#I need to get back to PreCure
timemachineyeah · 1 year
There’s a brand new sequel series to Yes! PreCure 5! where the Cures are adults!?!?!
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happy-tori-friends · 5 months
mine creachures arrived (i underestimated how large they would be)
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now they get to live on the dusty bedside shelf with some other friends :)
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strawberryicemoon · 3 months
Max Heart and Gogo count independently, and you can add half seasons up if you've started but haven't finished multiple seasons. This is a measure of how much precure you have watched, not how many sets of girls you've watched. I may make an additional poll for that too. Otherwise round to the nearest full season.
ALL OF THEM means you are no more than 4 episodes behind, and are no more than 2 movies behind.
Otherwise for the purposes of this poll don't worry about the movies. I am lumping in movies with their respective seasons. Which basically means don't worry about it, because even if you've seen a whole season but not the movies that still pretty much rounds up to a whole season because movies make up such a small part of that. And movies are generally take longer to come out and especially in recent years very crossover heavy with little motivation to watch as part of that series.
I am counting watching Glitter Force as watching 80% of Smile (Yes it's a poor dub, and changes quite a few things but I'm counting quantity not quality). Which also rounds up. So if you've gone in and filled in the missing episodes with the subbed that would bump it up to a full season for the purposes of this poll... the only option this is applicable is the "ALL OF THEM" option, and I do assume if you're such a Precure fan as to watch all of the seasons you've probably watched the original subbed. But covering my bases.
But Doki Doki Glitter Force is a half a season, rounding down. You'd have to rewatch all of Doki Doki Precure to get that to a full season because of how they chopped up the episodes.
That said I'd appreciate you noting if your counting glitter force in the notes, but don't feel obligated.
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no1ryomafan · 4 months
*rotating in my head how magical girls have a similar issue to mecha in which majority of west speaking anime fans brush off the genre for stereotyping it into one thing besides the popular shows but magical girls have had it significantly worse because madoka actually effected the genre into becoming unnecessarily darker for a period and it’s also a reflection of how media aimed at women has more negative biased to it then media aimed at men*
Wow this is so fucked up and objectively more worse then mecha just getting brushed off for being “robot fights”.
*proceeds to continue not have a strong interest in magical girls even after this realization*
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maraiheroine · 2 months
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magical girls..... and loto
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Since you seem to be a bit of an expert (/gen) how does one get into the cure series? (Is it all even one series? Are they different shows entirely?) It looks really fun and I want to get into it but I'm not sure how to start!
HAHAHAHA. call me professor precure the way i go insane abt them on the dash. or something.
BUT ANYWAYS to answer your question. precure is just a franchise of magical girl shows and each season follows a different group and you can watch them in essentially any order that your heart desires! each season has a different theme (heros, tropical island, food, space, doctors, etc) so just pick whichever series looks the most enticing to start out with ! if youre interested in the series, i would highly reccomend starting with healin good pretty cure because its my favorite tied with delicious party precure, but good starting points would also be tropical rouge, star twinkle, or heartcatch. and DEFINITELY watch hirogaru sky bc its so. silly ^_^
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8n53 · 1 year
hold on . the splash star girls are in the new adult precure show ? 🥺 and the terrible ikemen characters are nowhere to be seen ?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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ladyloveandjustice · 13 days
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The antagonist of the new Precure season was revealed to be the angry souls of some extinct Japanese wolves, here to strike back at humanity for literally killing all of them, and presumably they're going to bring up all the other species on the verge of extinction too. I think this is a cool idea to teach kids about how we need to protect wild animals, the consequeces for fearmongering, and the importance of conservation (and I love the Shinto/ Inugami imagery being incorporated).
But man, it being a real life problem means whenever the Japanese wolves inevitably forgive humanity I'll be thinking "well no they shouldn't. I wouldn't in their furry little shoes."
I'm sure the resolution will be "we're going to work hard to make sure this never happens again" and that's good for kids! Good messages, good call to action.
But if I was the Japanese wolf I'd just be "well no you're not because you've already driven other species to near extinction. and anyway even if you do that, it's not like you can unkill us all so that doesn't solve my grievance at all" "
I'm not saying they should say that, I'm not the kind of garbage adult who goes after kids media for being too idealistic, what I'm basically getting at is these are going to be the most righteous and symapthetic precure villains (and perhaps magical girl villains period) of all time basically. I would be completely with them if they didn't get on the magical girl forgiveness train.
I also really find anime's portrayal of wolves interesting, because there is often that sense of collective guilt, which means we actually get a fair amount of wolf stories where they're tragic and sympathetic? Wolf's Rain is a big example obvs, then there's Wolf Children, which even has the inciting incident being the father being murdered by humans, Princess Mononoke obvs, and more stuff I could get into, like how anthro media that's trying to make a serious point in the past few years favors wolf protags..
Obvs we also see that stories that try not to demonize wolves as much as we did in the past in non-Japanese media too, but this aura of tragedy that tends to follow wolves around in anime and the different ways it gets addressed is interesting.
I'd be down to read scholarship on it.
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marshmallow-manju · 8 days
due to popular demand I'm putting the WanPre movie plot under the cut
anything that's missing? i forgor. super spoilers for the entire movie.
Starts out with a mysterious egg coming from a computer screen in a laboratory. The egg escapes, glitching, and gets into Animal Town, voicing jealousy over the people taking care of their pets.
The precure find it, try to reason with it because it isn’t a Garugaru. But because it has ears and a tail and can speak, ending sentences in tanu, Wonderful calls it a Tanutanu. It gets angry. Grows giant. Attacks. The girls immediately pull out the Niko-sama full attack. It seems to work, but there’s nothing left when the attack is over. They transform back and, from behind a fence post, the egg sees them and is in awe that Wonderful and Nyammy are actually a cat and a dog. Thinking the fight is over they all head to pretty holic to play a new game they just bought. Satoru and Daifuku are also there and they’re set up with snacks and treats while they explain the premise of the game.
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Essentially, animal crossing looking characters, on an island of tanuki, run races and people from all over the world compete against eachother with their custom animal avatars. Iroha makes a Komugi looking character on her (not switch) and Mayu makes Yuki. Satoru is playing on his pc and makes Daifuku. They all ask the animals how they feel about the lookalikes, and they all approve, even Daifuku through Komugi’s translation. She notes that he sounds as cool today as ever. Cut to the other special two teams of the movie. Ageha makes a little birdie who looks like Tsubasa, to his embarrassment. Mirai makes Mofurun, who is delighted. Haa-chan also thinks it’s super cute, but Riko can’t understand why any of this is fun.
They play a little, and Komugi gets really into watching Iroha and actually jumps at the screen, causing Iroha to mess up and drop the Komugi mascot off a cliff to wander in darkness, which really upsets Komugi...until Iroha promises that they will be together forever and nothing will ever keep them apart.
They are about to start another game when the mysterious Tanutanu egg reappears. It “hatches” splitting into two human sized tanuki. They say they have no need for dogs or cats. Just the humans. And there’s a bit of them trying different ways to persuade Iroha and Mayu to come with them including transforming into cute tiny versions of themselves. They fall for it, and get sucked through a portal. Yuki and Komugi also jump through, Komugi barely making it. Satoru is distraught, since they disappeared before his eyes. And then looks under the table to find that Daifuku is also missing.
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In the game, Komugi is alone. And realizing that she is a weird hybrid of herself. A dog that stands on two legs! The tanuki appear and explain the rules to her. If she ever wants to see her precious Iroha again, she’s gotta win the games. Which is impossible! Good luck! She’s gifted with a ring (the item that anyone under middle school age is gifted upon entry to the movie theater, this year’s light up cheering item) and starts the race! Running to the first arena! First up is a rhythm game. The first Wanderful ed song plays and Komugi does her best to hit the buttons by herself. But she’s told that it’s a two player game and so she’s probably going to lose. She does her best, bouncing from button to button with no misses, until it looks like she’s going to miss one on the far side. Yuki hits it, with style and flair. And they finish the song perfectly.
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They team up for the next arena, the dancing tama-ire. (Note, this is something little kids do on sports day, so it’s definitely an appeal to the small children of the audience).
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The game starts with dancing. Another Precure song. Then the red and white balls drop down and everyone gets to throwing them into the basket. Notably, the avatars for mofurun and Tsubasa are in the mix without much focus. It’s random animals, the red team, against a team of all tanuki, the white team. And there are special balls in the mix. One Tanuki grabs one and suddenly becomes extra tall to block red balls from going in the basket. Komugi and Yuki also find special balls and become their Precure forms! Along with all the benefits they have with speed and agility. The other cure teams playing the game are shocked to see cures in the game. What could that mean?? Also the mysterious game programmer whose computer the egg from the opening bounced out of gasps that she didn’t program these characters…. Back to game. White team is winning by a small margin. Then it’s dance time again. And ball release. Repeat. They win it at the last second because Nyammy picks up like 300 balls and throws them all in at once. Somehow.
The next game involves turning a crank to move an elevator platform up a wall. It’s all tanuki NPC teams vs Komugi and Yuki, back in their animal forms, and the two tanuki who hatched from the egg. They’re asking why they’re trying so hard to save their humans. What could possibly be their motivations. Both animals have flashbacks of when their human partners rescued them. And declare that they’re going to be together forever. No matter what. They pull ahead to the top and win!! They’ve won the games!!
They’re allowed into the room with no exits that Friendy and Lillian have been trapped in with the NPC tanuki trying to make them feel better by turning into Komugi and Yuki (badly), and offering them fancy juice drinks and fanning them with leaves. The girls are overjoyed to see their pets again, happy hugging reunion. And then the boss tanuki appears. He’s huge. He’s wrapped in a green scarf. Intimidating. He offers to let them all live here in his game world forever. Never getting older or changing. Just being there to love and cherish the many tanuki, and also Komugi and Yuki since they won the games and proved themselves.
Satoru has been trying this entire time to get in contact with the game creator with Meimei cheering him on. The game creator has been typing codes into her computer, until the big tanuki, Mujina, appears. She recognizes him immediately, but calls him something else… He seems like hers very nice, until they refuse. Asking to be let back home to their families. He chose them because they love animals. Things seem at an impasse when suddenly. A very manly voice comes from behind the doors to the goal room.
It’s Daifuku.
In game rabbit form.
But now we can hear him speak and everyone is shocked. He is indeed as cool a character as Komugi has been telling us all this time. Mujina agrees to let the girls play one more game. The winner can get any wish granted that they want. The game is a tournament style balloon pop. Where everyone has a ball on their heads and a bat to pop it with. Except? It’s the 4 cures and daifuku against a full army of Tanuki NPCs, and Mujina on a throne. It looks hopeless. The cure teams watching feel like it’s hopeless…but maybe they can help? The mahou girls cast a Cure-up rapapa to try to get in there to help and send—
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Mofurun!! By himself!! The game starts and he very cutely casts a little cure up rapapa of his very own to pop all the balloons in one go. (I was really hoping for cure Mofurun, but….) Winning the whole game at once! Everyone cheers, and he disappears as his job is done. Daifuku pops the final ball on Mujina’s head. It’s over. Mujina is upset but allows the girls their wish. They’re transported to a blank space full of stars, where a weird Tanuki made of constellations offers to grant them their any one wish. Daifuku murmurs that he wishes he could have done more on his own powers and.
Flash of light, it cuts to everyone standing around staring at Daifuku. Hes shocked because he didn’t mean to take the wish, and says that he isn’t suited to being a human. We still haven’t seen him. But Nyammy opens her compact for him to see his reflection…. He is still a rabbit. Nothing happened. The wish was a fake and Mujina never intended to let them go.
Then, finally. The mysterious programmer and Satoru manage to get messages to them in the game! The game creator, Natsuki, has been working to program a portal out of there. But they only have a few minutes to make it work. And Mujina has figured out that he’s being betrayed from the outside. He’s powering up, growing bigger and bigger. The cures (friendy grabs Daifuku) run to make it up the unnecessarily complicated winding staircase that Natsuki made for their escape. Being stopped by the NPC Tanuki and using the kirarin fox to turn into matching Tanuki along the way to escape. They get to the final staircase, and Mujina is a giant swiping at them, clawing and grabbing the footholds and desperately trying to get them. The girls wonder why he’s so desperate. What’s the reason he wants to keep them here so badly? They get to the top and reveal the ticket to getting out of there. The tanu-key. (Terrible pun, it was great).
Mujina attacks again, and the key flys out of Wonderful’s hands. It lands in the air, cracking the border edge of the game world and sticking in the crack. Wonderful makes a dive for it. Crashing through the border and disappearing into uncoded territory. Natsuki is horrified. There’s minutes left to unlock the portal and she has no idea what is beyond the game world that she coded.
Komugi wakes up in total darkness in her game-dog form. She can see a light from the crack and starts walking toward it. An illusion of Mujina taunts her. Why is she trying so hard to get out. He’s offering her everything. The chance for nothing to ever change. For Iroha to never leave her side. But Komugi refuses. She wants change. A stairway appears. She starts climbing up it. Running. She trips. Mujina keeps taunting her. But she gets up again. Running and running. Declaring that change is wonderful and everyday brings something new and someday she and Iroha will be old ladies together!!!
She breaks out, Wonderful again! Key in hand! For the 5th time in the movie they beat the clock by one second!!!! Unlocking the portal with their Friend RIngs.
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They make it home! But they’re not the only ones out of the portal. Mujina has also escaped and gone full youkai form. A sleek spectral tanuki made of black energy, still wearing the green scarf. He sniffs. And bolts off. He’s looking for something.
The girls chase after him, leaving a relieved Satoru on the porch of Pretty Holic. And also a boy with gray hair that looks suspiciously like rabbit ears. Satoru knows him immediately and tells Daifuku that he’s so happy he can finally talk to him. They chase after the cures together.
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The action really starts from here. Somehow we end up at Minato Mirai (like almost all the Allstars movies do!!) Mujina is running rampage, destroying things on his run until he finally slams into the red brick warehouses. The hirogaru girls make their entrance and pull off some great attacks, and also combo with the wonderful girls. Mujina gets away again, and this time the mahou girls come in and do the same thing. Everyone poses and does a signature attack. It’s exactly what we’ve been waiting for with the crossover.
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He gets away again. He’s a tanuki on a mission. Except. He’s distracted by a guy walking and petting his dog in a display of human to animal affection. Mujina is pissed.
Satoru and Daifuku show up exactly then, running to try and save the guy and doggie. Wing sees this and makes a dive to save all of them. Flash of light. Both our bunny boys are in cure (?) form and save the day. Daifuku comments that it’s pretty alright to be like this and Satoru agrees.
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Once again the tanuki gets free and climbs a building. It’s clear he’s going to Natsuki and she knows it too. She’s on the roof of a building, waiting for him. Everyone chases after and he finally stops, growling, facing her. And she calls him something like “pon-chan” or another generic Tanuki name that I’m forgetting and goes into flashback mode. As a child she had no friends. But one day she met a little tanuki in the park near her school. She would stop and talk to and play with him every day, and it was the highlight of her days. She confided in him that even though she didn’t like school much she loved her programming class. One rainy day she gave him a green scarf and promised that she would be back tomorrow and the day after and the day after forever. Until one day the park was under construction and being dug up by big machines and she never saw him again. She instead threw herself into programming her first game character so she could remember her friend forever. One of the NPC looking Tanuki but with a green scarf. She went on to make her game, get a grant, and a contract with a company to make it a reality. But she never forgot her friend.
She was sad because they could never talk and she couldn’t say goodbye. She wondered if her friendship was one sided. But the wonderful girls assure her that even if her tanuki friend couldn’t speak real words to her. The warmth she felt when she was with him and the memories she cherished were proof that they were friends. The animal girls go on to say that before they were cures it was the same for them. Even if you can’t speak the feelings come through. Mujina sparkles and turns into the programmed character Natsuki made all those years ago. And shimmers into the sky. They come down off the roof and say goodbye. The animals turn back into animals and Tsubasa reveals he’s actually a bird. Meimei appears and tells Natsuki that she’s not to repeat this to anyone at all ever. They invite her to animal town someday to play.
The ending theme plays and has stills of everyone going on a picnic and having fun, Daifuku is back to being a regular rabbit, but Komugi and Yuki are in human forms mostly. But there’s a few stills of them as animals with Mofurun and Tsubasa and Elle all being small and cute together. Final scene, a bush rustles and a tanuki steps out. He looks just like Natsuki’s old friend. Everyone laughs as the camera pans to the sky.
The end.
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anon-exe · 2 months
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I haven't been active on social media in a while and I want to get back to posting my art online cause I like 'archiving' it or whatever; Dark Precure art I posted to twitter but not here
context; first drawing is hot topic dress, second is her in what her version of her outfit would be if she was in the tropical rouge + heartcatch movie, next 3 are drawn over stock photos of anniversary plushes to draw what Moonlight and Dark would look like at those plushes cause i desperately need more merch of them to exist, and sixth drawing is with Yugame from another Magical Girl series cause they have similar energy
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ecargmura · 3 months
Senpai Is An Otokonoko Episode 1 Review - A Queer-Coded Romcom
What is an ‘otokonoko’? According to some sites, it’s a Japanese term for men who express themselves femininely. Are they trans? Are they a crossdresser? That’s something to figure out for yourself. Because of the ambiguity regarding Makoto’s gender, I’m going to use they/them pronouns when talking about them.
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Regardless, Senpai Is An Otokonoko seems to be a romcom story that talks about sexuality, gender and conformity as Makoto Hanaoka is a boy who dresses up as a girl, but only does it at school. Saki Aoi is a girl who fell for Makoto, originally believing them to be a girl, but when they tell her the truth, Saki gets excited knowing that she can like both the boy and the girl versions of them. Congrats on the sudden bisexual awakening? Anyways, Saki is still insistent on pursuing Makoto, so she does whatever she can to make sure she becomes their first love. The only obstacle in her way is their childhood friend, Ryuji Taiga, who is protective of them, but also has a crush on them.
Is this BL? Yuri? I’d say that it is more of a queer-coded story. Makoto clearly likes dressing femininely; Saki is bisexual; Ryuji is gay. Nobody here is straight, not even Makoto. However, I do like it shows the positives and negatives of these kinds of stories. There are people who are accepting of Makoto’s crossdressing like Saki and Ryuji, but there are those who still find it hard to take in like some of Makoto’s classmates and even one of their teachers. However, I do like that the story is not written to make Makoto a joke, but to make them a serious character with internal issues of their own. I’d love to know what caused him to start crossdressing in the first place as its only hinted that he always liked cute things since he was little, but couldn’t lavish in them due to his household being super strict. Why is it that the school allows him to dress like this and why does he have a special locker in the storage room? I’d love to know these types of details.
The visuals are pretty! I seriously love both of Makoto designs! The girl design is beautiful! I love the hair color of their wig! I also like Makoto’s boy design. They may look like a regular boy, but they have a cute and pretty face that helps them stand out from the rest. Ryuji also looks nice with the parted hair and the hoop earrings. Saki also looks so cute with her short bobbed hair! They’re all rather simple designs, but they’re eye-catching!
The characters are fun because they’re in a friendly love triangle. Makoto is a nice person who’s filled with mysteries regarding their actions. I still like that they’re brave to keep crossdressing at school, even if everyone won’t be accepting of it. Saki is so chaotic, but I do like her earnest heart. She’s so bold, which is what Makoto probably needs in his life. Ryuji is also a nice guy but a little overprotective. I do like that he does whatever he can to protect Makoto from weirdos who look at him oddly, but he gets shy whenever the topic of him liking Makoto pops up.
The voice acting is really nice! I’ve never heard Shuichiro Umeda’s performance before, but he has a very cute voice that is perfect for a role like this. Akira Sekine voices another chaotic girl in Saki after voicing the chaos that was Sora Harewataru from Hirogaru Sky Precure. Yuma Uchida plays Ryuji Taiga, making this character the second gay boy he’s voicing this season after Hisashi from Twilight Out of Focus; he’s on a roll with these LGBT characters.
I guess my only gripe is that the art style shifts a lot from the usual to the comical ones that it’s sort of hard to get used to the sudden back and forth. I think it happens way too often that I’m mentioning this. Not that it’s bad but sometimes, it does get a little annoying.
I think people who still struggle with their identity might find some solace in this cute queer-coded story. I wasn’t sure what I was for a long time until I realize that I am most likely pansexual. Yes, this is the first time I reveal my sexuality on this blog, but it’s just a secret that I won’t ever tell anyone in real life because it’s my identity and life; I’m the only one who gets to decide how to live it, after all. For me, gender doesn’t matter; I love people however they are. I honestly can’t wait to see what sort of story this will turn out to be. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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alfiely-art · 4 months
Wip I will never finish 👍
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Magical girls au... Kirakira Maho Shojo Tantei... details under cut
Yuma is an average girl!!! Then, this weird purple alien... stuffed animal... ghost... comes and tells her about her destiny as a magical girl. She gets a transforming item (a button that's basically just the WDO symbol), and transforms into a magical girl!!!! Still trying to figure out if they get special names
Shinigami, our mascot character, tells Yuma that she needs a mentor! And she leads Yuma to... Yakou, an ex-magical girl. Yakou is now saddled with training Yuma.
If this was a show, the first six episodes would introduce a new member to Yuma- ep one = shinigami, ep two = yakou, ep three = halara, ep four = desuhiko, etc etc
We defeat the villains (amaterasu) in this order: swank, Seth, guillaume + dominic, Martina, yomi, Makoto. However they often come back after being defeated cuz they're trying to win back respect from their team
Shinigami can also transform, but that's a later development and is used as a Final Move
Magical items!! Yuma has a sword, Yakou has a knife, Halara has brass knuckles, desuhiko has a bow, fubuki has a gun, vivia has a box cutter that can change size
The others interact with Shinigami but she lives with Yuma
They are all women !!! Except Halara. Our enby ruler
The clone thing still exists here. Yuma and Makoto are the split pieces of a princess of another world... the First Princess... who had to split herself in order to defeat the Evil Guys taking over her kingdom... yes I like Precure
Yuma doesn't know this, Makoto does. Makoto doesn't really wanna come back together she's busy being her own person and all. However destiny dictates they have to come back together...
Yuma says "no <3" and they decide to just work together instead of going back to being one person
Yippee!!!! Oh also yakous wife is still dead. She was a magical girl too and was killed. Kinda why Yakou quit. Yakou comes along with the group for the Final Battle and gets revenge on Huesca, who's the bad guy's scientist person
It does result in yomi being defeated so. Yeah
Oh the Bad Guys also have items to transform. Buttons with the Amaterasu symbol. Yayayayya. These guys could know each other Irl......
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baileypie-writes · 3 months
Can I ask some headcanons of Joker with S/O, who can manipulate water?
A/N ~ Sure! Thanks for rephrasing the request. When I googled it, the explanations were really confusing😭. I also included a mini oneshot, since these are kinda short. Hope you enjoy!
~Joker with an S/O who can Manipulate Water~
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Fandom: Smile Precure!
Fanfic Type: Headcanons +mini oneshot!
Reader: Gender neutral, can manipulate water
Relationship: Romantic
Characters Included: Joker
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: None!
~Smile Precure! Masterlist~
Guide: The purple dialogue is Joker, and the uncolored dialogue is Reader.
‼️Glitter Force stans DNI‼️
~ It can take a lot to impress this jester. So when you first mention your abilities, he doesn’t think much of it. But when he sees your skills in action, he finds that he can’t look away. It was just so mesmerizing to him!
~ Being a man who enjoys performing, he definitely asks you to help him with various acts! For example, he may ask you to make a levitating bubble of water for him to jump into, and swim around in. Joker isn’t one to beg, but if you say no to him about this, you won’t go a day without him asking at least five times.
“I would greatly appreciate it you would help me with some tricks, my dear!”
“Joker, you’ve already asked me today. Three times. The answer is no.”
“Oh, come on. Don’t be like that!~”
~ Whenever he gets really tired of the other members of Bad End failing to defeat the Pretty Cure, he asks you to pull “little pranks” on them. Without the sugar-coating, they’re really punishments. He’ll ask you to fill Majorina’s potion room with water, or to dump a few gallons of it onto Wolfrun.
~ Since no one else in Bad End has any real powers, he constantly brags about you to them. He makes not so subtle jabs at them, about how much cooler you are than them, and how you could beat the Pretty Cure on your first try.
~ Joker sometimes asks you to use your abilities to entertain him when he’s bored. He’ll ask you to make random shapes with water, or do cool tricks. He could honestly watch you work for hours.
“How about a Pretty Cure? Can you do Cure Happy?”
“I can try, though it might not be perfect” *forms water into Cure Happy*
“Oh my! Wonderful!” *throws a ball right at her head, destroying it*
“Hey! I worked hard on that!”
~Mini Oneshot~
“Oh, my dear!” Joker called to you in a singsong voice. That’s how you knew he was up to something.
“What?” You asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.
“I need your help with something.” He said innocently.
“What? You’re not up to mischief, are you?”
“Perhaps! But I believe it’s important!”
“Ugh, fine.”
And that’s how you ended up levitating a giant bubble of water over to Wolfrun’s room. According to Joker, he had been slacking off recently. So he needed a “little push” to get him back to work. You of course knew where this was going. But you really didn’t feel like trying to find a way out of it. Besides, you loved him too much.
“Ugh, this is really heavy.” You complained. The water above you made sloshing noises, which you tried to stop, as to not get caught.
“I know, but don’t worry. You won’t be carrying it much longer.” Joker reassured.
You arrived at Wolfrun’s room, where he was reading a comic, completely unaware of what was coming.
“Okay, do it. Careful now!” Joker whispered.
You slowly hovered the water to be above the wolf’s head. Seeing its shadow, he looked up. But it was too late. You dropped the water, making it land right on him. He yelped, and was completely soaked.
“Ack! What the? (name)!” He yelled furiously.
But then, you and Joker were already running away, laughing.
“Thank you, my dear. I believe he learned his lesson now.” He said, giving your hand a kiss.
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pomegranateflesh · 4 months
"Fabulously wandering around! Cure Fabulous! Let us be friends forever!"
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this is Cure Fabulous my Wonderful! Precure Oc/Curesona, pronouns: they/it. But how did they exactly become a Precure? Find out down below!
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they are originally a Kirarin Animal Red Panda, one who is an extrovert at heart just get them talking and they won't be able to stop! This Kirarin Animal is always eager to make new friends, still they are quite shy and anxious.. they are very self conscious and scared that they will make a bad impression, or receive a deceiving look that they are incredibly afraid to even try to reach out and make new friends. One day they escaped to the human realm feeling as they do not fit in the Niko Garden in their current state, in Animal Town they found themselves face to face to the Mirror Stone, already aware of its legendary status as a wish granting stone they made a wish, "I WISH.. I WISH I COULD BE STRONG AND CONFIDENT! I WANT TO BE STRONG LIKE THE PRECURE BEFORE US! TO HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH ANYONE!!"
The stone didn't react, disappointed they were about to head back to the Niko Garden they feel a terribly strong presence.. one they've never felt before.. afraid for the others they immediately head back.. only to find everything destroyed.. what was once everyone's home was now gone.. they didn't fully appreciate it before, it was just the common everyday but with it gone not having a home to return to can really break one's heart, desperately they try and gather all the eggs up, suddenly the GaruGaru's leader appears in front of them.
"Out of my way." It says in a terribly cold voice.
With a single kick the GaruGaru's leader throws the Kirarin Red Panda far far away, thinking it's over its ready to leave however they come right back and pulls at it's cape. "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE THEM! I WON'T LET YOU HURT ANYONE ANYMORE!!" as they say that with such a strong determination with their heart, their wish is finally granted! There and then they transform into Cure Fabulous!
"Precure! Fabulous Paw Punch!!!"
As it hits them it barely makes an scratch.. Fabulous is slightly afraid but they stay strong! Throwing everything they got, they channel their emotions into each attack, their anxieties of meeting new friends.. their regrets of not reaching out before.. their absolute happiness at being able to be a Cure.. all of it into a final attack. They put their arms up and yell:
(imagine something like the Cure Prism, Prism Shot but instead of a ball it's a sun and with the colors of all of the Kirarin Animals gems, it shines bright with orange and red lights)
Before the attack can hit the coward leader finally goes away, leaving Cure Fabulous all by themselves.. alone in the rubble of what used to be their home. They stay alone like this until the Iroha, Komugi and Mey Mey get back, Mey Mey is incredibly surprised and glad to find that a single Kirarin Animal survived unharmed and says they are terribly sorry for what happened and to leave them alone, Kirarin Red Panda is just happy to be with someone again and hugs Mey Mey.
Later on as more Kirarin Animals return and things get more stable they talk to Mey Mey and show them their ability to transform, absolutely floored by this Mey Mey tells them to help the Precure right away! And schedules a meeting with them, until the meeting they are incredibly anxious.. even trembling however they snap out of it, thinking of how wonderful it will be to fight alongside the Precure and save their future friends. They transform into their Cure form(they are only able to turn human after learning it with Komugi) and meets Iroha and Komugi with a handshake and a smile, the meeting goes very well! It's more of a tea party than a serious corporate meeting, the evening goes by smoothly time passes it's as if they have been friends forever already. Now part of the team, they switch between worlds to join in fights and everyday activities! This is but just the start of Cure Fabulous story!
I looooved designing them, you will probably see slight changes here and there, especially in the hairstyle, but anything else I'm more than satisfied with! I have still to come up with a proper human design for them(originally I wasn't even going to bother but as I normally only make the Cure designs but imma give it a try), and a GaruGaru version just for funsies.
imitating the Wonderful Precure artstyle was as tricky as it was fun, and I'm still not TOTALLY sold on WonPre buuuut I'm liking it well enough, it has a weird comical/light feel that reminds me of Tropical Rouge so that made me like it even more, I don't really like how practically EVERYONE now knows that they are involved with the Niko Garden stuff, like the main team is fine for them to know, I still would've preferred more suspense and a little more time until Mayu discovered everything but oh well.
hope you guys enjoyed Cure Fabulous backstory! see you on the next one
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hikaru-hoshina · 3 months
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Shiny Cats Pact ♡
To start my Nyammy haul, since I have too many pictures and Tumblr only allows a maximum of 10! I got the standard release both because I usually don't buy the carry cases (and too little space problems) and because believe me if I tell you Nyammy/Lillian merch was, and still is in some cases, sold out since the first hour of the preorder! I got it on Amazon Japan because I also needed another thing so I could cumulate the orders. Initially, I also planned to buy Nyammy's doll and the Tambourine, but the Tambourine was and still is sold out and the doll wasn't exactly how I pictured it to look like (I still might get her but not with her full price). The Pact though comes in a pleasing matte cardboard box with a little window to see the actual product inside. Normally Precure boxes are much more bright but this one you can tell is meant to be aimed at a more "mature' audience. The packaging really makes the Pact shining inside. ✨
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Nyammy and Lillian with their lines on the sides of the box!! 🩵 💚
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Taking out the pact is easy and the inside of the box is empty, as nowadays Bandai uses QR code links to their product's instruction manual. The Pact is stunning! The lid is made of a pearlescent plastic with golden details and a big heart shaped stone in the middle, it really feels like a golden age Precure toy! The two-toned ribbon is covered in a shiny plastic that makes it look like it's made of glass. 🤍 The holographic foil in the background helps to bring up all the little details all over, such as the pearl border. You can definitely tell that even though they saved on the playable side of this toy they put all of the budget on making it a quality product. ♡
Let's open it! 🐈
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Just seeing the bright colors I go back with my mind at when I was a child and had those toy-like make up palettes! To inform you the make up is not scented or at least it doesn't smell in the Pact and, since I'll keep it for collection purposes, I won't use it. The main point in this palette is, of course, the spinning pearlescent cat, just like in the anime! It's on a light blue transparent plastic plate, and it's fun to spin it even if you don't want to use the actual make up. The blue plate matches the mint green body of the toy, just like Nyammy and Lillian! There is a little bump around the cat's tail so you can place your finger and spinspinspinspin. The make up is divided into 3 parts: the two heart shaped Nyammy Coral blush and Lillian Pink eye shadow and the diamond shaped Cat Pink lip color! The mirror is also huge and can be used to apply make up. 🌈 All around there are 2 holographic ribbons with Nyammy and Lillian's color rain-stones to replicate the two buttons on the Wonderful Pact. :3
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Now if you don't mind I need to transform back into my cat form ❄️
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gamerbearmira · 4 months
Precure AU. Precure Triplets! That's awesome! I think after the monsters start reappearing, the triplets would each individually consider going back to fighting, but then they'd see the new Precures and think they weren't needed. But then the monsters could get stronger and the grandkids would start struggling, so the triplets go back to being Precures, occasionally showing up to help the grandkids in battle. They would only show up individually, the triplets wouldn't know the others also started fighting again cause they didn't bother to tell each other, and they would be super mysterious about it, at first just showing up, fighting, than leaving, but as they show up more and more they start talking to the grandkids a bit, giving bits of advice and answering questions. They all eventually say how they used to be part of a group, the grandkids put together that the three mysterious helpers were in a group together and they decide to help reform their group, there are some hiccups and the triplets are reluctant at first, but after a few emotional battles where they work out their issues they decide to give it another shot. I wonder if revealing their identities to each other could be part of that emotional journey of being a team again, like, when they realize the grandkids are the Precures, the kids get kidnapped and the triplets have to work together to save them, being more willing to listen to each other and push their frustrations aside because now it's not just civilians, their family is at stake, so they are able to iron out their issues and be a good team, saving the kids. It also would probably lead to the triplets trying to take over from the grandkids and stop them from fighting because they believe it's too dangerous for them, but realizing the monsters are too powerful for them to handle on their own and they all need to work together to stop them.
Oh, and triplet's powers and name ideas because I'm obsessed with this AU
Julieta: Guardiana de la Defensa- Defense Guardian. Her weapon is a shield that she uses to make force fields, both to protect others and trap monsters, she isn't exclusively defense though, she can throw her shield to do some damage and also use her force fields to crush.
Pepa: Guardiana de la Clima- Weather Guardian. Her weapon is a fan, Dolores gets her unorthodox weapon choice from her mom, she can summon all kinds of weather by, well, fanning her fan, it also has blades on the ends for more precise close quarters attacks and hand to hand combat.
Bruno: Guardián de la Vez- Time Guardian. His weapon is a lance that's designed to look like a clock hand, when he swings his lance he can slow down enemies or even freeze them in place, but it's only for a few moments and it takes a lot of energy, otherwise he'd be completely op.
Also, they wouldn't have a group name, at least not until they regrouped and worked things out since they weren't able to work together all that well, the townspeople thought they were more individuals helping each other than a proper team, when they regroup they realize they don't have a group name like the Grandkids and decide to call themselves Los Vigilantes del Encanto- The Watchers of Encanto
I AM ALSO OBSESSED WITH THIS AU❗❗ Just haven't done any content for it UGHHH <\\\33
ANYWAY. THEM COMING BACK WOAHHHH...them coming back one by one would make sense too. I mean obviously they wouldn't just join altogether after having a big fight and breaking up like 20 odd years earlier. And if Bruno leaves in this au (which I think he does), it's definitely a surprise when the Time Guardian suddenly shows up 🌚
I think it's a good idea how they have to work through their emotional and familial problems in order to gain their power again. Very cool <33 I think the grandkids putting it together that they used to be a group is so funny, but they can't put together how they're all also related like. Let's use those critical thinking skills 😭😭
ALSO POWERS AND NAMES YEAHHHHH ❗❗ It's very on them too, it matches what the grandkids got going on. Also them not having a name until they regroup. Really shows how they broke up on bad terms <\\333 BUT THEY FIXED ITTTTTT
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