#I know he hates the Tory scum!!
london-flowergirl · 2 years
Brianna Ghey vigil
so. first off, contact warning, i guess? this is me writing about a vigil and protest for a murdered trans girl in london. and i feel very raw about it.
so. i guess i’ll start by talking about where im coming from. i live in the uk, in london. im also trans. and the sitution in the uk is pritty awful. there is 0 poltical will to provide support to trans people. my mp is a tory and his one of the better people in parlmenet about the issues (the torys are fucks and should die in a fire, but transphobia is cross party so i’ll take the small crume, even if he is tory scum still, becous he is)
brianna ghey was murdered 5 or so days ago, by my count. the polical orginal rulled out it being a hate crime. they’ve had to step it back. Brianna was a pritty white trans girl. much like the girls on the side of milk cartons, she’s perfect for this story. but i want to say, right now, there are black and brown trans people who do not get the same respect, the in life, or in death, as brianna dose. i will talk so angryly about what happend to her, and she deserves, and deserved, so, so much more. but so dose every single one of my trans sibblings.
big events like this dont move me, nessercerly. i see it for what it is, tragic, but...i find myself isolated. sometimes. like theres a layer of rubber around my emotions. keep the charge contained. idk.
there was a memorial, a vigil, for brianna at the department of eduction in london. this is one of dozens being held in the united kingdom. briannas death has had an impact on the natinal press, after months and years of vitirol and bial. after dripping posin in to the ears of the public, they have gotten blood. but, in the press style, Brianna was the perfect victim. sixteen, by all accounts, kind and sweet, pritty.
the week before the event, i went to an LGBT event. at it one of the particents discuessed the maintream uk media had published 27 diffrent storys about trans people, all of them negetive.
the blood is on their hands, to be clear. not just theirs thought. the goverment too.
the point being. i went to the vigil. right after work. i turned up, and stood at the back of the huge crowed. i figure maybe 2000, although ive seen srouces call it a few hundred to a thousdon. how its figured idk, but yea. and i stood there, on my own, lost. but with my community. and i thought about how young she was.
i thought about how she didnt deserve to die. and that to drag this crum of fucking attention, she had to die. if not her, someone. and without her death we would still be lashed to the wheel of transphoic storys. how she didnt deserve to be a sacrifice to give pause to this all. i cried. poeple there offered me sweets, offered me hugs, and offered me tissues. i wrote a poem.
people chanted. they talked about the siution in the uk. they spoke about her age. and we spoke about how no one should have to deal. people left candles and flowers. i lit a candle for her, i wrote a note. mostly i felt angry and upset. and again, her story is know becous shes what the press wants, young, pritty, white. 
i am still burning with anger. our youth, trans youth, black youth, brown youth, deserve to grow up.
we should, none of us, should need people to die for people to give a shit.
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gr33nbull · 2 years
Seb is totally thinking about yeeting the Tory scum out with his shitbox rn 😌😌
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heartslobbf · 4 years
do you honestly think people like julian bc they agree with his actions
julian is a character that we as an audience are meant to laugh at. you’re not meant to sympathise with him, he is purposefully constructed to ridicule tories and everything they stand for. i’ve seen people say they like julian because he’s ‘good bisexual rep’ or ‘he’s such a father figure’ or ‘he and x character would be so cute together’ and that makes me uncomfortable. he’s not a good or nice person, and when i see people making out like he is all i can think is oh wow you’re a tory sympathiser. like?? why are you defending a man who is openly misogynistic, proud to be a war criminal, etc. additionally, as a queer person i really don’t like it when people say he is queer because he is literally a tory, and he likes margaret thatcher, and those two things really really don’t coincide with the kind of queer representation i want to see, or the kind of queer representation the idiots would give us. it’s actively harmful, if anything, and if you’re not bi and saying he’s bisexual for the sole reason that he shagged around a lot, maybe reflect on why you think that. it plays into biphobic stereotypes.
#like do i think julian stans would admit they agree with his actions?? no#but do i think that julian stans downplay the nature of his actions and who he is as a character?? yes#you can like julian: just engage critically with him as a character who is. literal scum#my dni does say tories so like u know. watch out#like why are you idolising and making catbot edits of a fictional tory war criminal#why are you pairing him up with other characters literally traumatised by the values he and his party upholds#why are you acting like the christmas episode redeemed him#i don’t think everyone who likes julian is secretly a tory. i think some people just don’t recognise how what they’re doing is kinda weird#because like it’s simon you know!! love simon he’s a leftie and a legend#but you can like simon and respect him without extending that to a comedic character he plays. meant to ridicule tories#because then you’re just. idk it’s weird like??#like you’re idolising this character because he’s played by someone you admire and like and respect. but this character is not meant +#to be idolised and admired and respected#anyways rant over i think#anon idk what your stance is on all this but like. you are allowed to like julian#he’s my brother’s favourite character but he’s my brother’s favourite character BECAUSE he represents tory scum in a comedic way#if he’s your favourite character because he’s your fuckin. white mlm character of the month and uwu actually he’s so sensitive. please .#he’s a tory war criminal your honour#rant over have fun reading all this anon :)#cannot wait to be sent anon hate for this#me a 16 year old trans kid: hey tories are bad#supposed left wing adults coming in my inbox like Um Actually im entitled to liking this tory because fjdjfjdjdjdjdj#stfu i hate tories they’re all scum#if you’re like oh well you can be friends with tories!! they’re not that bad!!! i don’t agree with them but we need to be tolerant :)#bitch ill kill you. ill kill all tories too#rant over smile :)#anon#answered
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captain-aralias · 2 years
get to know me
these are some impressively unusual questions. let's do it! thanks for tagging me @themandilorian
relationship status: in a long-term relationship. we're not married, but likely to become so soon because.... we're going to try and have a baby, and it's much easier for two women to be legal parents if you're married. i thought i was quite into marriage for a long time, and lots of my fics are about it, but it turns out when push comes to shove, i find the idea of a party full of lots of people who dont really know each other, where you're the centre of attention, and it's still kind of weird for it to be gay when you aren't a sword lesbian/bisexual of the blade... unappealing. so - i keep putting it off.
favourite colour: yellow. i think i first decided i liked this colour best in part because the company joules did some very nice mustard-yellow clothes, but also because no one else liked it, so it was a good colour to choose for games. and now i just unironically like it.
favourite food: maybe salmon sashimi. or dark chocolate - i'm the kind of person who basically thinks all sweets that aren't chocolate are ... just what you have so you dont have too much chocolate.
song stuck in your head: 'familiar' from steven universe
last thing you googled: 'surnames posh' <- i'm trying to name baz's ex boyfriends. i gave gerard the surname 'grey', because i thought... he's very similar to baz, that's the point of him, and so this is like 'pitch' ... but then i remembered the other character is called 'snow' and so 'grey' feels really weird. but i can't think of anything i like better, so currently it's still grey. we meet another of baz's boyfriends in chapter 4, and his name is tristan lloyd, which is much better. he too is posh, much to simon's disgust.
time: 22:59
dream trip: hoping to go to mexico later this year, so that's high up there. also, we watch a lot of 'strictly dumpling', and recently mike went to 'les grandes buffets' in the south of france, and it looked amazing - so planning on going there soon. and japan or thailand. i like eating food from these places, basically. that's why i'd want to go there.
last book you read: i finished the first book of 'scum villain's self saving system' today, and then went back to 'chief of staff' by gavin barwell, which is about tory politics during brexit. i sort of hate it, and what it has to say about how much time is wasted on total bullshit, but also it's interesting. slow going though, i dont read much non-fiction. only 20% through it.
last book you enjoyed reading: i really enjoyed 'scum villain' - although i would have enjoyed it EVEN more if i hadn't seen the show, so i knew most of the events. but i'm looking forward to reading the next one, which will be entirely new to me.
i also just finished 'the hourglass throne', which is the third tarot sequence book. really really like these books, great characters, found family, good plot.
last book you hated reading: i didn't hate it, but i can't be bothered to finish holly black's 'book of night', which is a shame as i really want to recapture the 'folk of the air' magic
favourite thing to cook/bake: sometimes i really love cooking and sometimes it's just time i'm spending doing something that i could be spending on something else. i order more takeway than i probably should. i like baking cakes. cakes usually taste bad if you dont make them, but if you do make them then they're almost always good.
favourite craft to do in your free time: i dont really do crafts, i feel the same way as i do about cooking, but more because you can't eat a bad painting. i write fics, if that counts.
most niche dislikes: this is my favourite question and i have no idea how to answer it. the texture of cotton wool? is that a niche dislike? stickers that have started to peel off and have attracted bits of fluff on the back, or aren't completely peeled off like on a book - i hate that.
this week i learned i can't bear the smell of snail rice noodles, but apparently this is a very common thing to dislike.
opinion on circuses, now and in history: totally bizarre question. i really respect mandy having an opinion on it. i really don't. i think i think of circuses as like a thing that i would like to like, but actually a bit like the opera, i wish there was more plot.
do you have a sense of direction, and if not what if the worst way you’ve gotten lost: i have poor sense of direction, thank goodness for google maps. the worst i've ever been lost was when i was about 17 or something and i got lost with three friends around a lake in the middle of the night, in the age when mobile phones were common but did not have GPS. i was so upset and angry about this that it became a meme amongst my friendship group, none of whom were stressed out about it. they made a film for my 20th (? maybe) birthday where they recreated the events, and how we got guided out by a man who looked like morgan freeman or something. it was kind of sweet - even though i literally hated that night.
tagging some other people: @histrange @cows4247 @ivelovedhimthroughworse @bookish-bogwitch @cutestkilla @technetiumai @phoxphyre
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firespirited · 3 years
I’ve talked before about how holiday calls are the only times granny or granddad let their guard down and drop information about their lives. probably because it’s short and there’s no eye contact. Well today’s Mum’s birthday (aka half-christmas) so she got a call from Granddad yesterday and he was talking about the local bomb shelter which segued into...
His dad was slightly too old to fight during the war so he was an air-raid warden, he’d go door to door and check that everyone evacuated. Gdad’s memories of the war are of a packed house as most of the extended family moved in and playing with the tin helmets for bomb protection (he was 6-8 for the bombings). His dad once evacuated a family who had a bomb land in their backyard, it landed in sand so didn’t go off and they hadn’t even noticed. Uncle Hector (who knows where in the family tree, they’re Joneses from south wales and manchester- that’s the brit equivalent of looking for a john smith in virginia) had a shell come through his ceiling and it was wedged there... so he got a stool and a bucket, put the bomb in the bucket then threw it as far as he could out of the window. Mum and I thought that was the exactly the kind of “stupid when in danger” thing we’d also do.
While I was joking and commiserating with mum with about how how the previous generation insisted on living in the present only to the point where all we talked about was the weather, their gardens and the best motorways to take (seriously. hours spent over maps and we find out from a stranger’s book that gdad’s RAF mascot was a bear, a real life bear that lived with them!) and granddad’s the only one who ever was willing to talk politics (proud leftie like us). I joked about how granny got furious and shut me down so hard when I asked who she’d voted for when I was staying with her at 16 and Mum goes
“Oh... she’s always voted right”
“Hwhat? How? she’s a community activist! how you even reconcile the two?”
“She’s got her rigidness, from her childhood¤, you know what i mean”
“Oh wow, she votes tory? we’re going to have to disown her”
“Yup, I know I know” *shakes her head and sighs*
“Wait, were they still together when Thatcher° got elected?”
*calculates on her fingers* “Noooo and besides they never talked politics, never.”
"I wouldn’t know how to talk around such a big ideological difference”
“Me neither!” *looks at me with relief*
¤Granny and her 9 siblings were raised in a authoritarian christian cult.
°Granddad like most lefty northerners turns feral when the subject of Thatcher comes up. You know when cats get all huge and hissy? That but a very polite well spoken man just radiating with pain and anger.
So today we learned we have a relative called Hector who survived a bombing by throwing it out the window (iconic dumbassery!) and granny is tory scum who also advocates for the NHS, the deaf and the elderly. I mean I’ve always known there was a massive cognitive dissonance going on, she’s really ableist and has that girlboss misogyny and a love-hate relationship with religion. That might explain why the party line is still that my cousin’s buying a house with his “roommate”. 🤣
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william-robathan · 4 years
Time: Around 10:45 PM Location: Somewhere between the Chelsea Royal and King’s Road.
“Explosion in Lambeth, they were targeting the civilians,” Eli, his campaign manager, and now head of communications, couldn’t take his eyes off the phone screen as he scrolled through the updates. On route to King’s Road, where William had to make an appearance to ring in the New Year with his constituents, they sat in the back of the town car.
“Is that what that sound was?” 
“Probably, yeah. People were gathered to watch fireworks, I think. I’m not sure how many –” The expression on Eli’s face paled.
“What is it?” William threw him a puzzled look.
The man looked terrified, he stared at the MP for a few seconds before he finally managed to open his mouth.
“Something happened to Acton... And it’s not just her.” The cellphone was receiving a message after message, colleagues texting them from the Chelsea Royal. “Do you think it’s...” Eli didn’t finish the sentence, but William could hazard a guess what he wanted to say.
“Russians? Yeah, probably,” he cleared his throat and looked through the window. It was happening again. The people who killed Harrison were back, attacking their city again. 
If there was one thing in the world that could get William Robathan worked up, it was this.
“MI6 is on the line. They’re probably issuing instructions for all the MPs,” Eli’s phone was ringing, “Should we turn around?”
“No,” William didn’t take his eyes off of the passing Chelsea streets, “Let it go to the voicemail. We’re not turning around.” 
Eli knew better than to argue, once the MP made up his mind there was no changing it, even if he was facing the danger. Although, working alongside the man for a long time now, Eli also knew it was pride that drove William to carry on with the plans, not bravery, or compassion. Besides, MP showing up at a public place to ring in the New Year’s with his constituents despite all the chaos that had ensued? Well, this would do wonders for his public image.
When William stepped outside the car, leaving his driver and Eli behind, he was all kind smiles and gentle waves, whilst rage slowly seeping into his soul. The HCA scum had the audacity to come after them again, and the fact that they lost the vote to Gazprom dick suckers, failing to properly retaliate had him boiling with rage all over again. This was the price they were paying for not imposing sanctions and taking the beating like cowardly little rats three years ago, and he hated his idiot colleagues even more now, if that was even possible.
Once the countdown started, William stood with the crowd, glass raised, on the busiest street of Chelsea, knowing a few minutes more and then he could go home, and relax after a long fucking day of pretending to give two shits about these peasants here and the fellow MPs at the Tory party. He’d arrived a little under an hour, but the squealing teenage girls and handsy middle aged women with their endless requests for selfies was already filling up his quota for one public appearance with his constituents. 
 Six... Five...Four... 
When William noticed a sketchy character in the distance, even though he was too far to be certain, he could swear the man was looking right back at him. If the MP had believed in premonitions, he was certainly feel one now. The sound of crowd chanting and fireworks going off around him was loud, so not everyone noticed how William shoved a person next to him away to run after the man in the distance.
Except, he couldn’t.
The sound was deafening. Before William could take another step, the shockwave from the explosion hit him in the chest full force, reverberating through his body, and then head, whilst being blown back, and slamming him on the ground. His lungs were full of smoke, and for a few second, he’d thought he’d suffocate. But as soon as William lifted his head up and retained breathing, he did it just in time to avoid the shrapnel piercing his skull, and landing a bit below his shoulder blade, whilst a cement debris hit his left foot, most likely breaking the bone. 
Well, fuck.
What followed had been a blur, mostly. The multiple injuries and a concussion had kept him in a state of dizziness and by the time he was brought to the hospital, William had passed out. 
If not for the nonstop ringing in his ears before he was carried to the ambulance, he would’ve overheard the on-site reporter (probably the same one who’d replaced his dead ex-girlfriend at BBC) deliver the news to the nation.
“...and the met police is still assessing the number of casualties. If not for the bravery of the MP of Chelsea of Fulham, William Robathan, who pushed the man out of the harm’s way, it may have been one person more. Reporting live from the King’s Road explosion site, it’s...”  
Oh, the irony.
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evabellasworld · 4 years
I Give You My Heart
Chapter 10
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Summary:  When Riyo Chuchi’s life was threatened, Commander Fox and Jedi Knight Ava Lira and Eva Bella Young are assigned to bring the senator back to her home planet Pantora, where she will be safe from harm. But when the assassin knows her whereabouts, it’s up to Fox, Lira, Eva, and Riyo to work together and stop the assassin.
As Fox sealed the door, Eva shuddered in fear as she sat next to Lira, holding her hands tightly. Despite not having to dread Fox and Riyo's presence, she finds herself drowning in a dimly lit room, with only two beds and a couple of drawers that were blanketed with dust.
Her stomach roared as she had only a ration bar on the way, prompting her to pull open the drawer and found packets of biscuits. Much to her dissatisfaction, there were no sprinkles or frostings, just dry and bland biscuits.
She usually loves her snacks that are sweet and savoury, such as chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodle cookies. Eva hardly bakes nowadays since she was always off-planet, but if she's free, she and Lira would use their mini-oven that Padmé gifted to bake their favourites.
Obi-Wan and Vanya would look forward to their cookies along with Anakin, and Ahsoka. They would prepare tea to drink along and have lively conversations to distract themselves from the perils of war. 
She wished for more time with Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka, but for now, she has to focus on defending the senator, whom she only met once. 
“Would you like anything, dear?” Riyo offered. “A glass of water or anything?”
“Yes, please,” Lira nodded, taking a bite of her dry biscuit, not giving a damn about the taste. “We're very thirsty.”
Riyo poured them two cups of water and sat down, facing them. She watched gleefully as the twins munched on their snacks and freshened themselves up, bringing her back to her youth on Pantora, where she would stuff her mouth with hertzoggie, which was filled with coconut and apricot jam.
Fox cleared his throat, catching their attention. A child protecting Riyo from danger? What is the Chancellor even thinking? They all could get themselves killed in just a second. And it will be my fault that I didn't save them on time, as usual.
“Commander?” Eva spoke, wiping the crumbs off her mouth. “Are you okay?”
“I'm alright, General,” he replied, “Though you’ll have to watch the footage that we found.” 
He switched on his hologram, displaying the footage that he collected from the building in front of the hospital. Lira and Eva watched as they both squinted at the gory sight, especially where Lip fell off from the stairs. A clone trooper getting shot at is one thing, but being shoved off the ledge made their goosebumps sprouted on their skin.
“Is she alright?” Eva asked, her voice laced with concern.
“Lip is currently hospitalised for her injuries,” Fox sighed. “Though she didn't capture him, she did help us to identify who is our killer through security, but for now, we’ll have to wait until she wakes up, if she even survived the fall in the first place.”
Lira swallowed her crackers and studied the masked figure on the footage. She thought he was tall and was bewildered that he had superior combat skills to take down Lip single-handedly. In her experience, clone troopers are capable of physical combat and blaster shooting, since she was taught by Commander Tori and ARC Trooper Minnie themselves.
Tori thought that it would be useful for the girls to hold a blaster, just in case they misplaced their lightsabers like their masters would. Playing the footage for the second time, Lira gulped down her cup of water as she watched the masked figure bump into Lip, causing both of them to land on their backs.
Grabbing her pen and crumpling notepad from her pocket, she closed her eyes and reached through the Force, only to find herself in the same building where the fight took place. The floors were made out of stone and the white paint of the walls was fading away with age, along with some cracks and stains all over it.
Lira heard a thump behind her and found both Lip and the assassin on the floor, groaning, when the clone identified the sniper rifle hanging around his chest. Before Lira could move away, Lip grabbed her blaster and pushed the trigger with her fingers, only for her weapon to kick from her clutches. “Not today, clone.”
She ran up a few stairs and watched as Lip climbed on the bannisters and punched the side of the mask, smashing him on the ground. “You’re under arrest for attempting to murder Senator Chuchi.”
“Well, well, well,” the assassin let out a chuckle, smiling underneath his mask. “Looks like I’ve found myself getting caught by a fair lady.”
 Lira rolled her eyes as Lip was processing what he meant when he held her waist, and pinned her against the floor, and seized her weapon. “Oh no, you don’t,” Lip shouted as she jabbed him in the eye, only for her attack to be blocked. 
“Oh, you’re one feisty gal, aren’t ya?” he needled, caressing her chin. 
“I don’t have time for this,” she spat as she clenched her fist and hit him on the other cheek, only to receive a mocking laugh. “Are we going to do this all day, sweetheart? I have other things to do.”
“Like what, killing a kind politician? I won’t let that happen.”
“Is she, though?” the assassin doubted. “She’s just like any other politicians, corrupted and apathetic to everyone else around them.”
Lip fumed as she kicked him by the neck, pinning him against the wall. “Well, my love, if you want to be rough, then just say so.”
She lunged towards him but was dragged by her hips and threw her off the bannisters, causing her to land on her back. Lira jumped down and let out a blood-curdling scream as blood flowed from her helmet. Her heartbeat accelerated as she glanced at the assassin, who looked down at her. “Sorry dear,” he laughed. “I guess we’ll see each other next time, if there is a next time.”
Putting down her pen, Lira palpitated as blood leaked from her nose, prompting her to wipe it off. “Are you alright?” Riyo questioned, as she poured another cup of water for the child, pressing a wet towel on her forehead. “Goodness, your body is a bit warm.”
“I’m okay, senator,” she bobbed her head, passing her notepad to Eva. “Just a bit of a headache, that’s all.”
“Will your sister be okay?” Fox wondered as Eva handed him her notes. “She seems to be paler than usual.”
“She’ll be fine,” Eva assured him. “Besides, she jotted down whatever she saw from the footage, which will help us in our investigation.”
He couldn't believe his eyes. Everything that was written down on the notepad, was exactly the same as the report that Yves had handed him earlier. The only difference was the dialogues that she heard between Lip and the assassin. Since there was no audio in the security footage, he didn’t know what happened between the both of them but now, he learned a thing or two about the incident.
Fox could feel the sexual tension between Lip and the assassin, judging by the dialogues. From praising the way she looks, even though she never took off his helmet, to teasing her in a sexual manner, his eyes squinted as he put down Lira’s notepad. This wasn’t the first time that Lip was harassed in this manner, and no matter how much he wants to complain to the Chancellor, he can’t do anything about it, since the system is against them. 
But at the same time, he was in awe that a child could manage to record everything, without missing out on crucial details. “I have to say, I'm impressed with both your efforts,” he praised. “You both found out his motives, which we admittedly find that difficult, though it was rather weak if I have to say so myself.”
“Yeah,” shrugged Eva. “Hating on politicians is a pretty weak motive, especially towards Senator Chuchi, who was reputable as the noble politician among dishonesty.”
“True. If they find politicians so rotten, they wouldn't have targeted her in the first place.”
“Yeah,” shrugged Eva. “Hating on politicians is a pretty weak motive, especially towards Senator Chuchi, who was reputable as the noble politician among dishonesty.”
“True. If they find politicians so rotten, they wouldn't have targeted her in the first place.”
“I have a feeling someone who hated her so much would have paid him to kill her and the rest of her allies as well.”
“But who would have hated me so much that they would hire someone to kill me?” Riyo butted in their conversation, much to Fox's delight. 
“Cowards,” Fox answered her. “That particular person probably didn't want to get their hand dirty, so he hired someone else to do their dirty work instead.”
“But the question is, who hired the assassin?” Eva hummed, scratching beneath her chin. “And why would they target you and your friends in the first place?”
“Honestly, I don't even know where to begin,” Riyo exclaimed. “There are too many endless strings, which leads us to nowhere.”
“Well, we could start in the underworld,” Lira suggested. “It's where scums like him would hide out from authority figures.”
“A good place to start, but it won't be easy to find him,” Fox warned the twins. “After all, he got away from us twice.”
“Don't worry, we'll do our best to find him,” Eva walked towards the door. “For now, you'll have to protect the senator.”
“I will, General, thank you.”
“You don't have to address me by my rank, Fox,” she chuckled. “Just call us by our names, Eva and Lira.”
For a moment, he was taken aback. First-name basis? That's unusual. Not even Skywalker or the Chancellor would allow such things. “Of course, General,” he stuttered, leaving Lira snickering to herself.
As she stepped outside the room, Lira detected an explosive attached to the surface of the wall in front of them, making her eyes widened. “Everyone, take cover!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, causing Fox and Riyo to hide underneath their bunk. 
Lira shut the door as fast as lightning and pushed Eva away from her, but it was too late. The sliding door blew up in her face, causing her to hit her head on the durasteel wall. She felt a huge pressure trampling through her skin as blood oozing from her wound, tasting her own bruise on her lip.
“Lira!” Eva whined, underneath the bunk with Fox and Riyo. The older twin coughed as she lifted the door away with the Force, revealing scratches and burn marks on her face and arms. 
Eva panted as she helped her get up, hoping that she would be okay. “Come on, let's get you to the med-”
“Find the assassin,” she cuts her sister off, ignoring the throbbing pain all over her body. “I'll get the senator and the commander out of here.”
“But you-”
“Just go!” she scolded, rubbing her forehead. “I'll be okay, Evie. I promise”
Eva tightened her lips as she forced open the vent and crawled inside, leaving Lira alone with Fox and Riyo. 
“Are you both alright?” Lira approached them feeling her head spinning like a top. 
“Yes, General,” Fox answered, as he checked on Riyo, who was smudged. “We need to get out of here as soon as possible. Any ideas?”
“I'm open to suggestions,” Lira's croaked, holding onto the side of her torso. 
“The medbay would be safe for all of us,” Riyo recommended. “After all, Lira needs to get herself patched up.”
“I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to hide out in the medbay,” Fox doubted. “After all, Riyo was attacked at a hospital before this.”
“Do you have a better idea, Commander?” Lira whooped, only to find blood on her earth-coloured gloves. Fox grumbled in frustration as he had no idea where else to go, besides the med-bay.
“Then I guess we have no other choice then,” he gave up thinking. “Let's hope the assassin isn't waiting for us there.”
“Lead the way, commander,” Riyo gave him a trusting smile.
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hadit93 · 4 years
AA, Thelema, Crowley, and OTO.
This post can also be read here.
The title of this post refers to the order of importance which I ascribe to the various aspects of the Modern Thelemic movement. It is my intention to briefly define what all these things are and describe where they reside in the modern Thelemic movement. Why the first two are more important than the last two even thought the last two are often placed upon a pedestal above the first.
The term AA has become synonymous with various outer order mundane spiritual groups which offer teaching and testing in the system of magic and yoga laid down by Crowley. AA is often stated to stand for Argentium Astrum or Astron Argon. Either way it is said to refer to the order of the Silver Star. This is all well and good when Crowley was alive and there was a single order, however, now everyone and their creepy uncle claims to be the head of a lineage or indeed the ‘one true AA’ and things get messy. The truth is there are many lineages which claim to be in touch with the AA and members of the AA which add others to the chain so that they too may know the AA. No human being is the head of the AA, not even Crowley was head of the AA.
The reason for this is that the AA proper is not a terrestrial organisation of occultists. It is a spiritual order which exists outside of time and space and it ‘run’ or influenced and delivered by beings which the Western Mystery Tradition calls ‘Secret Chiefs’. I won’t pretend to know what these beings are or shove a dogma down your throat, however, I would assert they are not people like your neighbour next door. They are definitely spiritual in nature.
The AA has existed since time began and will continue to exist when humans dwindle. Their mode of teaching differs and Thelema is but one mode of teaching which they have selected for mankind. At least, this is the narrative which Crowley taught. The AA were also responsible for the mystery cults of Greece, for Christianity and Islam, for Judaism, for every single spiritual movement on the planet. The AA is made up of those beings people would calls Gods, Ascended Masters, Secret Chiefs. It is a collection of spiritual ideas which influences the tides of humankind. All true spiritual gnosis arises from the spiritual AA, the mundane AA is but one outer vehicle of that spiritual order.
The AA in terms of terrestrial lineages is the third order, the order beyond the abyss in the city of the Pyramids which Magister Templi and beyond inhabit. I won’t say more on that because I am sorely unqualified to do so.
As touched upon above, Thelema is but one vehicle for the AA. It arose from the AA, however, it does not mean it is the totality of the AA. Thelema is the method of spiritual attainment which Thelemites believe is the norm or the most productive in the New Aeon. The times have changed and with it the formulae of initiation. Thelema was not created by Crowley, there have been echoes of Thelema for centuries. Crowley simply wrote a lot down and did a lot of work and developed an updated system.
People scoff at this idea, but the truth is Thelema has touched and inspired most of the modern occult movements which are still active. Wicca is effectively the watered down grand baby of Traditional Witchcraft and Thelema. When you look at most Western societies you can see more and more Thelemic principles being normalised. Free speech, equality for all, love, light, life, and liberty. You may not have picked up a Crowley book or even know who Ra-Hoor-Khuit is, but if you are living to the true expression of yourself and seek to be in line with the universe you are for all intents and purposes a Thelemite.
Thelema needn’t refer to the religion which modern practitioners have tried to force it into. It was never meant to be that, Crowley didn’t want that. But people have attempted to make it so and it is a bastardisation of what Thelema was meant to be. Crowley was not a man to be revered, yet revered he is. Crowley wrote it all down, he wanted people to forge their own paths, find their own mysteries to solve, to be true Thelemites and follow THEIR Will. What has come out of 1970s America has been a disappointment which he foresaw on his death bed. The current Caliph OTO has bastardised Thelema and I fear there is no turning back.
Thelema is bigger than Crowley. It is bigger than modern day Thelemites. It is bigger than a religion or a philosophy. It is a current which extends from the AA for all humanity not just some weird occultist drawing geometric shapes in their mothers basement. You can be a Thelemite and never practice yoga or magic in your life. You can be a Thelemite and practice a spiritualised form of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism. So long as you strive to find your purpose and accomplish it, limiting your restrictions- both internal and external as you do so, you are a Thelemite. At least in my non-dogmatic eyes.
I can’t cover the man that is Crowley in a few simple paragraphs. Books have been written and a couple of them are good. Don’t google him, don’t watch documentaries, the rumours and lies have been presented as truths and it has perverted the truth. He was an arsehole, he was born in Victorian England into a wealthy family. He was entitled, held racist attitudes, essentially hated anyone. Often made homophobic remarks despite being openly bisexual himself. He was complicated. He was human and incredibly flawed. In fact, I probably would have hated him.
The thing is, he was also brilliant. He also received genuine spiritual insight because he genuinely did the work, which is something few can honestly state. He also had two sides, Crowley the spiritual teacher was definitely a believer in equal rights for all humans, Crowley the man was white, English and a Tory. Since most white, English Tories have not changed in modern times either (Boris Johnson) perhaps we should not be too surprised.
Crowleys spiritual writings are important, the so-called ‘holy books’ are important. The system of AA which he laid down is important. His personal letters, remarks, attacks- his entire personal life is not important. People need to stop avoiding him because of it or worse still idolising him because of it.
BUT, your own work and own spiritual insights are more important. As I mentioned above, Thelema is bigger than Crowley. Crowley penned founding documents, it is up to us to flesh the system out further. It is okay to disagree with Crowley- he was wrong on multiple occasions. It is okay to go in a different direction- if your will takes you there, follow it. Too few have dared to go further. Instead what we have seen in Thelema’s first century is the regurgitation of the same ideas often watered down in outdated psychology. Over and over. It is sickening. It is stagnation. It needs to end. If you are thinking of publishing a book which simply teaches basic qabalah and the Golden Dawn system. Stop! We have enough Regardie and enough Cicero books- they have done fabulous work we don’t need any more.
There are few who dare to dream, who dare to explore. Kenneth Grant and Michael Bertiaux are too example who have taken Thelema in weird and wonderful directions. Often going against some of Crowley’s beliefs and teachings because they have found in their experience that he was wrong.
I guess I could go on forever, but to sum it up- be a Thelemite not a parrot.
The OTO stands for Ordo Templi Orientis and refers to a pseudo-Masonic order which existed before Crowley and allowed both men and women to join- which was at that time anathema in freemasonry. Furthermore there are less degrees and a central secret of sex magick practice which has since been published openly much to their chagrin.
Crowley became head of the order in shady circumstances and reworked the lower degrees to conform to the new aeon. The OTO was said to be a vehicle inspired by the AA- that is the spiritual order- and thus had to be in line with the Thelemic current. It was a publishing vehicle, a means for promulgating the teachings of Thelema, a social group. Above all it was and is a failure.
Crowley created the mundane AA with the intent of limiting social contact, because things get nasty in magical orders when social contact is concerned. The current OTO has become the nastiest of the nastiest despite promoting itself as a loving and nurturing environment.
I am wary of space and so I will be brief. The OTO and AA died with Germer- a student of Crowley whom Crowley still recognised as a master. The OTO was revived by Grady McMurty and Phyllis Seckler. TImes were probably good then. Then after Grady’s death the black brotherhood moved in. They have connections with the far right. They want to assume control of the AA and of Thelema- both of which as I have mentioned are beyond humanity and thus cannot be controlled by a part of people. They want to brainwash and indoctrinate rather than guide.
You will often hear that the AA lead by Gunther is the one true AA- it is the AA that the OTO sided with. This is inherently false. Anyone claiming to be the one true AA is selling you a lie. Anyone claiming to be a representative off that order and has a lineage is probably also selling you a lie- although there are a couple of decent claims to that. The AA exists outside of terrestrial affairs and certainly does not inhabit beings who side with the far right and no-nazi scum.
The reason the OTO backs up this claim is because the head of OTO and his right hand, gun wielding, man are students of Gunther. Gunther was actually expelled by his teacher, he has no lineage claims to hold on to. His claims are that he is in touch with the secret chiefs- he is also apparently a magus and received a word. He is also the new Thelemic messiah. In truth he is a messed up individual with a southern baptist background trying to create a religion out of Thelema which as mentioned above is a bastardisation of the current.
I have been quite quiet on these matters, but who you get your teachings from matters. Who you link with spiritually matters. Avoid the stagnation. Avoid the poison. I’m not an ex member of OTO, I have no reason to hate them. I don’t hate the members, but I can see from the outside what the organisation stands for and what it has become. I am not blinded by the principles in the blue equinox because they are not my imaginary utopia.
The OTO is not, in my opinion, a true representation of the Thelemic current any longer. It is dead, it is inert. It lost its ability to claim to be an order of love, life, light and liberty when it covered up rape scandals and protected the abusers whilst slut shaming the victims. They are despicable and they need to answer for their crimes. And everyone who is still involved with them, even those who are beautiful people- I am sure there a lot of them- are equally despicable for paying dues to the organisation. Hang your heads in shame you have forgotten your brothers and sisters in favour of advancement.
Seek the true Silver Star, do the work yourself, question everything, and seek that which is beyond.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
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So, I woke up in the morning to the news notification on my phone telling me that Dominic Raab is now in charge of the country.
Dominic Raab who doesn't believe in human rights, yeah that one. Dominic Raab who thinks money for schools and hospitals and social care is a childish wishlist. Dominic Raab who didn't even bother to read the Good Friday agreement when he was minister for exiting the EU but nonetheless believes in a super hard Brexit anyway. So he's both hateful and incompetent.
Now, don't get me wrong, Boris is scum, but the thing about Boris is that he wants to be liked. He's a populist. He can be persuaded by public opinion.
I don't know if Raab is actually a sociopath or not (I mean more so than all Tories have to be lacking in empathy on some level) but it is very clear from everything he has said and done that he doesn't give a fuck about ordinary people's lives.
So, I see this going one of two ways. One, Raab says fuck people's lives and acts to "save the economy" by sending us all back to work no matter what the cost. Or two, he uses this as an excuse to erode civil liberties and people's rights.
A scary situation just got scarier.
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gayspock · 4 years
3bake off ep 7
- i already know lottie leaves & im mad fyi. a bitter tone will pervade this liveblog.
- shut up pru you tory cunt.  “posh area.” fucking suck my balls. bet your scum son voted for the kids to starve
- edit: he absolutely did! just googled it! choke on your fancy quiche
- paul hollywood though you may be northern brethren i still hate your ass. dont get it twisted.  just allow me this brief moment to direct some rage at grandma child starver.
- call that a gaylien (canned laughter track)
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- this is like. an aside. canned laughter track is unironically one of the most unsettling noises there ever was. i believe friends is a fucking godawful sitcom, but a promising horror.
- travis marcelroy was murdered last week so now lottie movies to assassinate another man. god love you girl.
- its dave. im startting to warm up to dave. hes still like a stock photo of a man but he isnt peter. i hate peter.
- oh my god
- paul did you literally just wipe your head with the “heat” of the chilli. im going to kill you, you worthless little man.
-  finally some hermine RESPECT. FINALLY. FUCKING FINALLY.
- paul setting challenges that are difficult in the heat on purpose.... literally stop it. why. we dont wanna see that kinda drama and nonsense!!! also, GET AIRCON IN THE TENT ALREADY. IK ITS BRITAIN BUT YOU CAN DO IT  FOR A DAMN TV SHOW
- LIKW SORRY BUT. 35C. ik tht for a lot of ppl that isnt tht hot but that’s hot for england .... way above wht a lot of ppl are used to. esp in like. a stuffy little tent like that. and then forcing them to all turn on really hot deep friers and work over them is just cruel man.  and i heard they have to make ice cream stuff after this ??? fucks sake man
- dave, my beloved. i mean this in the kindest way possible. it looks like you’ve fished up two logs from the toilet.
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- AGAIN WITH THE WHOLE TEMPERATURE THING IT JSUT... literally why have them make an ice cream cake. why. if its that hot. why. you know it gets that hot... it gets hotter and hotter every year. like ... this would be impossible for even a proff to do in their conditions. so why.
- lottie
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- ma’am
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- well its death 
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- laura im sorry im not trying to be mean im sorry laura no comeback it was a joke im sorry  it loosk DELCIIOUS I
- can we all get Fs for lottie, though. can we? im sorry ma’am. you were beautiful. you were charming . you were deadpan. wwe will miss you....
- NO
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reijiroryoko177 · 5 years
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Name: Kit
Gender: Female
Species: Half human half feline (due to experimentation)
Age: 18
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 153.6
(Adopted) Family: Asgore, Toriel, and Frisk
Biological Mom: Eliza (deceased)
Biological Dad: Unknown
Likes: (secretly) flowers, baking, drawing, sports, anime, manga, marvel movies and comic books
Dislikes: Drama, gossip, revealing clothing, bitter things, wearing makeup, high heels, needles, visits to the doctor or hospitals, small rooms, and being grabbed
Personality: A huge tsundere, touch starved, protective of her friends, is actually super shy, has a bad temper, spunky, bold, refuses to let anybody get involved with her problems, and tends to wander off by herself if feeling inadequate
(Trigger Warning???)
Story: Eliza became pregnant with her in a laboratory of people conducting experiments to create a “shape shifting human.” They injected chemicals into her while she was still in her mother’s belly and this is how she gained her ears and tail. Because of the experiment, Kit was nearly stillborn and Eliza was in bad shape from all the chemicals. When the experiment didn’t work, they kept Kit alive in case they needed to do more tests and they tried to make Eliza have another baby. Their attempt failed and she had to be put on life support to keep her alive. Kit was forced to stay in a room separated from her mother but she would always sneak out to go visit her. Every time she was dragged back to her room, she would kick, punch, and try to bite the scientists for what they did to Eliza. One day Kit didn’t realize that she would be seeing her mother for the last time. Eliza had managed to snatch a keycard off of one of the scientists and when Kit snuck into her room, her last words to her daughter were “Be free.” And fell still. Kit, in a midst of fury and grief, obeyed her final wish and escaped. She was pursued by the humans up Mt. Ebott and when she reached the hole at the top, she faced her pursuers with a seething glare before letting herself fall. Kit survived the fall but not without a few cuts, bruises, and a broken arm. She was found by Toriel, who had followed the sounds of her cries and immediately took her back to her home. When asked what happened and why she was down there, Kit’s only explanation was “I was running from the people in white coats.” When asked about her mother, Kit was silent for a moment before just hugging Toriel, crying. Kit was about 6 or 7 when she first fell down to Mt. Ebott and Toriel took it upon herself to raise her like her own child. Kit only addresses Toriel as “mom” and grew to dislike humans for what they did to her, Eliza, and the monsters. Aside from her short temper, Kit gained a spunky and bold personality. When she turned 18, it took a lot of convincing for Toriel to let her venture outside the ruins. She told Kit to wear a dark purple cloak with a white Delta Rune sewn onto the back to hide herself in case she gets attacked, but Kit refused to. She got dressed and headed out to Snowdin, giving any monsters who were staring at her a stern glare. Then she met the skelebros. Papyrus was just as puzzled as Sans was to see someone that looked like a human, but wasn’t. Kit bluntly and quickly explained that she wasn’t a human, adding in that she hates humans. While Papyrus offered to show her around Snowdin, Sans visited Tori and asked if she was the one who let Kit into Snowdin. Toriel explained to him that she had found her when she was just a child and needed somebody to take care of her. Sans then asked “What about Asgore?” Toriel responded, while glaring, “He won’t lay a finger on her.” Toriel asked Sans to promise he would protect her and teach her how to survive in the underground. Sans was hesitant and told her “Gee Tori, yer really makin’ me put a lot of backbone into these promises… Alright, I’ll keep her safe.” With that, he kept his promise and kept an eye socket on Kit. Eventually, Kit came to decide she actually liked Snowdin and wanted to move in. Papyrus offered her to stay with them, due to there not being very many available homes and she took the offer. It took a tremendous amount of convincing for Toriel to let her move out and Kit promised to come visit her every chance she got. After packing her belongings and moving in with the skelebros, Kit felt a familiar feeling resurface. The same feeling of when Toriel took her in. The feeling of being accepted.
Kit in the Pacifist Run: Kit does not trust the human at all. You can try to approach her at first, but she’ll swing her bat at you if you get too close. She also becomes infuriated when Papyrus lets them into the house and locks herself in her room, refusing to let the human in. It will take a lot of convincing and Mercy to let her know you mean no harm.
Kit in the Neutral Run: If you kill anybody, Kit will come after you. You will encounter her numerous times and she’ll give you a beating until she’s exhausted and flees. If you kill Toriel, Papyrus, Sans, or Asgore, this will just fuel her rage. If anybody has died, Kit will be mournful in every Neutral ending. Any close friends or family that are still alive, she will go to stay with them and become extremely protective and concerned for their safety. If Sans calls you and leaves a message about the results of your actions, Kit will snatch the phone out of his hand and say “I have one thing to say to you, you damned scum…” before saying in a low voice laced with venom “If I had one wish, it would be that you didn’t survive your fall.” before hanging up abruptly.
Kit in the Genocide Run: Kit will not show or accept any Mercy for what you’ve done. You took her mother and her closest friends from her, and there is one thing she will take from you. Your life. The true fight with her will begin when you run into her after you’ve killed Sans. As you’re making your way to Asgore, she’ll suddenly appear from hiding and knock you backwards. When the fight begins, you will see that she is wearing a red scarf around her neck, a dusty, bloody blue jacket tied around her waist, and a dark purple cloak with a white Delta Rune sewn onto the back draped around her. The only expression on her face is unspeakable rage and her bat has been upgraded with a saw blade sticking out and the wood of it is layered with duct tape and wires to keep it in place. The beating is brutal beyond imaginable and she will not offer any Mercy, nor accept any. The only thing she will say is “No more.” “I should have killed you where you stood.” and “Give them back.” The longer the fight lasts, the harder it will get and she will begin to screech her words in an almost animalistic way. If the fight lasts longer than intended, her bat will eventually snap in half due to the force of her swinging it and she’ll move on to using her claws. The way she can be beaten is if you flank her from behind and stab her in the back. She won’t die immediately though. Kit has a few things to say while sitting on her hands and knees, a pool of blood forming below her. “H-Heh… Hehehe… Go ahead.. C’mon, finish me.” (You have a choice to end her or let her suffer) “... Heh, doesn’t matter.. *cough* *cough* … I’m in trouble n-now… but s-so are you. Once you reach the surface, all this blood on your hands… The humans will see what kind of monster you really are… And they’ll kill you for it.” She says this with a diabolical grin on her face. “See you… in HELL..” When Kit finally collapses and one last breath escapes her, her body doesn’t turn to dust. She just remains there lifeless in a pool of her own blood and wearing the clothing of the ones she was closest to and loved the most.
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10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping like the boring, employed adult I am... long gone are the nights of frivolous shenanigans ☹️
11. Favourite age you’ve been so far? 20! It started during my first year of university, and I begun my year in Canada... I didn’t have a worry in world, everything and everyone was so new and exciting, and the freedom was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before or since. My mental health even gave me a break during that year or two!
12. Who told you they loved you last? My parents, bless ‘em!
13. Your worst enemy? Probably my old German teacher, the wretch. She hated me for reasons I still don’t know to this day, and I subsequently loathed every second I had to spend in her lessons. The cunt would mock me, single me out, make up reasons to punish me, you name it. I had really enjoyed languages before I had classes with that utter specimen, and was pretty good at them too. Because of her, I lost all interest in a skill that would have been so great to have throughout life. Fuuuuck, I’m getting angry thinking about this sub-human, putrid, heinous scum, and I haven’t interacted with her in like 8 years or so - that’s how much I hate her.
15. Do you like someone? Nope, still one aromantic boi! 😛 The most I get is sorta mini-crushes, but even those are just kinda ‘this friend is attractive and cute’, and I don’t currently have any!
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? Me when given the option to make Theresa May explode whilst she’s amongst her equally grimy, scheming Tory minions: 
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18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I hate to be Captain Edgelord™, but oh boy, quite a few people. Definitely the aforementioned German teacher and Tories, but the most satisfying I can currently think of would probably be like Trump, or some dickheads from back in Highschool.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? Someone attractive?? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Nah, probably the opposite tbh - I’d enslave Jeff Bezos, make him personally hand out his disgustingly decadent and unnecessary wealth, and then just make him spend the rest of day working like his employees have to: in cramped, hot, unforgiving spaces, with negligible pay, a plastic bottle to piss in, and chastisement every time he needs to take a second to perform anything like a basic human bodily function.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? Unless it’s so secretive that it’s also hiding from me, unfortunately not!
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Probably Sweden - I know a lil’ bit of the lingo, have always wanted to visit, and have friends I could hit up when over there. Either that, or come shatter all of your peace in beautiful BC again 😘
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? Oh boy, holy beings are way cooler than we’ve been led to believe 😎 It’s gotta be Jägermeister! My favourite spirit taste-wise, it’s amazingly versatile (shots, mixes, straight out of the bottle... you name it!), has a good punch to it at 35-40%, and is often too expensive to justify buying. 
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Depends on how responsible I felt at the time... my bet is on ‘not very’, so it’d probably be some restriction on how often people can have kids to serve to dual purpose of 1) stopping things getting too crowded, putting strains on resources etc, and 2) ensuring I get a lifetime of peace and quiet, not having to deal with messy, noisy, unreasonable lil’ shits. This situation is hypothetical enough for me not to have to consider the moral/practical ramifications of such a rule 😛
29. What is your favourite expletive? Hate to be boring, but ‘fuuuuuuuck’ is just nice and versatile, as well as having enough weight to feel effective. ‘Bastard’ is even more weighty, and is often pretty amusing situation depending, but is pretty limited in where it can be used.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Wish this one was more specific! I’ve had so many nasty and/or damaging experiences that have been borne of good things, or ones that have formed important attributes/events for myself. But I’ll go for the year of my life I had to waste working a miserable, demeaning retail job and having no opportunity to do something more meaningful no matter how hard I tried. It’s done nothing but take a massive and profound toll on my already-shaky mental health, even to this day. 
Thank you very, very much for the questions! ❤️❤️ They’ve provided me with much entertainment this evening, and I hope the answers aren’t too long-winded and boring - no offence taken if you don’t fancy reading through them all 😘
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taylorseyelashes · 3 years
i hate how my mum drilled it into my head that ‘oh some people actually get abused so you can’t call me a bad mother’ when she’s like, clearly emotionally abusing me. She always tries to victimise herself, ‘oh but thing of all the bad things you’ve done’ no mother. You told me I’d look like a witch if I dyed my hair black, you told me you didn’t care when I tried speaking about something I’m passionate about, you defended Cristiano R*naldo, you constantly ignore the shoulder injury I’ve had for the past three years, I told you I wanted to see someone about ADHD and you told me to stop thinking I’m special, you constantly bang on about how Dad’s always in a bad mood, but every day you either forcefully put him in a bad mood, or gang up against us with him, when he’s in a bad mood. I told you that I feel like the least favourite child and you said ‘don’t be ridiculous I bought you a horse the other month’ because all you care about is money, and emotions don’t mean shit to you you fucking Tory scum. All the things I want to do in life you put down, telling me to change my 8’s into 9’s and putting so much academic pressure on me, telling me to try for Oxford or Cambridge, my curfew until like a few months ago was 4pm FFS! Don’t hang out with this person, don’t take this subject for A level, do very rich coming from someone who spent their school life doing drugs in a park and had to retake English. Fuck your classism, fuck your racism, fuck your misogyny, shove your rape apologies up your ass, and fuck your homophobia too, I don’t fucking know my sexuality and God forbid you ever found that out.
Okay my rant is done I got distracted, I’m gonna continue watching Tom Daley videos now (oh no! a gay man! hope that doesn’t offend you you piece of shit)
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mayhembunnywrites · 3 years
Pt. 3 of the Heart Series: A Healing Heart
By Bunny and Fyenrir
Light filtered into the once tidy apartment of one Brenda Pancake, it slowly but surely travelled towards her sleeping form. Brenda was passed out from yet another night of excessive drinking.
The ray of light shone directly on her face, eliciting a myriad of complaints from Brenda.
Sluggishly she dragged herself out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
Brenda looked at her phone, “5 missed calls from Saab.” She tossed it back on the bed and turned away. Ever since that day where she witnessed him kiss Erin, she hadn't replied to a single call or text he sent.
She had spent the last night with Tori and Freya at Bahama Mama's, trying to numb the constant aching pain that had been afflicting her for the past week. Her close friends had gathered around her and provided her with the strength she needed to function day to day.
As close to scandals came, this was one that shocked most people. Some even doubted her calling Brenda insecure and jealous.
Freya had drunk dialled Saab the night before and began a tirade that lasted half an hour, labelling him with names like “Scum of the earth” and “cheating no good bastard.” Tori chose to remain a consoling friend by matching her shot for shot till they were both so intoxicated they had to call Ellie for a lift.
After Ellie had dropped off her friends at their respective homes, despite their protests to Brenda, she dropped Brenda off with one simple comment, “Call me if you need anything, Brenda.”
Brenda didn’t respond, simply attempting a weak smile as she stumbled into her apartment. She stumbled over to the dresser for clothes to wear to bed, grabbing an oversized shirt and changing into it. She felt defeated, tired after a week of drinking and questioning herself. ‘Why wasn’t I enough?’ she would ask herself as she cried, ‘Why am I never enough?’
Her only company had been her cats and her ‘fathers,’ the doctors taking turns coming over in an arranged rotation, bringing her food. They had done that since the second day after she caught Saab kissing Erin, having heard people talk about how they saw her crying in the rain on her way back to her apartment that fateful day.
At first they were confused by the entire situation, knowing almost nothing and unable to find out anything. When they opened her apartment door with a spare key, they were shocked to find Brenda surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol on the floor, passed out with tear marks visible on her cheeks.
King was incensed at Saab, he had destroyed any trust that Kai had placed in him. When Saab came to the hospital the first few times trying to apologize, King was there acting as her shield from him. Torah, however, acted completely indifferent to Brenda, stating that she was never good enough for her brother.
The boys from the Chang Gang visited her daily trying to brighten up her day with their loony antics.
Buddha and Tony had dropped by a few times and apologized on behalf of Saab for his behaviour, clearly uncomfortable with the situation and how Saab had acted. Brenda hadn’t responded to them, simply staring at them and then looking out the window, her eyes brimming with tears.
For the first half of the week she had been nearly catatonic other than that first day when her dads rolled in and made her cough up the truth about the situation. They were in disbelief when she told them, having never expected Saab to cheat.
Ducksworth had been the most protective ever since, barely leaving her apartment or her side except to get a few changes of clothing to last the week. He stayed with her and slept on her couch before going to work each day, finding himself feeling more worried and vigilant than before.
“I can’t believe you did this to her,” Ducky said to Saab when he tried to visit her. “You don’t have that right anymore. Besides, even if she asked to see you, I wouldn’t let you in.”
Isaac was the one who found the flowers for the first time, feeling only rage when looking at them and knowing who sent them. “I’m going to fucking kill him,” he hissed to King out of Brenda’s earshot. She had started tearing up again once they had brought them in to throw them away and Ducky had quickly moved to her side again, holding her and brushing away her tears in an attempt to comfort her.
One of the consolations was watching Vinny crush the Sandking. She had kept a shard of pink metal as a token to remember it by.
Brenda was conflicted. At times she hated Saab, hated herself, and at times she would go on without end thinking about him and the times they spent together.
Most of the time, she would remember the rain, the rain that brought them closer together as a couple and the rain that destroyed them. As the week went on, she had cried less and less, staring out the window and thinking to herself.
She thought about ‘Why would he do this? I thought he loved me, why would he do this to me? What did I do?’ And then one day it struck her like a thunderbolt.
She did nothing, she realized while eating dinner with Isaac and King. ‘Was it not my fault?’ she asked herself repeatedly. ‘No,’ she answered internally, sitting up and blinking in surprise for the first time since that day, ‘it wasn’t.’
Isaac and King were flabbergasted, shocked at the fact that she managed to sit up and express something other than sadness on her face. “Brenda?” they asked with shocked expressions, hope in their voices.
“Was it not my fault?” she whispered to herself, surprising them with her words. Their faces fell into sadness, clearly distraught by what she said.
“Sweetheart,” started King, “is that what you thought? That he cheated on you and it was your own fault?”
Brenda nodded, starting to cry again as she questioned herself again, ‘Was I wrong this entire time?’
That was two days ago. She had finally left her apartment with the help of Kai and Ducky, going down to the bank to get the money to pay off her Issi. She made them go to PDM for her, the memories there still too fresh and painful, but it was still progress.
Brenda had cried herself to sleep that night, looking at her phone and seeing a picture of Saab holding her on it. This morning she finally deleted it with the help of Karen. Karen came over to say that enough was enough, having not seen Brenda except for a small period of time in which she was unresponsive and only sobbed. Karen had seen Brenda stare at the picture and grabbed the phone, going through and deleting all of the pictures.
Brenda had gone with Tori only two hours ago to Saab’s house while he was out robbing a bank, simply putting her copy of his key on his kitchen counter and simply texting him, “I left your key at your house.” She felt tears welling up as they left but she pushed the urge to cry away. ‘I am stronger than this, he will not make me cry again.’
The orange hues of the sun was beginning to dip over the horizon. A lone figure stands alone at the peak of Mt. Chiliad, Brenda Pancake stood there taking in the view of the city that spread out below her.
She looked over the city, reminiscing of memories and of her relationship. ‘I loved him and he betrayed me,’ she thought again, ‘but I still made it through today.’
Brenda clutched at her necklace as she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she relived the past week in her mind. After hours, days, of crying to herself she had stopped. She knew she wasn’t at fault for her boyfriend cheating on her, she had realized it after days of wallowing and questioning herself.
‘It was his choice,’ she thought to herself as she felt the now-familiar ache in her chest, ‘And leaving him is my choice.’
She took a deep breath as she held up her phone, looking at the contact labelled Saab, hesitantly tapping on the text messages. She read the last text he sent, a last plea for her to come back to him. ‘Baby, I love you,’ he pleaded with empty words, ‘Please, don’t do this.’
With a breath she clicked on the phone symbol next to his contact name, hearing his desperate voice say her name as he picked up, “Brenda, finally, where are you?” he asked.
She barely heard him over the sound of her heart beating wildly in her chest, only knowing what she had to say.
“Saab, I deserve better than you,” she declared with an aching heart, twisting her necklace with her other hand. “I thought about it for the past week, I cried for the past week, and now I finally know.”
Saab had stopped talking, silent as he listened to her words with a heavy heart and that same dark feeling in his gut that Brenda felt when she found him and Erin together, knowing what was coming.
“I’m leaving you, Saab. I’m not coming back. I’m blocking your number, never contact me again,” she said with a trembling voice, fighting back tears with her determination. “Goodbye.”
And she hung up, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders that had been there without her notice for the past week as she took deep breaths. Brenda finally realized, with a tender heart, that she felt strong.
She looked at her phone with one more deep, soothing breath as she felt her heart rate slow down, finally confident in her next choice. And with that, she blocked his number.
She turned her phone on silent, simply putting it back into her pocket and crossing her arms while looking at the sunset.
‘I know I may not be perfect,’ she thought to herself, ‘but I made the right choice today.’ And with a healing heart and another breath of the clear, cool mountain air, she felt the makings of a smile on her face.
Back to Pt. 2 Back to the beginning
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dwestfieldblog · 3 years
Rocking and doomscrolling in an Eigenstate, the English Variant is here...All virtue signalling wannabe edgelords,  sleepwalking ’woke’ automatons, fake Christians, Faustian Republicans, corrupt Conservatives and retarding neophobes look away now. Little more than domesticated primates, a majority of larval humanity continues to ignore its astral biology...yes really. ‘Those who control symbols control us’.  And Pavlov dogs do love flags eh? Here is a balanced, mostly unpretentious finite rant for breakfast where the opinion arises from triple checked facts rather than mere emotion.  In God we rust.
Straight off...Disgusted to rage by the English government’s March budget which gives  nurses a ‘pay rise’ equivalent to three pounds fifty pence a week, (which doesn’t even begin to cover the cost of their parking at hospitals) the disdain these arrogant swine feel for truly essential workers is revealed in full. The ‘Heath’ minister explained that times were tight due to Covid...yes Matt, fairly sure the nurses working 18 hours a day had already noticed this in their desperately overworked, overcrowded hospitals. Deeply in debt, Britain plans to borrow 355 billion pounds this year, the highest amount in her history. Corporation tax will possibly increase in 2023, a little late to balance wages elsewhere for nurses etc...And given the previous ten years, highly unlikely it would even be used for such. But it might look good to those brainwashed gimps that STILL plan to vote for this bastardly corrupt party in 2024.
A clip taken in March of an exceptionally long queue for a food bank in London brings it all into sharper focus. The 6th richest economy in the world has the most food banks of any democratic country. Over 2000 in the UK. (Over 900 in Germany.) Hate to come across as a Socialist but The Tories have been in power for ten long years, historically destroying the NHS a bit more each time they hold power. Endlessly subcontracting, pouring money into new unneeded tiers of management, slowing operations down with extra paperwork, voting down pay rises, thus expediting a brain drain of doctors, nurses and surgeons to other countries and private practices...and over the last thirteen months, supplying those who stayed, with mountains of  PPE equipment not fit for purpose. A ‘jolly good show’ handclap every evening on doorsteps doesn’t fecking cut it. Neither do all the rainbows drawn by children put into windows. In fact, Boris, it looks like outright damn cynicism. All the more since your dose of the virus (‘I visited the Covid ward and shook hands with everyone’) was healed by excellent work by the NHS. Mr. Boris ‘No government could have done more’. Johnson...a lot of us are keeping score.
Lord Bethell, (‘Parliamentary under secretary of State for Innovation at the Department of Health and Social Care’) said that nurses are ‘well paid’ for the job they do, reiterating that times are hard; ‘There are millions of people out of work on the back of this epidemic’. Well yes there are. And why? A government which dragged its heels many times after salient scientific advice, prognoses/ projections were given, and allowed three massive social gatherings (384,000 people) to take place for superspreading, as well as conflicting advice about masks, herd immunity and confusion over open borders, schools to return for one day, etc...All of which led to the dire need for total lockdowns and the impossibility to sell or go to work (unless working from home) leading in turn to unpaid rent/bills, evictions, bosses laying off those they cannot afford to pay. And to mention again, the Tories have been the ones in power for ten years...with banking scandals (where chiefs were not punished but the public were twice, once by collapses and once for raised taxes to prop up the greed). The expenses scandal of politicians, massive public service cutbacks, corruption, the smug George Osbourne guiding Britain disgracefully to poverty via austerity, a National Health service being encouraged to disintegrate and’ an oven ready’/tramps breakfast scraps Brexit...and LO!... the coffers are indeed a little empty thanks to all the contracts tossed without oversight to the governments mates without due process, including 37 billion pounds spent on a Test and Trace programme which did not function, 252 million AND 6000 pounds a DAY to ‘consultants (for the essential chimera of PR etc).Chumocracy at highly profitable work.
Over to you Boris, ‘...it is thanks to PRUDENT FISCAL MANGEMENT that we have been able to fight this pandemic in the way that we have.’
Well exactly.
A dishevelled adult leader of a country who cannot even brush his hair or dress himself, a ‘leader’ who missed five vital COBRA meetings about the pandemic, never took in the notes from scientists of advance warnings and blustered his pompous comedy horseshite rather than leading from the front. Father of six or perhaps 7 illegitimate children (does he pay child support? No records). But never mind eh, he is a rum sort of cove. No. Churchill would have him horsewhipped naked and tarred and feathered in Trafalgar Square. But still! When questioned on whether there would be an inquiry into the colossal waste without recompense or standard clauses in contracts of taxpayers’ money raped from the Treasury, Mr Johnson replied that it was ‘NOT IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST’. Really. REALLY? Boris, if you were a catheter, you could not extract more urine than you already do. The clown father of the motherland. BJ said he took ‘full responsibility’ for the massive number of fatalities. But hasn’t resigned.127 thousand covid deaths in UK, leading Europe by 33 thousand.  Well played chaps. 545 thousand USA. China 4636. Yeah RIGHT. Sure.
Once knew a guy who, if you told him something factual, most often replied with ‘Well, it’s the first I’ve heard of it’...meaning anything he had not already been told was automatically false. How did he ever learn new information? Neophobes, their insecurities heavy chains to evolving, seem to rule the world; Good news is they don’t. Bad news is, they know it and are getting ever more desperate the rest of us go down with them in righteous conservatism and counter evolution. ‘Perception does not consist of passive reception of signals but of an active interpretation of signals...active, creative trans-actions’...‘The easier you can predict a message, the less information the message contains’. If a media source etc attempt to relay actual news and it does not fit what is already believed, it is disregarded or worse...GIGO...Garbage In=Garbage Out.
The pandemic is doing great things for the further global rise of populist swine...When the mass public mind is aflame with anger and fear, new bastards step up and old governments impose harder laws. Hungary loses her last independent radio station and Orban rejoices. Brazilian bastid Bolsanaro continues to see his people as expendable inhuman statistics. By their hatred he will burn. 301 thousand dead. Totalitarianism creeps apace via populist chancers, Stalinist fascists, nationalist bullshitters who care far more about their ego than their country. (Hello frog eyed Nigel Farage aka Lord Haw Haw the 2nd.) Speaking of which...Lord Mayor of London wannabe Laurence Fox bought a mask exemption badge online because he didn’t want his pretty face to be unrecognised. Narcissist, who as leader of a new party Reclaim, wants to ‘take back’ Britain from the Woke snowflakes (even while speaking like a laidback Establishment version of them) and end up in Parliament. Good for you luvvie. But now with acting career ended and music career failed, he does look a lot like a pretty poster boy who needs to stay adored and recognises (along with his string pulling financial backers) there is a bandwagon to be jumped on. In 8 years time he (or someone similar in insecure need for others approval to give vent to their sadistic impulses) could be a new type of prime minister and the V for Vendetta pre-scenario will be in full swing. ‘Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like Nascar drivers, then we know who owns them’ Robin Williams via Jonathan Pie. No one from Texas should be allowed to be president...and no one from Eton (or Harrow) should ever be allowed to be Prime Minister. Apart from Churchill.
Sometimes it takes a nightmare to wake one up...an authoritarian dystopia coming soon to a land mass near you...a failed state and a divided kingdom of Mediocre Britain with bad laws for her citizens but great if you are a ‘public servant’ or a friend of those that are. Probably a good thing for Euope that we are an island eh? We turned our back on them and they can cast us adrift like an oil tanker filled with toxic waste. Sunak or Patel next? Will the ‘Elite’ (Ha) allow a person of colour to rise to the depths of Prime Minister? The entire cabinet should be sent to a Chinese prison. Avaricious liars. If you don’t stir the cream it turns into scum.
And speaking of destroying your country from inside....
Oh America... just watched the Idaho mask burning clip in Boise, adults encouraging children to pick up discarded masks, pathogens, all with bare hands and drop into the garbage bin flames...inhaling the formaldehyde smoke... Freedom! End lockdown now! Breathe deeply rednecks. So looking forward to having a black woman president over there. Please be better than all these useless white trash MORONS...Q Onan, the ‘storm’ (in a beer can), the ‘plan’, ‘where we go one, we go all’...right down the toilet of history into the sewers of oblivion. Good riddance to foul rubbish, Believers anxious for orders from ‘Christians’ who are actually serving what they would call ‘Satan’. Ironic on the darkest level, no? LOOK at their faces, into their eyes, naught but greed for power. Two thousand years of inverted truths. ‘Religion’ became consumed by ‘the Devil’. Discuss with yourself after watching the majority of preachers.
The Trumps, Hawley, Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Bannon, the Mercers, Paula White, Stella Immanuel and the Gawd awful Marjorie Taylor Greene should be sent alone, foodless to a small island surrounded by sharks. And filmed for our entertainment. And oh...that dumbass disgusting false idol kitsch gold statue (to celebrate his love of golden rain) of Donald, created via Mexico and China in artistic irony. And, and AND the Republican senators against any background checks for those who want to own guns. (Seven mass killings this year already by armed wankers.) Britain, Europe and America, unions encouraged, persuaded to break apart into hexagram 23 while China and Russia grin. Q seems like a new form of right wing bullshite to rally the dumb against what they perceive to be the ‘left wing’ rebellion of Anonymous. I think Q originated in the Kremlin myself. An electronic baobab seed...
Back to my birthland...New powers of arrest looming for ‘Non Crime Hate Incidents’, and a new police bill of up to ten years prison for silent protest. One almost expects this in (arf) lesser countries with pantomime dictators, but on the septic, excuse me, sceptre’d isle of Britain? An obvious Government first shot reaction against what they know might be coming for their dire mishandling of the pandemic, loss of jobs and no real support for the underlings...Governments ARE afraid of their people, that’s why enough laws are passed (with minimum debate or under cover of smokescreen news events) to ensure all those not wealthy and well connected are in daily risk of being arrested for ‘criminality’. So be sure to be obedient to your ‘public servants’.
Ahh.. enough eh? Apolitically incorrect, radical liberal, fundamentalist atheist, remember the Tar Baby idea Dave, the more you attack something, the more you are attached to it. Let it go brother. The difference between being frozen in stasis and empty with Zen calm. But to paraphrase Robert Anton Wilson, (as I am so often wont to do) thanks to our own programming, when we do not frequently examine and cross check our input we become full of Self Hypnotic Ideational Trance. Dogmas must be only transitory, flow river, flow...
Bells Theorem? Pretty good but this is mostly Jameson’s (with Czech spring water) theorem. In confession, I crave your indulgence, Invoke Often, Repeat repeat repeat, ‘How far is it, if you can think of it?’ Transduction of thoughts into chemicals...surfing the neuropeptides and there you stood on the edge of your feather expecting to die, A skeleton breastfeeding a priest, and if that mocking bird don’t sing, daddy’s gonna break off both its wings. Whoops. The optical illusion of a rainbow halo as beautiful as ‘God on drugs’.  Melancholy melophile, melomaniac and melomaniacal, I am an Audiophile in the paralysis of rapture...Ahh...and now I have obtained an elegant sufficiency, multitasking in five time zones. Left frontal lobe digital (manual) moving to Right frontal lobe analogue non Aristotelian (self controlled). Get it? DNA appears to be a cybernetics information/programming system...but anyway...
Bet there will be a massive increase in the birth rate nine months after most of the world is vaccinated, a surge of relieved masses celebrating in the old fashioned way. All those who died will be ‘replaced’ at double pumping speed. The idea that the vaccine contains the ‘Establishment’s’ nanobots seems unlikely...how on Earth would at least ONE person in the know, not spill the (genetically modified) beans? And those wondrous illogical conspiracy theories that Covid was triggered deliberately via 5G mast networks by a satanic paedophile elite will fade for a while. Until the ‘Christian’evangelical (evil angels) right wing restart their crazed rambling about the Illuminati/Freemasons again. For the record, my own feeling is that any group which had Leonardo da Vinci, Goethe, Beethoven, Sir Issac Newton, Washington, Mark Twain, Churchill, Oscar Wilde, Jefferson etc as members, seems like a fairly cool and worthwhile group for humanity to learn from. Is it because Lucifer was the Light Bringer that they conflate illumination with evil? How very aware of them. Arf. Paranoid magicians live longer. Speaking of witch...’Nothing is, nothing becomes, nothing is not’. A.C. The Book of Lies. Be aware, not woke. Look for the hunchback (?) behind the soldier (!)...‘You can empty infinity from it and infinity still remains’.
‘The data may not contain the answer. The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of data.’
Ever see Interstellar? Love that film. Elon Musk should just select 100 people, blast off and leave the rest of us to burn. As psychologists would call it, most of humanity is indeed still at the larval stage. Most of us stay on ‘the fourth circuit’ all life and rip at anyone who goes beyond or tries to. Christ would be murdered again, that’s why Buddha avoided crowds. Release and receive...channel.
‘Truth, truth, truth! crieth the Lord of the Abyss of Hallucinations...’
Paradise in a scientific quantum possibility...A dimension where the ‘soul’/ recorded/imprinted memory continues in  ‘A quite specific electromagnetic-gravitational field in which mind can manifest without organic bodies’. As all ‘reality’ is subjective, and an individual life most likely takes up a mere byte in a terabyte (trillion bytes). Personal Heavens, the way YOU design and chose. Dream and imagine possibilities now...much Love forever from Anon of Ibid
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maddieshellscape · 4 years
TW: uhhh I don't know? murder? domestic abuse? police brutality? a man being a c*nt? there's probably a TW needed for this
Brehmer said he strangled her by accident during a "kerfuffle" in his car.
He said when Mrs Parry refused to leave his car he tried to pull her out before he "bundled" into the vehicle in an attempt to push her.
The defendant said his arm "must have slipped up in all the melee" and that he left the car without realising Mrs Parry was "poorly".
Mrs Parry, from Bournemouth, died in hospital the following day from a brain injury caused by compression of the neck.
"sorry I strangled you, my fingers slipped"
this is probably the weakest justification I've read for murder because last time I checked your arm slipping doesn't cause someone to die due to having their neck compressed.
fuck Timothy, all my homies hate Timothy
but hey if being called scum is a valid justification for 321 Tories to vote in favour of letting poor kids starve to death why not accept your hand slipping as a justification for murder?
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