#I mean this didn’t turn up in a vacuum like I think it started when I was a kid and I was picking people
m4sc4r4 · 2 years
More on bad relationship habits in the tags
#I mean this didn’t turn up in a vacuum like I think it started when I was a kid and I was picking people#sometimes unconsciously sometimes deliberately#to act as a stand in for the parental love and validation and just like general guidance that I didn’t get#something I needed to do not only because sometimes it was the only way to address real practical problems sometimes I just needed#to fill the void#and so I have complicated feelings on it bc no one really wanted to be that for me so I understand that they were overwhelmed#not to mention sometimes my age or only a couple years older#but like at the same time sometimes I just wanna look back and scream for someone to just acknowledge me and the situation I’m in#I got the constant tired response of like ‘’go to ur dad about this’’ but if you take 2 seconds to think#why would I be spending all my time trying to keep strangers online happy and even sometimes enduring them being very mean to me#and spending all my time worrying if I was palatable enough to make them love me basically#which even meant dreading turning 18 bc I was worried they’d abandon me#why would I be doing all that if my dad was a reliable figure in my life?#and it’s so angering bc it’s like you could’ve discussed your own side of things without denying the gravity of the situation#but anyway that’s a tangent that’s not the point#I know it wasn’t great for the people around me#and now i really have no excuse but to change#but that’s so difficult especially since historically when people i viewed as standin caretakers got fed up with me#I’d just abandon them and cut them off entirely bc of good ol rsd#I don’t really know any other way to deal with it
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
“Oh shit, what’s wrong?”
Steve watches, horrified, as Eddie reaches up with his free hand to swipe at the moisture gathering beneath his eyes.
“Nothing, man,” Eddie croaks, and Steve doesn’t believe him for a moment.
“Did I hurt you? Is the bandage on wrong? Too tight?” Steve becomes aware as he speaks that he’s all but clutching Eddie’s hand in his own and makes a conscious effort to loosen his grip.
This only seems to make things worse; Eddie makes a noise of protest and grabs more tightly to Steve’s hand and then looks twice as mortified as before, and that’s not at all what Steve wants.
Changing Eddie’s bandages is a goddamn ordeal; there are so many of them, and they seem to be everywhere, and Eddie doesn’t have the good drugs anymore, just Tylenol, and he’s always exhausted and sore by the end of it all. Steve doesn’t want to make him feel worse.
He would start fixing it, if he only knew what he’d done.
“Eddie,” he says softly, “please tell me what’s wrong.”
Eddie shakes his head, swiping under his eyes again. “It’s seriously nothing, it’s stupid. It’s just…” he hesitates, and Steve squeezes his hand encouragingly. “It reminded me of my mom, what you did, with the little – like, the little kiss on the bandage when you finished putting it on. She used to do that.”
“Oh – shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, like, overstep, or–”
“You didn’t–”
“I thought it would make you laugh or something, not drag out some sad memory, and–”
“Steve,” Eddie cuts in more firmly, “you didn’t. I’m not fuckin’ sad, it just – kinda hit me weird. That’s all.”
Steve purses his lips, staring up at Eddie from the kitchen floor, where he’s been kneeling in order to work at the bandages. He’s not sure if he should get out of Eddie’s space now, maybe give him a minute to himself, because Eddie is still holding onto his hand, and Steve still has another bandage to change out, and then Eddie rolls his eyes at him.
“Stop looking at me like you ran over my dog, man. I swear to god, I’m fine. It was kinda nice, actually, alright?” Eddie huffs. “Like, I forgot about that, until you did it, so it was– it was kinda nice.”
“Oh,” Steve says.
“Yeah. So do you think we could just…” Eddie gestures at his cheek with his free hand, and Steve nods.
“Yeah, lemme– I’ll finish up.”
The bandage on Eddie’s cheek is the last to change out, and Steve tries to make it quick. He has Eddie hold his hair to the side as he works, mostly to give him something to do with his hands – there are a million hair ties still floating around the house from before Robin cut her hair (Steve finds more every time he vacuums, he swears the things multiply in the dark), but Steve’s found that giving Eddie some kind of task keeps him still while Steve deals with disinfectant and gauze.
He's gotten the process down to something simple and efficient, and it feels like he’s done too soon. Eddie takes a sidelong glance at him when he takes his hands away, though he’s obediently holding still until he’s given the all-clear.
“Done?” he asks.
“Almost, yeah,” Steve says. “One last thing.”
Slowly, in case Eddie wants to pull back, Steve leans in and presses a featherlight kiss to the center of the bandage, holding his breath in shivery anticipation of Eddie’s reaction.
“That alright?” Steve asks quietly.
“Uh.” Eddie drops his hair and turns to look at Steve, eyes wide but dry this time. “Yeah. That’s– Actually, no.” Steve’s stomach drops when Eddie shakes his head, but then Eddie goes on, “I think you should do it one more time. Just, like, to make sure it works.”
“Yeah?” A slow grin curls over Steve’s face as his stomach makes its way back up from where it had landed near his ankles. “I think you’re right. Better safe than sorry.”
Steve leans in again, giving the bandage a quick, gentle peck. Then, because he can’t quite help himself, he presses another kiss to Eddie’s chin. And then, because they’re right there, pink and inviting and slightly parted as Eddie watches Steve with rapt attention, Steve presses one last kiss to his lips.
Eddie barely has time to return it, but he laughs when Steve pulls away. “Pretty sure my mouth was never injured, Steve.”
“You sure?” Steve shoots back.
“I mean– Well, you could check,” Eddie offers.
“Yeah, I could,” Steve says, leaning back in for another kiss – one that he thinks should be much more thorough.
All in the name of proper care, of course.
[Prompt: Kissing your partner's wounds]
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 3 months
V Secret Identities
Dick Grayson V Gotham - Chapter 3
“So, what do you have so far on the Red Hood case?” Dick asked Bruce, trailing behind him on the way down to the Batcave. He felt better, looser, after their fight. Maybe they could fit in a spar before breakfast? 
“Not much.” Bruce’s voice sunk into Batman’s gravelly voice . It was a code-switching thing, he suspected; just being in the Batcave puts Bruce in Batman’s headspace. It happened to a lesser degree when he and Jason were Robin, but once Tim took on the cape, Bruce and Batman became as different as night and day. 
Batman continued, “He’s a ghost in Gotham’s underground. No one knows who he is, or where he goes. Three weeks ago, he started targeting the drug dealers in Crime Alley, forcing them to work for him or die.” He tapped a few keys on the Batcomputer and brought up Red Hood’s file. “Needless to say, he’s developing his own gang at a rapid pace.”
“Red Hood, huh?” Dick studied the only picture Tim had managed to nab of the man. He looked tall, with broad shoulders covered in body armor similar to Batman’s. All features were covered by a matte red helmet. “That’s one of Joker’s old aliases. Any connection?”
“Not one that’s readily apparent. He chose the name for a reason , but until we interrogate him, there’s nothing that indicates a connection.”
Dick flipped through the file, landing on a report detailing the execution of multiple mafia lieutenants. “Nothing he’s been doing really connects with the Joker. Except for the killing.” The heads sent to the police was clearly a warning. Joker didn’t do warnings, not unless he was taunting them. “You said he’s building his own gang, right? Do you think he intends to take over Crime Alley ?”
“He’s certainly looking to put Black Mask out of business.” Batman switched to a video, an alley camera showing Red Hood beating several gangsters to death. “He's taking down the competition to establish his own control over the city's crime. His methods are brutal and lethal. He’s not just stopping criminals; he’s executing them. At the same time, he’s establishing rules in his own territory.”
“Rules?” Each gang had their own rules on how to operate, but in the end, their codes all sounded the same to Dick. 
“No selling drugs to kids. There’s more to it than that, but Hood’s morals are being enforced through violence and fear.”
“So, once Hood’s arrested, everything going to get worse because of a power vacuum. Great. At least this is a concrete difference between Hood and the Joker.” Dick didn’t know what he’d do if Red Hood was a Joker copycat. The name kept bugging Dick. Criminals liked to make names for themselves. It's a way to instill fear, to create an identity that stands out in the criminal underworld. But the Red Hood… it was one of Joker’s lesser known aliases. So why would someone else take up that mantle? Is it a way to mock the Joker, to reclaim the name from one of Gotham's most infamous villains? Or is it something more personal?
Dick asked again, “And we don’t know the connection between them?” 
Batman shook his head. “It could be a symbolic gesture, a way to reclaim the mantle from the Joker, or a means to instill fear. Or it might be something more personal that we’re not seeing yet.” He scowled. 
Turning back to the Batcomputer, Dick restarted the video. It was one of the few they had of the Red Hood. “What does Tim think?”
“Tim’s not on the case.” Dick immediately shot Bruce a glare. “Red Hood is a volatile unknown who has shown remarkable aggression towards Batman. As skilled as Robin is, I’ve asked him to step away from this case.”
“And he listened?”
A sigh. “No. I gave him a few unsolved murders to keep him entertained while we deal with this.”
Dick snorted. “Well, that’s not going to work for long. What’s the plan for when he solves them?”
“Sending him off to Titans Tower. But that’s only if we don’t catch Red Hood ourselves.”
The Teen Titans were good for Tim, especially after the disaster that ended Young Justice. Hopefully Tim wouldn't feel thrown away; maybe Dick should call him more regularly? His little brother needed him, he’d just lost his father , but Dick didn't want to make him feel smothered, Tim had complained about that in past- "There." Dick rewound the video a few frames, then let it play in slow motion. Red Hood redirected a punch to the face, smoothly twisted the arm around, and then threw his attacker over his shoulder, dislocating the man's shoulder in the process. "That's a League of Shadows move." A little further along and- "And that's a move that Lady Shiva created herself."
"His fighting style indicates he's had a wide variety of teachers, perhaps even more than me," Batman said as the Red Hood on screen pulled off a move Dick had only seen Talia Al Ghul perform before.
"Have you asked Talia about him?"
"...She hasn't been picking up my calls."
Joy. "He could be ex-League. That would explain all his weapons and tech. That helmet, it's not just for show. It's advanced, probably customized. Has anyone taken credit for designing his gear?"
"Oracle's keeping an eye on the dark web, but nothing so far. If he is League, nothing's going to show up, but-"
The clack of shoes on stone interrupted them. Alfred had descended the stairs from the manor and was staring at them both, unamused. "Pardon me for the interruption, gentlemen, but breakfast is served."
Dick immediately obeyed the unspoken demand and locked the Batcomputer. "Thanks, Alfie." He smiled, placing a hand on Alfred's shoulder. "But you really didn't have to come down here to get us. The intercom would have worked."
Alfred raised one thin eyebrow. "Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case since you lived here, Master Dick. Both Master Bruce and Master Tim have developed an unfortunate habit of ignoring the intercom in favor of work."
Bruce didn't even have the decency to look regretful.
With their accent into the manor, Dick spoke, "No talking about our night life around Danny, okay?"
Their eyes widened. "He doesn't know?" Bruce asked.
"He's only met Nightwing once, and he's a heavy sleeper. He hasn't found out yet and I want to keep it that way."
Alfred pursed his lips. "He'll be upset when he finds out."
"I'd rather he be upset than him putting on a costume and jumping out the window after me."
"You're worried he'll want to help you?"
Dick glared at Bruce's amused smile. “Yeah, yeah, I see the irony. The best revenge is raising a child just like you , I get it. But I’m already having enough difficulty keeping him away from my police cases, he’d only get worse if he knew I was a vigilante too.”
They got to the dining room before Tim and Danny, giving Dick just enough time to pull a booster seat out of storage. “When did we last use this?” The booster seat matched the dark wood of the family dining room table and chairs, with a cushion to match. 
Bruce looked between the booster and Dick. “Probably when you were eight.”
“I never needed to use a booster seat!” Dick immediately defended, trailing off as Tim and Danny entered the room, Danny holding Tim’s hand. Dick glared; this conversation was not over. 
The table was already set: Bruce at the head of the table, with two seats on the right, and one seat on the left. As Dick was about to ask Danny to sit beside him, Danny dragged Tim over to one of the seats on the right, grabbed his booster seat without a word, and claimed the chair next to Tim. “Danny? What are you doing?”
Danny scowled at Tim. “If I don’t make him eat, Tim’s not gonna eat. So, Tim’s gonna sit here until everyone else is done, and if he doesn’t eat, he can’t have ice cream with us today.”
“We’re taking Timmy to get ice cream with us?” Dick asked as he took his seat across from them.
Tim shrugged. “Apparently.”
“Yes, we are! And you better not have forgotten, you promised!”
“Okay, okay.” Dick laughed. At least Danny and Tim were getting along better than he and J–
Breakfast began with an awkward silence, broken only by the clinking of utensils. Bruce finally broke the ice. "So, Dick, how's work been at the precinct?"
Dick was about to respond when Danny, his eyes lighting up, jumped in. "We just solved a couple of murder cases! They were really tricky, but we figured them out."
Bruce's interest was piqued. "Oh? And how exactly were you involved in these cases, Danny?"
Danny shrugged nonchalantly. "I just helped out a bit. I'm good at noticing things."
With some prompting from Bruce, Danny launched into an enthusiastic explanation, detailing how he and Dick pieced together the clues. Dick sat back and let Danny talk. Danny’s medium abilities weren’t something he’d planned to talk about with his family despite Danny being open about their existence. It didn’t bother Dick that Danny was a meta, but it was like Danny had no hesitation in telling everyone. Kids got trafficked all the time in Bludhaven, especially meta kids like Danny. And Danny was running around telling people about his powers, conning them into paying him to speak to dead family or friends.
Dick was half-expecting to turn on the TV in the evening to learn that one of Danny’s past marks had blabbed and then everyone would know that Richard Grayson’s foster son was a meta. 
“-Honestly, the Hollydale Gang Murders is why I think those cases you were looking at are actually the work of a serial killer,” Danny was telling Tim, to Dick’s alarm. “The murder weapon keeps changing and the victims are unconnected, but there are too many similarities! They were all ambushed, all identifying features were damaged, all dumped in dumpsters–”
“Yeah, but all those things happen a lot with Gotham murders. You have to look for connections beyond that–”
Bruce held up a hand. “Wait, hold on. Tim, you told Danny about those murder cases?”
Tim shrunk in his chair. It seemed to dawn on him for the first time that Dick hadn’t told Danny about the vigilantism. “Yes? Was I not supposed to?”
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Yes. No.” Another sigh. “What’s done is done. Danny, do you mind keeping this to yourself? Those murder cases you and Tim have been working on... I was the one who arranged for Tim to get them. I had to pull a lot of strings to make it happen.”
Bruce sighed. "Tim has a very particular set of skills and interests. Solving these cases is more than just a hobby for him—it's a way for him to channel his energy and make a difference. But it's also something that needs to be kept quiet. Not everyone would understand or approve."
Danny's eyes widened in realization. "So, you’re saying Tim wouldn’t be getting these cases without you?"
"Exactly. And I need you to stay quiet about it. If word got out, it could cause a lot of trouble, not just for Tim but for everyone involved."
Danny thought for a moment, a mischievous glint appearing in his eye. "I see. So, this is pretty important to you, huh?"
Bruce raised an eyebrow, sensing where this was going. "Yes, it is."
"Well," Danny said slowly, "keeping secrets can be tough. Might need a little incentive to make sure I don’t accidentally let something slip."
Bruce folded his arms. "What do you have in mind?"
"A hundred dollars should do it," Danny said, trying to keep a straight face but failing to hide a small grin.
“Danny…” Dick tried to scold, but Bruce patted his shoulder. 
Bruce stared at Danny for a moment, then let out a low chuckle. "Alright, chum. You've got a deal." He pulled out his wallet and handed Danny a crisp hundred-dollar bill. "Just remember, this isn't a game. Keeping this quiet is important."
Danny rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know . I’m not going to spoil all my fun.” Everyone flinched, but Danny was too busy stuffing away his ill-gotten gains to notice. “Tim’s my first friend who shares one of my hobbies; I don’t want to lose him just because it’s kinda illegal.”
Tim looked touched. “Thanks, Danny. I don’t want to lose you too.”
They finished breakfast with Dick smiling at Danny and Tim–he was so happy they were getting along that his chest ached. As Danny left to use the bathroom, Dick pulled Tim aside. 
“I already know,” Tim said, clearly expecting a lecture. “I shouldn’t have assumed you’d already told him about our identities. I’m sorry.”
Dick pulled his baby bird into a hug. “I’m not mad; I just wanted to check in with you.” He pulled away enough so he could look at Tim. The bags under his eyes had only gotten deeper since they last met, and his hair was greasy, like he’d skipped his last few showers. “How are you holding up?”
First Stephanie, then his father. Timmy was losing so much in such a short period of time. 
Tim didn't look him in the eye. "I'm fine," he replied, his voice hollow and distant.
“I’m fine , Dick.” Timmy pushed him away. He was shaking. “This is just… something I have to deal with. It doesn’t involve you.”
“It does involve me because I care about you!”
“Yeah, you cared so much that you adopted a kid without telling me.” Dick opened his mouth, but Tim wouldn’t let him speak. “Oh, sorry, you’re fostering a kid. My bad. There’s so much difference between the two.”
“I’m sorry.”
Tim closed his eyes. “I’m sorry too. I’m not… I shouldn’t be taking things out on you.” Dick reached out for another hug, only to be rebuffed. “I want to be alone right now.” Turning away, Tim disappeared down the hall, leaving Dick alone.
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paganminiskirt · 7 months
Like Frieza and Vegeta’s relationship was absolutely abusive and exploitative from start to finish but I think people write it wrong. Well not wrong, just in a way that I personally believe removes the deeper horror in favor of an easy depiction of what a relationship like that looks like. He’s not getting strung up and whipped or locked in a cell to cry, he’s getting his chin scratched by a person who uprooted him from everything he had ever known on a whim and destroyed the culture upon which he founded his most nascent sense of identity. And that person is only keeping him alive because despite it all, he’s useful, and kind of cute, especially now that all the other Saiyans are dead. Vegeta’s a small child being made to commit atrocities for profit an amusing little novelty, still using the honorifics & regurgitating the legends of a planet that’s been obliterated. DBS is not a perfect sequel by any means but it did this part so, so well. “All hail Vegeta, prince of no one.” “I always thought you shined the brightest when you were serving as my pet.”
Sickening, yes? And the intimacy is the worst part, the realization that Frieza seems to favor him; seems to like him. Who knows, maybe Vegeta reminded him of himself at some ancient, half-forgotten stage of life. King Cold did drop him like a hot potato as soon as he was proven weaker than Trunks. Maybe that’s the whole reason he made King Vegeta give up his kid in the first place. Frieza’s relationship with his father is shallow and dependent entirely on his value as a soldier, the underlying cruelty of which they’ve both silently agreed to use superfluous affection to cover up? Fine. He’s gonna make the Saiyan king give up his own militarized child prince. He’s gonna strip away the cultural justifications for what he’s doing to his son by making him treat it like the cold, spineless profiteering that it always was. He’s gonna rub it in.
But hey, he’s not mad at the kid. It was his dad who got too big for the barrel. Vegeta is still serving his purpose, Vegeta is still being good. Why wouldn’t Frieza treat him in accordance with his “station,” even after it’s been rendered an empty title because of him. All he has to do is keep spinning the wheel on the Cold Empire, vomiting out violence into the endless vacuum of space & never getting too uppity about his dead father or dead planet or about the fact that, even when reduced to the most baseline level of childish narcissism, the state which this arrangement has emotionally stunted him into maintaining well into adulthood, he never actually wanted any of this. He didn’t want to leave Planet Vegeta! He didn’t want to grow up surrounded by strangers! He didn’t want to have no claim over anything he ever achieved! He wanted to work for himself! It wasn’t his choice!!! For all of Vegeta’s dickswinging and hierarchy and “pride,” he is so, so helpless, “like a tiny insect glowing in a jar,” as Frieza so helpfully summarized for us. Overcorrection layered on overcorrection layered on overcorrection layered on desperate, screeching fear and sadness and shame. Blow up a planet. Nuke a city. Wipe out a village. Fix It Again, Tony.
And that viciously indulgent cruelty that Vegeta used to comfort himself as he grew into a man is only emphasized by how blasé Frieza appears to be about the whole thing. He’s calm. He’s secure. He spends half the arc sitting down, just watching. He’s what Vegeta was in the first part of the Saiyan saga, and he slowly turns into what Vegeta slowly turned into in the second part of the Saiyan saga. An addled, wounded, unthinking mess, trying to put their self image back together as someone else’s superior ability causes it to crumble. Frieza was scared of the super saiyan. Under all that collected ambivalence, that whole time, he was scared.
Vegeta is Frieza’s heir. As gross as that incongruent, unwanted warmth is to witness, Frieza succeeded in establishing influence over & connection between himself and the child he orphaned. And the process of healing from that relationship involves Vegeta going back to square one and having to acquiesce to another foreign, combat oriented culture populated by vaguely hostile strangers. He gets new clothes. He gets a new place to train. He gets new tasks to perform. He gets called cute.
Like. It’s not physical torture, at least not as we usually imagine it. It’s this slow poisoning of a person’s ability to trust and connect with others, a process which is gussied up by regular assertions of fondness, so casual & consistent that you have to actively remind yourself that the guy who’s doing it sees Vegeta as a literal subhuman, and is only being good to him the way you’d be good to a valued piece of property. He tortured him to death, but he still thinks he was a good pet. Vegeta’s life was Frieza’s to end, but his feats of wanton destruction were also his to be proud of.
That’s the whole reason why Vegeta’s character development was slow, ugly and recidivist. Because it was his knowledge of how to grow, of how to exist any other way, that Frieza intentionally eroded for his own selfish, petty gain. And for a relationship between a man with a monkey tail and his pink-skinned alien overlord, the most uncomfortable part about the dynamic is that it’s realistic. Common, even.
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7ndipity · 8 months
False Pretenses
fwb!Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Just how fair does the ‘benefits’ aspect between Friends with Benefits actually extend? Based on this meme.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: crack to fluff, suggestive moments and ending, swearing, Jk has side by side washer/dryer units cause it’s funnier, reader’s referred to as ‘Ma’am’, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Sorry it took me soo long to get to, I hope you’ll still like it tho! (I’ll also be posting a couple more pieces with this pairing in the next couple weeks, so keep your eyes peeled if you liked this)
It was the type of text you had gotten more than used to receiving from him over the past few months, smirking down at your phone as you waited for the elevator in his building.
“Need you so bad rn. Come over?❤”
The heart was a new addition, he must be feeling particularly needy today, you thought to yourself as the elevator doors finally opened.
Since the two of you had established this new part of your friendship, it was rare for you to go more than four or five days without receiving some variation of the same short message from him.
You were still slightly surprised by his text, seeing as you had only been over the night before, but you weren’t complaining by any means. Though you may have enjoyed pretending that Jungkook was the needier one in your arrangement, if you were completely honest, you were just as affected by him, finding yourself missing him on the nights you didn’t spend together.
When he opened the door, you noticed he looked a little more disheveled than usual, his hair sticking up all over the place, as if he’d been running his hands through it, a habit you knew he did when he was stressed.
“You got here fast.” He noted, letting you into the apartment.
“Well, your text made it sound kinda urgent, didn’t want to leave you waiting too long.” You said, wandering through into the living room, slowing to a stop as you caught sight of the chaotic state of the space, cleaning supplies and laundry scattered around, furniture moved all out of place.
“What happened in here?” You asked, turning back to Jungkook, who was now avoiding your eyes. “Koo?”
“I lied, I didn’t want sex.” He said guiltily, looking up at you. “I need you to help me clean.”
“I-, what?” You blinked at him, unsure if you heard him correctly.
He slumped back against the counter, looking stressed as he ran his hand through his hair again. ”My parents decided to surprise me by announcing they’re coming to visit tomorrow, but I’ve done nothing but sleep since I got home from tour last week, so the house is a fucking mess and everything’s a disaster and I need help, please.” He pleaded, staring at you.
You immediately began pulling your coat back on, turning back towards the door. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Y/n, please!” He quickly followed after you, catching your sleeve. “I’ll do anything you want! I’ll buy you dinner, I’ll rub your back, I’ll even let you pick what we watch for a month!”
You paused, turning to look back at him with a raised brow. “Even if I want to re-watch ‘Our Beloved Summer’ for a third time?”
He bit lip, trying to fight back a pained grimace before nodding slowly. “Whatever you want.”
You stared at him for a long moment.
“Fine.” You said reluctantly, caving as you saw the genuine desperation in his eyes. You could never say no to him.
“Thank you!” He sang, catching you in a tight hug and spinning you around in a circle. “I promise I’ll make it up to you!”
“Yeah, whatever,” You grumbled as he set you back on your feet. “Where do we start?”
“Laundry room?” He offered. “It’s mostly done, I just need to vacuum behind the machines.”
Do you really think your mom’s gonna look back there?” You raised a brow, following him down the hall.
“She’s very thorough.” He said seriously.
“Fair enough.” You shrugged. “I don’t quite see why I’m necessary for this part though?”
“I was afraid if I tried to clean back there by myself, I’d slip and get stuck or die.”
“So you want me to slip and die behind your washer instead?” You shot him an accusatory look.
“No! I’ll hold onto you and keep you safe,” He smiled reassuringly. “You know, like the buddy system.”
“I thought the buddy system was for camping so you didn’t get lost or eaten by bears?”
“It’s a multi-purpose system!” He said, his earlier agitation starting to flare up again at your teasing. “Are you gonna help me or not?”
“Yeah, I’ll do it, pass me the vacuum.” You relented, boosting yourself up on top of the dryer.
He held onto your hips to keep you balanced as you cleaned, his mind beginning to wander as he stared at your ass, his fingers starting to slowly knead your flesh absent-mindedly.
“Koo.” You warned, shooting him a quick look.
“Right, sorry.” He snapped back to attention, ceasing his movements and focusing back on the task at hand.
You finished up quickly, passing the vacuum attachment back to him and letting him help you down.
“Thank you.” He said.
“You’re welcome.” You answered, looking around expectantly. “What’s next?”
The apartment wasn’t nearly as bad of a mess as he claimed it to be, but it still took both of you several hours of work to get everything back in order, finishing off with laundry and changing all the bedding.
“Why are these sticky?!” You asked, mildly horrified as you helped him strip the sheets off his bed.
“Relax, it’s just caramel sauce.” He said.
You looked up at him confused. “We didn’t use-?”
“No no, that was just me,” He explained quickly. “I had ice cream last night.”
“Without me?!” You said, clutching your chest in feign hurt, making him roll his eyes as he let out a huff of laughter.
“I’ll add that to the list of things I need to make up for, okay?” He said.
“Eh, it’s better than where my mind went.” You said, only half joking as you grabbed the fresh sheets from him and turned back to the bed. “Almost thought you were fucking around behind my back for a second there.”
Facing away from him, you missed the way his expression suddenly turned serious as he looked at you. “I would never.”
It was strange, despite the supposedly ‘casual’ nature of your arrangement, you both found yourselves making little comments like that, words and exchanges that sounded a lot more like things said between a committed couple, rather than just two friends helping each other out till you found something more serious.
“Alright, I think that’s everything.” You said, snapping him out of his thoughts. You had finished making up the bed, even turning down the covers for him.
“Thank you, y/n.” He said gratefully. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
“Probably called Hobi.” You smirked, making him snort.
“Now, you promised me food, and if you lie to me twice in the same day, I’m dumping your ass.” You said, earning another laugh from him.
“Alright, whatever you want, just like I said.” He said, leaning down to give you a quick kiss.
“Although, if you wanted, I could make up for my false pretenses from earlier in a different way?” He offered, eyes darkening slightly as his hands drifted over your hips
You lightly shoved his hands away. “Not a chance, Loverboy, I’m way too tired now. You’ll have to try and ‘make it up to me’ some other time.”
“How about tomorrow?” He said, eyes twinkling mischievously, looping his arms around your waist instead to keep you close.
“I thought your parents were coming over tomorrow?” You reminded, raising a brow at him.
“You could come over after.” He suggested. “Hell, you could even come to dinner with us, my parents like getting to meet my friends.”
“Friends?” You looked up at him skeptically.
“Yeah, what?” He laughed, squeezing you lightly.
“Do you let your other friends suck your di-?”
“They don’t need to know the details of our relationship!” He said quickly, his face flushing slightly, making you snicker. “You’re still my friend, one of my best friends actually.” He added, in a soft tone.
The way he said it made your heart twist in a weird way, though you didn’t quite understand why.
“So?” He asked, staring down at you hopefully. “Will you come?”
You chewed your lip, considering. It felt like a really big commitment to meet his family, regardless of what your relationship was, but you tell it would mean a lot to him if you said yes.
“I’ll think about it.” You said finally.
He beamed.
“Thank you!” He said, leaning in to kiss you again, his lips lingering longer this time, tracing over yours lightly, making you shiver.
You pressed closer to him, hooking your arms around his neck as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss, letting your tongue delve into his mouth as his hands grip on your waist tightened.
When you pulled back for air, his pupils were blown wide, eyes almost black as he stared down at you, breathing heavily.
“Take your shirt off.” You ordered, your breaths equally unsteady.
“But I thought you said-?”
“I changed my mind.” You cut him off, tugging at the fabric impatiently. “Shirt off, now.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn
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writingwisterias · 2 months
The New Normal
Leon Kennedy x AFAB! Reader
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Words: 4.1k Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY, beginnings of a Dd/lg relationship, Daddy kink, Soft Dom Leon, Comfort, Praise Kink, Oral (F receiving), Slight Overstimulation, fingering, Unprotected sex, Fluff Summary: You and Leon are moving in together and as he tries to get ahead of packing he finds out about your dirty little secret...but is he okay with?
Hope you enjoy this fic! My requests are open check my blog for a list of character I write for. I also had loads of fun writing this so please give me some more suggestions for scenarios with this! Hope you all have a lovely day/night ~ Mads <3
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The morning sunlight had begun to filter in through the windows of his apartment. The front door softly closed, breaking the peaceful silence of the place as Leon had returned from dropping you off to work. He always made an effort to drive you there whenever he was off, even going as far to make sure to stop by a coffee shop to treat you to a warm pastry and coffee. Leon sighed looking at the boxes that were piled up in his living room, your handwriting delicately labelling the contents of each box. You had told him that you would help unpack them when you got home from work. Making a point out of it, however he had nothing planned for his day and wanted to get rid of the guilt that ate away at him for getting sent on a mission on the week he was meant to help you pack. So this seemed like a perfect way to repay the favour.
He turned on the radio you had gotten him for christmas and started by moving all your boxes into the correct rooms via what the label said the contents was. The kitchen was the easiest as he only had to find a place for all of your cooking ware, not that it was a hard task to do as he barely had anything anyway. Not due to the lack of his cooking skills but rather it’s hard to be bothered to cook after returning from the missions he was being constantly sent on. Leon smiled at all the funky mugs you had collected or that people had gifted you even spotting a few of the ones he's gotten you from his travels. He began to imagine you sipping on your morning coffee leaning up against the counter in nothing but his shirt or seeing you choose which one he gets at christmas when you make your infamous hot chocolates for the movies nights. These were the memories that he hoped to make and ones he fought so hard to return home so he got the chance to experience them with you. Once he was satisfied with the placement of everything, even getting rid of a few of his old tattered cutlery to replace with yours, he moved onto the next room. 
Leon started by building the bookshelves and other flatpack furniture you insisted on buying. Smiling at the memory of you taking him shopping in ikea, asking him for his opinions and trying to stick to a budget even though he got paid well from his occupation, further proving to him that you were the one for him as you weren’t even bothered by his paycheck like all the ones before you. Once finished he opened the box that had all of your trinkets and began placing all of them on the shelves before moving onto the next bookshelf where he began to sort and organise your books, praying that he was putting the series that you have  in the correct order.  
It wasn’t until he got to the bedroom that he was a bit puzzled. He opened the box only to be met with items that he had never seen before. Leon stared at the frilly pink cushions and the bags of vacuumed packed stuffies. He even checked the label again making sure it wasn’t your childhood memory box or something you were meaning to donate but there it was in bold writing “Bedroom”. Leon began to gingerly pull out items. He was unsure on what to do with all of them, guilt started to creep in as he realised maybe the reason you didn’t want him to do it on your own was because of this box. His brain tried to think about why you would even own all of these items to begin with as he had never seen any of them in the numerous times he has stayed at your apartment. He decided to put them all in the box again and wait for you to return home so you can both finish this room together.
Leon worked on the rest of the house with ease, the bathroom was all set up now with everything neatly organised. He smiled at the sight of your toothbrushes finally together in the little pot you had.  Interior design was never his strong suit so he only prayed he did a good job, going based on what he could remember from your own apartment and what places you had put everything in. He only had to wait for your arrival now, which wouldn’t be long. He turned on the tv and sank into the softness of his couch, he smiled as he glanced around the apartment that now had the essence of his world sprinkled throughout. 
It was the evening when you eventually stormed through the front door with enough anger that it slammed against the opposite wall with a loud bang. The sound startled Leon awake, causing him to shoot up off the sofa to deal with whatever threat had just interrupted his sleep. He cursed when he heard you muttering and your keys being chucked on the table he began to check his phone and saw the multiple missed calls he had from you. To which he presumed you were asking him to pick you up but he didn’t hear them from his accidental nap. Leon sat up waiting for you to make your way through the house in search of him. He hoped that his hard work would calm you down, now that you only had to see the pile of empty boxes by the backdoor waiting to go outside. Instead he was met with your hair a mess like you had run your fingers through it all day in frustration, your cheeks were blotchy like you had cried on the way home to him.  “Baby what's wrong?” He asked, leon wasted no time to stand up and move towards you, pulling you in a comforting embrace. “My fucking boss, I was meant to have time off to help you out with the moving as she forgot. So instead of just fixing the problem she decided to shout at me in front of the whole office and then fix the problem. I then got splashed by a puddle because some dickhead thought it would be funny to drive close to the pavement through the puddle.” you whimpered. 
Leon sighed, he hated your workplace and how little they reward you after all that you do for them. He silently cursed himself for falling asleep as he took in your wet appearance. 
“Hey it's alright love I promise. I did most of it today see” he pointed to the pile of boxes and the shelves. He watched as your eyes began to scan around the room, eagerly waiting for your approval on the progress he made. Instead your shoulders sagged as you looked back at him, it was the same body language he supposed he displayed when he returned from the mission to all the packed boxes. “I’m sorry Leon, I was meant to help you with all of this. I tried to get out of work quickly but there was so much stuff she made me do before I went on vacation and you didn’t answer so I had to walk home. ”
“Shh it's fine, I felt bad I couldn't help you pack anyway. However, there is a box I’m not too sure on what to do with. It was filled with things I’ve never seen before” He said as he took your hand and started to lead you towards the bedroom where the last of the boxes remained. 
Upon entering he felt your body tense as you saw the boxes opened, the sight of all the pink you had collected suddenly made you nervous for the conversation you should have had months ago with him. “Leon…the box is labelled correctly. It’s just I only ever showed you the spare bedroom at my apartment. I was worried you would have found it weird if you saw my actual bedroom which contained all of this” 
“Why would I have found it weird? It’s just pink?” Leon shrugged. You struggled to form the words, the stress of the day was already weighing down on you and now thousands of worries of this situation were just adding to the pile. “It’s comforting, it makes me feel safe, a bit like a child would feel safe surrounded by their stuffed toys” you explained. You were attempting to soften the blow of the kink that you secretly had. You waited to see if he could piece together the situation himself or if you would have to explain it further to him. It took him a minute of staring at the box and into space before he finally understood what you meant. “You want to be protected and cared for?” he asked bluntly, attempting to slowly place feelers to see exactly what you wanted so he could give it to you. “There's a certain headspace I like to enter when I feel safe, I just don’t like to thrust it upon people I guess. I need to know I can trust them, I always forgot to bring it up with you”
 Leon nodded but didn’t say anything, he just continued to look at the box.
Eventually he spoke again, turning to you with a gentle smile as he said, “Why don’t you go and have a bath to relax after work?”  
You nodded, but was still hesitant to leave the room without his confirmation on the situation. His lack of questions was beginning to make you concerned. “Yeah okay” You sighed as you eventually caved and began to strip off your work uniform. Leon didn’t miss the way that you dug through the box to pull out a large fluffy hello kitty towel. Once the bathroom door had shut and he could hear the water running he began his plan for the evening. 
You could hear him shuffling around outside the door, walking back and forth to the living area. You tried to let the lavender bath bomb soak up the worries and stress of today, sinking further into the bubbles like you were going to be able to hide in the mountain of them. Eventually, you begrudgingly left the now cold bathwater, wrapping yourself into the fluffy towel that was your favourite. You walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where it was now decorated in the vines and fairy lights you had in the box, giving the room the calming feel you craved at the end of each day when you were in your own house. The bed had some of your fluffy blankets and pillows creating a mountain you can just tell would be heavenly to sink into. Your favourite teddies were tucked in the bed ready for you, along with the fluffiest pjs you had neatly folded at the end of the bed. The smell of food encouraged you to get changed quickly and try to investigate what it was. 
You were greeted with the sight of Leon cooking some noodles in the kitchen, the menu music of your favourite dvd playing in the background. Somehow Leon had created the safe space you always wanted.There were even more Fairy Lights that he had put up in the open plan kitchen and living area which enveloped the rest of the apartment in a warm glow. He had blankets piled up on the back of the sofa ready for you to snuggle into along with even more cushions that were placed in the corner. “Are you hungry darling?” Leon gently cooed from where he stood in the kitchen. You nodded shyly, clutching at the bottom of your shirt nervously in the doorway. “Good, it's almost done. Why don’t you go and get comfy in the living room? I’ll be there in a moment with the food” he spoke softly, his smile was kind and warm, his body was relaxed and natural. Your eyes were eager to find any discomfort in this situation. He was ticking all the boxes you needed, whenever he knew it or not. Your feet padded against the hardwood floor as you made your way over to the plush couch, resisting the urge to sink into the fluffy blankets that now decorated it. You heard Leon chuckle as he made his way into the living area holding two bowls of noodles. “Darling that's now how you use the blankets” 
You blinked at him, confused as he placed the bowls on the coffee table in front of you and helped you shuffle deeper into the couch. He then draped a blanket around your shoulders, tucking you into the warmth safely. “That’s better now isn’t it sweetheart?” he prompted as he leant to get the bowls again. You smiled at him, nodding as Leon helped you balance it on a cushion before he pressed play on the film, Spirited Away. “Careful now it’s hot. Wouldn’t want my baby getting burned” he said kissing the crown of your head before tucking into the meal himself. You smiled again, your posture loosened as you slowly sunk into the role you desperately craved. 
Leon found the words coming more natural to him as he visibly watched the tension leave your body. He watched as your eyes light up at your favourite parts of the moving, your body inching closer to his own. He gently took the bowl from your hands before scooping you into his lap so your head can rest on his shoulder as you watched the rest of the movie. “Is this okay?” Leon whispered, his hand drawing idle circles on your thigh under the blanket. You nodded at him, drawing your eyes away from the TV to snuggle into his neck. “It's perfect thank you” you spoke softly.. “My poor baby was so stressed at work. You're always such a good girl for putting up with everyone else's crap” he mumbled into your hair. His hands inching higher up your thigh squeezing the flesh softly. 
You gasped as you felt his fingers tease the fluffy edge of your pj shorts. “You look so good in these. Daddy did a good job picking them out” he spoke with a smirk placed on his lips as he used the word so freely, eager to hear it leave your own lips. Leon felt your breath tremble against his neck, he could feel the tension in his shirt as your fingers gripped it ever so slightly. “What do you think baby? Do you think daddy picked out a good pair?” He prompted. You nodded your head weakly, the use of the word so casually helping you sink into the headspace quickly. “Use your words darling” he said as his hands slipped under the fabric of your shorts, you could feel the slight pressure of his fingertips tease your covered pussy. “They are perfect, Thank you daddy” you mumbled into his neck. Leon felt his cock twitch at your words, finally hearing the simple term leave your lips was now affecting himself.  “Good girl” he purred, his fingers began slipping underneath your underwear, he groaned at the wetness that had now collected there. He began to spread it throughout your folds, his fingers gently teasing the sensitive clit in circular motions. 
You pulled Leon into a kiss, your hands gripped the back of his head and his forearm keeping him close to you. He moaned into your mouth, his tongue slipping in for a battle of dominance which you easily let him win. “My poor baby is so tense from work. Don’t worry daddy is going to help you now” Leon spoke, his voice low as he withdrew his fingers from your entrance. The light causing your arousal to sparkle on them as he brought them to his lips, he began to suck them clean, his eyes closing like he was tasting his first ever gourmet desert. “Mm, you taste so good baby, but this isn’t enough for daddy” he smirked. 
Leon started to slowly remove your pjs, leaving you in only your pink underwear that had a cute bow in the front “What a pretty present you are with your little bow darling” he cooed. He kneeled on the floor in front of you and began to pry your thighs apart leaving them open as a finishing line for his trail of kisses he was leaving down your thighs. He finally removed your underwear leaving your pussy bare to him. “Such hard working girls, get glorious rewards” he mumbled into the soft flesh of your upper thigh. “Please” you begged as you felt his breath cool your aching core. “Say my name when you beg darling..only good girls get their rewards” 
He watched the muscles in your pussy contact at his command, your legs began to loosely fall over his shoulders trapping him in place. “Please daddy” you begged again, your fingers were gripping the soft blanket that had fallen from your shoulders and found its place surrounding your waist. Leon wasted no time as he licked a long stripe up your lips, sucking on your clit as two fingers pushed into your core. He started off slowly, curling the digits rhythmically gathering as much of your arousal as possible. His lips sucked at your clit, his tongue circling the sensitive nub with extreme precision that caused your thighs to clench around his head. You could slowly feel the stress of the day melt away into the couch, soon to be forgotten as Leon helped you pass into what you could only describe as a dreamscape. His fingers began to thrust inside you, slow at first allowing you to slowly trust him to take care of you. “The safe word is Apples Baby okay, I'll stop as soon as you say it” he said pulling away from your clit with a long string of salvia connecting the two of you. You nodded against the sofa cushion as you began whimpering at the loss of contact. Leon stopped curling his finger finally bringing your attention to him with a light slap to the thigh instead “Baby this is important…what's the safe word?” He asked sternly. “Apples..it's apples daddy” you spoke attempting to maintain the heavy eye contact he was giving you to try and show that you understood. 
It must have worked because Leon latches onto you again with a smirk, working with intent to bring you to your first orgasm of the night. Leon thrusted and curled his fingers hitting the right spot with insane accuracy each time. His cock throbbed as your legs tightened around his head forcing him to do nothing but suck on your sweet taste. Your thighs muted your whimpers from him but the way the muscles trembled around his head he could tell that you were close. The thought spurred him on as he added another finger, you groaned loudly at the stretch he was now giving you with three fingers.“Come on baby, cum all over daddy’s face and hand” he mumbled against your pussy, his breath cooling the sensitive nub making you squirm. It didn’t take long for your release to come. Leon groaned, shifting his hips to get some friction himself as he helped you ride it out. 
His eyes met yours once you finally released him from the headlock you had on him with your thighs, a smile was wide on his face. “You did so good for me baby, are you finally relaxed?” he spoke. The film was long forgotten by the both of you as you both tiptoed on the edge of a new beginning in your relationship. His eyes were begging for your input of your approval, once gained he would pour everything he could in supporting you with this new role that you had secretly desired. Also now wanting the same thing, the idea of finally being able to not only protect but have some control over something in his life was greatly appealing to him. 
 “These muscles still seem pretty tense don't they, baby?” he said, kissing the inside of your thighs. You nodded weakly, finally looking down at him again. “Can daddy help me?” you whispered. Leon smiled, it was the approval he needed to keep going. He lifted your legs from his shoulders, his figure towering over you as he now stood between your legs. Your eyes raked over his body, your gaze falling to his erection which stood boldly against the fabric of his sweatpants. “Let's go somewhere more comfortable baby” he spoke softly, leon lifted you effortlessly in his arms and carried you to the bedroom. 
He laid you against the mountain of pink pillows and numerous plushies before  His mouth littered hot kisses across your chest only pausing when he felt your fingers delicately trail along the top of his waistband. Leon met your gaze with a smirk on his lips. “That's not how we ask for things is it now?” he chuckled, moving his hips away from your reach. “Please daddy, can I have your cock now?” you asked, your eyes innocently blinked up at him. Leon groaned at your words he felt himself twitch desperately against his cotton prison as he looked at your doe expression patiently waiting for him. He gently pushed you on the bed before beginning to free himself. His cock slapped against his stomach, pre cum already leaking from the tip which he used as lubricant as he gave himself a few pumps. He watched as your legs automatically opened for him to slot himself in between. You felt his tip prod at your entrance waiting for your consent to continue. With a small nod from you Leon sunk himself into your velvet walls. He started off at a slow pace, kissing you softly as you adjusted to his size. Once he felt you clench him, Leon started to move faster. Your moans caused him to thrust harder as he found himself wanting to draw more of them out of your pretty lips. It didn’t take long for the word before you began to chant daddy as you clutch at his forearms, the intense arousal forming again in your stomach. Leon felt his balls tighten at your chants, the word spurring him to drive himself deeper inside you. Your eyes rolled back and your body went limp in his arms as you came for the second time that night. Your body was sensitive as he kept thrusting through your orgasm trying to chase his own. He watched the tension leave your shoulders as you let him continue to use you like the good girl you are. Your willingness to submit to him caused his hips to sputter and coat your walls. You could feel his cum warming you from the inside causing you to smile at the feeling of being full of the essence of your new daddy. The action solidified the new dynamic between the two of you. 
Leon pulled his softening cock out of you gently, you heard him get off the bed and leave the room to get a wet cloth to help clean up the mess in between your legs. You snuggled your head into the pillows behind you. The comfort of the new environment Leon had created for you drawing you closer to sleep. “You did so good for me baby, was this okay? Is this what you need?” Leon asked, sitting next to you on the bed. He moved the pillows away from your face and began stroking your hair awaiting your response. “It’s perfect thank you” you spoke with a soft smile on your face. Leon’s comforting strokes were grounding you as your mind caught up to the situation. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner” you apologised. Leon laughed, shaking his head at you, “It's okay, I understand. But I'm happy to fill this role for you if you need it” 
“Thank you daddy,” you spoke softly, the term was now becoming the new normal for you both. Leon helped you slip into the comfort of the bedding, before leaving the room briefly to turn off the tv and lights in the other room. When he returned Leon laid in the bed scooping you into his embrace. You laid on his chest whilst he stroked your back, lulling you to sleep with his actions and for the first time you actually slept peacefully in the embrace of your new daddy.
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unlust-fvck · 8 months
hi bestie!!! 🫶🏼 i’d like to formally request more sub!schlatt pls
you’re doing chores around the house and schlatt does a task for you, when he’s done you call him a a “good boy” and go about your day but he can’t stop thinking about it 🤧 he does a million other tasks for you to hear you say it again but you don’t bc you don’t get what he’s in it for yk
he starts being more… obedient
lots of “yes ma’am,” looking to you for approval before he does anything, being a good pup
i rly just want my subby baby boy pls
headcannons or a fic or a blurb or whatever I just NEED sub!schlatt
thank you!!! 🫶🏼
oh my god vic you are so right.
he’s my little niño🤲🏻
**use of ma’am targeted at reader**
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it was sunday which meant one thing; chore day.
though schlatt was still curled up in bed, a pillow tight in his grasp, you were already gathering all of the laundry strewn around the house.
with one load in the washer, you started to sweep and dust; waiting to vacuum until schlatt was awake.
as you got wrapped up in your chores, you didn’t realize the creaking of the bed and the footsteps that followed.
arms were placed around you as you wiped down the counter and you jumped.
“jesus, hey baby,” you said with a breathless smile as you craned your neck back to peck schlatt’s cheek.
he smiled sleepily and pulled off. it was very evident he was still half asleep as he mumbled something quietly.
“what’s that?” you hummed, continuing to wipe down the counter. he was quiet. that’s when you turned to face schlatt completely.
he was in his typical sleep attire; his wilson hoodie and a pair of plaid boxers. his hair was disheveled and his eyes squinted.
“i said goodmorning.” he said with a small grin, starting to come out of his sleepy trance.
you smiled back, “goodmorning to you too.” you paused for a moment. “hey! don’t get all lovey with me so that you don’t have to do chores.” you said firmly. “go wash up, mkay? you’re on garbage duty.”
schlatt groaned and sauntered off to the bathroom.
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it wasn’t long before he was behind you again, grabbing at your waist as you finally made breakfast.
“be patient, sweetheart. did you even take the garbage out yet?” you asked, your eyes not leaving the frying pan.
“mhm, it’s all outside.” he responded, his chin rested on your shoulder.
“good boy,” you praised, reaching back to rub his hair.
schlatt wasn’t sure what had clicked inside of him when those two words left your lips. he knew you didn’t mean it in that way, right?
schlatt tried to ignore the fluttering sensation in his chest and play it off as a joke as he pulled off of you and grabbed a cup of coffee.
"d-do you want some?" he painfully sputtered. he mentally cursed himself for sounding so stupid.
"yeah that would be nice, thank you love," you said sweetly.
schlatt was a mess now, every pet name buzzed around his head and straight down to his stomach. it was embarrassing really; the two of you had been together for years and he still got flustered over things like this.
oddly enough, schlatt loved the feeling and found himself doing anything he could to hear those two words fall from your mouth.
"j, baby, can you please clean the bathroom after we eat?" you asked gently.
schlatt nodded quickly as he poured your cup of coffee. "yes ma'am." he responded, passing you your cup of coffee.
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the rest of the day went relatively smoothly, at least you thought so.
schlatt continued mindlessly doing tasks; changing the bedsheets, finishing off the laundry, cleaning the mirrors throughout the house.
you were surprised with how motivated he seemed. towards the end of the night, the two of you sat on the couch cuddled up next to each other.
"you were really good today j," you mumbled into his shoulder as his eyes focused on the tv screen.
you felt his breath hitch and a small shudder as he exhaled.
you picked your head up to look at him confusedly. it started to piece together in your head but you wouldn't make that evident.
"you were a huge help baby, seriously," you spoke again.
schlatt couldn't help it as he buried his face into your lap out of embarrassment.
you chuckled to yourself and ran your fingers through his messy curls,
"good boy." you whispered.
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shannonallaround · 4 months
When you love your friend's au so much that you write fanfic for it
Based on @punkinspice's @shadouge-family-au ***
Everyone froze as the glass shattered on the floor. 
Then little three-year-old Monty started crying because it scared him, quickly followed his twin sister Mabel, who cried because he was crying. Chase (who was five, almost six) simply looked at the glass mess and said “Oh oh.” 
Amy tiptoed around the kitchen table to reach the crying twins, soothing them with gentle hugs and soft words. She glanced up at her husband. 
Sonic stood exactly where he’d been when the glass had left his hand (by the kitchen sink). He stared at the floor, expression unreadable; a rare moment of him being perfectly still. 
He’s normally fast enough to catch things like that, Amy thought to herself. “Sonic?”
No answer. 
Any hid a worried purse of her lips, instead turning to her oldest. “Chase, you still have your shoes on—can you grab the broom for mama so she can clean up the mess?” 
Sonic then seemed to jerk awake. “Sorry. I’ll get it.” He quickly left the room, not meeting Amy’s eyes. Amy heard the shutting of a cupboard, followed by Sonic returning with a broom and dustpan in hand. 
“Let me help, Dad!” 
Chase had gotten down from his chair and now stood by his dad amid the mess. Sonic looked down into his son’s eyes, and managed a smile—small, but grateful. 
“Thanks, kiddo.” 
Chase chatted away about what he wanted to do after dinner while diligently holding the dustpan in place. He made Sonic chuckle once or twice, oblivious of the tightness in his dad’s shoulders. Eventually, he and his twin siblings left the room to play. Amy stood and took the broom from Sonic. 
“I’ll finish here,” she said, gesturing with her head at the living room. “Why don’t you go relax? It’s been a long day. I’ll join you in a minute.” 
Sonic looked at her, his eyes somewhat distant, but he gave her a half smile and nodded. Amy heard him sigh as he left, noticing him shove his hands behind his quills as he plopped down on their woven pink couch. 
A few minutes and a vacuuming job later (just to be safe), Amy came into the living room and sat beside Sonic. He stared up at the ceiling, frowning at nothing.
If Amy was going to get anything out of him, it was now or never. 
“What’s on your mind, Sonic?”
Sonic sighed through his nose. He closed his eyes as if thinking of what to say. In the end, he gave a defeated shrug. “You’ve seemed on edge for a few days, now,” Amy said carefully. “Ever since our last fight with Eggman.” 
Sonic’s eyes flew open. “I hate that man,” he spat out. He sat up, face scrunched with more choice, but unsaid, words. Amy stared at him, surprised at his strong language. Certainly it was universal knowledge that Sonic didn’t like Eggman (and frankly, Amy hated the man too), but to hear her husband say it outright in such frank terms was… unusual. 
“Are you upset about the forest he ruined?” Another sigh. “Yes… and no.” Sonic leaned forward, pressing his mouth against folded hands. He took a deep breath.  
“Do you… ever think about us as kids?”
Amy tilted her head. “How so?”
“You know… all the stuff we did.” Sonic stared at his shoes. “How… crazy it was that we were kids?” 
Amy took a small breath, understanding his meaning. She bit her lip. “Yes. All the time.” She waited for Sonic to continue, but he went quiet then. He began tapping his foot at the base of the couch—a nervous habit when he was thinking. 
“My earliest memories are running,” Sonic said finally. “I was, I dunno—maybe four? Five? Chase’s age. I didn’t know where I came from or where I was going, and I didn’t care. It didn’t matter. I thought I was fine. I was fine! I couldn’t even talk yet, and I was fine! I just ran wherever the wind took me.” He took a shaky breath. “But imagining our kids in the same position just-!” 
He cut himself off, burying his head in his hands. After a moment, he dropped them into his lap. 
“We were so young.”
Amy nodded slowly. “We were very young,” she echoed. After a moment, she asked “Does that scare you?” 
Sonic’s face scrunched again, but not in anger this time. “I was never afraid for myself growing up. I knew I’d be fine. But I was afraid for Tails, when he came into the picture. Some days I was so scared I didn’t know what to do with myself. And I guess, now… I’m afraid for them, too.” He ran a trembling hand down his face, forcing a laugh. “Heh… Guess things don’t change as much as you think they would, huh?” 
“No,” Amy said, watching him, “I guess they don’t.” She put a soft hand on Sonic’s knee, leaning into him. “But I think that’s a good thing. It means you love them.” 
Sonic sighed, his hand going to his forehead. “I just… I don’t know how to do this.” 
“Do what?”
“Raise our kids! Especially when we’re practically badnik magnets! It’s a miracle Eggman doesn’t send a squadron after us every week!” 
Amy rubbed his knee reassuringly. “Even if he did, you know Tails’ security system would warn us long before anyone was in danger.” 
“I know…” 
Amy thought a moment, then she leaned forward, trying to see her husband’s face. “You know, you know how to do this better than you think you do. You forget that you raised Tails.” 
A husky laugh, almost desperate. “I didn’t know what I was doing then, either! It's a miracle that kid's even alive! I pulled him into so many things without even a second thought, and I had no idea how to raise a kid, I—!” 
Sonic felt Amy’s hand on his chin then. It rested there for a moment, and then he relaxed just enough to let it guide him, lifting and turning his head so he could meet her gaze. Amy beamed at him, eyes soft and gentle. “And look how well Tails turned out.” 
Sonic stared at her. Then suddenly he realized his cheeks were wet, and he went to wipe them with his gloves. Instead, Sonic found himself sinking into his hands. He gasped. 
Amy started as her husband began to sob. A second later, she slid over again on the couch and encircled him in her arms, leaning her cheek against the side of his head, rubbing a soothing hand along his back between his quills. 
“I don’t deserve you,” Sonic coughed out from behind his hands. 
“I don’t deserve you,” Amy whispered back. She continued to rub between his quills. Then she kissed his head, feeling him tremble beneath her touch.
“Do any of us really know what we’re doing?” she eventually murmured in his ear. “We’ve never done this before, and that’s scary. I’ll admit, I worry about our kids sometimes too.” 
She continued as Sonic struggled to catch his breath. “We don’t know what the future holds. But,” she said, a soft smile in her voice, “you don’t have to do this alone. You won’t be alone—I’ll be with you every step of the way. We’re in this together.” She kissed his head again. “It’ll be another grand adventure.” 
A few more shuddering breaths from Sonic, and he gradually began to still. Then he nodded, though his head still rested in his hands. “Another adventure,” he whispered. “Like it’s always been.” 
“Like it’s always been,” Amy nodded affirmative. She moved her hands to hug him around his shoulders. 
They sat there for a few minutes, neither willing to move. They could hear their three little ones playing in the other room. Monty laughed. 
“You know what I think?” Amy eventually asked. “I think that, with our kids along for the ride, it’ll be even more fun. More so than it’s ever been before.”
At that, Sonic finally smiled. “Yeah…” He lowered his hands, revealing it, then he glanced her way. “The more the merrier, right?” 
Amy giggled. “Right!” 
She stroked Sonic’s cheek for a moment. Then she stood and took Sonic’s hand. Surprised, he followed her outside onto their balcony. It had been built directly onto the tree that had become their literal treehouse, overlooking their backyard. Sonic stopped beside Amy. 
A vibrant explosion of oranges and deep pinks greeted them as the sun set over the distant mountains. They stared at the glorious sight, still holding hands. 
“The beauty still gets me every time,” said Sonic.
“Yes,” Amy sighed. 
After a moment, Sonic cleared his throat. "Sorry that I—" 
“No. It’s ok.” Amy looked away from the sky and into her husband’s eyes. She squeezed his hand. “I’m glad you told me.”
Sonic’s cheeks tinged pink as he smiled, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand. “Tryin’ to be better.” Then he met her eyes. “Thanks for listening.” 
Amy grinned. “Like I said: we’re in this together.” Then she pecked him on the cheek, which made Sonic laugh and blush harder. He squeezed her hand in return. He pulled her into a hug, his arms around her waist, head resting on hers while facing the sunset. 
“You know… I may still be scared silly,” he said, “but there’s no one else I’d rather be with on this crazy new family adventure than with you.”
Amy now felt herself blush. “Oh, Sonic.” She leaned into the fur on his chest, smiling as the sun ducked behind the horizon. “Me too.” 
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bluerthanvelvet444 · 5 months
˚ ♫ ⋆。˚𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻˚ ♫ ⋆。˚
(Kit Walker x fem!reader)
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tags: fluff!
warnings: mentions of torture, swearing, use of Y/N.
summary: this fic is based on this request!
character count: 6k.
full fic under the cut ↓
₊˚⊹⁠♡————— ⁠♡ —————♡⊹⁠˚₊
When you first heard about him, the mere thought of the things he was capable of doing sounded repulsive to you. He hadn't even walked into Briarcliff, yet everyone already despised him. Most of the people in that hellhole weren't pure or without sin, although they judged like they were the divine Lord himself. You had to admit, it was horribly wrong and fucked up to kill 3 women, including your wife, decapitating them and using their skin as a mask. You even knew that the devil could be hiding under the most beautiful facade, but still, something inside of you when you first saw him, told you that Kit Walker couldn't have possibly been the tremendous Bloody Face. Maybe it was Briarcliff that with its influence was able to turn sane people completely mad, but you swore that when Kit Walker's eyes met yours for the first time, the world's colors lit up and a lovely R&B melody started ringing in your ears.
♫ Hold me… ♫
Wondrous brown eyes, as sweet as chocolate and as tough as Mahogany wood, piercing into yours, communicating something for which words weren’t enough.
♫ Kiss me… ♫
Furrowed brows showing a glimpse of the frustrating confusion, due to the previous merciless treatment, and the feeling of repulsion for the load of inhuman madness confined in those walls.
♫ Whisper sweetly… ♫
For a second you were brought by your imagination to a different reality, you fantasized about what life would be like if you were in your cushy house, vacuuming your beige carpet, as your beloved husband Kit just came home from work. You would wrap your arms around him, welcoming him in an intimate embrace, as he reciprocated and maybe pecked your lips softl-
But no. That was far from reality. This thought and the vexatious notes of the song “Dominique” made you snap back from your thoughts. You observed as he made its way towards you. That caused an almost instant blush to burn on your cheeks, as he was now standing in front of you.
“Can ya move?” He spoke with a deep raspy voice.
You realized you were blocking the access for him to sit on one of the chairs. Before you could mutter out a response, a random guy started provoking Kit, causing his rude response that led to a fight between the two.
₊˚⊹⁠♡————— ⁠♡ —————♡⊹⁠˚₊
You quietly made your way towards the cell where they kept him after the conflict. Creating a mediocre distraction, you managed to steal the keys from Sister Mary Eunice’s grip. Discreetly opening the door, you sneaked in. The first thing you saw was Kit Walker’s perplexed expression as he inspected you while squirming inside the straitjacket.
“Shhh…It’s okay…I’m not one of them.” You hushed him softly.
“Whaddaya want?” He spoke in a brusque manner.
“I just wanna talk…I’m Y/N.” You cooed.
He looked at you up and down, keeping on alert.
“Kit, Kit Walka’...I think ya already know that, dontcha?”
“Yes…Everyone talks about you, most in a bad way, uhm…But I don’t believe the things they say…” You said looking down.
“Is that so?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I mean…I heard your story just…not from you. And I-I know for a fact that most of the backstories of the souls that live here are, well, made up… fake. There’s more innocent people than you think.” You shrugged, sitting down next to him.
“I’m listening. What’s yer story, suga’?” He nodded.
You felt your cheeks burn and started speaking.
₊˚⊹⁠♡————— ⁠♡ —————♡⊹⁠˚₊
Time had passed in the asylum, and surprisingly, you didn’t feel so miserable anymore. He made everything fall back into place. When you two shared your stories, it was clear that you were both victims of a giant mistake, your pasts being more pure than the ones of the people who locked you two there. You and Kit kept spending more and more time together, you had grown to be inseparable, always together. You felt suffocated when he wasn’t around, only the blues playing in your ears. Who knew you could find love inside such a cruel building?
It almost felt like life in Briarcliff could be normal, thanks to him. But, of course, that was only imaginary.
You sneaked in his cell, again. Your cheeks burning, not out of embarrassment this time, but because of the salty tears that kept rolling on them. His generosity was both a blessing and a flaw, something that you loved and despised, because it led to dishonesties like these. When you both tried to escape and got caught, he took all the blame on himself, gaining 40 lashes.
You hurried towards his bed, sinking onto your knees and breaking down into sobs.
“I-I’m so sorry!” You kept repeating, your voice cracking.
He smiled softly and caressed your hair.
“Ya got nothin’ to apologize for, suga’. It wasn’t yer fault.” He grunted as he sat up, his body still hurting. He reached to cup your face, and aligned his eyes with yours, so that he could look into them with his lovely gaze.
“Hey now…don’t cry, darlin’. I’m here, we’ll get through this togetha’, yes?” He spoke sweetly. Your arms weakly wrapped around his neck.
“I-I can’t do this anymore, Kit…I hate this place-” You cried.
“Shhh…” He wiped your tears away with his thumb and pecked your nose gently.
“I know, I know it’s hard and ya wanna leave…and I promise we will. We’re gonna leave this shithole soon…then we’ll be finally free.” His words melted your heart.
“...Will we live together?” You looked up at him with teary eyes.
“Yea, of course we will, darlin’.” He smiled.
“Like a normal couple?” Your words seeked his comfort.
“Yes, suga’. We will be a normal couple with a normal life. Whaddaya say?” He asked, to which you nodded.
“You know I’m gonna marry ya as soon as we get out of here, suga’?” His words made a faint blush rise on your face.
“Really?” You batted your lashes at him.
“Yea. I wanna marry ya. I wanna have babies with ya. I wanna do everything with ya by my side. And ya wanna know why? Because I love ya, darlin’.” He wrapped his strong arms around you, while connecting your lips in a soft gentle kiss. You kissed back, mumbling a quiet “Love you too” against his lips that moved in sync with yours.
So you stayed there, his comforting and strong arms wrapped around you and his hand running in your hair as your bodies were pressed up in a tight intimate embrace. Your eyelids started to feel heavy, as you fighted the urge to fall asleep.
“It’s only me and ya, togetha’.” He whispered soothingly in your ear.
“Foreva’.” He added, his lips pressing against your temple sweetly.
You smiled tiredly, as you heard his words and the soft melody playing again.
♫ Hold me, kiss me,
Whisper sweetly
That you love me
Forever. ♫
₊˚⊹⁠♡————— ⁠♡ —————♡⊹⁠˚₊
taglist: @cxndiedvi0lets @angeldollw @dangeroustaintedflawed @marchsfreakshow @yandereunsolved @happy74827 @evpeters87
a/n: aaahhhh I'm sorry this is so short😭 I'm so busy lately!! but anyways, i hope you like it.🧡
all rights reserved!!
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netegf · 1 year
uneasy lover
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pairing: rafe cameron x f!reader
plot: when you and your secret boyfriend are held captive by carlos singh, he gets over-protective and scheming.
word count: 1.5 k
warnings: some angst but ends fluffy, talk of secret relationship, some references to violence, foul language, some suggestive content/innuendo though no smut explicitly detailed, attempts at humour
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In theory, the rules were simple. No contact.
Though, in retrospect, you suppose Rafe operates almost entirely outside of theory, and more often than not, needs the rules explained to him a few times.
He was more… physical.
What are words to chains, and maybe that’s what you needed to stop a Cameron from doing something they wanted.
It’s how you find yourself in your current predicament, taking sharp left turn after sharp left turn, trying to shake away a long-haired, burly shadow with sparkling teeth and a charming, but deceptively comforting Southern drawl.
You lose him on the fourth one and suddenly you’re right back where you started.
That was the thing with Rafe.
It took every ounce of pulsing muscle and cracking bone to pass ‘Go’, only to realize that was the easiest part.
You cut through a few alleyways that you’re sure would make Rafe’s lip curl with disgust, but then blurry Figure 8 comes into focus with its expansive money-green lawns and homes that might as well have moats or flying buttresses, they’re so large, and it’s perhaps true this place is a vacuum because it’s hard to consider anything else.
Barrelling through the front door of a house with more window panes than you can count – though you’ve tried on a number of inconspicuous occasions – you make your way to that one room after a sharp left, not bothering with any of the usual, or in recent months, unusual, pleasantries.
“Care to explain why Barry is following me around like a stray dog?”
Rafe stands at the corner of the room, adjusting something on his night stand.
He makes a quarter-turn of his body and regards you with a generous once-over and a bite to the inside of his cheek. He is sin number six. Gluttony.
“I dunno.” He says plainly. “Small world, and all that?”
“Gee, it’s hard to say. Maybe he likes your perfume.” He quips, again, ignoring the warning in your voice.
Rafe throws his hands up, like he’s the one that should be exasperated.
“You know what? Fine. You want to be difficult, then I’m leaving.”
It’s half a bluff, half the truth, and one-hundred percent the last thing he wants to hear.
When you turn the corner with your bag slung tight over your arm in entirely theatrical disapproval, he huffs out at least two lungs worth of air, including the dead space.
“Yeah, alright, I get it.” He mumbles dejectedly, wiping a hand across his jaw. Always touching his face before a big reveal. “I asked him to tail you. So what?”
“What?” You spin back humourlessly. “Why would you do that?”
Now, he’s the one humourless.
“Do I really have to be the one to remind you that this place is crawling with treasure-hunting lowlifes that want those dirty Pogues six-feet deep in the ground?”
“Don’t call them that.” You bristle. “Plus, we’re back in Kildare, Rafe. C’mon.”
Rafe rolls his eyes callously, at the first or second part of what you said, you’re unsure. Knowing Rafe, it’s probably both.
Biting your lip, you can’t help the sinking feeling that pulls your heart towards your stomach until they’re some strange super-organ.
In Barbados, you knew this would be a problem. But even you didn’t think it’d come up this soon.
“That supposed to mean something?” He chuckles bitterly. “I’ll be sure to remind Singh of that when he’s not too busy, you know, dropping bodies for a diary.”
You scoff. It wasn’t nearly that simple. This was Pope’s family you were talking about. “You know it’s more than that–,”
“I know that my girlfriend’s life is in danger!”
Rafe can be aggressive, that’s unsurprising.
But it feels different when it seems like he has the right to be. He continues.
“And I know that I’m not allowed to go anywhere near her. She won’t let me, remember?”
You stay quiet for a few moments, then offer dimly.
“You said you were okay with that.”
“I am!” He lets out a breath, correcting himself. “I-I’m trying to be.”
Nodding, that was a sentiment you could relate to.
When Singh had separated you from the rest of the Pogues for an interrogation you were poorly prepared for, the last thing you would’ve expected was an impromptu rendezvous with a boyfriend that you, under every moral code, were not supposed to have.
Did it feel good negotiating with a dreamer with a gun? No. And especially not when you didn’t have any particularly useful intel about the thing he was looking for.
The best you could do was promise a photo-copy of the diary, but even then, Singh didn’t seem satisfied.
But those nights you spent trapped in that house were the same nights without prying eyes and judgement and boundaries that had been set under different pre-tenses, and even more importantly, they were nights with Rafe.
His stirring gaze. His always too-hot hands. His lips that deliver soft promises about how everything’s going to be okay, and kiss and suck like it’s a sport for which he wrote the rules.
Nights loving him shamelessly.
Sleeping next to each other in the same bed.
Nights that would be hard to recover from and were, evidently, messing with both of your heads.
Because here you were, in Kildare, re-tracing steps you weren’t supposed to.
“Those guys are trigger-happy. And your so-called friends? They don’t seem to fucking care—,”
“They are just as scared of you.”
At that, his eyes slowly fall shut, chest shuddering slightly and his forehead pinches under his fingers.
“You don’t get what it feels like, okay? To not know whether you’re reading a book by the pier, o-or choking on your own fucking blood somewhere while I’m none the wiser.”
The imagery makes you flinch. It's the eyes. Like he’s seen it.
“You don’t think I feel that way?” You begin, incredulous. “Every minute of every fucking day? You think there aren’t people on the island that want you dead, my own friends included? And for good reason? I can’t even defend you. Do you know what that feels like?”
The pause lets you know he’s absorbing your words, rather than defending them with a bat.
He swallows, lamely offering. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I’m sorry.”
Rafe sits down on his bed, running a hand over his shaved head. His body slacks like he’s been holding himself taut the whole time, inflating the whole of his figure.
Always inflating. Always deflating. Always breaking your heart when it happens.
You slowly trudge toward him, still standing and winding your hands around his neck, though his eyes stay fixed on his upward-facing palms in his lap.
“You can tell Barry to drop the security detail.”
He looks up quickly. More than surprised to see the corner of your lips lifting. But eyes still somewhere else. Still guarded.
“He sucks, you know that?” You chide. “He was whistling the whole time.”
Rafe groans under you, head falling to your chest.
“I told him to be discrete.”
“Oh. So, that’s what he was doing when he asked me to buy him a pack at the corner store.”
“Fuckin’ Barry.” He laughs half-heartedly, then bites his lip. Begging you to finish what you started earlier. “You were saying?”
“You can drop the security detail.” You repeat. “Because I’ll… stick around for a bit.”
His eyes widen a fraction, mouth falling open in what you imagine is going to be annoying, but you beat him to it.
“Just a few nights. Don’t get too excited.”
Rafe’s hands creep up from his lap to latch around your waist, pulling you flush against him.
He buries his head in your torso, pressing a tender kiss to the bit of exposed skin on your midriff, then nods like he’s the best goddamn multi-tasker in the world.
“You’re the boss.” He agrees cautiously, nursing a smirk on his lips.
“And you’re,” you whisper before giving him a bruising kiss. “… a drama queen.”
He raises an eyebrow, tall throat bobbing.
“Thought I was a Kook prince.”
You shrug, scrunching your nose for effect. “They’re not mutually exclusive.”
Rafe nods in exaggerated understanding, lips playfully pursed.
“Yeah, whatever.” He laments too-easily.
Then there’s that look.
“… guess that means you like royal dick?”
Dislodging from him at once, Rafe cackles behind you as you rifle through his drawer for a clean shirt and a pair of boxers.
“Actually, call up Barry, and tell him that he and I are gonna be spending the evening at the Wreck!”
But it’s a completely hollow threat, and the way you stroll into his bathroom and turn on the hot water for a shower seals the deal.
Rafe calls out some iteration of ‘Baby, I was kidding!’ and it makes you smile when jets of water cascade over your body like a weighted blanket.
It feels crazy. Or maybe it feels crazy that it feels right.
Maybe they weren't mutually exclusive and you could worry about the consequences another time.
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wongyuseokie · 2 years
Posy Bee | k.m.g
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Summary: Mingyu is your colleague and the walking definition of pretty privilege. His clumsy thumbs have broken more vases than you can count, yet he brings in the most orders to your shop. It's all thanks to his handsome face, it’s annoying and unfair, and you’ve vowed that if this week he breaks another vase, you’ll feed him a cactus.
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♥ completed works
Word Count: 3081 words
Age: 18+
Pairings: Kim Mingyu x Female Reader
Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff and angst. Friends/Colleagues to lovers.
Content Warnings: Fluff, Mingyu being the most adorable and clumsy human. Who let him work in a flower shop, honestly? Mingyu is so flirty it is painful. All those fan calls where he’s flirting with carats did a number on me. Yelling, Mingyu’s clumsiness causes the reader to snap quite rudely at him. Reader snaps and yells at him, and Mingyu sulks A LOT. Swearing.
Smut Warnings: Mentions of arousal, but it’s mild, but still. Bed-breaking mentions. Sexual banter, but that’s it, really.
Authors Note: Thank you @here4btsfics, I can't thank you enough for always just letting me go on and on about Seventeen and Mingyu in general. You're such a delight, thank you for reading and beta'ing this and being an absolute angel 💕. Thank you also to @missgeniality, thank you for letting me drag you into the Seventeen stan life, it's been an absolute pleasure watching you simp along with me. Thank you for reading and giving me live reactions. I adore you too my bubs 💕 Banner Credits: @classicseffects Cross Posted to AO3 © wongyuseokie 2022. All rights reserved.
“Ah, shit!” You heard your coworker Mingyu swear, and you groaned, knowing that this was the second vase he broke today, and it wasn’t even lunchtime.
“Uh…Y/N, where is the vacuum cleaner?” You heard Mingyu ask nervously, and you counted to three, breathing deeply before walking over to him, carefully, of course.
“Mingyu, why don’t you let me do it?” You offered, trying to keep your composure.
“Do you not trust me?” Mingyu joked with an adorable pout on his handsome face.
“No, I do not. This is the second vase you broke in a day and the fifth this week, and it’s Tuesday,” you snapped, and Mingyu pouted more, nodding.
“Sorry,” Mingyu mumbled, looking down at the ground. Seeing how a 6-foot-tall man would shrink when scolded to the size of a puppy was cute. Damn Kim Mingyu and his sweetness. It was hard to stay mad at him.
It’s fine. You didn’t mean it. Why don’t you take orders from the two ladies who walked in? I’ll clean this up.” You suggested, and Mingyu mumbled a ‘sorry’ and headed over to wait on the ladies.
“You are such a sweet, handsome, kind man, and you know your flowers. Are you single?” You heard one of the ladies speak as you placed the vacuum cleaner behind the counter and smiled at their words. It was not uncommon for patrons to compliment Mingyu. He was effortlessly charming, kind, and easygoing. He was everything you ever wanted in a colleague; sometimes, you’d wonder how lucky you’d be to have a man like him.
That daydream was broken each time Mingyu broke, spilled, or knocked over something. So your days consisted of you daydreaming about him for 40 minutes until he broke something, and then you were rudely awakened.
“Ah, I am,” Mingyu responded to the order, and you turned to face him in surprise. You didn’t think he was. How was he single?
“Well, what about your lovely manager? She’s smiling so fondly at you,” the lady pushed, and you were starting to get annoyed, not just because she called you out. While the elderly were usually well-intentioned and meant the best, they often didn’t understand boundaries.
“I’m sure a wonderful person like her has someone. She isn’t someone you ever want to lose,” Mingyu said smoothly, and you were so tempted to smack him.
“I’m single, but I do not flirt with my employees. It is unprofessional, and I also don’t encourage or invite such nosey conversations either,” you answered.
Making sure to send a deathly glare to Mingyu and a softer glare to the lady who understood and gave you a gentle smile, quickly paid, and left the shop.
“That was kind of rude,” Mingyu mumbled.
“I’ll apologise, but you could have just stopped. What was with the whole wonderful person thing?” You countered, and Mingyu shrugged.
“I think you’re pretty cool, so I complimented you?” Mingyu said, unsure.
“Fine, thank you, but it was not your place,” you pushed, and Mingyu nodded.
“But really, I meant it. Anyone would be crazy to let you go,” Mingyu elaborated, and you sighed.
“Why, you’d keep me around?” You joked, and Mingyu nodded.
“You’d just keep me around to clean up your mess,” you mumbled, making Mingyu blush shyly.
“Possibly, you see, Y/N, I break a lot of things, but a heart is not one of them,” Mingyu claimed proudly, making you grin.
“Get back to work, Kim,” you mumbled, trying to fight off the smile on your face as you walked back to your office.
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“Morning sunshine!” Mingyu greeted you the next day; he may as well have yelled it. It was too early in the morning. It was 10 am, but it was before your morning coffee, so it was too early. Way too early for him to be so chirpy.
“Oof, rough morning?” Mingyu asked when he saw the scowl on your face, and you shook your head at him.
“It’s early. How are you so happy?” You asked, making Mingyu laugh.
“Sunshine, it’s 10 am, not that early,” Mingyu said between giggles.
“Any time before my morning coffee is early,” you whined, and Mingyu laughed.
“It’s a good thing I grabbed you one then, right?” Mingyu chirped as he placed a brown bag in front of you. You immediately recognised the bag’s logo; it was your favourite coffee shop.
“Oh, my goodness, how did you know?” You asked excitedly.
“Simple, you always get this brand, and if you ever get anyone else coffee, you get it from here too, so yeah. There’s also a chocolate and a blueberry muffin inside. I got you both because I didn’t know which one you liked, actually,” Mingyu babbled, and you smiled fondly at him.
“Mingyu, thank you, you didn’t have to,” you mumbled shyly.
“I know,” Mingyu started to say as he leaned forward, his handsome face inches away from yours.
“I wanted to.”
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“How are you single?” You asked later that evening. You had just put the closed sign in the window, and you were bored and decided to pester Mingyu instead.
“I’m sorry?” Mingyu asked, taken aback by your sudden question.
“The ladies, yesterday, you mentioned you were single. I’m just wondering how?” You elaborated as you plopped yourself onto his workstation, making him grin.
“Simple. I have no one to call mine, so that is how I’m single,” Mingyu teased, making you pout at him.
“Not satisfied with the answer?” Mingyu joked, and you shrugged.
“You’re tall, handsome, sweet, and give free food. How are you single?” You explained your question further, and Mingyu only smiled as he cleaned up his station.
“I don’t know how. I know I am. I could say the same for you. You’re pretty, funny, and sweet. How are you single?” Mingyu countered.
“I don’t give out free food,” you shot back with a smile.
“Right, that must be the winner. Free food, does that mean if I keep buying you breakfast, my single life will be a thing of the past?” Mingyu suggested as he inched closer to you.
“Uh,” you squeaked, unable to speak.
“I, um,” you stuttered. Was he always this handsome? Did his lips always look this soft and kissable? You thought to yourself.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a sudden wet sensation that fell on your trousers, and you knew it wasn’t arousal. Instead, it was the bottle of cleaning solution that Mingyu, while flirting, accidentally emptied onto your pants.
“Oh my gosh,” you both yelled in unison.
You hopped off the counter, cringing as the cleaning solution ran down your trousers. You felt it start to seep into your shoes.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry,” Mingyu apologised as he moved closer to try and help you, and you inched away.
“This isn’t how I’d ever want to get you wet,” Mingyu mumbled, and you glared at him.
“Do you think this is funny?” You asked, and Mingyu shook his head immediately.
“No, I was just trying to lighten the mood,” Mingyu defended, and you glared at him.
“Well, don’t. These trousers are new, and ugh. I’m going home. Can you lock up?” You said quickly, not wanting to get mad at Mingyu and not have a meltdown over trousers.
“Y/N,” Mingyu started to say until he saw how tired you looked and nodded quickly.
“Yeah, go. I’ll lock up,” Mingyu hurriedly said, and you nodded at him before grabbing your things and heading out.
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You walked into the shop the following day to find a small teddy bear on your workstation, a brown box with cutlery on it, and your favourite coffee on the side. You turned to see Mingyu pouting from his workstation as he worked on another bouquet.
“Mingyu,” you spoke as you approached him. For a man so tall, he shrank so much when he was sulking that he looked like a puppy, just as cute and just as difficult to stay mad at.
“If you’re buying me breakfast because free food is a way to get my heart,” you started to say, and Mingyu shook his head furiously.
“No, I got it because I feel like a fucking fool, and also, how much did those pants cost? I’ll pay for the cleaning,” Mingyu babbled, and you placed a hand on his arm and squeezed gently to stop him.
“It’s okay,” you assured Mingyu as he continued to pout.
“A wash, and they’re good as new,” you continued, and Mingyu smiled softly.
“I feel horrible. I didn’t mean to,” Mingyu spoke as he tried to apologise again, and you squeezed his arm again.
“It��s okay, but if you want to make it up to me, maybe you can help me stay back and clean up tonight?” You asked, and Mingyu nodded eagerly.
“Of course, anything.”
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“So, what did you mean when you said that wasn’t the way you’d want to get me wet last night?” You questioned later that evening as you two were cleaning up.
Your question made Mingyu hit his foot against a shelf in surprise.
“Uh, um. Nothing,” Mingyu mumbled as he shook his foot.
“Really?” You questioned with a grin, and Mingyu smiled shyly.
“I think I see it now,” you mumbled as you smiled fondly at him.
“See what?” Mingyu asked.
“Why are people so drawn to you? You’re hot and all, but also endearing—kind of hard to stay mad at you. You’re like a golden retriever. No matter how much you destroy the furniture, it’s damn near impossible to stay mad at you,” you explained, making Mingyu laugh.
“I’ve never broken furniture!” Mingyu protested, making you giggle.
“Not even a bed?” Your question with a smirk.
“Is that even possible? I haven’t had someone willing enough to test the theory with,” Mingyu said nonchalantly, making you gulp. Clearing your throat, you stood up and walked over to another shelf.
Standing next to Kim Mingyu was dangerous, not because he was devastatingly handsome, but because he could break something next to you.
“Can you grab the vase? I need to clean it.” You instructed, pointing to a peach-coloured vase left at Mingyu’s workstation.
“Yeah, sure, here you go,” Mingyu answered, his eyes widening as the vase slipped from his fingers and shattered onto the floor.
“Damn golden retriever,” you mumbled with a grin, and Mingyu let out a deep exhale.
“I’ll clean up. I know the drill,” Mingyu offered sheepishly, and you grinned at him as he bent down to pick up the bigger pieces of glasses. You leaned down carefully so that you were next to him.
“Thank you,” you said, leaning over to place a soft kiss on his cheek, immediately tinting his cheeks and ears pink with the action.
“It’s easier to kiss you like this, I guess, height advantage and all,” you mumbled as you stood back up, making Mingyu smile again as he stood in front of you.
“So, do I get a kiss from now on? If I break things?” Mingyu joked, and you shrugged.
“I don’t see why not, as long it’s not my heart,” you mumbled, and Mingyu stepped forward to close the gap between you two.
“Never your heart,” Mingyu repeated as he bent his head to press his lips against yours, making you melt. You had never experienced a tender, gentle, yet passionate kiss.
Mingyu pulled away, and it was your turn to look down, flustered.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Mingyu asked, and you nodded.
“Don’t forget to lock up, Kim,” you mumbled as you leaned up to place another kiss on his cheek and finally made your way out of the shop.
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Today was just a bad day, a horrible day. You were slammed with orders left and right, all because Mingyu managed to charm more customers into buying more. While you were eternally grateful for the business, you weren’t so appreciative that he wasn’t helpful.
It wasn’t entirely his fault, his clumsy thumbs ensured that he wasn’t part of making a lot of the floral arrangements, but it was getting ridiculous. You needed to hire someone else, and just because you liked to kiss him didn’t mean you should keep him around, especially if he couldn’t make any arrangements.
You were putting the finishing touches on one of the more lavish arrangements when you heard a muffled crash at the front of the shop, and you lost it, but you knew there were customers outside, so you’d keep it together until the last customer left.
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“Mingyu,” you said quietly as you approached Mingyu that evening, he was writing something in the order book, and you snapped.
“Stop taking orders, we can’t accommodate,” you snapped, and Mingyu placed the pencil down and looked up at you.
“But I can help. I’ve told you before I like art and decorations,” Mingyu argued, and you scoffed.
“You break everything you touch; I can’t keep you around or trust you to handle orders. I’ll worry that you’ll fuck up somewhere. Either it’ll be the vase that breaks, or it’ll break during the delivery,” you rambled, and Mingyu shrank with each accusation.
“You’ve never given me a chance. I wouldn’t screw up if it meant that much,” Mingyu countered, and you shook your head.
“You keep taking orders because all you have is charm, and that’s it. Mingyu, you don’t do any of the necessary work. Being charming isn’t enough,” you continued to hurl insults at him.
“Then why keep me around?” Mingyu asked, and you sighed.
“Because I thought you’d be responsible or, I don’t know, learn not to be a fuck up,” you ranted and bit your lip as soon as the words left your mouth, and you took a deep breath.
“A fuck up?” Mingyu repeated, looking down at the floor and then up at you.
“Mingyu, I didn’t mean it,” you tried to rush, and Mingyu shook his head.
“We don’t say things that we don’t mean,” Mingyu started to say. “At least I don’t. I told you I wouldn’t ever break your heart, but you just broke mine. You let your emotions get the best of you and let the best thing ever happen to you walk out the door. Consider this my one-week notice Y/N,” Mingyu stated as he stormed out of the flower shop, leaving you frustrated.
You’d fix it. You were determined to. You had to.
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Over the following week, Mingyu barely spoke to or glanced at you, but he offered to lock up every night, so you let him. Today would be his last day at the flower shop, and you hadn’t managed to speak to him, let alone convince him to stay.
“Y/N, Mingyu, I must thank you both for the flowers,” you and Mingyu turned around to face the same lady who had been nosy about your love life a couple of weeks ago.
“You two love what you do so much. It translates in the service you give to each other, always top notch,” the customer complimented, and you both nodded, giving her stiff smiles.
“Ah, I apologise for overstepping, but Y/N, my grandson’s about your age, quite handsome too. He’s new in town and could do with friends his age. Would you be able to meet him for a coffee, maybe? Unless Mingyu here minds?” The lady asked with a wink, and Mingyu shrugged.
“Not a problem to me,” Mingyu said, even if his voice was strained.
“Unless your heart belongs to someone else, dear?” The lady asked, and you smiled softly at her.
“It does, but I think I broke his heart,” you admitted, and you noticed Mingyu turn to face you for a second before walking off.
“Was it his heart, my darling?” The lady asked, and you nodded.
“If it’s any consolation, he looks like a sad puppy, nothing a kiss and a hug can’t fix. He looks at you so adoringly. I can’t imagine him staying upset for long,” the lady advised, and you nodded, thanking her as you helped her with her purchases.
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You were holed up in your office the rest of the day, unable to face Mingyu, and you certainly didn’t fancy saying goodbye to him either. Still, you had to, so you begrudgingly got out of your office and were Mingyu working at his station.
“Mingyu?” You spoke, making him turn around to face you.
“Oh, my goodness, Mingyu,” you said in awe as you took in the stunning bouquet.
“I told you I am creative,” Mingyu mumbled, and you walked closer to the arrangement.
“When?” You asked.
“Every night, when I told you I’d lock up, I’d add a bit to this and then lock up,” Mingyu admitted, and you turned around to face him again.
“Mingyu,” you started to say, and Mingyu shook his head.
“You’ve said enough. What you said that night wasn’t entirely wrong, a bit unkind, but I get it. You lashed out. I can be quite unhelpful, but I can do things right, and if you keep me, any damages I’ll pay out of my pocket, and I’ll help however and wherever,” Mingyu explained.
“You’ll stay?” You asked, and Mingyu nodded.
“The minute I implied it’d be my last week, I regretted it. I acted out of emotion, just like you,” Mingyu added, and you pouted at him.
“How can I ever make up for how I treated you?” You asked.
“Go on a date with me,” Mingyu answered.
“That simple?” You teased, and Mingyu shrugged.
“I just want to be with you again and steal more kisses and not break as much,” Mingyu admitted, making you smile as you nodded, and Mingyu moved forward, pulling you into his arms and moving his head to place his lips against yours.
His soft lips met yours. He used his full lips to his advantage, sucking your bottom lip, making you hum softly, and allowing him to deepen the kiss by slipping his tongue into your mouth.
Mingyu pulled away with a grin, and you smiled at him.
“You never broke my heart, by the way. I was being melodramatic,” Mingyu admitted, making you giggle.
“Is that what I can look forward to?” You asked, “Melodrama?”
“Yes, but I want to test out the bed-breaking theory. I promise you I am very serious about it,” Mingyu spoke.
“You know, with your luck, I’m sure you will break it.”
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cricketnationrise · 7 months
hello! :) THIS IS SO CUTE I CAN'T WAIT FOR A POSSIBLE CRICKET EXCLUSIVE!! because i am obsessed with u fr but that's common knowledge. <3
for the ficlet fest, if you'd like:
time stamp: 2:23am
location: brownstone
character: alex/henry
song: this is me trying by taylor swift (only if you want!!!!!!!)
rating: whatever you'd like
but like you can go any direction with this I'm just always projecting my adhd/anxiety/not good enough feelings onto alex on a regular basis :')
my ao3: firenati0n | Archive of Our Own (same as tumblr user)
your cricket exclusive is here! i actually went full on henry pov with this one bc my brain got stuck on the trying of it all. so have some first post-canon fight make up. this is actually the longest ficlet yet, but somehow i don't think that'll be a problem 😂 💜🦗
read the rest of the ficlets here!
2:32am, brownstone
The brownstone is quiet when he returns, which is completely reasonable for just after two-thirty in the bloody morning. 
It’s also immaculate, which is decidedly less so, especially considering the state of the place when Henry stomped out a few hours ago. 
The hallway is clear of trip hazards, shoes neatly in the rack. The kitchen gleams in the range hood light; counters clear and wiped down, small appliances lined up as precisely as Buckingham guards. Peeking his head in the for-once dark office reveals two tidy desks, chairs pushed in, and both of their laptops plugged in and charging. 
The den at the base of the stairs makes Henry pause. The stacks of books have been put away. The coasters on the coffee table have been relieved of their burdens of half-drunk tea cups and abandoned coffee mugs. In the dim light from the street lamps through the window, Henry can even see vacuum lines in the carpet. A second glance has Henry taking cautious steps inside.
There is one thing out of place after all. 
On the couch, propped on a few of the numerous throw pillows Pez insisted upon, and tucked into the quilt Ellen sent them, is Alex. Like an anchor to the ocean floor, Henry is drawn into the room, and to Alex’s side. 
He kneels between the coffee table and the couch near Alex’s head and just looks for a long moment. Alex clearly hasn’t been sleeping well. The couch is too short, even for Alex’s shorter frame, so his legs are tucked uncomfortably. His curls are more of a wild mess than normal, like he’s been tugging at them. Alex is gripping the quilt as tightly as he normally clutches Henry, and there’s deep furrows on his forehead. 
Henry should let him sleep, probably—neither of them have been sleeping all that well. Increased paparazzi presence as Alex’s first semester of law school starts and Henry takes a more active role in the shelter has been stressful. But Henry can’t help but reach out and try to smooth those lines on his forehead. Something churning and tense settles inside him when his gentle touch has Alex’s eyes blinking open, a small smile on his face when he recognizes Henry.. 
“You came back.”
“Of course I did, love.”
Alex exhales messily, blinking back tears now. “I wasn’t sure— After earlier—”
Henry shushes him with a hand on his cheek. “I will always come back to you. Promised I was done being an obtuse fuckin’ asshole, didn’t I?”
“You still left, though,” Alex says.
It’s Henry’s turn to fight back tears. “I could hear myself sounding more and more like Philip at his worst. It scared me. I didn’t want to subject you to that, to even inadvertently use my knowledge of you as a weapon. So I left before words I didn’t actually mean could find their mark.” He sways forward, resting his forehead on Alex’s, needing to be closer. “You deserve more than sharply aimed words, especially when you haven’t done a thing wrong.” 
“I’m sorry Alex. I shouldn’t have— I knew it would be different once the paparazzi got wind of our plans, but I wasn’t prepared for how much more invasive they would feel. I’m having a hard time adjusting to life beyond Kensington’s thick walls and I started to take it out on you.”
Alex’s hand pulls on his shoulder. “C’mere.”
Henry climbs onto the couch and sprawls undignified on top of Alex, tucking his head into the crook of his neck. Alex’s hands, as ever, hold him steady, rubbing large circles across his back.
“There were two people in our fight, Henry. You aren’t the only one struggling. Or taking it out on the person he loves.” He presses a kiss to Henry’s temple. “I could hear echoes of my parents, but couldn’t figure out how to stop the word vomit. And that scared me—I never want you and I to be like them.”
Henry pulls his head back to meet his gaze fiercely. “Never.”
Alex smiles at his vehement tone, but it's got a rueful edge to it. “We’re gonna have to figure out how to talk about this stuff before it blows up in our faces again.” 
“Not tonight, though?”
“Nah, not tonight.” 
They’re quiet for a long moment, curled around each other on the couch, when a niggling thought finds its way past Henry’s lips. 
“Why were you on the couch? Did you— Did you not want to be in our room?”
Alex holds him tighter. “I— You left and— So I was cleaning, and I did this room last, and when I was done there was no way stairs were happening, so I just collapsed here. I didn’t  actually think I'd fall asleep, I don't usually when you aren’t right next to me.”
“So it wasn’t because you wanted space from me?”
“Fucking hell, baby. No, I never want space. I want the opposite of space from you. If I could figure out a way to crawl into your rib cage every night I would.”
“Oh.” The last bit of tension leaves Henry’s body at that and he relaxes fully on top of Alex. 
“Yeah, oh.” Alex chuckles. “But, as nice as you feel on top of me, it’s late and this couch ain’t big enough for the two of us.” 
“You fit on it better than I do,” Henry can’t help but tease.
“First of all, rude. Second of all, I also have to pee so get up before I shove you off.” 
Reluctantly, Henry stands and reaches down to help Alex up after him. Henry folds the quilt and hangs it over the back of the couch, smoothing the last wrinkles with his hand. When he straightens up, Alex is only halfway up the stairwell. 
“Meet you in bed?” Alex whispers.
Henry climbs up to meet him. “Always, love.”
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thedelicatearcher · 3 months
Swiftie finnick odair and rock gf
At first it's like the "omg, am I about to introduce you to Taylor Swift?" And he just explains everything to her so exited and shes like "yeah, basic white girl music, not for me" but he saw how invested she really is when he talked about her exes and how she tried to hide her humming tto the songs. later he finds her screaming haunted and better than revenge and crying to them and the other pop-rock songs
swiftie!finnick odair introduces taylor swift music to his rock!partner
finnick odair is a die-hard swiftie. not one of those swifties who rabidly defend taylor at the slightest criticism, but the kind who has made her music his daily soundtrack, likes decoding the double meanings of her lyrics, and enjoys the sense of community in the fandom. 
he has playlists for every mood or situation he may find himself in. even for the most unlikely scenarios, he has a taylor swift playlist for it. you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when you stumbled upon his ‘for my next car crash’ playlist on his phone.
on the other hand, pop music was never your thing. you always leaned towards music with heavier instruments, preferring rock’s distinctive melodies over the more repetitive sounds of pop. that’s one of the reasons you never actively listened to taylor swift; she never caught your attention as you thought her music fell into the realm of generic pop.
while deep cleaning your shared home, he swiftly called dibs on the music and grabbed the speaker. as you vacuumed the carpet, he swept and mopped the floor, singing along loudly and occasionally using the mop as an air guitar. 
then, a string of dramatic violins filled the room as ‘haunted’ started playing. you found yourself enjoying the song, quietly tapping your foot to its rhythm. eager to know the artist, you approached finnick and tapped his shoulder, pulling him out of his trance. “honey, what’s that song?” you asked curiously, and his eyes immediately lit up. 
“am i about to introduce you to taylor swift?” he asked, his voice filled with anticipation. his emotions were transparent, a wide grin on his face as if he wanted to kiss you senseless or start jumping up and down like an excited kid. however, your curious expression faded, and all that escaped your lips was a nonchalant “oh."
as soon as your smile vanished, so did his excitement. “what’s that supposed to mean? i thought you liked the song,” he asked with a sincere pout. the enthusiasm that had surged through him was gone as quickly as it had come.
“it’s just that her music is not for me. you know i'm not a fan of basic white girl music,” you shrugged and turned back to continue vacuuming the carpet, totally clueless at the puzzled look on his face. “honey, it’s not like that. just give it a chance,” he said, a little defensive. as much as he preferred to avoid conflict, he felt a little offended.
the moment you said “but she only writes about her exes,” his jaw dropped and he looked at you as if you just insulted his bloodline. he left the living room and went to the bedroom, a pang of guilt hitting your chest as you felt as maybe you had gone a little too far. you didn’t mean to insult his musical taste; in your head, you were just sharing your thoughts about an artist.
in reality, he was carefully making a playlist made just for you, taking into account the genres of music you love, the melodies that make you dance, and the themes you appreciate in songs. and there was finnick odair, with a playlist full of songs he knows you would like and some which make him think of you, a shy smile on his face as he imagines the look on yours when he explains to you all the metaphors in the songs he had loved for years.
“honey,” he calls you when he sees you sitting on the couch, his heart sinking a little when he sees your defeated expression. “i’m sorry, finn-” you start apologizing, but he cuts you off. “don’t worry, darling,” he presses his lips to your temple and nuzzles your head lightly. “i know you didn’t mean it in a bad way. i have something for you,” he says before sitting next to you with his legs crossed and pulling out his phone, your eyes curiously watching his screen as he opens a playlist named after you.
“i made this for you. just some songs i think you would like, and some that remind me of you,” he held back his urge to pepper kisses across your face when he saw your eyes soften. and he played every one of them for you, not before giving you a brief explanation about it, taking his time to describe some of the metaphors casual fans wouldn’t understand, and pointing out lyrics that paralleled certain moments in your relationship.
“they’re kinda good,” you admitted sincerely, your heart fluttering at the sight of his cheeky grin, knowing he was about to tease you for weeks. “i knew you were going to like them,” he admitted with one of his cocky smiles, playfully nudging you with his elbow. behind his smug grin, there was a warm feeling in his chest; he would not overlook you taking time to appreciate the music he so dearly loves, enjoying it and reading into the lyrics, even though it’s not the kind of music you would usually listen to. 
later, when he stumbled into the kitchen and found you humming the melodies of ‘the story of us’ completely unaware of his presence, he felt satisfied, mentally patting himself on the back for knowing you so well that he found the exact songs to help you change your mind.
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cutegirlmayra · 10 months
Prompt: The latest battle with eggman send Amy and Sonic deep into the wilderness. Communicators broken, trackers busted, and Sonic breaks a leg leaving Amy to find them food, shelter and protect Sonic. While they rest Amy asks Sonic questions about their relationship that she's always wanted to know but too scared to ask. They talk but are discovered and Amy has to fend off the robot until Tails finds them. After they're saved Sonic has a new appreciation for Amy and is happy she's in his life.
Prompts are on shutdown EVERYWHERE, posting on my other writing sites DOES NOT mean you get your prompt done XD It’s only through here, on Tumblr, when the GRAND REOPENING is announced, which it is NOT. Thank you, lovely Cuties~ I’m sorry it’s taking so long, I’m trying to finish Fanfiction TAT
A spinning, spiky blue ball revs itself up in the air at a high-pitched frequency, dropping down almost with an intense sense of gracefulness as it tears seamlessly through Eggman’s latest doom’s day device.
“NOOOOOOOOO!!!” Eggman grips his head with both his massive, puffy gloves and reels his head back, “I won’t let you get away with this! Not this time, Hedgehog!” Stomping around his large ship, he slams his hand on a button which triggers a lever he pulls down, thus activating a flipping panel on the ground that looks like a car’s gas pedal which he stomps on, and in turn lowers a dangling line above his head with a triangular grip that is meant to be tugged.
Still fuming, grinding his teeth against each other, he growls and reaches up like a train conductor and pulls it, “Take this! You spiny little cretiiiinnn!!!”
With a howling roar, spit flying from his agape mouth, Eggman’s ship lowered the tip of its nose, making the haul of its stomach ‘chin-dip’ and slam down to the ground.
Sonic, still well-within the confines shredding through the ship’s interior, suddenly found his once-smooth aerial dive now wonkily swerving before turning horizontal.
As Eggman laughed, Sonic’s spin ball started creating heat and pressure… Sonic didn’t stop the rotation, but soon was slowly breaking through the hard metal one more and popped out of a hallway, moving now like a spinning-top on his side.
Eggman’s face dropped, “WHHHAATT???!!!” He slammed his hands down, looking with horror and shock at the cameras and following the image as he sweated in fear.
The Cameras zoomed in, and it showed Sonic using a single toe, perfectly placed on the tip of his foot, to keep himself spinning at such high speeds while turned on his side.
“Curse that infernal-!” Eggman smushed his face with gripping fingers, before a robot tugged on his coat and made him look down, “Hmm?” He saw the robot pull out a crowbar, and point to it.
Eggman blinked twice… before smirking wickedly to him…
When Sonic burst through the doors of the control room, balancing out his spinning top self and wobbling to try and locate what to shred into next, the tiny robot by the side of the doors, hiding from sight, swung and hit his spinning leg.
There was a crack and Sonic unspun with a dramatic pose of spiraling in the air, his eyes squinted shut in pain before Tails’s X-Tornado dived and shot through the window, making air burst into the space and–as most vacuums do–thrust Sonic out of the room and be dragged by the sky out into the open space.
“Grr… Trying to get away that easily, eh?” Thinking he had the upper hand now, even though he was kneeling on the ground and having a hand bring down his goggles from the rushing wind, Eggman still tried to sound cocky and confident.
“You there!” He pointed to the robot who was on the ground now, his hands under him, surprised that plan actually worked and jolted with a spark at being addressed, turning to his commander and sovereign Eggman. “Don’t just lay about!” He swiped his arm out, “Do something!!!”
Realizing the Doctor was putting everything onto his tiny computerized brain’s hand to hatch another genius but simple idea, the robot waddled over a bit awkwardly to the cabinet.
Delicately, he opened it and flinched at the door swinging open, then pulled tenderly out a bazooka.
“Oh, I forgot we had one of those…” Eggman’s face looked a little like a man having forgotten where he put his keys.
Cocking it, the little metal and cylinder soldier began to try and walk towards the window before the wind began to pull him out as well.
His tiny little tin legs wiggled vigorously, but his firm grip on the large firepower he was wielding didn’t budge while he spun slowly during the drop into the air.
“TINY TIMMM!!!!” Eggman cried out, holding a hand out to him, “YOU BETTER BLAST HIM WHILE YOU’RE OUT THEEERREEE!!! This isn’t a vacation, you know! You’re still on duty!!!” He gripped that hand into a fist, showing that he was giving an order, not a moment of compassion.
The Robot, having oily tears in their eyes, realized that Eggman just gave him a name.
Even though the irony of breaking Sonic’s leg, and the christmas season didn’t quite register with the robotic soldier, he took that as a sign of promotion into Eggman’s steely, black heart and was determined to not fail him.
He turned his body toward looking to the earth, and watching to see where Sonic landed…
“Soooniiiccc!!!” Tails cried out, turning around the plane but Eggman was sure to grab at the controls and fire at him, making Tails unable to pursue Sonic’s descent. “Err..!” He squinted an eye, having to pull up. “I can’t reach him!”
“What?” Knuckles, on his communicator, looked down at it as Amy covered her mouth in alarm. “What do you mean..?” His eyes shook a second and looked up with Amy, as they each scanned the skies…
Amy then gasped, “Look!” She pointed one hand out towards the flaming blue speck in the sky, falling towards the jungle-like forest, and another on Knuckles’s shoulder to gain his attention to the detail.
“Grr..!!! That lousy-!” Knuckles shook a fist, but pulled Amy up over his head.
“W-Wah-Whaaa!!!” Amy shook out her arms, “K-Knuckles!” She wasn’t sure what was about to happen, but suddenly feeling like he was going to throw her, she summoned her Piko-Piko Hammer.
“Grrr… I can’t fly to him in time! You’ll have to reach him on your owwwnnnn…!!!” Just as her instincts had foretold, he launched her through the air and she curled, her little red and white-trimmed dressing making it look like a badminton ball flapped wildly as she spun while still keeping her dress on.
Her hammer rotated so profusely, that as her own spinball hit against the trees, bounced off the ground, or slammed against rock, it kept her momentum moving and propelling her ever closer to the falling Sonic.
Finally, soaring up with one final, hard hit to the ground, she unspun and reached for Sonic… noticing the pain in his face and braving through the flames of his burning body to catch him before a deadly fate.
She landed on a tree’s branch, but it fell and they both started to fall painfully through scratching twigs and leaves.
When Amy woke up… snow had begun to fall in the forest, and her little nose wiggled a second before her mouth wound-up twice and sneezed, pushing the small flake off.
“Emm… S-Sonic?” She rubbed her head, slowly getting herself onto her rear and sitting somewhat more upright. “That was a rough landing…” She groaned through the aches, but then gasped when she remembered, “Sonic!!!” She started to grip and throw up the leaves below her, searching frantically for him.
A bead of sweat ran down the side of her face, gritting her teeth as her eyes shook in loving worry, ‘His leg was just dangling kinda weirdly in the air, just then… Was it injured?’ She kept calling his name… to no avail.
Her chest fell and rose with cold air quickly icing her resolve, stinging at her heart already pumping with the warm adrenaline to save the man she called hero… whom she loved, dearly.
“SOOONIIICC!!!” She finally let out a single, elongated note of his familiar name…
Silence… the snowy forest…
Her breaths clung to the air like hot mist, pocketing that space before disappearing as quickly as blowing a bubble to pop. Scrambling, she got up to locate her communicator.
Pieces of the broken device were pulled out and held up to her face, making her look down as though her heart had sucken to that cold ground as well…
“No… Did I not…” Her shoulders bounced, tears unable to remain corralled in the pools of her lower eyelids. “Did I not make it in time..?”
Her hand shook with that open thought, as the pieces of metal slipped through her fingers, falling to the light snowy patches below her feet.
“Sonic…” she gripped her fists and felt herself faltering in being able to remain upright, hunching over. “Sonic…” She felt she was at blame, and slunk to her knees, freezing her even further to what could be the harsh reality of the situation…
“No… I won’t believe it.” She wiped her eyes with the back of her arm. “I… I gotta keep looking for Sonic..!” She bit her words as though to hold them fast to her heart, “Sonic…” She muttered once more, “Soooniiiccc!!” She reared herself up and began to charge about the area, searching everywhere, leaving no square foot unmarked by her own shoe’s print.
She could hear the sky battle above her head, and looked to see that Tails was still engaged with the now, downwards angle of the Eggman fleet’s main air-cruiser.
Her eyes couldn’t help but tremble, her body leaning away before her hands flung up and tightened around each arm. “I can’t… I gotta keep looking for him.” Her lips felt chapped and the cold only reminded her of the drying of her tears… before she quickly aboutfaced to keep looking for him.
Walking up a hill, treading through its piles of snow, she looked up to see the sky was now blanketed in the smoke of Eggman’s senseless war. “Guess I can’t rely on Tails or Eggman as a point-marker now.” She blinked through the chill of the wind, and sighed as she tried to figure out where she hadn’t looked.
“Could he have really been tossed from me so far..? OFFPH!” Tripping over some blue grass, she had scraped her knee and got up, shaking her head from having snow blanket it for a moment-
Blue… Grass?
Her eyes widened and she lifted her leg to see the gentle sway of the blue quills, just the tip sticking out from beneath the snow.
“SOONIICC!!!” Her heart about leaped out through her flailing to get back up, tugging on the quill and realizing it was fully stuck under the snow. She began to dig like her life depended on it, and… to a degree, he was.
“Sonic, breath! Speak! Wiggle! Do… something!” She tried to speak out before finally getting an arm and exclaiming loudly in surprised triumphant that she had gotten to him.
She tugged and began to pull him out, but he felt like dead weight.
Panic lit up her senses and now, she couldn’t feel the cold, but hoisted him up onto her back and began to run down the hill, hurrying to where they had last been, finding an open tree’s roots there and finding it a good, hollow den to at least try and wake Sonic up in.
Using the fallen leaves, she constructed a small bed for him, laying him down as saw that one of his legs fully detached from the bone.
She covered her mouth, “Oh no…” The pain must have knocked him out… he was probably passed out from the wind blasting by him on his fall anyway…
She gently touched the burnt ends of his quills and fur… Her eyes bunching up as though unable to see him in such a state.
“Oh, Sonic…” She brought his head up and tried to warm him, blowing lightly warm air out of her throat to his face.
“Please, Sonic… You have to at least show me you’ll be alright…”
After a while, Sonic woke up to find his leg was perfectly straightened by two twigs, and someone had put it back in it’s socket… “Ah… Glad I was asleep for that.” He twitched at the pain but tried to move to turn around. However, it was too much for the poor hedgehog, having endured firepower beyond normal mortal means, he couldn’t possibly stand for the fiery pain of a severely broken leg.
“Gahh…” He tried to lean up, “Who… Where am I?” He noticed a fire was burning, and looked strangely at the comforting glow, realizing he wasn’t alone.
“Tails?” He first questioned the thought, ‘But then… he’d just take me back in the X-Tornado… I’d be having warm soup by now…’ He squinted one eye down and finally was sitting upright, being careful to not move the lame leg, “Knuckles?” It was reasonable, but that echidna wouldn’t be foraging for berries or anything. He’d imagine Knuckles would have sat by the fire, the earth too hard to dig through during the winter seasons…
So that meant…
“Amy?” He raised an eyebrow, as though second-guessing that before hearing a bright voice exclaim in joy at hearing her name being called.
“Oh! Sonic! You’re awake!”
Waiting a moment, he smiled as Amy came rushing in, holding more firewood that she quickly just dumped to the side, some catching fire but she didn’t care at the moment. “SOONIICC!!! I was so worried about you!” she hugged him which made him have to hold back a cry, his banded leg with two sticks keeping it from twisting and turning further only moved slightly from Amy’s tackling hug.
She was warm, though… and her voice filled him with ease.
He hugged her back, “Thank you.” He calmly stated, “But what happened?” He looked to her face, then outside to the rain of explosions that sounded in the blurry, clouded sky… “Is that… smoke?”
“Em.” Amy nodded, letting him go and tilting her body in the same direction as the sounds, “The communicator broke on our fall, I don’t know how long Tails has been fighting in the air, but I’m pretty sure Eggman and our friends have lost sight of where he landed.” She lowered her shoulders a bit, then rotated one around to stretch it. “Hoo…”
“Amy? You okay?” He noticed she looked a little worse for wear as well, “You’re stone cold to the touch.” He placed a glove to her arm before reflexing off of it, then placing it there again. “How long were you out there..?”
She smiled, glad he couldn’t recollect how close to death he was while in the cold of the soggy snow he was buried under moments before.
“It’s nothing~” She chimed, “I’m a tough girl, as well as cute, after all!” She put her hands to the sides of her cheeks, trying to get him to not worry about her so much.
“I think we should probably move when the smoke rolls out… or when the gunfire finally stops.” She admitted, looking to the skies again and dropping her hands to her knees.
Sonic later asked her about how she got to him, and she explained the whole story… eeexcept the part about him almost suffocating under snow.
They talked and ate some of the wild onion grass she had collected, finding not a scrap left on the trees or bushes, figuring the other little critters had stored up for the coming winter anyway.
Not really liking the taste of it, Sonic just tried to see if he could hop on one leg, but Amy refused to let him go out to fight again.
Reluctantly, Sonic decided it was only polite to thank his brave rescuer by waiting it out.
But all the while… they worried about their friends well-beings… as the canons kept going off relentlessly.
“... You think they’re winning?” Amy asked, “Or… Eggman is at least… missing?” She flinched as a large blast seemed to hit the ground a couple long miles away from them.
Sonic, with his hands behind his head, and a blade of onion grass sticking out of his mouth, took a frustrated breath in and sighed out just as quickly. “We can’t hide out here forever, Amy… My leg isn’t gonna heal that quickly.” He tried to reason with her, and she knew that was probably right… but…
“Just… a little longer… let’s believe in Tails and Knuckles… to solve this on their own, okay?” She looked back with a forced smile, her hand gripping her heart. “Seeing you like this… it makes me… unable to let you go… right now.” She admitted, lowering her head and not having the courage to look at him in shame.
He eyed her with a turn of his gaze, not moving his head, before closing his eyes and not saying anything more about it.
The wind howled… before a foot fall was heard and Amy perked up, her ears twitched and she rushed out from the intertwined roots, “Knuckles!?” She exclaimed, more than expecting to see he had found them… before…
“... Sonic! Roll! Now!” She threw herself back to him as he looked to see a large missile fired into the hole.
Crying out in pain, he rolled as the blast sent the two flying to the back of the hollow tree.
Amy picked up Sonic’s spiky spinball, “Don’t uncurl! Whatever you do!” She cried out, as Sonic also–through immense pain–called her name but she was already grabbing a stick from the fire, the rest of the roots on fire from the blast anyway, and charged out of the large space.
She gasped as she noticed a small Eggman Robot, cocking the bazooka which had smoke slithering out of its mouth.
“You…” Amy’s eyes narrowed, her anger giving her the needed heat throughout her body, ready to fight.
“He’s already injured! Leave us alone!” She shouted out, but Sonic couldn’t help and voice his concerns as well.
“Amy! Your back!” She could feel something cool drip down in different areas from her exposed back… but it was already frostbitten and she didn’t dare think about what he was referring to.
“I’m fine. You just stay put and in your ball, Sonic.” She breathed through the pain that was now burning from her back.
However… this sting was like when she first lost Sonic, it moved her forward, adrenaline coursing through her like Sonic moving through a winding course.
Amy set Sonic down, “Amy!” he cried out again, moving in wobbly attempts to ‘roll’ after her as she stepped up to bat.
“It’s okay, I’m your strength too, Sonic!” She pulled the hammer up behind her shoulders, “Ready…” she narrowed her eyes, skidding a foot forward as though truly a baseball pro up for bat.
Sonic tilted his rolled body against her other, back leg, “Amy…” He couldn’t argue with that.
“... Aren’t I..?”
Uncurling, Sonic groaned out as the leg–the wooden beams now snapped and bent–was forced back into a straight position. His own problems meant nothing to him right now, though.
He looked up at Amy, seeing the wavering belief in her eyes, remembering that for a moment… she may have been the ultimate end for Sonic The Hedgehog…
Her memory went back to having no sign of him… and that haunted her… Was she really able to be there for Sonic… the way he was always there for her?
A shadow rose to meet her own on the ground, lightly shaded, as the clouds of smog were starting to clear out.
She gasped, looking down to see Sonic’s silhouette was on one leg, his arms then trailing up to her own around her hammer.
She could feel the warm and comforting breath he spoke by her cheek, telling her to wait on his signal.
The robot fumbled a little getting the bazooka back in order, but then went to fire.
“... Now.” Sonic’s voice was light, but his grip held stronger around her hand.
She swung with everything she had while Sonic fell back to the ground, unable to hold himself up much longer due to the crippling pain.
The missile fired but Amy heard Sonic say, “Now let go!!!!” In a ripping sound that shredded through her heartstrings… realizing how much he was suffering, but how that simple act showed her that he did trust in his friends–especially her in this moment–to get through it.
She let the hammer go and balanced herself, her dress spinning to one side of her body before the hammer’s top plugged and jammed itself into the firing bazooka.
The Robot made computerized noises of horror before exploding along with the gun.
Sonic and Amy fell by each other’s side in the blast, and Amy gripped onto Sonic.
In the cold of falling snow… the two breathed through great pain…
Shared pain… as Sonic’s and Amy’s eyes looked up to each other’s… and a smile greater than pain emerged upon both their faces.
“We… erk… did it.” Amy’s back jerked from the tortuous mix of frost and burn mingling upon its bare skin…
“No, Amy.” Sonic also couldn’t keep both eyes opened, but squinted one. His charming smile never faded though, “You did it… You’ve always got my back.” He gritted his teeth, but tried to make it look like a bright smile. “Thank you… again… A-Amy…”
Knuckles soon found them, Tails flew them home, and they ended up resting on opposite couches from each other.
While she read the insisted book about King Arther, the one Sonic kept trying to convince her had happened to him being pulled into it, making him miss one of their planned dates, he also reached over and held her hand, pretending to fall asleep.
She smiled as she read more of the book… wondering all the while…
“... Sonic?”
She knew he wouldn’t answer.
“If I am your strength… why do I feel like… I’m not?” She put the book down over her chest, turning to the couch’s spine to avoid looking over to him. “If I was your strength… I wouldn’t have shut you into that tree hole den… I would have trusted that I could get you out of there… carry you to safety, and reunite with Tails and Knuckles again to save the day.”
While she spoke, Sonic pretended to be asleep, but listened closely.
“... Then… When you braved the pain of your leg to stand beside me..? I knew then… that while you were down, so was my strength.” She teared up, “But when you got up…” Her voice began to wane and take on a higher tune, as she wiped her eyes with the back of her glove. Her lips trembled, but she continued, “I… I need you more than I think you need me, Sonic… And that… That worries me.” She sniffled, “Cause… Cause what if I’m needy? What if… without you… I’m nothing short of a useless girl?”
Sonic made a loud snore, then. It cut her off as she said ‘useless’.
She turned to see his head straight up at the ceiling, his mouth open wide,... “Ammmy…” He lightly spoke, as though asleep. “Ammmyyy…” His hand acted as though reaching for her hand, but it was already there…
That’s when she noticed, her grip on his hand had slipped somewhat, and she held it tightly but gently once more.
Sonic’s breathing went back to normal… and Amy smiled till her cheeks hurt.
“Oh, Sonic…” She giggled through her light tears and wiped them all away this time. “Even if I don’t understand what strength I give you… Just knowing… that together, we’re stronger? That’s enough for me… Cause right now, you getting better is all I care about.” She sighed and went back to the book.
She gasped when she looked at her hand and saw Sonic had tugged it closer.
“A-ah… Ow, ow, Sonic!” He was dragging her off the other couch. “Sonic! Ow! I’ll fall!”
He started to turn, as though in his sleep, snoring again and making Amy stumble out of the couch as he wrapped her arm around his waist.
She pouted a cute blush, but then sighed, “I know you’re not asleep, silly… Your actual snore is totally different.” She gave in, moving her bandaged self to lift up his head and place him on her lap, patting his shoulder and humming a tune.
Sonic closed his mouth, the jig was up, and he just smiled as she tried to actually lull him to sleep.
Though he had to let go of her hand for her to do that, he reached under his body to get at the hand that was resting just by his neck… and she smiled at how sweet that was…
“... You are my strength, Sonic.” She leaned down, continuing to hum.
When she had actually fallen to sleep, Sonic placed her laying on the couch he was momentarily on, replacing her, and before hopping to the other one, placed a hand on her head and lightly whispered, “You’re more than my strength, Amy… You're my whole heart, entirely.”
In the morning, Amy woke up to find Tails in a tissy, worried sick as Sonic had somehow miraculous snuck out of his workshop home and was nowhere to be found.
A moment of panic did course through Amy, before thinking to herself, ‘... If he’s strong again, then I’ll be strong too.’ and went back to not worrying about him… resting… as she smiled at feeling secure again in that–as long as Sonic was up and about, she’d be pretty soon as well!
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7ndipity · 1 year
Roommates with Jin(College au)
Jin x Reader
Summary: Headcanon list and blurb about moving in/being roommates with Jin
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I started it as a drabble, but couldn’t decide on a single idea, so I made it a hc list instead, I hope that's alright. Also, big thanks to everyone for your patience as I slowly catch up on requests.
Requests are open
Moving in together was technically his idea, after your roommate announced they were transferring and you were stressing about finding a new one
“What if I just move in?” He’d all but blurted one evening over dinner, leaving you to nearly choke on your drink before gaping at him.
You’d only been dating for about six months, so you definitely had some concerns about moving too fast, but you couldn’t deny that the idea was a lot more appealing than living with a potential stranger, so ultimately you agreed.
He was so happy when you said yes, practically skipping to buy packing supplies.
The two of you fell into habit with each other surprisingly fast, balancing out tasks and chores almost without thought.
He makes sure you wake up on time in the morning, you make his coffee. He takes the trash out, you do the vacuuming. Etc…
You’re friends joke that you’ve become the parents of the group, bc there’s always someone sleeping over on your couch or staying for dinner(and by someone, I mean usually Jungkook)
Which reminds me, he’s a really good cook(he jokes that he almost went to culinary school instead of majoring in film) He was lowkey horrified by the amount of instant ramen and takeout you’d been surviving on previously, so your diet definitely improved when he moved in.
Half of your conversations are yelled because you’re on opposite ends of the appartment and refuse to walk through the house to find each other.(yeah, the neighbors kinda hate you, but it’s just Joon and Yoongi, so it’s nbd)
Late night cram sessions, where one or both of you are almost falling asleep on the other’s shoulder, but you won’t just go on to bed because you’re trying to be supportive.
Movie nights that he claims count as studying for him(even tho you’re like 99% sure his professor didn’t assign Shrek 2 as viewing material)
Being able to find each other's things, but never your own.
Going all out for holiday decorations, but you have to agree on them before purchsing bc one time you bought one of those motion activated figures for Halloween without telling him and he almost had a heart attack and punched it in the face.
Groaning as you set down the last box, you staggered over to where Jin sat unpacking another box before sliding down to sit next to him on the floor with a soft thud.
“Is that the last of it?” He asked.
“Yep, everythings here.” You slumped against his shoulder, “Ugh, I’m so tired. I think I went up and down those stairs two hundred times.”
“Hey, look.” Jin nudged you as he looked around at the disorganized mix of furniture and boxes scattered throughout the space.
“We did it. We’re in our apartment.” He said, grinning at you proudly.
“Yeah, we are.” You agreed, returning his smile.
”This is our living room. That’s our bedroom, our bathroom.” He pointed as he spoke.
“We have a kitchen too.” You noted.
“You wanna cook dinner together in our kitchen?” He asked, raising a brow at you.
“Maybe tomorrow, I’m too tired now.” You sighed, falling back on the floor dramatically. “Can we just go to bed?”
“Fine by me.” He chuckled, getting to his feet and turning to face you. Rather than helping you up, however, he simply grabbed hold of your ankles and began pulling you across the floor.
“What are you doing?!” You squealed.
“Taking you to bed.” He said. “I can’t carry you right now, my back hurts.”
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smolthealmighty · 23 days
Spinaraki Week 4 Day 4: Cracks and Home
Old Hag Look at My Life (I'm a Lot Like You Were)
As Tomura’s world falls apart, his grandmother’s vestige comes to his unlikely rescue. It turns out they’re a bit more similar than he thought.
When Tomura Shigaraki came back to himself, his mind was achy from his mater’s reveal, his voice was hoarse from screaming, his body was scattered to the wind with barely any pieces left, and to his surprise the woman who everyone called his grandmother was holding him in her muscular arms. While he appreciated the sentiment, he couldn’t help but wish a certain someone he actually got along with (and who’s arms held the same strength) was comforting him, instead of this hero lady he’d never met but who dictated his fate in absentia.
“I know you’re not happy to see me,” Nana said, “But I hope you’re willing to put up with me long enough to keep you alive. One For All and All For One did quite the number on you, the quirk and the man I mean.”
“If you call getting smashed into bits and having my entire worldview torn into just as many pieces ‘having a number done on me’,” Tomura sarcastically threw back, “Then I’d hate to see what you’d consider to be worse!”
“No, no, I’m not sure anyone could’ve survived that combination. But you’re not just anyone, are you?” Tomura started at that, but his grandmother gently aimed his face to look at her sincere -and maybe proud?- expression as she continued.
“You’ve been through so much, you’re so very strong. And even with everything All For One has put you through, all the lies he spun and all the strings he pulled to mold you into what he wanted, you still managed to untether yourself enough to find your own goal and make your own connections. You found friends, and you dedicated your aspirations to them. You loved them, you helped them. It’s not what I’d call hero work, but in a vacuum I can’t deny it’s heroic. I only wish someone better could’ve been around to guide you, so you had the opportunity to try your brand of heroism, and for that I am sorry.”
Tomura was speechless at the apology that came two decades too late, but when he thought about it, he was -begrudgingly- at least a little bit glad someone had finally told him that not only could he be a hero after all this time, but that he was a hero for the people who mattered to him the most (and if it also flew in the face of everyone who wanted him to fail then that made it all the better).
“Wait,” Tomura asked, horror taking over as an idea of starting to dawn on him, “how the hell do you know any of that?”
“Well,” Nana squirmed, “we are currently in a vestige world residing in your mind, and you’ve got a lot stored up in here. What you’ve touched, what you feel, what you’ve destroyed, what you create, what you hate, what you love…”
“Oh no, please tell me you didn’t see anything weird.”
“Of course not,” Nana reassured, “Falling in love with a close friend isn’t weird at all.”
“I can see why you adore him, such a sweet and earnest boy.”
“And beautiful eyes and scales to boot.”
“Sorry, sorry, I can’t help it,” she snickered in a way that betrayed she wasn’t sorry at all, “It’s just that I can understand how you fell for him, after all I fell in love with your grandfather in very similar circumstances.”
“… Grandpa tied with you in Smash Bros after joining your criminal organization, then endeared himself to the point you didn’t think twice about wiping Mount Fuji off the map for him?”
“No not like that,” she corrected, “We started as friends too, but our shared love was astronomy instead of video games. One time he blind-folded me and had me use my quirk with him steering, and when the blind fold was off, I realized he floated me into an area of sky with zero light pollution, just in time to watch the nova explosion of T Coronae Borealis. My impulsive ass proposed to him on the spot, skipped the dating phase entirely.”
Tomura went bug-eyed at that, but didn’t interrupt as Nana continued to reminisce, “You know, even when we exchanged our vows and eventually had your father, I knew that marrying him automatically put a target on his back. It was only a matter of time before he would get caught in the crossfire of my line of work, and in the end, even all the safety measures we took didn’t keep him safe, but I entangled us anyway. I figured that a life with him in it, however tragic and brief, was worth living more than one where I never knew just how loved and cherished I could be. Especially if that meant I could give that same amount of love back to him.”
“…Grandma,” Tomura mused, “I feel like you’re trying to tell me something.”
“I think you might’ve inherited that outlook from me,” Nana suggested, “Seeing as you were initially on the fence about undergoing the shadiest surgery known to man for the sake of power, only to decide it was worth it literally moments after your sweetie confessed that he ‘loved those warped horizons you made’, thinking that a power upgrade was just what you needed to make him even happier! You’re just as impulsive and intense when it comes to love as I was!”
“Don’t call Spinner ‘my sweetie!’ We didn’t even get the chance to pick out pet names!” Tomura cringed, then cringed harder and pouted after realizing he outed himself.
“Well, maybe you’ll get that chance,” Nana supposed, surprising Tomura with her switch to a serious tone.
“My hands, my son’s hands, your family’s hands have been holding you back for so long. So please, let me use my hands properly this time,” she whispered, moving her arms to cradle him a bit more firmly now that he wasn’t falling apart at the seams, “Let me be the hands that hold you together, that push you forward, that guide you as you take your next steps, and support you now when you need help the most.”
As she spoke, Tomura felt multiple hands slightly nudging him. Looking down, he watched as the other vestiges of One For All pressed the gathered up pieces of him together. A man wearing goggles on his head held one leg, another with a high-collared jacket handled the other. He watched as arms were positioned by two men in similar-looking combat gear, his torso aligned with his head by someone with cracks running down his face.
Once every particle was in its place, a vestige that appeared remarkably similar to Tomura placed his hands over the cracks on his chest, and suddenly that crack began to heal. The cracks did not disappear, but instead were welded together, leaving golden scars in their place. As the other vestiges repeated the process on the rest of his body, Tomura noticed a golden, foggy vestige carefully fusing each finger of his destructive hands to his palms, thankfully without the telltale holes of All For One’s quirk, but also saw that vestige slowly grow dimmer with every piece he fixed.
“You’re not really making them all give up their souls and fade away just to keep my destructive ass alive…” Tomura joked as he turned to his grandmother, who he realized was also fading away as his peripheral vision took on more of a golden hue, “…are you?”
“It’s a shame you think destroying is all you can do, when you know that you’ve had a fair share of creating things too,” Nana remarked, “and I’m willing to bet that the bonds you created with your friends are something not even your hands can obliterate.”
Tomura knew he couldn’t say a thing to disprove that statement, he wouldn’t even dare to entertain the thought of purposefully getting rid of them. “I can’t promise I won’t start another fight when I wake up, especially not if my friends are the ones in trouble. Sorry grandma.”
“That’s alright,” Nana chuckled, the grin on her face identical to the maniacal one Tomura sometimes saw in the mirror, “What kind of Shimura’s would we be if we didn’t act intensely for the people we love, just as intensely as we love them in the first place? Can you promise me something else then?”
“Depends, what is it?”
Nana bent down to whisper in her grandson’s ear, and though her final request made his face erupt into a blush, he readily agreed as they faded into darkness and whatever lay beyond this realm.
“See if you can make that delightful Player 2 of yours my grandson-in-law.”
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