#I just want one smooch. please. just one. I’m on my fucking knees.
sunnibits · 1 year
listen. realistically they could do literally anything they want w izzy in ofmd as long as they don’t kill him and I would be happy but,, in my heart. in my heart if he never kisses a single man on screen I am going to throw myself into a wood chipper.
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thecapricunt1616 · 1 month
Maca Root - (c.b. one-shot)
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Maca Root is considered a sacred feminine master plant in Peru and is involved in spiritual ceremonies for those wanting to unlock, release, heal, and bring harmony back to the body.
♡ Summary: You cook for Carmy for a change so he has a real dinner for once, & he thanks you with his mouth. Oh! And he tells you he wants to make things official.
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♡ W/C: 3,330
♡ Posted Date: 05/10/2024
♡ A/N: Hello! I am literally SO dead I watched the eras tour live stream from Tess on TikTok- SHE PUT IN TTPD!! AAA! Anyway HAHA I had to talk abt. it because i'm literally dead, the whole set is FABULOSO!!! Anywhore - I am so happy with the love Vervain is getting omg! Thank you so much again @carmenberzattosgf for the lovely inspiring ask ILY forever! This one-shot is based on this ask ♡ here ♡ thank you so much oh lovely anon! I hope you like this, please send me an ask any time! As always requests are open everyone! Please enjoy :) *Smooches*
♡ Warnings for BTC: !UNEDITED! (We die like men!), NO Use of Y/N, Fem!Reader (Described AFAB), NO use of physical descriptors (Fem!Black!Reader friendly!), Use of pet names, Smut!, F&M oral giving & receiving, fingering.
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞! ♡
➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡
➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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You quietly unlocked up Carmys apartment door, seeing as it was 11:00 and he still wasn’t home. You sighed deeply to yourself, slightly annoyed but slightly having expected this. So you go ahead and clean up the empty water bottles and redbull cans, vacuuming and putting his dirty jeans and tshirts in his washing machine for him and starting a load. 
You even found some spaghetti and sauce in the cabinet, starting a pot on the stove knowing he was never later then 12:15, and he always ate when he got home since family service was at 3:00 and 9 hours on his feet rushing around a kitchen absolutely built up quite the appetite. 
You stripped his bed and put on fresh sheets for the two of you just in time to strain the pasta, and queue up one of his favorite YouTube cooking channels newest videos. You weren’t sure how he understood anything going on given as they were speaking Russian- but he likes what he likes. 
By the time you heard keys in the door, you were already in your pajamas. He came in, clearly uncomfortable. “Shit you made dinner f’r us?! God you’re amazing baby” he wraps you in a hug. He smelt lightly like grease and sweat, but it was a smell you’d never dislike. It was distinctly Bear. Your Bear. 
“I did, you deserve somethin’ hot hm? How was your day?” You asked softly and kissed his jaw, and down his neck, before rubbing over his chest lightly and getting on your knees to unlace his sneakers to which he sighed gratefully, as his back was killing him after scrubbing the floors for over an hour. 
“Y’re a fuckin angel- I don’t deserve that baby” he tells you this every night, but every night you continue to do it, because he does. 
“Come sit bear” you drag him to the couch, gently tugging off his sneakers when he sits and he groans, resting his sore feet on the coffee table 
“Oh shit- this is new?” He asked as he saw the tv, grabbing the controller and hitting play on the video of some Russian woman making soup. 
“Mmhmm- here baby” you made up his plate and brought it to him with a fork and napkin to see he was already slumping down on the couch with his arms crossed and eyes hooded half asleep, he was exhausted. “Bear-“ you said gently and he woke up quickly, sitting up. 
“Wow- thank you sweetheart, fuck this is so nice. I’m so hungry thank you honey” he took the plate and kissed you tenderly. “Wait- fuckin hell princess did you clean? Don’ be doin’ that I told you honey thas’ my job” he told you, twirling a good amount of pasta on his fork and taking a bite 
“I did clean because there were empty redbull cans everywhere. And you deserve a clean place to hang out when you aren’t working mm?” You kiss the top of his head before heading back to the kitchen and putting away the rest of the pasta, then washing the dishes. 
“Baaaaaabe!” He groans in annoyance when he heard the sink cut on and you washing the dishes you used to make dinner “stop! I can do those ‘fore work” he mumbled through a mouth of spaghetti and you giggle 
“Ah yes at 2:00? In 3 hours? When I can just do them now?” You teased “id rather have the extra 5 minutes in bed with you” you told him and he blushed, finishing his food as you finished up the dishes and going to sit back on the couch 
“Aht!” You tut “bathroom stinky garlic breath then bed.” You told him and he huffed, having been caught. 
“C’mon m’tired babygirl come sit w’me” he said and gave you a pout, tugging your hips. You caught yourself on the back of the couch, hovering over him and refusing to give in and straddle his hips, knowing if you did he’d just roll over, lay down, and fall asleep immediately. 
“Carmen” you said softly and he scrunched his nose at the use of his full name. 
“Don’ call me that” he mumbled, hugging your torso and nuzzling his face in your belly, sighing tiredly. 
“Carmen Anthony” you said in response and you laughed at the dramatic groan that came out of him, like a toddler being scolded. “It’s that time my dear, for you to go brush your teeth. Then you can come to bed and I’ll rub your back” you said and his head shot up 
“Really?” He questioned hopefully and you giggle. 
“Really truly. Get in that bathroom” you ruffle his hair and shut off the tv before heading to the bedroom. He came in a few minutes later, stripping down to his boxers and laying stomach down. 
“Been thinkin’ “ he mumbled as you warm up the lotion in your hands. 
“Yeah? What about sweetheart?” You gently rub his tight shoulders and he moaned softly at the contact, letting out one of his tired bear sighs as you called them. Just a long, breathy sigh that ended with a little grumble like an old man how bears did in nature documentaries when settling in for the night. 
“ ‘bout us” he said and you smiled a bit, continuing to massage his shoulders and back. 
“About us huh? What about us love” you counter. You and Carmy had been seeing eachother for about 4 months now, you’d only really been to the restaurant after closing when everyone has already went home but you had gone once for your sisters birthday - of course you told her you knew a great spot when she asked for recommendations. When he saw your name on the reservation list that night, he thought he was surely hallucinating. 
When it was finally your reservation time, he went over to the window and looked over his restaurant. Sure enough, you were sitting there. It took everything in him to not go out there - you looked stunning. He wanted to tell you that, he wanted to get a closer look at what you were wearing. He always loved your outfits because you were into vintage fashion just like he was, one of your favorite dates was to get coffee together and then go thrifting. 
But he didn’t, because he wasn’t sure you wanted anyone to know you were dating, but he did make sure to let Richie know to comp the table. He was confused as all hell, even more so when he asked ‘why’ and Carmen snapped at him - 
‘I dunno cause it says it’s a fuckin birthday table on the reservation and I’m fuckin’ feelin’ nice? So just comp the table and get off my back, cousin.’
Because he hadn’t ever known another time where Carmy was ‘feeling nice’ before, but nonetheless he did as he was told per usual. Your sister was over the moon excited, gushing about what a great review she would leave and how nice it is they gave a random patron a birthday meal. 
You weren’t sure if Carmy was okay with you telling people you were dating - so you agreed and just said it was awesome, pretending that same night the man who had made the meal wasn’t fucking you against his shower wall the night prior. 
When he saw you that night, and asked why you never said anything - you told him you didn’t wanna be a bother or make him feel you were owed ‘special treatment’, he told you firmly you were never a bother, and that any time you want to come in to let him know because he’d make sure to get you the best spot in the house and of course you’d never pay him to eat there. 
When you asked why he looked at you like you had 3 heads before telling you “cus’ you’re you, it’s my restaurant, and in my restaurant, you don’t pay- got it?” that was the end of the conversation. 
“About…I dunno- y’my girl…but I’ve never really told anyone other then you before.” He said and your heart flutters. 
His girl. 
He’d never said that before - put a claim on you. You’re his girl, now. Not just a girl he’s seeing, not just a ‘friend’ which had been the running name you’d both used to describe your relationship, even though there was always a beat of awkward silence after the word came out of either of your mouths. 
“I’m your girl” you repeat and he sits up on his forearm and looks at you 
“You seein other people?” He asked seriously. 
You couldn’t help but laugh. “No Carmy. You have been the only person for…” you stopped, not wanting to embarrass yourself. You had known you wanted something serious with him from the start but were too embarrassed to admit it. “Some time now. So - yes. What about this do you want people to know?”  You asked 
“I wanna tell people about you…about us - that we’re- y’know..goin’ steady..is that alright?” 
You nodded, a big smile forming on your lips. “Yes. Yes- tell anyone you want to. Can I too?” You asked 
In response he turned on his side, pulling you to him and kissing you deeply. His tongue swiped along your lower lip, nose nudging the side of yours gently. You opened your mouth for him, tasting toothpaste and mouthwash on his tongue, you hum softly as you felt his hot breath fan your upper lip in a satisfied huff when your hand found his curls, gently massaging the back of his neck. 
His calloused hand finds your lower back, pushing up his white shirt that you’d stolen from his hamper that smelt so distinctly of him you couldn’t help but wear it so when he left you too early in the morning it still felt as if he was with you. He loved seeing you wear his clothes, it drove him insane thinking about you, in his apartment, sleeping in his bed, wearing his shirt. It took up a lot more mental space in the mornings then he’d care to admit. 
He rolled the lace hem of your faded patterned strawberry panties that Carmy adored. Even though you were getting warm from all the excitement, goosebumps still appeared on your skin from his gentle caress over your stomach before dipping his fingers in the fabric. You, without even needing to think about it, lifted your thigh for him and he cupped your heat for a moment with his hand, squeezing you with a light pressure. 
You whined into his mouth, slack jawed from the contact, and you were no longer kissing eachother but more like breathing into eachothers mouths with the sucking of tongue and lips from Carmy. He spread you out with his forefinger as well as his ring finger, a wet click sound following the action. He dipped his middle finger over your dripping hole and you shiver, a bead of sweat dripping down the back of your neck. 
He kissed down your chin, to your jaw, to your neck as he teased your entrance with the pad of his finger. You were a pathetic whimpering mess beneath him already, his hands always made you this way. “Please” you whimper and he kissed your jaw as his finger trailed over your exposed clit from having you spread so well with his fingers, even the gentle movement causing your hips to jerk and a cry to leave your throat 
“Mmm always so sensitive f’me” he said, gathering more of the wetness from your pussy that was beginning to drip down the curve of your ass and gush with his movements. You gasp as he slathers that wetness over your bud, before easily rubbing his finger back and forth over it as he sucked a bruise into your collarbone. 
Your hips rut into his hand, strings of curses mixed between saying his name until he sticks that middle finger inside with no resistance due to how wet you were, upon entrance his finger made a schlick noise as you were essentially sucking him in, like your pussy itself was begging how you were. “Christ” he muttered into your skin, pumping his finger in and out slowly, curling it every so often in search of that spot. 
“Please please- another one” you begged and he adds his ring finger, curling them up together and you nearly sob your knees coming together subconsciously 
“Open ‘em baby, c’mon lemme make you cum yeah?” He used his other hand to ease your legs apart to realize your thighs were quivering. “Y’bein such a good girl right now lettin me play w’you.” He said hotly in your ear, rubbing over your shaking thigh sweetly as he curled his fingers into the same spot, pressing with increasing pressure and with his palm, massaging your clit. 
Your back arched off the bed, grabbing his forearm with one hand and the sheets with the other, gripping them both tightly and your walls flutter around him. “That’s it. Go ahead pretty girl. My pretty girl” he kissed your forehead gently, and the tender gesture mixed with being called his was enough to throw you into an orgasm that had you seeing stars behind your lids as you cry out his name. 
Seeing you this way was his favorite part of the day, and it was so good that he sacrificed at least half an hour of his 5 dedicated to sleeping for it. So good, in fact, that seeing you squirm and writhe, mixed with you sobbing out his name and rambling about how only he has ever made you feel so good, and that you wished you could have him all the time - and his now sticky fingers he was able to palm his cock a few times, before sucking the slick off his fingers - the combination of all of that made him cum in his boxers like a teenager. 
You hear him whimper at the tail end of your orgasm and you open your eyes to see him gripping his cock with creamy wet boxers, sucking on his fingers so much there was drool dripping down his chin. You couldn’t help but drop your jaw at how hot the sight was, the way his abs clench and unclench, the way his stomach tightens and releases as the waves of his climax crash over him. He was beautiful. 
It wasn’t like you could help yourself. You sat up a bit and got on your knees, he didn’t notice because he was still in the thick of it - and straddled his calf. Now he noticed. “What are you-“ he’s interrupted by your nose in the crook of his thigh and his cock, breathing in the salty heady scent of his cum before taking the fabric in your mouth and sucking, looking up at him with big doe eyes through your lashes. 
“Oh my god” his eyes nearly rolled in the back of his head, his jaw dropping at the sight before him. “You are gonna fuckin’ kill me” he said and you smiled a bit as you suck down the sweet salty flavor. His cock jumped at the action and you pulled the fabric up between your teeth, tugging down and his cock flopped out onto his stomach, half hard from your antics. 
“Can I help you clean up?” You asked sweetly and he bit back a whimper at such an innocent voice being used to ask such a filthy question. 
“Uh-“ he swallowed thickly, looking at your chin that was glistening with the sticky cum from his boxers “If- if I can clean you up after” he countered and you nod. 
“Sounds like a deal” you said and gently took him in your dominant hand, licking a stripe from base to tip enjoying the way he twitched under your tongue. He bit his lip, sucking a breath through his teeth at the sensitivity so you eased up on the pressure of your tongue when you got to his tip, humming softly when it spurts out a little glob of pre, almost in thanks. 
“Wow- you can go again? Already?” You asked amazedly and he shook his head quickly 
“Fuck no - hell fuckin’ no, this’ as hard as ‘m’gettin’ it would hurt t’go like this“ he said and you pout a bit. 
“Darn, would’ve been fun” you said and resumed rubbing your tongue over his length that was jumping and twitching at your stimulation. “Feels good though right?” You ask and he hums, in a way that almost sounded like a whimper but he clears his throat to cover it 
“Mmhmm- feels- feels really good” he said and you smile, rubbing your lips over his vein that ran on the side, dipping your tongue between your lips to feel the girth of it. After a few more minutes of sucking and licking, and a few flicks of your tongue - he gently pats your head “think ‘m clean” he said a bit breathlessly and you looked up at him. 
“You sure? I don’t wanna miss any spots” you joked and he chuckled 
“I’m sure. And I want my turn now” he said and you wipe your drooly mouth on his hip and giggle before laying down and peeling off your soaked panties, thankful they were coming off because they were becoming uncomfortable - and chucking them who knows where. 
“Ah, thanks f’usin me as a napkin very kind” he jokes and fixed his boxers before laying on his stomach in front of you, putting a thigh on each shoulder and essentially hugging your hips, supporting himself with his elbows and going to work right away. 
He kissed over your thighs, up your wet sensitive lips to your mound, placing a gentle kiss there as well and gently nibbling on the pad of fat there. “I fuckin love this” he said, sucking on the mound of flesh. You giggled a bit, crossing your ankles together and watching him as he gazes up at you intently. 
“You’re nibbling on me like a dog” you gently rub over his hair and scratch his scalp to which he hums in appreciation and licks you over, swirling his tongue over your clit and flicking it. You shivered at the action, thighs cupping his face and he pulled away a bit 
“Please don’t make my ears pop” he chuckled, his hot breath ghosting over your heat in a way that made your toes curl. 
“Sorry - sorry baby” you loosened your grip and pet his hair gently as he continued to devour your folds, slurping and sucking and lapping up all the wetness you had to offer. You moaned and whimpered, watching him as he dragged his tongue back and forth over your clit, resting his palm face up on your belly. You grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers together over your abdomen. 
“You’re so pretty Carmy” you praise, your other hand playing with his now sweaty curls from everything going on “such pretty eyes” you said softly and he hums gently, nuzzling your clit with his nose as he fucks you with his tongue, lapping up your walls from the inside as well. Your belly tightens, hips arching slightly off the bed “fuck baby I’m close” you told him and his eyes flutter shut in bliss, kissing your clit gently before sucking on it. 
Your orgasm washed over you like a gentle, warm wave washing you out to sea. You hummed happily as your thighs shook, core clenching and fluttering around his tongue as he worked you through it, stroking your thigh gently. “So good- always so good bear” you said tiredly and kiss his hand. Your eyes fluttered shut for a moment as he licked a stripe up your core to finish you off, before kissing your thigh sweetly. 
You then felt him wipe his soaking wet chin and mouth on the inside of your thigh, and your eyes flicker back open to see him smirking teasingly. “What? S’just payback!” 
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anemptypuddingcup · 9 months
Congratulations on 900!!!!! I love your writing so much ❤️😍🫶🏼 and was wondering if I could request a zoro + breeding kink.
He’s become the best swordsman and finally wants his wife to carry his lil sword babies ❤️❤️ that man is just something else and the way you write breeding kinks puts me in a chokehold boo 😵‍💫❤️❤️
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OHHHHH- I honestly think that’s a classic combo honey-
I hope this doesn’t choke you out either-😭
Zoro & Breeding.
“Z-Zoro!~ M-Mmgh!- P-Please h-hold on w-we just c-came!~”
You spill out your sentence shakily and broken as Zoro continues to thrust inside of you, his hands gripping your thighs and pinning you against your shared futon. His heavy groans feel deep into your ears while his knees dug far into the futon. He couldn’t help but smile at your little fucked out expression while you melted easily on his cock.
“It’s only been three rounds, you can take a few more like my good little woman~ You’re nowhere near as full as I want you to be.” He whispers to you, his string yet rough hand gripping your chin and squishing your face softly. You let out another whine as he continued to thrust into you, your pussy growing too sensitive to hold out much longer for anymore of your strong husband’s thrusts or his seed.
You let out a loud mewl as you felt his tip kiss your cervix deeply, a few tears pricking at your eyes as it felt very overwhelming yet pleasurable. You feel his length twitch inside of your and his brows begins to furrow once again, implying that he was close to another orgasm. “H-Hah!~ Z-Zoro!~” You gripped the back of his yukata tightly with one hand as you felt yourself ready to cum once again. He smiles and grips your other hand, his fingers waffling with yours before he presses a sweet kiss against your lips.
He feels your walls tighten around his cock and lets out a sudden grunt, his nails slowly scratching at the soft skin of your thigh and leaving behind a few fresh scratches against your skin. “I-I n-need to cum, I wanna cum again Z-Zoro!~” You moan out shakily, a broken whine leaving your lips as tears began to fall down your face. “I don’t care how many times you can cum…I’ll keep filling you up until I feel that you’ve had enough deep inside.” He whispers to you, pressing his slightly chapped lips against the skin of your neck.
You mewl softly to him and wrap your legs tightly around his waist. “H-Hold m-me Zoro~” You begged, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck while tears begins to slide down your face and soak your cheeks. He sighs lovingly and pulls you up onto his lap and into his arms, his arms holding you tightly while a groan leaves his throat. “C-Cumming- I’m cumming!~ Z-Zoro!~“ You gasp out suddenly, pressing your face against shoulder.
He lets out a low groan while his hands grip the thin cotton of your yukata. “I’m not stopping you baby, go on and cum~” He whispers to you, his arms holding you tight as he felt your body shudder against them.
You let out a shaky exhale as you felt yourself tremble against him, biting your bottom lip a little tight. A loud yet muffled moan finally leaves your throat as you gush out around his length. He lets out a deep groan before he releases another load deep inside of your sensitive cunt, keeping your body close as he lets out a little gasp shortly after.
“Z-Zoro~ Mmh~ Z-Zoroooo~” You whine out shakily to him. He peppers smooches against your tear-stained cheek and legs out a little chuckle. “It’s okay it’s okay, relax for a moment.” He cooed to you, trying his best to soothe your from your sensitive and slightly overwhelmed state.
“I hope you’re ready to take more…” He whispers to you, a sweet smile spread across his face. You whimper to him before sighing a bit tiredly, knowing that he’s probably going to keep you up all night just to fill you properly.
“Take my seed and bear my children for me baby.”
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midnight-vixn · 2 years
Satan pushing you against the window next to his bed, pounding into you from behind. You're wearing this collar he loves, one hand tugging at your hair, the other playing with your sex or wrapped around your waist to hold you in place. Kissing, biting, sucking on your neck and shoulder and whispering praises into your ear. Fucking you hard and rough, making you moan and cry out his name each time you cum on his cock.
Eventually Lucifer, who's currently discussing sth with Dia and Barb in the backyard below the window, will notice Satan's little show and he'll give in to the urge to fill you up with his cum.
Lucifer/Satan threesome when👀 ANYWAY this made me feel things, anon you have such a big brain I’m smooching you for this. Happy Birthday Satan, glad to see some thirst for him💖 (should I do part 2??)
Gn!reader x Satan, Lucifer (separately)
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“S-sa-satan, puh-lease!” You whine. Your chest pressed against the cold glass yet your whole body feels on fire, legs spread apart as Satan toys with your sex, the bell on your collar jingling with every thrust he gives you.
“Please, what?” Satan’s voice barely audible, his warm breath fanning against your back as he presses his head against your shoulder. He’s mesmerized watching his cock disappear inside you, lost in the feeling of you clenching around him each time he thrusts deep enough to hit your sweet spot.
“ ‘S too good, gonna—” you cut yourself off with a euphoric moan as your fourth orgasm of the afternoon runs through you. Your knees are weak and unable to hold you up anymore, your body is solely supported by Satan’s one arm wrapped around your waist to hold you in place and the window in front of you that looks over the back garden.
Your mind had melted somewhere between orgasm two and three but Satan was still taking his sweet time. You had to give him credit, the fourth born may be a hopeless romantic who much prefers love making to animalistic sex but fuck did he know how to hit every single spot and pull orgasm after orgasm from you.
You let yourself go limp, knowing the demon behind you was more than happy to have full control, and glanced out to the garden below. Panic set in.
“Satan.” His name coming out slurred thanks to your fucked out state.
“Feels good doesn’t it my love?” He closes his eyes and buries his cock further in you, rutting against your ass in a shameless way. He may be a romantic but he still has his carnal desires.
“Satan, s-stop.” You pleaded, trying to get him to pause for one minute to see what you saw. Down in the garden below, sat three figures having a nice chat it seemed. Two bodies with their backs toward you- luckily- and a third facing your direction with a full view of your naked body if he so happened to glance up.
Your eyes were watery and pretty hazy at this point but from size, posture, and who was sitting across from them you knew it was Diavolo and Barbatos sitting with their backs to you. Across from them in deep conversation was Lucifer. How long had they been out there? How had he not seen you yet? Satan had been fucking you against this window for an hour now and your moans and cries of pleasure were anything but silent.
Maybe it was the way Satan’s cock continued to graze against your walls but you suddenly found yourself aroused at the thought of being seen. The high and mighty Prince and his oh so loyal butler seeing you so vulnerable and exposed, you wondered just how Diavolo would react to seeing his precious exchange student being railed by a demon lord. You subconsciously start moaning at the thought, Satan biting down on your shoulder encouraged by the noises you make. You peer down once more in greed, only to be met with a pair of crimson eyes glaring up at you. “FUCK!”
“What?! Did I hurt you?” Your sudden outburst pulls Satan out of his lust filled haze. He looks up and turns your face gently toward his, wanting to know where he hurt you, but your eyes are fixated on something outside. The desire they once held was now void and in its place is a look of fear, concerned about what could have possibly upset his precious doll Satan looks out into the garden.
His eyes meet the icy gaze of the first born, a wicked grin forms on Satan’s lips and you feel his grip around your waist tighten. He rests his chin on your shoulder, you feel something wrap around your thigh and realize it’s his tail, you feel his cock twitch and grow inside you, spreading you even wider than before. Satan has only fucked you twice in his demon form before, he tends to restrain himself out of fear for your safety— clearly that’s left his mind right now.
“Tell me if I hurt you my love.” He whispers sensually, eyes still locked onto your new audience member. Without any prep or warning Satan begins to fuck into you ruthlessly, you always forget the added texture and girth his cock gets when he switches to this form. You suddenly feel incredibly full, he slides in and out of you with ease thanks to your cum that coats his shaft, you let out a scream of pure pleasure. Your mind goes completely blank and the only thing you can think of is him, the only words you can form are his name, chanting, screaming and moaning it as he thrusts into you. The bell on your collar ringing wildly, a sound that solidifies his ownership of you. “That’s right baby, tell him who you belong to.”
You glance down briefly and see Lucifer flinch in his seat, hands grabbing at the arm rests of his chair and brows furrowing in anger. Diavolo and Barbatos must have seen it as well as they attempt to turn and see what has him so upset, you feel your heart skip a beat but luckily Lucifer grabs their attention back. You’re impressed with how calm Lucifer is being, knowing that he can see every inch of your body pressed against this glass, knowing he can see Satan’s hand still making quick work of your sex, knowing that he can see Satan’s face now sucking on your neck while your mouth hangs open as you moan. You’re well aware Lucifer can read lips, so you know he’s able to see you calling Satan’s name over and over. You know he’s pissed.
Satan begins to pick up speed and your eyes fill with tears again. The last thing you fully see is the three demons below exiting the garden through the back gate, Lucifer’s suggestion no doubt.
“Too bad, guess he’ll miss the finale.” Satan growls in your ear. Squeezing your chest with one hand and gripping your jaw with the other, Satan pressed you against the glass harder. “Cum with me my love.”
Your shared moans and cries of ecstasy echo throughout the room, you cum around him once more and feel him pump you full of his seed. Your body is completely weak at this point, the fourth born carries you to the bed and lays you down gently, the two of you dozing off rather quickly.
You wake up a few hours later feeling ravenous, that’s what you get for missing lunch. You dress yourself quietly and decide to go search for food, doing your best not to wake the still sleeping demon. You place a kiss on Satan’s cheek and head out into the hall, halfway to the kitchen you suddenly feel a hand on your arm and are dragged into a nearby room. Your back is pinned against the wall, two large hands are planted firmly on either side of your head, a rather thick thigh is pressed between your legs, the lights are dim and you can’t make out much of anything, but that cologne lets you know everything.
“I’m glad I could attend your little show earlier.” His deep voice sending a shiver down your spine. You can’t see his face but you know he’s looking at you the same way a hunter does it’s prey. You feel his gloved hand gently tilt your chin up, his lips brush against yours lightly. “Now, why don’t you give me a private encore?”
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sorrowsofsilence · 5 months
Faster II • Karlsson
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Pairing: Jolly Karlsson x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: Smut (18+, unprotected PnV pls wrap it b4 u tap it), choking.
Prompt: you know what they say, guitarists finger faster.
Author note: come here for a smooch my love @gretaswhore28 <3 This is just a small part 2 of the jolly oneshot ! (sorry its short I just wanted to get something out quickly today before work!) <3
Tags: (just keeping the same tags as on part 1 in case anyone else is interested <3) @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @th4t-em0-k1d  @lans-angels @dsireland86 @whenthesummerdies @spicywhenspeaking
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With hasty hands, Jolly unlocked the door to his townhouse, immediately attaching his lips to yours as his hands roamed across your torso again.
His inked fingers danced up your body towards your neck, gripping the skin as he held you, pinned against the wall within the entryway, rutting his hips against your own.
You moaned as his fingers squeezed, Jolly’s mouth breathing into your own, before a loud cough sounded from behind the two of you.
Jolly pulled away, whipping around to glare daggers at the man whose eyes smiled behind the coffee cup placed against his lips.
“Ahem,” Noah coughed, taking a sip before placing the cup down on the living room table, “It’s about goddamn time.”
Your face warmed as he watched with curious eyes before you rested your forehead on Jolly’s shoulder in embarrassment, laughing into his leather jacket.
“Leave,” Jolly muttered as he gripped your wrist, pulling you behind him as he led you up the stairs.
You smiled at Noah briefly and he flashed you a double thumbs up, before grabbing his keys.
“Yeah I’m on it, I don’t want to hear this,” He laughed, slipping on his shoes.
Jolly tugged you along, and as soon as the front door closed you were shoved into his room, his door slamming.
“Clothes off,” He mumbled against you, tugging at your skirt, as you lifted your shirt over your head, throwing it carelessly as your hands pulled against his face. You were left in your underwear.
“On the bed, ass up,” He pulled away, nodding toward the sheets. You obeyed, crawling all fours onto the fabric before bowing down, leaving your body shivering. Goosebumps ran across your skin in anticipation.
You watched as Jolly swiftly removed his jacket, tossing it to the floor in a form of desperation you’ve never seen. He was already showing against his jeans, the idea of pounding into you leaving him almost frothing from the mouth in desire.
Jolly needed you.
And finally, he got the chance to fuck you senselessly, exploring your body in all the ways he’s dreamed of.
His eyes bore into you as he watched you exposed on his bed in devotion to him, licking his lips in hunger. With his jeans still on Jolly approached you from behind, his hands worshiping your skin as they ran across your bare body, fingers hovering over your need.
He slapped the sensitive skin firmly and a gentle yelp left your throat as your stomach clenched in excitement.
“You’re so wet already,” Jolly chuckled lowly, his fingers gliding between your folds before he pushed them into you.
You relished in the feeling of his fingers, but your body craved his, needing to be full.
“Jolly,” You moaned, “Please just fuck me. I need you.”
You heard him groan at your words, your confession pushing him over the edge as he unbuckled his belt, freeing himself from the hem of his jeans. Jolly leaned over, spitting on your body before running himself along your anticipation.
Your breath quickened as you closed your eyes, absorbing his touch as he teased you, satisfied as he pushed against you, before pulling away.
“I want this to last forever,” Jolly shivered, “I have waited so fucking long that I want to remember everything.”
“Please Jolly,” You cried, pushing back into him as your knees ached.
He pushed your ass up with his free hand, the other positioning himself before sliding inside. Jolly immediately exhaled deeply, sighing in complete lust as he thrust into you slowly, both hands gripping your hips.
“Fuck you’re so tight,” It took everything in him to resist throwing his head back; he wanted to watch himself slide into you, your slick coating him completely.
You pushed into him, meeting his ruts as you craved him to go faster. Jolly’s pace picked up, fingers digging into the dip of your waist.
Jolly’s breath quickened as he began to fold over you, hands sliding down your back towards your head. He gripped your hair, pulling you up onto your arms as well, complete euphoria taking over as he watched the scene ahead of him.
"Faster," You pleaded.
Your lips fell open in ecstasy as inhumane sounds transpired from your tongue, the feeling of Jolly fucking you hastily leaving you speechless.
“On your back,” He commanded, and you flipped as he positioned you into missionary. You pulled your thighs to your chest, opening yourself fully towards him. Jolly’s fingers gripped your throat again, pushing you into the mattress as his hips pulled in and out, eyes dark with infatuation.
You closed your eyes but Jolly’s other hand gripped your chin, your gaze snapping open, “Eyes on me.”
Your brows furrowed as you obliged, succumbing to his need, and refusing to break eye contact.
Jolly fucked you in this position for a moment longer before flipping you back over, desperate to watch himself fuck you once again.
He leaned over your back, biting kisses along your skin, hips pounding you from behind.
You cried in pleasure as Jolly’s hands gripped both your wrists as he pulled them behind you, using his fingers as makeshift cuffs, refusing to let you go.
“Fuck,” You moaned, your orgasm climbing as your abdomen clenched in excitement.
“I need you to come around me,” He begged you, wanting anything you could offer.
The room was filled with a string of curses and erotic moans, the two of you completely indulging in one another. Your body could only handle a few more pumps of Jolly’s senseless fucking before you collapsed around him.
“Come inside me Jolly,” you pleaded as his hands pushed the side of your face into the mattress, his animalistic movements leaving you hungry and yearning.
“Fuck,” Jolly spoke through gritted teeth as you watched him absorbed in your body, his fingers gripping your wrists in a painful bind as his nails attacked your skin.
Within seconds Jolly’s body twitched within yours and you squeezed against him. Jolly’s head flew back in yearning, his body overcame with lust as he released into you, the guttural moan heaving from his chest causing your stomach to stir in admiration.
“Shit,” Jolly breathed quickly as he pulled out, satisfied as your mixed creation dripped from your desire, the smile on Jolly’s face prideful.
You sighed in contentment as you sat up, watching the man in front of you hover over your body as he attached his lips to your own, kissing you deeply.
Your lips moved entwined, completely fulfilled yet still hungry for one another.
“I just want to fuck you all day,” Jolly whined, pulling your body into his as you lay next to each other, engulfed by the moment.
“You can fuck me anytime you want,” you smiled, kissing him desperately again as his hands gripped your skin, ready to devour you again.
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h0p3l3ssromantic · 10 months
Go Live pt 2
✨Masterlist coming soon✨
This is a work of fiction intended for readers 18 years of age and over
Please do not translate and/or post my work here or elsewhere without permission
A/n: I wasn’t planning on a part 2 to this but I fear it may become a regular series with each Hyune live. He has me in a trance, a daze, I’m down for Hwang Hyunjin and I never want to get up. Let me know if you would like these post his lives, smooches💋
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“Okay fine, but don't say a word. Sit over there and don't make so much as a sound, is that clear, princess” he says, gripping your wrists and that dark look in his eyes. 
“Y-yes i won't make a sound, i promise” you replied after begging him to sit in on his live, this time just wanted to be in his space, no ulterior motive. At least that was the case for you, you hadn't seen the twisted smirk on hyune’s face as he turned away from you. He was the one with ulterior motives. It was now your turn to watch in agony as orchestrated what could only be described afterwards, as pure fucking chaos. 
You take your place in the comfy chair out of view of the camera, obeying. Thinking how the hell you convinced div1 to let you come with the boys to kcon. A lot of begging on your end and you're sure Hyune had something to do with it as well. Anyways, you didn't care, you were going to be on your best behavior, following every rule given to you…that is until Hyune starts his shit. 
About 20 minutes into the live, he texts you...1 attachment
A picture of himself, shirtless. Making you both glance at each other and smirk. 
You respond “what the hell are you up to Hwang Hyunjin??” 
No reply. 
10 minutes later, another picture, this time it's of you sucking his thumb, taken the night before the flight here. “Look under the table baby”
Don't you dare look under that table. But the sheer curiosity was burning like a hot flame in the pit of your stomach. The same place where you needed to be filled up.
Getting warmer by the second, you slide down from the chair to the floor. Dropping to your knees where you now have a view under the table…while he sits there on live, talking and laughing with stay, they don't know the antics he is up to with you, and they damn sure don't know that at this very second, Hyune currently has his pants pulled down just enough to free his dick from its confines, slowly stroking himself.
*ding* you receive another text, snapping you out of your greedy stare
This time he’s sent a video and your heart drops. You were trying. Trying to be obedient. Trying to be quiet. Trying to let him have his way tonight. He would get that anyway You were trying to be good…but as you pressed played on that fucking video, you stopped breathing for a moment, eyes widened and immediately sinking low with lust. 
You watch yourself being, fucked would be an understatement, more like ruined. Torn apart. Sat down with your legs wide open, tied open. While Hyune repeatedly abuses your clit, swiping over it in quick back and forth motions. The friction mixed with your pussy juices creating the most god forsaken sounds, one orgasm after another. Finally the video ends with you having visibly one of your hardest orgasms you have ever had, squirting everywhere, the towels placed are practically useless. You would thank him for capturing this moment but right now you were so horny it would make a succubus jealous. 
Looking back up at Hyune, he has stopped touching himself, looking completely unphased, with that stupid smirk on his phase you are now determined to wipe off his smug, menacing…cute…perfect little- fuck stay focused, stay focused
In true y/n fashion, you disregard his instructions. Crawling over to him, making your way under the table. You would not be listening to him today. Or any day for that matter. Until he puts you in your place, you run things around here and you always take what you want. 
You glide your hands up his legs, kissing quietly where your hands would soon after travel. Taking his dick in your hands, causing his breath to hitch as he stopped moving. 
She never fucking listens
Taking the entire length of him in your mouth ever so gently so as to not make a single sound.
You hear Hyune countdown the seconds on the screen until the live ends, and once it's over you attempt to take him out of your mouth. But you’re stopped by Hyune
“you know something princess, you think you run shit around here don't you?” he says as he bends down to you, giving you a tap on your cheek where the tip of his dick is now protruding. A rhetorical question, needing no answer. One hand grabbing the back of your head, the other on your chin as he forces himself down your throat. While you loved trying new things sexually with Hyune, you never deepthroated him, never had him so far down your throat. Before you could register the next thought, he pulls your hair bringing you up for some needed air. 
Bringing his palm up to your cheek with a rough love smack, “you dont make the rules around here, and you couldnt follow an instruction if it stared you in the fucking face. Open” 
Opening your mouth immediately, you have never felt so exhilarating. So wet. So needy for whatever the fuck was happening rn. He shoves his dick down your throat once more, pulling you by the hair, bringing your nose to his pelvis. You have never felt so full, so used, so breathless…literally. You couldn't breathe, your gag reflex working overtime and your eyes started fluttering. You manage to look up at him as tears begin to fall from your eyes. But he didnt care. You like that he didn't care. Putting you in your place after all. 
After cumming down your throat, pulling you off of him, there's so much spit, saliva and cum, it soaked the both of you. Gasping for air as you lay your head on the wet area, he grabs your face and pulls you up to kiss you. 
“See what happens to girls that dont listen baby?”
“Y-yes im *deep breath* i'm sorry daddy i’ll listen i prom- promise”
But you had listened. He never told you not to touch him, or move. He told you not to make a sound. And you hadn't. You’ll let him have this one, you’re too gone to protest. But you’ll be the one righting that wrong next time. The next time he goes live.
A/n: to everyone who comes across my page and likes or reblogs or comments, thank you. I’ve been here for almost a month and have received so much love. Thank you for being here, smooches💋
I think about Hyunjin everyday all day. I love him bad😔
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xcaptain-winterx · 1 year
Egg search
dad!Lloyd Hansen x reader (sunshine)
summary: it’s your first Easter as a couple, and you convinced him to go on a picnic. Lloyd decides that he wants to try out one Easter tradition.
warnings: fluff, mustache, smut 18+, fingering, oral
a/n: English is not my first language, meaning you will probably find a lot of misspelling etc.. I’m not good at writing smut btw., so be warned.
Main Masterlist Daddy Sociopath Masterlist
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It was just supposed to be a cute Easter picnic, but it quickly turned into a rather hot Easter picnic. Lloyd made sure of that.
It’s Easter, and it’s your first Easter together as girlfriend and boyfriend. You made Lloyd decorate his castle with Easter decor, and even made him decorate some Easter eggs with you, which resulted in a paint war between the two of you and him painting his cum all over you.
You surprised Lloyd when you suddenly stood in front of him with a picnic basket and a shy smile, asking if you could have a picnic in the labyrinth. To be honest, you knew he would say yes. Originally, Lloyd hoped you two would go skinny skipping, but how could he tell you no.
You’re laying on the blanket, bathing in the warm afternoon sun, in a flowy white dress. Lloyd is on his side, propped up by one arm next to you, watching you behind his sunglasses. You not only convinced him to go on a picnic but also to abandon his ‘beautiful’ shoes that show off his beautiful angles next to the blanket.
He puts another strawberry in his mouth before moving to get on top of you, slightly hiking up your dress with his knees in the process.
You open your eyes to see your handsome boyfriend on top of you, and before you know it, he is leaning down to give you a sweet kiss. Well, that’s before he starts to full on make out with you, and before he shares the strawberry in his mouth.
When you both pull apart, you carefully pull off his dark sunglasses, and smile when you see his beautiful eyes. You swallow the strawberry before pulling him down again to give him another kiss, ignoring his cocky smile. Pulling him closer and wrapping your legs around his waist. Kissing him slow and gentle.
Lloyd melts into the kiss, moving his arm around your back to pull you closer, and into a deeper kiss. He runs his hands under your dress, groping your ass. Lloyd smirks into the kiss when you moan.
“Sunshine”, Lloyd whispers against your lips as you pull him away by his neck, “don’t”.
You chuckle at his pouty face. Lloyd moving against your hand around his neck that is keeping him from kissing you again. He could easily overpower you, but he doesn’t. Lloyd physically can’t fight you, even if he would want to. He can’t.
“No, Lloyd” you say smiling, “we are having a normal picnic, without anything dirty”.
“But, sunshine”, Lloyd moves your hand so that he can kiss you again “it’s Easter”
“On Easter we celebrate resurrection”
“Somehow a stupid bunny became the face of it”
“A fucking rabbit”
“Everybody spends money on Easter decoration and sweets, just to take it down some days later”
“Stupid Easter bunny”
“Stupid family gatherings”
“The only thing I like is the egg search. You know why, sunshine?”.
“I love exploring the surroundings” he starts kissing down your neck.
“Mhm” he kisses down your chest, down between your breath, ”especially exploring the hidden spots”
He moves further down, lifting your dress a bit to kiss your knee “I do all the exploring”.
Lloyd kisses your thick thigh until he reaches your covered pussy, “until I find the eggs”. He gives your panties a loud smooch, as weird as it sounds, before hooking his finger under them. Lloyd’s finger rubs your pearl, doing it exactly how he knows you like it.
You throw your head back, moaning, “Lloyd, please”
“What, sunshine?”, Lloyd asks from under your dress. Only his lower half on display, the rest covered by your puffy skirt. His finger now teasing around your tight channel.
“Lloyd, don’t tease” you beg him.
“Don’t worry, sunshine” he says, slowly sliding his finger in, “just want to get a quick look around before going on the hunt”. He pumps his fingers in and out of you, grinning when he hears your sweet moans.
He pulls his fingers out of you, biting the inside of your thigh as you let out a ‘hey’. He leaves a kiss on the place he bit you before pulling down your panties with his teeth. Lloyd’s eyes roll back when he inhaled your scent. He can’t wait to finally taste you.
You watch Lloyd’s head move under the white fabric, drawing in a sharp breath when you feel his breath directly over your pussy. You feel the ends of his mustache coming in contact with it, moving to get closer to your boyfriend’s face.
“Needy?” Lloyd asks, directly over where you want him the most.
“Lloyd” you whine “please”.
Oh, how can Lloyd deny a wish of you.
Lloyd can just imagine the face you make as he begins devouring your pussy. He hooks his arms under your thighs and ass to pull you closer.
“Lloyd!” you scream, grabbing the picnic blanket, the picnic dishes and food spread all over the blanket.
Lloyd moves your leg higher up his shoulder. His pants turning green du to his lower half laying on the grass instead of the blanket. Lloyd doesn’t care about that though. All he cares about is your sweet pussy. His face between your juicy thighs, eating you out while making sure to rub his mustache on your special sensitive spot, making you arch your back.
His grip on your body will probably leave some bruises, but that doesn’t matter. You’re used to it by now and to be honest, you like it. Ok, it’s not that nice seeing them when you’re at an event, but oh man, you love knowing he did it to you. Your little sociopath. He doesn’t do it on propose; you know that. He just focus on pleasuring you. It doesn’t hurt when he grips you like that during sex, and even if, the pleasure is to overwhelming to notice it.
Lloyd moans into your pussy, slowly starting to hump the grass.
“Lloyd” you whisper, getting close.
Like on command, he moves to his knees and pulls your lower body up with him. He wraps one of your legs around his face and holding the other down with his hand, pulling you closer with it, and humping it.
Your eyes roll in the back of your head, “I’m gonna come!”. He pulls your pussy closer to his face, his face sinking into your pussy as you come.
Lloyd licks up all your cum, every single drop, humping your leg faster and faster as he does it until he comes too with a loud groan that gets muffled by your pussy. Thick lines of cum stain his pants, leaving a big dark spot. He falls forward once he’s done coming.
You’re the first one to catch your breath, pulling up your skirt until you see your man’s dark blond hair. “Moonlight” you say, combing your fingers through his hair.
He leans up, closing his eyes for a second when you continue to comb his hair, “Sunshine”.
“That wasn’t a picnic”
He chuckles, sitting up, “but an egg search”.
You roll your eyes at your boyfriend with a smile, “I don’t see you having some”.
Lloyd knows that you’re teasing him, “I always have some” he pulls up your panties “and you know that. Wanna see them?” Lloyd says, moving his hips in circles with his hands on his hips.
You bite your lip, “I see a kid who can’t control his bladder”.
The look your boyfriend gives you is something between ‘I’m going to spank you, sunshine’ and ‘pardon me, sunshine. What did you say? How could you say that?’.
Lloyd looks down at his pants and sees the big stain; he didn’t think it was that big. He looks at you, biting the inside of his cheek “oh, sunshine, I didn’t thought Easter would end like this. Me coming in my pants”
You sit up, and wrap your legs around his waist, sitting in his lap, “Don’t deny it, you liked coming just from humping my leg and eating my cum”
“Oh, and from smelling your pussy” he corrects you, kissing your nose.
He doesn’t say it, but you both know that since you both got together, he started to heal his inner child in some way. Because of his parents, he didn’t have a good childhood and obviously didn’t celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Easter and any other holiday. With you, he finally gets to celebrate those days, even if you don’t celebrate them like other people would. Lloyd makes good memories on those days, which means everything to you.
“You don’t care that your pants are dirty” you point to his beige pants that are now more green and see how the gears in his head are turning.
“You know what” Lloyd says, leaning his forehead on yours “I like your pussy more than those pants”
Translated, it means ‘I don’t care that my pants are dirty. They are just pants’, but you get what Lloyd means. Your moonlight is showing what lays beneath his build up walls.
Easter maybe didn’t end up like how you imagined, but you prefer this right now more than anything else.
“We need to talk about your hand around my neck though, Sunshine. You know how hard I got when you did that” he says, wrapping his own hand around his neck. “I think I just got a new kink”.
Oh, how you love your Moonlight.
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philliamwrites · 2 years
birthday girl
pairing: eren jaeger x fem! reader
warnings: ‼️18 +, minors do NOT interact‼️, edging, oral sex (fem. receiving), sex toys (vibrator, dildo), names (baby, baby girl, good girl)
a/n: it’s my birthday and i’m treating you and myself to some eren filth 🥺: eren treating yn so good with the sex toys he bought her for her birthday. please be nice to me today and send some aot boys & girls love my way, i’ll give you a big smooch! (tumblr bullied me so here is a reupload)
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“I have a surprise for you.”
Nothing weird about that. It is your birthday, Eren is your boyfriend, of course he’s prepared something for you.
“It’ll be fun, I promise.”
Okay, that’s the first thing that should have set you off. Should have started warning signals blaring in your head, telling you to Beware, Beware, DANGER, because ‘fun’ for Eren means stealing a cart at 2am and having you wheel him around the parking area and down a slope right into an iron balustrade.
‘Fun’ for Eren means mixing four shots of caffeine with two red bulls and a redline, and he swears, he saw Jesus on that day but he also finished three essays in twenty minutes and managed to get through mid-term.
‘Fun’ for Eren in bed means you don’t get to cum until he allows you to.
“You’re doing so, so good,” he sighs, taking a break from lapping lazily at your cunt. When you steal a glance at him from under the arm you’ve thrown over your eyes, you see him beaming up at you. “Not that that’s a surprise.”
He punctuates his praise by angling the glass dildo so that its blunt head pushes right against the spongy bundle of nerves deep inside you. Legs shaking, you clamp your mouth shut to stifle any noise that he tries to yank out of you because you don’t want to give him that satisfaction.
“Come on, baby, let me hear how cute you sound.” He presses his tongue flat against your clit and twists the dildo, making your toes curl against his broad, warm back. Eren tightens his grip around the underside of your knees with one hand, and gives your quivering thigh a little quick kiss, right next to the bruises he’s sucked onto your skin twenty minutes ago.
“Or do you want me to be mean to you?” he croons, his hand stopping its movement completely which leaves you stuffed full with the dildo but without friction. “Bully you until you can’t think straight anymore?”
You make some noise, a mixture between a hiccup and a moan that makes you sound like an animal in heat. Eren rewards you with another kiss on the inside of your thigh, and slightly wiggles the toy until you begin to move your hips in tandem, up and down, rolling them against Eren’s hand.
“That’s it, that’s it.” Eyes glued to your drooling cunt, stretched out from the toy, Eren coos lovingly at your pussy. “Fuck yourself on it, come on.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You roll your hips against the dildo, try to take as much in, which is difficult lying on your back, legs spread. Eren’s warm, broad hand keeps massaging and squeezing your thigh. His tongue darts out and licks a hot stripe from where your hole clenches tightly around the toy up to your clit and back, up and down, up and down, until he closes his plump, slick lips around your clit and sucks hard.
Back arching, legs kicking, the delicious tension in your abdomen coils tighter and tighter with every sharp thrust and wicked flick of Eren’s tongue. You press the crook of your elbow harder into your eyes, white stars exploding in the black—close, close, you’re so close, and it all ends when Eren leans away from you and drags the toy out of you excruciatingly slow.
“Eren,” you whine, thumbing your heels against his shoulders. It’s been the third time. The third time he’s allowed you to teeter close enough to sweet, blissful release only to reel you back and leave you on dry land.
“Oh my god, would you just finally let me cum?” You kick at him weakly, until Eren catches your ankle and pulls you in until you’re half draped over his lap.
“Hm hmmm, if you beg a little more.” He tugs at your low-cut top until your tits spring free and gropes one, teases your nipple with his deft fingers. You squirm on his lap, try to feel for his boxers to pull them down but Eren catches your wrist and puts it beside your head, giving your nose a quick peck.
“Nuh-uh, we’re not done with your presents yet.” The mischievous grin on his face is so familiar—you want to kiss the corners of his mouth and also sort of smack it off his face because it means one thing: he’ll have the time of his life at the expense of your sanity.
He exchanges the glass dildo for a pink one that has a wider girth in the middle; it’s a massive thing, long and thick and your eyes widen when Eren taps the blunt head against your swollen clit.
Eren catches your expression, and chuckles. “Oh, baby, you don’t have to be scared,” he says, kissing a wet trail from your jawline to your chest where he drags his tongue over a nipple. “This is nothing compared to my dick. You can take it.”
The stretch is nothing to laugh at. The toy fills you out so good, fills you to the brim where every subtle shift and nudge of your hips pushes the toy against your tight walls, the pressure constant and relentless; the pleasure mind-numbing and maddening.
And then, Eren starts to move his hand. Twists the toy, shoves it in and out, in and out, and whenever you try to squirm away because the little showers and zaps running up your spine become too much, his grip around your waist tightens.
“Hold still, baby,” he mumbles against your hot, sweaty skin; captures your hard nipple between his teeth. “You gonna accept my present, right? Take it all in and enjoy it.”
There’s a little click, and that’s all you notice when your mind goes blank from the shocks of pleasure coursing through your body when the toy vibrates inside you. You shake against Eren who’s holding you hard against him, sucking your tit first, then leaving marks on the soft skin on your ribcage with his greedy mouth.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” he mumbles, drunk on watching your coming undone from pleasure as he jams the thick dildo back inside your clenching cunt. “That’s my good girl, my beautiful birthday girl.” He rises to meet your open mouth with his, kisses you stupid, licks into your mouth and sucks on your tongue. You’re clinging to him, arms circled around his strong shoulders when he changes the angle of the toy, has the blunt, vibrating tip pointed against your g-spot.
Your climax hits you like a battering ham, hard and unforgiving, toes curling and whole body shaking as your swollen walls spasm around the hard, unyielding toy. Head thrown back, you barely feel Eren’s teeth drawing a map up your throat to your chin, sucking and biting bruises onto your skin and gifting you a pretty purple necklace for the next days to wear as he mumbles “I love you, I love you so much.”
He allows you to slide off his lap, gently placing you back into the sheets where you lie placidly and content. As you catch your breath, hips still twitching from the mind-blowing orgasm, Eren hooks his hands under your knees and draws them up until you’re folded in half, knees pressed into the mattress beside your head. You didn’t even notice when he’s shrugged off his boxers, and now he presses his hard, flushed cock against your overstimulated cunt. You squeal, a little in fear and excitement.
Eren grins. “Your birthday isn’t over yet.”
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togament · 5 days
Hi Bibi, i just want to say you’re doing amazing and your post are literally ADDICTING. I was a little worried because I didn’t know if Wind Breaker would get a lot of attention on Tumblr yk? (Just because it’s new) AND YOU CAME AND SAVED ME. I love you, your brain, and your page. Please keep going and I WOULD LOVE to hear your thoughts on new episodes/chapters (only if you want). Thank you for feeding my delulu brain. Hugs 🫂
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thank you for the kind words dhdjkd i don’t know if i’m worthy of such praise too like—everyone leaving cute (and unhinged ofc) stuff in the tags and in my inbox gets me all giddy and blushy and!!!!!! Seeing you guys enjoying my stupid ramblings means the absolute world to me (i see you guys in the tags and i read every single one. Love you you freaks 😏) fun fact, I only started writing fics on this account and only for windbreaker so all the interactions and thirsty feedback I get genuinely, genuinely makes my heart do the boom boom. So smooches to every one of you!!!!!! (only if you want them. you could exchange it for a headpat if you want ig)
ok enough of the sappy stuff. WINDBREAKER TIME!
windbreaker blowing up on tumblr is so so so well deserved. i was genuinely shocked because it took a little bit for the hype to catch on???? the seiyuus are literal legends (in my eyes hehe), the animation’s SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE HELLO!??, the op and ending song aren’t ass??????? I’m super excited for what’s to come for our fandom and the anime. ALSO fun fact, I have the fattest crush on Umehara Yuichiro so him voicing Togame literally brought me to my god damn knees, bro. I’m expecting Eguchi Takuya to secure a character too bc ofjfkdkd his voice would be perfect for a villain.
also may or may not have picked windbreaker up bc I saw a character named Kiryu and an eyepatched character and I 😮👈😮👈 YAKUZA REFERENCE!!!!! (probably not but the coincidence is silly to me)
I’m not super caught up on the anime (on episode 7 atm!) I wanna savor every episode and binge them back to back (also bc my hubby’s got so much screentime I wanna savor that him EVEN MORE YUM YUM YUMMY). Caught up on the manga though and I Have Thoughts.
(spoilers under the cut)
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the endo fight’s scaring me, man. also super fucking worried about ume bc WE HAVEN’T SEEN HIM FOR SO LONG??? the chair throw spooked me. also worried about ume’s vegetable garden. I know it’s getting trampled to shit. also very worried about sakura. he’s getting all banged up by endo, his nose is probably broken now wtf he was bleeding SO MUCH.
chika’s scary too. both him and endo. i honestly don’t know what’s gonna happen next like, they’re both so unpredictable and unhinged that my butthole’s clenching in sheer terror.
I’m also very concerned about suo. WHY HAVE WE NOT SEEN HIM EATING (or maybe I’ve missed a panel lol) but with every food offer he’s ever been given, he turns them down. also the fact that we only know him on a surface’s surface level even when he’s one of the main boys is scaring me. we’re 140+ chapters deep and not one single suo morsel for us to nibble on. I don’t want a betrayal thing happening ok lol that would be my tipping point i fear.
if you guys want me to yap about a chapter or an episode or potential seiyuus for other characters or if you just want my thoughts on things (i am a Certified Yapper), i am directing you to the askbox! This was super fun!! Extremely forgetful too so this could help me remember all the stuff that’s happened so far.
thank you so much again for sending over an askkskfnnxnx heaven knows i needed a little pick me up today. you delivered and made my entire day, sweetheart!!!!! Ily!!!!!!! 🥹
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ladylooch · 3 months
Okay here is an idea for Timo and Emma
Somewhat angsty lol
So maybe life is really busy with the 4 kids and it’s been a little while where Em and T were able to have some time alone. So maybe every little either Timo does or the kids do sets Emma off and she is easily irritated and annoyed. Like maybe making lunch for the kids and they don’t want to eat what she has cooked or Timo is gone longer than he said and Emma missed her workout class. So Timo is like okay obviously you have some tension let me help you loosen up 🥵and so they run off during the kids nap time
By Emma’s calculations, she should be about to her cooldown right now in her pilates class. She should be sweaty, but relieved to have gotten a work out in with how crazy the family schedule has been this week. Instead, she is sitting on the couch, monitoring Logan and Liam as their play time borders on becoming a slap fest. 
Timo is still not home.
He was supposed to be home two hours ago. Emma keeps getting texts from him with updates. 
I’m going to be a little later than I thought.
Still going here, babe. Need a bit more time.
15 minutes or so and I’ll be on my way.
I just left. I’m getting home as fast as I can. 
Fuck, I’m so sorry!
Emma believes him. She knows those RPMs on that Mercedes of his are going to be roaring through the streets of New Jersey. She had asked for one thing this week. ONE THING from her now retired NHL player of a husband. It was to make sure that he was at home by 1:00pm so she could hit her pilates class. Emma knows he is doing hard work right now. He is getting more involved in his friend’s clothing company that he has invested in for years. Now, that Timo  has the time, he has been asked to be more of a decision maker. Timo is very excited about the prospect and Emma is supportive. But she has needs too. Very hot ones that have not been met by her husband in weeks. 
“Logan.” Emma murmurs, watching him start to pat at his brother. A string of words in Swiss German and English come bumbling out of his mouth with none of them being coherent. “Baby, no. Hands to yourself.” The twins, who practically came out holding hands, do not understand this concept. “Be nice.” Emma finishes. Another thing they don’t understand as two year old terrors. 
“Baby! I’m here!” Timo calls into the house before he looks around. His eyes land on his wife so close. “Oops. Sorry. I thought you would be upstairs.” He flips his wrist, looking at his watch. “Can you still make it?”
“At 1:45? No.” Emma snaps. 
“Okay. Fuck. I’m so sorry. Is there a later one you can go to… or…” Timo purses his lips at the irritation puling her eyebrows together. “No? Okay.” He scratches at the back of his neck. “Um, how can I make it up to you?” 
Emma gives him props for the awareness and recognition and the genuine apology. But she doesn’t feel like she was asking for too much. One thing. In the millions of things that she has sacrificed for him in his career. Today she wanted one fucking thing.
“Make it on time tomorrow, please.” She says tightly.
“Yes, I will. Promise.” He comes to the living room. He kneels down by the babies then drops a big palm on each of the twins heads. “Hannah coming today?” 
“No, she is on vacation with her friends. It’s us against the kids.”
“Oh yeah, Tulum.” Timo grins. “Good mems, eh?”
“Mhm.” Em agrees. Timo craws over to her on the floor, literally on his knees. 
“I’m really sorry. You know that?” Emma nods. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Okay, can you just yell at me?” Timo groans, putting his forehead on her thigh.
“No. I don’t want to.” Emma shrugs. 
“This feels worse.” 
“Than me yelling at you? Good lord. We needed therapy more than we knew.” She leans forward, cupping both his cheeks. She kisses him deeply, letting her tongue swipe along the seam of his lips. He sighs, reaching a big hand around to the back of her neck. They make out like that, touching tongues and soft moans to each other until they’re both worked up. Liam comes to smooch their faces, breaking them out of their trace as Logan comes too. 
“Gonna bend that sweet ass over my knee tonight. When all the babies are in bed.” He murmurs hotly in her ear so the boys can’t hear. Emma smiles at him as he settles into the couch next to her with Liam. Logan curls into Emma’s arms. His little feet go over to his brother and he starts kicking. Liam begins to do the same immediately.
“Hey!” Emma and Timo say at the same time, grabbing the feet of the respective twin in their arms. 
“They just had to be boys.” Emma chuckles, leaning her back into Timo. He wraps an arm across her chest, gripping her opposite shoulder to keep her close.
“The universe knew I couldn’t have three girls.” Timo laughs as Logan starts to gnaw on Timo’s arm. Emma cups his little chin, wiggling it so he releases his dad’s skin. Emma smirks at the sweet grin he gives her. He looks like a little dinosaur with his jagged teeth. 
“Yeah, that is probably true.” She finally responds. 
Two more Livys would surely put Timo in an early grave.
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little-mouse-gardens · 7 months
Incorrect quotes with my rottmnt ocs and the turtles
Ocs : sunny, Marcy, Skye and Angie
part 2 electric boogaloo
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Donnie : What if the 'g' in 'gif' is silent?
Marcy, sleeping over at the lair for the night and is cuddled up half awake next to him : Donnie, I’m begging you. Please get some sleep
Donnie : What gif I don't want to?
Marcy : Fuck You
Mikey: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers?
Angie : pink mums, why?
Angie : Were you going to get me flowers?
Angie :
Mikey: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
*it’s the Middle of winter and the turtles are in brumation*
Angie, who came over to cheer him up : Mikey, time for breakfast! Want some pancakes?
Mikey clinging onto Angie like a koala : no
Angie : Mikey, it’s time for lunch! I made some Homemade pizza and breadsticks!
Mikey huddled up under electric blankets trying to tug Angie in for cuddles : nooo
Angie : Mikey, it’s ten at night time for bed-
Mikey, wide awake and instantly dragging Angie into the blanket pile for snuggles and a movie marathon : NOOOO-
Meat-sweats after the turtles defeat him once again while Angie and her sisters witness it, looking right at Mikey : may your marinara sauce never cling to your pasta!
Mikey and Angie who both love cooking nearly trying to claw his face off : EXCUSE YOU!?!? COME UP HERE AND SAY THAT TO OUR FACES MOTHERFU-
Mikey : Angie the kitchen is on fire!
Angie who is half asleep, still has her sleep mask on and it’s almost 3am after a cooking show marathon she and him watched : babe, like…how big is the fucking fire?
Mikey : big
Angie, crawling out of bed : alright-
Leonardo : My hands are cold.
Skye : Here, let me hold them.
Leonardo : My lips are cold too.
Skye : *covers Leonardos mouth with her hand*
Raphael , throwing their head into Sunny's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
Sunny, lovingly petting his head : Prince Charming from shrek could never compare
Raphael , sweating: Sunny, there’s something I need to ask you-
Sunny: Finally! You’re proposing!
Raphael : How’d you know?
Sunny: Raphael , you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Sunny: I even picked it up once.
Raphael : Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Sunny: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Raphael : ...
Raphael : You mean ring bearER, right?
Sunny: ...
Raphael : Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Side note - sunny loves this big sweetheart with all her heart. Likes to give raph shell scritches because she knows it helps his anxiety, doesn’t even mind the happy stink he emits.
Marcy: *seductively takes off glasses*
Marcy: Wow...
Donnie : *blushes* Haha... what?
Marcy: You're really fucking blurry.
Marcy: I owe you one.
Donnie : That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
Donnie : Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Marcy: I wrote you a poem.
Donnie , already crying: You did?
Donnie : My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Marcy: *accidentally drops her new beta fish and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Donnie : That one. I want that one.
Side note - Marcy loves fish, so her accidentally injuring or killing one literally is her worst nightmare, but not to worry! she and Donnie had a arcade date and some comfort snacks to cheer her up (plus he stole a new beta fish for her)
Marcy: Thank you for not saying "I told you so."
Donnie : When you’re as right as I am, you don’t have to say it.
Marcy: Did you have to stab them?
Donnie: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
Marcy: What did they say?
Donnie: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Marcy: That’s fair.
Skye : You are an absolute fucking dork.
Leonardo, singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork!
Skye : *smooches him on the forehead* Yeah, you're my dork.
Leonardo: *is throwing stones at Skye’s window*
Skye : You have a phone for a reason, Leonardo!
Leonardo: You’re giving me a sticker?
Skye : Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Leonardo: I’m not a preschooler.
Skye : Fine, I’ll take it back-
Leonardo: I earned this, back off!
Skye : My toxic trait is that I truly believe I could win a fight against anybody if I was mad enough. You might have the strength and size, but I have the pure, unfiltered rage.
Leonardo: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Skye : Was that place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Spoiler alert - she came back with the pancakes an hour later, skateboarded halfway across New York and back to get them for him
Skye : I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Leonardo: But, Mi amor, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Skye : wait….Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Leonardo: Is it working?
Leonardo: I'm sorry. Please talk to me.
Skye :
Leonardo: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Mi amor? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure?
Skye : 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&M’s
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treysimp · 2 years
Hihihihi I'm back. OK SO KMK(kiss, marry, and kill) Sebek, Silver, and Ace.
I can’t hold all these boyfriends you guys. 😭
Silver is dead. He can be like romantically dead in a little long sleep for his true love maybe. I love him he just needs more characterization you guys. I want to love him more! His eyes are so pretty and his arms and tits are like 👀 but I’m sorry Silver not this time, wait your turn for the Explicit Couch Series lmao
I’m smooching Ace. He’s a cute little fiery redhead and that is yet another thing I very much find cute in real life. Like you could get up to so much trouble but you would always be safe because no one would believe you pulled a prank if Ace was there so only he had to suffer the consequences heheheeh sorry nothing personal bud
So, marriage: Sebek. Look I KNOW he’s just gonna be the cutest at the wedding for starters. He will be in tears at the end of the isle you just know it. Lilia will tell him to smoocharoo the me and it will be beautiful and lovely. I am just so charmed by how seriously he take everything, like can you imagine his nerves getting the better of him as he’s down on one knee like “PLEASE ACCEPT MY REQUEST OF BETROTHAL” and you’re like well I can’t not fuck him. Idk he’s just so serious and committed to everything he does I feel like I can’t not marry him.
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vcrnons · 11 months
you have me intrigued about the dino dream
(i remember this entirely too vividly and that’s because sometimes i randomly think about it and it sends my entire day into a spiral, so im rly sorry for how long this is lmao) (writing this out has made me feel so incredibly delusional) (under the cut for length & also to prevent anyone who doesn’t want to be subjected to my dumb dream bs)
chan & i worked together and we were at some kind of a training day? type? thing? and i guess we must’ve been like passively flirty colleagues or something because when he came into the big training room (which we were all sat ON THE FLOOR IN??? where were the TABLES AND CHAIRS what even is my subconscious) he came and sat RIGHT next to me and we had this cute little small-talk moment before the actual training stuff started
so we’re sat on the ground and we’re being lectured about information governance and data protection and shit, and lmty i am NOT listening because i can’t stop staring at him??? fr my guy looked HEAVENLY you can’t blame me for this. N E way i’m sat like. knees bent & pulled up to my chest, he’s got one leg bent up, both his fuckin. strong ass arms wrapped around it. and one leg out flat because he’s insane and wanted me to suffer, probably. and i’m just trailing a finger up and down his arm the entire time, feeling his muscles, giggling to myself quietly and he keeps looking back at me and smiling and I WAS LIKE HELP. because. it was BLINDING and his eyes were so soft and i’m getting palpitations remembering it wait—
so we break for lunch, it’s a dumb little buffet style thing of just sandwiches and chips and that’s literally it. and we eat and everyone’s like “well this is shit” but it’s free food so we’re still going for it yk. good to know dream j takes food as seriously as awake j does. moving on!
a few minutes into this lunch he pulls me to one side and asks if we can talk so we went out into a corridor and apparently ig we’re in this big high-rise building with floor-to-ceiling windows, staring out over a city??? bro the view is INSANE. so. he gives me one of his AirPods, puts on a song, we’re just looking out over this city together and listening to the music. he turns the volume down and we start talking just quietly about fuck-knows-what, obviously it starts getting a little Juicy. we’re super close, basically in each others faces, noses TOUCHING. (what in the wattpad was i inhaling this day—) and HE TILTS HIS HEAD TO THE SIDE SO HES LIKE AN I N C H AWAY FROM KISSING ME AND HE SAYS “you know, if you wanted something more, all you had to do was ask”
and then we had to go back into the training room so i went in and sat down where i was before but he SAT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM LOOKING ALL UPSET. and im trying to make eyes at him like babe come back im sorry let me explain BUT HE WOULDNT LOOK AT ME. and then fuckin. seungkwan comes over, crouches down, and is like
“hey, please don’t mess around with chan. he really, really likes you. never shuts up about you. if you don’t like him like that, it’s okay, but please just be gentle with him”
but HE DIDNT. so at the end of the thing I just went over and dragged that man by his shirt out of the room and threw myself at him and explained everything and THEN WE FINALLY GOT THE SMOOCH. AND IT WAS JUST REALLY FUCKIN. IT WAS A LOT. IT WAS VERY A LOT. AND IM STILL NOT OKAY OVER IT. IF YOU WONDERED 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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fnafcraze1991 · 2 years
Fritzy’s review of Lazytown characters
Going by the main 3 first
Robbie Rotten- Jfc did they have to make the villain the most relatable character. Great character, deserves peace and quiet. 1000/10
Sportacus-Sweetie can you do something like a normal person just once please I’m begging you on my knees. I love you but please. 100/10
Stephanie-My sweet pink daughter I love her so much I could explode if I tried to express it. I don’t care which actress is playing her and y’all need to shut up otherwise. 14/10
Now the puppets
Pixel- My son. Deserves more love and attention. And deserved more episodes focused on him. I like to think he’d get along with Robbie the best and bond over technology and inventing. 15/10
Stingy-A brat yes. But a really lovable one. The kind you want to tell to shut up but in an affectionate tone. Has some of the best lines in the show usually. 13/10.
Trixie-My other daughter. I love her attitude she’s so blunt about things. Also deserved more focus on her. Didn’t mind her change in voice in seasons 3-4. Took a few episodes but still. 13/10
Ziggy-Silly little boy. Wish to hug him tightly. Probably the cutest of the kids. Like how he has a Leitmotif that calls back to the song his Icelandic counterpart had in áfram latibær. 14/10
Milford-Tends to be slightly relatable. Used to not like him much but he’s really grown on me lately. Can be pretty funny at times. Do enjoy his relationship with Bessie and the others. 13/10
Bessie-I too am constantly on my phone. Def see her as a sort of motherly figure to the kids. She’s pretty enjoyable in episodes she gets enough focus with and her relationship with Milford’s pretty sweet. 13/10
And some side characters
Wind Up Robbie-A silly but pure boy. Should have returned at some point. He was a cutie pie the short time he was on screen. 12/10
Rottenella-The 3rd and final daughter. I would’ve loved it if she’d been a more returning character. She had plenty of potential to be Stephanie’s rival. 15/10
The Kitten-Baby! Sweetie! Honey! I love this little scrunkly kitten so much. I call her boots. 1000/10 And infinite kisses and pets.
Roboticus-HUSBAND. ❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜BEST BOY. SHOULD HAVE BEEN A REOCCURING CHARACTER. 1000000/10. And infinite smooches and hugs.
Genie-Listen I have a soft spot for genie characters. I blame the genie from Aladdin and Norm from Fairly Oddparents for this. If he’d shown up at least one or two more times that’d have been neat. 16/10
Sugarpie-A good puppo. Should’ve stayed Robbie’s pet. That’d have been cute as fuck. 100/10 And infinite pets.
Chef Pablo-He needs to chill a bit. But I still quite like him regardless. If he’d shown up for a cameo or something I’d have liked that. 15/10.
The Rotten Lookalikes-Good boys. Remember when the fandom loved them back in 2016-17. They were pretty great all in all. 15/10(each one gets 15)
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luxeavenger · 2 years
That's Not What This Is
Part 3: Mine
Part 1: Bruise
Part 2: Ours
Rating: Explicit (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Backstage Pass!Bucky x Backstage Pass!Steve x f!reader
Words: 2105
Warnings: Smut, vaginal fingering, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal sex, creampie, come eating, begging, scent kink, pain kink, praise kink
A/N: Before the happy ending, I just want to extend my love and thanks to every domestic violence survivor who has messaged me about this fic since I posted the first part. I am in awe of all the amazing survivors who have shared their feedback on this story. I am grateful you trusted me with your feelings, and trusted me to get all of us through this. I am grateful you've shared your stories with me.
But most of all, I'm grateful you're here with us. You're survivors in every sense of the world, badasses through and through. And I love every single one of you.
We made it to the end together. I hope you enjoy. <3
Beta read by my sister from another mister @samantha-lefay
The National Domestic Violence Hotline has resources for those who need help safely escaping their abuser.
If you like it, please give it a reblog! Your friendly neighborhood smut peddler loves that shit!
Backstage Pass Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-fi
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They lay you down gently between them. Their hands all over you while they peel off your clothes, their lips on every piece of skin they reveal.
They give extra attention to both of the places your ex touched you in the grocery store. They take turns covering your decolletage with kisses to erase the feel of his cruel hand. They loudly smooch all over and around your bicep, until you’re giggling so hard you forget what it felt like to have him touch your body with such malice.
Your giggles make them smile against your skin, happy that they can help you forget, keep you grounded here with them. They need you to remember they will always protect you.
Bucky seals his mouth around your nipple the same moment Steve’s hand skims over your mound, and you arch into them with a whine. Two of Steve’s fingers dip into your slit, and trace up to your clit. The slow drag of his brilliant fingers makes your hips roll.
“That feel nice?” You nod, and he hums, “Mmm, then grind against me, pretty girl. Use me to make yourself feel good.” He whispers against the shell of your ear, “I belong to you, princess. Use me however you want. I’m yours. You own me utterly.”
“Mine,” you purr, grinding against his fingers. He adjusts a little, the small change sends heat rushing through your body, and you gasp, “Mine.”
Bucky is lavishing attention on your tits, sucking and nibbling little bruises over your chest and stomach. He plucks at the ends of the barbells in your nipples with his tongue, and tugs them lightly with his fingers until you squirm. You wind your fingers into his long hair, tugging on it while you moan, “Mine.” He growls possessively against your tit, and you hum happily.
“Fuck you’re being such a good girl for me,” Steve compliments you, as he kisses along your neck. “Do you want more?” You nod. He smiles sweetly at you, “What’ll it be, my beautiful girl? My fingers?” he dips his fingertips just inside your entrance. “My tongue?” he licks a long, slow stripe over the helix of your ear, “Or my cock?” he grinds his hips against yours, and you feel him throb, leaving a hot, sticky trail of precome against your bare skin.
“Stevie, please,” you whimper.
“I’m here, gorgeous,” he huffs a laugh against your cheek, “now tell me what you want me to do to you.”
“Tongue,” you whine, “want your tongue, please.”
“Shh, easy, princess. It’s all yours.”
He takes his time, kissing down your outer thigh, over your knee, and back up your inner thigh, so you’re already mewling for him by the time his tongue slides into your cunt.
He hums against your core, and you cry out for him. Bucky’s metal hand traces a chilly path down your torso, leaving goosebumps behind. He uses his index and ring fingers to spread your pussy open for Steve, and his middle finger to circle your clit with agonizing slowness.
They have you on the edge in short order. Your thighs squeeze Steve’s head, the peach fuzz on the sides of his fauxhawk chafing your sensitive skin.
Bucky breathes deeply, scenting the pheromones in the air and the sweet smell of your cunt, then murmurs against your lips, “You smell so fucking good, kitten. Know you need to come.” You nod desperately, and he grins, “Then come for him, like the good fucking girl you are.”
It’s a command that you have no choice but to obey when he praises you so sweetly. Your hand tangles in Steve’s silky golden fauxhawk as you come on his face with a gush. You keen as the waves of pleasure tug you under, washing through your body until you’re limp and pliant.
Steve slides up your body, his chin still slick and shiny with your juices. He gives you a grin before he leans in to let you taste yourself on his tongue. You get lost in his kiss, and he gets your attention by tapping your cheek with a fingertip.
“What do you want now, princess? Want Bucky to tongue fuck this pretty pussy? Wanna ride my face? Let us spoil you. What do you want? Anything. Just ask and it’s yours.”
Wanting nothing of extravagance, you answer honestly and with a sweet sigh, “Just fuck me, Stevie.”
He wraps an arm around your waist, and rolls so you’re straddling him. He steadies you with a strong hand on your hip, then lines up, and fills you with his cock. You slump against him, and he holds you in his big, tattooed arms as he plants his feet on the mattress and works his hips, fucking his dick into you slow and dirty.
You’re babbling nonsensical praise against his neck, then he shifts his hips, and the head of his cock is stroking over your g-spot with ruthless precision. You choke out a cry, and whine god, faster.
With a grunt he obliges you, using his grip on you to pull you downward to meet his thrusts, driving his length into you fast and hard. You dig your fingernails into his shoulders when you start to come, wailing his name when you squirt messily on his dick.
“Fuck, you feel so good, doll,” he gasps, “so wet, and tight. You soaked me. Made a mess for me. God fuck, you’re gonna make me come.” Your pussy flutters around him, and further erodes his restraint.
“Do it,” you beg, “come on, come for me. Fill me up, please. I need it, Stevie.”
He buries himself to the hilt, and grinds against you as his cock throbs and bucks inside you. The heat of his come fills you, spills out of you, splashing your thighs, and dripping down his balls.
You rest against his sweat-damp chest, and he strokes your back gently while you both catch your breath. Of course, he recovers his faculties much faster than you do, rolling to the side to place you back onto the mattress.
“You okay, princess?” You nod , and his fingers toy around in your slit. Sliding through his jizz, smearing it around, coating his digits with it, bringing the wet mess to his mouth so he can savor the taste of your cream mingling with his.
Bucky whines quietly from his spot next to you, lazily jacking his cock with a tattooed hand. Steve slides his messy fingers into Bucky’s mouth, humming happily as Bucky licks them clean.
Once he’s done, Bucky asks, “Where do you want me to fuck you, gorgeous?” He pushes two metal fingers into your cunt next to Steve’s with a filthy squelch, “So many holes to choose from, so where do you want me?”
You give a feathery little gasp when they start finger fucking you in tandem. “Fuck In my pussy. God, Buck. Just need you to fuck me.”
“Oh good. I was hoping I’d get to fill this pretty little hole up with come again.”
Bucky shoves Steve’s hand away from your entrance, so he can get comfortable between your thighs. He throws your legs around him, and watches as he teases the pierced head of his dick through your slit before he sheaths himself inside of you with one liquid roll of his hips.
“Fuck me, look how messy you are,” he groans, hooking his hands under your thighs to spread you wide so he can watch your pretty little pussy take his cock. You can feel Steve’s come dripping over your asshole before it plops onto the mattress below your hips. “You’re fucking beautiful, kitten. Filthy, and gorgeous, and absolutely fucking perfect.”
He holds himself still while he praises you, so he can savor the way the compliments make your pussy squeeze his straining cock.
Finally, with a curse, he curls his body over your so he can start fucking you. His forearms braced on either side of your head, while he plunges his length into you.
You whimper and grab his biceps, fingernails digging into colorful tattoos on one side, shiny metal plates shifting under your fingers on the other side. He gives a low growl, and it goes right to your cunt.
“Harder, Buck.”
He obliges you with punishing strokes, his hips smacking your ass loudly. “You too, kitten,” he grunts. He wants your nails in his skin, wants you to hurt him—make him bleed—so you move your hand off his metal arm, and up to his neck. You sink your fingers into the hair at the base of his scalp, and yank his head back. He’s practically purring when you trail your nails down his neck, carving hot tracks into the skin over his tattoos, then squeeze the meat of his shoulder just past the scar tissue surrounding the metal anchor plate for his mechanical arm. He curses quietly as you gradually increase the pressure until his skin parts under your nails.
“Jesus fuck, that’s it. Such a good fucking girl,” he groans deeply, and you can feel his cock pulse inside you.
You suck his lip into your mouth and roll it firmly between your teeth, then let it pop out, so you can murmur, “Mine.” Your pussy squeezes around him as if she’s staking her claim too.
“Yes, kitten. Fuck,” he whimpers. “Yours. All yours. ‘M all yours.”
Bucky shifts his hips, and your back bows off the mattress when he hits your sweet spot, and quickly makes you squirt all over his hips and thighs.
He grins at you with a huffed laugh. “See? You’re mine too. Mine to love. Mine to fuck. Mine to protect, Mine to own. Mine, mine, mine,” he growls greedily with every snap of his hips.
“Yours,” you agree with a moan as Steve’s hand slips between you and Bucky, so he can circle your clit with his fingertips.
“Prove it,” Steve coaxes. “Come for us.”
The force of your orgasm is stunning. The men overwhelm you, and stars spark in your vision when you come undone for them. It’s a good thing Bucky has you lying down, because your legs go weak with the force of it, endorphins racing through your body, as Steve and Bucky work you over like a song they know by heart. Because they do. You’re their song. Their masterpiece; every note, each verse, chorus, and crescendo—they’re able to coax it from you like it’s what they were born to do.
Your thighs are quivering in Bucky’s hands when the last of your ecstasy floods over his cock.
“You still with me, princess?” His smile is lazy and indulgent.
“‘M still here,” you slur.
“Good,” he grunts, yanking you in so your hips are tight against him, he clutches your thighs to his chest when he starts to come. Grinding himself into you so he can unload as deep inside of you as is anatomically possible. You can feel the heat of super soldier come leaking out of you, even as Steve’s fingers try to gather it up and push it back inside of you around Bucky’s twitching cock.
Bucky rolls off you, and flops heavily to the mattress, panting and sweating. He wipes at a little runnel of crimson, dripping over his shoulder from one of the fingernail divots you left there, and pops it into his mouth with a satisfied hum.
Steve is already between your legs again, dragging his tongue through your slit, cleaning up the mess Bucky made of you with an enthusiasm only Steve “Sloppy Seconds” Rogers can muster. His tongue feathers over your clit, and electricity jolts through you.
“Jesus, Steve,” you hiss, “watch it! Human recovery time needed here. Fuck.”
He doesn’t move from where he is, just quirks an eyebrow at you and redirects his tongue. His fingers slip into your pussy, and he starts fucking you with them gently, lapping at the come he teases out of you.
“Goddamnit, Rogers,” you groan, “can a bitch get a nap?”
“A bitch cannot,” he answers sassily.
“Come on, kitten,” Bucky smirks. Then, as if this is a negotiation, “Surely you can give us a few more? We should probably remind you who owns this pussy a couple more times. We might need to remind you who owns this mouth, and this ass too, just so you don’t forget.”
“You think there’s a single chance that I’d ever be able to forget who owns this ass?” you giggle.
He appears to mull it over, then shakes his shaggy head, replying with all the sincerity he can muster, “That’s not a chance I’m willing to take.”
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takalzuoom · 2 years
bestie i’m begging on my knees here… please give us more pirate AU, my childhood love of pirates is resurfacing rn and i’m just [SCREAMS]. here’s a question: is there anyone y/n actually trusts in this AU? also, i’m a bit confused about the timeline, did Ace leading them through that shortcut you mentioned lead to them getting kidnapped? does he feel BAD that they got kidnapped lmao? and does Riddle actually love y/n if he was so distraught? ARGH SO MANY QUESTIONS PLS FEED US!!
teheh 🙈
i’m smiling so wide you don’t even know
i’m so happy that a lot of people are liking my pirate au cause the amount of BRAINROT and scenarios i wanna write is just MASSIVE
and i hope you’re hungry- cause papa’s got some things to say 👴🏻
okay okay- yes. ace is a snake 🤥 he wanted to play hero, get a promotion, a smooch but didn’t understand that pirates, are… well… pirates. and if you’re not a pirate then their word doesn’t mean shit.
so here he is, hiding the fact that the reason why you were kidnapped, riddle went through an identity crisis, and that savanaclaw has leverage over the entire pomefiore kingdom- is because of him…
whoops 🤷🏻🤷🏻
though, i definitely think that riddle and reader were childhood lovers? like you innocently said you wanted to marry your ‘wery bestfwiend viddle’ and his mom fuckING RAN with that
and your dad saw no harm done as you would have a (future) navy admiral / childhood friend as a husband and the political relationship between heartslabyul and pomefiore would strengthen
but you definitely saw it as smthn you didn’t have a choice in. not knowing that this was a choice. that at anytime you could annul the marriage. yet no one made you aware of that fact.
not your dad, not riddle, and definitely not riddles mother (who insists you call her mom)
so when you get cold feet… you think nothing of ace wanting to talk while bringing you to a ‘short cut’… 😳
also- riddle’s mom is the current admiral, and is planning to pass down the title to her son as a ‘wedding gift’
no pressure 😸👍
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