#I like Mee's powers the best
crimsonmonsoon · 2 years
The Egyptian Kwamis
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Whaaaaaat? Egyptian kwamis????!?!!?!?!?!!! What's up with that?! Well well well, young padawan, I'm introducing the egyptian miracle box to my mlb rewrite! Granted, there are only a few egyptian kwamis left (none of which are canon to the show which hasn't shown us any egyptian kwamis). So far, I only plan to introduce one of these guys in the first fic (it'll be Fraay) but the others will hopefully come later if I can find ways to worm them in there. I will also be making North American kwamis later for a short side fic of the New York special which'll be tied to the main fic so yeeeaaaaaaaaa! Now have some info:
Fraay- Fraay is the kwami of affliction and uses she/her pronouns. She comes from the center ring of the Egyptian miracle box (basically the equivalent of Tikki or Plagg in the Chinese one), making it so that she has the most powers/abilities of the kwamis which she can bestow onto a wielder of her miraculous, which is a golden necklace. She is a locust kwami, so she will turn her wielder into a locust themed hero. She has three powers to give her wielder; Devastation (which works similar to Plagg's cataclysm), infestation (generation of bugs, usually grasshoppers, which carry deadly/violent disease with them under the control of Fraay or the wielder of the locust), and bane (which gives the victim an intense feeling of whatever is paining them the most. Ex: They have a broken wrist, but the pain with be amplified ten fold. Or, Ex 2: They have a headache, it will now be a horrible migraine) The other kwami of the center ring, which would balance Fraay (as Plagg and Tikki do) no longer exists (at least in my plot so far, maybe I'll change my mind) Lynn- Lynn is the kwami of jubilation and uses she/they pronouns. She comes from the third ring of the Egyptian miracle box (as Sass, Mullo, Kaalki, etc would be in the chinese miracle box) and can bestow only one power onto her wielder through her miraculous, which is a golden headpiece. She is a kwami of the frog, thus, making her wielders into frog themes heroes. They have only one power to give their wielder; Borax, which can generate or cause something to be silly and distracting. (Think Xuppu or King Monkey) The only other kwami in the third ring with Lynn in my version of my rewrite so far is Dryxx.
Dryxx: Dryxx is the kwami of domination and uses he/him pronouns. He comes from the third ring of the Egyptian miracle box (with Lynn). He can only bestow one power to his wielder through his miraculous, which is a nose ring. He is the kwami of the ox (like Stompp in the chinese box) and makes his wielders into ox themed heroes. He only has one power, subjugate, which gives the ability to control the mind of an opponent.
Mee: Mee is the kwami of veracition and uses she/her pronouns. She comes from the second ring of the Egyptian box (think Dusuu, Trixx, Nooroo etc from the Chinese box). She bestows two powers onto he wielder through her miraculous, which is a ring. She is the kwami of a sphynx (hairless cat, not the mythology type), and thus, makes her wielder into sphynx themed heroes. She has two powers to give; Verity (which forces opponent to only speak the truth) and justice (whatever harm the opponent has caused to anyone within the time of the fight can be recycled and used by the hero. Ex: Chat Noir uses his cataclysm to destroy the ground beneath the sphynx wielder, the sphynx hero can then use cataclysm themselves but ONLY against Chat Noir) (also, if working with Chat Noir, they cannot use his power unless it was used against them)
Mee is the only Egyptian kwami left from the second ring (in this draft so far, this may change) Basic dumbed down summary for y'all:
Fraay is the basic equivalent of Plagg and is a locust Lynn is the basic equivalent of Xuppu and is a frog. Dryxx is the basic equivalent of Stomp and is also an ox. Mee does not have an equivalent kwami to her from the Chinese box, but is basically the kwami of truth and is a spynx.
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michameinmicha · 29 days
Spent the whole day packing with the help of my best friend, i am so exhausted and we got half my room in boxes but im really proud (and excited and sad and scared) its so surreal that this really happening!!
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thedeadthree · 7 months
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bittersweetcreep · 6 months
My Vision Of A Female!Darling Damian Would Become Obsessed With {Origin and Meeting}
Origin Start
I see this darling as a lab experiment design to be the perfect weapon, although the way she was made was lack for a better word "unique." The scientist made her embryo with specific DNA traits then put her into a fertilization tank, and once out of said tank, a "caretaker" was assigned to her.
This "caretaker" was only allowed to provide the basic necessities an infant needs and was prohibited from interacting or showing affection to her. They don't want their weapon to become soft and emotionally attached to anyone, but the "caretaker's" main assignment was to get her to walk as soon as possible to begin training.
Her training was brutal and strict. She would receive severe punishments for failure or not meeting the scientists' expectations. One of said punishments was the removal of her vocal chords and purposely leaving behind a nasty scar as a reminder to do better. The training was beyond cruel but did create results.
She's mastered a number of fighting styles and the art of stealth while also building enough strength to break bones, all while having the best reflexes to catch flying knives with her mouth and the agility to dodge bullets.
For the longest time, the scientists thought she had the power of teleportation, but that's not the case. In reality, she was just fast. Fast enough to stand in your eyesight one minute, then make a run for it when you blink the next, making it seem like teleportation for the one who blinked. Thank god she has the stamina to pull that off, and the scientist seemed to approve of that little party trick she could do.
She seems like the best weapon, but that wasn't enough for the scientist. They wanted the perfect weapon, so that's why they put metahuman traits in her DNA.
She's able to manipulate her own blood when it's in her body and when it's out of her body. She's also able to manipulate other's blood as well, but only if her blood is mixed in with the target's own blood. Be it the target's blood is in a puddle on the floor or physically infecting the blood that's still in their body herself via cuts and puncture wounds.
Another way she can manipulate her blood is the changing of her own blood type, like changing it to AB+ to O-. So far, she's able to master the manipulation of all eight major blood types. She's also learned to copy someone's DNA via blood, be it the individual is dead or alive.
It was obvious she would lose a lot of blood when in a conflict. So, to prevent her from dying by blood loss, they made sure she produced more blood than the average human.
They truly did make the perfect weapon, but one thing they didn't expect was to be betrayed by that very weapon. Why the betrayal? She refuses to submit to those who don't have her respect and grown adult men who hide behind a small child while said child fights their battles? They're weak cowards, but sadly, she needs their training. So she'll play nice for now until they are of no use to her. their use ran out by the time she was 13. Her breach was a mess, and she was a mees. Her poor hair was covered in blood.
Opening the doors of her "home," she's come to know her location. Gotham City, home to many criminals and the notorious Batman.
She had finally done it, she rid herself of those men and earned her freedom. Although she did it, she didn't think about what comes after that. She's come to realize that she could never function as anything other than a fighting machine because being a weapon has always been her purpose and if it wasn't for The Batman she would of been labeled a villain instead of vigilante.
The Batman is a strong individual with a high intellect and a skilled fighter with a moral code he never strays from. There was no way he wouldn't have earned her respect, and because he has her respect, she'll follow his example to strike fear into the hearts of criminals and bring them to justice by becoming a vigilante as well.
Origin End
Obsession Start
The first time Damian met his darling, he was still an Al Ghul, not a Wayne, and Bruce was unaware of his existence. He ran into her during one of his many missions in Gotham, so when spotting her Damian being Damian, tried to kill her on sight only to have his ass handed to him. So there he was, exhausted and restrained by what he could only assume is blood with multiple cuts, bruises, and broken bones all in and over his body, with a nasty black eye to match.
The girl raised her hand to what he assumed was to kill him, only for her to start tapping on the wall closest to them. But that was not any tapping it was morse code.
°This is not your city. it's Batman's. Know your place, and leave Al Ghul.°
With a roundhouse kicked to the head, Damian was out like a light. Upon awakening, Damian found himself up in the mountains far outside of Gotham City. How can he tell? Because even if he's lying down, he just needs to turn his head, and there is Gotham City. Sitting up, he winced, becoming aware of his many injuries.
He replayed the battle in his head, that girl was around the same age as him, yet she had shown skill that went beyond her years and that blood manipulation of hers was quite impressive. Remembering the way he was restrained on his knees forced to look up towards her, he felt unusual doing so, and that stare made an irresistible chill go down his spine.
With her eyes on him like that something within Damian shift and he became intrigued and dare he say infatuated. It also helps that she was quite the looker, too.
It's been a week since Damian started to follow his newest and favorite target. Where she goes, he goes, be it on patrols or fighting criminals. Damian loves seeing her fight it has to be the most attractive thing he's ever seen. He tried pinpointing what part he found attractive. Was it her engaging in combat? When she uses her metahuman powers? Her breaking bones effortlessly? Whatever it is, she's one helluva girl. Yes, she's a strong girl who can protect herself and is not some damsel in distress, so why is Nightwing acting like her white knight?
Apparently, teamups with Nightwing and Batman are a normal occurrence for her, especially teaming up with Nightwing. Whenever Damian sees her teamuping with the Batman, it's strictly professional, but he can see the respect she holds for the man, Damian wants her to respect him too. He'll need to investigate the Dark Knight and see what she respects about him. Who knows, maybe he'll be useful.
But Nightwing? He needs to stay away from what's his or else. When they team up, it's clear their relationship is more personal than professional, unlike her relationship with Batman. It's infuriating seeing them so close, doesn't that bird knows not to mess with another man's woman!? Who does he think he's messing with?! He is Damian Al Ghul, the heir to the League of Assassins and the son of a demon!
"Hey Luna, we're still on for tomorrow?"
°and miss out going to the spa? Wouldn't dream of it, Nightwing.°
.....They know each others civilian identities? Are they that close? No, this is the last straw he needs to do something about this, but what? Well, luck must be on his side because here he is standing in the Wayne manor with his father Bruce Wayne, or should he say Batman. Looks like the Dark Knight will be useful after all.
But it looks like Nightwing comes by to the manor every so often, or should he say Dick Grayson, his new brother. Dick has his own place, but he also sleeps at the manor sometimes. Damian would use those opportunities to get him out of the picture and away from his girl, but Bruce catches him every time.
So, as a way to keep an eye on him and teach him the value of human life, Bruce made Damian Robin. Damian wasn't happy, to say the least, but...
"Robin meet Red Luna she teams up with us every so often, and now she'll be teaming up with you."
°it's a pleasure to meet you, Robin. I hope you can keep up.°
Maybe being Robin can be useful.
"I'm more than capable of keeping up with a beauty like you."
Obsession End
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
would you ever write a modern/no-powers au for dreamling/sandman?
"Look, Mee," Hob says, for the fourth or fifth time that conversation. "I'm sure your brother is, uh, great, but I'm not sure -- "
"Come on," his best friend says, also for the fourth or fifth time that conversation. "Honestly, you'd be doing me a massive favor. I can barely get him out of the house most days, so I figured that at least the two of you could faff off and be really pathetic together?"
"Thanks." Hob switches the phone to his other ear and glares suspiciously out at the garden; when you've got two small children and it's quiet, you figure something's gone terribly amiss. Robyn and Alison haven't burnt the place down or gotten run over in traffic, but they're playing with something small, muddy and possibly still alive, and Hob debates whether he has to sprint out and save them from certain death. "You're a great friend, truly."
"I know," Morticia says airily. That does, bewilderingly, seem to be her actual name (were her parents massive Addams Family fans or something?) but with Hob and the rest of her friends, she generally goes by Mors, or Mee for short. He looked it up once. Ancient Roman god(dess) of death, which made him laugh, at least when it didn't kick him in the teeth. "You can thank me later."
"And I want to spend time with your brother... why?"
"Because." Oh God, here it comes. He can hear her trying not to say it, the same way everyone's tried not to say it in the going-on-eighteen months since his wife went into an ordinary central-London NHS hospital to give birth to their second child and didn't come back out. "You know it would be good for you, Robbie."
"Right." Hob's voice turns wry. "Can't have me wallowing alone in my misery? You know I've got the kids to look after, and they're talking about extending my contract at Birkbeck. I'm keeping busy."
Keeping busy. It always sounds stupid, even if it's the truth. Like you can chase overwhelming, soul-crushing grief away just by getting out of bed and making breakfast for the kids, holding Robyn's hand as you trundle off on the school run and tell him to have a good day, the thousand and one ways you think you're massively arsing this up and Ellie would have been so much better. Every time the doorbell rings or someone comes up the walk, he thinks -- for a stupid moment he thinks -- and then of course it isn't. You think about women dying in childbirth like it's something out of medieval times, or some third-world country. Not in England in the twenty-first century. Not in London. Not as if your daughter is beautiful and bright and alive, and every time you look at her, you remember that her mother isn't, and the happiness you feel is poisoned by grief again, cold and blue and endless as the ocean. You laugh with the kids at some Disney cartoon one moment, and the next, you're crying alone in the kitchen, in bed, in the silent darkness. And no matter how much you ask, she doesn't answer. You think she does, sometimes. You're just fooling yourself.
You know, Hob thinks. Maybe it would be good for him. At least it would let him spend time with (if Mee's account is anything to go by) the one man in all of London more pathetic than him. It doesn't have to be anything more than that. Even if she is trying to set him up, she wouldn't admit it. She isn't, surely? Trying to match her brother off with her best friend, widowed-single-dad-part-time-lecturer who's clinging onto sanity by the bare edge of his fingernails? Right? Fuck. Should never have told her that he's bi. Doubled her meddling possibilities at a stroke. And yet. He's so lonely, he almost doesn't care.
"Fine," Hob says resignedly. "I'll see if I can get a sitter for the kids. And it better not be that grotty brewery in Shepherd's Bush you dragged me to last time."
"No." Mee sounds like she's laughing at him. She probably is laughing at him, or else she thinks he's become such a pathologically undatable freak that his only chance for happiness ever again is with her equally pathetic little brother. "Nice new Asian-fusion place. Hammersmith. Fifteen minutes from you on the Tube. Don't chicken out, Robert."
And with that, well --
There's pretty much no choice.
Hob finds a sitter for the kids, promises to pay her twenty quid an hour (it's London, after all), and grumblingly picks out some clothes. He's not good at this. It's been almost ten years since he was dating anyone, and Eleanor was from a rich enough family that there was no chance of ever impressing her parents; he could have turned up in anything from Savile Row to a bloody dishcloth and they still would have hated him. Then he finds himself fucking around to the point where he's going to be late, the Tube will be a nightmare anyway, and panics again and rushes out the door with barely a word about what to feed the kids and when to put them to bed. Is nice Olivia from down the street judging him? She almost surely is.
Hob grimly toddles off to Hammersmith, exits into a light rain, and spends an inordinate amount of time searching for the restaurant. When he finally steps inside, he's not quite sure who he's looking for. Mee texted him a picture of her brother, but Hob has trouble believing that such a pale, pasty, and terminally uncharismatic twink could ever be related to her. One of them has to be adopted, and he's laying money on this one, whose name is -- no, seriously -- Morpheus. Morticia and Morpheus. What is wrong with their parents? Determined to doom their children to an eternity of primary-school torment?
Hob contemplates turning around and leaving, but now he's come this far, Olivia will definitely judge him if he returns within the hour, and frankly, he's judging himself. Even worse, he's fairly sure he's just spotted his man. Morpheus (come on, really?) is sitting by himself at a corner table, looking appropriately dark and broody, in his emo-goth dark coat and toilet-brush hair. Just like the photo. He's admittedly not bad-looking in person; he's got a pale, chiseled beauty that is briefly arresting, almost unearthly. Still, though. Definitely a wanker.
"Hello," Hob says, deciding to bite the bullet. He strides over, hand outstretched. "I'm Robert Gadling, and I think you're the bloke I'm supposed to be meeting? I know your sister."
Morpheus's mouth makes a small lemon-sucking motion. He rises to his feet, regards Hob's hand as if not certain what to do with it and/or wondering if he can get away with not touching it, and finally shakes it, brief and cold and dry. "I am," he says curtly. "You may sit."
Well, good. Glad they got His Majesty's permission. No unauthorized sitting happening here, no sir. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Hob puts his bag on the floor and slides into the chair across from Morpheus. Like every Londoner at a loss for a better opening line, he reaches for the weather. "Shame about this piss, isn't it? And it was all the way up to twenty degrees last week. Did you have to come far?"
"No," Morpheus says, still not displaying any particular delight in being forced to spend this evening in the presence of another human being and looking as if he is very much hoping the floor will suddenly open up and swallow him. "Not far."
Hob waits, in vain, on the chance that Morpheus might elaborate. He does not. Well. This is going swimmingly. Are they on a date? Did Mee tell him that they were on a date? Is Hob sure this isn't an extremely elaborate prank, and she just plucked one of her single friends from the vast and bewildering mystery of her acquaintances? Truly, it is no wonder that Morpheus is, in fact, unattached. He's got the personality of a soggy rag and the face of -- well, not that. He is pretty. But Hob is not that shallow. Thanks very much.
Conversation suffers badly until they order drinks and food; or rather Hob orders, and Morpheus says that he'll take just a glass of wine. He does loosen up slightly as they talk; Hob does most of that, but Morpheus listens with cool, intent attention. From time to time he asks a question, but he doesn't interrupt, and finally Hob, trying to make it as light-hearted as "my wife died eighteen months ago and this is the first not-date I've been on ever since" can possibly be, admits it. He braces for Morpheus to get up, to run, to fire off an indignant text to Morticia or anything else, but he doesn't. He just nods once. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I know that it is... difficult."
All of a sudden, Hob is forced to consider the startling and unsettling possibility that Morpheus himself knows something about this. He can't say why or how that might be, but life is full of mysteries. "I -- yeah." It's an abject relief to say it and to have someone acknowledge it simply and matter-of-factly, not smother him with sympathy or cluck about how hard it is. "So if I'm off my game, that, uh. That's why."
Morpheus thinks about that for a long moment. Then all at once, out of nowhere, he smiles. It completely transforms his face, it twists like a fishhook in Hob's gut, and all of a sudden, he wonders in alarm if he is, in fact, entirely that shallow after all. "Believe me, Hob Gadling," Morpheus says. "It has very much been my pleasure."
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I also want to share a certain think I’ve been thoughting. A selkie coworker undercover— and they keep trying to hide their coat in your bag for you to take home so they can be yours forever but you always catch it, “oops, I accidentally shoved your coat in my bag or something, sorry!!”
"Kiss.. mee.."
The creature breathes out its dire plea; warm exhale fanning against your face as its vines creep further up your body. This- thing; this monster was beyond words. Its body was a mockery of the human form; twisted into its mold by vines and green flesh. The further down you looked, the more shape it lost; its legs merely roots staking themselves in the ground. Its face; skin once fastened over itself similar to the plant it mimicked, unraveled to reveal pink flesh and lips clamped together by thinner strands. It smiles to the best of its capabilities; chittering in delight now that its got its hands on its favourite little human.
You've met this creature before - back when it was just a small, normal flytrap and you had first moved into a new home. Unbeknownst to you, it had claimed the lives of many before you; those who escaped burning it to ash, but never getting rid of its roots. You were just another meal, at first, but it grew fond of you overtime. Watching you from the window was a decent way to pass the time until it was back to full strength, but eventually it started to crave a different taste. The flavor of love, and your sweet lips against its own.
The Flytrap sticks out its tongue, rolling it over your cheek as a crackling sound comes from its throat. "Beautiful.."
Its so glad it learned to speak. The creature always possessed the ability, but saw the power of speech to pointless until it found you. One shouldn't play with its food, afterall. Your name sounding off its tongue was a pleasant treat. It wondered how it would feel if you gave it one as well, and called it out before it devoured your lips in a kiss, but that would could at another time - one aspect of it, at least.
The Flytrap pulls you into a kiss; vines keeping you pressed to its body as its fingers grace your jaw. It hums, melting into the warm of your skin and the softness of it against its own. It expected this outcome, but in the short time that the embrace began - its found itself addicted.
It sucks on your bottom lip; tongue working its way through. As the slender muscle enters your mouth, you can already feel yours growing tense. It explores every inch of you; tongue wrestling with yours before its pushed to the back of your throat. Its venom coats the roof of your mouth and travels down your throat; the taste that lingers on your tastebuds being sickening sweet. You can feel your body slipping from control of your mind, falling limb against the creature's chest.
The Flytrap finally allows you room to breathe as it reluctantly breaks the kiss, stroking the saliva that trails from your lips into the skin as it laughs. It licks the remaining fluid from the pad of its fingers; the vines around you unraveling as it picks you up in a bridal position. It creeps towards the back door to your residence; a house made a home now that it would never leave your side.
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rileys-battlecats · 5 months
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Finally made some simple reference sheets for my little guys :D I also put together some little facts about them and their personalities :P
pronounced mee-NAH-ray
Half leader, half figurehead to the rebellion against the current king and his heir
The people who work with her respect her as the last scion of the true royal line, but also they have known her since she was Fresh Out The Womb so she's also kind of their baby. Collectively. Collective rebel baby
Disregard the fact she's like. Early twenties. That's their baby girl
This makes Minare A Little Insane. She loves the rebels, they've supported her and her family through the worst times they've seen in living memory, but also She's An Adult and she NEEDS to have someone respect her and her decisions.
Her opinions don't always hold the weight that she thinks they should, her being the future ruler of the kingdom and all
Much of her work in the rebellion is stunted by the fact that she is THE last of the true royal family, so she is Not Expendable. They have to keep her safe, and she knows why, but it's also a little infuriating that she can't help more
Dangerous missions are an Absoultely Not, but Mina still helps by doing safer missions and planning/strategizing
She's been given tons of self-defense training, and she carries a short blade with her just about everywhere. This is seen as slightly unusual, but ultimately understandable for a young lady when she's traveling on her own often. Like having a can of pepper spray with you
Makes casual friends very easily; she manages to seem incredibly open and personable while simultaneously telling you Nothing important about her personal life
That being said, she doesn't have many close friends. She doesn't want to put anyone in danger, and she also doesn't want to put herself or the rebels in danger by making an opening that could be exploited. Her friendship with Vaitus is something that happens without her really meaning for it to happen. She just looks up one day and realizes she's gotten way too attached to this guy that was supposed to just be another acquaintance
She's got a protective streak a mile wide. if she makes the connection in her brain that she's responsible for someone, they INSTANTLY become someone Under Her Protection. This clashes with the inherent sacrifices she has to make as a leader of a political rebellion with high stakes consequences for each decision made
If one were to ask a random citizen of the capital if they know Minare, 9 times out of 10 they're at least acquainted with her. she's always keeping an ear out for people who need help, and is known for being able to give them a hand. If she's not doing the helping herself, she probably knows a guy
Loves finicky work. tinkering, fixing things, touching up stuff, anything that most people would find boring to work on, she's your gal
I'm. not sure how to explain pronunciation like I did with Minare. It's 'Vai' like in 'vital', and 'tus' like in 'tusk'
Doing His Best™
Crown Prince of the kingdom. I think I might name the kingdom 'Acora' but I haven't decided on that quite yet
"Crown" Prince is kind of an unnecessary title, since there's no other heirs. There used to be! Up until Vaitus was around 7 years old, he was one of the last in line for the throne. But then An Event occurred. I will get into this event at another time, I've got a few animatic ideas for it :P
Vaitus is less than enthused (read: terrified) by the idea of becoming king one day, but he's also aware that the kingdom would almost certainly fall into chaos if the current king died without a ready heir. A rush to fill a power vacuum could tear the kingdom apart. So he just. keeps on keeping on!
Fantasy autism. it's just like real life autism except the royal physicians diagnosed him with "occasionally possessed of foul spirits and daemons" so the diagnosis wasn't really helpful. He has no idea why he suddenly loses the ability to speak (or sometimes even think) in high stress situations. this is especially unfortunate when most of his life consists of going from one high-stress situation to another
Very thoughtful. will not speak until he's got the full sentence ready + 3 possible follow up sentences depending on where the conversation goes
Animal lover. but he doesn't know this until he gets to interact with an animal. he meets one (1) stray dog and is so normal about it (lying)
Was told as a child that it's impolite to not make eye contact with people, so now he makes All The Eye Contact. he's being polite. wait what do you mean he's being scary
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pinievsev · 1 year
Hi it's mee!! Since you always have amazing Ideas for requests, you must be amazing at fulfilling requests too!!
I'd like to request a Hunter from xikers fluff, where reader goes on a first date to the movies with Hunter and they're both nervous in the beginning but then they hit it off and get very cute with each other!!
Thank you in advance and take as much time as you need! Love you 💞💞💞
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I have, finally found motivation to write! I hope this does justice to your request! I'm not exactly the best at it, I might disappoint you but I hope you enjoy Love<3! (Could've definitely done a better job on this 😅)
{Requests are open, you can find my masterlist here!}
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Pairing: nonidol!Hunter X GN!reader
Warnings: none as far as I know.
Take a shot for every time I say a variation of the word awkward.☠️
You were telling yourself not to panic, be calm, cool. You can do this! Just be yourse-
Your train of thought was cut short as you tripped on the sidewalk, barely catching yourself last second. The other day you had been asked out on a movie date by you crush!
Yeah, you were happy and excited and all that, but you were, rightfully so, nervous. You stood up properly and checked your phone. 8:15PM. You were supposed to be there 15 minutes ago!
You basically ran to the cinema a couple blocks down, a pit forming in your stomach as you saw a very uncomfortable looking hunter outside the cinema glancing around. You mentally slapped yourself and rushed over, apologising over and over "...and I lost track of time and-" he waved his hands Infront of your face, dismissing your apology.
"It's fine! It's okay! I just got here anyway!" He gave you a half smile, you could tell he lied but you nodded, not pushing any further.
"can we just- go inside?". He reached for your hand as you looked for the room you were supposed to be in, making butterflies erupt in your stomach, cliché I know, for a second you felt like you should pull your hand away but you forced yourself not to, instead letting your mind wander. You had let him pick the movie, so you didn't know what to expect.
After a couple minutes of waiting in your sits, your hands awkwardly touching, the lights inside the room finally dimmed and you focused your eyes on the screen.
Your jaw fell open as you saw the movie playing, it was one of your all time favourites! You had watched it so many times and never gotten bored of it. Forgetting the awkwardness moments prior you excitedly turned your head towards him, kind of scaring him.
"W-what-?!" He asked earning a couple of 'hushes' and 'shushes' from the people around you "You like this movie?" You asked, immediately regretting the question. He picked it! Of course he liked it! "Yeah- do you not?! We can always do something else-" "no no! It's actually one of my all time favourites, it's just. Not exactly too known that's why I'm surprised" you explained.
He quickly relaxed, squeezing your hand which you had forgotten was still in his "you scared me!" He whisper yelled this time "Sorry-?" He started at you for a couple of seconds before letting out a wheeze at how tense you looked suddenly.
So, he took it upon himself to help you relax, even though he was tense himself. Throughout the movie you talked about the plot, your favourite characters and even recited some of the lines along with the actors on screen. Laughing whenever someone shushed you.
Towards the end of the movie, you had noticed him turning to look at you quite frequently, your face was flushed red and you thanked whatever higher power was responsible for the darkness inside the room. "Hey.." you turned your head to look at him this time "yeah?" He leaned closer "You're red. Is everything okay?" Dammit. You took in a sharp breath "yep, just a little hot" you made up the stupidest excuse possible.
"yeah, you are." It was barely audible but you heard it, blinking at him repeatedly "wha- what?" "I'll tell you later" he motioned to the screen, turning to focus back on the movie that was mare seconds away from ending. Leaving you sitting there confused and flustered.
Walking out of the cinema you turned your head sharply towards him crossing your arms "Wanna tell me what that was?" He mimicked your actions "but your know what it was?" You narrowed your eyes "do I?" "Mhmmm" he gave you a toothy smile, basically melting you. How can someone he so cute?!
You were currently sitting on swings in a park, having lost track of time. You just sat there not swinging or anything you just rested your head on the chain, starting to once again feel awkward.
You felt someone standing behind you so you looked up, You saw Hunter standing over you, looking down at you "are you always this quiet?" "Maybe" you gave him a side smile, you've only been out for a couple of hours but you were starting to warm up to him even more than you already had.
He leaned down, a couple of inches away from your face "Maybe? What kind of answer is that?!" You bumped his shoulder and he laughed "ok no seriously, why are we so quiet?" Your eyes shone as you decide to have some fun "Oh? Well if that's the problem, WHY NOT BE LOUD?!" you asked raising your voice "Shhh, hey hey!" "WHAT?! I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T WANT ME TO BE QUIET?!" "Yeah, not so loud tho!" You smiled satisfied with yourself "OH YEAH?! SORRY I DON'T REALISE" you noticed some windows light up across the street, making your eyes wide "Be quiet!" He warned playfully leaning closer "or what?" You asked not as loudly as you hoped.
Wanna take a guess on what happened next?
If you guessed a kiss, you'd be absolutely correct.
"or that" you tilted your head to the side still looking up at him from the swing you were sat on "I should be loud more often then?" "You can just ask, you know." You stood up and turned to him "can I have another one then?" "Good question. Can you?"now it was your turn to lean over, kissing him instead.
Well, that went better than you were expecting, not complaining or anything!
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esse-lunam · 5 months
an introduction to: my 90s fame dr!
please read this god please there's art in here also ive put 5+ months of work into this dr at this point so i swear that there's interesting shit in here yall I SWEAR I AM NICHE.
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reblogs greatly appreciated! this took me forever teehee
ohhh my god this is a long time in the making, ive put this off for so, so long and i really couldn't tell you why. this can act as a script me into ur dr post if you like as well!
for starters, you can find my pinterest board for this dr here :3 just in case u want some cool visuals i guess :3
so lets get the basics outta the way shall we?
full name: marley jo veitch
nicknames: mar, marley barley, mars bars, tink (reserved for s/o), living poet (public figure nickname type deal? yknow how stevie nicks gets called the white witch? yeah that)
pronouns: they/she
DOB: june 1st, 1970 (which makes me a gemini btw!)
occupation: musician (piano, violin, guitar n bass, some drums, and saxophone), poet, author (fiction and nonfiction), actor on occasion, also a comedian that one time
skills: all things music + writing basically, film analysis, pop culture analysis i guess, home decor, drawing, fashion?, and being the most autistic person in the multiverse
appearance stats: 5'3", 145ish lbs, long brownish-reddish hair with some light brown highlights in there, sorta wavy but barely
body mods: COVERED in tats (theres a tattoo section on the pinterest board but i also drew some so), septum piercing, snake bites, and a fair few ear piercings. and also i have glasses but thats not a body mod thats just a thing on my body.
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"workin and workin't? you have a job?" more on that later!
relationships and such! with photos!
s/o: robert sean leonard
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"hey, do i recognise this guy?" you might! he played notable roles such as neil perry in dead poet's society, claudio in much ado about nothing, and james wilson in house md!
best friends: dylan kussman, allelon ruggiero, alexandra powers, and kimya dawson
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"do i recognise more of these people?" again, probably! dylan, al, and alex were all in dead poets society, and kimya is a musician best known for her indie songs, some featured in the movie juno!
my career! (oh good lord)
writing based - undedicated musings
alright so this is a bit hard to explain, bear with me. undedicated musings is an anonymous newsletter-based poetry... publication? run by me, under the pen name 'chartreuse', and the whole shtick is that i write poetry, love letters, and whatever else to the person i'll end up spending my life with, but the recipient of said writings is completely unknown, even to me, so im kinda just writing to nobody. until! i actually set my eyes on someone (obviously rsl) and then the writings start to get a bit more specific and yearn-y and personal. since the recipient is anonymous, all the writings are written for a 'vermillion'. both chartreuse and vermillion's identities are revealed when we get married in 1993. and no, rsl doesn't know that i'm chartreuse, nobody does until i reveal myself. i think its kinda cool :3
film based - dead poet's society
so for starters, i was part of the crew that worked on the set of dead poets society, now all my friends (except kimya, her and i become friends in the late 90s) make sense! my actual job on set is kind of a vague be-here-and-do-a-bit-of-everything type deal, so there's no set title beyond "assistant to lead" even tho it's essentially government assigned 'friendship' LMAO. but! me and the cast get on like a house on fire, so i kinda just get to tag along on their wacky teenage-ish boy adventures. this totally does not stem from a desire to be part of a teenage boy friend group, and i am, in fact, totally cisgender. i am also lying. anyway, without going into too much detail, me and my s/o-not-yet-s/o (will be referring to him as rsl from this point on) sorta have a painstakingly long will they wont they type deal, because i guess i like torturing myself. we meet a day before all the actual film stuff starts just as a sort of preliminary get to know eachother because you'll be in close proximity VERY often for months. thats some time in march - june-ish? of 1988 (i shift to my dr the day before!) and we don't actually get together until june of 1989. so.
also! some changes to the movie because i can make those: knox overstreet is now played by matthew lillard instead of josh charles, because josh charles is a fucking zionist and i dont want to associate with him in any reality! knox also isnt a b plot to the movie at all, instead focusing on meeks and pitts because i find them much more interesting! and also knox's b plot is creepy as hell! also, the racism against natives (read this!) is completely gone! no thanks!
music based - MAURZI
(1988-2004 technically)
strap in boys because this is the main event of this dr and the lore is VAST. MAURZI (must be spelled in all caps, like MF DOOM) is a sort of musical person/character i've made to tell the story of via a series of albums. i release my first single in october of 1988 titled "lunarian", which is a fun little song about a being from the moon arriving on earth and having some inter-planetary culture shock. and thats the only song i've actually planned! i release 6 total albums that map out the MAURZI storyline kinda
- MAURZI (1989)
- GONE TO SHIT! (1991)
- Charmed (1992)
- I found Him in Santa Barbara (1995)
- Waterworks (1998)
- also bibliography (2004) but those are released as songs By Me and not MAURZI, just released under the same artist. MAURZI storyline ends with Waterworks.
now here's where you get the very extensive MAURZI lore. MAURZI is a sort of alternate-universe representation of me, where in i'm much more famous than i actually am in my dr, and i am absolutely RUINED by my fame in a fuck ton of ways. each album is a different section of her life so i'll explain it album by album. also for reference, in my dr capitalism/ currency isnt a thing, but in the MAURZI... verse? it is. because i like anti capitalist art! same goes for most other media im in/ participate in, actually. MAURZI uses she/her pronouns btw, i dont.
MAURZI - my self-titled album is about as close and personal to my life as i'll get, which an average amount because i still throw in some songs about shit that i have not at all done/ experienced. (ex. songs about cheating, toxic relationships, and things along those lines. thankfully ive had a mostly healthy relationship with relationships! except that one time!) MAURZI is new to the music scene but she's here to make some lovely tunes to help process some stuff! artists im taking inspiration from include (but are not limited to): sarah kinsley, dodie, jeff buckley, tv girl, mitski, and peach pit.
GONE TO SHIT! - MAURZI's first album blew the fuck up! now she's thrown into the midst of dealing with an incomprehensible amount of attention on her at all times, which she was absolutely not prepared for. what does she do to cope? sex drugs and rock n roll, baby! she also gets addicted to 2 outta those 3 things! can you guess which ones?? now, obviously, this album is entirely fictional and is only tangentially inspired by some life events, heavy emphasis on the tangentially. artists im taking inspiration from include (but are not limited to): the nonstick pans, panic! at the disco, forest, david bowie, chappel roan, and king gizzard & the lizard wizard.
Charmed - the love song album! this is basically comprised of songs i sorta wrote about rsl, but changed up a fuck ton because i wrote them while i was pining and did Not want him to knkw who they were about. in terms of MAURZI stuff, she meets someone just after deciding that she's gotta clean up her act if she wants to exist healthily. recovering alongside a loved one and them being a motivator for recovery! now i should specify here that MAURZI's s/o is not the same as mine, and is entirely gender neutral/ doesn't even have a canon(?) human appearance at all. they're named Vermillion because we love a callback! artists im taking inspiration from include (but are not limited to): the smiths, siouxsie and the banshees, james blake, queen, laufey, and her's.
I found Him in Santa Barbara - yknow how when a banana ripens too much and it starts to tuen brown? yeah imagine that logic but applied to recovery, i guess. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO REITERATE THAT MAURZI AND I ARE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE AND MAURZI IS JUST A CHARACTER. essentially MAURZI had a spiritual awakening and "found god." but what that ACTUALLY means is that she started viewing vermillion as a sort of god? but she's keeping it on the down low (making an album about it) because she doesn't want vermillion to thing she's CRINGE. themes of loving a god, being IN love with a god, being in lust with a god, temporarily thinking youre a god? stuff along those lines. its a bit intense, VERY experimental and.. heavy? both in themes and in musical style for some portions. this is my fav album out of all of them if you couldnt tell. artists im taking inspiration from include (but are not limited to): sleep token, WILLOW, type o negative, slipknot, lemon demon (specifically songs off spirit phone), hozier, violent vira, pierce the veil, gorillaz kinda, bjork, kate bush, deftones, destroy boys, and rammstein probably.
Waterworks - so yknow how MAURZI was having a whole trouble with god moment? yeah well thats gone now, no i haven't figured out how that'll work narratively, thats for me to figure out in like 10 years from now (now being 1988, naturally.) we've returned to our self-titled roots in terms of musical style! now we've just got some fun themes of trauma and such! and then that's the and of MAURZI as a character story wise, as i said earlier the album after this one is just a Me album. same artist inspo as self titled!
and guess what! music lore isnt even fuckin done! my music in this dr is a multiverse in itself goddamn. so basically the album covers for each album tell a completely seperate story about a completely seperate alter ego/ character/ whatever named Moonzi. name given by my audience (which is my excuse for coming up with such a shitty name and then keeping it.) the story of moonzi, without going into too much detail because i dont wanna type it all out, is a sci-fi type story about a being from the moon (lunarian callback!) on a quest to bring this space artifact back to its original place, basically. a bit more on it later, emphasis on a bit. also! each album cover is drawn by a different artist, and each album artist animates one official music video off their respective album, just cuz i like art and stuff! those music videos kinda follow the moonzi storyline loosely, but incorporate MAURZI elements. is this confusing? hope not. drawings!
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writing based - novels
can you believe im still not done? like not even close? certified yapper. anyway! my 3 fiction novels (Manchester, NH - 1991, Curator Rye, 1997, Sand Dollars + Pearls - 2008) are about my ocs basically! thats it really, i dont feel the need to share the plots of those tbh.
writing based - autobiographies
two? yep! one is a fictional autobiography about MAURZI (MAURZI - 1999) and one is a non fictional autobiography about me (Radio Free Marley - 2012.) take a shot every time i say MAURZI and you will need to get your stomach pumped. she just. she means a lot to me :3
film based - doctor who
*these dates are when im on the show btw, not its total runtime, same applies to other cr existing shows.
big disclaimer: never seen doctor who. dont know the plot, dont know which doctor i'm gonna be, i just wanna be in it.
so! my version of the doctor is kinda weird. its one doctor, but played by two people, but theyre one person. we're both the doctor. and by we i mean both me and rsl, obviously. the viewer sees the doctor as two different people, but NOBODY ELSE IN THE DAMN SHOW besides our little companion buddy guy (played by my cr friend fish!) SEES, ACKNOWLEDGES, OR IS ABLE TO VIEW THE DOCTOR AS TWO PEOPLE. its really complicated and i really did not have to make it that way, but its cool to me so i really dont care. also we're breakjng the doctor who cycle of boring suit and tie (this is NOT about you 15 <3) and going steampunk-esque. again, cuz i wanna.
film based - house md
(2005 - 2010)
marley veitch be in a show without rsl challenge (failed.) i play a character i made up named Nanette Amesbury who is essentially wilson's first ex wife. does he have a canon first ex wife? think so (i actually havent finished house oops.) do i care? you can take a guess. nanette (nicknamed ninny - which im well aware means dumb) is the director of the pediatrics department at princeton plainsboro and she kinda has a fwb type deal with wilson before figuring out shes a lesbian, having a crush on cuddy, being besties with kutner, then leaving the show in season 6. (zeth if ur reading this yes i made her show up for more than 2 seconds she just. means so much to me. also i want cudbury content.) im also a writer for the show so im there for its entire run time :3 i really like this show :3
film based - moonzi
YEAHHHHH BABY SHES BACK!!! moonzi's storyline gets adapted into an adult swim animated tv show! i do screenwriting, stiryboarding, and voice acting! style wise, think teen titans mixed with bojack horseman mixed with archer. sick space visuals also!
comedy based - dying art
idk i wanted to do a standup special! dunno what it's about. ill leave that up to future me to decide because this isn't happening for 32 damn years and i really just dont wanna come up with a standup special rn.
film based - radio free marley
i wanted a biopic, but i wanted it to be both about me and MAURZI, and how points in my life influenced or inspire songwriting. so the episode structure is like
ep 1: about me, point in my life
ep 2: about MAURZI, point in her life thats sorta related but not entirely to the events in ep 1
ep 3: about me, point in my life
ep 4: about MAURZI, point in her life thats sorta related but not entirely to the events in ep 3
ep 5: you get the idea
and then this goes on for 12 episodes and ends with the MAURZI story wrapping up and with me sorta retiring kinda. dont know when it'll be made, probably at some point in my 60s or whatever. im permashifting if you couldnt tell btw.
and thats it! after all this im just kinda existing and living life and whatever else. so with that outta the way i'll list some fun facts and i'll FINALLY BE DONE JESUS CHRIST IVE BEEN WRITING THIS FOR LIKE 3 HOURS.
- i live in new york city! manhattan to be specific
- i also have a lake house in new hampshire because i Need to be in a rural area at some points
- my house's interior design is very 70s themed and its WHIMSICAL AND FUN! maximalism, whimsigoth, nooks and crannys to be in, fun and varied seating options, conversation pit, loft bedroom, whole 9 yards. ive also got a gazebo on my roof!
- i have 2 siblings in my dr (not here im an only child in my cr womp womp) named lia and monty, theyre my best friends in my cr!
- ive also got a cat! she's a ragdoll kitty named yvonne, shes a sweetheart!
- i scripted out light pollution so the sky is all pretty at night, highly recommend you do the same
- im in STOMP at one point, dont know or care when, i just wanna be in it
- robin williams........... he is a father figure to me................ sniff sob
- yes i scripted out his death i simply cannot deal with that
- i cant fucking believe i havent mentioned this yet but im scottish?? im not scottish in my cr i was just thinking about david tennant when i was forming the dr idea back in january and it stuck. MAURZI is american tho
- hilson is canon in my dr LMAOAOOA
- thats all i got
sweet lord in heaven above if you've read this whole thing im giving u a big kiss. this is so long and i really dont wanna proofread it so im not gonna, excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes.
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urdgealesisbaby · 2 years
how would guren and crowley share s/o?(in detail) plzz urdchan :3
Hello!! Thank you for requesting mee and for the waitt hehe!:)
Lowkey I am so good so far enjoying to do shading a s/o headcanons,I just think they're so interesting and lovely to do!
✨️Guren Ichinose and Crowley Eusford sharing a s/o✨️
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Guren Ichinose and Crowley Eusford
-soo Guren and Crowley are a very interesting duo for sharing a s/o,I feel like they're more enemy like for one another than Ferid is with Guren,so definetely a competitive duo not only for you,but for everything they do when they try to get your attention
-Guren is more on the affectionate and soft side,while Crowley is also on the affectionate side but not on the soft side while Guren is there
-like Crowley knows Guren is a human and kind of is his prey and he wants to keep Guren like a dog
-they always try to be competitive with one another when they buy you gifts or anything,like if you request a flower be sure to get not only one flower,but like 5 to 6 flowers only because Crowley wants to be better than Guren with anything and everything
-for example Guren is the type of guy who brings basic flowers to you,but he collects them by hand so it's like he made those flowers only for you,while Crowley would send someone on the most dangerous places to bring you the most rare and luxurious flowers so he does treat you like a Queen/King
-they always kind of get in battles because they want to assert dominance lol
-always be sure that when you three sleep on the same bed there will be a fight on who shall grab you by the waist and who gets more kisses while being hold by you
-a chaotic pair but be sure that you will always have a shoulder or maybe should i say two shoulders to cry on? they love their s/o more than anything so they try to offer you the best of the best when it comes to experiences and everything
-they love you so much and will do anything to protect you since they are very powerful individuals
Thank you for requesting from me and I hope you do request me in the future too!!
Have a great day and an amazing year! ;)
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felinespooky · 7 months
Yet Another Twisted Wonderland Theory
Still about Yuu
I am back on my mad ramblings regarding Twisted Wonderland. This time it’s not gonna be as far fetched as a previous post I did that proved to be nothing more than connecting dots that are never there. I feel like this one actually has some merit though as long as I don’t spiral out of control thought wise. Without further ado, let’s begin.
The theory this time around: The game Yuu is more of a conglomerate of the various manga Yuus.
“But how would that make sense?” I hear you, but before I can answer any of that, we are to hit the necessary bullet point questions:
* What connects the Yuus together?
* Who’s crazy enough to do this?
* What purpose does this serve?
Starting with “What connects the Yuus together,” I would have to say I don’t have all the answers considering that, at the time of writing, one Books 1-3 are out and available. Although, I’m only aware of Books 1 & 2 being in English; I play on EN so everything will be lagging behind all things considered. And to make it easier, I’d advise to have a separate tab that has information about what is canon to Game Yuu (@starsilluminateourgalaxy, @mee-op, and @darkscorpiox are where I find all the information regarding Game Yuu)
**A/N: Now, this is where I’d make a vinn diagram but unfortunately with the busy schedule I have going on, I haven’t been able to sit down properly and go full on MatPat or Theorizer on this section before someone or something demands my brain. I will one day make this list; just one a different post or a future edit.**
Now for “Who’s crazy enough to do this” question. The answer is simple: Crowley, our deadbeat bird dad. It’s been heavily hinted, dare I say proven, that it’s him we heard in the beginning of the game as Spooky Hand TM. Spooky Hand/Crowley does this whole speech right before waking up:
“Ah, my lovely Lord,
The noble and beautiful flower of evil,
You are the most beautiful, number one in this world.
— Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most…
— For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,
Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.
Flames that turn even stars into ashes,
Ice that imprisons time,
Great tree that swallow even the sky,
Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness,
Come now, show your power,
Mine, theirs, and yours,
There’s only little time left,
Do not let go of that hand, at all cost.”
Now, going by key lines, it seems more like an incantation of sorts. Like, asking Hades to release a soul, and the companion to a flower. As if Yuu/the player is merely a seed that’s in the process of blossoming into whoever you want. Hell the “mine, theirs, and yours” line in particular strikes me as off.
Which brings me to the “what purpose” question. The answer is to merely complete a timeline that doesn’t end in tragedy. I believe there is a “time loop theory” running around in the fandom. Though it doesn’t function like the usual trope like in that one Supernatural episode; it functions more like an Undertale loop. In this case, it’s Crowley being able to do it instead of us. Now, why would this matter? I believe it’s because Crowley feels guilty about what happened the first time, most likely a death to some unknown previous Yuu. He genuinely felt sorry for this kid and decided that until he can figure it out, he’d let them stay. Plus they’re keeping Grim under control… but then they die. Best guess is either the cave he sent us to with Ace and Deuce, though that might’ve been different than the one we know, or Riddle’s Overblot. Regardless, he probably felt guilty about it, so he decided to rewind time. Except, something happened, the kid changed. He’d be confused, but he can’t blow his cover since he’s not supposed to be messing with time. So he takes it by the chin and acts normal. And the timeline does change, this Yuu (Yuuken) survives! But only a little as eventually, this one dies to Leona’s Overblot. However, he’s not letting this piece of Yuu die, he tries again. Except, it’s a different Yuu, Yuuka. The timeline changes just a little, she survives just a bit longer than the other, but she soon succumbs to death. This pattern happens until it’s Game Yuu’s turn. This time, Crowley has decided to create this Yuu, one that’ll survive everything in Twisted Wonderland! One that’ll survive Grim’s Overblot this time around! Maybe for shits and giggles, he forms this one into the image of the very first unknown Yuu. After all, if he just so happens to have something from the previous Yuus, how hard can it be to make life? However, that’s not the only thing that’s changed, he’s changed too. He was probably an actually great dude, but getting too attached to the most unluckiest kid to ever exist has wounded him. So, he tries to keep us busy and away from him. He probably cries seeing our Yuu just living life ignorant of his goal. But sevens forbid he cry, so he acts. All the while he hints at his works, calling himself kind and generous, probably wanting us to remember if possible.
Even if this theory flops like my other hot take, this makes for some hella great Crowley angst. Let the deadbeat crow suffer.
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nyaskitten · 1 year
New Dragons Rising trailer!
Okay, so Arin tells us his neighborhood was where the Merge directly hit. We see him getting thrown around as his parents call out to him. The ninja arrive and Arin is fucking gabberflasted. (I know we're supposed to take him screaming and trying not to fly away seriously but I almost laughed bro I'm SORRY IT'S JUST SO FUNNY TO ME...)
Sora says "the best of all the Realms have moved here to the Crossroads", which I suppose means either it wasn't ALL the Realms, or it was bits and pieces of the Realms, all coming to Ninjago.
Sora tells Arin that, by gods grace and mercy, he is the worst Ninja wannabe born since Pilot Kai /hj (and we also see Ninjago FINALLY knows how to model animals without being uncanny as fuck).
We see the baby dragon BLAST Sora for no reason and she totally plummets to her death :(... but actually no she uses her weird-ass powers to put her mech back together).
We see a bit of the Arin/Ras fight and oh. Oh baby boy you're about to get fucking curbstomped.
We see Sora do a MID mech trick to get onto a track, then we see my bbg Rapton flying his weird-ass flyer to SHOOT and HARM and KILL the babpy dragon :(
Then we see Ras being soooo fakely intimidating "ohhh do not disappoint mee" do not dissapoint deez nu- ahem anyways. He says the dragons are very big and scary and then bapby dragon flies out of his weakass cage and falls on his face LIKE A LOSER!!!!
We then see Arin golden Spinjutsu, Sora racing some losers, and fucking decimating their mid-ass mechs.
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kaleuh · 4 months
tell me about ghis GlenMac?
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I WILL Tell you about GlenMac !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS IS GLENMAC (Official Book Art) AND THEN HERE'S A PICTURE OF HIM WITH HIS BEST BUDDY, Adjunct Professor and Graduate Jackson Green (art that me and my group got commissioned of them by nico on twitter!)
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FULL NAME: Glenn MaClanahan (If you're formal, it's Professor MaClanahan, but all the students gave him the nickname GlenMac!)
He's a professor in the Anthropology Department at East Texas University, located in the cozy town of Pinebox, Texas. He and Jackson know fully well that there's something extremely uncozy about Pinebox, though. When you (the player) attend ETU as a freshman, you are quick to notice that there is something very unnerving about the town, and the school. Rumors of ghosts, monsters, and rituals—things that could easily be explained away by pointing at college students and children in town with too much liquor and imagination. GlenMac and Jackson are here to tell your character: No! You are not crazy! You definitely saw the ghost of a student who was burned alive in the gymnasium!
GlenMac (as well as Jackson) are the NPCs in this story who are initially there to serve your character with an introduction to the supernatural. GlenMac can really be any professor-appropriate age (I believe the book says he’s in his 40s but given the book art our DM [my boyfriend!!] deemed him to be 32 in our game. He also thought it would make sense to make him younger since him and Jackson (who is in his mid 20s) are supposed to be close pals.)
GlenMac has been investigating the supernatural for years, and deeply cares about the well-being of his students. Anyone who comes to his office hours for help will never be turned away—especially if "weird stuff" has been happening to them. In his office you'll also meet his life-long companion, a Scottish Terrier named Argyle, with whom he takes on regular walks throughout campus. He is overly caring and self-sacrificing to a fault, though, willingly placing himself in danger to protect someone who needs it. He's aware that students will occasionally stumble upon magic resources and rituals—because of this, he's been said to be searching for a method in which anyone can safely accomplish a ritual...without having to sacrifice anything to the Magical Powers That Be in return. Which seems like a great idea! A Professor with a deep thirst for the knowledge and power of the unknown, also willing to try literally anything, even if it means putting himself at the whims of Possibly Dark Magic for the good of others. It will work out fine for him, is what I've been telling myself!
SO OF COURSE, because it's a TTRPG, not all GlenMacs are the same. Here are some other fast facts about the GlenMac I know, and why I'm insane about him:
When my basketball himbo son (my character Trey) went through a tough breakup during freshman year, him and Jackson played Boggle with him and the party until he cheered up.
Also when my son was alone and sad in Pinebox during summer vacation, GlenMac adorned his best dork-ass dad jock attire and joined him on morning runs (with Argyle).
He's often stressed and formal but under that he is Sweet and A Tad Silly and a bit of a dork and god. we love him for it
GlenMac doesn't really pay attention to current pop-culture stuff online but if you tell him he Lost the Game he WILL get mad.
Unbelievable in that turtleneck.
Grew up in North Dakota, had a big falling out with his parents and has been largely alone. It's implied that he never really had a friend like Jackson, up until him (and depending on how nice your party is to him, your group.)
AND YOU CAN TELL HE'S LONELY. GOD. HE PUTS EVERYTHING INTO THIS WORK AND HIS STUDENTS. How much time he spends alone with his thoughts...the supernatural stuff probably pushed anyone he cared about away. He has his little apartment with his folded-cornered books and half-finished coffee cups and toys for his dog...but we want him to meet someone So bad 😭 (GOD I wish it were me.)
His desire to know the unknown and try things "just to see if he can" is dangerous, reckless, scary, and a little unhinged...he a little fucked up...I'm scared for him...(but its also...😳...).
This is not canon to our game but we keep joking about how girls on Rate My Professor won't stop referring to him as "Big Mac" and that he's desperately been trying to get those reviews removed.
If you ever get curious about East Texas University, I highly recommend it! I love the Savage Worlds system so much!! We're playing the East Texas University “Degrees of Horror” adventures, which is the "main plot" campaign for East Texas University (we also do some 12-to-Midnight adventures.) I think the story can be set anywhere in the 2000's so we just set ours in modern day.
We're not finished yet, but it has truly been a life-changing story so far!
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misguidedasgardian · 6 months
The Lifeaters (II.9)
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IX. Basili(s)k
Chapter Summary: All eyes turn to you
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, people getting petrified, might miss some warnings 
Wordcount: 1,8 k
Notes: In this chapter there is some sort of breaking point for reader, you will know, let’s discuss it by the end…
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“Students are getting petrified and almost killed and I can’t believe we still have to study for these stupid exams”. grumbled Matthew 
“Quiet Gaunt”, groaned Snape from the corner
The entirety house of Slytherin got study time at the library at this hour
Potions, Defense against the dark arts, and charms you could do, now… Herbology? was proving to be a… spine… in your butt, alongside Transfiguration
As you finished a parchment on taking care of a plant you couldn’t even pronounce the name of, you sighed loudly
You never thought you were wishing the school year to end, you were barely days before your first exam, you just wanted it to start over, no chamber, no slytherin heir, no fear, no nothing
You hoped that whomever did this was caught, because you didn't believe it was Hagrid 
Something didn’t add up
You were feeling inclined to believe that they had the wrong person, and taking out the headmaster at the time seemed to you like not the best of ideas, Dumbledore was powerful, everybody knew that, so taking him out now seemed like the wanted to make the situation worse
But uncle Lucius wouldn’t…
Oh he would, he wanted to get rid of all muggleborns
But you were also scared of finding out who it was behind this, what if it was someone you knew? That you cared about?
But what could you do to help? The only thing you had was a theory of what that thing in the chamber would be, nothing else.
No suspects, no strange behavior, nothing, maybe prove that Draco and a few others weren’t the one, and that’s it. 
You just hoped this could be turned around before someone gets really hurt, or worse, killed.
“How were you doing in turning a rat into a clock?”, asked Draco
“Bad”, you whispered, “McGonaggal told me she didn’t know if this hurt the mice, and I have been feeling guilty”, you muttered, “but I managed to turn a little rock into a pocket watch”
“That’ll do”, he said with a soft smile
“I’m gonna fail… last year I couldn’t manage to turned that into the box without the whiskers”
“Me neither”, whispered Blaise
“Shhhhttt!”, this time it was Mrs Pince, the Librarian
“I having trouble with potions”, said Blaise, looking at you decisively
“How do you do in Herbology?”, you asked back
“Fairly well”, he said back
“Nice, then, I’ll help you, you’ll help me”, you said with a soft smile, Blaise smiled at you too and nodded his head
“I need help too”, said Theo, leaning into you. And you only looked back at him frowning, thinking if you should forgive and forget
“You can come along”, you said finally 
“Great, mee too”, muttered Matthew. Everyone did poorly in potions
“Alright, Draco and I have potions, I’ll prepare notes, Blaise has Herbology, Matt how do you defend yourself in Astronomy?”
“I don’t”
“Great, I’ll tell Daph”
“She thinks its Astrology, she can’t stop talking about the greek horoscope”, he responded
“Ah sh-...”
“Ssshhtt!”, shushed Mrs Pince, Snape slapped the back of Matthew’s head, who was closest to him. 
“Let’s talk about this later”, you suggested, and everybody agreed
“Did you hear? tonight the people in the infirmary will get unpetrified!”, said Blaise
“Good, maybe some of them saw who did this and they can end this!”
You felt relieved, even though the mood on the table sour over this, still, you only wanted things to be the same as last year! like they used to, where nobody cared about your blood statues, and there was no monster wanting to kill people
That very afternoon, around six, you were getting ready to go back to your common room, when you decided to ask Snape for a special plant you were going to need to teach the others how to make the potion for the exam.
So you were preparing what you were going to say, in your mind, not to bother him, or upset him, but to prove that you only wanted to improve yourself….
You knew you shouldn’t be walking out there alone, but if you already encountered the monster a few feet away once, the chances of that happening again were terribly low, right?
But as you turned a corner, something invisible grabbed you from both arms, you screeched bloody murder, but Potter and Weasley uncovered themselves. 
“What are you doing?”, you asked, alarmed, they check everyone but the hallway was deserted
“It’s you!”, Harry said
“Excuse me?”, you asked back, who do they think they were to grab you like that?
“You are the heir, you are the one who has been petrifying people”, said Weasley
“I am not the heir of Slytherin”, you said slowly, as the two knuckleheads “confronted” you, releasing yourself from their greasy hands, they tried to grab you again, but you took out your wand, raising it to them, making them retreat
“You are going to petrify us too?”, demanded Potter
“Do you really think I would be capable of something like this?”, you asked, lowering your wand but still keeping it tight in hand, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, after how concerned you had been for everything that was going on. 
“You are a pure-blooded Slytherin, Draco is your best friend”, said Potter with a tone you didn’t enjoy, accusatory, with an air of self-righteousness and entitlement 
“And your last name means…”, started Weasley 
“I know what it means”, you said bitterly, your eyes not leaving Potter’s, “it means Basilisk, a magical creature that is a huge snake, but do you also know that it means a sweet little herb that I love to put in my pasta…”, then you quiet yourself
You were right!
Your suspicions were correct! there was a Basilisk in the chamber!
“Of course you are, you are the one that 
“The chambers of secrets hides a basilisk”, said Harry, and you looked at him wide-eyed, “and you are the one controlling it”
“I’m not!”, you defended yourself, angrily
You were angry
You couldn’t even turn animals into things and these ding dongs thought you could actually try to kill students? or even petrifying them? Why? because of what your last name sounded like? because of what your house and friends were? your pure-blood status?
“You will blame this on me?”, you asked them angrily, “I’m not the heir of Slytherin”, you said firmly, then you looked at Potter, “I’m not the one who can talk to snakes Potter, that’s you!”, you said back, “and you have the pure-blood status!”, you said pointing at Weasley
“Prove it”, demanded Weasley, and you looked at him
“Excuse you?”, you asked back, he pointed his broken wand at you, and you pointed your wand at Harry, Weasley has been throwing back to himself spells all year, anything he was going to throw at you he was going to receive tenfold
Potter pointed his wand at you
“For all we know, you could be lying, and you can talk to snakes”, he said back
“I cannot…”, you let out an exasperated sigh, “how I’m gonna find a snake to prove to you that I can’t talk to snakes?”, you asked back, “Not even my grandfather can talk to snakes”, you said like that would prove anything, but they didn’t know the man, “I don’t know of anyone that can”, you continued, “except for you”, you threw back on his face.
Oh how you wanted to blast their faces off
You were so angry
So angry you could cry
You wanted to give them the benefit of a doubt, you even felt bad for Potter, but he was an entitled idiot, who thought he could just point his finger and for what? for having a scar on his forehead?
“I don’t have to prove anything to you!”, you said
“Draco told us, he even thinks it's you!”, said Ron
“Excuse me?”, you asked back, “he would never tell you that”, and then you remembered, “it was you both! that night! you did sneak into the common room!”, they exchanged looks
“He said he thought it was you!”, responded Potter
“You left me on that bathroom floor!”, you snapped back, “what? Did Granger make herself look like me? you charm me into falling asleep?”
They did know what to say, but you were furious
You had never done anything to them, not personally, you had barely spoken to them, and they treated you like this? they cursed you and made you sleep, they sneaked into your common room! your sacred place! 
“I saw that thing in the bathroom that night! it almost caught me!”, you screamed, angry, sad and scared, “piss off! both of you!”, you tried to walk past them, and they left you, “if I ever see you near our common room ever again I will disappear all the bones in the four of your legs!”, you threatened, and they looked really scared, “I’m done with the both of you!”
They saw your desperation, or that is what you thought, because they took a step back from you. You paid no mind to those clowns, you went back to the common room, with no ingredients for your potion
You looked back over your shoulder, but they weren’t there, you whispered the password hoping it would work and it did, the serpent coiled and showed you the door to the common room.
You went down the stairs rapidly, so angry you were fuming through your ears
But it all disappeared when you saw your friends on the sofas, talking, chatting, laughing
“There you are!”, said Draco, who saw you immediately, “we were getting worried!”
“Did you get the ingredients?”, asked Blaise, you shook your head, “it doesn’t matter! we can try tomorrow!”
Draco signaled you with his hand, and you sat by his side, he surrounded your shoulders with his arms and draw you against him
“You don’t think I’m evil, don’t you?”, you asked him, and he looked back at you wide-eyed
“You? evil?”, he asked, “Oh Salazar, you are annoyingly good!”, he groaned, making you feel good for the first time in the day, you cuddled into him, hugging him tightly 
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After chapter notes: I read somewhere that because Slytherins were treated like criminals, they became one jeje, so this was a breaking point for reading, being so afraid and almost being attacked, have “good intentions” and then getting blamed for something she out of all Slytherins found awful… so… this is it jeje, she will be more mean from now on, its all part of the character development I hope I can accomplish 
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cupcraft · 4 months
i know ive been screaming to the void to no one about wanting more demon!dean in my life but one critique I have is that I hate how most of the demon dean fics make dean like too evil. Like sooo evil that he's like almost ooc cartoon villain wants power in a weird way, like so evil that hes just like lost all context. Or they make him like really really noncon (in regard to destiel fics) which is just, yeah anyway. Like what i mean is that I need demon dean to be dean but allowed to be more of a freak and explore the complexities of this and his trauma all mixed into one. like no demon!dean wouldnt just like happily get souls for hell or like be into serving his role. He's still dean and he hates being told what to do. Like the best demon!dean fics are the ones where he's like still fiercly independent and not into the whole savior/god thing. Like he's still got the "i'm not worth anything" disease. Even in canon they talk about how demon dean might have had a lot of his reservations/insecurities pulled back because of how little he cared (but it was implied by crowley his problem was his insecurities and that he secretly did care and was acting out). Like demon dean is sooo complicated you dont get him like me. He would 1000% kill and maim but it'd be interesting. give demon dean what canon gave soulless Sam like you get mee screams and explodes. Like my perfect victory would be Dean pretending to do jobs for Crowley and then just ruining his life but not because he wants power/to be king of hell but just because he can and he still doesn't trust crowley. Or like him going home with Sam and doing hunts, but being a demonic freak on top of it and not really caring about saving people. Like losing parts of himself but still having some parts of himself. Like wanting to stay a demon not for power but because it hurts less. Like fighting with cas but he still hesitates. do you hear me.
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bb-bare-bones · 5 months
Deya's Favourite Body Horror Films
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Art and Words by Dy Dawson, @xgardensinspace
John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982)
Films that have practical special effects tend to be my absolute favourites! And this film is – at least in my humble opinion – the holy grail for practical special effects! I never get tired of watching bodies becoming unrecognisable masses of bone and sinew in this incredible film, and the fact that everything looks agonisingly real whilst being done through the power of makeup and human hands with such extensive precision blows my mind! EVERY GODDAMNED TIME!
The Void (2016)
Similarly to The Thing, I praise the shit out of this hidden gem because the practical effects are PRISTINE! I don’t wish to say much about this one because it’s a real treat, and the fact that they managed to build a WHOLE creature on such a tight budget (plus all the many other special effects) is insanely amazing. A must watch, if you haven’t already!
Braindead (1992)
For this one I would like to say, buckets of blood and a lawnmower. That is all.
Nah, but in all seriousness, this is considered to be the goriest film of all time, and for good measure. It’s extremely campy, but all the effects are practical (I think you might start seeing the pattern here), super well done, and even if this is a horror comedy, the gory scenes are bound to make you feel icky! Also…Peter Jackson made this masterpiece before Lord of the Rings. I just think that’s fucking precious.
Child’s Play 2 (1990)
Some might not consider this a “body horror” film, but if we really think about it, this film series still contains an extensive showcase of body horror as a doll is quite literally turning human. This could fall under the “mutation” bracket of body horror. The first two films do the best job at showcasing that; the doll’s appearance shifts as Chucky spends time inside the doll. It’s shown through the progression of his staining teeth, the receding hairline, and a blemished face. I have specifically selected Child’s Play 2 because it’s got the most beautiful blend of this “mutation”, and the violation of the doll’s (human) body itself. That final scene in the factory is the best, and this stands as the only film that I couldn’t sleep with after watching. Sure, I was 8 years old, but I’ve been watching horror since the age of 5 and the fact that this one genuinely frightened me and has now turned into one of my favourite franchises saysa lot (mee thinks).
Akira (1988)
This film is simply amazing! And the most stunning example of body horror in animation! Well, the kind about physical human body mutilation, of course. But the animation behind those scenes is pure bliss and such a beautifully grotesque visual. I played King of Fighters before actually watching Akira, though. So when I saw Tetsuo’s arm do “the thing” for the very first time, you can imagine how happy I was to know there was a magnificent reference to the character X/9999. It fulfilled some childhood nostalgia I didn’t know I was craving, and seeing those scenes in the movie still runs chills down my spine because that animation is GORGEOUSLY disturbing. And trust me, I like to be disturbed.
Hellraiser (1987)
My favourite thing about body horror is the absolute gory violation and destruction of the human body. The whole centrepiece of this film is body mutilation, so of course it’s going to be on my list! My favourite scene is when Frank Cotton is being resurrected from the floorboards of the attic. When that spine connects to the brain, I shriek with Frank in pure awestruck! Another thing I love about body horror is THE GOOP! I need fluids, blood and goop and ooze and stringy bits. And that scene has SO much of it!
If I’m not being disturbed and/or disgusted, am I really watching horror?
Re-Animator (1985)
What can I say about this one that Ed hasn’t already? I mean… c’mon! There is SO much body horror and practical effects in this baddie to fill an entire house! I mean, the opening scene has exploding eyeballs, for Pete’s sake! And the entirety of Dr. Halsey head is oscar-winning material for the makeup department! As well as for the effectiveness of working smart, not hard. This entire film is a beautiful collection of practical effects that work effectively by not spending an absurd amount of money. It’s a B-film for a reason! And let’s face it, B-films often have some of the best effects in the industry because people have to work around that tight budget, get very creative and manage to deliver effects that can withstand the test of time, as well as look as convincing as possible. Re-Animator does this so well, and I sometimes forget Dr. Halsey isn’t actually decapitated in that fucking scene. Such a simple effect accomplished incredibly effectively.
Ginger Snaps (2000)
This is one of my favourite films, but not necessarily for the body horror; it’s just such a bloody good story! I still wanted to include it because I feel it’s a bit of an underrated or not very talked about film. Anyone with a period needs to watch it, first of all… And the practical special effects for Ginger’s werewolf transformation are genuinely impressive! One of my favourite things about this film is the opening sequence, with the sisters’ photoshoot on deaths. They are all very precious ways to die, and some are very body-horror oriented! (As well as the social commentary on women and their periods. It’s fucking BRILLIANT!)
Event Horizon (1997)
This one is truly a treat for sci-fi and horror films alike! And if you, like me, adore both genres, this film is just a treasure! It’s gorey, it’s gritty, and the plot is to die for. A little Hellraiser around the edges, but who’s complaining? And the special effects are truly magnificent! Also, look out for deleted scenes or the unrated versions of this film, please. You cannot miss this film in its full horrific glory!
Taxidermia (2006)
Taxidermia’s a bit odd, but I love it for exactly that reason. It’s one of the only films to have genuinely disturbed me; although it’s for my emetophobia reason rather than for body horror-situations. Although…it brings the question on whether competitive food eating is a bit of a violation on the body, hehe. It’s a film about 3 generations of one family, through the POV of the grandfather, the dad and the son. The biggest “body horror” part in this film is the last segment, and boy is it beautiful! Well, the bits with the son only. The body metamorphosis the dad went through is certainly grotesque, but the effects are sort of unrealistic/comedic(?) and thus look a bit silly. But trust me, that final transformation the son goes through is truly beautiful :)
Again… a really bizarre little Hungarian film, but if you are interested, go watch it and don’t say I didn’t warn you! I also don’t personally know anybody who has seen this film…so it’s always great to recommend and put it out there!
Honourable Mentions:
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)
This one is here for being ICONIC. This film is so creative and artsy about its body horror. Certainly taking inspiration from Akira, but also just being unsettling for its stylised way of showcasing the destruction of the human body. Bits and wires everywhere! In black and white? SURE! I love the red of blood, but this movie gets a pass for its sheer imaginative way of displaying body horror.
The Fly (1986)
Love this film, but surprisingly it’s not one of my favourites! I wanted to include it here though, because the metamorphosis Seth Brundle goes through is EXTREMELY grotesque! It’s got absolutely everything I adore about the genre: Physical human body violations, gore, GOOP, and practical effects.
Scanners (1981)
Honestly, this one is just here because I FUCKING love that head exploding scene everyone knows about :b LITERAL ART!
Black Sheep (2006)
A dark comedy! Or horror comedy? Either way, this fucking film is DISTURBING! The practical effects are to die for, and the final creature sent shivers down my spine. I don’t care how silly this film is, if it wasn’t comedic, this would be a straight up HORROR of the most disturbing kind. And besides, anything making commentary on animal cruelty and animal testing is a definite narrative artistry about body horror in my book.
American Mary (2012)
This film has A TON of body horror displays! Full frontal and all. It’s one of my picks that isn’t just about gorey mutilation, but actual sexual violation as well :0 It’s got such a strong message, and the visuals are pretty great! Extra points for empowering women ;)
Slither (2006)
This film is only here for being one of the only ones to genuinely disgust and disturb me. The transformation of that one woman in the barn creeps me to the core :( And that doesn’t happen often! So as much as I hate this movie for making me feel uncomfortable, it’s gotta be on the list, right?
Society (1989)
This film is also fucking GROSS. Commentary on the rich being as disgusting as the actions happening, and as gross as they look in the end of this film is fucking GOLD! I’m all for it. Definitely not one of my favourites (it’s just a little boring at parts), but worth mentioning for that social commentary mixed in with absolutely horrendous body mutilation scenes done with practical effects.
Splinter (2008)
Another little hidden gem of a movie! I don’t hear people talk about this one ENOUGH! One of two films in my list that doesn’t exclusively include practical effects (I think). But that’s okay! Because this film is SO creative and has such a unique version of the zombie virus! It certainly will shake you; especially if hearing and/or seeing bones cracking is one of your “irk” uncomfy factors.
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