#I love mark ngl
weirdglassthing · 1 month
Oh yeah another ouaw doodle dump 🗣️🗣️
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Ft some gender swapped Gideon and kremys (kremy is wearing a wig I swear im not stupid Ik she wouldn’t be able to grow hair 🙏🙏)
Also gideons shirt in the first one was one of my friends ideas
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screwpinecaprice · 1 year
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What can she use her bright red lipstick for? To cover her boi's face with kiss marks that's what!
Requested by anonymous tipper! Thank you for the tip! 💕
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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2010 Bahrain Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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gxtzeizm · 6 months
lando podium celebration....from the eyes of maximillian "lucky charms" fewtrell 🥰🥰🥰
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garvalhaminho · 9 days
btw here is a list of every blackthorn ever mentioned (that i wrote down) either by blood or marriage/name
adelaide ‌
grace ‌
jesse ‌
lucie ‌
andrew ‌
helen ‌
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Vincent Price and Mark Damon
The Fall of the House of Usher (1960) dir. Roger Corman
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rt3nenbaum · 9 months
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fernando driving a porsche with his colors and the big number 14... is he trying to get someone (mark) attention???
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deceasedreese · 2 years
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gaydexvocaloid · 8 months
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wil zola project with locs is my everything
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utilitycaster · 8 months
Crimson Mirror wild hopes:
GM: I truly can't decide if they're likely or unlikely to stick Taliesin in the GM chair, because I would like to see it, but actually I would like to see Rowan Hall (mentioned she ran games, and look at how Spenser did) or Gabe Hicks (Shriek Week, while tonally very different, was very fun, and I know he has the game designer skills to do something really interesting). I'd also like to see Ivan Van Norman at some point!
Players: Of the main cast, I would like Matt to have a chance as a player, and again, I do not know the situation with Taliesin but he should get a chance to play at some point. Beyond that:
Someone else mentioned Omar Najam, which feels likely given that he was on a one-shot recently and that's often how CR soft-launches
Mica Burton come back please
Sumalee Montano also come back please
actually while we're doing C2 guests, Khary Payton also come back please especially if Matt's in it so that you can kill his character in a serious miniseries again
Erika Ishii and Phil Lamarr are now the only members of the Crystal Palace one shot that started it all that haven't appeared and I'd love to see either or both of them
I desperately want to see Zac Oyama on something from CR but Siobhan Thompson's real-world archaeology knowledge would be extremely fun in Candela Obscura specifically
(In future circles I'd love to see Aabria as a player and Liam as a GM but I suspect they'll give them a bit of distance and not air the same players back to back)
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Fuck you. Ouroboros Cycle au posting be upon ye.
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Been working on this a bit off and on today in my free time, been having fun. More in the tags
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ellivenollivander · 1 year
Can I pretty please request a drabble wherein Leander swears for the first time and is SO FLUSTERED by his own language?
Love you.
Love your Leander.
Have a perfect day.
Eat lots of warm, fresh bread.
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Baby's First Swear Word Coming right at ya babe. A/N: Thank you for sending me this no longer a drabble because i don't know how to shut up request! I love you! Word Count: 896 TW/Rating: Naughty Words LOL
When Leander had used a swear word for the very first time, always having been the prim and proper boy his parents had wanted, he hadn’t meant too. Really he didn’t. 
It was just because he had already been having a less than ideal day, he had stayed up far too late the night before,  in the light of his bedside lamp, studying for potions class, and was exhausted by the time classes had ended for the day. Thus, being cornered in the library by the Slytherin boy who had quickly, and unintentionally, become his academic rival in their short time at Hogwarts had him fighting back tears of frustration. 
When Sebastian Sallow had made a grab for the book in Leanders hand, demanding he hand it over… things had just begun to spiral out of control fast. 
The Gryffindor had been grateful for his best friend and fellow first year Garreth, who stood at his side, trying to look as intimidating as an eleven year old could. Leander had held tight to the book, explaining he needed it for his Herbology essay, trying to keep his calm while he stared down his adversary. Sebastian had made another swipe for the book, exclaiming he had needed it for the same purpose, coupled with a biting remark on Leanders reading abilities. 
Things only went downhill from there, though it had been two against one in the stand-off, the little Gryffindors had met their match in the quick- witted Slytherin. 
With insults flying, and Leanders nerves fraying, he was tipped over the edge when Sebastian had called him a talentless prat. 
Leander had snapped, and threw back a word he had only learned from listening in on his older brothers. 
“Well, you’re a CUNT!” 
Their steadily rising voices and the tension in the quiet library had already drawn the attention of Madam Scribner, who had rounded the corner of the bookshelves the three boys were standing between, just in time to see a red faced Leander clamping his hands over his mouth, and an equally red faced Garreth Weasley, who looked as though he had just been told he’d won the Quidditch Cup. 
Sebastian’s smug grin had been painted over with a look of abject horror, playing up his feelings being irrevocably hurt at the sight of the stern librarian, a finger pointed right at the teary eyed Leander. 
The moments following the outburst were blurry to Leanders recollection, filled with anxiety and mortification at his own use of such a word. He barely registered the points being taken from Gryffindor, accepting his punishment with his hands still over his mouth, head nodding frantically, and He did not protest alongside Garreth, who insisted Sallow was just as guilty. 
He let Garreth lead him back to their common room, the cursed herbology book forgotten at Sebastian’s feet; Leander laid in bed that night, heart still racing and his flustered blush unfading, absolutely not catching up on the sleep lost the night before. 
After succumbing to his exhaustion for just a few short hours, he felt a bit better about the entire ordeal as he sat down for breakfast. The word of his word had apparently traveled around the school and a few of his housemates had given him cheerful claps on the back for his use of it against a Slytherin. His ease was short-lived, however, when on his breakfast plate dropped an angry, red, hissing envelope. 
Leander had watched many of his fellow students receive Howlers at school, but this was his first. His heart felt like it had stopped beating, and his blood ran cold as he watched it tremble on his plate. When it burst open with his Mothers angry voice filling the Great Hall, he buried his face in his crossed arms.
As it continued, the little Gryffindor was so lost in his shame and embarrassment he didn’t notice the sympathetic glances from his elder Gryffindors, or their whispered words of encouragement of First ones’ always the worst. He also, gratefully, did not notice the teasing laughter from the rest of the houses, or from Garreth who was chuckling delightedly at his best friend's misfortune of his first Howler, having been on the receiving end of many. 
When it was finally, and blissfully over; the telling sound of a hissing tongue and shredding paper coaxed Leander from his hiding place in his arms. The prefect sat next to him quickly scourgified the red confetti from the table with an encouraging pat on his back and a smile, while Leander fought back the embarrassed tears pricking his eyes. 
Leander tried shooting a scowl in Garreths direction who was still laughing at him, and he tried to avoid glancing back at the Slytherin table, where Sebastian Sallow was wearing a smug grin that matched his housemates. He felt a bit ill, and he was still shaking with anxiety and panic. He contemplated getting up and leaving, running away from the entire ordeal, but he stayed, not wanting to give any of them the satisfaction of showing any sort of cowardice. 
His tiny act of bravery paid off, and a smile grew on his own face when Garreths laugh was abruptly cut off, replaced by an exasperated look as a Howler of his own plopped down in front of him.
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
fuck me, when did my overindulgence of checkmarks turn rainbow????
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 10 months
your hands have always held their own
Heist!Mark x reader | Words: 1,063 | read on AO3
Heist!Mark finally asks his partner in crime out on that date.
It was early evening and you and your heist partner sat nearly shoulder to shoulder in your shared living room. The sun hung low, just barely brushing its rays against the clouds, tinging their edges amber and yellow.
Recently, there had been a lot more of these calm afternoons where you would sit together, discussing everything and nothing, perhaps watching TV or whatever videos took both your fancy; sometimes you simply watched the sky until you felt sleepy. Occasionally one of his hands might come up to play idly with your hair (a more affectionate gesture than either of you had ever previously initiated, but you didn't really mind, and neither of you mentioned it).
'This next heist…’ he started, ‘it's supposed to set us up, pretty much for life. And it got me thinking—'
'That's dangerous,' you interrupted.
'Yeah, maybe for you,' he quipped back, eyebrows raised mockingly, but there was no malice in his voice.
'Anyway,' he continued, voice softening. 'I was thinking about the future and stuff. Like, what do we do after this? And as nice as it would be to be able to relax and just enjoy the rest of our lives without worrying about the next spot to rob, I think I would kind of miss doing these jobs with you.'
That got your full attention. He wasn't quite meeting your eyes — instead, a loose strand on his clothes was apparently very interesting — but something about his words and the gentle sincerity with which he'd spoken them took you a little off-guard.
‘...I hadn't really thought much about it. About what happens after.’ And it was true, you hadn't; nothing past the first few wild, exciting dreams that sprung to mind when reading the amount of money the pair of you were being offered for this particular artefact. No real, solid plans.
‘I think I'd miss it too,’ you continued quietly. ‘But I mean, who's to say we can't do a couple more every once in a while, just for the fun of it, y'know? We don't even have to go after anything that valuable. More like just… for old times’ sake.’ You caught his gaze and he smiled, a little fond and a little hopeful, dark eyes twinkling.
‘Yeah, cool… So, uhm,’ he averted his gaze again and you couldn't help but find his uncharacteristic hesitance and bashfulness adorable, wondering what was on his mind that was making him act this awkward.
‘So I was wondering, once this heist is over, if you'd maybe wanna go out sometime?’
‘Sure, is that it?’ you question, oblivious. (Or maybe not wanting to get ahead of yourself. Surely there's no way he meant it like that.)
Your crime partner’s head perked up, eyes wide and looking directly into yours, as if searching for something.
‘Umm, yeah?’ you say, incredulous. ‘What's got you so nervous? And… surprised? We go out together all the time.’
‘No, buddy, you don't get it…’ he said, sat looking a little like a kicked puppy. The look of disappointment that crossed his face broke your heart and instantly made you regret your words.
His hands returned to fidgeting and oh, you wanted to take those hands in yours and ease the nerves from his palms, thread his fingers through your own, press your lips to his knuckles.
Mark sighed. One of his hands came to rest on his knee while the other carded through his hair. You found yourself wanting to do the same.
‘Listen…’ he began again, eyes downcast while his hand came to rest in his lap. ‘We've been friends for what feels like ages now, working together for even longer. I know we butt heads at times, I can be an idiot and you can get on my nerves but-’ Finally his eyes met yours, and the affection in them made your breath catch in your throat.
The sun was setting by now, casting a gorgeous orange glow through the room and over his features. It made his eyes appear almost golden, and it suddenly occurred to you that no shiny trinket you could steal could ever possibly be worth more than the look those eyes were giving you in this moment. You internally cringed at the thought, but you couldn't deny it was true.
‘You're really important to me,’ he said earnestly. ‘I don't always agree with you but I always trust your judgement. I probably trust you more than anyone else, to be honest. You're my best friend, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think there could be something else here? And I wanna try being more? If that's okay with you.’
‘You mean-’
‘Yeah.’ He took your hand, said your name, foregoing any of his nicknames for you. ‘I love you — I always have, as a friend, but I think I have feelings for you. So, if you reciprocate even a little, let me take you out. On a real date. And if things don't work out,’ (you didn't miss the small flicker of something sad as he added that part) ‘well, we can still work together. And we'll still be friends, right?’ he asked hopefully.
You could feel your heart thrumming wildly, from his words, the intensity of his gaze and the warmth radiating from his hand to yours.
You took his other hand, the one still atop his knee, and replied softly: ‘I'd really love that, actually. To go on a date with you, I mean.’
The smile he gave you was genuine, unlike the typical cocky. It was wide and crinkled the skin beneath his eyes. You briefly wondered whether he could feel your racing pulse through your intertwined hands.
‘Then it's agreed. After the heist.’
‘After the heist,’ you promised.
Inevitably, you would run into problems and possibly danger in your next heist, as you usually did, but you trusted Mark, and you knew you could count on him when push came to shove. You knew that you would follow him anywhere, and the two of you had a better chance of conquering any obstacles you faced if you were together, as you always had.
The sun dipped beneath the clouds, the room was warm, and things felt comfortably the same and yet like this was a turning point for the pair of you.
You were sure this heist would be one to remember.
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lemongogo · 2 months
i love elendira so much im going 2be sick
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aethslove · 8 months
js watched kahhoris episode in the what if series after not sparing much of a glance at marvel since loki ended and me being an idiot decided to see what ppl thought on the clock app
tell me why some guy pops up going “oh yeah she prevented the US from being formed ugh what a fucking idiot” like idk with the state we’re in??? kahhori save us rn i swear on my grave.
IF THAT WASNT ENOUGH. he goes“and kahhori and her friends save them from the evil colonizers” and says evil like ‘evil’ as if the colonizers weren’t. and apparently can’t use any word besides idiot to describe her (again, as if colonizing is the absolute best thing in this scenario???) and talks about red skull??? taking over the americas and calling it her fault??? when it’s not even HER universe??? like if ur gonna criticize a character at least get the facts straight lmao
ah yes instead of seeing the potential of native americans, especially with a native woman leading them, fighting back against their colonizers i would love to see the white man abuse and dehumanize them/s
on a serious note, why do white men throw fits every time something isn’t about them winning??? like you have enough movies and media made specifically so you can feel good about your global colonizing and you still feel like throwing a tantrum?? please get a HOLD of yourselves.
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