#I posted this on twitter so I'll cross post it here too
appledew · 1 day
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Here is Beetlejuice! Designed and made for ealvara7 over on IG!
After my little meltdown yesterday, I can 100000% say it was SO WORTH spending those few hours tailoring the shirt and coat 😭❤️❤️❤️ For reference, over on IG and cross posted to twitter-- I took the Reel for this little man. The button-up and the coat looked way too baggy and I kinda hated it a lot. I scrapped the reel and decided to make adjustments to the clothing.
trench coat stayed untouched though, as much as I wanted to edit that too. I did decide to change the armature as well. Beetlejuice's wiring in the legs couldn't support the weight of the rest of the plush.
This plush is made with minky. They stand at about 14 inches from the top of the head to the bottoms of the feet. The suit is removable. There is balljointed armature in the base body of the plush for poseability. Button up shirt has buttons but they are not functional. The shirt is closed using hook and loop!
Back to yapping: I did have much more confidence with making plush clothing despite the tailoring! Patterning went much more smoothly!
I'll leave it at that for now!
Commission info can be found here: https://linktr.ee/apple.dew
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/appledew
Trello queue: https://trello.com/b/FZKSnMo7/plushie-commission-to-do-list
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AppleDew_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apple.dew
Tumblr: http://appledew.tumblr.com/
Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/appledew
deviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/appledew
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midnightkolrath · 4 months
I've woken up on this day with a few quick thoughts on this scene from DMC5
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Some things ppl (maybe myself in the past) have noticed and stated probably before but I'll throw my thoughts in anyway.
So, after Dante and Vergil knock back Nero, to keep him from following after him and establishing him as the protector of the human world while they go on to the demon world to cut down the Qliphoth tree. You can see Vergil's gaze linger on Nero for a good moment.
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And I mean for a hot minute, too. He's gazing at the one he just found out is his own son. After witnessing the kind of strength his son displayed. He's thinking, and you can tell.
What about, you may ask?
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About giving Nero his poetry book, of course. A personal belonging of his that he's personally cherished. And you know...this is actually the most affectionate Vergil has been towards Nero, in his own why. Let me elaborate real quick on why that is.
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In Visions of V, its established that Vergil sees his poetry book as his 'heart'. Its tied to all the trauma he's suffered at first, but lamenting with his younger self, he realizes that he no longer needs to run from it and instead face it. His Heart will protect him.
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He goes on to say to himself that he doesn't have to toss away what he has left. It goes on, in this moment, to show how Vergil eventually believes deep down that he and Dante can be twins again. It twists the deep sibling rivalry on a more positive spin.
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I say positive, because all this time Vergil's been very keen on proving his strength into defeating his little brother who he's lost twice to by this point. As himself (3) and as Nelo (1). Its why he splits himself to gain more power and laments over the whole thing as V.
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Its why Urizen is so quick to bring up how he's stronger than Dante and no longer has to 'see him as a threat'. He doesn't even have to spare the effort.
Getting back on track, though. Its funny how its stated V's poetry book is his heart, because of how much its tied to not just him, but Urizen. He named Urizen after one of Blake's works after all, the 'Book of Urizen'. Both halves of him are tied to that one book. His heart.
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So Vergil spending a moment to ponder and consider giving Nero that same book? Him having a taunt that involves asking himself if he should entrust it to him? And he does? He's giving Nero not just something personally cherished, but essentially a piece of himself as well.
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I think the nice bow on top is that Nero picks up the book, very likely recognizes that its the one V was carrying around all the time and realizes just how important it is. Thus, he's actually reading it by the end of the game to maybe understand personally how it was cherished.
Vergil took a minute to decide on giving his son his 'heart', followed through with it, and now Nero is holding onto and 'protecting it' until the day they can one day meet again. Its basically Vergil's own way of displaying a sort of affection towards Nero, the way I see it.
Its the little things I like about these games, ya know...just the things you can potentially pick up when you think about it. Its a shame alot of added context is in a media that you can only read through fan translation (thankfully) and not accessible traditionally, but its a good thing the community has come around to getting a hold of and translating such things for others to read.
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royalarchivist · 12 days
Phil: [Echoing voice] One of the OGs!
TTS: Keep going with your Spanish lessons, you're doing great and the hispanic crows appreciate that so much!
Phil: Thanks mate. Yeah I started it like, I mean– [Leans over to check something] I think I'm on like a 300+ streak now, but I started it like, around abouts the time that like, Big Q was doing his Spanish streams and stuff. I just would listen to his Spanish streams in the background, and just like, try and figure out what he was saying, 'cuz like– I was trying to think, "Well, if he says– if he's- if he's playing Minecraft, I can kind of like, understand a little bit of what he's saying." And then he was doing stuff like Karmaland and all that stuff, right, and I was like, "I think he said 'Fck you, my- it's my TNT.' Did he say- no–" and then I was like, "Did he say this?" [Laughs]
Phil: I was just basically have it as just noise in the background. [Laughs] I kind of like, understood it- what- what it was when he was like, saying things like, "No way!" or like "I'm the best!" things like that, like... Like, I would get– I would understand kind of what he was saying when he was poppin' off, and I just– yeah.
Phil: It was just like, good to have in the background. It was just something to listen to, and just kind of like... you know, hear it more? I guess? Without, you know, watching a television show. Big Q was my TV show.
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My Honey ♡ My Bee (fic)
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Link to Art (credits go to @munchr00m (elaine !) on Twitter!): Sethos/Scaramouche
Summary: Wanderer and Sethos hang out, but Scara’s thoughts and uncertainty about their dynamic in the future end up eating at him. Sethos reassures him through convincing means.
A/N: SethoScara!! These two have me in a chokehold and the art and fanfics for these two are amazing. And here is my contribution :) Inspiration for this fic comes from this post. I did my best to retain Scara’s bratty attitude, but I also wanted to show a softer and vulnerable side to him. So, I’m sorry if Scaramouche seems OOC to you all. With that being said, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
P.S. There is a small scene that might be slightly NSFW to some, you’ll see it when you get to it, so you can skip the section until you don’t see any of the stuff you don’t want to see. Can’t reveal too much for spoilers. If anyone’s interested in me writing a smut fic (would be my first!) for these two, let me know! I’ll leave a poll :)
Word Count: 1965 Also on AO3!
The sky was a mix of red and orange hues as the sun set over the horizon. At the base of a tree outside of Sumeru City sat Wanderer and Sethos. The two of them have grown to like each other’s presence and made the tree their special spot to be with one another.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sethos spoke.
“You have poor taste in beauty,” Scaramouche answered, making Sethos chuckle. “That wasn’t supposed to be funny.”
“Hehe, I know. I never get tired of your responses.”
“Hmph, weirdo.”
A comforting silence settled afterward before Scaramouche spoke again.
“Why…Why do you keep putting up with me?”
The seriousness in his tone made Sethos look at him with concern.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m a nobody. Someone who tried to become a god. A puppet that was thrown away because they were useless. One that makes mean and snarky comments. Why? Why do you want to be with someone like me?”
A surprised look crossed Sethos’s face.
“Isn’t it obvious? It’s because I like being with you.”
Scara’s eyes widened as Sethos continued.
“I was curious about your mysterious past and kept pestering you until you told me. When you did, I didn’t turn away disgusted or begin to hate you. All it did was make me want to be with you even more.”
Conflicting emotions and uncertainty ran through Wanderer's eyes before they were stopped by a hand on his cheek.
“You dare-” Scara started, making a move to swat Sethos’s hand away before Sethos started stroking his cheek with his thumb. He went quiet as he made eye contact with Sethos who had an endearing expression on his face.
“I'll take care of you.”
I'll take care of you.
A flicker of light is shown behind Wanderer’s eyes upon hearing those words. But as quick as it came, his eyes darkened with uncertainty.
“It's rotten work.”
“Not to me.”
Surprised, stormy eyes met determined, loving ones.
“Not if it's you.”
Those words were an arrow to his heart as tears from decades of sadness, anger, and hurt threatened to fall. The world seemed to blur around him as his senses were solely focused on the man in front of him.
“The things you mentioned are in the past. It's time for you to move on and not let them plague your mind.”
Sethos leaned closer, accidentally making Scara’s hat fall off his head. The latter could hardly care as he felt Sethos comb his fingers through his hair and his breath on his face. Not to mention the soft lips that were barely a millimeter from his own.
“You aren't useless, Scara.”
Sethos’s warm breath hit him in the face as he spoke.
“You aren't a nobody either. Since our first interaction with one another, I was obsessed with you. Your hat. Your past. Your attitude. But most importantly, what hid behind those stormy eyes of yours. And the more I got to learn about you, I began falling for you. I wanted you. I liked you. I love being with you. Your sassy attitude, you calling me a busy bee, I cherished those moments. In my eyes, you are the perfect being and you have a place in my heart. I will go to the ends of the world to fight with you. To be with you. To…love you.”
Sethos pushed forward, softly planting his lips on Wanderer’s. He melted into the kiss, kissing back with fervor as Sethos took the lead.
“Sethohh- mmm~”
Sethos smiled into Scara’s mouth, taking pride in making him fall apart. Taking it a step further, he licked his lips asking for entrance. When he met no resistance and instead Wanderer parted his lips, he dove right in.
“Se- mmph! Mmhmm~”
Sethos sucked his tongue, making him roll his eyes in ecstasy as he tangled his fingers in Sethos's hair. Sethos deepened the kiss, gently pushing his back to the ground.
“S- ahh! Mmm~ Aah! Mmphahh~”
“Mmochi~ Hah! Scaraah~ Mmm~ You have hah~ too many ngh~ na- aah~ names~”
They continued their make-out session, drowning in each other's embrace and letting out their feelings for one another.
They broke for breath after some time. Sethos towering over Wanderer with his arms on both sides of his head and the latter laying his head back on the grass looking up at Sethos. His face was flushed, complimenting the pink and orange hues of the sky and Scara couldn't help but reach out a hand towards his cheek, caressing him.
“Beautiful,” he breathed out.
A red tint started to spread to Sethos's ears and a shy smile started to form.
“snort. Yes, you.”
He wrapped his arms around Sethos, bringing him down to his chest.
“I hate how you make me feel so mushy inside."
There's no bite behind those words. Instead, love and affection.
“It's my job now, honey~”
“Argh, Sethos.”
“What? You call me a bee, I call you honey. Plus, you are so sweet-”
“I am not sweet.”
“Yes, you are. Especially your taste. Sweet like honey. No wonder I am a bee that is so attracted to you~”
Scara just groaned, his face flushed red. “Where did you even learn to kiss like that?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Oh, that. Heh,” Sethos rubbed the back of his head, rolling off him and laying beside him.
“You know how they say the quiet ones are the interesting ones? I'm far from being quiet, but since being in the Temple of Silence, I tend to be alone in my thoughts a lot and my imagination runs wild. And when I first laid my eyes on you, I never stopped thinking what it would be like to kiss those lips of yours.”
Wanderer’s heart fluttered in his chest, knowing that Sethos was thinking of him from the first time they met.
“And how did it feel?” he asked, turning to him.
“We both know the answer to that.”
“I want to hear it from you.”
Sethos chuckled, facing him. “Alright, if you really want to hear it. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. The moment just felt right. When our lips touched, a pleasant tingling sensation traveled down my spine. Having your lips locked on mine, it just felt like we were meant to be together. Oh! Your moans. Don’t get me started on your moans. They were sweet as hon-”
“Okay, you are just teasing and trying to make me flustered.”
“Maybe~ Is it working?”
“Not even.”
“You sure about that? What's that reddening on your ears?”
“Oh, shut up.”
“Make me.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“What do you think?”
“Oh, you are asking for it, annoying bee.”
“I'll like to see you- ack! Ahahaha! T-Tihihickling is cheheating!”
Scaramouche smirked, hearing his giggles as he tased his sides with ease. “Aw. Sucks to be you then~”
“Wahahait! Nohohoho fahahair!”
Scara draped himself over Sethos, lazily tracing random patterns from his shoulder blades to his neck to his chest and back again.
“Doesn't take much for me to make you giggle, little bee.”
“Hahahaha! Mohohochihi! Gehehet off mehehehe!” Sethos tried to roll around to no avail.
“Hmm, let me think about it,” Scara put on a fake thinking face for a few moments before he began to knead Sethos’s hips making him choke on a surprised laugh. “Nah.” A smug look crossed his face. “I want to do this all day~”
“GAhahaha! Nohohoho! You ahahare- NAHAHAHA! Nohot thahat SPOHOHOT!”
Sethos shrieked as his lover dug his fingers into his armpits causing him to clamp them down.
“You are losing, my love~” Wanderer teased, rubbing deep circles into his lover's armpits causing him to howl with laughter.
“Oh really? Here, let me help. Tickle tickle tickle~”
“How about this? Coochie coochie coo~”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Scara said, playing dumb.
Sethos squealed as Scara used his thumb to massage his upper ribs.
“PLEheaSE ScahahARA!”
“Oh, my ticklish, little bee. Begging already? We are barely getting started~”
He decided to have a little mercy on Sethos, slowing down, so he could take a breather.
“Thahank youhuhu,” he giggled out.
“I’ll tell you what,” Scara started. “If you don’t laugh for 5 minutes straight, you win the challenge and get to tickle me to your heart’s content. If you lose, get ready to be tickled without mercy.”
“Pfft, 5 minutes. I can handle that. Challenge accepted!”
Wanderer inwardly grinned, his scheme working as he kissed Sethos with passion. Being caught off guard, Sethos quickly recovered, returning the kiss, unaware of the one hand that was inching closer and closer to his side until-
“Noho! Youhuhu caught mehe off guahard!”
“I win~” Scara cheekily said. “Seems like that was your best… what a pity.”
“You planned that from the start!” Sethos pouted.
He stuck his tongue out towards Sethos. “Bleh, I win and that is all that matters. Come here and give me my prize.”
He lunged toward Sethos, leaving him no time to escape before he crawled his fingers under his clothes and attacked his tummy.
“I’ll geHEt yOUhu bahACK! AhAHAhAha!”
“Keep on dreaming little bee~”
After what felt like an eternity to Sethos of Wanderer skittering his fingers along his sensitive spots and teasing him to oblivion, his lover let up, lying right beside him.
“Mouchehe, you’re a ruhuthlehess tihickler.”
“Heh, that means that I’m still good at it or you are just too ticklish for your own good, or maybe both.”
They both fell into a peaceful silence as they stared up at the now starry sky, enjoying each other’s presence.
“Sethos?” Wanderer’s voice was soft when he spoke his name.
“Your words from before, I wanted to hear someone say those words to me for so long.”
“Which ones? You being sweet?” Sethos teased.
“Sethos,” Scara groaned. “I’m trying to be vulnerable here.”
“Hehe. Sorry sorry,” he chuckled, turning towards him and hugging him.
“I’m talking about when you told me you’d take care of me,” Scaramouche continued, snuggling into his embrace. “How it’s not rotten work to you and how you love me.”
He took a breath before continuing.
“It's all I ever wanted. Someone to say those words to me.”
A shooting star raced through the sky, lighting up his eyes. Sethos saw hope and a new spark of life in those mesmerizing eyes of his.
“I know I’m a bratty character and that’ll probably never go away, but I love you. I truly love you, even if I don’t show it at times. And…and I’ll go to the ends of the world for you too.”
Sethos could see the tips of his ears reddening and he inwardly grinned at how cute he was before going in for a quick peck on the cheek.
“Mochi, I love you so much. You are so freakin cute right now. But in all seriousness, I’m happy that you are in my life and I can’t wait to spend all of it with you. My sweet, honey love.”
“Archons, you are going to be the death of me you mushy bee.”
Sethos brought their lips together for a slow and soft kiss. Knocking their foreheads softly together, both of them stared into each other’s eyes, enjoying the moment before pulling away. Sethos was the first to stand up, grinning from ear to ear. Wanderer shook his head in amusement, picking up his hat and setting it atop his head before reaching out towards his lover’s outstretched hand. They started their way back into the city, hand in hand with fingers entwined.
My Honey.
My Bee.
More questions are in the Google Form if you want to provide more feedback. Plus, the question for a potential smut fic. Thank you again for reading and your time :)
Link to Google Form
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pricefieldsuperiority · 4 months
Number One Pick
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x reader
Genre: Homoerotic friendship, cheating, smut, angst + comfort ending.
Summary: You want Caitlin to pick you over her boyfriend Connor, just once.
Warnings: Smut with plot! Fingering, name calling/pet names, teasing, mild degradation
The game against Chicago Sky was close.
Caitlin had been booked and busy lately, playing 11 games in 20 days. This was the second game you were able to attend in person, as the only other had been her very first game of the season.
During the third quarter, you watch Chennedy Carter knock Caitlin to the ground while waiting for an inbound pass. You scream "flagrant foul!" with the rest of your section, but the refs declare it an away-from-ball foul.
It doesn't end up mattering anyway, though, cause the game ends 71 to 70.
The crowd is roaring, and you're cheering as loud as you can, watching the pride all over Caitlin's face. This was Indiana Fever's second win of the season, so you can't help but grin like an idiot at Caitlin and her teammates all celebrating on the court, high fiving, and yelling.
After Caitlin finishes her after post-game interview, she picks you up into a bear hug, her eyes lit up with happiness.
"We won!!! I missed you so much y/n"
Caitlin buries her face in your neck and her hands linger on your waist for a few seconds longer than necessary before she puts you down. You smile at her, patting her back.
"Yeah, I saw!! You did so good"
Caitlin rubs her arm absent-mindedly,
"I'm tired as hell.. I think my ankle hurts from earlier, too."
You just smile, and grab her bag from her.
"Come on, I parked outside"
Normally Caitlin drives, but you know she's exhausted from tonight, so you drive. She falls asleep in the car, and while you're stopped at a stoplight, you watch the way her hair's fanned out prettily on the headrest. Her eyelashes are dark, creating crescent shadows under her eyes. She looks so tired, the dark circles much more prominent than you remember.
You pull up to Caitlin's hotel- you're staying with her for a few days. She's been lonely lately, and wanting you to come visit. After her game tomorrow against New York Liberty she'll have a few free days until her game against the Washington Mystics on the 7th.
You're shorter than Caitlin- most people were, considering she was 6'0, and certainly not as strong, so you can't pick her up in her sleep, but in this moment you wish you could.
"Caitlin, we're here"
She blinks groggily and gets out of the car, and you make it all the way upstairs before she just flops onto the bed.
"Ugghhhh.. sorry y/n, I know I asked you to come stay, but I'm just so wiped..."
Caitlin groans into her pillow as her phone starts blowing up with notifications. During games she keeps it off, but now that she's at the hotel and connected to wifi, everything's pouring in.
"Probably just Twitter covering the Carter foul.. bullshit"
She turns over onto her side, looking at you.
"Yeah I saw that, what the hell was that foul??"
Caitlin rubs her arm again and you scoot closer to her on the bed, checking for a bruise.
"Nothing, you're good- and man, maybe they'll reevaluate?"
Caitlin just kicks off her shoes, chucking them closer to the door.
"They asked me about it during the post-game interview.. whatever, honestly, we still won."
Just then, Caitlin's phone rings, high and shrill. Connor's name flashes on the screen, bold and large.
"Who- oh him"
She ignores the call, flipping her phone over.
"I'm gonna take a shower- hopefully I'll be less dead after that and dinner"
Caitlin walks away then, not bothering to even give her phone a second glance, as she pulls clothes out for her shower.
Around 20 minutes later you hear the water turn off and she comes out of the bathroom with her hair wet, in nothing but a tank top and shorts.
You shift your position on the bed at the sight of her, crossing your legs at the feeling.
Caitlin presses a knee into the mattress and stands with her arms out.
"Come here, I'm sleepy"
Your heart wrenches a little, you're sure you're half in love with Caitlin- and how could you not be. Whatever this is between you two, you refuse to label it as just friendship. You wish you could.
Even still, you crawl over and hug her waist, breathing in the scent of her fresh shampoo. Her head rests on top of yours, water droplets hitting the back of your shirt.
"You should eat something-"
You say, your words slightly muffled by her chest and shirt. Her hands are in your hair, tangled in the strands, combing gently.
"Yeahhhh.. about that"
Caitlin tilts your head up to look at her, her fingers cool under your jaw. You feel her switch her weight to her other leg, sliding her knee between your legs.
Her brown eyes are dark, desire dilating her pupils, and you feel yourself longing for her more than you'd like to admit. You feel the pull in your stomach and subconsciously your hands grip her waist a little tighter as you stare at her.
You know what's gonna happen, even though you've told yourself over and over again to not let it happen. To just be friends, to set some boundaries, because she's got Connor and you can't just keep doing this, that she'd never pick you over him. But you just can't find it in yourself to hold back right now, the want too much.
Caitlin kisses you hungrily, hands on your face, and she pushes you over onto the bed, hips straddling your waist.
You moan into her mouth, hands pulling her in. You squeeze her ass as she adjusts on top of you.
"Take this off," She demands, and you take off your shirt quickly.
Caitlin just raises a brow, unhooking your bra for you, and sucks your nipple immediately, fingers kneading the other.
"Oh Caitlin-" You clutch at her hair as her hands continue to roam over you, pulling off your sleep shorts.
"You're so wet for me.. just waiting for me to do this huh?"
Caitlin's face is cocky, playful smirk playing on her face. Her fingers dip into your wetness, circling your clit, and she smirks wider as your hips raise slightly at her touch.
"Did you touch yourself thinking of me when I was away? Been my little slut?"
You moan at her words.
"Yes..." You admit.
"You like it when I call you a slut? My slut?" She asks, pressing kisses right under your jaw.
You moan a yes out as she pushes two fingers easily into you.
"Look at that, taking me so well"
Caitlin's going at a quick pace, her palm rubbing against your clit. You're gonna come fast if she keeps this up, and you feel it building in your lower stomach.
"I'm- I'm gonna come.. Caitlin"
You arch your back as she continues to hit your g spot roughly.
Caitlin grabs your face, making you look at her again.
"Come for me, I wanna hear you say my name y/n"
"Fuck Caitlin.. Caitlin.." You moan her name as you climax, finishing all over her.
She sucks her fingers when she takes them out, and you pull her down into a kiss.
"Wait, what about Connor?" You whisper, giving her an out, even though you know that's never stopped her.
"Who cares about him-" She says, panting slightly, too busy chasing her own high as your fingers dip into the waistband of her shorts.
"Fair-" It's your turn to smirk, even though the temporary win is bittersweet.
You find her clit easily, her underwear soaked.
"You made me feel so good, baby." The term of affection slips out by mistake, but she doesn't seem to notice as you kiss down her neck.
"Come on y/n, make me come-"
Caitlin's demand is cut short when her phone rings again, and Connor's name flashes on the screen for the second time.
"You gonna pick that up?" You tease as she sits up, looking at her phone. Your fingers are buried inside her, curling to hit her g spot, and you can tell she's warring with herself, even on top of you.
"I- uh-" Caitlin's moans are breathy, her hips rocking into your thrusts.
"You should answer, tell him who's fucking you"
You're being a little mean, annoyed at yourself for letting yourself get swept up in her again, annoyed at his existence, she doesn't even love him- so you tease her further by pulling her down onto you again.
"Fuck- I.. I can't.. I'm gonna come y/n"
Caitlin's moaning into your ear, her hand still clutched around the phone, the call ringtone loud and annoying, just like Connor himself.
"I want everyone to hear who's fucking you like this, cause it ain't him-"
"Y/n... oh god y/n" Caitlin comes, her body flush against yours. You bite her as she does, leaving a pretty hickey smack in the middle of her neck that she'll have to cover up later.
The call goes to voice-mail, and Caitlin's phone sits forgotten beside you two.
Caitlin gets off you, refreshed grin on her face.
"That was good.. UGH.. I guess I'll have to call him back later-"
You're not surprised, this is common. You wonder if you should say something, if you'll finally have the courage to tell her that this is the last time, that you can't keep doing this because you like her more than you should.
"Is it always gonna be like this Cait?"
You ask her, watching her run some water on a towel to throw to you, as per usual.
"What? It's just sex y/n" Caitlin avoids your eyes as she replies, pulling a shirt on.
"You're my best friend, it can't just be sex- he doesn't fuck you like this, doesn't make you feel like this!"
Caitlin's stepping into her shorts, her eyebrows knit together.
"He tries! And I don't know.. we're just friends..."
She trails off, like she's unsure of her own words.
You can't believe she wants to keep avoiding how she feels,
"Who was there at your first game of the season? Who was on call after every game after, debriefing with you? It wasn't him!"
You keep going as you throw on clothes of your own, suddenly feeling vulnerable naked in front of her.
"We act like girlfriends, in every sense but the title- we do everything together, we have sex, we call every night- do you even love him? You know this is more than sex."
Caitlin's standing up now, hand on her forehead.
"I... I don't know if I love him.. but I'm not gay! Or at least.. not-"
"What, not for me? Do you hear yourself??" You scoff at her.
Maybe it's too much, everything that's been going on, because Caitlin bursts into tears.
"Cait-" You say, lost for words as the tears run down her cheeks. She hates crying.
"It's too much.. being out here alone, not playing with Kate, Jada, Gabbie- being the rookie.. dealing with Connor.. and.."
She wipes at her eyes, looking at the bedspread as she tries to get out her next words.
"And how I feel about you- I know it's not fair to you that I'm still with him"
Your heart physically aches at her confession and you tap the spot on the bed next to you, placing her phone on the bedside table.
Caitlin hides her face in your chest, arms clutching you tightly.
"I'm sorry y/n"
You soothe her, stroking her hair,
"Shhhhh.. it's okay Cait"
She looks up at you, pushing herself upright.
"No, you're right.. it's not.. I thought if I kept trying to like him, that it might happen- and if I tried hard enough, maybe I'd feel even a fraction of how I feel around you, around him."
You move the hair out of her face, wiping away her tears.
"I get it" You say, as she continues.
"You're more than my best friend.. it'd be stupid to say this was just sex.. I don't want to lose you"
Caitlin's clutching your hands, and you want to believe her, to believe in you two.
Her phone rings again.
"It's Connor" You say softly.
There's determination in her eyes now, a fire you hadn't seen before. She takes the call, swiping across the screen.
"Hey I can't talk, I'll text later" Caitlin says briskly, before hanging up. You smile wide at her, despite yourself and the situation, and she smiles back.
"I'll dump him, I'm gonna make this right.. you're my number one pick y/n.. I swear it"
Caitlin's eyes are wide, solemn and honest. You believe her.
The clock on the wall reads 1 am and the tiredness hits you like a wave. You know she must be exhausted too.
You say softly,
"Why don't you start by cuddling me and sleeping?"
Caitlin's eyes light up at your words, relieved.
"Okay, I can do that"
Caitlin settles under the covers, and you feel yourself falling asleep as you kiss her forehead.
Guess she really would pick you over him.
Authors Note: I know I usually write for Paige but I've been wanting to write a fic with this concept and couldn't make Paige work. Hope y'all don't mind the change, Paige fic coming soon.
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charcubed · 11 months
Don / Timeline Mobius' kids are coded as Lokis.
This does NOT mean Mobius = father figure.
More so that Mobius' previous wife was probably a mischievous scamp, and... jet-skis also relate to Mobius' true passions.
What will HE want?
Let me explain :)
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First: look at the kids.
Kevin = Sylvie.
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That's a minute man ^
Just like Sylvie burnt in season 1, episode 1 – and everything she used (the lamp and the reset charges) was stolen, just like Kevin's matches.
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And the other kid?
Sean = Loki.
"Don" gets him to help in the same way Mobius got Loki to help catch Sylvie in season 1.
This tactic...
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...is the same as this tactic.
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The exact same method, on full display! Very amusing to me personally.
Aside from the fact that his kids are, hilariously, little hellions and perhaps take after their wayward mother (who maybe ran away in typical Loki fashion, if she wasn't snapped by Thanos? 👀)… and that that gave Mobius the unique ability to know how to "handle" Lokis, even subconsciously…
We see towards the end of the episode that "Don" cares about his kids, yes; of COURSE he cares about them! They need him!
Being a parent reallyyyy isn't his passion. The work (in this case, jet-skis) is his ACTUAL passion.
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He drops everything kid-related to talk about jet-skis... and also drops everything kid-related to talk to Loki.
These 2 things explicitly criss-cross. Deliberately in the context of Don trying to get Loki to fill the role of his new romantic partner.
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Plus, y'know, there's the fact that Don immediately flirts with Loki at the store by telling him his entire schedule and announcing to him that he's single. Which is fucking amazing.
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Yeah, that's the actual dialogue.
So, I'll spell it all out:
Don's kids are mischievous scamps, and his wife probably is/was too.
Loki is Mobius' ideal partner (which we already knew, but this is another fun detail to enjoy!) – and Loki will actually STAY. He'll REMAIN, if you will.
Mobius' ideal life involves focusing on work that he's passionate about, not being a parent. And it's OKAY for him to want that! Especially in the context of his TVA life. He has purpose-driven work; he's not "abandoning" his kids. And he's helping others.
Loki's conversation with Sylvie is a whole other post to unpack, but: what's wrong with wanting something?
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Or: what's wrong with wanting SOMEONE?
It's about "who."
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If you're very lucky... the where/when/why AND "who" align.
At the TVA, for Mobius, they do and they will.
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Oh, that's lovely.
I write lots of Loki meta on Twitter, whoops! I haven't crossposted all of my ep5 meta yet because I'm offline this weekend, but you can find my tweets collected here.
My stuff on tumblr is under the tag "chars loki posts."
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btsydtrash · 8 days
Ego [9]
mafia bts x stripper yn; hybrid universe
Everyone had heard of the Dirty7s, even distantly. Nobody could put names or faces to the members, but the name was enough to strike fear into the hearts of civilians, criminals, and law enforcement alike. They’re known to be methodical, impenetrable, and most of all, merciless. Nobody wants to cross any of them. Lest of all you - a college student stripping to pay her debts.
What happens when you fall into their web of deceit and lies?
What happens when you find that you don’t want to escape, even when you know you should?
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Masterlist  /  i don’t have a tag list  /  find me on twitter  /  word count: 1.8k
AN: Here we go again! crime syndicate BTS X stripper yn. I’ll post this on AO3 too. Some of BTS are humans, some are hybrids. They all are obsessed with Reader. Reader is black in my headcanon.
(yandere / angst / gore / fluff / smut / violence / none )
trigger warnings: hey.... I'm back! yn is depressed. she's suffering a lot but she's not alone. nothing of significance. just needed to get this out after so long. I'll be back soon with more drama!
“Breaking News: The body of an African-American Beta hybrid was found dismembered and abandoned under a bridge in East Point. East Point is known for its houseless and opiate-dependent population. Many new strains of synthetic drugs are being released onto the streets, made accessible to vulnerable, unmated Omegas. Markings found on the body indicate the involvement of a gang widely known as the Dirty7s. The Dirty7s are an anonymous group with links to…”
The TV drones on in the background but you don’t hear it. Well, you can’t hear it. You hadn’t been paying much attention to anything for the last few days. How many? You’ve got no idea. It’s been enough for your hair to start smelling bad anyway.
You walk out of the bathroom, dropping the towel as you go, grabbing the big t-shirt with Thandi’s face on it and pulling it on. You had gotten a couple from the funeral from Thandi’s mom. She had made them, gotten them pressed at a local tailor’s place to raise some money for the funeral. You knew how expensive it was to die. Flashes of your mothers face fly in front of your eyes before you can stop it and they make you wince. You tried to pay but Thandi’s mom had refused your money. “My Thandi told me all about you,” she had said, holding your hand so tightly it almost hurt, but you didn’t complain. In fact, the sting-burn sensation grounded you, and you felt yourself get lost in her deep, knowledgable eyes. She might have just lost her daughter, but it seems as if she had already experienced a lifetime’s worth of pain. It made you ache. “You… You were her friend. She loved you so much.”
And then you felt it again, the guilt-driven nausea.
It was the first time you met her mom, but you knew all about her daughter, Sana. The young girl, only eight years old, stood solitarily, as the preacher droned on and on about ‘eternal bliss’ and ‘blessed memories’ and ‘living on in memory’. The expression on her face, you knew it so well. It was as if nothing was making sense to her mind. She was so sad, so lost, so lonely. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of her throughout the funeral. She looked around at all of the people at her mother’s funeral, curious yet careful, quiet and withdrawn, before turning her eyes to the coffin at the front of the church and biting down on her bottom lip. She didn’t make a sound, not a peep - the whole time.
They opted for a closed casket because well… What other option was there? The truth of Thandi’s death wasn’t lost on the participants of her funeral but it was bad manners to bring it up. The thought alone was enough to bring bile to your throat so fast, it made your head spin. You rush to the bathroom and spit up in the toilet. Just a little bit this time, thankfully. You swill your mouth out and walk to grab something from the refrigerator. It took you days to realize that someone had come into your apartment while you had been at the funeral and had fixed certain things.
The fridge had been filled. The pile of dishes washed. The laundry had been taken and washed and returned all clean and folded. The bed had been spread. The rug had been moved around and vacuumed. The bathroom had been straightened out.
Once you had come to your senses, you burst into grateful tears.
You knew who it was.
He had left a t-shirt of his, saturated in his scent and so big it drowned your body in material, in your closet for you to sleep in.
You take a glance at the t-shirt again, wrapped around a big pillow on your bed, and you sigh, getting into bed once more, hair still damp at the roots of your head. 
Your phone lay on the table beside your bed, silent but charging, and you take a second to look at it before you grab it and make a call.
It doesn’t ring but for two times before you hear his voice on the other end of the line.
“Hello, YN,” Jungkook says, quietly.
You don’t answer. You can’t find your mouth, you can’t feel it well. Your tongue feels fuzzy and heavy, like a weight is sitting on it.
Jungkook pauses slightly before the sound of him shifting his weight comes through the receiver.
He asks, softly, “Do you need me?”
You are still quiet, but you let out a light sigh through your nose. It’s the loudest you’ve been in days.
No. I don’t need anyone, you want to say. But again, more silence. Your tongue is too heavy. Your stomach is rolling and your head feels all loopy. You can't imagine where all these good hormones are coming from, flooding your system with flickers of light and ease and warmth and syrupy goodness.
“You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to,” he murmurs, gently. “I’ll stay on the phone as long as you need.”
Another sigh.
He takes a moment to think before he says, a certain chipperness in his tone, “Shall I tell you about my day, Pretty?”
A final sigh, and you turn over to your side, phone pressed to your cheek. If you were more present in your body, it probably would hurt.
Jungkook sounds as if he reclines in his seat as he begins telling you all about his day.
“It’s been mostly boring. I woke up at 5:30. I went to the gym for a couple of hours. I boxed and ran and did some weights. I think I could press three of you, you know, Pretty? You're so little compared to me. Sorry. I got distracted. Then, I showered and ate breakfast with Tae. You haven’t met him yet, right? I think you’d like him. A lot. Anyway. After, I met Jimin for some work-related stuff. Very boring. Do you want me to tell you about it, Pretty?”
He doesn’t let you get a sigh out before he continues.
“I didn’t think so. Then, after hours of back and forth, I went to go pick up my suit. We have a fancy dinner to go to this weekend. It’s Jin-hyung’s birthday.”
His voice gets all syrupy and warm, and it twists and rolls in your stomach all hot and uncomfortable. Why does his happiness make you feel so bothered?
“-and after we finish at DeMaggio’s, Joonie-hyung says we’re going on a helicopter ride around the city. Would you like to do that one day? Should I invite you? I can do that, you know. I don’t think Hyung would mind.”
The thought alone makes you snort.
He pauses and then, when he talks again, his voice seems relieved.
“You laughed, Pretty.”
You blink, somewhat surprised. He wasn’t lying. You did laugh, breathy and weak as it was.
“Pretty, you know I miss you so much, right?”
You close your eyes tightly at his words, lip getting sucked between your teeth.
He takes a moment to ask, quietly, almost needy, “Do you miss me?”
Your throat gets all tight and thick, and you feel horrible all over again. He hears you choke on something, because his voice gets all flighty, worried and concerned over the phone, as he peppers you with soft words.
“You don’t have to say it.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“Please, don’t cry.”
“You’re breaking my heart.”
And then, he pauses and says the one thing you both craved and dreaded to hear.
“She wouldn’t want you to be this angry with yourself,” he says. Then, with more confidence, he claims, “You’re allowed to be happy.”
You cut off the phone before the sobs take over once more.
Jungkook taps the edge of his phone on the table a few times before he curses to himself. The wolf glances up from his spot in the corner of Yoongi’s office and asks, “You think I pushed her too much?”
 Yoongi looks over the top of his book and remarks, “It isn’t the end of the world, Kookie. Relax. You did a good job with the cleaner. She probably is sleeping next to the t-shirt you gave her and she called you, of all people she could’ve called.”
Jungkook bites his bottom lip and admits, “I’m getting frustrated.”
Yoongi pushes, lightly, “With?”
He puts the book to the side, knowing full well that he wasn’t getting any more ‘him-time’ while the wolf was occupying his personal office in their home. He loved each of his brothers dearly, however… Fuck, he needed his own place sometimes.
“Being patient,” the wolf explains, glibly. “It’s all so fucking boring.”
“Then occupy yourself with things that matter,” Yoongi suggests, moving to his feet. “I think Tae might be done with the guy downstairs, if you want a turn to pummel something moving?”
“The fucker’s still alive? Tae’s losing his touch,” Jungkook remarks, amusedly. He wasn’t lying. Usually, Tae would have had him chopped into tiny pieces and thrown into a river or incinerated. Jungkook wonders why he’s taking his time.
Yoongi snorts, pushing his glasses into his hair. He only needs them when his eyes start to get dry, like now. He usually didn’t use his other form, preferring to be in his natural hybrid state when in the comfort of their own home, but he’s been testing his personal limits recently, worried that he might freak YN out with his skin, his eyes, his tongue… She was prey, at the end of the day. He probably should have the lights off but he doesn’t want to ruin the mood. “Not even. Jin won’t let him die. He keeps zapping him with the AFIB machine. I heard he shitted himself.”
“Well, he shouldn’t have been fucking around, pretending to be something he’s not,” Jungkook replies, an annoyed look passing over his face. The younger of the two moves to his feet and he asks, “Say, hyung.” His tone of voice catches Yoongi’s attention, so he sits up a little more in his comfy office chair, eye brow quirking so as to prompt the wolf to continue speaking. “Do you think YN will actually come to understand us?”
Yoongi pauses to mull over his answer for a few seconds before he answers, honestly, "I don’t think she has a choice.”
Jungkook acknowledges his answer with a melancholy look on his face.
Then, he glances down at his Rolex and makes a small noise of glee. “I’ve got a spare hour. I think Tae might be a little fatigued.”
Yoongi snorts before reaching back for the book. His eyes are getting awfully dry. Suddenly, the lights flick off and Jungkook glances back from his spot at the door, a narrow line of yellowed light slightly warming the room.
“Hyung, you know I always know, right?”
Yoongi scoffs. “Get the fuck out of here, pup.”
Jungkook closes the door and Yoongi finally switches back to his natural form, eyes narrowing into slits and he reaches for his book once more, settling comfortably into his chair.
It just started getting good, too.
- end - 
Schemer (1), Abstentious (2), Thievery (3), Melancholy (4), Writhing (5), Lusting (6), Non-negotiable (7), Cutting the cord (8), Nevertheless (9)
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thiscoldheart · 5 months
some details that i loved in la chimera (spoiler heavy) :
i posted this on twitter as well but i wanted to include it here too. i love this little moment here where italia rests her head on arthur's shoulder and for a brief moment, he's anchored to the present by that touch, but him being the orpheus that he is, just HAD to turn back and find himself gravitating towards the tombs, the past and his eurydice.
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the fact that italia's name is literally italy in italian and by the end of the movie she creates a community of her own where she's looking out for those that are outcasted by society, in an abandoned train station named riparbella which literally means "to start again".
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arthur's eye always being blocked by shadow throughout the movie until he sees the light at the very end
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according to wiki, the goddess the statue is based on is cybele, goddess of nature, animals, wild places and represents the "creative and destructive force of nature." her phrygian name matar (mother) alludes to the fact that she was a "mediator between the boundaries of the known and unknown, the civilized and the wild, the worlds of the living and the dead." i love that this goddess' presence in the movie symbolizes arthur traversing between the living and the dead worlds and getting closer to beniamina. i love that by the end of the movie, the statue itself becomes unknown to human eyes and returns to the wild, far away from civilization, which is arguably the same fate that arthur meets as he dies.
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the red string that's following arthur around is very reminiscent of the red string ariadne gives theseus to find his way through the maze. it's beautiful how this red string seems to appear only in his dreams at first but slowly starts crossing the boundaries of dreams and reality as the movie goes on until he is able to tug at it by the end and cross over into beniamina's world.
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arthur, at the beginning of the movie, says "so it's you. my last woman's face." how cool is it that beniamina's face resembles cybele's?
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arthur goes back to flora's house after being injured and her daughter finds him in the bathroom. spooked, she says "i thought it was a ghost" which arthur might as well be considering how he's essentially been a walking corpse this entire movie.
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also a special shout out from the bottom of my heart to the sped up sequences, didn't even realize how badly i needed them until i saw them. the chaos in these sequences is everything to me. this is REAL cinema!
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in general, one of the themes that i've come to love about this movie is how objects can have different meanings to everyone. an object like the bell arthur found was just "a thing that rings" whereas italia interprets it as a gift until she comes to realize it's been excavated from a grave. the statue was part of a shrine back when it was made, but to the tombaroli and the sellers, this is only a means to make more money. the train station started off as a place that symbolizes movement of people from the city to the countryside but has now become a home for the outcasts of society. the apotropaic phallus would've have warded off evil and bad luck back in the day, but is now used as a means of escape from the law. a simple red string is the literal lifeline for arthur as he tries to find his way back to his lover.
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also want to give another shout out to the inclusion of the italian troubadours (our greek chorus) who beautifully spell out the tragedy of our protagonist and his gang.
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speaking of music, i really liked this particular song italia was singing as she was practicing. the lyrics go "i'd like to explain to you, o god/ where my suffering lies/ but fate condemns me to weep/ to weep" and that's exactly when arthur finds her crying son. at least italia finds a way for her suffering to end by the end of the movie. maybe we can say the same about arthur too?
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i'll probably add more as i keep rewatching the movie lol and make a thread of this on twitter too (x) thanks for sticking around and let me know what other cool details y'all noticed!
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vroomvroommuppett · 4 months
lando norris x ex vettel!reader, max verstappen x vettel!reader
well we are at the end! please vote here for a part of the next smau story!
likes and reblogs are encouraged!
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liked by blakleyvettel, sebastianvettel, and others
porschef1 and it's a loscar podium! congrats boys! featuring our coo and mom, blakely when they crossed the line for a 1-2.
tagged: oscarpiastri, logansargeant, blakelyvettel
blakelyvettel THAT'S MY BOYS
charles_leclerc Congrats!
maxverstappen My boys.
fan1 YES
alex_albon YES LOSCAR
f1 Congrats!!
hulkhulkenberg Congrats! It's been a long time coming.
carlossainz55 Felicidades!
checoperez Congrats boys!
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liked by porschef1, blakelyvettel, and others
logansargeant First podium at my home race and couldn't be happier. Thank you to Porsche and mom for believing in me and taking a chance on me. Onto Imola!
tagged: porschef1, blakelyvettel
blakelyvettel mein junge i am so proud of you. [my boy]
logansargeant Thank you mama.
maxverstappen1 So so proud of you. You deserve it and so much more.
logansargeant Thank you Maximilian maxverstappen1 I'll let it slide this one time
oscarpiastri YESSSSSSSSSS
lewishamilton Congrats Logan! This has been a long time coming.
logansargeant Thank you uncle Lewis
sebastianvettel I am so proud of you, Logie.
logansargeant Thank you for believing in me, opa. [grandpa]
porschef1 THATS OUR BOY
alex_albon Always knew you could do it. So proud of you, Logs.
logansargeant Thanks Lex.
jv.f1 Congrats! Always knew you could do it
blakelyvettel you had a weird way of showing it, but ok.
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blakelyvettel and maxverstappen1
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liked by maxverstappen1, sebastianvettel, and others
blakelyvettel we were going to wait longer, but twitter got suspicious. so surprise?
tagged: maxverstappen1
maxverstappen ik houd van je [i love you]
blakelyvettel wir lieben dich auch [we love you too]
fan1 OMG
porschef1 congrats!
oscarpiastri HEHE
sebastianvettel Congrats! Cannot wait to spoil bean!
checoperez Felicidades!
georgerussell63 Congrats! You'll be great parents
redbullracing congrats!
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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
blakelyvettel posted a story
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[they were right when they said the dad walk out of the hospital is hot]
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158 notes · View notes
seb-reads31 · 6 months
I absolutely loved the shy reader post, it's exactly what I was hoping for. Also implied fem! for Vaggie is perfectly fine and makes sense, Nifty was a good touch but it's so true I'm not mad😅 and g/n for the rest is a win for everyone, who wouldn't want them to experience these women confessing their feelings. I'd love to see part two with the women of heaven. Sadly no Carmilla pet names yet but I'll let you know if I think of any.
Cautions - SPOILERS, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED ALL OF SEASON ONE, if you are fine with spoilers or already know what's happening feel free to continue <33 ngl Sera was a bit tricky but we're cooking 🍳, cursing (duh), possibly ooc Lute, let me know if there are any others!
Genre - Fluff
Type - head canons
Comments - Hey hey! I'm so glad you loved them 🥹 From what I've seen online (I'm not active on Vivian's Twitter so I'm really just taking the word of others) that Vaggie is canonically lesbian and that Nifty is canonically straight, so that's why I did the respective genders. If I'm wrong, absolutely anyone correct me and show me what Viv has said otherwise 😭 But anyways, here are the heavenly women!~ (also, Lute might be a little ooc, I think it's okay though. Please give me some tips for characters with her personality 🙏🙏)
Sweet, shy thing~ Pt 2
Here's part one!
- You and Emily have been friends since you both came into existence
- Basically attached at the hip!
- Several times other angels had assumed you two were a couple, but Emily always corrected them that you were just friends. (You were always too flushed and shy to say anything)
- However, one day, when Emily was about to correct another angel, she hesitated
- She doesn't know why, but this time, she didn't want to correct them
- She thought about it long and hard that night, laying awake in her bed, wondering why she hesitated on telling the angel that you two were.. she can't even say it??
- That morning, she ever so groggily walked up to Sera, and asked her what was happening to her
- Sera chuckled, then explained that Emily might have a crush on you
- Neither you or Emily had ever been in a relationship before, you never really needed to. You always had each other, and that's all you both wanted
- Atleast.. that was all she wanted. Now she wants to be.. more to you than just your bestest friend
- She wants your little hangouts together to be romantic sometimes, for you two to hold hands
- The realization of her feelings for you has definitely brought out such cute and sappy thoughts Emily never thought would cross her mind
- She tells you around 4 months before the meeting with Charlie in heaven
- She had finally concocted the perfect plan to confess
- She brought you to a meadow outside of the more city parts of heaven. It was your little hiding space away from prying eyes (mostly.)
- When you arrived, she already had made a flower crown
- But the flowers she used weren't merely chosen at random, no no no. These flowers meant something, and that something was her feelings.
- You and her had studied the language of flowers together, just a passing hobby, and because it was so much fun!
- She used daisies, which means true love and new beginnings. Sun flowers, meaning adoration and loyalty, peace, love, and happiness. Some baby's breath, while used in bouquets for baby showers can also mean everlasting love and innocence. And finally, a daffodil, which means devotion.
- With all of these meanings in mind, you stared at the flower crown, practically screaming her feelings for you as she blushed, her hands shaking slightly as she looks away, silently waiting for your answer
- She doesn't look back up to you until you gently grab her shaking hands, steadying them
- Once they begin shaking less, you grab the crown, and place it on top of your head, a blush spreading across your face as your hands reach back down to hers, giving them a soft, reassuring squeeze
- No words were spoken, but that's all she needed. You returned her feelings, and you wanted to be with her, as her partner.
- She's a very reserved angel.
- She has to be, she ranks very highly in heaven. (Whether she earned her position or was created for it I have no idea but lets just say she had to work for it for my sake.) She worked too hard to get this position, any slips would ruin everything she's done.
- However, lately, she's been a bit more sleepy eyed, and yawning far too much. Michael, (I legit know nothing about the ranks in heaven, correct me 😭) her boss, has noticed and decided to assign her an assistant. That being you! Good job 👍
- As much as she appreciates Michael looking out for her, an angel of her ranking shouldn't need to depend on someone else, and while she does try to argue this with him, he isn't budging.
- She's a bit.. how do I say this, cold and bitchy to you? To begin with atleast
- She doesn't appreciate that she's being forced to have an assistant.
- So, she gives you harder tasks than you can probably handle. And she doesn't really bother to get to know you. Just that you're doing the work she assigned to you and returning it to her when she expects it
- After a while, she starts to warm up to you. And how long is that "while" you may be asking? Around.. 200-300 years....
- Y e a h, she doesn't warm up to you that quickly. But after those years, you can notice her warming up to you, and finally showing some decency of asking about your day
- Which starts your little conversations here and there. Mostly just talking about your days, funny stories, or talking about the work you both do, and some hobbies here and there
- You two grow closer, eventually starting to socialize outside of work, and you finally get to see Sera relax, no longer tense and stressed, but instead a less tense and much happier version of your boss
- The moment she realizes she fell for you was when one day she was looking forwards to seeing you at work.. but you didn't show up
- She was.. sad? She didn't fully understand why until she was reading later that day, a romance novel. It was one about lovers separated due to extreme weather, unable to see each other. The book described the longing both felt, and how sad they were being unable to contact each other.
- She immediately recognized those feelings as the ones she felt when you weren't at work.
- You returned to work a few days later, on top of your desk was a large bouquet of flowers, generally meaning good health and happiness as well as sprinkles of friendship here and there, as well as a note
- "My dear assistant, I thank you for taking care of me and assisting me with my paper work all these years. I have no words to thank you for everything you've done, despite how I treated you when you first began. In order to thank you, and try to apologize for my harshness, I wish to take you out to dinner. My treat, of course. Sincerely, Seraphim."
- And then you two loved happily ever after, the end <333
- She uh
- She doesn't like you
- I'm being so real
- Kinda like Nifty, she needs someone tough enough to match her or atleast get close
- ...is what she used to think
- But because she's the way she is she doesn't like you at first
- Let's say you're a medic for the exterminators cause they get injured sometimes (just go with it)
- On occasion Lute would have to visit you because she got too carried away during the extermination or while training (do they train?? 😭)
- She didn't like going to you but she followed the rules as much as she could. This being one of them
- After so many visits to your office for various injuries she grew fond of you, her thoughts occasionally drifting to you, causing more injuries so she would have to see you again
- After several years of going in this cycle, she finally decided to ask if you two could hangout outside of your clinic
- You agreed, of course. And from then on you two became closer
- Now, to how Lute asks you out.. it's very blunt and straight forward
- It almost sounds like a demand
- "I like you, I want to go on a date with you at [this time] and at [this place]." With a bright red blush on her face 🤭
- Now, she immediately walked away after she said that because she was so embarrassed. So she didn't know if you actually accepted the date or not
- Lute only realized this after she got to the place she asked/told you to meet her at.
- So she was panicking severely, preparing herself to call Adam as a backup so she didn't look like she was lonely, and to blame it on Adam's careless attitude as to why she was waiting for so long.
- However, just as she was about to call him, you walked in, dressed nicely and a blush covering your face
- Lute.. was ecstatic. You actually came?? Even though you're so??? Shy??
- You both had fun talking over dinner, and after she walked you home, leaving a miss on your cheek before walking back to her place, only looking back once to see a deep blush spread across your face at the peck.
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sophietv · 1 year
Kaylor Timeline BEFORE VSFS 2013
It's a thread I did on my Twitter that I'll transfer here.
Once again, I used amazing Tumblr posts to do it. So I'll credit them as we go (If I need to do something else tell me, I'm new to the Tumblr etiquette).
So the official story is that Taylor and Karlie crossed path a couple of times without interacting and met for the first time at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show in 2013 🤔
Well they met A LOT of times and interacted before actually 😅
Let's see the Timeline before that VSFS in 2013!
***I'll edit this post as I find new interactions (because I feel like I'll find a lot of them) I'll add this 🆕 beside new additions and dates when it was added at the end of the post.
First meeting!
So what motivated my thread in the first place is this Interview Taylor did in 2014 with Andrew Bevan of Teen Vogue.
Here's the YouTube Link (X)
But here's the most important part of that interview:
He is saying that he introduced Karlie and Emma Stone to Taylor!!
Ok we know that Taylor met Emma at the 2008 Young Hollywood Award.
I don't think though that he is talking about that event. Because he says that he congratulated her for her cover.
Taylor did two covers with Teen Vogue, one in 2009 and one in 2011.
Following the Timeline and everything it's most likely the March 2009 one:
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Thanks to this Anon! (X)
A magazine cover is planned 2-8 months in advance, up to a year for major celebrities.
The Young Hollywood Award was on late April 2008 and the cover was for March 2009 so it make sense.
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So it's most likely that Taylor met karlie for the first time at the same event she met Emma for the first time.
🆕 Really cute fact.
On the Cover of that magazine, Taylor wears a dress from the Calvin Klein Spring 2009 show. (X)
Guess who walked that runway??
Karlie! (X)
I exceeded the limit of picture so click on the (X) to see the posts.
Tommy Hilfiger spring 2010 collection:
Septembre 16th 2009 Taylor attends the Tommy Hilfiger Spring Show during New York Fashion Week. (X)
Karlie was there too! (X)
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In this post, you can see videos of Taylor watching Karlie on the runway: (X)
Here's the YouTube video : (X)
🆕Met Gala 2010:
They were both at the Met Gala in 2010
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🆕In Milan together
Although they were not at the same Fashion Show (that we know) Taylor and Karlie were in Milan at the same time during the Fashion Week.
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Another interesting facts. This could explain the "1958" reference of Timeless:
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Thanks to Izg on Twitter for giving me this!!
Roberto Cavalli 40th Anniversary Party:
Septembre 30th 2010
Taylor and Karlie attends the Roberto Cavalli 40th Anniversary party in Paris.
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Met Gala 2011:
May 2nd 2011
Karlie and Taylor both attend the Met Gala:
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This is also the first time that we have confirmation of an interaction between them:
Thanks to that amazing post! (X)
Karlie said in Teen Vogue that they joked about having a baking date.
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Rodarte Spring 2012 fashion show:
Septembre 13th 2011
Taylor attend Rodarte Spring 2012 fashion show where Karlie walks.
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Here's a link to the video (X)
Vogue Febuary 2012:
January 17th 2012
Taylor mentions Karlie in her Vogue interview: "I love Karlie Kloss! I Want to bake cookies with her!"
And this quote, made history.
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Karlie answers the same day:
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Vogue Fashion's Night Out:
August 2012
Thanks to this post (X)
Taylor and Karlie star in the same commercial about Vogue Fashion Night Out:
Thanks to @hairpinraindrop for the video
Karlie and Taylor were present at the event too on Septembre 6th 2012
Paris 2012:
Septembre 30th 2012
Karlie walks the runway for Jean-Paul Gauthier in Paris:
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Taylor is in Paris at the same time to film the Begin Again MV:
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Funny Koincidence(?), I went back and watch that MV again, and look at the opening scene!
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The Love Lock Bridge!!!
Elie Saab Spring Summer 2013 show:
Octobre 3rd 2012
Taylor is still in Paris and attends The Paris Fashion Week (X) at a fashion show where I'm pretty sure Karlie walked (I'm still searching for photos/videos).
But we know that Karlie was at the Paris Fashion Week too! (Thanks Astra!)
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Here's a video:
🆕Met Gala 2013
They were also both at the Met Gala in 2013. Wich was in May.
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So there you have it! All of Kaylor interaction BEFORE the 2013 VSFS!
This explains the timing of it all.
Because they allegedly met at the 2013 Victoria Secret Fashion Show in Novembre.
But as we know, Taylor moved to New York because Karlie asked her:
Timestamp 1:23
And people believe that she moved there after their Big Sur trip in March 2014.
Actually. Back in January 2014, Taylor was already looking to buy an appartment near Karlie's:
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And she actually bought her Tribeca oenthouse in February.
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Thanks to Bigsurlor for this!!
So they definitly knew each other before 2013!
Edit August 19 2023: Met Gala 2010, Milan trip together and Met Gala 2013 and the appartment hunting
Edit August 27th 2023: the Calvin Klein Spring 2009 dress section
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iavulture · 1 month
Headcanon and story time (related to Despicable Me 2)
All right, I know everyone is onto DM4 (or rather, a certain cockroach man), but I've been way too enamored with a headcanon that I have stemming from DM2, which has since evolved into an ongoing AU/alternate continuity fic that further explores it in its own way. Ready to hear it? Because this'll be a long one.
(Spoilers for Despicable Me 2 and a warning due to mentions of death. Also, I will rant a bit, not out of outright hate, but because I wish things were handled better.)
*deep breath
I have this headcanon that Silas Ramsbottom is Lucy Wilde's adoptive father.
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Yes, this man.
Now, before you think that's ridiculous, before you go "No way, Silas? That big man who was kind of an arse to Gru in 2 is Lucy's dad?", I can explain that, beginning with a personal story.
See, back when trailers for DM4 were being released, I decided to throw in my lot to the Despicable Me fandom for the first time by writing a future fic featuring a grown-up Gru Jr. following his parents' footsteps as a newbie AVL agent. Following that, I also decided to write another Despicable Me fic that is my take on what happened with Lucy's parents, who were killed by a villain when she was a young girl.
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Above is the Twitter post describing Lucy's short backstory. This is back in 2015. 2015! Two years after DM2's 2013 release!
Anyway, after seeing that tweet and browsing through Ao3 and Fanfiction.net for Despicable Me fanfics, I was disappointed to find so few fics that explored that part of her life. Yes, I know that Gru is the protagonist of the mainline films, but does it hurt to shed some light on the character who becomes his wife? Y'know, someone who's one half of a couple, and (ideally) just as important as the other half?
Sigh. Of course, we never see this bit about her in the films: not during a conversation between Lucy and another character, not even a mention or a flashback (though correct me if I'm wrong and overlooked a movie that does mention or hint at it; if not, my point stands).
Not long ago, I brought this up with a friend, and I hypothesized that the reason why this was never implemented in some way in the films is because it's too dark for a kids franchise like Despicable Me, even though I can argue that several other kids series have elements that are as dark or even darker than that: my friend brought up Frozen 2 and Elsa dying, meaning you could definitely insert legitimately dark moments into a kids film. Hell, I can bring up The Lion King, which has Mufasa dying to the wildebeest stampede after Scar lets him go, traumatizing Simba; in fact, Mufasa's death impacts Simba even in adulthood, showing that childhood trauma can have an effect even after growing up.
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In any case, it IS possible for a kid's film to be quite mature, but Lucy's backstory? Just thrown into the wind, especially in regards to the films after DM2.
Like, can you imagine the effects of such an event on her psyche? What would Lucy think of villains after her parents died? Would she ever have thoughts of revenge? Forgiveness? Would she hide it from her husband, the kids, or even her past dates? (She mentions having gone on a few bad dates in DM2 and that's the reason why she keeps a lipstick taser.) What would her life be like after they died: would she live a mostly normal life, or would she be trained to be an AVL agent at a fairly young age? Heck, would Silas know that her parents died when a villain attacked them, and would he and the AVL do something about it, perhaps avenge their deaths?
So many questions, so much wasted potential.
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(Here's me crossing my fingers for a TV series that'll probably never happen, because I think Lucy's past could be explained well in that format.)
But now I'll turn to a much lighter note and the real cut of lamb of this post.
Going back to my headcanon that Silas is Lucy's adoptive father, I noticed something interesting in DM2.
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During Gru and Lucy's wedding, notice the number of frills on Lucy's dress and Agnes' dress? They're both the same, and if you think about it, Agnes was the one who was the most enthusiastic about the idea of Lucy marrying Gru, implying she looked up to Lucy in high regard and thus wanted to dress up like her for the wedding.
"But Vulture! What about the note saying 'same color as Lucy's usual attire'? What's that got to do with anything?" That's likely to show how much Gru loves her, to the point he dresses up with the same color she usually dresses up in. You know what Lucy's usual getup looks like? If not, here you go.
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Light-ish shade of blue, right? Now, look at this.
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Maybe I've taken crazy pills or need to have my eyes checked, but I don't recall seeing any other AVL personnel having something that's just as light blue on them. I'm pretty sure in reality it's all just to help create a unique character design, to make them stand out from the generic AVL agents, but yeah. It's just something that I noticed, there's nothing to officially confirm that Silas and Lucy have some sort of close connection with each other other than they're both with the AVL.
But given my observation of "character dresses a bit like another character they admire or at least respect," you can sort of see why I have that headcanon.
I still find it interesting how Silas is around Lucy in comparison to when he's around Gru, in that he's never actually antagonistic toward her or any of his other spies and doesn't doubt her skills. Of course, since one of them is essentially a former criminal, it makes sense that he'd have some animosity toward Gru. Heck, I'm pretty sure Silas might've even been hostile to Gru way back then after Minions 2 since Silas told Gru to "stay out of trouble, kid," only for Gru to break that promise by becoming a thief anyway. However, given that Silas appears at the wedding and even helps Gru, Lucy and their children move to a safehouse in DM4, it's clear that things got better for both of them.
About the fic that I mentioned earlier in this post, I based it on this headcanon specifically, along with a few others that I wrote down on a list. There, Silas adopts an orphaned Lucy shortly after her home was destroyed by a villain and her parents were killed. Traumatized that she survived but they didn't, she often gets worried and nervous, even having a hard time at a new school. She also has to contend with living with Silas, who has his own problems to deal with, from being in charge of the AVL and a few things from his past, including his own family. (And yes, I did create OC family members, and Silas' relationship with them is... a bit complicated to say the least.)
All in all, I wanted to try my hand at writing something that explores familial themes, struggles, and dynamics, especially since I feel they aren't handled as well after 2. Plus, I get to play with some tropes and elements present in the canon Despicable Me films (and, rather appropriately enough, other spy/espionage works like James Bond), except instead of a(n ex-)supervillain with his adopted daughters, it's with the AVL director and his (fan'verse) adopted daughter.
*sigh* And now this post is done! It's been a long one, but I just wanted to type out my thoughts on a few things related to a fic I'm currently working on and because I feel upset that things could've worked out better in canon.
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perfectlysanexd · 22 days
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So, what have I been up to...? Since I was in Tumblr's spam-bot prison for more than 5 months, I thought I would create a little ICYMI post. (That's "In-Case-You-Missed-It" for the old folks like myself that have to look up all these new acronyms.) Basically, I'm gonna highlight/link to some of the posts I made this year, and you can check them out if you like. :) I didn't want to necessarily do a bunch of reblogs of my own content and clog up the system or something...
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I finished posting up my 100's of edited screenshots from Advent Children Complete! You can view the archive of 53 different posts, separated by character, here. It also includes a fun side post about the Mysterious Case of Sephiroth's Missing Straps. :3
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I confess, I haven't made too many wallpapers this year. But it's September now, and I have a thought rolling around in my head. We'll see. The archive of wallpapers is here.
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Speaking of, so many cool wallpapers came out for Ever Crisis, and I've posted them all! Find them here, at the bottom of this archive post. I swear I'll eventually beat TFS season 1, but...they sure made it difficult for people who don't purchase their packs.
Did you know that Tumblr is feeding your posts(including reblogs) to theird party AI? Well, they are, and you can set it to be prevented in your settings. I talked about it here.
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Rebirth coming out was the biggest thing this year, and I made my first manipulation for it back in March! You can see the post here, as well as a simple tutorial for it using GIMP(GNU Image Manipulation Program, free at gimp.org) here.
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I also made a second manipulation for Rebirth! If you want to see the additional dialogue that goes with it, that's here.
When I played the demo for Rebirth, I noticed that they had changed Sephiroth's eyes, and it reminded me of something...
Did you know that in Advent Children, Sephiroth's gloves are not as tight as in Remake and you can see his wrists? 😏Check it out! What? Of course this is important!
I took a look at Sephiroth and all his forms over the years. Then I did the same for Cloud.
My AO3 sefikura work In Death was finished on April 26th, and came with a special manipulation. That was also the first story where I was accused of writing non-con, when it obviously wasn't, so that was fun. If you need to hydrate, you can go drink that tea in the comments of, I think, chapter 16 and after. Several people have asked about a sequel, and I do have eventual plans. Hang in there.
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I made my first(of many) Rebirth memes, which also came with a blank template.
A peek under Sephiroth's jacket, courtesy of Rebirth. 😏Yes, this is important, obviously.
Another Rebirth meme, featuring Sephiroth being badass.
I put my design for Lucrecia's locket onto my edited EC Sephiroth artwork! This one actually got a lot of notes thanks to reblogging. 💕I also put the locket on Sephiroth's EC in-game model.
I wrote a long one-shot as a thank you for 400+ followers! It's based on my most popular sefikura manipulation of all time—a very indulgent work, and my first time writing for Rebirth. Thanks, guys!
Another meme, haha...oops, and another one. Damn, another one? AND a Sephiroth/Cloud arms-crossed companion meme set?
I did another Rebirth manipulation, this time of the famous sefikura hug scene. I added a second part to it here. AND a third part to it here! This set has quickly become one of my favorites. I also gave it some Japanese dialogue+translation here.
I did a little PSA because I've seen a lot of awfully suspicious digital paintings lately...
I made an account on Twitter/X, just in case they never fixed my blog, so if you're over there, follow me @ perfectlysane77 and say hi. :)
The FF7 crew have super hearing, confirmed??
Do you play Ever Crisis and want to join a sefikura guild? Check here. All skill levels are welcome, and you don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to.
My first ever edited Rebirth video: "Fill your hollow heart...with me-ow."
And now I've been released from Tumblr spam-bot prison, so I'm sure you've seen even more silly memes from me. So what now? I hope to release the rewrite of Stranger Inside very soon, maybe by the end of the month if possible? The sequel will follow, for real this time. At that point, we'll be back to voting, so you guys will be able to choose what comes after that. I'm really focused on writing now, which is probably why I'm mostly making memes and silly things. Still, if it makes you laugh, I'm happy. 🥰
If you read this to the end, you're amazing.💕
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
tagged by @ceilidho in wip wednesday, and while i do tend to lose any focus when i post about something, i do still love attention. so here we are <3
i'll tag literally anyone who sees this and wants an excuse to try it for themselves :)
ceil shared a ghoap thing so i will too - this is 1.2k from a pwp wip that honestly might be a little too dark/weirdly kinky for me to comfortably post on tumblr lmao, it's way more geared for twitter ghoapers. it's got the same caliber of plot as the absolute worst pornos you've ever seen.
(also i can't remember if i posted part of this before, someone tell me if i have and i'll post a different wip lmao)
The knock comes late at night, frantic and loud in the otherwise silent forest. 
If Simon were asleep, it would've woken him. As it is he's just disturbed from his late night cup of tea. It's an annoyance certainly, but not one he's uncomfortable ignoring. The whole reason he moved to the little cabin in the woods was to get away from people, he's not above pretending not to hear a knock at the door.
But his guest is persistent. They go on knocking for at least ten minutes, an incessant pounding at his door.
Ghost's lip curls in a snarl as a headache starts at the base of his skull. Decades in the military have left him easily irritable and with aches and pains all across his body, quick to flare up at the slightest aggravation - and the knocking is quickly becoming far more than a slight aggravation.
He finally gives in a full ten minutes later, throwing his mug into the sink without checking to make sure it didn't break and storming to the front door. 
He throws it open with a scowl, growling "What?!" down at the idiot on his front doorstep.
Said idiot happens to be an attractive young man, tall in his own right but just barely eye-level with Ghost's throat. He's heaving where he stands, sweat soaking through his white shirt and leaving it nearly translucent.
"Oh thank God," he gasps, one hand coming up to grasp at his heart. "Please, sir, I need help. Someone's- someone's chasing me!"
Ghost cocks an eyebrow, glancing over the boy's shoulder. It's possible that someone could be hiding behind a tree out in the forest, but he doubts it. Something tells him if this kid was really worried about someone chasing him, he wouldn’t stand still making all that racket on Simon's porch.
“Why should I care?” He gruffs, setting his feet wide and glaring down at the boy.
“Thank- what?” He makes an aborted movement forward, then freezes with his foot mid-air. “What do you mean why should you care?”
Simon doesn’t bother repeating himself, willing to wait him out.
“Wh- of course you should care!” The boy’s voice rises, and he looks indignant. “You would just let me die out here?”
Ghost almost smirks at that, just barely managing to wrestle down his amusement as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Yeah? You gonna lead the killer right to yourself, then?”
The boy has the audacity to look confused, a little angry twist to his lips. “What are you talking about?”
“All that pounding and shouting. Almost like you want to be found, huh?”
The kid scowls more deeply at that, abandoning the scared little boy act with ease. “You fuckin’ jackass-”
“Watch it,” Simon snaps, entirely unwilling to put up with disrespect on his own property. “Let me guess - I’m supposed to let you in, then you try to knock me out and rob me blind?”
He nearly pouts at that, sullen little thing, crossing his own arms across his chest and glaring at Ghost’s throat. “You don’t know that.”
A laugh rumbles from Ghost’s chest, almost against his will. “Oh, yes I do. You think you’re the first dumbass kid thinkin’ he can take advantage of an old man living alone?”
The kid glances up at his face, tracing his expression. “Don’t look so old to me.”
“I should. Must be at least fifteen years older - what are you? Twenty?”
Another pout and a quiet, “Nineteen.”
Ghost whistles lowly, resting his shoulder on the doorjam. “Nineteen. When you were born, I was sneakin’ booze into the barracks.”
His scowl grows. “So? You’re old, what, you want a trophy?”
Oh, Ghost already knows this one is gonna be fun. He rarely indulges in brat taming these days, but when one presents himself so easily… well, he sees no reason to resist. Not out here in the middle of nowhere, no one around for miles to hear the boy scream.
He takes another look at the kid, now that he’s not planning on throwing him off the property. He’s got a bit of bulk, probably just recently started working out, and there’s a cocky energy coming off of him. Ghost would bet this is far from the first time he’s robbed someone with this little ruse, probably thinks he’s the smartest burglar in town. Too bad he chose the wrong man to try and trick this time.
Ghost straightens from the doorway, rolling back his shoulders and standing tall. The kid isn’t short by any means, but compared to Simon he’s practically little. Odds are he’s still got some growing to do, but for now Simon gets to enjoy the way he can loom over the teenager.
“No one ever taught you to respect your elders, boy?”
Oh, the kid doesn’t like that one. If he were a dog, his hackles would be fully raised, but he’s left settling for curling his lip back in a snarl. “You think just cause you’re old I have to respect you?”
“I think you’ll respect me because you’re on my property. That, and I don’t think you’ll like what happens if you keep the attitude up.”
The kid flushes, either from rage or the innuendo. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You think just because we’re out here alone you can say whatever you want to me?”
“‘Course not. We’re out here all alone, which means I can do whatever I want to you. And I will, if you don’t get off my property.”
The kid looks him up and down, then visibly steels himself. Ghost bites back a smirk. He’s not used to being underestimated, but he finds he doesn’t mind when it means getting to see the kid play at being his equal.
“What do you think you’ll do if I don’t go?”
Oh, Ghost can’t wait to beat the attitude out of the little shit.
He doesn’t let the kid see how much the rudeness is getting to him, intentionally keeping his face flat and unimpressed. “What’s your name, kid?”
That permanent scowl doesn’t shift, even as a flash of confusion crosses his face. “...John.”
Ghost nods. “Alright, Johnny. If you don’t get off my property, I’ll take you over my knee and teach you what your daddy should’ve.”
It’s nearly impossible to keep from grinning when Johnny’s mouth pops open in surprise, the flush creeping further up his neck. “You- you’ll- who do you think- you can’t-”
Ghost reaches out like he might slap Johnny, instead snaps right in front of his nose, sharp and loud. “Spit it out, boy. I don’t feel like listening to a kid learn how to speak all night.”
Johnny’s letting himself get worked up, and not doing a good job of hiding it. His teeth grind and he shifts from foot to foot, like he’d like to try and attack Ghost. He’s apparently smart enough to know how idiotic that would be, and Simon finds he’s almost disappointed. Wonders idly if he can provoke the kid enough to save himself a chase.
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just-null · 10 months
Dear noritoshi cult leader!!!!!! I wanted to know if you have any recommendations for other artists or content creators that post for our boy noritoshi?
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my devout cult member!!!!!!
I don't know many artists who are still active or still draw Noritoshi stuff. I mostly get my content from pixiv or pinterest even if it's.... severely rare.... and even then, they've only drawn him once, and that's all but it's something!
btw when I say some aren't active, I mean they haven't posted in a while. fingers crossed they cOME BACK PLEASE GOD I MISS YOU.
My list is in no particular order unless you count who came to mind first?? nonetheless, here are some Noritoshi artists that I know of/taken inspiration from
kamo_sympathy [Twitter] haven't been active for a while, but I still enjoy the stuff they have there. Very good!!
getou_0203_ [Twitter] also semi inactive. they're a Getou, Gojo, and Choso enjoyer too. how they drew Noritoshi is smth I inject in my soul.
ohayo_akachan [Twitter] again... kinda inactive, but still. I enjoy their content a lot while I can't really understand what they're saying. DeepL my saving grace.. their style is v similar to the anime style, which I find super cool!!
Gotharcheologist or @/alegnace [Twitter and Tumblr] They're a chosonori shipper and active! I really like how they draw Noritoshi and Choso. how they draw blood is so good, how they draw faces is so good, THEIR ARTSTYLE IS SO FUCKING GOOD
magical_candy15 [Twitter] They didn't post a lot, nor are they active as of now, but the few scenarios were really good and fed me in my drought for a while. I love u..
rin5su0605 [Twitter] A Todo×Noritoshi account with some love to the rest of the Kyoto group too! This person was active as of June 2023, but I'm using copium. I really like how they draw.. and the color choices oh my fuck.
mecuru_MECU (?) [Twitter] I'm a bit iffy on this one. They look to not be doing jjk anymore, but they were once into Noritoshi if you go to their earlier posts. Their linework is beautiful, like their colors! there's something about their work I really like.
and that's all I have, I think? I know there are others out there that i don't know or don't remember, but I'll probably add them over time if i find more or if anyone else has someone in mind to recommend in the comments of this post!
yoshida_jyu [Twitter] They mainly post in a comic format! theres also some Megumi×Noritoshi shipping so if thats your thing, this dude's your dude. i have no idea what theyre saying but they draw cute expressions. also draws mainly Noritoshi, Kokichi, and Megumi
16shelter [Twitter} also a Megumi×Noritoshi shipper. Little warning: their art can be nsfw/suggestive at times, so be careful w that if its not your thing. Their anatomy is good AND POSING im grabbing my pen.. also, this person finds Arata cute, so theres some art with him too!
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xray-vex · 7 days
Pinned post - About me & my creations
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ahoy there! this is my mostly-Our Flag Means Death account, where i post memes & art & other related fandom things.
i'm a currently out-of-work queer disabled freelance artist & designer going thru a rough patch right now (in debt - like seriously broke & ineligible for unemployment because i'm a contract worker; i had a long term relationship end; & i have to move cross country around late Nov 2024) so i am attempting to market myself better as an artist.
i mostly work in digital media - photoshop, premiere, capcut, procreate - but i have a solid foundation in traditional media as well, mostly in illustration & painting. i've been an artist for about 35 yrs, (about 15 yrs+ professionally, emphasis on products, marketing, promo materials, & branding) and have a BA with an emphasis on art, design, & aesthetics. i've dabbled in many many things.
[this pinned post will be updated as necessary]
here's where you can find me:
- My Twitter account -
where i am currently most active - https://x.com/xray_vex
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- My Ko-Fi -
i accept donations if you like my work! i am currently relying on donations to help me keep my life together, it literally helps me put food in my belly right now.
- My Ko-Fi shop -
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- My Redbubble -
wherein i have uploaded a good number of my memes if you want to have em on like, shirts or mugs or socks or whatever. i take requests, so if you don't see a meme i've made in the shop, ask me & i'll add it!
(mostly OFMD stuff but a few other things too)
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- Commissions? -
yep, i've done a few! mostly for friends, so I haven't quite nailed down the process of how I want to go about accepting commissions from other people, but here are a few things I've done:
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- The A to Z of Ed Teach Zine -
a huge collab effort that is now available to all for free! https://t.co/bRA2U8wcEa
-- more info about this project can be found here - https://x.com/xray_vex/status/1825633390722535576
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- My Youtube channel -
all of my various OFMD-related video edits can be found here - Xray Vex - YouTube
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- My AO3 -
i haven't written much fic but here's what i have to offer: https://archiveofourown.org/users/xray_vex/works
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