#I made this post at 9am youre just not seeing it until now
multi-royalty-arc · 2 years
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@tutorgirlcommissions coming in strong with these 🥺 thank you once again for your amazing work, I LOVE THEM.
And thank you to @malka-lisitsa 🥺 who gifted them to me as part of her Katherine Claus saga, I love you, maybe Katherine will have to meet Cami in the near future but for now I shall be bugging Niklaus ENDLESSLY.
Oh klaussss @hybrid-royalty
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whimsiwitchy · 3 months
I hear the secrets that you keep (series)
chapter three: you make me nervous
Pedro Pascal x F!reader 
series masterlist
series summary: 24 year old y/n is an insecure and struggling actress in Los Angeles until she finally books a leading role in a big Hollywood movie next to her leading male, Pedro Pascal. A spark of friendship flickers between the two and slowly begins to blossom into something more. As y/n is navigating a new found fame and a new found romance, she fears that a lie she has been sitting on might ruin everything.
Warnings: plus size reader (no specific description of reader, slight descriptions of weight: stomach fat, stretch marks, etc.), hefty age gap (24 years/14 years), female anatomy description, she/her pronouns, use of gendered terms (girl, girly, etc.), y/n used, descriptions of nudity, swearing,  use of the word fat, warnings may change as the story progresses. 
authors note: Hi everyone. I just posted chapter two a few hours ago but my mind was buzzing with ideas lol. This chapter has a lot of awkward energy so I apologize in advance. Enjoy <3
chapter summary: y/n attends the table read for Risky Disco and gets to know Pedro. 
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The week leading up to the table read seemed to drag on. Even though you kept yourself busy, it was like every time you looked at a clock, it ticked slower and slower. You were somewhat grateful for the delay as it gave you more time to prepare yourself for your first day working on Risky Disco. Not only did it delay your first day of work, it also delayed having to see Pedro again. You felt so silly. One ten minute interaction was invading your entire nervous system. To prepare yourself to see him again, you started watching interviews and clips of him acting. You wanted to know what his personality was like so you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself when you two are bound to cross paths fairly soon. Whenever you weren’t working your server job, you were reading through your script or watching videos on Pedro. You felt kind of weird finding out things about him when he would know nothing about you, but hey that’s the price of fame right? People knowing things about someone without that person knowing anything about them. 
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The table read was set to start at 9am. So naturally, you were up at 5am to get ready for the day. You took a quick shower and started to decide what to wear. Trying to keep comfort in mind, you scanned your closet for an outfit. Table reads usually include a lot of sitting so you knew you didn’t want to wear anything too tight around your stomach. You hated when you sat and your jeans would dig into your stomach or when your ‘baggy’ jeans tightened around your thigh when it flattened against whatever you were sitting on. You really wanted to look as cute as possible though, for yourself of course, not for anyone else…
You decided to wear a pair of sheer black pantyhose, with black shorts pulled over them, accompanied by a simple black v neck long sleeve shirt. For shoes you wore your trusty pair of classic docs. Once you were dressed, you worked on your hair and makeup, keeping it fairly simple. Looking at the time, it was now 7am. You made a quick breakfast and drank a cup of coffee. After you finished eating, you grabbed a tote bag and filled it with all of your essentials: your script, chapstick, lipstick, perfume, deodorant, and wallet. You then filled up your reusable water bottle, grabbed your keys and made your way out of the door. 
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The table read was taking place in the same building as the audition, making it a lot easier to find where to go and park. After parking your car, it was 8:30. You decided to go ahead and go inside. When you walked in, you spoke to a receptionist who told you what room to go to. As you neared the room, you realized that you were the first person here and for some reason that was embarrassing for you. Instead of going in, you lingered near the door and tried to look busy on your phone. After five minutes of opening and closing different apps, you heard someone walking down the hallway. You kept your head down and pretended to text someone so you didn’t look like such a loser. 
“Hey, y/n right?” 
Your entire body tensed up, you know that voice. You know that voice a little too well after all of your ‘research’. 
“I’m Pedro, I read lines with you during your audition.” You finally looked up and you almost let out a gasp. He was wearing a pair of light denim jeans, a basic black t-shirt, and a leather jacket. You let your eyes meet his and you saw that he also sported a baseball style cap with a pair of glasses. In conclusion, he looked good. Too fucking good. 
“Oh yeah that’s me. Hi, it’s nice to actually meet you.” You let out the words better than you thought you would. He gives you a smile and raises his hand to offer a handshake. You reach out and latch your hand to his. His hand was soft yet rough at the same time and it engulfed yours in a perfect way. You both let go and stand in silence for a moment. 
“So, just us so far?” he asked as he looked around. “Yea, I guess so. I feel like such a weenie getting here so early.” You cringed at your choice of words but Pedro let out a laugh. “Well, I definitely wouldn’t say you're a weenie.” he said with emphasis on the word ‘weenie’. “You’re professional, early is good.” You gave him a thankful smile. “I had this theater teacher that would hound us for not being on time. She would always say ‘early is on time and- ""-and on time is late.” he finishes the phrase for you and the two of you both let out a small laugh. “You hear that a lot in the acting world. Yet no one seems to follow it.” He says while looked down at his phone to check the time. 
Silence falls over you two and you start fidgeting with your fingers as a distraction. “Hey, why don’t we go ahead and sit down. We can show off our skills of being on time to all of the late weenies.” He smiles and you laugh at his use of weenie again. Pedro opens the door for you and you let out a quick thank you. As you walk in, you see a large table with name tags in front of each chair. You glance around the table, searching for your name. Once you found it, you made your way to your chair and Pedro took a seat right next to you. 
He was so close to you and it was too intense. First he comes in looking like sex on legs, now he’s sitting only a few inches away from you. He smells so good. You wish you could just- “You don’t walk much do you?” he asked as he turned to look at you. You do the same. “Sorry, I don’t want you to think I don’t want to talk to you. I do. I just get weird around new people and don’t really know how to act and I just have horrible people skills in general sometimes. You also kind of make me really nervous.” You shut up and quickly turn to face forward with a blush on your face. “I make you nervous?” He asked. You gave him a quick glance and saw that he had that stupid smirk on his face. You actually can’t believe you just said that out loud. You had never been someone who got the nervous rambles. You usually just give a short answer and keep quiet. You were so humiliated it was unbearable. Luckily, the room began to fill up with other actors and crew members. You felt Pedro shift beside you and your leg started bouncing out of nervous habit. 
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The table read was surprisingly uneventful. You had been nervous to read lines back and forth with Pedro but somehow your mind locks in when it’s time to act. You could still feel the intensity, especially when it came to the scene that led up to the steamy moment between the main characters. You just ignored the butterflies and kept reading. 
Once it was over, the director gave a little speech and the crew gave us a few notices. Letting everyone know to check their emails frequently for any changes made to the schedule. As soon as they released everyone for the day, you gathered your things and began to make the walk back to your car. Just as you were grabbing your door handle, you heard your name being called. When you looked up Pedro was jogging over to you. “Hi.” He said as he stopped in front of you. “Uhh hi.” You said awkwardly, still embarrassed from earlier. “Would you maybe want to hang out, get to know each other a little bit? We’ll be spending a lot of time together on screen and I would love to get to know you outside of filming and stuff.” All you could do is stand there and look at him. “I’ll try my best not to make you nervous.” He teased as he smiled brightly at you awaiting an answer. “If I agree to this, you have to promise to not make me nervous.” You held your pinky up and he linked his with yours, locking in his promise. You both dropped your hands. “So uh, what do you want to do?” “I honestly didn’t think that far ahead, I was just trying to catch you before you left.” You look down at the ground and think. “I mean you could come to my place. It’s small and there’s not much to do but we can just hang around and talk I guess…” You trail off at the end looking up at him. “Yea that sounds perfect.” There's a pause… “Uh, do you want me to give you my address or something?” “Oh yea here, let me give you my number so you can send it to me.” You pull out your phone and go to create a new contact. You hand your phone to him and he types in his number. When he hands it back, you notice that he set his contact name to ‘Pedro :)’. You smiled a little and opened the message app and sent him your address. “I just sent it. Did you get it?” He grabs his phone out of his pocket. “Yea I got it.” another pause… “Uh okay cool well, I’ll see you there I guess.” “Yea see you there.” He smiles. “Just text me or something when you get there so you don’t get lost in my apartment complex.” 
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When you got home and hadn’t received a text from Pedro yet, you ran inside and quickly cleaned up as much as you could and sprayed some air freshener. 
‘I’m here :)’
Shit. You checked your appearance in the mirror before running out of the door and down to the parking lot. When you saw him, you started rethinking your entire life that led up to this point. What did you do to deserve having a sexy ass man want to hang out and get to know you?? I mean it’s for work purposes but still, it counts in your head as something more. You saw him get out of his car and make his way over to you. “Hi, um, follow me.” God why did you have to be so weird. “Okie dokie, lead the way.”. Once the two of you reached your apartment, you opened the door and walked inside. “You can take your shoes off if you want, I don’t really care but if you’d be more comfortable you can.” You look at him and he’s smiling at you. “Sorry, I don’t know why I keep rambling.”. You sigh and usher him to follow you to the living room. He takes off his jacket and hat. The sight of his biceps in that tight ass black shirt almost has you drooling. You try to collect yourself as quickly as possible before he notices anything. You take off your doc martens and plop down on the couch. You pat the couch and he sits on the other end. This is so fucking awkward oh my god. 
“Do you want anything to drink or something?”.
“No it’s okay, thank you though.” 
“No problemo.” 
“Is there anything specific you want to know or um..” You look at him and quickly look away. “Sorry I'm really not good at meeting new people and being myself.” Your leg starts to bounce. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m the one who should be sorry. You told me you had trouble with new people and I sprung this on you.” His eyes move around the room. “You don’t have to be sorry. I promise I want to get to know you too, I just don’t really know how to do that.” 
He thinks for a moment. 
“How about we start with what we already know about each other, then we can ask each other questions based on that? Sound good?” You nod. 
“I can go first. I know your name is y/n. I also know that you’re 35 and that you’re an actress.” You squint your eyebrows together. 35? Where the hell did he get that from? You think for a moment.. Oh fuck. You completely forgot that Angie said you were 35 to get the audition.  
“Oh um yeah. Well I know your name is Pedro, I think you’re 49 but I’m honestly not that sure, and I also know that you’re an actor.” oh yea totally believable that you didn’t know this man's age  by adding an ‘I think’ super smooth…
“How long have you been acting?” 
“Well I moved here like six years ago, almost seven at this point. I did some theater in high school. So however long that is. This is my first big role though.” “That’s surprising.” “What is?” “That this is your first big role.” “Why do you say that?” “Sweetheart, your audition was incredible. You were a natural.” 
“Oh um thank you. I’d like to think I’m good.” “You are good.” He sets his hand on your thigh and squeezes as he speaks and immediately retracts his hand. You can still feel the warmth of his quick touch and the spot tingles. Your heart is beating at an unhealthy speed. You look down at your thigh and back to his stupid handsome smiling face.
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The two of you continued to talk and get to know each other. You spoke about acting, family, interests, hobbies. Once the conversation flowed more, it was easier to let loose and talk to him without stuttering every two seconds. 
Pedro was laughing at something you said when your stomach growled. 
“Oh my god that is so embarrassing.” You hide your face in your hands. “No need to be embarrassed sweetheart.” There was that name again. “I should leave soon, I didn’t realize it was so late already.” You really wanted him to stay. “You don’t have to go. I was probably going to order something if you wanted to join me.” You offered hoping he would say yes. “I don’t want to be a bother, I’ll get out of your hair.” “Oh. Okay.”. He stood up and stretched his arms up, making his shirt raise just enough for you to catch a glance at his lower tummy. You quickly looked away and stood up as well. 
He put his hat and jacket back on. “Well I should head out.” “Yea.. yea um I’ll walk you out.” You both started walking towards the door. “I’ll see you soon yea? Next time you better not be all shy again you hear me?” “No promises. You make me nervous, remember?.” He chuckles. You open the door for him. He gives you a quick goodbye and then he's gone. You close the door and make your way back to the couch to sit down. You ordered some food and tried to process everything that happened today. 
As you were eating, you got a text. 
Pedro :) 
I had a lot of fun today, we should do it again. 
You start to text a reply but before you can hit send, another text comes through. 
Pedro :) 
Did I mention that you looked really beautiful today? 
Thank you for reading <3
next chapter
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mckiwi · 2 months
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So I met David Tennant this weekend…
Story time below the cut:
Thursday 7/11: Driving Down
I live in south GA so I just drove down to Miami, FL for the convention. Left about 11:30am and got to Miami at 9pm. Checked into the hotel and ordered food from DoorDash. Practically passed out cause I was so tired from that drive.
Friday 7/12: Day Before The Convention
Friday didn’t offer much at first. I was meeting a friend down there and their flight didn’t land in Miami until that night. In the meanwhile I went to Publix to get some drinks and snacks for the room and got lunch from Subway. We went down to the boardwalk area for a bit once she landed and went downtown to get something to eat. It was a bit expensive but good, what else would you expect. Saw where Georgia posted on her story showing she and David were also downtown. Promptly freaked out and got excited at knowing he was within a few miles radius of us. (Didn’t ever see him obviously). Turns out the free public parking wasn’t free and got a ticket for $30… oops. Went back to the hotel and played Battleship and went to bed.
Saturday 7/13: Day of the Convention
Got an Uber there cause I’m not dealing with that traffic again and arrived at like 9am. Waited in line until 10am for the show floor to open. We walked around a bit cause our photo op wasn’t scheduled until 11:10. I got a TARDIS and 221B keychain as well as a Supercon t-shirt. We got in line and got our picture between like 11:20-11:30ish I think? It’s a blur tbh, I saw him and lost all track of time. It was really quick so I couldn’t really get to talk to him. It was just a “hey” “hi” 📸 “have a good one.” 👋🏻 It was a long wait in the line but it passed by pretty quickly cause I got to talk to a few other people in line. This was honestly one of the best parts of the convention besides David himself because I got to meet such like-minded people. You could strike up a conversation with practically anyone and have tons of common interests. My friend and I actually kinda made friends with this other girl that was there by herself so the three of us stuck together the rest of the day. His panel started at 12:30, so we were in line by 11:50 and sat by 12:25. His panel was really fun. It’s really interesting watching his thought process happen live cause it’s so chaotic. I love him and his failed analogies.
David: “I’m going to stop now. I can smell the frosting from here.”
They had a Q&A in the second half of the panel. The new girl and I actually got in line to do the Q&A, but if you know anything about David you know he’s gonna take his time to fully answer even the simplest of questions, so we got through maybe 6-7 questions within 30 minutes. One of those questions was actually from his own kids, so that was funny. I’m not sure if it was Olive or Wilfred that asked, they were both there.
Kid: “who’s your favorite kid?”
David: “who’s your favorite parent?”
Kid: “well Georgia just recorded for a book, so-”
After the panel, the three of us battled the autograph line. We had prepaid for our autograph, so we got in one line from like 12:45-1:45 to register our QR code or whatever and get a little blue ticket. Then we had to wait in another line from like 2:30-5 to get the autograph. Was worth it though. My friend got a book signed and she made a little drawing for him, which he accepted and had her give it to one of his kids to hold onto. I had him sign my Crowley cover of Good Omens (plan to one day have Michael Sheen sign the Aziraphale cover). I honestly can’t remember exactly how our conversation went but it was something along the lines of
David: “Hi, [my name]!”
Me: “Hey!”
David: “So you want me to just sign right here?” (Indicates top half of the inside cover)
Me: “Yea, that’s fine right there!” (Gives a second for him to sign) “I also made this for you if you’d like. It’s coasters of you and your family’s names in Gallifrayan.”
David: (finishes signing and looks up) “oh, that’s neat! That’s all of us in Gallifrayan?”
Me: “Yea, this is Wilfred’s on top I think.”
David: “Cool! Give this to them (gestures to his kids sitting beside him) so they can investigate it.”
I handed the coaster set to Olive and she did actually start investigating it which I find funny and was showing it to Wilfred. My friend also had a small interaction with them and gave them some bracelets she made. They actually put them on so that was nice. I saw them looking at the coasters still as I was walking away so I hope they like them. (Pictures are of the coasters and some examples of what they looked like. Did all 7 of their names as well as “Tennant” to make it an even 8).
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After the autograph, we pretty much just wrapped things up and got ready to leave. We said bye to the new girl and exchanged contact info. Got an Uber back and DoorDashed dinner. Was in bed by 10.
Sunday 7/14: Drive Back Home
What it says on the tin. My friend had to get up at like 3am for her flight so we had to call it a night pretty early Saturday and I left the hotel about 11:30am Sunday morning. Got home about 7pm.
Overall a 10/10 experience. Even with the large crowds, no one was fighting or anything and were generally very nice. Next time there’s a convention somewhat close to me I’m totally ready to go.
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2willowlane · 10 months
i've been posting silly crack fanfiction on ao3 lately, and i decided to just upload this on my tumblr. it's inspired off of interstellartoaster's kalampokiphobia: fear of corn, and the mods harvey's irrational apple hatred and harvey hates apples.
fantastic works; mind you.
gender neutral reader, sfw; not really focused on romance, as it is just absurdity
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tallying his profit, of which was a big fat zero, harvey sighed; pushing up his glasses. it's been a rather long week for him, considering no one wants to buy those energy tonic muscle whatever medication that he supplies. the only time that anyone has ever purchased such a redundant item from him, was whenever they misclick- accidentally bought it; and then just sold it again. the only way that he'll ever make a good buck out of his pharmaceutical care was if he just eradicated the valley's food supply... of which, did sound tempting, but harvey loves his pickles too much to give them up.
there haven't been any appointments placed recently, so he was having a hard time trying to keep up with the expenses. right now, he could so go for a bottle of fine wine... maybe it's because he's spending too much of his expenses on plane models, rather than actually trying to keep up with all of the financial records, like an actual adult should. huh, what a foreign concept. well, he's just going to go continue complaining about his money situation, until further notice.
with the door opening, he had to them correct his shrimp posture, as he then greeted you, the almost superhuman farmer, into the clinic. normally, you just like to go behind the counter and access rooms that are off-limits to regular patients, but there was something about your gumption that made you so lovable. even if you do tend to barge into private examinations, there was something that made you feel so rebellious; that harvey couldn't help but swoon over you! also, he's a pathetic beanpole of a man, so he'll probably get pummeled into the ground by your combat prowess if he ever rejects your blatant non-filtered view of what "personal space" meant.
you were about to get some items turned into the community center; as you were carrying a basket full of assorted goods (they ranged from something simple to five highly-graded melons, a still-flopping ghostfish, and poisonous mushrooms). oh well, with the poisonous mushrooms, those are harvey's choice of decoration during the autumn seasons; so, the doctor felt rather seen whenever he saw those clumped together. he grimaced at the fish, however. other than that, he was glad to see a good friend pop in now and then; he needed something to spice up his days, and he can always expect you at around 9am, or somehow always being in the places he's trying to go to... coincidence?
normally, you'd stop on buy and get him a coffee. either you've brewed it yourself, or stopped by gus', it was coffee. you wonder how many mugs harvey has, considering you also gift him a free cup alongside the sweet, sweet ground bean liquid. it really wasn't the healthiest thing to drink due to the sugar and caffeine levels, and you were pretty worried for the guy who has been through years and years of intensive schooling to know better about those dietary concerns. you assume he probably only has a cup twice a week, considering you have some type of intergalactic force keeping you from extending that quota.
you had some apples somewhere on your person, and it was probably the only thing he'd like; you'd figure. after all, they're just funky little guys. who doesn't like a good, crisp apple? even though they're supposed to be for the community center, you can always just get one later. you'd give harvey something else, but you decided that he deserved better than just countless upon countless liters of his favourite brew. you knew harvey appreciated a good foraged, natural good—especially with someone locally grown on your acres. fishing out an apple out of your pockets, you then present it to him.
"... i think i may be allergic to this."
as harvey looked like a sad shih tzu puppy, looking off to the side, your heart sank. he was allergic to apples? at first, you really wanted to make fun of him. he seemed like the type of person who'd be allergic to peanut butter, and be the kid that doesn't allow their classmates to bring in anything homemade due to those medical reasons. holding the red delicious apple in your hands, rotating it around in your palm, you decided to test that theory.
"may?" you inquiried, and with a look of horror, harvey began to shudder. yes, he's an anxious man at heart, but due to various interesting cases at the clinic, he's grown insensitive to many things. plus, he's in front of the one and only farmer(tm), and his crush. god, what an embarrassment he is. he didn't want to talk about his irrational hatred for apples; those disgusting overblown flower ovaries called "fruit" just sicken him to death, not to mention that the apples were the first to hate HIM—it wasn't his fault that his body rejects them!
"yes, yes! just- just get it away from me!"
"i don't believe you..."
and that's where you've learnt that the phrase "an apple a day keep the doctor away" was right.
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fragmentating · 7 months
I dont think I've seen many discussions of this project or the similar ones this author discusses in other articles on here yet, which really is a shame and I reccomend everyone read it especially if you, like me, sometimes struggle with being asked "so what are alternative ways of treating people in crisis"
Under the cut is some very personal ramblings about how I stumbled over this article and how it felt reading it for the first time in a fairly vulnerable state. Tw for abuse mentions, drugs, your fairly normal mad life shit. This is the most personal writing I have ever created on this overall topic, so I would really appreciate if any of you would give it your time of day, thanks..!
As an introduction I have to begin with this: I recently quit being a consumer. I was always a survivor, but I clung to anti psychotics for a couple years of adulthood because it felt preferable to the insomnia I'd find myself with without, and a nice little blanket of nothingness in the saved pills in those extra stressful moments. Whenever I'd quit, I'd come back sometime later again. Last time it was being desperate to quit getting excessively drunk every night. And the closed psych ward I checked myself into, because I genuinely was not capable of controlling my drinking at home in any way at all, starting me on seroquel once again. Neither helped me achieve sobriety long term (not really surprising to myself, but not the point of this, honestly). Rather I kept risking my health even more by consuming both on many nights after being back home. But the warnings sort of stop feeling real too. I mean, I've done this a few hundred times for sure by now. What really pushed me over the edge, was my tardive dyskenesia (tics) worsening and worsening, even after switching to another anti psychotic hoping itd stop the progression getting back on seroquel was causing. Sometimes they're painful. That's the worst. I was originally planning on trying another pill my friend had reccomended who was currently staying in rehab, hearing me lament my lack of sleep without this medication I didn't want anymore. he gave me the email address of the psych giving it to him that I could access through the outpatient services at the clinic for addiction by using the right keywords. It would've been easy.
But I never wrote that mail. Instead, after getting my last refill of Perazine, from that asshole psych who also misgendered me so aggressively and consequently, didnt matter that I legitimately already had changed my gender marker a year earlier... that refill was supposed to last me the next 3 months, and I halfheartedly tapered it off for 2 or 3 weeks. The thought of seeing his face again made me sick. This was now nearly exactly a month ago. I have felt no desire to write that email.
I didnt experience any of the common withdrawal symptoms I heard so much about, only after quitting completely, there was a very short bout of very confusing feelings, sensations, beliefs. The usual. I've been there, medicated or not. I made it through without reaching for a pill again. 3 days, max, then it was over. But suddenly I stopped sleeping, for up to 50 hours at a time. After about a week of that, I finally found someone online say insomnia can be a withdrawal symptom of quitting anti psychotics. I genuinely never heard of that before ? (But to be fair, maybe at some point I did, and the perazin and seroquel and others just made it drip off my longterm memory like teflon.) Either way, could it have been that every time I went running back for (sometimes way less bad) insomnia after quitting, it was actually fucking withdrawals? I thought I could probably keep this up for a few months until starting my new / first job. Unemployed people have an easier time staying up 50 hours at a time because we can simply collapse into bed at 9am after those and sleep all day. By now I'm mostly down to 30 hours at a time. Theres issues still, sure, but the quick progress is making me excited. I might never sleep perfectly normal, but at this point, I'd take that any day over daily substances.
What happened exactly, aside from the insomnia? I ran out of my weed a couple weeks earlier. Lost my hookup at the same time, so I decided, you know what, let me just not get something for a while, I'm not in the mood to look for something new rn. I was still drinking weekly with friends, but then they got sick for a while, and I only got drunk by myself once or twice that entire time. and somehow realized it wasnt actually my favorite alone-time substance anymore, that was weed. But I didn't have weed. So I just tried. And tried. And it mostly worked out. I stopped thinking about it. Had a small run in with cough syrup we dont talk about. And then I quit the perazine. I was terrified. This was the thing keeping all the other cravings at bay, right? It didnt make sense. I hadn't been "unmedicated" for more than a few weeks since the last 8 years. If I was out of pills, I'd turn to weed or alcohol or both. But nothing really happened this time. Because I stopped running from my feelings.
Slowly I started noticing it. There were so many things I was suddenly reacting to emotionally. Joy, pain, grief, connection, ... I never thought of myself as particularly numb before, but in comparison? It's hard to describe. It felt like every day further into getting off the perazine I felt more like myself. But how did I know it was me? It was someone I had never met before. I hadn't met adult me, ever. All I knew was abused kid me, abused teen me. It was me because now I felt alive in every little thing. Suddenly insomnia feels a lot less awful when you're having it by yourself, someone so novel but comforting. But with good emotions come bad. Suddenly I was crying curled up in a ball about memories from my most traumatic first institutionalization as a teen that I used to talk about like it was a fun little anecdote. There I felt it. "Go take one of your pills. 100m should probably be enough, maybe 150?" I wish I could say I did something super healthy. But I went for a cigarette cause I was really craving one, the breakdown had sort of delayed my usual midnight smoke. That turned into looking at the stars with music on my headphones for a bit. Back in bed I actually had forgotten about the pills again. Instead I opened up Google and typed in "psych abuse survivor". I was looking for something akin to a forum, I believe. But Nothing, really. A few term definitions on Wikipedia. Im no stranger to this internet search. And internet searches about anti psychiatry, anti psychotics, drug interactions, the name of the place I was institutionalized at. Every couple months I check if someone finally burned it down. And About to give up I saw the link to this article. And I opened it. Newly me, newly free to feel, really feel.
It was intriguing at first. I teared up a little a few times. Nothing major or surprising for my newfound emotional range. Then I got to the part where he talks about holding people, after they were allowed to freely let out their pent up rage, anger, manic energy, whatever it was, just let it out, all out. And theyd slowly come out of the (UNLOCKED) room (THAT THEY WERE ALLOWED TO LEAVE AT ANY POINT) after a few hours, and they would be hugged. And often they would start crying. Sometimes violently. And they would hold them lovingly, sometimes multiple of them, until the persons sobs trailed off into sniffles, into nothing. As I finished the sentence it broke out of me in a same way. Theres silent tears running down my cheeks writing this right now. But last night ? I was wailing. Sounds I had not heard from myself, ever. Not the night my grandmother passed. Not the nights I recalled sexual abuse, recalled my violent father, recalled my peers universally rejecting me for the freak I was, as I laid in my basement next to baggies of weed and xtc, as i sat in the bathroom watching blood go down the drain.
Suddenly it wasn't just the abuse in the ward that hurt. The memories of seeing tiny harm- and powerless kids strapped down and tied up, older boys injected and carried off, alarms blaring, keys turning in locks, a haze of benzos that made everything blur together, being watched as you shower, watched as you sleep. Dragged out of your room screaming. What hurt me so much I was wailing like never before was the love I needed, but never got when I needed it the most. I needed to be held as I cried. I dont think I have been held as I cried since I was 9 years old. I have been gawked at, yelled at, ignored and stepped over as I laid on the floor, walked past in public, threatened, locked up.
But I have not once been held.
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greenokapi · 8 months
So… what do y’all do when you wanna do a bajillion things but you can’t settle on which thing to do so you just kind of end up doing nothing?
… lissen I’m still only recently diagnosed with adhd so I still don’t know how to work with it… I wanna draw so many things, wanna make merch, comics, I wanna write a fuckton of silly cringe fanfics… I wanna make videos? Like maybe youtube videos rambling abt stuff while drawing but then I don’t know if anyone would even be interested in that, and besides I haven’t done video editing in…. Probably close to 20years? What program should I use? Anyone got any tips on that?
I also wanna make stuff, lil bead things like these guys I made a while ago for example
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I also wanna try doll customization cause it’s kinda only been the last decade or so where I’ve allowed myself to like dolls… reasons for that being … uh… gender stuff… it’s like only now in my life, around 30 have I finally gotten somewhat close to getting a grasp on my gender and sexuality, and I never even really realized before that this was something I had a problem with? Which probably makes no sense tbh…
I also wanna do sculpting and even paint, after art school teachers made me feel like I should never paint again bcs idk man I wasn’t up to their standards 🤷
And… I wanna do all this stuff but not only does brain say ‘adhd my guy’ but there’s also my increasing health issues that… I mean I’ve always had them but I guess getting older makes it harder and harder to constantly deal with them… and that’s another thing I never really realized was so bad until back when I was in Japan in 2015-2016 as an exchange student and would have to go to the hospital increasingly often bcs of pain nobody could diagnose… aand then I was shamed for it bcs having to go to the hospital in the middle of the night sometimes was a huge hassle to the dorm staff, idk I was a problem…
Since then I’ve had two operations and will probably need to have more in the future. Also, amusingly, when I finally got diagnosed I was looking at the list of symptoms, all of which I could relate to in at least some way, but the ones that stood out, for some reason, were ‘constant exhaustion’ and then below it was ‘insomnia’ and… maybe I’m not actually lazy when I’m tired all the time? But y’know, I don’t really wanna use a chronic condition as an excuse to just do nothing, plenty of ppl have chronic problems but still do stuff with their life… but when I think like that I also remember this isn’t a ‘pain competition’ or something like that and different people just have different capabilities to deal with chronic pain and such… idk, I honestly think I’m still trying to come to terms with the realization that being exhausted and in pain all the time probably counts as some kind of disability….. but I don’t feel like I’m allowed to say I’m disabled bcs I do also have good days, you know? I should probably try harder to just DO things?
Ahem, it’s like 9AM and I haven’t been able to sleep and stuff hurts… I just wanna go do something productive but instead I’m whining on here which I probably shouldn’t do bcs this is the internet and strangers can see what you post and maybe use it against you but also sometimes you just really wanna rant into the void… or maybe more like semi-void cause idk, maybe someone reads this and can relate or give advice or just talk or something? Buuut you suck at talking… then later you feel embarrassed about your tired rambles and probably end up deleting them and just bring them up in therapy later like you should…
Anyway, until this embarrassment pops up I’m probably gonna try to find some painkillers and go draw or something -3-
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garciaasfluffypen · 2 years
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bright beginnings pt 6.
pairing: single dad!joseph quinn x fem!reader   wc: 1.6k  warnings: mentions of hangover, 
part five • part seven
a/n: not me clicking “save draft” instead of posting this smh, sorry y’all
you should not have picked up this saturday shift.
everything hurt the next morning as you walked into work, the sunglasses on your eyes doing nothing to help the pounding headache you had. you somehow had managed to give yourself a raging hangover, which was crazy to you seeing as you had paced yourself throughout the night. or at least, you thought you paced yourself. maybe the dirty shirleys with titos wasn’t the way to go. either way, you had fun last night and got to sleep in a bit this morning, so that was a plus.
“oh, you look like crap.”
your head snapped up to see joe sitting at the front desk. “ah, just a headache.”
“mmhmm,” joe’s eyebrow raised. “i got some midol in my office. top rightside drawer.”
“if i need it i’ll take some, thank you.” you smiled. “what are you doing up front?”
“trying to organize the files in the cabinet, honestly. they’re a hot mess. kids from five years ago who no longer go here still have files, so i have to pull them out so i can shred them.”
“oh one of us could have done that-”
“nonsense, you lot already do enough for me, and besides, you’re in charge of the play area today instead of the toddler room. constance called out.”
you chuckled. “of course constance called out. i can be ready in like ten?”
“there’s no rush, it's just the twins here right now. saturdays are typically slower since most parents try to keep their children at home for the weekends. we can probably have almost everyone except for the youngsters in the playroom today.”
“that is very true.” you smiled. “and that sounds like a good plan. how many of us are there this morning?”
“you, sophie, donna, and lucille.”
“sweet. a good bunch. let me go put my stuff down, i’ll be out soon.”  
running to the back room, you made sure you had everything you’d need for the day- your stanley cup dupe, a protein bar for later during snack time, and of course your phone, just in case anything happened. you’ve never had to call anyone for life threatening injuries, and you’d rather keep it that way- but it was better safe than sorry to keep your phone on you just in case you did need to call 999. you walked back out to the play room, smiling at the twins who were playing in the kitchenette with all the fake food. there were a couple of other toys thrown around haphazardly, most likely from when the kids had lost interest in them. you kept an eye on the twins as you did so, making sure that the playroom was clean for when the other kids started to show up.
you had noticed more and more that joe always liked to be here when the opener came in. there could be lots of things affecting this, sure, but john had never come in until 9am sharp, leaving the openers alone until then. It was quite the difference, but it was a nice difference- especially when things were going wrong. you shuddered involuntarily as you remembered the toilet incident, shaking it out of your brain before continuing to pick up around the kids. the playroom was quite messy, and not like you remembered it at three when you left for the afternoon. it had become an unspoken rule that you clean up the playroom whenever you’re a closer, just to make it easier for the morning people. you scoured your brain to figure out who closed last night, wondering if maybe it was one of the newer girls who hadn’t gotten the full training in the playroom yet.
“who closed last night?” joe turned the chair around to look at you. “the playroom is a lot messier than i had left it when i left at three.”
“uh, i’d have to check the books. why?”
“normally whoever closes has to pick up the playroom before we leave. just so it's nice in the mornings and everything. it’s no big deal but-”
“it is a hassle for you girls to have to clean it in the morning while the kids are running around. i get it.” joe got up from his chair. “lauren’s mum shouldn’t be in until 9, i can help a bit.”
“nonsense, you have important stuff to do.”
“no no, i insist-”
before joe could get another word out, the twins ran over to him and engulfed him in a giant hug. you couldn't help but smile as you watched the two of them interact with their father, wondering how he had gotten so lucky to have such angel-like kids. granted, you knew nothing about what their home life was like, but it was enough to know that they were very clearly loved… at least by one parent. joe was able to corral the kids into helping clean up, turning it into a game and promising extra ice cream at dinner that night to them if they cleaned up the whole playroom. you couldn’t help but chuckle as you watched the kids run around, helping you put things away where they needed to go. sophie, one of the new girls, finally made it in around 9, moments before lauren and her mom got there. joe took care of everything with the mom as you took lauren back to the playroom, giving joe the space he needed to do his important things.
you had to admit, having those few hours alone with joe and the kids really changed your perspectives on things, and you didn’t want to admit it, but maybe it was true that joe was cute. even without the kids, joe made sure to pay attention to everyone and everything around him, not leaving anyone out. it was a nice change, considering john wouldn’t ever have gone out for drinks with you and the girls, and for sure had favorites. you were never john’s favorite, but it didn’t bother you at all. you came in, did your job and played with the kids when you could. it was one of the best jobs you could have asked for, if you were being honest. spending the day with some of your favorite tiny humans? you’d put your name at the top of the list to be doing that every day. while some days were more tiring than others, you always found a way to make the day fun for not only yourself, but the kids around you as well.
the morning passed pretty quickly and you found yourself in the back room for lunch, sitting down at your desk and pulling out your lunch box. microwavable ramen stared back at you as you grabbed the package, along with some fruit, chips, and a little brownie cup looking thing you had picked up at spar that morning when getting yourself some coffee. you missed 7-11 coffee so bad, but spar was as close as you could get to it, so it would have to do. you’d have to make a trip back to america soon, simply for the taste of the shitty gas station coffee you missed so much. and obviously to see your american family, but that was most definitely last on the list. following the directions on the package, you slipped the container into the microwave that was in the corner of the room, leaning up against the wall as you looked through your notifications. nothing super interesting had popped up, a few buzzfeed articles looked interesting enough to read, but of course, tik tok was calling your name.
the best part about having the whole back room left for the staff was that you could watch tik tok on your lunch breaks. considering you all mainly took them alone, it wouldn’t bother anyone if you didn’t use ear buds either. it was a nice change from your other jobs, where you had to have your earbuds in or earphones on all day so as to not bother the people around you. it also gave you some time alone to recharge, which was an added bonus. you loved your coworkers so much, yes, but this thirty minute break you got to take alone was one of the many highlights of your day. if you didn’t get to recharge, you weren’t sure if you’d ever make it through the whole day without snapping at someone.
it also gave you time to think, circling back to the thought you had earlier that oh shit, maybe joe is cute. you were allowed to think that people were cute, right? that wasn’t a crime. and sure, maybe he was eight years older than you and literally had kids, but he was cute. and nice. and very gentlemanly. and everything you looked for in a-- nope. you stopped that train of thought before it even finished. you were not allowing yourself to go that far into the train of thought, because then your brain would never shut up about it and things would get weird. you’d say the wrong thing, things would totally get weird and then joe would fire you. yep, that’s exactly what would happen.
the microwave beeped, signaling the fact that your ramen was ready to eat. you grabbed it from the fridge and went back to your desk, curling up into the chair that was way too old to still be used, holding the cup under your chin as you figured out what you wanted to do for entertainment during lunch.
at this point, anything would be sufficient if it meant distracting your brain from developing a crush on your boss.
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riddles-and-diddles · 2 years
Don’t cry
AUTHORS NOTE: I haven’t truly posted a cute/sad fic of Edward and reader comforting themselves after the events of arkham knight. and i love writing this man so much! Warnings: none, sad, fluff at the end Word count: 1,530
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Edward was no ordinary man, well, as much as he'd like to think. People were a conundrum to him as much as a puzzle; what not to say, what to say, it never made sense to him.
Until you began to work for him. 
It first started out at the GCPD cyber crime unit, working beside him and slowly- slowly, got him to warm up to you. It caused a lot of heartache, pain, and tons of riddles just to see that bastard smile, laugh, everything. But it was worth it years later down the ladder, now as his second in command and taking care of the small things he simply has no time for.
Of course you knew he began to lose sanity after Arkham city, Batman beating in his head as he let go of the simpletons that called themselves doctors and guards. After that? He was simply doing this to kill the dark knight once and for all, maybe a part of him wanted this obsession to end. Maybe he wanted to take down the bully once and for all. 
That all didn't matter anymore, the batman- bruce wayne, was unmasked this halloween in gotham city. Edward made you leave Gotham for the night in case you got hit by fear gas, or worse, hurt badly from thugs and gang wars happening. 
Part of you was happy. That there was no more Batman, no more obsession, no more. It was finally you and Edward now. Or, at least you hoped it to be.
Hearing your phone buzz off like crazy, you finally opened your eyes and saw the GCPD jail cell number on your phone, immediately seeing the worst as you picked up with fast hands. 
There were sobbing, crying noises coming from the other end of the line. 
"Please, please just help get me out. I need help."
This.. wasn't normal. For him to beg and plead? And especially asking for help? 
"I'll be in gotham in the morning-" 
"NO! I need you right now! Please, y/n.." he said, choking sobs and hiccups.
You reassured your precious, yet mildly annoying, boyfriend as he began to get dressed and throw on a pair of shoes.
Taking the nearest cab to Gotham from Metropolis, you kept your phone on hand in case he called again. It freaked you out more and more with the way he acted, so.. sad and broken. You knew he put all his efforts and goals into destroying the bat, and sure enough, the batman destroyed his beauty, his efforts and sanity once again. 
It took a total of 4 hours worth of a trip and nearly a thousand dollars for several cabs (bless you, Edward, for giving y/n money before she left). It finally hit 9am when you reached the GCPD, walking in guards and Cash looked at you nasty. Knowing why you were here. Knowing the humiliation of taking your boyfriend home. 
Their faces speak more: he failed again. Come get his sorry ass. 
"Where is he?" You spoke bluntly, giving daggers to the police man.
"Cell 4b," he pushed stacks of; paperwork, two tickets, and a written consent form stating he must do community service for a year. 
Getting the paperwork done was more of a hassle than last time you did this. 
Makes you wonder what all he must've done while you were gone. “Don’t know why you’re with his sorry ass,” one of the police officers muttered, soon glaring at the man who had dared say those words to you.
After what felt like hours, you finally got done and were in the process of finding him until- “Y/N, please.” Edward called out to you, nearly sobbing when he saw you again.
Feeling your feet move you before your brain could register anything more, you ran towards his cell with eyes of concern and worry. He looked.. Worse than what you had last seen, sure his eyes feel sunken in and his cheeks were hollow like ever, but.. He looked broken, beaten, sad. That wasn’t your Edward anymore, it was a man that gotten his world shattered, and broken. The guard walked to you both before unlocking the cell door, he ran into your arms, tighter than ever and as if he could loose you again. 
After the whole ordeal of officers giving you nasty looks, mutters, and pathetic looks from the other incarcerated criminals, you both finally reached the cab you called and walked right in. 
During the drive to your apartment, given that he informed you what happened with Catwoman and the toy factory (Good riddance, you thought), you figured the hotel you had back in metropolis seemed like a good home for now. But.. He was quiet. Too quiet. It was as if he was deep into thought, probably about everything that had taken place. “Edward..?” You whispered to him, hand on his shoulder. He shrugged your hand off, eyes still glued outside the window. It had broken your heart a tad when he did that, but you knew it was probably another mood swing he was having, another failure of a plan, another defeat. You wish you could hold him forever and wish nothing but good for the man you called a partner, a boss, yours. You both finally reached the hotel, Edward nearly dragging his feet against the concrete. You unlocked the door and opened it for him, him taking it fast as he rushed in. You closed the door and dropped the bag of clothes he came with, soon walking towards him gently. Making sure you didn’t overstep any boundaries, you gently placed a hand on his shoulder, and as he turned to you, you felt every ounce of pain and anger he held in himself. Those beautiful blue eyes held more pain than you’ve ever seen. This meant more than just a simple love language, he needed more than that. “I lost to him.” He muttered. You didn’t say anything at first, soon climbing on top of the bed and holding him behind him. It was about a minute before you said anything to him, “He cheated again, he had to of, he can’t always win against your intellect.” He couldn’t help the cracked smile on his face, but it soon faded as he looked at you. “Now everyones going on about how he’s bruce wayne this, bruce wayne that, it’s- it’s..” “Pathetic. Even if he is, Scarecrow must’ve done anything that’s worth cheating in his place. He didn’t unmask him; batman chose to. He.. He didn’t win this, Edward.” “How do you know it’s bruce, huh?” He said, raising his voice. “Because, Edward, it’s him. It’s… Not easy but it is him..” He had gotten up, furious with your own answer as he grabbed the cigarettes outside his pockets, and left without a word. Okayy, bad start. You soon followed him from the bed, outside the bacolney, opening the door a tad. He groaned slightly as he felt your presence arise behind him.
“Listen Ed, I wasn’t.. I just.. I missed you.” You admitted. He didn’t stop his smoking break, not even looking at you. 
“I got scared that, you would’ve gotten killed like joker, or- or-” “Or WHAT?!” He snapped at you. “OR THAT BATMAN COULD’VE KILLED YOU!” You screamed, soon seeing people come out of their hotels to see the both of you, some instantly going inside at the sight of Edward. He paused before sighing, “I understand your concerns, but you should know by now that I’m no normal man, y/n. I’m a man of science, not delusions.” “What?” “You think batman would’ve killed me? That’s impossible. Breaking your own rules in favor of what you wish to happen is stupid and improvable.” You went quiet before stomping inside, slamming the door. 
Edward felt a ting of pain, he just told you he’d be fine, why are you acting like this? It must’ve been from his small breakdown, but that’s all it was; small. He finished his cigarette before coming back inside, you curled up on one of the beds as you sniffled and shook. Edward knew he must’ve touched a bad nerve when it left you crying, but.. He just.. Edward sighed once more before taking his boots off, climbing into the bed as he held you. “You know I would’ve been fine, right?” He tried talking in a more considering voice, brushing the hair off your wet face. “But how would I have known? They never tell me when you’re in prison or arkham! I can’t loose you, you’re everything to me..” You admitted, it touched Edward’s heart hearing this. He just held you tighter and tighter, kissing your head as he kept trying to calm you down. 
“And- and you were crying, and i got scared-” “It’s just another breakdown, you remember what I’ve said before; the breakdowns come with break throughs.” “You’re- you’re right..” “Aren’t I always, my dear?” The night consisted of him cuddling you, gently trying to calm you down as you passed out on his chest, how you missed this man and his stupid mindset. 
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mom-survival · 1 year
Declutter your home and let go!
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Yard sale any one? I’d be lying if I said I haven’t accumulated things over the years. Random decor, clothes in my closet that I never wore, some of my kids clothes that they’ve also out grew, and even toys! So I figured it was time to go through my whole house and start the process. And what perfect time when you’re going through a divorce?!
So while my now ex-husband was deployed I started going through each room in the house and going through my things. I started making piles of clothes that either didn’t fit me anymore or that I haven’t worn in the last year. And let me tell you, that was a long process BUT after I saw how much I had that I was holding on to and ready to let go it just gave me such a peaceful feeling. I knew I was making the right decision.
So I continued that process with each room and eventually moved all my piles to the garage. Until I had a big enough pile to be able to have a yard sale with my friend. We bought signs and posted the yard sale in our local Facebook group which helped get us a lot of traction!
The day of the yard sale we set up and we’re out by 9am. And people slowly kept coming and the yard sale was a success! We made some pretty good deals and meet out goal which was to sell as many things as possible!
At the end of the day I went home with a couple of things, mostly clothes that I plan on donating to our Airman’s Attic on base. I felt like I could breathe once I was home! Seeing my home and it not feeling cluttered with old memories and just things that no longer had a place in my new/now life just made me feel so at peace. So what things are you holding on to?
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ohhoneato · 1 year
Really wanted taco bell this morning around 6 am and found out they were all closed after I went to one. Bestie got McDonald's and I ended up getting Jack in the Crack tacos, which aren't nearly as pleasing, and some onion rings.
I almost cried, I swear. Plus the person at the window for JITB was really REALLY rude. We've all around just been having really bad experiences there recently, whereas we used to not have that as often and that's super disappointing, cause we both deliver for UberEats in our area.
Plus the cost of everything is SO much worse now and our pay doesn't reflect it, especially in the UberEats or Ubering stuff.
Remember people, your delivery charge and tip are what the UberEats people are getting paid for their delivery. Which means if you pay a $1 delivery charge with no tip for a $40 order, that's what they're getting paid. Not even enough for a gallon of gas anymore.
We get excited when we get the $12 deliveries or someone tips well (we've gotten a $6 tip and it made us so excited), but really, it only pays if you do it constantly, all day, every day. We just made enough for rent, but it's currently my only job.
And trust me, customer service with this is everything as well. Most of the time I don't even see the customer, but I still send them a message that I hope they have a great day/night/morning. I go out of my way to find difficult to find places so I can get paid, most people in apartments don't include their gate code and then never respond when you ask for it.
And this post isn't to complain about customers for UberEats, I haven't had a single rude customer for the 3 weeks I've been doing this. Everyone has been kind and understanding and friendly. This is to complain about the pay Uber offers its workers for this. The delivery charge is sometimes insane when ordering Eats, and I know for a fact that my pay isn't reflecting that most of the time. Gas prices went up, food prices went up, and people rely on Eats to make a living. If the area is just dead for the day and you need to pay rent, gas prices are outrageous enough that sometimes it's not feasible to drive to a different area. You need that money for rent.
It's also become almost impossible for us to eat at home. It's a more than full time job, if you aren't out doing it 24/7, you aren't making enough money. I do it for the whole 12 hour shift bestie works and don't even make enough to go grocery shopping. Sometimes I just make $25 at most. In 12 hours.
But on the other side of complaining, you absolutely CAN make enough money to make rent, to pay for groceries. And all you need is a car or a bike for it. I have a few tips for anyone wanting to start doing it, because it's super easy to do and sign up for.
1. Uber customizes itself for what you do most.
They have several options for things to do, from grocery delivery, they just started package delivery, food delivery and carpooling. Bestie tends to carpool more often than not and I do Eats more often. Her app has the Ubering rates on her map and all of her opportunities are driver related. Meanwhile, mine has boost opportunities for deliveries in sections on my map and there are many grocery delivery opportunities. Hers doesn't show the boost zones at all, no matter which function she's doing.
2. Figure out when busy hours are.
If you're Ubering, from 6-8am and 3-6pm is always busy Monday through Friday. When people are going into and leaving work. On weekends, Friday and Saturday specifically, if you're in a bar heavy area or city, 5pm-2am are golden time. I do stress to be careful though, Uber just released new safety training and they have a great system for emergencies. Deliveries tend to start heavy around 6am and go until 9am. Then start up again around 11:30-noon. Go around mealtimes, especially in business areas, where people can't easily leave to get food. Even in residential areas though, you'll get plenty of orders in highly populated areas. Just make sure you're near where restaurants are open. And lastly, from 5pm- 2am tends to get pretty decently busy for Eats. The stoners and late night workers need something to eat around midnight-1am most of the time.
3. Stay in bigger cities.
I know for some people this isn't possible. But bestie's mom used to travel about an hour to get to an actual city to Uber so she could support her kids and it actually made pretty good money. Bestie and I live in Houston right now and the closer to the inner city you get, the better the pay is and more orders and rides you get. It is absolutely more of a city app, but don't discount the fact that smaller towns and cities still need Uber drivers. The longer the distance you have to travel, the more you'll get paid. If you have to go through tolls, they'll pay extra for that as well. This one goes for all roles.
And honestly just have some music playing to jam out to, if you're making deliveries, bring a friend to talk to. It gets lonely if you're alone doing deliveries, or if you prefer the quiet time, it's great for that! It's a lot of driving and honestly sometimes doesn't even feel like work, so just have fun with it. Leave the customer cute personalized messages, bestie always puts a :3 at the end of her messages. Also, don't automatically knock or ring the doorbell if it says meet at door. Message them first, wait until about a minute and a half on the timer is done, then knock if they haven't responded or come out. No one wants to hear that, especially at night. You have no clue how many times I've had Eats people do that when we've ordered from it, when I've specifically asked them not to.
When you talk in the chat, an 8 minute timer starts. If they don't respond, it tells you to leave it somewhere safe and take a picture. The same instructions for if the person asked you to leave it at the door. If there's no where safe to leave it, it will cancel the order, but you can't return the food, so now you have food. But don't do that purposely, it'll put a negative mark on your record and you'll get less deliveries. Plus, I'd like to think we all want the customer to get their food and be happy.
Other than that, have fun! If anyone has any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them, or if they'd like any more advice.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
8, 15, 25, 36!
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
Bex, you and I both know why you asked me THIS question but SURPRISE, I'm NOT giving you anything from 'Between You & Me'. Instead here something from 'Blue Heaven Midnight Crush' (takes place in S2)
Derek couldn't entirely argue with her reasoning, yet he registered the melancholy expression that had crossed her face while she had been lost in thought. Emily had turned back to people watch and Derek could suddenly see just how uncomfortable she looked in the situation. He wasn't sure if he had somehow missed her body language on previous outings, or if he was only seeing it for the first time because she was allowing him to. 
"I get your hesitations but I think you should give online dating a shot," Derek said to break the silence that had settled between them. "Why not? If you talk to a woman online and you don't want to meet up in person, so what? What do you have to lose?"
"My already precariously low amount of self-worth," Emily quipped. "Look, Morgan, I appreciate your attempts here, but I really don't need a girlfriend. I finally feel like I'm hitting my stride on the team and I don't need to start dating right now. I'm honestly fine on my own."
15. What’s your favourite time to write?
I'm actually a full-time writer, as in I usually can get a good 8-ish hours of writing in a day! I get writing done at two specific times of day. 9am-4pm M-F and 10pm-4am << these are the hours my partner is either at work or asleep. I rarely write when they're awake bc we spend our evenings together, so I write a lot during the week days or I burn the midnight oil.
25. What’s your favourite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
When I post my words into the void and walk away! No, but seriously, up until I came back in July, I NEVER made outlines and I NEVER edited stuff (sorry readers!) I wouldn't even read my fics. I would pour the words out, post them and never look back. (I have since gone back to all my pre-2022 fics and read/edited them, some of them I had literally NEVER read before!)
Now? I think I really enjoy the actual writing process. I'm actually making outlines or at least a collection of thoughts that I build from, but putting my headphones on with a huge mug of coffee and pouring my soul into a fic for hours at a time feels sacred to me.
36. What fic are you proudest of?
This answer will be a bit long-winded but who cares? I want to discuss not only the fics I am most proud of but WHY I am proud of them. Three fics will always live in my heart as works I am proudest of! When I started writing Jemily in 2014/ish, I was struggling a lot with my mental health so I wrote a lot of fics that dealt with those struggles.
HEAD FULL OF DOUBT: This is a Jemily high school AU, where Emily goes to public school for her senior year and subsequently meets JJ, who is struggling with early onset schizophrenia. It is a story of friendship, patience, hope and understanding following their senior year together. This fic was SO incredibly important to me because the entire thing was basically a love letter to my younger self and to each and every person I have lost to depression and other mental illnesses. After writing this fic, I decided I had nothing else to write because I truly felt like NOTHING else I wrote would EVER be as important to me. So this was why I retired from writing.
2. THE FIVE HORSEMEN OF THE SILENT CHASM: (BE ADVISED OF THE TAGS ON THIS FIC BEFORE YOU READ IT!!!!) This was one of my earliest Criminal Minds fics. Again, it is about mental health, specifically depression and PTSD. This is NOT a happy story nor does it have a happy ending. While Head Full of Doubt manages to approach mental illness through a caring. understanding lens, this is the EXACT opposite. [A Journey Through the Silent Chasm] is now a three part series, detailing what tragic aftermath is left in the wake of suicide. The second part was written by @otahkoapisiakii. Both of us are survivors in terms of our own mental illnesses AND survivors of others who we've lost to suicide. So this will ALWAYS be an incredibly personal story to both of us and I will always be so humbled and grateful to have such a wonderful friend who understands this topic.
3. FOOLED AROUND (AND FELL IN LOVE): Like I said, after HEAD FULL OF DOUBT (which at the time was my longest solo-written fic at a small 24k WC), I retired from writing. I just closed my laptop and walked away. FOR SEVEN YEARS, I never even considered I would EVER return to a) Criminal Minds fandom and b) writing fic for it. But in July a series of events led me to read all my old fanfics and I happened to come across an unfinished WIP that was my take on 'Imagine Me & You' but make it Jemily. I had mapped it out to be about FIVE chapters total, basically a scene-for-scene remake of the film.
But out of that original idea, FOOLED AROUND (AND FELL IN LOVE) was born!! In the span of about a month, I wrote not one but TWO parts of this sapphic rom-com and GOD do I love this AU!! I think about it every day and I am infinitely proud of all 180,000 words of it!!! It' so much fun and it's so soft compared to me older fics, which is a direct comparison to how GOOD I'm doing in life now vs then.
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
long message incoming im so sorry 😭😭
haylooooo, miss khione!! hope you're doing great rnn <3<3 it's been a while since our last interaction haha ! i hope you're taking care of yourself? saw your latest post in the garden and wow let me tell you 😭 it looks like it came from a literal movie like wow !!! it's really pretty 😭 also you look stunning <3 hope you enjoyed your little trip there!
so i don't know if you're aware (i'm pretty sure you've heard it somewhere tho...although i don't really know 😅😅) buuut regarding seventeen's be the sun tour, they're having two additional shows! one is in Jakarta and the other in Bulacan (in the philippines). the ticket selling for this was on oct 28 (was the carat membership presale) and oct 29 (the general sale). originally, i wasn't planning on going to the bulacan show since 1) I didn't want to go through the stress i went through the first ticket selling. 2) the accessibility of the venue and additional expenses just to go there. 3) concert quality of the venue. but.....haha guess what 💔 i bought a carat membership and joined the presale 😭😭😭 and like things get sort of worse here. so october 28, 7am, i woke up then did my usual morning stuff (wow okay why did i share that 😭 😭) by the time i finished it was alr a little past 8am (sloth era) told the cafe babies i'd be late to work (ik it wasn't nice for me to do that since work is more important that seventeen but,,,,,,yeah i didn't think about that before 😭😭) ANYWAYS that happened. so yeah i prepared myself mentally and physically, made a shrine as well as a manifestation table) lowk looked like i was sacrificing my laptop to who knows where). since the waiting room started at 9am (yeah well i thougnt it starts at 9am like last time) still had a little more time to do that arrangement. so 9am comes and i was alr in the livenation website looking for the link. guess what,,,it wasn't there 😭😭 i realized that there would be no waiting room and we go straight to the website at 10am 😭😭😭 so i patiently (no i didn't i was highk stressing, well i mean at least my 😭 boyfriend 😭 was there to calm me down [he was giving pacemaker dino tbh] anyways 10am we were given the link. "we are sorry but our website is currently experiencing heavy traffic right now. you will be let in once a slot become available" screamed at this and opened twitter to see if i was the only one 😭😭 there were so many carats experiencing the same thing aurmg 😭😭 so i waited to be let in but it was taking so long, NOT UNTIL MY SAVIOR ARRIVED 😭 someone sent a direct link to the queuing and i got to the queue 😭 i was at 18k on my laptop and then 16k on my phone had to wait for only like 30 mins until i was in the website on my phone so i went in the website, was shaking, trying to go for my desired seats (no vip sc too tiring 😭😭) so i got them (planned to go with my mom, im so sorry mom but once you go in that venue i believe you wouldn't get to escape caratland) was about to complete my transaction then suddenly my payment failed 😭😭 SO I HAD TO CALL THE MALL'S CUSTOMER SERVICE 😭😭 luckily they answered, then they were amazing enough to reset my carat membership code. i had to also call the bank but they weren't answering so i had to use another type of payment and then my desired seats were taken so spent about 5 mins looking for a good seat </3 and 😭😭 and then i got the tickets 😭😭 until now it hasn't sank in for some reason 😭😭 but 😭 im seeing seventeen on december 17 😭😭😭😭 this was so anticlimactic </3 so i got the tickets like only in 2hrs which was amazing 💖💖 most seats are now taken in the arena but we're still hoping for a sold out show bc imagine the articles that are like "kpop group seventeen sold out a 55k capacity arena!" that was an ew headline but 🤩🤩 it's the story that counts HEJDJXJD so yeah rn it isn't sinking in yet but like i hope it does before the concert so i can actually prepare myself mentally <3
so that's it 🤩🤩 im so sorry for this long message 😭 i had sm to share 😭😭 hbu? do you have any stories to share <3 (if youre comfy ofc !!) stay safe ms khione!
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Shey hi 😭😭😭 i knoooow! I havent been online anywhere due to irl duties 😭😭 glad you've been fine and, as always, I truly enjoyed your story 🤣 don't feel sorry abt sending long ask!!
I'm glad that you got the ticket on top of all those stress!! Please do have fun with your mom at the concert🤍 is there a reason why she's coming with you tho???
And me... welll.. if we're talking about me during the time i type this... I'm not in my best state but I'm here to find escape so, thank you for giving me comfort through your story!
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wonwoosthetic · 2 years
Amour-Haine & Co. | Chapter 10 |
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 10.1k (I... I don't even know, alright)
Warnings: cursing, “fighting”, smut!
A/N: I know y'all are gonna get mad at me for some things 😅, enjoy
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"This is very unprofessional."
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The following day, you got to the office at the same time that you had gotten there the two days before: right when the CEOs should show up to open the doors to the individual floors. Only that on that day, you weren't there to do said thing but to prevent either one of them to receive the letter before you could get your hands on it. The plan was: take the letter, read through it carefully, then talk to Jeon Wonwoo- no, talk to Mingyu first- wait, no... You should alert the CEO first, right? Co-CEO second... but who would have a softer reaction... to a lawsuit... neither one, probably...
Alright: get the letter, read through it, talk to Jeon Wonwoo, explain the situation, and then... and then... what then? Pray? Beg? You hoped the CEOs would know the next step because you were lost in every way possible. You had never been in a situation like this - unless you count that time when your father got into trouble with the police, but that was something completely different.
You turned your car off, grabbed your bag from the passenger side and strutted towards the entrance of the building. Thankfully, the parking space was right next to it. After pushing the doors open, you were greeted by the security men and the people working at the reception. You stopped in front of Yoohyeon, the girl that was usually in charge of accepting packages and letters from the post- and deliverymen.
"Good morning, Yoohyeon!" You greeted her cheerily, trying to push down the nervousness that was threatening to spurt out of you.
"Morning, Y/N," she smiled back, "What can I do for you?"
You leaned against the tabletop, "Did anything arrive for Oksan?"
She shook her head, "Nothing gets here before 9am. They changed the delivery times." A relieved sigh left your lips and you let your head drop down - a smile now on your lips.
"Oh, thank god."
The other woman hummed in confusion, wondering about your reaction to her answer, but you were quick to brush her off, "Nothing, don't worry. Thank you, Yoohyeon."
"You're welcome," this woman had one of the kindest smiles you had ever seen.
Before you continued your way up to the office, you stopped again quickly, "Please let me know once the postman arrives, alright? Call me before you call Mister Jeon. He's... busy today. Okay?"
"Sure," she nodded understandingly and quickly took out a small sheet of paper and a pen to note it.
In the elevator, you got a hold of your breath again - breathe normally, you told yourself. You had one less thing to worry about. Now it was just a waiting game until you had to drop the bomb. 
The 'ding' rang through your ears, letting you know it was your floor to get out, and you made your way through the doors, passing the still empty offices until you reached yours. With a quick look to the side, you found the CEO's office to be empty - weird... but since the office was open, he must be somewhere in the building. And someone else must also already be in the building: Kim Mingyu.
You were quick to put your stuff down, leaving your bag, and everything inside of it, in your private room, before you exited it again, excited to go two floors down to meet with the only one of the two men you had actually kind of missed. 
There, the doors also opened on their own, letting you know he was already here, making you smile even wider. With quick steps you turned around the corners, walking through the corridors and open space before stopping in front of Mingyu's office, meeting his eyes through the glass. He motioned for you to come inside, a grin on his lips.
"Wow," he leaned back in his chair once you had opened the door, your foot not even in the room yet, "To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you so early in the morning here?"
You chuckled, "I'm here to see my favourite CEO," and took a seat on one of the chairs in front of his desk.
"I'm your favourite CEO," he smiled at you, his eyes brightening. 
"Well, obviously," you frowned sarcastically, "Who did you think my favourite CEO was?" 
Mingyu shrugged, raising his hands in defence, "I- I don't know. Could've been Wonwoo, who knows."
You nodded and closed your eyes, "Ah, yes of course, of course." Your comment made both of you chuckle before you took the word again.
"So," leaning forward slightly, "How was Japan?"
The co-CEO started looking around the room aimlessly, "Yeah... good. Interesting," before fixating his gaze back on you, "Kinda boring without my favourite COO there." You scrunched your nose and tried holding back a smile but failed pretty much right away and just let out another giggle, infecting Mingyu with it as well.
"Thank you for the flowers by the way," you changed the subject, remembering why you had come here in the first place. But your smile turned back into a straight line once Mingyu started frowning,
You nodded hesitantly, "Yeah... the flowers you sent me. And the cupcakes." Why was he that good at acting?
But he just shook his head, "I'm sorry, Y/N, but I didn't send you anything. What makes you think it was me?"
You had to stop and think for a second, turning your head to the right, gazing into thin air, trying to remember the words that were written on the card, "It said Thank you from Mingyu and..." No. It couldn't be. Right?
The man in front of you, leaned forward, resting his arms on top of his desk as the corners of his mouth curled, turning into a triumphed smile. He kept his eyes on you, almost being able to see the gears working in your brain, and then clicking. You knew who they were from. And so did he.
He grinned, "I think you might have a secret admirer, huh?"
"Or not so secret..." a soft mumble tumbled from your lips, your eyebrows still in a frown.
You stormed into the CEO’s office, the flowers you had taken from your own office tight in the grip of your right hand. You bust through the door, closing it just as harshly as you opened it, forgetting and just not caring to knock.
“What the hell are you trying to do here?!” Your voice echoed through the room, making Jeon Wonwoo raise his eyebrows at your loud tone.
“What?” He wondered, “You don’t like flowers?” A stone-cold expression on his face, “Or cupcakes?”
Your teeth were pressed together tightly, “You bastard…” you hissed, trying to gather the next words that would tumble from your lips. Your brain couldn’t build any proper sentences and it started being a little too quiet for a little too long. While you were thinking of your next statement, the CEO’s eyes were fixed on you, gazing at you almost amused.
With a sigh, you continued, “Why? Wha… What are you doing?”
The man in front of you leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed in front of his chest, “I’m not allowed to give my COO a thank you gift?”
“Don’t pull that shit now,” you warned him, pointing a finger directly at him. God… he infuriated you. From sweet, to mean, from talking to being completely silent around you and now, this. He was confusing you and that was making you as mad as you could possibly get. Can't he just decide on one persona? Did he have to have five different ones?
“How am I supposed to interpret this?” You placed the flowers on his table before taking a step back.
“Just a nice gesture for taking care of the company while we weren’t there,” he answered, standing up to slowly make his way around the desk.
“A nice gesture? From you? All of a sudden?” You spat out, hardly believing a word that came out of his mouth. Your eyes followed his movements carefully.
Fucking hell, his smirk again.
"Maybe I'm not as cold-hearted as you constantly portray me to be."
You rolled your eyes and let a heavy breath tumble from your lips.
“And you can’t accept that because…?” He wondered, dragging out his question, expecting you to end his sentence.
You snapped, “Because you fucking infuriate me!” Your finger was pointed sharply at him, but he didn’t seem to be fazed by it and took another two steps closer to you. “You bastard act all sweet and like the biggest fucking gentleman just to get a quick fuck and to get back to being an asshole again.” There it was. You finally let your frustration out. The thing that had been bothering you for days- and he finally knew about it.
Wonwoo scoffed, seemingly entertained by your outburst, but deep inside he felt like you were playing with him. And he didn’t like that. “You think I planned that? You’re one to talk,” he mumbled, looking down at his feet.
With a roll of your eyes, you copied his crossed arms, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
One step closer. And another one. Suddenly, he was standing a little too close, but you didn’t back up. You stood still, rooted to the floor, looking up at him, while he was glaring down at you. You noticed his sharp nose. His eyes with that look that could kill. But right now… they didn't intimidate you as much. Not in the slightest. Because they didn't reflect hate like you had imagined. No, that was something different. Kindness? But... Betrayal? Hurt? What? There was too much and you couldn't decide. But not hate. Not even a bit.
Having him up close like that reminded you of the night you had just mentioned. Memories flashed through your mind, letting you feel his hands on your body again, his fingers tracing your legs, his lips against yours, and on your skin. If he leaned in any closer, you could’ve felt the breath of his next words,
“It means that I wasn’t the one who put a condom in my bag, expecting to get fucked.”
He saw it. Of course, he did. He had your bag for like a week. Did he look into it? He had to, in order to find the condom. How dare he look into that?! That's an invasion of privacy! Binna… I’m gonna kill her. I swear to god, I will.
You could feel your heartbeat immediately start to race and you gulped, “That wasn’t me.” Quick, confidence come back, “My friend thought she was funny with that. Don’t get your hopes up.” Yes. Thank you.
Oh, but that little amount of confidence vanished again quickly once he smirked. That fucking smirk. Stop it.
“For someone who didn’t plan it, you sure as hell enjoyed it, huh?” Ending his statement with that eyebrow raise that would make anyone fold in no time. And you were damn close to letting that happen.
“Says the one who wanted to take me home.” Your heartbeat started to pick up its speed once again. With him standing right in front of you, slightly leaning onto the table next to you, his face only a few inches from yours with that smirk... the curve of his mouth...
“And I did. I also never said I didn’t enjoy it,” at this point, you could feel his breath against your lips. When did he come so close? And why weren’t you backing up? Wonwoo leaned in a tad closer, “Because I sure did.” At that moment, everything around you seemed to stand still. It was only the two of you on the entire floor, breathing against each other, chests almost touching and your skin burning from the memories of that night.
“Other employees are gonna come in soon,” you reminded him of the current situation you were in, "This is very unprofessional." Early morning in the office, not many had already made their way into work, but they very soon would. And there you were, only an inch apart (if even), giving the rest of the floor a full view of the two of you, thanks to the big windows that functioned as a wall.
Suddenly, you could feel the soft touch of his rough fingers on your cheek, his thumb grazing your bottom lip, “Unprofessional? I fucked you in the janitor’s closet of one of the biggest events of the year and now you’re worried about some employees finding us like this?”
You could only gulp. No words even dared to leave your mouth. You were scared of how shaky your voice would be if it were to out itself now. Better not say anything. 
“You’re not saying no.” His lips travelled down to your neck, his breath tickling your skin. Your breathing started to shake, and uneven amounts of huffs left your mouth, only getting interrupted by one gulp. With his hand holding one side of your neck, he was about to lean in slightly more, dreading to let his lips graze over your jaw-
"Wonwoo!" The young intern's voice rang through your ears, making you jump back in an instant and the CEO sigh loudly. 
"Yes, Dino," the older man spoke quietly, sounding clearly annoyed at the interruption. The youngest didn't seem to notice the tone of his voice and continued entering the room with a bright smile on his face. It faded quickly once he came to sight with you,
"Oh, good morning, Miss- I mean, Y/N," he shook his head with a chuckle as he corrected himself. You gave him a shy and nervous wave, trying to swallow the awkwardness of the situation. The room was filled with tension and you could've sworn that even the other two could feel it just as much as you. Dino started switching the weight of his body from one leg to the other, his eyes still on you,
"I didn't t-to see you here, I- I wanted-"
"How can I help you, Dino?" Wonwoo interrupted him, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose before running them through his hair and raising his head to look at the youngest.
"Right," he directed his attention to the CEO, "There... There's a notification on our server. About the security cameras," he explained, fiddling with his fingers, "I think you should take a look."
Wonwoo nodded his head, another deep sigh coming from him, "Yeah... alright."
"Well, that's my cue to leave then," you chuckled nervously, finally able to steady your heartbeat again, at least slightly, "I'll... I'll leave you two to... to do that." Without waiting for an answer, you made your way to the door, whispering a 'bye' to Dino once you passed him.
"Miss Yoon," the sound of Wonwoo's voice made you turn around again, "We're not talking yet. You can come back later." You nodded before exiting the room, crossing the floor to get to your own office, but not before catching the faint,
"Is everything alright with Miss Yoon?" From the youngest.
No. Simply just no. Nothing's alright with Miss Yoon. The letter didn't come that day, so that was the number one reason why you were pacing around the office for most of the time. But then there was the second reason as well. And that was the man in the room across the room from yours. Jeon Wonwoo. Just when you had finally put your ego aside and wanted to confront him about not only the night but also his little freaking present, you get interrupted?! The universe really wasn't on your side.
There was too much going on. Too much for you to handle. As much as you didn't want to admit it, it was true. You had thought about talking to Jisoo, to finally let SOMEONE know about what was happening, but you still couldn't bring yourself to do it. You knew it would be wrong to confront someone but the CEOs about the situation first, but that also meant that you would have to finally jump over your shadow and tell them. You had told yourself you'd wait until the letter, that Chanyeol had announced, would arrive, but damn... it was getting harder and harder by the hour. 
"I also never said I didn’t enjoy it."
"Because I sure did."
As if worrying about a very possible lawsuit wasn't already enough, his words kept crossing your mind. You could still feel his face so close to yours, his breath ever so slightly tickling your skin.
"I fucked you in the janitor’s closet of one of the biggest events of the year and now you’re worried about some employees finding us like this?"
Why did he have to say it like that?? He actually got you to feel nervous again. The same type of nervous feeling you had rushing through your body during that night. You knew that night was a mistake. Right after it ended, you knew it should've never happened, but now... you weren't even 100% sure of your feelings anymore and he didn't seem to feel the same way about it. Wonwoo even appeared to be quite affected by the condom in your bag. That little foil piece of shit. The tone of his voice when he mentioned it wasn't something you had encountered yet. He almost spat it into your face, belittling you because of it and making you think you were in the wrong when it wasn't even you who had put it there in the first place. 
It was him that had this all planned out. You were sure of it. He knew what he was doing by inviting you to that event - he must've. But now he was portraying you as the bad guy in the story... 
And now with the flowers and cupcakes?! It truly felt like he was trying to make you feel bad about how you viewed him and what you did when it wasn't you alone. It takes two people to fuck. He has no right to make it seem like you had it planned out.
"I also never said I didn’t enjoy it. Because I sure did."
These words would be haunting you for quite some time, you could already tell. The depth of his voice when he spoke those words still lingered in your ears, sending a chill down your spine making you shiver. How were you supposed to interpret that? 
You didn't get to see Wonwoo for the rest of the day. He was everywhere but in his office and that just made you even madder. It wasn't his fault... at least you didn't think it was, but the fact that you weren't able to confront him about the situation a second time really messed with you and your mood. So, there you were on the next day. 
Again, a little earlier than usual, but not as early as yesterday since Yoohyeon had told you the deliverymen wouldn't arrive until 9 am. Once you had entered the office building, you sent the people you passed a kind smile, wishing them a 'good morning' and waving at Yoohyeon as your gazes met from across the room. Her eyes went wide when she came to sight with you, and she started ushering you to come closer to her. You didn't think much of it and walked up to her, hands placed on top of the reception.
"Morning, Yoohyeon," you smiled, waiting for her to start speaking.
"Hey, Y/N. I just wanted to let you know, since you were asking about the deliverymen and like letters coming in-" suddenly an uneasy feeling started bubbling up in your stomach, something was telling you that you wouldn't like whatever was going to come out of her mouth next, "and stuff. A man wanted to drop something off today, but Wonwoo was right there," she pointed to the empty space next to you, "and just accepted it. I hope that's okay and that it wasn't anything personal for you." You could see her mouth continuing to move, but there was no sound. Nothing reached your ears. You spaced out. He... Alright... it could've been anything. Right? This doesn't have to be what you think it could be. Calm down. Breathe. It doesn't... oh god...
"O-Okay, thank you," you quickly spoke, interrupting her explanation of the men that had walked in a few minutes earlier, "I... I'll go and have a look at it myself. Thank you." Without wasting another second, you crossed the floor with quick steps, only to stop in front of the elevator and start abusing the button, hoping it would make the elevator arrive quicker even though you knew that wouldn't work.
"Shit, shit, shit," mumbled curse words kept on falling from your lips and you could feel your heartbeat starting to pick up its speed again - the number of times that this had happened to you in that week alone couldn't be healthy.
Inside, you tried fixing your hair when there wasn't even anything to be fixed. You fiddled with your blouse and even adjusted whatever on your pants. Maybe he didn't even look at it. Maybe he just took it and that was it. Maybe it wasn't even addressed to him, but you? Would Chanyeol do that? No, that wouldn't make any sense.
You couldn't even finish all of your rambling thoughts that kept on coming to your mind as the sound of the elevator reaching your floor interrupted you. One deep breath later, you were on your way to your office, taking careful steps for a reason you didn't know. You remember that feeling though. It was the same one you had as a kid whenever you had to come home and admit to your parents that you had gotten a bad grade on a test. Back then, you would always take the longest route home even though it didn't help you at all. That's what you were trying to do now as well. Taking slow steps just to drag out the time - the time that you could still spend without being in misery. 
But before you knew it, that time was over. Right as you were about to set down your bag on the desk, not even daring to take a look at the office to your right, the familiar deep voice echoed through the room.
"May I see you in my office?" Your heart stopped. Right then and there. The tone of his voice told you everything you needed to know. Without turning around, you murmured a small 'yeah' and waited for his steps to start fading away before you could take a breath again. A deep one. You stabled yourself by placing one hand on top of your desk, breathing in and out a few times before the reality hit you. This was going to happen now. The confrontation. This wasn't how you wanted it to happen. You had it all planned out... somehow, and this wasn't in your plan. You weren't that 12-year-old girl anymore that was afraid of showing her test to her dad, and this wasn't about a bad grade. You were an adult woman, and this was much more serious, but you were also more grown-up, and this wouldn't be something you had to face alone. At least you hoped so. You couldn't let a lot more time go to waste, so you raked yourself back up, straighten your blouse and hair and turned around to make your way into the office you dreaded to enter. There wasn't much that you feared in life. You had to grow up pretty quickly - there wasn't much time for fear. There wasn't a lot... but there was one thing. The thing you truly feared the most. And that was the anger of a man. The true and deep anger that a man could have.
It was a terrifying thing that you had experienced hands-on with your father, and you never wanted to face that again. But you knew it was about to happen when your steps took you further and the CEO's words struck again.
"Dear Mister Jeon, as discussed with COO Miss Yoon, this letter of intent to sue shall serve as a formal notice that Exodus Entertainment intends to commence a lawsuit against you due to the following:-"
"Sir-", you tried to stop him from continuing, feeling the guilt already rising inside of you, but his raised hand shut you up again.
"Theft of programme application Parasound. As a result of your action, you are expected to appear in the Court of Seoul on the date written below to discuss further. You are allowed to bring a personal lawyer, registered by the court, as well as CEO Kim Mingyu and COO Yoon Y/N. If either one of the people of interest is not able to appear on the mentioned date, the trial will be delayed to a later time." He decided not to finish the entire letter as the rest was a form for him to fill out, so instead, he put it back down, his eyes falling to you immediately while yours were fixed on the floor. It was only seconds that you spent in complete silence but it felt like an eternity. You could hear the clock on his wall ticking in the back and that was the only reason you knew that it had only been a few seconds before he spoke again,
"Anything you want to tell me?" The CEO's voice was creepingly calm, making the hair on your arm stand up. You knew this calm demeanour, and you didn't like it.
"Anything you want to tell me?" Of course, there was something you wanted to tell him for God's sake. He had just read it out loud. There was nothing you couldn've added, but your lips wouldn't even let you speak. You felt frozen in place, your heartbeat was already as quick as it could be and you could feel your throat tightening.
"I-I... I didn't-"
"You didn't know?" There it was. Still calm, but clearly sterner and... angry. "As discussed with Miss Yoon," he repeated the words from the letter, making you flinch.
"I know," you whispered, knowing that he was still able to hear you as you were the only two people on the entire floor.
"You know?!" Jeon Wonwoo stood up, his chair screeching on the floor loudly as he pushed it back to walk around his desk, stopping in front of it, resting his backside on it and crossing his arms while his eyes never left your form that was still stuck right in front of the door. "You knew. Of course, you knew, it says it right here," he picked up the piece of paper harshly, making it slightly crumble.
You shut your eyes, not wanting to see anything at that moment. You just wanted to disappear. Turn back the time and not have to face Chanyeol on your own or stand the fuck up to that piece of crap. But you couldn't. You were stuck in the here and now. With one deep breath, you raised your head,
"I-I was going to tell you," you tried steading your voice but failed miserably. 
"When?" He continued picking your statements apart.
Your eyes drifted around the room, trying not to lock with his as you tried thinking of an answer, "I... I didn't know how, okay?! I was going to tell you yesterday, but-"
"But then you stormed into my office and blamed me for God knows what and started-"
"Don't turn this around now!" You stopped him but quickly regretted it, not knowing how he would react to it. You let your temper get the best of you. The fucking temper you had inherited from your father. You had seen Jeon Wonwoo angry before. You had seen a lot of men angry before and you were trying to avoid it... as well as you could.
"I'm not supposed to turn it around now?" He wondered, pointing to himself as he stood up straight, taking slow steps towards you. One at a time. "I'm not the one who kept this a secret from everyone. You never thought about the fact that maybe the CEOs should know about a lawsuit?" Jeon Wonwoo kept his voice surprisingly calm, and it scared you. Terrified you in a way. 
"I did... please... I...," you shook your head, "I just didn't know how..."
A heavy sigh came from the CEO as he took another look at the paper, "Who the fuck even is Exodus Entertainment?"
...That was a good question because the last time you had anything to do with that company, they were at the very bottom. They had nothing by the time Chanyeol and you broke up. And now... they had become an actual label apparently. Nothing too big, but bigger than back then. And Chanyeol...
Jeon Wonwoo didn't need to know everything about you, let alone your past relationship, this had nothing to do with the actual lawsuit... right?
"I... I'm not sure. A label, I guess," your voice was still relatively small. You wanted it to be louder, you begged for it to be louder, but since the man in front of you kept his calm and still, you weren't going to provoke it. This wasn't the time for that.
"You guess?" He questioned, taking another step closer, "They didn't introduce themselves when they talked to you about this?" Staying quiet was gold at that moment. Better than lying.
You heard him scoff suddenly, your gaze now fixed on him, "You know... I really think you're doing this on purpose at this point?"
"Excuse me?" You exclaimed, your voice slightly clearer and louder.
"You heard me," he stated, taking another step, "You come in here, throw things at my head that aren't even true while you know there's a lawsuit against us. You blame me for getting fucked in a janitor's closet," him mentioning the scene made you take a deep breath, "even though I'm pretty sure there were two people involved in that. And now this."
You looked at him in question. What did he mean? And now this?
"You really enjoy riling me up, don't you?" Stopping in front of you with his arms crossed, he did it again. Wonwoo had managed to get closer and closer to you until you didn't realise that he was right in front of you when it was too late already.
"Says you," you spat at him. Payback.
"How am I supposed to understand this, Miss Yoon?" He smirked. God... the things that smirk could do...
"First of all, don't turn this around now. You were just mad at me because of that fucking lawsuit and I can't do anything-"
"I'm not mad at you for that lawsuit," he was quick to answer, "It's not your fault, but I also don't think that it's our company's fault in general. That's just bullshit. We're gonna have to look into it." What...
"Hm?" You wondered, making him sigh with a grin,
"I'm not mad at you. You're interpreting my words and actions."
"Don't make me look like the bad guy now!" Your exclaim almost sounded like a whine and you could've hit yourself for that.
"I'm not," he simply stated, still staying calm, only making you boil even more, "But you are. You think I'm the bad one."
"Because you're giving me every reason to do so," Your voice wasn't even nearly as loud as you wanted it to be. Fuck... what was he doing to you. Playing with your mind and body once again.
"Like?" He crossed his arms again, looking down at you with that proud smirk on his lips that you just wanted to punch off.
You scoffed, "Don't pretend like you don't know."
"I'd love for you to elaborate."
With a roll of your eyes, you started, "The freaking flowers and cupcakes?!-"
"A nice gesture."
"A nice gesture, my ass."
He chuckled, "Be careful with your words, Miss Yoon."
You could only grind your teeth. Yes, he was right. That was no way to talk to a CEO, but you couldn't care less at that point.
"First, that fucking dress, playing all nice and sweet and then being the biggest asshole this building has ever seen. What do you have to say about that?" You finally laid all the cards on the table. It was now or never. You were able to confront him about what had been keeping you up at night. God, please don't make another person interrupt this moment.
Wonwoo's sigh was filled with regret and pain, "... That had nothing to do with you..."
"Mh, sure," you scoffed, not believing a single word coming from him.
"And I sincerely apologise." You stopped. Slowly, your eyes drifted towards his deep gaze, that was already fixed on you. Did he... did he just...
"Everything I did was in no way to belittle you, and I'm sorry if that ever made you feel like I did. That wasn't my intention. I apologise for that. After that night...," he stopped for a second before continuing, "it had nothing to do with you and everything to do with me."
You ran your fingers through your hair hastily, a shaky breath falling from your lips, "Stop doing that."
"Do what?"
"Making me believe you again," your eyes locked. There was something sincere in his eyes. Even if you didn't want to admit it, there it was.
Wonwoo leaned forward slightly, his action reminding you of the same position you had been in only a day earlier, "I haven't stopped trying to make you believe me. Ever."
Your breathing quickened. How were you supposed to get out of this? Did you even want to get out of this? "Then stop messing with me. I'm not some chick that you can just fuck once and then treat like shit."
His hand reached out to trace the side of your face, following the strand of hair before pushing it away slightly, "Is there a way that I can show you that wasn't my intention. A way to make it up to you?" With a smirk, he dared to lean in, even more, his breath now tickling your lips.
"Don't do that?" You only allowed yourself to whisper, feeling like you wouldn't even be able to speak up any louder. He raised his eyebrows in question, making you continue,
"You know I can't say no." You admitted it to yourself. Once he was this close and after the smart words he spoke, you folded. You hated to give in to it. But it was the truth.
"Why not?" Wonwoo's smirk only got wider as his eyes fell to your lips, noticing the slight shake in your voice.
"I don't know."
With his hand now on the side of your face, he could feel you leaning into it slightly, making him grin proudly as he finally closed the paper-thin space between the two of you, placing his lips softly onto yours - too softly. Your hands found their way to his chest automatically as if they belonged there, tightening on the fabric that was covering him. Before Wonwoo dared to deepen the kiss, he pulled away ever so slightly, whispering against your lips, "If you tell me to stop, I will," reminding you of that night.
"You know I won't," your whisper almost sounded like a whine and like music to his ears.
Another triumph smile made its way to his lips, "I know." Before smashing his lips back onto yours, this time using the strength and depth you had been craving for. His palms pulled you in closer to your hips, needing to feel your body right against his. With your mouth moving against each other messily, you stumbled back towards the table, breaking apart for only a second,
"People are gonna show up soon," you reminded him, but he only chuckled, his hands travelling lower on your hips.
"I think we've been in this position before, haven't we?" One quick pull later, you were on him again, lips tasting him and tongues fighting against each other, feeling your pussy already throbbing as you tried to get rid of some friction.
“And you’re getting turned on by that, aren’t you?” He smiled at the faint moan you let slip out. And once again, you held back any snarky remark that threatened to come out and just gave in. The weakness won you over, but who wouldn't give in to the touch of this man? With his lips on your skin, and his big hand holding your head in place, you folded. 
You didn't trust your knees to hold you up for much longer, so your hands came into play as you placed them on his shoulders, dragging him in closer to you, making him smirk proudly.
"Wanting to get fucked in public spaces," he thought out loud, his mouth still on your neck, running his tongue up and down, staying in one place for a little longer once he got the reaction out of you that he was waiting for. "That's an interesting kink you've got there, Miss Yoon."
You groaned, "Can you just shut up, for the love of God," throwing your head back once his fingers tangled into your hair pulling on them slightly. He looked up, locking his gaze with yours, and again with that smirk on his lips, "How could I say no to you asking so nicely?" Raising an eyebrow provocatively.
"Then stop talking," you glared at him, getting exactly the reaction out of him that you were hoping for. With a deep chuckle, he leaned down, captivating your lips in a passionate kiss. The same kind of kiss from that night. That kind of kiss your body had been craving for ever since it last felt Wonwoo against it. His hand held the back of your head tightly as he pressed himself onto you, his other hand going down the side of your body, stopping at your hip to pull you in.
Your palms were no longer sitting on his shoulders but resting on his chest, feeling the muscles underneath his suit jacket and button-up. You couldn't waste much more time, people were going to come in soon, so you were quick with opening his jacket and brushing it off his torso. He chuckled, throwing it onto one of the chairs behind you. Before his hands could go back to their old positions, he placed both of them on your ass, patting it, so you'd know what to do. With a quick jump, you wrapped your legs around his hips, the muscles of his arms working to hold you up as he walked around the desk, placing you on top of it, his office chair now behind him. Wonwoo kicked it back, giving him more space. 
You moved your hands to his neck, pulling him closer, as his fingers got to work on your blouse, starting with opening one button but getting impatient rather quickly, so he decided to just rip it off your body, making you gasp,
"Wonwoo!" You gasped, looking down to see some of the buttons now on the floor while your top was still on you since you had tucked it into your pants.
He shushed you with a quick remark before placing his lips on yours again, but you pushed him back, "I don't have anything else to wear."
"Guess you're gonna have to walk around like this then," he smirked, earning him a slap on his chest, only making him grin wider as he leaned back down, his tongue disappearing in your mouth. He got your blouse off your upper body, throwing it to the other side of the desk before his lips went back to focusing on your neck. You threw your head back with a deep moan once he reached your cleavage. You dared to open your eyes for a second, coming to sight with the clock on the wall.
"We have 15 minutes," you managed to make out with heavy breaths in between. Wonwoo smirked, 
"I can do a lot in 15 minutes, don't you worry." He surprised you by suddenly cupping your covered breast in his hand, massaging it while kissing around it. With a moan, your fingers tangled through his geld back hair, gripping it tightly, making him groan. Just like you, he didn't want to waste much more time: so there he was, back on his knees, just like he did during that night. You smiled at the memory, watching his fingers work on your button and pushing the pants down, having you lift your hips, so he could get them off completely. 
Wonwoo usually wouldn't care much about what kind of underwear someone was wearing, but seeing the deep red lace panties that covered you made his dick jerk up a little bit more and God, did he want to moan out loud. Seeing you like this, only in underwear on top of his desk. That's what had woken him up in the middle of the night during their stay in Japan. A fucking wet dream about you, just like that. But this now wasn't a dream.
He stood up again, hastily pulling you closer to him once again, only this time, to place one hand on your hip and one on your back. Slowly but surely he leaned forward, making you tilt back and before you knew it, you were laying on the desk, your bare back against the hardwood. The CEO took a small step back, smiling to himself, watching you rake your fingers through your hair. He wasn't going to go down on his knees and miss half of this side, so with one swift motion, he moved the chair closer to him, so he could sit down, lowering it to be in a more comfortable position. Before you could question his actions, you felt a harsh tug on your legs. Wonwoo pulled you nearer, your hips now dangerously close to the edge of the table. You felt the palms of his hands running up and down your legs before he started placing soft kisses on your knees, slowly going up your thigh - a little too slow.
"God!" You whined out loud, "Wonwoo, please," getting a smirk out of him that you felt against your skin.
"Please what?"
You scoffed, "I'm not gonna say it, just fucking do it."
Another harsh tug, making you yelp out and grip the desk
"I won't know what you want me to do if you don't tell me, Miss Yoon."
"Wonwoo-" you hissed at him, but quickly got shut down once you were surprised with his mouth on your covered clit, making a high-pitched moan leave your mouth.
The CEO played with your underwear, snaking his fingers underneath it to place his hands on your hips, "That's still Mister Jeon for you, Miss Yoon. Don't forget that."
"Oh, fuck me," you whispered, mostly to yourself, but Wonwoo caught it and chuckled,
"Gladly," before ripping your panties off, throwing them onto the floor and not hesitating to dive into your pussy, latching onto your clit immediately. You couldn't help but to scream at the sudden contact, bringing your hand up to cover your mouth right away, only for your arms to be grabbed and pulled away,
"Don't even think about covering your mouth," he warned you, letting you feel his hot breath on your core, "I want to hear every sound coming from your lips. You heard me?" He waited for an answer, but you didn't trust your voice, only nodding, hoping that was enough, but obviously, it wasn't. He sucked a little more harshly on your clit, making you jolt up and moan out loud,
"Oh fuck, yes!" He's gonna have to take that as an answer.
While he switched between sucking on your clit and using his tongue to move around it, his hands reached underneath your knees, pushing your legs up, to place them over his shoulders - giving him easier access while sitting down.
His mouth was devouring your pussy in every way imaginable. While you were squirming and moaning around on top of his desk, fingers running through his hair, he was enjoying the position he was in. Eating you out like he hadn't had anything to eat for the past few days. This was all he could think of ever since that fucking wet dream, where he had to get himself off in the shower by himself, imagining how magical your hands or even your mouth around him would be. But he was also dreaming about how you would taste. To hear you moaning and screaming because of the pleasure that his tongue could give you. And now he had you exactly like that.
Once his tongue glided over your hole, you knew you wouldn't last much longer, letting him know with a loud whine that fell from your lips. He smiled to himself, feeling your fingers tugging harsher on his hair and he let out a groan, sending a vibration through your entire body, which was the last thing you needed to tip over the edge. You came with a heavy moan, releasing yourself on Wonwoo's tongue, but he didn't stop. If anything, he wanted to see you fight against him, trying to push him off, so he continued sucking on your clit, entering your hole with his tongue, gathering every drop that dared to drip out of you. You cried out more as it didn't seem like he planned on stopping any time soon, making you raise your legs, digging the thin heels of your high heels into his shoulder. He groaned again, but the pain you were causing him felt too good to stop.
Your hand started trying to push him away from you, but with the grip he had on your hips, it was almost impossible as you were weakened by the shock of an orgasm that you had just experienced.
"Wonwoo, fuck, please!" You decided to whine out loud, letting his name tumble from your lips, hoping he would release you as you could feel the tears starting to form in your eyes. It had been quite some time since you had felt a high such an intensity, so being sensitive was understandable, but the CEO didn't care. He wanted to see you completely fall apart, and if that meant making you come more than once then he will do exactly that. 
A sharp slap against your ass, made you shut up for a second and look down in shock, surprised, but definitely turned on even more, by his actions.
"I told you, you don't get to use my first name. So," he got up from the chair, licking his lips one last time. Fuck, that was hot. He opened the buttons on his sleeves and pushed them up before loosening the tie around his neck as well and taking it off. Oh god...
"I told you to behave. Remember?" He sent you a quick glance, making you gulp. After glancing at the clock on the other side of the room, Wonwoo nodded, "We still have a bit of time, Miss Yoon." Before you could answer, he was quick to get a hold of your wrists, pulling you up slightly harsher than he intended to. With an uneven breath, you looked up, only to find him already gazing at you.
"Get down," he spoke up, but the words didn't register in your brain as quickly as they should have, so he repeated them, "Get down from the desk." Hastily, you did as you were told. God, sometimes the feminism really just leaves your body - thankfully, usually for the right occasions.
As soon as your feet hit the floor, Wonwoo didn't waste any more seconds, but turned you around swiftly, pressing you against the desk, only to grab your wrists again, pressing them against your lower back. You didn't even have to question what was going to happen next as you felt the thin piece of fabric against your skin. The CEO tied your hands together tightly with his tie before directing his attention to his own pants, which have become way too tight to continue to be worn. You heard him open his belt and the pants fall to the floor, you could only guess what he did afterwards because not even five seconds later, you felt the tip of his erection against your slit. You tilted back, leaning into his touch as one of his hands snaked around to your front, his fingers going down your body to touch your still sensitive clit, making your head fall back and rest against his shoulder. His mouth was right next to your ear and he used this position to trace a few kisses against your neck once again. This time, he stopped again, sucking harshly on one spot, before releasing it again, hoping to leave the mark he was working on.
After not even the blink of an eye, Wonwoo pushed you away from him with his free hand, his other one, still at your front, making sure that you wouldn't hit the top of the desk too harshly. He pushed you down a little more until you were laying on your stomach, ass in the air and both of his hands now on your back. His right one went to his dick, lining it up with your entrance, making you shudder. Wonwoo pushed his fingers inside first, gathering some of your wetness and using a scissor motion to open you up slightly, making you moan out loud,
"Fuck... please... Won- Sir," you breathed out heavily, making him smirk,
"Good to know you have learned your lesson, Miss Yoon." He spread the wetness on his fingers around his cock, groaning deeply at the feeling and pure thought of being back inside of you. He couldn't wait anymore. His ego might be big, but his erection was even bigger and threatening to explode if he wouldn't do something about it anytime soon.
Wonwoo didn't ease himself into you, but decided to push inside of you with a sharp motion, making you jolt forward, your boobs, still in your bra, rubbing against the wooden top of the desk.
"AH," you screamed out at the sudden action and repeated it slightly quieter as he rammed his cock inside of you again right away. The fact that you couldn't hold onto anything frustrated you so much, making you cry out loud, but for some reason, it also turned you on that much more. And that was how you found a new kink of yours.
Wonwoo got a hold of the tie around your wrists and used it to steady himself, making it easy for him to pick up his pace, gliding in and out of you in a fast motion. Your cries were uneven and echoed through the room, ringing like his favourite song through his ears. He couldn't help to moan and hiss at the feeling and hearing you cry out his name. This was better than any wet dream he could've ever had.
"Ugh," he let out, "Fuck, Y/N... you're so fucking tight, Jesus- Christ," he let his head fall back, looking up at the ceiling before he closed his eyes, trying to only focus on the intense pleasure he was receiving and giving while letting your moans fill the room. 
But this wasn't enough for him. He could fuck you as hard as he wanted to, but he still wanted you close to him. He needed it. So with a familiar tug, he got you up and pressed your back against his chest, letting his hand go back to your clit, but not before spitting on his fingers, circling around it to hear you cry out his name another time, making him smirk in triumph. 
Wonwoo let his other hand go around your neck, not wanting to choke you, but to just hold onto your jaw, remembering the look in your eyes when he did that the first time - you liked it. His thumb ran across your cheek, while his hips were still snapping against your ass, now not only were your moans the only sound in the room, but the sound of your wetness too.
The CEO moved his head to the other side to place a few kisses along your jaw, whispering softly into your ear, "You're so fucking tight and so god damn beautiful Y/N. I can feel you tightening around my cock. You're gonna come, huh?" You gulped and nodded quickly, your eyebrows scrunched together as another cry left your lips. "Then you gotta be quick, babe, the first employees are gonna show up soon. Unless you want them to find you like that." The fingers that were playing with your clit until then, came up to your mouth. Without hesitating, you wrapped your lips around them, licking them clean, getting a deep groan from Wonwoo, "What a beauty you are. The dirtiest beauty in this fucking building probably," he continued whispering in your ear, "Letting yourself get fucked by the CEO when everyone could see you by just turning around the corner." At the mention, he felt your walls pulsating, making him chuckle, "I knew that would turn you on." He let his hand go back down, giving you one last rub to get you to your second orgasm, "Then come on, princess. You can cum. I know you want to. Come on."
His words went straight to your pussy, when your orgasm hit you like a brick, making your knees buckle as you screamed out loud, feeling the need to push a little more,
"WONWOO!" You couldn't hold back and released everything you needed to, dripping onto the floor, making Wonwoo groan as you suddenly felt him come inside of you. His hips snapped and his moves became irregular. But his cum didn't stay inside you for much longer as you squirted it onto the floor again, mixed with your own.
Wonwoo chuckled, holding onto you tightly, his dick still moving in and out of you, feeling you falling apart in his arms. "Look at the mess you're making, Miss Yoon." He whispered into your ear, kissing the spot right under it, not helping with you wanting to come down from your high. Your head was hanging forward and without his arm around your midriff, you would be falling to the floor, but thankfully he seemed to have calmed down from his high quicker than you, being steady enough for the two of you. 
Before you could say anything, still trying to get a hold of yourself, steadying your breath or even getting your thoughts straight again from the mind-blowing orgasms you had just experienced, voices from outside of the office erupted. Your eyes widened and if your heartbeat could quicken any more, it for sure did.
"Fuck," you cursed, trying to free yourself from Wonwoo's grasp, but he was much stronger than you. "Wonwoo, what the fuck," you snapped at him, "Let me go, you sick bastard."
"I'm the sick bastard?" He chuckled, "You just squirted all over my floor because you think it's hot to almost get caught."
"Shut up," even hissing at him didn't seem to faze him, but only amused him even more. After he shook his head with a deep laugh, he freed his dick from the comfort of your wet hole, making you gasp at the sudden empty feeling, but you couldn't react as he pushed you down with your head, getting you down on your knees. With the desk now next to you, no one could see you from the other side, and with the little space underneath the desk, you were able to hide away from any potential visitors to his office. Wonwoo sat back down on his chair, after being quick with pulling up his underwear and pants. At the sight of his clothes, you started looking around for your own and panic shot through your body. With your hands still tied behind your back and cum dripping down your legs, it was hard to focus, but you realised that you were fucked. Not only did you get fucked, but now you actually were, because your pants were on the floor, next to Wonwoo's chair, and your blouse was on his desk-
oh fuck.
It was on top of his desk.
"Wonwoo, good morning. Good to see you," a chillingly familiar voice made itself known, and you could feel yourself tense up.
"Good morning, Mister Yoon," the CEO's breath got caught in his throat, making him gasp slightly, but he was able to answer the older man normally.
Your father... you shook your head in disbelief at the situation. People just really seem to have the worst timing these past few days... 
While you were still trying to wrap your head around the scene and what the hell you were going to do, your blouse fell to the floor. You thanked Wonwoo in your head but quickly realised that you couldn't reach out for it since your hands... were still tied together.
"I'm sorry for interrupting, Wonwoo, I'm sure you're busy," your father seemed to be entering the room more, coming closer and closer, making you suddenly hold your breath, "But do you, by any chance, know where my daughter is. It's time, she should be here by now. I can't believe that she as the COO would even dare to be late. You know, I told you it might not be the best idea, but insisted on-"
"She's pretty busy right now," the young CEO was quick to answer, shutting up whatever he was going to say next. "There's a lot going on in the company. She... she's tied up in a lot of work right now." You had to hold back a chuckle. Tied up... that was... pretty accurate. There was no explanation for your next action, you just did what your brain told you to do. You leaned back slightly more, extending your legs, so you'd be in perfect distance to reach his crotch and let your toes brush over it. Right at the first touch, Wonwoo's leg jerked up, hitting the desk, making him groan.
"Everything okay?" Your father worried for the young man, who just nodded and quietly answered,
"Yeah, yeah," brushing it off while also getting a hold of your leg and pushing it back, trying to do so as discreetly as possible. "Mister Yoon," he started again, "Would you like to see some of the renovations we did to the floors? I'm sure, Mingyu would love to show you," he directed the attention, his grip still tight on your ankle while you tried to get out of it.
"Oh, yes, of course! I'd love to!" Your father answered, clearly happy about the news, "Maybe we can also see what Y/N's doing?"
Wonwoo nodded, "I'm sure, we can," and stood up, letting your leg drop down to the floor, making it hit the ground and your father turn around at the sound.
"What was that?"
The CEO brushed it off, "Probably just someone from upstairs. Who knows, what they're doing." Making the older man laugh as he exited the room, waiting for Wonwoo to come out as well, but he excused himself real quick before crouching down, coming to eye-level with you, "You think that was a good idea?" Referring to the little stunt you had pulled just seconds ago.
You nodded with a grin, "I think it was very amusing."
The man's tongue glided over his teeth as he chuckled, "Well then... have fun getting your hands out of that," nodding towards your wrists behind your back. He stood back up right after, ignoring your whispers for help,
"Wonwoo!" You scream-whispered, "No, Wonwoo, come back! You-" And with a sigh you let yourself hit the back of the desk again. What a way to be stuck...
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Thank you for reading!!
Taglist: @nctxtrash @leicy0756 @hoe4wonwoo @jeonwonhi @nothingbutadeadesceane @smileywoo @angelarin @onewoowonderboy @goodforgyu @kavvs @sugarmilkchan @sweetheart-gs @wonforgyu @lilactangerine @meltinghershey @wonw00t @soonchanshua @jayswifeuwu @allorysayshi @shaurenlaw @drama-1998-girl @yoonren07@malakasae @sseuyeon
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
Barbie and the 900 Followers
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HOLY SHIZZZ!!! I'm freaking out in silence but I am just extremely thankful to have met so many amazing folks like y'all! I love you guys for real 🥹🫶🏽
Since the Barbie movie releases in almost a year, I thought I'd hype up the movie in advance with a Barbie themed sleepover. No sleepover is complete without our fave doll 😊 Plus, Simu is in it so I gotta give the husband my full support bahaha
*in Margot Robbie's Barbie voice* NOW WHO'S READY FOR SOME FUN????
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In the Barbie world:
Starts: July 16 @ 9am (PST)
Ends: July 18 @ 11:59pm (PST)
You are welcome to send in asks before the sleepover starts, but I won’t start responding to them until the start time.
As always, please be 18+ to participate! If I do not see any indication of your age in your bio or you do not have any posts/reblogs, you will be blocked! No exceptions!!
You don’t have to be following me to participate. Everyone is welcome 😊
I disabled anon feature to avoid meanies and minors.
Please send one emoji per ask. You don’t have to worry about spamming my inbox, I will see everything 😉
I will not write/discuss anything revolving around non-con, underage, a/b/o, bathroom kinks, blood kinks (only exception is vampire AU if applicable), incest, step-cest, foot fetish, pregnancy/babies.
I only write for female reader inserts with no specific race/ethnicity, hair/eye/skin color, body type, etc.
I reserve the right to deny writing/discussing any other things that make me uncomfortable.
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C'mon Barbie, let's go party!
Ken Loves Barbie 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼 - Mutuals only! ask me who I ship you with and I will write a lil sumn on your relationship with them (will only ship with fictional hotties) 
Blonde Bimbo Girl 👱🏻‍♀️ - Writer followers! send me a fic that you wrote and I will give you a good ol’ tom-whore-dleston essay review
Life in plastic 👠 - Send me a hottie and a prompt from one of lists below and I'll write a quick fic (feel free to add AUs/tropes/etc. for some flavor)
fluff/smut/physical || angst 1 & 2
You're my doll 💄 - Let’s play an ask game (cym, fmk, wyr, etc). Feel free to spice it up to your liking 😉
Dress me up👗 - Send me any scenarios or concepts that you envision for any of my AUs (Teach Me Tonight, Honey Baby, The Avengers Sweethearts) and I will write a drabble or head canon for them
Dreamhouse Adventures 🏠 - send me an AU/trope + hottie and I will make a moodboard (check out previous moodboards I have made for ideas)
Feel the glamour in pink 💖 - the floor is yours to get to know me better, thirst over a hottie, talk about your day, etc. Please just be respectful and do not send me any celeb discourse!
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Oh, I love you, Ken 💘
♥ Real life hotties ♥
Simu Liu*, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Austin Butler*, Barry Keoghan, Andrew Garfield, Harry Styles, Oscar Isaac, Michael B. Jordan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Hayden Christensen
♥ Fictional hotties ♥
Marvel: Loki Laufeyson, Xu Shang-Chi/Shangqi*, Peter Parker (any variant), Xu Wenwu, Erik Kilmonger, Scott Lang, Thor Odinson*, Druig, Kingo, Eros/Starfox, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff (Age of Ultron), Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Moonknight (all alters)*, Stephen Strange
Star Wars: Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker*, Obi Wan Kenobi, Poe Dameron
Other: Kim Jung* (Kim’s Convenience), any of Sim Liu’s SNL characters (I am dead serious), Adam (Only Lovers Left Alive), Johnathan Pine (The Night Manager), Robert Laing (High Rise), James Conrad (Kong: Skull Island), Nathan Drake (Uncharted), Arvin Russel (The Devil All The Time)
An * indicates who I am simping for most at the moment and highly encourage asks for them!
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dividers: @firefly-in-darkness
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sophneedsfandoms · 2 years
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Stephen Strange x Avenger!Reader (Non-Powered, Agent/Widow potentially)
Please be kind, this is my first ever fic, but I do welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
Warnings: SFW, one swear word (a**hole), minor minor DS:MOM spoilers, only mentioned in passing.
Words: 790 words, not sure if this is a one-shot or drabble at this point!
“I need to get back to the compound, Sam is expecting me for a meeting.” You spoke as you hastily made your exit to the front door of 177A Bleeker Street, hoping to get away from the handsome sorcerer.
 Since the ‘Wanda Incident’ as you’d dubbed it, Strange felt it was more necessary to be involved in the Avengers, therefore you’d been seeing him regularly, and falling deeper in love every time you were in his presence. Especially this morning, you’d had to drop some files around, feeling emotionally vulnerable after the intense dream you’d had involving him. You wanted to be in and out and not see him again until you could get a level head.
 True, he was a bit of an asshole, condescending and arrogant, but you could tell it was from a place of love, humour and self-defence. Sadly, for you, you’d been hit with love at first sight, and you knew about his history with Christine and how much he loved her thanks to a bit-tipsy, over sharer Wong one night, post-meeting. This had ruined your hope entirely, resigning yourself to a life of pining.
 “Well, I can portal you back, if you wanted to stay for a tea?” Strange was following you to the front door, catching you up quickly.
 “No, no, I need to get going, prefer to take the subway.” You panicked and came up with the most ridiculous excuse ever, he’d see right through that one, no one ever likes to take the subway at 9am.
 “Look, Y/N, I need to ask, as that’s a horrendous excuse, but do you have a problem with me?” You scoffed and nervously spoke, “No, what would make you think that?”
 “You, you were fine with me and then you started avoiding me and sending others in your place. Have I done something to offend you?”
 “No, not at all, the opposite really, but that’s beside the point, I need to go, now.” Strange sensed you grabbing the handle and quickly cast a spell, encasing the door in an orange glow.
 ”Please, tell me why. Why do I suddenly deserve the cold shoulder and frosty greetings when you used to be so kind and welcoming?”
“You don’t deserve it, but I really can’t tell you.” You stayed staring at the door, easier to look away from this confrontation.
“Why? Why would you no…” Hurt was beginning to show through in Strange’s voice and you could feel your facade cracking into tiny pieces with it.
 “It is painful…” You confessed.
Unable to hold it in any longer, you shouted, “Loving someone who will never love you back!”
 Strange furrowed his eyebrows and took a step towards you, “What are you talking about?”
“Isn’t it fairly obvious? I’m in love with you and you’re still clearly struggling with letting Christine go”
 He scoffed, looked away and looked back with an intensity you had never seen before. “I will always care for Christine, she was the first person I truly loved, but I do mean loved” He shifted, uncomfortably. “I do have very strong romantic feelings for someone else. Which far surpass what I feel for Christine.”
 Stephen took a couple of steps closer, as you swallowed the looming feeling of despair at being let down as he revealed his true feelings.
 “I love you.”
 Those three words made your world stop. “Me… are you messing with me? No one ever picks me.”
 “You, Y/N are the one I love. The one I pick, as you so described it”
 Your eyes flooded with tears, as Stephen looked on in horror and confusions at the appearance of said tear. You began to laugh hysterically, in happiness, but clearly the sorcerer couldn’t read any of this as he began to try to backtrack, “I… uh… I mean”
 You ran forward and wrapped your arms around him, breathing in his scent. He began to settle into the embrace just in time for you to pull back. You gazed into his clear, bright eyes and began to trail your hand up his chest to hold his face in your hands. His arms tightened around your waist.
 “If I hadn’t made it clear enough, I love you”
 You connected your lips to his, as he moved his hands to your neck, pulling you closer, if that was even possible. Your heart soared as the kiss continued, Stephen passionately reassuring you of his feelings. Pulling away, you placed your foreheads together, and stared into his eyes, sure of your happiness and possibilities of the future.
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moralesispunk · 3 years
Standing up for their daughter
For Frankie Morales, Din Djarin, Marcus Moreno, Pero Tovar and Marcus Pike
x Female Reader (established relationship with child)
based on this post I made the other day (it was quite long so I did it with fewer characters but if you want me to do another with others then I can do a part II!)
You were at work when Frankie got the call into school because your daughter had been “violent” with another pupil. Frankie’s head was racing the whole drive there, wondering what had happened and hoping his baby girl was okay but ready to give her into trouble if need be. When he walked into the principals office, she were sitting on one of the chairs in front of the desk, an empty one next to her for him. She started to talk but he silently told her to wait, looking to the principal and asking what had happened.
“Your daughter pushed Alexander over in the playground today. The poor boy has cut all down his leg.”
Frankie looked at his little girl, waiting for an explanation to this from his usually quiet and peaceful daughter.
“He was pulling my hair dad! He chased me around the playground and didn’t stop pulling my hair even though I asked him to stop!”
Frankie was angry but managed to keep it inside as he turned back around to the principal.
“And what is happening to Alexander?”
“Well, he is fine the nurse had a look at-”
“No. What punishment is he receiving for tormenting my daughter?”
“You know what boys are like, he was just teasing her. Probably means he likes her. There was no need for your daughter to get that violent with him.”
“I am going to take my daughter out of school for the rest of the day and my wife can come back and talk to you tomorrow because I don’t trust my temper right now,” Frankie said calmly, “that boy needs punished for the way he treated my daughter and she should not be punished for defending herself. I suggest you have a think about that before you talk to the boys parents and before you try and give my daughter into trouble again. Let’s go, honey.”
Frankie took your daughter’s hand, walking with her out of the office. On the way the by the boy and his parents Frankie hands his daughter the keys to his truck and tells her he’ll be there soon. When she is out of sight he turns to the parents, telling them teach your boy some manners, my daughter expects a full apology before walking off again. He takes her out for ice cream, telling her that while he doesn’t condone violence she was right not to let him continue to act like that. That night the boy and his parents arrive at the door, a full apology given from him to your wee girl.
Your youngest daughter came and found Din, saying the oldest had been in a fight with one of the boys in the covert. Din took her hand, letting her lead the way to the circle of children that had formed. A boy he had recognised from around the covert was lying on the ground, his daughter standing over him with her arms crossed.
"Alright, enough,” Din walked through the sea of tiny bodies that started to run off in different directions when he arrived, “what happened?”
Just as Din placed his hands on his hips, waiting for an explanation, the boys father arrived.
“He kept pinching me, he wouldn’t stop and so I made him stop,” your oldest daughter shrugged.
“Ah, he was just teasing,” the other Mando helped his son up.
“He wasn’t teasing!” you daughter sighed, exasperated. 
Din turned his helmet to his daughter, warning her to stay quiet as he dealt with the situation.
“He must have a liking for your girl, Mando! You remember what it was like,” the other man reached over and placed a hand on Din’s shoulder.
“No. Teach your son some manners or I’ll teach my daughter to hit him back harder next time,” Din said simply, his hand still holding onto the hand of your youngest and the other reaching our for your oldest. 
The man and his son stared silently as Din walked off with his two girls, waiting until they were round the corner to ruffle your oldest hair. 
“I think I hurt my hand when I punched him,” your daughter shook the pain out.
“Well I guess we better take tomorrow to perfect your punch,” he said, the smile in his voice clear.
Marcus M
When he gets a phone call at work from Missy’s school his mind is in instant panic mode and that panic doesn’t settle by much when he is told by Missy’s teacher that she punched a boy. Marcus excuses himself from work and heads straight to the school, walking straight to the principals office. Missy is sitting in the corner on a chair, obviously upset and next to a boy holding an ice pack to his face, with the parent’s mother and the principal watching him as he walks in.
“Thank you for coming Mr Moreno. I’m sure you are as surprised as we are with this, Missy is usually a very quiet but polite girl,” the principal began.
Marcus nodded, waiting for him to continue.   
“Missy will be suspended of course, for this unprovoked attack on another student, and will be expected to write an essay on her actions.”
“Is this true Missy?” Marcus turned and looked at his daughter.
“I did punch him yes,” Missy began and Marcus sighed, “but only because he kept pulling my hair in class and pinching my arm. I told him to stop and he didn’t. I told my teacher and she said to ignore him but he kept doing it. I told him if he did it again I would punch him. He did and so I punched him.”
Marcus kept his face straight and stern, something he had learned from Heroic training and turned back to the principal.
“Well, from what I see, Missy gave him fair warning,” Marcus kept his tone neutral.
“Mr Moreno,” the principal sighed.
“She hit my son!” the woman next to him screeched.
“And your son pulled my daughter’s hair and pinched her,” Marcus raised his eyebrow, “I am not happy with my daughter raising her hands in a classroom and we will have a talk, but unless this boy is also being suspended and writing an essay on his actions and his mother is prepared to talk with him about his disgusting manners then Missy will be in school, 9am sharp tomorrow.”
The principal and mother stared at Marcus mouth agape for a moment before nodding.
“They can both be in school tomorrow,” the principal sighed.
“And I am prepared to come in and teach the young boys of this school a lesson on what no means, as it seems the school and parents are not teaching them an important lesson. Let’s go Missy,” Marcus stood and waited for Missy to follow him out.
And that is exactly what Marcus did. Missy was at school the next day, head held high after the both of you made her feel better about the situation, and two days later Marcus gave a lesson to the whole school on no means no.
Pero took your and his baby girl with him to the market to give you some much needed alone time. As he wandered around the stalls he had his large hand wrapped around her small one to keep her close, ruffling her hair and sending funny faces her way whenever they had to queue for meat or vegetables. When he turned to face the butcher to pay him with coins, he heard a fuss behind him but ignored it until his baby girl yelped and there was a thud on the ground.
His head whizzed around and he seen his little girl holding onto the back of his tunic and a boy a little bigger than her on the ground.
“She pushed me!” the little boy whined.
“He pulled my hair first!” your baby girl explained.
“Sounds like you learned your lesson, don’t annoy little girls or they’ll hit back,” Pero chuckled at the boy, lifting the meat he had just bought from the counter and walking with his little girl in his hand away from the stall, “very good, my love.”
Marcus P
Marcus was always a favourite with the mums at birthday parties and you always joked you shouldn’t send him alone. This week there was a birthday party of another girl in your daughters class and since you had a day out with your friends planned, Marcus would take her. When he showed up, the back-garden was full of children screaming and bouncing on the bouncy castle, all the mums and one other dad standing about the kitchen.
He was talking to the other dad when all the parents attentions were grabbed by a yelp coming from the bouncy castle. One of the wee boys was sitting in the middle, looking up at your daughter as everyone else jumped up and down.
Marcus and the other man left the kitchen, walking over to see what was going on.
“She pushed me down!” the boy shouted to his dad.
“He kept pulling on my hair!”
The man next to Marcus chuckled and Marcus shot him a glare as he lifted his daughter from the bouncy castle.
“Looks like someone has a crush.”
“Looks like someone needs to be taught some manners,” Marcus shot back, carrying his daughter into the kitchen for a drink leaving the other man and his son staring as they walked away.
If the rest of the mums didn’t find your husband attractive before then they sure did now, all of them saying a chorus of someone had to tell him, and he lets his son get away with that with all our daughters but we never knew what to say. After this catch Marcus having a strong one-on-one chat with the man later telling him to teach his son not to bother little girls like that or he will become a dangerous young man.
Permanent tag list // @phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 @sarahjkl82-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @blackmarketmummy @bison-writes @dihra-vesa @evyiione
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