#I loved looking at all the 70s illustrations
wigglebox · 2 years
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Groovy 🌈☮️ [x]
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pascalcampion · 11 months
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Bernie Fuchs. 1932/2009
Not really sure what to say about him that would be different from anybody else’s point of view. The man was THE man. The legend AND the stuff legends are made of. The enfant terrible of illustration in the late 50’s, all throughout the 60’s and till the slow death of print illustration in the 70’s. I know, Illustration is not dead, far from it, but THIS format of magazine art, the way it was done, commissioned, paid for, the world that went with it is a piece of history now. For better or for worse.
When I discovered the first image in this post I was blown away. I was instantly charmed. The longer I looked at it the longer I was mesmerized. Fuchs had started in the 50’s, working in car ads in Detroit. The job was very specific. There were strict rules. Someone usually did the car and another artist would do the characters. The poses were clear, clean, behind the car. It was all very staged, all very efficient. Fuchs was probably drinking beer or something at the time and asked someone to hold It for him while he went about to completely dismantle this system, going into the streets to capture everyday life, placing people in Front of the cars, overall stepping all over the established codes of the time. He was both admired for it and called a prima Dona for it. He didn’t last in Detroit. Moved to New York and started getting jobs for Mc Call and other well known magazines at the time. The bigger leagues. He was the kid who started taking jobs away from the older, more established artists, and he did it with a smile from what I read.
His work was new, different. It felt alive. The characters weren’t as stiff as they used to be in previous illustrations, there was a looseness to the brush work. Everybody wanted to have him work on their campaigns and every illustrator wanted to be him.
I look at his work. Not as often as I used to when I was younger. I look at it to remind myself that people can draw and paint like this, can tell such strong stories in one images and can push themselves constantly to come up with new ideas, new themes, new compositions Toward the later part of his career, after being incredibly well established, Bernie started experimenting with new techniques, new approaches. This body of work is not often the one that people remember the most but I love seeing his brain at work. Having the courage to leave behind what is a sure success to try something new, untested, unproven, knowing that it could very well be rejected is inspiring. That is the other thing about Bernie Fuchs. He was inspiring. He still is.
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mokulule · 1 year
Ghastly Glacial Goodies
What is this Moku? Another AU? Yep, sorry not sorry. It's cute okay! I'm gonna be doing illustrations and stuff. Also ice cream, who doesn't love ice cream? I blame this like 70% on @clockwaysarts cause they were playing around with a blob popsicle design (a blobsicle XD) and this thing spawned. Thanks to the people who took part in brainstorming on the Dead on Main server.
Chapter 1 - Polaris
The evening was dreary that day. Jason couldn’t tell you what had made him want to take a pre-patrol walk of all things. The light drizzle wasn’t terrible, but he’d been out so long his hair was plastered wetly to his forehead. The sun hadn’t quite gone down yet, but the clouds stole a lot of the light. A white mist had rolled in from the bay, softening the corners of buildings, and it almost made the world feel unreal. It dampened the sounds of the city and echoed his steps.
That was when he heard it, like little bells or a music box, a haunting tune. He frowned and followed the beckoning sound. He knew that melody, though it played a bit slow. What was the name again? He walked, unknowingly matching the notes as they slowly gained speed. A sense of urgency rose in his chest. He turned a corner and froze, stunned.
In the light from a hazy streetlight was an ice cream truck.
In this weather? Jason’s befuddled brain protested as he took in the downright baffling sight of the truck and the surprisingly many customers in line as well as the groups of people chatting and smiling eating ice cream in the rain.
The truck was all soft rounded edges with minty green accents, a cartoon ghost that looked as surprised as Jason felt with wide eyes and a mouth in an o decorated the side of the truck beside the counter. A quaint canopy stretched out over the counter. Its white and pastel pink stripes ended in festive tapered triangles which looked more at home at a fair, than some random street in Gotham. Apropos Jason looked up trying to figure out where he was, but didn’t find any street signs, just the sign telling him this street was a dead end.
The music was still playing, pleasant bells clinging softly. It didn’t feel so urgent now. He remembered the song suddenly: In the Hall of the Mountain King. A strange song for an ice cream truck, Jason thought as he walked to the back of the line. In the play wasn’t it for when Peer Gynt was escaping the mountain? That seemed in a way like the opposite of what an ice cream truck should signal. But then again as long as people recognized the song that would draw them in anyway. It was still a very impressive line for the weather.
The line moved slowly but steadily. The happy chatter was like a comforting blanket of background noise and Jason felt his shoulders slowly relax. He reached a sign that showed off various shaped ice creams on sticks in the shape of what looked like cartoon people and a happy green… blob? with red eyes called a blobsicle. It was a ghost Jason suddenly realized, of course that was the theme going by the truck.
Polaris the sign said in big swirly letters and then underneath in a smaller type it said “Ghastly Glacial Goodies” - someone had really wanted the alliteration there, Jason thought bemused. That person might be the young man behind the counter who just wished a girl and her mother a good night, before turning to the last person before Jason. I was hard to judge the man’s height since he was inside the truck, but he struck Jason as short, he was on the slender side an impression only enhanced by the formfitting green striped west and the way he whipped around inside the truck filling the newest order.
Apparently the current customer was buying for his friends, there had been pointing to a waving group standing a few yards away. It gave Jason another moment to ponder his options. The glass shield had stickers on it detailing the various scoopable options - they included such gems as Booberry, Spookistacchio and Rum and Raising, which had a small cartoon zombie on its sticker. Jason felt almost like he could have stayed there all day chuckling over all the silly puns, they had certainly committed to the bit.
Finally the last order was handed over with a wide smile. The ice cream guy exuded such a genuine warmth, that had nothing to do with the actual temperature - in fact it was really cold Jason noted as he sniffled to stop his nose from running.
Finally ice cream guy, Danny his name tag said, faced Jason in his classic ice cream man glory; striped vest, sleeves rolled up to his elbows he even had a silly little hat in his unruly black hair, it was a miracle it stayed on.
Danny looked a bit startled to see him, but then his smile was back and he leaned on the counter slightly to be eye level with Jason. Jason felt his breath hitch just slightly in his throat; It was almost like those blue eyes sparkled like stars.
“Why hello there, haven’t seen you around Polaris before.”
Jason shook himself out of it, grasping for something to say in return, what popped into his head was the oddity of the music, what came out was, “So are you the Troll King?”
For a moment everything was silent, then Danny burst out laughing. Hand over his mouth, he leaned on the counter. His shoulders shook as he tried to contain his snickering.
“You-“ he lost control and laughed, “are the first person” - more laughing - “to remark on the music.”
The laughter was infectious and Jason found himself chuckling. His cheeks hurt slightly from smiling. He wasn’t sure when he’d last smiled this much.
Danny finally gained control over his laughter. He peeked up at Jason through his fingers from where he was practically lying over the counter.
“Not quite the Troll King,” he snickered again before straightening up and gesturing around himself “but welcome to my castle of ghastly glacial goodies.”
“Did you have to think hard on that one?”
Danny’s face turned mock serious. “You have no idea, there were even thesauruses involved.” Then in a lower voice he added to himself, “violent little bastards.”
“What was that?” Jason said, not sure he heard that right.
“Never mind,” Danny smiled, “so what can I do for you? You’re my last customer of the night.”
Jason frowned confused and looked around. To his shock, somehow everyone had left without him even noticing, it was just him, Danny and the truck in the lamplight. He had to be really off his game tonight maybe he was coming down with a cold. He sniffled again and saw Danny frown worriedly. Ice cream wasn’t suitable for the wet weather, but it seemed silly to have stood in line and not get any.
“Do you have any recommendations?”
“Well, all ice cream is made by yours truly so I can’t really pick a favorite, but bloop of the month is Rum and Raising.”
Of course it was the zombie one, wait-
“Yeah instead of scoops? I was told it was cuter than gloops.”

Jason blinked.
“Here let me show you.” Danny grabbed a cone and expertly swirled the ice cream scoop round his fingers once before scooping up a mostly round ball of Rum and Raising and plopping it in the cone, he then considered for moment before adding another scoop, this time of “Cosmic Crunch”. He then pressed four small round red gummies into the ice cream, two on each “bloop” and held it out for Jason to inspect and huh, they had eyes now - a bit similar to the Blobsicle actually, except these were stacked on top of each other. It was a kinda cute idea, kids probably loved it.
Jason took the ice cream.
“How much do I owe you?”
“Four dollars, and this is on the house.“ He pushed a cardboard cup of steaming coffee towards Jason on the counter. “That will bring back a bit of life to you, you’re looking a bit ghastly.”
“Ha ha, very funny.” Jason rolled his eyes, but he was feeling pretty cold and he sniffled again as he found the money and put it on the counter next to the cup. “But thanks anyway.”
“Have a good night.” Danny smiled warmly and Jason couldn’t help but smile in return. He lifted the cup as a salute and turned around to walk away. He took a small sip and instantly felt warmth spread in his chest. That really hit the spot. He kept sipping at the coffee until a drip of melted ice cream hit his fingers and reminded him of the ice cream.
Oh yeah, he had paid for this.
He licked at the droplet and quickly followed it back up the cone to make sure there would be no more dripping. Cosmic crunch he quickly discovered was hazelnut with lots of crunchy nuts and he didn’t really know how to classify the rest. There was something indefinably delicious about it. Yes, it was all the things ice cream should be, creamy, smooth, rich, but there was something more. Like something he never knew he needed. Before he realized it he was down to the last bits and biting into the cone. Only a few more bites and it was gone.
That was-
It was easily the most delicious ice cream he ever had, but not only that; he felt sated, calm and almost floaty. Was the ice cream drugged? Alarmed at the thought, he spun around, but all that met him was a long empty street with no ice cream truck in sight.
Had he really walked that far already?
He would track down the ice cream truck later. He looked at his phone, it was almost midnight. How odd… He must have stood in line longer than he thought. No patrol was happening tonight, he realized with a yawn. He was much too tired.
The walk to his apartment was a blur, and it felt like it was only a couple of steps until he fell over on top of his bed, clothes and all. Everything was so fuzzy and nice.
Jason slept with no nightmares.
Okay, so this is definitely a small back burner project I'm working on, so don't expect any regular-ish updates, they are gonna happen when they happen. And now that I've gotten that out of my system I can hopefully focus writing the next bit for Catnip.
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stozkpile · 10 months
body hair tutorial? (tbh very stupid request but i LOVE how you draw hair both on the head and on the body LMAOFOFAOFO)
NOT STUPID AT ALL THANK YOU BTW I will be honest I draw body hair like 70% by intuition and 20% through reference images so I hope this diagram kinda illustrates how I think of it (red arrows are general direction of the hair but yeah it's not uniform and curliness can affect the appearance of thickness as well as the amount of hair and how it's distributed...)
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ALSO you want the hair to look placed randomly which is to say that the appearance of randomness is actually very intentional so I end up undoing/redoing a lot of the strokes... HOPE THIS HELPS
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ladyyatexel · 1 year
Friends, Romans, Tumblrites, lend me your reblogs.
I'm Xel and I live in a society! I think there's a solid chance you do also! So you may relate to the profoundly crappy thing that happened to me and that I once again need a community assist.
I lost a temporary job that was supposed to turn into a permanent job in June because no one there felt safe enough to retire. Only two of us in the apartment were under 50. One of the crew was over 70. Three were chronically ill/disabled. No one felt safe enough to leave in order for me to stay, so I was trained for basically 6 months for nothing.
I have survived on savings from that job until this point, but I'm at the point where I cannot pay rent. I'm looking into getting help from sources more local to me but the internet has always felt like people who cared about me more than the people I share DNA with, really.
Many of the social services that I was signed up for expired the day that I was supposed to be told that I would be a permanent hire, and since that didn't go down, now I have to start it all again from the beginning, and there are gaps in my security net.
I tell you all of that just to say that I am actually trying to do things, I'm not here to just beg and coast along on some sort of lavish lifestyle where I, uh. Keep living in this dodgy apartment with my cat.
I don't want to bore you with an itemized list, but like 2,000 US dollars would get me through September and October without being worried about it like every 3 minutes. My rent is 700 and change, if you would like to know that. So I'm looking for like September and October rent and money to renew my driver's license, pay a few utility bills, buy a bag of cat food, and refill my medications.
If you have the notion to toss help at an internet pal or the extended reblogged acquaintance of an Internet pal, as is more likely the case, probably, that would be super rad of you.
I'm an artist! You could get things with images on them from me! I sell buttons, prints, and commissioned illustrations if that's your thing. My commissions are going a bit slow as of late - I only recovered from being not really able to walk like 2 months ago, and so I'm doing a lot of catch up like everywhere else in my whole life and trying not to spend too much time at a desk since it aggravates the spine thing that was the problem in the first place.
To be honest, it would be a greater help to me to just receive some Aid rather than full-on commissions, but I completely understand feeling fishy about people getting something for nothing and also feeling bad for being a charity case on the internet, so I'm not opposed! If you want to chat about that, I have a commissions post on the side or top of my blog depending on where you're looking at this!
Ko-fi contains my buttons and is a good place to toss digital dead American presidents if that suits you. I will get hit by some PayPal fees in this process but, I'm willing to call that a call for help on the internet tax.
I promise I'm a real person and not a bot who has made up a cat and is pretending to have interests. My blog has been here since 2010! I've met people on this website in person and everything. I've had embarrassing obsessions no bot would bother coming up with. Speaking of:
Similarly to times before, I would like to be able to do something in order to feel like I have earned some kind of support, and as of my birthday last week I have resolved to try very hard in the next year to conquer my fear and absolute mortification about many of the things I make, so I will once again go digging into my archives for things I can post for you to enjoy as thanks and tribute! I also have a poll running right now to see what kind of buttons people want!
Thanks for taking a look! Be nice out there, take care of your spines!
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magical-wishies · 8 months
To love or not to love, that is the questio-
Ok whoops wrong reference. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I made a MV of the song "Darling Dance" by Kairiki Bear featuring my favourite little tricksters for the occasion!
I'd rather you go straight to Youtube to watch it because Tumblr always finds a way to cut the quality, lol.
Eng subtitles are available too!
Here it is! Hope you enjoy my pride and joy. Basically like a hopeful child but in video format. Reblogs are specially appreciated because Youtube sucks at promoting new channels!
This also acts as a behind-the-scenes post, so let's get straight into that, shall we?
MV Project 1 "Darling Dance"
Illustration time: 37 hours
Editing time: Approx. 30-35 hours
Total: 70 hours
*Cough* Holy freakin' moly does making an MV take so long. Before you roll off your bed, I'll say that part of the reason making the art took so long was because I have trouble drawing Marx consistently.
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Here's some unused assets! Look at them, they're all salty over not making the cut.
In all seriousness though, a lot of times I don't really see a lot of editors/ MV makers getting appreciation for their efforts. And now that I've personally experienced making an MV for the first time, it's also increased my admiration to the people who dedicate their time to this! All the kudos to them.
Now, I'll go scene by scene then comment along the way! Spoilers ahead!
Verse 1
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Pretty good for what it is. In the first image, you see that heart behind Magolor? I discovered the motion of it on complete accident lol. Capcut is hard to figure out..
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I also really like the color palette of 2nd image. That art of Marx was the last one I did during production (aka I drew it this morning), and just look at him. He's such a bastard he's the best.
Pre Chorus 1
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Mmmm yeah it sure is the pre chorus! I put a bar behind the text in the middle because I didn't want people to stare into their soulless eyes for too long. That probably worked!
1st Chorus
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When I first added in the expression change, I fangirled over it a little on the first rewatch. Like, come on! They suddenly look mischievous, and the color change on the background! I know I drew it but still!
For the rest, I experimented a little with all the "Nah"s! I think it ended up well. Most of the lyric editing in this MV is completely original, so I had a couple of things to try out!
Verse 2
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This song is horrifically outdated because it says Twitter instead of X!! (/sarcasm)
This scene is my second favourite. I'm really proud of the details on the tabs and the editing at the beginning! Wish I could put more images but the app only allows ten. Bummer.
Pre Chorus 2
I think it's cute, and I used it as my pfp on YouTube! That's about it though.. image limit is killing me I can't put anything here :(
Chorus 2
...Not gonna spoil it! I like how I drew them, but there ain't anything notable. Unless you look at the last image I put right before the bridge. :)
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This is where my editing comes in freakin' clutch. Ooooooh it's so satisfying to look at. Chef's kiss. Also those Marxs (Marxes?) are really cute.
The second part of the bridge is nice as well! I tried to make the lyrics snap to the rhythm. Glad I added that tv effect in the bg too!
Chorus 3
This scene is my favourite! Wanna know why?
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This sequence right here. I think I will etch it into my brain forever... I love me some snappy editing. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot!
The second part of the chorus is like the original song's MV! I loved the hearts popping in and out whoever thought of that is a genius. Putting it into the MV was a good decision!
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And that's a wrap! Hope you enjoy the MV as much as I enjoyed making it. And, stay tuned for next time! I have a feeling a certain jester is getting his own solo MV...
Feel free to leave your thoughts either in the Youtube comments section or here. See you around!
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theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
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Simone Thomas, one the few black girls involved in the early London punk scene, as well as an early member of the Bromley Contingent, most notably known for appearing along with the rest of the Sex Pistols posse in the infamous Bill Grundy interview, here captured during a 1979 photo shoot by Martin Christopher-Martin.
Stunningly photogenic Simone was befriended by a Bromley Contingent founding member and a mate of Siouxsie, Bertie Marshall aka Berlin Bromley, some time ca. 1976 after he spotted her and followed her in a department store, having been struck by her looks. She was in her teens and supposedly Simon Barker was her boyfriend.
“...a black girl with platinum blonde hair, wearing a plastic mac and smoking multi coloured Russian cigarettes....She looked so original, all black and gold, a huge painted red smile that cracked her face...Simone and I had several things in common, love of David Bowie being one of them and dressing up.
Bertie Marshall, Three Piece Suite (2006)
My life revolved around David Bowie and Roxy Music and dressing up and going to gigs. I’d met Siouxsie at a Roxy concert and dressing up and going to gigs. She was from the same part of London as me and she started going out with Steve Severin who was part of the same scene. Berlin was also a very good friend of mine who used to have really good parties. We all went to the 100 Club together to watch Siouxsie. We also used to go to Louise's, a lesbian club in Soho...we used to talk a lot  because we were all speeding at the time - everyone was...we became known as the Bromley contingent after the Pistols played Orpington College and they came to one of Berlin's parties. We were the first fans - in fact. I wasn't really a fan but I just went along with it...”
Simone Thomas, ‘Punk: The Illustrated History Of A Music Revolution’ by Adrian Boot & Chris Salewicz
According to her, she felt like she was in a movie, just wearing the clothes to fit the image, yet she didn’t actually didn't feel the part -nor did she think much of the Sex Pistols as people. She remembers hoping that her dad wasn't watching when she appeared with the band and others on the Bill Grundy ITV interview and recalls McLaren paying them to go to the airport when the Pistols went to Holland to look like they had a lot of fans. 
Given what she said above, it's no surprise she she soon disappeared off the scene some time in the late-’70s. Over the years she would work as a model, an actor and a jazz singer & songwriter, gigging with several groups in London and abroad.
(via, via, via & via)
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margotoo0 · 6 months
◇ Huge Sukuna headcanon AU ◇ (cuz I'm crazy)
English is not my native language. It was originally written in Russian, so it is very difficult to translate it correctly, since there are a lot of slangs. And I’m also talking damn nonsense, that’s why.
I hope you stay alive and read this to the end.
AU! Our time
Well, what... About the base?
◇About 40-45 years old, mentally - all 70.. (he just tired) No wife, no family, everything is according to the canon.
◇It’s worth paying a little attention to his appearance (Kukukhuhuh):
1) I’ve seen a lot of art on AU Sukuna (I’ve seen a lot, a lot...), I really liked the theme with the patch on the right eye, so let’s take note. Most likely, either he has some problems since birth (Ehehe.. Let’s leave the topic of an unwanted child due to a congenital pathology?))), or he successfully lost it in one of the stabbings (that’s how he met Uraume..)
2) Huge bruises under the eyes. With age, wrinkles also appeared there. The eyes are sleepy, sometimes capillaries burst.
3) His skin is rough and rough. A common problem is peeling; in winter it’s completely out of whack.
4) AQUILINE NOSE (big noses, I like big noses..)
5) He is tall. Very. 190+ exactly. But this is not just a cruise ship, it’s a whole tank. The same guy who is the envy of all natural jocks. Something between a mesomorph, and maybe even an endomorph. The fact itself: there is a lot of muscle, but not dry. In all the right places, as they say...Ahhhhh. I won’t write you the muscle mass ratio and fat percentage, sorry. Where did it come from? Well, look at his true uniform. (Moreover, there were jokes on the Internet that he was on a mass gain after the illustration for the exhibition came out. Eh...They just didn’t deserve him, they were jealous) A strong, good man, I give it a like, without a ticket to my bed. You can consider yourself to have won the genetic lottery. Little nasty bug.
6) It’s obvious that in some places there are scars (a scar on the stomach, where his mouth is, according to the canon), burns... There’s all sorts of things there, in fact.
7) Tattoo? YES!
8) I also saw a couple of heads on Sukuna the boxer, he was included in the heavyweight category. I COMPLETELY AGREE, THIS IS A FACT.
9) In general, he is a typical cat-person. Like..he is so tiger 🐅
10) He also squints often. His gaze is empty, but in his head there is a whole construction site.
Okay, I didn’t come up with anything else about appearance, you can figure it out for yourself. Let's go big already.
◇Philosophy of life? Sukuna adheres to that same “hedonism”, EGOISM, that everyone somehow misses when they talk about Sukuna’s philosophy. He doesn’t believe in your metaphysics; sometimes nihilistic tendencies slip through.
◇Remember his hobby? FOOD. And this thing has been preserved. He doesn’t deny himself anything, an ever-meat diet. Proper nutrition? Diets? Wtf, what? He don't know what. But he’s also an eater, he won’t eat everything, he’s very selective. High quality, three Michelin stars. (In general, the topic here is this... In the Heian era, he ate people, right? So, he mainly gave preference to the meat of women and children, since their meat is more tender due to a higher percentage of fat than that of men. Juicy, to be honest)
◇Eh...Would he be Hannibal Lector? Would you eat human flesh? Answer this question yourself. But it's interesting.
◇He has a very specific taste in food
◇What does he do in life? OHHOHO, SO. This is where the juice begins.
Please just keep in mind that this is all a fat joke.
◇We all know very well that Sukuna loves battles, fights, fighting, wars... He loves physical contact very much. Because of this, there is a head that Sukuna could have been involved in wrestling, in particular, boxing or jujitsu, but I have an opinion that Sukuna simply would not have lasted long, or would not have started a career at all. Well, how...
1) If we assume that he was actually involved in wrestling at one time, then his “career” ended after the first major championship at the age of about 20-25 years. In short, everything is simple: during the first round he almost killed his opponent (HAHAHAA), it came to resuscitation. Of course, Sukuna is a tough fighter, but no one expected such meanness. How was he even allowed in? Well, we thought about making money, but Sukuna’s adrenaline was stronger. He never returned to the ring. By some miracle he was not convicted (or rather... They wanted to, but Sukuna was faster). By the way, it must be said that this is not the first time Sukuna has smeared someone on the floor. But for some reason he always got away with it. It didn’t work out here... He wasn’t very upset, to be honest.
Did you think that he would receive penalties cards? No. There are 100% problems with the law. I just decided not to do hardcore.
2) From here I could already talk about the second half of his cheerful life, but I must say that Sukuna, I think, would not go into big sports at all, since it requires a lot of organization, and besides, a lot restrictions. Even MMA is NOT fighting without rules. Elementary. Sukuna has very good stamina, as well as willpower, it’s just... He couldn’t get enough of it. He doesn’t chase fame and success, he’d like to get a thrill from a fight. You can’t just leave training, you can’t do this, you can’t do that. He is simply an excellent virtuoso and improviser who adapts perfectly to the situation, BUT! Only if he WANTS it.
There is a very simple formula: "I can, but I don’t want to. I'm lazy, I'm not interested." Sukuna is not an organized person at all, and if he behaves like this, it is clearly not in good deeds.
3) You can skip this part, but I liked this idea. First I came up with it myself, then I also found headcanons with JJK teachers, everything coincided.
◇It seems to me that Sukuna could become an excellent historian, I don’t know why.. The topic is this: as a cover, he could randomly choose a profession (purely because his history was going well, but he had already improved his dorm life, when he was detained in the police stations for several days)
◇He doesn’t believe in God, but God believes in him, so Sukuna passed the exams well. As I say, he very smart and capable, if only I had the desire.
◇ I’ll quickly go over it:
1) I didn’t want to teach at a university, but at a college - why not. He doesn't like teenagers, but he likes to mock them.
2) He is constantly late for lectures. He swore at his directors when they put the history first. As a result, on Thursday the history is only 50 minutes long.
3) We must give him credit, he talks SO INTERESTINGLY, it’s just crazy. Here you will either listen with your mouth open, or fall asleep to his voice (sorry, I couldn’t resist, phew. In this case, he will come up and knock on the head, like “Who’s there?”) 😭😭😭 (AZAHAZPH)
4) He talks like he went to Moscow with Napoleon, then he judged the Decembrists, then he was in Petrograd at the revolution, then he and Stalin thought about how to defeat the browns, and he also sat together with Goering at Nuremberg... I think there’s no need to even mention the process of battles in the Second World War. He wrote everything down in a notebook while he was in the trench. In general, it's tough.
5) Despite all the charm of the above, he has a terrible memory for dates, so even his students don’t bother with it.
6) Do you want a test? Buy him an expensive bottle of red wine, then he MAYBE will consider your offer (yes, of course he will, he’s just showing off, he’s not interested in that at all)
7) After the first month, the students began to suspect something. You know, mysterious, like a perfume set (russian proverb). Like that same physical education teacher who always hangs out in the back room (local joke...). The smart ones guess, but the smartest ones have already made inquiries, they just remain silent, since Sukuna, in fact, is respected and feared by teenagers (in a good way). It’s a pity that the love is not particularly mutual...Uh.
In general, you understand. But what does he do anyway? He became a teacher in order to divert attention from himself. Decent citizen, but is just some kind of grouch <3
It's time for us to go into his natural environment. Crime)
Here everything is based on:
1. Pleasure, risk
2. Money. Just to live large.
It all started with Uraume (here also Uraume is “they”, so you can consider it either a man or a woman. Whatever you want). According to the canon, Uraume is a cook. It’s the same here, but with a surprise.. In general, Uraume “cooks”, and in Russian, he makes interesting preparations...)))(EMHAJAJAJJAAHPA0, WHAT IS THE PLOT OF “BREAKING BAD”, AZAHAHAHCH I’M DEAD Okay, just give me a chance)
◇Sukuna knew his comrades so well that he learned about Ura’s affairs only after 8-9 years of acquaintance (Forgive him).
◇In short, Uraume cooks well, and also studied at the chemistry department. Uraume had a purely monetary question; they didn’t use their own product (and I don’t advise you to, otherwise you’ll later invent such garbage like I did)
◇ – What is this? - What do you think? Sukuna narrowed his eyes. - And you decided not to tell me about it? - And I didn’t hide it. Just why extra attention to yourself? There was silence in the room. - Listen... - Sukuna, don't- - LET ME FINISH. ◇ Uraume had no options.
◇Every drug dealer needs his own "sportik" (This is what we call those who punish or kill people who hide drugs). Well, you understand, right...?
◇Well, that’s how it started to spin and spin. Moreover, it was Sukuna who opened the doors to the darkest places. Accordingly, he himself stood up very quickly, and even the dog would not dare to growl. Hello, black market. The only problem is hiding all this from the police + there is not enough imagination on how to launder the money, but the business itself is going well and wonderful. Sukuna also managed to be a hired killer in the dark spaces. He lives a very happy life, he likes it. Finally able to use fighting skills. Hooray.
◇ Sukuna once even showed interest in “cooking” while watching Uraume. You will be shocked, but he does a great job. Wow.
◇Well, not really. It seems to me that Sukuna is either a pure humanist, or with an admixture of biology and chemistry (everything was reinforced there along the way). But algebra, geometry, physics - well, no. I was ready to fight to the death with one guy from the faculty of Physics and Mathematics, because they stood and proved what is generally more important in life. I think his name was Gojo...I don't know.
◇ The only thing he can do from this is count money and interest.
◇The same person who will walk into the room, be silent for 5 minutes, and then sigh and “I, you know, what I think...”. He will tell you the whole course of philosophy, and then he will also express his opinion. I advise you to remain silent, not breathe loudly and listen carefully.
◇Law of the universe: if Sukuna is nearby, then with a 99% probability something will fall, break... Or maybe someone...
◇ Law of the universe: if Sukuna is nearby, then with a 99% probability something will fall, break, or break. Or maybe someone..
◇MAKE IT TO THE HIGH FASHION! He really knows how to dress with taste. You can’t tell from him, since Sukuna, like Tyler Durden, destroys everything, but he still understands art, aesthetics and style. And you will find out this in a completely unexpected way.
◇“Combining green and yellow in the interior? What squalor...”
“Mmm... Like Baroque”
◇Prefers dark and deep colors: black, burgundy, red, emerald, purple, ocher, etc.
◇ He loves Japanese painting on clothes, although most often he wears plain ones. But he has one or two kimonos. How is this painting technique... Yuzen?
◇Despite the fact that he has large hands and fingers, he has well-developed fine motor skills (a useful skill))
◇Doesn’t go to the GYM and makes fun of those who go there. Real men should knock out brains and teeth! (He just somehow saw that Gojo and Yuji’s change were going to the gym. That’s where it came from)
◇He, of course, could become some kind of powerlifter, since his physical capabilities allows it, but he doesn’t want to. Does he even want anything other than to kill and ruin the lives of others? (NO)
◇He met Kenjaku through Uraume
◇Sukuna calls Kenjaku a freak and a pervert (f*cked, to be more precise) because of his strange humor (Believe me, Sukuna is not far off, like...Kenjaku jokes about necr0philia, and Sukuna about cannibalism)
◇ I sleep and see: two grandfathers are sitting and trying to tell jokes. Only Uraume is unfunny...
◇Sukuna has some problems with sleep, and it doesn’t matter whether he sleeps a lot or a little, 3 hours or 12. He often dozes. (Sleepy kitty)
◇ Head from school: Sukuna had no friends at all before college, and there’s no point in talking about friends. One against all, all against one. In the last year of study, he changed place of study because he almost threw a classmate out of the window, and he also received a concussion.
◇He hated team games. Do you get upset when you are accused of playing poorly and causing your team to lose? Pf. In the first few games, Sukuna deliberately threw the ball anywhere, and he himself took it away from his team, passing it to another. And it makes no difference which team.
◇ He was not respected, he was feared. And rightly so, they were afraid. He could really kill
◇In fact, his social skills are poorly developed, he simply does not consider it necessary. In college, he got involved with Uraume, and that was enough for him. Cosy.
◇By the way, according to the canon there is no wife or children, it’s the same story. We must pay tribute - he did not touch women, unless he killed them when it was necessary for “work”. Sukuna himself is a very attractive man, but 85% of women were afraid of him, the remaining 15% tried to somehow flirt with him, start communicating, but Sukuna 🤨❓️ then showed such contempt that these women developed complexes for the rest of their lives.
◇ He never took call women (prost|tute), he is above that. He generally has the vibe “woman, keep your hands to yourself”, “don’t embarrass yourself” ◇ He can respect you if:
A) You are very smart
B) You are very strong
C) A and B together
He will definitely praise you if he finds you something interesting about you and your business (unless you are Yuji)
◇You can challenge him, just don’t be too stubborn, keep silent again, otherwise your new accessory will become a crutch.
◇I remembered the phrase of one man: “It doesn’t matter whether you are a woman or a man, I will beat you the same way.” This is he.
◇HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE. This is a constant. Will never take responsibility for another person. The only thing he will do is solve Uraume's problems, or just see how people cope. Independence is the key to a good relationship with Sukuna.
◇Content is content, but let's be honest, according to the canon, Sukuna is a very selective frame. This one is boring and not interesting, but this one is weak, and this one is annoying. In general, you won't please. I don't believe that Sukuna could fall in love with someone at all. It's amazing how most of the people here portray him in fanfiction. Well, he wouldn’t start this “subdue and rule” thing, he would immediately take your head off your shoulders. You should be on an equal footing with him, if not superior. Of course, he will fight for dominance, but he definitely values both physical and mental strength. In this regard, absolutely adequate and objective. The most important thing is to have something to praise for. And when someone crawl on their knees in front of him...Why the hell do you doing, you rag? We figured it out.
◇ At one time he used headphones very often, almost 24/7. Moreover, he turned it on purely for the background, without any purpose.
◇In general, he has no goals, only a path. And he does the right thing.
◇Frequent periods of “I don’t want anything, I won’t do anything.”
◇He has 2 states: either he does nothing AT ALL, sits on his ass, or he is a nightmare to everything and everyone.
◇He knows how to speak civilly, but only during some important negotiations. He himself is taciturn, sometimes he makes some obscene remarks. But once every few months he can give out some beautiful poetic remark. You hit the jackpot (“Moonlight helps me to see better how pathetic you are.” Oh, what a romantic)
◇He doesn’t like sweets, but it seems to me that he would like oriental sweets..Turkish delight)
◇A fan of Japanese and Kazakh food
◇He smells of "oldspice", heavy cologne, tobacco and sweat.
◇If he were an animal, he would definitely be a tiger. One big cat. Predatory, but with grace. Just like that.
◇He rarely responds to messages, but if he does, he gives out such a bunch of text, just so that you get tired of reading it all. He writes very quickly. But then again, in real life he's just quiet and grumpy.
◇A bunch of bad habits. It’s just one bad habit (but we’re not going to give it up, right?)
◇Gege Akutami once mentioned that he liked the performance of K-POP group MAMAMOO, in particular, Hwasa was the main shock. In short, if Yuji likes Jennifer Lawrence, then Sukune’s fatal luxury is Hwasa (I just really love this woman myself). He doesn’t listen to K-pop, he just likes her (hips don’t lie, friends..)
◇He would listen to either rock/heavy metal. I can also bet on darkwave, experimental, or maybe something with traditional Japanese motifs. Or maybe even a classic. Who knows..
◇He constantly carries all sorts of chewing gum with him.
◇It seems to me that he is one of those very people to whom you will say: “I went *somewhere*”, will not glance at you, and will remain sitting on the sofa. But after 30 minutes of your journey you will feel that something is wrong..(he is trailing behind you). Cause? He's bored.
◇ His main mission in life is to scare people until their hearts stop. No, just imagine: you’re standing in the kitchen, not bothering anyone, and suddenly a 2-meter big guy squints and slowly picks up a knife. And then he begins to walk towards you with a medium step. Your actions? (Spoiler: subway surf begins) And for realism, it will even leave a cut on your back. <33333 I luv this man sm
◇He clearly has some kind of jokes with physical contact. Pinches, pokes. Bruises are guaranteed.
◇110% organized all sorts of underground fight clubs.
That's all. The fantasy is over. I caught the cringe and laughed. It was fun and enjoyable.
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Excerpt from illustrated edition of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1972 - Errol Le Cain) / "La Mort de Marat (The Death of Marat)" (1793 - Jacques-Louis David)
EXCERPT FROM ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER: This image is representative of all of part 4 of the poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and is a part of a larger illustrated edition. However, I absolutely adore this piece on its own. Yes, it has the elements from the poem, but it adds so much mysticism to that section. I love the colors, the darkness and the blue with the splashes of color, and the albatross standing out, almost separate from the piece, in its blocky triangle with the red blood-like strings moving to the woman. I love how the ring of circles look like the phases of the moon, and gives me a sense of time passing, even with how immediate (i guess?) the albatross and the woman's interaction feels. Also, the ship becomes a ship of the dead, with the rotted sails and the hull of the dead crew. And then back at the center of it all is the Albatross. It also is just very 70s to me, and feels a little nostalgic, like an old fantasy novel cover or something. Its great on its own, and as an illustration of a poem, it picks up on the literal and the metaphors and themes of the epic. It just delights me. I would definitely recommend the poem, its a great epic about a stranded sailor and his doomed ship.
Something I just realized, writing this, is that there is no narrator visible, which I love. The poem is in first person, and I think that translates to this image. Obviously the reader is not the mariner, but there is a closeness that occurs with that tense. Same with this, the viewer is not on the ship, but outside of it, but we are viewing the scene from almost "over" the albatross, making that our focal point, and the albatross is what draws us into the rest of the scene. I love it.
(Sorry for the weird crop, I was trying to even out the curl from the page.)
Also, here are a few stanzas from part IV, (easily placed to be deleteable lol), for fun.
Alone, alone, all, all alone, / Alone on a wide wide sea! / And never a saint took pity on / My soul in agony.
The many men, so beautiful! / And they all dead did lie: / And a thousand thousand slimy things / Lived on; and so did I.
I looked upon the rotting sea, / And drew my eyes away; / I looked upon the rotting deck, / And there the dead men lay. ...
Beyond the shadow of the ship, / I watched the water-snakes: / They moved in tracks of shining white, / And when they reared, the elfish light / Fell off in hoary flakes.
And I blessed them unaware. / The self-same moment I could pray; / And from my neck so free / The Albatross fell off, and sank / Like lead into the sea. (@travelingsmithy)
LA MORT DE MARAT (THE DEATH OF MARAT): The first time I saw it was in a history textbook in junior high and when the teacher wasn't looking I tore the page out and used it as a bookmark in my diary for years. It looks the way pipe organ music feels. I want to fold it up and put it in my chest. (@ambientcrows)
(This is an illustration from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner book by Samuel Taylor Coleridge published in 1972 by The Arcadia Press, London. The illustration was done by Errol Le Cain. Only 100 copies of the book were printed.
"La Mort de Marat (The Death of Marat)" is an oil on canvas painting by Jacques-Louis David. It measures 162 cm × 128 cm (64 in × 50 in) and is held by the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. A replica, done by the artist's studio, is also on display at the Louvre.)
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thestupidhelmet · 1 year
A(nother) Difference Between That '70s Show and That '90s Show.
I've written about depth of characterization before, but I realized today by looking at the T7S circle .gifs by @tht70sblog that the life issues the T9S kids face (save Oz) are nowhere on the same level as those from T7S (S1-S5, at least). This might add to the Disney show feeling people have expressed about T9S.
T7S has very realistic parental neglect and abuse issues and the emotional effects of that childhood wounding. Parents who don't set proper boundaries with their kid, which creates a different cluster of emotional wounding that affects the kid's worldview and behavior. And gives specific details (or the whys) to make all this characterization abundantly clear.
The threat of homelessness at seventeen (several times) and fears of a bleak future. Significant betrayal in teen relationships. A son whose more sensitive nature doesn't fit with his father's idea of masculinity, which has a breadth of consequences (some good, some damaging). A pregnancy scare for a high school sophomore. Teen girls whose gender expression and interests don't fit stereotypes.
The list goes on.
This depth, seriousness, and kind of issues facing the characters of T7S resonates very much with my time as a teenager in high school (long after the '70s 😅). For instance: a friend with an emotionally and physically abusive mother who kicked her out of home in the middle of the night (not for the first time), and that friend showing up at my home for shelter.
That's only one specific example with the most basic of details (because privacy 😁), but T7S reflects so much of my serious teen experiences in its stories (not necessarily autobiographically but in spirit). Also the fun and great times (and burns, which we didn't call burns) during those years, too -- just like the T7S characters. It was a mixture. Both harrowing in a lot of ways and fulfilling.
T9S isn't there. Maybe it won't ever be because it's not the same show as T7S and isn't intended to go that deeply or realistically into teen life.
But T7S does while still capturing the humor that exists during all the crap teens have to go through or get themselves into.
That being said, the T9S teens are a little younger than the T7S teens (talking about the characters, not actors). Leia fretting over having a first kiss with Jay is sweet, and it's definitely a dilemma fifteen-year-olds have.
But when I was fifteen, friends were often fretting about a lot more than a kiss. Jackie and Kelso's sexual relationship when she's a sophomore and he's a junior is closer to my specific experience (with a few first kisses sprinkled in).
I find myself and parts of my life in T7S. I connect to the characters, their connections to one another, and what they go through.
I love Red and Kitty in T9S and enjoy the teens' antics and personalities. Even if the show remains more surface with its depiction of teen life in the '90s, I hope it goes deeper with the characters and builds the connections / friendships among them so we understand*why* they care about one another and hang out (with Leia and Gwen's friendship as the exception since that gets good development in S1).
Give me a "Class Picture" (T7S, S4) type of flashback like how Fez became part of the group that shows why Oz chose the other T9S kids as friends and vice versa. Right now, I have no idea.
Gwen's brother, Nate, is Jay's best friend. Nate is dating Nikki, and Leia is Gwen and Nate's neighbor during the summer. That explains the *why* of their interactions. It doesn't explain or illustrate the deeper connections among them, however. With sixteen episodes for S2, I hope the writers use that space for episodes like T7S's "Hyde Moves In," "Sleepover," "Cat Fight Club," "Grandma's Dead," "Eric's False Alarm," "The Pill," and so on that showcase and develop the relationships among the characters.
Side note: If I knew had to add a *read more (under the cut)* on mobile, I would. 🫣
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nyhti · 1 month
What are you currently reading? Any suggestions for someone who is trying to indulge in some older batman runs?
Thank you for the ask!
I recently read Under the Hood for the first time! Then that inspired me to read A Death in the Family again. I wrote a little tag essay about these stories actually, but then didn't post it lol. And then I randomly read Detective Comics #388 ”Public Luna-Tic Number One” (1969) again, which I did post about. Oh, and before that I was reading random Alan Grant issues from the 80s/90s. And also I'm still trying to get through every single Pre-Crisis Lex Luthor issue in chronological order lol xDDD I'm currently in the year 1983. I've also been meaning to read Steve Englehart's run again, because my Hugo fic heavily references it and I wanted to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything about it.
Alright! Now, I don't know exactly what does ”old” mean to you. I mean, some people could consider comics from the 90s old, but to me those are very modern. I'm just gonna talk about Pre-Crisis (1938-1986), because that's what I'm most familiar with. I don't really know nor care about Post-Crisis that much. Aaaaaaaaaaand. I have actually made a list before for Pre-Crisis issues that I'd consider essential right here. It's not a definitive list, I've left out a lot of big issues and put in quite a few personal indulgences, but over all I still think it's an ok list. But you asked about runs so...
Actual runs, at least how we've come to know them, didn't really start until the 70s, I think. Continuity did start somewhere in the 60s though and from then on we do have longer stories like the Outsider saga and Dick leaving. Steve Englehart's run (Detective Comics #469-476 (1977-1978) is the first story that I see people calling a ”run”. It's on my previous list and I'm definitely going to recommend it again lol xDDD It's classic for a reason. And after that the only ones that that I'm personally familiar with are Gerry Conway's and Doug Moench's runs. Gerry Conway's run I'd 100% recommend! I'm not entirely sure what issue could you consider the run starting from, but to me Detective Comics #503 "Six Days of Scarecrow" (1981) is the first issue and Detective Comics #526 "All My Enemies Against Me!" (1983) is the last. It's all collected in Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway. I loved it personally. It's my favorite Batman run there is <3 And a lot of it is illustrated by Don Newton, who's my favorite Batman artist! And Dough Moench's run? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. I'll admit, I didn't finish it. It was just so boring DDDx I wouldn't say it was bad, but Moench is not one of my favorite writers lol. I'm going to try and finish it at some point though, because I do want to see how Hamilton Hill's story ends. The run picks up right after Conway's run in Batman #360 ”When Slays The Savage Skull...” (1983) and ends in Batman #400 "Resurrection Night!" (1986). It's the last Pre-Crisis Batman run. It doesn't seem to be collected anywhere, though.
Anyhow, I felt like adding some fun individual Pre-Crisis stories that I really enjoy that I couldn't really put on that older list of mine :333 These are not in anyway big or important stories, just stories that had that special something in my opinion :3
Detective Comics #76 (1943) "Slay 'em with Flowers" Joker being Poison Ivy before Poison Ivy was created <3 This is something that I really like about early Batman. They had so few villains they had to give them themed capers that would've later been given to villains with that actual theme. Kinda like how Hugo was being Scarecrow before Scarecrow was created (Detective Comics #46 (1940)). Also I just really love the art in this <3 It's so lively and flowy. You can see raw scans of the inks of this story in a book called Jerry and the Joker: Adventures and Comic Art. I wouldn't say the colors ruin the inks, but I do think they look nicer without the colors.
Detective Comics #180 (1952) "The Joker's Millions" From since around the 70s every time a writer decides to write a Joker story, they seem to think it has to be BIG. He has to do something HUGE and EPIC. ”The Joker's Millions” continues to be one of the best Joker stories of all time, because all he tries to do in this issue is just pay his damn taxes.
Batman #74 (1952) "The Crazy Crime Clown!" Interesting Joker issue, because this is the first time he's ever in a mental hospital. Golden Age Joker was perfectly sane and it wasn't until the 70s when they made him officially mentally ill, but it's interesting to already see them toying with the idea this early on.
Batman #179/2 "The Riddle-Less Robberies of the Riddler" (1966) First time Eddie's riddle obsession is looked at as anything other than just a silly quirk.
Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #70-71 (1966-1967) Selina turns Superman into a fukcing kittyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Penguin is here too, I guess.
Batman #200 ”The Man Who Radiated Fear” (1968) Super cute Scarecrow story that includes a couple other villains as well <333 Nothing much more to say. Just a good time!!!!
Detective Comics #377 (1968) ”The Riddler's Prison-Puzzle Problem” A very classic Riddler story <333 I also base my Riddler's psychical appearance on this issue. If they still did stories like this at DC today, I might actually start reading current issues again. Like truly when was the last time we got an actually classic Riddler story? Just a one issue long story where he sends Batman a riddle he's going to rob a bank and then Batman stops him? I miss it when stories were allowed to be small and the characters were just allowed to be themselves, instead of some grimdarktwistedthis'llknockyoursocksoff re-imagining. I love how Eddie gets thrown around in this one <333 His ass looks amazing in this issue <3 Also his hair looks very cute when it's messy <33
Wolrd's Finest Comics #177 (1968) "The Duel of the Crime-Kings!" One of my favorite Joker stories <333 I really think Joker peaked in the late 60s. Really, I think most characters peaked around then. You can probably tell by how many late 60s stories I put on this list.
Batman #210 "The Case of the Purr-Loined Pearl" (1969) I am obsessed with this girl group. All of them iconic. All of them stars. They exist in my verse, too.
Detective Comics #388 (1969) ”Public Luna-Tic Number One” Another one of my favorite Joker stories. They are toying with the mental illness one in this as well with Batman's ”the problem will be whether to put you in prison -- or in an asylum!” quote. Also my Joker's psychical appearance is based on this issue.
Batman #258 "Threat of the Two-Headed Coin" (1974) Fist appearance of Arkham Asylum - or Arkham Hospital as it was called then. I don't know why I didn't put this on my previous list. It should definitely be on there. A Two-Face story.
Batman #291-294 ”Where were you on the night Batman was Killed?” (1977) Here's a slightly longer story. All of my boys and girls are so cute in this <3333 I love it when they are able to get along and also when no-one is above anyone. Yes, some are more popular than other's but they still all feel equal.
Batman #326-327 "This Way Lies Madness", "Asylum Sinister" (1980) Professor Milo story!!!! Yippeeeeeeee!!! I love that you can see day to day life at Arkham!!! Also this is the issue where Milo becomes an Arkham patient.
Detective Comics #503 ”Six Days of the Scarecrow” (1981) A good Scarecrow story. Also the first time he's admitted to Arkham and it's not because of mental illness, but because he suffered an overdose. The overdose saga continues in Detective Comics #526 (1982) where he is still very ill and Jervis takes advantage of his vulnerable state. And then in Batman #373 "The Frequency of Fear" (1984) and Detective Comics #540 "Something Scary" (1984) he's finally recovered. I don't think it's mentioned in these issues whether he was taken back to prison or Arkham once he was captured, so it seems unclear whether or not Pre-Crisis Scarecrow ever became a permanent Arkham patient.
Detective Comics #510 ”Head-Hunt by Mad Hatter” (1982) Technically the second appearance of Jervis, because this is the issue where imposter Mad Hatter and the Jervis we know and love today were split into two characters. Also my favorite Jervis story :333 I base my version's physical appearance on this story :333
The Brave and the Bold #183 ”Let's play... The Death of Batman” (1982) Riddebat shipper's dream comic lol. Just an all around good story!! Love how Eddie is written!! It's so fun. The art is not very good though. The artist had no clue how he wanted to draw Riddler so in some panels he's literally Bruce's identical twin and then in other panels he'll have a completely new face.
Batman #356 ”Double life of Hugo Strange” (1983) My favorite Hugo story <3333 ((((Actually I admit Engelhart's run has kinda started to rival this tbh)))))))) But this one is illustrated by Don Newton so there's that. First time ever we see him without the beard btw! And more importantly this is the issue where he starts wanting to be Batman.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
I went to the Rue 21 near my place yesterday (why do I always forget that it's there?) After weeks without many new designs, Rue 21 is suddenly getting a lot of new apparel, which makes me wonder if Adult Swim is gearing up for season seven.
I haven't seen a lot of new merchandise at other stores, though, so maybe Rue 21 is just catching up. Starting with shorts!
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One hoodie with a trippy design. The second hoodie looks like standard apparel with the logo at first...
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...until you turn it over and see this vibrant image on the back!
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Looks like a poster for a psychedelic or EDM music festival. I went to a festival a few years back where a booth sold sheets of acid tabs with Rick and Morty designs. They didn't have any acid (yet)--they were perforated sheets sold as "art." But everyone knows what happens to those little perforated tabs once they leave the booth!
I don't use acid, for the record. Way too many horror stories 😬
Anyway, when I visited the mall today, this rack greeted me at Charlotte Russe. None of the designs were new, though.
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I was about to leave when I happened to see one new item: a Rick and Morty jersey!
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I checked out the bootleg streetwear store but, as I predicted, didn't see anything new. I did see a guy with a kid (maybe a younger brother) point out one of the Rick and Morty designs on the wall. The kid said "Hoh hoh!"
Pickle Rick was waiting for me in Spencer's as always, but he was hidden on the bottom shelf this time.
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Unfortunately, the Rick and Morty cube was having a bad day. Squished all the way at the bottom!
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If you really love Pickle Rick, prove it with this shot glass!
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Piercings! I keep looking for Rick and Morty chokers, bracelets and dangly earrings, thinking this is the day they'll finally have them, but nope. It's an untapped market! Adult Swim signs off on everything else, so why not jewelry?
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I love this wallet. The colors were even more vibrant in person.
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The "skate shop" in the mall (i.e. the corporate chain marketing itself as a counterculture label) has a Rick and Morty Members Only jacket. I had trouble getting pictures in the past, so today, I decided to try it on and show off the illustrations! Taking a photo of the back was way harder than I expected.
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$70 is too much for one jacket, but I did feel cool while I was wearing it in the fitting rooms, lol. Right after I left the store, I saw a guy wearing a Rick and Morty shirt, so that was serendipitous.
Finally, I didn't expect much from Journeys because they hadn't stocked new merchandise in ages, but as I walked past the store, I thought "Is that...?" I went inside, and yep, it was:
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A Rick and Morty backpack complete with a Pickle Rick pouch, maybe for your glasses? Or a phone charger? I guess it doesn't matter--Pickle Rick's just happy to be here.
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament: Round 1 Statistics Dump
Followers: 230
Total Votes: 22087
Times my modem crashed so I was without wifi for two weeks and had to go to my neighbors' house so I could ensure the tournament could continue undisturbed: 1 (thankfully)
Beloved By Gender
Starting out, we had a tournament of 209 women against 931 men, with percentages shown below.
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After voting, the pie chart looks like this:
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Which means on average, tumblr loves female wrestlers more
Voting Trends
During the first round of voting, we had a low of 309 votes per day up to 593, with our highest voting day being the day of the Great Naomi VS Scott Steiner debate
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The 100%ers
In the first round, a good number of wrestlers did not get a single vote against them
Tony Atlas (26)
Cedric Alexander (33)
Rick Rude (35)
No Way Jose (36)
Dusty Rhodes (46)
Kofi Kingston (53)
Eddie Guerrero (53)
Owen Hart (56)
Damian Priest (69)
Public Opinion
Tumblr has long been known for going against the grain of "wrestling professionals" opinions, so I collected a few opinions of the highly regarded to compare ours to (I left out the names of the wrestlers who were not included in this tournament)
Sports Illustrated's 101 Best Wrestlers Of All Time (2016)
Ric Flair (18, lose)
Shawn Michaels (53, win)
Steve Austin (29, win)
The Rock (23, lose)
The Undertaker (53, win)
Dusty Rhodes (46, win)
John Cena (47, win)
Hulk Hogan (10, lose)
Sting (51, win)
Andre The Giant (56, win)
Randy Savage (37, win)
Roddy Piper (54, win)
Chris Jericho (27, win)
Harley Race (17, win)
Mick Foley (58, win)
Bret Hart (52, win)
Randy Orton (58, win)
Kurt Angle (45, win)
Antonio Inoki (28, win)
Ricky Steamboat (28, win)
Daniel Bryan (61, win)
Triple H (31, win)
Buddy Rogers (21, win)
Edge (41, win)
Bob Backlund (26, win)
Brock Lesnar (23, lose)
Stan Hansen (22, lose)
Bruno Sammartino (30, win)
CM Punk (57, win)
Ted DiBiase (27, win)
Bruiser Brody (33, win)
Hideo Itami (34, win)
Rey Mysterio (48, win)
Vader (32, win)
Dory Funk Jr (17, win)
Mr Perfect (37, win)
Eddie Guerrero (53, win)
Jake ROberts (32, win)
Arn Anderson (25, win)
The Sheik (31, win)
AJ Styles (40, win)
Goldust (70, win)
Samoa Joe (61, win)
Terry Funk (27, win)
Verne Gagne (14, lose)
Mil Mascaras (10, lose)
Rob Van Dam (43, win)
Tatsumi Fujinami (25, lose)
Rick Rude (35, win)
Owen Hart (56, win)
Jeff Hardy (52, win)
Goldberg (23, win)
Ivan Koloff (15, lose)
Chris Benoit (17, lose)
Larry Zbyszko (4, lose)
Ultimo Dragon (9, lose)
Scott Hall (44, win)
Trish Stratus (38, win)
Dean Malenko (37, win)
Ultimate Warrior (28, win)
Fabulous Moolah (18, lose)
William Regal (62, win)
Gene Kiniski (14, lose)
Scott Steiner (44, lose)
Rick Steiner (26, win)
Chyna (68, win)
Seth Rollins (55, win)
Kane (40, win)
Jimmy Snuka (9, lose)
Davey Boy Smith (22, win)
The Iron Sheik (49, win)
Pedro Morales (20, win)
Michael Hayes (10, lose)
Johnny Valentine (14, win)
Shinsuke Nakamura (58, win)
Diesel (39, win)
Batista (53, win)
Lita (46, win)
Christian (56, win)
Ron Simmons (25, win)
Big Show (41, win)
JBL (10, lose)
Christopher Daniels (26, win)
The Miz (34, win)
PWI Wrestler Of The Year
Pedro Morales (20, win)
Jack Brisco (17, win)
Bruno Sammartino (30, win)
Terry Funk (27, win)
Dusty Rhodes (46, win)
Harley Race (17, win)
Bob Backlund (26, win)
Ric Flair (18, lose)
Hulk Hogan (10, lose)
Randy Savage (27, win)
Sting (51, win)
Vader (32, win)
Diesel (39, win)
Big Show (41, win)
Lex Luger (25, win)
Steve Austin (29, win)
The Rock (23, lose)
Brock Lesnar (23, lose)
Kurt Angle (45, win)
Chris Benoit (17, lose)
Batista (52, win)
John Cena (47, win)
Triple H (31, win)
Randy Orton (58, win)
CM Punk (57, win)
Daniel Bryan (61, win)
Seth Rollins (55, win)
AJ Styles (40, win)
Adam Cole (47, win)
Dean Ambrose (58, win)
Roman Reigns (51, win)
PWI Woman Of The Year
Joyce Grable (30, win)
Susan Green (21, win)
Stephanie McMahon (26, win)
Lita (46, win)
Trish Stratus (38, win)
Victoria (27, win)
Candice Michelle (24, win)
Mickie James (47, win)
Michelle McCool (29, win)
AJ Lee (48, win)
Sasha Banks (44, win)
Charlotte Flair (45, win)
Asuka (58, win)
Becky Lynch (58, win)
Bianca Belair (34, win)
Naomi, 173
Billy Gunn, 138
Goldust, 70
Damian Priest, 69
Chyna, 68
Shotzi Blackheart, 65
Finn Balor, 65
William Regal, 62
Samoa Joe/Daniel Bryan, 61
Toni Storm, 60
A big thank you to everyone who voted and I hope next round brings even more vicious infighting to shatter the dreams of old men who have had their egos boosted way too high over the last 40 years (yes, I'm directly roasting Ric Flair)
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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Well, at least she's a good-looking spy.
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis/Spy Movie Chess au for @because-i-love-chess for the Chess Cherver's Secret Santa exchange! Creative decisions/thoughts about the au below the cut!
Anatoly's outfit takes major inspo from the youth counterculture movement in Russia at the time! The Stilyagi! I thought this would be a good way to show how he's not a "proper," Russian, but in a way that still read early 60s as opposed to the more famous counterculture movements of the late 60s/70s. Stilyagi dressed very Western, with zoot suits, plaid, bright colors -- unfortunately there's not a lot of color photos of them that I found online, so I took some creative decisions, and looked at the 2008 movie musical about them! Funnily enough, this idea all started with Anatoly quoting a Cole Porter term in canon! Now, would Anatoly be able to get away with wearing Stilyagi fashion as such a public figure? Probably not, but I thought it was an interesting enough choice that I could handwave it. At this point, Russia had started becoming a bit more Westernized, and so the stilyagi are starting to fall out of fashion. However, Anatoly is still kinda clinging to his youth in a way, and to his idea of what America could be.
In contrast, Florence is very modern American. The hair, the silhouette -- it's not quite what the idea of the 60s we have in our heads yet, but it's tending towards that! I wanted her to read as up to date as possible because this Florence was an adult when she left Hungary! So she's deliberately trying to be as American as possible to avoid suspicion.There's no ties to Hungary in her appearance in this point in the show. I think this Florence is very involved in trying to get her father back, and she has rather more ties to the American government than usual.
In style, I wanted to try to pay homage to some of my favorite mid-century illustrators. Coby Whitmore and René Gruau were especially the ones I looked to for this. I tried to take influence from Gruau's color choices and his trick of black lineart on the outside, colored lineart on the inside. So, this was a little bit of a study for me in trying to learn from artists I really like too!
I have become quite fond of this au actually! I'd have to do more research for it to come to anything, but it's been fun harking back to the original concept for Chess, and I'd love to make more stuff for it.
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kalechipslives · 1 year
sorekara setting design
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Here are some notes on the development of SOREKARA's style and presentation. If you couldn't already tell, SK takes a lot of inspiration from 70's/80's anime, Nobody's Boy Remi being the reference point for much of it. I've always respected Dezaki for his monumental work so I've always wanted to pay tribute to it (especially the early stuff). I don't think I was as successful as I'd like to have been, but alas! There is still more to come! So without further ado!
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I was just talking about Dezaki , but now I shall talk about something completely different. To set the tone, I created the cat and the trolley setting first. The Girl's design should be plenty obvious (lol). But the background here I paid special attention to... I find the paints of Night on the Galactic Railroad to be very unique. They have a line less, airbrushed quality to them that blends in surprisingly well with the characters. I did some research and studied 児玉喬夫 Takao Kodama's work, as they were credited with setting design for this film as well as Genji Monogatari. Actually, if you look at Genji Monogatari's backgrounds, they have the exact same airbrushed quality! I had never done a background like this before (I am certainly not an environmental artist) but I think I did a fairly good job of it.
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...I immediately switched gears and without thinking, went back to Dezaki works. I can't say I was very faithful at all. The night sky is easy to paint, with it's notable color spray and paint blots, but I diverged quite a bit with the watercolor textures. Shichiro Kobayashi is the artist I looked to the most, and this project made me appreciate him more than ever before. Just looking at his paints gets me emotional... The vibrant colors, the dramatic angles, you can just feel his reverence for life overflowing from the work. There really isn't anyone better. I need to study more if I'm to capture even a fraction of his skill. That being said, I did make sure to animate the backgrounds slightly with the sparkles on the water-- The reflection of light on water is my favorite to draw! Also, flowers are a very important motif (for various reasons, ohohoho). Kobayashi seemed to love drawing flowers, the paint around the edges give is a delicate look. Actually, if you look at the textbox...
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Instead of full-color CGs, I opted to use "postcard memories". This was a technique Dezaki used where he would show a detailed, scratchy-lined illustration to highlight important moments instead of fully animating them. It creates a really memorable image that draws out all of your emotions! I tried to emulate them (the more single-toned ones, that is) for the game. It was 1/3 Dezaki worship, 1/3 time-saving technique, and 1/3 excuse to draw lots of scratchy lines. I love scratchy lines. This way, I could make a lot of memorable shots that were visually interesting without overworking myself.
As another note, I looked to Akio Sugino's character art when drawing. The characters don't really look like Sugino characters, but I was emulating his shading technique with (once-again) the scratchy lines. Ah, I was in heaven. Looking at his older work, the linework is hardly ever clean-- but the rough, hand-drawn edge gives everything a tactile quality and the strong anatomy makes everyone so gorgeous. It's like an engraving come to life.
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Finally, the anime effects! On the left you can see soothat before his values are adjusted (very dark, isn't he?) and on the right you can see he is in-game, values adjusted with a more appropriate "anime" look. This is because anime cells are put onto a CRT screen, so they end up looking very different. I created an auto action in CSP to adjust the color grating and line quality of every asset before popping them into the game for the chromatic aberration to take effect. The lines are slightly crunched a blurrier compared to the original. It gives it a more "physical" look. The colors are fixed up-- you'll see there is no pure black. If you look at a physical anime cell, you'll see they more often than not do not include pure black. There is usually a tint of green or red in there.
The chromatic aberration filter... I don't know how noticeable it is to the average player, but the game actually has a built-in filter that creates a slight "chroma" effect to emulate the look of frames through a crt/light. This means the red + blue + green values of the entire screen are split up and adjusted to layer slightly off from each other, giving it a little visual interest. It was AN EXTREME doozy to put in, with my poor programmer coding it and re-coding it until the end. It seemed simple at first, but there are parts where the game zooms in which totally broke the filter! It made out eyes bleed! But it was repaired in the end, so blessing upon you, Sandy. You saved my life.
The reason why I looked to Ie Naki Ko/Nobody's Boy Remi specifically is because that's where I feel the most "pure" energy from. It is a show that leans incredibly hard on it's techniques to get by but because of that it really embodies what I love about old anime-- It has a selfless reverence for its subject that drives you to watch and surrender your heart. Dezaki's powerful directing, Sugino's gorgeous drawings and Kobayashi's majestic paintings come together to make a work that shines. The setting is truly at the forefront with the characters getting lost in the grandeur. That's the attitude I had with SOREKARA: "There are things much greater than us, so isn't it wonderful that we are able to see them side-by-side?" There are many animation techniques that are cost-effective while still being utterly beautiful, I would love to copy them someday but I wasn't able to go that far yet. At least not in the demo. There's still time, I suppose... Studying limited animation from old anime is actually extremely useful when creating visual novels. Understanding the placement of cells and their layering/movement has given me even more ideas for stories!
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I ended up going on a rant about anime again ^^" But it's so beautiful, you must now understand my heart going into the work. I always think of my characters and their journey, of course, but before that I think of the setting. I want the player to experience beautiful and mysterious things alongside their traveling companions. There is still so much more to make. I hope to incorporate more Dezaki-style techniques in this and future works. Please remember the true message of my works.... Not that love finds a way, or that your connections can transform your world...it's that....anime is very, very cool.
Thank you for reading 🙇🏽‍♂️
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fortheloveofexy · 2 years
Hi! So, I really, REALLY love your art. Specifically, the way you draw hair is beautiful. Can you explain how you draw it, how you think about it?
Hello! I’m happy to explain my process! 
To help illustrate it better, I’m going to use this portrait of Neil as an example of how I draw hair. There are loads of different ways to draw hair btw, and the technique will vary based on the texture and type of hair you’re attempting to draw, but I’m just going to explain how I draw Neil’s hair right now for simplicity’s sake.
1. Starting with a rough sketch, I draw the face and body first. Then, on a new layer, I begin drawing the hair. This allows me to erase the hair and make corrections without messing with any of my other lines. I keep the initial sketch loose - it’s more about defining the overall shape and form of the hair, rather than getting specific strands drawn correctly since we can always define those later. I use a pencil texture brush for this, but you can use any that you like, since these lines will be gone by the time we’re done. For this drawing, I used the Pencil Sketch brush from the Vicente brush set.
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2. Once I’m happy with the initial rough sketch, I start the actual line art. As with the rough sketch, the hair will be drawn last, and on a separate layer. This is so I can easily erase anything the hair covers without messing up my lines. I try to go more carefully here, making sure my lines are neater, defining the hair into chunks and sections as I go. It helps to look at references of hair - you don’t have to draw each individual strand, but instead pay attention to how hair naturally falls into sections and clumps, depending on its texture and environmental conditions. For this, you can either use a smooth brush texture or a pencil texture brush, depending on which look you prefer. For this drawing, I used Clean Sketch brush from the Jingsketch Basics brush set.
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3. Once I’m happy with my lines and how the hair is coming together, it’s time to move on to flat colors. Same as before, the hair color will go on it’s own layer. I start by outlining the shape of the hair with the base hair color I’ve chosen, then fill it in. I use the Painting Flats brush from the Westwood set, but you can use whatever you prefer.
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4. Now that we’re done with flats, it’s time to move on to rendering! This is where the magic happens. First, create a clipping mask over the hair color layer, then set it to multiply. Then, taking either a light grey-blue or light grey-purple color, start drawing in shadows around the chunks of hair. This will help create depth and give the hair more dimension and shape. I use the same brush as for flats, but if you have a different brush you prefer to render with, feel free to do so!
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5. Once the sections have been defined, create a second clipping mask and set it to multiply as well. Now we’re going to add more shadows and depth to the hair - you’ll want to concentrate on shading more heavily in the sections of hair that will be least exposed to light, such as in the part, behind the ear and face, and under the bangs.
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6. Next, create another clipping mask on top of your multiply layers, and set it to Soft Light. Grab your base hair color, and make it about 70% lighter and 50% less saturated (I usually just eyeball this). Taking this color, we’re going to go back in with a small rendering brush and define the high points of the hair (this would be any part of the hair that would get the most light - such as the “crest” of hair waves)
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7. Once that’s done, I make another clipping mask and set it to “Soft Light”, grab an off-white color and select the pencil texture brush. With the smallest available brush size, I go back in and draw little white strands all over the hair, focusing on the highlighted parts especially. I try not to overlap these lines with the original line art. These white lines help give the hair more texture, creating an illusion of there being individual strands of hair there without you having to do all that work.
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And voila! Neil has hair!
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Sorry for the long, rambling answer. I hope this helps explain my process a little :)
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