#I mean it’d suck to have written all that and then just keep it in drafts
designernishiki · 1 year
finally wrote up my majima background conspiracy theory in a post and its a long ass mess and makes me sound insane but. i mean. that’s exactly what i predicted so
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ashsostrange · 9 months
i’m (not) sorry to say, but miles is better off by himself.
idk if i’ve ever written a post this long, but i got energy tonight. y’all have been sucked into the black hole of shipping, so let me ground you and remind you of this amazing thing called being single. i’m gna talk ab margo and gwen, but mostly gwen bc she’s obv miles’ (main) love interest. i’ve said more than enough about why miles and gwen don’t work/make sense. if you wna be enlightened then feel free to click the links.
thoughts on ghostflower: here!
reblogging a moot's post w/ added thoughts: hereee!
i love ranting so let’s get it! 😛
i don't have much to say about margo bc sadly, she's barely there. what i will say though is that as cute as miles and margo would be together, there’s one more movie left lol. the third movie’s gna be busy as hell. there’s literally no time for romance, and to rush miles and margo (two people who just met) into liking each other in, like, a three hour timespan would just be terrible writing. plus, we all know she’s there for some bs having to do with miles nd gwen, which is literally soooooooo very lame, words can't describe. one, where are you finding the time to cram in jealousy/all this angsty romance mess when miles’ dad is ab to die and the universe is ab to collapse bc of a nigga that looks like the lovechild of a cardboard box and a cow?? two, is this really all margo is here for?? to make gwen jealous or “help miles realize he’s in love with gwen” ?? shameeee, like summer said. 😐 i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: margo could be SO much more than a disposable love interest!!!
gwiles/ghostflower fans, i’m going to tell you something that will make you upset. i said i was coming for you and i meant it 🗣️‼️
before you yell at me and push smoke out of your ears, i need you to put your right hand on your chest and close your eyes. you feel your heartbeat? good. now, count to three while taking deep breaths and remember that none of this shit is real so you’d look stupid af trying to attack me. 🙃 some of y’all are getting TOO comfortable being unnecessarily disrespectful and ion like that lol. don’t try it here bc i’m on another level of not gaf!
listen, even if (when?) gwen and miles team up to save his dad, it won’t change the fact that gwen was keeping some hefty info from miles, yo. she was smiling in jeff’s face and cracking jokes like she didn’t know he was bout to die. y’all gotta be so very real with yourselves. you wouldn’t wna date, let alone be FRIENDS with someone who kept something that big from you, regardless of the circumstances or lack of ill intent. one of the most important people in your life concealing the fact that you’re about to lose another important person in your life is insane.
i’m aware that gwen didn’t tell miles about his dad because she genuinely thought it’d cause mass destruction if he saved jeff. thing is, even if miles knew that, i think he’d still feel betrayed. that’s 100% valid because this is his dad we’re talking about. he just lost his uncle not too long ago, too. i wouldn’t blame miles if he never wanted anything to do with gwen again. i wouldn’t blame bro if he got sick to his stomach every time he saw her. it’d be justified, bc if he never followed her that night, then he wouldn’t have had the chance to save jeff.
my point is that you can be a “good person” and still fuck up bad enough to make someone never wna speak to you again. miles is a sweetheart so he’ll probably forgive gwen. my thing is, miles forgiving gwen doesn’t mean the two of them are obligated to be friends again. they can handle it maturely, go their separate ways, nd never speak again. it’s really not even gna hurt y’all cuz it’s the last mf movie anyway??? 😭😭
if it isn’t clear by now, i don’t want miles and gwen together at all. they have no business being around each other frl 🙃 not as friends and definitely not as lovers. like, sure, that one scene where they’re swinging/talking on the bank was my absolute fav. it was cute. i shipped them before i really thought about it. that scene is still my fav, but my adoration for it isn’t gna stop me from keeping it real.
i really don’t care what anyone says or how in love they think these two are, this isn’t a “forgive and forget” situation. if the writers truly wanted gwen and miles to be involved romantically, then not only should they have structured their dynamic better, they shouldn’t have made gwen the person she was in this movie. love, love, LOVE redemption arcs because it’s a reminder that we're human and we're flawed, but you can’t redeem yourself from that. sorry. (not) i say miles should leave that girl alone 🤷‍♀️ leave all potential girls alone ffs.
in conclusion, it’s okay for miles to be single. he's 15 anyway, it's not like he'll die without a girl. i’m the suckiest sucker for anything to do with romance, but characters in film/animation don’t need to have love interests for a project to be considered good. if you feel like it does, then maybe ts you’re watching just sucks, lmao. a girl and a boy can be friends without one having feelings for the other, or both of 'em having mutual feelings. (in the media idk ab irl..) it’s time to stop forcing ts. please.
and it’s okay y’all, i promise you. it’s okay if miles and gwen don’t end up dating. it's okay if they reconcile and stay friends. it’s okay if they reconcile and don’t stay friends. though unlikely, it’s also okay if miles doesn’t forgive gwen at all! resolutions like these go to show that you can “forgive” someone without letting them have access to you anymore. that’s what miles needs to do. straying away from the “happy ending” everyone is expecting would be nice. it’d be a different approach and a realistic way to complete the franchise. (i’m not just saying this bc i love angst)
but before the gwiles (ugly ass ship name btw) fans start throwing up and telling me to end my shit, it’s 99% unlikely that anything i just stated will actually happen. we’re more than likely getting a kiss between miles and gwen, nd that’s bc the writers are probably high off the same dope they were on when they wrote gwen sneaking in thru miles’ window, j for his parents to be way more calm about it than any other normal parent would be. i could say some more about certain scenes but that's for another night.
miles doesn’t need to be with anyone. especially not gwen when it comes down to it.
oh and i HATE peter b. fuck that nigga. he was nun but an extra in this movie and i know he’s an opp in the next. 🙎‍♀️
that’s all! if you read allat then thanks, cuz i wrote a lot. if you're feeling angry, then go for a walk. this isn’t a place for any typa criticism bc i am right, therefore, i am not requesting confirmation. 🙌 i said what i said. have a good night.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
ayo! Anon who talked about that One Filipino Character Viv made (I’ll probably stick around, so just call me Studio Anon to track things) here, just wanted to air out some thoughts of the writing/worldbuilding/designs Viv had made because shitting on them is funny and it isn’t like she’ll take any criticism on them.
Something I always asked or wondered is like… where even is HB? Like, location-wise. Sure it’s hell, but… they never really specified the ring? Is it pride? Is it some other ring? I remember the whole travel-by-elevator system but I don’t exactly remember where it takes place…. It’s pretty problematic if the viewers of a show forget where the supposed main place of the ‘plot’ is placed. Because of that, it’s hard to figure out where everything else is in my head- Loo Loo Land is in… Pride? So does that mean HB is in Pride? Why have hellborns in Pride if overpopulation is an issue there…?
Also, why are the citizens of hell limited to imps and hellhounds? And yes I know there’s like, succubi and whatever those shark demons were (and as a fish enthusiast, it’s pretty telling if even they forgot those types of demons existed in the world), but they’re basically just imp bit different(tm). It’d make sense if there were different kinds of oml but we never really see that, so that was a waste.
Like, if gluttony had a beehive aesthetic you’d expect to see some bug-imps or something, not just straight up imps (they’re probably the crew’s impsonas but come on, it’s pretty sad that it was just Imps and Dogs in hell- kinda puts a bad idea that dogs go to hell or something tbh.)
Don’t even get me started on the designs of the sins, like wow.
When you think of these big, scary embodiment of sin, you’d want them to be a little threatening… right?
Apparently not, in Viv’s mind.
Like yes, it’s fun showing off the sins having more than one personality than just their sin, but that’s literally all they are. They don’t act like their sin. You know that Viv excuse- they’re in hell. Let them be awful? It’s not hard.
Sucks that the only embodiment of sins we’ve sin are just: imp but white (Lucifer, also kinda Mammon), bird (Asmodeus), or furry (Beelzebub). I don’t expect any of the other sins to be any different, I just wish that they could be the embodiment of sin and be a good character (not good morally, but decently written, but I doubt that’d ever happen), not just written out to be a total asshole so the uwu-good-sins can be all nice and cute.
It’d be cool to have a Greed vs. Lust battle, both having strong feelings of attachment to something/someone but no. They talk out their silly stupid feelings, eugh.
(Do let me know if you’d want to hear more of these thoughts- I’m a writer and designer myself and I absolutely love trashing Viv’s work because I can do better because I learn stuff.)
Pretty sure I.M.P. headquarters are located on Pride, which is how sinners are able to access them. Apart from that, yeah, it's a clusterfuck and a half.
By all mean, keep sending those thoughts! They're good thoughts!
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venus-haze · 2 years
Honey I Just Wonder What You Do There in the Back of Your Pink Cadillac (Austin!Elvis x Plus Size!Reader Smut)
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Gif credit to @karamelcoveredolicity​
Summary: Elvis takes you on a date to the drive-in, and when your movie choice ends up being a dud, the two of you find a way to keep yourselves entertained in the back of his pink Cadillac.
Note: This fic was majorly influenced by me listening to Bruce Springsteen’s song "Pink Cadillac" (which was actually inspired by "Baby Let’s Play House") a million times, so I recommend checking it out before reading. Reader is plus size and a cis woman in this. Also the reader’s body is described, but not in too much detail that it’s so specific. This is shorter than the other fics I’ve written because there just isn’t as much plot. As always, feedback is appreciated and requests are open🔮 Do not interact with my blog or posts if you are under 18 or post ED/thinspo content.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Sexually explicit content. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
Going to the drive-in with Elvis was always a treat, especially when he’d bring you in his famous pink Cadillac. With so many guys taking notes from your boyfriend’s style now, the pink car didn’t stand out as much as it used to. In fact, you could spot several pink cars of various makes and models parked throughout the drive-in. You were glad for it, in all honesty, it allowed you more privacy for dates like this.
He had given you the money to buy popcorn and drinks, knowing if someone caught a glimpse of him walking around, it’d be the end of date night. You returned to the car just as the movie was starting, handing him his Coke and sliding across the bench seat, resting your head on your shoulder. From the first scene, you could tell the movie was gonna suck, and you were going to get an earful from him for picking it.
Less than twenty minutes later, you were proven right when Elvis looked down at you, giving you a playful glare from the driver’s seat. Not even half an hour into the movie, and it felt like nothing had happened. The acting was horrible, and the plot made no sense. You supposed it was your fault for trying to give a movie you’d never even heard of before a chance.
"I told ya we shoulda went to Rebel Without a Cause," Elvis said.
"C’mon, we’ve seen that so many times. I wanted to try something different," you said, weakly defending yourself.
"Yeah, and it’s a snooze-fest."
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments, before you said slyly, "I can make it up to you."
"I like the sound ‘a that,” he grinned.
You leaned close, kissing him softly while you rubbed his crotch. He deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping inside your open mouth. You could feel his erection beginning to strain against the fabric of his pants, smiling against his lips when he bucked his hips against your hand. Slowly, you pulled away from the kiss and nipped at the base of his throat. 
“At this rate, I think you might come before we even get our clothes off,” you teased, using your free hand to run your thumb along his plump lower lip. 
Without hesitation, he sucked on your finger, only releasing it when he let out the desperate moan you had been trying to pull from him, the one that came deep from his chest and drove you wild. It was almost too easy.
You focused on undressing each other, lips and teeth on bare skin as you discarded your clothes on the car floor. His breathing was heavy as he grabbed for your thick thighs, trying to pull you as close as possible to him.
“Fuck, baby, I gotta be inside you,” he groaned. “I gotta feel you.”
"I don’t know if there’s enough room up here," you said, looking at the limited space in the front of the car. Elvis never minded that you were plus size, but it did mean having to get creative when it came to sex outside of the bedroom, especially in tight spaces like storage closets or, in this case, his pink Cadillac.
"Just sit on my lap," he said, desperation evident in his voice. "You’ve done it before."
"Not in a car! Honey, my ass is gonna be bumping against that horn."
"Well," he said, biting his lip as he looked you over. "There’s plenty of room in the back."
You glanced at the backseat. He had a point. Only in your intimates, you began climbing into the back of the car, struggling to get your bottom half over the seat.
"A little help?" you asked, yelping when you felt him smack your ass. "Elvis!"
"Yes?" he teased, this time actually helping you get over the seat.
You laid across the leather backseat, watching as Elvis climbed over to join you, his arms on either side of your head to hold himself steady above you. He stared at your face, not doing anything for a few silent moments.
"Everything okay?" you asked, reaching up to caress his cheek.
He kissed the inside of your wrist, whispering, "You’re so damn pretty I don’t even know what to do with myself."
"Fucking me would be a good start."
"And I’m gonna have to do somethin’ about that mouth of yours later."
You laughed, pulling him down so he was pressed against you. You couldn’t believe you were self-conscious the first time the two of you had sex. You had no illusions that you were plus size, but you’d be damned if anyone made you feel bad about it. You ate what you wanted, wore what you wanted, and had developed enough of a "fake it till you make it" attitude that confidence came naturally to you.
Some men were jerks regardless of how you carried yourself, but you never found it difficult to keep your bed warm when you really wanted to. Still, Elvis wasn’t any man, he was the man who inspired an unprecedented lust in millions of women across the world, so when the time came for you to bare all to him, you were nervous. To your relief, there was nothing to worry about, he couldn’t keep his hands or eyes off of you.
Tonight was no exception, as he wasted little time in helping you get your panties off, and you reveled in the fact that you were the only one who got to see the truly unrestrained sexuality that the press just wouldn’t let up on. ‘Elvis the Pelvis’, if only they saw his—
You moaned when he slipped two fingers inside you, curling them so your back arched as you rolled your hips to get more friction. Your nails dug into the upholstered seats, feeling your breath catch in your throat as he used his thumb to rub your clit. 
“Don’t stop, honey,” you gasped out. “Oh my god, don’t stop.”
You could feel your pussy clench around his fingers, and you choked on your own breath when he slipped a third finger inside you. Just as you were about to orgasm, he pulled his hand away, and you looked at him with widened eyes at his betrayal. 
"What do you think you’re—"
"I’m sorry," he said breathlessly, pulling down his pants and underwear in one go. "I gotta feel ya when ya come, baby."
Quickly deciding that he shouldn’t get what he wanted so easily after denying you yours, you sat up a bit, taking his cock in your hand. Spreading the precum that was dripping from it down the shaft, you watched with satisfaction as his eyes fluttered shut, his bruised lips open wide as he moaned in pleasure. 
You kept a steady pace as you pumped your hand up and down his cock. He’d jerk his hips every so often, his cock twitching as you drove him closer to orgasm. Noticing how white his knuckles were as he gripped the driver’s seat next to him, you took it as your cue to pull your hand away. 
His eyes shot open, confusion written across his face as he stared down at you.
“Oops,” you mocked. You knew it was cruel to take that away from him, but part of you loved knowing you could really get him to beg for it if you wanted him to. This wasn’t one of those nights, though. Instead, you wanted him to ruin you.
He looked angry, eyes dark as they bore into the smug look you had on your face. You laid back down, raising an eyebrow at him as he glowered over you. Getting him this worked up was one of your absolute favorite pastimes.
"Don’t tease," he growled, the hypocrite that he was as he plunged his length inside you. You let out a sound that you didn’t even know you were capable of making.
"Harder," you whimpered.
"I can take it."
"Fuck, you’re perfect," he groaned.
His pace was unforgiving, and you knew anyone within a few feet of the car would be able to know what was going on from how much it was rocking. Your fingers curled in his greased hair, pulling him in for a sloppy, desperate kiss that was more teeth and tongue than anything else, but you loved it. No one made you feel the way Elvis did. 
Your back arched when he licked the sweat that was dripping between your breasts, his eyes locked on yours as he did so.
“Elvis, don’t you dare pull away again,” you gasped out as you could feel yourself reaching orgasm again.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, voice raspy as he continued pounding into you. “Come for me, baby.”
It didn’t take much longer for you to climax, your toes curling as the sensation overtook you, and all you could do was moan his name over and over. He wasn’t far behind, your sensitive pussy clenching around his throbbing cock. You knew it wasn’t the smartest idea to have unprotected sex as often as you did with Elvis, but you loved feeling him come inside you, it added to the intimacy, and you were both turned on by it. You could feel him finish and pressed your lips to his for another kiss.
He pulled out, laying on top of you as you both caught your breath. Holding your hand in his, he pressed gentle kisses to your face, wiping away the sweat that had beaded on your forehead. After a few moments, he sat up, helping you sit up as well. You were still trying to catch your breath, feeling a bit light-headed from how much he got out of you.
“Will you hand me my bra?” you asked, noticing it on the seat next to him.
“You wreck me, ya know that?” he said, giving it over to you.
You smiled. “I could say the same to you.”
By the time the both of you had partially finished redressing, you realized the movie wasn’t even over yet, and you figured it hadn’t gotten any better. At least you knew you liked car sex now.
You settled against Elvis’ bare chest, not even pretending to watch the movie anymore. Instead, you played with his fingers which were resting on your thigh. You sighed dramatically to catch his attention.
"Bored again, Y/N?"
"Wanna try for a double feature?" he asked, a devilish grin on his handsome face.
"If you think you’re up for it," you said, glancing down at his clothed-again crotch.
He threw his head back, his hand on his chest as he feigned offense. "You wound me, darlin’."
Just as he was about to lean in and start kissing you, you were startled by someone tapping on the window. Immediately, Elvis grabbed his jacket, throwing it over his head and pretending to be asleep.
You rolled down the window a crack, confronting the carhop with a hostile, "What?"
"You and your fella gotta leave. We got complaints."
"Alright," you conceded.
"You got three minutes, or we’re callin’ the police about public indecency," he said before walking away.
You rolled the window back up, looking at your boyfriend, who was still hiding beneath his jacket.
"He’s gone," you said.
He sat up, and to your surprise started laughing. "That was close, huh?"
“Laugh it up, honey. You’re not the one having to do the drive of shame out of here.”
“Well,” he said, voice low and husky as he ran his hands up and down your bare arms. “I can think of some nice, secluded spots we could park. Won’t get no complaints from nobody.”
“Elvis,” you whined. “Not fair getting me all worked up again when I can’t do anything about it.”
He grinned, leaning back in the seat. “Better get to drivin’, then.”
You shot him a glare as you pulled on your blouse, not bothering to button it back up. He had to help you shimmy back into your skirt, which had gotten bunched up on the floor.
In a huff, you managed to climb over to the driver’s seat, half dressed as you turned the key in the ignition, revving the engine. He went back to hiding under his jacket, not wanting to risk being seen by anyone on the way out. You shot a glare at his covered figure from the rearview mirror as you pulled out of the spot and left the drive-in. 
After a few minutes of driving up the street, he emerged from his hiding spot, leaning over the seat to give you directions. He reached over, making you think he was going to at the very least grope you, but instead he grabbed his Coke from the cupholder to take a drink.
You pursed your lips in annoyance. “You’re mean, ya know that? Making me talk to that man while I was half-naked and drive outta there like I was some kinda hussy.”
“I’m sorry, baby,” he said, amusement evident in his voice.
“I’m not a hussy.”
“I know. You’re a very respectable girl.”
“Thank you,” you said. “Now where’s one of those secluded spots you were talking about.” 
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daisyishedwig · 2 months
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I was tagged by @kurtsascot this week. I have been very busy and then very sick so I haven't written anything but a small snippet for my Kurtbastian plotbunny that was mostly just me seeking out the vibe, but here you go.
"Why are you here?” Sebastian asked. He was staring up at the ceiling, not looking at Kurt, his face drawn. Kurt rolled over to look at him, his gaze tracking down his bare chest to where the sheet rested at his hips.  “What do you mean?” “Weren’t you supposed to go to Blaine’s show tonight?” Sebastian clarified.  “It’s not until ten.” “But wouldn’t a good boyfriend get there early? Help him set up or something? It’s almost nine.” Kurt’s brow furrowed. “Blaine’s not my boyfriend,” Kurt said slowly. “You know that.” Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but you want him to be. Just because it’s not official–” “It’s not going to be official,” Kurt nearly snapped at him and Sebastian finally turned to meet his gaze.  “He’s all you’ve talked about for months, Kurt. You want him.” “You don’t know what I want.” Sebastian laughed though the sincerity in Kurt’s eyes caused his stomach to twist. “We both want him, princess. But you’re the one that actually has a chance, don’t make me revoke my forfeit.” “But what about us?” Kurt asked. “What about us?” Sebastian scoffed.  “He won’t… if I date him, this thing between us, it’d have to end. I can’t imagine him being comfortable with us sleeping together.” “So?” Sebastian asked dumbly. “So… doesn’t that bother you?” It did. Of course it did. Every time he thought about Kurt being with someone else, unable to be with him, he felt nauseous, his chest tight. But that didn’t change the fact that– “This was always temporary, Kurt. No strings, no commitment. Just a good time.” Kurt’s face was pinched as he worried his bottom lip between his teeth. Sebastian lifted a hand and gently pressed his thumb to Kurt’s chin until he released it. His mouth was always red when he was stressed from how much he sucked on his lower lip, and Sebastian knew Blaine would notice it and worry. “I was always a pit stop,” Sebastian continued. “Someone to keep the gears in working order so they didn’t get stiff,” he lifted his shoulder in a half-hearted shrug, smiling softly at Kurt.
And I'll tag @cryscendo, @annepi-blog, @lusthurts, @backslashdelta, and @bitbybitwrites
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whumpurr · 5 months
Wreckx part 3
cw: unlikeable whumpee, stalking, creepy whumpee, male whumpee, autistic whumpee (written by autistic writer), cyberstalking, self hatred, unreliable narrator
It was yet another rainy night that he’d decided (on a foolish impulse) to return to Rei’s house. He’d hate for anything bad to happen to her, he told himself. The ride was quick, even though his impending dread attempted to drag it out. In the dim night, he found her house once again. 
The lights inside her house were on when he walked down the sidewalk. He continued walking past the house, attempting to at least look like he was just passing by, but something was nagging at him. The lights might be on, but that didn’t mean that anyone was home. She could’ve been kidnapped or worse, for all he knew. He slowed his walk down and squinted, but he couldn’t see anything moving in the house.
“Excuse me?” A soft voice called from behind Wreckx. He jumped, only just managing to smother a yelp. He spun around on his heel, almost toppling over in the process, but righting himself. Rei stood before him. 
She was just around his height (so… short) and she was holding something. His eyes followed her hand to see a leash, leading down and attached to a siamese cat on a harness. Just when she couldn’t get any cuter, of course she had to like cats too!
Like the absolutely socially inept weirdo he was, Wreckx forgot that he was standing silently in front of the girl he’d been stalking keeping an eye on. She was just too cute.
“Um, hello?” She asked again. She was starting to get annoyed, Wreckx could tell.
“Hi,” He muttered out, more out of shock than anything else. “Uh, I’m looking for a lost cat,” He fumbled his way through some kind of explanation about his presence. “He’s gray, and pretty big, with short fur… I thought I saw him duck around behind your house so if you could keep an eye out for him that’d be great.”
Wreckx sucked at expressions, but even he could tell that he was making her wildly uncomfortable. He looked past her and pointed, muttering something about how he lived down that direction, and he’d be on his way. She didn’t even look twice when he left, unlike Wreckx, who was practically staring at her the whole way.
Something felt weird. Saying that he felt like someone was watching him would be an overstatement, but it was akin to that. Like the scent in the air was different, like things lined up too well, like the streets were a little too clean. A sense of oddity that nagged at the corners of his brain. It was strange that Rei just happened to be outside the very moment he got there. It was strange that he had a cat, when he was so immeasurably obsessed with cats. Maybe he was overthinking, just like he always did.
The trip back was spent circling what he did in his head over and over again. He agonized over every little detail and was painfully reminded why he didn’t leave his house unless he absolutely had to. He was a freak, a stalker who spent his time building killbots.
Said killbot greeted him at the door, the large robot cat giving a metallic fake purr, just like it’d been programmed to. Wreckx pet it on the head before flopping into bed, boots left in the middle of the bedroom along with most of his clothing.
What the fuck was he thinking going out there? He was a weirdo, no wonder she looked so uncomfortable.
His stomach ached to think about Rei at all. She was fucking attractive.
Fuck. He dragged his hands down his face. Wreckx had become a broken shell of the person he once was when his ex had dumped him. He still wasn’t over her, even though it’s been so long. He had been working on convincing himself that he would just have to be alone forever, and that he would have to be okay with that, but Rei made his diligent thoughts stray. She made him think about a future with someone who would understand him and- just maybe- accept him.
No, that was delusional. What kind of fucking numbskull idiot idea is that? Who would ever even look twice at him?
As soon as he hit the bed, he shut his eyes. It would be easier to simply sleep than to stay up ruminating on what a fuck up that whole interaction was. Maybe he could even forget about it. If he was lucky enough, it wouldn’t pop up in his dreams.
Wreckx didn’t know what time it was when he woke up. He hauled himself off of his bed and into his computer chair, squinting at the bright screen in front of him. Another message. Of course, it was from AnonyMouse.
“How is the star hacker doing?” They asked, followed by “We have another job for you, if you want it.”
Wreckx typed ‘yes’ before he could even think. Any desire to not appear desperate was squashed out by his actual desperation.
“Good boy. Are you familiar with college fraternities?”
“In passing.”
Wreckx recalled that his college had a fraternity, but he was too much of a loser nerd to ever be involved with anyone from them (or, anyone in general).
“We need information on a few people in one of them. The frat’s actually in your city, how convenient.”
Wreckx waited patiently for the relevant information to be relayed. The new target was Jesse Lott. He’d be at a frat party this coming weekend, and that would be the perfect opportunity for Wreckx to sneak in and gather information.
“Wait, wait, I’m not some kind of femme fatale, I hack. I don’t sneak into places.” He quickly typed back as soon as he pieced together what was being asked.
“We could go to someone else then, if you think you are incapable.” 
Wreckx swallowed. The amount of money being offered this time was more than what he got for Rei’s information, and that first task covered his rent for the month easily. He messaged AnonyMouse, letting them know he’d take their job.
“Obedient. That’s good. Get into the party, we want information on Jesse Lott, Gabriella Fisher, and Oscar Wright. Copy their phone data and hand it over to us, and get footage of them at the party. They’re 17, you see. Their parents would love to know what their kids get up to on the weekends, hm?”
Seventeen years old. Wreckx was twenty three. He didn’t quite like the thought of gathering information on people that young, but he had to. Whatever, he could just do it quickly and not think about it ever, ever again. 
With that, AnonyMouse terminated the connection.
There were a number of things Wreckx was uncomfortable with this time. He didn’t want to stalk a pack of seventeen year olds. He didn’t want to infiltrate a frat party (he could never get invited to one, how could he ever be convincing?), and he didn’t want to have to mingle with the people who would go to a frat party. He was disgusted at the thought of it all.
On top of that, AnonyMouse hadn’t even discussed any sort of pricing with him. However Wreckx did believe that they would pay whatever he asked for. Maybe this time he’ll push the price higher in order to make up for all this bullshit.
In the grand scheme of things, underaged drinking wasn’t the worst thing he has dealt with. Usually when people want Wreckx’s services, they want him to do borderline breaking and entering, or snoop on someone from afar. He’s taken far worse photos than some guys at a party. He’s hacked into women’s phones in the changing room. He’s sold out the locations of people evading bounty hunters. He’s scraped data from phones, laptops, and credit cards. He was scummy almost to the point of being despicable. So just why was this getting under his skin so badly?
The next week was spent trying to figure out something to wear and how he would behave once he arrived. A t-shirt and jeans was his go to, and he just had to hope that nobody would bat an eye if they spotted him in there. He could probably sneak in through the back door, if nobody was standing near it.
When the day finally rolled around, Wreckx found himself leaving his apartment with a pit of disgust and dread in his stomach.
taglist: @whumpinthepot
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
Based on the @pinkfoxsodas crossover drawing between Bully and Outlast, I decided to write a small snippet about it!
Jimmy has always had a problem with getting lost.
Whether it be on purpose or not, the teenager would find himself in a place wherever else than with the people he was intended to be with.
Case in point: That random reporter guy, Pete, and Gary.
Gary had said that it’d be interesting to check out an asylum other than Happy Volts back at Bullworth. Knowing that the class trip they were on had bored them to no end, they figured a little adventure would be worth it.
Besides, what could be so wrong with breaking into an asylum infamous for being shut down only to come right back up?
It would be infinitely better than waiting around in a motel room with tape stuck on the door to prevent them from getting out. So they reasonably snuck through the window, leaving the room a complete mess for any poor underpaid educator to look through. But knowing how exhausted they were just by how they acted throughout the entire day, Mr. Galloway in particular, they must have passed out in their rooms.
The same can be said for the asylum as well.
There wasn't even a guard at the gates!
And there was a car too! Alone!
Must have either left earlier or not come at all. Jimmy figured it was one or the other seeing how the seat had the imprint of someone sitting on it. So maybe the guard was inside?
Pete had thought this was a bad idea written all over, something was terribly wrong but was peer-pressured to follow along. Groaning as he was the first to be pushed through the broken window into the haunted asylum within. Gary followed along as did Jimmy, the three never understanding the horrors that would transpire from within.
They hadn't expected to see someone else from inside, a man who looked more afraid than they were I'm every sense of the way.
His name was Miles Upshur, a reporter contacted by someone who worked in Mount Massive Asylum. He held a camcorder and seemed to record everything whether that be in the light or pitch black. Pockets filled with batteries to keep the camera alive, he urged the three to leave.
Now, Jimmy isn't afraid of anyone or anything. Whoever or whatever comes up to him he’d like to see it as a challenge.
Gary saw it as a joke, I mean, this asylum is as broken as it was desolate, who else would bother to be here? Apart from him, of course.
Pete took it seriously, now noticing how one of the overturned beds was blood pouring from underneath. The sudden stench of death wavered around him and he felt the bile at the back of his throat pile up.
Nonetheless, none of the four had suspected someone approaching from behind. And neither of the four had suspected to see the sharp weapon that he had held in their hands.
The chaos that had erupted couldn't have been made clearer than it did between the four.
Miles had run with Jimmy, Gary had run into an open vent, and Pete had made himself home from within a locker. Each and every one of them held their breath as maniacs seemed to appear out of nowhere. All of them branched a weapon, screaming at the top of their lungs about whatever had been in their twisted heads.
For a moment, Jimmy wanted to go back, to try to see where his friends had gotten to but Miles had stopped him. He promised that he’d find them later but for now, they both needed to run, hide, and hopefully find a way out.
Their journey had branched off for a few minutes, the two only braving themselves as they approached a gap. Out of breath, Jimmy went first, sucking his stomach to manage to pass through the gap in between the halls. Miles had followed along, doing what Jimmy had done, only going through before he had felt horrible pressure builds onto his arm.
“Little Pig!”
Jimmy turned back to see what had happened, his face once cold and stoic then turned shocked and fearful.
The teenager watched helplessly as Miles was dragged off by a man of enormous stature. His body was coated with blood, hands as sharp as claws, chains tied to both his wrists and his ankles, and his face torn and rotten he could see the sharp teeth poke through.
Miles screamed, being held up in the air by this monster of a man. The monster then brought his large arm back and with enough force to break the window ahead, threw Miles out.
Miles’s screams continued on as he fell until he fell silent once his head hit the filthy ground below.
Jimmy was shocked.
He looked down at the man below ground, watching how his body was rendered motionless. He stepped back, head slowly looking over at the being responsible for the sudden assault.
Chris Walker growled, wheezing and puffing as he matched the teenager’s slow head turn to look at each other. He mumbled something under his breath, something that Jimmy couldn't pick up and rather not bother to understand it.
The man-no-creature growled, moving over to the wedge between him and the teenage boy.
“Little Pig...” He wheezes, claws breaking through the wood and metal that blocked his path.
Jimmy turned around and ran off, heart in his throat, the sounds of objects being thrown aside alongside chains rattling prompting him to go even faster.
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lilythelitten · 1 year
The hatchlings’ weapons of choice
Because I’m the kind of weirdo who thinks about characters who don’t even appear in-story.
No one asked for this, but these kids have been living rent-free in my head for a while now and either I needed to get this written down or try to get them to actually pay the rent (cheapskates). So! Here are the weapons wielded by the hatchlings, AKA Lita’s siblings in @hopeaterart’s TMNT incarnation. (If you haven’t checked it out, what are you waiting for?) Also, FYI, this applies to when they’re fourteen, like Lita is when she appears.
Kiyomi has knives. Knives are simple, knives are to the point, knives end fights really fast. She prefers to end fights quickly so she can get back to what she likes to be doing. If she is bereft of her knives for whatever reason, she’s got a different trick up her sleeve: improvisation with the environment. If Kiyomi has to fight you with a wet towel, then by God she will fight you with a wet towel. And might even beat you with a wet towel.
Nagato dual-wields katanas in much the same style as Leo, which is quite impressive since unlike Leo, Nagato is not ambidextrous (he’s right-handed, if you’re curious). He’s actually kept the Four Sword Technique, and become surprisingly adept at keeping the swords out of each other’s way…though his primary use of his power is “punch you in the face hard enough to break your nose”. He’s short, his regular arms don’t reach.
Satsuki I had no idea for for an embarrassingly long time, but now I do! He has the odachi. Specifically the clan’s ancestral odachi with the ghost living inside. Sometimes, he unsheathes it just to talk with Hamato about whatever. Some people find it weird that Satsuki is more talkative around dead people than he is around living people, but his family has just accepted it as a Satsuki thing and don’t give him too much grief for it. (Again, no one asked, but in my head: Nagato got a power first at six, Akemi was next at seven, then Satsuki at twelve, and Hinata got hers recently according to Word of God, so probably thirteen or fourteen. Kiyomi, Tomiko, and Rintaro haven’t gotten theirs yet. Yes, this does mean Leo had two early-bloomers. God help him.)
Tomiko has a kusari-fundo because I am in love with the idea of her using one. Her fighting style involves a lot of whacks to the head, much flipping and swinging, many quips, and—when she gets her power—possibly wrapping it around the enemy and then channeling electricity through it to serve as a makeshift taser. (She probably gets the purple power, if only because I’ve color-coded her in my head as lavender.)
Akemi is much more of a magical combatant than a melee one. Clumsy, and all. I’m thinking she carries a tanto (shortsword, though it’s more like a very big dagger) for last-ditch defense if enemies get too close, and caltrops to scatter on the ground in front of her to keep enemies from getting too close. But overall, her fighting style is “magically blow everything up with extreme prejudice”.
Rintaro uses a sword, specifically a tachi…and positively sucks with it. It’s not just a tachi thing, the boy just CANNOT wield swords, and he’s actually grown to hate them. The irony is palpable. Yet he uses the sword regardless out of his pathological desire to prove himself and outdo his siblings at everything. (I do think he’d eventually realize he’s handicapping himself and pick a different weapon, probably after having the realization needed for a power; I’m thinking dual-wielding kama. A kama is a small one-handed agricultural scythe, and I like the idea of Rintaro using them because scythes are cool, he’s actually ambidextrous, and it’d be a neat reference to one of his dads having come from a farmer family before The Incident.
Hinata uses a jian, but we all already knew that.
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
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I have finally got some titles for you! 😈😈😈
1.) to hook a star
2.) Shadows Ticking
3.) the Stud Muffin and the Cupcake
Have fun! 😌😚
Okay so.  On the one hand, kudos on the gif because I love that one.  On the other hand… WTF ARE THESE TITLES, MY DEAR???  I adore you but WOT.  ESPECIALLY number 3!?!??!!
Anyway :) 
1. to hook a star
This, my dear, is foul freaking play because you know full well that I have so many Howl’s Moving Castle thoughts… At this point, I’m not even sure which universe I’m going to choose (maybe more than one, but I’d have to take care not to get too repetitive), so I’ll give the possibilities.  I’ve considered fusions with: 
a) Supernatural.  Dean as Howl and Cas as Calcifer… Casting for Markl and Sophie are a bit more up-in-the-air, but I’m thinking Jack as Markl and Sam as Sophie — and this is obvious since you know me, but I want to clarify: no Wincest.  This would work within the HMC framework, but not be a complete fusion
b) Heaven Official’s Blessing, of course!  You know this too, because I’ve already mentioned it, but Hua Cheng and E’Ming as Howl and Calcifer respectively (this would take slight tweaks to the falling-star premise, but I think the parallels are visible), Xie Lian as Sophie, and… idk for sure about Markl.  I have to finish the series.  Ban Yue would be an option, but she was always more Xie Lian’s apprentice, so… meh.  There’s Yin Yu, I guess, but I haven’t seen much of him yet and idk if the characterization works.  Maybeeeee He Xuan, though it’d take some tweaking.  That has funny possibilities.  And maybe I could work in beefleaf :) 
c) I have kinda considered a few other universes --- Stranger Things, Good Omens --- but never especially seriously... They still deserve mention though.
I swear there were more, but this is all I can remember right now aldksjf
2. Shadows Ticking
Huh… Interesting.  Ummmmmm.  I just went through my writing doc, and this title would work for a From Dusk ‘Til Dawn fusion I’ve had planned for a bit… idk if it’s the title I’ll use whenever I get around to writing it, but I think it’s the only idea I’ve got rn.
Anyway, Sam and Dean stand in for the Gecko brothers, while you’ve got fallen (by which I mean “disgraced”, not “demonic”) angel Castiel with adoptive kids Jack and Claire.  The basic outline of the story is roughly the same, but I’m modifying it a bit… specifically, because Jack, Cas, and maybe Sam have varying degrees of supernatural heritage/biology, so they don’t die like their source characters in canon; instead they just… change.
3. The Stud Muffin and the Cupcake
Can I once again say wtf????  Uh… Suffice to say that, while both of those^ stand a chance of being written, I’m almost certainly not writing this one…  I don’t think I’ve ever said the words “stud muffin.”  Ever.  But anyway…
Crackfic, goes without saying.  I’m really trying to make this something about baking, and Heaven Official’s Blessing (and Xie Lian’s absolutely atrocious cooking, and the fact that people always underestimate Xie Lian/think he’s too sweet/polite/kind to take seriously) keeps invading my head, but I also don’t want to soil HOB by connecting it to this title, so… Frustration.  But I guess that’s my very-vague-because-I-don’t-know-what-to-do-with-it summary.  You suck :)
Thanks for the ask, Jezebel… You’re a problem child, but I appreciate it :) 
– – – 
(Title Ask Game)
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knightfeared · 10 months
✨w✨ from the sparkle meme (nightlyvisitor)
I am also gonna gently throw sparkles around you, cause you are amazing and always a pleasure to talk to and ramble about characters, art and the random ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
When we first met I didn’t think you’d come to mean as much as you do to me now as a writing partner. Like your muse, you’re a literal ray of sunlight on days we chatter, always trying your best to be positive & uplifting in the support you offer. You’re very genuine in the care you try to give to others. Not something that is seen so continuously. You have your off days, your ups & downs, but you are always someone who strives to stay as optimistic as you can no matter what you’re going through & that’s beyond admirable. Either way, I just wanted to say you’re such a kind soul & someone who’s very easy to talk with & plot things with because you’re so naturally inviting.
The relationship built up with Chris & Raymon has come to mean a lot to me with how it’s able to flip from plot heavy angst to being balanced with toothrotting soft. You also do so much by spitballing ideas my way, which is very appreciated, & I am always left screeching when I see starters sent to my inbox because you take the time & care to tailor them for the boys & as someone who struggles with that, it makes me mush.
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You’ve developed beautifully written muses ; For Raymon, it’s the unwavering optimism in grim chaos where it’d be easier to give up & quit, but no, he does his best to inspire others & keep everyone’s morale lifted which takes strength. For Lucien, already, a few replies into things with him, his story hurts my soul & you do an amazing job of relaying his thoughts & feelings, all his trauma with what’s been hinted at, in your writing. I get why he is how he is, & love the bit of bite he gives in dialogue back. He’s defensive, but for good reason, & Chris already feels that urge to help & keep an eye on him.
I’ll leave things off here by just reminding you to take care of yourself & to treat yourself gently. You’re a whole-heartedly sweet person, & dash does feel quiet when you don’t post, but please don’t take that as a nudge to rush replies or be active if you aren’t feeling muse or have the energy to. Take your time with replies & resting, but know the things you create will always be well worth the time to wait for. I am very happy to have you in my life as a friend & writing partner, as much as I suck with expressing this at times, you’re a warm but unforgettable presence to know.
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*🐝  *  ―  send ✨ or ( ‘SPARKLE’ ) and i’ll tell you at least one thing i like most about you, your blog, your portrayal, or your muse. 📨
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zero00o0 · 2 years
Hello:) so first off wanted to say I loved part two of quiet! It was so well written and didn’t have a bad storyline and was very amazing on the gramatical side of things(no offense to some young writers😭) but I have three questions that I would like to give to you
1. Whats your favorite trope/situation to write versus to read
2. Whats your favorite duo to write/read (idk if you’ve been asked this before I’m not sure my memory sucks LMAOO💀🙏)
3. Will there be possible G!george T!dream stories in the future (and if so do you have any possible little thoughts to the stories that you might feel interested in writing that you want to share with the class) including this duo?
double p.s( I HATE ART BLOCK) >:(
HI AJ! You’ve given me a lot to think about here and I really appreciate that LOLOL
Tysm! I’m really flattered that the reception for Quiet 1/2 is really positive! I never planned on writing a lot for it but hey, I’m having fun. (I think I’ll end it at part 3 or 4 but idk)
1. We’ll if you mean in terms of g/t tropes to write, it’s hands down fearplay. Whether it’s a giant that knows what they’re doing to the tiny and just wants to scare them, a giant who doesn’t realize they’re being scary, or a giant forced to be scary to keep the ring safe, fearplay is the answer. To read, it’d have to be - and I know this is surprising - but fluff. I know, I know but most of my writing is scary shit and when I read I like to take a break from that lol.
If you meant general tropes outside of g/t, then I like writing romance (friends to lovers (to enemies 😳)), and I like reading fantasy action.
2. It’s basic but idc- Dnf all the way baby. I’ve been watching them since Minecraft Monday and they’ve given me never-ending brainrot since (they won’t leave my brain 🥲)
3. Most definitely! I like playing with the power roles and shifting them around. It’d get boring if every story I released would be g!Dream + t!George as the main focus characters. As of stories.. I have a few ideas that’ve been working in the brain, but for now they’re really brief. Idk if I’ll even use any of them. 🤷‍♂️
Society where giants and humans have lived in hostility for centuries. A school opens up with the purpose of socializing giants and humans, and does so with technology/magic (idk yet) that can make giants human-sized. George and Dream meet and slowly develop a friendship, and test the limits of a cross-species bond.
Borrowers have ranges of abilities, some can jump unnaturally high, some can see in the dark, etc. But the rarest ability one can have is size-shifting. George/Dream (idk which one yet) has this ability, and uses it to interact with human society. They make friends with Dream/George (again, idk) and the two form a close bond, and move in with each other. But the thing about size-shifting is that the borrower cannot hold their enlarged size for too long, they must shrink back every now and then to rebuild energy. The bad part? George/Dream never told their roommate that they weren’t human, and they’re feeling pretty tired all of a sudden.
George/Dream moves out to live alone at the very edge of a town to become a berry farmer, despite the warnings of the man-eating monsters in the woods. Most people gone missing appear to be those who take things from the forest, like lumber or fruit, so George/Dream refrain from taking anything that didn’t belong to him. He starts noticing things turning up in his property. He mentioned he needed a new water bucket, and one appeared. He needed more firewood, and some appeared. Was the forest being generous, or was it the deed of another grateful creature?
ALSO IK I HATE WRITERS BLOCK. Also I’m so flattered you want to draw something for Quiet! Of course don’t pressure yourself to do anything, you interacting with my stuff and sending me asks is already making me the happiest person ever :D
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Hi Quil! I just had a really nice weekend and I hope you enjoyed your weekend too.
Recently, I’ve been working on some of my longer story ideas, but I also had some concepts for oneshot and shorter stories to write, which I might try out. I know you have written both oneshots and longer stories, so I was curious what your thoughts were on different kinds of stories and if you had any advice for either type, especially for longer-form stories. 
Thank you!
- Amethyst
Hi Amethyst! I’ve been rather busy lately, but really soon my weekends and weeks should be very free and enjoyable! I’m about to have a summer break for the first time in four years and I’m not quite sure what to do with all that time!
I can share advice, but just keep in mind this is my experience and what works for me; if it doesn’t work for you, don’t give up, that just means what works for me doesn’t work for you. I’ve also shared general writing advice before, like here and here and here. I’m sure there’s more on my blog, the tagging system just sucks at finding things.
No one form (long or short) is better than the other; its about adequately representing and doing justice the concept. Sometimes you have a really complex idea and it would be best explored over a really long story with lots of depth and side plots, and sometimes you want to really highlight one aspect of something (of a society, a relationship, an idea, etc) and you want it to be shorter, more focused, eliminating background noise. it’s also wise to take into account what you can realistically do and how much time you have. If you’ve never written before in your life, for example, it’d probably be best to start with smaller projects.
Focusing on long-form stories, I think a huge thing is patience and consistency. The gratification and pay off for these comes much further down the line and requires a considerable amount of effort. Going into it knowing there’s a very long road ahead helps get you through the times where it feels like you’ll never get there and nothing’s happening. Things are happening, they just take time to write. There’s a lot of words and even the most prolific writer can’t knock it out all at once. It’s more reliable to write smaller amounts consistently than large amounts sporadically, in my experience.
A big one for me personally is also to have an end goal in mind. Know, at least generally, where you’re going. Long form tend to have subplots and side things happening, so keeping in mind where the story should be heading alongside that makes it more cohesive and, in my experience, you’re more likely to actually get there. When I’ve tried to write long form stories without a decided direction, I got completely off track and had to start over. Something vague like “at the end they’re going to have a fight with this person” is enough, nothing fancy, you have something to keep in mind to head towards.
Oh here’s another thing! Don’t worry about editing your first time through. Editing and revision comes later. If you’re focused on making things good and perfect before moving on, you’re going to massively hinder yourself. Writing the story through (or your chapter through), and then go back and make changes. Having the whole thing in front of you makes it easier to adjust where needed because you can see how everything interacts with each other. Sometimes the inspiration for a change you make in chapter 2 comes from something you write in chapter 20. So discard these quality standards; the point of the first draft is to get something down, that’s its only purpose; even if its the shittiest writing in the world, its better than an empty page. you can make it better later.
I’m sure I could think of more, but since I just threw multiple long linked posts at you I’ll stop here for now! If you have more specific questions I’d be happy to help however I can, though again, these are just my thoughts and experiences. At the end of it all remember why you’re writing! For fun? To express something about yourself? To reflect on something? Try to keep that in mind so you don’t make yourself hate writing when you get stuck (which is pretty much inevitable. we all run into problems at some point)
I hope this helps!
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Stupid fanfic asks part 3/3 @candle-lion “all divisible by 3”
69: how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
First of all, nice. Second of all, music music music. I have to have some emotional music to write to. I would say I occasionally feel what the characters feel, especially when I relate to whatever thing is going through their head
72: what do you do if a scene gets too serious?
Not sure what this means necessarily. I think I’m pretty good at keeping my serious scenes the right amount of serious and my not serious scenes not serious. I guess if it happened, try to add some witty line to lighten the mood? But usually if I want it serious, I want it serious, ya know?
75: do you know how your story ends before you start writing?
About half of the time. Run away was started spontaneously with no end in mind. Same with so are you with me? But a lot of the others were planned. Sometimes I change my mind halfway through too. I call it the ADHD way of writing
78: how do you choose where to end a chapter?
If the word count is long enough to feel satisfying and I feel I have closed the scene at a satisfying point, I’ll end it. Sometimes I’ll end on a cliffhanger for the fun of it or dramatic effect
81: if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
Don’t burn yourself out. It’s okay to take your time. Your work will end up better anyway! I used to be so bad about publishing whatever I had written IMMEDIATELY for that dopamine rush of validation (both in my Wattpad middle schooler days and beginning run away). Editing and sitting on my writing a bit before posting has helped its quality and my confidence. Plus writing burnout sucks ass. I love to write, and burning myself out is a quick way to change that
84: said: overused or underused?
Depends on the writer. I think I underuse it in an effort not to overuse it lmfao
87: does your writing style change depending on the genre you write?
I think it does, but not necessarily consciously. I tend to lean into different imagery and metaphors depending on the thing I’m writing. I think it’s most noticeable in like,,, the difference between there in the garden with some of the darker, gothic imagery, vs so are you with me? with lighter stuff, sunlight, etc etc. I emphasize different things too
90: do you notice your own voice in your writing style?
Oh one of my biggest fears is not having a unique writing voice. I don’t think mine is strong by any means, but I think it’s there
93: do you hear other people’s writing styles when they talk?
Only with my irl best friend. I think the more you know someone, the easier it is to pick up on those consistencies between writing voice and speaking voice, but I don’t talk to most writers I know enough to hear it, and I don’t think our Discord/Tumblr convos are super reflective of our writing
96: romantic/social sideplots: interesting or irritating?
Depends. Fuck off with your love triangles (unless they’re true triangles). I love a good messy romantic or other social side plot
99: was being a writer a dream of yours when you were little? or did it spring up when your older? or is it just a hobby? 
It was!! I’ve always loved reading and it translated to loving writing too. I don’t think I could make a career of it, I don’t think I’m famous author material between my skill level and the fact that having to have books out would become a chore. But! I would love to have published books still. I think it’d be fun to be a PhD’d microbiology researcher who also happens to have a few silly queer novels published on the side
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beginagainbook · 22 days
Chapter 10
Read it on AO3
Read it on Wattpad
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Oliver had taken Alex to one of the few restaurants in the hotel that stayed open this late. Because he was the owner, he got to get a lot of free food. Usually whatever he wanted, off the menu. When they were placed to sit down they were sat in a booth near the side of the place they were in. It was a large area, and she admired it.
She sat with her legs tucked underneath her, looking over the menu.  There was an assortment of options and she couldn't decide between the chicken alfredo or the safe option of tenders. Nobody could go wrong with a chicken tender. Oliver had no need to look over the meal already knowing what he was going to order.
"Mr. Haven! Glad to see you hear again" The waiter spoke. A smile gleamed across Oliver's face. Showmanship, she thought to herself. The smile was as fake as the atmosphere in this restaurant was. It wasn't a bad thing. She understood why people had to play a façade in life.
She often had to, herself. Hell, She'd just done that tonight. Playing fake with people was all a big ploy in an attempt to appear as normal as possible, as appealing a possible, to the general public. The two of them ordered their meals before returning to their previous conversation.
"I've been thinking about what you said earlier. About writing a new chapter. I was thinking, maybe, I could start writing music again, and start to further my career outside of my ex boyfriends." She avoided saying his name. She had mentioned Everette too much tonight.
"I think that's a great idea. We have a recording studio here with multiple producers. You could keep releasing under your own name, if you'd like." His sentences trailed off, as if there was more to it. "But?" Alex asked.
"I would be willing to sign you to my own label. Your performance tonight was really incredible, I mean, really. And it's not the first time you've performed at one of my events."
The way he ended his sentence was with confidence. As if he'd really nailed the points home. Instead, for Alex, they just fell flat. "Yeah, and you rejected me."
Oliver set his head down for a moment, staring at the table, trying to gather his words. "It's so much bigger than that. I wish you'd be able to realize that. If I could show you that, it'd made more sense."
Alex scratched her forehead as she raised her eyebrows, looking down at the table. "No, I think I do get it. I just don't like it. There were people who were better than me. That's that."
His voice sounded like he was pleaded with her to understand. She picked her eyes up and met him in the middle of eye contact. A space where every situation together is shared, a situation where every conversation they've had resides, a location in which her deepest desires was tucked away. 
It's why she constantly avoided it. It was too much emotion to confront, but currently, she confronted it head on. "Oliver. I really really get it. It sucks, but it's lead me to the opportunities I have now, for better or for worse. I wouldn't be here at the hotel if you had rejected me then. And I likely wouldn't have released my EP that was practically written about you."
A half-smile rose across his face. "You're slowly starting to remember"
"Yes" Alex replied, nodding as she did so. "I remember a lot of the small things. After my first couple of weeks here, I quickly learned that a lot about myself. Talking with Everette did help, too. I don't remember a lot, but I remember the tiny details. I remember the feelings."
Oliver seemed to take in what she said. The two continued to talk until their food arrived, steaming hot and fresh and deliciously waiting in front of them. It didn't take long for Alex to begin inhaling her food, Oliver following in suit behind her.
"Hey so." He eventually spoke out in between bites. "There's some press event coming up for the hotel. I was thinking, you're talking about furthering your career, it'd be really cool if you went."
Alex pondered the question while she chewed her noodles. Oliver had ordered a carbonara so the two of them were fine dining away on pasta. "Yeah, that sounds really interesting. Are you gonna help me pick out a dress?" He quickly shook his head 'no'.
"Avery can get a dress custom made for you. She has your measurements. And it'd be really cool to be wearing Oliver Haven original." he gave her a look before resuming to eat his food. Alex studied his face for any signs of give or release, and saw none. She had no choice in the matter.
"That sounds like you want to use me as a mannequin" she eventually said, earning another look from him. "Not at all. It's an event for the hotel. Why not wear something given to you by the hotel? It just seems fitting."
"Right. And not a way for you to get into the fashion industry?"
Oliver looked at her with a look of indignation. "Of course not. If I wanted you to be a model for me I'd say, 'Hey Alex, be a model for me'. I don't hide my questions behind veiled lenses. I simply think you should let me find a dress for you."
Alex's smile grew bigger across her face as she picked up her cup of water. "I thought Avery was going to help me with the dress?" She sipped her drink and looked the other direction.
"Oh, this is exactly why I used to hate you, you know."
Her smile only intensified. "That's not true. I don't think you ever hated me, truly. I think you just didn't like me that much." Her eyes glistened in the low light of the restaurant as she said it. She had meant it, too. 
"That's actually really nice. I agree. It was just the wrong timing." There was a small moment of quiet between the two. "I want you to come. And I want to sign you to the label. And I want you to be able to further your career."
Alex bit at the inside of her cheek. She shoved another forkful of food into her mouth. Why did he care so much? The only other person who'd been this nice to her was her crew back home at Benji's theatre. She hadn't talked to them in forever. She'd need to send them a text.
Oliver broke the silence. "What are you thinking about?"
What was she supposed to say? The safer answer was to say that she was thinking about her career, and her life up to this point, and anything other than what she actually had said.
"Why do you care about me?"
It slipped out of her lips before she could even think about it, and when she did, she realized how it had come off. It didn't seem to affect Oliver, however. "It's a really really long story. I don't know if I'll ever have the time to get into it." He said, and fiddled with his ring finger.
Had there been more the public hadn't known? Maybe she had learned about it at one point, but she didn't know now. "I'm always here to listen" She said with a yawn. "You seem really tired."
"You're evading. You keep talking about my chapter and continuing my book, but I have to ask you. What is your story?"
He pushed his bangs out of his eyes. He was wearing a button up shirt with a tie, and black slacks. Alex couldn't help but notice how dashing it looked on him. Business casual, but still professional. 
"My story? You've practically heard my story. I think I'd need a couple drinks before I told the rest." He looked down at his half eaten plate as if he seriously considered the thought. Getting drinks out wouldn't be the worst thing, though Alex did like her sober conversations she's been able to have with Oliver.
"Why don't you get a bottle? You own the place."
His eyes twinkled a deep icy blue as he stared back into her emerald green orbs. "You really want to hear my story?" he softly asked.
She nodded. She really did want to get to know him. Whatever she used to hate about him over the years must have subsided, because there was nothing here that made her feel resentment towards the man in front of her. It made her wonder if she could truly trust her judgement if she had been this wrong up until this point. 
"Yes, I do. I want to know what made you, you." 
He looked over towards the waiter who was busy talking to his co-worker, one who idly saw him gazing their direction. She dashed over, instantly taking his order of a bottle of Appleton Estate and waiting as she hurried off into the back kitchen. 
"I was never good at sharing my emotions." He eventually said. "But I did, once. It's the reason I don't anymore."
Alex sat forward respectfully, putting her head in her hands as she listened to him. She wanted to give him her full attention. She felt like he deserved it. "Go on."
"I had a previous relationship that ended badly before this one" He spoke as the waitress finally arrived with two glasses and a bottle of rum. He nodded towards her as he poured himself a glass and took a drink. 
"It was when I went back to school for business" he eventually began again. "My dad had died years ago and my mom had just died. I was supposed to take on the hotel, but I was so busy switching majors to nursing to take up my practitioners license to help my mom out." He took another drink out of his glass and poured more in.
Alex took the bottle from him and poured her own glass. There were two, after all. She took a sip and instantly regretted it. It was like drinking germ-x out of the bottle, with a hint of vanilla. "Disgusting! How do you drink this stuff?" She blurted out, swishing it around in her glass.
"It's good. Better than that fruity wine you drink."
She rolled her eyes playfully at him and nodded. "Right, like alcohol and vanilla is better than apple or grapes."
He smirked and took another drink. "It is. Truthfully, I took it up because it was my fathers favorite drink." 
"That's sweet."
He scratched his cheek and took another drink of his rum. "But then, in college, I met this girl."
The corners of his mouth tilted in a way that almost resembled a smile. There was something sad about it. Alex took another sip of her drink, cringing in the process. "Her name was Waverly, and she was one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on."
Alex felt herself wondering what this woman looked like. Was she blonde? Brunette? Thin? Curvy? She was most likely pretty going off of Oliver's descriptions. But looks weren't everything, and this was something both she and Oliver knew too well.
"She was insanely smart, too. She was going for a liberal arts degree and her parents hated it. They said it had no application in the real world, but she knew it did. I knew it did, too. I told her she always had a place in my theatre. It became a special place for us."
Acknowledgment hit Alex like nothing had before in her life. THIS was why Oliver was so guarded about his theatre. Every time she had broken in, every time she had hosted secret parties there without him knowing... 
The guilt ate away at her as she listened further. Oliver finished off his glass of rum and began pouring himself another drink. "She was my reason for getting out of bed in the morning after I was orphaned."
Orphaned. The words danced across her head like sugar plum fairies in a ballet. It was something she hadn't considered before. Oliver Haven, orphaned at such a young age. Something Alex literally wished upon her parents at multiple points in her life. A second wave of guilt washed over her. 
She could feel it bubble up in the pit of her stomach as she picked up her glass and took another drink. "We were together until we graduated, when she moved in with me. We quickly got engaged."
His conversation seemed to trail off, but she knew this wasn't where the story ended. She looked in his eyes and saw how sad they looked. He took another drink of his rum. "We found out we were expecting"
An emotion washed over Alex's face that she couldn't recognize. Astonishment? Complete shock? Fear for how the story ended? By this point she already knew. There was no Mrs. Haven around the hotel. There was no child. 
"By the end, there was just me, and an empty nursery."
He looked between his glass and the bottle before eventually picking it up and taking a long swig straight from the glass rim.
"I'm sorry" Alex eventually whispered. It made sense. This was what Avery was talking about when she said there was a reason he was so shut off from the world. She didn't have to imagine what that pain was like. "When I was 17 I had a still-born with my abusive ex. It's no where near the same, but I feel your pain."
She had said it as if it wasn't a piece of her, as if she had unclaimed that era of her life a very long time ago, and she was just a visitor passing by for a check in. 
Oliver looked up to meet her gaze as he set the bottle down. She could see that his eyes looked glossy, as if he had already been crying before this point. She knew he hadn't. She wasn't good with emotional situations, but she figured this was the one way she could connect with him here.
"I'm sorry, too." He replied. 
"You would've been a great father."
* * *
The words replayed over and over again in her head as she sat in her bed. 
'You would've made a great mother, too.'
Her life had gone careening down such a different path back in those days, and she really didn't expect to fall pregnant at such a young age. Nobody did, really. Nobody expected her to want to keep it, either. She felt like it was the one good thing that had come of her abusive situation.
She hid it for as long as she could. From Mason, from her parents, from her friends. But eventually she got too big, and couldn't hide the swollen stomach beneath a school uniform any longer. 
People found out, and she was ridiculed and bullied. Harassed around the hallways at school, and mocked throughout the town. That was the first time Alex had learned of people knowing about her randomly on the streets. 
It took a long time for people to forget that Alex was pregnant. She didn't have notoriety, but home-town rumors seemed to stick harder than any glue you could buy at the store. When she didn't have a baby show up in her life, however, people slowly forgot.
Alex graduated from high school with a 3.0 GPA and made her way into college before inevitably dropping out. She tried to apply herself, but in the end, she couldn't even figure out which degree she walked to settle on. She'd realized she was just using it as another tool to escape. 
It didn't benefit her to stay at school. There wasn't any degree that could get her what she wanted in life. If there was a degree to become famous, Alex would've gotten a doctorate in it by now, but it didn't exist. She was left to her own devises.
She rolled over in her bed where she was laying. The pillows underneath her were plush and soft, and her head sunk into them like memory foam usually does. The covers overtop of her felt soft and fluffy. She was exuberantly aware of her surroundings. The way she could see the light peaking from underneath the door in the far distance. 
She could turn and see the moonlight seeping in from the glass door attached to the balcony. She could imagine the night sky was twinkling brightly with millions of stars, each one telling their own story before exploding into pristine nothingness. 
She wondered what her siblings were doing back home. She had a twin sister, which she didn't like to talk about much, and she had a younger brother. He was turning 12 soon, she remembered. It had been years since she had been back home, and she imagined the way he must have grown into his face by now. He was only 8 when she left.
It was horrible having to leave them behind, but Alex knew it's what she needed to do to provide them a safe space to go if they needed it. She hoped her siblings knew they could reach out to her at any time. A piece of her wondered if they thought the same about her. She never reached out, either. 
It was hard for her to stay in contact. Most of her friends understood, but she didn't know if a twelve year old boy would understand why she didn't ever call or text. She couldn't imagine what abuse he must be facing, considering he's likely the only one left in the house.
Alex's twin sister was named Evelyn. No matter how similar they were in looks, they were completely different in attitude. Evelyn put her all into studying and getting into a better college. Alex didn't have the same passion or drive. The two constantly fought, and once Evelyn found out about Alex's drug use, she considered her no different than her parents.
She didn't know if they had ever reconnected. She was the reason Alex initially applied for college, but there was nothing there for her, just like there was nothing there for her at home. She'd always been one to leave things behind without thinking twice about it. 
It was partially why she picked up a million different hobbies, and always had a million different things to quit. She'd wanted to do cheerleading as a kid, but she barely had any gymnastic ability. There were a thousand things she wanted to work on. 
She wanted to be like Barbie, pursuing every creative avenue that life presented her way. She wanted to write something one day. Maybe poetry, or an autobiography of some kind. She wanted to keep ice skating, and see if there was a rink nearby. She wanted to paint, and take dance classes, and go wherever her heart led her.
And she knew she wanted to keep producing music, maybe under Oliver.
She remembered his words again. It was hard for her to run from this. How do you escape your own memory? Wasn't that something she was supposed to have experience in? It was all very bizarre to her. The way it made her feel inside when she thought about it. 'You would've made a great mother, too.' 
She turned back over to lay on her back. It was going to be a very long night. 
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deliriumsdelight7 · 6 months
For the emoji ask game:🍊 and 🍐
Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
Jefferson, definitely. He’s got so many personalities - almost as many as Rumpelstiltskin, with a fraction of the screen time. I’d love to spend more time with him.
Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
At this point, I basically avoid canon altogether; all it does is remind me of all the parts that suck. If I were to choose one (apart from the obvious “don’t kill Neal and negate the whole premise of the show”), I have to say it’d be Lacey. Just… the whole concept of Lacey. The idea of a darker Belle who feeds into Rumpelstiltskin’s worst side is an intriguing one, but Lacey… isn’t that. She’s just everything Gold isn’t supposed to like, which is basically yet another case of the show reducing Belle to “whatever causes Rumpelstiltskin the most stress.” I mean… where’s the poetry? Mary Margaret has all of Snow’s kindness, but none of her courage. David has all of his love for Snow, but none of the conviction. Ruby has Red’s animal side, but makes her a wolf who rejects her own pack. Leroy is still grumpy, but he doesn’t have his brothers.
Lacey has none of that. She’s just, in my opinion, a poorly-written bad girl character whom we’re supposed to slut shame. The true tragedy of the curse is that we’re supposed to see glimpses of the characters’ true selves. Apart from the whole “person in the present repeating a line they said in the past” thing, I see no trace of Belle in Lacey.
Anyway - I don’t want to go into how I would write that differently, because that’s a spoiler for one of my WIPs ;)
Thanks for the asks!
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sanmisui · 9 months
Venting and rambling about writing:
Maybe my fanfic would be better off without all those smutty implications that I’m adding.
Seriously,,,,, the story would work either way. It’s just my stupid brain not understanding that it ain’t necessary for a fanfic to have these things. But also everything sort of sucks. My writing is painfully mid. The story is long and it’s been dragging me down and I have no idea what I’m doing anymore,,,, ughhh.
I have lotsa drafts,,,, but nothing fits into the current story. So I will make more stories once the current one is done,,,, but I know that the ending will suck. My brain is bad.
Nothing really matters, I’m just writing nonsense. I’m gonna take it out and just end the day and write something else n get back to the mid section later.
My writing isn’t linear. I start somewhere n add a break n go to the next section and then I go back to fill the blanks and connect the plots together.
Sometimes I need to shove things back or take them out entirely. That’s just how the creative progress works,,,, it is what it is,,,,
I wish somebody would give me clearer instructions on what to add and what to leave out. I mean,,,, who the fuck wants to read about washing the dishes? On multiple occasions?? It adds some minor detail and it makes the story longer… ooooooh the story is so goddamn long I think it’s almost at 100k words???? How did I even do that? It’s been 6 months. Is that good or bad? I don’t read that many stories. Or only short ones. But they get everything done and sorted easy peasy,,,,, my story is filled with convoluted garbage and it’s just a retelling of the goddamn anime for the most of it,,,, with a few extras and boiiiii is it boring? I’m bored. Not sure if that’s just me cuz I know what my brain is cooking up and boi did it add too much sugar to the alphabet soup,,,, who the fuck adds sugar to their soup anyways?????
I avoid conflict. But I need conflict. I gotta write about the goddamn conflict. How do I write? Hell, I haven’t got a clue as to what I’m even doing with this story. It’s an x Reader Story, there won’t be that many people craving for it’s conclusion… I think I hate the story cuz I put too much of myself into the personality of the mc. Yeahhh maybe that is it?
I also suck at writing the dude who we r romancing. Maybe it’s all just too much of a mess?
But I still need to finish it!!!! I can’t just drop it? It’s almost done! Just… uh… a few more chapters?
Maybe 2 or 3? I could end it rather quickly if I end it on a sour note. Would people hate me for that? Probably. It might be for the best. I am not really vibing with this story anymore. I already ruined it for myself. N I put too much pressure on my mushy brain. It’s gonna be over soon… hopefully. Maybe I’d be more hyped about it, if people gave me better feedback? There isn’t much of a reason for me to keep writing. But I would hate for it to end without a proper ending. So I’ll write an ending and get it done and then I will start with something new.
Maybe I’m merely sad cuz I didn’t get as much interaction as I would’ve liked? My confidence is frail. If people don’t give me input on how things are for them, I’ll assume that they hate everything that I came up with. But once it’s done and released, it’d be blasphemous to go back and rewrite it…
Heck the story doesn’t even have a proper title. It pops up when u search for the character… which is bad!! Cuz the story is rated M but there don’t seem to be any hindrances for accessing it??? It’s just up on Google and anyone can click on it??? If you search for it on quotev, u gotta turn on adult content to see it but what’s the point if Google smacks it right in your face???
It prolly doesn’t fall under mature content… I haven’t written a whole lot of heehoo stuff cuz I’m too much of a coward. Godddd I should’ve put it on ao3 instead… but it’s too late for that and also… I like quotev. U can add pictures lolol. It’s more befitting of a beginner such as myself. But I should’ve tagged it better? Honestly, I’ve never written a serious story before. No idea what to tag outside of the characters. Hell. I don’t even know where the story is going or what’s going to happen next, cuz I write as I think and I think as I go and I’m not doing a whole lot of planning ahead.
I’m rambling so goddamn much on this post here cuz I don’t have any friends or confidants. No way of asking for directions. It’s always just me talking to myself for hours and my mental health is shredded like discarded papers.
Ughhhhhhhhh. I hate being creative. I think I’ll get something to drink and then I’ll just lay here for a bit.
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