#I love my tags on last page were 'wee back on it' and it was in NOVEMBER
captainderyn · 1 year
AO3 Meme
I am...horribly late doing this, mostly because I looked at it and went: "I'll do this when I get home from work!" and then in famous-last-word-fashion ~forgot~. But I'm here now!
Tagged by @greyias and @queen-scribbles
Tagging: @tiredassmage annnnnnd anyone else who sees this and would like to join in because I am again, very late on this lol.
Most Hits:
And They Were Couchmates, my Judy/V 'gay panic' fic from a prompt fill on here has the most hits with 1,266. The number is surprising, the fact its the one with the most hits is not lol. My Cyberpunk fics tend towards getting a lot of interaction on Ao3 compared to my usual fandoms.
What is surprising is that the #2 spot is still a Percy Jackson one shot I posted in 2020 that is a rewrite of a classic medieval-fantasy I wrote at the ripe ol age of 12 x_x...tumblr is weird. Shout out to Building Storm though, may your original iteration never be hunted down on the internet.
Most Kudos:
...I am realizing I am probably going to become a broken record on some of these so I'll keep doing honorable mentions. Most kudos is And They Were Couchmates with 152 kudos (people really like gay panic!).
And, to my fascination and delight, #2 is still held by a 2020 Check Please! fic I wrote out of spite and got me vague-post raged at on tumblr bahaha *blows a kiss to those 88 spiteful kudos*
Most Comment Threads:
The most comment threads is still my 2019 Fictober collection Moments in Time (which still has some of my all time favorite fics in it) with 141 comments, idk how many threads that is. It's my fictober collection that has gotten the most active engagement as far as an ongoing back and forth with multiple readers each time I posted, which is part of why I love it so much <3 (this is not shade to those who read and kudos or just read, I love you all as well, it's just a fun memory).
Most Bookmarks:
I'll give you a second to take a guess. C'mon, take a guess. Was it And They Were Couchmates? Because it's And They Were Couchmates.
Because that's boring, #3 and one of my favorite fics I've ever written for Mass Effect (it's actually Misfire but shh) is Dog Tags.
Most Words:
*Sigh* From the Ashes, bane of my existence, unfinished long-fic that haunts the back of my mind. My dip back into a multi-chapter work back in 2019 that hit 93,638 words before I wrote myself so far into a corner I couldn't see the light of day and ended up dropping it (as well as many other factors).
I am still so, so, tempted to resurrect this project and do it ~better~ lol, with actual planning and less overwriting. But I have no idea if anyone would be interested in that.
Fewest Words:
I feel like there might be a shorter one hiding somewhere, but I tend to stuff my short ficlets/one shots into one work because I don't like cluttering my Ao3 works page (I know that's not ideal, leave me alone) so it's probably Teasing Words from when I attempted to post my 2020 Fictober prompts separately. It is a wee little thing at 346 words.
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eclipseofthehat · 2 years
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And we’re back! Sorry about that! Life happens and sucks!!
Uh oh--- Eclipse um... ya got something on your face---
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fangirlinglikeabus · 2 years
my hot dr who novelisations takes, season 6 edition
the dominators by ian marter ian marter, bless him, tries so hard to make this interesting. and i’d just like to say for the record that if this book is at all bad, those are largely problems with the original serial, not the book. honestly i think he’s just working with a particularly uninspiring script, and while there are a few weak bits (zoe is momentarily threatened, it cuts away, and then cuts back with ‘fortunately for zoe’ someone else had fallen over, which is a bit rubbish as a way of dealing with threat and i think is on marter; i don’t know why he mentions some of the characters getting into a hair-raising skirmish on the way somewhere if he’s not going to show it) mostly i don’t want to pay attention to what i see as flaws with the source material. there’s some lovely descriptive bits, like the opening of the ship landing. something which i hadn’t realised other novelisations were missing is dialogue tags that actually make reading pages of script content interesting without overdoing it, which i think marter does a good job of. i love the contrast between kully’s utter horror at this strange thing appearing out of nowhere and the mundanity of the police public call box sign and the small scruffy man wandering out. it’s pretty cool that the dominators’ doors are actually disolving walls. marter really makes an effort to have the quarks appear scary - they speak with a ‘crazed falsetto’, and their guns leave pulverised remains. he also includes a pretty grim description of what turn out to be dummies in the museum - and only reveals them as dummies (and not corpses) after one of their heads falls off, thanks ian! minor changes - jamie calls a quark a wee porridge pot instead of tin kettle, zoe as far as i can recall doesn’t wear a t-shirt and slacks on screen and she does here, the doctor makes an atrocious egg-based pun after blowing up the dominators’ ship with the ‘egg bomb’ (nice to know wildly inappropriate jokes didn’t start with 6). for some reason jamie’s surname is spelled ‘maccrimmon.’ i’m assuming that’s an editing error or something. also, is it just me, or does this line come across as faintly homoerotic: ‘kully glanced with grudging admiration at the brawny highlander’s bulging calves as he strained upwards.’ all this to say - i might not recommend this, but that’s because i wouldn’t recommend the dominator’s full stop, and i don’t think that’s ian marter’s fault - he does his best with what he’s given. 
the mind robber by peter ling so i really liked this one in a lot of ways because i really felt it played around with the kind of thing you can do in prose that they couldn’t on screen. mainly that’s in small things, like the tardis setting being slightly expanded, zoe seeing her mother in the void, the mirror versions of her and jamie having white hair, more weather effects than could be done in studios, various scenes with floating words - including, delightfully, the karkus coming free with comic book sound effects. episode one is quite different: we open with the doctor in a forest before entering into flashback, the context of the dominators is entirely erased (instead the eruption is them on vesuvius for a scientific expedition), and the ending has the doctor falling off into space rather than as a revolving head. we also get a lot of literary references, even more than the original. zoe briefly changes into alice in wonderland, jamie discovers a room with all the world’s stories that shows him a christmas carol and little women, zoe and the doctor wander through miss havisham’s house. which unfortunately brings me to the minor things that irritated me: the doctor presumes that the mansion is from ‘the pen of a passionate female novelist’ because it must ‘belong to some strange, tortured heroine of romance’ (which is especially baffling as a comment given...charles dickens wasn’t a woman last i checked), and jamie makes a sexist comment re: the expediency of arguing with girls. however, i did largely enjoy it, and we also get some nice detail for jamie of his memories of barn dances and rock climbing with his siblings, so that’s nice. oh, and he calls zoe a ‘poor, ignorant creature’ for being unaware of bagpipes. oh, and because i’m apparently cataloguing this obsessively now, the arbitrary change in jamie’s appearance for this novel is that he has freckles now. plus, while i think there’s at least one eu story that handles the meta element of the land of fiction in prose better, the doctor does get to declare this story’s end for us, which was nice. 
the invasion by ian marter ok so right out the gate there’s a lot of really bloody violence in this one, even for the novelisations - a description of a guy being mind-controlled into shooting himself jumps to mind. this is a longer serial so a few scenes are cut - the one i’m most grateful about is the jamie/benton eyerolling over women scene. marter also inserts a few running gags, one about the handheld radio jamie’s given repeatedly switching on (the dr hates this; jamie thinks the tunes are nice), and one where the dr keeps butchering ‘over and out’. the scene where jamie and the doctor are rowing also had some genuinely funny bits. ian marter has once more given the dr a deeply inappropriate pun to close the story on (he replies to the brig’s ‘we’ve got an invasion on our hands’ with ‘it looks like soot to me’ which is especially grim given this soot is implied to be vaughn’s ashes). here’s a few bits i didn’t really like: i could’ve done without the comments on isobel’s legs, the brig calls her and zoe ‘two teenage females’ which is especially weird given i don’t think he does in the original; there’s a line about zoe ‘twirling the boa seductively in the doctor’s face’ which i’m assuming is her joking about because it’s really weird if not. there’s this repeated use of the word sadistic to refer to packer’s intention with zoe and isobel which feels mildly creepy, to say the least. on the other hand, there’s this scene with jamie and the cyberman in a crate together which i thought was really well written; after their escape from the sewer he has a nightmare about a cyberman as well. another noticeable change is that the doctor notices the ‘kilroy was here’ sign and openly wonders who kilroy was (jamie concludes it’s an epitaph after the ‘we get squashed’ conversation). writing this has made me realise there’s a lot of minor changes in here that add up, so while i think marter’s limited in expansion by the amount of content he has to get in (8 parts!) and there are some weird bits that i’m not sure i like (’can we keep her, she’s prettier than a computer’ as a sentiment may be in the original but it’s weird either way, and there’s a part i find absolutely baffling where zoe is irritated by turner’s attentions to isobel so puts her arm around jamie’s waist) it was basically enjoyable, and not, i think, a waste of time. costume notes are that marter’s changed zoe’s outfit again (she’s wearing a trouser suit and only changes into the catsuit at the end) and also only describes jamie as being in a sleeveless waistcoat and kilt, so i’m taking this to mean that he’s not wearing a shirt and is spending this whole novel in sun’s out guns out mode. this is the second marter novelisation where he uses the word bastard - i wonder if he got a 1 use/novelisation allowance or something. finally i think i’ll close it out with this observation: when vaughn asks whom he has the pleasure of speaking to, the doctor replies ‘not whom...who’. ayyy. 
the krotons by terrance dicks look, the krotons is at heart a Just Kind Of Okay dr who story marginally elevated by a team tardis with good chemistry. this is a Just Kind Of Okay dr who novelisation which doesn’t really get across some of the comedy (especially zoe and the doctor’s delaying tactics at the end, which are just briefly summarised), explains some of the character (and machine!) motivations while occasionally overexplaining what we could probably already infer, and boosts the budget a bit. there’s a nice line about jamie where he thinks he’s not sure if the doctor’s a magician or a madman but he DOES know he needs jamie to look after him. there’s a really fucking terrible line about one of the gonds, ‘somehow, her outstanding beauty made it hard to believe that she was among the most gifted of her generation of students’. i thought describing jamie as ‘bright enough in his own way’ was a bit patronising, and that ‘the krotons never had any worries about stating the obvious. indeed their whole conversation consisted of a series of such statements’ was a barely veiled jab at the script. mostly it’s just...there, much like the original if i’m being honest. maybe if you’re really desperate to get some character insights into the custodian?
the seeds of death by terrance dicks this is another story i’m very strongly middling on, but it does feel like dicks put in a bit more effort to the novelisation, possibly because he had such a large hand in rewriting the scripts. there’s actually quite a lot about character backstory and interpersonal relationships (osgood and kelly are rivals for promotion, we hear ice leader slaar’s view on both kelly and fewsham, dicks explains why there’s so much empty space on the moonbase). as usual, there’s a bit more violence like bodies imploding from ice warrior guns and the ice warrior getting vaporised from a heat weapon. so if you’re interested in this story already, go for it. HOWEVER i do also have some things i didn’t like to flag. terrance dicks takes the time to tell us that sexism still exists (they solved the fuel crisis but not misogyny?), and he refers to miss kelly both as an ‘icily beautiful young woman’ and ‘an attractive but severe-looking young woman’...sigh. oh, and ‘jamie shook himself like a wet dog’ feels...weird. like it’s animalising a guy who might already get pegged as uncivilised by a privileged english audience. on a lighter note, there are some pretty funny lines - the doctor reacting to being threatened with a gun with indignation as ‘a particularly rotten way to wake up’ made me laugh. i would also like to make an apology, because i’m pretty sure i made the mistake of thinking the doctor’s ‘i’m a genius’ line was from the ice warriors and it’s not, it’s from this. unfortunately i don’t have perfect recall for every dr who episode ever :’(
the space pirates by terrance dicks this was apparently dicks’ last contribution to the original target run and unfortunately. it is not good. now, for the record, i’m not fundamentally opposed to the space pirates, and i think there may even be room to get a genuinely good story out of it! this is not that. it’s really solidified a big complaint i have about a lot of these novelisations, which is that they’re not really approached with the understanding that script and prose are two very different mediums and any story needs more than a rudimentary adaptation when being brought from one to the other, so everything ends up feeling mildly underwhelming because it’s not working with the strengths of the format! like, i suppose i liked a few of the scene setting descriptions, and we get a few background sketches of characters, and we learn why dom chills out so quickly even though he’s been locked up for years, but equally there’s awkward expositionary bits that really should’ve been ironed out in being adapted...and like, look, i think i’m just let down because i feel like madeleine is a potentially really interesting character, her relationship with her father and her motivations what i think could be the core of this story, and the novelisation does nothing to take advantage of its form to delve into that in any meaningful way! also madeleine just has brown hair instead of that weird hat thing, which isn’t really a flaw i just think it’s a bit of a copout. commit to the weirdness!
doctor who and the war games by malcolm hulke given the volume of material he’s covering in 143 pages, hulke does a genuinely good job. there’s some material that’s understandably curtailed, and while that isn’t always a bad thing (shortening the initial encounter with carstairs and lady jennifer isn’t going to hurt anyone, and i’m personally grateful that he cut jamie’s comment about villar being right about women’s inferiority, no matter whether it’s meant to be teasing) i do think the trial stuff suffers a bit from it: we no longer have the ‘while you have been content to observe’ speech and the farewell of jamie and zoe felt shorter. on the other hand, i really felt like hulke took advantage of the freedom of prose in some ways - far more wars are featured than on screen, for one, and there are a lot more named soldiers and scenes from their perspectives. honestly i think that works very well thematically for this story - it actively disproves what the war lords believe, that humans only matter as cannon fodder for them to use. however, this does make it more jarring when we have a black character who’s only ever referred to by an outdated racial term who immediately dies. he’s not the only character to be referred to in that way, there are a few characters called by their nationality, but given 60s who’s paucity of black characters anyway it stood out to me - it’s not that hard to give him a name! also, it’s not a deal breaker but it does frustrate me when only female characters are called attractive by the narrator and that was the case with lady jennifer - and it’s still egregious that she, the only other woman apart from zoe, disappears partway through the story (especially since the narrator outright admits sergeant russell is ‘trying to think of a reason’ to get her out of the picture). on a narrative level i think a minor quibble i have is that the jamie gets shot fakeout doesn’t quite work when we’ve been told before the shooting that it’s a stun gun. overall, though, despite minor quibbles i do think i’d recommend this one, and i think hulke works well with the format. other bits i thought were neat include opening with an epigraph from the chief war lord, actually paying attention to the fact that not everyone speaks english (there’s dialogue in a few languages including german, and the resistance uses translators), lady jennifer asking zoe if she’s a socialist (because zoe thinks that if a woman is in charge there wouldn’t be wars...laughs in post-thatcher britain), the us apparently doesn’t exist any more in zoe’s time! there are more people explicitly killed on the page than on screen, and the ending is slightly different, concluding not with the doctor’s regeneration but the people who sentenced him lamenting the necessity of banishment: ‘he would have brightened the place up no end.’ finally, babe wake up new mccrimmon variation just dropped: macrimon. did they not have anyone checking these things??
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peachycheol · 4 years
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© banner credit: thank you to the love of my life @suhdreams​ for making this banner for me 🥺💘 ➸ summary: when people say ‘not all men’, they’re actually right. kim mingyu, your best friend, would never disappoint you. especially not in the bedroom.  ➸ genre: pwp 😌 ➸ pairing: best friend!mingyu x reader  ➸ warning: dirty talk, slight dumbification, heavy petting, unprotected sex (pls use protection irl), cream pie, oral (fem. receiving), cum eating, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, yn is really horny? ➸ w.c: 3.2k ➸ tags: you can all thank @risquewonu​ for this <333  
➸ author’s note: ahh, i’m sorry this took me so long! i didn’t mean to write this much, but what the smuth wants, the smuth gets. also, i want to thank you all for 100 followers! i’ll make a separate post to properly thank you all, but i am!!! baffled!!! i really appreciate the support ;u; love you guys! 
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If there are two things in this world that you are absolutely certain of, they are: 1) Men ain’t shit, and 2) with the exception of Kim Mingyu. Knowing this information doesn’t really benefit you in any way. You still go out on Tinder dates that leave you high and dry 15 minutes after taking you home. And Kim Mingyu is still your very platonic best friend, who seems to be reliable in every single way except perhaps in the one way you need most desperately. 
But for all you know, he could be just like every other male in bed. He couldn’t be unbelievably handsome, the most thoughtful, caring person you know, and a sex god; it just wouldn’t be fair! No, it is much easier to convince yourself that Mingyu’s perfection only extended to being a best friend, if only for your peace of mind. Otherwise, you’d have to live with the possibility that the only person who can give you sweet release is the only one you’re technically not supposed to fuck. 
For reasons that seem to become annoyingly hazy every time you lie down next to him on his bed, just as you are at this moment. 
The two of you often end nights out like this, scrolling through one another’s TikTok’s until the wee hours of the morning, laughing loudly until his neighbors threaten to file a noise complaint. As someone who has claimed him as your best friend for three years, you know you’re supposed to be used to the smell of the musky cologne that clings onto his sheets and the feeling of his warm body as he leans closer to show you his For You Page. But lately, it seems harder and harder to fight off the warmth that pulses straight to your core whenever he does anything as simple as laugh, making you shiver when his breath tickles the side of your neck. 
God, you just really need to get laid properly. You lick your dry lips and try to remind yourself that you have no idea if Mingyu would even be able to satisfy you. Though you do have to admit you couldn’t imagine any situation where the boy isn’t overly generous and eager to please-- No! Just watch the damn TikToks! 
“Hey, you good?” Mingyu suddenly asks, nudging your side. “Why aren’t you laughing? ‘His package needs to come in the fe-mail’! That one’s gold!”
You let out a snort. Leave it to Mingyu to bring you back to reality with one line. Even when you don’t say a word, he knows exactly what you need in a moment, which in this case is a reminder that he’s your very dorky friend. “Shut up, that’s so stupid,” you say, but you can’t help but laugh along with him when it replays.
“Aha, you laughed though.” Satisfied with your response he scrolls down to a video of a girl smiling suggestively into the camera. She points to the caption that says ‘If all the boys that made me cum were in my room with me right now, I would…’ Suddenly, the camera pans and she looks at the screen tiredly. The caption now read as ‘Be alone. Men are trash’.
At this, you bust out with a howl of laughter, clutching at your stomach. It was kind of sad, but it was good to know you weren’t alone in this world. All the while, Mingyu stares at you with an eyebrow raised. Once you calm down, you meet his amused gaze. “What are you looking at?”
“You thought it was that funny, huh? It’s not even that accurate,” he says teasingly. 
You roll your eyes. “Um, yeah it is. I’ve never met a man who could make me cum, and clearly many other people can relate. This video has 1.4k likes!”
Mingyu quickly puts his phone down and pouts. “Nu uh! Not all guys are that incompetent!” 
“Men are such babies,” you sigh. “They are that incompetent! You know how many dates I went to last semester, right? Not one of them made me cum!”
“Okay, I told you before you even went on those dates that those guys weren’t worth your time.” Mingyu waves his hand dismissively. “For your information, I have made sure that all the ladies that I’ve taken to the bedroom had at least one orgasm. At least!”
“Mingyu, sweetie,” you coo, patting his cheek as if to comfort him. “They were all faking it, because they didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”  Right? They all had to have faked it. You try to tell yourself this, try to reign in the last bit of sanity you have before your mind wanders off to anywhere inappropriate.
Your best friend now props himself up so that you could properly see the smirk plastered across his annoyingly chiseled features. “You’re so sure, huh? I bet I could make you cum multiple times. Easily.” 
Your mouth falls open in shock. It isn’t uncommon for the two of you to taunt each other like this, but you have also never been in such a vulnerable mood. It’s the type of mood that has your heart racing impossibly fast, the type of mood that has your panties pathetically damp from just one sentence. You blink, trying to regain as much composure as you can. You know it’s too late, though; your imagination is already flashing through scenes of your deepest desires, all being fulfilled by the man in front of you. But Mingyu is only joking, so you do what you can to continue playing along and pretend like you don’t want him to just fuck you into the mattress until you were drooling into his sheets. 
“I-I seriously doubt that!” you say, but there is no conviction in your voice. Clearing your throat, you try adding, “Dude, I’ve literally seen you fall down a flight of stairs when you were sober. And we were going up. Kinda hard to imagine that you’ll know how to fuck me to an orgasm when you can’t even walk right.” 
Now you’re just lying through your teeth, but you want to hold off the inevitable moment that Mingyu discovers your apparent arousal for as long as possible. The last thing you need right now is for him to laugh in your face.
Mingyu chuckles, then suddenly shifts so that his arms are placed on either side of your head, trapping you underneath him. To his surprise, you do nothing to push him off like you usually do at this point. Still, he doesn’t plan on being the first to back off, so he continues his little game, intent on winning. “See, this is why you can’t find a guy who can satisfy you. You clearly don’t know what to look for.” He leans down until the tip of his nose grazes yours. For good measure, he drops his voice an octave and says, “You’ll be the one who can’t walk right when I’m done with you.” 
Perplexingly, his shameless flirting doesn’t make you move as he predicted. Nor does it make you look annoyed. Instead, you look up at him with eyes that are unmistakably glazed over with something he didn’t quite expect to see: pure lust. It immediately sends a rush of blood down to his cock. He blinks. Oh. So this is where the night is going. He only falters for a moment, but he soon flashes a breathtaking smile down at you, his eyes glinting mischievously. 
 It isn’t like he’s never thought about it before; he had just assumed that once you started calling him your best friend, you were also lowkey telling him that sex was off the table. And it wasn’t like he minded, because he definitely liked being by your side knowing it was fully okay to be himself since you were obligated to love him regardless. Plus there was just something about you that made him want to take care of you and if being your best friend was the only way he could do it, then that had been fine by him. But now that he knows that he can take care of you in another way, in the way that he sometimes found himself yearning for on lonely nights, he is all too eager to break free of the unspoken boundaries between the two of you. 
“And what am I looking for?” you whisper. 
“It seems like you’re looking for me, baby,” he responds softly, before pressing a kiss where your jaw meets your neck. He slowly drags his lips down the side of your neck, and revels in how it already has you pressing your legs together. “Damn, you weren’t kidding when you said those guys didn’t make you cum, huh? Is that why you’re already so fucking worked up? You want to cum that badly?”
You nod wordlessly, not quite ready for Mingyu to hear the desperate whine that would surely leave your lips as he continues pressing wet kisses along your skin. You opt to simply thread your fingers in his hair and tug hard enough to show your impatience. It seems to trigger something in him; all in an instant, your best friend’s soft lips clash against your own, his tongue easily sliding into your mouth, all the while while his hand reaches down to grab one of your thighs. He squeezes it teasingly before pushing it outwards, which causes the mini skirt you’re wearing to bunch up around your waist, revealing your panties and how they cling to your pussy like a second skin. 
“M-mingyu!” you squeak into his lips when you feel his fingers tentatively rub small circles into the wet spot. He nips at your lip harshly as he starts to rub more deliberately, the flimsy fabric of your underwear creating a delicious friction against your clit. “H-hah! Yes, o-oh my god!” 
“Fuck, you’re already so wet for me, baby girl,” he chuckles, but he knows he isn’t one to talk while his cock is half hard just from hearing the way you moan his name. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you. You’re not leaving this room until your little pussy cums nice and hard on my cock.” 
“Ngh!-- yes p-please! Please, Mingyu,” you beg mindlessly. Your eyebrows are scrunched together in concentration. Despite your best friend’s promises, you are still hesitant to hold out any hope for anything more than what you’re accustomed to, so you try to take as much as you can while it lasts. However, in your lustful daze, you had forgotten that if Kim Mingyu is anything, he is a man of his word. 
 You let out a high-pitched moan when his fingers suddenly grind harsh circles into your clit, more surprised than anything else that he even knew where to find it. “But first,” he says, licking his lips, “you’re going to be a good girl and cum just like this. Right into your filthy little panties. Can you do that for me, baby?” 
He takes your drawn out whine as a response, and continues to rub relentlessly over your hardened clit until your legs begin to shake. That’s when he shoves the soaked material of your underwear to the side and pinches the bud. Hard. 
He rolls your clit between the pads of his fingertips over and over, sending jolts of electric pleasure all the way to your toes. It causes them to curl, all the while you feel the heat simmering in your lower abdomen finally coil tighter and tighter. “Fuckfuckfuck,” you chant, the words coming out slurred like you’re a teenager who’s gotten drunk from one sip of champagne. “M-mingyu-- mmh! I t-think I’m going to--!” 
A loud cry leaves your lips the moment the coil snaps, and you nearly tear up from how much better it feels to finally cum on someone else’s fingers, especially Mingyu’s long, thick digits.  He soothingly slides them through your drenched folds, mesmerized by how much wetness now covered his hand. “That’s it, baby,” he encourages. Once your body slumps back into the mattress, he brings his fingers up to see how they glisten in the light. “We’ve barely even started and look at what the mess you’ve already made. You must have been waiting so long for me to fuck you, huh?” 
Not even your post-orgasm buzz can keep you from getting irked by Mingyu’s cockiness, which is why you reach your own hand down to squeeze his cock through his jeans. “Seems like I’m not the only one who’s been waiting for this,” you say with a sly grin of your own. He watches you, jaw clenched, as you swiftly pop the button of his pants open and slip your fingers past the waistband of his underwear to take hold of his fully hardened member. 
It feels warm and heavy in your palm, which can barely wrap around the girth. You bite your lip, your pussy greedily clenching around nothing at the thought of how good it would stretch you out.
“I should have known you’d be a fucking tease,” Mingyu rasps. His hips buck into your hand involuntarily, and his smile returns when he notices how the movement makes you whimper in anticipation. 
There is a beat of silence when you and Mingyu meet eyes before the both of you begin undressing each other as fast as you can, haphazardly tugging off both your shirts, his pants, and your pesky undergarments. Once he’s tossed aside your soiled panties, he immediately presses your thighs apart to get a full view of your sopping cunt. “So pretty,” he mumbles to himself, spreading the lips apart with his fingers. His member throbs at the sight, the tip leaking precum when he sees how your pussy clenches in anticipation. “I bet it’s going to look even prettier when it’s taking my fat cock, don’t you think?”
The two of you watch in awe as Mingyu starts to sink into your entrance, a garbled moan leaving your lips when the tip alone already has you feeling so full. “Mingyu, h-how is-- ooh!-- your d-dick soo-- f-fucking big? A-Ah!” It takes a good while for you to finish your sentence as each of Mingyu’s shallow thrusts leave you gasping for air. By the time he bottoms out, the both of you are panting hard, both engrossed by how snugly his cock fits in your walls. 
“Shit, if I had known you’d be this tight, I would have fucked you sooner,” Mingyu groans. He slowly drags his member out of you, letting you feel every inch of him before he surges forward into a feverish pace that already has his bed frame creaking loudly. He is definitely getting a noise complaint from his grumpy neighbors tonight. But seeing you underneath him like this, lips parted and legs spread, definitely makes it difficult to care about anything other than the desire to hear more of your needy cries. “Does it feel good, baby girl? Do you like how my cock fills your little pussy?”
“It fuh--!--ngh, feels s-soo good,” Having already came once, your sensitivity is on overload, and each rough thrust of Mingyu’s hips, each crude slap of his skin against yours, is enough to drive you closer and closer to delirium. “Mmh-- please, Mingyu! F-fuck me so deep!”
“Anything for my little cockslut.” He moves quickly to kneel between your legs, hooking his arms underneath your knees to keep them open as he continues to pound into you. The new position instantly makes you keen loudly, eyes rolling to the back of your head when you feel his member brush against your cervix. 
“Fuuuuck,” you sob and clutch at the sheets. His grip on your legs tightens and he angles his hips so that he hits that spot every time, rendering you completely incoherent. You want to beg him to fuck you like this forever, to tell him you’d do anything to feel his cock fuck you open every night, but you can only babble, unable to comprehend anything that isn’t the insatiable thirst burning within you.
“Damn baby, did I fuck you stupid?” Seeing you so drunk on his cock, he wonders how anyone could ever fuck you without wanting to see you cum over and over again. His hair falls over his eyes as he fucks up into you with renewed vigor, his hot skin covered in a light sheen of sweat. He grits his teeth when he feels how tightly your walls grip onto him.“Shit-- you must want me to make you cum again, baby girl. Your little pussy just keeps sucking me in.”
“H-hah, y-yes! Yes, please god, Mingyu, I want to c-cum again. P-please let me cum,” you beg, practically writhing as you pathetically attempt to meet his thrusts. Without any hesitation, Mingyu brings down his thumb and presses it into your swollen clit, causing your body to seize up suddenly. “A-Aah Mingyu! I’m--!” The intensity of your orgasm has your back arching off the mattress, head thrown back in a silent scream. Wave after wave of pleasure continuously washes over you, seemingly unending, unlike any orgasm you ever thought possible. 
“That’s right baby girl, get my cock nice and wet,” Mingyu growls. He fucks you through your release as he sloppily chases his own, not too far behind with how your walls are pulsing around him. He makes sure his cock is deep inside you and stills his hips when fills you with his hot cum. “Fuck, this pussy was fucking made for me.”
Just as you think you’ve finally come down from your high, he pulls out of you and he shifts to lower himself to place his mouth on your spent pussy. “M-mingyu!” 
You squirm and half-heartedly try to shove his head away, far too sensitive to have his tongue licking into your leaking entrance, but Mingyu is persistent. He pushes your legs to your chest to keep you from squeezing them close, and hums when he tastes the hot mixture of your and his own cum on his lips. The way he slurps and sucks at your folds is absolutely sinful as he eats you out like you’re the most delectable treat. It almost hurts to feel so much ecstasy at once, but it still leaves you mewling for more, unable to get enough of the boy.
Your third orgasm ripples over you when he suddenly scrapes his teeth over your abused clit, and you feel a tear slide down your cheek as you weakly shake against his mouth. 
Mingyu is smiling when he pulls away, looking slightly ridiculous with how his lips still glisten with cum. You tiredly slump back into his pillows, eyes already drooping close. “What is it?”
“I told you I could do it~” he says proudly. He goes to grab some tissues from the bedside table so that he could start cleaning you up, giggling all the while. It really is unfair how he could look so cute moments after railing you into another dimension. 
You groan. You’re never going to hear the end of this.
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gretchensinister · 3 years
9 people I want to get to know better:
Tagged by @plush-anon and I am so glad for the procrastination opportunity 
favourite colour: Purple! Anyway here’s something I may be misremembering from childhood. There was this VHS I had called Wee Sing In Sillyville and it was basically children’s songs connected with a loose plot about a land of colors (people wearing all of one color outfits, red, green, yellow, etc.) except that they didn’t get along with or talk to each other anymore and the character the story followed was trying to get them to get along again, I think? And most of the colors were big groups of people, but the Purple Lady was one old lady in an all-purple outfit and she was the only one who agreed with the main character that the colors should get along and work together again and I was like ‘wow wise old purple lady.’ (Also in this the main character was colorful at the beginning and then SOMETHING happened and all the colors in her outfit went away and IDK if the story said it but I KNEW she was DYING. And then all the color groups were like ‘oh no what do we do we liked her when she visited us’ and purple lady was like ‘you need to work together’ and they gave her colors back by tying pieces from their own outfits to main character’s outfit and then she came back to life and was colorful again. And the colors started talking to each other again. I think! I cannot emphasize enough that this was a preschool/kindergarten-aimed story/song collection of the kind that kids lose interest in quickly outside of that age group, so I don’t remember it that well! EXCEPT at some point as an adult I was hit by the memory of this like a ton of bricks, because I think this was my first example of “unifying the elements is the correct answer/these things should never have been separated in the first place” in a story. Before The Dark Crystal (also importantly purple…hmm [hmmmMMMmmmm—I mean—]) for sure. And then I wrote essentially an epic fantasy novel with that as a huge theme. 
currently reading: 1) Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir—I hadn’t read anything else by him before and I love it? It’s for an SFF book club and I would never have picked it up if not for that because honestly I was making a lot of assumptions about what kind of science fiction by men gets popular and what kind of characters I’d see in such a book. Well, I was wrong. 2) Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey—Admittedly I’m only at the beginning of this one but there seems to be ‘some people are just better than others because of birth’ baked into the foundation of the story and I’M STRUGGLING. There’s also already been plenty of times when I have asked myself “why would you, a woman, write women like this?” Also epithets all over the place. But then again without the epithets I’m bombarded by apostrophes. (I’m sure in the past 54 years someone has said something like this but this is my OC F’lan, he rides a caramel custard colored dragon and everyone thinks he’s sweet and loves him.) 3) Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson—I would call it bonus material for The Stormlight Archives. That series BTW is a massive page commitment so like, enter at your own risk? 4) Why Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots? Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification, and the Desire to Conform edited by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore—Essays by a wide range of queer people with a wide range of relationships to masculinity, I recommend this to anyone who wants to understand more about the breadth of what queerness encompasses. 
last song: Not sure what song I listened to last, but I currently have Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes stuck very completely in my head, so that’s what I’ll answer with. 
last movie: Annihilation. I love this movie. This time watching it I was drawn to the way the person in the old camp who was taken over by fungus is positioned on the wall in one of those ambiguous martyrdom/ecstasy poses. 
last series: Star Trek: TOS, which I only recently realized was available to borrow from the library. Get a library card and make sure you have something to play discs with, people. The library wants you to have access to as much free stuff as possible. Streaming services DON’T. Piracy is fine for big titles but the process of protecting my computer from viruses and/or removing a virus is something that’s an intimidating problem for me. Placing a library hold on a DVD is easy, legal, and free.   
sweet, spicy or savoury: Savory, though it’s not as if I dislike the others. Speaking of savory things, though, here’s a very simple savory snack which may mark me as some kind of gremlin but anyway: There’s this stuff called Better Than Bouillon, which you can find at the grocery store with the other bouillon/stock/soups, it comes in a little jar and it’s like a bouillon paste, which you’re supposed to use like bouillon cubes. Well, get that, in the roasted vegetable flavor. Then butter a piece of bread really thickly, THEN take just a little Better Than Bouillon and use the butter knife to work it into the butter until it’s like the butter got a noticeable tan. SO savory. Don’t do this if you’re concerned about your salt intake tho. 
coffee or tea: Coffee, for sure. It’s a treat and not an everyday thing for me, caffeine will reliably do things to my energy levels that I don’t want it to. You know, I think it might be the idea of a hot drink as a treat that makes me care less for tea? I can’t make a latte or a mocha at home, but in my area, home, chain coffee shop, independent coffee shop, any level of café or restaurant, any tea you get is going to be just the tea bag plonked in a cup of hot water. That doesn’t feel special! It means I have to decide when to take the tea bag out and then I have to deal with a wet tea bag and I don’t want this (no matter how fancy the tea bag is). I only want to be served tea by someone who knows significantly more about tea than I do. 
And now to tag. I think I’ll tag my nine most recent followers that seem to be real. Who are you all? This blog is not cohesively themed these days. So:
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gingerale2017 · 3 years
(Song Lyric Day)
Wincin - Day 4 of wincin ship weeks
Song: Snowman by Sia
Winter was having another vision. Jacin could tell by the empty look in her eyes and the way her face changed from smiling to neutral.
Jacin grabbed her shoulders, “Winter, what's going on!” no response, “Winter, is it another vision. The walls..”
He trailed off as she looked directly into his eyes, “Winter?”
She smiled, “don’t cry, snowman. Not in front of me, ” she cupped his cheek, “who will catch your tears if you can’t catch me?”
“If I can’t catch you?” he was so confused. It had to be bad if she believes that he was in the vision. He huffed, “Winter-”
“Don’t cry snowman, don’t leave me this way. A puddle of water can’t hold me close.”
Jacin tried to move them from the middle of the palace hallways. She seemed to be in a daze so he had to snap her out before anyone saw her.
But he realized that she was on the verge of tears now, “Winter, look, I’ll hold you close.”
Not enough, and he didn’t want to see Winter cry, “I want you to know that I’m never leaving, ” he reassured, stroking her hair.
She smiled, “I’m Mrs. Snow, until death we’ll be freezing.”
He didn’t understand and before he could ask her anything, she continued, “you are my home, my home for all seasons.”
“Come on, let’s go to your room-”
“I’ll love you forever where we’ll have some fun,” Jacin stopped trying to lead her anywhere.
“What?” he felt warmth on his cheeks, a sensation he only felt around Winter but now more than ever.
“Yes, let’s live on Earth and live happily, please don’t cry no tears now, you’re with me, ” she hugged him. He remained frozen, similar to the snowman she mentioned earlier, “my snowman and me.”
Jacin moved to hug her but then she collapsed. Crying out her name, he picked her up and ran for help.
Winter stared at the doors to the menagerie where ghost Ryu still sat. He probably was wishing that she would come to play. Whining like he usually did. Instead of giving in, she turned around, a silent tear sliding down her cheek.
“Don’t cry snowman, ” said Jacin who was standing in front of her. She gasped, remembering a vision from years ago that Jacin helped her through. He wiped the tear with his knuckle while she chuckled, “don’t you fear the sun, ” he said, reciting the poem they made.
The poem book was another thing they did to help with the visions, and it worked for a while until it got stronger. Then the book was useless. They would write down her visions as poems so that she would remember them and possibly overcome them. Again, it didn’t work.
“Who’ll carry me without less to run, honey?”
This time he chuckled, “without legs to run, trouble?”
Winter furrowed her brow, “that’s not how it goes!”
“You changed it first.”
She sniffed and tried to smile to cover it. She was still sad the Ryu wouldn’t be hopping around.
Jacin caught her sadness, “don’t cry snowman, don’t you shed a tear. Who will hear my secrets if you don’t have ears?”
“How do you remember it?” Winter asked, incredulous. He grinned and tossed a book he had behind his back. She laughed, flipping through the pages where she saw their handwriting from many years ago. Wow, Jacin had terrible handwriting.
“If you don’t have ears?” she found the one and recited where he left off.
Jacin took a step closer, “I want you to know that I’m never leaving-”
“Because I’m Mrs. Snow, until death we will be freezing, ” Winter cut. She actually remembered this part.
He smiled, “you are my home-”
“My home for all seasons, ” they said together. Jacin snorted as Winter realized how amazingly true those words are. They are going to experience Earth and all it's seasons together. After she got the surgery, of course.
They were close enough that she wrapped her arms around him, "let's go below zero and hide from the sun, " she made up that last part, satisfied that it rhymed.
"I'll love you forever and we'll have some fun, " she smiled at his words and brought her hands down to hold his.
"Yes, " Jacin squeezed her hand affectionately, "let's go to Earth and live happily, " Winter could tell that he meant it, and so did she..
"Please don't cry, " he murmured, leaning down to nuzzle his nose with hers, "you're with me."
"My snowman and me, " she whispered.
"My snowman and me."
Tagging: @kaiderforever @winterrhayle @jacihayle @just2bubbly @shelbylmkaider @greasicookies @greenalmond @deprivedmusicaljunkie @the-wee-woo-rita @zephyr-thedragon please ask if you want to be added or removeddd
(I know that this is a christmas song but it fits wincin so well. Like one of her visions)
(Tlc Ship Weeks 2021 Masterlist)
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heniareth · 3 years
I was tagged by @scribbledquillz for this ao3/fanfic author meme. Thanks so much for tagging me! Now, there’s only one thing (I’ll explain as soon as I answer the first question). But first, tags. I’m gonna tag @yukichouji and @the-iron-lion because I know you write and post, but I also know you’re busy, so please, only do it if you want to and have time ^^ Apart from that, if anybody who sees this wants to give it a go, consider yourself tagged! I’d love to read your answers, so feel free to tag me back
How many works do you have on AO3?
So, here’s the thing: I’ve never posted anything I have written XD One day, I will, but until then, I’ll answer the questions I can answer to the best of my ability ^^ I’ll modify some questions and keep the original ones for anybody who wants to answer those.
What’s your total AO3 fanfic words count?
123.211 words total (not counting one absolutely massive collaborative fanfic that I’m not gonna count rn)
More under the cut!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Funny thing: thanks to this question I’ve rediscovered like ten folders with the beginnings of different fanfics I’d not opened in years. Thank you, @scribbledquillz for making me find my old writings! My main work rn is a Dragon Age Origins retelling (featuring Astala Tabris of course, though I have decided that the other origins--Surana, Amell, Brosca, Mahariel, the whole gang--also survive because yes.) I also have two separate unfinished pieces on Caduceus and Caleb of the Mighty Nein (Critical Role) respectively. Equally unfinished are one fanfic with Loki and his Jotunn heritage, and another about the extermination of mutants in the X-Men universe prior to X-Men: Days of Future Past. Both projects were ambitious, but exist mainly as ideas now. The longest (and oldest) fanfic I’ve ever written is a collaborative super self-indulgent self-insert fix-it fic for The Hobbit. I am quite proud of my younger self for pulling through with this one and sticking to it over such a long time. It is, sadly, also unfinished.
Do you Would you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I would definitely respond to comments. It’s polite. I’d also want to mirror back the joy a comment has inspired in me.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
The X-Men fanfic ends with the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past, which (spoiler?) means all the characters were going to die. But it’s okay because the movie fixes that ^^ But generally speaking, I’m not big on angsty endings. Angst is fine anywhere else.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think it has to be either the The Hobbit fanfic or the Dragon Age Origins retelling. Characters I strongly identify with tend to get the happiest endings. Oh do I ever wonder why that is so
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I’ve never written a crossover, but I’ve read some really cool ones. There was one featuring the Mighty Nein in the Undeadwood setting (both by Critical Role) that I wished had gone on longer bc it was so cool.
Have you ever recieved hate on a fic?
One of the good things about not posting anything: you don’t subject it to judgement ;D
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have... never finished writing a smutty scene.
One day. One day. Zevran might be the push I need, who knows
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Another one of the good things about not posting anything.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I started translating several of them myself! :D
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh yes! It’s an amazing experience. The creativity is squared. It is important though that all collaborators are on the same page about where the story goes, how the characters will be portrayed, etc. Especially if you give somebody your own OC or self-insert to write about.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
There are a few that have a special place in my heart. Shadogast comes to mind, or Percy/Vex (from Critical Role). I love the Zevwarden ship because it’s a story about allowing feelings and romance and being stronger because of them (at least in my mind). I’m scared of what Fenris/Hawke might do to me when I get around to play DA2 XD
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Definitely the The Hobbit fanfic. It is a glorious mess, and from time to time I go through the documents again... but it’s just a really big project and my collaborators are busy
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! Banter! I love it. I absolutely adore it. I make it way too long but it’s so much fun. I’m very much character driven I think, which is also why fanfic is so appealing to me. Actions speak louder than words, but characters shout through a megaphone. I also like pairing dialogue with very day-to-day, down-to-earth actions (like folding laundry). I feel like it allows me to convey so much more about the caracters than only through the words they say and the dialogue tags of “he said, she whispered”. Another thing I consider myself strong at is worldbuilding and generally keeping the practical things in mind. If it’s autumn, it’s probably gonna rain, the ground will be wet, they’ll sleep poorly and that’ll be reflected in heightened tempers and therefore more drama in the next scene. The fact that in canon a town has a harbor will have impacted this character who was born there. I like the details and puzzling the pieces together to make a world really come to life XD And, last, I have also recently learned that I write best non-chronologically, and to just write it all out and edit later. It does wonders to advance a project
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I hardly write any at first. I normally see scenes very clearly in my head, but I... don’t communicate it XD I’m so character-driven that I kinda forget about the rest. I also tend to get too bogged down by the mundane? The fact that I like to play around with details of the worldbuilding and have it all make sense means I’ll write that scene where they break up camp even though it... doesn’t really add anything to the story apart from the fact that it happens and they indeed do break up camp. Things that I should tell, I show. It reflects in my wordcount.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I like it! I find it really interesting. I might even listen to the spoken dialogue via Google trnaslate XD The only reason it might bother me is that there’s just no elegant way to integrate the translation into the text on AO3. In a normal book, I’d go for a footnote, but in AO3 and with my chapter length, I won’t make anybody scroll down, read the translation, and scroll up again.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
My first ever fanfic before I knew what fanfic was were things I wrote age 11 with a friend about the cowboy stories this German late 19th century writer Karl May wrote. We were obsessed with those novels
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I gotta say the Hobbit fanfic. It was melodramatic, it was self-indulgent, it had everything. I remember staying up with my friends way into the wee hours of the morning discussing how we’d save Thorin and his nephews from certain death and why Kili was so obsessed with Tauriel after talking to her once XD
And here we go! Thank you so much again for tagging me, this was a lot of fun (and it makes me want to post something. Maybe the Dragon Age Origins retelling will make the cut? I do hope I finish it in the next months)
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obsidianfr3sk · 3 years
through the aching shell
Hello!!! After a practically two months without posting anything (not because I was feeling down or anything, school was just making me go crazy), I finally finished the thrid part of the shell series I’m writing with my mother and dear friend Dawn ( @honey-hippie-harper​), where we explore the angsty and depressing parts of Hugh and Simon’s relationship, because we’re crazy and we like to make it everyone’s problem. 
The last two parts (which you can find here and here, and should read in that order for you to understand this one) were from Simon’s POV, but this time I decided to take some creative liberties and write it from Hugh’s POV, since this is basically my own birthday present (yeah, people, I’m 18 years old now, I’m so grown up *emoji with cool glasses*) and I have a permit to do whatever I want (? so I decided to write about Adrian starting his criminal life (?), the Council fighting like my mental ilnesses do at 2AM, and how Georgie’s death affected her loved ones, but especially Hugh, since, like Dawn said, we firmly believe they were best friends and he didn’t grieve her in a healthy way:’) 
This ended up being... a lot longer than I expected (literally 67 word pages). And also a lot more depressing. I want to give a pretty important trigger warning for suicidal ideation, especially for the last scenes. Please, if you read, proceed with caution and take care of yourself. 
On other important news (?), I didn’t feel like killing people today, so I took this canon divergence post my moms did of how Callum and Winston survived the arena, and decided they were going to survive. I don’t think it’s super obvious because of how I wrote the scene, but I just wanted to let you know, so you can be happy with me about it. 
And what else? Well, I think that’s it:’) thank, Dawnie, for letting me continue this, I feel honored you let me form part of it skldhfjksdjhskd and I’m tagging @healing-winston-pratt and @the-wee-woo-girl in this, because I know you really like the shell series and want to know what happens next! Thanks to you too for your nice comments, I love you so much, my friends <3 and I hope you love this part too as much as I love writing it.
It wasn't until several minutes passed after he heard Simon going upstairs that Hugh realized he had been sitting on the ground during all this time.
He held onto the kitchen counter and stood up with difficulty. As soon as he saw his own hand, he noticed it had small silver drops all over it, and they reminded him of the coffee sometimes they accidentally spilled when they grabbed their respective cups before heading out of the house.
They also reminded him of blood.
In fact, they were awfully similar to blood.
He passed his sleeve over it to clean it. Not only did that refuse to work, but now he also had a gray stain on his uniform
But before he could come up with something to do about it, Simon started walking downstairs, slower and clumsier than before, while struggling with some heavy object. He stayed completely still for a couple of seconds, deliberating about what he was supposed to do.
Should he go to see what was going on?
Should he go help him?
Should he go and ask him to stay for the last time?
He was fast enough to turn his back on Simon when he showed up on the kitchen door hiding the trail of chrome he had left with his body
During the ten seconds Simon stayed there, staring at him, Hugh kept his eyes on his hands, flatly refusing to look back at him because if he did, he would meet her eyes too.
And he wasn't willing to go through that again in front of Simon.
In front of anyone, really.
He should have never allowed his emotions to come out in such a grotesque and explosive way. He thought he had learned to keep his anger, but the last time he had snapped like that was as recent as Genissa's Clark threat, after he couldn't stand how the rest of the Renegades were looking at the Council—
How they were looking at him.
It had been a slip. A pretty serious slip and that should not have happened again. Much less in the magnitude with which it had just happened a few moments ago, with Simon.
Of all people, it had been Simon.
The man who irradiated the the most powerful beam of kindness without even saying a single word. The one who was able to talk people out of their evil ways because he was convinced goodness was a crucial part of human nature and no one was beyond repair. The person he thought about each time the fire of his anger started to emerge in his throat, and whose smile, eyes, and voice were enough for Hugh to be able to control him.
But today it hadn’t.
It hadn't been enough.
Simon hadn't been able to make it better.
The fire had gotten out of his control, and now, there was nothing left but ashes.
Ashes of anger that now was reduced to shame.
When Hugh turned around, Simon was closing the door on his way out.
He stayed leaning against the kitchen bar for a good four hours before he received the first message asking him where he was.
It was from Tamaya.
She said they needed to talk.
About what? She didn’t specify. But it was probably about how they left her alone for hours when it was supposed to be just during their lunch break.
While he texted her he would be there in a minute, he couldn’t help but look at his sleeves, and immediately knew, he couldn’t go there wearing those clothes, so he went through the small closet where they kept their clean superhero suits in case they needed to change after a mission or something. When he opened the closet and realized it was empty, he remembered Simon had taken them to the Headquarters, because he thought it was better to keep them there, since it was where they were most of the time.
Hugh clenched his fists and, before he could make a hole through the wall or something, he sighed and decided to take a shower first.
Tamaya would be fine if he disappeared a couple of hours more.
Maybe Tamaya could bring him one…
But Tamaya was in charge of the Headquarters, so she was pretty busy at the moment. Evander would take hours to get there and ask for explanations he didn’t want to give him, and… to be honest, he wasn’t quite sure if he was in the right state of mind to ask Kasumi to do him a favor.
“If Adrian wants to see me—”
Then, he remembered Adrian.
He was still at the hospital with Max. And if his mental clock was correct, he needed to be with his team in exactly an hour so they could start patrolling.
After showering, he put on some civilian clothes and grabbed the keys he had left on the entrance table.
Simon’s keys weren’t there though.
He had taken his own car.
Adrian wasn’t at the waiting room like he had said he would, but that didn’t surprise Hugh. No, what actually surprised him was how empty the whole hospital looked. No nurse was attending the front desk, and the few doctors he could see were either running to get to the next patient or whispering something to their coworkers. When he started wandering through the hospital, looking for a familiar face he recognized from the ones who were involved in Max’s case to ask them if he had seen Adrian (and if he could pay a quick visit to Max to kiss him goodnight because he probably wouldn’t be able to go to the hospital again before his bedtime), he noticed a group of nurses consoling a crying one a couple of meters from there.
He didn’t recognize her from anywhere, so he didn’t even bother to ask her anything.
Also… what the hell, he could pay a quick visit to Max without asking for their permission first. He was Captain Chromium, even if he wasn’t wearing his uniform at that moment, but most importantly, he was Max’s dad. He wasn’t going to stay there and wait for them to get their shit together and start doing their job.
After taking the elevator to get to the floor where Max’s room was, he noticed two doctors standing right beside the door, arguing in a low voice. They didn’t even realize Hugh was there until he was right in front of them, about to ask them if they could move to let him enter the room.
One of them interrupted what the other was saying and immediately tried to stop Hugh.
“I’m sorry, sir, you cannot be here, it’s a quarantine—” when she made contact with him, she and the other doctor’s expressions changed completely.
He had seen the same face a thousand times after people realized who they were talking to.
In other circumstances, he would have tried to be nice about it, but at that moment, he didn’t have any energy left to tell them about his intentions.
He needed to kiss Max goodnight. And then, he needed to look for Adrian.
So when he carefully pushed them aside and walked into the room, he didn’t feel any guilt for acting like that.
What he did feel, was his blood freezing the instant his eyes laid on Max’s bed and saw it was completely empty.
The small smile he had just put on his face to greet his kid immediately disappeared.
“Your sons have left this hospital, Mr. Everhart,” the doctor blurted out. “Together.”
But that wasn’t what Hugh was going to ask.
“Doctor— Where’s my husband?”
I need to see my husband.
According to what the doctors told him while they took him to one of their offices, Adrian and Max had escaped the hospital forty minutes before Hugh arrived. They knew it had been that way since one of the nurses saw them and tried to stop them, but they somehow made her faint for a couple of minutes, and when she was able to turn on the alarm, they were already gone. The doctors who were in Max’s room when he arrived were the ones who found the note Adrian had left, a note where he assured Max was fine, with his brother, and that the Renegades had nothing to worry about.
But Hugh was worried. He was so worried he couldn’t even yell at the staff for being so negligent and letting a teenager and a kid— two kids, go under their noses. He was so worried, that when Simon barged into the office, also wearing his civilian clothes, he didn’t run to hug him like he had been craving all that time he had to sit down and think about the horrible things that may be happening to his sons in those instants, while he heard the doctors doing their absolute best not to look like complete idiots in front of him and failing miserably; instead, he stayed quiet and let him ask all the questions he wanted to ask, doing his best not to look at him, not even out of the corner of his eye.
The last straw for him was when, by accident, the crying nurse (who apparently worked in the maternity ward) entered, and broke again as soon as she saw them, assuring them that she would never let them get to the roof if she had known their true intentions.
He heard roof and he heard intentions. And he immediately came to the realization, that even though the doctors had told him the whole staff was looking for them everywhere, no one told him if they had already looked for them...
If they had already looked for them outside the building.
After murmuring some words to the nurse, Simon got out of there, running like a crazy man through the hospital, being followed by the two doctors, trying to stop him, so he wouldn’t make a scene in front of the other patients.
And Hugh, who immediately felt uncomfortable as soon as they left him alone with the sobbing woman, stood up and followed the sounds of the doctors' pleas.
He knew where Simon was going.
When he got there, Simon was leaning over the roof, while the doctors stayed under the door frame, with mortified faces.
Seconds later (which felt like hours), he stumbled back from the edge of the roof and sat down on the floor, sighing with relief.
It was more than enough for him to feel able to breathe normally again.
“Mr. Everhart—” the doctor said. “I think you should call your son.”
He agreed and let him know with a nod of his head. Then, he asked something about if they wanted to go to the office again, but Simon answered before him and told the doctor it was fine. Then, his co-worker grabbed him by the arm and told them they were going to give them their space. That time, none of them answered her. So they left without saying anything else.
It wasn’t like it mattered to him anyway. At that moment, the only one he wanted to hear was Simon’s voice.
Simon’s voice yelling at him. Crying. Cursing. It didn’t matter in what tone he was talking as long as he was able to hear him say his name.
Say something.
Simon kept his head low but pointed at Hugh’s bracelet.
Call Adrian.
The bracelet rang on the other side of the line, and the more it did, and the more silent Simon stayed, the more Hugh’s worry started to vanish.
The wind took away the ashes of his anger, and let the fire start again.
As soon as Adrian picked up, he put him on speaker.
But he didn’t let him talk.
“Where is he?” he barked through the phone. “Adrian, what have you done?”
Simon slowly stood up, stumbling a little, and Adrian clicked his tongue. “So… you got the note?”
Oh, my—
“Yes, we got the note!” he yelled. “What’s going on? Where’s Max?”
“He’s somewhere safe,” Adrian responded immediately. “Trust me.”
He almost snorted. “Trust you? What does that even—”
Suddenly, Simon grabbed him by the arm and brought the bracelet closer to his face. “Adrian, we do trust you.” And he quickly added: “And we trust Max.”
“But this is serious,” Simon continued. “We need to know where he is. You of all people should understand how dangerous it is for him to be alone out in the world.”
“He is not alone,” Adrian argued. “No other prodigies will be at risk, and he’s comfortable and secure, maybe even happy, which is more than we could ever say about putting him back in that quarantine.”
Simon opened his mouth but he couldn’t find any words to say. His grip started to get loose little by little until he let him go completely.
He couldn’t take his eyes away from Simon’s hands.
He wanted to hold them so bad.
“How did you even manage to get him out of the hospital?” Hugh asked Adrian. “Did you find the Vitality Charm?”
“No, Dad. But I— I borrowed one of the hazmat suits from HQ and put Max into it,” he explained. “The barrier protected me from his powers long enough to get him to where we needed to go.”
That was enough for Simon to come back to reality. Just that this time, he just got closer to the bracelet; he didn’t touch him at all. “A hazmat suit? And no one noticed a ten-year-old kid wandering down the corridors in a hazmat suit?” just after saying that sentence, he subtly gasped and groaned. “Invisibility. Right. You know, I forget that he has that one, too.”
For a second, Hugh thought he was talking to him. But when Adrian answered, he knew Simon was not. “You did give it to him, so technically, it’s kind of like you helped him escape.”
“Don’t get smart,” he snapped. “And he didn’t need to escape. He’s not a prisoner!”
“Wasn’t he?”
He didn’t wait for them to answer him. It was a rhetorical question.
Not like Hugh knew how he would answer that question.
“Look, I know you guys love him,” Adrian continued, “but I’m not letting you put him back in that quarantine, end of story. For now, he’s safe where he is until we find a more permanent solution.”
Simon turned away, covering his mouth with his hand, and looking at the sky.
Adrian— Adrian didn’t sound like his usual self.  In fact, if he wanted to be completely honest with himself, the way his son was behaving reminded him a lot of a younger Adrian, who was just a little bit older than Max, entering into what would soon become his teen years, and liked to think all his parents did was making his life a living hell. Like when he asked Hugh to let him go to that Renegades Camp that was supposed to be only for the kids who were living in orphanages funded by the Council, or when he wanted Simon to get him a couple of new sneakers; in both situations, he received no for an answer, and proceeded to make a huge deal out of it, asking them why were they always trying to isolate him from other kids, or if they were poor again and would have to share a piece of bread between the three of them, like when they lived at Simon’s house.
Both of those situations were tantrums that Hugh could let slide. He let Adrian go to the camp that year (after a lot of consideration) and bought him the sneakers he wanted as his birthday present, even getting a little mad at Simon for not getting them when Adrian asked him to since it wasn’t like they didn’t have the money or something.
Even he could understand those situations were… things all kids went through at that age. It was a phase that Adrian outgrew.  
But that— that was not a phase.
That was not even a tantrum.
It was reckless and stupid, and dangerous.
And he was putting Max in danger. He was making Simon as worried as he had never seen him worried before.
And it was something Hugh could not let slide.
Not this time.
“No, Adrian,” Hugh said, “you are going to tell us where he is right this minute, so we can get him back to the hospital and make sure—”
But Adrian knew how to play that game too.
“We’ll talk about it later,” he interrupted. “For now, I’m late for a team meeting. Okay, guys? Love you, bye!”
And he hanged up.
And he didn't give them a chance to tell him they love him too.
But even if he had, Hugh knew he wouldn't say it back.
Just like that morning when they visited Nova at Cragmoor.
Before Hugh could even move, Simon left the roof, leaving him alone with those words echoing inside his head.
Trust me.
Hugh remembered he had trusted her. And, in a way, she had trusted him too.
And that was when everything started going downhill.
There was nothing Hugh could do at the hospital anymore. He encountered the doctors that had been informing them about the whole situation, and when he started telling them everything was fine and that they were able to locate their kids, they told them Mr. Westwood had already been there and notified them. They also promised everyone in the hospital was going to keep Max’s condition a secret and assure him no information was going to be leaked to the media to keep him safe. Hugh thanked them, but honestly, it was the least they could do.
When he went to the hospital’s parking lot, he looked for Simon’s car. Since he didn’t find it, he assumed he had gone to Kasumi’s house.
Hugh was going to return to Headquarters. To distract himself.
He entered through one of the back doors, so no one from the patrol units or the janitorial team saw him in his civilian clothes. He was lucky not to walk into someone while going through the corridors, but he didn’t feel safe until he entered his office and closed the door behind him.
And that feeling lasted… five seconds.
Because when he turned on the lights, Tamaya was sitting on top of his desk, with her legs crossed and drumming her fingers against the dark wood.
“Shit, Tamaya, why are you in my office?” he asked her with a hand on his chest.
She didn’t seem a little ashamed when she heard him scream. She didn’t even flinch.
“Shit, Hugh, why are you not in your office?” she asked him back.
She knew he didn’t like when people copied his exact words.
“Get off my desk,” he ordered her while walking towards it and sitting in his swivel leather chair. “You look super creepy waiting for me in the dark. Next time send a text”
Tamaya acted like she didn’t hear him. “I did,” she growled. “I did and you told me you were going to be here in a matter of minutes. What the hell happened there? What the hell was so important it made you think it was appropriate to leave me hanging here?”
Hugh opened one of the drawers (the bigger one) and found his uniform inside a plastic bag. It had a purple sticky note, and in permanent black sharpie, Simon had written his name with his wonderful, horrible calligraphy and drawn small hearts around it.
Hugh turned it into a small ball and threw it in the trash.
“Evander was here,” he reminded her as if she didn’t already know it. “I didn’t leave you hanging.”
“Evander doesn’t count. He’s asleep right now, actually.”
In Headquarters, they had a couple of rooms filled with beds, in case the patrol units needed to rest after a particularly long shift or wanted to take a nap before patrolling. For some reason, Evander liked to rest there, and if no one else was there, he even locked the door so no one was able to come in. Hugh thought it was very selfish of him to do that, but Evander assured him it was actually pretty comfortable (as if that was the problem he had with it) and Simon always told Hugh to let it go since it was something Evander only did after he finished his shift or was about to be up all night, just like the patrol units.
But he wasn’t going to let it go now. He decided that after putting on his uniform, he was going to kick the door down, grab him by the ankles, and throw him out of the bed.
Hugh closed the drawer. “Hey, I’m going to change my clothes, so—”
His lips sealed just as Tamaya put a hand on his shoulder.
Not like “I’m with you”.
More like…
“Move and I’m going to kick your ass.”
Hugh didn’t want to get his ass kicked that day.
“Answer. My. Question.” And she said it again. “What the fuck was so important it made you think it was appropriate to leave me hanging here?”
He tried to think of an excuse not to tell Tamaya the truth.
But, honestly, there wasn’t one. She was going to know all about it sooner or later.
“Max disappeared from the hospital.”
Tamaya let go of his shoulder and gasped. “What?—”
“Don’t worry,” he quickly added, “he’s fine, Adrian took him. Can I change now?” She sighed and then, she nodded. “Thanks. Hold the fort.”
Tamaya walked to the door and locked it, just to make sure no one was going to enter and see Captain Chromium, their boss, just wearing his underwear and trying to get into those tight leggings everyone had told him looked ridiculous since the moment he turned them into a crucial part of his superhero gear (and personality), but he kept wearing and will keep wearing until the day he died.
Hugh was going to hold on to that small piece of dignity he had left as if his life depended on it, because, maybe, just maybe, it kind of did.
So… one way to do it, was to make sure no one entered while he changed his clothes.
Tamaya could stay though. It would be stupid to put on an act of false modesty when Tamaya had seen all of them naked at some point in their lifes. However, the main difference between her and Evander, who had also seen everyone naked, was that Tamaya just remained quiet and closed the door almost as soon as she had opened it, while Evander started screaming so loud, that if they had had neighbors, they would have heard him say he had seen boobies (or a pee-pee, depending on the case) (he also hated the word pee pee thanks to that.)
Tamaya, respectful as she was, kept her eyes fixated on the ceiling. “So that’s why you were dressed up like that,” she mumbled. “I wouldn't change my clothes if my son went missing, either.”
That hadn’t exactly been the line of events, but what Tamaya didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. “How dare you. I have an incredibly good sense of fashion.”
Hugh was wearing a t-shirt, a hoodie, and ratty jeans.
In his defense, he hadn't done laundry that week.
That wasn’t a great defense, but still.
“Yeah, sure,” she scoffed. “When you entered, I thought you were an intruder and was about to get all defensive and shit.”
“Well, you’re not the only one—” he put his civilian clothes in the plastic bag “—When I went to the hospital, no one really recognized me at first either.”
Tamaya slightly smiled and then crossed her arms against her chest. “What do you mean Adrian took him?” she asked.
He stopped what he was doing for a couple of seconds. “I mean that,” he finally said. “He took him. Adrian got Max out of the hospital, took him somewhere else, and refused to tell us where he is.”
“And where’s Adrian now?”
“Patrolling with his team.”
Patrolling with his team.
As if he hadn’t kidnapped his brother and put in danger dozens of prodigies in the process.
As if he hadn’t worried them as if he had done before, because apparently, he was still too young and immature to comprehend that Max’s situation was something neither of them wished for, but at the same time, was a lot more complicated than he thought it was.
As if nothing had happened.
Tamaya stayed in complete silence until he sat down and remembered, he didn’t bring the boots that he wore with the superhero suit.
Those shoes didn’t even match the leggings.
“And what did you tell him?”
“Nothing. He didn’t give me the chance.”
Maybe if he stayed behind his desk until he finished his responsibilities of the day, no one would notice. And he could always exit through the backdoor.
“That kid. He wasn’t like that— Adrian had never done something like this before. I’m— I’m honestly shocked by his behavior.”
“You tell me.”
But he didn’t want to. Yet. He didn’t want to go to his house.
Not like that.
Not alone.
“What are you going to tell Adrian?”
And Adrian.
Alone, and with Adrian.
“What am I going to tell him?”
Tamaya nodded, and a wave of possible answers flooded his head.
Adrian, you’re in big trouble.
Adrian, you’re grounded for the rest of your life.
Adrian, please tell me where Max is, I’m begging you.
Adrian, grow up.
Adrian, your dad is not coming back for a very long time.
Your mom—
Because there is nothing that could be said.
Tamaya raised her eyebrows. “Nothing?” she doubtfully asked.
“You can’t say nothing to him,” she objected, incredulous. “That’s just not healthy.”
Hugh pretended he was going through the pages of a document someone had left for him on his desk. As if he could read those tiny letters without his glasses.
As if he couldn’t go years without talking to people.
Or about them.
“Hugh. Hugh, are you lis—”
“What did you want to talk about?”
When he realized he was rolling his eyes, it was too late to stop. He just kept talking and hoped Tamaya didn’t gouge them out. “You told me before you needed to talk to me,” he explained.
“No, I said we needed to talk,” she corrected him pointing at him with a finger. She was wearing black nail polish.
You see? You remember perfectly.
“Well, in case you were wondering—” he opened the document and started reading it “—I’m listening. What’s the situation?”
Tamaya didn’t have time to react to his words. If she was going to scream, start talking about what she (she, because Hugh didn’t want to), or genuinely gouge his eyes out, no one, probably not even Tamaya herself, would ever know.
A loud banging, stifled voices, and a very familiar yell interrupted them all of the sudden.
Hugh grasped tightly the pages of the document, while Tamaya grunted loudly and opened the door, her wings extended and bristly.
The loud banging and stifled voices went silent. But the familiar yell didn’t fear Tamaya.
Because he was that reckless.
Tamaya’s wings relaxed and she moved aside, letting Hugh see Adrian, still in his Renegade uniform, a little bit sweaty and dirty, like every time he came back from patrol. His team was sweaty and dirty too, but none of them had the same expression Adrian’s face had.
He seemed weird. Different.
He would dare to say he looked hopeful.
And the moments where they just stayed staring at each other, probably waiting for the other to make the first move, Hugh couldn’t figure out the reason why.  
She was innocent.
According to the Renegades, Nova Jean McLain was innocent.
They came to that resolution an hour and a half later.
When Adrian first told him Nova was innocent, he couldn’t understand what he was talking about, but Tamaya took control of the situation and immediately told Hugh to wake Evander up at the same time she told Adrian’s team to follow her.
Hugh didn’t kick the door down, but he did grab him by the ankles and made him wake up screaming.
Evander walked beside him, wearing a Blacklight t-shirt people sold at Cosmopolis Park and asking him questions about what was going on, but Hugh insisted he waited until the rest of them arrived because it was a delicate situation.
Extremely delicate.
So delicate, Hugh thought it would break like a roof made of glass and the sharp pieces would rain all over their heads, cutting their bodies like a piece of rotten fruit.
At the meeting room, Tamaya was talking to Kasumi over the phone they kept there in case of an emergency, and Adrian was gathered with his team. He was the only one who had bothered to pretend that he wasn’t worried at all because Oscar Silva and Ruby Tucker couldn’t stop throwing glances at each other, and Danna Bell shook her head every once in a while, saying something that sounded like “You’re making a mistake. You all are making a mistake.”
Oddly enough, he hoped she was right. He hoped Adrian and everyone who believed him was just making a mistake, so things wouldn’t get more complicated than they already were.
That was not going to look good for them.
Kasumi and Simon arrived ten minutes after Tamaya hung up the phone. Neither of them were wearing their uniforms or bothering to look at Hugh. Actually, Kasumi walked directly towards Tamaya to apparently ask her something (and Evander followed her because he was Evander), while Simon immediately went over Adrian, turned around the spinning chair he was sitting on, and hugged him, without caring a single bit about embarrassing in front of his team.
Adrian hugged him back. But then, he pulled him away to tell him he knew for a fact Nightmare was not Nova, but instead, Narcissa Cronin, Gene Cronin’s granddaughter.
Simon remained calm, and rubbing Adrian’s arms, told him that was a pretty serious accusation.
“But tell us all about it.”
And Adrian did. He and his team told them all about it.
Mostly him though.
He told them about them encountering Narcissa Cronin and that she explained her evil plans to them, in extreme detail. She planted evidence to make Nova seem guilty because, after the parade, she wanted to get the Renegades off her back, and Nova was the perfect person to incriminate for her crimes. She considered it her revenge against the Renegades for not doing anything when Ingrid Thompson shot the only family she had left, but after hearing a rumor of her execution, she realized she didn’t want Nova to die in the hands of the Renegades.
Not because she cared about her. She just had principles.
Or those were the words Adrian used, that made him question himself if he wanted to see her dead.
Because even when he gave Frostbite— or, Genissa Clark, permission to be the one to execute her, he still didn’t know if he did because he was sure it was the right thing…
Or because he was scared.
Which still— didn’t answer his question.  
Do you really want to see Nova McLain dead?
He wasn’t sure about it.
Tamaya, on the other hand, was.
She didn’t want to see Nova McLain dead.
And apparently, neither did Kasumi and Simon, because as soon as Adrian finished telling his side of the story, they immediately started talking about removing all charges that had been filed against her to get her out of Cragmoor as soon as possible. Evander tried to interrupt them and insisted that maybe they needed to hear the rest of the team (who had barely spoken through the entire conversation), as well as to go to the scene to look for clues. Danna Bell agreed with him and tried to take the word, but Tamaya stated they didn’t need to hear anything else, because the more they stayed there, listening, the more time an innocent girl stayed in prison. When Evander tried to argue again, Tamaya looked at Hugh, silently asking him to support her.
The five members of the Council knew the glass roof they had been standing under for God knows how much time, had shattered completely.  
The least Hugh could do was use his entire body to try to protect them from it.
So he agreed with Tamaya, and said, out loud, that Nova McLain was free of all charges.
Tucker and Silva smiled as soon as they heard him say that, and Bell just sighed. Adrian let out a “Yes!” under his breath and turned around to say, “Thank you.”
Evander just rolled his eyes and started playing with a pencil he found there, but Tamaya and Kasumi smiled at him, and Simon said, “No, Adrian, thank you.”
Before leaving the room with the rest of his team, Adrian cast a glance at Hugh.
But Hugh pretended he didn’t realize until Danna Bell told Adrian to keep going and he obeyed.
The Council stayed in the meeting room for a little while, to put all the cards on the table and make sure they understood each of the steps they had to take to get Nova McLain out of Cragmoor. Evander and Hugh were the only ones who didn’t participate in the conversation at all, but while Evander was doing it because he knew anything he had to say was going to be completely ignored and was mad about it, Hugh didn’t do it because he couldn’t take his eyes away from Simon.
Even if Simon wasn’t looking at him at all.
He talked with his hands. A lot. When they were teens, he remembered Simon constantly kept his hands in his pockets, especially when they were in public, so he wouldn’t draw any kind of attention to himself, and only dared to do it when he was at his house or very excited or sad about something. But now that he was an adult, he gesticulated even more, even during the most serious of conversations, with no shame at all. Hugh always had thought it was an adorable quirk of his, and being able to see him grow and embrace that part of himself (and get emotional when Kasumi pointed out Adrian was starting to talk with his hands too) felt like something very personal to him.
Every single thing that had to do with Simon felt so personal to him.
He wasn’t his other half. Hugh had once said that to him, and Simon confessed he found that “compliment” pretty problematic, and he couldn’t help but agree to him.  
Simon was more than that. It was something so much more important, so much, that the way he scratched his beard, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the ceiling to try to remember the word he wanted to say, made him realize how much he missed him already.
He missed him already; and he was right there, inches away from him.
Simon was his home.
And his house wouldn’t feel like it if he arrived there without him.
So when Tamaya dismissed all of them, he decided to make something about it.
That night, he would go back to his house with Simon— or he was not going back at all.
Adrian was leaning against the wall, waiting for them while playing with his keys. His team was nowhere to be seen, which was completely understandable considering how late  it was. As soon as he saw them walking through the door, he started to walk towards them, almost ignoring how Evander accidentally pushed him while trying to get out of there as soon as possible.
Then, he asked, “Are we going home now?”
And even if he was looking at Hugh when he said that, Hugh, instead of answering him, turned to see Simon. Not only because he knew that if he opened his mouth, the only thing that would come out of it would be… something not very nice about what he thought about Adrian’s behavior over the last hours; but also because, at that point, it all depended on what Simon had to say about it.
Even if he didn’t know it.
Are we going home now, Simon?
But instead of answering the question, Simon smiled at him, and rubbing Adrian’s arms, told him, “I think Tamaya’s going to drop you at the house. You could do that, right?”
Tamaya and Kasumi were standing behind them. “Yeah, of course, I can.”
“Are you going to carry me in your arms and take me for a flight?”
“Funny. What about if you carry me, huh?”
“I can.”
“I cannot allow it though. It wouldn’t be very feminist of me.” Adrian laughed at her joke, and she pretended to act all cocky about it, brushing off her shoulders and trying not to smile. “Let’s go. Kasumi—”
“It’s all right. I arrived with Simon, my car’s here.”
Tamaya told her it was all right and then pointed at the elevator to tell Adrian they needed to get going. Both women started walking beside him, being slowly, but closely followed by Simon, letting Hugh standing where he was, probably waiting for him to follow them or—
Or maybe not.
But Hugh didn’t want to follow them.
He just wanted him.
Adrian didn’t stop; the adults, however, did.
He was so happy, so relieved to see Simon turn around when he called his name, he didn’t even care that Tamaya and Kasumi also did it, with an expression on their faces he couldn’t tell what they meant.
That was enough for him to blur out his question.
“Can we talk?”
Simon slightly opened his mouth, but before saying anything, he turned to see his friends, for a reason Hugh didn’t understand (and didn’t bother to think about it).
Adrian called for the elevator, and realized, everyone was literally just standing there, without moving, and all their eyes were fixated on Simon. “Um… guys?”
Tamaya was the first one to come back to reality. “Wait for me in the car, Adrian, I’ll be there in a minute.”
He didn’t give it too much thought and nodded.
Simon still hadn’t said anything when Adrian left in the elevator. But now that his presence was gone, Hugh felt enough courage and serenity to— beg, he guessed.
“Please. Can we talk?”
Please. Please, please, please—
“Yes,” Simon said. “Yes, we can talk.”
He smiled. Just a little bit. Because Simon didn’t move towards him after he accepted. Instead, he stayed right where he was, as if he was in a line to get something from a store and if he moved, he was going to lose his place and the thing he had been waiting for hours to get.
After waiting for a good ten awkward seconds for Kasumi and Tamaya to keep walking, he realized they had no intention of doing so. And also, he realized that he didn’t want to talk with them either. Not at that moment.
At that moment, the only thing, the only person that mattered, was Simon.
“Could we… maybe go somewhere else more private?” he mumbled while scratching his eyebrow and trying not to make eye contact with any of the girls.
Simon clicked his tongue and glanced at Tamaya and Kasumi. “I’ll be back in a second.”
Or not.
The few instants they were walking towards the meeting room, Hugh looked at Simon’s hands, wondering when it would be the right moment to sneakily touch them, like he did when he was in love with him but still didn’t know it.
But Simon had his hands deep inside his pockets.
The only light that came into the room was the light of the few lightbulbs that illuminated the corridor; they turned off the majority of them during the night, not only because there weren't that many people around, but also to save electricity. Hugh entered first and Simon didn’t completely close the door behind him, only enough for no one to be able to see what they were doing in case some other Renegade was around there and walked past the room.
After that, Simon closed his eyes, grabbed tons of air, and then let it all go with a sigh. When he finally looked him in the eyes, Hugh realized it was the first time he did that after their fight in the kitchen.
And he realized all of that had happened in one day.
What a day. He bet they would remember it for the rest of their lives.
He hoped they wouldn’t. He hoped, and he hoped, even if his rational part told him it was not going to happen because memories didn’t work that way at all, but he kept hoping anyway, and started searching for the correct combination of words he needed for Simon to also forget about that day.
Hugh was willing to ignore everything they had gone through during that day. He would take Simon’s silence, words, and indifference, put it all inside a box, and then throw it at the back of his memories and never be opened again, if Simon was willing to do the same for Hugh’s cries, screams, and feelings.
He was even willing to let Simon stay mad at him for the rest of the night if that was what he needed. Yes, he could handle a night like that. He could be the one to stare at Simon’s back, for Simon to take a break from staring at his almost all the time they got into bed. He would do anything for him.
And he just wanted him to do one thing: to ignore everything that had just happened.
While his mind was still trying to come up with how he was going to put all those thoughts into words, he caressed Simon’s cheek to buy himself a couple of extra seconds. But when Simon tensed and clenched his jaw, instead of tilting his head a little bit and putting his own hand over his, like he did every time Hugh touched his face like that, he knew there was nothing he couldn’t let more time go by.
Suddenly, his eyes were fixated on Simon’s lips. The same small, bitten, and dry lips he had contemplated for so many years, they felt like his own, and tasted like peppermint, a little bit of coffee, and sometimes even lavender.
When Simon opened them to speak, Hugh went from having absolutely no clue of what to do, to being absolutely sure of what he needed to do.
So he just did it.
He just placed his lips on top of Simon’s and kissed him.
At first, Simon didn't break the kiss. Instead, he went with the flow and kissed him back, as if he had been craving that kiss for months.
And he probably did. It was just that Hugh, suddenly, didn't.
Like. He thought he had. But now that he was there, with one hand holding Simon's head, and Simon's about to touch his hips, he started to feel like there was something very wrong with that situation.
But he was desperate. He wanted him back. He wanted him back and if that meant kissing him when he didn't feel like it, he was going to do it.
He would do everything for Simon.
He would never give up on him.
He just really wanted him to know that.
And really wanted to know if Simon hadn't given up on him either.
Simon kissed him one last time, raised his hands, put them on Hugh’s chest—
And pushed him away.
He pushed him away so suddenly, he tripped on his own feet and hit his head against the wall.
It didn't hurt though.
Still, the only thing he could answer to that, with Simon staring at him, realization dawning on his face, was a really fake:
Suddenly, Simon snapped. “What the fuck was that? Hugh, what the fuck was that?” he insisted. “Did you— do you really think that treating me as if I were a— a fucking animal, you're going to get something from me? Where do you think I have my brain? Huh? Where!?”
Hugh didn't respond. And Simon wasn't taking it. “Where?! Answer me! Where, where, where—”
Simon raised his hands above his head, and started pulling his own hair, hid his face with his arms, and just— broke down.
In a million pieces.
That was enough to make him flinch.
He preferred he pushed him again. Hell, Simon could slap him for kissing him without telling him he was going to do it first, and it would be much better than watching him suffer like that.
“Where, where—” he cried “—Stars, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for pushing you, it was— are you— I'm so sorry, lo—” and let out a loud sob.
Hugh kept gazing at his crying husband for a while.
“Do you really think that low of me?”
And kept pulling his hair. And his face remained hidden. His cries only became louder and louder, and Hugh didn't dare to move, much less to touch him, because even if he wanted with all his might to hold him and grabbed him by the wrists so he didn't continue hurting himself, he knew it would be useless.
Everything was useless.
“Stop that,” he finally dared to say.
He didn't say “No, I don't.”
He didn't say “Of course I don't think badly of you.”
He didn't even say he loved him.
He told him to stop.
Stop what?
“No, you stop!” Simon shrieked. “Stop whatever the hell you're doing, stop it. You're hurting me.”
You're hurting me.
He looked at his hands. Fortunately, they were completely dry and have not a single drop of chromium coming out of them.
But they felt as if they were on fire. And heavy.
Is that how they were supposed to feel when they were hurting someone?
And if they felt this heavy, and this hot, and this horrible, in how much heavy, hot, horrible pain could the other person be?
No, really: in how much?
How could you explain pain to someone who couldn't feel it?
And like an idiot, he asked back, “Why what?”
Simon removed his arms from his face and looked him dead in the eye for what he knew would be the last in time.
“Why do you have to make everything worse, Hugh?”
Hugh didn’t answer his question, and Simon didn’t answer his either.
A question he never got the chance to ask but was at the back of his mind.
Have you given up on me yet?
Hugh didn't come out of the meeting room until he was sure no one else was around. Until the elevator had gone and came back four times, and until his head felt so dizzy, he would faint if he didn't sit down.
He looked around, making sure nobody saw him, went to his office, and put a lock in the door. Hugh didn't want anyone to interrupt him. He had a lot of paperwork to do if he wanted to get Nova out of Cragmoor as soon as the sun came out.
It wasn’t the first time he had slept at his office. It had never been because he wanted to, but because he absolutely had to. Somedays, he would have so many responsibilities, that his normal working hours were not enough for him to finish them all. It was a little uncomfortable since the desk wasn’t the best place one could sleep on, and sometimes he didn’t have the energy to get up and go to Max’s quarantine room, to at least have the opportunity to sleep on a bed and an excuse to have a little more time with him.
Those nights, when he had to put his head on the desk and use his arms as a pillow, he would wake up and realized someone had put a blanket over his shoulders. And he always knew that someone had been Simon because the blanket smelled a little bit like him.
Even if Max’s quarantine area hadn’t been destroyed and he could go there to sleep, he wouldn’t have done it. Max wouldn’t be there. It wouldn’t be the same with him moving like he was possessed by a demon and kicking him in his sleep.
Which was something also Simon did.
The day Nova was released from prison, Simon stayed at Kasumi’s house. She didn’t comment anything about it and Tamaya had been the one who told him that the reason he didn’t come to work was that he had a headache. Hugh never asked her about it, but she informed him anyways. For some reason, he pretended not to be very concerned about it and just mumbled he hoped he felt better tomorrow.
When he woke up, after his second night of sleeping on his desk, he considered the crazy idea Kasumi and Evander had told him of getting sofas for each one of his offices; idea that he had brushed off because he thought they would only waste space, but now regretted he hadn’t listened to.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have an extra uniform for that day, so he just prayed the one he was wearing was clean enough for nobody to notice he hadn’t changed his clothes that morning, put on a lot of deodorant and cologne to hide the fact he hadn’t showered, and went out through one of the back doors, just to enter again a couple of minutes later through the front door, pretending he had just arrived from home and hadn’t stayed there all night.
As soon as he entered, he told Sampson if he could please notify him when Nova arrived at Headquarters. He didn’t ask for an explanation as to why he wanted that, but accepted anyway, clearly excited for having her back with them.
Hugh wasn’t… excited. Or happy, for that matter. Not that he wasn’t happy that she wasn't locked up anymore— of course he was happy she wasn’t locked up anymore.
What he was feeling reminded him more of when Simon, Evander, and he were playing a game they liked to call “Tag, you’re straight”, that consisted of the three of them throwing balls against a random wall at the same time, and then doing their best to dodge them while pushing the others so they get hit. Then, whoever got hit, would be smacked on the back of his head, and the other two would yell “Tag, you’re straight!”. It was a game he really liked and they kept playing even when they weren’t teens anymore, since in their family, bullying Evander was a great bonding activity, and “Tag, you’re straight” was the perfect opportunity to do so, especially because, as far as everyone knew, Evander was, in fact, straight, so that made everything ten times funnier when he got hit by a ball and got mad about it.
And yes, everything was fun and laughs, until Hugh broke a window, and a very angry Tamaya practically kicked the door down to ask them what the fuck had happened, yelling at the three of them for a good two or five minutes.
Even if Hugh had been the one who broke the window, everyone (even Kasumi, who was in the bathroom when the whole thing happened) helped clean up the mess and got cardboard to cover what now would be considered a hole in the wall, so the cold wind and dust wouldn't get in the house. It seemed like Tamaya had gotten a lot out of her system after yelling at them, because she chuckled at the jokes Evander and Simon made about the situation, saying that Hugh’s new power was turning straight everyone (and everything) he touched and that now the window was “one of them”. Hugh wanted to laugh too, but at the same time, he could only ask himself how she was going to react when she arrived home and realized what he had done.
And of course he wanted her to come home, as he always wanted every time she got out, to make sure she was still safe and sound, and so they could tell each other about their day and what they had done while the other wasn’t around. But now, he was also worried. And ashamed.
It was a combination of happiness, expectation, worry, and shame.
And he didn’t like it one bit.
So when Sampson let him know, after a while, Nova McLain was there, what he really heard, was Simon’s voice telling him she had arrived.
He knew it wasn’t the same person. But it felt pretty similar.
He made sure he didn’t look like a dead body before going to the first floor while making mental notes of what he was going to say to Nova.
Her situation had always been one that was pretty delicate, but now it had taken a new turn. A simple “I’m sorry”, with only those words, wouldn’t be enough for her, because it wouldn’t be enough for him either. He knew how Cragmoor was.
Hugh wanted— needed her to feel as if she belonged to the Renegades. Because, yeah, she did, but he knew that when she was back in her cell, she probably didn’t feel that way, and if he let this one slide, it would become a problem sooner or later.
Probably much more sooner than later.
It wasn’t like he was going to lie to her face or something; he just was going to point in the right direction. For her.
When the elevator doors finally opened, he spotted Nova surrounded by Adrian’s team (but no Adrian in sight). Silva and Tucker were smiling at her and touching her, but Bell, who was used to keep her hands to herself when it came to physical touch, just stayed there, watching her friends greet her without actually participating in the conversation that was happening in front of her. Actually, she was the first one to leave Nova alone after Silva said something about going out to eat (and Hugh could clearly listen to him because Silva didn’t know how to keep his voice down, so when he went to their house, he could hear everything he said to Adrian, even the most embarrassing parts), an invitation Nova rejected, even after they insisted her to got with them. Hugh decided to take that as an opportunity to talk to her.
Nova was a Renegade.
And the Renegades didn’t turn their backs on each other.
The feeling that he had just thought something pretty hypocrite started to creep at the back of his mind, when someone very small bumped against his chest, and before he could mumble a mechanic apology and keep walking, he realized that very small someone was Nova.
He had to think fast.
“Oops, sorry, Nova.”
He could call her Nova, right? Insomnia felt way too formal. And McLain seemed a little bit aggressive. Plus, she was Adrian’s girlfriend— or that was the last thing he had known about the topic. If they had broken up, Hugh would have probably received a memo or something. He didn't have Max or Simon with him to ask them about what they knew about it. They probably would tell him to go ask Adrian directly though, and that was something Hugh was not willing to do because he was still not talking to Adrian.
“Uh… hi,” Nova stammered.
Then, being completely aware he could break her hand’s bones if he grabbed her too hard, gave her a handshake as carefully as he could.
But still solid enough to show her he was being serious.
“I asked Sampson to let me know when you came in. I wanted to be one of the first to welcome you back to the team.”
“Oh. Thanks.”
He released her hand and stopped smiling.
The conversation couldn’t die there. He needed more.  
“And I wanted to offer you a formal apology for this abysmal misunderstanding,” he added. “I’m ashamed to think how we treated you, as one of our own, when your loyalty and dedication has been so unwavering. It’s just…” What was the word? “all this turmoil that’s been going on lately, you know? The parade, Cosmopolis Park, the attack on headquarters, Ace Anarchy… sometimes I feel like we’re jumping through hoops set on fire, and every one of them is a little bit smaller. If we don’t keep ahead of all the threats and dangers, then one of these days, the whole thing will go up in flames.”
That was a good analogy. And he had just come up with that one.
Apparently, Nova thought it had been a good analogy too, because she chuckled and said, “Well, good thing you’re invincible, at least.”
“Yeah, I might be,” he shrugged, “but there are people I care about that don’t have that luxury, and I’m just doing what I can to protect them. I hope you understand that we did what we had to do, given the circumstances.”
The circumstances, he thought.
Nova had people she loved. Adrian had mentioned she had an uncle before, as far as he could remember. She had proved to be pretty passionate about the things she cared about, and he bet that she would do anything to protect the only family she had left.
The circumstances didn’t matter. They never mattered as long as the people one loved were safe.
She would understand.
She had to understand.
And fortunately, she did.
“Of course,” Nova answered, with a smile on her lips.
“Good.” Good. Everything was working out as he wanted to. “Because you are a part of the Renegades family now,” and he added, feeling a little too inspired, “and it’s important to me and all the Council that everyone here feels like they’re being treated fairly.  That they are part of this team.”
You’re a Renegade, Nova.
And the Renegades don’t turn their backs on each other.
And as if Nova had listened to his thoughts, she lifted her chin and said, “I don’t blame you and the Council for what happened. You were given information and you had to act on it. I understand why you did what you did. But—”
Hugh had to use all his might not to growl or roll his eyes as soon as he heard that word.
He couldn’t appear too relieved because something was always going to get in the way.
“—I was surprised by the whole execution thing.”
Me too.
Honestly, me too.
“Yes…” he agreed, “it’s unfortunate that we… Well, I hate to think about what you went through.” Then, just to make sure the point was cleared, he quickly said, “But I am so glad it’s all worked out.”
Isn't it?
“Yes, it worked out for me, thankfully,” she answered, putting a lot of emphasis on “for me”, by slowing her voice “But I have to admit that I’d always wanted to believe the Renegades were, well, above capital punishment. To end someone’s life, giving them no possible chance for restitution, and to do it without even offering a fair trial, it seems—” she frowned and put her index finger in the space between her nose and her lips “—how do I say this? A little villainous.”
As soon as Hugh heard that, he chuckled.
Because telling her to stop talking back to him and go to her room was not an option, and he didn’t know what else to do.
“To be fair,” he mentioned, “we did believe you were Nightmare, and Nightmare did try to kill me.”
But most importantly, she tried to kill Max. And should probably go for Adrian and Simon next, if they didn’t stop her soon. Something he should be making sure they did, but couldn’t leave the conversation, because Nova still had a lot to say about the matter.
“I’m aware of that,” Nova agreed “but… don’t you think she would at least deserve another chance?”
During the whole conversation, he had tried to stay as impassive as possible, only showing the right amount of emotion on his features for him to be able to get his point across. However, he didn’t do a good job on that specific moment, because Nova’s tone quickly changed.
“Or, maybe not Nightmare, specifically,” she withdrew. “But think about it. I was in that prison—wrongfully, yes—but it still gave me time to think about my life and my choices, and to decide that, if I ever got out of there, I would do things differently. The Renegades have to be willing to look beyond the mistakes of the past and understand that people can change.” Nova shook her head. “And I’m not talking about the execution, either. I know you’ll never forgive Ace Anarchy for what he did, and maybe you’ll never forgive Nightmare, either—”
At least we can agree on that.
And the only reason they could agree on that, was because Hugh was hearing her words as if she were talking to him underwater, and instead of focusing on what she was saying, he could only focus on her gestures, her hands, and, for some reason, her eyes.
But weirdly enough, he only did it when she wasn’t looking in his.
“—But there are dozens of prodigies on that island, some who have been there for more than a decade. And yet—” she raised her finger “—we have no systems in place to see if they really are as dangerous as we think they are. To see if they deserve the punishment they’re receiving. Maybe some of them want to become useful citizens in this world;” she shrugged, “maybe some of them deserve that. But you want to strip their powers from them, without even giving them a chance to explain why they did the things they did or how they’ve changed in the years since. Many of them are still being persecuted for crimes they committed in the Age of Anarchy…” Nova clicked her tongue before asking, “I mean, didn’t you do anything during that time that you’re not proud of?”
Nova asking him something so directly made him realize his jaw had been clenched during the whole conversation with no apparent reason at all. Then, a lot of things he wasn’t proud of doing during the Age of Anarchy started to come to his mind, and he had to stop his brain from doing that, because if the memories kept running, they were going to get to a point of no return, and no one would like what they were going to see.
Because when he first did, something broke inside of him.
No. It didn’t break.
It died.
Something died.
“We did what we had to do to stop the villain gangs, to bring order and peace,” he answered. “We would do it again if we had to.”
He would do it again. Most of it.
Only most of it.
She arched an eyebrow. “Even if that meant doing things that you wouldn’t allow today as part of the Code Authority?”
He clenched his jaw again and pinched his lips, only that this time, he knew exactly why he had done it.
“Maybe some of those prisoners did things that were… justified, in some way,” Nova continued. “Maybe they stole things because there were no jobs back then. Maybe they fought against authority because authority abused and ostracized people like them. Maybe they would choose differently now, if we only gave them a chance.”
Give them another chance. Chances.
Nova seemed to be really interested in chances. But Hugh had learned that the world didn’t always give second chances to people, not even to those who deserve it the most, and the sooner Nova learned that, the less the world would hurt her.
He had to stop her right there before realization hit her in the face.
When his kids were little and did something wrong, he (or Simon) would kneel in front of them and make it clear why their behavior was wrong, so they knew exactly the reason they were being grounded. Now, Nova was not his kid, and especially, she wasn't exactly a kid anymore. But she was still young, and if he could do something to protect her, he would do it.
He couldn’t apply the same technique he applied with Adrian and Max. However, he could definitely show her the right path and hope she knew, it was for her own good.
And, again, she would understand.
She had to understand.
“Nova… I can tell you’re passionate about this,” he started, and clearly noticed how her jaw tensed too, “but… you have to understand that the people in that prison aren’t like you. You were innocent. You shouldn’t have been there in the first place. While they are criminals and villains, practically savages some of them.”
But to his surprise—
Nova didn’t.
“How do you know?” she spatted. “How many of them have you talked to recently? Or for that matter, how many of them ever received a fair trial?”
Hugh sighed and took a look at his surroundings. There were a lot of Renegades around them, pretending to be on their own thing, but clearly listening to the entire conversation for who knows how long.
He couldn't scream at them. Not again.
Nova, on the other hand, was also looking around but didn't appear as angry as Hugh was.
Maybe because she couldn't understand the severity of the conversation they were having.
“What are you suggesting?” he asked her, lowering his voice. Nova returned his attention to him. “That we postpone the Agent N reveal until we can… what, interview them?” then, he added, scoffing, “Or should we devote our resources to gathering evidence from ten years ago, all so we can prove what we already know? They are villains,” Hugh reminded her.
And in response, she reminded him, “I’m not a villain. But that wasn’t going to stop you from executing me.”
Hugh didn't doubt Nova's innocence. At least, not anymore. But, when she said it that way, she sounded so convincing and so sure of her words, that he wondered why he had thought she was Nightmare in the first place.
“And no,” Nova continued, “I’m not suggesting you postpone the reveal for a while, I’m suggesting you postpone it indefinitely.”
He stepped back, feeling shocked by the determination in her voice.
And her audacity.
That audacity.
Simon always said that one shouldn't be quick to judge other people's actions because there was always a reason why they were acting like that. Within those words (and Simon, always Simon) in mind, Hugh thought that there had to be a reason behind her audacity, and it couldn't be the one he was starting to think it was.
Nova didn't flinch at his reaction and continued to talk as confidently as before. “In fact, I think you should destroy Agent N. All of it. Along with any possibility that it could ever be re-created.”
Maybe it was resentment.
Maybe those were her ideas about good and bad.
Maybe it was that she was scared of losing her powers herself.
So he went with that, and recited the exact words he had been thinking about since Genissa Clark had been neutralized, and that he had been saying to each Renegade that expressed that very same concern. “If this is about what happened to Frostbite and her team, it’s important for everyone to know that we are working to ensure the safety of all Renegades—”
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” Nova interrupted him violently. “This isn’t about the patrol units or figuring out how to defend ourselves more efficiently or any of that” she clenched her fist, closed her eyes, and exclaimed, “The world doesn’t revolve around the Renegades!”
Suddenly, a shadow rose and turned into the familiar silhouette of the man who had used the exact same words years before Nova entered into his life.  
Hugh (and the rest of the world) would’ve been able to recognize his face on any occasion. At first, the only thing that made him less afraid of him was the knowledge that, at least, he didn't know how his face looked like, because he always hid it behind a mask and that made him have something to use against him that couldn't be used against Hugh.
Now, he knew how his face looked.
Now they could be… considered equals.
Even if Hugh had promised himself he would never let the power corrupt him the same way it had corrupted him.
He was better than him.
He would always be better than him.
But since no one could be better than him, Ace Anarchy's silhouette looked at him, raised an eyebrow,  and echoed, “The world doesn’t revolve around the Renegades. And the sooner Captain Chromium learns that, the less the world is going to hurt him and his cause.”
She shook her hands a little, but her eyes didn't open, and the shadow didn't disappear. “Isn’t it our responsibility to bridge the gaps between people?” she asked, more calmly than before. “To recognize that we all have to live in this world together? We need to start seeing other prodigies, not as villains, but as—” she blinked twice “—well, other human beings, who maybe aren’t so different from us after all. I want to believe that we can close this divide between us, but… Agent N isn’t the answer.”
Ace out his hands over Nova's shoulders.
“But that’s all the Anarchists have to say about the matter.”
And when their gazes locked, it hit him.
Someone was looking at him through Nova's eyes, and he immediately knew who it was because he recognized the feeling from when he looked at Adrian's and for those seconds he dared to do it, he didn't see his son, but her.
Through her eyes, he could see, for the split of a second, the man who had tried to stop Ace Anarchy even before they knew exactly how to do it. He saw the man who felt as if he had been a coward during all those years for staying by the Anarchist’s side, but in reality, was one of the best ones out of the bunch, because in the end, he had been able to have the courage to do what was right.
And she said that one cannot be brave who has no fear.
He wanted to get close to her. He wanted to kneel, grab her by the shoulders, and take a closer look at her, just to be completely sure he wasn't going crazy, because it for sure sounded crazy and maybe Hugh was indeed a little bit crazy, but he was also desperate enough to do all of those things he was thinking about just to get an answer once and for all.
But Ace's hands were still on her shoulders.
And she seemed so far.
And he feared it would happen again. Like when he saw Adrian's eyes, looking for her, just to realize she wasn't really there.
The Artino girl wasn't there either.
All the Artinos had been killed during that same night and nothing was going to bring them back.
“I know this is coming from a place of good intentions,” he stated. “I don’t expect you to understand the challenges facing our world of the difficult decision we’ve had to make, but I can assure you that none of our decisions have been made lightly.”
None of them.
Not a single one.
“I know that, but—”
“Everything the Council has done these past years has been in service to the people of this world who need our help, for protection and justice. I’m afraid this isn’t up for debate, Nova. Our decision regarding Agent N, and the fate of those villains, has already been decided.” But before Nova McLain could object, he sentenced, “And our decision is final.”
He turned his back on her before she could do it, and pretended he didn't notice she kept following him with her eyes until the elevator doors closed, and he leaned his back against the wall, doing his best not to start hyperventilating.
She didn't turn your back on you.
She didn't fail you.
She died.
She just died.
He stayed the rest of the morning inside his office after that, without (luckily) no one entering his office to ask him about anything. Not even Evander did it, and he had this horrible habit of just bursting into their offices to pretend he needed to seriously talk about something to ignore his own responsibilities. Hugh hated when he did that, so when he heard someone knocking on his door, he was ready to yell at Evander to get the hell out of his office, as if he were a seventeen-years-old teenager again, saying, “EVANDER, GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” (only that this time, Evander wouldn’t be able to answer him with “WE SHARE THE ROOM, YOU CAPTAIN CU-”)
But Hugh didn’t have to yell anything, because it wasn’t Evander. It was Tamaya.
And whoever dared to yell at Tamaya could consider themselves a dead man.
“I’m going to get some take out for lunch,” she said, leaning against the door frame, “you want me to bring you something?”
Tamaya was the one who went out to get the others lunch each time they needed because she was able to fly to the coffee shop and get there a lot faster than any of them could. She didn’t seem to have a problem with it, even though she did have a lot of problems with a lot of things, and people taking advantage of her powers were one of them.
Maybe she liked to feel useful. Or maybe something she just needed to get out of there every once in a while.
“No, I’m fine,” he answered her.
“Oh, you brought something to eat then.”
“Of course.”
Tamaya wasn’t convinced by that answer.
“What did you bring?” she asked.
Without hesitation, Hugh opened one of his desk’s drawers. Fortunately, there was a can of soda that he didn’t know how had arrived there, but he was glad it did.
He took it out and showed it to her, pretending to be super proud of himself or something, and Tamaya rolled her eyes. “Well— if you don’t want anything, I won’t bring you anything.”
“That’s literally how things are supposed to work.”
She was about to leave when she remembered something. “Oh, by the way— Kasumi wants us to have lunch together.”
Hugh couldn’t help but growl. “Why?”
“Because she says so,” she answered him. “So take your… soda, and meet us at the dining room in half an hour.”
Hugh just went back to what he was doing and told her he was going to be there. Tamaya didn’t say anything else.
The Council didn’t eat at the cafeteria with the rest of the staff. They had a private dining room on the same floor their offices were. The cleaning staff never went there, because the six of them took turns to mop and sweep, and the main unspoken rule was “If you spill it, you clean it”. It was like when they lived all together in one house and had to work as a team to keep it clean, which Kasumi said was nice and brought her nice memories, but most of the time, Hugh thought it was a pain in the ass, since, obviously, sometimes people didn’t respect the unspoken rule, probably because they knew that someone else would be the one who would clean it anyways.
Just like when they lived together.
Only that, now, that someone was Hugh.
The dining room was mainly used by him and Simon. Sometimes Adrian went there to have lunch with them, but lately, he preferred to do it with his team. It wasn’t very common for the Council to eat together, because each one had their own schedule. He didn’t know why Kasumi suddenly wanted to do it and he thought it was a little bit annoying she didn’t take into consideration that maybe the rest of them had other things to do, but at the same time, couldn’t find a good reason for him to say no.
When the half an hour Tamaya said went by, he walked to the dining room and saw Kasumi for the first time that day.
She didn’t greet him or anything. Evander was with her, chattering about something that he didn’t comprehend, and didn’t want to know about, so he sat down on one of the chairs and completely ignored their conversation until Tamaya appeared uncomfortably sitting down in the chair beside him.
She didn’t bring him anything. Anything at all.
And, well… yes, Hugh had told her he didn’t want anything; but he always told her he didn’t want anything and she brought him something anyway. When one of them forgot their lunch, Tamaya bought them a sandwich or a sushi roll and basically stayed there until they finished the whole thing, and since Hugh was the one who forgot about his basic human needs the most, he had a lot of recent memories of Tamaya watching him eat, like a mother making sure her kid eat all his vegetables (which turned even more accurate when Hugh informed her he didn’t like green peppers and she told him to grow the fuck up and eat the damn thing.)
The next thing he knew, was that everyone was sitting at the table, eating their respective lunch in complete silence. Tamaya had bought a gyro, Kasumi was having a bowl of rice and pasta salad she had brought from home and was drinking a white milky beverage that Evander got for her when he went to the taco stand Oscar Silva and Adrian had told him about.
“You know how many calories are on those things?” Hugh asked Evander.
Evander looked at him and pointed at the soda he was drinking. “Is that all you’re having for lunch?”
He remained silenced for a little. “No…”
Tamaya rolled her eyes and Evander scoffed. “Evander, chips and soda do not count as lunch, eat grapes, grapes are the chips of nature,” he said in a ridiculous voice that intended to sound like Hugh’s (and didn’t). Kasumi snorted and tried to hide it by drinking some of her weird water/milk, but wasn’t able to. “Come on, Kasumi, make the Hugh voice,” Evander told her.
Don’t you dare.
Kasumi didn’t dare.
“Maybe later, Vandy,” she said, with a serious face. “Maybe later.”
“Come on!” he insisted, after taking a sip of his drink (the same he brought Kasumi). “Zoomie, you make a pretty good imitation of Hugh.”
Tamaya nodded. It was true; Kasumi was pretty good at imitating voices. He just wasn’t in the mood to hear them make fun of him.
Luckily, Kasumi wasn’t in the mood for that either. “Evander, I said no.”
Her voice was so severe and chilling, that Evander understood immediately. Tamaya asked him for a napkin, and the whole dining room fell silent again.
And it was also like when they lived together.
It hadn’t always been like that though.
“You know, this is the first time in, like, five years, I don't have any paperwork to fill,” Evander announced.
Literally nobody asked.
“Well, I do have tons of paperwork waiting for me on my desk,” Tamaya said, “I wouldn’t mind sharing it with you.”
“That’s low, dude, I’m telling—” he frowned and looked around “—Wait… where’s Simon?”
And with that simple question, the room’s silence turned into a completely different type of silence.
One that he could not only feel, but also touch. One that made his vision blurry, a lump in his throat, and his eyes water. One that it was more like a fog than silence.
One that he could tell came from an imaginary fire that was so dangerous, he always shared a look with someone to make sure they were also aware of the situation they were in.
Only that this time, he didn’t share a look with anyone.
Tamaya and Kasumi did though.
And then, they turned to see Hugh.
But he didn’t turn to see them back.
“He wasn’t feeling well,” Kasumi said. “So… he stayed home.”
Evander arched his eyebrows. “Huh. Again?—” he turned to see Hugh “—Does he have a cold?”
“Evander—” Tamaya said.
“What? Dude, I’m literally just asking.”
“Well, don’t ask,” Hugh blurted out. “It’s not of your business.”
“Not of your business,” then, he echoed, mockingly, “Dude.”
It’s not of anyone’s business.
He pretended he finished his soda and threw it in the can that was beside the water cooler close to the door. Even though the rest of them had just started eating, he saw no point in staying there longer than he already had. He had done enough by just being there for a while.
And he had other things to do.
Hugh excused himself and stood up. Neither Kasumi nor Tamaya said anything to him and just kept eating their lunches, probably because they already knew there was nothing that could be said.
But Evander didn’t know that.
So, before Hugh walked through the door, he said loud and clear:
“Someone didn’t get it last night.”
Kasumi got all pale and Tamaya started choking with her gyro. When they were able to recover from the initial shock, they cast an expecting and preoccupied glance at Hugh, waiting for his reaction for what felt like hours, and not seconds.
It took him a lot of time to process those words. He considered himself someone who reacted pretty quickly to everything, but the words Evander said to him were like freezing water, or a blow to the face, or…
Those things that would never be able to hurt him, but for some reason, if they were cold or powerful enough, would disorient him for a couple of seconds, before he would be able to get back up again and do something about it.
So at that moment, the only way he could react was asking him:
“What did you say to me?”
Evander raised an eyebrow and smirked. “I said you didn’t get it. You know”
But everyone pretended to not know what he was talking about.
Seeing they didn't react the way he expected them to, he frowned and clicked his tongue. “You didn’t tap that ass. You didn’t do the PP. He didn’t rub your silver spe—”
Kasumi got all red. “Evander—”
“I’m explaining it to him, I’m explaining it to him,” he told her as if trying to calm her down. “Let me finish the last one, I’ve been wanting to say that joke for months.”
Tamaya left her gyro on the plate and massaged her temple. “Evander, seriously, shut the fu—”
“Wait, no, I got this—” he chuckled, put his elbows on the table, closed his eyes “—Your hubby didn’t make love to you last night?” And then, after opening his eyes again, he added, “Darling.”
And with that, Hugh lost his head.
He went there.
He really went there, and the worst part was, he probably didn't even realize that.
He closed the door violently and screamed, “THAT'S IT.”
He threw himself at Evander before he could process what was happening. But Tamaya and Kasumi were a lot faster than him, and swiftly got in between the two of them, Tamaya grabbing Hugh by the shoulders and pulling him back, and Kasumi pushing Evander out of his way.
Tamaya and Kasumi finally managed to put them behind each of them, creating a weird barrier between the two. And even if they were almost as tall as the two of them were, they still weren't tall enough to completely block each other from the other's view. Hugh could perfectly see Evander paralyzed by his reaction, almost tripping with his own feet because of how much Kasumi kept pushing him and having to hold all of his weight on a chair to not fall backward.
But that still wasn't enough to stop him from shitting on him.
“Evander, lower your voice,” Kasumi urged him, “people will hear you.”
“Tell him to lower his voice!” he answered pointing at Hugh with the palm of his hand. “He started it! HE’S THE ONE WHO'S ACTING LIKE A FUCKING LUNATIC!”
Kasumi didn't agree with him directly. Instead, she turned around, looked at him from head to toe, slightly closing her eyes and pressing her lips, and before she even opened her mouth, he already knew he didn't want to listen to anything she had to say.
She hadn't listened to him first.
But now she was going to.
Everyone there was going to hear him.
“Hugh, I think—”
“Why did you tell him?” he asked.
Evander frowned even more. “Huh? Tell me what?”
But Kasumi barely moved.
“Why did you have to run to Evander and tell him about my personal life?” he kept asking her. “No, the real question is,” he scoffed, “why do you feel the necessity to get in my personal life, Kasumi?!”
Now it was Evander the one who carefully pushed Kasumi aside and put her behind him, but before he could scream at him or punch him in the face, knowing perfectly well that wouldn't do anything, Tamaya put his whole arm in front of him, giving him a deathly look, and Kasumi slightly touched his shoulder, completely poker-faced.
And for some reason that made him even angrier.
She had no right to act like she was the sane one in the situation.
“It’s not only your personal life,” she explained to him in a calm voice. “It’s also Simon’s. And I’m not getting into your personal life, he was the one who told us what was going on.”
“Us,” he echoed.
Tamaya let her arms down to her sides. “Yeah. Us. He told us everything.”
Evander didn't take her distraction as an opportunity to punch Hugh. “Everything?” he asked instead.
“Everything,” Hugh repeated.
But he wasn't answering Evander's question.
“Yeah, that’s great,” he said, faking a smile. “That’s fucking great. He went with you and talked shit about me behind my back.” The words were coming out of his mouth before he could question them, “What a great fucking husband he—”
“Do not finish that sentence,” Kasumi ordered him, giving a step forward. “He wasn’t talking shit about you, he was worried. Simon was worried sick about you. He is worried sick about you.”
“Why— why is he worried about him?”
Everyone ignored him one more time.
Hugh crossed his arms. “Well, he doesn’t seem like it.”
Tamaya massaged her temple one more time and sighed. “Maybe if you—”
“Maybe if I do what?” he interrupted. “Should I make the first move? I already tried it, and it didn’t work.” He tried to scoff one more time, but what came out of him sounded more like a growl. “You should know; Simon must have told you.”
“Yes, he did,” Kasumi answered, shameless. She crossed her arms too and frowned. “That wasn’t right, Hugh.”
What do you know?
You weren’t there.
No one was there.
“No, everything was going fine.” He clenched his fists. “Look, I don’t know what Simon made you think, but we were fine.”
“Not kissing your husband for weeks and then trying to do it just to avoid talking with him about the issue doesn’t sound fine to me.”
Evander gasped. “Wait, you actually haven’t been getting it—”
Hugh laughed out loud, and even he could notice he sounded like an absolute maniac. “You too? You too are going to pull that card on me?” he questioned her. “I do kiss him, and I do hug him, and we do have sex, and I shouldn’t be telling you any of these things, because these are private details of my life you shouldn’t know about! My private life is completely okay.”
Tamaya took him by surprise.
“But are you okay?”
Her voice sounded so soft, so calm, and so genuinely concerned, that he didn’t dare to lie to her, or to even look at her when he answered:
“Again. Not of your business.”
After that, Tamaya was herself again. “Hugh, listen—”
And Hugh managed to get the courage to lift his face. “No, you lis—”
The entire room went dark before Hugh could finish talking. A pair of blinding white lights started shining right in front of him, and, even with his eyes slightly closed, he could tell they were coming out of Evander’s fists.
The spotlight wasn’t on him at that moment. So he decided to steal it.
Classic Blacklight.
Classic Evander Wade throwing a fucking fit when the world dared not to revolve around him for a minute.
After making sure he had grabbed everyone's attention, he opened his hands again and the tiny balls of lights returned to their light bulbs. But his face was still clouded by a strange darkness that even made Kasumi flinch and move backward towards Tamaya.
“What the hell is going on?” he asked, clenching his teeth and glaring at the three of them. “What the hell are you even talking about?—” and then, he turned to see him “—Why does everyone seem to know what the fucking problem is except me!?”
“…and she left me here!
It was always him.
It hadn’t been enough for Evander that their lives practically had to revolve around him during all his childhood and teenage years. He now wanted them to stop their discussion and tell him what was going on as if they couldn’t have their own problems without him feeling he was entitled to know every single detail about it.
And hadn’t that been how that whole fight had started in the first place?
He hadn’t been able to control Tamaya and Kasumi finding out about what was going on because Simon had told him. But Hugh wasn’t Simon, and he was sure as hell he didn’t feel comfortable at all sharing that part of his life with him.
He wouldn’t understand. He would pretend he did for a couple of minutes, and then would use it against him on the first opportunity he had that would benefit him one way or another.
He knew Evander. He knew he was capable of that, and more.
“I think you should leave,” he told him.
His expression hardened. “I think you should answer my question.”
“I told you to leave!”
Hugh raised his arm to point at the door—
And Evander grabbed him by the wrist.
Kasumi’s eyes widened and Tamaya’s face contorted while her wings bristled, alerting her of the danger.
Hugh knew Evander was taller than him. At first, all of them made a lot of jokes about how it was Hugh’s worst fear and that he wasn’t allowed to stand beside him at any moment so nobody noticed it. But every one of those comments stayed like that.
Not only because, well, they were. But also because, inside his head, Hugh always saw Evander as shorter than him, probably because he had gotten used to the idea of things being that way, and he wasn’t in the mood for other detail of his life changing again, it didn’t matter how small it may seem.
Yet, now he couldn’t keep pretending he didn’t see what was right in front of him.
He could tell his hands were getting warmer and warmer, to a point that if he had normal skin and his suit wasn’t covering his arm, he would start to feel as if they were burning him, and Evander didn’t appear to have any intentions of letting him go.
As if he wanted to burn him to death.
He kept staring at each other, with a vein popping out of his neck. The corners of his lips curved up, but before it could turn into a grin, it disappeared, and instead of laughing, he ordered, “Don’t you talk to me like that.”
She left me here, guys.
She left.”
“Evander, that’s enough,” Tamaya said, with a calm, but terrifying tone. “Let him go.”
But Evander only grasped him tighter.
Her fingers shone with the electricity they carried. “Let. Him. Go.”
He glanced at Tamaya, then at Kasumi, and finally, he returned his attention to Hugh, waiting.
Waiting for him to say it.
“She left.”
“Let me go.”
Evander pressed his lips together and lost his grip until his arm fell, and he sat down again.
“And for the record—” Kasumi’s voice said, “—Don’t talk to any of us like that.”
Hugh turned his back at them and took off one of his gloves as fast and discreetly as he could. He heard Kasumi asking something to Evander but she said it in such a low voice that the only thing he could actually listen was Evander’s childhood nickname, which Kasumi always used and Hugh didn’t because it felt so personal to both of them he didn’t dare to interfere with that.
His hands were dry. And he forced his eyes to stay that way too because he could sense them getting wet at the thought of Evander really believing Hugh was going to hit him.
He heard Tamaya’s footsteps getting closer to him, and he rapidly put his glove back on and turned to see them again, scoffing. “So, that’s what today is about? You collectively decided all you were going to do was contradict me?”
Tamaya stepped back the steps she took and scoffed too. “Sounds familiar?” she asked. Hugh couldn’t ask her at first what she was talking about. “You can’t ask us to blindly follow you b and get mad when we decide not to do it. Especially when the things you’re doing are—” she looked for the right words “—not right.”
Kasumi straightened her back and nodded, agreeing with Tamaya. Evander tilted his head to one side while raising one eyebrow, and Hugh fought the impulse of doing it too.
“What?” he asked instead. “Tamaya, what are—”
“I’m talking about the fucking execution of Nova McLain,” she blurred out. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
Evander growled and put his feet on the table, leaning in the chair he was sat on. He was so confused by Tamaya’s reaction he didn’t even bother to take the time to tell Evander to sit like an adult for once in his life.
“What does that have anything to do with what we’re discussing right now?” he exclaimed.
“It has everything to do with what we’re discussing right now!” she answered. “You, and you—” she pointed at Evander, and Evander pointed at himself, confused “—decided that, since you were too afraid of a spoiled girl ‘ruining’—” she made quotes in the air “—our reputation we were going to let her kill, in front the entire city, a child. A child, guys! A child who probably had parents who worried about her, just like you, Hugh, worry about your kids, or you, Evander, will worry about yours when they are born. Would you like them to be publicly executed without a proper trial just because the adults that were supposed to protect them, acted as the children in the situation?”
But before Hugh could tell her his kids would never act like Nightmare, more than comfortable with the idea of pretending as if the whole Max and Adrian situation hadn't happened, he heard it again.
But this time it was not a quiet chuckle.
This time, Evander was shamelessly chucking so loud, it almost sounded like a burst of laughter.
Tamaya was talking about Nova McLain’s situation and Evander was chuckling.
“Child?” he asked, trying to contain his laughs. “Nightmare is not a child. Children do not do the things she did. Children don’t try to overthrow—” he turned his hands into fists and glanced up to the ceiling for a couple of seconds, and then added, to no one in particular “—Children do not try to kill other children. She wouldn’t have tried to kill Max, or Adrian, or his team if she were truly a child because she would see herself in them. That’s just how things work.”
Inside his head, maybe.
But Evander had a lot of things inside his head and most of them were so twisted Hugh couldn’t tell what he truly believed and what he did not.
“Genissa Clark is nineteen,” Tamaya reminded him. “And Nightmare, as far as we know, it’s sixteen. They’re still children.”
Evander rolled his eyes, smirking for a microsecond. “Age doesn’t matter. What matters is this—” he tapped his temple “—the head.”
Out twisted and merciless heads.
“If they act like adults, they deserve to be treated as adults.”
“No,” Kasumi said, playing with her fingers. “No, they don’t deserve that. They don’t deserve anything that happened to them. Children…” she raised her head “children are never to blame.”
But, instead of looking back at her, Evander rolled his eyes once more and crossed his arms.
Like the child he still was even if he always acted he was not.
“They may not be kids anymore, but, stars, you’re acting like one,” Hugh quipped.
He immediately put his feet on the floor and his jaw clenched. “I’m no longer nine years old, Hugh.”
Yes, you are.
You’ve done nothing to prove me wrong.
Hugh didn’t have the opportunity to say anything though, because Kasumi put herself between Hugh and Evander once again, with her hands in her hips, and clearly said, “I wasn’t going to attend the execution.”
He froze. “You what?”
“Neither was I,” seconded Tamaya.
Hugh gazed at them, without being able to recognize their faces behind that proud expression they had all over them. “Why the fuck not?”
Kasumi scowled and rubbed the fingers of her right hand as if she wanted to snap them but didn’t, closing her eyes and keeping her head low. Tamaya instantly noticed that, and after throwing a quick attentive glance at her, her eyes bared into him.
“Because it was a monstrous and villainous thing to do,” she answered, barely opening her lips. “And the Renegades are not that.” She put her hand on her chest. “I’m not a villain, and I’m sure as hell I’m not a monster either. And I’ve spent too much time hating myself to let you or anyone allow those toxic thoughts to win.”
He looked over Tamaya’s shoulder to have a clearer vision of Kasumi. “And you? You agree with this?”
“Leave her her alo—”
“Yes, I agree,” Kasumi answered, without opening her eyes.
That was enough for him.
“So— are you insinuating I am a monster and a villain?” and he put his hand on his chest, the same way Tamaya had just done.
Kasumi stopped rubbing her fingers and saw him out of the corner of her eye.
“Take it as you want to take it,” Tamaya declared, crossing her arms. “I’m not surprised you’re trying to make it about yourself.”
“You know what? Yes!” he barked. “This is about me! I’m the one who's getting totally dragged right now, I’m the one you're criticizing, and I’m the one who’s getting attacked by all of you!” and he pointed at the three of them. “So yeah, this is about me, Tamaya, not about you!”
As soon as he said it, he knew what was coming next. He knew what Tamaya was going to do. She was going to spread her wings, close her fists, and get a lighting bolt for her to throw at him. Then, she would get so close to him, he would see the anger glowing in her eyes, and she would proceed to yell at Hugh for five minutes nonstop, and when Kasumi or Evander was able to make her keep quiet for an instant, he would start yelling back at her, and they would get trapped in an endless cycle, where neither of them knew when to shut their mouths and give up.
And he knew it because there had been times where the only thing the two of them did was fight, and yell, and try to silence the other by making sure one’s screams were louder than the other’s.
However, Tamaya didn’t do any of that.
Tamaya’s mouth fell open and was unable to say a single word while she stepped back, and leaned against the table because she wasn’t able to sit in a chair without feeling extremely uncomfortable.
Her silence was worse than her screaming.
He needed to fill the silence in one way or another.
“Why won’t you listen to me anymore?” he asked the rest. “Why don't you respect me, or my privacy, or my decisions? Do you think it’s easy? Do you think it’s easy to have this weight on my shoulders?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “No, it’s not. But I man up, I shut my mouth, and do it, you know why? Because we stopped playing superheroes a long time ago, and now we’re governors, and I don’t want us to fail, which is something the Anarchists would love to see—” he extended his arms, like pointing at the rest of the world, when in reality, he was just pointing at the small room that seemed even smaller than before “—Tell me, do you want us to fail?”
This time, he did want an answer. He did give them the time to respond, but they didn’t take it. Tamaya stayed in complete silence, Kasumi started rubbing her fingers again, and Evander just turned redder and redder with each word he said.
“Do you want us to fail?!” he insisted. “DO YOU?!”
Still, no answers.
“You don’t, do you?! YOU DON’T!”
Silence and Kasumi covering her ear with her fists.
“YOU DON’T! So—” he pointed at Evander, “—man up—” at Tamaya, “shut your mouth—” at Kasumi, “and listen to me!” And finally, at himself. “Because I am your leader! I AM YOUR CAPTAIN! AND YOU’LL DO AS I SAY!”
His yelling immediately was cut short by the sound of the tap of the water turning on savagely and the screeching sound of Kasumi asking:
The water in the room started to go crazy. Not only the taps had opened, but also her drink was spilled all over the floor, small drops started to float around them, and the water inside the cooler became a strange swirl, that with each passing second just turned faster and faster.
And Kasumi was crying.
Or something like that.
It was water. They seemed like tears, but they were actually water that was coming out of her eyes, without any emotions in them. Her face, which at this point was soaked, didn’t change at all, as if it had changed if she were really crying.
Still, Hugh felt it like a slap across his face.
Evander was the first one to react. “Kasumi—”
“WHO MADE YOU OUR LEADER?!” she rasped. “WHO, HUGH?” and she grabbed him by the shoulders “WHO?”
The floor started to flood. Tamaya got on the table and moved her eyes from one side of the room to the other, trying to process what was going on in front of her, while Evander stood up in the chair he was sitting on. “Kasumi Hasegawa—”
“IT WAS US!” she answered, letting go of him and stepping back. “IT WAS US AND WE CAN TAKE YOU OFF THAT POSITION AS EASY AS WE PUT YOU THERE! SO CUT. THE. CRAP!”
The cooler felt down on its side. If Tamaya hadn’t moved slightly to the left, it would have hit one of her wings. The sound of the heavy metallic object crashing against the floor was enough to make everyone in the room go quiet, and their eyes fixated on the water that was coming out of it.
Like blood in an open wound.
He was the last one to come back to reality, after the water started to disappear right in front of his eyes, and realized Kasumi was manipulating it to form a small wave that she dropped in the sink.
She closed the taps and sighed.
“You’re… you’re not acting like a leader right now,” she mumbled, leaning against the sink without looking at him. “You’re… you’re acting like… like—”
“Like what?” he asked.
As if he wanted to hear the answer to it.
“I don’t know— You’re just…” Kasumi turned around and the water running down her face was actual tears this time. There was no sadness clouding her features that was able to hide that fact. “You’re just not my friend.”
She looked at her own feet while walking towards her the things that remained on the floor. Tamaya grabbed the plastic cup of water she had been drinking from, and even though she took it (because Kasumi liked to reuse those things) she didn’t say thank you or acknowledge her gesture, and instead, kept talking to Hugh.
“We’re not your sidekicks. We’re not even your coworkers or your employees. We are your family. We are all a family. But somehow— you forgot it.”
She grabbed her small fabric bag and started to put all her things in there, with the rest of them quietly watching her, without daring to get close.
“I’m going to ask the three of you, but especially you, Hugh, to leave me alone.”
Before Kasumi left the room, Evander got down from the chair and rushed to her. She stopped in her tracks and pressed her bag against her chest. A small tear started to come out of the corner of her eye and her lower lip trembled. He extended his hand to wipe away her tears, and Hugh suddenly felt the urge to look away.
Until Kasumi stepped back, rubbed her eyes with one hand, and mumbled: “I said the three of you. Please, respect my decision, Evander.”
Kasumi walked out of the room, without closing the door behind her. Evander followed her, but stopped right under the door frame, grabbing to it. He glanced at Tamaya, and she, almost imperceptibly, shook her head saying no to something he was silently asking her.
His eyes didn’t well up. Instead, after a blink, they turned to see Hugh, burning and glimmering an emotion he could not describe as something else but hate.
His eyes were burning and glimmering with hate.
And his words too.
“This is all your fault.”
He walked in the opposite direction Kasumi went.
I know.
This is all my fault.
“Kasumi was right, you know?”
Tamaya was the only one remaining.
“You have acted like the biggest idiot that has ever existed,” she continued. “I don’t know how you’re going to fix this and I don’t know how you’re going to fix yourself.” Her expression dulled and she slightly bent down to try to look him in the eye. “But we are your family. And you are ours.”
Hugh ignored her attempts to make eye contact and felt his hands getting moist and hot under his gloves.
But he couldn’t decide if tell her or not, because Tamaya sighed, grabbed the rest of her lunch, and without turning to see him, sentenced:
“Talk to us when you start acting like it.”
And just like that, Hugh was left alone in an empty room, again.
Everything had started two months ago.
It wasn’t like there weren’t somedays where they didn’t have sex. After all, they were part of the Renegades Council. The days were long, and there were occasions when they just arrived at the house and went directly to bed, without eating dinner or anything.
Despite that, they had managed to keep a certain schedule. And if he wanted to be completely honest, those days when he could have a little time alone with Simon were the best.
Until they weren’t.
“What’s going on?” Simon asked suddenly.
“What’s going on?” Simon asked again.
He wasn’t mad at all. He was genuinely concerned.
It was… adorable. So Simon.
“Everything all right?”
Hugh knew something was wrong. But he felt a little bit embarrassed about backing down with something he had started.
Which was… weird.
Because nothing was embarrassing with Simon.
“I think I’m no longer in the mood to keep going,” he blurred out.
Simon’s eyes widened. He licked his lips, like he did every time he was analyzing a situation, and smirked. “You aren’t in the mood? You? You, Hugh Everhart, aren't in the mood for sex?”
Hugh couldn’t laugh at the stupid face he had made. “No.”
Luckily, Simon noticed that. “Oh. All right. Well, don’t worry, love. It’s okay.”
“I’m so—”
“No, don’t be sorry,” he interrupted him, using the same tone Hugh used all the time when they were younger to tell Simon not to be sorry. “There’s no need to apologize.” He ran his hand through his hair and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “I’m just— going to the bathroom—” he grabbed the pile of clothes he had left on the nightstand “—I won’t take long.”
Hugh couldn’t tell if he took long or not. He just put on his clothes again too and got under the covers. He didn’t even turn around when Simon asked him, “Do you wanna be the little spoon tonight?”
He was never the little spoon. But he accepted anyway.
There were a lot of other nights that ended up that way. Nights that Hugh started something just to follow the schedule, things that they never finished because Simon always noticed something was wrong and said they should stop. Then, he kissed him, told him there was nothing to be sorry about, went to the bathroom to change, and went back to be the big spoon.
Until one day, Hugh fell asleep in a position that didn’t allow Simon to cuddle with him. Or at least he pretended to fall asleep to avoid any questions as if why he didn’t want to cuddle that night.
He couldn’t avoid any questions the next morning though.
When he went downstairs to have breakfast, Simon was waiting for him in the kitchen.
“Glad you’re here so early,” Simon said. “We need to talk.”
It was Saturday. Simon was wearing his cotton rob and had prepared an avocado toast and a cup of coffee.
Just the mere fact of him drinking coffee, plus the “We need to talk” phrase, was a bad sign. Not only because Simon got really anxious when he didn’t control how much coffee he drank, but also because the last time he had told him they needed to talk, was when he found some not very family-friendly videos on the family’s computer and thought that it would be better if he asked Hugh if they were his first because he didn’t want to accidentally introduce Adrian to that kind of… audiovisuals.
That day had been one of the worst days of his life. And Hugh had fought a civil war. The bar for “bad days” was pretty high, but Adrian still managed to go higher than that.
“What did he do now?”
“Oh, God, no— Adrian’s clean. He’s still sleeping, actually,” Simon responded, completely aware of what Hugh was talking about. “But that’s why I want to talk to you before he comes.”
Hugh felt a little bit less tense. A little bit.
He took the coffee pot and started pouring it on the first cup he found. “What do you wanna talk about?”
Simon drummed the fingers of his right hand on the bar and scratched his beard with his left hand, staring at his unfinished breakfast. “Love… are you having problems?”
“Problems?” he scoffed. “What kind of problems?”
“Oh, you know… problems… down there.”
He lost focus and he poured the coffee on his hand. “Shit—”
“Look, it’s just that I think it’s kind… strange what has been going on these last days,” Simon said without noticing the whole coffee situation. “We— we had a schedule, and now we don’t, and I’m not mad at all, I just want to know if there’s something more to it.”
Hugh left the coffee pot where it belonged and Simon kept talking.
“You should— we should go to see a doctor,” he whispered. “I know you have never had an appointment with a doctor before, but we could… I don’t know, ask around, until you find one that makes you feel comfortable.”
And he would have probably kept talking if he hadn’t interrupted.
“It’s more common than you may think, you know,” he assured him. “And there’s nothing wrong with it. Everyone once in a while has— you know, some kind difficulties, or it hurts, or—”
Simon suddenly went silent. “No what?”
“Nothing hurts,” he answered. “I literally cannot feel pain, remember?”
“Oh, no, I mean, of course I remember,” Simon mumbled. “It was— it was just an expression.”
Hugh frowned. “I’ve never heard that expression before.”
Neither of them said anything for an uncomfortable amount of time, while Hugh stirred his coffee with a plastic spoon and Simon pretended he was really focused on his breakfast.
“You didn’t answer my question though,” he said after a while. “Are you having any kind of problems?”
Hugh gave him the same answer. “No.”
“All right. I believe you. And I trust you. You know I’ll always trust you, don’t you?”
When Simon said he trusted him, Hugh usually responded to him saying he trusted him back. But this time, he said, “As you should.”
At that moment, Adrian walked into the dining room, letting them know their conversation had come to an end.
What a strange word.
He couldn’t comprehend it. And he’d never liked things that he couldn’t comprehend.
Nevertheless, even if he had lived his whole life hating things he couldn’t comprehend, now he didn’t understand why he felt so attacked by the way Simon formulated his question. The rational part of him knew he had no intention of making him angry, but his emotional side got angry at him anyway. He got so angry, he dedicated the rest of the day to ignore him.
And things didn’t change after that conversation. They just got worse.
So much worse.
Hugh didn’t even bother anymore to make the first move. He slept turning his back on Simon, so he could make clear he didn’t want to be touched at that moment. But sometimes, Simon didn’t understand (or pretended he didn’t understand) his signals, and asked him in a thousand different ways if that was going to be the night everything was going back to normal.
“How are you feeling, love? Are you better now?”
“How about we try something new today?”
“Hugh, are you awake?”
“Hugh, love, please… answer me”
But Hugh never answered him. Not with anything else but “Fine”, “Other day”, “No”, or just silence. Because sometimes silence counted as an answer.
And sometimes it was the loudest of sounds.
He was already ready for bed. He had brushed his teeth, had put on his pajamas, and had gone downstairs to make sure Adrian was still breathing, being especially careful not to wake him up.
Fifteen minutes had passed since that, and he was still standing up next to the bed, without feeling like getting in yet.
Then, he realized they hadn’t made the bed since the day of the fight. The coverlet was almost touching the ground and the pillows were everywhere except where they were supposed to be. He felt a strange energy going through his body, that ordered him to get closer and start making the bed.
No one liked to sleep on an unmade bed anyways.
However, the moment he started doing that, he made the mistake of graving Simon’s pillow. And Simon’s pillow made the mistake of smelling just like him, and the smell of mint, fabric softener, hit and the citrus body lotion he used was so intense, it made him feel, even if it was for a couple of seconds as if Simon were there.
That feeling lasted, at least, five seconds. And when he tried to smile, he started crying.
Because that pillow wasn’t Simon. Because Simon was not there.
Because Simon had left. He really left.
Without letting go of the pillow, he sat on the cold and hard floor. His elbows accidentally hit the nightstand he had next to his side of the bed, making the lamp and the couple of glasses he never returned to the kitchen tremble a little, but he wouldn’t have cared less if they fell to the floor and broken.
It wasn’t like they could cut him or anything.
He smelled the pillow one more time, and it was more than enough to make Simon’s ghost appear a couple of feet away from him, with empty eyes and a serious face, asking the same questions over and over again.
Why don’t you ever touch me anymore?
Why am I always invisible to you, even when I’m not?
Why are you so fucking cold all the time?
Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong?!
“Because I don't even know what is wrong with me,” he finally answered.
Simon’s ghost didn’t ask what he meant. After all, even if he did and Hugh answered him, he wouldn’t have understood.
In fact, he knew Simon hoped he never would.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t attracted to Simon anymore. No, it was not that. For him, Simon was the most perfect man he had ever seen in his whole life. He loved his voice, soft like velvet. He loved his hands touching his skin. He loved his eyes that looked at him with adoration, and he loved his body, toned and covered in body hair, that used to make Simon feel self-conscious, but that Hugh had always found really appealing and he made sure to remind him that in every opportunity he had.
Simon had not a single flaw because he was perfect for him.
But when the darkness filled the room and he stretched out his hand to touch him…
It was like something fell upon him. Something so heavy and so big, he couldn’t get rid of it, not even using his powers at their maximum capacities. It didn’t let him move, it didn’t let him speak, and the only thing he could do was to soldier on, praying to a God he wasn’t sure it existed, asking him to please take that weight off him when the sun came out because if he didn’t do it, Hugh would have been capable of staying there for the rest of his days.
Completely still. Without any strength to move his head or change into a more comfortable position. Letting his body get all dusty as if he were part of one of those sets of furniture that they kept in the guest’s rooms that were never used because no one visited them, other than the rest of the Council.
Now, he didn’t know if it was God the one that took that weight off him, but he did know that as soon as the sun started to come out, the weight became lighter and lighter until it finally disappeared and Hugh was able to move again. He dusted off his whole body, prepared to go to the Headquarters, and put on his best face to convince others (and himself) that he wasn’t tired at all.
It had been a long time since the last time Hugh was able to sleep comfortably. He would say it was something that affected him even before his whole… situation with Simon. It had been going on for years. Adrian was still a kid when it all started.
“You should pop some pills or something,” Evander told Hugh when he dared to look a little bit more tired than normal. “You know— to help you sleep.” He clicked his tongue. “After the Day of Triumph, I began to take some sleeping pills, and they helped me a lot.” But before Hugh could ask him why he needed to take sleeping pills, Evander grabbed the folder where the documents he had asked him for and walked to the door, not without patting him on the shoulder first. “Maybe they can help you too.”
There was no need to say Hugh didn’t listen to him. Not only because Evander’s advice wasn’t always the best advice someone could receive, but also because there was something about taking pills he didn’t like at all.
Besides that, it wasn’t like Hugh could take any pill he wanted. They needed to have a strong effect or he would have to take more than one at a time. And Simon already needed to take pills to help him control his anxiety and went to therapy every two weeks.
He hated to say it, but it was a lot of money. It was not worthy. Simon had it worse than him, he needed those pills and those therapy sessions.
Hugh didn’t.
So, yeah, he didn’t listen to Evander. Neither did he listen to Kasumi when she gave him the same recommendation, and couldn’t contain his laugh when she suggested he should do some yoga. He also got into a big fight with Tamaya when she pointed out something was wrong with him, even though the reason that made her think that was that Hugh had broken one of the cupboard doors and was going around looking for something to eat without noticing at all he had destroyed his perfectly designed kitchen.
As time went by, going to sleep became like playing Russian roulette. He never knew if that night he was going to be able to go to sleep or not, but it wasn't like sleeping made a huge difference because each morning he woke up feeling tired anyway.
Probably, the only difference between sleeping or not, was that when he didn’t, when he stayed up all night, all he could see were ghosts.
During his childhood years, Adrian developed a huge fear of ghosts. Adrian was afraid of so many things Hugh couldn’t name each and every one of them, but he did know ghosts were very high on the list. He woke up in the middle of the night all the time, and the most common excuse he gave for his behavior, was that he was afraid the ghosts of the people who were murdered in that house would suddenly start hunting him.
Hugh didn’t believe in ghosts and he didn’t think Adrian should do it either. But when he started to see his own ghosts, he stopped complaining each time Adrian woke him up, asking him, “Daddy, can I sleep in your bed tonight?”
Of course, he didn’t see the same ghosts Adrian thought he saw. Hugh’s ghosts were completely different.
Sometimes, it was a man, who despite his young age, he appeared to have lived a thousand years. He had deep circles under his blue eyes and the saddest smile it had ever existed. Occasionally, he was accompanied by a woman, with long and dark hair, who carried in her arms a chubby and loud baby that cried each time she felt her mom wasn’t close enough to her. And most of the times, they also brought with them a little girl, that got between the sheets at the same time Adrian did, and that each time he got closer to Hugh to ask him if he could cuddle him until he fell asleep, he felt as if he were hugging the dead body of that tormented soul, asking him why he didn’t arrive on time.
Hugh didn’t like other people’s kids. Especially if those kids liked to meddle in his business.  
So one of those nights, he locked the door. That way, no ghost was going to enter his room.
And neither would Adrian.
That night, he was starting to kind of fall asleep, after spending hours looking at the window, when he heard a couple of small hands trying to open the bedroom’s door. For a second, they stopped, trying to process why it wasn’t opening as it should. Then, they tried again. When they failed a third time, Adrian started bawling.
Simon woke up immediately.
But Hugh wasn't surprised at all.
“Adrian…” he mumbled. “Adrian, hold on, I’m coming!”
He removed the covers so quickly, he punched Hugh on the face, waking him up completely. He tried to open the door the same way Adrian previously did, but the panic he was feeling at that moment didn’t allow him to process why the door wasn’t opening, and just made his anxiety levels go to the roof.
“Hugh… Hugh, the door,” he mumbled. “The door’s— the door’s not opening, help.”
But he didn’t help.
Not because he didn’t want to. He wanted to help him. He wanted to tell him to calm down, and that the door was just locked.
But there was something on the sound of Adrian’s cries and the way Simon called his name that made the weight on his chest start to choke him.
Really choke him.
“Hugh! The door, please.”
“Aren’t you listening to me?! Wake up! Wake up and help me, Hugh!”
“Hold on just a second, darling,” Simon squeezed. “Hold on just a second— HUGH, FOR FUCK’S SAKE, COME HERE AND HELP ME!”
First, he heard something getting violently hit. Then, complete silence. And finally, Adrian started crying again.
When Simon turned on the lights, Hugh was able to turn around to see what was happening.
Apparently, Simon had kicked the door down, and Adrian had been fast enough to get away from it before it punched him in the face...
Bit he still got hit on the forehead pretty hard.
“Oh, Adrian, dar—”
Hugh rubbed his eyes, annoyed at the sudden change of light in the room. He noticed Adrian was wearing the blue pajamas Kasumi had brought him during his ninth birthday and was holding the Baby Indomitable blanket.
The blanket she had made for him.
Simon kneeled in front of Adrian and grabbed him by the cheeks. “We need to take him to the hospital,” he said. His eyes were all watery and his voice broke. “We need to take him to the hospital,” he repeated with more emphasis. When Hugh didn’t respond, his worried expression turned into one of pure angriness. “Fuck, Hugh, why did you lock the door? WHY DID YOU LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR, HUH? WHY?”
For some reason, the weight that was suffocating him decided that was a good moment to let go of his throat for a second, just for him to give Simon a reason why. And the only thing that came out of his mouth was:
“Adrian is too old to be sleeping with us every night.”
Adrian started bawling again, and Simon realized going to the hospital was going to take too much time, so he took his son in his arms, and went downstairs to call Tamaya’s husband, Owen, the only doctor they truly trusted.
When Simon got out of the room, he didn’t turn off the lights. Hugh got up to do that, but in the end, decided it would be more appropriate to go with his husband and kid, in case they needed anything.
In the kitchen, Simon was holding Adrian with one arm and holding the phone next to his ear with the other. After a long wait, he hung up, ready to start yelling and punching the first thing (or person) he saw.
Luckily, the first one who noticed Hugh was there, was Adrian.
He had a big bump on his forehead.
“Give him to me,” Hugh whispered. Simon (who was dialing the phone one more time) doubted for a second but finally accepted. “How are you feeling?”
“My head hurts,” Adrian whispered.
There it was again. That word.
He sat him on the kitchen bar. “Of course it does, buddy. Do you want some juice?”
Adrian nodded. “Can I have apple juice?” he shyly asked.
Hugh looked for it inside the fridge. “We only have strawberry juice,” he said.
“I like strawberry juice too.”
He took two strawberry juice cartons and gave him one. At that moment, Simon pointed at the phone with a hopeful and scared expression, and said, “Tamaya, I almost ripped Adrian’s head off, I need your husband.”
While a really confused Tamaya asked Simon what the hell did he mean with almost ripping Adrian’s head off, Hugh sat down on one of the stools, right in front of his son. He had his legs crossed and was drinking his juice, moving his head as if he were listening to a happy melody.
“... and accidently hit him with the door,” Simon said to the phone. For his change of tone, Hugh could tell he was talking to Owen too (he knew Tamaya well enough to know she was still listening to everything that was going on after putting the phone on speaker). “No, he didn’t lose consciousness, he just… cried a lot… he’s—um, actually kind of hungry right now. Yeah, he’s… he’s drinking some juice. Um… let’s see— Adrian, darling.” Adrian turned around to see him. “Do you know what day it is?”
“Um… Sunday.”
“Great job—” he returned his attention to the call “—He doesn't seem disoriented either.”
Hugh paid a little bit more attention to the nasty bump Adrian had on his head. He didn’t dare to touch it for fear of hurting him more, but a part of him remembered having seen someone wrapping a bag of frozen peas on an old cloth and putting it on the injured area.
So he did that too. He just changed the bag of frozen peas with the strawberry juice carton.
“Can I drink that one too?” Adrian asked, chuckling slightly.  
Hugh smiled at him. “No, you can’t. Too much sugar.”
And when Adrian laughed again, he remembered where he had learned that piece of medical advice.
And he stopped smiling.
“Ice? Just… just ice?” Simon asked Owen, incredulous. His gaze met Hugh’s. “It seems like… Hugh already did that. Are you sure that’s all he needs? And can he go to sleep? Sure? He’s not gonna— no, but… Tamaya, please, let the doctor speak— ok, there’s no need to talk to me like that, I’m sensitive, all right? When you hit your kid with a door, you'll understand my concern.”
After Owen and Tamaya were able to calm Simon down, he hung up the phone. “Well, Adrian, Owen says you’re fine,” he said a little bit less shaken up than before. “And Tamaya is not invited to next week’s party.” Adrian chuckled again. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Simon carried Adrian all the way to his room. Hugh followed them closely, and stayed at the door, listening to his son asking his dad if they could sleep with him that night.
“You’re not too old to sleep with me anyways,” he assured.
Simon looked at Hugh, but he was so far away, he couldn’t tell what he was trying to communicate with his eyes.
If he was trying to communicate anything at all.
There was nothing Simon could say though; it still didn’t seem right for him to sleep in the same bed as Adrian that night.
After all, he had been the one that locked him out of his room when he needed him the most. Adrian was asking for his dad (or “daddy”, like he called him at that age), and he had not reacted immediately after hearing his first cries.
And to make matters worse, he hadn't bought apple juice, even if he knew it was Adrian’s favorite.
Hugh felt like the worst parent on the planet.
Simon was the one who stayed with Adrian that night. Hugh told him the three of them wouldn’t fit in the same bed anyway. Adrian wasn’t that convinced by that answer, but as soon as Simon kissed the top of his head, he seemed a lot happier than before.
He wasn’t able to sleep that night. Not because it was the first time in forever he slept on a bed all by himself, not at all.
It was actually the opposite.
Because from that moment on, two things happened: first, each time Adrian woke up in the middle of the night and went to their bedroom, Simon grabbed him by the hand and together went back to Adrian’s room, where Simon slept on the same bed as his son, and Adrian cried until he fell asleep. And second, after that night, a new ghost joined in. It was no longer the man with blue eyes, or the mother and her loud baby, nor it was the little girl who made too many questions for her own good.
It was her, whose smile could light up the darkest of rooms. Her, whose laugh he heard everywhere, without actually hearing it. Her, who sometimes made him think was seeing her through their son’s eyes, and her who, when no one else was there for him, hugged him from behind and assured him everything was going to work out at the end of the day because there was no force on the universe that was able to take down Lady Indomitable and Captain Chromium.
But she had been wrong.
Like the night after that mission.
It probably had been an unimportant mission, because Hugh could no longer remember what it was about. He just remembered he had planned it and it had failed. They were not able to get what they wanted and the bad guys won. Also, all the members of the team had gotten hurt in some way or another. For example, Simon was left temporarily deaf on one ear after a big explosion and his right hand had first degree burns. Kasumi had been able to avoid getting burned by using her powers to make a kind of water dome around her, but she still got her knees all scraped when she tried to run and fell, and when he said scraped, he meant really scraped. Tamaya wanted to electrocute one of those guys by herself when they tried to take Evander by grabbing him by the leg in a way she didn’t like at all, and even if she did leave all of them unconscious, both still got deep cuts on their hands and arms.
When they arrived, the house became a hospital, where she was the one and the only doctor, because she didn’t get hurt that much and was able to move around without bleeding to death or something.
Hugh also helped her take care of everyone’s injuries (and to calm down Simon when he started panicking about the whole “I CANNOT LIVE MY LIFE ONLY HEARING WITH ONE EAR” thing.) But he wasn’t as good as a doctor as she was, even if he was the designated nurse when one of them got sick of something that may be contagious. That’s why he limited himself to passing her the bandages, towels, and anything she needed, without complaining or giving his unsolicited advice like he constantly did with everyone except her.
After they were finished attending everyone, they decided to go to sleep. Hugh didn’t feel like sleeping that night though, so he went to the roof, thinking he was probably going to stay there until the morning came, to be able to get in bed again and pretend like he had been there the whole night.
However, someone did notice he was gone.
“Do you mind if I join you?”
She was flying a couple of inches above the ground and was wearing her pajamas and a little blanket as a cape, to cover herself from the cold wind.
With one hand, she was holding a bag of frozen peas wrapped in an old rag and put it on the small bump she had got when she got hit during that night’s mission.
Hugh just nodded, and she sat beside him, sighing.
They stayed in complete silence, and when he was about to ask her if he could help her with anything, she asked him:
“Where does it hurt, Hugh?”
“Where does it hurt?” she asked again.
“No, I heard you the first time,” he answered. “It’s just—”
Just what?
But Georgie didn’t ask him that.
“I know it may not… physically hurt,” she explained herself after realizing he was not going to finish that sentence, leaving the bag of frozen peas on her lap. “But I also know there are a lot of ways someone can be hurting, and those wounds that are on the inside, are as important as the wounds we can see on the outside—” she grabbed his hand, and gently took him by the cheek to make sure he saw her in the eyes.
He would recognize those eyes everywhere.
“Why does it matter?” he asked her softly.
“Because… you’re very strong, Hugh,” she answered caressing his cheek. “Very, very strong. But maybe, if you tell me exactly what’s going on inside your head, we can find a way to cure your pain together. Because we’re in this together. You don’t have to do it alone. Not again. Not ever again.”
She closed her eyes, and he pressed his forehead against hers, looking at their hands, holding each other like their life depended on it.
“So tell me… where does it hurt?”
He didn’t answer the question; but he remembered it was the first time in forever he cried in front of someone who wasn’t Simon. He wasn’t even sure why he was crying and his memories about that moment were blurry as if it had been a dream. What he did remember very vividly was that she didn’t judge him at all or made him like his feelings didn’t matter. On the contrary, she stayed there as long as he needed, crying with him, until he was able to calm down again, and asked her if she wanted to go back inside. She didn’t think twice and accepted. After returning the frozen peas to the freezer, they pushed together the two couches they had in the living room, covered themselves with the small blanket she had brought with her and cuddled until they fell asleep.
From that moment on, it became more common for them to cuddle together. She was always cuddling with everyone, even with Tamaya and Simon, who were the ones with more difficulties accepting physical affection from others. But not even them could refuse her hugs, and her kisses, and her not so uncommon tickles, which Evander and Kasumi loved. Hugh couldn’t help but notice though, he was the one she hugged, kissed and tickled the most, even after she had Adrian and had to share her love with one person more, that probably needed it more than him.
And he loved to be her favorite.
Well— her second favorite. Adrian went first.
He just wished he had hugged her, kissed her, and tickled her more. She was always the one who looked for him, but he rarely looked for her to show her physical affection.
Hugh didn’t look for her at all. Not even when she disappeared.
He didn’t even know why.
He didn’t know anything.
But he did know that she had been wrong when she told him he was strong.
If he were truly strong, he would have protected her, like he had promised her he would do thousands and thousands of times.
If he were truly strong, he would have been the one that was there when the Artinos needed the Renegades, and he would have stopped the hitman Ace Anarchy sent to end them.
If he were truly strong and death had come after him the same way it came after her, he would have survived the fall.
Because he always did.
Because it was not possible for him to get hurt.
It was not her fault she hadn’t survived though. She wasn’t built that way. While Hugh was made mostly of chromium, Georgia Rawles was made of flesh, bones, blood, but mainly, she was made of love, and sometimes, love could be indestructible, but other times, it could also be fragile.
Very fragile.
It didn’t matter how strong she was.
Oh, because she was strong. She was really strong. She had the kind of strength his superpowers couldn’t give him, and that was the one that was going to change the world they lived in.
Georgia Rawles was so strong, she kept her cool when things were going to hell.
Georgia Rawles was so strong, she raised a child in the middle of a world ruled by anarchy, and was the best mother that child could ask for.
Georgia Rawles was so strong, she became the face people saw when they thought about hope, and didn’t let her beautiful heart to be changed by the obstacles life threw at her, no matter how horrible they were.
And it hadn’t been her fault she died. She didn’t fail anyone, not even the Artinos.
No. The one who had failed the Artinos, the one who had failed her, had been Hugh.
He should have been the one who died that night. He should be dead and buried, and she should be there, alive, with her son and her family, living in the world she had made a better place.
A world he didn’t feel he deserved.
Suddenly, a couple of familiar white boots appeared a couple of inches in front of him. He tried to convince himself not to look up, but his curiosity was bigger than his fear, even if he already knew who it was because she appeared every night after the door incident. It was Georgie’s ghost, just that this time, she was holding Simon’s hand. Her golden cape had not a single drop of blood and looked like new. She was wearing her whole superhero uniform but without her mask, so he had a clear view of her whole face. She let go of Simon for a second, and tried to walk towards Hugh, without taking her eyes away from him.
She didn’t even have to talk to let him know what she was trying to say.
Georgie was trying to remember him the good things his world had. He had raised two brilliant and kind sons who were his pride and joy, even when they weren’t in their best behavior. He had a friend who felt like an older sister, that fiercely loved him and the rest and had always done even when she was still learning how to love herself for the good, chaotic, intelligent, and beautiful person she was. He had another friend who, on the other hand, felt like a younger sister, and whose gestures, voice, and movements were like the calm before the storm, but when it came the time to defend others or defend herself, she became the storm itself, ready to drown whoever dare to treat her in a way that didn’t fit the respect she deserved. He also had a friend, who felt like a little brother, that he had seen grow up since he was a kid that had to get on his tiptoes to high five him, and the memory of his smile, his laugh, and his jokes that sometimes seemed to be hidden behind that strange villainous mask he wore was enough for him not to hate him, even if he hated Hugh.
He had… or had had a husband too. A husband that made him feel like he was at home each time he saw him. A husband who laughed at all his jokes, even when they weren’t that funny, and made him fall in love with him all over again each time he opened that smart mouth of his. A husband whose personality, humor, and body perfectly fit his, because if Hugh had been made for someone, it had been for him. A husband who always chose him, above anything else, but when it came to the point Hugh had failed him so many times, he had no other option but to choose himself.
And it wasn’t like Hugh could blame him. Simon deserved to be happy. Simon deserved each and all of the good things that this world had to offer to him, even if one of those things wasn’t Hugh.
Suddenly, Georgie extended her hand towards him, but when she was about to touch him, an invisible and polarized wall suddenly got in her way.
It was the first time Hugh actually saw it.
It was something grey, hollow, and invisible, that was coming out of him like the chrome that was dripping from his fingers at that very moment.
But Georgie, being Georgie, didn't flinch when she saw that wall. Instead, she flew over his head to try to get in that way. Hugh was following her with his gaze and realized at the same time as her, that thing was not a simple wall that had the sole purpose of making him get away from the people he loved.
That thing, that grey, hollow, and invisible thing, was a shell that impeded the people he loved to get closer to Hugh.
And Georgie was stubborn. Probably as much or more stubborn that Hugh was, even if she constantly was acting as if she weren’t. First, she proved her luck by kicking the shell into letting her in. Then, she used all the force in her body to try to crack it open. She got so desperate that started using her fists, punching and screaming his name, calling him “darling”, and imploring him to hold on a little longer.
The thing was… the thing was he didn’t want her to do that.
He didn’t know what she was feeling, but each time she kicked, she punched and she screamed, Hugh felt like his body was hurting. Not from the outside in, like he had heard physical pain felt, but from inside out; it was a pain that didn’t limit itself to his chest area, and went through all his body. He felt it in his legs, his face, and his arms, and gave him the sudden need to scratch it away. However, the aching shell was pretty similar to the real world, in the sense that when he did it, when he scratched his body in order to make the pain stop some way or another, his skin, and therefore his pain, didn’t react to it. It was as if he hadn’t even moved or made the most minimal effort to help himself.
Please, Georgie.
Please stop.
Please, please...
Just give up.
So Georgie fell to her knees, leaving bloody marks of her hands all over the shell. The small body of a girl grabbed her by the arm as if she wanted to hug her the same way Adrian hugged Hugh when he had a nightmare. A woman put her hand on her shoulder and quickly soothed her baby before she even started crying. Then, the man of the family wrapped his arms around the four of them, with a fearful but determined expression, that only brave people like him had.
She had heard him. She had given up on him.
The same way Simon, who didn’t stop watching the whole scene, had.
The same way he himself had.
Georgie tried to make him understand one last time.
You live in a beautiful world.
But she was wrong again.
Not about the part of the world being beautiful; it was about the part of her thinking Hugh didn’t already know that.
He did know the world he lived in was beautiful because the people who were part of it made it that way.
However, each time a happy moment occurred or a tragedy knocked at the door, it was as if Hugh wasn’t able to experience the happiness or the sadness that he was supposed to feel. When they cried, they laughed, or they yelled at him, their sobs, their smiles, and their screams felt real, but when he tried to imitate them, he felt like something that had come out from another planet pretending to be a human. Even those tears he was crying now, were more of a way his mind had found to fill the hole he had on his chest, while it waited for that weight to come and take its place.
Not like it was going to matter though. When the sun came up, all those imaginary ghosts will disappear. All the tears he had cried will dry, and all the aching he had felt will turn into the deepest of numbness.
He laid his head on the floor and grasped Simon's pillow tightly.
The next morning, he would feel no pain, in the same way, he would feel no comfort because that was part of being born with the powers he had.
But was there any point in living if you couldn’t feel anything?
The answer to that question was about to come to him when he was standing in the Arena, actually tearing up, after both sides of the battle had suddenly ceased fire.
He wasn’t able to see his family in the middle of the chaos, but for some reason, that didn’t scare him at all. The five of them were competent and strong, and they probably were also looking for him, so it was a matter of time and keep looking for them.
Also, this chaos— this chaos was nothing compared to what the Age of Anarchy had been.
He had been alive during the Age of Anarchy. He had experienced on first hand the horrors and the violence of it and had felt like there was no alternative but to roll with it, even if it was painful, horrible, and made him feel hopeless and small.
But then, he met them.
He met them, and the five of them were so full of light that they turned him into light too. The six got together and were able to bring hope into a world that had already given up on people like them, and constantly told them to do the same.
But what they didn’t know was that their secret was not to give up on each other.
They never gave up on each other, not even when one of those lights was gone.
Maybe she never really went anywhere. Maybe she had always been there. Maybe she was on their monthly dinners, in the internal jokes they still shared after all these years, and in the small gestures that reminded them they still love each other and they were still all in this together.
And she would have loved to see them like that.
She had been right about him being strong. But that wasn’t going to be the reason why he was going to be able to end with this chaos and why the Renegades were going to win in the end one more time. He was going to win because she was right when she said he was not only strong, but he was also vibrant, wonderful, valid, and most importantly, he was right. He was right that this world was worth protecting because life was full of moments and people that he would have never met if he weren’t alive to do it in the first place.
Hugh was alive. He was alive and he still could do something about it, to fix what was in his power to fix, and one of those things was himself and the mistakes he had made. There was nothing wrong with accepting what he had done wrong and in becoming a better person, not for others, but for himself.
There was nothing wrong with being alive.
He asked himself again.
Is there any point in living if you can’t feel anything?
But the answer slipped through his fingers. Because he was about to say it out loud, when something grabbed him and dragged him out of that dream, woke him up, and made him realize he was trapped inside a nightmare.
The helmet fell off Callum Treadwell's hands, and he fell on his back, covering his wound and trying to stop the hemorrhage.
He didn’t even bother to try to stop them when they grabbed Ace Anarchy’s helmet. He also didn’t tremble when they assured all of them had fought bravely, but now it was time for them to know fear, and he barely moved as he saw them turned into a phantom creature and soared like a bird of prey while he made his way to his master to give him the key to gaining back all the power he had previously lost.
Instead, he looked at Wonder, who now was with Nightmare, and then looked at his own boots, who also had the blood of numerous people he probably didn’t know.  
Or he did.
Maybe it was his family’s blood.
With the thought in mind, he started searching for their faces in a crowd full of people looking for their loved ones while trying not to get killed in the process. He didn’t have a lot of time to do it though, because as soon as he thought he had seen Simon, the sound of shackles springing loudly reached his ears, followed by the same voice saying:
“Master of Anarchy, rise again, and let us watch them fall.”
As soon as Ace Anarchy started to float upward, the arena began to shake. His powers grabbed each piece of the structure they could find and were used against the few Renegades who were still trying to fight back. The stand he had been gazing at was yanked up from the floor, and Ace Anarchy hurled it at where he was standing.
He threw himself on the ground to dodge it, and then, he turned to see Ace, who was already gazing at him with a condescending grin on his face.
He hadn’t tried to kill him. But he hoped he had.
Actually, he hoped Ace Anarchy killed him right there, and that he did it fast.
Because that would be a lot much easier than whatever the hell he was supposed to do at that moment.
A pair of white boots tripped with Hugh’s body. He had to blink twice to make sure what he was seeing wasn’t a hallucination brought on by stress before turning to look at them and recognize Evander’s black superhero suit. At first, he thought he was going to say something like “Get up!” or “The fuck you’re doing on the ground?!” or a mixture of both, but instead, he just kicked the silver spear in his direction.
Hugh instantly grasped it. Evander gave him a small nod with the head before running towards Ace, and watching him getting closer and closer to him made something inside of Hugh move, giving him the strength he needed to get on his feet again and follow him.
As soon as he saw him throw a blinding strobe into Ace’s face, he knew what Evander wanted him to do.
Hugh took advantage of those few instants Ace gave them when he ducked his head and hurled his weapon at him.
Ace dodged it. Just for a few inches.
Hugh made eye contact with him.
Kill me.
Kill me. Right now.
And as if he had heard him, a grin appeared on his lips.
He directed the chains that had been used to contain the prisoners at what he thought it was him, and his whole body shriveled at the idea of their cold touch of the metal being the last thing his skin touched.
But Hugh had been wrong, and the chains wrapped Evander's torso and gagged his mouth.
He wanted to scream. He wanted to get on his knees and beg him to spare Evander's life. He wanted to go feral, throw himself at him, and kill him in a way that made sure he dragged both of them directly to the hell he had been told by Ace he was going to when he died, just to make sure he wouldn't hurt anyone else when he was no longer there to protect ones who were left. He wouldn't care that it wasn't heroic of him to ask his worst enemy to end his life on the verge of tears and with a broken voice because it would be even less heroic of him to let the younger member of his family die this way.
He couldn't bear to let another person die instead of him. He couldn't.
He wouldn't be able to take it.
He wasn't strong enough.
Hugh glanced at Evander one last time, to let him know everything would be fine and that he was going to be the one who took his place. But when he realized Evander hadn't taken his eyes away from him, and terror had overtaken his entire face, the words, the begging, and the crying stayed in his throat, now completely unable to come out.
Ace flicked his fingers.
And in a blink, Evander wasn't looking at him anymore.
His scream didn't sound like him. It made his throat hurt and his entire body feel cold.
No, no, no, no.
It was supposed to be him.
He was the one who should be dead right now.
And why wasn't he dead then?
Why were Evander and Georgie dead— and Hugh wasn't?
A pair of knees fell to the ground beside him. He turned around, mechanically, and he saw Kasumi, whose mouth was slightly open and her face had grown pale. Suddenly, instead of breaking down and crying like he thought she was about to do, she made her hands into fists, her jaw clenched, and after a blink, her eyes had turned into the bluest of blues he had ever seen.
Her scream was so guttural and so full of pain, she didn’t sound like her. Kasumi had never been able to make a wave that big out of nowhere in just one second and she had never used her powers with so much hate drawn all over her face full of tears that she didn’t seem to realize she was crying.
But with a simple flick of his wrist, Ace flipped the entire platform and created a barrier that protected him from the wave, breaking it and flooding the arena. Kasumi quickly tried to control the water to protect Evander’s corpse; he took advantage of that distraction to throw the platform at her.
And the only thing Kasumi could do was cry out and raise her arms to defend herself from the crushing weight that now was on top of her.
She didn’t even try to move or to run away. But he didn’t know if it was because it all happened so fast she didn’t have the time to do it—
Or because she simply didn’t want to.
Hugh looked up to the sky, searching for Tamaya. He expected to find her flying, keeping her distance, throwing bolts at her enemies, and when they were able to make eye contact, he would yell her name and ask her for help.
Not for him though.
For them. For Kasumi and Evander. Because each second that passed with Kasumi still under that platform, paralyzed and alone, and with Evander still at the mercy of whoever that passed and that could trip with him or kicked him, was a second that they were being—
But Hugh didn’t see her. She wasn’t anywhere he expected to find her, and he did his best to scan the whole sky, even if the little smoke that still remained in the area made it difficult for him to see.
Then, a dark thought clouded his mind.
Tamaya wasn’t reckless. Not anymore. She wouldn’t risk her life by staying on the ground, and she would know that the best way she would be able to help the rest of them was if she flew and got closer only in case they needed her help.
If she had stayed in the sky, she would have been able to see Evander blinding Ace with his powers. She would have seen Kasumi breaking down and her wave would have touched her wings. She would have known they needed her help long before Hugh did.
Then why wasn’t she there?
Why couldn’t he bring himself to lower his head and look for her in the ground?
Why was he so… numb?
Suddenly, Ace’s roar filled his ears. The villain had a knife buried on his left side, and when he tried to hit whoever had stabbed him, he wasn’t able to find them.
It wasn’t possible that someone had thrown a knife at him since the attack had clearly been from behind. And no one would be fast enough to get out of Ace’s reach and disappear before he realized he had been hurt.
And it was as if he could see him again. He was able to see him standing behind Ace, piercing him with his gaze, ready to push him, made him hit his face against the ground, and kill him himself. He could see his face—the face he had kissed thousands of times— contorted in anger even before his presence was revealed by Honey Harper, who screeched almost as if asking for his husband’s head, and sent every one of the creatures she had control over in his direction.
Simon cried in pain and, after flickering a couple of seconds, he curled into a ball, to protect his body from the bee’s dangerous stings.
An eerie beam of light flew over his head and made Honey Harper fall into a row of plastic chairs. Her bees suddenly lost interest in Simon and flew towards her, hearing their queen calling for someone’s name. When he looked around for whoever had attacked her, he recognized the Sentinel’s armor and noticed how he slowly lowered his arm, as if he couldn’t believe he had just shot someone right in the chest from that distance.
From the corner of his eyes, he saw Leroy Flinn tossing a couple of Renegades who were about to attack him and running towards his ally to check on her as if he were one more of her bees who blindly followed her command. Ace watched the scene as the same time Hugh did, but instead of asking Cyanide if she was fine, or even trying to pretend he cared for her, he used his powers to pull his back out of his knife.
He pulled the knife out of his back, probably because he was too full of himself to realize that he could bleed to death if he did that.
Simon knew that. He would have done it himself if he only had time.
Simon knew a lot of things.
And Hugh saw in his eyes that he knew Ace was aiming at his throat when he threw his own weapon at him.
But before the knife touched any inch of Simon’s skin, a swarm of monarch butterflies covered him and Danna Bell used her forearm to knock it from the air.
The Renegades who were still on condition to fight started using their powers at maximum capacity to try to stop Ace Anarchy. Hugh began to walk around with his head low, looking for his weapon because that was the only thing the dark fog that made his body feel dizzy and his thoughts fuzzy allowed him to do.
Look for it.
Look for it, grab it, get up, and fight.
The spear was nowhere to be found. And Hugh didn’t feel like fighting anymore.
He wanted to lay on the floor. He wanted to lay on the floor with Tamaya, with Kasumi, and with Evander, close his eyes, and try to remember how he felt when they were kids and all of them slept together in the same giant bed. He would try to imagine the sound of their breaths and suffocate the yelling, the crying, and the screeching, to at least feel like he was falling asleep before someone came and finished the job for —not for Ace— but for him.
And if no one did, at least Hugh knew what he was going to do next.
His knees began to tremble and his feet refused to keep going. He saw the Silver Spear a couple of meters behind Ace. Maybe if he was able to get across those barriers Ace had built around him with his powers, he could use it.
He had never tried to use it to see if it could physically hurt him in a way that could potentially kill him.
But he could try.
Immediately after that, he noticed someone’s gaze was fixated on him. He looked at Ace but just at that moment, he was struck by a bolt of smoke, distracting himself by his own coughing.
Two hands covered with black gloves slightly touched his weapon and made it move towards him.
The same hands he had been wanting to hold for so long.
The same hands that belonged to the same person who hadn’t stopped looking at him after all this time.
Simon probably didn’t even notice what he did. When Hugh looked back at him, he wasn’t paying attention to him anymore; instead, he was trying his best not to keep slipping on the muddy ground while he stumbled his way out of there.
Simon was slipping through his fingers once again.
The difference was that this time when the Sentinel landed beside a kneeling Simon, hurt and full with stings on his face and neck, he knew he couldn’t let watching him go away be the last thing he did in his life.
Hugh didn’t like running after people when they decided to go because he would never want anyone to do it if it were him.
After all, leaving took a lot of strength. Someone following him would only make it so much harder.
And being the one who followed and was rejected at the end, was even worse.
But some people were worth following. Just one time. Just to make sure they really wanted to leave, or if they wanted to stay just as hard as one wanted them to.
Just so each other knew they haven’t given up on each other yet.
Because he would never give up on Simon; not even when Hugh had already given up on himself.
When he kneeled beside him, he just threw a glance at the Sentinel to try to figure out his intentions, but immediately centered all his attention on Simon.
The hell with the Sentinel.
“Simon, what happened?” he asked him, with his voice trembling as much as the ground did. “What’s wrong?”
And Simon—
Simon answered him.
“At least one of those hornets must have had Agent N—” their gazes met “—I’ve been neutralized.”
He bit his lips and lowered his head, almost as if he were apologizing for something.
But Hugh didn’t want him to apologize. He wasn’t the one who needed to do it.
That Simon was still his Simon. With or without powers.
Hugh put his arm around Simon. “We need to get you out of here. Can you stand?”
He expected Simon to flinch at his touch and ask him to get away from him as soon as he touched. What he didn’t expect was for him to completely ignore his question and his arm around him, and instead, ask him, “Have you seen Adrian?”
Hugh immediately tried to remember if he had seen him during the fight. But, to his horror, the last time he had seen Adrian had been the night he and his team discovered Nightmare’s true identity because he had been avoiding him during the last days.
Those things now seemed insignificant and petty compared with what was happening now.
First, he only shook his head, and while he helped him to get up, Simon’s eyes started to fill with tears. “We’ll find him,” he assured him. “He’s strong. He has to be fine.”
And it was a threat to the universe.
Simon tried to give a step, but his legs couldn’t hold the weight of his body, and he almost fell again. Hugh instinctively held him tighter. “I’m okay,” Simon quickly said, waving his hand. “It’s just…”
It’s just—
Hugh wanted to ask him: “It’s just what?”
But she hadn’t asked him that question. So he didn’t ask Simon either.
He did want an answer though.
And Simon was so good, he gave it to him.
“My whole body feels like it’s burning up from the inside out. Whatever venom those wasps have—”
Simon groaned and Hugh heard his words echoing in his mind.
At least you’re feeling.
You’re feeling, and that’s what matters.
Hugh tried to speak, but the Sentinel interrupted him before he could even say a word.
“Here, let me take him.” He frowned, and the Sentinel added, “You need to stop Ace Anarchy.”
He contemplated the Sentinel's armor, about to tell him to move and let him take his husband out of there.
Hugh didn't need to do anything.
The only thing he needed to do was to get Simon away from danger as quickly as possible.
But he would be lying.
Because deep in his heart, he knew he had to stop Ace Anarchy before he did anything else.
Not because he wanted to. It was because he had to.
That was the way it had always been.
He would like to hate the Sentinel for making that remark, but as soon as his eyes met with his helmet, he realized he had become one of those insignificant and petty things he couldn't believe had taken so much of his time.
And he had also saved Max.
Without him, Adrian wouldn't have had a little brother to kidnap, Hugh wouldn't have had two sons to worry about, and probably, a husband for the Anarchist to hurt.
“Thank you.”
He meant it.
He really meant it.
If the Sentinel smiled or felt something when he heard those words, he didn't show it. He moved towards them to help Simon put his weight on him, but as soon as he got close, he flinched and held Hugh tighter.
A lot more tighter.
With all his might.
Hugh looked him dead in the eye, and Simon did it too.
He would never forget how soft, yet determined, his voice sounded when he said those three words to him.
It was a plea and it was an order.
It was a question and it was an answer.
They were full of vulnerability and they were full of strength.
It was the first words he had really said to him in a long time but might as well become the last ones.
Simon said, “Don't get killed.”
Two realizations came to him at the same time.
The first one was that Simon's lips were slightly open after he said that.
And the second one was that he couldn't die yet.
Not because of the world. Not even because he was sure he wanted to keep living.
He needed to live because he had to find Tamaya to tell her he was sorry, even if he had to look for her on the ground. Because he needed to help Kasumi, ask her to forgive him too, and assure her she had been right all along. Because he needed to fulfill the silent promise he had made to Evander since the day he appeared on their life's door and protect him one last time.
He needed to see Max, hug him, and get him ready for bed.
He needed to talk to Adrian again and tell him he loved him, without him having to be the first one to do so.
And he needed to hold, touch, but above all, kiss the love of his life one more time, and make sure he would never again think Hugh didn't love him until his last breath, and that his last thoughts were all about him.
So he not only needed to live.
He had to live.
Just one last time, he had to live.
He had done it before; he would do it again.
“I'd like to see him try.”
The last thing Hugh saw before falling, was Adrian’s face.
And he looked small. Very small. And completely terrified.
He looked so terrified, that the few seconds he was falling, he could only think about all the horrible things Adrian and Max must be feeling, and not actually about what he was feeling.
But as soon as he realized that, he hit the ground.
At first, he did his best not to give up and stay awake for as long as possible. But he started wondering what Georgie felt when she fell from the sky. If she had looked like a shooting star. And he wondered if it was really her the one who appeared in front of him, wearing a golden cape. If it was really her when she held his face in her hands, caressing his cheeks without saying a single word, and kissed his forehead before getting up again and starting flying, and flying until he couldn’t see her anymore.
He also wondered if she would have been woken up by the pain had she survived the fall, just like he eventually did. If she would have also felt the instant relief everyone felt when they came to the realization that they were alive, just to immediately be followed up by guilt. Or what Georgie would have thought if she had stayed a little longer, just to ask him that one last time.
Where does it hurt?
Hugh would have told her the truth. Because of course he would have told her the truth. He would never lie to her. Not even when all he had done for the last ten years, had been lying to himself.
It hurts everywhere.
She didn’t ask him anything though.
Not that he was mad at her for not doing so.
He just wondered what she would have thought.
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childofhalloween · 3 years
A Story With No Name Aka Why You Don't Ask Idoits for Dating Advice
So this was a short little one shot I got an idea for after binging Graystillplays Sims videos for days. If the formatting or anything seems off it's because I wrote it all on a phone. Well this short one shot turned out 9 pages long opps. So I hope you enjoy. Also writing an Austrillis slow burn not really sure where it goes but if anyone is interested let me know. Anyways onto the show! Thomas Alan Wenis better known as Tommy looked down at the paper in his hand. This address had to be a mistake. He had just flown down to Florida to get away for a while, see the ocean, maybe even clear up his depression. He hadn't brought much with him just an old suitcase and what little money he drained from his savings account.
That was exactly what attracted him to the random message board offering low rent living. With the price of rent all Tommy was expecting was a cot in a closet somewhere. Not that he minded as long as he had a roof and somewhere to put his black boots he didn't care.
But this, this wasn't right. Couldn't be right. The place was huge. Probably the biggest house he had ever seen. 4 floors are least and he could see the corner a large pool in the back.
He checked the address of his contact Melvin, and it matched. This had to be some sort of scheme. He knew it was too good to be true, like everything else in his life.
With a sigh he picked up his bag walking to the front door. Maybe they would be able to at least point him in the right direction.
Ringing the bell he sat out on the front step for a moment before the large oak door opened and a man dressed only in a towel and some sneakers opened the door.
"Uhhh hi. I'm sorry to disturb you but I am looking for someone at this address. His name is Melvin." Tommy said avoiding eye contact with the red haired man.
"Yeah that's me! Melvin Eugene Johnston. But everyone just calls me Florida Man." He said holding out his hand Tommy awkwardly taking it. "You must be Tommy!"
"Uhhh yeah. I'm sorry did I come at a bad time?" He said motioning to the towel.
"Huh this? Nah. Just like to feel a cool breeze if you know what I mean." He joked opening the door motioning for him to come in.
The place was almost too much for Tommy to take in but nonetheless followed Florida Man on a tour around the house.
"I uhhh….I hate to say I think I miss understood about the price." Tommy said knowing their was no way he could ever afford a place like this.
"Oh don't stress about it. Just get me the $300 whenever. Everyone here is pretty cool. We all just pitch in when we can ya know? We all take turns cleaning and cooking….well except for Aussie. Fire department said they are gonna fine us for another kitchen fire." He said casually. Tommy couldn't help but wonder what he was getting into.
"Then toss in some cash for some beers or food when ya can. Everyone just kind of does their own thing. You will see all kinds of people come and go. Right now we got a lot of our 'lifers'."
"How can you afford this place?" Tommy said looking at another large staircase.
"Oh it's already paid for. I bought it with the money from my lawsuit with Madonna."
"You sued Madonna!?!" Tommy said, not believing what he was hearing.
“Oh yeah I did. Her show was supposed to start at 8 she didn't go on till 10. I wasted so much money on overpriced water down beer I don't even remember the damn thing. Next thing I know I'm in the hospital. Apparently I fell down 12 rows of concrete stairs trying to get some nachos from concessions." He said casually as he continued. "Then I used the money I won to buy this place but it got lonely & quiet by myself so I started renting out rooms. Made for one big odd family."
Opening a door he motioned to Tommy "So here's your room. Get comfortable. When you're done feel free to head on down to the kitchen, meet everyone."
Tommy had hoped he could even find his way back down to the kitchen. It was going to take a little while to get used to this place. He still couldn't wrap his mind around all of this.
But unbeknownst to him the craziest part was yet to come. His new roommates.
Finally finding the kitchen he saw Floridaman busy having a beer next to a tall man with the most epic red beard he'd ever seen and a smaller but seemingly louder blond wearing sunglasses. And behind them both a slightly deranged looking man with jet black hair.
They all seemed to get quiet as he walked awkwardly into the kitchen.
"I was wondering if you were going to find us." Florida Man said thrusting a Bud Lite in Tommy's hand not bothering to ask if he'd want one. "Boys this is our newest guest Tommy Wenis"
The blond let out an almost mocking laugh.
"Wenis!?! Ya gotta be bloody kiddin me. Bet that must have been a rough primary career. The names are just endless!"
"Don't listen to him, he can be a jerk but he doesn't really mean it." The redhead said standing up holding out his hand cordially. "Names Tim by the way."
"Ahhh I'm just taking the piss with ya mate...kinda. Name's Trevor but everyone here likes to call me Australian Man. Ya know obvious reasons."
Finally the dark hair man with the slightly odd shaped face spoke up. "And I'm Colono. Colono Scopy"
"Uh huh...so is this everyone who lives here?" Tommy said looking at the motley crew in front of him.
"No the girls are off doing something or another. I think they mentioned girls day. I don't know I wasn't listening." Florida Man said, looking at the clock on the stove. "But they should be back any minute."
As if on cue the door opened and the sound of over lapped talking was heard.
"Speak of the devil mate." Australian Man said slightly in awe of Florida Man's timing.
A brunette wearing what looked to be a thrift store tourist shirt walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Whitley come here meet our new roommate Tommy." Florida Man said.
"Hey I'm Whitley " she shook his hand. He couldn't help but notice the slight smell of cheap bottom shelf vodka radiating off her.
Next a woman walked in with the best blond afro Tommy had ever seen.
"Hey Bab this is our new roommate Tom-"
"Maybe he'll last longer then the others." Bab said almost miserably as she walked out the back door not stopping.
"Sorry she's kin-d of…." Florida Man tried to think of the word.
"Manic Depressive." The girl with blonde and pink braids said matter of factly. "Text book diagnosis really."
"Are you a Dr?" Tommy asked everyone just laughed.
"Not in the slightest. Just been through a lot of psychologists."
"Ellis Dee, meet Tommy." Florida Man introduced.
"Tommy Wenis." Australian Man said with a snicker.
"Oh my God do people call you Tiny Wenis?" Ellis said with a giggle.
It didn't matter though because all Tommy's attention was now focused on the tall blond with golden hair walking in. He had never seen anyone like her. She was like nothing he'd ever encountered. She was…..she was…..she was absolutely stunning.
"Whose that?" Tommy asked Tim quietly.
"Huh? Oh that's Beth. Be nice, she's a sweet girl." Tim whispered back.
"Hey Beth say hi to Tommy the new guy." Florida said.
"Hi name's Beth." She introduced herself in a thick Southern accent.
"I….uhh...I'm Tommy." Tommy managed to mumble out.
All the guys exchanged an odd look.
"So where are ya rollin in from?" She asked with a smile.
"....I uhhh… I come from….places. I gotta go." He said, scrambling out of the kitchen to his room.
"That was odd." Colono said all the others nodded.
As the months went on Tommy found he had more in common with this rag tag bunch then he ever had with anyone else. He spent his days joking with Colono, drinking beers with the Florida Man & Australian Man, discussing art with Bab Ross, hitting the occasional bong with Ellis Dee, and pretty much bonding with everyone.
Everyone that is except for Beth. It seemed like every time they had a moment together his mind just blanked. Like it shut down to nothing and he couldn't figure out what the hell to say so he would say something awkward and just excuse himself.
It became apparent to everyone what was going on, everyone that was except Beth as she walked into the living room one day.
"Mind if I sat by ya hun?" She asked. He looked up at her eyes wide.
"I….uhh….murder show…..its over…..here you go. For you." He said, tossing the remote at her feet before running out the room.
"Ouch that was painful to watch." Australian Man looked up from the card game the guys had been playing.
Tommy pulled out a chair and plopped down not responding.
"Hey man, it's0 ok you will get her next time." Florid Man said putting a hand on his shoulder sympathetically….well really trying to sneak a peek at Colono's cards
"Ughhh. It's like everytime I try to talk to her I look like a total ass." Tommy grumbled.
"Yah we know, we all seen it." Australian Man joked as threw another chip in the pot.
"Well what am I supposed to say? Hey I think you're gorgeous, will you have a coffee with me?" He said, causing all the other men to laugh.
"No, no. You're thinking too much into it. What women love to hear is compliments." Tim Horton said as Bab Ross happened to walk past. "Watch this."
"Hello Bab you are looking positively radiant today!" Tim said, putting on a charming smile.
"Whatever you say Tim." Bab said with a shrug as she kept walking.
This caused all the other men to crack up.
"Laugh all you want but she acknowledged me. That's progress."
"Nah ya got it all wrong mate. What birds really dig on is a badass." Australian Man said getting up walking to the back yard. "This is how it's done boys."
Strutting slightly he slid up to Ellis Dee who was sitting outside enjoying the sun.
"Hey Ellie." He said acting casual.
"Oh hey Aussie what's up?"
"Did I ever tell you about the time I fought off a whole colony of bog frogs?"
"No I don't think you have."
"Yeah I was out with some blokes and came across these wee little bog frogs must have been mating season or something because next thing I know I'm surrounded by the little wankers! So I start beating them off me. Kicking, punching them in their little frog faces. Just throwing them off left and right. Turns out the little bastards were poisonous. Woke up in the hospital 2 weeks later handcuffed to the hospital bed. Turns out those little piss frogs are on the 'endangered species' list. Luckily for me though the judge granted the coma as time served. All I got was probation and I'll be off that by next year." Australian Man said cooly before something hit him.
"Probation…..OH SHIT! My probation meeting!" He said looking down at his watch. "I'm 6 fucking months late! I can not be arrested again! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" he said running into the house leaving behind a very confused Ellis Dee.
All the guys watched as Australian Man ran through the house screaming obscenities as he looked for his cell phone.
"Anyways….what about you Florida Man. How do you talk to the ladies?" Tim Horton asked.
Florida Man shrugged and got up walking to the kitchen to see Whitley at the table drinking a large glass of orange juice.
"Bud Lite?" Florida Man offered holding out a beer. She looked at him confused.
"Its only 11 not even noon. Too early for beer." she said.
"Ok." Florida Man said walking back with both beers.
"Mornings are for screwdrivers." Whitley said to herself pour more dollar vodka into her drink.
"No, no I am sure I called. Yeah right when I landed. No I made sure I message with a Shelly? Or maybe a Jan? Or was it a Steven? I'm not sure. Mighta been a new?.....oh maybe a temp! Bloody hard to find good help huh? I'm sure it's there just check the last few months. Ring when this is all cleared up." Australian Man said, hanging up his phone not waiting for a reply on the other end. "Bloody cunts..….so what'd I miss."
"That's it. That's the only move I got." Florida Man said with a shrug.
"You guys are hopeless. No wonder I'm the only one in a relationship." Colono complained before turning to Tommy. "Tommy don't listen to them they are all going to die alone."
"Fuck ya too!
"That was rude….but true."
"Women, they love romance. You can sweep a woman off her feet just by words. Just watch my example gentlemen." Colono said as he sauntered out the door to Flo Cane who was watching tv.
"Oh there she is mi amor. I was looking everywhere for you." He said sliding next to her.
"What is it? On no! Are you having issues again? Is the burning back? Have you been taking your meds? Do I need to call the Dr for you again?"
"What!?! No! That's not it!" Colono said in a panic as the sound of laughter came from around the corner.
"Hey don't listen to them. You know stress makes it worse." Flo comforted.
"It's not that!" Colono said frustrated.
"Are you sure? I know how cranky you get when you forget to take your meds."
"I'm not cranky!" Colono yelled as he stormed off.
"I'm making you an appointment just to be sure! I know you are scared of making phone calls." She shouted after him as he stormed off.
The other guys were currently in a huge pile on the floor in total hysterics none of them were able to stand. It took almost 10mins for them to calm down to breathe.
Finally collecting himself Tommy stood up straightening out his clothes. After all that advice he had finally figured it out. He knew what he had to do. Mustering up all the courage he could he moved forward before he could chicken out.
"Where are you going?" Florida Man asked as Tommy made his way outside.
"I'm going to do what I need to." He said walking out into the back yard where the girls currently huddled together talking about how weird the morning had been.
"Hello ladies. Can I talk to Beth alone please?" He asked.
Suddenly a lot made sense as they gave each other a knowing look.
"She's all yours." Whitley said with a l knowing smirk.
Silence still overcame the 2 as they sat there totally obvious to the group of 8 peering around the corner.
"What did you want to talk about?" Beth asked looking over slightly confused about what had been going on. From what she heard it's been a very confusing day.
"I…..I…." He took a deep breath before blurting out quickly. "I think you're absolutely gorgeous and would you like to get coffee with me?"
It took Beth a moment to even figure out what he had said and then another for it to really register.
"You, you think I'm pretty?" She said shocked no one had said anything like that before.
"Gorgeous actually." He said his face was burning red. "Look if I offended you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Yes." She cut him off.
"I would love to get coffee with you." She said as a big smile crossed her face.
"Ok when?"
"Now?" She suggested.
"Sounds great." He said getting up offering his hand to her. "I know a great place."
They both walked right past the group of the gawkers so invested in their conversation they didn't even seem to notice.
"Oh my God that is the sweetest thing I've ever seen!" Whitley gushed.
"Guys are never that romantic. She's so lucky." Flo said wistfully.
"Man I wish I could find someone who thinks like that." Ellis mused.
"Yeah it was pretty nice." Bab said in her bored Bab tone.
"Are ya fucking kidding me right now!?!" Australian said, throwing his hands up in the air as he stormed back inside.
"Seriously? That? That's it? Thats romantic?" Colono complained following behind.
"Wow guy did have some skills after all." Florida said patting Tim on the back sympathetically as Tim mumbled to himself annoyed.
"What's their problem?" Bab asked.
"Men are weird." Whitley said all the other girls nodded in agreement.
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Chapter 7: A Sentimental Journey
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Words: 3,095
Warnings: None? I mean probably swearing but this is straight fluff
Tags: @divinity-deos @wolfish-willow @scoopsohboi @thecaptainsgingersnap @herre-gud-nej @clockworkballerina @maddie1504​ @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary @buckysarge​ @wildcvltre​ @n3wtscaseofniffler5​ @peterparxour @linkispink1995​ @a-big-ball-of-idk​ @used-avocado​ @mochminnie​ @sledgy14​ @the-creative-lie​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ggclarissa​ @boredoomfm​ @voidnarnia​ @anonymousonion33 @the-passionate-freak​
“Steve, take me to prom,” Steve nearly shot milk out of his nose. He’d spent the morning counting down the hours till school was over. The final essay for crabby old Lawrence was due in less than a week and you still hadn’t handed over his essay for his final rewrite, which wasn’t a problem, he could just wait until he was back in your bedroom. Steve liked your house a lot more than his. He liked your grandparents, especially Maude who’d sit him on the couch and show him photos from your childhood. He liked your bedroom and digging through your sketchbooks, he liked how comfortable you were in your own space. Samantha would sometimes join the pair of you there, eating popcorn and playing her 48s on your dusty Mickey Mouse record player. But most of the time it was the pair of you alone, working on assignments and swapping stories. He’d forgotten about Vicki entirely, he’d only joined Tommy for lunch after he grabbed him by the arm and pulled him over.
“What?” he sputtered, swallowing hard. The whole table was watching him carefully. Vicki merely shrugged, batting her eyelashes at him. Steve’s stomach soured. It wasn’t as if Vicki wasn’t an attractive person, she was very pretty, but only on the outside. He didn’t really have it in him to stomach another night with her.
“I…I kind of have my eye on someone else, Vicks.” Steve watched as she deflated, looking down at her untouched kernel corn. “Besides, Hargrove’s probably itching to take you anyway.”
That was the wrong answer. Vicki immediately burst into tears, pushing away from the table. Carol rushed to console her, Tina taking up the rear. “They broke up last week, jackass.” She bit out, flipping Steve off angrily as she followed behind the crying Vicki.
Steve stood from the table, heading away from the mess he made. He didn’t want to hang out with Tommy anyway, especially with him glaring him down from across the table. He didn’t get why it mattered so much to Tommy that he do things the way he wanted. Dating Vicki didn’t make him more or less popular. It literally didn’t matter. They were going to graduate soon anyway.
Samantha grinned as she caught Steve walking over. “Harrington, twelve o’clock.” She whispered. You didn’t look up from your pad. The light had caught his hair right and you wanted to finish your shading before you lost the image in your mind. You heard Steve pull out the chair next to you and then your pad was tugged away.
“Hey!” you cried, your charcoal making a wide black streak down the page, effectively ruining the drawing.
“Who’s this supposed to be?” he held the sketchpad in front of him and then next to his face. Samantha chuckled darkly, shaking her head. “Is this supposed to be me?”
“Well, it was going to be till you ruined it.” You grumbled, snatching the pad back .
“That looks nothing like me!” Steve laughed loudly. In truth, he thought the man in the picture was too symmetrical and handsome to be him.
“On what planet?” Samantha scoffed, pulling her butterscotch pudding cup away from Steve’s greedy hands. He was a notorious pudding thief, and food thief in general, much to her annoyance and surprise.
“I get the best of everyone’s features…” you muttered, working on removing the mark he’d made “Not that there’s much to discard from you…”
“You missed the scar on my nose.” He replied with a shrug, grabbing your vanilla pudding. You both knew that you wouldn’t eat it.
You looked up “What scar?” Steve pointed to the bridge of his nose. You inched closer, getting a better view of the mark. Steve held his breath, utterly paralyzed. He felt like such a doofus. He was usually so smooth with girls, but you made him utterly tongue tied.
“Hm, yeah you do.” You pulled your face back, turning back to your pad, adding a thin line to the strong bridge of his nose. “How’d you get that?”
“Got hit in the face with a baseball bat in pee-wee t-ball.” Steve admitted. The participation trophy he had was from that game, his father took him out of the sport after getting hit. His whole team won the season, but because he didn’t play he got a tiny trophy from the league as a consolation prize.
“Seriously?” You and Samantha said in unison.
“Yeah, I made the paper and everything.” That was a point of pride for Steve, he had the clipping somewhere in his room. You and Samantha laughed at his cockiness. The image of elementary aged Steve with a huge gash down his nose and a toothless grin, holding up a dinky little trophy for the poor, underpaid reporter taking down the story.
The bell signalling the end of lunch blared over head and the three of you rushed to collect your things. Steve grabbed your tray, waiting for you to pack up your things. Samantha left without you, bidding her goodbyes to the pair of you.
Steve reached out to touch your elbow lightly, drawing your attention to him “We still good to hang out after school?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure, we can look over your essay.” You shrugged, trying to get the electric current blazing up your nerves to settle. Your breath caught in your chest every time he touched you. You wouldn’t lie to yourself, you liked him. You more than liked him; you didn’t even know how to explain it. You’d say it was love but you weren’t even sure how that was supposed to feel. All you knew is that the world seemed better when he was around and it wasn’t everything seemed greyer and duller. He was summer personified. He was sunshine and summer evenings and flowers and everything beautiful. And you never used to like all that shit. But now you wanted to bask in the glow of the sun that was Steve Harrington.
The hours till the bell always ticked slower and slower after lunch. The individual grains of sand cascaded past your eyelids as you zoned out in your other classes. When the final bell rang, the pair of you rushed from opposite sides of the school to meet in the middle. Samantha was walking disgustingly slow to your shared locker. “So, yeah I was going to ask Robin but I figure it might be suspicious enough to go with a girl, besides I don’t think I can snag another ticket so close to the deadline as is,” she’d been going on about whether or not she should invite her little junior paramour to the prom.
“Yeah, I mean most people already think you’re weird enough, showing up with a random junior might totally ruin you.” You sneered. Graduation was just around the corner, and Samantha’s acceptance to Wellesley was well taken care of. She was almost out of Hawkins; there was no point in trying to pretend that she was straight.
“It’s not me I’m worried about, it’s her. She’ll still be stuck here after I leave, I don’t want to make things hard for her.” Samantha replied with a shrug, pulling her gym kit from the bottom of your locker.
“Just take my ticket. You know most of the soccer team is going anyway.” You replied, shoving her cleats into her bag. You dropped your textbooks onto the tiny top shelf and pulled your messenger bag across your body.  You spotted Steve from across the hall. He’d just left his gym class and his hair was wet and dripping on his face. He bounded over to you, grinning like a fool.
“You ready?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“You ever going to dry your hair?” Samantha mused. Steve shook his head hard, water flying off his to dry it like a dog would. You and Samantha screeched, holding up your hands to hide your faces from the water.
You smacked Steve’s back “Enough!” you cried. Steve stopped immediately, laughing softly.
“I’m gone, catch you tomorrow.” Samantha waved, jogging off to probably find little Robin. You and Steve headed off towards Steve’s car. He drove the pair of you home even when you weren’t hanging out. It was nice to have a ride home, Hawkins weather wasn’t kind in spring and even in May when the weather turned warmer and the sun shone brightly, rain could still hit at any moment. That was how you rationalized making maps in your mind of Steve’s hand on the gear shift and the way his jaw clenched when someone tried to cut him off or turned too slow in the left hand turn lane. He was too beautiful. It was painful to watch him, like staring directly into the sun. You thought about kissing him more than you’d ever admit out loud. It felt like wanting to kiss the statue of David, like Pygmalion with his Galatea, too self-flagellating to even attempt. You didn’t know why you felt like his creator, but you did. You’d done nothing to build him, to mould him, and yet you left as if you knew him better than anyone else. You understood his nature, the way his mind worked.  
Steve parked in his driveway and the pair of you headed across the street to your house. Your house seemed to be a specific choice for both of you. For you, being in your own home was comfortable and safe. You knew it like the back of your hand and it felt correct to be there. A cocoon of security for you to burrow into. Recently, Steve’s mother had been home much more than a month ago. You couldn’t read his mind, but being somewhere else than his own bedroom was probably a nice change. He seemed to keep you away from his house when his mother was there.
You unlocked the front door, kicking off your shoes in the doorway and tossing them on the rack. Steve followed suite mindlessly, calling into the house “Hey, Maude! Mr. Y/L/N…” he still wasn’t certain that your grandfather liked him; he seemed at times disinterested and at others cruel and cutting.
“Nice to see you again, Steve.” Maude smiled, poking her head out of the living room to smile at the pair of you. Your grandmother liked Steve. You were certain that she’d like anyone new you brought home. She was desperate to meet any of your friends and refused to believe that she’d met them all.
You and Steve headed upstairs, taking your usual seats in your bedroom, you on your desk chair and Steve laying flat on your mattress, constantly staring up at the stars. You read back his essay to him, noting the problems you’d found. This was the third time you’d edited it and the words were well worn into both of your brains. He’d decided to write on way Heathcliff is painted as a monster within the text, a fine topic which Mr. Lawrence had suggested as one of the topic choices. His argument was that Heathcliff is painted as a monster because of his interest in a woman he’s come to find in a sisterly position in his life. Basically, incest isn’t cool. It was a hard argument to proof, because the answers weren’t in the text itself, you had to push him to find points within the spaces in between the words. You were proud of the final piece that he’d created; it was a strong case and a decent attempt at a college level essay.
“What’s the verdict, chief?” Steve asked, sitting up slightly to address you fully.
“It’s good, there’s still a few sentences that need reworking and a quote that I think you could axe, but even without those edits you can still swing a solid B.” you handed the papers over to him. The pages had the least amounts of edits you’d done for him all semester. He’d really improved his writing.
“You think?” Steve replied, flipping through the pages quickly, noting the wide circle around a bit of dialogue from the fifteenth chapter. He couldn’t help but smile at the wide, bubbly ‘B+’ you’d scrawled at the top of the page. You’d drawn a little smiley face next to the grade, a small touch you’d started doing after editing his second paper, a little one pager about the thirteenth chapter of Wuthering Heights. He liked the little smiles, they made him happy whenever he saw them, they were a little touch of you on his work, a detail he refused to miss.
“Duh!” you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
Steve stood from your bed, turning his attention to your shelf. You’d let him go through your work before, a small feat of trust for you. You didn’t usually even let Samantha go through most of your work. You’d usually choose what people could see of your work. But Steve seemed to like the strange, unfinished, or messy works hidden in binders or pads shelved. He pulled out a grey binder, labelled in masking tape ‘Hawkins’ Most Beautiful’. He held up the binder to you, raising an eyebrow. “Now, what the hell is this?” he asked.
“That was my first attempt at a portfolio, before I learned what a portfolio was.” You replied with a small length. Steve opened the binder, which you’d turned into a sort of album with plastic viewers holding sketches in place, both in black and white and colour. He recognized the first one immediately as Nancy from about a year ago, judging by her ringlet curls. It looked so much like he remembered her, but he knew the girl you’d drawn wasn’t who she really was. Steve flipped the page. He didn’t recognize some faces, strangers to him, and you hadn’t labelled them with names. You done a couple recreations of yearbook photos, he remembered signing a picture of Carol, Tina, and Vicki from the previous year, the trio grinning in Hawkins High merchandise.
“You could do a whole like show with these, they’re really cool.” He held the binder up, pages flipped to the portrait you’d done of Barbara Holland. When you’d drawn that, you hadn’t known that she’d go missing or wind up dead, she was just the girl sat across from you in the library with interesting glasses.
“I’d want to redo them first. They’re all rough drafts. I planned to redraw them, choosing to emphasize one colour for each of the drawings, but then I also planned to black out their eyes, and then I thought they were all stupid ideas.” You explained sheepishly.
“No, don’t touch them.” Steve cut in “They’re perfect the way they are.”
Steve wasn’t much of an art critic. He certainly wasn’t an objective judge. But despite logic, you blushed heavily, turning your gaze away. You wished Steve would look away but he didn’t, you felt his eyes on you. “You really don’t have to be so nice, you know…” you muttered, looking up to meet his eye with a shy smile.
“Go to prom with me?” Steve hadn’t thought about the question before he said it. The subject had been on his mind since that afternoon and when he told Vicki that he had someone else in mind for the dance. At the time he didn’t think much of the statement, now it seemed obvious who his subconscious was alluding to.
“What?” you breathed out wide eyed and confused. You hadn’t planned on going at all. Samantha wanted to go, and you’d bought tickets but when she gained interested in Robin you relinquished your ticket easily to her. She’d have more fun on a quasi-date with the junior.
“Go with me,” he chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “You don’t have a date yet do you?”
“I don’t even have a ticket…I gave it away.” you replied, looking at your feet instead of him. You felt like such a little geek. You knew Steve wasn’t laughing at you, but you still felt small.
“I have two. And I want you to go with me.” Steve said simply, reaching out and taking your hand.
“Are you sure? I mean your friends all hate me and I don’t think your status as king will be damaged if they see you with me.” You replied, shaking your head as if the statement was funny. You couldn’t imagine spending the night with Tommy and Carol, and having it go well.  You knew that it wouldn’t.
“It doesn’t have to be like that. It can be whatever you want.” Steve said easily. He just wanted you to feel comfortable and it was so obvious that you weren’t. “And I don’t care about those guys. I’ll kick their asses if they try anything.”
“Whoa, calm down, we don’t want you getting hurt.” You joked, looking up at the ceiling. You didn’t have to know Steve personally to know that he was not a fighter, losing to freak Jonathan Byers was not a small story in a small town. Steve laughed at his own expense. Internally, he knew he could fight when he needed to, to protect people, but he couldn’t exactly tell that story. It still scared him too much to speak of.
“So, will you?” he asked. You rubbed your lips together, unsure what the right answer was. If there even was a right answer. Your gut instinct said yes without a doubt, but your mind fought back at the notion of even humouring the idea. You’d get laughed out of the place. You’d get mocked. Steve was playing a cruel prank. He couldn’t want to be seen with you. But you met his eye and you didn’t see any malice there. His wide, expressive eyes screamed kindness and patience.
You swallowed hard, pushing away feelings of worry. “Yeah, okay…” you said softly, taking Steve’s hand again to steady yourself. Steve would protect you if he needed to. He’d promised to. And you trusted him.
“Yeah?” he asked, matching your tone.
“Yeah.” You nodded hard, almost as if to convince him as well as yourself. Steve’s face split into his wide grin and you found yourself smiling too. Despite yourself, you were a bit excited. You spent the afternoon with his hand in yours, not letting go unless you did, looking over the portraits and discussing what you saw in the faces. It was the first moment of peace your heart had found in a long time
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thestraggletag · 4 years
Hello! I am a longtime Rumbeller but new to fandom. I was sent by Kelyon and told to ask for The Thing. I feel like I am on a magical quest, by the way, and I am extremely excited.
Love your tumblr! Thank you!
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Originally posted by mr-carlyle
Welcome to the fandom, dearie.
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pertinax--loculos · 3 years
Gonna try a new thing. I've seen these weekly updates from other writeblrs and it appeals to me because I can blather about writing or lack of writing (if it's been one of Those weeks), I can also include anything else I want, and it's a manageable goal to have for a start.
Tentatively breaking it up into writing, reading OR watching, real life (if applicable), and possibly excerpt (again, if applicable).
So! (Warning: This is long. I seriously babble like nothing else.)
Currently Writing Absent That Night (tagged: WIP: ATN)
wordcount: no clue, it's all on my phone and I've been writing scenes I'd previously written snippets for, so it's a mash-up. (Which reminds me I need to back it all up at least onto my computer.)
Proud of the short summary I did for my pinned post, so repeating it here:
Agent Latrell has been chasing the thief known as Nox for more than three years; but when bodies start turning up at his crime scenes, he’s the only one who believes Nox isn’t responsible. Unfortunately, he’s also the only other suspect. In order to clear his name, he’s going to have to find the real killer; and the only way to do that is to team up with a criminal who, it turns out, he knows absolutely nothing about.
still love love LOVING this WIP. I've got pages and pages of notes, and it is probably getting a wee bit too complex with subplots and suspects etc, but I'm an overwriter anyway so if I end up with a 200k word draft then shrug. More to work with
dunno if I mentioned or just thought it was obvious because I know it so well, but it has an enemies/rivals-to-allies(lovers?) (sub?)plot. So I've been pulling out a lot of threads there
technically I'm up to about halfway between the catalyst and break into two. Definitely not hardcore plotting but I do have an idea of the beats I wanna follow in the back of my head
Nox is still a fucking mess. I should probably stop piling trauma onto him, poor guy
my favourite creation this week is Mark Gault, who is a secondary/minor character who is amazing in every way. He is both essentially a ruthless mercenary and the "I LOVE MY WIFE" guy. (I also keep calling him Grant, instead of Mark, because he's actually the father of a character who first appears in Phase Two of CASCADE. (!!!))
basically happy with how it's all going this week. Regular writing is getting the juices flowing and it's easier to come up with ideas even when I've only got a vague notion of what is supposed to happen in the scene.
guys i am such an overwriter this is ridiculous please send help this scene was supposed to be like 2.5k total and it's turned into 4-5 scenes and is like 10k long dear god--
Currently Reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater, book three of the Raven Cycle
I have not just jumped in at book three of a series, I have read the previous two.
in the last week.
I've read eleven books in the last five weeks, so that's... something.
they have all been thrillers except for this series. (And also Girl One, which despite being marketed as a thriller was definitively NOT a thriller. Which, yes, I should've guessed from the tag line, but I'm still mad about it.)
I am in love with the prose. It feels similar to mine, but Better, and I have been unconsciously mimicking it.
(which may be a problem when I finish it and am still writing ATN, but that is an issue for Future Pockets)
ngl I was not a fan of the way the first book ended. Not only did I have to reread the final line multiple times in order to even begin to grasp it, but I kinda think it's a dick move to end on a cliffhanger, even for an established author and clear indications this was gonna be a series
(but you bought the next book, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU??)
very very much enjoying the series, to be concise (ha!). Love the characters and it's all pretty tightly paced. The overarching series arc kiiinda maybe feels a bit slow/irrelevant, and some of the motivations annoy me, but I keep reminding myself it's YA in which the motivations are in character, so
not far into this one yet but so far so good
I wrote this earlier this week and since have begun thinking the series arc is becoming more relevant, but am reserving judgement. Reading slower with work and reading but still enjoying it all
Real Life
continues to be mostly a pain in the ass. Apps in for a second job, research on next year ongoing
update: may have the dream second job, basically waiting for confirmation (fingers crossed!)
one of my housemates is the literal devil, although even that is being quite kind to her. The nice one is moving out because of it. People keep asking how I've lived in this house for three years. I have no answer.
enjoying writing time in evenings and feeling mentally pretty good thanks to exercise
Excerpt Long, nearly 900 words, but a favourite of recent pieces and also something I coincidentally wrote today. Nox and Latrell's third meeting, when Latrell is still, uh... resistant to the idea of working with him:
"Why me?" Not at all the way Latrell had intended to phrase it, but he couldn't take it back. He continued, quickly, instead, jumbled thoughts pouring out of his mouth. "Surely that's the least you can give me. You come to me and ask me to fucking help you after you've made the last three months of my life living hell, you can at least fucking tell me why the fuck that is. You owe me that much. I'm not letting you fucking walk away until you fucking answer me that."
Nox was silent for a long moment. He ran a calculating gaze up and down Latrell, as if searching for something; it wasn't apparent whether or not he'd found it when he said, softly, "And if I don't?"
Latrell was abruptly very aware of the weight of the handcuffs in his back pocket. He would have to move quickly. There was every possibility Nox would see this coming, especially if he'd been arrested before. But Latrell was quietly confident. He inched his hand back, keeping it subtle, eyes on Nox's face.
"In that case," he said, as evenly as he could. His fingertips brushed warm metal. "Perhaps we should try something--"
Everything went white.
For a moment Latrell thought he'd somehow lost consciousness; that he'd underestimated Nox's affinity for violence, that the man had punched him or otherwise managed to incapacitate him without otherwise moving. Then it occurred to him that he was still thinking, which essentially took unconsciousness off the table, and he realised, vaguely, that it was an illusion.
It was very, very convincing.
The entire world was an endless expanse of emptiness. Utterly, absolutely white, a whiteness that could not and should not exist. Latrell was overcome by a sensation of falling, of plummeting into nothingness; he had to concentrate to feel his feet still on the ground, to know he was still upright. He had nothing to orient himself. There was no up, no down, no left or right. Just that endless expanse of a lack of colour. He was hanging in nothingness, or everything.
"You forget who you are dealing with, Agent."
Latrell swallowed down nausea. Nox's voice came from startlingly close, the sound of it somehow wrong, which objectively he knew came from the fact that his brain was convinced it should sound small and insubstantial in this endless void but it sounded normal because he was actually still standing in the alley. It was academic knowledge only. He still felt like he was tipping or falling or rising, weightless and disoriented. He had no voice, no ability to open his mouth.
Experimentally he tried to take a step. He couldn't lift his foot off the ground. Physically, he was sure he could -- he could still twitch his fingers, if he thought about it -- but his mind was convinced that there was nothing to step away from, nothing to step onto. Just nothing, nothing, nothing. A brightness that wasn't a light, a void constructed of the pieces between atoms.
Nox's voice came from his other side this time. "I have attempted to do this civilly, but there are other options."
It was a struggle to concentrate on his words, close as they were. Latrell tried to narrow his focus to only sound, tried to ignore the nothingness he was suspended in, tried to tell himself it was all an illusion. Just something Nox wanted him to see. The Orn, threaded through his eyes or brain or soul, acting upon Nox's orders.
It didn't help. He was still in freefall.
"Do not," Nox's voice came, a bare whisper in his ear, breath brushing Latrell's neck, "Presume to test me."
Abruptly the white disappeared. Latrell was back in the alley, trying to adjust to the change of light, trying to find where Nox had gone. Turning his head made the ground roil beneath him and he staggered, utterly disoriented.
Fingers closed around his forearm, steadying him, and Latrell looked up to find Nox inches away.
"Easy, Agent," he purred. His smile was more a baring of his teeth.
Latrell wrenched away from him, staggering until his back connected with a comfortingly solid wall. He was dizzy, brain still adjusting to reality, but he managed to straighten his spine and set his shoulders. He kept his hands in front of him. In Nox's view.
"Do we have an understanding?" Nox said, still silky and low.
"Screw you," Latrell said, voice faint and alien.
Nox's smirk sharpened. "I thought so. Lovely chat, Agent Latrell." He sauntered past where Latrell stayed pressed against the wall, hesitated at the corner of the alley. "Keep up the good work."
He stepped forward and disappeared from view.
Latrell's breath left him in a rush and he doubled over, bracing himself on his knees. His head still spun, the unpleasant sensation he'd come to expect from vertigo. The backs of his eyelids were painted with a stark blank white. Every time he blinked he was engulfed.
It was far beyond any illusion he'd ever experienced. It was approaching the type he'd only ever read about in scientific articles.
You forget who you are dealing with, Agent.
Perhaps he had. But this assault supplied more than a reminder.
It also provided a piece of the puzzle.
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scullysexual · 4 years
A Jewel Beneath The Moonlight [Reposted Anniversary]
You can read chapter’s One and Two here or alternatively you can read all three chapters on ao3.
@today-in-fic @mypanicface @improlificinsarcasm @enigmaticxbee Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this!
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Chapter Three
She extends her hand instead and Mulder gawks at it before his own hand grips hers and they shake. An electric buzz goes through her- one she can’t say she’s ever felt before as she beholds the man in front of her.
She’d seen him before, earlier, near the gate, felt him staring at her and when he wasn’t looking, she’d stares back at him.
She didn’t believe in fate, it was just coincidence that they would meet again, after all they’re stuck on a ship- a big ship but a ship all the same, they’re paths were bound to cross again and probably again another time.
But that buzz. Dana couldn’t explain it, she didn’t think anyone could.
They break contact, arms falling back to their sides.
“Scully…” Mulder says, testing her name out on his tongue. It sounded weird to be called by her surname; she was Dana to her family, sometimes Dee to Charlie, and Girl for the family she’d worked for briefly in London, but never was she Scully.
She liked it. And she liked it coming from him.
“I saw you earlier,” she says. “Staring.”
He looks away, embarrassed. “Sorry.”
Scully shrugs, smiling slightly. “It’s fine. You get used to it.”
Mulder looks at her shocked. “I wasn’t staring because you’re…you’re…” He struggles to find the words.
“Poor?” Scully offers, not feeling as offended as maybe she should be.
He shakes his head quickly. “No! Because you’re…”
Scully turns to find an entourage of people walking towards them. An older Mulder leads the pack as the rest follow.
“I thought you’d gone back to your room?” the older man says.
“I went to get some air, see if that would help,” Mulder explains.
Scully watches the scene unfold in front of her, her eyes flicking back between Mulder and who she can only presume is his father.
“Well, we’re all heading back now, perhaps you would like to come with us?” It wasn’t a question.
Mulder nods and Scully doesn’t miss the way they outwardly ignore that she’s even there. She’s not naïve to what the upper class, English upper class especially, think of her, of her country and her ‘outlandish’ ways so she stands in silence, glad to be invisible for this moment.
“Let’s go then,” the father says, reaching for Mulder’s arm.
Scully doesn’t miss the way Mulder tenses for a second then relaxes. She wasn’t always the best at reading people but she can see here that there’s no real relationship, no love, and as she watches the two she realises she has no affiliation with this type of dynamic. She may not of always seen eye-to-eye with her parents, her own father especially the older she got, but there was love there, that was one thing she had a lot of.
She watches Mulder begin to walk off, feeling for him in that moment and maybe he’d felt that sympathy, turning back to look at her, a sad smile across his face.
The next day brings Charlie dragging her down the corridor. He’d made a few friends last night it seems and he seemed anxious for her to meet one of them.
“Charlie, where are we actually going?” she asks, slightly annoyed, she had better things than be dragged down a hallway by Charlie.
“Hugo,” Charlie says turning back to her. “He mentioned last night that his daughter had come down with something and he was worried.”
Scully sighs, rolling her eyes. “So you mentioned me?” she huffs.
Charlie shrugs, stopping as they reach Room 52. “I just said I had a sister who was good at medicine and she might be able to help.” He knocks on the door twice then begins to walk away, Scully notices, catching his arm and pulling him back before he could go any further.
“You’re not gonna stay with me?”
“You’ll be fine,” Charlie says, taking his arm from her grasp. “Just do what you do.” He walks off then leaving Scully alone in the long corridor.
The door opens and a large man stands in the doorway, towering over Scully.
“You are Charlie’s sister?” the man, who Scully assumes is the Hugo her brother mentioned, asks.
“Aye. Your daughter is sick?”
Hugo nods, stepping out of the way to allow Scully into the small space.
A girl no older than eight lies in a bed, from where she stands Scully can see the sweat dripping down her face, hear her ragged wee breaths. Dana steps into the room, donning the Doctor Scully persona she’s already made up and walks over to the bed.
She sits in the space near the edge. “Hello. I’m Dana, what’s your name?”
“Agnes,” the little lass splutters.
Scully smiles, “That’s a pretty name.” She touches Agnes’ forehead feeling the heat radiating off her. Turning to Hugo, she asks, “How long has she been like this?”
“Three days,” Hugo answers holding up three fingers to indicate. “They said they would not let us on ship but we begged and we told them Agnes would get better but she has not.”
Scully nods, looking back down at the girl.
“Do you know what is wrong with her, Doctor?”
A thrill ripples through Scully to hear be referred to as a doctor. She pushes that thrill aside, however, there’s time to bask in that later.
She moves from the bed to the wash basin in the corner. Grabbing a cloth nearby she runs it underneath the cold water before rinsing it and returning back to Agnes, placing the cloth against her forehead.
She thinks back to the journals, to her own gathered knowledge of caring for Charlie when he was sick.
“It’s just a fever,” Scully says. “It’ll break soon and I’m sure Agnes will be back to normal.”
Hugo looks as though he’s about to cry. “Thank you,” he says. “Thank you, thank you.”
Scully smiles, warmth spreading through her. There’s a knock on the door then and Hugo’s sincere expression turns to one of confusion. He turns back to the door, opening it slowly.
On the other side stands Mulder ducking slightly in the short doorway and looking entirely lost.
Scully stands, dumbfounded at why he’s here.
“Mulder?” she asks.
“You know this man?” Hugo asks.
“He’s a friend,” Scully clarifies. “Take Agnes out to the docks as much as you can, the fresh air will do her some good.” Hugo nods as Scully leaves, her hand grasping Mulder’s as she pulls him away from the door.
“What are you doing down here?” she asks now that her attention isn’t divided.
“I was looking for you,” Mulder says. “Your brother said you were in Room 52 so…”
In his other hand, she notices he carries a black book. Still holding his hand she guides him along the corridor to the exit.
“Come on, you cannae be seen down here.”
They pass through the Galley on their way to the deck, many people gawking at Mulder and his fancy clothing on the way out. Scully tries to get him out of there as soon as possible but not missing Charlie’s frowning questioning look as she goes.
Once outside, she lets go of his hand.
“You’re a doctor?” Mulder asks, completely surprised.
Scully blushes, trying not to let it show. “Not really,” she admits. “Though I’m trying to be. It’s why we’re here, everywhere else said no so we thought maybe America would be better.”
It still pains her to remember the looks of disbelief she got when she went into the schools and hospitals asking for a place. Some had looked at her like she was seriously ill, others thought she was joking and some even laughed in her face. She was ready to give it all up, to sail back to Ireland and forget about it all, marry some farmer’s son and have some children, all until Charlie won the tickets.
“That’s amazing,” says Mulder. They begin they’re walk down the deck to the gate that separates third class from second.
Scully smiles, not quiet sure she’d heard the words right, and tucks a piece of her behind her ear.
“It’s worth trying, I suppose.” They pass through the gate, ignoring the incredulous looks the second class passengers give them as they witness the rules be broken so poignantly and a clearly first class passenger conversing with steerage.
“What’s this?” Wanting to steer the conversation away from her, Scully reaches for the black book in his hand. She gasps as her hand touches real leather, feels the material under her fingers tips.
“That’s not…”
She opens the first page and is completely taken away by the image that stares up at her.
A drawing of a girl between seven and nine stares back at her, her hair in pigtails and the biggest smile on her face as she jumps in the waves.
Scully stops frozen, staring at the drawing in complete amazement.
“Mulder…” she says, unbelieving what she sees before her. “Did you…did you draw this?” she asks.
Mulder nods. “I was eleven,” he says, redness forming on his cheeks. “It was the first one I drew.”
“There’s more?” Scully asks, wanting to see more of this beauty. She flips the page- an old man sitting on a bench in the park, flips another page- a girl playing with a skipping rope, a boy playing football. “Mulder, these are…” She flips more pages, finds more drawings, each one increasing in detail. “These are incredible.”
“Here,” he takes the book from her, sitting down on the bench and Scully follows. “Let me show you my favourite one.” He flips the pages further along, Scully catches glimpses of each piece of art, more and more impressed with his talent. He stops on a page that shows a woman sitting in a restaurant or diner. Mulder hands the book back to Scully and she takes it, staring at the drawing, all its intricacies.
“There was this restaurant in New York that we used to go to all the time and every time we would go there, that woman would always be there.” He points to the clothing. “See how her clothes are all moth eaten? I thought, maybe, something had happened to her husband and she went back to the first place they met, or the first place they had dinner together, and she was just waiting for him to come back. Waiting in that same spot, never moving, as the moths eat her clothes…”
Scully gazes at the drawing, lulled by Mulder’s voice and story, completely enraptured by all of it. See could see it. See the restaurant, see the woman as though she was real, see the story being true.
“That’s beautiful, Mulder,” she says, turning her head slightly to look at him, her heart filling up with something unexplainable for a stranger she had only met last night.
“Do you have anymore like that?” Before receiving an answer she flicks through more pages. She catches a glimpse of the next set of drawings, and a glimpse is all she needs before Mulder snatches the book away and Scully just Ohs.
“Sorry,” Mulder apologises, nervously. “You weren’t meant to see them. Nobody’s ever seen them.”
Scully doesn’t care though, she’s interested, having got a small peak at another part of Mulder’s mind, she wants to see it fully.
“Show me,” she says, daring him to.
“Are you sure?” she asks, the book clutched firmly between his fingers.
“I want to see them.”
Slowly he hands the book back to her. She reopens the page she was on and is met with a full-bodied drawing of a naked woman.
Scully isn’t jealous, she can’t be, Mulder is just a person she barely knows (but also knows everything about) and he’s entitled to his life, to draw who and what he wants, but while she looks at the drawing, Scully can’t help but wonder who this woman was to Mulder. Was she someone he once cared about? Or was she just something to draw? Scully glances to Mulder, hoping that empathy, that connection the two seem to have with each other, is strong enough to read minds, strong enough for him to answer her silent question.
It isn’t.
And it doesn’t.
Scully moves on, to the next page. This one a series of close-ups consisting of breasts and vaginas, but it’s the page next to it that Scully becomes interested in. A series of hands, some the same hand and others different, all from different angles.
“Why hands?” she asks.
“They tell who a person is,” Mulder says. “Like yours…” He takes her hand off the page, holding it close to his face. “I noticed they’re always clean.” He thumb runs along her fingers, gliding across her nails and sparks shoot through her, from fingers to toes. “And you cut your nails regularly. They’re soft, too.” He turns her hand over, palm now facing him as his thumb runs along there too. “Despite your poverty, you’ve never been forced to do hard labour.”
With his analysing done, Scully takes her hand back and looks at it.
“How wrong was I?” He asks, waiting for her to tell him he was very wrong.
Scully smiles, moved but slightly scared. “You’re not,” she whispers and a smile breaks across his face.
“You have a real skill, Mulder,” Scully says, she looks back down at the drawings. “You see people, for who they really are.”
“I try to.”
Scully stares at him, frustrated at how modest he is but also humbled by it. He honestly doesn’t see what a rare gift he has.
“What about you then?” he asks, taking the book back and closing it. “Aside from fixing people, what skills do you have?”
A mischievous smile appears across Scully’s face. Perhaps he’s expecting something along the same lines as his, but there is only one other skill Scully can think to show him.
She stands up. “Follow me and I’ll show you.”
Curiosity now replacing his modest expression, he follows Scully along the deck and through the final gate to first class, once again thrilled by breaking the rules but feeling completely free of the consequences. She finds the most secluded area and looks out towards the sea.
“Now,” she begins capturing Mulder’s full attention. “This is a skill that I’m very proud of.”
She gives one last mischievous smile, fully planning on shocking Mulder, ready to gauge that reaction.
Just as she was taught, she gathers up as much spit as she can, puffs her lips out, pulls her head back and shoots forward over the railings as a ball of spit flies out into the ocean.
She looks to Mulder when she’s done, finds him completely awe struck.
“Miss Scully,” he admonishes with a smile and light of voice. “And I thought you were above your kind’s crude ways?”
Scully laughs, pleased with herself and pleased he isn’t offended by such a minuscule thing.
“There are some things I have in common with them. You try.”
He looks at her for help. “I don’t…?”
“It’s easy,” she says, shaking her head. She begins the process again. “Get as much spit as you can, gather it together, lips puffy, head back, swing forward and shoot.” Another ball of spit shoots into the air and falls into the ocean again.
Mulder tries, doing as she says, and his attempt is pitiful, most of it falling down his chin. Scully laughs.
“You can do better than that.”
She watches his second attempt, watches him try his hardest to get as far as her spit went.
Not quite there but better than the first time.
Lost in teaching him how to spit far, Scully doesn’t hear the group of people approaching, continues to gather spit, making less than appealing noises to do so, it’s only when she’s sees Mulder has gone rigid beside her that she stops and turns towards the four women who stand there.
“Fox?” The oldest woman says. “What are you doing?”
“I was just, um…”
The woman’s eyes fall to Scully, her gaze strong and unforgiving.
“Rules are set to keep order,” the woman begins to explain. Scully thinks she’s saying them to Mulder but her stare doesn’t weaver from Scully. “They keep things as they’re supposed to be, nothing out of place, nothing in the wrong place.” Her eyes move to Mulder. “You know that, Fox.”
Mulder nods. “I do, Mother. But I thought this could be an exception. See, I invited Miss Scully onto the deck.”
His mother’s lips pursue at the mention of Scully’s last name, a thin line forming.
“Scully.” The woman’s eyes fall back to Dana. “A very old Irish name, isn’t it?”
Scully shifts uncomfortably, wanting nothing more than any of the women to not acknowledge her presence, but she’s on their deck and that is a wish that is soon not to be granted.
“Aye, Ma’am,” says Scully.
“What does it mean?”
Dana thinks for a moment, her mind backtracking from it’s anglicised form to the Gaelic form and translated form.
“Student,�� Scully answers, unsure of the relevance of this question.
The mother only huffs in reply.
“You know the rules, Fox.”
They make eye contact, her and Mulder, a promise that they’ll see each other again sometime.
“I need to get back to my brother anyway.”
As she goes to leave, she catches Mulder’s eyes once more. He glances down to his hand and her eyes follow. The book.
She leans closer into him, using her arm to conceal the book and takes it, quickly moving it in front of her.
“Miss Scully!” A younger, more clear-cut voice rings through the air and Scully turns, moving the book to behind her back.
The youngest girl steps forward, standing next to Mulder’s mother.
“How would you like to join us for dinner tonight?”
“Phoebe…” Mulder whispers through gritted teeth, even Mrs Mulder turns to the girl in utter shock- the other two women stand watching.
Surprised too, Scully thinks for a second. “You want me to join you for dinner in first class?”
“Yes,” Phoebe says, a grin itching across her face. “My invitation since you seem to be a friend of Fox’s, I think it’s worth getting to know you.”
Scully knows how this works, knows she’s in a catch-22; she can’t deny this request but by agreeing she’s submitting herself to a night of humiliation and cattiness.
Scully supposes she’d just have to be catty back.
“Of course I will, Miss…?”
“Miss Green,” says Phoebe. “Soon to be Mrs Mulder.” Her left hand moves in front of her right, the gigantic engagement ring that could no doubt feed her and Charlie for years if they got their hands on it, shines on her ring finger.
Scully looks briefly to Mulder who, quiet accurately, looks away. The mention of a fiancé would have been grand, Mulder.
“Of course, Miss Green. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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You Are My Sunshine - Liam x Riley
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Just a short wee fic that ive pulled together.
Pairing: Liam x Riley, Liam x Riley x Delilah
Summary: When Liam comes down with a bug, theres only two people he would want around him.
Word Count: 1,667
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
Tags aren’t working so I will be tagging in the comments.
It was seven o’clock and Riley was just returning to the royal quarters after her final meeting of the day, Liam’s last meeting finished at four, Liam hadn’t been feeling too great that morning when awoke, he didn’t think much of it so neither did Riley, however when Liam appeared at their quarters after his previous meeting and asked Riley if she would be able to sit in for him in what should have been his last meeting of the day. she instantly agreed, knowing Liam would only ever ask her to do that if he really couldn’t go. When Riley returned, the lights were all off throughout the apartment all except, Delilah’s bedroom. Their three-year-old recently moved from the joining nursery to her own bedroom and she wasn’t yet used to it. It was just about Delilah’s bedtime. As Riley approached the room she stopped at the door when she heard faint singing coming from her husband, a smile fell onto her face when she seen Delilah lying in bed with tear stained cheeks looking directly into Liam's eyes who sat on the floor beside the little ones bed looking directly back at her. 
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are grey
You’ll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away” 
Liam’s baritone voice sang softly as the little one slowly drifted to sleep. It was the same song that he sang to her every time she cried or fussed and every time without fail, she would calm down.
Liam groaned as he went to get up, Riley walked over, reaching her hand to help him up. he smiled as he took her hand and she helped him to his feet. “are you alright?” she asked concerned as they made their way out of the room, pulling the door over as they left.
“I’m fine, I just…my bones are aching”
“either you’re getting old really fast, or you’re coming down with a bug of some sort.”
“hopefully the latter” Liam laughed then regretted it as he let out a cough.
“do you want to go to bed?” Riley asked as she ran her hand up and down Liam's back gently as they entered their bedroom.
“yeah, we can put a movie or something on if you want.”
“yeah, we can do that. Have you eaten yet?” Riley asked as she started changing into her nightwear.
“no, I couldn’t eat anything, I had food sent up for Delilah and I, but I couldn’t eat it” Liam replied as he pulled his t shirt off.
“are you sure you’re okay sweetie?” Riley asked as she made her way over to him wrapping her arms around his bare torso from behind.
“yeah, I’ll be fine” he replied as he turned in her arms then pressed a kiss on her head.
“I love you” she mumbled into his chest.
“I love you too” he whispered as he tightened his hold on her.
“c’mon let’s get you to bed” Riley took his hand in hers then they made their way over to the bed. once they had gotten settled Riley lifted the television control and picked a movie to put on then she shuffled down under the duvet and cuddled into Liam. Within 10 minutes Liam was fast asleep. Riley lifted the control and turned the tv off, not wanting to end up waking Liam up, it took her a little while, but she eventually fell into a deep slumber.
 It was hitting three am when Riley was woken, she groaned as she went to wrap her arms around her husband but realised the space beside her was empty. She sat up confused when she seen the light coming from under the en-suite door. The next thing she heard was the sound of someone throwing up. she climbed from the bed, wrapping the blanket from the armchair on the other side of the room around her, then she made her way to the bathroom door, she gently knocked on the door “Liam sweetie, are you alright?” she asked, his reply…the sound of his stomach making an appearance in front of him. Riley opened the door slowly then sighed as she seen her husband hunched over the toilet. She lifted the glass on the side of the sink and started filling it with water then she sat it down beside him, she grabbed the bottle of Pepto bismol from the medicine cabinet then sat herself down beside Liam, she carefully ran her hand up and down his back. “I’m sorry if I woke you” Liam sighed as he leaned his head on his arm.
“hey, you don’t have to apologize, love” Riley replied as Liam sat back and leaned against the wall, Riley passed him the water with a sympathetic smile.
“I got the Pepto bismol down, it should help with the nausea”
“thank you, sweetie”
Once his stomach had settled a bit Riley helped him to his feet. “you should line your stomach; you brush your teeth and I’ll get something from the kitchen for you.”
“alright” he sighed as he lifted his toothbrush from the holder.
Riley made her way to the kitchen, she made a plate of dry toast, no one liked eating dry toast but, it was the one thing she knew would help his stomach. Along with the toast, she got a glass and water and ice then carried it back into the bedroom, Riley passed the plate to Liam who had returned to bed, then she placed the glass on his bedside table.
“thank you, love” he replied as Riley climbed back into bed.
“Do you want me to call the physician?”
“no, I think it’s just a bad case of the flu.”
The next morning Riley got up with Delilah, she had all their meetings cancelled, well all of them that could be, she had one of Liam's meetings that really couldn’t be rescheduled that she would sit in for him. other than that, she was free to stay with Liam and Delilah.
It was just past lunch time, Riley had attended the only meeting of the day, she had dismissed the nanny then made Delilah and herself something for lunch. Once they had finished Riley and Delilah headed back into the living room where Riley sat herself down on the sofa to go through some documents that needed to be signed.
“mommy? ‘ewiwa draw?” Delilah asked as she lifted a pen that was sitting on the coffee table
“Of course, you can baby, why don’t I take that pen and I’ll give you your crayons?” Delilah grinned as she handed Riley the pen in exchange for her colouring crayons. Riley grabbed some paper from the cabinet then sat Delilah down with her crayons and paper then started drawing.
It was thirty minutes later that Delilah ran to Riley, holding her picture as close to her chest as she could.
“mommy… ‘ewiwa see daddy?” she asked with a grin on her face.
“I think daddy’s sleeping sweetheart, why don’t we go and see” Riley took Delilah’s free hand then they made their way to the bedroom. As the two walked in Liam was just waking up.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Riley asked “awful” he groaned as he lifted the fresh glass of water that Riley had sat beside him not long before.
“Delilah wanted to come and see you” she smiled as she looked down at their grinning daughter, still clutching her paper to her chest.
“Hey, Baby Bear” Liam smiled as Delilah let go of Riley's hand and ran over to him.
“what do you have there?” Liam asked pointing to her paper.
“dwawing for daddy” she grinned excitedly.
“a drawing for me? Oh wow, that’s very kind of you sweetheart, why don’t you come sit with me and show me?” Liam asked, Delilah giggled and jumped up and down as Riley walked over and lifted Delilah onto the bed, Delilah climbed under the duvet, and lay in the crook of Liam's arm.
“do you want something to eat? Or even try and eat?” Riley asked Liam
“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep anything down, but I’ll try.”
“alright, I’ll get you something from the kitchen I’ll be back shortly”
“alright, let’s see what do we have here” Liam smiled as Delilah showed him her drawing. From what Liam could see, it was a landscape of grass, the sky, and two people, he chuckled when he seen the sun had a face and hair.
“alright so who’s that one?” Liam asked as he pointed to the figure with short brown waves for hair.
“mommy bear” the little one replied
“wow she looks very beautiful and who’s that?” Liam pointed at the smallest figure on the page.
“Delilah? Wow, it looks just like you!”
“and who’s that one?” Liam asked as he pointed to the sun
“that daddy Bear” she smiled
“that’s daddy Bear? Daddy’s the sunshine?”
“daddy my shunshine”
Liam's heart had never been as full than it was in that moment. He placed the gentlest kiss on Delilah’s head causing her to look up at him.
“I love you Baby Bear”
“I wove you Daddy Bear” she cuddled into his side.
Liam let out a cough, covering his mouth as quick as he could.
“daddy sick?” Delilah asked
“yes, baby bear, daddy’s sick”
“‘ewiwa make you feel better daddy?”
“yes, you did sweetheart” Liam replied.
“‘ewiwa sing a daddy?”
“you want to sing for daddy?” Liam asked as Delilah moved to crouch beside him, leaning on his chest as she looked up at him.
“mmhmm” Delilah placed her tiny hand on Liam's cheek, the next thing that came out of Delilah’s mouth made Liam's heart swell.
“you my shunshine, my onwy shunshine.
You make me happy, when skies aww gweey
“you newer know dee’ how much I wove you
Pwease don’t take my shunshine away”
97 notes · View notes
eirian-houpe · 3 years
Tuesday - Chapter 2
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV), Stargate Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Belle (Once Upon a Time)/Nicholas Rush
Characters: Nicholas Rush, Gloria Rush, Belle (Once Upon a Time), unnamed OC
Additional Tags: going round in circles, Time Travel, Alternate Universe, Angst, Eventual Smut, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Summary: When you go poking around in time, you might sometimes find that it pushes back, as Nick Rush finds out… the hard way.
Read previous chapters on AO3
Chapter 2 - Do I know you
The windshield wipers moved back and forth across his field of vision so quickly they were a blur, and still he could barely see for the driving rain. Exhaustion pulled at Nicholas Rush like a man that had lived ten thousand years in a single lifetime.
“Shit!” He voiced the sudden epiphany aloud and slammed on the brakes, then spent the next few seconds turning the wheel one way and then the other, using more energy than he had, to control the slide as the tires lost traction on the rain soaked road and the car glided almost gracefully into the hedgerow, and the ditch before it.
He hissed out the expletive as the seat belt tightened around his chest to prevent his fall.
“Fuck!” he snarled again and slapped both hands against the steering wheel, before reaching for the key to try and restart the stalled vehicle. The engine coughed, but nothing more. It probably wouldn’t have made a difference even if he had got it going again. He’d never be able to get out of the ditch, not by himself. He had no choice but to call for help.
The irony wasn’t lost on him that he had communicated across galaxies, and yet as he struggled to pull his cell phone out of his pocket, the words, No Service, glared at him from the top of his screen. He let out another snarling string of colorful language that became a fragile, humorless chuckle as he remembered that he hadn’t done any of that yet, and wondered whether this was the reason the Ancients had created the communication stones in the first place. He knew otherwise, but it was an amusing fantasy and stopped him from losing his temper completely.
He turned and peered into the darkness, seeing nothing but the driving rain. It would do him no good to stay with the car, if the last few hours were anything to go by, this was a road not often traveled. There would be no one come by any time soon. 
With a sigh, he slipped the phone back into his jeans pocket and reached for his jacket from the back of the car, trying a second time once he’d released the seat belt, and twisted one way then another to pull it on before he opened the door.
No sooner that, than the wind driven rain blew into his face, and he began to sink into the rain soaked mud underfoot as he stepped out of the car. He leaned back in to pick up the things from the passenger seat, then slammed the door and hurried to the higher, firmer ground of the black top.
A faint feeling of Deja Vu gripped him as he looked first one way and then the other. He’d done this before, and he still had no idea where he was, or which direction he needed to go, but figured that since he hadn’t passed anywhere that looked as though it had a phone he could use, it would serve him better to continue on in the direction he’d been driving. That would be for the best.
He was soaked within seconds, and cursed himself for a fool with almost ever step, until the faint, golden glitter of light ahead sparkled off the falling rain. He breathed a sigh of relief, and put his head down, to move more quickly through the downpour.
By the time he reached the cottage, he was soaked right through to his underwear, and after knocking tried to wait as patiently as he could, listening to the faint sounds of movement from within, but after several long moments of standing with the cold rain trickling down the back of his neck, he lifted his hand to knock again.
The door was opened by a small brunette, who had a shocking white stripe descending from one temple. His belly tugged at him, sending the smallest of waves lower, to center in his groin, and he covered the sensation with an apologetic cough.
“I erm… I wonder if you have a phone I could use?” he began as the blue eyes looked him up and down. “I had a wee accident further down the road and—”
She smiled and stood aside with a gesture for him to come in. It cut him off mid explanation, and as she closed the door behind him she said, “I’ll find you some towels. Can’t have you standing there wet through, you’ll catch your death.”
The sense of deja vu fluttered though his belly again as did the strengthening of the unexplained attraction that had warmth building in his groin, and her familiarity pulled at him like an itch he couldn’t scratch or an elusive word on the tip of his tongue.
…He wrapped an arm around her waist, another into her hair, to tug her closer as they shared the heated, desperate kiss, tongues tangling…
He jumped and gasped slightly as her soft voice shattered the unexpected vision, but he could still feel her, taste her, smell the rose of her perfume.
“There’s a fire lit, if you want to get warm.”
“Thank you,” he managed, his voice thick with the desire he remembered, but knew he had never shared, and as a distraction to his obviously addled, sleep deprived mind, started to follow the sound of the crackling wood that beckoned, warm and inviting, as was the faint aroma of cinnamon that replaced the scent of roses which he smelled with every breath.
She returned a moment later, carrying a towel under one arm, and what looked like pajama pants and a folded bath robe in her hands. These she set down on the chair beside the fireplace.
“Did you find what you were looking for, Nicholas?”
The question, asked so casually, almost stopped his breath, and frowning, he looked down at her again, finally entertaining that the feelings of deja vu meant something more than his mind playing games with him. 
He turned her, releasing her with one arm to sweep the things from the top of the desk in almost the same moment that he lifted her to it, and she giggled playfully as she started in on the buttons of his shirt.
“…met, haven’t we?” he asked, his tone tight with the effects of the new vision.
The homeowner chuckled and pressed the towel against the middle of his soaked chest. “We have,” she said. “But it was quite some time ago.”
“You’re going to have to try and be a bit more specific than that,” Rush glanced round at Brody, the illusion with which Destiny was currently tormenting him, “if you expect me to produce the desired results instead of, oh, I don’t know, flying us straight into the sun instead of around it?”
“There’s no need to be quite so testy, Doctor Rush.” Brody-Destiny said.
“Testy,” Rush actually looked up from the small notepad in which he was scribbling as, ahead of them, the star loomed closer and closer. “That’s rich coming from the likes of you.”
Brody… Destiny said nothing.
About to return to his work, Rush thought better of it and pointed at Brody for a moment as he said, “In fact, ever since I set foot aboard this ship, you have been the most objectionable piece of hardware I’ve ever had the misfortune to work with. Your interface is counter intuitive. Your AI, quite frankly, is temperamental at best and bordering on hostile most of the time, and when you don’t get your own way you resort to threats to make sure that we do as you say.”
He turned back to his notes then, consulting the complex mathematics he was working over multiple pages, and making cautious inputs into the navigation array in front of him.
“Wow.” It wasn’t Brody’s voice that answered him, but Gloria and a part of him cringed inwardly. What the hell made Destiny think she would be able to motivate him to solve the equations. “I love you too, Nick.”
She reached up to run her fingers through his long hair, but he swatted away the touch, much as he would have done a mosquito.
“Again,” he said with exaggerated patience, “the possibility of survival, provided I get my calculations right, or certain destruction in the heart of a dying star. Your choice.”
“Fine,” Gloria said and took a step back. “Calculate away. Don’t let me stop you.”
He put his head back down to his calculations for barely a moment before he felt Gloria’s eyes - well Destiny’s replica of Gloria anyway - boring into the back of his head and with a sigh, he half turned and said, “With you looking over my shoulder, that’s not likely to happen, is it?”
“Oh, I… would you perhaps like someone,” Gloria said, directly over his shoulder this time.
“…Less distracting,” Doctor Jackson finished, from the exact same spot.
“I’d prefer y’weren’t here at all, actually,” Rush snapped. “It’s not helpful and it’s not going to make me work any faster.”
“Killjoy!” Jackson snorted, “I knew someone once, had a bumper sticker on the back of their car that said, The closer you get, the slower I drive. They thought it was hilarious but—”
“Doctor Jackson!” Rush looked pointedly over at the far side of the room.
“Fine, fine,” Jackson muttered, moving away.
“Anyone would think you find him threatening.” Brody again, and this time, Rush looked up and almost snarled at him.
“If you must be here, then I wish you’d at least stick with one form instead of changing every two seconds.”
“Well, who would we—” Brody cut himself off. “Oh, I know.  How about…”
“Hello, Nicholas.”
Rush was fairly sure he’d never heard the voice before, though was somewhat surprised - or perhaps disappointed - that Destiny hadn’t chosen Amanda to be her spokesperson. He glanced up from the calculations again, to take in the small brunette with the deepest blue eyes he thought he’d ever seen. A complete stranger to him though, and yet also intimately familiar.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” he said, a ridiculous question as of course he knew her. She was Destiny.
“Not yet,” she answered enigmatically, “but you will… quite well, as a matter of fact.”
He stared at her as though she had suddenly grown an extra head. “I beg your pardon?” he asked, surprised beyond measure - completely caught off guard.
“The star, Nicholas,” she answered softly, nodding toward the view screen. “You can satisfy your curiosity later - when we’re not all in imminent danger of being toasted to a crisp.”
“Hmm?” At his confused, distracted query she gestured again to the star fast approaching - though the truth were the other way around - Destiny’s forward viewer. “Yes, yes of course.”
Rush turned his full attention to the remaining elements of the calculation, and began rapidly punching data into the console on the arm of the pilot’s seat. He glanced over his shoulder at the figure still standing, calmly, watching the approaching star, a strange look of fond amusement on her face.
“You might want to hold on for this,” he said.
Brilliant heat and light stretched reality, like molten glass being blown on the end of a glass worker’s tube, and around him, Destiny stretched and buckled, and the light grew until it became too bright for him to see, and he screwed up his eyes, until at last, the light faded.
"Okay, who can tell me the significance of Shaw’s algorithm?”
The student stood, answered, his words all bending into one meaningless speech. He’d heard it before, it was no more helpful now than it was then.
It made his head ache at the temples. This was where it originated anyway and he remembered, if memory was what this was; if seeing visions of some point in time that he was visiting, painfully so, again and again could be called memory, risking everything in order to gain… what? 
The future-memories were already fading, faster this time than the last. That wouldn’t do… that would never do.
If he forgot now, he’d just go through the motions, same old, same old - wouldn’t remember that the Gloria he carried in his head told him… will tell him… that he was not the man she fell in love with and that it was her death made him callous.  Was that true? Had he… would he become that way?
He shook his head at himself. He had to find a tense for this - a way to refer to events in this never ending loop. A way to remember. Longer.
If he could do that, perhaps he could find that one key moment around which everything pivoted, and could make a change, a real change. Break the cycle. Find the answer.
Did you find what you were looking for?
He blinked, just as Gloria’s friend came running down the corridor after him… calling his name, reminding him that he had somewhere to be. Could this be it? Could this be the one factor that would send his life, and those of everyone else, veering off down another, gentler path?
He made it from the university to the oncology department in record time - less time than it should have taken. His dashboard clock read 4:06 as he hurriedly parked the car, barely pausing to lock it, before racing for Doctor Browning’s office, arriving breathless just as Gloria was being shown into the ‘inner sanctum.’ Surprised to see him - hadn’t he told her he wouldn’t be there - she smiled up at him as she sat down, and he leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said, both to her and to the Doctor who entered from another door with a file folder in his hand. “Traffic.”
“It’s all right,” Gloria told him, and took his hand to squeeze it tightly as he pulled up a chair beside her. She wasn’t to know that on every other occasion, she’d been there alone.
He sat in his office, chewing on the side of his finger as he contemplated the argument in one of the student’s papers and almost jumped when the phone rang.”
“Yes,” he answered curtly, only then noticing the time - 4:46.
“It’s back.” Her voice sounded tight. As though she were trying not appear upset or anything other than resigned.
“I had a feeling,” he said.
“You did? You… you never said so.”
“No,” he confessed, guilt crowding in on him.  He should have said.  He shouldn’t have blown her off that morning with empty platitudes, when the real reason he didn’t want to go with her to the doctor’s appointment was that he was afraid. Terribly afraid.
“I can’t go through this again, I can’t.” She wept then, and he didn’t know what he should say - what he could say. “Nick? Nick are you there?”
He squeezed back as the doctor sat, opened the file, and took a breath, preparing to tell them what they both feared. This wasn’t his answer.
The room above his head spun as he levered himself up, reaching for the bottle and the glass, bring them together to pour a stream of amber liquid into the tumbler, and then straight into his mouth. Half of his drunken self wondered why he didn’t just abandon the glass altogether.
“Cut out the middle man,” he slurred, even while pouring another couple of fingers into the whiskey glass.
“Pardon?” A voice interrupted his valiant attempt to get so hammered that he didn’t remember he’d lost— He frowned then. How the hell did this man get into his house. Hadn’t he locked the door? Doctor Jackson evidently caught his sour expression, and immediately added, “I’m… sorry, I… I rang the bell several times, the er… door was open.”
“Yes,” he agreed, sitting up and rubbing at his bleary eyes.
“I’ve got some great news,” Jackson said. “Our source among the Lucian Alliance has come through. We’ve got the location of a planet that just might suit our power requirements.”
He looked up at the man, blinking as he picked up his glasses, and put them on. The world became clearer, but no less unstable… still spinning. “Then let’s go,” he said, and when Jackson made no move he added, “What are we waiting for?”
“I’m… thinking maybe it’d be better if we, er… You should maybe sober up first, hmm?” Jackson leaned down to help him up, and Rush could tell by the expression on his face that he must smell as bad as he suddenly felt, a thought confirmed a moment later, when Doctor Jackson added, “Aaand maybe a shower and a change of clothes.”
Water, like hot needles fell down over his head, cascading onto his body, chasing away the fog that marred his brain, but forming a swirling mist at his feet. He covered his hands with soap, and used the soap to scrub away the foul sweat that his body expelled, remnants of the alcohol with which he was drowning himself, numbing himself to his grief.
As the numbness lifted, memories flooded in. Her face, her smile, the way he’d let her down - put work before his love for her, for fear of losing her, and losing her anyway; throwing himself into the depth of despair that could only be born by driving himself to the edge of exhaustion with work, or as then, at the bottom of a bottle.
He laid his forehead on the class of the shower, his mouth open, his body wracked with silent sobs, swallowed by the steam still rising in the captive compartment and…
…Rush shuddered, taking a huge, uncomfortable breath as the stasis field faded, then blinked out and he slumped against the perspex door that began to lift away, rising to deposit him on the cold of the deck; his shallow breath fogged in the frigid air.
“No, no, no,” he gasped.
Coughing, still shivering, Rush rolled onto his back, forcing his eyes open and searching through the blurred vision for something, anything, that might get him out of the deadly nature of his situation. He spotted the lone EVA suit against the glass of the last closed and functioning stasis chamber.
He reached with a hand that was fast becoming numb, grasped the ridge of the wall and began to drag himself toward it.
“Not again… Not. Again.”
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Intruder (It’s The Avengers)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Warnings: mention of ghosts and intruders. No Ghosts were harmed in the making of this fic though I’m pretty sure the ones in my room were shocked at this piece of fic. I can feel them scrunching their nose at me right now.
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
One Shot: You are alone at home and hear a noise...
Almost forgot to mention the reason for this one-shot. (Belated) Happy birthday @nygmobblepot-trash
Word Count: I cannot believe myself and my desk. All this time its been holding stuff when it could have been helping me write stories like throwing cash money at respected strippers in the da club. Yup, my readers are those lovely strippers and their comments and love are their services for me. Does this make sense?
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
Somewhere in the dark, a pair of eyes watched you reading some book in the library, sitting under that one bulb illuminating the desk where you sat alone, lost in those yellow pages. Your one hand kept over the book while the other rested on your face, your little finger playing along your lips.
A sound came from some unknown source. You inhaled a lungful, never blinking away.
You blinked and looked up, turning to see outside the door of the library. Nothing but darkness said hello back. Not thinking much about it you went back to the book, taking your little finger under your teeth and leaning back in the chair on an angle.
This time your ears were sharp, your head tilting quickly in the direction of the sound. Straining your auditory nerves, you kept looking in the direction of the door for a good while.
That's it. I'm checking it out.
Old experiences and a lot of late-night crime and horror documentaries had taught you to be discreet when it came to weird noises of the night. But what you figured out yourself was that a book would not be the most suitable weapon against whatever was lurking out there. So, picking up Rhodey's trophy kept in the showcases of all the awards collected by the Avengers over time, you pushed your slippers over to the carpeted floor while slowly moving out of the warm space.
The clicking sound now echoed through the compound. So did the sound of ducks quacking in the pond outside; quite possibly at the stray cat that you'd brought home once and tried to hide from Tony. Ultimately you had to leave it outside when it scratched Vision for turning off his body heat because little Mew Mew didn't want to get up from his lap. In Vision’s defence, he’d lost a bet against Pietro and had been dared to that.
The fact that everyone else was out of town was not helping with every little tinker of noise you were hearing or your mind was making up.
Friday. I still have Friday. She'd take care of me if there was an intruder, right?
You wanted to ask her so bad. But the fear giving away your location in the dark was too much of a risk right now.
Maybe it's a mouse.
Click click click.
Yeah, it's just a mouse looking for some chee-
A cold chuckle came from the lounge along with a faint glow, freezing you in the open corridor that led to Bruce and Tony's lab. A crack of lightning lit up everything around you before the thunder rumbled, sending jolts to your already weak heart that saw a figure pass lounge- from the kitchenette towards the dorms- with a candle in its hands.
Had you not forcefully been made to exercise to strengthen your muscles you could've sworn you might have peed right there out of sheer fright.
There's someone out there. THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE FREAKING LOUNGE!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! OH MY GAAAHHHDD!! SHIT SHIT SHIT SH- Wait. If there was an intruder Friday would have warned me right? But she didn't say anything. *Gasp* Did they-did they kill Friday?!
Queue lightning and thunder!
Oh my G-no no no I'm sure Friday's alright. Oh God oh God oh God oh God! Okay okay okay breathe. Yes, breeeeeathe. Good. Good. Now, if it wasn't an intruder and Friday is okay does that mean it's a ghost?
Just when all those thoughts were running inside your head like a freight train, a figure in the shadows lingered behind you, getting closer by the second at an incredibly slow pace.
The figure in the dark behind you was nearly over your shoulder when you felt your hair rise in anticipation of the presence behind you. And like any bad horror movie, your reflex worked to turn you around with the trophy pointed outwards at...nothing.
N-no one's there. Okay, I'm clearly creeping myself out. What if...w-what if it's a friendly ghost. What if it's a Casper? I'm sure we can check that out, right? You asked your inner voice.
Do you want to die? 'Cause that's exactly how you die, came the reply.
Oh, come on! We can't possibly hide from a ghost anyways. And I'm sure Mr Stark has equipped the compound with something against ghosts. Hopefully.
Your inner voice chuckled.
What is he? A daddy of fourteen kids?
Yeah, I know the answer to that question. My bad, she shrugged.
A door creaked somewhere in the dorms, bringing you back to reality.
Maybe we should check it out, your inner voice suggested, making you question its sanity.
Aren't you supposed to protect me against danger?
Ay, she sharply pointed at you, I'm also supposed to satiate your curiosity. So, this time the cat might just, I don't know, die.
Wow, you are a nasty one, you implied at your inner voice.
It's ookay, she cooed, you can call me a whiney whore. We both know who is the only one working whenever we see someone that bedazzles you.
Snorting at her, you made your way towards the lounge.
Friday isn't even lighting up the corridors.
The distant roar of thunder was unsettling and the patter of raindrops over the glass part of the roofs and walls did not help when you strained your ears for the slightest of discord.
From the edge of the doorway, the kitchenette seemed empty under that faint blue hue of lights under the slabs that lit up for the nightcrawlers looking for water in the wee hours of the night or early mornings. Many times a couple of them have scared each other for looking like ghosts under that dull blue glow.
The sofas were vacant as well, painted in colours being thrown in their direction from the big screen that you very well remember turning off the moment Steve had dragged a very reluctant Scott and Bucky out and not letting them watch the last fifteen minutes of The Witcher finale.
Maybe I didn't turn it off.
Maybe the ghost likes Geralt of Rivia, your inner voice called out. Or Yennefer, if they're adventurous.
You jumped where you stood, the grip on that trophy tight. The noise had come from the dorms followed by a low grunt.
Casper doesn't grunt like an a-an angry demon.
The sweat collecting on your back was now making a trail down your spine, adding a chill when the cold wind brushed itself against you, coming from a door left unlocked or a window left open.
You know what, you breathed in, fuck this. If this is how I die, I'll at least be haunting my own family.
You started walking silently in the lounge, turning to walk towards the dorms where light filtered out through a partially opened door.
What if it's not a ghost, your inner voice tilted her metaphorical head in innocence, what if it's an intruder. A man at that.
You stopped five feet short of that door, everything going blank at the worst words your insides could've have spoken.
I...should hide then. Right?
You were about to turn around when you heard muffled footsteps come from the end of the corridor and the doorknob to Scott's door suddenly twist to be opened with a ghastly creak.
Cursing in a muted rhythm, you dashed inside the very room you were trying to avoid- which was your own.
Two huge strides and you were skidding on the other side of the bed, clearly missing the candles kept on a table right in the centre of your room. Wait what, your adrenaline-induced brain shot itself out to bring back the frames you missed.
Before the ten thousand four hundred and seventy-one theories could take a better form inside your head, the door to your room let out a groan, stopping your heart.
You laid yourself on your stomach to be as much out of the view of the intruder as you could.
The door clicked close. Footsteps walked away from it towards the centre. A sigh followed.
It is an intruder.
Your veins wanted to freeze over. Your heart was already shouting 'NOPE' and your inside wanted to come out.
A ruffle made you slide a little to peek from the corner of the bedside. A figure stood with its back to you in a black trenchcoat, unbuttoning the fabric tortured by the rain.
He's distracted, your inner voice shouted from your shoulder, now's our chance.
On your knees, you stepped out, positioning yourself low right behind him.
Gloved hands brought the cap of the trenchcoat down before going for the shoulder shrug to remove it.
Raising your weapon of choice over your head, you aimed for the loose strands of raven hair that suddenly were turning away to bring forth green eyes watching you in horror as cold pale hands blocked your attack- but not your rage-filled shriek- and forced you halfway over the bed.
"What in the hell are you doing?"
Loki's hands still held you down, his wet strands gracing your fear-burned cheeks with water droplets.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?! You are supposed to be out on a mission with the rest right now?!"
Your voice shook but the anger you were feeling could be seen in your eyes by the God.
"Leave that," Loki commanded, pointing to the trophy still in your hands.
"No!" you spat back. You couldn't. The shock had frozen your hold.
"I said leave it."
"Were you really going to use it on me?"
"Of course I was going to use it on you!" you scoffed and raised the fiery embers just a smidge in your tone. "I was going for the spot and wanted to make sure you were shivering on your knees when I was done."
"Oh my God," a tired voice came from outside your door, making you both dilute the confusion and fire to look in that direction.
"I go out for five minutes to find ribbons and flowers and this is what I get back to. Give me a fucking break!"
You furrowed your brows at the door.
"Is...is that-"
"Yeah," Loki answered, never taking his eyes off the door, which clicked open with an annoyed Clint entering the space.
"Why do you guys have to talk like that during normal stuff," he mumbled, closing the door, "do you know how many times you've given me a heart atta-"
He stopped short. His eyes absorbing you lying halfway on the bed with Loki over you, his hands wrapped around yours, keeping your arms over your head while his legs locked yours in place. What was worse for the man was you looking at him with suspicion.
"She tried to blow me."
Clint's eyes went three times wider, his jaw on the verge of falling.
"You were supposed to be out! I thought you were an intruder, you idiot!!"
Clint's hand came up as a sign to apply the breaks at this entire conversation.
"You thought he was an intr-oh ohh OH!!! Okay." He finally breathed, trying to feel his heart by placing his hand on his chest. "It's okay. It's okay."
"Now, am I an intruder?" He asked you, his eyes going soft, his hold loose.
"...no," you replied softly, letting go of the hold on the trophy.
Placing his knee on the edge of the bed, he pushed himself up, bringing you with him by your hand.
"Why didn't you guys tell me you were here? I nearly shat my pants!"
Loki and Clint exchanged a look, clearly hurting you for not knowing what was going on.
Clint sighed, lowering his head.
"Well, you weren't supposed to know till the next-" Loki looked down at the watch on his wrist- "twenty minutes. We were supposed to take you somewhere."
"Where? And why?"
Loki stepped aside to show you a small mountain of gift-wrapped boxes kept on the table in the middle with a balloon tied to the one at the top- the floating green thing spelling out a very obvious greeting.
Loki smiled at the unadulterated shock rushing over your face as your eyes grew wide and a muted gasp left your parted lips.
"Happy birthday."
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