#I just. I don’t trust the world with him I gotta know the vibe first!
you must pass my trials three before I will take anything you say about Fitz Vacker seriously
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Can we plz get hobie with a friend reader whose intuition is crazy strong? Like they at a concert or club and stuff and reader just taps hobbie on the arm and goes “we gotta go. Shits gonna go crazy soon” and not even 5 minutes after they leave cops have surrounded the place. Or she feels the “vibes” of a person and just goes “don’t trust that guy as far as I can throw him” and everyone like “Johnny? No he’s the nicest guy ever he never hurt a fly!” A week later Johnny does some bad shit. “Told you he was sus” just crazy intuition reader helping hobbie avoid trouble or getting out of sticky situations before it gets sticky.
(Hello! Sure I can! Enjoy!)
Hobie Brown x Intuitive!Reader
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He trusts you completely
You are his down bitch and he is willing to always put his life in your hands
He trusts you so much, and literally anything you could say
You have proved to him time and time again that you have intuition like crazy
And when shit goes down and you feel off, or you say run, Hobie and you are absolutely booking it
No questions fucking asked
"Something's off-"
Don't even finish babe, you're over his shoulder and you guys are outta there
At first he thought you were pulling pranks on him
Or that you had some sort of hidden spidey sense if you were a spider
Even if you did, he still thought you were pulling his arm
It had to take a few times, and even then he thought they were coincidences
But he finally believed you in the club incident
You guys were fine, everything was cool and he finished up a set, he was hanging out with you until you tapped his arm
You were like "Hey, Hobie. We gotta go. Cops are gonna pull up in like…five minutes."
Hobie was confused, but for some reason just thought to trust you and you guys left hand in hand
But he wanted to stay and watch from afar
And what the hell do you know, exactly five minutes later, cops pull up searching for two specific people
You guys were anarchists, and did your own stunts against governments and rebelled in your world, and obviously you guys had people after you two
So, Hobie couldn't help but laugh as you just saved both your asses
From then on he is always looking for you or at you in situations
Like, he's studying you and reading you to figure out if you think something is up
If something is, he's grabbing you and your guys' friends (like Pav, Miles or Gwen) and getting everyone out of there
Or sometimes he'll take your intuition and you guys will plan
He is sorta wary though at first hene it's about people or someone he knows
Is the one to say
"Don't worry, he's harmless!"
Until that mf is being dragged away or did some shit to the gang
You are able to read vibes very easily, and he is able to be in awe of that
When you guys meet new people, he'll be wary until you don't say anything, or you deem them not suspicious
Especially with Pavitr and Miles, you guys were pretty cool with them because for once, you didn't find bad vibes and you actually liked their vibes
You help keep him out of situations with people and anything
Please tell him "I told you so" when he doesn't believe you
You guys are always a duo planning something off your intuition
Especially when the whole thing with Miles went down
You told him that something was gonna happen, and he and you prepared to help Miles get out of there
Any situation you guys have, he trusts your judgment and you alwaye help him and your friends out of sticu situations
Plus, he brags about his partners skill
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Charlie: “This is the worst idea we’ve ever had.”
Vaggie: “Do we have a better one?”
Charlie: “Give up before I burn down half of Pentagram City??”
Vaggie: “That’s plan B, babe.”
Charlie: “It’s gonna be plan A for Already Happening at this rate!”
Vaggie: “Look, I don’t like it any more than you do-”
Angel Dust: “Said the bi lady to her lesbian lover.”
Charlie: “I’M NOT LOVING THIS! Why can’t I be the on who has to do the fake date thing!? At least I’ve dated guys before! Once!!!”
Vaggie: “Because-”
Alastor: “Ha ha HA… My dear, I’m afraid I DO prefer living, amusingly enough~”
Charlie: “Then keep the touching. To a MINIMUM.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie, the whole point is to trick people into thinking I’ve double crossed you so they’ll tell us about how they wanna double cross you. It’s not really going to work if the one selling you out is… you.”
Charlie: “But this is stupid- no one in their right mind is going to look at YOU and think ‘now THERE’S a woman who would date a MAN!’”
Angel Dust: “Biphobia~”
Husk: “Still fucking true.”
Vaggie: “Charlie c’mon- If you were a dude I’d date you.”
Charlie: “You’d figure out how to still be lesbian about it, trust me.”
Alastor: “Now there’s a thought! I COULD do my best impression of a lesbian, if that would help with the immersion?”
Vaggie: “What, like. Wear a pin?”
Charlie: “I do NOT need this situation to be in any way believable! The structural integrity of our HOTEL does NOT need me feeling this is even slightly more real.”
Alastor: “But our foes do require enough to be fooled by, I am afraid.”
Angel Dust: “Well that’s this plan out the window…”
Vaggie: “I can’t picture you as a lesbian.”
Angel Dust: “He’s not giving guy fucker vibes either, toots, bein’ fair.”
Husk: “It’s just fucker. In a platonic, shitty way.”
Alastor: “And you would know, hmmm~?”
Charlie: “Can’t we just dress me up as someone else?? Put me in a glamor, or-”
Vaggie: “No one is gonna hear you talk and not know who you are."
Charlie: "RRRGH."
Vaggie: "Which I love, by the way. Along with everything else.”
Charlie: “Well what if I just don’t talk! You- you could be into the silent, brooding types!”
Vaggie: “If I’d met you during the emo phase then yeah sure. But Alastor's the one who knows these assholes-”
Angel Dust: “WAIT go back- her WHAT phase!?”
Charlie: (SQUEAKS)
Vaggie: “Em… emoticon. Her. Emoji era.”
Angel Dust: “She was emo??” (at charlie) “YOU WERE EMO!?!? With the hair dye an’ the dead roses and shit????”
Charlie: “I was a TEEN! Kinda!! I was, barely through my first four decades of life-!”
Vaggie: “And dealing with a lot.”
Charlie: “-the whole ‘oh all of creation hates your home and you and everyone you love’ thing was starting to sink in, as well as all the, the murder and stuff happening just outside our house-”
Vaggie: “The hair dye made her happy so shut up.”
Angel Dust: “Oh we GOTTA get you back in your emo duds someday, Charlie Chip! This is GOLDEN!”
Alastor: “What, my dears, is an emo phase?”
Husk: “Angry at the world and making it the world’s problem by staying in your fucking room with the lights dim as fuck, turning it into a 3D model of all your psychological hang-ups and listening to tortured screams and shit.”
Alastor: “Ah. A lovely Saturday afternoon. I DO enjoy those.”
Everyone Else: “…..”
Alastor: “?”
Angel Dust: “Alright. So he’s maybe got some teen girl vibes goin’ on. That’s a start ain’t it?”
Vaggie: “….maybe we could say I lost my soul to him in a bet or something.”
Charlie: “Don’t even JOKE about that!!!!!”
Husk: “Fucking copycat.”
Angel Dust: “Copy what, Mr. kittens?”
Husk: (hisses)
Alastor: “Now now, Husk. Play NICE.”
Husk: “…you got it, boss.”
Alastor: (pats his head) "Very good."
Angel Dust: (CRINGING)
Charlie: "Alastor- could you um, maybe not??"
Alastor: "Hmm? Not what, my dear?"
Vaggie: "Oh you fucking KNOW what, pendejo." (glares) “Fuck the fake soul selling. I’d probably kill him if he talked to me like that.”
Alastor: “That MIGHT put a damper on our budding relationship, ha ha!”
Vaggie: “Touch me and you WILL die.”
Alastor: “Oh ho! A long distance romance I see!”
Vaggie: “That’s not convincing anyone either. You hold still, I’ll, ugh.” (grimace) “Touch your arm or something.”
Husk: “Eugh.”
Angel Dust: “Basic house rules.” (shrug) “Maybe it’ll work?”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “I can’t. I can’t do this.”
Vaggie: “Charlie it’s just for one evening-”
Charlie: “No. Just, just let all of hell plot against me! It’s fine.”
Vaggie: “Babe that is so not fine.”
Charlie: “It’s fine!!!”
Husk: “Carpet’s on fucking fire.”
Charlie: “Shit. Alastor- I need you to step away from Vaggie before I burn the hotel to the ground, starting with you.”
Vaggie: “Hot.”
Angel Dust: “Siiiiimp...”
Husk: (smirk)
Alastor: “I suppose disguising me as a FLAMING lesbian would be a BIT much.” (steps away) "Better?"
Charlie: (hugging vaggie) “Further please, Alastor. Further. A, a little more? Mm- no, further than that…”
(many steps later)
Charlie: “Juuuust a few more steps…”
Charlie: “Okay! I think I can finally be comfortable with this!!!”
Vaggie: “He can’t hear you, sweetie. He's half way across the hotel.”
Charlie: “Oh.”
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temper-temper · 1 year
It’s Me Birthday
I was going to draw a cute lil picture but due to a lil bit of art burnout I wasn’t able to- so instead I’m gonna write a bit of an update of my life by looking back at the past year since my last birthday.
Last year at this time I was working a job that made me miserable and wondering what I was doing with my life. It was a few months after meeting Flash, Flux, and Guru (Dawn and Doe too!) and I had just gotten back into military history- something I felt for a long time was wrong and bad for me to be into. I ended up quitting that job and starting a job that is my favorite to this day (though sadly I moved and couldn’t keep the job) and getting closer to a lot of people I’ve met through this community.
The people I’ve met here- like Silver, Doe, Daw, Flash, Ally, Flux, Guru, Summer, Aw0, Captain Molasses, Saryn ( and Fly Guy through him), Sugar, TechBro, Dainty, Paint, Dark, and so so many more- helped me so much in being comfortable and confident in who I am. They have been a constant supportive force in my life since I’ve opened myself up to them here and helped me through one of the hardest transitioning periods in my life.
In this time I’ve moved states, starting a new job, started a new Church, started a new relationship, and started being unapologetically me and I have my amazing friends to thank for helping me get to this point!
I also need to sing raises to God because where I was just s year ago was a place that looking back on it I really wasn’t happy- I didn’t know it myself but He did. I was around people who put me down (mostly those old jobs) and made me feel I wasn’t good enough and an idiot and now I’m around people who love and value me! Only God could of so perfectly brought me from where I was to where I am now.
I gotta give special thanks to a few key players in helping me out over these last few months and if you aren’t in the list don’t think that doesn’t mean I don’t value you! I think I means we need to chat more! Seriously, feel free to dm me! :3
Doe: Honey- thank you. You were the first I came to when I realized what I did and you were so patient with me, you gave me a distraction and an ear to listen while I was figuring life out. You never said “oh do this” or “do that” just listened and held me to my decision. You even gave me the kick to tell Guru how I felt!
Flux: You stayed up with me in late night calls- helping me process everything when my world was falling a part. You helped me understand my feelings and realize that feeling my feelings was okay. You’ve been the big brother I always wanted and it was so nice to bound with you while we courted out S/Os. I’m grateful for you being there when I was so scared.
Ally: You ALSO helped me understand my feelings and understand that it’s okay to feel my feelings. You sat with me while I toiled with anger and sadness; and you vented back to me your own. You have been steadfast in your support and love for me and I’m grateful to have a friend like that- you also have been nothing but supportive of me and Guru and always know what to say when I need it. Yeah misses “you are cute,” I see you
Flash: Fella you started it all! You brought me to these friendships. Your a quite strong wall of support for us and I just hope I can be one back to you. You remind me repeatedly “is this under God?” And it’s great to have a friend like that. Your a great artist and I’m glad to have you as a friend- we gotta do more with Fell and Celeste!
SilverWing: Honey get OVER HERE! You’ve been so supportive and kind to me in your feral way and I love it. It’s so nice having someone in my life who wants to pop off about the interests I thought for YEARS I wasn’t allowed to have. We don’t talk as much as I do some others on this list but we don’t have to either. Just vibes all the time 😎
Dawn: We don’t talk that much but I can always trust you. No doubt you are my friend and that being around you is always a blast. Your art is amazing and I do hope we can grow closer- but we really don’t need to, it’s just vibes all the time and I’m grateful for you.
Dainty: Girly we may not be extremely close or whatever but ASSDSDSD YOU ASADSF!! Always supportive and kind to me, always saying nice stuff about me!! You are really awesome thanks for bring my friend!
Dark: Dark, you know well by now I call you my dad. You have been in my life since I was 16 and have supported me though so much- you watched me grow up and grow into my own and I do hope I made you proud. When you saw all that stuff happening with me you stepped up to help me in your amazing Dark way and I’m so grateful for it and you. I just wish I knew how to return the favor. Please don’t undervalue yourself of your art- you are a huge inspiration to me and I don’t want you to leave my life. I trust you.
Guru: Well honey it’s your turn now. I’ve been writing this for the 30 min.
You have had such a healthy and happy impact on my life. You support me and love me just the way I am! You are an amazing and godly man that I can say wholeheartedly I love. You were part of why I got back into the military and you’ve been so crazy supportive in that time I really needed it. I’m so glad we grew closer and you ended up catching feelings for me like I did you. Having a great Christian man by my side is nothing short of amazing and the fact that on top of it all you are handsome, outgoing, well rounded, bubbly/friendly, understanding, and patients. You are the whole package as they say.
I love you hun and don’t you forget it
but honestly I love everyone I mentioned- thank you guys (and so many more) for being in my life ❤️
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arliedraws · 6 months
Rewatching the PoA movie as I do chores, and I gotta pause while I’m thinking about this.
People who know me even slightly understand that this is my least favorite HP movie. In my opinion, it totally misses the point of the book and tries to simply hit plot points without understand what ties them all together.
If this is YOUR movie and you LOVE IT, this post is NOT for you! Save yourself some grief and don’t click the ‘read more’ below.
Here’s what the film does right:
- Wise/playful Sirius. We get a wink and nice touchy moment with Harry, and I see a glimpse of the Sirius I love here. This is good! The quiet moments with Gary Oldman is Sirius are VERY good. As time goes on, I am much more confident that Oldman would’ve made a very good Sirius given the opportunity. That intimate scene with Harry and Sirius at the end is a good cinematic interpretation of the internal longing Harry expresses to the reader.
Okay, that’s it. That’s all I like.
Nitpicky bits:
- The editing is just. Weird. We see ONE dinner scene with Marge and it seems like Harry just blows up one night (or blows her up lol) as if he’s just got a short fuse. Harry is a quiet person. He watches, he listens, he puts up with shit until he breaks. This scene needed to be longer, it needed to have more tension. We needed to understand the deal between Uncle Vernon and Harry + signing the permission form for Hogsmeade. One way this could have been shot with Harry at the table with everyone and slooooooow down the conversation. Build the tension. Close-ups, shots of Harry trying to pretend he doesn’t hear her. The book scene is very tense because Harry is quiet as they are talking about him as if he’s not there. THEN, he quietly speaks, drawing their attention.
- Don’t get me started on the Firebolt scene.
- Sirius saying when Remus is transforming “OH NO HE DIDN’T TAKE HIS POTION” as if Remus regularly took Wolfsbane back in the day? And then Sirius pleading with Remus not to transform??? Like Sirius, I think you know werewolves don’t work like that.
- I hate the werewolf design. It doesn’t HAVE to look like the wolf in canon (which is nearly indistinguishable from a regular wolf), but damn, it just didn’t do it for me.
- When Harry sees Peter on the Map??? Dude that was so dumb.
- The scene with the animal noises? Why? I don’t care about the other boys in Gryffindor. Show me why the trio are close other than out of loyalty (something that the books honestly miss out on)
- Remus being so upfront with Harry that he knew his parents and then focussing on LILY??? And also, part of what we learn over time in the book is that Remus knew James but refuses to indulge Harry. He keeps all of that secret—the mystery of Remus is completely wasted in this movie. I would have personally played this up in the film. Build him up as the “cool” professor who holds back emotionally. The payoff when he shows up at the end at the Shrieking Shack would be like, “Oh shit! I knew there was something off about him!” when it seems like he’s helping Sirius. Then, he would have to earn back the audience’s trust just like he does with the trio.
- The Aesthetic: this movie relies on aesthetic so much more than “what makes sense narratively.” There is so much winking at the audience by the filmmakers it drives me bonkers. Anytime something weird happens, they’re like, “Haha this weird thing is NORMAL in the wizarding world! Look at how weird it is! But for them! It’s normal!” Like jfc we get it. I know the first two movies are like, “look at how beautiful magic and cool is” but GOD. This is the film where we need magic to be “normalized.” We get it. We’re three films in. This is a magical world. These cheesy, winking-at-the-camera moments aren’t even like…cute or fun. They’re boring and uncreative. “Oh, how about a maid opens a door and a monster screams at her and she’s bland about it.” Like. Is it supposed to be funny? Because…it’s boring.
When you’re focused on Vibes rather than Character, everyone turns into a cheap, bland caricature. The filmmakers do NOT understand who the characters are. Even in Sorcerer’s Stone, Ron is the comic relief but we understand that he is fiercely loyal. In PoA, he is pure comic relief. They don’t even understand Harry. Both his and Ron’s lines are given to Hermione in the Shack scene which is like…why????
But this is the problem. At the heart of every scene, it was as if the filmmakers didn’t understand why the scene was there. In the film, Harry is an angsty teenager and things happen TO him. Oh sure, they want to show that Harry feels something but…we don’t really, as an audience, FEEL it. They TRY to force that emotional tension by rushing events along and then showing Harry crying sometimes and yelling his feelings. yawn, honestly.
- There is SO MUCH SHOUTING in this film. Harry screams about killing Sirius when he hears the Minister/McGonagall/Rosmerta talking about the betrayal. This was so…poorly done. This boy needs to close himself off from his friends and stew in his hatred, not scream about it. We need to be angry with him, not feel sad for him. We need to want to kill Sirius too.
Look, it would’ve been a boring movie scene if they’d done it like the book. This is not an adaptation-friendly book, and I’ll be the first to admit it. BUT. What they could have done was this: use flashbacks and montages. They do it in Sorcerer’s Stone when Hagrid explains how the Potters died and it’s effective—you see Lily panicking, dying, and then you see cute little Harry with a wand in his face. That’s emotional!
This scene in The Three Broomsticks should have been a flashback with voiceover from Fudge/McGonagall/Rosmerta/Hagrid. It should have shown us Sirius and James being best friends at Hogwarts. With them, we could see Peter and Remus (who we wouldn’t know was Lupin). Then, we should have seen Hagrid arguing with Sirius about who gets Harry (the little devil in me wants to hear Sirius’s voice break, but also, we should feel like Sirius is going to harm the baby Harry). Thennnnnnn we should have seen what the Muggle witnesses saw — Peter crying that Sirius betrayed Lily and James, a misleading explosion, and then Sirius laughing. Thennnnn a close-up of Peter’s finger. Back to present.
Why is this effective and why would it build tension? As the audience, we need to be presented with proof that Sirius is a bad guy. We need to understand why this guy’s gotta be caught!
Also, show us how scary Sirius is by reeeaaaallly playing it up with a scene with the Minister in Azkaban—quiet, sinister Sirius please. Again, give us the tension! (Sirius acting all crazy in the wanted posters instead of the book’s slow blinking, empty-eyed prisoner totally misses the mark for me.) Then, show us him sleeping and talking in his sleep.
This would have been effective becaaaaaaause you could have brought back this flashback in the Shrieking Shack scene.
Which brings me to: The Shrieking Shack scene.
The most disappointing part of the film, in my opinion.
This is supposed to be it—the built-up tension (which never actually happens) finally explodes here. But the movie holds no tension so this scene is reduced to a lot of yelling in the movie. And of course Hermione taking everyone’s lines for some reason.
As as audience, we can’t just be scared. We should be angry. Sirius needs to be quiet, softer. He’s lured Harry away from safety by kidnapping his friend. He needs to be grinning, taunting Harry (I mean, he’s not, but it sounds like it). We need to feel like Sirius is just fucking AWFUL. Sirius MUST compare Harry and Ron to James and himself. Stretch this out like a rubber band until it snaps—until Harry snaps. GOD THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A JUICY SCENE.
The explanation should have been all voiceover—Remus explaining what happened over shots of the Marauders’ time at Hogwarts. Otherwise, it’s weird that we don’t have an explanation of the Marauders…at all??
When Sirius explains what really happened November 1st, we would see shots that the original flashback didn’t show (Peter looking miffed/jealous/“suspicious” behind everyone’s backs, Peter becoming Secret Keeper, a shady glimpse Peter kneeling before a faceless Voldemort or some shit, and then finally—the missing shots from the explosion in the flashback from earlier in the film.) Then, let’s see Sirius wasting away in Azkaban, growing older and older. Give us the EMOTIONAL WEIGHT. Then, Sirius’s voice breaks and we cut back to the present. We see the trio fighting with their own interpretations with close-ups.
(I also wanna see Sirius seeing the photograph of Pettigrew when he’s explaining how he knew Peter was alive.)
Also, also. Peter needs to be the Gollum of this film. Gives us watery eyes, precious. There has to be a reason he isn’t dead, and it’s because he’s so pathetic, no one can kill him. As an audience, we need to be like, “GOD, he is SO PATHETIC and defenseless!” The idea of killing Peter should be like killing a really ugly puppy. Like…ughhhh, I just can’t do it! Show us why Harry saves him. We need to see gross begging, manipulative sobbing, and completely emotionless Sirius and Remus, watching and getting ready to kill him.
Why does the film miss the mark? Because it’s about friendship, and the filmmakers had no idea.
The subplot of the book is seemingly Hermione and Ron being on the outs because of Crookshanks and Scabbers, but like Peter does with the Marauders during the war, Scabbers drives a wedge between the trio. He seems so innocent and we think CROOKSHANKS is the problem, but it’s the quiet spy. (Sure, Hermione was a dick about her cat and if Scabbers hadn’t been Peter, it would’ve been different—I get that. Not excusing Hermione. But stick with me). Up until now, the trio’s friendship hasn’t been tested by personal problems, and now, we see how Harry and Ron respond to a challenging situation with a friend.
Which. I don’t think that’s the subplot. I think this is the crux of this book.
Harry and Ron fail very hard at friendship in this story. They fail Hermione who, while extremely flawed and misguided, has good intentions. Harry treats her with indifference and then ignores her; Ron treats her with outright antagonism. They fail Hagrid miserably when it comes to Buckbeak, and we find out that Hermione has been doing her best to help Hagrid despite being rejected by Harry and Ron. And this is important to the overall situation with Sirius Black because before we find out the truth, we think Sirius was a bad friend.
Okay, let me talk about the Firebolt now because the Firebolt was never really about Sirius.
The Firebolt plot was so crucial to the story that it’s outrageous they cut this out of the movie. (But the filmmakers had no idea PoA was about friendship so I guess whatever.) When Harry loses his Nimbus to the Whomping Willow, he expresses that it “felt like he had lost a friend” so when he gets a new broom that he really wants, he’s willing to sacrifice his true, human friend for it. He rejects Hermione because she told on him to McGonagall to keep him safe—not her best move but honestly, if Sirius had really wanted to kill Harry, it would have been very easy for him.
When you are making an adaptation of a book, you must ask essential questions. What is the POINT of this film? What is the lesson we are showing? Every part of that film should be building up to demonstrate that point. Trying to hit every plot point without knowing why is so lazy. “I want to make a Harry Potter film—but the tone has changed. It’s DARK now. You gotta know—he’s an ANGSTY TEEN!” Yeah, that does nothing for me, dude.
Harry’s willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends in the Shack is supposed to show that he is capable of growth and that friendship/love should come before all else. You need to be able to forgive (Snape subplot/Hermione subplot), and you should be willing to set aside petty quarrels/greed for your friends (Firebolt subplot/Peter subplot). Sure, the plot is that “a murderer breaks out of prison and wants to kill Harry Potter” but it’s not what the film is ABOUT.
If Sorcerer’s Stone is about making friends and building a friendship, Prisoner of Azkaban asks the question, “What happens when the honeymoon is over? What happens when my friends reveal glaring flaws? What happens when those flaws affect ME?”
Anyway, I really tried to give this movie another chance (I’ve seen it about 6-7 times since it came out), and it STILL does not do it for me. I’ve come around to Gary Oldman as Sirius (but not when he’s yelling or hysterical—does he EVER yell in the books?), but that’s it.
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garthofshayeris · 6 months
How would you feel if Arthur and Mera had different parenting styles for Garth?
Let’s say Mera ironically understands the severity of Garth situation of being labeled as a Curse/abomination more than Arthur. So Mera tries to teach him to be self reliant, to not trust anyone/always assume people don’t have good intentions for you, etc. also since she was an assassin maybe it’d be interesting if she was the one who teaches him how to fight and use hydrokenisis. She could also be very blunt but at the same worrying about him a lot and being a helicopter parent.
While Arthur is the complete opposite where he believes if Garth continues being noble and trying to appeal to the people of Atlantis by being a hero and putting himself out there i.e Atlantean noble events and socializing with people, etc, more people will to learn to accept him and he tries to give him a if you want respect you gotta earn it type of mentality.
I feel like there would be some good drama and conflict that way. With both ways having positives and negatives that makes Garth more conflicted on the type of man he wants to be.
What do you think would be an interesting way for Mera and Arthur to raise Garth?
I think if you flip it and reverse it, that is pretty much how Garth was “raised” by Arthur and Mera.
I think it’s significant that Arthur teaches Garth to fight because Garth’s identify is Aqualad first, person second for a lot of his life. Arthur is basically a laid back bachelor when he finds an already pretty self-reliant kid in the middle of the ocean, so fighting together and just vibing is how they bond. It’s also the reason that Arthur acts more like a brother/friend than a father, although Garth certainly is projecting the desire for parents onto him.
My preferred Arthur backstory is the fully Atlantean one, and that Arthur has a chip on his shoulder regarding Atlantis. If anyone is going to be like “take care of yourself” it’s him.
Both Arthur and Mera understand being an outcast (it’s the common thread between all characters tbh) because Mera, in the canon where she knew Garth as a child, isn’t even from their dimension. She’s a princess from Dimension Aqua (aka Xebel, the retcon name) and is actually super isolated from her previous world. But she very much is a proper princess and Garth very much seems to think of her as a mother to him. It’s interesting because the Mera we know now in canon isn’t very similar to her older counterpart. The Mera that did live in the palace with Garth in silver/Bronze Age is actually very motherly and domestic, but not “feisty” like current Mera is. If anyone is going to say “let’s be polite and maybe they’ll like you more,” it’s Mera.
I also prefer hard water being a trait Garth doesn’t have. It’s weird that they keep giving him that power, I think it takes away from Mera who only had it because she wasn’t even from Earth. TT cartoon owes me damages from their portrayal of Garth with hard water powers.
I don’t think either of them saw Garth as their son. I think he occupied the “kid brother” role for both of them, and when Mera had her own baby he was shifted into uncle/babysitter real quick. Garth very much considered them his parents (until Aquababy died, at least) and you can see his loyalty to Mera stick around even though the 90s/2000s.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Yellow time :D I’m watching Scar
Hi Scar!!!! I’m so hyped you guys
Heck yeah, don’t stress yourself out king!!
I’m so excited for this team, the energy’s already amazing
THATS where all the empires folks are??? Lmao, Scott left Jimmy’s birthday weekend early to like, do his job, smh
Rocket Spleef
Scott absolutely roasting Tubbo lol
I’m so proud of Jordan for not immediately falling out of the sky, aren’t you??
They’re all popping off!!
Scar 11th!!!
Jordan killing Scott 😂
“I was kinda hoping to drown, to be honest” scar????
Jordan and Scott bullying each other my beloved
Scar specifying that it was an actual medical emergency he missed practice for, not the nerve damage he acquired in his hand while operating a tortilla press
“Vote for what makes you happy” “ohhhhkay?” “I’m voting to go to Disneyland” them <33
Parkour Warrior
The vibes are incredible, I have never been this chill watching parkour
SCAR COMPLETION!!! He was so proud of himself :))
Scar training arc!!!!
Ayo 4th!!
Parkour Tag
Why does Jordan know the cardinal directions of the parkour tag spawns off the top of his head?? I really can’t talk but like… how????
They’re popping off!! 4/4 so far!!!
Fruit took Sneeg on a run
Scar just dropped on top of them 😂
Cub turning around and coming back when Scar tells him to even though they can’t hear each other is so!! Scar’s freaking incredible at nonverbal communication in minecraft, it doesn’t make sense but he is
When will my husband (buildmart) return from the war (unofficial hiatus)
Grid Runners
Endorsing drunkenness, this are my pg streamers :)) /j
Grid runners is so fun, thank you!! It’s so fast paced that people usually don’t take the time to appreciate it but it’s such a good game
They breezed through lamps!!!
Scar was so confused but Fruit and Jordan were more so 😂
Jordan figured out Uppies so quick, that’s so impressive actually
“Someone watched the life series and made this” real
Scaffolding is so unintuitive I swear, I’m sure there’s a logic to it but I have no idea what it is lmao
Scar gotta take more initiative and trust himself <333
“Green can’t be good at everything, man” but they can and they are :D
Jordan getting onto Scott for being too good at balancing 😂
I didn’t even notice the firecracker plush was still there!!
Scott gotta be careful getting that first coin crate lmao
“I never do straight things but ok” REAL
They’re speeding what???
Ah green swept ‘em :/
MCC out here trying to happen and internet around the world said no
SCAR TRIPLE ELIM!!!! And the greed!! As he should!!!
That fights against cyan was so fast lmao
“Am I supposed to pour something? I don’t think I have time for that” “Just grab the bottle” real and true
Survival Games
Barn strat real!!
This map is legendary fr
They’re getting pretty decent loot tho
Yikes they just got slammed, there was just no good way out of that area
Sands of Time
Sand daddy Scar my beloved
Torch offhand enforcer, as he should
“Where’s my Scott?” Excuse you sir that is our Scott
Scar is such a good sandkeeper
Them all running in to find Fruit <333
Scott getting onto Scar for double flicking the levers
Scott predicting the blue 6k coins
Them joking about how much better they were expected to perform with good spirits :))
Last MCC we had Purpled against purple and now we have Red against red lol
Can’t believe they let a whole team of Capitan Stan’s into MCC smh
“It’s so hot in my room” “It’s cause you’re in it, Scar” “Amen!!” Scott and Fruit my beloved
Ayo secret MCC today 👀
Jordan was one of the reasons Scar got into YouTube :((( /pos
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lowwqualityyblog · 1 year
I need to analyze the lyrics of the song I’m having an epiphany this is LITERALLY Dutch Van der linde THE SONG please you gotta understand me… under keep reading cuz I don’t wanna annoy everyone w this because it’s kind of long and I don’t wanna clog the tag up >_O
I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning, I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own
okay those lines are SO Dutch like…. Him in the first game, him sleeping alone “now” after everything???? Sweeping the streets he used to own? Does this make sense? He used to be everything now he’s nothing he’s lost it all
One minute, I held the key Next the walls were closed on me
REAL this so so real… like the way he became paranoid in chap6!!!! The walls were closing in on him both metaphorically in the disillusionment present in the gang as well as the law closing in on them and the age of cowboys in the Wild West ending
And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
THIS IS LITERALLY CHAPTER 6 DUTCH!!!! The castles is the gang!!! Arthur!!! The people he trusts!!!!! He begins to think his trust or whatever the word I’m looking for is standing on pillars of salt and sand??? Essentially saying they would betray him in the end???! FffffFUCK I’m having thoughts!!!!!!! He “discovered” it when it was really Micah singing in his ear about it!!!!
My missionaries in a foreign field
THIS IS SO THE GANG!!! The way everyone became disillusioned, the way everyone left, they left His field, they went to foreign fields outside the gang…. His missionaries are the gang, Arthur,,,, JOHNN!!!!!
Once you'd gone, there was never, never an honest word And that was when I ruled the world
LORDDDDDDDFD the way this applies to both Dutch in the first and second games,,, the first line relating to after hoseas death there was never an honest word since it was the beginning of his downfall,, or the big spiral rather!!! Or it could be referring to after Arthur died and in the first game??? (Honestly the first option is better and wiser imo) and also the fact it’s “when I ruled the world” the fact after Hosea died Micah could worm his way into Dutch’s head,, and that’s when Micah convinced Dutch he was ruling the world when in reality he was tearing the gang apart
It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn't believe what I'd become
OKAY HEAR ME OUT… the line about the wicked and wild wind is Micah, the doors being opened is like the darker side of Dutch, the nasty greedy monster esque side being “opened” by Micah? Like how he pried this version of Dutch once hidden away through a series of unfortunate events. AND THE LAST PART? It’s literally Arthur and the gang upon seeing what he turned into,,, or John in the first game meeting him again.. or in the epilogue of rdr2
Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate
Not much 2 say other than this can b interpreted as the people out to get Dutch… or maybe Arthur? Like him being a “revolutionary” going against Dutch, and in Dutch’s mind he wants his head on a silver plate? Like wanting him dead? Food 4 thought
Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh, who would ever want to be king?
OKAY HERE ME OUT… Dutch’s line in rdr1 about them “finding another monster” when he’s gone..? Food for thought once again.. it just had the same vibes to me but idk how to explain it
For some reason, I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world
it kind of reminds me of uhmmm the idea of rdr1 Dutch looking back at the events of the first game? Like him reflecting on what he’s done? Especially the Saint Peter line when it’s like he’s accepting that he’s a bad person and he’s too far gone? Food 4 thought once again
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Please tell me what you think of Rings of Power. I am deeply suspicious of it (haven’t seen it yet) and yours is the only opinion I trust
Okay, so, is it a greatly-written fantastic show that lives up to Tolkien’s books and Peter Jackson’s adaptations in terms of quality? No. Is it as shitty a hellfire that it deserves to rot in a dark damp cell as we previously thought it would be? Also no.
The writing sucks mostly and it comes across a little contrived where I think they’re going for “deep” and “insightful” in some cases, and they really have some weird ass storylines developing (they basically wrote Celeborn out with a “idk man he went to war and never came back anyway what you doing later tonight g” line) but I can almost understand that as they don’t have rights to a lot of the source material.
The dialogue is cheesy and feels like CBS-level writing sometimes, but honestly if you don’t take it too seriously a little cheese is good for the soul.
The characters themselves are actually pretty good. They didn’t just go for the classic “elf falls in love with mortal girl” trope that could otherwise be applied to a thousand terrible fanfictions, but rather “immortal elf shares deep mutual respect and affection for mortal woman and doesn’t enforce said emotions onto said mother and her son, but rather respects their boundaries and presents himself as an otherwise great partner and healthy step-father figure to this young soldier boy), and other relationships are also well done, such as Elrond and Durin.
Elrond himself in this adaptation is actually fantastic despite the short hair and is so genuinely hitting all the marks that he almost reminds me of book Elrond more than Hugo, but both are amazing in the roles for the different parts of Elrond’s life they’re depicting.
Hated Galadriel at first because she was your typical overly-done girlboss but she’s gotten some good development towards the end
Adar is a dilf and fuck everyone the man makes some political sense, he’s just the accidentally elected leader of his people and is tryna find a home for them, go off king but uh the volcano is a bit much
Nori is essentially Frodo in this timeline but she’s cool and I dig her vibe and every big story needs that Luke Skywalker boy from next door character to ground it so I really like the Harfoot story
Uhhh im running out of things to talk about
Oh yeah everything happening in Numenor is awesome, the set looks great and the characters are fantastic. BRB crying about Isildur knowing what happens to him but he’s so young and optimistic and full of life in this story, also just realised he’s totally gonna meet Elrond in this show because they become lava buds later
Idk if this is actually a helpful answer anymore I’m just ranting while I wait for my tea to cool
Halbrand is hot and I’m sincerely hoping he’s Sauron like everyone thinks he is
But look, at the end of the day, Amazon has got so much money they’re gonna keep making this thing. They’re already filming season 2.
The season finale is this week and there’s only 8 episodes a season all together. It’s accessible (from a piracy point of view) and a nice little break every Friday you can treat yourself to
The world already sucks so if you wanna escape into fresh scenes of Middle-earth just tune in every Friday, fuck what everyone thinks man you just gotta do you, if you wanna watch it, give it a go, it’s not great but it’s not terrible either
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jicklet · 2 years
Rewatching The Hunger Games movie for the first time since I saw it in theaters! Let’s go.
Literally the only thing I remembered about this movie was that the beginning was a different style than the rest, but I forgot it was because of enough shaky cam to make me motion sick. I am so glad that did not continue through the whole thing.
The world starting to gain color after they left the district did give it a sort of “Dorothy stepping into Oz” feeling, I can dig that
It’s really making it clear just how much of the book takes place in Katniss’s head, now that we aren’t hearing her thoughts.
like I think JLaw is actually doing a decent Katniss, it’s just that Katniss is such an internal person who gives off awkward hostile energy inversely proportional to how many people are around, which doesn’t make for the best film protagonist 
speaking of energy, intrigued by whatever strange vibe Haymitch and Effie got going on. like uhh are they fucking or what
I am sad at the lack of Madge, because her part of the story is a big chunk of the theme of generations, but I grudgingly recognize this is the sort of thing that gets lost in a film adaption
and I do like the pin being a tie back to Prim, and then an early piece of rebellion from Cinna with it being not officially approved but snuck onto her outfit.
Aha. Things really picked up on the no-katniss-narration-to-guide-things front when it got into the arena, and they’re able to explain what’s going on by cutting back and forth between the gamemakers room and Haymitch doing sponsor things. Both of which are honestly fun to see.
It’s done to varied success here, but I do love seeing filmmaking attempts to show messed up emotional/mind states, and they clearly had fun trying different ways of doing that during the bloodbath and the tracker jacker sequences
something about the relationship between Seneca Crane and Snow is darkly hilarious:
“Everyone likes an underdog! :D ” “I don’t.” “ :( ”
Already showing 11 rebelling in reaction to Rue’s death is...a choice.
But then if we’re going to be showing the world outside the arena, it does follow that there’s gotta be something to show just how transgressive what Katniss did was.  
Okay most of the changes that are actually bothering me are coming in at the ending
I’m guessing they fixed Peeta’s leg so completely bc they didn’t know how to make the chase exciting if he’s limping along, but. eghhh
(Peeta at the end of the book is like, he’s coming out of this with a boatload of trauma and he even lost a leg to this but at least he’s got Katniss! oh wait she maybe didn’t love him after all. this feels so less weighty)
Aw man I am cranky about the generic mutts. The horror of the tribute-mutts was SO evocative and really drives home the point that all of them are the Capital’s to play with (Did they really use their eyes? probably not but you don’t doubt it’s possible)
Instead they gave the moment to Cato with his little hope lost speech as a shortcut, which. hnn...fiiiiine.
nitpick but Katniss saying ‘trust me’ as she gave Peeta the berries bothered me bc it inferred Katniss knew how it would work out, when the irony is she started this rebellion on complete accident
😢 ok the little detail of Peeta reaching out to touch Katniss’s braid as his (as far as he knows) last act undid me. PEETA. ;-;
Hnn skipping over all the post-game recovery really undercuts the horrors of it all. 
Seneca Crane in the room with the nightlock is SO good though.
god ceaser’s teeth are so unsettling.
does. does peeta not get a crown lmao poor guy
goodness that was a really quick ending!
Hmmmm okay whereas the end of the book is like, “I went through all of this but now it’s over (with strong hints that it’s not going to be that simple)”, the end of the movie is like “we are not even out of the arena before we realize that actually you're still fucked.” Like it is really focused on setting up the sequel and they almost forgot to give this film an actual ending.
You can’t stomp on the horror of the hunger games and how nobody wins it, even the “victor(s)”, that’s the whole point! bah.
I’ll say, 3/5. Can understand why they made changes they did, even as it frustrates me that they’re undercutting the message. [throws up my hands and reminds myself “it’s a movie, it’s hollywood, what’re you gonna do”] Overall, I enjoyed it for what it was. i still have a headache from crying over Rue, goodnight.
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irish-urn · 11 months
Dasey on Broadway (Mixer’s Commentary)
Look out y’all, this is long. I’m serious: I’m putting it under a cut because it is 2700 words long.
Proud of Your Boy — Derek (duh)
It’s sung to his missing mom; because I am kinda low-key fascinated by their relationship (and because I think @dustinswill nailed it when they wrote: “George loves him but he doesn’t like him”)
“So say I’m slow for my age, a late bloomer, okay I agree…” Derek is fully aware that people think he’s stupid; he’s charming but he’s stupid and slow (which is amazing when you consider he’s probably born in late November…)
“Say I’m a goldbrick, a goof-off, no good; But that couldn’t be all that I am.” — because Derek IS amazing and he KNOWS he’s amazing, just… not in the ways that his parents want him to be.
“I’ll do my best, what else can I do? Since I wasn’t born perfect like Dad or you” — and here’s the kicker, because his parents are SO FLAWED and SO WRONG, but they’re still somehow still better than he is. Isn’t that the worst? He can’t even measure up to the most flawed people he’s ever met.
Everything Else — Casey (duh)
It’s honestly more the vibe than any particular lines, but it’s about Casey’s ache to get out, to succeed, to put on a performance so people don’t see her anxiety and pressures.
“You play ‘till it’s perfect, you play ‘till you ache; you play ‘till the strings or your fingernails break.” — You try and you try and you try and you try until you actually have nothing else to give.
I Never Planned On You / Don’t Come A’Knocking On My Door — Derek
LOOK. Derek didn’t want to be absolutely fascinated by Casey, okay? He still doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but he knows about attraction and curiosity; and he took one look at this girl with the retainer and the private schoolgirl outfit, and was hooked; which doesn’t make any sense!!! Because girls are fun, but nothing like this?!?!
“You are the most impossible boy — Shhh! — ever!” is the most Dasey-like interaction.
What is This Feeling? — DUET TIME
I don’t think I need to explain this. Because it’s SO THEM in early season 1. Especially when the way they’re feeling could easily be taken as extreme sexual tension. XD
“There’s a strange exhilaration in such total detestation: it’s so pure and so strong! Though I do admit it came on fast, still I do believe that it can last; And I will be loathing, loathing you my whole life long!”
Ladies’ Choice —Derek!!!
HE’S GOD’S GIFT TO THE WORLD, OKAY???? Which is fun, because that first song is about how he doesn’t think he measures up, but Derek is a mess of paradoxes and I love him so.
(He’s also a romantic, as we can see by the fact that the song ends with him wanting a relationship and love and family.)
Breathe — Casey
“It’s me: the biggest disappointment you know.” Basically the idea that Casey has all these expectations placed upon her and she doesn’t know if she can measure up to them; she’s gotta be enough for both parents and her grandmother, and now this whole other family and this new school; and I kinda pinpoint around the whole grade grubbing episode if we’re being honest, but it does linger for years and years.
Anything You Can Do — DUET TIME
I really don’t think I need to explain this either, except for how I LOVE that at the end, the guy yields to her talents, the same way Derek is always admitting defeat when Casey does beat him. It’s a game, alright?
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into — Casey
SO! This song is all about how the guy is SURE the girl is talking about having a crush on him, and then she says it’s this other guy. A couple of things about this song is:
(1) there is quite an argument that could be made about how Casey gets clumsy when she’s around DEREK and not Sam; and
(2) although Casey has no reason to trust Derek at this point or even confess anything about anything to him, “I guess a part of me wants to; I guess a part of me likes to talk to you; sit with you; hang with you…” Which… yeah! For all that Casey usually wants to strangle Derek, a part of her still wants to be his friend.
Dancing Through Life — Derek
NOT ONLY is this 15/16-year-old Derek’s philosophy on life — “No need to tough it when you can sluff it off as I do; Those who don’t try, never look foolish.” — but also the start of his and Kendra’s relationship, i.e.: “You’re perfect / You’re perfect / So we’re perfect together.” Because I do sincerely think that a good chunk of their relationship was based on popularity as opposed to genuine feelings.
When He Sees Me — Casey
SO! There’s a part of Casey that feels this way about dating: what if when he sees me, he doesn’t like me? “What if I give myself away only to get it given back?” Should I change a part of me to be more like what he would like? “I’m not defensive! I’m only being cautious.”
And what if when he does see me, the real me, he DOES like me? Damn, that’s even scarier… “Or even worse, he could be very nice, have lovely eyes, and make me laugh… Come out of hiding… What do I do with that?”
This, I think is about Scott AND Max, but mostly Max (and maybe even a bit of Derek): “If when he holds me, my heart is set in motion; I’m not prepared for that, I’m scared of breaking open.”
I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face — Derek
Something There — DUET TIME (but mostly Casey)
POOR DEREK. A combination of him actually realizing he has FEELINGS; starts off with Scott — “Damn, damn, damn, damn! I’ve grown accustomed to her face.” — and goes around to Max: “What a heartless, wicked, brainless thing to do. But she’ll regret it.” — It’s full of jealousy and hating what he’s feeling and trying to shake it off, because it can’t mean much, it must just be a small thing, BUT “I’m so used to hear her say, ‘Good morning’ every day.” But it’s okay, because “she’s a woman, and so easy to forget, rather like a habit one can always break— and yet.”
Casey realizing there’s something more to Derek, around the time he calls Dennis back for her and stands up at Smelly Nelly’s for her…
“There’s something sweet and almost kind; but he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined…”
“New… and a bit alarming; who’d have ever thought that this could be? True, that he’s no Prince Charming; but there’s something in him that I simply didn’t see…”
ALSO Derek: “No, it can’t be. I’ll just ignore… But then she’s never looked at me that way before.”
Fight for Me — Derek (XD)
“Could you face the crowd? Could you be seen with me and still act proud?”
“But I would fight for you if you would fight for me.” BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT THEY DO!!! THEY STAND UP FOR EACH OTHER!! THEY FIGHT FOR ONE ANOTHER!!
Also, also: “You can set my broken bones; and I know CPR.” Hey Case? Wanna make out?
ALSO ALSO: “Wow. You can punch real good. You lasted longer than I thought you would.” — CASEY PACKS A PUNCH!!! AND THESE FEELINGS HAVE LASTED A LOT LONGER THAN HE THOUGHT THEY WOULD!!!
Suddenly Seymour — DUET TIME
Post Truman’s Last Chance. Derek taking care of Casey.
“I’d meet a man and I’d follow him blindly.” AND “Seymour’s my friend.”
…which is the end of canon LWD and into…
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) — Casey
A combination of “same difference” and what I imagine Casey would be going through.
“If there’s a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I’ve already won that.”
“No chance, no way, I won’t say it, no no.”
I Don’t Know How to Love Him — Casey
So THEN we get into Queen’s, and Casey is developing feelings and having a harder time denying them.
“He’s just a man.” Like: what is so special about Derek???? He’s just some guy???? He’s not actually that impressive; and Casey has had boyfriends, alright; they’re not that amazing.
But: “He scares me so.”
“If he said he loved me, I’d be lost, I’d be frightened.” — because Casey REMEMBERS ‘same difference’, and Derek and her are finally circling around this thing, but she’s not ready, she’s terrified.
If I Loved You — DUET TIME
And now both of them are circling around these feelings (I’m thinking second year of Queen’s?), and both are aware that the other has feelings but it’s scary and they’re kind of in denial and they’re not ready to admit it, but if they say it then it’s real, and...
Rewrite the Stars — DUET TIME
SO DEREK MAKES A MOVE. “It’s up to you and it’s up to me; no one can say what we get to be.”
…And Casey says no: “You know I want you; it’s not a secret I try to hide. But I can’t have you; we’re bound to break and my hands are tied.”
Satisfied — Casey
WHICH LEADS US TO THIS, where both Derek and Casey try to date other people for the rest of the time they’re at Queen’s. I imagine Casey sets him up with someone from the Dance Team or some charity she’s involved with; and she goes on dates with various guys. But neither are really happy because they can’t really give each other up — “At least I keep his eyes in my life.” — and it’s really not fair to the other parties, no matter how hard they try. Because: “He will never be satisfied; I will never be satisfied.”
You Must Love Me — Casey
SO: after a couple of years of this, I’m imaging Derek graduates and is living in Toronto: he bartends, he helps out his contacts with odd jobs, and he’s trying to get into the film industry with limited success (but he hasn’t given up yet); and Casey gets into a couple of different law schools. She does a semester in Montreal, but ends up transferring to Toronto and tracking down Derek because she misses him and, well…
“Where do we go from here? This isn’t where we intended to be.”
“Why are you at my side? How can I be of any use to you now? Give me a chance and I’ll let you see how nothing has changed.”
And finally… “You must love me.” Now that I’m finally admitting you, you must still love me.
First Date / Last Night — DUET TIME
SO THEY GO ON A DATE and it starts off awkward and bad because Casey is hopeful and scared and Derek is kinda still hurt and uncertain, because she said no before and what makes it different now? “Why the hell are you still here?”
And they can’t match up and it’s not great; “Don’t expect too much, just walk.”
But then, at the end, Casey makes a joke and he laughs and responds, and she’s laughing too; and they knock shoulders or kick at an ankle, and suddenly everything starts flowing…
Bad Idea — DUET TIME
AND THEN THE MORNING AFTER. Because it’s one thing to think it MIGHT be good, and another thing altogether to realize it IS good. And shit, this is a really bad idea, because of so many reasons; but damn Derek is good with his hands, and Casey is hot and a really good kisser, but “Let’s face it, making mistakes like this will make worse what was already pretty bad.” Because life is hard and Derek is struggling to get into film and Casey is drowning in law school, and it was already complicated and now there’s this; BUT IT'S SO GOOD??? and “no reason to throw it away when there’s love to be had.”
And finally, surrendering, “Hold me tight as I tell myself that you might make sense and make good what has been just so bad…”
Waterloo — DUET TIME
So they’re not really labeling it for a while until, well, one day they do. It’s real, it’s big, and it’s inevitable, “knowing my fate is to be with you.”
As Long As You’re Mine — DUET TIME
I dunno if this needs an explanation; like, “My wildest dreamings could not foresee lying beside you with you wanting me;” and “Say there’s no future for us as a pair; and though, I may know I don’t care.”
We Kiss in a Shadow — DUET TIME
They sneak around for quite a while. I always imagined that if they got together as older adults, like 24+, they would actually hide the relationship LONGER than if they were in university because it would be much easier TO hide it. In university, they have to go back to London for long periods of time: breaks and summer semesters. But as post-grads and living in their own city, their trips back would be a weekend here or there, and probably far more focused on spending time with Simon and Marti than anything else. So they have a secret relationship for a while, all the while wanting to come out…
“Alone in our secret, together we sigh, for one smiling day to be free.”
Take Me or Leave Me — DUET TIME
(last year, someone told me this was a Dasey song, and I haven’t gotten it out of my brain since)
So Derek asks if they can come out. “A tiger in a cage can never see the sun; this diva needs her stage.”
Casey says no, not yet: “I look before I leap; I love margins and discipline.”
So they fight, arguing (honestly, the list of Joanne’s flaws is the most Dasey thing ever), until finally:
“Guess I’m leaving; I’m gone.”
Seventeen — DUET TIME
…I don’t think it takes very long for Casey to come back and apologize. A few days? A week maximum? And even though they’re not 17 anymore (more like 25…), the concept is still the same: Why does this have to be so dramatic? Can’t it be simple? “Don’t you want a life with me?”
“Yeah, we’re damaged / badly damaged / But your love’s too good to lose.”
“I’ll stay if I’m what you choose.” I’ll come out and fight by your side. Let’s do this.
Kristoff Lullaby — Derek
…This is Derek admitting he’s in love. It’s just… So lovely. “You’re what I know about love.”
I’m in Love with a Wonderful Guy — Casey
CASEY IS SO HAPPY??? “Love is a grand and a beautiful thing.” / “I’m as trite and as a gay as a daisy in May; a cliché coming true.”
Moving Too Fast — Derek
And then Derek gets some kind of grant for a film project he actually gets to direct and “I’m feeling panicked and rushed and hurried; I’m feeling outmaneuvered and outclassed. But I’m so happy I can’t get worried—” and yeah, a lot of things are happening: him and Casey are moving in together, they’re in love, Casey is happy; and now this grant and he’s so happy and it’s all very fast—
Something Wonderful — Casey
…And he does something stupid. I don’t know what; maybe he misses a date because of the film thing? But then he makes it up to her, and:
“This is a man you’ll forgive and forgive and help and protect as long as you live…”
It’s just. The most Dasey song and it HURTS to listen to.
If Ever I Would Leave You — Casey
Look, Casey sings this to Derek, I don’t make the rules. Maybe something happens; he doesn’t get the grant the next year, or Casey gets a job offering for another city; and she has to reassure him:
“No never could I leave you at all.”
The Best Thing That Ever Has Happened to Me — DUET TIME
AND THEN THEY’RE JUST HAPPY!!! I just love this song; they’re so happy and healthy and flirty and grown up…
“We might just be the best thing that has happened to us…”
I Love You Like a Table — DUET TIME
Look: Casey is the one reciting bad poetry (imagine, if you will, her draping her leg over a table, and singing, “My legs were carved for you” while running her hands over her very shapely legs, while Derek glares at her because that’s not FAIR, Casey!!) and Derek is the only who wanted to surprise her and has only managed to come up with a drum line (it’s a lot, but then again: the way he feels for her is a lot).
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andromedaexists · 1 year
Find The Vibe Tag
thank you @blind-the-winds!! Gotta love a new game making the rounds
Rules: find an excerpt from your WIP that fits a vibe. 
I was given "just trust me." not surprisingly, i do have this!
Seemingly satisfied that no one was in the room with him, Icarus motioned for Andromeda to take his place at the door. When they tapped him on the shoulder to let him know they were there, he opened the door fully and stepped into the room. Achilles’ head snapped up at the intrusion. Icarus barely caught it as he moved into a defensive position, putting up his guard against the intruder in his room. “Relax kid, I’m here to get you out,” he said, pulling his hood back and away from his face. Hopefully it hadn’t been so long that Achilles forgot what he looked like. That would throw a wrench in their plans. He watched as the defensive guard the kid had taken fell, a quiet, “you’re alive” being whispered. That seemed to set Achilles into motion as he launched himself at Icarus, nearly knocking him to the ground. He wrapped his arms around the trembling kid, leaning down to whisper, “Yeah, kid. I am. Now let’s get you out of here,” into his ear. He squeezed his hold on the kid one last time before stepping back, out of their embrace, and turning towards the hall. “We don’t have long before the night shift makes their rounds, come on.” “Wait, we have to go find Pat.” Pat? His handler? Why would Achilles want to go find his handler? “Kid we don’t have time, we can come back for your handler, we have to get you”- “He’s not my handler, he’s my fiancée.” That… actually explained a lot. Icarus brought one hand to the kids shoulder, turning him and using the other hand to cup his face as he said, “Kid. I promise you we will come back for him but we have to get out of here now. Okay?” In a shaky voice, he responded, “I can’t leave him here.” “I get that. I said the same thing years ago. You have my word that we will come back for him, I swear on the River Styx.” His eyes widened then, truly taking in just what Icarus had put on the line. They would come back for Pat, but they had to get out of here first. Icarus could practically see as a wall of determination came down over his face. Achilles, the αριστος αχαιον, had his mission now. Get out, make a plan, come back and get Pat.
Imma tag @the-finch-address @crypticcodexcreations and @memento-morri-writes for the vibe "i will burn the world for you"
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
very late but. wesley :]
favorite thing about them 
as will be a constant refrain throughout this post I have said this before but I have an overactive older sibling instinct so the most important thing here is that he is a little guy doing his best. in terms of actual traits, ik some people find him bratty but that’s always confused me bc like over and over again he goes out of his way to help people. like the whole b plot of icarus agenda stands out as being real endearing and yeah it’s goody two shoes characterization whatever but it is my god given right to appreciate some kindness in a character. it’s a harsh world yknow? but conversely i also like when he’s a bitch bc i think it’s funny.
i just. also. this requires giving credit to r*n m**re whose heart i would eat in the marketplace etc etc but the first duty is so fucking episode and the progression to journey’s end conceptually is really fascinating. execution of journey’s end? needs improvement. but the idea is SO. it’s so. like yes there are really interesting undertones to wesley’s character present in seasons 1-4 but i think a lot of them are far more meaningful when you return to them after the late season episodes. like. there’s a reason i think about the first duty-lower decks-journey’s end arc all the fucking time.
hang on this got long as shit so im gonna hit this with a read more before we continue on
least favorite thing about them
from a writing perspective they fucked up by not letting him make any significant mistakes pre first duty which is part of why first duty is so good. like that’s just not...how making a character works. i personally think it would’ve been good to have him fail the psych test the first time because there would be a lot to work with there but in s1 that just wasn’t the show they were making. from like a personality perspective. i mean i cant blame him for being the most repressed bitch alive in several key ways but please go to therapy.
ok i gotta use this opportunity to get this off my chest (again. because i think this was in my post first duty rant somewhere on my other blog that i gotta find again) but like it’s so weird when the show tries to convince us he has meaningful friendships with kids his own age on the enterprise because like. he definitely doesn’t. his friends each show up for like one episode either for a plot point or literally just to prove to his mom or whoever that he has friends but he spends all his free time either alone or with the senior officers. he does not have friends his own age and i think that very much plays into his dynamic with the squadron later. that said i do think his dynamic with riker is fun and i also love writing his friendship with jaxa now that i’ve nailed down a vibe that was kind of eluding me lmao.
#cralbertgang but like. do i trust anyone else with it? outside of the little universe i have constructed? unsure. i just know that i watched first duty and was like hey man it’s kinda gay to forget your sweater on a ski trip with the kid whose entire civilian wardrobe is weird sweaters and then to keep it for a month after and while that is by no means the point of the episode, it was an interesting little side thing to ponder. in canon i don’t think it would have been a mutual thing but it’s interesting to explore out of canon. it’s also. like. as stated above none of wesley’s earlier friendships are that convincing so it’s wild that they did actually successfully imply this friendship with like four lines let alone set up the potential for anything else. 
i mean. wesley x literally any of the adult main characters but i feel like the one ive run into the most is wesley x riker which is like an incredible misreading of their dynamic to me and also like. even if it’s after wesley turns 18 it implies that riker was Waiting For Him To Turn 18 which is. uh. uhhh. don’t like that! and like ik it’s not 1:1 writing a fic about something equals glorification of that thing, i understand that sometimes people want to explore a dynamic Because there’s something wrong with it that they want to examine, but a lot of times with this specifically im like oh you wanted to ship two white guys and picard was too bald for you.
random headcanon
man i gotta stop posting every thought i have the moment it comes into my head bc now im like uhh what haven’t i already said. ive already said that half his classmates definitely think he’s dead post journey’s end. i think he likes the idea of marriage because he only got to see it very briefly with his own parents but this is another concept that’s idealized to him, and whether or not he ever manages it himself is up to your personal perception of postcanon. i think he’s bad at poker because he has not accepted his queerness but the correlation there is just that that happened to younger me. i think he talks in his sleep. 
unpopular opinion
yeah like both of us have said he is not a funny gen z meme kid. and like a certain percentage of content for any character is gonna be. incorrect quotes style content? of like VERY loose very exaggerated characterization but i feel like for him that’s kind of all you get. admittedly i don’t check tags and shit that often im kind of just vibing but it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of engagement with the actual character. this isn’t really an unpopular opinion ive just kind of gone off the rails. whatever.
OH wait okay i thought of something but but a bunch of the youtube comments for the nemesis deleted scene are about how like it wasn’t canon compliant that he would come back for the wedding or be back in starfleet temporarily or whatever and i have beef with that bc im like. dude maybe he just missed his friends and family and wanted to hang out with them for a while. let him chill.
song i associate with them
this is really just me consolidating every post i’ve ever made about him huh. but like kiss off by violent femmes IS the post first duty-pre journey’s end wesley song to me. just like. everything adding up over time until you’re miserable and it feels like the universe is against you and you start lashing out as a result. like it’s a depressing association but i heard it for the first time in years like a month ago and was like holy shit. wesley song.
favorite picture of them
i have a fondness for top 1 photo of wesley crusher that could also be a photo of gordie lachance
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weirdlyfitting · 2 years
finally watching s5 !!!
obvi spoiler alert
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this season is def SO MUCH BETTER than s4, the pacing is still a mess but thank goodness i care about these kiddos so i’m able to keep on watching *sigh
i don’t really care about daniel tho, i mean he’s bad as a villain BUT he’s still “kinda” better than lewis. And thanks to him being kenji’s dad i do feel the stakes are high in here, also looking at the previous jurassic world trilogy? greed is something the human antagonist would have so i don’t mind that much with daniel kon’s motive yk.
I do think that daniel IS s5′s biggest problem, if you want to have a villain that brings the highest stakes EVER in your story then you gotta show how menacing and true their actions are for their goal. All daniel did is what? he’s just standing with his stupid tablet and bossing people that worked for him. I think those scenes where he’s trying to gaslight kenji is pretty good, but honestly tho they could’ve been better. The scene in the finale when kenji called him out is imo THE BEST (when he stood up from his dad yk) scene the writers ever did to kenji and his dad. THIS should’ve happened in idk ep 4 or 5??? i wanted kenji to talk about why his dad didn’t even bother to get kenji to mantah corp island and my god why the hell it has to happen in he finale???
thing is i think kenji and his dad’s conflict was stretched wayyy too far (kinda gives me brookenji vibes tbh) and this brings me to talk about yassamy, darius-kenji duo, the core arc, and why kenji and his dad’s conflict should’ve treated just like these arcs
YASAMMY : These two aweee, this season got so many of their moments together even before they’re official which gotta admit made me scared if they’d ended up as “queerbait” but god ep 9 made me relieved lmao. Anyway anyway, it only took 3 episodes for yaz and sammy being canon. In ep 6 the way yaz look at sammy? i know it’s been like that even before this episode but i think it’s a nice build up to what happens next. In ep 7 yaz actually opened up on her feelings about sammy, then ep 9 yaz FINALLY said those feelings to sammy (AND BEN BEING BEST BOI OMG which i’ll talk about later haha). I don’t feel like it’s rushed or “came out of nowhere” cause their friendship-to-relationship has exist since s1, i feel like yaz and sammy totally earned it. The best thing is this happened before the finale, there’s time to develop their affection to each other and i love that
DARIUS-KENJI DUO : so darius was like repressing his emotions when kenji and his dad locked him and the others in that chamber. When brook asked his opinion abt kenji he literally stated he doesn’t care (which holy shit broke my heart-), this happened in ep 4 and then in ep 5 he got a heart-to-heart talk with brook and able to express his anger and sadness for kenji, then took a pretty long time skip to ep 11 he finally able to breakdown all those sadness towards kenji himself. This arc only took 3 eps the same as yasammy’s, at least there’s a room to breathe for this duo’s character development in the finale tho
THE CORE : idk i think i need to rewatch the whole stuff again cause man i don’t understand what this thing meant for the island, i mean is this what turned isla nublar’s volcano?? not only mantah corp’s island that has an earthquake but it affects isla nublar too tho. Anyway the first sign of danger was at ep 4 or 5 with the earthquake, i forgot what eps when the kids needed to shut down this thing but whatever that is it got resolved in 3 or 4 eps. I’d rather have this one as the main threat tho, cause again i prefer natural threat than human’s but eh
okay so comparing these arcs to kenji and his father’s the best way to have their conflict keep going on till the finale is to have different conflicts, ex build it with kenji talking about why his dad never came to pick him (and his friends) after jurassic world then his dad gaslighting him, then him trusting his father to doubt it, then finally snap at his bs. I think these could work? just don’t stand in only one conflict yknow cause again, it felt too far stretched
And here are some bunch of stuff that i dislike other than daniel kon as a villain from this season :
Mae being sidelined, i love her in season 4 but i really feel like her character is kinda wasted in here. How she’s just turning against camp fam in order to protect them is kindaaaa meh, this has something to do with daniel as the villain tho. Like he doesn’t feels or seems like he’d hurt the kiddos and it’s proven by the others only getting locked up in a chamber. Sure he tried to kill darius with spino but like.....this happened in ep 12, THE LITERAL FINALE. So what’s the point right? anywy seriously mae decided to cross her line with helping daniel controlling those dinos kinda showed that she didn’t trust what the kids are able to do.
Brand, dave, and roxie also being sidelined, WHEN I SAW THEM I GOT LITERAL TEARS. MY PARENTS THEY’RE BACK AAAAA!!!! and yet....i got so little of them in here. Them being separated from the main conflict didn’t help either, i wanted them to fight side by side with the kids. Dave and roxie are their camp counselors anyway, they need some heart to heart talk with the kids!
The investors? i literally don’t fucking care about them. I’m happy that they got eaten tho. 
Nothosaurus whatever that called, i wish there’s an explanation on why that thing’s there. And like so close with the core thingy? just why? what if something goes wrong w it and someone tried to fix it, like what camp fam did actually
Kenji got separated from the others for some eps, the others got an actual heart to heart talk and god i think kenji needed that in those episodes. I’m glad he got it with mae tho but still this is THE LAST season so what the hell???
When they’re having a heart to heart talk the moment ALWAYS got interrupted by life threatening events LIKE STOP IT OH MY GOD LET THEM TALK AAAAAAA
OKAY i think these are all?
BEN IS BEST BOI. I gotta admit i was kinda bored up until the episode where yaz confessed her crush on sammy with ben came, maybe because it’s sammy and yaz having an actual focus? something other than daniel, the core, or dinos, or even the beef with kenji. Anyway ben being such a fangirl for them plssss I LOVE HIM SO MUCH IN THAT EXACT MOMENT. Plus he’s so supportive aweee, i just love him being a huge yasammy shipper i swear lmao. And then him reuniting with bumpy UGH- knowing that bumpy got chipped and was mind controlled I CAN’T AAAAAAAA.
Darius and brooklynn’s friendship is just sooooo soft aweee, i’m glad that darius could just....spill his burden with brooklynn yk? i’m actually sad that he still did stuff solo but at least with him letting those burdens out made me satisfied with this season
BROOKLYNN HAVING A GODDAMN BREAKDOWN, like oh shit i know this season will have angst but this is not what i expected-
KENJI YOU ABSOLUTE DINGUS!!! i love his inner conflict with his dad, i love how he got huge character depth in the final season!!! despite my problem with daniel’s character tho i’m still happy with kenji’s character development :)
SAMMY BEING A LITERAL SUNSHINE, also i’m so happy she got a spotlight even tho she did the action on solo
“team sammyyyyyyyy” that’s the time i really cracked it’s too funny plssss
Yaz confessing her crush on sammy towards ben, and ben being so supportive!!! i think this is def a thing yaz earned from last season, she supported and also shipped brooklynn and kenji and now she got the same treatment by ben lmao
Yaz and sammy is officially a couple heck yeahhh!!!
Not too much brookenji which s4 should’ve done but anyway luckily i love em better this season
“THE LAST STAND” as one of the episode title cause EXCUSE MEEE??? that’s the title of my favorite moon knight fanfic 🥺😭 i really paused the episode and think about it for some minutes lmao
Pierce my beloveddd when she (or he?? i forgot if pierce a he/she i’m sorryyy) showed up i just went 🥺❤❤❤❤
KASH GOT EATEN BY THOSE RAPTORS (manifesting him getting eaten by different dinos in the interactive ep 🧎‍♀️)
THE HUGS!! any hugs tbfh, i think kenji and his dad is an exception tho
TIME SKIP TO THE ENDING OF FALLEN KINGDOM WOOOO!!! if darius is 12 in 2015, then he’s like...15 in 2018, okay for 15 y.o wow did he look old lmao. Anyway i feel like they’re older than me tbh which ehe made me happy for a bit? like bruh i don’t want to keep calling them kiddos when i’m literally i THEIR AGES in those times lmaooo
Kenji got adopted by darius’ fam aweee, i remember reading a fan theory abt this and now it’s canon so i’m really happy hahahahah
The video call is just so 🥺🥺🥰
And listen this is a love-hate thing so it’s not on the list of stuff i liked, but anyway the ending of camp cretaceous set in the ending of fallen kingdom which...UGHHHHH MAISIE I HATE YOU SO MUCHHH. I’ve made a post long ago ranting abt why camp cretaceous made me hated fk’s ending so much and now it’s canon so yeah.....SHIT. I’ll made a link to it in case i wanna go back and read it lol
so....that’s kinda all??
Even tho i had my problems with this season, i’m still so glad to be part of the ride. Never ever have i thought that i’d fall in love with this show so much. It’s accompanying me through many stuff, good or bad, mostly when i’m bored tho. Having characters that are kids and a part of the franchise i loved and also these characters are GENUINELY GOOD which is really surprising coming from the “world trilogy” is awesome. I was 16 when i watched the first season of camp cretaceous and now i’m 17 (18 this year tho) and i’m very happy to have this show being a part of my teen-life lmao.
Thank you for cc fandom for literally everyhing??? my days wouldn’t be better without exploring the tags and read/see those awesome posts and arts which are cool!!! also inspired me to draw more cc stuff, we’re just appreciating this silly dino show and i love you all so much 💖💖
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ericleo108 · 1 month
Heavy Hitters
05/17/2024 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “Heavy Hitters” is my 77th official release and my 119th track published. This 3-track EP features KRS-One, Gucci Mane, and Snoop Dogg. This is hardcore rap with an intellectual vibe. The Snoop feature was supposed to be on the Westside Connection album but I had such a hard time uploading these to my distributor, so this is how it turned out.  The beats and features are all from Anno Domini. The entire project was produced by Keyano and the cover art is by Gigzlogo from Fiverr.
I talk about this blog post and other updates in the latest Sunday update here:
Real Hip-Hop
I wanna leave this place
I can't believe this place
My father, he's a waste
My mother, she's on base
My brother, he caught him a case
My sister, got cut in her face
My auntie, she's a disgrace
My cousins, the paper they chase
No love and just hate
Two hour hospital waits
Even when you vomit and shake
It's gotta be fake
Man, the cops clock us
Like them things on our wrist
I'm supposed to live like this?
It's getting thick
I'm thinking about taking a trip
Anywhere but here
Prison, army, anywhere but there
I want some new shoes to wear
I wanna walk past all these cats
Asking what you doing here
You know what I'm doing here
I'm taking my last look at what
I don't ever ever wanna become
On the block everyday I fuss
Guns Bust
I need to hop that greyhound bus
Cause when everyone you say you trust
Turns on you
You know what to do
Me and Krs one got it locked for sho 
All that other fake frontin shit gots to go
I don’t give a care if they think your hot
You ain’t real, you ain’t hip hop
I said
Me and Krs one got it locked for sho 
All that other fake frontin shit gots to go
I don’t give a care if they think your hot
You ain’t real, you ain’t hip hop
I feel like Lil Dirk, singing all my life
Ain’t nothing been promised but the thought I might die
If you feel that way, I’m here to help you find
Yourself and how to have clarity of mind
Cops are beating the needy
Killing and bigotry 
Now it’s a tragedy 
For it to happen in the city
It used to be just blacks
Now it’s the entire middle class
Where housing is in crisis
Healthcare is a life sentence
Of debt like tuition
For college for your children
I’m here for the people
You gots to listen
Tell me it’s not the system
When the money’s been given
To the richest while blaming
The poor for the way it went
And I know I’ll make it
Cuz I won’t give up
They gon live with what they did to us
The people, we ain’t gonna stand for lies
We stand for rights
We just wanna live before we die
Me and Krs one got it locked for sho 
All that other fake frontin shit gots to go
I don’t give a care if they think your hot
You ain’t real, you ain’t hip hop
Me and Krs one got it locked for sho 
All that other fake frontin shit gots to go
I don’t give a care if they think your hot
You ain’t real, you ain’t hip hop
No one will save you, look within
Pray to the sun and the earth to bring your wish
If you need a god, look to yourself
Command your environment, use science to help
I’ll tell you what they don’t teach in school
And all the learning you need to do
You need three things to think for you
First the scientific method will lead you to the truth
Second, learn how to tectonically troubleshoot
It’s important to develop skills with tools
And the third is learning to run a business good
Capitalism creates scarcity though there’s abundance if you look
So this for the wealthy who been robbing the soil 
From housing to the chemicals being forever deployed 
Your creating a world that will hate your voice
And make you pay for your selfish choice
Whatcha gonna do when they're not proud of where they came from?
Whatcha gonna do when they make you pay for the pollution?
What you gonna do when they take away your agency?
What you gonna do when they make you pay for all your greed?
Use tort law, make restitutions
Rightly view you as a nuisance 
Take your property 
And make it an annuity
That changes to sustainably
Paying for our pertinent needs
Me and Krs one got it locked for sho 
All that other fake frontin shit gots to go
I don’t give a care if they think your hot
You ain’t real, you ain’t hip hop
Me and Krs one got it locked for sho 
All that other fake frontin shit gots to go
I don’t give a care if they think your hot
You ain’t real, you ain’t hip hop
Get That Bag
Full of bad bitches, y'all niggas and G's
My enemies be on my dick, they look like groupies to me
My bad, that's your girlfriend, then why she leaving with me?
We ain't dated but a week but still she gave me a key (gave me a key)
I seen your homeboy picture, man, a gram of the three
I told him count them bands up, I gotta sell me a key (sell me a key)
And even though you see me MTV Jam of the Week
I got the stupidest rich game a nigga ever done seen
I got the kangaroo money, 'bout to jump off my jeans
I call a hundred thousand dollars, I was just in my timbs
NBA money, nigga, this just one of my rings
You say your nigga gettin' money, that ain't no money to me
Make them stacks
Break down them racks
Make  your money back, Do the math,
Invest in rap, get paid ASCAP 
Invest in that, and get that bag
Make them stacks
Break down them racks
Make your money back, Do the math,
Invest in rap, get paid ASCAP 
Invest in that, and get that bag
Don’t want nothing but cash
And a pound of the gas
Those diamonds and hash
Moon rocks and green crack
If it ain’t THC, then it ain’t for me
We gonna put um out of business
With these dispensaries 
Drugs lords can’t compete
When their profits aren’t as steep
Take away their motivation see
Cuz money is their agency
They’d rather use the rico laws
On these fellas try’na make it large
We could regulate instead of charge
With crimes for just playin the part
Of what not allow America stupid
Or we’d legalize the lucrative
Tax and how they move it 
That would bring down the deposit
And stop the money from profits
Cuz criminals won’t be stopped with 
Prohibition economics
Dope boy would be nonviolent
If he could protect what he’s got with
A phone to call the cops with
But disenfranchised the process
So Make them stacks
Break down them racks
Make your money back, do the math,
Invest in rap, get paid ASCAP 
Invest in that, and get that bag
We don’t want no snitches no
We don't want no bitch’n no
We just wanna push some dope
So we look’n for dem real ones yo
We don’t want no snitches no
We don't want no bitch’n no
We just wanna push some dope
So we look’n for dem real ones yo
So Make them stacks
Break down them racks
Make your money back, do the math,
Invest in rap, get paid ASCAP 
Invest in that, and get that bag
Make them stacks
Break down them racks
Make your money back, do the math,
Invest in rap, get paid ASCAP 
Invest in that, and get that bag
Snoop feature - what chu want
Have you ever heard the theory that the planets
 and stars are conscious due to their magnetism?
I’m talking bout how the Earth is a cosmic spaceship propelled by the sun 
And communicates with telepathic randonauting and points of realization
You know what never mind 
What you talkin' 'bout dawg?
What you mean, lil' homie?
Play the post when you ball
All these niggas up on me
How you keep that baby face, and how you keep it so fresh?
And how you keep it look like a beacon, wish I was like that fresh
Hard times, flat lines
Stay in my lane, you see
Boxed in, but I boxed out
Niggas don't wanna box with me
Don't billy coze, don't break the rules, just stay true to this shit
Stay bopin', dopin', with the top open and the cool nuts from the city Oakland
Gotta new album, cop it
Snoop and I, got this
We do that chronologic
Only boxin we gon do, hot boxin
Coast to coast
Oakland knows
From there to Myrtle Beach
Is home
Roll a half an ounce to this
Bounce with this
And now we lit 
Everything I do is new, put it to rest
I Produce these songs like what generation next
Eat these beats and align the specs
And That’s why they call me era fresh
Like a Taylor Swift tour
I wanna be Christian like Dior 
and leave’um devoid 
Of just thinking it’s soil
Cuz The dynamo rolling
MDMA for the Coldren
Cookin up, dollin
Out that dope shit
I said in Bump This Banger
Gaia’s west coast is badass
With Fluid dynamics
My lexicon is erratic
Didactic, enthusiastic
Hot like capsaicin
With a sea of knowledge like Caspian
The medicine like aspirin
Got that shit like a laxative
Snoop wanna box like Cassius 
But I’m more of a pacifist
I stick in their mind, attractive
Like placentas with plastic
They’re envious and vapid
While I shock, anaphylactic 
Gotta new album, cop it
Snoop and I, got this
We do that chronic logic
Only boxin we gon do, hot boxin
Coast to coast
Oakland knows
From there to Myrtle beach
Is home
Roll an ounce to this
Bounce with this
Wear your all-black diamonds to counseling 
Everything I do is new, put it to rest
I produce these songs like what generation next
Eat these beats and align the specs
And that’s why they call me era fresh
I should act like the cops that America has
Protect capitalist and their slaves like cash
I pulled them over cuz I can,
Cuz They’re DWB, driving while black 
Yes we think we’re right and free
while we can’t afford anything 
Yes we love our country 
Though it serves Corporate entity
Yes we give the cops respect
Because they kill more than protect
Yes we understand the debt
And spend our children’s future rent
If it’s between the southerners
And standing with my brothers
Put me on death row
And you’ll see how I does it
How am I so different than the ones that you find a rival
The time you spend in your environment 
Was hostile for your survival
Would done the same thing in the position
If the conditions are compiled
See abuse is just a cycle that the community can stifle
I got love for you cousin
I hope you feel it come’n
Leave you with abundance
To help your family function
Got a new album, cop it
Snoop and I, got this
We do that chronic logic
Only boxin we gon do, hot boxin
Coast to coast
Oakland knows
From there to Myrtyl Beach
Is home
Roll an ounce to this
Bounce with this
Wear your all-black diamonds to counseling
Everything I do is new, put it to rest
I produce these songs like what generation next
Eat these beats and align the specs
And that’s why they call me era fresh
I’ll do my best to give my take and
Try to say it plane and gracious
A perspective that is educated
But still, be accused of appropriation
Culture vulture, guess I’m wack
If it means whites understand the facts
the perspective and narrative that affects
the racist history against the blacks
I guess I should be more like Candace Owens
Whip up that propaganda potion
I don’t know why they liked being oppressed
Like Kanye said, blacks could of revolted and left
Yes we think we’re right and free
while we can’t afford anything 
Yes we love our country 
Though it serves the Corporate entity
Yes we give the cops respect
Because they kill more than protect
Yes we understand the debt
And spend our children’s future rent
Got a new album, cop it
Snoop and I, got this
We do that chronic logic
Only boxin we gon do, hot boxin
Coast to coast
Oakland knows
From there to Myrtle Beach
Is home
Roll an ounce to this
Bounce with this
Wear your all-black diamonds to counseling
Everything I do is new, put it to rest
I Produce these songs like what generation next
Eat these beats and align the specs
And that’s why they call me era fresh
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Bea & Fraze Pt.3
[Okay, summary, it was Fraze and Ray’s 13th, Fraze was having a party and some gal kissed him as a present so Bea peaced out, said gal became his gf and Baze were NOT on good terms, we forced them together for a Rocky babysitting moment, they burnt JoeRay’s weird shit and had it out eventually, ILYs were exchanged but Bea wasn’t sure if he meant as a brother or a boyfriend because the world likes to confuse y’all about what you are and what you can be to each other; the next day Fraze dumped this poor gal like he said he would and then Baze ditched school to go on a romantic building site date, first kisses as not literal children happened as well as some more firsts and discussions of more later, as well as attempts to work out how y’all can be together and not have it out there]
Bea: [‘if they wanna think it’s funny now’ like that would be ideal because we all know that is not the reception it would get lol ‘it’s better, when we talk’]
Fraze: [‘they’d tell themselves it’s the same’ like we’re still those little kids etc which is obvs why y’all aren’t planning to let them know any of it and that goes without saying]
Bea: [‘let ‘em’ because we know it ain’t, lifting our head up to look at you ‘none of them know what it’s like when it’s just us’]
Fraze: [‘they don’t know us how we know each other’ because cliche or not, it’s true, especially in his case and soz but none of you have earnt the right to know him like that is how he feels about it]
Bea: [‘no one does’ with an unspoken no one will being obvious in our case]
Fraze: [just look at her with all the feeling because there’s no way to even verbalise how much it means that he’s the one person she let in and that she really can trust him with having done that and also lowkey no need to say it either cos y’all know]
Bea: [‘shut up and kiss me’ way up in your grill already because we can’t handle any of this right now or ever so]
Fraze: [do use her hair to bring her in for a really good kiss thank you]
Bea: [make use of the fact neither of you have got up or dressed and be touching all the bare skin you would have no call to touch before now, like his chest and stomach, wrapping your arms and legs around his back because don’t want to let go or leave this moment]
Fraze: [we have to shamelessly say she has a scar somewhere even if it’s tiny af and faded af from being old, hence lowkey forgotten about, purely so we can say it isn’t forgotten about by him and he’s touching it now wherever it may be, more lightly than he’s ever touched anything ever, I don’t make the rules, but actually I do and I insist, not stopping kissing her to find it, obvs, cos he just knows where it is without having to even look]
Bea: [when the way he knows you never ceases to amaze you for real, he knows things that you don’t even know he knows or would think to imagine he does, obviously finding a conversely newer scar on his body, (‘cos he’s that sort of boy), specifically from when you were not talking in that week of torture, touching it with the same care but with a slightly more !! pressure because we’re saying we didn’t stop paying attention to you nor giving a shit, obviously it was the complete opposite, however we tried to play it]
Fraze: [oh lads, so cinematic, when you’ve gotta just wordlessly encourage her to give you a lovebite about this, like you too can actually leave a scar anywhere on my body if you want to, because he did give her a tiny one earlier but I don’t think she has because she was trying to be chill, and if she did it won’t be as dramatic as he’s giving her permission to be in this moment]
Bea: [I likewise don’t think she has because letting you lead this entirely lest we go too far and ruin everything was very much the vibe of how we were behaving; but now we’re here as wordlessly debating all the possible places we could give you a lovebite, and if we should do it somewhere you can hide it or just go for the neck as is classic because it isn’t like they had to have given them to each other just because they both have them (obvs it is a bit more suss but mcvickers have a newborn so they’re not paying that sort of attention), hence we’re pressing our head so close into his neck, lowkey just enjoying being there and feeling his pulse and the heat of his skin before we go in]
Fraze: [when you gotta lol, in a hot way, ofc, at her teasing him, because he LOVES to do it in any sense, wind up merchant he is, and he’s as about when she’s doing it back, but then she’s doing the most so it’s an even hotter lol like okay damn, because we all remember his lovebite was barely one and he’s likewise thinking about how he’s gonna be more extra about the next one]
Bea: [smiling at him but you’re so cuddled into him he probably can’t see so the ‘what are you laughing at?’ in his ear has to express how much you’re into it too, which it of course will, giving his earlobe a little tug like you’re so offended]
Fraze: [‘can take a swot out the classroom’ like you can’t get over how well she followed your wordless instructions there, cos where’s the lie, she really did and you’re really not]
Bea: [‘I know what you want’ almost dismissively in the sense we see that as an absolute given like well of course ‘can’t you think of anything better to call me?’ folding your arms between y’all so you’ve put that much distance so you can actually look at him again, in your faux madness at this]
Fraze: [😏 because he’s that smug self-confident bitch too so we love to see you feeling yourself as well, gal, along with just knowing it’s true, raising an incredible eyebrow anyway though cos gotta give out a lil challenge with it or who are they ‘what’s better than honesty, babe?’ like soz you’re SUCH a swot though actually]
Bea: [‘plenty of things, too bad you ain’t about to find out’ like lol this is no way to seduce anyone, sitting up if not actually getting up with it]
Fraze: [pulling her back down with such where do you think you’re going energy because we all know you aren’t actually mad sis and you don’t wanna go nowhere]
Bea: [LOOKING at him ‘I’m just smart’ when you eventually say anything after such a !! pause, because that’s the last thing you really wanted to say and the last thing he’d imagine]
Fraze: [‘smarter than me’ because it’s just a fact not a woe as me thing as far as he is concerned, while he’s doing the most to outdo her in the lovebite stakes, somewhere she can hide though, because of how hard he’s going at this, to show that he knows what she wants and can read her too, booksmart or not]
Bea: [shaking your head because not how we see it because we’re not a massive snob who only values booksmarts here but that becomes irrelevant when we’re having to use your shoulder to cover our mouth so we don’t make all the noise about this lovebite moment]
Fraze: [you’re not your sister, we all know it, oh Ro, don’t get me started truly ‘you was clever enough to come here with us’ because what a good decision, all round]
Bea: [my boo says we ain’t going there honey and she’s so right for that, not thinking about you right now sweaty; ‘that does feel like a very good idea right now’ emphasizing the feel with moving against him]
Fraze: [doing his own nod, basically just rubbing his face against her skin because of where he is ‘you got any more?’ because you know she does, she has so many she’s been holding back from you/gradually telling you so]
Bea: [doing your own hot lol as if it tickled but it just felt nice, as does all this closeness and contact, humming and biting your lip like you’re thinking so you don’t give it all away at once]
Fraze: [‘I’ll have them all off you’ as he’s doing the most to try and make her tell him by kissing and touching her in all the ways he’s found out give the best reactions based on what they’ve already been up to, because filed all that knowledge away for an opportunity exactly like this]
Bea: [‘typical’ like so you but how we sound is giving away the positive we actually see that as before our physical reactions can even give us away ‘I know you know what comes next’ because not saying you’re clueless, not by this age]
Fraze: [don’t mind him just kissing down her body not at all casually because he isn’t clueless, making me die as per the way all characters have such complete and utter disregard for their surroundings lol, god bless] 
Bea: [‘I’ll do you first’ like you don’t have to go down on me to earn it because we don’t know if you actually want to or what, we don’t have that kind of experience of actually reciprocal relationships and not the other person purely doing what they want always]
Fraze: [‘I’m here now’ which doesn’t sound at all as begrudging as it sounds typed haha, he’s like no no shh shh and simply determined to give this his best shot, despite not having a clue what he’s doing, it’s okay, boy, blag it, we’ve all gotta fake it til we make it sometimes]
Bea: [‘it’s different when you’re there’ hiding our head in our hands right now because we mean you can very much see it/us all as opposed to your mutual masturbation vibe; but are we saying this like I hate it and I want to stop? No, more like, what if YOU don’t like it, which in fairness he is a teenage boy and they say stupid shit to sound funny when they’re in a crowd so, I can see what you’re thinking, girl]
Fraze: [‘trust me’ with as much feeling, if not more than all the other times he’s said it so far this convo, because truly, what else is there to say or do, just this and then you’ve gotta show her she can by obvs not hating this or being that teen boy horrific cliche, gotta let you shine like that at least, even if you don’t with the oral skills you haven’t got yet, enthusiasm and checking in with her reactions counts for a lot, as we’ve said before]
Bea: [just nodding again so you don’t have to say I do right now but that’s the truth, just lying back down from however you’d sat yourself up to talk to him so you aren’t fully LOOKING at him whilst he does this, covering your mouth with the back of your hand]
Fraze: [imagine the pressure if she was STARING at him, but you’ll be fine, boy, I won’t do you dirty and say this goes horrifically wrong, we don’t need to be putting you off for life]
Bea: [you’re not smashed or a dickhead who refuses to take direction or is just purely oblivious so really it can’t exactly go wrong, lbr, hence another swear word coming out like a prayer casually, despite our efforts to be quiet]
Fraze: [when you gotta lol again, not at all casually the hottest lol, because love to hear it always ‘yeah, you pure love me now’ getting that scouse out, accidentally sounding like your sister because she always says that instead of really but we aren’t gonna think about that rn]
Bea: [when the ‘shut up’ just sounds like you want him to get back to what he was doing so you gotta give him a little kick as well, obviously with a smirk because not fuming]
Fraze: [do get back to what you’re here to do, boy, but give her leg a squeeze as the equivalent of the kick, but also a hot, stay still kind of move like the where do you think you’re going one, and just because you want to]
Bea: [making a small !! noise because you’re both taking this at a relatively slow pace for obvious reasons of not fucking the other up but you can’t kill your whole reaction or what would be the point]
Fraze: [it’ll give you confidence to be more !! yourself because we know y’all in the future and always and we know damn well that’s what you both like, softness has its place but that’s rarer for y’all than it is some of the couples we have, so, do the most, and if you wanna lowkey just be manhandling her all over this floor the entire time you can]
Bea: [‘I’m not gonna say it’ purely for the principle and how much you’re dying and thus he is trying to make you say you love him, obviously, lol, of course sounding THE MOST indecent you have ever thus far]
Fraze: [‘you fucking are’ with the same energy she said I know what you want earlier, it being an absolute given, because he is doing the absolute most and it has become a competition at this point like when they were trying to make each other cum first before, giving her a very indecent inner thigh lovebite as soon as he’s said it, to really try and make her]
Bea: [we all know you’re gonna lose but you’re also gonna give it your all, of course, literally moving away from you on this floor and crossing your legs like nope, am not but you’re fully this 😈 as well, me like your uniforms are gonna be dusty as hell, good thing the ball has been dropped around here huns lol]
Fraze: [the most indecent playfight ever ensuing here to get her back where she was, in every sense, can’t even call it a playfight cos this boy is not playing lol, so !! and so much stronger and bigger than her]
Bea: [when all you can do is LOOK at him with the biggest eyes ever because you’re likewise keeping your mouth shut so tight in this moment but you gotta let it be known]
Fraze: [taking a sec to pause and kiss her the most forcefully he is capable of to literally force her mouth open because obviously, simply must, giving all the SAY IT energy possible without speaking]
Bea: [put all that pent-up noise and energy into making out with him as aggressively as he started this, trying to switch your positions with it]
Fraze: [god loves a trier gal but we are all aware in no world is he letting you and you are gonna end up pinned so !! that it’ll actually hurt, soz not soz he has a job to do here and despite starting that makeout sesh he isn’t gonna get derailed from finishing it, kiss back down her body again to end up where you need to be, but so much more aggressively than when he did it the first time, duh]
Bea: [moaning his name because you have to say something at this point and that’s the only suitable substitute really as you’re here struggling against this pin more as a way to shamelessly move against him and what he’s doing]
Fraze: [the way he’d be moving against her too is frankly dangerous given y’all’s lack of clothes, get back to this oral please before y’all end up having unprotected sex on this day, there’s already a newborn child y’all are gonna have to raise]
Bea: [the way you’re going to cum at least once before you let yourself say this and lose, heavy quotation marks there, literally until you cannot handle it anymore ‘cos you know it’s the only way he’s gonna stop this]
Fraze: [it’s the immediate ‘I love you too’ as soon as she’s said it, and the way he then moves to makeout with her again with only slightly less chill even though I’m sure his jaw feels like it’s gonna fall off because he doesn’t care about that]
Bea: [we’re holding his face with the softness we first did because thinking the same thing but not concerned enough to stop kissing you]
Fraze: [not gonna stop til you’re forced to by needing to take a breath or whatever because too !! about everything that’s just happened, and even then, barely moving away to take said breath, just enough that it’s his turn to look at her with his biggest eyes because what a day we’re having, playing with her hair again because we can all imagine the state it’s in]
Bea: [just stroking his cheek and doing your own mini hot lol because our sentiments exactly ‘should’ve dumped her earlier’ as if you’ve wasted longer than a week or whatever with that lil relationship]
Fraze: [‘you should’ve said’ because he immediately dumped her the literal second Bea told him to, iconic behaviour that he is completely unrepentant about]
Bea: [‘you shouldn’t need telling’ jabbing him, gently though lol, in said cheek]
Fraze: [‘I did though’ said casually but his eyes are not at all casually spelling out that he needed her to tell him how she felt about this]
Bea: [‘need and want are different things’ like he just wants to hear you say these things like you just did there and then]
Fraze: [‘not to us’ because he is v much a everything he wants he will go after like it is a need, like all the mcvickers kids he doesn’t know how to want or like anything casually, it’s gotta be all-consuming and literally drive him on]
Bea: [when you obviously agree in the way he means it so doing a one-shoulder shrug like well yeah, true]
Fraze: [‘am who I am’ with his own shrug, emphasising this by finding another bottle of booze out of the stash, because I think the one they were on was empty, and lighting cigarettes for both of them, looking amazing doing this, excuse him]
Bea: [smoke this cigarette and at least find your skirt and blouse to throw back on because basically naked here, go to the window/the place where the window will be, idk the vibe, looking out to see what you can see from here and if anyone is about]
Fraze: [join her, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind and resting your head on the top of hers to have a look because it’s fun, you can do the thing where you imagine living here and thus mess about imagining your fictional neighbours while you smoke and have a drink and give her some time to recover from however many orgasms she ended up having there, I’d like to note he isn’t getting dressed properly at all because this boy does not give a single shit and walks around topless always lol]
Bea: [can we appreciate you’ve not ever been able to be this close ‘cos you aren’t JoeRay and thus can’t play it off as sibling intimacy although like, they a little old for that everyone but we get it, look the other way; so the way we’re just looking up at you, not even joining in but listening and engaged, obviously ‘don’t have to know your neighbours in London’ like won’t matter at all when we live there because everyone keeps to themselves, as is the stereotype]
Fraze: [the grin he’s gonna shamelessly do when she says this because it’s the stereotype but it’s also the dream, everyone is well aware you have childhood trauma from the debt era and the idea of anyone coming to the door still puts you on edge to this day, my poor boy ‘don’t get no garden for footie neither’ but said like it’s a worth it sacrifice we’re very willing to make]
Bea: [‘you’ll be a bit old’ like it’s so childish to play football past school-age lol, nudging him ‘unless that’s how you plan to afford living there’]
Fraze: [a frown like excuse you, when you were thinking of the kids you blatantly wanna have when you’re older but you don’t wanna verbalise that to her rn because you know that’s a weird thing to already be thinking about as a 13 year old boy but what can I say, he’s 13 going on 31 ‘old as to be picked out for none of that’ because they scout kids so early to be footballers it’s wild]
Bea: [wrapping your arms around him like don’t frown at me grumpy, taking the bottle to have a swig ‘cos you haven’t yet this time around, also I think boys are just as romantic as girls if not more so ‘cos they legit think things are going to happen like that whereas a lot of girls feel like they’re deluding themselves despite the signs they’re given and I said what I said on that ‘they don’t even play it properly here’ as if you’re consoling him about being past it]
Fraze: [I wholeheartedly agree my boo, but going by his friends in this era I get why you’re keeping your mouth closed on the subject atm sir, tipping the bottle up playfully when she takes her swig cos he knows she can hack it and won’t even flinch never mind choke like so many peeps would if he did that ‘loads I can do else, I ain’t worried’ because he genuinely isn’t, the confidence and the willingness to grind and hustle are too real already for this boy]
Bea: [mhmm, boys put on the front so hard, why we gotta lads, why; and you right, drinking however much drink is getting poured into our mouth here like its easy because there’s no alternative soz, and when it is just a given you agree with this so you aren’t even replying to it ‘what do you think he’ll do?’ meaning Joe because only one older than y’all and thus the one who will go out into the world first]
Fraze: [when you don’t wanna think about it because your thoughts are BAD like he’ll be dead or a crackhead and soz hun that you aren’t wrong, so just shaking his head with his jaw so firmly set like no I don’t wanna go there and talk about that]
Bea: [shouldn’t have gone there hun but we’re not an apologizer and think that this should be being addressed way more than it is by anyone, not that y’all can do much yourselves but here we are, walk away from him and the window ‘cos even if you’re not apologising you still know what you said and you should give him space]
Fraze: [when you’re also that bitch so what frustrates you most is there is nothing you can do + the fact this is hard for you to talk about because you’re not a bitch who holds back on your opinions ever usually so that’s frustrating too, take a sec to push all that back down how you gotta and then come back and take the bottle back like it’s casual]
Bea: [raising a brow as he takes it like oh okay, it’s that time again, finding your bra so you can put that back on and be fully dressed here]
Fraze: [when you don’t want her to be fully dressed or the vibe to change, especially not because of Joseph, full offence hun, so another playfight has gotta ensue over that bra when she finds it and before she can put it on like no don’t, the lack of fucks given if this bottle fully falls to the floor and smashes, priorities always]
Bea: [when that’s exactly why you were getting dressed so you’re like excuse me sir, folding your arms like fine ‘keep it, pervert’ as if that’s the tea here lmao because at least some of this tension is diffused]
Fraze: [gonna have to say you at least put your trousers back on earlier purely so you can stuff said bra in the pocket and fold your own arms like okay I will]
Bea: [just looking at his pockets silently thinking don’t forget that’s there before you throw them in the wash because imagine]
Fraze: [getting out and giving her another sherbet lemon from his pocket as if that’s what she wanted and it isn’t just that he wants to do the absolute most putting that into her mouth]
Bea: [rolling your eyes playfully like omg, subtle much because you haven’t reciprocated yet and now we’re both thinking about it ‘aren’t you supposed to ask too?’ once you’ve eventually put this sweet in your mouth and stopped playing with it on your tongue]
Fraze: [‘don’t you want to?’ as if she’s just asked him to beg and he’s like in no world will I because never has for anything ever and never will, he’s as stubborn as I am, sweaty]
Bea: [crossing your arms in front of you in an X like incorrect, shrugging like sorry lollollol]
Fraze: [doing his own shrug like whatever then because like I said, as stubborn as me]
Bea: [shaking your head as you go again to find your bag and your phone to look at the time because your loss so literally this time boy]
Fraze: [letting her even though it is his loss, so me vibes, sir why are we like this?]
Bea: [my boo says oh boy, we gotta sort this out lmao, we are equally as stubborn in this way though ‘cos are going to blatantly just be walking out ‘cos what else can you do if you’re not gonna relent]
Fraze: [‘where you going?’ before she can actually leave, cos obvs, don’t want you to gal and we know you don’t really want that either]
Bea: [‘don’t know’ because Tess is still on maternity leave at this point so you can’t go home until you’re meant to, leaning against the door/where the door would be like are you coming or what are we doing here]
Fraze: [throw her bra at her, in a casual not aggressive way like you’ll need this if you’re really leaving, making no move to himself because likewise nowhere to go and we like it here]
Bea: [dropping some info about the kids you hang around with like so and so said they were going here to do xyz, whatever boring shit you find to do as kids who can’t do much, after school, like assumed you’d wanna be there because it’s probably getting towards schools out time soon, just ignoring our bra wherever it is]
Fraze: [just making a face that shows how little he cares about any of those peeps or what they are doing because that is and will always be the tea, soz to said peeps but not really]
Bea: [doing a small sound of amusement at his reaction ‘doubt [his ex] will show her face’ as if that’s why he doesn’t want to, ‘cos clearly not that type to front it out to try and make it awkward] 
Fraze: [‘give less of a fuck, like’ because truly, she has not crossed his mind all day and he isn’t gonna spare her a thought now]
Bea: [just doing a smile with the same energy as your amusement there ‘they’re boring’ just like it’s a fact because it is to us]
Fraze: [‘every cunt but you’ also like it’s a fact because he’s always said that]’
Bea: [sitting back down, still in this doorway moment but it’s clear we aren’t going to walk out right this second so there’s no need to act like it ‘what are we gonna do, about them all, keeping it a secret?’]
Fraze: [‘forget ‘em all, we go where we want and do what we like, if they’re about for any of it, can count themselves proper lucky’ the way he’s casually like I don’t need friends, they were always an afterthought and now they are in my way so bye]
Bea: [just staring at him for a sec like you have to gauge if he’s being serious when you already know he always is, not at all casually crawling over to wherever he is still so you can be up in his grill ‘unlucky, I was just about to say you could have another girlfriend’ ‘cos thinking you might have to attempt to do that if you were serious, even though we know you couldn’t do it and you know that yourself lol]
Fraze: [‘no you weren’t’ cos we all remember how jealous she got over that one despite the fact he clearly wasn’t even that into it lol ‘I make my own luck and own decisions, reckon I can do better than repeating that bullshit on both counts without having to do much’ like no thanks we won’t be attempting that again]
Bea: [nod like yeah, I was, ‘cos saying and doing are two different things honey ‘do you?’ being as close as you can get to his face without your lips touching]
Fraze: [shaking his head at the same time as he reaches for her face to make her shake hers to doubly be like NO YOU WEREN’T again because the levels he never ever wants to hear that suggestion come out of her mouth, uni era included, then touching her lips when she’s that in his grill, as if there’s some stray sherbet on them he just has to get, by really quickly running his tongue over them, nbd]
Bea: [pouting at him for doing that so quickly and shaking your head some more about it like unacceptable, thank you, hoping the way your mouth looks is reminding him of what he could be doing rn]
Fraze: [literally stopping her head mid shake by kissing her, we know he’s gotta because can’t resist]
Bea: [got to kiss you in a way that is really driving home what that mouth do, not soz about it]
Fraze: [if you can ever stop kissing for a single sec given what her mouth can do, saying her name in a way that makes it beyond obvious he’s asking now the way he would not earlier]
Bea: [not gonna be cruel about it and are blatantly also wanting to do this for our own reasons here as well as wanting to show you how it feels, so wasting no time at all in making the show out of working your way down and dealing with his trousers once again]
Fraze: [me like oh boy you gonna DIE, this gal knows too much, I hope it’s not embarrassingly fast so she does actually get chance to show off a lil bit because some good should come out of all the horrible reasons she has those skills in the first place]
Bea: [at least we’ve given y’all a cool off time so you’ll have to work him up and you aren’t just making him cum immediately, not that you would care or be a bitch but y’all deserve to make the most out of this moment]
Fraze: [they do deserve that and they are so welcome, live your best lives lads because you can’t stay here forever however much you might wanna and you definitely can’t hook up here, not on my watch, so enjoy this moment, both of y’all]
Bea: [mhmm, you’ve got to show some concern for safety because the way no one needs a baby right now cannot be overstated]
Fraze: [mcvickers are an excellent advert for contraception for y’all, beating even feral teen hormones, no offence guys but it’s true, especially for baze who have got big plans and are busy]
Bea: [will be getting a doctors appointment immediately tah, not even bothered about the inevitable convo that will illicit because you can’t just do these things privately as a child, they’d have to let mcvickers know, but we’re not thinking about that here and now as we’re lying on your chest]
Fraze: [likewise will be stealing condoms from a shop immediately I’m sure, probably on your way home when you have to go later lbr cos mcvickers don’t need to know about that, and god knows if your school is handing them out to you because ireland is an actual madness so probably don’t rely on that possibility, ANYWAY, rn just here DYING and DEAD]
Bea: [‘better?’ whether we mean do you feel better after that, was that better than you imagined or some combination or inbetween answer is unclear but we’re grinning up at you]
Fraze: [a nod because regardless he do feel better and that was better than he imagined so either way, tis a yes from him and he can’t speak rn cos that dead about it]
Bea: [kiss his cheek and just be looking at how cute he is ‘so glad your parents room is downstairs’ as a whisper ‘cos near his ear and truly ‘not just ‘cos the baby is down there with ‘em’ at least that’s something kids]
Fraze: [gotta do your own grin at her because hard same always but especially now that you’ve done all this and you’re both thinking about what else there is still to do, and he’s very much thinking about how loud he can get away with making her be]
Bea: [laugh but also hide in your massive hair because you’re blushing thinking about this too ‘we’re doing it in your room’ as an FYI as we’re untangling you from our hair that is inevitably getting you too]
Fraze: [he loves it because she’s not one of these gals who is always blushing about things, just having a casual playfight with her hair because there is so much of it, helping her out with what she’s trying to do but actually hindering because being distracting, giving her a o clock like it’s a date she’s showing up to his room for, cos we’ve already said earlier in this convo when we wrote it before that tonight is the night, why would they wait when they’ve waited long enough]
Bea: [‘if I’ve finished my homework�� like it’s so casual and we are that swot for real, shrugging like you’ll have to wait and see, boy]
Fraze: [an eye roll as if she’s being serious when we know she isn’t ‘alright, fine, I’ll use a teacher voice when I tell you how good it was’ like he’s gonna give her a grade for this/say something like the comments they write on the bottom of your work]
Bea: [pushing him which means pushing yourself up so you’re leaning over him, tickling his face with your hair ‘yeah, right’ ‘cos that’s so not your style ‘if you was gonna you’d give a one word answer and that’d probably be alright’]
Fraze: [‘stop telling us to shut up and you might get more out of it, and me’ because she do keep saying that, but saying it like he absolutely doesn’t ever want her to stop saying it because it’s been hot af every single time]
Bea: [‘are you asking me to be nice to you?’ raising a brow and running your fingers across the plains of his face and down his neck to his collarbones ‘I can be nice’ like he’s just suggested you cannot]
Fraze: [echoing her ‘yeah, right’ from a sec ago, because not her style and we all know he doesn’t want it to be really lol, pulling her closer to him though just automatically like this is a competition and you’ve gotta prove you can be nicer/are the nice one]
Bea: [‘yeah, right’ with yes I am and now you shall see emphasis in how we are saying it now, paired with hugging him in the softest way you can muster like you’re this sort of girl]
Fraze: [pushing her away like he’s HORRIFIED lol because she isn’t that sort of girl and he isn’t that sort of boy like okay you win but don’t make a habit of that thank you]
Bea: [shaking your head like how rude but that’s how you knew he’d react thus why you did it]
Fraze: [pulling her back in though purely because the novelty of being this close to each other hasn’t worn off and he loves that he can if he wants to, sitting her on him the way they started this way back when they first got to this house]
Bea: [making the smallest noise of contentment about being like this again, even if you’re also !! ‘cos of what you know you can’t do yet and how easy it would be to]
Fraze: [‘why the fuck wouldn’t I stash them here when I done the rest?’ because made a point to leave a lil booze stash here but you didn’t think of leaving any contraception here, rookie mistake, cos reading her mind there]
Bea: [we know why so our look is conveying as much ‘should by rights make you wait ages, anyway’ like that’s what most of your friends will be dealing with ‘cos y’all are younger than the standard losing your v age rn so true ‘if ever’]
Fraze: [‘you have’ because how it feels given he’s been in love with her essentially his entire life, even though you are still babies basically]
Bea: [a short nod because obviously it feels the same for us ‘I’m not waiting any longer, there’s no point, you can’t say shit about it anyway’ because it’s not as if he can go and tell the world you’re a hoe, which is what most gals are afraid of and we wouldn’t even care anyway]
Fraze: [‘I wouldn’t say shit’ because he wouldn’t, not about her ever, he’d literally kill anyone who did and he’s said that before so]
Bea: [‘you know what I mean’ because we all know you have to keep this secret, as unfair as that seems at times]
Fraze: [‘I know we’ll not get caught, yeah’ said like it’s a given again because to y’all it is, you know you’re those bitches who can be sneaky and pull this off]
Bea: [‘we never do’ because you truly always have been ‘we don’t want to, is why’ rolling your eyes ‘cos think JoeRay are just shameless attention seekers, even if their need for attention is valid]
Fraze: [a sigh at joeray cos they are really pissing him off always but especially lately, soz y’all don’t know Ray’s death is looming and therefore think things are gonna like this aka this frustrating for ages yet ‘dunno how we’re related’ cos not all like them and it’s a point of pride for you at this point]
Bea: [things are peaking with how bad they are because she’s dying at the end of July and it’s May so, not long but as far as you know they’re just getting worse and worse with no end in sight ‘know the feeling’ with a nudge because we feel similarly about Rosaline, even as the 8 year old she is right now lmao]
Fraze: [shaking his head in a fuck the lot of them type of way because cba to waste time thinking or talking about any of them if they’re gonna suck this hard, same as his friends, the way baze are lowkey sociopaths a lil bit amuses me ‘they don’t live here’ like y’all do and you can just keep enjoying being here forever, idk if there’s stairs in this place or what but regardless, carrying her to a different ‘room’ of this house and kick drawing a bed shape in the dust with his foot to then lay her down on and makeout with her again]
Bea: [the truth is they do care really but they’re not going to sacrifice themselves to try and save any of y’all, soz you’re flopping rn and they have to protect their peace fam; with that in mind making out with you like we truly never have to leave and it can just be y’all and this house that isn’t a house yet ‘I just need you’ in between these kisses]
Fraze: [just be here showing her how much you need her too by kissing her like your life depends on it sir]
Bea: [biting his bottom lip gently but insistently because you’re very !! even if you don’t know exactly what you’re asking for here]
Fraze: [doing a noise about it that’s very !! by his standards, dryhumping her as insistently because it’s blatant what they both wanna do here but can’t, while also touching her way more indecently that the first time he did it, for the same reason, like as hardcore as when they were having their competition to make each other cum, but that’s the level he’s starting at this time]
Bea: [following his lead and coming in harder than you were letting yourself, touching him with the same franticness that is required when there’s too much to ever be said about all your many emotions right now and in general ‘give it to me’ v much like I’m gonna win this time but also just to say it]
Fraze: [REALLY really doing the most to fuck her without that actually and accidentally happening is the entire frantic and feral vibe of this moment ‘you need it’ like she needs the win because she lost before but we’re just saying it because she said she needs him but a moment ago at the start of this makeout sesh]
Bea: [‘I want it’ pointing out that the subtle differences between the two don’t change the outcome of what is gonna happen here, obviously our voice sounds ridiculously indecent, very much doing the most to you too as well as moving against you and egging you on with our reactions]
Fraze: [doing his headshake whilst grabbing her face to make her shake hers too thing he did earlier but so much harder about how he grabs her with it because the feralness of this moment, despite the fact he said earlier there is no difference between want and need, he’s VERY much here like no you NEED it, kissing her as aggressively as he ever has again]
Bea: [pushing your head against his with the same intensity, holding his in place to stop y’all moving for a moment so you can be LOOKING into his eyes with absolutely no space between you ‘please’ saying it super quietly but with all the !! possible]
Fraze: [‘you know I-’ stopping yourself cos you were gonna say you want to and you’re like fuck that ‘need you too’ as !! because could not be more desperate to go there and do this right here and right now ‘but you’ve gotta stay smart, not behave how a thick cunt would ‘cause of me’]
Bea: [doing a little grumpy face that is pure frustration but of course you don’t wanna get pregnant or anything so you’re not disagreeing you’re just acknowledging how hard it is to not go there right now for you too ‘I’ll always be smart’ like you don’t have to worry about me because there is enough to worry about for you both and we’re not down with being added to the list]
Fraze: [‘I’ll always love you, like I said’ no notes, because he’s feeling that same frustration atm but not at you gal and he knows how smart you are/have always been/will always be, so he’s not worried]
Bea: [‘you can do it forever then’ like soon we won’t have to stop ourselves and if you mean always we’ve got loads of time to make up for this here and now]
Fraze: [‘til you get properly old and the only time we talk is when you’re telling us to do one’ with a lol as if you’re gonna be the cliche old peeps who hate each other but are still together]
Bea: [‘I’m not getting old’ not like Imma die before then vibes just that we will never be a cliche old lady because the only experience you have is your nan and that was not a mood or a moment to replicate thank you ‘if you do then I will tell you to piss off’]
Fraze: [just a look and almost imperceptible nod because that makes so much sense, nothing about her has or ever will be a cliche, saying something one of their teachers likes to say when she gets an answer right, in a good but OTT impression of said teacher, because right answer on both counts] 
Bea: [‘you’re too handsome to be ignored’ like I could never, giving you another lovebite right on his jawline because the !! has gone nowhere]
Fraze: [putting the Jesus and Christ he’s both said earlier together when she does that with a fucking in the middle because really !! ‘don’t then’ and carrying on where they left off by moving so dramatically against her because HAVE TO, pressing down on the inner thigh lovebite he gave her during the oral again without looking cos like her scar he just knows exactly where it is]
Bea: [‘I can’t’ because that is true and blatantly so from the girlfriend debacle and how hard that was to keep up even for that short length of time, kissing your way to his earlobe so you can give him a lovebite there too, right as he’s grabbing that spot on your thigh making you say your own curse prayer again]
Fraze: [‘I can’t wait ‘til tonight’ said with the pure frustration of feeling like you’ll literally pass away if you’re not actually inside her soon because how it feels ‘you’re the smart one, think of something’ like she can magic up a solution for this]
Bea: [‘don’t then’ not ‘cos you’re actually gonna let him but because you’re fairly sure that this, teamed with the way you’re moving to take off your pants like you’re doing this will send him over the edge]
Fraze: [me like oh girl you’re SO right, of course it will, no notes]
Bea: [you thought of something, girl, now lie here and try to recover]
Fraze: [cupping her cheek as gently as she did his right back at the very very start, because she is the smart one and he is having a what a mind moment here about it, kissing her cheek the way he did when she was the one who cupped his cheek but more !! because the feels are somehow even higher always]
Bea: [just closing your eyes and making a soft little moan noise because you love him so much, taking hold of his hand and rubbing it against your whole face basically, kissing the side of his thumb and opening your eyes again to 🥺 at him]
Fraze: [‘I dunno how to tell you you’re loads more than pretty neither’ because not just a pretty face, she’s so so smart and he’s actually in awe of it and always has been, a throwback to when he said he didn’t know how to tell her she was pretty earlier, cos I can, resting his forehead against hers like, that brain tho fr]
Bea: [‘you can’t hide it from me’ once your foreheads are pressed together, ‘cos we know you and we know how you feel about us, that’s not in doubt at this point, not at all, even when you inevitably had to hang out with your own friends more and try to give space because you were trying for the look of it to your parents and such, we still were never like oh Fraze HATES me now ‘cos not that bitch and we knew what it was about]
Fraze: [‘no cunt’s telling the bones of me what to do’ like nope, I can’t and won’t because he’s always wanted her to know how he feels and soz mcvickers but you can’t stop him, when you’re just admitting you’re in love with her to a literal bone deep level nbd]
Bea: [‘you know what to do’ not even as a saucy suggestion but validating that we see you as equally as smart and capable as us because we do, we are kissing you though, obviously, lest we say anything else that is far more blatant, as if it matters]
Fraze: [‘to you, with you, for the forever you’ve said I can have’ a nod like yeah I do ‘I’ve some ideas’ because he’s here having imagined your whole future life, house and kids and all, we all know it and he is forever unrepentant]
Bea: [‘together’ as confirmation you agree and are here for it, smirking like oh yeah? ‘Cos we don’t doubt that ‘it’s a surprise or?’ like you gonna tell me]
Fraze: [‘when we’re there, you won’t be able to shut us up showing off about how my plan came together’ like just you wait and enjoy your peace and quiet while you can lol, Winnie play mastermind, as if this is all his masterplan whatever their life ends up looking like]
Bea: [shaking your head as an oh you but also so you can just nuzzle your face against his with it too ‘take all the credit then’ like oi but also do it ‘cos we don’t care, as long as it happens]
Fraze: [‘you know what I want’ like it’s a given and also remember when you said that and how true it also is about this because it is, of course she does ‘and what’s mine’ll be yours if fuck all goes according to plan’ because getting married is obvs step 1 after moving in together which you’ve already discussed while you’ve been in this house, soz it isn’t in your real life lads because the twins happen but y’all have no way to know rn]
Bea: [just staying quiet because there are so many practicalities to this vision you don’t need to contemplate right now at this age and you aren’t going to be the one to piss over it all, just here touching his skin again wherever takes your fancy ‘cos you can]
Fraze: [just here thinking about when he said that he’d marry her as a kid and mcvickers pissed all over it in a I’d like to see you try this time, fuckers, manner, taking her hand and rubbing his over her ring finger absentmindedly as he thinks this like he can leave a bruise or something in the shape and place of where a ring would be purely from wanting it enough]
Bea: [‘do you think your parents will?’ ‘cos famously not married out here]
Fraze: [‘only if one of them’s dying from something and they see it coming’ v cynical but practical that they would so that all the legal shit is easier]
Bea: [‘mine were’ even if he knows this because slightly mad that they found the time but they were those sort of romantics like that, despite their age]
Fraze: [a nod, whether she can see or feel it, depending how y’all are positioned atm, because I feel like he would know that and he too is that romantic so he approves of it more so than he does the way mcvickers love story looks, despite there obviously being elements of that he also thinks are romantic af]
Bea: [we’re not judging you mcvickers ‘can’t imagine your mum in a dress like that’ because imagining the full princess moment and it is amusing]
Fraze: [making a face that I hope she can see because it would be so funny ‘she’d never, he’d be in the dress before her’ not shading you Fearghal but where’s the lie on Tess never rocking a meringue ever, and lowkey are shading Tommy for fully wearing dresses as a kid and Joe for being the emo he is in eyeliner and nail polish and everything so]
Bea: [loling because we’re lying here looking at you and that face was iconic, as are the mental images this is all conjuring ‘thank fuck it isn’t a show the little ones can force them to put on’ ‘cos imagining the dramatics that would ensue from everyone now]
Fraze: [‘it ain’t that funny’ in that ugh my family way of being a teen and the mcvickers fam actually being so weird but we know he doesn’t really give a fuck what anybody thinks and that he’s loling too because it’s contagious and he’s happy rn and there’s distance from it here ‘shut up’ but in the least shut up way ever and only the hottest way ever like don’t how they have all day, kissing her about it because the lol was cute]
Bea: [purposefully keeping laughing for the bit now like no excuse me I must ‘how bad can you look in a suit?’ like come on, you’ll be fine babe]
Fraze: [trying to cut off her lols with kisses any and everywhere he can, ending up doing the most to her earlobe so he can say in her ear ‘do you mean me or other cunts in general?’ and then reminding her of someone whether that’s a teacher or a neighbour or whoever who looks like total shit in a suit, you know the vibe]
Bea: [being distracted by what he’s doing on your ear like oh okay, sorry to this man ‘it doesn’t matter what anyone else looks like to me’ like I only notice you and you know it]
Fraze: [‘you’ll wanna marry us, how good I’ll look’ no notes, just saying he’d look that good in a suit during this mcvickers fictional wedding that she’d want to get him in one and down the aisle as soon as she can]
Bea: [doing your own ‘shut up’ and kissing you some more about it]
Fraze: [obviously picking her up and carrying her bridal style around this house including through a doorway, but please don’t do the actual way out cos y’all are not clothed enough lol, kissing her the entire time without stopping, not caring at all what you bump into or the carnage you could cause]
Bea: [telling him to stop and smacking him in the very don’t actually stop way that goes with how you’re kissing him back despite any protesting you’re doing in between]
Fraze: [finding the bottle and making her pick it up and have a drink and give you one as if y’all are doing wedding toasts/drinking to yourselves and this imminent marriage, not putting her down or stopping kissing her ever, getting in a mess with this booze about it]
Bea: [not y’all getting in this total mess when you’ve gotta go home, soz we’re too into it to care that we’re going to smell like booze so hardcore, tis decadence like you have not experienced before casually]
Fraze: [thank god mcvickers have a baby to contend with and won’t notice because the fucks y’all are not giving with your lovebites and your reeking of booze, god bless, make the most of this freedom before everything goes to shit and you’re lowkey raising that baby your damn selves]
Bea: [oh it’s already lowkey the least of their worries and soon will be in the realest way, already getting overlooked tbh, oh lads]
Fraze: [mhmm, I love you mcvickers and I always will but you know what you did]
Bea: [soz to do this to y’all but somethings gotta give]
Fraze: [speaking of, we should probably make y’all leave this house soon even if you don’t go home yet but I don’t wanna lol, we love it here]
Bea: [you will have to at some point, can always have someone come through this building site and spook y’all into leaving, even if that person is also just another person(s) dicking about when they shouldn’t be]
Fraze: [that’s a good idea, clearly nobody is working on it rn for whatever reason hence y’all are here but all the more reason for peeps to notice that once school is out, cos we said it’s getting near that o clock and come through]
Bea: [won’t let y’all literally be walked in on in this compromising position but you can get your clothes on and duck out before they do, taking whatever is left of the stash with you]
Fraze: [my boo says not on my watch and she’s so real for that, tbf if they are loud af older teen idiots like I’m imagining you’d defs hear them coming a mile off, running their mouths and have time to do that, we’re not even being unrealistic there]
Bea: [agreed and this clearly isn’t the only building or anything so it’s not like this is the only place to go for these boys probably pissing about with things and causing damage so run run before they see y’all ‘cos cba with having that run in]
Fraze: [love the not getting caught for y’all really validating that baze are boss babes and can do and get away with anything they want, such a mood, run run as fast as you can and have the cliched but iconic moment of eventually stopping and being all breathless and grinning cos you won again and LOOKING at each other]
Bea: [when you make a good team and nobody can deny it, hence whatever street corner we’re now on and however breathless we are we’re launching ourselves at you to have a cinematic kiss about it]
Fraze: [I love that for y’all even more because okay technically you’re very much not kissing publicly because nobody is around and even if they are it’s clearly nobody y’all know, but it’s as close to being a couple as you’re allowed to be in this era, hence really being peak romance about how he’s kissing her back here]
Bea: [like this is definitely nowhere near your home and your chances of being caught in a way that would genuinely matter are clearly slim but the way we had to kiss you without going into all this thought truly is it for me, like we were not thinking too hard even though it is fine and we clearly knew that in the back of our head]
Fraze: [agreed, I am living for and about that because one thing about this gal her brain is never off, why I stan cos same sis, what a great time we’ve all ended up having, so glad we revisited this]
Bea: [we’re all living hun, here saying his name ‘cos it won’t be the same when you have to say it again at home]
Fraze: [that’s true, say hers in response for the same reason and just also because you’re not over being able to say it like this yet]
Bea: [reacting physically to him saying your name like he did so much more ‘how am I meant to concentrate?’ ‘cos ages ‘til it’s an acceptable time for y’all to piss off to bed and we’re too into you to just be chilling doing normal after-school nonsense]
Fraze: [‘concentrate on thinking about me’ as if that’s any kind of solution sir, meanwhile he’s here putting her hair back up into the bun it started in because you can’t tell me she had time to do that before they ran, but not really, he’s very much just pulling her hair into his hand and kissing her neck very dramatically, going over the very first lovebite he did and making it more extra because he wasn’t being as !! then]
Bea: [‘not risky at all’ with a smirk that gives away that the opposite is true, obviously ‘but as long as you think about me’ with a shrug like I suppose we’ll be equal, gripping at his hair and pushing his head against you harder ‘cos any level is never enough and you can always go harder]
Fraze: [when you don’t even have to verbalise your lil catchphrase of no risk, no reward that your son and grandson have both stolen because you’re living it that hard now and acting it out with how much harder he’s going after being egged on by her like that, likewise true of what he’s going to be thinking about, it’s too blatant to need to be said when he can say her name again  indecently instead and push her up against the nearest wall, wherever that may be, I’m sure it’s probably lowkey the side of someone’s house but y’all do not care]
Bea: [GASPING at how he says your name, yet again ‘if you call me that in front of the rest I’m going to be so mad at you’ pulling him into us by his waist because mad clearly doesn’t mean what it says on the tin here]
Fraze: [‘it’s your name, babe’ like you can’t get ‘mad’ at him for saying it, saying babe with the same energy like okay is this any better, purely because living for the reactions ‘what else am I gonna call you?’ said like they are both THINKING about all the indecent af alternatives, as if he’d drop something like that in front of the fam lol]
Bea: [‘then you’ll have to ignore me’ because simply unacceptable I’m afraid, it sounds too good when you say it, bunching his school shirt up in your fists with the babe and shaking your head like that won’t work either]
Fraze: [‘I can’t’ echoing when she said it, and doing the most as per to show her how true that is by really pushing himself into her in exactly the right place] 
Bea: [‘we have to do this’ being vague intentionally as to whether you mean keeping the secret or literally doing what you’re doing right now, both work tbh]
Fraze: [keep doing what you’re doing as if that’s entirely what she means because yolo]
Bea: [wrap your arms around the back of his neck and let him support the full weight of your body against his, kisses going between soft and intense and teasing and messy seemingly at random as the urge takes us, trying them all out, also calling you ‘babe’ like we’re purely parroting you to take the piss but we’re also seeing how that feels in this scenario]
Fraze: [holding her waist and pulling her in closer with the same energy, matching or being completely contrasting about his kisses back as the mood likewise takes him, only pausing to LOOK at her when she says that because of the way it HIT, ofc it did]
Bea: [raising a brow like what? As if you don’t know, so then you’re pulling his head to you so you can say it some more in his ear, peppered in with his name like heheh]
Fraze: [don’t mind this boy here going so red and getting so flustered, nothing to see here anyone else, obvs he’s gotta pull her head to him with even more !! and kiss her very dramatically, including a lip bite that is so much less gentle than the one she did to him earlier, no other response is acceptable]
Bea: [the least subtle reaction of all time, so much so you gotta pull away and look around like whoops ‘smart, yeah?’ because we are not giving but we’re not actually pissed off with ourselves about it rn here because clearly no one you know is just chilling]
Fraze: [‘always’ because she said it earlier and it’s just true, she is, in her ear just to be in her ear because she was his earlier and we can pretend we’ve gotta because that reaction was so unsubtle, giving her a lovebite behind her ear where it’ll easily be hidden by all the hair she has cos again more subtle than the earlobe one he has and not matching but almost, it goes without saying how roughly he’s once again pulling that out of the way to do it]
Bea: [‘you’re too distracting’ like you’re making great effort here to be doing anything that isn’t reacting to everything he’s doing to you, play pushing him into this wall he pinned you up against]
Fraze: [‘I ain’t sorry I get to distract you like this’ too true because of how long they’ve both wanted anything like this to happen, overwhelming in the best possible ways, again pulling her into him because cannot get close enough ever, almost pulling her over with the !! of it]
Bea: [‘me either’ with the most blissed out sigh because lord knows you need distracting sometimes girl, being fully on top of you again like you got nowhere to be, just heart eyes ‘I want you’]
Fraze: [‘you want a distraction that ain’t bullshit’ because lord knows y’all have enough distractions that are bad rn and there are only more coming, little do you know ‘you need me’ yet again saying there’s no distinction but then making one, oh boy you do amuse me]
Bea: [‘the bullshit is the rest, until we can have what we want’ soz you’re such babies and you’ve got a ways to go before you can be fully on the track you’ve already decided you wanna be on, so for now kiss this boy as confirmation because yes to both want and need]
Fraze: [kiss her back as your confirmation that the bullshit is and has always been the rest, because couldn’t agree more, and at least now you are taking steps towards what you want, baby steps though they may be]
Bea: [you’re getting their kids, soz about the massive setback you’re about to be dealt, like]
Fraze: [we’re cruel cruel girls, enjoy your blissful ignorance while you have it though, even if you’re probably gonna have to move from where you are cos the peeps whose house this is are probs gonna appear from doing the school run or whatever like excuse you, start walking, however half-heartedly]
Bea: [mhmm, get your booty butts into gear, not you brushing your hand against his whilst you walk but not actually holding it]
Fraze: [why did I almost scream because I love that so much, it’s so y’all’s vibe well done boo, meanwhile I’m gonna need him to steal flowers out of someone else’s garden because of the birthday tradition and what she said about only getting flowers once a year, excuse us whoever’s garden that is]
Bea: [an absolute must, you are that bitch and you will be secretly so thrilled even if outwardly you’re loling like oh you ‘gift you stole is still a gift, suppose’ because how y’all been living]
Fraze: [‘I’ll do better when we pass a shop’ because we all know he isn’t just gonna steal condoms, he’ll be getting her fave sweets and energy drinks so they can stay up and whatever else feelsy things he spots that he thinks she’ll like, not him tucking one of these flowers into her hair, it’s fine]
Bea: [‘we should take the baby out’ ‘cos thinking that if you give Tess that break so she can deal with the other kids and chill, you won’t have to do any other chores tonight because cba dealing with the rest of you and babies are easier]
Fraze: [‘still got it, babe’ because that is such a good idea and she is so smart even if she did have that lapse earlier, v necessarily though it was]
Bea: [linking your arms like you gotta to move forward and kick a random bit of rubbish out of your path right there, doing a little bow when you untangle and move back like yeah, I know ‘whilst he’s still a mute witness’ ‘cos thinking those other kids can’t keep their mouths closed, oh if only you knew the casual trauma Ali is being subjected to lol]
Fraze: [poor Ali, we really are the biggest bastards to her ‘don’t reckon we ever bother teaching the little fucker to talk, like’ said as if they don’t it won’t ever happen because mcvickers are being that lax, because I love me some foreshadowing and if y’all only knew the amount of childcare you’re about to get lumbered with]
Bea: [my boo says honey, you got a big storm coming and it’s too true ‘I’ll keep the list of excuses in code or in my head’ tapping his temple for emphasis, ‘cos we know you’re going to have to come up with plenty]
Fraze: [‘you’re good at thinking of ‘em’ cos remembering the dentist earlier and what a stroke of genius that was, just really emphasising he’s not worried and she’s got this because wholeheartedly think so ‘bet we’ll not run out before we leg it from here’ meaning ireland for london of course, not this street literally]
Bea: [‘you’re inspiring’ shamelessly thinking about when you baited him earlier by acting like y’all were gonna do it, hence we’re grinning rn ‘of course we won’t’ because who are you if not these hoes ‘we get what we want’ like lowkey never listening to a thing a professional/adult has wanted from us a day in our life but we can fake like we are, so we aren’t worried about anyone catching us out]
Fraze: [getting SO in her grill when she grins because love it and before today it’s probably been a minute since you had cause to see it, even prior to his gf debacle, there isn’t much to grin about on the daily atm, gently grabbing her bottom lip with his thumb and finger, LOOKING at where he bit it before ‘I want you’ to echo when she said it, and because he does, tis true]
Bea: [having to do the biggest, widest eyes at him because what else can you do when it is this mutual and he’s got you like this, biting his thumb but really gently, more just holding it briefly with your teeth]
Fraze: [‘fuck you’ like she’s just bitten his finger off, except not at all because it’s said exactly like an ILY, with all the feeling in the world, and as soft as he ever says anything]
Bea: [saying your ‘fuck you’ against his fingertips, still LOOKING at him, obviously because couldn’t be more into it and in love with you right now]
Fraze: [returning this LOOK with the biggest hearteyes attached to it because hard same, just pushing his fingers into her mouth more, playing with her tongue, all very gently and slowly still, because obviously that’s what we’re up to on this random street rn]
Bea: [brushing some hair behind your ears as a shameless excuse to touch the stem of the flower he put behind one of them as you’re encouraging him to do the most by lightly flicking your tongue against his prying fingers]
Fraze: [just here having the most unusual playfight via her tongue and his fingers don’t mind them, meanwhile also leaning well in so he can brush his lips against each of her knuckles individually while she’s touching that flower stem because they’re so soft and not all bruised and fucked up like his cos that type of boy]
Bea: [closing your eyes because that’s the softest gesture in the world and you can’t handle it, forgetting yourself and fully sucking his fingers into your mouth as well ‘cos excuse us, you can’t be that blatant you love us]
Fraze: [earning a turned on gasp about it which for him might as well be the loudest and most extra moan ever because so about that and we have to let you know it ‘everything you do is gonna do me in’ just really making sure she knows she’s killing you just by existing]
Bea: [a happy ‘yep’ like that’s the plan ‘fuck letting someone else try and fail’ full shade to that poor random girl and any others, tucking his hair (however needlessly) behind his ear with one hand and reaching into our bag to pull out a packet of cigarettes to put one behind his ear like its a flower]
Fraze: [‘you knock me the fuck out’ so much emphasis on the you because nobody else could even make him wobble and we all know it]
Bea: [when that’s such an old hollywood thing to say so you’re here floating, could burst, don’t mind us, put another cigarette in his mouth and light it for him but after he’s had the first drag, taking it off him to have your own, not before you’ve kissed him so he has to blow that smoke into your mouth]
Fraze: [everything about that is so cinematic and iconic, we stan, if we needed any proof at all that he loves her he HATES sharing anything but here he is letting her take that cigarette off him like it’s nothing, watching her take a drag because she always looks hot doing it, soz but that’s facts, kissing her so she has to also blow the smoke into his mouth, it’ll be an endless cycle, wait and see lol]
Bea: [that poor kid in a big family trauma is real and we respect it but y’all are having too much of a moment to not share this cigarette in the most romantic and intimately gross but not to y’all moment of your little lives ‘kill me right back’ also as a means to breathe smoke straight from our lungs into yours]
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