whole night thinkin’ about how sad you looked…”
Ochako inhaled quietly, the bubbly feeling of gratitude and awe rising up in her body. He did it because he didn’t want me to be sad… 
Smiling sweetly, she skipped up beside him. 
“You’re really sweet, you know?” 
“D-don’t call me that!” he cried, jerking away from her and hiding his face with a hand. Though his fingers covered most of his face, she could still see his bright red blush peeking out through the gaps. “Let’s just hunt these stupid crabs for a while and then go back, okay?” He stiffly dove down to scoop up some unsuspecting crabs, then cursed as he tried to pick it up and it pinched his finger. “Ow! You little fucker!” he said, dropping it into the sand and sucking angrily on his cut fingertip.
Ochako laughed, retrieving the crab and holding it up by its back leg. 
“Like this,” she said. He glared at the wriggling crab, flipping it off while he continued to suck on his injured finger.
Ochako laughed and carried the crab to her bucket, where it acquainted itself with the current occupant. As she turned back, a cold breeze rolled across the beach, making her shiver. Now that she looked at it, the water was a murky black, and the crashing of the waves seemed to echo unnaturally around them. 
“What, Cheeks?” Katsuki asked, squatting down and unsuccessfully grabbing at another crab. He scowled as it jumped away from its fingers and sought safety in the frothing water.
She walked up to him, looking around with scrunched eyebrows. 
“Well, it’s just… It’s kinda spooky.” 
“Wait, you gettin’ cold feet?” he sneered as he straightened up. He put the flashlight under his chin, casting strange shadows over his face. “Oooooooooo, I’m a ghost,” he warbled while wagging the fingers of his other hand.
Ochako snickered and pushed him in the shoulder. 
“Don’t make fun of me! It’s a little creepy out here!” she complained, stomping her feet in the wet sand. She wrapped her arms around herself as the breeze blew, shuddering with cold and a little bit of apprehension. 
“Jeez. You’re such a girl,” he smiled with a roll of his eyes. She squeaked as he abruptly grabbed her hand, holding it tight. “Creepy sea ghosts or whatever, I won’t let anything happen to you. I am gonna be number one someday,” he grinned haughtily.
Ochako was too busy turning to mush to comment on his overwhelming self-confidence. 
He’s… he’s holding my hand… She certainly did feel safer. His hand was so warm and surprisingly comforting despite the hard calluses on his palms from his explosion Quirk. His skin was soft, probably from the nitroglycerin. A shy smile found its way onto her lips, making her sheepishly curl in on herself.
“All right. Now let’s hunt some crabs,” Katsuki smirked, his red eyes glinting with clear affection. 
True to his word, he held her hand, which made it a little awkward when she stooped down to pluck up the crabs. Still, it was fun, too; she’d tugged on him playfully, making him stumble, and he’d respond by yanking her around randomly while they were trawling the wet sand for more critters. Soon the crab hunt was abandoned and they were just playing tug-of-war with each other, spinning around and kicking up sand. They stumbled into the surf, the water splashing around their calves. They stood there in the water, panting slightly with their cheeks shining in exertion, staring into each other’s eyes as the moon bathed them in its beautiful white glow. 
“Thanks for coming out with me tonight, Katsuki. It means a lot,” she said after a minute. “You’re a good friend.” 
He narrowed his eyes slightly, making her wonder if perhaps she’d said something odd. Then, he inhaled sharply, fear flashing in his eyes like he was about to tumble into the depths. 
“Do you really think I came out here with you because I wanna be a good friend?” His voice was soft and deadly serious, a combination that made goosebumps sweep over her arms and legs. She stared at him in confusion, heart thumping in her chest, as he stepped a little closer to her. “You know how I said I would think about how sad you looked all night?” He was still holding her hand, so he brought it up to his face; he held it between them for a moment, internally debating, before gently turning her hand so he could press a kiss to the smooth skin of her palm. “I can’t stand the sad look on your face, Ochako, because I’m stupidly in love with you. Dufus,” he spoke gently against her skin. 
She pressed her lips into a thin line as a thousand feelings welled up in her at once. Her mouth continually opened and closed as her face tried to process the rapid succession of emotions she was trying to process, and what the hell she was supposed to say to that. 
“I can’t believe you just confessed to me and insulted me in the same sentence,” she managed finally, her tone flat.
Katsuki just snorted, his mouth still pressed to her hand. 
“Is it really that much of a surprise?” 
“No,” she laughed, his calm demeanor and snark allowing her to finally recover from the shock. She smiled warmly, eyes gleaming as he continued to peer at her over the tops of their linked hands. His red eyes glinted like rubies, making her marvel for the first time how beautiful they really were. “I have to admit, it’s surprisingly effective, too,” she said cheekily, biting down on the tip of her tongue as she raised her eyebrows suggestively at him. 
“Oh? Look at you, trying to flirt,” he chuckled, finally pulling his lips away from her hand to smirk at her. “Cute.” He used his free hand to swipe a finger down the bridge of her nose, smirk widening. “As much as I would like to stare at your round chubby cheeks all night, it’s cold as hell out here.” Now that he mentioned it, the temperature had dropped considerably as the sea breeze began to roll in. “Whadaya say we set the crabs free and get goin’, huh?” 
They tossed their collection of crabs into the waves, where they sunk to the sandy bottom and went about their crabby business. Hand-in-hand, they walked slowly back up towards the condominium, Katsuki swinging their arms in between them. Ochako had already been excited about their summer beach getaway, but now she was very curious as to what the rest of the week would hold. She knew one thing for sure—her new boyfriend was going to make sure that she would be as happy as she could be! 
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junkyardromeo · 10 months
little neon angels scene, circa 1990
My head is spinning already. It’s nine at night, and I’ve been daydrinking, and we’re due at a party at the Tuff Mansion later. Well, they call it a mansion but really it’s a shitty fuckin’ apartment, worse than ours.
“These make me look fat,” Ryan says, crossing his arms and glaring at the mirror. He’s wrapped up in a brand new pair of Lip Service pants, the sexy as fuck PVC ones with the buckles all up and down the legs.
“Shut your fuckin’ mouth, they look hot.” I smack his ass. He turns and gives me a look that’s half sexy and half terrifying. I’m gonna pay for this later, that’s for damn sure, but I’ll worry about it when the time comes.
“Wear those shorts I like,” Ryan says. His tone says it’s not optional, even though it’s kind of cold out.
“Dude, has anyone seen my boots?” Alistair is tearing the room apart looking for his shoes, and Tripp must be in the shower because it feels humid in here. Alice opens a window.
An hour later, we’re stumbling out the door. The cold seems unimportant now that I’ve got half a bottle of Jack in me. I’m carrying it with me as we trek down the Strip, determined to finish the bottle by the time we get there. Fuck sobriety. I can’t deal with people sober.
Ryan’s hand is in the back pocket of my cut-offs, which I’ve paired with cowboy boots and a fishnet top.
“You look like a slut,” he says.
“So do you,” I say, giggling. He does! Those fuckin’ pants are gonna be the death of me!
“Look around, you ain’t alone,” Tripp says. Somehow, he’s already collected a blonde girl who’s hanging off his arm and making eyes at him. Alice looks severely disinterested in everything, per usual, and Ryan looks dangerous, per usual.
“Let’s catch a ride,” I say. “I’m not walking all the fuckin’ way to North Hollywood.” Which is reasonable! North Hollywood is a fuckin’ hike, and we have friends who have cars. There is no fuckin’ reason to walk all that way. We know everyone, and someone’s bound to come rolling by.
And they do.
We pile into the backseat of Roxy DeVeaux’s convertible (daddy’s money) and arrive to the Tuff Muff Mansion in style. It’s already out of control—as we’re walking up, some guy falls backwards over the railing and lands at Alice’s feet.
“Hi, Paul!” Tripp says.
“Heeeyyy!” Paul drunkenly replies. He staggers to his feet and immediately pukes in the hedge. We make our way inside, and soon, everyone’s gone their own separate way. The party is in full swing.
Fuck yeah.
I left my empty bottle of Jack in Roxy’s car, so it’s definitely time to find another drink. I don’t have to look far before a girl is handing me a beer and feeling me up. She’s pretty and her tits are nice, and based on the way she’s looking at me, she’s easy. I grab her ass and pull her against me, liking her perfume and the way her tits press against my chest. She’s soft in a way men aren’t, sweet in a way men aren’t.
“What’s your name?” she asks as I slip my hand up her shirt.
“Lani.” I don’t bother asking for hers. It’s not like I would remember anyways.
“You wanna-”
“Yeah.” I unzip my shorts, push her skirt up, and pick her up against the wall. She’s faking the moans but I don’t particularly care. She’s hot and ready and that’s all I need; girls like her are a dime a dozen in Hollywood. In this room. In my life. All I am to her is a pretty face, just like all she is to me is someone to fuck. Round and round. All we fuckin’ do is use each other—for money, for sex, for drugs, for fame.
I come first. I’m not gonna leave a girl wanting, though, so I get on my knees and look up at her.
“You can hold me down, pull my hair, whatever,” I say. “Anything goes.”
It’s almost four by the time Ryan grabs my arm and drags me into the bathroom. The sink is disgusting, stained from Michael’s hair dye and crusty with cigarette ash and god knows what else, and there’s what appears to be blood smeared on one wall.
“Jesus,” I mumble. Ryan’s hands are rough and hot on my skin as he yanks my shorts down and I feel kind of sick. Drunk. My reflection stares back at me, all smudged, fucked up makeup and ratty hair, red cheeks, swollen lips. God, I look like a cheap whore. Ryan seems to like it. He smacks my ass, hard, laughing a little when I gasp.
“You deserve that,” he says. “You deserve worse than that, but I’m feeling nice tonight. Bend over.”
It bothers me a little how much shit like this gets me off. He’s a fuckin’ sadistic motherfucker, a mean little sonofabitch. Fuck, I love him.
He fucks me hard over the sink, one hand in my hair and one gripping my hip. There’s gonna be bruises tomorrow for sure. I like watching us in the mirror—me, fucked out and desperate; him, fucked up and desperate. We’re a match made in…well, not heaven.
I come first, and he keeps fucking me. He twists one of my nipple rings, then the other, then my knees give out. Everything burns and he keeps fucking me, hard and rough, and I feel my head spinning before everything goes dark.
I wake up nauseous, with a pounding headache, crusty eyes, and no clue where I am. Someone’s greasy fuckin’ hair is in my mouth.
“Get off,” I rasp, shoving the dead weight off my chest. It turns out that it was Ryan’s hair in my mouth, and I’ve just shoved him off the bed and onto the floor. Well, if you call the mattress in the corner of our apartment a bed. Technically, Tripp’s apartment. Which means that we made it home last night, even though I remember exactly nothing about what went down.
Fuckin’ typical.
Ryan groans loudly, covering his eyes with his forearm.
“Feellikeshit,” he mumbles.
“Yeah.” I drag my sorry ass to the bathroom just in time for whatever I drank last night to make itself known again, and splash some water on my face. I don’t look so good. I need to shave and I look like I haven’t slept in weeks, but some makeup and a beer should fix it.
“Come back,” Ryan whines. “No good morning kiss?”
“I just blew chunks, babe. Don’t think you’re interested.” I mess with my hair until it looks halfway decent, then venture back to the living room to look for something to wear. I still have on my shorts from last night, but have somehow lost my shirt and one of my socks. Fuckin’ typical. I can’t keep up with socks for shit.
“My mouth already tastes like…like, stale cologne or something,” Ryan says, sitting up and rubbing his face. “It’s fine.”
I lean down and kiss the tip of his nose.
“Where you going?”
“Corner store,” I reply. “I’m out of cigarettes.” Which is only partly true. I think I have a pack somewhere but I’m too lazy to look for it, and the weather looks nice. A walk down the street won’t kill me (probably.)
He groans again and stretches, reminiscent of a cat. Or something. His eyes are all dark with smeared makeup and he’s got a fuckin’ vicious bite mark on his jaw—did I do that? He’s wearing leather pants. Fucking christ, dude, leather pants. He slept in ‘em! Even I can’t sleep in leather!
“Come with?” I ask.
“Fuck, why not?” He stands unsteadily and picks up a shirt off the floor. I think it belongs to Alistair. He will mind. That’s a problem for later. I dig two pairs of dark mirrored sunglasses out of the mess and sit one pair on his face. He looks like a wreck, but it’s a pretty wreck.
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criticalrolo · 1 year
level one, prep, and tpk; secret and heart for sigrun
Level One: What was your first experience with D&D? How did you hear about it? What was your first game like?
My first experience was DMing a one shot LOL
I had just gotten really into critical role in 2016, and was nearly caught up, when some of my friends (who didn't know I was currently Hyperfixating On DnD) actually casually brought up that they'd never played dnd before but it sounded like fun. They just needed someone to run the game since no one there really knew the rules. Cue me jumping into the conversation being like, "HAHAHAH HeyyyYyy you guys wanna play some dnd and need someone to run it? as it JUST SO HAPPENS, I know the rules and would LOOOVE to try running a game hahahaha..."
So I prepped more for that one shot than I ever did for any session ever, it was a level 1 4 hour game where I made everyone character sheets, bought dice sets for everyone, and had them clear out a wizard's basement filled with giant rats. It was REALLY fun, no one seemed to catch on that i ALSO had no idea what i was doing, and afterwards I asked if they would be interested in a Longer Campaign. I had a couple takers, and that first campaign ran for probably about five sessions before the school year ended, so nothing too wild happened, but after that I got some real games set up and ... here we are several years later :)
Prep: How much prep work do you do? How far out do you prep?
I do like... 1-3 hours of prep work before each individual session. And even then, it's mostly like... finding maps and stat blocks for NPCs. I go into each Arc that I run with a general outline in mind for what big beats I want to have happen, but otherwise I let each session progress based on what the PCs decide to do. It's definitely a combination of laying down tracks vs improv on the fly, but so far it's worked out for me! Having a really loose style has definitely helped make the story feel organic and player choice-oriented while still keeping things moving in the direction I'm hoping it'll go. And it gives flexibility for when players do things WILDLY unexpected!
TPK: Have you ever had a game go completely off the rails? TPK? How did you adjust?
I've come CLOSE to some TPKs but the players juuuust managed to squeak by, which is always my favorite kind of vibe. It's way harder to plan for that than you'd think when you've been DMing for 7 PCs for so long LOL
Honestly I don't think I've had anything go completely off the rails, or even really come Close to being that out of control? I've definitely had players make WILD choices that altered the course of FUTURE sessions, but my DMing style allows for a lot of flexibility I think, so I've never really been. THROWN by anything if that makes sense. I always LOVE it when the players make choices that Alter The Narrative Entirely.
My favorite example is when a friend of mine playing a cleric who was devoted (by accident) to Chaos, decided at the last second, in game, to NOT accept the help of their Chaos God and decided to just DIE instead. We had worked out a plan for her corruption arc!! It was going to be sick!! But apparently in the moment, during a big fight against a really difficult Boss, she looked around at her friends and decided her character would actually rather die than become corrupted and potentially break the world/hurt her friends. it was INSANE and COMPLETELY changed the next arc of the campaign since Ethros. DIED and couldn't be revived. And I loved it and we worked out a whole new arc for Ethros later :)
Secret: Is there anything that you know about your character but your character doesn’t know? What is it? How did you come up with this secret?
AUGH YES -- this was actually something that happened in game. From her backstory, Sigrun's village was attacked by raiders and she nearly died in the assault. She was healed by a strange figure she didn't recognize, swore an oath to what she Believed To Be the old gods to get revenge for them, and then this figure gave her Daisy and sent her off to safety.
NOW SIGRUN DOESN'T KNOW THIS... but that figure was actually her dad Osvald. who was sent forward in time by the Old God of Negentropy. to fulfill his wish to protect her. So I was playing Osvald at the time in a mini campaign, got this wish, and wished to Protect Sigrun. Then the DM narrated Osvald getting sent into the future, and I realized it was a scene from SIGRUN'S backstory, and I promptly lost my mind casting cure wounds on her and find familiar to give her Daisy. it was SOOOO GOOD
Heart: What drives your character? Do they have a theme, question, mission, etc. that they’re holding onto? How did you pick it for them?
Sigrun's character absolutely revolves around the theme of Family, in all its messiness and love. What do you do when the people who raised you tried their best but couldn't give you what you needed? How do you feel about them? How do you deal with people leaving, with being alone, with them going off without you? What do you owe family, if anything?
She has this mission to rescue her family members (yes I do this backstory in different variations for like. all of my PCs. dont worry about it) who have all been taken by this interdimensional raiding group, but something she doesn't admit to herself is that she's somehow trying to rescue her Dead Father too. And maybe she's trying to rescue herself? She's got insane abandonment issues from the various family members Leaving (by choice or by force), and I think there's a part of her subconscious that desperately wishes someone had come back for her when she was little, so now she's trying to act out that wish by Rescuing Everyone Else.
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Number Nine
Chapter Two: I Just Wanna Be Yours
AO3 author’s note/info one two three four five six seven eight epilogue extra
All my work is 18+.
What doesn’t kill me makes me want you more; and it’s new, the shape of your body. It’s blue, the feeling I’ve got.- Taylor Swift, Cruel Summer
Tim was forever gushing about the places he wanted to take her. She absolutely had to see Paris, he’d told her once between drags of his cigarette. She’d love any part of Europe, he said, but especially Paris. He’d also said filming would be so much more fun if he could take her with him. He usually said this when they were cuddled up under a blanket on one of his loveseats (Tim was in possession of four regular couches, two loveseats, three divans, four chaises, and one large sectional). 
And so Lea enrolled in online classes as Tim had requested several months prior, and was going to surprise him with this fact when he got back from filming Wonka in England.
She was sitting in the backseat of his car, waiting for him at the airport. She’d gone with his driver for pick him up. As she was waiting, a text came through from her younger sister, Ari.
girllllllll come get ur man hes bein a hoe again
What? Lmao
yea check it he got papped
With that, a picture came through. He was seated with three tall, leggy blondes with bikinis barely covering their perfectly tanned skin. One was in his lap with his hand down her bikini bottom (fingering her, it looked like), one had her tongue in his mouth, and the other stood off to the side as she watched the scene, his hand sliding under her barely-there triangle bikini top to grope her breast.
Lea stared at the picture for several seconds. She couldn’t talk to Ari right now. She couldn’t deal with this. She knew he slept with his girlfriends, she knew he and his wife shared some of them. But she’d never seen it herself. God, it hurt.
She’d only just hit the send button on a text telling her sister she had to go when the car door opened and he slid in next to her. She looked up at him, startled.
He laughed. “You knew I was coming, why are you so surprised?” He saw her phone then. “Whatcha lookin’ at?” Leaning over a bit, his eyes widened when he saw the picture. “Whoa, that’s a bit of a shocker.”
“So… I guess these are your girlfriends, huh?” she laughed out uncomfortably. 
He stared at her for a few seconds. “Uh… no, not really. Just a few girls I met at a party.”
She didn’t want to know what kind of party. 
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Several hours later, she stood beside him on one of his three balconies, overlooking the nighttime skyline.
“I wish you could’ve come with me,” he confessed softly. “England is beautiful this time of year.”
She nudged him playfully with her elbow. “Pretty sure there’s plenty of girls you could take with you.”
“Yeah,” Tim admitted, “but none of them are you.”
Lea flushed. Then, she remembered something. “Oh yeah, I meant to tell you: I enrolled in online classes. So the next time you wanna take me somewhere, I can go.”
Tim stared at her for a moment. Then, his face split into a grin, and he cupped her cheek before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers.
Lea froze, shocked. When he pulled back, she stared up at him blankly, not blinking at all. “What— why’d you do that?” she managed to stutter out. 
“Because you are wonderful and beautiful and I adore you,” he declared with a bright smile.
Lea tucked a stray curl the night wind had blown out of place back behind her ear. “Do you do that to all your friends?”
He laughed. “You’re much more than a friend to me. Wouldn’t have done it otherwise.”
“What am I to you, then?” she asked breathlessly. 
Tim placed his hand on top of where hers was resting on the balcony railing. “What would you like to be to me?”
Yours, her heart whispered. I want to be yours. What she told him, however, was, “I don’t know.”
He threaded his fingers through hers. “Well, how’d you feel when I kissed you? Not repulsed, I hope.”
“No,” she assured him hurriedly, blushing to the roots of her hair. “No, of course not. I didn’t… hate it.”
“If I were to do it again, would you stop me?”
“No,” she murmured.
“Would you kiss me back?”
Lea nodded at him wordlessly.
And when he kissed her again, she forgot about everything else— about his wife, his daughter, his eight girlfriends, that awful fucking picrure, all of it. There was only the two of them. 
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She was straddling his lap on one of the outdoor chairs, grinding her core against him as he kissed her neck and squeezed her ass. 
“Fuck, baby,” he growled. “I want you so bad. I’ve wanted you since I first saw you with that cute little braid in your hair and your pretty pink lips and the way this fucking ass moves when you walk. So fuckin’ sexy.”
Lea was stimulating her clit by rubbing against him now, moaning softly into the cool night air. “Please,” she whimpered desperately. “Please, Timothée.”
“Fuck,” he groaned again. “Please say you want me, Lea. Please. I think I’ll lose my mind if I don’t get to have you.”
She leaned down to kiss him, murmuring, “How could I not?”
Next thing she knew, he was pulling her by the hand into his bedroom.
“Take your clothes off, babydoll,” he breathed against the flushed skin of her neck. “Let me see you.”
Lea trembled with anxiety as she undressed to her bra and panties. “Sorry they’re not very, y’know. Sexy.”
His gaze stopped roving over her hungrily and he stared at her for a few seconds. “They’re sexy because you’re wearing them,” Tim finally told her. “That said, if you’d like, I can get you all the pretty things you want.” Then, “Now why don’t you take them off and let me see those tits I’ve been dreaming about for the past six months?”
With shaking hands, she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra before sliding the straps off her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. Slowly, ever so slowly, she slid her panties down and off, kicking them to the side. Standing there before him, naked as the day she was born, she was terrified he wouldn’t want her, would find her hideous. She wasn’t nearly as skinny as the girls from the picture.
Tim must’ve sensed her anxiety, though, because he stepped closer to her and lifted her chin up to gaze into her eyes. “Hey, you never have to be nervous, alright? Not with me. You’re perfect. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of except better.”
“You don’t mind that I’m not skinny?”
He shrugged. “More of you for me to love. So what?”
“L— love?” she squeaked out. 
“Yeah,” Tim said with a small smile. “Love.”
With that, he gently pushed her backwards onto the bed, and she let herself fall.
Before she knew what was happening, he was kissing her hungrily while his long, slender fingers slid in and out of her, his thumb rubbing her clit so fast she thought her head would explode.
“You’re so tight,” he breathed into their kiss. “Been thinking about this pussy for so long, baby. Will you clench like this around my cock, too?”
“I— I don’t know,” she stuttered out between desperate moans. “I haven’t— I’ve never—“
“Aww,” he crooned softly, and she felt his smirk against her skin. “I know you haven’t, angel. I know you haven’t. It’s been awhile since I’ve been with a virgin, but I promise I’ll be gentle with you.”
“Tim,” she interrupted suddenly, needing to know something.
He froze, pulling back to examine her features, his eyes searching her face. “What’s wrong? Do you want to stop?”
“No!” she exclaimed firmly. He smirked again, and she repeated, “No, I don’t want to stop. I just… I have questions.”
He pulled his hand back. “Okay, what is it?”
“You said it’s been awhile since you’ve been with a virgin,” she reminded him. “How long exactly?”
He furrowed his eyebrows in thought. “Since I was one myself, so I would’ve been seventeen.”
Holy fuck, she thought to herself. Nine years ago? Shit.
Not wanting to shame him, she went on to her next question. “And, uh. How many girls since then?”
“Like total?” he asked, eyes wide. When she nodded, he blew out a puff of air. “Fuck, Lea, I dunno. Somewhere around a hundred, maybe?”
Head spinning with this information, she exhaled slowly through her nose. “Did you sleep with those girls from the picture?”
“Was it, like…” she hesitated. “Was it at the same time?”
“Yes,” he said again.
She felt sick to her stomach. “Do you do that a lot?”
“Sleep with more than one girl at a time, you mean?” he clarified. She nodded. “I do it sometimes, but not all the time.”
“I don’t want to do that,” she told him immediately.
He scoffed lightly. “I wouldn’t ask you to anyway. I have a strange desire to keep you all to myself, not let anyone else touch you.”
Then why would you think I wouldn’t feel that way about you? Lea wondered.
“Right now,” he began gently, “all I want is you. Don’t worry about the rest. Just focus on me.”
“I always focus on you,” she breathed.
He whined in the back of his throat. “Can I kiss you again? Please?”
Lea nodded wordlessly, wishing all the while that she was the only one he wanted, the only one he’d kiss.
But hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?
So she kissed him back fervently, arching into his touch when he reached between her legs again.
“May I?” he requested. “I wanna make you cum.”
“Please,” she gasped out, craning her neck in an effort to get his lips back on hers.
“Fuck,” he muttered when he began to touch her again. “You’re so wet. Is this all for me?”
“Yes,” Lea whimpered.
“You got like this just from thinking about me?”
“This happens all the time when I think about you, Tim,” she confessed, and he groaned again, curling his fingers inside her and rubbing her throbbing clit faster.
“So gorgeous, baby girl,” he told her. “Gonna make you cum, gonna make you feel so good you won’t know what to do without me to pleasure you.”
“Tim,” Lea moaned, her mouth open as she rolled her hips against his hand. “God, Timothée—“
“There’s my good girl,” he praised. “Doing such a good job for me, angel. Give me those pretty little moans.”
“Please don’t stop,” she begged desperately. “Please—“
“I won’t,” Tim promised lowly. “I’ll take such good care of you. My princess can have anything she wants. Never gonna have to work again now that you’re mine. Anything you want, baby.”
“You,” she gasped, throwing her head back. “I want you. I want this.”
“Good girl,” he said again, leaning in to kiss her. “Such a good girl for me. Will you cum for me, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” she whined. “Fuck, yes, Tim—“
He rubbed her faster, impossibly faster, and her walls were fluttering around his fingers. She was close. She was so close.
“C’mon, baby,” Tim encouraged. “You can do it. Cum for me.”
“Fuck,” Lea whimpered, her hips bucking. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, you’re gonna make me cum—“
“That’s it. Give it to me.”
And then she did, her orgasm ripping through her like a tidal wave, a tsunami of quaking pleasure.
She’d hoped the orgasm would sate her appetite. Instead, though, all she wanted was more.
“Tim,” she panted, “Tim, I want you in my mouth.”
He yanked his shirt over his head abruptly. “Next time, sweetheart. I need to be inside you now. Spread your legs for me.”
She obeyed instantly, her thighs parting as she stared openly at his chest. He was lightly muscled, freckles dotting his pale skin. He was perfect.
And then he took his pants off, his boxers following soon after.
“You’re going to kill me,” she informed him flatly. “This is it. This is how I die.”
He laughed. “I’m not going to kill you, Lea. I promise. You’ll be fine.”
“Fairly certain I won’t be if you put that monstrosity inside me. I’ll die of internal bleeding.”
“No you won’t,” he assured her with another chuckle. “I’ll take care of you, make you feel good. You’ll feel full, yes, but once you get used to it, you’ll be okay.”
“Says you,” she groused under her breath.
He pouted adorably. “Don’t you trust me?”
Without missing a beat, Lea said, “Not a bit, no.”
Tim stood over her in stunned silence for a moment before bursting out laughing and climbing onto the bed after her, caging her in with his arms. “Why not?”
“I trust you as a friend,” she confessed slowly, gauging the words for honesty as they came out.
“I hope I mean more than that to you at this point,” he chuckled softly, brushing her hair away from her face.
Lea’s heart hammered against her ribcage. “You’ve always meant more to me than that, Tim,” she murmured, embarrassed beyond all measure.
He smiled down at her adoringly. “Yeah?”
She nodded. “Yeah.” Then, a thought occurred to her. “Did you mean it when you said you’d wanted me since we first met?”
He cupped her cheek then, leaning down to brush his lips against hers. “I did,” he admitted. “I saw you standing there with your braid—you wouldn’t stop fidgeting with it; I remember—and I thought your freckles were the cutest thing I’d ever seen, and I wondered what face you’d make if I made you cum.” He took a breath. “As soon as I heard you speak, I wanted to know what your moans would sound like, your whimpers, how you’d say my name. But then when I got to know you, I wanted to spend all day talking to you, hearing what you thought and how you felt about things.” He paused, smiling down at her. “The more I talked to you, the more I realized I wanted to be friends with you, maybe more if you wanted it. And then as I got to know you as a person, I just wanted you more. I wanted you under me, around me, next to me— everywhere.”
He sighed before continuing, “But then I figured out how skittish you were, how nervous you were around me. I knew if I wanted anything with you—friendship or more—, you had to get used to me, understand I wouldn’t hurt you. So I’ve been patient. Now that I don’t have to be anymore, I’m not wasting time.”
Before she could breathe a word of response, point out that he would hurt her, he kissed her again, and Lea couldn’t think anymore after that.
He reached down to massage her breasts, tweaking her nipples. “Your shirts are way too fuckin’ tight for having tits this big, you tease,” he murmured into her neck before starting to suck a bruise into the skin there.
“My shirts are tight because of my boob size,” she pointed out, arching into his touch.
“It’s okay, angel,” Tim assured her gently. “I’ll make sure everything you wear from now on fits you just right. Gonna take such good care of you.”
“I don’t understand,” she admitted as he trailed one hand down her body to rub at her again.
“I mean,” he began gently, “I’m going to make sure you have everything you want. Anything my sweet girl wants, she’ll get. All you have to do is ask.” He kissed her cheek softly. “I’ll pay for everything.” He slid two fingers inside of her, and she clenched around them. “You’ll never be unsatisfied, either,” he promised lowly as he began to finger her. “As long as you’re with me, Lea, you’ll never be empty. I’ll always keep you nice and full.”
“I wanna be full now,” she whined miserably, rolling her hips in time with the thrusts of his fingers. “I want you inside me. Please, Tim.”
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned, kissing her hungrily. “How can I make you wait when you ask me like that?”
“Please,” she said again, whimpering when he withdrew his fingers from her and replaced them with the head of his cock, nudging it against her entrance.
“Your pussy juice is getting all over my bed, Lea,” he scolded teasingly. “Making a mess from wanting me so bad, hm?”
She whimpered again, desperate for him.
“Okay, angel,” Tim finally conceded. “Okay.” With that, he was pushing into her. He grit his teeth, clenching his jaw with a groan. “F— fuck, I’ve never had anyone this tight before. Fuck.”
“Tim,” she gasped out. “It— it hurts, I—“
“Shit,” he muttered. “Sorry, baby. Give it a minute, okay? There’s no rush.”
It was a slow game of stop and go before he was finally fully seated within her. Her breasts were smushed against his chest, and he gripped her hips gently, thumb sliding back and forth across her sensitive skin. Her hands had found a place in his hair, holding him to her as they kissed desperately.
Whining, Lea lifted her hips a bit, trying to get some semblance of friction. The pain had stopped, and now that it had, all she wanted was more, more, more.
“Lea,” he moaned into her open mouth. “God, Lea. You’re so tight you made my dick numb.”
Her eyes widened in shock. “I did what?!“ she exclaimed, suddenly very concerned for him. “Oh my god, Tim, pull out if I’m hurting you!”
“You’re not hurting me,” he assured her with soft laughter and several kisses to her neck. “You’re just very tight, that's all.”
“Are you sure?” Lea asked anxiously, reaching up to cup his face. 
He smiled adoringly at her, turning his head slightly so as to kiss her palm. “Of course I’m sure. Can I move now? Does it hurt?”
“No,” she assured him hurriedly, aching for more of what he had to give her. It was strange, yes, but it was no longer painful. “No, it doesn’t hurt.”
He pulled out then before rocking his hips gently against hers, and her lips parted in a soft gasp. 
“You’re so beautiful like this,” Tim breathed as he watched her face closely. “I knew you would be.”
Lea shut her eyes, overwhelmed at the intense feeling of fullness, how he was stretching her.
“No,” he murmured, cupping her cheek and stroking it gently with his thumb as he continued to move within her. “No, watch me. I don’t want you to forget who’s making you feel like this.”
“I’d never forget,” she gasped, wanting him closer despite the fact that they were as close as it was physically possible for two people to be. “It was either you or no one.”
He smiled down at her again, resting his forehead against hers for a moment before kissing her softly. “I’m honored it’s me, then.”
He hummed in pleasured contentment, his thrusts a bit less shallow now. “Because of all the people you could’ve shared this with, you wanted it with me. Because you trust me enough to take care of you in this way.”
I don’t trust you, she wanted to tell him, but she didn’t say that, didn’t want to explain why. She trusted him to make it good for her, of course she did, but as far as not hurting her, she didn’t trust him as far as she could throw him.
He was going to break her heart, and she knew it. That was fine, though. This was enough.
“Oh, Tim,” Lea exhaled.
“Yes?” He thrust a bit harder.
“It feels good,” she confessed. “It feels so good.”
He smiled at her, nuzzling her nose with his. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she confirmed breathlessly.
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” Tim praised, his voice gentle and sweet, the same way his thrusts were. “You’re taking me so well.”
“Don’t stop,” she begged, lifting her hips slightly to meet his. 
“You’re mine now, Lea,” he murmured. “I’m never letting you go now that I’ve had you. Never. You belong to me now.”
“I’ve always belonged to you,” she whimpered, threading her hands into his hair and pulling him down to kiss her.
He groaned, kissing her back with ferocious hunger, reaching down to grasp her hips firmly and thrusting harder. “Fuck,” he groaned into her mouth. “It’s so hard to be gentle with you,” he confessed, digging his fingers into her flesh. “I want bruises covering your body. I want my hands around your neck. I want to get you addicted to my cock.”
“I want that, too,” she moaned, clenching around him at the picture he’d painted. “I want you to give me that, Timothée, please—“
“Once you get used to me, I will, baby,” he swore, growling and driving into her a bit faster. “I’m going to give you everything. But especially my cock. Any time you want it, all you have to do is ask.”
“I want it,” she pleaded. “I want it now, I want it—“
Tim chuckled softly, adjusting his angle so his hipbone hit her clit with every thrust. “You have it, angel. Don’t worry. I’ll keep you nice and full.”
“Fuck,” she whined, her hips bucking against his. “Feels so good, please don’t stop—“
“Good girl,” he praised, his voice low in her ear. “That’s my good girl, telling me what you want me to do to you.”
“‘m yours, Timothée,” she moaned loudly.
“I know you are,” he breathed, sucking a bruise into the skin of her neck and reaching up with one hand to palm her breast, the other reaching down to rub her clit. “I own this tight little pussy now, don’t I?”
“Yes,” Lea moaned in response. “Yes, you own all of me. I’m yours, I swear I’m yours, don’t stop—“
“Good girl,” he repeated. “Such a good girl, begging me for it. You want it so bad, don’t you, babydoll?”
Lea nodded vigorously. “Want it,” she whined. “I want it, I want it, god— feels so good, wanna cum, want you to make me cum—“
“Of course you do, angel,” he crooned. “You gonna cum on my cock like a good little girl?”
“Yes,” she moaned desperately. “Yes, Timothée, you’re gonna make me cum, I’m gonna cum—“
“That’s it,” he encouraged. “That’s it, baby. Cum all over my cock. Such a good girl.”
She rolled her hips up against his, and then she seized, her toes curling and her back arching as she erupted.
Still, he didn’t stop rubbing at her. “You’re gonna give me another,” Tim growled in her ear. “You’re gonna cum for me again.”
“God,” she screamed. “Fuck, how are you— I’m already going to—“
He was barely touching her clit, but she was still so sensitive from the last orgasm that she hardly needed any contact at all before she was pulsating again.
“You know what I’m gonna do?” he growled in her ear, moving his fingers away from her clit to grasp her hip instead.
She whimpered in response, her body still jolting slightly with the aftershocks of the orgasms he’d given her. 
“I’m gonna turn you into a cock hungry slut,” Tim promised darkly. “You’ll take it whenever I feel like giving it to you, and when I’m not inside you, you won’t be able to think about anything else.”
Lea was fairly certain this wouldn’t be very difficult to accomplish. In fact, she thought she was likely at that point already. Instead of telling him this, however, she chose instead to moan, “Timothée—“ desperately, but still, she wanted more. She needed to cum again. It felt so good. So much better than it felt when she did it herself. “More,” she begged. “I want more, please.”
“More of what, angel?” he asked, stroking her cheek affectionately as he rocked into her.
“I wanna cum again,” Lea moaned. “Please, Tim, I wanna cum, you make me feel so good—“
“Greedy little thing, aren’t you?” he murmured, reaching between them to rub her again.
“God, yes,” she gasped. “Fuck, so good, so good— god, Timothée—“
“That’s my girl,” Tim praised. “So desperate for what I give you.”
Lea’s hips bucked, and it only took a few more rubs of her clit before she came a third time with a moan of his name.
“Fuck,” he groaned, reaching up to twist her nipple sharply and roll it between his thumb and forefinger as he watched her breasts bounce from the force of his thrusts. “No one I’ve ever been with had tits like this.”
“Are they okay?” she asked nervously. 
He laughed. “Are you kidding? They’re beautiful ‘cause they’re yours, but they’d be sexy as all hell regardless.” He paused. “Been wanting these tits in my mouth since I first met you.”
She lifted a breast up, offering it to him.
“So eager to give me what I want, hm?” With that, he leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth, suckling deeply but never pausing his thrusts.
Lea moaned, throwing her head back and gripping his curls, holding him against her breast. He took her nipple between his teeth gently, tugging on it ever so slightly. “God,” she gasped out. “Fuck that’s good, don’t stop, please don’t stop—“
He hummed against her nipple, continuing to suckle and still stimulating her clit with his hipbone as he thrust into her.
Her walls started fluttering around him, and he groaned at the sensation, pulling off her nipple with a pop. “You need to cum, again, don’t you?”
She nodded jerkily, and Tim reached between their bodies to rub at her clit in firm circles that had her rolling her hips up to where he was snapping into her, taking her the way she’d been dreaming of for an embarrassingly long time, except better, so much better than anything she could’ve thought up with herself.
“C’mon, baby,” he murmured in her ear. “One more. Give me one more. You can do it.”
Her clit was throbbing, and she was clenching around him like a vise, the stretch of his cock inside her driving her insane, and all she could think about was what his face would look like when he came, that the man she loved was going to make her cum as he fucked her. She was a complete mess; writhing beneath him, bucking her hips as he fucked her, pulling him down for a kiss.
“Cum for me, Lea,” he growled against her lips. “No one else could ever fuck you like I can, could ever make you feel like this. Cum for me.”
Her body obeyed the command, and she screamed her pleasure.
This seemed to be too much for him, as his hips began to stutter before her orgasm had stopped entirely.
“Are— are you on birth control?” he forced out.
Lea nodded lazily, her limbs feeling heavy and boneless after yet another extremely strong orgasm. “Inside me, please,” she said softly.
“Fuck,” he groaned, suddenly leaning down to wrap his arms around her and clutch her to his chest. “Lea, my Lea. Gonna cum, you’re gonna make me cum—“
She wrapped her arms around his back, holding him close and burying her face in his neck.
“Gonna fill this pussy, babydoll,” he moaned. “Oh fuck, yes—“ With that, he groaned in the back of his throat, his cock still pumping in and out of her, and she knew he’d cum and was fucking it up into her.
After a few more seconds, his thrusts slowed and then stopped, and he pulled out of her and rolled off her to lay beside her on the bed.
Lea was exhausted, her eyes fluttering shut without her consent. “Sorry,” she murmured. “I know I’m supposed to go, but—“
“Go?” he scoffed, still panting. “I didn’t say you could go. You’re mine now, remember? You’re not leaving.”
Lea flushed, curling up against him as he propped himself up a bit and reached for his bedside table for a cigarette and his lighter. He put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it, inhaling deeply. She watched him, wondering what they were now, what this meant for their friendship.
“What is it?” he wanted to know, brushing stray curls from her eyes.
“Nothing,” she told him, resting her chin on his chest and continuing to watch him. “I just like looking at you.” He smiled, taking another drag of his cigarette and exhaling slowly before leaning down to kiss her. He tasted like menthol and smoke, but god, she loved him so much. “I like looking at you, too.” He trailed his hand up and down her side, his fingertips grazing her breast. “Especially like this.”
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First smut of the fic! It’s 60k long anybody wanna take a guess as to how many smut scenes it’ll have? 🤔
Tag list: @meetmyothersouls @ellamaianderson @shika1200 @blackqueenstarseed1 @gatoenlaciudad @esmaada @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @softhecreator @timolaurence @timmymyluv @oddlyenoughiamweird @leecrunchybones @s-we-e-t-t-ea @almostg @vampire-reanimator
To be added, please ask 💗
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lollytea · 2 years
No need to apologise for the derailing loved reading all of it (and as person who tends follow a stream of thoughts i relate)
When it comes to shipping in every fandom the characters / dynamics tend to be simplified for the convince (and bc id be hard to whip out a whole essay about in and out s of their relationship everytime you wanna make a silly joke, but it tends to be so widely and often used that it makes me sometimes think "wait you don t really think that they would act like that right?"But that s something that s just gonna happen ig and who am i to police ppl on jokes🤷
Loved the insignt about his military upbringing and automantically analysing ppl s strenght which i haven t though about but very much agree.
Althought i also think that beside willows powers she has proved to be quite fearless (let s overlook ladybugs / j) especially in front of Hunter where she stood up to Darius and was ready to protect EE with her body. She knew she was gonna lose and that she s weaker than the coven head but that didn t stop her. That s one of the reasons (i think) Hunter recognised fake willow so soon. Because real willow regardless if she s stronger or not overlooks the dangers and focuses on doing everything to save her friends.
And willow + gus being Hunters safe space is so dear to me it s honestly ridiculous
Hopefully after some time in nocedas household he ll have time to relax/heal and be a lil snarky maybe in a form of sibling like banter with luz?
//and back to willow and her strenght there s this hc i have about beta willow. That althought beta universe is way more dangerous/bloody i like to think willow wasn t that much violent there? But unhinged for sure, using plants attacks and refusing to "unspell" them after fight (they are her beloved plants and she s not heartless enough to make them disappear just after bringing them to life) leaving those dangerous creatures (but before the battle she always thinks what kind of flowers would grow the best in this climate/soil etc)
(was the last addition totally off the topic? ... perhaps Is this ask a mess? Very much yes. Sorry!)
I'm happy you liked it!! I appreciate when other people whose thoughts are similarly many but disorganised see my stuff and are like "yeah me too man."
And yeah whenever I make a silly little joke about Huntlow that's not entirely a reflection of how I really see them I always think about that one post that's like "oh no they're gonna think I don't understand themes and narratives!!" But like. I have several essays I can whip out if anyone questions me about it. I am very easily coaxed into writing huntlow essays. Practically dying to at all times. All somebody's gotta do is bring up a specific topic of discussion and their own opinion to get me started and I'll go off the rails.
Willow is SO brave man. And I like to believe that it's character development, going by season 1 where she went into denial over stepping on bones. I think the Eda petrification thing really changed her brain chemistry into understanding that the world they lived in was corrupt and you either gotta learn to protect or get protected.
She's still just a kid tho. You KNOW that deep down she was probably terrified during her confrontation with Darius, especially after it was demonstrated that she was way WAY outmatched in this fight and she hadnt a chance of winning. But she did it anyway because her friends' lives were at stake and somebody had to fight for them. Man Willow is SO cool.
(Something kinda tragic about her eventually giving up and throwing her arms out to shield them and shutting her eyes tight. She thinks she's gonna die protecting them. And it's noble. It really is. But we gotta remember that she blames herself for all of them being in this mess.)
I love this scene a lot because like both the "half-a witch" admissions from earlier, it's a moment between Willow and Hunter where they realize "Oh. You're like me."
They're both brave to a recklessly suicidal extent. They're protectors. They're self sacrificial.
Hunter sees her bravery in this scene and he understands it completely. She was prepared to handle this herself and lose in the process and he begs her to please just let him do it for her. His tone of his voice, the intense eye contact, his use of "Captain" and his plea? He knew she wasn't going to run away unless he begged. It wasn't the kind of person she was.
Hes known her for a DAY!!! But he gets it!!! He fucking gets her!!!!
Of COURSE this was one of the many reasons he realized LR Willow was a fake. After this girl pulled some shit like THAT there is no way she's getting spooked by illusions.
I know Hunter's gonna have some rough times in season 3 but I also know he's not just gonna be angsting the whole time. He's too funny. As much as the crew loves putting him through shit, they also clearly love him in comedic situations. They love Hunter man. You can clearly tell. He's gonna be so snarky he's gonna be so annoying. Hes gonna argue with Luz and probably Gus and maybe even Amity. It's gonna be great.
I'm so excited for s3 Luz and Hunter dynamic. It's coming I know it is. Its gonna be big and everything I ever wanted. Its so interesting to me how, besides Flapjack, Luz is the character Hunter has been the most comfortable around. They just have something special man. They're gonna have their snarky snippy little bickering, I know they will.
Beta stuff isn't really a thing I'm all that interested in. I'm happy people have their fun with the designs and coming up with lore and headcanons for those versions of the characters and the lore but I'm so attached to the canon interpretations that I can't really get invested. But I do love this!! Even in canon itself, I'd love to see Willow be the kind of person who dotes and fawns over her horrifying poison mucus spraying briars or whatever other plants her creatively unhinged little brain conjures up. Like they're her BABIES!!! It makes people uncomfortable but Willow is just so sweet that they don't have the heart to tell her to get rid of them.
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howdomaddie · 9 months
nine eight people you would like to get to know better
ahhh thank you @elmelloill for the tag, i am so excited to have a chance to do a tag game again. hm, not unlike lev's sentiment, i feel like i know most of the people im gonna tag but i want to share in the fun :D you don't have to and if i didnt tag you but you still wanna do the thing then!!!!!! do it!!!!! (i couldnt think of 9 people im SORRY) @knightofkestrels @feelingwhimsy @whatnowllamapeople @jess-jessitiz @here-queer-jointpain-severe @sevennbees @imthepunchlord @kerrtesy
a lot more than three ships: UH hm. let me think
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so technically (aside from catboy ot3) all ships are rotating in my brain at all times, and it kind of depends on what thing i've become re-obsessed with at any given moment. i am on a duo of fire emblem and ace attorney eras all over again, so chrobin (both robins), ike/soren and klapollo are all on the brain. also ryukita for persona 5 since we started replaying that one recently. also flynn/yuri from tales of vesperia bc they're a very fun dynamic i like chewing on. rowan/graha/estinien just. lurks at the back of my mind at all times klhgkjh
first ship ever: percy/annabeth from the pjo books, i think? thats the oldest i can remember, bc i got into the series in middle school. for other not-first ships, i think roughly around then i was also just dabbling in ds games of all kinds. i definitely read the pokemon special/pokemon adventures manga and shipped red/yellow, and then protag/keith in the second pokemon ranger game. i wrote....so much fanfiction back then...
last song: if we're being technical it's a lofi mix i have on for work (link to my work playlist here if you want it) but otherwise, it's been XIV/genshin/star rail OSTs and a mix of ok goodnight/casey lee williams the edge and fall out boy's so much for stardust album, though really it's the first two songs
last movie: UHHHHH i think the most recent indiana jones movie? my dad took me for my birthday last month, hehe. NO WAIT IT WAS BARBIE the barbie movie was good
currently reading: unfortunately i dont read books all that much any more, and mostly the same for fics. i guess this is the time to give me book recs?
currently watching: well, nothing really TV show wise, though i was hoping to maybe start a rewatch of the first few arcs of fairy tail. we'll see. i mostly watch youtube nowadays, and usually it's a combination of channels. playframe happens to be my favorite (nice and varied playthrough content, but also just a really nice husband/wife duo that plays things together and with their friends). i also enjoy studson studio since i want to do more diorama building and he's the one that got me interested in it :)
currently consuming: ough sweet tarts and a ginger ale technically speaking, im like a zombie at work today and hoping the sour and bubbly will keep me awake @_@ but i did have a nice yoghurt and croissant for breakfast (i promise i eat normal meals and i just happen to be snacking rn fldkjgh)
currently craving: the comfort of my bed bc i have an extremely terminal case of sleepy bitch disease
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Hi there!! May I please get a romantic matchup for Genshin and Honkai Star Rail? Have a nice day, annnnd take care~!
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac / MBTI: Taurus, ENFP-A
Enneagram: 7w6
Appearance: I’m 156 cm (around 5”1) and have brown skin. I have black hair and my eyes are brown. I board shoulders but that’s probably the biggest part of my body, so I’m kinda in the middle between curvy and slim
Personality: I’m super clumsy, but I play it off it make it look intentional lmao. I’m outgoing and chaotic, but I know when to buckle down when the situation is right. If someone isnt comfy with my loud nature, I’ll quiet down.
In fact, I love the company if quiet people and think I can relate to them more than the louder people I meet. I wanna know everything about their interests, what they love and hate, what gets them to fold, what they think! Still, I wouldn’t wanna scare them away 😅
Likes: Warm colours, hanging out with friends, discord calls, learning to voice act/sing, my dog, talking about people’s aspirations / ideas, Warm weather, Laughing
Dislikes: When people are visibly forcing themselves through something they don’t wanna do, Cold weather, When conversations or plans are too rigid, Science / Math (as an STE student)
Hobbies: Reading, Voice Acting, Singing, Listening To Music, Writing Poetry / Scripts, Giving my dog funny voices
Other: I get regularly made fun of for being short, and people call me a gremlin if I bother (scare) them enough
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Albedo is a quiet person with a lot of layers. Just like you enjoy learning about the interests of the people you care about (and this guy has a lot of interests), he's also interested in your interests.
Understands your dislike of science and maths. Even though that's his main interest, he can appreciate that it's a complicated and annoying subject sometimes.
Albedo won't tease you because of your height. He'd not the tallest person himself so he'd feel like a hypocrite if he called you short.
I think your creativity would match Albedo's nicely. He's very good at drawing and he'd love to draw you sometime. He would be honoured if you would write a poem about him. He would treasure it forever.
Albedo doesn't really notice the cold. He lives on Dragonspine, he has to get used to it. But he also appreciates that you don't like clod weather.
He'll never ask you to visit him on the mountain and will make his trips there are short as possible. If you do visit him on the mountain, he'll feel honoured that you would brave the cold just to see him. He'll make a quick potion to help you not feel the cold as severely.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Sampo is not a quiet person. But he has a lot of layers and things that you can discover about him.
Loves making you laugh. He's got a good sense of humour and he puts it to good use, regardless of whether your situation calls for it not. He gets in trouble because of his jokes a lot.
Thinks your voice acting is very impressive. He'd love to go out with you and point out random people for you to give voice to. He'll join you. He's better at silly voices and is particularly fond of doing high pitched female voices. He's not very good at it so just be patient with him.
Your outgoing and chaotic nature matches Sampo's well. You both bring a lot of energy wherever you go so when you're together, that gets multiplied.
I see Sampo as someone who is naturally very warm. So if you're cold, just let him know and he'll sweep you into a warm embrace.
Might tease you about your height. He's a pretty tall guy so it's no surprise that he's taller than you. He doesn't mean anything by his teasing. He just thinks you're cute!
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rinneverse · 2 years
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hihi ♡. i'm oak, but i also go by oakie , oak tree , etc. i'm twentie and i use she/they pronouns! i like several fictional characters a very normal amount but those i hold closest to my heart may include aventurine, boothill, megumi, yuta, iwa, kafka, bladie, alhaitham, arlecchino, ajax, scara, hajime, jiyan, and chifuyu. just a silly girlblogger who happens to be a mediocre writer on the side. don't take me too seriously : )
ㅤ 𓈒 ୭ৎ some important things to note...
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) leo sun, libra moon, virgo rising. infp 9w1
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ my favorites include but are nawt limited to rinne amagi (my inspiration for my blog url !!!), blade, aventurine, boothill, scara, xiao, alhaitham, wriothesley, tartaglia, ei, yae miko, gojo, megumi, yuta, choso, sukuna, chifuyu, iwaizumi, atsumu, suna, tsukishima, aki hayakawa, bakugo, reo, nagi, rin, cove holden, xyx, leon kennedy, soshiro hoshina, reno ichikawa, gen narumi, jiyan, scar, && more!
( ੭ ・ᴗ・ )੭ really really really into music (you'll see alot of song lyrics as titles and inspo on here), some artists i've rlly been into lately includeeee chappell roan, the crane wives, hozier, pierce the veil, ethel cain, chase atlantic, laufey, violent vira, 6arelyhuman, glass animals, n more :3
(ㅅ´ ˘ `) AR60 NA wrio/haithy/fatui main && TB69 NA stellaron hunters/boothill/aven main!! if you'd like to friend me on either lmk :3c i've been playing both games since their releases... please free me from hyv jail... (i also recently started wuwa!! na server, please feel free to ask to b friends on there too ^_^)
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ my interests include honkai star rail, genshin, wuthering waves, bllk, csm, hq!!, jjk, kn8, hypmic, windbreaker, and tokrev. there's more but these are the ones im super super into atm!
﹙☆﹚NOTICE!... i luv making new moots. that being said, i am incredibly anxious+shy (a double wombo combo) and tend to stick to the circles i am already in. i'm more often than not too scared to interact first, but just know that if we've become mutuals recently i am standing in the corner twiddling my thumbs trying to think of ways to talk to someone way cooler than me (thats you!).
(´▽`ʃƪ)♡ mutuals may ask for my super secret mooties only sideblog!! it’s not too much diff than here but i get a little more personal (and by proxy, more deranged) and post pictures of my cat a lot so if ur interested don’t hesitate to send an ask or dm me for it!!
i write as a silly little hobby! this blog is a digital diary first, writing blog second. my brain is but a small pebble so i will probably not post anything of substance often. i do what i want when i want ; sometimes i just be talkin' to talk. be sure to block the appropriate tags if u dont wanna see me rambling, teehee
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impish-lion · 2 years
Stray thoughts on Dylan
Teenage me loved Bob Dylan because I thought the lyrics were fun. I only really listened to the 60s rock trilogy though. Who needed him after that? I wanted the amphetamine prophet railing against society, none of those weird off putting musical detours he seemingly dedicated his life to.
College brought an appreciation of things like Desire. The idea of Bob as a troubadour, an old school entertainer with a merry band by his side was so entertaining, a shot of energy. Someone to tell the tales of old with a sly twist.
Then I heard "Murder Most Foul." I thought it was a joke. It sounded like something Dewey Cox would record. Bob was so impressed at how well Lee Harvey Oswald blew JFK's brains out. He bragged about watching the Zapruder film countless times. He spouted inanities like "rub a dub dub, it was a murder most foul" and "it was a nightmare... On Elm Street." But I couldn't stop listening to this 20 minute behemoth of a song that ended with an extended tribute to Wolfman Jack. It was beguiling. Had he lost his mind? Was he in on the joke? Did it even matter when the result was this mesmerizing?
And now in what I guess qualifies as my adulthood, I find myself drawn to more of his detours. Though I find the "prayer warfare" stuff on Slow Train Coming pretty dreadful, you can't deny the power of a song like Gotta Serve Somebody, sleek, funky, and nasty. His return to secularism in the 80s came with moments that mean as much, if not more, to me than those 60s albums, with the near mythic reggae put on of Jokerman and the desperation and regret of Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight taking on a deep level of personal meaning.
However, I find myself most drawn to his domestic period now.
We all know the mythos of the motorcycle crash by now. Severe physical injury made ol’ Robert Zimmerman realize he didn’t want to be a prophet anymore. He wanted to just be himself. John Wesley Harding and Nashville Skyline are perhaps the best crystallization of this idea. The flash and anger is stripped away, leaving a man and his songs. The first is familiar territory but with a new poetic narrative style, but the second is entirely new. New voice, new genre, even a duet with Johnny Cash. New, but square. He’s no longer the cool detached enfant terrible of Highway 61, but a normal, down to earth, and almost goofily earnest guy.
(In the interest of time, I will not be discussing Self Portrait here.)
Then comes New Morning. A quick little LP that is announced as the return to old Dylan. He’s singing like the old days again! No more crooning! The country stuff isn’t as corny! But there’s the trick. Yes, his old delivery is back, but his concerns are entirely different. Now he’s singing about getting into antics with his friend Croz, having a weird time meeting Elvis, and most of all, he’s singing about simple uncomplicated love and a quiet domestic lifestyle. It’s strikingly similar to what McCartney was exploring in this period, with his blissed out debut and RAM. However, Dylan wears this life nowhere as well as McCartney. Cracks begin to emerge. The lyrics begin to sound more like him convincing himself that he’s happy than actual happiness. Time Passes Slowly...
Then comes Planet Waves. Perhaps the most unfairly treated of Bob’s records, lacking either the status of masterpiece of his unquestioned classics or the cult curio reputation of his misfires. The Band is here, guys! Oh, they just sound like his normal backing band with bit more power... Yes, it’s not the classic collaboration people expected, but it’s one of his finest records. It channels the ephemeral anxiety of New Morning and finally states it outright. Bob is reckoning not only with his domestic unease, but with his own status within culture.
Forever Young is, of course, the consensus pick off the record. Rightfully so, it’s a great song and even lets you pick if you wanna hear it fast or slow! However, I’d argue his real artistic triumphs on here are Dirge and Wedding Song. Dirge stands as perhaps the vitriolic recording of a career partially built on bile. Listening to it, it’s easy to understand why he’s never played it live. From the opening line (”I hate myself for loving you and the weakness that it showed”), you know the version of Bob who (perhaps falsely) sang about the charms of country life is gone. He has nothing but hate in his voice as he pillories an ex-lover and paints a near apocalyptic portrait of the world at large, “an age of fiberglass” and “the doom machine.” He even clarifies that although he hates being alone, “he’s paid the price of solitude and at least [he’s] out of debt.” It’s mean as hell and with a nasty arrangement to boot. “I hate myself for loving you, but I should get over that.” A kiss off too rancid to revisit even for the man who made his legend on Like a Rolling Stone.
Then comes Wedding Song. Perhaps the former colors the latter, but this ostensible love song sounds more like a terrified vow of mutually assured doom. The recording is stripped down to just acoustic guitar, making it probably the most intimate sounding track on the album. Bob’s sandpaper voice is often the perfect avenue for sweet sentiment, but here there’s a certain timbre to it that suggests something is off. “Love you more than life itself, you mean that much to me.” While it brings me no pleasure to quote one of the great monsters of music, it sounds more like a suicide note than a love song. At a point it becomes impossible to not see this in conversation with Blood on the Tracks, the inevitable followup. This is not a song to celebrate a wedding, but to say goodbye to a union that’s coming undone right at this moment. He sings her praises and tells about how she helped him at his lowest, then things start to take a turn:
“You gave me babies one, two, three, what's more, you saved my life
Eye for eye and tooth for tooth, your love cuts like a knife
My thoughts of you don’t ever rest, they’d kill me if I lie
I’d sacrifice the world for you and watch my senses die.”
This love is painful. It saved him once, but now it’s killing him, yet he can imagine no alternative. His senses will die and the world will end before this does.
“The tune that is yours and mine to play upon this earth
We’ll play it out the best we know, whatever it is worth
What’s lost is lost, we can’t regain what went down in the flood
But happiness to me is you and I love you more than blood.”
They must play this tune. There’s not really any choice in the matter, is there? It’s what they’re here to do and there’s no going back after all. The flood has wiped out everything. There’s obvious biblical parallels there, but I don’t think Bob is using it lightly. Loving someone more than blood is never light.
Then he does it. He acknowledges his shunning of his role as “the voice of a generation” directly and head on. “It’s never been my duty to remake the world at large / Nor is it my intention to sound a battle charge.” While triumphant in some ways, these lines take on a certain kind of bitterness here. He’s shaken off what people wanted from him, but now finds himself trapped in the life that was supposed to save him and set him right. Normality can be oh so crushing.
“And I could never let you go, no matter what goes on
‘Cause I love you more than ever now that the past is gone.”
A new beginning or just another end? Is the past dying liberation or prison? Does he know the terror of what he’s written?
Is he in on it? Has he lost it? Does it even matter?
Dylan provides no easy answers. Hell, my analysis is probably wrong. It’s colored by my own life. I can mythologize about the man all I like, but I’ll never understand him in any way but my own. A rorschach test of an artist. But that’s poetry, baby.
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thelittlestspider · 2 years
🍎 and 🌧 for the halloween asks!
sorry i meant to answer this yesterday but the power went out at my house and i was in fits.
🍎 apple: let’s talk about friendship in your wip. do you have any favorite friend/platonic dynamics? any friendships gone sour?
i really like ray and scott's friendship with anne in carry me. also their friendships with the girl group that hangs around ray lol, and scott's hockey bros.
🌧️ rain: share a sad or emotional scene from your wip!
warning(s): gore, implied child abuse.
They go to the kitchen. Jed flips the light on and grabs a fish from the cooler, setting it on a cutting board to clean and debone. When he looks back, he sees Scott holding a knife and gasps, stepping forward to wrestle the knife from the kid before he hurts himself.
Then with a few quick motions Scott cuts the fish’s head off with alarming strength, then cuts through its belly, and pulls the guts out, severing them with the knife. Jed watches him do this with a slow creeping gut deep feeling that something is wrong. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, but it’s there. It nags at him like an itch at the back of his mind. 
“Where’d you learn to do that?” Jed asks, trying to keep his voice steady. Like he doesn’t feel scared for this kid he found sleeping in the woods. 
“I don’t know,” answers Scott. As if that’s a normal answer. Jed’s worry grows. 
“You don’t know.” It comes out flat, incredulous. The kid shrugs. 
“That’s what I said.”
Jed wants to pace. He wants to but he doesn’t want to freak the kid out. This reminds him of those weird stories about kids being stolen and coming back different, wrong. They know how to do things they don’t remember how to do, coming back stronger, deadlier, more violent and unstable. If they come back at all.
There has to be something he can do. Right? He takes his cap off and runs his hand through his hair. God, what if there isn’t actually anything wrong, what if he’s just being paranoid? 
No, says intuition, No, you’re not.
Something isn’t right. But what can he do about it? If the kid’s sleeping outside, clearly he doesn’t feel comfortable at home, so maybe the parents are in on it. He needs to talk to Cynthia and get her advice, to make sure he’s not just going off the rails. 
“Why were you sleeping in the woods?” asks Jed. 
The kid won’t look at him. He cuts the fins off the fish, then slices at it until its bones are uncovered, setting the meat aside pink in the light.
“It’s safer,” whispers Scott. His lip wobbles.
Jed’s heart cracks in two. 
“Hey, if you need a place to get away, or just crash for the night, you can always come here, okay? Nobody should be afraid to go home.”
“Thank you.”
“Dad?” Jed hears from the hall. He turns to see Anne standing at the bottom of the stairs rubbing her eyes. “What’s going on?” 
“I found your friend Scott in the woods. He’s gonna be crashing with us tonight.”
Anne blinks. She looks from him to Scott, who’s still working on the fish. He doesn’t know what Anne sees or what Anne might already know, but she nods. 
“Do you wanna watch a movie? I got Starkillers from the library, and an audiobook about the history of automobiles.”
“Okay.” Scott sniffs, wiping his tears on his sleeve. 
“Hey kiddo, I’ll finish making dinner. Go watch tv with Anne.”
Scott nods, then goes to wash his hands. Anne starts talking to him about the other stuff she got from the library and Scott’s face brightens a little as they talk about the books they want to read. Jed thanks the universe for Anne. He’s lucky to be her father.
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indianamoonshine · 3 years
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Girl Talk | Din Djarin x Reader | Oneshot
Summary: What does a gal do when she’s just been railed by the most notorious bounty hunter in The Galaxy? Call her best friend of course.
A/N: Just something to tide you over until the next installment of Strawberry! I have anxiety and I need to busy my hands without thinking too much! This takes place after season 2!
There’s a crackling on the other end of the receiver. The telegraph service majorly bites out here on Besiana, which has been dubbed “the trench of The Galaxy”. Getting connected to Gabriele at all is a miracle in itself, though not without exploiting a few (somewhat) illegal hacks by yours truly.
Hells, not even this shitty phoning service can put you in a sour mood.
When Gabriele’s voice sounds at the other end, it gives the air that he’s just awoken from a heavy sleep or he’s suffering a hangover. Probably both. “Now what the hell are you doing all the way out in butt-fucking-nowh…” he starts.
You’re quick to cut him off. “Take a guess.”
Gabriele groans and there’s a rummaging in the background. Something sounds as though it falls off a surface - his alarm clock, probably. He must be in the inner rim somewhere.
“Miss girl, I don’t have time to play these games with you. My head is pounding. Now tell me why you’re in the catacombs of The Galaxy’s ass and…”
Behind you, a body shuffles from outside the refresher door. Your heart thuds rambunctiously in your chest as you carefully peer through a crack of the opening. Din Djarin - The Galaxy’s most notorious Mandalorian- is taking a seat with his rifle in hand. You watch as he begins to disassemble it with great technical precision. Something about watching him take apart his weapon causes your stomach to flutter.
And your knees to weaken.
“I just had sex,” you tell him in a whisper.
Gabriele is silent on the other end for a moment and then lets out a sigh of great disappointment. “Congratulations. I’m going back to bed. Goodnight.”
“The best sex of my life.”
There’s another pause. “Oh?” His interest has piqued, voice more alert at the prospect of juicy gossip. After all, what were best friends for?
You let this linger in the air for a minute, just to marinate his curiosity, and then peek at Din again. He’s taking a rag and wiping the barrel of the rifle; if it weren’t for the helmet upon his head, you’d swear he was concentrating with furrowed and ascetic brow.
“Do you remember that Mandalorian who made a giant fuss a couple of years ago?” you inquire lowly, eyes unable to leave the steadiness of Din’s deft hands.
Those hands. You have to stop yourself from moaning at the recent memories. You swear you can still feel the ghostly sear they left in their wake. The naked skin upon your hips tingles at the sheer recollection, the slick still upon your thighs all-too prevalent.
“You’re lying,” is what Gabriele gasps, absolutely scandalized. You imagine him shooting up in bed and covering his mouth in awe. He was always so dramatic but you couldn’t blame him if he did. This was the exact reaction you were hoping for.
Din grabs another piece of his rifle and starts up again. You have to tear yourself away from looking at him and instead surmise yourself in the mirror. It isn’t very big in any sense of the word but it’ll do. You take a look at your face (blushed and bright) and then your eyes (dazed and dick-drunk). Hells, this man has ruined you.
“I know you have questions,” you reply, tapping at your cheeks. They feel softer somehow.
Gabriele squeaks a bit under his breath. “Did he take off his helmet?”
You shake your head, though he can’t see it. “No. And I think it awoken something in me.”
He tsks. “Damn. I wanna know what he looks like. Okay…”
“I know he’s a brunette,” you say slyly.
Gabriele shrieks at the other end and you have to angle the receiver away with a laugh. “Is it big?”
You recall the tactical consideration- albeit brief - it took to get his dick in your mouth. You did it though, ‘ole girl. You tap yourself on the shoulder with a proud grin.
“Oh, it is. It’s…it’s very nice.”
You find yourself looking out the door again. Din’s moved onto another gun - he’s already put together the last. You grow weary at the sight of his gloved hands alone, but when your eyes trail downwards you find yourself swallowing something thick in your throat. Which in turn, of course, reminds you of the tanginess still lingering upon your tongue.
“Gabriele,” you say seriously, voice so low you can barely hear yourself. “I came eight times.”
“Shut up. You did not.” Gabriele sounds more than just excited - now he sounds jealous. You can’t help but giggle.
You raise a hand to your chest in a show of honesty. “I mean it. Eight times. He went down on me for an hour.”
“I thought you said he didn’t take off his helmet?” Gabriele asks suspiciously.
You chuckle lowly. “Oh, that’s where it gets really good.”
Gabriele - one of the biggest sluts in The goddamned Galaxy - was no stranger to sex. So when you tell him that you were blindfolded during this portion of an absolute wild ride, you’re shocked to find him screeching once more.
You’re about to continue - to confide in him about the brutal rhythm of the ordeal - until a knock startles you. You press the receiver against your chest, still flushed and naked from the previous romp.
Din calls your name from the other side of the door. “Are you alright?”
You freeze, contemplating on everything you could say to this most bland of questions. “I’ll be out in a moment!” you decide, scolding yourself for being so timid. You were at the end of his dick a half-hour ago.
Din mumbles something and then departs. After he’s within a safe distance, you quickly raise the receiver and say, “I have to go. But I’ll tell you everything later.”
Gabriele gawks, “Was that him?”
You roll your eyes. “Yes. Now I really have to go.”
“Oh my gods, okay. Fine.”
You smile, clutching at the durasteel of the phone. “Promise. Love you.”
Your best friend sighs theatrically. “Love you too. Be safe, okay? I don’t even know who I’d call to go after him if something happened to you. No one would be stupid enough.”
The idea of Din doing anything to put you in harm’s way is inconceivable. You’ve only known him for a short amount of time - a couple of weeks at most - but you already trust him with your life.
“I’d die a happy woman,” you joke.
A short while later, you exit the refresher with sopping, clean hair and any traces of sex scrubbed away from between your legs. Din’s allowed you to wear one of his night shirts (an honor in itself) because your clothes had been soiled.
Din is placing his rifle upon its rack when you sneak by for the kitchen. You pour yourself a cup of Java - black, unfortunately, because of Din’s lack of sweet tooth. The liquid is steaming hot so you blow on it before bringing it to your lips.
“Do you want one?” you ask him, taking a sip. It burns. “Oof.”
Din turns, armor somehow so dexterous in its bulk. “No, thank you. But…”
In a surprising move, Din reaches for your hips and pulls you flush against him, ignoring the mug altogether. You shriek, worried it might spill, and set it upon the countertop, but he pays little to no mind.
“You took awhile,” he mumbles, hands grasping at the flesh of your hips. They’ve already been treated so roughly today, and now you were sure there’d be bruising. Good.
You chew at your bottom lip, desperate to know what his eyes might look like. You imagine he has dark eyes - like the color of the sky at nightfall. Maybe they became brighter in the light of the suns. Maybe they crinkled when he laughed - if he were capable of that, anyway. You’ve yet to hear such music.
“I didn’t realize you were waiting for me,” you confess, avoiding the steel gaze of his faceplate.
Din hums under his breath and taps your chin, lifting it just barely so that you can meet his stare. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
You shrug, fluttering your lashes in a vain attempt to remain mysterious.
Din reaches for something behind you and reveals a scrap of fabric. “How about we try for nine?” The modulator of his helmet crackles a bit, causing his voice to sound more severe than what he may have liked.
But it does something to you.
You nod sweetly, a tiny grin threatening to sneak its way upon your face, before he takes you within his arms and lifts you upon the counter.
A shrieking, but playful, giggle bursts from your lips. “Din!” you chide, but tie the fabric around your eyes all the same.
The hiss of his helmet sounds, notifying you that he’s revealing himself to the elements now. You can hear his natural breath and feel the way it fans against your collarbones before he kisses you fiercely.
“Let me give you something to really talk about.”
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