#tw ed treatment mention
iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
My dietitian is nice but I absolutely hate going shopping with her. It’s literally so uncomfortable. Someone following you around in the grocery store telling you you need to add certain things or grab more and asking what your plans for meals are.
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loserwitchkid · 1 year
people who put their diet/calorie counting/pro-4n4 content in the ED Recovery tag...
wtf is wrong with you???
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moonysfavoritetoast · 25 days
i had the worst feeling about jessica roderick for so long and seeing A finally speak about it makes me proud of her. she already privated the video, but holy fucking shit. do not send your children to wilderness camp, don’t let your children starve themself.
jess noticed and waited until A was literally fucking dying and asking for help before she did anything about it.
don’t do that shit.
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anxiously-avoiding · 9 months
Ed treatment centers: “one size fits all” is a very bad philosophy and should not exist. We don’t believe in that.
Also Ed treatment centers: our program is designed for textbook anorexia and bulimia and literally nothing else. We can’t make accommodations when the program doesn’t fit your needs. No we’ve never heard of ARFID
Me: …have you heard of hypocrisy?
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megandzane · 1 year
My mom really woke up and thought it was a good idea to make comments about my body
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the-grays-of-ink · 2 years
It’s eating disorder awareness week and boy am I aware!!!!
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caspiansrecovery · 2 years
Okay, but no...for real...
Okay, this is gonna be one, so buckle up kiddos. It's been a real struggle ED wise lately, and my therapist wants me to decide by 10 am tomorrow when our session is if I feel like I can pull through this and keep in outpatient, or if I feel like I need to step up in care and go back to residential. That's a lot of pressure all at once. Like, it's been 10 months and 3 days since I left treatment and for the majority of that I've done really well, but it's just been so hard recently. While I know there's no shame in having to have extra support, I just get this overwhelming sense that I can't do this right and that I keep failing. Anyway, I think, despite it all (and with the way today has gone) I've decided that, even though it feels really fucking hard and big and scary...I'm going to need the extra support of a higher level of care. My concerns? 1) Who on my treatment team will desert me once I go? I've had dietitians drop me before because I went to treatment, and I just....love my current team so much that it hurts that someone may drop me. 2) How am I supposed to tell my dad that I'm going back?? 3) Wtf am I going to do with Gemini?? D: The 2 weeks I was gone before she was so anxious she was sick. I feel so guilty knowing that I'll be leaving her for a lot longer than just a couple of weeks. Anyway, I guess I just needed a place (other than my journal, 'cause lol what's that??) to put all these thoughts. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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faeryblade · 1 month
|| Scopophobia || A Jonathan Crane Fic ||
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Synopsis: It's just another boring afternoon at the office for Dr. Jonathan Ulysses Crane. Although, testing out his latest fear toxin is yielding some...interesting results.
Word Count: 5,534
TW: Dead Dove: do not eat. 18+ content, minors DNI. NSFW, SMUT. Gaslighting and manipulation. Mention of EDs. Degradation. Non-con. Implication of suicide attempt. Forced oral, anal. Use of aphrodisiac and fear toxin. Hallucinations. Power imbalance, therapist/patient. Age difference. Monster fucking (Scarecrow). Corruption. Ahegao. Creampie. Rick roll near the end.
Note: Uh, hi there. I got bit by a highly infectious idea and quickly developed super terminal Jonathan Crane!rot...which I guess I'm making everyone's problem now. This is the first chapter of a long Jonathan X Reader fic called: "Please, don't tell my psychiatrist-he'd kill me!"
Song: "Careful What You Wish For" by Jack Harris
Taglist: @caesariawritesstuff @greeneyedshooter @enochtopus-the-pressed
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"I-I don't even know what I'll do. It's not like I can cancel now..."
Subject 76 picked at the fibers of her knit sweater anxiously, brows furrowed. There's a hitch to her voice. Her shoulders are slightly hunched over as if she's trying to protect herself from the topic at hand. Dr. Crane makes a note of this with a quick flourish of his ballpoint pen. Besides him, safe in her black iron cage, his pet crow, Nightmare, stares keenly at Subject 76.
"Plus, my friend has been planning this wedding for MONTHS and I'm her bridesmaid! I can't just not go to the wedding! I-I'd feel like...I dunno, like a bad friend-"
Subject 76 reached for the glass of water placed on the coffee table in front of her. She took a sip from it to settle her nerves before continuing to speak:
"Just the thought of letting her down makes me feel some awful way. Like, I don't know. I'm just, uhh. I'm just..."
"...Afraid?" Dr. Crane's smooth voice offers, almost seeming to reverberate in the air.
Subject 76 looked at her psychologist with a wide, doe-eyed expression. Her bottom lip trembled. It was a small, almost imperceptible movement that had Crane's pen scribbling furiously in his notes once more.
"No," Subject 76 denied immediately, then falters a second later, "Yes. I-I don't know, maybe??? I'm just anxious, I guess??? It's just that this wedding will be the first time in six years that I've seen my high-school friends. And I wanna make the right impression. I don't want it to look like I don't have my life together."
Subject 76 went quiet for a moment. Her gaze drew down to her wrists where thick, pink scars crisscrossed her skin. While the sweater she was wearing did its best to conceal them from sight, a few still peaked out and were clearly visible to anyone who had a wandering eye. Shame settled upon her.
"I've even started to...uhm. I..."
Subject 76 fell silent again. The woman returned to picking the threads of her sweater, tugging on its cotton weave compulsively instead of talking.
Dr. Crane glanced up from his notepad, peering over the top of his glasses to assess his subject. "Miss. Bree?" He asked, raising a single eyebrow. He waited for her to speak.
But Subject 76 pursed her lips into a thin line and ignored him.
Sighing, Crane leaned back in his chair. An edge of annoyance laced his tone as he addressed his subject...
"I don't think I have to remind you that the court has mandated your cooperation in therapy, Miss Bree. And...with anything I see fit to hasten your rehabilitation. Now, I wouldn't want to be forced legally to report you to your probation officer for resisting treatment. However, if I must-"
"WAIT!" Subject 76 cried out, terror in her eyes.
The smallest smirk twitched at the edges of Dr. Crane's lips, "Oh?"
Splitting open like a rotten pumpkin, the woman confessed that she'd started throwing up. 'Just small meals,' she'd elaborate further, attempting to lessen the impact of her words, 'Just the bad carbs and fats, nothing serious.' Subject 76 went on to talk about the dress she was trying to "look slay" for. How the bride had chosen a type of cut that left little to the imagination. And most telling to Dr. Crane of all; that she was frightened about what everyone would think when she wore it.
Crane placed his notebook and pen down on the accent table at his side, then steepled his fingers together, peering at Subject 76 with intent.
With hunger.
"Do you think your frankly lackluster endeavor to lose weight will be enough to stop the whispers and the gossip?" He asked off-handedly, making Subject 76 flinch in response, "And all the secret shared laughter at your expense?"
"Just an observation, really."
Subject 76 looked confused. She blinked several times and wondered if she was hearing the what the doctor had said right. Or if somehow she was hearing him wrong instead.
"In fact, I doubt fitting into anything will improve your standing," Crane stated with a casual wave of his hand, "How do you know that you weren't invited to this...grand affair...as a joke?"
Shock spread across Subject 76's face.
"If they were judging you in high school, six years wouldn't change anything substantial. They're no different than they were back then. Tell me, have you changed?"
Dr. Crane answered the question for Subject 76, not allowing her to explain for herself what he'd already figured:
"According to your records, you've been purging since middle school... And here you are now, still continuing to follow the same, tired, destructive pattern."
"Dr. Crane, I-"
Crane held up an authoritative hand.
"I digress, Miss. Bree," He said, "We've become a bit sidetracked here. Any form of eating disorder is categorized as self-harm. I cannot allow this to continue. As a mandated reporter, I'll have to tell your case manager. Unfortunately, I can judge by your previous history, that it's quite likely you'll be put on a 72-hour hold in a psychiatric facility. Probably here at Arkham. Contrary to Gotham's popular belief, we do treat normal citizens, too."
A fresh, new wave of panic bloomed on Subject 76's face. Tears welled up in the young woman's eyes. She shook her head, both hands rising up to clasp over her mouth, muffling the words she spoke and making them harder to hear.
"Hmm? What was that?" Dr. Crane nearly purred, making a show of leaning in closer to listen better.
"I-I can't go back there," Subject 76 replied with a choked stammering breath, "I just can't, doctor. I c-can't-"
Such marvelous fear...
Dr. Crane drank it in, savored it like fine wine. He wished he could bottle this moment to treasure for himself and keep forever. This was a human at their most beautiful.
"There is an alternative solution," Crane offered, only after Subject 76 looked about to vomit on his rug, "But I don't offer it to just anyone I treat. You, however, would be a perfect candidate."
"Really, doctor? I would?"
He barely suppressed his disgust as the woman shifted from fear-torn to hopeful at just the mere suggestion of salvation.
"Yes, but you'd have to submit to a new regimen and administration of medicine," Dr. Crane said, "Plus, we would be exploring novel paths of therapy that we've yet to approach in session. If I deem it productive, then I can forget about this reporting nonsense-"
Not to mention all the paperwork he'd have to go through because of it.
"-Does that sound amenable to you, Miss. Bree?"
"Yes!" Subject 76 answered brightly, "Anything to keep probation away!"
As if commenting on the woman's statement, Nightmare let out a series of loud, raucous caws that sounded strangely like laughter. Subject 76 glanced at the crow with uncertainty before Dr. Crane redirected her attention back onto him.
"Anything, hmm?" Crane asked curiously, taking off his glasses and tucking them into his breast pocket, "Well, that's good to know. It'll certainly make this next portion that much easier."
Before Subject 76 knew what was happening, Dr. Crane was at her side; his hand gripping her ponytail and yanking her head back. She caught the sight of a spray bottle seconds prior to a strange, fine, orange mist enveloping her face. Crawling up the passages of her nose. Making her feel instantly dizzy and lightheaded. Sick.
"Yeeeah, that's right," Crane's voice cooed gently into her ear, "Breathe it all in, little lamb. Goood. Just like that..."
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The effects of the toxin were instantaneous. With vested interest, Jonathan Crane watched as 76's pupils dilated until her irises nearly disappeared and her breaths came out in labored gasps that sounded painful. He grabbed the woman's wrist to check her pulse. His long fingers bit into soft flesh, leaving the crescent-shaped impressions of his nails in their wake.
"As expected," he spoke aloud, narrating more to himself than anyone else, "Patient is responsive to a 10 mg dose of K-series. BPM is at 125, within range of a common panic attack. Eyes dilated to 8 millimeters. Symptoms are much more evident than Batch 4. Most likely due to the introduction of fear prior to administration-"
A low, husky moan interrupted him:
"Mmmn, Doctor Crane. I feel so hot..."
Jonathan turned his attention back onto the test subject, who was trying to press her body to his in desperation. He felt his cock harden instantly. That spark of hunger he'd experienced moments before returned; but, it'd become ravenous now. Insistent. Snapping. It demanded to be fed. And this lost, little lamb was offering herself willingly to his opened maw. Who would refuse such a feast?
The darkness inside Jonathan took control.
Subject 76 gasped as his hand suddenly gripped her neck and pulled her closer. He grazed his lips along the woman's silky cheek, whispering softly into her ear-
"Hush now, child, your Shepherd God is here. All will be well."
-before blazing a trail of greedy kisses and bites down her shoulder, ripping off her sweater in the process. He threw it onto the carpet. Subject 76 hardly noticed. She was far too preoccupied with his explorations to care. Her eyes fluttered back into her skull as Doctor Crane teased the tender areas of her flesh with tongue and teeth. Searing heat coiled like a spring in the pit of her stomach. Another moan flew from her throat. Louder this time.
"Tell me how you feel?" Jonathan asked his prey with a commanding growl.
Subject 76 squirmed underneath his grasp.
"I-I need you," she replied, "Doctor, please! I need to feel you. I want your hands on me. I-I want you to touch me. Bite me. I need you-"
Jonathan Crane gripped her tighter.
"And how badly does that ail you, little lamb?" He crooned.
"I can't stand it!" 76 wailed out loud, tears rolling in cascades down her cheeks, "Everything's hot. I can't think straight! What's happening to me?!?"
A cruel smile curved along Jonathan's mouth. He could almost taste the woman's anguish. It was a delicious flavor. Irresistible, actually...
"You poor, suffering soul. Allow me to ease your troubled mind..."
Wrapping Subject 76's ponytail around his hand once more, Jonathan Crane seized control and dragged her face towards the bulge in his slacks. Surprisingly, she tried to resist. Visited by a brief minute of lucidity, the woman fought back on his grip, struggling (like hell) against the task he was setting her to. Jonathan scowled. He wondered if the toxin had worn off already? But another lusty moan from 76 indicated that it hadn't. It was just hitting her in symptomatic waves.
Whimpering as a new flood of heat overwhelmed her, Subject 76 wrestled with the metal buckle of Jonathan's belt and unzipped his pants. Her eyes widened upon seeing the monster that lay hiding in wait within his boxers. Huge, thick, and veined; the psychiatrist's dick eagerly sprang forth from its plaid, cotton bindings to greet her. It twitched with anticipation over what was about to happen. A sharp edge of panic sliced into her...
His cock was too big.
She wasn't given time to prepare herself. Crane's hand pressed down on the back of her head and forced his dick into her mouth. He slid his length as far as it could go, cockhead tapping the back of her throat before pulling out...then, slamming himself past her lips all over again. Each time, he pushed a little deeper, a little harder, until 76 was gagging and tears misted up her eyes. Jonathan let out a groan at the sight of it. The fear in those gorgeous, coffee brown depths made him want to fuck her harder and see how far he could push that mouth.
"Mmmff! Mmf-"
"Ahh, feels so good. Your pain is exquisite."
Subject 76 struggled as Doctor Crane increased his vicious pace and used her ponytail like a bar handle. He tugged, yanked, pulled, and directed every movement until she became nothing more than a living fleshlight. Forced to satisfy this tall, imposing beast until he was sated, 76 had never felt more helpless in her entire life. Despite that, a curious sensation was accompanying her loss of control; the enjoyment of his taste. A betrayal that she hadn't expected coming from her body! The doctor's musky flavor caused liquid heat to pool traitorously between her legs. As salty tang invaded her palate, a throb began pulsing upon her clit. Was she going mad!? How could any of this possibly feel good???
That's because you're a whore, sweetie.
The dulcet sound of her mother whispered softly into her ear. The tone was condescending, beset with mockery. Her father followed suit, his voice so clear (and vivid) that Subject 76 swore he was standing a few inches away:
We always knew you were a filthy pig, even as a child...
76 let loose a muted scream. Both her parents, in a unified chorus, continued their foul comments, prodding at every insecurity she owned while the only thing she could do was choke on Dr. Crane's dick and cry.
"Oh, you're in it now, aren't you?"
Suddenly, his movements halted. Subject 76 felt herself being hauled up by her hair to meet a pair of glowing eyes and a terrifying smile comprised of sharp, yellow fangs. She screamed again. This time, the sound was so loud it hurt her own ears. Gone was the famous psychiatrist, Dr. Jonathan Crane, and in his place...was a nightmare!
The monster seemed pleased by her horror. A dark chuckle rumbled from deep within its emaciated chest.
"My toxin has infiltrated your mind," It said with a relished growl, dragging 76 closer, "Past all your defenses. Can't you feel it tearing at your sanity? Breaking down your senses bit by bit? Reducing you to your most primal state?? Fascinating how a person can become so pliable with just a small amount of this in their system..."
Confusion washed over Subject 76. The monster was speaking eloquently. However, she could not understand any of it. Her brain had turned into a congealed soup-useless jelly-that sloshed inside her skull. Unable to make connections as it once had mere hours ago before she'd stepped foot in Doctor Crane's office. The ache between her legs was intensifying, the pulse tapping upon her clit less easy to ignore, and the sensitivity of her skin made even the smallest touch a torture. 76 cried out to God...
But only the God of Fear answered her: "Silence, lamb. Therapy is still in session."
One fluid motion was all it took for the terrifying beast to extract Subject 76 off the couch and up onto her feet. It dragged her across the confines of Dr. Crane's office, towards the gigantic curtain wall that overlooked Arkham Asylum's entrance courtyard. With a sharp and commanding tug, 76 was forced to stand before it, despite protest, so that she could see the goings-on down below. Another whimper fell out of her lips as her vision turned the gnarled trees and wrought iron fence outside into clawed hands. Five people suddenly stared up at the window from their spots on the benches near the Asylum's smoking zone. They looked so familiar. But, she could not remember why...
The monster slid behind her soundlessly. Its long talons crawled like many spiders up the sides of her arms. "This is who you really are inside, Miss Bree. Your truest self," It assured her, speaking in a matter-of-fact voice, making everything it said sound obvious and plain, "Just a trembling web of misfiring neurons in the amygdala attempting to rectify a reality too frightening to assimilate-"
The monster caressed her cheek.
"-I want to help you embrace your fear and truly understand it."
Those five people in the courtyard all raised their forefinger and, as one unit, pointed at Subject 76 with laughter twisting upon their lips. She shook her head. Averted her gaze. Took a step back to put distance between herself and the plexiglass window. Unfortunately, 76 was stopped by an unyielding wall of flesh. The beast's body was poised just a few inches away from her own and in response to her shame, it took a step forward, sandwiching her between itself and the tall, cold glass she sought to avoid. Subject 76 prayed to God again. This time, she promised Him that she would stop purging; that today was the last day she'd ever throw up her meals if He'd spare her life...
But only the God of Fear answered her: "What do you see, little lamb? What horrors keep you stuck in place?"
"I-I don't know!!"
Its spindly fingers roamed an idle path down her throat to settle upon her chest. She trembled as its razor-edged nails brushed against her nipples absentmindedly.
"I think you do," the monster insisted, "But you're resisting the awareness of it. We try to hide away from the shadows of our minds so we can live in peace during the day, don't we? It's only human. But you, little one, have nowhere left to scurry to. Nowhere you can run. The Scarecrow has come to show you the truth inside your fears..."
Allowing 76 no time to consider its words, it tore open her camisole top, exposing the bra that she wore underneath. The monster made quick work of the lace, discarding it into a pile on the carpet. Skeletal digits went seeking flesh. Subject 76 felt its boney hands grasp both her breasts and start to knead them roughly as panic washed over her. It pulled her nipples with hard pinches. First one, then the other. Then, both at the same time in a torturous rhythm that milked a lusty sigh from her throat.
76's eyes widened when she heard it. Had that perverted sound come out of her?
What a fucking slut!
That's the way she was in high school. We did it behind the bleachers, her ass was so fucking tight.
But she's so fat!!
So? The thicker they are, the thicker the juice.
Ugh, you're so gross, Mikey.
Voices from the courtyard outside intermingled with her litany of moans. The five smokers were talking, gossiping candidly amongst themselves, while they sneered at her from the benches they sat in. Subject 76 jerked away, tried to push off the monster so she could hide her naked chest and cover the shame that came with being seen. The monster didn't let her, though. Almost like it sensed her self-disgust, it pinned her up against the window glass and handled her boobs harder. Tugged and pulled them so that her rosy peaks stretched out. Pressed its throbbing, hard bulge into her ass so that she could feel it pulse. Licked a trail up the curve of her neck to taste the sweat on her skin.
The five spectators outside laughed in response to her struggles.
Sudden recognition dawned upon 76. Those five, smirking people down in the courtyard were her high school friends. The ones that she would see at the wedding next week. The ones who hadn't seen her since graduation. Their blinkless stares drilled into soul her as if she were soft plywood. She could feel their scrutiny already. 76 let out a horrified scream:
"N-no! NO!!! Please! D-don't look at me!! Don't!!!"
Hot, fetid breath that smelled like decaying flesh tickled her ear when the beast spoke. "Ahhhh," It said with a sultry purr, "Scopophobia. The fear of being seen by others. Of having so many judging eyes on you. My, what a vain creature you are to think anyone would look at you? Well then, let's give your audience something...more substantial to gaze at-"
It yanked down her pleated skirt and pulled aside her thong.
"I want all of them to see and hear you sing hosannas of anguish to Scarecrow!"
Eagerly, the monster guided its cock to grind on the entrance of Subject 76's ass. And bit by bit, it pushed itself slowly into her tight, puckered hole. 76 clawed at the window as she felt this invasion begin to pump within her. Striking a curious spot inside her body that caused drool to trickle down her chin from the edges of her mouth. Each hard stroke that it gave Subject 76 made her cry, then moan, then scream, then beg the Scarecrow for forgiveness. But the monster continued to thrust (unempathetically) into her asshole without any regard. Bright stars exploded in rapid numbers behind her eyes. Building heat churned at the pit of her belly, threatening to combust. Her pussy became sopping wet as his busy hips smacked into her backside with more force, speed, and single-minded desperation than her mind could handle. 76 felt like she was going to go insane. If it kept pounding her like this, she would certainly die!
The beast let loose a satisfied groan as it tossed its burlap-shrouded head back, "Mmn, fuck, yes! Show everyone what a sick little dirty whore you are for the God of Fear. Let the many, many eyes witness your senseless fright, you pig!"
"N-nnnooo!! M'nuh a pig, d-daddy! I'm clean! I'm clean!!"
"You're as filthy as they come. There's no doubts about that," the monster growled low and darkly, clamping its taloned grip upon both sides of 76's hips to hold her steady while it readjusted inside of her ass.
Subject 76 squirmed.
"Be still, slut!"
This was the only warning she received before its cock went to work. Now, positioned at a different angle, the monster penetrated her ass deeper. A wave of euphoria and fear swept over Subject 76 as she felt sensation after sensation threatening to break her. In. Out. Faster and harder. Rougher. The sheer brutality with which it fucked her body senseless was quickly burning a giant hole in her psyche and rearranging her brain chemistry into a shape she didn't recognize...
A transformation, Subject 76 soon realized, that she was quite helpless to stop.
In fact, 76 found that she was starting to like this new state; moaning, panting, squirming, crying!! Begging for her life. Getting so thoroughly railed by the God of Terror that it forced her eyes to roll back and her mouth fall open and her mind to go completely blank with the only thought she had (or could adequately retain) being how amazing it was to have this monster's dick buried so deep inside her!! Subject 76 had even forgotten about the audience that was watching this.
Maybe she even wanted the audience to watch?
If she was honest, perhaps she'd always wanted that...?
"M'gunna c-cum!! I gunna-"
Something mixed between a scream and a moan flew out of her mouth as the monster hilted itself fully into her ass, sparking an orgasm that shook her entire body to the core. A moment later, heat spread inside Subject 76. Thick and gooey, it ran down her thighs and joined the nectar of her own cum. The monster continued rocking its hips and unloaded spurt after spurt of sticky warmth that never seemed to end. Aftershocks accompanied every lazy, squelching thrust. More drool trickled down her chin, more moans were wrenched from her throat. 76 was less of a person now than she was a fuck sock; mindless and wet and perfectly submissive. The terrifying beast that called itself the "Scarecrow" had freed her from all the worry and pain she'd carried inside and replaced it with inner peace...
And obedience to the God of Fear.
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Dr. Jonathan Crane sighed.
The "Kappa Psi" series toxin was a success. After countless days and sleepless nights and seventy six clinical trials on his unsuspecting patients, Dr. Crane had finally created something even he was afraid of. The K toxin was a potent combination that fused Doctor Isley's plant pheromones with carbogen and cortisol. When administered, it'd attack the pituitary gland first. Then, hurry itself onto the thalamus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex, where it'd flood the victim in mixed signals that twisted fear and pleasure together. With the right type of psychological stress applied, a subject under the effects of K Toxin would be highly susceptible to subliminal messages. Dr. Crane had found on the third clinical trial that sometimes a complete and utter dissociation would occur where the subject was...altered after the toxin wore off. Around the fifth clinical trial, Crane discovered that he didn't need to do much to invoke that dissociative state within his subjects. He started feeling like a God who crafted his own men and women alike from the soil of fear.
But, after seventy-five trials, each one a success, he'd started feeling unsatisfied. Bored, even. And now, on the seventy-sixth trial, Doctor Jonathan Crane was ready to concoct a new formula. This time, perhaps, he would experiment with a toxin that'd stimulate a timed, cardiac arrest? It'd be a great way to study Thanatophobia.
"I-I obey...I obey fear..."
Interrupting his musings, Subject 76 muttered to herself on his couch where she'd been since he'd dosed her. Crane rolled his eyes. It'd been half an hour (already) and without so much as a touch or a whisper in her ear, the young woman had come undone. He adjusted his glasses, then peered up at the clock hanging upon his wall. He'd give 76 a grace period of ten more minutes before he used an antidote. After all, she seemed to be enjoying herself even if he wasn't. Her fingers ground into her groin while she chanted hymns to horror with tears rolling from her glazed over eyes. Normally, Dr. Crane would be enchanted. The K Toxin made his job as a practitioner of fear too easy, though. The finesse involved in scaring someone seemed almost obsolete, comparatively. A ridiculous and foolish notion but one that bothered him greatly nonetheless.
While Crane waited for the K toxin to subside, he scrolled through his unread emails...
Dr. Leland was requesting any and all additional files on the Page Monroe case.
Jeremiah Arkham had CC'd the entire asylum on the rules and guidelines regarding the treatment of patients. It was obvious this message was just for Bolton, however.
Dr. Bartholomew was reminding everyone who'd used the staff refrigerator in the past 24 hours to label their food containers and lunches to "avoid any confusion."
Mike Browne, a senior orderly who worked in the Intensive Treatment Unit, was reporting theft. A concerning amount of Propofol had disappeared from the medical supply.
And a "Mister E" had messaged him at midnight (three whole days ago) with an email that was mysteriously entitled: "Question."
Just as Jonathan was about to open the mystery email, a timid voice interrupted him...
"D-Doctor Crane...?"
Subject 76 was (finally) shaking off the effects of the toxin and coming back to reality. The woman looked confused, a bit scared as well. And when he met her stare from his spot, perched at the desk, Crane saw terror blossoming inside those doe-like eyes. But, other than that little detail, 76 seemed to have recovered enough for Jonathan to talk to now. Turning away from his computer and clearing his throat, he began to weave a web of (plausible) deniability that reframed the past hour or so in a positive light...
"Don't alarm, Miss Bree. You seem to have fallen asleep during our guided breathing exercises. It's a common thing that happens with patients who hold onto too much stress. Rest assured, you're not the only one of my clients who've passed out on that couch...and I very much doubt that you'll be the last."
Subject 76 immediately reached up towards her mouth, wiping it clear of leftover drool. Then, the woman moved on to smooth her hair and fix any wrinkles that she saw in her sweater. As soon as 76 felt put together, the woman risked peeking a glimpse at the doctor. That beautiful fear which he loved so much still clung to the edges of her gaze.
"So, all that was just a nightmare?" she asked Dr. Crane with a voice that said she couldn't be more relieved, "All the things I saw...they weren't real?? Even you reporting me?"
Jonathan raised a single, curious brow. He made a show of taking off his glasses, wiping them on the material of a handkerchief that he kept in his pocket, and returning them to his face before he answered the question:
"You had a nightmare, Miss. Bree? Well, that isn't all too uncommon, either. Guided breathing and meditation has been known to jog loose trauma from within our subconscious mind. That's why its use is so effective in a therapeutic setting," Dr. Crane said, then gestured casually over towards the wall clock, "But, I am afraid that will have to be a conversation for later. Our time today is up."
"Let's schedule you for the same time next week. And perhaps this time, we can focus on staying awake throughout our session, hm?"
Embarrassment in the form of a rosy pink blush spread across Subject 76's cheeks at that small, wayward comment. She tried to hide it, though. Jonathan ignored this and led her over to the door, holding it open for the woman after she'd collected her things. As his patient walked by him, however, Crane froze her with an innocent question from out of left field...
"Before you go, Miss. Bree, I've been admittedly quite curious about something. It's my hope you can indulge me with an answer. What will you be wearing to your close friend's wedding, exactly? I'm not familiar nor particularly educated on the social formalities involved in such an occasion's dress wear."
76 paused, then replied as if commenting on the weather: "Oh, probably nothing. I want everyone to see my whore body. Wouldn't you, Dr. Crane?"
"Mm," Jonathan hummed in response before he closed the door behind her.
It'd started to rain outside. A light dusting of tiny water droplets were collecting themselves upon the glass of the curtain window beside his desk. Jonathan Crane could hear the pattering getting (progressively) louder by the second. He strolled over to his office chair, then sat in it. Watched as the storm rolled in from Gotham Bay and the icy Atlantic sea beyond it. Idly, he wondered if he'd ever meet a subject who could hold his interest? Or if The Batman, alone, would continue to keep that honor for himself?
Swiveling around to face his computer, Jonathan decided to open that "Mister E" email. He clicked once upon the subject line and was assaulted by bright green text almost instantly. A deep frown tugged on his lips as he squinted, trying to read the words despite wearing a pair of prescription glasses...
'Like a rhubarb, what also desperately searches for light in the darkest depths?
I'll give you a hint: It doesn't crack or pop, but it can scream just as loudly in Arkham's basement.'
Underneath this was a picture of himself in a lab coat, administering a lethal dose of fear toxin to an Arkham patient who was strapped down to a surgical table. Another photo, in addition to this, was timestamped for a few minutes later, and it featured Jonathan wearing a badly stitched-up, burlap, respirator mask. The patient who was screaming in the bottom right corner appeared to be bleeding around the mouth and eyes. The final one was a zoomed in shot of his name tag while he was disguised in the mask: Dr. Jonathan Crane, MD.
He stilled.
Everything in the world went absolutely quiet. He could've heard a single pin drop. But the silence was quickly shattered by the sound of electronic beeping. Jonathan peered down at his waist belt to see that the Motorola pager he wore strapped to it was flashing him a message...
All the muscles in his jaw tensed.
Immediately, Jonathan turned off his computer and using a brass key (that he always kept close on his person), opened up the bottom drawer to recover a briefcase hidden underneath the cover of an internal partition. As soon as his fingertips brushed against the leather item, Nightmare let out three loud, ear-splitting caws from her iron cage. She spread her wings, then flapped them several times in apparent aggravation. The crow pierced Jonathan with a look that seemed to warn him of something that he couldn't logically discern. But, fear was not logical, he reasoned to himself...
...And the only thing there was to fear in Gotham City was the Scarecrow.
"Hold the fort down while I'm gone, Nightmare," he said to his bird, hoping that his request would help to ease her worries, "This'll only take a bit. It usually does."
Jonathan Crane strode out of his office with an incredible sense of urgency and ire. His old, leather briefcase was gripped tightly in his hands like a gun. Nobody blackmailed the Scarecrow...
Or lived long enough to tell about it.
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iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
Honestly it would still suck it I didn’t have tix regardless. But I think what’s eating me is the fact that I didn’t even get a chance to try. I was stuck in treatment without any access to electronics when both the announcement and sale happened.
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tetsunabouquet · 8 months
Loved the interpretation and writing of my last request! If you dont mind, here's a new one. Tw! Anorexia
Gom with a reader suffering from severe restricting eating to the point where they passed out in public or private, your choice. Again, sorry if this is triggering.
A/N: Thank you for the compliment! Trigger warnings for the readers up in the request
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-Don't expect this guy to be surprised. He has been suspecting it for a while. -When you faint in front of him, his heart sinks in that ultimate, 'Oh no,' moment. -Actually has a minor panic attack. -Flashbacks to his mom. -He'll do everything he can to wake you up. -Once you're awake, he'll have food arranged for you and he's guilt tripping you to eat it. -"Don't make me lose another person that I love."
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-Has actually told you before about how you should gain a little more weight as he notices the thinness but doesn't has the intellectual brain capacity to suspect something like an ED. -When you faint, it still doesn't registers in his mind but he does immediately recognize that you needed something to eat. -Momoi is the one to tell him she suspects your disordered eating, and Aomine's heart honestly breaks at the news. -He is demanding you to tell him which stupid idiot convinced you that you were fat, so that he can beat them up right now. -You are honestly touched to see him be so angry and upset on your behalf, he is so pure with his praise and love for you. -Demands that you eat with him at the Maji burger at least once a week and that you try to finish the meal he buys for you.
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-Like Aomine, he doesn't has any suspicions regarding the behavior itself but he does notices you don't eat enough. -Murasakibara just cradles you confused in his arms as Himuro tells him what to do next as well as mention his suspicions about your restrictve eating. -Murasakibara honestly stares at you like you're an alien creature as he has to process the idea that people can hate food that much, thank god you're unconscious and you can't see his face. -He makes up his mind to be the person to cure you of that hate. -Dumps pretty much all candy and snacks he has on him on you the moment you wake up all the whilst giving you a look as sweet and pure as the candy itself. -He increases little habbits like feeding you, because clearly you need it.
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-Has been taking calculated notes of how much you eat, but is afraid of coming off too strong so he refrains from daring to ask the question. -When you faint he has the most perfect response ever, and manages to stay calm even though he is breaking down on the inside with worry. -Confronts you sternly but lovingly once you wake up, he only wants the best for you. -Reads multiple books on how to be a supportive partner. -Honestly he's adorable with how hard he tries to be there for you. -After the event, he prepares you a bento in the theme of your lucky item of the day, always. Even on the days you can't bring yourself to eat it, he doesn't minds and just hoped carrying the lucky item themed lunch brought you courage in different ways.
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-Knows. Immediately. -As a model, he has far too much model contacts not to know about that dark side of the industry so he knows all the signs. -Is the only one to have confronted you about it before it got to the fainting stage. -Honestly he bawls like a baby when you faint in front of him, because this was exactly like he feared. -He manages to get the number of a great treatment program from another model that is combatting her own ED after you woke up again and got him to calm down. -Tries to feed you all the time whilst acting as cutesy as possible, full idol mode. Because he hopes it will do the trick. -He tries to uplift you by talking about his own insecurities, as being under the limelight does also open him up to scrutiny way more then the average person.
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ana-mp3 · 5 months
INTRO <3 | TW: ED mentions
This blog is meant to serve as an online diary and a place where I can talk about my struggles (ED, depression, ADHD, etc.). If you do not like what I post please BLOCK, DON'T REPORT.
I am NOT promoting EDs or any mental health issues I talk about.
I am very pro-recovery
Hello! My name is Lilian, but I go by Lili. I'm queer (I really don't know TT. I'm either bi or a lesbian). I am a minor (6teen). I used to be @Lazyana (but got termed :/). I'm not sure what else to talk about.. so here are some of my interests :D. I LOVE music! I love listening to music, playing instruments, and singing! (Although I am terrible). I can play the flute, and I'm learning the piano and guitar :D (All incredibly half-assed I should mention). Along with music, I quite enjoy Philosophy/Ethics, Psychology, Geography, Vexillology, and Etymology! (Typing this out I just now realize how boring I am).
(Be advised, this is very ramble-y and typed at 03:30)
I have atypical @nørexia (Which diagnostically isn't that different from regular @nør3xia). It's all the same criteria, just not being underweight. I've never received any type of treatment/medical attention for my ED. I've had an on-and-off ED for a few years now, but it got serious this year. I've always been insecure about my body, ever since elementary school. I have always been taller and a bit bigger than all my friends (It didn't help that they were/are all just naturally very skinny and short) and so I've found my ED journey(?) extremely lonely and isolating. An ED in itself is already a deeply lonesome experience, but with the addition of all your friends (ever) being the standard you so desperately wish you were just throws in new emotions. Sadness, anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, and knowing that they would never (truly) understand what you're going through. (I'm not saying that skinny people can't have ED's. I'm saying that they wouldn't understand what it's like to be bigger with an ED). I haven't told anyone about my ED for a few reasons. 1) I don't want to be a burden that they have to watch over. I don't want them to be worried about me constantly (I also don't want to feel pressured to eat). 2) I am not at the results I want yet. I've always had a thought in the back of my mind, "You can eat/get better/get help/etc., once you're skinny" and surprise surprise, I'm not there yet. 3) I just know they wouldn't/couldn't understand. They all are skinny/short/really pretty, blessed with fast metabolisms. How could they understand that I have to ⭐ve myself to get skinner. How could they understand that I hate how I look so badly, that I need to punish myself for it. How could they possibly understand my obsessively toxic mindset, where I'm acutely aware of everything I've ate and the calories I've consumed (I can't forget what I've ate until I log it). 4) They'd never look at me the same. Sure, they wouldn't judge me for it, but I'd always have that target stuck on my back forever. I'd always be 'the girl with the ED'. 5) This is one of my most vulnerable secrets I'm keeping. I can barely communicate with my friends about significantly less intense mental health issues, let alone a god damn ED.
SW: 178lbs/80kg
CW: 160.6lbs/73kg
GW1: 154lbs/70kg
GW1: 147lbs/67kg
GW2: 140lbs/63kg
GW3: 132lbs/60kg
GW3: 127lbs/58kg
UGW: 110lbs/50kg
height: 5'8/173cm
That has been that <3. (Again please don't report, It really doesn't help in any way :( please just block me)
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anxiously-avoiding · 2 years
You know I really fucking hate being aware that I have an eating disorder. Like, I’m standing in front of the same shelf of snacks you are, please don’t ask me why I’m so indecisive or why I haven’t picked something yet. Please don’t ask me to elaborate on an offhand comment about my weight that I really didn’t mean to say like that. When I tell a joke about a whiteboard and bananas, please don’t ask me to tell you where I was when that happened.
The longer I go without telling my friends the more I feel like I’m lying.
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tayloralisonswift · 2 months
wild to see people talk about travis’ caloric intake as insane/impossible when like. that’s what my refeeding treatment with minnie maud required lmao. it really is not impossible (though it certainly felt that way when i began so i get it.)
tw specifics on ed recovery & calories!!! (no mention of my weight, especially when i was sick. i don’t do that shit.)
for those who don’t know, minnie maud (at least, that’s what we called it ten years ago) is a refeeding program for ppl with eating disorders where the person eats at least, but ideally much more than, 3,000 calories a day.
it’s inspired by the minnesota (hence ‘minnie’) starvation experiment, where men went through a starvation period and then started refeeding. their bodies were fucked up from the starving. and basically, researchers discovered that in recovering from this starvation, they needed to listen to their bodies which demanded a high caloric intake, higher than the “average” person, in order to make up for the starvation period. i ended up eating around the same number as travis for a good six months. (i didn’t stop eating after that or anything, i just quit counting.)
minnie maud forces you to listen to your body which you have been actively avoiding during the ed, and i credit it with why i can eat intuitively now. it has criticisms but worked for me. i gained a substantial amount of weight with it, but will refrain from posting numbers.
okay, this long post no one asked for is over!
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megandzane · 1 month
Honestly I don’t know how I’m ever gonna recover from this Eating disorder hell with a family who shames me whenever I’m struggling AND shames me when I let myself enjoy food.
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lildashofheaven1 · 1 month
Ed recovery- Headcanons
Jamie Campbell Bower x y/n
Ways jamie would help you through your Eating Disorder
‼️TW‼️ discussion of EDs and trauma
Hey loves! So i got a message request for Head canons on how jamie would be with someone who suffers with anorexia, the person wanted to remain anonymous so hence im not putting who requested it. As someone who has suffered with EDs in the past i cannot say enough how important it is that you get help, at the end of this post im going to put in some links to support networks that work wonders and that i have used before. Stay healthy bbys🖤
Would never make you feel like a burden EVER
Wouldn’t force you to eat but would encourage it with things like “angel i really think you should try and eat something today” and “you feeling okay my love? Do you want me to make you something?”
Becomes aware very quick of what triggers you and what to avoid saying or doing
If you manage to eat then then he SHOWERS you with praise
If you begin to feel self conscious (a/n weve all been there girly) and wish to hide yourself in hoodies etc. Of course jamie tells you and shows you how much he thinks your body is perfect, but if you want to snuggle about in his hoodie than he is not against it
Additionally he forever compliments you “your looking beautiful today my love, you do everyday just extra lovely today”
Poor boy gets frazzled sometimes as he would rather die than do anything to upset or trigger you
If you go out to eat with friends you establish a code word or something letting him know that your struggling and that tells him that you need to excuse yourself from the group so he can calm your anxieties.
Also with going out to eat, if your ed makes you extremely picky about food (a/n 16 year old me is nodding her head rn!!) than he ensures to double check with the waiter that what your asking for is whats going to be given to you.
If you refuse to go to any kind of therapy then he spends a long while discussing it with you “baby, therapy can do so much for you, just give it a chance for me?”
He so keeps a journal with you of how your doing with your eating and how your feeling
If ANYONE dares make a joke about your size, he is SO QUICK to shut that asshole down, and even after continues to shoot daggers at them because how dare they hurt his one and only.
Will forever tell you how beautiful you are and how your illness does not define you!
To the person who sent the request to me i really hope this helps in some way i know you mention that reading things like this on tumblr is your way of escaping so i hope this helps but please look after yourself im always here if you want to talk 🖤
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strwbrrypoundcake · 16 days
This is my current routine/rules for keeping myself healthy-ish while having an ed (kind of harm reduction
Tw cals, food mention
I never eat less than 600 cals a day, it leads to binging and depression for me.
I don't do extremely intense workouts. For me, it raises my cortisol levels and leads to feeling weak and binging. I do a mobility exercise video in the morning and then I do a walking workout video in the afternoon. Though if I get a job that will change slightly, but still the same intensity.
I take vitamin d, vitamin e, folic acid, iron, and magnesium + zinc.
I use ogx's coconut miracle oil at least 1 hour before I shower, it protects hair from water fatigue
I use ogx's coconut oil serum, I spray an argon oil leave in conditioner on damp hair then a very small amount of serum.
I eat tuna and/or salmon 3 times a week. You can also take fish oil supplements or eat an omega 3 trail mix but I prefer fish because it has a lot of protein
Speaking of protein, I eat as much as I can. It can be hard because the diet foods I eat don't have a lot. Here's a list of foods I eat that have protein:
Dannon light and fit Greek yogurt (80 cals, 12g protein)
Protein powder in coffee (about 36-38 cals depending on the brand, I use 2 tablespoons and blend it with 4oz almond milk and pour it in my coffee. You can also buy it pre made, super coffee is 80 cals with 10g protein. They also sell creamer with 15 cals 1g protein)
Fish like salmon and tuna
Frozen meals. Healthy choice has power bowls that normally have about 20g of protein or more for 300+ cals. Most frozen meal brands have a protein line
Pb2. I use this when I have a banana so there's protein with it, 60 cals and 6g protein
Protein bars, my favorite is the quest white chocolate raspberry
Water, self explanatory. Try to use electrolyte packets, low calorie and very needed. Propel is the brand I prefer
I take naps. When I work I take naps on my days off, must be at least 30 minutes but preferably 90 minutes. Sleep is so important
If you struggle with sleeping too much, add more fruit/cals into your diet. Get a really loud alarm and the first thing you do when you wake up is eat a citrus fruit or a banana. I know bananas are scary but they work great. Cut one in half or get small ones and eat one a day. And of course coffee can help. Drink green tea with lunch, caffeinated.
Using a shampoo and conditioner that work well for my hair. No, drugstore haircare will not ruin your hair. If you have the trademark dry, brittle hair that comes with this, use a sulfate free shampoo, and a conditioner with silicones in it, use pre shampoo oil treatments and limit how much you wash your hair. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week or once a month depending on how dry your hair is. Try to get a satin bonnet to sleep in or spray leave in conditioner and use a hair oil then braid your hair before bed. Trust me, hair oil on your mids and ends can help. Ogx sells mists for fine hair, those work great. If you have thick hair use the coconut serum. Make sure you're using leave in conditioner after showering
Be insanely gentle with your hair, no elastics or tight hairstyles. Comb your hair with your fingers first, gently detangling with your fingers before brushing from the bottom up, very lightly. Use leave in conditioner before you brush. Use a wide tooth comb on wet hair and do not rub your hair with a towel. Gently squeeze until excess water is removed. Try to limit brushing with a hairbrush or comb to once or twice a day.
Use cuticle oil, ideally it has vitamin e in it. I got mine off Amazon. Make sure it's on your cuticles and nails
Use lotion on your body after every shower. I know it's annoying and tiring but it will help combat the dull skin that happens, try to find one with hyaluronic acid
For face skin, use a gentle cleanser or just water unless your skin is oily, then you can get away with more medicated options. Use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid in it. My top picks are peach slices snail rescue moisturizers (regular for normal to dry skin, oil free for oily skin), vanicream daily facial moisturizer with hyaluronic acid and for very dry skin cerave moisturizing cream in a tub (you can find knockoffs, mine is Walmart brand)
Cleansers I like for when the 3d effects skin is vanicream gentle cleanser, cerave sa cleanser for if you still have oily skin, Cetaphil sensitive skin cleanser and CeraVe cream to foam cleanser (you can find knockoffs for most of these products)
Use a niacinamide serum if you can afford it and your skin can handle it, it will brighten up your face.
I use a body serum but it is not a necessity, but for anyone who wants to try it I use the b.fresh brightening body serum, you could also use their dull to dewy one, its also good
I eat healthy fats, this comes from peanut butter, fish, avocado, eggs, dark chocolate and chia seeds
I have one day a month that I can have a normal portion of food I really want but make me guilty normally (Chinese takeaway, taco bell, Wendy's, McDonald's etc) it cannot be a binge, but it would be more than I normally eat.
This is not intentional but on Friday and Saturday I do eat more because I am with my boyfriend. All normal portions for the most part. I just eat more and things I wouldn't normally have like regular peanut butter honey toast, poptarts, spaghetti, etc.
I try not to weigh myself every day. I don't weigh in on Sunday or Monday because I know I will be bloated from the increase in cals
I use a cavity preventing toothpaste and mouth wash. And I at least floss once a day. I use whitening toothpaste one day a week for both times I brush that day
These things help me stay healthy and sane while I am currently in the midst of my 3d. Not all of them will work, but maybe some may be useful to others.
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