#I only ask bc I found some just now and I’m confused bc there wasn’t any last night and I know hair can’t walk
theloveinc · 1 year
How much hair do you think Kiri finds in his ass crack
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lonely-cowboy · 9 months
chasing rainbows
pairing: connor (rk800) x f!reader
summary: you recently learned that connor has only ever seen the world in one color. gutted at the thought of such a colorless world, you decide to help him see the beauty of the world. only he doesn't care about the world. he only cares about you.
word count: 3.6k
warnings: nothing major, but lowkey a mess bc this is my first longer-ish fic, reader is really embracing her y/n moment, connor is so ooc it's kinda insane but i love him so whatever, they're both really confused about their feelings until they're suddenly not
author's note: i'm replaying dbh as one does bc i was sad and missed connor AND I'M LITERALLY FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE THIS PLAYTHROUGH?? my first playthrough was so nice and sweet and silly so now i'm trying to get other endings BUT I'M NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR ALL THE EMOTIONAL DAMAGE?? anyway, my solution (as always) was to write happy connor and some grumpy hank yay! yes i did spend the first 1k words talking about literal colors, ignore that
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Work was never the place to do work. That was something you learned from Hank after working under him for years.
Sitting at your desk that was situated across from Hank and Connor, you decided to ignore your terminal and the case report it displayed. You’d get to it eventually. Eventually. Besides, you were confident that you would be able to finish it relatively quickly.
Instead, you were tiredly flipping through a book of color swatches. Your gaze flitted across endless pages, darting from color to color as you searched for something eye-catching. In your recent efforts to make your apartment feel more homely, you decided it was time to add an accent wall, you just needed the right color. Obviously, the precinct was the best place to be color searching.
By the time you reached the end of the swatch booklet, you had only found two colors that interested you. At least then it would be easier to make a decision. You eyed the olive and plum swatches like you would a homicide suspect, trying your best to picture them in your apartment. You pursed your lips in thought, staring at the colors for so long that you could’ve sworn you were going cross-eyed.
“Detective?” Connor called, your eyes snapping to meet his. “Are you alright?”
“Actually, no, I’m not,” you answered with an exaggerated sigh, trying to sound as hopeless as possible. “I’m having quite the dilemma.”
“Is there anything I can help you with?” he asked.
The sincerity in his voice made your heart melt. He always showed such care for you. Sometimes you wondered if it was just another part of his social programming, but somehow, you knew it wasn’t. Connor genuinely did care about you, even when it was just your inability to pick a paint color. You almost felt bad for teasing him. Almost.
“I just can’t for the life of me decide on a paint color,” you said, glancing up at him with that shit-eating grin he was unfortunate to know so well.
Connor’s pleasant smile collapsed into a disappointed frown once he realized he had succumbed to your teasing.
“Saw that coming from a mile away,” Hank grumbled.
“You can help too, Lieutenant!” you said in an excessively cheerful tone, just to annoy Hank. “It’s not like you’re doing anything important.”
“Yeah, well, fuck you, kid” Hank sighed, turning his chair to face you fully. Work was never the place to do work.
With both Connor and Hank focused on you, you slid the two color swatches across your desk. Hank leaned forward with mild interest, nodding his head to himself as he considered both choices. Connor mimicked Hank, leaning forward and furrowing his brows at the sight of the swatches.
After a long moment of deliberation, Hank finally said, “Green.”
You nodded in approval as Connor looked at Hank with what could only be described as pure confusion. He then turned back to the colors before looking at you with an unsettled expression.
“I don’t understand,” Connor murmured. “These colors are the same.”
You and Hank stared at Connor in bewilderment. Maybe you could understand it if the colors were different shades of the same color and androids just had a poor sense of color differentiation. But these swatches weren’t even remotely close in color. There was nothing similar about them at all.
You and Hank exchanged a look of confusion. Maybe this was Connor’s attempt at a joke. No, he had made jokes before, and they were genuinely funny. Especially the ones that poked fun at Hank.
“Connor,” you started. “What do you mean?”
“They’re the same,” Connor repeated with a shrug, looking between you and Hank like he didn’t understand what he was missing. And he obviously didn’t understand.
“One is olive, one is plum,” you said.
“Green and purple,” Hank offered rather unhelpfully.
Connor only shrugged again, still unable to differentiate the two.
“Does anything look different than normal?” you questioned.
“No,” Connor replied simply.
Was it possible for androids to be colorblind? The idea baffled you. The only way Connor could be colorblind was if he was programmed to be that way. Why would he be programmed to not see color?
“Can you… I don’t know… describe what things look like to you?” you asked unsurely. Was that too abstract of a thought for an android? It was already too abstract for you. “Does everything look the same color?”
Connor considered your question, eyes narrowed as he glanced around the precinct. Hank looked at you like you were crazy for wanting to get to the root of this. Maybe you were.
“I… I suppose it all appears relatively similar,” Connor said with equal uncertainty.
You frowned at that. The world must have seemed so… well, sad to Connor. You hated the thought of his world being limited to a single color. He deserved to see the world for what it really was. He deserved so much… If you could at least give him this one thing, you would be satisfied.
“Do you want to change that?” you proposed.
“I admit, I would be curious,” Connor replied.
Immediately, you jumped up from your desk chair and started putting your coat on. Connor took that as a sign to do the same, rising from his chair to stand beside you.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Hank interjected. “Where do you two think you’re going?”
“To help Connor, obviously,” you replied with a bratty eye roll.
“That has nothing to do with work, kid, sit down,” Hank retorted, preferring that the two of you stayed with him so that he didn’t have to suffer alone.
“This has everything to do with work,” you countered like the typical asshole Hank knew you as. “Don’t you realize all the ways this probably inhibits Connor’s work? I mean, picture a typical crime scene. There are probably so many details he’s missing because he can’t fucking see color!”
“Actually,” Connor remarked. “I speculate that my limited color sensory was included in an effort to keep me focused on my investigations and avoid any distractions–”
“Connor,” you intervened, turning to give him a stern look.
“Yes, Detective?”
“Shut up.”
Immediately, Connor sealed his lips shut and pressed them into a thin line. You adored it when he listened to you.
You turned your attention back to Hank, flashing that brilliant smile that told him you weren’t going to listen to a single fucking thing he said. He sighed grumpily at the sight of it, turning back to his desk with a shake of his head.
In the absence of any other objections, you grabbed Connor’s hand and led him out of the precinct. You wondered if he could see the vibrant blush that coated your cheeks at the intimate contact. You hoped not.
He did.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“Are you sure about this?” you questioned hesitantly.
In the middle of your living room, you stood in front of Connor with his new occipital unit in hand. You held it gingerly as if the slightest touch would break it. Although it was a lot easier to purchase biocomponents than you had expected. If it were to break, you would only have to walk three or so blocks to buy a new one.
You looked at Connor worriedly while he stood patiently. You were far, far from any kind of engineer. You had absolutely zero experience when it came to replacing android biocomponents. No matter how many times Connor reassured you, you still stressed at the thought of making a mistake. He promised it was easy, but how could changing biocomponents be anywhere close to easy?
“You can do it, I promise,” Connor murmured encouragingly.
His hand came up to encircle your wrist, tugging your hand forward gently. Your cheeks heated at the contact, making you aware of just how close the two of you were. You glanced away bashfully as you were overwhelmed by butterflies. When you returned your attention to Connor, you watched in awe as the skin around his right eye peeled away, revealing the natural white plastic. Connor’s eyes flicked across your face nervously, worried that you might be disturbed. But to you, it was like seeing a new and vulnerable side to Connor, one that you very much enjoyed.
As you reached for his current occipital unit, you froze with your brows furrowed. Your apartment was far from an interesting sight. There wasn’t much to look at, your apartment still lacking a homely feeling. Damnit, you really needed that accent wall.
“Come on,” you said without explanation.
You moved to leave your apartment after gently placing the two new occipital units into your bag. Slugging it over your shoulder, you waited at the door for Connor to follow. Connor stared after you, the white plastic disappearing.
“Come on,” you repeated, gesturing for him to follow.
Connor followed without a second thought. God, it really was so endearing when he listened.
You led Connor out of your apartment building and across the street to the nearby park. You wandered aimlessly for what felt like hours, trying to find the most scenic view for Connor to enjoy as his first sight.
At last, you settled on a bench situated in front of a little pond. Tall, stooping trees crowded the pond with just enough space between their branches to see the bright sky above. You were glad to be enjoying this moment in the fall when the leaves were the perfect shades of orange.
You stood with your hands on your hips, eyeing the view with a skeptical glint. Connor would be able to see a good range of colors from here. This place would do just fine.
Pulling Connor along, you sat him down on the bench by lightly pressing on his shoulders. Once he was seated with his hands neatly placed along his thighs, you reached for the first occipital unit from your bag.
“Okay,” you said with a determined huff. “Much better view, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know, I can’t see it very well,” Connor replied cheekily.
You couldn’t help but smile at that, rolling your eyes at Connor’s teasing. This only meant he had been spending a concerning amount of time around you and Hank. When you looked back at him, you exhaled slowly, “Ready?”
Connor nodded once, revealing the white plastic of his right eye once again. Before pulling it out, you reached forward and pressed a soft hand overtop Connor’s eyes, silently reminding him to keep his eyes closed until you said otherwise. When you pulled your hand away, you were pleased to find that his eyes remained closed.
Your fingertips then pressed against the plastic of Connor’s occipital unit. It popped out easily, allowing you to pull it out slowly and with ease, just as Connor had promised. It was jarring to see him without an eye. Or rather without a whole chunk of his face. You worried you might still mess up, leaving him without half of his face.
But when you pressed the new occipital unit forward, you found that it was just as easy as pulling the old one out. It took a moment to adjust, but the new part quickly shifted to match Connor’s appearance, his freckled skin melting over it and the doe-like shape of his eyes returning. That made you sigh with relief. You just hoped they were still the same beautiful brown you found yourself constantly lost in.
You then did the same with his other eye, quietly applauding yourself for not making a single mistake.
With his occipital units in place, you rounded the bench to stand behind Connor whose eyes remained closed obediently. Standing behind him, you placed your hands over his eyes once again, a giddy smile adorning your lips.
“You ready?” you asked, unable to contain your excitement.
“I think so,” Connor said hesitantly.
“Yeah, you’re ready,” you decided.
Slowly, you pulled your hands away, studying Connor with a sweet smile. You expected him to enjoy the view in silence, looking at every single thing he possibly could. But you were surprised to find that he barely even regarded the view. Instead, he immediately turned to look at you from over his shoulder.
With a tentative hand, he reached out for your hand that rested on the bench’s back. He pulled you gently around the bench so that you stood in front of him. His hand still held your limp hand as he stood to face you. He looked down at you with a small but warm smile, eyes exploring every inch of your face.
The unexpected attention had your heart racing, a nervous heat spreading throughout your body. You clenched your jaw tightly, a jumble of confusing and unwanted emotions consuming your entirety. Not wanting to say anything stupid to ruin… whatever this moment was, you clamped your mouth shut. Your eyes couldn’t help but wander, exploring Connor’s features the same way he did yours.
Connor’s warm touch left your hand, making you frown ever so slightly. But you were immediately comforted as he placed both hands on your cheeks. His thumbs rubbed soothing circles along your cheekbones like they had a mind of their own, relaxing your clenched jaw. His eyes locked with yours, never once blinking in fear that he would miss something if he did.
You practically forgot how to speak. You forgot how to do everything. It was a hassle to recall how you were even supposed to breathe. The only thing you could do was stare at Connor with a dreamy glimmer in your eyes.
“Your eyes are really pretty,” Connor mumbled.
You swallowed timidly before speaking, “Thank you.”
“You’re…” Connor began before his LED circled red.
Your gaze flickered to his LED, watching intently as it continued to flash red. That was a poor move on your part. Having broken the intense eye contact, Connor glanced away from you, looking straight ahead and dropping his hands from your cheeks like he suddenly awoke from a trance. Focused on the horizon, Connor’s LED spiraled yellow several times before returning to its typical blue.
His sudden change in attitude only added to your confusion of emotions. You took a pained step back, eyes falling to the ground.
“I didn’t expect the leaves to be this color,” Connor commented casually.
You cleared your throat and turned your back to Connor to focus on the leaves. You didn’t want him to see your embarrassed flush, though you were sure he already did.
“They’re not always this color,” you muttered. “Only in the fall. In the warmer months, they’re green.”
You caught a glimpse of Connor tilting his head, his nose scrunched with intrigue. He tried to visualize what that would look like, but having only seen one color since his creation, he didn’t seem to understand.
“Green like… like the grass,” you clarified, pointing to an open patch of grass.
“I’d like to see that. Perhaps you can bring me back here in the spring,” Connor hummed. When you didn’t say anything, he continued. “Are there other colors to see?”
“So many more,” you answered, flashing Connor a small (and slightly awkward) smile.
Connor trailed along beside you as you strolled through the park. Still too embarrassed to look at him, you also took the opportunity to admire the beauty of the park’s striking colors. You were ignorant to the way Connor watched you contently out of the corner of his eye. Of all the wonderfully colorful sights, you were by far his favorite. You were the only thing he could look at.
“Which one is your favorite?” Connor asked as you slowed your walk, having walked the entirety of the park. “Color, I mean.”
You stopped to consider his question, looking around at the abundance of colors. They were all so beautiful in their own ways that it was difficult to choose. But then your eyes landed on Connor, and it seemed so clear.
“Blue,” you replied definitively.
You felt foolish for your choice, but you couldn’t help that there was some truth to it. Blue had always been a pleasant color, but after knowing Connor, it took on a different meaning. When Connor’s LED was blue, it indicated he was happy. Or at least satisfied. You liked to see him when he was happy. It eased your mind knowing he was content. Because of him, it was now a color you associated with joy.
Though you didn’t say anything, you looked away flustered, wondering if Connor could somehow read your mind. You wouldn’t be at all surprised if he could.
“Do you have a favorite?” you inquired quickly.
Connor pursed his lips, mimicking you as he looked around the park. His head then snapped down to look at you, eyes immediately finding yours. He cocked his head curiously the way he always did. The way that made you so weak you could barely stand.
“What color are your eyes?” Connor wondered.
Your eyes widened, eyebrows arched as if you had misheard him. But you knew you hadn’t.
The way he spoke so nonchalantly drove you insane. How could he be so casual about something like this? Did he know what he was doing to you? Was he doing it on purpose? What did any of this mean? Was there any chance at all that he could care for you the same way you did him?
“Uh…,” you mumbled, stuttering out your eye color.
Connor nodded thoughtfully at your answer, his charming eyes still latched onto yours.
“Then that’s what I would say,” said Connor. “Your eyes are my favorite.”
“Oh,” you said dumbly, clueless as to how on earth you were supposed to respond to that.
The corners of Connor’s lips quirked into an affectionate smile. He arched his brows at you like he expected something more than just oh.
Your mind was racing for anything to say. Were you just supposed to ignore Connor’s loving words that felt far too much like a subtle confession? Were you supposed to confront it head-on? Neither of those options sounded good.
“Thanks,” you whispered. “I like them too.”
As you cursed yourself endlessly for saying the stupidest fucking thing to come to mind, Connor’s grin widened. A quiet laugh escaped his lips, one that you didn’t hear through the blaring alarms screaming “why are you such an idiot?” in your head.
“That was stupid,” you groaned, deciding it was better to admit it than ignore it. “But… thank you. You… you have pretty eyes too.”
“Thank you, Detective,” Connor said cheerfully.
You moved to continue walking with Connor close at your side. Maybe you were crazy (there was always a good chance of that), but you could’ve sworn he was standing considerably closer than before. Your arm swung at your side, his arm brushing against yours in the slightest. It didn’t matter how insignificant that touch was, it meant something to you. Maybe it meant something to Connor too.
You had been walking in complete silence until Connor spoke, his words making you trip and fumble and scream and cry and scream and die a little.
“You’re pretty to look at. All of you, not just your eyes,” he said, shooting you an adorably attractive wink for emphasis.
You stopped dead in your tracks, Connor trailing ahead until he noticed you were no longer beside him. You stared at him with a far too serious expression, one that made him doubt his words. How could he be so casual about something so serious? Did he actually feel this way, or was it all a heartless prank?
“Your words are really fucking with me, Connor, you know that?” you said.
“I know,” Connor nodded with a cocky edge. God, he really was spending way too much time with you and Hank to be this snarky.. “Your heart has been racing the entire time we’ve been together.”
“So you’re purposefully torturing me?”
“I wouldn’t consider this torture. But, yes. I suppose I’ve been… holding this over you.”
“Well, stop that!”
Connor flashed you a cheeky grin as he approached you again. His hands moved to cup your reddened cheeks, warming them with his soft touch.
“You’re right, I shouldn’t do this to you,” Connor said fondly. “Not when you’ve shown me how beautiful the world is… How beautiful you are.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled, trying to hide the smile that crept along your lips.
“You’ve told me before that I’m terrible at shutting up, I don’t see why I should start now.”
You and Connor wore matching smirks as you tried to best the other, subconsciously moving closer to each other.
“Oh, so you don’t want to shut up and kiss me?” you parried.
“When did those words ever leave my mouth?”
“When did you get so cocky?”
“When I realized I could have you.”
You had nothing to say after that. No witty remark or snide comment. All you could offer was a gentle smile.
Connor leaned forward, his nose brushing against yours. He was so close that you could feel his breath– so real for an android– against your lips.
“Pretty smile too,” he murmured, his lips grazing yours.
“It’d look even prettier if you actually kissed me,” you whispered.
Connor knew he couldn’t win this battle of wits. He honorably accepted his loss, knowing it was the only way to kiss you. You beamed into his kiss, proud of yourself for being so stubborn. That was quickly lost on you when you felt the softness of Connor’s lips. You indulged in his touch, leaning forward against his chest to feel as much of him as possible.
Connor pulled away sooner than you would have liked, resting his forehead against yours. A breath of a laugh escaped his lips when he saw that desperate glint in your eyes. He pulled back to look you in the eye after pressing a loving kiss to your forehead. His thumb brushed under your eye, lost in the color he loved so dearly.
“You’ll always be my favorite sight.”
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katsu28 · 2 years
dinner buddies
summary: Eddie can’t make it in time for dinner, so you decide to find someone else to share your cooking with. 
warnings: light swearing, so much fluff 
a/n: i hope this is good bc i’m quite literally drowning in unfinishable wips right now :') but hi hello i'm back to trying to write after a scarily long bout of self doubt and writer's block! pls enjoy this fluff as my apology <3
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(gif found on pinterest!)
You were half contemplating just turning tail and going back home as you climbed the steps of the Munson’s trailer, arms laden with bags of groceries making it a little harder to keep yourself steady on the creaky stairs. 
Eddie was supposed to come to your place for dinner, but had called you from the high school saying that Hellfire Club was running a lot longer than usual and that he might not make it to yours anytime soon, so you were stuck with a fridge full of ingredients for dinner and no one to make it for. 
That was, until an idea popped into your head. 
So now here you were, standing outside the trailer, knocking on the door to see if Wayne wanted to be your dinner buddy for tonight. You remembered Eddie telling you that Wayne worked the earlier shift on Tuesdays, so you knew he was home. The hard part now was gaining the courage to ask him. It wasn’t like you were scared of Eddie’s uncle, you’d just never really spent time with him without your boyfriend around. But it was something you wanted to change. 
Before you could chicken out and turn around, the door swung open slowly to reveal a weary looking Wayne Munson peering out at you. 
“Hey, kiddo,” He looked pleasantly surprised to see you, but still confused as to why you were here. “Whatcha doin’ round these parts? Eddie’s not here, if that’s who you’re looking for. Think he might still be with that club of his.” 
“Yeah, we were supposed to have dinner but he called me earlier to tell me. I was, um, I was wondering if you’d eaten dinner yet?” You asked timidly, shifting on your feet. 
“Oh, I was just gonna heat up some pizza from the other day. Why, what did you have in mind?” 
“Do you maybe wanna have dinner together? I was supposed to make spaghetti for Eddie and I, but since he’s held up, I was wondering if I could make it…for you.” Wayne was silent for a moment, and suddenly you weren’t sure if you were overstepping any bounds by showing up here unannounced, so you quickly backtracked. “Only if you want, though. I know you probably had a long day at work and I totally get if you’d rather have some alone time before Eddie comes home—” 
“Spaghetti sounds fantastic, kiddo.” He chuckled, opening the door a little wider and reaching out to relieve you of one of the bags in your hands. “Come on in.” 
You beamed, shuffling inside and beelining right for the kitchen to drop your stuff on the counter before washing your hands. 
Stationing himself at the counter while you prepped and cooked, Wayne kept insisting he help you with something, but after you kept telling him to relax, reluctantly gave up. Instead, he watched you bustle around the tiny kitchen like a whirlwind, occasionally snagging a handful of cheese or a noodle when he thought you weren’t looking. (You noticed every single time, but he thought he was being slick, just like his nephew.)
Wayne was a quiet guy—a lot quieter than his lovably rowdy nephew—but he was good company, entertaining you with countless stories of Eddie when he was younger as you cooked, some of which made you laugh so hard you nearly keeled over. Stories that you’d definitely be using as blackmail against your boyfriend sometime in the future. 
Speaking of the future, that was one topic Wayne brought up as you were waiting for the pasta water to boil. 
“So…you and Ed, you’ve been together a while,” He said awkwardly, drumming his fingers on the counter. It sounded like he didn’t quite know how to approach the subject, but was trying his best, and you appreciated his effort. “How’s that going?” 
You beamed, bobbing your head happily at the mention of your Eddie. “Good! Really good. He’s the best boyfriend a girl could ask for.” 
“That’s great to hear. And Ed, he’s treating you good? I have no doubt in my mind that he does, or else I’d whack him upside the head, but I gotta ask.” 
“He’s amazing, Wayne. You did an incredible job raising him. He’s always saying how lucky he is that he’s always had you, and he’s right.” You replied earnestly, placing a hand over his. And you meant it. Despite all the ways Eddie could’ve turned out with the things he’d been through, he’d always had one constant in his life. 
His uncle. 
The man who took him in without a second thought when Eddie’s parents had dropped him on Wayne’s doorstep all those years ago. 
The man who worked late nights, odd hours, and shitty jobs just so Eddie could have a decent childhood. Who bought him his first guitar, went to any Corroded Coffin gig that he could, and sat through Eddie’s endless D&D rants—not knowing what the hell he was babbling on and on about, but listened because it made Eddie happy. 
The man who was more of a father to him than Eddie’s good-for-nothing jackass of a dad ever was (Eddie’s words, not yours). 
You could tell that your words had touched the older man because of the way he fiddled with his fingers—just like Eddie did whenever you said something that made him feel loved. 
“Thank you, kiddo.” He said quietly, patting your hand. “Eddie’s lucky to have someone like you lookin’ after him. I guess now I am too, what with this absolute feast you’re making.” 
“You’re gonna make me cry, and it’s not gonna be pretty, Wayne!” You let out a watery chuckle, turning to toss the pasta into the now boiling water so the older man wouldn’t see you start to tear up at his kind words. 
Soon enough, the whole trailer was filled with a mouthwatering array of smells—rich tomato sauce with garlic and herbs, fresh pasta, buttery garlic bread. Honestly, you wouldn’t be surprised if the entire trailer park was able to smell what you’d cooked. 
“This…this looks fantastic, Y/N.” Wayne said softly, blinking down at the steaming plate of food in front of him like he wasn’t quite sure where to start. “Thank you for cooking for this old man.” 
“Oh, Wayne, you’re not that old,” You chided, passing him a hearty piece of garlic bread. “And it was my pleasure. I really like to cook, and Eddie really likes to eat, so…” 
Wayne gave an all-knowing grin, shaking his head fondly. “Don’t I know it. I used to be worried that boy would eat us out of house and home when he was younger. Still do, honestly. Ed’s got a black hole for a stomach, I swear.” 
“Wonder where he gets it from?” You snickered, to which Wayne let out a booming laugh that pleasantly surprised you. 
“You’re a real spitfire, aren’t ya, kiddo?” 
“I like to see it as Eddie rubbing off on me,” You shrugged. “Which he probably got from you. So really, who’s to blame here?” 
The older man sighed overdramatically, bowing his head in mock defeat. “That would be me, I assume.” 
“I won’t confirm nor deny that statement.” You smiled sweetly, picking up your fork. “Dig in!” 
You’d both finished your food and were exchanging more Eddie stories by the time you heard heavy footsteps pounding up the stairs outside. Then the door banged open loudly, Eddie’s slightly winded and panicked voice filling the trailer immediately. 
“Speak of the devil,” Wayne sighed, barely heard over his nephew’s incomprehensible rambling. You stifled a laugh at his faux exasperation. “I can’t understand a word you’re sayin’, Ed!” 
“Sorry I can’t stay long, Uncle Wayne, I’m already super late and Y/N’s—” Eddie came to a screeching halt when he spotted you sitting across the table from his uncle, both of you with empty plates in front of you. “...here. She’s—you’re here. What—hi, sweetheart.” 
“Hi Eds!” You chirped, pushing back your chair to come greet him with a kiss on the cheek. 
He accepted your kiss welcomingly, arms sliding around your waist in an automatic hug like they always did when he saw you. “What’re you doing here?” 
“Hangin’ out with Wayne. We’re dinner buddies now.” You said it so casually, like it was a common thing for you to hang out with his uncle when Eddie wasn’t there. Eddie’s gaze slipped over to Wayne, who just nodded back.
“Hello to you too, boy,” He grumbled, but there was a small smile on his face nonetheless. 
“Hi Uncle Wayne.” Eddie mumbled sheepishly, tugging at the collar of his shirt. “I would say sorry I’m late, but you seem to have found some better company.” 
“Come sit down, baby, I’ll get you some food,” You nudged him towards the table, stifling a giggle at the way he tripped over his own boots in his haste to kick them off and hurry to take a seat. “Seconds, Wayne? There’s more than enough here. Probably even enough to last you both a few meals.” 
“I couldn’t possibly eat any more, kiddo, but thank you.” Wayne sighed, patting his stomach for good measure. Eddie squinted at his uncle, then you, then back at Wayne in pure confusion. “You just gonna stare at me, or d’you got somethin’ you wanna say?” 
“Did you—did she come over here on her own, or did you call her?” 
“Now how would I call her, Ed? She came here ‘round seven, sayin’ that you were held up and asked if I wanted to have dinner together. Obviously, I’m not one to say no to a nice home cooked dinner, so I said yes.” 
Eddie couldn’t help the wide grin that broke his face, casting a glance over at you at the stove scooping some pasta onto a plate for him and feeling his heart grow three sizes in his chest. God, you really were the most perfect person alive. 
“Here you go, love.” You slid the hearty plate of food in front of him, pressing a kiss to the side of his head before settling back into your seat. “Now, what were we talking about before this one barged in?” 
“I believe I was telling you how Ed used to run around with his pants on his head.” 
“Hey!” Eddie spluttered through a mouthful of garlic bread, gawking at his uncle incredulously. “That’s so not cool!” 
“Hush, eat your dinner, boy.” 
Eddie turned to you with wide eyes. “Baby, don’t believe a word he says, he—” 
“Listen to Wayne, Eds, eat your spaghetti.” You hummed sweetly, patting his knee with a smile. 
“You guys are so mean to me.” 
Later, after Eddie had finished huffing and puffing about ‘my girl and my uncle ganging up on me’ and devoured two more plates of food (bottomless pit for a stomach, indeed), dinner had been packed away with firm instructions from you on how to reheat it the best way. The dishes were done and drying, leaving Wayne to retire outside to the porch for a smoke. 
The second the door swung shut behind him, Eddie all but tackled you, sweeping you into his arms and planting a messy kiss on your lips. You let out a surprised noise, but instantly returned it with much fervor, brain on autopilot. His hands splayed across the expanse of your back, pulling you as close as possible to him whilst you kissed, while yours clutched at his biceps to ground yourself. 
It was hard not to get lost in Eddie when he kissed you, with how much of himself and his love for you he poured into them. Sometimes felt like you’d float away if he kissed you for too long. You wouldn’t exactly mind it too much, to be honest. 
“What was that for?” You asked incredulously after he’d pulled away, bringing your hands from his arms to his shoulders to steady yourself after his kiss had chased the breath right out of your chest. 
“I love you so much.” He said earnestly, pressing another peck to your lips as if to reinforce his proclamation. 
“I love you too, Eds. You know that.” 
“I do! I do. I just—” He let out a dreamy sigh, squeezing your hip. “Thank you.” 
“For loving you?” You giggled, reaching up to brush a stray inky curl out of his face. 
“No—well, yeah. But for everything. For loving me so good like you do, for thinking of Wayne when I’m not here. For being the girl of my dreams.” Eddie continued, looking more serious than you’d ever seen him before. “My perfect, sweet girl, always takin’ care of us. Should hurry up and marry you now before you come to your senses and run for the hills, shouldn’t I?” 
“Oh, stop it, you kiss ass,” You huffed playfully, slapping his chest lightly. 
“I think Uncle Wayne would agree. He might love you more than he loves me now.” 
You laughed at that. “You’re so dramatic, baby. You’re his family, of course he loves you more.”
“I dunno ‘bout that anymore, not after today. Hell, you made him a gourmet meal, sweetheart! I’ve never made him a home cooked meal. Not like that, anyways. Most of my stuff ends up tossed out so we don’t get food poisoning.” 
“It’s the thought that counts, right?” 
“That’s what I say! He doesn’t see it that way though. Always grumbling about how I’m trying to send him to an early grave,” Eddie pouted childishly. 
“You are trying to send me to an early grave, boy!” Wayne’s voice came drifting in through the open window, to which Eddie swore. “Don’t act like you’re not dyin’ to get rid of me!” You both knew he was just poking fun at his nephew, but Eddie rolled his eyes, burrowing deeper into your embrace to alleviate his hurt ego. 
“Aw, did baby boy’s feelings get hurt?” You teased, squishing his cheeks together until his lips puckered almost comically. He struggled to still look upset, but it was no use with the way you were looking at him right now. Your smile turned his over exaggerated pout into a soft smile of his own. To him, your smile could make the clouds disappear on a dreary day. 
“Super hurt.” He nodded, mock serious. “Know what would make me feel better?” 
“I think I can guess, but tell me anyway.” 
“A kiss.” 
“Another one?!” 
“Yes, another one!” Eddie huffed, shuffling the two of you over to the kitchen counter, where he nudged you onto the countertop with ease. “There’s no such thing as too many kisses in this relationship, sweetheart. Unlimited kisses or I’ll die. You don’t want me to die, do you?” 
“I guess not.”
“You guess? C’mere, you little minx,” He growled playfully, pressing his lips against yours firmly. You were quick to sink into his kiss yet again, cupping his face in your hands to bring him even closer. And while Eddie always kissed you like he was trying to let you know how much he loved you, this one felt different. This one felt a little more special, and you wanted to bask in it for as long as you could. 
As long as you could turned out to be not very long at all, the loud thwack of the front door banging against the wall breaking through the silence. 
“Alright, simmer down, you two. I don’t need no mini Munsons runnin’ around anytime soon,” Wayne chided, very clearly back from his night smoke. “Still takin’ care of this one over here.” 
“Uncle Wayne!” Eddie groaned, cheeks flaming hot under your fingertips. The older Munson merely waved his hand aimlessly in response, shuffling toward the bathroom and muttering something about how the two of you better take your lovey dovey party into Eddie’s room before he got back from getting ready for bed. Eddie squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment, letting his forehead thunk against your shoulder miserably. “I’m sorry about him. He’s—” 
“He’s just like you, Eds.” You said softly, smoothing a fond hand along his curls. Eddie made an indignant noise. “Funny, caring, heart of gold. Rough exterior but a total teddy bear on the inside?” 
“I’m definitely better looking though.” 
“Yeah, yeah, of course you are,” You rolled your eyes playfully, to which he whisked you off the countertop with a growled hmph, marching the two of you down the hall to his room to toss you onto his bed like you were a sack of flour.
The rest of the night was spent talking, telling Eddie embarrassing stories of yourself when you were younger to remedy the ones that Wayne had told you about him. Sleepy whispered I love you’s pressed against each other’s skin right before you fell asleep wrapped in his arms, just the way you liked it. 
Soon enough, you popping over to the trailer to hang out with Wayne more often became a frequent thing, Eddie many times returning home to see the two of you sitting on the couch outside on the porch or huddled around the kitchen table, sipping hot drinks while telling each other more embarrassing stories about him. And although he wasn’t too keen on his uncle telling you about all the times he used to run around naked as a kid, he really did enjoy seeing the two most important people in his life growing closer. 
Even if it did result in him being unfairly ganged up on at times.
@wittiestrain184 @pastel-abyss-x @milkiane @liltimmyst @lilygreennn @nia-um @pinkdaiisies @idli-dosa @mrstealuregirl @maciiiofficial @oliviah-25 @scoopsahoykeery @eddiesquinn @bubsonnobx @yearningforeddiemunson
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kyuusberry · 3 months
14). not yours — uchinaga aeri
word count: 500
a/n: i’m updating like crazy bc i finally have motivation to write and i’m abusing that feeling so i don’t just stop halfway and forget what i’m writing about.. 😃 also i apologize to my taglist for the amount of tags you guys have been getting for the last couple days..
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giselle wasn’t the biggest fan of you and ningning. she loved ning, yes, but she was furious that ningning asked you out. sure, she wasn’t the biggest fan of you — and sure.. she ditched you on your first date.. and yes, she made you cry — okay now this doesn’t look good. at all.
but for some reason she couldn’t let go of you. and once she found out where and when you and ningning were gonna have the hangout (she refused to acknowledge that it was a date), she just had to go and watch. weird, probably, but she had to make sure that ningning wasn’t gonna hurt you. like she did.
the day of the date, she sat far, but close enough to see what the two of you were doing. she felt so weird, so alone. she sat down on a small blanket and ate her salad and fruit. she noticed that ningning had a nice setup for you and a bouquet of tulips. maybe she should’ve done that for you too.
maybe. just maybe. if she was nicer. if she actually cared. that would’ve been her in ningning’s place. she would’ve been the one laughing with you, caring for you. she felt the pit in her stomach grow.
she watched every movement you and ningning did, every picture you took. it felt stalker-ish.. almost. she was glad that someone was taking care of you. she took a break to take photos of the sky and her food, only to look back up and see ningning give you her jacket.
she clenched her jaw, almost breaking her phone in the process. “fuck.” she muttered, wrapping the second blanket she brought around her. “this is so stupid. why did i even come here to watch.” she sighed.
she just sat there and looked out to the water, just zoning out to the sounds of people talking and the wind blowing. it was relaxing, being able to get away from her actress life. even if she did come to stalk watch you and ningning’s hangout.
she realized that the two of you weren’t in your spot anymore, all of your stuff gone. she quickly packed her stuff and was about to walk over to her car. the moment she turned she saw your lips on ningning’s. her jaw dropped, almost dropping her basket.
her heart shattered for some reason, seeing you and ningning like that. she felt upset, angry almost. it was a confusing feeling, her emotions all jumbled up into one. she felt like throwing her basket at you and ningning, but she also felt like crying and running away. but she didn’t do either. she just stood there, watching you smile and ningning run away.
she saw you get into your car and drive away. she witnessed everything. and she wished she could go back in time and fix everything. she wished she treated you better. all she could do was hope. and it was never gonna happen.
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summary: giselle was your favorite actress, and you were her avid follower. she was your idol, and like every other fan, you just wanted her to notice you, and she did.
taglist (open): @winieter @yukiioo01 @yinyinwon @gornoi @le3-r1n
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
As someone new-ish (mid June) to Polin / LN and having tried to read up on everything L/N related since then, esp. all the proposed timelines, I’m tbh still getting confused about timelines and (for me new) info that gets shared in the comments that sometimes seem to contradict timelines/speculation I found myself agreeing with before so I’m helping someone can just clarifying some things timewise for me.
In your timeline, you mentioned believing N was dating someone (I assume E) until March/April 2023.
N & L were in Australia in April and after coming across too comfy/intimate, their teams put out a people’s magazine article about them only being friends and supportive co-stars and not dating, and N reiterating that by calling L friend and dude when she posted about their Austrialia stop (if I read some comments correctly?)
Then on May 5 (as per a comment) N shared the song Kaleidoscope …which I have only today read the lyrics for and oof…esp. the first part hits hard. Depending on perspective (delulu or not) this could apply to E (if we assume it was him she prob. dated) or L.
The part ‘And if you change your mind, I will understand, And it'll just take time, To go back to being friends’ made me think of E turning up again now promo is over and hanging out with N & her friends & JD as mentioned on this blog. Like they broke up, he went off to film Witcher, N continue on her Polin Press Tour and now they are back in each others orbit (as friends?)
Also if it was for E, the ‘just co-stars’ people article could have been not just to the audience but also to try and pacify E (& A)?
Though I think I remember reading you mentioning in one of your answers you thought all her song choices during the tour were about L. How would you interpret that song fitting into your timeline of things? Admittedly that line in the song about ‘crossing lines’ made me think about L. But then again that song would make it seem like L rejected her and chose A over her which a. doesn’t seem believable b. really doesn’t sit well with me.
And wasn’t it around the same time the ‘inStyle stunt’ happened in which L was an active participant (so it wasn’t just A)? Like he felt the article wasn’t enough and he wanted to hint at A being his companion (albeit having to stay in the bathroom)
Then to make things even more confusing it was mentioned that L and his team - after the inStyle thing - put out articles about him being single (not just not dating N) …which still makes no sense to me tbh.
Then Italy happened with the inital tension btwn L/N (including a clip you posted trying to lipread what they were saying, where I also read as her saying I fucking hate this & him responding [shut up] and smile. Followed by them looking all cozy again.
Then A turned up at the NY premiere with his sister/mom - which plus him taking her to the London premiere as well - kind of contradicts one of my previous thoughts (in trying to make sense of it all) that L was asked to hide or at least not publicize A during the press tour to sell Polin (bc they were worried with all of the hate Polin/NL apparently were getting since they were announced …which, I digress, I am really glad to have missed bc WTF). If that was the case, I don’t see Shondaland/Netflix wanting her to be at the premiere?
Then there was EKR chaos dinner and some DM article about L having kissed someone. I read before about EKR stepping in immediately and saying it didn’t happen, but I only just now read that he mentioned L having a GF and to take that down (again partly to pacify A like after Australia?). EKR knew about A and L having a GF (maybe L talked about her at the dinner seeing how she wants to be an influencer etc) and basically outed L as having a GF, all while his team had put out articles about him being single.
And then the games continue ending with the London pap walk and DM/Backgrid/People’s mag articles showcasing A and trying to sell her as his ‘rumored’ GF. (Which all don’t mention her age, while DM likes to post about N possibly dating a younger man.) Articles, even if they are from A’s team, L or his publicist (if he currently) has one, is not contesting or denying.
Meanwhile the SM games from L’s friends/A/S continue and make it seem like they are all trying to help A get a job/more exposure/ recognition. This latest trip seemed to be both to celebrate R’s bday and relax all together plus get some pics/hints of A/L and articles to get A’s name out there again…Still looking really awkward in those pap pics…’Passionate embrace’ indeed 🤦‍♀️ but from other pics I saw (involuntarily as they were posted on my twitter tl) he looked relaxed and happy celebrating R’s bday with A around. The group also - besides the first days of pap pics and exposure - seemed to spend their time on a boat privately together which I would imagine being very awkward if things were not alright/unraveling btwn them. I also don’t for a minute think he’s not aware of what A and his friends post and I do think he’s ok with it as long as they keep certain boundaries as mentioned by others in the comments.
Again two perspectives - the unraveling one, helping her get what she wants so L can untangle himself from her slowly, which I would prefer, or the other one, after her having to play stuck in the bathroom all year, him trying to be a caring BF, feeling he should make it up to her (also for still not wanting to officially claim her bc he probably knows it would create another shitshow for her and him, which would help neither of them careerwise) making it a priority to help her out with her career while waiting for fandom to get over pap walk and them being together (while still hopefully for his sake also trying to work on his career and not just hers).
Is that order of events correct or did I confuse/miss something?
Does it all still fit within your timeline and thoughts that the unraveling might be starting/coming sometime soon?
And do you think that N - if she was/is hurt or annoyed by L/the whole narrative since the London premiere, whether it is professionally and as close work friend or as more or if she herself is dating someone - will try to keep a distance from L (both on set as well as on her SM even during filming and promo) to not instigate more L/N talk (esp. if L keeps A around) and focus more on posting this season leads plus Claudia when back on set?
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poppitron360 · 8 days
After responding to @puzzled-pegasus’ ask about my lighthearted Leo hcs, I came up with a WHOLE BUNCH MORE so buckle up (these are mostly Valgrace)
1. Okay so I recently did a rewatch of all six Tinkerbell movies for this project I’m working on and for no other reason not just because they’re awesome and I KNOW FOR A FACT that Leo loves those movies (they’re a beloved classic in Cabin 9). The plot of the first movie is LITERALLY JUST “Hey making things is really cool and you don’t always need flashy nature powers to be useful and you should be proud of your gifts!!’ (The Tinker fairies are literally just Hephaestus kids with a green colour palette).
2. “Tinkerbell” is one of Jason’s nicknames for Leo. Leo pretends to hate it but he secretly loves it.
3. Jason started noticing that whenever Leo steals his hoodies the tags at the back always end up mysteriously being cut off. Leo hates them bc of sensory issues. Now, whenever Jason buys a hoodie, the first thing he does is cut the tag off so that Leo can wear it, too.
4. Leo once collected all the tags that he cut off his clothing and sewed them together to make a plushie and gave it to Jason to say thank you.
5. Gift-making is Leo’s love language. Jason’s love language is showing off those gifts.
6. “How to Train Your Dragon” is also one of Leo’s favourites, and he likes to curl up with Festus in Bunker 9 and watch all three movies plus the spin-off shows.
7. He references Vines CONSTANTLY. So does Piper. They like to watch compilations on YouTube and quote along to them. Jason is SO CONFUSED when they quote them out in public.
He’s just like “Why did you yell “LOOK AT ALL THOSE CHICKENS!!” When we passed by that field of geese earlier?”
And they respond with, in perfect unison- “Wouldn’t you like to know, Weather Boy?”
8. I feel like he’d be the typa guy who’s memorised the entire Bee Movie Script.
9. His favourite musical is “In The Heights” bc he knows all the Spanish and he also relates to Usnavi on a SPIRITUAL LEVEL.
10. One time he was a little too overenthusiastic doing the HOT TO GO dance and accidentally wacked Reyna in the face. They found her in the process of trying to tie him in a bag with a rabid dog to throw him in the lake.
11. *types text out in all caps* *deletes it and types in lower case* *thinks “ah, fuck it” and types it out in all caps again*
12. Carries around Uno Reverse cards in his pockets just in case. It’s actually gotten them out of some tough situations.
Leo *reaching into his tool belt*: ha!
13. His favourite Taylor Swift song is “I can do it with a broken heart”
14. Kinda a genius at Puzzle games, videogames in general (in TLH he gets exited when he sees Beckendorf’s old bed had a gaming rig, and also canonically played Mario Party with Jason). He used to play those Lego Videogames as a kid. (He still does).
15. Also he’s the only person who can beat Annabeth at Chess. She gets SO MAD:
“It’s literally a war strategy game! How are you better than me?!”
“[Witty Chess Pun here], mi amiga.”
*Annabeth flips the board over*
16. I mean we all know that he plays with Lego, right? I like to think that’s how he designed the Argo II, by building it with Lego first.
17. Jason and Piper only find out that Leo’s real name is “Leonidas” AFTER he died. And now Jason would never get to tease him about it…
(I know Rick confirmed it wasn’t but I like it so I’m sticking with it)
18. He was actually very careful to not teach Hazel all the memes right away, and save a few for the perfect opportunity. After he told her about his plan to sacrifice himself, he goes up to her and says very solemnly “At my funeral, please- I want you to play my favourite song as you burn my shroud. It’s a beautiful song called “Never Gonna Give You Up” by a man called Rick Astley- it’s about strength and loyalty and devotion. I think if- if I don’t make it… it would be a fitting send-off.”
She falls for it SO easily, and Leo got to play a few tricks on his friends from beyond the grave.
19. I know his death was a serious matter, but you can’t tell me that Leo didn’t use it to mess with Frank and Hazel.
“Hey, Frank! Are you gonna finish that cookie?”
“Well, I was planning on-“
And then he gives him an “I’m about to die tomorrow” look and Frank just caves and gives him the cookie. Little does he know that Leo’s already scored two muffins and a chocolate bar from Hazel by pulling the exact same trick.
20. In a world where Jason survived, he also uses it to mess with him.
“Hey Leo, can you take out the trash?”
“Can’t you do it? I died to save you.”
21. When he turned 18, he actually got a “Hot stuff” tattoo just like the fake one he drew in MoA
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agaypanic · 8 months
Hello! Do you still write for MBAV? If so, I’d like to request a Rory X Male!reader! The reader has been a vampire for many years now, he was forced to drink human blood and after that one time, he lived off of animal blood (like the cullens) anyways, Reader moves back to Whitechapel and is enrolled into the high school. The readers a total nerd, Loving things like cartoons (TMNT, MLP, TOH, Amphibia) and animes (fairytail, mha, TPN, your name, weathering with you.) and things like Harry Potter, stranger things, Riverdale, narnia and stuff. He and Rory meet in the computer lab and just kinda click? They geek out together and just kind of start dating, not even having to ask eachother or tell any one? (Sorry if this sounds confusing or anything! And obviously you don’t have to do this! <3)
Rory Keaner With a Nerdy Vampire Boyfriend Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: im gonna keep the reader’s interests vague bc tbh i havent even heard of some of the things mentioned in the request. also i know that dusk is kind of the MBAV version of twilight, but theres a twilight reference in here lol
Moving back to Whitechapel your senior year of high school wasn’t really something you had in mind
You left town for a reason
Turning into a vampire at your first high school party was a little bit traumatic 
Your parents, seeing you were different but not knowing why, thought a change of scenery would help you
It did a bit, until your parents decided to move back to Whitechapel
Before your last year of school started, you decided to rediscover the town you had grown up in
That’s when you met Rory Keaner
You were happy to see that Whitechapel didn’t change much in the three years you’ve been gone. You remembered where the important places were, like the high school, the best restaurants, and things like that. Everything else was a bit fuzzy, but a little exploring would fix that.
Something that caught your eye quickly was a little bookstore near the pizza shop you and your family used to frequent. Remembering the cash you stuffed in your pocket before you left, you walked into the shop.
You immediately found the comic book section, eyes quickly scanning over the vast selection. You couldn’t help but gasp when you spotted the latest installment of one of your favorite comic book series. You picked it up with care, looking over the glossy cover.
“Hey, you like that too?” A blonde boy about your age asked, looking at the comic with you from over your shoulder. “I love that series!”
You looked at him, surprised by his presence and enthusiasm. 
“Really?” You asked, and he nodded. “I’ve been looking, like, everywhere for this one. Every place I’ve gone to was either sold out or didn’t carry it.”
“Same!” The boy responded. He reached behind you, grabbing something from the shelf. “Lucky for us, it looks like we just found the last two copies here.”
“Lucky us.” You mused. You couldn’t help but admire the stranger in front of you; there was something very alluring about him that you couldn’t place. 
“I’m Rory.” He offered his hand. “I kinda feel like I’ve seen you before.”
The strange thing, you realized as you shook his hand, was that you felt the same way about him.
“Maybe you have.” You shrugged. “I used to live in Whitechapel up until a few years ago. I just moved back. I’m Y/n.”
“Well, Y/n…” Rory said with a bright smile. You wondered if he had any other expressions. “It’s nice to have you back.”
When you start going to school, seeing Rory feels like a saving grace
You barely remember Whitechapel High from the first time you attended, mainly because you only went the first few weeks of freshman year
He immediately took you under his wing, introducing you to his friends and inviting you to hang out with him
His friends seemed a bit familiar to you as well, but you couldn’t really place it
You and Rory bonded quickly; you were definitely each other’s best friend
One night, while playing games in his room, you found out why Rory and his friends had seemed so familiar
You had been over at Rory’s for a few hours, and as time passed, you started to notice a strange smell. It wasn’t bad, luckily. It actually smelled very good, delicious even.
“You okay?” Rory asked as the two of you were loading into a new level. He noticed your little sniffles as you tried to discreetly figure out the scent.
“Do you smell that?” You asked, rising from your place on his bed. Rory watched you in confusion as you tried to follow the scent, soon being led to his bottom dresser drawer. “What’s in here?”
Suddenly remembering what was in the drawer, Rory made a noise to discourage you from looking. But it was too late because your curiosity had gotten the best of you, and now you were holding up a pint bag of blood. You turned to look at him with a questioning look, eyes darting between him and the blood.
“I- I can explain!” He said, dropping the controller. 
“It smells so good.” You interrupted his frazzled thoughts with the whisper, taking a long and deep inhale. “It’s been so long since I’ve had human blood. So long since I’ve even smelled it.”
“What?” Rory moved towards you, and you took your eyes off the bag. “What do you me-”
“Are you a vampire?” You asked. It seemed like a safe question to ask, because you couldn’t think of any other reason for Rory to have a pint of blood in his dresser.
“How did you…?” Rory trailed off, trying to wrap his head around the whole situation. 
But then you flashed your fangs, and suddenly everything clicked.
“When did you turn?” Rory asked curiously, grabbing your hands and leading you back to sit on his bed. 
“Freshman year.” You answered, dropping the blood bag on the mattress. “It was my first high school party, but apparently, it was being thrown by some cult leader or something. That’s why I left Whitechapel in the first place, I was totally freaking out about it, and my parents thought that I should move schools.”
“Wait! I think I got turned at the same party! Was the guy’s name Jesse?”
“Me, Erica, and Sarah got turned at that party, and then Ethan and Benny kicked his ass!”
So that’s why your new friends seemed so familiar. They were involved with probably the craziest event of your life, in one way or another.
“Wait, so what did you mean by not drinking human blood?” Rory asked, tilting his head curiously. “Don’t we need it to survive?”
“Well, we just need blood.” You said. “I haven’t had human blood since Jesse turned me. I guess you could say I’m like a… vegetarian vampire. I only drink animal blood.”
“Wow! How’d you figure out you could do that?”
“...Have you ever seen Twilight?”
Finding out you were both vampires just brought the two of you closer together
Now you tag along with the rest of the gang on their supernatural adventures
You do “nerd things” (as Erica calls it) with the boys, like playing different games and collecting comics or figures
But you still spend the most time with Rory
And as you spend more time together, your feelings for each other grow
I like to think Rory is affectionate with anyone who allows him to
It wasn’t uncommon to find Rory’s hands on you. Either around your shoulders, or your waist, or clasped around one of your own. You quickly grew used to it, to the point where it would seem concerning for him to not be touching you.
Plus, his touch always made your undead cheeks warmer.
Then, the affection progressed to kisses. Quick pecks on the cheek in greeting, or on the temple in comfort. It was always casual, like the two of you had been like this for years.
And then, one day, Rory kissed your lips instead. You were rambling about a new book you had read, and Rory just couldn’t help himself. You looked so cute, and although Rory loved to hear you talk, he was just overcome with the urge to lean over and kiss you.
You didn’t say anything about it, and neither did he. You just smiled at each other and then continued the conversation.
But that doesn’t mean Rory stopped kissing you after that.
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Part 2 of the Mistakes Series
Part 1: Mistakes. Part 3: Healing
Summary: You walked away from Joel after the confrontation at Bill and Frank’s. You thought you’d never see him again. Until you did.
Warnings: angst!!!!! reader is lonely :( Joel and reader are getting better at emotions!!! mentions of canon typical violence, allusion to sexual activities, happy-ish ending
WC: 2025
Notes: soooo here is the sequel to Mistakes!! I had originally planned on only having this series be two parts, and then I thought it would be three or four, but now I’m kind of back to only doing two bc I really liked how this part ended!!! Lmk what you think about that!!
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Walking out was simultaneously the best and worst thing you could’ve done for yourself. You didn’t wake up feeling unwanted. You did what you wanted when you wanted because no one was there to hover over you. You lived in the woods, trading with other people like you, dodging Infected, and killing raiders who tried to make your life more of a living hell than living on this earth already was.
But you were lonely. You missed the times you had with Joel and Tess before everything happened. You missed the feeling of having a family, even if they weren’t a great one at the end. They were the only two people you trusted, and not having that safety net was terrifying. But you made your choice and you stuck to it. On April 23rd, 2023, you left the Boston QZ and didn’t look back, not even as Joel pleaded with you to stay. Not even as you saw tears start to fill Tess’s eyes for the first and last time. Not even as you snuck through the gate and slit the FEDRA agent’s throat who tried to stop you.
For a year, you wandered. Slowly, you traveled, going from Boston down to Pennsylvania, then you made your way through the Midwest. You didn’t really have a destination, you just knew that you wanted to be as far away from Boston as you could get.
And on April 23rd, 2024, you found Jackson, Wyoming.
Well to be more specific, the residents found you.
As always, you were wandering on your own. What was snow covered terrain in the winter was now grasslands in the spring as you hiked over prairies and rolling fields, slowly approaching the Rockies to the west. At some point, you crossed a few rivers, but honestly, so much of what you traveled had blurred together at this point. It was nighttime, and you laid down to rest, setting up a small camp as always. You slept for only two hours, which wasn’t abnormal for you. But what wasn’t normal for you was to be surrounded by three people on horseback pointing rifles at you when you woke up. Immediately, you put your hands in the air. You could take three people easily if they were on the ground, but on horseback, you were at a major disadvantage.
“Who’re you?” the one in the center asked.
His accent was familiar. You searched for his face, blinking your eyes open in the dark, slowly adjusting to the low light.
“‘M Y/n. Just passing through.”
“You by yourself?” he asked again.
Your eyes widened once they were finally adjusted from the dark.
It was Tommy, Joel’s brother.
You knew him back in the day, before he ran off to join the Fireflies. He was always a bit friendlier than his older brother, despite everything he’d gone through. And he was handsome, though you had always preferred Joel in that regard.
Your voice was much more confused than you would’ve liked, but it made him stop in his tracks. He studied your face, searching for something in it until the light turned on.
“Oh, shit, you’re that Y/n! Sorry I didn’t recognize you at first, it’s been a while.”
But his gun was still pointed at you. And you knew why.
“I’m not Infected. You can check me yourselves if you want.”
You rolled up your sleeves and your pantlegs to prove a point, showing off the lack of bites and claw marks on your body.
The person on the right, a woman with dark hair jumped down from her horse. It was at that point that you noticed a dog beside them, growling at you.
“The dog will know if you’re telling the truth,” she said.
You tensed up. Despite knowing that you were clean, the large creature baring its teeth at you was still unnerving. But you allowed him to approach, and soon his growls faded as he nudged you with his nose. You couldn’t help but smile as you scratched his head, the animal giving you some comfort as you looked up at the people who were now getting off of their horses. Tommy offered you his hand and you took it, allowing him to help you off of the ground. The dark haired woman smiled at you, and the other person, a man with light brown hair and glasses looked you over.
“It’s good to see you again, Y/n. It’s been a long time,” said Tommy with a smile.
“It’s good to see you, too. Always enjoyed your company,” you responded honestly.
His smile grew a little wider, but then dropped as he asked you, “What are you doing out here by yourself? Always thought if I saw you again, it would be with Joel and Tess.”
You tensed up, and he noticed.
“Long story. Don’t have time to tell it,” you offered simply, “what about you? Still with those Fireflies?”
He chuckled, “Not exactly. I’ll show you when we get there. You can share my horse.”
Despite not seeing him in many years, you trusted him. So, ignoring the sleep that wanted to retake you, you gathered your few belongings and got on the horse, along with the two others. During the ride, you learned their names were Maria and Allen.
“Maria’s my wife,” Tommy said, beaming with pride, “we’re parents now, can you believe it?”
You smiled at them both, “Congratulations!”
But why would they want a child in a world like this?
As the sun was rising over the Wyoming mountainside, you arrived at your destination. You couldn’t help but gasp out loud at the wooden gates and stare in shock at the beautiful town sprawled out before you.
“Holy shit, Tommy!” is all you could think to say.
Tommy laughed, his eyes crinkling at the sides, “Welcome to Jackson.”
Maria smiled and said, “We’ll find a place to put you up. I’m sure you’re tired since we interrupted your sleep. We can take you on a tour in the morning.”
Suddenly, your exhaustion hit you, your eyes drooping involuntarily as a yawn escaped your lips.
“That sounds great.”
You honestly didn’t even remember falling asleep, but when you woke up to knocking at the front door of your new house, the sun was high in the sky. You yawned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you trudged through your bedroom and the rest of your house to reach the front door.
“Hey, Y/n! Feel a little better?”
Tommy was on your doorstep with a smile.
You nodded, “Still a little sleepy, but much better, thank you.”
“Good,” he said, “you ready for that tour, now?”
Tommy led you through town, pointing out the important buildings: the stables, the bar, of course, and the clinic, while explaining how things worked in town.
“Oh, and since you’re capable, we’ll probably put you in the patrol rotation as soon as you’re settled in…”
But you weren’t listening anymore. The two of you approached the school, since Tommy thought maybe you could help teach there, and there you saw something you hoped you’d never see again.
He was talking to a teenaged girl with brown hair and a bright smile. He was laughing at something she had said, his eyes twinkling with a brightness you had never seen in them before.
Blood rushed to your ears as your heart pounded in your chest. You couldn’t help the way your hands shook as adrenaline rushed through you.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to see him again.
“Y/n, you okay?” asked Tommy softly.
Joel’s head whipped around upon hearing your name. It couldn’t really be you, could it? Your hair was too long and tangled, your clothes too torn and dirty, your shoes barely staying on your feet.
But those eyes were unmistakable. They carried so much weight, even more than the last time he saw you. They were filled with fear, anger, sadness, but worst of all, loneliness. And it was his fault.
Joel never stopped blaming himself for what happened. He missed you every day, and no one, not even Tess could pull him from his misery. Ellie filled the Sarah-sized hole in his heart, but there was still a you-sized hole from the past year. And now that you were before him, he was determined to get you back.
The soft murmur of your name was enough to shake you of your stupor.
You said nothing more. What else was there to say?
“Hey, Ellie, you want to come to my place? Maria’s baking cookies,” Tommy asked, giving you both a meaningful look.
“Sure! You’d better come around then, too, Joel!” the girl, Ellie, said cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to what was occurring.
“I will, Ellie. You run along now,” Joel replied, smiling softly at the retreating figures of Ellie and his brother.
Then his attention was on you. And quite frankly, you didn’t know what to do.
Joel stepped toward you, closing the gap until you were face to face with the man that had been haunting your dreams for the past year.
“Didn’t expect to see you around here,” he said.
You heard the weight his voice carried. Even if others couldn’t read the stoic man, you could. You knew him too well, even after all of this time.
“Well that makes two of us.”
The bitterness still tinging your voice makes him wince slightly.
“It’s good to see you alive,” he offered, “that you’re okay.”
“No thanks to you.”
The tone was sharp, offered no room for friendliness or forgiveness.
Joel sighed softly, running his fingers through his graying hair, “I know. I’ve thought about it every day.”
That made you pause, the anger simmering below the surface beginning to give way.
“Me too.”
You wouldn’t say that you missed him. That you dreamed about a world where the three of you were still a team. That when you felt really lonely, your fingers would slip below your waistband, still thinking of him. That you often wished desperately that you never left. But you felt like he knew.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
His smile was tight lipped and his eyes swam with the ghosts of your shared past.
“No Tess?”
Her absence was noticeable to you. In the time the three of you had worked together, you didn’t go anywhere without the others.
Joel shook his head, “Dead.”
“Oh,” you gasped, “I’m sorry.”
And you were. Tess was a good friend and a strong ally. Her death was unexpected to you, and you knew Joel had to have been there to see it. You wouldn’t wish that upon your worst enemy.
He looked at the ground, breaking eye contact with you for the first time, “Losing her was hard. I had already lost you, and then I lost her. Just like Sarah.”
Joel was never one to talk about his emotions, but you had broken down that wall during your partnership. And though you didn’t let your guard down to him, here he was using a wrecking ball.
“Joel, I-” this time you ran your fingers through the tangled mess that was your hair, trying to search for something to say.
But he continued, “I know what I did to you was wrong. Shutting you out wasn’t the answer, and I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t. But maybe leaving wasn’t the best answer for me, either.”
That was the first time you had really admitted that to yourself.
“I should’ve talked to you, like this, before making a choice so rash. I’m so-”
“You don’t have to apologize. You did what you had to. You have to do what’s best for you in this world,” Joel interrupted, returning his gaze to you.
You nodded, “Well, maybe this is a chance for us to start fresh. Maybe it was meant to happen.”
The ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, “Maybe it was. Let me walk you home.”
And you did, with the feeling that you’d let him do it again and again.
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chairwritexv · 1 year
may I request hcs about the rottmnt boys finding a anxious child reader that is a leatherback sea turtle mutant? Leatherback sea turtles are the biggest sea turtles yet have a softshell with spines and no scutes(basically a more aquatic larger calmer softshell turtle) you don't have to do it if you can't or don't want to!
i am so sorry this took so long!! i took a bit of a break from writing for mental health reasons, but i’m going to try and start opening rqs back up again !! also i just did group headcanons for this one bc i’m still getting back into it plus i couldn’t really think of anything for them individually :,,,) i’m so sorry, i hope you still enjoy it !! ♡
tw ❦ hints to reader being orphaned
platonic ❦ romantic
fandom ❦ rottmnt
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i’d like to think they found you before big mama came into play and they found out about the other yokai
so they were all equally shocked and confused
they found you in an alleyway in the city, somehow you’d gotten to new york from the hidden city
you’d been alone most of your life, and you were constantly anxious and scared
it didn’t help that you were now in a very unfamiliar city, with these very weird looking creatures (humans)
however, you did feel a bit safer around the boys as not only were they yokai, they were also turtle yokai (a type you hadn’t seen much of)
also, because you’re a leatherback (A VERY VERY LARGE TURTLE--), none of them realized you were a child until you told them
you grow up to be bigger than raph lmao-
they collectively decide to take you in
donnie’s a little hesitant at first and kinda seems like he doesn’t like you but he gets used to you and starts to care for you
out of all of them mikey is the most excited and understanding
if you have any sensory issues paired with he anxiety he’ll ask donnie to make you some headphones or whatever you need
donnie will also take a quicker liking to you if you suffer from the sensory issues because he Understands
it takes you awhile to get used to your new home
especially seeing as how the boys hid you from splinter for like a week
ok it was more like three days bc these boys can’t lie for shit
splinter wasn’t very accommodating at first, he didn’t really want to have to take care of another turtle (he barely felt like he was taking care of the boys good enough),, but he eventually caved
sometimes leo can be a bit too loud (which can be triggering for some people depending on the anxiety) so you may tend to avoid him at first
he’s sad bc he doesn’t know why you’re avoiding him
but when he realizes it’s bc he’s being too loud he immediately feels super guilty and tries to stop
obviously he can’t completely stop bc it’s part of his personality, but if you hold your finger to your lips i’m a ‘shh’ gesture he realizes he’s being too loud and he quiets down
mikey can sometimes be too loud too but he usually realizes when he is and can stop a bit easier
anyways they all really love you and you for sure found your forever home <3
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hope you enjoyed !
i’m not sure who made these dividers but lemme know so i can credit <3
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hahskeleton · 7 months
Ask Copy Eclipse AU!!
Welcome to my blog! If you want to know about me click here! This is my main blog btw I got nowhere else to be :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Nothing inappropriate
please treat the characters nicely
you may pat and hug and gift things to the characters or smth
basically every other rule to other typical ask blogs/rules apply here too
don’t keep spamming the same ask over and over if I don’t answer it. If you do I will never ever answer it.
Fanart for the boys are allowed! No need to ask!
main info post I have for it rn is this. I’m making a master post. I will infodump on you below the cut tho :)
that’s your cue! Let me or Copy or anyone else answer your everlasting questions!
So far only one person has a different look than how they look in the actual show, and it’s Eclipse, or Copy if you’d rather call him that to avoid confusion.
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Infodump! Here we go!
Imported from the post linked above
This AU takes place just after Eclipse died and Lunar came back. Sun didn’t kill Bloodmoon either! Killcode’s still alive, too. Also, Solar hasn’t and never will move in in this AU (sorry Solar enjoyers) Long story short, Lunar claimed to want to give Eclipse a second chance before he had died, but since he was dead it was too late for that. Or was it? Moon rebuilt Eclipse, purposely making sure that he would never get his memories back hoping he’d turn out better in the end. To hide his copy’s past, Moon made it clear that nobody could ever mention what Eclipse was like before and thus Copy’s/Eclipse’s life was all a complete lie and he didn’t know it. They lied about everything, and if Eclipse ever found out he’d be Fanart and questions and anything else is appreciated! I’ll most likely post an ‘Ask Copy Eclipse AU’ thing soon bc I’m fixated on this rn if you got questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Comments or in the ask box are good!
So, adding additional information, Lunar wasn’t told Eclipse was coming back with no memories and was just a mere copy of his body, voice, and a bit of his snotty attitude. Moon lied and said there was no way for him to return with memory.
In hein sight, Moon basically is the most to blame for how Eclipse/Copy is living his life now—memoryless and clueless— but he doesn’t know that nor does anyone else.
Copy has pretty honestly gone about his days pretty normal ever since he “woke up”. Never had problems with a virus or anything like old moon had, but for some reason he has terrible nightmares and fever dreams about him doing terrible things. He’s spoken to Moon about it but every time he brought it up to any of his siblings, they dismissed it quickly saying it was “just a dream”. Strange.
this post will be edited as lore rolls in and as I add to the au
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kyberblade · 11 months
Bring You Back (Din x Reader) - Back To You Halloween AU
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A/N: You all can blame @fordo-kixed-rex for this. She asked me, “What would happen if there was an AU where the reader in BTY went Darkside?” And I said how dare you here’s what would happen and it went from there. I’ve been sitting on this for months. It’s been torture. The name is based off of a song that just clicked for it, Bring You Back by Gold Brother, LIIV and if you want extra emotional damage, put it on repeat while you read. I am not advising this for health and safety reasons. I’m not to be held responsible for any turmoil this may cause. You do so at your own peril.
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Summary: The Darkside is always a temptation, even at the best of times…. What would happen if you ended up slipping further and further down a dark path? ….A path they couldn’t follow?
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. I know. I’m confusing. Welcome to my brain. Part of the Back To You Universe, so you’ll be kinda confused if you read it on its own, bc spoilers, but it can be read as a stand alone if you want. (Idk where exactly it takes place, but I know it’s after Part 19, sometime before or during TBoBF timeline that will be coming up in the sequel Close To Home.) Mando’a. Arguing. Mentions of saga typical violence. (See how frustratingly vague I was there?) It ends on a brighter note, don’t worry. It’s not all gloom and doom. I couldn’t do that to them. ……or could I? 😈
Word count: 2,326 (I know. What even is this drivel?)
Thank you to @fordo-kixed-rex for the idea and seeing this through from start to finish. And @littlemisspascal and @what-the-heckin-heck for flailing on this with me as it developed. I really appreciate you guys. You make me smile a lot. 😁
Also, stay tuned at the end for some kick ass art by @fordo-kixed-rex. 👀 (You’re not prepared. I’m telling you now. Buckle up, children.)
It had been little things, at first. Just small things he’d normally not think twice about, but they started to make him take a closer look. 
The way you’d look at an enemy.
At him.
His son.
It was icy, glazed over, and distant, yet fiery and ruthless all at the same time. It painted those under its gaze in shades of fear. 
Of disdain.
With something close to death.
Din hated that last thought, but he’d been around enough of that in his life to know what it looked like. He knew death intimately. It was a close acquaintance. He’d brushed up against it time and time again, and each time it would kiss his cheek with a promised, soon, as he whispered back, not today.
He wouldn’t pretend to know the workings of the Force. It was still a mystery to him. But he knew you.
And this wasn’t it.
This was something else.
You were shadows. Shadows of what you were. Of yourself. A shell. Something wasn’t right. But like always, Din felt like he was looking at a sun when he’d stare at you for too long, so he could never look long enough to tell exactly what was off. He’d only get lingering impressions, spotted vision that left him open and vulnerable.
A rattled crate here. A broken box there.
A common thief just after a few credits left clutching their throat as the life was choked out of them by an unseen hand; their wide eyes peering over your shoulder, pleading with him through his visor for just an ounce of mercy, an ounce of forgiveness from this…. Hell they had found themselves in.
But what could he do?
It had been made clear time and time again you didn’t listen when he told you what to do. In fact, you came to resent it. I am not a tooka, you would say, he remembered fondly, smiling down at the painting in his hands.
He’d bought it for you once upon a time. A token. A promise. Though unspoken, it was his vow at the time to always make it back to you. Then it had been used as a threat against him, against you, that had propelled this whole adventure into motion. Until….
Now he looked at the painting that once symbolized home, a dream, and he saw…. A void. Nothing.
He sighed.
If this was the path you truly chose, then he had to choose his own. For the good of the child. Himself. And for you.
He’d confront you somewhere private. Some backwater planet. You’d always wanted to see somewhere green…. He just wished he’d gotten around to it sooner. Maybe then…. Maybe then you’d be happy about this visit, instead of what he expected, which was anger at him.
But he couldn’t keep waiting.
Couldn’t keep putting it off.
Din turned toward the ramp with another sigh. He knew this would break your heart.
He knew because his was already breaking.
Normal POV
You looked around at the towering trees, smiling. Off in the distance between mighty boughs, a flicker of light…. Then another…. And another…. “Fireflies!” Despite your voice going up several octaves in excitement, you kept it hushed, hoping to not scare off the insects. But it turned out you didn’t need to worry about your voice, because as soon as you started toward them, they scattered, despite being a whole ships distance away from you.
Cocking your head, you tried to move towards another batch, but they too suddenly disappeared, scattering like the sparks of a dying fire.
Your brows narrowed in confusion as you came to a stop. They’d always swarmed to you, swirling around you in a cloud of light and energy, never had they run from you.
“That’s weird.”
“Maybe they sense it, too.”
You whirled around at Din’s low modulated voice. Once again he’d been able to sneak up on you, not a single bootfall down the ramp giving him away.
Smiling bemusedly at him, you settled your weight easily, head tipping back in question. “What do you mean?” You asked after a moment, turning to give him your full attention.
“Your powers, mesh’la. They’ve changed you.” His voice was low, pained. He stayed near the bottom of the ramp, his weight shifting slightly before he planted his feet and stood resolute, a sigh shrugging his shoulders gently before he went on. “At first I thought that was just the Jedi way, what do I know?” You chuckled softly. “But things have gotten worse. You’re…. You’re different.”
You scoffed, arms coming across your chest as your hip cocked out to the side, head tilting slightly with a sarcastic smirk. “You’re right. What do you know?” The words practically sneered from your lips, and you regretted them the moment they spilled, but you didn’t make a move to take them back.
It was like something had taken over your body, your motions…. Nothing felt entirely like your own, but it also felt so right down to your very bones. It made you shudder slightly at the contradiction warring inside your mind. 
Ignoring your slight, Din went on, his weight shifted to one leg. “Fine. Explain it to me.”
Arms going wide, you began to gesture as you spoke, voice raising with each word. “I’m doing this to protect the two of you, Din! I was useless before! Now I’m-“
“Now you’re what?”
“Strong.” Your brow furrowed as you stared up at his visor bravely. Holding his gaze, you never once wavered under its unforgiving stare. “Now I can help.”
“Really?” Din nearly chuckled, gesturing vaguely back toward the ship. “Because Grogu is so scared of you,” he dropped his arm, leaning in closer to you, his voice lowered, “he won’t leave the ship.”
“That’s not-“ you turned around in a circle and realized the kid wasn’t there. “Where is he, Din? You’re hiding him aren’t you? To prove a point.” Looking around once again, you let out an emotionless chuckle. “You stashed him in the bunk, didn’t you?” You started up the ramp. “I told you not to-“
You stopped in your tracks, staring blankly ahead toward the opening of the Crest, not really seeing anything in front of you but the white hot anger that began to brew just under your skin. “Excuse me?” If your words were any quieter, you’d not have heard them yourself. Turning to him, you arched a brow.
He stared at you in silence for only a moment before he spoke in a soft, but firm, voice. “Until you sort this out, don’t go back on the ship.”
With a scoff in disbelief, you shifted your weight to your other hip, one hand coming to rest there, and rolled your eyes. “It’s my home, Din.” You chuckled again, your tone still dry and mirthless. “What are you talking about?”
He walked past you up the ramp, turning once he was at the top and hesitantly lifting his hand onto the lever. “Until you sort this out, until you get back to…. You…. It’s not.” His visor fixed squarely on you, Din’s fingers rolled in a procession of indecision along the spine of the metal gripped tightly in his hand, his gloves creaking with the effort in the silence. You stared right back. Met him ounce for ounce. Until…. He pulled down and closed the ramp.
Stumbling backwards as the ship lifted a few feet off the ground, the ramp beginning to close, you fell to the ground with a thump , landing flat on your back. The wind knocked out of you as you stared up at the shrinking form of the Crest, an anger you’d never felt before consumed you, and you reached out one hand, crying out in anguish as you held the ship firmly in place. 
Whether it was a cry of pain, emotional or physical, fear, maybe even frustration, you didn’t know. All you knew was you couldn’t let them leave, and whatever it was boiled up and out of your throat as you watched the ship struggle against your hold. The metal moaned and groaned against your pull, the trees surrounding it bowing and bending in the wind from the engines. Limbs began to catch fire from the flames as Din hit the accelerators to try and break free from the phantom grip, but it was no use. 
Somehow you made it to your feet, one hand extended to keep the ship held still, tree limbs doused in flames falling to the forest floor with loud thuds all around you. With your other hand, you reached for your saber, not really sure why, but suddenly it was in your hand and ignited as you made your way toward the viewport of the ship.
Stalking around the corner, you stopped short when you saw your reflection in the transparisteel - your eyes had gone yellow and your saber - it had started to bleed. Red streaks were oozing down from the tip, tainting the once brilliant purple glow of balance with the bright red of hate. 
Blinking rapidly and shaking your head as you released the ship, you disengaged the blade and threw it to the ground, staring at it as if it had bit you while Din brought the ship back down with a thunk. 
The blaze of the fallen branches painted the reflective hull of the Crest in an eerie glow, shadows dancing all around as you curled in on yourself, staring at your saber where it had landed on the forest floor.
Din lowered the ramp and stomped down to you, getting in your face, but didn’t touch you. A deep enough breath would be all it would take to close the distance. You had to crane your neck back to hold the gaze of his visor, your face about to crumble under its weight this time. It’s the first time he’s seen you flinch in a long while. Looking at your reflection in his visor, you see your eyes are back to normal, but that settled next to nothing in your gut. “Let us go, mesh’la.”
“No. I won’t.” Then quieter. “I can’t.”
Din sighed, and you almost smiled at the borderline normal response from the Mandalorian. “Why not?”
Eyes fluttering shut, you willed yourself not to cry. “Because without the two of you, I’ll completely break. And when that happens….. when that happens, you’ll never get me back.” Making your way the few steps to the bottom of the ramp, you sat on it, still looking up at your warped reflection in his visor. It was fitting. Your eyes may be back to normal, but your face…. Your face looked twisted and broken. Exactly how you felt. “I’ll never get back to you.”
Shooting up in the small confines of the bunk space of the Crest, you took a sharp breath. Eyes darting all over, familiar blinking lights winking at you in greeting, the thunk under the cargo hold saying hello, and the soft snores of Grogu sawing steadily away in the background….
You jumped as strong, warm arms wound around your waist, the comforting press of a familiar chest leaning into your spine, the prickle of facial hair tickled your shoulder where it softly came to rest as gentle breaths puffed against your cheek….
“Mesh’la….?” A deep voice hummed in question.
A voice you’d know anywhere.
Vocoder or not.
“Sorry,” you breathed. “Bad dream.” Huffing out a laugh, you shook your head gently. “Bad dream.”
“Wanna talk about it?” He sounded like he was already halfway back asleep.
Turning your head to look at his profile in the low light of the bunk, you smiled softly as your eyes flicked over his face. “No, cyare.” Reaching a hand up to cup his cheek, you pulled him into you for a soft kiss. “Thank you. I’ll be fine. Nuhoy.” (“Beloved.”) (“Sleep.”)
As he pulled you back down toward the bedroll with him, your face melted into something a bit more contemplative.
It hadn’t been just a dream.
It had been a warning.
Slipping from the bunk once Din’s breaths had evened out, you walked over to where your belt hung by the fresher. Taking the saber from the belt, you glanced over to the open bunk, your expression tight, and closed the door with a wave of your hand.
Dismantling it down to the kyber inside, you breathed a sigh of relief when the crystal winked at you in the low light, unblemished. It’s purple hue completely unmarred from the ugly red it’d had in your dream.
After you reassembled the hilt, you ignited the blade and relaxed your shoulders further when the cargo hold was illuminated in the soft purple glow.
You stared at the blade for a moment, getting lost in the sea of silence hyperspace surrounded you with.
Be mindful, little one.
I sense much fear in you….
“Not right now, kyber blade,” you mumbled to yourself as you addressed the saber. “Now it’s time for sleep. Not time for voices.” Disengaging the blade, you clipped it back to your belt before making your way back into the bunk. “I couldn’t get a blue crystal. Or green. No. I had to get a wise ass purple one. The universe is testing me. Literally.”
Luke had told you to be careful, as well.
Maybe you needed to listen.
But this was a problem for the morning.
For now, you needed to do nothing but settle into the arms of your Mandalorian and rest.
But come morning…. Come morning, things were going to happen.
And you knew you would do whatever you needed to do to protect your family, your aliit.
Your clan of three.
Whatever it took, no matter how far you had to go….
You would always find a way to bring them back to you.
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(Click here for just the art in its own post.)
Tags To Come!
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snowblossomreads · 2 years
Verse Six: So I Gave Myself Over Willingly
Previous Chapter: I Never Knew My Killer Would Be Coming From Within
Summary: In where Severus opens a closed door, and [Y/n] closes it. (Or in where [Y/n] has the chance to escape but doesn't)
Pairing: Severus Snape x FemReader
Tag(s)/Warning(s): Angst (of course), Despair, Manipulation, Breaking Down, Smut [Dub-con/coercion, penetrative sex, oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, pet names, begging]
Word Count: 12K (it's what you guys deserve)
A/N: Hits post and runs. Jk So that took waaaay longer than expected and I'm sorry 😭😭 Life has been doing some things so it's been tough to write but here we are!! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter though bc it was a tough binch to write because I had to wrap basically everything up in it so sorry if it feels a little discombobulated.. Buckle up though and make sure ur necks are sturdy so you don't get whiplash from this chapter (granted the previous one was more whiplashy i think, sorry?). But still, enjoy and I'll see you at the end!
A/N+: AND I know I said I would throw the last two chapters up at once but I lied 😅😅🤣 you guys have waited too long and deserve something so here you go!
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Something had changed after that night.
After spending all her time existing within the four walls of the room she had been stored in since she was taken, [Y/n] was now being allowed to take her meals in the kitchen. Still being supervised of course but nonetheless, she was out of that room even if only for a little while.
Snape had also given her permission to stay in the living room while he was there and at first, she had refused and made a hasty retreat back into the room unnerved by his presence.
Yet he was persistent, repeatedly asking her until she relented and found herself just sitting quietly on the sofa near him as he read or worked in that tall wingback chair of his.
Additionally, he had bought her some new clothes to wear only a few days after that incident saying a change of clothing may make her feel better. Considering that she only had the clothes that were on her back when she came it would have made sense.
Maybe it would make her feel better in the dizzying situation she was in. But it didn’t. Especially when each article of clothing fit her just right. It only made her more anxious, more nauseated.
The change of his demeanor towards her was absolutely bizarre, frightening in a way that she couldn’t put a finger on. Not only did he take her hostage and then force her into deprave acts, but now he was being pleasant, even kind to her like he didn’t do those fucked up things to her. 
And it hadn’t sat well with her, this inexplicable shift, and it caused her stomach to tighten in discomfort, a pang of nausea washing over her each time she awoke. Yet as the uncountable days started to pass and the strange sort of pleasantry became familiar, expected almost, she found that her already exhausted psyche was becoming more confused.
It became worse as he began to allow her to leave that room of her own accord. Granted she knew he was watching, and if not him then Wormtail was. She was at least thankful that she had hardly seen that particular man around since the earlier encounter with him. 
But even with that she still felt frightened at her situation. Who wouldn’t be knowing that they had nowhere else to go? Trapped with a person who seemed to have two sides to them and was seemingly manipulating everyone around them. 
Herself included. 
These thoughts of fear and wariness swirled in the depths of her mind every single day that she had been there and it was absolutely exhausting.
So it was when he brought up going outside with him at the kitchen table where they sat, him reading the Daily Prophet while she picked at her breakfast, that she couldn’t help but be stunned into silence. Though it wasn’t as if she was talkative in the first place with him.
“I’m going into a muggle village today for some items.”
Head tilted downwards, she barely acknowledged what he had said as her eyes gazed blankly at the food in her bowl while she swirled it absentmindedly with her spoon. Why would she care that he would be gone? All it meant was that she would be locked up again within the four walls of that room.
“Would you like to accompany me?”
The circular motion of the spoon stopped immediately at his words and for a split second so did her breathing. Accompany him outside? What kind of sick game was he playing at? To dangle such an offer out to her knowing to be outside and free was the only thing she had wanted since she had been there. 
To offer such a thing only for it to probably be snatched away the moment she answered in the affirmative. It was cruel. But what more could she expect from him? Her silence had Snape peering over the paper in his hand one eyebrow raised as he studied her frozen form.
“Or would you prefer to be kept here?”
Yet, even those thoughts of him toying with her couldn’t stop the outburst that left her in a panic when he interrupted her spiraling. 
Head shooting up from its bowed position, [Y/n] watched as his eyebrows quirked up at her and the uncharacteristically lively way she had answered. And if she could see behind the paper that was partially obscuring his face, she would have seen thin lips drawn up into a minuscule smirk. 
Warmth prickled at her skin as she dropped her head back down, trying to avoid his examining gaze that she could still feel on her. It almost made her wish that she was still in that room because the crawling sensation he made her feel was unbearable at times. This being one of those times
“No, I meant I would like to come,” she began while gingerly dragging her fingers up and down her thighs trying to soothe herself before more quietly adding, “it’s been a while.” 
Falling silent after giving him an answer, the only sound between them was him turning the page of the newspaper causing it to rustle, and the white noise that she had become all too used to in this place. 
Moments passed in that silence and each one had her stomach tightening, her heart dropping and fingers digging into her legs as the chance of going outside seemed to grow further and further away each second he didn’t acquiesce. Who was she playing though? Did she really think he would let her accompany him outside? Truly-
“If that’s so,” he muttered looking at her barely touched bowl of food, “I advise you to hurry along with your meal. We leave in ten minutes and I expect you’ll need all of your strength.”
Looking up and going to meet his gaze, [Y/n] was only met with the moving pictures on the front page of the newspaper before going to stare down at her food. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been actually hungry as her diet consisted mostly of fear that left her unwilling to eat. 
But with the promise of going outside, and maybe, just maybe having a chance of freeing herself, she forced herself to eat the meal that was empty of taste and warmth.
It had taken her almost the full ten minutes to finish her food, and Snape had no problem inserting a remark here or there as time ticked closer. 
‘Hm, to think the promise of a walk outside was all you needed to be more responsive. How quaint.’
‘I’m almost done with this page and I would hurry if I were you.’
And as much as it would rattle her when he vaguely threatened to take away that chance of freedom, it had worked because the moment he closed the newspaper, she was staring at him, bowl empty and eyes pleading.
“Well then,” he said, placing the paper down, getting up, and walking beside her seated form before looking down at her. “Shall we?
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The moment she felt the warm breeze fluttering across her face, [Y/n] felt a tight ball of emotion begin to work its way up from her stomach before it sat heavily in her chest. 
Tears that she had thought were long shed attempted to prick at her eyes again as even in the gloominess of wherever this house was, she could still see that there were trees that had bright greenery adorning them. 
Greenery that had not been on any plant the last time she had been outside. How long had passed since she had been gone? After the first few weeks, she could barely keep up with time as it had been the least worrying thing on her mind.
“Now,” Snape’s voice broke her out of her thoughts and she flinched when she felt his fingers tightly enveloping her wrist. Looking up at him she was met with a raised brow. “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you but for your sake know that any funny business will get you nowhere. Understand?”
Funny business? And if she attempted any of that, what would he do? Kill her in front of all the muggles? Surely even he couldn’t obliviate all those people if he wanted to and even so he wasn’t at all stupid to cause a scene. 
No, that would be too simple, and with the glint in his dark eyes, [Y/n] could tell that it indeed would not be the case. So she couldn’t help but nod in agreement, a timid,
“Yes,” leaving her as even in the warm air a chill seemed to run down her spine at the look he gave her. Something told her a quick death would not be in store for her if she did try to do anything.
Seemingly pleased by that answer, he pulled her with him into the alleyway that divided the two buildings, not paying attention to the way she stumbled behind him before stopping in place. It almost caused her to bump into him yet he didn’t seem at all phased as he glanced around the area for any other sight of life.
“Hold on tight.”
His words were the last thing she heard before a squeak fell from her lips as he dropped her hand from his hold only to wrap his arms tightly around her. 
Head snapping up to look at him she felt a wave of nausea replace the feeling in her stomach as the sound of wind shrilled in her ear and her body felt as if it was being squeezed tightly. 
The vision of trees, the sky, and muggle machines passed by her in a whirlwind before a barely audible pop rang in her ear and they were standing upright again on solid ground.
Feeling his arms release her, [Y/n] made a step forward before a wave of nausea had her stumbling a bit. 
‘Perks of not apparating for a long time.’
She thought to herself as her hand flew blindly to the side to grab onto the wall to keep herself from falling flat onto the ground.  But instead of meeting the hard stone of the ground, she felt an arm wrap around her waist pulling her back gently.
“Tsk, steady you silly thing,” Snape murmured as his hand drifted to her lower back causing a shiver to climb up her spine at his firm touch.
“I’m fine.” She lied, gulping down the uneasy feeling bubbling in her stomach and turning back to look at him. For a moment when her eyes laid on him, she swore she saw an amused smile tug at his lip before it fell.  
Letting her go, he watched her take another step forward, less unsteady this time and more grounded.
“Thank you.” Her words of gratitude held hesitation and he merely shrugged before walking past her not even looking to see if she would follow.
“Mhm, come along then.”
Watching his back face her she began to follow in his footsteps not once even thinking to turn the other direction or apparate herself away from the place mind still hung on his words from earlier.
Venturing out of the alleyway they apparated into and blending in with the muggles, she followed him silently toward the many stands that lined the area.
It was lively. Crowded with muggles of all ages as they spoke to the sellers behind tables or stands while looking at the different wares that were being sold and trading banter amongst each other.
The noise of the conversations in the area had her wincing a bit, her senses no longer used to so much racket as it had been forever since there had been so many people around her.
She wondered, just briefly as they stopped in front of a stand selling a variety of produce and herbs, what they would do if they knew that a witch and wizard were only feet from them. 
Buying items just as they would acting as if this was an everyday occurrence for them even though it was not. Because it wasn’t every day someone's captor willingly brought them out. 
Eyeing him for a second, [Y/n] began to look around the area. Taking in the sights and people silently as Snape droned on to the merchant standing at the stall. 
Everyone there seemed to be so happy, exuberant in the sunlight that was pounding down on them as they went about their business. Children playing around as parents tried to corral them together. Teenagers hanging out with others speaking loudly and laughing. 
There was a joyful mood all around her. Yet she felt none of that joy while scanning the horizon. Even when her eyes landed on a figure standing on the far opposite of the stall they were at. 
Hands placed in their pocket as they watched over the people going and coming. The person looked most out of place with how stiff and uncomfortable they were. 
It was written all over their body how they didn’t seem to know how to act around all the people. Additionally, the clothes they wore didn’t match any of the muggle styles that the other people had on. No, it was more something a witch or wizard would wear thinking muggles would wear the same. 
And it was the same mistake that a lot of the trainees made during her time in Auror training. Failing to disguise oneself probably. All that to say the person she was staring at and who was currently failing their training was an Auror. 
Not a full fledged Auror no. But one in training at least and probably currently working on their concealment and disguise ability considering how easy it was to spot how out of place they were. 
That also meant that a real Auror, one that she may have worked with before or known, was here. Watching the student and also paying attention to their surroundings. 
Knowing that, it was as if her brain had suddenly snapped back on, words written almost in big red letters scrawled across her mind telling her to:
She could do it if she truly wanted to. Escape. Make a scene and attract the Auror's attention. She didn’t have to stay with the man who at the moment was paying no mind to her.
Yes, if she could just get the attention of the trainee somehow without Snape noticing her she would be free! Her heart raced at the thought. Eyes almost welling up with tears yet doing her best to tamp down any emotion that would bring his attention to her.
Scanning the area she tried to determine who was who if there was at least a friend in the area that she had not seen and vice versa. Of course, she didn’t think it would be easy looking for a trained Auror who would be perfectly disguised yet as she looked and searched she saw nothing. 
Saw no one looking at her or paying her any mind. No, everyone continued to go on their way enjoying their time out as they passed by happy and unaware that danger lurked around the corner. 
And then a thought hit her square in the face. If she ran, if she made a scene. What would happen to the muggles around her? Surely Snape was not going to just let her go. She wasn’t naive to believe that considering if she was found he would be receiving a one way ticket to Azkaban.
No, he would make sure she didn’t leave here alive regardless of any of the muggles around. What were a few muggle lives to avoid being sent to probably one of the worst places a witch or wizard could go? As that thought came another reared its head. What would happen to her if she got away? 
There was no doubt in her mind she would be brought back to the Ministry and questioned about all she had seen and all that happened. But what then? 
Let her go and go on about her life? 
Go home?
To an empty house that had death soaked into its walls and floor? 
What about the large target on her back she was sure she would have the moment she ran for it? Even if she was lucky and escaped, she would have to hide from Death Eaters until a day when they were no longer a threat.
Sure she could have other Aurors around her protection, or maybe stay at the Ministry for an indefinite time until it was safe but when would that happen? What made her so sure that any of the Aurors could protect her even if they tried? She had seen how the Death Eaters wiped out her team with ease so how would just a few Aurors work against them? 
And if she stayed at the Ministry what would happen if  You-Know-Who got the reign of terror he wanted? It would have all been for nothing. 
These thoughts bounced in her brain over and over spinning tangled webs of scenarios of how her running would turn out. And the frightening part was that they all seemed to lead down a road of living in despair, fear, and every so often death.  
Having been drowning in those thoughts, she hadn’t recognized her name being called, eyes glazed over as she stared at the spot where the Auror to be once stood. 
But they were no longer occupying that spot, no longer close enough to see and she had realized at that moment she had missed her chance. Missed her way to freedom that had been so close yet held away from it by a fear that had seemed to come from nowhere.
The firmness in his voice along with feeling his hand landing on her lower back jolted her out of her trance, her eyes landing on him as tears pricked at her eyes. 
“Yes?” She whispered, the fire and adrenaline of seemingly almost free leaving her and being replaced with a hollowed out feeling that made her feel almost ill.
“You seemed tired,” he started, eyebrow raised as he examined her features, no doubt seeing how glassy her eyes were, “I think that is enough, no?”  
For a moment there was a silence between them that seemed to suck all the noise around them away before she answered him.
“Yes…I think so too.”  
The hand that he had placed on her back slipped down and away from her before she felt his digits brush her limp ones. A sense of unease usually filled her whenever he touched her like this, yet now she felt nothing. 
Instead, she made no effort to pull away like usual when he went to envelop her trembling hand with his own steady and firm grip allowing him to guide them back to the alleyway they had arrived from and apparating back to his home. 
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When they returned, the rest of the day had been spent in a silence that was normal for them now. But they both knew another change had occurred. One that she didn’t want to acknowledge as it would make it real, and one he didn’t want to force out of her because well, there was no gain in that.
So when she was summoned from her room after skittering back into it almost voluntarily when they returned, Snape couldn’t help but truly examine her slumped form as she entered the kitchen. The longer she had been holed up in this place, the more her body language showed how physically tired she was. 
Dark circles had long painted themselves under her eyes from the tormenting nightmares that stayed with her from morning to night. Not even in her dreaming, where one should be able to at least forget what the day brought, had she been safe from his entrapment as she had found out quickly enough. 
Yet he still could tell that even through all of it, that there had been a fighting spirit in her. A defiance that burned and a naive hope that she would get out of the situation that she had landed herself in. 
But this weariness she showed to him at the moment seemed different. There was no light in her eyes. No amount of defiance radiated from her as she quietly sat across from him, not even acknowledging the food in front of her. 
There was nothing. Just her and him in a world that probably no longer acknowledged that she had been a part of it. Not when she had been missing for so long without as much of a trace of where she had gone to. 
Not that the Ministry would ever find one that is. 
It was Snape that broke the silence between them just as he had done that morning, eyes squarely on her as she finally began to pick at her food. 
“I hope that I can bring you out again.”
A simple statement that needed no responding to. Not that he was expecting one from her as she mindlessly brought a spoonful of food to her mouth.
“I don’t care for it but it seems to do you well.”  
He continued, bringing his cup up towards his lips to drink from while just taking in the sight of her sagging shoulders and how her eyes stared pointedly at the bowl in front of her. 
“Why didn’t you try to run?”
That finally seemed to have captured her attention as her hand froze midway through scooping up the food in her bowl. For a moment she stayed that way not looking up at him, eyes still glued on the meal in front of her. 
Not one to enjoy repeating himself, he waited, giving her time to fill the silence with her answer.
“What do you mean?”
Her voice was barely above a whisper as she kept her face low while the grip on her spoon tightened.
“Don’t play dumb with me,” he sneered, tone laced with annoyance yet devoid of any real malice towards her as he continued. “Do you not think I know an Auror when I see one? You all are hardly as inconspicuous as you try to make yourself be.”
Silence blanketed them again but this time there was a tension in it like a tightly wound knot that was about to unravel or an invisible crackle in the air that only needed a spark to ignite. And the spark came with his next words.
“You had your chance yet here you are still,” Snape pointed out eyes still on her, “surely a mind as brilliant as yours knows why.”
“I don’t know.” 
“You don’t…know?”
There was an incredulous quality in his tone as he repeated the weak response that she had given. 
“Is that all…you don’t know?” He asked, watching as her sagging shoulders tensed up as she placed the spoon that she had held so tightly down.
“Maybe,” she murmured almost inaudibly, lifting her head revealing a pointed glare at him while trying to hold in the tears that had been burning in her eyes since they had returned. “Maybe it was because I was worried about the muggles that were there who might get hurt if something happened,” she answered, voice shaking yet gaining in volume. 
“Or maybe it’s because if I ran, and managed to escape somehow  I wouldn’t even be able to sleep, wouldn’t be able to live because I’m scared some Death Eater is going to come barreling through my door trying to kill me like they did my parents and brother!”
A shrill tone had seeped its way into her voice as [Y/n] suddenly shot up from her chair, knocking it backward with a loud clatter that she ignored as she stomped over to him. Unflinchingly, he watched her approach him, his expression neutral as he watched a range of emotions twist her features before it stopped at one. 
Slamming her hands on the edge of the table causing the dinnerware to shake she stood over him, tears beginning to stream down her face. “Or is it,” her breath hitched, “i-is it because I know when I go home, there will be no one? Absolutely no one there. Because of me.” 
“Does that make you happy?” She shouted her voice cracking from the intensity as her body trembled with the grief that she had been carrying for months at that point. 
Refusing to wipe the tears out of her eyes she stared at him with her blurred vision. His expression was fixed the entire time she had been screaming at him, unaffected by her cries and tears and it wasn’t unexpected. There was no twitch of his lips, no raise of a brow like he would usually have done. 
He just sat there cold and distant as she broke into a million pieces in front of him. It shouldn’t have hurt her so much yet she couldn’t help the sudden weakness that seized hold of her limbs. Weighing her down as any strength from her was sapped. 
“Is that what you wanted to hear me say?” She whispered before her shaking legs gave out causing her to collapse on the floor in a weeping pile. Hands coming up to bury her face in them as sob after choked sob was pulled out from her while she trembled and cried.
“My family,” she rasped, her voice loud and raw filled with the agony that maybe if she had been more careful all of this would have never happened and her family and friends would have been still alive. Gasping for air, she tried to speak yet it was too much, all of it was just too much.
Instead of words, a cry left her lips that was immensely piercing as she lunged forward, arms wrapping around herself as she wept. It had been so ear-splitting that it covered the sound of Snape’s chair scraping against the ground before he was next to her on the floor. 
Arms finding their place around [Y/n] he dragged her close to him in an embrace as his hand began to stroke circles on her lower back. Yet as comforting as embraces were supposed to be, this one only had her sobbing louder as she stayed in his arms too tired and distraught to try and fight him away.
“Why, why did this have to happen,” she gasped out trying to claw back as much air into her lungs as she could, “if I- if I would have just died that day they-they-.”
Unable to finish her thought as her mind swirled over and over with guilt about everything that had happened, another noisy cry left her body as she sunk completely into his embrace no longer caring that he was holding her.  
It was all just too much.
“Shh enough of that now.” Snape hummed as she shuddered with each shaky breath she took trying to regain some control over her emotions. 
Cooing at her, he continued to rub small circles on her lower back as if trying to comfort her, his voice low and silky as he whispered in her ear. “There was nothing you could have done to save your family [Y/n] you did your best. ” 
Had she been thinking clearly and not being strangled with the unrelenting thoughts of her failures, she would have cursed at him, hit him, and pushed him away yet all she did was continue to cry as she listened to him speak. 
“But even though they are no more,” he murmured softly, his lips ghosting against her ear causing her breath to become more uneven and her skin to prickle, “I would think they would prefer their daughter to be in capable hands, no? Someone who could take care of you and keep you from the same harm that came upon them,” he continued, lips caressing over the juncture of her neck as he spoke. “It would make them happy, wouldn’t it? And you’ve always done what you could to make them happy right?”
Pausing his speech, he pulled away to look at her yet her eyes stayed lowered as her mind reeled with the implications of his words. Without him, she would be alone having been her only contact with the world for a while not including today. 
Though even when she was out there she had felt utterly alone even when surrounded by those people. Even when she could have escaped, her thoughts always seemed to have ended back to Snape. Whether it be what he would do to others or what he would do to her to make her stay. 
So if she escaped, she would be in danger for an undetermined amount of time. But if she stayed at least she would be safe from the wrath of any Death Eater. He had also been kinder to her recently as if trying to wipe the memories of earlier on away. It was strange but it had been welcomed even if she had been on edge about it. 
But fighting him all this time didn’t work, it was never going to work and she knew that from the moment she was given to him and he refused to let her go. And she was utterly exhausted, waking up every day with little to no autonomy along with the fear of him just getting tired of her resistance and outright killing her once his patient facade ran out.
So it was okay, right? Okay, for her to accept it, to ease the suffering that was crushing her heart, suffocating her, and clouding her mind every day. Okay to do something to avoid the pain the future would no doubt bring if she didn’t accept it. Right?
You don’t have to fight anymore. Just stay. 
Dimmed eyes finally turned to look at him, tears still clinging to her eyelids as she gazed up at the concerned expression that he wore. That was a first. To see any other look from him other than contempt, or just pure uninterest.  
“Y-you, won’t let them hurt me?” She stuttered out, looking into his dark eyes that seemed to dig into her mind as she bargained with herself.
With a shake of his head, he leaned down slightly closing some distance between them before bringing a hand up to caress her tear-stained cheek softly. 
It was almost lovingly the way the back of his palm slid against her skin. Slowly, with no haste in his movement which caused a shiver to crawl up her spine and a knot to begin to grow in her stomach as he captured her attention with his words and actions.
“Never,” his voice was no louder than a murmur, it was deep, and dark as it vibrated inside her while his lips neared her ear. “No witch or wizard will ever be able to hurt you [Y/n],” he whispered, causing her breath to hitch at his closeness, at the way his voice seemed to seep deeper into her causing something in her body to awaken. “Let me keep you safe, isn’t that what you wanted all this time? To be safe?”
She had hardly known what that felt like for so long. To be safe. To not wake up and fall asleep worried about what would happen to her. To not have to consider what would happen to her if she did run away. 
No, if she stayed put at least she would have some idea of what was to come for her. At least in this hell, she knew the devil who ruled it, and what he wanted from her. 
If he had wanted to kill her, he would have done that months, weeks, or days ago. He had every chance to. However, here she was with his arms wrapped around her, body pressed against hers, and what seemed to be a sincere look on his face. 
One that lulled her into a stillness, had her shoulders slumping and had the last drops of tears being blinked away. As inaudible as the way her resolve shattered in front of them, it was the same as the word that fell quietly from her lips.
It was so hushed that had he not been close to her, had there been any other noise right before she spoke neither of them would have heard it. 
Her voice was unrecognizable to herself as she gazed up at him, the realization of her signing away her freedom to him long buried in the depth of her mind. Because what was signing something away that you didn’t have in the first place?
“I’ll stay, I won’t try to run or leave again,” [Y/n] whimpered, as she searched his face for any sign of understanding, “ so please just, just…” 
Her words trailed off as her mind replayed his vile words to her in the beginning. The assaults, the sleeplessness, and invading of her own mind to twist it and doubt the feelings she had. Yet somehow all of that began to be clouded over with a strange relief.
Relief born out of knowing that by accepting to stay she would never have to face that again. Never have to face danger again. Just stay and exist. 
The thought itself was pleasant. Something she had wanted even if this was not the way she thought she would get it.
As if he could understand her without words, Snape simply nodded. 
He went to stroke her cheek once more while the arm already wrapped around her drew her closer to him in a firm and protective grip. Warmth radiated from their bodies as they sat near each other, [Y/n] almost on his lap as she clinged to him like a sort of lifeline. 
A sight to behold for both of them if they saw it from another view, as Snape leaned his head down towards her, his lips skimming against her forehead ghosting over the skin before hovering just inches away from hers. 
There was a tremble in her, yet she didn’t pull away, didn’t try to rip herself from him in disgust and realization. Instead, her fingers tightened their grip on his shirt as she swallowed before tilting her head up just enough that their lips brushed against each other. 
Her movement was all it took before Snape was pressing his lips lightly against hers. Sealing their pact as he dropped the hand from her cheek and took hold of her with both arms. 
Their bodies were crushed together as a soft mewl caught in [Y/n] throat at the sensation of being held so tightly and protectively. 
Being kissed so lightly yet feeling a furious undercurrent right beneath it that took her breath away as her eyes fell close and she allowed herself to be pulled into his desires.  
“Let me keep you safe.” 
Words husked out as she looked at Snape with lidded eyes and swollen lips as he pulled away from her. Mind in a haze, she nodded at him and watched as he stood. 
And for a moment he hovered over her, eyes raking over her disheveled form that was practically laid out in front of him before going to help her up. Wobbly on her feet, she let him guide her out of the kitchen, past the living room, and up the stairs. 
Her eyes never left his form, as she trailed behind him. Their fingers entwined as they passed the room that she had reluctantly called hers for all this time. 
Its door stood open, light filtering in yet she paid no heed to it as they went past it. No, there was no light where she was going as they went deeper down the hallway before Snape was opening the door to another room.
His own.
Had she had time she would have observed all that was around her. From the items placed on shelves to the stack of chests that sat in the corner of the room.
But there was none as when they passed the threshold of the door, she was immediately being spun around to face him. His hands reached down, tugging at the hem of her skirt yanking it and her underwear off with little resistance from [Y/n] who made no move to stop him. 
Next was the blouse that he had brought to her a number of days ago. That and her bra were unceremoniously torn off her and discarded somewhere to the side causing her to shiver at the sudden cold air that kissed her skin. 
The discomfort was suddenly forgotten as she felt herself being engulfed in his arms, his lips finding the spot on her neck and a hand cupping her ass squeezing harshly and causing a low whimper to leave her. 
Slowly he walked them back, his mouth sucking and kissing at her bare skin as heat corded in her stomach from the way he squeezed and caressed her behind. 
With each step he took forward, she moved backward and before long, a surprised sound left her throat when the back of her legs hit the bed and she found herself tumbling onto the soft sheets and plush mattress that was his bed. 
For a second she couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by his scent that lingered on his bedspread. It was dark, intoxicating, and oddly sensual as she lay upon the silky sheets that felt so good against her skin. 
If she could stay there forever, she probably would as she never felt so immensely drawn to something so suddenly. Slowly she dragged herself further up the bed so that she was basically laying right in the middle of it. 
Peeking up at him with lidded eyes, dark eyes glittered when they met her own unsure ones, holding her attention as he began to shed his clothing. First, the frock coat was tossed to the ground, then the cravat that was nestled comfortably around his neck fell on top of it. 
The white button up dress shirt underneath came next, leaving his upper body bare as his digits began to slowly move down to his trousers. 
It was as if she was hypnotized as she watched him, his fingers brushing against the impression of his arousal. Stroking it languidly as he watched her stare at him. 
Her breath picked up slightly and her core throbbed when he began to unbutton himself and [Y/n] couldn’t stop her thighs from clenching together. 
Her body, already excited from his touches and kisses, was becoming even more aroused at the sight in front of her and what was to come. But she couldn't stop the way her eyes snapped close and how she turned her head away from him as he began to remove his trousers. 
It wasn’t as if she hadn’t seen his cock before. He had used her mouth more than once for his pleasure and her torture. Even fucked her in her dreams. 
However, all she could do now was listen to the sound of him shuffling his clothes off, a quiet groan filling the room before she felt the bed dip beneath her, and sensed his body hovering over hers. 
“Open your eyes,” he hummed, taking her chin gingerly into his hands and turning her so she was facing him. 
She couldn’t, even if she wanted to open them she couldn’t as it felt like there were weights holding them close. And had it been any other time before this, he would have probably forced them open to look at what he was doing to her body. 
Make her watch as he unraveled her knowing where exactly to touch and kiss to have her mind and body dueling each other for control. But he didn’t. 
Instead, he leaned down and pressed feathery kisses against her closed eyelids. Trailing down to take her lips in a brief kiss before he began to suck at her neck. A sigh escaped [Y/n] as he began to kiss and suck love marks into her skin that would no doubt be bruised the next day. 
The vision of her body being littered with marks from him made him groan into her skin as he felt his arousal become harder at the thought. 
Lips pressed against her neck one last time, he began to pepper hot kisses down her throat, sucking and licking all the way down until he reached the swell of her breast. Watching as her chest moved up and down with each shaky breath, Snape kissed her warm skin once more before looking up at her.
“[Y/n] open your eyes.” He commanded in that soft, yet domineering tone of his that had her eyes squeezing tighter and her fingers gripping the sheets underneath her. 
A whimper fell from her as she shook her head from side to side. No matter how much she tried, it just felt like her eyelids were glued shut not wanting to open and experience what was happening. She just couldn’t open them and maybe it was because somewhere in the back of her mind she was still holding out. Holding to some resistance that did not want to let go.
“I-I can’t.”
Expecting him to lose his patience with her, and preparing for the cruel man she had first met to come alive again she tensed as she felt him blow warm air against her nipples. In an instant, they tightened from the sensation and the temperature change causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.
His digits trailed up her body leaving a tingling sensation in its trail before he was cupping the round velvety flesh in his hands. Squeezing it between his digits before massaging the skin and leaving kisses all around it.
“Very well.” 
For a moment there was just stillness. Only the sound of their breaths mingled in the air as his fingers flicked at the hardened buds, rolling them in between each digit and pulling the sensitive flesh. 
A moan caught in her throat as the sensation had her heart feeling as if it would burst out of her chest while the feeling of want intensified in her stomach and had her throbbing. Over and over he rolled them causing her to sigh and arch until,
Eyes snapping open at the sharp pain that suddenly shocked her body replacing the pleasure that was coursing through her, a cry of surprise clawed itself out from her throat as she felt his teeth sink into her soft flesh. 
Craning her head to look at him, she was met with glittering eyes staring back at her shocked expression before the groan of pain died down to a whine as he began to suck at the tender flesh. 
His gaze was trained on her as his tongue swirled around the aching skin in an attempt to soothe the pain as his fingers rolled and pulled at her other nipple. 
With every suck, and pinch he watched her reactions, the way her eyes became lidded again, how she bit her bottom lip to keep a moan at bay. How she stared at him like she was caught in her own trance unable to break away from the pleasure that was churning in her body from his actions.
“Good girl.”
His praise came out as a growl, low, and guttural, causing the vibrations from it to sink into her skin, bury themselves into her bones and run up her spine as he continued to worship her soft chest. 
Broken whimpers and sighs formed and spilled from her lips as he moved to play with her other breast, giving it the same treatment as the other but this time only scraping the nipple with his teeth before taking it between his lips and sucking at it harshly. 
Feeling the hand that had found hold on her waist earlier begin to travel down her body, [Y/n] sucked in a harsh breath, stilling as his fingers stroked her lower stomach before slowly making their way in between her spread thighs that quivered.
Massaging the fleshy skin of her inner thigh, he squeezed the area lightly, while continuing to nibble at her hardened buds. Moving from one to the other making sure they were both tended to as his hand continued its journey upward before it was finally cupping her soaked opening.
Feeling the palm of his hand come into contact with her entrance had her moaning out, her hips bucking down in his hold involuntarily as he began to grind his hand against her. 
Moan after strangled moan left her throat as she rolled her hips, mind forgetting about any sort of resistance she tried to hold on to as the pulsing in her cunt grew stronger with each press of her hips towards his palm.
Everything felt so dizzying and intoxicating and it only worsened as he released her sore and swollen nipple from his lips. A smirk grew on his expression as he leaned up to capture her bottom lip sucking at it before pressing their lips together in a heated kiss.
Tongue swiping at her lips, Snape wasted no time and removed the palm of his hand from her cunt, causing a whine to leave her and her hips to jerk, already missing his touch. 
But it was only for a second as a high pitch sound left her lips, parting them open and giving him entrance to her as his fingers began to rub her already sensitive clit which had begun to throb as soon as she started to grind against his hand. 
Pressing his fingers against her pearl, he began to rub harsh tight circles against it as he continued kissing her and drinking in her moans. His tongue encircling hers, stroked and teased it before he felt her shyly begin to move her own tongue against his. 
Her actions had him groaning into her mouth pressing down further into her and, stealing almost all the will he had not to ravage her body right then as she began to finally accept him. 
Tongue swirling around his, licking it, tasting him, and exploring just as he was doing to her, [Y/n] couldn’t help but sigh from his touch and his kiss. 
For a moment he let her have her fun, let her do some teasing before he began to bully her curious little appendage into submission and exploring the rest of her waiting mouth as she melted underneath him. 
Her body loosened completely to him as her eyes fluttered closed and her mind only thought of the pleasure his mouth and hands were bringing her. 
Each press into her clit had her moaning into him, legs tensing and stomach clenching while her cunt ached and fluttered around nothing. Waiting and wanting for something to fill it up to soothe the throbbing that had become incessant. 
He held her there for what felt like an eternity, kissing and stroking her, cording her pleasure tighter and tighter. Making her moan louder into his mouth and grind her wetness against him as she gave him what he had been looking for. 
And as the throbbing in her lower body became stronger, singling that she was reaching her end, she couldn’t help the sob that was ripped from her as he suddenly pulled his fingers away. 
“Becoming needy now aren’t we?” He teased, pulling away from her lips and taking in her quivering form beneath him as a whimper broke free from her. 
Wide eyes and dilated pupils stared back up at him with desire and need burning in them as her lips, swollen and wet from the heated kisses he had placed on them, trembled.  
Leaning down and pressing his lips against her cheek in a gentle kiss, he began to move down on her body. Leaving kisses down her chest and stomach until he settled between her legs, eyes landing on her swollen opening that glistened with her juices that almost seemed to be dripping out of her.
It made his stomach burn, and his cock throb as he took in the sight of what his teasing had done to her. His eyes stayed fixated on her opening, how it seemed to clench and unclench looking for something to fill the void that was there. 
The sight was utterly vulgar and utterly delicious as he licked his thin lips, fingers going to spread her open filling the air with a wet sticky noise and her moans as he exposed her.
Just staring at her wet entrance had him thinking about all the ways he could fill her up. With his tongue, fingers, cock. Oh yes, he would show her. Show her how good it felt, how good it could have always felt if she had just let it. A groan broke free from him just thinking about all the ways he would have her.
“P-please.” Her voice, tiny and unsure, jolted him out of his thoughts as he felt her fingers brush against his hand causing him to look at the bashful expression on her face. “Please don’t stare like that.” 
It was a request that was so innocent sounding, so shy and nothing like what he ever thought he would hear from her. Well, that wasn’t all true, it was something he never thought he would hear so soon. But it was asked so sweetly that he couldn’t help but to agree.
"Of course,” he murmured as she saw a glint cross his eyes, “why stare when I can just have a taste?”
Not having a second to react to his words, a broken shriek of,
“Oh my god!”
Tore through the air as he pressed his face against her opening, tongue darting into her as he collected beads of her wetness while his fingers held her open for him.
Each swirl of his tongue inside her has her gripping the sheets, moaning and grinding her hips against his face in an attempt to feel him deeper inside. 
Harsh puffs of air push out of her lungs as the slick sounds of him licking and sucking her mingle around with groans that she no longer could pinpoint to either one of them. 
It was debauched. The way she was letting him consume her body and mind when she had tried to fend that exact thing off from the beginning. But she couldn’t stop, not when he was making her feel so good that she could hardly breathe. Not with the way he was making her body throb and want more from him. 
A louder moan broke through her barging, hips arching up as the sudden intrusion of his digits sliding into her alongside his tongue had her crying out. Each thrust was met with a lap from his tongue as he drank the juices that she was spilling out.
“Mmm so wet [Y/n],” he groaned out, voice muffled as he pressed his lips against her folds sucking at them and licking up the juices that his fingers were pulling from her, “delicious little thing you are with those pretty sounds.” 
Any sentence or word that she tried to form in her mind would undoubtedly have made no sense as all she could think about was what his tongue and fingers were doing to her. 
How he was stretching and milking her cunt with talented fingers and causing the burning in her belly to become so strong that it was almost painful from the pleasure that was rapidly building in her. 
She was so close and she needed this. Needed the release that he had been building up inside her.  Needed the coil inside her to snap as she felt his fingers begin to travel up. She needed it, needed him. 
As if he could hear her thoughts, he gave her a taste of what she wanted. His tongue and fingers began plugging deeper inside her causing an elongated moan to leave her lips. His fingers moved at a rapid pace as he stroked the spongy spot deep inside her while lapping at her causing loud squelching sounds of her wetness to fill the air. 
Not only that, he had pressed his entire face against her core causing the ridge of his nose to nuzzle her clit. Massaging and pressing against it in tandem with the thrust of his fingers inside of her.
Her entire body trembled as she clenched her hand into a fist, nails digging into her palms that would no doubt have crescent-shaped imprints in them when all was done. 
Telltale signs of her approaching orgasm began to wash over her as her cunt sucked his fingers in squeezing them and her clit throbbed with each nuzzle against it. 
Each thrust of his tongue and finger had her moans becoming higher and higher in pitch until all she could think about was the searing pleasure burning in her belly.
Her chest began to heave rapidly just as rapidly as the way he was plundering her body and soaking them both with her wetness. Feeling the cord in her belly tighten and tighten and her body trembling  her lips fell open a loud moan about to escape before it morphed in a sudden and choked out, 
It was a desperate almost animalistic sound that left her throat as Snape suddenly pulled away from her. His fingers and tongue slipped out and away from her soaked cunt that was twitching uncontrollably and her clit that was swollen and throbbing. 
Tears that seemed to have come from nowhere threatened to spill as she squirmed underneath him,  hips wantonly chasing back after his digits and tongue as a dark chuckle filled her ears.
“Eager, are we?” He husked lowly, “you’ll have me in you again soon enough [Y/n] just be patient.” He continued as he began to move his way back up against her body, fingers trailing up her skin and stroking her warm skin before settling such an intense gaze upon her that it caused her to avert her own from him. 
“Mm, none of that now,” he murmured, gingerly taking her chin in between damp fingers and turning her head to face him even though her eyes were still averted. “Look at me.”
Biting her lips, [Y/n] hesitated for a moment but only for a moment because as her mind tried to give her reasons not to do as he asked, his voice was back in all its soft dark velvet that had her wanting to obey.
“Sweet girl,” he whispered in a sultry voice, pressing a kiss to her forehead and cheek, “look at me, be my good girl, and look at me. ”
Something about the way he called her ‘good girl’ had her stomach churning in pleasure, a tiny mewl leaving her as she let the hesitation she held melt allowing herself to obey his words.
When their eyes met, she felt her breath hitch for a moment as she looked into black gleaming eyes. She had never once looked this deep into his eyes and as she did it felt like she was being sucked into an unending dark sea that had no end.
As dark as it was, and as unending as it felt, there was a strange sensation of never wanting to be let go of it. For not only was the darkness not cold as she thought it would be, but it was actually warm, inviting almost.
“There she is,” his voice invaded her senses pulling her up from that abyss as she felt his lips brush against hers, “such a good girl for me.” He added before pressing his lips against hers once more for another kiss. 
To his surprise and delight, it was her who deepened the kiss this time around. Her arms wrapped around his shoulder while she leaned up a bit to press against him even more. 
A growl emitted from his throat as she parted her lips for him inviting him to taste her again with no resistance. And he did. Tongue swirling around in her mouth as her fingers carded through his hair as she let herself be dominated. 
It was absolutely alluring to him, the way she was giving herself to the pleasure now, no longer fighting. And who was he to not enjoy the obedience that she was giving him? 
Pulling away from the kiss and watching as lust shined in her eyes while she stared at him as if waiting for him to tell her what to do. He leaned down, kissing her once more before placing his lips near her ear and whispering, “Would you like me to take care of you [Y/n]?” 
Whimpering a little at the question and the underlying meaning, she could only nod her answer fearing her voice would fail if she tried to speak. Instead of acquiescing, Snape shook his own head at her nonverbal answer, a little smirk playing at his lips.
“No, let me hear you. I want to hear you say the words.”
Unlike the way she hesitated to look at him before, there was no hesitation in the words she spoke even if they had not been hurried either.
“Please,” she begged in a tiny voice unrecognizable to herself, her arms tightening around his shoulder bringing him closer to her. “Please take care of me.”
A pleasant almost kind smile grew on his lips at her word before he leaned down and pressed them against her cheek before murmuring a quiet, “of course.” 
Letting out an almost relieved sigh, [Y/n] felt herself sinking further into the bed as Snape nestled his body right between her spread thighs that seemed to fall open more. 
Welcoming him as he wrapped his fingers around his cock, guiding it to her entrance and slowly beginning to roll his hips against her. Each rocking motion caused her to gasp as his cock began to nudge her entrance open with each movement. 
He did this a couple of more times, pushing past the entrance of her folds teasingly before pulling out, groaning at sticky wet sounds and little whimpers that fell from her. 
Each press against her had his control slipping as he toyed with her by slowly inching more of him inside of her with each rock of his hips. He stretched her slowly as her cunt began throbbing around him each time he entered and pulled away. Teasing her folds, running his cock through her wetness before pressing back in and groaning as her whines became more vocal.
“Mmm please~.”
She whimpered breathlessly looking up at him, her hips rocking into his, only being stopped when he held her still causing her to almost want to cry. 
It was becoming too much. She needed something in her. Something to stop the incessant throbbing that was almost painful from the amount of teasing and waiting. Stop the wildfire that was burning in the pit of her stomach that was becoming uncontrollable at his point.
Staring up at him with pleading wet eyes, she was met with him giving her a heated look that had her breath hitching as if she could see all the things in his mind right now that he wanted to do to her. 
His gaze trapped her for a moment. Held her attention just enough so that when he finally gave her folds one last swipe before sheathing himself fully inside her with one thrust, he got to witness the way she fell apart. 
How her lips suddenly parted as a choked sob became silent as she felt him sink into her. How her eyes widened for a moment, her body tensing at the intrusion that had made its way into her.
The startled gasp became one elongated moan as her body accepted the intrusion of him. Throbbing and fluttering around him as he sank further into her making him groan as the spasms of her body massaged his cock.
Both of their breathing became uneven as he relished at how hot and wet she was. Enjoying how tightly her body wrapped around him, squeezing him and coaxing him inside. 
Pants filled the air as they both stilled, and he couldn’t help but appreciate the lustful sight of her beneath him. Lips parted, eyelids fluttering up at him with dilated pupils, and breath uneven while being full of cock. 
What was even better was how she lay there. Not resisting. Instead only moaning out and wiggling her hips downwards a little as she tried to press him deeper into her. Wanting to feel how good it could be if she could take all of him.
As much as he wanted to be gentle with her this time around, the thought of pounding her into the mattress was much more alluring as she twisted her body stimulating both of them. He could be gentle another day but right now, he wanted her writhing on his cock and begging him as she gave herself over willingly. 
Rocking his hips against hers at a steady pace, he pulled out of her completely before sinking himself completely back into her multiple times. Grinding his hips in small circles each time he entered her and pressing their hips closer.
Soft moans flew from her lips as she rocked her hips with his, chasing his cock each time he pulled out of her only to whimper out a soft ‘yes’ each time he sunk back inside stretching her completely. 
The amount of pleasure he was bringing her just by fucking her on his cock was insane. And when he began to speed up, burying himself deeper into her, it had her body tensing and clenching down wanting him to stay inside her longer with each thrust. 
Wet sounds of flesh slapping against each other filled the air alongside little whines that mingled with them whenever she felt him lean down to kiss her neck or cheek. 
Each time he would do this she could feel him sinking deeper into her and it had her gasping out, tightening her hold on him trying to draw him closer as waves of heat burned inside her.
Faster and faster his hips snapped, bullying the soft spot inside her that had her toes curling and stomach clenching with each stroke. The pleasure she felt from it was too much. Suffocating almost especially when she felt his hand begin to snake between them. 
She hadn’t paid any mind to his wandering hands too caught up in his cock filling her until the digits found what they had been looking for. With one harsh press against her clit, Snape began to rub tight circles around her causing her to choke and her hips to arch suddenly closing the distance.  And before she knew it a broken sob of,
Fell from her lips wanting more of what he was giving to her as she shook and writhe. Her cry had his cock swelling, hardening even more inside of her and his hips stuttering for a second at how lusty she sounded. 
It surprised him only for a moment before he regained his rhythm thrusting, fingers leaving her pearl for a moment to gather the wetness that connected them before returning to the bead and rubbing it.
“Please faster it f-feels,” she gasped, feeling his fingers against her clit as it alternated between rubbing tight circles and pressing down on it causing her to almost choke on her words, “f-feels so, feels so!”
The words refused to come out instead a long moan took their place as he pressed deeper into her causing her breath to hitch.
“Feels what [Y/n]?” Snape hissed leaning down, pushing his cock further and further into her as his fingers continued to torture her clit. Her entire body convulsed at his touch as the throbbing of her insides became erratic and her mouth fell open even though no sound left her.  
“Tell me,” he crooned, snapping his hips against her again making her shout before it morphed into a half sob half moan as her legs wrapped around his waist dragging him closer to her. “Tell me tell me how it feels.”
“Feels good feels so good,” she squealed out as his hips began to increase in their rhythm. The sound of wet flesh meeting each other became louder and more intense as her cunt began to gush with her juices with each plunge of his cock inside her while his fingers played with her clit that felt incredibly tight and sensitive. 
Eyes rolling to the back of her head, her lips parted letting out streams of sobs and moans along with irregular puffs of air as her body began to wind itself up tight. Feeling the edge of her release come into view as he fucked her.
Amazed at just how ethereal she looked while drowning in pleasure, a tinge of excitement took hold of him at the thought of how she would look while coming on his cock. Coming undone on the man that had held her against her will until he wasn’t.
A loud groan tore from him at that thought, before he was snatching his hand away from her clit. Leaving her shaking and almost protesting before she was silenced with his lips smashing against hers and his pelvis tilting up just enough that it had her screaming into his mouth when he entered again. 
Caging her in with his arms, and laying his body fully on top of hers he relished at how she shook underneath him as he pounded into her. Drinking in her cries and stealing her breath with each thrust as her insides churned and churned with the stimulation. 
“You like that don’t you,” he rasped lowly, pulling away from her swollen lips and looking at her blissed out features as he continued to drag his cock in and out relentlessly. 
Kissing up her neck he began to nibble a trail up to her ear before whispering into it, voice low filled with lust and breathy from the exertion being put forth, “like how deep my cock is?” He moaned, puncturing the sentence with a slam of his hips into her causing her to squeal, digging her fingers into him. “Like how it’s taking care of you?”
“Yes! I-it’s so good!” She shrieked as waves of pleasure began to drown and overwhelm her as his cock dragged against her spongy spot with each plunge inside of her. 
“So good please,” her voice broke and her fingers clawed his shoulder trying to find something to moor her down as she babbled out desperately. 
“Please, gonna come please!”
[Y/n] wailed loudly, her body twitching around him, desperately sucking him in and holding him close each time he tried to pull away signaling her body was about to fall over that euphoric ledge he was leading her to.
“You’re going to come?” He gritted out hips pounding into her fast and hard no doubt going to leave bruises on her skin as he ripped sob after sob out of her. “I’ll let you come,” he hissed, eyes glinting as he watched her eyes fluttering and tears begin to drip down her face from the pleasure that was churning in her. “But I want to hear you scream my name when you do understand?”
The thought of disobeying never passed her mind, the only thing on it was the impending release that was bubbling up quickly and about to reach the point of no return. So she nodded furiously, eyes wide and body already trembling as he didn’t let up his pace.
“Yes! Yes! I’ll do whatever you want, I'll do it!” Her sobs were almost incomprehensible as she thrashed her head against the bed as if she were out of her mind. “Please, please, please!”
Moaning at her words, Snape latched his lips onto her neck and sucked at the skin pressing into her as he shoved a hand between where they were connected holding himself over her with one arm. 
His mouth moved next to her ear panting, “then come,” he growled fingers pressing her bead that had her choking out and hips canting upward meeting his thrust, “come on my cock, my good girl.”
It felt as if fireworks had been lit in her belly. Her cunt spasmed once twice, and then over and over unrelenting as his fingers rubbed tight harsh circles against her in the same rhythm of his thrusts. 
He didn’t stop as his name left her lips in a scream that had him groaning out loud at the sound of it. No, he kept thrusting into her ignoring the way she sobbed and shook underneath as he abused her oversensitive cunt. 
Ignoring how she choked his name out saying it like a prayer as she looked at him with eyes glistening with tears and parted lips that were swollen and wet.
“Severus! S-Severus!” 
[Y/n] sobbed, not able to form any other coherent words or thoughts. All that was in her mind was him. How his fingers stayed on her clit, playing with the oversensitive bead as he continued to rail into her forcing her body to begin its climb to another orgasm just after the one she had.
It didn’t take long either for her to get there as his cock began to throb inside of her and his thrusts became sloppy yet still digging deep into her until the shout of her name rang around the room.
The sound of her name vibrated in the air as he slammed his lips harshly against hers in a desperate kiss. When he emptied himself inside her she could only moan into his mouth as he released inside her. Feeling his hot seed coating her and flooding her insides had her spasming again, causing a choked noise to leave her and her mind to blank as another orgasm hit her. 
The lack of oxygen from him kissing her had her feeling dizzy almost as if she was having an out of body experience. Her entire body quaked and she couldn’t control the moans and whimpers that escaped her as he stilled himself inside her. 
Cunt spasming and throbbing around him all she could feel was how warm she was. How wet and slick her insides felt as it pulsed from the unrelenting fucking that she had endured. 
Arms wrapping around her and pulling her close to him, it felt like an eternity passed before her body started to come down from the euphoric bliss that he had caused her to spiral down. 
Her eyes were wide open as she stared up at the ceiling, heavy pants becoming quiet whimpers as she tugged herself closer to him ignoring the stickiness and weight of him still in her. 
The high of having such an intense orgasm left her body high strung and needing the weight and comfort of another to calm her as wave after wave of emotions began to hit her.
Cooing at her actions, Severus kissed her cheek, wrapping his arms around her and just letting her be underneath him with her shivering form and her eyes closing before any tears could fall out of them. 
She didn’t know how much time had passed, or when she had fallen asleep. But when she reopened her eyes, darkness was the only thing that greeted her vision. A blanket was pulled over her preventing the chill from reaching her and the feeling of being cleaned was evident.
Her body, still weighed down from Severus' grip on her, was unmoving as her mind began to replay the moments that had led her up to this moment. How she laid underneath him, let him use her, even begged for it, begged for him to use her. 
And it felt good. It felt so good. He had taken care of her like he said he would, hadn’t hurt her and it was blissful for a split second as when she was rocked with her orgasm all she felt was relaxed bliss. 
The tears that rolled down her cheek went unnoticed as she clenched her eyes shut as her mind continued to replay it over and over.  In her spiral, she doesn’t capture the way her fingers grasp onto his nightshirt and how she pressed herself close to him with each passing thought. Nor did she register the sensation of his hand lightly pressing into her back. 
No, her mind was too caught up in something else. Caught up in the answer she had been too afraid of to admit out loud. It had been there much earlier than she wanted to believe. But it had been there floating around flashing every time something happened. 
Because if it was to save her, to keep her from becoming more damaged, from being lonely, or even dying. Then selfish, or not there had only been one answer from the start:
To give in.
A/N: Well well well if that wasn't a rollercoaster idk what is lol. I hope this chapter turned out okay and I do admit I had a hard time with it because the plot was not trying to plot but it is done and I'm not mad at it and I hope you guys aren't either :)!!!
Also, shout out to @renee561 for listening to me scream and complain about this chapter while also making me sprint for my life to get it done asap. Thank you, friend!!!
And thank you guys for reading this even though it took me a hot minute to write it! As usual, leave your thoughts (and if you see any errors) ^o^ and I hope to see you in the next chapter! (Which will not be nearly as plot focused as this so if you're just wanting a lot of smut that next one is for u 😘 whenever she writes it....)
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miuszn · 1 year
Ok i Just found my new fav writer 🤍so i NEED to ask this ( do It only if you want)
What about an ellie x fem!reader where they go out on Patrol ,they run into a lot of zombies of every type , ellie gets bit and reader sees It so now ellie needs to explain the whole immunity thing and reader believes her ,
They go back to Jackson where Joel (lets Say he skipped golf lessons this time) finds out and freaks out and gets mad at ellie cause She wasnt supposed to tell anyone so he wants ellie to break up with reader but ellie doesnt want to so they fight and ellie goes back to reader for comfort
Its up to you if Joel and ellie fix this whole argument thing
(also Sorry if my english Is perfect🤍)
hiii anon <33 first of all i’m so honored u consider me ur fav writer i never expected to get so much love from the community so fast im rlly grateful to all of u hehe <33 . anyway , i rlly love ur idea !! i decided to write a short drabble instead because i’m working on another fic but i still wanna post some stuff while i’m working on that , hope ur fine w that 🥹🩷 ( note : this is an alternate universe where ellie already forgave joel and they were starting to fix their relationship .. also this might be kinda ooc especially joel bc i’ve never written him before eheh )
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
you weren’t sure how it happened. you were only gone for a second, you swore, and somehow ellie got bit. you knew it was a bad idea to leave her in a room full of clickers, but you knew she was strong and should’ve been able to clear them out with ease. the second you saw the small bite mark on her hand, you realized what had happened. your heart sank. in a panic, you burst into tears and kept apologizing over and over for about 15 minutes until ellie was able to calm you down and explained to you that she’s immune, leaving out the details of the whole situation with joel and the fireflies. of course, you didn’t believe her. it seemed ridiculous. how the hell would someone be immune and not be out there in some lab being researched or whatever, like in movies?
it took you a while to believe her, but eventually, you did. you helped wrap her hand with bandages so no one would see the note mark, because the less people knew, the better.
you were distraught for the rest of the day. you felt horrible. she kept telling you there’s no need to keep apologizing, but you still felt the need to. what if that had been someone else? what if ellie wasn’t immune? how the hell was she immune in the first place? so many questions ran through your head.
later that night, you laid awake still thinking about today. you were disappointed with yourself for what you did, yet still so confused.
you heard some knocking on your window, and looked out to see ellie. you opened your window and let her in. she sat on your bed next to you.
“what’re you doing here?” you asked.
“just wanted to check on you,” she replied, “and. uh. joel’s kinda mad.”
you were confused. you wondered how he even found out, but it’s like she read your mind and answered.
“i told him about what happened today. just casually. and he completely lost it.”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
“i can’t believe that girl let you get bit.” joel wasn’t even looking ellie in the eye. he was extremely disappointed in both of you.
“it wasn’t her fuckin’ fault, joel! i didn’t think anything bad would happen either! if you’re gonna blame anyone, blame me-“
“i’m blamin’ the both of you! what the fuck did you think was gonna happen back there? leaving you in a room full of clickers to fend for yourself? now one more person knows about you bien’ immune and all. god knows if she can even keep a secret.”
“what the fuck makes you think shes just gonna tell everyone? she’s not like that at all. why the hell are you acting like you don’t know that-“
“why the hell are you actin’ like that girl’s any good for you? all she does is get you into trouble.”
ellie went silent. she was shocked at how different he was acting. all this time he had been so nice to you, not once showing a sign of not trusting you or disliking you. she was conflicted, and in the heat of the moment, she just turned around and left, fuming with anger. she was starting to wonder if joel was actually right, but realized that was such a stupid thought. the worst part is, she wasn’t even sure if he meant it. now she didn’t know what to do. just as they were starting to fix things, life threw another curveball at them.
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
you were hurt by what ellie was saying. his words just further fueled the thoughts in the back of your mind saying that this was all your fault. but ellie realized this and tried her best to comfort you. she kept saying it wasn’t your fault, that she fucked up too, that she’s sure he didn’t mean it and he was just angry. while you were hurt by his words, that wasn’t your main concern. you thought about how this incident just further damaged their already broken bond that they’ve been trying to fix these days. you felt like because of you, all that progress was thrown away in less than 24 hours. and it was an ugly feeling. you felt even worse than you did before, and you didn’t know what to do.
“ellie..” you placed your hand on hers, “i’m sorry.” you started to tear up.
“hey..” she pulled you close and hugged you.
“it’s just.. i don’t know what exactly happened with you and joel. you don’t have to tell me. and everything is getting better now and i’m just scared i’ve ruined it and i just-“
“hey,” she interrupted you, “don’t worry about that, okay? it’s not your fault. i’ll.. i’ll figure it out. you don’t have to worry about me and joel. we’ll be fine.”
“are you going to forgive him for it?”
“i’m not sure,” she sighed. “if he didn’t mean it, maybe. but if he did, i doubt i can.”
“i don’t want you to lose progress with him just because of me..”
“we’ll be fine. please.. just.. stop worrying, okay?”
you nodded hesitantly.
while the guilt of possibly extending the process of ellie’s forgiveness of joel would continue to exist within you, at least for as long as it took her to finally reconcile with him, you were grateful to have her by your side. and you were sure to be with her every step of the way.
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stardust948 · 9 months
Frenemies AU angst
(I found this in my drafts and decided to post it. Based off this post.)
Iroh is a senior in military school or already in the military. The parents gaang is junior year in HS so around 16 and 17
Ozai still lives with Azulon but Azulon is hardly at home bc of work. When he is there or when Ozai knows he’s coming soon, he just doesn’t come back until he leaves again. Either stays with Ursa in her RV or roams around town in his car. Later stays with Hakoda and Bato when they become closer friends.
Azulon blames Ozai for Ilah’s death since she died during childbirth. He’s always been emotionally and verbally abusive to Ozai but it didn’t get physical until Iroh left for military boarding school. Ozai was 8-10ish. Mainly involved being burned or tased, which left less of physical scars.
There was a big fight between the two when Ozai announced he wanted to go to Republic Arts high school and pursue a career as a musician. Azulon wanted Ozai to follow his footsteps and go to military school like Iroh. But he backed off after Iroh vouched for his brother. Still, he refused to pay for the school but Ozai earned a scholarship and Iroh covered the rest. Ozai swore up and down he’d pay him back but Iroh just told him to give him free backstage access to his concerts and they’re even. Azulon and Ozai avoided each other after that; strangers in the same home. They physical abuse ended but the threat was still there and the mental scars lasting.
After the incident at the contest, Ursa finds Ozai sitting in his car at the school’s parking lot. She knows better to ask if he’s alright or what was wrong. Instead, she tells him to get into her car and they go back to her RV. There, they spend the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling. Ozai’s feeling somewhat better in the morning; able to speak some but not back to his usual loveable a-hole self. Though he is confused to receive a text from Hakoda of all people checking on him.
Hakoda: Hey man, you good?
Ozai: Are you seriously asking me if I’m good after burning a layer of my skin off?
Hakoda: You kinda just left after without a word.
Ozai: Because I burned a layer of my skin off.
Hakoda: Ozai, I’ve seen you explode over someone using your special pen without permission but you just shut down after burning your hand. Are you sure you’re okay?
Ozai: Who won?
Hakoda: Poppy.
Ozai: We’re going to be hearing about that for all next week.
Hakoda: She was pretty worried about you. We all were. You know, you can talk to me if you want.
Ozai: I just wanted to know who won. Now stop bothering me or I’m blocking you.  
Ozai closed his phone. Just then Ursa stuck her head through the door.
“Hey, my mom made pancakes. You want any?”
Ozai shook his head.
“Alright honey. Keep an eye on my children. I’ll be right back.”
Ozai smiled some as he rolled his eyes. Ursa always referred to her hoard of plants and succulents as her children. Still exhausted, he laid back down and pulled the cover over his head. Out of curiosity, he check his phone one last time.
Hakoda: Ok. See at school.
Ozai powered down his phone. He didn’t have the energy to be annoyed. He ran a hand along the bandages before drifting back to sleep.
The conversation they had in the janitor’s closet came flooding back. Hakoda’s seen Ozai fly off the rail many times, but that was the first time he looked guenically hurt. Hakoda’s clumsy joke about Dads also didn’t help. Hakoda cringed at the memory.
His mind drifted to the events after. The dark play Ozai wrote about the little boy slowly dying in the burning building wishing only to see his father again. Finally meeting Ozai’s father with his cold exterior and calculating eyes that made even the brash self-confident Ozai shrink back. And to top it off, Ozai saying he’d never seen his father look happier.
Hakoda didn’t know what to think at the time. He just assumed Azulon was like his father, criticizing his every move and lamenting how he wasn’t good enough.
Ozai refuses to bring it up despites Ursa’s suggestions of seeking professional help, even after he and Ursa wed and had children. Not until he lost his temper with Zuko and almost burned him like Azulon. Zuko’s horrified scream snapped Ozai out of it last second. Falling back onto old habits, Ozai took shelter in his car for the night and wept bitterly. Ursa finds him and directly tells him to get help which he finally relents.
It's very slow going but beneficial in the long run. Most importantly, his children never saw that side of Ozai again.
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joaosluvvth · 1 year
A second part for Gavi ?
a/n: i thought of doing it with a happy ending bc i think we all suffered too much with the first one. hope you like this !!
August | Pablo Gavi Pt2
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Pablo was standing in your porch, waiting for you to go outside to talk to him.
You knew it was him because he knocked on your door instead of ringing your doorbell, a thing he used to do when you guys were having “the thing”.
You haven’t seen him since you guys stopped sharing dorm in La Masía. You moved to Madrid with your mom.
“Y/n just open the door!,” he screamed with irritation. “We both know what happened, we need to talk.”
You found out what happened and the reason why he left you wasn’t because he found somebody else.
It was because your dad threatened him. And Pablo knew that your own dad would be pretty capable of hurting you.
I sigh came out of your mouth. You knew you needed to open that door. But you didn’t want to because you also knew that you would want to hug him and kiss him telling him how much you love him and missed him.
But the way you felt the last time you guys saw each other was horrible. You felt humiliated.
“I’m naked!,” that was the only thing that came out of your mouth, but you regretted saying that instantly.
“There’s nothing from you i haven’t seen,” he said it so confidently that it made you snuggle and blush. “Please just open the door”.
And so you did. You opened the door facing him.
You weren’t mad at him. You weren’t because he traveled all the way from Barcelona to Madrid just for you. But you were still a little sad because of how things ended up for both of you.
“Can i come in?,” he asked after a few minutes with you glaring at him curiously.
“Oh. Of course. I’m sorry.”
He came in and you guys sat down in the couch.
“I wanted to say sorry,” he said. “I know things didn’t end well. But if i’m here it’s because i’m willing to try this again. And give you all my love because i do love you, y/n. You might be the best thing that happened in my life and i feel like trash knowing that you hate me.”
You found so satisfying the fact that he was opening with you. He looked so shy as if he just confessed he did something bad.
“August.” you said.
“You remind me of August.” he looked at you confused. “You don’t need to apologize, Pablo. There’s no point, because you weren’t mine to lose.”
His confusion slipped away as he understood what you were talking about.
August, the last song y’all listened together.
“No. No. Maybe you don’t believe this, but my heart belongs to you. And i won’t let you go that easily.”
“You can’t ask me to forget something that made me cry for months,” you told him, trying not to sound so hurt.
“I’m not asking you to forget about it. I’m asking you to forgive me and to understand the decision i took. I prefer having to suffer the pain or not having you, than you getting hurt.”
You were so confused. You guys have been talking for some months about what actually happened but this conversation really made you doubt about everything.
Now you guys were both standing up. Staring at each other like you guys were gold.
And you decided to forget the past. And concentrate and the good things he did for you.
And the fact that he decided to let you go instead of you getting hurt.
You have him a little look that made him understand, made him understand that you wanted him to be part of your life again.
So he hugged you. He doubted at first, but he did it.
It was the first time that you saw Pablo like that. So shy and so defenseless. But you knew he had that little soft spot for you.
You hugged him back. Hiding your face in his neck. Not wanting to let go like you did last time.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you too.”
And there is the new chapter in the life of both of you. But you were both willing to do even the impossible for each other.
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libra-stellium · 1 year
Tw: narc mom
There’s been a sense of freedom in finding out that my mother is a narcissist. I’ve noticed all the signs my whole life but it was under the idea that oh it’s just MY mother that’s like this. It’s just HER personality.
This put so much pressure on me bc it made it MY situation and that it was up to me and my mother to find a solution. I truly believed that if I’m able to learn new information and change my behavior accordingly so could she! And it always felt like I was so close to a breakthrough with her like if I just found the right words she would understand the pain she’s causing me and she would change her behavior. If I just compromised on these boundaries she would respect me and respect other boundaries. And this just kept happening for years. I was being baited 🤷🏾‍♀️
Hearing stories of other people with narcissistic parents, especially a narcissistic mother, I realized oh my god I have not been living a unique experience!!!! All those things I thought were just my mother were some very basic narcissistic tactics! I did not feel dumb or ashamed for falling for it but instead I felt validated! Like WOW I was feeling the exact way I was supposed to feel under the circumstances! A product of narcissistic abuse is not trusting your feelings and getting outside confirmation that other people react the same way was amazing.
I felt silly last year when I stopped eating my favorite cereal. In May 2022 my mother was staying with me and she asked me for a bowl of cereal. Nothing unpleasant had happened yet during her stay bc I was playing “the good daughter” knowing that she would only be there for a week and I did not feel like recovering and picking up the pieces of myself after making her angry. I had two cereal options and she asked me which one I would choose and I said “this one is my favorite!” And she said okay she would go with that one. She made herself a big bowl of it and acted like she was excited to eat it. She took a regular spoonful of it and GAGGED!! I was shocked and looking at her so confused and I’m sitting there thinking she’s choking and she goes “this is disgusting I don’t like it at all how can you eat that???” I just shrugged and she walked to the kitchen and emptied the bowl.
Immediately I was having so many thoughts in my head like “omg you’re so naive!! Why would you tell her it was your favorite?? Don’t you know by now you shouldn’t share what you like with her??? Everything was going so well!!” I don’t remember anything after that! It’s now almost September 2023 and I still haven’t had a bowl of that cereal. To add context it’s Honey Bunches of Oats lol the regular one in the orange box 🙃 not some random flavor of cereal that has many flavors or a strong flavor or anything like that lol she 1000% did it purposefully to be hurtful!
Me from last year was trying to figure out what to do bc I had been keeping my bigger likes to myself bc I noticed the pattern and i didn’t want them ruined for me! But how can you have a relationship with someone where you can’t even tell them your favorite cereal????
Fast forward to this year I’m learning that a narcissistic person will literally tell you that your likes are horrible as a way to bring you down bc you’re feeling joy from that thing and the goal is to reinforce this idea that you don’t deserve to feel joy unless they tell you you can!
I saw this play out on an episode of Say Yes to the Dress where the daughter was so excited about the dress and the mother completely shut her down by saying she didn’t like the dress at all she didn’t think it looked good and that if the daughter wanted it she would pay for it but she wasn’t going to pretend to like it. The daughter looked exactly how I did in that moment with the cereal just very defeated and even though she loved the dress she said she didn’t like it and wanted to take it off. I felt so bad for her and I wanted her to wear the dress anyway but I also understood that she couldn’t bc now the dress is tainted with her mother’s comments! The same way I can’t think of cereal without being reminded of that interaction is the same way she would be reminded of her mother’s comment on her wedding day while she’s getting ready! And you can tell it was intentional in the episode bc there’s a clip of the mother pointing out the dress on the mannequin before saying how beautiful the dress is and then there’s another clip where as her daughter is trying on wedding dresses she’s complimenting the dress of the seamstress. It’s all just to reinforce the programming for the daughter that she is not important even when she’s a bride picking out her wedding dress and that she can’t trust herself bc she loved a dress that her mother completely disliked.
This episode was eye opening for me bc ever since I started day dreaming about getting married (Libra things lol) I always knew that I would either go find my dress by myself or I would take a couple of my closest friends with me! At the time I told myself it’s bc the women in my immediate family don’t get along and I don’t want to risk an argument during my fitting bc that would bring down the mood and that is not true at all! I just couldn’t admit to myself at the time that my mother would intentionally ruin the moment for me in some way! I couldn’t admit to myself that my mother would intentionally make me feel bad knowing how important that day would be for me.
I’m now 4 weeks no contact with her! She still sends the occasional text message telling me she misses me and loves me and I feel nothing most times but she sent me another message last night as I was watching a show and I broke down. As I watched the parent child relationship in front of me it was so heartbreaking to know that I’ve never had that and that I never will. Which is incredibly unfair!
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