#I like the idea of mortal with a gang of supernatural beings
roguelov · 1 year
reader telling morpheus before him there was this one great person they met she was very tall and had curly short blonde hair and had a very calming voice she was like an angel you jokingly tell morpheus
he and matthew side eyeing each other like did you really sleep with the devil before him
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Oh my god yesssssss and like adding on/changing this that maybe the reader has had multiple previous supernatural partners that fizzled out (maybe a short fling with the immortal Hob, a one night stand with Desire, a summer romance with Death, year long relationship with Calliope, and the longest relationship with Lucifer, and so forth) but no one knows they dated all these other people
Until Dream eventually hosts a family dinner with Hob (because he’s family) and when everyone shows up and your just shocked and embarrassed and it turns into the Spider-Man meme
“Wait,” Dream cut through everyone’s confusion. He turned towards you. “My dear, I’m sorry but can you clarify?”
You shuffled side to side, keeping your gaze down. “Well, uh, I … I dated -“
“We fucked Dream,” Desire smirked.
You clamped your mouth shut, feeling your ears burn.
Dream clenched his jaw. “Yes, I see that may be the case.”
Desire chuckled, “It’s not a maybe.”
“Desire, please.” Death strolled towards you and gently rubbed your back. She always knew how to calm you. “Hey, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. We’re all adults … sort of.”
Hob stepped forward, “Right, there’s no hard feelings.”
You nodded.
Dream sighed, “Okay, yes, we can be civil.”
Hob smiled at you and teased, trying to make light of the awkward ordeal, “Unless there are others we need to know about?”
“Hob,” Dream warned.
“It’s okay,” you said, speaking up finally. “Well, there actually was two others. Calliope, a very kind woman who loved poetry -“
Dream’s eyes widened. You couldn’t be serious, could you?
“- and then there was Lucy.”
“Lucy?” Dream pressed.
“Oh, yes. Tall, blonde, and almost angelic to be honest.”
Everyone glanced at each other as the same thought crossed their mind: you dated Lucifer Morningstar.
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Victory of the Daleks
Receiving a call for help from his old friend Winston Churchill, the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond head for World War II to assist the Prime Minister. Once there, though, the Doctor reunites with his greatest enemies, the scum of the universe — the Daleks. But why are these survivors passing themselves off as man-made weapons? And why don't they recognise the Doctor? What could these "Ironsides" have planned?
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Curse of the Black Spot
The TARDIS is marooned onboard a 17th century pirate ship whose crew is being attacked by a mysterious and beautiful sea creature. Becalmed and beset by cabin fever, the pirates have numerous superstitious explanations for the Siren's appearance. The Eleventh Doctor has other ideas, but as his theories are disproved and every plan of escape is thwarted, he must work to win the trust of the implacable Captain Henry Avery and uncover the truth behind the pirates' supernatural fears — and he must work quickly, for some of his friends have already fallen under the Siren's spell.
I don’t understand why nobody else seems to like the curse of the black spot, its so fun, is it the best episode ever, no, but I like it when Doctor Who gets silly with it (anonymous)
Closing Time
Craig Owens is having enough trouble trying to care for his child; the last thing he needs is the return of his old friend, the Doctor. But, as ever, trouble seems to have followed the Doctor, this time with a silvery shine.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Asylum of the Daleks
Insane Daleks are about to escape the Dalek Asylum where they are kept. The rest of the Daleks call on their greatest enemy, the Doctor, along with his companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams, to lower the defences so they can destroy the Asylum. Can the Doctor save the day, along with his companions' marriage, as easily as he can fix his bow-tie?
my mortal enemy, the amy and rory are getting a divorce subplot (anonymous)
The Bells of Saint John
When Clara Oswald has problems with her Internet, she's given a telephone number: the number of the "best help line in the universe". When the Eleventh Doctor answers at the other end, Clara is pulled into a life of adventure and mystery. But danger is lurking in the signals, picking off minds and imprisoning them. "It's like immortality, only fatal." But can the Doctor save Clara before... "I don't know where I am!"
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Name of the Doctor
A prophecy is coming true. The Eleventh Doctor is summoned to Trenzalore where it was said he would fall. But what does the alleged site of his final battle have to do with the mystery of Clara Oswald? Can the Paternoster Gang help him avoid his apparent destiny? And most of all...Doctor who?
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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eggmixercortex · 10 months
wait did i ever actually explain the thiefkiller curse over here i dont think i did whoopsie
basically shiloh is Twitchy about being found out and if forced into a corner where it cant play dead or escape without doing anything obviously inhuman it goes 'aw fuck not again' and kills every witness - that being generally the band of thieves or other people who prey on travelers. because of shiloh's Big Fuckofff Teeth, their bites look nothing like either vampire or leech colony bites and more like those of a gigantic dog, so if/when entire gangs of bandits are discovered dead all together, completely drained of blood and covered in the bites and scratches of what looks to be a Massive canine, people start to theorize.
eventually the consensus becomes that this mystery murderer is some kind of supernatural beast that only targets highwaymen, likely summoned by a powerful mage somehow seeking revenge. as the myth grows, more and more is added to the idea of the Curse, from reasonable things like 'it kills anyone who sees it to prevent witnesses' to nonsense like 'the curse is actually the mutated vengeful ghosts of victims killed in robberies, who must drink the blood of their killers to remain tethered to the mortal realm'
jackass thinks the rumor is dangerous as the detail of large teeth may put them under suspicion, but shiloh is endlessly entertained by it and even joins discussions on the true nature of the curse. also worth noting, shiloh explains away all of its symptoms of infestation by claiming to be cursed, notably a curse that was lodged into their eye, hence the eye patch. this is possibly THE flimsiest excuse one could POSSIBLY come up with but it does, somehow, work for most. those who DO see through it are usually either already friendly with shiloh or the type not to pry. usually.
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OOC: Given that Hazbin really has established that Heaven committed genocides of millions each year, I really do not think there's any positive portrayal of the ALL-KNOWING, ALL-POWERFUL GOD AND CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS GOOD that can come out of this
Having God or Jesus make a cameo to tell a character "You did something wrong and here's how you fix it" is one thing. Having God either be complicit in genocide, somehow unable to keep his angels in line or be prejudiced towards any group is a rather controversial take (to put it mildly). No matter which way Vivzie might explain the role of God in the hypocrisy and cruelty of Heaven, she's going to be making a statement that nobody will like
"God ordered the exterminations" would mean "God is cruel, God hates you" (which in the context of so many LGBT+ sinners, ISN'T A GOOD LOOK)
"God went off somewhere and left Sera in charge" would mean "God has abandoned us, God is negligent" (which would be rather problematic to say aloud, much less on a major streaming platform)
"God had zero idea any of this was going on and people hid the truth from him" would mean "God is not all-knowing, God is blind to what is evil, God is fallible" (which would have God being the exact opposite of what he's believed to be)
It's like the trick question of "Can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it up?". If you say "No", then you're calling into question God's ability to create anything. If you say "Yes", then you're calling into question God's power to shape reality. There is no satisfactory answer that you can give because no matter what, you're claiming God isn't all-powerful
Everything would go much more swimmingly if THE God (with a capital G) just wasn't in Helluva/Hazbin. Vivzie could have Heaven be a oligarchy of elder angels dictating how Heaven as a society works and what their involvement on Earth is, which would have clear parallels to real life that people could connect with and take inspiration from. Having the redemption of Heaven and reformation of Hell be a lengthy process with slip-ups would make a much more compelling story than "Charlie met God and convinced/defeated him, which fixed everything"
Also imagine how ridiculous it would be if the Hazbin series finale involved a literal boss fight between Charlie & The Gang and God. Imagine how ridiculous it would be if Charlie mimicked Steven Universe's finale (in which he gets the Supreme Leader who did highly unethical things akin to war crimes to apologize and "Be Nice to People")
First of all, I just disagree.
Supernatural has taken the route of "God left the angels in charge" it's not a new idea and has been done before, and it can work within a story. Honestly it seems like there's a very false assumption that God has to be objectively good or evil, I mean from what I can remember from the bible verses I were fed there was a lot of inherent contradiction to begin with. "God loves you!" immediately followed by how God will damn others to an afterlife of torment for being ever so slightly horny
God is God. I can buy the idea that we might not fully understand them as mortals who live mortal lives or that a being who can't be challenged by anyone has a questionable sense of morality. Now admittedly Viv isn't very subtle about which characters are good or evil, but I mean Sera has been portrayed with a sense of ambiguous morality why not God? You can argue God is supposed to be good, but so is heaven and they're deadass the main problem of Hazbin Hotel. The villains are literally angels. The hero is the Antichrist.
And Imma be real. I just don't see the problem of why God has to represent the biblical version 100%. Why is it a bad thing to have god not be all knowing and all powerful? I don't remember any source saying Beelzebub was a party girl that sounded like Kesha or that Mammon was a clown and people have taken creative liberty with God before. Good Omens made God a woman (which yes people did complain about) but also made her a passive observer and showed her in a far more positive light in general.
Viv has always done her own thing with these characters, I doubt Stolas being a fruity twink, Lucifer being a misunderstood man with depression, and again Adam the fuck boy Adam is all accurate to their biblical counterparts. I don't think it's an unvalid assumption that if she does add God as a character it'll be very different from what we know about God.
Now God being prejudiced is a whole different can of worms and I've talked in great length about how I don't like the whole "Heaven is homophobic narrative" because it does remove a lot of fun debate about the shows premise. Sinners being redeemed. It opens all the fun debate such as "What sins can be forgiven? What qualifies as a sinner officially ascending? What it the journey like to repenting?" which all gets flushed down the drain the moment you say "They're in hell because their gay"
Which Viv has gone on record of saying that being queer isn't a sin and if that truly was the case, I think it would have been brought up when Angel Dust the openly gay man was brought up in terms of redeeming him. Lute does have that whole "your love is vile" comment but that could be interpreted as her not liking Charlie and Vaggie because one is an angel and the other a devil. Also Viv said Pentious was bisexual at one point (i think) and he's redeemed. So clearly the fact that the majority of sinners are queer is coincidence not an indication that queerness is in anyway sinful. (Though not everyone will see it like that)
Finally, I will agree that the final boss being God vs The main cast is a little silly, but again that's going off the assumption God will either appear as a villain or misunderstood hero coming to save them last second. For example if God is portrayed as being an indifferent and morally grey figure? Maybe Charlie seeks out God's help but they refuse to give it, meaning Charlie has to rely on her own merits. There are many ways to take the story with God being involved, it doesn't HAVE to be Charlie redeeming God via the power of friendship.
And I have the hot take that God being absent completely raises more questions than answers, as how the fuck where the angels created in the first place, how does everything work if the angels themselves make the rules and not God? If the angels themselves have no idea what qualifies as a person as a winner then why is Pentious redeemed in the first place with no intervention from any of them? Is the explanation just shit happens? I think having a divine creator in some form would at least clear some things up
Also I don't think the whole "you have to fight for sinners to redeem themselves" is kinda done, we know a sinner can be redeemed. I imagine the plot will progress from there, but like even if God does appear I don't think she'll have to convince them to redeem sinners cause it's already happening unless God arrives and it like "No fuck you go back" (WHICH I DOUBT), I'm not saying having God in the story would be an instantly good idea but I'm not saying it's inherently a bad one either.
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all-for-geek · 11 months
It's Halloween Time, You Know What That Means: My Obligatory MBAV Post!
So this is actually gonna be an outline for a fanfic I had an idea for a few years ago. I would work on it on and off, but I never had the motivation to fully write it out. I did however write out an outline of how I would do season 1 of the fic, so here it goes. I might still write this at sometime in the future, but I doubt it. Enjoy!
So this fic was going to be Benny x OC where the OC is Cali. Cali is secretly Calliope: the Greek muse of writing. She wanted to learn more about human and supernatural relations for a story, so she moved to Whitechapel. Also the episodes aren't in proper order because I was going off of Netflix and what made sense in my head.
Season 1 Outline
Lawn of the Dead - Cali moves to Whitechapel on the same day that the demonic animals start attacking. She bounds with Rory over writing fanfiction, and she meets the rest of the gang through him. Cali starts off hiding her true nature from the fang gang and vice versa.
Three Cheers for Evil - Cali would have been roped into the spying on the cheerleaders plot and magicked into a Stephanie's drone. Honestly might have skipped this one because the episode itself would not have changed much. At some point she runs into Grandma Weir and Grandma senses something off about her.
Friday Night Frights - Cali can see the ghost coach and remembers how he used to mistreat the nerd of Whitechapel. She misses out on the wrestling match because she is meets up with Hades in the Underworld and convinces him to unleash the Gym Locker of the Nigh.
Blue Moon - Rory and Cali find themselves hanging out more and feeling rejected by the rest of the group. Cali because she still isn't in on the vampire secret and Rory because of the whole werewolf thing. Rory accidentally lets slip that he is a vampire, and after the Werewolf!Ethan situation, the whole group. Cali does not reveal herself yet because she's worried that it will spoil her research.
Blood Drive - Cali is helping Sarah deal with cravings. When they go after the vampire nurses, the gang wants to leave Cali behind because she is "human", but that is short lived after she kicks the vampire nurses butts.
Doug the Vampire Hunter - Cali is starting to feel guilty about not telling her friends what she really is. She plans to tell them, but those plans are put on hold when Doug shows up in town. After he goes on the hunt for Sarah, she comes up with the LARPing plan and uses her powers to make it more believable.
Guys and Dolls - Cali is actively trying to tell her friends the truth, but everytime she tries to seems like something else comes up. When the doll comes to life, it drains Cali of some of her lifeforce and makes a comment about being stronger. Afterwards, the group confronts her and she tells them the truth.
Double Negative - Cali is getting used not having to hide her muse abilities in front of the group. When Evil!Benny comes around, he tries to persuade Cali to run away with him. She considers for a moment (before she realizes that it's an evil doppleganger) but is unsure why.
Smells Like Trouble - Cali walks into school is a horrible cold. The body that she came down in is prone to mortal needs and weaknesses like disease and hunger if she is on Earth long enough. Her nose is so clogged that she can't smell anything, so she is not affected by the love potion. She starts feeling jealous about all the attention Benny is now getting, but is not willing to admit it to herself yet. She goes over to Grandma Weir's house for a cold remedy, and they have a heart to heart. When she finds out that Benny made a love potion, she blows up and separates herself from the group.
Die Pod - Cali is still ignoring Benny. She puts in her earbuds to listen to music and becomes the girl infected by the plant. Most of the chapter is in Benny's perspective while he, Ethan, and Sarah work to save Cali. Afterword, Benny and Cali have a long talk and are back to being friends.
The Brewed - Cali, Benny, and Ethan are fighting against the zombies. Cali gets bit instead of Benny. She doesn't mention it because she assumes that she can't be zombified due to her being a Muse. She doesn't realize she's wrong until she's too late. As she's turning, she uses her last breaths to kiss Benny. The kiss slowly turns into a bite as her transformation completes. Afterward, Cali insists that she only did it because she thought she was dying and that they should just be friends.
Three Geeks and a Demon - Tensions are high between Benny and Cali as every time Benny tries to bring up the kiss, Cali shuts it down. When he suggests the seance, they get into an argument, and Cali leaves. Cali finds herself hanging with Erica for the night. Erica doesn't get Cali's crush on Benny, but she suggests Cali give a shot just to stop all her moping.
Jesse's Girl - With the dance coming up, Benny and Cali decide to try going to the dance together. They're plans are interrupted by Jesse coming back. During the fight, Cali gives Jesse a run for his money, but she isn't fast enough to stop Ethan from getting bit. The season ends with Cali and Benny deciding to try being an actual couple.
I didn't fully outline season 2, but there was going to be a throughline of the longer that Cali was on Earth, the more mortal she would become. After the Hottie Ho-Tep episode, she would go back to Olympus to recharge only to make a dramatic re-entrance at the talent show with her sisters to take down Serena. The end of season 2 was going to have Cali defeat Stern and the Lucifractor but have her lose her immortality in the process.
I hope you enjoyed! If enough people like this idea I might do drabbles or one-shots in this world here or there, but I probably won't do a full story. I'm working on three WIPs already as it is.
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There isn't an explanation of how Akane turned into a half-supernatural, right? Like, how the hell can Kako and Mirai make a human being – such as Akane, who doesn't have special nor an exorcist blood in him – into a half-supernatural and just turn them back? I mean, we could assume that those two can do some unexplained magic and shit or whatever and poof – Aoi Akane is human again!
But then I remembered Mitsuba and realized that there is a high chance that Akane ate some parts of his supernatural-predecessor without his consent nor knowledge.
Alright, this sounds insane and I'm going insane so please hear me out.
In Mitsuba's reintroduction to the series, we all remembered how Tsukasa forced him to eat the now deceased No. 3 to steal the seat and become a full supernatural – which, in Tsukasa's own twisted method, grants Mitsuba's wish (or not because I don't remember that much ngl). Meanwhile, in the part where the "time to rescue aoi and (punch) hanako squad" was about to enter the Far Shore, Teru made them eat the fingers of a supernatural (theorizing that it might belong to Hakubo) so that the gang won't die due to their statuses as temporary half-supernaturals once they enter the other side.
Based on these two situations, it must mean that it's gonna be like this:
Eat the heart of a supernatural = turns them into a full supernatural; this leads to them stealing said supernatural's powers
Eat the fingers or some flesh of a supernatural = turns them into a half-supernatural; gets the nerfed version of said supernatural's powers for a certain duration
This leads to me thinking that Akane became a half-supernatural because he ate some parts of the original present, which could explain how his abilities are limited compared to his fellow clock keepers – which could also mean that what the fuck, Kako and Mirai made him eat some parts of the original present's body.
Then there is also the question of what would happen to Akane – if he survives, that is – once his duration has ended? Near the end of his contract, would he often collapse from the sheer exhaustion because his supernatural side is disappearing and killing him in a slow manner? Would he even survive during or after the process of turning back into a human being? What parts of Aoi Akane would disappear?
God, I need Akane and the Clock Keepers to come back😭😭
uyhyugygyu oml Anon ty for the ask♡
and yes we desperately need these mfs in the manga again 😭🙏
and sorry this blog hasn't been as active I'd like to post more but I'm not really sure what I want to post and don't have any idea at the moment, I don't have asks or theories I'm working on...I'm not really sure what I'd like to do and sometimes I just don't make the time to figure that out or I forget so I'm sorry I haven't posted much and only came to offer random ass posts... I'm working on it okay—
moving on..
I guess I initially thought of it as a signed pen and quil contract, not that he actually signed paper but yk what I mean? just not really of he ate some of no 1.... that is so interesting!!
because Nene has a bond, or a tie to Hanako through a cursed mermaid scale, and as much as Akane said him and Nene are similar they are contracted differently, but she still ate supernatural!! that scale was from the Mermaid, so she technically swallowed supernatural, making her cursed, and she can grow mermaid scales and turn into a fish! like Akane turn into his clock keeper form. and she's destined to be the next Mermaid, because she ate supernatural....
and our gang ate it at dinner the other night and in Teru's words "not fully mortal"
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but temporarily, it says you'd become one in the legend but that's clearly not how it goes in nowadays at least(it may depend on the supernatural they ate)
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so to be a temporary supernatural
you have to eat a supernatural part....so in turn, despite the "curses" and the "temporary supernatural" thing being different, they're achieved the same way.
so the question now is, is Akane temporarily cursed or become a temporary supernatural that can still blend in with the living and is still not FULLY dead, hence to being half(although technically he is a living more then a supernatural so like three quarters living)
but he IS limited unlike Mitsuba, who ate the heart of No.3, so the flesh or a part of a supernatural (like the scale) is our most likely option, but whether it's a curse or not is different....I suppose the navigation gang ate a part of a supernatural, and that counts as a curse, but it was used differently then how the "curse" would usually be utilized.
so what did Akane eat....? lmao
anyways whether he'd wither and collapse after it wears off is another thing...
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Teru states here that if he winds up lucky it'll just carve at his lifespan. which is obvious because of his injury, but it's also been a clear fact that in tbhk the supernatural is a HUGE part to play in changing lifespans, like Amane and Tsukasa did.
so at what point can a supernatural phenomena cut off the rest of a lifespan? and would he slowly decay from BEING one?
well that's a hard question, and how many times and instances has he hacked at his lifespan because of what Kako and Mirai's ushered him into? personally I think that Akane has always had a short lifespan, although it is unclear if whether his lifespan has been changed but seems like Teru knows about lifespans like he knew about Nene's so I'm not as sure about the details. but him being a half supernatural and that slowly killing him is another statement!! because Teru wouldn't be as aware about that and Akane is a half supernatural, we have no idea if Teru can tell his lifespan as well and a half supernatural, is a VERY rare occurrence, it seems it's relished into legends at this point. so really, Teru would have no idea if Akane was slowly dying. although we don't know how exercists and supernaturals tell lifespans (although Hanako is self explanatory) and Kou could not despite being an exercist, so it's pretty unclear. which means Akane could slowly be dying and that would be the most perfect angst~😈
UHM and it seems that (this is my personal theory/thought/headcannon or whatever you wanna call it) being injured in his supernatural form, gravely I mean, messes with his lifespan, from what Teru said, that's what I'm going off of, and pure tbhk world lore. but with the injury on the Sumire/grim reaper arc and the too the far shore/Navigation arc (the arc names aren't SUPER clear....) that Akane has been having death threats on his lifespan, and currently, we have no idea what condition he's in, but considering Hakubo cut the tips of his fingers off so quickly just to get his watch shows how he doesn't mind tearing off pieces, he is an oni after all...and he tore through Teru, and probably shatter a few ribs for Kou or something. so for all we know it's probably worse then in the obon... so he's suffered these injuries in his supernatural form, but what is it doing to human Aoi Akane? what about his life? well ....the cards aren't all saying good my fren
and this would add to me saying how the clock keeper duo planned for him to be a permanent contractor! because why get a temporary one? because then the problem of needing a present and a third clock keeper, will just come back and you're bound to either need help because the seven mysteries are falling apart or need a third to complete the rumor otherwise...well
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they'll disappear
and when Hanako says most, he means those who don't have clear rumors. those who are just rumored to be a dead person or an unifoliated rumor, something more vague, or perdue's it to have to be discovered first, not their position. so what would this say if someone found the clock tower with only two? what if Nene came to rip the Yorishiro off or a student came? the student may get their life taken(but be real they don't have much time left anyways) if the clock keepers don't allow them but, with the addition of Akane, who is very justice prone but also strick, and Mirai already enjoying chaos as fun but at the same time doing her job, and Kako who may let people do as they wish under certain circumstances but also doesn't say much and there is not much hope in going against him, what a pair! honestly I'm not sure what you'd have to do to be granted permission but idk
I'm not sure if the transformation back to human would hurt because it didn't hurt vise versa, but I suppose how long he's been a half supernatural and what he's endured, and he may be becoming more supernatural by the second. and we technically don't know how "supernatural" our navigation gang is, because Teru wasn't even very specific on what they'd temporarily be, seeing as it's just a legend (that's true but probably not many people tried)
anyways I think this is a fabulous idea and definitely something I'll be keeping in mind and mentioning after this
tysm for the ask Anon!! I'm sorry this answer came late :( but this stumped me and I wasn't really sure what I wanted to say, but today I just felt the ramble within me! anyways this was a really good idea and would def listen too you shitball more ideas my way.
conclusion: Akane needs life support and insurance to try and sue the seven mysteries.
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Character Origins: Eric Madden
Eric Madden is the first character of mine to appear outside the prologue (which is really bad and needs to be rewritten), so what better place to start than with him?
Eric began as a hitman/assassin in a story I made up in my head to entertain myself in high school. He was part of a group who had code names based on the Seven Deadly Sins; as his last name was Madden, he was “Wrath.” The other members all had punny names, but aside from his doomed love interest Iris (no relation to my other OC, Iris Ravencroft) and Joey Slomo (Sloth), I don’t actually remember any of the others, so don’t expect to see them ported over to the Rhine City. He later ended up crossing over with a fantasy story I had along with his girlfriend Emmy O’Riley and got a pet wolf named Judas.
He’d return from my old superhero universe concept, Six Shots. This is where he started to really turn into who he’d be in Rhine. His empathic abilities and muscle reading, his love of music, his bisexuality, it all came from here. Funnily enough, he had a Batman x Catwoman-esque relationship with Lilith Crowley, which I referenced in Rhine City by having them have a one night stand in the past. Interestingly enough, this version of Eric was in fact a victim of sexual assault (by my OC Yuriko Himura, who was REALLY drastically changed, but that’s for another post). While I ended up removing this from Eric due to the characters involved changing drastically, I still wanted to have a sympathetically portrayed male assault victim, so this trait winded up going to Jojo Faust.
After this, I decided to do a test run of Eric by putting him in my wife’s Discord Pokemon RP server, where he was a shiny Liepard. His first scene there was almost completely unchanged when bringing it to the book—he saves Aiden from being caught in the crossfire of a gang war by distracting him by bringing up “Pussy Control.” This, of course, is what began their romance, which was kept for the book because those boys are too cute together.
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This version had a bit of a convoluted backstory involving amnesia, an evil version of Randall Quincey, and another character named Emmy who was his adopted sister this time. Needless to say, all of this was later ignored and then retconned after a soft reboot.
His vampirism, friendship with Prim, his job as a wedding singer, his backstory of nearly dying of AIDS, and Mimi and Astarte were all added for the Rhine City version. He’s really come a long way from my original ideas for him, but I’m very happy with how he turned out. I like to think he’s sort of a viewpoint character the same way Aiden is. Where Aiden is the human learning about the supernatural, Eric is a vampire learning to have normal, healthy relationships with mortals again. I love this boy a lot.
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a-third-attempt · 4 years
Last Friday Night pt. 2
M!Vampire x F!Human.
Warnings: Kidnapping implied? (1150 words)
Summary: Tessa is the daughter of legendary vampire hunter Caroline Putkowski. When a young vampire unwittingly targets her for a quick meal and a fun evening, both of them find themselves in over their heads. Inspired by a @write-it-motherfuckers​ prompt (this one!), and a continuation from this post.
 * * *
“I don’t— That’s... You want my mother, not me!” Tessa’s words gasped out, her throat constricting and eyes widening in the vampire’s cold grip. “I—”
He cut her off with a loud sigh. “Do you really think I didn’t know that, cutie?” Chuckling, he relaxed his hands around her neck, careful to keep her fenced in with his body. She seemed harmless, but there’s no good in letting her run off. “Caroline doesn’t cut such a striking figure nowadays.”
She stood motionless, the blank look on her face suggesting that she hadn’t quite understood what he was saying. “I’m not with her!— I swear— I’ll tell you anything I know, just, please...”, her panicked pleas fading into a pathetic whine.
He waited for her to breathe, and then he spoke slowly, emphasizing each word. “Tessa, beautiful. I’m not here tonight about your mother. I promise.”
She gulped, finally taking in the meaning of his words. “Then, why...?”
It was a good question. What exactly was the next move? Killing her was the original plan, but it suddenly seemed much less attractive. It would certainly be a status symbol, he lamented, perhaps finally being worthy of attention from a clan. For all the good it would do him. He could enjoy it for last few weeks of a life cut short by a vengeful gang of Putkowskis, led by the single most ruthless Hunter on the continent.
But he kept the turmoil within. “Why do boys usually come home with girls after a long Friday night?” He growled, looking her up and down, licking his lip.
He watched her cheeks flush with heat. As she fumbled for something to say, his mind went back to work. Leaving her free didn’t seem like much of an alternative. She was crafty, probably? Certainly had been clever enough to get him this far. Even if she wasn’t working with her mother, even if Tessa really did have the best of intentions (still unclear, he had to remind himself) the old witch might well be able to force it out of her.
“So I’m supposed to believe it’s that simple? You, a vampire, happened to choose me, daughter of—” She’d been speaking boldly, but seemed to stumble over those words. “—to choose me, for no other reason than you needed your dick wet?”
Not exactly, he wanted to protest. But he couldn’t say much of anything without admitting everything. Briefly, he wondered if he should. The letter from last night, the scorning elders, idle bloodlust that led to a careless hunt, a beautiful mortal girl and her cursed mug, that strangely warm feeling in his chest as they danced...
Probably not.
Instead, he shrugged and leaned in closer. “Like you said, you’re not with her. So as far as I can see, it’s just two beautiful people turning a fun night out—” he smiled again, letting his fangs graze on her nose as he kissed it gently, “into a fun night in.”
“M-hmm.” She shivered at his kiss, but quickly composed herself, pursing her lips. “And one of them is dead by the morning.”
“Well—” he said, his composure finally slipping under that enchanting icy stare. “Traditionally, yes.” It was rather more blunt than his usual, but she was a hunter’s daughter. There probably wasn’t any point in smoothing that one over.
He bent his knees and head in a mock curtsy. “Guilty as charged.”
For once, his flirting failed to impress her. Crossing her arms, she nodded at the door. “I think you should leave.”
He cocked his head and let out a weak laugh. Surely she wasn’t so naïve as to think that she could force him out? “Now, Tessa—”
Her jaw set, and it was her turn to enunciate her words. “I. Think. You. Should. Leave.”
“You can’t be serious.” His eyes darted around, scrutinizing every feature of her face. She certainly seemed serious, but she wasn’t angry, she was— Glancing around her apartment, he finally fit the puzzle pieces together.
She had no plan.
This wasn’t a trap. She was just a scared girl with a famous mommy, who got a little reckless one night out. The only difference between her and anyone else in the club, was that killing her carried marginally more risk of retaliation. Not for the first time that night, he cursed his luck. Normally he was better at sifting out bad targets. But normally he wasn’t worried about seducing the children of internationally renowned hunters.
He slowly pulled back, uncaging her from her paneled wall. “Okay, okay,” he said, lifting his hands above his shoulders and trying his best to look non-threatening. “Okay, Tessa, I wouldn’t do this for everyone; I’ll do it for you. I’ll leave. But,” he paused, lowering his hands slowly back to his sides. “you have to come with me.”
She snorted incredulously. “Absolutely not.”
“Tessa, darling, I’m not asking.” She had been starting to relax, but her breath hitched at his words, and fear flooded back to her eyes. “Here is your choice. I can kill you on the spot, or you can come back to my place for a few days and we can figure things out.”
“You’re bluffing.” she said, her voice wavering.
“Now, I know these aren’t the options that you want to choose between. Believe me, they wouldn’t be my first pic—”
“You can’t hurt me; that’s a death wish. My mother would take revenge.”
“I told you, I didn’t come here tonight to talk about your mother,” he said sharply. “Besides, don’t you think I have a family too?”
He flashed a confident smile, a blatant lie. None of the regional clans would take him in. Lacks ambition, they said. A century and a half, and what has he to show for it? If she had been close with her mother, or even her uncles, if she had been keeping up with the Hunters’ chatter, she might have known that. But he could see immediately, the color draining from her face, that she did not have the faintest idea who he was.
“She’s dangerous. She would destroy all of you.”
He rolled his eyes. “You don’t need to lecture me about Hunter Caroline.” Then, calmly, slowly, he extended his hand. “My offer stands.”
Hunters would always tell grand underdog stories about the supernatural abilities of their prey, but the only true advantage of immortality is patience. He counted the seconds as they ticked by into minutes, the room completely still. Perhaps she was mentally checking off her options, perhaps she was simply stunned. But finally, slowly, she reached out toward his hand. At the last second she hesitated, shaking her head as if casting out some delirium.
“You have to tell me your name.”
He gently clasped her hand, bowing down to place a soft kiss on her wrist. “Samuel Burkhart, madame, at your service.”
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rurifangirl · 3 years
chile, could ya explain the magic system in yo oc world more? im kinda confused w how it works👁👄👁
Oh boy, here we go bitches.
So as an intro to this, I said bout last oc post in Qiran's part that their fam was full of mages n shit, but also some of em weren't, n since they do have magic istelf Imma do more parts (3 parts)
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First part- how does It all work (Humans/Mages)
First of all, not all of em have a connection with magic, for example Evelyn doesn't at all while Lyva does but only through a magical item so It doesn't really count.
Other then that, if you're born you can either be born with some kind of magic, or simply not. It all depends from your family's lineage, for example If you come from a family of mainly rougues it's hard to get some kind of magical power, while if your parents have both some kind of power or even if it's only one of em, it's more likely you'll end up with something really similar, or a mixture of the two. (In case both of your parents have magical powers of any sort.)
It also depends on where you're living, for example If you'd be born from a cold place it's unlikely ya'd have magma magic rather than snow magic.
Between humans/mages the system Is kinda the same, but that does change for Hybrids/Demi gods/anything that isn't born between the same species.
Between humans/mages it's more of how their ancestors managed to treat its powers, as some got even destroyed for not being worthy of its usage, so If anything at this point and time they're lucky about getting somethin.
Mages are far more cautious about It, having both a lot of hidden knowlege about spells or even origins of some types of magic, though that being the most "common" ones, (for example fire, water ect.), because it's not only them of course, there's far more variants and all are different from eachother.
They can also get stronger by the worshipping of certain gods, which I don't think I will really talk about, at least in this post. (And also because they're still a wip of mine)
But the gang until now really never relied on any of them, or at least Lyva/Rui n Naexi never really did, while the others absolutely did. This Is also why I will do another post as a sorta of a part 2.
Anyways back on topic, most people in all parts of my oc world aren't used to worshipping anymore, or at least a great part of It, mainly because of a loss of knowlege about anything about them.
It's kind of taboo even mentioning most gods names, as they fear something will go wrong if they would (*ahem*being suspicious n allarmin the cult*AHEM*). In fact it's hard to get on most religions because the only remains of It are extremely either hidden, or destroyed in the meanwhile.
I wanna say that another reason because the worshipping stopped Is also because of Rui's cult. Yes, remember that?
It's gonna be talked about on its own post, but let's just say that for them, it's a safe way to restrain anyone knowing far too much about how everything works.
They're the only ones owning most stuff about different coltures to avoid having them against their side,
If there's no worshippers, no knowlege, n more weak magic because people don't strengthen them, who's gonna go against em? (It'll turn out to be the shittiest idea they've ever had but that really did work for the longest time.)
Oh I think i forgot to mention this, but since magic goes lineage to lineage, It also weakenens as generations pass by, as THAT'S the reason they absolutely need those texts.
That's also the reason most humans struggle w keepin magic. Mages can manage, though it's a small portion, since sometimes not even what they've learned over generations works anymore.
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Second part- how does It all work (Hybrids/Demi gods n stuff)
Oh boy, so, I'm also gonna use Shou n Naexi a lot here, so bear w me. As I said earlier, it's different from em, since it's not about lineage at all.
Apart that the union between different species Is both a taboo n seen as something "ashaming",so even if they had a child It was more likely they'd Hide It or leave It behind. So it's already a really, god-awful situation for them.
The magic works kinda randomly, in the sense that since the hybrid's nature is seen as unstable to begin w, there's no real critere to handle how the child born Is gonna turn out to be.
Sometimes it's really hard to notice, having yeah some features but can be hidden really easly, but other times Is just, a real mess between the two species, n the magic Is also uncontrollable, especially during their first years of life.
For example, in Shou's case he used to really switch a lot between em, that being the reason he later on prefers not to switch, n havin to learn as soon as possible how to learn how his magic n form would work w It, having again a lot of preassure comin from people he knew.
This Is unfortunatly a really common situation between most hybrids. And there's also no choise.
If you as an hybrid can control magic w/o anything to rely on then you can live, while if you cannot do It, it's a matter of time before you'd get zoned out by everyone and everything.
This Is a big issue, other than having everything fucked by the cult but that's another story.
Aight now bout demi-gods, they're also really not seen well. Most of them prefer not to interact at all with anything that Is not godly related, and in fact, most of em even refused to adknowledge their mortal parent, since they all have resentment over the sudden disappereance of all belivers.
If anything Naexi Is a weird one at that, as they did have a suddent interest in humans and ungodly creatures, though still recognized about how cruel any of them could've been, especially she's a demi-god and has a bad reputation at that.
The magic system Is relatively simple, they just get a certain amount of power from their god parent and are actually pretty capable of controlling them in confront of Hybrids.
That mainly comes from a special connection w their god parent's power, so in theory they're sort of devoted to them.
I wanna expand this when I'll do the gods post n finnaly introduce some of em (And potentially Naexi's mother👀), so I'll not go beyond this atm.
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Third part- Magical items/weapons
Aight onto another important part, which Is basically how tf would that work. We have that comin from Qiran's sword n Lyva's earrings, so they'll also be later on disscussed bout.
Even though it's a tough and long procedure, you can transport some of your own magic onto somethin as ordinary as an hat or as sharp as a dagger.
This Is being mainly used in emergency situations, as that energy can eventually be re-used later on by its user.
The user can be changed as long as there's a deal between both parties, whether that being a gift, buying It, or anythin up to them really.
It can also be a great way to hide mage's power, since there are some parts where they arent exactly that respected, so they could blend in with normal humans.
In fact, Qiran does that continiously thanks to their sword, daggers and other lil weapons, and they keep a big part of It there, to seem rather a normal knight/adventurer rather than havin somethin supernatural goin on.
They have a great holdo it since their father did make them learn to fulfill their request to be freerly goin round.
With Lyva it's not really different, even if she kinda stole It n there wasn't really a deal at that moment, but before runnin away from everyone n everything she convinced her mother to give her something that she could use to defend herself, since they were never around and when they were, they would've kinda avoided her.
Oh, and to add this, you could also curse an item. It's a way to mainly punish since ,well, it's a curse,
and makes the user either completely obsessed with the object itself or makin them do somethin w/o any type of consent, whether physical or emotional.
In some cases It can also be a torture tool. Though, as some recent stuff happened, they're somewhat hard to find.
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If you still have somethin unclear lemme know cuz idk If I covered everythin or if somethin ain't clear enough😭
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sol1056 · 5 years
wuxia/xianxia: a loose and somewhat second-hand introduction to the genre, pt1
Sorry for the unconventional q, but i keep seeing Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation everywhere and I kinda want to get into it but a) don't know where to start (web series? live action adaptation?? wait how many are there!) and b) i don't really "get" wuxia / xianxia, that sorta stuff, i find it really hard to cross that cultural barrier and chinese mentality seems very alien. (it's not that i have no experience w different mentalities but chinese in particular is v hard to grasp w/o sources).
So if you have the time and patience, I'd love to hear a summary of it (like, a coherent summary bc all i get on the wikis is a shower of names and concepts that don't make sense to me) and perhaps some "intro for dummies" abt the relevant parts of chinese history and mentality tied to it? not just the cultivation / buddhist part but also re: familial relationships, philosophy and all that. (v brief and low effort of course) Thank you and sorry for bothering you!
("brief and low effort" referring to what I'm asking from you, not to what I need for me - as in i asked for it so i'm more than ready for a complicated essay, but you can write with as much detail as you like, I don't want to ask for some sort of comprehensive tome)
Okay first, you do realize that if you want “brief and low” for anything, you’re asking the wrong person? I was a philosophy major. brief got drilled out of me a long time ago. 
Second... well, explaining what makes The Untamed / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (mdzs for short, from the chinese title, Mo Dao Zu Shi) such a standout story does require understanding some of the wuxia conventions it subverts -- as well as some that it plays straight (so to speak) very, very well. 
I figure the best approach (again, sadly not brief) is to first get a handle on the genre of wuxia. Gonna break this post into two, so you’re not reading in a single three-hour stretch or something. I’ll do a follow-up about mdzs, to hopefully make it a bit more accessible for you. 
before I do that, let me first say: I didn’t grow up with this genre, so there’s going to be parts that I may miscast unintentionally. for an insider’s view, my go-to voices are @guzhuangheaven, @atthewaterside, @dramatic-gwynne, @the50-person and @drunkensword. if any of them are reading this and can point to more/other/better voices, please do.
I have three analogies -- like cultural doorways --  and like all analogies, they break down when you get into the finer details. In the broad strokes, though, they mostly work, and if nothing else, hopefully they’ll demonstrate that wuxia may be a chinese-specific version, but part of a storytelling tradition that’s nearly universal.
The three doorways are: the american wild west, the samurai era, and the british arthurian romances. And, in a tangential way, the regency period in the romance genre. 
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The term ‘wuxia’ can be translated several ways, but I prefer ‘martial chivalry’. Most wuxia takes place in the jianghu, a harder term to unpack. Generally, though, ‘the jianghu’ has connotations not all that different from what americans mean when they reference the wild west. 
More of a concept than a physical place, the jianghu (like the ‘wild’ west) exists beyond the reach of the law and/or civilization. It’s occupied by a diverse cast of farmers, merchants, beggars, and so on, but also by outlaws, gangs, hermits, pretty much all those who don’t like the suffocating nature of the civilized world, for whatever reason. It’s not a lawless place (except to outsiders); it does have laws, but those are only unto itself. 
So, jianghu is a world to itself, for the most part -- which also makes it kind of timeless. Tang dynasty, Song dynasty, Ming dynasty, it could be any of them and all of them and none of them. Just as the heyday of the cowboys and the cattle drives was barely a decade long, a culture’s romanticized history stretches into lifetimes that exist separate from any date you could pin down on a calendar. 
The average wuxia protagonist would fit in reasonably well as knight errants in an arthurian romance, with one important detail in difference: they’re rarely aristocrats. Wuxia protagonists are just as likely (if not more so) to be lower-born, whether the child of farmers, or servants, some common caste. 
This is where wuxia diverges from the british and japanese traditions, which have a bit more noblesse oblige going on (knights and samurai both being upper-class types). Even ‘aristocratic’ characters tend to be so only within the jianghu -- sort of like the way a territory’s elected leader in the wild west would’ve had no pull in Washington, given they weren’t from a fully-recognized state. 
Wuxia does often have politics, between competing sects (think schools of learning), but that political infighting is independent of the capital’s rules or wishes. A lot of stories -- in the rare cases the topic even comes up -- tends to speak of ‘the capital’ in disparaging terms. 
That’s not to say wuxia is all about the flat social systems (it’s definitely not), but most commonly a rank implies some level of competence/study. The title of sect leader isn’t granted, it's earned. Children inherit, but it’s also a common storyline to have an heir with no skills (who then goes through all the trials and tribulations to finally level up and earn that position in turn).
What makes wuxia hard to grasp is its vernacular: the conventions that form the backbone that make something recognizably ‘wuxia’ and not just ‘historical drama set on a frontier in a loosely-defined time period’. 
Frex: in a Wild West story, convention is two gunfighters at opposite ends of the street, and at least one of them is wearing a holster tied to his leg with string in a way that no real gunfighter wore, ever, but Hollywood came up with the idea and now it’s a permanent part of our imagination. In the arthurian romances,  convention is carrying the token of one’s lady love (a distant, untouchable figure who rarely appears on-page), or meeting the unnamed knight in black on the jousting field. Convention are the samurai who’ll die for their lord’s honor, always touchy and prickly at the first sign of disrespect. 
These are things granted the most remarkable gravity, that to an outsider might seem ridiculous. (Why is there always tumbleweed?) 
Now, wuxia is the latest evolution in a long-lived literary tradition (and by ‘long’ I mean like 2000+ years) -- but like any living tradition, each subsequent generation reinvents it for their time. Part of that reinvention comes from particularly influential writers, who put their own spin on things, and their interpretation becomes the next generation’s standard for the genre -- “of course wuxia must have X” or “a protagonist never does Y”. (Like how Tolkien almost single-handedly changed western concepts of elves, in fiction.)
And here’s where I explain what regency romance has to do with it. Another short-lived period, in real history, but along came Georgette Heyer, who took bits and pieces of actual research, blended them with her reactionary politics, exaggerating some things and ignoring other things completely. The result is a time-that-never-was, but she cast (and still casts) a shadow so vast that I’ve seen multiple romance writers complain that readers will see a footnoted-and-researched version as wrong, if it contradicts one of Heyer’s made-up conventions. 
Modern wuxia has its own Heyer-sized influencers -- like Jin Yong (the Condor trilogy, Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils), Wen Rui'an (The Four), Gu Long (The Legend of Flying Daggers, The Proud Twins), to name a few of the biggest. If you have a chance or are inclined, the big names get remade on a pretty regular basis, and catching one will at least let you see some ur-tropes in action. 
But it also means that you can’t really extrapolate, in the sense of saying, “in wuxia, people do X, ergo, X is also a factor in Chinese culture.” It’s like... take any western made in the 50s, and the vernacular is simple. The bad guys wear black hats, the good guys wear white hats, the prostitutes wear bright-colored dresses with frills and the good women wear subdued colors buttoned up to their neck. It told an audience exactly what character filled what role, but that’d tell you zero about real people you might meet in Nebraska or Utah, let alone New York City. 
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Almost forgot: xianxia is basically wuxia but with ‘immortal heroes’ -- so there’s gods, divine influences, non-human beings as characters (main or NPC), etc. (Btw, by ‘immortal’ I mean exactly that, like this character is six hundred years old, that one’s a thousand years old, etc.) You can think of xianxia as wuxia, but amped way up on the mystical scale. 
Xianxia will sometimes take place on earth (jianghu) but sometimes in the celestial realm (heaven). Or a mix of both, like stories where a character falls (or is banished, or defects) from heaven and has to go through various trials and tribulations as a mortal human in order to regain a power, rise in rank, fall in love, or whatever their goal is. 
A number of wuxia stories are driven by some sort of mcguffin, but in xianxia, the mcguffin is more likely to be a powerful spiritual weapon. But I can also think of a number of wuxia in which the mcguffin would fit right in, in xianxia (some near-mystical thing with significant positive, or negative, power independent of the wielder, which often amplifies or boosts the wielder to an inhuman degree, etc). 
Thing is, the mcguffin being divine/infernal supernatural isn’t enough alone to make the story xianxia. I’m pretty sure you need non-human or super-human immortals and/or creatures to be considered in the xianxia genre. 
part two
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spartanguard · 4 years
even death won’t part us now (4/?)
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Summary: Two covens, both alike in dignity, / In fair New York, where we lay our scene, / From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, / Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; / Whole misadventured piteous overthrows / Do with their death bury their sires’ strife. (Captain Swan + West Side Story + vampires. But not as sad. Probably.)
rated M | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | AO3 | 5.8k words
A/N: Happy Labor Day, friends! (If you’re in a place that celebrates it) (if not, then Happy Monday!) It took me a bit to figure out where this chapter would end and the next one would start but I finally got it, so here we are! This chapter is a bit more lore/world-building than CS, but it features Zelena and Belle, who are a lot of fun to write. Hope you enjoy it! Eternal thanks, as always, to @optomisticgirl​​​ for being an awesome beta; to @thesschesthair​​​ for her amazing art (THIS ONE IS SO COOL OMG); and to @kmomof4​​​ and @cssns​​​ for putting this event on and pushing me to continue this story!
have some OBC—and check out that sweet late ‘50s choreography!
part four: you got some high times ahead
Perhaps if Killian was less of a romantic, less dramatically inclined, he would have remembered the best way to get to Granny’s without being noticed by David would have been to stay on the rooftops. As it was, he had to sprint several blocks in the other direction after bidding Emma adieu to ensure her father didn’t catch him in the neighborhood when he hardly had a reason to be there.
Who knew that, at 270, he’d be sneaking out of his girlfriend’s place to avoid her parents? He hadn’t even done that at 27. (Also, who thought that, at 270, he’d actually be using the term ‘girlfriend’? Was it too soon for that? Was it immature? Did he care? No.)
But, thanks to his superior age and therefore speed, it was no challenge to detour all the way to Hudson Yard and take in a bit of sea air before heading back into the city, eventually hopping across apartment buildings to better avoid being seen, and landing gracefully in Granny’s back alley. He was late, but he didn’t have it in him to care much.
He didn’t want to let his friends down, though, so he didn’t hesitate to slip in through the rear door of the diner. Frankly, that entrance got just as much use as the one on the street did; not only was Granny’s a neutral site as far as vampire gang warfare went, it was something of a liminal space in the middle of the rush of the city: how many 24-hour diners catered to the tastes of all manner of nonhumans? Fae conducted business here on the regular, Bigfoot was known to make the occasional appearance when he was down from the Adirondacks, and the owner herself was a werewolf.
The woman in question gave him an appropriately feral grin as he entered the dining room; normally, he’d take the time to flirt, but the meeting had clearly started without him. Robin and David were seated on opposite sides of a small table, with their teammates around them—Henry and Will, another younger vampire (well, comparatively) were with Robin, and David was backed by that Graham guy, Jefferson the weird milliner, and Zelena, who he knew was close with Cora (and had been plain annoying as far back as he could remember).
“Switchblades?” Robin said; they’d clearly made some decisions without him. That might make it a bit harder for Killian to quash this.
“No; swords?” David countered.
“Icicles of holy water,” Killian interjected into their back and forth, somehow making them jump. “Sharpened stems of garlic. How many cliches can we hit on here?”
Robin looked appropriately chastised, but David just glared.
“What did I miss?” he asked Robin, but David answered for him.
“Rumble, tomorrow, same time as now. Under the highway. Winner gets control of territory between 42nd and 43rd. We were just deciding weapons.”
“Are you all mad?” he blurted out. “That’s a fine way to draw the attention of half the NYPD and blow the entire supernatural world’s cover. You may as well take out a billboard in Times Square.”
The ensuing silence told him they knew he was right. But he could tell tensions were too high for him to convince them to call it off entirely; he could at the very least minimize the potential damage. 
“Back in my day,” he started, immediately ignoring the huff of frustration from Will, who had been subjected to any number of such stories in the past 30 years, “we settled these disputes one-on-one. A duel, if you would. I see no reason why such a tradition has to die.”
Again, he was met with silence; he took the lack of protest as agreement.
“One on one,” he continued. “The most evenly matched from both sides fight it out until blood is drawn. No weapons, no teeth.”
Jefferson looked incensed at the idea, and he could tell Will was angrily shifting behind him. If they wanted to duke it out, they could do that on their own; Killian’s days of fighting were well behind him and the sooner this was over, the better.
“I can agree to that,” David eventually said.
“Aye,” Robin replied, and they shook on it.
Graham stepped from behind David and pointed at Killian. “I’m going to enjoy drawing your blood, mate,” he threatened.
Emma hadn’t mentioned it, but he’d gotten the impression that Graham was the preferred suitor. But frankly, he found him irritating. “Oh? Are you 250 years old?”
“No; 160,” he answered, slightly deflated (which gave Killian a tiny, immature thrill).
“Then I believe you’re perfectly matched with Robin here; he’s 168.” He slapped Robin on the shoulder for emphasis.
Robin stood and inserted his hand between Killian and Graham. “Looking forward to it,” he bit out.
Slightly bewildered, Graham accepted Robin’s hand, but was still glaring at Killian. 
They verified the details, gave it one last shake, and then Coroza was quick to leave. Which was just as well; Killian didn’t need any daggers, real or metaphorical, shooting in his back while he was drinking.
The four of them congregated at the counter and were promptly greeted by Granny. “That smelled like trouble,” the old wolf stated plainly, but leveled a too-sharp eye on all of them. “Should I be worried?”
“Your establishment is perfectly safe, milady,” Robin assured her. “You know we’d never dare risk the loss of your hospitality.” Though the mortals were somehow unaware of the fact, she’d been running some sort of eating establishment in the same spot as far back as Killian could remember, though back then it was a public house and she was merely the Young Mrs. Lucas (the title of ‘Granny’ didn’t come for another century). Not only was it neutral ground, but it was too beloved for any one group to let it fall into any crosshairs.
“Damn straight,” she grumbled back, then got their drink orders ready.
Henry and Will quickly fell into conversation, so Killian turned to Robin. “Why wasn’t Regina here?” He’d fully expected it, given that she’d been part of this for...well, ever.
“She decided to sit this one out. Figured it didn’t make for good negotiation if Nolan was involved.”
“Good call.” But then a pang went through his unbeating heart at the recollection of what Emma had been telling him—about why she grew up an orphan, and who was to blame. He’d known Regina quite well by that point in time, and had no idea why she’d attack a couple like that—especially all the way in Maine. It didn’t add up.
But then, how much of this petty rivalry did?
Robin went on, not noticing Killian’s discomfort. “Aye, especially with Zelena there. You know how they are.” The rivalry seemed especially bitter between those two for reasons that Killian had yet to glean. 
Granny gracefully distributed their drinks in a feat of dexterity that was obviously superhuman, and they clinked a toast—though if Killian’s was less than enthusiastic, the others didn’t notice.
They continued to chat about whatever—the Yankees, the Mets, Liverpool FC (three of the four of them were Brits, after all, even if two of them predated the club), construction at Hudson Yard—until Killian noticed that Henry had given up trying to down the god-awful blood-spiked beer Will had foisted on him (the man had been a punk in the ‘80s when he was turned and never quite grew out of some tastes), and was instead staring longingly at another patron’s burger. Killian hadn’t had a chance to assess just how recently Henry had been turned, but that confirmed it was a very new thing; it took surprisingly little time to forget a taste for mortal delicacy.
He leaned over and whispered to Henry, “If you ask nice, Granny will make one extra rare for you.” Henry jumped again, clearly still getting used to his new senses, but perked up at the idea. 
“So fresh, you can still hear it moo,” the old wolf commented from behind the counter. The hungry grin that accompanied it would probably be unsettling to most, but Killian had known her far too long to see anything but good humor (and more than a smidge of flirtation) in it. 
“Ah, a quiet meal,” he quipped back. “Most of mine tend to be rather...talkative.” The group shared a chuckle; perhaps that joke was a bit dark, but when you could only go out at night, that tended to happen.
Unfortunately for Henry, he didn’t get a chance to try the meal before Will was dragging him out (something about videogames, apparently; that was one trend Killian had never much caught onto). Robin followed shortly, heading for for Regina’s, leaving Killian alone at the counter with Granny.
“You know that battle’s not gonna be the end of it, right?” she said as she placed another shot of bloodrum in front of him and poured one of her own.
“Aye, but it can’t hurt to try.”
“No, I suppose it can’t.” She held her glass up to him; he clinked his against it and they downed the shots together. But she continued after they swallowed. “You do know about the prophecy, though, right?”
He looked up in surprise. “The what?”
“I don’t know the details, but I’ve heard it’s the only way to settle things once and for all. If you really want to end this rivalry, you’re gonna have to go to the top.”
He wanted to ask more, but she wouldn’t go into further detail, instead going to serve a pixie at the other end of the bar. He racked his brain; he couldn’t recall ever hearing anything about a prophecy, and few had been around as long as he had. Hmm; perhaps he had a visit to make later. 
But first: Granny had left the bottle of rum on the counter, and he needed a few more shots before he could truly unwind from what had been a tumultuous night. 
Before he did that, however, he did dig out his phone to call Gold and appraise him of the situation. Honestly, it probably wouldn’t mean much to the man—given that neither he nor Cora were involved, it might not even be official—but still, he should know.
To Killian’s surprise, he took the news in stride. “Fair’s fair; if that’s what everyone agrees on, I’m fine with that, and I’m sure Cora will hold up her end of it, too.” Killian was less convinced of that but if Gold was, he wouldn’t argue. “Extend my best wishes to Mr. Locksley, will you?”
“Of course, sir.”
“Is there anything else?”
“Actually…” It was probably stupid, but Killian needed to know. “Sir, are you aware of a prophecy?”
The other end of the line was so silent, he feared they’d been disconnected, until Gold’s voice returned with a hard edge in it. “Where did you hear that?”
“Just a rumor,” Killian lied; it was easy to over phone. “I’ve only heard of its existence, but not what it’s about. Do you—”
Gold cut him off. “Whether or not a prophecy exists is of no concern of yours. Just make sure Locksley wins that fight.” And then the line truly went dead.
Killian stared at his phone in confusion for a moment; just what had that been? Gold didn’t just sound angry; he almost sounded scared.
Which meant that whatever was in that prophecy, it was important—and if Killian wanted to put an end to all this, and ensure he and Emma had a chance at a life together, he needed to find out what.
Emma had just gotten out of a (rather long) shower when her dad and the crew arrived back at their place. Not that their townhouse was any sort of official Coroza hangout; the Nolans were just the most hospitable—something to do with David growing up on a Midwestern farm—and always keen to invite people over.
Either the meeting hadn’t been that long, or she’d been bathing for a while—both were likely, because she’d taken her time in making sure Killian’s scent was washed off of her. It’d be noticeable, especially if they’d just been in his presence. 
Right after she’d gotten out, before she’d even gotten dressed, she had gone to text him to ask how things went—until she realized she still didn’t have his phone number. Dammit. But the voices she could easily hear in the lower level of the house would tell her everything.
She was a little surprised to see that Jefferson had joined them; he was something of a loner, even though he’d been around for a couple hundred years and was reasonably close to Cora. 
Closer still to Cora, though, was Zelena, who was sipping a glass of bloodwine off to the side of where the guys were gathered on the sofa in the living room. She always seemed to pop up out of nowhere; honestly, it would creep Emma out if she didn’t know that she was one of the oldest vampires in town.
“Emma! There you are.” Emma jumped at the frantic way Snow blurted the greeting, and had to rely on her superhuman reflexes to grab the wine glass that was shoved at her (honestly, if she’d been able to react at even a fraction of this speed when she was alive, maybe she’d have lived up to her last name). “It’s drinking time.”
“Did the meeting go that bad?” she asked, watching as her mom took a long drag from her own glass.
“Actually, it was rather refreshing,” Zelena said drily. “Historically, at least one person ends up dead in these sorts of things. And I really didn’t feel like washing blood from this blouse tonight.”
Snow just took another long, panicked drink. Zelena was never known for her tact (although Emma did have to agree that her green v-neck was gorgeous).
“So what did happen?” Emma had never been that great an actor, so hopefully her feigned indifference was convincing.
Zelena caught her up on the plan—a one-on-one fight rather than an all-out brawl. It was still more than Emma would have liked but certainly not as bad as it could have been. 
“It was headed that way,” Zelena responded to her comment, “except for Jones apparently being the only one with any brain cells still alive in Aurum.”
“Jones?” she blurted, unable to hold back at mention of Killian. Shit.
But thankfully, they read it as confusion; being one of the youngest vampires in the coven had its perks. “He’s the one you were dancing with,” Snow murmured.
“Oh,” she said, pretending to be ignorant (and that she didn’t know what his kiss tasted like).
“It was his idea for single combat. Makes me wish we had a soldier on our side—or just, you know, anyone with any sort of battle strategy. Humbert here was ready to tear his head off at the suggestion, even though it was a good one.”
“Are they the ones fighting?” Emma had to ask; it was the one time she’d let her mom think she was showing concern for Graham.
“Humbert is, but he’s facing...oh, what’s his name—Robert? Robbie? Something like that.”
It took effort not to look too relieved, so she hid her reaction in her drink. 
“I’m just glad it’s not David,” Snow said, having emptied her glass. 
“Then why are you drinking so much?” Zelena sneered.
“Because this was my night to get drunk! Aurum can’t take that from me.” And without another word, Snow disappeared back to the kitchen; Emma was pretty sure she heard the liquor cabinet open, where she was pretty sure a bottle of sanguiria was hiding.
Which left a slightly awkward silence over Emma and Zelena while the boys continued to lecture Graham on fighting (what good would that even do at this point? How had he not made it a century and half without knowing these things?) She rolled her eyes at them. “At least this’ll be the end of it, right?”
“We’ll see,” Zelena answered and took another sip. “I don’t see how something dating back 400 years will be settled by two assholes in a parking lot, but they can certainly try.”
“This rivalry seriously goes back that far?” She’d been told vague stories of the bad blood between the covens, but they all started with cliches like “many moons ago” and “once upon a time.”
“Ugh, I swear—we need to make this part of new vampire orientation or something,” Zelena complained. “Cora and Gold used to be lovers; he’s the one who turned her.”
“Holy shit.” Emma had not seen that coming. She’d have believed it if one of them had killed the other’s family or something—and Killian’s story wasn’t far from her mind—but actually lovers? “They must have had the worst breakup ever, then.”
“Something like that,” Zelena confirmed. “Gold—or Rumplestiltskin, as he was known back then—” (which was a revelation all on its own—) “meddled with Cora’s family in a way that was unforgivable. He took one of her daughters.” 
“Cora had daughters?” God, how many bomb revelations were going to be dropped on her tonight? (And was separating kids from their parents just an Aurum thing or what?)
“Two. And you’re talking to one of them.”
Emma’s dropped jaw had to suffice as a reply to that. Hopefully, her mom had saved her some sanguiria. “Wait—so he...did he...you…?”
“Did he turn me? No; I practically begged Mum to once I got of age. But Gold stole my sister and that caused the rift, among other things. So I really don’t see this little kerfuffle solving anything.”
There wasn’t much to say to that other than hum in agreement; no wonder things got so heated. Emma still thought it was silly, but having a frame of reference helped. She didn’t know if that made her predicament easier to deal with or harder, though.
“And it’s too bad, really,” Zelena continued. “I’d love to see my sister again, and then you could be with Killian.”
For the first time in 15 years, Emma choked on blood. “Um, what?”
“Darling, I’m 383 years old; you’re probably safe from anyone else here noticing, but I can still smell him all over you; he positively reeked earlier. And I hardly blame you. Frankly, you two might be our only hope.” Emma really wanted to ask what that meant, but was too busy mentally panicking and praying no one else heard this exchange. “Don’t worry; your secret’s safe with me,” Zelena promised, handing Emma her now-empty glass. “Just don’t be an idiot about it, alright?”
“All—alright,” Emma stammered.
“Good. Well, I’m off,” she said casually—and much louder; Emma hadn’t even realized they’d been whispering. “Good luck tomorrow, everyone,” she called as she headed for the door, but her eyes were locked with Emma’s before she made her exit.
Quickly, Emma finished her wine—just in time for Snow to refill it (with some claret; honestly, she didn’t care what it was as long as it had blood and alcohol. She would have settled for finding a drunk frat boy outside a party if that was what it took). That was...a lot to unpack in one night, and she had never been very good at that—side effect of being a foster kid. 
She wondered how much of it Killian knew; he had to know at least some of it, right? And what had Zelena been talking about—how were they the “only hope”? (What was this, Star Wars?) She didn’t want to be any sort of savior; she just wanted to jump her vampire boyfriend’s bones without causing a gang war. And, you know, the happily ever after stuff her mom was always talking about.
The two of them wordlessly continued to share the bottle of booze and stare out the window as the sun’s early rays started to brighten the buildings across the street. At some point, Jefferson and Graham had left, which helped Emma relax but didn’t remove the tension.
Outside, the moon was starting its morning fade; she’d be counting the hours until it made its evening appearance—‘til she could see Killian again.
Killian only just made it into the library before the full sun was shining on the entrance. He’d have to steal an umbrella or something when he left, but with any luck, it would rain like it was supposed to this afternoon and he’d be fine. 
He loved the library—the scent of ink on paper, the quiet hush of knowledge being shared, the occasional squeal of joy—but all was quiet and still at this early hour, especially since they weren’t technically open. (But he knew which door was usually unlocked, and if he didn’t show up on any security camera, then what was the harm?)
He would have loved to linger in the stacks, and might yet later, but he was on a mission, and instead made a beeline for the rare book collection and archives—the one place without windows, where a vampire could actually work in peace.
He made little noise as he pressed the heavy door open and stepped inside the musty room. It was pristine—not even a dust mote swirling in the lights.
“Unless you’ve somehow managed to make an everything bagel with blood, we’re not open,” the petite librarian called out from somewhere in the recesses of the space. Of course she heard him.
“I was never much of a baker, love,” he replied. “But how about some bloody earl grey?”
He’d only just moved his arm to the side, ensuring the safety of said tea, when a small but solid form was wrapped around him tightly. A few seconds later, it was slapping his chest.
“Killian Jones, you fils de pute! You didn’t tell me you were coming back!” Belle chastised, even though she was grinning.
“What, and ruin the surprise?”
She rolled her eyes, but chuckled. “Merde, but it’s good to see you,” she said, pressing up the few inches her heels didn’t cover to press a kiss to his cheek. “And you, too,” she added, but this time directed towards the tea. There was exactly one Starbucks in the city that catered specifically to vampires, just a couple blocks from here; hopefully, corporate never investigated the contents of the extra “red syrup” the undead staff kept stocked, though considering neither the location nor staff had changed in at least 15 years, they were likely in the clear.
“Why do I get the impression this is more than just a social call?” 
She knew him too well; he supposed that was to be expected after 150 years. “Perhaps I just came here to help one of my best friends; had you considered that, eh? What are you up to today?”
“Digitizing, as always, and I think there’s an appointment later to see some old Broadway posters. And whatever it is that’s brought you here, obviously.”
“You wound me.”
She glared at him as she took a sip from her cup—surprisingly menacing for one so seemingly docile, but it was also hard to believe that the dainty woman before him was a 200-some-year-old creature of the night. (Though it certainly took that amount of practice to run around a library in platform heels the way she did.) “Just what are you up to, Captain?”
He took his own drag of tea as he studied the aging leather spines in a glass-locked cabinet on the closest shelf, noting that the two of them were both likely older than the tomes, and yet showed no such signs of wear and tear. “It’s not anything hugely important, just a bit of gossip I heard, but figured you would be the one to confirm or deny it.”
“And what’s that?”
“With this whole ageless coven war, have you ever heard of any sort of...prophecy?”
He turned his head to look at her; were it not for the way she licked the tea off her lips, he’d think she was a statue. “Where did you hear that?” she finally murmured.
“Granny.” He couldn’t lie, and Belle wouldn’t judge.
“Yeah, she’d pick up something like that,” Belle had to admit. “Sharp old wolf.”
“So it’s real?”
Belle nodded. “It is, but no one’s said anything about it in...gosh, at least a hundred years. It goes back ages, though; I believe to the start of all this.”
“Does it say anything about how to end it?”
She sighed. “Yeah, it does. But let me finish my tea first.”
He truly had come to see her—not just for information; they’d first crossed paths sometime during the 1860s in Australia and been fast friends ever since. Killian couldn’t even remember what Gold had sent him there for, but Belle had come back to New York with him on one of his trips and stayed in the city ever since. She was originally from France, but after being turned (and losing her family) during the Reign of Terror, she fled the continent for England and hopped on the first ship out of Europe—to a penal colony on the other side of the world. Thus her odd combination of French curses and Australian accent. (Though after long enough, most vampires developed hard-to-place accents on account of their nomadicity; his likely only identified him as British due to his recent time spent there. And it hardly mattered in New York.)
She caught him up on anything he’d missed in the last decade that Robin hadn’t already, but didn’t betray the one thing he’d been hoping she’d mention: whether or not she was currently with Gold. He kind of hated how well they’d hit it off when he introduced them, but in the intervening decades, he’d lost count of how many times they’d broken up, made up, married, divorced, or just been “on a break” (it wasn’t a stretch to say they were a real-life Ross and Rachel; her apartment even had a purple door). They were freshly divorced when he’d left, but that didn’t mean much.
While she was taking a last, long dreg of tea, he had to ask. “And how are things with Gold?”
Suddenly, the cup was flattened and thrown with some precision to the trash bin near the door.
“Excellent, I take it?”
“More like completely done. Forever.”
He’d heard that before, but wasn’t about to contradict her. “What now?”
“Believe it or not, that’s one thing you haven’t missed—we haven’t gotten back together since you left.”
That had to be a record. However, he sensed that wasn’t all. “But?”
“But he’s tried on numerous occasions,” she sighed. “I’ve had enough, though; the shady dealings, his weird hangup over Cora, acting like king of his own empire. I’m not just another one of his playthings for him to control—oh, sorry.”
It wasn’t unusual for Belle to forget who she was talking to while ranting; however, “I’m not going to refute any of that, you know.”
“I know, just—I know you don’t have a choice.”
“Few have one.”
“Well, someone might—which brings us to the prophecy.” 
She started off for the back of the room, where the oldest books were kept; he had to jump to keep up with her (not like it was hard, though).
“Have you ever heard the legend of the Dark One?” she asked as she grabbed an ancient-looking set of keys and knelt in front of an even older-looking case.
“It sounds familiar,” he replied, though he couldn’t pinpoint anything solid about it—just a name, almost a fairy tale, that had popped up over the years. 
She pulled from the case what looked like a journal in a very fragile state and quickly moved it to an exam table (or whatever it was called—he didn’t spend that much time back here). “According to all the tales I’ve heard, the Dark One is the most powerful dark sorcerer in the world. Not only are they immortal, they lay claim to their power by murdering their predecessor. The story goes back centuries, and continues today.” As she told this, she carefully flipped through the pages of the book, which was written in an old language Killian only vaguely recognized. 
“So you mean to tell me the Dark One is alive and kicking, even now?”
“Well, alive is a loose term. Also, he’s here in the city—and he’s your boss.” She stopped on a page near the center, and despite the aged parchment, the drawing on it bore more than a passing resemblance to Gold. “Not only has he held the title the longest, he was also the first vampire to lay claim to it. His existence is...I hate to say unprecedented, given how long he’s been around, but it’s definitely unique.”
How had he been unaware of this? True, there had always been something sinister about Gold that Killian hadn’t been able to put a finger on, but he just assumed it was because the man was an utter conniving bastard and had centuries to perfect being so. Not that he was also in possession of the darkest magic known to man. Few had any extra sort of magic—Cora was the only other one he knew of, and she wasn’t shy about it. Gold, apparently, was, though.
“How on earth did you find that out?”
“Well, he told me.”
Yeah, something like that would probably come up in pillow talk over the course of 150 years. “And he, what, gave you his notebook of devious schemes?” Killian asked, nodding at the book.
Belle snorted. “Not quite. I tracked this down myself about a hundred years ago.”
“So he doesn’t know about it?”
“Nope,” she confirmed, rather satisfied. “At least, he doesn’t know I have it. It was after our first divorce. See, he’s also spent plenty of time trying to hold onto that power and I, in my ire, decided to see if there was a way for him to lose it. Turns out, there is.”
She carefully flipped another few pages to one with just a few lines of text, in an older English, but easy enough for Killian to read:
Only one without creator live Can destroy the dark and survive. At truest love’s closing hour Will they eliminate the power
“And what exactly does that mean?” he wondered; he’d never encountered prophecies in the real world, but Harry Potter certainly seemed to have nailed their ambiguity.
“In simple terms, that only an orphan—someone without living parents—can kill him and end the line of Dark Ones. He did some awful things to orphanages years ago.” Belle shivered, and it had nothing to do with the cool temperature. “But ‘creator’ is a bit nebulous, especially with our kind,” she went on. “For us, it could also mean someone without a living sire. He’s also been known to target those.”
“Aye,” and it was Killian’s turn to shudder; he certainly had that kind of blood on his hands, although he’d usually been given a reason when taking out a hit on Gold’s orders. It was generally hard for anyone to get away from their sire—you couldn’t exactly kill someone when they had the ability to simply tell you to stop. The Nolans were an exception (one he still wanted to talk to Regina about); in fact, the only one he really knew of was… “Emma,” he breathed.
“Emma? Is that the girl whose scent is all over you?” Belle teased.
“Yeah, it is,” he told her, a bit sheepishly, but he had no time to stammer. “She doesn’t have a sire; she killed hers right after he turned her.”
“Impressive. I already approve of her.” Not that he needed Belle’s approval, but other than Robin, she was the closest thing he had to family—and that felt good.
“Even if she’s with Corona?”
“You know I don’t bloody care. Hell, I might like her more, then.”
That made him chuckle, but he needed to know more about the subject at hand. “What’s the rest of it mean, then?”
“Honestly, anything. ‘Closing hour’ is up for even more interpretation—could mean marriage, could mean death.”
“But we’re already dead.”
“I know. So I’ve no real clue. But I can spend some time on it, if you think she’s part of this.”
“It’s worth a shot; whatever it takes to end this feud.” Which gave him another, almost terrifying thought: “Does Cora know this?”
“That I don’t know. But I got the distinct impression it was part of why he turned her.”
“So she couldn’t kill him?”
“I think so. She was after power, whatever she could get; I think that’s why they got together in the first place. She was still mortal, then, and something of a witch, which...you’re already aware of. Turning her was always part of the plan, I gathered, but I think he moved up the timeline on it when he found out about the prophecy.”
“If she did find out, I can see why that might cause a legendary rift.” It would explain a lot of things, really.
“Precisely. And given my own dealings with the man, it’s easy to see why that went south.”
“At least you were already immortal,” he said knowingly.
“True,” she agreed, patting his hand. 
“What about you? Where’s your sire nowadays?”
“No clue. I saw her my last time in Paris but that was 50 years ago. And trust me—if I could kill him, I would have by now.”
They shared a laugh, but Killian was more laughing at the idea that she’d be willing to off him; despite her rage, he knew she still loved him, deep down, even if she didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore.
She put the book away as methodically as she’d taken it out, locked the case, and glanced at the clock. “Well, I’d love to hear more about this Emma, but I suppose it’ll have to wait for another day; my appointment is in 20 minutes and I haven’t pulled anything yet. But maybe we can get some tea again in a couple days?”
“Sounds perfect, my dear—and thank you for your assistance.”
“My pleasure; hope it helps.”
“Anything does at this point.” He gave her a parting peck on the cheek and began to walk away, hoping it was still early enough he could stick to the shadows of the skyscrapers just fine, but then she called out again.
“Oh, and tell Will to call me, would you?”
He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her; surely she was joking. “Will? That wanker? Why?”
She shrugged. “I guess that’s one of the things I didn’t tell you from the last 15 years.”
thanks for reading, friends! let me know if you want/don’t want a tag! @kat2609​​​ @xpumpkindumplingx​​​ @shipsxahoy​​​ @amortentia-on-the-rocks​​​ @mryddinwilt​​​ @cocohook38​​​ @annytecture​​​ @shireness-says​​​ @ohmightydevviepuu​​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​​ @wingedlioness​​​ @word-bug​​​ @distant-rose​​​ @wellhellotragic​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​ @let-it-raines​​​ @pirateherokillian​​​ @bleebug​​​ @its-imperator-furiosa​​​ @fergus80​​​ @killianmesmalls​​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​ @ineffablecolors​​​ @laschatzi​​​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate​​​ @nfbagelperson​​​ @stubblesandwich​​​​ @lenfaz​​​ @phiralovesloki​​​ @athenascarlet​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​ @snowbellewells​​​ @idristardis​​​ @scientificapricot​​​ @searchingwardrobes​​​ @donteattheappleshook​​​ @lfh1226-linda​
39 notes · View notes
The Secrets We Keep: Prologue
Pairing: Laxus Dreyar & Mirajane Strauss (Miraxus) Rating: M for violence and language. Genre: Angst, mafia AU. Chapter Word Count: 1437. Link(s): AO3  Summary:
Laxus Revenge. It fuelled him through his depraved life. His entire being, dedicated to one single cause. For years, he acted patiently in the shadows, bidding his time to claim his prey. Now the time had finally arrived. Approach her, make her utterly in love with him, then shatter her – that was his plan. Until her hypnotising blue eyes drew him in, and he began to question his knowledge of her. Because those bittersweet depths were hiding something. And in his world, only two things were guaranteed. Either you kill your secrets, or they kill you.   Mira Death, lies, manipulation. They lurked around every corner of her life, even flowed in the very blood coursing through her veins. Merely the mention of her last name was enough to cause eyes to widen and people to scurry. Naïve, pretentious, entitled. Those were just some of the names people called her for choosing to be different. But life was short. And in the dangerous world she lived in, everyone was a player racing to oust the other before the opponent terminated their life. Her own game had just commenced. Only this time, she wasn’t sure she could outwit them. Not anymore. Tick tock.
Author's Notes: The newly-crowned Queen of Foreshadowing is back! I bring with me my favourite ever FT ship after a long spell in my first ever ambitious multi-chapter fanfic! I'm also excited for this one as it revolves around a couple favourite themes of mine: angst, mafia and revenge. I binge romance novels on the second, but never actually wrote it. Please look kindly upon me in my first attempt at this project. (Or like signing for my death, currently being piled with exams and all that.)
Also that summary?? The best I've ever written.
As always, I appreciate every like and review!
Thank you @be-dazzled for nudging me to pursue this and @sweetmemories2606 for supporting me every step of the way. 💛
Tagging @sassyglassesbunny @adramaticbeauty - my original Miraxus gang. 😏
Slow but steady update. Spoilers will be released on the Miraxus Discord Server (find link on my tumblr profile) when available. Otherwise, feel free to message me!
The adjective sneered from the forefront of his mind as he watched the models strutting down the white platform. Heavy makeup accentuated the elegant features of the slender women of all colours, making their cheekbones more defined and their eyes sharper than their original form. Eyeshadows of glittery monochrome shades further decorated their eyes to match their black and white designer clothes.
A smug, seductive look adorned their otherwise beautiful face, tugging an end of their luscious lips upward in a smirk. With their chins held high, they strode down the runaway, every single movement of their limbs expertly coordinated for nothing less than the best catwalk.
Anyone with a functioning pair of eyes could see that those women were gorgeous. His own roamed over the alternating models with slight interest, toying with the idea of tangling limbs with one of them in bed.
The thought didn’t last long.
That beauty of theirs which sent men to their knees and the women to turn green with envy? Most of it were carefully altered with the help of a needle or a knife in their futile quest for an image of perfection.
An image which had never existed anywhere in the universe except in the recesses of their insecurities.
In other words: fake.
Add in the charming attitude of a heaven-sent goddess who was too lofty for mere mortals, and any spark of lust his body felt toward them fizzled out.
Soft cheers erupted from the audience at the entrance of the next model, pulling him from his thoughts. His gaze travelled up the length of the woman’s black gown, appreciating how the sleeveless garment hugged her body and highlighted her curves. A strip of white cloth ran up her left side before its unblemished trail stopped below her armpit. Light blonde tendrils stood out against the black material at her torso, and led him up to the only medically untouched face in the line-up.
With delicate eyebrows of a darker shade of blonde, sparkling cerulean eyes and a button nose, her looks easily exceeded that of her colleagues. And those luscious, scarlet-covered lips...all they had to do was utter a word, and any men would bend a knee and do her bidding.
Mirajane Strauss.
Niece of the notorious Roman Strauss. Next in line to the throne with his only son, Marcus.
The beauty she radiated was unrivalled. Along with her good looks, the charisma she carried set a standard the other women could only aspire to possess.
She was a sight to behold.
But just like all things good and beautiful, inevitably, they wither and die.
Her attractive appearance, too, hid secrets – hers more twisted than her fellow co-workers. He found it unfortunate that underneath that stunning façade, ran the dark and dirty blood of the Strauss family.
Specifically, that of her father’s and her uncle.
Giovanni Strauss, her father, was infamous for being a merciless boss with more than a few screws loose and a twisted obsession with prostitutes. He didn’t hold any personal grudge towards her father; the tyrant was just another in a long list of evil and perverted bosses, his own father among them.
Though he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel some satisfaction to have stolen the last breath from the great Giovanni... His demise, after all, did propel the women one step closer to freedom.
But her uncle, Roman... He clenched his fists at the thought of the middle-aged man. Roman assumed the position as the boss of the Strauss family after his brother’s death and severed their ties with prostitution. Very little goodness existed in this world of theirs – if it even existed anymore at all – but Laxus personally preferred to keep innocent women out of it. Her uncle’s decision was unconventional, to say the least, and he could almost respect him for it.
Roman Strauss killed his mother.
The only good thing in his life – gone.
The bastard could die a thousand deaths and it still wouldn’t be enough to placate the monster inside who craved revenge.
Because he could torture him until he wished he was dead, kill him in the most gruesome way possible, and one thing would never change.
His mother would never return to him.
Mirajane might had been born innocent – at least, until life forced her hand in a world she never asked to be a part of. But by being a bloodline of Giovanni and Roman Strauss, she was cursed to a life burdened with the sins and debts of her predecessors. The good princess act she played was merely a means to disguise the impurities hiding below the surface.
A demon wearing the clothes of an angel – that was what she was.
She strode with her head held high, but balanced down with enough humility to glance at the audience in a friendly yet alluring manner. When she reached the end of the stage, the corners of her lips lifted up in a rehearsed small smile which somehow managed to appear sincere. Immediately, the dimly-lit attendees reacted to the visual – the men with smitten looks on their faces, the women a varied display of envy, adoration, and awe.
One could easily see why she was crowned the title ‘The Princess of Hearts’ by the media.
She pivoted on her heels, returning to the entrance, and he sucked in a breath when his gaze landed below her hips. Her smooth, creamy leg peaked out at him from the slit of her gown. The fleeting sight of her flesh involuntarily stirred up desires he despised to have for her.
Fucking hell.
In a rebellious act which broke traditional modelling, she glanced back as she walked and smirked. Flashes of light fired in rapid succession, each competing with the other for the best shot of the expression.
Oh yeah, the little demon definitely knew what she was doing. Not only that, she enjoyed every second of it.
He didn’t need to look at their camera’s memory card to know there had been over ten photos taken in those few seconds before she disappeared backstage. Neither did he need to possess supernatural powers to predict that she would grace the front covers of almost every – if not all – of the fashion magazines tomorrow.
The models gathered in a horizontal line at the entrance with the acclaimed fashion designer in the centre once the show was over. Grinning widely, he spoke into the microphone.
“I’d like to thank everyone who kindly graced my humble exhibition with your presence. The theme of this fashion show is ‘Darkness and Light’. People are of the opinion that these two can never exist together – one which I strongly disagree. By incorporating monochrome colours in my clothes, I hope people are able to see that they can co-exist without one extinguishing the beauty of the other.” He winked. “Because we all have a little darkness and light inside us, do we not?”
Thunderous rounds of applause rose from the audience at the end of his speech. His gaze swung from the ecstatic designer back to Mirajane, who seemed to be happy to be standing at the corner of the line.
His eyebrow quirked up. Odd. For someone of her status, he had expected her to dominate the centre.
She beamed a bright smile and waved to someone in the front row – a few people, actually. Roman returned her grin with a fatherly smile as he clapped his meaty hands along with the other attendees. His eyes instinctively sharpened at the sight of his mother’s murderer. Beside him, Marcus smiled proudly while applauding the success of the event.
Many would kill to be the receiving end of that brilliant and genuine smile of hers. Its effects were so widespread that it not only lit up her face, but the entire being of the receiver.
But he wasn’t a man in search for salvation.
He was the man people sought to be salvaged from.
Nobody saw his face knowing his identity unless they were about to meet their end. Never in his long years as a made man did he fail to escort them there personally.
He would see to it himself that the same plea to be spared would fall from her lips.
Make her weep – that’s what he’d do.
After all, what better way to inflict revenge on Roman other than first breaking his beloved niece’s heart?
His lips tilted up in a smirk, his eyes gleaming with a predatory look.
Let the show begin.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Sasquatch: Hulu Docuseries Director on Murder by Bigfoot
Some legends are so powerful they can never die, but they might be able to kill. That is a pervading idea behind Sasquatch, Hulu’s three-part murder-mystery documentary that explores a strange story of the famous cryptid tearing three men limb from limb on a pot farm in Northern California’s Emerald Triangle.
Fittingly premiering on April 20 a.k.a. the weed holiday “420” the series is told through the eyes of investigative journalist David Holthouse. A man who has built his career chasing monstrous humans, such as Neo-Nazis and sexual predators, Holthouse heard of these Bigfoot murders back in 1993 while laying low to avoid some gangs, and passing time working on the farms in the Redwoods. Now, nearly three decades later, he revisits the region to further uncover the truth behind the story.
Directed by Joshua Rofé (Lorena), and produced by Duplass Brothers Productions (Wild, Wild Country), Sasquatch is more than a monster hunt. It does dig into Bigfoot culture, and features interviews with notable squatcher James “Bobo” Fay (Finding Bigfoot), anatomy and anthropology researcher Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum — and even Bob Gimlin, one-half of the Patterson-Gimlin film, the most famous supposed Bigfoot video ever. But the series is likewise an exploration of the illegal marijuana trade in the Emerald Triangle. A haven to where the hippies of the 1960s counterculture once escaped, parts of the three counties that make up the triangle — Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino — have become off-the-grid zones where interlopers might vanish.
While a legend of a potentially killer Bigfoot looms large over the area, crossing the wrong character equally poses a mortal danger, and the documentary conveys that palpable human threat. In this way, Sasquatch is gripping, and full of shocking revelations as it takes the viewer on a journey that’s both an examination of cryptozoology and paranormal phenomena, and a true crime investigation.
Rofé joined Den of Geek for a Paranormal Pop Culture Hour to discuss the series, and how he became connected to Holthouse’s strange tale. In the following interview the director opens up about a childhood fear of the Jersey Devil, and how that fear was nothing compared to the frightening nature of some of the people he had to interview for Hulu’s Sasquatch.
Note: Quotes edited lightly for clarity and length
Den of Geek: There are weird parallels here with Lorena, the Lorena Bobbitt documentary, because you take something you assume people know a lot about, but they really only know part of the story.
Joshua Rofé: It’s interesting, my producing partner, Steven Berger, we sort of started to realize in the last couple of years, that our M.O. is we like a story about a household name, a word that is just part of common vernacular … where you come in with a totally preconceived notion. And by the end of it, hopefully, you will never think of that name or that word the same way again.
Why Sasquatch? Was it your own pre-existing fascination?
I grew up in New Jersey. When I was a kid, we’d go to day-camp in the summer, and it was in the Pine Barrens. I grew up terrified of the Jersey Devil. You’d have one or two sleepovers a summer, where you’re camping out, and [counselors] would take you to the old canteen, which is just an abandoned shed. You think, as a nine-year-old, that this is where the Jersey Devil resides. You grow up and sort of never think about that again but it’s still in your being.
Cut to February 2018. I’m making Lorena, and I have dinner with a buddy of mine, Zach Cregger. He’s one of the executive producers on this show. His parting words to me are, “By the way, you’ve got to listen to this podcast. You’re either going to love it, or you’re going to think I’m crazy for loving it, and it’s called Sasquatch Chronicles.”
Immediately, I just had no interest. Despite what I had been sort of terrified over as a kid, with the Jersey Devil, cryptids were just, at that moment in time, they were not something that I gave much thought to. And he said, “Just listen.” 
Read more
The Golden Age of Bigfoot Movies
By Jim Knipfel
What Sasquatch Chronicles is, is people calling up with their encounter stories. The next day, I listened to one episode. By the end of four days later, I’d listened to 11 episodes, and I was not hung-up on whether or not I believed the details of the stories. That was sort of irrelevant to me. What I was immediately taken by and really overwhelmed by was I sensed authentic, visceral fear as through-line with every story, from every caller.
I started to have this conversation with myself. Am I going to make a Sasquatch something? I can’t. I make social issue documentaries. My collaborators are going to laugh at me. And then I got to this point at the end of the week, where I said, “I’m going to make a Sasquatch-centric story. I don’t know if it’s a doc, I don’t know if it’s scripted, but this is amazing. And I’m going to do something.”
In the first episode of the documentary, you reveal David hasn’t told this story before. He has plenty of insane stories but kept this one in his back pocket. Why did he tell you about it now?
Keep in mind, David was working on Lorena with me at the time. I knew that in his experience as a gonzo journalist, he had seen and done a lot of crazy things. I sent him a text, and I just said, “Hey, I promise this is the craziest text I’m going to send you for the next five years. I want to find a murder mystery that’s somehow wrapped up in a Sasquatch story and pursue it as the next project.” He texted me right back. He said, “I love it. I got one. I’ll call you in five.” And then he proceeded to tell me that story from 1993, and here we are.
This is a murder investigation of sorts, and an exploration of this outlaw territory, but you begin with interviews from that Sasquatch community. Why did you find it was necessary to include them? You could just have gone straight to the territory where these murders took place.
If we were going to try and figure out what happened with this Sasquatch murder mystery, we needed to start at ground zero. And ground zero in many was, “Well, let’s understand Bigfoot culture. Let’s understand the history of Bigfoot.” Talking to people who can explain that very credibly, particularly in the Bigfoot community, and also talking to people who when they’re telling you about their experience … it feels authentic. You never for a second think, “Oh, this person is putting me on.” You know that they believe what they’re telling you … There’s a former cop in this who, when he relays his experience, I mean, this grown man is about to cry. He is terrified just recalling it, and it’s very tough to dismiss that.
Can you walk me through the unique challenges you faced as you filmed in this pretty dangerous Mendocino area?
All of the credit for that goes to David Holthouse. That’s his work, that’s his reporting, that’s his skillful and relentless development of sources, and frankly, putting himself in really dangerous situations when there was no camera present.
There’d be moments where we would be up there in Northern California, and maybe the next day was an interview with a Squatcher. Certainly, not somebody in the criminal underworld. [The crew] leaves the hotel, 8:00 AM, to get to somebody’s place. David, that night before, was going to meet a potential source, very much from that underworld and say, “Here’s where I’m going to be. If you don’t hear from me by this time, that’s bad.” 
I remember just sitting, wide awake till two, three in the morning, just waiting for that text message, “I’m out. I’m safe. I’m heading back to the hotel. I’m good.” So there was a lot of that, and then there was a lot of, when we were in the places that we were, sort of being overcome with this feeling of, “We better not overstay our welcome, because we’re not welcome here to begin with essentially.” And so, that was a new experience.
Do you think some of these folks up there in the Emerald Triangle, legitimately do believe in the existence of Sasquatch?
Absolutely. There are a ton of people up there who believe in the existence of Sasquatch, and they would base that on experiences they will tell you they’ve had. There’s a line David has in the show, where he talks about the belief in the supernatural up there, meaning Northern California, deep in those woods, running on a higher vibration.
You said that you hadn’t really previously experienced this kind of threat of danger with your work. Was this something that David tried to prep you for?
It was more conversation, sort of as a group, of, “Do we need security?” … Actually, you know what? I haven’t thought about this since it happened. We looked into hiring security. Nobody would go. Nobody would go, and it was something more or less like, if it’s going to go down, it’s going to go down.
I don’t remember David prepping us, so much as those conversations as a group, but I think everybody just understood. I think a big rule for me personally, and my crews, when we’re shooting docs is, somebody’s letting us in their home. Man, I don’t care if you have totally different political beliefs, I don’t care what. Someone’s letting us in their home. It’s like please and thank you, and take your shoes off, and be respectful. It was kind of that on steroids for this, which is, “Oh, and somebody might have an AR-15 in the bedroom, so everybody just behave yourself.”
…And the answers to our original question of, “What happened the day that these people claimed a Sasquatch murdered these people?” Well, some of those people were going to potentially hold the answers.
Let me backtrack a little bit to the hardcore Bigfoot stuff because you do talk to Bob Gimlin as well as Bob Hieronimus, who claims he was the guy in a Bigfoot suit. Did you walk away, finding one or the other slightly more reliable?
Oh, I don’t want to answer this one … I think there are going to be people who are going to believe both of these guys. These guys are in their eighties now, and — we’re going into very mild spoilers, but it’s one of my favorite things in the show, actually — there’s a real rivalry that is clearly decades old between the two of them, and it turns out they live down the street from each other, which is amazing. It’s a wild dynamic between the two of them, for sure. As surly as they get when they can be talking about each other, they’re both the nicest guys. They’re both the nicest guys, so welcoming, so thoughtful.
From that nine-year-old kid, camping in the Pine Barrens, terrified of the Jersey Devil, to now being on the other side of this three-part documentary, what is your takeaway about the power of legends?
Like you were saying, from being a kid who was afraid, camping in the Pine Barrens, to then listening to those stories on Sasquatch Chronicles, and hearing that visceral fear from these folks, to then making this and being in those woods — and feeling fear again. I think fear is a very powerful tool, and legends are often born out of people feeling afraid or wanting to make others feel afraid for specific reasons. And that’s where the real story lies, I think, a lot of times. I’m not coming down definitively on the existence of whatever or not, but people like to wield fear in the name of control. I think that’s where a lot of legends are born, and I personally find that endlessly fascinating.
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Sasquatch, the three-part documentary directed and executive produced by Joshua Rofé, and produced by Duplass Brothers Productions is available to stream on Hulu now.
The post Sasquatch: Hulu Docuseries Director on Murder by Bigfoot appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ek9B0D
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lxme-xss-imxgines · 5 years
Tumblr media
Prompt: A long time ago, long before modern civilization, there were eight souls bound together. Seven of these eight were born immortal, and they passed along their gift to their loved one. Not long after she was hunted by both mortal and immortal for being a living atrocity. Her current body perished, and they could only hope to one day meet her reincarnation.
Pairing: OT7 x reader 
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Death, swearing, cliche’s 
Intro 1 2 3
A/n: ugh even though there is some plot in this, not much happens. Still mostly a filler for clearing up some confusion. and its not as long as id like. Please leave me constructive criticism if you can:))))) let me know if yall would like to see more!!! 
taglist: @thefirewasfriendly @rosita7703 @herosvillians87 @part-time-patronus
The initial shock of the flood of memories entering Y/n’s brain has worn off, and her feelings have muted slightly. She sighs as she looks at herself in the bathroom mirror, feelings all her old emotions fighting with her not-existent ones. 
Heat rushes to her cheeks, tinging them pink as she suddenly feels embarrassed with how forward she was with them earlier. Yes, she may have known them for many a lifetime, but she has known them none in this one. Despite all her resurfaced memories, it does nothing to make her feel completely comfortable and at ease. 
Do they expect her to keep acting as she did when she first woke? She shook her head, they couldn’t expect that much of her. Right? 
A sudden knock snaps her out of her thoughts, her head turning to face the door. 
“Are you okay, princess? You been in there for a minute,” Hoseok’s bright voice projects through the door. 
“Yeah, I’m fine, Hobi! I’ll be out in a minute,” seeming satisfied with your answer, you hear his feet pad away from the doorway along with a small ‘okay’. 
 A question still not quite answered loops through her mind. Why were those men so adamant on finding them? I know that they’re a gang, but my understanding according to my memories is that currently there was peace among the mafia families at the moment . . . maybe not anymore?
When Y/n appears in front of the boys again, she already feels apprehensive just taking in their loving gazes. She knows she came on too strong when she woke up from her memory flood, but she didn’t mean to. I hope they can underst-
“Are you feeling alright, y/n?” the question rolls off Yoongi’s tongue, and for some reason earns a glare from Namjoon. 
“Yoongi. Quit reading her emotions,” he snaps.
“I’m not doing it on purpose, Joon. She’s projecting them. She wants us to know what she’s feeling . . . “ Yoongi and Y/n share a glance, and she nods in order to give him unspoken approval to announce her current state of feelings. “Y/n is nervous. She doesn’t want us to think that everything has suddenly gone back to normal because of the way she showed us affection for a short time after she awoke from her memory flood. Am I correct?”
Y/n giggles,”I remembered that you’re an empath . . . but I wasn’t aware of how much you have honed in your emotional readings in order to determine the circumstances of a situation,” the room goes silent for a moment, Y/n’s speech jarring them slightly. “Ah, I spoke as if I was out of a Dickinson novel again, didn’t I? Ah, it happened again!” 
“It’s alright, silly girl. It makes us feel at home,” Hoseok beams. 
Her eyebrows furrow,”You all have powers, hm? You all are the children of vampires . . . and witches. Blessing you all with powers most vampires lack. There’s something else . . . I can’t quite put my finger on.”
“Quit working your brain so hard, love. You’ll remember when you remember,” Jimin smiles. 
“Well, why can’t you just tell me? I mean, you know exactly what I’m trying to get at. At least Namjoon does,” her head tilts toward him. “He can see inside my mind. So why the hesitance to inform me?” 
“Because you never believe us until you actually go through it,” Tae states and rolls his eyes. Why does he have an attitude all of the sudden? Did I do something?
“Tae. You’re making her worry. Drop your act, will you?” Yoongi sneers. “We’re all impatient. No reason to take it out on her.”
He shrinks back,”Sorry, love.” 
“It’s okay. I just would prefer knowing because it does in fact have something to do with me, personally . . . like a puzzle piece. Like once I know this one fact, maybe along with some smaller details, everything will click into place.” Y/n shakes her head. “Nevermind that. Lingering on it won’t do. So, Namjoon is a telepath with stronger bias toward reading minds, unlike Hobi, who can blanket someone’s vision and make them see whatever he wants . . . “ 
They just nod, urging you to continue. They all know that exercises like this helps you to retain your memories. 
“Yoongs is an empath, which is why he puts on such a cold front . . . but he always lets me go to him when I’m sad so he can take the burden off of me,” Yoongi’s cheeks warm up, and he ignores looks from the boys. “Jinnie, you’re our healer, a very good one at that. Jiminie . . . you can kill someone with a single touch, if you wanted to. I know you prefer not to use it though, it makes you feel icky.”
Jimin nods in agreement, thinking of the grim feeling that fills him when his touch drags the soul out of a living person’s body. 
“Tae-tae, you bring pain or numbness to any being at will. And Kookie . . . oh. You still haven’t developed yours. However, I am optimistic that you will in this lifetime,” Y/n says with a small smile. 
She then inhales deeply, then lets out a long breath. 
“Sit down, will you, love?” Yoongi mumbles. “I can feel your weariness.” 
Y/n nods, sitting down between Yoongi and Jimin. She feels an instant feeling of calm wash over her, and she silently thanks the man to her left. 
“You guys have something important going on with the other mafia families, right?” y/n tilts her head, and the boys look at her in confusion. 
“Why are you concerning yourself with mafia business?” Tae states bluntly, leaving Y/n taken aback, but she quickly regains composure. 
“Ta-” Namjoon tries to interject, but her mouth has already begun to move. 
“Oh, maybe because whatever you boys have gotten yourselves into this time has lead to a rather angry, gun waving vampire to clamp his teeth onto my neck, leading to severe blood loss and probably a perpetual fear of stepping into the very club that you own again.” 
Silence falls once again, along with Y/n’s composure. I didn’t really mean to come off so harsh, but Taehyung needs a reality check for whatever reason. So I gave him one. 
Don’t feel bad, baby girl. He deserved it, Namjoon’s voice quiet in the back of your head. 
To everyone’s surprise, an apology spills out of Taehyung’s mouth,”I’m sorry. This happens every time. It’s hard for me to adjust to your presence when you return . . . like my mind can’t accept the fact that you’re back. Like it’s scared to.” 
“I get it, Tae. But if I recall correctly, I had a heavy hand in our mafia business in my previous life. I think we’re all very aware of my capabilities when it comes to handling our current problems.” 
“Y/n. You may be you, but you’re not ready to dive back in as heavy as you were in before,” Jin hesitates to elaborate, as it’s a very painful memory for them. “Especially when . . . “
“Yes, I know. It led to my death. I remember it like it was yesterday, when vampire hunters were first starting to emerge. If only we had known,” she releases a deep sigh. She almost regrets bringing it up. Y/n knows well that all of them blame every single one of her deaths on themselves. “None of my deaths were ever any of your faults. You guys know that, right?” 
“We always have this argument, so let me shorten it. None of us will every stop blaming ourselves for letting you die,” Jungkook speaks for the first time in awhile,”So don’t try and convince us of anything else. Won’t work.” 
Y/n scrunches her nose,”Maybe your power is stubborness.” 
Jungkook makes a face at her and she giggles, causing a domino effect of laughter to fill the room. 
“So this cult of vampires believes that if they consume any of your blood, that they will suddenly be able to gain supernatural powers because of the witch DNA all of you contain?” Y/n clarifies. Everyone nods. “I mean, I guess I can see why they would think that. But I doubt they have any scientific backing to it. You drink vampire blood and then die, you come back as a vampire. But they have no idea whether or not the witch DNA is even contained in the blood that you have in your bodies. It truly sounds like a conspiracy.” 
“The logic doesn’t matter to them. If there’s even a chance that they could become as powerful as Vampire-Witch hybrids, they will take the chance. Or die trying,” Tae snorts at Namjoon’s sentence. 
“And die they will,” he elaborates. “But we need to be careful. If they find out -” Jungkook suddenly smacks him in the arm, cutting off whatever he was going to reveal. 
Y/n tenses. 
“Well, it’s too late now. You guys know she doesn’t like secrets,” Yoongi says from beside her. 
“Sorry, Yoongi. I know it must be frustrating to feel my emotions all the time. I know I project them, I don’t mean to,” she sends a small smile. 
He just chuckles,”I like feeling your emotions, even the bad ones. It makes me feel close to you.” 
Y/n shakes her head,”Alright. What are you guys not telling me?” 
“Nothing you don’t already know, princess,” Taehyung responds. “It has to do with when you turn.” 
She tries to remember for a moment, she really does. But it’s like there a roadblock. And they all know what will remove it, but it’s too soon. Much too soon. 
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Howdy there! How are you?
My name is James Home. I’m a 23 year old trans male from Olympia WA. In time zones that’s PST (Pacific standard time) am a visual artist, graphic designer, and storyteller. My Briggs acronym ENFJ. In saying so I’m a huge talker and communicator, physically and literally! Personal interests of mine include BOTW, FFXV, and Hanibal atm. I have a lovely and incredible wife named Isabella. We both additionally like DND (were even painting our minis), collecting Halloween decorations, and watching Avatar the last air bender with our roommate. Though I do have a history in plenty of other fandoms as well and always on the lookout for recommendations.
So for myself I love to take care of my Rp partners in all accommodations possible.
Meaning if your heart has been craving fluff, rough smut, or a plain ol hug. IM GAME! If none, no biggie let’s make a plot spot!
Roles I usually fall under are but not limited too….
-DOM , Vers, Power bottom
-caretaker, guardian, teacher
-father, handler, knight
-beefcakes, robots, selfless leaders
And so much more!
The roles I lean towards are
-caretaker, strong and silent-ish type, and flamboyant entertainers.
-male roles, trans male roles, open to trying a female role?, non binary, pangender role.
- I do enjoy topping, some aspects of BDSM, and some hard kinks.
-fallen leader, relearning about a loving world, hopeful in a dark world.
-not taking their role as important as they should have or are, “I’ve been doing this for years. But this is new”, and “I brought you your favorite drink wanna cuddle, I’ll provide the sugar?” Types
And so much more!
As far as story things themes are
-highly complex kingdoms
-High pace fantasy
-society by the ocean
-abandon green houses
-heavily dense forests
-fae and fiend worlds
-AUs of pre-existing universes from shows
-magic incorporated
Worlds we design collectively.
My HARD NOs are…
-abuse in active Rp (can be used from background and really has to depend on circumstance)
-harm of any children
-harm of expected mother
-any form of r*pe play
-blood play, degrading play, hard impact play
-crying kinks, humiliation kink, and electric play
-no smoking kinks either or character usage of substances.
I’m not too big on proper grammar or sentence structure as long as there was an idea getting across. I’m ok with role playing as many people as you’d like to actively work on, so doubles, and even triples are okay. Plus working two different stories is fun! I do prefer paragraphing and we all know the feeling of one word responses. This is a hobby and creative outlet from myself so that’s why I have no big stressors about punctuation or spelling.
Here are some story concepts I’ve come up with. Yet if you’d like to imply your own let’s talk about it!
Counterpart pathways
A magical filled fantasy realm where all is possible including the bad. One summer day a incubus/demon hybrid named Jona, father of three, learns someone has kidnapped all three of his boys! He's on the hunt for clues and finding them at all costs. Gathering the best crew possible of Moof the best wolf bounty hunter in all the realm, Bell the boys spider caretaker shapeshifter, and Glover the bull/bison hybrid the green alchemist, set off to find the children. Along the way by gathering clues they encounter obstacles and trials of skill and pursuit! Will they ever find the three octopus babies ? Will Jona have closure and put on a shirt? Will Bell ever stop stealing everything shiny? Will Moof grow more confident in his teammates? Will Glover not stop shaking and being such a wuss? Who will help this odd 4 on their epic abnormal quest?!
A time traveler that gets stuck in between dimensions due to their powers temporarily weakened from the extensive work they've been doing end up meeting a stranger who takes them in. Not used to the timeline they shows up in, they have to knowledge of normal behavior. They must figure out a way to recharge their abilities but has not of the slightly clue as to what it causing them to have lost them in the first place. Is the person that's helping them good or evil? Who's side are they on? How will they figure them out? Why do they find the stranger oddly familiar?
When men become mortal
An alien/robot/human species that survives by using different masks/chips for various occasions. It's like buying different clothes but they adapt or transform the hoist for a month or less of another body/form/identity. The main character experiences a technical difficulty where their head socket cannot adapt to a new face for long and has to get it repaired. Though along the way he seems to find that not wearing a false identity they actually enjoy seeing the outside world with no expectation of appearance. The other is a identity artist, the one whom develops different faces and identity. He spends hours tweaking details of bodies and faces. He always has the nicest things because of his work and from important commissions and work for certain clients.They meet at a gallery that the artist is hoisting at a museum. The individuals there are decorated like some of the model pieces and others artist curators-part sellers. The faceless one decides to go to the museum to see what's or who's being showcased and since he has a little bit of extra money he saved up for the occasion. Everyone finds him interesting since he doesn't have an appearance, they think he's a model. Thus they send him to meet with the artist for the show. The artist doesn't know him at all. They find eachother very different but most parts similar. From their meeting the artist gets inspired by his original face. Coming to realize that even himself that he has given into the world he never wanted to.The two of them hit it off. Both dwelling into the matters of the "perfect" vessel. Asking the serious questions such as what makes a body, a face, a soul attractive? They go on for hours and it starts to inspire the artists work into his new resorted craftsmanship. The faceless impressed by the purposed questions and also work. The two of them grow closer resulted from talking so much about bodies and meaning. All the while testing out the new creations, body parts, and vessels capabilities. Not all though is good while the two develop this hoist. There's a villain at hand who one of the artist's main clients that goes unsuspected. They want to use the designs to create a vessel for the bad and wealth. Only to include to kill off all humans.The two of them hit it off. Both dwelling into the matters of the "perfect" vessel. Asking the serious questions such as what makes a body, a face, a soul attractive? They go on for hours and it starts to inspire the artists work into his new resorted craftsmanship. The faceless impressed by the purposed questions and also work. The two of them grow closer resulted from talking so much about bodies and meaning. All the while testing out the new creations, body parts, and vessels capabilities. Not all though is good while the two develop this hoist. There's a villain at hand who one of the artist's main clients that goes unsuspected. They want to use the designs to create a vessel for the bad and wealth. Only to include to kill off all humans. Thus forces the artist to reveal his true identity. A human being. Not a hologram. Plus he's not just an artist but a ex-con scientist from the labs that have bloomed into a internalized war. Faceless becomes confused and also hurt that the artist to mention this. Only for the two of them being followed. The artist informs the robot that the hybrids (the children of the robot-species, generations of offspring) are the real threat to society. The one who hoists and is in charge of the power sorce is human and machine. The first of its kind, and also the previous mentor of the artist/ex-scientist. Who will get to the power source first. Our main dynamic couple or the robotic uprising that believe all humans should cease to exist once and for all?
Gay Cryptids
Active night life
Next to the ocean, sea, body of water.
Beach city/lost boys/Mad max?/punk/ regal?/neon lights/old mascots/vapor wave af
Carnival / festivals
Dark market authenticity
Biker gang(s)
Aquatic features, art, incorporated in surroundings
Lifestyles like fish importing, dock workers, sushi shops, fancy diners
Common foods are all fish and sea foods
The city was a work in process for a resort city, and a major violent storm came too early taking out some of the fancier parts of the island. Most of the higher end houses and mansions were believed to be damaged in the outer edges of the island. There had been a castle built as a main part of the hotel/resort. Old costumes, sets, mascots were left to rot by the seas breeze. Barnacles, ivy, and vines with exotic flora and fauna growing wildly cover the buildings. Possibly even growing in the mansion and other houses. The main part of the biker gang is in a abandoned church next to the sea caves is where the biker gang mostly resides and work primarily as hit men and women. The island would be decided by the two head family of vampires one powerful family versus the other in over control if the current situation of resort in the actual tourist location.A rambunctious gang of young cryptics disguise themselves as human during the daytime but during the night it's quite the time to be alive and young. Various story arcs of love and lust between the group members figuring out their own sexualities and forming adulthood. Though most of it is all of them just fucking around.A rambunctious gang of young cryptics disguise themselves as human during the daytime but during the night it's quite the time to be alive and young. Various story arcs of love and lust between the group members figuring out their own sexualities and forming adulthood. Though most of it is all of them just fucking around.
Plausible locations
Old mill
Carnival / freakshow
Rides and amusement
Abandoned Church
Boat house
Log cabins
CAMP grounds
Old schools
The Docks or Port
Boat houses
Boat docks
Abandoned Hotel
Bike store
Surf or like diving store
Knickknack shack
Ma and Pa restaurants
Antique stores
Hospital or infirmary excotic masion
I have story plots for days SONNNN so these are at skim level for plot.
If you’d like to contact me the best ways are
Discord at
I work from 11:30 to 4 Monday-Friday
But available before, and after for sure.
Thursday’s at 5 are my therapist appointments
Weekends are 100% free atm
Looking for a long term, short term, a friend!
6 notes · View notes
agodnamedhome · 4 years
Howdy there! How are you?
My name is James Home. I’m a 23 year old trans male from Olympia WA. In time zones that’s PST (Pacific standard time) am a visual artist, graphic designer, and storyteller. My Briggs acronym ENFJ. In saying so I’m a huge talker and communicator, physically and literally! Personal interests of mine include BOTW, FFXV, and Hanibal atm. I have a lovely and incredible wife named Isabella. We both additionally like DND (were even painting our minis), collecting Halloween decorations, and watching Avatar the last air bender with our roommate. Though I do have a history in plenty of other fandoms as well and always on the lookout for recommendations.
So for myself I love to take care of my Rp partners in all accommodations possible.
Meaning if your heart has been craving fluff, rough smut, or a plain ol hug. IM GAME! If none, no biggie let’s make a plot spot!
Roles I usually fall under are but not limited too….
-DOM , Vers, Power bottom
-caretaker, guardian, teacher
-father, handler, knight
-beefcakes, robots, selfless leaders
And so much more!
The roles I lean towards are
-caretaker, strong and silent-ish type, and flamboyant entertainers.
-male roles, trans male roles, open to trying a female role?, non binary, pangender role.
- I do enjoy topping, some aspects of BDSM, and some hard kinks.
-fallen leader, relearning about a loving world, hopeful in a dark world.
-not taking their role as important as they should have or are, “I’ve been doing this for years. But this is new”, and “I brought you your favorite drink wanna cuddle, I’ll provide the sugar?” Types
And so much more!
As far as story things themes are
-highly complex kingdoms
-High pace fantasy
-society by the ocean
-abandon green houses
-heavily dense forests
-fae and fiend worlds
-AUs of pre-existing universes from shows
-magic incorporated
Worlds we design collectively.
My HARD NOs are…
-abuse in active Rp (can be used from background and really has to depend on circumstance)
-harm of any children
-harm of expected mother
-any form of r*pe play
-blood play, degrading play, hard impact play
-crying kinks, humiliation kink, and electric play
-no smoking kinks either or character usage of substances.
I’m not too big on proper grammar or sentence structure as long as there was an idea getting across. I’m ok with role playing as many people as you’d like to actively work on, so doubles, and even triples are okay. Plus working two different stories is fun! I do prefer paragraphing and we all know the feeling of one word responses. This is a hobby and creative outlet from myself so that’s why I have no big stressors about punctuation or spelling.
Here are some story concepts I’ve come up with. Yet if you’d like to imply your own let’s talk about it!
Counterpart pathways
A magical filled fantasy realm where all is possible including the bad. One summer day a incubus/demon hybrid named Jona, father of three, learns someone has kidnapped all three of his boys! He's on the hunt for clues and finding them at all costs. Gathering the best crew possible of Moof the best wolf bounty hunter in all the realm, Bell the boys spider caretaker shapeshifter, and Glover the bull/bison hybrid the green alchemist, set off to find the children. Along the way by gathering clues they encounter obstacles and trials of skill and pursuit! Will they ever find the three octopus babies ? Will Jona have closure and put on a shirt? Will Bell ever stop stealing everything shiny? Will Moof grow more confident in his teammates? Will Glover not stop shaking and being such a wuss? Who will help this odd 4 on their epic abnormal quest?!
A time traveler that gets stuck in between dimensions due to their powers temporarily weakened from the extensive work they've been doing end up meeting a stranger who takes them in. Not used to the timeline they shows up in, they have to knowledge of normal behavior. They must figure out a way to recharge their abilities but has not of the slightly clue as to what it causing them to have lost them in the first place. Is the person that's helping them good or evil? Who's side are they on? How will they figure them out? Why do they find the stranger oddly familiar?
When men become mortal
An alien/robot/human species that survives by using different masks/chips for various occasions.
It's like buying different clothes but they adapt or transform the hoist for a month or less of another body/form/identity.
The main character experiences a technical difficulty where their head socket cannot adapt to a new face for long and has to get it repaired. Though along the way he seems to find that not wearing a false identity they actually enjoy seeing the outside world with no expectation of appearance.
The other is a identity artist, the one whom develops different faces and identity. He spends hours tweaking details of bodies and faces. He always has the nicest things because of his work and from important commissions and work for certain clients.
They meet at a gallery that the artist is hoisting at a museum. The individuals there are decorated like some of the model pieces and others artist curators-part sellers.
The faceless one decides to go to the museum to see what's or who's being showcased and since he has a little bit of extra money he saved up for the occasion. Everyone finds him interesting since he doesn't have an appearance, they think he's a model. Thus they send him to meet with the artist for the show.
The artist doesn't know him at all. They find eachother very different but most parts similar. From their meeting the artist gets inspired by his original face. Coming to realize that even himself that he has given into the world he never wanted to.
The two of them hit it off. Both dwelling into the matters of the "perfect" vessel. Asking the serious questions such as what makes a body, a face, a soul attractive? They go on for hours and it starts to inspire the artists work into his new resorted craftsmanship. The faceless impressed by the purposed questions and also work. The two of them grow closer resulted from talking so much about bodies and meaning. All the while testing out the new creations, body parts, and vessels capabilities.
Not all though is good while the two develop this hoist. There's a villain at hand who one of the artist's main clients that goes unsuspected. They want to use the designs to create a vessel for the bad and wealth. Only to include to kill off all humans.
The two of them hit it off. Both dwelling into the matters of the "perfect" vessel. Asking the serious questions such as what makes a body, a face, a soul attractive? They go on for hours and it starts to inspire the artists work into his new resorted craftsmanship. The faceless impressed by the purposed questions and also work. The two of them grow closer resulted from talking so much about bodies and meaning. All the while testing out the new creations, body parts, and vessels capabilities.
Not all though is good while the two develop this hoist. There's a villain at hand who one of the artist's main clients that goes unsuspected. They want to use the designs to create a vessel for the bad and wealth. Only to include to kill off all humans.
Thus forces the artist to reveal his true identity. A human being. Not a hologram. Plus he's not just an artist but a ex-con scientist from the labs that have bloomed into a internalized war. Faceless becomes confused and also hurt that the artist to mention this. Only for the two of them being followed.
The artist informs the robot that the hybrids (the children of the robot-species, generations of offspring) are the real threat to society. The one who hoists and is in charge of the power sorce is human and machine. The first of its kind, and also the previous mentor of the artist/ex-scientist.
Who will get to the power source first. Our main dynamic couple or the robotic uprising that believe all humans should cease to exist once and for all?
Gay Cryptids
Active night life
Next to the ocean, sea, body of water.
Beach city/lost boys/Mad max?/punk/ regal?/neon lights/old mascots/vapor wave af
Carnival / festivals
Dark market authenticity
Biker gang(s)
Aquatic features, art, incorporated in surroundings
Lifestyles like fish importing, dock workers, sushi shops, fancy diners
Common foods are all fish and sea foods
The city was a work in process for a resort city, and a major violent storm came too early taking out some of the fancier parts of the island. Most of the higher end houses and mansions were believed to be damaged in the outer edges of the island. There had been a castle built as a main part of the hotel/resort. Old costumes, sets, mascots were left to rot by the seas breeze. Barnacles, ivy, and vines with exotic flora and fauna growing wildly cover the buildings. Possibly even growing in the mansion and other houses. The main part of the biker gang is in a abandoned church next to the sea caves is where the biker gang mostly resides and work primarily as hit men and women. The island would be decided by the two head family of vampires one powerful family versus the other in over control if the current situation of resort in the actual tourist location.
A rambunctious gang of young cryptics disguise themselves as human during the daytime but during the night it's quite the time to be alive and young.
Various story arcs of love and lust between the group members figuring out their own sexualities and forming adulthood. Though most of it is all of them just fucking around.
A rambunctious gang of young cryptics disguise themselves as human during the daytime but during the night it's quite the time to be alive and young.
Various story arcs of love and lust between the group members figuring out their own sexualities and forming adulthood. Though most of it is all of them just fucking around.
Plausible locations
Old mill
Carnival / freakshow
Rides and amusement
Abandoned Church
Boat house
Log cabins
CAMP grounds
Old schools
The Docks or Port
Boat houses
Boat docks
Abandoned Hotel
Bike store
Surf or like diving store
Knickknack shack
Ma and Pa restaurants
Antique stores
Hospital or infirmary excotic masion
I have story plots for days SONNNN so these are at skim level for plot.
If you’d like to contact me the best ways are
Discord at
I work from 11:30 to 4 Monday-Friday
But available before, and after for sure.
Thursday’s at 5 are my therapist appointments
Weekends are 100% free atm
Looking for a long term, short term, a friend!
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