#I know this is silly
marlbles · 2 months
trump and biden have that jegulus type dynamic ykwim
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Inquisitor: Futhermore, my notes on the area can be found on this page of my diary, if you wish to copy them.
Josephine: Thank you, I will gladly do that for our researchers. These are very detailed notes, excellent work, Inquisitor.
Inquisitor: Thank you.
Josephine: …and a mural on the eastern side and… you were thinking… of the scar on whose lip?
Inquisitor: What?
Leliana: What?
Cullen: What?
Josephine: It says here, ”I was thinking about the scar on his lip and the sound of his vo-”
Inquisitor: JOSEPHINE! I said the notes were on that one page only! Don’t go turning the page!
Leliana: …the sound of his voice and then what?
Cullen: …
Inquisitor: JOSEPHINE PLEASE give me back my diary!
Josephine: …”sound of his voice when he talked about his family and asked about mine-”
Cullen: … *blushes furiously*
Leliana: Now, Inquisitor, let’s not get physical over some notes on ancient murals!
Josephine: ”The amber colour of his eyes is breathtaking-”
Cullen: *snatches the journal from Josephine*
Josephine: Hey!
Leliana: Hey!
Inquisitor: Gulp.
Cullen: …
Cullen: *gives the journal to the Inquisitor*
Josephine: …
Leliana: …
Inquisitor: … thank you. Um. I will. Go now. Bye.
Cullen: Inquisitor. *heel click*
Inquisitor: *runs away from the scene*
Leliana: Cullen why must you be such a spoilsport!
Josephine: And she wrote so beautifully about you too!
Leliana: Didn’t you want to know more?
Josephine: It seemed to go on for a page or two, there was something about your broad shoulders and-
Cullen: Maker preserve me, I do not need my actual sisters in Skyhold when I have you two absolute menaces.
Josephine: Oh look your eyes actually are amber!
Cullen: *Facepalm*
Leliana: Oh how lovely, perhaps a gift of an amber necklace to the Inquisitor to remind her of you?
Cullen: I’ll be in my office. Please don’t come there.
Cullen: *smiles as soon as he turns his back to the ladies*
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underdark-dreams · 6 months
It's true. Rolan and I are Fighting™️. My own dear Grumpy Pompous Wife is not cooperating at ALL with these next couple chapters I'm trying to write him into. I've got 6k words of him just causing me grief because he's Difficult™️.
In response I have no choice but to continue writing Harper Geraldus smut until Rolan gets jealous and decides to cooperate
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decembersiris · 25 days
This is gonna sounds goofy but in a particular fandom ship I'm in the fans really bicker about height difference and seethe when artists make the male character taller than the female. I don't particularly care one way or the other and find that type of nitpicking to be pretty petty.
But then I imagined what if astarlach shippers did that and cringed. I imagined astarion taller than karlach, him bending down to kiss her or to pick her up and embrace her and the thought made me so uncomfortable! I know it's a nonissue but just picturing astarion taller than karlach is so weird to me. Someone else suffer with taller astarion cringe with me. He stays shorter no matter what! Haha
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mostly-natm · 1 year
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Wishing I had this guy’s strength right now.
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hidden-1n-the-sand · 5 days
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alone. where. Where is everyone?
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muri-em · 1 year
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—Heracles, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides (trans. Anne Carson).
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thexcricket · 1 year
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“If I killed this friend of mine, we would be free even from the grip of our emotions.”
i’m thinking too much about the fact he said “we”. like,,, the implication that he wants that freedom not just for himself but for Fyodor as well?? and the assumption that Fyodor feels similarly about him or at LEAST has some kind of emotions surrounding him???
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ghoulinfuschia · 1 year
God this is so silly
Guys. Guys build a bear released a giant pink 36 inch frog plushie. I’m foaming at the mouth.
If anyone wants to check out my shop 👉👈 and get something 👈👉 all proceeds will go towards frog👉👈 Froggie for the soul
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fel0ny-01 · 10 months
The 141 going on a shopping trip together to get some stuff for whatever reason, and somehow, Johnny ends up missing. Like, one moment Ghost is stood with him, showing him some candles that he likes, holding the candle up to his nose to smell it, right?
“Johnny, smell this.” He turns around.
Boom, no Soap.
He faces to find Price and Gaz, who in turn have to search down the aisles to find him. Eventually they do, and he’s just like, “oh hi! Where did you guys go?”
And they just stare at him blankly.
I kid you not, he is in one of those child safety harnesses the next time they go out. Ghost is NOT losing his sergeant in a shopping centre.
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reverieafk · 1 month
Guysss what else do I add to worldbuilding???
I've don food, clothing, music, traditions, taboos, Superstitions, weapons and tools, schools, jobs, animals, games, flowers that grow there, types of shops, what would be at the market, items used as offerings, how they pray but I don't know what else to adddd helppp
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Cullen: *in his office in the morning, attaching his armor piece by piece*
Josephine, Dorian, Vivienne and Leliana: *enter*
Cullen: Uh, good morning? Have you heard of knocking?
Vivienne: Deepest apologies, my dear Commander, but we need to talk about the Orlesian dignitaries who are visiting later today.
Cullen: Can we talk about it a little later? I haven’t had breakfast yet. *fidgets nervously*
Josephine: It won’t take long, Commander.
Leliana: And besides we know you don’t eat breakfast. *eyes suspiciously*
Cullen: *furiously trying to think of something*
Vivienne: The good ambassador has told me that you have refused the dinner invitation and the request to show our guests the barracks.
Cullen: I honestly have work to do, and have no time to be parading around nobles.
Dorian: Do you hear something weird?
Cullen: All I hear is the open door behind you.
Vivienne: But these nobles have deep interest in warfare and you made quite the impact on them at the Winter Palace!
Josephine: And they could be persuaded into sponsoring - I hear something too. Is there a bird upstairs? We really should renovate your roof, Commander.
Leliana: No that is the sound of water. Is someone using your privy upstairs, Commander? *eyebrow lift*
Dorian: *smug grin*
Cullen: *blush* I, uh, I’m sure you’re just hearing noise from outside.
Upstairs: *sound of door opening, steps on the floor, rummaging*
Cullen: *urgently* You know we could continue this discussion at your office, Josephine?
Upstairs: Did you say something, vhenan?
Josephine, Dorian, Vivienne and Leliana: *look at each other and then at Cullen*
Cullen: *covers his face with his hand* No.
Upstairs: No? Well I know you’re not much of a morning person, so fine. Have you seen my trousers?
Vivienne: *about to say something*
Leliana: *stabs Vivienne with her elbow to shut her up*
Dorian: *delighted grin*
Josephine: *having the time of her life*
Cullen: *kicks said trousers from the floor to behind his desk* I don’t know but I definitely think you should stay upstairs for a bit longer.
Upstairs: Oh are you coming back up here? Did you change your mind, Mr. ”I can’t possibly go again yet?”
Cullen: No, no!
Upstairs: Well I suppose twice last night and once this morning is quite a lot.
Dorian: *silent applaud at Cullen*
The ladies: *looking at Cullen from head to toe with very approving nods*
Cullen: Maker’s breath, you’ll be the death of me.
Inquisitor: *slides down the ladder in a flurry of bare legs, wearing no trousers*
Vivienne: Good morning, your worship.
Josephine: I hope you had an invigorating night.
Leliana: And an energising morning.
Dorian: How many times was it for you?
Cullen: Never you mind. *throws the Inquisitor her trousers*
Inquisitor: Six. *catches trousers*
Cullen: *groans and facepalms*
Leliana: Nothing to be embarrassed about, Commander!
Josephine: Six? And three? That’s… amazing.
Dorian: Hell yes it is. *offer to high five with Cullen, switches to the Inquisitor when he doesn’t*
Inquisitor: *high fives Dorian and pulls on trousers* You know you could have said there was someone here.
Cullen: I tried to tell you not to come downstairs.
Inquisitor: Oh I did come downstairs, that was the first one of six, remember?
Cullen: *mortified*
Dorian: *absolutely pissing his pants*
Inquisitor: Anyway, I’ll let you talk about whatever you’re here for.
Vivienne: Oh we wanted to talk to you about the visiting dignitaries too-
Inquisitor: See you in the evening, Cullen, byeee *flees through the open door*
Cullen: I knew everything was going too well for me.
Josephine and Vivienne: *proceed to bombard Cullen with boring questions and duties*
Leliana and Dorian: *continue to insert a lot of double entendres*
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piniatafullofblood · 10 months
personally I hc that Loki has, for the majority of his life, been able to lift mjolnir. For about a two year period while he was trying to overtake earth he couldn’t, but he never tried during that time and so he never knew.
as a child Thor was so confused by it because it just didn’t make sense to his little black and white kid brain, and after loki realized that he stopped bringing it up and never called it to himself and on a whole basically pretended he couldn’t bc he realized it made his brother sad.
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bb3667 · 1 year
"Y'know, Jake, I think it's high time we addressed this little issue we have."
Jake furrows his brow at Bradley, putting the remote down: "What issue are you talking about?"
"C'mon, now, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's about the left side of the bed," Bradley replies, his voice tings with frustration.
Jake chuckles, thinking it is merely a joke: "Are you seriously bringing this up? It's just a bed, Brad."
Bradley's eyes narrow, a smidgen of anger finds its way into his voice: "Just a bed? Jake, one of us will use the left side of the bed for at least twenty years."
Jake shakes his head, a mischievous grin is playing on his lips: "Hey, twenty years is the ceiling of our future?"
Their playful banter escalates into a full-blown argument when neither seems willing to back down. They throw petty insults at each other, each is refusing to compromise:
"I can't believe you're making such a big deal out of this!"
"No, it's not about the bed. It's about--"
"Nothing will be solved, if you're going to keep acting selfish!"
Later that evening after calming down, the two husbands-to-be meet up in the kitchen, the weight of their argument is still heavy in the air. Jake pulls out a coin and tosses it in his hand, gazing at Bradley: "Aight, here's the plan. Let's each make our case and whoever convinces the other, gets the left side."
Bradley nods firmly, he's ready to argue his point: "Look, Jake, I'm not saying I need the left side more than you."
Jake listens to this intently, surprised by the passion in Bradley's voice. He gathers his own thoughts before responding: "Is it what I understand it is?"
Bradley sighs. Jake raises an eyebrow. Bradley can't help but chuckle. Jake is relieved.
Nobody would believe they'd solve this like this.
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lire-casander · 5 months
first world problems.
i have to choose a logo for a paper i have to turn in before sunday. i have 8 options. since i cannot choose, i've asked my family. my sister and i like most #2 and #6, my mom prefers #5 and #7 and my father absolutely loves #8.
all i know is #3 and #4 aren't going to make it to the final cut. other than that, i'm at a loss.
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penguincountess · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about more “what if the crossover happened in season 1 of Empires” and got stuck on Cub’s sculk corruption and the demonic corruption in season 1 and....
Let’s assume Grian still sets up the tag game - because making mini games that give him an excuse to murder his friends is what Grian does.  The tag jester hat makes its way around the server, hijinks ensue and eventually it lands on Cubfan’s head.
Cub then goes on to tag Xornoth - creative mode demon powers and all.
And the demonic corruption goes “Oh. Oh.”
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