#I know it sounds dramatic but I’ve been struggling sm
iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
Honestly it would still suck it I didn’t have tix regardless. But I think what’s eating me is the fact that I didn’t even get a chance to try. I was stuck in treatment without any access to electronics when both the announcement and sale happened.
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desafinado · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ confessing to them...
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i know i sound stupid, i do. that's what love will do to you...
°。⋆ diluc, zhongli, kaveh x reader (separately)
°。⋆ tiniest teaspoon of angst, mostly fluff, reader is mostly bad at feelings, ngl i got most flustered writing zhongli’s part
note: yes the title was inspired by a laufey song, i love her music sm. i’ve been listening to a lot of “yearning” music (bossa nova, jazz, etc.) while writing recently… and i think it’s been helpful? also… i wanna do this with more characters but idk who yet, pls send suggestions!!
(diluc, zhongli, kaveh,) | (alhaitham, kazuha, kaeya)
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diluc ♡
you had been childhood friends, and had seen everything he had gone through. the good, the bad, the ugly, you were always there with open arms. it only made sense that he trusted you with his most complex secrets (feelings included).
over the years, you only stuck closer to one another. there were never any big gestures or dramatic moments between you both, you simply kept each other company through it all.
honestly, it already felt like you were already in a long term domestic relationship. you, especially, were always one to indulge him.
you don’t know why you acted that way towards him. why you’d disapprove of his nightly endeavours, but leave your window open when you knew he was out…
or why you’d send over a basket of his favourite biscuits when you hadn’t met up in a while.
it was a rainy day when you realised why. you were watching the rain drops smash onto the concrete, when you felt particularly cold.
you lit up the fireplace, made some hot cocoa, but something still felt sorely off.
that was when the darknight hero made his entrance, thankfully not too bruised and battered, but absolutely drenched from the rain.
“you’re here?” he could only nod slowly, looking like he could fall at any moment. once you realised this, you quickly ran up to support him.
once you led him to your couch, he fell into a deep sleep. you slightly struggled to put him into a comfortable position, before giving up and letting him embrace you.
though you had also gotten drenched in the cold wet rain, you felt a warmth creep onto your face, your hands, and your heart. it filled that gap from earlier, the warmth that you had been so desperately searching for.
that was when you realised why you act the way you act the way you do; however, now you had an even greater question.
were you more stupid for letting yourself fall in love or not realising it sooner?
you were way past the point of no return, and realising your feelings and what they meant only encouraged it further.
you couldn’t picture a life without him, days without nonsensical discussions he’d only ever have without you, seeing him stop by your apartment with a new batch of grape juice.
you were clinging onto the hope that it wouldn’t destroy the friendship that took a lifetime (thus far) to build.
“the air feels tense.”
he speaks plainly, his brows furrowed into a concerned look. he sets the bottle of grape juice onto your kitchen counter and slowly approaches your sitting form on the living room couch. he sits down next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, guiding your head to rest on his shoulder.
“is this about the wounds from last night? you very well know i’ve handled worse… or… have i angered?”
“no, diluc.”
his frown only grows more weary as you say his name. he loved hearing you say his name, of course, but you said it with such a tone of misery; as if you were begging him not to hurt you.
“then… could you please tell me? i don’t like seeing you like this.”
“then what? how would you like to see me?”
you almost snap at him, sitting back up and facing him fully. your words were laced with venom, and diluc was absolutely feeling the sting. his eyes widened, not having a clue as to why you were acting the way you did. seeing the shock in his face, your own expression softened. you weren’t fair to him at all.
“i’m sorry. i don’t know–”
“it’s fine, i’m sure you have your reasons, whether or not you’d like to talk about it.” he sighs, laying his hands onto his lap; trying to give you the space you need. he’s known you for all these years, of course he’s seen you get angry, as you have seen him in the same predicament.
“i want to talk about it.”
“then speak freely, i’ve never judged you.”
“i want you to judge.”
“so… you need advice?”
you nod slowly staring into his eyes, the next few words stuck in your throat. his eyes are far too sincere, and you have to close your own in order to get through it.
“what am i to do if i love you?”
a thick silence fills the air, there’s nothing but the sound of raindrops starting to drizzle outside. he thinks for a moment, before holding your hands in his. “is that so bad?”. he speaks a bit louder, hoping you open your eyes; your eyes stay shut, clenched harder even.
“it’s not bad… i just don’t know what to do. i don’t want to make the wrong move. i don’t want to lose you as a friend. i’m scared.” you let out a breath, the air feeling a bit less dense. you’ve made your peace and you could find solace in that, at the very least.
you suddenly feel a touch against your cheek, his hands rough, but his movements are oh so soft. you open your eyes in surprise to find him gazing longingly right back at you; the look he gave you was familiar, it was that same look of concern he’d give you when you were crying. this time, however, there was a sparkle to it. his face moved dangerously close to yours, lips faintly grazing one another.
“you’re not gonna lose me, love. i’m right here.”
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zhongli ♡
a small little crush, that’s what you’ve always told yourself, but what kind of crush makes you so lovesick for almost a year and a half?
initially, you would just watch him from afar; i mean how could you not notice his handsome silhouette walking through the market.
later on, your stubborn (but well-intentioned) ginger friend decided to introduce you to each other. he hoped that introducing you would stop you from ogling at him, and maybe even become friends!
oh how wrong he was, because the more you found out about zhongli, the harder you fell.
sure, you were friendly now, but you’d never be able cease the wild blush that appears whenever he comes into your sights.
zhongli doesn’t think much of it though, in fact he finds it cute.
“you have a fever?” “n-no!” “is it a bit too hot then? i could fan you…” “yes, t-thank you…”
initially, you’d hangout with mutual friends. you think you’d faint if you’d have to spend an afternoon alone with him, but eventually you do (and you don’t faint).
friendly lunch dates turn into games of checkers at his house. you just let things escalate, letting him take the lead in your “friendship”.
he doesn’t take the trust you put in him for granted, and he holds your heart gently. if only he knew that even the smallest touch already lit your heart aflame.
everybody talks about his voice, yes, and your pupils would shape into hearts if they could, but what you love most about the way he talks is how much weight and feelings he hides behind his words. to see him talk about the world in such a beautiful way, he makes the human experience sound just a bit less painful than what it truly is.
eventually, he’ll tell you who he truly is. what he’s done, what he's experienced, and why he’s telling you. he trusts you now, and it’d feel unfair for him to keep such a big thing from you.
to be quite honest, it doesn’t change how you see him or how much you love him. it gives a perspective, sure, but you’re more happy that he trusts you in such a way.
your friendship only grows stronger after that, and you find yourself boldly lingering around him closer than you’d like to admit. making excuses to hangout alone, holding his hand a bit tighter as you walk through a crowd.
it’s too obvious now, and everybody knows it; you’re the only one he’s waiting for.
“childe told me a silly piece of information the other day.”
you’re fixing up two cups of osmanthus wine, as zhongli sits on the other side of the kitchen island. you’re too focused on getting the perfect amount into the cups that you don’t even register what he’s saying, only giving a small hum of approval.
“you had a crush on me before we had even met?”
you almost drop the bottle in shock, eyes wide and lips almost quivering. you’d get back at childe for this, but right now you were in flight mode. you set the bottle down and take a deep breath.
“m-maybe? um… why bring it up?”
he laughs softly at your reaction, flushed cheeks and bewildered eyes. he gets up from his seat and meets you behind the kitchen island. “just curious, the notion of such intrigues me.” he stands behind you and wraps his arms around you, taking the bottle of osmanthus wine and pouring the remaining into the two cups you’ve prepared.
“so, will you entertain my curiosity?”
his voice sends a chill down your spine, more so because of the position you’re both in. you’d melt into the floor right now if you could, but the confidence you’d recently gained was still standing strong.
“yes. i did.”
you sigh in defeat, turning around to look up at him. “i very much did…”
this time, he hums in approval as his puts down the bottle and his arms move up to hug your waist; while hugging him wasn’t anything too outrageous or new, this hug felt a lot more different.
“i see, would you give me a sip of the wine, dear?”
you nod almost too quickly, his chin lying on your shoulder. you bring the cup to his lips and let him have his drink. after a moment, he stops and you take it as a sign to softly pull the cup away and back onto the wooden surface. he lets go of you and steps back, giving you some space.
there’s a tinge of disappointment as he pulls away, and you turn around to face him.
“thank you. i must admit, i found you pretty cute as well. even now, with your flushed face… and you haven’t even had a sip.” his breath hitches, picking his next words very carefully. he doesn’t want to make you too uncomfortable, but now truly would be the best time. once he’s found them, his lips curves into a modest smirk.
“i wonder if your feelings for me have persisted all this time?”
you hang your head in defeat, avoiding to look at his form altogether. his smirk quickly turns into a reassuring smile; again, he moves one step closer to you, deciding to put an end to this game.
“y-yes, t-they have…”
he’s gentle in guiding your chin up to look at him. you’re forced to stare deep into his amber eyes, and you surely wouldn’t mind under any other circumstance.
“you love me, still?”
“yes… it’s only ever grown.”
“as did mine.”
“a-as did yours? what ar–”
he silences you with a gentle kiss, one you did not even realise was happening until he pulled away. your heartbeat was driving off into the sunset as he stroked your cheek.
“i suppose i did not make myself clear. i love you too, dear.” his lips meet yours again, much more desperately, affirming him as yours.
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kaveh ♡
you wondered how kaveh, a man so uniquely brilliant and acclaimed in the field of architecture, would often spend nights asleep on your sofa.
you blame your older brother, alhaitham, for annoying kaveh to such a point, but you’re not really complaining either. you had grown so fond of his presence that you’ve gifted him with an extra key.
something about the way he carries himself, it charms you to no end. you also share a lot of interests, anyways, so you might find yourselves talking and/or drinking until the sun rises.
he’ll also work on some drawings, and you’ll just watch in awe of his process.
whenever he stays over, he makes an effort to bring some takeout, flowers, or some scented candles.
he insists you take it as thanks for putting up with him, and you do so humbly. if they’re some food, you definitely insist he eat some with you.
“ah, but this is for you! you can’t just—” “yes i can, since it’s mine… can i not choose to share it with you?”
you’re both quite stubborn when it comes to being polite, actually. he tries to cook you dinner, but you go one step further and buy some dessert. you try to offer him some of your pillows as well as a blanket, but he just teases you, saying he might as well sleep in your bed.
honestly, after all the time you’ve spent with him, you wouldn’t be opposed to that.
you wouldn’t mind hearing his soft snores in the morning, his arms around you as you both are too lazy to get out of bed.
you really shouldn’t be having such thoughts about him, especially when he’s so “well” acquainted with your brother.
but the other voices in your head do remind you of your autonomy.
you actually get a little bit disappointed when they seem to be getting alone, because that means less time between you and kaveh; moreso when kaveh has to go and travel for business reasons.
those times when he’s gone are when you realise just how head over heels you are for him. it seems like some of his romantic-ness rubbed right onto you; it's just that he wasn’t here to see it.
after he hadn’t visited you, let alone seen you, for a month, you came to a sickening reminder that he only meant to stay over when he needed a break from alhaitham. when he needed respite from the general chaos surrounding him.
your home was not his, he was only ever a guest who you’d let in time and time again.
your apartment was silent, no creaking of wood floorboards, no ringing of the oven timer; you left that way and expected it to be so when you returned. the blonde man setting up your dinner table, however, subverted those expectations.
he looks up from his work to see you at the door. his face lights up as approaches you, closing the door behind and guiding you to the table. you’re not completely sure what to feel as he pulls out a chair for you, and you sit down. it’s quite surreal being welcomed into your home by someone you were sure had forgotten about you.
“i’m so terribly sorry i haven’t stopped by in a while.”
you sharply inhale at the sound of his words. you were genuinely just baffled, you didn’t understand what had been going on. he takes your silence as a sign to continue.
“i’ve just been really stressed. they had laughed off all my previous proposals, they were pushing a deadline on me. i couldn’t even get a wink of sleep, it was just so…”
he lets out a long sigh, closing his eyes. you continue watching his movements closely, trying to decipher what exactly he was up to. he pauses for a second more, opening his eyes with a sudden brightness.
“but! it’s over now, so i’m all yours.”
he smiles at you cheerfully, awaiting a response, but your lips are still pressed. it looks as though there’s lingering fire in your eyes, and it almost makes him want to turn away. the keyword being almost.
“you… you don’t owe me anything, kaveh. it’s fine.”
you stand up, a plan to go into your bedroom and just cry into your pillow already swirling in your head, but before you can walk away, kaveh grabs your wrist.
“wait. are you that mad at me? i understand if you need some time, but—”
“i’m not mad at you, kaveh. i told you it’s fine”
“if it’s all fine, why are your eyes red?”
you blink, noticing the way your hand was shaking against his grip, the tears slowly threatening to spill. you finally give in and circle you arms around his neck, your face buried into his chest. he was more than happy to accommodate you and give you the comfort you needed. he brought you both to the sofa, he sat with you still in his arms, falling softly onto his lap.
“i’m… mad at myself.”
your voice is muffled against his chest, but just enough for him to hear. tears threaten to spill from his own eyes as paint flutters through his chest, having to see you like this.
“darling, why? be mad at me, please. i’m the one who deserves it.”
“n-no. i’m the one who fell in love with you, expecting you to come back, feeling like you owe me your time.” you only cry harder at your own agonising admissions. “don’t pity my love for you, just… leave me to live with it.”
“w-wait a minute, i thought you knew i loved you too.”
you pull away, looking up at him. his eyes are glassy as he stutters to get his words out.
“you loved me?”
“i do, i-i still do! t-that’s why i felt guilty. if i had known, i would’ve shown you better.”
“then please… show me, right now.”
you press your lips against his, your breath starting to even out. he graciously kisses you back, matching your pace. you both just stay like that, content to finally be at home.
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requests are open!! please do not reposts on other sites.
also, small commercial, but im holding a 50 followers celebration event if any of you guys want to join ^^
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pursuedbyamemoryy · 11 months
HI DAWN !! coming into ur inbox (for the first time?! 🙀✨) just to greet ya hehe >:)) i hope u r doing well !!! OKAY just to talk a bit. i've never rlly been into fnaf aside from being rlly invested in lore (i just wasn't an fnaf kid if that makes sense 🥺) BUT AAA MY FRIENDS WHO R INTO IT want to drag me to watch and ofc i will BUT just wondering for fun. did u enjoy!! wld u recommend!! (HEHE HAVE A GOOD DAY) <33 (also i never said yet but u are so based for spiderverse cod rdr. love them all sm. AND HOZIER the best ever. i barely know dead poets society but wld u recommend it !! ;O heehee)
OMG HIIIII!!! i’ve been good, i hope you’re doing well too <33 thank you for checking in 😇😇!!
honestly not being super into fnaf is so valid, i played a couple of games here and only learned the lore like last year because THERES SO MUCH??? and it’s so confusing like wtf? but omg i hope you have fun when you see the movie!!! i def recommend it! they didn’t follow the lore completely but that definitely doesn’t mean it was bad, it was a fun movie, i liked it!! ( except for the other people in the theater because they were so loud and disrespectful the entire movie like it was SO BAD but aside from that i enjoyed it ) josh hutcherson is also so hot in the movie and no i will not shut up about it!!
ALSO AHHHH i miss my spiderverse era omg i was SOOO into it i think i need to rewatch the movies again. and rdr2 is like my favorite game ever i could talk about it for hours genuinely. i’m currently on my second play through and i’m almost done w the game again and i’m going for low honor this time UGHHH IM NOT READY FOR THE ENDING 😭😭 i cried so hard my first play through. i also need to play rdr1 and i even borrowed my friends xbox for it but i’ve always been a pc player so i CANNOT play on a controller like i struggle so bad for no reason LMAOO
HOZIER. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED UGHHHH i love him so so much his music means everything to me. and i will never shut up about how i saw him live!!! current fav song has to be either i carrion or abstract. or maybe dinner & diatribes. or like his whole discography yk???
as for dps it’s such a good movie!! this sounds so dramatic but tbh it changed the way i view poetry and literature overall ( i was never super into poetry but after watching i’ve taken an interest to it ) as well as just like… life?? and taking different opportunities and doing things you love and such. definitely definitely recommend it <33 - tw for suicide towards the end but everyone just kind of pretends that part never happens LMAO. it’s also like not graphic there’s no blood or anything ( he’s not dead your honor!!! he’s alive and happy and in love!!! )
i rambled a bit but omg y’all!!! talk to me in my inbox more i had sm fun w this HEHE
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solomons-poison · 2 years
I’ve also had mixed luck, I got Asmo’s UR+ like two days ago I think, I had way better luck during the first round of the event ): which one did you get btw? and yes the voices are great! at first i was so confused i thought they had changed all the voice actors until they said they had switched bodies 💀
I liked they way they handled the mental health situation with Litch, they didn’t play the “mc saved him” card, more like he was still struggling and wanted to do better but emphasizing he still had a long way to go, so I give them props for that! For the Chev route I really liked the character development and how they managed to make him feel like it was still him by the end of the route, although i would’ve liked more drama 😂 and ooh that def does sound like Sariel, i’ll ask you more about it in the future then bc i really want to know who the mc chooses as king!
Haha omg Mozart is the best i love him sm, him and Isaac are my absolute favourites 🥲🖤 about the Comte’s route, I had always wanted to play it (before they had released it, i think by that time there were very little routes available) but now I’m just not that excited anymore, I do wanna play Vlad’s but I feel like I need to play Comte’s first? for reference? idk ): i will come tell you if i ever get to finish the route tho 💀
My guaranteed UR+ was Diavolo! I had just managed to get Levi earlier so at least thats nice. Otherwise everything else has been duplicates of just SR and R cards that I already have 10 of 🥲 not even SSRs. And yeah I spent like a whole few minutes going "who is that?!!" until I realized what was happening lol.
Yeah given what happened to Licht, I'm glad thats how they handled it, since it's unrealistic he'd just magically be OK after all these years. Same with Nokto. At least they revisit these issues in birthdays and such too, I like that. And haha I thought Chev's route was fairly dramatic (or maybe more angsty??) but yeah in comparison, his is surprisingly more tame in terms of drama level.
Personally, I would recommend Comte's route before doing Vlad's. It's not a necessity but it does give a little more substance to what we learn about Vlad. Vlad's route is a little strange and the romance is bittersweet but despite its weirdness, I do really like it (also baby Vlad is so precious and I wish we got to see baby Comte 😭 ). I still don't quite understand his character but it is what it is lol. And yes Mozart and Isaac are some of my comfort routes to replay!! My sweet boys ❤️
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akakeiiji · 4 years
request! headcanons for when the reader surprises her bf by showing up (at a match? at school? at work? at the cafe? your choice) after a LOONG time of not meeting each other due to LDR or other commitments for Oikawa, Bokuto, Iwa and Akaashi!! thank you in advanced :)
I’VE BEEN SO BUSY LATELY 🥺🥺 I miss writing sm, my modules are still kicking my ass huhu
Anywayy, I made a bunch of headers (or dividers? idk what you call them??) instead of listening to my teacher during my zoom meetings 😌✌️ Are they alright? Or do you guys prefer the previous format? 
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It would happen right before a really big match, as per usual he was surrounded by a gaggle of excited fans trying to get his autograph or get a photo with him, he almost didn’t notice the familiar figure watching just a few feet away
Oikawa would freeze the moment he locked eyes with you and he’d gasp so loudly and so dramatically
He’d drop whatever he was holding, he didn’t care if it was his phone, his drink, it didn’t matter since he needed his arms free to wrap you in his arms
He’d run over to you in record speed, yelling out your name excitedly, basically pushing past the crowd of people surrounding him
He would honestly start tearing up, he was so excited for this match and all he wanted was for you to be there and now you were!!
“Oh my god, (Y/N)! Why didn’t you tell me anything??”
He would not be able to separate himself from you, you two were probably just standing in the middle of the crowded corridor hugging each other for who knows how long despite all the people that were trying to pass by
But again, Tooru didn’t care, why should he when he finally has you in his arms again
He would pepper your entire face with kisses, making you grow bright red but you loved it of course because who wouldn’t??
He was 5000x more hyped for that match now that he knew you were watching up at the stands, cheering him on
Needless to say he completely destroyed his opponent
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He was just walking around the main area of the venue after his game, browsing for t-shirts with cheesy lines about being the ace and such
He’d see you out of the corner of his eye and be like “Oh, it’s (Y/N).” and continue walking by before doing the most dramatic double take while screaming “OH MY GOD, IT’S (Y/N)!”
Everyone in the general vicinity just froze and whipped their heads towards you two but of course, this goes unnoticed by either of you as Bokuto basically sonics his way towards you, still screaming your name excitedly
He’d immediately scoop you up with his herculean arms and twirl you around, asking a million questions
He only really stops yelling when you two get to properly hug, he’d bury his face on the top of your head, kissing it slightly and taking in the scent of your shampoo which he didn’t realize he missed so much
You’re going to have to pry yourself off of him because he physically cannot let go of you
He’s also going to cling next to you for the rest of the day, his hand will always be intertwined with yours or at the small of your back
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He just got out of the most boring lecture in the entire world, he was practically half asleep as he dragged himself out of the building
The only thing keeping him conscious was the fact that he was in a call with you at the moment, ranting all about his classes, about Oikawa, and about how much he missed you
“I’m literally so sleepy right now, you should see how I look right now.”
“I think you still look handsome though, maybe even more so than usual.”
He’d honestly think you were joking at first, he’d just chuckle and go on with the conversation
Even when your voice started to sound louder and louder, and started to echo slightly, he still didn’t realize that you were standing right behind him until you tapped him on his shoulder
His jaw would immediately drop and no words would escape his mouth as he struggled to comprehend what was happening
His brain would basically short circuit, please save him
Once he finally realized what was going one, he immediately cupped your face with his hands and kissed you deeply
After catching up and all that sweet lovey-dovey stuff, he’d actually start chastising you
“You should have told me you were coming, I could have picked you up at the airport. What if you got lost? What if something happened to you—”
He just can’t suppress his protective motherly instinct, especially when you’re involved
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It was early in the morning and Akaashi had a class to attend later on in the day so he thought he’d do some work in his favorite cafe to kill some time
You two used to love having dates at that cafe, you two always stayed at this one specific table by the window so he always made a point to sit there when he could
He ordered his usual drink and went to the table to find someone already sitting there, staring right at him with a giddy little grin on their face
He’d just freeze mid-step, eyes widening into saucers as he stared at you
He was never a morning person and he had -3 hours of sleep that night so he honestly just thought he was hallucinating
Is that (Y/N)? No, it can’t be, they would have told me if they were coming. But they’re sitting right there, what the fuc—
He’d stand there for a few seconds just arguing internally with himself as his brain started to put two and two together
His face would break into a rare ear to ear smile as he ran over to you
As he got closer and closer to you, the butterflies in his stomach that he always felt near the beginning of your relationship returned once more
He honestly wouldn’t believe that you were actually there until you threw your arms around him, pressing kisses all over his face
He’d immediately press his lips against yours and kiss you in a way he never did before, as if he was making up for all the times he couldn’t when you were apart
He would usually never do this in public but he could hardly care now that you were finally here
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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jiracheer · 4 years
Ya know who it is, it be 🧊, back again with anotha request~ But this time it's gonna be spicyyyyyyy ;3c || Hcs/Drabble for mutual masturbation with Daichi 😳😳😳
✨ a/n: 🧊 ANON 😭!!!!! IVE MISSED U SM DOLL 🥺 how r u!! I hope ur okay!! Thank u for returning to me with this rq I’ve been thinking abt it for DAYS 🥴 I kinda wrote this a bit weird?? idk dawg 😳
Fuck 12. Daichi ain’t no cop he’s a firefighter👨‍🚒
✨ warnings :: NSFW, mutual masturbation. Choking????
NSFW under the cut!
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It was late in the evening when Daichi finally came home. The young man was fairly exhausted from a days work, but nevertheless was smiling at the thought of coming home to you. The two of you have been together for 6 years, and he was more than excited to spend the rest of his life with you.
“Hey Egg-“ An outstretched hand came to greet your cat who bumped her head affectionately against his hand. The two of you had adopted her a week after you had purchased your home. She was your little baby and the two of you spoiled her unnecessarily.
“You seen mommy?” He immediately took note of how quiet the house was, and normally he didn’t mind, but this time he did. He missed you and was hoping to walk into you singing while making some sort of snack in the kitchen.
Egg simply purred as Daichi scratched behind her ears, shaking her head with a ring of her collar before she’d stalk away into another room. He could already hear her scratching her scratching post.
Frowning, Daichi stood up with a grunt and took off his shoes and heavy jacket before stepping foot into the main room. He put his hands on his hips as he searched around, thick brows drawn together as he looked all over the place but you were nowhere to be found.
It wasn’t until he noticed yalls door to your room closed that he realized that you were probably in bed asleep or something.
Or so he thought.
“Y/n-“ Came the gentle coo of Daichi’s voice. It was laced with honey, a warmth to it as he turned the knob and pushed the door open. “Sorry to wake you, but I thought I’d let you know that I’m home-“
There you were with your legs spread open, toes curling with your back arching off the bed at you tried to reach that certain spot. Your fingers worked diligently to try to reach it, but you were short of an inch and you couldn’t help but whine and moan in agony.
He watched with wide eyes, and with a tent growing in his pants, as you cried out for him with your eyes screwed shut, clearly trying to envision it was him making you feel good. but your fingers weren’t as thick as his, and they certainly weren’t calloused or long.
You had been waiting for him to come back from work all day. You were extremely needy and felt hot and bothered ever since that very morning when he left you hanging on a thin thread after a very exciting kiss.
So obviously in order to get rid of that ache between your legs, you were going to finger yourself until you were satisfied
You didn’t even know Daichi had come home until you felt a hot hand make contact with the inside of your thigh. Your eyes snapping open and you looked up at him in terror, thinking it was some stranger, before you realized it was the cause of your horniness and you huffed.
“Y-You bastard... Do something!” You practically shrieked as he continued to stroke the inside of your thigh, shushing you with a kiss.
You began to roll up his dark grey shirt and pulled it off him, basking in his glory. You ran your hands down his chest as the smell of smoke and musk filled your senses. It was such a heavy scent that it left you light headed
“Hold on princess-“ Daichi gently pried your eager hands away from his pants, laughing at you when you practically thrashed back dramatically. He took off his pants and soon his boxers followed. You drooled at the sight of him, eager and ready to take him in your mouth, but once again you were stopped
His large hand made contact with your stomach, pushing you down with his expression darkening.
“I need you to lay back for me, princess. Be real good and do that for me, okay?” His tone had changed significantly, dropping an octave as his eyes practically fucked you.
All you could do was nod and lean back against the small hill of pillows. Your fingers danced over your skin as you waited for your next set of orders, but what you didn’t expect was for Daichi to spit in his hand and grab the base of his dick and begin to move in an upwards and downwards motion.
Your breath hitched as you watched, completely mesmerized by him. Your loving boyfriend. Your teddy bear, dad lookin headass boyfriend... Was straight up masturbating in front of you.
You were going to have a stroke
You barely heard his next set of commands until a hand grabbed onto your throat, squeezing it lightly as he brought your face closer to his.
“Baby girl, are you listening? Or are you too busy watching me imagining your tight cunt replacing my hand?” His nose pressed against your temple with his lips on your cheek bone, pressing tantalizing kisses that left you feeling even more wet.
“I-I’m listening.” You lied, “I just. I just didn’t catch on to what you were saying, Daichi.” You sounded so meek, so submissive, and Daichi just wanted to shove himself into you and fuck you into tomorrow.
“I said to touch yourself, baby. Touch yourself the way I do.” His lips were searing as they pressed against your neck, and you could hear the sloppy noises that came from him fist fuckin his own cock.
You couldn’t speak, all you could do was nervously rub a finger over your slit and you shuddered, mouth forming an ‘o’ at how easily you managed to slide a finger in. You felt Daichi’s stare burn into you as he watched you put one finger in, then two, then three, and with the fourth you struggled immensely.
“Come on, princess.” He urged you, his own pace growing as the seconds went by. He grunted and growled lowly, hips bucking forward to meet his hand, but most importantly, to follow your rhythm.
“C-Can’t.. It’s. It’s too much Dai!” You cried out as you finally pushed in the 4th finger, and you found yourself orgasming from the simple feeling. You pulled out of yourself and trembled, thighs vibrating from pure ectasty.
You thought it was all over until you let out a startled mewl, hands gripping the bedsheets as a familiar sting met your vagina. Daichi had situated himself between your legs, picking up what you couldn’t finish, and now you we’re paying the price. Your fluffy walls squeezed against his thick fingers, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the feeling.
“D-Dai... Please- No more, baby. Please!” You squealed as he practically thrusted his fingers into you at an inhuman speed, breasts bouncing at each thrust. You let out wanton moans that you were sure your neighbors would be able to hear, but you didn’t care for once.
Daichi focused entirely on you and your weeping cunt, watching as your fingers took him and didn’t want him to leave.
“God y/n... Shit.” He leaned forward to press a few kisses to your breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth, but he paused with a curse when your dainty hand grabbed ahold of his cock.
Pumping it, you tried to match your speed with his, but you would stop every so often to cry out in pleasure at his ministrations. You thumbed his slit and were barely able to cup his balls, and you could feel he was nearing the end with how desperately he was shoving his dick into your hand
“I know, baby. I know-“
It was a loud chorus of moans and names being chanted like a mantra. You were the first to cum, crying out as you did and you held onto Daichi as you orgasmed hard. Daichi was soon to follow and released onto your abdomen, hand, and bed.
Pants were shared with one another before the bed creaked, signaling you were done for and you pulled Daichi down with you. The two of you simply embraced one another, whispering sweet nothings as you shared a few tender kisses.
Meanwhile Egg was outside the room wondering when the hell her owners were going to feed her.
✨ reblogs/likes are appreciated!
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tickletastic · 5 years
That buzzfeed unsolved fic was so cute! They’re honestly some of my favorite boys! Could you do 18 with them?
Thank you sm! I’m glad you liked it
Song 18: Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now by The Smiths
Ryan absolutely hates his solo hunts. He knows that he has to do them, and he knows that he needs to continue hunting. He would love to prove to Shane, more than anything, that ghosts are real. If he proves they exist then he no longer need to feel these stupid amounts of adrenaline coursing through his veins on a weekly basis. These hunts absolutely drained him, in every sense of the word, and he was miserable. To say the very least.
Shane was sympathetic. Of course, he could never understand why Ryan was so terrified all the time, but he was sympathetic of his fears. He had noticed that Ryan was more anxious than usual lately, constantly jumping at subtle noises, and much less dramatic than he usually was. 
In the car on the way back from a particularly scary hunt, Shane observed Ryan, who was driving, and the state of his hands. Ryan was shaking like a leaf, his hands at the 10 and 2 positions on the steering wheel.
Shane cleared his throat, catching Ryan’s eyes the the rear-view mirror. “Why don’t you stay at my place tonight, buddy?”
Ryan made a humming sound that sounded like disagreement, keeping his eyes on the road.
“I know I phrased that as a question, but I’m revoking privilege of choice now, you’re coming back to my place, we’ll watch that stupid movie you keep mentioning.” 
“Fine, big guy,” Ryan agreed, sighing slightly, “whatever you say.”
They pulled into Shane’s driveway not long after, they had only been investigating something locally, and they offloaded the equipment from the car.
When they got in, Ryan was quick to flop onto Shane’s couch, lazily throwing his limbs wherever felt comfortable. Shane came over after getting the two of them drinks, pushing Ryan’s legs out of the way so he could sit down. 
Shane flipped on the TV, flipping through the channels until he came across a movie channel, leaving it on.
“So, what’s up, Ryan?” Shane asked, looking towards his friend who was engrossed in his phone. 
“Nothing, what’s up with you?”
Shane was shocked at the defensiveness, but considering Ryan’s demeanor, it was unsurprising. 
“I mean why are you in the worst mood ever?” Shane rephrased his question.
“I’m not, I’ve been an absolute ray of sunshine,” Ryan responded, still looking at his phone.
Shane laughed, rolling his eyes and turning off his phone. “If you won’t tell me then I’ll just have to convince you.” 
Shane pounced on Ryan, wiggling his fingers up his ribs, and he could visibly see Ryan trying to hold in his laughter. It wasn’t long until Ryan spluttered, a stream of giggles following it out of his mouth. 
He was fighting Shane off more than usual today, struggling harder and putting in more effort to catch Shane’s hands, but he still couldn’t stop the taller man from wreaking havoc.
As much as Shane wanted to tickle Ryan to wit’s end, he also wanted to find out what was on his friend’s mind, stepping the tickling up a little. “Ry, I’ll stop as soon are you’re willing to tell me what’s going on.”
Ryan shook his head. He wouldn’t particularly say that he enjoyed being tickled, but admittedly, he did love to laugh. Maybe a laugh could do him well. At least, that’s what he thought until Shane’s merciless grasp started to torment his belly. 
“Okay! I’ll tell you!”
Shane stopped, returning to his seat and expectantly waiting on Ryan. 
Ryan didn’t know what he could do about his fear, but he definitely knew that telling Shane would make things better. His best friend somehow always made things better.
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chxnyeol · 5 years
Keep You Here Forever (Reader x Lucas)
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Pairing: Reader x Lucas
Setting: Idol / Dancer!Lucas
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Preparing for a showcase stage brings you and Lucas close together, and he absolutely takes your breath away.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Hi, loves! Here’s some fluffy Lucas for the day! I’ve been meaning to write this for a little while now, and I was in my Lucas feels today day, can you please stay in your lane? never, have you met nct? I cannot get over how cute that giant puppy is, dear lord help us all, he’s too precious for this world. Hope you enjoy!~
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As the music stopped, you let your body sink to the ground. Every single one of your muscles ached but you found the feeling delicious, equating it to just how hard you had been working. You laid flat on your back, arms spread wide at from sides, legs tented, eyes closed as you focused on the feeling of your lungs pulling in deep breaths and your heart trying to return to a normal pace. You felt so good, like electricity lit up every inch of your skin, pride beaming from you from the inside out.
This was the first time the two of you had gotten everything right. You listened to the footsteps of your partner as he crossed the dance room, the sound of him shuffling through his bag, and then the sound of his movements bringing him back closer to you. You squinted your eyes open, locking eyes with Lucas just as his head popped over to you, his signature happy smile plastered on his features. “Good job,” he drawled, his deep voice vibrating in your ears. You hummed in response, offering him a smile back. Lucas drew the towel from around his shoulders to dab at his forehead, before playfully letting it slap down over your eyes, but you were too tired to yell out in protest like normal.
You had been paired with the giant boy for an event for SM’s showcase, being picked from a handful of lesser known dancers that flittered behind the scenes and filled spaces in other idol choreography- not that you’d complained. You’d liked it that way- really. Through your work, you got to see how much idols struggled and knew it wasn’t for you- you wanted to be able to go to school without worry, hang out with your friends and say what you wanted without concern, go out on dates and kiss without wondering who might be watching. At the last thought, your cheeks flushed just slightly and you pulled the towel down from your eyes to cover your face more, peeking up at Lucas again with one eye. You wondered, not for the first time, if he ever thought about missing out on things like that, too. When the opportunity had come around for the showcase, auditions to join different SM idols in different stages, you had immediately jumped into training and worked your tail off to get to where you were- though you expected to be on a different stage, backing up a girl or part of a large group. You had been floored when you’d been told you’d be doing a duet, and nearly passed out when you’d found out it was with him.
Lucas was handsome- there was no denying it. He’d be the first to admit it, you thought with amusement, your gaze fluttering over his features as he focused on his phone, fiddling with it in his big hands. And, he was nice. You weren’t invited to NCT stages before; but, you had met him in passing in the halls and backstage at different shows, and he was always polite, always offering a smile, always down for a conversation, even if time ran it short. It was a welcome change from some of the other idols you had met and worked with, who hardly bothered to look in your direction, nonetheless know your name. You smiled, fondly, as you remembered the very first day the two of you had turned up in the room together: you offering a messy bow and flustered introduction and him greeting you with, “Y/N- we’ve met before! I know your name already, silly!”
Lucas was almost too much to handle sometimes, you swore. Over the last month of training, spending countless hours together in the room, pressed tightly together where the choreography required it, you two had grown close. He didn’t indulge you with stories of idol life and you didn’t ask- interested. Instead, you asked him about himself and what made Lucas Lucas, and he was happy to oblige, giving you an insight on Yukhei and his likes and dislikes, what scared him, his favorite hyungs. And he wondered about you, too, and made you feel listened to as you complained about the mundanity of your life- how your plant had died, how you tore your favorite stockings on the subway, how you had nearly failed an assignment recently and had to make it up with extra hours and credit before your classes and practice.
Suddenly, Lucas sat up with a loud yell, causing you to jump up in response, your wide eyes searching him like he grew three heads. “What on earth-”
Suddenly, your legs were no longer on the ground and Lucas was swinging you around, scooping you up in his arms and spinning you in a circle, holding you close to him with a joyful round of laughter coming from deep within his chest and filling up the space. “Y/N!!!” he boomed, causing your ears to ring, as he lifted you up a little higher. “We’re going to kill this performance! Do you know that?”
Your face flushed again at the close proximity of him and his reckless abandon, but you found yourself laughing along with him, playfully battering your fists against his shoulders while he continued to giggle. “You big oaf! Put me down! This is kidnapping!”
“But I want to keep you here forever!” His words were shouted back with earnest and, even though you knew Lucas and knew he meant them genuinely, no hidden meaning behind them, your heart still fluttered against your ribs. He stopped spinning you but still held you in the air, keeping your weight by pressing you tight against him, and you worried that he’d feel the hammering of your heart against his chest. You stole a glance at him and he was just watching you, that same, easy, big, goofy smile painted across his lips. You chose to look over his shoulder instead.
“Well, you have to put me down so we can run through again- so, there,” you stated, definitively, offering a smack to his shoulder again when he looked entirely too crestfallen, though you knew it was just the trick of his charm. “Don’t look like that!”
Reluctantly, he let you down and he crossed his arms, wiggling his upper body at you in an over exaggeratedly, petulantly cute way. You rolled your eyes, patting him on the arm and moving past him towards the stereo, equal parts relieved for the distance and disappointed that the touch ended. Just as it began.
As you crouched down to get the music started again, Lucas found his way to his starting spot again, sighing loudly, ever dramatic. “Ya’know, Y/N, you really are the best dancer out there. I mean that,” he said suddenly, causing you to pause what you were doing, though keeping your eyes focused in front of you. “This dance wouldn’t be half as amazing if anyone else had been chosen. I’m glad it was you.”
“Don’t get all sentimental on me now,” you laughed back after a pause, trying to lighten the mood back. Lucas frowned at your back but you didn’t notice, and you quickly pressed the play button and scurried over to where he stood, knowing that you only had a few seconds before the music queued up, ending any discussion.
Though you had just aced the dance once, you knew you would have to get it absolutely perfect each time within the next week to be stage-ready. Lucas wasn’t really ever the problem, and you cursed yourself for getting so distracted sometimes by having him so close, by having his hands on you, by the way he looked at you. It was all part of the stage presence, but sometimes you forgot a step- and how to breathe- when you both got too wrapped up in each other. You just had to force yourself to focus.
As the music began, and you and Lucas started to move, things felt different and a little bittersweet. After this performance, you weren’t sure if you’d ever really get a chance to see Lucas again- in passing, sure, but things would just go back to those polite, friendly smiles, those brief backstage and hallway conversations, and you weren’t quite ready to give up the friendship that had bloomed within these mirrored walls.
Your energy up, you and Lucas danced with and against each other, locking eyes, fingers, hands, brushing skin on skin and melting into each other like the dance required. A tug and pull and ebb and flow- your stage was titled ‘Water and Fire’- and, though you had just done it perfectly the moment before, something felt different about it now, a different energy sparking between you both as you added emotion to it.. or maybe it was just yours, playing tricks on you.
Either way, you both ended flawlessly, dancing on the last few beats where you pulled away from Lucas and he tugged you back to his form, his hands ending by cupping your cheeks between his hands, your hands on his, and your frames pressed flush against one another. The music faded on the last beat and you both breathed hard against each other, chests bumping, faces close together. Your eyes were locked on one another, your focus on him as everything else in the room melted away into a distant background, and you shared his breath as you both panted hard between parted lips.
Suddenly, any air you had left was stolen from you as Lucas closed his eyes, leaned forward, and captured your lips in his, one hand leaving your face to wrap an arm around your waist, keeping you close to him. Your body went on autopilot as you closed your eyes and felt yourself kissing him back, and you were grateful for him holding you up, because you were sure your knees went too weak in that moment to keep you standing.
You both stood there like that for a long moment, the deep kiss sending a whole knew wave of electricity through you than the one you had rejoiced over not even ten minutes earlier. You began to pull away first, but Lucas only chased after your lips, peppering a few quick kisses after you, before allowing you to retreat from him, giving him a doe-eyed look and taking in his plump, bruised lips and big, pride-filled grin.
“Please, just let me just keep you here forever.”
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c-j-writes · 5 years
Fictober 2019
Prompt #7 “No, and that’s final.”
[Untitled Gay Mess]
Rating: T
Warnings/Tags: Will involve drug abuse in later chapters
Chapter Seven
Friday rolled around faster than I would’ve liked. It took Sophie a few more attempts to convince me, but here I was limping up the steps to some fancy house with music pumping out of the open windows. Sophie and Derrick were ahead of me, walking like they couldn’t keep their balance without leaning on each other. I shouldered my way through the door and glanced around. Derrick was already dragging Sophie over to some of his swim team friends.
Some football players yelled at me and raised their plastic cups. I nodded in their direction and kept making my way further into the house. If I was going to stay here, I needed to find the alcohol. Going to a party always meant drinking, so I’d skipped my pain meds this morning just in case. I didn’t need to fuck around and kill myself from mixing oxy with alcohol. Unfortunately, that meant my ankle was shooting with pain. 
The house was a maze, one that I’d never actually been to, so I was stumbling around blind for a few minutes. Eventually, I’d made a huge loop and was back in the front room. With a huff, I looked around for a seat because I had to get off of this damn foot. Just as I took off for a spot on the couch across the room, I felt someone grab my shoulder. 
I whipped around as fast as I could, almost tripping on one of my crutches. 
“Woah,” Liam laughed, jumping back as dramatically as he could. “Didn’t mean to scare you like that, Andy.” Hint to guys everywhere: don’t grab a girl’s shoulder like you’re about to kidnap her. 
“It’s cool,” I muttered. I shifted my weight onto my arms, even though they were sore as hell. Liam noticed my discomfort and immediately tapped a guy who was sitting in a lounge chair next to us. 
“Hey, man, can you move, Andy needs a seat.” The boy didn’t look thrilled, but he couldn’t just ignore the host. I didn’t appreciate that he assumed I needed help, but I wasn’t about to turn down the help. 
With a small smile, I sat down and leaned my crutches on the arm of the chair. It felt so good to sit down. It wasn’t like I’d been on my feet nonstop all day, but my arms and my right leg were so sore from three straight days of getting around on the crutches. The weekend was calling to me like an oasis. Two days straight of laying around the house and not worrying about anything. 
“Do you want a drink?” Liam grinned down at me. He had short black hair and his incredibly white teeth shone through his dark complexion. He was good looking, I’d give him that. This was annoying because it made it harder to figure out what excuse I was going to give Sophie as to why exactly I wouldn’t give him a chance. 
“I’d love a drink.” Liam nodded and took off down a hallway across the room. Maybe I could just pretend. He seemed nice. Maybe I could humor him and go on a few dates. It would get Sophie off my ass. I mean, the last boyfriend I’d had wasn’t terrible. It was just the kissing that I couldn’t deal with. He had been trying to grow a beard, so kissing him was like making out with sandpaper. I could’ve probably kept up with faking it if it hadn’t been for that. 
My mind went back to earlier today, during my tutoring block with Kloe. I hadn’t been able to stop watching the way she twirled her hair around her finger while she was thinking. And the soft curve of her eyes. And the gentle way she smiled. 
I couldn’t fake it.
Liam appeared next to me holding two cups and grinning. I took one and painted on my best flirty smile. 
After an hour or two, I felt rested enough and wanted to do some exploring. I still hadn’t talked to most of my friends since the end of last school year, so I was overdue for some catching up. Liam had stopped to talk to one of his teammates and I lost him. Not that I particularly cared, the guy did not know how to hold a conversation without bringing up the damn football game. 
Upstairs was off-limits because I was not about to struggle my way up a flight of stairs in front of this many people. I found a second living room somewhere along the way and met up with a few girls from the team that hadn’t made it to practice when I had my accident. They had more drinks, it was beer but it was something and my leg still needed numbing. 
By the time I had made it around the house a good few times, my body was buzzing. It had been a long time since I’d been anywhere near drunk. I’d stayed away from parties all summer, so the big end of the year party was the last time I’d had more than one drink at a time. My limbs felt floaty, which was a welcome difference from the aching they’d been doing lately. It was nice being here with all the people I’d known for years, not having to think about the future or my grades or anything. 
I was just about to head out to the pool and see what was happening out there when I passed the kitchen and couldn’t help but stop to search for another shot. It was fairly late at night, so the kitchen was empty. I’d been searching around for a few minutes in the cabinets when I heard a set of footsteps behind me. Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I glanced back at whoever had entered the room. 
“Who even invited you?” I snapped at Mack. She just stared at me with that goddamn smile on her face. The one that showed too much of her chipped front tooth and gave one of her cheeks a dimple but not the other. “Stop it,” I said to her before she could answer.
She lifted an eyebrow. “Stop what?” Her voice was filled with the laughter she was holding in and I had to glare to stop thinking about the sound of her laugh. Deep and bubbly at the same time. 
“Smiling at me.” My head was wavy from the alcohol, so I didn’t remember that I wasn’t supposed to be looking at her. I looked down at my feet and stared at my bright green ankle for a few seconds. Then my head went to the reason I had the stupid cast on and the anger in me started festering, so I looked back up.
“Why can’t I smile at you, Andrea?” Her eyes kept getting brighter and it was just making me angrier. Why couldn’t she just play the damn part? If she played the part like I did then I could’ve introduced her to my friends, we could hang out all the time. I could see her and not have to keep myself from staring. 
“My name is Andy, get it through your fucking skull already.” I stepped forward, trying to look tough, but failing when I remembered that she was half a foot taller than me. She giggled and looked down at her feet.
��I know your name, but nobody calls you Andrea, so it makes me feel special.” When she looked back up at me her eyes were soft and warm and before I knew it, we were on the beach. She had just opened her heart like no one ever had to me and I felt so many emotions that my brain didn’t work right. And as I stood there trying to think of something to respond with that wouldn’t make me look like a fool, she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. The butterflies in my stomach exploded and I almost lost my balance from how unimaginably perfect it felt. 
“Am I interrupting something?” Mack turned her head to the doorway and smiled. I shook myself out of my daydreams and glanced over to see who’d walked in. 
“Hey, Kloe, I was just looking for a drink,” Mack replied. The blonde looked over at me and arched an eyebrow like she needed verification. 
“Yeah, uh… there’s nothing in here, I was looking,” I muttered. My face heated up as it usually did when I was in her presence. It was like she was some kind of force of nature that made me completely lose my shit. Mackenzie looked between the two of us and chuckled to herself. Kloe just nodded and looked over to her. 
“Do you have any idea where the bathroom is?” 
“I think I saw it down the hall like around the corner?” Mack pointed out of the room and to the left. With a nod, Kloe took off. I expected Mack to follow her, but she stayed leaning against the wall by the door and stared at me.
“Wow, I thought I was the only girl you had eyes for?” With that, my anger came hurtling back full force. 
“Fuck you, Mack.” I pushed past her, limping out of the room and down the hall. The pool area was crowded with people who would normally look familiar, but I wasn’t processing faces. All that I could think about was Mack and Kloe and how Mack still has some kind of ability to fuck with my head no matter how much I tried to block her out of it. I wanted to rant to Sophie about it but I couldn’t. She wouldn’t get it because she doesn’t know and I can’t tell her. Not now. Not like this. It’s so complicated and she wouldn’t understand. I really just wanted to forget about all of it. 
Sophie was sitting near the corner of the screen when I found her. There were two guys next to her that I honestly didn’t recognize. I glanced around the area, surprised that Derrick was nowhere to be found. 
“Ands!” Soph screamed, standing up and almost falling on her face in the process. She stumbled over to me and grabbed onto my shoulders. “Ands, oh my God, I have been looking for you.” Her eyes looked out of focus, but I knew mine probably were so I didn’t worry about it. She was probably just as drunk as I was. 
“I’ve been inside, it’s not like I blend in that much,” I commented, lifting one of my crutches to emphasize my point. 
“Your leg! Your leg probably hurts, right? I know exactly how you can make it feel better.” 
“I mean, I don’t really feel it that much to be honest.” Sophie wasn’t listening though, she just turned around and grabbed something from one of her buddies before coming back and pushing something into my hand. I looked down and immediately clapping my hands together.
“Sophie, are these drugs?” I whispered to her. She giggled, covered her mouth with one of her hands and nodding. “What the hell are you doing with these? Why the fuck would you give them to me?” I shoved them back at her, but she pushed my hand away.
“It’ll help your leg, so it won’t hurt anymore. It’ll make you feel so good.” She smiled as if nothing were wrong and we were bickering over some candy and not an illegal substance. 
“I can’t be caught with this shit, I could get kicked off the team.” She rolled her eyes.
“Don’t be a party pooper, Ands, come on, it’s fun.” She grabbed my hands and lifted them in the air. I almost lost my balance and one of my crutches fell over. Sophie just kept giggling. With a huff, I pulled away.”
“Sophie, no, and that’s final.” One of her friends stood up to grab my crutch for me. “Thank you.” He nodded. When I looked back at Soph, she just looked disappointed. 
“Damn, Ands, you sound like my mother, why don’t you ever just have a little fun?” She looked at me like I’d grown a new head and suddenly, I barely recognized my best friend. The anger that had been bubbling up in me from Mack came back to the surface, but I kept myself from saying anything I’d regret and I just turned around and walked away from Soph as fast as I could, given that I was crippled. 
I rushed through the house, ignoring anyone who tried to say anything. Blood was pumping through my ears louder than anyone around me. I just booked it for the front door and didn’t look back.
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hclles-blog · 6 years
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hey guys ! this has been sitting in drafts for at least a day now, but trust me when i say i’m as excited as i was when typing this fucking monster of an intro SDKFGJKFD but i’m jules, kard and clc supremacist and a struggling student about to apply to the english faculty of my uni ! like i said, this is a super long intro, so get settled as i introduce asteria’s resident skating brat halle, a bitch who overworks and doesn’t know how to chill long-term !! stats page is HERE for your reading pleasure, extensive plots and an extra list of options are linked accordingly !
jeon somin, cis female, she/her. — have you seen ( hyunmi “halle” chae ) around ( hecate ) ? they’re a ( twenty-two ) year old ( senior ) who’s majoring in ( kinesiology. ) i know they’re busy with ( dance club, women’s volleyball, and kappa delta sorority ), but you should tell them to check their latest starred rating ! ( jules, 21, she/her, gmt-3:30. )
honestly she is.. fucked sgjfsgdkl
this is mostly a carbon copy of an intro i’ve made for her in the past, so while some random points seem a Little dated or repetitive, they’re valid enough to stay here sfdlgkdg
i’ve had inspo for her after the olympics and rly wanted to use her somewhere, so if some things here seem a little.. idk, farfetched for your taste, we’ll pin it on that sfdgkdfj
this is her as popular vines
so chae hyunmi aka halle, ulsan born, raised in seoul and relocated to toronto, canada with her parents, little sis and partner to train bc..
she’s a figure skater, good enough to win ( .. junior ig ) titles when she was in her early teens, so it was only inevitable for her to leave for toronto to train with the Best eventually
she’s competed in international competitions, as part of a pair, and made her olympic debut in sochi by the skin of her teeth; her highest placement was third place ( not at sochi pls sgjkld she prob ranked in the top ten at best ), so she’s got a medal or two to her name
ultimately it was after sochi that she saw her coach and ( ex ) partner intervene with her.. unhealthy practicing habits
she’s a perfectionist through and through, so of course she’d spend hours on the ice at just seventeen/eighteen years old, even younger tbh, to get a routine right. but she pushed herself harder and harder, where small missteps would lead her to fall hard and recover for days on end, even spraining her ankle just before competition season was to begin
so when her coach insisted she take a break, her parents following suit, it was with good reason — one that she didn’t fucking see fsdkgkl
even so, them pushing her to prioritize education for a bit, to get ahead of the skaters who would prob only be able to do so upon retirement in a good few years’ time, and hanging up her skates until she saw it as.. less than something she needed to abuse herself to feel comfortable with, for as long as they would do so led to her resolve shattering and her applying for universities in canada, the us and sk ( the sly brat reasoned that it’d be nice to be reconnect with her roots.. for the sake of having something going for her beyond just competing in pyeongchang ! )
but the latter wound up being a bust bc she opted for asteria u, close to some of the popular yet secluded skate clubs the greats went to during their off-season training.. and before tr*mp got elected bc she would’ve cancelled everything, demanded her money and scholarships back, had she arrived after that LSDFGJFKLD
should be noted that her grades were good, she had a super brief volunteering stint and she’s a rising star ( well, was.. the bitch wouldn’t be competing again anytime soon to keep herself where she was within the skating circuit ) in her favoured sport, so she deemed all of this inevitable sfkljfdgk
though the school didn’t and still doesn’t offer its own skate club so, that was a slight drawback for the invested bitch
the transition wasn’t too hard ofc; she got comfortable with the campus and was back on the ice in no time, joining one of those aforementioned skate clubs under her parents’ noses and making the most of it as comeback/olympics prep
she saw herself as poised to be added to the roster once again, now a singles prospect after a major falling out with her longtime partner for one too many dumb bitch moves, and was desperate for it; however the stars didn’t align back in 2017 during her sophomore year, when she just missed obtaining qualification while now on canada’s roster on a technicality, and nothing could’ve compared to the agony that was missing her chance in something she invested sm practice, time and compliance with the people around her to pull through and get to pyeongchang
she’s still distraught over it, it’s been a couple of years since that happened and she gets emo real quick, misty-eyed if you bring it up ( she uh, has issues with moving on from things if you can’t tell )
suffice to say she resents her coach for his minor contribution in fucking her and himself over, dropped him out of anger ( a move she.. does feels bad abt on a personal level but professionally ?? pft ) and linked up with one back in toronto who she’ll begin seeing when she’s “ prepared ” to give it a shot again
meaning she’s currently on hiatus from the sport, but she knows a good few people think her career is Over now — and it pisses her the Fuck off
studying kinesiology despite wanting to be a skating coach when she retires as a competitor, bc she rly loves being active and thinks she’d be a resource in the field down the line ok ??
anyways, she’s found new things to invest her time in, such as the sorority, dance club and volleyball
dance helps with the choreo for her routines.... or Did, but we all know she’s still doing Some amount of skating on the side so
and it helps in areas where muscle memory and years of flexibility can’t quite do so
volleyball’s a great second option for her as a sport, mostly bc she can exert as much of her frequent frustration as possible into a game and act like it’s just her being into it. though she really can be That competitive, as you can see, rather than bratty
so, moving onto other things —
personality and other shit
she is.. a mess rly
inflexible, independent, charismatic, etc
most of her actual personality is further down oops dsfgjklfg
kinda detached ?? like she doesn’t want too many distractions and she deems relationships as the fucking Worst for it.. she’s had some pals from skating with potential go downhill when they got too deep with certain partners or just with too many side hobbies, social obligations, so she’s trying to be level-headed while not destroying her social life ?
idk it’s hard to explain, she’s an enigma even to me in that area
only dated once or twice. the first time being when she was like nine. with her first pairs partner that she quickly ditched.
not.. super sexually active either ( rip ?? )
but she’s been Involved with people so fdskng
on the ice, or just in whatever she’s applying herself to, she’s domineering and blunt, v strict on herself though she’s slacked off a bit over the years.. so imagine how self-disciplined — in the worst of ways — she was when she was younger
with a rigorous work ethic like hers, her being a leader among those at the local skating club implies that she’d be strict too with what little power she has.. but she’s kinda chill overall ?? tho you still have to get your twizzles right before the end of the day, don’t care that the hockey players will be out in two ! let’s go !
uh.. her attitude carries over with a Lot of things. she especially has no time for people who are Committed to their sport but show poor performances bc of laziness, distractions, etc. so brace your kids for hurricane halle ??
call her ice queen. try it. try it. GKFDJKGDSF she hates that nickname 95% of the time, usually bc she assumes people are basing it off of her initial/professional demeanour first and her passion second
she rly just has a hard shell where it matters, aka her career and stuff, but is a semi-precious gem overall
or, for a better way to describe it though it sounds like i’m just repeating myself: she gives off Proper head bitch vibes ( subtract the Need to feel powerful in being a piece of shit to anyone who walks past you ) but she’s really just a blunt and serious brat with a super dry and at times menacing sense of humour
she won’t hesitate to call you out on your shit or make it clear that she doesn’t like you, though, even if she appears cordial on the surface
as a result, hockey players HATE her !
bc she rips into them the most for frequently poor experiences with her fellow ice people. most of which are them hogging her reserved practice time, and being thirsty and pretentious dicks about it within and outside of the arena
kind of dramatic and a meme ngl, curses quite a bit, whips out korean or her conversational-level french far too often — especially if she’s shit-talking bc you made an ugly choice but is trying to be a Supportive Friend
english name came from halle berry bc hyunmi thought she was rly pretty on all the red carpets her mom would have on growing up sfgdkjflk
unwinds with the usual netflix and wine
oH also prob still hurts herself by overworking, especially after That Lost Opportunity, i hate
she’s pan but..... girls disappoint her far less than guys so she has a preference djfgskgdkf
all of that being said, it clearly plays into how she’s perceived by others, so —
her view and reception on starred
she..... probably doesn’t do too hot tbh
well. maybe she Does if starred's social ladder resembled most high school/college shows, movies.... rps, but it doesn't really so —
in all fairness, she probably does do better than i'm assuming rn bc.. she Is a character of sorts, who knows gskfksl but MOVING ON !
her blunt and kinda snarky attitude is partially Why she hates this point system, bc people tend to kiss ass just so they aren’t given a low rating whereas she can only hold back about 5% of her unfiltered opinion — but that’s IT !
tbh she relies heavily on her involvement in extracurriculars, and especially her public image from her glory days, more so than she herself to keep her head above water
so she looks entitled from that alone
given the way i’ve played her in the past, ik she might come across as a hbic type: thinks she’s the best ( which.. she kinda does sjkfgd ), savours the power she tries to or does in fact exert, doesn’t come across as particularly sympathetic or nice, etc
but she’s just a shit disturber with thick skin and a slight kink for receiving admiration and respect, puts herself first a little too much
in fact, she doesn’t really Care to hold people by a leash, but yeah, it can come across much differently since her tone never really Shifts if she doesn’t know you well, doesn’t trust you, knows you’re naive with such things, doesn’t like you, is just fucking around or in a sour mood.... the list goes on
so if your character focuses on who’s the nicest or most cheerful when giving high ratings, makes a v quick judgment on their character from a first impression, she’s gonna be near the bottom of their list dfsghkfgj
and like i said, she doesn’t care for the system Enough to change any of this, so she gets by
KDFJGSKFL uh, let’s end it there bc this is painfully long — congratulations if you’ve made it to the end of this intro from hell ! if anyone wants to plot, like this or im me !! ( ps, if you prefer d*scord like yours truly, just ask for it or send me yours ! )
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new-moon-tea · 6 years
The Government
My first thought was indeed that the postal service would have to change, but I realize now that wouldn’t need to be the case. Our postal office is fine on foot, but our government as a whole would be chaos. We might even need a government shut down, or call for Marshall Law as they struggle to try and find some grounding in this new development. There’d be no sense of direction, or so many directions we take we’d get lost. If you recall, I earlier stated that we’d need to put bands of sorts on children so they don’t fly too far off. The first thing I thought of when I began writing was how we’d adapt our laws, but the first thing I sat down to write an entire chapter on was the development of children in schools with wings. I personally believe that should be the first thing discussed, but likely it wouldn’t. Perhaps the demand to study this phenomenon would be the first demand. Perhaps the second would be how to limit danger or threat of winged citizens, to stop them from trying to jump off buildings and to stop normal humans from attacking them on sight.
Let’s continue on the assumption the government would be issuing out these bands of sorts. They’d need to produce them quickly, repurpose seatbelts perhaps or regular belts to be used for this fashion. Marshall Law would be in effect, and the government starts seeking volunteers for studies but more on that later. I picture military soldiers walking around city streets, shouting orders of “no flying for your safety and the people around you!” but once initial shock and panic dies down things would loosen up. How long do you think it’d take before you stop staring at people with wings? I’m resisting the urge to start up debates on what they’d look like or how this happened, that’s something for another chapter. I can’t imagine how long it’d take for me to stop staring, maybe a year? Two years? I only ask as I picture, let’s say, the Robinson family walking down the street. A mother with wings and her human child as they head to the corner store to pick up weekly groceries. I imagine neighbors gawking for the first few weeks, maybe a couple of months at most, before people begin walking up asking how they felt, what it was like, if they tried flying yet, and such. I imagine some people would be eager, excited, maybe like me they dreamed of getting wings ever since they were little, that they feel amazing and strong, but others would shy away from the attention, both normal and newly winged folk scared about this development.
Once Marshall Law was established, and slowly became more lax, our government would begin scurrying around to create new laws while constantly checking in with scientists about what these winged folk need or if there’s any danger in them. I picture things like doctors doing physicals working alongside veterinarians and wildlife experts and others studying feathers and physical makeup of the wings, trying to find average ratio of wing length to body weight, x-rays to see the way the joints move and how the body had to adapt to these new appendages. I wonder how close artist anatomy sketches of such creatures would align? Oh no, would we need new vaccines against bird diseases? Or would our biological make up leave us fine? We have bird flu to worry about but what about things that only birds get? I’m not a vet or scientist so I genuinely have no idea how that’d be handled, but that’s why we have our best doctors on the case. If someone became wounded from a flight fall or if they broke a wing in an accident, would they go to a vet or doctor? Doctors and nurses would have to study up on their anatomy for sure, and scattered essays and reports would flood the schools for students currently trying to study for a medical degree. I wonder how long it’d take for our government to decide how to rule wings.
What wording would you use to write the amendment to the constitution discussing flying rights? Would we not need one, on the basis we don’t govern our birds? Or on the basis no person should have to register for an extra limb? We don’t register or fight for the right to run, shouldn’t flying be the same? But I know how voting works, and I know someone will be concerned for safety of both normal and winged folk as they argue that wings are a threat to the safety of those below. I wouldn’t agree, but this is a democracy. I picture everyone would have their own concerns, which would make it harder for the government to begin regulation and safety. I have ideas of what laws would be put in place but no idea on how soon each one would be done.
For example, establishing the right to fly. Establishing fly safety zones in cities and laws about landing; Landing on a building you don’t own might be illegal but also sounds unfair considering they might need a spot to rest a minute before flying again, like a bench in a park. How we’d need to construct landing zones for public use, and runways with an appropriate length to take flight, maybe minimal flying heights in cities. I really don’t think you’d need a license to fly but of course it’d be brought up. We’d also need to discuss laws for what you can/can’t be wearing while flying. Things with open, loose pockets might pose a threat with the possibility of things falling out, right? But we wouldn’t need government mandated flying uniforms, of course! And luckily we’d have winged officers to keep things in order, and we’d have to install security cameras higher up. I wonder if we’d need platforms installed for when a winged officer needs to “pull over” someone, but they could easily use sidewalks or building tops. I also wonder if we’d need drones to keep an eye on winged traffic, to be operated by normal humans.
We’d need government mandated physical education tests too, right? We had the fitnessgram pacer test and in my school we had just the dreaded “mile”. Would winged folk need to opt into these courses or would they be required? What kind of tests do you think they’d be? They couldn’t exactly do most P.E. tests either, considering they have wings. Those hurdles would be easier, but of course you can say using wings is cheating but not using them would be harder. What would count as using them? Flapping them? Would you even have enough room? What if you used them to balance yourself, since you’re now lugging these massive things along as you walk, run and jump. But I’m sure we’re fine, we got our best scientists studying them to figure out how to make a fair P.E. class.
And that brings us to a nice wrap around to before when I was discussing scientists researching these new anatomy subjects. I still keep asking this question around, and asked a friend who we’ll call Fey. Fey’s answer was highly anticipated to me, because I hadn’t asked him before and he’s much more sophisticated than the Goose. Fey did surprise me though, saying something along the lines of another wave of discrimination and racism, and pointed out “new super models and new celebrities”. Struck me as odd because he stuck with the realms I normally associated with him but didn’t hesitate to get around the “you can’t say genocide” rule I’ve been opposing. He followed it up by saying he’d never date a man with wings (wondering now if he’d make an exception for a woman with wings), and this made me curious, because I realized I also wouldn’t date a man with wings (controversial coming from a goose, I know). I wonder, maybe realize, this is a small part of why people kept jumping to genocide. Would these minor preferences and details lead to the discrimination and racism I so avidly protested? Would this slow down the developments in government I am so certain of? He argued specifically it would be cumbersome, in regards to a man with wings.
I pictured jobs in some positions becoming easier and harder, and this leads into that more or less. Would officers with wings be more beneficial or a hindrance? Would it cost more tax dollars to create specialized bullet proof vests and uniforms for winged folk? How much would it cost to install government mandated landing platforms, child wing bands, and paving runways? The more I think about it the more I realize maybe a sudden increase in taxes or taking funding away from other sources people find important like education, military, or environmental funding… would this spur the hate towards winged folk? Maybe I over think, considering I’m sure some folks with wings will “spawn” in government positions, what if our President ends up as someone with wings? Would that automatically put winged folk on a more sympathetic stand? Or lead to impeachment? But let’s be honest all of us are too lazy to ever impeach a president, we would have done so already if we could. I don’t mean our current office president, but we’ve had bad men in the past.
So let’s get into these bad scenarios while on the talk of the government. I imagine a further phase of marshall law, or a lot of scary police and military interference. I’ve never lived through a dramatic protest movement, or remember anything clearly from school, so I can only see pictures of what it would look like, and news sources divided on the stances of these people. We once lived in an age where a public lynching would make it onto the face of a postcard, would that approach come back? We haven’t exactly changed for the better completely, I know I have said before there would be a few bad apples who would attack them, but would it be like the active shooter attacks we have now, where we’re actively trying to stop this horrid display? Or would it be like back then, when officers did nothing? That’s the scarier side to think about, but no matter how long it lasted it would never be permanent. Again, I still feel like that sort of active racism wouldn’t be able to blossom as much when this would affect so many people all over the world. And we can always take solace in the fact that even if we start out bad we will get better. No matter how small we can still fight for what we believe in, if I can vote an election I can say something. I can do something. I don’t like lingering on the bad sides of this hypothetical, they defeat the purpose of this discussion. It will always revert back to the fact that it will not stay. We will fight, and protect these citizens. And I’m 100% our government, or at the very least our corporations, will realize the huge advantage of winged folk.
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dragcnfae-a-blog · 7 years
Why do you play your character the way you do? Any reason or is it just natural?
this question hit me so hard cordelia u don’t even know. i’ve been struggling with mal a lot these days and even thought of dropping her (i’m still contemplating!! i know it sounds too dramatic but it’s how i feel cries). i don’t play canon muses as much and i am v v pressured but i love her sm and i want to give her justice. i am still in the process of figuring out how she would be at this point and i’ve been trying to keep in touch with my muse but it’s on and off. 
as to why i play her the way i do, it’s how i feel she would react to things given the certain arc i have for her rn. she’s extra soft but still snappy but just wants to live her life bc she knows who she is now and she doesn’t want anything or anyone to dictate that. she’s still struggling with it though? since her whole life is her second-guessing her worth. i have a lot more in mind for her but as i said, im struggling and im the most self-critical person i know so it’s a real challenge to summon the muse bc i can never get myself to decide on how i aspire/envision her to be.
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