#+ my parents bought the big plush
happy-tori-friends · 2 months
mine creachures arrived (i underestimated how large they would be)
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now they get to live on the dusty bedside shelf with some other friends :)
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pawphin · 1 year
i dont talk about it much but my obsession with yoshi was absolutely insane
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vivalabunbun · 1 year
A Long Time Coming
Summary: Going back to the place that started it all as a pair different than before.
Word Count: 5.2k
Tags: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader, Smut, NFSW, MDNI, Modern AU, Childhood Friends AU, Fluff, humor, slight angst, slight dubcon, exhibitionism? kinda? porn with plot, slight yandere alhaitham, mentions of marriage, marriage pressures, pushy family.
Authors Note: This is a small continuation of this basically you take alhaitham back to your parents’ house. I wrote this in a rush to finish it in time for his birthday. Enjoy
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Officially becoming a couple with Alhaitham was as if your world had been flipped upside down, yet not a piece of furniture had been knocked over in the event. That is to say, everything and nothing has changed. Your apartment still housed one, the same workplace banters, the same comfortable silence. Yet, on weekends in your bed lays another body. Under the covers, curious hands roam, and in the air lingered the scent of passion. 
However, once the work week started, the two bodies untwine, becoming you and Alhaitham. No one at the office suspected the fresh development between the two of you, not even your new drinking colleagues. Although, Kaveh has noted to you:
“That guy has been walking around much smugger than usual. Like he just completed all the trials of life. Do you think he got a pay increase again?”
The morning after that fateful night while across the kitchen table, there was a firm handshake agreeing to the boundaries of your budding union. Particularly, that under no circumstances shall a certain blond be the first to discover the true nature of this relationship. Once Kaveh knows, then all of Sumeru and Teyvat will know too. Plus, the absolute hysterics he’ll devolve into when he’s the last to know that the two of you were an item will be the show of a lifetime. Great minds think alike after all. 
Right now you and Alhaitham were in his rented car on the way to the first big challenge of your relationship: Meeting your parents. Well, that is a bit misleading, your parents already know Alhaitham, they practically were his secondary guardians, often looking after him when his grandmother was busy. Their eyes watched the pair of you grow up as their wrinkles grew. 
But things have changed, Alhaitham is no longer just the neighbor's grandson and your childhood friend. He was now going to be introduced as the man you are dating. That fact made you jittery the whole drive, nerves bouncing off the corners of your skull, as you held the basket of fruits Alhaitham had bought as a gift to them. 
“The fruits will get bruised if you keep tossing the basket with your legs.” He remarked, never taking his eyes off the road. 
“I can’t help it. I’m nervous, Haitham. I don’t know how you’re so calm.” You consciously made the effort to still your leg.
You glanced over at him, taking a moment to admire his side profile, his face and demeanor stoic as ever. Alhaitham, who usually spent the weekends in his comfortable t-shirts and sweatpants, made the effort to wear a crisp black button-down and tailored slacks. You also observed the extra effort he had put into his hair today. 
“Simple. I am a familiar face to your parents, and they often commend me for my accomplishments, not to mention my physique.” Large hands firmly grasped the steering wheel as he made the turn down the well-known road.
“Oh? Then why are you all dressed up mmm?” You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“It will serve me well to maintain a good impression.” He swiftly rebutted.
You let out an exasperated sigh while shutting your eyes. If you had a sliver of the self-confidence your former childhood friend had, you’d conquer the corporate world. You faced the road again, basket shifting in your lap as you sank lower into the plush leather seat. 
“Remember what I said back in the apartment, absolutely no PDA in front of them. You already know how they are.” 
“I am aware.” 
His polished car pulled into the driveway of your parent's house, the trees in the front lawn casting a nice shade from the blazing light of the sun. He shifted the stick into park. The gentle rumble of the engine ceased the moment he pulled out the keys. Alhaitham swiftly unbuckled, opened, and exited his car. A resounding thump felt as the driver-side door closed. All the while you fumble with your seatbelt, the oversized basket impeding your dexterity. Then finally the click that signaled freedom just as the passenger-side door unlatched. 
“I’ve carried this for long enough. It’s your turn.” You gestured towards the fruit-filled hassle on your lap.  
“Alright.” He effortlessly took the basket from your lap with one arm, and the other outreached towards you patiently.  
You held back your teasing remark as you accepted his invitation, gently placing your hand in his awaiting palm as he helped you out of your seat. Your heart couldn’t help but flutter at his actions, hoping to control the growing smile on your face when you turned away to close the car door. Your hands swayed together up the pathway to the front door, steps matching. 
Your nerves growing as the distance decreased until you were right in front of the lacquered wood. You hastily pulled your hand out of his tender hold, palms getting a bit sweaty. 
“Again, no touching in their presence.” You warned once more. 
Swiftly you pressed the doorbell, its cheerful chime drowning out any possible response from Alhaitham. From behind the door, you could hear the soft thumps of your mother’s feet against the wooden flooring as she strode up. When you hear the clicks of your mom unlatching the door, you took a side step away from Alhaitham, putting a bit more space between your bodies. 
The door flies open. 
“Oh! Dear! Our daughter has arrived! With a handsome guest!” Your mom called back towards your dad. 
“Is it Alhaitham, honey?” Your father’s voice rang from deeper in the house.
It’s been less than a minute and you already want to sink through the floor in embarrassment. Your face begged to be shielded away from your lover’s prying eyes, despite his stoic face he was definitely enjoying this. Just how many times has your mother praised the sculpted perfection that was his face? 
‘It’s just for a few hours, you can power through this. You will survive.’ You repeated this silent mantra in your head. 
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Four cups of tea were placed on the living room table, freshly cut fruits taking their place in the center. Your parents both sitting on the opposite sofa from you and Alhaitham. Your lover seated himself comfortably directly in front of your father while you sat at the far opposite end, even placing a throw pillow between you and him as if to create a barrier. 
Your mother was chatting nonstop, questioning Alhaitham about every topic she could.
“How has work been, lil Haitham?”
“The usual.”
“Oh my! Have you grown even taller?”
“My last health check-up did not indicate such a thing.” Despite loathing small talk, he answered overall politely in his monotone voice.
“Then… Have you finally found someone special? A lover?” Your mother pressed, eyes twinkling.
During the last question, you were taking a sip of your tea, only to choke when you processed what your mom had just asked. 
“Ah, not on the carpet child! It’s brand new!” Your mother chided. 
“... You have something to say, little one?” Your dad asked as he handed you a napkin, one brow raised. 
Ah, there’s no use in delaying the truth any longer. After all, telling them was the whole purpose of the two-hour drive, with Alhaitham even going through the trouble of renting a car. As if preparing to rip off a band-aid you counted down in your head, prepping your eardrums. 
“Alhaitham and I are seeing each other.” You quickly revealed. 
Instantly the air was filled with the harmonized gasp of your parents, their hands clutching onto one another and their mouths agape. Their owl-like eyes shiftng between your now red-stained face and your lover’s neutral expression. Expressions morphing from utter shock to disbelief, then finally melting into joy.
“Oh! Dear! The gods have answered our prayers!”
“I know, honey. My faith has been renewed.” 
They were right. Somewhere up above, there must be a god amused by your suffering. You wanted nothing more than for the couch to swallow you as your cheeks burned. May if you were to be sucked into some subspace, you can avoid the absolute tidal wave of questions from your mother’s mouth. 
“For how long?”
“Ah… for about two months now.” 
“How did this happen?” 
“L-long story…” 
“Have you moved in together?”
“Not yet, mom.”
“What date is the wedding? Planned names for the kids? You should name one after-”
“We are planning to take things slowly-”
“Slowly?!” Your mother’s voice peaked. 
Your mom and Kaveh should compete to see who can shatter your eardrums first with their shrills. Your gut churned as you knew what was about to come next.
“You’ve known each other for over sixteen years already, is that not slow enough??”
“I-it’s not the same-”
“Most people your age get married after knowing someone for only a fraction of that time!” 
“Oh, why is my daughter so indecisive? Do you know just how many people would kill for your place? Poor lil Haitham’s youth is being wasted.” Your mother cradled her face in her hand, disappointment evident. 
A chill overtook your body. The frosty hands of insecurity ran along the back of your neck, preventing you from choking out a response. Not that you had a good answer anyway. 
In fact, you did not have an answer for why you wanted this relationship to move slowly. Were you just scared? Indecisive like your mother just described? More troubling was that Alhaitham also heard your mother’s outburst. From experience, you knew Alhaitham loathed nothing more than things that wasted his time. He is human, his patience is finite.
The atmosphere was tense, despite the beautiful blue sky of Sumeru outside, the room seemed dark and dreary. The cups of tea now growing cold. Deciding to step in from the sidelines, Alhaitham deemed it inappropriate for the conversation to end like this.
“Currently, the geo-political atmosphere has been tense with raising concerns over Snezhnaya. As a result, the economy in Sumeru has been going through a bit of stagflation, not to mention the rapidly inflating prices of houses. As you know, ma’am, I am currently renting out my home to a colleague to cover a portion of the mortgage payment.” He took a sip of tea. 
 “This is all to say that now is just not the right time.” He finishes, placing the cup back onto the wooden table.
“He’s right, honey.” Your father finally contributed to the conversation. 
“Alhaitham and our little one are still young, and the world is turbulent. We shouldn’t be putting more pressure on their shoulders, honey.” Your father reached over to soothe your mother's arms. 
“Once the state of the world settles down, please let me ask for your daughter’s hand.” Alhaitham asked while looking sincerely into their eyes, a sign of his respect for them. 
The gesture brought a surge of heartwarming pride through your parents. As your mother soon changed gears into singing praises of her prospective future son-in-law, the atmosphere in the room light like the sun outside once more. You looked over at Alhaitham, a thankful and knowing smile gracing your lips as you tuned out your mother. 
Many people assume that academically gifted geniuses, such as Alhaitham, lack social and emotional awareness. But the existence of the ashen-haired man beside you shatters that preconceived misconception.
 Alhaitham knew how to take control of the situation, he knew how to dispel tension, and how to mediate a difficult conversation. Perhaps he had learned it from his constant observation of strangers, or maybe from the philosophy novels he had browsed. 
Your hand began inching towards him along the sofa, heart longing to feel his warmth through your skin, to intertwine your fingers. He shifted his body, increasing the space separating you. 
Your hand halted, retreating back to your side shameful like a sinner. You didn’t feel like you had the right to be upset, after all, it was you who told him how distastefully your parents would react to physical displays of affection. 
It may be that the opportunity for tender intimacy between you and him came so sparsely. Only two days out of seven could you act on your affections for one another. Yet, here you were deprived of it in the house you and he shared many memories in. It left you with a bitter sting in the heart.  
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The bored gods seem to not be able to get enough of the drama playing out in front of them. Because as if scripted, the moment you and Alhaitham tried to bid your goodbyes, your parents began to pester for the pair of you to stay for dinner. 
“Little one, your mother and I put so much effort into renovating the place. Don’t you want to see?” Your father's lips frowned.
“I also got up extra early to get the freshest ingredients for supper. Do you not miss our cooking?” Your mom guilt-tripped. 
“Well, you see Haitham needs to return the car soon-”
“No, I don’t. I made sure to pay for two days' worth of rental, enough to cover a weekend. Also, it is almost my usual dinner time.” His curt voice answered from behind you. 
Your face snapped back towards him, the look of utter betrayal plastered all over your features. Outnumbered three to one now, you had no choice but to cave as your shoulders dropped. The gods must be laughing at your suffering, wanting the comedy to continue. 
“We’ll go rest a bit in my room…” You quietly uttered. 
“That’s wonderful! Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes! Your room has been left untouched.” Your mom chimed, smile beaming. 
“Yes, yes. We’ll go there now…” You listlessly began the journey up the stairs, Alhaitham right behind. 
“Little one.” Your dad called out from the bottom of the steps. 
“The door is to remain open at all times.” He reminded. 
“Dad, we’re not kids-”
“House rules.” Your father crossed his arms, stern eyes glancing over Alhaitham and you. 
You dropped your head, feeling as if you had reverted back to your teenage years again. Today was really testing your resolve isn’t it? 
“Fine.” You huffed, continuing your way up the shiny new stairs. 
The moment you reached your room, you softly pounded a fist into Alhaitham’s stupidly firm chest. 
“Traitor.” You huffed out. 
“I can’t help it, your parents’ cooking is too good of an offer to pass up.” He said as if stating the obvious. 
“They’re gonna continue with the small talk you know.” You poked. 
“I know, but you’ll be at the table too.” He rebutted. 
You let out an exasperated sigh. He was going to expertly redirect the conversation towards you, just like how he always did back then. You really just can’t win today. You plopped your tired body onto your old bed, the stack of pillows and plushies shifting out of their positions. 
All you’ve done today was sit and talk, yet you felt more exhausted than if you had ran up all 10 stories of your apartment building. You couldn’t wait to go home.
Alhaitham’s teal eyes trailed up your spread form, then around your childhood room. Your room was like a time capsule, with the same wooden desk in the corner, the same unnecessary amount of pillows, and the same scent that was so wholly you. Maybe it was the nostalgia of being in the room the two of you spent so much time in, same open-door rule, his mind began to run through some memories. 
All the times you would lay in your bed with shorts that barely covered your ass. 
All the times you would press your body against his as he help you with assignments at the desk. 
All the times you would run your fingers through his hair and coo ‘smart boy’ after taking your finished homework from his hands. 
All the times the scent of you would linger on his clothes as he pressed the fabric against his nose on particularly desperate nights.
His jaw clenched as murky desire began to bubble up inside of him.
Alhaitham thought after the night when you both proclaimed your feelings to each other, that creature lurking over his shoulder would subside. A miscalculation on his part. 
The boiling pot of emotions, he had been continuously lifting the lid off to relieve the pressure throughout the last two months, only continued to boil over faster. 
The creature only got hungrier, he only got greedier. It wanted to claim you as fully his from the inside out, down to every fiber of your being. Two days out of the week was not enough, it needs more.
Frankly, he thought it was unfair how your essence would taint the rationality of his mind. Isn’t it only fair that he settled the score? To give you a taste of the insanity you put him through. 
Quickly taking note of the bustling noises of your parents in the kitchen, preoccupied with the task of supper. The kitchen radio plays old pop songs from the time of your parent’s youth. These details only encouraged him to put his plan into action. 
“Hey Haitham, before we leave did you want to check on your grandma’s property?” Your eyes focused on the ceiling. 
No response was heard from your ashen-haired lover, as his slow steps closed the distance between your bodies.
Like a falcon swooping down to grasp an unsuspecting hare into its sharp talons, his body pinned yours against the plush bed, lips sealed against yours. The pure shock of it all made you react with a gasp. Never one to miss a window of opportunity, his tongue snaked its way into your mouth. His woodsy scent invades your senses. It’s only been two months since it began, yet your body responded so perfectly, Pavlov could’ve used your reaction to test his theory instead of those dogs.* 
Your skin heated up against his, legs shifting to encase his body against yours, muscles going limp under his control. If you were this weak after a simple kiss, Alhaitham needs to take extra precautions to ensure no other person could ever see you like this. The dark glint of lust was evident in his eyes as his hand trailed under your chiffon skirt. 
He didn’t have the chance to tell you today, but your choice of a light sweater and long flowy skirt was absolutely endearing. So sweet and innocent, and under him, such easy access to be devoured. To emphasize just how vulnerable you were, his long fingers traced all the way up to outline your folds. Feeling how your cunt twitched in response to his touches over the fabric of your panties. Your mouth was desperately trying to break away, lungs burning with the desire for oxygen. 
“Ah- H-haitham?” You whispered out, startled by this uncharacteristic outburst from your lover. 
A thread of saliva connected your two lips, as your flushed face looked up at him. His face was stony as ever if it weren’t for that smirk in his eyes. It signaled that he was perfectly aware that his fingers were now pushing your panties aside. Middle finger sliding up and down your slit, purposefully bumping into a certain bundle of nerves towards the top. 
“W-wait, here? Haitham, my parents-” You stifled a moan when his finger flicked your button. 
“We’re not in their presence at the moment.” He retorted quietly, pressing sweet little kisses against your neck. 
“Still!” You harshly whispered. 
His finger pressed against your opening, and instinctively your cunt clenched, only to close onto nothing. A slickness began to develop along your slit. It’s been five long days since the last time your poor cunt was given any attention. 
“Your body sure is honest.” He tutted. 
In your feeble attempt to shift out of his grasp, your cunt only pressed more into his hands, which only served to weaken your resolve. He brought his lips closer to your ear, his deep voice sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine. 
“If you really don’t want this, then push against my shoulders. Come now, make up your mind.” This said all the while he rubbed slow circles into your clit. 
You could hear the faint clattering of pots and pans coming from downstairs along with the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. You had put on such a big show in front of your lover about the rules, and yet here you were so needy after him. You hated how greedy your body had become for him, nerves kicking into overdrive and skin prickling as his hot breath brushed against it. 
You turned your head to the side, ashamed of how quickly your resolve had crumbled. 
“Good girl. Open your mouth.” He cooed, bringing two fingers up to your lips. 
Your pouty gaze met his as you granted his fingers access, they fluttered along your tongue. Gathering your spit as they did before he pulled them back out. 
“I want to test my efficiency.” He lazily observed his glistening fingers. 
Oh, the desire in the pit of your stomach leaped at his words. As his hands pulled your body towards the edge of the cramped bed. Effortlessly flipping you over so that your plush ass was now facing him, your face pressed against the sheets. 
“Try to be quiet.” He pushed the fabric of your skirt over your ass, revealing your soft mint panties. ‘So you were expecting something.’
Angling your hips up as he knelt at the side of your bed, your cunt was now fully on display for him. The greedy thing twitching with anticipation each time his cool exhales hit its hot skin. In one fluid motion, his wet tongue swiped up along your folds as his thumbs spread them apart. Quickly you bite into the sheets, praying that it would silence your voice. With practiced precision, his tongue instantly attacked your aching bud, stroking it, rolling it, and flicking it with his wet muscle. 
Your hips would’ve been bucking wildly if it weren’t for the firm hold Alhaitham had on them. Your slick was now spilling out onto his awaiting tongue mingling together with his spit as they began to drip down his chin. His tongue continued to assault your swollen bud as your teeth ground against the sheets, fighting to keep down your moans. 
All the while your parents remained blissfully unaware of the beast they’d let into their home that was currently doing unspeakable things to their daughter. 
You felt your eyes begin to roll to the back of your head as you felt that familiar white heat approaching, tension so close to snapping. It would only take 1-2-3 more flicks of his- It all stopped. A whine almost ripped through your throat at the sudden loss of his tongue as he pulled away. 
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he stood back to his full towering height. The pressure in his pants screams to be relieved. Who was he to deny himself such simple pleasures? Swiftly undoing his belt and pushing down his boxers, the raging length eager to bury its thick girth into your willing walls. 
You couldn’t help but wiggle your hips a bit, egging him on to give you what you’ve been craving more than any food. The glaze of his tip against your twitching hole was the only warning you got before his hips snapped against yours. The momentum so great it caused the sheets to slip out from your teeth, a loud moan on the cusp of escaping if it weren’t for Alhaitham’s hand swiftly grasping your mouth. 
Your walls welcomed the familiar stretch, clenching and releasing as if they were placing wet kisses along his length. He wasted no time in beginning his brutal pace against your hips, each thrust rocking both your body and the poor bed. Your brain was too preoccupied with pleasure to even worry about the creaking, drool beginning to collect in his hand. 
He already knew where all your weak spots were. And he knew exactly which angle his hips needed to be in order to hit them in the way that made your eyes go to the back of your pretty little head. So that’s what he did. As he felt your slippery walls clamp down tighter with each intentional thrust. Tears of ecstasy were rolling down his hand from your eyes, firm grasp vibrating with every blocked moan that clawed against it. 
Those dark thoughts danced along the edge of his mind again as he criticized his past self for being so foolish. If he had known you were this weak to pleasure, then he would have done this ages ago. He would have taken you against that desk in your little short shorts, making a mess of the papers. He could have made it so much more efficient. 
Alas, the past is the past with no bearing on the present. And right now he was absolutely wrecking you against your old bed. He had taken a winding path, but it still lead to the same place in the end. 
Your walls suddenly became impossibly tight as the convulsions of your orgasm shot through your body, eyes disappearing to the back of your head. Alhaitham had to bite back a moan as he felt your pulsing walls try to milk him. As much as he would have loved to spill everything inside of you, right now was not the right time. 
Perhaps in the future, you will beg over and over again for him to fill you with the essence of him. 
Quickly pulling out, his hand letting go of your hip to give his length the last few strokes to the finish line. Cumming along the curve of your ass, watching as the thick liquid stuck to your skin. Your cunt was still shaking as you slowly descend down from cloud nine. 
He felt confident enough to release your mouth from his hand. Your ears filled with the sound of your pants overlapping each other until-
“Dinner is ready!” 
Your body froze as you turned to face your lover with wide eyes, only to be greeted by the sight of his impassive face. As if he had already predicted this was going to happen at this very moment. 
Ah… The bastard timed this out, didn’t he? 
Swiftly Alhaitham took some tissues from the desk to wipe both you and himself down. Pulling your panties back into place you fussed over your skirt and hair in the mirror, trying to make yourself look as presentable as possible. While Alhaitham tucked himself back into his slacks, buckling up his belt again. 
On your way down the stairs, your mother raised an eyebrow at your trembling legs as your frame followed behind your lover. 
“What happened?”
“Um, I stubbed my toe against the desk again.”
“Ah, you hopeless child.” She tsked. 
After the food was cleared out, plates cleaned, and lacquered table swiped down, your parents quickly suggested that the two of you stay for the night. 
This time Alhaitham firmly turned down the invitation, he must have reached his conversational limit for the month.
Waving goodbye to your parents from the passenger seat as they stood under the porch light, a great stress was finally lifted from your shoulders. You were finally released from the torment of the gods. 
Looking over at the man driving beside you, you observed how his eyes also seemed more relaxed. Hands holding the steering wheel in a loose grip as he drove just a bit above the speed limit. 
“Finally had enough?” You taunted. 
“My ears are still ringing.” 
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Freshly showered and tucked under the soft covers of your own bed, finally away from the prying eyes of the world. It was only you and him now in the little world of your own called your apartment. Even with the thin walls and sometimes broken water heater, it was a safe haven neither of you would ever trade up. 
The rhythm of your matching breaths provided the room with ambiance, his hand toying around with your left ring finger. A box was currently hidden in a drawer at his home. The jewels once dawned by his grandparents, then his parents, now one day the box his grandmother had left him will have the honor to meet you. 
Meanwhile, your thoughts were consumed by the echoing of your mother’s words back in the living room. It would have been so much easier if it was just a dramatic outburst, but the semblance of truth in her words gripped your mind. If you hoped for a peaceful night of rest, then you needed answers from the source currently cradling your hand.
“Do you feel that my mom’s words from earlier are true? You… you have already given me sixteen years, yet I asked for more time… am I being greedy?” Your other hand hesitantly traced the veins that ran along the back of his hand. 
A silence fell over the two of you as if the winds of Dragonspine had just touched time and froze it. 
But his chest was still rhythmically raising and falling, your heart still drumming in your ears. With every beat passing, you feel the icy hands of doubt creep up your back, they were choking you, making you feel a sting in your eyes. 
‘I am wasting his time.’
The shifting of his large frame snapped time back into place as he tenderly pressed his forehead against yours as if to ground you from your running thoughts. Pulling away slightly for his teal eyes to hold your gaze. In a gentle whisper, his deep voice resonated in your ears.
“It doesn’t matter. For I’ve already decided that in exchange for the rest of your life, I will devote the rest of mine. So, whether it be three, five, or ten years it matters not to me. In comparison to a lifetime, those numbers are insignificant. ”
His hand continued to caress your ring finger.   
“I am a lot more patient than you think.”
In the span of your entire existence together you had always been the one with the most words, the first to break the warm silence, and the first to jest. 
Yet, in sporadic moments there are times when Alhaitham would string together words from his vast vocabulary that would leave you speechless. This was one of those moments. 
When words cannot be used then action must come in. With wet drops collecting in the corner of your eyes you pulled Alhaitham’s lips into a chaste kiss, so soft yet so full of love. Arms interweaving to bring your two bodies into one whole, warm being. 
“Although, for the sake of your ideal wedding. You might want to have it happen when my body is still fit enough to carry you down the aisle. Of course, I’ll maintain this form for the foreseeable future.” He whispered next to your ear.
“Oh hush, since when did you start cracking jokes, Haitham?” You were smiling as warmth dripped down your cheeks. 
Let your mother nag until her voice fades. Let the years slip through your fingertips. Let the economy go to absolute waste. Those future worries be damned. 
All that mattered right now, in this singular instance, was that you were in his arms and him in yours. 
Author note: * this refers to classical conditioning, I’m going to be a nerd now in my writings. 
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umeoniii · 1 year
aot women during sex
pt 1: mikasa, hange, annie
!: fem bodied reader, hange uses she/her and is afab, cannabis in annie’s.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
mikasa: mika is definitely a sub. there's only few times where you'd see her otherwise. she's vocal but not super during sex. only allowing little hiccups and whimpers to escape her lips. she's also a crier, not like sobs but like tears streaming down her cheeks typa cry. she likes to have sex whenever you do, she doesn't really ask for it often bcs she gets nervous. you assure her that you like it when she's clear about what she wants, she still never asks either way. she likes to scissor or just eat you out vise versa. she tries to give but it doesn't always work out, she doesn't like always receiving so she suggests 69 a lot, so the both of you will experience pleasure.
you came home after a long days work of running errands, to be greeted with your girlfriend lying on the couch. she sat with her head buried into her hands. you put down your bags and come and sit yourself next to her "mika, baby what's wrong?" you pull up her chin. her glossy eyes look up.
“i tried something new today, didn't go so well." she said softly. you pulled her closer.
"what'd your try today 'hun?"
she buried her face back into her hands in an embarrassed manner.
you had no clue what she could've done that made her like this, mostly everything did but like she was so flustered it had to be something more.
“i said what'd you do today baby?"
she picked her head up with a small smile on her face, she cupped her hands and whispered to you.
"mhm, the other day, i was shoppin' online and i had saw somthin that caught my eye." she paused
“i know you're always busy n' stuff but i cant help that i have feelings too, so i bought it, but things just aren't the same." she said teary eyed.
"what are you tryna say, mikasa?" as you looked at her you couldn't help but notice how genuinely ashamed she looked. you already assumed what she was gonna sputter out, but you wanted her to say it for herself, she was a big girl after all, she can use her words.
"i bought a vibe n' a dildo." she said looking at her red fuzzy socks.
you weren't surprised she indulged in something like that, you actually had thought about it deeper, what she'd look like stuffin' her dildo into her pussy, whining trying not to let out anything louder than a small cry.
you looked back at her.
"so mikasa you masturbated, why are you all sad n' shit?"
she looks over at you shaky.
"because what?"
“i didn't want the dildo or the vibrator." she said softly
"then why'd you buy it?"
you knew that's not at all what she meant, you were fucking with her. you wanted her to voice what she had actually wanted.
"no no i meant i didn't want the dildo or the vibrator cause..”
you turn your head towards you and mikasa’s calico cat, bunnie, rubbing against your leg. you rub his head with a soft smile.
"cause i want you to do it, not plastic or silicone, or whatever it's fuckin' made of." she mumbles
thats all you needed to hear.
"c’mere" you beckon her to sit on your lap, she sits herself down.
you look at her, your hands leading to her plush ass. you lean in to kiss your girlfriend. your lips sinking into eachother, pink tongues swirling around eachothers mouths. you work your hands up her shirt fondling her tits.
and squeezing her nipples until they're rock hard. you stop the kiss and look at her.
mikasa has always been such a cutie. her short black hair, silver eyes, and an ass that anyone couldnt help but stare at. though she was so tough and scary at times, she was still so scared to even ask her girlfriend to have sex.
"how'd it feel?" you ask her.
“it was okay, i like it better when you do it though."
she pulls off her cashmere sweater, the one her parents got her for christmas. how would they feel if they knew how quickly she was to take it off at a time like this? you notice she wasn't even wearing her bra under it, or panties. she was quick to pull off your shirt, and jeans. you helped by unclamping your bra and taking off your underwear. she pulled off your bra and threw it across the living room.
leaving the two of you in nothing but the matching necklace you two had bought for eachother on your anniversary.
as mikasa still sat on your lap you felt her wet pussy rubbing against your leg. she couldn't even help herself anymore as she rocked her hips and rode your knee. her slick wetting your thigh. her soft whines were like a never ending symphony, something you would never get tired of.
you picked your girlfriend up and lied her on her back, putting your head in between her legs, looking at her puffy clit and glimmering pussy. you start licking at her lips before she stops you.
"you know you don't always hafta’ do all the work.” she says softly
you hover your dripping cunt over hers and put her leg over your shoulders. you and her make eye contact for a second before she gives you a quick nod.
you start rolling your hips, your puffy clit and hers making continuous contact. the only sound in the room are those of mikasa's cries.
she starts grabbing at her breasts trying hard not to get louder than she wants to.
" 's okay baby, you can be louder." you assure her rubbing her flushed cheeks.
just as your wet bud bumped against hers you heard her sniffling, tears streaming down her cheeks as she whines.
"y/n oh my god." she gasps gripping the arm of the couch.
cream coated both your pussies as you continue grinding on your lover. you tried to stifle a moan as your girlfriend grabbed hold of your breasts. twisting and pinching your nipples.
as you hover over mika your necklace dangles over her head, casting a sun shaped shadow over her breasts.
you continue riding your girlfriend until you feel the sensation you get before your about to cum. so good it reminds you of what it feels like to finally sneeze after losing it many times.
"mika 'm bout to cum." you say softly looking at your raven haired girlfriend.
she moves a strand of her hair stuck to her hair from sweat. you continue rocking your hips as you feel your climax fall onto you. covering your mouth with one hand as you let out a quiet yelp.
your girlfriend continues to ride as your body trembles from overstimulation. as you look down on your girlfriend, vison blurry you watch as her breast bounced up and down. you admire your girlfriend as she cums.
gripping the couch, eyes tightly shut, mouth agape gasping for air. god, mikasa's adorable.
she covers her eyes with her arm.
whispering to herself
“the vibrator got me no where, that's why it didn't go well."
hange: mi favorita, love her. hmmmm. hange is a soft dom, not aggressive. everyone says this and i agree: she's up to trying new things. hange's the opposite of mikasa and is very vocal, a little too vocal. she moans, groans, whimpers, whines all of it. she grips things too. she's lowkey really aggressive twoards herself during sex. she loves giving, more than receiving. she literally doesn't care about positions. what she likes to do is eat her s/o out. it's the reason she lives and breathes. she likes it way more than grinding against her lover.
“fuck han, keep goin!" you moan pulling at your girlfriends hair. you were sitting on the sink of levi's bathroom. he would've been pissed if he knew why you and hange suddenly intruded his blabbing about vacation to use his bathroom.
so while hange was eating you out, the others all sat downstairs hopefully worrying about the vacation and not the long time you and hange were in the bathroom.
she pushed her glasses up to where they sat in her hair and pushed her index and middle fingers in you. causing you to almost scream. as soon as she heard that she got up and pulled you into a long steamy kiss in hopes you'd shut up. putting you into a trance. she continued fingering you, your cum and juices staining your skirt and the counter.
"mm, bouta' cum." you break the kiss. she kisses you cheek, then works her way down to your neck sucking on your sweet spot. you close your thighs and squeeze her arm.
"stop, they're gonna see it."
she looks at you with an irritated face.
"say a spider bit you." she continues
"he's not gonna believe that, he would never in a million years have a spider in his home." you whine.
she slaps your thigh.
"shut up."
cum soaks hange's fingers as you reach your climax, clenching around her fingers and rolling your eyes back. you set your head back onto the mirror behind you.
"all that whining and complainin' made me oh so aroused. say you'll help me out wouldia?" she smirks
"but we've been in here long enough!" you whisper scream
“i don't care, you did nothing but complain the whole time, if you don't wanna do something for me, then i'll just make sure they all see what we were really doing." she says with a straight face
did she really have no shame? you were scared coming in here because you already knew what she was going to do.
"fine.” you say in defeat sighing.
she sits on the sink as you get on your knees and pull down her pants and underwear.
her cunt glinted and dripped. she grabbed your head and forced you to start licking. it didn't take much to make her cum, especially considering what type timing you guys were on, that was already enough to fully arouse her.
you sucked on her hardened clit, and forced your two fingers in between her puffy folds.
"fuck, you're so good to me y/n.” she says looking down at you. you look up to meet the twinkle in her eyes as she said that.
you lick at her clit like a hungry puppy, rubbing your thumb on her tummy.
you rub her rigid g-spot more causing her to squirt all over your fingers, the mess getting all over levi's freshly mopped floors. she closes her legs and let out a shaky sigh.
you look up at her in horror, afraid of the mess you guys made in his bathroom.
"i told you it would be quick." she winked putting her glasses back on.
"what about the mess" you say scared, thinking of the possible consequences.
"we'll clean it, and let's just tell him it took long because we were snooping around upstairs and found something funny, k?" she says panting, staring at the ceiling.
annie: annie is soft dom as well. she likes scissoring A LOT. as well as 69. she also likes when her s/o sits on her face. (i want annie so bad). she's a little vocal sometimes sayin "fuck" quietly but that's really it, it doesn't mean she's not enjoying it though. she cares about both her and her s/o's pleasure she likes giving though. she's the type to have sex high asf tbh with nothing but u on her mind.
after a long week, there's nothing like staying at your friend annie's house and getting high. it's one of the only things you look forward to anymore. she opens the door for you beckoning you to come to her room and sit on the bed.
you sit on her comfortable black sheets and pull out your roller and paper, rolling the blunt. lighting it then placing it in between your lips you inhale then exhale. the citrusy taste coating your throat and taste buds.
after a few more puffs you already feel like you're on cloud nine. you look over at your friend who was eating a whole strawberry shortcake. you let out a quiet snort.
"why do you have a whole cake?" you look at her.
"don't know, i've been craving cake for a while, so i picked one up earlier" you laugh, getting comfortable in her bed.
you look up to see her offering you a fork so you can both chow down on it. she licks the frosting off her fork.
“i bet you taste sweeter.” she whispers rubbing your thighs, looking up, earl sweatshirt playing in the backround.
you look over at her, snatching the blunt from her, straddling her lap.
she looks up at you with a lazy smirk.
she slides her hands under your shirt still maintaining eye contact.
she cups your breasts under your shirt.
you bite your lips trying to stifle your moan.
she gets closer to your face, lips parted and meets your lips with a steamy kiss. the taste of cannabis lingering in the kiss. she squeezes your breasts even harder. you let out a breathy moan into the kiss.
she lies her head back onto the head board with you still on her lap, "want you on my face.” she whispers looking at the ceiling gripping your hips.
you push her down to where she's laying on her back then she pulls your shorts and panties off hungrily.
you hover your wet pussy over her mouth, she grabs your thighs and pulls you down on her face. you ride her face and nose as she laps at your cunt.
as you ride her face you move your hands down to her sweatpants, sliding your hands down her underwear. fingering her soaked pussy.
she moans into your cunt, her nails digging into your thighs.
you move your fingers up, rubbing at her hard clit, she closes her legs softly and starts shoving her tongue into your hole.
"annie feels... good." you moan, ruffling her hair.
she looks up at you her eyes red, still the blue stands out.
saliva running down the side of her cheeks and neck. her nose and your puffy clit creating friction.
"fuck, y/n”, she groans into your pussy
your thighs squeeze her head from the sudden vibrations it created throughout you.
as you slipped your fingers back into her you felt her clench around you, then you felt your finger get warmer and wetter. you look down at annie seeing her eyes shut tight.
you put the blunt back in your mouth in hopes to keep quiet, you didn't want her neighbors to complain, she continues eating you out.
it reminded you of the cake, how aggressively and fast she ate it, you felt she did it to provoke you, she got what she wanted.
you knock the blunt and put it in the crystal ashtray on her night table, as you cum all over annie's face. whimpering her name softly.
she slurps and licks up every last bit of it as she squeezes you thighs. she moves her head back to where her mouth is free.
" 's was sweeter than the cake." she whispers looking towards the cake
    ‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
a/n: i have revised and deleted this over and over bcs tumblr was messin my stuff up, but i hope u guys enjoy, also hange’s is mad short bcs my blog basically belongs to her ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ ) . also requests are open!!
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kazuko-stuff · 5 months
Watching Ghibli movies with the batboys
**This is my first time writing for DC btw. Give me ideas for later ficus
Watching Ghibli movies with the Batboys
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Dick Grayson
Enjoys watching movies with anyone really
Will enjoy watching Ghibli movies without a doubt
You introduce him to Castle in the Sky first to watch
He worries for Sheeta as she fell in the sky from the air ballon from her captures and pirates
Breathes in relief when her amulet helps her floats down and is found by Pazu
He is drawn to the world building of the story and relates to Pazu, in regards to his antics and willingness to protect Sheeta because she reminds him of you.
Is very curious about the lore of Laputa island after learning the story behind the mythical island and aetherium.
He finds the Dola’s pirate gang funny and is happy they are willing to help the two escape from Muska’s army.
Again he is amazed by the world building when he sees Laputa island and loves the detail of the robots.
Angry that Muska appears and how he abuses his powers and knowledge to hurt people
Is happy that Sheeta understands why the people of Laputa fled from the island and she and Pazu uses the amulet’s power to finish Muska once and for all
If you continue watching more ghibli movies, he will most likely buy a big Totoro plush for both of you to cuddle on
Would sing the Ponyo song to annoy his family and friends and to sing in the shower
Wants to visit Japan to see the places that were inspired by real life places
Admits the food is very mouthwatering and enjoys when the protagonist have meals with loved ones
Jason Todd
at first didn’t seem interested but you give big puppy eyes for him to give in
Was instantly amaze of the story telling of the movie and will geek of the world building due to how immersive the movies are
Will have a hard time having a picking a favorite due to good the storytelling is but if he has one favorite at of all it will be Spirited Away
He gets goosebumps when the spirit bathhouse town gets more active and worries on how Chihiro will get out and save her parents.
He likes to make analysis of the movies after watching them and watches analysis videos on YouTube.
Acknowledges that Yubaba and the other workers get on his nerves because it reminds him of his childhood.
Starts to find wonder the meaning behind Chihiro’s name being taken away and being changed to ‘Sen’ and her first meeting with Haku when she was very little
He notices how Chihiro has changed a lot from the beginning and how it reminds him of himself
He was cheering for Chihiro doing the scene when she was helping the river spirit get clean but wondered what that rice herb cake was for.
He cries at the scene when Haku comforts Chihiro when she was crying and eating onigiri because he knows she being through so much at her age just to save her loved ones
(Btw you made onigiri and bought konpeito)
Shock when Haku has a dragon form and was injured but was relieved when he managed to get healed due to the medicine she gotten from the river spirit
When he sees the bath workers blaming Sen for No-Face’s rampage, he grumbled how it was their fault for indulging and encouraging bad behavior, since he feels ‘No-Face’ is a blank state.
He admits Boh the baby is annoying but doesn’t blame him for being spoiled since his mom is at fault and enjoys that Haku had enough of Yubaba.
Feels at peace in the train scene
Likes Zeniba’s cottage due to how simple and comfy it is to live in.
It reminds him of Alfred and his aura
Happy tears when she and Haku reunited And when Chihiro remembers her first encounter with Haku and his original name
Admits he found Boh less annoying as he grows as a person and stands up for Chihiro against his mom.
Happy that Chihiro manages to save her parents but is sad that an adventures comes to an end
Likes to cook food based on the Ghibli movies since it always has a warm feeling and you're the taste tester.
If he has a stressful day, he likes to listen to ghibli music to remind himself being peace at oneself
Wants to go to a hot spring in Japan at one point
Tim Drake
Decides to watch after seeing hearing it from a group of friends and your big Totoro plush
Like the rest of the batfam, he enjoys the world building and the characters in the Ghibli movie
He would get the foreshadowing and enjoys watching analysis of the movies
He writes analysis and the message based of the symbolism and Japanese mythology
He knew Chihiro almost lost her identity when Yubaba stole her name and figured out what happened to Haku, after seeing the conditions of the bathhouse workers.
His favorite character is Howl from Howl's Moving Castle
He loves how all the characters in the movie are alive and likes the fire spirit
He enjoys how magical the scene was when Howl was flying in the sky with Sophie
He enjoys the banter between Sophie and Howl over hair products that cause his hair to change color
He loves Sophie’s new outfit at the end of the movie
Bought a necklace based off of Howl’s necklace and one time tried to cosplay as him to attend a con with him without his brothers knowing
His likes how steampunk is portrayed in the ghibli movies and enjoys learning more about Japanese culture and mythology
Would likely to go to ghibli events with you
Damian Wayne
after first thought it was going to be boring since he thinks it’s childish but immediately hooked up when he saw the animation of the movies
He decides to watch most of the movies with you when he is in house arrest from patrol
He likes Princess Mononoke movie and My Neighbor Totoro
He enjoys how San is a no-nonsense person and acknowledges she should fight back to defend her home
He somewhat wonders if Poison Ivy is like this because she just wants to defend the environment since San wants to protect the forest, seeing that she is angry at those who is destroying the environment
He secretly likes to watch My Neighbor Totoro and Ponyo with you and his family
He loves the animals in the Ghibli movies
Wishes to ride Moro and wants a pet wolf along with a fish name Ponyo
Ponyo movie inspires him to clean up local beaches
He would want to ride the Catbus from Totoro
Buys ghibli plushies for his collection
He starts to paint background from the movies due to how beautiful they were
He would visit Japan to see the places that set the inspiration for the movie and the Ghibli cafe theme events
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honeybeewritings · 1 year
it's okay little love[r.l.]
✰ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: anxiety about regressing, trying to stop the regression process, remmy being the sweetest caregiver(even if you didn't ask)
✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: caregiver!remus lupin x little!gn!reader
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 732 words
✰ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you try not to regress all day but everything keeps making you feel small. good thing remmy knows what to do.
✰ 𝐀/𝐍: for all my babies who are scared of telling their s/o they regress. it's okay to be scared but i bet they'll still adore you.
requested by anon: friendly reminder that requests are open
also, i've been having a lot of nsfw blogs follow me so dni if nsfw: this is a safe space for all kiddos
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you and remus have been going out for a bit. not long but it was long enough that he knew which shops in diagon alley that you liked most.
or so he thought.
he had no idea you were an age regressor and you planned on keeping it that way. he was the sweetest, you knew that, but the thought of him knowing terrified you. you've had more than you fair share of meanies.
you were comfortably walking around diagon alley, holding your boyfriends hand, when you noticed a new shop. you looked closer and it was a toy store.
oh no.
you squeezed remmy's hand and tried not to bite your nails or nervously scratch your arms.
"y' alrigh' love?" remmy asked, squeezing your hand back. you just nodded and walked a little bit faster past the shop, remus matching your pace.
you slowed down and let out a breath. remus looked at you as if to ask "you sure you're okay?" to which you just nodded again.
"i'm fine remus. just saw... um, someone from school. just didn't wanna run into them is all," you lied.
he looked at you questioningly but let it go.
but once you saw the toy store it seemed everything was going to trigger your regression.
"i... need to use the toilet." you told remus, letting go of his hand. "i'll be back."
remus nodded and smiled. "alright. i have a store to go to that i'm not sure you'll like. i'll do that and be right back."
you smiled at your boyfriend and went to the bathroom, trying to keep yourself big. big kid thoughts. like taxes.
you came out after a few minutes and remus was outside, as he said he would be, with a paper bag in his hand.
"what'cha got there?" you asked. even though he said you wouldn't like the store you were still curious.
"nothing darling. how about some ice cream?" he suggested. "it's the best ice cream in london darling." he said excitedly. "just a scoop then we'll go back t'mine yeah?"
you smiled at his excitement and nodded in agreement. "alright. i can go for some ice cream." you agreed.
you and remus got your ice creams from florean fortescue and made your way back to his house. you two took the tube in london, taking it as far as you were allowed, and walked the rest of the way to his house in the country.
it wasn't too terrible a trip but you nervously tried to stop yourself from regressing. you were quieter than usual and remus noticed.
he draped an arm over your shoulders and squeezed your arm a bit. you're safe with me.
his parents weren't home, for which you were grateful, and you sat on his bed with him.
"y'know..." he started slowly. "i got you something while we were in diagon alley.
you were confused because he didn't say anything. "oh, remus... i didn't get you anything."
he shook his head and handed you the paper bag. "don't worry about that. i just... um... i think you should open it." he nodded toward the bag.
he seemed nervous about your reaction as you opened it. you kept an eye on remus as you opened the back and gasped at the stuffie remus bought for you.
it was the softest little niffler plush, as well as the cutest. "i love it remmy!" you squealed, nearly tackling your boyfriend to the ground.
"you gonna name it?" he asked. oh he knew what he was doing now... and you absolutely loved it!
you sat back on his bed and shrugged. "mmm, i dunno. wet's name 'im together." you smiled. remus sat next to you and draped an arm across your shoulders.
"hm..." remus tapped a finger against his chin in mock thought. "well, let's think. what are some of your absolute favorite things in the whole world?"
you made a face. "in da whole wide worl'?" you asked, to which remmy nodded. "wet's name 'im... remmy."
"remmy sounds like a good name, i like it."
"it's yours silly goose!" you giggled.
"mine?" he asked. "why, i've never heard it."
"silly goose."
"just know, it's okay little love. i still love you."
your little lip wobbled and you squeezed remus as hard as you could. "tanks 'emmy. luv u so so mush."
"i love you too."
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k-dokja · 10 months
Sally and a conversation you didn’t want to have.
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“Can’t you do something about it?”
Sally’s question came the days after Eli left for the Workers. If you said you were caught off-guard when she cornered you with it, you’d be lying. In truth, you have very little care for her grievance when Yenna is this pretty in your arms. The new dress you bought for her fit perfectly and she smiles so sweetly at you that all else fails to matter.
“What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know,” she confesses, “Anything is better than nothing. Besides, you know their leader, don’t you?”
You set Yenna down next to you on the couch when she begins to reach out for the toys you set at the other side. She grabs hold of a teddy bear you’ve bought for you and squeezes it tight. You watch while she shakes the toy up and down, vaguely aware of the conversation ongoing.
“So?” You say. “You want me to visit President Yoo and sweetly ask him to ‘return’ Eli and Warren? Maybe ask him to cease all illegal activity while I’m at it?”
She frowns, “No, but—”
“Mama, look!”
Yenna holds up one of the toys to you. It’s a pretty thing, a rabbit plush you bought for her during your trip to Switzerland. She shakes it with such a vigor that you think it’d go flying if her hold slips. You smile sweetly at her when she crawls over to you with it, “Yes, honey?”
“Mama, have toy?” Yenna pushes the toy towards you. There is a cheer on her face that leaves you in awe at how precious she is. You accept her offering graciously, picking her up and setting her on your lap with the toy.
“Aw, thank you, baby,” you coo, “you always know how to make Mama happy.”
With your smile brightened, you glance at Sally, “Yenna wouldn’t ask Mama to do something unreasonable to bring back Papa, right? For example, Yenna won’t think just because Mama has money, Mama can do anything. Like buying Papa and Uncle Warren back from Workers for examples.”
The lightness in your words vanish when you hug Yenna close to your chest, hiding her from the expression you gives Sally. “Can you imagine how would Papa feel if Mama did that? That’s not even thinking about the cost it would take to bring them both back. At least billions for both of them.”
Sally bites down on her bottom lip. Her fists clench. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed. I just—“
“I know.” You stroke Yenna’s back, dropping a kiss on her hair. “I don’t like this either but nothing you’ve come up with is anything I haven’t considered. This isn’t a matter you can deal with using money, no matter how people make you think money can solve every problems in the world.”
Your smile deforms into a sardonic smirk, “Although for this situation, I think the correct resolution would be a big enough amount of money. But unfortunately, I can’t simply shell out that much without raising several alarms with my parents. I doubt they’d see the concept of buying people’s employment contract in a positive light when said people are only minors.”
Gently, you add. “I want to help, too, I do. But it’s not a simple matter. We can only hope that whoever working on dismantling Workers will succeed. Even then, there is no guarantee that Eli and Warren will come out intact. It’s out of our hands, Sally. This is bigger than Hostel.”
“…You’re right.”
You blink, surprised to hear her easy admittance. “Hm? About what?”
“This is bigger than Hostel,” Sally says with resolution in her eyes, “we can’t deal with this alone, and I know who can help this.”
With those words spoken, she strides out of the room, leaving you confused as to what previously played out. Knowing there is no use to speculating, you sigh. It’s far better this way. If you use your money to help with their problems for everything, there is no saying what will happen to your future relationship with them. Besides, you’ve done what you can to arrange the paperwork for Like What and So Funny. Within the next few days, they should be assimilated in an ongoing program. As for Yenna…
“Mama? Yenna’s baba?”
You smile down at her. It is easy to find comfort in her big round eyes when she looks at you so earnestly. “Yenna’s baba will be fine,” you reassure her, not trusting a single word you said, “he must.”
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iloveschiaparelli · 17 days
Finding out from my mom that I spoke full sentences at 10 months old and then adding that to all my other memories of being young just feels like a punch to the gut
When I first self dxd autism I knew that my experiences from age 10 up were consistent with autism diagnostic criteria but I only had a very vague understanding of how my early childhood was affected. Like I knew that I behaved the same way but I didn't have any specific examples and at first my mom didn't believe me either, so she wasn't much help. I honestly believed that I must not have presented autism in an obvious way, since it was missed in my childhood.
But since then I've realized/learned several things:
I was speaking in full sentences at 10 months old. Typically that isn't supposed to happen until age 3 or 4.
I spoke incessantly. All the time. To the point where my mom still jokes that they had to "train me to stop talking" (what exactly that entailed I have no idea???)
Throughout my life including early childhood people have asked me to slow down when talking or remarked on how fast I spoke
In my childhood and pretty much through out my life pre-depresion, people would remark on how good my memory was. Especially in my early childhood (4-8 years old) I would get comments like this ALL THE TIME, I just remembered literally everything?
I taught myself to read at age 4. Because I wanted to read the same storybook over and over again for a period of over a week at least, and my caregivers were sick of reading it to me and started saying no when I asked. So I said "fine, I'll just read it to myself." I was reading at a 3rd grade level at least. by the time i was 5. When I was 5 or 6, I read The Secret Garden, unabridged. I remember this because I was really into tinkerbell at the time, it had just come out. TSG was my mom's copy of the book from her childhood and I had to confess to her that I had fallen asleep while reading and the paperback cover had fallen off in my bed.
Despite making my way through the book pretty quickly, I did not understand a lick of the meaning. I just took down the sequence of events.
I often sat down and arranged stones or blocks or my dollhouse elements by category, size, or color. I would also spend times trying to make sure the chains on the swinger were perfectly aligned.
I watched Finding Nemo maybe 30 times when I was 1-3 years old. Like I would beg my parents to start it over again immediately after it finished. At the time my parents owned a wall projector instead of a TV, so big picture. I suspect now that I was seeking out a visual stim because I still find that movie delightful.
Also forgot to mention, we lived in Japan when I was 1-2.5 and I started learning Japanese?? I don't remember it but according to my parents I was already using some Japanese words by the time we returned to the US. And I had learned to use chopsticks.
Dinosaur. Arms.
Picky eating that was explicitly known to be a texture issue. Nobody thought to analyze this further.
When I was 6 or so I was exposed to plush blankets for the first time. It became my dream to own one. I bought my first one when I was 19 and now I own like 10 of them because plush is one of my favorite textures in the world. But girls I would literally sit in bed and dream about owning a plush blanket. For years. Every time I went to summer camp and someone brought one for themselves I would stare at it, forlorn. Yearning.
I would read the science homeschool books excessively. I went into 5th grade Earth Science already knowing everything that we were being taught, because I had pored over geology and physical science books since I was 5. Probably about 5 years old is when I was able to explain how volcanoes worked and the layers of the earth. Also the water cycle.
These science books also included my dad's 100 year complete collection of national geographic magazines. At 2 years old I was able to explain the star life cycle and how black holes formed. As well as what would happen if you fell into one.
Once I gained access to the internet at 14 my knowledge of the cosmos expanded explosively. I became able to thoroughly explain multiverse theory, multiple theories for the origin of the universe, a good deal of the geological history of Mars, Mars's atmospheric composition, and could fully explain how solar flares worked, how Earth's magnetic field protected us, and how Mars magnetic field had disappeared taking the atmosphere with it. I was failing biology.
Transfered schools twice and a year later had to start biology over again, this time aced it. DNA replication was simple as pie.
SUCKED at math. Always.
Sucked at socialization.
Hyperfixated on the Maze Runner movies to the point where I had the 2nd one memorized and would read the credits for fun. Got so into the BTS that 5 years later I went to film school.
LOUD music was my faborite coping mechanism. Just about destroyed my hearing because I would, on a nightly basis, play heavydirtysoul on loop through the Brookstone ear buds I had gotten for Christmas at Max volume until I felt calm enough to sleep. Would also squirm with the music which i now know to be an uninformed attempt at stimming.
Just... how did I NOT get screened for autism as a kid? I was literally a textbook case for what likely would have been diagnosed as aspergers at the time.
My parents were somewhat neglectful at that time because of a lot of reasons, but I don't really fault them for it. Sometimes I forget that they even were but then I remember things like this.
Asked my mom about it yesterday "how did you not think me speaking full sentences at 10 months was weird?!!" And her response was "we didn't know!"
They didn't know my dad was autistic.
They didn't know that hitting your milestones 2-3 years early is NOT normal and likely a sign of a disorder.
They didn't know that repetitive behavior and obsessive organizing is not normal.
If they had known...... my childhood would have been so different. I wouldn't have nearly flunked out of college. I wouldn't have grown to hate myself because of my social skills. I wouldn't have had countless episodes of feeling like I was going to explode out of my skin but shoving it down and chewing on my cheek just to get through the social situation. So much would have been different.
This is why it's so important to spread general awareness of autism symptoms and behaviors. Real and varied examples, not just solely sdtereotypes and nonverbal autistic alone. And not just autism either but pretty much any disorder.
Or at least an awareness about what child development is SUPPOSED to look like, so that parents can flag when things aren't normal.
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nonranghaes · 10 months
heads up: parental abuse mentioned vaguely. hurt/comfort ahead.
vernon knows what it means when you text this late asking to come over.
despite the insistence that you could move in with him until you got on your feet, you never really took it. he always said that he's your boyfriend and your best friend: this was part of the deal. caring for each other. if it were him, you'd open your door immediately and let him stay as long as he needed to get things sorted out. even after dating for a year, you don't take him up on the offer. instead, he just gets the occasional text asking if it's okay that you come over. that you need to get out. he always says yes, even if that means ditching his friends to go back to his apartment (something he never tells you: he doesn't want you to feel guilty when your safety always comes first). instead, he busies himself with doing things a boyfriend should. he gets the hoodie the two of you share (bought big enough for both of you to wear it comfortably) out of his closet, and sprays his cologne onto it. he gets the plush bear you bought him (one of a set: his was green, while yours was blue) out, too--he needed to shower tonight, and the bear was almost as good a cuddler as he was.
and he brings himself to wait by the front door. you already know the code to the apartment. he texts seungkwan that you're spending the night, and seungkwan asks if he needs to bring anything--dinner or otherwise--to cheer you up. it makes him thankful his roommate understands. truly, sometimes vernon thinks seungkwan loves you almost as much as he does.
the door chimes when you open it, and he can see the fact your cheeks are wet from the moment he sees you. wordlessly, he opens his arms to you, and you don't rush into them. you close the door, you slip out of your shoes and set them aside, and then you step up. you meet his gaze for a moment, and then you sink into him, arms wrapping around him tight.
"why is it always my fault?" you sigh out. it's not the first time vernon's heard that. the next thing you say is another repeat of something you've said too many times before, "i just wish i could be enough for her."
he holds you tight. "it's not your fault," he says. he'll always say it, as many times as you need it. "she's the one who's never happy. you didn't do anything, baby." (he hopes the term of endearment helps.)
"i just... i told her i'd go back and get whatever she wanted, and then she got all pissed off and snappy and said she'd do it herself." you bury your face into his neck. "i just said i was tired... i didn't mean i wouldn't go, i just--"
hot tears hit his neck, and he just holds you tighter. "hey, hey--you didn't do anything. how much have you done today?"
you start listing them off. the meals you've cooked, the chores you've done, the places you've gone...
"anyone would be tired at this point," he tells you. he draws back from you, taking your hands in his as he takes a few steps back, "c'mon. let's go cuddle, baby."
fuck the shower. he'll take one in the morning. you need him more now, and he's happy to be there for you to fall asleep on halfway through a movie on his laptop. whatever it takes to remind you you're loved, he'll do. that's what a boyfriend does, he thinks. and then he scratches that out:
that's what someone who cares does, regardless of title.
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wendyslegalwife · 4 months
Could you please write a Wendy x femreader fluff!(I’ve been so obsessed with her these days)
I’d love to see a cute story of how reader and Wendy’s first kiss was like🫶!!
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Entitled: My heart went, boop!
Warnings: maybe slight angst?
Genre: fluff
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✸ Both of you have been the bestest of friends since elementary days, wendy was one of the popular girls meanwhile you were the quiet academic achiever. You both became friends because of a special science project, you were paired by your science teacher to be with wendy and that's when it all started of the two of you being the best buddies.
During Freshman year, both of you were rocking throughout the whole school year having high grades, awards, and even the topping the whole class! By your help wendy couldn't have done all of this without you and your kind heart. She would always treat you with lots of foods, plushies, and all the things you could think of. Despite refusing her offers she always insisted with an honest heart which made you feel happy.
One day you were both at your favorite area in the school, it was only the two of you who knew this spot which was perfect. "Yah y/n you know I think we should try something different?" You looked deep into her eyes, "owh and what is that wannie?" Wendy blushed lightly. "Yah! Kim y/n! you really have to stop calling me that.." You smiled at her adorable face. "Why is it because you like it?, owh what is that! Your blushing wannie.."
Wendy pouted and crossed her arms feeling annoyed yet she loves the nickname you gave for her, wannie, wannie. It just keeps ringing in her head she loves it whenever you call her "wannie". "Ugh whatever! anyways I wanted to hangout with you after school today, would you like to go to my house?"
You nodded, "Yes I'd love that wannie, but will your parents be home?" Wendy shook her head "nope they're not home they will be out of town for a month so I have to be responsible for myself." "Aww you poor thing no more mommy or daddy's credit card to use hm?" You laughed softly as she stared at you in pure disbelief, "well they left some cash at least.. But no more shopping for me"
✦–—— ✣ Time Skip ✣ ——–✦
School was finally finished, at last the both of you were finally able to do whatever you'd like, history class really made you joyful and energized. As for wendy she was sleeping the whole entire class which she was lucky enough not being caught because a book was covering her face.
Wendy linked arms with you as you both walk out of class, you unlocked your bicycle and so did wendy together you both drove out of school the fresh breeze brushing against your soft skin. It took about a 6-10 minute drive to Wendy's house, you both parked your bicycles inside the garage before you both sat down comfortably on the couch.
Wendy huffed, "Waahh! Finally school is over, what do you want to do y/n?" You looked at her with a grin. "I actually been wanting to go to the beach near my home, it's a pretty long road but still it's worth it. The sunset there is beautiful." "Yeah sure! Let me go grab something from my room first.."
Wendy hurriedly entered her room going through her drawers before finding the gift she's been wanting to give to you, she sat down close to you and smiled happily as she handed you the present. "Surprise! Happy birthday y/n!" Your eyes widened with surprise and happiness, "Thank you so much wannie-ya! Hmm I wonder what is it?"
You slowly opened the gift by untying the beautiful pink ribbon and unwrapping the paper, there you see a big adorable plushie it was my melody! That one plush you've been wanting for so long, you couldn't earn for it since you had to focus on earning for your tuition fees. "O-oh my wannie, it's the plush I've been telling you for so long aww.." You felt a tear in your eye, "Thank you very much wannie, it's beautiful.." "You're always welcome y/n, anything for my sweet girl and also I bought the kuromi one so we can match our plushies." Wendy then showed her kuromi plush happily to you with a wide smile on her face.
"It's so precious, they're just like us! Besties!" Wendy forced a slightly weak smile on her face hearing you say that word. "Besties" only if you knew how much she loved you more than a friend, you mean so much to her more than you knew but she didn't know the right timing to tell you so. "Yes! Besties.." A weak forced voice came out of Wendy's throat.
"Well let's go to the beach now? We can't miss the beautiful sunset" "Yes let's go now.."
Both of you went out and unlocked your bicycles, before driving out going to the nearest beach which was a long road to drive on but it was worth the wait. After driving for what felt like an hour you both arrived at the beach.
You both ran towards the beach, running and laughing happily like there's no tomorrow. "Yah y/n don't run there! You might slip and fall.." "No no I won't!" Wendy felt worried so she decided to run to you but then she accidentally slips making her fall ontop of you. "Ah wannie are you okay?" You looked at her feeling worried. Before wendy could respond she shook her head and stood up, she pulled you up and laughed awkwardly.. "Haha yeah I'm fine.. Sorry.." "No it's fine wannie I'm okay don't worry.. Let's just sit down here and watch the sunset."
You both sat down side by side on the sand, she laid her head on your shoulder as the sun slowly goes down. "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" Wendy spoke softly. "What silly! There's no moon yet, there's still a sun.." Wendy lifted her head up looking at your beautiful face, "I know there isn't a moon.. But there is you." You tilted your head to the side and pouted curiously. "Hmm what does that mean?"..
Wendy didn't speak, she just stared at you as if she we're being pulled into a different dimension, into the abyss, into the unknown.. Finally she took the courage to hold your face onto the palm of her hands before pulling closer and slowly kissing you.. So passionate so heavenly.. At first you felt weird but eventually you gave in and closed your eyes enjoying the kiss. As you we're both kissing the sun slowly went down as the moon rises 🌙.
You slowly pulled back from the kiss creating a pop sound, "w-woah.." Wendy looked down in embarrassment, she covers her face with her hands as she blushes intensely.. "Hey why so shy wannie? You were actually good.."
"I am? Really?.." "Yeah you are, that was really nice.." Wendy pouted. "W-wanna go again?" You gave her a side eye, "you really enjoyed doing that huh?" Wendy immediately got annoyed, she was indenial that she didn't enjoyed kissing you. "N-no! Why would I enjoy that.."
Oh, one more thing your birthday happens to be February 14, 1996 which is valentines day. "You do realize it's valentines right?" You asked wendy, "y-yes I know.. I-I like you.. So much.. D-do you like me back?" Wendy asked nervously, her hands trembling in fear of rejection. You held her soft hands and whispered "I like you too wannie.. Your my world, my sunshine, my love, my darling, and my everything."
Wendy's eyes was filled with tears of joy, she hugged you tightly as if she never wanted to let go of you.. Just wanting to keep you close forever and ever.. "I-I love you so much y/n!.. Happy birthday and valentines day.."
"Happy valentines to you too wannie.. I'm looking forward to our future together." You held onto each other till she fell asleep in your arms.
The end... - wendylegalwife🩵🩵
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
(day five) pictures with santa , jamie drysdale
note, this fic is part of my christmas series called taylor's very merry christmas series. check out this masterlist for the rest of the series. pair, jamie drysdale x reader summary, after seeing kids taking pictures with santa, y/n brings up the idea of taking a family picture with santa. so, y/n and jamie take their little family of dogs to take pictures with santa. warnings, none word count, 822 words
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(gif not mine)
You were walking through the mall, doing some Christmas shopping and trying to find a Christmas gift for Jamie's mom. You had a few more people on the list, but checking her off the list was most important to you that day.
Walking from store to store, you walked past the Santa photo-opt in the middle of the mall. You watched as a little girl sat next to Santa on the big green plush chair and smile at the camera and at her parents who were standing next to the photographer.
You walked away, but in the back of your mind, you wanted to do something like that. Growing up, you always got your picture taken with Santa, you were older and didn't have any kids who you could force to take pictures with Santa.
When you got home, you unpacked everything you bought, but the lingering thought was still in your mind. Later that day, Jamie came home from practice and was surprised by the amount of shopping you had accomplished.
"Whoa, did Target throw up in here or something?" He joked as your dogs ran over to greet him.
"I finished all of our Christmas shopping. So, yay! Go me!" You flashed him a smile.
"Great." He exclaimed.
"I also want to do something."
"Oh, dear." He muttered.
"The last time you said that I ended up dressed as a giant inflatable dinosaur."
"Oh, come on. It was cute! The kids loved it." You reminded him.
"They did, but it is also the last time I do something like that."
"All right, fine. But I promise this thing isn't as bad."
"Fine. What is it?"
"I want to take pictures with Santa."
He stared at you, "No."
"Oh, come on. Please, Jamie?" You begged.
"No, I will not do it."
"Why not?"
"Cause you're gonna make me wear some stupid Christmas sweater and it's gonna look ugly."
"Okay, wow. Offended."
"Don't make me do it." He begged you.
"Fine, if you won't do it, I'll just have to bring the dogs myself." You shrugged, knowing he would quickly change his mind.
"Fine, I'll do it. But don't make the sweats really ugly."
"I promise. They'll be cute." You clapped, cupping his cheek and giving him a kiss, before locating your laptop to find the perfect sweater.
A few weeks later, you found yourself waiting in line, amongst all the kids, with your dogs, waiting to take your photos with Santa. Just so Jamie would actually wear the Christmas sweater, you let him make the final call on which sweater to wear.
"We look weird," Jamie whispered as he looked down at all the little kids who were looking back at him.
"Well, stop making eye contact with them." You muttered back.
"I can't. Everywhere I look, they're there."
"Okay, you're overreacting."
"I am not." He insisted.
"Just stop looking. Look at your phone or something." He whipped out his phone and distracted himself from all the beady little eyes of children.
When it was finally your turn to take your pictures, you eagerly made your way over to Santa with your two dogs while Jamie talked to the photographer.
"This is Jax," You pointed down to your chocolate lab as you sat down on the couch to Santa's left,, "And this is Wes." You gestured to your King Charles' Spaniel who was sitting in Santa's lap.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Jax, and Wes." He held his hand out for both dogs to sniff, and once they deciphered he wasn't a threat, they shoved their faces into his hands and let him pet their heads.
Jamie came over and took the spot on Santa's right, "All right, whenever you're ready." You looked down at Jax who was sitting perfectly, then over at Wes who was sitting in Santa's lap.
"Ready." You nodded, flashing the camera a smile. The photographer squeaked one of the toys you brought so that both dogs would look at the camera, "A couple more." She announced, switching positions and angles.
"Do you want pictures with just the dogs?" You nodded and stood up, Jamie following, and you took a spot off to the side and watched as your dogs posed with Santa.
Once she was done, she sent you over to the lady who was in charge of setting up payment, "So, do you want physical copies or digital copies?"
"Can we do both?" She nodded and helped set that up. Once you were set, you were on your way home, "Do we see how successful that was?" You nudged Jamie.
"Yeah, yeah." He rolled his eyes as he buckled his seatbelt.
"Now we have memories with Jax and Wes. Your mother'll love it." You smiled.
"She loves you more than me, I get it." He playfully rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, and don't get it twisted." You playfully punched him in the shoulder.
my taglist: @kolsmikaelson @ashleymarine @mattyybenierss @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @nhlrbs @lam-ila @catahshart @stars-canucks @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @owenpowersglasses @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @huggybearmylove43 @sammysworldddd @corneliaskates @sc87 @likeashotofwhiskey @mista-svech @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @nickblankenburgg @emma117717 @sidcrosbyspuck @dumbxblond3 @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @MichelleKirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @cuttergauth @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @luca-fantilli @madison-nhl @repujosty @jayda12
add yourself to my taglist!
(this taglist is my regular taglist, my non-special occasion masterlist. if you want to be tagged in all my writing, feel free to add yourself!)
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forgetmenots0250 · 2 years
Hello so I was thinking could you do plantonic Male reader little brother x Vance hopper and just how they met and other stuff you did in the big brother one. Btw I love your account!!
Platonic little brother reader x Vance hopper HCs
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“Why the HELL did you kick him in the nuts? Do you not have any sense!?”
“You didn’t hear what he said!”
“WHAT did he say!?”
“What are you gonna do? Kick me in the nuts?”
“… okay now that is just FUCKING asking for it!”
“I know right!?”
That was your first encounter with Vance, you had kicked one of those kids who hang around him in the nuts
You were very much younger than the boy who you kicked and Vance so you had some respect in his book
The kid was bullying you for having long hair that went past your shoulders and the bear plush you still carried 
So you fucked him up with pure crackhead determination 
Vance clapped and got you a soda, it was an amazing fight
You hung around Vance seeing how he was a super tough guy and you had a bodyguard technically 
After some time of getting to know him, you found yourself going out of your way to say hi and give him stuff like cool rocks or quarters you took off some guy you kicked in the shins 
You watch Vance play pinball almost every day
Vance gave you money to buy you two a drink
You invite Vance for hangouts but they're mostly just listening to music in a little cafe 
Vances calls you by nicknames like “Kid, squirt, shortie, and shortstack”
Vance helps you with homework since it’s basic and he can help out
Vance picks you up by the scruff and just carries you off to god knows where 
You have scary dog privileges
You’re a little gremlin
You steal shit from people and you saved up to bring Vance to a skating rink and Vance after brought you to a big arcade to pay you back
Sleepovers are a must for friendship
Your parents were a bit wary but still welcomed Vance with open arms
“Mi casa es tú casa”
“The fuck does that mean kid?”
“My house is your house”
Vance has a key to your house 
When Vance sleepsover you share your bed but you two don’t fit so you just starfish style on Vance who is only slightly annoyed and lets it slide
You play with Vance’s hair a lot and braid it and do whatever the hell you want with it
You grew out your hair to match Vance and he styles it and stuff
You get a turn on the pinball machine
Once you won his high score he bought you a soda
You cheer for him in his fights 
In grab n go some guy bumped into harshly and messed up your score and made you fall to the floor
Vance was mad and punched the guy but then he pulled out a knife but then Vance got a hold of it and wrote the score you got as a reminder
You thought he went to far and dragged him out before the cops came because you notice the cashier reach for the phone
“We need to leave!” pulling him by his arm and pulling him off the guy, he took the knife
“Why the HELL do we need to leave you need to finish shortstack, besides this guy needs to learn his lesson-”
“Do you WANT to get arrested!?” he then heard faint police sirens and qucikly stood up
“Okay fine let’s get the fuck out of here kid” he picked you up by the scruff and ran out of the store before dipping into someones backyard (he also stole some snacks as he got you and him out of there)
“Do you even know whose backyard we’re in?” Vance shrugged his shoulders as he put you down to your feet
“Nope not a clue now let’s keep moving or do you want to get caught” he started going over the fence you guys were in and moved to the next backyard
“Wait for me!” you followed behind him as he continued
The police sirens eventually faded out and Vance to you to some woods for the time being
“Welcome to my favorite spot” it was a short abandoned viaduct that had loud rushing water bellow, Vance sat down as his legs dangled off the edge
“What scared you’ll fall?” Vance said it in a very amused tone that irritated you
“No, I was just wondering how much it would take to push you off into the water. That’s all” you said that with a smug look as you sat next to him
“Well then I bet I could push you into the water right here in now without a sweat” 
“You probably could.” you pouted at the thought
“But I won’t I’m not that much of a jerk to push you into a river that your short legs couldn’t even reach the bottom of” his smile said it all and you were mad
“You’re an ass Vance.”
“Ha! That’s precious coming from you”
You two sat at the bridge for hours snaking on the snacks Vance brought (stole) and laughing until you cried 
It was a nice and you noticed it was night so he dropped you off at home and you two parted ways 
The next day you begged him to take you to “The spot” again but that was a sacred place for him, it was only for special occasions like running from the police
“Becuase I don’t want people finding out where I hide, so you don’t go there unless I go there got it?”
“Good, now let’s get some snacks”
“We’re not going to grab n go.”
“You know exactly why!”
“UGH fine.”
“Good, let’s go to the one near the movies”
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msfbgraves · 6 months
The Season of the Spirit
Sorry I got the cockles of my heart warmed straight through yesterday.
Saint Nicholas does of course hit people in all the sentimentals: it's about giving to children, specifically, not adults, and about selfless giving. It's direct giving - physical toys, no vague monetary donations that could line other people's pockets. No greedy board member is going to hoard glitter gel pens, or cuddly toys. It's also about family time together. And it's somehow a symbol for "Dutchness" (it's not but it's perceived to be), so right wingers don't object. It's also so pagan that in practice it's pan religious and atheist.
People have therefore, zero reason not to want to reach out and then, goodness, they can come together so hard.
A mother, a few years ago, started a St. Nicholas themed toy donation drive. Because St.Nicholas loves all children, whether or not their parents can afford to buy them toys. Children should be visited by St. Nicholas. Even children who don't believe in St Nicholas should be visited by St. Nicholas. There's even a line in the most famous St. Nick song
Oh, sweet Saint Nicholas, will you come to me, too?
Please don't quietly pass by my home...
And with growing poverty, Saint Nicholas was quietly passing by homes and it was not to be borne.
The Hague regional radio picked up on it. A year later Leiden picked up on it. There was a donation point for gifts in the The Hague public library, ages 0-18. They hoped for 20,000 presents, that would be grouped in to packages by age, and distributed around the greater The Hague region on the eve of Dec 5. From a bonafide Santa's Workshop, the way it is always portrayed in stories about Nicholas and his helpers. They flat out created a real life Santa's workshop with people packing gifts and sending them to children.
They had hoped for 20,000 gifts.
Around 18,000, a bank donated €1000 to be spent on gifts. People rushed in on the last day with donations. And I mean carrying dolls and cars and sweets and puzzles and plush animals and perfume and make up and electronics and books and craft sets and legos.
They totalled 47,000 + gifts.
This year - this went far beyond The Hague. Extra donation points were set up. 3 more radio stations in neughbouring towns and regions. There was a donation tram for people who couldn't make it to a donation point. A grandmother crocheted 200 fairy tale figures. Ikea set up donation points and promised to match every gift with 2 others (given their margins, I'm sure they made money on that even then, but since all the gifts were bought at retail price anyway, Ikea was as good a place to buy as any.)
The bank donated another €1,000
They'd already set a goal of 50,000 gifts this year.
They totalled more than 88,000. That's the people of one big and one medium sized city. Because children deserve a visit from St. Nick.
This, too, is humanity.
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wolfies-toys · 7 months
this blog is so cute!! how do you make space for all these plushies? mine are already starting to overrun me xD
tysm! personally i find the key to having enough room is to be selective and also try contain them to a limited but still relatively generous display space, that way they dont end up overwhelming your space. I'm super particular about the plush i keep hold of, atm my collection is regrowing as i use to have a lot esp as a teen but slowly went through a phase of selling things on an cutting down my collection pieces, i used to have a fair few rarer plushies that were also quite big but i really couldnt afford to keep them both cost wise and space wise. sometimes i'll sell something on if i've bought something new and really need room / arent quite vibing with something i thought i would have, but especially now as my collection regrows i'm just super conscious of only getting ones i'm p much certain i really will vibe with so that helps keep my collection a manageable size, as i tend to get kinda distressed if i cant see everything / if theres too much disorganization in my collection. For plushies i have a main set of shelves that's just from Kmart down here that i bought secondhand and they hold a surprising amount of plush in and on top of them! i think ikea stocks similar shelves but this style is great for plushies, i'd highly reccomend! i love to set things up and put them in particular configurations that make them look best too, so i tend to have smaller guys at the front and bigger ones at the back and layer them a bit so you can see everyone nicely, oh and also spreading out colours too, you end up with shelves that do look full but it looks like theres less in there than there actually is because of it lol.
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i mostly have my jellycats here at my apartment plus some other guys, and then ones that i dont have on display cause they're a bit older and i like to cuddle them like Wuffy or Pancake are in the little felt storage draws below the shelf there to stay away from any dust, i also always have a plush in rotation on my bed too for sleeping. others that dont really fit in my current living space but that i dont want to part with are in my childhood bedroom / storage at my parents.
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and theres also big Deeno of course who sits up at the top of my closet with the spare pillows and blankets when he's not being hugged or sitting on my lap while i do work lol
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Well now all I can think of is girlcock!Ali 👀👀 what would happen if chubby reader invites her over for a sleepover ?
Secret Sleepover~ (1/2)
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(Unedited) (Secret Crush, Best Friends to Lovers, WlW, GirlCock!Ali,Hand Job,Cum Eating, Virgin!Reader.)
Reader is so excited to have Ali over to her house for a fun sleep over. She’s so excited that she runs around her house trying to clean the best she can before Ali arrives. It was a Friday night and she had invited Ali over doe a girls night.
Ali was so nice and invited her over to her own house so many times. Almost every other day she was at the other girls house to hang out. They always found something fun to do. Ali’s house was really big and elegant compares to Reader's so it was always fun to explore her house when she was over.
This was the first time the blond would be over to her house for once. excitement bubbles in her veins but also a tad bit of nervousness. She didn't know how Ali would react to her house, it was pretty simple and plain compared to the other girl's borderline mansion of a house.
Reader's parent weren’t rich like a good portion of the kids at school, they worked normal jobs and made decent money to keep them in a good part of town. For a moment she wondered if Ali knew she wasn't as well off as her.
She pushed that thought it the back of her mind as she pulled out some snacks from one of the cabinets in the kitchen. She stud on her toes to reach a bag of chips in the very back. She was successful and pulled the unopened bag down and onto the counter.
Only a split second later the front doorbell rang. It echoed around the house and made Reader want to yell out to her parents. But then she thought against it and kept her mouth closed, her parents were out at a local hotel for a paid business training conversation down town.
They wouldn't be back until Sunday night.
Reader smiled as she ran to the front door as quick as possible. Looking out of the widow by the door she found Ali standing at the door. Her hair was still done just like it was at school but she was in a new outfit. She had on a old shirt and shorts. It almost reminded her of the gym uniform.
She opened the door and Squealed as she leaned in and gave the other girl a big hug. She also giggled while hugging the plush girl's back. They pulled away but Reader ushered her inside quickly. Looking outside she took note that Ali had driven her car and parked it in the driveway. She shut the door and lead the girl to her room quickly.
She threw open nee door saying “So this is it! This is my home sweet home, my baby, my lovely room! I hope you like it, I tried to tidy it up a bit before you got here.” Reader's stomach fluttered as she turned towards Ali who was standing behind her. Ali smiled as she looked around the room. It definitely screamed “Reader” with how it was decorated.
“I love it. It suits you perfectly suits you perfectly Reader. I love the posters by the way, and your bed sheets are so cute.” Ali puts bee stuff down and sits down on Reader’s soft bed. The mattresses dipping under her. Reader giggles as she turns her small boxed tv on, it sits in the opposite side of the room facing the bed perfectly.
“I saved up some money before we moved to town and bought this tv for myself. We have one in the living room but this is mine.”
“Ohhh miss penny pincer I see.”
Reader giggles as Ali wiggles her brows and chuckles a bit. She lays down on the bed as the other girl walks around her room. She fishes out some vsh tapes and holds them up for the other girl to see.
“Ok ok, but I was thinking we could watch a movie? I just got some new ones! You pick!” she smiles as Ali points to one. Reader goes over to her tv and slides the tape in before hitting play. She turns the lights off and goes back to the bed and sits next to Ali. They both end up laying down on Reader’s small bed and getting under the covers.
At first they just lay next to each other with their eyes locked on the bright tv screen. The picture playing with the sound on low. The two girls are quiet as they listen to the sounds of the tv. Engrossed by the movie playing on the small screen.
Towards the end of the movie is when the rooms atmosphere starts to change and shift.
Ali slowly scoots closer to the other girl under the blankets. Reader doesn't think much about it as Ali starts to cuddle up inor her side, the attractive blond girl pulls her in. Reader’s head rests on the girl's collarbone. Is almost completely silent besides the noise from the tv. Reader looks up at Ali who acts like nothing is going on and keeps watching the movie.
It's not until something hard and got pokes against Reader’s soft belly making her eyes go wide. Her eyes flash up to Ali all wide and big, her cheeks going hot. At that moment Ali looks down at the other girl and her own cheeks are a bit flushed. She smirks a little at the chubby girl's cute reaction to her slowly hardening cock in her shorts.
“Oh sorry, sometimes I get a little excited. Clearly.” her cock twitches against Reader. She says it so casually like it's nothing new. Readers jaw drops.
“Umm maybe I should have told you before but I guess it never came up. I'm pretty good at hiding my boners at school. I guess this is a good time to tell you I have a cock, or well I prefer the term girlcock. Because I'm all lady everywhere else.”
Reader pulls the covers off to get a better look at what her friend is hiding in her shorts. The light from the tv is enough to let her see the clear curved bulge in Ali’s once-loss shorts. She can see the big outline of Ali’s “girlcock” through the fabric. Almost as if on cue it twitches under the fabric and makes Reader blink a few time to take it all in. Ali isn't ashamed when she simply grins and asks.
“Do you want to see it?”
Reader has no words but slowly nods her head at the question.
She has never seen a real cock before let alone a girlcock. She can't believe Ali never told her about it in the first place. They where borderline best friends now.
Ali slips bet thumbs under her shorts waist band and pulls them off, she flings them off the bed onto Reader’s bedroom floor. White panties are stretched over the large cock, a small damp spot slowly growing at the very top of the elastic band. If she got any bigger then she was sure to pop out.
“You kinda got me a little excited, I'm already dripping pre and making a mess out of these. Good thing I brought a backup pair.” she giggles as she starts taking the ruined underwear off. Finally her fat cock springs out and slaps her belly with a wet slap. Beads of pre already start pooling on her belly. The whole time she just smiles at the other girl.
She grabs herself and pumps a few times, running her thumb over the thick head. She hisses as she wipes away a glob of pre. She's already so hard just from being pressed up against the other girl. She was too cute for her own good and it would be stupid to deny that Reader was attractive.
Round cheeks with pretty eyes that always seemed to sparkle when looking at her. Pretty full lips. Her tits ere huge and soft and always seemed to spill out of the top of her shirt. Soft tummy and rolls. Fat ass with pillowy thighs that she loved to lay on when they had breaks during gym.
Thinking about her was one thing but now that she was in front of her things were different. The way she was staring at her dick in awe was just the icing on the cake. She waited so long for this to happen and to finally see the other girl's reaction to her big secret. It definitely was worth it by her reaction to the news. Ali smiles as she tries her best to read the other girl.
She grins saying “You can touch it if you want, I won't bite I promise.” Reader looks at her before slowly scooting closer to her. Her eyes glazed as she looks at the cock in Ali’s hand. She wants to touch it but has no idea on how to go about it. Her hand slowly moves and briefly ghosts over Ali’s before meeting the hot flesh of her hard erection. She gasps a little at the new weight in her hand as she wraps her hand fully around the shaft. Ali is thick and Reader can barely wrap her hand around the girth.
“It's so heavy and warm...your cum is sloppy too. It kinda makes it hard to hold you.”
“Thats ok, try pumping it like I was.”
Reader nods and tries her best to remember and copy the way Ali was stroking herself earlier. She bit her lip as she listened to Ali start to softly moan. Her eyes fluttered close as the girl's soft palm pumped and play with her. Her belly is hot and her insides start to tighten up. Every second that passes makes her feel like she is floating. Her head feels funny as the minutes pass. Alo can feel her balls drawing up. They twitch with the attention.
“Reader I'm going to cum soon! Your doing great. Milk my dick! Shit..” she bits ever lip as her hips start to jerk up. The pace starts to get faster and makes Ali’s thighs shake and her hips thrust up. Reader leans in to her a better look at the action going on in her hand. She watches cum start to spill out and drench her whole hand. It's warm and sticky, the sound it makes fills her room. It was so nasty but Reader couldn’t help but get excited.
She was going to make her best friend and mild crush cum.
There was a little time to react when Ali tensed up and her whole body started shaking. Her plump balls drawing up in one last movement. For a split second her eyes cross, as she finally lets go. The pressure in her belly shooting out and snapping.
Reader doesn’t think when she puts her mouth over the fat head with a open mouth. The thick liquid spurts out and shoot straight into her mouth. He coats her tongue in a white liquid. It’s warm and thick inside her pretty mouth. She tries to catch as much of it as possible. Some of it spilling out and running down her lips and chin.
Most of it shoots down her throat and she swallows tickly the flavor is odd but not completely unpleasant. Ali rides out her high for a few more seconds before she stops coming. Her dick twitching a few more times before stopping and going limp in Reader’s palm.
Ally finally opens her eyes just a little bit and watches as the chubby girl gulps down her cum. She likes her lips clean of the salty fluid. Her cheeks warm as she watches the scene in front of her. She can’t believe that her friend just drank her load. The plump girl kitten licks her tip to attempt to clean some of the mess up. Her hand still sticky with pre.
“Did I do good? Did it feel good Ali?” Reader says with big eyes. She hopes her crush felt good.
Ali smiles as Reader slowly goes back to pumping her dick lazily. Trying to get her hard again.
Ali smirks saying “That felt amazing Reader, I can’t believe that was the first time you ever gave a hand job. But how about I make you feel good this time?” Reader timidly nods at the other girl.
The night was only getting started.
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sailing-ever-west · 8 months
WRIT200 Blog Post #5: Spiders
Will this blog one day have a real theme? Who knows? For now, I'll continue simply talking about anything I find interesting. This is Letters From a Not-Quite Lunatic, after all. Maybe by the end I'll achieve full lunatic status and enter my final, most powerful form, but regardless, today is the day I talk about spiders.
I think maybe it all started when I was little, out of a desire to be fearless (or perhaps, the simple recognition that I was fearless about uncommon things, just as the things I did fear were usually odd). My mom and brother were both terrified of spiders, so when my dad was at work (a.k.a. most of the time), it fell to me with my concerning ability to switch off my emotions for a task to be the slayer of these mighty, tiny beasts.
I took pride in my warrior's status for years, only having one or two big scares (wrapping a towel around yourself out of the shower to see a huge wolf spider right on the front of it is not for the faint of heart), but over time I went from apathy to an actual affection for them.
The seed was planted most likely by my nana, who told me she was glad to have spiders around because they were good for her garden, eating all the smaller bugs that preyed on the plants. They were protectors, in that way. Nature's guardians.
I kept this in mind as the years passed, especially as I found myself to be a rather odd and lonely child. What was so offensive, I wondered, about a little creature who traveled alone and ate flies? We don't even have more than two species of venomous ones in my state. I pondered this, as I tended to ponder things. 
My life changed drastically at twelve when my mom had my little sister and we outgrew my childhood home. We moved to the east side of town and bought a house built in the 70s with problems I don't even blame the seller for tiptoeing around. It was my parents' first time buying a home, being just ahead of millennials in being able to do so at all, and it was certainly an experience. 
The house had a finished basement (a somewhat generous term, in hindsight), and I alone slept down there in a room we had to erect a small wall to create. And perhaps it was the eerie backyard pool just outside my ground-level window (by pure coincidence and having been built in the 70s, it was the exact same blueprint as the one they filmed at in season 1 of Stranger Things), or the fact that the stresses of school difficulty and caring for my little sister were beginning to truly wear on me, but I couldn't find it in me to worry very much about my constant roommates, the basement spiders. 
I think I used to kill them at first, but there were so many of them that after a while I got tired of it, and unless they were in or near my bed I began to leave them alone. I would idly watch them crawl along the wall or the floor, and something like compassion for them began to grow in me. We weren't so different, really. Small, lonely things who kept to the shadows and watched as good, social, normal people turned up their noses. As time went by and life changed, another sibling came along and school got harder, we moved again, twice, and I grew only more wracked with anxiety, I began to almost see spiders as a sign of good luck. A small moment of companionship between me and the creature, two otherwise unconnected beings who despite the so-called ways of the world, had no desire to kill each other.
A couple of years ago I even got a plush spider at a gift shop. It looked cute to me, with its big shiny eyes, and it had just the right constitution to squeeze. I named it Paolo, and with the exception of my youngest two siblings my family found it rather horrid. 
"What's with the spider?" a relative asked. "Why would you get something scary for a stuffed animal?"
I pointed out that bears were quite scary too if you actually came across one, but had been the standard stuffed toy for around a century with no complaint. 
"Well, you can at least see the good things about bears," I was told, "like how they care for their young. This is just…creepy and evil."
I didn't say that spiders protected gardens, or often died for their young. I forgot. I was quieted. 
But despite their rampant unpopularity, I still find myself defending the little creatures, perhaps all the more because they're so universally hated. I tend not to trust human vitriol, I suppose. We often aim it at things, or even people, who have committed no sin but inconveniencing us or being a bit too "different" for our personal comfort. 
It does things for the soul, I think, to love a horrible little creature who can give you nothing back. Perhaps, then, there is hope for yourself, too.
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