#I legit always thought it had something to do with new york
still have no idea what “icymi” stands for and refuse to just look it up, I simply read it a different way every time I see it  (”I can you me I”, “It cant young men inside”, “I could you mine I”, “I can your more information”, “I count your man in”, “Icy Me”, “If can you my eyes”, “International conference yearly (???)”, “I consider you most important”, “I call you me if”, etc) and move on, at peace with the fact that my brain will always interpret it as silly gibberish 
#like at this point i dont even  want to know#i like the puzzle of mentally reading it comepletely differently each time because no reading i come up with ever sounds#right or 'sticks' lol#I also heard somewhere that 'ofc' is actually supposed to be 'of fucking course' even though I always just read it as 'Of Course'#not that I really ever use abbreviations when I speak because I feel they're too vague (at most I might use idk for ;i dont know'#or 'bc' instead of  'because' if I'm in a rush or something but never much else)  so I haven't ever actually said 'ofc' but#I definitely have been reading it wrong if the 'fucking' being part of it is indeed true lol#Same with I had no idea what 'iirc' meant for like... years and would just see people use it#I mentally always read it as just 'IRK' or though it was 'if i really cared' or 'isnt it really cool' lol but those never made since in#context .#*sense#OR HOW long it took me to know 'nye' was new years eve#I legit always thought it had something to do with new york#like a festival held there or something#because I knew it often seemed like the pictures posted along side it contextually were often people drinking or in fancy clothes#Happy New York Event everyone! lol#I think sometimes it's more fun to not know things because then your life is full of happy little suprises and learning new random facts#I was like 20 yrs old when I realized the brand of clothes and shoes and etc. often labeled 'Polo Assn' was Polo Assocation#instead of Polo Assassin. And literally just this year realized that the red lobster biscuit things are 'Cheddar Bay Biscuits' instead of#'Cheddar BAKED Biscuits'. Also always thought the 'Mason Dixon Line' was the 'Mason Dixie Line'#Forever thought 'Cirque Du Soleil' was 'Circus Olay'. And that#that thing where people say 'Smile for candid camera!' was 'for CANDY camera!'#I learn new things everyday and it is a whimsical exploration of culture rather than a flow in my understanding lol#ANYWAY I keep seeing the little banner at the top of the tumblr dashboard with the advertisment that says icymi in it#the most common way I read it is like short common words but gibberish - 'if can your most it' or 'i can you me i'#sometimes my brain interprets it as a longer more complete seeming phrase#but usually its the tiny nonsensical ones#never anything actually cool like 'I Craft Your Malevolent Image' though. just boring stuff. internal conference of Michigan or something#'Infernal Curse You Must Internalize' 'It Carries Youthful Misguided Ignorance' 'Intense Craving Yearning (for) Mulberry Ice-Cream'#'I'll Consider Your Meddling Inquiries'
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
At the Museum
I am back for NOW I still have braincells which will be consumed SOON by my blorbo's. I changed the request slightly, so although the reader is from Camp Half-Blood, their godly parent is not specified! Closely based on this thing written by Riordan
Gods my thesis is killing me
Pairing: FAMILY! platonic! Magnus Chase and Annabeth Chase x FAMILY PLATONIC GN!reader Chase Request: could you do something where reader, annabeth, and magnus are cousins and readers a daughter of apollo or hecate. like her/their parent was natalie's twin. this has been in my mind forever and i thought i would share it. Word count: ~1.8k Warnings: same amount of death jokes as the Magnus Chase books
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You only ever had vague memories of your time with your family. Laughter, sand in your face, perhaps it was at a beach, maybe it was a sandpit. It didn’t matter anymore, for although those memories once were the only thing you had left of spending time with your family it no longer was. After Magnus ‘disappeared’ (read; ran away and died and then came back to life) you finally managed to stay connected with your cousin.
You see, although your parents always wrote the lack of connection to Magnus and his mom off as ‘religious differences’, but that didn’t mean it had to stay that way.
This weekend, Annabeth invited you and Magnus to come to New York for a visit. You had been staying at camp after summer, however with the newly revived and resurfaced cousin Magnus being able to come over you did not hesitate. Annabeth noticed that there was an exhibit at the Discovery Center in Times Square called The Vikings and decided it would be perfect to meet at. You know, given that Magnus apparently was the son of a Norse god, and neither you or Annabeth were too well versed in that pantheon.
“You bring me to New York and show me Vikings?” Magnus sighed, “I’ve got enough of those in Boston.” “Look I think it’s important to understand your world Magnus,” Annabeth smiled, “and I promise to take you to Mamoun’s Falafel and Shawarma afterwards,” “It’s a lot less boring than the Greek architecture exhibit,” You commented. Annabeth punched your arm softly. “I will just ask Percy next time (Y/n), no more bonding time for us.” She joked and you gasped. “Betrayal!” You exclaimed, and you noticed Magnus smiling. After a moment of hesitation, you spoke up again, “It sucks, you know, that we just,” you looked at your cousins sadly, “That we never got to be a family together. No holidays, or meetings. I barely even knew what you would look like Magnus!”
“But we can catch up now,” Annabeth softly grabbed your hand and squeezed it, “right some wrongs or something.” Magnus nodded. “I literally have all the time of the world now,” he shrugged, “most of the time anyways. We’ll be a family from now on, help each other and stuff.” “Yeah, that’s nice,” you sighed, “I’m glad.”
“Well, let’s get the exhibition over so I can get some falafel.”
One of the first things you saw was a full-sized reconstruction of a Viking River boat. The most impressive part? Someone made it with historical tools, meaning no saws and no machines. Magnus commented on how, if the boat would have been more portable, he could’ve taken it with him on his quest to stop Ragnarök. Sadly, unlike the one he got, which folds into a handkerchief, this one he could not carry around.
“Huh, life must have been pretty hard for Vikings back in the day then,” you joked, eliciting laughter from both your cousins. It was then that Magnus gasped.
“The Hammer of Thor! I found it! That was legit the easiest quest ever.” He pointed at a display case, “You know, this is the second time I found it.” You quietly laughed as Annabeth go a mischievous smile on her face. “This is just a silver replica,” she pointed out and Magnus sighed, “The Norse wore these all the time, kind of how Christians wore crosses.” “Dammit!” Magnus exclaimed. The security glared at him, and he looked apologetically at them, “sorry.”
As you were walking together through the exhibition, there was some comfortable banter between the three of you. At a depiction of Jormungand, Magnus noted how it did not look like the serpent at all, while you joked when coming across a necklace made from beads that that person must have spent a lot of years at camp. At one point, Annabeth looked a little melancholic when she saw a bracelet that looked like Thalia’s.
“Must be why Valkyries wear keys on their belts,” Magnus guessed. “So they can lock up their stuff and flog anyone who tries to take it.”
“I want to meet these Valkyries,” Annabeth said.
“I can introduce you to one,” Magnus offered, “You both can come to Boston and meet my friends,” he pondered, “Perhaps there will be a Greek Mythology exhibit, so I can get you back for bringing me here.”
“I will take you up for that, Magnus.” You cackled.    
Further into the exhibit, you stumbled onto bones from an actual Norseman. There was a lot of information about how the living situation of this person had been, however Magnus tried to lighten the situation. “I’m pretty sure I did Bikram yoga to the death with this dude last week,” Magnus squinted his eyes as if to examine the bones more closely, “he must be an einherji now.” “How do you do yoga to the death?” Annabeth asked, before her eyes widened, “Wait. I don’t think I actually want to know.”
Quickly after you entered the room with Norse instruments. Among everything there was something that looked, and sounded, suspiciously familiar.
“Is that a kazoo?” you guessed, “Did Vikings invent the kazoo? I am going to change religions.” “Ugh,” Annabeth said. “I got Percy a kazoo as a joke one time, and he would not stop playing it. It’s literally his only musical talent.” “Where is Percy?” Magnus asked. “I though I’d get to meet him.” Annabeth frowned. “He’s studying. He is not allowed to do anything fun until he passes his midterms.” “Ouch,” Magnus said, “His mom grounded him?” “Nope,” you interjected, smiling knowingly. “I did,” Annabeth said, “If he doesn’t graduate high school, he doesn’t get to go to college at New Rome with me. And if that happens, I will have to kill him with a kazoo.” “That is if he doesn’t die during the,” you flailed your arms around a little, “‘Godly entrance exam quest’ or whatever bullshit he has to do.” Annabeth sighed, “Yeah, because saving the world twice is not enough for a scholarship apparently.” Magnus looked at the two of you as if you were crazy, “You know that, even if it’s ‘to the death’ at least Valhalla has free education.” “I would rather not have Percy die yet, but thanks for the offer.” Annabeth sighed, “Are those Viking ice-skates?”
“They’re made out of deer bones, they used to be strapped to your shoes.” You mused, “looks pretty metal to me, to be honest. Just, whip out your bones, to your shoes and away you go!” “Sideways,” Magnus speculated, “straight into the nearest tree.” “I’d hate to see Viking skis,” Annabeth said. “You would need really big deer for those.” You commented, before moving along to the next display full of Viking swords.
“That’s sad,” Annabeth said, “Nothing is left but corroded metal.” “Oh, you should’ve seen Jack when I pulled him out of the river,” Magnus said, “He looked much worse.” “You named your sword Jack?” you questioned him. “No, he named himself that.” Magnus answered. “He … what?” “I’ll introduce you later. But I’m warning you, once he starts talking, he doesn’t shut up.”
“Your sword talks?” Annabeth asked and Magnus nodded nonchalantly. “Does he also talk to other swords? Or weapons?” you asked, and Magnus kept nodding. “I’ll let him answer for himself, I am sure he would love the attention,” Magnus grimaced, “just not here and now.”
You agreed to keep going forward. There were several pieces of jewellery, including a broach that looked amazing despite being on the earth for thousands of years. “I think it’s supposed to resemble the pendant on Brisingamen, Freya’s necklace,” Magnus mused, “It looks nice, but the real necklace is much fancier.” “Why are you blushing?” Annabeth asked. “I am not blushing,” Magnus insisted, “Freya just has a nice ear- uh, necklace. I mean necklace.”
You were already standing a bit further, reading the text next to some shoes with spikes in them. “Hey Magnus,” said boy turned to look at you, “did you know that if you die a dishonourable death and you go to Helheim, you are buried with spikes on your shoes like this? Apparently the road to Hel is icy and slippery.” “I did not know,” he remarked, “but wouldn’t deer-ski’s be faster?” he joked. “Personally,” Annabeth piped in, “I’d go for the deer bone ice skates. Can’t die by hitting a tree if you’re already dead, right?” All three of you laughed, before moving onto the next display. It contained a magic amulet, used for cursing your enemies or protecting yourself from rune magic.
“I wish Hearthstone was here,” Magnus said, “He would love this.” “Yeah,” Annabeth said, “Carter and Sadie would think that was pretty awesome too.” “Why does everyone know people that I don’t?” you said.
“Oh, Hearthstone is a friend of mine,” Magnus clarified, “He’s an elf, I guess. Likes rune magic.” “Yeah, and Carter and Sadie are some uh… Egyptian friends of mine.”
You looked at her, “Egyptian? Are you telling me-“ “Maybe we’ll talk about that at lunch,” Annabeth said, “Over falafel and a large bottle of Advil.”
As you moved further with Annabeth you both shuddered at a bunch of sickles. “I don’t like sickles. They remind me of a certain Titan,” Annabeth elaborated, but as you both kept walking you didn’t notice that Magnus lingered at this exhibit.
You see, the sickles were actually a talisman that was the symbol of Frey. They would be used for the harvest. And maybe it was Magnus’s imagination, but the light seemed to get brighter and warmer in the display case when he looked.
“Hey dad,” Magnus said, after which he reluctantly moved along.
One of the last displays of the exhibit was a bunch of little silver Valkyrie amulets. As Magnus caught up to you and Annabeth he spoke up, “Sam would love these,” “I’ve got to meet Samirah one of these days,” Annabeth said, “She sounds great.” “Yeah,” Magnus said, “Just try not to meet her the way I did, by dying.” “I think if we die, we get a different afterlife,” you commented, but Annabeth ignored you. “Deal,” she said, “Ready for some falafel?”
“The answer to that is always yes,”
And as you headed out to get lunch, a little bit of your family got repaired. It might be a while until you were as close as you were when you were little, but in time it will get better. That is, if no one died an early death (again).
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A little thing about Hope
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Requested by the lovely @sabrinajenre96​
The reader is an FBI agent like scott (she's Rémi scott 'daughter) they are married and working a case with the other units like the triple crossover I got inspired by that 😂. While working to stop a threat and after what happened to Nina, the reader gets chosen for an Undercover job with her father and scola but refuse because it's too risky and later on everyone discovers that she's pregnant and she can't put herself into a dangerous position after Nina's almost losing her life. Let's give them an happy ending. After the case it's done where everyone is together and remi being a proud granddad and scott being thrilled being a father even if he has his trauma because of his mother abandonment.
A/N So this is going to be like the crossover !! With the next chapter about Italy then one about New york !! I know this one may seem a little boring but i’m just trying to get an introduction going !! 
P.S. If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work !!! 
Y/N’s Pov 
When you woke up this morning it was unusually quiet in the house. You didn’t hear Scott moving around like he usually does. He always would wake up before you. He would make coffee and take Tank out. 
Before you were even pregnant you always were a heavy sleeper. Always waiting until the last possible second to get up. But now that you were carrying a whole human it was so much worse than it was before. 
This morning the sun was hitting you in the face and Tank was stretched out enjoying the heat from the sun. You really didn’t want to get up now. But suddenly your phone went off and you groaned loudly .
You reached over and grabbed it and it was your dad Remy calling you.  When you saw it was him you quickly answered it 
“Hey dad what’s up” You asked 
“Can I just call to check in on my 2 favoriate people in the world.” Remy said 
“You can but Tank is sleeping and Scott is at work so sorry you missed them” You said smiling in the phone. 
You heard him laughing to 
“Awe well damn i guess i’ll have to call back then” He said 
“Mmm i guess because other than your stuck with me” You said laughing. 
“I guess that will do for know how’s the baby doing” Remy asked 
“It’s all good we just went for our 24 week check up and their fine” You said 
“I know he’s doing good he takes after me” Remy said 
“Good try dad but you know were not finding out the gender we want it to be a surprise” You said.
“I know I know thought i would for sure trick you up that time” Remy said 
“I’m to smart for that” You said laughing 
“Well you did get that from me. And listen I love you all okay but I just got to work we got a big case i’ll call you later” Remy said 
“Okay I love you to” You said. 
You hung up the phone and smiled. You really did miss your dad a lot. He was a single dad so the two of you were really close. 
Looking at the time you realized you legit had to go. You rolled out of bed heaving yourself up. Tank immediately got up and followed you. 
You walked down the hallway and into the kitchen and was surprised to see no sign of Scott. 
You thought it was strange but figured it was something to do with work. Being the boss he had a different set of possibilities he had to focus on. 
So you walked to the bathroom and got into the shower. The warm water was rolling down your body and it felt soo good. 
You took a few minutes extra and just laid down and enjoyed it. You then washed your hair and body and got out. 
After you began your usual routine of getting ready for the day. Being pregnant made it a little more harder but you powered through it.
Then you went into the kitchen and made yourself breakfast for the day. You were always so hungry in the morning. 
Tank ate his breakfast too sitting right next to you. After you were done you grabbed your stuff and then headed out. 
You and Tank walked out to your car and then made the journey into work. You liked to blast your music the whole way.
Tank stuck his head out the window and he enjoyed every minute of it. 
After about 15 minutes you made it to work. You got your stuff and you and Tank headed inside. 
You walked in and looked around for Scott but still didn’t see him. So you made your way up to the Pen and saw him walking out his office. He had a worried look on his face.
He looked up and saw you and walked straight over to you. He wrapped his arms around your belly and pulled you in tight. 
“Hey good morning sorry we got a big one and I didn’t wanna wake you” Scott said 
“It’s okay I figured that much what’s going on” You asked 
“ A Diplomat’s daughter and family was killed on her wedding day he was the only surviror” He said 
“Damn that’s horrible is he American or what’s going on” You asked. 
“He is not but we think he is planning revenge and it’s connecting back to New York” he said 
“That is a lot so what we have to look into something that may happen” You asked 
You both heard footsteps coming up which meant Vo and Raines were also arriving. Scott un wrapped his arms around you and you walked over to your desk and sat down. 
He stood in front of your desk with his arms folded in .
“Hey guys good morning” Raines said 
“Good morning” Everyone Vo said 
“Good morning” You and Scott both said. 
They sat there stuff down and after a few minutes Scott started presenting to everyone. 
“Hey guys listen up we got a big one a diplomat’s daughter and family was killed on her wedding day due to a bomb. I’ve been coordinating with New york because we think the diplomat is planning revenge in NYC” Scott said. 
“So is anyone  coming down to help” Vo asked 
“Yeah and how do we even know there planning something” Raines chimined in 
“That would be because we have intel from a CI that there is going to be a huge bomb attack we been tracking them down for the past 2 weeks” A familiar voice chimed out
Everyone turned their heads and Jubal Valentine and a blonde hair girl who was also pregnant walked inside. 
We all got up and walked over to them to greet them. But we were also shocked as hell that they were here all the way in Budapest. 
“Jubal Valentine my man what are you doing here” Scott asked smiling hugging Jubal. 
Jubal dropped his bag and hugged him back 
“Were here to help we been working this case to well Nina here caught it to. So it makes more sense to come down here in person over the phone” Jubal said. 
“Well we surely appreciate and can use the help” Scott said. 
“Yeah of course and everyone this is Nina she works with us and she is truly an amazing agent and a badass” Jubal said 
“Well welcome and it’s really nice to meet you” You said walking over and giving her a hug
“Oh and congrats” You said winking at her. 
“Thank you so much and congrats to you” She said 
“Thank you” You said 
You walked over and hugged Jubal 
“Hey it’s been a minute how are you” You asked 
“Good nice seeing you” Jubal said. 
“You to” You said 
After all the introductions you gave Jubal and Nina some space to work. 
They sat there stuff down and then Jubal got up and started presenting to everyone. 
“So 2 weeks ago Nina came to us with a case apparently a CI said the russians were planning a huge bomb. And attacks in New York” Jubal said 
“How do we trust this information” You asked. 
“Because the CI was directly linked to a higher up and we have Scola under to trying to gather more information. What he was able to learn was there are some people in Italy working with them” Nina said.
“We tracked them to Italy right where according to some intel we got is where the Diplomat was last scene” NIna said 
“So it looks like were going to Italy” Raines said
“Yes we are when we go Nina and Y/N I want to stay in the office for obvious reasons me and Jubal and Raines and Vo wil be boots on the ground” Scott said 
“What plan are we working with i mean we got the intel but what will we even be doing” You asked.
“Right so the intel we got was that the diplomat was involved with James Delcua, a businessman  in Italy with strong political ties. Last week James wired 100 thousand Us dollars to a unknown account” Nina said 
“Okay” You said still confused as to where this was going 
“Look I’m not being mean but there is just a lot of talk about intel and not an actual case” You said.
Raines looked at you and nodded. 
“Yeah I agree I mean what the hell are we even going to Italy for” Raines asked. 
“Were going and talk to this James guy then we know about some underground rings run by the russians. We figure we break those up someone will be willing to go turn” Jubal said 
“Hell of a gamble” Vo said 
“Yeah but right now this is the best lead we got we got to italy and try to” Jubal said 
“I was thinking Jubal goes in as a handler see what he can get and Vo and Raines will work the Diplomat see if there is anything going on” Scott said 
“Y/N and NIna will work in office doing surveillance, leaving no stone unturned any dirt on why this diplomat sent so much money to. Looking into these rings to who’s involved and who’s most likely to flip” Scott said. 
“Okay we got a plan let’s go” Jubal said 
“What about Smitty” Vo asked 
“She’s already gonna meet us there she had some other stuff to attended to but she’s on the nex flight out like us” Scott said. 
“So where does the dog go” Nina asked 
“He’ll go with us we fly private one of the many perks of the fly team” You said. 
“Awesome good to know” Nina said. 
You all grabbed your go bags that you already had. Everyone headed out and there was something in your gut that was telling you this was a mistake. 
I mean there wasn’t much to go on you know. Like going down and breaking some rings up and hoping they are gonna flip. People like this don’t usually turn on their higher ups. 
What if there was just something more going on that you weren’t aware of. 
Scott looked at you and he could see the worry in your face.
“Yeah I’m fine” You said smiling. 
You all made your way to the cars and to the airport. Everyone was just talking amongst each other. Scott was sitting next to you and he usually wasn’t one for PDA so he wasn’t holding your hand or anything. 
Tank on the other hand was laying all over you with his head sticking out the window. 
After about a half hour drive you made it to the airport. Everyone filed into the Jet and Nina and Jubal looked in awe of everything.
“I think i’m in the wrong team” NIna said 
“Yeah me to we lower class people had to fly coach” Jubal said laughing. 
“Yeah well they only hire the elite team to work here” Raines said
“Elite to who” Jubal said 
Everyone was laughing and making small talk with each other. You grabbed a window seat and Nina sat Across from you. 
“So how do you do it” Nina asked 
“What do you mean” You asked scrunching your eyebrows. 
“Working with the babies dad and traveling a lot” Nina asked 
“Oh” Was you started. 
“I’m sorry if that’s to personal” Nina asked flustering 
“No its okay it’s not how did you know about me and Scott” You asked 
“I see the way he looks at you and the rings” Nina said 
“I never noticed but yeah it’s hard he get’s overprotective a lot and even before the baby it got worse after but I’m thankful for him. I know someone always has my back and working with my husband  has it challenges but I wouldn’t trade it” You said 
“You work with the baby’s dad” You asked. 
“Yeah Scola the one undercover right now and I’m really worried,” Nina said 
“All you can do is pray and think positive things there is no point in worrying if you haven’t heard anything” You said 
“I guess your right it’s just complicated between us” Nina said 
“Listen i get that Scott is technically is my boss and in the beginning it was hard but we worked it out and now were really happy. I know it can happen for the two of you.” You said 
“Yeah I hope so” Nina said.
“I know it will” You said. 
The rest of the flight you two talked all baby stuff. She was having a boy and she was surprised to know you were waiting to know. 
The flight flew by and finally you all touched down in Italy. The butterflies were heavy but you just had to keep breathing. 
When everyone got out of the plane we all piled back into the car. Me and Nina and Jubal in one and Raines, Vo and Scott with tank in the other one. 
NIna kept looking at her phone. And i felt bad for her. i could see Scott I can’t imagine being so far away from him and being undercover. 
“Hey it’s going to be okay” You whispered to her 
“Yeah I know” Nina said. 
“So i forgot to ask Scott you don’t happen to know Remy Scott do you” Nina asked 
“Actually i do he’s my dad. He inspired me join the breau do you know him” You asked 
“I meant him a couple times when i was working under he said he had a daughter working in Budapest” Nina said smiling. 
“I can reach out to him I know he can find out what’s going on with Scola” You asked 
“No I’m good I don’t want to cause a big scene” Nina said 
The rest of the car ride was silent after that. The conversation just kind of fell everyone looking at the beautiful scenes. 
You finally made it to the American Diplomat office. Scott’s car was right behind. 
“Everyone ready” Jubal asked. 
“Yeah lets do it” You said. 
You all headed in and all eyes were on you guys. Which was nothing new. You found Smitty who was waiting for you all. 
“Were set up in here and welcome everyone let’s get started” Smiity said
“Let’s go” Scott said 
You all headed into the office and put your stuff down. You were setting up. and all you kept thinking was 
You were in good hands and it’s all going to be okay 
It’s all going to be okay was all you kept saying. I mean what is the worse that could happen ??
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blkkizzat · 3 months
THAT VEGAS STORY WAS FUCKING EVERYTHING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You needa podcast or something bc the way you told the story had me cracking the fuck up at 3am like MA'AM u said u been to vegas like 8 times.....where the other 7 stories 🤣🤣🤣🤣 SPILL!!!
lmfaooo gurl, they would cancel my ass so fast if i had a podcast. i have zero filter when speaking hfzkhdfkjzf.
the rest of my vegas hookup stories arent as interesting. although i have to say ive stayed in so many hotels that i didnt personally check into lmfao.
like one time this dude was sharing a room with his friends and me and my friends have a "no dudes back at our hotel rule" so he literally bought a room at the Cesars and that shit was not cheap cause it was a suite (it was a mayweather fight night so there werent many available rooms) only two give me like 2 pumps and passout i was pissed. lol. so i ordered hella room service lol.
also i went to vegas for halloween, hooked up with this australian guy and definitely did the walk of shame at 7am in the morning. i went from new york, new york to mgm but even though its literally across the street connected by a skybridge walking from casino to casino sucks cause its legit like at least a damn mile these casinos are so huge. there was literally entire families with their kids walking around and i was in a slutty flight attendant outfit with my tiddies and ass hanging out in fucking garters and heels isdhjfkahsfajskhf. i also got called tf out by groups of dudes asking if i had a good time, etc, etc. moral of that story is get home before the sun comes up or stay in the same hotel. 😭😭
vegas tip: unless its your first time and u NEED to stay at a casino stay at the Marriott or Hilton Vacation suits instead. Both are in the middle of the strip, right behind planet hollywood (just not directly on it) all the rooms nice and are suites (so actual living room, dining table, kitchen 2-3 bedrooms. And there is ZERO casinos so it takes you 5 mins instead of the 15-20 minutes to walk through a big ass casino to get to your rooms cause the rooms are always in the way back. your feet and body will thank you when its like 5am and all you wanna do is sleep. the only real advantage of staying at a casino hotel is they have nicer pools. although most in the summer (may-late sept) have pool party clubs during the day (seperate from their actual pool) and alot of times they are nicer then their normal guest-only pool.
ill have to tell you my stories hooking up with us military guys in japan sometime LOL (honestly in my pcos post where i said i thought i was preggo it was from the japan trip and i thought i was having some random military guy's baby cause one time i had hooked up with like 3 of them in one weekend... i was reckless. thank god for cysts chile 😩 cause it would have been like an episode of maury).
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flowerpowelltales · 2 years
Like Fall, Like Spring (Drake x MC)
A/N: don’t touch me, i’m not okay 😭😭😭 i’m going to miss my babies! please read till the end!
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Drake ate in silence and Riley waited. He surely needed to address his storming out and then being MIA for almost a whole day, right?
When he was finished and still made no attempt to say anything, Riley sighed and began collecting empty plates. Just as she reached for his mug, he grabbed her arm and made her look at him. 
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I should be asking you the same thing, actually.” He rubbed his temple with his other, free, hand. “I left without saying anything but Leona hurt you too. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be. It was a lot to take in. And she’s your family.”
“She should be yours too.” Drake let go of her arm and clenched both of his fists. “I needed time to think. It’s not easy… I mean, Leona was like a second mother to me. And then like a mother and a father, when mine died. It’s hard to see her becoming… this.”
“It’s okay Drake, you don’t owe me any explanation.”
“I do. You're my wife, you were directly affected. It felt like I’m losing someone all over again. First dad. Then my mom, to depression. I only half-have her now anyway. Then Savannah ran away. She came back but she has her family now. Then you… And now Leona. I don’t want to have her in my life if she treats you like this but it’s not easy for me.”
“You don’t have to cross her out of your life, Drake. She’s still your family,” Riley said softly, rubbing his back gently. 
“So are you, Riley. And if she doesn’t want to accept you, I’m sorry. I will always choose you anyway.” He looked at her so affectionately she thought she’d cry.
“I’m sorry I didn’t choose you when I ran away. I promise I will always choose you, too. Always, Drake. You are my family. My whole world.” She was crying and Drake stood up and pulled her into his arms. 
“Shh, it’s okay, baby, it’s okay.”
“I’m so– so– sorry,” she said through sobs. 
“I forgave you, a long time ago. Please, forgive yourself, too,” he whispered and kissed her forehead. 
They stayed like that, embracing and gently swaying to the music of their hearts, for a few minutes before Riley remembered something.
“I forgot to tell you something! I– When Leona said those things about me, about the dog being still in the U.S., me having a job in New York, I–I do have my dog with Ellen, true, but only because she really likes him and wants to have someone around. And about the job…”
“You don’t owe me an explanation,” he repeated what she said just minutes before.
“I do. You’re my husband and you need to know. I declined the job in New York. Long time ago but it doesn’t matter. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I… I found a job, actually.”
“You did?” He pulled back a little to look her in the eyes.
“I had a crazy idea… I talked to Hana and… Hana and I are starting our own pastry shop! We found a place, talked to lawyers and owners and everything so it’s all legit and we have the green light! I mean, now that we’re no longer nobility we need to support ourselves and since I wanted to become a baker when I was younger I thought that was a great chance and Hana is an amazing baker so it could actually work and I know I never really asked you about your permission and maybe you had other plans and now I feel very stupid but I don’t want you to think I was hiding anything because–”
“Riley, hey, relax. Take a breath. Pastry shop, huh?”
“Yeah. Are you mad?” She asked.
“Mad? That my wife is fulfilling her childhood dream? That she starts a career of her own? That I’ll probably have lots of yummy things for free? Are you mad?”
Riley laughed, relief spreading through her body. “You can have anything you want. You’ll always be our most treasured customer.”
Drake smiled and leaned to kiss her. She melted into him, finally feeling like they were back together for good. Like they found back their missing piece and now they could be whole again. The familiarity of them overwhelmed her.
“Drake…” she moaned in between the kisses. “I…. have the best… idea… mmm.”
“What? Are we going to have dessert now?” He asked and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes slightly.
“No, but maybe later.” This time she pulled away. “I thought we could celebrate? If you’re up for this?”
“Mhmm, of course we can. Come here.”
“Not like this,” she laughed. “Okay maybe that too. I thought with Maxwell, Hana, Liv, Liam and the rest of ours.”
Drake opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow. “I was thinking only the two of us…”
“And I was thinking something like renewing our vows? A small ceremony? Since our wedding was a big one? Now that we’re no longer–”
“Nobility, I know. I actually think this is a nice idea.”
“Right? A second chance wedding!” She babbled on and Drake chuckled.
“Okay, okay. I get it. You can plan it if you want but now about that dessert you mentioned earlier…”
Riley burst out laughing. “So needy!” 
But she didn’t protest any further and definitely not when Drake was showing off his ‘dessert’ skills.
The ceremony was just like Drake and Riley wanted. Small. Intimate. Romantic. Cozy. Only their closest friends were invited, Ellen came and brought Lasse with her while Bianca declined saying she wasn’t feeling too well. Leona, for obvious reasons, was banned from coming. Drake protested wholeheartedly against inviting Olivia but Riley couldn’t imagine that day without her. After all, it was Liv that helped them get back together. Even if unintentionally.
The vows were renewed, Drake and Riley kissed as a husband and wife and they moved to the Valtoria gardens where the party began. Even though she wasn’t a Duchess anymore, she really liked the gardens of her duchy and Liam helped her organize the ceremony there.
After a few hours of dancing, eating and talking, Riley stood with Drake and watched Savannah and Bertrand running after Bartie, who was trying to mimic Maxwell’s crazy dance moves. 
“How does he have so much energy? I’m beat!” Riley exclaimed, rubbing her back. 
“He’s still a kid.”
“No, not Bartie. Maxwell!”
“Well... Technically it applies to Max, too. Want a drink?”
“Oh yes, I think I could use a drink.”
“I’ll get it for you,” Drake said and Riley nodded. She was looking at him with a big smile on her face, until he disappeared. She turned around and noticed she wasn’t the only person following him with her eyes.
The woman was definitely not invited; at least Riley didn’t invite her. Silky blond hair, beautiful smile and a bump. When the woman turned to look at Riley and their eyes met, Riley swallowed hard.
Mary-Anne was even prettier in person.
Her face lit up and started making her way towards Riley. When she finally reached her, she extended her hand. 
“Hi, Riley!” Even her voice was attractive. Riley plastered a smile and shook Mary-Anne’s hand. How could she even compare to Drake’s ex?
“I’m Mary-Anne, Drake’s friend from Texas by the way! You were probably wondering who’s that strange person bothering you,” she laughed and Riley fake-chuckled.
“Yeah, well, it’s a private party so I was a bit surprised. Drake invited you, I suppose?” She asked.
“Erm... Not really. Savannah did mention you were renewing your vows and since I couldn’t come to your wedding when Drake invited me I thought I’d come to this party. I--I’m sorry if it was a bad idea,” she added when she saw Riley pale. “I came to apologize, actually.”
“Really? What for?” Now Riley was interested.
“I... Um... Found out what Leona said about me to you. Sav called and asked if the baby’s Drake’s. Apparently that’s what Leona kept telling you. It’s not, by the way. The baby, I mean. It’s not Drake’s. It could never be.”
“Thanks... I mean, I knew it, Drake told me but thanks.”
“I felt really bad and I figured calling would be not enough so here I am. Listen, I’m sorry about Leona. She’s like that. She’s always had this vision of me and Drake married with ten kids on their family Ranch. We even tried to date to please her but we’ve always been more like siblings than lovers. And I love Leona.”
“Leona is lovable?” Riley raised a brow and Mary-Anne chuckled.
“Yes, well, I love her.   She’s the only mother I ever had. I have four older brothers and a clueless father. He had no idea how to raise a daughter. When I got my first period and stained my jeans he thought I was dying. It was Leona who taught me about those things. I know she loves me and I guess that’s why she wanted me and Drake to work out. But it’s not going to. Besides, he’s so happy with you! When you left him and he was super upset, he got drunk and I found him in a bar. You know what he did? He showed me every single photo of you on his phone and described when it was taken, where and why in so much detail I was afraid we were going to spend a week in that bar. I’ve never seen him so in love. It’s a good look on him. I’m happy you’re back together.”
“Wow, I... I don’t know what to say. Thank you for telling me, that... does make me understand Leona a bit better. But I still don’t like her,” Riley added.
“And I’m here to change your mind. I’d be mad at her too if she did this to me.” Mary-Anne shrugged.
“And the father of your baby? Leona doesn’t like him?”
“It was a mistake. My mistake. I was sad and lonely and it was a one time thing with a guy I met in a bar. I don’t even know his name but it doesn’t matter. I was actually kind of happy I got pregnant. My father never cared too much about me, my brothers have their own life and I thought I might finally have someone in my life. It was like my lil miracle. My bestie. My family.” She cradled her bump affectionately. “It’s the two of us against the world.”
“You know what?” Riley asked her suddenly, a brilliant (in her opinion) idea coming to her. “I’m so glad you came! Let me introduce you to my friends,” she said and watched Mary-Anne’s face light up. Riley took her arm and led her in the direction of Liam and Maxwell. To be fair, she only wanted to introduce her to Liam in hopes something could happen between those two but Maxwell being there too was for the best. She wouldn’t want to be too obvious.
Apparently she was too obvious though because when she turned to go back to her place, smirking, Drake was already standing there, watching her, his eyebrow raised. He handed her the drink when she reached him. 
“What are you trying to do?” He asked.
“Umm... Your friend came and I thought she was lonely so I introduced her to our friends.”
“Really? Just that?”
“Err... What else do you want me to say?”
“Riley, I’m not stupid. Are you trying to play a matchmaker? Because let me remind you, we needed therapy to work out.”
“That’s because you didn’t even know my matchmaking plan! I actually asked Liam to give us a month to work things out between us, it’s not really a legit--” she paused realizing she was about to confess to a lie. 
“I actually do know it was your plan, believe it or not.”
“What?” She asked. “How? When? Why?”
“From the moment the two of you announced it. I’m not stupid and I can think. There has never been a rule like this and will never be. Not within the Cordonian mentality.”
“And... You just went with it?”
Drake shrugged. “I was mad at you. But I did have a bit of hope that maybe it would help us. So I didn’t say anything.”
“Drake Walker! I swear you always find a way to surprise me.”
Drake smiled and pulled her towards him. “I hope I’ll never stop surprising you.”
“Mhmm,” she murmured as he kissed her cheek. “I might have to start thinking of ways to surprise you, too.”
Drake froze and pulled back. He looked at her intently for a few seconds before cracking a smile. “Maybe not. I think I had enough of your surprises in this lifetime.”
“One more!” Maxwell yelled from his seat and pointed to an empty plate.
“That would be your tenth!” Hana yelled back and Riley stifled a chuckle. She kept making coffee until she felt a pair of arms encircling her waist.
“Hello, I missed you,” Drake's voice was muffled as he buried his face in Riley’s neck. 
“I missed you, too. Three days feel like three years without you,” she admitted. Drake kissed her and nodded towards coffee. 
“Got one more for your beloved husband?”
“Always. And I also put away an orange and bourbon flavored cupcake for you. Since Maxwell eats most of our supply.”
Drake laughed and the whole shop seemed to be positively vibrating with him in it. He sat down on a chair closest to the counter, ignoring Maxwell patting an empty chair beside him. 
Riley brewed Drake’s coffee (black, no cream, no sugar) and retrieved the cupcake, pretending she didn’t hear Maxwell’s gasp. She looked at her shop, her and Hana’s pastry shop and smiled. A lot of energy and effort went into their little venture but it was worth it. Hana and Riley were great partners and worked perfectly together. Riley learned a lot from Hana and Hana from Riley. Their business was flourishing, although it was to some extent thanks to Maxwell - he came every single day and ate at least seven pastries. How he kept in shape - that was the greatest mystery.
Drake also worked - he was a full time photographer now and even though he mainly took photos of different events in Corodnia, sometimes he had to go to other countries. If the job was longer than a week he took Riley with him - they didn’t want to be far from each other for too long. In between the jobs he also taught a photography course at the University of Cordonia and was considering switching to full time teaching and doing photography on the side. He felt he wanted to be home more often.
Her and Drake were also better than ever. They kept on going to therapy and worked through every single little thing together. Not only were they closer than before but also their marriage was stronger. 
There were also other changes in Cordonia. Mary-Anne and Liam were raising her almost one-year old daughter together (to Cordonian citizens’ outrage) and planning their wedding (to Cordonian citizens’ joy). Mary-Anne finally found a community that cared about her, although it wasn’t the easiest for Leona, who felt like she lost two children. 
As far as Leona was concerned, she reached out to Drake a few weeks prior, full of remorse. Drake didn't even want to listen to her but Riley insisted they work things out. They started talking, little by little. It still wasn’t a relationship Drake or Leona wanted but they were trying. 
And there was one last change. A change that no one but Riley knew about. She smiled at Drake blowing her a kiss while finishing his cupcake. She would tell him soon. She only just found out herself, but her little, approximately six-week old secret, still nestled safely in her womb, was ready to be shared with her husband. 
And she was sure it was going to be a whole different adventure.
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TAGGING: @gardeningourmet​​​ @delightfullypinkglitter​​​ @alesana45​​​ @walkerdrakewalker​​​ @karahalloway​​​ @kingliam2019​​​ @lovingchoices14​​​ @tessa-liam​​​ @gkittylove99​​​ @texaskitten30 @twinkleallnight​​​ @rubiwalker​​​ @differenttyphoonwerewolf​​​ @nestledonthaveone​​​ @marshmallowsandfire​​​ @21-wishes​​​ @thequeenofcronuts​​​ @iaminlovewithtrr​​​ @angelasscribbles​​​ @ladyangel70 @tinkie1973 @belencha77​​​ @lunaseasblog​​ @alyshak92​​​ @xpandass420x​​​​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​
Pssst! If you made it this far and also don’t want to say goodbye to Riley and Drake, let me know in the reblog/comments and I might have a little something for you 😏 
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Hi sky, i really hope you’re doing well. I was thinking about Jimin’s watch. I’m having a hard time, because i can’t move on from it. Anyways, i’d like to know how that happened (I should mind my business and silently enjoy it, i know). I mean: do you think it could be a JK initiative? Like, a romantic way to tell Jimin he’s always with him. Something he suggested to his lover. Or did Jimin himself change the time for us to see, right before starting his live?
It’s a big thing. It’s really, really a big detail. And I wonder how JK felt, when (and if) he noticed/found out about it. I know you already talked about this watch detail, but i was curious about your opinion on the dynamics behind it. Thank you ❣️
Hi anon,
I hope you are doing well too.
Please allow me to ramble because I haven't been able to do this and I have thoughts...
This is all completely valid because it's wild. We are not making this up, though. These are legit observations that anyone with eyes can see.
Now, the purpose...
Oh god, I have no idea.
This is something that Jimin is wearing on his body so he must have agreed.
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Jimin: Feeling cute. Might delete later.
It could have been a surprise for Jk, though. If it was a surprise, Jk must have been over the moon. Just like in the naked live. Although Jimin had already done the watch thing for New York. But all depends were the watch came frommmjajdjdjndfnlol
When I was looking into this, I messaged my friend and asked her "I'm not being delusional, right?"
Sometimes, I really do stop and think if I'm looking at this correctly. If I am maybe exaggerating what I see. Maybe I need an extended break to cleanse my mind and come back and be able to look at things objectively.
But no. Maybe coming up with reasons for this requires delulu time but the rest is all real.
That watch is set to Jk time.
Hmm reminds me of something:
Maybe Jimin wanted to give Jk "Jk time" too? Or show that he carries Jk with him even when Jk is not physically there?
So basing myself on everything that has happened this year and how Jk has been the one showing off jikook, I think this was a Jimin initiative.
Another statement, if you will, that reciprocates what Jk has been doing.
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Some people were saying earlier that Jimin was throwing jikook under the bus but Jimin wouldn't do that. He shows off jikook in the classiest and most elegant of ways.
In my opinion, Jimin is showing off jikook with a $65,000 watch.
Let's see what they do next.
Thanks for the ask:)
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soxcietyy · 2 years
A new Beginning
Yuta Okkotsu
"Your kidding right?" Yuta sighs heavily as he paced around his living room. His steps echoing in the empty room. He was currently on the line with Gojo, One of the biggest Yakuza bosses in Japan. Well he is considered one of the big three. Nobody really had a say on who was actually number one. It was always hard for people to define who was the most powerful. "Now why would I be kidding?" Gojo laughs. Gripping onto the handset of the phone he pulled the cord with him. Listening to his non stop ranting. Until he stopped at a mirror near where the phone sat. He grabbed his cup of whiskey and looked deeply into his face. Taking in the fact that his eyebags looked no better than yesterday. His sickly pale skin didn't seem to want to help him look better either. Taking down his almost finished drink he set the empty glass down firmly and wipes his lips. "You realize I no longer take orders for you right Gojo? I left the clan long ago. I don't want to partake in that type business anymore." Yuta said looking down at his right arm that was missing it's pinky finger.
It was a Yakuzas tradition of cutting their pinky finger when they decided to leave. They had other traditions that Yuta wasn't quite fond of. For example covering yourself in tattoos. Yuta thought of the body being purse and that it shouldn't have any type of markings. Unfortunately he had gotten himself a tattoo when he was young. Due to him being part of the Gojo clan.
"Don't tell me I cut my finger off for nothing." Yuta said.
"Of course not! You where one of my most trustworthy subordinate. You where like a example to the rest on how someone respectful does things. Now speaking of you being one of my close subordinate your also family."
"Distant cousin" Yuta says as he leaned against the wall. Yuta did not in fact join the Yakuza because he wanted to, but was placed into it due to being related to Gojo. If it was up to him back then he would on never joined. All of this did nothing but change him. He wasn't sure if he could consider it in a good or bad way. Back then he was a weak sheepish person. He would always be the one they picked on. The laughing stock out of the bunch. Until...
"Your legit one of my only family members and I have to look out for you. Look Yuta please do me one favor. Go to the states, make a group of your own, and make sure you stay safe." Gojo interrupts Yutas train of thought. It takes a few seconds before he could continue. "They found out about how we're related and their going after you now. I know you retired and I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep you out of this mess. But you don't have time and I do not have the capability on keeping you safe from Sakuna and Geto. Theres only so much I can do with my power. I'm sending Inumaki and Maki with you."
"Gojo Im not leaving Japan, I am fully capable of taking care of myself." Yuta raised his voice agitated. He hated how he was being treated so weakly.  Suddenly a loud chiming sound came from the grandfather clock. Showing that it was now 12 am. Yuta turned his attention to how the clocked moved. Something felt off, it felt like something bad was about to happen and he knew Gojo could feel it too. Seeing how they both fell silent around the same time. It didn't even take a minute until the windows around Yuta began to shatter. Bullets came flying in as they where shot in. Yuta threw himself onto the ground. "Shit they must of somehow connected to the line. Yuta head to the states now!" Gojo yelled over the phone before before hanging up. Yuta leaned onto the wall grabbing his left side of his stomach. He had been shot and was now bleeding all over his white button down. He knew he couldn't go out this way so he proceeded to army crawling out of the room. That was the last time he was ever seen in Japan.
5 years later
New York City, 1965
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Yea I had the audacity to start a new au even though I haven’t finished my current one.
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beetlegoose01 · 1 year
A Foot Too Big Ending Rewrite
Read on AO3
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Donatello stood tall, resting his palms against the mahogany banister barely keeping the porch, let alone the entire cabin together. He found himself listening to the sounds of the woods. The wind wisps about, the birds chirping their midday song, and the rustling of leaves flowing in the breeze. 
He closed his eyes. He had never experienced anything like this. Being in nature was a foreign concept, having lived in the sewers of New York City for most of his life. And the moments he did leave the sewers, he and his brothers were left to deal with robots, ninjas, and mutants. 
And now, apparently Bigfoot too. 
If someone had approached him saying Bigfoot was real, that all the conspiracy theories from those podcasts he listened to were actually legit, he would have believed it without a second thought. He was a mutant turtle after all. Nothing surprised him anymore.
 Yet despite this, he was still utterly surprised at seeing how Bigfoot truly was. It- no, she was an enigma in her own right. 
She was no mythological creature made up by bored humans to scare others and spread conspiracy theories. She was real. She was real and alive and...obsessed with him. To a creepy degree. She was affectionate, sensitive, trailing him around like a hungry puppy looking for a snack. It was tiresome. It was embarrassing. 
"Now you know how April feels." Raph's voice echoed in his mind. 
He knew what that meant. It took a while, but he finally did. He was Bigfoot to April. A disgusting, sad individual who followed her around and embarrassed her. It was why she cringed after he made her the music box gift. It was also why she smiled at him, and hugged him with some devotion, but no true love behind her eyes. 
He had fucked up. Badly. 
"Hey stranger!" April chirped from behind him. 
"Gah!" He yelped in surprise.
She grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, I...thought you heard me walk outside. Guess these slippers are too quiet." She gestured to her rainbow narwhal slippers. 
Even with how beautiful she was, he felt sick to his stomach. 
"Everything alright? You look as concerned as Mikey did when I told him we ran out of frozen pizza last night." 
That made him chuckle a bit. "Yeah I'm fine. It's been...a weird day. 
April snorted.  "You can say that again. 
With mischief dancing in his eyes, he said it again.  "It's been a weird day."
He smirked. "It's what I do best. So...listen, about earlier---" His expression turned to that of pleading and anxious. "I'm sorry about the music box. I thought you would like it, and I dunno, I wanted to show my appreciation for you and it backfired and made me look desperate and-" 
April's expression softened. "Donnie, please."
He couldn't help but hide his face in shame. "You must hate me now." 
"No, Donnie, I could never...I would never hate you. Ever. You're one of my best friends in the whole world. I- I know I haven't exactly been the greatest friend ever, but I want you to know that I appreciate you guys so much. Even when I've acted off, you've always stuck by my side. I know it hasn't been easy to deal with me.
We've been through so much. So much loss."  
Donnie realized that she was not only talking about her father, but Splinter, and the city too. 
April exhaled. "Before Leo woke up, I was terrified we would lose him too. And that...we could all lose each other at any point. And that scares me so much." Her voice trembled slightly. 
Donnie's heart wanted to hug her. To comfort her, to let her know that he would never leave her. But something in the back of his mind held him back, to listen. 
"Donnie, I'm scared I'm going to lose you," She whispered. 
"You won't." He assured her without missing a single beat. 
"I already have."
Donnie blinked incredulously. "What? No, no, no you haven't. I'm right here, I promise, I will never leave you. You can count on me." 
April traced the banister with one fingertip, not looking back at him. "I've been having visions late at night when I can't sleep. They were like nightmares, but instead of forgetting them in the morning, they stuck around. And they're so clear and vivid too, I can't possibly forget them." She turned towards the stars, squinting as though she was recalling everything in her head. 
"I feel tension. Hatred. Discomfort. And then...nothing. Like it all disappears. You're all gone." 
"Gone?" He echoed. 
"Yes, gone. Like I said, it's only visions. But sometimes, I worry that it's already happening. You know---" She pointed towards herself, then back at him. "Your whole vendetta with Casey."
Donnie winced. "Oh...with me and Casey." He swallowed and folded his hands. "It's, well, I thought you knew but ah... The truth is April, I like you a lot. As in, more than friends." His cheeks heated up. "I realized Casey had feelings for you too, and I guess I felt jealous. I went to extreme measures just to get you to notice me." 
April's eyes widened, stunned. "Oh Donnie...I'm so sorry I---" 
"I know, I understand now after I dealt with Bigfoot. I'm this sad thing that follows you around. I'm just a mutant." 
"What? Donnie, I'm a mutant too! Have you already forgotten that?" 
"That's different, you're---"
"Human passing, I know, and I will never truly understand the struggles you and your brothers have gone through. Our experiences will always be different, but my point still stands." 
She reached out her hand, but the purple turtle pulled his away. "What about Casey?" Donnie asked. 
She frowned. "What about him?" 
"Ever since he joined our group, he's been...closer with you. I always felt so frustrated and angry, and maybe a little jealous. It's like he was intentionally getting under my skin by flirting with you." 
"Right..." April couldn't hide the slight discomfort in her expression. 
"And I guess I assumed you liked it. Him. You like him." 
She groaned. "I feel like no matter what answer I say will be the wrong one."
Donnie stared at her, startled. "What? 
"Like I'm a mouse running through a maze, but all the corners are closed in."
"That's not true--- it's your feelings." 
"Is it?" April chuckled half-hardheartedly to herself. "You just said how Casey made you feel uncomfortable every time he was friendly with me. Because we're friends." Donnie was surprised to see her scoff, almost cynical with her response.  "It was never about my own feelings, it was all about you and Casey's. Because if I pick one of you, the other will be upset. And if I pick neither? Then I've ruined everything." 
"But why do I have to make the big decisions? Why do we have to make everything so complicated? I just want to get along with everyone. I wanted friends, I wanted ...a family I---" Her voice cracked, and Donnie swore he could see her eyes glisten with tears that she roughly rubbed away. "I'm ..." 
"April...I'm so sorry." 
"Don't. Please. I don't want to hear it. I just want it to stop. I want my dad back. I want our home and...our lives to be normal again. I want to stop the Kraang and remain friends forever." 
Donnie nodded firmly. "I want to fix this." 
"I should be the one apologizing.  I shouldn't have acted the way I did. Especially after everything we've been through. I guess...I was just so focused on impressing you, and making you like me that I lost sight of what's really important." He smiled. "The bond we have as friends." 
April lifted her head slowly. 
"I know....words can't repair what I've done. I know I've hurt you.  But if you'd rather be friends, then that's cool with me."
"I respect your feelings too much to let you get worked up over something like this. I actually like us being friends more, now that I think about it."
"Oh..." She wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace. "I'm so relieved to hear that, D. I'll tell Casey too!"
The truth was, nothing had changed between them. Their friendship and love for each other was as strong as ever. 
Perhaps even stronger. 
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that-one-fangirl69 · 5 months
Family stories
I have so many stories of my great etc. grandparents from my dad's side…
My like great great grandma on my dad's mom's side came over to America from Sicily cause she had an affair with the literal mafia leader's son and got pregnant so the leader legit cut contact with his son and sent them both over to New York. Allegedly.
My great grandma and grandpa on my dad's dad's side owned a little Italian grocery store in west New York and one day this dude came in the shop while she was in there at the register and pointed a gun at her and was like,
"GiMmE aLl tHe MoNeY iN ThE rEglsTeR"
And so she opened it and went, “go ahead. Take it." And when he reached over to grab it she grabbed the back of his head with both hands and slammed in down on the counter and knocked him out before calling the police.
They still have the newspaper clipping from when it happened
And her husband, my papa's dad, got so mad at him one time he started chasing my papa around with a legit machete like "I'm gOnNa KiLl yOu" and at one point my papa got a bit ahead of him so he legit throws the machete like he's in the hunger games or something and it stuck in the wall right next to his head
My Dad’s mom, my Mimi, was always made fun of by my Papa’s family for being really skinny and she always hated it. They wouldn’t stop and kept going on and on with it so one day she got fed up, pointed a fork at them and went,
“you make fun of my weight again and I’ll shove this fork in your eye”
They stopped after that
*I’m probably gonna get details of this story wrong* my dad was so close in age with his uncle they grew up practically as brothers so when they were in high school they had this group project they had to do that was recreating a scene from a movie and so they did one where a guy gets hanged (idk what specific scene they were doing) so they tied rope to the railing of a walkway upstairs and were planning to hang one of their smaller friends from it but were like, “this is probably a bad idea.”
So instead of scrapping that idea and coming up with a new one. They decided to try and make it work. so they figured out if they tied a rope around the dude's torso and had him put a jacket over it, he’d be fine. So that’s what they did. They filmed it, brought it to class, and showed it.
And when my dad was telling me this story he went, “when I tell you, everyone in the room collectively gasped in horror when that part came up, it was like they actually thought we hung him.”
don’t know what grade they got. But they deserved an A
…and I have so many more.
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f0xd13-blog · 7 months
Bitch i aint special i just have the right characterists... iim bold i dont have a problem saying the truth? I can fight with my fists and my mouth/brain, i know about og chistianity from egypt it's literally my culture duhh, i was the only one besides putin reacting and tryinh to avoid the genocide (oh he is forgiven to actually),i was ths only 1 besides putin trying to stop it, i suffered like shit but still gave it back and responded with good stuff while you was always trying to destroy me or "win" the argument(spwcially coz you stull think you have something to teach me) ,i never lied as i know about what rwally happened in the holocaust and revealed it, i ain't wasily bought even in the worst circunstances if you haven't noticed it... also im a gypsy and every missiomary is one. So all you guys was judas trying to get protagonism while i was truing to savs kids.. i don't think this is so hard to grasp it
Oh yaaaa you bitches been attaching nasty ass karma for 2 straight years and didn't even noticed it... like... i ain't sowwy ups
Frz now lez just laugh about the fact they had to put a jewish fag as tokwnism like yah people gonna suppot mass murders because u are gay lol
In fact it might do the eact opposite which is create homophbws maube that's the plan because jews always do those sort of tactics where they seem to suport something just to destroy that symbol
But i don think they are that smart tbh they proved it time and time again also old ticks don't work so much anymore coz you internetzzz
They are tryinh to hide this so much by presenting "a nigga" dressed as a gypsy and a queer jew... wasn't a suprise tho,i said to my black cousins they just gonna find black person and say that tbis black culture and in turn jewish or they will just say that it doesn't look like african culture and that it is just white. The end
Not that im sad for it also they played with me enough in the sense they thought they needed to help yah ho in terms of money but that wouldn't be considered it because i gave so much services already ... anyways my point is, i was right again... as usual
Mike doesn give up on puerto rico... told him a million times that land is full of facists
No lez think bout the fact that jewish people are so delusinal and narcissistic mainly because they mix up history with religion all the time so of course they always gonna be wrong right.. but yah they are so gotsitical they had to do all of this just to highlight their talent which are always gonna be weak coz they never had a reason to specializw on it like you literally have every fucking industry in the world and they even want that. Just look ar seth rollins damn ... a gypsy that is in fact a jewish irish or wtv... wow!
O course this is also about land and resources but hollywood is also that
So i guess this is how they put people poor... with this nasty ass decissions that make no fucking sense o you win big brothwr or make cash for you country? Like thats why you get expelled babes
And yah!! I do slur and curse a lot on purpose!! Their biggest game is to shame into not sluring/cursing people then thsy can just shift it to whover they favour
A slur ain't that serious i swear its never ever that personal unlwss it seems personal... people was able to destroy me and my soul(tried actually) without even sluring me once... so whats the purpose of not syaing it if i can get more hurt with "you are crazy go take meds " than calling me a disgusting gypsy or a cracker?
It was never faks tho i really legit hate you all.. personally speaking
I did liked her flamenco catharsis thing finally something with taste OMFG! Oh you thought i was just hating??? Nooo it was that bad for fuq sake
I don have to aporve anything i wanted her out of my profile... it was sick!!
She almost destroyed my life and listen this i serious..this is shit that shouldn't be acceptable. Im only alive today because god answered to me.
So as usual it is just bla k representation and jewish shit ... of course i ain't gonna forgive you ever.. you guys can't even pretend that you care this time around lol
So now i have this jewish gay pedo all over my profile talking in baby voice with babies just to convince people that jews are cool... nobody cares about the people that are dying.. jews are more important
Just look at the diferences of lifestyle like yall gotta be joking me
U know whats annoying? They keep showing this shit just make it about them... bitch thw problem got Nothing to do with zionism per say... yess it was because of them this started but it got nothing to do with race.. i caugh an arab twlling me it was just normal to kill people... don frame it on white people ok? It ain't just them.
This annoys me so much because we have no voice for this bithces to running both sides of the spectrum ans im supposed to be with them when i wqs condemnwd inna nasty guetto just to be framed as the ones who did it... like are u mad asking to accwpt this? I want them all to explode
Look at them turning prwtty quick oh but but shouldn't yoh kiss black peoples feet babes?
So how ain't this racist??? Only black people experience racism... they ain't black ... this doesn't make any sense. But you see when th equation is this you will always lose because it is anti semitic (a term invented by ziomists btw and even anti ziomists use it... btw sómitico means someone that doesn want to share health with people which is rwally funny)
This starts to look a lot like 2nd world war subject mattsr right??? Everybody thought the jews was some poor bastards victims of anti semitism and prejudicw BECAUSE reality was being censored efectivamente
What have i told u since the beginning ?? Jews are nazi they always was they never stopped being and do believe they think they isn't for the most part thats whats scary
I ain't mad coz i knew this moment would come... you try to be the hero and accept everyone and then explodes in your hands because you should never accvept abusers wtf!!!
This is just common sense actually i judaism is just old ass version of a type of islamism that existed before dinosaurs did but it was just studied and implementado later without the natural progression of what is today islamism and chistianism then.... that means they gonna havs old ass mentality which if it monarchic times it's going to be super fascist!
Next post
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thornbushrose · 2 years
I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with this fanfiction. I found an outlining structure that seems to be working. So here's another excerpt. I'm at 24,000 words so far, and it's maybe a little more than a quarter written. I think it'll be novella length when I'm done. If I could write chronologically instead of hopping all over the place, and if I could write a finished chapter without having to just burp out a first draft and then refine it later, I'd start posting for reals, but alas. You will have to wait until I'm done.
Now, if you were a beta reader, I could make exceptions. Just sayin'.
Also, I don't have a working title yet. I hate making up titles.
This chapter is about what Birdie gets up to after a hard day of work at the orphanage.
That night, Birdie was the last one to arrive at her meeting. She mounted the ladder to the balcony around the ancient water tower and noted sourly that even her pet raven, Harbinger, was already there, perched on the railing, begging for snacks from the others.
Near the ladder, Victor lounged with his back to the water tank, wearing sweats on his long legs and a ridiculous purple cape over his narrow shoulders, and eating an ice cream cone. “Hey Birdie,” he said nonchalantly. He probably expected Birdie to be impressed that he’d gotten all the way up here with an ice cream cone. Birdie actually was kind of impressed.
Vic’s cape had Chinese characters embroidered on it, which Victor claimed were enchantments, though Birdie highly doubted his Vietnamese family had taught him to read Chinese. “Hey Vic,” Birdie said. “Edna Mode says no capes.”
He scoffed. “Edna Mode can kiss my ass.”
“You mispronounced ‘kick.’” Birdie slid past him to join Louis and Lore sitting against the water tank. “Hey, nerds,” she said.
Louis made a finger-gun salute and said, “Reporting for duty, Nerd Leader.” He was dressed in Daredevil red and had a protein shake in his hand. He always had some kind of health food or other, but he never seemed to lose weight. The pudge around his chin and muscles was deceptive, though. He taught Taekwondo and could probably bench-press Birdie.
Harbinger hopped down the railing, following Birdie. He clacked his ridiculous beak, as if to remind her that he was hungry. Birdie wasn’t buying it. She had fed him plenty at home, and she knew he ate during the day when he was out.
But Louis eyed him suspiciously. “Remind me why a cute little muppet like you has such a creepy bird?”
Birdie shrugged. “Do I have him? Or does he have me?”
“You know I ain’t smart enough for philosophical questions like that.”
Birdie gave him a skeptical look. “Wasn’t your SAT higher than mine? Look, he just showed up in my apartment after the Battle of New York. I don’t keep him locked up. He stays for the free food and the lulz.”
Louis kept frowning at Harbinger. Harbinger ducked his head and croaked, “Nevermore?”
Louis said, “I don’t think he’s actually a raven, you know.”
Birdie sighed. “You may be right. But damn if I’m going to ask him about it.” She plopped down between Louis and Lore.
Lore smirked. She was taller and curvier than Birdie and had her hair in a hundred little braids this week. She had smooth, deep brown skin and tonight wore a purple hoodie and leggings and high-tops that made her look like she might be about to pose for an album cover or something. She had been Birdie’s best friend since high school, and had just returned from the Marines. Now that Birdie thought about it, Lore could probably bench-press her, too. “How’s the blog going, Vic?” Lore asked.
“Same,” he sighed, his voice slightly bitter. “No legit sightings.”
Louis said. “Maybe he’s on vacation or something.”
“For four months?” Lore asked. “Don’t you think he has a day job?”
“I’m just not buying that he’s dead,” Louis insisted. “Heroes don’t die.”
“The other supers said he didn’t make it out,” Birdie said, opening the small bag of peanuts she’d brought. “You don’t believe them?”
“That’s only a rumor. Somebody’s cousin’s neighbor is an emt who overheard them,” Louis said. “I guess I just believe in Daredevil, you know? He’ll come back when we need him.”
“What, like King Arthur?” Vic laughed.
“There’s already been an uptick in crime in Hell’s Kitchen,” Lore said. “We need him.”
Birdie tossed a couple of peanuts to Harbinger. “Two of our boys got caught selling meth last week.”
“Whoa,” Lore said. “Where were they cooking it?”
“That’s just it. They weren’t. Someone was supplying them.”
“Who would do that?” Vic said. He sighed. “I believe in Daredevil too. That’s why I’m keeping the blog open. But wherever he is, I don’t think he’s there by choice. I just hope he can come back someday.”
“He’ll be back,” Louis said. “He’s done so much for the Kitchen. He wouldn’t abandon us now.”
There was a moment of silence, and then Vic pushed himself to his feet. “And on that note, let’s get this meeting started.” He tossed the last bite of his cone to Harbinger, and stood in front of them with his hands folded behind his back. “The purpose of this meeting is to create a name for our group. The list, Louis.”
Louis pulled a piece of paper that looked suspiciously like a drugstore receipt out of his pocket and read from the back of it. “Power Players.”
Lore laughed. “Sounds like a boy band.”
“Did the rest of you get powers?” Birdie asked. “I thought I was the only one.”
“Okay, next.” Vic turned and paced across in front of them.
Birdie winced. “That might be the worst thing I’ve ever heard.”
“No,” Lore said firmly. “Next.”
“Hell’s Kitchen Crime Fighters, to be abbreviated as HKCF.”
Lore narrowed her eyes. “It sounds like we’re going to make fried chicken.”
“No,” Birdie laughed, wagging a finger. “That might be the worst thing I’ve ever heard.”
“You guys don’t like anything!” Vic complained.
“And before you ask,” Birdie said, “DD Fan Club, or Daredevilitos, or whatever Devil-themed idea you have, is not okay either.”
Louis looked deflated. Everyone sat around for a moment, silent.
“I kinda liked Daredevilitos,” Louis muttered.
Vic spoke over him. “We can’t be vigilantes without a name. What will the news guys call us? How can we make a hashtag?”
“How about ‘The Parkour Club’?” Lore said.
Birdie tilted her head. “Easy to say. Actually describes who we are. No cheese detected. I like it.”
The boys looked unconvinced.
Birdie said, “Okay, raise your hand if you’re too scared of Lore to contradict her anyway.”
Lore giggled, burying her face, and smacked Birdie’s shoulder. The boys reluctantly raised their hands. Birdie gleefully joined them.
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gnj9ata · 2 years
Life check point - Meh...
My friendship with one of my best friends is probably in shambles or that's just in my head. Who knows?
We talked about the recent royal rumble and stuff. I legit told him. I don't know how to fix this or move pass this. Considering you know about my dark fucked up past, well I guess that makes you a true friend now. You know everything about me. Even the shit you probably didn't want to know. I hope you are still coming to New York so we can have a face to face. I really hope that New York trip goes well.
It's one of my off days....I slept most of it away. Probably needed it. Now, just up catching up on YouTube videos.
Reading about how Mr beast used his resources to cure 1000 people of blindness and folks are made about it. *Facepalm*
I am probably a little depressed due to all of the stuff that happened with Miranda and all of my past coming out. But it's done.... can't change it now. I have my therapist looking into a sex addiction therapist now which if I am being honest, probably overdue. My relationship with porn probably isn't the best. However, before all of this I think I was doing pretty good with it. Now, it's used as a stress reliever. I mean, I always felt that was better than the alternatives. Drinking beer every night, smoking cigarettes or weed, using tinder for the occasional fling, doing crack or heroin. Everyone has an addiction I feel. Everyone.
And I have no urge to harm or hurt no one else. The thought hasn't even crossed my mind at all.
Been having panic attacks lately or that's what I think they are.
Strange out of body experiences?
It could just all be in my head....like most things.
I wish my addiction was playing video games. Like it use to be. I really miss that side of myself. I hear YouTubers talking about all of the video games they been playing and I get jealous... envious that they still enjoy it and I don't. Or not as much as I use to.
Hmmm.... just had an idea.... maybe join nick on those DT gameplay streams?
Just a thought. It's funny because I am legit trying everything in order to get back to how I was into gaming. It was my favorite pass time. I would legit sneak and play video games on the weekdays because I loved it so much. That was my mom's rule back in the days. No video games on weekdays. Me and my brother would play black ops one for hours. He would tell me the secrets and we would dig into the lore with articles and YouTube videos.
I brought that boy a YouTube server to try rekindle that magic. Now it seems like I am only having that multiplayer goodness with Fernando and his daughter.
I really did try to get him involved in everything I did. And now he would rather stay in the house rather than go on vacation.......*sigh*
Alot of things has gotten so much better since I have gotten older. The games and tech now is fucking nuts. But man.....I would be lying if I said I didn't miss alot of shit in my past.
My brother, my uncle Sam and his friends, the several different groups of kids we grew up with back when we lived at 3160....my step siblings, the MCA.... just a lot. I just really hope the high times or moments like that aren't over.
Playing video games with like minded people that enjoy my company...that high energy. And maybe I do have that and just don't realize it or haven't tapped into it fully? It just feels like no one really wants me around. Maybe that's how Devon feels? And is it the people's around us fault or our own heads working against us?
Still haven't figured that out yet. But the difference between me and him is I am not going to just give up or not participate in life because I don't like people or something.
I am just going find sections of life that complement my existence. Surround myself around the high energy I am looking for. Like I do at work. People call me the hype guy there. I even have an employee that calls me the "hype master" because I bring the hype. Because coming into work shouldn't be boring. It should have some level of high energy.
Maybe my problem is not allowing life to just happen and not trying to always actively change it all the time. Just see where it takes me. I don't know. I just feel like if I do that, I am no different from Devon. From just giving up. And I refuse to want that for myself. I want to live as much as I can and experience as much as I can. So before I close MY EYES, I can say..
"I've lived"
And maybe all of the mistakes are part of that.
But I told my mom I am really sick of this trait of getting what I want and shooting myself in the foot in a sense and taking it away from myself. This trend of self sabotage. It's annoying. Do I keep taking these things from myself because I don't believe I deserve them? Why would that be? Because of my past? Or maybe there is nothing to really complain about on the grand scale of things. Because for one, I have all of my health in tact. I seem pretty healthy all things considered. So maybe I am asking too much of myself and the world around me. For it to be better. For it to be perfect. I don't know what the real problem is or if there is even one to speak of. Maybe just a season of sadness like mom says. "it's a season for everything"
I just know overall...I want to be around people that enjoy my presence, I want Devon to try being in life again, I don't want trey to hate me, stop feeling depressed or like trash, and I want to ultimately do some cool creative things with my life. I want my existence to have impact. Because impact transcends the grave and time. In a sense, I live forever.
But that's what I "think" I want on the surface.
However a thought has been popping up more than ever considering everything in my past and considering recent events.
Do I really know what I want at all?
I'm afraid it's a possibility I don't. It's a chance I have no fucking idea what I want for myself and out of life.
It could be argued that no human does.
A big one I have a feeling I want is peace of mind or peace with the self. Get to a point where I am ok with understanding the things I can't change and being ok with that.
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." The serenity prayer....mom's favorite scripture.
Hmmm...The older I get though...some things are starting to make more sense.
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its-so-kivi · 2 years
Mkay. #1
I feel like i’m deep into season one of my life right now, which is weird cause im 28. idk if it’s that it feels like season one or that I'm lying to myself so that way I can force some like dramatic finale and start off strong on season two. ANYWAY life has been giving like...filler episode lately and I hate that for me cause EW. that being said I honestly feel like I'm on the edge of some kind of like climax of something I can almost see something on the horizon. something that keeps me confused is wondering if I should start giving into my impassive choices ,quitting my job, starting a new one, going to New York for a bit, going to Sundance by myself. like the last time I made a huge jump in my life was moving to LA. even though I “planned” it out over a year it still was like a crack job of a plan ya know? and so I wonder what would happen if I just lived my life like that? I feel like all my LA friends kinda do that, and even though I'm not a follower! maybe I can be inspired to do the same...would it be more fun? would I be my true self? will I get discovered? but there is always the thought of where am I going to get the money for this? I’m like already broke....but...im sure I can be broke while in New York...or in a cabin in Salt Lake City . I feel like as I've gotten older I've either, gotten less bold or too responsible or both. I hate that. like I was suppose it to be in nyc tomorrow to see my friends band play a show there and I was going cause it was gonna be this whole like monumental thing for them and like legit almost everyone we know is gonna be there, but I was broke, and I wanted to go so bad that I sold my Starbuck stock. money that I've literally been sitting on for five years cause I couldn’t be bother to learn about stocks. I sold it. for a plane ticket. and not only did I get this money, but I also got paid after not working for a week thinking i’m gonna get like $50 bucks and get a check bigger than I expected which is great but....I like....dilly dally on finding a ticket...why? why?  I've bought plane tickets for trips in like 2 mins before why was I putting this off? maaaaybe because for the last like 5-6 months I’ve had my account go into the negatives a least three times EVERY month? or possibly because I've been so broke I legit couldn't pay for the bus fee to get to work. idk but I think deep in the back of my mind I wanted the tickets to go up and up so I could say “oh they got too expensive” like I wish I was there but I'm not to like torn up about it. also it kinda gives me the opportunity to go on the solo trip I wanted. but what if I save it? like I legit have had money all this month so what would happen if I hold onto it? like im a fun, cool, creative bitch but im tired of being broke dude....like this shit stop being inspiring after my first year here. and all I can think about is all the stuff I need for my acting career. new headshots, my actors access membership(that I haven’t had since my birthday in April) like I need that stuff too. part of me is like YOLO BITCH SPEND THAT SHIT!! and another is like sis get your headshots so you can win an Oscar. annnnyway im doing well and I hope you guys are too. :)
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Elsa's Solo
Loki x plus size reader
Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Loki serenades the object of his affections
Warnings: this is legit all fluff
WC: 2.2k
Minors DNI
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It was a well-known fact that Tony Stark loved to give people nicknames. It was where his true genius lay. His go to was ‘capsicle’ purely because of the exasperated eye roll he received from Steve Rogers every time he said it. But his newest nickname was quickly becoming a favourite.
“Elsa!” Loki sighed and slumped into the chair he had perched himself on as some kind of way to avoid the billionaire. “No matter how many times you call me that, I will not understand what you are talking about.” “You really need to get with the times Reindeer Games. Why don’t you ask your girlfriend? She loves Disney.”
If Frost Giants could blush, the god’s face would’ve been as red as a Midgardian tomato. “She’s not my girlfriend.” He grumbled. “Yeah yeah but I’ve definitely seen you leaving her room in the morning. Loki and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G…” Tony’s voice faded into the kitchen where Sam picked up the tune and belted it, much to Loki’s annoyance.
Loki’s crush on the newest Avenger was simultaneously the most irritating and sweetest thing ever. He practically had heart eyes every time he saw her, which was incredibly infuriating on missions where he couldn’t stop watching her plump body in the curve-hugging kevlar that made up her suit. But on the other hand, Thor had never seen his brother this soft. He had a smile on his face while they were together, the usual anger and hatred burning behind his eyes reduced to a dull flame that threatened to die at any moment.
She was the first person to defend him if something went wrong, comforted him if he had nightmares, and cooked for him. And he in turn would read to her on rainy days, help her through her anxiety, and of course train her (his ultimate goal was to get her to stab Thor as a prank). They were perfect opposites, where he was hard and sharp, she was soft and round (both literally and figuratively). Loki had fallen for her the moment she had slapped him for the attack on New York before hugging him with an apology and running away. He stood there shocked while his brother clapped him on the back. “Don’t fret brother, she is always like that.”
Another song picked up, breaking through Loki’s day dreaming. “Let it gooooooo! Let it goooo! Can’t hold it back any moooooooore!” The grating sound of the men singing was quickly getting on Loki’s nerves but before he could yell at them, another voice joined, one that was far more beautiful than anyone else’s.
Y/N was standing in the kitchen, wearing an overly large shirt probably stolen from one of the larger Avengers and tiny shorts that wrapped around her thick thighs tightly, making them pop out even more. Her eyes were shut as she sang along with the boys, hand held to her heavy chest. Even as she belted, a sound Loki absolutely loved, she was smiling brightly, e/c eyes twinkling with happiness.
As the song came to a close, she was wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, leaning against Sam. “When did you guys get so fun?” She asked through the giggles. “When we make fun of Loki.” Tony answered confidently but a swift crack made him yelp. “Don’t do that!” “I get to slap you if you were being mean.”
“I wasn’t even being that mean!” He grumbled as he walked back through the living room, rubbing the back of his head. Y/N walked in behind him. “It doesn’t matter tones. You’re mean to everybody and I don’t like it.” She winked at Loki, continuing to berate the genius. “Come on! It’s just friendly teasing! You’re starting to sound like Capsicle.” “Alright, I’ll cut a deal with you. If you don’t stop teasing Loki, I’ll tell Pepper about Toronto.”
Tony’s brown eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t dare.” “Try me.” They glared at each other for a solid minute before a fearful look came over him. “Alright, fine. But I won’t stop the nicknames, they are the source of my power.” She thought for a second before nodding and they shook hands, Tony going off to sulk in his lab for a bit.
Y/N planted herself on the chair next to the god, still keeping a respectful distance, something she had always done so she wouldn’t make Loki uncomfortable but he craved to touch her. “So what do you want to do today?” Her smile returned as she looked at him, sending a whole torrent of butterflies flying in his stomach. “I was just going to do some reading. Unless y-you want to do something.” He cursed his almost imperceptible stutter.
She giggled and his heart stopped. “I would looove a lazy day today. Cap has been training me way too hard. Wanna watch a movie with me?” Loki gave a little nod, letting his raven hair fall in front of his face to hide the slight shy smile that came over his thin lips at the question.
“Ok! Let me get some snacks and we’ll meet in my room in about ten minutes.” “Wait wait. What happened in Toronto?” “Ok I’ll only tell you cause you’re my favourite.” Y/N bent over, lips coming close enough to his ear that he could feel her warm breath tickle his neck. “He lost an eating contest to me and had to give me his black credit card. I bought a castle, a very very expensive one.” A chuckle rumbled through his chest
Nine minutes and 45 seconds later, Loki stood outside her highly decorated door, fiddling with the hoodie and sweatpants that she had bought for him a couple weeks after he moved into the tower. “I’m a god, I shouldn’t be this nervous for a human.” Taking a deep breath and steadying his shaking hands, he opened the door to reveal the girl, laid back on her bed, thick legs completely exposed, shirt clinging perfectly to her round stomach and breasts. “Nope I was wrong. She’s perfect.” He gulped and moved forward, perching on the edge of the bed, hand spreading over the soft, flower covered duvet.
“You can get closer if you want, I don’t bite. Much.” The god shuffled back to the headboard, swinging his long legs onto the bed, his thigh almost touching hers. “So any ideas about what you wanna watch?” “Stark said something earlier that I should ask you about. What is an Elsa?” Y/N couldn’t help but giggle as he tilted his head slightly in confusion.
“Not what Loki, who. Elsa is a Disney character from a film. She has ice powers, that’s why Tony calls you that.” “Oh.” His face fell. He was never like this with anyone else, always putting on a mask for everyone but her. “Oh no it’s not bad. Elsa’s actually an awesome character. I can prove it if you want.” “Sure.”
As the next Disney movie ended (something she had called Tangled), Loki understood her obsession with these films. A happy ending, comforting characters, not to mention the love story where the couple overcomes all odds. A sudden weight on his broad shoulder startled him. Y/N was asleep, her breaths even, heart calm. The god couldn’t help but smile as he looked down at her. God she was so beautiful, the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and after everything he had done, she trusted him enough to share her secrets and even sleep on him.
The moment when she sighed and snuggled closer, big, soft arm wrapping around his middle to keep him in place, the heat of her body warming him, he knew he had to tell her how he felt. He just didn’t know how.
“Stark, I need your help.” “I’m sorry, did I just have a stroke or did the great Reindeer Games ask me for help?” Tony spun around on his swivel chair, pen in his mouth, legs crossed, huge smug grin on his face. “I find myself unable to properly…” He faltered, avoiding the billionaire’s gaze, “…express myself to a certain person that I wish to be honest to.”
“Oh are you now~” He gestured to another seat by the lab bench, elbows falling to his knees so he could listen to the god, contemplating how he was going to mess with him. Loki fit himself onto the stool, long legs bending to sit comfortably. “Lemme guess, this has to do with our little miss sunshine?”
Blue-green eyes avoided his gaze. “Alright, I’ll help but only because I’m a sucker for lost causes and it would mean I win a lot of money. We’ve had a betting pool on which one of you would make the first move since you basically tripped over yourself when you saw her at the first gala you went to.” Tony waved off the obvious question. “Now, I’ve got one question for you, can you sing?”
Y/N was relaxing in the library, cuddled underneath the huge green blanket she had crocheted for Loki a few months before, as she read a book she randomly pulled off of a shelf. Snow silently drifted down outside, the city was quiet and she was content to remain here. Of course, she would love to be in her room watching movies with a certain god but he had been avoiding her for days and she was determined to find out why. So she was going to corner him in his favourite place.
Just as her eyes began to flutter shut, soothed by the scent of books and warmth, a large hand laid itself on her shoulder. “Hi there.” She muttered. Loki just smiled, palm moving up so he could cradle her jaw, thumb rubbing the apple of her cheek. “Come, I have something to show you.”
Their hands nestled against each other, his own engulfing hers as he guided her out of the room but kept the blanket wrapped around her. The halls were empty, quite unusual for a Wednesday afternoon, yet she could not bring herself to care, not when her skin prickled from Loki’s touch and he so carefully led her forward, making sure that she did not fall behind or stumble.
Her breath came out in little puffs of fog as they stepped into the winter air. The snow had stopped, leaving great mounds of ugly grey slush in its wake. Loki turned so they were standing face to face, bringing both of her hands to his lips so he could kiss the back of them, sending a shiver down her spine. “Wait here dove.”
He smirked as she looked up at him with big doe eyes, always filled with such wonder. “Trust me.” He placed one last kiss to her skin before bundling her back up in the green fabric and stepping away, inhaling the crisp air to calm his wildly beating heart.
The prince extended his arms outwards, palms facing the dark sky. Snow began to swirl once more, the winds picking up as more snow gathered. As grey slowly turned to white but her attention was captured by the god. His voice was clear through the howling winds, his words striking a cord in her heart, tears gathering in her waterline as she listened to him serenade her.
All those days, chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she’s here shining in the starlight
Now she’s here suddenly I know
If she’s here, it’s crystal clear
I’m where I’m meant to be
Loki stepped back to her, taking her trembling body into his arms, tilting her chin upwards so their eyes could meet. He wiped away her tears as he continued, the power of his voice rumbling through her chest, each word piercing her heart.
And at last I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you
The last words had barely faded into the breeze when Y/N’s arms were thrown over his shoulders, blanket slipping off, and she brought his lips to hers in a desperate kiss, one that had been brewing for months. Loki hugged her tightly to him, large hands cupping her plump body, head tilting to deepen the embrace.
As they reluctantly broke apart, their foreheads pressed together, no more words needing to be spoken except whispered declarations of their love, being swallowed by the snow.
The Avengers stood on one of the balconies of the compound watching as the lovers smiled brightly in the dunes of white. “Well Tony got him to sing.” Natasha reluctantly handed over the wad of cash to the genius.
“It didn’t take too much convincing if I’m being honest. I’m just that great.” He smirked, collecting money from each of the heroes.
“Hey do you think we should break them up, I don’t want any mini Lokis running around anytime soon.” Sam pointed out the way that the two were now pulling at their clothes, even in the bitter cold. “Oi! Keep it PG!”
They threw themselves away from each other and glared up at them, Y/N showing a choice finger as she grabbed Loki and pulled him back inside.
Thor chuckled at their antics, glad his brother had finally found his princess.
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the-marvelclub · 3 years
Don’t forget me
steve rogers x reader
Summary: Steve and reader are happily married, so what happens when a mission goes wrong and Steve is pronounced dead? And what if he comes back but she’s already in a relationship?
Warnings: Fluff, a lot of angst, main character death (?) but with a happy ending.
Author’s note: Happy because i finished this in just a few hours, hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always appreciated.
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Little caresses of soft fingers running up and down your bare back made you shiver, waking you up, your eyes flutter open.
You groaned and buried your face in the pillow. Steve's chuckle echoed throughout the room before you felt wet kisses being spread all over your lower back, slowly making their way up to your shoulders. Fingers moving your hair to one side exposing your right ear. 
"Good morning, Dollface" he whispered in your ear in his husky voice, which honestly always sounds like that when he just woke up, and he bit your ear lobe making butterflies erupt in your stomach and making you a little giddy.  
You had spent the night in Steve's room, the light soft reddish color coming through the windows and painting the white walls of Steve's room making you aware that it was probably just dawn, the atmosphere was calm and familiar and his bed was certainly a thousand times more comfortable than yours could ever be. 
"Good god, Steve. I bet you it's not even 6:00am" you mumbled sleepily, he might be a super soldier but you needed your 9 hours of sleep. Steve let out a chuckle in your ear again, bringing shivers all over your body. 
"You really look cute when you're half asleep like that" he replied still talking into your ear, running his soft hand all over your back only to then grab your waist, letting his arm rest there. "I want to marry you." 
You smiled before turning your body to be face to face with Steve knowing he wouldn't let you sleep anymore, you pulled the white silk sheet in your best effort to cover your body looking up at him. He was leaning on his left elbow, his right arm still wrapped around your waist, his torso was naked, the sheets on his hips.
"But I already said ‘I do’, baby" you smiled showing him the ring on your left hand and remembering your wedding day. You had been best friends for what seemed like forever before a mission which required you to pretend to be married led to you both confessing your feelings, then you had realized it had all been a plan by the others to finally get you to admit what they had already known for quite some time, that the mission never really required you to go as a couple, but you couldn't be mad at them, quite the opposite, you felt a deep gratitude towards them, because you would never have been able to do it on your own. A year later, Steve had taken you to the roof of the Compound where you could see the distant lights of the skyscrapers of New York, where he had prepared you a dinner with your favorite meals and a bottle of wine and had gotten down on one knee, opening the little red velvet box with the most beautiful ring you had ever seen, he really was a 40s man, full of romance and chivalry.  Six months later you were married.
"Right, but I'm talking about a vow renewal, I just can't believe you're mine, you're like a dream" he let out, the pink painting his cheeks matching yours.  His dirty blonde hair was a mess and his eyes sparkled with pure adoration.  
"You really are full of compliments today, huh?" you smiled bringing your hand to his hair and giving it a little squeeze. You loved this Steve, he had always been romantic and protective of you, but this Steve, the one you only knew in the early morning hours was driving you crazy, the sentimental Steve, full of compliments and caresses and without shirt on. The Steve who could look into your soul with just one look and that lazy smile. The one only you knew. 
"Stop complaining, you know you love it" he said smiling mischievously, like a little boy.  
"I can't complain" you shrugged, sliding your fingers down his hard chest, imagining how good it would look with a couple of tattoos on it. You bit your lip thinking about it before returning your gaze to him, who already had his eyes on you, his eyes glowing, fingers at your waist squeezing. Before you could register what was happening, he had lunged towards you pressing his lips hard against yours, you sighed as you felt his lips sucking on yours and grabbed his cheeks pulling him closer to you, his hands taking your waist and lifting you up to get you on top of him, he bit your bottom lip asking for entrance but you put both hands on his chest putting distance between the two of you, ending the kiss and shaking your head. You still hadn't brushed your teeth. 
He grunted with discontent and pouted, completely adorable, but kept his arms around your waist. You stroked his hair and he closed his eyes, sighing. 
"I really love you" he let out, looking into your eyes, with an expression you couldn't read, he suddenly looked worried and even a little scared. "I would do anything to protect you, you know that right?". 
You frowned. 
"What is this all about?" you asked leaning your face on his chest looking into his eyes. “What’s on your mind?”
He shook his head before giving you a small smile, wanting you to forget the subject. 
"It's the mission, isn't it?" you sighed.
He looked at you for a long moment and you knew the answer. 
Steve along with Fury had been tracking a dangerous organization for months that for some reason were targeting Steve. They both believed it wasn't that big of a threat. They had only sent Steve a couple of death threats, but being Captain America and part of the Avengers, there were always enemies. But when one afternoon, a threat had come to you, Steve got to work and he and Fury had been tracking the origin of these for months and now they finally had a lead.  
"It's probably nothing," he said, "don't worry about it, Fury will go with me on this one. Maybe the lead will be useless." You knew he didn't want to worry you but you couldn't help it, you wanted to go with him this afternoon but you as well as everyone else had other missions to attend to. 
You nodded and kissed his chin reassuringly. 
He placed a kiss on your forehead and released you by turning you to your side of the bed, before getting out of bed, putting on his sweatpants and putting on his white shirt. 
It was your turn to pout, missing his warm body. 
"Come on, Dollface." He said placing his palms on the mattress and leaning over to you "I'll make you those chocolate chip pancakes and when I get back from the mission we're going to watch that Jason Bourne movie you love so much."
You let out an excited squeal and hugged him by the neck pulling him back into bed.  
"You sure know how to spoil a girl."
Steve never returned from that mission.
That afternoon you were in the kitchen preparing popcorn for movie night with Steve and the next minute, Fury had come out of the elevator doors, concern filling his face and honestly it was the most you had ever seen him show any emotion, he had quietly approached Tony, ignoring the greetings of the team that was hanging out in the living room, he had taken him to the briefing room and they had been inside for quite a while. You had been watching the elevator doors waiting for Steve to come out of them before deciding to ask Fury, but before you could even take a step, Tony had left the room and the moment you looked at his face, your stomach sank, a horrible feeling surrounding you. You had never seen Tony like that before, the look in his eyes was something you would never be able to describe, he was pale, his eyes seemed sunken and he kept looking nowhere in particular. A few moments later that seemed like hours, he had uttered the words that broke you inside.
Steve hadn't made it.
You don't remember much after that, all you remember is popcorn strewn all over the kitchen floor, a deafening scream that you never realized you had let out, and the pain in your knees as you fell to the floor. You remember screams coming from the others, asking Tony and Fury for explanations and a lot of commotion. But what you could never forget even if you wanted to was the pain of your heart being squeezed inside you and the horrible feeling that now everything would be different.
That had been 1 year and 6 months ago. Since the news everything had been a blur. It was as if you were seeing everything from outside your body. The first few days, you didn't leave the living room couch, your gaze focused on the metal doors of that gray elevator, you didn't eat, you didn't sleep, waiting for Steve to show up with his suit dirty from the mission and the shield in his hand, telling you that it had taken a little longer than usual but that everything had gone well, that he had nothing but a few scratches on his body and that he would take a shower before cuddling up with you in bed.
The day you understood that Steve would never walk out those doors, you couldn't help but be angry at him for leaving you alone that morning after breakfast and not asking for help from the team, but more than anything you were angry at yourself for not doing anything about it. You thought it was a routine mission, just to confirm that the clue was legit. You never gave the subject much thought. You couldn't believe you had been so naive and you knew it was your fault.
The next few months after that you and the team as well as Fury had been immersed in the case, trying to track down the organization and the man responsible for Steve's death. Thousands of leads were emerging every day but they all led to a dead end. The team wasn't much better, everyone blamed each other for Steve's death but you knew it all affected Tony the most. Natasha and Wanda were there for you but Bucky was the one who were constantly with you during the first few months, supporting you and looking out for you. But you could see he was hurting too, Bucky had gone back to his old self, he was withdrawing from everyone, except you. Barely making conversation with the others and most of the time going out without telling you where he was going. You wanted to ask him about it but you knew he needed time. Hell, you needed it too. A year and a half later it seemed like everything was back to normal, even though you knew that inside you were all different people. Losing family wasn’t easy.
Thank God you had Matthew, an agent who worked at the coumpound, he had been in charge of the funeral and since then, he always made sure you were okay, at first it was small talk in the hallways, telling you how sorry he was and asking you how you were feeling, then it was little gifts, he always brought you coffee and gave you a smile when he saw you filling out reports in the briefing room, before you knew it he had become a great friend. His blue eyes and the way he treated you reminded you of Steve, and you knew you were drawn to that sense of familiarity and comfort. Then at that party, he had kissed you and although his kisses were nothing compared to Steve's, you accepted a date with him when he asked you the next day.
"Are you okay? You look distracted" Wanda's thick accent brought you out of your thoughts, you turned to look at her and her eyes were looking at you with concern.
You cleared your throat. "Yeah, I'm fine." You replied avoiding her questioning eyes, taking your necklace between your hand squeezing it. The wedding ring now taking its place on this one and not on your finger. Everyone was in the kitchen; you were sitting at the table peeling an orange and Wanda was next to you. Natasha was next to Bruce making himself a sandwich while Tony was complaining about the coffee grounds they had toss out in the sink, you let out a small chuckle, you knew it had been Sam who was sitting there reading a magazine completely ignoring Tony. Clint was spending the weekend with his family and Bucky was nowhere to be seen.
"I know this may be a difficult day for you" Wanda murmured moving closer to you, making sure no one else could hear. "We completed the mission. We arrested the bastard who..." she sighed "I know that maybe you thought this would bring you relief. But everything gets better with time, believe me I know." She had promised never to read your mind and you knew she had not. You smiled at her, you loved the fact that she knew you so well that she didn't have to use her powers to know what you were thinking.
2 days ago, the mission had been completed, they had found the person responsible for Steve's death and had dismantled the organization, surprised to find that they had some infiltrators right there working in the Compound, people you looked at every day, people who had seen you suffer and they were responsible all this time. You pushed those thoughts out of your mind quickly as you felt rage growing inside you again. You sighed deeply and remembered that Fury was taking care of it. Everything would be okay now.
"So how are things going with Matt?" Natasha asked approaching the table as she munched on her sandwich. Before you could answer, Fury appeared through the kitchen door. You frowned. It was unusual to have a visit from him at this hours of the night.
"Briefing room. Now," was all he said before turning and walking out of the kitchen. The whole team was surprised but followed him without a word. Entering the briefing room, you leaned against the wall in one of the corners waiting for Fury to speak.
"Two years ago we became aware of an existing threat that was harming one of our team. We mistakenly thought it was something minor, it wasn't until a year and a half ago that we discovered it was all part of something bigger and more dangerous. Something highly sensitive that if not handled correctly could harm us and the nation by exposing secrets of our operations."
"We already know that..." Tony began speaking, with one hand on his head, looking exhausted.
"Maria and I came up with a plan that we would put into action once we got the first lead" he interrupted, ignoring Tony's comment. "If we made them believe that they had achieved their goal, we would have an ace up our sleeve when it came to dismantling their organization, which we have done successfully, thanks to the help of this person..." he sighed and looked at the floor "I ask you to please try to understand."
I frowned, just as confused as the whole team.
"What are you talking about, sir?" You let out and he turned to look at you, sighing once more before shaking his head pointing towards the door.
"Hello, Dollface."
Everything happened in slow motion, the room filled with a deafening silence, you turned towards the door directing your gaze to the source of the voice. And if it wasn't for those blue eyes that wouldn't take their eyes off you, You knew you'd pass out right there.
He was standing in the doorframe. And he looked different; his hair was longer, his beard covered half of his face and he looked 10 years older, he had dark circles around his eyes as if he hadn't slept since that morning when he had woken up next to you kissing your body. He was wearing a dark blue suit, and Bucky was standing next to him.
Realization fell over you and you felt your stomach sunk. Tears stung your eyes and you couldn't breathe. You walked slowly towards him, not trusting your own legs and planted yourself in front of him, he was like the ghost of the old Steve, only this one was rough around the edges, his eyes looked at you with adoration but also regret. Before he could say a word, you slapped him.
The sound of hand against cheek echoed across the room. Steve didn't seem surprised. Suddenly the whole room was filled with commotion, everyone started talking at the same time, but you couldn't take it anymore, you felt that at any moment you would fall to the floor. So you just walked out of there, but not without giving Bucky a death glare. The bastard knew it all along.
You ran to your room, ignoring the calls of Steve running after you and the commotion of the place. You locked the door to your room and locked yourself in the bathroom, where you couldn't hear Steve knocking on your door over and over again. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you were a mess, the tears wouldn't stop falling even though you didn't feel them and your face was pale, with trembling hands you ripped off the necklace with the ring and threw it on the floor before sitting down on the floor and started crying.
It had been a week since Steve had returned, a week that you had been avoiding him, against your better judgment you had gone to Matt's apartment where he had offered you a place to stay, the coumpound being the last place you wanted to be. You felt your body move and perform the simplest of tasks like washing the dishes, folding your clothes or even watching a movie but your mind just wasn't there, you were like a zombie, and it was already starting to affect your relationship with Matt, you knew it wasn't fair to him but you couldn't care in the slightest, not for now. You hated to admit it but you missed Steve, you missed his voice, his laugh, the way he looked at you, his kisses, his touches. And knowing he was so close to you was driving you crazy. But he had betrayed you. He knew it, he knew it all that time and he didn't tell you, he didn't dare to tell you that morning when it was just you and him. He had let you suffer for a year and a half. To hell with the plan, he had broken your heart. The next morning after he came, you had sneaked into Natasha's room and left the necklace with the wedding ring for her to give back to Steve, she tried to talk some sense into you but you had already made up your mind, after that you had left with Matt.
"I like this part, it's when she realizes the alien is with her on the ship" you heard Matt's voice speak, you two were watching a stupid sci-fi movie, your gaze on the screen but you weren't paying attention to it, your mind wandering elsewhere.
"And then she befriends the alien."
"And then they move in together and play badminton on Sundays."
"That's it" he said letting out a sigh before grabbing the remote and turning off the TV, snapping you out of your thoughts. "You're not even listening”.
Guilt wash all over you.
"Sorry, I was just a little distracted that's all." you said quickly.
He turned to look at you and gave you a smile but it didn't reach his blue eyes, which now that you took a good look at him were nothing like Steve's at all. "This isn't going to work, is it?" he finally asked but you knew he already knew the answer.
You sighed and shook your head slowly. He was a sweet boy and deserved better.
"I'm sorry" you said "I don't want you to think I'm just using you to get over Steve, I really like you, it's just... things are really complicated in my life right now" you finally admitted.
"I know" he said wiping away a tear you didn't know had escaped. "I knew from the moment I heard he was back. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now" he murmured.
You gave him a weak smile "I know I haven't been fair to you the last few days and I'm sorry, I know you deserve someone better, a woman who is completely crazy about you, and who will be because you are kind, thoughtful and deserve better than someone who is broken."
"You're not broken," He assure you. "I just think you really miss him and need him, and I'll let you in on a secret...he does too."
"Thank you, Matt." you said before getting up from the couch and grabbing the few things you had brought with you before heading for the door.
"I know this job demands a lot from us but there is nothing you two can't overcome, you are Steve and Y/n after all" he spoke behind you "just give him a chance to explain himself, you both deserve it."
You turned and gave him a small smile before walking out the door.
Steve was sitting at the bar, drinking his whiskey even though he knew he couldn't get drunk no matter how much he wanted to. He was twirling your wedding ring between his fingers. Ever since Natasha had given it to him he hadn't been able to take his eyes off it. Everything had gotten out of control. He took one more sip, savoring the burning sensation in his throat when he did, a hand patted his shoulder and he watched as Bucky sat down beside him.
"You're missing the party," he said sipping from his beer.
"Did you know that she's been staying at Matt's apartment these few days?" he blurted out completely ignoring his friend's earlier comment.
Bucky sighed, not quite knowing what to say.
"I remember Matt, I used to train him when he was first recruited, a good guy" he muttered "He can give her the life she deserves".
"Come on dude" bucky snorted "they've been dating for a month, it's not like they're getting married".
"It's not like she can't" Steve said "I'm sure she'll be sending me the divorce papers any minute now".
Bucky gasped.
"Impossible, she's crazy about you." He said continually shaking his head.
"I messed it up with her, Buck" he said finishing his drink before getting up and heading to his room, he was in no mood to party.
He had messed up, that morning he just thought it would be a simple mission and that he would be back that afternoon but then the lead had turned out to be more important than they had thought. Fury had told him the plan but there was no time to think about the pros and cons, they were up against the clock. So decisions were made and as much as it pained him he knew that was the only way to keep her safe, because they would come for her, of that he had no doubt. And he would do anything to protect her. Anything.
You could hear the faint sound of music coming from downstairs, the party was in progress as you walked down the empty hallways leading to the bedrooms, relieved that everyone was at the party and didn't see you coming. Matt’s words surrounding your thoughts, maybe what you needed was to hear it from Steve before you could move on with your life. You didn't realize that you had unconsciously made your way to Steve's room until you opened the door and looked inside, the room that for a year had been empty was now occupied by his things. With trembling hands you closed the door behind you and looked at his things, a shirt was on the bed and you couldn't help but pick it up and smell it. God, you had missed him so much.
Tears began to flood your eyes again but you were sick of crying so you left the shirt where it was and sat on the big bed, memories about that morning before he left filling your mind.
"I would do anything to protect you, you know that right?". 
You shook your head at the memory, pushing those thoughts out of your head and placed your head in your hands.
You heard the door to the room being open and you cursed under your breath. You knew you had to face him but you didn't think it would be so soon, he was supposed to be at the party, his party.
You quickly raised your head and watched him walk in, he was wearing a completely black suit, his long hair was perfectly combed back and he still had that beard, he looked like a dream, butterflies erupting in your stomach and you had to take all your willpower not to jump him. There was a lot to talk about.
He had his eyes on the floor but when he looked at you an expression of surprise covered his face. This was the last place he thought you would be. He called your name in surprise and you quickly got out of bed.
"Sneaking out of the party?" you let out a nervous laugh at his intense stare, he hadn't moved a muscle "Come on, Steve. You know that’s not nice."
Several seconds passed and he didn't speak, maybe this was a bad idea, coming to his room was a bad idea. You turned to grab your bag off the bed and get out of there when his voice spoke behind you.
"Can I hold you?" he blurted out, startling you. You turned to look at him, he had his hands shoved in his pockets and looked shy, as if he was sure you would tell him no.
Your heart skipped a beat and you nodded your head slowly. There was a lot to talk about but you missed him more than anything in the world and you needed him. Without you having to repeat it to him, he took long strides to where you were and took you in his arms, pressing you against him, burying his head in your neck and inhaling your scent, making you shiver. You slipped your arms around his neck and shoulders and held on to him, he smelled just like you remember, of his favorite cologne and mint, and now a little whiskey too. You felt tears fill your eyes and you squeeze them shut to keep them from coming out. It felt almost unreal, while he was gone you had dreamed a thousand times of holding him in your arms, you didn't think you would ever be able to feel him again, to hear his jokes, his laughter and the way your name came from his lips. It was all too much.
Just as quickly as he had walked towards you and hugged you, he broke away from you and walked to lean against the wooden door he had entered through, too far away from you for your liking, his gaze fixed on the floor and his hands in his pockets. "I need to say this, and I can't do it if you're too close to me," he let out in a hurried voice and continued, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the hurt I caused you during the time I was away, that morning I didn't know things would end up so badly, but it was worse than we thought and everyone was in danger...you were in danger. And I couldn't let them harm you because of me. There wasn't enough time to think of a better plan than the one Fury had come up with. I promised myself I would tell you I was safe but we realized there were infiltrators here in the building, I knew they would be watching your every move, I would put you in danger if I told you. So I told Bucky to look out for you. I know that it doesn't justify what I put you through but I needed you to know." He sigh closing my eyes. "I understand if you hate me, I know I ruined us and Matt is a great guy, I always knew you deserved someone who didn't have such a complicated life or put you at constant risk but please, I just want you to know... not only am I deeply in love with you, you are my best friend."
You couldn't breathe and you were aware that you were crying again, so without thinking twice, you advanced with a determined step towards him and when he looked up, you took his face with your hands wiping his tears away and planted a kiss, pushing your body to his, you took him by surprise but it only took a second for him to grab you by the hair and get you closer to his mouth. You had missed him so much, and yet it was as if you still knew his lips by heart and he knew yours, both matching perfectly. You let out a small groan as he lowered his hands to your waist and grabbed one of your thighs indicating you to jump, turning you around pushing you to the door, the new angle allowing you to kiss him better since he was much taller than you. After a few seconds you broke away to take a breath of air. You leaned your head back against the door running your fingers through his beard, taking your time to memorize him, he was the same yet so different but you definitely liked it.
"Stop looking at me like that, you're making me weak" he mumble hiding his face in your neck, his beard scratching your bare skin making you shiver and let out a giggle.
"I really like this beard, please don't ever shave it off". You sighed as he gave you little kisses on your neck, tickling you.
He planted one last kiss on your neck before you brought your legs to the floor again.
"I think you have something that belongs to me" you whispered as you reached into the small pocket of the black shirt; the small wedding ring. You had felt it when you were kissing him. You took it and placed it back on your finger. Steve looked at you confused but at the same time a full smile appeared on his face. You pressed your forehead to his and placed your hands on his chest.
"Don't leave me like that again, you scared me." You whispered to him.
"I promise I won't, Dollface" he whispered back. You knew there was still a lot to talk about but what you were completely sure of was that Steve Rogers never breaks a promise.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
A/N: As always i hope you enjoy. First time writing genuine arsehole Tom. You can now read a follow up if you want here.
Summary: Tom’s late for dinner, reader has had enough. Tom makes a mistake but it all works out in the end.
W/C: 2.2K
Warnings: Swearing.
“Tom Holland spotted with new girlfriend after breakup with ex.”
“Tom Holland on night out with new girlfriend.”
“Is Tom Holland finally over his ex?”
You saw the headlines and wanted to throw your phone at a wall. You and Tom had dated for two years and broken it off a couple of months ago, it was sad and it was messy a row where you both said things you shouldn’t have.
“Seriously Tom?” You shouted as you threw your hands up, voice hoarse from all the shouting.
“I was late, yes. I get it you were left hanging but I was busy and didn’t finish on time. You need to get some perspective.” He shouted.
“I’m not even upset about that, a quick text would have been nice. But no, you left me sat there like a complete fucking idiot.” You fired back and he rolled his eyes.
“I have had a stressful enough day as it is. I don’t need you adding to it. You’re behaving like a bratty child and you knew what you were getting yourself into.”
“Seriously? That’s you’re defence? I knew what I was getting into, so what, I’m just supposed to accept it?” You asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, you know you could really use getting some more friends. You can’t just rely on me all the time.” He snapped and your heart dropped. You had friends, but not many, you’d been bullied a lot through high school and therefore kept a small circle of people you trusted and he knew that.
“They were busy.” You fired back.
“Were they? Or are they just sick of listening to you go on?” He shouted and that stung, it was a huge insecurity of yours, you always feared people didn’t truly like you.
“You know what Tom? You are so far stuck up your own arse that it’s embarrassing. I’m glad you and your foul fucking mood didn’t make it tonight.” You shouted, you were close to tears but you didn’t want to cry in front of him, not right now.
“Yeah well at least I fucking do something with my life.” He shouted back and you couldn’t stop the tears at that. You’d recently turned down a promotion to move to New York so that you could see him as often as you still did, it felt like he was throwing it back in your face.
“You are a vain, arrogant, selfish, stuck up arsehole.” You said back as your voice cracked, his eyes instantly snapped to yours as he heard your voice crack. His anger washed away completely as he realised exactly what it was he’d just said to you. He took a careful step towards you as he spoke.
“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.” You cried when you heard the softness in his voice. A stark contrast from seconds ago.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me you arsehole. I’m going to stay at Lizzie’s.” You said as you picked up your bag, going into the bedroom and stuffing whatever clothes touched your hands into it, he was hot on your trail.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. It was out of line, I’m sorry.” He kept trying. When you were done you turned to look at him.
“Those were possibly some of the worst things you could have said to me. Thank you for playing on the insecurities that I told you about in confidence. I greatly fucking appreciate it.” You snapped, your tears were unstoppable and he felt awful.
“Y/N please. Just calm down and we’ll talk about it yeah?” He was crying now and you turned to make your way towards the front door. You turned to look at him one last time before you spoke.
“Until you’ve sorted your attitude out, I don’t wanna see you.” You said as you slammed the door shut and left for Lizzie’s.
He had tried to call you, many times after that. He showed up at Lizzie’s a week later but she wouldn’t let him in. You cried for weeks and just as you thought you were getting better, that you weren’t missing him the same, you saw that he had a new girlfriend. You’d noticed he’d tried to ring you a couple of times this morning but you’d ignored it. Your twitter mentions had gone through the roof for the first time since you’d split and you couldn’t help but look at them.
Dam that girl looks like Y/N but less attractive.
Y/N is naturally prettier I have to say.
Looking at the pictures, I think it’s just a hook up.
She’s far prettier than Y/N, well done Tommy.
That girl legit looks the spit of Y/N, I don’t think he’s over her.
It looks like Tom took Y/N and upgraded her.
I feel bad for the amount of hate Y/N’s getting, leave her be guys, we don’t know why they split up or how she’ll be feeling about this, I know I’d be heartbroken.
You furrowed your brows as you opened one of the pictures and in all fairness they weren’t wrong, she held a lot of similarities but she was far prettier and it made your heart ache. You still liked that some of his fans were supportive, some had been quite defensive of you. Tom had been vague about why you’d split up but never once denied it was his fault.
Then a tweet caught your eye because you noticed that Harry had retweeted it.
Please don’t bother Y/N with this. We know Tom said it was his fault as to why they broke up. We know that they loved each other and I think Tom might have made a mistake. Please respect that they are both still probably hurting and we should leave them alone.
Why was Harry retweeting something about this? Sure, he’d been supportive of you but not in public. Please respect that they are both still probably hurting. Was Tom still hurting? Apart from this morning he hadn’t tried to reach out at all in three weeks, you thought that was his way of saying he was over it. That was until you opened your voicemail and saw that Tom had left one last night. You sighed as you brought the phone up to your ear.
“Hi baby, sorry Y/N. I shouldn’t call you that anymore.” He was drunk and he was crying, that much you could tell. “Erm, you didn’t pick your phone up, not that I blame you. I wouldn’t if you said that shit to me. Listen, you’re gonna see some stuff tomorrow that I’m not proud of but you probably won’t get the whole truth and I want you to know what happened.” He sniffled a few times and your heart ached, he’d wanted to tell you first and you’d not answered.
“So I got really drunk tonight, as you can probably tell. I met this girl and she looked like you, she wasn’t you but she looked like you. She was really nice actually but that’s beside the point. You’re probably gonna see the pictures of me kissing her outside that club and I’m sorry. I know we’re not together but I haven’t moved on and I don’t want you to think I have.” You were crying as you listened to him, he sounded like he was in so much pain.
“I still love you, like a lot and I’m sorry. I brought her here and when we were about to sleep together I couldn’t do it. She was in our bed Y/N/N, that’s your place, not hers and I just couldn’t do it. I cried and she was really nice, she told me to call you. So here I am. Well, she said I should call you tomorrow when I was sober but I was hoping I’d hear your voice. Your voicemail will have to do I suppose. I love you and I miss you and I’m sorry I was such a prick. I didn’t mean it.”
You ended the call because you couldn’t listen anymore, he sounded like he was in so much pain and it made your heart sink into the pit of your stomach. He really was hurting as much as you were, maybe more. You were pulled out of your thoughts as your phone buzzed. Tom. You hesitated for a second before you answered.
“Hey.” You said in the best voice of happiness you could muster.
“Y/N? I didn’t think you’d answer.” He sniffled, was he crying again?
“Yeah, I erm, I got your voicemail.” You said and you heard as he let out a sob.
“I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair, I didn’t mean to spill all that, I only rang you with the intent of explaining what you’ve probably seen this morning. I shouldn’t have done that, I know you’re trying to move on so I shouldn’t have told you that I still love you.” He rambled through his sobs and your heart broke.
“Tom, it’s okay. I think I can forgive you for leaving an emotional voicemail.” You laughed through your tears and you heard him let out a choked laugh too.
“Can I see you? You don’t have to come here and I don’t have to come to you but can we meet somewhere neutral please? Even if it’s just for closure?” He was begging and you knew deep down you couldn’t say no even if you wanted to.
“Okay. How about that coffee shop we both like?” You said.
“Okay, gimme an hour?” The hope in his voice was enough to lift your heart slightly.
An hour later and you found yourself awkwardly sat at a table with Tom as you sipped your coffee.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. “I mean it. I shouldn’t have said what I said, it was so fucking wrong of me. I shouldn’t have used your insecurities like that, it was a dick move. You’re right I was being an arrogant, selfish arsehole and you deserved better, I understand why you left me.” He said as he looked at you, you could see the tears brimming and watched as he swallowed them back.
“It hurt Tom.” You said in response. “But you weren’t completely wrong either, I did rely on you too much, I pushed you harder than I should have at times and I know how hard you work.”
“Y/N, you just wanted me to be there when I said I was going to be, that’s not relying on me too much, that’s just asking me to be your boyfriend.” He sighed again.
“But you were right, there was always a chance that what would happen happened and I should have been more understanding.” You said as you looked at him again.
“I should have sent you a text and for that I’m sorry but it wasn’t like it was the first time it happened. I was so wrapped up in the film that I didn’t think much past it and I’m sorry for that. I shouldn’t have thrown you turning down that promotion at you either, I know you did that for us.” He said and he meant it, you knew he did, he may have been a fantastic actor but he always had this look in his eye when he was being completely genuine and vulnerable, one he couldn’t fake.
“It’s okay. I think we both needed to learn some things when we broke up.” You sighed as you sat in silence again, it felt more comfortable this time.
“I’m sorry about last night, the voicemail, the girl. All of it.” He said.
“It’s okay. In fairness you don’t have to apologise about the girl, you are single.” You tried to joke and he tensed.
“No but I didn’t want you to think I’d moved on, you deserve better than that. As for being single, please don’t remind me.” He huffed slightly, you could see the pain, it was all over his face. You missed him dearly and he seemed so genuine about how sorry he was. You sighed before you spoke up again.
“How about I let you take me to dinner tomorrow night? You know start over?” You mumbled and his face lit up in the most genuine way you’d ever seen.
“Seriously? You wanna try again?” He was smiling now and you realised how much you’d missed seeing it.
“I’m prepared to try again but take it slowly.” You admitted.
“Whatever you want.” He was nodding profusely, it almost looked comical. “What time? I won’t be late I promise.”
“7?” You asked as you stood to collect your bag.
“I’ll be there at ten to.” He smiled as you made you’re way out of the coffee shop.
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