#I love chopper so much he’s the cutest
shanalikeanna · 1 year
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I haven’t posted anything in a while since I’ve been busy, but have my OC/Self Insert being friends with Chopper as a treat.
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luffington · 17 days
hello i love ur works!! i hope ur doing well! :D for law can i request a law with a f!reader who doesn’t like him at all at first but has an uncharacteristic absolute soft spot for cute things (ie bepo) and he uses that to get closer to her? thank u!! ☺️
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➤ pairing: trafalgar law x gn!reader
➤ word count: 1.1k
➤ warnings: alcohol use
this is such a cute concept thank you for suggesting it!! i'm exactly like this and i wanna hug bepo so badly ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ
i'm still not confident in the way i write law so i hope you like this!
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Law's heart skips a beat the moment he meets you. That’s very unfortunate for him. 
His social skills are adequate at best, since his awkwardness unintentionally comes off as rudeness, but they get infinitely worse around people he’s attracted to.
Plus, you're a Straw Hat, so you're already seeing him out of his element. Luffy's (unintentional) insistence on ruining all of his carefully planned schemes leaves him perpetually frustrated, uncomfortable, and grumpy.
You frown when his voice comes out harsher than he meant it to. Roll your eyes when he gets upset at your crewmates again for doing what they always do. Mumble something snarky under your breath when the man frantically tries to get his plan back on track, somehow still not realizing that everything works out for Luffy. 
Oh, you must hate him. Law knows it. He tries to give you space to avoid making the situation worse, but that only upsets you more.
But Bepo? You’re obsessed. 
Constantly clinging onto him, rubbing your cheeks against his fur, giggling about how soft and round he is until the poor bear's snowy white face is tinted bright red.
His first mate nervously cries out "Captain!!", clearly flustered but secretly enjoying your praise. You pout, wondering why the cutest Mink you'd ever met is sticking around with an asshole like Law.
It’s not just Bepo – you love everything cute. Chopper always ends up in your lap, happily wrapped in your embrace. You feed stray cats, stop to pet every dog you see, and gush over the Tontattas in Dressrosa (especially Princess Mansherry!). Somehow, you cry more than Franky does at heartwarming stories. 
Law doesn’t understand how someone as adorable and kind-hearted as you could become a pirate. He admires your emotional vulnerability and childlike whimsy as much as he’s terrified of it. 
The poor guy can't win. He can barely talk to you like a normal person, much less have a full conversation with you. It leaves him lying awake in bed at night trying to think of something to say that doesn't make him sound like a dick. 
(Maybe he should read that book Chopper gave him – 'healthy ways to process trauma’ or something stupid like that.)
His crewmates know about his predicament, so Shachi suggests expressing his feelings in a way that doesn’t involve words. 
Law fights off embarrassment and walks into a toy store, looking incredibly out of place. He ends up picking out a black-and-white puppy plushie. (it’s Snoopy hehe)
Anxiety nearly overwhelms him while he waits for the perfect moment to give it to you. When it finally feels appropriate to pull you away from your crewmates, he leads you into an empty room on the Sunny. 
Law can barely look you in the eyes as he hands you the stuffed animal and mumbles, “I got this for you.”
Your jaw nearly hits the floor. “Oh, Law…” The long stretch of silence causes him to panic internally, suddenly regretting everything and thinking of ways to explain himself.
Before he can come up with a flimsy excuse, you gladly accept his gift and hug it tightly. “It’s adorable, thank you! It even matches your hat!”
A blush spreads across his cheeks like wildfire. He wasn’t thinking about that, he swears! It’s the same color as Bepo! Yes, he loves black and white, and maybe he subconsciously wanted it to remind you of him, but he didn’t do it on purpose!
At breakfast the next morning, Shachi asks if you like your gift. Deciding not to question why he knows about it, you nod enthusiastically and say it’s so cute that you spent the entire night cuddling it. Law sputters and spills hot coffee on himself.
But now you feel bad. Everything about Law’s behavior made you think he disliked you, but he clearly cares enough to notice your interests. You don't know anything about him.
The next time your combined crews split up, you make it a point to join him and spend alone time together. He’s obviously overjoyed, and he’s already thinking about more gifts to buy you.
Once you get past his awkward exterior, you realize he's actually pretty cute. He has his own nerdy interests, and he genuinely cares about Bepo and the rest of his crew.
He’ll show you his if you show him yours… Obviously that means his limited edition Germa 66 comics box set and your collection of cute trinkets, with the puppy plushie he bought you sitting proudly on your pillow.
When he sees a cute animal or something he knows you’d like, if you’re within Room range, he Shambles you over to him so you won’t miss it.
“Law, what the hell? Why am I three blocks away from where I just was?” With a straight face, he points and says, “Cat.”
Bepo’s also a great wingman. He helps you see his captain’s soft side by telling stories about their adventures together – even embarrassing ones Law wishes he left unsaid. You eagerly listen to everything the Mink has to say and become even more comfortable around Law.
Law realizes you can be soft and strong at the same time. No one doubts Sanji’s strength even though he caves whenever he sees a woman – why shouldn’t that apply to you and your interests?
At one of your crew's famous banquets, you get super drunk and won’t stop clinging to him. Law is completely sober and tries to push you off of him, attempting to prevent you from doing anything you'd regret the next morning. 
But then you tell him you think he's adorable and giggle cutely.
He's stunned into silence for a few moments. "...You think so?" (He'd rather be seen as manly, but he's more than happy with any perception as long as you like him.)
You nod and move to kiss him, and as much as he’s dying to reciprocate, he holds you back. Instead, he half-carries you over to where a group of both of your crews are mingling. You're asleep in Bepo's lap in less than a minute.
Hungover and sleepy the next morning, you timidly apologize for your behavior. Law shakes his head and assures you that it's fine. 
"I still wanna kiss you, though," you murmur quietly. 
So his lips press against yours in a slow and gentle kiss, eventually escalating until your fingers are tangled in his hair and you’re straddling his lap, one tattooed hand gripping your hip and the other holding you tight against him.
Bepo and Shachi’s eyes widen when they see their captain’s flushed state a while later, hair messy and hickies on his neck. In typical Law fashion, he just thanks them with no further explanation.
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Can I just say, I love how much Zoro loves how much Chopper looks up to him. Like here both these dumbasses are dreaming about defeating each-other, and while Sanji, unsurprisingly, is fantasizing about winning over Nami by doing it, Zoro is fantasizing about impressing Chopper. Like this is just the cutest thing.
Obviously, the funniest part about all this is that Nami would just clobber them both for fighting (and probably already did) and Chopper would yell at them both for hurting each other and force them to receive medical attention, so both their dreams are completely unrealistic, but I just think it's so cute that not only does Chopper see Zoro as his big bro, Zoro loves that he does so much he dreams about it. He really loves being Chopper's big bro so much. Their relationship is so wholesome.
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onepiece-fics · 11 months
The strawhats reacting to receiving gifts
Summary: How do the strawhats react to receiving (personal) gifts? Gender neutral reader.
Authors note: Soooo the request was a lot more general than what I ended up writing but I hope this still works <3
Also I added links for pictures for most of their gifts if you're curious of how I imagined it :)
Warnings: Chopper and Brook are FULLY platonic!!
Word count: 2346
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Neither Luffy nor you are very materialistic people, but giving gifts isn’t always about that. You love doing various little crafts. You decided a while ago to start learning how to crochet, and your first project was gonna be to make a little crochet plush of Thousand Sunny! 
After about a week of working on your project, you finally finish it, and you’re ready to give it to your captain. You go out to the lawn deck, seeing him playing around with Chopper in what looks like a game of tag. Of course, your captain is winning by quite a lot due to his powers. You shake your head before you call his name, feeling bad for the reindeer with the frustrated expression on his face.
“Luffy! Could you come here for a second?” you call out. He stops dead in his tracks and looks at you, arms behind your back. His interest is immediately piqued at how suspicious you look. 
“Oh! Y/N! Whatcha got behind your back?” he asks, voice full of excitement. He tries to look behind your back, turning around your body to see what's in your hands.
“Here! I made this for you” you say, holding your arms out to show him the plush. It takes him a minute to register what you’re holding out to him, but when he sees what it is his face lights up with his iconic grin.
“Y/N!! That’s awesome!! You made Sunny!” he can’t hold his excitement anymore and he lifts you up by your waist and spins you around in a circle. He lets you go and looks intensely at the plush.
“Oh my god, I have to show Franky… Chopper look at it!!” he shows the reindeer whose face also lits up. He turns to you again, taking ahold of your shoulders with a grin on his face.
“This is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much” he says and gives you a peck on the cheek before he runs off to find Franky. 
Zoro is one of those people who’s absolutely awful at both giving and receiving gifts, but honestly, that’s part of the fun for you. On the last island you were at you found a jewelry shop and found a cool-looking bracelet that you knew you had to buy for him, and you couldn't wait to see his reaction.
“Zoro!” you exclaim as you see him waiting for you on the ship. His face lights up as he sees you and he greets you with an arm around your shoulder as you come up to him.
“I got you something!” you say, a smile wide on your face. He looks surprised, a blush on his face coming immediately.
“For me? Y/N you really don’t have to give me anything…” he starts as he receives the bag from the store and looks inside.
“Nonsense. I saw it and I thought of you so I wanted to give it to you” you tell him. He opens up the packaging the bracelet lays inside and takes it out, admiring the handiwork done on it. “Do you like it?” you ask as he puts it on his wrist.
“Uhm. Yeah, it’s really cool…” he says, blush still on his face. You know him well enough to tell that he loves it, even if he can’t express it well. The way his face flushes red will forever expose how he truly feels.
As much as Nami obsesses with money, you know that what truly makes a good gift for her are handmade ones. That’s why you decided to make friendship bracelets for the two of you. At first, you were scared she would find it silly, but after finding the cutest pearls and decorations on the last island, you knew you had to do it. 
“Nami! I got you something!” you say as you approach her. She’s sitting under the tangerine trees, book in her hands and leaning against one of the trees. She looks up at you and smiles.
“Lean your arm out and close your eyes” you order and she obeys, putting her book aside. You carefully put the bracelet around her wrist and she smiles, she can tell just by the feeling of it what it is. As she opens her eyes her face lights up.
“Y/N! It’s so cute oh my god! Thank you!” she immediately gets up to hug you tightly, squeezing you tightly. You laugh at her reaction and hug her back. She pulls away from you to admire the jewelry on her wrist.
“Did you make this?!” she asks excitedly and you nod.
“Yeah, and I made a matching one for myself too!” you say, feeling your face heat up with a blush. Nami squeals in excitement and brings you in for another hug. She’s such a sucker for handmade gifts.
Having found a funny-looking book in a bookstore, you knew that you needed to give it to Usopp. He needed to read it out loud for story time with you and Chopper. The three of you are sitting in the library, about to have your weekly tradition of listening to Usopp's stories.
“Oh, Usopp, I found this book, you should try reading it for us today!” you say excitedly. He takes the book and inspects it closely.
“Hmm, I suppose I could… I can’t promise it’ll be up to Captain Usopp's standards though!” he says, a smile on his face. You and Chopper shuffle excitedly, getting cozy and preparing for the story to begin. 
“Wait, where did you find this?” he asks as he opens the book. His face is full of confusion and he’s scratching his head.
“Oh, I just found it in a bookstore at the last island…?” you reply, confused. “Is there something wrong with it?” you ask.
“No… It’s just… This is a very famous book from East Blue… And there seems to be an autograph from the original author…!” his face lights up as he turns to look at you. “Thank you so much, Y/N, this is so amazing! I can’t believe I get to read this all over again… And with his autograph…” 
You smile at his excitement. A happy Usopp is a happy you.  
You know for a fact that Sanji will always love anything you give him, regardless of what it is. You still think he deserves the best of the best though, so you decide to crochet some nice and warm gloves for him. One night you both have nightly surveillance duty, and seeing him lighting his cigarette in the cold weather, hands shaking from the freezing air, you knew it was the perfect moment to give him his gift.
“Ah, Sanji, I made you something” you softly tell him. Taking it out of your pockets, you hand him a small present, all wrapped up in cute wrapping paper.
“Oh dearest! Thank you so much, but why so suddenly?” he asks as he receives the present. His cheeks are blushing and he has a warm smile on his face as he unwraps his gift. He gasps as he sees the gloves, soft wooly patterns across the palms, with the fingers freed at the top.
“Oh, you know… I just figured it was cold for you in the winter when you light your cigarette and all that…” you tell him shyly. He brings you in for a big hug and places his head on yours.
“Thank you so much, Y/N. I really don’t deserve this but… Thank you” he says, giving you a kiss on the top of your head. You snuggle into his chest and let out a content sigh.
“Sanji, you deserve all the gifts in the world”.
You absolutely adore Chopper, just like everyone else, and you just absolutely LOVE making him even cuter. Having found a cute, pink scarf on the island you were visiting, you couldn’t not give it to him. 
As you approach the deer from behind, carefully sneaking, you softly wrap the scarf around his neck. He lets out a noise of surprise and turns around to see you, squealing at his cuteness.
“Oh my god! Chopper! You look so cute!” you exclaim, grabbing the attention of your crewmates.
“Huh? Wait what?” he says, looking down at the scarf hanging around his neck. His eyes widen as he realizes what's happened. “Wait what?” he repeats again.
“I found this scarf and I thought of you! It fits you so well!” you say, and Robin and Usopp hum in agreement. 
“It does fit you really well, Chopper” Usopp says, examining the deer up close.
“It’s really cute” Robin says with a soft smile on her face.
“I- I’m not cute! Stop! I’m a man, I’m not cute!” Chopper exclaims, an embarrassed look on his face. Despite his words, he’s making no attempt to take off the scarf. You all know he secretly loves to be babied by all of you.
Have you ever heard of the knitted sweater curse? It’s an old myth that if you knit a sweater for your partner, then you’ll break up! You knew though that that would never happen with Robin. All those people who broke up over a sweater were because they didn’t understand the amount of work that goes into one. Robin, however, is very well aware of the time and effort it takes to knit!
One chilly afternoon you approach her, sweater folded up in your arms and you give her a shy smile. Her face lights up as she sees you, making you feel giddy inside.
“I uh… I made you this sweater, I hope it fits” you say and hand it to her. She touches the wooly material, a smile big on her face.
“Thank you so much, dear. How long did this take you? It’s absolutely wonderful… It feels so soft, I bet it’s going to be so warm and cozy” she says, blush on her face. You know she’s not used to receiving gifts randomly so you can tell that she’s a little bit flustered.
“It took me a few weeks to be honest, but I’m happy you like it!” you beam a smile at her. 
It didn’t matter how long it took you to make something, or how frustrating it was, it was always worth it at the end when you see the love in her eyes.
Franky is one of those people that’s kinda hard to give gifts to. You know that regardless of what you end up giving him, he’ll appreciate it, but you still want to give him something personal. After a lot of thinking, you decide to make him something super simple: a flower crown. After all, a cyborg wearing a flower crown would be cute, right? 
“Hey Franky!” you say as you approach him. He turns around to look at you, and you motion at him to bend down to your height. As you lean towards him you put the flower crown on top of his head before giving him a quick kiss on the forehead.
“Oh? What’s all this?” he asks with a smirk on his face as he stands back up. He goes to touch the flower crown before you stop him.
“Wait what is this?” he laughs. 
“No, No! Don’t take it off! Let me take a picture first!” you giggle. You take out your phone, snapping a picture of him and showing it to him. His smile widens and he laughs at the picture.
“It’s a flower crown! Isn’t it cute? I made it myself!” you exclaim and his eyes fill up with adoration.
“Thank you so much dear, I love it. It suits the cyborg aesthetic superrr well”. 
Giving Brook a gift was always a gamble: you never knew if he was going to take it seriously or turn it into a dad joke. After you had found a cool-looking guitar plectrum in a second-hand store though you felt like you had to give it to him, it SCREAMED his vibes. 
“Ah, Brook, I found this earlier and I figured you might like it” you say as you hand the skeleton the plectrum. He takes the plectrum and inspects it.
“Ooohh, Y/N, do you know what this is?” he asks and you shake your head. 
“This… The symbol on this plectrum… It’s a symbol for a band that I liked when I was younger…” he starts. It’s hard to read his emotions, with the whole having no face and all, but you can tell he’s surprised to see it. 
“Oh? What was their music like?” you ask him. Brook thinks for a minute.
“Ahh, it’s been so long since I heard it but… If you want I could try playing one of their songs?” he asks. You nod your head in response and call Luffy and Usopp over, knowing that they’ll love it too. 
“Well… It goes kind of like this…” he brings his guitar out and starts playing, the music floating through the air. It’s a sort of soft sound, yet with a lot of emotions behind it. Luffy and Usopp are both moving their heads to the beat as if they’re in a concert crowd and you close your eyes to focus on the sound. It’s so beautiful.
The skeleton stops playing his guitar and takes a moment before he speaks.
“Y/N… Thank you so much for bringing back these memories. It really means a whole lot”. You look up at him with a soft smile.
“I feel like I could cry right now… Oh. But I don’t have any tear ducts!”.
And there goes the dad jokes.
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lild00td00t · 1 year
Straw Hats as siblings
I promise I love Brook and Chopper, but Brook would be such a bad influence like, Chopper gives me SUCH little brother vibes. Enjoy ! ~
• The NASTY sibling who you don’t allow in your room
• Just him standing in your doorway is enough to get crumbs in your bed
• Purposely eats your left overs. “Oh you were saving that ? Should’ve hid it better shishishi- “
• Is always somehow in some way staining your clothes or carpet
• Definitely picks his nose and rubs it on you in an argument
• A common occurrence is midnight snacking. You’re both at the fridge at midnight having a snack, just standing in the dim light of the fridge while eating shredded cheese together
• The older brother that your friends all crush on, sleep overs and the biggest hang out space is your house
• His room smells. I said what I said.
• ALWAYS working out
• is the embodiment of “ stay out of my room or you die “
• you can convince him to do stuff for you and your friends with alcohol
• He probably buys you and your friends alcohol if you ask too -
• Has mean nicknames for you
• Whenever he wants the last of something he’ll make you arm wrestle him for it, knowing that he’ll win every time, he’s such a meanie
• After you get into a fight minutes later he’s knocking at your room… “you hungry ?“
• Definitely flirts with your friends mom
• Packs the cutest lunch for you every day and leaves a small note that probably has something cheesy written on it
• Always offering to make you snacks
• Will definitely comfort with you food
• When you get sick, he will not let you do ANYTHING, he takes care of you and nurses you back to health
• Tells you so many stories, whether they’re true or not is debatable but he ALWAYS has something new to tell you
• He’s your partner in crime. When you two get in trouble you both either go down together or lie your way out
• You have a secret handshake or a made up language, everyone thinks it’s dumb but you guys know that they’re probably just jealous they don’t have something as cool as you 😎
• Loves doing arts and crafts with you, teaches you to make extremely cool crafts
• Definitely helps you sneak out of the house to go out with friends, he’d be a cool brother like that
• ALWAYS “borrowing” your stuff without asking, mainly clothes
• Keeps a list of how much money you borrow from her
• helps you do your makeup before you go out, she’s probably the one who teaches you about how to apply it and what to wear fashion wise
• Writes down EVERYTHING you have ever done to her. Yknow how people keep screen shots ? Nami keeps a small book of everything you’ve done to her, and will ALWAYS find a reason to use it in an argument
• Extremely over protective, investigates people before you affiliate yourself with them
• Definitely gives amazing relationship advice
• Gossiping with you is a common occurrence
• If your ex was ever horrible to you she would blackmail TF out of them
• Helps you with your homework, if there’s something you don’t understand she’ll help you until you do !
• Always having lunch with you, she brings you food when you’re at school
• Loves helping you clothes shop, she’ll give her opinion when asked but she just enjoys being out with you
• Tells you facts out of nowhere, the room will be silent and all the sudden she’s like busting out some historical fact
• She also probably buys the sister bracelets or the necklaces like they have at Claires, she proudly shows it off like the best big sister ever <3
• Definitely scares off creepy guys or girls from you, she’s always looking out for you
• SO competitive, everything you two do is a sibling rivalry. Who finishes their food first ? Who can get the most compliments on their new hairstyle ? Everything is a competition between you two !
• In all seriousness he’s an amazing brother, he’s always striving to make you smile or happy
• Checks the oil in your car, but complains the whole time about how you don’t take care of your stuff
• He’s usually driving you everywhere, he was probably the one who taught you how to drive
• If ANYTHING happens with your car, TV, stove, toilet, he’s the first person you call, he usually knows exactly how to fix whatever it is
• Would definitely threaten your S/O to take care of you, probably threatens to put sugar in their gas tank if anything happens to you-
• Also the first person you ask to open something
• “ mom said it’s MY turn on the Xbox “
• He gives me major little brother vibes, I have a feeling he’d high key be a tattle tale-
• LOVES when you play games with him, now when he loses ? That’s a different story, I feel like he’s the type of sibling that cries in monopoly because he has no money :(
• Loves asking you random questions
• You two are always snacking together
• Also study sessions are common with you guys
• When you get sick, funnily enough he’s the one taking care of you, always bringing you hot soup or tea with an ice pack for your fever, he’ll make sure you don’t feel alone while you’re sick <3
• Bad influence
• Like Zoro, he would probably buy you and your friends beer if you asked
• Would read your diary, 100%
• Definitely the brother that your friends think is super cool and laid back
• Tries to teach you how to play guitar or piano
• The responsible sibling, he’s always packing your lunch, taking you to school, scheduling appointments, taking you to practice, he’s pretty much the reason you’re always on time and prepared
• Checks your homework when you’re finished
• he’s also extremely polite!When meeting your friends parents they absolutely adore him, I imagine that polite nature also rubs off on you which makes Jimbei so proud
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undercover--bunny · 1 year
🦆Regressor!Sanji Headcanons (Bc I love him and he deserves happiness)🦈
⚠️Tw! Brief mentions of smoking
-Regresses pretty young, around 2 to 4 years old
-100% a stress regressor. After all he's been through with his family and his life, it makes sense that he would crave a childhood better than the one he actually had. He's too stubborn to ask for help though and definitely tried to hide his regression once he realized what it was. Anytime he regressed early on he thought he was just being overdramatic and weird, but once he put the pieces together he completely shut himself off from regression out of shame, until the crew later convinced otherwise
-He's really, really shy when little. Always hiding behind people or talking super quiet. Partially due to trauma, partially due to anxiety. He sticks particularly close to Robin and Nami because of that, they remind him of his mother
"Sanij-kun? Hey, is something wrong?" Nami asked, glancing down in worry at the blonde who had stopped talking about fish and had ducked behind her. Across the room, Zoro and Luffy, who had just entered, fell quiet.
"Sanji?" Robin tried next, working off a hunch. "Are you alright, little one?" She asked, voice taking on a softer tone.
A pair of nervous blue eyes peaked back at Nami and Robin, then they darted to Luffy and Zoro. He shook his head sheepishly. "Got nervous..." He admitted.
Nami glanced at the two, before putting an arm around Sanji's shoulders and smiling down at him. "Don't worry, Sanji-kun. I won't let them mess with you. If they try, I'll make 'em pay." She said, before snickering to herself and adding. "Literally."
-Always has something in his mouth, be it a paci, a bottle or a teether. If he doesn't have something to chew on he gets really fussy and nervous. It's like a substitute for his smoking habit when big, as much as he hates to think that way
-Little Sanji absolutely adores fish and the ocean and will babble about them for hours if given the chance. Sometimes Robin will sit with him in the Aquarium Bar in the Thousand Sunny and let him tell her facts about the fish or ramble about the "All Blue" and how badly he wants to see it
-He really likes playing pretend! His favorite to play with is Usopp, because he always got super in character, especially when he got to be the hero!
-When he's little, Luffy and Usopp adopt him as their little brother and proceed to get him into all sorts of stupid little adventures. They were eventually banned from watching him alone because the other Strawhats couldn't take the constant heart attacks
-Has the cutest little giggles and smiles ever. They're incredibly infectious and heartwarming
-Zoro has no idea how he's supposed to act around Sanij when he's regressed, so he just ends up acting like an annoying older brother. He teases him and tries to ruffle him up sometimes, but usually treats him a lot like how he does Chopper
Zoro glared down at the pouty cook in front of him, Sanji glaring back with equal annoyance. Normally Zoro would've taunted him, called him a bastard to start a fight, but it was difficult to be genuinely annoyed with his rival when Sanji's glare was accompanied by a pouty lip and puffed up cheeks. The swordsmen huffed, before leaning down and poking the mini cooks for head, earning him a more confused look. He smirked.
"Lemon." Was all he said, but the nickname was enough to make Sanji shove his hand away in childlike frustration. Much like a lemon, Sanji made a sour face before yelling back; "Moss!" at the big jerk!
Zoro merely choked off a laugh at the mini cook's expression.
Even when Nami piped up by asking; "Are you seriously picking a fight with a four-year-old, Zoro?"
-He's very affectionate, loves to be held, cuddled, carried, you name it. Luffy, Usopp, Nami and Chopper all spoil the heck out of him because of it. This boy is never starved of affection ever again and they'll make sure of that!
-He likes to play "cook" for the crew sometimes. He'll make them little pretend meals just like he does when he's big! His favorite to play this game with is Brook, cuz' he's always so silly about it!
-When Sanjis little he loves to be around Chopper because 1. Baby Sanji loves animals, 2. Baby Sanji loves soft things and 3. Chopper is both. Chopper pretends that he hates being pet like an animal, but he not-so-secretly puts up with it because Sanji's babbling is adorable
-^^Jumping off of this, Sanji didn't have many (If any?) stuffed animals growing up and when Usopp learned about this he was so upset about it that when the Strawhats arrived at an island for supplies and bought him a stuffed shark and a stuffed duck. They've become Sanji's comfort items ever since
-The Strawhats have almost adopted so. many. animals. because of little Sanji getting attached to random strays. Even worse when Luffy, Usopp or Chopper get roped in;
"For the last time Luffy, no! We are not keeping the snake!" Nami repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.
Sanji, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper all looked up at her with big, puppy-dog eyes before exclaiming in unison; "Pleeeeease Nami??"
Nami stared at them for a moment, before drawing in a sharp breath and turning to Zoro then desperately saying; "Zoro tell them no—!"
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - Everything is Awful or New or Both
Feb 2023 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessmen t of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My School President (Fri YT) ep 11 of 12 - It’s an ep 11 so we knew this was gonna be a downer. This was definitely a “date me date my friends” kind of situation. At this rate, GeminiFourth’s other characters in Chicken are going to kiss before TinnGun do. I love Tinn’s dad. Also, it looks like our a tiny little ship of crumbs is sailing. How cute is that!? Sunshine + sunshine! Bonza. 
Bed Friend (Sat YT & iQIYI uncut) 1 of 8 - Fuck buddies get messy, AKA Between Us the second cumming only this time in an office (and on a desk). I have been waiting for James to hold down (or be held down in) a BL for years! All hail the new kings of high heat. BUCKLE UP I GOT A LOT TO SAY. I like that there’s a dark underbelly (*snicker*) of trauma to this one, it has a slightly a Japanese feel which suits mature characters and an office setting. King’s yearning worried eyes are glorious. Poor thing, he totally adores this beautiful broken fragile boy and doesn’t know how to capture his attention. I admit Net was the one I worried about with this pair. James was always gonna be great. It turns out, I didn’t have to worry. This is an awesome show and I fucking love it. It nearly scooped the top spot. Frankly this is the Office BL I have been WAITING for Thailand to give us. 
NOTE: I watched both YT’s cut and iQIYI’s uncut version. (Anyone else feel odd using those terms under a high heat BL context?) I like YT’s better, mostly iQIYI’s interface is shit. Deets? There was a little extra from the “morning after regrets flashbacks” but not so much I think you’ll regret missing it. Unless you REALLY prefer high heat. The emotion of the sexual connection and Uea’s lonely submissive need was transmitted in both versions, but the iQIYI is slightly more MOAR. 
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) ep 10 of 12 - Flashbacks to the cutest boyfriends ever and then PAIN. All I can think is “thank fuck this was handed to Pond & Phuwin.” One of the world’s saddest executions of the sniff test trope. Meanwhile, Perth is SO GOOD but I wish Chopper would record his conversations with his dad. Look, we all know Chopper is gonna take his dad’s bullet for Nuengdiao, right? Oh well, if you didn’t know, I just told you. 
Moonlight Chicken (Weds YT) 3-4 of 8 - The plot... erm... thickens. I told you Jim had a tragic backstory with an ex. And now it’s all gotten VERY messy. Sigh. Fourth & Gemini are cute, tho. 
Hit Bite Love (Sat YouTube) ep 4-5 of 6 - I do like King & Burger. The idea of giving your perspective boyfriend your CV is ADORBS. Auditioning for the part, as it were. I would like it known that my sexual identity is chili (AKA spicy) henceforth. (My pronouns are MaxTul & sometimes Phi.) Look, this is an absurd show. Last ep it was BDSM 101, this ep we got a lesson on how to use a condom properly? AND why the closet is both necessary and damaging? I mean I applaud their educational endeavors but BL: The After School Special? Did I sign up for Degrassi Junior BL while I wasn’t looking? 
Boyband (Thurs YT) 1 of 10 - BL drama about putting an idol boyband together. AKA how to make ABL suffer by combing favorite (celebrity romances, Kpop) and least favorite (bad singing) tropes. AND? I REALLY like it. It’s fun! What singing there is, is looped not live. So we in Cutie Pie territory. It’s easy to skip. The pairing is rich/poor and I like an other side of the tracks romance.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) ep 8 of 10 (or 15&16 of 20) - Covid strikes. Boyfriends are worried. Omg they are so cute and hot and awkward. Tension in the office politics too. It’ll be okay, babies. 
Jack o’Frost (Japan) ep 1 of 6 - After getting dumped, Ritsu has an accident and gets amnesia. Ikuya, his ex, struggles to help him regain his memories while wondering about the state of their relationship. But Ritsu falls in love with Ikuya all over again. Engaging opening but I’m just not sure about the premise. 
It’s Airing But ... 
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Chains of Heart (Sat Gaga) 1 of 10 - Not dropping for me until tomorrow so it’ll be in next week’s round up I hope. Suspense thriller about a forest ranger, smugglers, amnesia, and lost love. Stars Haii (Cirrus in TT2) and Marc (My Gear & Your Gown in YYY). Adapted from a Y-novel of the same name by TJ Tommy.
My Beautiful Man 2 (Viki & Gaga) - Because there are only 4 eps, I decided to wait and binge this one. 
Cafe In Love (Thai) 10 eps on Ch3+ - Thai pulp, stars the actor who played Noh’s best friend Ohm in Love Sick 2. When his coffee shop closes, a man tries everything to save it and falls in love along the way. I had a hunt but can’t find it. 
Moments Of Love (Thai) Feb 14 Foremorfilm Production movie for cinema release. Was originally a series with Golf (609 Bedtime Story & The Eclipse) to direct, and SmartJames (LeonPhob from Don't Say No) to star. BUT is now something totally different. We’re all confused.
Destiny Seeker (Tues WeTV ) 10 eps - it’s not on any WeTV I can get ahold of. Engineering student Songkram is head of dorm 3, for "strong & athletic" students. Aye is head of dorm 2, for the "good looking" students. Aye used to be Songkram's tutor and friend, but they fell apart after becoming dorm heads. Aye is actually in love with Songkram but thinks Sonkram likes someone else. Songkram actually likes Aye. So, Bad Buddy the pulp rebirth meets that weird Japanese “girls-crossdressing-as-boys for love and infiltrating secret society of hotness” tradition.
Our Winter (Thai & Korea ?) - TutorYim vehicle supposedly airing now. Search me. 
The End Of The World, With You AKA Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (Japan Sun Gaga) - DNFing this one. It’s way too high heat for them to end it happily and full of dark stuff like cheating, suicide, depression, abuse. I actively HATE one of the main characters and mildly dislike the other. Easier to just stop watching.  
Next Week Looks Like This:
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2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments some are inaccurate, NOT UPDATED)
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My favorite thing to happen in BL this week. Possibly EVER.
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Honestly, such a weird little After School Special. (All Hit Bite Love.) 
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You TELL her, Paw. (All My School President) 
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We stan the out boy. Own it, babycakes. (Moonlight Chicken.) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Beautiful by BEAST, look, sometimes we gotta go back to our roots. Check out the legends for what they were, criticize my taste later. Fuck I miss those times when everyone had to sing live and the one with the hot mic had to stop dancing to catch his breath because, ya know, he still had to sing. 
ALL that said, you slackers should check out HELLO GLOOM - Dancing In The Dark. I alway said IMFACT was the most woke Kpop group, now they broken up(?) nice to see ‘em solo in queer fuck-off style. 
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dearzoro · 1 year
Chopper's Birthday Party
You plan the best birthday for Chopper and not everything goes as expected, but Zoro is there to cheer you up and make the date extra special.
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Warnings: Sexual Harassment, Canon-Typical Violence
We have: Female Reader Insert, Established Relationship with Zoro, Slice of Life on Sunny, Domesticity, Fluff, Zoro’s sewing skills and maybe OOC Zoro? I see him this way tho :P I just love him and wish to pamper our beloved Chopper.
Today Thousand Sunny was decorated for the birthday celebration of the youngest of the crew, Chopper.
The little reindeer was very happy. Although he tried to hide his excitement and awkwardness about the party whenever someone passed by, his little eyes shone brighter than the sun itself. You wished that day to be very joyful and full of good memories for him and that he felt as loved as possible because he deserved it more than anyone. Ever since you started being part of the Straw Hats and got saved by the cutest doctor of all, you wanted to give back all the care and affection. Even more so when the story of everyone in the crew was revealed to you. It was absurd that someone sweet like Chopper was attacked and treated like a monster, and even worse, made to believe he was one for so long. That's why you and your boyfriend are usually a bit protective and considerate of the crew's precious doctor. All you wanted most was for Chopper's existence to be celebrated and cherished so that he would never again doubt that he is well-loved.
You and Sanji were in the kitchen preparing Chopper's favorite sweets. While Sanji was cooking on the stove, you were peeling and slicing the tangerines picked from Nami's tree that very morning. You could hear the screaming outside, with Luffy and Usopp filling and popping some of the balloons while arranging the ship's decorations. Along with the shouting, Brook had already started playing his guitar and was joined in the singing by a very cheerful Franky. You would dip the wedges in chocolate and then set aside in another tray that Sanji would take to the fridge. You adored helping Sanji in the kitchen, as much as you respected his space and directions, after all, he was the chef. And as much as he said your pretty hands should never smell of garlic, you appreciated peeling them and remembering home. You were cooking all day long, sometimes accompanied by the birthday boy himself who helped make candy in the shape of little animals and strawberry mochi.
Once you had finished your part and at the insistence of the cook, you left the kitchen to get ready for dinner. The sun was almost down and the captain was already shouting impatiently for the meat. Since it was a special date, you decided to wear your favorite dress that you had been given by Zoro and almost never put on for fear of ruining it. You also took the opportunity to wrap the gift you made for Chopper and seal the envelope of the letter you wrote to your favorite boy.
When you came back, the table was almost ready and Sanji asked you to call all of them. Everyone was happy, Chopper and the boys were playing on the table with the utensils, Robin was cheering him on with his dozens of hands, everyone was talking loudly and laughing. You looked around the table for Zoro and your eyes met, he was smiling too.
“Oi, Chopper! Can you hand me a strawberry mochi?”
You were surprised by the request because Zoro doesn't usually like sweet things. But, Chopper cracked a huge smile shaking his head vehemently as he carried the tray with the mochi for Zoro to take saying those he had made himself. The swordsman took one and had a bite making a satisfied sound.
“It's so yummy! That's the best mochi I've ever had, Chopper. You'd beat our shitty cook 10 to 0”
He said making exaggerated expressions and Sanji fell for the teasing, starting to swear at him and calling him to fight. You started laughing and your heart warmed at these little gestures Zoro made, he was always aware of what was going on and encouraged Chopper and also everyone he loved in a very subtle way. It was in those moments that you wondered if it was possible to love him even more.
Everyone were having fun enjoying that precious moment, so it was extremely frustrating when right at that moment the ship started to be attacked by an enemy.
Immediately everyone stood up and went on alert, rushing outside. Just now, at the best moment, it had to happen. Your emotions overpower your senses and you didn't pay much attention to what was going on around you until you were grabbed by one of the invading pirates. Suddenly, you felt a huge hairy arm around your neck, the pressure of a stout body against yours, a blade pressed against the side of your abdomen, the pirate's foul breath on the back of your neck and the harsh voice echoed in your ears when he spoke.
“You're kinda hot, I could have fun with you. Stand still and I won't hurt you. Take me to the treasure and, who knows, I'll thank you by shagging your ass. Now.”
He wrapped his arm around your neck tighter and made it hard to breathe for a few seconds. You began to hear your heartbeat drumming in your ears. In a slightly risky move, you kicked him and disengaged from his grip on your neck, just having time to move a little out of reach of his blade, hearing him rip the fabric of your dress that fluttered with the movement.
“You bitch!” He yelled and advanced towards you. You managed to use your powers to knock him out. You heard your name being yelled in the background and just yelled back that you were fine even though you were shaking.
In no time, the entire enemy crew had been defeated and evicted from the ship. Chopper was passing by asking if everyone was okay and the party atmosphere had been completely ruined. You held in your tears for the whole situation that happened and to control your feelings, you kept quiet and a little away from the others. You could still hear Luffy and Franky cursing the enemy pirates and Usopp talking loudly, but you couldn't differentiate the sounds properly, too focused on not crying.
Zoro, very thoughtful, stopped beside you and ruffled your hair before teasing the cook. He knows you are upsed.
“Oi, you useless bastard. When are we going to sing Happy Birthday?”
Sanji almost cursed him back, but he looked at you first and overly courteously stretched out his hand to you and spoke in that honeyed voice he used for flirting.
"My fair lady, would you not give me the pleasure of your company to the kitchen for the final cake decorations?" His eyes turned into hearts.
You tried to smile and cheer up, getting up and following the cook. Before long, everyone gathered around to sing Happy Birthday. Chopper closed his eyes and put his hands together to make a wish and gave a faint giggle before blowing out the candle flame. Everyone ate a piece, Nami and Robin were the first to ask permission to retire and little by little the others retired to bed as well.
Zoro calls you out with a tilt of his head and you follow him to the foremast near the stairs. He just sits and taps the empty space next to him and you feel the tears start to run down your face instantly. How dear you felt. You cry silently with your head in the crook of Zoro's neck as he strokes your back and squeezes you tightly. It feels so good to be under his protection. But, every time you calm down, you remember what happened, get angry and cry more, then get more frustrated that you're crying and which makes you cry even more.
“You know… you know… what's… Worse?!” You turn away and say between sobs with your eyebrows furrowed in anger.
Zoro denies it with his head. “Hm?”
“They… he… ripped my dress!” You say stretching the part above the hem that had been ripped. Zoro looks at the dress in concentration before getting up saying he'd be right back. And he did come back. With a sewing kit. You laughed and he laughed too, picking up a spool of the color closest to your dress and running the thread through the needle. You are safe. He was stitching when Chopper appeared, surprising both of you due to the time being past midnight.
“Can I stay with you?” Chopper asks, with a paper bag in hand.
“Sure. Come here.”
And Chopper stayed on your lap sharing the chocolate bonbons with you while next to you Zoro was splicing the two ends of the torn fabric and interacting every now and then in the conversation started by Chopper about animals, the islands and daydreams about the new adventures.
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salibadati · 26 days
Title: The Goats of Goat Island
Warning: Long Post ahead
The Thousand Sunny sailed smoothly under a cloudless sky as the Straw Hat Pirates approached Goat Island, a place rumored to have the fluffiest goats in all the seas. Nami insisted on a stop, convinced they could trade goat milk for a hefty sum. The crew, however, had other priorities—especially Sanji and Zoro.
Sanji was in the kitchen, humming as he diced vegetables for the evening meal. Zoro, meanwhile, had decided it was time for a nap, sprawled out on the Sunny’s deck, one eye lazily opened to watch the clouds.
“Oi, moss-head! Don’t just lie there like a lazy bum!” Sanji’s voice rang out, sharp as ever.
Zoro grunted, not bothering to move. “It’s not like you’re doing anything important, cook.”
Sanji’s eyebrow twitched. “Nothing important? I’m preparing a feast worthy of our lovely Nami-swan and Robin-chwan!”
“Whatever,” Zoro muttered, closing his eyes.
Sanji’s blood pressure skyrocketed. “You ungrateful marimo! You wouldn’t know good food if it bit you on the nose!”
Zoro sat up, glaring. “At least I don’t spend my time fawning over women who couldn’t care less!”
“Oh yeah?” Sanji stormed over, knife in hand. “Care to repeat that, you sword-for-brains?”
“Gladly!” Zoro got to his feet, hand on his swords. “I’m not afraid of a scrawny twig like you!”
Before things could escalate further, Luffy came bouncing over, mouth wide open. “Oi, Sanji! Is the food ready yet? I’m starving!”
Sanji, momentarily distracted, softened. “Almost, Luffy! Just a few more minutes.”
Zoro smirked. “Saved by the idiot captain.”
Sanji shot him a look, but before he could retort, Chopper called out from the crow’s nest. “Land ho! Goat Island ahead!”
The crew gathered at the ship’s bow, eager to explore the island. As they docked, the sight that greeted them was indeed peculiar—dozens of goats, fluffy and round, grazing lazily on the verdant hills. The air was fresh, and the island seemed peaceful—a perfect place to relax.
The crew quickly dispersed. Luffy and Usopp ran off to find any hidden treasures (or snacks), Nami and Robin strolled off together, no doubt to gather intel, and Franky went to check on the ship’s repairs. Brook serenaded the goats with a cheerful tune, and Chopper excitedly examined the local flora.
Zoro and Sanji, as usual, were left behind, glaring at each other.
“Stay out of my way, cook,” Zoro warned, heading off toward the forest to train.
“Don’t get lost, marimo!” Sanji shot back, heading in the opposite direction to gather herbs and mushrooms.
As the day went on, the two found themselves unintentionally crossing paths multiple times—Zoro chopping down trees, only to have Sanji yell at him for nearly ruining a patch of wild vegetables; Sanji cooking over a fire, only for Zoro to complain that the smell was distracting him from his training.
Finally, they ended up at the same spot near a cliff overlooking the ocean, panting and glaring at each other.
“Why are you following me?” Zoro demanded.
“I’m not following you! You’re the one who keeps showing up where I’m cooking!” Sanji shot back.
“Maybe if you cooked somewhere that didn’t stink up the whole island—��
“Maybe if you trained somewhere that wasn’t directly in the middle of my ingredient hunting—”
Their argument was cut short by a loud bleat. They both turned to see a small goat, the fluffiest and cutest they had ever seen, staring up at them with big, round eyes.
“Aww,” Sanji softened instantly, kneeling down to pet the little creature. “You’re a cute one, aren’t you?”
Zoro, despite himself, couldn’t help but smirk. “At least it doesn’t talk as much as you.”
Sanji glared but was distracted when the goat nuzzled against his leg. “See? Even the goats know quality when they see it.”
Zoro rolled his eyes but didn’t move away when the goat wandered over to him, nudging his hand. With a sigh, he scratched its head. “Guess you’re not so bad, goat.”
The two stood there in a rare moment of peace, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the island. The sound of the waves crashing against the cliffs filled the silence, and for once, they weren’t yelling at each other.
“You know,” Sanji said after a while, his voice softer, “this place isn’t half bad.”
“Yeah,” Zoro agreed, surprising himself. “It’s…nice.”
Sanji glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. “You’re still an idiot, though.”
Zoro smirked. “Takes one to know one.”
Sanji chuckled, a sound Zoro realized he didn’t mind hearing. Maybe it was the calm of the island, or the fact that they were finally alone without Luffy’s antics or Nami’s orders, but something shifted in the air between them. They weren’t just bickering for the sake of it anymore. It was as if they were finally understanding each other in a way they hadn’t before.
“Hey, moss-head,” Sanji said after a moment, his tone more serious.
“What is it, curly-brow?”
“Do you…ever wonder what it would be like if we didn’t argue so much?”
Zoro raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by the question. “What’s the fun in that?”
Sanji laughed, but there was something different in it. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
There was another pause, longer this time, as they both looked out at the horizon. The goat, apparently content with the attention it had received, wandered off back to its herd.
“You know,” Zoro said, his voice unusually low, “for a cook, you’re not half bad yourself.”
Sanji looked at him, genuinely surprised. “Is that a compliment I hear from the great Roronoa Zoro?”
“Don’t get used to it,” Zoro grumbled, though there was a slight smile on his face.
Sanji smiled back, a warmth spreading in his chest. “Maybe we don’t have to argue all the time.”
“Maybe,” Zoro agreed, his voice softer than usual.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in shades of orange and pink, the two stood side by side, the tension between them finally giving way to something else—something neither of them could name, but both felt deep in their hearts.
And though they’d never admit it to anyone else, on that quiet cliff on Goat Island, amidst the fluffiest goats they had ever seen, Roronoa Zoro and Vinsmoke Sanji found a new kind of peace—one where their constant bickering could turn into something much sweeter.
But that didn’t mean they’d stop fighting. After all, they were still Zoro and Sanji.
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
One Piece Headcannon: Short S/O
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Zoro is one of my favorites. Like almost as much as Ace (like a .01 different) Will definitively just pick your up and carry you around
It’s an extra workout for him
Not that he’s calling you fat, your just good for an extra workout
You are now his new pillow or a living breathing teddy bear
Either way, escape is futile!
You are on his lap all the time
Doesn’t matter where or when that’s your new seat
Know how he carried and dragged Chopper around in Alabasta?
That’s you!
Laughs a little when people think you are his kid or little sister
But the boy knows what it’s like to feel small and weak so he doesn’t tease too much but he can’t help himself from laughing about it sometimes
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I love this bean so much!
No judging me! To each our own.
Literally thinks you are the cutest thing ever.
Don’t be shocked if the boy hugs you all the time.
He’s a dweeb.
But he’s YOUR dweeb
Will hide you behind if there is a weird noise
Is probably the one of the few OP boys who doesn’t tease his S/O for being short
He knows what it’s like to be made fun of and wants you to feel good about yourself
Likes to rest his chin on your head and hug you from behind to surprise you when you comes back from a long mission.
You always know it’s him but still find him so cute
Boy would lift you up so you can see above people’s heads anywhere where it’s crowded
Will give you nicknames like little lady or munchkin
I’m getting all warm and fuzzy inside just writing this
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Oh flame brain!
Let the teasing begin.
If you are talking to him, he totally going to be like “wait y/n, where are you? I can’t see you.”
He’s so getting punched for that
Will give you head pats
He doesn’t know why but he feels like it’s just necessary
Puts his dumb little hat on your head.
Thinks when you have it on you look like 10x cuter
Like Koby, his chin is always resting on top of your head and hugs you
But Ace does it, hopefully makes you feel safe
I’m dying of cuteness with those last two 😊
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Monkey D. Luffy
Not gonna lie, he’s just like his big bro!
But he doesn’t realize he’s teasing you
He thinks he’s being nice
“What’s wrong with carrying you around like a sack of potatoes or calling you pipsqueak?
Will definitely take your food (no shocker there)
Thinks you don’t need as much food because you’re small
You remember when he had Chopper carrying him around?
Don’t be shocked if he tries that
But in the end, he lets you hide behind him and scary situations and promises to protect you no matter what!
His hat on your head is something that occurs a lot like Ace
But Luffy does it more as a symbol of comfort or love than just because it’s cute
He knows it’s cute though
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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rollinouttahere-writes · 10 months
Reading Little Lucky AU while being on Thriller Bark has me rolling just imagining a small child running around. One who's seen enough crazy stuff go down to maybe not even think zombies or talking skeletons are that scary in the first place. Either that or she acclimates pretty quickly since everyone (+ I imagine she'd be with the main party rather than Nami/Usopp/and Chopper?) who's not freaking out over everything is with her.
If she were to somehow get caught (the group is rampaging even worse than before) Perona finding them the cutest thing ever. Then getting absolutely offended when her silly laugh gets called out. I imagine Moria only laughs more if she does the same to him. while Hogback (if Lucky calls it out in a nicer way like saying she likes their laughs because they're silly) asks Chindry why she can't be more like that only to get the meanest comment yet and Lucky is like, "that's not nice 😡" and it suddenly becomes a fight between Perona and Hogback on who gets the shadow. Perona may have been offended, but she's freaking adorable and Hogback needs at least one person who'll be nice to him in the mansion lmao. The only reason I could see absalom wanting the shadow is to maybe try distracting Lola from actively chasing him with the idea of a child but I also don't think he'd want to add fuel that that fire so he'd maybe make a gross comment about when she's older but, like in your Strays AU post, Perona would kick his ass for it.
I almost wonder if Moria might be hesitant to take a kid's, especially such a small ones, shadow. Doesn't seem like it'd make a very useful underling and honestly, it's not the most boring thing in the world having a kid around (Moria taking care of and playing with a young Perona makes my heart melt it's so cute) and the others can always take care of anything he's too lazy to. Plus, if she ever starts whining about missing her old crew, they can just round up the zombies with their shadows, kid probably won't know the difference. So... yea. Not like she can cause much of any harm anyway.
And suddenly, Lucky has control over her own little zombie hoard that aren't exactly top fighters but will at least keep her away from the Srawhats. Honestly, the zombies hoard at her beck and command is probably the only reason she isn't actively demanding the Strawhats shadows back 24/7. It's like a bunch of new friends to play with and Perona lets her play with her cute zombies and throws a pretty sweet tea party, so at least she's safe?
I also love Kaku kidnapping her while being like, "I may commit terrible atrocities, but this is clearly child endangerment." Peak content 😂
I haven't finished that arc yet, but I have a couple of ideas rolling around for it
I also am leaning towards her being in the main party, great minds think alike I suppose. When Lucky doesn't know how to react to something, her first go to is to see how Luffy is reacting and go from there, so she's honestly having a great old time. If Luffy isn't scared, she won't be either.
Perona absolutely snatches her up. She loves cute things, and the second that Little Lucky calls one of her ghosts cute, she's making plans to go get her.
I'm imagining this interaction between Perona and Moria where she strolls in and asks where he keeps all of her old clothing from when she was a kid. He asks why she could possibly want any of that stuff now, and she just holds up Little Lucky like 'I found this baby and I'm keeping her'. Moria recalls how he got Perona and nods. That is how children are typically acquired in his experience. The clothes are in that closet over there, have fun you two!
I am going to give Absalom a tiny bit of credit and say that I don't think he would make a pass at a four year old, but he may approach her to ask if she wants to be the flower girl at his and Nami's wedding. Perona would reluctantly agree to this because he has a point, she would make an adorable flower girl.
Little Lucky is demanding to know why Nami didn't tell her she was getting married, and Nami has to find a child-friendly way to explain that she is here against her will. Sanji comes in and has to take a couple of minutes to take pictures of Little Lucky in her flower girl dress before getting down to business and beating the shit out of Absalom.
I think it would be funny to let Little Lucky have an all around fun time in Thriller Bark to contrast how shitty it goes for adult Lucky in Lucky Break.
And yes, Kaku may be an assassin, but he has standards lmao
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Ahsoka "Shadow Warrior" Liveblog
*biting nails*
Okay first off, really? That's the title we're going with? Lol Filoni. Okay.
Open on Seatos, okay.
You know it just occurred to me? The long lingering shots we're so fond of, and the deliberately relaxed pacing are very animesque.
Theatrical serious anime, I mean.
In particular I'm thinking of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, which liked to diverge from the plot to just kind of wander through shots of the environment, for atmosphere purposes I guess.
Wonder if that or something similar was an influence on Filoni's directing style.
The woods also look very ethereal.
Hi Hera!
Frick Jacen is still so precious. I love him. So much.
Oh! Oh this music cue right here reminds me a lot of a specific part of "Sabine Sees Ezra".
God, how much death has Huyang already seen? How many Jedi has Huyang had to say goodbye to?
He misses the Order so much. *sobs*
Friiiiiiiiiiiiick the World Between Worlds looks so GOOD in live action.
Rosario finally channeling a bit of Rebels!Ahsoka here.
"Tell me what's going on." Well Ahsoka I think the Force is personally whacking you over the head with the Vision Stick to make you get over yourself.
Oooh Ahsoka flinched when Anakin ignited his saber.
Leia mention! Eeee!
Jacen is totally Force Sensitive, of course. Can hear the lightsabers, either the lingering echos from the fight, OR, he can hear into Ahsoka's vision.
Anakin being super extra of course.
Yeah, so with this transition this is definitely a Force Vision, not the actual World Between Worlds. This is almost exactly like the transitions in Ezra's visions in the Jedi Temple on Lothal.
Is this one long TCW reference?
I feel like it's gotta be.
"We lost so many." Yeeeeeah, that'll happen in a war. It sucks.
Ohhhhhhhh I am going to have to reblog ALL THE META about these scenes, aren't I?
I just know TCW fans have got a million thoughts centerfuging in their brains right now about Anakin, about his relationship with Ahsoka, about the long shadow he cast over her formative development.
Outside the vision and the X-wings are sweeping, looking for...? Ahsoka I guess. Because that's what they're going to find, eventually.
Also Hera, come on, you saw Ezra phase through a solid rock wall, people can absolutely disappear into thin air.
Chopper being a grouchy sassmaster as per usual lol.
"Within you will be everything I am." THAT IS NOT REASSURING ANAKIN.
Oh yeah, yep, I'm not going to be capable of being normal about this, I need ALLLLLLLL the meta from dedicated Anakin girlies on this one.
Frick, his eyes went yellow.
Hayden is making this look effortless, amazing.
Ohhhhhhh and the pathways are dissolving, something Force Weird be about to happen.
We're exiting the vision lol.
Jacen: *smiles*
Oh yeah no, this episode was VERY heavily styled after some theatrical anime director, I will bet money on it.
Frick, Jacen playing with Chopper is the cutest shit ever.
Yeah no, the height discrepancy between Rosario and Mary still bugs me.
Hello Rosario can emote, lol.
~We're gonna follow the purrgil, we're gonna follow the purrgil.~
Teva is carrying this scene lolol.
"Okay. But you're not gonna believe me."
"How the whales took Ezra and the bad guys far far away." SOBBING, BLUBBERING, NO NOTES, CAN'T TALK.
Well this part is definitely Miyezakian.
Ahsoka looks so much happier and more content. *sobs*
Lol the "HO BOY" look on that Rebel commander's face.
Aw man, this is the kind of wonder and disbelief and awe that Lothal must have had in the finale.
Living legends. Like magic. Come to save them.
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chiquititaosita · 2 years
Ussopp with a curandera s/o
bear note: this was a request from @lunamoonartist i hope you loved reading this as much as I loved writing him 🤭
post type: headcanon and mini scenario
reader: latina reader
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- will immediately try to impress you with his ‘knowledge’ of herbs
-“oh hey y/n i love what you did with the.. what’s that thing again… yeah that! it looks so cool.”
- is super duper supportive!
-hypes you up
-“ you’re cleansing right now?”
- you gives you space when you’re hyper focused onto your rituals
-“hey- babe.. I’ve been seeing repeating numbers…what do they mean?”
-Is going to take part into your healing journey.
-will let you treat his wounds if he gets injured
-“there all better!” You’ll kiss the bandaged spot on his injury.
-he’s a huge blushing mess when he sees you, unlike sanji he can NOT actually control himself
- will make you little trinkets for your altar.
-“ I made this for you. I know it’s not a big-“ he’ll just blush when you hug and accept his gifts he makes you
- “Well guys you’re not gonna believe it Y/n likes me and she gave me a hug.” He’ll smirk while blushing, just to hear a reaction out of someone by that someone it’s sanji.
-“Y/NNNNNNN SWANNNNN I WANT A HUG TOO!!!!” he’ll pout and run after you, which of course you give him a hug too
- but when usopp confessed to you, it was the cutest shit ever.
Okay so imagine this, you’re walking around to the gather the herbs nearby from namis orange tree which she gives specifically YOU. you were trying to make some orange juice. You also had had planned a ritual for abundance and love. As you gathered all of the supplies, when you were beginning to do the working, you heard a thud coming from outside your door.
“Ussopp? is everything alright?” You opened your door to see the tall figure adjust himself ro see you.
“AH- Y-Y/n! Y-yeah everything’s fine! I was playing with chopper and luffy.” He scratched the back of his head laughing nervously
-“ah, okay. Say can you help me reach that top book on my shelf? I can’t reach it.” You’ll come up with some excuse to just for him to stay longer.
- It worked. However, there was one particular night that made you two seal the deal.
“Hey Y/n! What are you doing awake this late?” he’ll be confused about seeing you in your sweats and black tshirt.
“I couldn’t sleep. You?” You’ll sit by him as he has s big blush appear on his face.
“Oh— uhhh I’m on night watch. You know trying to make sure no one comes by! So I can protect you.” He’ll pretend to talk all macho, just to make you laugh, which it works. He loves to hear you laugh. It’s one of those things he loves about you.
“Hey um… there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.” Your face will perk up as your colored eyes look into his amber eyes.
“What is it? Im listening.”
“Okay…here it goes.” He’ll take a deep breath.
“ireallyreallylikeyoulikemorethanafriendtypeofwayandidontwanttoruunourfriendshipwithwhatwehave—“ you grab him by his suspenders to lean in to kiss him. which he gladly accepts and kisses you back.
“W-WH” you’ll cover his mouth as you laughed quietly while kissing his cheek booping his nose.
“Finally! I’ve been trying to get you to notice my hints. I’m just glad I didn’t have to do the work.”
“W-wait so you like me too?”
“Duh isn’t it obvious why do you think I keep having you to come ‘help’ me? So I can see you and spend more time with you!” you’ll smile as you leg your hand out
I got a girlfriend now!!!! YESSS IN YOUR FACE SANJI! Wait til the guys hear about this at breakfast.
He’s gonna make a fist and do a gesture of victory.
“C-can i hug you?” You nodded enthusiastically with open arms as he hugs you so tightly to shower you with kisses.
-“here wear this. if it unravels let me know so we can replace it.”
-he’s gonna sigh in love even if you give usopp gifts for the sake of his protection with his clumsy ass. He’s gonna fall in love with you even more!
-“see this! y/n got it for me! I actually really love it.” he’ll blush at the thought the way you caressed his skin as a blessing
- is a blushing mess when you hug him, and do pda around him.
- “so what does the lime do?”
-“absorb the negative energy, observe.” Shows the rotting lime, and lemon.
-“I don’t feel so good.”
-you’re gonna do a whole ass cleanse on him and he’s like “no babe it’s fine-no keep going this is niceeeeee…..”
-“ She’s mine! Back off! Luffy!! Don’t take her food!!!”
-“um babe, I found one of your jars that broke and I made you this little windmill since I know it gets hot in here”
-“do you have any of that cologne? it smells really good!”
-“guys calm down it’s just like y/n-Chan says if we have to inhale the good shit exhale the bullshit.”
-“hi honey what are you doi-“
-“ I need a tarot reading.”
-so yes one of the best boys to have as your partner!!
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redsoul-writing · 2 years
Hi! May I request a law x reader but reader is his wife and is about to tell law she's pregnant? I see law as that one who process it for a couple of minutes then goes: "oh... Oh!"
Oh my god! This has to be the cutest one I’ve down so far. Even cuter than the Chopper and older sibling HCs I wrote. Love, love, LOVE this.
I’ve also noticed you guys (like me,) love Law. I was thinking about writing a short series (if I had time, don’t get your hopes up too much lol). I’d love some suggestions, like if you want a high school AU, College AU, Same universe, or a plot you’d like. Please feel free to send suggestions about it through the request button. Thanks! (Again, it’s not set in stone!)
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Sunday. Today you decided, was the day to tell your husband about your soon to be family. He’d been somewhat busy, but you were mostly stalling it a little because you didn’t know how to tell him. You’d finally made a choice, remembering that Law doesn’t like anything too extravagant and enjoys the simple things in life.
That being said, you prepared something just a tad special, rather than just telling him up front. It’d be boring otherwise. You also picked today since it was the start of his 1 week vacation from work.
You were in the kitchen sitting on the bar stool, drinking some tea. You didn’t drink tea very often, but you felt better being a little healthier from now on (for obvious reasons). You knew tea was recommended to be reduced during pregnancy, so you’ll have to find an alternative later.
Was Law going to be happy? You weren’t actively trying for a baby, but it doesn’t seem like he’d be upset at the idea. You’d never asked, so you wouldn’t know. You assured yourself he was going to react positively.
Speak of the devil, you turn your head at the sound of footsteps getting louder in the hallway.
There he was, entering the kitchen. Handsome as ever. He had the messy, soft hair you loved running your hands through. After yawning, he opened his eyes, vision a bit clearer.
“Good Morning, babe.” You smiled as you sipped your tea.
He walked closer to you, and gave you a good morning kiss. “Good morning.”
“Sleep well?” You asked, something seemed a little different. Just a gut feeling.
“Yeah, I slept pretty good actually. I didn’t have a lot of work yesterday.” He went to grab a mug from the cabinet.
“That’s good— oh, I made us breakfast already.” You pointed out.
“Hm?” He turned to look at the dinner table.
“You didn’t have to do tha…, why?” Law raised an eyebrow.
Don’t get him wrong, he was thankful. He’d just made you agree not to make breakfast by yourself, he said it felt like he burdened you? Didn’t make much sense, but you thought it was adorable.
“I just felt like it. You seemed to have slept like a baby.” You winked as you got up from the barstool.
Law smirked, acting like he wasn’t confused on why you’d winked. “Thank you. Don’t do that again though, I want to make breakfast with you.” he followed you to the dinner table.
“Any plans today?” Law asked, sitting down.
“Mm.. No, not really.” You sipped on your tea.
“What ab-“ he paused.
You looked up, confused as to why he stopped talking mid sentence.
“Since when did you drink tea?” He took a sniff, “Black tea at that.” He raised a brow again, knowing your dislike of bitter things.
“I’m not sure, I didn’t want coffee today though.” You shrugged.
Law wasn’t fully convinced, but it wasn’t that important, so he let it go. It was a bit strange though.
You’d both finished eating, Law bringing you your empty mug and the dishes, you rinsing them before putting them in the dishwasher.
He came back with the last plate, and handed it to you.
“Thanks.” You rinsed it an put it in the dishwasher.
While you were closing said dishwasher, Law had noticed a folder on the island. That’s strange, he hadn’t left a report out yesterday, had he? It was the same type he took to and from work. Wait- was it even there when he walked in earlier?
He walked closer to the island.
Grabbing the folder he asked “Hey, Y/n, is th..” he paused once he opened it, coffee still in hand.
It was.. an ultrasound? He wasn’t a radiologist, maybe it was his co-workers?
“What were you saying honey?” You asked, taking a seat once again on the barstool.
“Mm. Nothing, it’s an ultrasound, probably took a coworkers folder by accident.” He brought up his mug to his lips
“You’re still in autopilot? We’re so judging you right now.” You sighed playfully.
It was a habit of his. Despite getting better sleep last night, it seems the effects of his normal sleep schedule were still present.
His hand stopped, and he only seemed to hear the second part of your comment.
“Who’s ‘we’?” He questioned
“The baby and I.” You said casually. “Those pictures are mine.”
“Oh, okay.” He tuned out taking a sip of his coffee.
He walked to you, giving you a kiss on your cheek before entering the hallway, on his way to start the day.
You sighed, and started counting down in your head.
Oh, that didn’t sound too good—
“HOLD ON!” Laws voice rang through the house.
Trafalgar D. Law, was yelling and desperately trying (keyword trying) to get through the hallway. You thought it was hilarious.
He finally came through, and almost fell over but he grabbed onto the counter you were sitting next to.
“You-?! Thats your— my-?!” Words were not registering in his mind right now.
Your giggled seemed to calm him down just a tad.
He grabbed your shoulders, “You’re pregnant?!” Toning his voice down a little.
“Yes.” You grinned
“I’m.. I’m going to be a father..?” It finally clicked into his accelerating brain.
You nodded.
Law fell onto his knees, with his arms around your waist. He buried his face in your lap.
Your laugh is all he heard, accompanied by your hands running through his hair.
“Took you long enough.” You teased
Law looked up, grasping your hand in his own.
“I can’t believe it..”
“We’re gonna be a family.” You assured him softly.
He dragged your hand and put it against his lips, kissing it softly. It’s crazy that still made you blush no matter how long you've been together.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying much attention.” He kissed the palm of your hand, in hopes of forgiveness.
“You’d better be.” You poked his cheek. “Autopilot again.”
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redhatmeg · 1 year
If you don’t mind me asking, how do you feel about all the straw hats individually? (Truth is, I got a lot of one piece antis on tiktok and I genuinely like all the straw hats and to that extent most of the characters so I just wanted to make sure)
I should point out that I've stopped watching One Piece sometime after Sabody Archipelago Arc, while with manga I stopped few chapters after Ace's execution. Therefore the last Straw Hat Pirate I've known was Brook and I don't have opinion about later members yet.
I can say that some Straw Hats I liked quickly, others grew on me over time, and I'm indifferent about others.
My absolute favorites:
Luffy - yes, some of his shenningans are annoying and he can be a little dumb at times, but you get the idea that this is a man with principles. There's a lot of admirable things about him, like the fact that he has a strong will and sense of justice, and he's willing to fight for people he knows only a little (Mountblanc Cricket for example). Many of his nakama were first such people.
Sanji - Sanji seems very cool, with his swagger, aloofness and chain-smoking, but you quickly realize there's something more to him. He is a magnificent cook and treats his craft very seriously, however, his exepriences on the island gave him a unique insight into someone who suffers from starvation, which first couple of episodes on Baratie showcase (his anger over Fullbody meddling with the dish, him offering Gin, Don Krieg and Don Krieg's men food, because they're starving for days) and I wish it'd popped up more often in later arcs. His perverted ways are kind of tiring but I would say that I've seen more annoying perverts in fiction.
Chopper - oh, Chopper is just the cutest and frankly, I like his default form the most. He's a child at heart and it is a good heart, he's very smart and capable, but he also takes a lot of risks and had a life marked with tragedy.
Not gonna lie, part of what makes me like these characters, is their backstories that feature fatherly figures and moved me in different ways. Episode with Shanks stole my heart and hooked me on this anime, because it's such a simple story and yet it gives so much insight into Luffy's moral code and way of thinking. Episode with Sanji and Zeff on the island is horrific on many different levels, but there is so much to unpack in this "limited situation" (Sanji dreaming of leftovers that were put in the trash, him cutting Zeff's sack thinking there is food, but there's just gold which is useless in their position; the realization that Zeff lost a leg because of him). And episodes with Chopper and Hiruluk are bittersweet, because Chopper found someone who loved and accepted him and gave him purpose, but then this whole situation with Hiruluk's disease and mushroom complicates things, and it plays out like a one big tragedy. For me personally these three stories are just the most interesting and I used to rewatch them a lot.
Now let's move to characters that grew on me over time:
Zoro - for a long time I was indifferent about him. He had good scenes, but I didn't think much about him or his dream. It was only when in Thriller Bark Saga he volunteered to take Luffy's pain and said: "Luffy will become the Pirate King.", that he gained 100+ respect in my eyes and suddenly I started to see him in different light. What I find most interesting about him is this relationship he shares with Luffy - they are polar opposites character-wise, but I have no doubt that they are kindred spirits and Zoro respects his captain the most.
Usopp - at first he might be a Miles Glorious kind of character, not to mention a scaredly cat at times, but I would say he's a work in progress in a best possible way. He wants to be Brave Warrior of the Sea, he's full of self-doubts and he's limited by his own fear, especially because he's surrounded by superhumans and monsters... but you can see that he often wins with his fear and gradually becomes the man he wants to become. I can kinda relate to this dude.
Robin - at first Robin comes off as a cold killer and femme fatale and then she joins Straw Hats and you suddenly realize that she's a fun character to have around. She's a stoic, often unphased by her nakama's weird shenningans, but at the same time she laughs and is really good with younger (or younger-at-heart) characters, like Chopper. I also like that she's a scholar and there are times when her archeology background comes up.
And finally characters I'm indifferent about:
Nami - for a long time Nami fell into an archetype of an anime female lead I really disliked back in a day: a character that was mean or violent towards the main character (frankly, she never reached Haruno Sakura's level, because Oda was gratious enough to not give her a love interest she would fawn over; or make her a girl Luffy is hopelessly in love with). Her greed, although understandable given her backstory, can be tiresome at times, however, she also has some good moments in the show and she was one of the four core members of the crew, alonside with Zoro, Usopp and Sanji.
Vivi - I hated Vivi during the first watch of the anime, but this rewatch opened my eyes to the fact that she's not so bad. Still, as I said earlier, I wouldn't put her back on the team, because I don't feel like she has the Big Dream that requires her to travel through the Grand Line, like the rest of Straw Hats. Her Big Dream is Arabasta being safe and prosperous, and she can achieve it in her homeland.
Franky - he's just... Franky. Yes, his backstory about seeing his creations hurting his mentor and causing destruction is sad and poignient, he becomes Straw Hats' ally really quick after this whole thing with Usopp, and he seems very proud of Thausand Sunny, but he's my least favorite Straw Hat, I'm sorry.
And finally, Brook. I put him separately from others because I didn't spend much time with him, so I didn't get the full grasp of his character. I will say that he has one of the most beautiful scenes in whole series and probably during this rewatch I will be talking about it extensively when the time comes. He also seems fun, most of the time. Still, I don't know him as much as i would like to.
Now, the crew as a whole is great and I love how they grow to care for one another. It's also very unconventional crew, since they are very much like: "Well, our captain is an idiot, but he's our idiot." You get me?
I don't know if later episodes will change how i look at some of those characters or if I find the new Straw Hat members more interesting, but for now it looks like this.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Do I even gotta say it? (Tbh im running outta questions so srry if this is short)
Cutest character from your main fandoms
If you could get a collab with 2 fandoms which ones would it be?
A fandom you think would be awesome to be in yet be scared of
If you could replace a character from one piece which would it be?
(Op) You can give the each of the straw hats a Kiss, hug or both, what does each one get?
Your favorite hot headed character vs your favorite calmest one
Your favorite talking animal vs your favorite cold character
Your favorite villain vs your favorite hero
Hope you enjoyed it~!<3
AHHH YAY!! And don't worry about it! I don't want you to feel pressured to make these quizzes!
Cutest character from your main fandoms
Chopper 100%, he's my lil guy
If you could get a collab with 2 fandoms which ones would it be?
OMG JJBA and Spiderverse would actually be so funny if we're talking art and I would actually love it, but if like the characters would meeting, two fandoms I would love to collab are honestly JJBA and HxH because storywise that would actually rock
A fandom you think would be awesome to be in yet be scared of
I mean, MHA is scary enough LMFAO but honestly hmmmm Maybe Demon Slayer? Like the story actually seems kinda neat, but the fandom scares me lol
If you could replace a character from one piece which would it be?
omg lemme think about this..... I would love to replace Jinbe since I don't know much about him and would love to be a strawhat LMAO
(Op) You can give the each of the straw hats a Kiss, hug or both, what does each one get?
OH YAY Kiss: Sanji (because the reaction would be so good omg) Hug: Chopper (IMAGINE HOW SOFT HE WOULD BE) Both: Usopp (because I literally love him)
Your favorite hot headed character vs your favorite calmest one
Fav Hot Headed Character: Ukai from Haikyuu Fav Calm Character: Robin from One Piece
Your favorite talking animal vs your favorite cold character
Fav Talking Animal: CHOPPER (we know this lol) Fav Cold Character: Rohan from JJBA
Your favorite villain vs your favorite hero
Fav Villain: PUCCI FROM JJBA UGH I LOVE HIM Fav Hero: Saitama from One Punch Man, he makes me laugh <3
Thanks so much! I hope youre well and I really enjoyed the questions <33
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