#I like imagining every Tav is running around doing their own thing
britishassistant · 3 months
The Letter Kills (Unless We Do First)
“Ah, there you are, my dear scribe!”
The tiefling child dwarfed by the large wooden desk in the center of the guild hall looks up from her transcription. Her face twists into an expression of resigned politesse
“Welcome back, Guild Master Crowley.” She recites dutifully. “Did you have a pleasant walk?”
Dire Crowley preens as he strides closer to the reception desk. “Some of the fine gentlemen of the Hellriders wished to express their admiration, but regrettably I could not spare the time for them! It is truly a trial, my dear scribe, to be a man in such urgent demand!”
“I’ll take your word for it, Guild Master.” She says, insultingly returning her attention to the documents in front of her. “We’ve received several new requests in the interim. A few are more trouble than they’re worth, like this one to kidnap Archivist Frostsong of Candlekeep for an artificer in Athkatla, but there are some others—”
“Ah-hem!” He holds up a stern finger. “My dear, you should know better than to bother me with such trivialities! I would’ve thought a girl of ten summers would understand the importance of Need To Know.”
He is very fond of phrases like Need To Know.
They make running this mercenary guild so much more easier on him personally.
The child’s face twitches briefly, before she replies carefully. “I’m twelve, Guild Master. And I’m, I’m no—”
“You see?” Crowley shakes his head solemnly, “That’s hardly Need To Know information now, is it? But I shall overlook your misstep, as I am so gracious. Especially given there is an important task for you to complete! One that the future of the Night Raven Mercenary Guild could depend on!”
At this, the junior scribe straightens, finally taking her duties seriously. “A task, Guild Master?”
“Lock the doors, my dear scribe.” Crowley intones. “We must not be disturbed for this.”
The child swallows, before opening a drawer in the desk and pulling out the master key.
She wavers slightly as she trots to the door, steps stumbling and unsure without the tail her species uses to serve as a counterbalance. Or is it perhaps a rudder?
It is hardly information that Crowley Needs To Know, after all.
The heavy lock snaps into place, and the preteen turns to see Crowley perched on the edge of her desk. Trepidation crawls across her features. “What now, Guild Master?”
Crowley reaches into his fine, feathered cloak and withdraws a sheaf of parchment with a flourish. “There is an important missive in dire need of dictation.”
He spares a moment to chuckle at his own joke. Ah, what a witty man he is!
The child’s shoulders tense. “Oh. Any particular reason?”
“Would I ever lead you astray, my dear scribe?” He coos. “But, I will forgive your doubts of my honorable character, as I am so gracious.”
He waits for her to totter back to the desk before laying the parchment before her. “Please note the date at the top left, and this address at the right.”
He is pleased to see that there are no errant smudges of the black ink as her left hand dutifully inscribes what he has demanded.
It had taken him more effort than usual to correct that mistake.
By the time she has finished writing though, that silly pinch in her brow has returned.
“Guild Master, do you truly trust me to hear this? This address, it sounds like it could belong to a patriar of the Gate.”
“That is because it does belong to a patriar of the Gate, my dear scribe.” He smiles fondly at her foolishness. “And one with whom I have a special relationship, so I expect the finest penmanship you have to offer.”
He draws himself upright, clearing his throat a few times to ensure his enunciation is clear. It wouldn’t do to have a word or phrase muddled
“Begin with this: My dear Lord Szarr—“
“Are you sure I should be transcribing this?” The child asks, almost desperately. “I mean, this is, is private correspondence, Guild Master.”
Dire Crowley puffs up like the bird he stole his name from. “Now, what is all this fuss, hm? I had thought you a mature enough girl to handle such a task with discretion and professionalism. Of course, if you no longer wish to keep the position I have so graciously provided you with—“
“No!” The force of the cry seems to startle the junior scribe as much as it does her employer. Remembering herself, she sits, eyes cast down in humility. “No, Guild Master. My apologies. I’ll write it.”
“Wonderful!” He beams. “There, that wasn’t so difficult, was it? We will look past this, as I am so gracious. Now, where was I? A-he-hem! My dear Lord Szarr…”
By the time he has finished dictating, the young tiefling’s face has somehow managed to pale a few shades, in spite of the vivid hue of her skin. She traces out the last few lines, gently presses blotting paper to soak up any excess ink, and hands it over for Crowley to examine.
He skims the paper eagerly, chuckling to himself at a few of his favorite lines. How clever he is, to possess a wit that even amuses himself!
“Guild Master…” He is brought out of his musings at the hesitant tone of the tiefling pre-teen. “I, I know it is none of my business, so forgive my curiosity, but. But is it truly alright to send such a missive to a patriar of Baldur’s Gate? His titles alone suggest—“
“My dear scribe, why wouldn’t it be?” Crowley soothes absent-mindedly.
A look of consternation crosses her face. “If I may be plain, guild master, this letter is a gossamer-sheathed dagger to the ribs. Far more brutal and damaging than a naked blade for all the beauty of the language it is clothed in.”
A frisson of glee squirms down Crowley’s spine. “Such a lovely turn of phrase! Why, if it were not so apt you would make me blush!”
“Guild Master.” The irritation in the girl’s voice is almost enough to break his fine mood. “I, I worry. A letter like this is liable to bring down all the hired thugs this Szarr can buy on Night Raven’s heads from High Moor and the Gate’s Undercity, and that’s if he is not overconfident enough to travel to Elturel to try to strangle you himself.”
At this, Crowley cannot help but burst into delighted laughter.
“Oh, my dear young scribe.” He enthuses, wiping away a tear of mirth. “For Lord Szarr to travel to Elturel is as possible as it is for a mortal to travel to the moon! We need never worry about him darkening the guild’s door.”
“I don’t. I’m afraid I don’t follow, Guild Master.” The child says, confused. “The address of the lord’s estate is in Baldur’s Gate. It’s less than a tenday by carriage, surely?”
“Ah, but my dear, sweet scribe.” Crowley shakes his head. “That is because you do not possess that knowledge I have about our dear Lord Szarr. Ah, but how foresighted I am! I almost frighten myself!”
“Knowledge, Guild Master?” The young scribe asks.
Crowley takes great joy in leaning in, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.
“Lord Cazador Szarr,” He confides. “Is a vampire.”
The instinctive terror that overtakes the child’s face is delicious. But then he watches as her mind begins to work, begins to consider the implications, possibilities, ramifications. The terror does not recede entirely, but it sinks back to sit in the curve of her thoughtful frown.
“A vampire…but, because the Companion shines over Elturgard—“
“That is correct! He cannot hope to enter the land, let alone the city, without being burnt to a crisp!” He proclaims, cloak billowing impressively as he throws his arms in the air. “And neither can any of his spawn! Even if he attempts to hire outside help, our connections with ahem, local interests, make the pool of would-be retaliators unfortunately small for our dear lord, which is child’s play to monitor!!”
He is overcome with the need to press a hand to his forehead. “Ah, I am such an intelligent man! Hold fast, my dear scribe! Do not faint from awe at my intellect!”
He’s met with nothing but silence, so he supposes the girl’s efforts to do so are too taxing for words.
He reaches the end of the letter, and frowns. “Scribe, this is incomplete.”
“What? But I recorded every word you—“
“Yes, but see?” He gestures to the space under where his signature will reside. “You have failed to credit yourself! I mean, really my dear, letting Lord Szarr think he holds enough import for me to write personally? What is the world coming to?!”
The girl fidgets, discomfort plain on her face. “But Guild Master, I—!”
“No buts!” He thrusts the final page back onto the desk. “Place down here, in small print if you please, transcribed by, your name, junior scribe of the Night Raven Mercenary Guild.”
She stares up at him, little form tense. Those creepy blue eyes burning against black sclera.
“Now, scribe.” He says warningly. “Unless you know of another in the city who would be so gracious as I, to give you employment?”
The creepy stare finally drops as her head falls. He thinks for a moment he’ll need to prompt her again, before the silly girl finally picks up her quill and follows his orders.
“There! That was hardly a trial now, was it?” Dire Crowley beams, plucking up the quill himself and signing with a flourish. “Now, blot that, seal it and have it delivered to the postal courier. You may even use a ten minute break to do so, as I am so gracious.”
He waits for the child to nod slowly. “Thank you, Guild Master.”
As he is a thoughtful man, he adds. “It will have to come out of your lunch hour later, though! We are running a business, after all!”
And with that, Dire Crowley waltzes his way to his quarters on the third floor, mind already intent on the newest novel he’s going to read. It came eagerly recommended to him by a dear friend— this Tusk Love is apparently a creative masterpiece!
His junior scribe could benefit from some more creativity, he muses to himself as he pour a generous glass of Ithbank and settles himself in on the chaise.
After all, of all the nicknames, pseudonyms, and noms de plume to pick from, who but the most insistent dullard would choose the name “Yuu”?
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justporo · 9 months
Still more fluffy relationship headcanons for Astarion and Tav
You guys seem to really like these, so I'm keeping them going for as long as I can. And - I know I said I couldn't do requests atm - but when (if?) I run out of ideas how about you can send me prompts for headcanons on specific topics?
Here we go though, more small ideas and moments for these two idiots!
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Astarion is a tease, always flirting with you (for the most part), always kissing you or touching you, always whispering something dirty directly into your pointy ear; sometimes even doing that flat out while you're out in public... with people around.
Deep down he's always wondering though when the day will come that you don't want to be with him anymore; you know that and you try your absolute best to remind him every moment of every day that you want to be with him forever, slowly working to turn the "when" into an "if" and then making him forget altogether
You are basically a street cat, but Astarion? He's a man of culture! And he loves to take you out and frankly just goddamn educating you
He takes you to museums, telling you in incredible detail about the artworks and the displays because he knows his history, also - he's incredibly smart; you enjoy not only him enjoying himself talking about stuff he likes but also just eat it up, eager to learn about stuff you never had the chance to before
Dancing: That's another thing. He knows all the dances: from the silly court dances Wyll showed you once, to the much more interesting and intimate ones where you're flush against one another's bodies
He teaches you, being so close to him, you can't stop fawning, holding you like you're something incredibly fragile and precious while moving you ever so passionately
You've never done this and are incredibly insecure at the beginning, but "Don't worry, love, let me hold you and I'll guide you, you just look pretty" - but then you pick it up quickly and it becomes one of your favourite pastimes with him
You have artful skills of your own though: since you're a former thief and had to stake out targets and places sometimes for weeks on end, you had a lot of time on your hands and taught yourself to draw a long time ago and drew whatever you had to observe: a nice compromise between keeping your eyes on whatever mattered and still having something to do
So, you finally draw him, something you'd promised him a long time ago when you merely had started travelling together; you spend a whole night just to get the first portrait right and Astarion gets uneasy because can't you just let him have a little sneak-peek?
When you show him the drawing, he's just speechless - "What, even more magnificent than you remembered?" you tease him, but you see how his fingers are tensing holding the paper and there's a single tear on his cheek when he looks and smiles at you broadly "No, love, just flustered about how you don't seem to get my chin right"; you call him a liar softly and he sniffles and draws you in for a really long hug and he thanks you deeply
Ah, I also love using these to sneak in facts and ideas for my Tav and helping me flesh out a backstory and more details for their story and relationship. Also don't mind me sprinkling a little angst on there.
Of course, the drawing idea has been imagined many times before and rightfully so, Astarion deserves it. But it's... I haven't drawn really in a loooong time but he really makes me want to give a portrait ago. I had to get it out for personal reasons.
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commander-rahrah · 7 months
Here's my idea that I would love to hear your opinion! Just to let you know this is quite self-indulgent XD What if GN!Reader knew that he was trying to use them from the start? They knew because they're quite familiar with people only talking to them because it's either because they can do something for them or they have something they need! They would still help him since they believe it's something he shouldn't need to go so far to have it. What do you think of it? I'm curious :3
UMMM YESSSS ANON YES! This is definitely something I have considered as well!! Tav isn't a naïve little target like Astarion is used too!
I imagine that Tav/Reader would probably admit to knowing about his plan not long after his own confession scene from Moonrise Towers in Act II. I think it would go something like this ♡♡
P.S.: I absolutely LOVED doing this, and my inbox is literally always open for stuff like this friends! :) It may just take me a hot second to reply!
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“I still can’t wrap my head around this,” Astarion’s voice was a hushed whisper in your ear, the two of you laying next to each other in his tent. You were close, but not touching — you were affording him space, allowing him to make the first move to initiate any kind of touch.
The intimate setting of laying across from each other in his tent was more than you had even expected. The candle stumps sat carefully around you basked everything in a gorgeous, orange glow.
“What do you mean?” You asked gently, your eyebrows furrowed.
“I’d imagine confessing to you in more ways than one… and never once did I imagine it would end like this.” He motioned to the two of you, running a finger tip across your knuckles before withdrawing. His voice was thick with emotion.
A soft chuckle escaped you, “What you thought I’d stake you?”
“Well… yes!” He said exasperatedly, before letting out a breathy laugh himself. Then he shook his head, turning serious, “I was manipulating you. Plotting against my master, with you as my shield.”
Your mouth twitched as you admitted, “I knew.”
“No, I don’t think you understand—“
You interrupted him, your face earnest, “No, Astarion. I do. I knew.”
Realization set deep in his features, his mouth hanging open just enough you could see his fangs, “How long had you known?”
You gave him a half smile, “Since the night you invited me to the woods.”
Your first night together.
“I— that was ages ago!" He sat up abruptly, his red eyes wide, "Why didn’t you say anything? Or better yet— gut me?!"
You sat up slowly, resting on your knees. “People have been using me for my entire life, Astarion. I know what they see when they meet me — a pretty face and nice clothes. Someone who is too friendly, too eager. People have been knocking on my door to ask for gold or sex or an invitation, anything they can get from me… as long as I can remember. Long before I met you."
Astarion was well aware of the mask you could so easily slip on when interacting with others. He hated it when you wore it. But now he understood you had been donning it to protect yourself, as much as he it did for himself too. But he still wanted to stalk and haunt every person who ever made you feel like you were a thing to be used, a means to some end.
Including himself.
Your voice snapped him back to the present, your voice hesitant, "But I had seen through your flirtations for a while now. It’s a force of habit for you, isn’t it?"
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, "Yes, it is."
Your expression crumbled, "I may have realized you were using me, but I didn’t realize how sex made you feel. I’m sorry I didn’t realize, I shouldn’t have indulged in that way."
The vampire waved off your apology, but curiosity got the best of him. "Why did you ‘indulge’? If you knew I was using you… if you knew that I'm... this."
You took a deep breath, before looking him in the eye. “Because I also recognized that what you were doing was a routine, a defense mechanism that you had been doing for longer than I’ve been alive. Because you were manipulated and used for your whole life too, weren’t you?"
Tears formed in the bottom of his eyes as he listened to you, but he willed them to stay back. His red eyes blinked furiously as he listened to you, his fingers intertwining together on his lap.
He wished you would hold them.
"You aren’t like your master, Astarion. And you aren’t what he made you to be either. You are a survivor. And when you were thrown off that nautiloid ship and found yourself in this merry party of misfits, you did just that — survive.
So… I let myself play mouse and get stuck in your trap. Just as I turned a blind eye to Wyll's sending stone. Or didn't ask Gale to explain what in the heavens he was doing with the amulet we had found. Because I trusted you, even back then. Cared for you far more then I should admit. But I knew you needed time."
His bottom lip trembled as you continued your own confession. He let his tears slip free as he saw your own break free. They stuck to your lashes and dripped down your flushed, freckled cheeks. Gods, even crying you were beautiful.
"But I regret that I laid with you — if I had known it caused you such pain I wouldn’t have done that. I knew that sex was apart of your repertoire, but I didn’t realize the anguish it caused you." Your face was pained as you admitted that, he could feel the self-loathing radiating off of you.
“It wasn’t all bad — those times with you were some of the most unexpected moments of bliss I’ve had in centuries." Astarion confessed as he grabbed your fingers and held them tightly. "But it still feels tainted, marred from my past with Cazador..."
“I know." You squeezed his fingers back, another silent understanding. "And we do not need to do such things until you are ready, Astarion. I mean it.”
He nodded, keeping his head down as he stared at the blankets you both sat on — willing himself to get his emotions under control.
You tucked your head to look up at his tilted face, "May I?" You asked softly, your hand hovering between you.
He swallowed as he nodded. You reached out slowly with your hand, before your thumb gently swept under his eyes and down the sides of his face, wiping away the tears that lingered on his pale skin. A sigh of contentment left him at your soft, simple touch. No one had ever touched him like that before.
He caught your hand as you went to withdraw it, your hands intertwined with his between you as you kneeled in front of each other.
Astarion was afraid to ask the next question on the tip of his tongue. But curiosity got the best of him. “So if you knew about my plan this whole time… when did you realize you— you’d fallen for me?”
Your entire face brightened as he asked, your eyes shining as you spoke, “Oh, from the moment you held a knife to my throat and barred your teeth.”
His heart soared, climbing up his throat as he almost choked from the happiness spreading through him.
“You masochist.” He laughed, grabbing onto the sides of your face.
“A romantic fool," You murmured as he placed his lips softly onto yours.
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If you enjoyed this, please feel free to check out more of my Astarion x GN!Reader on my masterlist!
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spacebarbarianweird · 28 days
Hi there! I love your writing and I was wondering if I could get a request? Just something fluffy between Astarion and a Tav who's body runs HOT. Gets hot super easily and finds it hard to sleep on humid nights. I feel like Astarion would LOOOVE their warmth and could help cool them off when they're too hot.
Hmmm... Do you know what DnD race really runs hot? Fire Genasi!
Those who think of other planes at all consider them remote, distant realms, but planar influence can be felt throughout the world. It sometimes manifests in beings who, through an accident of birth, carry the power of the planes in their blood. The genasi are one such people, the offspring of genies and mortals.
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Astarion x Fire Genasi
Your skin is hell hot and you have fire resistance.
You feel warm in winter but humid summer days are torture.
Let's say, Astarion is obsessed with your body heat.
Your blood runs so hot, that it feels boiling.
And your skin feels warm as if it was enchanted with fire magic.
Early in your relationship, Astarion would always find a way to sneak longer around you.
Once he ended dining, he would find every possible reason to stay close.
Until you permitted him to stay.
Now, he wraps himself around you like a weighted blanket and you finally get some pleasant coldness.
As your relationship progresses, you get more and more comfortable with each other.
Sometimes when you feel too hot, you run up to Astarion to wrap yourself around him.
He does the same when he can't stand the coldness of his own body.
There are also some other tricks you know - you can create fire sparkles with your fingers and you do that to calm Astarion down when the darkness takes a grip on him.
When he screams in pain caused by invisible claws, and every touch feels acid, you create flame and let Astarion watch it.
It mesmerizes him and as he watches you start speaking in Ignan, a primordial language of your ancestors, the language full of sharp clicks and hisses.
Astarion slowly relaxes and allows you to touch him. You can sit like that for hours, his cheek placed on your chest, his eyes on the flame as you talk about things he can't understand.
He finally starts meditating, and you tug him closer so he can take all the warmth he needs.
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devoted-tiefling · 9 months
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a/n: a stupid brain rot thing that was inspired by my post here ft. my completely blind tav who is a tiefling druid with a propensity to dream
warning: spoilers for act one of the game
You rolled the ring around in between your fingers like a coin, turning it over on the backs of your fingers, flipping it side over side.
Though it was made with cheap metal, it felt warm in your hand instead of cool. Probably because you held onto it so often.
Normally, you wouldn't have been able to read what was on it but the infernal was carved in well enough that you could feel the grooves of it under your fingertips.
Most of it was just nonsense; runes taken out of a fairytale book perhaps or maybe just symbols that kid took a fancy to.
The infernal, however, on the inside spelled well-wishes; love, luck, protection. it was the wish of every single tiefling ever born since anyone could remember.
Just running your finger over them made you feel warm, made you feel understood and maybe just a little bit less lonely.
"And what are you up to, darling?"
You knew that voice to be Astarion and all his rather sassy glory. Immediately, you smiled, sitting up a bit straighter as you felt him sit down next to you, his thigh pressed tightly against yours.
"Just fiddling, biding time." You answered easily enough, shrugging as you continued to roll your finger around the inside of the ring.
Astarion hummed, sounding like he was trying to seem uninterested when, truly, it was always the opposite "Why do you always do that?"
"Do what?" You asked only to answer your own question "Oh, play with this ring?"
"Yes. Look at it. The gold is slowly flaking off!" Astarion huffed and you could imagine him rolling his eyes "I hope you didn't give those tiefling brats good money for a phony gold ring."
You let out a little tittering giggle before holding out your free hand. Astarion, so used to you now, automatically put his palm against yours.
"Feel the grooves underneath." You guided one of his fingers into the ring.
You knew approximately where his finger was so you knew what word it was he was feeling for "Hope."
You let him run his fingertip over that for a moment before turning the ring more "Shelter."
Then, the next, just as carved in as the last "Protection."
On and on, you showed him the small miniscule words that carried heavy meaning to them. Love, luck, kindness.
Six words that probably meant a whole lot to those kids.
"The brat told me it was a ring of infinite wishes but, really, it was a ring filled with their wishes." You let Astarion pull away and, like always, you immediately missed the comforting press of his body against yours.
"What a load of horseshit." He chuckled but your perceptive twitching tiefling ears immediately heard it for what it was: a bluff.
You didn't think Astarion realised it but you knew he saw himself in those tiefling kids.
You knew that, if it had been him 100 or so years ago, he would've carved his wishes into metal in a desperate hope that, perhaps, some higher-power would hear him out then.
So, despite how you'd practically kept the ring in your fist ever since you'd gotten it, you felt around for Astarion's hand yet again and placed the ring snuggly into his ring finger.
Astarion let out a soft scoff "I hope you don't think I'll marry you if you're proposing with such a cheap ring."
You laughed again, tittering, soft, before leaning in, your lips brushing against Astarion's jaw "I want you to have it so your wishes come true instead."
"Oh, darling, if my wishes came true, the world would truly become an insanely dark place." He countered your sincerity with his own little quip but you knew he appreciated it because his calling hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer.
"I wouldn't mind as long as I'm by your side." You snuggled in while being careful of your horns, happy to indulge in the intimacy Astarion was allowing you "It's not like I'll see first-hand what dastardly deeds you're up to anyway so I'll have plausible deniability."
The way Astarion laced his fingers with yours and laughed made the bad joke worth it. You especially enjoyed the new chill the ring on his fingers took on, comforting and smooth against your skin.
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tamiart · 2 months
I wrote a little romance scene between Halsin and Tav, mostly imagining Halsin’s POV.
Summary: Tav is breaking down under the pressure of the enormous task ahead of her, and Halsin happens upon her.
Since I don’t consider myself a writer, I have never tried to write anything like this before. But I love this game so much, and especially when it comes to these two characters, my imagination is continuously running away with me. I need more material with them, so I tried to create some of my own. I hope you like it.
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Midnight Solace
Everyone was finishing up their duties in setting up camp. Halsin looked over to see Tav talking to Wyll and Gale, who were arguing about something as they tried to come up with a strategy for some fight or other, which was now an almost daily occurrence. Tav looked worn out, barely listening to the two of them bicker as she studied a map they had drawn in the dirt. The others were always going to her for help with their problems, and by Silvanus did everyone in this group have catastrophic problems. In all his many years, Halsin had never met such a varied, volatile bunch of individuals. They reminded him of his younger years when every mishap, every mistake, felt like the end of the world.
Tav was the most intriguing to him. She couldn’t be half his age, and yet this young, unassuming slip of a girl had gone out of her way, putting aside her own troubles and fears, which must be plentiful though she never voiced them, for weeks throughout their perilous journey to help many along the way, including himself. She was helping him find a way to lift the shadow curse, which had haunted him for a century as his greatest shame and failure. She had risked her life to infiltrate a horde of nasty, treacherous little goblins to free him - a huge, threatening wild bear that could have tried to kill her too for all she knew. But even in his most savage form, she wasn’t afraid of him. 
Halsin had never met anyone like her. He often found himself watching her from across camp as she went about the daily routine that everyone had settled into - helping to prepare their meals, eating, talking and laughing with everyone around the fire, getting ready to go to sleep, preparing to head out in the mornings. He wondered about her as he performed his own duties. He felt himself drawn to her, and realized he was reluctant to leave her side. He was sorely tempted to forsake his druidic duties and stay with her, to be there for her and protect her for as long as she would let him during her quest to save them all. She stirred long-dormant feelings in him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this way about anyone.
Later that night, after everyone had sought their bedrolls, rest seemed to elude Halsin, so he gave up and headed towards the woods to lose himself in a hunt. As he walked past Tav’s bedroll, he noticed she wasn’t there. He looked around briefly, but did not see her. Slightly alarmed, he enhanced his senses and picked up her scent trail heading into the forest. Wanting to make sure she was alright, he followed it.
As he approached the stream nearby, he heard the sound of someone crying. He stopped and peered through the trees in that direction and saw that it was Tav, sitting by the water, her head resting on her bent knees. He felt a sympathetic pang to see and hear her so distraught. Not wanting to frighten her, he made his footsteps audible as he rounded a bush and approached her, and she started up and noticed him, and immediately turned away to surreptitiously wipe away the traces of her misery. He felt his heart stir.
“Oh, Halsin,” she said, “what are you doing out here so late?”
“I could not sleep,” he responded, “so I was going for a walk. I could ask you the same thing. Are you alright, my friend?”
At that, she failed at reigning in her emotions and burst into sobs once more.
“I’m sorry,” she sputtered through her tears. “I don’t know what’s come over me tonight.”
He hurried over and sat beside her. “It’s alright,” he tried to reassure her. But she could not stop, and he hesitantly reached out to touch her shoulder.
His touch seemed to relax something in her and she leaned towards him. He put his arm around her and held her closer. The feel of her sobs shaking her slight frame melted away his final resistance, and he knew then that he would do anything to help this girl. He was lost to her. He held her until her sobs quieted into sniffles. 
“What is it, my friend? Can I do anything to help?” He asked her gently.
“No, I’ll be okay.” She sighed.”Ugh look at me, I’m such a mess.”
“You are still beautiful. But stay here, I’ll get something for you.” Halsin quietly returned to his tent and found a clean cloth, poured a cup of water and grabbed a blanket as well, then returned to Tav’s side. She had calmed down and sat quietly staring into the stream with a troubled expression on her face. He draped the blanket around her shoulders and handed her the water and cloth.
 “Thank you. I didn’t want anyone to see me like this,” said Tav, wiping her tear-stained face. “They’re all depending on me to be strong. I need to be strong for all of us if we’re going to get through this.” She took a sip of water and put the cup down on a rock.
He placed his arm around her again and pulled her close. “No one expects you to be invincible. You don’t need to carry all of it alone. We’re all here to help you. I’m here to help you.”
She looked up at him, tears glistening in her eyelashes. The distance between them was too close. The urge to kiss her was overpowering, and it took all of his will to resist. She needed him to be strong just now, and he would give her his support.
“Thanks, Halsin,” She closed her eyes and sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. “That’s nice to hear. I just… I’m so afraid. I don’t know what I’m doing half of the time. Why does every decision have to fall to me? Every time one of us gets injured, I wonder if I should give it all up. Maybe I’m just leading us all to our deaths.” Her voice choked on those last words, and she covered her face with her hands and pulled away from him. “I can’t… that thought… it’s too much to bear.”
“Your fears are completely understandable under the circumstances. We have far too much leveled against us, with no end to our journey in sight. What an incredible amount of pressure to undertake. But Tav, you’ve been amazing thus far. Why do you think everyone trusts you so implicitly? No one else could have gotten this eccentric group of misfits this far, to survive as much as we have. Honestly, I don’t know how you’ve managed it. You don’t realize how extraordinary you truly are. My dear friend, we would all follow you anywhere. I would follow you anywhere. If anyone is going to get us all through this, it’s you.” 
Tav looked up at him again, a new light and curiosity in her glance. “You truly believe that?”
“With all my heart.”
Suddenly she threw her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. Oak father preserve him, Tav had him wrapped around her finger. “Thanks, Halsin,” she whispered into him. She looked up at him again, and her face finally softened into a smile. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Tav, I - “ he tried to find the right words. “Please know that I’m always here for you, if you ever need to talk about anything. I will do my best to help you, in any way that you need.”
She was still looking up at him, her gaze searching. She was so beautiful, he could hold back no longer. Cautiously, he lowered his face down towards her, watching her expression as he did so. She did not pull away, and her lips parted as her glance fell to his mouth. He closed the distance and pressed his lips to hers. He tasted the salt of her tears as he kissed her, and she kissed him back, tentatively at first, but quickly growing more eager. Her lips were full, soft and warm. Finally they both had to pull away, gasping for air. He had to stop now before he took things too far. He couldn’t ask that much of her just now in her current vulnerable state.
Tav stared at him, stunned. Then as if suddenly realizing where she was, she blushed and gave him a shy, tentative smile. “Wow,” She gasped as she found her voice. “What was that?”
“I’ve dreamed about kissing you for a long time,” he confessed to her.
“Really? But I didn’t… I thought… you’ve never…” Tav stammered.
“I know. I didn’t want to do anything to upset you or harm our friendship. And I didn’t want to distract you during such a crucial and difficult time. I’ve been trying to keep my distance, to let you focus.”
Tave let out a breathy laugh. “Well, it’s a very welcome distraction.” She hesitated, then looked up at him shyly once more. “I’ve been thinking about that as well, with you.”
He wrapped her in his arms once more and held her in silence. They sat together, listening to the night sounds of the forest and the babble of the nearby stream. Gradually, he felt her relax in his arms. Her head began to droop against his shoulder. He could have stayed this way all night. But reluctantly, he gently shook her awake.
“You should try to get some sleep,” he told her. “Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”
She sighed. “You’re right.” She stood up and handed the blanket back to him. She tried to return the cloth as well, but he told her to keep it. She seemed reluctant to go. “Thank you, Halsin. This was… it means a lot.” She smiled at him once more.
And she was gone before he could respond, leaving him alone once more in the woods, the blanket in his arms, all of his senses full of her, and his mind a whirl of thoughts, emotions and desires.
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moremousewrites · 12 days
Nuisance Chapter 2
Sleep On It
Pairing: Rolan/f!Tav
Summary: Rolan takes a night to deliberate your request but it seems you pervade more than just his waking thoughts
Tags: wet dream, virgin rolan, self deprecation, first time blow jobs, hand jobs, smut
A far-away voice brought Rolan to his senses. Where was he? The blurred aura of his room came into focus as his eyes adjusted.
“Rolan? Can I help you?” A gentle voice in his ear. Your voice, cooing to him, far more salacious than he had ever heard it before. 
He blinked and saw you before him: a white sleeping shirt barely covering your form, eyes half-lidded and lips parted. What in the hells was happening?
“Tav? What are you doing?” He tried to crawl away from you but his limbs felt like gelatin beneath him. He was uncoordinated in your gaze, sure, but never immobile. 
You moved forward and pressed your lips against his. Soft. Just as he imagined the day before. He tried to lift his arms to meet your hips and they complied. You were warm, too. So warm as your body pressed against his.
Rolan's eyes snapped open at the realization that he was nude. Had he been naked this whole time? He had worn his night clothes to fall asleep, did you undress him? Oh no.
“This is a dream” he pouted and the dream duplicate of you nipped at his protruding lip.
“Always so stressed. Let me relieve you” you- or rather, dream you said. 
Perhaps this really was you. Still so insistent on solving all his problems even if it meant intruding his most vulnerable spaces. Gods, you weren't a dream; you were a nightmare. 
Those same pretty fingers he had studied just hours ago wrapped around his cock, squeezing him. 
“Fuck- Tav!” He cried out in pleasure and disbelief. Whatever sensation his subconscious had conjured to torture him, he couldn't help but wonder how it compared to the real thing. He had never lain with anyone before, never had the opportunity. The most experience he had was his own hand and the occasional, very shameful, voyeuristic examination of demonic copulation in Avernus.
You stroked him, running your thumb over every ridge on his shaft, twisting your wrist as you reached his head. The feeling had Rolan twitching in your grasp instantly, gripping the sheets beneath him. He wanted more of you, had to feel if you were real or just something he'd conjured himself. 
Rolan slid his hand under your shirt and squeezed your breast. Your skin felt so real, but the more he rolled it in his hand, the less of you he could sense. You moved to take off the shirt and he stopped you in a panic.
“Can we try something else?” He asked, cringing at the sound of his voice. He should be fucking you. You should be stupid and senseless under him and here he was, asking a dream apparition if he could switch positions. He couldn't even get a wet dream right.
“Of course” you smiled at him, softly. There it was, your perfect, beautiful face. Why couldn't you just spit on him and sneer like every other noble? You pushed away from him and got on your back.
Rolan peered between your legs, unsure of what he'd see. He'd never really gotten a good look at female anatomy. No, the closest comparison he had was the stolen glances he'd gotten of the occasional refugee in the rare moments of reprieve when they'd change their blood stained rags. Gods, he truly felt like a fiend. 
This entire dream felt like he was violating you. If you ever found out… he didn't want to think about what you'd do. How was this even happening? Was this some sick joke you were playing on him- an astral projection? No, that would be too hopeful. You wouldn't deign to touch someone like him. Not even as a joke.
“Everything okay, Rolan?” You asked. No, not you. But Rolan could pretend. He could try to enjoy himself for once.
“Yes. I'm fine” he said, taking a deep breath and spreading your legs. 
He couldn't even look. Just positioned himself comfortably and felt around for the damp hole. He hoped he'd have some of his bearings if he ever did lose his virginity. Soft hands on his face shocked his eyes open and your sweet face smiled up at him, expectantly.
“I can't do this” Rolan admitted to himself, and rolled off of you.
“Why not?” Dream you asked, propping yourself up on your elbows.
Rolan dragged his hands down his face in frustration. “I don't know. I should be able to. You're not even real” he looked at you and admired your form. Or at least what he assumed was your form. 
You brushed a piece of hair below his horn with your finger. It still stung from when he banged it earlier that day. “But?” You asked.
Rolan didn't even respond, so consumed with shame and dread. Why couldn't he just enjoy his dream? 
“I think I understand. Can I just try something else?” You asked, your gentle voice calming him down a bit.
After a moment of deliberation Rolan nodded in his hands.
He felt you pull his hands away from his face so you could press your soft lips against his cheek. Your lips trailed down his neck and he wished you'd kiss his lips again but he didn't say anything because you felt so good running your hands up his chest. You moved downward, gliding your fingertips down his strained abdomen. His breath hitched when he felt your fingers touch his hips. 
“Can I do this? Can I take care of you?” You asked, looking up at him. Rolan propped himself up on his elbows and took in the image before him. You were leaning over him, face flushed and eyes wide. More clean than he'd ever seen you before, as well. 
“Yes, Tav. Please” he whispered. He felt pathetic under your gaze. 
You took his length in your hand again and slowly stroked. Long, languid strokes and practiced squeezing on his shaft caused Rolan to pant out your name. The dream image of you beamed in response. 
Your tongue darted out to lick a bead of precum that had gathered at the tip of his cock. Rolan let out a choked sob and you sucked him into your mouth, soft lips wrapped around him and hand pumping him as he shook beneath you.
Rolan ran his fingers through your hair, less so for control and more to do something with his hands. 
“Oh Gods, Tav- I'm close” he warned, gripping your hair tighter. Another wave of shame passed through him. He couldn't even last in his dream.
But you hummed around him approvingly. You never judged him before, it seemed you wouldn't start now. Not even in the recesses of his mind where he created you.
Rolan's limbs cramped, his dick twitched in your mouth. He was unfolding underneath your touch and all he could say was your name.
“Tav, Tav, Tav” he chanted like it was the only thing grounding him to reality.
Then he felt it. Release, so intense his eyes snapped open and he sat up in bed moaning your name, sleepily.
Rolan looked around at his dorm in Ramizath's tower. Everything was the same- a bit duller than before but untouched. Except, there was no you. Rolan felt his lap was also much more damp and sticky than it had been before he went to sleep.
“Oh, God's fucking damn it” 
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bg-brainrot · 3 months
Hugs for a Vampire (Astarion x GN!Reader) - Chapter 6: Before the Assault on Moonrise
Chapter 6: Before the Assault on Moonrise
Each chapter can be read as a standalone hug.
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader (Rogue!Tav)
Genre: Fluffy, Filling in Canon
Rating: Teen
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, POV Second Person, Act 2, Canon-typical violence, developing relationship, blood, boundaries
WC: 2.3k words, 6/18 chapters
Summary: A feeding-hug for Rogue!Tav and Astarion. They're still working out how to act around each other, with Astarion setting the boundaries.
Ao3 | [Hug5][Hug7] | Hugs for a Vampire Masterlist
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It feels like the calm before the storm. Come tomorrow, you’ll head to Moonrise and begin an attack on the evil that resides there. You’ve freed the Nightsong, given Shadowheart some time to herself, and now gathered the Harpers for a full-on assault. Your companions are all itching to get going– for the most part. 
Throughout the Gauntlet of Shar, Astarion had been a bit off. You imagined it was an odd combination of learning about the scars on his back and, selfishly, both of you trying to figure out something real between you. Now that you’ve left the Gauntlet though, Astarion still seems lost.
“Something the matter, love?” you ask him over dinner at the Last Light Inn. The two of you are eating together, though he only holds a glass of wine to your plate of actual food. He seems deep in thought, staring off into the distance as he runs his tongue over one of his fangs.
Astarion jumps at your words, taking a second to register that you’re speaking to him. “It’s nothing,” he says, on instinct. Then, after a stern look from you, follows it with. “I’m just a tad peckish, my dear.”
Tilting your head, you ask, “Have you not found something to your liking today?” Early on, you’d agreed that he can and should drink from any enemy with a pulse.
He shakes his head ruefully. “Not much on offer out here,” he sounds wistful, and you register an underlying desperation to his voice. “I don’t think I’ve had a solid meal… well, since we entered the Shadowlands.”
You balk at that, thinking back to every enemy you’ve faced so far. Undead, plants, cursed fish, the odd shade, and he hasn’t fed from you since you’d agreed to take things slowly– how did you not realize this sooner? “Astarion, you must be starving!” You push your own food away, as if its presence would only make his hunger worse. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“What will you do, bring the undead back to life? And it’s not like I could drink from a Harper,” he rolls his eyes and pauses. “Wait, do you think I could–”
“Don’t you dare,” you stop his thought process in its tracks, holding up a hand. “We are nice to the Harpers and we appreciate their help, got it?” 
“Oh, you’re no fun,” he pouts. “I guess I’ll just continue to starve. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gone without.” He adds that last sentence as a bitter afterthought. The thought of him having gone weeks, months, a year without so much as a drop of blood tears at your heart.
“And why don't you ask me?” you ask, quieting your voice so that only he can hear you in the din of the Inn.
He looks genuinely confused. “Ask you what?”
You narrow your eyes at him– surely he didn’t forget you are not an undead, not an aberration or anything of the sort. Right? “Um, ask me for blood?” you offer, equally confused.
“Ah,” he says, it comes out like a soft huff. “My love, I couldn’t.”
“And why not?” You bristle at the thought that your blood isn’t good enough, isn’t as satisfying as some random Harper’s. “Am I no longer to your taste?”
Placing a hand on his chest, he gives you an aghast look, “Of course not, dear. You’re quite possibly the most delectable creature I’ve had the fortune to taste. In every single way.”
You hear a startled choke from behind you. Astarion has not been keeping his voice quiet in the same way you have, and a blushing Gale tries to pretend that he is absolutely enthralled by the plate of food in front of him.
Shooting a look at Astarion, who doesn’t even have the good grace to look embarrassed, you say, “Let’s talk a bit more privately, shall we?”
“If you insist,” he replies, with a hand wave. “But I hope you know it isn’t the first time that half this team imagines devouring you.”
You decide to ignore the bait, opting instead to drag him gracelessly away from the Last Light’s central area. All but pulling him upstairs, you set him on a bed and place your hands on your hips.
“You’ve had your fun, now tell me truthfully,” you start, keeping him pinned with your eyes. “Why haven’t you asked to drink from me? You know I’m happy to offer.”
“Darling,” he starts, eyes avoiding yours, clearly intending to avoid this conversation. “I don’t see what the big deal is. We deal with the cult, we get back to Baldur’s Gate and I’ll have a veritable feast of ruffians to pick from.”
“The big deal is that you planned on suffering by yourself this entire time,” you say, and hurt begins to color your voice. “I thought we were being more… honest with each other. Maybe I was wrong about that.”
Astarion stands then, whispering your name as he takes a step toward you. “I am being honest, love. I can’t possibly drink from you, not anymore.” His hands reach up to cup your face, and the ruby eyes that lock with yours are so very conflicted.
“Why not?” you ask again, trying to keep firm under his piercing eyes but failing miserably.
“Because it feels different with you,” he says, quietly. He rubs a cool thumb across your cheek, bravado all gone as a searing sweetness settles between you both. “You’re not some bandit, some cultist, or goblin. I don’t want to hurt you and…” Astarion looks down, away from you. “I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything.”
You lean into his hands, closing your eyes. A strange sort of relief settles over you as you respond, “My sweet fool.”
“What?” he says, indignantly.
“I don’t feel like I owe you anything,” you say before opening your eyes again. “I want to do this for you.”
“And how do I know that I haven’t just entranced you against your will?” he says with a soft, disbelieving scoff as his eyes search yours. “In fact, I’m finding that, for perhaps the first time in my life, I'd rather someone’s blood remain soundly in their body.”
“What if,” you start, not sure how to say it without sounding insane. You drop eye contact with him to muster the will to continue, “What if I said I liked it when you fed from me?”
He’s silent and you’re suddenly worried that you’ve said too much, been a little too honest too quickly. But when you finally bring your eyes back to him, you just see a war going on behind Astarion’s eyes. A deep hunger, surely, but above all else, a concern– one that you know is for you and your well-being. 
“I promise I’m not just saying that,” you add, hoping to assuage his worries.
Your love doesn’t seem to believe you, brows furrowed and hands gripping your face a bit tighter as he tilts it this way, then that way. “You… like having your life force drained out of you?”
“Listen,” you start, placing a hand on Astarion’s arm to stop his examinations. “If you don’t want to believe me, you don’t have to. But I invite you to drink from me regardless. You can’t confront the armies at Moonrise like this.”
He finally releases your face, shoulders drooping with a heavy sigh. “In two centuries, I never thought I would be fighting an offering of blood like this, but darling, if I injure you, if I take too much…”
“You haven’t before,” you try reasoning. “Besides, I’ve pushed you off once, I can always do it again.”
“Fine,” he says with a frown. “But don’t you dare hesitate.”
“You know I wouldn’t,” you respond easily, tugging on one of his hands. “Shall we get comfortable?”
Astarion allows you to take him back to the bed, sitting down in a manner all at once defeated and eager despite himself. You can’t even imagine the hunger he must be feeling right now, and the fact that his feelings for you could have overridden even a portion of that astonishes you. You sit down next to him and bare your neck.
He settles in behind you, hands ghosting at your neck and shoulders. “You’re certain?” he asks again, eyes large and pleading. 
“Yes,” you stress. “But if you’re that worried, could I make a request?”
“Anything,” he says, the word a breath on his lips.
You still waver, the vulnerability new and quite frightening. “Well, the previous bites haven’t been exactly cozy. Would you mind… holding me while you bite?”
Astarion’s response comes in the form of his arms wrapping around your torso, pulling you into his chest. He places a fleeting kiss under your ear before burying his head into the crook of your neck. Nuzzling softly, his nose tickles your bare skin. “Cozy enough, my dear?”
“Mmm, yes,” you say, feeling a blush creeping up your neck. You hadn’t expected him to embrace you so thoroughly. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he murmurs and he sounds utterly bewitched as he inhales. The sharp bite that follows catches you by surprise and you know that he couldn’t resist any longer. He takes a long pull from your neck, drinking more deeply than he has in weeks.
However, unlike previous times that he’s fed on you, this feels distinctly different. It’s the first time he’s bitten you since you’ve agreed to figure out, well, whatever you have between you two. And it shows.
It shows in how his arms, which had previously held you in place while biting, gently squeeze around you. In how his lips, which he used to bare wide, press the occasional soft kiss as he drinks. In how your heads tap together, his curls caressing your cheek.
Oh, you think distantly as you lean into his devouring mouth. I see why this might feel different from a bandit. While it felt like a nice gift you could provide before, now the act of feeding him feels immensely close. Could you always feel his breath on you like this?
You don’t have to ponder long before he pulls away, placing one last kiss where he’s bitten. “There,” he says, taking a shallow breath. “How do you feel?”
Taking a second to check in with yourself, you find that you feel pretty normal. “I feel good, too good,” you say, turning to face him. “Are you sure you had enough?”
Astarion licks a few drops of blood from his lips as he surveys you, verifying your liveliness. He smirks before responding, “More than enough. As I said, I was only peckish. Thank you, love.”
He looks more vibrant now– his eyes shine bright in the firelight of the inn and there’s a rosy tint to his skin that wasn’t there before– so you decide not to push it. “You’re welcome, and thank you,” you say, grinning at him cheekily.
“Whatever are you thanking me for?” he asks, skeptically.
“If you always embrace me so tenderly while you feed, I may run out of blood asking for another go.”
Astarion clicks his tongue with annoyance. “I was not being tender. I was quite literally consuming you. Could you please have an ounce of self-preservation?” 
You keep a small, satisfied smile on your face as you shrug. “Some mighty righteous words from a man who was just refusing to feed.”
“How about this,” he starts, leaning into you. “I promise to seek you out if I need sustenance and you promise to never call me tender again. What will the others think of me?“
You lean right back into him, and give a short affirming nod. “Your secret is safe with me, my oh-so-fearsome vampire.”
“Thank you, my delicious little treat,” he responds. Swiftly bringing your hand to his face, he places a kiss on the back of it. “And thank you for…” He clears his throat. “Helping me navigate whatever this is.” The vampire vaguely gestures between you both and it’s evident what he means. If feeding felt different for you, he surely felt it too. Even the emotions bubbling at the surface now feel different. It would surely settle in time, but for now, learning together, it is a terrifying new unknown.
“Of course,” you say, placing your other hand on top of his. Your eyes meet in unspoken communication, marveling at the absurdity of your situation, of your gentle moment. Of course, you must be the one to break it. “I was worried for a moment there.”
“Whatever for?”
“I thought maybe you didn’t like the taste of my blood anymore, maybe I ate something off-putting,” you pretend to sniff at your arm, as if you’d be able to pin down the scent of your blood.
Astarion shakes his head at you, ruefully. “I meant it when I said you’re the most delectable.” His eyes get a distant look to them, as he thinks. “Maybe it’s because you were the– ehem– first. Or because you're just… you. But you have a lovely flavor.”
Unable to help your own curiosity, you ask, “What do I taste like?”
“It’s hard to pin down.” He pulls your hand to his nose for a long sniff. “But you taste like warmth feels.”
You’re not sure what to say to that, but by the way it’s sending your heart somersaulting, you’re not certain you’d be very coherent anyway. So you just give a little, “Mmm.”
Astarion laughs at your reaction and drops your hand. “Let’s head back to dinner. You’ll have to keep your energy up if we’re to defeat the Absolute or whatever nonsense.” He gets up to leave and you return to reality.
“And to keep my blood tasting warm,” you quip, standing up and following after your vampire.
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dekariosclan · 1 month
Can I just say a huge THANK YOU for the BombSquad / HeatWeave content! Such an under appreciated ship but unloved watching your clips ❤️❤️
❤️ Aw thank you!! Very excited to hear from a Gale x Karlach fan! From my last count, there are…um…like a couple dozen of us total 😂 So as Gale would say—always a delight to speak with you!
For me, I always enjoy love stories with a nontraditional or unexpected pairing, and a Wizard and a Barbarian are definitely unexpected. (As Gale himself says: ‘She’s a little rough around the edges…but I suppose I can be smooth enough for two. Heh.’) But I think Gale and Karlach also have a lot of similarities and compatibility that tends to get overlooked, especially in regards to shared experiences that would deepen their understanding of one another.
They both have kind hearts, they both want to help others, they’re both unshakably loyal with their love, they’re both extremely passionate individuals, and they both have had to experience the trauma of being discarded and left to die in a ‘ticking time bomb’ scenario. In addition, their particular skill sets align and complement each other in unexpected ways. For example: what cracked me up the most when doing my Karlach origin run is that Gale’s approval of her shot up faster than it did with my original Tav—because Gale is all about avoiding violence whenever possible, and Karlach’s barbarian intimidation was PERFECT for that. So, we’d come upon a tense situation with some thugs, Karlach would scream BACK OFF at the top of her lungs to frighten them off, and Gale would stand there watching with hearts in his eyes.
And in addition, their party banter is super cute, with them teasing each other back and forth about Gale’s obsession with books and Karlach’s complete aversion to them. They also share a couple lines about drinks and ale, too, so I’m sure they would have a blast together spending time at the Yawning Portal.
Finally, we already know that a romanced Gale happily goes to Avernus with her (and finds it rather charming, which is just the ultimate Gale thing to do) but this line from a romanced Karlach in a Gale origin run just really solidifies why I adore these two so very much:
Gale: My future's no more certain than your own. But when I dare to imagine having one, it's always you I see beside me.
Karlach: I'm seeing you at a desk. Pile of books up to the ceiling. And me barging in with a brace of rabbits for supper. You start chopping carrots. I stoke the fire. And every night is the best night we've ever had.
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fangsandfeels · 5 months
I started writing a post about how Yenna is actually adorable and how it hurts to know that she tries so much to be helpful and stay cheerful despite how scared she is because this is how children who were forced to mature beyond their years behave.
I really tried imagining her dynamic with the group.
But I’m weak and infected, so I ended up diverging and thinking about how Astarion went from scoffing and sneering at the mere idea of letting the kid stay in to “Let’s just kill Gortash and get Yenna back”, which led to me sprouting a headcanon moment, one of those that might have happened in-between.
When Yenna is allowed to stay in the camp, Astarion tries to pretend she doesn't exist. If Tav absolutely has to drag in every lost mutt to their place, fine. But don't expect him to play babysitter or be nice about it.
In fact,  he is more than ready not to be nice: the sooner the kid runs away in tears, the better it will be for all of them. Little children shouldn't really be around vampires. Or githyanki. Or flammable tieflings. Or anyone who can turn into a mindflayer at any given moment. If she has to be hurt, she better get hurt somewhere else, where he can’t see it, and it’s not his problem.
He gets his chance when Yenna approaches him, asking what he’d like her to cook. Astarion jumps at the opportunity. He gives her his most evil grin as he gleefully tells her about craving delicious red blood. He uses his best malicious voice and flashes his fangs at her -- only for her to leave without as much as a whimper and then show up later, hair messy, arms scratched, and cheeks muddy as she offers him a young hare she caught and kept alive for him.
That confuses him to no end: what was this child's damage? She was supposed to run away from a vampire, not to feed him! Why is she more worried about whether he liked what she brought than what might happen to her if she stays? What in the Hells can be scarier than to be stuck with a vampire? 
He could probably act like an absolute ass and refuse her offering, chew her out for being a lousy hunter, and remind her that nothing is more quenching than the blood of a thinking young soul. He could make her terrified, make her run away sobbing.
He could hurt her.
But somehow, he doesn’t. The words just never leave his throat.
Instead, he huffs, scoffs, and accepts her meal just so she would leave him alone -- and tells her not to do it again because he prefers to pick his own supper, and it would be such a shame if he came across her during his hunts.
He is pretty sure that all the kid got from his speech was that she had been approved to stay - and that was the only thing that mattered to her, which is simply infuriating.  
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aladaylessecondblog · 6 months
You Stole My Sun (Halsin x Tav x Astarion)
Basically the aftermath of that idea I wrote about post-Astarion's "I should have made you a spawn" line.
big sad, spiraling frightened/uber depressed Tav. Halsin is the best ever etc
This is my Tav, AFAB druid drow with same pronouns, but feel free to imagine your own Tav if you want.
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Halsin didn't know what had happened, because Tav wouldn't say. He only knew it had involved Astarion, who had been gone for almost a week now.
The only clear thing he could get out of her was that Astarion hadn't hurt her, and one sad little sentence that made no sense: 'None of it was real.'
But that left quite a range that had him racking his mind, considering...
Considering that she had clammed up, that the near-endless line of jokes and smiles and little laughs had stopped cold. That every time he touched her when her back was turned, she stiffened and whipped around like she was afraid someone meant to attack her. That she spent more time with the animals in camp and out past the treeline than before.
(Considering when he had tried to come to her as 'her bear' she had blanched as if afraid he really would devour her)
The rest of the camp had noticed, too, and dealt with it in different ways.
Lae'zel had offered herself as a sparring partner, saying Tav needed more practice with a longsword anyway. Will had done something along the same lines.
Gale had tried to lift her spirits in his usual way, and Karlach had, now she was fixed, gone for hugs which Tav returned--in silence.
None of them seemed entirely sure of what to do to fix this, though. Whenever anyone had been in such a mood, it was always Tav who brought back the better mood, who lifted their spirits, got them smiling.
What did you do, Astarion? Halsin found himself thinking as he watched Tav. She wildshaped into a cat, came to sit in his lap, and curled up as if trying to hide. You stole my sun, that's what you did.
Tav was like a light to the camp, brightening and warming everyone whose lives she touched.
And her light had gone out.
His heart's heart was broken.
Astarion returned late, when some of the camp were still up but several had already gone to bed. He HAD hoped to do it quietly, simply to slip in, but he was spotted almost immediately
Lae'zel (who was on watch) was the first to see him, and had moved off--to warn Halsin, he assumed, since the man returned with her a few moments later.
She then moved off to complete a patrol around the campsite.
"Come to warn me off?" he attempted a quip, but it fell flat.
"Come for answers," Halsin replied. "I've been confused, you see. It's not in your nature to run like this. Hide, certainly, sneak, absolutely. But to run?"
"I thought Tav had sent you to--"
"She didn't send me to do anything. What happened, exactly?"
"Didn't she say?" Astarion looked up, and then swiftly back down. "Usually she's eager to--talk."
"Not a word, my star. All she would say was that you had not hurt her. And to quote directly, 'None of it was real,' in the most desolate tone I have ever heard from one in love. What did you do?"
"I...made a mistake," he said, letting out a needlessly long breath. "She didn't care for the idea of my...ascension, you see."
"Of course not. She feared...that you might become the thing that once frightened YOU."
"And I thought that was a lot of nonsense. I mean, really...I would be safer than ever. I didn't see the problem that she did...she wouldn't touch the extra little tadpoles, she wouldn't hear of taking control of the--well, that's all been gone over. What you want to hear about is..."
Halsin waited.
"She didn't understand, and I wanted to make her understand. I practically snarled at her, said I should have--made her a spawn..."
Seeing Halsin's eyes narrow was a bit like having Scratch growl at you. It let you know you'd fucked up and fucked up bad.
He went on explaining, and finished with, "I've never seen her afraid of anything before that moment. I didn't think--she ran. She ran from me. That--that was the last thing I wanted! That's not what I meant to do!"
"But it's what happened."
"...what am I supposed to do now?" Astarion's voice, far more miserable than he'd ever let Halsin hear before, burst out.
"Apologize," Halsin said, "As a start. And understand that if she DOES forgive you, it will take time."
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songofsoma · 3 months
all roads lead to you
one // two // three // four
pairing: karlach x f!tav words: 1,781
read on ao3
chapter four | the hunter and the hunted
Multiple days passed without a hitch. There was no more word of Bounty Hunters hunting devils, but it hadn’t left Karlach’s mind. She hadn’t slept much over the last few nights. She passed the nights laying stone still in her bunk to keep an ear out for noises, one hand draped over the side where her battle-axe lay. 
Karlach had tried to keep her upbeat attitude, but she could tell the others were seeing through it. Her movements were slower, her quips not as frequent. Frankly, she was exhausted. 
“Karlach!” Daefina called one afternoon, hopping the fence into the pasture where Karlach had been spreading out some fresh hay. Two halters swung in her grasp.  “Let’s go.” 
She gave the elf a puzzled look. “I’m working?”
“I already told Daddy I needed you. Perks of being the Boss’s Daughter. Now let’s go, saddle up.” Fina tossed Guy's halter and kept walking toward her own speckled mare. “The horses need exercised.”
Not long after, Karlach sat upon her stallion bumbling down a wide, dirt trail on the Greensong property next to Daefina. They had ridden mostly in silence thus far but it had an easy air around it. Every few seconds, she stole glances in Daefina’s direction to study the soft angles of her face hidden by the brim of her hat. 
“So,” Karlach startled when the silence finally broke and Daefina caught her lingering gaze. “You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
She looked away quickly, the grassy hill they were climbing becoming incredibly interesting. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You get this cute little line between your eyebrows when you lie.”
Karlach’s eyes widened and she looked at her companion in alarm. “I do?”
Daefina nodded, an amused smile playing on her lips as she moved to hold the reins in one hand, adjusting her hat with the other. “I was waiting to see if you’d tell me on your own. Apparently, I have to do everything myself around here.”
She shifted on the saddle and rolled her lips. “I don’t want you to be in danger.”
“You’re going to be in more danger if you don’t—”
“Okay, okay!” Karlach placated. “I just…I just don’t want you to think differently of me.”
“Now why would I do that? I think about you in a lot of ways, I can’t imagine one of them being in the way you’re indicating.” Her voice turned more into a purr and Karlach felt hot all over. She could hardly concentrate on what they were originally talking about. 
“I was a kid when I got sold to Zauriel’s gang. I was desperate and looking for cash anywhere I could find it and it landed me being a Devil outlaw’s pet fighter. I spent a decade with her, doing things I don’t even want to think about again—I hold enough shame as it is—every day I thought about running. Eventually, I did.” Her hands gripped the leather of the reins harder. “When we were all at the bar, Minthara let me know there’s a bounty hunter tracking me. My guess is that Zauriel or one of her lackies sent him.”
Daefina sat up straighter as her face turned so serious it frightened Karlach to what was going to come next. “They will not lay a hand on you. I swear it.”
The surprise must’ve been obvious because Daefina continued. 
“The moment you joined up, you became a part of the family. We look out for each other, Karlach. I will look out for you. The moment we get back, I’m speaking with my father. He needs to know so we can be prepared. Bounty hunters aren’t welcome around these parts.”
“No, please. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. It’s me he’s after,” Karlach pleaded.
Daefina threw her a rueful smile. “This ain’t the first time we’ve dealt with a situation like this. Trust me, that’s all I’m asking.”
Karlach blew out a long breath, squeezing her eyes shut. She let the steady rhythm of Guy’s gait steady her nerves. When she opened them again, she found Daefina staring at her. “Okay,” she said. 
She nodded. “Good.” 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
By nightfall, everyone on the ranch had been informed of the potential threat and ordered to keep an eye out. Each person vowed that Karlach was one of them now and she would be treated as such. 
When night fell that night, Karlach felt like she could breathe easier. Her body ached for a good night’s rest and her brain was begging for her to sleep. So for the first night in a week, she settled into her cot, and allowed her eyes to close.
It passed peacefully…well, nearly, until her full bladder woke her a few hours before dawn. She tried to ignore it, to grab a few more blissful hours of sleep and deal with the issue then, but she and the others had guzzled ale in the evening and it was catching up with her now. 
Grumbling, Karlach pulled herself from bed, pulled on her jeans and boots and made her way to the outhouse behind the bunkhouse. 
The nights were chilly in these parts. She was still growing used to the change from sweltering heat no matter what time of day. A light breeze made her shiver as she slipped into the outhouse to do her business. 
Inside, she thought she heard footsteps crunching nearby in the dirt and dying grass. She listened hard, but heard no more. 
“Probably just some animal,” she mumbled to herself. She wished she’d brought her weapon. 
The door slammed shut behind her as she stepped back into the night. Unlike before, the open, flat land felt suddenly claustrophobic as if she were a fish in a barrel waiting to be speared. 
Karlach swung her head around to peer into the night beyond her. Nothing but empty pastures lit by the full moon and twinkling stars. 
She was being paranoid. There was nothing going bump in the dark and she would not waste what time she had left to sleep before the wake up call of dawn. 
She’d only made a few steps toward the door to the bunkhouse and she finally saw him. 
He stood before the front of the bunkhouse, a silver rapier at his hip, its handle glittering in the moonlight. His leather armor was dark, meant to blend him into the inky darkness of the night. Though he stood beneath the moon’s rays as if it were focused on only him. 
His hands rested on his hips as he surveyed the building. 
She knew him. Recognized him at once. 
The Blade of Frontiers. He’d found her once more. 
The Blade turned at the sounds on her approach, his one good eye following her while the stone one gazed on coldly and unseeing. 
“Karlach,” he growled. “I knew I smelled the stink of Avernus haunting these lands.”
“I thought I’d lost you finally,” she sighed in annoyance. “Thought maybe you’d finally realized I’m not the devil you thought I was, that you realized whoever hired probably told you lie after lie.”
He shook his head furiously. “I know who you are. What you are and what you’ve done.” The Blade unsheathed his rapier with one smooth motion and pointed it at her. “I will fulfill my contract and rid the world of your foul presence.”
“Like hell you will.”
Karlach’s eyes widened as she heard the cock of a shotgun and saw Daefina standing directly behind the bounty hunter. Neither of them had heard her silent approach until the barrel of the gun pressed against Wyll’s back. 
“Drop the sword. I’ll only ask once.” Karlach had never seen her like this. Her white nightdress fluttered in the wind with her loose hair. Her feet were bare like she only had enough time to grab the gun and nothing else. 
The rapier fell into the dirt with a muffled thunk.
“Are there any more of you?” Daefina growled.
“No ma’am.” His eyes never left Karlach. “I see you’ve let the devil convince you of her lies.”
“That’s no devil you dimwit.” She watched him cringe as the gun pressed harder into his back. “She’s a tiefling who fled an forced indenture to one. The real devils are the ones who sold her into it.”
“Just a tiefling—no, I will not be poisoned by lies!” The Blade protested.
“And who told you that?” Karlach asked, finding her courage again. 
“I’m sworn to secrecy.”
“One of Zauriel’s lapdogs?” she pressed, taking a step forward.
The look on his face told her everything she needed to know. “Lower the gun, Fina.”
She threw Karlach a surprised look. But did so after a moment.
“I was sold into Zauriel’s gang ten years ago. I did what I had to do to survive. It took me ten years to get out and I’m telling you, I’m never going back. I will die before that happens.” She grit her teeth at the end of her explanation.
The Blade stared at her, she could see the conflictions swirling in his mind at the situation before him. “This entire time…”  he trailed off. “The entire time I was under the impression I was fighting true evil. Not tieflings forced into servitude. My life’s work is protecting the innocent, but here I am.” He stared down at the fallen rapier. 
Daefina stepped around him to stand beside Karlach. Though the gun was lowered to the ground, her eyes never left him. Karlach thought he wasn’t a threat any longer—the man was clearly more concentrated on his inner crisis. 
“I can’t go back,” he finally said, looking up at them. “To the Frontiers, to my duty. I cannot face them with the devil in my heart and knowing I’ve broken my oath of protecting the innocent.”
Karlach looked down at Daefina who met her gaze. 
She seemed to understand what Karlach was asking even if no words had been spoken. “You sure?”
Karlach nodded. 
“What’s your name, hunter?” 
“Can you ride?” He nodded. “Strong enough to shovel shit and throw bales?”
“I would hope so,” Wyll said.
Daefina held out her hand. “Then welcome to the farm. We’ll haul a bed down from the attic so long as you promise not to murder the hands in the future.”
His eyes widened. “You’d welcome me here? Even after I tried to collect a bounty on Karlach?”
She shrugged. “Everyone is so surprised when I say it’s not the first time these things have happened. Yes, now shake on it and count it as your contract.”
Wyll clasped Daefina’s hand and the matter was settled. 
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mslanna · 6 months
Oncoming Storm
Chapter 18 of Be My Guest now up on AO3
Old Friends House of Hope Sanctuary
The calm of war settles over the House of Hope. Tav takes up regular fighting exercises again since they don't want to be helpless if another attack happens. They take to bringing a knife everywhere. It is a small thing but with a great boost for their confidence.
They also double down on their studies of infernal. Tav is invisible to most devils and they may drop useful information. Their lewd vocabulary is still growing faster than the rest since Haarlep insists on teaching.
Tav seeks refuge in the library. Raphael is antsy. Alliances with two hells and preparing to conquer another, one that is ruled by Asmodeus own daughter. Things can go dicey every moment.
When he visits Tav in his human form, they raise their brows in surprise. “Now that is a face I haven’t seen in quite a while.”
“You prefer another other one?”
“No.” Tav runs a hand over his cheek, the slight stubble scratching their palm. “I like them all. I just haven’t seen it for some time. What’s the occasion?”
“A visitor will arrive momentarily who will react better to this.” He smiles as he catches their hand and presses a kiss into Tav’s palm.
“So soft,” Tav murmurs and snuggle up against him. As human, Raphael is shorter and they could easily just-
Raphael places his finger over their mouth. “Later. We don’t want to let our visitor waiting.”
Tav stays glued to him, and slowly sucks the tip of his finger into their mouth. It is almost new to caress a fingertip that doesn’t sport sharp, pointed nails.
“Impossible.” Raphael ends Tav’s interlude with a kiss. When he pulls back, the devil is smiling, though.
Tav yields and threads an arm through his as they walk the short way from the library to the foyer. The portal is already dimming down again, leaving a lone human standing in the room. When he turns to face the new arrivals, Tav rips free of their devil and jumps at new arrival.
“Tav?” The wizard replies, closing his rams around Tav who hugs him with the determination of a constrictor.
“I’m so happy to see you.” Tav relents but stays stuck to his side, both arms around the wizard’s waist. “Raphael didn’t tell me it was you. Naughty.” They send their devil a mock reproachful glance.
“I imagined you like surprises.” Raphael saunters over. “I seem to be quite correct.”
“You said you are looking to secure an important asset,” Gale says carefully. “I am here to – consider. Depending on what it is we are talking about.”
“Of course.” Raphael turns on the charm. “All business, like your good friend here used to be. Very professional.”
“You plan to deal with Raphael?” Tav can’t believe it. “What in the hells are you thinking?”
“Hypocrite much?” Gale asks back. “And Raphael has offered a solution to my magical consumption problem.”
“He did?” Tav eyes the devil warily. “And in return you secure his stuff?”
“That is how I understood it. But,” he looks at Tav solemnly, “you remember Hope? I am not agreeing to anything unless I know what that asset is and what I am supposed to do to secure it.
“You are holding on to it already,” Raphael smirks.
The humans jerk apart.
“Me?” Tav asks.
“Them?” Gale wants to know at the same time.
“How very quaint of you.” Raphael laughs. “Yes, I am talking about Tav. I want to make sure they cannot be harmed in this place. The fiends are – heedless and I do not want an incident. Especially not one that may look like an accident.”
“Tav?” Gale asks. “Why not just leave? Come with me.”
“Um.” Tav takes a moment to stare at their toes.
“I see you need some time.” Raphael puts a hand on a shoulder of each human. “Take your time, eat, drink, the Feast Hall and the library are yours.” With a smile at Tav he adds: “You know where to find me.”
“Are you alright?” Gale asks as soon as Raphael is out of earshot.
Tav nods and takes his arm. “I can explain. Mostly. But not here. You hungry? Food has improved in the mouldless department. And I can get my hands on some excellent tea.”
Gale follows reluctantly and offers no input on the choice of nibbles. Tav falls back on their times together and hopes for the best. When they open the door to the library, Gale whistles.
“This is new.” He takes in the three levels of books. “Last time we were here, I am certain it was a balcony.”
“Yep.” Tav puts down the tray on a table and pulls up another chair. “I was totally getting on Raphael’s nerves. It keeps me busy.”
“I assume there is a reason you do not return to Baldur’s Gate?” Gale settles in a chair, looking none too comfortable.
“I-“ Tav hesitates. “I was stupid. And now I cannot leave. I mean I could if I want to end up dead and then my soul goes, well, it goes to a place I don’t want it in. And it is not the House of Hope. I’m here for my own safety.”
“How long?”
“Not sure, but it isn’t forever. I am looking forward to being able to leave again. I don’t know when, but it will happen.”
“And Raphael..?”
“Is good to me, no deal necessary. Which, I admit, surprising, but I won’t question it.”
“Playing the long game for your soul?” Gale doesn’t sound convinced.
“Maybe.” Tav shrugs. “Not sure my soul is worth that much though.”
“You know what?” Gale reaches for a biscuit. “If he’s not after your soul, I don’t think I wanna know. Truly. Oh my. You realise there are bite marks all over your throat, yes?”
Tav blushes violently. Subconsciously, they know. After all they are very present when the biting happens and may have returned the favour, though they are less prone to drawing blood. Unlike the very sharp teeth of a certain devil. It just never comes up.
Burying their head in their hands Tav groans. They are a walking advertisement of their own doom. Of course the other devils don’t consider them worth a second glance – plaything of their master. Out of bounds even if obviously delicious enough to bite pieces off.
“I take that as a no.” Gale sighs. “At least I can be sure it is you. Nobody else is that oblivious.”
“That is the consensus in this house, yes,” Tav agrees. “But enough of me, tell me everything. About you. About the others. Everything I missed!”
“Do we have time for that? Devils aren’t known for their patience.”
“If Raphael was in a hurry, he wouldn’t have let me alone with you,” Tav laughs. “He knows me.”
Gale doesn’t grace that with a reply. Instead he launches into a detailed report of his doings before branching out to the others. Tav sits happy to listen and sip on their tea.
In the middle of Wyll and Karlach’s most recent endeavours in Avernus, Gale stops with his mouth open and eyes glued to the door.
When Tav follows his glance, they find Haarlep sauntering towards them, their predatory lust in full swing.
“What have we here?” Haarlep asks, devouring the wizard with their eyes. “Oh, I wondered where you were, dear,” they add curtly at Tav.
“Having a visitor, as you can see. My friend Gale, who is not a treat, Haarps. Gale, you may remember Haarlep from our last visit.”
“Darkly,” the wizard says but still offer his hand. “It doesn’t feel like a memory I am supposed to have.”
“Oh, let me help you with that,” the incubus purrs, taking Gale’s hand with both of their own.
“Haarps!” Tav cuts in sharply. “If Gale doesn’t want to remember me fucking nasty with an incubus that is his good right. Unlike others in this room, he does have decency.”
“What a shame he’s all alone with that.”
Tav huffs. "Still not over the fact that I don't want to sleep with you?"
"Maybe." Haarlep grins mischievously. "Something I am certain you can help me get over." They lean towards Gale and Tav can feel the magic roll off the incubus.
"Not for you, Haarps," they repeat.
"You absolute spoilsport." The incubus sighs theatrical. But they relent on the wizard. "Alright. I'll just be going then, playing lanceboard against myself."
"Lanceboard?" Gale perks up.
"Gale, don't."
"Oh, but please, Gale do." Haarlep leans back in. "Tav can use any help they can get. They lose every single time."
"You didn't tell me you play lanceboard now." He sounds offended. "You know I would love a game. We can talk as we play."
"I cannot play, Gale," Tav tries. "I was roped into losing against Haarlep because-" they shut up. How to explain that lanceboard was easier to interrupt for a quick fuck than a song and dance number. "Alright. I'll get the board. I can see that this is the price I will have to pay for my information."
They follow Haarlep and give a complete lecture on how Gale is not a snack and isn't to be seduced.
"I would be easier to mollify if you'd send somebody my way," the incubus pouts. "You said you might and then you didn't in a while."
"Alright, alright. I'll do my best to send you somebody. Something juicy, okay? Complacent cunt with a hubris. How's that sound?"
"Exactly like the type that would arrive here in service of Mephistopheles." Haarlep licks their lips. "Be a dove and try not to forget about it again."
"I swear." Tav rises to their toes to give the incubus a peck on the cheek. "And maybe, if you can one day credibly swear you won't eat him up, I may allow you a game of lanceboard with him. But I warn you, Gale can play."
"Finally a challenge." The incubus sweeps up the game and drops it into Tav's arms. "At least in one respect."
Tav carries the board to the library where Gale eagerly helps setting it up. It takes two games for him to finish his updates.
"You're not half bad," he tells Tav. "If you are losing so quickly, Haarlep has to be very good."
"They are certainly full of it." Tav pours some more tea. "Coming back to the reason you're here. What did Raphael ask?"
The wizard hesitates, a smart reaction. "Not much. Just that he needs magical protection for one of his assets and that I needed to come here to secure it. Are you in danger?"
"A little." Tav blushes. "As I said, my soul will go unsavoury place if I die so we try to avoid that. While others try to hasten it to curry favours with the unsavoury in question."
"People come here to kill you?" Gale takes their hand. "I will do what I can to keep you safe, my friend."
"Thank you. I – it's lonely here sometimes and I wish Raphael allowed visitors more often. But I understand. " Tav forces a smile. "Most visitors want to kill either me or him. Often both."
"He should hire a bodyguard." Gale brightens. "I know one, excellent track record, superbly fit for Avernus. Maybe you heard of her? A tiefling with the name of Karlach?"
Tav laughs but it turns wistful quickly. "You know, that is an excellent idea, really. She protects me and in return Raphael gives her an actual heart. Everybody is happy and I am not that lonely."
"You may have your hands full convincing her those bite marks are worth anything though. She's not one to endorse of anything fiendish."
Tav's hand sneaks back to their throat. Turtle necks - they will have to look into that. A good thing Gale can't see how deep the teeth marks wander. "It will keep me in shape," they reply. "Let's go find Raphael. I hope whatever you do will take very, very long so you can stay for a bit."
"That makes one of us." Gale rises as well and follows Tav out of the library. "I am hoping to get out of here at the soonest. It's not a place for humans."
Tav can't object to that. They lead him down the broad stairs and though there is two of them now, they still have to get out of the way of the devils milling around. The door to Raphael’s study is open and they don't have to wait long before the devil notices them lingering and sweeps his current clients out.
"All caught up, I assume." He stands and walks around the huge desk. His fingers trail over the polished surface in a way that wakes many memories. Tav swallows. It's a great desk.
"Yes," Gale replies oblivious of, or acutely ignoring, the tension between Raphael and Tav. "Tav told me a little about how life is here and where danger might come from. But I think you can shed deeper light on the latter part."
"Of course." Raphael leans against the desk. "I need Tav to be untouchable, yet free to move around the house as they wish. No weapon or spell must touch them. No harm can come to them under my roof."
Gale blinks at the ferocity of the words. He looks at Tav who is thinking, eyes shifting between the polished wood of the desk and the devil leaning against it. "Armour is out of the question, I assume."
"I need them protected out of armour," Raphael explains. "When Tav is armoured up, they are fighting and capable to look after themself. I need them safe when the armour comes off."
"Like Sanctuary," Tav brightens. "I can just cast that on myself, can I not?"
"Not when you are sleeping," Gale throws in. "Or unconscious. But the approach is solid.”
He continues to devolve into magic speak with Raphael and Tav is content just watching the two argue back and forth. As one point, Gale draws a crude map of the House of Hope one fresh paper pinned over the map of the hells. With Raphael’s guidance he marks several places and connects some with lines.
Tav is completely lost on the details, but they get that the points are foci for some kind of spell that is supposed to cover the whole house. Their heart beats fast. Tav knows how much energy and money such a thing would cost. The thought that Raphael thinks them worth the expenses-
"That will do," the devil decides and lets a hand descend on Gale's shoulder. "Do it."
"I will need-"
"Give me a list," Raphael interrupts and parchment a quill appear hanging before Gale.
The wizards takes them with a glance at Tav and starts to write. "It's not much but some things are tricky to come by. And I will say you are lucky you have me. No normal wizard can do what you want."
Raphael takes the list, and after looking it over, hands it back to Gale. "Everything you need is in the throne room. Begin at your own discretion. Be quick and if you need helping hands, any devil in this house is at your disposal."
He half guides, half pushes the surprised wizard out of the room. Tav follows in time to hear their friend welp when he finds everything he requested neatly stacked on a trolley.
"Prepare everything in the library. It should be enough for a few extra dummies." Raphael snaps his fingers and the trolley vanishes in a small cloud of dust. "Let me know when you are ready for the last step."
Tav watches their devil retreat and shrugs at Gale. "I hope I can help somehow? You know my level of magic."
"I do but you can." He follows them through the throne room back up the stairs. "A lot is assembling the material components which will go up around the house. I show you how to put them together and the I'll bespell them.”
"How long will it take?" Tav bounces. Finally something to do. Finally a friend to do something with. Old times rise at the back of their mind and they set to work smiling. Soon they are chatting easily with Gale, the severity of the situation blown clean from their mind.
After a snack they move through the house positioning the small items and making them invisible. They take the same care for the dummies and Haarlep offers their help for the right to look without any respect at all.
After stoutly refusing to let them handle a dummy, Tav yields and lets the incubus put up an active spell engine. They are preening horribly while doing so but Gale is oblivious to the display of offered features.
"Anything special I should bring to the grand finale?" Tav asks when they make their way back to Raphael's study.
"Just yourself. After all, you are the main ingredient for the last step."
"I am slightly worried somebody is going to try and stuff an apply in my mouth," Tav, chuckles.
"We can get you an apple if you think it will help." Gale bumps them gently in the side.
They arrive in the throne room where the door to Raphael's study is already open for them.
"He does keep tabs on you," Gale observes. "Doesn't that worry you?"
Tav looks at the devils milling about. "I would be more worried if he didn't."
Gale follows their gaze. "Point taken." He closes the heavy door behind them.
Since Tav cant sit on their devil's lap, they chose the table instead and dangle with their feet. "So, what now?"
"Now Mr Dekarios will cast magic over you and the House," Raphael replies, his eyes fixed on the wizards. "A spell that protects Tav."
"Most certainly." Gale switches into explanation mode. "It will work like a perpetual Sanctuary. As long as you are out of armour, it will take effect."
"Why not in armour?" Tav wonders.
"When you are armoured, I assume you are abut to partake in violent interactions." Gale grins. "I know you. Do not try to deny it. But the most energy of this magic is consumed when it changes states. A fight will force many changes, one each time you attack. It is easier to trust your prowess and keep the magic for when you armour down again."
Tav tilts their head. "I like it. That's really smart and I don't think it could be done."
"It can't."He swells with pride. "But I can."
"Anyway, instead of all this," Tav gestures vaguely, "we could just have gotten me a bodyguard, you know? I'm sure Karlach is open to it and she has experience."
"Noted," Raphael only says to their surprise. "But a spell doesn't have to sleep."
A valid point and somewhat worrying.
"Ready whenever you are," Gale cuts in.
"We are." Raphael holds out his hand to help Tav from the desk. They take it and lean on him because it feels good. They let him position them before the wizard who straightens in preparation. He starts enunciating and though Tav listens attentively, they can't even make out words. Every now and then, Gale puts a hand onto their body, pressing his palm between their collarbones or neck.
The spell takes hold slowly. It spreads from the base of Tav's neck to the shoulder blades and meets again at the small of their back where it stabs through to their navel and back up to the hollow of their throat. It cuts like wires of gold and starlight as it settles into their skin and flesh.
Tav shakes experimentally when Gale takes a step back to examine his work. But the effect merged into them already, invisible, intangible, nothing more than a layer of silver spiderweb.
"There." Gale decides. "Done."
Tav turns tentatively. They don't feel much different. Everything looks like before, too; even the spots they felt the magic take hold. Tav pulls their collar wide to stare down a their shirt. When an infernal fist surges at them, they blink in disbelief and forget to evade.
Raphael's punch bounces off harmlessly. The devil follows up with a fire ray which doesn't reach Tav either. "Excellent," he pronounces. Then he turns his attention to Gale. "Now, to the matter of your compensation. If you could wait outside for a moment, Tav?"
Tav blinks and glances from their devil to the wizard who nods.
"If I need you I'll call," he says with a smile and Tav doesn't have the heart to tell him every room down here is soundproof. Instead they shrug and leave.
It feels strange to wait outside. Devils walk by checking if the door is open. They rarely spare more than a glance for Tav. Still they feel better knowing that even if they wanted to, they could not hurt them. Not any longer. Of course, the same isn't true for Haarlep. Tav chews on their lip. With luck, Raphael wouldn't try to lure anybody again by letting Haarlep pose as them.
"Did he cure you?" they ask as soon as gale steps out of the room.
"Mostly," the wizard replies. "There is one more thing I have to do that only I can do. But it is doable and well within my abilities."
"And that is okay? In accordance with the deal you made.?"
"Yes, do not worry. I got what I asked for. And I hope that so did he." Gale looks his friend over with a sigh. "I didn't think I'd be so thorough working for that devil. But protecting you, he sure has my full abilities. We worry, Tav. And not much I saw here alleviates my fears any."
"It would be worse for me if I left. And here I am," Tav gesticulates helplessly.
"Appreciated?" Gale suggests. "Are you happy here?" Gale asks, cupping their face with one hand.
Tav thanks before answering. "I'm – it’s not. I'm not unhappy here. But I want more. I want something to do. A purpose. Moving about and seeing my friends again. But it’s not bad here. And Raphael is good to me."
"Maybe." Gale touches a bloody crust on Tav's throat wistfully. "But he won't take well to you leaving him."
"I'm not leaving him," Tav huffs indignant. "Like you didn't leave me when you returned to Waterdeep. And Lae'zel didn't leave me to lead her people in resistance. We are still we. We are still one."
"He's a devil," Gale says softly. "Such nuance may be lost on him."
They embrace and Tav can't help shedding a tear. "I wish I was coming with you."
"So do I." Gale takes a deep breath as the portal hums into life. "Write. Make the devil deliver. We miss you Tav."
Tav keeps the smile forced over their face until their friend vanished. Then they let it fall apart, dribbling to the floor in wet pieces. The House of Hope is suddenly huge and full of strangers. They curl up in themself and rock with their back against a far soul pillar.
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I wanted to do something for Femslash February but don't have enough brain cells to commit to much, so I will now be day drinking and explaining The L Word: Faerûn as well as The Chart.
Part 1: What Even Is This
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the tl;dr I created an elaborate mental AU to write my own ideal BG3 storyline and also shoehorned in a bunch of women kissing bc that's what I'm into
Mandatory disclaimer: I obviously love BG3 as I wouldn't spend 500 hours playing a game and countless more drawing/writing/thinking about it if I didn't
Overall, I conceptualized The L Word: Faerun as a hodge podge mad libs "if you could REALLY do whatever you want" fantasy playthrough that combines my own headcanons/preferences for how the story should go with F/F rareships and my beloved female background characters, and ignores and/or antagonizes almost every male, except Wyll because he's my son.
At the time I started this mental story, I was already hundreds of hours into the game and the veneer of "you have so many choices!" was starting to wear really thin. You don't really have that many options if you're roleplaying as any sort of reasonable character, and you're further limited because you can't even do things in the order you like because you might shut down other quests.
For example, the Tav main character of TLW:F is a drow named Alekto and Lae'zel is the only bitch in this house she respects early on, and is thus the only one whose opinion on what to do about the tadpole matters. If I could really play however I wanted, we'd make a beeline directly to the creche... but we can't. Going to the Mountain Pass shuts down the grove/goblins conflict, and it's too difficult an area, so you don't really have a choice but to play basically all 10+ hours of Act 1 first, even if it's definitely not what your character would do. (This is especially grating in a Lae'zel origin run btw, nothing shatters my immersion like having to fart around for hours when the creche is RIGHT THERE).
Act 1 also presents the most annoying story beat in the entire game, which is that the goblin-tiefling-grove conflict (in my opinion) makes no sense and has no satisfying resolutions. Being essentially forced to side with the asshat druids or lose literally half the game (pretending it's as "consequence" for being "evil" when really it's transparent that they just decided to prioritize other things) sucks, losing Minthara sucks (I do not acknowledge the knockout option, it's like the game dev equivalent of a "shut up ring"), being strong-armed into a decision based on what content I'm willing to miss and not the story I want to tell sucks.
So, when I'm playing, I fire up my imagination and mentally write my own ideal storyline, psychically rearranging the order of events, ignoring what I don't like, and inserting content I wish existed or that the game forces me to miss based on choices.
Of course I have my own plot holes and weak spots, but again like 50% of the point is making women kiss so it's not actually that serious.
Next Part: Tav Lore (aka why Counsellor Florrick is actually the main character)
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 months
BG3 playthrough - Bhaal Temple
Mega mega spoilers:
Wow! So that’s my personal arc complete then. Holy smokes.
Yanno I’ve joked how unfortunate it is that I seem to have picked every best choice (for what I personally like) for my very first run, and now nothing will be as fun for me to try in subsequent playthroughs - picked a drow, picked a bard, and picked dark urge - but like. Honestly, honestly, I don’t know how much time and effort I have in me to invest 200+ hours every time I want to play again, how many more times I’m going to actually do that. I can imagine some nebulous future playthrough where I would have enjoyed all this stuff for the first time after playing the game already but… I don’t know. As much as I joke, I think it’s fine. I know full well that I don’t have the time for unlimited playthroughs to discover new stuff, so I’m glad at the very least I can say I did one big run and saw most of the very best content.
The temple begins with the farslayer fight - what a pain in the goddamned ass. Had to really metagame for that, and sneak someone over to the far side of the area to hide until the fight begins so I can start chipping away at the dude right away.
Act 3 is more spare for lore and set dressing than the previous acts, but the little things that were there in the temple, I liked. The two folks Orin transformed into, whoever those ended up being in your game, are dead on slabs here, and it was very gross to find my old room, and always unsettling to find old things I’ve written. Orin has been kind of just irritating so far - but like a lot of other people, I now find Orin just very sad. She’s everyone’s second choice, desperate to prove herself, and no one cares. Not her mother, not her father, not her spawn sibling, not her god, not her allies. Even the fans don’t like her.
Holy smokes, if you’re a dark urge, she changes into your tav! I had no idea! You can hear your tav actually SPEAKING an entire paragraph of lines! That floored me!
Player characters speaking lines is apparently controversial - many gamer bros feel that having the main character speak is “ruining the immersion”. I mean. My tav is an enormous buff purple guy. We are fighting armies and undead creatures and beholders and driders and evil clowns that want to kill us. You think that hearing my own character talk is going to be the thing that ruins my immersion?...??? So, I’m generally really not on board with this whole player-characters-should-never-speak thing. HOWEVER - however - I do have to say, that fact that your tav doesn’t speak through the game, the fact that you only ever hear them in little bits and pieces of reactions as you click around, the fact that you’re FAMILIAR with your tav’s voice but you never really get to hear it very much - that makes this scene extremely startling! At least for me! I thought it was so cool, so unexpected, this scene is probably going to remain one of the most memorable moments of the game for me. If my tav was always talking in their dialogues, this wouldn’t have been remarkable at all. (I have voice 3 btw: I know voice 5 is the “official” dark urge voice, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever. I like voice 3)
(just as far as it goes logistically - I assume that Larian just physically couldn’t record speaking lines for the player character. They have eight different voice choices, and just THINK of all the extra dialogue there would be to record. They didn’t even record the dialogue for origin characters, and those already have established voice actors, so clearly it’s not a question of immersion. If the choice is between a speaking player character, and more choices in terms of dialogue, I’ll take the larger amount of content and I won’t complain about it)
I got very worried about the duel with Orin - a one-one-one with my squishy little bard? I was having flashbacks to Lae’zel’s second romance where she wiped the floor with my purple ass in one single turn. I was really surprised how easy the fight was though. I don’t think that’s necessarily bad - I think once again it just makes me feel bad for Orin. Even a shitty bard can take her out pretty quickly. The nice ring that I got from dinosaur land lets me cast an enchantment as a bonus action after landing a hit, so it was pretty simple to just keep her contained with fear from dissonant whispers, then chip her down with attacks and with a summons I brought along.
Sceleritas is SO UPSET if you lose the duel. He’s a creepy little creep that likes murder and torture, but he also genuinely really loves the dark urge, too. It’s weirdly sweet. (His welcome to the durge when you reach the temple is adorable as well) I took his body after everything was all done and found a good spot to lay it to rest. Just felt weirdly compelled to do that.
HOLY SHIT what a cool character arc wrap up. How satisfying. Saying my final big fuck you to daddy Bhaal. I’d rather die than continue to be his tool - fine then, die. And Withers steps in to play his uno reverse and brings me back. It felt so satisfying to hear Withers explain that Bhaal had only killed what he knew about and had access to, my dark urge, the murder, the intrusive thoughts. That’s been burned out of me now, and everything that’s left is all me, all free. Your companions add their comments - Astarion says that you are more than what Bhaal made you to be, which of course is literally what he also said to Cazador, when Cazador told him that he was made to be consumed. You guys are giving me the warm fuzzies, knock it off! And now courtesy of Withers, I have more epithets: Challenger of Gods, Child of None.
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“Does this mean Withers is my dad now?” -my tav, at some point probably
AMAZING. Holy smokes. Everyone who is a BG3 fan needs to play a resisting durge at least once. It really is so amazing.
(it’s neat trying to reconcile my random choices that I made at the start of the game when I didn’t know anything about what the plot was going to be, with the things I know now. Bard seems, I guess, maybe a bit of an odd class for a dark urge. When would a Bhaal cultist have bothered to learn music and poetry and instruments? I think with my tav, perhaps he was a very theatrical and charismatic cult leader, and that’s where that comes from, with a great big side helping of performing like a funny little trained monkey for Kressa Bonedaughter while I was in her care - that’s where he would have got his silly starting bard clothes from)
That’s my personal quest all wrapped up, then. I actually feel now like I’m getting close to the end of the game, only a few things left to do. Next up is the iron throne bullshit and yikes guys. I tried it twice the other night and failed spectacularly both times. The second time I at least managed to get SOME people back to the sub in time, but I am not satisfied with just some.
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imaginationlane · 5 years
The Assistant [Part 7 of ? // Bill Skarsgard x Reader Imagine]
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Warnings: Adult Language / Themes, Angst, Sexually Suggestive References & Minimal Gore References (in relation to a dream / nightmare sequence).
Author’s Notes:  Because I know that a lot of you have been waiting forever for this, I am back and I am so sorry for the wait. This chapter was supposed to be posted a little while ago, but I wanted to tweak it as this chapter will be important, and has major plot developments -- that will have an effect on future chapters. Plus, the wonderful, talented and amazing @andthereisawoman just recently created a new cover for this fic for me -- that I can’t stop marveling at! How wonderful is this new cover, guys? I’m in love, and I’ve officially found my forever cover lol. 
As for this chapter: I will say this, it opens up with a dream / nightmare sequence in Bill's POV -- and the nightmare sequence alone has given me the most hell with this chapter. You guys have no earthly idea how much of a fight that this one scene gave me, for an entire year lol. 
Also, the nightmare sequence sort of plays into the fact that Bill admitted shortly after the first IT movie came out, that he had nightmares for a few weeks after filming. While this nightmare will not be centric to the IT film in any way, I can say that the stress of playing such a complex character, and well... an affair, are heavily contributing factors in this scene in the story. 
Finally, I’d like to give a big “thank you” to @theswedishblonde for her time in translating several of these dialog lines into Swedish for me. I really and truly, couldn’t do this without their help, and I sincerely appreciate the time they afford to me, whenever I need their help! 
I’d also like to publicly thank @poeedamerons & @greenofallshades for literally putting up with my incessant back and forth on this nightmare sequence -- for the past year on Whatsapp lol. Also not tagged (because she’s not here on Tumblr), but no less important, Tav!
Musical Inspiration: I Still Wait For You by: XYLO
Missed the previous chapters and need to catch up? Please check out The Assistant -- Masterlist, here.
A night out on the town for a few drinks, was all I had signed up for. But in reality… I got way more than I had ever bargained for when my boss and close personal friend, Bill Skarsgard, asked me to join him during a wrap party that the crew was hosting that night. In hindsight, I should have seen this coming. After all, we were both having issues in our own respective relationships and for some reason, we had found it easier to just confide in each other – rather than in our own significant others. Yet in the end, do the reasons ever truly matter when you begin an affair with your friend who also happens to be your boss? I often ask myself just how selfish could we be; he and I? The answer is: we’re completely selfish and neither of us really cares if this secret burns us alive – because it’s within each other, that we have finally found the things we had been looking for the whole time…
Stockholm, Sweden --
Feather-light kisses sprinkled themselves carelessly, all over Bill's shoulders and chest, as he began to stir out of his sleep. Gently luring him out of his serene slumber, a pressing weight could be felt on top of him, as he shifted his body to stretch out on the mattress slightly. Soon enough though, those sweet innocent kisses that he felt tickling against his skin, turned into open-mouthed pecks; leaving a small trail of saliva exposed to the open air. Closer and closer, the affectionate kisses drifted towards his mouth before finally -- Bill opened one eye and peeked at the woman who was adorning his body so tenderly with affection, this morning. Y/N's hair was marginally messy, but in spite of that minuscule detail, she was still a vision of absolute beauty to him. A content sigh filtered through his nose, while a peaceful smile inched its way across his face.
"Good morning to you too," he mumbled gingerly, as she peered up at him and returned his smile with one of her own.
"Mmmm... Good morning baby."
He could tell by her voice that she was perfectly happy, and had probably been awake a little longer than he had. In this perfect moment, there were no worries and absolutely no stress; it was just tranquil bliss. Everything with her was so easy. It always had been, and he was legitimately sorry that it had taken him so long to see it; yet, it was undeniable to him that he was happy that he had finally gotten out of his own way -- and made her his.
Streams of golden sunlight poured through the flimsy and airy curtains, while a gentle breeze blew into the room from the cracked bedroom window. Their home was one he didn't completely recognize, but instinctively, he knew it was theirs. It was a perfect late spring morning, and he could almost smell the scent of freshly cut grass lingering in the air. The tranquilizing sound from the wind chimes outside, meandered throughout the room, as he took a deep breath in from his nostrils; feeling the air expand in his chest. He could smell her faint perfume from the night before; and it instantly made him want her in the worst way -- all over again. Judging from her actions, however, he deduced that he wasn't the only one in the mood again this morning.
Grabbing her face with both hands, he pulled Y/N up towards him -- closing the gap between them and kissed her ever so affectionately. Bill could feel her relax into his warm embrace; coxing out a renewed spark of passion from him. Her breathy little moan, virtually undid him right then and there as his tongue intertwined with hers. Before he knew it, he pushed her down on the bed and hovered over her perfect body that he couldn't get nearly enough of. Y/N broke the kiss just long enough to pull her tank top over her, and Bill was more than pleased to assess that she wasn't wearing a bra. For a moment, he closely contemplated telling her that there was a new rule between them: She was no longer allowed to wear any bras. It had to be considered a crime against nature to keep something as magnificent as her breasts, hidden under such an annoying and burdensome garment.
Returning his attention to the task at hand, Bill's lust-filled eyes wandered back to the gorgeous woman in his arms; a woman he simply couldn't function without -- no matter how hard he tried. Her breath came out as ragged pants and gasps, as he continued kissing her neck and working his way down to her perfectly shaped peaks.
"As much as I'm enjoying this attention, and trust me Bill, I'm enjoying the hell out of this -- I did leave our breakfast on the stove," she hummed softly, hoping to divert his attention away from his task.
Begrudgingly, he pulled away; not wanting to actually stop just yet -- but willing to do so if she insisted.
"Is it still cooking or is it already made, and just waiting on us? Because if it's already done, I don't see why we just can't keep going," he chuckled lightly, causing her to giggle as well. Gingerly, she pushed him back once more.
"It's still cooking, babe. I just came in here to wake you up. But I'll make you a deal... I'll go finish preparing the rest of our breakfast, without my top on -- and you can even watch. Deal?"
He had to admit, the promise of watching her prepare breakfast topless, was a tempting prospect indeed.
"Fine," he sighed tiredly, moving off towards the side and allowing her to get up. Y/N slid off of the bed, leaving her shirt abandoned on the floor; just as she had previously promised with a wicked little glint in her eyes.
"Get up slowpoke, you don't want to miss out on this..." She teased back, hoping to coax him out of bed faster.
Bill smirked at her; stretching his long limbs across the bed as he watched her tiptoe out of the bedroom. The muscles in her back flexed elegantly, while she made her way out the door and into the hallway -- closing the bedroom door behind her. Running a hand over his face, he laid there for a moment trying to collect himself before heading out to join her. After all, she did leave him in a semi-hard state, and he was tempted to follow her out there and bend her over the kitchen counter to take care of this pesky problem. Smirking to himself, he couldn't get over how lucky he felt in that moment. She was here, with him, and there was nothing in this world that could kill this joyous feeling he felt. Everything felt whole and right within the world.
Y/N was perfect in every single way, and she was finally his. He had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity for this; and If the rest of his life would play out this way, then Bill found himself hard-pressed to find anything to complain about...
Throwing the covers off of his slender, yet muscular body, he sat straight up and tossed his legs off the side of his bed -- running his right hand through his messy bed hair. The moment his bare feet touched the floor, it was only then that he noticed the entire floor was soaked through with murky water. Finding himself absolutely perplexed by this, he leaned his head off to the side -- trying to discern what exactly was going on.
"Y/N? Why is the floor all wet?" He curiously called out to his lover.
However a moment or two went by, and there was no response at all; which was highly unusual.
"Y/N?" He hollered out once more, hoping to grab her attention. And yet again, there was no reply.
Now, Bill was finding himself feeling apprehensive at the situation.
Where the hell was she?
Soon thereafter, he gave up hope that she would even return to their room; so he stood up and proceeded to walk over towards the bedroom door; all the while, dirty water sloshed around his feet -- causing him to grimace. But it wasn't until the very second, once he opened that wooden bedroom door, that he knew something was inherently and terribly wrong.
It took more than a moment for the sights, sounds and smells to genuinely register within his mind; regardless, once they did – there was truly no mistaking the atrociously horrifying scene that laid before him. Everything that had once resembled the hallway in their shared home, was gone. Instead, it looked as if either a bomb had gone off, or a storm had come through and ripped their home to shreds. Large parts of the wall were either cracked, knocked over and completely blackened. Broken picture frames were either smashed on the floor, with glass shattered like intricate spider webs in the frames or hanging lopsided on the only parts of the walls that were left standing. Wires that were once hidden away, out of sight and out of mind, were now exposed and dangling carelessly from the ceiling; and randomly placed holes seemed to have appeared in different parts of that very same roof -- from out of nowhere. Electrical sparks shot freely from the exposed wires and flew only a few precious feet ahead; their loud pops and bright flashes caused him to jump back violently and turn his face away momentarily.
For the life of him, he couldn't figure out what had happened or even how he had even missed it happening. He should have heard the unmistakable sounds of his house being ripped apart, shouldn’t he? None of it made any sense, and he was left second-guessing himself on if he was actually seeing all of this.
"What the f..."
He couldn't even finish his sentence before the shock finally began to set in, and the bone-crushing chill in the air made the hairs on his arms stand at attention. Something wasn't right about this, and now, he was beginning to feel afraid for both himself and Y/N. Eventually, he took a hesitant step forward, causing the water that swished around his bare feet to echo slightly in the darkened and damaged corridor. Once he took another step ahead though, the bedroom door that he had just walked out of slammed shut behind him with a resounding and thunderous bang -- causing him to leap back into the nearest wall. With his heart hammering wildly within his chest, his eyes glanced back at the door in wide-eyed surprise. After he managed to take a brief moment to calm his nerves, he rushed back over to the door trying to open it, only to discover that it wouldn't budge. It was well and truly stuck; almost as if someone had sealed it shut -- from the inside.
No matter how hard he tugged, pushed, pulled or rammed his shoulder against the door -- it refused to give. Bill soon found himself surrendering hope on the idea of trying to get the door to open for him again, and instead, he turned his attention back to the eerily dark and smelly hallway before him. The odors that hit him were rancid and offensive; practically singeing off his nose hairs, and if he had to take a guess, he wouldn't be surprised if the wastewater from the sewer had managed to get backed up into the house -- thanks to whatever had caused all of the damage that he saw all around him. Treading lightly and thoughtfully, he decided to press on and try to locate Y/N and find out what exactly happened here.
"Alright, pull your shit together," his quiet words, served as the only other sound around him with the obvious exception of the electrical pops being thrown off from the nearby wires. Without a shadow of a doubt, he swiftly figured out that he needed to get his bearings in order if he had any hope of making it out of here alive. "You're going to find Y/N, and you're going to get the hell out of here." Yet, in the grand scheme of it all, he wasn't entirely sure if his words were meant to convince himself that things weren't as bad as they looked -- or if they were meant to be a source of self-comfort instead.
Large chunks of knocked over drywall, littered and blocked his path; meaning he would have to crawl over certain spots in order to make it to the other parts of the house. To make matters worse, a haze of smoke filled the small area, making it increasingly more difficult to breathe or see. Nor was that even mentioning the fact that he carefully needed to navigate around the loosing and hanging wires, that were in his way. One wrong move and he could either get a cut on his foot from something hidden in the water, accidentally electrocute himself, or potentially fall over something laying across the walkway. Nevertheless, with his mind made up, he gently prodded his foot forward in order to feel around before taking his next step; hoping that nothing would nic or cut himself in the process.
More statically charged, popping noises exploded from the looming and threatening wires nearby. Just when he thought the situation couldn't get any worse, he noticed how low one of the wires on his left, was hanging dangerously close to the wet floor. Refusing to take any chances at becoming electrocuted, he hastened his efforts to make it past the first piece of wall that was blocking his path. Luckily for him, it was only slanted against the other wall that sat on the opposite side. And as it turned out, this piece would be a lot easier to get by, because all he had to do was duck down and crawl underneath it.
He felt his stomach grow queasy at the idea of crawling through potential wastewater, but the fear of potential death was an excellent motivator in getting Bill to tough it out and complete the simple task that laid before him.
Once his hands hit the water, he had to stop for a minute to give his shaky limbs time to adjust to the temperature. The water felt frigid to the touch, and it was a miracle that his feet hadn't gone numb already. Determination propelled him forward, and steadily, he slid his hands onward under the water; mindfully looking out for any objects that could likely injure him. As soon as he emerged out from under the large piece of drywall, he stood back up and attempted to wipe the gunk from his hands and on his soaked, flannel pajama pants. Of course, it had been in vain, but he couldn't think about that at the moment; there other more pressing matters to worry about.
Coincidentally, there weren't as many exposed wires the further he drifted down the hall, but there were more fragments of burnt cream-colored drywall and wood, that was obstructing the pathway. The next two pieces were large, cracked and sitting side by side, and they required him to meticulously crawl over them -- without possibly falling through and hurting himself on whatever lied underneath. Parts of the insulation were strewn about all over the place, and the smoke was making it harder to breathe. It was a painstakingly slow process, but he managed to lay his body flat against the piece of plaster and wood; pulling himself across the planks with ease.
After he made it over the obstacles and back on his feet, the film of unforgiving smoke started to miraculously dissipate; thankfully allowing him to see a boldly, extravagant tree -- standing right in front of him. Bill stood there with his mouth gaping, feeling dumbfounded and transfixed at the mighty and wondrous sign of life before him; all the while trying to specifically figure out how a fully grown tree -- managed to grow in the middle of his fucking house. It stood there vibrantly, with its dark green leaves standing out brilliantly in a perfect juxtaposition to the wasted wreckage that laid all around him. Instantly giving in to his more inquisitive nature, he seemingly forgot the need to be conscious of where he stepped, as he made his way over towards the tree. It was only after he stepped closer to it, that he realized that it was actually an apple tree.
The magnificent apple tree had have been just over 30 feet tall, with ripe fruit good for the taking. In a moment of all-encompassing awe, he reached out with his right hand and plucked down the first captivating apple that caught his eye. The fruit was a beautiful scarlet red in color, and heavy to the touch. Without even thinking, he was overwhelmed with the urge to take a bite; but before he could -- another apple also snagged his wayward attention. Suddenly, he extended his left hand up and picked off the fruit from the branch as well. This particular one may have been smaller in size, but it was no less pretty or appealing to him.
He stared in fascination, at the apples in both of his hands, utterly blown away by the fact that something so amazing could survive whatever happened here.
It was only after he let out a sigh, that he finally heard it. A noise so uncharacteristic and out of place, that he had to wonder if he had only imagined it.
Quietly, he listened to the sounds that were taking place all around him -- noticing that something was off in the atmosphere. It took a few seconds, but he finally heard that peculiar noise again. It sounded as if something was weakly tapping against a hallowed surface. Curiosity got the better of him, effectively causing him to turn his head to look over his right shoulder. Sure enough, sitting behind the dark, overcast shadows of the room, there was a closed-door that appeared to slightly jolt forward against the frame -- every time the knocking was heard. Inching closer to it, he tried to remain as silent as possible while straining to hear the sound once more. He couldn't be certain if there was a person in there or not. Just as he arrived in front of the door, a loud whisper broke through the intense silence of the room; forcing him to halt in his tracks.
"Don't look back."
The whispered command startled him; causing him to turn his gaze downward in an attempt to subtly peek back over his shoulder. The energy in the room had changed ominously, whilst the air began cackling all around him; practically demanding him to fight against the urge to shut his own eyes. However, the millisecond his glossy eyes drifted down, it was then that he saw the haunting sight that he never expected to encounter. There, in his own hands were no longer two lovely apples he had picked earlier, but instead -- were two warm, slimy and crimson-stained human hearts. A terrified scream tore from his lips; causing him to drop the bloodied hearts into the murky water below -- and turn back around to find the most horrific display he had ever seen in his life...
The once pristine apple tree he was staring at not only one minute ago, was now dead. The leaves and apples had fallen off and onto the greywater saturated floor; instead, what was hanging on two strongest branches in their place -- were the deceased bodies of Y/N and Natalia. Both women looked to be hanging by their necks. Their chests appeared to be hacked open and exposed, with blood still dripping down the front of their white-colored dresses. Horrified by what was happening, Bill quickly stepped back; unable to comprehend the ghastly situation that was playing out in front of his very eyes. His left foot, caught on one of the hearts that was laying behind him, causing him to lose his footing and topple backward; landing harshly on his backside in the filthy water. The confusion and despair that shot through his mind, was raw and unparalleled.
This felt real, too real; and he was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack as he realized that when he took what he thought to be apples from this tree -- he was actually ripping their hearts directly from their chests.
Thanks to the horrendous vision in front of him, he couldn't breathe -- much less process what was happening. His eyes filled with tears, as the numbness silently crept in. The skin on both ladies was pale and void of any signs of life, plus their hair was matted to their heads. If he had to take a guess at how long they had been displayed in that tree, Bill would have assumed they had been dead for hours. Blood was splattered haphazardly across their faces, as their toes were tipped and pointed to the ground. He felt his own stomach bile beginning to rise up to his mouth; leaving an unpleasant burning sensation, scratching at the back of his throat -- yearning for an impromptu escape. The tragically twisted view before him had robbed him of all rational, and sensible thought, as he peered up at their lifeless bodies -- and screamed out once more. 
Abruptly, and with next to no warning whatsoever, Natalia's eyes snapped open; causing Bill to jump back and let out another scared and confused yelp. Her light grey, cataracted eyes, drew his attention away from the gaping hole in her chest where her heart used to be.
"Come back to me, Bill."
Her voice was strained, while she struggled to call out to him.
He inched closer to her bruised and battered body, whilst wondering how just how on Earth she could even be alive. Those few precious steps, though, were all it took; allowing Natalia to finally reach out and grab his shoulder in her vice-like, death grip -- causing him to cry out in pain, as her nails embedded themselves deep within his tender flesh.
"Come back!"
Sitting in her living room, Natalia was calmly smoking a cigarette and watching the smoke waft around, silently drifting deftly out of the window -- and into the cool and dampened, pre-dawn air. She rarely smoked inside her home, but at the moment she didn't particularly care about abiding by her day to day rules. If anything, she needed the preferred release that only nicotine could provide for her nerves. While she snuggled further down comfortably in her favorite chair, she watched the glowing purple and pink hues, light up the early morning skies above her.
A huge part of her plan, would be going into effect today; and depending upon Bill's reaction to what she had coming -- it would also determine if she managed to adequately see the rest of her plan through or not. There was a relatively sizeable chance, that after she enacted this crucial part of her plan -- he could end up splitting up with her. However, it didn't matter because this was a risk she had to take. Admittedly, some part of her, sincerely wondered if he would even do such a thing. He had been home for well over a week and a half now, and he hadn't bothered to end things with her yet. She couldn't help but wonder why.
Why was he dragging ass on this?
It was a question that had been burning in the back of her mind lately. In her view, it was obvious to her from the start, that he had always had long-buried feelings for Y/N. The fact that he hadn't mentioned one measly thing to her about taking a break, being unfaithful, or splitting up for good since he had been back home -- had made her insanely curious into his reasons on why he was staying quiet about this. 
Was there a part of him that had legitimately grown to love her? Was he having trouble coming to grips with what he had done to their relationship? Was he feeling guilty about what had happened, and was it eating him alive? She pettily hoped so. More importantly, did he have hidden doubts about Y/N? There had to be a reason, some semblance of an explanation there, and he was doing a great job at leaving her in the dark -- which was not something Natalia appreciated in the slightest.
These days, she had elected to sleep on the couch; pretending to be catching up with her work and wanting to get things done while she had the chance to do so. Thus, in the process, giving herself ample time and space away from Bill -- in order to sort herself out. Actually attaining any sleep though, was practically impossible; and these days, it was beginning to show. However, she was talented enough at masking the dark circles under eyes with concealer and other makeup products, all the while maintaining her regular schedule of activities and appearances. Ever since the first night he arrived back to her shared apartment, and she had attempted to lightly seduce him into bed and he shot the idea down, only for her to discover the reasons why in Ace's email to her after he left their apartment -- she had decided to distance herself from the idea of being intimate with him anyway. It would only put both of them in an awkward position; one that not even she was ready to face herself. Natalia knew he would possibly rebuff her advances if she made any further attempts, making them both feel uncomfortable and embarrassed; plus, she was no longer in a frame of mind to allow him to touch her. He had betrayed her trust, and while she wasn't entirely innocent over the course of their relationship and she acknowledged that to herself privately -- she didn't exactly feel right about rewarding his shitty behavior with sex either.
Not to mention, he wasn't even fucking smart enough to not get himself caught.
The thought alone, caused her to roll her eyes in annoyance. 
Over the past several days, her mentally exhausting anguish was beginning to morph into silent fury and anger. If she could get through the rest of this day, with their relationship still intact, then she stood a chance of making sure that she could end this bullshit affair of his -- once and for all. By the time she would be done, Bill's choice would be made for him. And if she were lucky, she would be getting Y/N out of the picture for good.
From across the hall, it was the sound of strained moaning coming from the bedroom, startled her out of her perpetual trance-like state. Remarkably, the noises had sounded as though Bill were distressed. Natalia quickly stubbed out her half-smoked cigarette, tossing it outside and closing her window, as she silently tip-toed over to their shared bedroom door. Leaning her head against the door, her eyes fluttered shut as she concentrated on listening to what was going on inside the bedroom. The moans were becoming progressively more distressed. Going against her better judgment, she slowly clasped the brass handle within her small hand and opened the door -- taking in the scene before her. Bill was laying on their bed, tossing and thrashing about, almost as if he were trapped inside of another hellish nightmare. He had been having them a lot more frequently over the past week. For a second, she wondered just how much his role of playing a psychopathic, child-eating clown in a horror movie -- had potentially messed with his head.
If that were the case, it could certainly explain some of the changes in his behavior recently...
Thinking quickly on her feet, she briskly walked over to his side of the bed and snapped on the bedside lamp sitting neatly on top of her black nightstand. She reached out timidly and slowly began to rub his shoulder; calling out his name.
"Baby, wake up. You're having a bad dream," she mumbled quietly, trying not to startle him out of his dream. It took a few moments, but it finally worked.
Bill shot straight up in the bed, gasping for much-needed air and clawing at his chest. His heart thundered wildly against the breastplate of his chest, and he felt beads of sweat pouring down his face. Off to his left, he saw her... Natalia. And thankfully, she was alive and well.
"Hey, it's me! Calm down! Du har bara haft en mardröm, du kommer bli bra," Natalia tenderly assured him as she pulled herself closer to him, if only in order to help him realize that he wasn't dreaming anymore. Noticing that he was squinting while he attempted to look over at her, she reached back over to the lamp -- quickly snapping it back off as to not hurt his delicate, sleep-ridden eyes.
As furious as Natalia had been with Bill over the past few days, since she found out about his affair with his assistant, she did feel some slight remorse that he was having recurring nightmares over the past several nights. It was obvious to her that his role, of playing Pennywise, had taken a lot out of him -- both mentally and physically.
A part of her, felt a tad bit silly for even caring about his comfort at the moment; particularly given what she had just found out only a week or so prior. But the other half of her, even through the indescribable anger she felt churning away below the surface, did still care about him. At the moment, however, she had to push those warring feelings to the side, because it was imperative that she keep up the appearance -- at all costs.
"Baby, it's okay. Du är säker," she cooed faintly, pulling him into her embrace.
Bill, on the other hand, didn't catch onto her conflicting temperament. His mind was still racing, from the awful things he had experienced, and his breathing was still erratic. He felt her rubbing relaxing circles against his back, as his head rested against her shoulder; graciously taking a free moment of the peaceful serenity she offered to him.
"I'm sorry, Nat."
If she weren't paying attention at the time, she would have nearly missed his softly whispered apology. It was so faint that for a second -- she began to second guess her own hearing. His apology startled her; capturing her completely off guard and totally unaware. Her eyes widened in shock and surprise, causing her hand that was continuously rubbing soothing circles on his back -- to falter for a moment.
"Allt är bra, kom tillbaka till mig."
Almost as if on cue, a sweeping feeling of guilt started to creep into the deepest recesses of his very mind. As much as he cared for her, she wasn't Y/N. And it began to feel wrong to even take comfort in Natalia's reassuring arms. Taking solace in her embrace, wouldn't make what he needed to do, any easier -- in fact, it would be much harder on them both. In spite of that though, he couldn't deny that they did have a complex history together too.
Natalia had surprised him at a time when he least suspected it was possible. She had conveniently arrived in a disastrously messy period in his life, when he had all but given up on the idea of being able to find someone to take his mind off of the one woman he couldn't seem to have. Back then Y/N had John, who was an utter fool that couldn't even appreciate how good he genuinely had it with her, and even though that bastard didn't deserve her for a number of reasons, some that she wasn't even aware of yet, she appeared to be happy with him at that point in her life. It wasn't until shortly after he had gotten with Natalia, that he figured out just how wrong he was in that assessment on Y/N and John's relationship. Even with that knowledge, however, he couldn't bring himself to be selfish with her back then because her happiness actually meant something to him. But somehow, that managed to change for him recently. Now that things had changed and he had Y/N's affections, he knew it wouldn't be able to give it up. She was like a drink of fresh water, on a hot summer's day. There was no way in hell, he was passing up this opportunity to make her his.
When Natalia had shown up at that holiday party he was reluctantly attending, it had seemed like fate had opened up a new door full of opportunities and possibilities. Slowly, but ever so surely -- Bill found himself captivated by her charm and opening himself up to her. It was remarkable in the wonderfully unpredictable way that she managed to weave herself into his life. He couldn't lie, in the beginning, it felt as easy as breathing and he felt as if maybe he could finally get over the fact that he would never have Y/N. Admittedly, he would pull back at times, in the beginning, owing to the fact that it kind of freaked him out just how easy it was to turn to her in his moments of weakness. It was a feeling he wasn't quite used to with anyone else, outside of Y/N. But Natalia wasn't deterred by his reluctance, and she knew exactly how to push him out of his more elusive shell. It was something he had found himself respecting about her... At first.
As time went on though, certain things began to shift between them and it took a while for him to notice the things he had either never observed before -- or had simply overlooked during the time. While it was no secret that Natalia had an unrelenting Type-A personality, and it worked to her favor because she was smart enough to hone in on her emotions, it was also something that Bill really wasn't about on his own individual level. He gravitated more towards being a little more laid back, but also kept himself astonishingly well-organized. He went with the flow of the situations around him, whilst respecting the fluidity that life naturally offered; plus he liked to rationalize his decisions prior to making them, while quickly improvising and thinking on his feet when things changed -- much like Y/N did. It was a major reason why they worked together on both a professional and personal level. Their temperaments and approaches in life, were synced up and matched on a staggering level. Natalia, on the other hand, was incredibly analytical and tactical in her thinking, so when plans changed, she didn't like it as she generally strived to have control over a situation. Surprises tended to make her quite moody. In fact, just about two weeks ago, he had to talk her out of taking him on an impromptu trip to Greece -- when he had gotten back home.
She wanted a take him on a romantic getaway, just for the two of them with no distractions, within a day of him flying back home. It should have been obvious that it may have been cutting it a little close, however, the thought of that flew right over Natalia's head -- or she didn't care. On the other side of this proverbial two-headed coin, while he acknowledged that it was a sweet gesture, Bill had also wanted to spend time with his friends and family at home; catching up with the people he had missed for the past few months, due to his filming schedule. When he told her he was unsure about her idea to travel so far away from home, she didn't exactly take it too well. Of course, it should have gone without saying that the conversation had broken down into another strenuously heated argument between them. It was commonplace at this point. Natalia needed to have control over every situation; and it was something that, more often than not -- had rubbed Bill the wrong way over the past year. At times, he felt her incessant need to have total control over every minuscule aspect of their daily lives and activities, became downright disrespectful; made him feel kind of like his voice shouldn't fundamentally matter. Moreover, it was getting especially annoying since their disagreements almost always were dissolving into screaming matches; matches that left him feeling drained and where he would have to be the first one to apologize -- even when it wasn't his fault. It felt as if she couldn't accept any faults in the issues at hand, and it had been taking its toll on him.
His problem though, was that he hadn't properly communicated any of this. The only time he had said anything to her, was in the middle of their epic meltdowns. Bill was now realizing just how badly he fucked up, and it wasn't a smooth pill to swallow or digest.
This wasn't even counting the times she tried to ask him to get rid of Y/N as an assistant, or to essentially break their ties of friendship altogether. Those requests alone, back in the beginning when Natalia sincerely didn't have anything to worry about back then seeing as Y/N was wrapped up in a committed relationship, damn near drove him up a wall.
Nor, was he even mentioning the fact that over the past few months, she had been putting an astronomical amount of pressure on him to start house hunting with her; as if he didn't already have a jam-packed schedule as it was -- this new issue began to spark off new arguments too. Since their engagement, which was quickly becoming the biggest regret he had in all of this, getting him to commit to buying a new home with her had become her top priority recently and her reasoning was solid on the surface: If they would be getting married, it made perfect sense for them to buy a house together.
Bill understood that, on the surface level. It was the logical next step after all. And he would also be lying if he didn't admit that something was holding him back. He wasn't committing to it, even before things with Y/N started evolving to where they were right now.
Had they really both inherently doomed their relationship, from the start? Bill was beginning to suspect they had. His role, however, was entirely on him. His reluctance to pull the trigger, put his foot down and be more open with his himself, his emotions and face every single little thing he was thinking, feeling and experiencing in between -- that was all on him. That part, would never be on Natalia or Y/N. He needed to own up to that, or else he was doomed to repeat the same mistakes.
He knew what he had to do, but as he thought back to his hellish nightmare -- he felt afraid. He didn't want to hurt Natalia, even though he had quickly been noticing that they wanted two very different things out of life. They may have had contradictory viewpoints with how they each carried themselves within their personal lives, or within their own personal goals and aspirations, but he didn't want to hurt her either.
As soon as Natalia pulled back from his embrace, Bill looked in deep into her pale blueish-grey eyes and noticed for the very first time -- just how tired she looked. There were bags and dark circles under her eyes, and she looked like she hadn't gotten a proper nights sleep in days. Remorse filled his soul, whilst he absorbed her rough appearance. Could she not see that she was miserable too? In a stunning moment of pure clarity, he sadly knew that if they continued down this road that they would end up resentful and potentially even hateful towards one another; and it was in realizing that agonizing fact, that he knew what had to be done. It was time to end this with her. And he would do it tonight, after their joint annual family dinner. Once they arrived back here, in the privacy of her apartment, he would sit her down and talk to her about everything.
He just prayed that she wouldn't hate him forever because of this...
Laughter, merriment and mumbled sounds of social chatter could be heard, floating throughout the air of the Holm's country house -- as Bill and Natalia's family members conversed smoothly with one another in the light and airy dining room. Natalia knew that Bill had always appreciated this little ritual that both of their families came together for. Since he was gone quite a bit to North America, filming for projects, auditioning for others, or even doing press junkets -- Natalia enjoyed being able to pull their families together so they could catch up once Bill was back in town.
Candles were set up all around the dining room, bathing the room in a mild ethereal glow. The wine was flowing generously, and the ostentatious table was covered with a luscious satin white table cloth; proudly displaying a bountiful amount of culinary dishes that made her mouth water. The delicious aroma's caused her stomach to rumble; forcing her to acknowledge the fact that she hadn't eaten properly in days. She was surviving off coffee, water, cigarettes, and the occasional snack. Soon though, that would potentially be behind her -- if, of course, everything went accordingly to her plan. Being seated in front of such a feast, finally got her in the mood to fill up her plate and actually eat a decent meal for the first time in a week and a half.
Natalia's older sister, Agnes, was located across the table from her; holding her six-month-old daughter in her arms -- while her husband William sat to her left. Their younger brother Max, was seated off to the other side of William; thankfully engaging in a conversation with Bill's younger brother Valter. Both young men were in their prime, and not looking to settle down anytime soon; which meant they had more in common with each other -- than they did with anyone else at the table. Bill's younger sister Eija, sat off to Valter's right, with her long-time boyfriend. Both of them were enjoying a tender conversation together, and paying no attention to anyone else at the moment. Natalia smiled at them, as they looked so happy and in love with one another. And beside Eija’s boyfriend, was her own mother -- Monica Holm. Bill's mother, My, was seated to the right side of her father, Viktor Holm who sat at the head of the table. Gustaf and his new girlfriend were both seated on the left side of Bill, and right beside Gustaf's lovely lady, was Bill's eldest brother Alexander -- who also took his place beside their mother.
Opportunities to get everyone together like this, were exceptionally rare. And for a nervous Natalia, it all came down to this. The festivities were beginning to wind down, and soon, her father would begin the round of toasts to congratulate everyone on their newest accomplishments. Her parents were sticklers for positive reinforcement as they were growing up, so it was only natural that they not only continued their tradition after their children had all flown the nest -- but that they also brought the partners of their children on it as well.
Like clockwork, Natalia had just taken her third bite of the jordgubbstårta, that her mother had prepared as a dessert, before she heard the light tapping of a polished silver fork, knocking on a dazzling crystal wine glass -- coming from the head of the table. She smiled adoringly up at her father, as he stood up and locked eyes with her; giving her a wink to let her know he wouldn't mind if she wanted to continue eating. She had truly been the apple of his eye, and he always made sure that his children knew how much he loved them.
"I would like to propose a toast," Viktor began confidently. "For some time now, our two families have gotten together to catch up, enjoy delicious food and to spend quality time with the people we hold most dear to us. Monica and I, always enjoy when it’s our turn to host these dinners and we’re grateful for having you all here." He paused, taking a quick moment to glance adoringly towards his wife of over thirty years. "Bill, son, thank you for introducing all of us to your beautiful family who we have grown to care for as an extension of our own. To my wife, thank you for putting up with me as I destroy our kitchen trying to help you prepare for these gatherings," he gently lamented, as everyone else began to chuckle. "And to my children, you continue to make me proud with each passing day. Skål!"
Everyone raised their glasses, echoing his hospitable sentiments and clinking them together lightly with their neighbors -- before taking a sip at the contents within each of their cups. Time passed, and a few more toasts were given around the table. It turned out, that Max had come prepared to this specific gathering -- as he announced to their parents that he had been accepted into law school. Witnessing their father beam with pride, and their mother's jaw drop -- had been worth the wait on telling them. It was an astonishment, that their mother didn't scream after he told them. It was a universally known fact, that their parents had been worried about what Max would decide to do with his future. Being bestowed with the knowledge that he had an overall direction now, had possibly put them at ease. It was a moment, that had made her immensely proud of her younger brother.
Once everyone had settled back down, however, the moment she had been waiting and psyching herself up for -- had arrived. Natalia cautiously looked around, scanning the room and watching everyone sharing their support for Max as they set glasses back on the table. Now, all she needed was to fester up her courage and get this show on the road. It was time to put those acting chops to good use, and appear more confident than she actually felt at the moment. One wrong move, and she was convinced she would lose her nerve. So she reached for her glass, gulped down a rather large swallow of wine, before taking a deep breath and steeling her frayed nerves...
"Well, I hope you all don't mind but I wanted to share some news with everyone -- since we're all together and it feels like we never get together enough these days," Natalia declared shyly, as she pushed back her chair and decided to begin her speech.
It's now or never. May God have mercy on me, if this shit goes sideways...
"I'd like to propose a toast of my own." She spoke more confidently this time, as she pushed her chin forward in a show of conviction. Bill, however, briefly looked confused by this sudden development, as he caught his brother Valter's eyes from across the table. Turning his focus back to Natalia, he noticed that she was looking down at him with her hand held out for his. Graciously, he smiled back at her and laced his larger hand through hers.
"For a while, I often wondered when I would find someone who would be special enough to love me for who I am; at the same time, I also questioned if I would ever be in a place that would allow me to recognize and accept that person for everything that they were -- once they managed to appear in my life. Alla vet redan att jag kan vara ganska jobbig ibland," her confession caused her siblings to chuckle and nod vigorously in a show of silent agreement. "Yet, when that special someone comes into your life, så vet du bara. With Bill," she paused momentarily, as she stared back at him. "I always knew he was special and unique. He's kind, caring, and compassionate; but he's also devoted, hard-working and best of all -- he's incredibly loyal." Bill felt his heart skip a beat, as he gulped. If there was ever a moment in his life, where he felt like the shittiest person on the planet -- this was quite possibly it. He didn't miss it as Gustaf choked on his wine, causing the elder Skarsgard to apologize and make an excuse about it 'going down the wrong pipe,' before Natalia methodically continued.
"I am so proud of each and every one of his new milestones, and while the road may get bumpy sometimes, I know that he will always be there -- no matter how difficult things may get."
Bill could hear her sister and mother, murmuring their agreements with Natalia comments in the background. The battle within him though was only just beginning; he could feel the pressure beginning to rise, whilst his anxiety stirred to life deep in the pit of his gut. Something didn't feel quite right about this, but nevertheless, he felt like shit as he listened to her sing his praises to everyone in the room. She had absolutely no idea what was coming later tonight, and she was inadvertently making him feel even worse without even meaning to.
"Therefore, I would like to privately announce to our families,"
Without warning, a foreboding feeling slammed into him at full force. The wheels in his head worked overtime, as he tried to piece together her end game here, when abruptly -- it all snapped into place.
Oh no...
Time slowed down to snail's pace. Seconds felt like several agonizing minutes, causing him to hear every beat of his own heart pounding away furiously in his ears. He wasn't an idiot, and he figured out exactly what she was about to do. His stomach felt like it was doing somersaults in his throat, and before he could think of a way to stop her...
"Bill and I are now engaged!" she gushed excitedly, as she pulled out the Ruby and Diamond engagement ring from her pocket, that he had previously given her -- leaving Bill sitting there in stunned silence. Gasps filled the air, as both families happiness caused them to erupt with celebratory rounds of "congratulations," being showered on the couple. The rest of her family stood up to give them hugs while Bill sat there in barely concealed shock; his composure, sloppily falling away momentarily as he absorbed the reality of what had just happened.
Suddenly, he felt the impact of a stiff kick on his shin from underneath the table, as his older brother Gustaf watched him intently. His lip curled up, signaling to Bill to smile. Once more, his mask of indifference slipped it's way back onto his face, as he stood up and accepted hugs and handshakes from her family members that began to surround them.
It was not as if he had any choice in the matter; what the hell else could he do? Just stand up and say, "I’m sorry everyone, but there seems to be some sort of mistake. I actually planned to break up with Natalia later tonight," and believe that it wouldn't cause a massive scene? Unfortunately, he knew that wouldn't go over well. Moreover, he didn't want to subject his mother to the needless drama either. He had too much respect for her, and even for Natalia's own parents, to legitimately consider doing that to them. Besides, when it boiled down to it -- Natalia didn't deserve to be humiliated like that either. Bill was well and truly stuck, with no other choice but to pretend that he was the happy and doting fiance.
In the end, he gracefully acted the role of dutiful fiance and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. It was a brazen move, Natalia would give him that. Deep in her heart, she knew that the real test would be the one that took place later on tonight -- when they were both away from the prying eyes of their families and finally by themselves. 
Tactically, Bill took a subtle peek around the table and noticed his own siblings watching the interaction intently. Each of them knew that this wasn't what their brother had wanted anymore. It seemed that even his own sister was giving him the side-eye. Her stern look, conveying a simple message: We're going to talk about this later, you fucking idiot.
Briefly, he wondered if his brothers had told her about his time with Y/N because she certainly didn't seem to be too impressed with him at all; and neither were his brothers. Regrettably, while Bill didn't want to make their judgments any worse, he knew it was coming when he felt his mother wrap her arms around him -- telling him just how proud of him she was. His green eyes glazed over and shut, as he hugged her back. Even though his eyes were shut, he could still feel the piercing stares of his siblings; harshly and silently criticizing him for not standing up and putting a stop to this.
His hands were tied, and there was very obviously nothing he could do, presently, to stop or curb the situation. So with that in mind, he sat back down in his seat and waited for the festivities to come to the inevitable end.
Natalia had well and truly fucked him and his plans up tonight, and there was a part of him that was a little bit angry about it; more so with himself for getting himself into this mess. His plan to end their relationship tonight, was effectively shot to hell. He literally could not leave her right now -- not after this grand little display of hers.
Bill shifted uncomfortably in his seat, knowing that his older brothers Alexander and Gustaf were probably waiting on what their younger brother's next move would be. They were already well aware of what had happened, between Y/N and Bill, since he had already told them about it -- once he made back home.
On his first night back in town, he had gone to meet up with his younger brother Valter at the local pub -- only to realize that his two older brothers, Alexander and Gustaf, were joining him as a surprise. It was a welcomed reprieve to just be able to sit down and catch up with each of them individually. A few hours and several drinks later, he ended up confessing about the affair to his brothers. None of the men were even remotely surprised by the turn of events; even going as far as to tell him as they all had seen it coming. Valter and Gustaf both cherished Y/N already, and while Alex also thought she was perfect for his younger brother -- he also didn't exactly like the situation they had both gotten themselves into. He was leary of the fact that Natalia would just accept Bill breaking up with her. Of course, Alex was simply speaking from personal experience with that particular subject. It was no secret that he wasn't exactly considered any kind of saint in some of his former relationships. But it was those relationships alone, that had taught him how to spot the signs of trouble yet to come. It was because of that, that Bill tried to take Alex's advice to tread carefully, to heart.
Now, Natalia had him by the balls and if Y/N found out -- any potential future they may have together could be ruined. He had to think, and fast. Because if the looks on his siblings' faces were something to go by, they weren’t going to let this go; if anything -- there was going to be severe consequences for this.
Headlights flashed ahead, as the dark grey Audi A3 sedan pulled into the small parking spot located just underneath the decently sized and sturdy white apartment building. The silence in the air was thick and palpable, with anticipation and suspense. Natalia was unsure of what to expect next, as Bill hadn't said a word to her since they both left the dinner party.
If she were lucky, Bill would simply go inside and simply feign sleepiness in order to get out of the discussion with her; but somehow -- she highly doubted that was about to happen. She was far from stupid, and she didn't miss the look of complete shock on his face when she told everyone of their engagement tonight. Of course, he straightened up and smiled; even going as far as thanking people for their well-wishes that they showered upon them -- yet his hesitation was certainly not missed by her clever and observant eyes.
Nervousness seemed to be settling deep within her spirit, at an almost rapid pace. In her defense, this felt like a good idea in her head at the time; back when she had gotten Ace's email, and learned about Bill's affair with Y/N. Hindsight was fifty-fifty though, and she was wondering if her impromptu announcement at the dinner party would push him over the edge -- causing him to leave her for good. If it did, she could conclusively kiss her revenge plan goodbye. To be fair, she knew there was a high likelihood of her getting an adverse reaction from him when she went into it; but when you're wrapped so tightly within the welcoming embrace of pure, uninhibited fury -- you tend to lose sight of the things are that should be undeniable. And although she wouldn't admit her fears so openly, due to her own anger and pride, she was particularly petrified of the possibility of him leaving her for doing this. Of course, when she sat back and thought about it, in the middle of those lonely nights recently, it was definitely considered downright pathetic to be worried about something like that. After all, without a shadow of a doubt, she should be the one leaving him. Yet, when it came down to it, she couldn't seem to pull the proverbial trigger. The love she felt for him, while wounded in the worst possible way -- was still there for him. How it was surviving, was beyond her own comprehension.
It was too late now though. Once her decision was acted upon, she knew she needed to see it all the way through; regardless of the repercussions. Ironically, it was the image of Bill kissing Y/N, which felt permanently seared into her mind -- that propelled her forward with her plan. 
Neither of them said a word after she killed the engine to the car. She sat back in her leather seat, anxiously fiddling with her keys as she trained her eyes down towards her lap. A feeling of restlessness surged through her veins and Natalia had no idea why she was so nervous. In her opinion, it should be Bill who should be over there sweating bullets. There was no way he could get out of this, without having to come clean. Yet, even knowing that, didn't calm her down at all. If anything, it just put her on edge even more.
Why wasn't he saying anything?
The longer he sat there quietly, the more jittery she became. Realizing that she didn't plan to spend all night simply sitting in the car waiting for him to finally address her -- she lifted her hand to the silver door handle and propped open the driver's side door. They had some leftovers, in a couple of wrapped up dishes which sitting on the back floorboards, so she went ahead and opened the back door to grab them and bring them inside.
Bill exhaled deeply, as he too, finally opened his door and decided to help her get the food inside.
His mind was in a much different place than Natalia's, and it was consistently swimming between anger and fear. Luckily for Natalia, it was predominately aimed at himself at the moment; well, with the notable exception of his anger at her for once again -- going off and doing something, without consulting with him beforehand. This seemed to be an ever-repeating pattern among them, and quite frankly, it felt as if they could never find themselves sitting on the same page. It was annoying, and bothersome, to say the least.
Upon opening the front door to her apartment, Natalia quietly thanked him for his help as she pushed her way inside and Bill flipped the kitchen light switch on for them. He never said a word, as he took off his jacket, brushed a hand through his thick brown hair, and watched her put the leftover food on the stove in order to pull out her Tupperware dishes. He simply watched her work her way around the kitchen, just as he had always seen her do over the past year and a half -- and thought about how to approach the rather big elephant in the room. As he stood on the other side of the counter, he pulled out a stool and continued to watch her work.
"Nat, can you stop doing that and come here, please? We need to talk."
He noticed the way her back froze, the moment he uttered those words. Setting aside the aluminum foil package, she turned around and took off her own jacket; hanging it on the coat hanger she had next to the door. For the first time, since they left her parents house, he observed that her engagement ring was still sitting on her ring finger. She hadn't taken it off, since leaving the dinner party. The way the bright light in the kitchen hit the diamonds, causing them to sparkle and shine -- had caught his eye.
Instantly, he lost focus and remembered back to the night when he had asked her to marry him. Oddly enough, he proposed to her right here, in this very room of her apartment -- right after they had made dinner together. At the time, he was focused on doing anything that made her feel happy. And he knew, without a shadow of a doubt from their numerous pillow talks, that an engagement was something she certainly looked forward to having in their future. Natalia didn't know it, but he had purchased the ring a few weeks prior. Bill knew she adored rubies and thought they were stunning. It had taken him a little bit of time, but he was able to track down the ring that appeared to be perfect for her. A single teardrop-shaped, two and a half-carat Ruby, surrounded by a halo of diamonds -- with a plentiful amount of diamonds adorning the white gold, crisscrossed double band.
In retrospect, even he had to admit that was quite foolish of him to do that simply to keep her happy. It was dawning on him now, that it was a mistake because he wasn't actually ready to commit himself to a marriage; yet -- that didn't stop the fact that he still felt bad about causing this dysfunction in the first place.
"You're upset."
It wasn't a question, it was merely an observation and it hung in the air like a knife, causing him to momentarily flinch at her accusation. Was she wrong? No. He just didn't want this to turn into another row between them either. Enough damage had already been accomplished for one night.
Carefully selecting his next words would be imperative, and he knew it.
"I'm simply wondering why you chose to tell our families about the engagement; jag trodde att vi hade en överenskommelse."
Natalia slid into the barstool, just on the other side of Bill and folded her hands neatly in front of her. Her quiet demeanor only enhanced his sense of dismay, even further. And strangely, the sigh that exited her chest, sounded like one of defeat; leaving him wondering about what was to come next.
It wasn't that long ago, when she used to bring him happiness and a ray of hope to his future. When he thought about it, it was just after he had agreed to start seeing Natalia exclusively, that he began to start seeing a chance of happiness outside of Y/N and Natalia had a lot do with that. She made him feel comfortable, at least during that brief period in time; yet he couldn't lie to himself -- because the idea of fully giving up on his feelings for Y/N never fully resonated in his heart either. Those feelings only sat idly by, like the embers of once raging fire, threatening to reignite once again at the sign of any change in the environment. 
And that was exactly what they did; those emotions reignited in a big, fiery and all-consuming way. It was something, he wouldn't let go off.
This was his fault, and he knew it.
"Since you're asking for my honesty, here it is; I'm tired of hiding something like this from our families. I agreed to be your wife the moment you asked me. I'm in this for the long haul. But asking me to keep it quiet, hasn't really settled well with me either. I want to be able to share this with our mothers, my mother -- even my own sister." She exclaimed wistfully; her ice-blue eyes bore into his, imploring him to see reason and understand her valid emotions.
"I have been so incredibly excited just to tell my own mother about this. And you..." She paused briefly, before looking down at the bar; unable to maintain eye contact any longer. "You asked me not to tell anybody about it. Do you realize how hard that is? Or even how unfair it is? To make me keep this news all to myself, that I just truly want to be happy about? And recently, I've been thinking about that; you do know that it feels a little silly to be hiding something this major from our own friends and family -- right? I'm not asking to announce it to the whole world yet Bill, I just wanted to privately tell our families."
Bill exhaled calmly, trying not to let his grip on his patience slip from him. Of course, he understood why she wanted to tell them all; he certainly wasn't impractical or uncaring in that sense. However, there were other underlying issues at the center of why they had both agreed to keep it quiet.
"I get that, I truly do. But Nat, we talked about this and you even agreed to it. You said that you understood the reasons we needed to keep it quiet. I told you, that with IT coming out -- things are going to change. If everything goes the way I hope they do, my career could be taking off. That means more offers, more auditions, more projects, more locations and with that comes more attention. Not all of that attention is going to be good either. If news about the engagement gets out, even through an accidental post on social media from one of our friends or family members, you could be dealing with a hoard of female fans talking massive shit about you, stalking you online, or following you around in real life -- and making your life absolutely miserable. And all of it, would be because you're with me! That's not even including the fact that we've been fighting more over the past almost several months. If I'm being perfectly honest here," he sighed, before turning back to her and grabbing her left hand in his right one. "I'm not sure if that would be something we would survive, because we have more than enough issues without that being added on top of our plates."
Natalia sat back in stunned silence, unable to fathom that he genuinely said that out loud to her. Her act of telling their families, couldn't have happened at a better time, as it became increasingly more evident that he really was planning on ending things with her. All she knew in that instant, was that she had to turn the tide of this conversation, back in her favor and quickly -- or entire plan would only dissolve from here.
"Are you --" her eyes filled with tears, threatening to spill over and down her lightly blushed cheeks, while she sniffled. "Are you ashamed of me?"  Quickly, she pulled her hand back from his and stood up from her seat. Anger surged throughout her body, causing her cheeks to heat up in embarrassment and tears began to shine through her eyes, as Bill was left with emotional whiplash at what was happening.
"What? Natalia, no! That's not what I'm saying," he swiftly attempted to explain, but he knew it would be no use.
"That's what it feels like you're saying! It feels like you're saying that you don't think I know what lies ahead, or that I'm even strong enough to handle it! Do you really think so little of me?" Turning on her heel, she briskly walked back into the kitchen area and picked up the aluminum foil again -- trying her hardest to hold it together and finish her task of re-wrapping their leftovers.
"Where the hell did you even get the idea that I was ashamed of you? I never said that at all," Bill's frustrations were growing by the millisecond, as he stood up from his own spot at the bar. "I explain to you that I'm afraid of something, and suddenly that somehow means I'm ashamed of you? You always manage to do this! Every single fucking time, Natalia! You run off and do something on your own, never ask me how I may feel about it before you do it -- and then you get pissed off when I don't react the way you think I should. You did it right before I came back home too!" He finished accusingly, as he pointed a finger at her.
Just like that, the fuse was ignited and neither of them was prepared to back down from this long-overdue fight.
Propriety could be damned, he didn't care if his voice was starting to elevate anymore, because this thing right here -- was exactly what the main problem was between them. And honestly, Bill was at his wit's end with the drama she brought to the table in this relationship.
"So that's what this is about! You're still mad at the fact that I tried to book a private getaway for us, for when you got back home from Toronto? Jesus Christ, Bill!" She slammed the plastic see-through dish on the stove, as she shook her head and began to laugh sarcastically. "Excuse the fuck out of me, for trying to spend time with my fiance after not being able to see him for three fucking months!"
"Actually, I wasn't upset about that incident anymore and was more or less using that as an example; but yes -- you go off and do things, all the while, you don't even bother to include me in the equation at all! It's like I've become an afterthought to you! Did it ever occur to you, that I wanted to come home, see my family and actually spend some time with my mother? She's getting older, Natalia! I won't have her around forever!" He leaned across the bar carefully, both arms stretched out with his palms braced across the surface; narrowing his eyes at her.
Natalia pressed her lips together, as she pulled out a sheet of aluminum foil from the pack and set it off to the side.
"You’ve been acting like a jackass, since you've been away." The moment that allegation left her lips, Bill scoffed.
"Me being gone for work has nothing to do with this. We’ve been at each other’s throats even before I left. Have you ever tried considering the fact, that I may be annoyed by the continuous fighting we do all of the time? We fight over the most ridiculous bullshit! And if we’re not fighting, we’re fucking. I told you over the phone a few weeks ago, this shit needed to stop and here we are -- right back at it again!”
The sound of a wooden spoon scraping against the ceramic plate filled the room, as she finally set it down and wiped her hands on the hand towel that was hanging off the oven door.
"Let me ask you a question, do you even love me anymore? Because I love you, Bill! But Jesus fucking Christ, I really feel like you don't love me at all."
That one question managed to hit him dead center in his chest, almost knocking the wind right out of him. Just then, it was as if he were transported back to that nightmare with Natalia and Y/N both hanging in the tree, with their chests cut open and their hearts were laid out his hands. He was fearful of answering that question, because he didn't want to essentially rip the proverbial heart out of her chest and destroy her like this.
Now, it was Bill's turn to sound defeated. Without another word, he didn't wait for her reaction as he turned around and began walking down the hallway. Taking a couple of minutes to clear her own head, she finished wrapping the plastic bowl and stuck it on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator; wondering if she finally pushed everything too far.
Finally, she pushed herself away from the large appliance and decided to follow him down the hallway. If she were expecting to see him feeling defeated, she was in for a rude awakening; instead -- she found him packing his bags again.
"Bill, what are you doing?" The hesitation caused her voice to slightly crack, as she watched him continue to put more clothes into his suitcase.
He never spoke a word, as he ignored and pushed past her. Instead, he moved into their shared bathroom. Once he collected what he needed, he snapped the light back off and made his way back to the bedroom -- packing his toiletries away. After he was finished a few moments later, he belatedly glanced over at her. For the first time since this argument began, he noticed her silently crying as she watched him.
"I fell for you before I ever put that ring on your finger," he stated carefully. "I didn't think I could ever find someone who could potentially make me happy, and for a while -- you did. But we're changing Natalia, and I don't like the people we're changing into."
"So you want to run away, instead of facing our problems? Vad är det som du inte berättar för mig?" Her lips trembled, as she stood there -- waiting for an answer.
"Natalia," there was a delay, as he tried to take a step towards her. Natalia, on the other hand, took a quick step back. Her eyeliner and mascara were running carelessly down her cheeks, creating dark streaks which made him feel even worse.
"I'm saying we should use the time while I'm away in California working, to think about what we both want. Because we cannot keep going like this. It’s not fair to either of us. I’m not saying it’s over right now, I’m saying let’s take this time apart while I’m gone, to think and once I come back -- we can sit down and decide once and for all where we go from here.” 
With that, he grabbed the handle of his large rolling suitcase and walked out of their shared apartment. Leaving a shocked and struggling Natalia behind. 
He hadn’t ended it with her, but he did let her know that they needed time apart. And that was the opening a reeling and emotional Natalia needed, to enact the next step in her plan. 
[Extended Author's Notes: Trust me, I'm shaking my head at Bill too! Bonehead! You should have just ended it with her while you had the chance!
I get why he didn't, because that's got to be a mind fuck where you're feeling your back against the wall, flashing back to a nightmare where you think you've ripped out her heart already and you don't want to hurt someone...
But man, I have to hand it to Natalia, the girl knows how to manipulate a situation when things are going off the rails. She saw what was coming, and threw a massive roadblock in Bill's path. She is not the one to play with, and Bill may have bitten off more than he can chew with her. He's obviously figured out, that he's backed into a wall; so it'll be interesting to see how if he's able to keep up the facade and find a way out of the mess he created -- or if things are going to blow up in his face.
One small part of me, feels a tiny bit bad that Bill is in this conundrum. After all, he started dating Natalia, because he was attempting to get over his feelings for Y/N in the first place; which he felt were always going to remain unrequited on the readers end. He and Natalia have had a bumpy road, but overall he did care about her and even asked her to marry him -- only for everything to finally come together with Y/N (who doesn't know about his engagement)... And now, it's all a big mess.
Now, our boy finally has the woman he's wanted all along and had finally mustered up the courage to tell Natalia it was over -- and she blew his plans all to hell!
Speaking of Bill though, I wonder where he's running off to after failing to completely break it off with Nattie... Guess you'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out lol.
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