#I love minecraft and I think they over all do a really good job; but it's little stuff like that where it's like...
medicinemane · 1 year
Ok, minecraft complaint time
They need a way to slime proof a slime chunk
Slime spawning is a really nice mechanic if you're trying to make a farm, but I've walked into a couple of the rooms I've done only to find slime
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It's well lit (which I know slime don't care about), it's... you know... it's mob proofed to normal standards. There shouldn't be random chunks that look identical to other chunks that just play by different rules
Great for farming, annoying for everything else
(Also would be nice if you could stop villagers from spawning golems. Basically anything where you can just manipulate bits of the environment, cause at the end of the day minecraft is basically an interactive diorama a lot of the time, you know?)
Anyway, it'll probably just be a matter of that sometimes you come into the map room and have to fight a giant slime, and since everything's eventually probably gonna be pretty well lit it'll probably be a frequent thing but... not much else to be done
It's something that you can live with, it's just kind of dumb and annoying is all
I like slime chunks, I just wish there was a way to disable spawning within them when you didn't want it
#ah... what's that mod called with the... mega torches?#stop spawning in a chunk basically?#what a great mod#not gonna install it here; everything's totally vanilla other than the pack that keeps endermen from picking stuff up#(which here's my complaint; I wish you could have just parts of mob greifing off instead of it being all or none)#(cause I don't like creeper damage; and I don't like endermen picking stuff up)#(but you know what else is mob griefing? villagers picking up food; you can't breed villagers if it's off)#(so basically you can either turn off mob damage; or you can have villager breeding; but not both)#(which is the only reason I had to add that thing to the server that stops endermen from moving shit around)#(if it was just mob griefing enderman/creeper/villager; each as a separate toggle; then I wouldn't even have that much)#dumb; real dumb#I love minecraft and I think they over all do a really good job; but it's little stuff like that where it's like...#why not do a small thing that would help so so much?#oh; and nightvision with conduits; that's a hill I'll die on and a hill I'll kill over#let me have conduits that don't effect vision; I make my lighting with contrast on purpose#you render conduits useless for me despite how many places I'd like to use them#have a version with night vision; but people have said; have dark prismarine give none... I agree#anyway... love it; but man do a couple things grind my gears on it#and... they're better at listening than many; but even with big name people who play their game for a living#it'll often take them literal years to listen
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End Game 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn't go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: get ready for the hate.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The tunnel lights up ahead of you, revealing the cubic rock walls as you plant torches in your stead. The eerie soundtrack of night time and the ominous groan of zombies looming somewhere in the cave have you uptight. Silently, you press on, digging and mining mindlessly, fingers mashing the buttons on your controller. 
“Hey, where are you?” Jacob’s voice startles you. 
You nearly forgot you’re playing co-op. You sniff and shake your head, cursing aloud as your shock has you succumbing to the arrow of a sneaky skeleton. You sigh as your possessions scatter and you spawn back in your bed. 
“Back home,” you say glumly, “just ate it.” 
“Ah, damn,” his deep voice rolls in your noise-cancelling headset, “sorry, hope that wasn’t me.” 
“No, I wasn’t paying attention,” you hum and sigh.  
“Ah,” he accepts and lets silence linger before he clicks his tongue, “what’s going on? Everything alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you put the controller down, your avatar sitting on the geometric bed, “I just...” you stretch your neck and massage your scalp around the thick band of the headset, “got a lot on my mind.” 
“Right. I thought you were all done exams,” he says. 
“I am, but... packing. Going home. I called my old boss and turns out I’m not gonna have a job this summer. Gotta start over,” you yawn and rub your eyes, “what about you? Final exam tomorrow?” 
“Uh... yeah,” he hesitates as if he forgot. You do wonder why he isn’t cramming right now. You could never play minecraft all night the day before a final. “Easy stuff. I’m not worried.” 
You scoff. You wish you could say the same. All you’ve done is worry those last two weeks. Exams, getting home, getting a job. Your grandmother won’t very happy to find out you’ll be slumming it for a while. At least you tucked away some money through the semester. 
“Hey, if you need a few bucks...” Jacob offers. 
“What? Are you crazy? No way,” you exclaim, “really, no, I couldn’t. I’ll be fine. I just... I hate looking for jobs. You know how it is. Friggin awkward.” 
“It’s not a big deal. My dad sent me my birthday money so...” 
“Uh uh,” you deny him again, “that’s way too much. I couldn’t-- we haven’t even met.” 
“Mm, yeah, about that,” he exhales into his microphone, “I, uh, got an extra ticket to this Con. I figured out that’s it like the midway point between us so...” 
“A con? Oh, wow--” 
“Yeah, but I get that it would be expensive so maybe I could pay for your trip?” 
“Jacob,” you wiggle the controller restlessly, “I can't accept that. It’s so nice but... it’s a lot.” 
“I wouldn’t offer it was too much,” his voice is soft, meek, and defeated. You feel bad but you would feel worse taking advantage of his kindness. “We’ve been talking all year. I just figured it would be a good chance to meet up. It would be in public and something we both like so...” 
You scratch your neck as it speckles with heat. You don’t know what’s more insulting; yes or no. 
“Can I think about it?” You ask thinly. 
The line is quiet. You look at the screen and it goes dim from your idling. You hit the analog stick and fix your headphones. 
“Jacob?” You murmur. 
“Sure, think about it,” he says, his voice raspy and rocky. It’s strange. You’ve seen him in pictures and his voice doesn’t really match his appearance. He sounds a lot older than he looks. “It’s next month so lots of time.” 
“I’m sorry,” you cringe. “I just wouldn’t want to waste your money.” 
“Trust me, it wouldn’t be a waste,” he insists, “this last year has sucked. So much. You got me through it all.” His microphone scuffs, “studying, exams, all that stuff. It’s tough making new friends. Seems like everyone here knows each other from high school.” 
“Yeah, totally,” you agree.  
You’re not exactly the most popular person. You have people you know in each class but not too many friends you hang out with outside the lecture hall or library. So far, not too many people want to spend hours mining digital gold or racing cartoon characters around a rainbow track. 
“Well, you should probably get some sleep,” you yawn, “you got your big exam and... I gotta keep packing. Gotta catch the greyhound tomorrow night.” 
“Sure, uh, yeah, right,” his disappointment is potent, “hey, will you text me when you get home? Just so I know you made it.” He snorts, “god, I sound like my dad right now.” 
“Oh, of course,” you chirp back, “I’ll try to remember. Might be late.” 
“That’s fine. Just as long as you let me know.” 
“Don’t worry about me,” you assure him, “not ‘til I have to face my grandma. Ha.” 
“Yeah, good luck with that,” he says, “well... er...” 
“Good night,” you finish for him, “let me know how the exam goes too.” 
“Will do,” his timbre gets even lower, “night.” 
You sign off and shut down the console. Another yawn flows through you and waters in your eyes. You should sleep, you got a long day waiting for you, but you know it won’t be easy. Not with so much on your mind, not least of all, Jacob’s invitation. 
You text Jacob as you get on the bus, to make sure he doesn’t worry. It’s so sweet that he does, even some of your girlfriends don’t bother that much. Not that you mind the ‘hey, bitch’ Janet sends you every now and again to make sure you’re still alive. 
You fall asleep on the bus. You’ve never been one to sleep while travelling but you’re exhausted from a night of anxious tossing and turning. After spending all day packing up the last of your things and scouring your dorm room, you’re beat to hell. 
It’s midnight as you get to your grandmother’s house. She’s up reading another Stephen King classic in her rocking chair. She’s always been a night owl and a voracious book hound. She grumbles at you but doesn’t bother to ask how your trip was. 
“Hey, grandma,” you hike up your bag and smile.  
She growls again, eyes not leaving the page. You should know better by now not to interrupt her. You shoulder on and head down to the spare room where you spent most of your high-school career. You shut the door gently as the old hardwood floors creak with your weight and you drop your bag on the squeaky bed. 
You fish out your phone and plug it in as the battery flashes red with only two percent left. You leave it on the night table and stretch out, not bothering to change out of your hoodie and jeans. It’s not long before you descend back into the same dreams that marked your journey home. 
You wake up to buzzing. Your phone shakes the nightstand, rattling it against the bed frame. You groan and roll onto your side, reaching blindly for offending object. You hit the side button to dismiss the call.  
You blink away the bleariness and focus on the screen. Along with the missed call are several text messages. You squint as you expand the notifications. Jacob! You forgot to message. 
‘Hey, you home?’ 
‘Checking in. Must be busy getting settled in. Just let me know when you’re safe.’ 
‘Not meaning to be weird but everything okay?’ 
‘Please answer me. I’m worried.’ 
You drag your thumb around the keyboard, letting it predict your words; ‘sorry! I was so tired. Home now and safe 😊' 
Three dots pop up then swoop away. You frown as the same thing happens several times before a response appears. 
‘Was really worried. Thanks for finally answering. Been up all night.’ 
You’re stunned by the terse response. Yeah, you forgot to answer but he doesn’t need to worry that much. You frown and shift onto your side. 
‘Srry again. Tired. Talk in morning. Night.’ 
You turn your phone on silent and plug it back into the cord. You do feel bad but you’re too exhausted to let it keep you up. Besides, you need your sleep. You have lots of job hunting to do in the morning. Not to mention, your grandmother to face. 
You let Jacob cool down after your return home. Rather, he doesn’t text and you’re too distracted to do the same. As much as you’d like to sit around and game, your grandmother was as disappointed as you expected with your employment status, even when you gave her the money you had left in your emergency fund. 
After a week, you finally get a bite. It’s nothing special. There’s a seasonal ice cream shop in a booth shaped like a vanilla cone that needs a cashier on weeknights. It’s less than full time hours but it’s better than nothing. It will be strange working with high school juniors but you can’t afford to be picky. 
‘Game tonight?’ The text interrupts your first shift. You don’t have a chance to answer as a family approaches the window to order. 
You get them the soft serve and take their payment, bidding them a good evening with their vanilla points already drooping in the summer heat. You glance around at the mostly empty picnic tables. Soccer practice will end soon and you’ll be overloaded with eight-year-olds. 
‘Srry. New job. 1st shift. Maybe tmrw.’ 
‘New job? Congrats. Why didn’t you tell me?’ 
You sigh.  
‘Time got ahead of me.’ 
‘Same. Catch up tomorrow then. Minecraft?’ 
‘Sure. Tmrw.’ 
You slip your phone away. A mother and daughter approach and ask for a sundae and a banana split. As much as you love ice cream, working with it hasn’t tested your cravings very much. In fact, you might be falling out of love with it. The smell of vanilla and overly sweetened strawberries is kind of gross when it’s all you breathe. 
As you watch the happy customers walk away, you smile. Maybe it will be good to get some mining done. It will take your mind off of everything else. Hell, it might even make you feel like you’re doing something useful. 
“Shit, oh, sorry,” Jacob corrects himself. You always think it's kind of funny how he doesn’t like to swear. “My diamond armor.” 
“Oh no,” you utter, “where are you? I’ll grab your stuff.” 
He gives his coordinates and you turn around, leaping over the green blocks to make your way there. Despite your reticence at the beginning, you’re feeling better about the session. He wasn’t as tense as he seemed in his texts. 
“So, uh, did you think about the con?” Jacob asks. 
“The con? I almost forgot. When is it?” 
He gives the dates and you hum. Your chest flutters at the thought still. You’re not stupid. Meeting people IRL is not like online, no matter how many hours you’ve mined together. As much as you enjoy chatting with Jacob, you don’t know about meeting up. 
“I get it if you can’t get the time off but my offer still stands to cover the trip. If you wanna stay the night, I’ll even get an airBnB.” 
“Oh, wow, that’s a lot. I’m working now. I could put in,” you offer.  
“Is that a yes?” He asks hopefully. 
“I don’t know... I mean, I’ll have to look into it,” you say evasively. “Talk to my boss and grandma and all that.” 
“Right, right,” he tries to sound unbothered, “makes sense. Of course, no pressure. How about I send you the ticket either way? Haven’t got anyone else to bite.” 
“Oh, well, hold off, I wouldn’t want to take it and not use it,” you collect his weapons and armor from the ground in the game. 
It’s silent as you focus on getting every little thing. 
“Sorry, did I freak you out?” He asks, “I’m really not trying to pressure you, just got excited thinking about it.” 
“I know, Jacob, it’s not that, it’s just... a lot.” 
“Totally get it,” he intones, “let me know whenever you got an answer. Uh, where are you? I’m tryna find you.” 
“Just stay there, I'll come back to the house,” you assure him, happy to focus on the game instead. 
Still, you can’t entirely lose yourself in it. You’re sure he’s a nice guy. From pictures, he’s less than scary, and he’s never been anything but friendly. It’s not like the other dudes you meet online who jump to asking about your bra size and all that. It just isn’t smart. 
Well, maybe if you don’t show up alone. You know what con he’s talking about and Kara from Econ lives near there. You could probably convince her to meet up. Hm, that might work. 
Just like you told him, you’ll have to think about it. 
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pluto-00 · 10 months
Miles!42 hc’s
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a/n: they way I see ppl write him is so stereotypical..this is still miles we’re talking about! Js bc he got braids n a cooler atmosphere, bro is NOT running w a gang. Plus if my spanish is used wrong, pls tell me!! I wanna make sure this is perfect.
also…these hcs are so silly and cute <33 had alot of fun writing this tbh.
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Miles!42 who acts so hard in-front of others and his friends but really he’s just as dorky and awkward. (Likes playing minecraft but keeps it on the down-low, cuz he gets embarrassed.)
Huge video game enthusiast, from mortal kombat to terraria you already know he’s on that. Ganke and him play terraria all the time.
Miles!42 who mentions you all the time which kinda pisses Ganke off.
Does certain things to impress his uncle, trying to seem cool and more like a man. But you of all people, know he’s just fronting.
Miles!42 who thinks he seems sooo nonchalant, but really he cares about you so much.
Gotta huge soft spot for you and his mama.
When he comes over to your place to hang out, he always has some type of tubbaware filled with Rio’s cooking. She refuses to send that boy over without some sort of pleasantries. Which causes your mom to ask when is miles coming over, just to have some of ríos cooking.
“When’s that lil boyfriend of yours coming over? His momma cook food real good.”
“First of all, it’s for me. Ms.Morales loves me.”
Miles!42 who is a huge sneakerhead and will talk shit if he sees you with dirty air forces.
“Yo, you kinda nasty for that.”
“Whatchu talking about?”
“Why are your forces so dirty? Didn’t I tell you I got some sneaker cleaner at my place.”
“Mmcht, man get out my face, these are old ass hell.”
Gets a side job just to buy some sneakers or those over-priced spray ground book-bags.
Always leaving his friends to hang with you.
“I’m taking my girl out today, so I can’t.”
“I cant hang, me and my girl chilling tommorrow.”
Miles!42 who runs over to your place when yall had an argument, with your favorite soda and bag of chips he got from the corner store. Apologizes a-lot, especially if he knew was in the wrong.
“M’sorry, alright? I was doing too much.”
“No shit..” You’d say before pulling him into a hug.
Acts out for his little friends, calling you “ma” in-front of them, knowing damn well his real mama at home don’t play like that.
This boy will turn into somebody’s mother in public!! Talking shi under his breath in spanish, especially when he see’s ppl acting a fool in public.
“¿Estas personas no tienen entrenamiento en el hogar?”
Very assuring when it comes to you, especially when you over think something.
“You’re doing fine, mi querída. Don’t let those bad thoughts get to you..”
Anytime he see’s you in a cute outfit, hes so quick to say
“You look beautiful, te adoro.”
When Miles had you over at his place for the first time, he introduced you to his mother right away. And then later to Uncle Aaron.
You were nervous of making a bad first impression, but she found you very respectful and a good fit for Miles. Which led to her and you becoming really close, every-time you go over to Miles place you always ask where Rio is.
“Ms. Morales! You’re future daughter-in-law is here!” Which causes miles to get embrassed and for Rio to laugh.
“Ms. Morales, miles is being mean to me,” She goes along with it, jokingly telling miles to stop bothering you.
“Ms. Morales, you gotta teach me how to make this..” Who excitedly writes down the recipe and shows you step by step on how to make it.
Uncle Aaron likes you being with miles because you bring him out of his shell. He believes Jeff wouldve enjoyed your company too.
Miles!42 who’s tender-headed. Thats it.
Don’t let nobody but himself braid his hair. Which was a shock to Uncle Aaron, when he found out Miles let you wash and braid his hair.
But you swear up and down he act’s like a baby when you braid his hair, you literally have to resort to your black momma instincts when his head moves the slightest or his hand reaches up to the area you were braiding.
“Move ya hand!”
“You tugging on my scalp, fym?”
“Not my fault you tender-headed.”
“Don’t suck ya teeth at me-“
Misses his dad dearly, calls you up to talk to you, anything to keep his mind off of it for a while. Only to eventually open up further, while you comfort him.
Miles is a big momma’s boy. Considering Rio is the only parent he has left, he would do anything for her. She’s stressed? He’s telling her to relax for the day. It’s mothers day? He’s going all out, with a boquete of her favorite flowers and a gift that she’s been talking about for the longest but never has had the time or money to buy.
Watches anime religiously, gets into those heated anime debates like who would win Goku or One punch man? Which is one is mopping the floor Sukuna or Gojo?
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danganphobia · 5 months
but they stay with laios until he falls asleep anyway they barely get any sleep later in the morning themselves.
this is honestly so sweet they r his lesbian parents… AAAAH man laios angst is rlly real. i love farcille sm they are thee understanders TM theyre so sweet,,, theyre probably out here having fun and silly theatre or opera dates … the :3 to me
also also u mentioned chilshi. what r they up to. are they old men yaoi. r they professors or just . job havers. bar owners or smth
oh mah god i havent thought much about chilshi. my beloved old man yaoi. that's ok we're going through my thought process together.
if i were to think about it chilchuck sounds like a miserable medieval history adjunct professor. he's divorced. he sees his daughters like twice a month and they're the reason for his will to live, when he doesn't see them, he hates everything and everyone. he doesn't really like his job. he has tenure. he can do what he wants. when his students ask him if he could repeat the assignment he just says "No." and tells them all to leave his class because lecture time has ended and he refuses to go another minute over. his class exam average is below 40 percent and he doesn't give a fuck. he's waiting for his next paycheck to buy drinks at the local pub.
senshi's a culinary professor. he loves cooking and he loves teaching people how to cook. he's been doing it his whole life. he cooks for the gang during dnd meetings. whenever he's in a kitchen he makes it his own, even if the kitchen doesn't belong to him. if it weren't for him everyone would probably die of dehydration or live on cup ramen and frozen food for entire semesters. he leaves pastries on chilchuck's desk because chilchuck has to mentally prepare himself to help teach a class of 50 uninterested people that do anything but actually pay attention for nearly 3 hours. the pastries are actually what keeps chilchuck going. chilchuck is the one that asks senshi if he wants to go drinking. senshi is a really good listener, chilchuck finds that hot, and tries to sleep with him, but senshi stops him and asks if he could just come over to his apartment and senshi will cook a nice warm meal for him instead and take it slow, because he's a gentleman.
chilchuck actually agrees to it and has a good time. they sleep together but don't have sex, and he wakes up in the morning like damn, i actually have a crush at my big age? that's crazy.
this becomes a regular thing for them until chilchuck can't take it anymore and grabs senshi by the beard and is like "WE NEED TO FUCK. RIGHT NOW." and senshi goes "okay :) after dinner with me first :)" (they have sex).
"how did they get into the dnd club van" falin slapped a bunch of posters around campus with cute doodles and senshi saw it on his way to his classroom. he asked chilchuck if he wants to join sometime in case he's sick of teaching hopelessly unmotivated students. chilchuck thinks about it for a long time but one day when he's so stressed from teaching he joins a meeting and promises it's just "one time only" and ends up becoming a regular.
he brings his daughters to the dnd meetings and marcille is so happy because they're so cute. most of the time they just want to play minecraft and are on their expensive smartphones but they're nice girls. sometimes namari and kabru buy them fast food behind senshi's back when they don't feel like eating healthy.
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a-moth-called-mof · 10 months
Me rambling about the fandom atmosphere during November 16th:
With November 16th hitting the corner, I thought now would be a good time to finally post this post that's been in my drafts forever
I genuinely am of the personal belief that November 16th is one of those things where you had to have been there to fully appreciate and experience it at least in my opinion. I feel like the tense atmosphere leading up to the actual event is something that is not widely talked about in the fandom. A brief reminder for the fans that are new here or that missed the stream where the November 16th War was announced: during stream C! Dream revealed that there was a traitor hiding amongst Pogtopia and said it was someone that you wouldn't expect. This one line lead to multiple fan theories going around the fandom ranging from plausible to very far fetched. The fandom turned into one big game of Among Us and EVERYONE was a suspect.
Here's an old post of my mine that I think does a good job showing the mentality of most fans going into November 16th:
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There were so many theories and speculations leading up to it and you genuinely had to be there to see everyone's different theories about who the traitor would be and the couple aus I saw come out of it. It made it so that when the event did happen, no one in the fandom knew who trust and NEITHER DID THE CHARACTERS. It was amazing watching characters debate whether or not to trust eachother live. It made it feel like any discoveries or possible leads that were made were realised by the character and the fandom at the same time, especially love that one scene where C! Tubbo and C! Quackity decide they sort of trust eachother and talk about who they don't trust. I distinctly remembering switching between povs and watching the dashboard lose their shit and how current character mains would be like "OH [CHARACTER] IS ACTING SO SUSPICIOUS :0" or just liveblog whatever characters were doing and it was a really fun way of keeping up with most of the characters even if I couldn't physically watch all their povs at once
This is less about the atmosphere but more something I feel like people don't talk about enough: Phil wasn't on the Dream SMP before November 16th and we had no concrete indication he would be there. There were a lot of fan theories and headcanons about him joining and I remember seeing all the art of him joining on November 16th and at the time thinking "Oh that's really cool but I doubt they'll actually do it" SO I CAN'T DESCRIBE THE SHEER EMOTIONS I FELT WHEN HE JOINED?
I honestly still don't think I'll ever forget watching C! Wilbur press the button and watching everything go to shit at once after such a tense buildup. Whenever I tell my irl friends I once stayed up till 5am on a school night to watch a live minecraft roleplay event, most of them joke or express (VERY UNDERSTANDABLE) concern but I honestly don't regret a thing. I'd do it 30 times over just to experience that again and watch my dashboard go apeshit. November 16th will always be one of my favourite events in any media ever.
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cheesecakeislazy · 2 months
I have insomnia, my phone is about to die, and I feel like I need to write! So here we go boys!! (And gals and non-binary pals) Sorry if this one is shitty TwT
Sensitivity is High
F!Reader x BEN Drowned Smut
You and Ben laid in bed together, just enjoying the moment. Nothing was going on today, it was a free day. Cuddling in bed, looking at memes, listening to music, and playing co-op games together.
While for most people, a day where you can relax with your partner would be quiet and calm, for the two of you, it was quite the opposite..
Within the other rooms of the mansion you could hear Jeff blasting metal music, you could hear Toby annoying Masky by doing anything possible, if you listened carefully you could hear the subtle sounds of Sally trying to sneak a few extra snacks before anyone noticed. While on the outside, you could hear the faint sounds of Clockwork exercising with Jane, the crunching leaves as Slender went on a walk, the sound of the front door slamming open because Masky started to chase Toby outside. Yep, this was home. Full of chaos, full of loud voices and sounds consistently. However, almost everyone within the mansion agreed that this hellhole was better than their old lives, or the life they would have now if Slender wasn’t nice enough to give them a job.
While normally you and Ben would have been joining in on the chaos, the two of you decided to really relax. No pranks, no jokes, no annoyance to others, just each others company in bed playing Minecraft. The life you had was hectic at best and mentally painful at worst, but having Ben with you? It made those shitty days not so bad.
“Alright! Tha-That’s our base d-done!” Ben was honestly really good at Minecraft, speedrunning, building, pvp, he was a Jack of all trades when it came to the game. Probably because the elf-like boy had been playing the game practically since it came out.
“Hm.. well now that we got the homebase finished, you wanna play something else?” You looked over at your boyfriend, as much as you loved playing MC with him, you were pretty bored right now.
Ben took a moment to think before he nodded, saving the game file and quitting the game before looking over at you. “S-So then what d-do you wanna play in-instead?” His voice glitched less during moments like this, alone, just the two of you in peace, it made you generate a gentle smile from your lips.
“Ah, to be completely honest? I kinda wanna just… shut down? At least for a little.. you get me?” Sometimes, as much as you loved gaming, you just wanted to take a 4 pm nap and cuddle. “O-Oh! Y-yeah! That sounds great! I-I-I wouldn’t mind that at all, Babe!” His ears tinted a slight pink at the tip, an indication that he was happy with the idea of cuddles.
As you both laid there, bodies intertwined with each other, arms and legs looped and twisted together like multicolored playdough, a part of your brain sparked curiosity. You had suddenly remembered Ben’s ears.. during more.. intimate moments.. the ears twitched consistently. It made you wonder quite a bit if the ears were extra sensitive, at least compared to the rest of his body.
Deciding to act on this sudden surge of curiosity and confidence, you shifted around slightly, making it look like you were just making yourself a little bit more comfortable. However, you were actually getting your head just a smidge bit closer to his ear, slowly you moved your mouth forward, and before Ben could question or react, you softly bit onto his ear.
The sound that came from Ben was a mixture of arousing and concerning, as you couldn’t tell if the yelp/moan was of pain or pleasure. You pulled away as soon as possible, and stared into his eye sockets.
“Sorry! I was just curious.. if they were.. sensitive.” You realized that after saying it out loud, your explanation for possibly putting your lover in pain, was extremely stupid.
“Uh- It- Uhm! N-No- N-No! Y-you real-really shouldn’t b-be-be sorry-!!” You could tell it certainly had some type of effect on him, as his voice had gotten much glitchier. You were about to open your mouth and make another apology, despite his statement, but as you shifted your leg you felt something poke you. Ah, it was that kind of sensitive..
You smirked to yourself, you found it quite adorable that by just biting his ear softly, you had given the poor man a hard-on. It was obvious that Ben was embarrassed by this fact, he hated to look needy in front of you. But unfortunately for him, he was about to look even needier..
Slowly and carefully, you began to shift your entire body lower and lower on the bed, until you had reached the point of his body that laid right in the middle of his pelvic bone. You laid right in front of his boner, Ben immediately knew what you were trying to do.
“N-no!! Y-Ya-You really don-don’t have-have to-to D-d-Do that!!” His glitchy stutters only turning you on more. You began to remove his sweatpants and boxers, as his cock lie infront of your face you looked up at Ben, wanting his consent before you actually ended up doing anything.
Thankfully, as you expected, Ben bit his lip and nodded at you to continue. Gently, you put his tip inside your mouth, precum already leaking from it. Sucking and licking softly at the head of his cock, tasting the slight sweet salty mixture, Ben threw his head back slightly and let out a few quiet groans and pants.
Slowly getting more and more of his cock into your mouth and down your throat, Ben whimpered for more. The feeling of his cocks tip hitting the very back of your throat as you sucked him off always felt so good on another level. The slight burn of your lips as they tried to stay open and fit his cock inside. Using your tongue to lick the underside of his cock as you bobbed your head up and down his shaft. Ben slowly began to get more overwhelmed by the pleasure and started to buck his hips upwards into your throat, causing you to gag slightly. The feeling of your throat gagging on his cock made him moan your name, tightly gripping onto your hair. God, you were so fucking perfect..
As you continued sucking and licking BEns cock, you saw his ears twitch in unison with his cock. Not only did it remind you of how you had gotten into this, but it also made you wonder if his ears were as sensitive as his cock..
But you weren’t able to ponder on the matter for long, as Ben had busted his load inside your mouth, filling and overwhelming your tastebuds with the sweet and salty creamy substance that made you addicted to giving this man blowjobs. Once you had lifted your head off of him, and swallowed the load he had just so kindly gifted to you, you looked up at him.
Ben looked back at you.. his red eyes no longer circular, little red hearts lay in their place.
“Switch spots with me, Baby~ And take off y-your clothes.. I’m g-gonna return the favor~” Ben licked his lips as he winked as you.
Your panties were already soaked from sucking him off, but the thought of Ben devouring your cunt made you shiver with excitement.
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astronyu · 1 year
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Sketches and commentary on the Folly ref sheet for RAT's newest plush! (info below the cut vvv)
(note: RAT commissioned me to make the character ref sheet, which is NOT the plushie schematic that Makeship actually uses as reference to produce the plushie)
This is the first sketch we sent to Makeship!
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I'm starting to add details to push Folly's identity a bit more and differentiate her more from RM (Rat Maid), i.e. neckline, nose, gloves, blush. Lots of curves! (And I also added two rats instead of one <3O~ <3O~)
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At one point we considered giving her the eye design shown on the right (red thread embroidered around her eye) as a reference to her MC skin's glowing eyes, but we decided eye shadow was a better look. also it looks like sans undertale
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This is the back! The Folly skin has a long pretty bow, but it's scrapped by the end because A. her hair obscures everything on her back and B. as we went along we increasingly afraid of the sheer mass of fabric building on this plushie.
Most of her palette is colorpicked from the original minecraft skin by Arathain (who also made RM!) but iirc we made the ears pinker and lighter. You can see their OG tweet featuring the Folly skin here!
Onto the dress design!
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RAT wanted the Folly plush to feel like more than just a recolor, so he had me redesign her dress. I started off with an inspo board focused on elements we wanted to keep-- Folly's lighter palette, the middle slit of her dress, the off-shoulder straps, and the overall maid theme.
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You'll notice that Folly's expressions here are kind of all over the place (I don't think she's ever looked that sympathetic in her life). I think I made these sketches before I finalized her face, where RAT requested some mixture of murderous intent with mischief, but in a subtle way. Later down the line the specific smirk Folly has actually gave the physical plushie a lot of trouble (faces do not scale easily on cone shaped snouts).
The first alternate dress designs!
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RED: RAT (paraphrased), PURPLE: me ofc More refined sketches! As you can see here RAT's working me to the bone with all of his requests. It's okay though, b/c after I sent him the completed ref sheet I got to watch him turn on Makeship. (KIDDING, KIDDING)
Overall, I was looking for a dress that felt regal, beautiful, and unconventional, while still feeling like a maid dress. Wow, after physically typing that out I feel like face palming. "I need a dress for a GODDESS also a uniform good for housekeeping please" (???)
After feedback, I focused more on variations of the 2nd option.
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You'll see at the last Folly, I combined the 2nd variation with the tie ribbon, the layered dress design, and long puffy sleeves. I decided to bring over the long puffy sleeves specifically because I hoped that they would give Folly a more interesting silhouette that of course contrasts with RM.
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(To be fair, this contrast isn't very visible on the plushie itself but it is fun to draw.)
And finally, the second and last ref we sent to Makeship!
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imo Makeship did an INCREDIBLE job translating the design to plushie!! I'm sure there's plenty of challenges Makeship's plushie makers have to deal with that we don't see, so I always specify that I'm only responsible for the initial drawing when people ask me if I "made" the plush.
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One really delightful surprise were the 3d rats; we didn't think they were possible but they were (ilu makeship)!! You'll probably also notice that Folly's eyes look pretty different--- they were changed slightly in each step and ultimately ended up softer, which is interesting because I feel that it kind of mirrored how RAT's approach to Folly as a character changed in the months of the plushie's development (and up to her release!).
And that's all I have for my part of the plushie! I always love working with RAT on projects and plushies are a highlight. They're especially surreal to think about when we all used to joke about them before RAT really blew up.
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ofc, the shill if you want to get her: Makeship Folly plush and RM's ref sheet if you're curious: Rat Maid plushie ref
i think the campaign ends about October 7th, 2023, but you and i are very likely to be in different time zones so if you're interested doublecheck with the site. if the date has long past then ig this is just a fun little time capsule for you, which can also be pretty cool :)
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segasys · 17 days
say whatever you want about the movie, but these shots are awesome, these go so hard, i dont care!!! i love this!!!
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ramblings below
now as for my thoughts about it, I'm actually kind of excited to see what this movie is going to do with the concept its presented. I'm a bit disappointed about how the mobs look, just because the whole reason why Minecraft is so charming and what draws me towards it is its simplistic yet vibrant style. i think the teaser we got did a really good job with the environments though, but its got a case of the sonic movie when it came to the creatures. i slightly hope that, like the sonic movie, they will change the models to be more like source, but i don't know how likely that will happen. i also have no idea whether they're pulling this off as like, people in the real world enter the video game, or if they're going to make it like an alternate dimension in the real world, so maybe that's why its so realistic. I'm honestly excited! i understand comments like "this isn't what fans want" "this is awful, why would they do this, don't make this movie", but i don't agree with them. i want to look at this movie through a more artistic lens. i would want to watch this movie to see how they pull off all the environments, and how they're even going to pull off a plot for this game. i don't know the whole process for how they made the environments, but that shit is crazy!! i can barely make an ant in blender and these people are over here making realistic yet blocky Minecraft environments that are so vibrant and captures the wonder that i feel from playing Minecraft, bro i could never!!! round of applause for the crew who did that, absolutely amazing!!
i dont think being negative about this movie really helps with anything. movies to me are so much more than tuning my brain off to a mind numbing plot ive seen a million times over. i want to see movies for its art. morbius sucked so badly but there were still parts that i kinda liked and stood out to me. i may not have liked the spiderverse 2 plot all that much, but the movie is still wonderful and vibrant! i think thats what this movie will be like. the style of it scratches my brain just right.
okay i should stop rambling lol, this is incoherant. i just love art.
also cant believe they actually got Steve Minecraft to act in this movie, unreal.
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silverskye13 · 6 months
I've been meaning to ask about this because I love love LOVE your writing but aren't really very deep into the hermitcraft fandom....
would I need to know anything prior to reading your hc fics? I've heard very many good things about redstone and skulk and I want to read it , but I dunno if walking in clueless is a good idea...
Oh. Hm. Well. I'm maybe not the best person to ask this, ironically. I have a hard time differentiating between actual common knowledge and fandom osmosis common knowledge. My thoughts under the cut because this might get long, but here are my, I guess, fandom initiation thoughts on my fics, for anyone curious?
Redstone and Skulk:
I think it can reasonably be read with little-to-no prior knowledge of the fandom. I do a decent job of explaining what the story is about, since most of it is original worldbuilding with (mostly) original characters. It's a mirror world, where in the main world death doesn't exist, but in the mirror world it does. All the mirror world characters are the bad parts / evil twins of the main world characters, and how they cope with that varies (and is sometimes explicitly stated). The first few chapters do a decent job of establishing this information, and I've had a few people mention RnS was either their first delve into hc fandom, or they had never been in the fandom and read it anyway because it came recommended by a friend. This signals to me it would be about like reading a sequel to a book series. You're clearly missing some establishing character stuff, and maybe some setting stuff, but you're not missing enough to be completely lost.
[basic knowledge of Minecraft mobs and game mechanics would definitely do you good, but that goes for all of these].
Monsters Splitting Hairs:
I personally think you can jump into this with no prior knowledge. All the characters are loosely based on the hc members they're named for personality wise, and place names [Octagon, Horsehead Farms] come from builds the players have made. Just about everything else is my personal world building though. The only upper hand knowing about HC will give you, is maybe cluing you in to who/what the different monster characters are before they're revealed [a la Rendog, who walks around with dog ears on his MC skin, is very obviously a werewolf in the fic.]
This fic is unfinished, and while I plan on finishing it eventually, it isn't being actively updated, and probably won't until RnS is done. It does have a lot of words on it though.
Hound's Tooth:
You need to know a lot of information to go into this one. Not only do you need to know a decent amount about the HC characters, knowing about both 3rd Life and Last Life is also kinda necessary, since the crux of the character motivation is Doc angsting over Ren doing Last Life after 3rd Life fucked up all his friends so bad the first time. Also, you need to know a decent amount about the early Octagon plotlines in s8 of Hermitcraft, the different adventure mode trial rooms they did.
This fic is finished.
Everything else I've written are ficlets, little one or two chapter deals. Anything tagged "RnS fic", you should probably read RnS before reading. Most of the others you need specific information for, since they're generally addressing topics that I had /just/ watched an episode for at the time, and I was responding to an idea or plot point being brought up. Anything with "Hels" or "Helsmet" in the tags or title, know it's about the mirror world and the evil twins.
I hope this helps?
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
(Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.)
Hi! Hello! How are you? :]
Let me just say, your work is simply incredible.
I've been binge-reading your TTSBC series for a few days now, as you can probably tell from all the kudos (you deserve them!), and I have been going crazy
First of all, I think this was the first Hermitcraft ship fic I've read. Conclusions/thoughts;
1) You've made me a flower husbands fan, great job, I am now obsessed with them
2) the relationship between Scott and Martyn is so precious to me, you have no idea
3) I am now a fan of ALL the relationships you've written; flower husbands, treebark, desert duo, Tango/Zed, Lizzie/Joel, Shelby/ Katherine, Etho/Doc (I hope I didn't forget anyone)
4) PEARL IS A MENACE AND I LOVE HER. SHE IS MY FAVOURITE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She is the big sister™ and she is the best
5)Scar is a sweetheart and that is a FACT. HE WAS SO SWEET TO CUB?? AND TO GRIAN?? I LOVE HIM
6) I absolutely love mom Cleo, her and Bdubs are so kind and thoughtful and caring to each other, I will simply explode
8) I need more Scott as a journalist. I need to see his hunger to get all the details. I need to see him use his silver-tongue skills on someone, and I need to see Jimmy(or anyone) be scared but also fascinated. I need to see more Scott and Pearl fighting for the best interview.
I don't even watch cc!Scott, and now look at me. Im obsessed with his character.
10) I also,,, kinda,,, want to see someone react a bit badly to seeing their partner being from the under-city. Maybe,,, Martyn being angry with being lied to? Maybe,,, Scott screaming at him that what he's doing is helping no one? Maybe, maybe,,,,
(im secretly an angst-girlie at heart, what can I say. I love me some good hurt/comfort)
12) please let zed and tango have a happy ending pleasepleasepleasePLEASEPLE-
13) also the titles have all been so cool! I saw a post of yours that said you use terms of endearment, and I thought that was really cute :)
In conclusion, I am crazy for your work, please feed us more.
To show you how crazy I've been over this series;
I went completely nuts, explaining to my friend some basics about it the moment I was sure I've read everything, and Im probably gonna make them read it too. I've already sent them the link to the series.
They are not even a Minecraft fan. They don't know what Hermitcraft is.
Anyway, this was all to say; you're amazing, your work is truly fantastic, your writing style is one of the best I've ever seen/read (and I've read a lot of fics, do not doubt me)
Please don't feel forced to write anything I've said! I'm just throwing ideas that came over my head when reading!
(your traveling thieves series is also amazing! Im just currently full of ttsbc thoughts rn, its eating me alive /pos)
Hope my spam liking was not annoying!
Have a great day!
It was not annoying in the SLIGHTEST!
Hello hello, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad TTSBC has been so enjoyable for you and that you've had fun binge reading all of it!
I am delighted and honored to be the first author you've read that has written Hermitshipping and that you've enjoyed it and it's caused you to love all my ships! That's a great day for a fanfic author!!!
FLOWER HUSBANDS ARE MY FAVORITE! More people who like Flower Husbands? HAPPIER I AM! It is a DIRECT correlation!
Someone commented at some point that they reminded them of drunk girls comforting each other in the bathroom after a party, and I think that's exactly accurate 😆
Pearl is the Big Sister ™️ of the group and if anyone hurts any of her little siblings it is game over!
Scar is SUCH a sweetheart in this AU! He's a superhero, he's a boyfriend, he's a best friend, he's a professor, and he's just doing his best to juggle it all!
Zom-Mom and Sentient Glowstick. Only the best combo!
Katherine said "Wait crap I think that was the love of my life!" and dove back in!"
Journalist Scott will be making a return in several pieces of the future, don't you worry! We'll get to see him strut his stuff! I'm very glad I've gotten you to love c!Scott even if you don't watch cc!Scott, that's just the best!
ooooo there's an angsty take. Hm. Well, there is certainly more angst on the docket for everyone, I assure you, and while I can't promise that brand of angst in particular, there is other stuff left to unpack! Please look forward to it!
Zedango will return! That is all I shall say!
I'm so glad you like the titles! I think it's very cute but I have to admit I'm starting to struggle to come up with terms of endearment I haven't used before 😆
I'm so glad you're trying to get your friend into TTSBC! The nice thing is I don't think it's too terribly difficult to spring into without context of watching any of the CCs because the characters all pretty much explain themselves within the AU. Maybe looking up some fanart for what everyone ought to look like, but it's not the worst thing!
Glad to hear you also like Traveling Thieves! I was gonna point you that way when you said you were an angst girlie so good that you're already there!
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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End Game 2
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: we're here to boo Andrew.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“So, you’re coming?” Jacob’s voice quavers with excitement. You can’t imagine how he’d sound if you said no. You hate letting people down, it seems to be all you've ever done.
“Uh, yeah,” you say as you steer around the track; opting for some MarioKart over Minecraft that night, “boss says it’s no problem to get the days off. Just have to make it up after. Is... Is everything still good on your end?” 
“Oh yeah, sure thing,” he assures buoyantly, “I can’t wait. Did you still wanna split the airBnB?” 
“Actually, I got a place to stay for the night then I’ll take the early bus back,” you explain as Princess Peach knocks you off the track, “argh!” 
“Right, that’s good,” he says, “good to know you won’t be stranded out there.” 
“Mhm,” you use your boost to catch up to Peach and get your revenge. You don’t mention that Kara will be with you at the con. You just want to be sure this isn’t something wonky. “It’ll be nice to get out of town. My grandma will probably be happy to have the place to herself.” 
“Yeah,” he scoffs, “what’s her problem anyway?” 
“Just the way she is. She likes her space,” you shrug, “I don’t know, I don’t think she expected to be raising her granddaughter...” 
“Ah, yeah, I guess that would be stressful,” he says, “still, seems like you’re not too bad to be around. Got a job, go to school, all that. Think my dad would love it if I put in half as much effort.” 
“Yeah? You make him sound like a hard ass.” 
“Can be. Lawyer, so kinda his schtick,” he chuckles. 
“Oo, fancy,” you snort. Maybe if either of your parents had been lawyers, you wouldn’t be living off your grandma’s resent.  
“I guess. Never really see him that much...” he grumbles. 
“Hm, well, no winning, is there?” You mutter. 
“Not really,” he sighs and hisses, “ugh, Toad!” 
You chuckle and cross the finish line. A respectable second. You wait for him to finish and stifle a yawn. 
“Tired?” He asks. 
“Me too, long day,” he groans, “neck’s killing me.” 
“Oh, what’d you do--” 
“You know, I’m-- an idiot. Was messing around on my bike.” 
“Of course,” you snicker, “well, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna sign off. I don’t wanna keep my grandma up and my head’s starting to go.” 
“Sure, I gotta get up early anyway,” he sounds less than enthused. “Good night.” 
“You too.” 
“Can’t, work. Day after?” 
“Okay, I’ll make it work,” he confirms, “I’m excited about meeting up. Aren’t you?” 
“Yep,” you try not to show your doubt. You’re still not really sure about everything. 
“Can’t wait,” he rasps and the silt in his tone makes you shiver. 
“Yeah, er, bye then,” you hit end session and take off your headset, your ears tender and a bit sweaty. Even if it is awkward, at least you’ll get to hang with Kara for a bit. You haven’t seen her since grad. 
You’re already exhausted and you’re not even inside yet. The line for the convention is bustling and your excitement keeps you going as you and Kara gab away and move with the slow crawl. The sun beams down and has you sweating, though you could easily blame that on your nerves too. 
“So, this Jacob... is he cute?” She winks. 
“Kara,” you roll your eyes, “it’s not like that. Really. We just game.” 
“Oh yeah. But do you want it to be more?” She teases. 
“You know I’m not really into all that. I don’t have room for a boyfriend in my life.” 
“So boring. Never change, girlie,” she nudges you playfully. “But really, that’s smart. Calvin is too much. I’m thinking of cutting him loose.” 
“Again?” You squint. 
“Not my fault he keeps coming back,” she giggles. 
You peer around, searching out a familiar face amid the ocean of strangers. You haven’t seen Jacob yet. You’re almost hoping he doesn’t show up. Then again, why wouldn’t he? He paid for you to be here. The reminder of the fact strikes guilt in your chest. 
You pause as your eyes catch another pair, further back in the queue. An older man with a beard. He stands out among the crowd. He wears a tidy button-up where most wear graphic tees or cosplay attire. He stares for a moment before he turns away and looks down, probably at whatever kid dragged him there. 
“Well, what are you going to do if he sees you and falls in love?” Kara asks. 
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. 
“If he’s a nerd like you, how could he not?” 
“Hey,” you frown. 
“What? You’re like the sexy gamer girl type. Isn’t that what dudes want?” She shrugs. “Let me see his pic again. He’s a skinny little thing. He’d definitely be into you.” 
“Urgh, stop,” you cross your arms. 
“Sorry, I’m only playing. You just seem so nervous, I’m trying to loosen you up.” 
“I know,” you puff, “it’s just... I should’ve just said no. This is stupid. I don’t know why I even agreed.” 
“To get out of that shithole,” she snips. “Why do you think I hauled ass the minute I popped by grad cap on?” 
“Mm, yeah, I just hope... do you think he really wants that? Maybe I gave him the wrong idea. Oh, Kar, I really didn’t mean to lead him on.” 
“No, no, I’m sure it’s nothing you did if he does. I mean, he’s probably a virgin so...” 
“That’s mean,” you pout. 
“What, so are you,” she laughs. 
“Exactly,” you shake your head and drop your arms, a buzz jittering your skirt pocket.  
You look down at yourself as you slide your phone free. That was probably a bold choice but it’s so damn hot out. Besides, your Pikachu tee is loose enough to counteract the denim sheath. You turn the screen up, shading it with your hand as you read. 
‘Sorry, not going to make it. Something came up. 🙁' 
You frown and reread the message. Really? You came all the way here, took time off of work, and he’s flaking? 
“What’s up?” Kara asks as she clicks her manicured nails impatiently and stands on her toes, trying to see past the bodies ahead. 
“He just cancelled,” you mutter and type in your reply. 
‘Oh no. Hope it’s nothing bad. Maybe another time.’ 
You hit send and drop your shoulders. You’re surprised how disappointed you are. More so about the wasted effort than anything. Even if you are a bit relieved, it’s shitty. 
“Ah, bullshit!” Kara sneers, “what the hell? What did he say?” She reaches for your phone and you hold it out of her grasp. “That fucker.” 
“It’s probably not his fault. Shit happens.” 
“Babe, you’re gonna settle for a lot of nonsense if you keep that attitude. I’d be friggin pissed if I was you. He brings you all the way here and now he’s too good for you. I bet he saw some cute girl in line and she smiled at him once so now he’s ditching,” she scowls, “I hate boys.” 
“I’m sure... it’s nothing,” you say glumly as your phone vibes again. 
‘I’m real sorry. I hope you still have a good time. Take lots of pictures.’ 
You don’t respond. You lock your phone and put it back in your pocket. It never feels good to be stood up. Even then. 
“You know what, screw him,” Kara snarls, “let’s go in there and buy you the cutest plushie you can find. Hell, maybe you can find an even cuter guy.” 
“Kar,” you warn her. 
“Fine, just the plushie. Maybe two,” she trills, “forget that loser.” 
The chaos of the convention wipes away the dark cloud over you. You’re almost thankful that Jacob gave you the opportunity to catch up with Kara. You didn’t realise how much you missed her. It’s perfect day where you can forget about your grandmother and your lame job and everything else. 
You rush around from booth to booth. You look at fanart, handmade figures, and stuffies. You’re mindful of your wallet and how empty it really is. You’ll get one thing and a snack. That’s all you can afford.  
As the hours roll by, your early morning bus ride and time spent standing out in the hot sun catch up to you. You feel your muscles starting to ache and your eyelids turning fuzzy. You yawn as you shuffle behind Kara as she waits in line to get a signature from the one D-list celeb she’s heard of. You’d get one too but it’s way too expensive. 
“Hey,” you rub your cheek, “mind if I sit and wait? I wanna grab a soft pretzel anyway.” 
“Sure,” she agrees easily, “looks like it’s gonna be a while.” 
“Want me to bring you a drink or something?” You offer. 
“Nah, just text me where you are so I can find you,” she says. 
You leave her reluctantly. You’d rather not be wandering alone through the hordes but your feet are killing you and your stomach’s been roaring for the last hour. You stand in line for the pretzel stall and get yours with cinnamon sugar and syrup. Messy but delicious. 
You find a table in the corner and settle in. You put your phone beside the napkin and tear apart the doughy goodness. Your phone lights up with a notification from the merge game you like to play and you see several other icons; missed messages. 
You focus on your snack, savouring each bite, as your eyes drift around the crowded centre. You can barely see some of the booths as hordes cluster around. Some cosplayers bat at each other with toy swords as children fight over the arcade machines. You’re overwhelmed by the sheer amount of activity all around. 
You put your head down trying to block out the lights and noise. You feel yourself getting overstimulated. It’s like when you’re in the lecture hall and suddenly you can hear every sniff, sneeze, and keystroke. You close your eyes as you wipe your fingertips on the edge of the napkin, only half-finished your pretzel. 
“Looks good,” a deep voice cuts through the blaring din. 
As you recognise the timbre, your heart squeezes and the world pinpoints at the centre of your skull. You open your eyes and slowly raise your head. You blink dumbly at the unfamiliar man stood in front of you. You think you’ve seen him before, or at least he sticks out from the typical convention attendee. 
It isn’t that he’s too old, there’s lots of older geeks hanging around but they have neckbeards and greasy combovers. His hair is tidy and his beard trimmed close. His clothing also lacks the typical Dorito dust or anime character. You remember, he was outside in the line. 
“Uh, hello?” You utter. 
“Sorry I’m late,” he says as he pulls out the chair across from you. He sits as your insides plunge. You know his voice. 
“Jacob?” You murmur in shock. How? Why? This isn’t the stringy teenager you met online. 
He nods, his jaw tensing, and he crosses an arm over the table, pointing to your half-eaten pretzel, “what’d you get on yours? I can’t decide between sweet or savoury.” 
“Who... are you?” You croak, head spinning as your eyes prick. You knew something was weird. You knew you weren’t talking to Jacob or whoever that boy was in the pictures. 
He takes a breath and lets it out slowly. As his chest deflates, you do too. He’s older than you, bigger than you, and by the looks of him, a lot better off. Why the hell would he be chatting with you? Why would he lie to you? 
“You’re right. I’m not Jacob,” he confesses, the colour draining from his face. He steeples his fingers and considers his next words carefully. You sit back and hug yourself defensively. This is fucked. “My name is Andy, Jacob is my son.” 
“Your son?” You eke out, “why-- why would you lie?” 
He cringes and takes another breath, “he was my son,” he corrects himself, “he... passed.” 
You feel like you’ve been struck. Your mouth falls open, stunned. Not only did he hide behind his son’s photos, but his dead son’s. Oh, god. You feel sick. No, you feel stupid. 
“Look, please, just hear me out. I just—it wasn’t meant to go on this long. When I first lied to you, it was supposed to be that one time. I was... I was lost. I just lost Jacob and I was going through his things. I started playing because I missed him. I wanted to feel like he was still there--” 
“No, no, you got on discord and you started talking to me. As him!” Your voice shakes and your eyes tinge. “That’s not just missing him.” 
“I know, you’re right. I lied but... I got lonely playing by myself so yes, I went onto that discord. You were nice. You didn’t call me a noob or whatever. And... and after work, looking forward to hearing your voice, it got me through a lot of pain. Being alone in that house after so long, I couldn’t cope--” 
“So you lied to me?” You stand and snatch your phone, nauseous to the core, “you manipulated me. How do you know—if you had just been you that I would’ve been any different? If you just wanted to play games, to be friends--” 
“I was scared--” 
“I don’t care if you were scared,” you hiss as you stomp forward. “You’re an adult.” 
He stands and blocks your path. You recoil, put off by his height. He’s a lot bigger on his feet. 
“Please, move or... I’ll scream,” you breathe. 
“You don’t have to do that. Just hear me out,” he pleads. 
“I don’t want to hear anything else from you, Jacob. Or Andy. Or whoever you really are,” you sneer, “move.” 
He shudders and hangs his head. He makes himself seem small as his shoulders round and he backs out of your way. You bite down and march past him.  
You need to get to a bathroom. Now. You’re going to spew up your guts. More important, you need to get yourself together before you go find Kara. She can’t know this happened. It’s too embarrassing. 
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blueeyedrat · 9 months
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Games I played in 2023.
Last year was stable. This year has been... less so. I've bounced between getting out more and shutting myself in more, and between trying to take better care of myself and letting small issues and stressors start to pile up. My steady job got a lot less steady, and I'm now out of work and finding ways to pass the time. Like video games, for instance. Shall we?
(2022 ⇐ 2023)
This was another decent year for getting caught up on games I've tried out and expressed an interest in before. Moncage, INSIGHT, Railbound, URBO, and a few other games you'll see further down the list. I also followed up on some games I've played in the past like Train Valley 2, and even dipped back into some old mainstays like Eternal. One of these days I'll find time for Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress again.
I more or less broke even on my backlog this year, chipping away at smaller games from assorted bundles I've picked up over the years, but also picking up some new bundles to add to the pile. So many games, so little time.
Before We Leave
While we're talking about the backlog, here's a game I've been interested in for a while. A settlement builder in a solar system of small planets, with a quaint aesthetic of wooden ships and massive space whales. I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this one. The automation and logistics aspect is an interesting spin on the genre, even it gets a bit complex at times. Never too challenging, though, and there's enough depth and nuance to hold my interest all the way to the final stages and on towards the stars. I'm looking forward to the upcoming sequel.
The Legend of Zelda (series)
It's hard to go wrong with Zelda. I have fond memories of Skyward Sword, Wind Waker HD, and Breath of the Wild, and with a new one on the way, it seemed like as good a time as any to catch up on my library. In order: Link's Awakening DX, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, The Minish Cap, and the DLC quests from Breath of the Wild I never got around to. Our Wii U saw more activity than it's gotten in years.
Opinions on each: Awakening was a fun, solid 2D adventure that never overstayed its welcome, though the game shows its age at a few points. Likewise, Ocarina was an interesting look at the series' jump to 3D, but was also somewhat janky at times and it took a while for me to really get into a groove with it. (I think the turning point might've been the Water Temple. I actually liked the Water Temple. Ye gods.) Majora was a sizeable improvement gameplay-wise and played with the format in neat ways, though I'll admit that I butted heads with the time loop mechanic more than once.
I have a particular nostalgia for Minish Cap; some of my earliest memories of Nintendo games are watching my friend's GBA over his shoulder on the bus ride to elementary school. After so long, this was the one I was most curious to see if it held up. Answer: yes. Minish Cap is officially my favorite 2D Zelda, and the highlight of this little retro binge. There's a lot of charm to it, and it just feels good to play.
It may be a bit too recent for nostalgia, but I almost forgot how much I loved Breath of the Wild. My old file was exactly how I left it, and playing through the extra content was a good way to re-acquaint myself with the "new" Zelda style before…
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
This was a daunting one. If I had to sum up Tears in one sentence, it would be this: There is so much game in this game. Even compared to its predecessor, there's so much to do and so many more layers of exploration and interaction, with a wide array of smaller improvements that make it a smoother experience overall.
I wish I could say I put as much time into this game as I did into Breath of the Wild, and I did put a lot of time into it, but… some other things got in the way. Summer is when my work got a lot busier and a good amount more stressful, and this was a game I slowly chipped away at whenever I found time for it. I got pretty much everything I wanted out of it, and after the credits rolled, I put it away and haven't touched it since. I should change that. I'm sure there are more good times to be had.
The word that comes to mind to describe Mutazione is fascinating. It's a point-and-click narrative, light on gameplay, heavy on story and character. Of the other games I've played recently, the vibes remind me the most of Sable – quiet and contemplative, where all you want to do is observe and take in the world and characters that are being presented to you. It dovetails nicely with the story itself, which largely consists of a curious little soap opera playing out around characters who are along for the ride. The writing is some of the best I've seen this year, and gets real fuckin' raw in ways I wasn't expecting. This one will stick with me for a while.
Pikmin 3 / The Wild at Heart
I've never had the focus or dexterity for a really complex RTS, but Pikmin's always been a little more approachable. Played the second game in the series a while back, picked up a used copy of Pikmin 3 at a local convention this year, and with another one coming out, it seemed as good an excuse as any to make it a double feature.
Both games have their charms. Pikmin has a distinct style and sense of scale that's hard to replicate, and a good variety of environments and encounters and puzzles. The Wild at Heart is smaller in scope as a Pikmin-like, and hits some familiar beats while remixing some of the core ideas in interesting ways. The latter also put more of an emphasis on character and narrative, something I'd like to see fleshed out more, but what we got was still satisfying. Both games were fun, and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Pikmin 4 soon.
Chants of Sennaar / Heaven's Vault
Another double feature – one game that caught my eye immediately, and another I've been curious about for a while. For a long time I've had a fondness for constructed languages, with scripts and writing systems of particular interest. The idea of decoding such a language lends itself well to a puzzle game, and these two approach it in different ways: Chants of Sennaar features multiple cultures in a Tower of Babel-esque setting, each with their own quirks and traits to learn and translate between, and their own puzzles to solve. Heaven's Vault opts for depth, with a single language and a vast history that you slowly unravel through exploration.
My verdict for both games is the same. The language puzzles are really cool and interesting! I want more of them! …Everything else in between gets sort of meandering at times. Not enough to drag down the overall experience, but perhaps enough to overstay its welcome. Sennaar filled the space with a mish-mash of puzzles and stealth, which felt oddly paced at times. Heaven's Vault's pacing was hit even harder with slow exploration and visual novel-esque story segments – fine enough for one playthrough, but the amount of wandering and backtracking involved makes me hesitant to go back and play NG+ to see the rest of the content. I don't have the patience to play a visual novel multiple times to see what all of the dialogue options do. The story's fine as is, and I got what I wanted out of it.
Even with their faults, these are still probably the games that influenced me the most in 2023. If anyone asks me, as a game dev, what I would make given unlimited time, resources, and creative freedom, from now on I'm going to point to Chants of Sennaar and say "something like that". I want more games like this to exist. I will make them myself, if I have to.
F-Zero 99
This wasn't the only racing game I played this year – a bunch of new content was added to Mario Kart 8, and I also pulled Horizon Chase Turbo from my backlog and spent a bit of time on that – but this is definitely the one that made the biggest splash. I've never played an F-Zero game, and it controls differently enough from other racers I've played that I had to unlearn a lot of muscle memory, but I got the hang of it after a while. The 99-player model is frantic in an enjoyable way, and races are quick enough that it's easy to pick up and play in short bursts… which is good, because short bursts are all my nerves can take with this one. Seriously this game is stressful. Fun, but stressful. Maybe one of these days I'll actually win a 99-player race.
Cobalt Core
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I've been playing... a lot of Cobalt Core these past couple months. I don't jump on every roguelite or deckbuilder that comes out, but when one does get its hooks in me, they get in deep. This is another one of those games where everything just works. Great music and pixel art, fun characters (all traits shared with its predecessor, Sunshine Heavy Industries, which I also liked this year), a simple but engaging narrative, and an addicting gameplay loop that I can easily sink an hour into whenever the mood strikes me. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it doesn't need to – it takes a lot of ideas from games that have come before it, and builds on them to create something really enjoyable. One of my favorite games of the year, without question.
Terra Nil
As we build up, so too must we tear down. This is another one I wanted to get to sooner or later, and managed to slip it in during the last couple weeks of the year. It's also a type of game I want to play more often; a lot of the time when I play sim and builder games all I really want in the end is to build nice-looking homes and environments, and Terra Nil spins that into a puzzle game where those things are the only goal. It was a nice time, but left me wanting more – either more content in Terra Nil, or more games like it.
This game is… a curiosity. A solid action-adventure game with a memorable cast of characters and impeccably detailed pixel art. Gameplay flips back and forth between slow-paced story segments and fun setpiece levels with a decent variety of tools for combat and puzzle-solving. The biggest sticking point is the narrative: the pacing and worldbuilding felt odd and disjointed in places, particularly in the back half, sometimes feeling like it's saying too much and often like it's said too little. Yet throughout all that, it never failed to be compelling, and I was hooked all the way 'til the end. What's more, the idea of the upcoming Octopia DLC flipping the entire game and setting on its head has my interest thoroughly piqued – something to look forward to in the coming year.
Here's to 2024, and here's hoping things turn around sooner or later.
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chaiandsage · 21 days
Hello, it is me, I am back. I'm being insane about TL... again... It's my constant state at this point I fear.
Anyways, I was making myself a playlist for the story and was wondering if you had any songs that you personally associate with the fic and/or characters.
I may or may not also be reformatting the bind for a second print with a couple new features (that may or may not pretty much just be making all the comms messages formatted with the Minecraft font so they look more authentic... That's... definitely not the only think I am changing.... Listen, I know I'm insane, we do not need to talk about it)
Okay, so, sorry for the delayed reply, but you probably had no idea just how insane this question was going to make me. Because a lot of these songs are ones that I hold very close to me and some, in one way or another, were even the inspiration for a lot of major plot points that happened in the story. Others, however, I got really into while the fic was still being updated because some of my readers would comment about their own songs that they connected to Trust Life or would even make entire playlists for it--which I LOVED. So anyway, here's two different lists for each of those, complete with explanations that no one asked for on why I think they vibe with the story :D
My Personal Vibes
So quick side story, I worked in retail while I was writing up the story outline for this and most of my job involved doing some very repetitive and boring tasks that left plenty of brainpower to spare for me to think about and plan out the story while I was doing them. And I'm sure you know that most stores will just play a bunch of generic, upbeat, bubbly, pop music on loop the entire day (I kinda vibe with it ngl, but I get that it's not for everyone), but that was what I had to listen to throughout the day and like it or not, that was the music that I ended up coming up with a lot of ideas and fixing a lot of plot holes to. And honestly? I wouldn't have had it any other way. But my point is, if a few of these songs are kinda cheery sounding and don't seem like they have that much to do with the story's usual theme, just know that that's why, lol.
Can't Remember to Forget You - Shakira
Something, something... memory loss, Scott and Jimmy forgetting they were already a couple during Double Life... Neither of them being able to forget each other after the breakup--plus that one "kissing in the moonlight" line inspired that flashback scene that Scott had in chapter 43.
Part Of Me -Noah Kahan
Recognize the title? Chapter 30 baybeee. This was kind of how I wanted Tango's feelings for his previous boyfriends to come off. Not all of the lyrics are accurate, but most of it matches the tone I was trying to go for.
Pick Me Up - Sam Feldt, Sam Fischer
This one made had me thinking about snowbugs 24/7 and for as arguably disconnected from the theme of the story that the lyrics are it had absolutely no right to inspire as many scenes in this fic as it did. It's how I came up with how Scott's escape went after stealing the enchanter back in chapter 31 with him jumping off the roof (fun fact: that fight was originally gonna be during the day and it was gonna be Scott who threw the water and TANGO who jumped, but I changed it). It's also the inspiration for chapter 45 when they're storming the fortress and Scott and Tango have to help protect each other. ALSO--Remember the title to chapter 49??? Yeah, that's literally just one of the lyrics from this song. It freakin inspired the burning garden scene too. Get this song out of my head man, it's taken over my whole personality at this point...
Good Grief - Bastille
More of Scott and Jimmy just missing each other achingly and Scott in particular only being able to watch from the sidelines as Jimmy "moves on" with another man.
Still Into You - Paramore
Pretty self-explanatory. Kinda captures the vibe of the ending imo. Could be applied to almost all of the relationships and not just our main throuple.
Find an Island - BENEE
JOEL AND ETHO!!--Something about them moving too fast in their relationship during Double Life, the "storm" that was them getting their memories back, how they drifted away from each other thinking they'd be better off going without any contact, and of course the whole shipwreck and sailing theme here was just screaming "boat boys" to me.
Avalanche - Christian French
Less on-the-nose, but still a really fun vibe to me. Basically the insanity that followed after Double Life. The players realizing their feelings for other people. Can sort of be viewed more from Grian's perspective since he more or less "started" all this or at least he partially blames himself for it even if he didn't as much as all his friends all thought he had. He started the small tumble that spiraled into an avalanche as the drama continued to influence nearly everyone he knew.
Stitches - Shawn Mendes
More of Scott beating himself up both mentally and physically as he goes through his breakup at the beginning of the story. He can't sleep, can't eat, can't stop thinking about Jimmy... He's barely dragging himself forward on two feet as it is.
Thank Me Later - Sigrid
SCAR AND GRIAN--Basically Grian's whole perspective on Scar. He thinks that the person he loves will be better off if he just let him go. He knows that Scar isn't going to let go of him easily, but he deserves better. He just needs to convince him of that and maybe, as painful as it will be for Grian, Scar will move on.
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
Mostly vibes. Tango, Scott, and Jimmy doing crazy things together during the first three days of the game. Scott and Tango continuing to be menaces to everyone together even after Jimmy died. All three of them being like: "Hey, let's break into people's houses. Let's set things on fire. Let's steal and murder and fight monsters together. And while we're at it? Let's fall even deeper in love--because I kind of just realized that all of this is only fun to me because I'm doing it with you."
Hate You - Poylow & BAUWZ
THIS FUCKING- Okay... I hate that this very simple tune that I heard over a freakin YOUTUBE SHORT ended up inspiring a scene that was so fun to come up with that never even made it into the final outline, but picture this with me for a moment:
Tango doesn't realize his feelings for Scott right before the Wither attacks back in chapter 50. Instead, they're closer to their base when it happens. They just got done having that whole tense argument and "confession" and are still holding hands and staring at each other when Scott points out Tango's eyes again, not knowing what it means. Tango's eyes go wide. He pulls away, running over to their fish pond to see his reflection and... Oh god. No. No, no nonono-- His breathing is picking up. Every soft, caring interaction he's ever had with Scott now pass through his head in a blur. He realizes it was love. Scott asks what's wrong. Tango doesn't respond. He can't. What would he even say? Instead, he curls into a ball and tries to control his breathing while Scott crouches down and puts his hands on him, holding him in a hug as he panics and tries to sooth him, telling him that it's okay even though he doesn't quite know why Tango is acting this way all of a sudden. Tango hates it. He hates that he's fallen in love again and through that, might have very well ruined everything. Instead of being blown up right away, they have a few minutes to talk to each other. And in that time Tango, still not in the right headspace and through panicked breathing, asks Scott the straightforward, hypothetical question: "If I were to break up with Jimmy after this game ends and tell him to go back to you, would you ever forgive me for it?" And Scott can only look at him, horrified as he tries to form some string of words that make sense enough to give a proper response to that question that even he doesn't know how to answer... Up until the wither comes back once more to blow them up before they can even have a real conversation about it.
Haha... Oh well. I don't regret cutting this out to make the plot flow more smoothly (I needed a reason for Tango to check his comm in that moment) and it's mostly the same reaction from Tango either way. But still, it would have been a very fun scene to write that might have added a bit more spice to everything that was going on at the time.
Curses - The Crane Wives
You knew there'd be at least one Crane Wives song in here. I don't think there is a single person in this fandom who hasn't heard this song yet. It would have been a disservice not to add it here. But other than that, obviously, it's the title for chapter 56. The chapter where everything goes wrong and all of the remaining players die in quick succession to Grian and his traps. It's definitely the kind of song you listen to when you're trying to picture a scene where everything is meant to to go wrong all at once. And I love it for that.
Allies Or Enemies - The Crane Wives
No explanation needed. To me, this is the enemies to lover's national anthem.
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
Another Scott POV song, 100% (can you tell he's my favorite yet?). But it could also apply to all three of the Flower Ranchers depending on which lyrics are being sung.
"I could have been anyone else" Scott not believing Jimmy when he says he fell in love with him back in Third Life in only a week's time like he had with Tango. Scott thinking that if that really were the case, then he could have been anyone to Jimmy. He is convinced that Jimmy could have stumbled upon and teamed up with any other player during that game and the result would have still been the same.
"Before you made the choice for me" Jimmy being sad and angry with Scott for not accepting that he loved two people and refused to choose between them. Scott making that choice for him by outright leaving instead of trying to talk things over.
"We walked in the dark", "I never gave a single thought where it might lead" Tango and Jimmy, them falling in love while being in blissful ignorance brought about by their amnesia. Not even taking a second to consider that what was waiting for them on the other side of Double Life wasn't all rainbows and sunshine.
"All those empty rooms" Scott feeling alone, going back to a home that feels empty, one he used to share with the person he loved.
"I shine only with the light you gave me" Could be applied to Tango or Jimmy. They have self confidence issues. Tango thinks that Jimmy is the only one who isn't afraid of him. Jimmy thinks that both Scott and Tango could do better than him at some points in the story. They complete him. His life would feel so dim without them in it.
"We could have had anything, anything else. Instead you hoarded all that's left of me." Scott again. He and Jimmy could have had so many more long, happy years together. All that potential is gone now. Why did he have to leave him? Why did he have to such a large chunk of Scott's heart with him when he left?
"I wanna feel the fire that you kept from me." Kinda silly, for a while I thought this line was "kept FOR me" and not "kept FROM me", and I tied it to the act of Jimmy and Scott keeping their hearts warm for each other (whether they wanted to or not) in case the other decided to come back to them. They were mad at each other, but in all that time their love hadn't dimmed in the slightest. But after reading the actual line, I now think it's giving more like, Tango letting his fire out and Scott and Jimmy both accepting that as part of him with open arms, each during their own separate points in the story.
Songs from Readers' Playlists That I Fell In Love With
Can't Sleep Love- Pentatonix
Scott is a tired, tired man.
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
2nd enemies to lovers national anthem.
Hot Tea - Half Alive
Lots of themes of tea and love going on here.
The Fall - Half Alive
The person who added this song single handedly got me into Half Alive and made them one of my favorite bands.
Human Touch - Olen
Themes of waking up, breaking up, touch starvation... Also just a really fun listen in general.
Where We Started - Bailey Bryan
I think they added this as more in reference to Scott and Jimmy and how they were reconnecting during the first half of the game. But honestly? I listened to this back when the fic was only updated to chapter 29, and as the only person who knew how this whole story was meant to wrap up, it made me think more about the ending, or more like the final few chapters that I had planned out at the time where Jimmy and Scott finally figure out the kind of love that they want from each other after the game ends and try to figure out how to get back to how things were between them before their breakup. And it's a bit of a messy path for them to take, with them being all hesitant to kiss each other at the start of it, but they make it back to where they were before eventually, and I think this song captures all that beautifully.
Dandelions - Ruth B.
Ties to flowers, hopes, dreams... This one had no right to make me as emotional as it did, but damn.
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
TANGO SEEING SCOTT'S EYES--Seriously, he is so transfixed by them the entire fic and only finally gets to see their true color in the last few chapters. I love this.
Human - Christina Perri
Scott again with his self-destructive tendencies during the majority of the fic. He is very sad. This also kind of reminded me of Jimmy? Just cause its both him and Scott who are hiding their true emotions throughout the story.
Head Over Heels - Tears For Fears
@Milo-media made an animatic of the fic to this song and now it lives rent free in my head. What happened here. I don't even like 80's music but this song has been on my personal playlist for months now...
Go check it out if you haven't seen it cause it's awesome: https://www.tumblr.com/milo-media/740042336270254080/this-song-is-so-snowbugs-based-of-the-fic-trust?source=share
That's everything (I think?). If you actually did read all of that then... I'm sorry. Lol. Seriously though, please feel free to message or @ me if you ever post your full playlist. I will literally never get enough of people giving me the songs they think relate to Trust Life.
And if you'd like to see the full playlists made by the other beautiful people who read the fic, they can be found right here:
Playlist by Checkmace (Ao3):
Playlist by @nerdyenby (Tumblr):
Playlists by AndIcarusFell (Ao3)
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watchoutforthefanfics · 3 months
achievement unlocked 🔓 (part twelve) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
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Inspiration: this prompt + BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilish
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: innuendos, lots of talk of sex (it's Richie), cursing, brief mention of toxic relationships, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: Finally time for the fucking prompt !!! Everyone shout hooray!!! I did change it a little though. There's a lot of fucking Minecraft in this. Just fyi. Anyway, I based how they play on how my siblings and I did. Enjoy :))]]
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big.bill ✔️
What about Minecraft?
Richie paused, pressing his lips together.
They'd all been debating a game to stream together since Eddie had asked to play with him (and the Losers). Most of the good ones were limited to like 4, so it was actually pretty fucking hard. Every other day, someone would suggest one, and they'd all debate it. There was nothing that quite clicked yet.
Well, until now.
benny.boy.official ✔️
I've got it on both pc and console
he'd just have to make an account
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
that would make my chat so fucking happy
they have been asking for it for like a month
stan.the.man ✔️
Why haven't you played it then?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
not in my minecraft phase tbh
it happens like once a year
mike.me.up ✔️
I've seen reels about that
Is that a universal experience ?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
I think so
reddy.bevvy ✔️
no it's true mine was like last month
lasted 4 months
and then poof
Richie was about to text again, but somebody cut him off.
I've played it like once. Ever.
stan.the.man ✔️
It's honestly pretty easy.
You don't have to know the more complicated stuff. Just the basics.
benny.boy.official ✔️
I can teach you Eddie ☺️
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
see eds don't worry ur pretty lil head about it
we got u
Shut the fuck up, asshole.
And thanks, Ben.
Richie laughed, he really fucking loved him. And his weird ass responses to him. Like who responds so aggressively to someone they like, that they're dating. Richie digs it, so who gives a fuck, honestly-
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
isn't he just so sweet guys
stan.the.man ✔️
You need to be humbled anyway, Rich.
@/stan.the.man You too.
Richie laughed again, taking a moment to absorb it all. His angry little Eds. He knew he was totally 100% serious too, it was nice in a weird sort of way.
mike.me.up ✔️
ooh, you're in trouble~
reddy.bevvy ✔️
that's right Eddie, stick up for your man 😤😤😤
benny.boy.official ✔️
uh oh
big.bill ✔️
stan.the.man ✔️
I respect that, Eddie.
Did we decide on Minecraft?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
eds ?
There was a pause, and Richie mulled over the idea. All of them playing Minecraft. The Losers had done it before, many times, actually. It was a mix of things, survival, creative, and even like the online games (Richie remembers being particularly competitive). It would be different now, with Eddie.
Maybe he could build them both a house, and they could share it-
Yeah, let's do it.
The stream was in a few days, they'd all kind of correlated depending on their schedules, and it all lined up. Which was very responsible of them, so, he was proud of himself. (A win is a win, as they say.) He was troubleshooting Minecraft actually, making sure there were no big ass updates (because there always were) and testing it to make sure it would run properly later.
Richie had also offered to buy an online realm so they could all play together wherever the fuck they were. And so everyone could stream playing it later without someone needing to be there. Any way to get more content, am I right? It was all going pretty good, honestly-
Bzzt, bzzt.
He blinked, moving to his phone (which was vibrating). Grabbing it swiftly, he eyed the reason.
e.kaspbrak is calling
Richie didn't hesitate a moment, smiling big and bright.
"Hey Eddie baby," he cheered, grinning -spinning away from his computer, to give him his undivided attention (like he always did).
"Are you busy?" He asked (like it would matter if he was).
"Never too much for you, Eds," Richie replied with ease, "-Whatcha need?"
"I just-" Eddie started, voice cutting off for a second, "-The stream is stressing me the fuck out."
Richie frowned, "Why?"
"I'm just so fucking nervous," Eddie rush out in a breath, "-What if I can't fucking talk? What's the whole point?"
"Eds, if you can't do it," Richie explained, "-you can't do it. Everybody would understand."
"I know that," Eddie sighed out, speaking faster (Richie could tell he was working himself up), "-but I want to, I do-"
"Okay, okay," Richie relented, softly, "-I hear you."
He could hear Eddie let out a heavy breath, but it was slow. Slower than before, Richie noted it. I can work with this-
"Let's-" Richie started, before pressing his lips together and thinking, "-I can tell when you're working yourself up, Eds, so... if I hear it, I will get you off the stream. Even if it's just for a second."
"You'd do that?"
"Of course, Eds," Richie spoke like it was obvious (which it was), "-I fucking love you. I'm going to help you through shit. Obviously."
Eddie stayed silent. Richie couldn't tell if it was good or bad, so he went with his failsafe-
"You forget I'm your boyfriend?" Richie laughed, "-I know I'm a shithead but-"
"Shut up, asshole," Eddie started to laugh too (Richie was happy with that), "-you're such a dick."
They laughed together for a second, and it stirred into Richie's chest like it always did. He hoped it would feel the same every time, and he was pretty sure it would. It made something more genuine slip from him.
"I'm gonna take care of you, Eds," Richie offered, softly. As genuine as he figured he could ever be, "-okay?"
There was a silence then, a comfortable one. He didn't think it'd ever be uncomfortable with Eddie. He and Eddie just fucking... worked. It rattled through his bones sometimes. He felt like he'd known him his whole life.
"Yeah," Eddie spoke, quietly, "-I know."
"Wow, did you just Han Solo me?" Richie laughed out, playfully.
"Well," he could almost hear Eddie's face scrunch up in frustration, "-what the fuck did you want me to say? Fucking thank you-"
"Oh, I'll take care of you too," Richie listed off, "-Richie, you're the best boyfriend ever-"
"You are such an asshole," Eddie was laughing again and Richie only grinned wider, "-It's common sense for boyfriends to take care of each other, dipshit-"
"Hey," Richie interrupted, playfully (a jab at himself really), "-not in all relationships, Spaghetti."
It was silent for a second, and Richie was a little nervous that he'd crossed some sort of line. Eddie was fiercely protective, even if it was Richie shitting on himself-
"I swear to fucking god, I wish I could beat the shit out of your exes."
Richie snorted, bursting into laughter, "I'm starting to think you're serious, Eds."
"Richie," Eddie leveled, "-I am dead fucking serious."
Richie's laughter cut short, and he pressed his lips together, "You... Seriously?"
Eddie responded, plainly, "I harassed your ex into blocking me on Instagram, dipshit."
"Well, yeah, but-"
"No buts," Eddie interrupted, "-If I wouldn't catch charges, I'd beat the shit out of every single one. Especially, that bitch Connor-"
"My hero, Eds," Richie sighed out, dramatically, "-I'd bail you out."
"Haha," Eddie bit back, sarcastically, "-I'm not gonna get criminal charges, Rich. Not even for you."
"But like-" Richie asked, clarifying, "-in the Purge-"
"Oh yeah," Eddie answered, instinctively (on the exact same wavelength), "-they better watch their fucking backs."
Richie laughed again. Ah Eddie, my little shit. What the fuck would I do without you?
Richie hoped he'd never fucking find out. God, he really fucking hoped, with everything in him, that he'd get Eddie forever. Just fucking forever. He'd do anything-
reddy.bevvy ✔️
stream day babes !!!
Richie blinked at the message like he hadn't been sitting at his computer for the last hour. He was fucking excited, sue him-
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
how we feeling fellas
big.bill ✔️
Gonna try and get to the Ender Dragon this stream.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
what a fucking mad lad
stan.the.man ✔️
You are clinically insane, Bill.
big.bill ✔️
Speedruns exist for a reason, Stanley.
benny.boy.official ✔️
super excited !!!
setting up Eddie now
reddy.bevvy ✔️
how did he do with your tutorial?
benny.boy.official ✔️
really good !!!
he hates the skeletons though
mike.me.up ✔️
valid take
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
no he's right
they're almost as shitty as the children
stan.the.man ✔️
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
the zombie kids
it's funnier to just call them a child
reddy.bevvy ✔️
where is Eddie ???
Richie pursed his lips, something biting at him. Eddie wasn't freaking himself out, was he? It made something in his stomach swirl-
You guys are really fucking impatient.
It's been like 3 minutes since the conversation started.
Richie smiled.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
3 minutes is long in internet time, eds
I don't believe shit that comes out of your mouth, Rich.
mike.me.up ✔️
get a room you two
reddy.bevvy ✔️
come back to me guys
Richie, are you streaming first?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
I gotta invite everyone to the realm anyway
speaking of what's eds's gamertag ???
There was an odd pause in the chat, it made Richie furrow his eyebrows. He licked a line along his teeth, waiting a moment. What the fuck-
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
hello ???
benny.boy.official ✔️
I don't wanna get in trouble
Richie furrowed his eyebrows even more, frowning. What the fuck-
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
sweet, sweet benny boy
I can't add him if I don't know his gamertag
There was another pause.
benny.boy.official ✔️
Richie burst into the brightest fucking grin he thought he'd ever been able to grin.
Don't fucking start.
mike.me.up ✔️
he's definitely already started
hate to break it to you
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
aweeeee 💞❤️🤭💞❤️
eds likes me guyssss
stan.the.man ✔️
Yeah, we know Richie.
big.bill ✔️
Actually, Eddie are you going to start gaming yourself?
Like streaming?
There was another pause, and he watched as Eddie typed in the corner. Little bubbles flickering by.
I think I'm good being known as Trashmouth's boyfriend.
Richie was never going to get over that. My boyfriend, Eddie's my boyfriend, mine, my boyfriend-
stan.the.man ✔️
A brave soul.
mike.me.up ✔️
fair point
Rich is a lot to handle and also highly sought after
Yeah, Richie never really got that. He definitely had fans that were into him like that (he'd seen the edits, which significantly had most clips of him with his glasses off weirdly). He didn't really like it, or agree with it. But he was flattered, in some way. And also maybe weirded out.
reddy.bevvy ✔️
Eddie was one of those
so I think he knows
Richie grinned.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
celebrity crush for a year and a half babeyyyyyy
Bev, why the fuck would you do that?
He's never gonna shut the fuck up about it now.
mike.me.up ✔️
to be fair I wouldn't either
stan.the.man ✔️
Yeah, you're kind of fucked on that one, Eddie.
big.bill ✔️
Way too good to pass up.
I hate all of you.
That brought Richie to now, fidgeting with his hands as he made some adjustments to the game. Adding everyone in was pretty easy, honestly, he'd just want to do a final test run on his equipment. He went through a checklist in his head: charged controller, good framerate, open discord, and a slew of just stream shit.
Mindlessly, he adjusted his collar, he was actually wearing one of the two Bev made him (the one with the stars, he should clarify). It was really comfortable, and nicely colored. It might’ve been his favorite shirt honestly-
There was a little chime, and Richie opened his mouth to see if it was on the call or the game-
"Hey, Rich," Stan commented, "-You're early."
"Staniel, hey," Richie countered, "-You gonna go ahead and join the world?"
"Yeah, sure," Stan answered, "-I'm just checking some of my stream shit."
"Yeah, oka-"
"Hi," Bev smiled, "-how's setting up, you two?"
"I actually troubleshooted today," Ruchie commented, "-so you guys should be very fucking proud of me."
"That's the bare minimum, Rich," Stan responded, flatly.
Bev clapped, he could hear it through her microphone, "Good job, honey."
There was a pause.
"Hey g-guys," Bill called out, "-everything working on t-the world, R-Rich?"
"You know it, Billy," Richie chimed back.
"Hello," Mike spoke, cheerfully, "-how's everybody doing?"
Everyone chimed in how they felt, respectfully one at a time though. They'd already figured out a balance, especially in regards to talking. Their streams needed to be organized, so all the kinks were already worked out.
Stanley started up, judgementally, "Did you seriously name it 'Tenacious D'?"
"Yep," Richie answered, "-What can I say, I love Jack Black."
"A-And it's a dick j-joke," Bill added.
Richie pursed his lips, before admitting, "And it's a dick joke."
"Hey guys," Ben cheered out -soft and gentle like he always was. It offered a different kind of vibe to the group, a nicer one. Warm, inviting. Richie understood why people liked watching his streams, "-Imma run over and fix Eddie's mic-"
Richie suddenly realized they were most definitely in different rooms, why didn't he think of that beforehand? He did kinda want Eddie to be on his streams in person first, though, so he was kinda fucking glad, honestly-
There was silence.
"Eddie?" Beverly called, gently.
"I think he's nervous," Ben answered back, carefully.
Richie was gnawing at his lip. His hands fidgeting with some of the shit on his desk, he tapped along the wood.
"There's nothing to be nervous about," she chimed again, softer.
He scrambled for a second, trying to figure out how exactly to help in front of everybody. How to get Eddie out of his head-
"Imma annoy you until you unmute, Eds," he sung out -off key, of course.
"Billy, Mikey," Richie hummed, knowing exactly who to recruit, "-start a chant with me."
"Y-Yeah, okay," Bill responded.
Mike agreed -wholeheartedly, "Let's do it, Rich."
"Guys, shut the hell up," Ben spoke -flatly, "-this is very stressful for him."
Richie's lips snapped shut, and the others followed suite. Oh shit.
Bev chimed then, softly, "Eddie, it's okay if you don't want to talk, we understand."
Richie was gnawing at his lip again, wringing his hands (he wanted to fucking be there and fucking help-), "You know we understand if you can't do it, Eds. And you sure as fuck know I'm not gonna hate you for it."
I love you, you know that. That's not going away.
There was a sigh, what Richie knew to be an Eddie sigh. He had like everything about him memorized, seriously. Richie lightened just a little.
"It's okay," Eddie breathed out, faster than he should (Richie logged it in his head), "-I'm just really fucking nervous-"
It's like a switch in Richie's brain flipped, a lightbulb going off in his head. It was just instinct, helping Eddie calm down. (He was half joking and half genuine, as he always was.)
He leaned back in his chair, distancing himself from the microphone (for dramatic effect, of course. And maybe not to blow people's ears out).
"Oh, shut up, asshole," Eddie laughed, his favorite kind actually -the one he meant (he really was so fucking in love with him, he wanted to shout it from the rooftops), "-You're such a fucking moron."
"Yeah," Stanley responded, "-sounds like Richie's type."
Bill agreed, "N-No yeah, d-definitely."
"Eddie, I'm so glad to actually hear you," Bev smiled, avoiding the other two -distinctly (like she was a disappointed mother), "-I've only heard your voice through videos."
"It's weird," he laughed a little, "-hearing all of you guys. I'm so used to your streams, it's fucking weird to hear you talking to me. Other than Ben and Mike, obviously. And well, Richie too."
"T-That, must've b-been fucking weird," Bill spoke, kinda like a question, "-fucking flirting w-with your celebrity c-crush? I c-can't even imagine-"
"It's not," Eddie spoke suddenly, before amending, "-Don't get me wrong when I saw that he liked my post, I literally almost ate shit-"
"How?" Bev laughed.
"I was on a morning jog," Eddie clarified, "-heard my phone chime through my headphones, and almost fucking faceplanted."
"Hey, I didn't know that," Richie complained, maybe pouting his lips like a sad toddler (no one else could see so, it didn't matter).
"You would've said something stupid about it," Eddie explained, plainly, "-and I hear enough of your stupid shit."
Richie opened his mouth to respond, like he always did with Eddie. Probably like 'I thought you liked when I said shit'-
"How is it not?" Ben steered the conversation back, gentle and calm.
Eddie seemed to take a second, and Richie waited. He was really fucking invested in this, honestly. He wanted to know-
"I don't fucking know, it's-" he started, most definitely flustered (Richie could physically see the puffed-up cheeks in his mind), "-It was strangely fucking natural. Like I've known him forever. Been dealing with his shit forever-"
Richie felt something squeeze in his chest. He knew he felt that way, but to know Eddie did too? It made his heart burst so much that he felt like it might claw out of his chest and land in Eddie's hands. Where it fucking belonged-
"He wasn't-" Eddie continued, trying to find his words, "-He wasn't Trashmouth to me, he was always... always Richie. If that makes any sense."
There was silence for a second, like everyone was processing it. Fuck, Richie still was-
"Yeah," Stanley echoed out, soft, "-it does, Eddie."
They kept talking for a little longer, before Richie broke off to start streaming. He muted himself in the discord groupchat until they all started playing (survival, by the way). The intro and shit needed to be individual, so, they worked it out that way.
"Hey, motherfuckers," he called out, before going into like an announcer's voice, "-it's the long awaited Minecraft stream-"
dizknees: THE TITLE THO
minecrafter.on.main: fucking finally
trashy.tozier: SPAGHETTI TOO????
elite._.gamer: this is going to be so much fun !!!
geez.zee: @/sam.i.am bet u 10 bucks he blows stan's house up at least once
only-here-for-trashmouth: 🍝🍝🍝 ???
the.losers.are.better: finally some delicious fucking food
babey_boy: hey everybodyyyyy
sam.i.am: @/geez.zee deal
girls.girl: can't believe Eddie's gonna be playing, love wins
trashmouth-for-me: SCREAMING !!! EDDIE !!!
Right, the title: Minecraft w/ The Losers 2.0 (now featuring 🍝).
Richie was honestly pretty fucking proud of himself-
"Yes, chat," Richie laughed, "-my boyfriend will be joining us today, and everybody else too. Not that you fuckers seem to care."
genuine._.disappointment: is 🍝 streaming too ?
"Oh, no," Richie corrected, "-Eds, is not a streamer, he doesn't really want to be. You guys will hear him though, and probably see him a lot, because, well, you're fucking watching me-"
screamingandcrying: whipped
toziers-trash: no bc I get it I'm obsessed too
younganddumb: crying in single rn
too.tough.to.cry: #1 Eddie content creator
trashmouth-for-me: @/tozier_babeyyyy get here the clips for your comp !!!
grumpy_frog: so many wins for reddie rn
an_idiot_sandwich32: creative or survival
reddie-girlie: I have risen
babey_gurlll: so excited !!!
tellmealie34: hardcore ? jk... unless 👀
trashy.tozier: @/reddie-girlie THAT WAS SO FUCKING FAST WHAT
your._.mom: r u a builder or miner ? or fighter ?
minecraft-minecraft76: is this survival ?
toziers-trash: @/reddie-girlie @/trashy.tozier the army is rising 🫡
genuine._.disappointment: @/your._.mom he's gay hope this helps
Richie pointed out a few more chats (the game type and if it was a realm, mostly), before finally loading into the game. He waited a few seconds, messaging if everyone was ready and when they answered connecting the audio.
"You guys hear everybody okay?"
dizknees: all good 👍
Richie nodded, before turning toward the game -typical forest. He watched as faces popped into the world, each one a unique skin (except for Eddie). He should clarify that he made Stan make one, otherwise, he would've been Steve.
"Alright troops," Richie chimed, low tone (like a sargent), "-let's get that fucking wood."
Near instantly, Eddie responded -Steve turning to him (his Tony the tiger skin really was a dead giveaway), "Since when are you the fucking boss?"
genuine._.disappointment: EDDIEEEE
grumpy_frog: 🍝🍝🍝
trashy.tozier: his name is EDDIE.SPAGHETTI ??? SOBBING
babey_boy: 🍝🍝🍝
kermie_my_love: 🍝🍝🍝
trashmouth-for-me: @/trashy.tozier that's so cute 😭
the.losers.are.better: ah, Eddie how we love you
tozier_babeyyyy: clipped
maybe_maybelline45: 🍝🍝🍝
reddie-girlie: say that king 👏
"Good point," Richie relented, "-and also, chat says hi, Eds."
There was a moment.
"Hi," he responded, a little sheepishly (so fucking cute, it made Richie want to physically explode).
Richie watched as his chat blew by with both waves and 'hi's with a smile. They probably rivaled him at this point-
"Is this k-keep inventory?" Bill asked.
Richie pressed his lips together, "Yeah, there's no fucking stress in my Minecraft game, Bills."
Bill's character (one that looked like him) promptly leaped off the mountain. Richie burst into laughter within seconds.
"What the fuck-" Eddie piped up, laughing a little himself.
"Yeah, Bill," Mike continued (he was some sort of media character that Richie knew but couldn't quite name), "-What are you doing?"
"I s-saw c-coal," Bill explained, shortly, "-I knew I c-could make it."
Richie was still laughing, "You did that for coal?"
Stan, whose skin looked exactly fucking like him, was still mindlessly gathering wood -unaffected, "Why are we surprised guys? It's fucking Bill."
Bev agreed, diligently breaking grass and flowers, "Yeah, he's going to do shit like that."
"K-Keep talking," Bill scoffed, "-see who you fuckers c-come t-to for resources."
Eventually, all of them ran into a village.
"What the fuck is this?" Eddie called out, and Richie turned to see him slowly looking around the area.
"You didn't see a village in a tutorial, Spaghetti?" Richie smiled, asking curiously.
Ben clarified, quickly, "We were in creative."
"Oh," Richie hummed, before answering, "-it's a village, and those fuckers are villagers. We're basically here to steal their shit."
Eddie roamed closer to Richie, like he would protect him (Richie nearly fucking died right there), "Are they enemies?"
"Eds," Richie teased, "-are they trying to kill you right now?"
"Fuck you," Eddie bit back, most definitely flustered and frustrated, "-We're stealing their shit, I didn't know if they were gonna fucking... be mad."
"Eds," Richie smiled, teasing again (he'll admit it), "-are you afraid the villagers are going to be mad at you?"
"I will kill you."
"Sadly, PvP is turned off," Richie commented, "-but I would turn it on for you if I could."
"Shut up," Eddie was laughing, and it made something in him shimmer.
tozier_babeyyyy: this is a gold mine rn
girls.girl: new way to flirt just dropped
girlie-pops: fuck romeo and juliet I want what these bitches have
yodel-hey-he-who: 🍝🍝🍝
only-here-for-trashmouth: I'm sobbing why do I love them
trashy.tozier: @/tozier_babeyyyy ur comp is gonna HIT
shake_my_spear: no bc I'm new but I'm invested
reddie-girlie: EDDIE !!!
Richie just shook his head, smiling (he was so entirely fucked, as always), and making a crafting table.
"There," he dropped him a sword (just a stone one but it was better than fucking nothing), "-if the villagers start swinging, Eds, you're protected."
"Fuck you," Eddie responded, before adding, "-but thanks, Rich."
"Yeah, yeah-"
They both spun around, and Richie watched Bill get launched by the iron golem -halfway across the village. He couldn't help but fucking laugh, his friends were such fucking idiots-
"What the fuck is that?" Eddie asked -horrified, and Richie watched him roam closer again (even though he had the sword).
"I w-want his s-shit!" Bill answered, swiftly running away -the golem closely behind.
"Iron ingots?" Stan replied -incredulous, "-Just go fucking mining-"
"Don't worry, Eddie baby," Richie spoke through laughter (he was wiping his eyes, seriously), "-he's like the bodyguard for the villagers. Bill definitely fucking picked that fight."
"Oh," Eddie spoke, softer, and god, Richie loved the shit out of him.
"Now, hate to do this to you, Eds, but-" Richie chimed, pulling out his sword and chasing after Bill, "-I gotta get in on this shit."
dizknees: EDDIE BABY ???
biggurls_dontcry5: bill is insane
yoohoo789: I really feel Stan rn
trashmouth-for-me: @/dizknees 😭😭😭
grumpy_frog: that's what I expected honestly
babey_boy: bills pov must be crazyyyy
trashy.tozier: @/dizknees @/trashmouth-for-me the pet names are killing me
minecrafter.on.main: this is so fucking funny
the.losers.are.better: I literally love these streamers
Bill did, in fact, die. Richie didn't, he killed the fucker, and then refused to give Bill the iron ingots. As Richie Tozier would do.
After that, the whole group was trying to find a place to stop. They were at that point where they had too much shit to keep moving. So, eyes were peeled (even throughout the nights, which Richie neatly stayed by Eddie's side through, if you were wondering).
Personally, Richie didn't really give a fuck about where they lived. He did like to see the sick ass mountains generated with like cool peaks and shit, but he didn't have to build there. So, he was kinda lenient.
"Is this a flower field?" Eddie asked, curiously.
Everyone stopped to look ahead. And there was one, levels and levels of flowers. Richie even saw sunflowers, actually, turned toward the sun. It really was just... good, Minecraft was so feel-good sometimes-
"Yeah," Mike answered, "-sometimes they spawn. It's nice, isn't it?"
Eddie didn't say anything for a second, Steve just turned out to the flowers. Richie wished he could see him like this, what his face looked like-
"It's really fucking pretty."
Richie wasn't fucking moving an inch. He was going to throw a tantrum if they didn't set up camp here, actually. And he knew how to throw a fucking tantrum-
"I'm staying here," he expressed, flatly, "-I'm living here. My vote's for here-"
Stan spoke up then, deadpanning, "I wonder why."
"I'm dead fucking serious-"
"I like it too actually," Bev interrupted, ignoring both of them, "-It's got the flowers and a cute little creek. My vote is for here too."
Ben hummed -unsurprisingly (because obviously), "I agree, it's nice and flat too."
Mike added, "Who am I to disagree?"
"I-I just w-want to p-put down my b-bed," Bill offered, abruptly. Richie knew he probably wouldn't even spend time building a house, or maybe he was afraid of dying again.
"So your vote doesn't matter," Bev addressed, "-Stan? Eddie?"
Stan answered, after a few hesistant seconds, "Yeah, I like it."
Eddie was quiet for a second, "We don't have to do it here, guys-"
"We want to," Ben chimed back, and Richie could tell he was smiling. All warm and just Ben. Richie could feel it all the way across the country.
"Plus," Mike leveled, "-Richie isn't gonna let us go anywhere else."
"Very true," Stanley agreed -succinctly. And yeah, he really wasn't.
There was a pause.
"Well, then," Eddie sighed out, maybe flustered again, "-yeah. I like it here. A lot."
"Awesome!" Bev chimed, happily, "-Let's place down our beds, and then-"
"I don't have one," Eddie offered, maybe a little concerned.
"I've got one for you, Eds," Richie soothed -casually, "-no worries."
Eddie was soft and quiet, barely above a whisper, "Thanks."
Richie blinked, tilting his head slightly. It was a weird reaction, he noted. He didn't think it was him being nervous (or the bad kind that they talked about), but still... it was different.
"'Course, Eds," Richie laughed (I love you), "-Imma place it, just hit it once, and you'll make it your respawn point."
Eddie obediently did so.
The others were bickering, but Richie wasn't really listening. He was a little lost. It felt like Eddie was actually fucking here. Like he was standing right next to him. In a fucking Minecraft game, he felt so fucking close to him for once.
And that feeling shook through his bones.
"I'm just gonna start building my house," Bev called out, and it knocked him right out of his thoughts. He really didn't have a fucking clue about what they'd been talking about before, but-
Richie cleared his throat, just moving on autopilot (which in this case meant building a chest and putting all of his shit in said chest). It was instinctual. And helped him shake that feeling of Eddie being so fucking far-
"Can I build the house?"
Richie hummed, preoccupied, "Hmm?"
"Our house," Eddie clarified, simply, "-Can I build it?"
trashy.tozier: OUR HOUSE
minecrafter.on.main: no bc I came here for Minecraft why am I crying
babey_gurlll: it's not love if they don't build you a joint Minecraft house
only-here-for-trashmouth: @/trashy.tozier 😭😭😭
ghoulie_girlie69: 🍝🍝🍝
toziers-trash: this is so sweet
younganddumb: is this even a trashmouth stream rn ??? or is it a coming-of-age romcom ???
babey_boy: this is so gay where's the gay shit guy
grumpy_frog: 🍝🍝🍝
shake_my_spear: this feels like I'm watching a movie
Richie processed that for a second. Taking it in. He blinked once and just stared at his screen -he'd said it so casually. It shot through his heart.
Our house.
"Yeah, of course," he finally said, laughing a little, "-I would've just made a fucking dirt fort anyway."
"Ew," Eddie frowned (Richie could almost see the shrivel of his nose).
"If you, um," Richie pressed his lips together, maybe a little awkwardly, "-If you need any supplies, tell me, and I'm fucking on it."
Eddie waited a second, like he was thinking, "Could you get me some flowers? It's kinda fucking plain as shit over here."
Fuck, Richie would get them all. For him. For Eddie. God. I love him, I love you, I love you-
"Aye, aye, captain!" Richie chimed instead, saluting (even though Eddie could not see it).
"Stop fucking saluting," Eddie chastised, "-I know you're doing it. It's such a stupid bit-"
Richie laughed -decidedly still saluting, "Sir, yes, sir!"
"Did you do it again?" Eddie asked, accusingly. Like he could see him straight through the screen. Like he knew him so well, and he fucking did-
Eddie let out something between a sigh and a laugh (or a hidden laugh, he definitely tried to hide it), "You're an idiot."
Richie grinned, a big wide cheesy grin like it was just the two of them. Like he was right fucking in front of him. Like Eddie was there, and he wasn't-
Fuck. He was so fucking far away-
Stan interrupted the thought, "Hey, Rich, do have any extra sticks? I wanna build a fishing rod and get away from all that shit."
Richie looked toward Bev's rough shape of a house. It was only just started, but her and Ben seemed to be working together on it. Maybe they were taking a break? And Bill wasn't anywhere to be seen, he assumed he'd gone into a nearby ravine (that Richie had almost fallen into and died like three fucking times).
"Awe, Stanthony doesn't want to be a third wheel?" Richie cooed, patronizingly.
"For you or them," Stan clarified, before reiterating, "-Sticks?"
"I get 50% of the good loot," Richie remarked, throwing some out of his inventory, "-which I know you fucking get from enough fishing."
"25%," Stan stated like it wasn't even a debate, "-because you could fucking fish yourself."
"Fine," Richie conceded.
"Yeah, thanks," Stanley commented passively, before going towards the nearest water source.
When he turned around, he didn't expect his one chest to triple. But it had.
Richie furrowed his eyebrows, watching as Eddie (Steve really) went through the line -opening each one for a moment and then moving down. He pressed his lips together and tilted his head.
"Uh," Richie tried, "-Eds?"
"Yeah?" Eddie replied, unmoving in his cycle.
"What-" Richie started, staring, "-What are you doing?"
"Sorting the chests," Eddie responded -frankly, "-fucking obviously."
Richie hummed, "You know you're gonna have to pick all that shit back up to put it into the house, right?"
"No," Eddie retorted, plainly, "-you're gonna have to pick all this shit up and put it in the house. And then, I'll organize it again."
"Eddie baby, I will do that for you, don't get me wrong, but-" Richie pointed out, "-that's still double the work for you."
Eddie didn't flinch, not even looking up, "I don't mind."
Richie pursed his lips before shrugging, and retorting -flat and nasally, "Yes, dear."
"Haha, hilarious-" Eddie mocked, still busy, "-Didn't I ask for fucking flowers, dickweed?"
Richie repeated, even more nasally (it was almost Squidward), "Yes, dear."
"You're such a-"
The rest of the stream was much calmer, just slow little builds. Richie did eventually join Bill in the mines, where they had quite a harrowing adventure. Including landing in one block of water, fighting six skeletons at once, uncovering a mob spawn, and finding the fucking WARDEN (which Richie did not know about until Bill saw it)-
That did, in fact, kill them. But Richie went back to a finished house, perfectly organized chests, and well... Eddie, so, he counts it as a win.
benny.boy.official ✔️
that was really fun, guys !!!
mike.me.up ✔️
yeah, I miss our group streams
reddy.bevvy ✔️
we def have to do more
big.bill ✔️
Yeah, pretty sure this kick-started my yearly Minecraft phase.
Richie was about to type out a message, when he got another notification.
Hey, Rich.
Can we talk in this chat?
Richie frowned for a second.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
yeah of course eds
why ?
everything okay ?
Richie stared at the bubbles for a few more seconds, watching as they typed and retyped. Until, they just disappeared. He frowned again, ready to follow up-
e.kaspbrak is calling
He flinched at the noise, taking a second. What the fuck is happening? Even still, he clicked answer -unhesitatingly.
Before he could even open his mouth, Eddie was talking.
"You should come get me next week."
Richie blinked, "What?"
"Come get me next week, Thursday," Eddie clarified like it would make more sense when he repeated it.
"Eds," he laughed, "-you have like two weeks left of the month-"
"I know what I said, dipshit," Eddie replied -biting back, "-Things change and they fucking have."
Richie felt like the words were lodged in his throat.
"Do you not-" Eddie started up, hesitantly, "-Do you not want me there earlier? Or-"
"Eds, I would bring you here right now if I could," Richie explained, instantly (Eddie was not thinking that for one more fucking second), "-I would get into my car at 3 am if you wanted me to-"
Eddie interrupted, bitterly (in a caring kinda way), "You are not fucking doing that."
"-I just don't want you to fucking... regret it."
"Regret what?" Eddie asked, genuinely.
"I don't know-" Richie started, "-moving in with me, not waiting the full month, fucking anything, Eds. I don't know if I... I don't know if I could handle you regretting a single fucking thing."
Eddie was silent for a second. And it made Richie debate the biting his nails habit again. They were actually pretty healthy, so he thought might've really fucked them up-
"Richie," he began, carefully, "-that stupid fucking game made me realize... that I was just wasting fucking time."
Richie fell silent. For once.
"I don't-" Eddie cleared his throat, "-I don't wanna be in New York anymore. I wanna fucking be with you. So fucking badly that sometimes it physically hurts."
Something curled up in his chest, and Richie felt a little like crying. The good kind, he should say.
"And I know that I just fucking said a month, but it's just-" Eddie let out a long sigh, "-That stupid game, you were right fucking there. And I want you right fucking there all the time."
God, he was fucking crying. Maybe he'd even get to ugly crying if Eddie kept this shit up.
"When the fuck have I done the shit that I want?" Eddie echoed out, "-Ever? So I'm gonna fucking do it. You're gonna show up at my doorstep whether you fucking like it or not-"
Richie laughed and it was a little teary. God, I fucking love him. So much.
"-and I'm going to San Francisco. Because this shit sucks, and I wanna be there. With you, and your dumb fucking jokes, and your fucking shitty ass shirts, and your crooked as fuck smile, and your... just... just everything."
Yeah, okay, here comes the ugly crying.
"Fuck, Eds," Richie laughed, sniffling, "-you can't just pull all that shit out on me again. Last time you did I fucking confessed my love for you. What the fuck am I supposed to do now-"
"Come and fucking get me," Eddie replied simply.
"Yeah, okay," Richie breathed out, shaky, "-Thursday."
"I changed my fucking mind," Eddie erupted again, somehow sharp and happy (Eddie did that a lot), "-come tomorrow. Start your trip tomorrow."
"What the fuck?" Richie laughed, fucking elated (had he ever been elated in his fucking life?), "-Tomorrow?"
"Yes," Eddie affirmed, "-I'm already gonna have to wait like 5 days for you to fucking get here. So tomorrow."
"Shit, okay, yeah," Richie grinned, "-tomorrow. I gotta do so much shit-"
"Let me guess, you haven't even thought about packing?" Eddie chastised.
"Eds, I had weeks," Richie countered, "-Why would I pack fucking weeks in advance?"
"I have," Eddie offered.
"Spaghetti, I love you, I do," Richie chimed, "-but you're a little freak of nature."
"I am average fucking height, dickweed-"
"Not in America," Richie contradicted, in a sort of sing-songy tone, "-Also fucking love that you're only arguing the little part."
"I fully acknowledge that I'm a freak," Eddie explained, "-because you love me and you know that. So, it's pretty fucking irrelevant at this point."
"Is that all that matters?" Richie laughed.
"Yeah," Eddie answered (like it was obvious), "-you've already said that you're gonna take care of me. And that fucking includes the freakiness. Nothing else matters."
Just you and me, Richie's mind hummed -calm and quiet, Just you and me.
"Yeah, Eds," Richie agreed, grinning, "-nothing else matters."
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ihopethisendswell · 10 months
Uuuuuh you know what, mini bios time.
She/They ( demi girl)
Witch/Magi* ( in training)
^ in my head, she hasn't fully realized this yet.
Kinda a grump, keeps to herself most times, but is also a little gremlin.
Always wears a witch hat bc she thinks it looks cool + it holds her stuff ( like her baseball bat)
^ has a baseball bat. No she does not play baseball ( I think she would like it tho)
Wants to learn fireball but it's HARD ( she has a natural affinity to plant n death magic than anything else)
Sees that Bo is tired and tries her best to not cause many problems for him.
She/Her ( cis)
Half - Vampire
Knew Zara ever since they were babies
Very bubbly and sweet. Very popular at school.
As a half vampire she doesn't need to rely on blood as much as her dad, but does enjoy blood based smoothies.
Doesn't like transforming into her more monstrous bat form cause she thinks she looks ugly :(
( currently) has a Interest in photography!
She/Her ( trans)
Childhood friends with Zara and Molly, though she came a little later.
Number 1 Instigator and Enabler
Still the most level headed of the three. She just likes to have her fun.
Is the class president. Has dreams of actually being someone that can cause change in the world. ( She doesn't want to be an actual president tho)
Is the oldest of 4-5( still figuring it out). Really good big sis, love her sibs ( all of them are adopted btw and are different types of supernatural)
He/Him ( trans)
90% of the shit Zara likes is bc of him. Unfortunately that also includes her desire to cast fireball. Minecraft.
Works a shit ton of jobs since their moms are constantly busy with work and thus need to be out of the house. So, essentially, he's Zara's legal guardian.
^ so far I know he works in retail and as a freelance bounty hunter ( being a Null means he doesn't get cursed by cursed items). But he works other jobs too.
T i r e d and incredibly depressed but keeps going for Zara.
Hasn't been in a relationship for years after a very shitty ex. Wants to start again ( with Jarah lmao) but is still nervous.
Genuinely a sweet guy despite his appearance ( tall, muscular, rbf and has tattoos n piercings). He dreams of opening a potion shop, since that's the only way he can do magic without having magic.
She/her ( cis)
Has been best friends with Bo since middle school or high school. They've been ride or die ever since.
Number One babysitter when Bo is busy or just needs to fucking crash for the day. She's essentially the girl's big sis.
Family came from a long line of Monster Hunters, but uuuuuuh. Nowadays the supernatural and humans are ( kinda) chill and monster hunting like that is looked down upon. She was still trained to fight but overall she doesn't care.
Is an aspiring journalist, but works at a shitty place. How's bounty hunting with Bo to make sure he doesn't die and relieve stress.
Wants a girlfriend ( or boyfriend) so bad but alas. No luck.
Losing braincells over the bo n jarah thing ( she knows)
^ I don't think he knows this yet.
A prodigy of magic, was pretty much pushed into magic as soon as his parents realized his potential. He went to an elite school and everything. Pretty much the top of his kind.
He wasn't happy however, no matter how much he tried to convince himself he is. He always loved baking. Meeting Bo and Aliyah actually made him quiet his old job and work at a cafe.
^ his parents were not happy about that. Been strained ever since. Though maybe it was always strained
Constantly has restricted his abilities, out of habit and fear of them. Still offers to teach Zara about magic though.
Feelings for Bo is mutual, but he doesn't realize this for a while. When he does he....kinda panics.
Moving in from that, he loves baking, and is very skilled at mixing magic into it, enchanting flavors and emotions. Everyone loves his sweets :)
*Magi is the general term for magic users in this world. Witch, Wizard, and the like are ultimately just titles, but each has their own history with it.
*A Null is someone who is born with an immunity to magic, but at the cost of not being able to perform it. You cannot become a Null just to be clear. Bo was born as a Null, he never became on, got it? Good.
And yeah that's everything I wanted to share.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
sup guys got some sick intel. here’s some cool questions and answers from the moon bros q&a at weebcon to tide you over until someone uploads footage of the panel on yt
host: hello arcadians!
arcadians: *cheering*
host: hello renvaders!
renvaders: *cheering*
host: okay so *explains rules*
the kyomies in the building: 🧍‍♂️
aster sang country roads unprompted
kyo is listening to a lot of korean rap lately
kyo and aster have never cried at a show before
ren teared up at the last airbender
KYO SAID “I LOVE WHATABURGER” IN A texan? accent. southern. texan. idk. whatever
a ren cosplayer walked by the camera/mic, ren said “ooo who’s this handsome guy,” screen IMMEDIATELY froze
kyo: i want to get transported to the sao universe
aster: but if you die in the game you die in real life :0
kyo: ok but i’m dying every day
kyo will order the honey butter chicken biscuit from whataburger :)
kyo’s favorite flavor of soap is dawn dish soap, the blue one (it has been stated for legal reasons that is a joke and in minecraft by both kyo kaneko and ren zotto of nijisanji wave 6 unit iluna)
a literal actual whataburger employee (or employee cosplayer) asked for their favorite whataburger item. kyo is the only one that knew the menu. aster said a bacon cheeseburger, ren asked if there was an actual whataburger
guy in a banana suit:
kyo: SHU???
“i don’t think bananas should be a food” - kyo kaneko 2023
favorite moment in vtuber career: kyo’s are every time he collabs with enna; ren loves big iluna collabs; aster likes every time he collabs with the moon bros bc he laughs so hard he cries. he also likes collabing with finana :D
if they weren’t vtubers where they would be: kyo would be a youtube editor and really enjoyed doing it for big yters before niji; ren would be touring and traveling; aster would be in an office job
ren did a cool doppio impression with his debut line
aster also did a doppio impression
kyo can do a surprisingly good maririn impression????
aster told kyo to do a fuckboy laugh, screen froze again :/
aster wants to swap outfits with luca, kyo would swap outfits with luca or doppio (but without the boob cup), and ren would swap with uhhhh SCARLE????
kyo has family in texas. me too buddy :)
kyo likes beaver nuggets, aster has no idea what they are :(( what a good day to be a kyomie
look man i’m so excited about kyo understanding the bucee’s hype. he KNOWS. clean restrooms. i went to weebcon. ask anyone here and they’ll tell you the same thing. we are located in texas. bucee’s so real so true
ren loved mysta’s debut and thought he was really funny
ren’s favorite dinosaur is the t. rex. also spinosaurus and alaskosaurus? alasomosaurus?? did i spell those right? i doubt it. good luck looking them up
at the end the panel host ran a game of rock paper scissors where the winner got a bag of merch and all the niji cosplayers got a group photo with the moon bros :)
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