#I need tumblr to make the follow list bigger please
triaelf9 · 2 months
Wanna support creatives for free?
Hey hey! Trying to reach as many ppl as possible b/c this isn't just for me, it's for all the other creatives who have lost business b/c of the Twitter collapse etc!
Tumblr is great and all, but as for a twitter replacement, we're at the point where we have to push some things to get them where we want 'em
Bluesky! No SERIOUSLY. you can curate your dash SO well, I haven't seen a nazi in probably months?? And when they come in ppl report them and block them and they just languish in silence, it's GREAT. It has nearly all the things, so if you want a better twitter option, it here!
So here's what to do! follow your fav creatives over, make an account, and enjoy a chronological dash with no algorithm! You can get ALL their posts! Join feeds, find new people! Here are more cool tips: https://bsky.app/profile/joabaldwin.com/post/3kz3mxil73c2f No but SERIOUSLY, if you wanna help us out, this how!
Creatives are suffering right now, and honestly, the best step we can start with is funneling over an audience to enjoy our things. There are even cool suggestion collection lists of peeps to follow, my comics one is here! https://go.bsky.app/UoHN1Yq <-- these are great folks who don't have a ton of followers, but are FANTASTIC ^_^ And most ppl made these starter packs! You have so many amazing ppl to choose from!
So if you want to help out suffering creatives right now, for absolutely NO money, totally free, just take a moment to sign up, and then read that list of tips I posted above, you can easily find all your friends and cool ppl. Let's take back our dashes & help out cool folks
please boost this t, or at least poke all your friends to follow over their favs.
And cool favs, if you want a lovely place to post your work, I highly recommend it. The only way it can get bigger is to MAKE it bigger. It's nice to post and KNOW ppl will see it ^_^
It makes me so sad to see folks over there with great work saying they've lost 90% of sales since twitter collapsed and they're not sure what to do b/c the site is mostly creatives sharing great things. but the audience needs to come over too!
please do! sorry for the long post
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jojo-oliver · 1 year
How to tumblr for artists… my own version
A collection of things that have been working for me, but may not work for everyone
~~~ your posts ~~~
!!!reblog your own stuff!!! you need to reblog your own stuff, there is nothing morally wrong with reblogging your own stuff regularly. in fact, it is morally right to allow the chance for more people to see your artwork.
~~~ queue it!! ~~~ my queue is 500 posts strong. maybe don't try to make your queue hundreds of posts strong in the same day omg but like… once every month or two i'll go through my whole blog and just scroll and "add to drafts" to every one of my own posts i have. then i'll use the "mass post editor" to add content warning tags. and add to queue, and shuffle. and then I write down what the date was for when I last added my posts to be reblogged on queue. this is helped by turning on timestamps for posts in tumblr "dashboard preferences" settings.
queueing is necessary and life saving for me. It takes out so much work with decision fatigue and the anxiety around posting. It also guarantees that even if I suddenly need time off or away from my phone, I don't just disappear and lose all traction. It also breaks the instant-gratification cycle that you expect when you finish an artwork. It's hard to keep creating when you post something and, when you're expecting to get that gratification, you get none... If you queue your new artwork to come out at a later time, you've separated that expectation - with time. It hurts less and contributes to a more consistent gratification thing instead of peaks and troughs.
~~~ tag ya stuff ~~~ when you're making a new post, the first 20 tags are what gets put into the searchable tags. do not feel shame for using lots of tags. shame is the mind-killer. tags are hard. hard to know what to tag a post with. hard to remember the tags. so I found some ways to help myself. maybe they'll help you too. dedicate some time towards just figuring out what tags you want to use. i have a list in my phone notes that i add tags to and reference whenever i'm making a new post. i have the phone right beside the laptop while i'm tagging so that i can just look at it and scroll. tags are the only way for people to find your artwork, other than people manually coming to your blog because they saw you somewhere. there is no algorithm. posting without tags, until you have an established fanbase, is throwing something into the void.
When I'm doing tag research, I look at what people seem to use - when you put something in the search bar, tumblr recommends you some that have a higher following, typically. Looks like this on desktop:
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if you like one tag, look at what other people who use that tag also tag their posts with. Observe and learn how this tag is used. search through a bunch of them and write them down.
here's what i got in my notes, for the specific kind of art I post and look for:
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these tags are sort of specific to me and the kind of art I make. You'll want to research your own tags, but this is an example of how I keep them organized to make posting more effective. I generally only write down a tag when it's got more than 2k followers. You might be tempted to use the tags with millions of followers, but I've actually found those a lot less functional for small artists. If your stuff doesn't immediately get a bunch of notifications, you're drowned out and pushed to the bottom much faster. But the bigger tags are better than no tags, so I keep them if I can't think of anything else to tag something with.
~~~ post at the right times….? ~~~
fridays and saturdays is when I post fresh new things... usually. every website has it's own peak hours, and you can find those hours in many different online articles that try to sell you social media growth services. tumblr is unique in having later hours.
here's some random graph from google images:
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please don't over think this. please don't let this consume the idea of when to post, preventing you from posting at all. it doesn't mean too much - if you post during very active hours, maybe your art would just be pushed down the feed faster. if you post at the end of hours, maybe everyone's going to sleep… if you post at inactive hours, maybe there's less 'competition'… if you post at the beginning of active hours, maybe that's just more time for your post to circulate for the day, if you have enough people reblogging it once it drops....
this also is in EST. So fuck the other time zones, I guess. I'm over here in europe knowing that the "best" time to post would be like 2-3am or something. It's like this for most english-speaking majority sites - higher traffic in north american time zones.
it's also worth mentioning that this is scattered as heck, compared to other social media sites. and it's not like, the activity times of your followers. it's not the best time to post for your niche. this is just tumblr, broadly. all of tumblr.
~~~ Plan ahead for annual dates ~~~
Your artwork will get more circulation if it's posted on a celebratory day. You could just put them on your calendar and if you're wondering what to make, look on the calendar for what's coming soon. For example, asexual awareness day, trans day of visibility, location-specific holidays, etc. Here's my phone notes thing with my own recorded annuals:
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I got these dates from googling and reading different articles, but I find that I still miss dates, and then I add them for next year. If you know of some I missed, tell me and I'll add them please <3
~~~ reblog other people's stuff ~~~
tumblr is sorta about ecosystems. things get passed around within groups of people that are all following eachother. to enter this ecosystem, you must engage and reblog other people's stuff too.
if you reblog other artists' stuff, sometimes they'll come over and reblog your stuff too. sometimes they'll follow you back. this is called becoming a mutual. I'll search specific tags for the kinds of people I want to follow and the kind of art I like - those are listed in the screenshot of my tag note under "Tags for finding new people".
I see a lot of blogs out there that are very clean, posts are tagless, and are only for the artists' content. like scrolling through a portfolio. I imagine this is good for people who are migrating to tumblr but already have their own established fanbase from elsewhere.
you don't need to do reblog other people's stuff on your art blog, you can do this on a separate blog. but if the two don't look very closely correlated, it's hard to tell who you are when you're interacting. and hard to make sure people know that you are the same person as your art blog. and you gotta remember to promote yourself on your personal blog.
~~~ have an art tag ~~~
make your blog easy to search!
if i go to your blog, and you've written 'artist' or 'sometimes art' in your bio, i wanna see it… it make me so sad when i don't get to see it. i want to reblog it. please let me reblog it :(
to make a tag on your own blog searchable, you don't need to repost it to add a tag. you don't even need to reblog it. you can actually just go back to the original post and edit it to add your tag. I've seen post people just have their art tag be something like #(blogname)art . you can see my own in my tags image above. if it's very unique, then it'll work tumblr-wide. I think that's good, since the tumblr search function is really weird. Otherwise it should still work if it's not entirely unique, people just have to make sure they're searching specifically your blog to see only your stuff.
I like to have a link in my pinned post where people can click to have immediately searched for my art tag. Convenience is king. Keep in mind that most people are on mobile, and if something isn't immediately clickable, they often won't find it.
~~~ be consistent and be patient ~~~
!!!this time will pass anyway!!! how many notes you have is not correlated with how good you are as an artist. wanting to earn something from your art means you essentially have two jobs. two potentially full time jobs. this shit's difficult. most of the job is promoting yourself. don't undersell how hard it is to do… don't feel bad for not immediately succeeding. I would write about how hard it's been to promote myself, but it would just be long and sad I think.
This isn't a full guide, please feel free to add more!!
I'm sure in another year I'll disagree with a lot of this, it will become irrelevant with time, and I'll have a lot of different opinions. Chip in and share what you've been doing? Teach me? This is very overwhelming. Don't do it all at once, just like, try one thing at a time, and see how it works for you. Your niche might be different. One size does not fit all. If you're confused about some of the things I talk about in here, you might be on mobile. I do most of my queueing and posting from the desktop browser version.
I will update this with more as things change, but I think you'll have to click through to see the updated post
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crazy-lazy-elder-sims · 3 months
❗❗❗❗hey hey hey hey hey hey ❗❗❗❗
Simblr do not get distracted by the Zionist cc Creators do not waste your time over them do not let thier voices take over the voices of palestnians and the activists who stand with Palestine
We do not need them or their voices we do not need thier phoney declaration of support to thier 3k followers we do not need that because if we ignore them and all of us focus together and stand together we all together will be more than all the followers they can dream of.
Im noticing they cooked up a template response together to rile you up and come out looking like the Kind melovelent bigger person
Any variation of "i know this is not the response you wanted to hear and thats okay we all have different opinions please make peace with that and please dont force political issues/real world issues/ your opnion/ your point of view on me on my tumblr this is my safe space/fun place/ escape/job/ Reputation/livelyhood and i'd like to keep it that way strictly about the sims and the community" just know if you see this it automatically translates to: that they have chosen to be okay with the many genocides happning as long as it doesn't affect them, these people have made up thier mind and nothing you say or do will make them change thier mind as long as they get to sleep on thier soft pillow at night they wont see you or hear you, so when you see shit like this DO NOT GET RILED UP DO NOT WRITE A RESPONSE make peace instantly with the fact that that person is a horrid genocider and block them and turn to the palastnian voices that need you.
I promise you no amount of arguing you do will change them if them being mentioned on a post that explains to them gently how they are complicit in a genocide wont get them to say somthing nothing will BECAUSE ITS INTENTIONAL.
They will go on with thier lives and thier over consumption and over indulgence to drown out the voices around them and they cry over the fake child death in house of the dragon but be stone faced when they see an actual palastnian child torn to shreds (not an exsagration). They will sympathize with 2 fake mothers mourning and crying over thier assassinated child in house of the dragon but feel disgusted when they see a Palestinian mother hold her very real assassinated newborn just so they can prove they have empathy.
Sigh anyways
The lists are good because they do 2 things 1) alert the creators and as we saw some of them didnt know and once they know they take good action
2) alert YOU to the ones that revealed themselves to be garbage and urge you to block them
That is all do not make it more than it is to the point it overshadows the real problem.
take care of your selves and thanks for listening :/ free Palestine
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expanding-hyrule · 8 days
Hey there! Expanding Hyrule needs your help!
This is a budding community and I am only one person running it at the moment and I’ve only got so much energy in a day. Even less right now. No joke, I opened the EH Discord and then immediately got knocked out by con flu for two weeks, still pending recovery.
Which is where you come in! The Internet is massive and it’s impossible for me to get the whole thing archived for this niche all by myself. So if you know works in any medium or creators in any medium who would fit into the “Original Legends” niche, send them my way! The list currently compiled only got set up because of one post that happened to get some traction. Imagine what we can do with a community working together on it! There are way more creators in the space than I currently have on the list and I need your help to find them! This niche has never been organized before and it’s only going to get organized with a team effort! So let’s get to it, adventurers!
What is “Original Legends” as a LoZ niche?
The "Original Legends" tag is a temporary tag for stories about Hyrules thus unseen. So based on the franchise as a whole and not any particular game. The community is not yet big enough to run a vote on a final pick for a tag, which is where you all come in! We're currently gathering ideas on the Discord and off this blog, so if you have suggestions, let us know! The poll will run off this blog once we have a bigger following.
Does it include sequels or Links Meet?
So this is where I need to be a little pedantic. Because technically, yes, both could be Original Legends. But. Because right now this community needs to build a strong central identity for what the core of "Original Legends" means, there may be more scrutiny for whether they get added to the archives.
The thing about direct sequel and Links Meet works is that they have tags they can rely on, chiefly the game they're a sequel to or the Links Meet tags, those are both recognized tags across fandom. There is no tag currently for the full "Original Legends" niche, so for the time being it needs to become prominent enough in the fandom to stand on its own first and then we can add wider definitions. So not a full no, you're welcome to still use the tag if you think your work applies, but for the official archive lists here, it's a not yet while we establish what this tag is first.
Where do I send works I find?
You can send them as reblogs, asks, submissions, DMs, or just plain old @'s to this blog. Some of the lists do have to have manual additions (the blog archive, the Discord list, the Wattpad reading list), so it is better if you make sure I'm aware it's being added so I can update all lists accordingly.
For art, because we're trying to keep the archive list a little more manageable, be sure to see socials and tags you use for your project. I will try to include some pictures, but you will make my life a whole lot easier if you can send me the ones you want in the gallery specifically. Ones that scan scale down nicely are better so we can again keep that list more manageable to scroll through.
What if I’m a creator in this space?
Please reach out! I'm trying to follow everyone here on Tumblr to make sure I get updates, my main is @amelias-hart and my LoZ alt is @amelias-zelda-calamity-quintet. You can ping any three of those blogs when you have updates, sending them in asks, submissions, or DMs as I'm the only moderator on this blog at present and those are open. If that changes for this blog, then the other blogs listed will still have DMs.
We also have a Discord open if you'd like to connect with other creators in the space and you can share when you post there. I set up events for people who upload on a schedule as well for anyone who like reminders that way for when fics in our archive are updating.
Are there other ways I can help?
Share this blog! On and off of Tumblr. In order for us to organize a tag like this within the whole of such a massive community, we need eyes on it and I simply do not have the reach or budget to make that happen without help.
Long term, if you have Discord experience, I will need help running that eventually, as well as the blog. If I put too much of this work on myself, then I won't have time to write either! And I'd rather not get stuck in that again. Keep an eye on the blog for news on that, I've got not idea where or how that process will start.
But the biggest, check out the works in our archives! It's very hard to coordinate and share a work that falls into a niche like this without the use of the main community tags, so a lot of these creators have been struggling to find their audience for years. Community support changes that, which begins and ends with each of you. Be the kind of fan you would want for yourself. We're all just nerds on the Internet, so we gotta look out for each other, yeah?
What if I was added to this space and I’d like to be removed?
If for whatever reason you would like your work removed from the list, contact this blog or any of my alts if there's an issue getting in touch and I'll remove it. I will ask for some verification that a work is yours so people can't take other people's works off the list, but if you don't want to be in the archive, I'm not going to force anyone stay in it.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Sure can! Hi, I’m Amelia (she/they, 28), you might know me better as amelias-hart or, if you’ve been around my works a second, echosound. I started writing Original Legends fic back in 2012 with a work called Goddess of Secrecy, which I just managed to wrap up this summer (I may have gotten stuck in the Temple of Time in 2017). GoS got its start on Wattpad and I’m now expanding my horizons on AO3, so I’ve got a lot of learning left to do! Thank you for your patience while I am!
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bllkrarepairweek · 28 days
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Our #BLLKRPW 2024 Round Up is here!
A million thanks to everyone who participated this year, our second year of BLLK Rare Pair Week! 🫶 This year was even bigger than our first, both in number of days and in terms of submissions! In addition to some familiar faces from last year, we also got a ton of new folks joining us and together, you all created 59 works and 5 new rarepair tags on AO3!!! 🥳
Our poly ships also got some love this year which was great to see! ❤️
With more rarepairs than ever, we've put together a little survey just to get a sense of what's working for everyone in terms of prompts, event structure and ofc to gauge general availability for next year's event! The survey will be open for a week so please fill out as soon as you can!
Additionally, if you want to keep up with events in the BLLK fandom (some really great ones coming up!) go follow our Event Hub @bllkeventshub (you can also follow us on twt)
Now onto the round-up!!! (Added under 'read more' for length - please let us know if any links are broken/wrong)**
**Please note that many authors on this list have their fics locked to registered users so this will affect how the collection looks to anyone not logged in. If anyone wants to make an AO3 acct and needs an invitation, please feel free to reach out to us, mods have a number of invitations! Now go and give our rarepair creators all the love! 🥰
Day 1 (Roommates/Cooking + Baking/"You talk in your sleep.")
Art: 'bbq date' by @sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'the same (but kinda different)' by @kae-karo - Nanase/Rin
Fic: 'fortnight' by @tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'when in Rome' by Not_who_u_think - Otoya/Karasu
Fic: 'Used to it' by yuzuwakano - Kiyora/Niko
Fic: 'i think i saw you in my sleep' by luxxxio - Shidou/Chigiri
Fic: 'a taste of sweetness' by xynzel - Hiori/Nanase/Isagi
Fic: 'Random Roommates and Coffee' by RyleeWyatt - Barou/Chigiri
Fic: 'i'm in the mood to pay attention to you' by HiShark - Kaiser/Raichi
Fic: 'Bad Taste' by tangerinelighter - Karasu/Shidou
Fic: 'curry hearts' by @takeunknownroadnow - Rin/Isagi/Bachira
Art: 'baking' by mymeadowismade - Raichi/Isagi [twt]
Day 2 (Merfolk + Pirates/Beach Episode/"Seeing you in a wet T-shirt is its own reward.")
Fic: 'you slipped away into my prominence' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'the most important part of boat ownership' by kae_karo - Karasu/Shidou
Fic: 'Shark Teeth' by yuzuwakano - Kiyora/Kurona
Art: 'pirates&mermaids' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Art: 'wet t-shirt' by useless_donut - Raichi/Aiku [twt]
Fic: 'Crimson' by RyleeWyatt - Barou/Chigiri
Fic: 'let us randezvous' by xynzel - Hiori/Kurona
Art: 'beach day for the boys' by @getosugurusbangs - Hiori/Reo [tumblr}
Day 3 (Academia/Meet Cute + Meet Ugly/"How much will it take for you to kiss me?")
Fic: 'Wicked Game' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'come the white wine, bitter sunlight' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Reo
Art: 'academia' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'kids say the darnedest things' by kae_karo - Bachira/Kunigami
Fic: 'November' by RyleeWyatt - Barou/Chigiri
Art: 'Rinness Attack' by @nieznajomy-na-bagnie [tumblr} - Rin/Ness
Fic: 'tongues tongues tongues' by tangerinedarker - Karasu/Kiyora
Day 4 (Cowboys + Western/Secret Identity/"There are easier ways of getting my attention.")
Fic: 'sterling reputation for gold' by kae_karo - Shidou/Reo
Fic: 'Lazy Night' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'endless sky to dive into' by bluemoonjupiter - Chigiri/Karasu
Art: 'Cowboys' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'Cats and Missing Persons' by RyleeWyatt - Barou/Chigiri
Fic: 'The Masked Bandit of Blue Loch' by tangerinedarker - Kunigami/Chigiri/Reo
Fic: 'i wasn't watching (and neither were you)' by starsquared - Kiyora/Himizu
Day 5 (Bodyguard/Reunions/"For you, anything.")
Fic: 'Let the Games Begin' by smallweirdo - Bachira/Ness
Fic: 'what were YOU doing at the underground fight club?' by kae-karo - Aiku/Barou
Fic: 'from a star on hallowed ground' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Art: 'Bodyguard' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi [twt] [tumblr}
Day 6 (E-Sports + Streamers/Social Media Interactions/"You weren't supposed to see that.")
Fic: 'Bleed the Past' by @blobbyfics - Barou/Kunigami
Art: 'you weren't supposed to see that' by MissSleepless12 (collab w kae-karo)- Barou/Chigiri [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'How to Ship Hazardous Materials' by kae-karo (collab w MissSleepless12) - Barou/Chigiri
Fic: 'an offline event gone right' by tsukkinoneko - Hiori/Shidou
Fic: 'Hanging by a Thread' by sid3buns - Barou/Isagi
Fic: 'rosy maple' by strawberrylemonade1225 - Shidou/Bachira
Day 7 (Pacific Rim + Drifting/Didn't Know They Were Dating/"I don't want to do this without you.")
Art: 'didn't know they were dating' by MissSleepless12 (collab w kae-karo) - Karasu/Kaiser [twt] [tumblr}
Fic: 'in the interim' by kae-karo (collab w MissSleepless12) - Karasu/Kaiser
Fic: 'how hard I tried to breathe through the trees of loneliness' by tsukkinoneko - Chigiri/Rin
Day 8 (Free Day + Past Prompts)
Fic: 'Well At Least He's Easy (to break up with)' by useless_donut - Aiku/Raichi
Art: 'chp 2 sneak peek' (NSFW) by useless_donut - Aiku/Raichi [twt]
Fic: 'Besame, estoy abburido' (Spanish) // 'Kiss me, I'm bored' (English) by BilingualShipper - Otoya/Himizu
Fic: 'getting tipsy' by aikusagist - Aiku/Isagi
Fic: 'the first who ever did' by aikusagist - Aiku/Isagi
Fic: 'paging nurse yoichi' by Not_who_u_think - Aiku/Isagi
Fic: 'i can't help it, your taste so seductive' by tsukkinoneko - Kaiser/Rin
Fic: 'Card-Carrying Member of the "Fuck Isagi Yoichi" Club' by kae-karo - Kaiser/Kira
Fic: 'Three is a Charm' by MissSleepless12 - Rin/Isagi/Bachira
Fic: 'pull me closer (and kiss me harder)' by takeunknownroadnow - Barou/Nagi
Fic: 'fashion-forward' by bluemoonjupiter - Barou/Chigiri
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Happy WBW! What might your setting's civilizations look like in the future? As far in the future as you'd like :)
Thank you for this question!
Oh jeez, this is gonna be the longest post on my blog. You can’t just drop these sorts of questions on me!  My partner and I have done quite a bit of plotting out the centuries after Narul. I'm going to try to condense things down to just the most important events and trends. This will be specifically the stretch of time between 1 A.N. (After Narul) to ~2500 A.N., which roughly marks the start of the Revelations Series.
This, double-spaced, is 33 pages aka 11460 words. Please ignore the weird spacing, I had to mess with stuff in order for Tumblr to let me make a post this big.
Feel free to skim, but don’t feel like you need to read the entire thing. If there is anything you want defined or want me to expand on, please ask! I love world/lorebuilding and I do way too much of it.
Minor spoilers I suppose since this is after Narul’s death?
To be truly accurate this list would need to be far far bigger. These are very simple descriptions most lacking perspective and nuance. Someday I might do expanded timelines on the different eras and regions.
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The Age of the First Scribes
1 A.N.- 97 A.N. Narul Ninefingers passes away on the Island of Euphoi, Korithia. His remains are entombed there. The villagers living there, most of whom are Rechiru immigrants, tell their children stories and legends of his exploits. Many of these come from the so-called “Testaments'', a series of stories recounting the life of Narul and his companions. Over time these stories are distorted as they are rewritten and reorganized, resulting in the creation of different Narolian Traditions (Narul is rendered as Narolos in the Korithian). One of these traditions combines stories of Narul/Narolos, with the religion and mytho-history of the Rechiru. This group followed a monotheistic tradition, one which interpreted the varied deities of their neighbors as multiple aspects of the Creator Deity, Joyuth. Among this small community of the Rechiru, Narul becomes increasingly seen as a servant, herald, or in some cases, child of Joyuth, and the “Testaments' ' adopts a religious aspect. 
3 A.N.- 29 A.N. Matrus, King of the Baalkic City-State of Etrusia, in the aftermath of the Ninamtic War, successfully subjugates all of the Baalkic City-States, and then turns his attention to Korithia, kicking off a vicious rivalry between the new Etrusian Empire and the Korithian City-States.
This continues below
4 A.N. The Last High Chieftain of the Western Makurian Federation, Sodati, is killed at the Battle of the Reeds by the leader of a band of Ukaric people, in the aftermath she reinstates Ukaric power in the eastern Palluyadic Peninsula. This new unified Ukaric state is eventually named for this queen (Khorsemis), The Khorsemians.
5 A.N. - 34 A.N. Following the defeat of the Makurians in the south, the rest of the federation is subjected to a number of battles and disasters, ultimately leading to the collapse of the empire. The lands of Kishetal gain independence and develop into two states, Chishetal in the south (including parts of Jezaan) and Ninamalthit in the north (including most of Shabala). On a similar note, The Kingdom of Baban is able to reform though it is quickly conquered by the growing Khorsemian Empire.
14 A.N. Fapacha Remesh, successfully captures the Namutian city of Usuwt, officially marking the greatest extent of the Apunian Empire in 600 years
29 A.N. Bansa the 3rd of the Zumusahati Empire sends out the first expedition of ships across the Niwalian Ocean in 400 years, hoping to rebuild the Musahatic and Zabudic Colonies on the Ulanian Coast. 26 ships set out from the port of Labakatu. The fleet is caught in a tropical storm. It is assumed, after several months, that no one survives, until a single ship returns. On board is a representative of the Goara People, the descendants of the colonists and the Yupu people. While Bansa was unable to see the rebirth of an intercontinental empire, this does mark the return of contact between the Western and Eastern Worlds.
46 A.N. Emperor Huli of Mu adopts the philosophy of the Xianti Sages, Xiatism. The following decades see the construction of hundreds of temples and an increasingly complicated bureaucracy. In time, Xiatism is integrated into the courts of surrounding lands including Kumtai and Runashu.
88 A.N. The Dragon, Telipni, awakens and destroys the city of Duru in the lands of Orudishi. The Dragon is defeated by the Spiritblood, Gutatu. 
162 A.N. The sage, Maklar of Euphoi, creates the Jalpat, a unified version of the Testaments. This version, which becomes the dominant version, describes Narul/Narolos as the son of Joyuth. Maklar is later known as The Scribe of Joyuth/Joth.
171 A.N.- 189 A.N. Ku’lara of the Ru, unites the sea nomads of the southern ocean, forming the largest forestfolk dominated civilization in Kobani’s history.
225 A.N. The Ruins of a Pre-Calamity city are discovered in southern Sinria. Nobility of the southern Sinrian kingdoms dress in imitation of the carvings and images found in the ruins. This trend lasts 200 years.
245 A.N. An earthquake shakes the Chishic city of Labisa, killing thousands, the largest earthquake in the region’s history.
257 A.N. The Volcanic Eruption of Mt. Jukaruti, the largest since the Age of Calamity, causes widespread climatic chaos. The Cholyasi Thalassocracy is destroyed almost instantly. Ash falls as far as Takala and Namut. Tsunamis and earthquakes hammer Eastern Sinria, Kai, and Du. The planet of Kobani as a whole becomes colder and drier for a short period. Tarinia is struck by a drought, which in turn leads to the collapse of the Missishikoa people. In the following centuries, the ruins of the cities became the subject of local legends. Gutatu the Spiritblood is killed in a landslide caused by falling ash.
257 A.N. - 289 A.N. In Baalkes, now the Etrusian Empire, the Etrusian King, Tarquan, uses the dark clouds produced by the eruption as an omen, and starts his invasion of Korithia. The last Korithian city, Minosa, is captured 289 A.N. by Tarquan’s son, Baat.
The Age of the Etrusian and Chishic Empires
289 A.N. Baat declares himself the first Etrusian Emperor. 
289 A.N. Teth, a follower of Joyuth, arrives in Nashawey, bringing with him stories of the Divine Narolos and the Jalpat. Shortly after he founds a temple. In the Apunian, Narolos is rendered Naru.
290 A.N.- 295 A.N. The Giants of Jonluria,, migrate north, leaving their former land, to be claimed by the Nenshit. This allowed for the creation of the Nenshitian Empire, the first of the Polar Empires.
292 A.N. After two decades of civil war and strife, Enlapa is crowned Queen of Namutarbi (Formerly Namut), the first ruler of a unified Namutian people.
295 A.N. The City-States of Pijano are struck by a mysterious illness, possibly of a supernatural nature. Fear of the disease causes a mass migration to the east, allowing for the proliferation of the Rathalaro Forestfolk in the areas once controlled by Pijano.
321 A.N. - 335 A.N. Through marriage, conquest, and diplomacy, Chishetal and Ninamalthit are united into a single empire, its first ruler is Tamul the First. Tamul successfully conquered Ikopesh, bringing the new empire into contact with the Etrusians.
335 A.N. - 379 A.N. Badavarta is born in the village of Apin Ma, in the Kingdom of Hopanyu. Badavarta is raised as a practitioner of Xiatism, but as he grows, creates his own branch, Batara. Over time Batara will replace Xiatism as the dominant faith in most of Southern Macia. Badavarta is killed by a bandit while traveling between cities.
338 A.N. A Serpent attacks the island of Knosh and subsequently Apuna. While the beast is eventually killed by the efforts of more than 30 Sages, the destruction that it leaves behind severely weakens Apuna. Subsequently much of Southern Apuna is reclaimed by the Namutians.
362 A.N. - 369 A.N. Emperor Hutab of Chishetal, invades Apuna, adding it to the Chishic Empire. It is here that the Chishic Empire is introduced to their own folk hero, Narul, as the saintly figure, Naru/Narolos. The Church of Joyuth is incredibly popular among the Chishic soldiers, though they refer to Joyuth as Jutha, and Naru as his original name, Narul.
364 A.N. The Compass is invented in Runashi and quickly spreads from there.
369 A.N. - 394 A.N. In response to the Imperial actions of the Chishic Empire, The Etrusian Emperor, Patoram, funds the creation of a massive navy, the largest in the Green Sea. With this navy, Etrusia begins a campaign of expansion, this period known simply as “The Rise”, saw the conquest of Makora, Knosh, the Clay Women of Kulayu, and Dirsia.
394 A.N. - 441 A.N. Patoram is assassinated while in Dirsia, while it is likely that the actual culprit was one of his own soldiers, blame is placed on the neighboring Elusians. Thus, Patoram’s successor, Tatam, leads an invasion of their territory. Over the next decades and under the leadership of several Etrusian Emperors, much of western Kallistera would be conquered, including Ikenii, Elusia, Jani, Konlunia, and Nislia.
398 A.N. Cement is invented in Etrusian controlled Korithia.
401 A.N. The Acaniruana Mountain Kingdoms develop the Acani Script. This script will become the primary script for economic and historical records across most of Ulania for the next 1300 years. In later legends the development of the scripts is credited to the legendary king, Xalanhuemkultem.
436 A.N. The Historian, Sula, originating from a small city in Khoresmian Empire, decides to trace the journey of Narul, starting in Labisa and traveling around the Green Sea. On the island of Kosheklayu he reports finding strange underground ruins. He returns to Khoresmian, traveling to the capital in order to record his works.
438 A.N. - 510 A.N. The First Instance of the Euphoric Plague appears in the Ubalunan, the capital of the Khoresmian Empire. It will quickly spread, beyond the borders of first the city, and then the country. Between the years 438 and 510, the Euphoric Plague will claim the lives of 1/30th of all mortals(Humans, Hillfolk, Giants, and Forestfolk) living on the planet. The plague and the chaos and instability in its wake will be responsible for the collapse for multiple kingdoms and empires, most notably Khoresmia. 
452 A.N. - 461 A.N. Rumors spread that the Euphoric Plague is the result of magical activities, and are thus blamed on the actions of sages. In Ubalunan, the city’s sages and their families, as well as many hillfolk and forestfolk are gathered and burned alive in the temple of the god Enkankil, approximately 640 people. Similar massacres are carried out in Chishetal, Chishic Apuna, and the Sinrian Kingdoms. In Nashawey, the Patriarch of the Joyuth Church, Teth the Fifth, uses the sudden power vacuum caused by the Execution of the Sages, to supplant rival temples, placing the Church of Joyuth at the head of the religious hierarchy. Not long after, Nashawey has its first Joyuthist ruler.
466 A.N. The First complete circumnavigation of the planet (Since the Calamity) is completed by the Ru navigator, Uk’apapuha. 
476 A.N. The Bon Confederacy invades several neighboring tribes, its warriors armed with weapons of steel, the first time that the metal is used extensively in combat. In time the art of steel making will spread throughout Pyritia and into Macia and Kallistera.
513 A.N. The Matriarchs of the Gungwari, Ninkuduri, Uruninj, Waardugoi, Gumwarnugoi, and Amanwonguri gather for a meeting in response to drought and the rampage of the monstrous, Yotowie. This is the first meeting of its kind in nearly 4,000 years. Each family elects a champion to face the beast. These Six Champions, slay the beast, though only one of the original six champions survive the encounter. Iwagi’dang, the Great Hunter, becomes a cultural hero, her exploits the topic of thousands of stories. It is possible that Iwagi’dang was spirit-blooded.  
521 A.N. The lens is invented in Chishetal.
528 A.N. The Etrusian Emperor, Elzad, invites cultic and religious representatives from various parts of the empire to his palace. Among the representatives are several Joyuthist scholars. Along with several other temples, Elzad permits the creation of a Joyuthist Temple in the capital of Etrusia, the first of its kind in the Etrusian Homeland. Among the Etrusians Narul is called Narulus and Joyuth is Joth.
529 A.N. - 534 A.N. The Chishic King, Akart the 4th of his Line, leads an expedition east, capturing the former lands of the Khoresmian Empire and subjugating many tribes and minor kingdoms. The Chishic Empire reaches its greatest extent. He is stopped at the Sinrian City of Gulapatan by the Spiritblood Balarshata, and is forced to abandon his efforts to conquer the Sinrian Peninsula. Gulapatan will go on to unify much of northern Sinria into the Gulpatic Kingdom, ruling for approximately 135 years before being assassinated by her own son, Mahabajan. 
547 A.N. The Kingdom of Ruk collapses and is broken up amongst its neighboring civilizations.
549 A.N. Haryukato is crowned the first Emperor of both the isles of Jamun and Runashu. Haryukato is the first Jamunese emperor to practice Xiatism. He decrees that all who work within the Palace or in any Imperial Holding, should also be Xiatist.
Approx. 550 A.N. The Xhosi Tribes are partially unified into the Nak and Xhonda Nations
571 A.N. The Etrusian Theologian, Timot, creates his own version of the Jalpat in the Etrusian Language, he calls it, Moknapabum, The Great Word. Along with this, Timot also produces a companion text, Megripabum, The Lesser Word. These are Timot’s own interpretations of the text, included within it is the identification of the 5 Virtues and the 6 Detractions, and the concept of Divine Favor for the Faithful. Though initially separate, these two texts in time are combined, and are jointly referred to as, Moknapabum or more simply, Mopam. 
585 A.N. The descendants of the Balijivuri Empire unite with the remains of the Ship-builders to form the Jatu Kingdom. They build the largest floating structure in the world, the city and temple of Hutanupaakang.
593 A.N. The Last Tree-Tender Dies.
599 A.N. Motium Mokna is the first Etrusian Emperor not born in the Baalkic Islands, He is Makoran. 
609 A.N. The Order of the Hammer is Created in Chishic City of Fifa. It is composed of 45 Joyuthist Warriors, and quickly gains fame for its military prowess. Over the next few centuries the Order will grow substantially, and other organizations made up of those who worship the figure of the Divine Hammer (Narul) form around the Chishic Empire and its periphery.
612 A.N. The first Ru ship reaches the northern ices. There they meet with the giants. On their return journey to the southern hemisphere, 25 giants accompany them. 9 die during the journey, another 3 die shortly after arriving from disease. The remainder successfully establish a small southern colony of giants, the first in 40,000 years.
615 A.N. - 625 A.N. Motium Mokna is Assassinated, the next decade sees the War of Six Emperors. Internal strife within the empire allows for rebellion to grow and several tribes manage to liberate their lands. One of these groups is a particularly war-like group from Western Kallistera, the Janur.
629 A.N. The Huanwa Dynasty of Mu, the oldest and most successful in its history, comes to an end with the Battle of Petals and the Death of the last Huanwa Emperor. Mu is split into Southern and Northern Mu, each with their own Imperial Court.
648 A.N. The Arkodetika, the first Great Epic Poem, of the Post-Narulic era is written in the Korithian City of Kalamanti, by the mysterious author, Kalia. The Poem depicts a Mythologized version of the founding of the Arkodian Empire and later of the Korithian People. This leads to a swelling of Korithian Pride in opposition to Etrusian control. This will build and build until its eventual eruption during the Korithian Rebellion
662 A.N. The Batricids, a group of Kallisterian Warlords claiming descendancy from the Spiritblood Queen, Batricca, attack the Northern Etrusian Colonies. Among the cultures that participate in this are the Jonur. The confederacy of tribes that form in this part of Northern Kallistera are known as Batrochit.
678 A.N. The last Pearl Lord dies, the surviving members of the court flee south to Zudia, where they form a new colony, Sinapalu.
694 A.N. The Second Hall of Oaths in the Chishic city of Chibal is burnt down along with much of the upper city. The exact cause is a mystery but some suspect Forestfolk. Forestfolk suffer under increased scrutiny and discrimination for the next several decades.
700 A.N. The Palace of the Sun is completed in Bhurka, it is the largest man-made stone structure in the world, sometimes called the Mountain Born of Man.
713 A.N. The Hillfolk kingdom of Kyris is founded on the Macurian steppe. It is the largest Hillfolk population since the Calamity. Its capital, also called Kyris, becomes a haven for hillfolk, forestfolk, and humans. At its peak around 821 A.N. the city is home to 84,000 people, the largest in Macuria.
724 A.N. The Spiritblood, Vainmaren, leads his people, including a small population of giants and forestfolk, south from the ice fields into the lands of the Pauri and Quina. These people and their culture are known as Ice People, Shumimi.
731 A.N. The Sage and Scholar Dunh Koy of Kumtai writes The Tree of Spirits which combines elements of sagecraft and Xiatism together. 
754 A.N. The Du Forestfolk of Southern Macia abandon their homeland, adopting a sea-nomad lifestyle. The exact reason for this has been lost to history.
769 A.N. - 1188 A.N. Construction begins on the Satlugulish Canal, the largest single construction project in the history of Tarinia since before the Calamity. The Canal is the result of collaboration between 6 distinct tribal groups, it takes 193 years to complete and the main branch stretches inland from the sea 841 miles, including the various off-shoots and branches, the canal(s) eventually cover an area of approximately 2026 miles. This allows for a boom in trade and connectivity among the Tribes and Nations of Western Tarinia. This marks the Golden Age of Tarinia, and saw the creation of new alphabets, the smelting of iron, and the creation of great desert and forest cities. This era of prosperity was only ended by several catastrophes and the rise of the Mezutal Empire in the South.
788 A.N. Azure Fever kills hundreds of thousands in South-Eastern Macia.
800 A.N. The Maboli Empire is the first Trans-Oceanic Empire since succeeding where its predecessor, the Zumusahati Empire, had failed. Maboli has two capitals, one in Pyritia and one in Ulania.
806 A.N. In reaction to the destruction of a Korithian Temple, the Korithian Rebellion erupts. The entire Etrusian garrison of the city of Bokolis is killed. Similar rebellions breakout among the Korithian Islands. In response the Etrusian Emperor, Nalicam, sends several Etrusian Armies to put down the rebels. In an act of desperation the rebels send an envoy to the court of the Chishic King, Gabru. Gabru agrees to come to the aid of the Korithians and sends several warships and many men to Korithia, sparking the First Etru-Chishic War.
821 A.N. The Battle of Kalmanati sees the largest sea battle in Kobani history up until that point, 722 Warships, 321,000 sailors and warriors. The battle is ultimately a Chishic victory, however the losses were significant enough to force stop the Chishic advance, and ultimately led to their defeat.
845 A.N. The First Etru-Chishic War ends with Victory for Etrusia, though it comes at the cost of weakening influence in other parts of the Empire and Kalmanati is burnt to the ground, whether by the Etrusians or the Chishics is not entirely clear. Ikenii and Dirsia are all but abandoned. The Chishic King Faru is forced to abdicate and is replaced by his brother, Hutbari.
884 A.N. The Kingdom of Akagulu is formed with the crowning of King Chat the First.
914 A.N. The Etrusian Colony of Lembrisia, is invaded by Konic Barbarians, and temporarily lost, most Etrusian inhabitants of the colony flee south to Carsisia.
932 A.N. Lembrisia is recaptured by Emperor Nikalam. Further he conquers new lands from the Konic Tribes, this region is named Nikalasia in his honor.
The Second Etru-Chishic War aka The First Narulian War
955 A.N. The Second Etru-Chishic War breaks out after an Etrusian Diplomat is arrested and executed, accused of the assault and murder of a Joyuthist Priestess. Compared to the first war, this war is massive and widespread, and will ultimately claim the lives of 3.6 million people.
957 A.N. The Kai, a Forestfolk Kingdom in southern Macia, discover gunpowder. This technology is initially limited to artistic endeavors and construction products.
959 A.N. At the Battle of Ikoteska, The Chishic and Etrusian Armies clash, the Battle of Ikoteska bears witness to several firsts. It is at Ikoteska that the Etrusian mounted soldiers, the Rekikitas, are first used in battle against the Chishic, Jalekikun. In addition the battle sees the use of Serpent’s Fire, perhaps the first instance of widespread chemical warfare since the Pre-Calamity Era. While initially developed by Chishic, the technology was quickly adopted by both sides. The weapon is primarily used to break formations and in the siege of fortresses and walled cities. The introduction of the Etrusian Bowgun is also a notable feature of this battle. Sages and their magic play a heavy role in these battles, far greater than in earlier conflicts. Ikoteska is a Chishic Victory, though to the north the Etrusians successfully capture the Chishic city of Umina, and much of its Hinterland. Much of the war will center in this region, while smaller conflicts in Makora, Ikopesh, Knosh, Apuna, and Korithia are also waged. 
963 A.N. The Atahcutec Empire falls to corruption and disease
967 A.N. Batara spreads to Sinria and the Southern Macian Islands and parts of the Pyritian Coast.
971 A.N. The heads of both the Etrusian Jothist Church and the Chishic/Apunian Joyuthist Churches declare the war to be holy, interested in both the defense of both Churches but also in the capture (or defense) of the Island of Euphoi, the resting place of Narul. The Order of the Hammer led by Unma the Galent, leads an attack on the island, successfully capturing it for Chishetal along with much of southern Korithia. At approximately the same time the city of Umina is successfully recaptured by the Chishic King, though not before much of the city is destroyed and most of its population killed. 
981 A.N. Construction of the Temple of the Six Winds is completed in Akagulu.
984 A.N. A Group of Larsian, Janic, Ikopeshi, and Konic mercenaries, alongside a small Chishic Army, lead by the Chishic War-Hero, Haman the Ordained, successfully land in and attack the Etrusian Mainland, even breaching the walls of Etrusia itself. Though this band of attackers is ultimately defeated, this marks the first time that the Great City has been directly attacked since the birth of the Empire. Riots break out in the streets, temples and granaries are raided. The Imperial Guard successfully regains order but only after enacting great violence on the citizenry. 
993 A.N. The Alkugana Confederacy of central Tarinia forms the first democratic government in the Tarinia
995 A.N. The First School of Plantbrewery is opened in Nashawey. It produces the most complete catalog of potions and magical plants in history up to that point.
997 A.N. Repeated defeats and increasing unrest among the Empire force the Etrusians to sue for peace. Chishetal agrees, and in exchange claims ownership over much of the southern Korithian Isles, including Euphoi. The part of Korithia still controlled by Etrusia is renamed Argentia. Chishic Soldiers bring Etrusian religious philosophies back to the east.
The Lessening of Empires
Approx. 1000 A.N. Rebellions and barbarian incursions in multiple parts of the Etrusian Empire ultimately prove too much for the stability of the Etrusian throne. The last Etrusian Emperor is assassinated and replaced with a representative elected body called the Hatakisas.
1014 A.N. Vainmaren is killed while fighting the Sea-Serpent, Hiisto.
1023 A.N. -1067 A.N. A branch of the Janic people migrate to the island of Ikenii, in conflict with the native Docic and Pryenic peoples and the remnants of the Etrusian colony. These people come to be known as Yanes. They settle primarily in the lands once controlled by Etrusia, repopulating abandoned urban centers. In time this region comes to be known as Yanlun.
1035 A.N. The monster, Djikat, emerges from the Babaan mountains and terrorizes much of southern Chishetal, including Jezaan. The monster eventually leaves Chishetal and instead moves northeast into the Macurian Steppe, driving several of the nomadic groups there west and east. The Monster rampages through Kyris, ultimately destroying the city. Centuries of knowledge and art are lost in the destruction.
1036 A.N. The Western Whale-Eaters Mysteriously vanish, this fact is discovered by their Eastern kin, who discover their villages empty. No bodies are ever found. The lands are left barren, a land of superstition and mystery, never to be inhabited again.
1078 A.N. The Hatakisas declares the official religion of the Etrusian Empire is Jothism. In response, the Chishic throne does the same with Joyuthism.
1101 A.N. The Saterai of Macuria, driven west by the monster Djikat, enter Kallistera and battle against native tribes and Etrusians. Still weakened by the war against Chishetal, and several poor harvests, Etrusia struggles to hold back the onslaught. Several tribal groups align themselves with the Saterai, most notably the Batrichit. At the Battle of Teuono, the Northern armies of Etrusia are crushed, this triggers a mass panic among the northern colonies, tens of thousands of Etrusians and Etrusianized northerners flee south to the homeland and coastal areas.
1104 A.N. The Kingdom of Akagulu becomes the Republic of Akagulu.
1106 A.N. The Xiku Tribes, similarly displaced by Djikat, flood into eastern Macia. There they clash with Northern Mu, Tum-Xi, and other regions. The Xiku become the dominate culture in Eastern Macuria.
1121 A.N. Kamyris of the Saterai and the Seven Warlords of the Batrichit unite to form the kingdom of Bochritia, the Kingdom claims to be the successor to the now ancient empire of Batricca. 
1122 A.N. Euphoric Plague re-appears in Apuna, straining Chishic grain production. The Namutarbian King, Akasm, taking advantage of the perceived weakness, leads a campaign against southern Apuna. The successfully capture several cities but in turn bring Euphoric Plague back to their homeland and from there across Pyritia, causing massive casualties
1124 A.N. - 1167 The escaped slave Nalud, escapes from Chishetal and returns to his homeland in Palluyad. He brings Joyuthism with him, there it is combined with several desert traditions, eventually becoming Naludism. In this tradition Narul is seen not as the progeny of Joth (Djosh), but rather as his greatest servant, he is called Narush. Over the course of his life Nalud successfully unites many of the desert nomads and tribes. Over the latter decades of Nalud’s life these tribes are engaged in a multitude of wars with the Chishic Empire, and are successful in breaking Chishic power in the east, successfully capturing much of the empire's former Eastern extent.
1126 A.N. -1287 A.N. Inspired by Bochritia, tribes declare their independence and engage in active rebellion against Etrusia. The most successful are Lembricarsia (Lembris and Carsis), Nichleria( Nichlern), and Larslontia (Larslont). All of these form kingdoms, all at least partially modeled after the old Etrusian Imperial Court.
1138 A.N. More Arctic groups, The Gaedish and the Luduric, mysteriously vanish, leading to yet another mass migration down south into the Forestland. There these groups will intermingle with native tribes and kingdoms, in time forming the Hrotic and Vordic peoples.
1147 A.N. The Yannish King, Hanrud, declares himself king of all of Ikenii and Dirsia. This is met by heavy resistance.
1149 A.N.  Despite pressure from the Xiku, Northern and Southern Mu are reunited under Emperor Guzhi, this marks the beginning of a Munic Golden Age, marked by art and literature and an increased interest and acceptance in sagecraft and forestfolk. Guzhi adopts the forestfolk, Fohu. Fohu in time will become the first non-human, Munic Emperor.
1176 A.N. Argentia rebels, the Etru-Argentian War mark the end of Etrusian dominance in the Green Sea. Kulayu follows suit. The rebel Hastidia becomes famed for painting her skin with the island's red clay, in tribute to the extinct Clay-Women. Chishetal sends ships and soldiers to assist the rebellion, however this proves to be a mistake as Chishetal’s eastern and southern provinces themselves became subject to an increasing number of rebellions and revolutions. 
1188 A.N. Mount Iri erupts, covering much of western Tarinia in toxic ash, clogging the Satlugulish Canal. Entire fields are rendered inedible, herds of domesticated and wild animals die. As a result famine abounds. To make matters worse the eruption disturbs a number of monsters, most notably the serpent, Nuh-Kwa-Tak. The toxin spewing beast is ultimately killed by three hunters, all Forestfolk, though not before causing untold destruction. 
1201 A.N. -1209 A.N. The Etrusian General, Aduatium, attempts a coup, hoping to re-establish the Etrusian Throne. He and his followers storm Etrusia and slaughter much of the Hatakasis. He names himself the Emperor of Etrusia and upon his crowning declares his intention to reconquer Lembrisia. That very same night he is assassinated by the sage, Favaron. What followed was a period of rampant corruption and murder, three attempts to re-establish the Hatakasis and 5 to crown a new Emperor all end in bloody failure. The remaining provinces are abandoned, leading to yet more refugees flooding into the Etrusian Homeland.
1216 A.N. Makora, the last loyal province of the Etrusian Empire, is conquered by a tribe, originating from the northeast called the Uberians.
1224 A.N. Hunaris, King of Nichleria leads an invasion of the Etrusian mainland. He successfully captures Etrusia, burning the palace and much of the city, while sparing the Jothist Church. Henceforth Hunaris calls himself champion of Joth, and even carries a hammer in imitation of Narolos (Narul).The Etrusian Empire Falls.
1245 A.N. The First Palluyadic Empire forms in the East, marked by the creation of the city of Halubad, inspired by the cities of Etrusia, Labisa, and Kyris. The city becomes a center of learning and in particular is known for the quality of its sages. The Empire becomes the first in the world to extend citizenship to all sentient races, humanoid and otherwise, including Kiriki and certain dragons and spirits.
1264 A.N. The Chishic Empire is forced west of the Red Cedar mountains by a coalition of Macurian tribes and the Palluyads.
1271 A.N. The Warrior, Mezumezu founds the city of Nudutichal, capital of the Mezutal empire, in the ruins of the Atahcutec Empire.
The Kallisterian Dark Ages, The Mezutal Golden Age, the Polar Age
1286 A.N. Nichleria is renamed the Holy Kingdom of Nichlern, it claims to be the heir of Etrusia. The King of Nichlern is named protector of Jothism.
1291 A.N. A resurgence of the Euphoric Plague in addition to famine and drought leads to increasing unrest and religious zealotism. The Jothist scholar, Yesonam, blames strife on the actions of sages and forestfolk. While initially unpopular, particularly in the south, this doctrine is readily adopted by northern kingdoms like Nichlern, Bochrit, Yanlun, and Lembris. Many of these lands declare spiritual war against sages and forestfolk.
1297 A.N. Etrusia is named the center of Jothism, and the church of Joth ceded control of the Baalkic islands. All Jothist courts swear an oath to protect the city.
1305 A.N. Sagecraft powered is achieved for the first time by the sage and scholar Januma in the city of Halubad, she successfully flies 700 feet before crashing to her death.
1308 A.N. The Chishic King, Enaki, names himself the voice of Narul on Kobani, in opposition to the Jothist Church. He travels to Euphoi, and according to legend sleeps in the tomb of Narul.
1312 A.N.  The Mezutal Empire builds a fleet of 50 ships, the first such navy in Ulanian History. Using this fleet they settle in southern Tarinia, eventually coming into contact with the remnants of the Canal people. 
1321 A.N. Uberia is united under the Oaken Crown. The King of Uberia, Naruluz, travels to Etrusia and joins in the oath of the Jothist Crowns.
1325 A.N. Vjordic Fishermen land in Tarinia and begin to settle there. They are soon followed by their Hrotic counterparts. They trade with the local population and lead a mostly peaceful existence.
1333 A.N. The 4 Kingdoms of Goguke are invaded by Jamun. The Gogukian Royal family is massacred, and the Gogukian Hall of Names is burnt.
1367 A.N. The Lembrian noble, Renanold, slays the dragon, Taras, supposedly with a spear made from a shard of the hammer of Narul. His legend forms the basis for Kallisterian Knighthood.
1385 A.N. The first Hrotic Raiders land in Ikenii and Larslont and destroy several villages. This marks the beginning of 150 years of such raids.
1405 A.N. Muntatamcuz, Ruler of the Mezutal decrees the construction of a massive bridge crossing the strait which separates Tarinia and Ulania. The project, while ultimately unsuccessful, will facilitate the creation of thirty new cities on the coasts of Tarinia and Ulania. For this reason Muntatamcuz is called The Builder of Cities.
1425 A.N. The Kingdom of Akagalu splits into four kingdoms, each claiming to be the true heir to the original. At the Battle of Four, the three kingdoms met, ultimately leading to a four way stalemate. 
1454 A.N. The Palluyadic Explorer, Nalud, lands in Zudia. He brings back exotic fruit and animals. He returns several years later to create the trading colony of Jalutis.
1477 A.N. The Azuian Nomads of Pyritia unify to form the Azu Kingdom.
1496 A.N. With the blessing of the Patriarch of the Jothist Church, the King’s of Bochrit, Larslont, and Nichlern declare war on the Hrotic and Vjordic Tribes. The War of Bloody Snow will be waged for the next century. It will result in the formation of the kingdoms of Vjordag and Hrotland, both of which adopt Jothism. 
1507 A.N. Gunpowder is used in warfare for the first time during the Fire War, between the Kai and Mu. Ultimately the Mu were repelled from southern Macia, though not before successfully recreating the technology.
1513 A.N. Further Palluyadic colonies are formed throughout the isles of the Sinrian and Lautian Oceans. Palluyadic traders become the primary source of exotic materials and spices to the western world.
1524 A.N. After several years of rebellion, the Kingdom of Caris successfully declares its independence from Lembris.
1538 A.N. The Nomadic Hillfolk of the far northern Macurian Steppe successfully domesticate the huar. 
1541 AN. The Rebel Queen, Bankawe, leads a revolt against the Jamunese occupation of Goguke. Though she died before the realization of her mission, her daughter, also named Bankawe, would be successful in driving the last Jamunese ship from the Peninsula. The Land of Bankuke is thus born.
1565 A.N. The Chishic Joyuthist scholar, Jani, writes a treatise on the nature of Arkodian Bronze. This writing is essential in the development of Chishic Steel, which while lacking in the incredible sharpness and resilience of Arkodian Bronze, is capable of holding and capturing magical energies. The first Chishic Steel weapon is the sword Flame-Eater, gifted to the Chishic King.
1587 A.N. Ricar, brother to King Sebas of Lembris successfully invades Yanlun and declares himself king of the island, though he initially remains subservient to Lembris. Lembrian becomes the language of the court, and many customs, including knighthood, are adopted by Yannish lords.
1590 A.N. The Six Golden Kingdoms of Congasa, a small but ancient collection of Forestfolk, are conquered by the Xianti Theocracy. The Congasian brand of meditation based Xiatism becomes popular in much of eastern Macia. 
1592 A.N. Namut collapses into 23 competing micro-kingdoms. 
1603 A.N. Religious and Philosophical tensions lead to a civil war in the Palluyadic Empire, this leads to the split of the Empire into western and eastern kingdoms, Palluyad and Aruda. Halubad becomes the capital of Palluyad, while Urahun becomes the capital of Aruda. 
1611 A.N. The City-States of Yorungo are conquered and subjugated by the Maboli Empire. Maboli becomes the largest and richest empire in Pyritia. In its Ulanian territories the empire comes into contact with Mezutal.
1614 A.N. Vjordag attempts to invade Shumimi, partially with the aim of introducing Jothism.
1626 A.N. The Ice-Walkers of the Polar Regions join into an alliance with the giants. Together they successfully repel a Hrotish invasion.
1632 A.N. The Ru land on the Southern continent, where they find not only inhospitable conditions but also a race of monstrous beasts, the Uj. The Ru abandon the land, though they will continue to fish the frigid waters. A small group of giants does successfully settle the southern continent, farming penguins and eating large marine mammals.
1647 A.N. Akatotec of the Mezutal, funds the creation of a massive city carved into the side of Mount Lema. This in turn brought the Mezutal into conflict with the traditional owners of the mountain, the Daokipaqa, a particularly powerful Forestfolk population.
1658 A.N. The Lord of Chishic Korithia willingly surrenders to the Kingdom of Argentia, thus reuniting the Korithian Islands.
1661 A.N. The Island of Knosh is invaded by the Argentian King, Erkalos, he builds the city of Erkalo, in time the island will  come to be known as Erkalia.
1679 A.N. King Barnad of Yanlun alongside his knights and lords, and his Dochainain and Prynaean allies leads a rebellion against Lembris, kicking off the 90 Year War.
1685 A.N. The Kingdom of Ngonda, founded by Queen Anifuba, forms from the unification of the Kwi and Hasa peoples. The Kingdom becomes famed for the quality of its plantbrews and physicians. Ngondian physicians are invited as far away as Mu and Ulania.
1699 A.N. In response to Vjordic and Hrotic aggression, the Pact of Blue Waters is formed by the Inkul Tribes (Forestfolk), Chukakic Tribes, Ice-Walkers, Yevnuk, and Giants. Among the Jothist kingdoms of the south, this new polar alliance is known as the Heathen Empire. Sometimes this is referred to as the Second Alliance in reference to the first such alliance between the Giants and the Ice-Walkers.
1702 A.N. The Kimersian Princes successfully conquer the Unartic Tribes. They are the dominant force in the Kimersian Sea.
1711 A.N. The Battle of Doren between the Yannish and Lembrian ends in victory for the Yanes. 
1719 A.N. - 1724 A.N. Driven by the stories of wealth from the Pyritian and Ulanian Connection,The Uberian explorer, Penetoz Tarano sails west to establish colonies with 4 ships. One of Tarano’s ships is sunk during the storm, another is consumed by a serpent. The last two ships land in the territory of the Inawari Tribes. By chance they had arrived at the same time as a Metuzalan delegation. Enamored by the opulence and beauty of the Metuzalan’s Tarano broke the rules of hospitality by attempting to kidnap one of these strangers to be brought back to Uberia. The response from the Metuzalan’s and their Inawari hosts was immediate. Tarano himself was killed, alongside most of his crew. One ship was destroyed entirely while the other barely escaped. Low on supplies, the surviving crew resorted to cannibalism. Of the 356 men who had left Uberia, 27 returned. 
1722 A.N. -1788 The Jothist Church of Etrusia constructs the Academy of Nima, which functions as both a University and Church, the largest in all of Jothdom. The construction inspires the popularity of new art styles and architectural traditions. The Academy becomes renowned as a creator and depository of the written word. Etrusia becomes known as the City of Priests and Poets. The completion of the Academy is traditionally considered to be the end of the Kallisterian Dark Ages.
The Makurian/Xiku Golden Age and the Age of Poets
1724 A.N. The Kingdom of Palluyad receives its first loss in battle against the Chishic Empire at the Battle of Flaming Cedars. Chishic officers use magical weapons on mass for the first time in place of sages.
1735 A.N. Behtuge is born in a small Xiku village.
1760 - 1763 Behtuge at just the age of 25, unites the tribes of the Xiku, through war, marriage, and diplomacy. 
1764 A.N. - 1782 A.N. The Jushi City-States, parts of Northern Mu, Xir, and other parts of Eastern and Central Macia are conquered by the Xiku.
1767 A.N. The Nichlernian Theologian Balo, condemns the Etrusian Church, citing an inability to address perceived heathenism and heretics. Balic Jothism gains increasing popularity among parts of Nichlern and Bochrit.
1770 A.N. The Pale, a race of monstrous forestfolk emerge in abandoned lands of the Whale-Eaters. They descend on nearby villages and even Vjordic cities. They are eventually driven back to wastes but only after causing widespread destruction. 
1772 A.N. The King of Lembris, Janes the Third, signs a peace-treaty with Yannish King, Rodin. The Kingdom of Yanlun is officially founded as an independent entity
1775 A.N. The Mechanized Printing Press is invented in Bochrit. The first printed texts are almost exclusively Jothist religious texts, including the works of Balo.
1779 A.N. Rodin of Yanlun declares himself and his kingdom as followers of Balic Jothism, severing ties with the Etrusian Church.
1787 Behtuge dies, his throne is split between his two eldest daughters, Khochen (West) and Tumalhai (East). 
1789 A.N. Balic Jothist Peasants, with the tacit permission of the local nobility, massacre forestfolk in the Nichlern city of Tomalin.Some of these Forestfolk were themselves Etrusian Jothists. In response the Etrusian Church calls a Holy War against the Balic Heretics. Thousands of warriors and knights from Lembris, Uberia, Carsis, Argentia, and Etrusia travel to Nichlern. Nichlern is joined by its allies Bochrit, Larslont, and Yanlun. The War of Heretics will divide Jothism and will be waged for 50 years.
1793 A.N. 
1800 A.N. Khochen conquers Aruda, while large parts of the city of Urahun are burned, the House of Song, the City’s archives, are spared. Knowledge and art from all parts of both Xiku kingdoms are concentrated in the city. Naludism alongside Macurian Paganism, and Xiantism becomes a dominant faith in much of central Macia.
1804 A.N. The Republic of the Indosi Isles is founded
1808 A.N. Gunpowder weapons are introduced to Kallistera and Pyritia via trade with the Xiku.
1811 A.N. Zudia suffers its worst drought in 800 years, many of the tribes and families are greatly weakened.
1812 A.N. The Etrusian Poet, Rodibat, pens his 1000 Songs. His work is performed across much of the world and is massively influential in the creation of new literature.
1814 A.N. At the Battle of Haraford, the Etrusian and Balic forces clash. The Balic’s use newly constructed gunpowder weapons while the Etrusians come with sages and Chishic made magical weapons. While the Etrusians are ultimately the victors, the casualties are massive. This is the last battle in Kallistera in which magic takes a major role.
1817 A.N. The Mezutal Empire has its civil war. Tarinian Mezutal successful splits from its southern half, becoming the Kingdom of Uzatal.
1823 A.N. The Dragon, Nkad, terrorizes Western Pyritia, temporarily severing contact between Ulania and Pyritia. 
1826 A.N. The Balic Church is officially founded, it forbids the use of sagecraft and explicitly believes spirits and by extension spiritbloods to be demonic in nature. Narul is explicitly depicted as being not a spiritblood. Forestfolk and sages are expelled from these territories, many flooding into Lembris and Uberia.
1833 A.N. Vjordag, Hrotland, and the Pact of Blue Water reach an uneasy peace. Trade begins between them. The Hrotic and Vjordic settlements in Tarinia grow larger.
1839 A.N. The War of Heretics comes to an end with a stalemate. The Balic Church is allowed to exist as a branch of the Etrusian Church, together they are called Western Jothism, in opposition to Eastern Jothism or Joyuthism, practiced in places like Chishetal. Balic clergy join the Etrusian hierarchy and soon are able to implement Balic doctrine, including a complete ban on sagecraft in Western Jothist states, and the expulsion of Forestfolk and most Hillfolk.
1841 A.N. Occupied regions of Mu and the far-eastern Xiku are liberated by the Munic warlord, Fukwazhi. The State of Great Mu is instrumental in the eventual collapse of eastern Xiku.
1852 A.N. Quata, King of Mezutal sails around the southern tip of Ulania, along the journey he meets with the Acaniruanian court and with the Pyritians. His son, Olamechutal accompanies a voyage across the ocean, becoming the first Mezutalite to visit first Pyritia and then Kallistera. Olamechutal never returned to Ulania as he died of fever, however an account of his journey and observations, The Voyage of A Thousand Wings, is among the first widely published non-religious books in Kallisteran history. 
1854 A.N. A cache of Arkodian Bronze  weapons is uncovered in Goguke, it is unclear how they got there. One sword, named Skysplitter, is gifted to the King of Goguke to be passed down as an heir. The rest is melted down and made into shields to be carried by the five most trusted members of the Royal Guard.
1857 A.N. The Road of Gold is completed connecting all the way from Apuna to Mu, allowing for trade across the entire continent of Macia
1861 A.N. Yanlun invades Pryneu, which they refer to as Montlun. The series of battles and invasions called the Montish Wars, are waged for next 200 years, until the eventual subjugation of the last Montish Kingdom. The last king of the Montish is Llawar, said to wield an ax of Arkodian Bronze, seated atop a giant stag; he is slain in battle, though he remains a symbol of Montish and later Duckish resistance.
1865 A.N. The Telescope is independently invented in Etrusia and Chishetal.
1873 A.N. The Sinrian Peninsula is united for the first time since before Narul. The Land of Sinru is ruled by Five Great Queens. The Sinrians successfully repel a Xikic invasion of the north, and to prevent future incursions a massive wall is built south of the mountains, in order to add another barrier to any invading force.
1881 A.N. The first (semi) accurate model of the Kobanic Solar System is produced in the city of Erkalo.
1885 A.N. The Master of Palluyad seeks assistance from their old rivals, Chishetal, in driving away the Xiku. Chishetal agrees, driven by a historic distrust of Macurian populations. The Chishic army, led by Queen Darutma the Magnificent, marches over the Red Cedar Mountains. Together the Chishic and Palluyadic armies defeated the Xiku at Ankula and Urahun. The Chishic army pillaged the city, to the great displeasure of Palluyad, and returned to Chishetal with thousands of works of art and cultural treasures.
1898 A.N.The Last Great Leader of the Xiku is tracked down and killed by rivals, the empire falls apart due to in-fighting and aggression from outside forces.
1901 A.N. A group of the On People of Zudia, land in Mu. They are welcomed into the Munic court, eventually forming the bulk of the Emperor's personal guard.
1924 A.N. The first steam engine, no larger than a small dog, and initially a curiosity, is created in the Namutian city of Oswa by the inventor, Naimina. The technology eventually is spread north to Apuna and from there to the wider world.
1926 A.N. 133 Busira, Daoku, Malu, Jini, Jagi, The Great Cities of the Viat Sea-Kings, Phangui, and Mekan are all united into the Republic of Khwamer. 
The Age of Ships
1927 A.N. - 1935 A.N. Lost for over a century, the accounts of Tarano resurface in Uberia. King Migrab, orders and funds a second expedition, this one is considerably larger than the last and heavily armed with guns and modern weaponry. Four Jothist Theologians accompany them. A fleet of 18 ships sail from Uberia. They eventually land in the home of Okalokee and Yupa peoples. The Colony of Maberia is founded, initially with the tacit approval of the Yupa people. Three ships are sent back to inform Uberia of the formation of the new colony.
1936 A.N. The successful colony by Uberia causes “Exploration Fever” as Yanlun, Lembris, and Larslont all create expeditions of their own with the intention of creating colonies. Seeing this as a threat to their own interests, Vjordag and Hrotland, working together, send supplies to their own settlements.
1937 A.N. Guided by Ru navigators, a Munic ship lands on the western shores of Ulania. They are quickly apprehended by Mezutal officials, but are later released, and sent back to Mu.
1945 A.N. The Mezu-Uberian War is triggered by the burning of a Mezutal temple and murder of its attends by the Jothist fanatic, Heraduz Ta Odilia. The Uberians align themselves with several of Mezutal’s rivals in the region including the Daokipaqa and Uzatal. The Daokipaqa are promised the return of their homeland occupied by the Mezutal. Attacked on nearly all sides, and weakened by corruption and unused to fighting against guns, the Mezutal driven back to capital. Their last line of defense is the Spiritblood, Akalapotchil.
The Age of Colonies
1946 A.N. The First Lembrian Colony is founded in Tarinia, in the lands of the Sepochee, it is called simply, New Lembris. Later that same year the Yanes land to the North in the lands inhabited by the Chanta and create New Yanlun. The Larslontian expedition is stopped and killed by the Vjordic Navy.
1957 A.N. The Hammer War is started when a Bochrit lord kills a Nichlernian lord while bickering over a supposed piece of the Hammer of Narolos. Despite the best efforts of the Etrusian Church to mediate the dispute, the two kingdoms come to blows. Ultimately 13,000 die. It is later revealed that the fragment was a fake. 
1958 A.N. Akalapotchil is killed by the Daokipaqani Sage, Huruqa. The Mezu-Uberian war comes to an end with the destruction of the Mezutal Empire. Horrified witnesses report the heinous crimes committed by the Uberians during the subsequent period of subjugation.
1965 A.N. The Second Yannish Colony on Tarinia, New Montlun, is founded. 
1979 A.N. A new strain of Euphoric Plague rages through Kallistera and Pyritia. The disease eventually reaches the Yannish and Lembrian Colonies where it is particularly damaging.
1984 A.N. The Chishic explorer, Haman, leads an expedition from Labisa to the North Pole. He dies shortly before reaching the actual pole. All but five of his party die of the cold or are consumed.
1992 A.N. The Yannish king, Lammick the Second, leads an invasion of Dochain, though they are repelled.
1996 A.N. The Mabolian Hillfolk inventor and cartographer, Banaja creates the first semi-complete map of the world, The Banajian Model, based on the accounts of Pallyudic, Yannish, Uberian, Munic, and even Ru’ic accounts of the shape of the world.
1998 A.N. The Yannish author, Karul of Harptun, writes The Voyages of the Noble Narolos an entirely fictionalized account of Narolos (Narul) and his journey to Ikenii and Dirsia. While initially quite popular among the layfolk, Karul is later arrested by Jothist authorities and dies of malnutrition in prison.
2001 A.N. - 2021  A faction of Chishic lords lead a coup against the emperor. The Rebels are armed with Kallisterian guns, the loyalists carry weapons of Chishic steel. Vastly outnumbered, the loyalists barricaded themselves in the city of Labisa. The siege lasts almost 20 years, ending ultimately with a victory by the rebellious lords, after the Chishic King was assassinated by a turncoat. The leader of the lords, Akurd, takes the throne as the new Chishic throne. The first 10 years of his reign will be consumed by putting down loyalist factions in Shabala and Ikopesh.
2002 A.N. The Uberian King, with the support of the Jothist Patriarch, bans the enslavement of any person born in a Jothist nation; this does not include Naludist and Joyuthist peoples. It also did not include Forestfolk. Uberian soldiers begin a campaign of enslaving Ulanian peoples, including the former occupants of Mezutal. To the outrage of the Daokipaqa, not only were they not returned to their homeland, but they are targeted for enslavement. The Daokipaqa join an alliance of several peoples against the Uberians. The conflict between the two sides will continue on for over five centuries.
2012 A.N. The Nichlernian Jothist preacher, Kalen of Daruparg, predicts the coming of a second Calamity. Widespread panic proves in vain, though not before several buildings, including the Church of Daruparg are burnt to the ground. 
2014 A.N. The Kingdom of Palluyad is dissolved into the Three New Kingdoms; Palluya, Baban, and Inad. 
2021 A.N. The 13 Year War is waged between Yanlun and the Alliance of Hrotland, Vjordag, and Larslont. The War is fought both in Kallistera and Tarinia, including against the Tarinian allies of Hrotland and Vjordag.
2024 A.N. The Argentian Scholar, Alanos, creates the first complete history of Kobani, starting with the creation of Arkodai and ending with the Hammer War.
2034 A.N. Pressured by the Jothist Church, Hrotland and Vjordag sue for peace with Yanlun. As part of the Treaty, much of the southern Vjordic/Hrotic territory in Tarinia is handed over to Yanlun. The Yannish holding in Tarinia grows by 320%. Tens of thousands of settlers, traders, and slavers travel to the Yannish colonies to make a new life. Larslont continues to wage war against Yanlun in Kallistera. 
2038 A.N. Yanlun and Lembris adopt the enslavement policy of Uberia. Owning a Tarinian slave and Tarinian antiquities becomes a symbol of status in Yanlun. The Dirsians and the Dochic people become famed for their abolitionist actions, acting as pirates, stopping slave ships heading for Yanlun, Uberia, and Lembris and taking the people aboard back to Dirsia. Similar pirate movements arise closer to Tarinia and Ulania, largely composed of Mabolian’s many under the pay of the throne.
2045 A.N. The First Jothist Jamunese Emperor rules over the Kingdom. The first assassination attempt occurs within days of his coronation.
2057 A.N. Economy bolstered by new acquisitions and the slave trade, the Yannish throne initiates an invasion of Dirsia and Dochain.
2062 A.N. The Republic of Akagulu dissolves. It is replaced by a number of smaller nations, most important of all is the Hillfolk dominated kingdom of Batuna.
2072 A.N. - 2098 A.N. Kimersia expands, The Kimersian Empire now borders Shumimi in the north and Chishetal in the west.
2091 A.N. The first microscope is invented in Chishetal, it allows for the magnification of items by 15x.
2104 A.N. The last king of Dochain surrenders at the Battle of Four Forks. Dochain becomes a Yannish territory, called Duclan, its people are referred to as Duckish or simply Ducks.
2115 A.N. Dirsia is defeated and colonized. The Dirsians are treated harsher than their Duckish cousins. Dirsian “Prisoners” are brought to Yanlun and to the Yannish colonies to work as laborers. 
2129 A.N. Chishetal and Kimersia fight over parts of eastern Shabala, resulting in the Chish-Kimersian War. Many Western Kingdoms send their support to Kimersia, as Chishetal’s control of East-West Trade in the Green Sea is seen as a threat to the economic interests of Jothist countries. 
2140 A.N. The Munic Sage, Nao Tza attempts to reach space using explosives and sagecraft. He builds an iron pod with himself inside of it and launches himself skyward. While ultimately he didn’t survive the attempt, nor did he reach space, his research is influential in the creation of rocket technology, mostly for military purposes.
2151 A.N. The Chish-Kimersian War comes to an end as a stalemate. 
2169 A.N. Nearly a third of Uberian Army in Tarinia is destroyed by the Serpent, Koalipak, temporarily stopping the Uberian Imperial effort in the region. 
2185 A.N. The Pact of the Blue Waters officially dissolves. Giants settle in Yanlun, Vjordag, and Nichlern where they face discrimination.
2194 A.N. - 2231 The Hammer of Joth is invented in Etrusia, a revolving gun capable of firing bullets of Jothic Steel, a variation of Chishic Steel with the added benefit of being capable of harming spirits. Thousands of the guns are purchased by Yanlun, Lembris, and Uberia, and it is used in Tarinia against native peoples and spirits. 
2203 A.N. An Ikopeshi Revolt is violently suppressed by the Chishic Throne. 
2211 A.N. The first functional steam-powered ship is invented in Apuna.
2222 A.N. Khwamer falls and is partially annexed by Mu alongside the Xianti Theocracy. The Munic Empress sends messengers to the Daokipaqa promising aid in exchange for land controlled by the Uberians. The Daokipaqa refuse the offer, still suspicious after their last agreement with a foreign power.
2231 The Hammer of Joth is streamlined, made cheaper and more easily carried. Jothic Guns become the primary weapons of colonizing forces. The slaughter of Forestfolk and Spirits leads to the unification of several Tarinian nations. They follow the mysterious Sister Goddesses. It is not clear if these “Goddesses' ' are human leaders, spiritbloods, or spirits. 
The Age of Rebellion and Tarinian Wars
2245 A.N. The Yannish explorer, Conor Malark, successfully crosses Tarinia and reaches the Tanjian Ocean. Many others follow in his steps, starting small settlements.
2251 A.N. The Jamunese Emperor Shirado, willingly abdicates without an heir, dying shortly after, possibly poisoned. A civil war, The War of the Frogs, between opposing applicants for the throne ensues.
2275 A.N. The Pirate Republic of Indosi forms in opposition to Munic, Palluyic, and Kallisteran Dominance in the region. For a short period (2275 - 2345) 73% of all commerce and trade through the Sinrian and Lautian Oceans go through the hands of or are taxed by Indosi Pirates. Indosi Ships raid as far west as the Pyritian Coast and as far east as the coast of Tarinia. In many cases they are joined by the Ru.
2280 A.N. The Knights of Narolos are founded. Armed with guns and weapons of Jothic Steel, their described purpose is to kill monsters. However, in practice what is included under the moniker of “monster” is rather broad. The Knights stalk the Tarinian frontiers, Pyritia, and the Polar North, killing monsters, spirits, Spiritbloods, and forestfolk. They are particularly hostile towards Spiritbloods. Of the 23 Spiritbloods living on the planet before 2280, only 9 will still be alive by 2330.
2292 A.N. The Munic General, Daori, Lands in Zudia and almost immediately clashes with several local groups, marking the beginning of Munic imperialism in the region. The Zudian groups in the south unite into the Uruninjic Confederation, to oppose Munic efforts to expand further.
2293 A.N. The War of the Frogs comes to an end
2300 A.N. Followers of the Dirsian Independence Movement attack the Yannish capital, successfully killing the Yannish Crown Prince. The response by Yanlun is cruel and long lasting, thousands of Dirsians or “Dirsh '' are killed, starved, or kidnapped. Rather than stopping revolutionary thoughts however, it fans them. The revolutionaries continue to work in the shadows, attacking and undermining Yannish efforts on the island. Similar rebel groups form in Duclun and Montlun.
2311 A.N. The Museum of Magic and Heathenism is opened in Yanlun alongside the Yannish Academy of Sciences in celebration of the Treaty of Salisbud signed between Yanlun and Larslont.
2324 A.N. Electrical wiring and the first battery is invented by the Erkalian Inventor, Khasmus.
2337 A.N. The Kingdom of Ngonda adopts a democratic government, the Monarch maintains a symbolic function. Several other Pyritian kingdoms follow. Universities in Ngonda, Namut, Chishic-Apuna, and Maboli grow substantially.
2342 A.N. The first captive dragon is born at Etrusian Nima Academy.
2359 A.N. Inspired by the Satagulish Canal, The Hrotic and Yannish governments of Tarinia work together to begin work on a massive canal meant to cross the entirety of the continent
2366 A.N. The First Hot Air-Balloon is invented and flown in Larslont.
2371 A.N. At the Battle of Coral Sands the Gumwarnugo family of Zudia is defeated by Munic Colonists. The Matriarchs of the family are sent back to Mu, marking the first instance of Zudian Enslavement.
2389 A.N. - 2402 A.N. The Lembri-Uberian War is started in response to clashing colonial interests. In time this war expands into the First Tarinian War. Yannish colonists attacked the Lembrian colony of New Lembris, hoping to capture fertile valleys. Yanlun signed a Pact of Alliance with Uberia. Ultimately the Lembrians are expelled from Tarinia, Yanlun taking their former holdings. An agreement is made between Uberia and Yanlun; Tarinia for the Yanes, Ulania for the Uberians. The Lembrian King and his family is murdered by his own soldiers shortly after agreeing to surrender.
2391 A.N. The electric telegram is invented by the Lembrian inventor, Arauld Contar.
2396 A.N. The Kiriki called Rak, is named the heir to the throne of Baban. After the Babanian king’s death, Rak is crowned thus becoming the first non-humanoid sentient individual to lead a primarily human country. The Jothist and Joyuthist Churches both condemn this as sacrilegious. The Knights of Narolos along with the Chishic Order of the Hammer both attempt to invade and kill the new king. While they are ultimately unsuccessful, Kiriki become the targets of extreme violence across Kallimacia. Their population is reduced to a third of its former extent.
2401 A.N. The First Train successfully carries passengers about ¼ mile before breaking down. In the following decades hundreds of miles of tracks will be constructed across much of Kallistera and Tarinia. 
2403 A.N. - 2419 The First Yannish expedition around the world is ultimately successful though very costly. The leader of the expedition, Kan Bavmun, reports many new people and beasts, as well as a previously undocumented landmass far to the north, amongst the sea ice. He reports no signs of civilized life, save for strange ruins. He suggests by the complexity of the architecture that these ruins may have pre-dated the Calamity. This region comes to be called the Wastes. Though taken from a distance, his descriptions point to the most intact ruin of its kind in the world. This discovery kicks off a renewed interest in the Age of Glass and Metal amongst scholars. Though he made plans to return, Kan dies of an unknown disease shortly after his trip. Attempted expeditions are met with disaster. A Lembrian expedition is attacked by pirates, the entirety of the crew killed or taken hostage. Three Yannish expeditions fail, one to mutiny and the other two vanish entirely without explanation. An Etrusian expedition is reportedly destroyed by an unidentified sea-beast, according to the one survivor. In order to avoid more needless death, the Yannish Academy of Sciences declares a 100 year ban on any further expeditions, starting 2419. The Jothist church of Etrusia makes a similar ban on any entities which may seek funding from the Academy of Nima.
2425 A.N. The first wired radio and the telephone are invented by the Chishic inventor, Saru.
2427 A.N. The Palluyidic author, Namuni, writes “The Mutations” which reports to record every observed Forestfolk, Monster, and other magically altered being in the world. It has 2,437 entries. 665 of these entries will be rendered extinct by the time a second edition is published by his great great grandson.
2434 A.N. A new outbreak of the Euphoric Plague rocks Kallimacia. Scientific cures prove ineffective. The Etrusian Jothist priest, Kampidan, seemingly through the power of faith alone is successful in curing an afflicted person of the disease, the first case of a cured individual ever.Thousands flock to the priest. A new branch of Jothism forms around him, Zelatorical Jothism, it focuses on evangelism and extreme dogmatism.
2456 A.N. Zelatorical Jothists open the first “Narolic Academy” a school meant to re-educate Tarinian children with Yannish culture and the Zelatorical conception of Narolos (Narul) and Jothism. This first school pays 3 Yannish Kupers per child brought to the school, the equivalent of three days of work for the average factory worker. Hundreds of Tarinian children are captured, so many that more schools are opened across the Yannish Colonies.
2469 A.N. The Trackless Steam Carriage is invented. Battery powered vehicles will follow soon behind.
2476 A.N. The Namutian historian and scientist, Qarud, tracks the origins of the Euphoric Plague to the Island of Kosheklayu, off the coast of Chishetal. Shortly after reporting these findings at a conference in Etrusia, he is found in his room, dead.
2481 A.N. Following years of protests, Yanlun bans slavery, though only in the mainland, the colonies are exempt. There is no such ban on “ indentured servants.”
2484 A.N. The Jamunese inventor, Ikro Mongowa, and his partner, the Nichlernian, Fradruch Hangel, create  the first wireless radio. It is effective over only 4 miles. The second and third models will more than triple this range.
2486 A.N. The Theory of Planes is created by the Etrusian scientist, Eractom. It suggests that the other mortal worlds may not share the same solar system as Kobani, but rather may exist on separate but connected planes. It is theorized that it might be possible to travel across these planes.
2497 A.N. A representative of the Southern Giant Clan makes the journey to the North Pole, marking the first interaction between the two clans in several centuries.
2503 A.N. The Gulinbarg Radio transmitter, invented by Baff Gulinbarg using Chishic steel components, expands the transmission range of radios by 800%, approximately 114 miles.
2508 A.N. The Coast of Mu is struck by the Great Quake of 2508 and subsequently by several tsunamis. Tens of thousands die. Following this, Zudian slaves, using the chaos, rebel, leading to a confrontation at the Red Dam. The Zudian slaves are massacred, however the story of the revolt spreads across Kobani, the Zudian Rebels becoming symbolic of resistance in places like Ulania, Tarinia, and Dirsia.
2519 A.N. The Ban on Expeditions to the Wastes is lifted. The Yannish explorer, Hal Roost volunteers as the first person to take the journey. He and a crew of twenty set off from Yanlun. They stop in Tarinia and sail through the Mezutalian Strait. They are last seen at a Vjordic settlement on the western Tarinian coast. They are not heard from again and are assumed to be dead or otherwise lost.
2524 A.N. A starving and badly injured figure washes up on a piece of driftwood near the Vjordic town of Huelbar. He claims to be a manservant of Hal Roost, and reports that his master is in fact still alive, trapped in the ruins of an ancient city. Reports of this are sent back to the Yannish Academy. They are initially met with skepticism. Later that same year a Jamunese fishing vessel picks up a radio signal coming from the north. The voice claims to be Hal Roost.
2525 A.N. A second Yannish expedition and now a rescue mission, is officially approved.
@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms @roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe @axl-ul, @persnickety-peahen, @surroundedbypearls ,
@kaylinalexanderbooks , @mk-writes-stuff
Behold, what I have been obsessing over for the last week, now I can get back to other tumblr stuff. I have a character intro I need to do.
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getawayfox · 1 year
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My love for outsider pov is no secret (watch me prompt it everywhere I can), so I figured it was about time to put my favourite fics together in a rec list. Please enjoy these incredible works and join me in squealing with delight about the immensely talented authors who pull this genre off so brilliantly.
the shape of your soul (fits mine) by @drarrymybeloved (G, 754 words) Summary: Harry visits the Mirror of Erised as an adult. 🤍 Rec: A masterclass in short form and outsider pov, this story feels like 50k when it squeezes all the emotions out of us in under 1000 words. Love!
Madam Malkin’s (Selected) Inventory Notes by @tepre (T, 1k) Summary: Madam Malkin is extremely diligent when it comes to her inventory notes. For tax purposes only!!! 🤍 Rec: Hilarious and so clever! I’m in awe of how much Harry and Draco’s personalities shine through the notes. An all-time fave!
Aftermath of an Accidental Bond by @the-starryknight (T, 1k) Summary: When you took the Mungo's third shift, you knew there would be weird shit. You just didn't expect to find the most recognizable face in the Wizarding world shoved into a hospital cot beside Draco Malfoy. 🤍 Rec: An utter delight of a premise, executed to perfection. I couldn't stop smiling!
press play by @softlystarstruck (T, 5k) Summary: The VHS tape titled "Harry + Friends Draco '00 – '01.Or: a home-made movie that captures love in five scenes.
🤍 Rec: The softest, most domestic pining, creatively terrible insults, and a format that makes this fic incredibly atmospheric.
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by @sleepstxtic (T, 6k) Summary: Astoria watches her husband fall in love with Harry Potter.
🤍 Rec: A gorgeous and devastating story with a perfect Astoria you will fall in love with. Heartbreak unavoidable!
Maelstrom, the water told me by @onbeinganangel (E, 11k) Summary: Maelstrom (noun, /ˈmeɪl.strɒm/, from the Dutch maalstroom): 1. a large powerful whirlpool 2. a turbulent tidal current 3. an agitated and/or confusing situation or state of mind 4. a magical core disturbance occurring on an adult, not directly caused by trauma
🤍 Rec: A tender story about love and care, with a pov so magical it feels like a fairytale.
Tumblr bonus: An extra scene from A Room Up There (And You In It) by @the-starryknight
🤍 Rec: While this ficlet is a follow-up to a bigger story, you don’t actually need to have read it (although, why wouldn’t you?) to appreciate how perfect and happy it is. I think about this one all the time.
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Hey Kids—Reading is Fun!
Dear Readers,
Your mods (@femme--de--lettres and @greyeyedmonster-18) are beside themselves with how many of you have participated in Cruel Summer Fic Fest: The Eras Tour this year.
From full novel-length fics to poetry, from microfics to multi-chaptered works and everything in between, we've been blown away—enchanted, even—by this year's submissions. This fest started as a labor of love for both of us as avid Swifties and HP fic authors and we couldn't have imagined in our wildest dreams the way you've embraced it with open arms.
With that said, we're pleased to offer the below list of this year's love stories. Due to tumblr restrictions on tagging, we weren't able to tag all of the individual author tumblr accounts (something something look what you made us do something something) so we've tried to link to ao3 as much as possible, but if you like a fic—check out that author's ao3! We've tried to connect you as directly to the mainstream of what each author writes in that respect, so if you happen to find a new fave, you can show them more love on the rest of their works!
To make a long story short, the majority of these works can be found in the Cruel Summer Fic Fest: The Eras Tour collection on ao3—with a catalogue of over 100 works, there's something for everybody, and we hope you'll take a peek at this year's truly incredible works.
We've had the time of our life fighting dragons with you, but sometimes, you know in your soul when it's time to go.
Thanks for making this cruel summer another one for the books.
Until Next Time,
Your Mods (Grey and Andie)
Cruel Summer Fic Fest: The Eras Tour
(all fics are followed by the character, relationship, or pairing that each work focused on. for the purposes of our list, both "x" and "/" indicate some level of romantic relationship, while "&" entails a platonic or otherwise friendly one)
Era One (Debut/Midnights)
Stay Beautiful (Regulus x James)
Sweet Nothing (Ted Tonks x Andromeda Black)
Midnight Rain (Sirius x Remus)
A Perfectly Good Heart (Harry/Fred/George)
Bigger Than the Whole Sky (Lavender x Pansy)
Anti-Hero (Sirius x Remus)
Tim McGraw (James x Lily)
Invisible  (Harry x Ginny)
Should've Said No (Ron x Hermione)
Dear Reader (Draco x Astoria, Part 1 of 6)
Glitch (Bellatrix Black x Voldemort)
The Outside (Ron x Hermione)
Bejeweled (Ron x Hermione)
Maroon  (Ron x Hermione)
Teardrops on My Guitar (Ron x Hermione)
Mastermind (Ron x Hermione)
Era Two (1989/Evermore)
Wonderland (Snape x Trelawney)
Dorothea (Sirius x Remus)
New Romantics (Regulus x Lily)
You Are In Love (James x Lily)
Wildest Dreams (Sirius x James)
Long Story Short (Draco x Harry)
This Love  (Pandora x Lily)
All You Had to Do Was Stay (Hermione x Pansy)
Shake It Off (Draco x Harry)
I Wish You Would (James x Lily)
Blank Space   (Ron x Hermione)
I Know Places (Draco x Hermione)
Gold Rush (Ron x Hermione)
Welcome to New York  (Sirius x Remus)
Style (Bellatrix x Voldemort)
Happiness (Narcissa Black x Emmeline Vance)
Tis the Damn Season (Harry x Bill Weasley)
It's Time to Go (Teddy x Victoire)
Cowboy Like Me (Astoria x Hermione)
Champagne Problems (Draco x Astoria, Part 2 of 6)
Era Three (Red/Lover)
The Moment I Knew (Ron x Hermione)
You Need to Calm Down  (Draco x Harry)
Sad Beautiful Tragic  (Draco x Astoria)
Nothing New (ft. Phoebe Bridgers) (Ron x Hermione)
All of the Girls You Loved Before (Sirius x Remus)
State of Grace (James x Lily)
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince Draco x Astoria, Part 3 of 6)
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Harry x Tom Riddle) 
The Last Time (ft. Gary Lightbody) (Ron x Hermione)
All Too Well (Ron x Hermione)
The Archer  (Pandora Lovegood x Lily Evans)
Babe  (Ron x Hermione)
Run (ft. Ed Sheeran) (Narcissa x Lily)
Cornelia Street (Percy Weasley x Oliver Wood)
Everything Has Changed (ft. Ed Sheeran) (Sirius x Remus)
The Very First Night (Ron x Hermione)
Girl at Home (Alecto Carrow x Narcissa Black)
Forever Winter (Draco x Astoria)
Afterglow (Ron x Hermione)
Holy Ground (Romione)
Stay Stay Stay (Blaise Zabini x Daphne Greengrass)
False God (Bellatrix x Voldemort)
Era Four (Fearless/Reputation)
Come in With the Rain (Ginny & Hermione)
Look What You Made Me Do (Ron x Hermione)
That's When (ft. Keith Urban) (James x Lily)
Fifteen (James x Lily)
Tell Me Why (Harry x Charlie Weasley)
The Best Day (Percy x Oliver Wood)
Call It What You Want (Ron x Hermione)
You Belong With Me (Ron x Hermione)
Untouchable (Narcissa x Lily)
Change (Ron x Hermione)
Superstar (Draco x Hermione)
Forever and Always (Piano Version) (Draco x Astoria)
King of My Heart (Ron x Hermione)
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (James x Lily)
Fearless (Ron x Hermione)
The Way I Loved You (James x Lily)
Gorgeous (Ron x Hermione)
Bye Bye Baby (Ron x Hermione)
White Horse  (James x Lily) 
…Ready for It? (Blaise Zabini x Daphne Greengrass)
Don’t You (Ron x Hermione)
I Did Something Bad (Draco x Astoria, Part 4 of 6)
The Other Side of the Door (Sirius x Remus)
Era Five (Speak Now/Folklore)
Haunted (Bellatrix x Lily)
Enchanted (Ron x Hermione)
Innocent (Draco & Narcissa Malfoy) 
Back to December (Ron x Hermione)
The 1 (Ron x Hermione)
Exile (ft Bon Iver) (Ron x Hermione)
Mad Woman (Draco x Harry)
Invisible String (Sirius x Remus)
Cardigan (Ron x Hermione)
Epiphany (Padma Patil x Theodore Nott)
Mirrorball (Draco x Harry)
Mine (Harry/Fred/George)
Mean (Ron x Hermione)
This Is Me Trying (Marcus Flint x Percy Weasley)
Timeless (Ron x Hermione)
My Tears Ricochet (Ron x Hermione)
Seven (Sirius x Remus)
I Can See You (Sirius x Remus)
Foolish One (Angelina Johnson x George Weasley)
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gatheredfates · 4 months
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Hi everyone, happy weekend (or happy almost weekend, depending on your timezone)! I was waiting on a couple of communities to get back to me before I released this update... but there is nothing stopping me from making a belated one later. ⭐
With that being said, as of today (06/01 - Happy Pride!), the following resources have been added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives.
Minerica Eorzea — maintained by @wildfireward, this Compendium was inspired by the Botanica Eorzea and serves as her counterpart. It contains item descriptions of raw materials, item descriptions of gear that use said materials, stats of gear that use said materials, leve quest lore, and crafter quest dialogue.
Animations for XIV — A spreadsheet created and maintained by Sayo#0196 that contains a list of animations that can be useful for posing purposes.
Transparent Assets for GPOSE — Have you ever wanted to overlay a screenshot with XIV’s assets like ‘this scene cannot be skipped’? @fortunafavore has you covered!
For some reason, the text for the Hingan Alphabet had vanished on its bigger advertisement. It has since been readded! (Don't ask me why it did it, I have no idea.)
With the Tumblr communities in beta, I'm trying to think how to best incorporate them into the Compendium should we get an influx of XIV related ones when the feature goes properly live. While they're currently invite only I won't be adding any (unless community leaders would like to reach out and have them added) but, once they are, I'll either make a separate section in the Compendium for them or sort them between the aforementioned categories as needed. If you have any thoughts, questions or suggestions, please let me know!
Do keep in mind that the feature is in beta, so my thought and categorisations may change as the community feature itself expands. Tumblr may also incorporate a better method of searching/filtering that might make it redundant! We'll have to see.
Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here, send me an ask with the relevant information contained on the Compendium, or join my Discord at SEAFLOOR (21+ only)!
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. Again, all the below information is accessible on the document! 🐡
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads.
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include in-character tabloid blogs used to generate RP.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community on the compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it.
What resources/communities can I add if I'm not the owner of them?
Mutual consent is extremely important to me, so anything that isn't a large-scale community OR a publicly accessible resource must be endorsed by the owner/admin/moderators in order to be added to the compendium. I operate under the assumption that a resource posted to a public space (tumblr, googledocs, youtube, etc) is open to all. A large-scale community is one with a significant member count or openly advertises itself as being accessible to everyone for whatever purpose it serves. If in doubt, please get in touch with me. I'm happy to contact your community owners for you!
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, absolutely contact me about that.
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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hnnny · 7 months
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This is beyond disgusting that scam bots are now turning to capitalize on Palestinians who fear for their lives, their families lives, and the lives of their people and culture every single millisecond of every single day.
I implore you, if you receive a message like this, do the following things to make sure you're protected from scammers like this.
Did they follow you just before/after sending this post? If so, they are likely a scammer, building up their follower list to make their account seem more real.
Do they have any original posts besides their asks for donations/help? You can check using this website. If they only have the one, then they have likely a bunch of junk reblogs to make it seem like they are real.
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Do you know them? Do they avoid referring to you and your brand of content specifically? This is a red flag that they have sent you a scripted message. Oftentimes, scammers will use vague terms like "my friend". This is an even bigger red flag, especially if they just followed you.
This type of scam in particular is extremely vague, which may cause you to DM them first to ask what they need. This is exactly what they want. They send you an ask so they can get you in your DMs. Sometimes, scammers will ask you to DM them via ask first anyway. This is yet another huge red flag.
Their username is their "real name". Do you know anybody on Tumblr who goes by their real name other than a few celebrities? That's another red flag.
Now that you've checked, here's what you do:
REPORT FOR SPAM! Protect other people from running into the same issue and possibly falling for it. This is essential to making sure the amount of bots running around rampant remains minimal and manageable. Report them as you see them.
BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK! Depending on how you go about this (either on mobile or desktop), this might come with the 'Report Spam' step. Be sure to make sure you have them blocked. This will ensure that they can't target you again.
INFORM OTHERS! Let other people know when they've likely reblogged a scam ask/post. Be respectful and kind and informative. Remember to use the above steps to identify if these posts are indeed spam. And it can't hurt to ask (as long as you're polite!)
Consider donating to real people who are suffering in inconceivably terrible ways. There are tons of ways to do so, whether on a very individual level, or on a wide scale level. You might even see if some of your favorite artists or content creators are doing a fundraiser in exchange for their services. Just make sure to do a bit of background research to make sure things are legit. It doesn't take too many Google searches before you can see if it's a scam or not.
Check that you are a registered voter now, and check for early voting days. Set the date on your calendar and go. Invite your friends, make a day of it. If you can't make it the first day, go the next possible day.
Stay hopeful and keep fighting. And believe me. I know things seem hopeless. But please, that is exactly what they want you to think. They want you desensitized to their acts of genocide. They want you to cast aside your vote so they can continue until they're done. I promise you, you aren't alone in these feelings, and as such, you are not alone in this fight.
Give your talents, voice, platform, and all other efforts to help let the world know that we must Free Palestine. Do not think for one second the battle is over yet. You can do this. Prayerfully consider what kind of action you could take that feels right to you.
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starrylothcat · 1 year
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First of all, thank you to all my followers and mutuals. If you follow me for my writing or my unhinged reblogging, I appreciate all of you from the bottom of my heart! Sorry it took me a minute to put this together! This was a fun event to run, and big hugs to everyone who sent in their shout-outs. Please check out everything on this list, there's a lot of wonderful content from even more wonderful creators! (Linking and formatting on Tumblr is wonky so if I made any mistakes or links don't work, please let me know!) Masterlist under the cut!
Glitch’s Masterlist - OC Masterlist by @techs-stitches
Masterlist of OC Glitch x Tech
In More Ways Than One (NSFW) The Bad Batch x F Reader by @madameminor
A night out with the Batch almost turns into a bar brawl, until your quick thinking sets up the perfect cover. Then your squad starts thinking it doesn't have to stay a cover. Sharing is caring, after all.
Fireworks - Hound x F Reader by @imarvelatthestars
Reader meets Hound after her massiff makes a run for it. Will romance blossom?
Dance With Me - Echo x Reader by @kaminocasey
You're cleaning the ship, listening to music, and Echo gets an idea.
Dominoes AO3 Link - by @meridiansdominoes
Domino squad wakes up to find themselves back on Kamino, hours from taking their final test... except they remember passing the final test, and they each remember dying afterwards, too.
Ghosts of Coruscan AO3 Link by numphet on AO3
Padmé Amidala, a former senator of the fallen Republic, barely survived the childbirth. After her recovery, she suffered from partial memory loss and was led to believe that the Emperor's mysterious enforcer, Darth Vader, killed her husband on Mustafar. Eight years later, she has joined the aspiring Rebel Alliance and volunteered to take part in a high-risk operation, only to be captured and thrown into an Imperial prison. To hide her true identity and protect her children from the Empire's wrath, she is forced to use a little too predictable alias.
Doc’s Febuwhump Series - The Bad Batch x OC by @staycalmandhugaclone
Fem Medic OC fic series with all the Batchers
Nightsky (NSFW) Echo x F Reader x Rex by @rain-on-kamino
Just back from a mission, The Bad Batch is unexpectedly visited by Rex. So you just have to wait a little longer to lay down with your love Echo. Or? Maybe this is the opportunity to try something new. Especially since the handsome captain obviously has a crush on you, too.
In Need (NSFW) Hunter x Jedi F Reader by @wanderer-six
While travelling with the Bad Batch, you find yourself overwhelmed by a certain need. Unable to deal with it, you try to wait it out in hopes it will pass. But you come to find that your arousal has been unintentionally torturing your poor sergeant.
Positions (NSFW) Cody x F Reader x Rex by @kaminocasey
Rex invites Cody out to 79s, only because they have bigger plans for you tonight.
Water and Rock (NSFW) Obi Wan x F Reader by @split-spectrum
When your former master Obi Wan joins you on a mission, it's clear things aren't the same as they once were. The trials you face together may break your bond, or turn it into something else entirely.
Hunter x F Reader by @freesia-writes with bonus spicy Hunter fanart by @verndusk and a smutty part 2 by @spicy-clones. Phew! Clone Matchmaking AU Masterlist by @tcwmatchmakingau
The Clone Wars have ended, and with their legal status secured, the clone troopers look to the future, to the things they never thought they would be able to have. Homes. Families. Love. But without the support systems and social structures available to natborns, many troopers have difficulty finding meaningful connections. Enter Right to Love Matchmaking Service: a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping clone troopers find the loves of their lives.
Sharp Edges (NSFW) Crosshair x Reader by @spicy-clones & @lightwise
What started off as self-indulgent Crosshair smut has evolved into a fully-developed fic, with plot, character development, twists and turns, angst, yearning, and plenty of delicious *spice*. ;)
Wrecker and Reader Cuddles (plus Lula!) by @madbunnyarts
Bo Katan Comic by @projectorthus for @bokatanweek
Celebrating Anakin's Birthday by @stealingpotatoes
They Call Themselves...The Bad Batch by @shyranno
Alpha 17 and Captain Rex by @cobaltbeam
Sexy Tech Fanart by @raevulsix
Crosshair Back on The Marauder by @zaana
Awesome Graphics by @idontgetanysleep
Fixing TBB S2 Finale by @lightspringrain
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sapphim · 1 year
/ / nexus mods profile / / sapphimods tutorials / / tag directory / / character directory / / ko-fi / /
main: @vaxilmores
mod updates free of my bullshit: @sapphimods
faq ☆
↳ tag: #faq
↳ see also: #modding tutorial, #modders resource, #troubleshooting
Right now, most of my focus is on DA2 mods and modding tutorials. I am happy to answer modding questions, especially as they pertain my area of interest.
If you can't figure out where to begin with a mod, or if you have been following my tutorials and have gotten stuck at a certain point in the process, and you haven't been able to find a solution elsewhere, I may be able to help. All I ask is that you be understanding that this is something I volunteer to do with my free time!
If you need troubleshooting help with one of my mods, please do not contact me on anon! It makes it difficult and tedious on my end to get the information I need. Either leave a comment on the Nexus mod page (that is what it is there for!) or message me off-anon. I promise I don't bite.
☆ What's your opinion on Veilguard?
↳ I have none. I haven't been following development.
☆Will you be modding it?
↳ Nope! I hate Frostbite, and my graphics card is older than Inquisition, and also, I hate Frostbite.
☆ How did you/How can I get started modding?
↳ I got my initial start fiddling with others' mods that I had downloaded, fixing minor bugs or tweaking them for personal use, which introduced me to the process without having to start from scratch.
My general advice for getting started is to pick something small in scope to work on, where you will be able to start testing it in game in short order. Being able to see results from your work is key to maintain motivation. However, if this doesn't interest you and there's a bigger project that you're super enthusiastic about, go for it! It is all about the enthusiasm.
Just remember that modding is all trial and error. Sometimes you'll try something and it won't work and you'll have to spend a lot of time figuring out what went wrong. Don't get discouraged when this happens. The mark of a seasoned modder isn't that you stop failing, but that you get better at powering through the failures.
For Dragon Age Origins (and DA2) I have compiled some resources to get started here.
☆ What tool do I need to make mod [x]?
↳ I have a list of tools here that I have used for modding. However, I think often a better mindset to start is "how do I make mod [x]?" Once you know where to begin, you'll have a better idea of what tools will be required.
☆ Do you take requests or commissions?
↳ I do not take requests, unless I have specifically solicited requests for additions to a specific mod.
I am open to the idea of taking commissions for mods of the type that I usually post, but I would have to talk through the idea to get an idea of the scope before I could quote a price.
I do not create mods for Frostbite games anymore.
I will not accept commissions for mesh/model/armor mods, which seem to be the type of mod commission people most often try to solicit.
☆ I have a question about mods for Inquisition or Mass Effect or [other game]!
↳ I can try to answer general knowledge questions or give my opinion on a matter, but I haven't modded Frostbite games like Inquisition or Andromeda for years and I'm too out of touch to answer any specific modding questions.
These days, most modding discussion seems, for better or for worse, to take place on Discord servers, and that is imo your best bet for finding people available to answer questions. So I strongly recommend questions be directed to a server such as the Frosty Toolsuite, DAI Modding, or Mass Effect Modding discord.
For good measure, here's a link to the Dragon Age Origns Modding discord for Origins/DA2 mods.
☆ Can I message you off-tumblr?
↳ Yes, you can DM me on the Nexus, or if we are mutual members of a modding discord server, you should be able to find and DM me from there.
☆ Solas/Abelas/Fenris/Orsino is taller than the other male elves in the game, right?
↳ No. ♡
☆ Are you sure?
↳ Yes. ♡
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ffviirarepairweek · 7 months
Hello! What is the definition of rarepair?
I feel this group is overtaken by the same old popular pairs we see everywhere all the time
Hi there, so there’s two parts to your question.
I’m going to address the second part first – that it’s just the same popular pairs being shown. Before your ask arrived in the inbox, I had reblogged the following pairings for this year's event (in no particular order):
I’m also writing requests for Seph/Elfe, Seph/Lazard, Reeve/Vincent, and Biggs/Wedge which will be posted later in the week.
I wouldn’t call that list just all the same popular pairings. If you mean there’s a lot of repeats from previous years of this event, well, yeah. We have a number of repeat participants who, unsurprisingly, still like the same pairings they did last year.
In order for me to share a pairing, someone needs to make content for the event for them (and of course Tumblr has to cooperate in showing it to me, or they can mention to me that it exists – a quick reminder to please do let me know if I’ve been missing your posts, we’ve already found one person who the tag is ignoring > . <) so that I can share it. (Or, someone can request a pairing and I will write something for it to the best of my ability.)
The second part – what is a rare pair.
On the prompt post ( https://ffviirarepairweek.tumblr.com/post/740152122290618368/ffvii-rare-pair-week-2024 ) I have the opening as:
Urban Dictionary defines rarepair as “A ship or pairing that not many people ship or is very rare to find fanfiction and fanart of. Typically happens within small fandoms or with minor characters.”
Of course, people often ask for more specific clarifications because some events are very specific about this. I’ve answered this previously, and this year in this post: https://ffviirarepairweek.tumblr.com/post/740261946911260672/is-there-a-number-of-fics-on-ao3-that-you-are
I’ll copy that reply here as well however:
Obviously there are the big huge pairings that you can’t avoid, and no one is going to mistake them for being rare, and there are some pairings people feel are rare on AO3 but may have had a bigger home on other sites in the past. There’s always debate on what counts as rare. If a pairing has their own currently running active annual event week, then I’d encourage folx to seek those out for those pairings first, as someone is trying to create a space for that pairing already and I’m not trying to take that away (but not everyone knows those are happening either!). My general policy is I’m not going to police a rare pair. At the end of the day, I want folx to have fun and encourage people to create above all.
To further elaborate on that, my goal, as always, in running any event (week or otherwise) is to encourage people to have fun and create for the things they love. To help people find others that share their interests. Maybe introduce others to a pairing they may not have thought about yet, when it comes to rare pair week in particular. I would much rather people feel welcome to create, than sit here looking at every fan site calculating how many entries there is for each pairing and tell someone, sorry, your pairing has x number more things than another, so you’re not welcome in the playground. My table has enough room for us all to sit at for show and tell.
I'll try to be better with tagging the pairings so you can ignore the pairings you don't like for the rest of the week - I was working off mobile the last couple days to post things more frequently. That's on me. If there's something particular you need tagged, you can always send in an ask or message me directly.
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sonicenvy · 1 year
So I was poking around through my followers list and I noticed that there are a few of you who have no title, no profile picture, no custom site and no bio who do have enough likes to make me think you might be a real person and not a bot. If you are indeed a real person, please read this post.
If I click on you and your blog looks like this:
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you look like a bot, yes even if you have a substantial amount of likes.
It is very easy to make yourself look human, and because I'm feeling helpful and chatty today, I'm going to show you how to do that, with screenshots. I even went on this site in safari where I don't have dashboardunfucker set up to take these screenshots, so you know I'm feeling good today.
Step 1:
In your sidebar go to "account" highlighted in blue below:
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Step 2:
Select your blog in the drop down. (There are a bunch of blogs on mine because I have multiple junk side blogs.) For the purpose of this exercise I made a brand new blank one called imtotallyabot56789.
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Step 3:
Go to "blog settings" in the right hand sidebar. This will take you to a new page.
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Step 4:
On that new page, select "edit appearance".
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Step 5:
Get to editing! I've highlighted for you the 4 most important things you need to change to not be a bot.
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Those things are:
your icon
your header
your title & bio
you banner/bio colors
Some notes:
Your banner can be a .gif, a .png or a .jpg. It is best at a 16:9 ratio. I can't remember how big mine was, but a little bit bigger is better so that it displays decently on desktop and on mobile.
Your icon/profile picture should be a square. I think it displays at 128x128, but I don't know for sure. Use a bigger image than that though. Mine is apparently 886x886 at 72 ppi. Don't pick a photo of yourself unless there's something interesting about it (ie: you're in cosplay or something) because a regularass photo of a person looks like a bot as well. If you don't know what to pick, you can head over to picrew and use an icon generator there to create an icon. There are a lot of fun options. If you want to design your own and don't have photoshop or something like that, check out photopea which is an in browser photoshop clone. Have fun with this -- pick a character you like or a pretty image. Like whatever you want just don't stick with the default one. Use either a jpg or a png.
Your title doesn't have to be that deep. Or descriptive. A lot of people use lines from books, music, poetry, tv or movies for theirs. Mine is related to Elizabeth Warren ("Nevertheless She Persisted"). I've previously used "Death Cannot Stop True Love" and "This could be a little more sonic"
Your bio also doesn't have to be long or, like describe anything super detailed about you. The beauty of tumblr dot hell is that it is one of the more anonymous social media sites out on the internet. You could literally just put something like "Fandom Lurker". Just have something.
The banner/bio colors just change the color of the border around your header image/icon "background" and the accent color.
Step 6:
Some additional basic (optional) things to do:
Enable "Custom Theme". This gives you an actual website rather than the dumb little tumblr dot com/blog/yourblognamehere thing that you get by default. The advantages to having an actual yourblognamehere dot tumblr dot com website are numerous. I made a whole post about that with instructions on how to do that. (note that the screenshots in that post were made before the tumblr layout change that was tumblr staff copying twitter's homework). A big benefit to having your own site is that it is easier to find tagged posts on a site because the default search that tumblr has on the /blog/yourblognamehere thing is hot flaming garbage and pulls posts that don't have that tag whilst also missing ones that do. with a yourblognamehere dot tumblr dot com site you can simply go to yourblognamehere(dot)tumblr(dot)com/tagged/mycooltag and see all the tagged posts. Dooo this. you know you want to doooo this.
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2. Open your ask box and turn off tumblr affiliate links. Asks can be fun. They can also be terrible. You can always turn them off later if you decide that people are being mean to you. Personally I have not had that problem in the 12 years I've been here. Maybe it's just the relative obscurity of this blog? who knows. glad for that though.
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3. Add some featured tags.
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This is a newer setting but I think it's fun. If you make posts (or reblog lots of posts) you can add a few tags that you use very often to this as little shortcuts for people visiting your blog.
Whew! That's all for today folks! Thanks for coming to my tumblr how to for newbies talk. I'll probably post another tumblr for newbies chat at some point.
with love and light,
💚 your local internet crazy lady slash tumblr oldtimer
Be kind to yourself and someone else today!
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berenwrites · 10 months
Dreams in the Night - Stranger Things - Steddie, Chapter 5 of 9
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Dreams in the Night: But Vampires Aren't an Upside Down Thing!
Summary: Steve has been having nightmares, seeing through the eyes of a vampire like creature in Hawkins as it hunts. He puts the dreams down to past trauma and too many horror movies at Family video. He’s checked and no one’s been hurt, so even Robin agrees. However, his world is about to be turned upside down yet again as the nightmares become far too real.
Tumblr Master Chapter Listing | Also on AO3
For: @lady-lostmind (lady_lostmind on AO3)
Relationships: steddie, platonic stobin
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: ~18600
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: vampire!Eddie, Kas!Eddie, hurt/comfort, bisexual!Steve, bisexual!Eddie, platonic stobin, steddie
This fic is a part of the @steddieholidayexchange
Chapter 5: Bigger Picture
Steve just wanted to fall into his bed on the nice clean sheets he had just put on it, next to where Eddie was sprawled and already sleeping.
He was exhausted and so thoroughly fucked out his legs kept trembling. Eddie had kept him going for hours, with seemingly endless stamina. At one point Steve was pretty sure he had forgotten words entirely. The only thing he had to be thankful for was Eddie had seemed to be as surprised as he was at how long they had been having sex.
With what little brain power he had recouped since, Steve guessed it had something to do with the blood. Eddie had taken little tastes of him over and over again, blowing his mind each and every time. After the first time Eddie had bitten him, he could never have guessed how good it could feel. It still hurt, but somehow, in a good way that he did not have enough wherewithal to analyse yet.
The only reason he wasn’t already out for the count was he knew there was one thing he needed to do unless he wanted people breaking down his door.
Picking up the phone he dialled Robin’s number.
“Buckley residence,” came the quick answer.
“Hey, Robs,” he greeted, and his voice came out far rougher than he had expected.
“Steve,” Robin responded immediately, “are you okay? You don’t sound good.”
“Long night,” he replied. “Can you cover for me today? I’m sorry, but I really don’t think I can make it through a shift.”
“More nightmares?” Robin asked.
He hummed in response, after all that was how it had started, but he didn’t want to have the full conversation yet. He also didn’t want to lie. Lying to Robin was not something he would ever choose to do.
“You’ll owe me for facing the holiday madness without you,” she said, but he could hear the worry in her tone. “Do you need me to get you anything?”
“Just need to sleep thanks,” he promised. “I’ll give you a call later to fill you in once I can put two thoughts together.”
“You’d better,” she replied. “Now go to bed.”
“Yes, mother,” he responded. “Thank, Robs,” he added, “don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Get fired,” she said without hesitation. “Shoo.”
“Talk later,” he said. “Bye.”
“Bye,” she said. “And stay hydrated,” he heard as he put the phone down.
He was pretty sure he had to have been a saint in another life to deserve someone like Robin in his current one.
“Hey, Dingus, you better be dying, Keith was an ass … oh my fucking god!”
Steve shot from sleep blinking blankly as he heard Robin’s shriek before his brain came back on. He took in his best friend standing in his bedroom doorway and followed her eyes to where Eddie was sprawled across the bed on his front, taking most of the bed and a good percentage of Steve too. Luckily, he had thought about pulling the sheet over them properly before he fell asleep, but the white cotton didn’t exactly leave much to the imagination.
He extricated himself from Eddie, who was still mostly out of it as Robin fled. Grabbing the pair of sweats he had been wearing the previous evening, he pulled them on as quickly as possible and headed after his best friend.
“Robin, please wait,” he called, chasing after her.
“You … you … you skipped out on a shift to get laid!” she accused rounding on him once she hit the kitchen.
Her anger brought him up short.
“What time is it?” he asked.
“It’s past five in the evening,” she said, frowning and cooling down a little.
“Shit, we’ve been asleep all day” he muttered.
“All day? Did you take something? Are you okay?” Robin asked instantly worried. “Is she alright?”
“Rob,” he said, doing his best to think, “did you see who that was?”
Robin gave him another look.
“A girl with lots of dark curly hair,” Robin said, but her tone was uncertain.
“With tats and scars?” Steve prompted, realising that Robin had clearly not taken in most of what she had seen.
“Tats and scars?” Robin said quietly.
“What’s going on?” a familiar deep voice came from behind him, and Robin’s mouth dropped open.
Steve turned to find Eddie wearing one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his boxers, hair wildly everywhere. He looked mostly still asleep. Steve was quite surprised the sweatshirt was on the right way round.
“Explain, right now,” Robin demanded.
She was clearly torn between delighted to see Eddie standing there whole and alive, and worried that this was some horrible Upside Down trick.
“The dreams weren’t dreams, they were Eddie,” he replied, skimming over all the details. “We’re connected.”
“Bats?” Robin asked.
Steve just nodded because that was his best guess.
“And what, Eddie just turned up here and ended up in bed with you?” was Robin’s next question.
He grimaced at that. She was probably going to kill him.
“He called me,” Eddie said, which was exactly what Steve had not wanted to reveal just yet.
“I had another dream,” he jumped in before Robin could react to that revelation, “and I finally realised I was seeing through Eddie’s eyes and I guessed it was real, but I had to be sure.”
“And you thought it was a good idea to do this all by yourself?” she said, tone completely incredulous.
“I couldn’t tell anyone,” he said, “not until I was sure. Can you imagine what that would have done to Dustin if it was all in my head?”
“And what about me? We tell each other everything, remember?” Robin said, and her accusatory glare had him quailing inside.
And wasn’t that the crux of it.
“You would have tried to stop me,” he said simply, because it was the plain truth.
Robin opened her mouth to ask something several times. Steve just gave her time.
“Why?” she finally asked.
“Because, Buckley,” Eddie entered the conversation again, “what he did was ridiculously dangerous and could have ended up with him very, very dead.”
Steve sagged at Eddie’s tone. It was clear that in the cold light of day, both Eddie and Robin were mad at him, hence he was a little surprised when Eddie stepped into his personal space, leaning on the island next to him.
“Why?” Robin asked again.
“Because like Steve always does, Lady Buckley, he faced off against a wild thing, only this time he didn’t have an axe,” Eddie said, and Steve heard his voice change.
Looking over, he saw Eddie flash a fang at Robin. It said a lot that Robin did not so much as flinch, just stood there staring. Steve saw her eyes flick between Eddie and the various injuries on his neck. He’d run his fingers over them, and he was pretty sure there were no wounds left, but the places where Eddie had bitten him still felt tender. He didn’t know why they hadn’t gone like the ones that must have been on all of Eddie’s other victims, but they were pretty obvious. They looked like hickies.
“You let him bite you,” she accused.
“He did way more than that,” Eddie said, clearly in unhelpful mode.
He had been inside Eddie’s head, kind of still was at a low level. He knew way more about the other man than he could ever have imagined even if none of it was crystal clear, and he understood where the snark was coming from. Eddie was putting his armour up before anyone could see the weakness. Steve wasn’t having that, so he leaned in the extra fraction of an inch to close the remaining gap between them.
Eddie jolted at the contact, turning to look at him. Steve looked back, refusing to back down. No matter what image Eddie was trying to project, Steve could feel the turmoil going on inside his resurrected friend like an echo in the back of his head. He had no idea what Eddie was getting from him, but he did his best to project caring determination. When Eddie finally relaxed in place, he was satisfied and turned back to Robin.
His best friend was giving him one of those looks that meant she was reading him like a book. Sometimes it was useful. Right now, he felt like he was under a microscope.
“Where have you been hiding?” Robin demanded, looking at Eddie.
“Community pool,” Eddie said without preamble. “It’s closed to the public for the season, but they keep the amenities on to stop anything freezing. Stole these clothes from the unclaimed lost and found.”
“Judd Williams is the caretaker there,” Robin said.
Eddie nodded.
“We bumped into each other a couple of times,” he replied. “He doesn’t remember them. As far as he’s concerned, I’m a ghost.”
“I didn’t see you bite Judd,” Steve commented.
“That’s because I never fed from him,” was the quick reply. “It seemed rude.”
Steve didn’t try and analyse that, he was more than aware Eddie’s mind was a strange place.
“Why didn’t you contact any of us?” Robin asked.
“Because I wasn’t thinking like that,” Eddie replied, matching Robin’s pointed tone. “When I crawled out of the Upside Down everything was simple. I had needs, so I dealt with them. Things were getting clearer over time, but emotion still wasn’t high on my list. It’s Steve who gave me that back.”
Steve found Robin’s eyes firmly on him again.
“This is almost as insane as Vecna, you realise this, don’t you?” she said, throwing her hands up.
“Yes,” he replied, because what else was he supposed to say.
“We need more minds on this,” Robin said, putting her hands on her hips in a way Steve was pretty sure she had picked up from him. “I’m calling in reinforcements.”
“Not everyone,” Steve said, before she could step past him to the kitchen phone.
“Everyone is going to need to know, Steven,” she said, and he winced as she used his full name.
Only his parents did that and she knew exactly how much he hated it.
“But not all at once, please,” he all but begged.
He couldn’t cope with his house being invaded yet. He needed time to process it all before he had entitled kids yelling at him from every direction.
“Who then?” she asked, clearly picking up on his desperation.
“Hopper and El,” he said, because they definitely needed El’s input and that meant Hopper’s as well, “and Dustin,” he added after a moment.
“Kid always sees the details,” Eddie seemingly agreed from beside him. “The only Hopper I know is dead,” Eddie added.
“Oh,” Steve said, “no, not dead, kidnapped by Russians and held in a Russian prison. Escaped and came back with the help of Joyce Byers and a guy called Murray you haven’t met. Hopper and Joyce are now living together. El is the girl with superpowers we told you about. She went through hell, got them back and kicked Vecna’s ass.”
“And you’re sure she’s not going to take one look at me and throw me through the nearest wall?” Eddie checked.
“Positive,” Steve replied.
“Not unless you turn out to be an Upside Down trick,” Robin added, giving Eddie the side-eye.
“Not a trick, I swear,” Eddie said, holding his hands up.
“El will know if you are,” Robin said, and moved to pick up the phone.
End of Chapter 5
On to Chapter 6
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illyrian-dreamer · 2 years
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I have almost reached 500 followers and I cannot even start to convey my gratitude!!!
Writing for tumblr has been so rewarding. And anytime you like or comment or reblog it makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. Like kicking my legs and giggling 💗
To celebrate this small (but mighty to me!) milestone, I’m thinking of doing 5 days for 500 – one story each day. But that means I need to get writing like, now.
I am once again reaching out to ask you what you’d like to see!!! Here’s a trope list to make it easy:
1. Accidental kiss
2. Amnesia
3. Angst with a happy ending
4. Bed sharing
5. Back from the dead
6. Chasing/getting caught
6. Comfort care
7. Cuddling
8. Damsel in distress
9. Drunken confessions
10. Enemies to lovers
11. Established relationship
12. Fake dating
13. Fake identity/exposed identity
14. Friends with benefits
15. Hiding from the other
16. Interrogation
17. Jealousy
18. Love triangle
19. Meet cute
20 Mutual pining
21. Pregnancy
22. Secret keeping to protect the other
23. Soulmates - one half already in significant relationship
24. Soulmates - one risks their life for the other
25. Spin the bottle/truth or dare
26. Tending to injuries
27. Trapped together
28. Under spell/trance
29. Unhappy ending
30. Unrequited love/pushing loved one away
31. Wing play 👀
I’ll have a much bigger thank you to post if/when I hit 500, but please know I appreciate each and every one of you 💕 thank you for reading 💗
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