#I know this not UT related but!!!!
ask-misconduct · 2 months
Noooo mis… I’m sorry, I was joking. I wouldn’t actually bite you, promise T^T
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bogos-bint3d · 6 months
Ok but boring Frisk who is perfect little angel who's so sweet and calm all the time and just so so good and normal is done. Over. No more. From now on Frisk is weird kid they're so so not normal they're holding onto sanity by a single thread actually. When they're older they have a motorbike and look badass.
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
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absolutely criminal that ive never seen fanart of undyne as a dunkleosteus before
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adhdbisexualramblings · 6 months
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anominous-user · 11 months
since i recall you saying you're saving for the FCs in HSR, will you pull for Marshal Hua? idk if the others FCs will ever appear in HSR besides Griseo unfortunately but at least Hua is confirmed from in game info!!
yeah it kind of. depends here. i want to be able to completely max out at least one fc when/if they are released (e6 s5, that whole jazz). i currently have 36660 jades and 30 special passes which… yeah is enough to guarantee two five stars but not guarantee the limited character… so im hoping the fcs come as l8 as possible so i could splurge w/o worrying 🙂
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dafry-shenanigans · 7 months
Soooo we know that all the alternate universe got freaking destroyed by Error
However geno universe still exist
And from the explanation looks like not all is lost!
So basically, AU's where the original universe story is heavily involved or connected with doesn't get erased only independent AU's are
And by independent i mean AU where while they have the same character everything else is different, story and appearance wise, ones that are definitely completely detached/different from the original undertale universe
Meanwhile ones like aftertale and many others are still heavily connected to the original with either slight variations or something more but can still be considered Alternate timeline
It's fanon but it's still connected with canon
Not something completely different like heavy change AU's kind of stuff you know?
Also kinda like how aftertale got sans and geno, now underverse have it's own sans- aka classic sans or should i say, underverse sans now? (Not to be confused with Xtale sans aka cross) (I know this is all getting confusing bear with me (but also hey! UV sans even get a new jacket so))
So now i shall talk about the fanon sans! Sans that are heavily implied to be the canon or based off that but of course is different but not by too much
Like how any time someone make a story based on original sans, it will be start to be a different sans no matter how similar or miniscule the change is it will still be a fanon, so yeah do you get it now?
And while i would also love to get specific and explain stuff like AU of AU's and their alternate timelines aka fanons of said AU and whether or not they still exist or get erased too, i do not think i can adequately answer since it has been a while since I've last checked more info about all the AU's so I'm not that knowledgeable considering I'm not all up-to-date with the latest au news and since that's kinda up to Jakei on whatever their canon for underverse might be in the future
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wegaswarm · 24 days
*crawls out of a dark and scary cave* does anyone know how to get super glue that's been there for awhile off of plastic, specifically if it's between 2 pieces of plastic . idk what kind of plastic . It's on a toy pistol. i tried isopropyl alachol (91%) and I only got one side loose and the other side will not budge. yes the trigger broke and the remaining nib got glued down to the sides of the .?? thing the triggers in
yes I tried brute forcing it already
also the whole reason this happened is because the trigger broke previously and I super glued it and then it got stuck to the sides so the trigger didn't work anymore and the trigger broke again when I was trying to fix that
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bibiana112 · 3 months
"The handmaiden is male gazey" did you know lesbians like fucking other women sexy style? Did you know that a large theme in the handmaiden was the male gaze and misogyny and if you can't separate explorations of a harmful idea from endorsements of it you may be hopeless?
guys I knew it I knew that would be a comment inflammatory enough to attract my first hate anon cut the cameras we did it bois :D
#did you know *I'm* a lesbian that is into that shit also? no because reading comprehension website#they're shot like they're doing that for the cameras not for each other so kind of shoots the message on the foot depending on how you look#never said it's endorsement I said it made *me* uncomfortable and bored because I've seen a dozen movies like that and I'm tired#not to mention this is a critical darling of a film#I'm well aware it isn't the movies fault that a bunch of film bros talk about how hot the scenes are but it still irks me#and were the people in charge of the filmaking process women btw? NO much less queer women they were mostly cis men#she had absolutely no qualms about playing a homosexual character#which in Korea actors can be considerably reluctant to do.#<- those two are straight from an interview with the guy the gayness was novelty and shock value#not to mention bestie it was inspired by a book go sing the praises of that while you're at it#that's where the thread of criticism towards the institutions of misogyny were pulled from#In Fingersmith Waters uses her depiction of lesbian love between Maud and Sue to challenge a variety of hetero-patriarchal norms#my god that name's hilarious#you don't need to defend the honor of a queer story that was adapted with a straight audience in mind#and this convinced me to check the book out idk about you but I'd rather see the version actually told by a lesbian 😊#a tag for asks#also ut's queerness is very gender identity related and I think people generally don't appreciate that as much as they do sex stuff
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iidsch · 2 years
Game theory or whatever but I was watching yet another gameplay of deltarune and when I read this line it pumped my brain juice
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This happens right after the battle against Lancer ends. The segment starts with Ralsei telling Kris to think about what Susie is doing, which at first looks like a cool way to transition from one character to another, but these words made me think that maybe there's a second intention behind it.
One of the main themes Deltarune seems to be going for is the idea that the player controls the characters, sometimes against their will. Spamton's arc was about being controlled by an external force and wanting to be free, ultimately to his demise. Kris also looks pretty distraught after the battle ends, for reasons unknown. And In both endings, Kris rips out their heart and acts on their own - although we can still control the heart. Even in this scene you can't make Susie move or fight, as she does it by herself, but you do control the little heart. All of this points heavily to the idea that the player and the main character are different entities, that Kris is a vessel for us - represented in the heart - to play the game, but they retain their thoughts and are aware that they are being controlled.
And if you take all of that into consideration, this line takes on a different meaning. It doesn't look like a continuation of Ralsei's last line before the transition ("Close your eyes, and think about what she's doing now...), but rather the continuation of a completely different conversation he and Kris were having while you were not looking.
So what if... what if Ralsei telling Kris to think about what Susie is doing was not directed at them, but at you. What if they wanted you to look away so they could discuss something you shouldn't know about. Because they are aware of your constant presence, and that you're a threat to them, so Ralsei schemed a plan to have you leave them alone for a few minutes, and get the chance to talk, the two of them alone.
It is also highly possible that only Ralsei and Kris (as well as Spamton and Jevil) are aware of this. In the scene after Spamton NEO's battle, Susie comments that what just happened was really weird, and doesn't understand it at all, but Ralsei brushes it off, like we should just forget it and move on. Susie notices Kris's distress and asks them if they're okay. If you say yes, Ralsei once again tries to end the conversation, and if you say no, he hugs Kris and tells them to not worry too much. Whatever your choice is, Ralsei seems to not want to bring any attention to it, a very odd reaction to have after such a bizarre encounter.
This conversation, alongside Ralsei's line on the image above, makes me think that they know exactly what Spamton was talking about. They know there's someone controlling them, some omnipotent and omnipresent entity that escapes their knowledge. A threatening entity that is always watching them, so they have to come up with a plan in secret and hide their true intentions to be able to carry it out, and take down what seems to be the true antagonist of the game.
And that antagonist is you.
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*screenshots the highlights of my youtube to mp3 downloads folder as if it were some fancy aesthetic spotify wrapped image or whatever* 
#I don't know how spotify works I'm not sure how the images people share are actually generated  but you know what I mean lol#Though I do wish the native windows music player thing kept track of like.. how many times you listened to a song or something#merely because I think it would be really funny for me since I'm very much a like 'listen to the same 3 songs on rotation for literally#4 months at a time. then eventually rotate in another few songs to replace those. never revisit any of them again' type person#And like most media I have a lot of trouble connecting with music or ascribing it the same deep meaning that most other people seem to get o#ut of it like. I think maybe it has something to do with my emotional range in general being very shallow (I am neutral 90% of the#time and even when I'm not I just don't feel things very strongly. when I do feel antyhing it's weak fleeting emotions usuually that#I don't even remember a few days from then. You know how babies don't have object permanence? It's like I don't have emotional permanence lo#l. Which is probably standard for like. severe childhood neglect situations where nobody was around for you to mirror their#emotions in early childhood or whatever usually happens when people are being raised. Like if nobody was there to encourage the development#of emotions and show what those look like then maybe your brain just doesn't develop them properly or etc. etc. ANYWAY gjhjhb)#I think maybe that has somehting to do with why it's just really hard for me to care about media of all kinds - and even when I do it's not#very deep. Also probably why I've never really been in a fandom or gone to a concert or been really into anything like that. Because people#form deep emotional connections and memories and attachments to their favorite media and I just like... don't#I can still like things!! But it's always in a more like.. intellectual kind of cognitive way if that makes sense? Like if I liked a TV show#it would never be becaise I find the message heartwarming or the characters relatable or because it made me FEEL something. It would be bec#ause the lore is cool and I like to analyze it. Or I think there's an interesting social dynamic going on which is fun to kind of pick#at the innerworkings of. And if I like a song like.. it's not because This Music Got Me Through A Hard time In My Life or because#I relate deeply to the lyrics or it makes me feel a certain way - it's usually because the overlapping of instruments or thetones that are#used interests me or there's something intruguing or cool about it to hear. Part of why I like classical or choir music is that there's oft#en so many instruments playing over each other it's like a little puzzle to try and hear each part seperately or etc. etc.#Which isn't to say that I can NEVER relate to or feel some sort of attachement or idea related to a piece of media. but just that it's not#ever very strong. like not powerful enough to be some significant motivator or pivotal aspect of my personality or etc.#BUT ANYWAY. I still can like things to a degree probably not just the same exact way as others lol.#So I rarely even listen to music that often (maybe once a week or so? I'll listen to like one song or two. but I'm not like a 'have music on#in the background playing in the house all the time' or 'listen to music while I get ready' type) but when I do it's very repetitive. I do#think it would be interesting to see the statistics then lol. I thought windows media player used to track statistics so I wonder why the#'updated' version of that on windows 10 doesnt??? Maybe bc they assume everyone is using streaming services instead? stinky#I don;t think the built in music player on my phone tracks anything either. It's more of just a file accessor or something. hmmgbb#That alone will never convince me to actually use some service to get music though lol. I don't need the statistics. yttmp3 for life babey
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alchemiclee · 1 year
do you ever feel like some people dont understand the difference between pity and sympathy/empathy? (people don't even know the difference between those two, to be fair) giving someone sympathy or having empathy for them is not the same as pitying them. someone trying to reach out and seeking or expecting sympathy from you or wanting empathy isn't wanting you to pity them!!!!!! dont mix the two up 😭
#if i had a penny for every time i was pitied or people claimed *I* wanted a “pity party” when i was seeking sympathy or empathy...#id be so rich that id pity THEM lmao#when you just want your feelings and exoeriences to be seen as valid and they instead throw pity in the open wounds#being cruel and unsympathetic is just as bad as pity imo#you dont need empathy to learn sympathy skills since it's not the same thing. but some people do want empathy and not pity. which is also#not the same thing???? what am i even talking about anymore.#this was sparked by a reply to my post about not understanding kavehXalhaithim. apparently one doesnt want pity but the other lacks empathy#so to me the one lacking empathy comes off as cruel. it looks to me like he thinks showing sympathy = pity in that case. no.#sympathy would be validating the others feelings and experiences saying its ok to feel that way while working through it and support them!#but yeah replies on here are too limited and i cant fit all that above on there lmao i dont even knlw if people see my @ replies to them#ive replied back a few times now and no one continued the conversation so why bother lol#but it does annoy me when people are instead annoying or cruel in place of basic sympathy. to me THAT feels pitying#perhaps i also just dont like people who lack empathy. i know its not their fault and just how some people are....#but how i communicate is through empathy and exchanging it with others so i mever get along with people who lack it.#so uts hard for me to understand a ship that is an empath vs an unempathetic lmao it sounds annoying as hell even if it has reason fhdndndm#i think that storyline just felt way too close to home amd familiar so it got me as annoyed as the character i highly relate to there 😅#idk what im rambling about now tbh#lee text#lee rambles
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adhdbisexualramblings · 6 months
I’m FULLY convinced the flowers in the True Lab were only made to give Flowey an origin and to frustrate the hell out of me what IS this
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spynorth · 1 year
lucas is agnostic ( meaning, he doesnt give a shit about whether or not there’s something out there to believe in) and is ambivalent about the holiday season as a whole because it just means people act like actual fucking idiots and then go back to hating one another as soon as the season is over.
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thegreatestheaver · 2 months
still reeling from an awful hallucination I had last night at like 5am what the fuck was that
#eye dee kay hallucinations aren’t new but they’re always small and annoying typically#the scariest thing is when I hallucinate my phone ringing but it’s not actually ringing#but this was literally on a whole other level dawg#uhghghghghhh#I’m extremely paranoid abt just. someone hurting me. like. all the time#it used to be really bad I used to sit at my windows and just. watch. them for hours incase someone tried to break in and hurt me it was bad#I still get really bad about it especially in public but carrying a knife helps a little bit whatever#my ex always used to threaten to tell my mom about my issues (he had her phone number) right#basically. I hallucinated that him (and some other girl I know. she wasn’t related so idk why she was there) cut a whole in .#the screen of the window that I look out of the most when I’m losing my mind paranoid .#I also get really paranoid often about leaving things unlocked. the fear of accidentally leaving thing unlocked terrorizes me on the daily#so I accidentally left a window open. not a good start#then they cut a hole in the screen door n were about to come in my room and um. kill me#anyways yeah he was about to climb in my window and I was freaked out but I have. a knife on me almost 24/7 so I threatened him out to leave#I tbink i was also in some type of paralysis idk it’s rare but it’s happened sometimes. with the hallucinations.#he left eventually and then I could move again and ofc I didn’t actually move I was in my bed because it was 5am#um. I don’t wanna say I’m scared of my ex but. I’m kinda scared of him. like. irl. he’s really tall. and really strong#and could kill me . um#I Cut him off a while ago but he still knows my address and now I’m paranoid about that yay !!!#bleh#I wish I was still asleep but uhghgh activities#I already told my best friend abo ut it since I tell her Everything but oh my god#what the hell#I thought I was getting better ☹️ the main phone call hallucinations I had were becoming less and less#uhg
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absintheanflare · 1 year
AWFUL fucking first day in cali
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
Another DCXDp/DPXDC thought:
Danny is related to Bernard. Not any of the bats, Bernard. He is the younger cousin of Bernard who is living with Tim on a house boat. Of course Bernard wants to take his cousin in after the death of his family when someone puts together how creepy af his godfather is.
And now Tim is dealing with having a stepson around. Like he never expected this but he's not going to break up with Bernard of turn the kid away! Bernard and him sat down to talk about it, Bernard wasn't trying to spring it on him or anything. But like: oh god I'm a stepdad (sorta).
Everyone makes fun of Bruce for being a grandad though.
Ut when Danny shows up he instantly clocks Tim as something a bit shady, and then learns of his secret identity.
I want to say that the ultimate enemy did happen but Sam and Tucker got saved. And Danny did defeat Dan. So Danny knows he can take Tim.
But he's terrified of like having Tim figure him out. Because while there's no GIW (they tried, one call to the JL got them handled. JL stayed out of Amity on word of Phantom it wasn't safe for them) what if Tim figures out that he could be evil? It's scary! Danny has retired more or less now that he's in Gotham. The ghosts he fought found out he was moving and went: no fun then, and just haven't come through unless they're BIG deals like Vortex. Danny can zip over to deal with that easy.
Danny just wants to mourn and be a civilian. What if Tim doesn’t let him?
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