#I loved what they did with Siegfried and Tristan and Mrs. Hall
I finally just sat down and watched the All Creatures Great and Small Christmas Special for this year, and... ouch.... my heart.... 😭😭
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itssoinevitable · 2 years
Hiii 👋 I just wanted to say I’ve been a fan of your blog since the good ole Downton Days and I’m so chuffed you’re a ACGAS fan too! Tbf right now the fandom is super down in the dumps (me included). How are you remaining so positive since Audrey x Gerald development in the Christmas Special?
Hi Anon! Thanks for your message, and happy holidays! So nice to hear from our old Downton Abbey crew again, I think a lot of us migrated here.
To be honest, there are a few reasons I’m not worried. (Sorry, it’s long).
1) Because I honestly love Siegfried and Audrey as friends and surrogate family. Their bond is special and beautiful, whether or not it ever becomes romantic. (Although I hope it does). They are life partners, involved in all the most important parts of each other’s lives. They have coparented Tristan (and James and Jess), they’re each other’s confidant and source of comfort. That’s special in and of itself.
2) Because I actually think they’re playing the (really, really) long game with them. I could be wrong, but that seems to be what the writers are doing. It seems quite intentional. 3 years on screen together may seem a while for some, and I suppose she’s been his housekeeper for around 7 years so it feels like ages. But imo, the best slow burns imo are the ones where you’re never quite sure if they will or won’t. It’s the little crumbs they leave scattered here and there, it’s the longing looks and angsty build up that makes it so delicious tbh. I just hope they get renewed for enough seasons to see it through. (Plus I am a Carson & Mrs Hughes fan, so 3 seasons doesn’t feel that long! Lol)
3) And lastly, because I don’t actually think they’re ready to be together yet. They’re still in the process of getting there.
Siegfried has probably had to longest way to go, in terms of being emotionally ready to realise, admit and accept that he has feelings for his housekeeper. In Season 1, he opened himself up to intimacy and the possibility of love again. He did that with Dorothy and then Diana, (although who knows why she’s been such a non-entity this last season. Maybe the actress wasn’t available?) And now, at the end of S3, he literally just resolved one of his biggest character arcs - his complex relationship and feelings for Tristan (and even then, only with a lot of encouragement and support from Audrey). He’s emotionally levelled up.
Now, I think it’s Audrey’s turn. Gerald befriending her/ pursuing her has allowed her to imagine she could be with someone again, after leaving her husband. It helps her relationship with Edward is also on the mend, since that’s been a source of so much guilt and pain for her. As for her feelings toward Gerald, they do seem to have deepened somewhat suddenly. I know some people said it felt very out of blue considering she had friendzoned him. But maybe she liked him all along and simply didn’t feel she could be more than friends, much as she wanted to. Or maybe it was brought on by the war, and him moving away. Either way, I think he’s a good man, simple and uncomplicated, which is just what she needs as she’s testing the waters of romance again. I think he’s also serving as a catalyst for Siegfried to realise the depth of his feelings for Audrey, which is v exciting imo.
Siegfried is also a good man, but things with him are as ever, more complicated. Their status as employer and employee, and long time friends also raises the stakes a lot more. Considering she’s a lot more self-aware, I think Mrs Hall knows she might have certain feelings for Siegfried (seemed a bit disapproving / jealous of his relationships) but I don’t think she has considered it could go anywhere. I feel that this budding relationship with Gerald will be pivotal in a shift between them. It might motivate her to get her divorce from Mr Hall, and resolve that source of pain from her past, too.
TL;DR All that said, I think they’re getting where to need to be, and I think we should enjoy the journey. It’ll be all the more sweet if and when it happens.
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servants-hall · 1 year
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All Creatures Great and Small star Nicholas Ralph: 'James and Helen are broody'
By Caren Clark
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All Creatures Great and Small — Nicholas Ralph reveals all about the changes ahead in the fourth season of vet drama All Creatures Great and Small
All Creatures Great and Small season 4 features new challenges and big decisions for the Yorkshire vets.
The latest season of the period drama, which airs on Channel 5 in the UK in October and on PBS Masterpiece in January, is set in Spring 1940 as World War Two continues.
Caring James Herriot (Nicholas Ralph), spirited wife Helen (Rachel Shenton), grouchy head vet Siegfried Farnon (Samuel West) and trusty housekeeper Mrs Hall (Anna Madeley) are trying to keep things running smoothly at the Skeldale House practice in the absence of Siegfried’s brother Tristan (Callum Woodhouse), who is serving with the Royal Army Veterinary Corps. But they all face dilemmas about the future.
We caught up with Nicholas Ralph to discover what lies ahead in All Creatures Great and Small season four…
All Creatures Great and Small is back! What impact is the war having?
Nicholas Ralph: “We kick off during the Phoney War [before hostilities became more intense] and it’s the All Creatures that we know and love, so it’s very much focused on the community. But signing up was something James wanted to do and Tristan has now gone off to war, so James still feels that pang of guilt.” 
How are James and Helen finding married life as we hear babies could be on the cards?
Nicholas Ralph: “Yes, they are broody. Helen’s more open about it and James is more guarded, although he wants to be a dad as well. It's a complex situation. But in the opening episode, he becomes a bit of a father figure to a young boy who is a toerag but has an unwell dog and James takes him under his wing, it’s charming.”  
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Troubled Wesley Binks (Billy Hickey) and his dog Duke need help from James (Nicholas Ralph) in All Creatures Great and Small. (Image credit: Channel 5)
What is it like at Skeldale without Tristan?
Nicholas Ralph: “Siegfried is feeling the loss of Tris and not dealing with it well. But the bond between Siegfried and James also becomes tighter, which is nice to play. And the whole family unit blossoms more as well with us and Mrs Hall and then Richard Carmody [a student vet played by rising star James Anthony-Rose, who joins later in the series].”
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Student vet Richard Carmody (James Anthony-Rose) received a baptism of fire when he joins the team is All Creatures Great and Small. (Image credit: Channel 5)
Tell us about Carmody and the other new faces this time…
Nicholas Ralph: “It’s James' idea to get Carmody in because, with the loss of Tristan, they’re struggling. He thinks it will be brilliant and Carmody will be a mini-James, but he turns out to be more like Siegfried, so it blows up in James’ face! James, who plays Carmody, is a joy to work with. We also have James Bolam [the New Tricks star guests as a farmer]. I didn’t get to work with him, but Sam said it was an absolute pleasure.” 
And what animals will we see?
Nicholas Ralph: “We have goats who were brilliant! The animal wranglers trained the goats with food and a buzzer, so when they came in, they did this elaborate route around Skeldale. We also have horses, and cows having calves. And we have a flatulent boxer dog that Mrs Pumphrey [the wealthy local played by Patricia Hodge] takes on. It’s the sweetest dog but it’s supposed to be boisterous so it kept jumping up and hitting me in a painful place!” 
And is Mrs Pumphrey’s pampered Pekingese Tricki Woo, played by Derek, back too?!
Nicholas Ralph: “Yes, and you can do whatever you need with him, he’s like putty! He always gives you something back in a scene too, he's better than some of the actors! We also have Erin, who plays Dash [Skeldale’s springer spaniel], and she’s the cutest dog ever, although you can't do a scene with her, because as soon as you look at her, she comes over. But you can't not look at her, because she's got these massive doe eyes and she just stares at you intently!”
All Creatures Great and Small season four begins on Thursday October 5 on Channel 5 at 9pm
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kate-bishops-waifu · 2 years
Could you please do a Tristan x reader?
Perhaps where the reader ran away from home and Darrowby took them in as a stray. They might act as a secretary for the practice and work under Mrs. Hall. And someone has just pointed out Tristan that he's in love with them and is now awkward and flustered.
Or something entirely different
a.n. So sorry this took so long! I've been busy and quite frankly unmotivated. But I hope you like it. Have a lovely day, and thanks for the request nonny.
Tristan x gn!Reader
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No I have not seen the '78 All Creatures.
Warnings: Like one swear? Tristan being an anxious boy. Siegfried.
Fluff. Friends to lovers. The slightest hint of angst.
word count: 2241
He/They pronouns for Tristan
Six months in Skeldale house had taught you how a somewhat more sane world operated. You had space to move about without bumping into machinery, you weren’t suffocating in what amounted to a tenement and you had a bed all to yourself. 
Tristan had compared your room to a broom closet, but you didn’t mind. No rats crawled over you, no bed bugs bit at you.
It was a palace to you. 
The tall ceilings, the stone walkway, the numerous alcoves you could just fit a small table
with a plant or picture in. You’d never been more comfortable in your whole life. But
you couldn’t entirely relax, could you? 
 The room sometimes suffocated you, the jobs were sometimes too clean and safe. It felt foreign. All you had to worry about was how dinner would be ready in time and if the
Bookkeeping was safe. And it was quiet. Not too quiet, especially on days the surgery was open, chickens, dogs, and all sorts came in on those days and you felt you could breathe a little easier. But every other day was quiet. Jess, the kindest most obedient pup you had met was so quiet that she merely tilted her head at the door when someone came in. She didn’t protest when you put her in the back, she just quietly went along like it was routine. And it was. 
You were in the grand kitchen with the fine wood table and window into that magnificently unkempt garden. Tristan was sitting on the counter, something they only ever did in your company. Siegfried or Mrs. Hall would let them have a piece of their mind. Say something about it being unsanitary, while Jame’s just sort of chuckled and went on with his day. 
You didn’t mind though. In fact you like Tristan’s company most. He had this relaxing attitude about life, and infectious joy you admired. You felt like a real person around him, unlike the rest of the village who seemed to find you a peculiarity. Something interesting to whisper about. 
You’d been long in thought. Tristan was going on about cricket, some fantastic feat was played the last time it was broadcast that he was still buzzing about. You wanted to pay attention, but you had been overtaken by that feeling again. Like you were living a dream about to wake up to a loud stuffy room with your parents arguing in the next as the never ending sound of machinery rumbled the weak walls. 
‘Y/N? Y/N are you alright? I think I lost you.’ Tristan was practically waving his hand in front of your face, leaning over to try and get your attention. 
‘What? Oh. Sorry, guess I zoned out. What were you saying?’ 
Tristan tilted his head at you and squinted like he was trying to read your thoughts. Which he was, but he wasn’t very successful. 
‘Alright, spill it. I’m not about to judge you, you know. Six months here; you’re practically part of the furniture.’ 
You shake your head, placing a plate on the drying rack and wiping your hands. ‘It’s going to sound strange. So don’t judge me.’ 
Tristan straightened up, to show you he was taking it seriously, grabbing to top of the side of the counter, he nodded. 
You rubbed your forehead with the heel of your palm, and chuckled at yourself. ‘It’s. . . Well it’s too quiet. Here. In the house. I constantly feel like something has gone wrong. You know the other week, that dog who wouldn’t stop howling?’ 
Tristan shuddered at the memory. 
‘That was, for whatever reason, the most relaxed I’ve been here. Like I’m looking forward to a busy surgery so things can be a bit more hectic.’ 
Tristan shook his head seriously. ‘You want me to start banging pots and pans every half hour?’ 
You breathed out a chuckle and tossed the towel at him. ‘I’m serious! It puts me on edge.’ 
Tristan dropped down from the counter, still chuckling at himself. ‘You want the radio?’ he asked, joyfully kissing the side of your head as he hopped over to the wood box on the other side of the dining table. 
‘That’s not what I meant, and you know it. But yes. If you wouldn’t mind.’ 
The radio sputtered on as you leaned back against the counter. You didn’t recognize it, but Tristan began to hum along. 
‘What is this?’ You asked. 
Tristan shrugged. ‘Don’t know the name. Heard it before. Goodman I think the chap’s name is?’ He ventured. 
‘Tristan!’ Came a recognisable belt from the back entrance. Siegfried charged in, a muddy white coat in his hands. ‘What on earth are you doing? I thought I told you do mix the-’ 
‘I know, I know. I already did it.’ Tristan interrupted.
‘Well did you organize them correctly? Last time I couldn't find the calcium injections.’ 
‘He was just keeping me company. He finished his duties.’ You said. ‘I made sure of it.’
Siegfried eyed the pair of you, eyes flicking back and forth. ‘Alright. Good.’ There came a loud barking from the other side of the house, and Siegfried squared his shoulders. 
‘Surgeries open. Go on back to work.’ He directed,
Tristan hopped to it, turning back with a grin as he mouthed, ‘like that?’ motioning to the door where the infernal racket came from as people flowed in. 
You laughed, nodding in agreement as Tristan gave a self satisfied smile. 
Siegfried was still gazing between you with hooded eyes, like he was trying to decide something. 
‘Tea Mr. Farnon?’ 
‘I think so Y/N.’ He took a seat at the table, sighing comfortably as you put the kettle on. 
Siegfried Farnon was, to say the least: A lot. Six months as his employee and you'd seen his highs and lows and determined that he was overall a good man with well meaning. But he wasn’t always a kind man. Especially to Tristan who you always wanted to speak out in defense of. 
‘Where’s James?’ Mrs. Hall asked as she came through the same back door. 
Siegfried checked his watch, a mouth full of toast. ‘Should be at the Hanson’s.’ He guessed. 
Mrs.Hall nodded and hung up her coat. Dropping a bag of groceries on the counter. You poured the tea, watching as she went into the corridor. Not a minute passed before she was hurrying back, Tristan on her tail. 
‘Siegfried, I’m gonna need your help.’ Tristan announced from the doorway. 
Mr. Farnon looked at the tea in his hand dejectedly and stood up following his contemporary.
The air in the sterile operation room was mild. It wasn’t a particularly scary procedure, you just couldn’t do it alone. 
You made quick work of cleaning up, having a piece of toast for yourself, before going ahead to see what was happening. 
Tristan was examining the area of interest, taking a pair of scissors to the spot. His eyes kept darting up to the window through the makeshift waiting room. You were explaining something to one of the waiting customers who looked especially impatient. 
‘What’s that? Why are you so distracted?’ Siegfried asked, watching his little brother bemusedly. 
Tristan’s eyes darted back to the task at hand.
‘Nothing. Nothing at all.’ He lied. 
Siegfried sniffed at that. ‘You’ve been staring at Y/N like that for the past two weeks. You’re gonna bore a hole in the back of their head if you’re not careful.’ 
Tristan blushed, itching his forehead as an excuse to hide his face. ‘What do you mean? I haven’t.’ He shot back. 
Siegfried raised an eyebrow. ‘That was a bit quick off the mark.’ He observed. 
Tristan was blushing furiously. He hadn't even noticed he was doing it. It was annoying. A distraction, and shit. If he didn’t know what to think about this. It started to hit him like a wave. The only thing that had been on his mind for the past two months had been you or the patient. Often you took priority, as little as he’d like to admit it. 
‘Wait! Y/N. Wait up!’ Tristan called as he slung his sports coat over his shoulders and jogged to catch up with you. 
‘Damnit Siegfried.’ He muttered under his breath as they proceeded with the surgery. 
It was a cool spring day. The ground still wet from rain as you splashed against the cobble. 
‘I thought you weren’t coming?’ You said as he fell instep beside you. 
‘House was too quiet.’ He shrugged, which made you laugh. 
‘Now who’s the weirdo!’ You beamed in satisfaction. 
Tristan rolled his eyes and you made your way to the cafe. 
You sighed as you stepped in. It was so warm and smelled of pastries and good food. You took a table for two and settled in. ordering your food and drink fairly promptly. Most people were out working after the storm so it was considerably quiet. Tristan cleared his throat and took a sip of his tea. 
‘It’s funny. I was just thinking, Yknow. I know you pretty well, but I don’t know anything about where you came from. No offense but you seemed pretty desperate when you got here?’ 
You couldn’t help blushing, feeling a bit embarrassed. 
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean that in a bad way! I just wanted to know a bit more about you.’ He was the embarrassed one now. 
‘No. It’s alright. I uh, I came from a working family. We made fake flowers for crassages and dresses and stuff. Lots of industrial presses and big machinery. Constant hammering. Not much money in it. We had a little place made of Plywood out the back.’ You admitted.  
Tristan hummed in acknowledgement, taking a bite of his food, and sniffing when they couldn’t think of how to respond. 
‘Sorry that was a bit much wasn’t it? I shouldn’ have-’
‘No! No. Not at all. I just don’t know what’s right to say? I don’t think sympathy is the right way to go, and I want you to know that I understand and don’t pity you. I think it’s rather remarkable you left it all behind. Going up in the world as you are.’ Tristan hastened a speech, falling into a warm, slightly apologetic smile. 
You laughed. Properly laughed, full belly chuckle that Tristan wasn’t sure he had heard before. The sound took him by surprise and he felt his chest swell with fondness as you started to calm down. Wiping your tears away with your napkin. 
‘Oh don’t worry about it! I get very well confused sometimes too. But you should have seen your face!’ You chorkled, tossing your napkin on the table.
‘It’s any wonder Siegfried would suggest I have feelings for you; when you laugh at me when I try to have a serious conversation.’  The remark was an utterance. They were looking at their food. But Tristan spoke loud enough for you to hear and that made your heart sink. 
‘What’s that?’ you asked.
Tristan looked up at you slightly embarrassed. 
‘It’s nothing. Just something my brother said. You know. He’s always saying things about me.’ 
‘Is it true?’ Your voice had gone small 
‘Is it true what he said?’ 
Tristan started to wring his hands nervously. Internally hating himself for saying anything.
‘Well. I don’t know. I suppose there’s truth in it. Or else he wouldn’t say it would he? Or maybe he would, he’s been rather keen on stretching the truth lately how am I to know?’ 
‘It’s not for him to know. I think only you can say wether or no it’s true.’ You had to steady your voice. You were not expecting this conversation to take this turn and it was freaking you out. 
Tristan took a moment to think, playing idly with his food. ‘I suppose it is, isn't it?’ he seemed to be talking more to himself than to you. ‘That really mucks things up doesn’t it.’
‘Why? Why does it mess anything up?’ You pondered. 
Tristan looked up, but he wouldn’t look you in the face. His eyes darted about. ‘Because you’re out employee right? Well, Siegfried anyways. It doesn’t feel entirely ethical to put you in such a position. If something were to go wrong then, well, you probably wouldn’t want to stay would you, and you’d be out on the streets again.’
You nodded in understanding, then shook your head at the idea of never doing anything about it; and how hollow it made you feel. 
‘I can find other jobs. I’ve built up enough savings now. It could always go right.’ You said. 
Tristan looked at you with longing, dammit why did he have to have such a good ‘kicked puppy’ face? 
‘Stop being ridiculous Tristan. I can handle myself well enough. I figure it’s easier to just get to know each other instead of sitting on our hands and hurting ourselves.’ You blurted out. 
Tristan looked sympathetically at you. But you weren’t sure if the sympathy was for you or themself. But then you felt their hand brush against your own. The table was small so it was no reach. 
‘Really? Are you sure, because I really don’t want to put you in a position-’ 
You nodded your head vigorously and took hold of his hand, the warmth and softness nearly melting you. 
‘I like you a lot more than what’s usually considered ethical.’ Tristan beamed.
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smallpotato80 · 2 years
Thoughts on 3x04
- Really like Tristan/Flo  Don’t know if it’s long-term, but I think it’s important growth for Tris.  They were sweet and fun! ... Oh, boy. Can we imagine a Pandhi /Farnon gathering? Christmas?  Audrey will be sticking the pipe in Siegfried’s mouth or grabbing his hand  under the table to help him keep his foot out of his mouth.
- Helen and Jim are a great team/love.  Supportive, loving... lovely to see.  
-  Poor Siegfried is having hard time letting his boy go.... When he talked about wanting to give Tris his first car and regretting how that had gone.  Remember, at that time, Siegfried said his father had given him his first and he realized Tris wouldn’t have that... I thought it was about honoring their father, but I think it’s really about Siegfried seeing Tris as his boy.  Good thing Trickie was there for him to smother with attention.  
- Siegfried trying to protect Jim... Siegfried IS in charge of Skeldale, even though he trusts Mrs. Hall to take the reigns on a lot, it is still his show in that he does care for everyone there. After seeing his military experience as a Captain, we know Siegfried is a strong leader.  More than the business though, they’ve become his family.   Can Siegfried really keep Jim home? Tris?  He’s trying but I don’t know. 
-  I’ve already posted this but, Audrey’s scars run deep.  Don’t know if I’m ready for 3x05 and how Audrey comes away from that.... I did not get a good feeling from why she said she wants things to remain the same.  Sorry, I didn’t.   She’s in arrested development.  It also makes the S2CS really sad too...  She put on that pretty dress with a lot of confidence and then decided, what?, nope. Can’t do it. Can’t risk what I have in this safe environment. She decided to forge ahead w/friendship only w/Gerald, only Gerald hoped for more.  Diana gets to move on.  Siegfried gets to move on.  But not Audrey.... And, again, not saying Gerald is her ideal....it’s just sad.   Anyone thinking that this just applies to Gerald may be wrong.  Her “safe” explanation played into what Sam said recently about Audrey’s place being safe at Skeldale during the war.   He also said everything is on the table, but that they are too wise to mess with what works. That’s vague. I do know that I’m not sure Gerald is done.... Tris told Gerald Audrey is family.... Would Siegfried tell Audrey that her place at Skeldale is safe, that she is free to be happy and that means she can pursue life outside of Skeldale?  I actually can. 
- Really don’t know what to say about Siegfried’s reaction  to Audrey/Gerald. I saw it as teasing a bit.  No line between employer/employee there.   I WILL say that I feel we saw more of a reaction from Audrey when Diana was introduced and when Siegfried showed interest in Dorothy.  Was it fear of things changing in her safe space?  He DID react when she came home early though... He was concerned. He had to turn his attention to Helen so....we didn’t see that play out.   What if she came home happy? Honestly, I think he would have been okay.   Him inviting her to go on the car ride with Tris was nice and I’m glad she went along.  
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theladyragnell · 3 years
Give us your All Creatures Great and Small thoughts!
Oh, delightul, though I don't have a huge amount of them! It's just a really nice show to watch, particularly in the winter, when it's a relief to see some green countryside and watch people really want the best for each other. The occasional animal distress and/or surgery isn't what I would call my favorite thing, I do generally look away for those parts, but other than that, the vibes are delightful.
And the characters! What a good found family in Skeldale House! I love James, doing his best and caring so much for everyone. I love Mrs. Hall, who is my hero. I love Siegfried, ridiculous and grouchy as he is, and I love Tristan, with all his joie de vivre and his serious side he only rarely lets show. I love Helen and Jenny and how tied to the land they are and how seriously they take that!
I think that Siegfried and Mrs. Hall should kiss and do not think that is going to happen for me, which is BEYOND tragic, but the Christmas special did give me a tiny bit of hope at least???
And if I liked Helen and James together less I'd probably ship James and Tristan just for fun, so I guess I could consider a poly situation there 90% for considering James getting horribly flustered by the whole of it.
Also, every time anyone mentions anything about cricket on this or any piece of British media, my brain just starts hearing Charlie Brown Adult Noises. No sports make sense to me, but cricket ESPECIALLY doesn't make sense to me. Are we sure it's not some kind of surrealist performance art that's been going on for long enough that people have decided it's a sport?
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ofhouseadama · 3 years
all creatures great and small episode 2 the liveblog
my dog is joining me on this one and she is a very fun shape
awww I love when a woman happens upon a naked man in a period piece because he's decided to strip down and walk into water
"and if it makes tristan green with envy, all the better" ah yes, there's the sibling nonsense
alright who hurt the farnon brothers
was it their father
"he let you drive the rover"
the immense little sibling energy here, we're all terrible little brats
"not as such, no" is one of my conversational weaknesses because of ainsley hayes from tww, I must admit
oh god that almost car crash got me worse than most of the jumpscares in the conjuring. i have trauma from matthew crawley, i think
"mrs. h" "i can feel your ribs" OH GOD THEY'RE FAMBLY
my weakness, as a homosexual
oh I see we are about to start on some three brothers nonsense. as the youngest of three sisters I know EXACTLY how this is going to go because I was raised in the dysfunction lmao
oh tristan what is your dark tragic backstory
is it just your father lmao
it feels like it was your father
"hello, you need a lift?" "WHO'S THIS THEN, YOUR FANCY MAN?" OH MY GOD
oooh audrey hall backstory, so she used to work in a Big House?
oh i love a good fancy country house
oh it's MILL MONEY take me back immediately to North & South then
oh so Siegfried is Like That, i see
honestly if I had this much money I would also treat my dogs like this old lady, the way I would serve Lady some beef wellington. last weekend I hand fed her prosciutto while making a charcuterie board
this is so endearing tbh
"JAMES I BARELY RECOGNIZE YOU WITH YOUR CLOTHES ON" god I love her so much, she's so valid
"there's a river up there that's good for swimming"
i am... love helen
oh Siegfried handing the boys whiskeys makes me feel very fond of him
"tris?" I SNORTED
the immediate sibling energy between the three of them is sending me
"oh he's mentioned many things, all of them unholy" the way that Audrey is the team mom
i'm worried about this cow
oh did Tristan not actually pass his exams which is why he's avoiding PRACTICING VETERINARY MEDICINE
omg James is so smart, what a good lad
oh no Audrey what's wrong. who is Edward. do I need to fucking fight him
"he's still my boy"
oh god I'm gonna have to fight this Edward and I don't even know what he's done or who he is
"a son's promise to his dying father" ah yes, the daddy issues coming in RIGHT ON TIME
Siegfried is buying Dorothy's car solely to be nice under the cover of being an asshole
oh no he bought his little brother a car to be nice to his brother and his brother's a liar
oh no
"you'll do, for whom and what is the question" IM SCREAMING
Siegfried is bringing a lot of big brother/surrogate dad energy and I know I'm about to get my feelings hurt about it
"aunty aulderson, have been since he was a pup" oh no it's cuuuuute
"he'll dance with five more by the end of the night, but never more than once" I'm--
siegfried said "emotional avoidance" and i support him
okay so is Audrey a widow or was she jilted and left with a son, inquiring minds want to know how much angst is due to be involved, I'm here for it all, though
"i couldn't bear the thought of failing, again" "it's hard isn't it, love?" oh god AUDREY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU
"oh don't be modest, it's terribly dull" mood
me, shamelessly muting this conversation because THIS stresses me out more than watching a new horror movie in the dark
"I BOUGHT YOU A BLOODY CAR. I WAS PROUD OF YOU." lmao we know which one hurts more and you're mad that it's that you were proud of him
oh yes, Siegfried bringing Disappointed Dad energy
"I think you'd best do it, Tris, earn your keep while you're here" LMAOOO middle sibling energy has arrived
god audrey and siegfried are so married
LMAO both james and tris running from siegfried
oh this is VERY cute, I'm so into it
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darrowbyeightfive · 6 years
Marble Halls, Part 4
The next instalment of the as-yet-unnamed story (I really need to think of a title for this soon.) I finally managed to merge all my random plot threads together, yay! The downside is that this is getting really REALLY long...
EDIT: It now has a name, too! Yay!
James was surprised to see a young woman following the Doctor into the Skeldale living-room.
"Siegfried, would you mind very much if my young friend joins us for lunch? Her name's Vera Wilkinson. Perhaps you saw her yesterday – she's Mr Partridge's niece. We've both been working hard this morning and I'm afraid we quite lost track of time"
"Certainly, Doctor," said Siegfried. "A pleasure to meet you, my dear," he said to Vera, taking her hand and giving her his most charming smile. “Tristan seems to have been held up at Micklethwaites', so you can have his place.”
James had listened patiently that morning as Tristan had told him,  enthusiastically and at length, about this new object of his affections. Business as usual, he had thought, trying conscientiously to nod in the right places and make encouraging comments even though he had heard it all so many times before. This time, of course, it was different; it was true love. As it had been all the other times. Tristan, for all his laziness in other aspects, seemed to live his emotional life with an intensity that James, even as a passive observer, found exhausting. Nonetheless, it would be a shame for poor Triss if Siegfried did his usual trick of turning his nonchalant charm onto this girl and making her fall for him instead. It had happened several times before, and although Siegfried had sometimes deployed his attractions deliberately, much of the time he had appeared oblivious to his effect on the female of the species. With the usual sort of girl who went to dances with Tristan, it probably wouldn't have mattered all that much; he seemed to have an endless supply of nurses from up at the hospital and Siegfried was not usually especially interested in any of them. But this girl did seem a little different, and according to what Tristan had told him, things had already progressed rather well between the two of them.
"Pleased to meet you, Mr Farnon," said Vera. "My uncle and your brother have been telling me about your practice here." She didn't look or sound to James as if she had become an immediate victim of Siegfried's powers of attraction, the usual symptoms being blushing, simpering and a sudden onset of inarticulacy. Instead, her tone seemed pleasantly interested and businesslike. Perhaps Triss still had a chance, after all.
As the meal went on, James began to feel less confident on behalf of his friend. When the Doctor was talking about some of his past adventures, Vera listened to him with what looked to James like rapt attention and deep admiration. Poor old Tristan – when it wasn't his own brother who was upstaging him, it was a traveller from outer space who looked like his more dashing but otherwise identical twin and who had no interest whatsoever, as far as James could tell, in acquiring admirers. The Doctor, with his gentle, polite manners and friendly enthusiasm was almost impossible to dislike, unless you were one of the cosmic tyrants whose dastardly schemes he regularly thwarted. From what James had heard of his adventures, it seemed as if he had a tendency to pick up around him a small group of orphaned or otherwise bereft young people from various corners of the universe, caring for them with a kind of disinterested benevolence. James really couldn't imagine him engaging in anything as self-indulgent as a love-affair, although he could quite easily imagine him unwittingly and entirely innocently leaving a trail of unrequited admirers behind him.
Much as he enjoyed the Doctor's company, James had begun to feel that it would be best for Tristan if he were to resume his travels in space and time. Quite apart from any adverse effects on Tristan's romantic prospects, James had also noticed that Siegfried had begun to treat the Doctor in a friendly, fraternal sort of way, but with the respect that he usually didn't extend to his brother. It seemed only a matter of time until Siegfried made an overtly unfavourable comparison between his brother and the Doctor and provoked an unpleasant episode.
It was at this point that Tristan entered the room, his face and clothes liberally smeared with some brownish-green and unpleasant-smelling substance. James could see him running through various deductive processes after noticing that Vera was sitting at the table.
“Umm, hello, Vera. I'm afraid you don't really see me to my best advantage. I've just had a rather difficult time with a sow...”
“Tristan! What is that dreadful stench? Clear out of here and clean yourself up! Can't you see that we have a lady visitor?” said Siegfried.
Vera looked up from the table and directly at Tristan. “I suppose that anyone living with veterinary surgeons has to get used to a wide range of interesting fragrances. Hasn't that been your experience, Doctor?”
“Indeed,” said the Doctor, “although I have to say that after some of the species I have experienced on my travels, the substances and smells produced by the animals in Yorkshire seem very innocuous in comparison.”
“And it's not just veterinary practice. Anyone who wanted to throw his lot in with me would probably have to be able to tolerate the smell of turpentine and linseed oil.” She smiled at Tristan, who had still not cleared out of there.
“Ah, linseed oil,” said the Doctor. “A delightful aroma. Redolent of cricket matches on long summer evenings.”
“I suppose I could make accommodations for someone with a very sensitive sense of smell, and paint only in watercolours.”
“If I've understood the culture of the current era correctly, that would be perceived as being a very ladylike pursuit,” said the Doctor, “but perhaps not as cutting-edge and avant-garde as painting in certain other media.”
“I've never really aspired to be terribly cutting-edge,” said Vera.
“Novelty for its own sake is, in my opinion, rather overrated,” said the Doctor.
James grinned, realising that this double-act was being performed for Tristan's benefit.
“Tristan,” said the Doctor, “do go and clean up and join us! Although I've dealt with far worse smells in the past, I'd much rather talk to you here at the table. The repairs to the TARDIS really are almost finished now, and I'd like to tell you about my plans for our test flight!”
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edgeofthedales · 6 years
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“Well I’ve hosed down the car and the yard, smothered your tires with carbolic....now can I do the same for you, brother?”
“Thank you, Mrs. Hall is disinfecting my clothes, I’ve disinfected my body...and take that silly grin off your face, this is not a laughing matter.”
“Sorry. No, of course it’s not.”
It’s interesting to compare the response Tris has here to this horrible news to how he responded in the Brotherly Love special. Here, he’s still falling back on humor to cope with the negative feelings that come with it.
Whereas years later, he has a much more serious response and doesn’t resort to that tactic as he knows it’s both inappropriate and not what actually helps Siegfried or James.
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It’s a definite sign of growth on his part and it’s nice that the writers did inject that sort of maturity later on even when they weren’t always diligent about it.
Although, even back when this episode takes place, I think it’s telling that Siegfried isn’t anywhere near as harsh as he could be in response to Tristan’s attempt to snark and even encourages little brother to have a drink to unwind.. He knows that Tris doesn’t mean anything by it and shows empathetic restraint in making sure Tristan understands that this isn’t the time for his usually welcome levity. 
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Rare Pair Exchange Letter
Hey guys, I’m participating in the rare pair exchange and this is my letter. (Also good if anyone really wants to write me a fic. Haha) Under the cut for length.
Hello content creator. I’m glad you’ve joined this exchange. I’m sure I’ll love anything you make. Obviously nothing in here is required except for DNWs. I just like to provide information and suggestions in case they’re helpful. Largely copied from other exchange letters.
General fic likes:
Kindness and helping others.
Cuddles and snuggles.
Cozy scenes.
Casual touching.
Little soft and/or quiet moments between friends or significant others.
Characters sharing a love of music or movies or books or hobbies.
Pet owners.
Cute kids when those kids are canon children of requested characters.
Living together, either platonically or romantically.
People being really good at what they do and their friends/partners being impressed.
Characters who speak languages other than English slipping into those languages occasionally.
Teaching each other.
Communities supporting each other.
Everyone being accepting of the characters and their differences and/or relationships.
Women who get stuff done.
Bi and Ace-spectrum Headcanons.
Shippy stuff:
Soulmates (both common and creative varieties),
The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement,
Friends to lovers.
Rivals to lovers.
Annoying each other constantly to lovers.
Established relationships.
Couples knowing each other really well and doing things the other one likes just because.
“Man I really love my wife” guys.
Asking before kissing someone.
Stopping a kiss or a touch immediately when asked.
Surprise kisses in an established relationship.
Platonic/familial stuff:
Becoming friends.
Female Friendship
Friends who stay friends (they don’t become romantic and they don’t stop enjoying each other’s company).
Found families.
True companions.
Healthy families of origin.
Any sort of death (Exception under Highway to Heaven.)
Abuse of any sort.
Anything that AO3 has under major warnings.
Unhealthy relationships.
Character bashing.
Explicit sex (implied or referenced sex between consenting adults is fine).
Illness beyond the common cold.
Non-canonical pregnancy.
Discrimination or bigotry unless in the context of characters working to end it.
Unhappy ending.
General vid likes:
Songs with lyrics are my preference, but if you have the absolute most perfect instrumental song, go for it.
I absolutely adore when songs match with the visuals. Clips that follow the lyrics, a story that is told through the video, or just a song that is chosen because it fits the characters.
Specific lyrics that relate to the pairing > Generic love song.
Music: I like a wide range of genres but I particularly love 20s-40s Big Band, Early Jazz, Doo-Wop, 50s-70s Classic Rock, Motown, Classic Musicals, Tom Chapin, and Postmodern Jukebox.
With fandoms set in the past I especially enjoy videos set to period accurate songs or Postmodern Jukebox in the style of songs from that period.
General vid dislikes:
Rap or Hip Hop (Nothing wrong with them, the beats just tend to hurt my head.)
The screaming kind of music. Again, it hurts my head.
Videos where the song doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the characters, canon, or video.
Fandom Specific: (Optional Prompts are mostly fic related)
All Creatures Great And Small (2020):
Fandom Content Notes: It’s a show about vets so there is some animal death. Backstories include mentions of character death, racism, and hinted at abuse.
Pairings requested: Anne/Bert, Dorothy/Mrs. Hall, Dorothy/Mrs. Hall/Siegfried, Helen/James, James/Tristan, Maggie/Tristan
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: All Creatures Great And Small
Fandom Specific Likes: Helen/James/Tristan/Maggie as an N relationship. Helen and Tristan having a very brother-sister like relationship. Helen and Hugh staying friends. Helen and Maggie being friends and having other female friends. James’ chances for success at helping animals seeming to go up when Helen or Tristan is supporting him. Siegfried being accepting of pretty much everything and expressing it in very brisk ways.
Fandom Specific Dislikes: Pregnancy or parenting fics unless the focus is Anne/Bert. Helen and James getting together before she properly breaks up with Hugh. Any appearance of Mrs. Hall’s abusive ex.
Optional Prompts by Pairing:
Anne/Bert: I love Anne and Bert so much. Their whole relationship gives me great joy and Anne is definitely my favorite character. Anything you want to make for these two would be incredible. I’m especially interested in the early days of their relationship, how they fell in love and decided not to fight their feelings. Obviously if you go that route there was a lot of racism they had to deal with, but I would prefer it not be a focus. I’d also be happy to see something set during their marriage.
Dorothy/Mrs. Hall: I would love to hear about their relationship while they were in the Wrens together. Did they meet in the Wrens or did they know each other beforehand? Anything set in canon or later would be lovely as well. When did they realize their feelings? Who fell first?
I am obsessed with the idea of Siegfried being their beard. Maybe he’s actually happy to not find someone else, so he marries Dorothy. Then Dorothy and Mrs. Hall live like the happy couple they are. To outsiders Dorothy and Siegfried are happily married and Mrs. Hall is the housekeeper. But everyone living in Skeldale House knows that Dorothy and Mrs. Hall are in love.
Dorothy/Mrs. Hall/Siegfried: Not exactly a prompt, but if it’s helpful my ideal dynamic for this ship is the Lesbian-Centric Semi-Nonsexual Trouple. I see them as being a healthy triad where each pair connects in a different way and they just enjoy being around each other. I’d love to see how they get together or some established relationship.
I quite like the idea of Mrs. Hall and Dorothy both feeling caught between their growing feelings for Siegfried and their long-running feelings for each other. Meanwhile Siegfried is realizing that he has feelings for both of them and in the end no one has to choose.
Helen/James: I just want to see these two be a couple without having to deal with the fallout of Helen leaving Hugh at the alter. Maybe Helen breaks up with Hugh sooner and she and James share their first kiss at Anne and Bert’s over the puppies. Or they go on a date sometime after the Christmas special. Something that takes place after they’re married would be lovely as well. Although anything going into Helen’s thoughts as she finds herself falling for James would also be fun.
James/Tristan: I saw the clip where they’re hiding from Siegfried and laughing and my first thought was “They’re going to fall in love aren’t they?” I just really love their best friends dynamic and the way they encourage each other into trouble. But I also love how they support each other. I see the romantic part of their relationship as having a lot of snuggles and kisses. For a prompt it could be fun to see them ending up having to share a bed for some reason.
Maggie/Tristan: I don’t have a specific prompt but I really like the idea of their relationship helping them both to grow as people. I’d love to see more of Tristan interacting with David and Maggie falling for how good her boyfriend is with her little brother. Something where they’ve been together for a while and are finally ready to say “I love you” could be very sweet.
Highway to Heaven:
Fandom Content Notes: A wide range of injustice and discrimination appear throughout the show. Within the episodes relevant to these ships there’s character death, a suicide attempt, and some ableism.
Pairings requested: Jane | Jennifer/Jonathan, Stella/Mark, Diane/Scotty
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Highway to Heaven
Fandom Specific Likes: Jonathan is an angel but sometimes he’s still painfully human. (E.G. Getting too emotionally involved with an assignment, his crisis of faith in We Have Forever, his reaction to Mark getting hurt in Going Home, Going Home.) I just really like that Jonathan isn’t perfect and makes mistakes and has strong emotions just like the rest of us.
Exception to no character death: I’m okay with mentions of it in relation to Jonathan and Jane, or Stella, but I don’t want it to be the focus or the ending. I need to see them as angels afterwards if their deaths come up.
Fandom Specific DNW: Ignoring the fact that Scotty is quadriplegic. Making the entire story about Scotty being quadriplegic as though it’s his only trait. Not a hugely important thing, but I would prefer Jonathan and Jennifer not sleep together (except literally) since he doesn’t know that she’s Jane.
Optional Prompts by pairing:
Jonathan/Jane: I am down with basically any story for these two that you want to tell.
How they fell in love. Scenes from their marriage. Missing scenes between the two in Keep Smiling.
What it was like for Jane to become Jennifer and be given the first assignment of helping her husband regain his faith? A missing scene from their two months together.
Something where they meet again later, either between assignments, sharing an assignment, or being reunited in heaven when they’ve both earned their wings.
Scotty/Diane: A Match Made in Heaven is my absolute favorite episode, I would love literally anything based on it. For a video you’re welcome to use content from any or all of their episodes of course, but I would also be just as happy with one based entirely on this episode.
I’d also love the missing scene of their wedding, or scenes from their married life, or something with them being parents.
Mark/Stella: I’d love to see scenes from their time together or something where The Boss lets them see each other again. I would absolutely adore something where Mark meets Stella’s adult daughter.
Sesame Street:
Pairings requested: Linda/Bob, Maria/Linda, Maria/Luis, Maria/David, Harriet/Mr. Hooper, Susan/Gordon, Mr. Macintosh/Willy, Maria/Luis/David, Susan/Gordon/Bob, Bob/David/Linda/Luis/Maria/Olivia
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Sesame Street
Fandom Specific Likes: Mr. Hooper lives. No one ages. The characters making sure to sign for Linda so that she knows what’s going on. Miles and Gabi being best friends. Bob and Maria being metamours and having a very sibling-like relationship. Mr. Hooper refusing to tell anyone what his orientation is. Big Bird basically being everyone’s child. Bob being in both of the above polyamorous relationships at the same time.
Fandom Specific DNW: Anything involving the death of Mr. Hooper. Making Linda hearing instead of Deaf.
Optional Prompts by Pairing:
All of these pairings I’d be happy with anything you want to write but here are a few thoughts.
Linda/Bob: If they had gotten married, what would their wedding look like? What kind of dates do they go on?
According to episode summaries on The Muppet wiki, Bob writes songs for Linda and she teaches him American Sign Language. I would love to see either or both of those things.
Maria/Linda: When Linda first arrives on Sesame Street, Maria is the person who’s the most fluent in ASL and that leads to her and Linda becoming friends quickly. Linda learning some Spanish sign language so she and Maria can both speak Spanish.
Harriet/Mr. Hooper: Based on reading the Muppet wiki, I got the feeling that David’s Grandma Harriet and Mr. Hooper are quietly dating and I would love to see more of that. In season 11 Mr. Hooper, Mr. Macintosh, and Willy took Harriet to a dance. How did that go? Did they start dating after that?
Mr. Macintosh/Willy: My headcanon is that they’re basically the street’s gay uncles. They’re been together for basically forever and everyone adores them. They’re also Mr. Hooper’s best friends. I’d love to see how they got together when they were younger.
Susan/Gordon: I would dearly love some fic about how they met and fell in love. Or a fic about how they decided that they were ready to be parents and that they wanted to adopt. Maybe something with them geeking out together over science.
Maria/David/Luis: The only logical solution to the Maria/David, Maria/Luis relationships. I actually shipped David/Luis before I shipped Maria/David, so I definitely view this as a full triad.
How do they get together? Are two of them together first and then the third joins them? Or do they become a triad all at once? What do their dates as a triad look like? Do the three of them ever go dancing?
How do they decide to get married? To become parents? Does it matter which of Maria’s husbands is Gabi’s biological father or do they only know for medical history reasons?
Maria/Luis or Maria/David: I don’t have anything specific for these, but I thought I would ask for them anyway.
Susan/Gordon/Bob: Did they know each other before Sesame Street or did they meet there? When did they get together? One thing I really like is the idea of them having gone to college together and getting up to hijinks. I would love to see some of that. How involved is Bob in parenting Miles?
Bob/David/Linda/Luis/Maria/Olivia: The ship of my heart. My personal perspective is that every part of this relationship is romantic except for Bob and Maria. Bob and Maria adore each other but their relationship with each other is platonic.
Do they ever manage to all share a bed comfortably or are there too many of them and someone ends up on the floor? The six of them go out on date and are mistaken for being three couples so they try to see how obvious they can make it that it’s all six of them. Is it ever hard to parent Gabi when there are six parents?
Singin’ In The Rain:
Pairings requested: Kathy/Don/Cosmo
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Singin’ In The Rain
Fandom Specific Likes: Cosmo being Aro-Ace. The relationship being queerplatonic at least in regards to Cosmo. The characters randomly breaking into song and dance like in canon.
Fandom Specific Dislikes: The common fanon that Cosmo and/or Don had abusive families.
Optional Prompts: I actually don’t really have anything specific here. I just think that the world always needs more of these three.
Pairings requested: Becky/Violet/Tobey/Scoops, TJ/Johnson
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: WordGirl
Fandom Specific Likes: Tobey realizing that he’s loved. Tobey’s robots being sweet. Becky getting to tell Tobey that she’s WordGirl on her own terms. Becky feeling comfortable telling her family that she’s WordGirl.
Fandom Specific Dislikes: Angst. These are children so I’d prefer they not show affection with anything more than a handhold or maybe a kiss on the cheek, unless they’re aged up.
Optional Prompts by Pairing: I’m happy with any kind of cute content for either of these pairings. I would especially like to see a get together.
I also read a fic once where Becky and TJ were allowed to invite their friends on a Botsford family trip to a cabin on a lake. Scoops and Violet couldn’t go in the fic, but I keep wondering what it would be like if they did and Becky was there with her mutual crushes and TJ was there with his.
0 notes
smallpotato80 · 2 years
I recall an interview Sam did once talking about how Skeldale house was decorated by Evelyn, and the photos of her displayed.  Sam said that, for Siegfried, finding anyone to share his life with would be a serious matter because he thinks Siegfried would want to take it seriously to honor Evelyn’s memory and what they had.   Sam said it would be interesting to see Siegfried allow someone to change the decorations, or to refresh photos because it would signal a new era, and a big step forward for Siegfried.  Moving on does mean letting go, but not necessarily forgetting.   Siegfried has come a long way from S1 and, by the end of S2, I think he is ready to embrace sharing his life again and having someone to care for him, and caring for someone else.   He framed it as “learning to love again” to Tristan in S1E5 but, I think, maybe he never really thought of falling in love again.  I like to think Siegfried has had a love for Mrs. Hall and what she means to Skeldale and, by extension, his world. Deeply admires her.   However, I think he fell for her when he saw her in that dress in S2E7. I don’t think that it is entirely shallow, either.  I think he saw Audrey in that moment.  I don’t know if he ever thought that would happen again. 
In S3, if we learn Siegfried asked Mrs. Hall to refresh the bedsitter space James and Helen are moving into, I think that will be a significant sign.  Can you imagine if we get a scene of Siegfried replacing a photo of Evelyn with a photo of his gallant crew from James/Helen’s wedding or some other event?  
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smallpotato80 · 3 years
Audrey and Siegfried had some chaotic energy in that Christmas special.  I’ll watch again, of course, but oh, boy.  They both seemed very....isolated from one another.  When they were together, it was brief but loaded (the discussion about guests and lunch, the dress, the shared joy for Tristan, the close-up hand hold).   I had posted previously that my sincere hope for them was a deep, quiet love but....  IF (and I do still think it’s an IF) we go that route with them, there’s a lot to unpack there.   I will say I think Siegfried has moved on from the mourning limbo he was in.  He has  has moved forward, and I think with Diana he has a friends w/ benefits deal, which I don’t think he intentionally pursued, she’s just ahead of her time.  Good for her.   So I think he’s realizing he does want someone to be there to love him.  He wants the whole package.   Tristan is all grown up.  He passed!  Siegfried did good by him.  Now? What’s next?  (side note: I’m scared Tristan is going to enlist to be take seriously).   Siegfried also had a tad of a reaction to Mrs. P when she talked about not having a children/grandchildren to love.  She’s alone.  I think that hit him.    Our dear, brave Audrey is also forging ahead, but she has this very sad past to deal with.  She is still married, w/ a son she is estranged from.  She has baggage. However, I think Gerald has awaken in her that side of herself that remembers the good times she had with love in the past.  She deserves it!  So she invited Gerald to Christmas lunch.  She gave him a peck on the cheek.  (Again, bias, but there was more heat between Audrey and Siegfried w/ a chair).   Audrey lost a lot to WWI, as many people did. She lost her husband, emotionally, who had been a good man.  Her looking at James and Tristan...good boys... her own son somewhere...  The impending war is weighing very heavy on her.  She’s very strong, but that’s a lot. My heart hurt for her, it really did.  As Anna has said, Audrey is a woman on her own during a time that is very precarious.  She broke that hand hold to look up to those planes.... that was haunting.      
Also, I had posted last night that I was surprised by the implication that Siegfried and Diana are, ahem, sharing night caps.  I’m not saying that’s bad!  They’re adults.   Good for Diana (a woman who knows what she wants).  Good for Siegfried too!   And, honestly, it gives a subtle heat to this show that I would never, ever had expected.  Seriously. Now, selfishly, I hope there is a time in the future that that pays off in a way I want.     
Finally, I have to say, I hope that slight reaction we got of Audrey to Diana earlier in S2 wasn’t her being jealous of Siegfried/Diana.  I hope she was just a) Really thinking about where her place is if Mr. Farnon marries.  Will she still be needed? Skeldale House has meant a lot to her but, honestly, they are not her family.  There is a boundary. Surely, a time to move on will come or  b) Having a reaction to a divorced woman moving on.  You can do it girl!    And my reason is, because now that I have seen all of S2, Siegfried does not seem bothered at all by Mrs. Hall having a gentleman friend. I hate the trope of having jealous reactions from female characters and not males.  HATE.  I think Diana has always been respectful and nice to Audrey.   Gerald and Diana?  They’re good eggs.  Wish the best for them too.  Sincerely mean that, and I don’t think we’ve seen the last of either. 
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edgeofthedales · 6 years
ACGaS Commentary Transcripts
As some of the DVD sets of ACGaS don’t seem to have all the same extras as mine, I thought I would try to make some transcripts of the episode commentaries from Series Three in my set.
Now, keep in mind that these will not be a perfect and exact transcripts. Sometimes, when more than one of the commentators said the same thing at the same time, I would mainly attribute it to the person who continued talking. Also, there are times when I wasn’t able to catch what was said when more than one person was talking, and sometimes, I wasn’t able to understand what was said due to how it was said or because of interruptions. 
However, I did try my best to get at least 80-90% of what was said during the commentaries into these transcripts. For those who don’t have them in their sets, I hope you’ll enjoy what I was able to catch.
This first set of transcripts is from Episode 3.13, Will to Live. In this one, Peter Davison, Robert Hardy and the director, Christopher Barry have a chat over the episode. Due to the long length of these transcripts, they will be posted in parts.
[begin transcript]
Peter:  Um, hello, my name is Peter Davison and I play Tristan in the series we’re watching now Creatures Great and Small. And I’d like to hand over to my tyrannical older brother to introduce himself.
Robert: The very genial fellow. There he is on the left. [indicates himself during the credits sequence].
Peter:  There he is! [laughs]
Robert:  Robert Hardy. Nothing could be less tyrannical.
Peter:  Now, was that, were you, doesn’t look like…that never looked like an acting laugh, that. That always looked like a genuine laughter that you had.
Robert:  I think you will find if you look back at my acting that it looks like acting.
Peter: And then we also....
Christopher: I always loved that opening shot because it….
Peter: No, you have to introduce yourself.    
Christopher: Oh sorry. I’m Christopher Barry. I had the great pleasure of directing nine of the episodes.
Robert: Did you do nine?
Christopher: Nine in all in the first two, last two series. Not the last two. Two and three.
Peter: Right.
Robert: Series two and three?
Christopher: Yeah.
Robert: We went on to series…
Christopher: I know you did. [indicates dog onscreen at 0:57] But this dog with three legs is a genuine one and I saw it out one day and I said to my production manager ‘I must have that dog.’
Peter: [laughs] I must have a three legged dog.
Christopher: Poor thing. I’ve seen several since. No, but I just thought it was so right that he should be sort of taking a recuperating dog out for a walk and contrast it with this little dog [indicates Digger].
Robert: Three legged dogs abound.
Christopher: They do now.
Peter:  As they always do.
Christopher: Yes….
Peter: Never seen Chris take a dog for a walk. [laughs] He seems to go walking with a dog a lot in this one.
Robert: This is his dog walking episode.
Peter: So this must have been, it’s episode thirteen…this wasn’t the last one…
Robert: This must have been the last of the first…of the first block….
Peter: But wasn’t there an episode fourteen because it doesn’t seem to end as if it’s the last.
Christopher: No it doesn’t.
Peter: Otherwise this would have been the last program we made….
Robert: We always used to end at Christmas, didn’t we?
Peter: Yeah, except this was the war ones, champagne [makes cork-popping noise] champagne, Fortnum’s hampers….
Christopher: More drinking you mean.
Peter: More drinking.
Robert: Yes, more drinking. That awful ginger beer that doesn’t fizz. [indicates Mrs. Hall at 2:14] There’s darling Mary.
Christopher: Dear Mary whose….it’s interesting having watched an earlier one today, that her limp has progressed a great deal.
Robert: Yes, this is what brought her to the point of having the hip done. And they decided, quite wrongly, to do…I think quite wrongly….to do two hips at the same time. And it killed her.
Christopher: Very sad.
Robert: It really was. She was a wonderful woman. And in a scene, in another scene...is it in this episode or another one, where she gets drunk?
Peter: Oh, it’s not this one. No. It was always nice when she had a little more to do than just bring in the tea, wasn’t it?
Robert: Yes…. [indicates himself onscreen at 3:00] Who’s that young man?
Peter: You haven’t changed a bit.
Christopher: No, you haven’t.
[Robert chuckles]
Christopher: I love this scene because she [Mrs. Hall] is standing up to him [Siegfried]. She’s the only one who really will stand up to him. That’s lovely.
Robert:  [laughs] He [Siegfried] was absolutely unaware. And the real man was totally unaware when he’d gone too far. When his explosions had drenched everybody with rubbish. When he’d upset people. ‘Well, what’s the matter with you?’
Peter: Well I love the idea that…I can’t remember which series it was where he said to you that he felt that you were portraying him as far too tyrannical, far too bad tempered. And at the same time, the real Tristan, Brian, had come to me and said it was fine, but that Donald was not made out to be as bad he was….
Robert: As wicked as he was.
Peter: That he was far worse, he’d say to me. [laughs] So he had very tunnel vision about it.
Robert: Well my greatest feeling of triumph throughout all those years, what was it, fourteen years, thirteen years, all together? Off and on because we did, on the average, one every other year, didn’t we? Which was a very good arrangement because one could go off and do other work. And we did.
Peter: Well, I think the first three were done every year though.
Christopher: Yes, the first three were.
Peter:  There was a gap. It didn’t take that long, it didn’t take the whole year to do.
Robert: No, about nine months.
Peter: Because we did one in 77, 78 and 79. So the first three were in three consecutive years.
Robert: Yes…. But my greatest feeling of joy was when…which occasionally happened… friends of Siegfried’s, the real Siegfried, would breathe in my ear ‘you’ve got him’.
Robert: Do you remember the first time you met him?
Peter: I do…well, I remember the first time I went up to his house.
Robert: Yes, up to his house. Which took a long time, didn’t it? And the drive was about two and a half miles long. It was very grand.
Peter: Yes, that’s right it was. It was extraordinary that Alf himself lived in a little bungalow at the beginning of the drive to Donald’s house, this enormous house. And Alf Wight who was so rich by that time with the books and the success of the books, still lived in that little cozy bungalow.
Robert: He was the poor man of the cape.
Peter: Yes, he was.
Robert: But we drove up and finally got there and knocked on all the doors. All of which were open, but there was nobody about. And I was terribly disappointed because I longed for you to meet both Donald Sinclair who’s Siegfried and his marvelous wife, Audrey. I absolutely adored her. Well, I was very, very fond of them both. But there was no sign of anybody and we were just about to get into the car when there was the thunder of hooves in the park. And a horse, large, dark horse appeared, leapt the iron fence onto the lawn by which the car was parked. And there was Donald shouting ‘what the hell are you doing here?!’
Robert: Then we were taken in and given whatever it was….
Christopher: It must be extraordinary playing and meeting living people. I mean, you played many, many, famous dead people. But to actually meet people who you’ve been portraying on the screen must be a remarkable feeling, isn’t it?
Robert: Yes….
Peter: Well one of the….[pauses]
Robert: No, go on.
Peter: No, no, I was just going to say that one of the good things about the series was because it was based on real people and they did have…not control over how much we did with the characters but they were certainly a, you know, they were present, it kept it kind of on track. I think if it had been made about fictitious characters we would have been spiraling off into marriage disasters and all sorts of things that they couldn’t do. So it seemed to kind of keep it under control.
Christopher: Yes, it did.  A very good point.
Robert: Quite true.
Peter: Because you were saying that when they gave you a wife at some point later on in the series….
Robert: Bang, everybody exploded. All the reels exploded.
Christopher: Gave it sort of a documentary feel about it….
Peter: [indicates the conversation between Siegfried and Tristan at 7:20] I love this scene. I love this scene because, here, I’m desperately trying to keep up with Robert Hardy. [laughs] In fact, what I’m doing is I’m trying to do his acting. You’ll see here….
Robert: What I admired so much when you first joined was that you watched like a hawk, what I was doing. In order to be a brother.
Peter: Yes….
Robert: To be [?]. It was absolutely brilliant. I was lost in admiration.
Peter: Well it was just…what I loved about doing this series, doing these scenes with you like in the previous story we did, was that…it was, you never knew quite what you were going to do. So you had to be on your toes the whole time. Because it was just…sometimes you’d fire something at me at lightning speed. And sometimes you’d have a break and I was just....it was a fantastic experience to act with.
Christopher: Yes…. So one had to be on one’s guard in gallery to get the cuts where one wanted them. Because you never knew quite what delivery it was going to be.
Robert:  Oh dear god, awful….
Peter: No, it was excellent. That was the great thing.
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edgeofthedales · 6 years
darrowbyeightfive in response to comments on this wonderful fic which can be read here.
Glad you enjoyed it! Actually several ideas that I had had floating around in my head for a while about a cricket story with Tagger Hird and Duggleby involved just came together. When I saw in my notes on the cricket match that Tristan had ‘a bruise the size of an orange’, then I thought that was perfect :-)
Yes, I love that description by James of Tristan getting maximum pleasure from even the simplest things, and I think that comes over in the TV series too. The Doctor is very responsible and likes to feel that he is in control of himself so he’s a little horrified to find himself becoming so self-indulgent, but nonetheless is unable to resist a bit more of Mrs. Hall’s cake. (Mrs. Hall did win prizes for her preserves, so it’s not surprising that she’s talented at baking too!)
I’m not sure where in this particular story you picked up the thing about Tristan being worried that Siegfried might like the Doctor better than him, because I didn’t mention that explicitly, but yes, absolutely. Tristan (at least TV Tristan) to me has quite a strong undercurrent of insecurity going on - he’s always trying so hard to please James and the girls he dates and so on, so now this “better version” of him has come along, he’s torn between liking for him - because he’s obviously a decent person and hard not to like - and worry that he will be supplanted in people’s affections. The whole thing about “Tristan Farnon seems suddenly  to have developed a sweet and pleasant nature” was actually just Siegfried snarkiness, because of course Tristan does actually have a sweet nature and Siegfried was just bantering with him, but nonetheless Tristan may start to feel a little rattled by it…
I’m not a cricket expert, just a very casual fan who is happy when England wins, but I did do some research and hope there’s nothing obviously wrong in my cricket match description. I didn’t feel up to doing a full scale cric-fic epic!
It just occurred to me that I could have made Tristan’s disguise include a pair of Campion-esque glasses! And that horribly unflattering fake moustache that Peter D wore for “Anna of the Five Towns”.
And yes, Five gets more cake at the end :-) I wonder what kind of cake it is that he likes so much? I couldn’t really think of a good idea for what would be his favourite - maybe lemon drizzle but I’m not sure whether they had that in the 1930s. Presumably he has worked off all the excess calories with his cricketing, but the question is what he will do now he no longer has a cricket match to play in. Can he manage to resist the cake or will he end up needing to ask Mrs Hall to let out his trousers a little in the waist? :-D
It was. It’s such a pity that some of the cricketing chapters were taken out of the US editions of the books because I love watching an episode that was based on some of those stories. 
I agree too that TV-Verse Tristan also demonstrated that quality: of getting so much enjoyment out of such simple things. I think a prominent one on the show was food as he seemed to seriously enjoy Mrs. Hall’s cooking (so the Doctor is certainly not alone there). Thus, it was always significant if Tristan refused or turned away from food.
I actually got that vibe about Tristan worrying about the Doctor “replacing him” from that comment Siegfried made that implied that Tristan wasn’t a sweet, pleasant person compared to the Doctor. It was a perfect bit of Siegfried Snark, yes, but it also made me think of that bit from Bulldog Breed (Episode 1.11) where Siegfried is praising Carmody so much and Tristan starts to wonder if Siegfried would rather have Carmody in the practice instead of him. 
Plus, I agree 100% with you that TV-verse Tristan does have a streak of insecurity that shows up the most with his need to please James, his girlfriends and even Siegfried even though it’s not always direct with Siegfried. I think it’s telling that Tristan seems to be far more affected by someone like James or Siegfried expressing disappointment in him rather than just getting irritated at him. Because he’s used to snark and yelling, but disappointment could indicate something more serious. Like maybe he’s starting to lose their affection.....
Well, as someone from the US, I’m even less of a cricket expert. XD Research can indeed be a very useful thing.
That would have been hilarious if he had dressed as Campion. XD Ah well, it was still lovely as is.
That’s something I hadn’t thought of either. What sorts of cakes were common in Yorkshire at that time. I do know that Siegfried mentioned in the 1983 Christmas special that Tristan’s favorite dessert was treacle tarts, so that could always come up at some point. 
Again, that was a lovely fic. As always, I will be looking forward to more from you. :)
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