#I like adding lots of tags okay. it brings me joy
seiwas · 2 months
sellie bee!☀🐝 first and foremost, congrats on your one year!! it's been so lovely having you as a moot, you've been such an encouragement to me since my very first bakugou fic and i hope you know that i adore and appreciate you very very much!! 💕💗💓
secondly, what if 👉👈 what if i told you that i typed out an outline for your collab last night?? 🥺👉👈
i never really do titles (and this probably won't have one either), hope that's okay!! but-
pairing - pro!hero bakugou x fem!reader (shocking i know hehe)
summary - bakugou likes to think he knows everything, can handle just about anything that's thrown his way with flying colors and then some. so why can't he figure out this tug in his chest, or the upset in his stomach whenever you come around lately? you with your stupid quirk and all your stinkin' audacity. who do you think you are to figure him out with one little touch, one measly brush of your fingers against his anyways?
tags - hurt/comfort, established quirk, strangers to friends(?) to lovers
pspsps... not to be sappy or whatever but... you've really made this site feel like a community for me again. you're literally such a light to everyone and your kindness has had such a chain reaction; whenever you reblog anything of mine i can always tell who reblogged from you bc they leave the nicest comments, and i find myself trying to reach out more often, and be more open and honest about content that i consume bc i remember how i felt the first time you left that entire love letter on my first bakugou fic. aslkdfj anyway... all that to say ilyyy sel 💗 ty for reaching out to me all those months ago. it means more than you know. 💓
waaah amber 🥺 thank you so much 🥺 it's been so lovely having you as a moot 🥺 you get me in a lot of ways and i completely adore how bright your presence is 🥺 i appreciate you for all the light and support you bring, ily 🥺
and omg!!! that makes me so happy 🥺🥺 i'm so glad you've taken an interest in my collab!! this is so exciting 🥺 and your summary is already so juicy omg def one of my fave ways to examine that man under a microscope 🥺🥺 adding this to the masterlist rn!
and gawsh you'll make me cry 😭😭😭 all of this is so touching 😭😭😭 you are too kind!! and so so so sweet 🥺 i am so happy that all my blabbers in the tags have made you feel this way!! you saying it's a chain reaction fills my heart up so much 🥺 because it's really all i could hope for 🥺 before posting my stuff, i was primarily a reader, and made this account to reblog fics and show my support that way!! so hearing you tell me this now 🥺 really just 🥺 i don't even have the words for it!!! 🥺 ily loads amber 🥺 thank you for being such a joy to be around 🥺 i am so grateful to have stumbled upon you in my one year on here 🥺💗
check out my one year anniversary collab event here! open to anyone who wants to join 🥺
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spice-honey · 2 years
The Fanfic Editing Process
Hello everyone! Today I've decided to share a few tips on editing your chapters, for anyone who is new to writing or would like to improve their writing. Editing is a skill in itself. For me, it takes longer than writing the actual damn chapter. I think good editing takes stories to the next level and it's worth taking a moment to do it, instead of just eagerly hit the 'Post' button
First, what is editing? You assess the text for grammar, spelling, sentence and detail clarity along with plot development. Editing is often rewriting, moving paragraphs around, switching scene orders, adding or deleting characters, and changing POVs (if applicable). It requires a lot of "rounds" before it's ready. Each step below is a round in itself. Remember: you cannot edit a blank page. If you hate your writing, remind yourself this is your first draft - you will edit it later to make it better or different. But you have to write it first.
I use google docs. You can easily share it with your betas/friends, and keep track of suggestions and modifications they make. They can leave comments on specific passages and words, to which you can also reply. Google docs also has a chat function to edit and discuss live.
Google docs has spelling and grammar check (it's under Tools) that will scan the document below where your cursor is. So if you just want to spell check past chapter 7, go to chapter 7 and use the tool. It will skip anything before it. If you want to do the entire document, start up top.
Crtl + F and look for the specific words that are commonly overused such as that, really, very, just, then, literally, thing and dialogue tags. You don't have to write them out entirely, but if you used 'that' 7 times in a paragraph, you might want to rework some sentences to 5 take out. Readers get tired of repetitive words. You also don't have to banish every single dialogue tag, but when it's a conversation between 2 people you should use them to indicate tone or action. 'Said' is not necessarily dead, but you can omit it 95% of the time
Avoid long sentences. Run-on sentences are okay if grammatically correct, but stick to one idea per sentence otherwise it can be tiring to read.
Adverbs ending in -ly. 'She runs quickly' can be 'she sprints'. 'He walks quietly' can be ' He creeps'. Choose descriptive verbs if you can.
Pay attention to verb tenses. If you are writing in the present tense make sure you don't slip into past tense when it is not appropriate and vice versa.
In your own notes write scene summaries explaining to yourself why this scene is necessary (I use bullet points in the comments). What information or situation is being presented in each passage that is important to the plot in the long run. It helps you to keep tabs on your outline (if you have one). It's okay to just have scenes that don't actually add anything to the story other than the joy of reading them whatever they may be. But if you are struggling with your plot, make sure your story doesn't have a lot of those.
Italics. Depends on your formatting, of course, but if it is to bring emphasis on a single word, my personal rule is to do it once per page. When I copy and paste my chapters into Ffnet/Ao3 it comes without any formatting (bold, italic) so I have to add them back in manually on my final read-through. Surprisingly, I end up adding a lot fewer italics in the final edit than in the original script
The Final Read-through: it is done in your browser, at the document editor of ffnet/ao3. You will catch a lot more errors/weird sentences there despite having it read 100 times on google docs. Your brain just gets used to - visually - to the text and it will skip words as you re-read without you noticing. Having a different font and background will make your brain read it as if it's the first time. I tried tricking myself on google docs by changing font and colour but I didn't find it super effective (it may work for you, I don't know). Grammarly is also good to use here. I disable it on google docs because it slows down my browser. I like it mostly for punctuation.
Read it out loud. Yes, you'll have to disable the cringe factor but you will catch so many clunky sentences and missing words. Make sure narration sounds like narration and dialogue sounds like dialogue. I usually do Step 10 and 11 at the same time.
Any questions, my Asks are open! And if you have tips you'd like to share I'd LOVE to hear it.
Happy editing!
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Reuniting With Them (Final Fantasy VII Preference)
Characters: Cloud, Zack, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie
Requested by (Star) anon
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Cloud wasn’t expecting to see you ever again, and even though he didn’t have any obvious reactions, his whole being is shaken to the core when he sees you. He breathes in relief, staring at you as he wraps his head around the fact that you’re really here, and he even smiles a little bit to himself as he walks with determination towards you. Once you two are close enough, you widely smile at him and he nods in your direction as a greeting. As much as you want to give him a hug, you know he doesn’t like it and hold back, but he initiates the contact anyway. Cloud would put his hand on your shoulder and gently squeeze. “You’re back, Y/N, good to see you again”
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Zack’s reactions are 100% authentic and genuine, because he can’t keep them to himself and doesn’t really want to. As soon as he spots you in the distance, Zack loudly yelps and calls your name, laughing in utter happiness and immediately running your direction. Unless he knows you’re very much against them, Zack will immediately bring you in for a tight hug and lift you off the ground, cheerfully spinning you around and squeezing you tight against him as he bathes you in greetings and exclamations of joy. “Y/N, you’re back! I missed you so much, I’m so glad to see you! Are you okay? Tell me everything that happened!”
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Tifa would be kind of subtle in her reactions, but she still wouldn’t mind letting it show, how relieved and happy she is to be reunited with you. She openly smiles at you and doesn’t hesitate to ask you how you’re doing, if everything’s okay, if you’re safe, she shows she cares about you. Still, Tifa isn’t usually especially affectionate, so unless you’re the one to start it, she won’t really hug you. But she does pat your arm and offer to walk you to 7th Heaven, where she can prepare a drink for you and something to eat. “Want to go to the bar, Y/N? You’re probably hungry, you should rest too”
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Aerith is visibly very excited about your reunion, she’s just so happy to see you again. She jumps up and down immediately upon seeing you and runs your direction, giving you a quick hug and then taking your hands in hers, passing her excited energy on to you and causing you to jump up and down with her too. Aerith can’t stop smiling, even as she bombards you with curious and caring questions about what you did while you were away. “Did everything go well? Did you miss me? I missed you! You have to tell me everything!”
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Yuffie is also very excited, even if she’s a lot louder and energetic than the others. She basically screams when she sees you, running to you and giving you such a big hug that she almost throws you to the ground with the force with which she collides with you. She hugs you tight, asking you a lot of questions, and starts rambling in her eagerness to tell you everything that happened while you were away. She even has a little present for you, something she saw and that reminded her of you, so she saved it. Yuffie just tugs at your arm to drag you with her as she tells you everything. “And you should have seen it! What did you do, Y/N? Did you have fun, are you okay?”
Reblogs and comments are appreciated!! // Masterlist
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn / @wonderlandfandomkingdom / @fandomxreaders / @sortzz​ / @anxiouslyreckless​ / @xionroxas​ / @dancewaterdance02​ / @little-faerie-artist​ / @honeybunhanbin​ / @lotsoffandomstoimagine​ / @fandomatakeover18​ / @ta-ka-shi-ma​ / @goodmorningawfulbye​ / @trunks-kiwi​ / @andsoweshalldepart​ / @blue-mei / @sihastellar​ // Send an ask if you want to be added to the tag list for this fandom!
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Venti, Xingqiu, and Razor: Kissing HCs
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It is always okay^^ I will never say no to anything. I was scrolling through my inbox and I saw this and said fuck it, I wanna write this. I’m writing this. Razor isn’t a predicted tag and I’m so upset Xingqiu doesn’t get enough love. Also venti?? You want me to speed write something? Ask for Venti. 
Childe Ver: First Kiss HCs
Xiao Ver:  First Kiss HCs
Venti & Kaeya: Mistletoe HCs
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @nonniechan @htnicayh @genshins1mpact @morthecreator @aanne2601 @aklxojjk @fulltimeventisimp @aetherazor​ @laic2299 @diesekimo​  @pineapple-panini19 @castinluckgamer​ @hanniejji​
Venti, Xingqiu, and Razor: Kissing HCs
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This Archon is such a playful tease. He’s fully aware of what he’s doing and isn’t stopping anytime soon. He’s always surprising you by giving you quick kisses to embarrass you in public. Or he’s suddenly dropping from the winds, giving you a quick cheek kiss, before he’s linking your hands together and dragging you off somewhere. He get’s a bit lonely and bored so please try and coddle him a bit because he’s wants some of your love and affection.
He has a lot of fun using his anemo powers to hoist himself above you and giving you an upside down kiss. No one else can do that which means his kisses are the most special. Perhaps it’s the blood that’s rushing to his head but he inwardly coos when he see’s you flush pink all the way up to your ears before you cover them with your hands, telling him to get down or else he might hurt himself. He’s giggling at your cute reaction but he’ll find any reason for a kiss. He even “borrowed” all of Mondstadt’s mistletoes as an excuse to sneak a few more in.
He really likes kissing the shell of your ear, right where he knows they flush the reddest. Leaning over as he blows on your ear to hear you shriek as he laughs at your reaction, before he’s smothering you in apologetic kisses. As much as you love Venti, it’s a bit embarrassing for him to do this in public where others can see so you quickly rush to cover his mouth when he dives for another.
The tips of his braids are actually really sensitive since his anemo powers filter through them, so if he ever get’s a bit too bold, you simply have to either kiss the tips of his hair to get him to shutter and break character. The one time you got drunk with Venti, you grabbed and yanked his face forward by his braids and kissed him deeply until he ended up stumbling and falling backwards. His braids were lit up like Christmas lights and his face was so red you weren’t completely sure if that was from him being drunk or embarrassed.
If he suspects someone is trying to flirt with you or is getting too close. His normal childlike and cheerful eyes seem to sharpen as he hmms to himself at the scene. He’ll claps his lyre away and strolls his way to you, sneaking behind you before wrapping his arms around your neck as he nuzzles into your cheek. While you’re stumbling at the sudden weight he tilts your face towards his with his hand and give you a soft kiss. He’s grinning smugly as he watches your face flare up as he links your hands together. Sticking his tongue out behind his shoulder as he drags you off. Be careful, he’s shameless.
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A gentleman first and foremost. He’s polite in his interactions with others and that extends to his relationship with you. That’s not to say he doesn’t like causing some mischief. When you both meet up to spend time together or go on dates, he prefers to kiss your hand first before leaning forward to cup your cheek. He may be polite but he has no self preservation and finds a lot of joy in watching you get shy. He takes a second to marvel at how your eyes dart from his golden amber eyes, to his lips, then back to his eyes. He chuckles a bit under his breath at your cute nature before asking if it’s alright for him to kiss you properly. You keep telling him that he doesn’t need to ask all the time but he wants to be sure.
He absolutely adores when you get embarrassed and try to hid behind your hands. While you’re screaming on the inside on how pretty Xingqiu is, he’s smiling gently with eyes full of affection as he crosses his hands behind his back and leans forward to press kisses in between your fingers. Gently trying to pull your hands away as he gives you one last peck on the nose before taking your hand and leading you off to your next destination.
He really likes kissing the tip of your nose. You always resemble a bunny when you scrunch your nose and try and bat him away. He finds a lot of amusement when he suddenly pulls you into a alleyway, pulls you forward and holds you against his chest, watches you slowly get more and more red, only to give you a small peck on the nose and walk back onto the streets as if he didn’t do anything.  
The kisses that get him a bit shy are the most casual ones. Perhaps it’s because he’s used to making grand gestures since that’s his nature in chivalry. But when you happen to see him in Liyue, run up and give him a quick kiss, only to go back to whatever business you had. It’s so casual and unexpected that Xingqiu has to take a second and calm his heartbeat down.
You’re always shy when Xingqiu brings you to the book store in Liyue. You and the lady that works there try your hardest to not make eye contact because Xingqiu loves bringing you behind the book shelves and giving you kisses while holding a book in front of your faces. You’re fairly certain that Xingqiu is reading too many romance novels and is acting out a scene but you don’t have the heart to stop him because it’s actually really cute.
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The first time the idea of kissing was introduced to Razor, he didn’t understand what the big deal was until he had his first kiss with you. He always assumed it was just pressing your lips together and that was it. But being able to hold your hand, which was inherently the same idea, made his inner puppy bounce around. Then when you hurriedly rushed to kiss him before running off to save face, he had to take a second to realize what just happened, before he basically chased after you to get another. Now this man pretty much walks up to you, spins you around, plants a soft kiss on you, and walks off. Bennett is shooting you a thumbs up while you’re internally screaming on the inside.
Razor will not be shy. Hand holding or having a normal conversation? Feel’s like he’s being threatened by that scary purple lady who likes to read a lot. But when it comes to kisses? He’s used to play fighting and getting nips from his lupical so to him, this isn’t much different. When he’s pushing you down, staring down at you with dilated eyes as he leans in for a kiss, sometimes its way too much for your poor heart you have to quickly turn your face away and scrunch your eyes closed. It get’s Razor really pouty and his head seems to droop a bit but you offer him a small kiss to try and appease him.
This man is more of a biter. He has a bad habit of nibbling due to how his lupical show affection. He prefers tucking his face into your neck so be careful of getting marks. They don’t hurt at all but it does get a bit ticklish and you have to attempt to bat him away or you might end up hurting yourself accidently. It’s embarrassing to explain and Fischl has a lot of smug fun pointing them out to you. Razor likes being held, spoon him and kiss his forehead and he’s a puddle of love. He may not be an actual wolf but you can almost see an imaginary tail wagging. It’s even better when his lupical are with him and they all snuggle up to you. It makes you squeal a little on the inside because not only does Razor trust you to be beside his lupical, but they seem to like you enough to snuggle against you. It’s a big ball of fluff you’ve found yourself in. 
He really likes picking you up and holding you in his arms, there’s some kind of protective rush he feels having you in his arms. Seeing your feet dangle above the ground, your hands on his shoulder as you look down at him, makes him feel like he’s holding the world. He can’t explain it but it makes him feel proud of himself. He just wants to bask in the feeling and presses his face into your stomach, he can feel you lay your head over his and the gentle kisses you press into his hair, it makes him feel loved. 
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poisonedapples · 3 years
Patton’s Home For Traumatized Kids - Chapter Five
Bad Memories Don’t Erase
Chapter Summary: Roman tags along with Logan and Virgil to hang out at their friend’s house.
First Chapter Previous Chapter Story Masterlist
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, stealing, and one inappropriate joke
Word Count: 4,008
Taglist: @shade-romeo, @grayson-22, @pixelated-pineapple, @acrobaticcatfeline, @astrozei, @edupunkn00b, @princey-7258, @eternalmoonlight19, @remy-the-lemon-berry, @look-ma-im-on-tv, @mariniacipher, @bigwendymonster, @nonbinary-octopus
Notes: This chapter’s a little short, but the next one is gonna be really long, so hopefully that makes up for it
On Sunday the next day, Patton finally took Roman to buy his gym clothes. Roman was trying to hide a goofy smile while sitting in the back seat, desperate to not get his hopes up while also ecstatic his plan was working so far. He was going to have Patton stay in the car while Roman shopped for clothes! This had never worked on his dad before!
By the time Patton finally parked the car in the parking lot of the store, Roman’s chest felt weighted from his anxiety, waiting to see Patton’s final verdict. So long as he didn’t change his mind now, then Roman was in the clear. He hoped to be in the clear.
“Alright, kiddo,” Roman’s heart stopped as Patton pulled out his wallet and gave him some money. “Forty dollars should be more than enough for some pairs of gym pants and shirts. Give me back all the change when you come back, okay?”
“I will! Promise!” Roman wanted to jump for joy. It was working!
“Text me when you’re checking out so you don’t surprise me, and if you see something else you might want, just text me before you buy it so I know. Tell me if you have any issues, okay?”
Patton smiled. “Go on then, kiddo.”
Roman practically leaped out the door to skip his way to the front entrance of the clothing store, two twenty dollar bills crumbled in his pocket. He got away with it! No parents staring him down while he changed outfits!
Roman walked into the store and tried to hide the skip in his step. With no parents to watch him, he could buy what he actually wanted to wear, no tight pants and scoop neck shirts. No, Roman wanted to look like his real goal. His goal of being a blob of cloth that vaguely resembled a human.
Granted, he’d mostly gotten there. His aunt replaced all of his wardrobe, so his current clothes were a lot more comfortable to wear even if they weren’t very fashionable. Mostly bright colored t-shirts and pants, maybe some shorts if they were able to reach down far enough. Maybe once he was more comfortable with himself he could actually test out more styles, but for now, oversized clothes were all he could handle.
Roman’s walk sped up slightly when his eyes landed on the men’s athletic section. He had to be quick with this, he didn’t want Patton getting impatient and coming in to check on him. Roman looked through the shorts and shirt sizes, easily finding a size up for a couple shirts while heavily struggling on the shorts. Roman groaned. It was always the shorts that caused the issue, they were always too high up. What if he was sitting down and the pant leg rode up too far? No, Roman refused to get something like that willingly.
Roman took all the athletic shorts that could fit him and held them up in front of his legs. Most of them only made it to his lower thigh, but he managed to find two shorts that made it to right below his knee. Roman smiled and bounced on his toes, grabbed his items and rushed to find a dressing room. Once he did, he rushed into the first empty area he saw and locked the door. The mirrors on the walls and gaps in the door made it hard for him to change comfortably, so instead Roman tried to press himself against the very corner of the room when he was changing.
Between the six shirts and two pants Roman found, he was pretty happy with most of his choices. Thankfully, the long shorts looked fine, so Roman hung them up on a hook with a sign over it saying I’m buying this! and considered it a success. However, when it got time to look at the shirts, only three of them were good enough for purchase. The white one he grabbed was practically see-through, and the other two had a scratchy inside material that Roman couldn’t stand, so they got put on the reject hook while the other three passed the test. 
For a rushed shopping visit, Roman was pretty pleased with his choices. Two shorts might not be enough for five days worth of classes, but maybe Roman could keep one pair in his locker until it started to stink. Which might be a little gross, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Roman exited the dressing room and put his rejected shirts on a rack outside, carrying his other items to the checkout area. Before he got in line, he looked at all the price tags and added them up in his head best he could. The shirts were about six dollars each, and the shorts were a little over five after tax. Which means, adding up the extra cents, he’d have to pay twenty nine dollars for the clothes in total. Considering Patton gave him forty dollars, this was plenty.
Roman hesitated for a second. He stuffed his hand into his pocket to feel the money in the palm of his hand while he thought about his options. If he told Patton the truth, Roman would give him eleven dollars and there would be no issues. Patton might let him do this again next time they go shopping, too. But also…Roman had no backup plan. He was stuck with Patton with nowhere to go if things went wrong.
His aunt told him that Roman could always go back to her house if a guardian was abusing him, and he had every intention to take her up on that offer the second the opportunity arose. But even if Roman walked to her house on foot, he had no money for food during that trip. She lived so far away from him now, there was no way to get to safety without a dollar to his name. But if he stole some from Patton, then Roman could have a serious issue on his hands.
Roman slowly walked up to the check out area and handed the teenage worker the clothes. As she scanned all the items with a satisfying beep, Roman felt himself getting antsy. There’s no guarantee Patton will let me do this again. I’ve already gotten away with so much, and the more time I spend around him, the more danger I’m in. But if Patton notices I stole from him, he could be furious. Is there even a right answer here?
“Twenty nine dollars and thirty two cents.” The cashier said cheerfully. Roman handed her the money and she put it in the register, then handed Roman a bunch of coins, two five dollar bills, and a one dollar. She smiled. “Would you like a receipt?”
“Uh, no thank you.”
When the receipt printed, the cashier tore it out and threw it in the trash behind her. “Have a nice day.”
“You too.” Roman squeaked, rushing away from the register to stare at the money. Apparently they ran out of ten dollar bills, because the money was split perfectly for taking without it being obvious. Roman considered this a sign to take his chance. He put a five dollar bill and a quarter in his left pocket and shoved the rest in his right. It wasn’t much, but he could build it up. This was only the beginning.
Roman walked out of the store and tried to act normal instead of anxious. Worst case scenario, he’d say he forgot to bring out the rest and give Patton the other bills. Giving away the quarter also would be too obvious, but he could get away with stealing that at least. When he made it to Patton's car, Roman opened the back seat and tossed his clothes next to him.
“Hey, kiddo!” Patton greeted, “Got any extra cash to give me?”
“Uh, yeah, here.” Roman dug into his right pocket to grab half the money and handed it to him. Patton put the coins in his pocket and put the two bills in his wallet. He didn’t seem to consider how much Roman gave him, instead he started backing out of the driveway and got distracted while reversing. Roman let out a quiet sigh of relief.
He felt the five dollars still stored in his pocket. He got away with it. For now.
“We’re home!” Patton announced as he and Roman stepped inside. Logan and Virgil were both lying on the couch, and Logan perked up from his spot.
“Wonderful. We wanted to ask both of you a question.” Logan said.
Patton seemed intrigued. “What question?”
“Can we go to Janus’ house, Pat?” Virgil asked.
“Oh, of course, kiddos! Do you know when you might be back?”
Virgil thought about it. “Probably at six before dinner.”
“Perfect! Just text me if that changes so I don’t worry, okay?”
“We will.” Logan reassured, “And Roman, would you like to come with us?”
Roman tilted his head to the side. “Me? I don’t even know who Janice is.”
Virgil sunk into the couch more. “Friend of ours. Has a snake, talks a lot about philosophy and books. Acts like a tired underaged wine aunt.”
“Right, well, still. Isn’t it a little strange for me to tag along to a stranger's house?” Roman pointed out.
“Janus wouldn’t mind, I’m sure.” Logan said. “Of course, you don’t have to, we simply figured you would like the invitation so you’re not the only one left out.”
Roman’s eyes widened when Logan said that. Wait, shit, if Logan and Virgil are going to this girl’s house, then Roman will be here. Alone. With Patton. Until six in the afternoon.
Roman’s mood change was almost instant. “Well then, perhaps I should go! Make new friends and establish bonds, or whatever!”
Virgil smirked. “Sweet. It’s a short walk, just a block away. Just let us grab our shoes and we can head out.”
“I’ll tell Janus we’ll be bringing a third party.”
Roman let out a breath of relief. As Virgil and Logan grabbed whatever they needed, Roman set his new bag of clothes in his room next to his backpack. He’d have to remember to put some boxers in there before tomorrow morning, too.
Roman felt the five dollars in his pocket again. He took the money and hid it deep in his backpack in a hidden pocket he hoped wasn’t too easy to find. Satisfied with that for now, Roman stepped back outside of his room and waited for the others.
Once everyone was situated, Virgil called out to let Patton know they were leaving the house and then closed the door. Logan and Virgil did most of the talking as they walked while Roman just listened, following behind them and letting the two lead the way.
“Oh, and Roman,” Logan suddenly said during a point of silence, “Another one of our friends may also show up later at Janus’ house. He said he might be coming, so we’ll see.”
Roman shrugged. “Sounds fine to me.”
No one said anything else after that on the walk. After a while, Virgil and Logan stopped in front of a house and started walking up the driveway to the front door. As Virgil knocked on the door, Roman stood awkwardly off to the side until someone answered.
It wasn’t long before the door swung open, showing a teenage kid with a large birthmark under his left eye. He rested his elbow on the top of the black and yellow cane next to him and smirked. Was he the brother, perhaps?
“I’ve been expecting you.” He said menacingly.
“‘Sup, fucker.” Virgil greeted.
“Hello, Janus.”
Wait, what? Against his better judgment, Roman forced himself to stand in front of Logan to face Janus. “Wait, your name is Janice?” He asked.
Janus put his hand on his face. “Janus. It’s Janus. J-a-n-u-s, not the old lady name Janice.”
Roman felt his face grow hot. “…Oh. Well, uh…”
Janus rolled his eyes and held the door open wider. “Just come inside.”
Virgil was the first to step in, with Logan following after while Roman hesitated. He made an awful first impression, maybe he should just walk around the block for a while instead-
“Come on, my arm is tired.” Janus coaxed. Roman felt too awkward to walk away, so he instead sucked it up and stepped inside the house with everyone else.
The house was quite nice. The walls were painted dark and the carpet was red, but it looked nice in a Victorian era kind of way. On the living room coffee table were piles of fabric and a sewing machine, seemingly making something that looked like a suit. Janus took the cane he was holding and threw it onto the couch. Well, apparently it was just a part of the outfit.
Virgil motioned to all the fabric on the table. “Fuck are you making now, dude?”
“I’m making the refined villain look of my dreams.”
“Nice. When do you think you’ll finish it?”
“Possibly tomorrow. I’ll start on it again after school.”
“Do you make your own clothes?” Roman asked, hoping to distract himself from his previous embarrassment.
Janus smiled slightly. “Less clothes, more costumes. Mostly for myself, but sometimes I make them for the high school’s theater when I’m feeling generous.”
“Oh, that sounds fun!”
“Wanna see Janus’ costume closet?” Virgil asked.
Roman shrugged. “If he wants me to.”
“Oh yeah, just talk about me like I’m not here.” Janus rolled his eyes and motioned for everyone to follow him. He had a downstairs family room with a closet off to the side. Once everyone was downstairs, Janus opened it and let Roman look inside.
“…Woah.” Roman looked at all the costumes, astonished and full of wonder. A lot of them were very extravagant, like they were specifically designed for a dramatic person, so Roman felt a calling toward them. He took a few of them off their hangers to look at; roaring twenties inspired suits and a black dresses with fancy gold finishes. Roman ran his hand on the fabric like they were fancy relics.
“They are quite high-quality.” Logan said, “Costume design is certainly one of Janus’ greatest skills.”
“I can see that.” Roman whispered.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Don’t make his ego bigger than it already is.”
“Oh no, please do continue, I’m designed to be the center of attention.” Janus smirked.
Roman laughed and put the costumes back on the rack. It seemed like him and Janus were pretty similar in personality, just on opposite ends of the spectrum. Both dramatic artists, except one likes to add that with tons of sarcasm. He could see them getting along quite easily.
“Also, Janus,” Virgil said while looking at his phone, “Rat bastard says he’s coming over. He’ll be here in ten.”
“Ugh, fine. I was getting used to the silence.” Janus sighed.
“…Who’s rat bastard?” Roman asked.
“Friend of ours.” Virgil replied, “You’ll meet him in a bit. He’s a rat bastard. Smells vaguely of cheese.”
“You get used to it.” Janus shrugged. He then smirked at Roman like he got an idea. “Would you like to see my snake?”
Roman’s eyes lit up. “Yes!”
Janus led them all upstairs to his bedroom, Roman following last in the line so he could keep Janus’ door cracked open. As he stepped inside, he noticed a very large cage on the wall to his right. It was very long with lots of wood decorations spread across the container, with a fluorescent lightbulb above it. Roman looked around in the enclosure to try and spot the snake.
Before he could find it, Janus opened the top and stuck his hand in the cage. The snake climbed up his hand onto his arm, and as Janus stuck him out for Roman to see, Roman jumped back.
Janus rolled his eyes. “He’s a corn snake, he’s not known for hurting people.”
Roman still looked at it from a distance. The snake was large enough that Janus had to hold him with both hands, as well as being a mesmerizing yellow color. Roman never had a friend with a pet snake before. “…What’s his name?”
“Nerd.” Virgil called out.
Logan smiled. “I think it is a wonderful name. Lawrence Kohlberg developed the theory on moral development, the very basis for ethical behavior.”
“You’re very mature, Virgil.”
Roman ignored them. “I think he’s cool. How old is he?”
“About five. I’ve had him for a while now.”
A buzz came from Virgil’s phone, making him check it and read the message. “Rat bastard says he’s outside your door.” He announced.
Janus didn’t seem rushed. “He can get in on his own.”
Roman laughed, and Janus set Lawrence back in his enclosure so he could bask underneath the heat lamp. Roman still watched his movements from inside the cage. “I wish I had a pet.”
“Patton would get you a dog in seconds if you asked.” Logan suggested.
Roman shook his head. “It’s fine, I won’t ask.” He didn’t really know what kind of pet he even wanted, and besides, it’s not like he’d be able to keep it once he leaves Patton’s house. There was no point.
Suddenly, a loud stomping came from the stairs outside Janus’ bedroom. Roman yelped and ran to hide behind Janus in the corner of the room, but the others didn’t react. 
Roman sputtered. “What the-”
Before Roman could finish, a large bang came as someone kicked open the door and let it smack into the wall.
“I’m back by unpopular demand!”
“Hello, Remus.”
Roman completely froze up at the sound of that name. He turned around to look at the person that just busted down Janus’ bedroom door, a kid with messy hair and peach fuzz for a mustache, ripped jeans in the summer with a cast boot on his right foot.
Roman felt himself choke on air as he processed what was in front of him.
“Slugs are goopy like jello! So jello is made of slugs, duh!”
“Remus, that’s gross! No one would make food out of slugs!”
“What’s up, fuckers!” Remus announced. “I’m back from the pits of hell! Also known as the emergency room.”
Roman didn’t say anything, only stared at him in disbelief. Remus’ voice was a lot different now. He’d hit puberty, so the pitch had dropped a lot from what Roman was used to. A tuft of his hair was white, also. Roman couldn’t tell if it was dye or a condition.
That piece of hair and Remus’ mustache were the only things that made them both look apart now.
“What actually happened?” Logan asked. “You never told us specifics.”
“I broke my foot sucking too much-”
“Remus.” Janus warned.
“Fine, fine. I tripped trying to run up some steps and my fall didn’t look badass at all. Don’t tell people that though. If anyone asks, I broke it running from the cops.”
Janus nodded and smirked. “Noted.”
“We brought a third foster brother, also.” Virgil noted. Roman stopped breathing.
“Oh, really? Shit, I fuckin missed everything!” Roman looked in the corner trying to avoid Remus noticing him, but it was never that easy. “Why hello, welcome to our humble- …Oh, fuck.”
Remus tilted his head to make eye contact with Roman, and the surprise on Remus’ face was something Roman would never forget. He seemed genuinely baffled, like nothing in the world would have prepared him for what he saw. Roman wanted to cry.
I wanted to leave behind these people.
“…Roman?” Remus finally said, “Dude, holy fuck, I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“Wait,” Virgil staggered, “You know each other already?”
“He’s my fucking cousin!” Remus exclaimed. “Come on, look at us, we’re only a little related but we look like twins!”
Logan turned to Roman. “Is this true?”
Roman could feel the tears ready to burst. His throat was scratchy, but he tried to talk anyway. “…I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Come on, Princey, don’t be shy!” Remus teased. “We used to be best friends, let everyone believe we were twins until our moms called our shit out. Absolute bastard children- …wait. Wait a fucking second.”
“What is it?” Janus asked.
Remus turned to Virgil and Logan with a shocked and confused face. “…You said he’s your foster brother?”
Logan nodded. “That is correct.”
Remus turned to Roman, seemingly at a loss for words. “…Dude, the fuck? What happened?”
Roman looked at the floor, gripping onto his arm so hard it’d be a miracle if there weren’t marks later. “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I mean, I know I haven’t seen you since your mom fucked off to Neverland, but what happened to your dad? He’s still alive and shit isn’t he? The hell happened?”
“I said I don’t want to fucking talk about it!” Roman seethed, grinding his teeth together as he practically growled out that sentence.
Virgil flinched violently. “Roman-”
“Whatever!” Roman pushed Remus off to the side and kicked the door fully open, storming his way down the stairs despite the sounds of people yelling for him to come back. Roman stomped out the front door and took a sprint for it down the block, not caring if he had to be alone with Patton, so long as he wasn’t here.
“I bet you would eat a slug!”
“No I wouldn’t! Liar!”
“Boys, boys!” Roman’s mother laughed, crouching down to meet their eye level from their place sitting in the grass. “No eating slugs. Be nice to the bugs or we’ll go back inside.”
“Yeah, Remus!”
Remus huffed. “I’m not doing anything!”
“Not yet!”
Roman’s mother laughed again. “I’m going to help Uncle André with dinner. But I better not hear a fight, okay?”
“Okay!” Roman promised, watching as his mom went back inside his uncle’s house into the kitchen. Roman and Remus continued to play in the grass by looking at bugs and telling stories to each other, making Roman smile more than he has in a long time. He always loved going to Remus’ house. His dad never came with them, so he and his mom were always happier.
“How come we never go to your house?” Remus eventually asked after a few minutes of playing. Roman stuck his tongue out.
“‘Cause our house is tiny and the backyard isn’t as cool.”
“Still! When you come over, you never bring Uncle Theo!”
“Good!” Roman defended, “Dad’s boring so he doesn't getta come!”
“I like him! He’s fun and nice and always brings chocolate!”
“He’s awful!” Roman covered his mouth after he blurted that out. Remus gave him a look.
“He’s not awful!”
Roman looked over to the glass sliding door. His mom was in there, he could see her, but she couldn’t hear him. Maybe he could get away with it. He could tell Remus a secret and his mom would never find out.
Roman hesitantly took his hands away from his mouth. His tone grew to be a lot softer. “…He is, though.”
Remus tilted his head to the side like a dog. “What makes him awful?”
“…Promise not to tell anyone?”
Remus leaned in closer. “Uh huh!”
“No one at all, ever?”
“Triple quadruple promise!”
Roman looked back at his mom. She wasn’t paying attention to him, seemingly talking to his uncle and pouring juice into cups. Roman hesitated for a moment. “…My dad-”
“Boys! Dinner’s ready!” Roman’s mom called out, making Roman jump almost a foot in the air. Both of them got off of the grass to walk inside, but before they did, Remus turned to Roman again.
“Your dad what?”
“…Nevermind.” He missed his chance. Remus would never find out, and Roman never told anyone for another five years.
Roman ran faster down the street at the memory, fighting back the tears in his eyes. It was fine. Roman was fine.
He never wanted to talk to Remus again.
150 notes · View notes
pentechnics · 3 years
Chapter 14 of Of Love and Time
Summary: Coming back to work goes smoothly, yet something feels different. Confrontations lead to more anxiety and questions, and not being able to talk to Din makes it all the harder to handle. Surely there must be hope on the horizon?
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!reader (no y/n)
Series content: teacher/parent AU, fluff, slow burn, lots of mutual pining, sexual tension, mentions of past trauma (tagged in detail for specific chapters), depictions of violence (nothing explicit, no gore), angst, a dash of hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, Grogu is at the equivalent age of a human 4-year-old and can speak
Notes: SHE'S HERE, I'm sorry for the wait! I wanted to make sure this was ready, and I also had to make sure it aligned with the rest of my plans since it had a lot of moving parts lol. I know the angst train isn't an easy one to ride, but I hope you all will stick around and bear with me until we get to the destination! Please let me know what you thought of this one!
Thank you all so so much for your continued love and support, it pushes me to write and brings so much joy to my world! Love you all so so much!! ❤️
As always, taglists are under the cut? Lmk if you'd like to be added/removed!
You were earlier than usual when you arrived at school the next Monday. Eager to jump back into work, you made sure everything was exactly as you wanted it to be in the classroom.
When the time for the children to be dropped off came, you were at the gate waiting. The grey clouds cast a dull glow on the day, teasing the possibility of rain without actually crossing the threshold. You bounced a bit on your heels as the kids started to arrive, eager to reunite with them. One by one they saw you and charged, large grins splitting their faces. You welcomed each one with open arms and told them how much you missed them before guiding them to the classroom.
It was no secret that you were most anxious to see Grogu. You’d lost count of how many times you thought about him while you were home. You’d catch sight of his drawing on your fridge, or of his message on the card, or your mind would just travel to him on instinct when you thought of Din — which happened all too frequently.
Each time was more painful than the last; you couldn’t wait to hug your favorite little green rascal again.
You were already grinning like a fool when you saw the familiar sight of Din’s speeder bike pull into the parking lot moments later. You took several deep breaths to keep yourself from keeling over as the two made their way into the courtyard.
When he caught sight of you, Grogu stopped dead in his tracks. Your smile only grew as you took in his adorable visage.
Within seconds he made a beeline for you, backpack abandoned on the ground without a second thought. You took a step forward and crouched down with open arms, your cheeks aching from the width of your smile.
“Miss!!” he yelled, launching himself into your embrace. You caught him with ease and held him close, a hand coming up to cradle the back of his head.
“Grogu, I missed you so much!”
You squeezed him tight, your heart soaring with glee. He nuzzled into your shoulder, little hands clinging to fistfuls of your shirt. You took a deep breath. A week was much too long to be without this little guy.
A tiny shudder from him caught your attention. Your eyes flew open and you pulled back just enough to see tears spilling from his big eyes.
“Aw bud, are you feeling okay?”
“I-” he sniffled, “I missed you so much.”
His face scrunched up as more tears cascaded down his little cheeks. You wiped them away while your breath caught in your throat. The sight had tears pushing at the back of your eyes as well.
“Oh, honey,” you pulled him back into your shoulder, letting him dampen your shirt as he cried. “I missed you, too.”
You gently rocked back and forth, running your hand up and down his back and whispering words of validation while he released his emotions. You looked up to see Din firmly planted in his usual spot in the middle of the courtyard, watching the scene silently.
This was your first time seeing him since he left your house the previous week. It reminded you of the first time you saw him standing there: the way he blocked the light from coming through with his broad figure, the way he seemed to eat up the area around him. Only this time he didn’t feel cold and unapproachable; no, he felt like a shield. A forcefield keeping out the world around you.
“I missed you very much,” you muttered.
You gave him a smile. He nodded.
“Deep breaths, bud, let it all out.” you cooed to Grogu, your eyes still glued to Din’s visor.
Even though Din had been standing farther away last Friday than he was now, he seemed a little more blocked off. Looking at him, watching the muted light of day reflect off his beskar and his cape gently flutter in the breeze, had your eyes feeling strained.
Too far away.
After a few more minutes, Grogu’s hiccups eased up. You patted his back a few times before pulling away.
“I’m sorry to have worried you,” you said, giving his ear a gentle stroke. He shook his head.
“You’re all better now, right?”
“That’s right,” you smiled, the image of his message on your card entering your mind. “Thanks to the lovely card you all made, and to the beautiful Mudhorn you drew for me.”
A large grin split across Grogu’s face.
“I knew it!”
You giggled and stood, ready to lead him to the classroom. But he didn’t follow right away. He looked down in thought for a moment before looking up at you.
“Miss, can you carry me?”
He raised his little arms up, eyes stretched impossibly wide. Your brows shot up; you were accustomed to students asking you to carry them, but this was a new occurrence from Grogu. You looked at Din, hoping your eyes would convey your question for you. Din stuck his thumbs into his belt, chest slowly rising and falling as he nodded.
There was your Din again.
With another grin you knelt down and scooped the little bundle into your arms, balancing him against your shoulder.
“Want to give Papa one more wave before we go?”
Grogu turned and furiously waved to Din. Your heart swelled as Din waved back.
With that you turned around and began heading to the classroom.
You weren’t that far inside the gate when you heard Din call out to you.
“Miss, wait!”
You never turned around so quickly before. The sound of Din’s voice was like a splash of cold water on your face. It had seemed like an eternity since the last time you heard him speak to you. Your breaths came in shorter while your heart suddenly began to race.
He was lightly jogging your way, Grogu’s forgotten backpack in hand. You chuckled as you stepped up to meet him, hand extended to receive it.
Watching him close the distance between you seemed to slow down time. He couldn’t get to you fast enough, in your opinion, yet at the same time a thrill ran down your spine at the notion of him coming close to you at all.
He came to a stop in front of you and handed off the bag. Electricity surged through your fingers when they brushed against his gloved ones, the contact not lasting nearly long enough for your liking. You did your best to quell the sudden onslaught of prickles in your gut as you looked into his visor.
“Thank you, D-” you cut yourself off, swallowing his name back down your throat. There was still a barrier between you, an invisible fortress that separated who he was to you from who you wanted him to be. And for now you’d have to adhere to it, no matter how much it ate you up.
“... Mr. Djarin.”
Poison on your tongue. That’s what this felt like. He was still for a long moment, then nodded slowly. He backed away a few paces, which only added to the stinging in your heart. What you wouldn’t give to close the distance again. To call him by his name without a second thought. You sucked in a breath through your nose and forced yourself around, making for the classroom once more.
“Thank you, Papa! I love you!” Grogu called over your shoulder.
“Have a good day, pal. I love you, too.”
Din’s tone pierced your heart. He sounded sad. Dejected.
It tore you apart.
This was going to be the longest month of your life.
A few of your coworkers welcomed you back with warm words as you walked to the front office after school. You checked in with Kos, making sure to get any and all information about the meetings they had done on your behalf.
“I do have one more appointment scheduled with one of your families,” they said, flipping through the planner on their desk.
“On Wednesday, during the school day, I’ll be meeting with Mr. Djarin. Other than that, here are the families that are still in need of an exit interview.”
You accepted the list and looked it over. There were seven families total. You visualized your own planner in your head; if you could schedule three of them within this week, three next week, and then one the following week, they’d all be taken care of before the last week of school. Given that the last one was to be focused more on the children and was a bit shorter than the average week, your priority was to maximize it for them.
“Great,” you started, giving Kos a smile. “I cannot thank you enough for stepping in while I was out. It’s such a big help.”
“Not at all, the families were delightful.” They waved a dismissive hand. “How are you doing? How was your first day back?”
“It was wonderful,” you said with a grin. “I’ve missed the kids so much.”
“From what Gila was saying after subbing for you, it sounded like they really missed you as well.”
The two of you laughed.
After a brief catch-up, you departed the office and made your way back to the classroom. At your desk, you immediately sent the remaining families a list of available dates and times, and urged them to book a slot as soon as possible. You looked the message over a couple times before sending it off with a sigh.
You didn’t have a right to feel disappointed. You were the one who told Din to meet with Kos instead of you. It was the safest bet for you all. But nonetheless, as you sat at your desk, your heart ached.
You imagined him sitting across from you as he usually would, slightly slouched in the chair, fingers tapping on the wood. It saddened you to think that you wouldn’t be able to wrap up the year with him the way you had begun it when he and Grogu first arrived.
But maybe that was a good thing, considering how much the two of you have changed during that time. How much your relationship changed as well.
When Din showed up, you were someone who didn’t let people close out of fear. Someone who always put others before yourself, even when you were drowning. Someone who was scared to trust others with your heart. And then he came in and somehow weasled through all the defenses you built, changed all your rules about life, and latched onto your heart.
And Din was just a stranger. A stoic, silent figure that loomed from above and took up space wherever he went. He was an enigma, a never-ending pit of utter mystery that you never thought you’d understand. That version of him was completely gone from your consciousness. That Din felt so untouchable, so cold and closed-off. Everything Din really isn’t.
What you wouldn’t give to be having a random chat with him right now. Right here at your desk. To have him make a sudden witty comment that left you babbling and blushing, and then try to fire back. To hear that lovely, raspy laugh.
You ran a hand down your face. You had to get a grip on yourself.
Din parked his speeder in the lot and made his way through the courtyard.
It was Wednesday — time for his meeting with Kos.
It was strange not being met with your face. Strange coming here for a meeting that wasn’t with you. Strange to be walking here alone, the area completely devoid of children’s laughter or families’ chatter.
That was, until he walked through the gate.
In the distance, echoed conversation stemmed from a line of students walking through the exposed hall. Upon closer examination, Din saw Grogu in the line, laughing along with his friends. That must be your class. He scanned the whole line until he reached the front.
And sure enough, there you were, leading the way.
You had a glowing smile on your face, turning around every now and then to talk to one of the students, or to make sure they stayed in a straight line. You were wearing a blue dress covered in white stars that flowed with every step and complemented every part of you.
Din sighed. It was like you walked right out of a dream.
You were leading the kids to a building on the other side of the hall. When you reached it, you held the door open and one by one they filed inside. A little human and Twi’lek were at the very end, and gave you what looked like a little flower. Your smile only grew while you stuck it behind your ear.
Kriff, you were already taking his breath away. This just wasn’t fair. He clenched his hands into fists and took a deep breath, eyes not leaving your figure until it was out of sight.
He wished you would’ve looked up. Wished you knew he was standing right there, that he saw that smile, and that adorable interaction. What he wouldn’t give to see your bashful face grow red, maybe halt your hand before you could use it to cover yourself. And then just hold it instead.
He shook his head and banished the image before proceeding towards the office.
This month couldn’t go by fast enough. Keeping himself away from you should be against the laws of the universe.
“Alrighty, kids, recess time!”
The children cheered as you led them out back to the play area, into the shining Thursday sun. Since the school year was drawing to a close, you’d be sharing recess with another class on some days to get the children acquainted with new faces.
You hated having to share it with Bo today.
You stood at your normal spot under the awning near your door and watched the kids play. Your eyes scanned the area, unfortunately landing on where Bo stood just outside another door, a few classrooms down from yours.
He was looking straight ahead, watching his own set of children, a scaly smirk on his face. Anger pooled in your gut. Behind those vacant eyes was a blatant liar, and you had no idea why he’d even done it. What you’d done to deserve it. You let out a slow breath and refocused your attention on the three children running up to you, asking if you’ll referee their game of Red Light, Green Light. You smiled and agreed.
Arts and crafts time followed recess. The children were doodling away while you walked around and admired their work.
“Miss, Miss! What do you think?”
You looked over and saw Li waving you over. When you reached her and bent down to see her drawing, your heart swelled.
In her classic stick-figure fashion, she’d drawn you standing between herself and Grogu, with Chia and Jack on the ends. All of you had big smiles on your faces, and you were holding hands under a big purple tree nestled in a blue sky.
“It’s all of us at Grogu’s birthday party!”
“Aw Li, this is wonderful!” you said with a smile.
“It’s for you! So that you’ll never forget us.”
You looked at her. Her big eyes bore into yours, a hint of sadness behind them that she tried to mask with a smile. You gave her head a pat.
“I promise you, love, with or without this drawing, I will never forget any of you. You’re all part of my heart now. Okay?”
She looked down and nodded, handing the paper to you.
“I’m going to miss you, Li. But I know you’re going to have a wonderful year next year!”
“I’m gonna miss you too,” she said, head slowly coming back up.
You took a quick look around. Everyone else was still invested in their arts. You knelt closer to Li.
“Wanna know a secret? You have to promise not to tell anyone.”
Her eyes widened with intrigue as she furiously nodded. You chuckled and made a show of making sure no one was listening in on your whispered conversation.
“I might not be there, but you’ll still have some of your friends in your next class. That way you won’t feel alone, and you will still get to make some new friends.”
She put her little hands over her mouth and gasped.
“Who? Who’s gonna be there?”
“Nope, can’t tell you that! You’ll just have to wait and see.”
Her eyes shimmered with glee once more as she looked around and contemplated who it could be.
You wrapped up the conversation with a big hug and took the drawing over to your desk, placing it near your data pad so you’d remember to pack it and take it home.
When you finished your third exit meeting of the week that Friday, you plopped back on your chair with a huff. This first week back had been lovely, but also incredibly busy and long.
Has your job always been this intensive? Before it always seemed like the days weren’t long enough, that there was more you could’ve been doing with the kids. Maybe it was because you were off for a week, or that it was the tail end of the year, or maybe it’s because your circumstances at work have changed.
Before, you had no issue devoting every ounce of your energy to your job. You had no qualms with any of your coworkers. You weren’t having feelings for someone that created a huge conflict of interest.
You weren’t being forced to bury or hide anything.
You sighed. Hopefully next week would be lighter now that you were accustomed to your old routine. You fired up your data pad and proceeded to finish some smaller tasks.
“Knock knock,” came a sing-song voice from your door.
You looked up with a grin, which immediately fell into a scowl.
He was standing at your door with that same smirk from the other day on his face, hands shoved into his pockets.
You took a deep breath as you stared into his cold eyes. You stood from your desk and crossed your arms, fingers squeezing your skin in a desperate attempt to quell the urge to punch him in the face.
He gave a sarcastic scoff.
“Someone sounds crabby today.”
“And someone’s looking awfully cheeky despite being a creaton,” you fired back. He lost small talk privileges with that tone. You were not in the mood for this.
His cocky grin twitched downward. His glare grew darker.
“What might you be talking about, dear?”
“Don’t you call me that, Bo,” your blood boiled as you rounded your desk and stepped closer to him. “I know it was you. I know you filed that report against me. And I know you lied in it.”
He didn’t say a word. Instead he stepped deeper into the room, closing the distance between you a bit more.
“Hell, you know you lied. Why did you do this, Bo?”
Your arms flared about to accentuate your words. Bo continued to remain silent, though his expression was steadily becoming more sinister.
“What have I done to you? What was so bad that you’re trying to get me fired?”
The last of his facade faded away. Your eyes widened at the sudden shift in energy; you retreated a step on instinct, no longer feeling safe in his vicinity.
“That monster should not have been allowed to stay here.”
“What monster?” you asked as you furrowed your brow.
He shook his head and stepped closer.
“That child. The one who used the Jedi magic.”
All the air left your lungs. You stood there, dumbfounded, unable to respond.
“The second he revealed himself, he should’ve been banished. That entire family should be exiled from this planet.”
That snapped you out of it.
“How could you say that? How do you even know all this?”
“Oh, don’t be naive, a secret like that cannot be kept so easily. Plus, it’s hardly a coincidence that an incident like that occurred, after decades of no such thing happening here, just after you get a brand new student in the middle of the year.”
You were at a loss. This whole thing… was because Bo had it out for Grogu?
He stepped closer again. You took a deep breath and held your ground.
“If they lied about it to get that kid into this school, I have to wonder if they lied to get entry to the planet.” He paused and gave a maniacal chuckle. “I just might have to report that.”
“How dare you,” you glared at him, wishing a look alone could give this bastard the beating he deserved. “You have no clue what you’re saying. They’ve done nothing to hurt you or anyone else. They have just as much a right to be here as any of us.”
“And that’s exactly why you shouldn’t be here, either. They’re a danger to us all. And you are defending them. That Jedi magic is not to be trusted.”
You stared at him in silence, slightly tilting your head. His tone said anger, but his eyes screamed fear. Pity suddenly filled your gut. You took a deep breath as a hundred questions about his past experiences began swimming around in your mind.
“Bo, I don’t know what you’ve been through. But it’s obvious that it was painful and traumatic.”
His gaze bore into you. When he didn’t say a word, you went on.
“I feel for you, really, I do. But you can’t be using your pain to act out against people like this. There is no excuse for what you’re trying to do.”
“That child is a monster,” he said, glare intensifying.
“You’re being the monster here, Bo. Willing to put a child and his entire family in danger? For no reason? We are supposed to protect them here. Not cast them away.”
“You don’t think I’m trying to protect the school by having this sinister magic removed?”
“There is no magic to be found,” you said, trying your best to keep your tone calm. “One incident of any kind does not define a child. At no point has anyone been in danger around him. I think you’re trying to protect yourself from your problems.”
His expression dropped. You bit your lip; you did not regret what you said, but you were still frightened by what he might do now.
“You wench,” he growled, stepping up to your face. You flinched at his tone, but kept your gaze as steady as possible. He was silent as his furious, clearly defensive eyes clashing against yours. After a moment his mouth twitched upward.
“What, you wishing your shiny boyfriend could save you?”
You shook your head and sighed. What a delusional man, you thought.
“You think I’m the one who needs saving after what you’ve done? You are not getting away with this.”
His devious grin faltered just a bit. You continued to stare up at him, trying to reach through and get to the pain behind his eyes.
“Stop hiding from your emotions, Bo. It’ll only make it hurt more.”
He didn’t respond. It felt so strange to be the one telling him this. You’d spent so many years doing just that; were you even in a position to be saying it?
He released a chuckle; deep, drenched in malicious intent.
“You can’t protect them forever. The second this school year ends, I’ll personally see to it that they never set foot on this planet ever. Again.”
His words struck your core, like a stab to the chest. What in hell did he mean?
“Hm, perhaps sooner... “ he leaned in closer, “... if I can get you out of the way.”
You flew straight into Gila’s office the second Bo left. You marched past the receptionist and the various other administrative offices that lined the walls before bursting through her door. She was writing away at her desk, but halted and looked up when you came in, brow scrunched in confusion.
“Gila, I am so sorry to barge in like this, but you have to know what Bo just did.”
Your voice was cracking. Your hands were trembling. You were seething with anxiety, frustration, and pure terror.
The prospect of Din and Grogu getting hurt — possibly exiled — because of such deception was too much to bear.
“Woah, hold on girl, sit down.”
She got up and guided you to the chair by your shoulders.
“Good Kriff, you’re shaking,” she sounded concerned, almost fearful. She knelt down in front of you and took your hand in hers. “What did he do to you?”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. His ugly mug was still fresh in your mind’s eye, making you wince.
“He threatened to have Din and Grogu exiled.”
You went into detail about the incident, making sure to quote him verbatim where you could. Gila’s expression grew angrier as you went on; she extended an arm behind her to grab a notepad and a pen, and took note of your story.
When you finished, you almost felt like crying.
“Gila, we know by now that Bo’s willing to go any length to get what he wants. There’s no reason to doubt that he’ll go through with this.”
You leaned forward and rested your elbows on your thighs, eyes not leaving hers.
“We have to stop him.”
“No, you’re right,” she got up and sat back at her desk. “He’s taken this too far. I’m going to take this info to the Board as well, add it in with the rest of the stuff from the report. And then I think we’ll be able to take more concrete action.”
“Will that be enough?” you asked, “He threatened to go after them once the school year was over. Unless the whole district is school property, how are we supposed to handle that?”
Gila sighed and tapped her pen against the desk as she thought. After a moment, she tapped it against her chin and began writing again.
“I’ve got some ideas. I’ll look into it. You,” she pointed her pen at you, “are to stay safe, okay? That’s all you need to be thinking about. I cannot believe he came in and yelled at you like that. Fuckin’ ass.”
She scribbled down a few more things before setting her pen down and giving you her full attention.
“We’re going to make sure Bo never comes near you again first and foremost, and then I will take care of the rest. As per usual I’m going to need to get his side of it; when I talk to him, I’m going to make it clear that he’s forbidden from coming anywhere near you or any of your kids. And you two won’t be sharing any more recess sessions, or anything else, for that matter.”
She picked up the pen again to jot down something. Your jumbled mind took a moment to process her words; she talked a bit fast, but you still caught it all.
“I have to tell Din. This is scary, we need to keep Grogu safe.” you scooched up in the chair to get closer to Gila.
“You’re supposed to be staying away from tin man, you can’t do that.”
“Fine, but someone has to let him know. There’s got to be something else we can do now to make sure Bo doesn’t go after Grogu. Isn’t there anything?”
Gila looked into your eyes again. She gave you a small, somber smile.
“Sweetie, I know you’re frightened. I am, too, I’ve never seen a staff member act like this. But you need to remember something.”
She leaned forward on her desk.
“As long as you’re around, no one can hurt Grogu while he’s here. And as long as tin man’s around, no one will live long enough to even try outside of this place. Not to mention Fennec and Boba. That kiddo’s got the scariest entourage in the galaxy protecting him already!”
Your chest deflated in sudden relief. She was absolutely right.
“Grogu is going to be just fine, and we are going to do something about this fucker,” she said, reaching her hand over her desk. You put yours in it.
“I promise.”
You smiled. That was exactly what you needed to hear. You took another breath and squeezed her hand.
“Thank you.”
For the first time in your career, you were nervous for a staff meeting.
It was Tuesday afternoon, and you were due in the conference room in five minutes. You took a deep breath from your seat at your desk.
This meeting would be discussing preparations and plans for the last day of school, which was affectionately referred to as Field Day, complete with several different games and activities.
But the entirety of the faculty was going to be there, and that included Bo. The last person in the galaxy you wanted to see. You wondered if Gila had already spoken with him, if she’d really be able to keep him away from you.
You stopped and raised your head. What the hell were you doing, you asked yourself.
This school had always been your safe space. Some of your coworkers were also friends. Why focus so much on the one negative instead of on all of those positives?
You shook your head. While sometimes thoughts like that couldn’t be helped, you were grateful to have caught yourself this time.
With renewed purpose you got up and started making your way to the front office. You bit your lip in mild frustration; how dare Bo try to taint your joy, even when he wasn’t present?
You were early to the meeting, but most of the staff was already there. You scanned the room — Bo was the only absent teacher, from what you could tell. Gila greeted you with a smile and waved you over to her.
“I was wondering where you were,” she started, “was about to come get you myself!”
You gave her a smile as you took your seat beside her. She gave your hand a tap.
“Don’t worry, he’s not coming.”
“Really?” you asked. For once you were grateful that she could read you so well. She nodded.
“Dismissed him from all the rest of our staff meetings. I talked to the rest of the admin team about it and we agreed that it was more important that you be here than him. Plus, with these reports still being investigated, we thought it was best to keep him off campus as much as possible. I would just like to fire him altogether, but I can’t do that without cause.”
You breathed a sigh as relief flowed through you, like a dam had broken in your gut. Part of you felt a strange sense of guilt about it, even though there was no reason to be. Bo brought this on himself with the way he talked about Grogu.
The encounter replayed in your mind. Rage boiled under your skin.
You pushed it away when Gila began the meeting. She was going over the different activities that would be available for the kids on Field Day. These included a bouncy house, various carnival-style games with little prizes, parachute, along with the play structures that already existed in the school’s bigger play area.
Your kids hadn’t gone there yet, seeing as it was reserved for the older classes. It included a larger play structure with multiple swings, climbing bars, a glider, and bridges. There was also a large climbing wall, two ball walls, tether ball setups, hopscotch, goal hoops, and more. The Field Day setup would take up the large areas surrounding each structure, effectively turning the entire area into a large fair.
“Are there any other things we should add to this lineup?” Gila asked the group. Some teachers offered to bring food, others volunteered their vehicles for riding. You raised a hand as a thought occurred in your mind.
“I could do face painting. I feel like the kids would enjoy that.”
“Yes,” Gila said with a grin, pointing her pen at you. “I love it!” She turned around and added it to the list on the board.
You smiled. Everyone seemed so excited to give their kids this last hurrah before passing them onto their next educator.
And now you were certain that every teacher in that room had the children’s best interests at heart. That they’d take care of their new kids with the same love and attention as the teacher before them. The thought sent a wave of relief through your system.
When the meeting wrapped up, you stayed behind to help Gila clean.
“Any news?” you asked.
“Not yet, hon,” she said with a sigh. “It’s only been a couple days. They have all the information now. And it takes a few weeks to process everything. We’ll know for sure before the school year ends, but it’ll be cutting very close.”
You sighed. Not being able to talk to Din was hard on its own, but not being able to talk to him about this brought its own brand of pain.
You felt alone again. Now that you understood what it meant to lean on someone you trusted, you couldn’t remember how you handled this sensation before.
“I’m sure this is stressful, but it’ll be okay,” Gila said, her hand coming down on your shoulder.
“I know.” you said with a smile. “Usually I’m good at waiting. But my patience has been running thin lately.”
“I get why, it’s hard when you have to keep yourself from loving someone.”
Your head snapped up. Did she really just say that word? Your wide eyes met her calm ones, and she chuckled.
“C’mon, hon. That’s exactly what’s happening.”
She gave you a final pat before proceeding with pushing in the chairs.
“Just keep away from him for a little longer, girl. Then he’s all yours.”
If only it were that simple, Gila, you thought.
If only.
Despite what Gila said, you still found yourself staring at your comm that night while you laid in your bed. You were instinctively on one side, arm sprawled over the empty space beside you, hand clutching the small device.
You wanted to message him. Not just about the incident with Bo, but to feel closer to him in general. There was nothing you wanted more than to be in his arms after what happened that afternoon, to breathe in his soothing scent and get lost in his warmth. To have him hold you close and reassure you that everything was going to be okay. Though Gila did a wonderful job of that when you got to her, and you were grateful.
You pulled up your messages and clicked on Din’s name. Older feeds — namely, from trying to find the birthday party and then a couple from him checking on you after getting sick — flashed onto the screen, along with a little window in which you could write a new message. ‘Would this even count?’ you asked yourself, despite your practical brain knowing full well that it did. That you shouldn’t send a message under any circumstances.
You couldn’t help wishing Din had made you keep that promise from when you last spoke with him. It would’ve been the perfect excuse to override your logic. You wondered what he was doing right now. Was he also laying in bed? Maybe already asleep? Maybe using those eyes to actually look at his beautiful son, whom you’ve grown to love so much. Or maybe he was doing something else; now that you thought about it, you weren’t too familiar with how he spent his downtime. Part of you hoped he was doing something relaxing, like watching Parks and Rec.
Or maybe that was just your mind trying to mask your real hope: that he was thinking about you.
You couldn’t help it. Here you were, staring at his name in your comm, arm stretched over the space where he slept just last week, wishing he was there. It would be so painful if he wasn’t thinking of you at all.
Your mind wandered and replayed memories from the week. The entirety of it had been busy and unexpected in many ways. The drama with Bo aside, everything had returned to the way it was before you got sick. You were back in the classroom where you belonged, with some of the greatest kids you’ve had the pleasure of teaching. Your days were filled with lesson plans, meetings, and the sound of children’s laughter. You went right back to doing what you’d always done: spending your time and energy on giving them the best and safest experience possible. In the past it had been your drive to be there for them no matter what. You’d come home feeling tired, yet utterly satisfied.
So how come that wasn’t the case now?
How come you were just tired? There was no doubt you still loved what you did and felt good about doing it, but there was now a vacant space in your heart, like a bubble had popped.
Deep down you understood what had changed. Not only about the world around you, but about yourself and what you valued.
Your life didn’t revolve around your job anymore. Now, as it should, it was revolving around you.
You, and what was best for you.
And right now the job that you loved so much was forcing you into doing the opposite of that. Hiding, pretending, squishing down emotions that were much too strong to be kept away. Emotions that shouldn’t have to be kept away.
You eyed the little box on your comm again. There were a million things you wanted to say to Din. Things you never thought you’d be saying to anyone. Things your heart was begging you to unload.
But you couldn’t. Not yet.
You sighed and turned off your comm, setting it down on your side table. Now was not the time for moping, you decided. Starting tomorrow, you’d pick yourself up and do your best to get through this. You settled into your pillow and pulled your covers up.
Despite your little pep talk, you fell asleep to the image of that silver helmet tilting at you, the black ‘T’ giving off an invitation you so desperately wanted to accept, and to the phantom sensation of his soft hands holding yours.
OLAT taglist: @dincrypt @anrimdjarin @kodye1018 @persie33 @janebby @allmahfeels @onomatopoetic-aesthetic @queen-since-97 @tobealostwanderer @darlingotaku @fangirlalexia @justdrawings101 @onebrownoneblue @440mxs-wife @what-iwish-you-knew @mylittlesenaar @dessinemoiunehistoire
perm taglist: @booksarekindaneat @bluemacaron @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @whataenginerd @christina-loves @literallydontlook @the-little-ewok @salome-c
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lee--felix · 3 years
The One Requested by anon | Masterlist | Pairing: Jongho x fem!reader Word Count: 830 Genre: Fluff Warnings: Little bit of jealousy, use of “baby” as a petname, vague age mention, noona A/n: For as short as this is, it really shouldn’t have taken me 8 days to get around to this. I’m so sorry! I hope you enjoy it! This has not been beta read. tags: @hopexclouds @wooyoungsbae @yunhoflrtz @yungisstar1117 @jenossslut @yunhomocide @yunkiwii @nymeriaaa @troy-on-sea @hjsraccoon @dazzling-lightzzz @sanraes @baguette-atiny @strawberryjoongiee  @wooyoung-a (please message me to be added/removed from this list at any time)
Jongho was never one to show jealousy. For being the youngest member, he was always wildly confident in not only himself, but his relationship with you as well. Despite you being several years his senior, he always felt like nothing could take you away from him. Today, though? Oh, today just wasn’t his day. Everything had gone wrong from the time his alarm went off this morning and you being pre-occupied with helping the backstage staff today just didn’t sit right with him. Pangs of jealousy tore at his insides as he sat, waiting for his bandmates to finish their makeup and styling. He could just barely see you through the doorway, joking and laughing with people your age and he couldn’t help but think just for a moment... maybe he was still too immature for you.
As you disappeared from his view for a few moments, Jongho looked around the room to determine just how much free time he had. It seemed to be a lot, considering it was only him and one other that were finished with makeup and styling... probably up to an hour or more. But where had you gone? He got up from his seat on the couch, slipping out the door before anyone could notice his movements. Roaming the hallways for a bit, the smell of fresh coffee caught his nose and he began to follow it. You were always the coffee runner, and he was sure he’d find you this way.
A smile crept across your face as you saw Jongho approaching you, though his expression remained entirely neutral. Concerned, you sat the drink holder down on a nearby table and slipped your phone back into your pocket.
“Is everything okay?” You asked as he hesitated to wrap his arms around you like he normally would.
“I don’t want to interrupt, we can talk while you bring-”
“They can wait. You’re more important.” You interrupted, tugging his arm to pull him off to the side so you wouldn’t be in the way of anyone walking down the narrow hallway. The words already made him feel a bit better, just hearing you say it somehow began to heal the wound. But it was simply not enough to bring him the joy he craved.
“You love me, right? I mean... of course you do. But... you would be happier with someone your age, I think.. isn’t a bit odd for a woman your age to be with a younger man...” His voice trailed off as he shifted awkwardly, his fingers fidgeting with the tassels and pins on his outfit. His eyes met the floor, but the sound of hurt in your voice caused him to meet your gaze immediately.
“Baby, why would you say that?” Your smile had long since faded, giving way to a furrowed brow and slightly pouted lips.
“I don’t mean anything bad about you. I mean... it seemed like you were having a lot more fun with people your age. I just feel like I’m still too young for you.” The silliness of the assumption began to hit him as the words left his lips, seeming almost embarrassed to be feeling this way. You joked and laughed with his bandmates and it never felt like this, why would he be so jealous of stagehands?
Your arms crept up his chest and around his neck, hands lacing together behind him. You started with a small kiss at the base of his neck, then another, and another, climbing higher on his skin with each peck. The last one landed on his cheek as you pulled away, noticing the pink hue making its way across his cheeks and ears. He was never one for public displays of affection, though his insecurities were fading with every kiss. His hands smoothed across your waist, meeting on your lower back and pulling you further into him as he placed a soft kiss on the top of your head. If there was single doubt in his mind, it had long since melted away as he held you there. You were his, and he was yours.
“I’m sorry for doubting you.” He started softly, leaning his head down to rest his forehead on yours.
“You should be sorry for doubting yourself.” You replied, stealing a kiss from his lips before he could stop you. “You are my one... my only one, Choi Jongho. Don’t you ever forget that.” His face broke into a grin, his eyes lighting up at the words and forgetting his rule about public affection entirely. “Now, come with me so I can deliver these coffees and remind everyone who the most important person in my life is. I love showing you off.” With a wink, you turned to grab the drink holder as he loosened his grip.
“I keep thinking there’s nothing you could do to make me love you more, then you feed my ego.” He laughed, following beside you with his arm draped lazily over your shoulder.
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jekde04 · 3 years
Of Sudden Rains and Lasting Promises
Pairing: Gruvia (Gray Fullbuster & Juvia Lockser) Fandom: Fairy Tail Genre: Romance Word Count: 2,254 words Summary: She had been fairly good at controlling the rain and not letting her emotions influence it too much. But there were a couple of instances in the past that it went out of hand–and it always involved one person. Just like how it did now. Prompt: Tears (Day 4 of Gruvia Week 2021, but I'm so late I don't want to tag it as such anymore lol) Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 You may also read it on FanFiction.net and AO3! Check out my master list for other Gruvia fics. Tag list (I'm so sorry I totally forgot to tag you in my last few fics!): @shampooneko @fbflame94 @juviaafullbuster @unvalley @gruviaftw11​ (Wanna be tagged, lemme know)
She didn't mean to make it rain. But thank heavens it was just a drizzle.
It had been a while since it last happened. She had been fairly good at controlling the rain and not letting her emotions influence it too much. But there were a couple of instances in the past that it went out of hand–and it always involved one person.
Just like how it did now.
Juvia wiped the thin streaks of rain pelting her face. She decided to sit on the park bench right under a big oak tree, but the rain must be getting stronger now because the thick canopy of leaves had become inadequate to protect her. She heard a man curse and remark how annoying the sudden rain was as he hastened to pack up the magazines and newspapers he was selling.
She was the gloomy rain woman once again.
"You shouldn't be out under the rain like that."
A hand holding a familiar pink umbrella appeared beside her, shielding her from the worsening downpour. She didn't need to look to know who it was.
"How did Gray-sama get Juvia's umbrella?"
"You left it in the guild, so I borrowed it for myself," Gray said as he moved to sit beside her, all the while not letting the shade of the umbrella leave her head. He moved his damp bangs away from his eyes and ruffled his hair to shake the droplets off.
"Gray-sama can use Juvia's umbrella. No need to ask Juvia," she muttered. She could feel Gray inching closer to her to make sure they're both under the umbrella, their arms and legs touching.
"I know. I just happened to see you here, and it's kinda unfair to keep the umbrella for myself while the owner is getting drenched."
Juvia looked at him, his chiseled profile matching the perpetual frown on his face. She already knew how handsome he was, yet her heart still beat fast every time she looked at him.
But she also couldn't help that sinking feeling in her chest when she remembered what she overheard earlier. She sighed.
"You okay?" he asked her.
"Hmm-mmm," Juvia answered. She wondered if she should ask him or just let him broach the subject. Finally, she decided to just stay in comfortable silence as the rain poured in a steady rhythm.
"There's something I've been meaning to tell you."
There it is, she thought, but she didn't dare hope. It could be something else.
"Juvia is listening."
A long pause, with nothing but the incessant downpour and the few people out and about being all that they could hear.
"I'm going on a quest with my team." When Juvia didn't say anything, he continued, "It's gonna take a while."
Really, it shouldn't hurt like this. Mages like them go on quests all the time.
But this one was different, she knew.
"Juvia knows. Everyone was talking about it at the guild." She looked at him while he continued to stare straight ahead as if counting each drop of rain. "You're doing Gildarts-san's failed quest, right? The one that hasn't been solved for 100 years."
What was a previously light shower started to transform into heavier rain, bigger drops falling from the sky and making plop-plop noises on the umbrella shielding them. She could feel drops hitting the right side of her body, and she knew that it would only be a matter of time before the wetness would start to seep through her thick clothes.
She felt Gray squeeze closer to her and reposition the umbrella to cover her entire body. Glancing at him, she noticed that half of his body was getting drenched by the sudden heavy downpour.
"Gray-sama, you're getting wet," she said as she moved even closer to him, grabbing the umbrella and trying to cover him better.
"Don't worry about me," he told her, moving his arm around her shoulders so that they could fit under the umbrella better. The sudden warm sensation as Gray practically embraced her lit Juvia's pale cheeks with a pink tinge, but she couldn't bring herself to say more to him.
After a few beats, he said, "I'm sorry you had to hear it from other people. I was planning to tell you, you know."
Despite the dark clouds in the sky and her heart, Juvia couldn't help but smile. At least Gray wasn't planning to just leave her in the dark this time, like what he did when he disappeared without a trace for six months. The thought of it made tears well in her eyes, and she hastily wiped them with the back of her hand, lest the rain worsened.
Gray looked at her, concern written all over his face. "Hey, you can say no if you don't want me to leave."
At this, Juvia looked at him, her eyes wide. "What?"
"If you're not fine with it, I won't go."
"Is Gray-sama asking Juvia's permission to go on a mission?" she asked, not believing what she was hearing.
Gray blushed and looked away from her. He shrugged. "Maybe."
"But why?"
"Well, you are..." Gray swallowed, as if a thick lump had formed in his throat. "You are... my… my friend. And what you think is important to me."
She should have been sad to be called just a "friend," but for some reason, Juvia felt warmth spread in her chest. Gray wasn't particularly good with his words, but he always made up for it in his actions.
And now, he was actually considering her feelings. Ready to throw away the chance to go on a once-in-a-lifetime quest if she said so.
"Does Gray-sama want to go?"
His brows creased in thought, and it took him a moment before he answered. "Yeah, I think so. There's a part of me that wants to stay, but a bigger part of me wants to get stronger."
Juvia furrowed her brows as she looked up at him. "But Gray-sama is already very strong. Juvia knows she says this a lot, but you really are one of the strongest mages she knows."
"I'm not planning to be the strongest out there," he said. "I just want to be strong enough to protect the people that matter to me."
Juvia rolled her eyes. "Everyone at Fairy Tail can protect themselves. You have nothing to worry about."
"I'm not talking about Fairy Tail," Gray answered, his gaze darting once again to the empty rain-drenched street. She may just have imagined it, but she thought she saw his cheeks darken as he tightened his grip on her shoulder.
"There is... someone... I cherish. Someone I almost lost before. I don't want that to happen again. I want to be strong, so I can keep her safe."
It was so unusual for Gray to talk about his feelings that it left Juvia dumbfounded. Of course, she didn't want to assume or make Gray uncomfortable, but…
What the hell. He was leaving soon, and she had to let him know how much he mattered to her. One more time.
"Juvia is sure that whoever that someone is, she already thinks Gray-sama is wonderful and more than enough," she said. And in a lower voice, she added, "And she believes that her love for him won't change whether he's the strongest mage on Earthland or just an ordinary man without powers. Because she loves him just the way he is right now."
She sneaked a peek at Gray, whose eyes she couldn't see behind his bangs, but his cheeks had definitely turned a dark shade of red. And maybe it was just her imagination again, but was that a shadow of a smile appearing on his face?
The rain was finally letting up, the dark clouds gradually going away. Yet the two of them remained huddled under Juvia's umbrella. Gray started to subconsciously play with the tips of her hair, curling and uncurling them on his fingers. Not that she minded, though.
"I know that. After all, she's the kindest person I know," Gray said. "That is why I want to be the best version of myself. For her. I don't want to be anything less because she deserves only the best."
Juvia could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, but she fought it and willed herself not to boil or turn into a puddle. The dark clouds were all gone now, replaced by the sun's rays taking a peek from the clouds and giving an ethereal sheen to their surroundings.
"Gray-sama is so sweet. Whoever she is, she's one lucky girl."
"Trust me, I'm luckier," Gray said, grinning at her. Then, realizing that the rain had stopped and the sun was out, he closed the umbrella and stood up, stretching his hand for Juvia to grab.
"I guess someone's feeling less sad now?" he asked, and Juvia blushed.
She took Gray's hand, and he intertwined their fingers as they started walking towards Fairy Hills. "How did Gray-sama know?"
"Let's just say I also have a Juvia-radar that tells me when you need a bit of cheering up," Gray told her, and Juvia couldn't help the swarm of butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
Maybe it was due to their interlocked hands and the way his thumb mindlessly caressed her knuckles. Or perhaps the fact that he was walking her home, though he had been doing that for quite some time now. Or maybe it was because of how well he knew her–and actually cared about her.
It was all of the things he had said and done… and even all the unsaid ones that brought unparalleled joy in her heart. Because she felt… no, she knew that she was loved. Deeply and completely.
But she had to ask him one more thing.
"Can you promise... that certain someone... one thing?"
"What is it?"
"Promise her you'll come back."
Gray chuckled. "Of course. I promise I'll come back home to her, no matter what. I will come back as a man worthy of her love. "
She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back, and they continued walking hand-in-hand, no words needed.
They were at the gate of Fairy Hills when Gray spoke again.
"Yes, Gray-sama?"
He had stopped walking and faced her. "Wait for me, will you?"
A bright blush bloomed on her cheeks. Gray had always been indirect with her, yet here he was, asking her (and not a certain someone) to wait for him.
As if there would be any other answer.
"Always, Gray-sama."
And, in a moment of boldness, she tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek, her lips lingering for a second before letting him go. She caught sight of his reddened cheeks before he turned his face away and awkwardly patted her head with his free hand.
"We won't be leaving until the end of the week, so, um... would you like to... spend some time with me?"
Juvia's eyes sparkled. "Is Gray-sama asking Juvia out on a–"
"Not a date!" Gray quickly interrupted. "Just, um, hanging out with each other since I'm going away and we're not going to see each other for a long time."
Juvia smiled knowingly. Nothing would change her mind that Gray was asking her out on a date, but of course, she would let him believe that they were just "hanging out" if that was what he wanted.
"Let Juvia think." She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped a finger on her chin. "Hmm, Juvia wants to eat caramade franks, go fishing–"
"You wanna go fishing? We can do that."
"Really? Juvia's so happy! She was told it's always raining around her, so she can't be taken fishing or camping or–"
"Who said that? That's a load of crap," Gray said, irritated. "Tell me and I'll punch his brains out."
Juvia placed a hand on his arm. "Not important, Gray-sama." She smiled and added, "Tomorrow, then?"
Gray nodded. And before she knew what was happening, she felt Gray pulling her body close to him, her hat yanked away from her head, and Gray's lips suddenly on her forehead. Her hands landed on his bare chest, and she could feel his heartbeat thumping loudly, probably as strong as the beating of her heart at the moment.
It ended as fast as it happened, and she found herself being pushed away by a flustered Gray, mumbling, "See you tomorrow!" As he hurriedly walked away from her, Juvia finally broke from her trance and had enough sense to shout, "Gray-sama, your clothes!"
Juvia giggled as Gray picked up his discarded clothes and started wearing them, still a bit of pink coloring his cheeks. When he was done, he hastily waved goodbye to her and shouted, "Tomorrow!"
She watched his retreating form until he was no longer within her line of sight. Her heart ached a bit, knowing that he was going away soon, but it swelled with the promise that he would eventually come home to her–a better, stronger, and more confident man.
How that was even possible, she didn't know, as he was already perfect in her eyes. But she also hadn't imagined that she could even love him more, yet here she was, finding herself loving him a little bit more each day as he ever-so-slowly let her into his melting heart.
Clutching her hat to her heart, she entered Fairy Hills.
A/N: I'm still writing Gruvia Week fics? You bet I am! It would be a waste if I don't flesh out those drafts I did before, right? Thank you for still reading my fics. I appreciate them a lot and you inspire me to keep writing. Btw, the fishing thing is a reference to the FT 100 YQ chapter 11 cover. And also to what Bora said to Juvia once. :)
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Oh bestie pls may I request 16 angst prompt with Wrecker? I wanna COMFORT that man in his time of NEED
Never Again
Oh my gosh yes 😩 I am in a wrecker mood rn so here you go bestie!!
Wrecker x Reader: 18. “You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, because guess what? It did!”
Warnings: nothing really, it's just kind of sloppy because I decided to write this in the morning before heading to my great grandparents 💀
Words: 1.1k
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You wet your lips anxiously. Running your palms against your side as you stood at the bar of the cantina you and the rest of the batch stopped at to get drinks. You were getting drinks for you, Tech, Wrecker, and Echo. The other two didn't want any, as usual. 
Wrecker let you go up by yourself this time, which was something you always hated. Especially in a cantina you'd never been to before. They were crowded with people you didn't know. Dangerous ones, even. 
Your eyes watched Wrecker as he abandoned the table. Waltzing off to the corner where some were playing Sabaac. All was good until you saw a girl hanging off of him. He was wavering a bit so you knew he was a mix of tired and at least tipsy. 
But you were also an insecure soul. You knew he could do better than you, even if he didn't realize it. Call you selfish, but you'd never point it out to him either. 
You got the drinks, downing yours, and then heading back for the table with shakier hands than before. "You alright?" Hunter asked, noticing your uneasy form. Playing with his now empty glass of water. "What's Wrecker doing?" You avoided his question with a question. Everyone's eyes wandered. 
"He said he was going to play Sabaac." Tech told you with a small smile. Until it faded. Seeing the brute in a chair with a girl leaning against him. He didn't seem to be paying attention to her. The pit in your stomach growing at even the thought. 
"I need to step outside.." you spoke, and everyone was standing when you were rushing for the door. "Hey wait, you can't wander off without us!" Crosshair snaps. You groaned, ignoring his words. Pushing the door open and slipping outside. 
Hunter was the one to come outside. The other two were told to stay outside in case Wrecker did anything else he was unaware of. They all knew he loved you, he wouldn't do anything like that purposefully. 
Hunter peaked through the door. Seeing you leaning against the wooden wall of the cantina. "Hey.." his words were soft against the blaring noise from inside. The door shutting slightly muffling it, at least. 
"What, Hunter?" You murmured. "He's not doing it on purpose. We've learned from experience, if you chase a girl like that off it normally causes a brawl." You didn't say anything. Folding your arms across your chest. Staring down to avoid his gaze. "Don't be mad at him, okay?" He spoke, and you glanced back up. 
"He loves you, a lot. You're the one thing that brings him genuine joy. Remember last week when you shot that droid without aiming?" You nodded softly. Watching Hunter with curious eyes. "We heard the story a good 60 times each, even though we were there too, you know." He informed you. 
Your lips curled into a small smile. "He was so proud, and to admit he was the guy dating you when the two of you hooked up in the first place? We still hear about that story." Your cheeks flushed hot. Pursing your lips to hide the smile that wanted to break free. "Really?" You asked, as if you didn’t know, but you did. "Hell yes, look, he loves you, he brags about you, that girl in there means nothing and all she'll get from him is probably more stories about you." He told you. Poking your shoulder gently.
You both looked to the door when you heard it bust open. Panic setting in you both as the two of you reached for weapons. Until you heard that familiar booming voice. "Flower," he spoke with a bit of a slur. "Crosshair said I made you mad," he drawled out a bit. Eyes meeting Hunters, which made him smile. He didn't care, he was honestly quite glad you weren't out and about by yourself. 
"I'll let you two be, then." Hunter spoke. Giving your shoulder a light squeeze, then venturing back inside. 
You glanced up, locking eyes with Wrecker. "It was nothing," you told him, forcing a small smile. "You sure? I wasn't doing nothin' bad, I was just playing cards for extra credits." He told you, holding his hand out for you. 
You placed your hands in his bigger palms. Smiling gently at the contact. "Is it about that lady in there?" He spoke under his breath, as if she were listening. You nodded, and he smiled. "She ain't mean nothing. You know how much more beautiful you are?" He told you. Leaning in to plant a kiss to your cheek as his hands rushed to your hips. Making a small giggle leave your lips. "Plus you're too perfect, and cute, and tiny compared to them. You're mine." He spoke. Peppering your face with kisses. Giggles leaving your lips that had him giggling as well. 
But that ache was still there. Just for another reason this time.  "But, Wreck.." you murmured, reaching for his chest. "Hmm?" He hummed against the skin of your neck. "Are you okay?" You asked. You were too caught up in your own feelings to even pay attention to his wounds. Previous mission had him worked up quite a bit. His head was aching, and you weren't sure what was up. "I'm fine with you here," he cooed, and you snorted a bit. "Wrecker.. You can'tkeep pretending it didn'thappen, because guess what?" He pondered, "what?" He deadpanned. "It did happen, and I'm worried about you.." you told him in a near whisper. Watching as he leant up a bit to lean his forehead against yours. "Yeah, well, Don't be." He spoke with a smile. Kissing your lips. 
"Why shouldn't I be? If you hit your head hard enough you dunno what could happen." You pouted. Genuine concern lacing your voice. 
"I wasn't actually hurt," he told you. Rubbing the back of his neck. Your eyes widening as you stared up at him. "What do you mean.." you spoke, voice lowering a bit. "Well, you see, I saw you helping Tech the one day when he got hurt, and I wanted you to help me was all." 
You groaned, eyes rolling. Leaning forward to rest your forehead on his chest. "Wrecker?" "Hmm?" You let out another sigh. "Please, never EVER, do that again. Just ask if you want attention." He smiled, kissing atop your head. "You got it!" 
His loud enthusiasm made you smile against his chest. Until curiosity got the best of you. "So did you win?" You asked him, glancing up with a quirked brow. "You bet your sweet lips I did!" You snickered. Kissing his chin. "Whatcha getting with the credits then?" "Now that's a surprise.." 
@andiebell2023 @kaitou2417 @murdertoothpick
To be added to tags comment "future tags"!
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Jealous - Luke Patterson
Summary: You bring a friend to a concert with you and Luke gets the wrong idea. 
A/N: this it like, alive!Luke, it’s also like 3k long 😭😭
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
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Luke pouted, leg twitching as he looked around the small venue that Alex had booked them that night. The doors had only just opened and people were beginning to stream in. They’d played shows before but Luke was still surprised watching people come through the doors. He honestly couldn’t believe anyone had bought tickets. There was no doubt in Luke’s mind that they were the greatest band ever but seeing other people agree with that sentiment always made him feel like he was on cloud nine. Hanging a little over the second-floor balcony of the venue, watching every person that walked through the door, he wanted to be excited but his nerves had nothing to do with the show tonight.  
“Would you chill man?” Alex chided, tapping Luke’s arm with a bottle of water. “She’ll be here.”
“She hasn’t missed a performance yet.” Reggie pointed out, spinning on a stool that he’d nabbed from the bar.
“Yeah, I know that.” Luke insisted, standing up but glancing back over his shoulder, “she said she’d make it before doors though...”
Ever since Julie had started playing with the guys, you had started hanging around more. You were embarrassed to say but you and Julie had been little more than friendly neighbors before she’d starting renting out her garage for band practice. The first time you’d heard the loud music coming from the Molina’s yard you’d gone to inspect and found the doors open and a band rehearsing inside. Needless to say, it was that first meeting that had cemented yours and Luke’s relationship. Not exactly more than friends but certainly not just friends. The more you came around the more the two of you danced around your feelings for each other and the more you neglected your other friends.  
“Just, don’t say anything to the guys-”
“You mean, don’t say anything to Luke.” Julie countered, standing at her locker with you in between classes. Tonight, was the show at the Voltage Lounge and they’d been stoked about it since they got the gig. You would’ve been equally stoked, and you were, until you realized it was also your best friend’s birthday and you had promised to get dinner together.  
“Look, I’ll be there, before doors, I promise. But I’ve kinda been ditching my other friends lately and I promised Mikey that we’d get dinner for his birthday.” You replied, shutting your locker and walking with Julie toward the music room.  
“Don’t you think not telling Luke you’re going out with another guy would be worse than saying you’re gonna be a little late to the show?” Julie countered. She grabbed a seat by Flynn and you sat on the other side, leaning forward to keep the conversation going.  
“I just don’t want him thinking I’m ditching the performance okay, me and Mikey are just friends...as are me and Luke.” You replied, though even saying it sounded like a lie. You knew as well as Julie and Flynn that you were avoiding mentioning the dinner because you didn’t want Luke to get the wrong idea.  
“You tell yourself that.” Flynn chided, pulling a face at you, clearly not believing you at all.  
“We are.”
“Yeah, and anytime he sings anything even slightly romantic he looks right at you.”
“It’s true,” Julie piped up, “he’s been coming up with a lot more love songs recently. Whenever I ask him about it he just says he wants us to have a balanced song pool or something.”  
“We’re not a thing.” You insisted. “I’m going to dinner and then I’ll be at the show...simple as that. Just, don’t say anything.”  
Julie agreed, throwing out some lame excuse about you having to go over your grandparents’ house before the show as a reason that you weren’t going to the venue with them like you usually did. Getting booked somewhere as a headliner was still fairly new to them and you always liked to be there in the moments before the show started, an extra person to reassure them that they completely and totally deserved all of this.  
While you didn’t think your absence would be felt too exponentially, it definitely was. Luke had been unusually antsy since they’d gotten there. He was always eager to get onstage but this was different, he kept looking over the railing as if he was going to hurl and rush out of the venue. Reggie tried reassuring him that everything was fine but nothing seemed to calm his nerves.  
“Hey, ten minutes alright, start getting ready,” one of the crew said, scribbling something on his clipboard.
“Okay, thanks.” Julie nodded, looking back over the railing as he left, the calm she was trying to portray immediately washing away when she saw you walk into the venue. Any other time she would’ve been jumping for joy but you weren’t alone and she could only assume that the guy with you was the Mikey you had mentioned earlier in the day. “So we should-” as she turned to address them, hopefully distract Luke, Reggie caught sight of you in the crowd.
“Look!” He nudged Luke’s arm, pointing you out, “she made it.”
Julie grimaced as Luke looked over the balcony and down into the crowd. It took him a moment to find you but Julie and Alex could pinpoint the exact moment that he did. A flicker of happiness at the sight of you, quickly washed away and turned into, first confusion, and then something akin to anger. He frowned, eyebrows furrowing as he watched you get a spot on his side, talking the whole time to the guy with you.  
“Who the fuck is that?” He asked.  
You had told Julie that your plan was to go, get through dinner with Mikey, and then come straight to the venue for the show. A simple enough evening, and you’d expected it to go off without a hitch except Mikey got curious about who you were texting and guilted you into inviting him along.  
“So, this band?” Mikey asked, looking around the small venue, “how’d you become a groupie?”
“I’m not a groupie. Julie and I are friends.” You stressed, scrunching your nose up as the lights dimmed and the people around you screamed in excitement.  
The anticipation was palpable and, truthfully, you were right there with the other concert goers around you, excited by the prospect of seeing Julie and the Phantoms perform live. It wasn’t something that was new for you, a front row seat to all their rehearsals was part of your everyday life and yet, something about seeing them perform live like this, with a crowd that so responsive to them, only added to the adrenaline coursing through you.  
As the guys ran out on stage, Alex, then Reggie, then Luke, and finally Julie, the noise level around you seemed to pick up. But there was something off, something that didn’t quite sync with you that settled as the first chords sounded. You frowned, realizing, as Luke purposely missed you when he scanned the crowd, exactly what it was that you were feeling. It wasn’t accidental in the slightest, Julie met your gaze more than once and so did Reggie and Alex but Luke was ignoring you. He was very intentionally ignoring you standing there in the very front row, pressed against the barricade in front of him.
It was as if someone had knocked all the air out of your chest. Somehow that loud, crowded venue where you could feel the bass pounding in your stomach, felt empty. You felt small and invisible and even when Mikey shouted in your ear that they were actually an awesome band you lacked the excitement to tell him that they were the best band ever. You just nodded. And as much as you wanted to look away from Luke, a silent “two can play at this game”, you didn’t. Instead, you just kept watching him, waiting for him to look your way and somehow explain what was going on that had him acting like you didn’t exist.  
The encore ended, the boys each running off the stage before Julie, Luke standing at the side waiting for her as she waved one last time to the crowd before setting the mic back in its stand and running off. The mass of people who had been screaming lulled into a buzz, some of them leaving as others lingered, waiting for the band to come back out to sign autographs and take pictures.  
You walked Mikey to the merch table while other people hung around chatting with each other, the house lights up so that you could actually see as you walked. Flynn stood behind the table and she waved when she saw you.  
“I’ll catch you later, thanks for letting me tag along.” He said, hanging at the door for a minute.
“Yeah totally, thanks for coming. Happy birthday,” you hugged him and then circled back to Flynn, stepping behind the table and sitting down on the stool.  
“Girl, you do not seem happy.” Flynn commented as she grabbed a sweatshirt from one of the boxes and handed it across the table to a fan.  
“I’m just...” you shrugged, looking back down toward the stage, “confused?”  
“Did something happen with Mikey?” She asked.  
You handed a shirt from one of the bins to her as she rung up a sale, jumping in to ask a few people what they needed as she waited on a group of girls. When they had all finally dispersed, the line lulling for a moment, you turned back to Flynn, “no...I mean other than him inviting himself along. No, it was Luke...he was like, it sounds dumb to say it but, it was like he was ignoring me.”
“Maybe he didn’t see you?” She suggested, attempting to be reassuring.  
“He saw me. Then he just, acted like he didn’t the whole rest of the night.” You replied, “I don’t know...it felt shitty.”
“You know who you should tell that to?”
“Luke?” You asked, already knowing her answer. Flynn was the queen of confrontation.  
You frowned, the last thing you wanted to do was talk to Luke. If he was going to ignore you the way he had on stage, Flynn had been trying to make you feel better but you knew he was avoiding you for some reason. He always made it a point to find you in the crowd but tonight he had looked anywhere but you.  
A few straggling fans shouted excitedly and you looked passed the table to see that the guys and Julie had come out from backstage for meet and greets. As they spread out to talk to people, Reggie moved toward the merch stand, parking himself close enough to you that he could chat with you without drawing too much attention. You knew it was on purpose, that was usually Luke’s spot but tonight he stayed all the way down by the stage, almost reluctant to be out on the floor.  
“Hey, great job.” You mentioned, grabbing a water bottle from under the table and handing it to Reggie. He took it gratefully, taking a sip before setting it on the floor beside him and beginning to greet the group of fans that had hung back to say hello to him.  
When there was a spare minute between signing and taking pictures, he moved down the table, closer to you then before, leaning against a bare patch of wood where Flynn had already cleared away shirts. “Who was that guy you came with?” Reggie asked, looking back at you as you took one of the larger hoodies out of a box and pulled it on. Without the people, the venue had started to get cold.  
“My friend Mikey, it was his birthday and he’s been bugging me to hang out. He tagged along really and I didn’t wanna ditch him...” you replied, coming around the side of the table, “I didn’t really think it’d be an issue.”
“Oh, it's not with me. We need all the fans we can get right?” Reggie joked, “did he like our music?”
“Yeah, totally loved it.”  
The last of the concert goers finally made it to the door, waving to Reggie one last time as they walked passed the closed down merch stand. He waved back and you turned to watch them leave, back to the stage.  
“Hey, can we talk?” Luke’s voice came from behind you and you looked over your shoulder to him, standing there with his plaid jacket over a black band tee. His hair was pushed off his forehead from sweat and he was frowning already, not exactly the version of him you wanted to talk to. You couldn’t help that longing feeling for the Luke that would come off stage and wrap you in a sweaty hug guaranteed to piss of fans.  
“Uh yeah, of course...I need to talk to you too.” You replied, turning fully toward him as Reggie stood up, grabbing his water and heading back down toward the stage. Flynn came around the merch stand, following after him, leaving you and Luke alone.  
A beat passed between you and he ran his hand through his hair, trying and failing to fix the sweaty mess. Unable to stand the silence, you started talking, “you guys were awesome...as usual.”  
“Yeah, thanks.” He had asked to talk to you but he wasn’t really sure how to start the conversation he wanted to have and he couldn’t bring himself to really meet your eyes, his gaze flickering passed you every few seconds.  
“Would’ve been even better if you weren’t ignoring me all night,” you blurted.  
That seemed to be the push he needed to react, “yeah well, you brought some date with you? After the other night...” he trailed off for a moment, meeting your eyes finally, “I mean, that wasn’t nothing.”
Band practice had ended earlier than usual and, while you sat on the couch trying to win a particularly difficult level of candy crush on Luke’s phone, everybody else discussed a pizza run for dinner. You raised your hand to vote for extra cheese but didn’t look up when Julie left to go and Reggie and Alex walked out onto the driveway to play basketball. You didn’t look up until Luke dropped down on the couch next to you, putting his chin on your shoulder.
“How’s it going?” He asked, keeping his eyes on his phone screen as you turned your head, so close that your nose almost brushed his cheek.  
“Good?” You said, drawing the word out as you looked at him skeptically, “can I ask why you’re so close to me?”  
“So, you can bask in my awesomeness?” Luke teased, wrapping his arm around your waist.  
“I think the only thing I’m basking in is your post-rehearsal sweat.” You joked, shifting a little so that his chin fell off your shoulder and you were facing him. You set his phone down on the coffee table, giving your whole attention to Luke.  
He smiled at you, eyes searching yours. There was no denying that very specific look that Luke seemed to get, one you could never quite name but always recognized. He would smile, a soft sort of piercing look that you couldn’t look away from on his face. And you were always hypnotized by it, feeling like maybe you should distract yourself from it but never really wanting to.  
“What are we doing?” You chanced asking, meeting his gaze and holding it.
“What’da ya mean?” He asked, grin still on his face and you felt like he’d gotten closer but you didn’t move.
“You’re staring at me.”
“You’re staring at me.” He echoed.  
“Luke.” You wanted to roll your eyes but you also didn’t want to look away, even for a split second.  
He leaned closer, the joking air that had been dissipating completely gone now. You licked your lips, trying to keep yourself calm as Luke moved in. One second, he was looking at you and the next your eyes were closing, his lips pressed against yours and his grip on your waist tightening.  
The kiss didn’t last long. The doors to the garage creaked open and you both pulled away, looking anywhere but at each other as Julie walked in with pizza. Alex and Reggie came in behind her and Luke stood up, grabbing a stack of magazines off the coffee table and moving them out of the way. You picked up his phone, unlocking it and opening candy crush again to distract yourself.  
Neither of you had discussed the kiss, mostly because you were too afraid that if you brought it up he would tell you that it was just a mistake. Some spur of the moment thing that happened but that he didn’t really mean. You hadn’t even told Julie or Flynn about it.  
But now you were standing at the empty merch table with him and he was acting like you had purposely tried to hurt him. A ‘date’ he had called it and all at once you realized exactly what he thought had happened.  
“No, no,” you shook your head, “Mikey wasn’t a date.”  
“You didn’t say you were bringing Mikey with you to our show.” Luke replied, your best friend’s name rolling off his tongue like a curse.  
“He was bugging me about not hanging out recently and it’s his birthday so we were supposed to go out for dinner but I kept mentioning you…the band…and he wanted to come to the show.” You tried to explain.  
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” It was stupid to ask, technically you didn’t owe him any explanation at all. You could bring whoever you wanted but he couldn’t help feeling affronted by it.  
“I didn’t want you to think I was gonna ditch the show. And…I didn’t want you to think it was a date.” You replied. “The kiss wasn’t nothing and I should’ve talked to you about it sooner cause…I really like you and it felt really shitty to be ignored tonight.”  
Luke rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m sorry, I was just pissed when I saw you with some other guy.”
“Mikey’s just a friend.” You replied, “I like you Luke, I like when you pretend to play the guitar badly to make me laugh and I like when we hang out without everyone else and just do nothing or go to the beach and I like going out with you at midnight to get ice cream cause neither of us can sleep and I don’t want to date anyone else…I want you.”  
“I want you too.” Luke said, stepping closer to you. When he reached for your hands, you laced your fingers with his. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours again, the salty taste of sweat from playing a show still there on his mouth as you kissed him back.  
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septembersghost · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to say that as someone who also struggles with depression /anxiety disorder, suicidal ideation, self-esteem issues and CFS (plus ADHD on top of that lol) I understand how hard and frustrating it can be to go through everyday life, and painful to the point where fiction (TV shows, music, books) becomes the only source of solace and comfort. No matter what anyone might say, our attachment or love for them isn't somehow less because they are imaginary. You're valid, ad your feelings are absolutely valid too. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with insomnia and isolation as well, and I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I wish him to recover soon, and also hope that you and your family will be okay. You're a very brave, a very strong, kind and sweet person, you also have a brilliant, insightful mind and I'm honored to know you (even if it's just in a virtual Tumblr space). Your blog has become my source of comfort too, in time of especially trying and anxiety-filled days. I'm wishing you all the best and sending you lots of hugs and lots of love ❤️ May September bring you joy and peace. Be safe.
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sweetheart 🥺😭💕 this is incredibly kind - i teared up reading it, and my mom asked me if everything was okay, so i let her read it and she cried too! good tears though ;___;
thank you very much for your thoughtfulness, and for sharing your own struggles and understanding with me so openly. it's hard to fully explain sometimes what it's like living with certain conditions to people who haven't experienced them, but knowing others get it and that we're not alone is a source of solace, even though i wish you didn't have to go through that and that it could be alleviated for you. 💙 and of course the physical difficulties impact the mental ones, then vice versa, it's such an interconnected cycle. it's especially difficult to grapple with those things when they're "invisible" - no one can see you're hurting or ill, but that doesn't mean it isn't real and often exhausting.
what you told me is the same i would say to you - you are completely valid and worthwhile and deserving, and your thoughts and feelings matter, and your love for fiction and art is absolutely real and consoling. the tag i use, "the consolation of imaginary things," is only half a quote. the full quote is: the consolation of imaginary things is not imaginary consolation. those comforts are SO important, not only because they give us escape and something to love, but because they make us think, they exercise our empathy, and even when we might be isolated in other ways, they provide us connection to one another. the grace of having a link to someone like you is entirely because of a story that we love! that's amazing, i truly believe there's a magic in that. it's so wondrous that we can meet and know one another - even if the space is virtual, it's real too! we're expressing ourselves and writing instant letters to one another. i consider that a constant blessing in my life.
i'm so grateful and touched by your lovely words and well wishes, and it's an honor to know you too. if my silly little blog can provide you any comfort, it makes it infinitely more meaningful to me. there is such a sense of joy in that and it reminds me how worthwhile it is to be here. you all certainly bring light to my days! i wish the same joy and peace to you, and i hope september wraps you up in warmth and contentment and happy moments! please remember you're welcome to stop by any time and that i'm sending love and the biggest hugs back your way.
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
Insomniacs In Love
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Description: Wrote this ficlet for @wand3ringr0s3 's writing challenge. Congrats on your milestone, Haley!! I'm so proud of ya and ily so much girl💕💕
Warnings: Brief descriptions of war
Tags: @spilled-prose @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hufflexpuff @neovannii @jenniweasley @theweasleysredhair @elf-punk @heart-of-tempered-steel @itseatyourdamnapples @aaannabbanana @l0ttadreamz @potter-redheads
Message me to be added!
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The white ceiling was staring right back at you.
Your tired eyes had no strength to fight back the hot trail of bitter tears rolling down your cheeks and falling on your pillow. The heavy, cold sheets, tangled between your legs, shrivelled even more under you as you struggled to ease your anxious mind into sleep, but every blink would bring images of explosions and unmoving bodies. The intrusive smell of blood and rotting flesh had been ingrained into your brain for years; the earsplitting, violent screams of terror had become nothing more than a background noise.
Adults and children were fighting side by side, desperately holding onto whatever hope for a future they might have had. The fresh summer soil was soaked in blood, old and young; with a burning passion, you prayed to whoever could hear you, that you wouldn't spot the faces of your loved ones in the sea of corpses that stretched out far into the distance.
There was chaos, and in between - grim visions of morning light.
You couldn't fall asleep, not when you could still vividly picture that night as though it had just been yesterday. Years later, the memory didn't fail to turn you into its slave every time you'd close your eyes.
The moon was wide awake. The air seemed to not be enough for you and the buzzing silence had nearly driven you to the point of insanity when you finally jumped out of your bed. The sharp moonlight caused your silhouette to dance as you walked barefoot out of your bedroom.
It was eerily unsettling to be strolling down the hallway of Fred and George's apartment without being bombarded by cheerful laughter and occasional explosions - there was only creaking of wooden stairs as you walked down to the kitchen. You poured yourself a full glass of cold water and immediately downed it entirely, hoping it would shake off the anxiety bubbling in your stomach.
You took a refill for just in case and sat beside the small kitchen table. You let out a deep breath and rested your head in your palms, shoulders heavy as if the carried the world.
A gentle voice nearly caused you to knock over the glass.
"Trouble sleeping?"
You looked up from your lap to see George standing by the doorway, hands in the pockets of his pajamas. His spiky hair and sleepy gaze let you know he had just woken up, but his expression immediately softened when he noticed your tearful eyes.
You smiled as best as you could, "You have no idea."
George approached you and sat beside you. He moved closer to try to take a better look at your distressed face; he didn't miss the stiffness of your body and the puffiness of your bloodshot eyes. The sight sent an electric shock through him and his heart began to ache.
"You're pretty shaken up, darling. What's wrong?" He asked just above a whisper, as though he was afraid he'd scare you away. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and you leaned into his touch, seeking some kind of warmth.
How could you explain to him you were still being haunted by the past? It had been years, why were you still chained by sorrow? You hated yourself for letting it settle in your bones, for not being able to return to the person you once used to be.
George was unharmed and so was his family. You were too. There was no logical reason for you to be thinking about it. Nevertheless, your nightmares were the reason you'd wake up every night in cold sweat, limbs of lead. Yet George didn't know a thing.
"It's nothing to worry about," you assured him despite your stomach twisting at the lie you had just spat out. "Just bad dreams."
"You seem to get a lot of those lately," George stated sympathetically; he could always read you so effortlessly. The sudden vulnerability caused you to shrink further into your chair, a fresh tear rolling down your cheek.
Your friend wiped it away with the pad of his thumb and hummed.
"That's alright. So do I."
"How do you know this about me?" you questioned, more confused rather than embarrassed.
His lips curled up in a tiny, sad smile, "You're not the only one wandering the house at night, sweetheart."
"I didn't know you still dream of… of it," you let out in a moment of realization. You didn't have to say what exactly you were referring to - you shared the same tragic memory.
"Yes, I do," he murmured. "Every night."
Your eyes met his dark brown ones and your heart sank; they were just as tortured as yours, and lacked the spark they once possessed. Never had you believed George would have to feign joy in his lifetime, he was the source of joy to everyone around him. But how could you expect flowers to bloom in a garden that's been burned to the ground?
Silence fell over you. Your eyes burned again.
"You should try to get some sleep," George advised, attempting to mask his hoarse voice, shaking ever so slightly. Your face fell. "I know it might be hard, but you can't risk getting a headache in the morning, you know."
The moon was still shining brightly through the window, illuminating his concerned face and the tears that had already formed in his eyes.
You swallowed hard.
"You're right. But I don't really want to go. It's just…" you sighed. Your hands were trembling. "It feels kinda lonely up there."
George nodded in understanding; there was no judgement in the way he observed you. He himself had spent way too many cold, sleepless nights. Fighting the same demons as you. 
It hurt him beyond measure to know you too were being held hostage by the weight of the past; the past which was robbing you both of your future. But what hurt him more was his inability to help you. He desperately yearned to heal you of your misery and hear your laughter, the laughter that had made him fall for you long before he even knew what love was.
The redhead was suddenly struck by an idea and his shoulders relaxed, a small smile causing his dimple to appear.
"I can go to bed with you, if that's okay with you, of course. Only until you fall asleep, that is. Then I'll go back to my room."
Your instinctive reaction was to refuse, but you stopped yourself before you could respond. Surely it wouldn't be so bad to have company, would it? It didn't seem like George was only doing it out of pity either; he genuinely cared about you and had your best interest in mind.
"You can say no, it's fine," said George when he didn't receive a reply. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"It's okay with me, I promise," you mirrored his smile. "Shall we go?"
You rose to your feet and headed towards your bedroom upstairs, George following closely behind. He couldn't recall a previous time when he had been in there, and he was pleasantly surprised to see how you had changed the design to your liking after you had moved in to live with the twins. The room looked cozy and truly felt like... you.
You were the first to climb into the bed and scooted over to make room for George's long legs. The mattress sank under his weight and he pulled the covers over the two of you, making sure he didn't take too much of them. George then rolled over to the opposite side, not wishing to invade your personal space.
Despite being taken aback by his action, you did the same - if that was the closest you'd get to being together with him, so be it.
You pulled the blanket over your shoulder and closed your eyes, but alas, your lungs constricted with anxiety. The intrusive silence let your mind wander back to memories you had been trying so hard to push away. The empty space behind your back was cold.
Less than an hour later, you were still as awake as you could be. Your friend was a quiet sleeper and thus you had no idea if he was asleep yet or if he was about to drift off. Nevertheless, you still felt guilty for whispering.
Rustling in the bedsheets.
You wettened your lips and timidly asked, "Can I hold your hand?... For just a bit?"
George turned around and you expected to see him scowl for being woken up like that, especially for a thing as silly as your request. But you were met with such a fond expression, immense care swimming in his eyes.
Any sleepiness was nonexistent on his features; he couldn't fall asleep either.
"Of course," he smiled and lifted your hand to press a tender kiss to your wrist. His soft lips stayed there, pulse racing madly underneath, and the warmth lingered on the skin long after George pulled away and placed your hand on his chest. You let out a quiet gasp when you felt his own heart hammering against his ribs.
His other hand slid down to your waist and pulled you closer. You buried your face in his neck.
You could finally breathe.
He began tracing lazy patterns on your lower back. "Better?"
George's fingers lightly grazed your skin, slow and gentle touch never once stopping its loving path. Drowsiness welcomed you much sooner than you had expected and your eyes fluttered closed. The last thing you remembered was George's lips on your eyelids.
It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep your demons at bay at least for just one night. George gave into slumber as well, both of you engulfed by divine serenity until the bright moon hid behind the horizon.
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
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looney-mooney · 4 years
S3 Aggretsuko and the risks of making your Hobby a Job
Okay so I just watched Aggretsuko season 3 and everyone in the tag is talking about how she “threw away her dream” in the end by quitting her idol job when... that’s not how I see it at all???
Death metal isn’t her dream, it’s her escape. She sings to express her frustrations with the world, and to help her get through the torture of her everyday life. When she was forcefully turned into an idol, it wasn’t HERS anymore. Her lyrics were unintelligible, her meaning was lost, and she started to see the idol persona as the mask she must put on to please others and the source of her pain instead of her escape from it. True, she ended up starting to embrace it life on the stage, but only because she loved inspiring others. And even then, being an idol was her FRIEND’S dream. Whenever her friend talked about the joys of being an idol, Retsuko just passively agreed, and eventually convinced herself that maybe this IS what she’s meant to do with her life.
But it’s not. And she knows it. The crazed stalker fan might have been the one who pushed her to quit, but in her mind... he was just reinforcing what she thought to be basic truths about her situation. She’s a fake, her words are empty, she’s just doing what is expected of her instead of being her genuine self.
And even though it’s a muddled message, I think one of the things this season was trying to say is that you shouldn’t have to capitalize on everything you do. She started publishing anonymous videos on the internet, but she was doing it for ad revenue - just a little side gig to help her get by, but she never meant for her passion to be exposed and exploited to this level. She wanted to be ANONYMOUS. She never wanted her face to be seen. From the beginning, she published her videos in a death metal face mask, and wanted to preform with her face in a burlap bag (which is a BADASS LOOK, AND SUITS THE THEMES OF THE MUSIC SO FUCKIN WELL, WHY DID HE TAKE THAT AWAY FROM HER, SHE COULD HAVE BEEN DAFT PUNK BUT BABY METAL). She never wanted to be seen, to be known, to be forced into the spotlight the way she was. She just wanted to get by, but in order to do so, she had to sacrifice something integral to who she was. She had to make her passion her WORK. PUBLICLY. Which took away her one escape. It made her favorite hobby into her worst prison.
The thing is, it’s... it’s okay to have hobbies. You don’t have to profit off of everything you do. And like, I get it! It feels good to be recognized for your passions! I should know, I’m a Motion Designer, I turned my love of art, design, and animation into my freaking career! But I still have other hobbies. I can’t keep a tune to save my life, but I love to sing. I stopped taking ballet classes after middle school, but I still love to dance. I decided to stop auditioning for roles in chorus and theatre, but I still love to preform! I still dance, sing, and make silly voices for all the comics I read, but mostly in my bedroom while my little sister rolls her eyes at me. I purposefully try not to capitalize on those hobbies, because if I tried to turn every single little thing I do into a marketable skill or profession, I would drive myself INSANE.
And she.... she LIKES being an accountant. She LIKES managing money, making things work financially, and she’s really really good at it!!! This season showed that off real well, and she was at her happiest this season when she was able to use those skills to make the idol group financially successful!!! When she was a BOSS, and making herself an irreplaceable asset to this new buisiness she basically built from the ground up. It all spiraled out of her control when her boss found out about her hobby, and started making huge rebranding decisions around that discovery WITHOUT HER PERMISSION.
In the end, she withdrew herself from everything. All her friends, all her skills and all her passions, everything she used to take pride in. For WEEKS.
I don’t approve of how aggressively her friends abducted her, and I wish they had cut to the chase a little bit earlier in the season so that her recovery could have had a full episode, but her friends were right to bring her back to the karaoke bar. And I think this was important for more than one reason - Haida wasn’t just raging at her, he was SHOWING her his hobby. He isn’t actually good at it! He kinda sucks at the death metal voice, and his voice gave out halfway through, and he was grasping at straws for the lyrics, but he was having FUN, being HIMSELF, and letting himself be FREE. Same way as his music. He used to be in a band, but he eventually let it slide into a hobby. Something he does for himself, in his free time. And he was really trying to goad her into joining him. He had a lot to say to her, and yes, he was a little mean, he did call her a coward, but he was being open and honest and raw. And eventually, it broke the dam, and she SANG RIGHT BACK. SHE WAS SCREAMING, not just at him, but at the WORLD, crying out for what it had stolen from her, desperate for the freedom of expression, of herself. She was pushing him away, but she was doing something she hadn’t let herself do in a long, LONG time. She wasn’t singing for a crowd, or for money. She was singing for herself.
And Haida understands. He wants to join her. He could hear her, and understand the lyrics of her song, the words she was screaming out with crystal clarity. And he responded to her lyrics, in a way nobody else could.
“Then let’s punch the world back.”
After that, she gave one last performance for the public, regained control of her life, and then returned to her new normal. A normal where she can be anything she wants to be. Where she decides to be an accountant, because as much as she rages about her job, it’s still HER job. And she lets herself lean on her friends a little bit more. Lets herself eat with her friends, instead of separate from them as she had been doing all season. And - there’s the implication in one of her last lines, that she’s still a music producer. Not a professional performer anymore, but a producer. She didn’t give up her side hustle entirely, she just went back to the parts of it she has control over, the parts she actually ENJOYED. And I, for one, am really proud of her!
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 13)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Goldenrod
Next Chapter: The More You Know
Next SFW Chapter: Big White Lies
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, specify if you're okay with nsfw posts or not, and please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 13: Home Sweet Home
That weekend you went back home. It was so refreshing to see everyone. You yelped out with joy as you ran over to your cousin “Hiroki niichaaaan~” You jumped into his arms.
He hugged you tight. “How have you been doin lil sis?”
“Very good! I missed you all so much, especially you Hiroki nii." You pouted up at him.
You caught up with your family, had meals with them, and trained with Hiroki. They were most curious about your soulmate, as you have expected.
“What’s he like? Aren’t people from the big 3 clans so stuck up all the time? Even Satoru is full of himself at times, ey?”, Hiroki asked you with a mouthful of food.
“He isn’t too bad to be honest. He’s a gentleman and sweet with me. Decent man. Just, seems a bit like the private type? I mean… Doesn’t talk much about his family even though we are soulmates. Oh I’ve already talked to him about you guys.” You added.
Hiroki tilted his head, “Ehhh… mysterious huh.”
“Give him time. The Kamo Clan aren’t the most open minded people. They’ll feel you out before allowing you in.” Your dad said.
“Even though I’m his soulmate?!” You exclaimed.
Silence. “We don’t know what they’re thinking so we can’t say for sure.”
“Heh, you’ve gotten better lil sis,” Hiroki dropped low and thrusted out his spear. You jumped and immediately shifted your stance to land a kick on him. He easily parried and slipped out of your range.
Your family specializes in dealing with reverse cursed techniques aside from the occasional esper. Hiroki was only a semi-grade 1, because he trained his ass off for years.
Now that he’s built, he uses cursed tools to help him fight. A strong 185cm man can definitely handle close combat well. And in terms of healing abilities, he was number 1 in the clan.
It was only the women in your family that were able to inherit psychokinesis for some reason. But usually it only applies to a specific thing. Like how your mom can control plants. And your other aunt does with small metallic items like coins and darts.
Mother approached you after your sparring session. "Does he make you happy my dear?" Your mother asked you. Hiroki drank quietly from his water bottle.
You thought about it. The past few months were not easy but really colorful with Noritoshi. Minus the nagging feeling of him covering up his family affairs from you.
But… "He does. I feel so safe with him ma. Like I do with all of you. He is family to me now. I think I really like him and I trust him with my life." You whispered out.
"Then next time, bring him here. We will gladly welcome him with open arms." Hiroki smiled at you and leaned into your side.
You went to visit your dead older sister’s grave just before you went back to Kyoto Jujutsu High School.
It was just you and Hiroki. You both cleaned the grave, trimmed the weeds, changed the flowers, burned fresh incense, and said your prayers for Sora. It was such a clear day with barely any clouds. The sky was so blue.
Just like her namesake.
Hiroki left you to give you some privacy, saying that he’ll pick you up in 2 hours.
You took a deep breath. “Sora neechan. It’s been a while. Sorry I couldn’t come to see you as often, because I’m currently a student at Jujutsu High.”
“I met this guy. He … So he is my soulmate. The first time I met him, I thought he was pretty. As I got to know him more, I felt as if there was a reason as to why the heavens chose him for me you know? He is really cool, but so warm and sweet with me. I think I’m a little bit in love with him.” You admitted.
“I’m really scared to lose him. After I lost you, I just… it was hard… I try my best to be cheerful and helpful really. But it gets tiring at times. I’m glad I was able to make a lot of friends who understand the life of a Jujutsu sorcerer at least. I tried to open up to Noritoshi a bit more. But it’s hard because he seems so closed off at times.”
You had mixed feelings, because you promised Noritoshi you would trust him more. That means working on anything that bothers you regarding your relationship with him. But can he accept it if you tell him that you want to know more about his family? He already clearly stated he needs more time.
“Am I being too greedy and hasty Sora? I want to support his clan affairs, even if it's just a tiny bit as his soulmate. He seems so troubled with it all the time. Like he wants to carry the burden all alone. I want to help, but he doesn’t really let me. I don’t know. I wish you were still here with me.”
“Last time I asked him about his parents, he snapped at me. Of course he apologized. … Maybe it’s all just in my head. But I do want to meet his family. Eventually. Though at this rate I have no idea when. Everytime I ask about them he just shuts up.”
“Falling in love is way too hard….”
The wind blew as if to agree with you. The leaves rusted in a circular dance just around the grave. You smiled.
You bid farewell to your family after the weekend. Hiroki hugged you tight and whispered, “I hope it gets better for you and Kamo kun soon enough.”
You looked up at him, “Yeah, thanks bro.”
You texted Noritoshi and let him know that you were on your way back. He said he was free for the evening and that you could come over to his room.
You knocked on his door with anticipation. You opened the door, “I'm back, Toshi!” He pulled you into a tight hug and closed the door behind you. “I missed you. Come in. How was your family? Sorry I couldn’t go with you again.”
“It’s fine! They’re all okay and excited to meet you next time.” You looked up at him. He looked a bit regretful, “Next time I’ll make sure to properly clear my schedule with my father so I can go meet them okay?”
“Ah, okay.” You both walked over to his table and knelt down on the floor.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while,” you started. Noritoshi looked on intently. “I’ve already told you about my family right? Mom and dad and my other male cousins. Ah, what I didn’t tell you before was… I used to have an older sister. I - uhm. Well she died after being attacked by a curse. I … I hope to bring you to her grave one day.”
Noritoshi’s heart dropped. He pulled you in close. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m sure she is proud of you. Of course I’ll go with you to see her next time.” He was now highly regretting choosing to do some useless tasks for some of his clan’s elders instead of spending the weekend with you.
You gripped his clothes tighter. “Thank you, that really really means a lot to me.” You started tearing up, but you blinked your tears away.
"Oh! My family and I have gifts for you. I'm not so sure if you'll like it. It's a Coral and gold bracelet. Everyone in my family has one. It's almost like tradition for us, and we believe it to have a layer of protection. I also brought Jade here for you." You presented the bracelet alongside the Dragon carved Jade Pendant hanging on a thick white gold chain.
Noritoshi's eyes widened. The jewelry was stunning and looked expensive. He may have been favoured as the heir to the Kamo clan, but even he didn't own so much expensive jewelry.
He sputtered out “I appreciate it but I can’t take something so expensive and precious-”
“Noritoshiiii,” you whined out loud, making him stop talking. “You don’t want to accept such a precious gift that I picked out for you?” you whined with the largest puppy eyes.
“No, I- I am grateful. Thank you, I’ll accept it.” Noritoshi conceded.
Got him. You grinned madly as he shook his head. “You’re a dangerous one,” he muttered under his breath. “What was that?” you asked him absentmindedly as you worked on unclasping the bracelet to put it around his wrist. “Nothing, nothing at all dearest.”
You narrowed your eyes at him before grabbing his wrist and putting it on for him. It was a perfect fit. You thanked yourself for loving to hold his hand so much that you knew his general hand measurements.
His hands down to his wrists were so pretty. You didn't realize that you were playing with and smiling down at his fingers until he opened up his hand and linked his fingers with yours.
Slowly, carefully. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing Noritoshi had experienced. Now that he had embraced his emotions and tried to open up to you, it was a bit better now.
'Is this what love is? I don't know since it's my first time experiencing it.' Noritoshi wondered to himself.
It was in the smallest of things with you. He loved the way you would call out his name with loving eyes. The way you would always greet him first before the other senpai. The way you give him coffee and kisses on late and cold nights of studying.
The way your hair smells. Your perfume. The way your eyelids flutter shut when he kisses you. The tightening of his chest and shortness of his breath made apparent whenever he was with you.
The way you don't ask for too much from him. Just that he shows his love to you either by his actions or words. The comfort he simply feels when he is beside you.
He really just needed some time, and seeing you around more often really made up for it.
He ticked the inside of your palm which made you shiver and yelp. He laughed out loud at this and pulled you into his lap, hugging you tightly.
Staying quiet, you buried your head in his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, and it was faster than you expected. But soon it went back down to a steady rate.
"Your heartbeat is so steady, but mine is always wild around you. Noritoshi I feel kinda embarrassed to be honest." You admitted, fingers curling into his kimono.
He smiled and his heartbeat quickened to match yours. You looked up at him in confusion. "Did you just…" He just leaned down to rub his nose against yours. "I am a blood manipulator. I can manipulate my pulse rate darling." You huffed out a laugh, feeling warm and fuzzy.
"I love you." You said suddenly. He stared in shock at your words. You realized that you said it without intending to. But you didn’t take it back.
"Kamo Noritoshi I'm madly in love with you." It wasn't a sudden realisation of being in love. You slowly fell for him again and again each day.
Noritoshi’s brain short circuited.
Suddenly he was kissing you. Tongue slipping into your mouth and playing with yours and rubbing along the roof of your mouth.
You tried to fight his tongue for dominance, but you ended up surrendering, your back bent back with your face turned up towards him.
You clasped your hands around his neck as he pressed deep kisses against the top of your chest. Your face was flushed as you fell limp against him, gasping out heavy breaths. "I'm not going anywhere angel." Noritoshi whispered against your neck, hands tightening possessively against your waist.
‘Please wait a little longer for me. Until I can confirm that these feelings for you are indeed true love.’ His thoughts went unsaid.
The one thing Noritoshi promised to himself is that he would never lie about his feelings for you. To him, the worst he could do was to confess his love without actually being in love with you.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
Can you do a supernatural cast series where you’re the wife and you do different interviews, like the videos on YouTube like Ad or thirst tweets or just answering fan questions whatever plz. If you have questions just message me and I’ll try to explain it further
Lol sorry it’s been like four months so don’t hate me but it’s been hard work juggling trying to write, school and work so sorry. I think it sucks but hopefully you’ll like it and I’ll be tagging the other parts in this one
Burning Fan Questions
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Other parts
Alexander Calvert
Misha Collins
Jensen Ackles
"Hi I'm Yn Padalecki and I will be answer the fans burning questions about my life" I say smiling at the camera as I grab the bucket that's full of questions.
"I'm super nervous for this because before I got here Jared double dog dared me to answer literally every single question so I can't use my skip button" I say and the crew behind the camera laughs.
"Please for the love of god let their be questions to embarrass Jared more than me so he can eat it" I say giggling.
"First question" I say grabbing a folded up piece of paper from out the bucket.
"Who is the rudest celebrity that you've ever had the chance of meeting?" I read and I laugh.
"Oh that's a lot of them, there's an unsurprising amount of rude celebrities who think that they own Hollywood" I say laughing.
"But enough stalling because I have to answer this question anyway, the rudest celebrity that I've ever met was Christian Bale, no offense but he was a total dick to literally everyone around him, on set, off of set just everywhere" I say digging around the bucket for another question.
"What scandals has your team had to cover up?" I read and I start laughing.
"Noooooo" I say laughing even harder because I know I have to tell them.
"Okay okay. When I was 23 I had first met Jared and we got caught you know doing the deed and then the pictures were about to go out and they had to buy all of them back for double of what they were going to get" I say laughing shaking the bucket up and grabbing another one out.
"Have you ever used your celebrity status to get something for free?" I read.
"One time when I was out my daughter, Harlow we were getting frozen yogurt and I left my credit card at the restaurant we were at before without realizing it and at the register she goes oh my god are you Jared from supernatural's wife and when I'm with my daughters I usually pretend like I'm not but I totally knew she was going to give us the yogurt for free so I was like yeah, and then I asked her how she was and she was like oh this is totally on the house" I say laughing.
"I eventually went back and tipped a massive tip because I didn't pay last time" I say.
I grab another one out and I put the bucket down opening it "how many kids do you actually want?" I read.
"Well I already have two now but I'm aiming for at least five" I say laughing.
"I have a big family I'm one of 9 so I've always wanted a big family but not as big as mine so four or five would be a perfect size family for me, I honestly have a enough love for a million but four or five is definitely good for me" I say grabbing another question.
"If we came to your house what would we find in your cabinets food wise?" I read laughing.
"What an interesting question" I say.
"Everyone in the Padalecki household has their own cabinets because they are huge smackers. Harlow's is filled with the stuff she likes such as teddy Grahams, fruit roll ups, dried Cranberries, jolly ranchers stuff like that. Mine is filled with little cakes, gushers, banana chips which I swear by, peanuts, popcorn and Jared's, he has tons of candy, he is absolutely in love with white chocolate macadamia cookies and he always has those in his stash and Kiernan she's still on baby food so she's fully stocked on that" I say grabbing another question out.
"If you had to marry anyone that has starred along side your husband in his show supernatural who would it be?" I read.
"Oh hmm" I say laughing.
"Okay, Jensen is like Jared's best friend but I'm way closer to Misha so I'd definitely have to say Misha but no offense to his wife because I'd totally marry her as well or maybe even Rob, I love that man to pieces, he's a really good friend but then there's Rich, no offense to his wife Jaci but Rich and I have the best dance off's so that would be something to look forward to" I say laughing as I grab another question.
"If you woke up in Jared's body and had to stay in it for a day what would you do?" I say laughing.
"Easy, I'd leave myself little notes with plans for tomorrow so when I switch back he'll have to go through with them and we could have a perfectly planned out day because I planned it" I say laughing.
"If you go out to dinner with your non-famous friends, do you all still split the bill or do you pay?" I read.
"It depends really, my childhood friends don't like for me to pay for their stuff so we'll all split the bill but if I'm the one inviting everyone out then I'll pay before hand because then it'll be a lot of work trying to break it up" I say grabbing another question.
"What's one thing that Jared does that absolutely pisses you off?" I read cracking up.
"Breathes" I say smiling at the camera.
"I'm just kidding" I say laughing.
"When I'm super busy and like concentrating on my work he'll come over and innocently wrap his arms around me but then when I'm not paying him enough attention he'll start softly biting me and while I'm trying to work that can be so annoying" I say.
"What was the worst rumor that has been spread about you?" I read.
"I've had some pretty bad ones that I like to pretend didn't happen because they were literally so outrageous but I guess the worst one was that I was cheating on Jared. A few years back Harlow and I flew to my hometown for a few weeks and we spent Halloween out there and my twin sister and I dressed up as Sally from nightmare before Christmas because we've always done matching costumes whenever we're with each other and I posted a selfie on Instagram so everyone knew what I looked like but no one knew my twin sister was dressed identical to me and she took Harlow around with her now husband while I helped my parents be set up for the party and the paparazzi caught them together while they shared a kiss and while Eric played with Harlow and she was giggling and they put the photos on the front of the magazine and I was getting so much hate before I even knew what was going on and I was getting calls from our friends and they were asking me like how I could do that and then I had to go and post my pictures with my sister and write this long ass message about it and it was super bad" I say moving on.
"Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?" I read.
"My grandma, she pretty much raised me. My parents weren't around often so I had to live with her for like 5 years, me and all of my siblings" I say digging in the bucket.
"But the qualities that I love about her is one, the fact that she is the strongest person I've had the honor of meeting" I say holding up one finger.
"Two, her boldness is like unbelievable. I took her to the oscars and she started flirting with The Rock and that's when I realized my grandma was my hero" I say laughing and I pull another question out.
"What's something you did as a child that no one knows about outside of your family?" I read.
"For two years I only spoke in a British accent, I had everyone confused at school because I never broke" I say laughing.
"How often do you and Jared have sex?" I read burying my face.
"No, I'm not going to be embarrassed. Sex is a normal thing, it brings about joy, relaxation, sometimes accidental pregnancies" I say laughing.
"But back to the question, I don't know. He's gone for like nine months out of the year but if he has a three day weekend or whatever then we'll spend a night together but when he's home in the three months he's off of filming it's literally whenever the kids are gone if even just for 20 minutes. We try to keep it as normal as possible" I say laughing.
"What's the last text conversation you had?" I read pulling out my phone and I laugh.
"I texted Robert about his new Batman movie because it was announced the other day and I just seen it this morning so I had to quickly congratulate him and he tells me that while I'm super late he still appreciates it and won't hold anything against me when it's time to hand out movie tickets and I said I'd never forgot about you shiny and he sent the middle finger emoji" I say laughing.
"What are your pet names that you and Jared have for each other?" I read.
"Ha, finally a question that he'd normally not talk about but I was dared so I call him Bubba or bubs" I say laughing.
"Literally it's how he's saved in my phone and he thinks it's so embarrassing" I say pulling my phone out and showing his contact name and photo.
"He's Bubba and he calls me a lot of different things but the one he always goes back to is beautiful or baby" I say smiling at the camera.
“Do your siblings and Jared get along?” I read and I laugh sighing.
“Like I mentioned earlier I’m one of nine so that’s eight siblings and then all of my siblings are older than me. I’m the baby and they are all married so my older brother and his husband love Jared and Jared loves them, we’re actually both of their kids godparents but then with my third oldest sister she doesn’t like me so she doesn’t like Jared by default you know” I say grabbing another question.
“Okay this is a question I have to know how often you do and Jared shower together?” I read laughing.
“Do you have to know that?” I ask laughing harder.
“Sorry to let you down but we don’t really, we’ll not anymore with kids it’s best one of us is out the shower while the other one quickly showers because we can’t leave them along for too long” I say knowing that my answer is not what they were expecting.
“But before kids it’s was an every morning thing we did together before heading out for our different business or whatever we had to do that day” I say.
“Did you have an oh shit moment at your wedding, and if so what was it?” I read and I nod.
“Yeah actually I did. But it’s been so long since we got married that I actually forgot until I read this question. My brother bless his poor heart showed up drunk like he was pregaming our wedding and the security didn’t know he was my brother so they were like kicking him out and my sister runs in like “oh my god Yn, the security just kicked Kalin out” so I’m like half dressed and I go down to try to figure out what the hell is happening and then I meet up with him and he throws up all over me like I’m talking full body covered and the make up artist just left and I had to shower and call her back so she could come fix my face and it was very traumatizing because it was so gross” I say laughing.
“But the whole wedding was beautiful and he didn’t drink at all” I say.
“If you had to pick a song from the late 10’s-2020 to be you and Jared’s couple song what would you pick?” I read and I awe.
“That’s a cute question. I guess I’d have to say Flicker by Niall Horan, we danced together to that song when Alex Calvert and his wife got married and it literally felt so magical and now whenever I hear it, it takes me back to a happy place and I just think about slow dancing with my best friend and husband” I say smiling.
“Do you and all the wives of the supernatural cast get along?” I read and I quickly nod.
“Those girls are some of my best friends, they know what it’s like to have a family and their husband work on supernatural so automatically we have something to bond over also with Alex’s wife she has a massive family so we often talk about the drama and problems that come along with it” I say laughing.
"Last one. What celebrity have you had beef with?" I read laughing.
"Daniel Radcliffe" I say quickly.
"But it was when we were younger filming the Harry Potter movies. We didn't like each other for like the first 4 movies" I say laughing.
"Our characters were close in the movie but on set we hated each other, I don't know why and I don't think he does either, I guess our energies just clashed but when we got to order of the Phoenix and we talked it out before we started filming and have been best friends in person ever since" I say laughing and tipping the bucket over.
"That was my last question. I'm Yn Padalecki and this has been answering fan questions. Thank you for watching and I hope you got a laugh out of at least some of these questions or you learned something you never thought you would learn about me" I say smiling at the camera
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Assorted Clonecest Fics - Blondie (Cody/Rex) | G
Even though Kamino is safe, Rex can’t help but to think as he stares at the lifeless body of 99, that this doesn’t cancel the losses they’ve suffered.
They might’ve won, but it still leaves a sour taste in his mouth. This shouldn’t have happened at all.
 Of one thing he’s sure, however: Fives and Echo have the stuff to become ARC troopers, and he intends to make sure they can get their chance at it. It would be a waste of potential if he doesn’t.
 Before he can approach them, however, he gets distracted as he notices that the cadets have joined them. They look overjoyed and proud about their victory, which is more than right: they did very well out there.
There’s one cadet, however, that looks… Oh!
Rex is barely able to get to him, but he manages to do it before he can collapse on the ground. “Careful there!” he exclaims, lifting the cadet in his arms up. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes! Um… Sorry, sir,” the cadet replies, looking quite embarrassed by all this, though Rex understands how he’s feeling quite well. It reminds him of himself, during his first battles.
“It’s fine, just the adrenaline,” he reassures him in fact, sending a small smile his way, smile that becomes larger when the cadet returns the gesture.
“Something’s wrong?” That’s Cody’s voice, and as he turns, Rex watches him as he approaches them, worry in his face.
“Not at all,” he says then, shaking his head, then turning towards the cadet in his arms. “I was just telling him how good he’s been.”
“He has been good,” Cody smiles. “All of them have been.” All the cadets are hanging from his lips, beaming at his praise; it means a lot to them that the Marshal Commander himself would think that of them.
 It’s then that Rex notices that Cody is staring at him and the cadet very intensely. “What?” he can’t help but to ask, then.
“Rex, we’ve found you twin,” Cody chuckles, unable to hold back a fond smile.
“What…” Rex begins to mutter, realizing only then what Cody means: the cadet he’s just picked up shares his hair color, and he’s sporting a nice buzzcut too, just like Rex’s. Seeing that, the Captain turns to Cody, unimpressed, and he’s about to tell him that it’s not funny, when he notices the wonder in the cadet’s eyes and the joy for being compared to him. His words die in his mouth.
Cody steps in, ruffling the cadet’s short hair. “What do you think, Blondie? You and Rex are pretty similar, huh? I bet you’ll grow even stronger than him,” he says with a grin on his face.
Rex rolls his eyes, but he still looks at him fondly, while the cadet looks deep in thought. “Blondie…” he mutters in fact. “I like it!”
“Oh, you didn’t have a name yet?” Rex can’t help but to ask.
The cadet shakes his head. “I didn’t, but I like Blondie…” He turns towards Cody. “Sir, uh… May I use it?”
“Of course you can! If that’s the name you like, there’s nothing wrong with using it,” Cody answers. It’s hard to contain the joy looking at the cadets, but he tries his best to appear calm. It wouldn’t be good for someone of his rank to be caught being moved by something so small - and yet so important.
 Once Rex lowers Blondie back on the ground, he immediately runs to his brothers, excitedly telling them about his newfound name, while all Rex can do is to stare at them, until…
“I recognize that gaze. You can’t adopt them, you know that, right?” Cody teases him.
“Wha… I wasn’t thinking that!” Rex immediately pouts. Cody chuckles, gently shoving him with a shoulder.
“Riiight, just like you never think about adopting every shiny you set your eyes upon.” There’s a playful smirk on Cody’s face that Rex hasn’t seen in a long time, not when all he’s been thinking about as of late has been the war.
He reaches out for him, resting his hand against his cheek, but he too smirks. “Well, I learned it from you. If I recall you were the one who started the trend.”
“That’s not true, and even if it was, you can’t prove anything,” Cody retorts, crossing his arms against his chest.
“You sure?” Rex challenges him, but the tense air gets cleared soon as the two of them begin to chuckle.
 They’d love to keep it up like this more, but…
“We should join back with the others, bring these cadets to their instructor,” Cody says, eventually, though he sounds reluctant to leave them - see? Rex was right.
“I know, I know,” Rex mutters. “… Let’s go.”
 He can’t help but to think if one day… Well, who knows.
He won’t lie: he likes the idea of settling down somewhere with Cody at the end of the war, and adopt one or two cadets.
Oh well, there’s no point in thinking about that now, not when there’s still a long way to go before things will actually end, but this doesn’t mean that the though ever leaves Rex’s mind.
Still, if doing something like that were possible, it would make everything he’s been through worth it.
Tag list: @maulusque​ @snap-p​ @menac-ika @captainrexwouldnever If you want to be added feel free to let me know! Just know that if you are a minor you’ll be tagged only for the sfw fics.
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