#I like to think the daughter he's raising with the other character is either bisexual or a lesbian deep in comphet
citnamora · 1 year
There's this show I'm watching and I have an alloaro hc that is only being further reaffirmed with every new episode. Aros stay winning!
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madame-mortician · 5 days
For Pride Month I wanted to discuss LGBTQ themes in Horror (slashers in particular) because it’s so interesting how queer themes have been present in this genre for MANY decades now, it’s insane that there are homophobic slasher fans lmao.
I mean, literally 3 out of the Top 6 slashers are LGBTQ lmao. Chucky, Pinhead and Freddy are LGBTQ, and technically Jason/Michael at a stretch (this is if you seen them as asexual, which I mean they kinda are, you think Jason gives a shit about sexual attraction? Bro doesn’t give a shit about anything except his mother lol)
Anyways, as I was saying, Chucky is bisexual, as is Freddy and Pinhead is Pinhead. It seems most classic slashers were either (A): Silent, emotionless killing machines or (B) Comedic and evil psychos. Most of the silent slashers have little to no character outside of killing, and things like sexual attraction (or attraction in general) would just not apply to them, not really because they’re asexual, but rather because they don’t think about anything other than killing. The comedic characters have way more personality and usually they have actual lives and relationships outside of murder, so they actually do have bonds with people, romantic or otherwise. It really comes down to who had an outside life, since Michael spent his whole life in a hospital, and when he’s not incarcerated he’s killing people, bro has no friends, relationships, aspirations, hobbies he just kills. Freddy on the other hand, has a life, he has friends, a house, a wife and a job, he does stuff he isn’t just mindlessly killing people all day. The characters like him are more likely to actually have attractions because they don’t completely focus on murder and do think of other things. Pinhead isn’t a comedic jokester but he’s also not a silent killing machine, so him and some other exceptions are odd cases. Pinhead especially in regards to this topic because Pinhead’s whole motivation revolves around physical attraction, so unlike the other slashers who’s ideals are focused on murder and the other stuff is not the priority, Pinhead focuses on the attraction and puts the other stuff second. Of course in his case that “other stuff” is eternal (and internal) damnation and torture, but considering he sees this masochism and sadism as pleasure and is attracted to it, his killing stuff is basically the attraction stuff.
Moving away from that, back in the 30s, Dracula’s Daughter was released. It was a sequel to Dracula and focused on *gasp* his daughter as she tries to stop being a vampire. The entire film is her seducing women to eat, whilst mourning her loss of humanity. It’s pretty interesting actually, because she acts exactly like Dracula, with her victims being women who she assaults in rather seductive ways, however the difference is she feels guilty about her monstrous form, unlike Dracula. It’s been considered one of the oldest queer horror films ever, and it’s not hard to interpret the Countess’ “vampirism” as an allegory for lesbianism, especially since she tries and fails to cure herself of it and feels guilty the whole film for it, unlike Dracula who’s allowed to like women because of his gender. It was probably intended to be homophobic due to the times, however this actually raises an interesting topic I want to discuss.
Part of older horror, especially the homoerotic ones, is the characters who can be interpreted as part of the LGBTQ, typically being bad guys. Most of them are the blasphemous villain who the good guy defeats, with the message obviously being that gay people = bad, and people should be scared of them. The interesting part though, is the modern interpretations of these things. These were supposed to be homophobic, cautionary tales advising people that queer people were evil villains and they never get a happy ending in these films and yet, modern audiences have reclaimed these characters and almost “praise them.” Like a reclaimed slur that becomes a compliment to people in that community, characters who were canonically LGBTQ, but were only so, so that they could be the bad guy of the fable, were now being reanalysed and adopted by modern audiences as progressive and queer characters. Sure Dracula’s daughter is certainly and canonically a lesbian, but the movie makes it abundantly clear that this is a “bad thing” and that she is a bad person for this… yet modern audiences saw she was gay and reclaimed her. I probably should mention I think this is a good thing as it’s kind of petty and really funny to grab characters meant to hate on us, and then we admire them.
I see it sort of like this:
“I’ve created a story about a gay person, who is evil and the villain, and dies at the end and the message is that gay people are bad and straight people are good.”
“I love this gay villain! I love that they’re LGBTQ like me, and I love villains, they’re so cool!”
“No, wait, you’re supposed to be rooting for the heroes-“
“Fuck yeah, gay people are awesome.”
Of course nowadays representation isn’t as big an issue as back then. Back then the only gay characters you’d see would be evil or stereotypical, and now we do get diverse characters so it’s definitely not an issue as much anymore.
I probably should also mention a LOT of 80s-90s slashers had LGBTQ people working on it, like as directors, writers or actors, so that’s why there’s a suprising ammount of homoerotic themes in those (Looking at you A Nightmare on Elm Street 2)
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sparxaf · 1 year
TSIME: Meet Bobby's Crew (part 1)
One of my favorite parts of writing is actually just character creation. I love knowing exactly what they look like and all kinds of fun details about them, even if those details never end up in the actual story. So I figure, since I wasted tons of time making long character profiles for them, I figured I might as well write them up, make them pretty, and share them. Why am I doing this? Because sharing is caring. Duh. Defnitely not because I'm avoiding editing. How dare you?
ANYWAY. In this post we're meeting Bobby's best friend, his husband, and their daughter.
Meet Louis:
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Interesting facts:
🗸 Louis is a loving, generous soul and does not charge Bobby rent. But he does occassionally ask for baked goods and Bobby always obliges.
🗸 Before they even got engaged, he insisted on paying for all of Dean's sick mum's housing and care, to take the stress off of his beloved.
🗸 He's a homebody who hates traveling. He finds it stressful and doesn't like feeling unmoored. He decided against going to a prestigious culinary school because he didn't want to leave Glasgow.
🗸 He and Lili get along because they're both type-A snugglers.
🗸 Comes from a wealthy family. His mother is a very successful estate agent and his father was a popular rugger (now retired). He's an only child.
🗸 His father, who grew up working class, decided that Louis should go to public school so he'd experience the real world outside of their wealthy bubble.
🗸 In school Louis was routinely, sometimes viciously bullied for being posh. Something he never told his family. But he didn't come out until he was twenty years old because he feared even more bullying for being gay. His parents had already guessed and gave him nothing but love and support.
🗸 Louis was not happy when Bobby added Jonno to their friend group in P6 and even less happy when Fenella was added when they were adults. He puts up with them because he loves Bobby and just accepts that his best friend is the type who brings mangy strays home, thinking they're beautiful. And who is Louis to tell him they're not? That said, they're not all mingin'. He adores Maitland and Nivaan.
Meet Dean:
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Interesting facts: (there's a lot for Dean)
🗸 Despite being so tall and muscular, Dean is a fluffy bunny of a man. Very sentimental and kind. He will not kill bugs. If Louis wants a spider squashed, he's on his own.
🗸 He has four siblings, one sister and three brothers. He was the youngest. His home life was not great. His family was incredibly poor and his dad was abusive, sexist, and homophobic (among other award-winning personality traits). His mother was loving, but very passive and preferred not to rock the boat.
🗸 When he was fourteen he was trying to make sense of his bisexuality, so he confided in his mum. One of his older brothers overheard and told their dad. To say it was handled poorly would be an understatment. Hurt, scared, and unwelcome in his home, he moved in with his sister, an artist who lives in Rochdale. He says she is the person who actually raised him to be a decent person.
🗸 His mum and dad divorced when she had two strokes and his fuckface father wasn't interested in caring for her. Dean routinely comes down to Norfolk to take care of her affairs as she didn't want to move. His brothers do care about their mum, but theyre mostly skivers who don't know how to be helpful. His sister keeps in contact with Dean, but she has no interest in being near the the rest of the family so he's the only one taking care of his mum.
🗸 His dad and brothers actually have the nerve to try demanding money and help from him, because they know Louis is wealthy. Never mind that they have not supported their marriage and have never said a kind word to either of them. Dean has never given them a dime.
🗸 He has never and will never ever admit this to anyone, but the night he met Bobby at the pub, he assumed the Scot was grafting and he was 100% ready to take him back to his hotel room. So he was confused when Bobby told him he'd called his friend Louis and he was coming to the pub to meet Dean. Then Louis showed up and Dean could hardly speak because he was so instantly and completely smitten. It was weeks later that he realized Bobby was just obliviously flirtatious with everyone.
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Interesting facts:
🗸 There are none. She's three. Toddlers are generally low on interesting backstory.
Stay tuned for part 2 to meet Maitland, Fen, Nivaan, Jonno, and Samantha!
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leucoratia · 2 years
My take on JJBA characters’ sexuality (Part 1)
These headcanons are livng in my head rent free anyone feel free to disagree
Includes :Jojos, Jobros and jovillains from part 1 to 3
Part 2 here with part 4 to 5
Please enjoy.
TW: mentions of sex and male masturbation, swearing, not proofred we die like men
Jonathan Joestar: Repressed Bisexual/Biromantic
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Just. Yes. My man was born in the fucking 19th century what did you expect. Desperately tries to convince himself that he is very much heterosexual and that pussy is the only thing he likes. Unfortunately Dio exists. And Speedwagon. And maybe Blueford- 
DIO Brando: Pansexual/Panromantic
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I examine canon and elevate it to a higher plane. See: Pucci. Dio fucked this one through and thorough and he very much gives me nonbinary vibes. I’m also convinced his castle in part 1 was just a giant sex dungeon.
 I raise you: DIO does not give a rat’s ass about gender he just wants to shag. He’s interested in ALL boobs. Inclusivity bitch.
Robert.O. Speedwagon: Straight
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I won’t elaborate he’s just fucking straight man.
(A/N: after an enlightening discussion in the comments, I am requalifiying Speedwagon my boy as GAY AS FUCK. Apologies to Jonawagon shippers I did not see the light, but I repent. Keeping the initial headcanon as a memento, but here. Change and growth is real folks).
Joseph Joestar: Bi-curious
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Also works for oldseph. He’s actually bisexual but identifies himself as bicurious so we will respect my man’s labels. Slay. Joseph likes men and women and is unaware of the existence of other genders. Don’t worry he learns. 
Caesar is def the one who made him realize that he might like men. Or maybe...one man....rest in rocks Ceasarino
Caesar Zeppeli: Male-leaning bisexual/homoromantic
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We all know Caesar fucks hard. But if gay marriage was legal in 1940 you bet this man would have an italian husband named fucking Luigi or shit and twelve foster kids. He’ll eat pussy sure but the man course is always dick in Italy. He wanted that Joestarussy but rocks caught up to him :((
Suzie Q and Lisa-Lisa: lesbians
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2 in 1 post because I make the rules. They like WOMEN and only got married bcs they’re either repressed (Suzie) or were really just bored (Lisa-Lisa). Anyways slay.
The Pillarmen: GAY
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All three (4 if you count Santana but I forgot about him and am too lazy to re-edit the pic) love MEN. Kars is the king of pillar gays bcs seriously he massacred his entire race and only let men survive instead of perpetuating the species with pillarwomen. Hence he’s officially gay as FUCK and gay married with Esidisi.
Jotaro Kujo: aro/ace
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Ik I ship Jotakak but in my personnal little brain Jotaro is AROACE. This man is immune to the matters of the flesh and generally puzzled by human interraction so I don’t expect him to be interested in romance ever. Wdym he has a wife and daughter? Compulsory heterosexuality!! He wanted a calm and quiet life after the fucking trauma-inducing nightmare that was part 3 and thought that settling down was the way to go but uh. Sorry man. Didn’t work out.
I HC him as sex-indifferent bcs well. I mean I do have to integrate Jolyne in my canon so there. But yeah he would enjoy sex I think but wouln’t ever initiate. He’d just go with the flow. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t jack off enough to break both wrists tho. He hides the sex-drive in his hat.
Noriaki Kakyoin: gay
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Listen. Listen. I know I enjoy all the Kakyoin MILFhunter memes immensely but look at him. He’s a twink. He likes men. I will simply erase this moment with Holly from my mind.
He’s a power gay though (I’m SO tired of ppl hc-ing kakyoin as pissy-baby uwu soft weak boy nah my man breaks BACKS and spits in yo mouth). Anyways yes Kakyoin is a refined homosex enjoyer. Prefers the rainbow flag because it fits his vibe better than the blue one.
Jean-Pierre Polnareff: female-leaning bisexual biromantic
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Polnareff is cursed with bisexuality but gets absolutely NO GAME I’m sorry but it’s facts to me. He gets NO BITCHES, absolutely ZERO PLAY. He may be a flirt but no one wants him (Except Muhhamad-). Likes women more but will not pass on the opportunity to flirt with a cute guy. 
Muhammad Avdol: Demiromantic/demisexual gay
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Muhammad does NOT hit me as the type to fall in love/feel sexual attraction out of the blue. He needs his time. Plus i don’t think he thinks about it all that often. Destiny will do the job yadayada. Only attracted to men though. Women work in ways too mysterious for him to handle. He would start to feel something after like. A year or two of knowing intimately the person (go Jean-Jean we believe in you-). This king will probably ask his tarot before making any moves tho (shhhh he just wants to be sure)
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kcrabb88 · 3 years
Queer Movies/Books/TV Shows for Pride Month!
Happy Pride everyone!! For your viewing/reading pleasure I have made a (non-exhaustive) list of queer media that I have enjoyed! 
Pride (2014): An old tried and true favorite, which meets at the intersection of queer and workers’ rights. A group of queer activists support the 1985 miners’ strike in Wales (complete with a sing-through of Bread and Roses + Power in a Union)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire: On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the eighteenth century, a female painter is obliged to paint a wedding portrait of a young woman (or, two young lesbians fall in love by the sea, and you cry)
God’s Own Country: Young farmer Johnny Saxby numbs his daily frustrations with binge drinking and casual sex, until the arrival of a Romanian migrant worker for lambing season ignites an intense relationship that sets Johnny on a new path (Seriously this movie is GREAT and doesn’t get enough love, watch it! It’s rough but ends happily)
The Half of It:  When smart but cash-strapped teen Ellie Chu agrees to write a love letter for a jock, she doesn't expect to become his friend - or fall for his crush (as in she falls for his crush who is another girl. This movie was so good, and really friendship focused!) 
Saving Face:  A Chinese-American lesbian and her traditionalist mother are reluctant to go public with secret loves that clash against cultural expectations (this is an oldie and a goodie, with a happy ending!)
Moonlight:  A young African-American man grapples with his identity and sexuality while experiencing the everyday struggles of childhood, adolescence, and burgeoning adulthood (featuring gay men of color!)
Carol:  An aspiring photographer develops an intimate relationship with an older woman in 1950s New York (everyone’s seen this I think, but I couldn’t not have it here)
Milk: The story of Harvey Milk and his struggles as an American gay activist who fought for gay rights and became California's first openly gay elected official (the speech at the end of this made me cry. Warning, of course, for death, if you don’t know about Harvey Milk)
Pride (Hulu Documentary):  A six-part documentary series chronicling the fight for LGBTQ civil rights in America (they go by decade from the 50s-2000s, and there is a lot of great trans inclusion in this)
Paris is Burning (Documentary): A 1990s documentary about the African American and Latinx ballroom scene. Available on Youtube!
A New York Christmas Wedding:  As her Christmas Eve wedding draws near, Jennifer is visited by an angel and shown what could have been if she hadn't denied her true feelings for her childhood best friend (this movie is SO CUTE. It’s really only nominally a Christmas movie and easily watched anytime. Features an interracial sapphic couple!) 
TV Shows 
Love, Victor: Victor is a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation (this is a spin-off of Love, Simon, and it’s very sweet and well done! Featuring a young gay man of color)
Sex Education:  A teenage boy with a sex therapist mother teams up with a high school classmate to set up an underground sex therapy clinic at school (this has multiple queer characters, including a featured young Black gay man and also in season 2 there is a side ace character!) 
Black Sails: I mean, do I even need to put a summary here? If you follow me you know that Black Sails is full of queer pirates, just queers everywhere.
Gentleman Jack:  A dramatization of the life of LGBTQ+ trailblazer, voracious learner and cryptic diarist Anne Lister, who returns to Halifax, West Yorkshire in 1832, determined to transform the fate of her faded ancestral home Shibden Hall (Period drama lesbians!!! A title sequence  that will make you gay just by watching!) 
Tales of the City (2019):  A middle-aged Mary Ann returns to San Francisco and reunites with the eccentric friends she left behind. "Tales of the City" focuses primarily on the people who live in a boardinghouse turned apartment complex owned by Anna Madrigal at 28 Barbary Lane, all of whom quickly become part of what Maupin coined a "logical family". It's no longer a secret that Mrs. Madrigal is transgender. Instead, she is haunted by something from her past that has long been too painful to share (this is based on a book series and it’s got lots of great inter-generational queer relationships!) 
The Haunting of Bly Manor:  After an au pair’s tragic death, Henry hires a young American nanny to care for his orphaned niece and nephew who reside at Bly Manor with the chef Owen, groundskeeper Jamie and housekeeper, Mrs. Grose (sweet, tender, wonderful lesbians. A bittersweet ending but this show is so so wonderful)
Sense8: A group of people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, and must find a way to survive being hunted by those who see them as a threat to the world's order (queers just EVERYWHERE in this show, of all kinds)
Loveless by Alice Oseman:  Georgia has never been in love, never kissed anyone, never even had a crush – but as a fanfic-obsessed romantic she’s sure she’ll find her person one day. This wise, warm and witty story of identity and self-acceptance sees Alice Oseman on towering form as Georgia and her friends discover that true love isn’t limited to romance (don’t be turned off by this title, it’s tongue-in-cheek. This is a book about an aroace college girl discovering herself and centers the importance and power of platonic relationships! I have it on my TBR and have heard great things)
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters: Reese almost had it all: a loving relationship with Amy, an apartment in New York City, a job she didn't hate. She had scraped together what previous generations of trans women could only dream of: a life of mundane, bourgeois comforts. The only thing missing was a child. But then her girlfriend, Amy, detransitioned and became Ames, and everything fell apart. Now Reese is caught in a self-destructive pattern: avoiding her loneliness by sleeping with married men.Ames isn't happy either. He thought detransitioning to live as a man would make life easier, but that decision cost him his relationship with Reese—and losing her meant losing his only family. Even though their romance is over, he longs to find a way back to her. When Ames's boss and lover, Katrina, reveals that she's pregnant with his baby—and that she's not sure whether she wants to keep it—Ames wonders if this is the chance he's been waiting for. Could the three of them form some kind of unconventional family—and raise the baby together?This provocative debut is about what happens at the emotional, messy, vulnerable corners of womanhood that platitudes and good intentions can't reach. Torrey Peters brilliantly and fearlessly navigates the most dangerous taboos around gender, sex, and relationships, gifting us a thrillingly original, witty, and deeply moving novel (again, don’t be thrown off by the title, it too, is tongue-in-cheek. This book was GREAT, and written by a trans women with a queer-and especially trans--audience in mind)
A Tip for the Hangman by Allison Epstein: A gay Christopher Marlowe, at Cambridge and trying to become England’s best new playwright, finds himself wrapped up in royal espionage schemes while also falling in love (this book is by a Twitter friend of mine, and it is a wonderful historical thriller with a gay man at the center).
Creatures of Will and Temper by Molly Tanzer: a very very queer remix of The Picture of Dorian Gray (which was already quite queer), featuring amazing female characters, a gay Basil, and a much happier ending than the original. 
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston: The gay prince of England and the bisexual, biracial first son of the president fall in love (think an AU of 2016 where a woman becomes president). Featuring a fantastic discovery of bisexuality, ruminations on grief, and just a truly astonishing book. One of my favorites!
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston:  For cynical twenty-three-year-old August, moving to New York City is supposed to prove her right: that things like magic and cinematic love stories don’t exist, and the only smart way to go through life is alone. She can’t imagine how waiting tables at a 24-hour pancake diner and moving in with too many weird roommates could possibly change that. And there’s certainly no chance of her subway commute being anything more than a daily trudge through boredom and electrical failures. But then, there’s this gorgeous girl on the train (This is Casey McQuiston’s brand new novel featuring time-travel, queer women, and I absolutely cannot WAIT to read it)
The Heiress by Molly Greely: Set in the Pride and Prejudice universe, this takes on Anne de Bourg (Lady Catherine’s daughter), and makes her queer! 
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters:  Nan King, an oyster girl, is captivated by the music hall phenomenon Kitty Butler, a male impersonator extraordinaire treading the boards in Canterbury. Through a friend at the box office, Nan manages to visit all her shows and finally meet her heroine. Soon after, she becomes Kitty's dresser and the two head for the bright lights of Leicester Square where they begin a glittering career as music-hall stars in an all-singing and dancing double act. At the same time, behind closed doors, they admit their attraction to each other and their affair begins (Sarah Waters is the queen of historical lesbians. All of her books are good, and they’re all gay! The Paying Guests is another great one)
(On a side note re: queer books, there are MANY, these are just ones I’ve read more recently. Also there are a lot of indie/self-published writers doing great work writing queer books, so definitely support your local indie authors!) 
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dawn-wasabi · 2 years
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Pride Month 2022 - Prideful OCs 
Happy Pride Month, everyone! 
Okay, so the original idea I had was to make little doodles of these characters, either with family members or with their partners if they had one, all showing of their LGBTQ+ swag. However, the touch of drawing only comes to me when I’m inspired, and I haven’t been lately. Since graduation, I’ve mainly played video games like Pony Town and have been writing fanfiction. Hence, this lovely piece for Pride Month. 
The identities and orientations here are considered canonical in terms of my fandom AUs, except for my mane OC. Also, some of these characters’ designs are outdated or are currently being worked on or reworked, so bear with me. 
Line-up; from left to right; top to bottom: 
Patches - Magnus and Ellegaard’s youngest daughter in my Minecraft Story Mode Next Gen. She is a lesbian and is more so the masculine one in a relationship. She is married to her cheery and bubbly wife, Belladonna, eldest daughter of Radar and Stella in the same fandom. Together, the couple have three wonderful girls as their children. 
Bach - The only child of Quackity and Slimecicle in my Crimson AU, or my crossover of the Dream SMP and iDots SMP. Though he is not one for labels, if directly asked, he claims to be bigender, fluctuating between male and female. Despite this, he assures others that he does not take offense to only being called he/him since he still technically identifies as a man. He is easygoing with labels because for him, it is not always relevant to his day-to-day life. His boyfriend, Ralsei, (son of Antfrost and VelvetIsCake) respects this more private label, and he too shares the similar philosophy that labeling is not always a necessity. 
Dawn Wasabi - My ponysona and mane OC. I’m currently debating whether or not I am asexual and/or a straight ally. I think I mistakenly assume that I’m ace because I’m anti-social and never get out enough to explore my options. If I decide that I am not, then I know for sure I would be straight and an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, of course. 
Yeong - Originally the eldest son of Jamison and Rocco in my Minecraft Story Mode Next Gen. Quick recap: Jamison is the oldest son of Jack and Nurm, while Rocco is the youngest son and ninth child of Romeo and Xara. During their teenage years, Yeong chooses to identify as a demi-girl because they do not want to make an official decision about being a transgender. At this point in time, they go by she/her and they/them pronouns, but they are unphased and not offended by friends and family who still refer to them as he/him. Raised in a large, traditional, and somewhat more religious family, they are more than okay and understanding with having a few prejudiced family members, such as their grandfather Romeo and their aunt Zofija. Reaching early adulthood, they still feel more feminine than masculine, so they finally decide to make a full transition and become a trans-woman. She remains going by the same pronouns and is still lenient with being called he/him by others. 
Abraxas - The first child of Skeppy and BadBoyHalo in my Crimson AU, or my crossover of the Dream SMP and iDots SMP. He is also the first born of the Halo twins. Being more accustomed to and favoring the communities of gen Z and gen alpha, he thinks highly of placing a label upon himself. Though he does not experiment until his mid-teenage years, he claims to be bisexual years beforehand. He and others eventually do discover this to be more than likely, as he maintains a secret relationship with a male partner, while he also has a short-lived relationship with his childhood crush, Belladonna, daughter of a6d. 
Asriel - The second child of Skeppy and BadBoyHalo in my Crimson AU, or my crossover of the Dream SMP and iDots SMP. He is the second born of the Halo twins. The polar opposite of his brother and similar to the rest of his friends and gen Xers, he is not sticky about labeling himself. He does not like to claim that he was born into the world with a gay preference, but he, friends, and family have noticed his liking for those of the same sex since he was a little boy. Rather than having innocent crushes on girls, he always displayed affection and crushes toward boys and men. He never once experiments with any women, and even when he has not experimented with a male partner, he gets to understand himself through submissive escapades. As mentioned before, he is not one for labels, but by this point in his life (mid-teenage years), he begins to believe that he is indeed homosexual. 
Minecraft Story Mode @ TellTale Games Dream SMP and (former) iDots SMP @ YouTubers Pony Town @ ponytownteam My Little Pony @ hasbroplz and @ fyre-flye Dawn Wasabi belongs to me. These next gens/AUs belong to me. 
You are NOT permitted to use this artwork!
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booksandwords · 3 years
The Boy in the Red Dress by Kristin Lambert
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Read time: 7 Days Rating: 5/5
The quote: All these cops wanted a simple answer. Blame it on the boy in the dress. Maybe they thought he was weak and couldn't fight back against the police. Maybe they thought he had no one with power on his side. But they didn't know Marion. And they didn't know me either. — Millie Coleman
The Boy in the Red Dress is set in 1930 New Orleans, its a murder mystery revolving around the death of 17-year-old Arimentha McDonough at the Cloak and Dagger, a speakeasy on New Year's Eve. The titular boy in the red dress is Marion Leslie, Marion is the Cloak and Dagger's singer. At 17 he has some serious skeletons in his closet, one of which is Arimentha and she knows about more. It's not just his drag performer self that makes him a target for the police, though that doesn't help, this is the 20s/30s. Marion performs in drag and likes boys, his pianist Lewis specifically.
Marion is not the main character, that is Millie Coleman. Millie is Marion's best friend, the niece of the Cloak and Dagger's owner and the Cloak and Dagger is her home. After being abandoned by her mother Aunt Cal essentially raised her Millie and Cal are close, protective of each other and Millie got her fierceness from Cal.  Where Marion dresses in drag and performs on stage, Millie dresses like a boy and works either the door or the bar. They can be the ying and yang of the Cloak and Dagger. All her actions are motivated by her loyalty to and (platonic) love for Marion and bond with the Cloak and Dagger and its staff. Millie is unashamedly bisexual that starts early and while she isn't confused by it she just doesn't know where to start. She's attracted to waitress Olive and bootlegger Bennie. The whole story is Millie trying to figure out who killed Arimentha so she can clear Marion's name.
Among the other characters I quite like Kitty Sharpe who is every inch the vicious reporter but only if you piss her off. I really wish we had seen a little more of her. I saw that Kristin Lambert has a sequel all planned out (though not confirmed), I hope she reappears in that. I adore her style both as a person and in fashion. Gladys is Millie's mother and Cal's sister. She is a really interesting character in a way, certainly in this book but she is a little tropey. She has horrendous taste in men and a bad track record abandoned her daughter for a man and is now back hoping to reconcile and leaning on the support of her sister. While she is an awful mother (due to a lack of a good role model partially) she is very good at what she does and definitely knows how to use her assets. I respect her for that and as a character, she is a great balance to the other Coleman women, Millie and Caladonia (Aunt Cal). Cal Millie and Gladys have complicated relationships that work and feel familial. The relationship between Olive and Bennie is done well. Their slight antagonism to each other is logical but not at the same time. The fact that Millie doesn't understand it is even funnier.
I really liked the plot. All the clues were there for you to figure out what was going on, who had done what. If you're looking for it, I think on a reread it would be much clearer. Usually, I can see these pick the ending before it happens. In The Boy in the Red Dress, I didn't. 60 pages for the end I knew we had met the murderer, I knew we probably had enough information to know who. But I had no clue. The story was revealed at the right pace and the multiple threads worked well together. As with most young adult, no interaction is meaningless, but some are definitely more important than others. I will give some warnings. There is some period typical violence and intolerance (homophobia, and I guess transphoia-ish mostly), there is trauma related to conversion therapy and there is something perilously close to deadnaming. On the period typical behaviour, a character expects racism but doesn't receive it. On the deadnaming it is Marion and it is accidental, Arimentha doesn't know his new name and doesn't say it to his face, at least not that we see. Every time Marion's wrong name is used and Millie corrects the character there isn't an apology but they don't do it again.
I picked up this book because the title and the cover intrigued me and the blurb was interesting. I had no real idea what I was getting into, and this is Kristin Lambert's debut soooo.... that's not going to help. What I didn't expect was such a fantastic use of sexuality and gender norms. As stated Millie and Marion are both almost counter to their expected roles. Millie's roles are almost typically masculine (on the door and tending bar) and Marians are feminine (sultry singer). Aunt Cal is also quite masculine in the way she carries herself, she runs a speakeasy, plays high stakes poker, dresses in masculine clothing and carries a gun (not gender-specific that one). But there is a definite protective side to her too, over hers at least, her staff and family, it's not maternal it feels harder than that. Cal is gay her girlfriend is Rhonda but we have little to do with her. Millie is bi, Marion is gay, Olive is something, Marion's die-hard fans are implied to be young gay men. And then there is this line about the Cloak and Dagger itself "Marion, the club is your home. It's my home. There's not a single regular at the Cloak who hasn't been thrown out of home or beaten or ditched by their mother or heckled in the street or just made to feel ashamed of who they are at some point in their lives." (Millie, p.215) the Cloak and Dagger is a safe haven for staff and customers alike. It's a community and that is shown, at a point.
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therealjordan23 · 3 years
Next Gen AU Storyline Sneak Peak: Louie & Lena
Louie & Lena
Louie and Lena are 25 when they have their twins
I would really want them to have a son named Casey, named after Casey Coot
I'm not entirely sure why
I chose the name a while back, when I was writing a story where Louie has a son
And then I would want them to have a daughter named Luna
Named after their ship name, cheesy, I know
It's also a really fitting name
What's Their Story?
They're twins, but they were separated at a young age
Casey was kidnapped by Magica when he was a baby
In this universe, Magica never got her magic ability back in The Phantom and the Sorceress
This drives Magica insane, and she focuses on getting back on the McDuck clan, using a pawn named Malcolm
Malcolm’s character will be explained later
Upon hearing that Louie and Lena are pregnant with twins, she immediately plans to take one one the kids
Louie and Lena tried their best to fend her off, but Magica isn't her usual self, she's calm, calculated, and vengeful
She successfully takes Casey with Malcolm’s help
Louie rounds the family up to search, but Magica is gone, and their son is nowhere to be seen
Louie and Lena are now faced with a tough decision: either tell their remaining daughter (when she is older) that she has a missing brother, or raise her as if she were an only child
They decide on the latter
The twins are now 13:
Lena has trained Luna in the "blue/friendship" form of magic
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This means Luna's magic is pure, and powerful
She is still a beginner, though, not nearly as skilled as Lena when she was her age
Magica on the other hand has trained Casey in the dark, amulet, purple form of magic using the talisman, the one that we see Lena use in Season 1
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Even though Magica herself isn't a magic being, she is versed in many forms of magic—as she's mentioned herself
She knows Casey would be a natural magical being due to him being Louie and Lena's son, so she began training him from a young age
This makes Casey a lot more skilled than Luna, and Magica's dark magic is a lot stronger than Lena's and Luna's "friendship/blue" magic
The only weakness is that Casey relies on the talisman, whereas Luna can access her magic whenever she needs to
What Abilities Would I Want Them to Have?
Inherit his father's sharp eye, though he's not entirely sure why he's so good at reading any situation
He inherits Lena's magic ability, but is trained by Magica
This means that he's trained in dark magic
He's very skilled, as Magica has been training him since the age of 4
He's a lot more skilled than his sister
She also inherits Louie's sharp eye
Whenever she and Casey are somehow in the same situation, trying to overcome each other, both are stumped by each other's plans
She inherits Lena's magic ability:
Even though the "blue/friendship magic" isn't as strong as Magica's dark magic, it's still pretty strong
Lena has mastered the art of friendship magic, and works on teaching it to her daughter
Lena begins training Luna at the age of 12, so she has about a year's worth of training
This means she isn't as skilled as her brother, but she’s still a threat
She doesn't depend on an amulet, nor does her magic harm her body
Personality Traits/Notes:
Loves to solve mysteries
Like Lena, she is stubborn and short tempered
She likes history about her family
She can be lazy, often finding sharp loopholes out of her mothers various magic lessons
She's a daddy's girl
She doesn't know of Casey's existence
Raised by Magica, which means he's not exposed to much affection
Magica expects perfection in all of his magical abilities and skills, so it's made him seek perfection in every aspect of his life
This is because if he slips up, he would be severely punished by Magica
He gets extremely violent and angry if something isn't up to perfection
He is egoistic and self centered, not caring much about other people in his life, except his Aunt Magica
Unlike Luna, he is aware his biological family
Magica convinced him that Louie and Lena "picked" a child, and it wasn't him
Due to this, he despises everyone in the McDuck clan, especially Scrooge, Louie, Lena, and Luna
He is raised, thinking that his destiny is to kill and destroy the McDuck Clan
But he's also inherited Louie's sensitivity, meaning that deep down, he's depressed
Luna has bangs shaped like her father’s when he was younger, and has fluffy light hair cascading down her shoulders
She has a natural blue streak in her hair
She is tomboyish
She likes to wear the colour blue, like her Uncle Dewey—she wears a navy, biker style leather jacket over a plain white shirt, with black jeans and black combat boots
Is supposed to have a blue streak in his hair, but due to exposure to Magica and her talisman, that streak slowly became a violent shade of purple
He dresses very professionally—Casey wears a black dress sweater over a white collared dress shirt, with black dress pants and dark sneakers
His hair is clipped short, and it resembles Lena’s hair
He wears his purple talisman underneath his dress shirt, making sure nobody can see it
Other Notes:
Luna is bisexual
Casey is hetorosexual
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themoonlitjunkyard · 3 years
Headcanon Masterlist
Yeah, I’ve been thinking recently of my various headcanons for the characters, and I thought it’d be nice to compile them; just as much for my own references as for anyone who’s curious. ^.^ It’ll probably be periodically updated with things I’ve missed, and some of the background relationships may change.  But here we go for what I have now anyway. xP I’ve been referring to the character portraits I made way back when for all the ones listed.
Cats who actually live in the junkyard and special tribe titles
Munkustrap (Guardian and de-facto leader; His human is the yard’s day watchman, though he spends time at his home too, so he’s half-and-half)
Demeter (Honorary Protector)
Bombalurina (Head Queen/Protector)
Coricopat and Tantomile (Protectors/Mystics)
Asparagus Jr. (Most of his time is spent there anyway; he tends to be the go-between if messages need to be sent to Jellylorum and Gus)
Alonzo (Second-in-command Protector)
Plato (Protector-in-training)
Jemima (Mystic-in-training via the twins)
Cats who have human homes, but live close enough to visit
Jennyanydots (Head Queen)
Rum Tum Tugger
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
Mistofelees (Honorary Protector/Mystic-in-training via the twins)
Jellylorum (Head Queen)
Cats who live far away or visit on special or rare occasions
Old Deuteronomy (Official and spiritual leader; visits on the Jellicle Ball of course--but only when someone needs to go to the Heaviside Layer--and will often visit just because.  He’ll even appear randomly to cats who have a connection to the Jellicles or just might need him somehow)
Gus (He actually lives with Jellylorum in the theater, but he’s very old and too tired to visit the yard as often)
Bustopher Jones (On special occasions or if invited, mostly)
Skimbleshanks (Visits every time the train is back in London)
Outcast Cats
Grizabella (Now re-accepted and waiting to be reborn, former Head Queen)
Familial/Friendly Relationships
Munkustrap and Tugger are blood brothers, sons of Old Deuteronomy; Alonzo is Munkustrap’s best friend and honorary brother, and Mistofelees is the same for Tugger.  Alonzo tends to watch the other kittens along with the Head Queens if Munkustrap is busy.
Macavity is Grizabella’s son by Deuteronomy (though nobody in the tribe but Deut knows of this connection at present).  Munkustrap and Tugger are her blood nephews, adopted along with a few other abandoned kittens by her at the time.  When Grizabella left, Jennyanydots took over their care.
Demeter’s best friend and adopted sister is Bombalurina.  Jemima is (secretly at present) Demeter’s daughter by Macavity.  Plato is (also secretly at present) Bombalurina’s son by Macavity.
Coricopat and Tantomile are blood siblings; Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer present as siblings, but aren’t related (their humans got them together as a hopeful breeding pair of Toyger cats).
Asparagus Jr. is Jellylorum’s son and Gus’s grandson; Jellylorum is Gus’s daughter.  Jellylorum’s last kitten is Etcetera, and Jennyanydots’ is Electra (by Bustopher); they were raised together.  They adopted Pouncival and Tumblebrutus (who are brothers and were abandoned) as their own later.
Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots are blood siblings.  Both are the tribe’s mother/aunt and uncle figures along with Jellylorum.  Bustopher is an uncle figure to Mistofelees and Victoria, who live next door to each other and grew up together.
Cassandra and Exotica aren’t related, but live together.  The former has recently taken on an older sister sort of role to the latter, who is a little shyer and less outgoing.
George isn’t related to anybody (as far as we know), he wandered in not long before the Jellicle Ball looking for friends, and he’s been welcomed with open arms, as with everyone.
Romantical Things
Munkustrap and Demeter are mates (Quite obviously :3), and are exclusively with each other.  That makes them kinda the odd ones out of the tribe, as cats don’t often have mates for life.
Plato is heavily smitten with Victoria (mutually), though also understands that she likes Mistofelees as well (Plato’s only just discovering that he’s bisexual, so he doesn’t mind in that he finds Misto kinda cute too x3).  Mistofelees also likes Victoria and has always been friends with Plato, so he doesn’t get jealous either.
Cassandra and Alonzo are a couple, and though not exclusively, they are each other’s favorites.
Jennyanydots is smitten with Bustopher, and they seem to have little flings from time to time.
Tugger flirts with anyone he feels like (even toms if he knows they’ll get flustered); more commonly seen with Bombalurina and sometimes Cassandra.
Bombalurina is similar to Tugger, but flipped. x3 More commonly seen with Tugger and Alonzo.
George has a love-from-afar crush on Exotica, and is mustering up the will to talk to her (since these two are most often in stuck in the background, it struck me as cute that they’d bond over being the wallflowers of the tribe x3).
The kittens are all young and only just thinking about who they might like.  Jemima has always liked Tumblebrutus, but also finds Mistofelees cute (as does Electra).  Quite obviously, all the girls have puppy (kitten?)-love crushes on Tugger (except Jemima, who figured out a while ago that he might be her blood uncle), and the young toms all have the same kinda crush on Bombalurina.
Cats With Known Alternate Names
Old Deuteronomy -- Probably has WAAAAY too many to list here
Munkustrap -- Peter (given by the Guardsman)
Rum Tum Tugger -- Fluffkin (given by his elderly human)
Quaxo -- Mister Mistofelees (”Mister” was given by the young nephew of Bustopher’s owner, and “Mistofelees” was Quaxo’s own addition)
Bombalurina -- Sekhmet (given by her and Demeter’s old owners), Scarlet (given by the Guardsman), Athena (given by the flower shop owner; probably has a few more nicknames from a few more humans)
Plato (given by the Guardsman) -- Malterideas
Pouncival (given by the Guardsman’s daughter) -- Carbucketty
Tumblebrutus -- Bill Bailey (given by his humans)
Jemima (given by the Guardsman) -- Sillabub
Griddlebone (theater name, probably a variant of her true name) -- Madame Alexandra le Chateu (given by her humans)
More alternate names will come when I think of them (or when they’re revealed in a story/comic!)
Aaaand...I think I’ve covered everybody.  :3 These are only my headcanons, they don’t have to apply to everybody’s tastes, I just thought it’d be fun to compile and share what I have in my head. ^.^
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eliselund · 3 years
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welcome aboard, elise lund, student #46. we are excited to set sail with you ! has anyone told you that you look like kristine froseth? according to our records, you hail from kristiansand, norway, prefer preferred she/her, are cis female, and are here to study geosciences. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of online lottery win — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + free-spirited, + spontaneous, but also - self-indulgent. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the pool. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a watch brought from home. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
hellooooo it’s lily again and here i am with a new muse and i’m super excited to get to play her! please hmu if you’d like to plot :D
01. stats
NAME: elise silje lund
NICKNAME: ellie, lis, elle
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: kristiansand, norway
DATE OF BIRTH: february 28, 1998
AGE: twenty-three
MAJOR: geosciences
02. information
i will write a proper bio at some point, just need to work on some details
elise was born in kristiansand, norway. the daughter of a young med student and a waitress. she was the result of a short lived relationship but from the first moment her father was present.
tw abandonment: she was just six months old when her mother walked away. she didn’t leave a note nor a place where to find her. 
her father with the help of his parents was able to graduate med school and raise elise. 
despite not having a motherly figure, elise had a pretty happy and comfortable childhood. 
when she was six, her father took a fellowship in california and he and elise moved there. 
life in the us was no much different but even at such a young age, elise missed her home.
the lunds moved back to norway when elise was fourteen and by that time she was sure she wanted to become a nurse and also work with children like her father did.
after high school, elise stayed in her hometown and attended university for two years. during her second year, she decided to on an exchange student program to the us.
that’s when her free spirited personality really took off. she began making roadtrips during the weekends or holidays and she discovered her passion for traveling.
once back in norway, elise told her father that she was dropping out to travel the world. her father was not happy about it but eventually realized that there wasn’t much he could do.
for the past three years elise has been traveling to different places, living in hostels, rental cars and coach surfing. she’s had different jobs to be able to pay for her trips and she even had a blog to talk about the places she’s visited.
a few months ago, she heard of seas university through a childhood friend and she decided to give it a chance. she never expected winning the online lottery.
this time, she decided to study geosciences and so far she can study and still travel which is exactly what she wanted.
03. current plots
friends with benefits with bentley james
longtime family friend of matias jackson
04. wanted plot
best friend: elise is super outgoing but she rarely makes long lasting friendships because of how often she used to move, but now on the ship she has found this person to be her platonic soulmate. 
drinking buddies: she loves a good party and a drink after a rough day, so she always calls this person.
voice of reason: she is probably known to be wild and make some questionable choices, maybe your muse is that friend who tries to talk her down and give her alternatives to whatever crazy things she has in mind
study buddy:  despite her reckless personality, elise is a good student and she takes her classes very seriously, so it’s not rare to see her in the library.
unrequited feelings: either elise or your muse admire the other from afar and somehow they havent mustered the courage to talk to the other.
ex: this was probably elise’s first and only relationship, she really loved this person but eventually she decided they were better off as friends
awkward date: they went on a date for whatever reason but it didn’t work out and they ended up never talking again.
wrong idea: elise dislikes this person because she thinks they’re not a great person but of course, all elise needs to do is give your muse a chance.
misunderstanding: these two didn’t have a great start. maybe elise threw coffee on them by accident, or was talking to your muse s/o and unintentionally seemed like she was trying a move and your character took it the wrong way.
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astudyinfreewill · 4 years
if it’s too broke, don’t fix it
so let’s be clear about one thing.
i will be writing fix-it content for the way supernatural ended, because guess what, honk honk!! i’m a clown 🤡 and as it turns out when you spend your formative coming-out-of-the-closet years invested in TV’s longest queerbait, it’s not so easy to just stop caring. go figure.
but i will not be writing fix-it for 15x20, for a simple reason: to me, it’s unfixable.
look. i am more or less convinced by this point - by looking at the internal narrative, the meta analyses, the reactions of the various cast and crew, and behind-the-scenes evidence compiled by fans far more dedicated and detail-oriented than i - that some executive fuckery happened to the ending. nothing else makes sense, nothing else explains an episode that surreally bad, nothing else explains why the run time was so much shorter than usual and why the pacing felt so clunky and stilted, if not last-minute cuts. so, sure. i’m on board. the network got cold feet and decided to axe whatever destiel content the writers may have worked in (probably too little and too late, but that’s by the by). i can even believe they had a hand in the disappearance of eileen - a long-standing love interest, a deaf character, and of course, most importantly, a woman, from the final two episodes, because everything has to be about the brodependency, of course, of course.
however, even if you take into account the possible/very likely “no homo” revisions, you’re still left... with the rest of the episode. you’re still left with dean winchester - a character overwhelmingly read as bisexual, an abuse survivor, the poster child for PTSD both mundane and supernatural (no pun intended)... dying young on a random hunt. and this wasn’t the result of last-minute executive meddling: this was the plan from the start of season 15, and it’s why jensen struggled so much last year with accepting the finale (rather than any ~homophobic feelings~ about 15x18, which he only got the script for a couple months in advance and was reportedly completely fine with). and sure, there’s a chance executives may have had a hand in that too, but at the moment we have no evidence to believe so.
dean started the series as a traumatized kid who’s been turned into a weapon by a physically and emotionally absent father, an unforgiving and unloving man who raised him to believe his only purpose in life was to look after his younger sibling, whether that meant saving him or killing him. dean was parentified from at least as young as the age of 8, left to do the physical and emotional labour his father should have been doing for both him and sam. dean spent much of the series borderline suicidal, believing he had no intrinsic worth beyond what he could sacrifice to keep others safe. dean spent much of the series believing he would always die young and bloody, that sam was the only one of the two of them who would get to live a full life. 
and the show decided to end by confirming all of that, by killing dean off as soon as he’d finally found freedom from destiny. and not even in a blaze of glory for some higher purpose, no-- he was killed off on a random case in what i’m sure some writer felt was a delightful example of ~tragic irony~. well, guess what? i’m not laughing. you lead viewers on an emotional journey for 15 years, they’re going to want catharsis at the end. this? this was the opposite of catharsis. i don’t know if there is an opposite of catharsis, but the internet suggests defilement (probably a good enough translation of the greek miasma) and that feels about right.
and that kind of defilement doesn’t serve the story, either-- because dean spent the later seasons coming to accept that maybe he could have a happy ending, that maybe he did deserve to retire, to enjoy his life, to finally rest - and he definitely didn’t mean rest in peace. the narrative led us on this journey of seeing an abused, PTSD-crippled character start to want more for himself - only to rip all that out from under him in the name of misguided ~high stakes drama. probably because happy endings for everyone are boring and cliché’d and having a ~shocking conclusion is better than having a good conclusion (s/o GOT finale). growth? healing? coming to see yourself in a better light and demanding more for yourself? unrealistic.
well, miss me with that shit. as a bisexual person who took a long time to come to terms with my identity, as an eldest daughter, as someone who deeply believes in the narrative idea of humanity trying and trying and trying until they finally reach happiness - fucking miss me with that gratuitous tragedy shit. i want soft epilogues. i want endings tied with a ribbon. i think we - especially the queer community, especially women, especially people who’ve struggled with low self worth and mental health - deserve it by now.
so, you see, it’s not so much that i can’t write a fix-it for 15x20. in fact, it would be simple enough to do - tragedy is easy to spin into emotional content. which i promise is not a dig at people writing or enjoying that kind of content, because i’ve read some myself, and it has been excellent; more power to you all. all i’m saying is it would be easy enough to write dean getting to heaven and seeing jimmy novak castiel in that roadhouse, whether or not kansas is playing. it would be easy enough to write dean driving to cas and them meeting under a starry sky, ‘the night we met’ playing in the background as it was originally meant to in 15x20, and to imagine them having a tearful, bittersweet, at least we finally have each other reunion. 
the truth is that i won’t. i refuse to. even if i believe that the writers would have given us a destiel endgame if not for executive interference - and that still remains to be definitively seen - it’s not the endgame i would have wanted. it’s not the endgame we deserve after 15 fucking years.
queer characters shouldn’t have to die for the right to be happy. we deserve a soft epilogue - and i’ll write my own, damn it.
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tophsbiggestfan · 4 years
Hi can you do Sukka!!
Yes!! So, they have identical twins named Sensu (which means Fan) and Ken (which means Sword). Both are nonbenders. 
Originally I took inspiration from the Hitachiin twins from Ouran High School Host Club, in that they were kind of like those Siamese twins who were mixed up a lot and always on the same wavelength with each other in an almost-creepy way. They’re both very goofy and love pulling pranks on people, taught to them by their father (which Sokka would literally make inventions just to fuck with people sometimes). But, like, if there were to be a story about them, obviously over time people would realize they’re actually two very different people. The Siamese twins-gig would also be much more apparent when they’re young and haven’t really discovered that they’re two different people yet, because, as you will see, they are actually very different people. 
Sensu, the oldest, is very feminine. As a child, he took far more interest in the Kyoshi warriors than Ken did, even insisting he dress up as a girl so he could practice with them. He’s very passionate about the art of the fan and the martial arts he’s learned from his mom, but he’s otherwise very passive- akin to stoner-like but not quite. When he goes from chilling out to ready to deck someone in the face (most of the time bc of his brother), it’s literally like a light switch, though he’s still kind of... cool in the moment? if that makes sense. I also wrote in my notes that he’s “probably bisexual” but there is no probably. Sensu is definitely bisexual. (Also tossed around the idea that he may be a trans woman, but decided I liked the idea of him just being a feminine man- though if anyone else likes this character you’re obviously free to headcanon him however you want haha). 
Ken’s the second child and he’s much more macho. He’s into his muscles and lifting and showing off to whoever he can. In my original draft of him, he was a “meninist” but like then he’s just going through the same arc as Sokka and obviously neither Sokka or Suki would raise their children to think like that, so while he has that Chad-energy, he’s most definitely a feminist. I’d actually love to think that his ideal woman is someone with just as much muscles as him. Also! While both Ken and Sensu learned both the fan and the sword, Ken actually isn’t super into either. He likes exercise just for fun but isn’t really into fighting or martial arts of any kind, though he is kind of hot-tempered. Both he and Sensu are unexpectedly smart for their character-types, but Ken is much more an academic and looks forward to going to University and all of that. I’m not sure what subject he’d study yet though. 
Finally, though not previously mentioned, I headcanon that Senna (Korra’s mother) is Sokka and Suki’s daughter, though there’s a large age gap between her and her brother (like fifteen years) for the timeline to make sense. Still, Sensu and Ken adore their baby sister and absolutely spoil her rotten and support her through all of her interests as she’s growing up! 
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faedawayyy · 3 years
next generation list. if i've removed a character you loved or really liked, i'm sorry! i just feel like i need a restart.
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BRETT JACKSON, only son of dallas. 
- intp  - musician  - heterosexual  - moved from the springs to gold coast to be closer to ally - starting his singing career slowly  - definitely still has financial struggles thanks to dallas fc: jack gilinsky  >> ALLY, his girlfriend. very much in love with her. he’s moved academy’s so that they can work on their relationship.  >> HALEY, ally’s sister. they’re good friends and brett feels responsible for her in a weird way.  >> AMY, loaned money to him after finding out that he was broke, especially after quitting his job at sloan’s. however, he has no idea how he’s going to pay her back, especially from half way across the world.  >> ROMAN, an old friend of his. he used to work at sloan’s and the two boys got closer but then brett moved away. they’re still really good friends and brett sees him as a little brother.
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PETER CARMICHAEL, son and youngest child of mason and kendall 
- entj  - athlete - heterosexual  - liberty academy, mason secretly paid for him to get in  - long distance relationship with bianca  - still kind of an asshole  fc: neels visser >> BIANCA, his girlfriend. things have got tougher since they’re living on different continents and going to different universities. he still loves her but is starting to realise it isn’t as amazing and easy as he thought it was at gallagher.  >> LOTTIE, a frenemy. he always knew of lottie but didn’t have much to do with her until they ended up in liberty together. he made a move on her while drunk at a party and she flat out rejected him. it’s definitely awkward now. >> VICTORIA, his sister. he can’t stand her. >> ADDY, his friend. peter has always felt bad about the treatment addy used to get with their friendship group and towards the end of high school, he always made an active effort to make her feel looked after and included. >> AMELIA knew that peter cheated his way into liberty and was going to get him kicked out, but he beat her too it. desperate for her not to have something over him, he found out about how she cheated her way into diamond bridge and they now go back and forth with blackmail.
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FLEUR CARMICHAEL, daughter of disney and brody 
- estj  - model and designer  - heterosexual  - burgundy academy, dixie sabotaged her rosewell acceptance  - her sister is her biggest rival but also best friend  - plans to transfer to LA or paris  fc: kendall jenner >> ROMAN is one of fleur’s best friends and she always had a crush on him. however, so does dixie and they’re VERY competitive for his attention.  >> MADDIE is her best friend and roman’s ex girlfriend. fleur always tried to keep her feelings secret because she didn’t want to get in between the two of them. >> DIXIE is her twin sister. the two of them are so competitive and have always fought like sister’s do. the older they’ve grown, the worse it’s got. they’re constantly trying to outdo one another but weirdly enough, they’re also really good friends.  >> LOUISA is one of her best friends but they have a very competitive friendship and get jealous of one another easily.
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JUDAH CRUZ-MENDOZA, middle child of blake and christelle 
- infp  - actor and model  - bisexual  - st judes, he’s really proud of his parents/how they met  - signed a contract with disney channel  - he’s just came out as bisexual (male pref) to his family  fc: booboo stewart  >> AVERY is his ex-crush. judah was completely infatuated by avery and had his first experience with a guy with him. avery always kept it secret, though, which was fine. however, he now feels like he’s actively avoiding him and trying to distance himself which hurts.  >> WHITNEY is his sister and probably the sibling he’s the closest with. he would have come out to her first and trusts her with everything. he’s definitely missing being as close to her because they’re getting their own identities and lives but he loves her all the same. >> AURORA is his best friend. the children of hensley, christelle and soraya had no choice but to grow up close and aurora is like an honorary sister to him.  >> ELIJAH is a new love interest of his. elijah hasn’t come out yet and can be slightly homophobic while judah is freshly open about his sexuality and enjoying it, so even though there’re feelings there, it is definitely a bit messy.
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THEA CRUZ-MENDOZA, oldest child of blake and christelle 
- esfp  - singer (vc: jhene aiko)  - heterosexual  - west ivys, she wanted to be close to family but not too close LOL - she’s like the mum when christelle’s not around. way too bossy with her siblings but is also kinda the blue print. she was a mischievous kid for sure. - a third year, she graduated from springs park a while ago  fc: christina nadin  >> CAM is a good friend of hers, that she definitely feels something for and he feels something for her too. neither of them have admitted it to themselves, let alone each other. 
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ETHAN HARWOOD, son of nate and imogen 
- entj  - athlete - heterosexual  - liberty academy  - he’s a fuckboy and still a fuckboy. some people peak in high school - he did - but he’s still riding out that peak. he’s also fallen out with jay, his old best friend. - addy’s ex; they still sometimes speak  fc: xavier serrano  >> ADDY is his ex-girlfriend. their relationship was quite manipulative and not good for either of them. he knows he still has a little bit of power over her though and really doesn’t want to see her move on.  >> JAY is a frenemy. the two of them have started to drift and fight over the smallest of things. their friendship has quickly fallen apart and it’s clear they’re not the same as they were in high school. >> YOUI he’s lowkey been flirting with her for ages now and it’s only intensified since he and addy broke up, but it’s always been touchy since she’s addy’s old best friend.
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KITTY-LEE HENSHAW, youngest daughter of natasha and anthony 
- isfp  - actress and model  - lesbian  - academia burgundy  - she’s making a transfer to be closer to victoria, who she’s infatuated with - she transitioned at an early age and her whole family has always been accepting, there’s no secrets around it.  - she has a tendency to get jealous  fc: hunter schafer >> VICTORIA is her best friend and crush. kitty has had feelings for victoria for as long as she can remember. they’ve always been best friend’s but it’s always gone deeper than that for kitty. deep down, she knows victoria doesn’t feel the same but she’s going to keep trying.  >> ADDY is a frenemy. kitty really doesn’t like addy and it’s purely because of the group she was in at gallagher. kitty has never clicked with the popular kids and would actively go out of her way to avoid them, so when victoria took a liking to addy at the end of high school, it threw her world upside-down a little and she’s definitely jealous. 
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ROWAN WEST, son of hensley and evan 
- esfp  - director and athlete - heterosexual  - gold coast academy - he’s kind of like, reformed. he’s still not the softest but he’s definitely grown a lot since high school and the bad rep he got for himself post-ally.  - always in trouble. always. he has the worst of both parents in him LOL  fc: chase stokes  >> MADDIE is his new love interest. he’s really invested in getting to know her even though they live quite far apart. he does his best to keep his past with ally a secret from her.  >> DAPHNE is an old friend of his. they used to clash quite a lot but have grown to really like each other.  >> ALLY is his ex-girlfriend. the two of them have a complicated history and that’s exactly where rowan wants her to stay - in his history. he realises where he went wrong with her but is ready to move on. the only problem is they go to the same school and both study sports, it’s only a matter of time before he has to confront her.  >> HARLOW was a rebound ex-girlfriend. after ally, there was harlow. he feels bad for calling her a rebound but that’s exactly what she was. he just needed to feel *something* after the mess and poor harlow was the first in-line. >>WHITNEY AND AURORA are his childhood friends. 
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NICOLAS CASTILLO-HUGES, only son of natalie and ezra 
- intj - writer (for screen)  - bisexual  - diamond bridge academy - very bright and intuitive. despite the difficulties ezra and natalie went through raising him, he loves them both and thinks very highly of them. he’s very focused on his dreams.  fc: rome flynn 
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YASMINE HERNANDEZ, daughter of yulia 
- infp - singer/actress - bisexual  - liberty academy  - yulia became infamous for being a home-wrecker and sleeping with lots of influential men when she left st judes. she quickly gained a bad reputation and people disregarded her talent because she was a ‘gold digger’. yasmine is often treated the same by students her age. fc: selena gomez  >> LOTTIE is her best friend. they met on the first day of liberty and are roommates. yasmine definitely clings to lottie and is one of the only friends she trusts due to her anxiety.  >> NOAH has an unrequited crush on her. yasmine finds it hard to trust people and is nervous with any form of romantic attention. even though noah’s crush is innocent and she likes him as a friend, she’s not sure how she feels about him yet. 
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CALLIE CASTILLO, oldest daughter of maria 
- estj  - model  - heterosexual  - st judes academy  - she’s getting used to not having her former clique around her and doesn’t really know what to do now that her popularity hasn’t translated over into university. she’s really struggling tbh  fc: sofia jamora   >> CARTER is her boyfriend. for a long time, she still had feelings for peter - his younger brother - but she’s trying so hard to push those aside and focus on them. he’s always been understanding of her, no matter how bitchy she gets.  >> BIANCA AND YOUI are her best friends. even though they’re all doing their own things, she considers those two her best friends and it’s been that way since the beginning of high school.  >> ADDY is a frenemy. callie used to relentlessly bully addy throughout high school and she still treats her like a bit of an outsider. she lowkey hates seeing addy thriving in LA while she’s still stuck in her hometown.  >> PETER C is her ex boyfriend. they’re messy as heck and she’s still not quite over the fact he ultimate chose aurora, her distant cousin. 
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TAMMY CASTILLO, youngest daughter of maria 
- enfp  - singer (rosalia)  - bisexual (female pref)  - gold coast academy  - sick of living in calie’s shadow, she’s branched out to get an identity all of her own. she’s your typical party girl type.  fc: val mercado  >> ALLY is her best friend. they’ve got really close at gold coast and are practically inseparable.  >> they were in a long term relationship until he found out that he was a father. this really hurt her and she hasn’t forgiven him, despite still being in love with him. 
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DELILAH CALLOWAY, daughter of eloise 
- istj  - actress  - bicurious  - wilow house academy - she’s the opposite of eloise. eloise let herself be pushed around by her sisters and forgotten about to an extent. delilah has made it clear that she’ll be the trailblazer for the ‘calloways’ in this generation and will happily walk all over her cousins if she has to.  fc: sommer ray  >> AALIYAH is her best friend. they both met at willow house and delilah took a shine to her confidence. the girls really got along well and they’ve also started to hook up. delilah is bicurious and unsure of her sexuality so relies a lot on aliyah to take the lead.  >> ADDY is her cousin. they never grew up in one anothers lives but delilah has always known of her aunts and cousins. the girls have reunited through the talent academy competition and are getting to know each other.
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AIDEN NILSEN, son of kristofer - REVAMPED bc i feel like he only existed as haley’s on/off bf.
- infj - model  - bisexual  - st judes  - kristofer moved the family out to los angeles, so aiden is now based there. he still has an incredibly addictive personality. after haley moved out to gold coast, he kind of wiped his hands of her from the time being and has taken on a more artsy/friendly persona but that doesn’t mean he is.  fc: willy cartier 
>> HALEY is his on-again and off-again girlfriend. their relationship is toxic and when he found out she transferred to gold coast, he’s mainly just looking to rub her face in the fact he’s not with her anymore. 
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CHESTER JACKSON, son of margo 
- esfp  - actor  - bisexual  - blossom bell  - he has the same chaotic energy that margo has, but he’s not as much of an asshole :’) he just loves the attention. he was diagnosed with ADHD quite late in life but at this point, he can’t even put it down to that. he went to gallagher and got kicked out in his third year so he probably hasn’t been around for a bit.  fc: dylan o’brien  >> DIXIE AND FLEUR are family friends. he’s been good friends with dixie for a while and is like a brother figure to her.
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SABRINA HUGHES, daughter of ezra 
- infp  - singer/actress - bisexual  - burgundy academy  - she was never the cool girl in high school and has always struggled to find her place in social settings. she’s trying to grow her confidence and make an identity for herself but she does get jealous when friends and people close to her get more attention or something that she wanted. fc: halle bailey (i’ll write more when i cbb)
>> BRIELLE is her girlfriend. the two of them are trying to balance a healthy relationship and achieve their own personal dreams.
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georgiafm · 4 years
            big  boobs  ?  what  ??  ummm,  chile,  anyway...  soo.  hey  angels  !  xD  fun  fact  ?  positions  has  been  on  repeat  for  like  4  days  straight  <3  i’m  c / cely  (  she  +  her  ),  whatever  floats  ur  boat,  i’m  a  23  yr  old  from  the  eastern  tz  who’s  110%  struggling  to  adult  properly,  and  i’m  rlly  not  all  tht  interesting,  so  let’s  move  on  to  The  real  star  here
p.s.  i  promise  i’ll  try  but  9/10  i  am  terrible  at  ims  😔  so  feel  free  to  hmu  on  the  disco  @simp 4 shawn 5ever#1305
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chicago’s  very  own  georgia  ‘gigi’  madigan  has  been  spotted  on  madison  avenue  ,  with  a  striking  semblance  to  madelyn  cline  !  you  may  know  them  as  @gigipuffs  or  hitting  the  front  page  of  tmz  as  shamed  child  star  gigi  goes  gaga  on  pedestrian  on  broadway  street  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  twenty-third  birthday  bash  .  your  chance  of  surviving  new  york  is  uncertain  because  you’re  irascible  ,  but  being  congenial  might  help  you  .  things  that  would  paint  a  better  picture  of  you  would  be  head  held  high  despite  the  sooty  markings  of  a  dirty  neck  ,  deafening  music  blaring  from  a  convertible  speeding  down  residential  streets  ,  cherry  chapstick  on  a  pouting  mouth  .  (  cisfemale  +  she/her    )
full  name  :  georgia  stormy  madigan.
nickname(s)  :  gigi.
birthdate  :  sometime  in  october  during  ‘97.  
zodiac  :   libra. 
sexuality  :  bisexual / biromantic.
hometown  :  born  in  dallas,  texas  but  moved  to  chicago  at  age  5  when  her  mother  remarried,  then  eventually,  nyc  at  16  after  her  step-father  received  a  huge  job  offer.
father  :  sullivan  “sully”  madigan--  retired  soccer  player  &  hall  of  famer.  now,  currently  lives  in  honolulu,  hawaii.  gigi’s  best  friend.  she  goes  to  him  often  to  either  whine  about  her  family,  or  laze  in  the  sun.  leads  a  normal,  modest  life  with  a  new  family.  mellow  &  altruistic. 
mother  :  gwendolyn  mayfair--  talk  show  co-host  (  the  view  reimagined  ).  was  miss  texas  in  ‘84,  then  miss  america  in  ‘86.  ambitious,  but  superficial  &  overbearing.
step-father  :  michael  mayfair--  sports  commentator.  basically,  sukie’s  second  father  as  he  married  gwendolyn  while  gigi  was  still  young,  therefore,  was  instrumental  in  raising  her.  was  once  sully’s  biggest  fan,  then  stole  sully’s  wife.  funny,  but  flighty  &  unreliable.
siblings  :  riley  mayfair--  half-sister.  4  years  old.  if  it  was  still  a  thing,  you’d  without  a  doubt  catch  her  on  a  toddlers  &  tiaras  episode.  keith  madigan--  brother.  27  years  old.  currently  serving  life  in  prison  for  3  counts  of  manslaughter.  a  painful  detail  the  family  doesn’t  talk  about.  it  always  makes  gwendolyn  cry.  it  makes  georgia’s  blood  boil.
occupation  :  host  of  one  of  the  most  popular  podcasts  in  america.
traits  :  -  irascible,  sardonic,  skeptical,  flippant,  scatterbrained,  tactless,  insubordinate.      +  congenial,  benevolent,  resilient,  individualistic,  waggish,  uninhibited,  candid.
character  inspo  :  pinterest.  viola  hastings  (  she’s  the  man  ),  maeve  wiley  (  sex  education  ),  miley  cyrus / ashley  o  (  black  mirror  ),  alyssa  (  end  of  the  fucking  world  ).
* 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞  :  georgia  madigan’s  most  scandalous  articles
sully  madigan’s  problem  child  throws  tantrum  on  set.
“  i  know  madigan.  nice  guy.  but  that  daughter  of  his  is  out  of  control  !  ”  director  leopold  lincoln  recounts  georgia  madigan’s  horrific  attitude.
racy  photos  of  nearly  nude  georgia  madigan  leaked  !
mental  breakdown  ?  georgia  madigan  attacks  paparazzi  !
meltdown  madigan  at  it  again  !  georgia’s  meltdown  with  boyfriend  caught  on  tape  !
disney  axes  contract  with  georgia  madigan.  is  this  the  end  for  the  child  star ?
ex  disney  star’s  fall  from  grace  *  tmz  image  of  a  19  year  old  georgia  on  her  hands  &  knees  vomiting  outside  of  a  nightclub  * 
why  no  one  in  hollywood  wants  to  work  with  georgia  madigan.
* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭   𝐢.
when  gwendolyn  first  learned  she  was  with  child,  she  was  ecstatic.  she  prayed  &  prayed  for  a  girl.  she  daydreamed  often  about  what  it  would  be  like  having  a  mini  her;  pictured  her  in  pageants  (  dominating  the  competition  if  she  was  anything  like  mommy  ),  in  ballet,  getting  their  nails  &  hair  done  together  like  close  mommies  &  daughters  do.  
when  she  found  out  she  was  having  a  boy,  she  begrudgingly  accepted  it  as  her  fate,  but  vowed  to  try  again,  already  planning  her  next  pregnancy  while  still  pregnant  with  her  first;  a  child  she'd  name  keith,  &...  she  liked  him  okay.  the  first  born  always  occupies  a  special  place  in  the  heart;  but  she  wanted  a  girl.  keith  would  grow  up  knowing  a  subtle  kind  of  rejection.  the  second  time  gwendolyn  learned  she  was  with  child,  she  was  over  the  moon.  this  time  she  knew  it'd  be  a  girl--  a  psychic  had  told  her  so.  she  didn't  listen  to  anything  else  the  psychic  had  to  say.
* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭   𝐢𝐢.
georgia  was  her  mother's  perfect  little  doll...  until  she  wasn't.  but  until  then,  she  dressed  her  up,  ensuring  she  only  adorned  pastels,  bought  her  lots  &  lots  of  barbies--  replacing  the  ones  that'd  turn  up  with  their  heads  missing  with  dozens  more--  forced  her  into  hosiery  &  leotards  while  the  child  cried  &  cried  &  cried,  smiled  through  the  embarrassment  when  she'd  sabotage  her  own  performances  at  pageants,  smiled  in  polite  agony,  face  colored  crimson,  when  she'd  pick  georgia  up  from  school  with  her  dresses  covered  in  dirt,  pigtails  lopsided  &  drooping  sadly.  this  wasn't  what  she  pictured  having  a  daughter  would  be  like.  
but  instead  of  letting  up,  letting  georgia  explore  her  own  interests,  she  pressed  on.  her  sights  eventually  set  on  the  silver  screen.  by  6,  georgia  was  crying  on  disney  sets.  by  10,  she  had  no  more  tears  left  to  cry;  &  what  would  be  the  use  anyway  ?  they  never  worked.  by  15,  georgia  was  acting  out  in  a  very  different  way.  her  father  was  gone,  driven  away  across  the  country  &  an  ocean  by  gwendolyn,  her  step-father  mostly  looked  the  other  way,  complicit,  her  brother,  in  prison--  gwendolyn’s  biggest  disappointment  &  heartache.  georgia  was  alone.
* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭   𝐢𝐢𝐢.
by  16,  georgia  had  been  dropped  by  disney,  &  a  deep  depression  would  befall  her.  when  she  was  younger,  friday  night  lights  used  to  glint  off  of  warm  starry  eyes.  her  father  &  step-father  would  take  her  to  all  the  games  &  teach  her  all  the  happenings  on  the  field  until  they  made  up  their  own  little  game  of  guessing  plays--  up  until  there  came  a  time  when  georgia  would  always  emerge  victorious.  she  dreamed  of  following  in  her  father’s  footsteps  when  she  was  young,  but  now,  it  was  too  late.  her  youth  had  been  wasted,  &  she  felt  utterly  drained.  she  used  to  think  she  had  all  the  time  in  the  world,  but  adulthood  was  rapidly  approaching,  &  all  she  could  do  was  lament  over  all  that  wasted  time.
she  eventually  dug  herself  out,  some  time  an  ocean  away  from  her  mother  doing  her  good,  but  when  she  returned  home,  gwendolyn  had  replaced  her.  this  time,  this  baby  would  be  a  mini  her.  like  her  brother,  georgia  would  come  to  know  a  subtle  kind  of  rejection.
generally  easygoing  &  big-hearted,  over  the  years,  georgia’s  earned  a  bad  reputation  she’s  undeserving  of.  while  she  has  difficulty  controlling  spurs  of  anger,  said  anger  is  never  without  reason,  it’s  simply  exacerbated.  she  doesn’t  take  too  kindly  to  aggressive  authority  figures  or  injustice.  after  she  established  a  podcast  on  youtube  &  spotify  when  she  was  20,  however  (  the  subject  matter  is  some  of  everything;  football,  soccer,  pop  culture,  racy  content,  politics,  think  pieces,  philosophy,  she  even  hosts  people  on  occasion  to  keep  things  fresh  &  exciting  ),  people  were  finally  able  to  get  to  know  the  real  her.
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jeyned · 4 years
heya everyone ! i wrote a really long intro / backstory which i’ve linked below, but in case you’re lazy like me i’ve also put a little tl;dr under the cut with the cliffs notes. there’s also a bunch of plot ideas in case anyone is interested ! like this, drop me and IM, or message me on discord ( do you like yuice ?#6373 ) if you want to plot !
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⤷ the courts offer bread and salt to jeyne whent née lannister of house whent. many say that the twenty - seven year old ruling lady of harrenhal is known to be lively and insightful, though ill tongues whisper that she is condescending and selfish when her name is uttered , one is reminded of a pretty smile hiding bloodied teeth; the hiss and raised hackles of a cat that thinks itself a lion; a languid and velvety darkness; heartbeat made of war drums. may she be blessed and protected in this war of crowns. ( fc: caitlin stasey )
full backstory   /   statistics page   /   development tag .
              trigger warnings for ; death & murder, illness, forced marriage, misogyny & misogynistic slurs (1), war.
name.  jeyne whent née lannister. nicknames.  the little lioness. age.  twenty-seven. traits.  + clever, intrepid, lively, protective, insightful, tasteful.          - hypocritical, cruel, condescending, proud, selfish, spiteful. titles.  ruling lady of harrenhal, heir apparent to lannisport. loyalty.  [ lana del rey vc ] money, power, and glory. also the starks of winterfell, i guess.
tl ; dr .
jeyne is the youngest child and only daughter of the lord of lannisport and his wife. well - raised, courtesied, if admittedly spoiled. even as a little girl she plays pretend at being a king. her father teaches her what words like wartime and loyalty and ambition mean ; the sacrifices she must make for their family name, for gold and glory.
the ironborn raids come to the shores of the westerlands and both her brothers are sent to fight. the younger dies first ; there is no body to bury. her mother falls ill with something they can only call grief.
jeyne is married not long after, a rose in bloom at nineteen. when she first hears, she weeps and begs and rages. her father reminds her of her duty, of the joy it would bring her ailing mother. jeyne knows then what must be done, and plans.
when her first husband dies just shy of two years into their marriage, jeyne is irreproachable. he dies in winter, already ill ; goes to sleep coughing and doesn’t wake up. jeyne isn’t even in the castle when it happens, although unfounded rumors fly of witchery and murder. 
nine months pass, and she plays the part of mourning widow exceptionally well. it helps her mummer’s farce that news comes from the war : her remaining brother is dead now too, and her mother’s health is failing. without her brothers, she’s the ostensible heir to lannisport ; her father’s displeasure with this is made quite clear to her. he even suggests she isn’t his ; bearing too many of her mother’s features, not enough of his.
she is remarried quickly to lord lucas whent, without a fraction of the pomp and circumstance of her first wedding ; now a widow, with a reputation tarnished by unproven but incessant whispers, the newest match is rushed, necessary but insignificant. she doesn’t cry or beg this time, just goes coldly.
she hates him before she even meets him, hates the harrenhal the moment she sets eyes on it, hates the cold and the rain and the gloom of the castle and its people. spends all her considerable energies complaining and making life generally miserable for anyone around. 
word arrives that her mother has died ; her father remarries quickly in the hopes of a new male heir, and draws in his nephews and nieces. weighing his options. jeyne prays to the stranger to take them all. 
she resents the lot of them ; her father for using and betraying her, her brother and mothers for leaving her, the ironborn for killing her brothers, the starks for suing for peace and making their deaths worthless, her husband merely for existing. mostly, though, she resents herself, not clever enough to find a way out of the cages she’s been locked in.
enemies.  the very best plot type and you cannot convince me otherwise. gimme intimately plotted hate-your-guts-smile-to-your-face frenemies who overthink everything the other says and press each others buttons incessantly. gimme ‘our houses have fought each other and i blame your family for this or that’. gimme petty jealousies and annoyances and people too much like her for them to get along. gimme people who think she’s a traitorous, murdering bastard and a whore to boot, and aren’t even wrong to think so.
close friends.  i don’t imagine she has a lot of these ; those not deterred by her reputation often are dissuaded by her personality. still i love the idea of her having a few lords or ladies with whom she gets along quite well, the kind of people you only need to meet briefly to know you understand each other. can be from pretty much anywhere ; stuck at harrenhal i imagine jeyne to be an avid letter-writer. 
cousins.  i’m also considering sending in a wc for this, but gimme all the family plots ! could be paternal cousins, potential contenders for inheriting lannisport, & probably childhood companions. could also be maternal cousins ! i listed her mom as being a westerling but i’m more than happy to change that to another house for plot reasons, it doesn’t really matter ! her father could’ve also had sisters who married into other houses, there’s lots of options.
failed betrothals.  i can imagine her father made a lot of offers, both when she was first getting married and after she was widowed. and i can imagine a lot of reasons why someone might reject that ; she’s a lannister, she’s not .... great as a person and her reputation isn’t phenomenal either. after the death of her first husband, too, i can imagine her prospects were pretty slim. still, the lannisters are ambitious and would have sought out as good as match as they could have. 
family of her late husband.  yea, i specifically didn’t pick a house for her first husband to be from because i wanted to leave ‘em open for other applicants but also because i wanted to leave it open in case it’s a plot anyone would like to take up ! most of the story around that is also very vague so as to fit with pretty much any ideas/plots someone has going on. would be really fun, tho ; possibly they can even have been co-conspirators and this person inherited jeyne’s late husband’s title and lands ? or they absolutely hate jeyne and think she’s a murderer which .... she very well might be.
sister in law.  the widow of jeyne’s older brother, irwyn ; i hc that they had a daughter but tbh that’s just flavor text and i am open to changing pretty much anything i’ve got going on. i may send in a wc for this at some point too ? anyway, whether she stayed at lannisport or returned to her family home or anything, idk. seems like an unlikely connection to get picked up but it’s definitely out there if it happens to fit for someone.
brothers’ connections.  again kind of vague ? would probably work best for men from the northern kingdom who may have known them or trained with them, or else fought alongside them against the ironborn. could also be ladies with pretty much any kind of attachment to either of them idk ; jeyne doesn’t have a whole lot of family left so this is my way of trying to have connections thru her family anyway.
childhood friends.  idk how many characters from the westerlands there are around rn, but bring them to me pls. would love some childhood friends for jeyne ; whether they fell out of touch, or still write each other monthly letters. them being a ward at lannisport, or jeyne being a ward at theirs for a time is also a neat option ! 
allies.  not quite friends, but potential partners whose ambitions align with hers. she has connections to the wealth of lannisport and the might and strategic position of harrenhal ( though harrenhal is truly weaker than she’d ever admit ) and honestly would support just about anyone if it meant she got lannisport. she’s power hungry what can i say ? 
former flings / secret lovers.  firstly these can be of any gender as jeyne is ... peak evil bisexual tbh. yes i’m queercoding my villain and i think that’s very sexy of me. these are also just pretty vague ideas, and absolutely do not need to be particularly romantic ; they could have had a more lengthy affair or just hooked up at a wedding or a tourney or something. 
travellers.  both lannisport and harrenhal are pretty common places to pass through. on a sea journey on the western coast one is likely to stop by lannisport, and harrenhal stands practically at the center of westeros, which is a fun opportunity for jeyne & your muse to have met even if they live very far way or are unlikely to have met in other ways ! especially considering harrenhal’s size it’s a good stop over for travellers with a larger retinue. idk i just want an excuse to plot with everyone.
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iphisesque · 4 years
Yes rant about an italian book no one has ever heard of. I love to learn more and now im so curious too haha. Pls endulge me here lol
Happy to indulge you and the others who asked about it ❤️
The book in question is "Il morso della vipera" by Alice Basso, an author whose previous book series I adore and who definitely did not disappoint me with this novel! It is a mystery novel set in 1935 Turin, right during the fascist Ventennio, and it follows a young woman named Anita who decides to work for a while before getting married, gets hired as a typist in a small detective story publishing house and inadvertently stumbles upon an unsolved murder dating back to WWI alongside her editor/coworker/translator/boss.
Now, there are a lot of characters who are either purposefully queer-coded (and not made explicit because you know, fascist regime going on) or subtextually indicated as gay: the one character I'm sure was purposefully written as a closeted lesbian is our queen Candida, Anita's old school teacher and dear friend who smokes cigars, wears pants, has a secret stash of banned books and is repeatedly said to have never married and have no interest in doing so, often advising Anita and her friend Clara to focus on being the intelligent women they are and maintaining their intellect instead of marrying off to some fascist and bearing six children for him. Anita mentions many times what an influence and inspiration Candida is to her and Clara, and just as many times she mentions how she pointedly refuses to conform to societal norms, as a working, unmarried woman in her 40s-50s who loves to read and have intellectual discussions and surround herself with other like-minded women; all of this to me reads very clearly as a lesbian mentor figure who is simply not out to the main character, and I do hope to see her either come out in some way or find a lover of the same gender in the later books, though of course she wouldn't need to do so to be a lesbian icon.
Now, the rest of this post is more just me projecting and reaching a lot, but I also feel like Clara, Anita's friend, was strongly hinted at to be a lesbian: she is often compared to Candida, as she is also an intellectual bookworm and a working woman with no particular interest in men (this is said to be reciprocated, as she is not exactly attractive, something even she points out and relishes in, as it "keeps ill-intentioned boys at bay"), to the point that while reading the book I was dreadfully anticipating the reveal of a sexual relationship between Clara and Candida à la "Life of Adèle", which luckily never happened.
As for the men, there's a specific scene in this book that sent my gay radar FLYING, and that is chapters 10-11: a bit of context with extremely mild spoilers is that in this chapter Anita, who was previously convinced that her aforementioned editor/coworker/etc Sebastiano was a devout fascist, walks by the publishing house and therein finds Sebastiano and another man talking, reading poetry and semi-openly insulting the regime (which makes sense for them to do in context, they're not like yelling "fuck fascists" at a busy street). We find out that Sebastiano and the other man, the Italian-American Julian, are colleagues and very dear friends, who know everything about each other and trust each other with everything, from original poetry and detective stories to risky political opinions to intimate thoughts, and they're both trying to elude the regime into thinking they're the perfect ideal of the virile fascist man for various reasons, with Sebastiano even being engaged to the daughter of a local fascist leader.
Of course, two men being close friends does not necessarily mean they're gay, but I think the story would have been extremely enriched by them having/having had a relationship (Sebastiano later has a flirtationship with Anita I really like, so I could see him as bisexual): imagine if, aside from Sebastiano's stated motives of acting like a perfect fascist to protect his communist father and be able to publish his stories, he was also keeping up that pretence and overcompensating to hide his same-sex attraction and his affair with a man! That immediately raises the stakes of it all, adding tension to the story that goes beyond "if the facade falls the publishing house gets shut down", and with the way the scene is written it's a change easily made: in canon Anita sees them talking from the window, Sebastiano crying (a moment she literally describes as him looking like Achilles, known gay) and Julian consoling him, they hug and insult fascists and lightly banter as they pop open a bottle of cognac, she gets caught spying by Julian and Sebastiano spills the beans.
It would be easy and a huge plot twist if instead of hugging by the window they kissed and Anita saw, and Sebastiano wouldn't even have to spell out that they're in a relationship, which could leave Anita wondering about his real motivation and about what other things he's hiding from her! It's such a missed opportunity in my opinion, though of course it would be quite a risky move, making your male love interest/co-protagonist bisexual.
That is IT, thank you for coming to my TEDtalk about the gay subtext of this book ❤️
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